> Spike Fucks The Crusaders and Their Sisters. > by Mister Phoenix > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Applejack & Apple Bloom > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The flowing red locks that blew in the cold winter air, watched carefully as she was meant to be doing her work, rather than ogling at the hired help. The growing young mare, with a mane bright red almost like a fire tried in a tail by a rather large and bright pink bow. Her fur was a soft amber colour, matching her gentle and welcoming eyes that watched the man that she fell in love with. Apple Bloom, the now eighteen-year-old mare wearing a necklace with an apple gem, a bright yellow top that hugs her body well, showing off her developing breast. Some rather short shorts and a short white apron around her waist. She could be working at the moment. She really should, her older sister would kill her. Then, Apple Bloom heard it, the sound of her sister, tapping her hoof behind the young mare. Apple Bloom turned and gave her older sister a rather large grin. Ah, Applejack, a twenty-eight-year-old mare, she was honest and bewitching. Her soft forest colour eyes and that long flowing blonde hair with a Stetson hat. Then there's her bright orange tight top that not only hugs her curves but shows off her rather impressive and large breasts, with the fact that Applejack wore bright blue short shorts just like her younger sister. "Watching the hired help again?" Applejack asked, even with knowing the answer. "Well, I umm... Yes." Apple Bloom tried to come up with a million different lies, but she knew none of them would work on The Element of Honesty. "Don' blame ya, Spike has grown into quite a looker." Applejack spoke, her gaze drifting over to the hired help with Apple Bloom's cheeks blushing bright red. The young man that has caught the young mare's eye was none other than Spike, who has grown into a well-mannered adult with just becoming eighteen a little bit before the Crusaders. The tall male dragon stood over everyone that lives in Ponyville, he was far taller than Big Mac and he also worked at Sweet Apple Acres to help around. But most of the time it's just so he can stare at Apple Bloom, the male dragon didn't wear much, just long blue jeans and an open jacket showing off his muscles and opening for his large and strong wings. "Ah seen him take a peek at ya a few times. Maybe just ask him out." Applejack spoke "But, but, but... Isn't that the guy job. Plus, all three of the Crusaders love Spike... We agreed with ourselves to share." Apple Bloom said, beginning to mumble the more she spoke. The older apple farmer only shook her head. "Then tell him that, Spike's the type of guy to stick to one girl and love that girl with all his heart." Applejack explains. "That's not the only reason." Apple Bloom face began to glow red like a volcano was about to erupt. "Sweetie Belle did some reading and she stated the Dragons can have sex eight different times in one session and that the standard size for a teenager dragon is well..." Apple Bloom held her arms rather far apart, Applejack eyebrow rose, and her jaw somewhat dropped. "I might have peeked at Spike when... When... He didn't have any clothes on, and he's... He's double the size..."  Apple Bloom said, her entire face was red, she buried it in her hands. Applejack took another peek at Spike and grinned. It has been a few years since she has a roll in the hay so to speak. The idea that forming in her head sparked her sly smirk. "Now, tell me if I'm wrong, but ah guessin' that you and ya friends were going to have one on one time with Spike. Then, after every pony has a turn with him, there would be a big group orgy." Applejack said, Apple Bloom could only nod her head in shame. The plan that The Crusaders had made up was simple in terms. But, they didn't know about the whole eight times and how long he was until that plan was thought up. Plus they still wanted their first time to be just Spike and one of the Crusaders. Apple Bloom seeing how Applejack folded her arm, glaring down at her younger sister spoke how many holes that plan had. "Good, ah want in." The older apple farmer said "Huh? What! Why?" Apple Bloom asked, far too confused to ask a full question. "It's been a while since I had a roll in the hay. Plus, eight times Sugar Cube. You won't get past two." "That's rather mean to say... Even if it a little true." Apple Bloom said, cutting off her older sister. "Granny Smith has been telling me to get ma self a boyfriend and settle down and Spike seems like the type of guy to get her off my back." Applejack explained to the late teenage apple farmer. "I can understand why." Apple Bloom mutters under her breath. Caught by her older sister glare. "Not saying that twenty-eight is old... I'm just saying that most guys wouldn't go out if you cause you somewhat scare them... Wait, that doesn' sound better... Annoy everything ah just said." "Sometimes ah try, Bloom. Ah really try." Applejack mutters "So, Sugar Cube. What's the game plan?" "Ah was just thinking of asking him out. He doesn't have a crush on any pony at the moment, well as far as ah know. He has just been rubberneckin' at most of the mares his own age or a little older than him. Around your age." Apple Bloom said Apple Bloom looked back to see her older sister gone. She turned her head in a hurry, Applejack must have left after the point of Apple Bloom saying "asking him out" because there Applejack was talking to Spike. The teenage apple farmer bit her bottom lip, watching the conversion, unable to hear any of it. Scootaloo was always better at reading lips. The male dragon looked at where Apple Bloom was then back at Applejack, the teenage apple farmer saw a smile. Was a smile good? She didn't know anymore, and he left without saying goodbye to her. Apple Bloom quickly rushed over to her older sister. "He'll pick us up 'morrow around seven in the afternoon for dinner." Applejack said, answering Apple Bloom's unasked question. "Wait, ah have a date?" Apple Bloom asked "We have a date Sugar Cube. Ah, ask him out as well." Applejack explained to her younger sister Apple Bloom just thought to herself, she was going on a date with Spike. The night might end how she hopes it would end, with a night of fun and passion with him having to say over for the night. But, she is going to be with Spike and Applejack... This could end in either three ways, and she was fine with two of them. Seven O'clock at Sweet Apple Acres came faster than Apple Bloom had hoped, she didn't know if it was a casual date or something fancy. Applejack didn't care much, she didn't get changed out of her work clothes, the teenage apple farmer just decided on a shower and a clean set of her usual clothes. Heck, even Spike didn't change much, it kind of looked like he woke up from a nap. The same thing goes with Applejack, but the male dragon didn't care much, giving a bouquet of roses for the two Apple Sisters. Even giving them a kiss on the back of their hands. "So, Spike, where are we goin' tonight?" Apple Bloom asked "Oh, just the Divine Rest Diner restaurant in Ponyville. Just a casual first date, with two beautiful ladies." Spike spoke, Apple Bloom smiled, with a soft blush on her cheeks. "Shall we get going?" He asked, taking the siblings arms, leading into Ponyville. Many stallions gave Spike the stink eye, seeing him with a pair of southern beauties one on both of his arms. The Divine Rest Diner in Ponyville was a simple restaurant at best, there were two parts an inside area and an outside area. Dinner underneath the glow of the moonlight or a simple lunch or dinner with the mares or ponies that one might love. It was a good first date place, not many couples would come back here after two dates, making it more empty around the night time. Spike pulled the seats out for each of the two Apple Sisters. First date. Apple Bloom was rather nervous, she tried to annoy her older sister, but it still felt weird with Applejack being here with her. It was almost like the older apple farmer didn't trust her sister. Yet, Applejack wants the night to end the same way Apple Bloom wants it to end. Either a threeway between Spike and the Apple Sisters or Spike and one of the two sisters. Apple Bloom just hopes if the second one, he'll choose her over her older sister. The teenage apple farmer didn't even notice when her food arrived, too lost in thought. "Huh? Ya say somethin' Spike?" She asked, feeling rather foolish not listening to her date. "I was asking how college and work at the farm?" Spike asked "Sorry, ah guess I'm a bit nervous. First real date with a boy that ah like." Apple Bloom spoke "It's fine Bloom. A lot of mares ask me out, but I haven't been on too many dates myself. This is the first time I'm with two mares. Feeling a little pressure, plus Applejack can be a little scary, so call Rainbow but she has more of a short fuse." He said "What about you AJ, I feel like I'm leaving you out. How's Big Mac and Granny Smith?" The male dragon asked "Well, Mac and Sugar Belle are getting married soon. Because of that, Granny Smith wants me to find myself a guy and get hitched. It was one of the reasons why ah ask you out, that and Apple Bloom would've just watched ya all day." Applejack said, causing Spike to let out a chuckle. "To be honest. I do the same thing with AB when I'm off duty that is. Rather not get fired during the first date." Spike said "Well, for me. College is fine, the worst thing about it is that ah don' have many classes with Belle or Scoots." "Those two like me as well, right?" Spike asked, Apple Bloom, nodded "Thought so, Scootaloo is not that subtle with her feelings." "Yeah, but... Work is well. With Apple Bucking Season coming soon, we are going to need all the help we can get." Apple Bloom said "Well, just know. I'll always be there to help. Plus it kind of one of my odd jobs around Ponyville." Spike said "How's work with Rarity and Rainbow Dash?" Applejack asked "Still the same. RD just yells at me more for not being fast enough. Saying that a dragon should clear the cloud in ten second or less. While I can only finish the job in fifteen seconds." Spike explained. "Next time ah see that one, I'll tell her to lay off the yelling." Applejack said "It's fine. I think it's the stress of being a fulltime Wonderbolt." Spike said, "But enough about those other mares I want to know more about the fine ladies with me." "Not much then you already know Sugar Cube." Applejack said. Apple Bloom couldn't believe it. The date didn't seem one-sided, Spike paid attention to both of them. He even paid for the dinner, the crescent moon shines in the darkening sky with the many different stars, tales about different heroes that lived long ago. Apple Bloom leads onto Spike's arm, giving a slight smile. Applejack walked next to them giving the pair a smile. "Ya two sure are cute together." Applejack spoke, causing Spike to blush a bit. "Tell me AJ, why would you want to hang out on a date with two teenagers?" Spike asked The male dragon and the two Apple Sisters walked through Ponyville Park, the park was really beautiful at night, the Moonflowers glow brilliantly in the soft glow of midnight. "Well, the truth is that ya a good lookin' guy, Bloom told me how large you are downstairs." The way Spike raised his eyebrow at the teenage apple farmer and her growing embarrassing blush. "AJ." Apple Bloom softly whispered under her breath. The Element of Honesty let a laugh, Spike did a little chuckle too. Before Apple Bloom could yell or complain to the pair, Spike gave the younger apple sister a kiss on the check. Her eyes widen a wide smile on her lips, letting out a soft giggle. Losing her train of thought. "Plus, ah need a good hard poundin' and it seems like Bloom needs one as well. Are ya dragon enough to keep two mares satisfied all night long?" Applejack asked "Well, umm... I..." Spike was stuttering through his words, the lustful glares that Applejack and Apple Bloom was giving towards him. His face stood out in the night, his face could be used as a flashlight seeing how bright it was at the moment. "Well Spike, are ya?" Apple Bloom asked, almost repeating her older sisters question. "Well, yes... Yes, I am!" He said rather prideful, sticking out his chest. "When I'm done, you will only want this hunk of a dragon." "Ah believe it after a see it. Now, how about you stop stroking your cock and let's get back to the farm so we start stroking it for ya." Applejack challenge Either Spike or Apple Bloom knew what was happening at the moment. All Spike knew is that he thinks that he just talked his way into a threeway with the Apple Sisters. He thinks, maybe he just past out and was having another wet dream again. Who knows anymore, all Spike knew was that he didn't care anymore. Just wanting to roll with whatever is going on at the moment. Applejack threw Spike onto the bed, she threw her top on the wooden floor, climbing on top of the male dragon, pressing her lips against his, Spike placed his claw on the older apple farmer's back, unclipping the bra that covers those massive pair of breasts. Yet, it has to wait, once Applejack and Spike broke their kiss, he took a standing by Apple Bloom, who just was standing there not knowing what she was meant to do. Yet, with Spike pressing those scaly lips pressing against her soft lips. His long reptile tongue breaking into her lips, fighting with her tongue. Spike's tongue was long and rather skinning, but it moved like lightning in Apple Bloom's mouth, wrapped around the teenage apple farmer's tongue. They broke apart, Apple Bloom quickly took off her top and shorts, with Spike throwing his jacket and jeans on the floor with the rest of the clothing. His dick stood up, the two Apple Sisters saw how long his cock was and how wide it was. Applejack knew she wouldn't be walking straight in the morning. After having that monstrous of a cock inside her. "Gosh Spike. You're enormous." Applejack clarify Apple Bloom knew he was large, but still. Applejack wrapped her hand around his long and thick purple dragon cock, slowly pumping her hand up and down his shaft. Apple Bloom watched with her amber colour eyes, her older sister hand barely cover much of his cock, even with Applejack's hand wrapping around the middle. "Go on Sugar Cube, give it a taste." Applejack said to her younger sister. "A... A... A Taste. You mean, that beast in my mouth?" Apple Bloom said "Just take the tip, it's better than ya expect." Applejack said Apple Bloom could only nod at her sister. The red hair teenage apple farmer gave his long shaft the tip a small and rather quick lick. It didn't taste as bad as Apple Bloom once thought, deciding on taking the tip into her mouth. Spike let out a soft moan, feeling the warmth of Apple Bloom's lips wrapped around his cock and the feeling of Applejack's strong hand jerking him off. Apple Bloom somewhat flicks and moved her tongue against the tip of his cock, Spike bit the bottom of his lip. Feeling like he was about to explode. Applejack tugs Apple Bloom, causing the leader of The Cutie Mark Crusaders to let go of Spike's cock with a soft pop escaping her lips. Applejack kept jerking off Spike, he let out a groan as he shot out cum onto the faces and chest of Applejack and Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom let out a surprised squeal, feeling her older sister tongue running up her cheek, tasting the dragon's semen that land on her face. "Apple Bloom first," Spike said. The eighteen apple farmer spread her legs for him, waiting for that long beast that would soon enter her pussy. Yet, she felt something else, his long reptile tongue slithered into her pussy. She felt the long and thin tongue moving almost like lightning inside her. It felt much more different than when she used her fingers to pleasure herself. A soft moan escapes her soft lips, his tongue seems to be dancing around her cunt. Almost like Spike knew everywhere to press to make Apple Bloom quiver and tremble in excitement. Her pussy felt like it was burning almost like the magma inside a volcano and Spike held onto her flank. The teenage apple farmer placed her legs on Spike's shoulders, wrapping them around his head pulling him much closer to her snatch. Having him dig even deeper inside her. A soft whimper left her lips, feeling his reptile tongue grace her clitoris. She gripped the bed, squeezing the mattress. Applejack watched Spike digging his jaw into her sister cunt, the older Apple Sibling had two fingers deep inside her own cunt. Feeling the soft warm pleasure rushing through her, Applejack squeezes her large breast with her free hand, she couldn't wait to feel Spike pounding her until next week. Apple Bloom let out a wail, screaming out Spike's name in satisfaction. She cumming inside his jaw, her cum sinking down his throat. The eighteen-year-old apple farmer felt like she lost all feeling in her legs. Having them fall hard against the bed, but yet, Spike grabs her hips. "This might hurt, Bloom. But, I promise I'll start slow so you can get used to my length." Spike said Apple Bloom let out a soft snort followed by a chuckle. "Trust me, partner. Ah, don' think I'll ever get used to your length." She said Spike let out a soft laugh. "Really, I thought I was on the small side." He joked, her chuckling was almost like music to his ears. He soon bought her into a deep kiss, he slowly moved inside her wet pussy. Her past climax let his long penis inside her cunt. She broke the kiss, he was only a third inside of her and she was already feeling full, yet, he was only one third in. Spike had stopped, her fingers moved against his cheek. "I'm fine, partner. Just a little bigger now it's inside me." Apple Bloom said Spike gave her lips a soft kiss, "Don't worry Bloom if you want I can start thrusting back and forward. If you can't take my full length." "Is that a challenge. Come on, partner. Ah, can take it." Apple Bloom softly whispers to him. Applejack walked up to the pair, grabbing Spike by the chin. Forcing him to tear his forest green eyes away from Apple Bloom's amber colour eyes. Now, Forest green met forest green. Applejack bought him into a deep kiss, her tongue felt much stronger than Apple Bloom's tongue. His one was just long and fast, having little strength. He held onto Apple Bloom's hips, moving more into her, as he and Applejack fought with a tongue battle. Apple Bloom nails dug deep into the bed mattress feeling more of the male dragon slowly creeping inside of her. He was about half, and she felt like she was about to split apart. Applejack and Spike broke their kiss, he took one of her massive jugs and began sucking on her nipples. He wasn't paying attention to how his hips moments were. The male dragon soon moved a bit faster into her, he pulls back, Apple Bloom felt empty with not that long cock inside of her. Then he thrusts into her. Apple Bloom moaned snapped Spike out of what he was doing with Applejack. He saw how Apple Bloom bucked her hips forward with his thrust, allowing the male dragon to put his entire dick inside her pussy. She felt like his cock broke through and was touching her womb. Her eyes were wide. She was splitting apart. "So, sorry Bloom. Are you alright?" He asked, concerned about his new mare friend. He wasn't sure where they stood. "Yeah, I'm fine. Ya can keep movin' partner." Apple Bloom said "I love you." He said, he smiled down at her shining beauty naked body. "I love ya too, partner. Remember, ah not the only mare that fell for ya. After me, ya got two more Crusaders that want that dragon cock." Apple Bloom said "Anything. I don't know how I feel about Scootaloo or Sweetie Belle. But, I know for sure that I love you. And I want to give you the most pleasure possible." Spike said Apple Bloom gave him a soft kiss. "Then, hurry up and start movin' now, partner." Apple Bloom spoke The male dragon pulls out, only leaving his tip inside her cunt. Then he thrust inside of her, Apple Bloom wrapped her legs around his waist, she thrusting her hips to his movements. He held onto her hips, moving a little faster inside of his new mare friend. Applejack licked her lips watching them. She putting three fingers inside her pussy once again. The older apple farmer gave a soft smile, she walked over to the pair of new lovers. "Start lickin' Sugar Cube. Ah rather not be left out until it ma turn." Applejack mention "This is so weird." Apple Bloom said The teenage apple farmer dug her tongue into her older sister snatch, Spike pulling The Element of Honesty into a deep kiss, Apple Bloom groans into Applejack's pussy feeling Spike full length inside of her. Apple Bloom's tongue move inside her sister pussy, she was at least lucky that she and the rest of the Crusaders decide on having a group sex session, wanting to be ready for their group orgy with Spike after they all had their turn. Apple Bloom knew that she had cum on Spike's dick, feeling on how fast and harder his thrust were becoming, it felt like he was getting close to. He and Applejack were in another deep mouth kiss battle, Apple Bloom tongue dashed around inside The Element of Honesty cunt. Brushing against her older sister G-Spot. Applejack broke the kiss battle that she was sharing with the male dragon. She didn't know what she was feeling. It was either out of lust or love. She wasn't sure, but Apple Bloom tongue felt wonderful, she let out a scream towards the ceiling, moaning in a bolt of pleasure that rushing through her body. He moving faster inside of Apple Bloom, the younger sister cum against on his cock. Making his movements much faster than before, it was almost like a purple blur on how fast he was moving. He thrust deep inside of Apple Bloom, the eighteen-year-old leader of the Crusader womb. His tip touching the entrance, and let out a loud dragon-like roar that the Apple Sisters thought that roar could be heard from Ponyville. His cum flowing into Apple Bloom's pussy, his claws tightly gripping Apple Bloom's hips. Making sure that all of his dragon sperm in her. He pulled out, looking at his cum dripping out of her freshly fucked pussy. Applejack decided to clean out her younger sister pussy, her tongue deep inside of Apple Bloom. The eighteen-year-old leader of The Cutie Mark Crusaders couldn't care much. She was drowning in pleasure, drunk and her mind was blank that the current moment. Spike grabs on Applejack pulling her towards him, pressing the older apple sibling against the wall. She looked down to his still hard member and gave a smirk towards him. "Ah guess it ma turn until Apple Bloom gets her energy back." Applejack said "Can you clean me off first?" Spike asked She pushed the male dragon to fall onto a single chair, her large breast wrapped around his enormous dick. The older mare placed his dragon dick inside her wet mouth. Spike let out a moan, Applejack was much more experience than Apple Bloom, the older Apple Sister tongue seems like it was magical. The way on her large jugs squeezes his cock, as she licked and sucks on the tip. Spike grabs the back of her head, Applejack's long blonde hair grip into Spike's claws. He pushed her down further, her muzzle taking more and more of his rather large dragon cock. She felt that cock hitting the back of her throat, the older apple farmer decides to pull back and move forward taking more of his cock inside her mouth. Spike let his hips slowly thrust forward when Applejack pulled back and he moved back when the older Apple Sister moved forward. Almost always his tip was hitting the back of her throat as he still held onto her head. Applejack's hand squeezed and envelop his balls in her hands. The soft fur that covered her body, the warmth and feeling of her fur covered hands tickling his balls. He let out a soft groan, he moved his long tail, the tip brushed against Applejack's vagina. Feeling his tail entering her pussy, the earth pony mare grabs his phallus with her free hand. She started to jerk him off, while she sucks on the tip, wanting to dry all the juices out of him. Spike let out a cry, he started cumming down Applejack's throat, The Element of Honesty licked her lips and swallowed every single drop that fired from his dick. Spike kissed Applejack's collar, sucking on her neck. She felt him grinning up against her, she knew she was already close from the teasing that Spike put her through with her long tail. He grabs her chin, his lips leaving her neck and attacking Applejack's own lips. The pair moans in each other mouths. Spike lines up his cock up to her wet vagina, he gave a hard thrust. Knowing that this wasn't Applejack's first rodeo, she felt half of his cock entering inside of her. She let out a wail, scratching Spike's back, the male dragon was worried about her. Shown by the way he slowed down to a stop. "Are you okay, AJ?" Spike asked, rather concerned "Yeah, ah never had anyone as big as you before. But, if ma sis can take it. Make it double for me, cowboy." Applejack said, Spike smirked. "Just tell me if I'm too rough with you," Spike said, Applejack gave him a grin. "Then get ready for a long night, cause ah will never say those words." Applejack said Spike gave the older Apple Sister a kiss on her forehead before he pulled his hips back. He pushed back inside of her, getting more further into her snatch. His claws ran down Applejack's perfect curves, licking up her stomach with his long reptile tongue. His forked tongue wrapping around one of her nipples, causing the older Earth Pony Mare to bit her bottom lip. Holding back the moan, while Spike grabs ahold on her ass cheeks. Then Applejack felt him moving almost like a piston, his thrusts becoming much faster, almost like a bullet. He wraps his tail around her torso, pulling her closer to his hips. The older Apple Sibling wraps her strong legs around his waist, pulling him even deeper into her dripping wet pussy. Then he pulled all the way out. Leaving her empty, his tail unwrapping around her torso and she letting go for his waist. "What's the matter, Cowboy? Run out of stream?" Applejack wonders, Spike let out a chuckle. "Quite the opposite. I just wanted you on your hands and knees." Spike said Applejack followed his instructions, Spike grabs onto her hips and began to go even deeper inside of the older Apple Sibling. Applejack lets out a soft wail, that caused Apple Bloom to finally get back up and watch her older sister getting ploughed by her new boyfriend.   The male dragon gave her a hard slap on her three apples Cutie Mark. She felt him reaching her womb, that feeling causing the older Apple Sibling to let out a moan, cumming on his long dragon penis. Spike soon let out a surprised groan, feeling his dick getting licked while it was ploughing into Applejack's tight snatch. There was Apple Bloom licking and sucking on his large testicles, he gave Applejack another hard slap on her three apples Cutie Mark, turning it a light shade of red. His thrusts starting to become a bit more rapid, with every single thrust that he made the male dragon slammed back inside The Element of Honesty's womb, giving her a hard slap on her flank every time his hips slammed into her ass. "Yes, Spike! Pound me harder, cowboy!" Applejack scream in pleasure "Ya know sis. Spike is looking rather close. Almost like he's about to explode right inside your womb. Since ya, not his mare friend or one of them. Ah guess he'll just have to pull out and give me all of his dragon sugar." Apple Bloom said, grinning to her older sister. "No! Ah, love his cock." Applejack cried out Spike slows down his thrusts, he knew what Apple Bloom was playing at and he was perfectly fine with it. "Just his cock? Maybe if you love him and willing to join his harem. Maybe, just maybe he can turn ya into his personally breeding cow. Think about it sis, Spike taking ya anywhere, pounding ya into your legs turn into jelly." "Yes, yes, yes! Anythin' ah, love to be his a slut for him to use any way he wishes. Just let him cum inside me!" Applejack cried out, causing Apple Bloom to grin. "Ya heard her partner. Give ma sister her a nice hard pounding. Make sure all that dragon cum stay inside her womb. Ah would hate to have some of it go to waste." Apple Bloom said, she walked up to her dragon boyfriend giving a soft kiss on the cheek. Spike speed up almost like there was no tomorrow, he grips Applejack's waist, he pushing and pulling out of her wet cunt. His tip slamming back into her womb, like a speeding train, or bullet. He continues to give Applejack's flank a hard slap, her three red apples cutie mark got covered by a bright red claw print. Spike let out a groan. "I'm about to cum AJ!" Spike warned. "Ah already told ya sugar. Put everythin' inside me!" Applejack said, through her pants and moans. Spike gave a few final thrusts, once he slammed back into her womb, all his cum pour into her snatch, filling her womb with all of his dragon sperm flowing into her womb. Spike fell back onto the bed, he was still hard, but quickly losing all of his energy that was left in his body. "Come on Partner. We're not done yet." Apple Bloom said, giving him a grin. Apple Bloom felt like she was getting addicted to the warm taste of Spike's sperm. The way how it flowed into her open mouth after the teenage Apple farmer squeezed his cock with her growing pair of breast, Spike still felt tired, and almost out of breath. Apple Bloom lined his cock up with her ass before she fell on top of his large member. She let out a wail, Spike couldn't help but let out a small scream himself, the eighteen-year-old leader of The Cutie Mark Crusaders ass felt much tighter than her pussy, he knew he wouldn't last too long in there. He grabs ahold of Apple Bloom hips, and he met her movement with his own thrust. Her bouncing breast looked perfect, with a small amount of sweat that dripped from her forehead. He felt like Apple Bloom had just tighter, the male dragon decide to speed up his thrusts inside the mare that he loves. Apple Bloom gasps and groans with pleasure, her tongue hanging out of her mouth. Her breaths were rather short, but they were quick, almost every time she felt Spike's hips slamming into her, his long and thick cock ramming into her ass, Spike heard his own name escaping Apple Bloom's lips, hearing his name thrown out in a display of passion and lust made him moan, he cumming inside of her ass. The younger Apple Sister climb off of her dragon boyfriend. Spike felt at least some of his energy was back, seeing his new mare friend Apple Bloom lying on top of his new sex slave Applejack somehow made the male dragon find the energy to keep going on. He lines his cock up with their two pussies, before thrusting between them, feeling the warmth of both Apple Bloom's and Applejack's pussies between his cock, watching the way how their large breast squeezed against each other, as he kept thrusting forward, he hammered between their pussies. The male dragon let out a groan, cumming onto the Apple Sisters stomachs. Spike was panting, almost like a tired dog. He ran his claw against his forehead, trying clean off all of the sweat from his forehead. He saw Applejack lying on her stomach, holding out her ass for him. Spike gave a grin, he thrusts inside of The Element of Honesty's asshole. With how long this night has been with the two Apple Sisters, Spike's cock just slide inside of the older Apple Sibling asshole, Applejack let out a moan, her nails dug into the mattress as Spike moved inside of her. Applejack's ass was tight, much tighter than her pussy, Spike guesses that not many stallions had used her back door much. Spike grips her flank hard, driving his cock deep inside of her ass. The way how she squeezes his cock, wanting to milk every single drop from him. Spike groans, cumming deep inside of Applejack's asshole. The morning sun rose, shining through the window, Spike opened his tired eyes, letting out a soft yawn. Last night escaped his mind, but he couldn't move, feeling a weight on him. The male dragon looked to his right seeing the beautiful naked body of Apple Bloom, her rather nice breast pressing against his body. And on his left, he saw her older sister, Applejack. Both Apple Bloom's and Applejack's arms wrapped around his body, their breasts pressing against his body. He gave a smirk, remembering what happened last night. He just hopes that the nights he'll spend with Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle would be rememberable just like his night with the Apple Sisters. He'll just have to wait and see. Until then, he pulled his two new lovers closer to his body and got a little much-needed sleep after last night's fun.