Equestria AquaGirls

by AmethystMajesty25

First published

The Ninja Turtles and Rainbooms joins forces with Aquaman to search the lost trident of Atlan and dethrone King Orm.

This story is a sequel to Equestria Ninja Girls: Shell Shock

The Ninja Turtles and Rainbooms help the half-Atlantean, Aquaman, to find the lost, ancient artifact of Atlantis that could help him dethrone his half-brother, King Orm, who leads the underwater kingdom of Atlantis and seeks to unite the seven underwater kingdoms against the surface world that will lead to war and bloodshed.

This story is edited, proofreaded, and approved by Wildcard25 and Red Tagg.

Disclaimer: Neither Darth Wrex, or I own Equestria Girls, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (2012) or Aquaman.

Attack on the Surface World

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On a beautiful evening at Amnesty Bay, a portal opened from the docks. The Rainbooms, Ninja Turtles, Casey, and April stepped out.

“Alright. We made it.” Leo informed.

“Well, that was quick.” Raph added.

Sunset and the girls looked around to find out where they are, but they are not familiar with the scene of the town.

“Wait a minute, this isn’t Gotham City. What kind of town is this?”

Donnie looked at the map from his phone, “According to my map, we are at Amnesty Bay.”

“Amnesty Bay?! Why are we here then?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Don’t know, but the battery of Donnie’s Portal Projector must’ve died out. So... we’re stuck in here.” Mikey answered.

Donnie looked at the battery and Mikey’s correct.

“How did I not see that. I should’ve charged it before we left.” He looked at his brother, “Mikey, how did you know that the battery died out?”


One week ago

Mikey has been playing around with the Portal Projector, doing some shenanigans, and took pictures from other dimensions wherever he goes.

“And that’s the end of my story.” Mikey explained.

“I told you this before. Do not to mess with my stuff and... “ Donnie looked back at Mikey, but he ran away.

Donnie chased him down, “Hey! Get back here! I ain’t done with you yet, Mikey!”

Meanwhile, Leo and Twilight was patrolling around the town from the rooftops.

“Any danger around here?” Leo asked.

“Nope, but I found something very interesting that you might want to see.”

Leo came by and they both saw a young woman with red hair and a green wetsuit emerging out of the water, approaching a bearded man with long blonde hair and a trench coat.

“Woah. Who’s that?” Leo whispered.

“No clue, but let’s listen to what they got to say first.” Twilight informed him.

They both spied on them and listened to their conversations without getting caught.

“I’ve been looking for you.” The woman informed him.

“Oh no, no, no...” the bearded man rejected.

The woman begged, “I need you to come with me to Atlantis.”

However, the bearded man responded, “Listen, I’m gonna tell you the same thing that I told that rusty starfish, Vulko. Except nicer, because you're my wife. No thank you.”

The woman reasoned, “You helped the Justice League before and saved Atlantis.”

“That had nothing to do with Atlantis.”

“Your half-brother, King Orm, is about to declare war upon the surface world. Billions will die. Your people and mine.” She said as the bearded man stopped and listened. “We need to stop him before our family is destroyed.”

He closed the door of his truck and asked, “And how do you propose we do that?”

“You are the firstborn son of Queen Atlanna. The throne is yours by birthright. The only way to stop this war and save both worlds, is for you to take your place as king again. I couldn't bear seeing you so depressed like this after your defeat against your brother for the crown. You even left your own son.”

The bearded man laughed as if this was some kind of joke until he got serious and confronted his wife. “You think if I just show up, Orm’s gonna give up the throne? I’m the hybrid son of the queen your people executed. Trust me. I am no king.”

“I agree,” She said.

“That’s awesome. Cool.”

Before he was ready to leave, the lady had something else to say first.

“But, Vulko seems to believe in you for some reason, and that’s why I’m here. Vulko has learned the location of the Lost Trident of Atlan.”

He bluffed, “Ooh, fairy tales. It’s a myth.”

“It’s not a myth. With the Sacred Trident, the people will listen to you. You can then claim your birthright and dethrone Orm.”

He approached her, “My birthright? It died with my mother along with my defeat. But I promise you this. If Orm attacks, I will treat him exactly the same way your people treated her... with no mercy.”

The half-breed walked away and drove his dad’s truck to go home. The woman was upset that he didn’t listen to her. So, she swam away to find another way to convince the half-breed to join her.

As the coast was clear, Leo and Twilight got up and felt surprised as ever.

“Atlantis is real?! I thought that city was just a myth.” Twilight informed Leo.

“I know. But if she’s right that this “Orm” is planning an attack on the surface, we gotta help this guy and stop his brother from destroying the world.”

“Agreed. Let’s go find our friends and follow the half-breed.”

“Right.” Leo answered.

Somewhere in the North Sea, a pirate was sitting on the surface of his submarine, feeling stranded and frustrated after losing his father. The commandos submerged from underwater and walked towards the pirate. One of the commandos projected a hologram of Orm Marius, Arthur’s brother and King of Atlantis, to speak with him.

“That submarine was barely operational, but it served its purpose, David Kane.” He said, meaning that he and the pirate orchestrated the attack on the Council of the Kings.

“One of your kind intervened.” David said, referring to his brother.

“He is not one of us.”

David angrily informed Orm, “He killed my father.”

“Our transaction has ended.”

The commando gave him a bag full of doubloons as his reward.

“Keep the money. I want Aquaman.”

The commandos left and so does the Atlantean warship. David Kane was now feeling more vengeful than ever, waiting to get his revenge on Aquaman.

As the clock struck midnight, The Ninja Turtles, Casey, April, Spike, and the Rainbooms were following the half-breed by using the Shell Raiser and the Party Wagon.

“Are you sure this guy you’re talking about is half-Atlantean?” Rainbow asked.

“I’m positively sure, Rainbow. We gotta help him.”

Suddenly, a huge flock of seagulls screeched around the skies. They were all flying away from something. Something ominous was coming in their way.

Fluttershy said, “Look at all of these seagulls. They’re scared.”

“What makes you say that, darling?” Rarity asked.

Pinkie answered, looking through the window, “I think the reason why it's happening is that a huge tidal wave is coming straight towards us.”

“Tidal wave?”

Everyone looked at their windows and saw a huge, ominous tidal wave that is heading straight towards them.

The Rainbooms, Ninja Turtles, and Allies gasped in fear as they saw it.

The half-breed stepped on it and drove the truck as fast as he can, leaving the other two vehicles behind him.

“Oh dear.” Fluttershy said, feeling scared already. Spike was even scared as well and Fluttershy held on to him.

“Step on it, AJ!” Rainbow yelled!

“Ah’m going as fast as I can, Dash. Quit complainin'!”

The Party Wagon drove as fast it can once she stepped on the gas pedal.

From the Shell Raiser, Donnie commented, “This looks very bad.”

“You think?! Floor it, Leo!” Raph ordered.

WIth no time to reply, Leo stepped on the gas pedal to catch up to them.

The huge wave got closer and closer until they all get swallowed up. Everyone was trying to do whatever they can to survive this outcome.

The half-breed got hit by a telephone line, separating him from his dad in the truck. He got off of it, but he was too far away to find his dad.

He called out to him, “Dad!”

He swam as fast as he can to find his father. It was too crowded and deep with the debris in his way.


Meanwhile, the Rainbooms got out of the waters and flew up in the air by using their magic powers. The Turtles did the same and used their magical powers from their medallions. Luckily, the girls managed to save Spike while the Turtles pulled April and Casey out of their vehicle.

As the half-breed was still in the water looking for his father, he saw something unusual and went to check it out. He jumped out of the water and looked around to see the waters being manipulated by someone. It turned out to be the same woman from before as she cleared up all the waters from the destruction that has caused to the surface. The half-breed was reluctant that he was saved by that woman, but she’s looking at the truck where his dad was held.

The half-breed turned around to see his dad, Thomas, still inside the truck. “Dad!”

He rushed towards it and pulled the door open with his super strength and dragged his body to the ground. “Pops!”

The woman deactivates her powers as she sees the half-breed trying to save his dad’s life.

“Come on, Pops. Come on! He’s not breathing.”

She rushed towards him and stepped him aside to help, “Move! Let me help.”

The Atlantean woman used her powers to suck up all the water that’s inside Thomas’s body.

The Rainbooms and Turtles landed on the ground safely and transformed back into their normal forms and saw the woman using her powers.

“Woah! Her power’s incredible. I’ve never seen anyone doing that before.” Twilight cheered, surveying the scene.

Once the woman sucked up all the water, Thomas woke up and coughed up some water. The half-breed helped him sit up. “Come on.”

Thomas took his time to breath as the half-breed sighs in relief and hugs him.

“I don’t even know your name.” He told her.

“It’s Princess Y’Mera Xebella Challa.” But then she shortened her name, “But you can call me Mera.”

“Thank you, Mera.”

The Rainbooms and Ninja Turtles approached them.

“Um, excuse me?” Twilight asked.

Mera and the half-breed looked at them. She stood up and stopped them, “Halt! Who are you, surface-dwellers?”

“My name’s Twilight Sparkle. And these are my friends. Sunset Shimmer, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, and Fluttershy. We’re the...”

The half-breed interrupted her, “Yeah, yeah. I know who you are. You girls are the Rainbooms and as for you turtles, you call yourselves the Ninja Turtles. Batman told me about you guys. What are you doing out here?”

“Well Mr. Half-breed, we want to say..”

The half-breed cut Leo off, “It’s Arthur. Arthur Curry.”

Leo said, “Well Arthur, my friends and I want to help you. I understand that you don’t trust us, but I assure you we are not a threat to your kind.”

Mera wasn’t convinced by the Leo’s words, but then everyone looked at the aftermath that’s way across from them. Arthur helped his father to stand up and looked at the destruction that was caused by his brother.

“Dear God.” Thomas said.

“Oh my.” Fluttershy added, covering her mouth.

“This was Orm’s doing. The worst is yet to come.” Mera informed them.

Everyone was already exhausted from what transpired earlier. Now, they’re ready to dive into Atlantis and fight back against Orm.

Welcome to Atlantis

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Every news channel from some parts of the world were talking about the attack on the surface. They said that it was a natural disaster, but a marine biologist named Dr. Stephen Shin believed that it was an attack from the people of Atlantis.

Stephen exclaimed, “No. This was no natural disaster. They threw out our garbage and our warships. This was our first contact with the people of Atlantis.”

No one believed in him.

“Open your eyes! We already have an Atlantean among us, and his name is Aquaman.”

Meanwhile, the Rainbooms, Ninja Turtles, and Allies were walking with Arthur and Mera through the forests.

“Pfft. Can you believe this guy? He thinks Atlantis is real.” Casey bluffed while watching the news on his phone.

“Meh. He’s just spittin’ out some nonsense while we go to Atlantis.” Applejack replied.

“So what do they call you these days, Arthur? Fishman? Ocean Dude? Aqualad?” Mikey asked.


Mikey surprising replied, “Really? That sounds... unusual for you, dude.”

“I don’t think that’s his name, Mikey. His codename is Aquaman. I’ve read his file and the rest of the members of the JL on the BatComputer months ago. He has his name on that list.”

“How did you know that? I bet Bruce told you that’s classified.”

Rainbow asked, “So where are we going Aquaman? How much longer do we have to walk?”

“We’ll get there, Skittles.”

After a long walk, they arrived on the cliffside. Arthur looked down, remembering something from his past.

Leo asked, “What is it?”

“This is the exact spot that Vulko gave me my first swimming lesson.”

Years ago, Vulko taught young Arthur how to swim.

“You have to forget all the teachings of the surface world. Go deeper to uncover your Atlantean instincts.”

“But I already know how to swim.” Young Arthur said.

“Not even close.” He grinned at him and looked back at the oceans.

“Just so we’re clear, I’ll help you stop this war. But then, I’m done.” Arthur informed Mera.

“Maybe that’s for the best.” Mera said.

“You guys go on ahead. We’ll catch up.” Donnie informed them.

Donnie used a growth ray to enlarged the Turtle Sub the same way he did it to the Shell Raiser and the Party Wagon earlier. As the ninjas were working to get the Turtle Sub ready, Arthur and Mera jumped off the big cliff and dived down into the ocean.

Back in the flashback, Vulko taught young Arthur how to swim under the ocean floor.

“The ocean is more than our life soul. It’s who we are.”

“Wait. You can talk underwater? Hey, I can talk underwater too! This is awesome!” Young Arthur said.

“No. We can do more than just talk.”

Vulko boosted his swimming speed to show him the ways of being an Atlantean. Young Arthur did the same to catch him up.

“Being an Atlantean means being more than just being able to breathe in water. Your body is equipped to survive the extreme cold, and pressure, and your eyes adjust to see in the dark.”

Arthur used his eyes to see in the dark and the landscape of the underwater was changed into something beautiful. Everything was glowing around them. Then, he launched up high in the air from the water and began to swim with the dolphins at an incredible speed.

“This is awesome! Wooooo!” He cheered as he continued to swim.

As for Vulko, he watched a school of manta rays swimming in the ocean floor. After a young Arthur took a ride on the dolphin, he sat right next to Vulko.

“So, Vulko, when can I meet my mother?”

“Soon, my young prince. When you’re ready, I’ll take you to Atlantis to meet the queen.” He answered to him, without letting him know what happened to his mother, Queen Atlanna.

After that, they both relaxed and watched a school of manta rays swimming together.

Mera opened the doors of the cargo crate, showing Arthur her ship. The Turtle Sub also arrived, waiting for them to follow.

“I hid my ship in here.” She said as her ship glowed and its engines started running.

“Listen. I’m not getting in that thing.” Arthur refused.

“Well to get where we’re going, you’re gonna have to.”

“Your ship has been marinating with chum butter. I’m gonna come out smelling like swamp butt.”

“That’d be an improvement.” She swam towards her ship to go inside.

Without her noticing, Arthur looked over his armpits and sniffed it. He coughed after taking the smell of his drenched armpits.

“Yup. Okay.”

He went inside and Mera drove her ship to get to their destination and the Turtle Sub followed them.

“Why is there a storm in underwater?” Sunset asked as she looked at the lightning in the clouds.

“Don’t know.” Leo said.

And so, they all journeyed deep into the ocean to find Atlantis. They went through the caverns and glowing reef fields.

“So pretty.” Fluttershy said, feeling amazed by its environment.

After they passed through the fields, they all arrived at the bridge to Atlantis. There were so many ships around them.

“What’s the point of having a bridge underwater?” Arthur asked.

“The Gateway Bridge is a remnant of the Old World. It’s also the only way in or out of the capital.”

“Why can’t they just go over the walls?”

“Security is impenetrable. Even if they did manage to evade the guards, they’d never get past the hydro-cannons.”

“People try to sneak in all the time.”

“Yeah, right.”

“Whoa. Check it out! People riding on sharks!” Mikey cheered.

“I know, right?” Casey told Mikey.

“I know! That is so awesome!” Rainbow added and they both gave each other a high five.

“I’m guessing that’s border control.” Raph predicted.

“Yep. Plus they got hydro-cannons on the walls. But don’t worry, we’ll sneak in by using a new cloaking device I installed.” Donnie informed.

Let’s hope this works, Donnie.” Leo said, hoping that it would work.

The Turtle Sub activated its cloaking device and became invisible.

Arthur looked at the station where the Atlantean guards are working, “What is this?”

“Customs and border control. Don’t worry. I have diplomatic clearance.”

Once they got passed through border control, they all entered the Kingdom of Atlantis.

“Welcome home.”

The scenery of the underwater utopia was magnificent unlike any other city. The sea creatures and its people lived together in harmony. It was like the surface world’s city, except it’s underwater, it has advanced technology, and so many sea creatures that are yet to be discovered.

“Whoa.” Everyone in the Turtle Sub reacted, already astonished by the beauty of its city.

“Wow. This is incredible.” Twilight said.

“It’s like where living in a whole new world down here.” Donnie added.

Back in Mera’s ship, Arthur was fascinated and shocked how the Kingdom of Atlantis turned out to be after he left. It felt like he had a second home calling to him.

“Wow. Time's changed since I left Atlantis,” Arthur said.

“There’s a safe house down in the Old City. The Highborns never venture to the sea floor.” Mera informed Arthur, “We’re here.”

They all arrived outside of the safe house where no one in the city is watching.

In the Turtle Sub, Leo asked Twilight, “Okay, Twi. You ready to go?”

Twilight replied, “I sure am.”

“Hold on darlings. Before you go, you gotta wear these suits that Donnie and I made.”

Donnie opens a closet full of swimming/diving gear and suit. Each one represents their color. Leo picked out the blue diving swimsuit while Twilight picked out the violet one.

“Now these suits are very flexible and suitable for combat. Completely advanced with some hi-tech gear that I made. So be careful out there.” Donnie warned them.

“Thank you Rarity and Donnie.” Leo thanked them.

“You’re the best.” Twilight added.

“Aww, you’re welcome darlings.”

“No problem guys. It’s what I do for a living.”

Mera, Leo, Twilight, and Arthur dived down and entered the safe house. Leo and Twilight took off their helmets from their diving gear. Also, Donnie was operating a drone he created and followed them to hide and listen to their conversations.

“Wow. This is my first time swimming underwater.” Twilight cheered.

“What is this?” Leo asked.

Meta explained, “We use this air pocket as an extra layer of precaution. Only the Highborns can breathe water as well as air.”

“Plus, it keeps the animals out.” Vulko picks up the fish that keeps gasping for air. “They get kind of messy.” He threw the fish back into the ocean.

Arthur put down his mother’s trident and confronted his mentor, “Vulko. Here I am, old man. After all these years, you finally get what you wanted.”

He smiled at him and puts his hand on Vulko’s shoulder, “Arthur, I wish it was under better circumstances.”

Vulko looked at Twilight and Leo, “And who or what are you suppose to be? You’re not supposed to be here.”

Leo and Twilight introduced themselves, “My name’s Leo. Leader of the Ninja Turtles.”

“And I’m Twilight Sparkle. Co-leader of the Rainbooms. We’re from the surface and we want to help our friend, Arthur.”

“I’m not so sure if I can trust you surface-dwellers. But if you want to help, that’s fine.”

They both smiled.

“I can’t believe Orm attacked.” Mera informed Vulko, feeling frustrated.

They followed Vulko to his table, “It wasn’t an attack. Legally, he’s not allowed to yet. What he did to your warships was merely a warning.”

“What provoked it?” Mera asked.

“King Orm and your father were ambushed by the surface.” Vulko informed Mera.

“By the surface? I don’t think so. They still think Atlantis is a fairytale.” Arthur said.

“Why in the world would they do that? This isn't right at all.” Leo added.

“I was there. A surface warship fired at us. Now, Xebel sides with Atlantis, giving Orm a fleet big enough to force the other two kingdoms to join him. If we’re going to prevent this war, you must dethrone him now.”

“How many times do I have to tell you, I don’t want to be king.”

“You don’t understand, once he is named Ocean Master, it’ll be too late. The power at his disposal will be unlike anything you’ve ever seen.” Mera told him.

“I’m from the surface. No one’s going to take me seriously. Heck, I’d don’t even know where to begin.” Arthur said.

“By winning the hearts and minds of the people. By proving to them that you’re worthy, and retrieving this.” Vulko showed them a scroll that features a trident.

Arthur looked at it and said, “I already got one of those.” He was referring to his mother’s trident.

“Not like this one you don’t. This is the lost Trident of Atlantis.” Vulko said.

“Oh, I know the story.”

“It’s more than a story. It’s real.“

“If it’s real, can you tell us a story about it? My friends and I have never heard of the lost Trident of Atlantis before?”

Vulko narrated the story.

Many centuries ago...

“It was forged by the greatest weapon masters in history. Crafted from Poseidon’s steel for King Atlan, the first ruler of Atlantis. Legend says, the Trident was build with the power to command the sea. Legend says the trident was imbued with the power to command the sea.”

Back to the present...

“So what happened to it?” Arthur asked Vulko.

“To know that, is to go back to the time before the Great Fall.”

“When King Atlan ruled over all that was, the Kingdoms of Atlantis were one. It was a time of great prosperity and technological advancement. We had unlocked the secret to unlimited energy at a time when the rest of the world still thought the earth was flat. But we became too ambitious, too hungry for power.”

Everything in the city was in chaos and everyone ran for their lives before the ocean swallowed them.

“The ocean swallowed us and Atlantis sank. But the very power that collapsed our civilization also paved the way to our future. It gave us ability to breathe underwater. And so, we evolved. Others regressed, became savage.”

Back in the present...

Everyone pictured and visualized how the story went down.

The flashback showed that King Atlan remained in exile as time passes by.

“And the king lived out the remainder of his days in self-imposed exile. Neither he, nor the trident were ever seen again.”

He showed them a device, “One of our archeological teams uncovered this a few months ago. It's an ancient recording dating back to the first dynasty. I believe it contains Atlan's final message to his people and the whereabouts of the Sacred Trident.”

“So what does it say?”

“We don’t know. The technology’s too old.”

“The cylinder bears the marking of the Deserter Kingdom. You must take it there and retrieve the message. The clue to Atlan’s final resting place is inside this.”

Before Arthur can receive the cylinder, an explosion blasted right through the walls. Everyone groaned and fell down and the cylinder was dropped. The Atlantean soldiers infiltrated the safe house and surrounded Arthur, Leo, and Twilight. As for Mera and Vulko, they hid themselves from the soldiers.

“Border defense. You are under arrest for illegal entry.” They carried them.

Mera wanted to help them, but Vulko restrained her from being seen, “No! You mustn’t be seen here!”

“That’s it! Let’s take them down!” Leo ordered.

They all stood up and fought back against the soldiers. While they do that, Mera grabbed the cylinder without getting caught and Vulko pulled her back to safety.

Then, a small group of Atlantean commandos entered the fray. They wore a strong and crimson armor, different from the other soldiers. So, the heroes fought them off, but they were tough.

“Wow, they’re tough.” Twilight said. She then sees Leo, feeling tired and bruised. “Are you alright?”

“I’m good, but they’re strong.” Leo replied to her.

Then, another one showed up targeting Arthur.

“You guys ago, I’ll handle this guy.”

“Okay. Let’s go Twilight.”

Twilight and Leo put their helmets back on and followed with Vulko and Mera as Arthur went toe-to-toe with the commando.

“I don’t suppose you want to talk about this, do you?”

The commando never answered to him.

“Neither do I.”

They both battled it out, the commando got the upper hand because of his strong armor, So, he punched him abd sent him crashing down to the floor.

Vulko, Leo, Twilight, and the drone retreated. Mera looked back at Arthur, wanting to helping him, but she cannot do that because of the commando So, she swam away and followed Vulko. As for Leo and Twilight, they swam back to the Turtle Sub. Back at the shipwreck, the commando jumped down and confronted Arthur.

“In the name of His Highness, King Orm, I place you under arrest.” And so, the commando knocked him out and arrested him.

The Ring of Fire

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Twilight and Leo returned to the Turtle Sub and their friends went to check on them.

“Are you alright, darlings? That was scary and intense out there.” Rarity asked, feeling worried already.

“Yeah. They were nothing like I’ve ever fought for.” Twilight said, feeling tired.

Leo added, “They were like stronger than regular Foot Ninjas.”

“And on top of that, our weapons won’t cut through their armor.” Twilight said.

“Well that’s new.” Rainbow replied.

“Any idea on how to defeat those underwater scumbugs? I want a piece of them!” Raph said.

“Hold on guys. These foot soldiers are trained to combat in underwater. Since we know how to fight on land, we need to beat them at their element.” Donnie explained.

“What does that even mean?” Mikey asked.

“It means that we need to fight them in underwater.” Donnie answered to Mikey.

“Okay. We already know how to fight with our sick ninja moves, but how do we transfer that when we're under the sea?” Rainbow asked.

“With these...” Donnie showed them the rest of their diving gear.

“Nice work, Donnie. Now, how are we going to find Arthur?” Sunset asked.

“We can still use the drone, but I need to repair it because of what transpired earlier. I’ll let you and the others know when it’s fixed.” Donnie said.

“Okay. Thank you.” Sunset thanked him.

“But what about our weapons, Donnie?” Applejack asked.

Donnie explained to them, “Like Twilight said, their armor is highly invincible against regular weapons. So, the only way to fight them is to fight fire with fire, or in this case, water with water. You get the idea.”

Everyone nodded. “Oh, that makes sense,” Applejack said, “Thanks for the advice, Donnie.”

“No problem.” Donnie piloted the Turtle Sub to find Arthur in Atlantis without getting caught.

Meanwhile, Arthur suddenly woke up as he screamed and grunted heavily from the shock treatment that the royal guards were giving him as he breathed heavily after that.

“Welcome back to Atlantis... brother.”

Arthur looked up and he finally saw his half-brother, King Orm Marius. Sitting right next to him was Mera and on the left seat was Vulko.

“I can't believe you're finally back. I've heard so many stories about you.”

Then, Leo, Fluttershy, Twilight, Donnie, and Pinkie Pie snuck inside the throne room without the guards noticing and observed the interaction between the two brothers.

Orm rosed up from his throne, “After all these years, I've been ashamed of my mother for defiling herself with a surface-dweller. And now that you're finally here again. I must admit.”

Arthur growled, ready to charge towards him with a single strike. However, the royal guards controlled the situation and pulled as hard as they can. From then on, Arthur went face-to-face with is brother.

“I'm conflicted.”

“You want conflict, why don’t you take these chains of little brother. And we'll see who gets run through.” Arthur insisted him to try, but his brother did not.

Mera and Vulko looked at each other, feeling worried already while Arthur Jr. looked on.

“Yes, I see you've brought our mother's weapon. Is that why you've come here after all this time? To kill me?”

Arthur answered, “I came here to stop a maniac from destroying the world.”

“I see. And how do you plan to stop the atrocities that the surface continues to commit?” Orm’s guards then pulled up holograms of horrible deeds committed by surface-dwellers. The holograms showed garbage on the ocean, and marine wildlife being captured or killed. From then on, the two brothers argued each other. “Because for a century, they have polluted our waters and poisoned our children. And now, their skies burn and our oceans boil. And you've come all this way to take sides against your own people? Even so far as to bring surface-dwellers here?”

Leo and his friends were stunned at the revelation until they were captured by the Atlantean royal guards.

“I don't know what you're...”

Orm interrupted Arthur and a holographic imagine of the Turtle sub appeared.

“They're not with me,” Arthur answered. “But there are no sides in a war like this.” Arthur said.

Orm assumed, “You have clearly chosen a side and come here to challenge the throne.”

Arthur replied, “If that's what it takes to stop your war.”

“Are you invoking the Combat of the Kings?” Orm questioned.

“Call it whatever you want. I call it a butt-whooping.”

“Well then perhaps that's how we'll proceed,” Orm answered as his guards brought Leo's group in shackles. “And for the sake of your companions?”

Arthur stared at them and knew he couldn't risk their lives. “Them, too.”

“Your Majesty!” Vulko called him.

“Orm, please.” Mera pleaded.

“Don't you see?” Orm stated, “If I defeat the firstborn son of Atlanna in a formal challenge in front of everyone, then all Seven Kingdoms will have to concede that I am the one true king.”

Mera informed Orm, “Your Majesty, there is no victory in defeating the ignorant. Your brother is clearly an imbecile.”

Arthur reacted like he was insulted.

“And to show you that I'm serious...” Orm then swam over to his prisoners and smashed their oxygen helmets open.

Arthur yelled, “NO!”

As Twilight and the others struggled to survive, their geodes reacted and started glowing.

Meanwhile in Seaquestria, something was happening to the pearl in Queen Novo’s throne room.

One of the royal guards informed Queen Novo, “Queen Novo, something is happening to the pearl.”

“What?!” Queen Novo questioned.

Queen Novo and her guards saw the pearl and closed their eyes before it gleamed enough to blind them.

Back in Atlantis, Orm watched as his prisoners drowned, but the geodes saved them by giving them a protective field that filtered out the hydrogen in the water they breathed, but left the oxygen untouched.

Leo wondered, “Huh?”

The Ninjas removed their helmets and they were breathing perfectly in underwater.

Orm gasped, “WHAT?!”

Arthur laughed at his Half-brother's misfortune, but was just as confused as everyone else.

Vulko added, “Your Highness, the new visitors doesn't know our ways.”

“Then they're about to get an education,” Orm approached his brother, “Are you officially challenging me?”

“Heck yeah, I'm challenging you. And when I win...”

Orm challenged him, “If you win, I will cease all immediate action. The war is over. But if I win... you're over.”

Arthur accepted his brother’s offer. “Let's do it.”

“So be it. The challenge has been made and I accept. Prepare him for the Ring of Fire.”

“Wait. The ring of what?” Arthur asked before he got pulled by the Atlantean Royal Guards and groaned.

Leo requested, “King Orm, allow me and my associates to return to our ship.”

Orm asked, “Are there any more of you?”

Twilight and the others shook their heads.

“No, your highness.” Leo answered.

Orm sighed, “Fine. But your lives are in my Half-brother's hands.” He then ordered his guards, “Release them.” The guards released Leo along with his team and they left the throne room safely.

Back in the Turtle Sub, the rest of the Ninjas were waiting for Leo and his team to return.

Mikey groaned, “I'm so bored. When did Leo said they'd be back?”

Applejack answered, “They didn't say. But I don't like the looks of this.”

“Everyone relax. As long as we remain calm, we won't draw attention to ourselves.” April said until Donnie knocked on the window, causing everyone to freak when they saw him without a oxygen mask.

Spike asked, “Leo? Girls? How are you breathing underwater?”

Leo and his team got inside and explained what happened in the throne room.

Sunset continued, “Since our geodes are connected to Equestria, they must be tapping into some other magic there to protect us.”

Raph questioned her, “You mean you have no idea what they're tapping into?”

Sunset answered, “No. I don't know any spells or artifacts that allow us the capability to survive underwater. Nothing in Celestia's collection instructed even a temporary solution.”

Leo informed everyone, “Then, we'll have to be careful. My group will head back to Arthur. Raph, you're in charge of a quick escape.”

“You got it, Leo.” Raph answered, giving Leo a thumbs-up.

Meanwhile, Vulko and Arthur were having a discussion in the training room.

“How could you be so foolish as to let Orm bait you into a fight?” Orm questioned Arthur’s motives.

Arthur replied, “It seems to me that'll solve all our problems. I beat him in battle, the war's over. I'll come back home in no time.”

Orm told him, “You're a formidable fighter on land, but here you're out of your element literally. Orm has spent his entire life underwater, training to be a warrior, training to be the best.”

“You taught me how to fight Cobra Kai. Let’s see if you remember anything.” Arthur said as he started training.

Years ago, a teenage Arthur was with Vulko at the beach alone.

“So what's with the big fork?” Teenage Arthur asked.

Vulko answered, “It's called a trident. Now defend yourself.”

The two began sparring against each other with their tridents until they were tired.

“Why did she never come to see me, huh?” He asked.

Vulko answered, “I told you, when you're ready.”

“Stop lying to me! I've done everything you've asked, and every time I pass a test, you make up another one! When am I going to be good enough? Did she not love me?”

Vulko sighed, knowing that he cannot hold on to the truth about Atlanna. So Vulko explained to his student, “Your mother loved you more than anything in the world, but she had to return to Atlantis to keep you safe. Her marriage to King Orvax was arranged a long time ago so she had to marry him and bear him a son, Prince Orm. But Orvax eventually found out about you, he became overwhelmed with jealousy and sacrificed her to the creatures of the Trench.”

“Are you saying they executed her because she had me?”

Vulko never answered, but it was the truth. Arthur was so furious about hearing the supposed death of his mother and he decided to threw his trident at his mentor.

Back to the present, Vulko dodged Arthur’s trident.

Arthur told his mentor, “Yeah. I remember... everything.”

Leo called, “Arthur.”

Arthur and Vulko saw Leo's small party swimming towards them.

“Leo, you and your friends scared me. You guys okay?” Arthur asked.

Leo answered, “Yeah. We're fine.”

“I was under the impression humans breath air, not water. And last time I checked, you two aren't sea turtles.” Vulko said.

Pinkie explained, “Well, we have these special geodes that get their powers from a distance pony world called Equestria that allows us to do all sorts of stuff that to the untrained eye make us seem like what you call metahuman.”

Arthur was rubbing his head in annoyance while Vulko caught something familiar.

Vulko replied, “Equestria... That's impossible.”

Leo surprisingly asked, “You know Equestria, Vulko?

“Only what I know from the archives. It's a realm of magic and friendship ruled solely by the alicorn, Princess Celestia.”

Donnie noted, “Sounds like an update is necessary.”

Before anyone could say anything else, it was showtime.

Meanwhile, in the underground of the arena, Mera wore a beautiful dress as Orm in his armor gave something to her. “I have something for you,” Orm placed his gift to Mera on her wrist. It was an Atlantean bracelet that was once belonged to his mother, Atlanna. “It belonged to my mother.”

Mera put it on and asked, “Tell me... Do you think she enjoyed watching her sons murder each other?”

Orm answered, “I understand your fear and your reluctance, Mera. I truly do. I don't want war...”

Mera rebuffed, “Don’t patronize me! I know you. What you’re doing flies in the face of everything that your mother taught us when we were children. If she were here...”

Orm interrupted Mera, “But she’s not here, is she? What my mother taught us was treason. Don’t follow in her wake.”

Arthur, Vulko, and their companions swam up to the duo, entering the underground of the arena.

“All right! So, this is the big, old ring of fire, huh? How's it work? I just kick your butt right here?” Arthur said.

Orm asked, “Vulko. Will you escort my betrothed to the royal box?”

Vulko handed Arthur his trident, “What of Arthur's companions?”

Orm sneered at Leo’s party, “Give them a front row seat to my victory.”

Vulko called Mera and the Ninjas, “Let's go everyone.”

Mera and the others left the underground to find the royal box, leaving the two brothers behind for battle.

Orm explained, “Down here we have a legend called the Karathen. An ancient sea monster so powerful that even King Atlan himself feared it. So he imprisoned it, in the depths of the ocean. And in that abyss, the creature bides its time, waiting to rise again. Atlantis has been lying in wait… And now the beast has awakened.”

Arthur told him, “You know, there was a time when I wanted to see you again someday, get to know my little brother a little better, let him know that he wasn't alone. If only I'd known what a jerk you would turn out to be.”

“You were the reason our mother was executed, and I've hated you for it ever since. But I do not want to kill you, Arthur. I'm going to give you one chance. Take your companions. Go home. Do not ever come back to Atlantis. You are not going to win this. A war is coming to the surface, whether you like or not. And I am bringing the wrath of the Seven Seas with me.” Orm vowed.

Arthur replied, “You know I can't let that happen.”

“I know.”

As Orm put on his helmet, his brother asked, “What in the world is that?”

“The Ring of Fire.” Orm said and he swam up to the surface of the arena. The Atlantean crowd cheered for him while Mera, Arthur Jr. and Vulko along with the Ninjas watched and never said a word. As for the rest of the Ninjas in the Turtle Sub, they watched the action on TV from Donnie’s sub-drone as it swam to the Ring of Fire to get a better view.

“Great!” Arthur said as he put on his helmet.

Orm called to his people, “People of Atlantis, hear me! My brother has come back from the surface to challenge me for the throne.” The crowd booed at the announcement as Orm continued, “Let us settle his claim in the ancient way. By bloodshed do the gods make known their will!”

By the time Arthur entered, everyone in the arena except his companions booed at him and berated him. Arthur looked and observed the arena filled with a heated crowd and a holographic stat sheet between him and his brother.

Leo sarcastically said, “They're clearly not picking favorites right here.”

“Just be grateful that insults are the only thing they can throw at him right now.” Vulko said.

Twilight commented, “Check out the stat sheet of Orm and Arthur.”

Fluttershy gasped, “Those aren't nice things to say about Arthur.”

Vulko understood her, “I know, child. But you have to understand that our views of how we treat those who are different are much similar to humanity.”

Back at the Turtle Sub, Rainbow called, “Hey guys, take a look at the drummer.”

The group noticed the octopus playing the bongo drums for the battle. They said, “Cool.”

Then, Mera swam up to her father, King Nereus. “Never thought I'd see the day when my own father would bow before the king of Atlantis.”

“The surface-dwellers drew first blood. What would you have us do? Beg them for mercy?” King Nereus questioned.

Mera detested, “I detest the surface as much as you do. But don't you find of all of this, a bit convenient? But you wouldn't be that gullible, would you?” As King Nereus knew what his daughter was talking about, it was too late for Mera to change her father’s mind. “You want this war too, don't you?”

“It is past time the surface-dwellers learned their place in the world. If this is how it must be done, then so be it.” King Nereus insisted.

Leo begged Mera’s father, “Sir, please listen to your daughter.”

Nereus glared at the five surface-dwellers before him. “You five would be wise to stay out of this discussion.”

The two combatants stood face-to-face against one another. Orm stated, “You have my mother's Trident. Powerful, but flawed like her. I wield my father's,” They pause for a moment until Orm said, “And it has never known defeat!”

The brothers engaged in their fight, but it soon grew intense that they slammed into the nearby rocks.

“I don't like this at all. What do you think?” Donnie asked his comrades.

Leo alerted Vulko, “Vulko, you have to stop this. Someone in the audience will get hurt.”

“Rest assured, we have precautions for this.” Vulko answered.

Orm and Arthur collided with the rocks again until Orm drove his brother straight down to the lava pit with his trident.

“I promise Atlanna I'd protect him.” Vulko promised as Orm continued to send Arthur straight down. “This isn't a competition. It's an execution.”

Orm and Arthur rushed at each at incredible speed, sending a shockwave through the stands upon collision and the crowd cheered and loved the battle.

Leo said, “Mera, this has to stop.”

Mera looked at Leo and his friends, knowing that they were right. She whispered to Vulko, “Vulko, protect my son for me.”

Vulko nodded to her as the battle continued on top of the statue as Arthur defended himself against Orm until he broke Arthur’s trident that once belonged to their mother with Orm’s trident which belonged to their father.

Orm screamed with pride as the Atlantean crowd cheered for him. “I am the one true king!”

Just before Orm could kill Arthur, Mera used her powers to create an area of air around Orm as Mera's vehicle and the Turtle sub arrived while the Atlanteans looked on.

Mera opened the entrance of her sub. “Waiting for an invitation? Get in!”

As Arthur went inside Mera’s getaway vehicle, the Turtle Sub and Mera’s vehicle drove away from the Ring of Fire. As for Orm, he echoed in anger for his friend’s betrayal, “Mera!”

“Oh, yeah. So what's the plan?” Arthur asked while putting on his seatbelt.

Mera replied, “The plan was to recover Atlan's trident, then challenge Orm.”

“Okay, so we're doing things a little out of order. Stuff happens.” Arthur shrugged.

Mikey added via radio, “Nothing new with us.”

As if things had gotten smoother, Orm’s Atlantean forces arrived and chased after them.

Arthur alerted Mera, “Heads up! We got a bogey on our six!”

Mera asked, “What does that even mean?”

Donnie answered via radio, “He said bad guys behind us.”

“Then just say that!”

“Bad guys behind us.” Arthur said.

“Oh now they're in deep trouble,” Raph stated as he was about to man the turret, but Leo stopped him.

Leo informed his brother, “We can't risk shooting civilians in Atlantis.”

Raph didn't like it, but he knew Leo was right.

“Donnie, full speed. Twilight, keep your eyes on the monitor.” Leo ordered.

Twilight and Donnie answered, “Right!”

While both ships were doing their best not to get hit or slam into something, the pursuers kept firing at them and destroying structures.

Mikey commented, “Man, these guys are going to be scolded for the property damage.”

Arthur agreed via radio, “No doubt about it, Mikey.”

As Orm’s ship got close to the Turtle Sub, he spotted the rest of Leo's group.

Orm yelled, “DECEIVERS!”

The heroes were heading towards a tall, glowing ferris wheel of some sort. Both ships accelerated upwards from their pursers.

As Orm’s men closed in, they broke off pursuit as they closed in on the wall.

“Mera, we can't risk the Turtle Sub. We'll take the main road and pick you guys up when it's safe.” Leo informed her as the Turtle Sub turned invisible and swam away.

Mera answered via radio, “Understood.”

Then all of a sudden, Orm’s sub rammed right at Mera’s sub until he and his men continued chasing after the duo.

As Mera sped towards the wall, the turrets armed themselves.

“Whoa, whoa, wait, you said we couldn't go over these walls.” Arthur remembered.

Mera shouted, “I did!”

Arthur reminded her, “You said there were hydro-cannons.”

“I did, now shut up!” Mera yelled again at the annoying half-breed.

As Mera continued dodging the cannon blasts, Arthur yelped, “Oh, snap!”

While Orm’s ships were down from the cannon blasts, Orm locked in on Mera’s sub vehicle and he nailed her craft with one blast. The duo fell straight towards the underwater magma, bracing for impact.

Mera shouted, “We're not dead yet! But I'm hoping he'll think we are.”

The vehicle kept spinning until the two exited the craft and swam towards a pod of humpback whales before it splashed down into the lava pit.

“Here, hold this.” Arthur said as he gave the artifact to Mera and used his powers to communicate with one of the whales.

Mera asked, “What are you doing?”

“Listen, it worked for Pinnochio.”

Mera had no clue what Arthur was talking about. “Who?”

“Never mind. Come here, get in. Come on.” Arthur insisted as the whale slowly opened its mouth.

Mera sarcastically said, “Great. So we’re getting eaten.”

As the pair sat in the whale's mouth, Orm and his men found the wreckage of Mera’s ship.

“Sir, we lost sight of the Turtle vehicle after it left the city limits.”

Orm didn’t reply as he looked on to the wreckage of Mera’s ship and felt gloomy, assuming that Mera along with his brother were dead by the smoldering lava.

Back in the whale’s mouth, Mera asked Arthur, “How are you even doing this, anyway?”

“I don’t know. I can hear them sometimes, and they can hear me.” Arthur explained.

“Right. Because you’re both big, dumb animals.” Mera said.

Arthur exclaimed, “Hey, I just saved your life.”

Mera fired back, “I saved yours first!”

The whale communicated with Arthur. “She said, "Coast is clear!"” Arthur laid down on his back with hands behind his head and asked, “So, where to now?”

“To the ocean of sand your people call the Sahara.”

Arthur smiled, “Alright.”

The Kingdom of the Deserters

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After evading Orm’s forces, the Turtle Sub swam safely from the border and hid somewhere safe until the Ninjas deactivated the Turtle Sub’s invisibility cloak.

“Well that was close,” Raph quipped.

“Tell me about it,” Rainbow replied.

“Is everyone alright?” Leo asked.

Everyone gave a confirmed look to Leo and they were all in one piece.

“So, what do we do now?” Sunset questioned Leo and Twilight.

Twilight explained, “For starters, Aquaman and Mera are going back to the surface world to find a trident. However, Orm is still at large and we have to stop him before he gains a powerful army to destroy us all.”

“In order to prevent that, we have to split up. One team should go up to the surface and help our Atlantean friends while the rest stays here in the Turtle Sub and find help to defeat Orm's army,” Leo continued. “Donnie, Raph, April, Sunset, Rainbow, Applejack, and Fluttershy will remain here while me, Mikey, Casey, Twilight, Spike, Rarity, and Pinkie will go up to the surface. Any more questions?”

Everyone stood quiet and shook their heads.

Leo nodded, “Alright then. We're good to go.”

“Then what are we all waiting for? Let's do this!” Rainbow exclaimed, feeling motivated.


Minutes later, the Ninjas caught up with Arthur and Mera, heading towards the hangar. After that, they all flew on a plane filled with farm animals over the Western Sahara.

Arthur paid the pilot some pirate coins and told him, “Thanks for the ride.” He then noticed his wife feeling nervous, “Are you okay?”

Mera answered, “I've never been so high up before. Or so far from home from our son.”

Rarity assured her, “Just try to relax until we arrive, dear.”

“At least you have a home,” Arthur said.

Mera replied, “Not anymore. I can never go back. We can never go back. I betrayed everything when I saved you from the coliseum.”

“Don't you think your dad would forgive you? You're family, after all.” Spike wondered.

“Atlanis is many wonderful things.” Mera continued, “But forgiving, it is not.”

Arthur stated, “But you're royalty.”

“So was your mother,” Mera fired back.

Mikey added, “Oooh, shouldn't have gone there.”

Mera continued, “If I went back now, I'd be sacrificed to the Trench. Even my own father wouldn't take me back.”

Arthur assured her, “Well, look on the bright side, you don't have to be around with that tool bag of a brother of mine.”

Mera told him, “But what about Arthur Jr.? I'm definitely worried about what would happen if Orm lays his hands on our son.”

“He's tough as nails. He can handle himself for a while,” Arthur assured her.

Mera continued in a sad tone, “Sometimes, you have to do what's right, even if your heart aches against it.”

While the surface team continued traveling by plane, the scene zoomed out and transitioned into Atlantis as one of Orm’s men located Mera.

“Your Highness, the tracker places Princess Mera here, in the Deserter Kingdom.”

Orm and Nereus looked at the map to see the location of Mera.

King Nereus told Orm in anger, “You said that she was dead.”

“Apparently not,” Orm replied.

“Then your brother still lives as well?” Nereus added.

“Not for long. Captain Murk, assemble a strike force immediately.”

Captain Murk nodded as King Nereus shouted, “No! Mera is to be arrested and safely returned to me.”

“She betrayed the throne.”

“She is the daughter of Xebel,” Nereus stated. “If any harm befalls her, our coalition is over.”

Vulko then entered the room and informed Orm, “Your Highness, we are entering the waters of the Fishermen Kingdom. Securing the alliance of the other two kingdoms should be our immediate concern.”

“My vizier is correct. As usual,” Orm replied before turning his attention to Nereus and Captain Murk. “Arrest them and bring back King Nereus' daughter unharmed.”

Orm looked through the window of his ship to see the fantastic view of the Fishermen Kingdom while theTurtle Sub followed it with its invisibility cloak. He then asked, “How's Arthur Jr. doing, Vulko?”

Vulko answered, “Good. I'm surprised you care about your half-nephew.”

“He's the only thing of my brother's that I care about,” Orm stated as he looked on.

Back in the plane, the heroes rested until Mera found a reading from her tracking device. She alerted everyone, “We're here.”

“Hey!” Arthur shouted in a tired state. “Is there anything nearby?”

“Nothing but desert for hundreds of K's, mate!” The pilot answered.

“Must be a malfunction. Let's wait until we arrive at a town to get information,” Twilight suggested.

“How about? No,” Mera told them while opening the door.

The pilot shouted, “Hey! What are you doing?”

“Wait! No! Oh…” Leo warned Mera, but she jumped out of the plane without a parachute anyway.

“She just jumped! She didn't have a parachute!” The pilot exclaimed.

“Redheads! Gotta love 'em.” Arthur said until he jumped out of the plane without a parachute. “WOOOOOOOOO!”

The teens looked on as the lamb baaed in curiosity.

Leo and his team jumped right after grabbing enough parachutes, following Arthur and Mera.

Seconds later, they all landed on the middle of the Sahara Desert.

“Wow. You're crazier than I thought,” Pinkie commented.

“A ha. This way,” Mera walked up north to follow the signal from her tracker.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the Indian Ocean, a squad of Atlantean guards were carrying a chest to meet up with David Kane on a remote island. Then the squad of Atlantean guards halted as Captain Murk activated a hologram sequence to project a hologram of Orm.

“You were defeated the last time because your surface weapons failed you. Ours will not,” Orm explained as the guards opened the chest filled with Atlantean gear.

David walked towards the chest, passing through the hologram to take a look at the gear.

“It's prototype armor for the next generation Atlantean soldier. Revenge is something we Atlanteans understand,” While David tested out its sword, Orm continued, “You will lead my finest commandos as your personal army to hunt down the half-breed abomination. I cannot touch them, but you can. He's fled to your world. Kill him and their friends he's with, and you will be rewarded.”

David answered, “Killing him is my reward.” He then picked up an Atlantean plasma rifle and took a look at it.

Orm explained, “The crown jewel. Still experimental. Converts water into beams of energized plasma.”

While Captain Murk poured some water into the plasma rifle, David tested it out and fired its laser at a big rock, making it explode into a million pieces.


David loved what Orm offered and decided to work on a suit of his own back in his ship to matchup against his archnemesis. After modifying his suit and testing its laser out for minutes, the helmet exploded due to its power of the laser.

“Hmm, I think I'm going to need a bigger helmet.”

Meanwhile, Arthur and their friends continued to follow Mera throughout the Sahara Desert.

“Everyone handling the heat?” Leo asked everyone.

“Yeah,” Spike answered.

“I should've brought clothing for this environment,” Rarity said with her hat and sunglasses on while fanning herself with a fan.

Mera explained, “One of the tribes of Atlantis broke off and settled here when this region was still an inland sea. When the water dried up, they perished along with it.”

“P-p-perished?!” Rarity stuttered in fear.

Arthur answered, “Yep.”

Mikey commented, “Uh, way to darken the moment, yo.”

Mera informed everyone, “We're getting close now.”

“Oh yeah? Close to what? Dying to thirst?” Casey joked.

“Close to getting punched in the face,” Mera stopped him.

Arthur told Casey, “Okay. Settle down, big boy. Let me handle this.” He turned his attention to his wife, “Look, Fight Club, I know you're new to how things work up here. Why don't you look around? We are lost. You see that over there? Hey, what is that? Nada. This place is a wasteland.”

“You're the one who calls this wasteland a home,” Mera answered back.

“Oooooooooh,” The Ninjas reacted in unison.

Arthur argued, “This isn't my home! It's not like the whole surface looks like this!”

Mera continued explaining, “Oh, no, of course not. You've also got disgusting cities whose sewers empty into our ocean and whole mountains made out of trash. And, oh, you guys got great factories that do nothing but belch out filth and melt ice caps.”

The Ninjas and Arthur stopped Mera for a second.

“Okay, okay, you made your point, Mera. Listen,” Pinkie told her. “Yeah, we got some idiots running the story, but we've got some good things too. So let's turn that frown upside down, all right?”

Rarity agreed, “Pinkie's right. We got green forests, big mountains, and beautiful lakes. You'd love 'em. They're like little baby oceans.”

Mera asked them, “Are you trying to provoke me?”

Arthur explained to her, “We're just saying that you cannot judge a place before you've seen it.”

Leo agreed, “He's right. And yes, we've done some damage to the environment. But the good we've done outweighs and outnumbers the bad.”

Mera ignored them and walked right passed them. Arthur growled and immediately stopped his wife again. “No. Would you just stop it with that? No.” He swatted her tracking device and continued, “Your stupid Atlantean GPS just told you to jump out of an airplane over the middle of the desert, and now we are stranded.”

Suddenly, Arthur fell into a hole and screamed. The ninjas widened their eyes and gasped.

“Did that just happen, yo?!” Casey questioned.

“Freaky-deaky!” Pinkie said, while she was also defying gravity.

“By Neptune, help me,” Mera commented and followed her husband by jumping down the hole as well.

One by one, everyone started to follow the two Atlanteans.

Deep down below the desert, there was an underground that looked like waterslides and a maze combined together, except there’s sand and no water.

Seconds later, Mera fell out of the slide until her husband grabbed her arm while hanging on to a cliff and he pulled her up to safety. While Arthur pulled himself up, Pinkie and Rarity fell through as well until Rarity summoned a diamond platform to land on safely.

Pinkie thanked her, “Thanks for the save, Rarity.”

Spike yelled, “Incoming!”

The rest of the Ninjas landed on the diamond platform safely moments later.

“That was awesome,” Arthur laughed. He then found the entrance to a room in the Deserter Kingdom. “Oh, look what I found.”

“What you found?” Mera angrily asked him.

Arthur answered, “Yeah.”

He then kicked the rock blocking the entrance to a secret room where the Kingdom of Deserters once roamed. The Ninjas and Atlanteans entered the room to look around and investigate.

Casey whistled, “Check this place out.”

“This is awesome!” Mikey cheered, echoing throughout the room.

Mera informed everyone, “This is the Hall of Armory. Where the legends say Atlan's trident was forged.”

“I don't think they're legends anymore,” Arthur replied, looking around the ruins of the area.

Casey said, “Aw, man. Would've been cool to see this place in action.”

Rarity replied, “I know what you mean. It feels just... Sad now.”

Arthur and Mera then looked at the carving of a broken table. The carving even looked like a trident as well.

Mera commented in amazement, “Vulko was right. It's real.”

“Twilight, is archaeology a form of science right?” Leo asked her.

“No. Archaeology is not natural science.”

Leo replied, “Pity. I was actually starting to like it here.”

They then found something else within the room and it was a hologram projector, covered in sand. Arthur and Mera dusted it off and found a keyhole that looked like a device can fit in there. Mera realized that the recording device that Vulko gave them can fit in the keyhole. She grabbed it from her bag and placed the recording device on the keyhole, but nothing happened.

Mera deadpanned, “Huh. Nothing.”

Arthur scoffed, “Of course it's not working. It's been sitting there collecting dust since before the Sahara was a desert.” He turned around and exhaled in disappointment.

Mera then repeated his words, “"Since before the Sahara was a desert."”

Arthur sarcastically said, “Thank you for repeating what I just said.”

“It's completely dried out,” Mera explained as Arthur shrugged.

Leo added, “Of course, that's the reason why it's not working. Luckily, we packed water bottles in our bags.”

The Ninjas searched for a water bottle in each of their bags, but they were gone except Leo’s.

“Mine's okay. What about you, guys?” Leo asked.

Mikey answered, “I finished mine.”

“Me too,” Casey raised his hand.

“Me three!” Pinkie cheered.

“Did anyone else finished their water bottles?” Leo asked everyone.

Rarity exclaimed in worry, “The heat breaks me out in hives. What was I supposed to do?!”

Leo sighed until he looked at the remains of the water from the bottle. He then realized something and it hit him. “On second thought, let me do this.” Leo managed to gather up the remaining water droplets from the water bottles and formed them into one single droplet.

“Would this be enough?” Leo asked Mera.

“Perfect,” Mera answered as she and Leo worked together to levitate the water droplet and dropped it on the device. From there, the device was activated and the gears started moving as well.

Everyone gathered around to witness the device at the center of the keyhole and Arthur chuckled, “Show off.”

“How in Neptune's beard did you do that, Leo? I have never seen any creature do that before.” Mera asked the ninja turtle.

Leo answered, “It's called the Magic of Friendship.”

“The what now?” Mera asked.

Arthur explained to his wife, “Batman told me it's a little magic thing where they're from. And it's something more valuable than gold.”

Then, a hologram of an Atlantean king appeared, projecting from the mechanism.

Mera commented, “King Atlan.”

“In this trident resides the power of Atlantis. In the wrong hands, it would bring destruction. But in the hands of a true heir, it would unite all our kingdoms above and below. If you seek my power, you must prove your worth. Journey beyond the edge of the world to the Hidden Sea. Look inside the bottle for the charted path. Only in the hands of the true king can he truly see.”

After King Atlan recorded his message, the device and the mechanism was turned off. Mera grabbed the recording device and told everyone, “We can't let Orm find this.”

Everyone nodded and Mera decided it was best to destroy the device. As Mera was about to throw it down, Mikey shouted, “Hey! Wait!” It was too late however and Mera destroyed the recording device.

Mikey groaned, “Aww man.”


“Shouldn't we written it down first?” Mikey suggested.

“I memorized it. Didn't you?” Mera questioned him.

Mikey thought about it. “Umm… Oh, yeah. Totally.”

“What'd he just say?”

“Something something trident,” Mikey guessed while Mera raised her eyebrow.

“Doesn't matter. We have the way to the Trident now.” Leo suggested until something opened from the ground where Mera was standing. Arthur took her hand and there was a bottle hidden underneath the ground.

“Look inside the bottle for the chartered path,” Arthur remembered as he grabbed the bottle and opened the cap to find what's inside. From there, he found a paper and unraveled it, revealing it to be a map.

“So, where to now?” Spike questioned.

“Our next stop,” Arthur pointed the map to their next destination, Sicily.

The Black Manta

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Arthur, Mera and the ninjas were walking through the town’s square of Sicily, with Leo and Mikey cloaked in their human holograms. Leo and Arthur were taking the lead while the others followed. Mera was fascinated how humans in the surface world lived their daily lives.

“You know Arthur, I've read about how you on the Batcomputer, you seem mighty different from what I read when you first met Batman and the League,” Leo told him.

“Well, back then I was, well, not very nice. A few years after finding out about my mother, I made my own way to Atlantis where I proved my birthright and they made me king after King Orvax, Orm's Father. I didn't want it at first but, I don't know it just seemed right. I guess it was the power of the throne, but I started to forget I was ever human and had a father, even calling myself Orin. Eventually, I fell in love with Mera and had our son, who I named him Arthur, even though I didn't know why at the time.”

Twilight asked, “So, you forgot you were part human?”

Arthur admitted, “Pretty much. But I still respected the surface world. But then, I became shocked when my brother survived and challenged me for the throne. As a result, I lost. I was exiled to the surface, leaving my wife and son with him. I went back to living with my dad and cut my hair short, but I never even told him about Mera and his grandson.”

“I'm very sorry to hear that,” Twilight put his hand on his shoulder.

“Let's not worry about it now. Let's just continue to find the Trident.”

They kept walking, but Leo asked another question. “Hey Arthur, I read a report that you lost your left hand the first time you fought Orm. Replaced it with a hook?”

Arthur explained, “After my exile, I was given a robotic hand from S.T.A.R Labs. But then a magical friend and Justice League member, Doctor Fate, used magic to make it more real. Not completely, but good enough.”

Leo said, “Gotta admit, it's hard to tell if it's a fake.”

Mikey exhaled, “Ahh, Italy. The birthplace of pizza.”

“Is that what you always think about, Mikey?” Casey asked.

“Of course. It's because we haven't eaten lunch yet.”

Everyone started hearing their stomach growling.

Arthur called, “Alright, first we eat then we get back to work.”

While the Ninjas were finding some place to eat, they observed Mera looking around until she ran into the flower shop to see some beautiful flowers. The owner gave her a bouquet of roses and Mera sniffed it. Arthur then paid the owner some money and Mera became fascinated with the smell.

Rarity walked up to her and asked, “So, what do you think?”

“Smells beautiful,” Mera answered as she observed how humans eat in the surface world. Seconds later, Mera started eating the roses. The Ninjas were surprised as Arthur came by until Mera offered him the roses. He took it and ate one of the roses, liking the taste as well while Leo and the others tried hard not to laugh.

After that, they walked near the fountain where the little girl is standing. Arthur offered Mera a coin, but she then decided to give it to the little girl. She received the coin from Mera and tossed it into the fountain to make a wish. Unbeknownst to the citizens of Sicily’s town square, Mera used her powers to make little water animals come to life and put on a little fountain show for the child.

After the little show Mera put on, Mikey asked, “Still think the surface world is bad, Mera?”

Mera replied, “Maybe there is some truth to what you said.”

“I'm starting to think you actually like these surface-dwellers,” Arthur smiled.

Mera stated, “It would be wrong to judge a place I've never seen before.”

“I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere,” Arthur informed his wife and walked off to ask some people around the area.

As for Mera, the little girl offered her a storybook as a gift. Mera was honored and received the book from her. “Thank you,” Mera said. She then started reading the pages of it.

Twilight came by and asked, “Ooh, what you got there, Mera?”

“It's a children's book,” Mera showed Twilight the book. As Mera read it, she discovered something very annoying.

Arthur came back and told Mera, “Well, apparently, it's just right up on the hill. A big old castle.”

“And I just learned something very interesting,” Mera showed him the book. “Pinocchio. You risked our lives based on something you read in a children's book?” Mera gave him the book, shoving it.

“Wait, it's a book?” Arthur chuckled. “How about that?” He closed the book and answered, “I got it from the movie.” He called his friends, “Andiamo!”

“Still... It worked. Sometimes the most unorthodox method is the most effective,” Mikey stated.

“Hmm, interesting,” Mera noted and followed alongside Arthur and her allies.

Meanwhile in Atlantis, the Turtle Sub hid behind a field of seaweed and spied on King Orm, King Nereus, Vulko, and their Atlantean guards, entering the castle of the Fishermen Kingdom.

The King of the Fishermen Kingdom greeted them, “King Nereus, I had hoped our people had evolved beyond that ancient notion that war with the surface is inevitable. It is the position of the Fishermen that when the time comes to make ourselves known to the landsmen, it should be to educate them, not destroy them.”

In the Turtle Sub, Donnie looked through the window, “Fascinating. I wish I can enter their kingdom, but I can’t. Right, Raph?”

However, Raph was nowhere to be seen along with Rainbow Dash.

“Where’s Raph and Rainbow?” Donnie asked the girls.

Hiding behind the rocks right near the castle were Rainbow and Raph in their scuba gear, spying on King Orm.

Orm replied, “I admire your lofty aspirations, King Ricou. But I suspect they are but clouds of ink hiding the heart of a coward.”

“How dare you!” King Ricou yelled and swam forward with his guards as they charged up their weapons.

While Vulko panicked, King Orm told him, “Please. I implore you. You're a kingdom of bloated philosophers and flaccid poets whose waters have grown stagnant, and it sickens me.”

King Ricou had enough of Orm and was ready to attack him, but Orm knocked his trident off of Ricou’s hands and killed him right in the chest, in front of his royal family and guards.

The Ninjas gasped in horror as the Fishermen guards charged right at their enemies, but King Nereus shot them with quick speed.

“My king!” Ricou’s wife cried.

King Orm stated, “The king is dead! Long live his heir.”

Raph shouted in anger, “Murderer!”

Orm and his men turned to see Raph and Rainbow charging right at them. Not only that, the Fishermen queen and princess were shocked to see a surface dweller and a mutant in their kingdom.

“You're going to pay for that, fishhead!” Rainbow yelled, arming herself with her spear.

“Agggh!” Raph screamed and attacked Orm, but he deflected their attacks and knocked them down with his trident. After that, his guards used fishing nets to capture them.

King Orm then swam towards the King Ricou’s daughter, “Princess. Prepare your armies, Your Highness. We move against the Brine Kingdom at once.”

The princess and her mother were scared, pressured by Orm’s orders while Vulko looked nervous and couldn't do a thing about it.

Orm then turned his attention to Raph and Rainbow. “As for you two, I admire your bravery, but did you honestly think you'd stand a chance against me?”

Rainbow answered, “Fighting a 120% coward like you... Absolutely.”

Then, the Turtle Sub came out of hiding and launched a diversion by shooting smoke bombs from its turrets. While Orm and his men were blinded along with the Fishermen royal family swimming away, The Ninjas in scuba gear knocked out the guards while Donnie and Fluttershy released their friends from the nets.

“Man, what took you guys so long?” Raph asked.

April angrily ordered, “Don't talk. Turtle Sub. Now.”

“You don't have to tell us twice,” Rainbow replied and swam fast to the Turtle Sub.

After that, the rest of the Ninjas swam back to the Turtle Sub and it swam away from the Fishermen Kingdom.

“Leave them. They're not our concern right now. What matters now is gathering our armies. Right, Vulko?” Orm asked him.

Vulko sighed in a worried tone, “Yes, sire.”

Meanwhile in Sicily, the Rainbooms, Casey, and Mikey were at the sightseeing at the top of the castle while Leo and Twilight helped Mera and Arthur looking for clues from the map.

“What did the recordings say, again?” Leo asked.

Mera translated, “"Journey beyond the edge of the world to the Hidden Sea. Look in the bottle for the charted path. Only in the hands of the true king can he truly see."”

“Look in the bottle for the charted path,” Arthur reciprocated as he went to get the bottle in Mera’s bag and looked through it. “Oh, man.”

“What?” Twilight asked.

“Wow,” Arthur laughed. “That's awesome.”

“Let me see,” Mera insisted and grabbed the bottle from her husband as the Ninjas gathered around. She looked through it, “Wow. But how do you know where to point it?”

“Let me see,” Arthur ordered and Mera handed the bottle to him. “What was the last line?”

Twilight answered, “"Only in the hands of the true king can he truly see."”

Arthur mumbled, “"Only in the hands of the true…",” He then looked at the statues to figure out what the clue meant.

Mikey said, “Cool statues. Who are they?”

“Marcus Agrippa. He was a great general, but he wasn't a king,” Arthur then looked at the next statue, “Neither was Scipio.”

“How do you know all of this stuff?” Rarity asked.

Arthur answered, “It's because of my pops. He made sure I knew my history when I was a kid.”

“That was very clever of him,” Pinkie commented.

“None of these guys are kings, except this guy,” Arthur pointed to the statue at the center. “Romulus. The first king of Rome.”

Twilight gasped, “That's right! He's the key to the map's passage!”

Arthur put the bottle on the hand of the statue, “"Only in the hands of the true king can he truly see."” He looked through the bottle and the light was pointing right at the location of the Hidden Sea.

“What do you see?” Leo asked as Arthur excitingly laughed.

“There it is. That's our heading.”

“What? Let me see,” Mera said as Arthur stepped back and she looked through the bottle. “We did it!”

“We got the location, everyone.” Leo informed his team and everyone celebrated.

“Not bad for an imbicile, huh?” Arthur asked Mera.

Mera replied back, “Not bad at all.”

However, the celebration was cut short as the heroes were knocked off by a blast of an explosion. Then, a black, armored villain with a jet pack and laser eyes of a helmet arrived on the castle along with his squad of Atlantean armored soldiers.


“Loathsomeness waits and dreams in the deep, and decay spreads over the tottering cities of men.”

As the armored villain was ready to charge up, Arthur told Mera, “Get back!”

The armored villain gave Arthur a taste of his optic blast from his helmet, sending him right over the stone wall below the top.

“Arthur!” Mera shouted as she and the Ninjas went to rescue him. However, they were stopped and surrounded by Atlantean guards, led by Captain Murk and another familiar face. Mera ordered, “I order you all to stand down!”

“We cannot do that, Mera.”

“General Brak. Never thought I see you again.” Mera said.

“King Orm released me after your husband was defeated,” General Brak explained. “Perhaps he didn't tell you about it, I guess.”

Captain Murk told her, “As for you and your surface friends, you are all charged with high treason.”

“Fight me, you fight all of us.” Leo insisted as the Ninjas got their weapons ready.

The armored villain then flew up and landed down behind the wall where Arthur was resting and set his sights on him.

After he saw burn marks on his forearms, Arthur asked him, “Who in Neptune's beard are you?”

“Maybe this will jog your memory,” The armored villain pulled out a blade out of his gauntlet.

The two combatants duked it out like they know each other’s moves. Arthur blocked his attacks and got a hold on his arms until the villain headbutted him with his helmet, damaging Arthur. As for Mera and the Ninjas, they attacked the Atlantean squad as well. Leo snatched Murk’s blade and sliced Murk’s hand off with it while Mera took another Atlantean guard down, smashing his helmet and the rest took them down with their ninja weapons.

Leo ordered, “Rainbooms, go help Mera. Casey, Mikey, you're with me. Let's go help Aquaman deal with this new foe of his.”

Pinkie and Mikey cheered, “You got it, Leo!”

The Ninjas spread out as the disguised Turtles and Casey went to help Arthur while the Rainbooms follow Mera as the squad of Atlantean soldiers got up and followed the girls.

“Get them, you fools!” General Brak yelled.

Back to Arthur, he leapt onto the edge of the stoned cliff and took the villain down with a pelé kick to the head while the Turtles and Casey found him.

Mikey called, “We got your back, dude.”

Arthur then noticed the blade with a crest of the manta ray and started to remember who he was dealing with.

“Wait a minute. You're the guy from the sub.”

The villain underneath the armor was none other than David Kane. He replied, “That's right!” He then stabbed Arthur on the shoulder with his blade. “But now I have Atlantean steel.”

“Arthur!” Leo shouted.

David blocked Arthur’s attacks and slashed him on the chest to his back as Arthur retreated. Then he blocked the Turtle’s and Casey’s attacks with his blades and knocked them down with his armor’s strength, tossing them to Arthur’s side.

“You can call me, Black Manta.” He blasted them with his energy beams from his helmet again as Arthur protected the Turtles and Casey with a big rock, but it knocked them off and sent them falling from the castle.

“I was totally gonna suggest Black Shark, but Black Manta sounds better!” Mikey shouted.

“Now is not the time to be calling villain names, Mikey!” Leo fired back.

“Hmph. Party pooper.” Mikey crossed his arms, feeling dissatisfied.

Seconds later, Arthur grabbed Casey to rescue him as the guys crashed on the roof and fell into the house while the female elder was startled, trying to dust her apartment.

“Are you alright, Casey?” Leo asked as he pulled Casey up.

“I'm good. Thanks Arthur,” Casey thanked him.

Then, Black Manta descended down into the house. “You thought you could walk away?”

Casey informed his friends, “I'll get the innocents out of the area. You guys go on ahead.”

“Right,” Leo understood.

While Casey helped the female elder exit the apartment, the disguised Turtles deactivated their disguises and grabbed their ninja weapons again.

“Doesn't matter if you bring all the Dakota City Freaks, you're gonna pay!” Black Manta growled.

Leo stated, “We won't let you take him, dude.”

Black Manta replied, “This is a waste of my time.”

Arthur informed the Turtles, “Try and keep him away from other civilians in the area. I'll handle this shellhead. No offense, Turtles.”

Leo and Mikey nodded.

“None taken. C'mon Mikey, let's leave them be.” Leo ordered.

“Right,” Mikey followed his brither and exited the room.

“I'll gut you like a fish,” Black Manta attacked Arthur with his sword, but he kicked Manta’s sword away, sending it to the roof, but Black Manta continued to attack with his blade gauntlet and Arthur dodged it as he grabbed a table and hit Black Manta with it.

“I thought I told you not to make this a habit,” Arthur told him as he lifted Black Manta up to smash him on the roof and the wall, leaving a couple of holes until the neighbor next door looked through the hole on the wall to see what was going on.

Arthur apologized, “Scusi.”

Black Manta spin side kicked Arthur off the balcony, sending him crashing down on the rooftop until Arthur held onto the edge. He made his way down and confronted Arthur, “You can't run from me, half breed. You owe me blood!”

Arthur questioned him, “How you'd find me?”

“Your lady friend has people who like to keep tabs on her,” Black Manta then rammed Arthur into the roof of the bell tower.

“Hope the girls are having just as much fun as I am,” Arthur mumbled to himself.

Meanwhile, the squad of Atlantean soldiers led by General Brak and Captain Murk were chasing after Mera and the Rainbooms.

“I'm impressed with your ninja skills back there earlier. You gotta teach me some of your moves next time,” Mera suggested.

Rarity replied, “We'll see if we all stay in one piece, darling.”

“Keep firing men!” General Brak ordered as the soldiers continued firing their plasma rifles while Captain Murk fell down on the roof and landed inside the apartment. He scanned the girls’ heat signatures and followed their trail by smashing through every wall that's in his way.

While the Rainbooms and Mera continued dodging the lasers and jumping on rooftops, Arthur jumped at a great distance to dodge Black Manta’s energy beam and crashed onto another rooftop before landing on the ground, groaning in pain. As debris started falling, the giant bell was ready to fall on the little girl until Arthur made the save and pushed the bell aside with his super strength, and the citizens were not harmed as well.

Leo hollered the citizens around the plaza, “Everyone, get to safety! NOW!”

Back to Mera and the Rainbooms, they continued dodging and running on the rooftops while the Atlantean soldiers continued firing lasers at them. Captain Murk bursted through one house to another until he fired his laser rifle above Mera and the Rainbooms. The girls were launched right out of the roof and crash landed in the wine house.

Twilight commented, “What an interesting place to land here. A wine house.”

Rarity got up and looked around the area. She commented in disgust, “Alcohol... Repulsive.”

Back outside, Arthur lifted the heavy debris while Casey pulled an innocent citizen out of the struggle.

“I got you. Let's get inside the church,” Casey said to him, carrying him by the shoulder.

While the heroic men evacuate the citizens to safety, Black Manta arrived and shot Arthur in the back with his harpoon gauntlet, stinging his foe with his laser string.

Arthur screamed in pain as Black Manta told him, “I'll show you the same mercy you showed to my father. And gut you like the fish you are!”

Reluctantly, Arthur grabbed the laser string, pulled Black Manta with his super strength, and knocked him with a clothesline. While Arthur went to get rid of the arrow on his back, Black Manta reached for his Manta knife and pierced Arthur on his left pec.

“Pressure crushing you yet?” Black Manta asked as he continued to pressure on Arthur, screaming in more pain.

Then, Mikey jump kicked Black Manta on the chest followed up by Leo throwing Black Manta by the arm at a distance.

“You okay, Fishman?” Mikey asked.

Arthur replied, grunting from the pain, “I'm fine… And please stop calling me that.”

Meanwhile, Captain Murk grabbed Mera by the neck to choke her, but Rarity made the save by damaging the back of Murk’s helmet using her sickles.

Murk panicked and retreated to the bathroom, choking with fresh air without any water until he found a source for water… the toilet. He took off his helmet and plunged his head into the toilet. “Ahhh,” He sighed in relief.

Rarity reacted in disgust, “Eww! Now that is seriously the seventh most repulsive thing I've ever seen!”

General Brak and two of his men showed up at the wine house and set their sights on the Rainbooms and Mera, targeting their rifles at them.

“We got you on our sights now, ladies. There's no where left for you to run. Give yourself up and we won't harm you.” General Brak said.

Twilight then put her hands behind her back to secretly used her magic powers to open the wine bottle corks by itself.

Then, the wine bottles started to shake automatically as Mera used her magic to control the water in the wine and harden the water to create solid water constructs like spikes.

General Brak said, “Uh-oh.”

Mera unleashed her water spikes and pierced the armors of two Atlantean soldiers except General Brak, who moved out of the way. General Brak crawled his way to safety until…

“Whatcha doin'?”

General Brak got startled at Pinkie’s sudden appearance from behind and stepped back with his rifle at his hands. “Stay back! I'm warning ya!”

Unbeknowst to him were Rarity and Twilight standing right behind him, getting ready to knock him out.

Pinkie advised him, “Here's a piece of advice. Don't fight us. We work together like a well-oiled machine.”

Twilight tapped General Brak on the shoulder to get his attention. He turned around and the duo punched Brak's helmet, making it crack.

Brak was choking and crawled his way to the fountain and took off his helmet to dump his head into the water. “Ahh,” He sighed in relief.

“A part of me feels guilty about that,” Twilight mumbled.

Meanwhile, the Turtles and Casey worked together to defeat Black Manta while Arthur watched. Casey swung his hockey stick at his explosive pucks to hit Black Manta first, Mikey used the magic from his medallion to hit him with his powered-up nunchaku and Leo slashed his armor with his powered-up katanas by the use of the magic from his medallion. Black Manta knelt down as the systems of his suit started to glitch.

Black Manta told them, “You can't defeat me like this.”

Arthur replied as he stood up, “We can and we will.”

Leo ran towards Black Manta and leapt over him to use his katanas and slashed the back of his armor first, then Mikey used his skateboard and hit him with his nunchaku, followed up with Casey tasering him with his homemade taser, and finally, Arthur preformed a jump spinning side kick on Black Manta’s helmet, making his helmet flew off his head and unmasking him.

David was barely conscious after taking damage until Arthur punched him in the face, knocking him out into unconsciousness. After that, Arthur slowly started to faint after taking damage as well as Mera and the Ninjas went to help him.

Mera tend to her husband’s aid, “Arthur, stay with me.”

Arthur told her, “Mera, they're tracking you.”


“They're tracking you,” Arthur repeated his words before he fainted.

Casey wondered, “What does he mean by that?”

Twilight whispered, “I think he's referring to something that Mera had from Atlantis.”

Mera looked around until she noticed her bracelet that Orm gave her earlier and realized that her bracelet was a tracking device. She took it off and smashed the bracelet.

Rarity commented, “Well it's a shame that bracelet went to waste, but necessary for our mission.”

Mera went to check on her husband, making sure he is conscious.

“Arthur? Arthur, stay with me. Arthur, wake up! Arthur.”

Reinforcements from the Deep

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Minutes later after the battle with Black Manta in Italy, Arthur slowly opened his eyes and woke up on a boat. After Arthur got rid of the bandages and seaweed on him, he put on a long-sleeved shirt and walked towards his friends at the front as Mera played her musical instrument, a soprano recorder, to play a peaceful song while the Ninjas watched and listened.

Rarity complimented, “What a beautiful song, Mera.”

“Thank you.”

Arthur asked them, “Did you guys steal a boat?”

“Are the boats at the marine not for public use?” Mera asked him back.

“No. Those belong to people.”

“Now do you understand why the boat driver was chasing us with that shotgun earlier?!” Twilight told her.

“Huh,” Mera understood while Arthur chuckled. He sat down with the gang as she continued, “Those were Orm's elite commandos. But the one who led them wasn't Atlantean. I've never seen him before.”

“Yeah, well, I have,” Arthur admitted. “He and his father were pirates. And he blames me for his father's death.”

Mera told her husband, “They picked a dangerous line of trade. It's not your fault.”

Leo commented, “Even if you did it, actions have consequences.”

Mikey nodded, “Yeah, he's got no one to blame but himself.”

“That's not how it feels,” Arthur said.

“What do you mean, Arthur?” Pinkie sadly asked him.

“Yesterday, I stopped them in the submarine. However, it was going to sink because of his firearm. It was up to me, and I let him die. I could've saved him, but I didn't. And now, I made an enemy, and he could have hurt you. And that would have been my fault.”

While the Atlantean couple took their time to reflect, Twilight told him, “Everybody makes mistakes. Don't let that get to you.”

“She's right, he's behind us now. It's what lies ahead that should concern us,” Mera said.

The teens and Arthur wondered as Casey asked, “Uh, what's concerning about the path we're taking, Mera?”

Mera explained, “The charted path leads to the Kingdom of the Trench.”

“The Trench? You mean the home of those same creatures that killed my mother?” Arthur questioned her.

Mera nodded, “Yes. She was taken there and sacrificed to them.” The Ninjas gasped as Mera continued, “It's become a place of death. We know next to nothing about what lies down there.”

Then Mikey called, “Hold up. Time out for a second y'all. Can you explain to us what exactly are the Trench?”

“You know, these guys are from another dimension and they don't know exactly the stuff that's common here in this dimension. So, can you go ahead and tell them please?”

Mera sighed, “All right. The Trench was originally one of the tribes of Atlantis. But when it sunk beneath the waves, they didn't advance but devolved, turning them into mindless animals. The Trench is used as a form of execution by our kind.”

Mikey groaned, “Aww man, I feel sorry for those people now. I wish they were nice.”

Rarity stuttered in fright, “M-maybe we should turn back. We can still warn the citizens on land. Try and prepare for what's coming.”

Casey, Mikey, and Pinkie agreed with Rarity and Mera replied, “Turn back? We can't turn back now, Rarity.”

Leo noted, “She's right. This is the only path we have to get to Atlan's trident.”

“Fine,” Rarity sighed, but felt nervous.

Arthur sighed and told everyone, “Let me tell you all something about me. I learned from a young age not to show weakness. Okay? I solve my problems with my anger and my fists. I'm a blunt instrument, and I am pretty good at it. But I've done nothing but get my butt kicked this whole field trip. I'm no leader. I'm not a king. I do not work or play well with others. And I can't let all of you die trying to turn me into something that I'm not.”

“You think getting defeated over and over doesn't make you a great leader? Well, if that were true, then I wouldn't be the leader of my team right now,” Leo replied.

Mera and the rest of the gang understood Arthur’s pain inside him. She told him, “You think you're unworthy to lead because you're from two different worlds. But that is exactly why you are worthy. You are the bridge between land and sea. Atlantis isn't the same without you. I need you back. Our son needs you back because I believe that he wants you to be the father that he can look up to. I can see that now. But the question is… Can you?”

Arthur looked at Leo’s team and they gave him supporting smiles while the boat continued sailing to the charted path.

Meanwhile, at Orm’s ship, Vulko approached his king and informed him, “The tracking on Lady Mera is still dark, Your Highness.”

Orm nodded, “Vulko. My trusted vizier who has stood by the throne since my father sat upon it. Do you have any advice for me as this war begins?”

“I have already given it, My King. But I will stand by your decision, as always.”

“My decision. To protect it.” Then, the mood quickly changed when Orm frowned, “While you betray it.” Vulko became surprised as Orm continued, “You think I do not know of your treachery? That you remained loyal to my mother's wretched son. That you have spent years training him to take the throne from me,” Orm glared daggers at Vulko as Orm’s royal guards entered. “Do not deny it.”

Vulko became afraid of what would happen if Orm found out about his treachery. He told the truth, “I do not.”

“Why? I am the pureblood. I have devoted my life to Atlantis. He wanted nothing to do with it. You swore to serve the throne!”

Vulko told him, “Arthur may be half-Atlantean, but he'll be twice the king you'll ever be.”

Orm smiled as if it was a joke, “Take him, but make sure he has a view.”

While the guards took Vulko to his prison area, he thought to himself, ‘I hope Arthur's new friends got my message.’

Meanwhile, Raph and Rainbow were being scolded by their teammates in the Turtle Sub as they continued travelling.

“What were you guys thinking?!” April shouted. “You could've gotten yourself killed out there!”

“It was better than seeing an innocent man die by a coward!” Raph stated.

Rainbow added, “We can't just let Orm get away with his plan. We have to stop him.”

Raph questioned her, “How?! We are outgunned and we have only half of our group because Arthur, Mera, and Leo’s team doesn't have the trident yet! How do you expect us to fight Orm and his army?!”

Donnie answered, “Hey, settle down you two. Now according to Vulko's message that we received earlier, we need to get to the Brine Kingdom and try to convince their king to help.

“How in blue blazes do we even find it, much less convincing the king,” Applejack responded.

Sunset read the scroll that Vulko sent them earlier, “Vulko’s message says that he's sending someone to help.”

“Who’s he sending?” Fluttershy asked.

Just then, the group felt something swimming past their sub at top speed, causing them to spin for a bit, but stopped suddenly.

“Whoa. What a ride,” Rainbow commented, feeling a bit dizzy.

The group turned to see an Atlantean and a small amphibian-humanoid hybrid floating outside, facing them.

“I'm guessing it's those guys,” April pointed her hand at the Atlanteans.

Raph questioned everyone, “How do we know we can trust them?”

As if they heard the turtle, one Atlantean with black hair showed them a yellow circular device with a "T" on it. The ninjas instantly recognized the logo and knew what it meant.

Fluttershy happily gasped, “He's a Titan!”

April cheered, “A Teen Titan? That's great. Send him in here.”

Everyone carefully opened the entrance to the Turtle Sub and two Atlanteans entered inside. The two Atlanteans entered the control room while the Atlantean dude whipped his hair back and forth in slow motion, making Fluttershy and April attracted to him.

Sunset greeted him, “Sorry for the wait. Not all of us can breathe underwater.”

“It's all right. I understand. My Atlantean name is Garth, but my Titan friends call me Aqualad. It's very nice to meet you all.”

The amphibian spoke in Atlantean language, but the Ninjas could not understand him.

Applejack commented, “I cannot understand what he just said.”

Aqualad informed everyone, “My apologies, this is my friend, Tramm. He's good with tools.” Aqualad and Tramm shook hands with everyone. He continued, “Nightwing and his pals told me and the rest of Titans East all about you guys helping out in Gotham and Jump City.”

“Uh, yeah, we sure did,” April continued shaking his hand while being distracted by Aqualad’s handsome face.

“Ahem!” Donnie shouted, feeling jealous. “You can let go now, April.”

Raph commented, “Wow, there's a form of irony if I've ever seen one.”

“Huh?” Aqualad wondered.

“I'll explain later,” Raph continued. “Right now, we need to warn the Brine Kingdom of the attack. Can you guide us to the Brine Kingdom?”

“I sure can, my aquatic friend. My Atlantean friends and I are good pals with their king. He'll listen to us.”

Aqualad exited the Turtle Sub while Tramm stayed behind. Aqualad contacted the Ninjas with the earpiece that Donnie gave him and his pals earlier. “Follow me.”

While Fluttershy and April were distracted by Aqualad, Donnie snapped out of his jealousy and resumed control of the Turtle Sub, following the Atlantean to the path. However, a huge shadowy figure with fins watched behind the rocks.

Minutes later, something swam past the Turtle Sub in the shadows.

“What was that?” Raph wondered.

“Not sure, but we'll keep an eye out for what's coming.”

Then suddenly, the Turtle Sub was blasted by a small energy beam.

“We've been hit!” Donnie alerted everyone.

“By who?” Fluttershy asked.

Applejack looked from the window and saw an Atlantean with a trident. She pointed out, “Him.”

Aqualad did not take long to figure out who attack them and it was a foe from his past.

“Well, well, if it isn't my good ol' pal, Trident,” He sarcastically said. “Seems like Orm released you from prison.”

“You bet he did.” Trident contacted Orm with his communicator, “King Orm, I have the targets in my sight.”

“Good. Do whatever you want with them, just make sure they don't get to the Brine Kingdom before me. There's a bonus payment for you if you bring Aquaman's sidekick to me. Dead or alive.”

“With pleasure,” Trident acknowledged.

Donnie contacted Aqualad, “Seems like you know this guy very well, Garth.”

“Yeah. Trident is the worst kind of criminal in Atlantis.” Aqualad then informed the Ninjas, “You guys go ahead. I got a score to settle with Trident for nearly putting my Titan friends in deep six.”

Just then, Raph and Rainbow came out with their diving gear on.

“Let me help!” Raph said.

Rainbow called. “Me too.”

“By all means. Let's go get him!” Aqualad ordered and the three heroes set their sights on Trident.

The Turtle Sub swam away from the battle to get to the Brine Kingdom until they are met by an army of Trident clones.

“Y'all have got to be kiddin' me right now,” Applejack exclaimed. “How many Tridents are there?”

“Looks like he cloned himself into an army, but it's weird,” Donnie guessed.

“Now taste the full might of Trident!” The Trident clones announced and charged right at the Turtle Sub.

“Here they come!” Sunset shouted.

Then, a big mutant shark swam past the Turtle Sub and sent a big shock wave with a clap of his hands, saving the Ninjas.

The Trident clones were knocked off by that shock wave, but it wasn't enough to knock them down.

“Is that a mutant shark, with shorts?” Donnie wondered.

April commented, “And he's not much of a threat like Armaggon.”

The big shark creature turns around and… waves at them.

“It's waving at us.” Sunset noticed, wondering what the shark is up to.

The Ninjas nervously waved back at the shark creature.

Then, one of the Trident clones charged straight ahead while the shark creature was distracted.

“Behind you!” Donnie shouted.

The shark creature turned around as the Trident clone was heading closer. However, Fluttershy wore her scuba gear and came to his aid by shooting the Trident clone with a dart from her blowgun. The Trident clone felt woozy until he was knocked out.

“Are you hurt?” Fluttershy asked the big shark guy.

The big shark creature shook his head.

Fluttershy then noticed the sad look on the shark’s face, “What's wrong?”

“I have no friends,” The shark creature answered.

“You don't have any friends?” Fluttershy gasped.

The shark creature shook his head in response. In return, Fluttershy hugged the shark creature out of sympathy.

“It's okay, big guy. I'll be your friend.”

The Ninjas were confused while witnessing Fluttershy hugging the shark creature.

April, Sunset, and Applejack responded, “Aww.”

Raph said, “I am SO confused right now.”

Then, the Trident clone army returned to charge after the Ninjas and the shark creature. One of the clones said, “Take them all down!”

“They're coming back!” Donnie shouted.

Fluttershy and the shark creature saw the clone army and stood their ground until a couple of Trident clones were blasted by energy beams.

“What was that?” Donnie asked.

Coming to their aid were three more Atlanteans as Tramm jumped for joy in the Turtle Sub. One of them was a girl, the other was a dude with light blonde hair, and another was an amphibian creature like Tramm.

“Attack!” The Trident clone ordered and the rest of the clones attack the Turtle Sub and three more Atlanteans.

“You mess with our friend, Garth. You mess with all of us.”

The Atlantean girl responded, “You got that right, Kaldur. La'gaan, show them what we got.”

“With pleasure, Tula.” La'gaan nodded and enlarged his body like a pufferfish.

Raph and Rainbow looked up to see three more Atlanteans joining the fight with the Turtle Sub.

“And who are those guys?” Raph asked Aqualad.

Aqualad answered, “My friends.”

“La'gaan, throw me,” Kaldur signalled and La'gaan tossed him with incredible speed by the use of his super strength. Kaldur then used his sorcery to create weapons like swords by solidifying water and attacked the Trident clones with it. Tula then used her sorcery to attack some more Trident clones.

Sunset informed her friends, “Donnie, April. Applejack and I are heading out of the Turtle Sub.”

Donnie replied, “Good call. We want to make sure our new aquatic friend doesn't touch anything in here.”

Tramm waved his hand to everyone and answered in Atlantean language, “Okay.”

Sunset and Applejack put on their scuba gear and joined the fight with their ninja weapons alongside Fluttershy, Kaldur, La'gaan, Tula, the Turtle Sub, and the big shark creature. Back to Aqualad, Rainbow, and Raph, they continued fighting against the other half of the Trident clones, but they were still outnumbered.

“There's too many of them!” Raph exclaimed.

“I know,” Aqualad replied. “Hey, which one of you is going to bring me to Orm? He might pick a favourite.”

“I'll be the one to bring you in!” One Trident clone said.

Another Trident clone replied, “No, I am!”

Rainbow chuckled, “Now this should be entertaining.”

After the Trident clones continued arguing, they started fighting each other while Raph, Rainbow, and Aqualad watched them fight. Minutes later, the Trident clones were defeated.

Rainbow commented, “Well that was unexpected.”

“Except for one,” Aqualad pointed his finger at the last Trident clone.

Trident scoffed, “Don't think this is over yet, Garth.” He charged right at Aqualad until the rest of the Ninjas, Atlanteans, and the big shark creature came to aid Raph, Rainbow, and Aqualad.

Tula and Kaldur used their Atlantean sorcery to tangle Trident with water-like construct tentacles.

“Seems like you've been busy, La'gaan,” Aqualad noticed.

“Yeah, but we manage to defeat the other half of the Trident clones thanks to these guys,” La'gaan replied and mentioned the Ninjas with smiles on their faces.

“Orm and I will not forget this!” Trident swore. “Mark my words, you will all pay and beg for mercy when Orm succeeds in his mission.”

Aqualad ordered, “La'gaan, send him packing.”

La'gaan nodded and enlarged his body again. He then grabbed Trident and threw him far away from the heroes, never to return.

Applejack said, “Glad, that's over.”

Aqualad then noticed the shark creature, “Wait, why is Nanaue here?”

Fluttershy spoke up, “He saved us.”

“What?” Aqualad and his pals replied.

Donnie supported Fluttershy’s statement, “It's true. This big shark saved us from the Trident clones.”

Nanaue lay down and laughed while making a sand angel for fun.

Sunset informed everyone, “Um, let's talk about this later. Right now, we got to go to the Brine Kingdom. Pronto.”

“Agreed. Follow us,” Kaldur ordered.

The Atlanteans and Nanaue resumed guiding the Ninjas to the path to the Brine Kingdom.

Escaping The Trench

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Later in the evening, Mera, Leo and his team were on the boat as Arthur drove the vehicle through the thunderstorm and raging waves when Leo’s T-Phone started ringing.

Leo took a look to see who was calling. He told everyone, “Guys, it's Sunset Shimmer.”

Everyone turned to Leo, who then answered the phone and put it on speaker.

Leo shouted, “Sunset!”

Sunset called, “Leo, please tell me you have good news on your end.”

Leo answered, “Yes, we now have a lead on Atlan's trident.”

Donnie called, “Well that's good to hear.”

Twilight chimed in, “I take it bad things are happening down there.”

“Unfortunately, yes. Orm has murdered the Fisherman King,” April sadly answered.

Mera reacted, “What!? The great Fisherman King?!”

Sunset nodded, “Yes, Orm tried to recruit him and his army for his war, but when he refused, he killed him. Now, according to Vulko, they're heading to the Kingdom of the Brine. But we lost contact with him.”

Arthur sighed, “Orm must've found out that Vulko was helping us.”

“Unfortunate. Now it's most likely they're gonna try to recruit the Brine Kingdom,” Mera suggested.

Leo informed Sunset, “You have to get to the Brine before Orm does.”

Sunset nodded, “Understood. We're on our way there with the help of Aqualad.”

Mikey asked, “Who?”

Arthur shouted, “Garth's with you?”

Donnie replied, “Yes, he's helping us get to the Brine Kingdom. Along with Kalder, Tula and Lagaan.”

“Don't forget Nanaue,” Fluttershy inquired.

“King Shark's with you guys?” Arthur asked. “Watch your backs around him when he gets the case of the munchies.”

“I'm not worried, he's actually a real sweetheart,” Fluttershy said, defending the big shark.

“Either way, trust Garth, Vulko, and the others, they'll help you,” Mera informed Sunset’s team.

Leo said, “Just get to the Brine Kingdom before Orm does.”

“We will,” Donnie answered while driving the Turtle Sub.

Mera promised Sunset’s team, “And if anything happens, please protect my son.”

Sunset vowed, “We'll guard him, Mera.”

“Thank you.”

Arthur continued steering the boat through the storm while Mera and the Ninjas held on tight, but Applejack was feeling seasick.

“Aw shucks, I'm feeling seasick already,” Applejack said while her face turned green.

“She's not much a seafarer, is she?” Arthur asked.

Casey answered, “Nope.”

Mera and the Ninjas looked throughout the ocean until they sensed a chilling presence. They turned around to see a horrifying sea creature with razor-sharp teeth and claws, spooking the Rainbooms, Casey, and Mikey.


Rarity screamed as Pinkie commented, defying gravity, “Freaky deaky!”

The creature hopped onboard and approached Arthur, Mera, and the Ninjas. Arthur grabbed a wooden board and smashed the creature’s face, but it only angered the creature and it lunged right at Arthur as he struggled to protect himself from the creature. Then, Mikey saw another Trench creature jumping from the ocean, targeting the boat.

“Look!” Pinkie pointed up at the incoming Trench creature. “Up there!”

Mera looked up and used her hydrokinesis to send the creature back to the ocean. After that, another monster entered the boat and went after Mera. She grabbed its arms and the creature held her back against the window. Arthur got off of the other monsters and grabbed a steel pipe to protect himself from the creature biting him. Mera ducked under the creature’s claw attack and she kicked the creature right into the razor-sharp spears, impaling the creature. The Trench creature bit off the pipe that Arthur held, but Arthur jammed the sharp ends at the creature’s head until he sent it back into the ocean. However, four more Trench creatures hopped on the mast of the boat and a couple more onboard, battling Arthur’s team. As Arthur stood up, another Trench creature was about to attack him until Twilight grabbed a spear attached to a rope and threw it right at the Trench creature, impaling it until it impaled another one behind.

“Nice shot!” Arthur complimented and grabbed the rope, swinging the two Trench creatures and smashed four more on the mast of the boat, sending them back into the deep.

“What were these things?” Mikey asked.

Mera answered, “The Trench. We're here.”

“How many of these Trench creatures are there, Mera?!” Casey questioned while swinging his steel bat at the Trench creature.

“There are hundreds of them,” Mera answered.

Casey deadpanned, “I had to ask.”

Twilight slashed another Trench creature with her spear. However, another Trench creature landed behind her and clawed her right ankle.

“GAH!” Twilight screamed in pain.

The teens cried, “TWILIGHT!”

Arthur kicked the Trench creature and carried Twilight. “I got her.”

The teens and Atlanteans were heading to the front, but they were cut off by three more Trench creatures.

“Inside!” Arthur ordered and everyone went inside the control room of the boat and locked the door from the Trench creatures.

Leo grabbed an emergency kit and handed it to Rarity, “Here, take this.”

Rarity took the emergency kit as Arthur set Twilight down.

Leo grabbed another box and opened it to see a bunch of flares inside. He grabbed one and popped it, illuminating a red light. The Trench creatures moved away from the light and Leo informed his friends, “They're from the depths. They're scared of the light. Everyone, grab a flare!”

The Ninjas and Arthur grabbed a flare and Casey yelled, “BACK! BACK, I SAY!”

Mera used the flare to scare the Trench creatures away until one smashed a window and jammed the flare into the creature’s mouth, making it fall back into the deep.

“No need for me to use a flare. Besides, I think I know how to scare them away,” Rarity thought.

“How?” Mera asked.

Rarity shined her diamond shield as the Trench acted like vampires towards a piece of garlic and dived back into the ocean.

“Huh. Interesting,” Mera commented.

Everyone got out of the control room with flares on their hands and Arthur figured the only way out was to go underwater.

“Come on!” Casey shouted.

“Get ready to jump!” Arthur instructed everyone.

“Follow us,” Mera informed the teens.

“Do we have to?” Rarity pleaded.

Applejack answered, “We don't have much of a choice, Rare!”

Leo told his brother, “Mikey, grab her legs.”

“On it,” Mikey nodded and grabbed Rarity by the legs.

“What the?! Mikey! I'm not a damsel in distress, you idiot!” Rarity yelled.

“No, but this is the fastest way,” Leo concluded.

Rarity cried, “Not again!”

Mikey and Leo counted down together, “1... 2... 3!”

Everyone jumped out of the boat and dived into the ocean while the Trench creatures followed them.

The magic kicked in again and Leo's group started breathing comfortably, except for Casey.

Casey put on his helmet and breathed, “What the?”

“Woah! Are we breathing underwater, Leo?” Pinkie asked.

“We sure are,” Leo answered.

“What if your magic is tapping into the pearl’s energy remotely?” Casey questioned.

“Pearl? You say?” Rarity asked while she projected a diamond barrier surrounding the Ninjas.

“No time for questions, kids. We gotta find the Trident!” Arthur informed the teens.

Mera added, “Fast!”

Leo and his friends arrived at the Kingdom of the Trench as the light from the flare started to fade. Arthur quickly grabbed another flare from his back pocket and turned it on to scare the Trench creature before it grabbed him. Then, the light from the flare revealed a passageway across from Leo’s team.

“Over there!” Mera pointed.

Everyone quickly swam straight towards the passageway while the Trench creatures chased after them.

“Light another flare, Leo!” Applejack suggested.

Leo nodded and lighted another flare.

Rarity said, “Hurry! They're getting closer.”

“Yeah, but there's more of them! Straight ahead!” Pinkie pointed her finger at the incoming Trench creatures in front of them.

Then, Casey's helmet started to crack from the pressure.

“Uh-oh. Guys!” Casey alerted his friends.

“What is it, Casey?” Applejack asked.

Everyone saw Casey's helmet crack grow larger and larger.

“What should I do?” Casey asked in a panic.

“Just hang on a little longer!” Mera shouted.

Arthur and his team reached towards the light, but the Trench creatures stopped and shrieked until they retreated to their cave.

“Well that takes care of those guys,” Pinkie looked back.

Mikey informed her, “I wouldn't worry about that, girl. Look!”

Everyone looked ahead until they stopped and flinched to see a swirling vortex.

“That thing will tear us apart,” Mera said.

“Maybe we should turn back,” Rarity suggested.

“We don't have a choice!” Arthur shouted and offered his hand to her.

Mera offered her hand and Arthur held hers.

“He's right. There's nothing else we can do now but to go through that vortex.” Leo informed his friends.

Twilight groaned, still hurting from her injury, “Ugh…”

Leo told her, “Hang in there, Twi.”

Casey panicked, “Guys… my helmet.”

The helmet broke until Mera reluctantly formed an air bubble for Casey. He gasped for air and said, “Thanks, Mera.”

Mera nodded and everyone entered the vortex.

Everyone's visions blurred as the vortex’s speed increased.

“WHEEEEEEEE!!!” Pinkie cheered, loudly.

Suddenly, everyone got blacked out as the vortex sent them to another dimension.

The Hidden Sea

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Leo’s team were unconscious underwater as a mosasaur was targeting Mera, getting ready to eat her. But then, the mosasaur was mysteriously knocked out, saving Mera from certain doom. After that, the mysterious person rescued Mera and Leo’s team in the ocean and brought them to shore after that.

Arthur rose from the water and swam towards the shore. He looked up and saw the wonders of the place he was in. From prehistoric creatures to a natural landscape. It was a place unlike any other.

“Leo! Mera! Guys, where are you?” Arthur called.

He looked ahead and saw a mysterious figure carrying Mera and Leo’s friends to the sands of a remote island. Arthur swam as fast as he could while Mera and the rest woke up after being saved by the mysterious figure as it took off its mask.

Arthur arrived on land and ran, screaming, “HEY! GUYS!”

As Mera looked shocked, the mysterious person turned to Arthur, revealing themself to be his Atlanna, Arthur’s mother. He slowly stopped in shock, he couldn't believe his eyes. Atlanna survived and is indeed alive. She approached her son slowly to get a look at him.

“Arthur,” Atlanna called his son’s name.

“Mom?” Arthur said with tears in his eyes.

They finally hugged each other, feeling so happy that they were reunited for the first time in years.

Mikey cried with tears in her eyes, “Aww…”

“I know. It’s so beautiful to see a mother and son reunite after all these years,” Rarity said with tears in her eyes too. “C-Can someone give us a tissue please?”

“I wish I could, but they're all wet,” Pinkie grabbed all of her wet tissues from her hair.

Five minutes later, Queen Atlanna carried Mera, who was injured, while Leo carried Twilight, who had hurt her right ankle. They made their way inside a cave that Atlanna was familiar with.

“Thank you,” Leo bowed to her.

Atlanna nodded and Arthur asked, “Mom, how are you even still alive? What happened?”

“King Orvax sacrificed me to the trench, but I survived. I fought my way through as you did, and I ended up here,” Atlanna explained.

Casey complimented, “Wow, you are a survivor.”

“You've been alone down here this whole time?” Applejack asked.

“That must’ve been rough,” Mikey commented.

Atlanna helped Mera sit down. She then turned to Leo.

“Put her down here,” Atlanna ordered.

Leo gently placed Twilight down on a rock to sit on. He also removed her shoe and sock so Atlanna could take a proper look.

“Oh no, it appears one of the trench creatures clawed you.”

Rarity weeped, “Oh dear!”

“Should we be worried about an infection?” Twilight asked.

Atlanna answered, “Luckily, it only happened recently. Don’t worry, I know just the thing...”

Atlanna grabbed some ingredients and mixed them in a stone bowl. She also grabbed some seaweed from the lake. Atlanna smeared some of the stuff on Twilight’s ankle, then wrapped the seaweed around it.

“How does that feel, dear?”

Twilight answered, “It feels much better. Thank you, your majesty.”

“Just keep the wrap on your ankle for twenty-four hours, that should make it better.”

Atlanna then turned to her son. She apologized to Arthur, “You must forgive me. Forgive me for everything.”

Arthur replied, “This happened because of me.”

Atlanna placed her hands on his cheeks and told him, “Not for having you. None of this is your fault. I made a choice. I had to leave… to save you, to save your father.” Arthur understood her choice and Atlanna continued, “Tell me. Tell me about him. Is he...”

“He still walks on the end of the dock by the lighthouse. Every morning. Every day. Waiting for you.”

Rarity and Mikey couldn't stop crying after hearing that.

Atlanna felt teary-eyed and relieved that her husband from the surface world was still alive.

“Why didn't you ever come back?” Arthur wondered.

She took a deep breath and answered, “Because the portal that brought you and your friends here won't let us return.”

“You mean we’re stuck here?” Casey asked.

“Aww, horse apples,” Applejack frowned.

“Jungle wear is not a good look on me,” Rarity whined, her head immediately going back to fashion.

Atlanna continued explaining, “The trident is the only way back. But it is guarded… by the Karathen.”

Mera looked scared as if she heard the tales of a giant sea creature before.

“The what now?” Casey asked.

“The Karathen.” She turned to her son, “The creature from our legends, it's real. It lies beyond the waterfall.”

Everyone looked ahead to see the waterfall.

“We'll go with you. We can fight it together.” Mera suggested.

Leo nodded, “I agree. We'll all fight them together.”

“No,” Atlanna denied their request. “It's too powerful. I've tried many times over the years. The creature will only allow the true king to pass.”

“Leo, you and your friends have helped me every step of the way, but this is the part I think I need to do on my own.”

Leo and his friends understood his decision as Atlanna noticed, “You're afraid.”

“Yes. It's been a while since I was the king of Atlantis.”

“Good,” She smiled. “You're ready.”

Mera explained, “You may have been a king in the past with an arrogant demeanour, but now you need to move past that. And Atlantis needs something more than just a king.”

“What could be greater than a king?” Arthur wondered.

Leo answered, “A hero. A king fights for his nation, but a hero, a hero fights for everyone.”

“Your wisdom is astounding, young man,” Atlanna noted. “Or should I say turtle?”

Mikey called, “Either way is fine, your highness.”

Arthur understood and walked towards the waterfall while everyone watched. He stopped and looked back to see his mother, his wife, and all of his friends.

Leo told him, “I wish you nothing but the best of luck, Arthur.”

Everyone smiled and nodded, wishing him good luck as well. Leo held out his arm, which Arthur grabbed, showing the two had developed a great friendship. Arthur nodded back and looked at what lay ahead in front of him. He went through the waterfall and dived down to find the trident.

Atlanna said, “Good luck Arthur. We all have faith in you.”

Arthur swam underwater and searched through the seaweed and ruins for a while until he saw something shiny in front of him. He swam forward and saw King Atlan’s trident, holding still in the hands of a deceased King Atlan. However, Arthur sensed something big was approaching behind him, rumbling from the stoned ruins. He turned around and looked up to see giant tentacles coming from the Atlantean guardian known as the Karathen.

It telepathically stated, “I have guarded the trident against false kings since the beginning. And for a thousand years, I have seen the greatest champions try and fail.” Arthur looked to the left and saw thousands of skeletons, Atlanteans who failed to take the trident from the Karathen. “But never have I sensed one as unworthy as you. You dare come here with your tainted mongrel blood to claim Atlantis' greatest treasure?”

Arthur charged right after the giant creature, but he dealt damage from the tentacles of the Atlantean monster guardian, sending him crashing into the stones.

“So be it, half-breed.”

Arthur swam upwards and got hit again by the tentacles, but it didn't stop him from reaching towards the trident. However, one of Karathen’s tentacles blocked him and knocked him back down. While the tentacles surrounded him, Arthur knelt down to try to regain focus, but he remained strong though, knowing that if he fails, his wife, mother, and friends will be trapped here while the others fight a war without help.

“You thought yourself worthy? You thought yourself a king? You dishonor this place with your presence?”

While one of Karathen’s tentacles was ready to deliver the final blow, Arthur said, “Stop.” He wisely used his telepathic powers to stop the creature. “You're right. I am a half-breed mongrel. But I did not come here because I thought I was worthy. I know I'm not.”

“You understand me?”

“I do,” Arthur confirmed.

“No mortal has conversed with me since King Atlan. Who are you?”

“My name is Arthur Curry. Beaten by my own brother and took the throne again while I was lost. A nobody. I came because I had no choice. I came to save my home and the people that I love. I came because the trident is their only hope.”

“You would rather help people you don't know and your companions than being a king?”

“I would. Even if I'm unworthy, I just need it to get the people that I care so much home. And if that's not good enough,” Arthur stood up and stared at the creature with fearlessness in his eyes, “Then screw you.”

The Karathen moved aside as Arthur approached the trident. He placed his hand on it and in a few moments, he felt its energy and power running through his body. With Atlan’s spirit by his side, his eyes started to glow gold and his aquatic powers increased, heightened than ever before.

Back in the caverns, Mera, Atlanna, and Leo’s team sensed something from the waterfall and it was Arthur who emerged victorious with Atlan’s trident in his hand and a brand new suit.

“The one true king,” Atlanna said.

Leo smirked, “I knew he'd do it.”

Arthur once more became Aquaman and was ready for battle against his brother’s Atlantean army.

The War Between Two Kingdoms

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Back underwater, the Turtle Sub and Kaldur’s team of Atlanteans arrive at the Brine Kingdom, surrounded by a group of crustacean soldiers.

Kaldur said, “Alright, we're here.”

Donnie stated, “And just in time. Orm's forces are on their way.”

“We gotta do this quick before Orm and his army gets here,” Tula informed everyone.

“Garth, Tula, and I will warn their king here about the incoming attack. Lagoon Boy, you stay here with Nanaue and the Turtle Sub.” Kaldur informed them.

He replied, “You got it, bud.”

Garth informed King Shark, “And Nanaue, try not to eat anything while we're gone. The last thing we want is you eating our friends.”

King Shark just shrugged, not arguing with that logic.

While the three Atlantean teens were heading to the gates of the Brine Kingdom, Fluttershy asked, “Do you really think we can hold back an army?”

Donnie answered, “We don't have to win, we just have to hold them off till the others return.”

“All I want is Orm's head. He murdered an innocent being from the Fish kingdom, and I want him to pay for that.” Raph said, wrapping his fist.

“You mean Fishermen Kingdom,” Fluttershy corrected him.

“Whatever,” Raph quipped.

Sunset assured him, “Now hold on. Garth said we have to stay here. We don’t want any unwanted attention. The Brine Kingdom has never seen surface-dwellers like us before.”

“I hope you’re right,” Rainbow said, crossing her arms.

While the teens in the Turtle Sub relaxed with Lagoon Boy and King Shark providing overwatch, they were being spied on by spies from the Brine Kingdom.

Inside the castle of the Brine Kingdom, the three Atlantean teens entered the throne room where the Brine King was sitting on his throne.

“Tula, Garth, Kaldur, what brings you here to my kingdom?”

The three Atlanteans bowed to the Brine King, and Tula spoke, “Brine King, we come here to warn you about the incoming threat of King Orm.”

“We need your aid and your military to stop King Orm before he destroys everything we are fighting for,” Garth continued.

The Brine King answered, “I don't know.”

“Brine King, please. We don't have much time,” Kaldur pleaded.

The Brine King answered, “Let me ask you this. Why did you bring surface-dwellers close to our kingdom?”

“What?” Garth answered.

The doors were opened as Donnie’s team was cuffed by the Brine King’s royal guards. Brine King continued, “My spies have found them near my kingdom. Also, why bring Nanaue into this? The last time he came here, he almost ate the head of one of my soldiers.”

Donnie and company looked at him as King Shark smiled sheepishly

Garth pleaded with the Brine King, “Your Highness, please. They're on our side.”

Sunset agreed, “He's right. And yes, we are surface-dwellers, but we are not here to destroy your kingdom. We're here to fight by your side. So please, you have to believe us.”

The Brine King said out loud, “Silence. I make the decisions around here.”

Fluttershy spoke up, “If I may, your Highness.”

“Go on,” The Brine King answered.

Fluttershy swam towards the Brine King as the royal guards contained her. She continued, “We need your help. 'Cause if we do not act now, Orm will destroy everything we have been fighting for, including the surface world and your kingdom. Please, Brine King, you have to believe us. We really want to help you.” Fluttershy gave the Brine King the cutest pouty face with tears in her eyes.

The Brine King sighed, “Oh, fine. We'll help you.”

Fluttershy wiped her tears and replied, “Thank you.”

“And, um, how are you able to breathe underwater like us?” He asked.

Fluttershy said nothing until a royal guard opened the door and shouted, “Sire!” The Brine King noticed, and the royal guard bowed to him as he continued, “My apologies for the interruption, Your Highness.”

“What is it?”

“It's King Orm, sire. And he's brought an army with him. One of our soldiers spotted them coming towards our kingdom. How should we proceed, Your Highness?”

The Brine King responded, “Well, you're in luck, girl. It looks like we got a war in our claws now.” He then ordered his royal guards, “Sound the alarm. Release our captors immediately.”

After releasing the Ninjas, Donnie informed his group, “Ninjas, back to the sub.”

“Alright! Let's do this!” Lagoon Boy shouted.

Meanwhile, Orm’s army was heading towards the Brine Kingdom.

King Nereus explained to Orm, “Remember, the Brine Kingdom are powerful, savage brutes, but a swift assault aimed directly at their leadership will turn the tide. Defeat the Brine King, and you will command the greatest military might on this planet.”

“Today, we unite our kingdoms.” King Orm then shouted, “Tomorrow, we scorch the surface! Rise Atlantis!”

Orm and his army approached the Brine Kingdom‘s army along with Aqualad’s team and Donnie’s team.

“Death to the Atlantean hagfish!” The Brine King shouted as Raph and Rainbow Dash stayed outside the Turtle Sub to fight.

Orm led his army into battle and charged right at the Brine army.

“We will not bow to Atlantis. We're gonna give them a fight that they will never forget!” The Brine King vowed and led his army into battle as well.

The war erupted, and the battle was underway.

“I'll help the injured. Who wants to come with me to aid them?” Fluttershy asked everyone in the Turtle Sub.

Sunset raised her hand, “I'll go.”

“Me too,” Lagoon Boy answered through comms.

Donnie answered, “The rest of us will focus on the fight.”

The Turtle Sub, Lagoon Boy, and King Shark entered the battlefield to aid the Brine Kingdom.

Raph and Rainbow Dash spotted Orm quickly. The duo yelled, “ORM!”

King Orm looked at them unamused.

“You’ll pay for what you did back at the other kingdom!” Raph shouted.

The duo surged at Orm, but his guards protected him.

“I'll deal with you both later.”

After the mosasaur chomped the Brine soldier, Orm surged towards the Brine King and swiftly sliced his arm off with his trident. With the Brine King down, Orm screamed and was ready to finish him off.

“No! We need him!” King Nereus stopped him, and Orm pointed his trident at the Brine King.

“Join me or die!”

The Brine King responded, “You expect me to address you as your Highness?”

“Not your Highness. Call me… Ocean Master.”

“You can take my army, you soft-bellied slug. But you will NEVER have my allegiance!” The Brine King rebuffed.

“So be it!”

“So be it!” Ocean Master understood him. As he was ready to finish the Brine King off again, he was blasted off by something from the ground and landed on one of his ships, saving the Brine King. But then, something slowly submerged underneath the ground as tentacles and claws popped out from the lava ground.

In the Turtle Sub, Donnie said, “What… The… Shell?”

April sensed something big coming their way in her mind. So big, she screamed as her head felt like it was splitting wide open.

“April, are you okay?” Donnie asked.

“I'm fine. I sensed something. Something huge.”

“Now, who said you could start the party without us?” A familiar voice rang out through comms.

“Mikey?” Donnie recognized recognized his brother’s voice.

“Don't forget about the rest of us, Don!” Pinkie cheered through comms as well.

“Guys! You're all safe!” Donnie cried in happiness. “Where are you?”

“Look up,” Mikey answered.

Everyone on the battlefield cleared out and saw Aquaman with Atlan’s trident at hand, with the addition of Leo’s team riding on a monster that looked like it could eat the Titanic in one bite.

“This is SO going into my bucket list now,” Casey commented.

In Orm’s main ship, Vulko remained in prison with guards watching over and saw Aquaman with the Karathen.

“The King has risen,” Vulko smiled.

Back on the battlefield, Raph yelled, “WHAT THE SHELL IS THAT?!”

Tula said, “It can't be...”

“The Karathen?!” Garth was awed in disbelief.

Kaldur added, “I don't believe it. The Karathen is fighting on our side.”

“You can say that again,” Lagoon Boy responded.

While the Karathen took down an Atlantean ship, Ocean Master’s army targeted the Karathen and Ocean Master shouted, “ATTACK!!!”

The Karathen swam upwards and straight towards Orm’s army. Aquaman then used the power of Atlan’s trident to disrupt the sharks and take down their owners. Because of the trident's power, the marine animals entered the battlefield to aid Aquaman.

“Wow,” Fluttershy said, awed in excitement. “I wish I could do that.”

“May I do the honours, Arthur?” Leo asked.

“Go ahead,” Aquaman nodded.

Leo drew one of his katanas and shouted, “CHARGE!!!”

The sea animals battled against Orm’s forces and took down most of his ships.

“Ooh…” King Shark said, about to eat the little fish.

Tula stopped him, “Nuh uh, Nanaue. Don't even think about it.”

In the Turtle Sub, Donnie and his pals watched the sea animals take down Orm’s ships to aid them.

“This is insane on so many levels!” Rainbow exclaimed.

Raph swam onto King Shark and said, “Well, what are we waiting for?! Attack!”

King Shark thundered forward into the fight, with Raph directing his movements.

As the Karathen munched on another Atlantean ship, Aquaman was knocked off by one of Orm’s ship lasers. Aquaman defended himself against Orm’s Atlantean soldiers until Mera and Leo made the save.

“There are too many casualties. We have to stop the fighting now,” Leo informed them.

Mera agreed, “He's right. I’ll find my father. But you must defeat Orm.”

“And what if I can't this time around?” Aquaman wondered.

“Last time, he was in his element. This time, make him fight in yours.” Mera told him.

“But what about our son?” Arthur asked in worry.

“I'll rescue our baby boy,” Mera stated as the Rainbooms and Turtles swam by.

“And we'll take care of defending them,” Sunset stated.

“So don't worry, darling.” Rarity said, swimming by.

“We got this,” Mikey cheered.

The Turtle Sub appeared, with Kaldur alongside and his Atlantean squad, letting them know that they got Aquaman’s back.

Aquaman wondered, “I don't know if this is a good plan. Maybe we should...”

Mera stopped and kissed her husband as if time stood still.

The girls cooed, “Aww…”

“So, um, what's the plan again?” Aquaman asked.

Mera answered, “The plan is not to get killed.”

“Yeah, good plan. Don't get killed,” Aquaman nodded as Mera and the rest of Leo’s team again went into battle.

Aquaman swam up to an Atlantean seahorse and rode on it. Then, creatures from the Trench came to Aquaman’s aid under his control, like drones to their queen bee and took out some of Orm’s fleet.

“What is that?!” Rainbow questioned in disbelief.

“It's the Trench!” Kaldur answered.

“The Trench?!” Sunset said.

“Those monstrosities,” Lagoon Boy quipped.

The princess from the Fishermen Kingdom watched in horror as the Trench slayed some of Orm’s soldiers and Nereus’ soldiers.

“The Trench! He commands the Trench!” She alerted King Nereus.


Ocean Master set his sights on his half-breed brother while taking down some of the Trench with his trident, without leaving a scratch on him while his mosasaur chomped some of the Trench creatures. Mera, however, went to stop her father’s soldiers until her father arrived.

“Stand down! Let her pass!”

Mera told her father, “Please, Father, he has the trident. I know you think this war is necessary, but Arthur is king by our most sacred law.”

Sunset swam to him and agreed with Mera, “She's right. And if you turn your back on that now, then the Atlantis you're fighting for is already dead.”

“It's true! The half-breed wields King Atlan's trident,” The Atlantean soldier said.

“He commands the sea,” Another Atlantean soldier added.

King Nereus said, “Then that half-breed is your king.”

Sunset and Mera nodded to him.

Meanwhile, Aquaman and Ocean Master gained sights on each other, charging at full speed through the tunnel full of Trench creatures. They closed in on each other until Orm’s mosasaur knocked off Aquaman’s seahorse. Luckily, Aquaman escaped quickly and swam up. Ocean Master followed his brother, and the mosasaur closed in on his prey. The mosasaur was going in for the kill, and Aquaman prevented it by using his trident to block its mouth. As they go up, the Ninjas and Atlanteans swam up to follow them. After that, the mosasaur leapt up to the surface and Aquaman jumped off with the trident until they landed on the underbelly of the Atlantean warship. His brother followed and landed on the ship afterwards.

Soon, the Turtle Sub and the rest of the Atlanteans rose to the surface in the stormy seas to watch the two brothers battle. In Orm’s main ship, Vulko was still held prisoner until Mera took out the guards while carrying her baby son.

“Vulko, we have to get out of here. Arthur needs our help.”

“We can't,” Vulko answered. “Look. The people of Atlantis must bear witness.” Vulko, Mera, and Arthur Jr. looked from the window to watch the incoming battle between two brothers fighting for the throne of Atlantis.

Aquaman vs. Ocean Master

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Aquaman stood face-to-face with his Atlantean brother once more, but it was different from last time.

Ocean Master told him, “That trident doesn't change who or what you are, you half-breed ingrate. Atlantis will never accept you as its king.”

“Well then by bloodshed,” Arthur stood in his fighting stance as lightning boomed from the sky. “Do the gods make known their will!”

The two brothers fight it out once more in the surface as their tridents clashed with each other.

“You think those surface dwellers can help you become strong? You're nothing! I have the power! I have the strength! I… have… My kingdom!”

Aquaman replied, “You're wrong, brother. I have people who care about me. I have friends. I have love. I have true loyalty. That's who I am.”

Ocean Master yelled as he charged in full fury as Aquaman defended himself.

“You know something, brother. Leo and his friends were more than happy to teach me a few new tricks.“

Everyone watched in anticipation as their tridents clashed against each other. The metal clashing against one another sounded off like a hammer against hot metal. They were at a standstill and continued clashing with their tridents until Aquaman pushed his brother close to the spinning blades with his trident.

“Yield the throne!” He yelled as Ocean Master’s helmet hit the blades and cut the cape off, but it did not cut through because of his helmet. Aquaman continued yelling, “Yield it!”

Ocean Master remained stubborned and refused to admit defeat. So, he reluctantly stopped his brother from pushing him with his father’s trident, but Aquaman threw him to the other direction with Atlan’s trident. The Ninjas and the Atlanteans continued watching the battle as the storm raged on and Aquaman was ready to strike, but Ocean Master dodged his attack and blocked his trident with his. However, Aquaman ran froward, pushing his brother while he was still on the ground. Ocean Master used his trident to push himself up and hit his brother, sending him near the spinning blades and Aquaman stood still after taking damage.

Pinkie then started cheering from afar, “Come on, Aquaman!”

Spike shouted, “You can do this, Arthur!”

Fluttershy cheered, “We believe in you!”

Leo shouted, “Show him what it means to have honor!”

The rest of the ninjas and Atlantean teens started cheering words of encouragement. Aquaman heard their cheers and it motivated him. He thought to himself, “Alright. Time for one more trick up on my sleeve.” He then raised his trident up while Ocean Master armed himself with his trident. Aquaman then focused on spinning his trident and it caught Vulko’s attention from Orm’s main Atlantean ship. Ocean Master was not fazed by his brother’s movements and charged right after him. Aquaman saw it coming and hit his brother. Aquaman continued spinning his trident and Vulko smiled happily from the ship, knowing that his student was very proud of him. Ocean Master gritted his teeth angrily and ran straight towards him again and Aquaman threw his trident at him, sending his brother down. After that, Aquaman ran and jumped up to catch his trident. Ocean Master held his staff to block and Aquaman smashed his brother’s father’s trident in half until Aquaman landed safely in a cool pose. Thus, Aquaman defeated Ocean Master and the war was over.

“He won!” Mikey cheered.

The Ninjas and Atlantean allies cheered as Ocean Master fell in defeat and looked at the remains of his father’s trident. Aquaman moved in what looked like he was going to kill his own brother. However, he stopped. Nereus’ men was going to fire at Aquaman, but King Nereus stopped him with a raise of his hand, signaling them to stand down.

Ocean Master told his brother, “Finish it.”

“Yield the throne.”

“Mercy is not our way.”

“Maybe you haven’t noticed, brother…” Arthur stood down and continued, “But I’m not one of you.”

“Do it!” Ocean Master took off his helmet and begged him, “Kill me!”

“NO!” A voice yelled and Orm turned around to see a face that he had not seen for a long time: his mother, Queen Atlanna. “That is enough killing!”

Orm was in shock that his mother was alive. “Mother?”

Everyone in the sea couldn't believe their eyes as if they had seen a ghost. While Atlanna went to hug Orm, Vulko dropped his jaw and Mera explained, “It's a long story. I’ll tell you later. Come on.”

“I don't understand. We thought you…”

Atlanna explained to his son, “No. Arthur saved me.”

“You're with him?”

She nodded, “I am. You're both my children, and I love you both so much.” She then told Orm, “But you have been misguided. Your father taught you that there were two worlds. He was wrong. The land and the sea are one.”

Then, Vulko and the Atlantean soldiers arrived on the warship as Atlanna and Orm stood up. “My queen,” Vulko greeted as he and the Atlantean soldiers bowed to her.

Atlanna greeted him, “Vulko.”

Vulko ordered his men, “Take him. But make sure he has a view.”

Six Atlantean soldiers escorted Orm away as he smiled. Arthur then said, “Hey.” Orm looked back as his brother continued talking, “When you're ready, let's talk.”

Orm understood and nodded back until he sent off to prison.

Mera announced, “People of Atlantis and heroes from the surface world, today began in bloodshed, but let it end in joy. I give you the return of, King Arthur of Atlantis.”

“Hail to the king!” King Nereus yelled, raising his fist in the air.

“Hail to the king!” His two royal guards chanted together.

“Hail to the king!” The princess of the Fishermen Kingdom shouted.

“Hail to the king!” Pinkie and Garth cheered.

Everyone chanted along as Arthur felt proud and relieved that the world was saved and in peace once more.

Aquaman then thanked Leo and his team, “Thanks for the help, everyone. I can see why Batman trusted you all.”

“You're welcome. It was an honor to fight alongside you,” Leo shook Arthur’s hand.

“Can I learn some of your moves after this?” Donnie asked.

“Sure,” Arthur and Vulko nodded.

Vulko asked them, “Are you kids sure you don't want our help getting back home?”

Sunset answered, “Thanks, but it gives us the chance to see our pal from Dakota City again.”

Aquaman knew who she was talking about. He told the Ninjas, “Tell the rookie to keep up the good work for me.”

Leo nodded, “No problem.”

Aquaman raised his trident up and cheered, “WHOOOOOO!!!”

While the Atlantean airships soared to the skies, the Karathen emerged from the seas and roared to celebrate with the Atlanteans and Ninjas.

Protector of the Deep

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The next day, the Ninjas went to Dakota City and met up with an old friend of theirs to charge up the portal projector. After that, Donnie activated the portal projector and entered the portal to go back home.

Meanwhile, a gloomy Thomas Curry exited his lighthouse and walked to the docks. Then, he stopped and saw a familiar face that he had not seen for so long, his wife, Atlanna. Thomas felt his heart racing as he ran towards the end of the docks until he finally hugged his wife.

Thomas cried, “You came back. You’re back.”

Atlanna replied, “Yes. Yes. Thanks to our son and some very special kids.”

The lovely couple went back to the lighthouse to and spent the rest of their time with each other. Meanwhile, Arthur overwatch the kingdom of Atlantis as its king, protector, and most importantly, their hero.

“My father was a lighthouse keeper. My mother was a queen. They were never meant to meet… But their love saved the world. They made me what I am. A son of the land, and a king of the seas. I am the protector of the deep. I am… Aquaman.”


Phil LaMarr as Arthur Curry/Aquaman

Seth Green as Leonardo

Tara Strong as Twilight Sparkle

Rebecca Shoichet as Sunset Shimmer

Kath Soucie as Mera

Sean Astin as Raphael

Ashleigh Ball as Rainbow Dash and Applejack

Josh Peck as Casey Jones

William Dafoe as Vulko

Patrick Wilson as Orm/Ocean Master

Rob Paulsen as Donatello

Mae Whitman as April O'Neil

Tabitha St. Germain as Rarity

Dolph Lundgren as King Nereus

Greg Cipes as Michelangelo

Andrea Libman as Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy

Cathy Weseluck as Spike

Khary Payton as Kaldur'ahm and David Kane/Black Manta

Will Wheaton as Garth/Aqualad

Yuri Lowenthal as Lagoon Boy

Cree Summer as Tula

Ludi Lin as Captain Murk

Temuera Morrison as Tom Curry

Randall Park as Dr. Stephen Shin

Xander Berkeley as General Brak

Samoa Joe as Nanaue/King Shark

Dee Bradley Baker as Tramm

Nicole Kidman as Atlanna Curry


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A few days later, Orm was held in his prison cell as Arthur came by to visit him.

“Hey brother. I came here to ask you something.”

“What is it?” Orm sighed.

“Before you took back the throne, the last time I saw you was when you fell to your death. So I gotta ask brother, how are you even alive?”

Orm explained, “Well, if I remember correctly, I was frozen in ice for months until I was rescued by surface-dwellers. They took me in to some facility and put me through experiments.”

“Who put you through this?” Arthur asked.

“There was this bald-headed guy wearing a suit with an L on it. He was in charge of the facility, but I don't remember his name though. That's all the information I can give you.” Orm told him.

Arthur had an idea on who Orm was referring to, but he said nothing.

“If you know who it is, make him pay for what he did to me.”

He nodded, “Alright, good talk. Let's do this again next time. And I hope you have a good day, brother.”

Orm said nothing and nodded in return while Arthur exited the prison.

Meanwhile, David Kane/Black Manta survived and was resting on a float, surrounded by the ocean.

“Hey!” A voice called as the boat stopped and three men saw the unconscious David.

Minutes later, David was resting in the house owned by marine scientist, Dr. Stephen Shin. David was on the bed with wraps and bandages, including one covered on his eye as the television was on.

“I spent 15 years at the United States Institute of Marine Science…”

“Weren’t you fired?” The news reporter abruptly asked.

“…studying oceanic phenomenon, and this is the most conclusive evidence we have to date. Deep-sea seismographs have recorded explosions on the ocean floor. We have satellite imagery of debris from Atlantean warships floating on the surface…”

“Dr. Shin!”

“Will you please let me finish?” Dr. Shin insisted.

“Here we go again, Atlantean?”

“Yes. The government does not want us to know about the threat that exists right here…”

Dr. Shin was tinkering David’s helmet until David noticed. He told Shin, “Yeah, I wouldn't do that if I were you.”

David’s helmet visors began to glow red and Dr. Shin ducked for cover before it shot lasers at the fish tana, making the fish tank break into pieces. After it stopped, Dr. Shin rose up from his desk and was fascinated by the technology of David’s mech suit.

“This is Atlantean technology, isn’t it? Can you tell me how you got this?” Dr. Shin asked David.

“Sure. But first, you gotta tell me how to find him.”

David threw a knife at a newspaper headlining about Aquaman, making Dr. Shin startled.