> Discord 2 > by Chaos04 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a brand new day in the mysterious Everfree forest, which was the home to Discord and Twilight Sparkle. The forest held many surprises, such as which the floor was checkerboard coloured, eggs flowed from the waterfall, and above in the sky floated pieces of land which held a pyramid of cards. Next to the card pyramid was pink clouds. A few lakes were also filled with chocolate milk. Another oddity in the sky was a blue and pink trail, which appeared to be following a young alicorn. The young alicorn known as Twilight was soaring above the wide open sky, in her line of sight, she could see the card pyramid, the Tatzlwrum. Said, Tatzlwurm was laying in its usual hole. She could also see her friend cheering for her below. A small blush formed on her face at such praise followed by a small giggle. Down below on checkerboard patterned floor was a draconequus known as Discord, he watched as Twilight flew throughout the sky. "Nice wing formation keep it up," instructed Discord, "And remember not to crash into anything we don't want another crash landing." Twilight merely rolled her eyes in amusement. "Sure thing. Mum," joked Twilight, as an irritated sigh left the draconequus. Discord turned his head. Twilight that was distracted crashed into a pink cloud. "Not again, aaaaaahh!!!" Twilight flew blinded before crashing to the ground and spraining a wing. "Owww," Twilight moaned in pain as she tried to move her wing. Discord walked over to the fallen young. "Lesson two never become distracted otherwise you'll find yourself in a crash landing," Discord remarked, as he snapped his talons healing her wing. "You could've taught me that," Twilight retorted while mumbling, before standing back on her hooves. "But in all seriousness are you okay?" Discord asked, still slightly concerned even though her wing was healed. "Yeah, thanks Discord," Twilight answered with a sincere smile, before wrapping her hooves around his mid-body in an embrace. Discord hugged back with a smile. The embrace lasted around thirty seconds before both alicorn and draconequus let go. "Let's get back to flying," said Discord, spreading his own mismatched wings, Twilight followed suit and opened her wings. In moments the pair took off and began to soar in the blue sky. Discord, however, flew laying on his back like it was supported by a nonexistent hammock. "This is amazing, thank you Discord. Thank you for such an amazing birthday present," Twilight said, with a smile. She flew closer to the spirit and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. This, however, caused Discord to slightly blush. Twilight however giggled. "You're welcome, Twi. You're welcome." That was all that was said throughout the rest of the flight. Though Discord occasionally thought about the event that transpired. Not long after their flight, the two landed. .... Discord and Twilight both sat in the lake filled with chocolate milk. Twilight had her head resting on her hooves that were on the edge. "This feels so great," Twilight sighed in satisfaction. Next, to her, Discord nodded in agreement. "I agree, Twi," Discord said with a sigh of his own as laid back. Like Twilight he laid his head on his paw and talon. ... After getting out of the lake, they dried themselves off. "That was so relaxing. I feel like a new pony," Twilight said, walking next to the draconequus, he nodded in agreement. "I know what you mean, my dear. The chocolate milk is a way better substitute than water. I too feel like a new draconequus," said Discord. However, he still too felt guilty about placing that wretched curse on her if only he could take it back. ... After a few conversations, they finally made their way back to the card pyramid. "So, Twilight what do you want to do now?" Asked Discord. Twilight put a hoof to her chin in thought. After a moment she heard her stomach grumble, which caused her to blush. "Lunch?" "Sure thing," said Discord, as he snapped his talons conjuring a blanket underneath them, with a picnic basket. Twilight took a seat, Discord than took a seat next to her. She opened the basket and looked inside. After searching through the contains she pulled a daisy sandwich. She took a bite with a satisfactory smile. "Discord, this is really good, thank you–" Discord interrupted by sealing her lips with a talon. "Twilight, it's nothing really," Discord said with a smile. He moved his talon away, before grabbing a piece of coal. Twilight decided to eat lunch in silence knowing a familiar draconequus wouldn't want to hear anything sappy. ... After the picnic, Discord and Twilight walked toward the card pyramid. Discord opened the door and walked inside, with Twilight following right behind. Inside there were two doors. Twilight took the one on the right, and Discord took the one on the left. Once she was inside the grabbed her dairy with an ink container and quill and began to write. Dear diary, this is Twilight Sparkle. I'm writing this from within my room inside the card pyramid. I've only been living here a couple of days and already having a blast. Anyway, it's getting close to night time. Discord is really the bestest friend I have. I love him with all my heart, not in that way. But, in a first friend way. I would be lying if said I completely didn't have a crush on him. Oh well, the main reason I'm writing this is to cherish my friendship with my BFF. Tomorrow will be a great day, knowing him it'll be fun. Good night Discord. Twilight closed the book and put it away, she than trotted to her window. Looking outside she could see the starry night sky. She smiled, touching her hoof to her chest feeling touched. The stars were aligned saying, "Night, Twilight. Love you." "I love you too, Discord," the young alicorn said with a smile. The than hopped into bed before falling asleep, allowing sleep to take her in its mighty hold. > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Discord was in the Canterlot gardens, overlooking the other statues around him. He tried to move his eagle talons but to the draconequus's surprise, he couldn't move his talons. "What's happening?" Discord mentally panicked since his mouth was sealed, and his eyes looked on in great terror. Just in front of his stoned body was five mysterious ponies and Twilight, her crown was on her head. "No!!!" ... "Discord?" The draconequus's eyes snapped wide open. Next, to his bed, the young alicorn looked at him with concern. "Are you okay? I could hear you from my bedroom and you didn't sound okay." "Oh, Twilight, it just was nothing. Nothing to concern yourself with," he sighed in relief, looking around the room. Twilight wasn't convinced, she gave him a stern look. "If it was nothing you wouldn't have yelled and of course it's my concern. You're my best friend after all!" "Twilight, I promise you it was nothing. Now let's go and eat some breakfast and stop worrying about this minor issue." Discord snapped his talon, causing both Twilight and himself to disappear in a poof. ... They reappeared at the kitchen table already seated in two chairs. "What would you like, my dear Twilight?" Discord asked conjuring himself a glass of chocolate milk, and a plate of sandwiches with scrambled eggs on top. "A daffodil sandwich with a glass of chocolate milk, please?" She asked elegantly. Discord answered her request with a smile. He conjured a plate if daffodil sandwiches followed with a glass of chocolate milk and began to eat breakfast. ... After breakfast, Twilight was outside patting Discord's pet Tatzlwurm with her hoof. In response, the Tatzlwurm licked her coat causing her to giggle. However, Discord was watching from afar with a smile. "Hello, Discord." The draconequus snapped to attention, he turned his head seeing a tall white alicorn with a flowing rainbow-like mane. Behind her was a younger alicorn but looked older than Twilight. And, next to her was a unicorn stallion. "Princesses, Shining Armour, what are you doing here, the letter you sent said you were coming here tomorrow?" Discord asked slightly confused. "You mean the letter we sent yesterday?" Cadence said. "Yesterday? Oh right. Sorry about that," Discord apologized. "I guess I'll go fetch her." Discord vanished into thin air leaving the princesses and stallion. ... Moments later, Twilight was galloping over to her parents. "Mum! Dad!" Twilight embraced her parents with a smile, the hugged her back with smiles of their own. "Sunshine, sunshine, Ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves And do a little shake!" Cadence and Twilight recited their usual rhyme before hugging. "How are you doing, Twilight?" "I'm doing great, mum. Discords a good coach...mostly," Twilight mumbled the last part with an eye roll. "What do you mean...mostly?" Shining Armour raised an eyebrow. "Well, I sorta crashed yesterday but it wasn't his fault it was mine. I wasn't paying any attention to my surroundings as I should've been," Twilight said. Her eyes were closed and her head was bent forward, like in a bowing position. "It's okay, Twilight. Every pony messes up with their flying, you'll learn," Cadence said giving a reassuring smile. "Thanks, mum," Twilight said letting her head with a smile knowing she had supporting parents and a very best friend. ... Meanwhile, Discord and Celestia were sitting on one of the draconequus's cotton candy clouds. "So, Discord how does it feel having Twilight around?" "Well, it's a decent feeling. I wouldn't say a good feeling but a decent one. After all, I was an evil creature attempting to takeover Equestrian society what else? Oh right. I put a curse on the daughter of Princess Cadence, a curse on my best friend," Discord rambled on about his misdoings. "While that indeed is true you still get another chance to live life at the fullest. No need wasting attempting to take over and all that. Now, that you're reformed, you'll finally learn what the magic of friendship could truly," Celestia said. The two began to converse in different rather interesting topics. ... Meanwhile, Twilight and her family were sitting at a table inside the card-housed pyramid. Unbeknownst to the family, Discord was looking through the windows. He saw Twilight smiling wildly with her family and started thinking horrible thoughts, "What if she no longer needs me and has no reason to stay here." "Twily, are you sure you want to stay, we always have room in the castle?" Shining Armour asked, looking around he mostly just saw card art. Twilight gave her father a look of slight irritation. "Dad, we've been over this. I'm safe here, well protected, and most importantly I'm happy," Twilight replied. ... Shining Armour, Princess Cadence, and Twilight walked outside. Outside awaiting the was both Princess Celestia and Discord. "I'm guessing it's time we go back?" Asked the royal white alicorn. Cadence and Shining Armour nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we should be getting back. Plus Celestia, you still need to set the sun so Princess Luna can raise the moon," said Princess Cadence. "Yeah," Shining Armour nodded. Twilight and Discord bidded Shining Armour and the princesses farewell. "Bye mum! Bye, dad! Come back soon!" Shining Armour and Cadence waved goodbye before they disappeared from the view of the young alicorn and draconequus. ... It was well around evening, Twilight and Discord was having dinner. Twilight had hay fries in front of her, while Discord had a bowl of stew. "So, Twi what were you and parents talking about?" Discord asked causal "Nothing much," the young alicorn replied. She took another hay fry into her mouth. "Nothing much? How boring so glad I wasn't around then," the draconequus said. He took another bite of the stew. ... Not much else was said during dinner, it was just a little too quiet. Both Discord and Twilight finished their meals before entering their bedchambers. Twilight was laying down atop her blankets, yet she felt like she couldn't sleep. She stood up to walk to the window only to find the stars in their proper places. She sighed and went back to bed. ... Discord, however, was still awake inside his room. As tired as he was he couldn't sleep. He just sat on the bed in a curled position. His legs were gone and he sat like a snake. Not long into the night, there was a knock on the door. "Come in." Twilight walked inside closing the door behind her. She slowly trotted up to her friend. "Discord, mind if I stay here I can't sleep tonight?" This request stunned the draconequus. Discord's mismatched eyes opened widely as the expression on his face showed clear shock. "Sure," said Discord, as he moved to make room. Twilight jumped onto the bed with a sombre smile. Discord, however, took notice. "Is there anything you want to tell me?" Discord asked with a concerned tone. Twilight sighed, "I just wish my dad can accept you more. Today he asked if I wanted to go back to the castle." Light tears fell from Twilight's eyes as she hugged the draconequus. She nuzzled his chest. Discord responded by hugging back, he even comfortly stroked her mane. ... After a bit of hugging, Twilight felt loads better. She looked next to her and saw Discord asleep. Letting out a yawn, she said, "Goodnight." Her eyes closed and she fell asleep next to the snoozing draconequus. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun began to ascend into the sky, giving some light to the deep, dark, and mysterious Everfree forest. Inside the card pyramid that was floating on an island, inside a small bedroom slept an alicorn and a draconequus. The young alicorn laid her head along the draconequus's draconic tail using it as a pillow while her hooves were wrapped around the midsection of Discords body. Discord opened an eye only to see Twilight laying on his a tail, a smirk made its way on his face as he moved his tail tuft to tickle her face. Twilight giggled cutely as she began to stir from her slumber. Her eyes opened as she smiled sweetly. "Morning, Discord," she greeted. "Good morning, Twilight," said Discord with a smile, before tickling her nose with his tail tuft Hearing her giggle cutely put a smile to his face. Somewhere in his heart, he had a faint amount of affection for the young alicorn. The young alicorn laughed in glee at Discord's antics. "That's enough," Twilight snorted with a visible blush. Discord lead up his tickle attack with a smirk. ... Twilight and Discord was sitting at the dining table, in front of them stacked on each plate was a stack of pancakes. Twilight had fresh syrup, while Discords had used chocolate milk for his syrup. "So, Twi what shall we do today?" Discord asked before stacking two pancakes in his mouth. "I was thinking that maybe today I'd visit my parents in Canterlot," Twilight said. Discord, however, looked shocked. "Canterlot? You can't be serious!" Discord said with a raised voice, causing Twilight to look at him with a confused expression. "Here we go again," Twilight let out an irritated sigh. "Whenever I suggest something like visiting Canterlot or some other thing outside the forest you're completely against it. Do you even trust any pony besides me, or can you not even trust me!?" Twilight's ears went down. The sight of the saddened alicorn made the draconequus's heart melt. He sighed, "Twilight?" However, the young alicorn stood up and left the table. She went down the corridor and opened the door to her room. She went inside and closed behind her. ... Inside her room, she sat on the bed. A few tears escaped her eyes. "Why does he not trust me?" She thought. It really hurt knowing her first ever friend didn't trust her outside of the forest and now began thinking that she was being treated like a prisoner. There was a small knock on the door, knowing who it was Twilight called out, "Go away Discord, I want to be alone." "Twilight, may I please come in?" Twilight let out a reluctant sigh and opened the door with her magic. Discord walked inside. He then sat on the bed next to her. He put his arm around her shoulder. "Twilight, I'm sorry I snapped at you it was wrong of me," he sighed. "It's...fine," she said sadly. "I'm especially sorry for snapping at you." More tears escaped her eyes. Discord hugged her tightly letting himself be a shoulder to cry on. "It's okay, Twilight." The young alicorn sniffled wiping her eyes with her hoof. "I get Twilight, you felt trapped in this forest like a prisoner. So, I was thinking about it...and I agree. You may visit your parents in Canterlot." Twilight squealed in delight hugging the draconequus tighter. "Thank you, thank you. Thank you so much," Twilight repeated before planting a kiss on the draconequus cheek. Discord smiled with a faint blush, delighted his friend was so happy. It brings him great joy to see the mare he adored so happy. "You're welcome, Twi." ... After breakfast was finished, Discord and Twilight were taking a walk through the Everfree forest, the walk was uneventful, except when a horrid scent entered the young alicorn's and draconequss's nose. "Eww. What's that disgusting smell?" Twilight put a hoof to her nose, however, the draconequus walked through without a fuss it might've been because of his hight. The next thing Twilight knew wad she was pushed to the ground as a giant wooden-like creature pounced out of bushes and crashed into a tree. The wooden creature broke apart and what was left of it was twigs. "That my dear Twilight was a Timberwolf, " Discord replied, extending his paw to help the alicorn up. Twilight took his paw in her hoof as she was hoisted up. "Thank you so much," she said with a bright smile. ... Discord continued to take charge until both he and Twilight stood outside an entrance to the cave. "Take my paw." Twilight did what she was told and took his paw in her hoof. In the draconequus other hand was a flashlight he conjured up. "What is that?" Twilight asked looking at the strange cylinder-like object curiously. "This is a flashlight it will guide our way through the dark," the draconequus answered with a smirk. He turned it on and began to lead Twilight into the dark cave which was lit by his flashlight. ... After about half an hour the two stopped at something that made Twilight's heart melt. Right in front of them was the tree of harmony. "Welcome back, Twilight," Discord announced. Twilight touched a hoof to her chest. "Wow...Discord. The first place we met," Twilight exclaimed. Then she hugged the draconequus unbeknownst to the two a pair of green eyes was watching from behind the tree. "I thought you might've wanted to see this before we depart to Canterlot," Discord said. "It's very lovely, thank you Discord. Thank you so much you're the best." Twilight stared at the dazzling crystal true unable to see the green eyes on the other side. The tree showed five branches with the giant star in the middle. "Discord what is the purpose of this tree exactly?" "This is the Tree of Harmony, left here by the pillars as a means of defence if they ever to disappear. It use to house the legendary Elements of Harmony, the instrument of my defeat Equestria greatest weapon if you may. It provides harmony across all the land," the spirit explained. Twilight's eyes lit up brightly. "Woah..." Twilight cooed in amazement. Then realization hit her. "Wait a minute the last time I came down here I had to go downstairs from this giant hill." "You did but this is another way in," Discord remarked. "Okay. Anyway, I'm ready to go to Canterlot." Discord nodded reluctantly. "Next stop Canterlot." Both him and Twilight disappeared in a flash. A creature emerged from behind the tree; the creature had a Dark cerulean long mane, her body was black with a dark green shell. Her horn was crocked, she also had bug-like wings, and her eyes were green. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun began to set as both the alicorn and the draconequus arrived at the entrance of the castle. Other than Twilight and Discord, the grounds were empty. Reluctantly, the spirit followed the young purple alicorn inside the castle. Their travel to the throne room was uneventful. Upon entering, the duo didn't see any sign of the princesses or Shining Armour. "Where could they be?" asked the young alicorn, looking up to her friend. "Perhaps they may be in the garden. Knowing Celestia for long as I have I'd say that's where they would be," the draconequus suggested. "You might be right," Twilight agreed. "So, where might we find the garden? I've only been here once after all, and that was for my coronation. I didn't even get to see all of Canterlot." Discord snapped his talons and the duo disappeared. They reappeared outside the canterlot sculpture gardens as the draconequus walked his mind was somewhere else, somewhere darker. ... At the Canterlot sculpture garden, he was surrounded by six ponies, one familiar purple alicorn was wearing a crown which housed the Element of Magic. The other five wore necklaces representing each of the other elements: Generosity, Honesty, Laughter, Kindness, and Loyalty. Discord looked at Twilight before looking around at the other bearers. He'd turn back to look at Twilight in utter shock. "Twilight, you're letting them do this?" By this point, the draconequus was speechless. However, Twilight held her ground with a few tears. "You gave us no choices!" Twilight exclaimed. She charged her horn. "I honestly thought you could change! But after betraying our friendship and attempting to take Canterlot, I knew I was wrong!" "I betrayed our friendship?! You started it!" Discord roared, hostility entering his voice. The last thing he a giant rainbow laser shot at him and stone covered him. ... "Discord?" Discord shook his head before looking at the young purple alicorn. "Yes, Twilight?" "Are you OK?" the young Alicorn asked with a concerned expression, "You don't look OK." "Yes, I'm fine," Discord replied with a sombre smile. "Just fine..." Twilight wasn't too convinced but dropped the subject anyway, knowing it may be a bit uncomfortable for him to talk about it. They eventually found the princesses, Twilight smiled and galloped before hugging her parents. "Twily!" Discord watched with a half-hearted smile though part of his mind was looking back on his nightmare, what caused it he didn't know. Luna directed her gaze towards the draconequus. "Sister, I'll be back in a short time I need to discuss something with Discord." Celestia nodded. "You do that, Luna." Luna than trotted over to the spirit with a concerned look. "Discord?" Discord's ears perked up. He turned to look at the princess of the night. "Yes?" "May I speak with you in private?" Discord shrugged his shoulders. "Sure, why not?" ... The draconequus and the princess of the night walked right into her bedchambers closing the door behind. She sighed, "Discord, do you honestly believe Twilight would use the Elements of Harmony or so willingly betray your friendship?" Discord looked at the princess of the night with bewilderment but then realized something. "Oh yes, you can enter other pony's dreams. I almost forgot." Princess Luna nodded with a serious expression. "Yes, Discord. Even your magic cannot prevent me from entering your dreams. Anyway, let us talk about them. It is always wise to talk about your feelings instead of bottling them up." Discord sighed. "I just don't want to lose her. She's the first friend I've ever had. ... The explanation took some time but finally, the spirit got everything off his chest. "I feel so much better but you didn't hear any of that from me, got it?" The princess of the night nodded. "Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me. And I understand your fear that if Twilight makes new friends, she will no longer need you. Do not believe such a thing." ... After reuniting with Twilight, the draconequus and alicorn returned to the forest and had supper before entering their sleeping chambers. Discord lay in bed awake, thinking about the advice the princess of the night had given him. Not long after thinking, sleep took hold of draconequus. ... Discord was sitting on a black throne overlooking the chaos of Canterlot, except this time he had no joy of the chaos he caused. His mind was thinking back to a few days before his reign began. He held a talon to his chest. "How could you, Twilight? I loved you," he thought as looked over land. A glass of chocolate milk was in his paw. "What was it you said to me? Our friendship was worth nothing. Where'd that even come from anyway?" Discord looked at the purple alicorn. "I didn't say that! Our friendship meant everything to me–" Discord silenced her. "Really? I have a hard time believing that! After all, what pony can love a monster?" Twilight eyes began to tear up. "I didn't say that! You have to believe me–" "Except I don't," the spirit interrupted with a harsh tone. Five other mares came up from behind the angered draconequus. "We got you now, no excuses for this," said a cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane known as Rainbow Dash. "Last chance, drop all this chaos or we'll have ta turn ya into stone," said the orange farm pony mare known as Applejack. The draconequus disappeared off his throne and appeared on the ground. However, the five mares formed a circle around him. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun began to rise in the Everfree Forest, signalling a new day. Discord woke up with a yawn, as memories of the horrid nightmares entered his mind. "Was it only a dream or a sign?" the draconequus thought. He snapped his fingers and disappeared in a flash. He reappeared in a familiar room much like his own, except in this bed was a sleeping purple young alicorn. Discord sighed. "Things will be fine." The draconequus nuzzled her cheek gently, prompting the young princess to smile in her sleep. He then disappeared from the slumbering alicorn's room. ... He reappeared outside, gazing out at his wondrous chaos (which was permitted only to the forest.) The draconequus took a deep breath in before exhaling. He snapped his talons conjuring up a picnic blanket with a basket on top, before sitting on it himself. ... Not long after half an hour, the purple alicorn sat on the blanket next to him. "Morning, Discord." "Oh, good morning Twilight," Discord replied half-heartedly. He pulled two sandwiches from the basket; one of them had a chocolate spread while the other had daffodils. "So, what did you and Princess Luna talk about?" Twilight asked, her curiosity getting the better of her. However, the draconequus didn't immediately answer. "It's nothing that concerns you," Discord finally answered. This wasn't an answer the young alicorn expected. "What do you mean?" "Enough!" Exclaimed the draconequus a little too loudly. Twilight stood back in fright. Deciding he needed a little space, she quietly left and went to explore the more of the forest. Throughout her journey, she felt a little uneasy. Almost as if she was being watched. She looked around seeing no sign of any creature. Feeling a tad more relaxed, she continued through the forest. Once she stopped for a little break, a sight of a small village caught her eye. ... Moments later, the young alicorn entered the pleasantly small town, where ponies of different race lived together in harmony. She continued down a dirt road further into town. Ponies that saw her either had bewildered expressions or bowed. "Hey, don't ah know ya from somewhere?" an orange mare asked, in a thick country accent. She had a blond mane wrapped in ponytails, and was wearing a Stetson farm hat. Her cutie mark consisted of three bright red apples. "I think you were at my coronation wearing a gold necklace. With five other ponies," Twilight said. "Ah, yes. You're Equestria's newest princess and the one who helped us gain a new ally." Twilight slightly blushed at the praise. "It wasn't that big of a deal, a piece of cake. By the way my name's Twilight," the alicorn said, extending a hoof. "Well, it's mighty nice ta meet ya, your majesty. Mah name's Applejack," the orange mare said shaking Twilight's hoof causing her eyes to spin as she was lifted slightly into the air. "Would ya like ta stay for some lunch?" Twilight's stomach growled, causing the young princess to blush a bit. "I guess I missed breakfast. ... After, Twilight had a bite to eat, the two ponies said their goodbyes. "Well, it was nice ta meet ya," Applejack said, smiling. "Likewise," Twilight replied before trotting away. She entered back into town, where she saw a pink pony constantly hopping; her mane was pink and poofy, while her cutie mark consisted of three ballons. She was about to greet the pony when she gave a loud, audible gasp and whizzed off down the road. Twilight continued through town, keeping what happened moments ago locked up in her head. She smiled, passing by every pony who greeted her with a wave. If only the Everfree Forest was more hospitable. As Twilight was walking, she spotted another familiar pony: a cyan pegasus that was snoozing on a lone cloud. Not wanting to interrupt said pegasus, Twilight decided to keep exploring. She decided instead of walking, she would fly, to get a better view of the small humble town of ponies. ... The sun was starting to set on the horizon. Today she had met the five other mares from her coronation and it was about time to leave, but the only thing that stopped her was a grumble from her tummy. She soared above finding Sugarcube Corner before landing. When she opened the door... "Surprise!!!" Inside was the five mares she met this day along with a lot of other ponies she didn't know. "Did we surprise you?" exclaimed Pinkie Pie, the pink pony with the poofy mane who gasped and ran when she met the princess. "Yes, yes you did, but what is all this for?" Twilight asked, with a puzzled expression. "Darling, if I may? This is what Pinkie does for every new pony that comes to Ponyville," the white unicorn mare with a curly blue mane known as Rarity said. "We hope you like it, Pinkie really worked hard on it," said the yellow pegasus timidly; she had a pink long mane and was known as Fluttershy. ... After the introductions, the party began. Everypony was having a good time, Rainbow Dash and Applejack were doing a chugging contest, while Pinkie madly danced among a dance floor. Fluttershy was sitting down, idly chatting with her pet bunny Angle. Twilight was at the refreshment table, drinking some punch while thinking about how Discord would be handling her absence. ... Back in the Everfree forest, Discord was pacing the corridor of the card pyramid. Taking a deep breath he knocked on the door. Once there was no response he knocked again. "Twilight?" After still not getting a response he opened the door only to see Twilight wasn't there. A fearful expression made its way onto his face. "Where is she?" He immediately conjured up a Twilight-detector and followed the beeping. ... After arriving at the window of Sugarcube Corner, he saw Twilight and the six mares hugging. He held his head as eyes widened. "No..." he whimpered. The nightmare he had flashed through his eyes. Taking a deep breath, the draconequus opened the door to Sugarcube Corner, to enter he had to lower his head. Twilight watched him as he made his way inside. "Discord, what are you doing here?" the young alicorn asked trotting up to him. Deciding to play it cool he responded, "Well, I was calling you for dinner and got no reply." ... After a few hugs, chats, and goodbyes, both the alicorn and draconequus disappeared from the friendly town of Ponyville. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a brand new morning in the Everfree Forest, as the young purple alicorn was waking up with a smile and a cute yawn. "Yesterday was the best," she said, looking at a picture on her bedside table; it showed her and her five other friends. What she would do to see them again. ... As Twilight entered the kitchen, she saw no sign of the draconequus. "That's weird, usually he's here before," said the alicorn, before leaving the kitchen. She walked down the corridor towards the draconequus's door. She knocked on a door with a hoof. "Discord?" There was no response. ... Discord and Twilight locked eyes, as a rainbow laser blasted at him. He looked at the young alicorn with a tearful look, the alicorn shared the same expression once the rainbow hit. ... Discord looked at the door with an uneasy look. "Yes?" "Discord, is there something wrong?" Twilight called through the door. "No everything's quite alright," the draconequus replied through the door. After a few moments of silence, he heard hoof steps going in the other direction until the sound was gone. Finally, he decided to go and eat breakfast. He walked through the corridor before making his way towards the kitchen, upon entering he saw Twilight eating a pancake with a sad look. Seeing this look, the draconequus drew near, once upon the alicorn Discord wrapped his talon and paw around her chest and brought her close for an embrace. Twilight was a bit startled at first but returned with a small smile. ... Discord and Twilight were sitting in a mud bath. Twilight sighed in satisfaction. "This is so nice..." Discord laid back with a smile. "Yep, what can be better than this?" "Discord, could I ask a favour?" Twilight asked with an uneasy look, nervousness filling her voice. The draconequus shrugged his shoulders, before conjuring up a glass of chocolate milk. "Sure go ahead," he said, before taking a sip. "Can I please visit Ponyville?" the draconequus spat out his milk. "Give me time to think about this," said the draconequus with an uncertain tone of voice. Twilight nodded in agreement. "Okay, Discord. Thanks for considering it," Twilight said with a small smile. Twilight then stood up. "Where are you going?" Discord asked with a raised brow. "Just to my room, I wanted to do a quick little something." Discord nodded. Then, Twilight walked out of the kitchen to her room, leaving the draconequus to his thoughts. ... Twilight entered her room before sitting at a desk. In front of her was her diary, a place where she stored her fondest memories. Using her levitation spell, she made her quill fly from her shelf to above the diary. She then opened the diary with a hoof before beginning to write. Dear diary, this is Twilight again. And this time I'm writing about my adventures in the simple but lovely Ponyville; it's a nice small town full of the three pony races: unicorn, pegasi, and earth ponies. Not only that I managed to make five new wonderful friends: Rarity is such a very generous mare. Nopony else's generosity can ever compare. She works in the Carousel Boutique, and her job consists of making dresses for other ponies...did I mention how generous she is?! Anyway, moving on. Next, we have Rainbow Dash; her ego may drive ponies crazy, but what makes her her is her loyalty. She is also the fastest flyer in all of Ponyville, she can also manage to create a sonic rainboom. She's also in charge of the Cloudsdale weather team. Next, we have Fluttershy, such a kind mare she is, also her personal speaks for itself. She may be very shy but she has a heart of pure gold. She lives in a cottage taking care of the numerous animal population that surrounds it. Now, let's talk about Applejack; she is a very honest pony. Most ponies tell me she never lies which surprises me since I know some ponies have tendencies to lie. She works in an orchard called Sweet Apple Acres. Every morning in the dawn she bucks apples to sell later in the day. Finally, we have Pinkie Pie; this pony kinda is a pain to figure out so when and if I see her again I'll never question her. Anyway off topic here. She works and lives at Sugarcube Corner. She loves to make ponies laugh and smile, as well as she is Ponyville's official party planner. First time I saw her she shot past me like a live bullet, not fun. Anyway, I have this strange feeling that Discord has a history with them or the elements they represent. Forgot to mention me and my five new best friends each represents an Element of Harmony; mine is Magic, Rarity's is Generosity, Applejack's is Honesty, Rainbow's is Loyalty, Pinkie's is Laughter, and finally, Fluttershy's is Kindness. If my hunch is correct Discord fears the Elements of Harmony since they were the reason he was turned to stone in the first place. Anyway, this is Twilight signing out. Twilight closed the diary before putting it away on her self. Knowing Discord's fear of the elements it may be a while until she'd get a response. She might as well pass the time rereading her diary entries. Using her magic, the diary she put away moments ago came flying back towards her. She opened to the first page and began to read. ... Discord was in his room, with a claw on his chin he was thinking about the response to his friend's request. "What should I do? Twilight won't betray me, right?" An idea clicked in his head, as a mischievous grin spread across his face. His eyes shined red in the darkness of the room, as an echo of laughter filled the room. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was drawing closer to sunset. The sun was starting to descend as the colours of the sky turned a burning orange. Twilight was just finishing off her salad. Discord, however, was finishing off some pieces of coal. Twilight continuously gazed at the draconequus, awaiting a simple answer. However, the draconequus didn't pay her any attention, and instead kept eating. "Dis–" Discord took a bite of a piece of coal, cutting the young alicorn off. Twilight sighed sadly, "Of course." Twilight, then continued to eat her meal in silence, knowing there was no point wasting her energy on a stubborn draconequus. After dinner was done, Twilight walked down the corridor that led to her room. After opening the door she entered the room. ... Inside the room, she laid on the bed, her hoof was gently tracing outside of the edge of the photograph. Even seeing it brought tears to her eyes. ... Discord sat on his bed with a devious smile. "If Twilight can distract those ponies I can get the Elements of Harmony, and forever be free with any choice I desire." the draconequus shook his head. "What was I thinking?" "I think you meant me?" a different but familiar voice said from his head. "Who are you? Clearly, you cannot be me. There can only be one me." A mirror appeared in front of him, showing himself except with a devious smile. "Clearly, you were mistaken. I am you, but I'm more powerful than you/I." the reflection laughed with a smirk. Discord looked at the mirror with a bewildered expression, his eyes were wide. "What do you desire, exactly?" "You'd honestly expect me to tell you–" the mirror disappeared for a second before appearing on the draconequus's bed. "–that's funny, really funny. Like why should I tell you?" Discord scowled at his reflection, the fire burning in his red pupils burnt as bright as the sun. "Anyway, got power to gain plots to plan. Such little time. Ta-ta." the reflections smirk turned into a scowl, mirroring the actual draconequus. Discord moved his talon towards the mirror seeing it copy his actions. Discord looked down. "What happened, how did it happen?" So many questions ran through his head, questions that not even he could answer. ... The moon fully lit up the starry night sky, the stars shining like beacons through the darkness of the night. The draconequus laid asleep on his bed, his snoring echoed throughout the dimly lit room. The door opened with a couple of squeaks, fortunately, the snores of the draconequus kept the noise to a minimum. The young alicorn walked inside with a soft smile, looking over the snoozing chimera. ... The draconequus walked along the checkered floors of the mysterious Everfree forest. Unlike most of his other dreams, he wasn't in Canterlot. As he walked he saw Twilight on the ground, startled he ran over to her. "Twilight!" The young alicorn didn't respond, merely just lied there. Discord picked up the fallen alicorn, his eyes filling with tears as he did so. "Disco...rd," Twilight said weakly. He hugged her tightly drenching her purple coat in wet tears. "Who did this to you?" His voice was filled with anger as he clutched his talons..tightly. With the only aspersion of her strength left, she pointed at...him, Discord looked to see where she was pointing only to see himself sitting on a black throne. The land around them was anything but normal. Discord looked up at himself with a harsh glare. The other draconequus didn't seem to be phased he just smirked back. Fire covered the draconequus's talon and paw, as he looked at his doppelganger with anger, he was about to charge... ... The draconequus woke up breathing heavily, quickly looking around he found that he was still in his room. The sun has not yet risen to greet the day, as the night still remained young. He got off the bed with a slight yawn. He opened the door and exited his room. Slowly he made his way outside and sat on the edge of the floating island. Twenty minutes later he heard the clopping of hooves drawing ever so close. He turned his head to see Twilight. Twilight sat down next to the draconequus. They both looked to the night sky. "The night sky is truly a beautiful sight." Discord didn't respond, instead, he breathed in and out relaxing his mind. He set an arm around her shoulder pulling her closer. This action at first startled the young princess but soon she relaxed, as they sat underneath the sparkling stars of the night. Twilight laid her hoof on the ground next to her with a sigh of satisfaction. Discord however unknowingly put his eagle talon above her hoof. They looked at each other with a blush before looking down. "So very sorry, Twi. I wasn't expecting–" the draconequus was interrupted by the princess's lovely smile. "I don't mind, it's fine." A faint sound of music began to play, the sound was coming from a few mini violins playing around them. Twilight looked at Discord with a sweet smile. The draconequus returned one of his own. "Discord, this is wonderful. I love it, the mini violins definitely add some flair to this gorgeous night," Twilight said with a small blush. She then hugged the draconequus in a tight loving embrace. The draconequus hugged her back with a smile. Everything was going perfectly, the two best friends were happy in each others company. "I think it's about time we get some sleep," said the draconequus, with a yawn. Twilight nodded in agreement as she yawned. "You're right, I think it's about time. But, tonight was lovely, thank you Discord." "No problem, Twi." he snapped his talons, teleporting Twilight to her room and teleporting him to his. ... As soon as appeared in his room, a mirror awaited on the bed. Curiously, he looked into it finding his reflection with a tiny frown. "Is it true the mighty spirit of this forest is falling in love with a pony?" Discord merely frowned before snapping his talons, sending the mirror to Equestria knows where. He then laid into bed, before falling asleep. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun peeked through the window of the card pyramid on top of a floating mountain. Inside the room, a young purple alicorn mare laid asleep, a purple coloured blanket covering most of her sleeping form. As the sun slowly crawled on the surface of her muzzle, the alicorn's eyes opened. As she yawned, she covered her mouth with a hoof. A purple aura surrounded the entire blanket, and mere seconds later the blanket was levitated off of her. She got out of bed before gently remaking the sheets. "Nicely done. Now, let's see what Discord has cooked up," she said to herself, recalling the events that had taken place last night. After making sure the room was entirely cleaned, she exited her room. With a slight spring in her step, she trotted to the kitchen. The corridor she passed was strangely dim, normally they were brightly lit. "That's strange, Discord normally has the entire corridor lit. Oh well, guess it's up to me." Twilight closed her eyes. Her horn glowed with a purple aura. The corridor began to brighten as the candles re-lit. She then continued on toward her destination. ... Discord was already in the kitchen preparing breakfast. A nice delectable smell emerged from a rusty old cauldron he was using. He was stirring the contents inside with his lion's paw. He hummed a sweet little tune as he continued stirring. Moments later, the alicorn entered the room. Upon entering, she smelt something very nice. "Mmm. What's that delicious smell?" Discord turned his head with a smile. "It's our breakfast, daffodil stew," Discord announced as he smelled the stew. He conjured up two bowls, before pouring the contents of the cauldron into them. ... Both the draconequus and the alicorn sat at the table, the bowls set between them. "Mmm. Not only does this smell good but it tastes so delicious," Twilight said, swallowing a spoonful of the delicious brew. Discord smiled wholeheartedly at her compliment. "Thanks, Twi. I only aim to please." The young alicorn giggled, before continuing to eat the delicious daffodil stew in front of her. "I...thought about what you said," Discord said with an uneasy look. "But, I guess it's no problem to allow you to visit Ponyville..." Discord sighed. Indeed, he didn't want her to go, but he knew she'd be safe there. Twilight looked at him with tears of joy. "Thank you so much!" the alicorn mare squealed out in delight, tightly hugging the draconequus, startling him in the process. Discord returned the hug. "You're welcome." ... After breakfast was eaten and a brief goodbye, Twilight started her trek to find the small town of Ponyville. As she trotted deeper, she spotted a dirt path. As she began to follow it, it got lighter, and even some of the plants were brighter out this way. Finally, she emerged out of the forest only to see the small town of Ponyville. It was just as she remembered. Trotting along the bridge, the young alicorn saw a familiar pegasus mare laying on a cloud. "Rainbow Dash!" The pegasus mare looked down to see Twilight waving her hoof. The pegasus flapped her wings and flew downwards to greet her friend. "Hi, Twilight. Good to see you again, here I thought you weren't coming back," Rainbow Dash said with a bewildered expression. "So, it might've been a couple of days but I'm here now. Anyway, what have you been up to or any of our other friends?" the alicorn mare asked. "Applejacks out on at the market getting ready to sell apples. The others, I don't know. Wanna come and find out?" Twilight nodded in agreement. "Sure." Both the alicorn and the pegasus took off into the vast blue sky, no clouds covering the sun's rays as they lit up the town. ... Back in the dark mysterious wood that was the Everfree forest, Discord was sitting on his bed. He regretted letting Twilight go, but he wanted her to be happy, and he knew she would return. "You let your little friend go?" the mirror appeared with the reflection; the reflection had a smirk. "You really think she'll come back to you? You're so naive. Thinking she'll come back, so pathetic." Discord lowered his head with his eyes closed. The reflection in the mirror smiled evilly. " Think of the potential you hold. As powerful as you may think you are, there's hidden knowledge within your magic. Knowledge that will not be revealed as long as the pony is around. Knowledge that can be yours,"the evil spirit said in a convincing tone. "I won't fall for your lies. You have no power over me, all you are is just a reflection–" "I'm very real, more real than you can imagine–"Discord's image ghostly exited the mirror and came face to face with the draconequus. "This can't be–" The evil reflection's eyes brightly lit up. "Oh, but it is. Finally, after a long time of being locked up due to your love for that...mare!" Music began to fill the room, as the evil spirit looked at the draconequus. "My dear, Discord, look how are you've fallen. Once upon a time, you were on top now look at where you are." Discord lowered his head in shame. "Now look at what you have become, an ally who probably won't be used." the evil spirit sang, with a crooked grin. Discord tried to block out the evil spirit's song. "So blinded you cannot see the full picture. That little princess is manipulating, trying to break you from inside out. Let her go, make the wise decision and embrace your true destiny." The evil spirit's eyes began to swirl. Discord remained strong as he looked directly into the evil spirit's swirling eyes. "You won't break me, never again will your lies bring me down. If you want to conquer this land, you'll need a body of your own." The evil spirit in the mirror faded with an evil grin, leaving Discord by himself. Although Discord knew this wasn't the end; the worst was yet to come and he had to be ready, otherwise, Equestria was in strife. "Be safe, Twi." > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was around noon in the essentially small town of Ponyville. The sun was still shining high above the vast blue sky, which was covered with a few clouds. Down below, ponies walked along the street going about their businesses. However, six mares were walking amongst the dirt roads of Ponyville, and the gorgeous white unicorn mare tried her best to not get at least a dab of filth on her hooves. After a few minutes of walking, they reached their destination: Sugarcube Corner. They made it inside before sitting down at a table. ... Meanwhile, in the dark foreboding Everfree forest, the draconequus sat in his bedchambers. The mirror with his evil doppelganger still remained bearing an evil smile. "Discord, if you say she was coming back, wouldn't she back by now or was your faith misguided? Your love for this pony has clouded your judgement." Discord could feel his anger boiling to the surface, but instead of unleashing it he kept his composure. Taking a deep breath he breathed in, then out, then repeated a few times. Finally, he looked to the mirror with a smug look. "You really think I'm so gullible to fool for your mind games. Need I remind you that you're me?" "Except, you fear the loss of a dear friend. So, answer me this: what would you do if she is gone?" The draconequus didn't take kindly to that question especially that remark about their difference. ... Back in Sugarcube Corner, the six friends each had a smoothie in front of them. Each smoothie had a variety of flavours. Twilight took another sip. "Mmmm," she sighed with a satisfied smile. The other ponies each took a sip of their smoothies. The farm pony mare looked at the young alicorn with a grin. "If yer like that there smoothie ah bet ya enjoy Sweet Apple Acres' famous apple cider." The cyan pegasus's ears perked up at the mention of Sweet Apple Acres' legendary 'apple cider.' "If you haven't drank that you haven't yet lived," said the brash cyan pegasus. The alicorn looked at the cyan pegasus nervously, slightly rubbing her forehooves together. "Well..." "You never had Applejack's family cider!" Exclaimed the cyan pegasus, jolting off of her seat in shock. All eyes were specifically focused on her. "Ya can't be that shocked if she never had any, Rainbow Dash–" the farm pony mare paused before a smirk attached itself to her lips. "–yer right, Rainbow. Twilight has never had any of mah family's apple cider, how 'bout we change that. Ah, reckon I will give er one full barrel fer no price, basically on dah house." "What?!" the cyan pegasus exclaimed with a baffled expression; the look on her face was priceless the farm pony chuckled with a smug expression. After realization, the cyan pegasus frowned. "You are so regretting this AJ," the rainbow-maned pegasus thought. The four other mares laughed at their friend's dismay. However, a question popped into the alicorn mare's mind. "What's wrong with her?" Rarity cracked a smile before answering, "Well, every cider season in Ponyville, Rainbow has never achieved in drinking the cider, except when we are at Sweet Apple Arcs and are allowed to have some. Plus this is the first time a barrel goes out for free. And she's not happy, since it's not her getting it." After finishing their smoothies, the six friends left Sugarcube Corner. Each had a satisfied smiled (all but Rainbow Dash, who had a small frown.) ... Back in Discord's bedchambers, he still saw that same mirror except it wasn't currently occupied by the evil spirit. He looked out the window seeing it was late in the afternoon and still his best friend had yet to return. Every moment away he spent from her the more worried he became. Once again the evil spirit yet again occupied the mirror. "Feeling lonesome are we? How sad, your dear Twilight abandoning you for the ponies that represent an Element of Harmony. And, considering she is an Element herself, the Element of Magic if I'm, not mistaken." Discord crossed his arms with a confident smirk, his concern completely disappeared. "She may be an Element of Harmony but there is an oversight you missed. She is the princess of friendship and my first friend–" "Indeed, that may be true but she's your only friend. Without her, you are nothing. Now no more denying, she isn't coming back." The sentence repeated in the mind of the draconequus. ... Back in the small town of Ponyville, the sun was beginning to lower to make room for the night. The six mares stood at the path that led into the Everfree forest. On Twilight's back was a barrel. "Ah'm guessing this is goodbye?" the farm mare asked with a small frown. "I guess..." the young alicorn spoke as she gazed at the dirt path. "Be careful, Twilight. This forest is very dangerous especially at night," said the rainbow-maned pegasus. Twilight nodded. The other mares bade their friend goodbye before cradling each other into a group hug. The hug only lasted for a little while, before the mares and Twilight went their separate ways. The young alicorn stepped into the Everfree forest, she walked along the dirt road. As she walked a few buzzing sounds made themselves known. The young princess's ears perked up, as she turned her head. She saw a few dark bug-like creatures. They began to charge at the young alicorn. Panicked, the alicorn galloped away, hoping to get away from her attackers. As she ran, she was breathing heavily, thinking she got away, but she tripped and face planted on the ground. She looked up only to see the same creatures with a green aura charging from their horns. "What do you want from me!?" the alicorn exclaimed, her voice had a hint of terror. One of the taller creatures stepped forward; he had a purple shell with holes in his black body. On top of his head was red spines. His eyes were purple. "Our queen requires your presence. Come with us willingly or will take you by force," he spoke with a gruff voice. With no choice, the young alicorn gave in to his demand and dropped the barrel before willingly following the three creatures. > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sun had set since the young alicorn was escorted the giant hive-like cave. There was a bug-like pony on either side of her, and in front was the red-spined, purple-eyed changeling. As they approached the cave wall, it opened up, allowing the changelings and pony to enter. Once inside, the pony felt a little dizzy, considering each hole opened and closed. "What's the deal with this place, it's always changing?" The young alicorn observed her surroundings; each hole was opening, allowing bug ponies to enter before closing. "If you really must know–" the leading changeling sighed. "–this is a changeling hive it shifts and changes, only we changelings are able to navigate it," he said in a gruff voice. "Changeling, what's that?" Twilight asked, feeling a tad curious. However, the leading changeling didn't respond. Instead, he and the others continued walking. After about five minutes of walking in silence, they arrived at an entrance. Guarding said entrance was a pack of five changelings clade in armour. The red-spined changeling walked up to the guard. "Pharynx, what brings you to meet her majesty," said the guarding changeling. "General, I brought the young princess," Pharynx said, stepping aside to reveal the young alicorn. The general looked the alicorn over, and with a satisfied glance, stood aside as the door began. Pharynx walked in with the changelings and the alicorn in toll. Once inside, they stopped upon reaching a dark throne, sitting on top was the changeling queen. She looked down to the young alicorn with a satisfied expression. "You have done well, Pharynx," the queen paused, before looking at the young alicorn. "What do you want with me?" the young alicorn said, with an annoyed gaze. The changeling queen smirked with an evil grin. "Quite curious aren't you?" The queen's horn was covered in a green aura as the queen now looked like the purple alicorn. "Pharynx, make sure she is locked up tight and secured at all times otherwise the plan is ruined," the changeling queen known as Chrysalis demanded. "With all do with respect, your majesty but what was the entire plan, you never told us in full depth?" Pharynx asked curiously. "That is none of your concern, Pharynx. You or the others will remain here and make sure to keep an eye on her," the changeling queen said in Twilight's voice with a devious smile before exiting the throne room. ... In the Everfree forest inside the card pyramid, Discord was pacing. It had only been hours since Twilight departed and yet hadn't returned."Still, believe the magic of friendship works for you. She's gone–" the evil spirit was cut off by the young alicorn's voice. "Discord?" The draconequus's ears perked up at the voice of his friend, however, the spirit didn't take kindly to this and clutched his fists. The evil spirit then disappeared without a word. The alicorn walked amongst the room trying to locate the draconequus. Eventually, the draconequus appeared in front of her. "Welcome back, Twilight. How was your day in Ponyville, fine I hope?" The draconequus greeted with a smile. "It was okay," the alicorn answered simply. The draconequus then smiled. "That's good," he said before embracing the alicorn however before he could wrap his arms around her she stood back with a small frown. Discord looked Twilight with a baffled expression. "Twi..? " The alicorn forced a sad expression. "Discord..." Unknown to the draconequus, the young alicorn had a devious smirk. "I can't stay here...I know it may hurt but my parents and the princesses will need my help. I don't expect you to visit though not until the time is right..." Discord gave her a bewildered expression. "But–" "But what?!" the alicorn cut him off with a frown. A cascade of fake tears rolled down her face. "Just leave me alone!" In a flash, she was gone. Discord looked at the spot the young alicorn was standing. He felt broken, the feeling of loneliness that was gone was brought back into the light. Soon a cascade of tears began to fill his mismatched eyes. What happened next caught the draconequus of guard. In front of him was the evil spirit, except he was faded. "Hurts, doesn't it? The feeling of loneliness because of a friend deserting you. Wish I could say I saw this coming but in all honesty, after the way you talked about her I was starting to think the bond between you two were unbreakable." "Never thought you'd be sympathising with me. After all, you are my evil half," said the draconequus with a chocked voice. "But you got to see the good in this situation. And, with the potential, you could learn you'll never feel lonely among a whole world of chaos. Ponies can only see the bad in your chaos, not the good hidden within." The draconequus thought about what his evil doppelganger was saying, and without Twilight what was the point. It was she who broke him. Finally, he stood up a regretful frown formed on his face. "Do what must be done." The evil spirit grinned with a shimmering grin. "Finally, you see things my way? As you wish." the evil spirit slowly deformed into chaotic energy before entering the body of the draconequus. The draconequus screamed in agonising pain, as his long lost twisted thoughts emerged. The feeling of conquest finally entering every aspect of his twisted mind. An evil smile formed on his mismatched face. He flew high above the sky with a mighty flap of his different wings, his velocity was enough power to reach the hight of a mountain in minutes. "Equestria, the master of chaos has finally returned. At long last, I can finish making Equestria bow before me." The ground of Equestria became checkerboarded, tree turned into candy canes as the clouds above turned into chocolate milk. The conquest of chaos finally at an eagle talon, for him it felt good. But down below, memories of pain was contained and unable to rise to the surface. > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Inside the cave-like hive, the young alicorn sat locked up. The cage door was locked tight, and she had no means of escape. Magic was no use, as she already tried multiple times with the same result. A tiny bubble drop of magic that evaporated into thin air. Tears fell from the young alicorn's eyes as she sat there, just staring outside the bars at her captives; she saw the red-spined purple eyed changeling identified as Pharynx, next to him a smaller changeling. Unlike the queen or Pharynx, he had blue eyes. "Thorax, I need you to continue to watch her. Don't let her out of your sight," Pharynx said with a stern gaze. The little changeling identified as Thorax nodded with a sigh. The bigger changeling left him with the imprisoned alicorn. A moment later, Twilight looked up after hearing a rattling noise, as she did she saw the barred door being pulled open by the small changeling. After the door was pulled open she slowly and cautiously trotted out. "Why are you helping me?" Twilight asked the small changeling in a slightly choked voice from the crying from before. "Because I don't think this is right. The others so blindly following the queen without question, it's just not right," replied Thorax with a small frown. "One more question: how do I get out of here? For some reason my magic won't respond." "I can explain. The queen's throne is made out of an ancient dark stone that sucks up outside magic like how us changelings suck up love, that's how she keeps the hive safe–" Thorax paused as he heard incoming footsteps. "–we can't talk here, follow me." The pony and changeling walked through the hive till they reached a dead end, unfortunately, the sound of hoof steps were getting closer. "Dead end, Thorax what do we do?" the alicorn panicked. Thorax felt she was getting scared, and the fact she couldn't use magic she had every reason to be. "No, it's not keep following." the young alicorn kept following the little changeling. The dead-end shifted and a new hole opened up. Both changeling and alicorn made it outside. "Once you make up to that little hill you'll be able to use magic again," said the little changeling with a smile. "Me? You're not coming with me?" Thorax sadly shook his head. "I'm sorry but I can't, instead I have to cover your trail no matter what happens to me." the young alicorn felt a few tears build up in her eyes. "No, don't..." Twilight sniffled a little letting the tears run down her face. The little changeling looked down with a sad look. Unexpectedly he felt something warm touch him, he looked towards the alicorn, seeing her embracing him tenderly. Thorax hugged back. "Don't worry about me, Twilight. I'll be fine just worry about your safety," Thorax said, with a tender smile. The embrace finally ended, as the young alicorn let go of the little changeling with a teary-eyed smile. "I'll never forget what you have done for me. Never ever. Cross my heart, hope to fly stick a cupcake in my eye." Twilight recited before covering her eye with a hoof. Thorax smiled a tender smile before walking through the hole, which sealed after his entry. Twilight started to gallop as fast as she could to escape the barrier the conceals her magic. ... Inside the changeling hive, the queen walked back to the throne room. Once inside she sat down with a satisfied smile. The creaking of the rock-like door caught the queen's attention. She looked towards seeing the little changeling. Next to the queen stood the red-spined purple eyed changeling. "What brings you here, Thorax?" "Your majesty, the prisoner escaped. She blindsided me and ran off but I don't know which way," Thorax said with a gulp, knowing what's coming. "You fool!" The queen charged her crooked horn blasting green electricity at the young changeling. Pharynx looked away with a regretful frown. The little changeling fell to the floor, green electricity sparking around his short bug-like body. Finally having enough of this, Pharynx interjected. "Your majesty, that is enough. It was my fault...I left him in charge of guarding the prisoner–" "Why should you care what happens to this worm?! He is nothing but a disappointment," said the changeling queen, before firing more electricity at the fallen changeling. "Let this be a reminder to any changeling that disappoints me." ... Twilight finally made atop the hill. The land around it was different than when she first arrived. The grass was replaced with checkerboard patterns, the clouds were cotton candy. The sky was turning a shade of red, the type of red you'd see at twilight. What amazed the alicorn was that none of these changes affected the changeling forest down the hill, which was mostly dead and unfilled with life or energy. "What happened here?" the young alicorn asked, looking around, until realization dawned in her mind as she spoke one word, "Discord..." ... At Canterlot castle wasn't faring as much as anywhere else in Equestria; the mountain that supported the entire castle was now high in the sky. The waterfall that ran down the hill was now pouring with eggs instead of water. The castle itself was completely changed; the castle was a shade of grey, above the entrance was a white spike representing the tooth. Inside the castle's throne room, the draconequus made himself at home; there was a black throne, upon it sat the draconequus himself. In his eagle talon sat a glass of chocolate milk. In three different cages laid the princess in three different corners of the room. "You won't get away with this Discord!" the princess of the dawn exclaimed. Discord covered his mouth with his paw as he let out a slight yawn. "So boring, Celestia. Honestly, you're just as boring as your sister." "Why are you doing this?!" the alicorn of love asked. "I thought you were reformed." "Reformed? moi? I don't think so. After all, who would rule Equestria if not I, Queen Chrysalis?" the draconequus laughed. But, hidden in his confident smirk was a feeling pain. "It seems you don't know whom you're trying to reason with. I'm chaos incarnate, someone who cannot be reasoned with. And soon enough, Equestria will be mine." > Chapter 12 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The young alicorn was galloping through the Everfree forest, which has since changed; black vines extended like wires among the checkboard patterned ground. She suddenly stopped. Right in front of her was a giant ditch. "What happ–" something tapped her on the head, rubbing her head with a hoof she then looked down seeing a rock. She looked up, her eyes widened as she saw a giant space of land floating over her head. Her horn flared up with her purple magical aura before disappearing. She soon reappeared at the pyramid of cards. Surprisingly the area around remained unchanged. She entered the card pyramid. "Discord?" There was no response. Twilight slowly trotted towards the draconequus's door. She knocked once but there was no response. "Discord, where are you!?" A chuckle echoed through the room, mad laughter followed. "Well, well. The princess of friendship, Twilight Sparkle what do I owe the pleasure?" "Discord, what are you doing!? Why has the forest changed!?" the young princess exclaimed. "Excellent questions, my dear princess–" Discord appeared behind her and draped his arm on her shoulder. At first, she wouldn't mind the draconequus draping his arms on her shoulder, but now she remained on guard and moved her shoulders away. "Okay, guess I can take a hint. To answer your questions they need to know and right now you don't–" the draconequus disappeared and reappeared in front of the young alicorn. "–plus its more fun for you to find out." "This is no game, Discord! Don't you see what you're doing, where is my best friend, hey?!" the young alicorn's eyes began to water. The draconequus in front of her wasn't her friend it's the monster who destroyed her first friend. "Your best friend is gone, Twilight Sparkle," the draconequus said with a smirk. "Don't cry, Twilight. Today's not a day for tears, instead, you should be celebrating." Twilight's head lowered as she turned around, a cascade of tears running down her face. Her heart was shattered, her first ever friend gone. A shade of light grey covered the young alicorn's coat. The draconequus facade almost faulted, as his smirk turned into a frown. Memories of what happened filled his mind, causing him to cover up his frown with a smirk. "In any case, Twilight you may stay here because I got a castle and Equestria to run. Ta-ta." The young alicorn sat there, her eyes filling with tears. Not wanting to remain in the card pyramid, she left and went deeper into the forest. The young princess continued to trot along the dirt path of the forest, no matter how sore her hooves were getting. She passed wild creatures that whimpered in fear at the sight of the same black vines, which she didn't focus on. Her head was a mess, all her feelings and thoughts were out of place. This was her fault if she hadn't left to go and explore Ponyville none of this would be happening, but instead, it is, right in front of her eyes. Finally, after what felt like soreness in the alicorn's hooves, she made it to the small town of Ponyville; the dirt roads were now turned into soup, however, it could've been worse. The house were now 2D shaped, falling down every so often. "Twilight!!" the alicorn's ears perked up at a familiar voice calling from afar. It was the cyan brash pegasus, Rainbow Dash, and behind her were five other familiar mares; the gorgeous unicorn, Rarity, the timid pegasus, Fluttershy, alongside her was the farm pony, Applejack. Hopping alongside them was the energetic pink pony, Pinkie Pie. "Twilight, what's goin' on with yer friend?! Eh is outta control!" Applejack exclaims failing to see the tears in the purple alicorn's eyes. "I'm sorry, Applejack, not even I know what caused this," the alicorn said sadly looking towards her friends. The others looked to each other before looking at the alicorn, as they each debated who should tell their friend. They cyan pegasus sighed with a heavy heart. "We must use the Elements of Harmony it is the only way." Twilight's eyes widened. "I...can't, he'll feel alone again." Twilight's words trembled. She couldn't do it. Tears filled her eyes as she knew it was the only way, the other five mares gave her a tender embrace. "Twilight, it'll be okay. There may be a way to reason with him, don't lose hope," said the timid pegasus. Twilight felt her heart slow a bit, knowing she was one of the only ponies to save Equestria but was afraid to. She couldn't hurt the draconequus she loved, no matter what he's become. But, had no choice. "Okay, but give me a chance to reason with him..." The five mares nodded. ... In Canterlot throne room, the draconequus sat atop his black throne, in front of him was a mirror showing him the Element bearers. An evil smile formed on his mismatched face. "Come to me, beares of the Elements, I'll be ready." His laughter echoed throughout the throne room. The royal sisters and the princess of love looked at the draconequus with disgust and glares. "Discord, whatever you may be speaking of it won't work, nothing has near enough power than the Elements, not even you." "That is where you are mistaken. The Elements of Harmony may be powerful in all sense but they aren't unbeatable, sure they protected this land centuries and maybe more. But, what I got planned will ensure that your little trinkets fail. Behold my creations." the draconequus gestured to six corrupted looking objects were hanging on the throne. "What are those?" the princess of the dawn questioned while observing their appearance; they looked like each of the Elements except corrupted. "You'll find out later..." the draconequus laughter filled the throne room. > Chapter 13 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Equestria is in great strife as an old foe has returned; a foe who was once an ally, he was called Discord; a draconequus with very powerful and chaotic magic. The only way to save the day are the bearers of the Elements, yet Twilight, the bearer of the Element of Magic, is struggling in a powerful dilemma: save Equestria from the chaos that purges this wondrous world by sealing her beloved friend in stone, or keep him free and continue to let the chaotic tyrant purge Equestria into land of eternal chaos. Equestria's fate rests on upon the alicorn's shoulders ... The six mares were walking through the Everfree forest, struggling to keep their balance due to the soapiness of the road. "How much further, ah had 'bout enough of this?" Asked the farm mare, looking directly at the alicorn. "Not much further, Applejack," the alicorn responded with a pained voice, knowing the closer they were the closer of the fate of her friend. The pink energetic mare skied to her friends, using the soap as ice. "Things will be fine, Twilight, just relax," the pink mare said trying to be optimistic for her friend's sake. "Will it?!" the young alicorn exclaimed, her wings spreading wide. "What if he won't stop?" "Don't be ridiculous, Twilight, things will work out in the end," said the beautiful unicorn mare. After minutes of stumbling due to the soapy dirt path, they finally reached their destination. Hesitantly, the purple alicorn entered the card pyramid in search of her bedroom's door. The corridor was dimly lit, the only light source was coming from the alicorn's horn. Shortly after spotting her door, the young alicorn trotted over to it before opening the door. The young alicorn stood amongst the dark room; right next to her bed was a draw, above it a book laid across the flat surface. The draw was soon covered in a purple glow before opening by itself, inside laid a crown with a purple star symbol, glowing in the same purple aura of her draw the crown floated among the air till it was gently placed on her head. After a few minutes, the purple alicorn emerged outside where the other mares were waiting. "I'm ready," the young alicorn sighed. She knew it'd be tough but the fate of the world rests upon her hooves. "That's the spirit now let's go." The six mares the departed. ... In the castle's throne room, the draconequus was laughing while watching the mirror set before him. A smirk appeared on his face. "Took you long enough, sadly for you the Elements will be useless," the draconequus said before sitting further into his seat. "What do you mean useless, stop being so cryptic?" Princess Celestia demanded from her cage glaring at the draconequus. The draconequus smirked. "You're in no position to make demands, Celestia. As you may see I've got the upper hand. You princesses are locked up, the worlds under my rule, and Twilight and the other beares the Elements are wasting their time. In the end, I win." The princesses didn't seem pleased at his whimsical remark, her gaze at him was stern. "Discord, this is foolish. Don't you see what you're doing? Right now you're basically throwing away all the good you've down for a desire I thought ridded yourself of." The draconequus laughed as he shrugged his shoulders, looking into the eyes of the princess of the dawn. "I've always had the desire to conquer, problem was that desire was sealed away and now only has resurfaced, don't you see it, Celestia your precious land in hands of chaos?" "I do see it, Discord. It's a world I don't want my subjects to witness, a world of confusion and dismay is not an ideal for any pony. I for one may not be able to stop you but I know Twilight and her friends will." ... Meanwhile, the six beares made it out of the Everfree, unfortunately, the way back to to the little town was slippery due to dirt roads being soap, however, the pink energetic earth pony was having a blast. "Weeee!" she cheered, skating among the dirt road with a big smile. "Shimmer down, Pinkie. We still need to save Equestria," the farm pony mare said, gazing sternly at her energetic friend. "Applejack is right, we need to remain on task. How we're going to I don't know but we'll find a way," Rainbow added with a determined look. They walked to the train station, seeing the train was unavailable due to its new size. "Ahem, gettin' really tired of this how are we gonna reach Canterlot now?" "I can get us there easy," the purple wise alicorn said before charging her horn, then a burst of purple light they were gone. ... They soon reappeared in Canterlot castle, which was as chaotic as the rest of Equestria. The young alicorn mare gasped at the sight of Canterlot castle. "What did he do to it, it looks awful?" the young alicorn could feel her heart slightly torn, as tears found their way to her eyes. The beautiful white unicorn mare noticed this with a displeased smile and embraced the alicorn in a comforting tight embrace. "It's alright, darling. I grantee you we will fix this and everything will return to normal. Just believe, okay?" This seemed to cheer the alicorn up only slightly. "Thanks, Rarity. But, I don't believe everything will be the same. For one, what if, Discord doesn't compile and we have no choice to turn him into stone? I can't take that chance," Twilight said with a frown. The other mares looked at her, they generally knew her pain of losing a friend, not that they last a friend themselves but they knew how it could affect their friend. Finally, after a moment of silence they finally stepped into the greyish castle. They kept their guards up knowing that the draconequus always had a few tricks up his sleeves. Nearing the stairs of the throne room, the alicorn felt her heart beat slow down a few paces,"This is finally it, now or never twilight,"the young alicorn thought to herself as she was at the bottom of the stairs. The moment had finally come, the moment that decides the fate of Equestria. After staring at the stairs, the young alicorn felt her life flash through her eyes, as anxiety reached her mind. She felt like she couldn't do it and that she's failed all of Equestria. Those thoughts faded as she saw the faces of her friends; the farm pony mare giving her a confident grin. The shy pegasus gave her a meek smile, while the energetic pink earth pony gave her a grin that was bigger then her mouth could handle yet she manged. The cyan pegasus gave her a cocky grin, while the beautiful unicorn gave her a sweet smile. After some a few moments, the six mares started to slowly trot up the stairs. After walking up five steps, the alicorn felt something clamp on her back hoof, when she looked down she saw the wood was split into two and holding her hoof from either side. Whatever it was,it didn't want her to reach the top, but she had to pull through. she must. She charged her horn before firing the beam of magic at the wood, however the wood remained strong. "My, my what do we have here, a purple pony with a tiny crown it seems?" Laughter filled the stairwell. "Honestly, how long did you have to keep me waiting, I was getting bored and your peep talks are quite pathetic?" "Discord, show yourself you beast," the white elegant unicorn said, looking around at the stairwell. "Or what, you're going to make make apart of your fabric collection?" In a flash of light, fabrics of brown, grey, yellow, red, green, light brown and cyan appeared on the floor. "I'm so scared get a sowing machine..." "Ya, get on out here and ah'll show yer what is comin' yer way," the farm pony mare said with a displeased tone. "Or are yer afraid?" "Funny you should mention that, as a matter of fact I know what's coming my way. You mares are planing to use the Elements of Harmony to reseal me back into my stone prison and blur, blur blur." The farm pony mare frowned at his remark. "As you all may know by now I've returned to my old way of life--" "We all know you don't have to remind us," said the cyan brash pegasus, cutting him off with an annoyed expression. "Ugh. Fine, I just wanted to give you some insight but if you laddies aren't interested I guess I don't have to say." "Discord, stop this please!" Tears flooded the young alicorn's face. She felt her heart beginning to shatter. There was moment of silence before the draconequus's voice filled the hall. "Why should I ever do that? Honestly, you of all ponies should be smart enough to know there is no reasoning with chaos." The alicorn lowered her head. Maybe he was right, that you cannot reason with chaos. All hope was drained from her being as she heard those words. Her five other friends looked at her with a concerned expressions. However the draconequus continued to speak. "Giving up hope already, I thought you had the only weapon to defeat me? Unless it's not about defeating me...No. You want things back to the way they use to be hmm." The alicorn sighed with a sad expression. "Yes...I want you back, Discord. When we were living in the forest we were happy. Now...Now look, everything's..." the young alicorn paused unable to finish her sentence. She tried to speak but the words wouldn't just come out, they were buried into her throat. "As fun as this little conversation may be, i still have Equestria to rule, and conquer." The step returned to normal as the young alicorn's back hoof was soon free. This was it, the moment they reached the throne room would determine the fate of Equestria. Not only it's fate but the fate of two best friends, just lying upon the top and between two doors. The six mares slowly trotted up the stairs each with a look determination, not a word had been spoken between them as the top was drawing near. The young princess knew what she had to do no matter how much it hurt, it didn't seem fair that she had to be sealing her best friend away. Under different circumstances she wouldn't hesitate but unfortunately it wasn't. Making their way to the two doors the alicorn and the other bearers each took a big breath. After moments that felt like hours, the door was coated in a purplish aura as they were being pulled open. Once the door was opened they each peeked a head inside, so far it was clear. "So, Twilight, you sure you can handle this?" the quiet pegasus mare asked with a meek tone. The alicorn slightly nodded before continuing forward. However, the others weren't convinced but kept their objections to themselves. They were standing outside the two doors leading out the castle corridor leading to the throne room. Finally, the moment has arrived. The fate of Equestria rests in six mares, six Elements, and one evil draconequus. Harmony is being tested as the world is in chaos. Not only that but one friendship is being scarcely tested; will they find a way to settle things peacefully, or will one do the right thing or will they falter letting world fall into eternal chaos? > Chapter 14 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The six mares were still outside the main doors, staring at intense. Finally, the alicorn spoke up, "Okay, girls I'm ready..." The two doors than was embraced with a purplish aura before sliding open. After it came to a halt the six mares then trotted inside, once inside the doors shut behind them. Once they were in the room, they gasped at what they saw; each of the princesses were locked in cages and their horns were gone. "Mum!" the purple alicorn exclaimed before galloping to the cage which held her mother. The princess of love looked upon her daughter with wide eyes. "Twilight!" the alicorn of love exclaimed trying to reach for her daughter but couldn't due to the cage. The others looked at their friend with a look of concern. "Finally arrived, hey, only took you long enough?" the draconequus asked impatiently while sitting upon his throne. Twilight and the other mares looked at the chimera with a frown. "What's with the look?" The mares didn't respond, though the elegant unicorn spoke to Twilight, "So, darling. You ready?" Twilight only nodded with a sigh before charging her horn, the Element of Magic followed suit as well as the others. Finally, a big rainbow beam shot at the draconequus, but a black beam that came out of nowhere repelled the rainbow blast. "What happened, that should've worked?!" the princess of the dawn called from a cage bellow, glaring harshly at the draconequus. Discord laughed with an amused toothy grin. "It would have if I didn't have a trick up my sleeve to penetrate the Elements you hold so dear, Celestia. The Elements of Chaos, my finest creations have proven a success. Shame really, the fact that you can't defeat me anymore." Discord smirked his toothy grin. "Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me." The six mares confusedly looked at the chimera before the alicorn spoke, "Why didn't that work?" "My, dear Twilight. I fear there is nothing to explain, only the fact that the Elements didn't work this time round." Twilight looked at the draconequus with a confused look. "Nothing to explain!? Discord, how can their be nothing to explain, after all, it worked on you with the princesses?" Discord waved his paw dismissively. The white unicorn stepped forward with a frown and spoke, "You better answer her you beast–" In a flash of light, the white unicorn's mouth disappeared. "I think that's enough out of you. The way you spoke isn't becoming of a lady, is it now?" "Give er mouth back, yer freakazoid," the farm pony said with a frown. "Of course, my dear honest Applejack," said the draconequus, snapping his paw. The white unicorn's mouth returned. "I was only taking it away so she'd learn a lesson to not call of creatures names. I'm not that cruel." "Why are you doing this anyway?" the young alicorn asked. Suddenly in a flash light, the draconequus stood before her with crossed arms. "You should know, Twilight. After all, you were there. At the castle when you did it." "Did what?" the young princess looked at the draconequus. His cryptic responses weren't helping her get close to solving the mystery. "You're not making any sense." "What's the fun in making sense?" the young princess looked down knowing there was now no reasoning with him. He was too corrupted by his own power to be reasoned with. "You can't give up Twilight, you just can't," said the pink earth pony. The alicorn sighed looking down with tears cascading down her face. "I wish there was another way, Discord. I really do. But, this ends now. No longer will I stand by and watch Equestria suffer because I'm afraid to lose my best friend, who is already gone. But, I promise you this. When things are over you will be sealed away." The draconequus clapped his hands with a smirk. "Such a beautiful speech, Twilight. Sadly it was all for naught because if I recall correctly, you'll need the Elements of Harmony to defeat me. My Elements of Chaos repels them." "What did I do anyway, huh!? You know me, Discord. I would never hurt you, please listen to me!" The draconequus looked at the young alicorn. With a sigh, the draconequus said, "I want to believe you but I can't. After all, the damage is already done. You just can't wish it away, my mind is unchanged." The young alicorn stood there flabbergasted, why wouldn't her friend believe her, something most definitely wasn't right. "I cannot change your mind, you made that clear. The Elements of Harmony are useless. My options are low–" the alicorn princess looked to each of her friends with a sad look. "–I failed you... I'm sorry. I don't know why I thought I could save Equestria, all I wanted was to save every pony and but... I couldn't... I let every pony down." "Twilight..." the pink earth pony reached out her hoof, a small frown on her face. The other four mares looked down. "I let every pony down" – a few tears escaped the alicorn's eyes – "Equestria is utter chaos... And I don't even know why." The draconequus sighed, snapping his talon, the cages disappeared as three princesses were now three. "Leave us," he said to the princesses and five mares. Without hesitation, they left the room. Now it was just the young princess and the draconequus. The draconequus slowly walked over to the young princess. With a sigh, the draconequus said, "You at least deserve an explanation –" Discord disappeared in a flash then reappeared in his throne "– well, last night I... You come back, at first I happy but then you left me..." "Discord" – Twilight slowly trotted towards the draconequus before giving him a tight hug – "I would never leave you, I don't know what made you think that way in the first place." Hesitatingly, the draconequus hugged back, he wrapped his paw and talon around the alicorn's soft fur. Slowly the castle was beginning to return to normal; the black throne disappeared as well as the other changes the draconequus made to the castle. The alicorn looked around before looking to the draconequus with a tearful smile, fortunately, he smiled back hugging the young princess tightly. ... Finally harmony was restored. With the bond that Twilight and Discord shared Equestria was safe yet again. And finally, it was time the two friends shared what was in their minds ... The draconequus let go with a smile. "Twilight, thank you. Thank you for showing me how wrong I was." The young alicorn looked at him with a smile. Soon a small pink hue formed on her cheeks as she looked into his eyes. "Discord, I" – Twilight's lips were sealed with a paw covering them. "– me too, Twilight." The two friends looked into each other eyes. Soon they closed their eyes before leaning closer, their muzzles were close to touching. "Awwww. So cute!" Called a voice close by. Startled, the alicorn and daconequus opened their eyes, frantically looking around for the source of the voice. "Pinkie?" Asked the young princess, looking at her friend who was sitting right in front of them. Discord looked at the pink earth pony in surprise. "Hiya, Twi, Discord. How are you two?" Pinkie Pie asked with a smile. Both the alicorn and draconequus looked at the earth pony. "Hopefully I'm not ruining everything. Bye!" And just like that, the pink pony was gone. At first it never really occurred to them how random the pink earth pony was. After a couple of moments of silence, the two friends looked at each other, an awkward stare was shared between them. Finally, it was the purple alicorn that broke the silence. "Discord... I love you so much" – Twilight went to hug the draconequus, burying her head into his chest – "I..." The draconequus wrapped his arms around her in a comforting embrace. He lowered his head looking at the young princess. Finally, gathering up the courage the young alicorn pressed her lips to his. Startled at first but soon relaxed, the draconequus returned it. Above the sky, fireworks danced about.