Goodnight, My Angel

by KonaPona

First published

Rainbow Dash can't sleep. Her solution? Visit Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash tries everything to get to sleep after a hard day of weather control. Frustrated when nothing works, she decides to enlist in the help of one of her friends in an attempt to curb her insomnia.

Meant to be a short story with cute moments. No shipping, but if you're a lover of Flutterdash, you might like it.

(art by flutterdoodles)

Chapter 1

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Rainbow Dash couldn't sleep.

It wasn't for a lack of trying. She had returned home after a long day of weather control, and her muscles still ached from trying to contain that storm. Rainbow Dash gave it all she had, bucking at wayward clouds and overtaking dangerous air currents. Avoiding lightning strikes was the hardest part. Her heart still beat fast as she recalled the thrill of flying under such turbulent conditions- the feeling of the wind ripping at her mane, rain splashing against her goggles, soaring at breakneck speed under darkening skies.

It was a good thing all workers were required to wear lightning-proof suits. Otherwise, she might not have made it out unscathed.

Hours upon hours of hard work left the blue pegasus in the throes of exhaustion. The second Rainbow Dash reached the super-awesome-cloud-pad, as she affectionately called her home, she'd made a beeline for her bedroom, summoning strength for one more flight. The bed had never looked more inviting, with its soft pillows and patterned comforter. The only way it could have been more appealing was if it resembled a race car.

Usually, it took around an hour for Rainbow Dash to fall asleep. But tonight was different. She'd tossed and turned under the covers. Counted sheep. Watched her alarm clock for what seemed like an eternity. All sorts of things- but none of them worked. It was three in the morning, and she was still awake.

Eventually, she gave up and buried her head in her pillow, groaning softly.

“Man, this stinks.”

Okay. Different methods hadn’t worked. So, what should she do? Rainbow Dash flopped over onto her back and squirmed around a bit, trying to get comfortable. She was so tired from work, it felt like she might pass out at any second, but for whatever reason sleep didn’t come. All she could do was stare up at the ceiling through bleary eyes, silently urging on the dawn.

Time slogged by. From her perspective, it seemed like forever, and it was boring. Even if only a few minutes passed in reality, it didn’t matter. Rainbow Dash’s hatred for waiting was as clear as her impatience.

Eventually, something came to the pegasus.

Maybe my friends can help me, Rainbow Dash thought. It didn’t seem like a bad idea. After all, thanks to an everlasting friendship, the ponies she hung out with each day were more than happy to assist each other with problems. No matter how frivolous, unrealistic, or problematic, they took stuff like that seriously.

But sleeping? Why would anyone need help with that? Of all things... the thought that her friends had most likely achieved what she had been trying all night to do right now made her feel worse.

“How lame would it be if I bugged them about this?” she said. “Especially at this time of night.” It seemed like a terrible idea. However, at the same time, what choice did she have? All other options had been exhausted, and admittedly, she was getting desperate.

Alright. If she did do it. Rainbow Dash would only ask one of them about it. But who? Rarity valued beauty sleep as long as it wasn’t interrupted. Applejack might make fun of her. Pinkie Pie’s boundless energy would probably just contribute to her sleeplessness. Twilight Sparkle might be the most successful in this endeavor, but she was already bored enough without hearing a million facts about insomnia, and Rainbow Dash had no idea how a dragon like Spike would react upon being woken up. Fluttershy…

Now there was an idea. Fluttershy took woes more seriously than the rest of them, with more of a nursing, motherly touch. She took care of animals and injuries too, and was never one to get extremely angry at someone who wronged her, thanks to introversion.

Slowly, Rainbow Dash got up. “I guess I’ll go to Shy’s place,” she murmured, removing her hooves from the covers.

This was so dumb. Really dumb. She felt like a little foal, running to her parents over a nightmare. But the thought of having to stay up any longer was too much to bear.

She headed out after that, and took to the sky after exiting her home. With that, the pegasus flew over the darkened rooftops of Ponyville, locked onto her destination with a fervor that allowed her to carry on despite everything.


Fluttershy woke up quite suddenly, startled into consciousness by a knocking sound. A small gasp escaped her as she tried to locate the source, only to realize that someone was at the door. Sharp rapping accentuated their presence.

"Who could that be?" she wondered. Ponies only tended to come over in the daytime. The only exception were the sleepovers Twilight hosted, though that happened pretty rarely.

Fluttershy slipped out of bed, and trotted through her home. She stifled a yawn upon reaching the front door. Hopefully they wouldn’t mind her disheveled appearance, whoever they were.

She turned the knob and pulled the door open. Rainbow Dash stood upon the doorstep, looking even more exhausted than the introverted pegasus felt at the moment. Her mane was tousled, her posture wavering. It looked like she was having difficulty just keeping balance.

Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. Not an entirely judgemental look. Visits from her friends were always welcome, no matter what time it was.

"Rainbow Dash?" she said. "It's four in the morning... what are you doing up so late?"

"Has it really been that long?" the blue pegasus replied in a tired-sounding voice. She stared down at the ground. Even in the darkness, Fluttershy could tell her cheeks were red. Was she embarrassed by something?

"I, uh..." Rainbow Dash pawed at the ground with a hoof. "I can't sleep. Been trying for hours, but nothing's worked." She looked up, and sighed in resignation. "Thought you might, um... be able to help me or, or something."

The poor, poor dear. Fluttershy's heart ached, seeing her friend's face wilt as she quietly admitted what was bothering her.

"Oh, I'm really sorry to hear that, Rainbow Dash. You do look pretty exhausted." She smiled brightly, and hoped her grin would be contagious. "Come inside. I can definitely help you with this."

"Thanks, Fluttershy. I owe you one."

"Don't mention it."

Rainbow Dash followed her into a spare room. She'd prepared it for sick animals in need of treatment, but it was also meant for her friends in the event they decided to stay for a few days, or just needed a place to crash for a bit.

“Lay down on the bed,” Fluttershy ordered- gently, of course, without being too forceful. “Get under the covers.” Rainbow Dash did as she was told, clambering onto the twin-sized bed that sat before them. It was loaded with soft cushions and warm, plush quilts from mattress to oak wood frame. She buried herself in the covers, looking somewhat relaxed as she made herself comfortable.

Her head was propped up by the pillow, but those rose-colored eyes hadn’t closed yet. “...So, uh,” she began. “How is this going to work? Are you gonna give me, like, tea or something?”

Fluttershy shook her head.

“No. I’m going to sing you a lullaby.”

“What? A lullaby?” Rainbow Dash snorted derisively. Her cheeks had gone red again. “No offense, but I think we’re both too old for that.”

“You’re never too old to receive comfort, Rainbow. Just let me do this, okay?”

There was a pause.

“Ugh, fine.” Begrudgingly, she settled down. “Just get this over with.”

Fluttershy nodded. Straightening up, she tilted her head back slightly and began singing.

“Hush now, quiet now.
It's time to lay your sleepy head.
Hush now, quiet now.
It's time to go to bed…”

Melodic, calming tones spilled out of her, gentle and sweet. She nailed every verse in a soothing, quiet voice.

Rainbow Dash yawned. Her eyes drooped.

“Drifting off to sleep,
The day’s excitement behind you.
Drifting off to sleep,
Let the joy of dreamland find you…”

By the time the song was over, the blue pegasus had drifted off. She looked utterly peaceful and content as she slept, snoring in an adorable way. Smiling, Fluttershy turned to head out of the room. Her work was done.

Momentarily, she paused, looking back.

“Goodnight, my angel,” Fluttershy whispered. “Pleasant dreams.”