> Overprotective Marefriend > by Jhoira > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > You're What!? (June 7th, Friday afternoon.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Both Cloud Chaser and Rainbow Dash sat, watching Flitter veritably twitch with anger. She was twitching, Flitter always twitched, she had many tells as a poker player would put it. They weren't sure how Flitter was going to react to the news that Cloud Chaser was going to be in the hospital for a year, not the few months Flitter was originally told. Flitter had an issue with hospitals since she lost her mother in one unexpectedly. And they weren't sure how she'd take it, but eventually, Flitter stopped twitching, though sadly what came next wasn't much better. "No." Both the other mares stared at her as Flitter simply seemed to... Disagree? "Uh... Flitter?" Rainbow Dash hesitantly reached out and pressed a hoof against her marefriend's side. "This... Isn't really something you can say no to." Cloud Chaser was grimacing, Flitter had done this before. If something went too far against her liking she simply refused to accept it. This had happened for about a week after their mother's death, then whenever Flitter herself had to go in for a checkup she refused to plan for it or recognize it, though she didn't have much choice as a filly their father would simply pick her up and take her. She'd gotten over it as she got older but apparently, she was back to it. "Flitter, you know I need to stay here..." "I know that!" Flitter snapped. "I'm not a filly Cloudy!" She huffed, causing Cloud Chaser to raise an eyebrow, apparently, it wasn't that. "Rainbow Dash go get Twilight. She'll be able to fix this." Rainbow Dash just gaped at her for a moment before shaking her head, leaning in and nuzzling Flitter gently, who in turn pushed her away, as if knowing the nuzzle was a precursor to bad news. "Alicorns aren't all powerful Flitter, she regularly checks hospitals for things she can help with, Chaser isn't one of them." Cloud Chaser grinned a bit and nodded. "Yeah, she visited me recently, she tried her best Flitter." "Well..." Flitter's eyes were turning from hardened to a bit frantic. "I-I'll go get Princess Celestia... She can do something! Or Luna! Twilight knows all the princesses! And so does..." She had to think for a moment, what was Rarity's marefriend's name...? "And so does Minuette! One of them can help! And maybe then all fou..." She let out a muffled meep as Rainbow Dash grabbed her and pulled her in, wrapping her wings around Flitter but also putting a hoof up to her mouth, saying gently. "Shh, shh Flitter. We're in a hospital." She smiled as she gave her marefriend a kiss on the cheek, cuddling usually helped Flitter calm her emotions, but this time it didn't seem to be doing too much. Cloud Chaser couldn't suppress her smile at seeing how affectionate Rainbow Dash was with Flitter, not something that Cloud Chaser had ever expected to see from Rainbow Dash, with anypony, let alone Flitter. "Unicorn specialists and Princess Twilight and Princess Cadence have all tried Flitter, we just need to let my body recover on its own as the doctors said." Flitter growled, pushing against Rainbow Dash, much to her surprise. "Gah! Flitter when did you get so strong!?" It was taking a considerable amount of effort for Rainbow Dash to hold onto the other mare. "I play with foals all day, I don't sit around doing nothing!" Flitter's emotions were also giving her a bit of a boost to her strength but after about thirty seconds she had to give up, breathing a little heavier than before she frowned at Rainbow Dash who took the wise precaution of letting go of Flitter. Flitter gave a small harumph and pushed off of the other mare, purposefully walking out of reach before sitting down again. "So they just want more bits? We can get ahold of father, he'd be happy to pay for any treatment you need." Cloud Chaser groaned lowly, she was in contact with their father, he had visited her three days ago. She had always had a great relationship with both their parents where Flitter had been attached to their mother at the flank and did not get along overly well with their father, even though father had always made sure they both had everything they could ever want. Cloud Chaser was pretty sure that on some subconscious level Flitter blamed their father for their mother's death because objectively they should get along at least decently well, Flitter was usually very likable, and their father was a pure bundle of kindness and generosity, despite his wealth. "I have been talking to dad Flitter, there's nothing that we can do except let this be." Flitter started shaking her head again. "N-No... I'm not going to trust those doctors again! You... You can come home! I'll move back home and I'll take care of you! Father will be able to buy the best medical stuff for the house! I'll make sure you're ok!" Flitter didn't notice as Rainbow Dash inched over, but this time she didn't try to trap Flitter she just scooted up, wrapping a warm wing around her marefriend. "A-And Rainbow Dash will help!" Flitter looked up at Rainbow Dash with pleading eyes. "R-Right...?" Rainbow Dash sighed and nodded. "I would... If that was an option, Flitter..." Cloud Chaser was exasperated at this point, but she could never be mad at her little sister. "Flitter, that's not possible, you know it." "B-But the doctors." "Will do their best Flitter." Cloud Chaser shook her head. "But wouldn't it be better for me to stay where all the medical professionals are?" "N-No! They killed mom!" Cloud Chaser leveled a glare at her sister, that was one of the few things she would get angry at her sister over, sometimes when Flitter was more agitated she would actually ascribe murder to their mother's death and that was something Cloud Chaser would not have anything of. Flitter withered a little. "Th-They let her die..." Rainbow Dash wasn't sure if she should try to help Cloud Chaser but she was used to dealing with this part of Flitter more. She had gotten used to Flitter's... Less than perfect grasp on her own emotions but Flitter refused to go into the details about her mother's death. Cloud Chaser, however, was not so hesitant in dealing with her sister, saying kindly but firmly. "They did their best Flitter, we've been over this. They want to save everyone." Flitter whined lowly. "But... But... But they're just doing it for the money..." Rainbow Dash stiffened a little at that, earlier she just took Flitter as throwing around accusations because she was upset, but this sounded far too much like actual suspicion on her part. Rainbow Dash wasn't going to get angry at her now though, but she would make a note to talk to Flitter about it later, Rainbow Dash liked doctors. However, she had gotten used to using Flitter logic when she was in one of her moods, which were, mercifully, becoming fewer and farther between. Rainbow Dash still leaned down to nuzzle Flitter's neck gently. "Even if they do," Rainbow Dash wouldn't agree with that statement even for the sake of appealing to Flitter logic, "they make more money from living patients than dead ones." Cloud Chaser raised an eyebrow but nodded, she was impressed, then again living with Flitter for a month now, you either adapted or died... Or moved out. Flitter gave a begrudging nod. "I... I suppose..." She looked up at Rainbow Dash, whining a little. "But... But isn't there anything Twilight...?" Rainbow Dash sighed and shook her head. "She's tried everything she could by now, she's very diligent like that Flitter..." Rainbow Dash was keeping in mind very much that Flitter, already not great at dealing with her emotions was going through a hard time. Rainbow Dash had managed to not snap at her marefriend yet but this going over the same topics and indirectly doubting Rainbow Dash's friends and the entire medical profession was wearing on her. "Ok Flitter? We just need to trust the doc... Trust that everything will be ok." "But if it's not..." Flitter looked back at her sister, lying in bed, still unable to get up on her own after a month. Cloud Chaser gave her best, most supportive smile to her little sister. "It will be, come on Flitter, how many times have I gotten injured when we were growing up, you lectured me about being careful at least once a week." Flitter smiled weakly. "More like once a day." "And I always popped back up, this is just going to be a longer pop." Cloud Chaser smiled wider, getting Flitter to smile now was an accomplishment. Flitter looked up at Rainbow Dash. "C-Could you ask Twilight to come look again...? For me...?" Rainbow Dash took in a deep breath but then she just sighed and nodded. "I'll ask Twilight to come to see Cloud Chaser again, ok?" Flitter nodded, still obviously very unhappy but placated somewhat. Cloud Chaser smiled at the both of them. "You two are quite the cute couple you know, maybe I should start looking for a special somepony." Flitter giggled and blushed gently, causing Rainbow Dash to grin broadly and pulled Flitter a little closer to her. "We do make an adorable couple!" Rainbow Dash enjoyed seeing Flitter blush, it was unusual as Flitter wasn't overly bothered by most things, but her sister always managed. Rainbow Dash guessed it was something about their familial connection that caused Flitter to be shyer around her sister. Flitter flushed a little brighter, Rainbow Dash was encouraging this and Flitter stuck her tongue out at her sister. "Don't think you can distract me." Cloud Chaser grinned. "I didn't distract you then, but I sure made you blush." Pointing it out only made Flitter blush brighter and Rainbow Dash grinned an evil grin, turning slightly to bring her other wing out and wrap it around Flitter, pulling her in close. "Hey, don't embarrass my marefriend!" Both Cloud Chaser and Rainbow Dash started snickering loudly and they could hear Flitter's, slightly muffled voice. "You're both terrible." Rainbow Dash grinned and let Flitter out of her wing cage, who came up, scowling at the other two, though her eyes were far softer than when they had been having their argument. "Hey, we should..." She looked at Cloud Chaser and bit her bottom lip. "We... We need to get over to Coco and Applejack's party..." It was obvious that Flitter didn't want to leave her sister, but the party was important. Cloud Chaser grinned and waved a hoof. "Go, go, I'll be fine." She grinned at her little sister. "See? I can already move this hoof." Flitter scowled at her, from the original estimate she should have been able to stand by this point. Not walk, but stand upon her own power for a minute or two. "Please Flitter, go do your stuff, I'll be fine here." Flitter nodded, begrudgingly and leaned in, kissing her sister on the cheek. "I love you Cloudy." "I love you too Flitter." Rainbow Dash looked up, she always felt a little awkward when the two sisters were affectionate, she'd never had a sibling but Cloud Chaser and Flitter were closer than even than Twilight and her big brother. Though not in the way some rumors said they were! She had almost beaten someone up for cracking -that- joke about her marefriend. She smiled and reached out, gently bumping her hoof against Cloud Chaser's hoof. "Get better Chaser." "Take good care of my sister Dash." Cloud Chaser grinned and waved as Flitter and Rainbow Dash walked out. Cloud Chaser waited for a few minutes before snickering gently and looking to the side of her room, where her closet was, rolling her eyes slightly. "You can come out now. You know it's rude to eavesdrop... Princess." > Home...? (June 7th, Friday afternoon.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flitter alighted on a cloud about half way to Sweet Apple Acres, looking back at Rainbow Dash who curiously landed next to her. "Yeah...?" Rainbow Dash wasn't sure what this was about but seeing what they had just gone through she wasn't sure she wanted to hear what Flitter had to say, but taking Flitter's little outbursts was what she'd signed up for when she had pursued Flitter. And overall the adorable mare was well worth the work her outbursts entailed. Flitter pouted at her marefriend, this giving Rainbow Dash all the warning she needed to send up red flags that Flitter was about to ask for something Rainbow Dash didn't want to do. "Can we go spend the weekend at home Dash...?" Rainbow Dash was a bit non-plussed, not having had expected that request, she shook her head. "What? No, we have... Oh." It took Rainbow Dash a few moments but she realized why Flitter wanted to go home. She felt a bit slow after not catching it immediately, but the lack of obvious or explosive emotions had thrown her. She walked over and draped a wing over Flitter, snuggling her close to her. "Flitter, she'll be fine." Flitter whined but nuzzled up into her marefriend, the two had gotten close over the past month. Rainbow Dash hadn't expected to be wading so quickly into deep waters but Flitter's cold outside opened up to quite a tumultuous inside when she got close to someone. Rainbow Dash guessed only she and Cloud Chaser had ever seen it. "I... Hope so. But I wanna spend some time at home too... Just... Just in case...?" Rainbow Dash was now even more utterly confused, how did being at their house help with Cloud Chaser being sick...? "Well... Uh... I mean... Well, I suppose you can go Flitter but I really should go to Coco and Applejack's party." Flitter blinked and shifted where she was standing. "Oh... I more meant after but if that's an option..." "It'll mean a lot to them if you come." Flitter let out a small whine but nodded. "Alright... But after that can we?" Rainbow Dash puffed her cheeks out a little and sighed. "If you want to stay in all weekend ok. I have something to do for the Wonderbolts Saturday, but that'll only be a few hours, otherwise, I'll stay in with you all weekend." Flitter tilted her head to the side before snickering and shaking her head, Rainbow Dash was happy to see some genuine amusement in the other mare's eyes, though she was confused by it. "I don't mean stay in all weekend Rainbow Dash. I just meant... I'd like to be in my room for a bit... And visit Cloudy's, I want to spend the weekend at my home Dash." "Oh! Hah! That makes a lot more sense!" She snickered herself, nodding more confidently. "It'll be a bit more of a fly to get back from the farm but sure thing. I'll need to stop by to get Tank, but I don't think I really need anything for the weekend unless you don't have spare blankets." Flitter grinned. "We have plenty of blankets. And I can show you around the house! It's super nice! It took sooooooo long to be built!" Flitter grinned and stretched a little. "Really Rainbow Dash. I'm concerned, but I wasn't going to hide inside all weekend!" Rainbow Dash raised an eyebrow at Flitter who stuck her tongue out at her, unwilling to admit that they both knew that she'd done something similar their second week of dating when Cloud Chaser had been in an extended surgery and Flitter was spouting off conspiracies about experiments on her sister. "I'm glad you'll be at the party though." "Oh? It's just a party." Flitter grinned weakly. "Or are parties that boring without me?" "Nah, they're just going to announce their engagement at the party." "They're what!? They've only been dating a month! How in the... Wait... How do you know this?" Rainbow Dash chuckled and waved a hand. "I may or may not have seen Applejack buying an engagement necklace." Flitter snickered a little causing Rainbow Dash to look at her curiously. "What? I think they're a cute couple." "I agree!" Flitter nuzzled up to Rainbow Dash who shrugged, guessing that Flitter just thought of something funny until the whisper. "And where's my engagement necklace?" Came. Rainbow Dash jumped back like Flitter had burst into flame, where Flitter just grinned at her, looking at her through lidded eyes. "What!?" Flitter rolled her eyes and dropped her grin. "Ok, calm down Rainbow Dash I was kidding. But I must say that was very flattering." Rainbow Dash cleared her throat a bit. "Oh... Yeah sorry about that but I just thought you were serious and... Look I really like you but... It's only been a month..." Flitter giggled and walked back to her marefriend, nuzzling her gently. "Ok, ok, I'm sorry, and I'm not taking it badly. Well, not that badly. It could have been a nicer response but I'd have probably done similar if you asked me to marry you after only a month." Rainbow Dash huffed a bit, rustling her wings in annoyance but she leaned down, nuzzling in return and leaving a kiss on Flitter's cheek. "Brat." "Brute." "Spoiled princess." "Slowpoke." "Ow, that one hurt." Rainbow Dash grinned as she pointed towards the apple farm with a wing. "Want me to prove how much faster than you I am?" Flitter giggled and put her hoof upon her forehead. "Oh no! My bluff has been called! Now you will never take my insults seriously again! However, can I overcome such a handicap!" She grinned as she looked back down. "Well, you do it every day so it can't be that hard." Rainbow Dash let out a sharp bark of laughter, shaking her head absently. "I mean I learned not to try and win an insult battle with you the first day you moved in, why do I keep trying to compete?" "Because you don't learn very well." Rainbow Dash grinned. "Peace Flitter, you already won." Flitter smiled and bowed slightly. "Thank you, thank you." She looked back to the farm and frowned a little, looking back to Rainbow Dash, reconsidering her offer to let her skip the party. "Hey, Flitter." Rainbow Dash walked up next to her marefriend and wrapped her wing around the other mare. "Come on now Flitter, you like Coco and Applejack, you'll feel better seeing your friends." Flitter grumbled slightly, Rainbow Dash knew Flitter had some emotional issues and often didn't like to do things when she was feeling down, but she usually enjoyed doing them. "It is up to you Flitter." Flitter looked back towards the distance away from the farm but then looked back and pushed up slightly, nuzzling against her marefriend. "Okay... I'll try." > Party Minuette (June 7th, Friday evening.) (Time To Model Crossover) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rarity wished Applejack and Coco well as they entered the party. Minuette returned Coco's welcome hug just a little too long, not enough that anyone besides Rarity would notice. She glared sideways are Minuette as she caught up. "Don't you even think it darling." "What? She was the one who offered a hug, I was just being polite. Besides, you hugged her too." "Yes, but don't think I didn't notice how you lingered. Really Minuette, I know you've... Convinced me of a few things, but do not try to bring poor Coco in on any of that, she'd have a heart attack." Minuette grinned, she'd had no intention of doing so of course, she could tell when a pony wasn't interested in more untraditional relationships, but if she used Coco as an unknowing little poke at Rarity no harm no foul. "I would never do such a thing Rarity! I am serious Minuette as you requested, not lascivious Minuette." Rarity rolled her eyes, they both knew that Minuette knew exactly what she had done and that she'd done it on purpose. But Rarity had to also admit that Minuette both meant no harm, and was careful to respect the boundaries of others, Coco didn't even notice the extra few seconds, and no one else did, so there really wasn't any harm done. "You're terrible dear." "And you love it don't you dearheart?" Rarity blushed gently. "It has its moments I must admit." She turned her head at the flash of blue she thought she recognized, that wasn't Minuette. Rarity grinned, thankful for the distraction. "Rainbow Dash! Flitter!" She grinned and trotted over to her two friends, causing Minuette to chuckle as she followed. "Opportunist." Rarity smiled at her two friends as Minuette came up behind her. "Hello darlings, how are you two?" Flitter looked up at Rainbow Dash, pushing up against her side but not speaking. "Uh... We're... Ok Rarity. But that's a pretty dress." "Oh thank you, darling! I spent hours on it! Minuette and I match now!" Though Rarity was pretty easy to divert it seemed Minuette was not so easily distracted. "What's the matter?" Flitter frowned a bit but Rainbow Dash used a wing to pull Flitter closer into her side, cooing to her softly before looking back to Minuette, waving a hoof absently. "Oh, nothing to worry about Minuette. Just came from visiting Cloud Chaser, Flitter's never the best after that for obvious reasons." Minuette nodded, accepting that explanation, it made perfect sense obviously. Rarity nodded, being a bit more empathetic than Minuette. "Oh I'm sorry dear, how is she doing?" "Fine...!" The harsh word came from the scowling Flitter who looked away for a moment. "Sorry... She's ok..." Rarity nodded but dropped that topic of conversation wisely. "Well darlings, I do think I should have you both over to the boutique some time! I haven't taken your measurements recently and in case you two want any new dresses it would be good to have your numbers at the ready!" Rarity was sure that Coco would come to Rarity for the dresses, and having such an idea beforehand would make Rarity look very clever. Rainbow Dash grinned, though, to her knowledge, Rarity didn't know it she had just hit onto a great idea, they would need to come anyway and agreeing to such an idea would make Rainbow Dash look very clever. "Good idea Rarity! You never know when you'll need a new dress." Minuette had obtained an apple from somewhere and was snacking while the two old friends made plans, and she looked at Flitter who reluctantly came over to Minuette at a proffered apple. Minuette leaned in and whispered into Flitter's ear. "I bet that Rarity just makes dresses so she can cop feels on other ponies. Can't blame her though, I mean Rainbow Dash is a hottie." Both Rarity and Rainbow Dash looked over at the other pair as Flitter actually burst out laughing. While Rainbow Dash grinned, happy to see the jokester second only to Pinkie had gotten Flitter to cheer up a bit, Rarity rolled her eyes, trotting over to Minuette and hissing. "I thought we agreed that serious Minuette would be at the party?" Minuette grinned, she couldn't get Rarity to set her up better if there had been a script involved. "I promise you what I said I was was completely serious." Flitter couldn't stop herself from letting out another guffaw at that comment, sitting down and continuing to laugh as so that she wouldn't fall over. Rainbow Dash trotted over as well, giving Minuette a wide smile as she trotted up to Flitter and sat down next to her, prodding her with a hoof. "Hey, don't bogart the joke there." But Flitter could only shake her head as she laughed. "Man, you're good Minuette." Minuette grinned. "Oh, I know." Rarity sighed in exasperation. "Don't encourage her Rainbow Dash!" Minuette trotted over to Rainbow Dash and grinned wickedly at Rarity and leaned in to whisper to Rainbow Dash. "I told Flitter that Rarity only makes dresses to cop feels from other ponies." Rainbow Dash let out a spurt of laughter before Minuette added the second part. "Then I called you a hottie." She grinned and got up, giving Rainbow Dash a wink before trotting back to Rarity, Minuette was, of course, looking inordinately proud of herself. Rarity glared at her. "Do I even want to ask what you said?" "Probably not!" The answer came from Rainbow Dash who was beating her hoof on the ground as she busted a gut, though Rarity was sure she saw a faint blush on Rainbow Dash's cheeks, that could be attributed to her exertion of laughter. "Oh, man. how did Rarity ever find you? I mean... seriously? You and Rarity?" Rarity sighed, she'd had this conversation before. "Minuette is a very complex pony Rainbow Dash!" Minuette grinned and Rarity realized that the question had not been an actual criticism of their relationship, she blushed gently at the fact she had made a small bit of a fool of herself at that moment. "Well, my statement is true either way!" "Either way what Rarity?" Minuette grinned, giving Rarity her full attention. Rarity blushed a bit brighter. "W-Well never you mind!" Minuette snickered and looked back at Rainbow Dash. "Isn't she adorable when she's flustered?" Rainbow Dash nodded, still chuckling, and though Flitter had calmed down she was still grinning in genuine amusement. Rarity huffed and got behind Minuette, pushing her hard and causing her to stumble a few steps forward to end up next to Rainbow Dash, looking back and raising an eyebrow, Rarity rarely got physically angry, but then she noticed the slight grin on Rarity's muzzle. "Well if you two get along so well how about we switch, you two go off and crack more jokes." She trotted over slightly to stand next to Flitter. "And I will take the beautiful, and more importantly civil and proper Flitter around the party. We all win." Both Rainbow Dash and Minuette had a good chortle over that one, Rainbow Dash smiled. "I dunno Rarity, Flitter's pretty adorable, I don't know if you can handle her." Flitter rolled her eyes but smiled. 'Well certainly, it's not like she's used to anything adorable in her life otherwise." Minuette faked getting shot through the heart and landing dead on the grass. But Rarity wasn't about to rise to such an obvious bait, at least, not on their terms. "Oh, my dears you misunderstand me. Minuette can't very well be expected to beat Flitter's adorability quotient but I assure you she makes up for it in... Other ways." And after a few moments, long enough for both Flitter and Rainbow Dash to register their surprise, and even Minuette opened an eye from the ground to look at Rarity appraisingly Rarity finished the thought. "You know, she's an excellent gofer and her time magic makes her very useful for meeting deadlines." All three other ponies had to laugh at the turnaround, Minuette getting to her feet and trotting over to give Rarity an affectionate hug. "I told you my bad manners would rub off on you." Flitter smiled, it was still only slight but she did feel better after all that. She trotted back over to Rainbow Dash, sitting down next to her as she chortled. Rarity smiled and nodded to the other pair. "Well darlings we should go mingle more, we will see you later." Minuette grinned and gave them both a wink, from the eye hidden from Rarity of course. "Yeah, see you two about." Rainbow Dash smiled and waved. "Yeah, you two have fun." Flitter hesitated then raised her own hoof in farewell but didn't say anything to the two, as she leaned in and whispered to Rainbow Dash. "Minuette's a little weird." Rainbow Dash smiled and nodded. "Yeah, but she's fun." "Was she flirting with us?" Rainbow Dash blinked, blushing a little, she'd thought she was imagining it but if Flitter had picked up on that too. "Naw. Couldn't be, probably just her sense of humor. I mean... That would mean she and Rarity..." Rainbow Dash paused then her eyes widened as she remembered a few jokes that Minuette had made and then how Rarity reacted... And some off-hand comments she had made... "Oh goodness..." Flitter raised an eyebrow before blinking. "No... You're kidding." Rainbow Dash nodded. "Yeah... I think they swing... Or something like it." > Telling Dash (June 7th, Friday evening.) (Secret No More. Romance Galore. Crossover.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Pinkie hopped into the party looking about to spy two of her friends, Flitter and Rainbow Dash, staring off into the small crowd of people. With Zecora following her closely Pinkie hopped over to the pair. "Hi girls!" "Oh hey, PINKIE!?" Rainbow Dash couldn't control her voice as she turned to look at the Zecora painted Pinkie Pie. "What in the world are you two doing!?" Flitter looked at the two and giggled a bit as she saw the two uniquely decorated mares. She smiled a bit, she wasn't sure how she felt about what Minuette had just pulled, but before that bit the weirdness was fun, and now this promised to be more fun. Zecora walked up next to the bouncing pony. "Do not fear Rainbow Dash. We have done nothing rash. We are announcing our courting. Our resistance to parting. We have been preparing for months of six. We are not lost in the sticks." Flitter snickered again at a private joke of hers as Rainbow Dash simply garbled some nonsense. Pinkie took the opportunity to explain more fully. "Well, you see I expressed to Zecora that I kinda liked her and wanted to see if she wanted to do something. She said that with her people to do something you secretly dated for six months so that you could form your own opinions of the other person without outside influence. You then if you decide to take the next step start courting and to announce that you paint each other's stripes and such on each other. But since I'm not a zebra it was more involved! I got painted all over and so did Zecora! But don't you worry I'll be pink again because it washes off with water! But I might get Zecora to make some more that'll last longer because this is really cool and I am adorable like this! And Zecora's adorable looking like me too so I like this a lot!" Rainbow Dash blinked slowly, taking in Pinkie's long and quick explanation. "Well... Pinkie... That's... Good." Rainbow Dash shook her head to clear it of the long explanation. "Sorry, didn't mean to sound so hesitant! That is good Pinkie." Rainbow Dash chuckled a little. "Seems everyone's putting work into finding themselves a special somepony these days." She backed up and put a wing around Flitter, pulling her a bit closer than usual, causing Flitter to meep slightly as she looked up curiously at Rainbow Dash. Pinkie didn't seem to notice and nodded encouragingly. Zecora seemed to notice that there was something off. "Does something trouble you Dash? What would darken your mind during this bash?" Rainbow Dash waved a hoof, clearing her throat a bit nervously. "Oh, nothing for you to worry about there Zecora, just..." She glanced at Flitter who's narrowed eyes said 'don't you dare' more clearly than a sharp stick would have. "Uh... Just Rarity being weird and wanting a dress fitting is all, not like I'm going to need a new dress or anything any time soon!" Pinkie grinned widely. "OH! That'd be a great idea to go anyway Dash! You never know when you could use a new dress!" Pinkie knew that with the upcoming announcement of the engagement they'd all need new dresses, so having such an idea beforehand would make Pinkie look very clever. Rainbow Dash, in turn, smirked at her friend and nodded. "Ya know you're right Pinkie. You never know when you're going to need a new dress. Like sometime next month or something probably." Rainbow Dash grinned a little wider, now Pinke and Rarity would think about how clever their rainbow maned friend was for forseeing the need of a new dress. Flitter squirmed a bit, having been distracted by her own cleverness Rainbow Dash hadn't noticed when it started but smiled at her in apology, releasing her marefriend from the winged prison. Flitter ruffled her own wings in annoyance at Rainbow Dash but still sat next to her marefriend. "So, you two have been secretly dating for six months and are now courting? That's quite the accomplishment to keep secret, especially for Pinkie Pie." Pinkie bounced, nodding vigorously. "I KNOW! I wanted to shout it soooooo many times!" She hopped around a bit. "But then Zecora would be mad and that wouldn't be good to have my marefriend mad at me, but now I can tell everyone and Zecora will be happy!" Zecora chuckled gently and shook her head a bit. "My precious pie pony. You are ever so funny. You can tell whoever you wish. But if they don't listen, do not push." Pinkie giggled. "Oh I know I know, but my friends will want to hear every detail right?" Rainbow Dash paled slightly. "Uh... Actually Pinkie I don't think I need all the details of six months... But you know who is really into romance and is at this party? Applebloom!" Pinkie nearly jumped a foot in the air a the suggestion. "Ooh! You're right! I need to go find her!" SHe waved at the two and sped off. Zecora chuckled and got up leisurely and started after Pinkie. "She certainly always has energy. It brings great joy to me." When they were gone Flitter and Rainbow Dash looked at each other, but Flitter was the first to talk. "Your friends are crazy." "My friends are crazy!? They're your friends too now!" "Oh no, I'm friends with Fluttershy, and she's per... Mostly normal! But your friends are the ones getting engaged after a month, and dating in secret for half a year, and then the ones who are swingers!" Rainbow Dash snorted. "Should I apologize?" "No, but please tell me that Twilight is normal! Next thing I know she's going to be dating my sister!" Rainbow Dash snorted again. "Ok, now that's something I can most certainly guarantee is not happening!" Flitter giggled slightly. "I dunno, maybe you should go get that to happen, being sister in law to the princess has to have some benefits that come along with it." Rainbow Dash let out a bark of laughter and nuzzled into Flitter. "See? You're already feeling better." Flitter grumbled but couldn't deny that being around Rainbow Dash's friends was usually a good experience. "Fine, you win, thanks." Rainbow Dash grinned victoriously as they started to head towards the refreshments tables, the grin growing a little wider when Flitter rewarded Rainbow Dash with a kiss on the cheek. > Better This Way? (June 7th, Friday night.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash pulled Flitter a little closer to her as they sat upon a cloud overlooking the last remnants of Applejack’s and Coco’s party. Rainbow Dash turned her head and nuzzled her marefriend gently on the neck, smiling as she heard Flitter’s soft gasp. Rainbow Dash moved up to speak into Flitter’s ear, whispering gently so to not disturb the quiet. ”I really liked having you at my side all evening tonight.” Flitter actually blushed slightly, taking Rainbow Dash a little aback. Flitter wasn't usually shy about anything unless Cloud Chaser was around. Flitter didn't seem to be willing to give a verbal answer. Though she did move her head, laying it across Rainbow Dash’s front hooves. Rainbow Dash couldn't stop herself grinning so wide that it made her feel like Pinkie Pie. Rainbow Dash laid her neck over Flitter’s and shifted slightly to pull the other mare a bit closer to her to get them both more comfortable. Flitter was, ironically to Rainbow Dash’s expectations of her relationships, the less cuddly of the two of them. So any time Flitter sought out physical affection was rare, save for their nightly cuddle arrangements. Rainbow Dash was more than happy to oblige Flitter with cuddles at any time. The only annoying part of this position was that Rainbow Dash had a giant pink bow in her face. But Rainbow Dash just closed her eyes and used it as an impromptu pillow. It was a rather balmy night, she could see them spending the night out here above Sweet Apple Acres. Rainbow Dash was just starting to drift off when she felt her pillow move and she lifted her head, looking down at Flitter and smiled at her marefriend. Flitter smiled back, seeming a bit timider than her usual confident self. Rainbow Dash was guessing it was a side effect of Flitter still processing her emotions about Cloud Chaser’s injuries. Rainbow Dash guessed they should head home since they were both up. Glancing over the side of the cloud the only guests left were Rarity and Minuette, chatting with Coco and Applejack. ”Hey, you wanna go home?” Flitter nodded, standing up and letting out a big yawn, stretching languidly, causing Rainbow Dash to watch her intently. Flitter rubbed her eyes gently with her hooves. ”Back to the Cloudominium then?” Rainbow Dash was in the middle of agreeing when she frowned. ”Wait didn't you want to spend the weekend at your place?” Flitter shook her head yawning widely again. ”Too late to go all that way...” Rainbow Dash nodded slowly. It really wasn't that much further but if Flitter just wanted to go to bed Rainbow Dash supposed she could understand the change. ”Okay, we’ll visit tomorrow then.” Rainbow Dash smiled as she stretched herself, spreading her wings. ”Ready?” Flitter nodded and spread her wings in response. They both shot off towards Rainbow Dash’s home. Rainbow Dash landed in a small puff of clouds on her porch. Moments later Flitter landed behind her looking up at the magnificently decorated house and smiled slightly at it. Rainbow Dash opened the door and ushered Flitter into her home, coaxing a giggle from the tired mare. Flitter smiled as she walked past, giving Rainbow Dash a gentle nuzzle as she passed by. Rainbow Dash couldn't stop herself from raising an eyebrow as she followed Flitter in. Rainbow Dash licked her muzzle as she considered but then nodded to herself. ”Hey Flitter, you want to tell me what’s up?” Flitter’s ears went down instantly and she glanced back at Rainbow Dash, though Rainbow Dash thought she saw a flash of annoyance in that glance. But as Flitter opened her mouth Rainbow Dash cut her off at the pass. ”And don't say because of Chaser. This is something else.” Flitter scowled at Rainbow Dash as she turned. ”Really Dash? I put effort into being more of a support to you and you call me out asking me what's wrong? I mean even if I wasn't perfect you could appreciate the effort!” Rainbow Dash frowned, taking her a second to realize what Flitter meant by ’support.’ It was the traditional term for the less assertive of a mated pegasus pair. It was a supremely outdated way to run a relationship and Rainbow Dash wasn't interested in such a partner in any way. She opened her mouth to retort but then stopped herself, taking a deep breath. She needed to remind herself that Flitter was a bit more... Unique than the average pony and could misinterpret things relatively easily. "Flitter, I never meant to say that. What did I say that made you think that?" Flitter blinked and whined a little, as her scowl faded into a frown. She despised when she misread others. Which was why she went into looking after foals, foals were easy to understand if you knew the proper signs but full grown ponies were puzzles. "Well, you said 'having you at my side.' We both know that was the old way to initiated the ceremony for... ... And you had no idea did you?" Rainbow Dash shook her head and walked over to Flitter, tilting her head slightly, causing Flitter to let out a small sigh and nod, as Rainbow Dash leaned in and nuzzled her marefriend gently. "Flitter it's ok, you just misunderstood." Flitter whined loudly and frowned at Rainbow Dash. "But I don't want to misunderstand what you say! I am tired of not getting things when people imply things, or when they try to drop hints, or when..." She took a deep breathe, stopping talking as she felt Rainbow Dash wrap her forelegs around her. Letting it out in a sigh she nuzzled into Rainbow Dash. "You're a lot... More caring than I would have thought." Rainbow Dash smiled gently as she let go of Flitter, booping her nose gently. "You have your issues I know, but you also have advantages, you're wonderfully blunt." That restored Flitter's smile slightly. "You're smart as heck, and I mean heck I take home like... What? Twice as much once you told me how much more I was paying than I needed to for... Pretty much everything?" Flitter smiled a bit more, she liked it when her practicality was pointed out and complimented. "Not to mention you're adorable." That actually caught out a giggle from Flitter. Flitter grinned and leaned in, giving her marefriend a kiss on the cheek and sighing a bit. "Thanks, Rainbow Dash. No telling anyone about this, right?" Rainbow Dash nodded, letting out a small sigh. "Of course, though really you can tell others, it doesn't have to be just me and Chaser. I mean if no one else Fluttershy would be very supportive..." Flitter's feathered ruffled in irritation and she opened her mouth but Rainbow Dash lifted a hoof to Flitter before she could yell. "Ok, ok, I'll drop it. Bedtime or do you want to go to your home?" Flitter glared for a few more moments but then smiled. "Bed here, it really is too late to go out, I'm tired... Parties really take it out of me." Rainbow Dash nodded and followed as Flitter lead the way upstairs, looking a little sadly after her marefriend. She was hoping that eventually, Flitter would feel confident enough to tell others about her disability. But Rainbow Dash would support Flitter either way. > Secret Words (June 7th, Friday night.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flitter snuggled up to Rainbow Dash as they laid in bed that night, like she always did. Flitter wasn't usually a cuddly pony but when she had her... Events her sister had always comforted her. Then when Rainbow Dash had done the same for her she had slept unnaturally well. At least unnaturally for her. So now this was their sleeping arrangement. Cuddled up with the showy blue mare with the rainbow mane, and secretly loving every moment of it. Rainbow knew that Flitter enjoyed physical affection most of the time, but there were times it really, really bothered her. Rainbow Dash was therefore always careful about giving Flitter too much affection lest she snap at her. But their nightly cuddles was one thing that Rainbow Dash knew Flitter always enjoyed. Much to her embarrassment Rainbow Dash had found she was a lot more into cuddling and gentle affection than she thought she'd been before she got into this relationship with Flitter. Rainbow Dash hadn't ever had a really romantic relationship before now so she figured that's why it hadn't come up. Most of her past relationships had been based on both her and the mare/stallion being attractive. But with Flitter, while she was extremely cute, it was more than just that. Rainbow Dash felt the desire to protect the, slightly, younger mare from the world. She had found out about Flitter's personal issues even as Flitter had tried to hide them as best she could. Really Flitter was pretty good at hiding them. She and Cloud Chaser were the only two that knew about Flitter's disability. Well, Rainbow Dash presumed that probably Flitter’s father and doctors knew too. Rainbow Dash wasn't sure why but she felt the strong urge to protect Flitter. Rainbow Dash knew that was just part of who she was, that was why she and Fluttershy had first become friends, Rainbow Dash's urge to protect Fluttershy from the bullies. But it was more developed with Flitter. Flitter had so much to offer the world, but she hid from a world that, though she'd never have admitted it, scared her. Rainbow Dash smiled as she leaned down, nuzzling gently into Flitter's ears, taking full advantage of the carte blanche to be as affectionate as she wanted that the nightly cuddle sessions gave her. Hearing the small giggled as Flitter nuzzled deeper into Rainbow Dash's fur Rainbow Dash let out a contented sigh. She really felt like she had it all in that moment. Good friends, a wonderful career, an adorable marefriend to take care of... Maybe Twilight was right after all. Happiness wasn't in things, it was in purpose and relationships. Though she wasn't planning on giving up her things any time soon either. Flitter giggled again as she felt a gentle kiss deposited on her head, between her ears. She glanced up at Rainbow Dash, leaning up and nuzzling against just below her marefriend's chin. Happy to know that here, in the privacy of Rainbow Dash's room there was no chance anyone was spying on her, no one could see her letting her guard down. "We need to go to sleep Rainbow Dash." Rainbow Dash smiled faintly as she rubbed her marefriend's back gently with her wing. "Well obviously, that's why we're in bed." Flitter couldn't help but giggle again as Rainbow Dash purposely misinterpreted her statement. "You know what I mean Dash." Rainbow Dash grinned. "Oh, but I so rarely get to cuddle you like this Flitter. I think I'll take advantage of that for just a bit longer." Flitter squirmed a little but giggled as she felt wings gently caressing her sides. "Oh don't get too liberal, or I'll make you sleep on the couch!" Obviously, that had never happened, but they both heard about it as a joke when a stallion upset his mare. "This is my bed Flitter, if anyone would be getting the couch it'd be you!" "Well yeah." Rainbow Dash frowned in the darkness before Flitter continued. "But then you'd have to come out to the couch to help me sleep, so you'd be out there too." That warranted a bark of laughter from Rainbow Dash. "Clever girl!" Rainbow Dash gave her one last kiss on the forehead before settling in to actually let the two sleep. Though even as Flitter let out a large yawn and snuggled into her own position to sleep, Rainbow Dash couldn't just leave it there, she had to try, for Flitter's sake. "Flitter?" At any other time, the hesitant tone in Rainbow Dash's voice would have been likely noticeable to Flitter, but she was too tired to hear it tonight. "Yeah?" Rainbow Dash licked her lips, considering her best options before just deciding that she should stick to what she was best at, frontal assault. "I'd like it if you let me cuddle you more in public Flitter." She wanted to try to get Flitter to just tell everyone about her issues. However Flitter wasn't willing to do that, so getting her a bit out of her shell might be an acceptable workaround until that day, hopefully soon, came. Flitter stiffened before glaring up at the other pony, a low growl escaping her throat. "Rainbow Dash...! We talked about this! You can't just... It's not that..." Flitter despised her weaknesses, she liked to think of herself as strong and independent, but she wasn't, and she despised that. She'd accepted that she had to share her weaknesses with Rainbow Dash and that Rainbow Dash would help her, but she didn't need them brought up to her every time Rainbow Dash got it in her mind to... To... To do something about them! Rainbow Dash kept her voice gentle, coaxing. "Flitter, it's just that if you let me be more open with my affection... You might be more comfortable with the others..." Flitter let out another growl, so it wasn't just Rainbow Dash wanting more affection. That would have been annoying with how they talked about public affection but it would have been acceptable. Rainbow Dash was a normal mare, and normal mares wanted to be able to be affectionate with their marefriends in public. But again Rainbow Dash was trying to fix... To fix her! Flitter had asked for help from the rainbow pony and they had made progress together, but it was never enough for the dang speedster! It was never fast enough for the arrogant blue mare! "Shut up Rainbow Dash! Just... Just shut up!" Rainbow Dash let out a low huff but did shut up, pulling her wings in a little closer though, pressing Flitter to herself, as if expecting Flitter to bolt and wishing to stop her from escaping. For her part, Flitter was considering leaving. Maybe a night without her favorite cuddle toy would teach Rainbow Dash that Flitter wasn't something she could manipulate to make into the perfect little companion for her to show off at shows! Flitter took a slow, deep breath, she may be annoyed at Rainbow Dash but she knew that wasn't Rainbow Dash's intent. She couldn't ascribe such evil intent to her marefriend, it wasn't there. She had to calm herself down before she did something stupid... She did lean into Rainbow Dash a little more, nuzzling into her fur, hoping the unspoken assurance that she wasn't leaving would do some good where her words had done damage. Rainbow Dash was stewing herself. She always tried to be patient as she could with Flitter but everyone had their limits. She was just trying to help, and it was ok for Flitter to say no, it was her emotional state after all. But to react like that, so rude, and just... Rainbow Dash appreciated bluntness but that had just been mean. Rainbow Dash had just been trying to help! Though she was tired, and she usually fell asleep quickly, her mind was too busy. With the new information about Coco and Applejack having a wedding date already, Pinkie and Zecora courting, and Minuette and Rarity being... Whatever the heck they were. She had too much to process, now with this annoyance on top of it she knew she wasn't going to be getting any sleep for a while while she sorted out her emotions. Flitter hadn't fallen asleep yet either, but that wasn't uncommon. Even with her better record, there was a small sliver of her that feared to sleep. She often had the nightmares about... Well, they didn't bear thinking on. But she had had them so long, and despite Cloud Chaser being able to chase them away sometimes, and Rainbow Dash seemingly able to protect her from them permanently, she still feared that they would one day return. She also was stewing over snapping at Rainbow Dash. She should have just calmly said to drop it, she didn't need to be angry... She sighed and looked up at Rainbow Dash, who was laying there in the dim light with her eyes closed. Flitter probed quietly, "Rainbow Dash? Rainbow Dash are you awake?" Normally Rainbow Dash would have answered, but she was still sour over being told to shut up and so she remained silent, she really didn't want to deal with Flitter right now. Flitter smiled faintly as she nuzzled into Rainbow Dash, saying quietly. "I'm sorry Rainbow Dash... I love you." Rainbow Dash, at least mentally, froze. She hadn't heard Flitter say that before! She... For all she knew Flitter had been saying this every night for weeks now. Though Rainbow Dash doubted that it didn't matter. Flitter had just said it, and even worse she'd said it when Rainbow Dash had been pretending to be asleep! She couldn't now say something about it! But she wanted to, she wanted to talk to Flitter about it, but now she couldn't Rainbow Dash silently cursed her sour mood. Flitter had not only apologized but also expressed her feelings like she hadn't before. After waiting about a minute Rainbow Dash did the only thing she could think of to express her approval to Flitter, pulling her in a little closer, a natural enough thing to happen in one's sleep so that Flitter wouldn't be suspicious. Rainbow Dash knew she wouldn't be sleeping for even longer now, she had to think up the perfect way to tell Flitter that she loved her too. Though she'd have to do it without dropping the bombshell that she was awake. Maybe she could get Rarity's advice on how to set up the perfect date tomorrow, then tell Flitter. Though she couldn't say it out loud at the moment, Rainbow Dash did mentally answer her marefriend. "I love you too Flitter." > The Best Laid Plans (June 8th, Saturday morning.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow Dash smiled down at Flitter sleeping peacefully in her grasp and leaned in gently nuzzling the other mare. Flitter shifted a little mumbling a little as she woke up. Rainbow Dash smiled as she cooed to the other pony, ”Flitter, wake up or I’ll make us breakfast.” Flitter groaned a little as she opened her eyes. Looking up at the unexpectedly chirpy speedster. She hadn't expected this after their mini-fight last night but she was quite happy about it. Flitter yawned as she closed her eyes again and nuzzled back into Rainbow Dash’s fur, her voice now slightly muffled. ”What happened to sleeping in?” Rainbow Dash grinned as she nuzzled her marefriend again. Rolling over with Flitter still in her grasp. “But we’re both awake now. And I feel like spending some more time with my marefriend.” Rainbow Dash grinned as she stood up, stretching, and grinning down at her marefriend. Flitter whined as she tugged at the blanket. ”Noooo. More sleeping...” Flitter was a little baffled, unless Rainbow Dash had training or a show she liked to sleep in too. Rainbow Dash leaned in and gave Flitter a kiss on the cheek, cooing to her gently. At that Flitter opened an eye and regarded Rainbow Dash. After a few moments, Flitter sighed and got up, nuzzling up against Rainbow Dash gently. ”I'm sorry for snapping at you last night.” Rainbow Dash was still grinning as she returned the nuzzle. ”That's alright.” She smiled and hopped down off the bed. Flitter was still baffled by her marefriend’s actions. “Who put a bit in you this morning?” Flitter walked down off the bed only to be a bit shocked as Rainbow Dash walked back over to her and gave her another nuzzle. This was a lot more affectionate than Rainbow Dash usually was. Rainbow Dash had spent all her time last night thinking of the perfect way to tell Flitter that she returned her feelings, and she had a plan she thought that even Rarity would be impressed over. Rainbow Dash grinned as she watched Flitter, causing Flitter to raise an eyebrow at her and Rainbow Dash could only grin, knowing she looked like an idiot but she didn't care. "Your beauty did." Even Rainbow Dash had to grimace after that came out of her mouth, that was just stupidly corny. Flitter blinked, dumbfounded for a second before she just burst out laughing. "You... You... You..." Flitter sat down, still laughing and shaking her head. "That was awful Rainbow Dash!" Flitter continued to snicker as Rainbow Dash grumbled. "Well, you are pretty..." Rainbow Dash grumbled a bit, it had been terrible she couldn't blame Flitter for her reaction but it was still less than pleasant. Even Flitter could pick up on that grumbling from her marefriend. Smiling and getting her snickering under control she walked over to her marefriend nuzzling gently into Rainbow Dash's neck. "I'm sorry for teasing." She grinned, at least... She said the words, but they both know while she was sorry for making Rainbow Dash feel annoyed... She wasn't so much sorry about the teasing itself. Flitter let out a meep as she felt Rainbow Dash barrel her over and grinned down at her, pinning the other mare to the floor. "You know Flitter... If you're gonna tease me for loving y..." Rainbow Dash saw Flitter's eyes widen, a bright flush coming to her cheeks. Rainbow Dash realized exactly what she'd just said, or at least started to say. Rainbow Dash bit her bottom lip and slowly backed off of Flitter to allow her to sit up. Rainbow Dash had ruined her own day and the reveal, but she'd try to salvage it as much as possible, like not saying it while she pinned the other mare. Flitter hesitated a moment before rolling over onto her legs and standing up. Squirming a little where she was she sat down as she saw Rainbow Dash doing the same. Flitter squirmed a little, wondering in the back of her mind if Rainbow Dash might have been awake last night and that's what brought it on? After a few moments, Flitter decided against that as this did seem like a case of Rainbow Dash's mouth getting ahead of her. Something that happened quite often really. Flitter pawed absently at the ground, still blushing but not looking away from Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash smiled at Flitter, enjoying this more shy side of Flitter she usually only saw around Cloud Chaser. Flitter had become used to dealing with most of her emotions over the years, but romance was still a little out of her wheelhouse. Rainbow Dash leaned forward a little, raising a hoof and pressing it to Flitter's chest, causing her to flush just a little brighter. "Flitter, I love you." Flitter had known it was coming but still felt the flush of pleasure from the actual words. Licking her lips nervously she opened her mouth, then closed it, shifting a little. She knew that Rainbow Dash wasn't playing with her. She knew Rainbow Dash cared for her, before now she couldn't have confidently said that it was love, but it was appreciation. Rainbow Dash wasn't evil, she wouldn't manipulate emotions like that. But Flitter was still nervous, hesitant, squirming, it was so much easier to open up like that when there wasn't anyone else around. At least, the only other pony there was sleeping and couldn't hear her. Rainbow Dash saw Flitter's internal conflict in her eyes. Rainbow Dash liked to think she was a very emotionally mature mare and would react well no matter what. But she knew that the fact she'd heard Flitter say it last night made it a lot easier to simply smile at Flitter being nervous and shy and not be hurt by it. Rainbow Dash cooed to the other mare. "It's ok if you need some time Flitter. You don't n..." "I want to say it!" Flitter snapped, blushing a bit, this time in embarrassment for her reaction rather than from Rainbow Dash's words. Normally Rainbow Dash didn't like being snapped at, like anyone. However this time Rainbow Dash couldn't stop her wide grin at the reaction, sitting back and silently watching Flitter squirm and be nervous. Rainbow Dash couldn't stop thinking when the tough shell Flitter put up melted away to absolutely the most adorable mare she'd ever seen. Yes, even cuter than Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash smiled as she watched, still waiting for the words that she would have not expected to have been being said yesterday afternoon. Flitter bit her bottom lip, taking a deep breath and able to suppress everything except the smallest tremor in her voice. "Rainbow Dash... I... I love you too." > Exchange Of Services (June 8th, Saturday morning.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flitter squirmed a little in Rainbow Dash's firm grasp, blushing as the stronger pony held her close. She giggled a little as she looked up at her marefriend. "Hey, Dash, you do know no one's planning on stealing me right?" Rainbow Dash grinned and released Flitter, clearing her throat gently. "Sorry Flitter just... After you said it I wanted to..." She smiled a bit and reached a hoof up, gently running it through Flitter's pretty mane. "If you won't let me do it in public I'll cuddle you in private." Flitter blushed a little, scowling, though at herself not at Rainbow Dash, she usually had better control over herself than this. "That's fine, Rainbow Dash. We can cuddle in private to our hearts' content." She really did like it when they were cuddling, but she refused to let the general public see, for the obvious reasons. Obviously at least in Flitter's head, too much of a display of emotions was a vulnerability, and open cuddling was a form of emotional display. She turned to start towards the door. "Now, I'll make us breakfast and... Urk!" Flitter was interrupted by a pounce onto her from behind Rainbow Dash. Normally she'd be annoyed by an unexpected ambush but this time she just snickered. "Well, I walked right into that one didn't I?" Rainbow Dash grinned as she nuzzled the pony below her, pushed slightly into the cloud floor underneath them. "You sure did!" Rainbow Dash gave Flitter a gentle kiss on the top of her head before climbing off of her and offering her a hoof to help her up, which Flitter took with a roll of her eyes. "Hey, after my show tonight you wanna go to that fancy Prench place?" Flitter raised an eyebrow but resumed her way down to the kitchen, no matter what they did for dinner she had to make breakfast, she didn't want to eat whatever half-frozen piece of poison Rainbow Dash would whip up. She looked over her shoulder as she walked down the stairs with Rainbow Dash following her. "Oh? I thought you didn't like fancy food?" Rainbow Dash gave a partial shrug. "Ok, it's not that bad, and you like it." Flitter grinned over at her marefriend. "Oh, are you celebrating after we sa... Er... This morning..." Flitter flushed a little a, not quite ready to talk about the event. She didn't regret it by any means but it still made her deal with feelings that made her feel vulnerable. "Or is there something that you've done that I haven't found out about yet?" Rainbow Dash laughed and shook her head, grinning. "Absolutely not!... Not this time." Flitter rolled her eyes. "So you didn’t sign my name under another silent auction date with Spitfire?” Rainbow Dash blushed gently. “It was for charity! And I didn’t think that’d be the last bid!” Flitter shook her head slightly as she started to take down plates and food. The ‘date’ had actually been pretty fun. As it consisted of her and Spitfire roasting the absent Rainbow Dash at a fancy restaurant. And on top if paying for the night Rainbow Dash had bought her a pretty new bracelet ‘just because.’ “Ok, so a celebration then?” Rainbow Dash nodded, glad to be off the topic of her follies. “Yep. And while it might be a bit pricy I think you’re worth it.” Flitter snickered, that snicker that Rainbow Dash always knew was followed by a clever jab.m. “I didn’t realize you had priced out my worth.” Rainbow Dash chuckled gently. “Oh yeah, I mean I pay Chaser a stipend for every night your in my bed.” Flitter snorted gently and eyed her marefriend, muttering, “clever.” She raised her voice to be clearly heard. “I hope you got a bulk discount. Cuddling is extra you know.” Rainbow Dash let out a loud guffaw, cuddling had been all they’d been doing. “Well I hope it’s a multiplier and not just an extra tacted on.” Flitter actually took a moment out of cooking to stick her head out, seeing that Rainbow Dash had made them both chairs and a table out of the clouds. “Very clever Dash.” Rainbow Dash frowned did a moment, Flitter didn’t usually lose their exchanges, only to have her confusion shattered by the next sentence. “But it's in addition to all my cooking and cleaning and such.” Rainbow Dash crossed her forelegs. “Oh yeah? Well, the tab you’ve been running up should cover that.” Flitter raised an eyebrow. “My tab for you sleeping with me?” Rainbow Dash nodded. “Is equal to my cooking, cleaning, and such for you?” Another, though hesitant, nod from Rainbow Dash. Noticing Flitter had her victory smirk on again... “Well, seems fair...” Rainbow Dash narrowed her eyes, she didn’t trust this victory for one second, and was right to not as Flitter added a final word. “Prostitute.” Rainbow Dash groaned and poofed her head gently into the table in front of her. “Well that one was obvious, wasn’t it? Hey! Wait! You just said...” Flitter snickered as she went back into the kitchen. “I just cuddle, cook, and clean Rainbow Dash. You were the one who admitted to sleeping with me in exchange for tangibly valuable services.” Rainbow Dash frowned slightly. She cursed silently as she mentally went over exactly what Flitter had said. But she couldn't stay sour for very long, Flitter loved winning their verbal jousts. That was a hit Rainbow Dash was more than willing to take to see the pretty mare smile. Walking over and leaning against the wall Rainbow Dash grinned at her marefriend. "You clever minx." Flitter snickered a little but smiled widely at her victory. "You've been watching those old movies again haven't you? Minx, hehe." Rainbow Dash grinned and raised an eyebrow. "So, that Prench place for dinner?" Flitter nodded. "Sure, it'll save me cooking! Which is only slightly cheaper than going out..." Rainbow Dash chortled gentle at that. "Flitter, you're beautiful." Flitter blushed slightly and turned, busying herself with the eggs. Mumbling something about another ambush. To which Rainbow Dash chuckled, walking back to the table to wait for breakfast. Snickering again at a new idea she trotted back over to the door. "Fliiiiitttttttter?" Flitter glanced over her should suspiciously. "Yes...?" "Are you sure there's nothing I can help with?" The thrown spatula was answer enough, even though Rainbow Dash still heard the verbal reprimand as she dodged out of the way. "You stay out of my kitchen! Monster!" Rainbow Dash grinned as she retrieved the spatula and placed it just inside the kitchen for Flitter to retrieve, careful not to enter. Flitter had banned Rainbow Dash from helping cook after the second disaster. Though on the surface Rainbow Dash did it just to be a pest, she really did it to hear Flitter call the kitchen 'her' kitchen. Something that Flitter hadn't yet said about the Cloudominium or their, more or less, shared bedroom yet. > A "Peaceful" Dinner (June 8th, Saturday evening.) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flitter gently rapped her hooves against the table grinning slightly. Rainbow Dash couldn't stop her own grin as she watched. Normally Flitter didn't allow herself such public displays of joy. Flitter noticed the look, frowning at her marefriend. "What? I have butter on my face?" Rainbow Dash shook her head, chuckling gently. "No, no, I'm just... Happy to be out here with you. It's nice to see you happy." Flitter frowned a little deeper at the statement. Taking umbrage with it. "Hey! I'm happy!" At Rainbow Dash's flat stare Flitter grumbled. "Happy enough." Rainbow Dash grinned a bit and pushed her hoof against Flitter's chest. "I know Flitter. I just like getting to see it." Flitter smiled at her for a few more moments before pushing Dash's hoof off of her. She still wasn't a fan of public displays of affection. But Flitter's frown did turn into a small smile. "Don't go getting all sappy on me Rainbow Dash." Rainbow Dash grinned mischievously at her marefriend adopting an obviously fake, preening voice. "Oh, but Flitter, I wanted to talk about our feeeeeeeelings. Like how it feeeeeeeeeels when we're out together and you say things like... 'Oh, Rainbow Dash, I wish we could... stay at home and make cookies allllll day." Rainbow Dash made a face and Flitter snickered. "You started that one before you thought of anything clever to say didn't you?" Rainbow Dash's only response was to stick out her tongue at the other mare. "Well, it's a good thing I'm not dating you for your brains." Rainbow Dash snickered and repeated her earlier action of sticking her tongue out at her marefriend. "You've used that one before." "That's because it's a classic. Not that you'd be familiar with the classics." Rainbow Dash actually let out a small snort at that one, grinning. "You're on point tonight, Flitter." As Flitter opened her mouth Rainbow Dash cut her off. "You don't need to emphasize that one. Peace?" Flitter grinned and nodded, looking over the menu herself. "Hm... What do you think you'll be getting tonight?" Rainbow Dash frowned down at the menu. "Uh... Remind me, do they have lasagna?" Flitter snickered a little but shook her head. "No, it's Prench food, Dash." Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes then thought of a great distraction for Flitter. "Hey, Flitter, how much do you think it'd run me to get them to slip an engagement necklace onto your plate?" At that Flitter actually blushed gently and hissed at Rainbow Dash. "You wouldn't dare!" Rainbow Dash chuckled, nodding a little. "I wouldn't, you'd kill me in my sleep." Flitter made a small grunt that wasn't quite a disagreement. "And besides, I have a feeling you'd like to be talked to before I asked?" Flitter blinked then smiled, nodding. "Yes, I would Dash. I... Credit, Dash. I didn't think you'd have thought of that." Rainbow Dash smiled a little wider, 'credit' was as close as Flitter got in public to thanking Dash for being thoughtful. Flitter didn't like to let on that emotional things might bother her. "Though I will say, I wouldn't be upset if you..." She made sure to adopt a smirk instead of a smile so that Flitter knew she was joking. Flitter scoffed a bit and shook her head. "I do believe we touched on this before the party... Only if you're willing to throw me a bigger party." Nodding, and playing along Rainbow Dash smiled. "Oh, I promise you that it'd be bigger than Applejack's party. I mean, I'm not gonna get outdone by some farmpony." Rainbow Dash grinned and tilted her head to the side. "Though of course my princess would have most the say." Flitter was actually caught off guard by the new nickname. "Princess? Well, that's new. Do I get any new privileges with this title?" Rainbow Dash leaned back in her chair. "Well... I could see the way to letting you have the kitchen... Sleeping in my bed... Probably let you stay at my place free of charge... Maybe buying you some more croissants... Oh! Croissants are Prench!" And with that Rainbow Dash dove back into the menu to find said dessert. Though Flitter normally would have snickered at the other mare for such a reaction she couldn't. Mainly because she was doing the exact same thing at the moment. "I've never had a croissant from here. I bet they're delicious!" The two mares spent a few minutes chatting happily about the delicious pastry before they finally decided what to order. Putting their menus down they waited for the waiter. "Did you see what I saw when I walked in?" Rainbow Dash grinned as she asked her question, if not, Flitter was going to be flabbergasted. Flitter thought for a moment but couldn't think of anything unusual so she shook her head. "No. What?" Rainbow Dash grinned. "Welll... I saw Octavia and Fluttershy having dinner." Flitter gave a half shrug and smiled, apparently, Rainbow Dash didn't know all of Fluttershy's secrets. "So what? They probably met and Octavia's just being friendly or something. Fluttershy has a thing for somepony else." At that Rainbow Dash nodded. "Well yeah, she has a thing for Muffins, but mares can change their minds, or maybe Muffins is taken or something." Flitter still was unconcerned, assuming that Fluttershy was just out with a friend. Besides, if it was a new relationship Flitter would have certainly heard about it. "Well she didn't mention anything so I don't think it's anything. Unless they met up at last night's party." After a moment of silence, and with Rainbow Dash still grinning Flitter nodded her head slightly. "Ok." She raised a hoof. "I still doubt it Rainbow Dash! But..." She shrugged, Rainbow Dash might be right. Rainbow Dash didn't get to respond as a loud, obviously angry, voice rang out through the restaurant. "That cannot be my daughter cavorting with some common trollop!" Both ponies turned to look and saw a very angry, older mare storming through the doors, followed closely by a stallion.