When a hero and a princess can't get along.

by Light Heart101

First published

Book Knight is a superhero who scares villains away from even thinking of committing a crime. Twilight is a princess who tries to reform said villains through friendship. Book thinks that she's weak, and Twilight think's he's too extreme. Oh dear.

Book Knight learned about the great comic book hero known as Batman and decided to follow in his footsteps to become the hero that fights in the shadows, handling the underground criminals that the royal guard and the princesses can't handle on their own. He is smart and skilled at hoof to hoof combat. He also uses throwing stars and shadow magic to gain the edge on his enemies. He is the Shadow Knight, the dark hero of Equestria.

Twilight doesn't see him as a hero. She sees him as a nutcase who she regrets handing the comic to in the first place. He's extreme and needs to find a friendlier way to handle stuff like this. So she does the one thing she can think of to sort this out. She brings Book and complains to Celestia and Luna about it.

The argument is pure and simple. Twilight wants a more rational solution to handling high-level crimes without a lot of fighting. Book claims that she is a crybaby who doesn't understand criminals or how to handle them.

After that Twilight only has one response. Picking a fight with him.

This story was written for a writing contest hosted by


It won fourth place.

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"... So I believe that we need a new plan for handling high-level crimes that do not involve violence."

Twilight had just finished giving a half-hour lecture about the one pony she actually hated, Book Knight, or as he is known at night time, Shadow Knight. He was Equestria's version of Batman, namely because she gave him the dumb comic that she borrowed from the Mirror world's Rainbow Dash. Now, Book was admittedly a capable fighter and tactician, but everything about the Shadow Knight was against what she was trying to build, and that was friendship.

So as a princess she decided to take every document on Book, and try to explain how there were better ways to handle criminals like these. She brought up how many injuries the criminals had received, the ponies who she had personally reformed, and any other thing she could think about that can allow the other princesses to see things her way.

She had Celestia, Luna, and Book at the meeting so she could explain every little detail to all of them. Celestia looked like she was on the fence a bit. Luna looked bored and annoyed a bit, but Twilight expected her to be biased due to her being the one who gave Book this position. Book kept silent as he wasn't giving any tells on his emotions.

When Twilight finished her speech Book stood up. "Well, now that you're done and have practically gone over my whole career, may I speak?"

Twilight knew that it was only fair to let him have a say, so she politely nodded. "Of course."

"Well then, you're an idiot." Twilight and Celestia gasped in shock at what Book had just said. "You are in the mindset of this being a perfect world, but evil exists out there. Some of the criminals I faced have been through the reformation program. There are ponies out there who you can't reason with, and when you turn a blind eye to them innocent ponies get hurt. Maybe they can be reformed, but there are also ponies that need protecting. I rescued kidnapped kids, stopped crime sprees, and even fought ponies who plotted to kill you three. I am the line in the sand, and to take that away is begging the destruction of Equestria. You would never understand what it means to be on the front lines."

Twilight was livid that this pony was willing to call her a fool and accuse her of not knowing what it means to protect ponies. "Excuse me, but I have fought more powerful villains than you've ever faced and reformed many of them."

"And by my count, it's a fifty-fifty chance. Do the math and grow up." Book said coldly as he walked away. "Leave the crime-fighting to the ponies who know what they're doing. I'm the real fighter here, not you."

Twilight's eyes glared daggers at this stubborn pony. Book was being extremely rude and insulting. "Why you..." Twilight charged an energy beam and hit him in the back. As Book stumbled on the ground Twilight stormed to him angerly. "How DARE you! You are a stubborn and obsessive freak! I have protected this country long before you put on the mask! Don't you dare judge me!" Normally she would never allow herself to get violent like this, but she had enough of Book's thick-headedness.

Book grunted a bit as he got up. Twilight started to worry if she had actually hurt him, but a quick hoof to her face told her otherwise. As she stumbled back, she heard Book scold at her again. "My job is to make sure that this country is safe. I've never killed. I followed every rule that Celestia and Luna gave me, but you still say I'm extreme? You're a hypocrite!"

Twilight gritted her teeth in rage. She was sick and tired of this pony. Book had been following this hero fantasy for too many years. It was time for him to be put in his place. She turned around to blast him again, but it was made clear that Book was a hoof to hoof fighter. Book was already close to her and punched her head several times.

She knew that she needed to get some distance from him, so she quickly teleported away and tried to fire a magical beam at him. Book's training and skill soon showed as he ducked out of the way. "Alright, I'll do something bigger!" Twilight thought as she started firing several beams at him at once. A few of them grazed Book, but he was dodging them for the most part. As Twilight thought that she had an advantage as she flew up into the air, Book's horn glowed black as he was surrounded in a black mist.

"STOP HIDING!!!" Twilight screamed before feeling somepony land on her, sending her flying to the ground.

"You forget who I am. I am the master of shadows and the top of my class in martial arts. I don't back down." Book said coldly as he pined her by her wings.

Twilight grunted as she kept trying to get free, but Book took this opportunity to punch her horn, making her head throb in pain and preventing her to use her magic to get free. "Get off of me!" She yelled as she struggled.

"So we can talk it out? I'll let you go, but I want to tell you something. My job is to handle the enemies who you can't face because they don't accept friendship like you. I don't get the privilege of talking and working it out. I deal with hardened criminals who let their actions speak for them. Redeeming them is for the courts to decide. So that next time you think that I'm a nutcase with a mask, remember the restraint I showed you, my attacker. I could have broken bones, cracked your horn, or even kill you, but that's not who I am. Never forget it." Book said as he hopped off of her.

Twilight rubbed her wings a bit. She did realize that in spite of the fact that Book was being a jerk earlier, she was the one who lost her cool in the end. She let her own frustration of Book build until he defied her reasoning.

As she tried to catch her breath, she looked at Book with a curious look. "Tell me one thing, why are you so insensitive?"

Book gave a soft sigh as he spoke with a somber tone. "When you have seen the evil and darkness I've seen, you learn to numb the shock and horror. I have seen things that no innocent pony should ever see. I throw my life on the line so nopony has to see or suffer as I do. I don't get any recognition or special reward. All I get is you yelling at me for doing my job."

Twilight lowered her head a bit, thinking about what all was classified as a high-level crime, and what the worst-case scenario could be to see them first-hoof. "I forgot that you were just following orders. I know you suggested the position, but I shouldn't have snapped. I'm sorry."

Book nodded. "Also, your fighting technique needs a lot of work. You're too predictable." Book said as he helped her up.

"So, that now makes us even on the bets," Celestia said as her sister handed her a bag of bits.

Twilight's eyes widened at the two grinning sisters. "Wait, what?!?"

"We never were going to change anything about Book's position. We knew you two would fight when Book would dismiss your accusations like they were nothing, so we had a bet on who would win in a fight. We authorized it, so neither of you will get in any trouble. It's our way of making sure we are still fit for combat if needed. Sorry for not telling you, but this was too fun to pass up." Luna said with a large grin.

Twilight's eye twitched as she learned that this was just an elaborate set up to get her into a fight with Book. Suddenly she had a calm grin on her face. "So... a princess can have a soldier fight another princess? Well then, with you two being beaten so often, I think you need a little practice of your own." The grinned as she looked at Book. "Why don't you show them how it's done? You are one of the best fighters here."

Book grinned as he walked towards the two nervous alicorns. "Well, I have five minutes to spare. They want to see what I can do, so be it."

Luna turned to her older sister. "Tia, I blame you for this."

"Stop talking and start running!" Celestia yelled as Book started chasing them down the hall.

All Twilight could do was giggle as she followed the sweet sounds of chaos. "I wish Discord was here."