> Letters > by Wind Scribe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > To My Faithful Student > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- My Faithful Student Twilight Sparkle, I would like to start off with extending my thanks to you in recent events. Were it not for you, Canterlot, and dare I say, all of Equestria, would have suffered greater damage than what Visionary Dusk had invoked on our fair capitol. And although he is no longer with us, Sam’s presence and actions will be forever recognized and praised. I only wish I had the opportunity to say so in person before he returned to his home. Though, let us not dwell on such sad tidings, but reflect on the cherished moments that Harmony had allowed us to have beside him. My sister had told me of the nights they would lay out in the garden as they watched the stars that she set amongst the sky. She was delighted to have someone so captivated by her arrangements of the night as he was. It took her by surprise when I introduced her to the National Stargazers’ Association not long ago. She went on for hours about their praise for her and her art. She even none too subtly hinted about the members’ preference to her and her work over my own when she was still imprisoned on the moon. That is alright though. I could never presume to have a finer control over the night sky than she does.  With Sam no longer here, Captain Aegis Flare has expressed on multiple occasions that the castle grounds are much quieter than before. Not necessarily a negative sentiment, but one can see that the captain misses our friend in his own way. So, he has filled his time with redoubling his efforts of the Guard’s training and looking over the technology left behind from Sam’s world. Studies on the foreign technology from Sam’s world has taken much of his and the Royal Research wing’s time. It still astounds me with how advanced his world must be to produce such technological wonders. I can only imagine what it must look like in person. Before I forget, the archmages have asked me to pass along their notes for you to review. I’m sure you and Sam had discussed many things about his world, and they only wish to know if you have any more information that would further their studies. Just know that you do not have to feel that you must find answers to their questions. They only request that you look them over and offer any insight on their studies. Twilight, I can’t hope to know how you feel about Sam’s departure, and how it has left you. From your recent reports, it seems that life in Ponyville is still going well. However, forgive me for speaking so candidly, I can sense your letters hold an essence of melancholy for him. I hope it is enough, but if you need to talk about it, I am always here for you. Yours and always,   Princess Celestia > Hey Little Sis > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twiley, Hey, sis! Sorry I haven’t wrote to you sooner. I know I promised to do just that more often. Cadence and I have just been trying to settle into our new lives together after the wedding. We traveled all the way to Vanhoover to take a private cruise out over the Northern Lunar Ocean for our honeymoon, and we couldn't send any letters til we got back inland. I know, that’s no excuse since I could have sent at least one before we set off. So, as your brother, you have my word that I’ll send letters more often in the future.  Anyways, I heard about what happened in Canterlot. Mom and Dad sent a letter to let me know that they’re okay. I have to say though. A crazy, power-hungry unicorn? Pony and Griffon mercenaries, and an alien from another world? That’s just really crazy to think about. They even told me about how you all met the alien in person together. Me and Cadence have been reading the news about him, and he sounds a little reckless. Though we agreed that if you were able to befriend him, he couldn't be all that bad. But be honest, sis. Is he really a hairless-looking ape like in the photos? Or is that some kind of disguise enchantment the princesses put on him? Is he more like the Apuchacabrians like in Space Adventures, issue 7? You know; all slimy, 8 legs, and covered in red scales? A ‘human’ just seems gross odd. No offense to him or his species of course. Although, I’m glad to hear that he was at least on our side when Canterlot came under attack. I would never forgive myself if you or anyone else were hurt in the attack, and I wasn’t there. I was the captain of the royal guard after all, and more so, a member of the guard sworn to protect Equestria and her citizens. I should have been there nonetheless to do my duties. I know, you’d say that ‘I can’t blame myself’ and ‘I couldn’t have known that it would happen’. Still, to think that you were all in danger and I wasn’t there. Alright, I know you’re probably thinking I should stop beating myself up over this, so I will. Cadence hates it when I get pouty like this anyways. She says that I'll tend to forget all the good that can come out of the situation in the end when I do. You know me though, I can't help but worry about my family when I hear that they could be in danger. Hopefully next time you can count on your big brother to be there. That way I won't have to be 'pouty' about it afterwards. Well, me and Cadence are getting ready to head back to Canterlot in the morning. Hopefully this letter gets to you before we return so I can look forward to something waiting in Canterlot. I’d love to hear back from my baby sister as soon as possible. Alright, love you baby sis. From your BBBFF,   Shining Armor > Salutations > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Salutations, dear Twilight,  I hope this letter finds you in good health. We have much to discuss and catch up on, but my duties to Equestria as Princess of the Night burdens me with much less time for myself. I am at least glad I had the opportunity to send you an informal correspondence such as this one. Please be sure to send my regards to the rest of the element bearers, and may good fortune find you all. I’d also like to extend my gratitude to your fair township for once again playing host for myself on Nightmare Night. I don’t wish to disparage Shade Hollow, or Dodge City, nor their residents, but Ponyville has been my most favorite place to celebrate that most auspicious occasion, played in no small part of Miss Applejack and her family’s confectioneries, and Miss Pinkie Pie’s eccentricities. Although, I believe my favorite part of the night is seeing the bright and happy faces of the foals beneath their varied costumes as they, too, enjoy the night themselves. As you are no doubt aware, reconstruction of Canterlot is progressing steadily. Although much was damaged, and some had lost their homes, life is returning to the capitol. It also seems that the Royal Research Wing has produced an abundance of new innovations, thanks to the technology left behind from Sam’s world. The ‘radio’ is certainly a delight to listen to while I am in my private chambers. If I remember correctly, my sister had mentioned that your own research from your time with Sam played an important role in some of these innovations. I’m sorry if my mentioning of his name has stirred up old emotions, but I’m sure he is happy to be back among his companions. And so, too, should we be happy for him in this regard, along with the time that we did have with him among us. It saddened me deeply to see him go, and I would be called a liar if I said I didn’t want him to stay, even for just a little longer. Wherever he may be, we can rest assured that we will not let his memory be forgotten. We owe a great debt to him after all. It is about time to begin my duties, so I must go. We, my sister and I, hope to hear from you once more when time allows. Again, we hope this letter is sent in good tidings, and that your future looks as bright as a full moon’s glow. May the stars watch over you,   Princess Luna, Sovereign of the Moon > Sunshine, Sunshine > --------------------------------------------------------------------------     Twilight, Hi there, Twilight. It’s Cadence. You probably already knew from the seal. It’s been far too long. After you and your friends helped us save the Crystal Empire from King Sombra, I can’t thank you enough. The Crystal Ponies are forever in yours’ and Spike ‘The Brave and Glorious’ debt. Yes, the Crystal Ponies are now referring to him as that. They’re even building a statue in the town’s square in his honor. If I know him, as I’m sure you do, he might let it go too much to his head. He also has that stained glass window Auntie Celestia had commissioned in the royal hall. So, if I were you, I’d hide the sapphires somewhere else than in the kitchen.  Speaking of the Crystal Empire, things have been hectic, to say the least. A thousand year displacement can certainly be quite the shock to anypony. The Crystal Ponies still need time to adjust to such a modern world, and need to be brought up to speed on modern innovations. Not that I want to say anything against them, but many of their practices and ideals are rather, archaic. Simply introducing them to modern medical practices has been a chore. Did you know that the common treatment for a sore throat in the empire is leeches? Yes, leeches. The doctor I spoke to on this said that ‘ailments in the body simply just need to be drawn out’, and then he brought out a jar of the slimy things for me to look at. I almost slapped the jar out his hooves as he brought it closer to my face. You know how much I hate slimy things. If that wasn’t bad enough, then there was the oven fiasco in the palace. Your brother and I had some things sent from Central Equestria to modernize our suite and kitchen. You see, one of the maids assigned to preparing our meals had never seen a magitech oven before. Most, if not all, cooked meals in the Crystal Empire are made using stuff like wood-burning hearths and chilled using ice boxes instead of refrigerators. The poor mare had no idea how to use the stove and ended up causing a fire. I ended up instructing her on its proper use as she apologized profusely. That is, after I had to stop her from killing herself out of the shame she had apparently brought to the royal family. Like I said; archaic. Overall, not her fault, but the underlying problem of modernizing the Crystal Empire remains the same. Thankfully, Auntie Luna has been a huge help in that regard. She’s been offering wonderful advice on the subject and has even come to the empire on some occasions to be our advocate at times. I couldn’t ask for a better pony for this job, too. Auntie Luna still doesn’t like talking about it as much with me, but I think her own thousand year gap still bothers her. Being among ponies that have faced the same hardships I think gives her a sense of ease. I’ve noticed that she smiles more easily around the Crystal Ponies than back in Canterlot.  There’s still a long road ahead for the Crystal Empire, but we are making progress. Some of the Crystal Ponies have even expressed an interest in going out to explore the new world. I wish them the best and hope that the rest of Eques can offer the best for them, as much as I offer Eques to the Crystal Empire.  Thanks again for all your’s and your friends’ help, and I hope to write to you soon, or even better, have you visit. The Crystal Empire is so beautiful to see. Well, without the looming threat of a tyrannical king over our heads.     Your sister-in-law,       Princess Mi Amore Cadenza         Cadence > Canterlot RRW correspondence > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miss Twilight Sparkle, My name is Archmage Ivory Charm, and I am a member of the Canterlot Royal Research Wing. We’ve actually spoken on a few occasions beforehoof. The reason I am writing to you today is actually related to my current research.  You see, after the attack on Canterlot, a few of the archmages, including myself, were tasked by the crown to review Visionary Dusk’s findings and anything else related to ‘conduits’. As much I personally would never abide by his methods, his research is still a valuable resource of information on the subject.  In any case, I will get to the point. As I said before, myself and other archmages are researching the subject of ‘conduits’ and other related subjects. As of a week ago, as of the time of writing this letter, I came across a very peculiar discovery. A few months ago, I was working on another experiment of improving thaumium wire’s magical resonance and flux extraction. As an abbreviated summary of that experiment; I was tweaking the formula and process of manufacturing the material. The experiment was met with minimal success, and I was forced to put the research on hiatus. Now, I was clearing out some of my older works to make room for other projects when I found this particular experiment buried in one of my lockers. That is when I made my peculiar discovery. One of my spools of experimental wire was not how I had left it. At first, I thought it was some sort of trick of the light, but this particular spool was glowing with an abnormally silver tint. I then tried to pick it up with my magic, and that’s when I discovered that the wire was also suddenly abnormally resistant to magic. I know for a certainty that I did not use any materials that were magic resistant in the production of this spool, or any other, and I even checked over my notes to confirm the formulas. Yet, here I was, with a spool of experimental thaumium wire that was made to ‘conduct’ more magic that was suddenly ‘resistant’ to magic. I brought it out to check over it in my spare time, and one of the ‘ray-field radiation detectors’ we now keep in the lab suddenly started to show a reaction.  Yes, it was this spool of thaumium wire that was the cause. It was somehow emitting a distinct signature of RF radiation. As it was related to my current research, I brought it to the attention of my fellow archmages, and we tried to determine how this had happened, even replicating the formula and producing more wire. This is when we made another peculiar discovery. At first, the newly made wire emitted no RF radiation and was still a coppery color. However, after several hours, we noticed that the new wire was taking on a more silvery tint, and when tested, emitted a faint RF radiation signature just like the first.  As we are still woefully ignorant on these matters concerning conduits, I would like to ask if you have any notes or explanations to this phenomenon, as you are still the leading authority on the subject. I’ve included the Royal Research Wing’s current short notes on the subject and current discovery for your review on the matter. We would be very grateful if you are able to help us on this subject and are eager to hear your reply. Very Respectfully, Archmage Ivory Charm P.S. Just as I was about to send this letter, we were informed that the Manehatten Gemology Society have discovered a peculiar sample of quartz that seems to be showing characteristics of a similar nature as our experimental thaumium. We have already sent requests for its acquisition, and I will forward any relevant notes to you for review at your discretion. > To Whom it May Concern > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Miss Twilight Sparkle, This is Archmage Ivory Charm from the Royal Research Wing again. First, I’d like to thank you for your continued assistance in the recent spike of Ray Field radiation surges and other unknown phenomena that have been cited around Equestria. Which is why I am sorry to inform you of another such phenomenon that has been reported from the Crystal Empire. I’ve forwarded a copy of the report with this letter for your review. If I can be a bit open with you, I’d like to voice my concerns over these matters. No more than a few months ago, when their majesties requested the ‘conduit’ research to begin, there was no record of these phenomenons occurring. Yet, as of today, these events appear to be happening more and more frequently. Not only that, but I did some calculations with my fellow archmages, and we observed that it seems like these events appear to be happening in an oddly specific pattern. You see, aside from the odd variable, the first recorded events of these phenomena were in Canterlot, or within a couple dozen kilometers of the capitol. Most of which were interferences with the world’s magical leyline and flux before restabilizing, and events like my experimental thaumium wire. Then, upon plotting the rest out, the events were spreading out and expanding across Equestria like a ripple on the water. I will be the first to admit that I am actually a little scared about what this all means. We’ve all read the reports and your shared personal notes. Although seemingly benign, I can’t shake the feeling that this is all some sort of prelude of something that is to come.  Forgive me for my unprofessional opinion, but I was unsure of how to bring this up to my fellow archmages. If it would not be too much trouble, and I know it is a long shot, but would you have any possibilities of reversing this event? I’m just uncertain as to what could happen if this RF radiation continues to spread. Very Respectfully,   Archmage Ivory Charm --o0o-- To Whom it may concern, This is Smoky Shine of the Canterlot geologist division. My team and I were doing a routine excavation of a local cavern just south of the Crystal Empire when we encountered a strange occurrence. As we were aware of the recent phenomena happening all over Equestria, we were certain of what we had encountered. We were also able to verify this with the RF radiation detector that we were issued upon our departure.  Within the cavern we explored, we came across a mineral that was unlike anything else. The unicorns on our team complained about headaches and that the magical fields within the caves were very erratic. I, too, felt something was off. Call it Earth Pony intuition, but the mineral that seemed to line the caverns in veins were mysterious to say the least. It was at the suggestion of one of the others that we decided to use the RF radiation detector.  Unsurprisingly, we did get a reaction from the mineral in question. However, the kind of reaction we received was confusing. I only heard this in passing, so I will accept correction for my ignorance, but as far as I know, most reactions using the detector usually come with an easily identifying level in its measurement. This mineral, when scanned with the detector, made the detector’s needle swing wildly around the gauge. I, and two of my colleagues, rechecked the condition of the detector to see if this was a mistake, but we could not find any obvious defects.  So, as a precaution, we have sent a sample of this mineral to be included with this letter, and to be further tested back in Canterlot. We’ve also enclosed notes on this encounter and await possible guidance on how to proceed with this discovery. With warm regards,   Smoky Shine > Dear Twilight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight, I’m sorry for being rushed, but I need you to come to Canterlot immediately. It is a matter I know only you can properly handle with the experience you’ve had with this type of situation. I’d like to explain it in detail within this letter, but this matter is highly sensitive. I will be sure to explain everything properly once you have arrived. Until then, may your travel be safe. Yours,   Princess Celestia