> Friendships and Crocs > by The EnderPony Master > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Friendship is Magic > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Have you ever wondered if it would be great to work as an employee in a pizzeria? Well, if you did, then I'm going to say that it's not worth it. Not only does it not pay as much, but I don't even get an employee discount for the pizza. Not to mention, I have to deal with a bunch of idiots everyday that come into the shop. Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration. Most of the customers seem cool, but there are others who are going to be those type of customers. You know, the kind that complain about every goddamn thing, and will demand to see my manager if they don't get their way. Anyway, why would I take this job if I'm complaining so much about it? Well, I am trying to save up to buy a new Nintendo Switch. Word of advice, never let you young siblings play with it out of you watch. How do you even drop it in the damn toilet? "John, can you man the front for a bit? I'm going on break." My supervisor, Jane asks me. "Sure thing, Jane." I replied as I see her exit the front door to her car. Luckily, today is pretty slow as it was a rainy day outside. So far, there has been barely any customers coming in or calling to place an order. Good for me, more free time. Ding! Nevermind, here comes another customer. I look up to give them the mandatory greeting, but paused as I look at the strange sight. The person in front of me was some creepy looking old man. He had long black hair and beard. He is also wearing a very fucking suspicious trench coat. 'I swear to god if this is some flasher, I'm calling the police.' "Uh, hello there valued customer." I said with a forced smile. "How may I take your order?" The old man looks up to the menu board for a minute before responding. "I would like one pepperoni pizza, please." He answers. "Alright." I go over to the back to grab a box from where we keep the other premade pizzas. Pepperoni was our usual topping choice. A moment later, I come back to the old man with his food. "That would be $11.50, sir." The old man frowned a bit as he digs into his coats pockets. He pulled out a five. "I don't have the amount." I sigh. "Well, then I can't give your order, sir." "Come on. I had a long day of work. Not really fun dealing with pushy clients." "Tough luck then, man." The old man puts on a thoughtful expression before brightening up. He reaches into his coat and pulls something out. It was large tooth of some kind. "How about a trade." He offers. "I'll give you this if you give me a discount on my lunch." I look at the old man like he's an idiot. What kind of trade is that? I was about tell him to fuck off when my thoughts turn back to the tooth. 'I have to admit. That tooth does look cool.' "Uh, what kind of tooth is it?" I ask. The old man smiles. "It's a special tooth from a very great predator." I turn between him and his offering. Normally, I would send Jane to deal with customers like him, but since she's out and I don't feel like going through an argument... I sigh. "Fine. I'll take it. Here's you pizza." The old man smiles as we make the exchange. He has his food while I get the tooth and the five dollars. "You got spunk, kid. I like that." He said holding the pizza to his side. "Say, what's your favorite video game?" I raise a brow at that. That was an odd and random question, but I decided to humor him. "Well, I like to play Pokémon." I answered. "Ah, that should do. Now, if I happen to offer some time off work, would you take it?" Okay, at this point, this was getting weird. Especially the way he's looking at me with that smile. "Sure, I guess." I said before holding up a hand. "Alright, before we can go any further, who are you?" The old man puts his pizza down before giving a bow. "I have been called many things. Some good and some bad..." He leans closer to me. "However, I am known as The Merchant." Before I could question him further, I was starting to feel a bit light headed. Everything around me was spinning. "Wha-What is?" I groggily say as I stumble. "What's going on?" "Don't worry. Consider this as my way of saying thank you." Before I know it, I'm laying on the floor facing the ceiling. Everything turns black as I pass with the tooth still in my hands. Chirp Chirp Chirp "Ugh..." I groggily open my eyes at the sound of birds chirping. Though, I immediately regret it as the sun was shinning in my face. "Gah! Screw you, sun." I cursed at the giant fireball in the sky. I turn over and pick myself up. I look around and I see that I'm in some sort of grassy plain. There were trees surrounded all around me. "Where the hell am I? How did I get outside?" That was when realization came to me. "Did that asshole drug me or some shit?!" I honestly don't know what the hell happened. All I remember was that guy, or The Merchant giving me a tooth piece and lost consciousness. "Okay, there is no need to panic, me." I said as I take a deep breath. "I just need to get back to civilization. Then, I'll get my revenge on that fucker." Poof! Thud All of a sudden, a scroll just appeared out of thin air and lands on the ground in front of me. I blink at what I see. "...Okay... now there are magical scrolls appearing out of nowhere." I stare at the parchment for a bit before deciding to read it. However, just when I was bending down to pick it up. I was startled at what I saw. "WHAT THE FUCK?!!" I stumble back a bit as I look at my hand. Or rather, my CLAWS! The length of my arms were smooth crimson leathery scales. I instinctively reach up to my face and felt a long muzzle and a few sharp teeth sticking out from the sides. "How the hell did I not notice that?!" I said crossed eyed looking at my mouth. Splash~ "Ouch!" I look to see that during my panicking, I've stepped into a little pond. "Why did it hurt to touch it?" I ask myself. I shake my head before leaning over to see my reflection. I was shocked to see a large dark red bipedal crocodile. My belly is white as there was black stripes all over my body. Also, my eyes were pitch black as was my irises. I look like I'm wearing huge sunglasses. On my back was a few black spikes that run down my body all the way to my large tail. "No. Fucking. Way." I said with wide eyes. "I'm a Krookodile!!" I honestly don't know what to feel about my situation. Should I be excited? Scared? Disbelief? Or maybe all of the above?! "This has to be a dream..." I whispered to myself. "There's no way this is all real." I raise my hand, er… claw and punch myself in the face as hard as I can. I instantly regret. "Gah!!" I rub my self inflicting wound. "Okay... not a dream. Still can feel pain." At this point, I'm sitting on my scaly ass as I hold my head. I am so confused. How is all this possible? "Did the merchant did this to me?" I look over to where the parchment was still laying during my episode. I sigh as I get up and go over to he piece of paper. I fumble around with it a bit since I now only had three fingers instead of five. "This is so strange." I said flexing my claw. "Yet if feels so natural." I shake my head before focusing on the scroll. I open it up carefully as I didn't want to rip it. Dear, John If you are reading this, then you are probably done panicking, crying, fainting, and/or cursing me out. Now, I know what you are think. "Where am I?" and "How the heck am I a Krookodile?". Well, to simply put, magic. Anyway, you are in another world unlike your own and I figured that you would have more fun if you were a creature from you favorite video game. I didn't know which Pokémon you like, so I picked one out of random. Hope you don't mind. Also, as a way of thanking you for the discount on my pizza, I've sent a little care package for you. I hope you have a swell time in your adventure. Sincerely, The Merchant P.S. I don't think I need to tell you, but watch out for water. Liquid does not go well with Ground types. P.P.S. Try not to scare the local populace. They a quite weary with carnivores. I narrow my eyes in confusion. "Care package?" I look around to find nothing. "I don't see any care package--" Poof Thud! "Oof!" Just right on cue, a brown sack magically appears and hits my head. I grunt as I pick it up and look inside of it curiously. "Whoa." Inside the bag was a bunch of Poke' Berries. There's Tamato, Pecha, Pinap, Razz, and Leppa berries. Along with them were a few Super Potions, and the Black Sunglasses. "Huh, well this is thoughtful of him." My thoughts then turn back to the sunglasses. "Wait a minute. This boosts the power of Dark Type moves. Does that mean..." I look down at my claws as I flex them. "I have powers now?" I'm not going to lie, this new discovery is pretty awesome. However, I need to test this out. I look around and see a fallen log lying around. "That should do it." If I remember from the Pokedex entry, a Krookodile's bite is strong enough to rip a car in half. With that said, I should be able to do the same thing with this tree. "Here goes nothing." I rear my head back as I open my maw. 'Crunch' CRUNCH! Okay... my theory in having powers has proven correct. The Dark Type move Crunch allows the user to bite down onto its' foe with extreme force. Now, couple that with the Black Sunglasses and the results can change drastically. So, imagine my complete surprise when I not only crush the log in half, but also completely demolish the whole thing into splinters. "Holy shit..." My face soon morphs into excitement. "This is amazing! There's got to be other cool shit I can do!" With that being said though, I realize I have more important things I need to attend to. "Right, I need to find civilization again. Though, is that even a good idea?" I mean, how would you react if huge-ass bipedal crimson crocodile from a video game franchise suddenly comes to town? "Either I would be hunted down for my skin, or I would be a celebrity... You know what, screw it! I have powers now. I can probably handle a few gun wielding hunters." With that said, I pick up my care package and head off to a random direction into the forest. Hopefully, I don't get too lost. (Many Hours Later) Alrighty then, I'm officially lost. I have been wandering this damn forest for who knows how long. I just keep seeing tree, tree, and more trees! "How big is this damn forest?!" It was night time by now as the moon shines throw tree branches from above. At this point, I was becoming agitated as I'm getting really hungry. I tried snatching some birds or other wild life during my trek, by the little fuckers always manage to spot me before I could make a move. Then again, red and white does not blend in well with the environment I'm stuck in. "I need to find bigger game." I said as my stomach complains. I have eaten one of the berries from my pack, but I found out that they aren't very filling. So I've saved the rest since they could be useful later. I have to admit though, while the Tamato Berry was really spicy, I do feel much Tougher now. ROAR!! My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a roar from the distance. Curiously, I head into the direction and try to keep myself hidden as possible, which was hard because of my new size and color scheme. Anyway, when I made it to the source, I couldn't help but gap at the site before me. "What the hell?" I whispered. In front of me was the strangest thing I've ever seen in my life. The first thing that caught my attention was the pack of very colorful horses. Though, what's more strange is the fact that some of them had either wings or horns on them. "Are those Pegasi and Unicorns?" I turn to the other thing. I honestly have no clue as to what the hell it was. It looked like a lion, a bat, and a scorpion had an orgy and made this freak of nature. It had the body of a lion, wings of a bat, and a scorpion's tail. "Something tells me that it was the one that made the roar." My stomach made itself known with a growl. "You know what, fuck it. I'm too hungry to care." With a new prey in my view, I put down my sack and dug into the ground with Dig. My eyes and snout were the only things showing like an actual croc in the wilds. I sneak my way over to the beast carefully as I stalk it. 'This feels so weird hunting like this, but also very exciting! Now I know how it feels to be on Animal Planet.' Roar! The beast roared again as it leaps to one of the horses. The white unicorn to be specific. I chose that time to jump out of the ground like it was water and chomp down on its' swiping paw mid-jump. It roared in pain as we both tumble away from the group of horses. 'The hunter has become the hunted, bitch!' When we both pick ourselves up, the lion monster thing takes a look at me before suddenly flinching back in fear. I guess I have the Pokémon Ability, Intimidate. Meaning now my prey's attacks will be less effective against me, giving me the advantage in this fight. "You better be afraid!" I taunted. The animal shakes away its' fear before giving off a roar of defiance. It then leaps at me with its' claws extended. I counter with Sand Attack as I kick a whiff of sand in the face. The large cat flinches as it misses me by inches. "My turn!" I turn around and fling my tail at the monster. However, for some reason, it didn't glow white. Instead of throwing the lion a get distance away like I wanted, it only went away a few feet. I look at my tail. 'Wait, does this I don't know Iron Tail?' Sting! "GAAH!!" Unfortunately, I wasn't paying attention as the monster comes back from my failed attack and stung me in the back when I wasn't looking. "You fucker!" I instinctively use Rage and slash my sharp claws across its face. It paws its' face in pain as blood was pouring. I didn't stop though as I charge forward and Bite down on its' neck. That made the lion roar in pure agony as it swats and stings me in attempt to dislodge me. I close my eyes as I feel every blow, but kept my mouth shut. I can taste the cat's blood in my mouth. After what feels like forever, the battle is finally over as the mighty beast goes limp. With a heave, I rip a chunk of its' neck before swallowing. "TOP OF THE FOOD CHAIN MOTHERFUCKERS!!" I shouted triumphally. However, as victory was mine, the pain comes back to me as my adrenaline taps out. My body shakes in pain as I feel the poison was finally kicking in. "O-Oh... fuck m-me..." I said. "I need my s-sack." Since my food wasn't going anywhere, I left it was safe to leave it alone as I head back to where I left my supplies. When I did, I see that the horses was still there. Though, they all look at me with fear. I guess they saw the whole fight. "What are you looking at?" I snarled. I was not in the mood to be gawked at. Up ahead, I see my sack laying by the bushes where I left it. I tried to go over to it, but stopped and fell to the ground. The poison is much stronger than I thought. "F-Fuck... N-No..." I whispered. "I d-don't want t-to die like t-this..." Gasp! I hear someone gasp in the distance. I look over to see that one of the horses were coming over to me. It is the Pegasus with buttery fur and pink hair. "Fluttershy! What are you doing?! It's going to eat you!" The purple unicorn shouts. My eyes widen at this. Theses horses can talk?! "Twilight, this creature hurt." The one named Fluttershy said. "I need to help it." "Are you nuts?!" The cyan Pegasus with the stupid rainbow hair yells. "You saw what it did to that Manticore! It's going to kill you if you get close!" So that's what the monster I killed is called. Huh, well you learn something new everyday. Anyway, Fluttershy doesn't back down. "I know what it did, and I don't really approve of it." She nods. "However, I understand that is what predators do in the wild and I learned to accept that. Now though, I need to help this one or else what it did to the Manticore would be for nothing." I blink at that. Wow. I never would of thought a herbivore like her would be okay with something I just did. "Grr!" I grunt in pain as Fluttershy floats over to me and puts a hoof onto one of my wounds. "There, there, little guy. I'll do what I can to help heal you." She said soothingly. "Little?!" The rainbow one exclaims. I look into her eyes and for some reason, I feel like I can trust her words. She looks so kind and gentle. "Fluttershy…" I gasp in pain. "I-I need my sack." I pointed over to where my stuff is. She looks over and sees it. "Is that what you need, Mr. Crocodile?" She asks in concern. "Yes, please." I shake my head. "Also, my name is John." Whether Fluttershy heard me or not, she doesn't say as she goes over and picks up my care package before coming back. "Here you go." She said passing my things to me. I fumble with the bag for a moment before picking out a Pecha Berry. I toss the little sucker into my mouth and swallow it. Soon enough, I can feel the effects of the Manticore poison leaving me. I sit up straight as some of my strength is coming back. "Oh, thank you, Fluttershy." I said in relief. "You don't know how much this means to me." I literally would of died of poisoning if it weren't for her. Which is why I didn't stop her as she looks into my bag and pulls out a Super Potion. "Will this help you feel better?" She asks me curiously. "This looks like medicine." "Yeah. Could you pass me that?" Fluttershy gives me a confused look. Didn't she hear me? "Uh, could you give me that, please?" I lay out my claw. She seems to get the message as she gives me my healing item. However I am having some trouble with using it as I can't reach where my wounds are. Not to mention, I only had three appendages instead of my usual five. Fluttershy sees my struggle. "Here let me help you with that." She takes the spray bottle from me and proceeds to treat my injuries. I sigh in content as I feel my wounds closing up. Damn, that Potion is sure is soothing. I look over to see that her other friends were walking over to us. I'm guessing since I haven't tried to kill Fluttershy, they seem to think I'm safe enough to be around. The orange one with the stepson hat speaks. "Hooey, Fluttershy." She said in a southern accent. "Never would of thought you had it in you." "Amazing..." The one named Twilight said. "I've never read anything about this creature before. It almost has the same resemblance of a crocodile." "Well, your close." I said. "I'm what you call a Krookodile." The rainbow horse fly over me. "Hey, Flutters, do you know what's it saying? You speak animal, don't you?" I blink at that. What does she mean by that? Can she not hear me? Also, Fluttershy can talk to animals? "I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy replies. "But I can't understand what it is saying. All I hear is regular hisses and growls like any other crocodile would make." At that moment, everything around me freezes as I came to a conclusion. 'They can't understand anything I say... well... this will be problematic.' I should of seen this coming from a mile away if I was planning on talking to anyone. Then again, it's strange that they are hearing regular animal noises from me instead of hearing me saying my specie's name repeatedly. That would be annoying. "I must say, this creature's color scheme seems rather... intimidating." The white unicorn comments. She sounds posh. Just then, I feel something clamp around my back. "WEE!! This thing looks so cool! Hey! Do you think the Cakes would let me keep it!? Oohh!!! Do you think it likes to party?!!" The pink horse said with excitement. '...Uh...what?' "Pinkie, there is nothing more cooler than yours truly." Rainbow Dash boasts as she gets in my face. "I bet I could take this thing on!" I snorted at that. 'Oh, really?' I thought as my eyes flashes red and I give my best evil toothy smile. Rainbow Dash immediately backs away from my Scary Face. "Okay... that is just creepy." She said. Twilight steps up. "Look, as much as I want to analyze it, we still have to stop Nightmare Moon! Come on, girls!" The others seem to agree as they all start heading up a trail. Though, the one named Pinkie stayed for a bit as she gives me a cupcake. It was chocolate as it had white and red frosting with the red shaped like a medical cross. "Here's a little 'Get Better' cupcake! If you want a place to stay other than this scary place, then head over to Ponyville! Just follow the tail we came from, Crocky!" With that, she runs, or rather, hops her way and catches up to her friends. I look at the cupcake as I think about her offer. "Well, it would be better than staying in a place like this." I said as I eat the dessert. "Mmm, this is good." Alright, I think I could safely say that this Ponyville place is weird. One moment, the ponies (I figured they were ponies because of their town name.) were panicking and were saying that I was a reptilian monster here to reap their souls or some shit, then the next, I'm being treated like I'm in a petting zoo by their children. Literally changed from 0 to 100 and back to 0 again from just a few words by Pinkie Pie. Right, I probably should explain myself. Well, I took up Pinkie's offer and made my way to Ponyville. It was empty as I did not see any ponies in the streets. During my search, I came across a cool looking gingerbread house. Well, it looked like one. I took bite out of it and found it if was only décor. Hmph! Anyway, after a while of searching, I gave up and decided to take a nap. After a while, I was awoken up by the sound of screaming and panicking. Not to mention, there was a party going on as there were decorations and buffet tables put out. How they set it up while not noticing me till now, I will never know. However, Pinkie Pie came to my rescue and told the crowd of ponies that I was her new pet mutant crocodile. For whatever reason, they took her word for it and went back to partying. Now it comes to the present. I am just sitting on my scaly ass as a bunch of cute fillies and colts were climbing all over me. Their parents were close by as they watch me with both weary and cautious stares. At least they were careful around me instead of trusting me completely. I mean, I wouldn't if we switched places. "Are you absolutely sure it is safe to be around, Pinkie Pie?" I look over to see a grey Pegasus with blonde hair talking to Pinkie. Her daughter, which was a unicorn oddly enough, was riding on top of my long muzzle. Her giggles lighten my heart. "Don't worry, Ditzy!" Pinkie says happily. "Crocky doesn't mind the foals! Besides, look at him! He seems to be having fun!" I can't really deny her statement. Being a Pokémon in land of ponies while being covered by said ponies seems like a joke to me. "Well, I guess I'll take your word for it-- Oh! Your highness!" Ditzy said as she bows to the upcoming princess. The one they call Princess Celestia. Yes, I've seen her mingling with some of her subjects along with a small midnight blue filly by her side. Surprisingly, they both had wings and horns. They both wore some royal attire as well signifying their status. Anyway, Princess Celestia earlier announced that her supposedly student, Twilight Sparkle would be staying in this town to learn the way of the Magic of Friendship. Which is ridiculous in my opinion. I figured she and the filly would of left awhile ago in a chariot ironically, but it seems she decided to pay me a visit before she leaves. "So this is the creature my student has told me about." She said. The children that were playing with me were long gone by now as they returned to their parents. I stand up straight as I look at the ponies' ruler. Celestia and I were just about the same height minus the horn. Her fur was white with a pinch of pink hue. Her hair was literally a mix of a three color rainbow as it magically waves even though there is no wind. "Yeppers, Princess!" Pinkie confirms as she goes over to my side. "Crocky here saved us from a Manticore in the Everfree Forest last night!" I heard a few ponies around us gasp as they look at me in awe and a bit of fear. Princess Celestia looks at me in interest. "Indeed? Well then, creature. I'm not sure if you understand, but I thank you for saving my little ponies." Though, just like that, she then puts on a face of authority. "However, be that as it may, if I come to hear that you have in any way harmed my subjects, then you will be met with consequences. Do you understand?" I give a nod with my arms crossed, but I used Leer with it as I wasn't going to just tremble from her gaze. This mildly surprises her but she puts on a straight face and nods back. Seems we both have an understanding. 'Don't mess with me, and I'll won't mess with you.' Respectively anyway. "Very well, then." She then turns to Pinkie. "I trust you will keep an eye on our... friend here?" "Don't you worry, Princess!" Pinkie answers. "I'll take the bestest care of Crocky! I'm sure him and Gummy will get along just fine!!" 'Wait, who's Gummy?' As if she read my mind, she pulls out a small bug-eyed alligator out of her poofy pink mane and puts the little guy down in front of me. I will have to say, this is one strange looking alligator. However, I don't want to seem rude. Besides, if I'm speaking in regular crocodile dialogue, them maybe I can understand gator. "Uh... hello, Gummy." I spoke. "I guess we're going to be roommates." "..." "So... how's life?" "...fine..." Oh, he does speak. "Well... that's good, I guess." "..." "..." This is awkward. "AWW!! Look at them! They're practically brothers already!" Pinkie cooed. "...Indeed..." Celestia said as she too is weirded by Gummy, but doesn't show it. "Well, it seems everything is concluded. I will be on my way. See you next time, Pinkie Pie." As Celestia heads over to her chariot, Pinkie hops over to me and Gummy before pulling out a camera. "We are going to have the bestest greatest time ever together!" She giggles as she pulls us all together. "He's for the scrapbook! Say, cheese!" Flash! Well, this is going to be fun. > The Ticket Master > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, time seems to fly by in this weird world of magic. I mean, it's been about 2 weeks since my stay here in Equestria. I've been learning a few things around here. See, for the past week, I've been settling down as Pinkie Pie's new pet crocodile. Albeit a pocket monster version of the reptile. Nearly everyone in Ponyville has gotten used to me. Though, I was still the children's play thing every now and then. Which made Pinkie bring me to every one of her parties she throws. I've hung out occasionally with Pinkie's friends from time to time. I've got to say, they are quite the interesting bunch. For starters, Applejack sure loves her apples as she takes good care of her family's apple orchard. It was named Sweet Apple Acres. It's pretty cool if I have to be honest. I've never been on a farm before until now. Also, I've met her family. She has a big brother named Big Macintosh. He was pretty much the silent type. The only response I ever heard from him was 'Eeyup' or 'Nnope'. There was also a little filly named Apple Bloom. She is really cute, especially when she laughs happily when she rides me sometimes. Next is their grandma named ironically, Granny Smith. She is... well, old so to speak. Not saying it is a bad thing, but she's sure... interesting. When we first met, she tried to either run for the hills or smash some pots and pans together to scare me off back to the woods. However, after a few words from Applejack, I was sitting with the Apples eating some apple pies. Well, not with them on the table, but rather near them with a bowl on the ground. Yeah, it sucks now that I'm partly going to be treated like an animal. Albeit an intelligent one, but still an animal. Which, brings us to our final guest, Winona. She is a Border Collie as she the Apple family's beloved work dog. I've got to say that I was kind of surprised when I can understand her. I figured I could only understand Gummy since we were both reptiles. Maybe I can only understand domesticated animals instead of feral ones. Anyway, Winona is a pretty cool gal, or dog in this case. She's pretty quick to warm up to me. She told me her life with the Apples when she was a puppy. Winona is pretty cute if I say so myself. Not to mention, she is soft as hell with her fluffy fur. Alright, next up is Fluttershy. I've already mentioned it before, but she is really kind. The buttery Pegasus lives in a cottage near the forest, which I found out was called The Everfree Forest. In her cottage is filled with all sorts of animals. There were many birds, cats, dogs, and etc.. Though, the one that stood out the most was a bunny rabbit named, Angel. He was pretty much a dick to me when I first showed up to Fluttershy's home. However, with a quick use of Scary Face, the little white bastard left me alone. As for the other animals, they don't seem to mind me too much. Hell, most of the reptiles that lives there greeted me kindly like we all knew each other. Speaking of reptiles, I visited Twilight's home too as she now lives in the Ponyville's local library, The Golden Oak Library. There I've met Twilight's little assistant who, to my complete surprise, was a small purple and green dragon named, Spike. The kid was scared of me at first when we first met, but soon eases up when I didn't made a move to eat him and Twilight. Though, for some strange reason, he couldn't understand a thing I say like most of the others. He too only heard ordinary crocodile noises when I tried to speak to him. Which brings us to Miss Bookworm herself. When she caught a glimpse of my 'intelligence', she immediately started testing, observing, and analyzing me from top to bottom. She was paying even more closer attention to my powers. Though, I've only showed some of the minor attacks since I didn't want to give away all my tricks. Not to mention, I seriously didn't want to be labeled as a menace for using some of my more destructive moves. Now, the next pony on the list is Rainbow Dash. She is... well, there isn't really much about her that I can tell. To me, she is pretty much your typical cocky, arrogant, and hotheaded Jock. She tried to have a rematch with me for using my intimidating moves on her. It was pretty much a draw every time. I had reach with my move set while she had flexibility with her speed and flight. Soon, our little matches turned into training spars from time to time. Finally, we have the white Unicorn of the group, Rarity. A little fun fact about her, she is a fashion designer. She owns her own boutique called The Carousel Boutique. I saw a bunch of clothing materials and mannequins with premade clothes up for display. I'm not going to lie, some of them do seem rather... nice in my opinion. Not to say I like dresses or anything mind you! Anyway, Rarity wasn't the only one to live there. Living with her is her pet cat, Opalescence. She is a white Persian cat as she wears a purple bow and diamond collar. Now, as for her attitude, well... let's just say she is not a very nice cat. I'm not going to say that Angel is any better, far from it. However, Opal doesn't take shit from anyone. Like, she pretty much plays by her own rules. For example, when I met her the first time, she pretty much turns me away like I'm just a meat on a platter. I set my own dominance by using Leer when Rarity wasn't looking. Opal didn't like that very much. So, she made a mess and had me blamed for it. Honestly, being outplayed by a fucking cat just pisses me off. Which is why I rarely go over Rarity's place. Overall, I'm settling in this world just about fine as any other person in my situation. I'm not sure how long my adventure is going to go on, but I might as well try to have a good time from it. Who knows, maybe I maybe I could learn a few cool moves while I'm here. My Iron Tail still needs some work. Sweet Apple Acres (Late Morning) Today, I am helping out Applejack, Twilight, and Spike with collecting some apples. Pinkie Pie is currently back home, which I found out is called Sugarcube Corner, helping the Cakes with the upcoming lunch hour that is going to start in awhile. I figured I would go and do something productive instead of lounging around in Pinkie's room all day. Gummy might be there, but he's still not much of a talker. So... yeah... "Thank you kindly, Twilight for helping out." Applejack said before turning to me. "Thank you as well, John." I give the cowgirl a nod as I pull the wagon full of apples. It was a good thing that I've gave the girls my real name by writing it down in the dirt for them to see when I had the chance. "Crocky" wasn't really going to stick for me. Though, Pinkie was the only one that calls me that. "I've bet Big Macintosh that I would get all these golden delicious in the barn by lunch time. If I win, then he would have to walk down the street wearing one of Granny's girdles." She giggles. "Not a problem, Applejack." Twilight said as she carries her basket of apples. "I'm glad the goal is lunch time. All this hard work is making me hungry." "I know, right?" Spike said as he tosses another apple from my wagon. 'Psh! You haven't done jack shit all morning.' I thought. As if she read my mind, Twilight rolls her eyes. "Oh, please, Spike. You've been riding behind John all morning." "Exactly! You three are taking so long that I've missed snack time." At the mention of food, Twilight's stomach started demanding for some. She chuckles sheepishly. "I guess we better get some food soon." Spike goes back into looking through the apples in wagon before finally picking a nice big red shiny one. Twilight licks her lips at the sight of it. "Oh, Spike. That looks delicious." Chomp! However, it didn't last long because the precious fruit was quickly devoured. However, not from the dragon, but yours truly. I've got to say, sucks to be them. That WAS a good apple. "Hey! I got that first!" Spike complained. "What? In the wilds, you got to snatch your prey up before it disappears, little man." I smirked. "Ugh, I'm kind of glad that I can't understand you." Spike grumbled. "Don't want to hear you gloating--ERK!" Just then, Spike's cheeks puff up as he looks like he was about to barf. I quickly step away from the splat zone. Burp! Whoosh! Instead of stomach bile as I thought it would be, it was a scroll that magically came out of Spike's mouth. It gently floated down to us four. "It's a letter from Princess Celestia." Twilight said. 'Huh, I wonder what Sun Butt wants.' Spike takes the letter and opens it. He clears his throat before speaking. "Hear ye! Hear ye! The Grand Royal Highness, Princess Celestia of Equestria is pleased to announce the Grand Galloping Gala to be held in the magnificent capital city of Canterlot on the 21st of yadda-yadda-yadda cordially extends an invitation to Twilight Sparkle plus one guest!" Both Twilight and Applejack gasped at this before hopping around joyfully. "The Grand Galloping Gala!" They cheered. I look between them and Spike. The two seem to like this Gala thing while Spikes does not as he gagged at this. Burp! Whoosh! Spike then coughed up two golden tickets. He snatches them before showing them. "Look! Tickets!" He waves them. 'So... this whole coughing up delivery thing is normal? Am I missing something here?' Twilight said happily. "Wow! That's great! I've never been to the Gala. Have you, Spike?" "No, and I'm keeping it that way. I don't want to have anything to do with that girly frilly nonsense!" Spike responded childishly. 'Well, I guess Sun Butt is throwing a classy party in her home. Then again, what royalty doesn't?' "Aw, come on, Spike. A dance would be nice." "Nice?! It's a heap a more than just nice!" Applejack cuts in. "I would love to go. Well, shucks! If I had an apple stand set up, then ponies will be trying our tasty apples until the cows came home! Do you know how much business I could drum up for Sweet Apple Acres?" 'Probably a lot from what I can tell.' I thought as I adjust my Black Sunglasses. "Why, with all that money, we could do a heap of fixing up around here!" Applejack gestures to her home. "We could fix up that saggy old roof! Big Macintosh could replace that saggy old plow! Granny Smith could replace her saggy old hip!" I couldn't help but smile at the blonde's noble cause. This Gala would be beneficial for her and her family. "Wow. I would give my left hind leg to go to that Gala." Twilight walks up to her. "Oh. Well, in that case, would you like to--" "WHOA!!" Crash! Just then, a familiar rainbow-haired Pegasus comes crashing down onto the two ponies from one of the trees next to us. The apples from their baskets were either smashed or scattered around the ground. "Are we talking about THE Grand Galloping Gala?!" Rainbow asked as if she didn't just landed on her friends. "Rainbow Dash!" Applejack yells as she gets up while I pick up Twilight myself. "You said that you were too busy to help me harvest apples! What were you busy doing, spying?" "No. I was busy napping." I look up to were Rainbow fell from and saw both a blanket and a pillow resting on a tree branch. 'That does not look very comfortable. How does she sleep through that?' Rainbow turns to Twilight with an innocent smile. "And I just happened to hear you have an extra ticket?" Twilight looks uncertain. "Yeah, but--" "YES!! This is so awesome!" Rainbow does an excited flip. "The Wonderbolts perform at the Grand Galloping Gala every single year! I can see it now. Everybody would be watching the sky. Their eyes riveted on the Wonderbolt, but then in would fly, RAINBOW DASH! I would draw their attention with my Super Speed Strut. Then, I would mesmerize them with my fantastic Filly Fletch. Finally, for my grand finally, my Buccaneer Blaze!" 'So she basically wants to show off so she can be noticed by her idols.' I thought as I munch on a fallen apple with Spike besides me. "The ponies would go wild! The Wonderbolts would insist that my signature moves would be incorporated into their routine, and then welcome me as their newest member." Rainbow floats right into Twilight's face. "Don't you see, Twilight? This could be my one chance to show my stuff. You've got to take me!" Pull~ Applejack then pulls Dash away with her tail in her mouth. "Now, hold on just one-pony-picking-minute!" Applejack spits out the tail. "I asked for that ticket first!" "So? Doesn't me you own it!" "Oh, yeah? Well, I challenge you to a hoof-wrestle! Winner gets the ticket!" Both Applejack and Rainbow Dash rush to a tree stump and start their little competition, only to get separated by Twilight. "Girls! These are MY tickets. I get to decide who gets it thank you very much. Whoever has the best reason gets to have the ticket, don't you think?" Applejack immediately steps up. "Drumming up business for the farm?" Rainbow follows suite. "A chance to audition for the Wonderbolts?!" "Money to fix Granny's hip!" "Living the dream!" I can already tell that Twilight had no clue as to who to pick by the look on her face. That's when I realized something. 'Oh, fuck. Wait until the others hear about this. Shit is going to hit the fan real fast.' "Oh, my. Those are pretty good reason, aren't they?" She said sheepishly. GROWL/Growl Just then, not only does Twilight's gut remind her of getting food, but mine started demanding some as well. Though, mine was louder as it startled the others. "Well, look at that. Both me and John are starving." She said back away towards me and Spike. "I don't know about you, but I can't make important decisions on an empty stomach. So, I'll think about it as I take John back to Pinkie Pie and get some lunch after. Okay?" "Okay." I hear them both say as me, Twilight, and Spike head our way back to Ponyville. Sugarcube Corner (Noon) It was now around mid-day as the lunch hour started not too long ago. Ponies where lining up into the bakery as they all ordered different pastries from the menu. The Cakes were working their asses off as they take orders and serve the customers. I was in the kitchen with Pinkie Pie as she bakes the orders given to her. I was helping too...well, sort of. I was mostly handing a few ingredients to her while she was doing most of the work. "Wowie, Crocky! We had plenty of customers during lunch hours before, but now we are getting much more than usual lately!" Pinkie said as she throws another batch into the oven. "Who would of thought those berries of yours would be so popular!" Remember when I said I was passing her some ingredients? Well, those were the berries I had on me when I came to this world. I was able to plant and grow some more. Pinkie Pie decided make some cupcakes out of them, and they sure were tasty. The Cakes tried some and like them as well. Soon enough, they added the new recipe to the menu. It wasn't long until they became a hit with the ponies. "HEY! I just realized something! I've never given you your very own party yet!!" Pinkie yells. "I've thrown one for Gummy! GASP!! Next time, I'm going to throw a pet party! Everypony will bring their own pets and will have an amazing time!!" I sighed at that, but gave a tired smiled. I am kind of getting a little tired of being labeled as a pet. It was funny to me at first since it was ironically a pony owning a human, albeit a human turned Pokémon. After awhile however, it gets annoying hearing other ponies mentioning "Pinkie's pet red crocodile". The only reason I'm going along with it was because the pink party mare is nice and never treated me badly so far. Ding! Ding! Ding! Just then, a bell started ringing off. "Oh! Lunch hour is finally over!" Pinkie said. "Now, this is the part of the chapter where I jump out the window!" Whoosh~ Crash! Just as Pinkie just said, she... jumped out the window for some reason. "What the hell..." I muttered. "What does she mean by chapter? Hmm, living with her for two weeks and I still can't figure her out." "GAAHHHH!! BATS IN MY FACE!! BATS IN MY FACE!! HEELLP!!" I hear Pinkie screaming outside. Curious, I go outside through the back door and see her running around with Twilight's Gala tickets on her face. Twilight and Spike themselves are watching her panic. "Pinkie, calm down. Their not bats, they don't even show up during the day." I said. Pinkie must of heard my hissing as she stops pouncing around. When she sees what was actually on her face, her eyes sparkled. "GASP!! ARE THOSE TICKETS TO THE GRAND GALLOPING GALA?!" She gasped in everlasting excitement. "ItisthemostamazingincredibletremendoussuperwonderfulterrifichumongouspartyinEquestria! I always wanted to go!" 'Holy shit! She sure can talk fast under one breath.' I shake my head before deciding to take my leave. I already knew what was going to happen. All of Twilight's friends were going to ask her to give them the damn extra ticket. I can already see Applejack, Flutterhsy, and Rarity coming from different directions. Hell, I even see Rainbow Dash perched on one of the nearby buildings watching from atop. 'Like I said before, shit is going to hit the fan.' "Hi, John!" I was snapped out of my thoughts by the sound of familiar Border Collie. "Winona? What are doing all the way out here?" I asked looking down at the cute dog. "I followed Applejack all the way from the farm. She and Rainbow Dash wouldn't stop competing for those tickets." Winona said as she sits in front of me. "Honestly, if it were up to me, then I would chew those stupid piece of papers up." "I know what you mean. I can see Applejack's reason for going to the Gala, but there are a few problems to it. For one thing, if it's royalty throwing a party, then there is bound to be plenty of food at the buffet. Including apple related desserts. Not to mention, they're all for free whilst Applejack will be charging for her products" "Yeah, I've heard Rainbow's reason too, and I'm not sure if it's going to work either." "Me neither. She won't be allowed to interrupted these Wonderbolt ponies' performance during the party. Plus, she would probably be turned down like any other fan if she decided to talk them before or after the show." I look up to the sky and the passing clouds. "Besides, I don't really see her as a stunt flyer, but more of a military person, or pony." I can just picture her in a military uniform. Honestly, she would look badass. Come to think of it, I think anyone would look awesome if they were military. "Well, her dream is her dream." Winona did her own version of a shrug. "Say, while they all focus on those dumb tickets, want to go relax somewhere?" "We could go hang out at Twilight's place. It is a public library after all." "That would work." Golden Oak Library (Afternoon) It's been a while since me and Winona left the ponies to their ticket business. As of now, we are just being lazy and hanging out at the library. I'm reading some of the books about magic while Winona was sleeping on one of the pillows Twilight keeps around. Normally, a library is not really my place to go relax, but since nobody was around, we pretty much had the whole place to ourselves. Click~ Well, nevermind then. It seems we have a visitor. I look up from my book to see to my surprise, Fluttershy and a few animals I've met from her cottage. They were mostly just birds and squirrels. Their scuttering woke up Winona. "Oh. Hello there, John." Fluttershy greets me. "I didin't know you were here. I hope you don't mind." I give a shrug. Not my house, not my problem. "Oh, thank you. If I'm disturbing you, then just pretend I'm not here." With that, the buttery Pegasus and her animal friends go all over the library and start cleaning. I turn to see Angel going into the kitchen. 'Now, what is he up to?' I get up and follow the white rabbit. When I enter, I see him mixing up a few lettuces, carrots, and other ingredients together in a bowl. "Hey, Angel. What are you doing?" I said getting his attention. "What does it look like, Scales? I'm making salad." He said sourly as usual. "Right. Well, what about the others? Why are they here cleaning the library?" "If you must know, the lavender one named Twilight has an extra ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala. We are trying to win that pony's favor so she can give Fluttershy the ticket." "Huh, didn't think Fluttershy was the competitive type." "She's not. I'm pushing her into getting the tickets herself." I raise a scaly brow. "Even if she does get the ticket, I don't think the Gala would allow animals into it. Hell, I don't even think I could go if I wanted to." Angel suddenly points his wooden spoon at me. "Don't get any ideas that I'm just using Fluttershy to get into the Gala. I know I can't go, but me and the others want her to go. She deserves to have a good time for what she's done for all of us back at the cottage. I'm only pushing her because she's too shy to ask for the ticket herself." "Be that as it may, I'm not sure if that's the kind of party Fluttershy would like to go to." Angel continues to make the salad. "Oh, I know. She's not one for parties anyway. She just wants to visit the animals that live in the royal garden. If that's what she wants to spend time in, then so be it." "Would that even work?" I said adjusting my sunglasses. "I'm pretty sure the animals that live there only interact with either the princess or her garden keepers." "Fluttershy will get them to cooperate. She has a much better understanding with us unlike most ponies." "Well, good hunting then." I leave the kitchen and go back to the main room. I see Winona looking at the animals cleaning with Fluttershy. The Pegasus is singing some tune while scrubbing the walls. "What's all this about?" Winona asks curiously. "They're trying to get Twilight to give her ticket to Fluttershy so she could go to the Gala." I said taking a seat besides her. "Again with the tickets? At this point, Twilight might as well rip the extra one and go by herself." "To be honest, this whole situation is getting pretty irritating." Click~ Just then, another pony comes into the library. This time, it's Twilight herself. When she sees the occupants of this room, she gasps. "Fluttershy, not you too." She said tiredly. "Oh! Why, hello there, Twilight." Fluttershy greeted her innocently. "I hope you don't mind, but we are doing a little Spring Cleaning for you." "It's Summer." Twilight deadpanned. "Oh, well, better late then ever, right? It was Angel's idea." The bunny himself comes out of the kitchen and present the salad. Where did he get that chef's hat? "You're not doing this for the ticket, are you?" Twilight asks suspiciously. "Oh, no. I'm doing this for my very best friend." I couldn't help but step in and give Fluttershy a look that says 'Try again'. "Uh, I mean, yes. We are doing this for the ticket." She corrects herself. Angel goes over and tries to sway Twilight with the salad as a peace offering. The purple pony's stomach growls. I guess she still hasn't eaten yet. "No! No! No!" Twilight yells as she goes to the door and magically opens it up. "Well, this was all very nice of you and Angel, but I'm not accepting any extra favors until I make my final decision. So I'm going to have to ask you to leave." "SURPRISE!!" A cloud of confetti clouds the door as party horns blow out. Then, a pair of pink hooves grabs Twilight and pulls her outside. Curious, me and Winona go outside too only to see Pinkie Pie and a bunch of other ponies carrying Twilight. They start tossing her while Pinkie begins to sing. "Twilight is my bestest friend! Whoopy! Whoopy!" "Pinkie." "She's the cutest, smartest, and all around bestest pony! Pony!" "Pinkie!" "I bet if I throw her a super duper party! Party!" "Pinkie!!" "She'll give her extra Gala ticket to me!" "PINKIE!!!" The singing stops along with the ponies tossing Twilight. She falls to the ground as Pinkie looms over her. "Yes, Twilight?" Pinkie asks. "At least the other ponies TRIED to be subtle about the tickets." Twilight said getting up. "Wait a minute, what ticket? What gala?" A random mare asks from the crowd. At this point, I had the sense that something bad is going to happen. Winona also senses too. "Oh, here we go." She said shaking her head. "Oh, you didn't know? Twilight has an extra ticket to the Grand Galloping Gala!" Pinkie announced for all to hear. "THE GRAND GALLOPING GALA?!" The news surprises the ponies as they get excited. Soon, they start crowding around Twilight as they too start offering favors for the ticket. "Have I ever told you that I love your mane?" "I'll wash your dishes." "Do you need help with your gardening?" "I have a pot load of extra carrots." "I'll paint your house." "I'll be your best friend!" "I'll take you on a date!" Just then, Spike comes around out of nowhere and pulls Twilight away. However, they didn't get far as the crowd of ponies blocked their way. "What are we going to do?" Spike asks in panic. "We're. Going. To. RUN!!" Twilight jumps up into the air and runs off with Spike on her back. The ponies turn and follow her in pursuit. All there was left was me and Winona as we watch the mob chase down the purple duos. "I knew this was going to go down in the shithole when those tickets came around." I take of my sunglasses and rub my eyes. "It was funny at first with Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Now, this is getting out of control. I may not be that close friends with Twilight, but she still needs help. I'm going after them." "Well, I hope your successful, John. I would help, but I've been away from Sweet Apple Acres too long. I better get going before Apple Bloom or the others get too worried about me." Winona said as she runs off back to her home. "See you around, John! We should do more of this sometimes!" With that, the brown and white dog is gone as it is now just me standing outside the library. "Alright. Let's get to work and stop--" *Puts on sunglasses "--horsing around." … … I look up to the sky. "Really? Pinkie gets a song when she sings, but I fucking don't?! Sigh, whatever." Ponyville - Alleyway (Evening) I've got to say that I'm surprised with how much stamina Twilight has. The fact that she's been running from the mob for hours without getting tired is impressive. Hell, they even gave me a hard time catching up to them. However, as good as the game of cat and mouse we've been playing, it has finally come to an end as Twilight and Spike are cornered in an alleyway with the ponies advancing towards them. 'Now is my chance!' I focus my power and twirl my tail around. Soon enough, a huge gust of windy sand appears as I use Sandstorm. I'm only using it at minimum power as I didn't want to hurt the ponies. "AH! I can't see!" "Where's Twilight?!" "Where did all this sand come from?!" "Spike?! Spike, where are you?!" Now that everyone is blinded, except me since I'm a Ground Type, I rush in and grab my friends with ease. I run out of the alley and around a corner until we got a good distance away from the mob. Twilight and Spike look up to me from under my arms. "John? Man, glad to see you!" Spike said with relief. "Yeah." Twilight's eyes go wide. "Wait a minute. Oh, no! Don't tell me you only saved us because YOU want the ticket?" I give a hiss in irritation before dropping them on their asses. "Ow! Hey, what's the big deal?!" Spike complains. I ignored him as I bend down and start writing in the dirt. Twilight takes notice and reads my message. To answer your question, Twilight, no. I didn't save your flank to get the tickets. I'm not that cruel. Also, I don't think they allow animals to attend the Gala. "Oh. Right, I should of thought of that." She said sheepishly. "Come on. Let's head back to the library." I nod as I follow the two back to the their home. So far, so good. There is no one coming our way-- "Hey, do you see them anywhere?" "Maybe they're over here!" We stop in our tracks as we see two ponies coming towards us. "Oh, no! They're coming!" Twilight whispered loudly. No point in giving themselves away further. "There is no place to hide!" Spike too whispered. He was right as we are out in the open. I look around before I got an idea. 'I know they're not going to like this.' I thought as I grab the two. "Hey, what are you--" Chomp! I cut Twilight off as I stuff her and Spike into my mouth. I can feel them squirming in my large maw. Just in time too as the ponies come around. "Hey, aren't you Pinkie's pet crocodile?" One of them asks. I would of rolled my eyes if I wasn't struggling to keep my mouth shut. My friends aren't making it easy with their squirming. The ponies see this. "Eww!! I think it's going to barf!" "Ugh! Forget this!" The two ponies run away with green faces. When the coast was clear, I spit out my friends. They are covered in my saliva. "John..." Twilight said in a steady voice. "While I appreciate the help, please for the love of Celestia, Don't. Do. That. Again." "Yeah." Spike agreed as he wipes away my spit. "What she said." I cross my arms and snorted. 'You're welcome you ungrateful dicks.' "Come on. Let's go." Twilight sighs. Golden Oak Library (Night) It was about night when we made it to the library without being caught. Boy, it was kind of hard when you have half the town looking for you. Luckily, we were sneaky enough to evade detection. Even then, my friends would use me as a wall to hide from passing ponies instead of using my... previous idea. It was kind of weird now that I think about. Twilight tasted like lavender. Perhaps she used scented shampoo? Anyway, we are currently at the front door as Twilight tiredly opens it. "Finally, we're home." She said as we all enter the room. "At least now I could finally get something to--" Twilight stops mid-sentence with a terrified expression. I look on ahead and see just about all our friends standing in the room. Probably waiting for her to make the decision. "GAAAAHHH!!" Twilight screams. "I CAN'T DECIDE! I JUST CAN'T DECIDE!! It's important to all of you and I can't stand to disappoint any of you, but giving me gifts and favors won't make a difference because you're all my friends and I want to make you all happy, but I can't! I just can't!!" I can't help but feel sorry for Twilight as she crumbles to the floor like she's ready to cry. I bend down and pet her gently while giving the girls my best Leer. I also growled and showed my sharp teeth for good measure. To their credit, they do look both ashamed and frighten by my intimidation. Applejack was the first to come forward. "Twilight, sugar? I didn't mean to put so much pressure on you, and if it helps, then I don't want the ticket no more. You can give it to somepony else. I won't feel bad. I promise." Applejack smiles apologetically. Fluttershy floats over to us. "Me too. I feel awful for making you feel awful. "And me too." Pinkie joins in. "It's no fun upsetting your friend." "Twilight, it was wrong to force you like I did." Rarity adds. "YES! That means the ticket is mine!" Rainbow Dash unhelpfully boasts. "I got the ticket~ I got the ticket--" Chomp! I stopped her annoying rant by trapping her in my maw. I keep her in there for a little bit before spitting her back out. She lands on her back as she is now completely covered in saliva. "GROSS! What's your--" She stops and makes a squeak when she sees another one of my Scary Face, or as I like to call this face, my Evil Face. "Uh, you know what? I haven't perfected my signature moves for the Wonderbolts anyway. I don't need that ticket neither." Rainbow said sheepishly to her friends. Applejack rolls her eyes before speaking. "We were so gung-ho on going to the Gala that we couldn't see how ungung-ho we were making you." "We're sorry, Twilight." They all said together. As I watch this little moment from the sidelines, I couldn't stop thinking that all this was somehow planned from the start. I can't put my claw on it. Well, needless to say, I think I got the best solution for this problem. I give a hiss and get the girls and dragon's attention. "Huh? What is it, John?" Spike asks. I make a motion of me writing something. "You want paper and a quill?" I nodded. Spike was confused, but goes with it as he fishes me a piece of paper along with an ink and quill. I immediately get to writing. Dear, Princess Celestia It's me, John, or as Pinkie likes to call me, Crocky. I'm writing to you a complaint about the number of tickets you sent to Twilight Sparkle. Just two? Seriously? Like what the hell? I know it's common to only be allowed to bring a plus one to a party. However, I'm thinking you have forgotten that Twilight's friends are the ones who saved Equestria. Let alone saved your sister, Luna from staying as Nightmare Moon from what I've heard! So, I believe that Twilight's friends deserve a boon for their service to their country and to let them go to the Grand Galloping Gala. Sincerely, John Gate P.S. If it's not too much, I would like to have an audience with Luna. Didn't get to meet that little filly at the party a couple weeks ago. P.P.S. Not sure if your student told you about me, but I'm what is called a Krookodile. Basically, a crocodile that lives in the sandy deserts instead of the lakes or swamps. Once I finish writing, I put ink on my claw and stamp it at the bottom of the page. I roll it up and give it to the young drake. He looks at me questionably. "You want me to send this to Princess Celestia?" He asks. I nod. Spike hesitates, but complies and sends the letter through his magical fiery breath. A few moments later, a scroll comes popping out of the drake. "It's a letter from Princess Celestia. That was fast." Twilight said surprise. "What did you say, John? Nevermind, what does the letter say, Spike?" Spike opens up the scroll. "My faithful student, Twilight. Your friend John is right. I should of taken to some consideration of what your friends would want. For that, I apologies and offer you--" Spike pulls out five more golden tickets. "five tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!" The girls gasps at this while I grin triumphantly. Twilight turns to me. "What did you really say to Celestia, John? How did you convinced her?" Pinkie hops on my back. "It doesn't matter! Crocky got all of us tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala! Even he can go!" I blink before realizing that the five tickets we received plus the other two Twilight has means we got seven in total. 'Pinkie's right. It does mean I can go too.' Growl! I heard Twilight's stomach yet again growling. "Allow us to treat you for dinner, Twilight." Rarity offers. "You too John. Thank you for getting all of us tickets as well." "And I'm going to be making a special batch of those Berry Cupcakes as a reward!" Pinkie adds. "Oh. I do love those." Fluttershy says happily. As everyone starts leaving the room, I notice Spike sagging behind. "How come I don't get a ticket to the Gala?" He asks himself sadly. I feel bad for the little guy. I should of mentioned him too. Before I could cheer the kid up, his cheeks bulges before he burps out a scroll and another ticket. He reads the letter. "And one more for you, Spike." He said shocked before morphing into excitement. "I got a ticket!" With that, he runs out to join the girls. I was the last one in the library. "Man, this is one crazy day." I say as I adjust my sunglasses. "I wonder what other things Equestria has to offer." Something tells me though, that things are just getting started.