> A Thief at The Gala > by KitFisto1997 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > New Beginings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- New Beginnings  Prologue  Marcus woke up in The Library now back to his equine form, same as Twilight, who was trying on a dress "Hey Marcus, the Grand Galloping Gala is on tomorrow night, you want to come?" she asked  "I guess I'll come, first I'll need a something to wear" replied Marcus getting up, "Well then I have a friend who can do that for you" said Twilight. The two set off to see Rarity, but failed to notice a dark figure hooded observing them.... Chapter 1  "Is this the right color?" asked Rarity looking at Marcus wearing a tuxedo underneath his leather jacket "I guess so" replied Marcus looking in the mirror, "Well then, I guess we'll be off, come on Marcus" said Twilight as the two walked out of the boutique.  Marcus and Twilight walked through the town square, Marcus looked around, he saw a rainbow colored blur race through the air, messing up his mane "Marcus your hair!" laughed Twilight looking at his messed up mane "Oh great, who was that anyway?" asked Marcus, "That's Rainbow Dash, she's a friend of mine" said Twilight answering his question.  "I think approximately we've been away for.... 4 days-" said Marcus being interrupted by Applejack greeting the him and Twilight, "Howdy Twi,  where've you been?" she asked "Oh just traveling" replied Twilight "There was a strange lighting storm last night, it was a  massive one, nopony in Cloudsdale had started it" said Applejack.  "Twilight, I need to go back to the Library" said Marcus, "Alright, I you see Spike, tell him I was at Rarity's" replied Twilight.  As Marcus made his way towards the Library,  he barely noticed Rainbow Dash coming towards him,  Marcus barely enough time to react as the two crashed into each other. "Oohh my head. Hey I haven't seen you around before" said Rainbow Dash looking at Marcus who had recovered in an instant, eyeing the Pegasus from head to tail he said, "Geez this place gets weirder and weirder, aren't you Rainbow Dash" said Marcus looking at her "The one and the only" replied the Pegasus "I've been hearing that the Gala is tomorrow night" said Marcus  "Yeah it is,  the others and I are getting train tickets to Canterlot, I hope it'll be better than last year"  said RD "It was nice meeting you" said Marcus walking off towards the library.  Chapter 2 "No, no, no, no, no!! Damn it!" yelled Marcus scanning his vortex manipulator with his sonic screwdriver, "What's wrong" said a worried Twilight "My Vortex Manipulator burnt out, it's repairable but it'll take some work, probably a week or two" said Marcus  "You still ready for the Gala tomorrow night" said Twilight, "Yep, nothing's gonna stop stop me" said Marcus.  Twilight lent in for a kiss and the pair collapsed onto the bed,  just as Spike came through the door, "Twilight I'm hom-" announced Spike as his mouth gaped open seeing the two Unicorns kiss each other Twilight turned around seeing Spike looking at her with astonishment, "Oh god, Twilight what are you doing, kissing that colt, do you even know him!?" said Spike angrily at Twilight "He's just a friend, honestly" said a nervous Twilight "A "friend", who I see with you making out in front of me!" said an angry Spike, "SPIKE!! I love Marcus for who he is, now stop poking your nose into my business" said Twilight walking off angrily.  "I can't believe that this is happening, If ANYONE finds out I'm not a unicorn, I will be probably dissected and tortured, with probably BOTH my hearts ripped out. It's so hard trying to fit in here" said Marcus."It'll be alright Marcus.  What way to end the day isn't it" said Twilight "Yeah, what a way" said Marcus looking at her as the two fell asleep for the night..... > A Night Worth Remembering > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A Night Worth Remembering  Prologue  A young Earth Pony in a security guard uniform, observed his surroundings, seeing nothing but darkness, he turned around to see a metal pony with handles for ears, chanting "DELETE, DELETE!!" the guard screamed, then there was silence... Chapter 1  "Ready?" said Twilight, "Ready" replied Marcus as the two set off to the Train Station.  When the two arrived, they were greeted by Spike,  who apparently still had a grudge over the events of last night, he said "Hey look, it's Twilights Bodyguard" said Spike looking a Marcus with a smug expression,  "Just ignore him" said Twilight as the two walked towards her friends.  Marcus was greeted by greeted by a familiar voice - Pinkie Pie's to be exact, "Oh hey, I haven't seen you in a long time, what was your name. Ohh! Marcus wasn't it!! Yes I know you, that mysterious Unicorn that lives with Twilight!!" she said shaking his hoof to the point of amputating it. "He, lives with Twilight?" said a surprised Applejack trying to process those very words "Are you too, in love? You two would make the perfect couple!" said Rarity "Oh God, take me now" said Marcus sitting down with a worried Twilight, "Girls please, leave him alone for the sec" said Twilight over the excessive noise of the five ponies chattering. Chapter 2 Twilight took Marcus to an empty cabin on the train and sat with him, "I know this is hard Marcus, you'll get used to it" said Twilight reassuring him "Thank you" said Marcus giving her a passionate kiss, right as Pinkie poked her head through the door. "Oh no.." said Twilight, "Come on you two, we're here!" she said wearing her dress. As Marcus walked through the gates into the Palace he saw ponies of every color chatting amongst themselves, "This is going to be a night worth remembering isn't it Marcus" said Twilight "It certainly will be" he replied, as they all walked into the palace, Marcus walked down towards a door using his sonic screwdriver on it, all that he saw was darkness, unknown to him Twilight followed after him, "Marcus what are you doing?" she said  "I've been hear there have been mysterious goings on here of dead ponies being found as if they have been struck by lighting: in the cellars that are used for storage, and I think there is a door here" said Marcus opening a passageway, the two entered, they saw a metal tunnel leading to a space age style control panel, they saw a bunch of silver ponies in cryogenic pods, "Oh no... Twilight stay back"  "What are they?" she asked "Cybermen -- well Cyberponies, they want to 'assimilate' you" said Marcus     "That's nice" replied Twilight as three Cyberponies emerged upon seeing Twilight, the group chanted their battle cry "DELETE!!  DELETE!!"  "Twilight, use your magic anything!" said Marcus, as the three advanced on to them, "I cant paralyze them!" said Twilight I've only got one option, RUN!!" said Marcus, the two barely escaped as the doors behind them Marcus held his screwdriver in the air and a glow came from behind the doors, "I rigged the room to blow up" said Marcus.  "So how was it like to help me save Equestria" said Marcus grinning at Twilight "It was ok" said Twioight kissing him, "Twilight!" yelled Applejack, "There was explosion are you alright?" asked Rarity, "I'm ok girls, I had a slight mishap, it's alright" said Twilight. "Well then, it's time for some dancing, come on Marcus" said Twilight dragging Marcus on to the dance floor...