The Demonslayers Of Equus

by Prince Blue Blaze

First published

Dante, Nero and Vergil get sent to Equestria to help rid the world of demons

After buying some DMC items from a merchant Dante, Nero and Vergil all find themselves in a world of anthropomorphic ponies and other species and after finding out demons are running a muck they use their new powers to help the world get rid of it’s demon problem

This was inspired by Displaced DemonSlayers

The Arrival of The Demon Slayers (rewritten... again)

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Hi Dan here and my brothers Neo and Vern have gone to Comic-con dressed as the demonslayers from DMC and because we have the same name as them we went as them I am Dante and as you can guess my brother Vern is the actual Yamato wielding Vergil and Neo is the ass kicking Nero from DMC 4.

“So Dan where to first” Neo said as he made sure Red Queen was safe held in it’s holder

“I think we should try and find the Ebony & Ivory set because I don’t have them as you know” as we all set off in different direction I hear something coming from my right

“Please leave me alone” a scared little girl said when I turn down a corner I find four men ganging up on a little girl

“Come on sweet heart we just want to have some fun we promise you’ll feel good by the end” he went to grab her skirt but I grabbed the back of his denim shirt and flipped him onto his back and kicked his face knocking him unconscious the other three were shocked and pissed

“Hey dude what is your problem” I turn to him with anger on my face they back off a little

“My problem is I came to comic-con with my brothers to have fun and what do I find the first minute I get here I find three ass hat virgins picking on a little girl because they are to socially awkward to got and talk to girls there own age” they scowled at me but I ignored it and looked to the little girl “Hey sweetie want to come with me and find your parents” she quickly ran into my embrace as we walked out of the dark corner but before I could take a step one of the twats said something

“Hey she’s not going anywhere” I look to one of the guys reaching for her but I pulled her behind me and round house kick the guy in the face sending him to the top of the other unconscious guy the other two charged at me but I just punched them both in the face and then kicked them in the nuts and to finish it off I grabbed one leg of each of them and with little effort I flipped them both and they landed on the top of they two knocked out friends when I turn to the girl she looked in awe at what I did I held my hand out to her

“Lets go and find your parents they must be worried sick about you” she grabbed my hand and we left the corner when we did we ran into a security guard what a stroke of luck huh “Excuse me sir” he looked to me I pointed to the dark corner where he could see the unconscious virgins laying onto top of each-other like freshly stacked pancakes

“If you would could you throw those guys out they tried to harm this innocent little girl here and no doubt will try again” he nodded ad called for some back up while me and the girl walked around trying to find her parents

“By the way what do your parents look like so I know who to look for” she said her mom looked like Amy from Sonic the hedgehog and her dad was Master Chief from Halo and just when I could get enough luck I saw a Amy cosplayer and Master Chief cosplayer talking to my brothers when I walked up behind their back and tapped Amy’s shoulder I held up the girl while she turned around

“Special delivery one absolute cutie for a Mrs Amy and Mr Master Chief” the mother just took the girl and held her close while crying a little the father walked up to me and brought me into a hug

“Thank you sir we have been looking for her for two hours and fought she was taken” he let go and hugged his family

“Well yeah some weird men were trying to hurt or possibly rape her but I kicked their asses and got them kicked out of the convention” they were shocked and the little girl even said it was true they were pissed for at least one minute but thanked us they even gave us some money it was 300 hundred bucks as we carried on walking around after saying our goodbyes me Neo and Vern all heard a man say

“Hello demonslayers I see you have helped other human yet again” we all turn to a guy who wore a merchant costume from Resident Evil I instantly knew who he was from all the fan fictions I have read about him

“Oh. my. god... your the merchant” he jumped a little at me saying his name he then hung his head in defeat

“Yes I am.... what will you do knowing this” I pass him the three hundred for the Sparda, Ebony & Ivory for me Blue Rose for Nero and Yamato for Vergil

“Can I have these items please” he was shocked that I would purchase from him knowing who he is “and also can you give us the knowledge of the guys we are dressed as oh and don’t make me and Vern enemies I know in the game they are enemies but me and my bro are besties along with Nero so I don’t want to fight him” he looked even more shocked but nodded

“You are the first people in four years to actually willingly get sent to another world it is surprising but lets send you off ph and I'm changing your names” we all nod and he snaps his fingers we all fall into a portal and fall into a black void


Location: Crystal Empire

3rd Person POV

In the distant area far off near the barrier to the Crystal Empire. Three white lights glowed, the lights died and three people where laying on the snowy ground dazed and confused with a small headache that came with.

Nero was the first to get himself up, shaking his head so the dizziness could fade away. When it did the headache was gone also.

Nero rubbed his head a little and said "God dammit"

Dante and Vergil got up next feeling the same and not liking how things went "Shit my head hurts" Dante shook his head, the daze fading away and his headache doing the same.

“Dante, Vergil you guys ok” Nero said they just groan in response “Just get up we have to find out where we are” they get up and take a look at themselves




“I look handsome as the real Dante” said Dante as he twirled he then grabbed Ebony and Ivory “Well well well how are my side ladies doing” Nero chuckles as Vergil just shakes his head

“So you two do you want to go and find a place to stay” they nod and we head to the nearest clearing

Time Skip

Dante, Vergil and Nero looked ahead of the path and were kind of shocked at what they were seeing. It was a squad of gold and purple armored ponies running towards them with swords and shields. What made it weirder was that they weren't normal ponies, they had arms and legs just like a normal person but looked like ponies.

They all broke out of their shock and waited for the ponies to come, They could see some of them were male while a few were female because of the armor, Nero quickly hide his devil bringer so they couldn't see it and freak out after, pulling his right coat sleeve over it.The pack stopped and moved in formation blocking the demon slayers from going further.

A male earth pony moved up with his shield and sword at the ready, he said "Who are you, and what are doing here!" he pointed his sword at the three of them.

Dante didn't like how the random pony spoke to them and reach out and was about bring rebellion out. But Nero placed his hand on his shoulder, Dante looked at Nero that voiced out he got this. Dante slowly let his hand go down but had an scowl on his face, looking at the earth pony.

Nero took his hand off Dante and turned to speak for the two of them "I'm sorry if we might have trespassed into you territory but me and my friend are just lost. Were trying to find a place to relax, or eat if you guys got somewhere we can catch a bite"

The earth pony didn't like Nero's answer and said "I asked you who you are, creature!" the pony said in disgust.

A small tick mark appeared on Vergil's head "Why should we tell you anything, we don't even know who you are" holding back his anger.

Another pony spoke out, it was a unicorn male "We are the princesses royal and night guards. We have the right to force anyone in giving use unknown information"

Vergil thought this in his head "That's the most dumbest reason I ever heard, why the hell should we do what they say just because of that?"

A male Pegasus voice out "Why are we just standing here, we should kill these three demons before they could do anything"

Nero, Vergil and Dante looked at the Pegasus with one eyebrow raised. They both thought why he think they were demons, they might look different but being called a demon even though they are part demon, didn't mean they could be.

A female Pegasus next to the male said "I don't know. They don't look like demons to me" she looked at Nero, Vergil and Dante closely not seeing anything they could show they were demons. She saw Dante look at her, he smiled and winked at her, she looked away and blush by his action.

Vergil shoved Dante, he looked at Vergil that was giving him a "Really, right know" look. Dante just raised his hands and shrugged not seeing anything wrong in his actions.

A unicorn male that was close to the earth pony stallion yelled at the Pegasus mare "Are you stupid they could be using some kind of demonic magic to disguise them self's to get close and attack use from behind" she flinched by his loud voice and frowned when he called her stupid.

The three demon slayers didn't like how the asshole with the horn spoke to the mare. Nero first said "One, we don't have demonic magic, we don't even know much about magic in the beginning"

Dante followed up "Yeah. And even if we did why the hell would we look like this if we wanted to trick you"

The unicorn male turned his head away feeling embarrassed at his stupid idea. The earth pony stallion said "Then what are you"

Vergil said "And we should tell you because..." rolling his hands together.

The earth pony started to speck in a authority tone "Because we are-" Nero stopped him there.

"We already heard the dumbass with the wings say who you all are. What my friends means is why should we even tell you anything" Nero said glaring at the pony stallion. His glare made the ponies step back, their weapons pointed at them.

The earth pony stallion did the same not wanting to get to close to them, not know if their demons or not. But he didn't back down "If you don't. We will be forced to subdue the two of you and force you to tell use" he gave them the stink eye.

Nero, Vergil and Dante looked at each other, they chuckled then started to laugh out loud. The ponies were confused and didn't find anything funny in what their leader said.

The earth pony leader gritted his teeth not liking the three laughing at him, he yelled at them "The hell's so funny" his loud voice made the ponies around him pull their ears down.

The three were able to stop laughing. getting back to being serious, Dante said "We laughed because you think we'll let you do that for free"

Dante's back glowed and rebellion shot out, he grabbed the handle and moved his body in a better position. Nero and Vergil did the same, Nero placed left hand on red queen and Vergil grabbed the handle to Yamato. The ponies saw this and got into formation.

The area was quiet. Both sides looking at each other, Nero, Vergil and Dante looked ready and confidant as always, but the ponies in front of the didn't seem like they were ready, some of them were shaking with sweat rolling down their faces.

Luckily they didn't have to fight because of a super happy and hype voice was heard not that far behind the troop of armored ponies, breaking the tension with her innocent voice. "Hey what are you all doing all the way over here, your missing the party!!"

The armored ponies turned around. Nero, Vergil and Dante were able to see who it was, and this new pony shocked the three even more.

It was a earth pony mare, and she was completely pink. The Guards had white and black fur but this mare was pink all over. She was wearing a sky blue short overalls, with two gold buckles on the front, blue and yellow long fingerless gloves and sock, they found weird because she wasn't wearing any shoes, she looked somewhat chubby but this fit, on her shoulder was a tattoo of some kind with three balloons next to each other, one being yellow and the two on either side blue. Both her tail and mane were puffy and done in a cute way, Dante didn't know why be he had a feeling he was going to like this mare he didn't know.

The earth pony said "Miss. Pie you were to stay back in ponyville were it's safe" he said like he was talking to a child.

She waved him off and said "Don't worry, nothing can happen inside twilights bubble shield. You should calm down you look super stressed, And I thought I told you my name is pinkie pie, miss pie is my mom" her smile never leaving.

The stallion sighed "Yes Princesses twilight said her shield should be strong to protect the whole area from the demons. But we have three new unwelcome-" pinkie cut him off by gasping out loud.

She literally shoved the stallion that was bigger than her to the side, and yelled out "Where!" when she saw Dante, Vergil and Nero she zoomed off and stopped in front of them kicking up dust off the dirt road.

Pinkie started to talk really fast not giving the two to say anything "Hi-my-name-is-Pinkie-Pie-who-and-what-are-you. are-you-knew-here-i've-never-seen-anything-like-you-before-want-to-be-friends"

When she finally stop, the three blinked in surprise and for some reason they were able to follow every word she said. They thought that their powers was the cause of that.

Nero coughed in his fist and said "It's nice to meet you. My names Nero, and these are my brothers Dante and Vergil"

Dante and Vergil raised their hands and waved at pinkie "Sup" glad to meet someone that wasn't an asshole.

Pinkie waved back. She put on a questionable look on her face and asked "What are you two doing all the way out here"

Nero said "Me, Vergil and Dante are new here and got lost, we were hopping to find somewhere to relax"

Pinkie nodded. She smacked her hands on her cheeks and a ding noise was heard, everyone heard the ding but didn't know where it came from. Pinkie said "I know, why don't you two come with me. Where having a party at sugarcube corner, why don't you join use"

Nero was confused that firstly she didn't know them and acted like they were already friends, second she asked three complete strangers to come to a party like it was nothing, he didn't know if he should find this pony to being innocent or just weird probably both.

Dante on the other hand was on board on the idea. Parties equal fun, Fun leads to food because all parties have food, and a full stomach is a happy stomach.

Dante jumped in front of pinkie And yelled out "Hell yes we're joining, count me in!"

Pinkie liked how excited Dante was when she said party, she could tell just by looking at him he was the fun and crazy one of the three, just like her!

The earth pony was listening to the whole conversation and did like it, he walked up behind pinkie and said "Miss. Pie we don't know anything about these to creatures, they could be sent here by the demons to kill use all"

Pinkie groaned and said "My names not miss pie Its Pinkie, and come on stone heart they don't seem bad to me. And if I know my things about ponies, that I believe is true, is that if a pony likes parties their no way they could be evil" Pinkie smiled she turned back to the three leaving stone heart speechless of her random claim.

Pinkie turned to Dante, Vergil and Nero and said "Just follow me, I'll take you guys were the parties at" she grabbed Dante's hand and started to walk off where she came from, Dante not arguing and letting her pull him towards ponyville. Nero and Vergil shrugged and followed them.

Nero stopped to see stone heart grumbling to himself with his squad by his side. Nero walked up to stone heart his men seeing him, pulling their weapons back out but he didn't mind them.

Nero tapped stone heart on the shoulder getting him to turn and look at him. He put on his military face and was about to speck but Nero spoke first "Look I understand what your doing, your just trying to do your job and protect the peo- I mean ponies that are here. If you want, you and your group can watch over use to see if were bad or not, I don't care"

Stone heart listened and was able to calm himself down. He signaled with his hand to tell everyone to lower their weapons and they did. He faced back to Nero "You'll just let us supervise you, just like that?"

Nero's eyes turned back to being serious "Don't get the wrong idea I'm only letting this slide just so you guys don't end up costing your lives, ending up doing something you might regret after" Nero said in a cold tone that scared the ponies even stone heart felt himself shake from how cold Nero's voice was.

"Hey. Why are you all still standing there, come on you'll miss all the fun" They all turned to see pinkie and Dante waiting for them just a few feet away from them.

Dante yelled out "Yeah come on dude, I'm hungry, If I don't eat something soon I'm going to go mad"

Nero smiled and started to walk towards the two "I'm coming, a party doesn't sound so bad anyways"

The guard ponies didn't know how things changed to, encountering to unknown creatures, and then being stopped just to go to some party. Stone heart told them to line up and head out, but in his head he was trying to find out what he should do.

Everyone walked down the dirt path to ponyville where the party pinkie told them was at. Pinkie and Dante were at the front talking, while Nero was behind the two listening to their conversation, and the guards behind him watching them to closely.

Pinkie remembered something and said "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. You two never told me what you guys are, I know lots of ponies but never seen anything like you and friend before" her eyes widen in excitement "Are you three aliens"

Dante thought about it and said "Nope, me, Vergil and Nero are both humans"

Stone heart was able to hear this and didn't believe what Dante said "Human? theirs no way you two are humans, everyone knows they don't exist"

Dante heard him and turned around looking at stone heart in annoyance "Well guess what shit for brains, we are humans. If you don't believe me try guessing what I am, I bet you won't think of anything"

Stone heart tried to guess what Dante, Vergil and Nero was but he couldn't think of anything just like what Dante said, this angered him and was about to retort back but Vergil spoke before him.

"My friend is right stone, we are in fact humans, you can believe use or not but that won't change the fact that we're right" what he said shut stone hearts mouth and letting it go, the guards lined up behind him were whispering about what Vergil said, some believing him and others didn't.

One of the unicorns in the back wanted to know something and said "Wait how did you three even get inside"

Everyone stopped. The ponies wanting to know how the three got passed a shield created by an alicorn.

Dante said "It wasn't hard all I did was punch it, making a opening for us"

All of the guards ponies were shocked to hear this. An alicorn magic is one of the most strongest types of magic in equestria. But all Dante did was punch part of the shield and going through with zero problem.

Pinkie pie was the only one to find it amazing "Wow. That amazing, twilight shield is super duper strong"

Nero and Vergil walked up next to Dante. Dante said "Whose this twilight person you guys keep talking about?" They all started to walk again getting close to ponyville.

Pinkie giggled "You silly, twilight's not a person she's a pony. And one of my bestest friends, and a pony princesses"

Nero was the next to speak "So this twilight was the one that created the shield" they entered ponyville not minding it.

Pinkie nodded "Yepperuny, she made it big so the big mean demon don't attack ponyville"

Vergil said "Demons huh, are they attack someplace near by?"

"Yup, twilight receive a letter from princesses celestia saying-"

Pinkie was cut off my stone heart not wanting to give away any information "Pinkie you can't give away information to complete strangers!"

Pinkie said "Why not, they just wanted to know what was going on"

Stone heart sighed and said "I know that but you can't spill everything out in the open. You have to choose you words correct-" once again he was cut off by pinkie.

She pointed at a house that looks like it was made out of gingerbread and candy. There were lights shining out of the window, Dante, Vergil and Nero could hear music inside the bakery. "That there is sugercube corner, everyone should be inside having a good time.

Dante couldn't wait and said "Then why are we just standing here, can't let them have all of the fun" Dante grabbed pinkie on the arm and headed to the door, she giggled liking Dante's eagerness to have fun.

Stone heart grumbled not liking being ignored, Nero chuckled at his dispense and headed to the door with them "This should be fun"

Chapter 2: PARTY TIME!!!

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Nero and Vergil reached the two that were talking in front of the door. Pinkie held her hand out, stopping them “Ok before we go. I want you both to wait here”

Vergil was confused “Why should we do that?”

Pinkie booped Vergil on the nose “Because silly, I want to surprise everyone. You three are new here so I want to introduce you to everyone in one single act”

Nero thought about it and said “Seems right. If we just go in we could scare everyone inside”

“Everypony inside you mean” pinkie exclaimed with a smile

Nero rolled his eyes “Yes. Everypony” inside his head “This whole pony talk is going to take awhile

Dante agreed as well “Sounds good to me. Just don’t take too long ok? Still hungry and all”

“Oki Doki loki” pinkie said then walked inside the bakery. They could hear the noise inside quite a bit. They were all able to hear pinkie talking but stopped.

Dante turned to Vergil and said “You think they’ll be ok with us around. all of us looking different and what not”

“Maybe. Were not from here, not even be in the same universe us being Displaced and all. Some might be ok with us but that’s a small chance, and the way those guards acted who’s to say the ones inside may be the same” Vergil said.

Dante nodded. But that didn’t change how he was going to act in the party.

The guards came up to them. The males were keeping a watchful eye on the three, while some of the females in the group were doing the same but with a different purpose.

Dante felt eyes on him, Vergil and Nero. One being cautious and the other intrigued.

He turned to see the mares looking at him and Nero. He grinned and waved at the guard mares, their reaction made Dante chuckle. A faint blush could be seen on their faces before they all turned around and looked somewhere else.

Dante whispered to Nero “Good thing we didn’t go looking like aliens or monsters to con. The looks i’m getting from the female guards is nice”

Nero turned his head just a bit to peek at the mares that were still looking at them both. Nero looked towards the stallions and chuckled at their reactions to this.

Nero whispered back “You may be having fun with this discovery but their not sharing the same courtesy”

Dante raised one eyebrow and turned to look at the stallions. They were all frowning and giving the three demon slayers death stares.

Dante looked back ahead “Damn, it’s like high school all over again. Jealous guys that get pissed at you for attracting all the ladies, it’s like a blessing and a curse” Dante said, fake drama in his voice.

Vergil smiled “Yeah. But more like a Blessing for use and a curse for them” Dante placed a hand over his mouth to stop himself from laughing out loud from how Nero phrased it.

Once Dante was able to keep himself from laughing the door opened. Pinkie's head popping out. The smile she had when they met her still on her face. “Alright. I told them I brought some new friends here. You three can come inside and introduce yourselves to everyone”

Dante, Vergil and Nero nodded. Pinkie opened the door to let them in, they walked inside with the guards right behind them.

When they got inside everything was a little bright and a bit colorful to them. They looked around to see all the ponies inside. All of them were looking at the three with widen eyes, a few backed away in fear.

Nero thought “Guess I was right, this could get problematic for use” Nero looked and saw pinkie bring a group of mares to them.

She was bringing 5 mares towards them. One of them was hovering in the air. Her fur was cyan blue, she was wearing a white tank top with blue cargo pants, her eyes were pink and her hair was what caught their attention, mostly Dante’s. Her hair was rainbow colored with every color of the rainbow, on her shoulder was a mark with a cloud and a rainbow lighting bolt coming from the cloud. She was looking at the two in suspicion.

Next was a earth pony mare. Her fur was orange and her mane was blonde, she was wearing a western cowgirl shirt and blue pants, she had freckles on her cheeks and was wearing a brown stetson hat on her head, her eyes were a beautiful green color, on her shoulder were three apples. When Nero saw her he found himself interested in her not to mention he had a thing for cowgirls.

The next one was a white furred unicorn mare with purple color mane and tail. She was wearing a classy light blue shirt and a black skirt, they both could tell she was wearing makeup the only one wearing any. On her shoulder were three diamonds, she was looking mostly at Dante’s, Vergil's and Nero’s clothes.

Next to her was a butter yellow pegasus. Her mane and tail being pink, she was wearing a no sleeve green shirt and a white skirt, on her shoulder was three pink butterflies, her eyes were a lovely turquoise color. She was hiding behind the white mare making herself seem smaller.

And lastly of the group was a pony the two haven’t seen before. Her fur was purple, her mane and tail was dark blue with shades of pink and dark purple. She was wearing a purple school uniform with a pink tie and, white undershirt with a pattern skirt. They couldn’t see her emblem because of the shirt. she had a horn on her forehead like the white one, she was talking to pinkie while getting a good look at the three other worldly being.

When they all got to Dante and Nero the purple mare that was in front of the group spoke first.

“Hello, my name is twilight sparkle. Pinkie told use who you three are and said you three were lost?” Nero greeted back.

“It’s nice to meet you twilight. And yes me, Vergil and Dante got lost while walking through the woods, we were trying to find somewhere to stay”

Twilight raised an eyebrow “May I ask what woods your talking about”

Dante spoke up “We don’t know the name but when we got out the first thing we saw was a farm and a bunch of apple trees”

The orange cowgirl pony said “You two must be talkin' about white tailed woods, the farm your talkin' about belongs to ma family”

“Thanks for the info, umm?” Dante said, not knowing her name.

Twilight saw this, thinking introductions were in order “Why don’t I introduce you to my friends. You already met Pinkie” they looked to see Pinkie waving at the three, Dante the only one waving back.

She first started with the orange mare and ended it with the yellow mare “This is Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Fluttershy” she pointed at each one so they knew who was who.

Nero was trying to understand why their names were so weird. He knew just by looking at them and how they acted symbolize their names but that just confused him even more.

The one known as Rainbow Dash spoke up but in suspension “What were you three even doing in white tails anyway” she got up close to Dante’s face, he didn’t back away but moved his head back “Trying to sneak up on us?”

Dante grinned “Nope just lost. And if we were then me and brothers are terrible at sneaking. Those guys in armor found use fast” Rainbow looked around Dante to see the the guards standing by the door.

She looked back at Dante and said “Ok. But don’t think this is over, I'll be watching you three”

Dante said “That’s cool with me, I like it when a cute girl looks at me anyway”

What he said made Rainbow Dash back her head a bit, a blush was on her face from being called cute with no hesitation in Dante’s voice. She tried to speak but stuttered. She saw Dante chuckle at her, he said “You're even more cute with that blush on your face, goes with those pretty eyes you got there”

Rainbow Dash was unable to say anything and flew back to the girls trying to get her blush under control. Applejack and Pinkie giggled at Rainbow Dash while the rest just smiled.

Twilight put on a serious look just like how Nero does “Even if it’s wrong to suspect bad intentions from other, I have to ask. Are you three here to cause any harm to the ponies that live here”

Vergil shook his head “No, just like Dante said we were lost and didn’t know anything. We saw the shield and thought we could find a place to stay if we got inside. Were both not the type to cause problems or hurt anyone, only if they attack first”

Twilight nodded understanding what Nero was saying. “Ok. I just wanted to make sure”

Nero nodded back. Dante's stomach growled “If that’s all done and settled i’m going to enjoy myself like a true party animal. Peace” Dante did the peace sign then walked off to the nearest food table.

Pinkie skipped away were Dante went “Wait for Dante!!”

Rarity spoke up finding it the right time to speak “Well it was nice meeting you both but I must get back to talking with Cheerilee about my dear sisters class work, ta ta” Rarity walked off.

Rainbow Dash was looking were Dante and Pinkie went “Yeah same here. Gotta enjoy the party while it last” she then flew off towards the two party animals. Well one being a animal and the other starting to become one”

Applejack spoke up “Better check ta see if all the apple cider didn’t run out. I’ll talk to yall later” Applejack walked off near a bunch of barrels.

Twilight turned to Nero “Guess that leaves use two”

Nero was about to say use three because Fluttershy was still with them but one of the male guard ponies came up “Lady Twilight, Capitan stone heart wishes to speak with you”

Twilight signed. She wanting to talk to Nero about himself and maybe ask some questions “Alright I'll be right there” the guard pony saluted and walked off, not without giving Nero a glare. He didn’t mind, Twilight turn to Nero with a sheepish smile “I gotta go, I’m really sorry but I have to”

Nero waved off her apology “It's fine”

Twilight smiled “Thanks. I’ll be back so we can talk” Twilight headed of to where Stone Heart was at.

Nero signed and looked to see Fluttershy still standing where Rarity was, staring at him. Nero scratched behind his head not knowing how to start the conversation with her.

Nero said “Umm so..” but ended when Fluttershy 'eeped' and flew away. Nero blinked then sighed again “I could just relax, that sounds good

Later That Night

Nero, Dante and Vergil had all went with separate girls so they had a place to stay, Dante stayed with Pinkie, Vergil went with Rarity, and Nero went with Fluttershy.

All three of the demon slayers slept in their beds as the moon passed over above. little did any of them know that three mysterious figures stepped out of the Everfree Forest with lust filled smirks on their faces

Chapter 3: The Three Demonslayes Day in Ponyville Part 1

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The Next Morning

Dante awoke to the sight of a naked Pinkie Pie laying on top of him snoring gentle, he chuckled evilly as his hand snuck to her big bouncy flank he reeled back his hand and.


He smacked her right on her cutie mark which resulted in her eyes shooting open and her letting out a loud moan.

"My my Pinkie I didn't know you were a kinky mare" Pinkie blushes looking up to see the white haired pervert, with a eep and a crash Pinkie was on the floor on her back giving Dante the perfect view of her body.

"Oh Pinkie what a lovely figure you have, I don't think I can resist it any longer" Dante put on a massive grin as he looked ready to pounce her.

(This is the grin on Dante's face)

Pinkie went full body blush as she saw come closer.

"P-p-p-p-PERVERT" Pinkie then slapped Dante across the face so hard that he went flying out her bedroom window and when he landed perfectly on the ground he had all his clothes on and a perverted grin on his face.

"*Content Sigh* I love mornings" Dante then went on a scroll around town.

With Nero

Nero let out a long yawn as he woke up to Fluttershy cuddling with Nero and his head was inbetween her two huge mounds.

'I'm in heaven' Nero pupils turned into stars as blood dripped from his nose.

Fluttershy awoke to a wet feeling on her chest and saw that Nero had a nose bleed.

"Oh my Nero are you ok" Fluttershy got up and lifted his head into her view she saw he was smiling and his eyes had become stary. Flutershy got out of bed and went to get tissue as Nero followed finally out of his trance.

"So Fluttershy what are you up to today" Nero asked as he wiped his nose clean of the blood.

"Well I was going to start with feeding my animal friends then go to the market to grab some supplies" Fluttershy then walked into her bathroom and Nero stood outside.

"Do you want so help because I'm free" Nero asked through the door.

"Yes that would be lovely of you" Nero then went down stairs and fed the animals their food as he heard Fluttershy turn on the shower.

(With Fluttershy)

Fluttershy fell to her bathroom floor breathing heavily as she rubbed her marehood.

"Why did this have to happen now" Fluttershy moaned out as she felt her body heat up with a craving.

'Stupid Blood Moon is tomorrow *moan* I won't be able to hold myself back' Fluttershy then grabbed her sponge and started to clean herself.

With Vergil

Over at Rarity house she had just finished getting ready for the day when suddenly she smelled something delicious. she went down stairs and to the kitchen to find Vergil teaching Sweetie Belle how to cook.

Rarity looked to the table and found a plate with a metal lid over it a note on it had her name written. Rarity lifted the lid she saw a delicious stack of pancakes.

"These look splendid" Vergil walked up to Rarity and handed her a cup of coffee.

"Glad you like it because Sweetie made it" Rarity was shock as she looked to her embarrassed sister.

"Is this true Sweetie Belle" her sister nodded a small blush appearing on Sweeties face. "Well this is lovely in both look and taste Sweetie" her sister smiled brightly as they all sat down and eat their breakfast.

"Mister Vergil" Sweetie said, Vergil looked to the filly with a smile.

"Just call me Vergil, Sweetie" Sweetie nodded and continued.

"I was wondering if you would come to show and tell with me at my school I have nothing to present besides those brownies you helped me make" Vergil thought it over before nodding, Sweetie squealed as she finished her breakfast quickly, Vergil and Sweetie after finishing their breakfast left the house and walked to her school not after saying goodbye to Rarity.


Three shadowy figures stealthily walked across the roofs of the houses as they followed the three demon slayers.

"Sister are you sure that these three will make mother happy"

"I'm sure of it with their power and love they would make her the happiest mare alive" the three of them giggle.

"Yea she has been needed a good bucking for two hundred years now" the three shadowy figures then jumped down into the alley ways as to begin their plan.