> Legend of the Pegasus > by NatetrixNarratorBro > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 Who and What > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coldness is the feeling through and down the mane from behind but feels like a hard surface. The pain on the head like a bad headache started hurting like being hit by a speeding rock, knocking somepony out. Darkness was fill in front but all that had to be done was open the blinds for the first time. There was still dark but torches on rock-like structures were around in a circle. Then realizing there was something else, looking down at hoofs in front, then the gasp. The pony rubs its eyes and looks around to what the pony was in. It was a large cave-like circle room with lit up torches around the circle room. The pony jerk and look around on the ground seeing white marking all around the room with different items around in small white circles. There appear to be only () items around the room. The pony slowly on stands on four hoofs, almost falling back down but quickly tries to keep balance. The item in front of was a statue made of stone with a stallion holding a flag with a logo that the pony doesn't know. To the left was a book with writing on the cover, the pony walk closer to see the title on the book. "Powers and Wonders About our Night Sky" the cover had a mare like figure on the moon, a horn and wings spread out, the Pony tried to find the author but couldn't find one. "Boom!" A loud noise of thunder made the pony jump and so did something else that made the pony turn to its sides. The pony gasp again and seeing feathers around but also looking at the wings attach to its body. The wings must have spread out while the pony got scared of the thunder that crash in the far distance. Still, the wings stay sprang up for only a few seconds before coming back down. The pony looks down to see the green and greyish feather around the white marks on the ground then look to the left to see wings made with cloth and twigs. The pony got closer and picked it with its hoofs to examine it, as it was a perfect fit for well somepony small. The pony sat the made wings down back into the circle then again looking over to the pony's left to see a newspaper on the small white circle. The pony glances to the bold letters on it though who can see it perfectly, "The Elements of Harmony are in Evil hoofs" The pony got a massive head pain now as memories course of screens and yelling of help, then an evil dark laugh grows loudly. The pony tumbles down on its front hoofs but they fade as The pony starts now thinking, putting the puzzle together. The pony was a stallion and not a mare, he liked events about the mare and the moon, and the night sky and including stars. He was a Pegasus who can fly fast and soar through the skies. He started to open his eyes for what was laying on the ground more in front of him. A book of basic education, Spellbooks, A map with every trail, and every location. A broken sword with words on the handle "Royal Guard". There was much more around him but he saw something that caught his eye as he walks over to it. It looks like a purple light star as it looks to be emerald-like, with gold trim around it. A crown was next to it the star, as the Star began to glow it purple light, it kept on glowing and fading for every second until he picks it up and put the star on the crown in front of him. He heard the star click onto the crown and it stops glowing. "Interesting" he let out a whisper as he then put his hoof on his mouth quickly. He spoke, for the very first time he got to hear his voice. His eyes widen and gaze down at the crown in front of him, he picks it up. As he did he heard a voice echo around the room. "Hello their Natetrix." the Pony jump, looking around to see who was speaking but nobody was around only the pony back trembling background back into the middle of the white marking again. "Who are you?" the Pony ask looking around, in front of him, above, left to right but couldn't find anypony around. "Calm down Natetrix, I'm the star that you are holding." He then looks down in his hoofs the crown in front of him. So the voice was coming from the star emerald on the crown, and it was talking to him! a little crazy. He tilts his head down at it. "So you're the star, and you're talking to me?" "It a long story Natetrix but listen you don't have time." the voice paused for a few seconds as now knowing Natetrix is his name, he looks around at the white marking around him. "You have to get this crown to Twilight Sparkle immediately." "Twilight Sparkle? " said Natetrix as he sees a saddlebag behind the broken sword. "Yes, She a Princess and once you're with her you will be safe." with no time then, Natetrix puts the crown in the saddlebag and puts it behind his wings and strapping it on as the voice continue. "Equestria is dangerous but you have to make it to Canterlot quick and get Twilight Sparkle her crown." "What you mean dangerous?" "There no time Natetrix, there a hidden passage behind a crate, grab what you need and go." Natetrix saw the crate behind books and other items before he left out the grab the broken sword and seeing that it was broken in half by force, but he sees that the handle part and the blade was sharp for poking. He took it and put it inside his saddlebag as he did another thunder struck down, this time shaking the ground above. Natetrix starts to push the large crate as it was light enough to push and seeing a piece of cloth covering a doorway. He crotches down and walks down a small cave hall leading to on the other side, a light. Squeezing through the tough gap of the cave all, Natetrix lands himself on a small bed on the side of the cave wall. It felt comfy but there wasn't time though for being comfortable as you gotta get out of there. He looks around the room he's in now, but mostly he sees large steel like poles surrounding as he was in a cage. He saw small pieces of paper in different symbols on the stone floor, as in somepony was interested in drawing these symbols. Natetrix hop off the bed quickly and saw a steel door left wide open, he walks past the door and looks down to his right More torches were lit down a big wide hallway however there were more so like jail cells on each side of the walls. He heard a pony cough in the distance down the hall, and two more coughs down in one of the jail cells that were close by. Matrix took a sigh and started to walk down the hallway, he peers around the jail cells as he continues to walk however there was no light in the cells. Suddenly a hoof stuck out from one of the jail cells as Natetrix moves away quickly. "Please help us...Please..." Natetrix saw a light cyan hoof then drew his hoof back as Natetrix was walking away quickly, starting to kick up the pace. Finally, he sees a staircase but more hoofs stuck out from the cells begging for Natetrix to let them out of the cells. "Where am I?" ask himself in his thought looking at the top of the staircase then began to rush up the steps to a wooden door with steel framing around it. Natetrix pushes the door open quick not looking back. The rain poured on top of Natetrix as he pushed the door open and into smelling fresh air for the first time but he looks down at the fresh grass below his hoofs. He moved his hoofs side to side on the grass and feeling sorta happy then another loud boom echo in the air and Natetrix snaps back. Looking around more in his surroundings he found himself face ahead three tents and a fence steel area. He took a deep breath and walk down towards the tents but quickly stops after getting two steps down there. Natetrix caught an eye on a pony being thrown out of the tent and into the center of the three tents. Their stepping out of the tent was three ponies each holding shovels, but what Natetrix saw mostly at them were their crazy eyes, and some weird lightish blue wigs on their heads, kinda like curly hair but there were sticks and leaves on them. They walk over to the now helpless earth pony standing in the middle of the small tent site, they both began to raise their shovels. Natetrix had to do something quick, then he yelled out. "HEY! leave him alone!" That sure caught their attention quick as all three ponies stood there lowering their shovels as the Earth pony began to flee to another tent, hopefully, safe from not being attack. "What the? what the hell you doing here Pegasus?!" one of crazy eye pony said as they began to march down to Natetrix. They were unicorns, all three were unicorns raising their shovels high through levitation and twirling the shovels and pointing towards their next prey. Natetrix took small steps back, he didn't want these ponies to hurt him but he didn't want them to also hurt the earth pony though. Then Natetrix without warning his eyes go shut. "Natetrix wake up!" the grey Pegasus opens his eyes quick and seeing he was on soft grass, and slowly once again gets up from whatever happened to him. He looks around his surroundings once more, as he sees big trees and leaves above him but there was something different about the leaves. No that's not right, they're supposed to be green but they were red, all the leaves were red, and the trees were the color of ashes, but the air still smells fine, but everything was not right. Natetrix stood there frozen looking at the trees. "Why are trees like this? who did this?" said Natetrix "Lord Morra" There was the voice again coming from the crown in his bag. It was talking and this time, Natetrix wanted an answer to everything. He took the crown out his saddlebag and place it on a flat stone rock nearby. Natetrix looks at the crown and spoke. "Start talking, what is going on here?!" he shouted as he could before the voice from the star spoke up quick. "Keep it down Natetrix! somepony will hear you, and I don't wanna lose you through what happens to you when you pass out." Natetrix put a hoof his head rubbing it. "So you going to tell me?" He waited there for a response before hearing a sigh of the voice. "Its time I told you what going on here." Natetrix walk over close to the crown. "Sit Natetrix, as I will tell" He doesn't waste time and sit down in front of the crown in front of him, as the voice started. "Long ago there was peace and happiness, The Elements of Harmony is the key power of friendship. The users used the Elements to defeat their enemies and solving friendship problems to keep the land in peace and harmony. However, a mare by the name of Lord Morra took charge and led a villain army to the land." Natetrix put a hoof on his chin as the voice continued to tell. "She brought the users enemies back into Equestria to help her rule. After the long rage in Equestria the only safe place now was Canterlot, were four Princesses now stay in defense in the castle up on the mountain. Some of the villains in Lord Morra group quickly separated to take over different parts of the land of Equestria. Queen Chrysalis now has a hive of a giant army of changelings, King Sombra the new ruler of the Crystal Empire. Nightmare Moon now sets up her kingdom on the island near Manehatten with no pony around but only in her castle as servants to her throne. Finally, Cozy Glow is the new mayor of Ponyvill who seeks every pony in her town to suffer, and live poorly." Natetrix look down then quickly stood up. "Natetrix we need to give this crown to Twilight Sparkle in Canterlot, Once she has the crown, I'm sure she will figure out something to get the Elements back." The voice let out a sigh as Natetrix look down at his hoof, for a few seconds he thought of everything and now it made sense to why all this has happened. Lord Morra would pay for this, for what she has done, and making ponies suffer like this. He wanted to stop Morra and help Equestria get peace back. "I don't know who you are, but I'm willing to help," said Natetrix "Thank you Natetrix." said the voice as Natetrix had another question pop into his head. "So how you know my name?" he asks. There was a long silence between the two before the voice spoke up calmly. "Cause I'm the one that made you Natetrix." Natetrix's eyes went wide as he froze in place. "W-what?!"