Gallus and the waterpark problem

by Harasha the Gryphon

First published

The student 6 go to a waterpark but Gallus is soon affected by a strange spell. can he find a way to break the spell before it's too late

the student six are going to a water park for some much needed RandR however things go completely south for gallus when he drinks somepony else's drink and the drink has bizarre effects on him, can gallus and his friends find the owner of the drink before the spell destroys gallus?

Contains the following: gender transformation mtf embarrassment luslus (I'm not kidding that's what derpibooru calls it) yonabar lots of teasing

a day of relaxation

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Gallus had only just finished stuffing a gym bag into a locker inside a shower room with an attached locker room to store personal effects. Standing right next to him was Sandbar, also shoving assorted junk into his locker.

“Awesome way to spend spring break eh Gallus?”

Gallus chuckled, “Yeah, the biggest water park in all of Equestria.”

Gallus and Sandbar entered the shower portion of the room to rinse before going out into the park. As Gallus entered the shower, he couldn't help but catch a glance at Sandbar's equine junk. This simple glance was more than enough to set off feelings of resentment at how much bigger Sandbar's penis was than his own. Gallus shook his head and promptly turned on the water flow to get his feathers wet.

“So Sandbar? What are you gonna do today?”

Sandbar chuckled, “Yona wants to go on all the water slides with me.”

“Heh,” Gallus snickered, “You and Yona eh. Still not sure how that works; she's like twice your size.”

Sandbar just smirked, “It works well, wouldn't trade her for anypony else. Maybe after we get back to our hotel rooms, Yona might wanna -smash- if you know what I'm sayin.” Sandbar elbowed Gallus, only inciting an eye roll.

“Don't get me started on that. Shes so loud in her,” Gallus raised his claws to do finger quotes. “smashing sessions with you, I'm lucky to get any bucking sleep.” The pair of them left the shower room.

“You'll understand when you get a girlfriend... Silverstream looks pretty good, doesn't she? Bet she'll look even better in a seashell bathing suit.”

Gallus just groaned, “For fuck's sake Sandbar. I'm not really into Silverstream like that. Just because we're both birds, don't mean we're gonna hook up. Why does everypony keep thinking that?”

“Eh, sorry Gallus.” Sandbar closed his locker room door.

“It's fine Sandbar, don't fret about it.”

Gallus inevitably found inquiries like this kinda annoying. Ever since he got into the School of Friendship, he hadn't really thought about his friends in a serious sexual way. Sure, there was the odd fantasy with one of the girls at the school, but never anything serious. Gallus stowed those thoughts away for another time, as he and Sandbar left the changing room, only to be greeted by their friends.

Yona was huge like she usually was, but she wasn't wearing any of her traditional yak clothing. Silverstream was the next tallest; she had grown quite a bit since they started attending school together. Nowhere near as big as a full grown hippogryph woman, but still pretty tall. Gallus couldn't help but notice that Silverstream, like Yona, lacked any bathing suit; he could only guess it was because she intended to become a seapony later.

Gallus's eyes turned to Smolder. She had a fairly well-chiseled body from all her flying and workouts. What really took Gallus by surprise was the fact that she was wearing a one piece, bright pink bathing suit. By now he and everypony else knew that Smolder had a girly side to her. A side that she would sock anyone for daring to talk about. Ocellus too was wearing a wet suit, but the material it was made of looked extremely stretchy, perhaps to accommodate Ocellus's changeling powers.

The whole conversation about dating his friends got Gallus considering how attractive he found them. Despite empathically denying it to Sandbar, he did find Silverstream hot. Smolder was a bit less so; she'd likely stay in the friend zone, and would likely agree to that. And then there was Ocellus. Her base form was extremely cute, and as a changeling, she could become any fantasy she wanted to indulge with Gallus. In the end, though if Gallus ever wanted to date Ocellus, it would be because of her personality.

Yona's loud blusterous voice broke Gallus out of arguably ogling his female friends. “Yona ready for water slide party. Let's go Sandbar.” Without a second thought, Yona snatched up Sandbar and carried him away on her back.

Ocellus giggled, “Yona's always so enthusiastic. I'm gonna head to the lazy river to relax a bit, see you at the end of the day.” With that, Ocellus trotted off.

“Ooooo, where are you going Smolder?”

“Where else, the sauna. Catch ya later dudes.” Soon enough, all that were left was Silverstream and Gallus. “Soooo Gallus? Wanna go to the beach with me? I totally wanted to get some proper ocean swimming in before I do anything else.”

Gallus shrugged, “Eh I don't see why not. I was gonna relax on the beach at some point anyways. Can't relax there without a drink though.” Gallus meeped as Silverstream rushed forward and gave him a huge hug. Not the first time that happened, and certainly not the last, but it still always took him off guard. “See you there, Gallus.” With a fwoosh, she flew off into the distance. Gallus didn't really feel like flying, especially if he wanted to get snacks while on the way to the beach. His next destination was deciding which way to go on a nearby park map.


Gallus had just finished his run to the juice bar on the boardwalk for the park. On his way to said juice bar, he also had to make a detour back towards the locker room again to pick up his sunglasses. As he was walking down the boardwalk, he took a sip of his juice but quickly recoiled at the unusual taste. Gallus stopped and looked at the juice in his talon. Like every juice glass given out by the bar, it was adorned with a straw and a lemon. The juice in his hands however, was green but he had ordered something red.

“Must have picked up somepony else's drink by mistake.” Gallus stared at the peculiar green liquid occasionally humming. “Eh, I already took a sip from it... and it's kinda good. I doubt the pony I grabbed this from is gonna be too mad, hope she likes fruit punch.”

With a shrug, Gallus continued down the boardwalk, all the while sipping enthusiastically at the green juice. His walking soon came to an end when he found himself overlooking a huge beach that stretched for quite a long way. There were ponies and even other creatures having all kinds of fun on the beach. Gallus searched this crowd of ponies until he spotted Silverstream next to one of the umbrellas building a sandcastle. With a flap, Gallus flew over to his enthusiastic friend.

“Heya Silver,” Gallus waved.

Silverstream looked up from building her sandcastle, “Oh, hi Gallus.” She promptly grinned.“Wanna help me build my own little seapony kingdom?”

Gallus chuckled, “Maybe later, Silver. Right now I'm gonna drink my juice.”

“Ooooh ooooh, what flavor?” Silverstream bounced up and down giddily.

“Ummm” Gallus scratched the back of his head, “no idea, really. I accidentally picked up somepony else's drink. Tastes good though, whatever it is.”

“Wow!” Silverstream's eyes lit up, “Mystery flavor. Can I get one too?”

“Errr maybe...” Gallus took another sip.

“YAY!” Silverstream clapped, “For now though, sandcastle time. I set up a towel for you to lay on over there” Silverstream pointed to a blue beach umbrella with a dark red towel directly under it.

Gallus couldn't help but smile, “Thanks Silver, you're a good friend.”

Gallus squeaked at Silverstream's sudden tight hug. “No problem, Gallus.”

Soon enough, Gallus and Silverstream broke from their hug, and Gallus went over to the towel. Once on his back, Gallus put his sunglasses on and took the last sip of his juice. Gallus found the his relaxation spot extremely cozy. Warmth from the beach was permeating his entire body, while the sounds of the beach lulled him into a state of relaxation. Gallus couldn't help but lose track of time, wrapped up in the sensations of the beach. After a long time though, something compelled him to sit up; for some reason, the beach got mysteriously colder. Gallus looked over to Silverstream building her sandcastle, and he figured now was a good time to get in on some beach fun. Gallus got up from his towel and went over to Silverstream who was carefully crafting a tower for her seapony kingdom.

“Oh hi Gallus,” Silverstream looked up from her work.

“Beach got cold for some reason... let's build a seapony kingdom.” Gallus smirked.

“Awesome, get a bucket and start a tower... I gotta finish the royal hugmaster's tower.”

“Hugmaster?” Gallus cocked an eyebrow.

Silverstream nodded, “Yeah hugmaster, he's in charge of making sure everypony gets a hug.”

“Riiight.” Gallus chuckled and turned to find a blue bucket just nearby. Gallus grabbed the bucket and turned back towards Silverstream. Gallus couldn't help but notice that Silverstream's eyeballs had shrunk to a microscopic size and she was just staring at him. “Umm Silver? You ok?”. Silverstream just stood there staring, just like she did to Yona back at the school dance. “Come on, Silver, spit it out. What's up? Did I accidentally step on the princess's garden or something?”

Eventually. Silver was able to snap herself out of her stupor and splutter out the problem.

Gallus heard the words but comprehended nothing. “Ok Silver, speak slowly now.”

“Gallus, You, me.. same now.” Silverstream motioned. Gallus blushed, he couldn't believe what he was hearing. All this time, Silver was attracted to him.

“Wow Silver... I never knew you felt that way about me... I don't really know what to say.” Silverstream groaned and tossed Gallus on the ground face up. Gallus had no idea what to say or do. He never expected Silverstream to be the kind of woman to rape a man. Once Gallus was completely incapacitated, Silvertream reached into her bag and pulled out a round hand mirror and held it up to his behind. What Gallus saw he couldn't even comprehend at first but soon it began to sink in. Where once his proud gryphon penis sheath and balls had stood was nothing more than a fur laced hole. Gallus knew what this was. He'd seen it countless times when he saw Gabby or Gilda walking around: a pussy. Silverstream's comment finally made sense to Gallus. She didn't want to buck him but inform him of the fact he had magically changed sex. His pupils joined Silverstream's in shrinking.

the game is afoot

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Gallus desperately tried screaming louder than he'd ever screamed. Thankfully Silverstream was there to cover his beak to keep him from screaming. Ultimately Gallus got all the screams out of his system in due course.

“Oh my gosh just... what's happening?! Why do I have girl parts? When did this happen? Do gryphons always get pussies like this? Oh no! What if I have some horrible Disease? What if I was always a girl and didn't even know it. What if...”
Gallus promptly stopped in response to a hard slap from Silverstream. “Gallus, calm down, you're making me anxious.”

Gallus took a huge breath and gradually let it out. “You're right Silverstream. Panicking won't solve anything.”

“Now then.” Silverstream interjected, “were you a boy this morning?”

“Yeah I'm pretty sure I was; I was jerking off.”

Silverstream nodded. “Mhmm and who were you fantasizing about?”

“Why's that important?” Gallus cocked an eyebrow.

“We can't leave anything to chance Gallus. So answer the question.”

Gallus sighed. “Fine, a lesbian three way between you Smolder and Ocellus... and then professor twilight showed up and joined in.”

Silverstream nodded again, “Hot, now were you a boy when we got to the water park?”

Gallus thought back on it, and then he remembered he was in the boy's shower room. He would have likely gotten some attention if he had changed before then.

“I don't think so.” Gallus eventually replied.

“Well then, whatever happened to you must have happened between you coming to the beach and arriving at the park.” Silverstream brought a claw to her beak and hummed. “Oh!” She snapped her finger, “the drink, you told me that it wasn't yours? Maybe that did this to you.”

Silverstream was making lots of sense, and the juice was the only unusual occurrence today aside from the obvious. Gallus bobbed his head.

“Makes sense Silver, but what can we do?” Gallus cocked an eyebrow.

“Well maybe we can start with finding out who's drink it was.”

“Eh,” Gallus retorted, “Bit of a stretch but its a start. The juice bar asked for my name so maybe he remembers who's drink I accidentally took.”

“Well, let's get going then!” Silverstream sped off away from Gallus but he didn't move. What if his other friends found out what happened to him. If he could have, he would keep this from even Silverstream. Eventually, Silverstream returned. “Umm Gallus? Aren't you coming?”

“Listen Silver,” Gallus skimmed the ground with his right talon, “I don't want the rest of our friends finding out about this until I can fix this. Umm can I stay here?”

Silverstream giggled, “don't worry Gallus.” She sped over and picked up the red beach towel she brought and promptly wrapped it around Gallus's backside. She tied it to his tail to prevent it from moving. “If our friends can't see what happened, then you don't have to worry about being embarrassed. I promise I won't tell any pony else.”

Gallus smiled, “Thanks Silver, you're the best friend a gryphon could ever ask for.”

Silverstream roped Gallus into a hug, “no problem well let's go to the juice bar... umm, you better lead.”

the juice bar was conveniently a brief flight away from the beach, adorned like a tropical tiki house and staffed by a chestnut stallion with a curly mustache. Gallus and Silverstream soon approached the man.

“Umm excuse me sir...” Silverstream said.

“Oh,” the stallion looked up from whatever he was doing.“Hi there miss what can I get for you?” Gallus soon felt the stallion's eyes set on him.“Oh, you're back Mr Gallus. You might not have noticed, but you picked up some pony else's drink.”

Gallus's eyes dilated, “I'm not in trouble am I?”
The stallion chuckled, “No of course not, it happens all the time. So want another one? Maybe you'd also like a banana float to split with the lovely lady. “

Silverstream sighed and rolled her eyes, “no, actually we came to ask about the customer whose drink Gallus accidentally took. She ummm accidentally took Gallus's bit pouch with him” Silverstream scratched her beak. “Or her, do you know his or her name?”

“Oh, I see. Well, it was definitely a she, unicorn I think although I think she had a horn deformity or something. As for the name hmm” The stallion rubbed his chin. “Pretty sure her name was Wildfire. Not much more I can remember about her.”

“Thank you sir,” Silverstream smiled.

“You're quite welcome miss good luck finding her.”

With that both of them departed the juice bar. “I think we should split up to cover more ground.” Silverstream proposed.

“Good idea. Umm Silver mind if I ask a bit of a personal question?”

“Of course Gallus ask away.”

“Ummm.” Gallus waved his claw, “do you get asked if we're into each other a lot. Just about everypony assumes we'll get together or something. Honestly, it gets on my nerves.”

Silverstream groaned. “You have no idea. Smolder won't shut up about me being your best match... you know she also tries to speculate which one of our professors is dating.”

Gallus couldn't help but chuckle. “Thank Celestia it's not just me. So unicorn mare, horn deformity, Wildfire right?”

Silverstream nods. “Good luck Gallus.”

“You too Silver.”

Gallus wandered the boardwalk, soon happening upon a unicorn mare with a berry purple colored coat. Sitting on a bench with what was supposedly her filly.”Excuse me ma'am.”

She looked up from what she was doing, “Yes, can I help you?”

Gallus scratched the back of his head, “have you seen a unicorn mare with a deformed horn. Her name is Wildfire?”

“Hmm,” The mare scratched her head.“Don't know any pony named Wildfire. But now that you mentioned a deformed horn I saw a unicorn with a peculiar horn heading towards the eastern part of the park.”

Gallus smiled, “Thanks ma'am.” Gallus sped off towards the east. As he went towards the slides on one the more eastern reaches of the park, he wiped some sweat from his brow; he never knew a water park could be so hot and this was on a day when the clouds were common enough to break up the sun a lot. As Gallus continued his trek, he also became acutely aware of the chafing of the towel on his hindquarters. When Silverstream had tied that towel to his hindquarters, it was reasonably snug. Now that some time had passed Gallus was feeling it rub against his flank more and more. Apparently Silverstream's knot work wasn't as strong as he assumed initially. His inner monologue was broken; however, when a stallion spoke to him.

“Hey there miss, umm that's a nice outfit you got there.”
Gallus's eyes widened and his face turned beat red. In all his life Gallus had never been mistaken for a woman.

“Umm err thanks,” Gallus rubbed the back of his head. “Hey, have you seen a unicorn mare with a deformed horn? She's called Wildfire.”

“Sorry, no haven't seen some pony like that if I do I'll tell her you're looking for her. So whats your name?”

“Err Gallus.”

“Hmm.” The stallion stroked his chin, “weird name for a gryphoness but I'll roll with it. OK see you around Gallus.”the stallion soon trotted off leaving Gallus to continue his trek towards the eastern water slides. On the way to the water slides Gallus interrogated a few other passerby ponies to no avail. He soon spotted a huge water slide towering above all else. Gallus looked up and witnessed a huge wave of water spill off the water slide. In a panic, Gallus ran in the other direction. He knew that something like that could only have been caused by Yona. He knew he'd have to search the eastern side of the park later.

“Hey there.” Gallus's spine shivered at the sound of some pony addressing him. Gallus turned to face the source of the cute voice and was met with an earth pony mare with several balloons tied to her tail. She also had a balloon animal she had for a cutie mark.

“You look kinda stressed out, want a balloon? They're only 5 bits.”

Gallus's eyes went wide as he realized the rest of his bits were still in the men's shower room. He knew what he had to do.

“I'll pass. I'm out of bits.” without much else of a word he sped off.

grand theft locker room

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“At last,” Gallus remarked. He had finally found his way back to the shower room. He figured it was an easy enough wait for enough of the traffic to die down to the men's shower room. All he had to do was sneak into the shower room and retrieve his gym bag. Thankfully, it seemed as though there was virtually nopony going in or out but that didn't tell Gallus anything about anypony already inside. A lot of time elapsed with no changes, so he figured the coast was likely clear. Carefully, he approached the entrance to the men's shower room and slipped in unnoticed. He peered around the corner of the entrance and thankfully spotted nopony in the locker room. Haste overcame him as he used his wings to speed over to his locker. Although he fumbled the key to his locker initially he got his act together and swiftly opened his locker to reveal his gym bag intact.

“Gonna be a great day at the park right?”

“Yeah came a long way to see the new Starswirl slide”

Gallus's eyes shot wide upon hearing the voices. He knew he had little time to act and looked around for somewhere, anywhere to hide. His locker seemed like an appealing hiding place. However, his claustrophobia quickly put an end to that delusion. He continued looking around the room until his eyes glanced at his hindquarters but more importantly the towel that Silverstream had tied to it. He quickly undid Silverstream's knot and unfurled the towel. With haste, he headed towards the corner of the locker room and placed the towel over his entire body. This maneuver was just under the wire as the telltale sound of hooves clopping against the tiles of the room echoed in Gallus's ears. The stallions talked but Gallus paid little heed to what they were saying. Gallus was more focused on not moving lest he be discovered. Time seemed to drop to a snails' pace for Gallus, just like a long boring lecture Twilight was giving on friendship back when she was headmare. Twilight's lectures... Gallus's mind started wandering back to that lecture hall and one of Twilight's speeches on friendship.

Gallus sat in the front row that day, Ocellus by his side reading a book or so Ocellus would have you believe. In fact Gallus observed the fact that she was looking at the ponies around her. Yet somehow her gaze always seemed to drift in his direction. It was unusual to be sure but maybe Gallus was merely seeing things that weren't there. Either way Twilight was lecturing on friendship, and Gallus had to at least pay some attention.

“Remember everycreature, if you're having a problem no matter how huge it might be your best friends will always be there for you. Now remember that your kindness essays, and we'll be having Cadence as a special guest speaker on love next week. I expect you all to be on your best behavior.”
Gallus could feel it, Twilight's eyes on him. “Did you get that Gallus?”

Gallus arose from his stupor. Yes, he was paying attention, but he had an image to maintain. So he just said, “Sorry professor Twilight, I'll do better I promise.”

Twilight meanwhile just shot him a sly grin. Gallus could tell Twilight had long since seen through his ruse of being a bad student but for some reason was more than willing to play along. “Right, but I'm going giving you a quiz at the end of class on believing in your friends.”

Gallus was snapped out of his flashback by the realization that the hoof-beats of the stallions in the changing room had all but vanished. Cautiously, Gallus poked his head out from under the towel to once more find the locker room completely empty. Gallus practically bolted back to his locker and unlocked it again to snatch his gym bag out of his locker. With a flash, he escaped the shower room and just in time as five very obnoxious stallions went in immediately after him. He started leaving the area when the weight of the bag started getting to him. In that moment he remembered why he always left this bag in a secure place whenever he traveled. He couldn't just put it back in the locker though. It was enough of a hassle to get it out in the first place. However, his eyes soon drifted rightward and fell on the shower room for women. Gallus blushed, although the prospect of stowing his bag in the women's room just screamed awkward he knew he had little choice. Also if he changed back by the end of the day, he could always get Silverstream to get his stuff. Cautiously he walked into the women's locker room.

The interior of the women's locker room was effectively identical to that of the men's only less damage overall to the structure. What truly caught Gallus's eye was the full-length mirror next to the shower area. Gallus looked around nervously, just like the men's room the women's was completely deserted and yet Gallus felt even more on edge in here. Despite the fact he clearly had the parts necessary to be there he nevertheless felt like an intruder treading where he didn't belong. He scanned the lockers and thankfully found one with a key still in it. When he had arrived at the park, the park attendant said a vacant locker would always be marked by a key being in the slot of a locker.

At that point, Gallus remembered he still had the key to his former locker in the men's room. At first Gallus was nervous that he'd have to sneak into the shower room again to put the key back. Thankfully, he remembered that the had tracking spells on them. So he tossed his old key aside, confident that the magic would eventually return the key to the front desk. He turned his attention to his new locker and used the key to open it. He raided his hidden bit stash in the before putting the bag in and shutting the door. Gallus was about to leave when he remembered the park policy of taking a shower before going out in the park. Gallus groaned and returned into the locker room and headed for the shower area.

He flipped on the water and started washing himself off. As Gallus started washing himself he realized that more was different than his genitals. His ass was the most noticeable of these recent changes, which was once fairly slender and lean was now round and squishy. He also realized just how soft his coat was as opposed to its typical coarseness. Soon enough he was good and soggy for the park and turned the water flow off. On the way out though he caught a glimpse of himself in the full-length mirror. He decided to take an assessment of the damage. Surprisingly enough he still looked a lot like himself aside from his ass sticking out more than usual. Then again only he'd likely only notice his ass sticking out because he was expecting it to be different. Gallus turned so that his hindquarters were facing the mirror. His penis was still just as absent as they were when Silverstream detected his new privates.

However, Gallus caught a glimpse of something just below his pussy. He walked over to a bench in the locker room and sat on it to look down at his stomach. Directly above his pussy he saw four protrusions of pink skin sticking out of his fur. Gallus knew these were teats. Male gryphons have four nipples around their crotch, but you almost never see them because they're so short and small they never show past all the fur. Gallus was transforming; however, and it seemed that his nipples had expanded in both diameter and height to such a point that they poked out of his fur. Gallus blushed, this was the first time he had seriously seen a woman's private parts this close up before.

Tentatively he reached for his pussy, somewhat curious as to what it would actually feel like. He quickly snapped his hand back as he made bodily contact with his new feminine genitals. The feeling of the pussy wasn't what set him off but the bizarre jolt of a pleasurable sensation that shot up his spine when he caressed it. Gallus blushed, he had felt something similar every time he anticipated a good jerk off session but it was nowhere near as intense as what he just felt. His arousal and curiosity only grew, though Gallus knew he had to stop this feminine erection from coming, he just wasn't ready for this yet. He thought long and hard about grampa gruff and slowly but steadily his arousal faded away. Gallus returned to the mirror and checked himself over. He reasoned to himself that he could still pass for a man with his friends if only he concealed his ass and genitals. Silverstream's towel solution wouldn't work forever, not to mention the fact that he had accidentally left that towel in the men's locker room.

“Hmm it is possible some swim trunks will do the trick.”

swim trunk shopping What could possibly go wrong?

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Gallus sighed a breath of relief once he arrived at the front gate. Gallus turned his head. Tucked away to the side of the main ticket area was a somewhat large wood building with several ponies, mostly mares. Going in and out of it. Gallus wiped his brow and with a deep breath, Gallus approached the door of the swimsuit shop and went inside.

It was a fairly comfy looking building. Decorations meant to invoke a tropical setting were strewn about the place. There were metal racks everywhere, mostly containing female bathing suits. Gallus made his way though the store looking for some swimtrunks for men. Gallus's eyes frantically darted around, no matter what he did he couldn't shake the perception that literally everypony was scrutinizing him. There weren't any gender restrictions in the shop but Gallus still felt like an intruder. Towards the back of the store, Gallus found a rack of men's trunks. A wooden surfboard swung freely above these garments.

Gallus scrolled through the various swim trunks until he found a pair of yellow trunks that looked about his size. He snatched them off the rack and went to an isolated corner of the store. Within said corner was a wooden changing stall with a scarlet curtain to maintain privacy for the user. The curtain wasn't drawn, Gallus entered the booth. Gallus exercised great care to shut the curtain behind him. Unfortunately, it didn't take him long to discover that the yellow pair of swim trunks didn't fit whatsoever. With a groan, Gallus took it back off and returned to the rack.

Gallus promptly returned to the rack and traded the yellow pair in for a larger navy blue pair. After Gallus tried on the new pair he knew he found a pair that fit. As he was heading for the cash register to cash out his new purchase, he was intercepted by a white furred mare.

“Good morning madam, finding everything ok?”

Gallus's brain froze, once again he had been talked to as a woman and it still set his beak on edge. Gallus fumbled his words but eventually squeaked out. “umm yeah.”

“Buying that for somepony you know?”

Gallus nervously nodded.

“You're in luck dear. We're having a 20% off sale if you purchase yourself a swimsuit to go with it.”
Gallus considered her words carefully. If he bought himself something female than he could get these swimtrunks cheaper. Gallus internally grinned. One of the best things about Equestria in Gallus's mind was the prevalence of sales, and he just couldn't help himself. Besides you never know, a bikini might come in handy.

“Sure, I'll bite.” Gallus smiled before scratching the back of his head. “But I really don't know what to buy for myself. I'm not normally the swimsuit type.”

the salespony clapped her fore hooves together. “Excellent, if you'll follow me madam I'll provide you a swimsuit that'll make you shine.”

Gallus put on a forced smile, he definitely did not want to 'shine' but he decided to roll with it anyways. It wasn't like he was gonna wear the thing. Gallus tentatively followed the salespony to a circular rack who used her unicorn magic to levitate a white bikini bottom off the rack.

“Try this one out. It's got an attention flap for whenever you wanna show off those teats.” Gallus continued with his bogus smile and took the white bikini bottom. Before long he found himself inside the changing booth again. He tentatively put on the bikini bottom. Gallus looked at himself in the mirror and no matter what he did, he simply couldn't see it. The white bikini bottom felt wrong, he even tried extending out the flap to cover up his new engorged teats but still something felt off. With a sigh, he exited the changing stall and immediately the mare was grinning in his face.

“So how was it?”

Gallus twirled his left claw. “Ehh just I'm not feeling it. Maybe it's the.” Gallus fumbled for an excuse. “Color.”

The unicorn mare clapped again. “Ah I understand maybe let's change the color up to match that blue fur of yours.” Gallus flinched as her horn lit up with magic. She blasted the white bikini bottom. In the blink of an eye, Gallus watched the bikini bottom change from white to red. “Try that sweetie.”

Gallus returned to the changing room to get a proper look at himself. Something just clicked when he saw himself in that red bikini bottom. He absolutely loved the way he was looking, soon his eyes narrowed and he put on his most pleasing fake feminine voice. “Hey there sexy... you like what you see.”

What the buck was happening? The gryphoness in the mirror was himself, why was he enjoying this so much? Gallus had never questioned his gender before. He never had time for such things between living in Gryphonstone and frindship lessons. What if he was more comfortable thinking of herself as a woman instead of a man? However, a tingle in his crotch quickly put the kibosh on any questions relating to the gender he wanted to be. He was a man and was attracted to the gryphoness in the mirror in a physical way. Gallus exited the changing room and greeted the salespony. “I'll take this; I feel absolutely hot wearing it.”

the salespony grinned, “great let's just ring you up.” the trek to the cash register was short, and the price he was quoted made him even happier, he practically got the bikini for free. Maybe one day he could give it as a gift to a special somepony.

“Thanks for your help miss.” Gallus smiled. “Oh! Have you seen a unicorn mare named Wildfire?”

the salsepony nodded, “I did see somepony named Wildfire... but honestly. “She brought a hoof up to her chin. “I've never seen a pony that looked quite like her. I swear her horn looked like a tree branch.”

That sounded like Wildfire alright. “I really need to talk to her about something. Did she tell you where she was going?”

“Yes she did, she was purchasing a wet suit for herself to go swimming in the Sea diver memorial pools. She said lots of cold water exposure bothered her.”

Gallus smiled.“Thanks for the help.” Gallus left the unicorn mare a tip for all the help she was and left the shop. Once outside, Gallus slipped behind a park bench and put on the swim trunks.

“Gallus!” a familiar voice shouted before Silverstream landed directly next to him. “Find anything?”

Gallus shook his head, “nothing yet Silver, but the mare inside the shop said she spotted somepony named Wildfire near the Sea diver memorial pools.

“Nothing much to report with me.” Silverstream brought a claw to her beak. “However I've been getting lots of stares from... maybe I shouldn't ask everypony I see if they've seen Wildfire. I asked a statue … either way somepony said they saw a weird looking unicorn heading towards the hot tubs.”

the hot tubs, the one place in the whole park Gallus couldn't go. He knew Smolder was there and he couldn't live it down if she found out about this.

“Hey Gallus? What's with the bikini?” Silverstream broke Gallus's chain of thought.

Gallus blushed as he realized that the red bikini he had bought. “The shop was offering a two for one special on trunks and bikinis so I... bought one.”

“Ooooo.” Silverstream giggled. “it's a lovely piece... I know I'm asking a lot but umm. I wanna see how you look in it”

Gallus hesitated, he wasn't sure how comfortable he was modeling this for Silverstream but reluctantly he put it on.

Silverstream smiled. “You look great. I'd definitely tap that.”

Gallus hastily slid the bikini off. “Umm thanks I think” the more Gallus thought about Silverstream's remark the more strange it became... was Silverstream into girls? “Right, you check the hot tubs I'll go to the memorial pool.” Gallus continued. Silverstream saluted; however, before she could leave, Gallus stopped her “Don't tell anypony about the bikini.”

Silverstream chuckled. “Don't worry Gallus.” without much more fanfare Silverstream flew off

Well off to the memorial pools then Gallus thought.

being found out

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Gallus walked through a section of the park paved with concrete. The trunks he bought from the shop fit him comfortably. Every so once in a while he'd ask a random pony about Wildfire and usually get awkward stares or no answers. This simply entrenched his convictions that Wildfire was at the memorial pools. Fortunately, the pools weren't that far of a walk. Two pools sat side by side with separate entrances to each. There was a plaque commemorating the founder of the water park Sea diver between the pools. However, one sight in particular caused Gallus to frown; perched directly above the entrances each of the pools were two signs one blue and the other pink.

Gender segregated pools, arguably one of the worst things that could conceivably happen to Gallus. Silverstream was long since gone, so he couldn't talk her into going into the female pool. Gallus knew it could be close to an hour for Silverstream to pursue the sighting of Wildfire at the spa, and Gallus dare not go get her. Smolder was there and the last creature he ever wanted to find out about this whole mess was her, she'd never let it go. Gallus twitched his wing as he struggled to concoct an answer for his dilemma. Gallus smacked his head at his own stupidity. Why does he constantly forget that he's presently a female gryphon, and he doesn't have to worry about being caught in a place intended for women if he was one. He slipped behind a bench where nopony could see and slid his new trunks off. He tucked said trunks under his wings for safekeeping. After emerging from behind the bench, he walked towards the entrance to the pool only to be obstructed by a guard pony's right hoof.

“Sorry miss you can't come in without a swimsuit.”

“What? Why?” Gallus tilted his head.

“Don't you know, this is the Sea diver memorial pool. She had a thing for everypony wearing swimwear to 'show their authentic selves' the park bosses feel it's best to honor her memory by having this rule. If you need a swimsuit, there's a shop up front at the park entrance.”

Gallus had to get in there. This was the best lead he had for finding Wildfire. Cautiously he pulled out the bikini he purchased with his new trunks.

“How about this?”

The guard pony nodded, “yeah that'll do just fine. Enjoy your swim miss.”

It didn't take long for Gallus to put on the bikini. He almost immediately he regretted it, though. No matter how much he told himself it was fine couldn't help but feel like he was violating everypony's personal space. Alas, he had no choice the park rules were the park rules and as soon as he found Wildfire he could get out and get back to normal. The inside of the pool was positively packed with ponies as if they were sardines. Gallus had his work cut out for him, he wandered around the pool looking for the elusive Wildfire in this sea of fur and femininity,
“Nice bikini it really matches your color.”

Gallus turned to see two mares one blue and one white standing behind him. “Pretty rare to see a gryphon gal taking an interest in fashion. They're usually so bitchy.”

“Ugggh.” Gallus rolled his eyes, “tell me about it.” Gallus wasn't lying. Every time he met a gryphoness his age from gryphonstone she had a metaphorical stick up her ass. Then again just about everyone from gryphonstone was pretty testy.

“Hey have you two seen a unicorn mare named Wildfire? She has a deformed horn.” Gallus asked.

“Oh yeah, I remember her. You remember her Butters” the white mare nodded.

“How could I forget, sweet Celestia if there's a girl that totally needs to lighten. Is she a friend of yours or something?” The blue mare said.

“Not really but I need to find her... it's a bit of long story.” Gallus scratched the back of his head.

“She should still be around the pool I think. Maybe you should ask the life guard if she's seen her. She's got a good view of everypony here.”

Gallus smiled, “thanks for the tip.”

Gallus looked around until his eyes fell on a tall white chair. Once there he looked up at the lifeguard, she was a relatively standard unicorn mare all dressed up in a red wetsuit and a hat.

“Excuse me miss.” Gallus flew up to be eye level with the mare.

She turned to look at Gallus, “Yeah can I help you with something... hey!” She swiftly turned and sounded her whistle. Gallus flinched at the noise until he noticed two fillies stopped dead in their tracks, “no running.” She soon turned back to Gallus. “Anyways do you need something?”

“I'm looking for a unicorn mare with a deformed horn her name is Wildfire.”

“Hmm,” she scratched her chin. “Haven't seen a unicorn with any horn deformaties but I did see a kirin earlier today. It is possible you're looking for her” Gallus internally facepalmed, how could he not realize he was looking for a kirin. Especcialy after how the salespony at the swimsuit shop described her.

“Is she still here?”

The lifeguard swayed her head, “Sorry she left a few hours ago.”

“Thanks for your help.” Gallus nodded and left the pool. Once again he had no leads and was back to wandering the park. Eventually, his wandering brought him to some watersides towards the far western edge of the park. This was as good a place to start as anywhere else. Gallus's blood turned to ice, however, as he heard the sound of Smolder laughing directly behind him. He turned and it wasn't a hallucination, Smolder was there holding her belly as she pointed and laughed at the sight of Gallus.

“What's so funny?” Gallus growled.

It took Smolder several seconds to get herself under control, “isn't it obvious Gallina.” Smolder resumed laughing. How could she know? was the change in his body so obvious that not even swim trunks could conceal it?

“Look!” Gallus sneered, “you think I wanted this to happen to me!”

Smolder chuckled and wiped away a tear from her eye. “Yeah sure, you totally didn't put that girly swimsuit on by accident.”

Swimsuit? Gallus thought, what was she talking about? Gallus twitched his legs and realized that Smolder was laughing at the bikini he forgot he had on. “Smolder, you don't understand,” Gallus looked down at the ground.

Smolder's eyes widened and her laughter stopped immediately, “oh I... I never realized you felt that way. Listen, Gallus it's ok if you like dressing up in women's clothes. I'm sorry I laughed at you.”

“What! No, that's not what's going on at all. After I had got to the waterpark, I changed into a girl, see.” Gallus slid the bikini off and showed Smolder his altered behind.

“What the buck happened back there?” Smolder crossed her arms.

Gallus sighed. “As far as I know I accidentally took someponyelse's drink earlier and that drink changed me into a girl.”

“Got any idea who's drink it was? Whoever it is I'll bet every gem in my horde that she spiked her drink with some kind of potion.”

Gallus nodded. “the juice bartender said her name was Wildfire. Initially I thought she was a unicorn with a deformed horn but now I think she's a kirin.”

“I'm guessing you're looking for this Wildfire chick, so you can get your body back to normal.” Gallus nodded again. “If that's the case” Smolder placed her hands on her hips and smiled. “I wanna help you find her.”

Gallus smiled, “Really? Thanks Smolder you're the best.”

“eh,” Smolder turned, “what are friends for? One question, though... why do you have women's swimwear?”

Gallus sighed and pulled out his swim trunks. “I bought these to try and hide my changed backside from my friends.” Gallus caressed the back of his head. “The Salespony offered me a discount if I purchased a bikini.”

Smolder rolled her eyes, “figures.”

“Can I make one request, though?” Gallus added.

“Sure spit it out.”

“Can we keep this between ourselves? Silverstream already knows but nopony else does.”

Smolder nodded, “you can count on me to keep your secret between us Gallus on one condition.”

Gallus sighed, “What is it?”

Smolder shuffled her foot, “ummm can I have the bikini?”

Gallus cocked his eyebrow, “why?”

Smolder looked away, “I umm want to use it to practice my fire breath on.”

Gallus could tell this was an boldfaced lie. Smolder must like the bikini he bought and thinks it'll look good on her with a bit of re tailoring from Rarity. So Gallus undid the bikini and handed it to Smolder.

Smolder snatched it out of his claw in the blink of an eye, “Awesome thanks Gallus. We should fan out so we can search the park more effectively. I bumped into Silverstream a while ago at the hot tubs so I'd say she's got the that area covered. I'll go on ahead to the water slides, and you go back the way I came. Yona and Sandbar are likely going to all the watersides better they run into me than risk them finding out. There's nothing but pools back where I came from.” As if to punctuate Smolder's point, Gallus spotted what looked like Yona flying off the side of a water slide. Gallus felt a moderate shock wave a few seconds later.

Gallus nodded, “Right, thanks Smolder. Umm can you also check to see if Yona's ok?”

Smolder nodded and ran off toward the flying yak. The first thing Gallus did once Smolder left was to put his blue swim trunks back on. He started walking away from where he met Smolder. Gallus wiped some sweat from his brow; the park was getting super hot again for some reason. As he was walking, he heard his stomach audibly growl.

Maybe I should get some lunch.

the element of honesty

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Gallus stood in line for an open-air restaurant and ponies were lined up something fierce. Fortunately, he had gotten there long before the line got super long.

“Next.” The mare working the counter called prompting Gallus to step up to the counter. “What can I get you sir?”

Gallus poured over the menu, much of it was mundane pony cuisine. He preferred the fish he ate at the school's cafeteria but beggars can't be choosers.

“I'll get a carrot dog with ketchup and a soda please.”

“No problem sir, 3 bits.” Gallus paid the mare. “Feel free to find a place to sit we'll bring your meal out to you.”

Gallus nodded and left the counter. It didn't take long for Gallus to find a table he was comfortable with. The table in question was situated right next to the sign containing the menu. Gallus sat in his chair contemplating everything that had happened. He was still nowhere near finding Wildfire aside from the revelation that she was a kirin and not a unicorn with an unusual horn. The one person he didn't want to discover the truth had found out about it and somehow it turned out ok. Was Smolder the one he truly dreaded finding out about this? What about Sandbar? Nah he'd probably be pretty chill about it and Yona would likely take it all in stride. That left one friend Ocellus. Ocellus... Presumably she'd be the most supportive of all his friends.

After all, she was the kindest creature he'd ever encountered in his life. Gallus sighed, the one friend of his he most enjoyed the company of was ironically the one he spent the least time with. Ocellus was always busy studying and Gallus was equally busy doing the same thing but pretending he was doing 'awesome stuff''. Gallus placed his claw on the table while using the other claw to prop up his head up. No matter how the situation with is body plays out he's going to spend more time with her. Maybe they could study together if he just confesses the truth to her about him faking his disdain for studying. He always does so well in applejack's honesty class but always seems to fall short of being honest with his friends.

“Your carrot dog and soda sir.” a mare broke his chain of thought as she set a carrot dog lathered in ketchup in front of him along with a disposable cup containing a soda.

“Thanks.” Gallus nodded before devoting his attention to his lunch. He munched at his carrot dog, not the best he'd ever eaten, but what can you expect from water park food?

“Your carrotdog and iced tea miss.” The waitress mare said to the customer behind the sign.

“Thank you.” Gallus's eyes went wide, he recognized that voice anywhere. The changeling he was just thinking about was here having lunch directly behind him. Gallus had no idea what to do. Should he say hi? it's not like she'd know. It could just be a regular meeting of friends.

Ocellus sighing and talking to herself broke him from his thoughts. “I really wish every creature didn't run off to do their own thing. I wanted to do something together. Maybe tomorrow we can do something.” Hearing this made Gallus frown. “It's not like I'm completely alone though, Gusty day showed up.”

Gallus knew about this Gusty character, a pegasus stallion that went around boasting about his flight skills. Guilt started to well up in Gallus at hearing that, he abandoned a friend and she sought the company of anypony she recognized. He could hear Ocellus continuing to talk but couldn't quite make out what she said until she said, “I wish I could spend more time with him. He's got a shell harder than a changeling queen but beneath it all I can tell he's a sensitive person who just wants somepony to appreciate him.” Ocellus giggled. “He tells the most hilarious jokes, and is the most graceful flier I've seen. If only he'd just take his studies more seriously he'd be brilliant. Enough is enough, I'm going to spend more time with him. I can feel it. He wants to get closer. Maybe a lot closer if the counselor at our feelings forum is right about the love he's radiating. I feel the same way. One bucking day I'm going to tell him and I'll give him the love he desperately needs.”

The weight of greater guilt crashed down on Gallus upon hearing that. His neglect of his friendship with Ocellus had plunged her into a bond with Gusty day of all ponies. He couldn't comprehend why but this hurt Gallus on a deep level. He wanted to fix this no matter what, he had to show Ocellus he cared about her as a friend.

“Hi Gallus.” Gallus felt his spine lock up at seeing the object of his guilt standing right next to him.

“Hi Ocellus.” Gallus scratched the back of his head.

Ocellus smiled, “are you enjoying the water park?”

“It's been kinda hectic, so maybe.” Gallus thought back to the nightmarish day he was having.

“Maybe you should relax with me in the lazy river.”

Here she was, giving Gallus a chance to redeem himself but he had to find Wildfire, damn the luck of it.

“Sorry Ocellus I have to umm go to the beach I promised Silverstream that I'd build a sandcastle with her. She just wanted me.”

“Oh,” Ocellus frowned. “Hope you two have fun. Maybe I can come join you later. Bye Gallus; I like your new swim trunks by the way. They go well with your fur.”

“Thanks Ocellus, I'll see you later.”

“Yeah.” Ocellus started to walk off

Celestia damn it Gallus tell her the bucking truth. If yall don't I'll fail you forever from your honesty class. Look at how much yall hurt her feelings. Applejack's voice shot through his head.

“Wait, Ocellus!” Gallus called out.

“What is it Gallus?” Ocellus turned to see Gallus looking desperate.

“I'm sorry Ocellus I lied to you about the sandcastle. I have a confession to make it's a bit awkward.”

Ocellus cocked an eyebrow. “What's wrong Gallus?”

Gallus sighed and pulled off his swim trunks. “See for yourself. Go around back you'll understand.”

Cautiously, Ocellus went behind Gallus before speeding back up front. “Gallus? What happened to your penis.”

“I accidentally drank a kirin's drink, and it did this to me. I've been going all around the park looking for her.”

Ocellus inspected Gallus further. “It seems that it's more than just your penis that changed. The larger behind.” Ocellus stroked Gallus's back. “your silkier fur, not to mention the feathers on your head are longer than I remember.” Gallus stroked his feathery head, and Ocellus was right his feathery accessories were a lot longer than he remembered. “It seems that only your voice has remained unchanged, but who knows how long that'll be the case.”

“Ocellus... I know it's a tall order but can you help me find the kirin who's drink I accidentally took?”

Ocellus smiled, “anything for you Gallus. She's a kirn so I'm sure she'll be easy to find, what's her name?”

“Wildfire,” Gallus replied.

Ocellus brought a hoof to her mouth. “You're looking for her. Gallus, I saw her earlier today when I was getting an inner tube for the pool. She might still be there but I can't be sure.”

Gallus's eyes went wide. If he had just told Ocellus the truth earlier than he could have already found her.

“I'll go check for her there, you should look around the other areas of the park just in case she turns up.”

“Can you give me any more info on her?” Gallus inquired.

Ocellus nodded, “yeah, she had dark red fur and a brown mane what else?” Ocellus scratched her chin. “Oh, she was wearing a weird necklace with an upside-down triangle on it. Crud I forgot to ask, Does anypony else know about this? I'm guessing you bought the swimtrunks to try and hide it from everypony else.”

“As of this moment, everypony except Yona and Sandbar know.”

Ocellus nodded. “Right, good luck Gallus.”

Ocellus started to take off but Gallus stopped her. “Hey I'm sorry for lying to you.”

Ocellus roped Gallus into a hug, “I forgive you Gallus, changing gender so suddenly would be kinda stressful for a non changeling.” Gallus hugged Ocellus back before she flew off. Leaving Gallus to look down at his swim trunks. He never should have tried keeping this from his friends, if he hadn't been so embarrassed he would have already found Wildfire. Gallus swore that if he ran into Yona or Sandbar he'd tell them the truth.

For now though Gallus decided to return to the locker room and put away his swim trunks.

never get a yak angry

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Gallus made his way back through the park. He didn't care if he got caught by anypony at this point, the truth had to come out. With the blue swim trunks gently tucked beneath his wings he made his way back to the shower room. On the way, he'd interrogate people as to the whereabouts of Wildfire, but he found nothing significant. He wiped more sweat from his boiling body, why was it so hot today? A sense of anxiety had begun building in him. Despite his resolve to tell his friends the truth about what happened to him, he was still nervous about what they'd say. Gallus took a deep breath to regain his calm, until he had a terrible thought.

What if he didn't find Wildfire? Gallus dreaded considering this outcome. No, he had to remain resolute in seeking out Wildfire no matter. Unfortunately this thought lead to others. What if he can't find Wildfire? What comes next? Gallus figured that the zebra mage — he couldn't quite remember her name — might have a cure. It probably wouldn't come to that. Most of his friends were searching the waterpark, and it was only a matter of time until she's found. Gallus soon found himself at the shower rooms again. Anxiously, he entered the women's locker room. Just like earlier, there wasn't anypony there and Gallus went to his locker.

As he was stowing his new swim trunks in his gym bag more ideas flowed through his head. What if he's stuck as a woman forever? The revelation made Gallus stop cold. What happens if he's stuck like this? Could he ever get used to it? Gallus shuddered, probably not. Even with his friends supporting him, he absolutly couldn't wrap his head around the idea of seeing himself as a woman.

All these anxiety induced questions drove Gallus to further wipe sweat from his brow. As he did so he remembered what Ocellus said about his feathers being longer. Almost like a siren's song the mirror in the locker room beckoned him. Gallus went over to the mirror and stared at his altered visage. His feather juts had practically doubled in size since this morning but that wasn't all. Curling gracefully from his eyes were three feminine eyelashes. From head to toe Gallus looked like a female gryphon.

“Wow.” Gallus muttered. His voice was still the same, despite all the changes. Only a matter of time he figured. Gallus couldn't stop staring at the woman in the mirror. She would be an attractive sight if only she wasn't him. He shook his head and tore himself away from the mirror. There was no time for him to ogle himself, Wildfire was still out there and he had to find her or else. Gallus walked away from the mirror and made his way towards the exit. With a bit of a thud, Gallus smacked right into what seemed like a huge fluffy wall on his way out. His pupils shrank at the sight of Yona standing right in the doorway to the shower room with a huge scowl on her face.

“What Gallus think he doing waltzing into girl's shower room?”

Gallus spluttered his words, “I, I can explain Yona please listen.”

Yona huffed, “Yona no need explanation from Gallus. Truth is indisputable to Yona. Gryphon wanted to peep at women when they're getting changed.”

Gallus frantically shook his head.“No! It's nothing like that; you see, Yona, I changed into a girl...”

“Don't try lying to Yona.” Yona huffed. “Yona can't believe Gallus would do something so disgusting.”

Gallus didn't have time to respond as Yona snatched him by the tail and hauled him out of the shower room. He frantically clawed at the ground, but it was no use, Yona was too strong. Waiting just outside was Sandbar holding a huge stuffed toy. Yona plopped Gallus directly in front of Sandbar whose eyes just drank in the sight of Gallus.

“Look what Yona find snooping around women's shower room. Do you think Yona should smash to teach lesson?” Yona smirked.

Gallus shivered at the possibility of being beat up by Yona. The last thing he needed was to get himself in the hospital.

“Please Yona.” Gallus pleaded. “I'm sorry, please don't smash me I'll do anything.”

“Hmm.” Yona brought a hoof to her snout. “At least Gallus apologize for doing wrong. Maybe Yona just make Gallus clean out Yona's room for a few months. What Sandbar think?”

Sandbar tilted his head. “Umm, Yona... you might wanna take another look at our friend here... dosen't he seem different to you?”

Yona cocked an eyebrow, “What Sandbar talk about?” following Sandbar's instruction, Yona inspected Gallus and her eyes went wide. “By ancestral yaks. Gallus telling truth about becoming girl Gallus. Why Gallus not tell friends sooner?”

Gallus got to his feet and sighed. “Because I was terrified of being laughed at by everyone.”

Yona huffed, “Gallus should no better than to not believe in friends.”

“I know Yona and am sorry.”

“Let's go Gallus. We need to tell friends about this, so they can help.”

“You don't need to Yona.. you two are the last to find out, everypony else knows already.”

“For the record.” Sandbar interjected. “I already knew what happened.”

Gallus and Yona's eyes both went wide. “You're kidding right?” Gallus chimed in.

Sandbar nodded his head, “I saw you go into the swimsuit shop earlier and got a look at him from behind. I didn't say anything because I figured you might be kinda freaked out and I didn't want to freak you out more.”

“Thanks Sandbar,” Gallus smiled.

“No time for that Sandbar, we need to help Gallus.” Yona interrupted.

“Right,” Sandbar interjected. “What can we do to help?”

“Hey Gallus.” The singsong voice of Silverstream interrupted Sandbar's questioning. She plopped down next to Gallus. “I'm thrilled I ran into you. I've got some more information on this Wildfire pony. Apparently she's not a deformed unicorn but a kirin you remember them from that one time right?” Gallus tried interrupting but she continued anyways, “but that's not all.” She abruptly stopped and turned to Yona. “Oh hi Yona.” She turned back to Gallus. “Anyways, wait Yona's here!” Silverstream's eyes went wide. “Oh no Yona found out! I'm so sorry Gallus.”

Gallus hugged Silverstream. “It's ok Silver. Thank you for trying to keep the secret.”

Silverstream hugged Gallus back. “You're quite welcome Gallus. Anyways I think Wildfire is looking for you too, somepony told me that they were asked by a kirin about a blue gryphoness.”

“So,” Sandbar interrupted. “I hope you don't mind Silverstream but would you mind getting Yona and myself up to speed. Who's this Kirin?”

“Oh!” Silverstream started. “She's the kirin who's drink Gallus accidentally drank. We think the drink did this to him. I've been looking for her all day, maybe you two can help us search.”

“Ocellus and Smolder know to Silverstream they're looking too.” Gallus added.

“Ok, Oh I know.” Silverstream grinned, “Maybe we should coordinate to better search the park.”

“Yona think that excellent idea, you go get friends Silver we meet you at the beach.”

Silverstream nodded and like a bullet Silverstream flew away.

Several minutes later, Gallus, Ocellus, Silverstream, Sandbar, Yona, and Smolder were gathered around a map placed on a picnic table near the beach. Ocellus spoke up. “Ok everycreature we all know who we're looking for right?”

“Wildfire, red kirin, brown mane, pendant.” Yona chimed in.

Ocellus nodded “Ok, here's the plan, Smolder you take south half of the park.” Ocellus pointed to the southern part of the map

Smolder saluted. “You got it.”

“Silverstream.” Silverstream waved at the mention of her name. “You take the west.”

“You bet,” Silverstream grinned.

“Yona can take the east right?”

“Sure.” Ocellus grinned. “And Sandbar you take the park center.


“And I'll take the northern part of the park. Any questions?”

Gallus cocked his eyebrow, “What about me?”

“Oh, You wander the park. If Silverstream is correct than Wildfire is also trying to find you. If you wander the whole park then she might find you.” Gallus nodded. “Ok everypony let's get going it's already getting late and we don't have much time before the park closes.”

“OK.” everypony said in unison before vacating the area. Before Gallus could go though he was halted by Ocellus.

“You'll be ok Gallus, I promise.”

Gallus smiled, “thanks Ocellus umm when we get this all resolved. Wanna spend some time at the park together tommorow?”

Ocellus smiled, “of course Gallus, and good luck.” Ocellus soon fluttered away down the beach. Gallus was supposed to be wandering the entire park, but he found himself sticking almost exclusively to the beach. The sun was getting close to setting, and it would be a matter of minutes before it was twilight.

“Hey Gallus!” A voice called out. Gallus turned and saw the stallion from the boardwalk earlier. “Thank Celestia I found you.”

Gallus cocked an eyebrow, “what is it?”

“You know the Wildfire girl you told me about earlier. Well, I caught up with her at the Sea diver museum, and she gave me a message to give to you.”

Gallus's heart soared at hearing that. “What is it? What did she say?”

“Meet me at the beach jam party tonight, I'll be there waiting for you.”

“Beach party? Where's that?”

“It's down at the pier that way.” The stallion motioned with his hoof. “You can't miss it.”

“Thanks.” Gallus grinned and flew off in the direction the stallion was pointing.

Gallus was close to finding her, he could feel it. Hopefully, this party wasn't too wild.

a wild, fire party

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Gallus looked out over the pier. The only light left in the area were the torches set up for the party. As Gallus flew towards the pier, an overzealous pegasus ran right into him. Cautiously, Gallus went onto the dock and started weaving his way through the crowd that had percolated there. Gallus couldn't help but flinch a bit at the low thumping of the rock music emanating from the stage at the end of the dock. Wildfire had to be there but he had his work cut out for him due to the sheer volume of loud cheering ponies present. As Gallus was weaving through the crowd, he accidentally bumped into somepony and spilled their drink.

“Err sorry dude.” Gallus started but was quickly interrupted by a loud voice coming from the stage.

“Hey hey dudes and dudettes hope you enjoyed our opening number.” The crowed cheered at stallion with the sunglasses and blue back turned hat. Directly behind him were two other ponies, one was holding a guitar and the other was playing drums. “Well looks like we've got ourselves a huge enough crowd are you all ready to party?” The crowd cheered again. “That's the kinda energy I wanna hear. OK everypony we got one more mate to introduce tonight. Now, say hello to Rainy showers.” A pegasus stallion emerged from backstage holding what looked like a big squirt gun.

“When's the fun gonna start?” Somepony shouted from the crowd.

“Now now we can't have too much fun tonight there are ladies in the crowd tonight.” Several random mares cheered. “But don't you worry we'll have some fun right after we give some of the ladies in the crowd some proper treatment.” Gallus's ice went cold at the sound of that. He could swear he saw a flash of teal light somewhere in the crowd but he was more focused the whole proper treatment angle.

“Hey.” The announcing stallion pointed to a mare up front. “What's your name?”

“Perry Pomegranate.” She replied followed by a squeal.

“Well Perry Rainy's got a present for ya.” The pegasus holding the water gun nodded and sprayed Perry with the gun, soaking her head to hoof. She soon started bouncing up and down in glee while happily shrieking.

“Congrats to miss Pomegranate for being the first mare to get sprayed tonight don't worry ladies there's plenty to go around. Ok boys one two three gooooo!” Soon enough the other stallions on stage started playing music again. Gallus returned to looking through the crowd for Wildfire. As Gallus weaved through the crowd he became acutely aware of the sheer number of stallions with either half chub boners or full on erections. It wasn't just the stallions; many of the mares were winking their clitorises or dancing with their asses in the face of somepony else. When Gallus spotted a mare and a stallion making out he figured out what this party was truly about.

This was a spring break party and there were countless mares and stallions here looking to get laid. Under any other circumstances he'd love being here with his friends for a night of reckless partying. But not tonight, he was a gryphoness and the last thing he wanted was anything intimate with another man. He ducked down to avoid being seen, all he had to do was find Wildfire and get out no fuss no muss.

“Hey, what do we have here?” Gallus froze at the voice coming from above him. He looked up and saw Rainy Showers directly above looking down at him. “Equestria's girls are getting more exotic every day.” Without any further warning, he blasted Gallus with his water gun before flying off. He was somewhat thankful for being sprayed; he was pretty hot from all of the body heat around him and yet he couldn't stand the feeling of his nipples getting pruney from the stimulation.

As Gallus shuffled through the crowd of ponies, a pegasus stallion approached him. “Hey, gryphon lady.”

Gallus froze, “umm hi.” Gallus clasped his claws to his beak. At long last his voice was changed from it's original register to something a lot higher and smoother.

“You're lookin good tonight. Wanna hang out?” The stallion raised his eyebrows.

“Umm no thanks.” Gallus brushed his right claw on the ground.

“Don't waste your time with him.” Another stallion piped up. “You should hang with me; I mean look at my mane.” He brushed his long mane back and smiled.

“Why would she wanna waste time with you dorks?” Gallus flinched at the sight of a gigantic stallion emerging from the crowd. “I'm stronger than both of your combined.” He flexed his right foreleg to emphasize the point.

“Pfft.” The first Stallion rolled his eyes. “Like she'd waste her time with an earth pony. Come with me babe and we'll do it in the skies.” He flapped his wings.

“Have either of you ever courted a lady. Bet you're both virgins.” The second chimed in to the anger of the third.

“What you say pretty boy?” Gallus didn't catch much more of their banter, their tipsy demeanor and hardons drew his full attention.

“So, who will it be? You've got a great ass by the way?” The first stallion broke in. Gallus's brain locked up. All he could properly experience was the biggest cry he'd ever felt in his life well up in his throat.

“Back off.” a deep and gruff voice broke in. Gallus turned and gawked at the biggest stallion he'd ever seen in his life towering over him. Gallus couldn't make out most of what the unknown stallion said aside from “None of you have any chance against me in that department.” Eventualy, the three other stallions melted back into the crowd. The fourth stallion reached a hoof down to Gallus. “Are you ok?”

“Please no! I don't wanna! I I'm just trying to find a friend.” Gallus shivered.

His eyes went wide as the titanic stallion let out an unexpectedly girly giggle. “It's a good thing I found you then.” With a flash of teal fire, the stallion revealed himself to be Ocellus in disguise. Gallus took in a huge breath, but he couldn't restrain the feeling in his throat any longer and broke out crying.

“What's wrong?” Ocellus asked.

Gallus couldn't help but continue to cry as Ocellus roped Gallus into a hug. “It's just...” Gallus sniffled. “What if I never change back?”

Ocellus gripped Gallus's head and forced him to stare her in the eyes. “Snap out of it Gallus; you'll be fine I promise.”

“It's more than that Ocellus. If I'm stuck in this body than I'll never find a special somepony. I'm still into women Ocellus I... I don't know what I'll do” Gallus started crying again. His tears abruptly stopped though as he saw Ocellus kiss him on the cheek.

“Gallus...” Ocellus started “I have something to confess to you. I...” Ocellus shuffled her hoof. “I love you Gallus.”

“Ocellus.” stared slack beaked.

She nodded, “It's true Gallus. Ever since we all first became friends the love I shared with my friends was good but one day the character of my love towards you changed. I asked the feelings forum leader about this, and she said the love I was feeling was genuine romantic love. Right then I knew the truth but.” Ocellus smacked her hoof against her head. “Like a fool I never told you how I felt I should have said something sooner I'm sorry Gallus. Man, woman, or giant blob creature I love you Gallus no matter what.”

Love. Gallus barely thought about it consciously but now hearing Ocellus talk about it the dam broke. He knew he felt something deeper for Ocellus he was just too afraid to admit it to himself.

“I think I love you too Ocellus. I don't know though I'm not the best at taking stock of my own feelings.”

Ocellus giggled, “I know Gallus, it's part of who you are. Remember I can sense love and the love I feel from you has the same sweetness as the love I feel towards you.”

Gallus couldn't argue with that. After all, professor Twilight said changelings were the most empathic creatures in all of Equestria. He kissed Ocellus on the cheek. “Thanks Ocellus.” an awkward silence soon descended over them. “Wow, so are we dating like Yona and Sandbar now?” Gallus scratched the back of his head.

Ocellus giggled, “of course not silly. We're gonna have a lot more fun together than just 'smashing'. She's such a blunt instrument in the bedroom.”

Gallus cocked an eyebrow. “Hold up, you did it with Yona?”

Ocellus broke out into full laughter, “no silly, Yona likes to brag about the sex she has with Sandbar.”

“Ohhh. Now you'll get a chance to brag to her about all the fun you're having with me.” Gallus raised his eyebrows.

Ocellus and Gallus laughed, only to be interrupted as Ocellus took a blast of water from Rainy's watergun. “Are you ok?!” Gallus asked.

Ocellus shook the water off as best she could. “I'm fine although maybe we should back up a bit. This party's getting a bit too crazy” Gallus could only nod in agreement as the two made their way off the pier.

As soon as they forced their way out of the crowd of horny teenagers, Ocellus spoke. “Thank Celestia we got out of there before something crazier happened.”

“You are Gallus I presume.” a refined feminine voice spoke. Gallus and Ocellus turned to see an adult kirin woman with burnt red fur, a brown mane and dark blue eyes standing just outside the crowd. She was also wearing a chained pendant with an upside-down triangle lined in blue on the edges.

“Who are you?” Gallus asked.

“Gallus, that's her,” Ocellus remarked.

She nodded. “Indeed little changeling I am Wildfire.”

The final meeting (epilouge)

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Several minutes had passed since Gallus and Ocellus had found Wildfire. The waves lapped against the beach as the full moon's light reflected off the beach sand.

"You've gone through considerable effort to find me Gallus. At least five separate ponies told me that you were looking for me." Wildfire started.

"My friends have been helping me look for you, listen." Gallus shuffled his talon on the ground. “I need your help.”

Wildfire nodded. “I'll help you once you answer an important question. I know your name from other ponies but how is it that you come to know who I am?”

“You see miss Wildfire. I umm accidentally took your drink at the juice bar. I'm sorry it was an accident.”

Wildfire held up her hoof, “You don't need to continue Gallus, the rest is as plain as the day to me. I put a potion in my drink to enhance a woman's feminine features. I'm guessing you got shocked at having your best features enhanced and wanted to ask me what was going on.”

“Actually...” Ocellus looked down towards the ground. “Gallus is a guy... your potion turned him female.”

Wildfire's eyes went wide. “Oh, I did not expect that. My friend gave me this potion. She never expected a man to consume it.”

“Please,” Gallus grasped Wildfire's leg. “Get your friend to give me the antidote. I can't take this anymore!”

“I'm sorry Gallus, but there's no antidote.” Gallus drooped to the ground. Wildfire shook her head. “You misunderstand Gallus. The reason there isn't an antidote is because it's a temporary potion.”

“Really?” Gallus perked up.

Wildfire nodded. “The potion only functions as long as it's in your bloodstream. Once you excrete the potion in a week or two your male features will likely return at the same rate you lost them.”

Gallus felt his heart soar, “you mean I'm only gonna be stuck like this for a few weeks?! Yes!" Gallus happily bounced around the beach.

“Hold on, you said likely. Does that mean that Gallus might not change back at all?” Ocellus interjected leading to Gallus stoping dead in his tracks.

“It's always possible. Like I said this potion isn't supposed to be consumed by a man, you should be great full it didn't just kill you. In the event that you don't return to your former state take this.” Wildfire levitated a small golden medallion from a pouch she was carrying.

With an outstretched claw, Gallus seized the medallion from Wildfire's aura.“What's this?”

“I know what that is.” Ocellus interrupted. “It's a magic mail medallion. Princess twilight covered it in our history of Equestria class."

"What does it do?" Gallus cocked an eyebrow feigning ignorance.

"It's what Princess Celestia and Princess Twilight use to letters to each other with spikes fire breath.” Ocellus smiled.

Wildfire nodded, “indeed, this magic medallion is bound to my friend. It's how I communicate with her from far away. It's all yours to have I'll simply get another one from her when I meet with her later.”

“So if I don't change back to normal, I just send her a letter right?" Gallus cocked his head.

Wildifre nodded. “I'm confident she'd be able to whip up an antidote to the potion if you don't revert to normal. Plus she gets somewhat lonely and would love to have a new penpal.”

“Hey you!” A voice called out. Everypony looked up and saw Silverstream land right beside Wildire.

“You're Wildfire right?” Silverstream pointed to Wildfire.

Wildfire nodded, “Yes I am.”

“Thank Celestia I found you. You see my friend Gallus accidentally took your drink, and it had this crazy effect on him. Could you come with me, he could really use your help.” Silverstream put on her best puppy dog stare.

“I already did... whoever you are.”

Gradually, Silverstream's eyes made her way over to Gallus, “Hi Silver,” Gallus waved.

Silverstream turned to Gallus. “Oh, so is she gonna change you back?”

“She can't.” Gallus said only to have Silverstream rush and hug him.

“I'm so sorry Gallus. I'm here for you no matter what. Hey, maybe you me Ocellus Smolder and Yona can have a girls night out to help you adjust or something?”

“I like the sound of that.” Ocellus giggled.

Gallus blushed, “what! No way. This is only a temporary potion I'll be back to normal in a week or two.”

“Oh... that's awesome.” Silverstream hugged Gallus tighter.

“I'm still up for that girl's night out.” Ocellus smiled.

“Sure Ocellus if that's what you want.”

“Yay,” Silverstream roped Ocellus into the hug.

“I'd best be going. My friend is expecting me back, if I don't leave promptly I'll be late in meeting her.”

“Bye Wildfire we'll write you if something goes wrong.” Ocellus waved.

“Before I go though, might I ask your friend's names Gallus.”

“Oh, that's Ocellus.” Gallus pointed to Ocellus. “And that's Silverstream,” Silverstream waved.

“It's an honor to meet you both... Anyways I absolutely must be going farewell.”

“Bye.” Everypony said as Wildfire went off into the darkness of the night. Eventually, Silverstream let them go from the hug.

“Well, glad we got that sorted.” Gallus dusted himself off.

Ocellus smooched Gallus's cheek, “and I'm glad we finally got ourselves sorted.”

Gallus smiled and nuzzled Ocellus. “So am I”

“Wait? You and Ocellus?” Silverstream pointed. Ocellus and Gallus nodded. Silverstream squealed. “That's awesome congratulations.” Silverstream resumed hugging them.

Gallus was happy, not because he was going to be a man in a few weeks but because he was close to Ocellus. No matter what happened as long as he spent spring break with Ocellus he would have a pleasant vacation.