> SleeplessBrony's Sexy Speed Fic Compilation > by SleeplessBrony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Lonely Heart Club > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prompt: "The Mane Six all do something special together for Hearts and Hooves Day." Time: 90 minutes Originally posted at Sexty Minute Ponies     Outside, in Ponyville, there were pink hearts and red flowers and cute little cupid fillies, decorations hung up on every store.         Inside, in the library, six mares sat around a table, not a scrap of pink to be seen.  Except, of course, a long pink mane.  And a whole pink pony, one who couldn’t stop grinning and fidgeting, even on this dour occasion.         They looked around at each other - Spike had been sent away, tasked with some meaningless errand.  A glass sat in front of each of them, filled to the brim with the Apple family’s finest spirits.         Except Fluttershy’s, of course.  Applejack had been kind enough to bring a bottle of soft cider for her.         Everything was ready.  Twilight sighed loudly, lifting her glass in a glow of magic.         “Girls?  I think this is it,” she said.  “Who wants to go first?”  She looked to her right, where Rarity was sitting.         Rarity lifted her glass as well, pouting angrily at it.  “To Hearts and Hooves Day,” she said.  “I’m sure all the lucky mares with coltfriends are having a simply marvelous time.”         “It’s okay, Rarity,” Fluttershy, sitting next to her, said.  “There’s always next year.”         “Oh, Fluttershy!” Rarity flailed dramatically.  “You, of all ponies, alone as well?  Sweet, beautiful Fluttershy!  The injustice of it all!”         Fluttershy slumped a little on her seat, staring down at her drink.         “My turn!”  Pinkie Pie bounced in place.  “To Hearts and Hooves Day!  Chocolates and cakes and crunchy little chalk hearts!”         Rainbow Dash, next around the table, shook her head.  “You’re doing it wrong, Pinkie.”         “I wish I was doing it!”  Pinkie growled, suddenly very annoyed.  “I haven’t been doing it AT ALL.  How can you go to a party and NOT want to do IT?  This town is full of crazy ponies!”         Twilight nodded sagely, surprised to hear her own thoughts coming out of Pinkie’s mouth.         “Well, I’ve been gettin’ plenty.  I mean come on, it’s me.  Not nearly as sad as you guys,” Rainbow Dash said, grinning like she always does when she’s getting high on herself.  It faded quickly.  “But... y’know.  Not that I’m into all this mushy stuff, but nopony even asked me out for today.  ME.  Rainbow freakin’ Dash.  How does that happen?”         They all rolled their eyes, except Applejack.  Applejack just glared at nothing, stone still, like she had been since her drink had been poured.  The rest of the table stared - it was her turn, after all.         Applejack’s eyes narrowed, shrinking into burning green fires.  She lifted her glass in her hooves.         “Fuck.  Hearts.  And Hooves.  Day,” she said, pounding each syllable into the air.         “HEAR HEAR,” they all cheered in reply, and then six glasses were quickly emptied.         “Wheeeeee!” Pinkie Pie slammed her empty glass back down, first as always.  “Again!  Again!”         “Blegh!”  Twilight finished hers just in time to see Pinkie scrambling after one of the bottles on the table, refilling her glass with gleeful abandon.  Twilight hated taking shots, except under very specific circumstances.  Tonight was one of of those, but she still couldn’t see how Pinkie threw herself into it with her usual enthusiasm.         The rest of them caught up to Pinkie Pie - all except Fluttershy, who just slowly sipped at her cider.  She had that look to her - that rare, simmering look, the one only her friends really knew.  It was a look that could shame dragons or herd a flock of unruly chickens.  Applejack hadn’t even made a single joke about how the soft cider was usually made for little fillies.         “Alright, troops,” Applejack said, pausing to gulp down her second shot.  “Report in.”         “No!” Rarity shook her head frantically, looming over her drink.  “No, no, no, I just can’t.”         “...Another shallow ex-would-be-prince?” Twilight asked carefully, wondering how she had missed this one.         “Even that would have been preferable,” Rarity said.  “Not so much as a single date in months.  Months.  At this rate I shall end up a forgotten spinster of a mare.”         “You could always hook up with Spike,” Rainbow Dash said, snorting into her glass.  A few other members of their club snickered.         Rarity glared long and hard at the pegasus.  “Aren’t you the one into bestiality?  How closely related are griffons and ponies, anyway?”         “Hey, I was getting more than you!” Rainbow Dash yelled, deflating the moment she said it.  “...Was,” she growled to herself.         “Alright, alright,” Applejack cut in.  “What about you, Flu -”         Fluttershy lifted her eyes, only long enough to shake her head at Applejack.  She just glared and stared and slowly shook her head, her eyes dark, burning turquoise hollows.         “...Anyway,” Applejack quickly turned to Pinkie.         Pinkie, again first, again as always, had already abandoned her glass and gone straight to the bottle.         “Hmm?”  She stopped guzzling.  “I want a special somepony but I do not have a special somepony and that makes Pinkie sad.”  She fumbled with her usual cheery smile, barely recovering it.  “They don’t even need to be that special!  I just want a colt!  ANY colt!  I wanna just hold one down and kiss him and smooch and then just put my...”         “Yeah, we know, Pinkie.  I’m so damn horny my hooves have been getting all pruney,” Rainbow Dash said.         “I WASN’T DONE!” Pinkie screamed, slamming her bottle on the table.  Then she took a long pull at it, breathlessly rambling on.  “I was at this party, like... a week ago.”  She stopped to burp silently.  “And I was dancing for like an HOUR and I was SO WORKED UP and I ate all these carrot cakes - you KNOW how I get when I eat carrot cakes!” she said to Fluttershy, who nodded.  “And I just wanted to DO IT.  Like, IT.  So I grabbed this cuuuuuuuuute stallion and I was like, come on, let’s do it!  And he was like, oh I don’t know, and I was like, Oh my god come on, and he was like...”         “Pinkie!” Rarity scolded.  “Bareback is gay!”         “Well I didn’t KNOW that!”         “I told you that,” Rainbow Dash slapped her forehead.  “I already tried that guy.”         “I thought you said you were getting plenty?” Twilight cocked an eyebrow.         “Yeah... well...” Dash hemmed and hawed, spitting the rest out quietly.  “Plenty isn’t really enough for The Rainbow Dash, okay?”         Twilight was going to follow up on that, but Dash bowed down to drink some more.  And then Applejack was looking at her.         “Oh, me?” Twilight balked, wishing she could hide under something.         “Yeah, didn’t you say you were gonna give datin’ a try?” Applejack asked.         Twilight sighed loudly.  “Early experiments have not produced positive results.”         “What about that earth pony?  The... what’s his name, Doctor something?” Rarity asked.         “I don’t know...” Twilight stared sourly at her drink, then gulped it down.  “We went out for dinner, but he’s just so weird.  I think he really liked me, and I tried, I really tried, but I just...”         Rarity put a hoof on her shoulder.  “Well, at least you had a date.  But I’m proud of you sticking to your standards.  None of us needs a lover, after all.”         “Here’s to that.”  Applejack threw another shot down.  “This mare don’t need nopony.”         “Don’t tell me you went on a date?” Rarity said.         “I go on dates!” Applejack barked.  “Doesn’t mean I want some skeevy sleazebag sayin’ we should do it in the bathroom.”  She joined Pinkie in going straight for the bottle.  “I know I ain’t like all... y’know, girly mare.  But I ain’t trash, either.”         The room went silent, each mare alone with her drink.  Twilight sank into her own thoughts, floating hazily on a fine cushion of liquor.  This whole dating... thing was turning out to be just a bit more complicated than learning about friendship.         Maybe more research was necessary.  Maybe the Princess could give her some good tips.  Maybe...         “That’s it!” Pinkie sprang to her feet, crazed and jittering.  “I can’t take it!  This is all sad face lame tame pouty times!”  She looked around at all of them, crying out in desperation.  “I just want somepony to rut me!”         They all blinked at her.         “Rainbow Dash!”  Pinkie almost pounced on her, grabbing the blue pegasus pony’s face.  “Come on, give it to me!  Remember that one time?”         “Heh, well, yeah Pinks, but...” Rainbow Dash scooted back, trying to escape.  “I was like, super drunk.”         “Then drink more!”  Pinkie crammed a bottle into Rainbow Dash’s muzzle, pouring eye-watering whiskey all down her chin.         Rainbow Dash coughed and hacked, pushing Pinkie away.  “Alright, alright!  Sheesh.”         Then Pinkie dove onto her, cramming their muzzles together.         Twilight perked up instantly, her eyes widening on her own.  Her horn tingled a little.         There they were, two of her closest friends.  Pink and blue.  Kissing long and hard, right in front of her.         Suddenly she could think of a whole new set of dating experiments.         “Ahhhh!” Pinkie broke away, looking not the least bit satisfied.  “Come on, Dashie!  Spank me!  Pull my tail!  Tell me I’m a naughty nasty party pony!”         “Hold on now!” Applejack growled.  “You two can’t just do it right here!”         “Why not?” Rainbow Dash turned on her, forgetting the pink pony in her arms.  “What are you, jealous?”         “What?!”  Applejack’s tail shot straight out.  “No!  You ain’t all that!”         “Oh, I ain’t huh?  That what you think?”  Dash dropped Pinkie, prowling towards AJ.  “You gonna stop me then?”         “Maybe I oughta!”         “Well then gimme your best shot!”         And then the two of them dove into each other, wrestling and grunting and biting.  The rest of the table watched, enthralled.  Dash had speed, true, but Applejack was a solid earth pony, nothing to trifle with when it came to good ole’ wrasslin’.         “There!”  Applejack quickly pinned Dash on her belly, yanking her forelegs back and grinding her hips against the pegasus pony’s rump.         Dash panted, blushing a little, her wings flapping angrily.  “No... hnn... fair!  You were biting!”         Applejack leaned forward, huskily whispering into Dash’s ear, loud enough for all.  “Only ‘cause I know you like it.”         They struggled some more, Dash vainly trying to squirm free.  Grunting against each other.  Hips thrusting and grinding.         Twilight could feel her tail lashing around.  She cleared her throat for some reason.  Was it getting hot in this library?         “AAAAAHHHHHH WHAT ABOUT ME?!” Pinkie exploded, shouting and squirming on her rump.  “Fluttershy!”         “Huh?” Fluttershy froze, a perfect deer in pink headlights.         “Come on!  Don’t you wanna give me kisses?”         Pinkie rushed over, planting her front hooves on the table and wiggling her rump right at Fluttershy, throwing her tail around the poor yellow pegasus pony’s face.         “Oh... um...” Fluttershy blushed, and started to hide under her mane.  Something stopped her though - her eyes were caught, huge and shimmering, pupils bobbing back and forth in time to Pinkie’s rump.         “Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?!” Pinkie whined, grinning over her shoulder at Fluttershy.         “Pinkie, would you please leave her alone?”  Rarity rolled her eyes.  “That’s quite inappropriate, and I’m sure you’re making poor Fluttershy very uncomfortable.”         “...ok.” Fluttershy said, barely above a whisper.         “WHAT?!”  Rarity dropped her glass.         “Yes!  Make out with Flutters time GO!”         Twilight cleared her throat again.  Now it was pink and yellow, making out right in front of her.  Hotter than before?  She wasn’t sure.         “Fl... Fluttershy?” Rarity said, her lips quivering.         “Oh?  Oh.”  Fluttershy gently pulled away from Pinkie, their lips still barely touching.  “Rarity?”         “I... I always thought...” Rarity frowned, lowering her eyes in her best show of pathetic forlorn forgotten sadness.         “Oh, Rarity!”  Fluttershy nudged Pinkie Pie, nodding towards their lonely friend.  Then she wrapped Rarity up in a tender hug, slowly but surely nuzzling into a long, passionate kiss.         “Oh... oh Fluttershy!” Rarity moaned as soon as her mouth was free, nuzzling into her long pink mane with nothing but bliss on her face.         Fluttershy stroked her long purple tresses back.  She glanced back over her shoulder at Pinkie Pie and nodded quickly.  Pinkie winked at her and then dove under Fluttershy’s tail, conveniently lifted.         Twilight coughed loudly, her chest tight and hot.  Had that... was that really happening, right there in front of her?         “Whoa!  They’re making out with Fluttershy?” Rainbow Dash spoke up.  Applejack was yanking on her colorful mane with her teeth, ramming her hips into Dash even as she tried to squirm away.  “Sorry AJ, I gotta get in on this.”         “Hey!  Hey, get back here!” Applejack said as Rainbow Dash squirmed out of her hooves.  The pegasus jumped up with one flap of her wings, diving into the mess of make outs on the other side of the table.         “Pegasus Pile!” she yelled gleefully, landing right into a sloppy kiss with Pinkie Pie.         Twilight’s jaw was hanging completely slack by now, her eyes getting ever wider as the party next to her got hotter and wetter.  Small, hesitant moans quickly grew into throaty wails of satisfaction.  Twilight could feel sweat inching down her temples, her coat hot and prickly all over as she surely ruined the pillow she was sitting on.         A hoof, on her shoulder.  A strong, orange hoof.         “So... uh... sugarcube.”  Applejack’s husky voice, right in her ear, just like it must’ve been for Rainbow Dash.  “I was wonderin’ if...”         Twilight turned with her eyes closed and kissed Applejack, fierce and desperate.  She could feel Applejack smile in triumph against her lips, and then Twilight was roughly pushed on her back.  Applejack dragged her chin down Twilight’s chest, nibbling and nipping and keeping her emerald eyes on Twilight’s the whole time.         “Ah!  AhhhhHHH!”  Twilight moaned urgently, spreading her legs obediently.  Applejack dove in without a moment’s hesitation, and Twilight threw her head back, giving her an interesting upside-down view of her other friends getting ever more tangled and sweaty.         She gasped loudly as Applejack’s tongue plunged roughly right into her, no pretext at all.  She bit her lip to hold the rest of it in, weakly kicking with her legs.         This... this was strange.  Incredible, but strange.  Here she was, in the same room with her best friends, all of them moaning and biting and fucking like there was no tomorrow.         Somehow, Hearts and Hooves Day had turned into a sloppy, drunken orgy.         Twilight sighed and shook her head, smiling widely the whole time.         “Just like last year,” she said.                                     > The Longest of Days > --------------------------------------------------------------------------         Prompt: Cheerilee's private lessons. Time: 60 minutes Originally posted at Sexty Minute Ponies Twilight turned another page, her nose buried deep.  It was a lovely day outside, bright and sunny but not too hot.  The kind of day that makes ponies just forget what they were going to do and take a stroll, or throw a ball around, or just anything as long as it takes them out of doors.         A perfect day for some quiet reading indoors.         The library was empty, except of course for her assistant, busily swinging his legs up in the air as he lay on his back, his own nose buried in some comic book that Twilight would most certainly not approve of.  She noticed, but took care to act like she didn’t.           He’s reading, at least, right? It was fine.  Everything was fine, nopony was bothering her, and she was polishing off whole chapters of White Star’s latest treatise on the competing theoretical hierarchies of magical sub-elements.         Chapters.  Chapters!  Pages and pages flying by, and not a single pony had shown up with a crisis that needed solving or a strange ailment that needed referencing or even to borrow a book, not that anypony normally did that.         She sighed, happily.  No, not a single disturbance.  Nothing standing between her and sweet, sweet...         There was a knock on the door, a sweet formality before it burst open.         “Cheerilee?”  Twilight’s head snapped up, blinking at the fuchsia mare practically dragging her way into the library.         “Oh... hi.  Hi, Twilight,” Cheerilee said, wearily looking up from where her head was bowed.  “Hi Spike!”         “Hey.”  Spike didn’t even look up.         Cheerilee slowly trudged over to a seat near Twilight and flopped down with a loud sigh, not even bothering to take off her saddlebags.         “...Everything okay?” Twilight asked, willing herself to look up from her latest sentence.         “Just fine!”  Cheerilee said, popping her head up with a too-wide smile.  “Better, now.  Much better.  Just... you know.  Long day.”  Her eyes narrowed, just slightly, and she gravely shook her head.  “Looooooooooong day.”         “Tell me about it,” Spike groaned, rolling his eyes from behind his comic.  “I had to do the dishes and mop up the main room.”         “Oh boy,” Cheerilee said, with perfect mock-concern.  “You poor little dragon.  Working your claws to the bone.”         “Right?  I barely even had time to polish my tea set.”         “Oh, cut it out!” Twilight groaned.  “You polish that dumb thing every day.”         “Twilight!” Spike and Cheerilee scolded in perfect unison.         “...Sorry.  It’s a lovely tea set,” Twilight grudgingly admitted.  “Maybe you could make some for Cheerilee?”         “Hey, yeah!”  Spike dropped his comic, sitting up on his pillow.  “Jasmine or Darjeeling?”         “Um...”  Cheerilee winced, just slightly, her eyes darting around.  “I think I’m okay, actually.  Thanks, though.”         Twilight raised an eyebrow at her.  Cheerilee’s eyes darted around, and then settled right back at Twilight.  In a very familiar, very heart-racing kind of way.         Uh-oh.         It was a very good kind of uh-oh.  The kind of uh-oh that accompanied chest butterflies and tail twitching and that special kind of breathless, falling tingling in her hips that knew she was going to be passing out tonight rather than falling asleep.         Cheerilee stared at her, a mad kind of hunger glittering in those bright green eyes.  Twilight sat, barely hearing Spike mumble something and go back to his reading, frozen by Cheerilee’s gaze.         Cheerilee bit her lip.  She cast a quick glance at Spike.         “You know... I passed by Sugar Cube Corner on the way over,” she said, to noone in particular.  “Looks like they’re having one of their Sunny Day Sales.”         “What?!”  Spike shot up on his seat, the comic going flying.  “Why aren’t we there right now let’s go!”         “Well I’m not that hungry, actually,” Cheerilee said, a Sweetie Belle-worthy look of faux innocence on her face.         “Okay cool Twilight come on.”  Spike was hopping in place, his little dragon tail wagging adorably.         “Uhh...?” Twilight started to say.         “Oh, Spike, look how busy she looks!  That’s a hefty book,” Cheerilee said quickly.  “Why don’t you just go on ahead?”         Spike put a claw to his chin, looking forlorn.  “Um... I don’t have any...” “Here you go!”  Cheerilee dumped a bag of bits from her purse in front of him.  “My treat!  You deserve it, kid.” Spike’s eyes went wide, dragon-greed mixing with boyish joy.  “Wha... wha?!”  He held up the bag of bits, cradling it to his chest.  “Twilight, can I really...?” Cheerilee nodded furiously at her, her eyes just this side of wild. “...Sure, Spike.  You helped out a lot today, so I think...” Spike was already gone, running out the door, giggling to himself all the way. “...you... oh, whatever.” The door closed.  The library was empty, except of course, for... Cheerilee was grinning at her, her eyes bright and cheery again. “...Subtle,” Twilight deadpanned. “I don’t know what you mean,” Cheerilee said, posing formally.  “Poor little guy needs a break.” “Hmph.”  Twilight smiled devilishly.  “Long day, huh?” “The longest,” Cheerilee moaned throatily. That one got Twilight’s ears perked up, alright.  She tried not to show it. “Well, uh... you mind if I finish this up real quick?” she asked, nodding towards the book.  She really did want to get a few more pages in, even if she knew she wasn’t going to.  Even if she was very okay with that knowledge. “Oh...” Cheerilee eyed the book sideways, sizing up a competitor.  “Sure.  Of course.” “Thanks!”  Twilight said brightly, diving back into the pages.  “Just a few minutes.” “Right... right,” Cheerilee said. Twilight tried to read.  She tried, really tried, with all her might, just to make it look convincing. Moaning, the school teacher laid back and spread her legs... Twilight blinked, hard.  That hardly had anything to do with White Star’s assertions that the relationship between... She breathed deep as she ran her tongue down her lover’s dark pink belly, dragging it closer and closer to... And yet there it was, right there on the page, running together over every sentence. “AH!” she cried out, as Twilight slipped a thick finger of magic into her... Twilight hummed quietly, willing herself not to squirm against her cushion.  She could feel Cheerilee’s eyes on her, impatient and hungry, and as much fun as it was to quietly tease her by not moving at all, it was getting to be... Ah, there it is. She heard Cheerilee drop her bags, but she didn’t look.  She heard hooves on the floor, quietly shuffling over to her. “Oh?”  Twilight feigned innocence as Cheerilee lay down on top of her, wrapping her forelegs over Twilight’s shoulders and hugging her close. “What are you reading?” Cheerilee purred, leaning her muzzle in close to Twilight’s ear. “Uh...” Twilight swallowed hard, having to really reach to remember.  “White Star’s latest-” That was as far as she got.  Cheerilee dragged her tongue into Twilight’s ear, starting right below it and making one long, slow lap up the inside and right to the tip.  She reached the top and immediately clamped her lips around the soft cartilage, moaning softly through her closed mouth. “Ohhhhhhhhhh...” Twilight leaked out.  She arched her back, pressing it against the mare on top of her.  “Wow, what’s gotten into you?” “Not you,” Cheerilee whispered right into her ear.  “Not yet, anyway.” Twilight giggled, unable to help herself.  It was a good book, sure.  And there had been a nice bit of uninterrupted reading.  But somehow, she didn’t think White Star would mind if she took a break. Cheerilee let go of Twilight’s ear and started nuzzling and licking her, moving her sniffing nose through the back of Twilight’s mane.  She mmm’d and ahhh’d the whole time, rubbing her front hooves against Twilight’s chest, sliding her belly against Twilight’s lavender coat. Twilight could feel the heat growing between them, warm friction on the top of her rump, sending her tail lashing back and forth.  She carefully slid the book away and relaxed, laying down flat, letting Cheerilee have her way. The wound-up mare on top of her did just that.  She got louder and faster with each little lick and nip, the sliding of her hips turning the grinding and then a few rough, fast thrusts against Twilight, quietly thumping into the slight curve of her behind.  She growled and took a chunk of Twilight’s mane in her teeth, panting hard and fast now with a mad, desperate kind of lust. Jeez, you’d think it had been months since last time. “Are you okay?” Twilight asked, her mouth stuck in a dreamy smile. “Mmm-hmm,” Cheerilee answered, kissing her way up the back of Twilight’s head. “I mean, if you wa-WHOA.  OH.  Ohhhhhhh...”  Twilight shot up as she felt the schoolteacher’s tongue slide up the back of her horn, her eyes rolling back. She could feel Cheerilee’s quiet giggles against her, feel that victorious grin between tender laps at the warm spiral of her horn.  Twilight sank back down into the cushion, well and truly wet now, feeling the thick curls of Cheerilee’s tail slapping against her rump and thighs, teasing her. She yanked her head away, looking over her shoulder.  She’d been trying to be more... sensual, lately, trying to display some of the control and experience she feels like she’s earned by now. “What... uh... what do you want?” Twilight muttered, aiming for seductive. Cheerilee grinned even wider down at her.  She leaned in close, brushing her lips right into Twilight’s ear again. “I want you to fuck me until I’m screaming.” “Cheerilee!”  Twilight snapped up, the spell slightly broken. “...What?”  Cheerilee blinked, all innocence again. Twilight blushed, unsure of why she’s so embarrassed.  It made her heart race when her lover talked like that, after all.  “Why do you always... you know?” “Always what?” “Talk like that.” Cheerilee gave her a long, hard look.  “I’m afraid I don’t know what you mean, Twilight.” Twilight gave her an oh, come on glare.  Cheerilee fired back a perfect look of genuine confusion. “You know, like...” Twilight struggled, muddling through the heady swirl still keeping her panting.  “Profanity.” “Profanity?!” Cheerilee balked, like she was talking to one of her students.  “Oh my!  This is serious.  What kind of profanity?” Twilight stared at her, but Cheerilee was holding character, far too well to stand up to.  Twilight sheepishly, biting her lip, forced herself to come out with it. “You know, when you say... fu... fffffffff...” Cheerilee raised her eyebrows.  “Yes?  Fun?  Fur?  Full?” “...fuck,” Twilight whispered, her cheeks burning red. Cheerilee gasped, loud and scandalized.  “My goodness!  Twilight, I had no idea!  I am so disappointed in you,” she said, using a far-too-close version of her teacher’s tone. “Hey!  Wait!” “Just wait until Princess Celestia hears about this.” “What?!” Twilight started to struggle against her, to squirm her way out from under, but Cheerilee crushed her in a tight hug, going from teacher to lover in an instant.  She slammed Twilight into a deep, fierce kiss, forcing Twilight’s eyes open wide and them yanking them shut again. Twilight froze, held powerless in the kiss.  It ended when Cheerilee let it end. “You are adorable,” she whispered breathily. “That was mean,” Twilight whispered back, smiling. “A little,” she said, with a pleased and naughty little smile.  She raised her head, just enough to give Twilight’s horn a quick, sloppy lick.  “Can I make it up to you?” Twilight nodded, instantly and vehemently. “Mmm.”  Cheerilee’s naughty smile grew and doubled, and she climbed up Twilight’s back, giving her horn one more lick as she passed by. “What are you... oh!”  Twilight gasped as she felt Cheerilee’s legs and the warmth between them move up her back and past her shoulders.  “Like this?” “Please?”  Cheerilee swept her tail over Twilight’s withers, carefully balancing her hips over Twilight’s head.  “I really need this right now.” “Oh, gosh.”  Twilight stared up, almost going cross-eyed, licking her lips at the sight of Cheerilee hovering over her horn, flushed and winking.  “Um...” Cheerilee whimpered and rocked her hips, sliding the lips between her legs up the length of Twilight’s horn.  Twilight felt every slick inch of them parting along the sensitive spiral of her horn, and it sent a gurgle of animal pleasure crawling out of her throat. “I’ll be careful,” Cheerilee moaned. “YES yes okay yes!”  Twilight bowed her head, resting her chin on her front hooves, a stable platform for a steady horn. She felt the muscles of Cheerilee’s legs tense up, the trembling in her hips increase.  And then Cheerilee roughly, desperately slid herself onto Twilight’s horn. “AH!”  They both cried out.  Twilight couldn’t see much, but she knew the look on her lover’s face.  Cheerilee wasted no time, grinding and rocking her hips immediately, working herself on Twilight’s head. Twilight lost herself more or less instantly, like she always did.  It was almost scary, doing this - when she’s just using her magic, it’s different, in control.  This was a whole different universe, an overwhelming, all-consuming kind of pleasure, her mind replaced by nothing but the hot, wet, tight muscles clenching against her horn. It almost hurt.  She couldn’t move, could hardly think, just let out choked little gasps while she tried to hold herself steady for Cheerilee’s rocking hips. She closed her eyes - she could see Cheerilee’s trembling forearms and just the tip of her tongue lolling out.  Hot.  Way too hot.  She had to stay calm, had to keep some kind of control, had to not... “AH!” Cheerilee yelled, slamming her hips down harder and faster. That voice.  Maybe the hottest thing about her, if Twilight was being forced to pick. “AH!  AHHH!  Oh, oh, OH!” Cheerilee moaned loudly, her folds clenching even harder against Twilight’s horn, sucking it in with each stroke. Hot.  Twilight tried to ignore it, tried to... she could feel something wet and hot running down her forehead, soaking into her mane.  Gross.  Yes, gross, not sexy at all, nothing sexy at all about... “Oh oh oh oh OH AH!  AHHHHH!” Cheerilee cried, slamming her wild hips up and down with real force, clenching her thighs with every stroke. “Cheerilee!”  Twilight moaned, fighting to catch her breath.  “I’m... I’m...” “Oh god I’m so close just... just...!” Twilight squeezed her eyes shut, feeling the tingling glow in her horn, the power surging and building and waiting. Move move you idiot STOP. She can’t, totally lost in the wet pleasure around her horn, pinned under the lovely mare losing herself on top of her.  Twilight groaned, long and low, and building quickly, her hips shaking and giving weak little bucks against nothing. “Just... just... AH!”  Cheerilee slammed her hips down on each word, ending with one last slam and a spasm and a shaking that started in her lower belly and quaked out into every inch of her body.  She screamed and babbled and cried, her tail slapping Twilight’s back violently. It was too much, far too much, even for a talented pony like Twilight.  Especially for a talented pony like Twilight. With a shudder and a grunt, Twilight came. *        *        * Nurse Redheart walked through the door of the private examination room, not looking up from her clipboard. “Let’s see... next patient, earth pony mare, minor burns to the...”  She stopped, blinking.  “...inside of the...?”  She looked up, past her paperwork. Twilight Sparkle was sitting there, bowing her head, mortified beyond belief.  The bangs of her mane were sticky and messy, pointing in strange directions. Next to her, gingerly lying on her back on the bed, was Cheerilee.  Forcing an apologetic smile.  Also mortified beyond belief.  Trying desperately to strike a balance between not moving her legs, not holding them too tightly closed, and not splaying them out for display. Nurse Redheart just sighed and shook her head. “Again?” > Taking the Plunge > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prompt: "Rainbow Dash always wants to try something new." Time: 60 Minutes Originally posted at Sexty Minute Ponies It stinks. Stinks like sex. Rainbow Dash rolls over, stretching and finally catching her breath.  It’s an awesome kind of stink - thick and strong and humid, like sinking through a summer storm cloud. But this isn’t a cloud, she grumbles silently. No, it isn’t.  It’s just a dumb earth pony bed. So lame. “Ohhhhhhhh, Dashie!” Pinkie Pie says, oozing the words out in a satisfied moan. Rainbow Dash glances over at her - she’s curled up next to Dash on the bed.  Well, not next-next to her, not like right next to her, like they’re cuddling or something stupid like that.  Pinkie is curled up in a ball a small distance away from Dash, hugging her legs against her body and rocking back and forth. Dash stares at her, watching her bright blue eyes stare at nothing.  They’re just staring, kind of dazed, almost unfocused. “Did I blow your mind again?” Dash asks. Pinkie’s eyes go back to normal, and she turns to Dash with a huge grin.  “Hee hee!  Always!” Dash nods to herself. Still got it. Not that she doesn’t know she’s still awesome.  Of course she’s awesome.  She’s Rainbow Dash.  Hottest piece of action in Ponyville, nay, Equestria!  No way a stud like her would be stuck in some earth pony bed, made of cloth and stuff, lying next to a mare she’s already done a dozen times instead of out racking up more kills. Dash shifts uncomfortably, feeling the hard metal of the bedsprings against her wings.  What kind of lame ass puts metal in a bed, anyway? “You look so cute when you do that,” Pinkie says, scootching a few inches closer to Dash on the damp bed. “Huh?” “Your cute little nose is all scrunched up, like this,” Pinkie says, scrunching her nose comically.  “And you’ve got meany-face thinking eyebrows, like this,” she says, glaring at nothing. Rainbow Dash snorts.  “I’m not cute.” “Are you sure?” Pinkie asks, hovering just far enough away. Rainbow Dash snorts again and rolls onto her side, away from Pinkie.  They really should’ve just gone to her place - how long had it been?  I mean what, it just takes a few minutes to get Twilight to cast the cloudwalking spell, and then bam, fuck party at Rainbow’s pad.  No Cakes down the hall, no foals to be quiet around, just Dash and Pinkie and a good old pegasus-style... She feels Pinkie sigh, feels it through the mattress.  Cloud bed wouldn’t have done that. And why aren’t they in a cloud bed right now?  So what if Twilight finds out she’s still doing Pinkie Pie?  Rainbow Dash can do whoever Rainbow Dash wants.  No big deal.  So what if she’s been doing the same pony all the time lately? So lame. Pinkie Pie isn’t lame.  Most of the time, anyway.  Pinkie Pie is awesome.  It’s not like it’s getting boring - it really isn't, Dash realizes with a start, her eyebrows relaxing for a second.  It’s never boring with Pinkie Pie. It always gets boring eventually.  Gotta keep moving.  Fly right on to the next one. Of course she will.  That’s how it’s always been - Rainbow Dash is way too much for just one pony, and one pony is never gonna be enough for The Dash.  Unless it was a Wonderbolt or something.  She chuckles a little. That’s right, gotta lookout for The Dash. Gotta keep going, gotta be cool, gotta sweep another mare off her hooves, or maybe a stallion because why the hell not?  Gotta fuck ‘em and fly just like every other time, because who has time to get tied down?  Especially when there’s so much to try out there.  That’s the cool thing to do, and cool is one of Rainbow Dash’s many middle names. Yeah, she thinks, still frowning and glaring.  That’s the plan.  Gotta snag some new action. “...Dashie?” It almost startles her.  She turns back to Pinkie Pie.  Pinkie’s still smiling. But it’s one of the bad ones. See, that’s the thing a lot of ponies don’t get about Pinkie.  And Rainbow didn’t really get it either, really, she knows that now.  Sure, she’s always smiling.  But there are a thousand kinds of Pinkie Pie smiles, and they all mean something different. Other ponies makes faces.  Pinkie Pie makes smiles. She never would’ve known if she hadn’t spent so much time in bed with the poor pink pony, so much time so up close and personal that even a pony as thick as Rainbow Dash can be can’t help but start to learn all the different smiles and what they mean. And this is not a good one. “Whatcha thinkin’ about?” Pinkie asks.  Still smiling. “Uh...” Dash gets the urge to burrow under the covers and hide.  Or maybe just fly out the window.  “I dunno,” she says instead, feeling exactly as dumb as it sounds. “Oh.”  Pinkie blinks a few times and then relaxes, lying on her side near Dash.  Still staring at her.  “You look all grump face.” “I’m fine, Pinkie.”  Dash scowls, fluffing her wings in a very grump faced way. “Are you sure?”  Pinkie’s not-good smile morphs into a devious one.  “I can think of a few ways to chase that grump face away, and they’re all fun.” Rainbow Dash feels Pinkie’s hooves creep closer, feels a tingle in her chest as they brush against her belly. Man, we just did it like a million times! She chuckles quietly.  Pinkie really is something else. “Naw, just...” Rainbow Dash brushes the pink hooves away, and tries to ignore the brief flicker of hurt in those blue eyes.  “I dunno.  I mean, if you want to I guess.” Pinkie pulls back, looking at her like... something.  There’s a new smile there, one Dash doesn’t really know.  It’s like she’s a little sad but she’s happy for somepony, like she’s about to say goodbye to a good friend but it’s okay because the good friend is leaving and going somewhere nice. Or something. “I’m okay,” Pinkie says.  “Whatever makes you happy, Dashie.” Dash shrugs.  That’s more like it.  She knows what she wants, what makes her happy - being cool.  Being awesome.  Being the best.  Being the hottest mare around, and having the bedpost notches to prove it.  Same plan, every time, over and over and over again until she can fly her way through the, “Listen, you gotta understand something about The Dash” speech in her sleep. She blinks. Her grump face grows even more intense. Gotta snag some new action. And then a question comes to her, making her blink again. What would make Pinkie Pie happy? She looks over at her friend again - the new smile is gone, and Pinkie is just lying in bed with her, lazily humming and tracing her hoof over the sheets. Before she can think too much about it, Dash scoots over, awkwardly flapping her wings as she wraps Pinkie Pie up in her arms.  She hugs her and then just... stays like that, holding the warm pink pony against her. It feels... pretty good, actually. “Rainbow Dash?” Pinkie says. Dash can’t really see her face, not so close like this.  She’s nuzzling into Pinkie’s mane, nothing in her eyes but thick, blurry curls. “...Are you snuggling me?” Pinkie asks. “I don’t know,” Dash says, snuggling harder.   “I thought you said snuggling was gay?” Pinkie says. “Pinkie, I’m-” “But now you’re snuggling me!” Pinkie says breathlessly. “Oh my gosh, you’re really snuggling me!”  Pinkie finally returns the hug, crushing the breath out of Dash’s ribs and nuzzling her desperately.  “Cuddles for Pinkie!” Dash feels herself giggle, and it doesn’t even make her mad.  She’s wrapped up against Pinkie, tangled up with her, breathing in her sweet scent with every breath, her soft pink body warm against every inch of her.  Dash feels her wings tingling and trembling, somehow, even after the marathon session they’d just put in. But that feeling’s kind of old hat by now, too. “Hey uh...” Dash says, gritting her teeth.  “You doing anything tomorrow night?” Pinkie freezes.  “Why?” “I dunno, uh... I guess...”  She tightens her hooves against Pinkie’s back - taking the plunge isn’t supposed to scare her.  She’s a pegasus, after all.  “You wanna do something?” Pinkie scoots back, leveling her most serious smile right at Dash.  “Something?” “Yeah, like... I dunno.”  Dash shrugs.  “Dinner?” Pinkie’s jaw drops.  She stares, silent for once, just stares at Dash for whole seconds. “I mean, like, you know, you and me...” “Changeling!”  Pinkie yells, shaking Dash back and forth.  “Give me my Dashie back you gross bug pony!” “Hey, stop it you dumb idiot!” Dash says, grinning like a dumb idiot herself.  “I mean it.” Pinkie keeps staring at her, but her lips are trembling - she’s right on the edge of some new and awe-inspiring smile, something so bright that Dash squints out of reflex. But it doesn’t come out quite yet. “...Are you sure?” Pinkie asks quietly. Dash feels that old familiar lurch in her chest, the tingling vertigo of free fall.  Even for a pegasus pony, it’s new and startling and a little scary, every time. Dash loves it. “Yeah,” she says, giving Pinkie a fierce nod.  “You know what?  I am.” And then that new smile comes out, and Dash barely has time to bask in its glory before she’s being assaulted by big, wet smooches all over her face. Heh, that’s a “yes”, I guess. It isn’t long before Pinkie is sliding lower, still loudly kissing, dragging her tongue down Dash’s coat and snaking her hooves slowly up the pegasus pony’s tight rear legs.  She stares up at Dash as she goes, heavy eyelids draped over eyes the color of the sky, staring so full of sex it’s unbelievable. But she’s smiling, too, a big, goofy, happy grin that’s even sexier somehow. Dash leans back with her own stupid grin, feeling her wings straining at her back.  She’s done it with Pinkie more times than she can even count, but somehow her heart is pounding right now. Somehow, it’s different.