When The Day Breaks

by Duckyworth

First published

When Princess Celestia loses all hope after a millenium of loneliness, a familiar voice in her mind convinces her to let go and stop caring about her troubles. After all... nothing matters anymore...

(Based off the events in the Season 5 finale The Cutie Re-Mark - this story contains spoilers for that episode, as well as events leading up to the end of Season 7.)

The ashen wasteland Twilight Sparkle, Starlight Glimmer and Spike discovered at the end of their time travelling must have been caused by someone.... But who could possibly possess the power to cause the destruction of all life in Equestria?

In an alternate timeline where Twilight Sparkle and her friends never gained their cutie marks, it's just another long chain of tragic events in the life of the lone ruler of Equestria, Princess Celestia.

All throughout her life, the sun princess had a voice in the back of her mind attempting to convince her to stop caring about what happens to the world or her subjects. The voice is cruel, condescending and cold....

But Celestia can't help but listen... after all....

The voice is a reflection of her own suppressed feelings.

The Day Shall Last Forever

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The night time sky overhead Canterlot was quiet and peaceful. The inky black void patched with white lights that twinkled with serenity and calm. The luminous and pale moon shone brightly amid the dark horizon, with one dark shape present on the moon, resembling the figure of an alicorn’s head. The sight was beautiful… but haunting and sad. Those who gazed up at the moon even for a cursory glance, felt a strange sense of loneliness within the moon. As if there was someone trapped in the moon, looking down upon the inhabitants of Equestria…. Looking down with regret and sadness over what she had done to become trapped in there.

Of course, one other alicorn in Equestria knew that it was true… and she shared in her sister’s sorrow.

The solitary princess governing all of Equestria gazed up at the moon, peering at the figure emblazoned on the lunar surface. Looking up at the markings left on the moon was once considered a bizarre occurrence for the inhabitants of Equestria, but since the last 1000 years had passed, the generations that had lived since then had become used to its presence. The phenomenon that was known as the Mare in the Moon was simply considered as commonplace as the growing grass or a rainy day.

But Princess Celestia could NEVER become used to the sight of her precious sister imprisoned in the moon. She was the one who had cast Princess Luna onto the moon’s surface, and a millennium later, the sorrow she felt after that heartbreaking day that she had fought her sister as Nightmare Moon hadn’t faded.

The Princess of the Sun gazed up from the balcony of the royal palace, her head hung low and ears folded backwards. The week had not been kind to her - she had had to keep up her calm and composed appearance for her subjects. Royal summons for delegates from other regions and the country’s nobility had required her to listen intently, nod, smile, offer advice on how to proceed, and shake hooves with those that she met, all while maintaining a noble and dignified appearance. It sounded like simple standard procedure to any other pony, but those who said that her job was easy were surely mistaken – it took a very charismatic and diplomatically gifted pony to carry out this work, and it was much more taxing than it sounds. There were often instances where Celestia nearly broke out in a cold sweat due to the increasingly high demands of the locals, but she soldiered through…. Knowing that deep down, her sister would want her to keep pressing on and protect the land and keep it running smoothly.

Swallowing, she peered up at the moon feigning a composed smile, as she tried to communicate with her younger sister as if they were the best of friends yet again. She knew deep down that Luna couldn’t hear her… but she could still hope.

‘Hello, sister…. I hope you’re well today.’ Celestia allowed herself to show how she really felt in her voice – now that she was alone and was able to let her emotions out, not worrying about what her fellow citizens would think of her.

She knew that Luna could not hear her even if she wanted to, and knowing Celestia’s failings, she wasn’t entirely sure if her sister would WANT to talk to her – and she wouldn’t blame her.

‘Today was tough for me, dear sister – reassuring delegates about rumours regarding changeling invasions in the towns north of Canterlot, preparations for the Summer Solstice festival drawing near, and trying to search for new students… it’s been difficult for me. I’ve been trying to keep the delegates I’ve been consulting with calm about everything … But without you here….‘

Celestia lowered her head into her hooves and started to sob softly, gentle tears flowing down her cheeks, glistening in the moonlight.

‘I…. I miss you. I’m… I’m sorry. It’s been a thousand years, and I still miss you as much as I did back then….’

She kept trying to tell herself that she had no choice but to banish her sister for the good of Equestria, but she knew that it all could have been avoided…. If she had only confided in her sister and tried to comfort her, maybe Luna would never have become Nightmare Moon….. Despite Luna’s rebellion and assault on her, Celestia’s love for her sister would never wane, and she only blamed herself for what had happened.
If she had simply made the effort to try and talk to Luna more, would her sister still be here? A simple conversation here and there could have made all the difference….

‘For you…. I’ll try to keep strong. I…. I promise you…. It’s… all I can do now….’

Celestia had always tried to tell herself that if she kept smiling during her public appearances and caring for her subjects, she would be able to deal with the pressures that her rule had forced upon her. Raising the sun and moon all by herself, keeping a calm aura while taking part in royal meetings, and defending Equestria from threats. Despite all of the praise she was receiving, the love from her subjects almost felt hollow. When she was younger, Celestia had adored praise from her subjects, but upon seeing how much her sister needed the praise as much as she did, it now felt meaningless, as she now knew what she really should have been focusing on…..

Back when she was with Luna, Celestia had been able to banish Discord, King Sombra and Tirek, three of Equestria’s most dangerous denizens. The two were inseparable…. But the loss of her sister wasn’t the only reason Celestia doubted her capacity - not just as a ruler, but as a teacher, student and friend….. She started off so hopeful… but over the years, many tragic events had led her hope to drain away….

A thousand years ago, the disappearance of her mentor Star Swirl the Bearded was one of the events that began to make the young princess doubt herself. She did not know the reasons for his disappearance, but he and his companions, the Pillars of Equestria, had all vanished without a trace. Celestia and Luna knew that Star Swirl was a rather stern teacher, and it could have been said that he wasn’t the most knowledgeable when it came to the ways of friendship, but he had the protection of Equestria at heart, and he taught Celestia all that she knew about magic, even overlooking the very first time that she raised the sun. To say he was an admirable teacher was an understatement…. But perhaps if he was here, things would have turned out differently. Another special pony in her life that Celestia missed dearly….

The day of Twilight Sparkle’s magic exam was another harsh blow to what remained of Celestia’s hope of the future. Watching the young unicorn filly’s face when she failed the exam was too much for Celestia to bear. Twilight couldn’t hatch the dragon egg at first, but kept on trying again and again to no avail. Every single time Twilight attempted to hatch the egg, the magic simply wouldn’t come. The pressure and fear was too much for Twilight, and she simply gave up hope – the tears filling the eyes of the unicorn, who felt she had let everyone down with her failure, was something that was ingrained in Celestia’s memory. Celestia barely even knew the young filly, and yet, when she saw the unicorn before her enter the examination room, she thought that the child would possess the magical ability needed to help to protect Equestria. A new hope to help bring balance to Equestria… but it seemed that her hunch was incorrect. It was not meant to be….

One of her other students, Sunset Shimmer, was another student that Celestia thought could be a close friend and protégé, but she had gradually grown power hungry and betrayed Celestia’s trust, turning cruel and spiteful….. Celestia had attempted to talk to her about her doubts and insecurities, but Sunset, just like Luna, was too far gone to listen to her. Thankfully, Celestia didn’t have to feel the pain of having to banish Sunset, but the jealous student ran into another dimension, and even though Celestia had wished for the opportunity to see her again and try to make amends… the opportunity never came. Another individual that Celestia felt that she had failed.

It was always like that. Even if someone were to say it wasn’t Celestia’s fault, she still felt guilt. If Celestia had simply acted differently, would it have turned out better?

What Celestia would give to just give up the crown and act like a normal pony. To let all of those responsibilities go and just let all of those fears and concerns go. Why was she the one who had to govern the fate of Equestria? Why should all of the pressure lay solely on her conscience?

No…. She couldn’t think that way. She had a responsibility – a price to pay to make up for all of her failings in the past. She knew that she had to protect her subjects no matter what, but in the back of her mind…. A voice spoke to her.

This inner voice told her to just forget everything that dwelled on her mind. It was all in the past, and she couldn’t change that… So why bother caring about it still if it happened long ago? Besides… who’s to say it was all HER fault? After all, she wasn’t the one who was foolish enough to go and disappear without a word to her student. Nor was she the one who lacked the magical aptitude to pass her magical exam. Nor was she foolish enough to betray her own teacher. Nor was she was the one who lost her temper and attacked her sister out of jealousy and have to be banished to the –


Celestia smacked herself in the face hard, the audible noise stinging her ears as much as the impact stung her face.

‘Quiet! That isn’t true and you know it!’ Celestia held her head in her hooves, the red mark left on her cheek still stinging as she shook her head, trying to block out the unsettling thoughts.

‘Why do you care about them? All they were doing was holding you back…. You didn’t need them then, and you don’t need them now. You’re the one ruling over Equestria…. Not them.‘

Over the past millennium, Celestia had these doubts and dark thoughts propping up in her mind every once in a while, asking her whether she should just stop caring about everything. Protecting her subjects was the most important thing for her, and if they started to see her calm composure crack, she knew that her subjects’ safety wouldn’t fare very well, never mind the pedestal that they had put her on as this fearless and calm leader. But at the same time…. Maybe everything would have been easier if she just let go…. Stopped caring…. Let all of the pain go…. And just let loose with all of her frustration, loneliness and pent up anger.

She could see her. A ghastly white alicorn with a mane composed of white hot flames. Bright orange armour. Brown and yellow eyes. Razor sharp glistening fangs. Complete and utter apathy, not caring who it was who she would harm. Unlike Celestia, she didn’t care about releasing her power, harming her subjects…. Or the loneliness and sorrow she felt after a millennia of solitude.

Luna’s jealousy, anger and rejection had transformed her into Nightmare Moon, and this apathetic, uncontained being Celestia could see in her mind, this second being was named…..


‘I won’t….listen to you…..My subjects need me….I can’t just let them down…’ Celestia’s words sounded confident… but her voice was shaking. Holding in her emotions in for so long without someone to talk to was finally catching up to her.

’Oh, come now, who are THEY to judge YOU? You’re the one ruling over them, and you think they would leave you if you showed them all the emotion you really felt? They wouldn’t be able to handle you at your worst…. So they don’t deserve you at your BEST….‘

The voice was cold, condescending and ruthless… but Celestia had to admit that she couldn’t help but listen. She felt she had no one else that she could confide in properly but herself. After all…. The voice WAS her. Or at least, a part of her she did not wish for others to see.

‘No! You’re not me!’ Celestia exclaimed…. In some attempt to block out the voice that invaded her conscience.

‘Hahahaha! Still denying me, are you, precious little princess? How long do you think you can keep fighting me? It doesn’t matter what you say…. It doesn’t matter what you do. You can’t keep me quiet forever….Give in.’

With the cruel and unsympathetic cackling echoing in her mind, Celestia could feel the presence growing – almost as if it was a parasite invading her psyche…. And having a firm hold on her.

On the rare occasions that Celestia had to dispel a threat to her subjects, Celestia had always made it a point to not use her full power. If she were to release all of her magical prowess…. What damage could it cause? Not just property damage, but the lives of her subjects could be at risk if she wasn’t careful. She intentionally restrained herself….. both her strength and her emotions. She couldn’t harm them…. She WOULDN’T harm them. As she had locked up her true fears and sadness to keep her subjects from being concerned about her…. So too she had stopped her powers from being fully released for harm of endangering them. She felt she had already harmed enough of her subjects though her past mistakes…..

‘As pathetic as she was, your darling sister gave into her true and stronger self. SO… pray tell, what’s stopping YOU from embracing ME as you should?’

Celestia cringed as she could hear Daybreaker’s voice. She could practically SENSE the patronizing intent behind those words.

‘You want to make sure that no one will EVER question your authority, don’t you? You want to never feel your sadness again, don’t you? Wouldn’t you just love to do nothing else but make them all feel what you feel? Then they’d truly understand you.’

‘I won’t harm them. No matter what….. I won’t let myself harm them – You’ve been there for a thousand years, and….. and I’ll contain you for a thousand more…. I won’t give into you…. I… won’t… give…. In…..’ Celestia kept saying to herself slowly. She used this as a coping mechanism when she was alone – when she wasn’t repeating the phrases in her mind to keep the voice of doubt away.

‘Hm. I can wait for you to let me into your heart, Celestia. We have all the time in the world. It doesn’t matter….. nothing matters. It. DOESN’T. MATTER. AT ALL.’

Celestia could see a horrifically wide fanged grin in the back of her mind, stretching into a mocking laughter…. Daybreaker was judging her. Trying to break her. For a thousand years she had tried. And for a thousand years, Celestia had fought back.

And Daybreaker was winning, slowly chipping away at what remained at Celestia’s hope.

It. Doesn’t. Matter.

Celestia mouthed the words. The three words she never wanted to say. For the guilt she felt, she knew she had to carry on – doing nothing worthwhile was even worse than trying and failing. But… if that was the case…. Why did she just say those words in her mind?

That wasn’t Daybreaker’s thoughts…. It was hers. After all…. She was her.

Celestia opened her eyes and looked up at the moon. The sky. The stars. Her bedroom. The citizens of Equestria down below. The mountains on the horizon.

Everything looked the same to her. It had looked the same for the thousand years since her sister was banished. True, technology and architecture had marched onwards, families had moved to and from Equestria, but to Celestia… she only just realised that it didn’t look any different to HER. She had stared alone from that balcony down below for a thousand years. It didn’t matter what she did – it didn’t change. Nothing about the horizon changed. It doesn’t matter.

There those words were again. Celestia was at a loss. Feeling something within her begin to break and snap, Celestia collapsed to the ground. As she did, the crown that was perched atop her head fell to the ground, clinking as it rolled away from her. Celestia didn’t care about that. It was only a crown, after all. It doesn’t matter.

Celestia clenched her eyes…. And felt the tears return. She simply let them run, without even attempting to stop herself. What would her delegates say if they saw her in this helpless state? Who cares what they would think of her? They wouldn’t understand what she was going through. It doesn’t matter.

…….It doesn’t matter.

No matter what she tried. No matter what students she taught. No matter how many times she looked up at the moon. No matter how many royal meetings she went to. No matter how often she smiled, pretended to laugh at the shallow jokes the rich told her at those galas she went to, no matter how much she tried to tell herself it would all improve. The voices wouldn’t stop. The sorrow wouldn’t fade. It doesn’t matter.

None of it matters. Celestia’s crying began to slow.

……My students don’t matter anymore…….

……My teacher doesn’t matter anymore…..

……My subjects don’t matter anymore….

…..Equestria doesn’t matter anymore….

……My sister doesn’t matter anymore……

……………..Nothing… matters…. Anymore.

As the thoughts continued in Celestia’s head and the heartbroken tears rested on her cheeks, Celestia slowly moved her hooves onto the ground. She couldn’t bring herself to stand up. But all of a sudden, she began to….


Nothing…. Matters… anymore. The words continued to repeat in her mind.

Nothing else mattered anymore, so all she could do was smile. She had been raising the sun and the moon and governing a kingdom all by herself for at least 1000 years since she had banished her sister, and yet nothing changed for her. Was it something she had done? Was she not a competent ruler? Was she not giving her all to keep her subjects safe? All she could really do was laugh at how hopeless the situation was.

Nothing matters anymore. Nothing matters anymore. Nothing matters anymore.

The words increased in volume. Starting off as a whisper and slowly growing into a cacophony of apathy. She could hear Daybreaker’s voice growing in her mind, even over her laughing.

‘Yes….. that’s it. You’re understanding it all now. Just like I said you would. It doesn’t matter what you do…. You never stood a chance… Celestia. Open up and let me in…. You’ll be much happier. Nothing else matters anymore….’

Nothing matters anymore. Nothing matters anymore. Nothing matters anymore. Nothing matters anymore. Nothing matters anymore. Nothing matters anymore.

And as the words got louder, so did Celestia’s laughter. She clutched her head as she tried to compose herself, but the stress had taken its toll. They said laughter was the best medicine, but this laughter wasn’t helping her. She told herself in the past that smiling in front of the crowds helped her to hide her insecurities, but it wasn’t working. Even her old coping mechanisms weren’t worth it.

Nothing matters anymore. Nothing matters anymore. Nothing matters anymore. Nothing matters anymore. Nothing matters anymore. Nothing matters anymore. Nothing matters anymore. Nothing matters anymore. Nothing matters anymore.

Celestia’s subjects….. They didn’t really understand how she felt. They couldn’t relate to her. They weren’t worthy of her being around them. They weren’t there to help her with Star Swirl, or Twilight, or Sunset, or Luna, or any of the millions of other responsibilities she had to take care of. They didn’t deserve her charity. They didn’t deserve to live their mundane, pathetic, worthless lives while she was there protecting them! Why should they be safe? Why should SHE be the only one in pain? Why should she care what happens to them? Why should they be safe at ALL?! None of them mattered in the slightest!

Nothing matters anymore nothing matters anymore nothingmattersanymorenothingmattersanymorenothingmattersanymoremnothingmattersanymoreNOTHINGMATTERSANYMORENOTHINGMATTERSANYMORENOTHINGMATTERSANYMORE-

The despair overtook her. All hope for the future was gone. What else could she do but laugh? Standing to her hooves, Celestia let out with an uncanny laughing tone -


Celestia cackled, her laughter still emanating from her. On the rare occasion Celestia did let out a legitimate laugh, her subjects said that it was the purest, most beautiful sound they had ever heard. But not this… this laughter was…. Horrifying. The laughter continued, and as she did, she felt a weight be lifted from her mind…. And she began to change. Her teeth started to sharpen into glistening fangs. With a bright orange light emanating her body, her regal armour began to be replaced with the bright orange armour of her alter ego. Her eyes changed colour into brown and yellow orbs of malice. And her rainbow coloured mane erupted into an inferno with the intensity of the horrific burning sun – white hot flames licking about the laughing alicorn. She didn’t care about that.

She didn’t care as the curtains on the window next to her began to catch fire. The polished white marble on the balcony beginning to scorch and melt? Who cares about that?
The alicorn that used to be known as Celestia ceased her laughter. The tears having evaporated due to the intense heat, as if her sorrow had literally vanished into thin air, she put her hooves on the balcony, and overlooked the land….

Looking down at the crown that had fallen onto the floor minutes before, she picked the now altered orange sharpened helmet up with her magic and slowly lowered it onto her head.

‘Princess Celestia is no more. The better, prettier and more powerful ruler of Equestria is here to stay… DAYBREAKER!’ The blindingly bright alicorn cackled, somehow managing to drown out the flames that began to grow….. now filling the bedroom behind her, and devouring the furniture…. The speed that the flames spread was otherworldly, as if Tartarus had burst open and the flames of the underworld had made their home in the mortal realm. But she had no time to care for such things. It didn’t matter what happened. Not even the framed portrait of a young Celestia and Luna hanging on the wall – painted back when they were both happy and close to each other. Daybreaker didn’t even so much as bat an eyelid as the smiling faces of the two sisters were melted by the fire, a loud crash heard as the portrait fell to the ground.

She simply turned around and stared at the sky. The Mare in the Moon used to be a sad sight for her, but looking at it now, Daybreaker smirked, seeing the state of her ungrateful FORMER sister as a joke to be mocked. She thought that SHE could rule Equestria by herself? What a feckless neophyte.

‘You wanted the night to last forever, Luna? Who cares about what YOU want, traitor? I shall bring about something much more… intense. Eternal daylight shall come to them! And even better – you can stay up there and watch your world burn! ’

Knocking sounds were heard on the door leading from the former Princess Celestia’s bedroom to the hall. The royal guards had heard the flames licking around the room, and had rushed to the door to protect their ruler. Daybreaker, looking back at the door, simply gave a chuckle. Her mouth turning into a sadistic smirk, and her eyes fixated on the door, she called out firmly -

‘Come in.’

As if on cue, the guards at the door, Captain Shining Armour, Flash Sentry and Spearhead, kicked the door down, desperate to protect their princess from whatever threat they felt lay within.

‘Your highness?! What’s happened? We heard - !’ The Captain of the Guard started as he and two other guards burst into the room. They stared at the sight before them – even as the heat from the fire around them made them struggle to step any further forward, they saw….. her.

She…. Seemed to resemble Princess Celestia slightly, but something was wrong. Besides the armour being different, the appearance of the being before them looked…. wrong. The inferno erupting from her mane. The maw of cruel, sharp teeth. The piercing yellow eyes that seemed to pin them to the spot as they stood there…. Held in place like a deer petrified by a predator closing in on them.

‘Princess…..Celestia….?!’ Flash Sentry stammered.

‘Your precious princess is no more….’ The figure sneered. ‘Her pathetic life of pretending to know what she was doing ended a LONG time ago – she just needed time to catch up with the fact that she simply refused to die. Would you like to see her? Don’t worry…. I’ll let you join her if you wish...’

The burning alicorn rose, the flames seeming to make way for her presence as she rose into the air, her armour plated wings glistening in the reflection of the bright, intense fire. Still, the guards could not bring themselves to move… they were mesmerised by what lay was before them – it was if the sun itself had come down from the heavens and materialised in front of them.

‘Remember this day, little ponies, for it was your last. From this moment forth, the day shall last FOREVER!’

The last thing the three guards saw before they were blinded by the piercing light was the bedroom literally collapsing before them and the horrific mockery of their former princess lunging towards them, continuing her neverending laughter as the world burned around them.


Pure. Vicious. Feral. White hot.

Daybreaker’s raw power knew no limit.

That marked the day that the day broke into eternal light. For all their known history, the ponies of Equestria had revered Princess Celestia and respected the bright, warm sunshine that graced their land. But there was no comfort in this daylight. Without the night to allow them to sleep, the people of Equestria were unable to get rest. The heat and light from the neverending sun effectively destroyed the ecosystem. Water didn’t flow freely. Plantlife started to die out. The populace grew hungry and thirsty. Eternal drought came to Equestria….

The new ruler that replaced Equestria did not care for their wellbeing. They had never been there to provide proper support for the being formerly known as Celestia back before the eternal sun started, so why should she care for those CRETINS now? They could go to Tartarus for all she cared.

It truly was as if Tartarus had come to Equestria…..

Years after the tragic day Celestia had disappeared from the face of the Earth and was replaced by the tyrant known as Daybreaker, in the middle of what used to be a lush green field teeming with life lay an ashen wasteland. In the middle of the former field, a stone slab that resembled a map of Equestria lay surprisingly undisturbed by the apocalyptic destruction. All of a sudden, a portal opened up next to the map, and out of the portal stepped two ponies and a dragon – a light purple alicorn with a blue and purple mane, a bright pink pony with a purple and blue mane and a small purple dragon stepped out. As soon as they stepped out of the portal, all of them looked around in horror at the haunting landscape that they had come across.

Starlight Glimmer, the bright pink pony, had been utilising a time travelling spell that she had used to prevent an important event in the childhood years of Twilight and her friends in an attempt to put an end to their friendship so that she wouldn’t have lost control of her old town. But as Twilight Sparkle, the alicorn, and Spike the dragon had been chasing her throughout the alternate timelines to try and put a stop to her plan, the ramifications of the change had become worse and worse with each time jump….. and now, at last, before them lay the ultimate nightmare…….. The alicorn had brought the pink pony along with them to show to her just how serious the side effects of her spell were, and it was clear just how much the truth had struck her…..

‘Where are we?!’ Starlight scowled at Twilight, yelling out in a mixture of anger and surprise, as the haunting silence pierced her eardrums. The only sound that pierced the quiet was the wind sweeping up the piles of ash that lay before them.

‘The future. Or rather, the present.’ Twilight replied – relatively calmly.

‘But there's nothing here!’ Starlight retorted, her previously angry expression beginning to change into a look of horror as realization set in.

‘I wish I could say I was surprised. But every world I come back to is worse than the last. I don't know why my friends and I are so important to Equestria, but we are.’ Twilight continued.

‘I don't believe you!’ Starlight was trying, and failing, to deny what was going on around her.

‘Come on, Starlight, look around!’ Spike tried to convince her.

‘Like I said, everything in the past affects the future, even the tiniest act.’ Twilight continued, picking up a pile of ash from the ground, before the wind blew it from her hoof. ‘And what you're doing leads here. I know I can't stop you, but I thought showing you this might change your mind.’


