> Hope In Rainbow > by Lonely Fanboy48 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Planning The Weekend > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Every Friday in Ponyville, it always feels peaceful and relaxed. While some ponies spend the weekend off in their homes, others go to locations for activities or sightseeing. There’s only a few hours left until the sun sets in Equestria and several ponies are almost done with their daily work. “Well, I guess I need to check on Mr. and Mrs. Cake’s deliveries and I’ll remind Pinkie Pie about it.” Twilight Sparkle smiled while looking at her list. It was a busy day of course for the Princess Of Friendship, but it doesn’t stop her from helping the neighborhood. On the streets, Bon Bon and Lyra Heartstrings are walking together discussing their plans for the weekend. “So do you want to go to Canterlot tomorrow?” Bon Bon offered. “Again?” Lyra replied. “We went there two weeks ago and I’m getting sick of the food there. Does it have to be Canterlot?” “I’m sorry, it’s the only place I can think of.” “So you’re meaning to tell me there’s nothing but Canterlot where we can spend our time together?” This made Bon Bon making an awkward look away from her best friend. “Yes.” Lyra signed in annoyance with the issue of not having anything planned for the weekend. “Why can’t we just stay in Ponyville?” “Because we’ve been doing that in every single weekend together. We should at least do something fabulous by going to one of the best places.” “I think the going to Canterlot ship sailed weeks ago.” Lyra rolled her eyes. “You’re right.” Bon Bon lowered her ears in shame. Luckily for them, Twilight noticed the two ponies stopping in the neighborhood. During her past as a filly, Lyra were one of her friends in Celestia’s school back at Canterlot. She may not know Bon Bon a lot, but she understands that Lyra means everything to her. Whenever she comes across them, they always love hanging out and not once she saw them fighting against each other. But by the looks of their plans, that might happen eventually. Without time to waste on her day, she walks up to the two ponies. “Excuse me? Lyra and Bon Bon?” She replied which caught the two ponies. “Princess Twilight?” Both Lyra and Bon Bon responded. “What seems to be the issue?” “We are planning to go somewhere during the weekend and Bon Bon thinks about going to Canterlot again.” Lyra replied while her best friend blushed. “Again?” Twilight guessed. “How did you know that?” Bon Bon blinked. “I’ve seen you two when I was doing Celestia’s duties in some of the weekends. You didn’t think I notice?” This made Bon Bon blushed ever more when she remembered she saw Twilight along with Celestia, Luna, and Cadence by her side in front of the castle’s entrance. “I guess we really need to try somewhere else during this weekend.” Twilight went to so many places in Equestria,along with her friends more then anypony in Ponyville. With the knowledge in her experiences, she knows how to help with Bon Bon and Lyra’s problem. “Did you try the Crystal Empire, Appleloosa, Seaquestria?” “No.” The two responded which surprises Twilight. “Really?” “We spend all our time in Ponyville because it’s enough for us.” Bon Bon replied. “And we never thought of going out, outside of Ponyville other then Canterlot.” Lyra added. Twilight became speechless. It’s amazing she thought that Lyra and Bon Bon never went to more places. “Are you sure?” Both ponies tilted their heads up and down. The Princess Of Friendship tries to rethink more places for Lyra and Bon Bon but places like Griffonstone, the Dragon Lands and the Changeling Empire aren’t really pony environments. But she remembered a place where her friend Rainbow Dash became the guest of honor. It was a place filled with all the colors of the rainbow with a festival dedicating it. “How about Hope Hollow?” Twilight offered. “Hope Hollow?” Lyra and Bon Bon responded. “It’s a small village but I promise you, it’s a great place. Sunny Skies and his father and grandfather throw a Rainbow Festival every year.” “What is the Rainbow Festival?” Lyra asked. “It’s like a get together with tons of activities. And I was actually amazed of how it turned out.” Lyra and Bon Bon found Hope Hollow interesting, but the festival seems like an annual thing which made them disappointed. “When was the last time they did the Rainbow Festival?” Bon Bon asked. “Three months ago.” Twilight answered. “So are we just going to enjoy Hope Hollow without a festival?” Twilight almost forgot about it, but it doesn’t stop her. She knows how the ponies in the village worship her and her friends after they saved the festival. It changed everything once the rainbow returned and with names like hers, they will respect her new friends. “Actually, I found a solution. I know we never hang out but if they know about your encounters with me, they might allow you two to be their guests of honor, so they can throw the Rainbow Festival just for the both of you.” Not only did this make Lyra and Bon Bon happy, but also wondered what it feels in that village. They can hope it will be the best weekend that isn’t Canterlot for a change. “Are you sure they’re okay with that?” Bon Bon asked. “They’re very kind ponies.” Twilight answered. “Okay, we should go to Hope Hollow tonight.” Lyra said. “I agree, do they have a motel?” Bon Bon added. “Yes they do and I’m going to there right now to talk to Sunny Skies right now, you just pack up everything you need.” After that, Twilight made her way to Hope Hollow as she flew up in the air thanks to her wings. “So, let's get back to our place and pack up.” Lyra replied. “And our next stop,” Bon Bon said. “Is Hope Hollow!” They both gave each other a hug as they went back to their home and get the supplies they need for the weekend. With them about to be the guests of  honor, it will be a weekend that will top all of their weekends for the rest of their lives. > Arrival At Petunia’s Motel > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It took about an hour for Lyra and Bon Bon to pack up their things for the weekend at Hope Hollow. Once Twilight returned, she gave them the map that leads to Hope Hollow and reminded the two about everypony who lives there will greet them once they arrive. It wasn’t hard for Lyra and Bon Bon to find the entrance to Hope Hollow, thanks to the directions of their map. “Well, we’re here.” Bon Bon said with the luggage on her back. They’re amazed from the huge rainbow billboard attached to the trail to Hope Hollow. “Do you think the citizens made this? This must be a hundred feet tall!” Lyra commented. “I don’t know, but they must really have a passion for the Rainbow Festival.” Lyra turned to her friend before she continued on the trail. “What do you think the Rainbow Festival will be like since it’s only going to be the two to us?” Bon Bon got the impression that ponies who live in Hope Hollow would easily do the festival to have fun, but not to outside ponies like her and Lyra. Twilight never told her what she and her friends did the last and only time they went to Hope Hollow. “I’m not sure. The Rainbow Festival sounds like a great name but the tradition sounds…” “Ordinary like the other festivals we’ve seen in the past?” “Sounds like that.” The two ponies looked at each other for less than a minute. The festival may have tons of activities but the question remains, will Bon Bon and Lyra love them? The festivals they went to in the past were similar whenever they come across. Even if most of them took place in Ponyville, it was still the same festival with a different theme. “Why don’t we get to…” Lyra looking at her map. “Petunia’s motel. Right now, there’s not enough time to do anything in the village.” Bon Bon agrees as she and Lyra finally go on the trail with their hopes still attached for the Rainbow Festival. Once they arrived at Hope Hollow, the sun has finally set over the hills and mountains until tomorrow. Lyra and Bon Bon looked all over the place in the village. It’s mostly quiet with some of the citizens either doing yard work or sleeping in their houses. Lyra and Bon Bon found Hope Hollow and nice place, not the best but not mediocre. “This is kind of like Ponyville, but smaller.” Lyra commented. “I thought it was going to be a little bigger.” Bon Bon added. Then they heard two filly colts flying over the village, they saw them getting along with each other as they make their way to their house before bedtime. “Do you think those two ponies are ready for tomorrow?” Lyra asked. “I think, maybe we should talk to them in the morning about the festival since we’re going to be guests of honor for this festival.” Bon Bon replied. Without wasting anymore time, Lyra and Bon Bon tries to find the motel they’re going to be staying for the weekend. In the map Twilight gave them, it shows the important buildings like Kerfuffle’s fashion shop and Major Sunny Skies’s office. They finally made it to the motel, unlike last time due to the gray, colorless situation Twilight had, there's no way it will happen the same way to Lyra and Bon Bon. Lyra knocked on the door and it wasn’t long until the pony inside answers it. “Hello, my guests of honor.” The light purple and red pony smiled. Since Twilight told her everything about Lyra and Bon Bon, she knows how to make these visitors comfortable while arriving. “I’m Petunia Petals and I will guide you to your apartment, come inside.” Lyra and Bon Bon went inside of Petunia’s motel as they check the place out. “So Twilight told you everything about us? Bon Bon asked. “Of course!” Petunia smiled. “We want to give you the best rainbow experience in the morning. And I got to say, I wanted to thank you two to come over.” “For what?” Lyra blinked. “So we can have another festival. We love the Rainbow Festival so much and after decades of our rainbow generator losing all its color, we still have the motivation to do more. Ponies can’t even wait for next year’s festival.” Both Lyra and Bon Bon we’re surprised in they’re expressions. It was like they’re being treated the respect as guests in the village. “What do you think the Rainbow Festival will be like?” Bon Bon asked. “You’ll find out in the morning, it’s getting late. Let me show you to your room.” Petunia guided Lyra and Bon Bon up the stairs where their room is. Petunia opened the door and showed the visitors their apartment. Thanks to the colors back in Hope Hollow, the walls are painted in the six main colors of the rainbow. The mattresses were more comfortable than rough, and the windows shows the views of the village while also looking at the Rainbow Festival. Lyra and Bon Bon entered the room with their luggage still on their backs. “You two should get some rest and I’ll make you a proper breakfast when you wake up.” Petunia smiled as she closes the door. While Luna and Bon Bon begin to unpack their things, they both look at the windows as they saw most of the street lights being turned off. “I can’t believe this is going to be our first vacation weekend outside of Ponyville and Canterlot.” Bon Bon replied. “Why, are you already feeling homesick and Canterlot activity sick?” Lyra giggled to which her friend rolled her eyes, not laughing at the joke at all. “It’s not that I’m homesick, It’s just feels...odd for doing something different for a change.” “Well that’s what happens when we go to Canterlot for the fiftieth time. I’m sure Hope Hollow will have something Ponyville and Canterlot would never have.” Bon Bon tries to respond to Lyra’s opinion but she really tired from the day she had. “Maybe you're right but…” She then yawn until Lyra decides to help her with her unpacking. “You just go to sleep, this will be great for both of us.” Lyra lid her eyes in her sweet side. Bon Bon accepts the help from her best friend as she tucks herself on her mattress. It didn’t take long for Lyra to unpack her friend’s things, soon she turned off the light in the room and tucked herself in on her mattress. With everything they brought for the weekend, all that’s left is what their Saturday is going to be like tomorrow, when the Rainbow Festival begins. > A Fashion Of Rainbow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Saturday has finally begun. In Hope Hollow, everypony is setting up the Rainbow Festival just for the two ponies who arrived last night. Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon woke up at the same time as they get out of bed. Bon Bon looked out the window and saw some of the tent stands being set up. “Sooo...what place do you want to go?” She turned to Lyra. “Well since we’re guests of honor, we should wear something so ponies will recognize us at the festival.” “Good idea.” Bon Bon looked at her map to find where Kerfuffle’s fashion shop is located. It was the only boutique they can go outside from Rarity’s and Canterlot’s. After they had breakfast, they went outside of the motel to see so many colors of ponies getting together in the festival. With so many options they have, it will take all day for Lyra and Bon Bon to check everything. “Wow, when Twilight said they do so many activities, it really shows..” Lyra replied. They see Major Sunny Skies helping some of the citizens with their stands. They needed to meet him right away but they have to show they’re in the spirit of the festival. Without wasting anymore time, they make their way to Kerfuffle’s boutique. After seeing two fillies waking out of the shop wearing light green and yellow leather outfits, they were surprised how good Kerfuffle’s fashion talent is. Not close to Rarity’s, but still at the levels of acceptance. They walk inside the shop and saw Kerfuffle putting her bits inside her cash register. “Excuse me?” Bon Bon asked nicely. “You must be Kerfuffle right?” Once Kerfuffle turned her attention to Lyra and Bon Bon, she turns on her thrill side. “Oh my goodness, you must be Bon Bon and Lyra Heartstrings!” She rushed up to them as she grabs one of her hooves for a hoofshake. “It’s a pleasure to meet you two, Mayor Skies told me everything.” “And I got to say, Twilight told him about it.” Lyra rolled her eyes smiling. “The Mayor always spreads the word in Hope Hollow.” She giggled. “Let me take you to the changing room.” Kerfuffle guides the two visitors to the room where everypony puts in their outfit. “You have no idea how happy we are to show our passion in the Rainbow Festival. Ponies who come here had never felt so excited.” “Hope Hollow must be a really private place right?” Bon Bon guessed. “Yes, which makes it a great get together during the festival.” Then something came to Lyra that Twilight didn’t tell her about involving the years and generations of the Rainbow Festival. “Hey Kerfuffle, what happened to you and the others before...three months ago?” Just when Kerfuffle was about to show the outfits she made for the guests of honor, she stopped into place. Although she didn’t have a painful time during the situation, she can’t get over the fact that others felt empty without the color they’re used to. “Ohh...umm...we were silence without the Rainbow generator.” Then Lyra and Bon Bon looked at each other in confusion. “The rainbow generator?” They replied. “We use it to make not only make the Rainbow Festival special, but also have Hope Hollow remind us of its reputation.” “So without the generator...you’re...colorless?” Bon Bon asked. Kerfuffle didn’t wanted to continue the sad chapters of Hope Hollow, the only words she had to say is- “Gray with no passion.” Lyra and Bon Bon looked at each other in concerned. When it comes to the color gray, it’s the least favorite color for ponies. “Ohh...must be a very devastated amount of years huh?” Lyra said. “Well, Hope Hollow wasn’t really abandoned village but everything wasn’t the same.” With most of the history in mind, it turns out anypony who lives in Hope Hollow wanted the spirit in the Rainbow Festival the same as before. Lyra and Bon Bon decided to check everything in the festival to understand everything in the passion of what makes it special. “Well at least you’re back to normal. All that matters is to show us how the Rainbow Festival can make us happy.” Bon Bon smiled. This made Kerfuffle smile to see the two cheering her up. Speaking of which, she still had the two outfits for Lyra and Bon Bon. She takes out the two outfits from her closet and once her customers laid their eyes on them. Bon Bon’s outfit is a yellow and Purple outfit with reflections. It also has some of the stars of the night on the sides. As for Lyra, hers has red and pink colors with sparkles. What caught her attention is the musical ponies playing their instruments on the sides. “Oh my gosh, these look perfect for the festival!” Bon Bon commented. “Yeah, these really make us the guests of honor.” Lyra added. “Thank you, I wanted to show Rarity how much I wanted to be like her.” Kerfuffle replied. “Well it takes time and inspiration.” Bon Bon and Lyra gave Kerfuffle a hug while also paying for the two outfits. By the time they need to put on their colorful outfits, it’s time to show the Rainbow Festival to who they really are, being that they're the guests of honor. > A Colorful Introduction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ponies of Hope Hollow have got everything set up for the Rainbow Festival. They had never felt so happy to make another festival all because of two ponies spending their time here for the weekend. Bon Bon and Lyra make their way to where all the ponies are gathering, where the mayor of the village is waiting for them with a microphone. Once he saw the guests coming up to him, he immediately greed them. “You must be Bon Bon and Lyra Heartstrings Twilight told me about. I’m Sunny Skies the mayor of Hope Hollow.” He smiled. “You look great in those outfits.” “Why thank you Skies.” Bon Bon replied. “And we will show you how much we should our respect to your festival.” Lyra added. Sunny Skies accepted the complements from the guests of honor. He would love to give her a tour of the Rainbow Festival but he still needs to give them an introduction. With all the colors of the ponies being patient, Sunny Skies finally begins his speech. “I wanted to thank all of you for preparing this Rainbow Festival. Yes, I’m aware it’s been three months since the last one, but we’re only celebrating for two ponies, who are staying for the weekend.” Sunny Skies turned to the two guests as he wants them to stand by him. Bon Bon and Lyra walk up by Sunny as all the colorful ponies put their attention on them. “Princess Twilight told me everything about these two friendly ponies when we had a conversation last night. Ponies of Hope Hollow, meet our guests of honor, Bon Bon and Lyra Heartstrings!” All the ponies cheer Bon Bon and Lyra. The red ponies are excited to show them what the true heart of the Rainbow Festival while other colors of ponies really want to hang out with them. Lyra and Bon Bon are about to make their speech until ponies of Hope Hollow immediately request their offers. “Can we show you the activities?” One orange pony asked. “Do you want to see colts show off their flying talents?” One light blue colt added. “And maybe eat some of our homemade foods?” One green pony added. Just when Lyra and Bon Bon are about to answer any of the questions, Sunny Skies help them out. “Alright everypony, don’t worry. I’m going to give them a tour of your stands and offers, just be patient, we have all day.” Most of the ponies stopped their further questions and had to agree with the fact that they are about to start the festival. After Sunny Skies back away, Lyra and Bon Bon finally do their speech. “He’s right you know.” Bon Bon spoke. “We rainbow promise we will get to everything to what this festival has as we can.” “Not to mention we might talk to our friends about this, so they might come over to check out the Rainbow Festival in the next nine months.” Lyra added. “Also keep this in mind. If they really love Hope Hollow so much, they might want to move here.” The citizens of Hope Hollow really love the idea of Lyra’s speech. Meanwhile two ponies from the back actually found Lyra’s words ironic since they did the same thing. They’re the ponies who moved from Manehattan here before Twilight arrived. And since they know who her friends are, they’re willing to show Lyra and Bon Bon their famous pies. Sunny Skies took over so he can turn on the Rainbow Generator to begin the festival. During that time, purple and yellow ponies set off fireworks they use from generations as the fireworks blast off into the sky. Once they exploit, sparks from all the colors of the rainbow spread out in the air which made both Lyra and Bon Bon surprised. They never saw fireworks spark so many colors in the festivals they’ve been to in the past. “Now get into your places as our guests will do everything in the Rainbow Festival. Show your passion once you get your chance!” Sunny Skies finished. Then the Rainbow Generator caused the village to regain the color which made all the ponies go to their stands. With the introduction over with, Sunny Skies is about to give Lyra and Bon Bon a tour of the Rainbow Festival. > A Tour Of Colorful Stands > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With more than ten stands in the festival, Lyra and Bon Bon have a lot of options. Eating pie, cake, doing fantastic activities and also meeting the great friends Twilight met. With the introductions out of the way, they’re now going to see what the colorful rainbow ponies have in store. Sunny Skies takes them to a purple stand with purple ponies waiting. “I really think the best way to make you two look good in front of our citizens is to put up some fantastic makeup.” He smiled. Once they walk up to stand, so many different colors of makeup are displayed. There are also pictures of what the makeup looks like after it’s put on, which made Bon Bon surprised. “Wow, there’s so many choices and they do look fantastic.” She commented. “You bet they are.” The purple pony happily replied. “So many years of doing this, we continue to get better.” While Bon Bon looked at the pictures, Lyra on the other hand wasn’t interested. “No offense, but I don’t want makeup on.” “It’s fine, I can understand makeup is not for everypony.” Sunny added. It didn’t take long until Bon Bon found the makeup she liked. Once she picked her choice, the purple pony takes her to a smaller size tent with all the tools she needs for Bon Bon. It took about ten minutes or so to put the makeup on Bon Bon until it was complete. Lyra and Sunny Skies were waiting for her, wondering what she picked for her style of makeup. Once Bon Bon returned, Lyra was so impressed with her best friend. The make up she has on is a colorful eyeshadow with glitter on making it gorgeous. “So ponies? Like my makeup?” She asked. “It looks, really amazing!” Lyra replied. “Why thank you so much.” The purple pony smiled. “I always give our guests of honor the best makeup they deserve.” Bon Bon didn’t even need to continue how beautiful she is. That moment when she looked at herself in the mirror, it not only surprised but also speechless and this was the first stand they come across in the festival. “If you really that that’s devine, let me show you what we have in the other stands.” Sunny Skies lead his guests to another stand after Bon Bon played the purple pony her bits. The next stand they went to is a blue stand. Unlike the last stand which is smaller, this stand is a little bigger with light and dark blue colts in the back practicing their flying skills. When they walk up to the stand, they met a regular color blue colt waiting for them. “What is this stand?” Bon Bon asked. “This is our flying skills stand. This is where we teach colts who moved or live here amazing tricks to perform our show later.” The blue colt explained as he shows the ponies in the back of his stand. “Well not to be rude but, me and my friend don’t have wings.” Lyra said. “That’s really not the point of this stand.” Both Lyra and Bon Bon looked at each other in confusion until Sunny Skies fills in. “You see you have two choices in this stand. One, be part of the group if your a colt or two, since your guests of honor, you can pick one kind of gimmick of what the show is going to be like.” “Really?” Bon Bon blinked. “You can actually do that?” “Why yes.” The blue colt answered as the three turn their attention back to him. “Most of our talented flyers have their own style of ideas and we actually like them. Besides, if we all stick to one pony’s idea, we won’t get a lot of attention, which will make us blue.” While Lyra and Bon Bon awkwardly laugh from his joke, they know what he’s trying to do. But considering they have a lot of time for the other stands in the festival, they might need to pick the show they prefer the most. “Look.” Lyra replied which caused the blue colt’s ears to perk up. “We would love to make a decision for your show, but I think we need time for that.” “She’s right.” Bon Bon added. “Is it okay that you give us the ideas your flyers have for us? What time are you going to do your show?” “Tonight before sunset.” The blue colt replied. He takes out papers of the ideas for what his friends had in mind and handed them to Sunny Skies. “I really hope you pick you decision in time. We promise our show will be great.” “Don’t worry, they will keep their promise.” Sunny Skies smiled. Lyra and Bon Bon sign in relief, they didn’t want to hurt the pegasus’s feelings since they have the whole day in the Rainbow Festival. They wave at the blue colt as they head to the next stand. The next stand they went to is an orange stand with so many kinds of foods. A few fresh croissants on one side with pure, crisp apple pies on the other and finally, highly approved raspberry muffins in the middle. The smell caught almost all the ponies attention in the festival, even Lyra and Bon Bon noticed it when they woke up this morning. The ponies who are running the stand are two old ponies, who are husband and wife. They’ve met both Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy during the whole crisis situation and after the rainbow returned, they became much better chiefs in the village. “So this is where most of the food is coming from?” Bon Bon asked. “Yes by two of the best bakers in Hope Hollow.” Sunny Skies replied as they went up to the stand. “Mr. and Mrs. Hoofington.” “That’s right.” Mrs. Hoofington smiled with her husband approving the complaint from the mayor. “We really made everypony satisfied ever since the rainbow generator is back up and running.” “So much so, Sunny Skies offered us to be waiters in the restaurant he’s opening next week.” Mr. Hoofington added. “Wow, bet the restaurant will be a success when it opens up.” Lyra said. While Sunny Skies, Mr. and Mrs. Hoofington liked Lyra’s opinion, they still need to show her and her friend how good their food is. “Anyway,” Sunny Skies walking up to the stand. “What do you want to eat?” Lyra and Bon Bon looked at the three options on the stand. While Mr. Hoofington will make more later, they need to eat something since they missed breakfast to see the festival. “We would like some raspberry muffins?” Lyra said kindly. “Four, if you please.” Bon Bon added. Mrs. Hoofington put four muffins in a paper bag and gave it to Lyra. “We will give you our thoughts when we eat them.” “Thank you dear. We're waiting for you.” Mrs. Hoofington closed her eyes in delight. They left the orange stand to look at more stands. While there’s a lot of them, it didn’t stop Lyra and Bon Bon to show their support in the Rainbow Festival. > Red Stand Of Construction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lyra and Bon Bon went to the next stand of the festival. Out of all the stands that required the right almost of space, this stand is much bigger from behind. It’s a red stand with tons of tools. There’s also paint and wood by the stand which made the two guests interested. Bon Bon looked at the signed above the red stand. “Torque’s Tool Of Construction.” She read. “So Torque is a constructive worker?” Lyra asked. “Yes, it says in the flier she’s one of City Hall’s frequenters.” While the two wanted to show their support for Torque, they notice she isn’t available in her stand. They think she’s busy with Mayor Skies schedules, but they heard pounding in the back of the tent. They both look and saw that Torque is constructing a billboard for the end of the festival. “Excuse me?” Bon Bon called which got the attention from Torque. After she placed her hammer on the ground, she rushes back to her stand. “Sorry, I was busy working on a billboard. I’m Torque Wrench.” She lifted her hoof up. “It’s a pleasure meeting you.” Lyra grabbing Torque’s hoof for a hoofshake. “So you do construction in the Rainbow Festival?” Bon Bon asked. “That, and the whole village.” Torque answered. “For all my years getting experience on construction, I always aim to up my game.” The two ponies blinked from Torque’s complement. “Up your game?” The replied. “Oh, you haven’t seen all the stuff I‘ve done?” Torque wondered. “Sorry, this is our first time in this festival, we didn’t get the chance to meet everypony last night.” Bon Bon said while looking at the Rainbow Festival. “Don’t worry, me and my friends sometimes get the time away. Usually when we’re preparing for this day. What can I do for you two?” Lyra and Bon Bon looked at the tools and different kinds of wood displayed in the stand. During their time in Equestria, they never did construction. They mostly did the decorating during celebrations and never thought they wanted construction for the festival. “Sorry to disappoint you but…” Lyra clenching her teeth nervously. “We don’t want anything involving construction, even that we’re guests of honor.” Bon Bon lowered her ears. Torque Wrench wasn’t fazed from what she heard, but she isn’t letting this opportunity slide. After getting some help from Applejack months ago, she wants to show her talent to the ones she just met. “Lyra, Bon Bon, come with me.” She spoke. While Lyra and Bon Bon are confused, Torque takes them to where she does all the construction. They saw that Torque is almost done with the billboard. The six colors of the rainbow still needs to be painted while most of the wood she made, still needs to be attached with the nails she has by it. “Is this all your doing?” Bon Bon asked. “Constructing a billboard at the end?” Lyra added. “Yes. It’s of the things the festival needs for the finale.” Torque explained. “Petunia wants me to design a billboard she offered to me. But that’s it.” This made Lyra and Bon Bon understand what’s going on with Torque with the short amount of time she had. “Is it because it’s been three months?” Bon Bon guessed. “Yes. While I’m happy we’re doing another Rainbow Festival, I didn’t expect it to come so early. She even told me where only doing this because you two are here.” Torque sign to herself. With the news that came so fast in the span of last night, she immediately worked on the billboard after she set up her stand. Other than that, she has nothing planned for herself. Lyra and Bon Bon tried to find a way to work out Torque’s problem. With the time they have today, they should give all their effort to the citizens who put their passion in the Rainbow Festival. “Torque,” Lyra replied which caught the construction worker’s attention. “After your done with the billboard, can you make a billboard of us?” Bon Bon offered. “Really?” Torque blinked. “I never did that before.” “You can handle it.” Bon Bon smiled. “It will show all of your friends and citizens your passion.” “What do you mean by that?” “We know it’s been three months since Twilight and her friends saved the village, but ponies admire your talent in the Rainbow Festival. We’ve gone to different stands and they showed us what their passion is. You said you up your game, then prove it to us.” Lyra commented. Torque had no words to describe the advice she heard from the guests of honor. It was something special that gave her the motivation to give hope for the citizens. When Applejack helped her on the situation, she got hope from her and the fact that there's always a way to resolve the crisis even if it’s impossible. Over her life living in the village as a City Hall Frequenter, she wanted to improve herself on construction for the Rainbow Festival but when the Rainbow Generator got haywired, she almost lost her talent. Those times before Twilight arrived was a sad and grey time. Full of rainbowless air and almost a graveyard, she was considering retiring from her passion of construction. Even since the whole village of Hope Hollow regained its color, she regained her passion. She never felt so alive in a long time. After Twilight and her friends left with the festival ending, she wanted to show more, but it was too late. Then when she remembered that she can do anything she wants after she’s done with the billboard Petunia requested, she can show off her passion to the ones that matter. She grew a smile and gave Bon Bon and Lyra a hug, much to their surprise. “Thank you so much!” She cheered. “You’re welcome.” Lyra closed her eyes. “We’re also here to help anypony who needs it.” Bon Bon added. As Torque broke the hug, she gets to work on her billboard. “You will be surprised for what I have tonight in the festival.” “Take the time you need, there’s no rush.” Lyra replied. As both Lyra and Bon Bon left the red stand, they can’t wait for what Torque has constructed for them in billboards later today. Even without Twilight and her friends, everypony can solve a situation on their own. Lyra and Bon Bon really wants to make this festival something memorable despite not being an annual occasion after the last festival from three months ago. As they leave Torque working on her construction, they go to where the Rainbow Festival is and see Hope Hollow has to offer. > The Club Of Fillies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When it comes to the fillies in Hope Hollow, Bon Bon and Lyra saw them helping their families in their stands or running around enjoying themselves. They’ve seen that kind of stuff back in Ponyville and Canterlot, but unlike those towns, Hope Hollow is so small about thirty percent of the citizens are fillies. “So Lyra, what do you want to do next?” Bon Bon asked. “I was thinking of looking at the other side of the festival but I was wondering.” Lyra wonder while looking at the foals playing with each other by the stands. “Do you remember those two fillies we saw yesterday?” “Yes, they were so up late, I’m starting to wonder if they’re doing something special for this festival.” “You’re right, fillies from where we live did special things.” “Like the Cutie Mark Crusaders.” The two ponies looked at their map to find if the fillies themselves do have their own stand. However they don’t have a stand, instead all the stuff they did is all taking place inside a treehouse. It took the time Lyra and Bon Bon to find where the treehouse is located in Hope Hollow. While it is part of the festival, it’s farther away since it’s close to the woods. The treehouse is painted in all the colors of the rainbow with noise coming from the inside. There’s a huge sign above the door that says Barley and Pickle’s Rainbow club. “Is it just me or is this club similar to what Scootaloo did for her idol?” Bon Bon looking closely to the sign. “You mean the Rainbow Dash fanclub?” Lyra blinked. “Why did you think that?” “Can you tell by the colors?” When Lyra looked at the sign again, she noticed the I in rainbow having a tail with Rainbow’s cutie mark on the top. “Now I can tell it.” The two girls looked at each other, raising their eyebrows. They may support Rainbow Dash during her performances as a Wonderbolt and the times she saved Equestria with her friends, but they don’t like her as a fan. “We’re not really the type of ponies who’ve been in fanclubs, are we?” Lyra commented. “I enjoy watching buckball, but never been to clubs so, yeah we’re not those types of ponies.” Bon Bon replied. In order to get an answer about the treehouse, Bon Bon knocked on the door. After about five seconds, the noise inside became quiet which surprised the two guests. The door slowly opened, it reveals to be a filly with a red hat she’s wearing. “Oh, are you two Bon Bon and Lyra Heartstrings?” Barley reacted. Bon Bon and Lyra both nodded which causes Barley to close the door on the guests of this festival. This made the two grown ponies suspicious, then confused. “Yep, definitely a Rainbow Dash fanclub.” Lyra responded. “Why am I not surprised.” Bon Bon added. “Let’s go.” Just before they’re about to return back to the Rainbow Festival, the door was open again. “Wait!” Pickle shouted which made Bon Bon and Lyra turned their heads. “Sorry my sister closed the door on you. We were doing something special.” “Let us guess.” Lyra rolled her eyes. “Is it a fanclub involving Rainbow Dash?” Bon Bon asked. “Not really. It used to be, but we have something else. Come inside.” Pickle invites the two guests of honor inside the treehouse with him holding the door open. Lyra and Bon Bon looked at each other even more suspicious. They decide to come inside the treehouse to see if Pickle is right. When they stepped their hooves on the wooden floor, confetti blasted from the other side of the room which took the two guests by surprise. “SURPRISE!” A bunch of fillies in different colors cheered. When Lyra and Bon Bon saw what's inside the treehouse, they saw colored pictures of themselves on all four walls. Not only that, Barley is wearing oven mitts to take out a desert she and her friends made for the whole club and the guests of the festival. Lyra and Bon Bon did expect being adored with the citizens this morning, but never thought they’re was going to be a fanclub dedicated to them. “Well, do you like it?” Pickle asked from behind. “Well…” Lyra responded. “We never had a group of fillies throw a fanclub about us.” Bon Bon added. This made the fillies really take notice on the fact they just made the first ever Bon Bon and Lyra fanclub. “That’s actually a good thing!” Pickle smiled. “Yeah, look what we made for you.” Barley and her friends showing their deserts they just finished. They made colored frosted cookies with Lyra and Bon Bon’s faces on them. Even Bon Bon and Lyra never thought of doing that to themselves back at Ponyville during their time hanging out. “This looks impressive.” Lyra looking at the cookies. “Thanks.” Bon Bon smiled. Pickle Barrel closed the door behind him as he and her sister Barley made their way to the other side of the treehouse. “We’re Pickle and Barley Barrel!” Pickle spoke. “And this is the Lyra and Bon Bon fanclub!” Barley added. “Since we heard that you two were going to be guests of the Rainbow Festival, we decided to give you our support.” While Lyra and Bon Bon are starting to like what’s really going on, they’re still smarter than the fillies in the treehouse. “Did all of you saw us back at Hope Hollow?” Lyra wondered. “And how did you manage to do all of this?” Bon Bon asked. ”Wow! You have a lot of questions.” A red filly awkwardly smiling. Pickle and Barley who’s in charge of the fanclub decides to fill in, despite the fact that they’re also making awkward looks. “Don’t take this the wrong way but…” Barley clenching her teeth. “We were spying on you two last night when you arrived.” Pickle blurred out. This made Lyra and Bon Bon’s eyes shoot open. “Okay before you say anything, we’re not stalking you at all, we’re just trying to prepare this fanclub for you today.” Pickle being at his true honesty. “The thing is, unlike Rainbow Dash who we’ve known forever, we had little time after Mayor Skies gave you the introduction before the festival began.” Barley replied. “Wait, what did you two do after you headed home last night?” Lyra wondered. “We...went to everypony’s house to give them the information. We have a lot of friends.” “And let’s just say that this morning, we rushed everything just for you.” Pickle lowered his ears. The other fillies in all colors looked disappointed as they looked at their pictures they made for Lyra and Bon Bon. Even though they're too young to be experts in art, they still did what they could to make it good. “We just want to make you two feel happy since your our guests in the Rainbow Festival.” Barley taking off her red hat. “We just want something to contribute. Unlike Rainbow Dash, you deserve what the festival has to offer. We’ve had never felt so happy when the Rainbow Festival is back to normal. It felt like for anypony who’s going to be guests should see what we do best.” “And that’s…” Pickle stopped himself. “Giving visitors hope.” All the fillies finished at the same time. Lyra and Bon Bon didn’t expect anything like this when they went to the treehouse. Just when they thought it was going to be a Rainbow Dash fanclub, similar to what they’ve come across from where they live, they have their very own fanclub, but it was rushed. When they looked around in their surroundings, every filly either felt exhausted or stressed out of the activities they’re doing. But inside of leaving the treehouse, they both smiled at each other. Lyra gave Barley a hug while Bon Bon makes her way to give Pickle a hug, much to the brother and sister being confused. “You and your friends did a good job to make us understand.” Lyra replied. “As far as we know, we didn’t actually think you would do something like this.” Bon Bon breaking her hug to Pickle. “Me and Lyra had been friends for so long, none of our other friends would never do this for us.” “And to see what you and your friends did, I think we decided to stay for a little longer. Just so we can show our respect.” “Really?” Both Pickle and Barley replied. All that Lyra and Bon Bon did was nodded in response. “And by the way.” Lyra uses her unicorn magic to lift two cookies from the plate as she gives one to her best friend. They both took a bit and they enjoyed it. “You’re really good at making these cookies.” “Then do you want some more?” Pickled offered. “We can help you if you want.” Bon Bon smiled All the fillies cheered at the fact the guests of the festival understand the whole situation and are willing to help them making cookies. When they heard they were going to have another Rainbow Festival, they’re we’re excited but also need to prepare this whole fanclub. It may be a rough time last night and this morning, but they succeeded in the end. As for Lyra and Bon Bon, they’re thought about owing back Pickle and Barley after the surprise they did by helping them making the cookies. > The Color Of Love > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After they left Pickle and Barley’s treehouse, it was almost noon where lunch is beginning. There is only one restaurant where most of the citizens go to and it’s the Rainbow Cafe and Bakery. Lyra and Bon Bon enter the restaurant where they saw most of the tables being filled with the citizens of Hope Hollow. “This place looks really nice.” Bon Bon commented. “And it smells good too.” Lyra added. And if things couldn’t get any better, they saw Petunia Petals sitting with Sunny Skies, waiting for their order to come. Lyra! Bon Bon!” Petunia standing up from her chair. “Come and sit with us.” “Petunia, Sunny Skies.” Bon Bon responded. “I didn’t know you two are taking a break from the Rainbow Festival.” “We’re just having lunch, even mayors need a lunch break in the middle of the day.” Sunny Skies smiled as Bon Bon and Lyra took a seat by the other side of the table. “You don’t say.” Lyra repiled. “So what’s on the menu?” “Mostly deserts.” Petunia answered. “The two meals they have available are dagwood sandwiches and peanut butter-filled celery.” Bon Bon and Lyra couldn’t understand that there’s less food in the restaurant. “Isn’t there supposed to be more then two meals?” Bon Bon asked.  “Yes but most of the chefs are at the Rainbow Festival.” Sunny explained. “That’s why there’s only two chefs in the back making the meals that are available today.” “Ohhhh, that explains everything.” Lyra turned to her right as she saw the waiter talking to one of the chefs. “I wonder what the other foods they make?” Bon Bon wondered. “Maybe we shouldn’t continue on. We don’t want the festival be overshadowed, if you know what I mean.” Sunny being a bit rhetorical. Petunia and the guests of honor agreed as they continue on the topic. “Anyway, There’s only two deserts available here. A slice of strawberry cake and a slice of cherry pie.” Petunia showed Bon Bon and Lyra two plastic containers on the countertop where the strawberry cake and cherry pie are located. “They look really delicious.” Lyra being mesmerized at the cake. “I’m definitely having a slice of cherry pie after I’m done eating my meal.” Bon Bon staring at the pie. “Well then go make your order. Those deserts won’t eat themselves.” Sunny laughed. Both Bon Bon and Lyra stand up as they made their way to talk to the waiter. After Bon Bon and Lyra made their order, the waiter head to the back and gave them their meals since their guests of honor in the Rainbow Festival. Bon Bon had a dagwood sandwich while Lyra has four medium size slices of peanut butter celeres. They returned back to where they sat as Sunny Skies and Petunia are happy that Bon Bon and Lyra are enjoying themselves. “It’s a good thing you don’t have any complaints in the Rainbow Festival.” Sunny replied. “To be honest, Twilight never jokes about any of this.” Lyra eating a slice of her celery. “This place looks really promising.” “You’re right and I’m actually sad that we’re close to wrapping it up.” Bon Bon added as she looked at the festival outside from the window. “That fact that Twilight convinced you to do another festival three months after the last one-” “Makes us more happy?” Petunia giggled. “Yes, bet the Princess Of Friendship is proud of herself for giving us this offer.” The four ponies couldn’t agree more on what they saw what happened  less than twenty four hours earlier. Bon Bon and Lyra coming to Hope Hollow, while Sunny Skies was having a conversation with Twilight, made everything today better than they thought. Nothing will ruin what they enjoyed the most. After Bon Bon and Lyra finished their lunch, they left their table to get a slice of the deserts. With Bon Bon taking a slice of cherry pie and her friend Lyra taking a slice of strawberry cake. When they returned back to their table, a question came to Lyra about the colors of the Rainbow Festival. She understands there are six main colors but it’s obvious that there's more colors than red, green or blue, just to name a few. “Mayor Skies.” She asked which caught his attention. “Yes Lyra?” The mayor asked. “There are other colors you’re aware of right?” “Yes. I’m aware of it.” “What do you think of pink?” When her friend by her side heart the word pink, she stopped eating her piece. She knew what she was talking about after all the times they’ve went together. Sunny Skies on the other hand is speechless while Petunia catch on when she heard the word pink. “Ohhh…” Petunia making a smirk. “I can tell you what I think of it.” “Petunia, not in the restaurant!” Sunny Skies beginning to blush while smiling. “Come on, you know what I’m going to say. Why don’t you just say it? It starts with an L, and it ends with an E.” Sunny Skies refuse to delay the inevitable as he opened his mouth and said: “Love.” Bon Bon and Lyra didn’t expect a word they’ve know when they got closer to each other. “Love?” Bon Bon blinked. “After Twilight and her friends helped us, I proposed to Petunia which brought back our village’s colors. We haven’t got married yet but in the next month or two, we’re about to.” “When we have the same feelings of love, we automatically think of the color pink.” Petunia expresses her words. “I always think of Sunny being red when it comes to pass, and for me, I’m orange, since orange is one of my favorite colors.” The guests of honor didn’t know that the mayor and their motel manager are going to be husband and wife soon. One of the weddings they’ve went together is Cranky and Matilda’s wedding and it was heartwarming to them. They admire the two donkeys getting married in Ponyville because they have a passion when it comes to their relationship. “Really?” Lyra smiled. “That’s really sweet to hear that.” “Speaking of that, me and Lyra had that in mind.” Bon Bon added. “Really?” Both the mayor and Petunia reacted in surprise. “We’ve been friends for so long, our relationship has grown bigger than before. When there’s weddings, we knew we shouldn’t miss it because love is always there no matter what.” Lyra smiled. “Even if there aren’t weddings, we still go one dates together to have love stay with us.” Bon Bon added. “Anywhere we go, love leaves us as long as we have each other. The activities we do isn’t where we get the love, ourselves is the love we always get.” The two ponies looked at each other as they’re not embarrassed to express their feelings. They’re proud of it no matter what they encountered. As for Petunia and Sunny Skies, they always thought that Lyra and Bon Bon we’re just friends but after what they heard from them, their not friends, their more than best friends, which gave Sunny Skies an offer of what he wants in his and his future wife’s wedding. “Do you two want to be in our wedding?” The mayor asked. “It will be nice to see you two again.” “Why not, we can go to your wedding.” Lyra happily accepted. “We’re promise you won’t regret it.” Bon Bon added. “Why would you say that. Anyone who believes in love is welcome to any wedding.” Petunia said “All because of one color.” “Pink!” The four ponies cheered. As Bon Bon and Lyra finished their desert, they thanked Sunny Skies and Petunia for inviting them for their future wedding. As for Skies and Petunia, they’re more than proud to have two of their guests of honor to be so respective and honest when it comes to their powerful friendship. With only a few activities still available, the best has yet to come tonight at the Rainbow Festival. > The Best Rainbow Night Ever > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the remainder of the day, Lyra and Bon Bon went to every stand they could. They’ve experienced everything of what the Rainbow Festival has to offer. Today couldn’t get any better for the two friends, who are the guests of honor. During their time, they finally came up with a show for the blue colts, from the flying skills stand to perform. They wanted to witness all the blue flyers in their best of their abilities to fly all over Hope Hollow while doing tricks they’ve learned when they got older. “So, you really want to see everything we do?” The blue colt wondered. All that the guests of honor had to do is nod in response, which grow a smile on the blue colt. He turned around with his friends and team members to tell them what they’re going to do tonight. After that, Bon Bon and Lyra are looking to find the red stand where Torque Wrench is still at. When they head to the back of the stand, they saw Torque is almost done finishing their billboard. They were surprised that the best from Torque’s passion, she manages to get the right colors for the mane and body. Their faces, with dots as eyes look too adorable to be denied. “So Lyra, Bon Bon, do you like your billboard?” Torque asked while panting after the hard work she did. Lyra and Bon Bon didn’t nodded, instead they gave Torque a hug, as their way of saying thank you. While they can’t take the billboard home, they know whenever anypony who sees their billboard, will remember the support their guests of honor gave them. When they break the hug, Torque became so happy that her hard work has paid off, not to mention she’s officially done doing her job for today. It’s almost night time where all the citizens are sitting on the ground, watching the performance of every blue colt, flying in the sky after what Lyra and Bon Bon wanted to see. Not only they’ve made the guests of honor satisfied, but also every pony in Hope Hollow as well. Lyra and Bon Bon who are sitting in the front of the crowd with the Mayor by their side, are enjoying the performance. “You actually came up with their performance?” Sunny Skies asked. “Yes.” Lyra answered. “We didn’t want a single colt out of the team to being left out, in showing their abilities to us.” Bon Bon added. Sunny Skies had never felt so impressed from the guests of honor. After the talk he had with them along with Petunia, they can see more of who Lyra and Bon Bon are. The color they’ve talked about that involves love. “I was wondering...” The mayor replied. “Do you have a speech?” Lyra and Bon Bon looked at each other with smiles on their faces. After the day they had together, they indeed have a speech before they head back to Ponyville after the festival is over. As the blue colts land on the ground, all the citizens cheer from the performance they’ve watched. There is not a lot of activities left in the Rainbow Festival since most ponies had deconstructed their tents an hour before the sun sets over the hills in Hope Hollow. They’ve heard from their mayor that there’s one more thing to do before they wrap up the festival. They don’t know what it was until they remembered the two guests of honor, walking around in the village. When the blue colts returned to the crowd, Lyra Heartstrings, Bon Bon and the mayor of Hope Hollow is about to make their final speech. All the citizens of Hope Hollow slowly remain silent, so they can hear from the mayor as well as their guests. With the microphone turned up, Sunny Skies begins his speech first. “Now I know we can all agree that we already had a Rainbow Festival three months ago and it’s supposed to be an annual occasion.” Sunny Skies spoke into the microphone. “But the thing is, we went through is what I called, the grey times. If it wasn’t for Twilight and her friends helping us, we wouldn’t continue our future in this village.”  The ponies in the crowd knew that everything the mayor said is true. Kerfuffle and Torque Wrench would never do what they love if the grey times were still present, same goes to Mr. and Mrs. Hoofington. “While I understand that we all had little time to set up our tents and activities, believe me, it was worth it. All because these two ponies who are our guests of honor. Lyra Heartstrings and Bon Bon.” After Sunny Skies finished his speech, he moved out of the way to give Bon Bon and Lyra their time to give the speech of what they felt today. The two ponies are more then prepared to make their speech in front of all the colorful ponies. Bon Bon decides to have Lyra begin first. “Before yesterday, me and my friend didn’t have a lot of options to do for the weekend. We kept going to the same places so many times, there’s always a line where we need to change it up.” Lyra being honest. “When we arrived to Hope Hollow, we had mixed feelings about the Rainbow Festival. But after what we witnessed today, I think giving a place a chance is something we ponies should do.” As Lyra finished her part of the speech, he watched all the citizens giving her an ovation. It made her pleased that she enjoyed the Rainbow Festival and pleased everypony she talked to. Then, her best friend Bon Bon, gets to the center as she begins her part of the speech. “Like wearing these amazing dresses,” Bon Bon showing off her outfit which made Kerfuffle smile. “The billboard,” She pointed at the billboard with her and Lyra on it behind them. “And most of all...meeting wonderful ponies, with a strong passion.” Mayor Sunny Skies and his future wife Petunia Petals are impressed from the words they’re hearing. Almost like they’re watching a critic that’s giving his review to not only the festival, but also the village. “Believe me when I say this, if more ponies arrive here to feel this experience, they might consider moving here. Places like Ponyville, Appleloosa, and Canterlot would be happy to do something like that. After what you gave us, I might tell my friends about this place.” Her friend Lyra joins in on her speech. “And if they enjoy this village-” “Your village and Rainbow Festival, would be on the Equestrian Map!” Both Bon Bon and Lyra cheered with happiness. All the citizens cheered in joy with the advice they heard from their guests of honor. As for Mayor Skies, he didn’t get the idea of inviting more ponies outside of his village. If he can get the approvals from Bon Bon and Lyra Heartstrings, he wonders what famous celebrities would think of the Rainbow Festival. In just a matter of time, fireworks lit up the sky with all the colors of the rainbow. The crowd loved it so much, even if they have to wait until the next nine months, they can thank Lyra and Bon Bon for allowing them to do what they love best this early. Lyra and Bon Bon both gave each other a hug as their weekend had been the best of their relationship as the fireworks continue to blast in the sky. It’s been an hour when every citizen of the village returned to their homes after a really memorable festival they had. Lyra and Bon Bon say goodbye to the mayor and others, while also thanking them with everything they did today. They packed up and left the village of Hope Hollow to return back to Ponyville. Bon Bon and Lyra made their way into Ponyville where it’s quiet, with everypony sleeping inside their homes. However what surprises them when they find their way home, they saw Princess Twilight land on the ground, which causes them to rush up to the Princess Of Friendship. “Twilight!” Lyra and Bon Bon shouted as it caught the attention from the princess. “Bon Bon? Lyra?” Twilight took notice. “Weren’t you supposed to return tomorrow?” “We were, but after what we went through today, it just made our weekend.” Bon Bon smiled. “By the way, why are you up so late?” “I just came back from Canterlot after doing some errands with Princess Celestia. Did you enjoy Hope Hollow and the Rainbow Festival?” The two ponies nodded from Twilight’s question which made Twilight relief. “Oh thank Celestia!” “What’s the big deal?” Lyra giggled. “We can go on about everything that happened back at the festival.” “It’s not that, it’s just that Hope Hollow is mainly a private village. I never thought about ponies like you would see something that I haven’t seen.” “What, because you and your friends we’re the only ones invited months ago?” Bon Bon wondered. “I’m pretty sure there’s tons of ponies would see hundreds of things you missed.” Twilight blushed in embarrassment. “Well, I guess I always get sidetrack from my memory.” Lyra and Bon Bon giggled as they gave the princess a hug. “Thanks for talking to Sunny Skies about this.” “And by the way, you should tell anyone you know about Hope Hollow. They would have the same reaction like we did.” Lyra added. Twilight didn’t think that Hope Hollow wanted more invited ponies outside of their village, but at the same time, small villages deserve big things. After Bon Bon and Lyra break the hug from the princess, they headed back to their place in Ponyville. As for Twilight Sparkle, she’s willing to take Bon Bon and Lyra’s advice. “Hope Hollow is going to be a great place when my teacher and others find out about it.”