> naruto new chowa sekais > by jen_lee_hattie > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue: leaving the old world > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Naruto's new chowa sekai "Jen Hattie owns Nikko Hattie and Gekko Hattie they do not own naruto or Undertale or my little pony friendship is magic those belong to their rightful owners and Jen Hattie does not get money for making any of their fanfiction." Said naruto "That is right naruto you get to have some roman sometime in a future chapter." Said Jen Hattie "Hay the two of you get on with the show now." Said Gekko "Oh party poorer but ok ON WITH THE PARTY STORY!" said Jen hattie (Prolog: new world) [Emerald sword in naruto] [real world] "Hey Gekko do you think if we wish for a portal that would take us to a my little pony friendship is magic and Naruto world would it come true?" asked Nikko. "Yes but if that were to happen that would mean that someone of that world needs help from us or that fate has a fun twist for us or we are in a fanfiction and the author has a sick twisted sense of humor." Said Gekko. [in real world/breaking the fourth wall] 'Attaché' "hmm someone is talking about me oh well, back to typing my fiction hope I can get some fourth wall breaks in this fiction." Said Jen Hattie well she was typing her fanfiction [get in the world with Nikko and Gekko Normal P.O.V] [should I stay or should I go] "Ok, that is kind of dark for you Gekko." Said Nikko "Sorry I didn't mean for it to be dark I just thought of it." Said Gekko Just then a portal to an unknown world open up in front of the two. And out of that portal came a being that had many different kinds of animals parts.1 "Hello, Nikko and Gekko I am discord the spirit of chaos and disharmony and this portal will take you to the naruto world mix with some of my worlds if you chose to go thought it." Side the meow2 name discord. "OK what is the cast discord because knowing you, you are doing this to cause some form of chaos." Side Nikko "There is a cast and it is that you will get one tail beast uncommon in the world of naruto but is not uncommon in Equestria and you will get five summing counteracts one with my clan3, one with the toads4, one with the ponies5, one for guns6 and another for explosives7" side discord "I know that is not all of it what else are you hiding?" asked Gekko "And you have to help Naruto and his friends and make sure that the fourth war in their world will not happen." Said discord "ok that sounds super fun discord!" said Gekko and Nikko said in unions "that is good all you need to do is to stop thought the portal to get to the narviser8 with a hint of Equestria and I will do the rest." Said discord. "Discord is it ok if I and Nikko talk about this by ourselves so we can be sure if we really want to go with you?" asked Gekko "Yes, you can Gekko and besides I thought you say something like so if you do not choose to go right away, you can say down the rabbit hole when you are ready." Said discord "Ok and thank you discord now Nikko we should talk about this a little bit away from here." Said Gekko 'gekko and Nikko walked away from earshot of discord' "We should not go in just yet, but if our lives at school and home become more of a hell then it is already then we will go, is that ok with you Nikko?" side and then asked Gekko "Yes, that is ok with me." Side Nikko 'nikko and gekko walk back to discord' "We do not want to go thought just yet discord but can we get the guns and explosives to sign later on in this world?" said and then asked Nikko "Ok just remember to say DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE ALICE when you are ready." Side discord 'discord gives Gekko and Nikko the guns and explosives counteract and flies into the portal and it went away.' [play Nightcore hell] 'nikko and gekko walk home' "Hay we home," said Gekko as she and Nikko walk into their house "Oh good are little sel- I mean daughters are home." Said Garth Hattie as he walks into the main room of the house to meet with his two daughter "dad who is here?" asked Nikko "Just the 5-year children heath person, So Behave OR else you will not get food and water or anything at all for two days and be lock up in the basement well your mother and me torture you." Side garth says in an 'I am evil as all hell way.' 'shit he would say something like that to keep us from telling them that they treat us like selves instead of actual humans and worse of all he sometimes rapes us to but he will kill us if we told anyone about it.' Thought both Nikko and Gekko "Ok we will for you FATHER and can we please go and do our homework?" said then asked nikko "Of course you can go and do your homework and dinner will be ready in 2 hours." Side garth 'nikko and Gekko want up to their rooms to do homework and sigh the two things that discord has given them' [time skip 2 hours. Dining table in Nikko and Gekko's house] "How was school my daughters?" asked jenny Hattie "it was ok MOTHER we learned what would happen if you put too much gas on a fire and watch a video on why you should never stand next to a dry ice bomb and how to make them in science today" Said Nikko "What would happen if you did that?" asked jenny "It would blow up and hurt a lot." Side Gekko "How is math going for the two of you?" asked garth "It is fun." Said Nikko "How is your life with you adopted parents Nikko and Gekko," asked Shirley "So fun and it is all sunshine and rainbow here" said nikko as gekko nodded to her Shirley notice the sarcastic in the words but said nothing [30 minutes after dinner] "ok, that is all for this checkup see you in the next 5 years." Side Shirley "Ok we will see you in the next 5 years." said garth as he sews her out 'Shirley walk out of Hattie's family house will garth close the door, Shirley walked to her car open the door site down in the Dover site then turn it on and drove off to here workplace to report what she found out to her boss' [3 hours after Shirley left in Nikko and Gekko bedroom: night time] "Goodnight Nikko hope you have good dreams," said Gekko "same to you, big sister," said Nikko 'after saying their goodnights the two of them enter their own dreams' [start of nikko dream] [nikko P.O.V] in a endless dark vide all I could see is my father raping me over and over angina and I keep saying daddy please stop I don't want to play this game anymore, then it turns to my own mother beating me with a baseball bat well asking why her husband would have sex with her and not her over and over angina. then a pink pony with an insane smile on her face and then she starts to torture a light purple pony with one red eye and a pink eye, the pink was laughing like a madman and was saying that strange pony would make a yummy cupcake, then just when that was getting bad my dream sent my falling down a hole that landed me in a death trap of an underground with monsters that want to eat me and I killed them all them when I neared the end I get pushed into a world of death and decay wear I had to fight off mad science that went way to wrong with nothing but a .44 pistol. [end of nikko dream] [normally P.O.V] 'Nikko screams bloody murder' "what the motherfucking hell was that dream fucking about?" asked Nikko as she awoke from her sleep. "oh wheel back to sleep I go" 'and with that Nikko wants back to sleep.' [start of gekko dream] [gekko P.O.V] in a endless dark vide all I could see is my father raping me over and over angina and I keep saying daddy please stop I don't want to play this game anymore, then it turns to my own mother beating me with a baseball bat well asking why her husband would have sex with her and not her over and over angina. then a pink pony with an insane smile on her face and then she starts to torture a light red pony with one light gray eye and a dark pink eye, the pink was laughing like a madman and was saying that strange pony would make a yummy cupcake, then just when that was getting bad my dream sent my falling down a hole that landed me in a death trap of an underground with monsters that want to eat me and I killed them all them when I neared the end I get pushed into a world of death and decay wear I had to fight off mad science that went way to wrong with nothing but a .44 pistol. "A long time ago monsters and humans had a war and the humans won and with the help of seven brave and kind souls to seal the monsters underground and create the bearer that keeps the monsters trap, one day a young kid felled down into the world of monsters after they run away from there fucked up lives and meet up with a friendly kid goat monster that takes them to his family and the monster family take the human kid in as their own and the human kid and the goat was left at home one day and wanted to make their mom and dad a pie, they made it together but them only being kids they did not know all about cooking so they made a mistake with some of the steps and made the pie a little deadly and almost killed their father, but he lived and after that the human kid thought of a plan to get her and the monster goat kid out of the underground, the human kid and goat monster kid get to work on the plan which was that the human kid would kill themselves and have the goat monster kid to absorb their soul and pass the magical barer and the plan worked because when they died the goat kid monster absorb the human and get god like powers and when they pass the barer and the goat monster kid with the human kid absorb soul take the human kids body to a field of yellow flowers but a hunting group find the and the hunting group thought that the goat monster steeled the kid soul and attacked the goat monster who want back to the underground and take the human kid body with them and before his soul left the body they lied the human kid body on a field of yellow flowers that their dad put there but the goat monster don't die but get turn into an emotionless killing yellow flower and then years later neither kid fallen down and bright peace to all the underground with the help of the spirit of the first fallen and bright both the goat monster and first fallen kid and come one with the family." The story was told by a strange voice that I did not know of. [end of gekko dream] [normally P.O.V] 'Gekko screams bloody murder' "what the motherfucking hell was that dream fucking about?" asked Gekko as she awoke from her sleep. "oh wheel back to sleep I go" [time skip one week, normally P.O.V, in the house basement] Garth Hattie had his two daughters tied down to the ground, he was raping Nikko in front of Gekko well having her kiss her sister and playing with herself. "Are you enjoying this you fucking counts?" asked garth his to daughters will he still ride Nikko "no you fucker and make my words one day we will kill you," said Nikko as Gekko put ways after the kiss "no you fucking count you are to say yes father I love being a fucking count for you," said garth as he wipes the back of Nikko with a knife wipe [20 minutes later Nikko with Gekko are by their slaves] "Gekko doing this week Gekko we should start to set stuff up to kill are parents and then go to that world that discord was talking about because I am sick of being raped by our own dad what do you say sister?" said then asked Nikko "I said to the fucking death with them and that is a good idea and in that new world we can have a fresh start and not have to worry about this life anymore, but we should keep this low key and use the money we get and staled from them," said Gekko "yeah that would do nicely and we will do this in one week ok," said Nikko "yes that will do," said Gekko as she and Nikko laugh like the insane kids there are. [time skip two weeks, normally P.O.V, in the living room with their mother and father] "Can I go get something for me and my sister really fast?" asked Nikko "Yes but make it quick," said Elie "ok dad" 'Nikko want and get two knives for her and Gekko to use to kill their parents with' 'Nikko get back with the knives and hand one to Gekko' "whelp it is time for our plan to go don't you say Nikko," said Gekko with an insane smile that said that she lost it. "Yup time to make are evil parents feel pain like no other," said Nikko with the same smile of her bigger sister "Umm maybe we can talk this out without anyone getting killed?" asked garth "Nope no talking and besides whatever you say will not get us to noT KILL YOU NOT AFTER WHAT YOU DID TO US FOR ALL THESE YEARS!" said Nikko with an insane laugh that Gekko join in. "umm if you are trying to frack us out you two are doing a good job at it," said jenny "Hey, Nikko I think talking time is over why not start with dad and make mom watch then food her some of dad's flash and cut holes and put sager cubes into them and then "play" with her will the sager cubes are being absorbed by her skin." Said Gekko with an insane and crazy with a mixer of evil look on her face. "Sounds good to me and a nice smile." Said Nikko with the same smile 'with that said the two insane sisters stub their father in his dick and cut it off and feed the chapped up bits to their mother and then torture them into they died of bloodless then they skin them and get all the meat they could from the bodies and made cupcakes out of the meat from their now died parents, then they went and take a shower and get clean clothes on' "hay want to call discord and the get the fuck out of here before someone comes and starts to ask what happen here?" Said then asked Nikko "Good idea Nikko" side Gekko "DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE ALICE" side both Nikko and Gekko at the same time Just then a portal to naruto world mix with some of Equestria open just in front of the two and discord came out of it. "so you two want to go to the world I told you about last time?" asked the discord "YUP!" both Nikko and Gekko said at the same time. "Ok then just walk through the portal" side discord. 'and with that, all three went through the portal'