> Power Ponies: Vengeance of Orgra > by Alvaxerox > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Just another day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was a beautiful day in the city of Maretropolis. Almost too beautiful. As always, Maretropolis has runner by crime. Such example is the Mane-iac. The most deadly supervillain in the world. With her flexible mane she has tried to conquer Maretropolis for a while... That is except for a group of superheroes that stop her in her every track. The Power Ponies. The Masked Matterhorn. The leader of the Power Ponies and with her icy powers, she can freeze ponies in their tracks. But she wouldn't be protective without her sidekick Humdrum. A shy little colt who's always there for Matterhorn and the other Power Ponies. Mistress Marevelous. Masked Matterhorn's second in command. The strongest and agile mare of the team with her powerful lasso rope. Zapp. The powerful of the Power Ponies, and a mistress of the weather elements. She can call out the weather with her trusty medallion that gives her, her special weather powers. Radiance. The most beautiful mare of the Power Ponies. She construct items with her bracelets and use it to send the bad guys to jail where they belong. Saddle Rager. The strongest of all the Power Ponies. Get her angry and she'll clobber you into next week. And Fili-Second. The fastest mare of the Power Ponies. She can knock bad guys out in 5 seconds flat thanks to her super speed. Okay. Now that you know all of them. Let's get back to the action. The Power Ponies saw what the Mane-iac was doing. She is cause destruction with her giant robot to call forth their attention. So the power ponies spring into action to face with their arch nemesis once and for all. "Ah... Power Ponies. So glad you could come. I've been expecting you for quite something." Mane-iac said. "Mane-iac, what is your game?" Matterhorn asked. "The last time we fought, you gather your own team and look where that got you." Fili-Second said. "Although that plan was thwarted from the start... I never go down that easily..." Mane-iac said. "But I am aware of one thing... I needed to get your attention so I can launch my robot at you." The giant robot shot lasers from its eyes, but the Power Ponies moved away from the lasers. "Zapp, Marevelous, Rager, you take down that robot." Matterhorn informed. "Fili-Second, Radiance, your with me. We're gonna take down Mane-iac once again." Saddle Rager grew in size to show her bulky form. As she threw Mistress Marevelous via a fast ball special to the too of the robot's head. While in the ground. Masked Matterhorn, Fili-Second and Radiance were taking on Mane-iac hoof-to-hoof. But Mane-iac used her Mane to grab Humdrum and use him like a club. "Not another step. Or else your little sidekick get hurt but you." "Let him go Mane-iac!" Masked Matterhorn said. "Why should I?" Mane-iac asked. "You felt so sorry for him that you took pity on him and make him part of your team. He doesn't have superpowers. I informed you last time. Then again... You did looked different. If you don't surrender, I'll have my robot blast him into smitherines!" "That won't be necessary, foul villain." Zapp said. "What do you mean?" Mane-iac asked in shock. "Your robot has been disabled." Zapp said. "Impossible. That metal was made of Liquid Crystal. It can't be penetrated." "Not exactly. With Saddle Rager's strength and my strength, we were strong enough to get through the metal and for Zapp to use her thunder to malfunction the robot." Mistress Marevelous said as she lassoed Humdrum out Mane-iac's hand. Masked Matterhorn ran to Humdrum giving him a hug for relief. Masked Matterhorn frozed Mane-iac's mane as Radiance constructed handcuffs. "You should've given up when you had the chance." "No... But it was full proofed. Full proofed!" Mane-iac said as the police came and took Mane-iac back to jail where she belongs. "Thank you so much Power Ponies. You really saved the day again." The police chief said. "It's nothing. Really. We're just 7 best friends who hate bullies and love this city. And we will never stop fighting criminals for justice." Mistress Marevelous said. "We know you won't. Everypony knows you won't." The chief said. "Especially since you all got along so well." And so the day was saved again thanks to the Power Ponies! Back at the Power Ponies headquarters... The Power Ponies were celebrating another victory. "That fight against the Mane-iac was incredibly easy." Fili-Second said. "We have gotten use to defeated that villain that it feels like the training wheels have been taken off thy feet." Zapp said. "I'm surprised you got a little nervous when Mane-iac was going use me to whack you." Humdrum said to Matterhorn. "I wouldn't live with myself if anything happened to you Humdrum." Matterhorn replied. "I promise mom that I would protect you no matter what." "It's okay big sis." Humdrum said. "I know your just worried for me. But I'll be okay. Infact Mare-Do-Well has agreed to train me to be a better fighter for the battlefield." "But Mare-Do-Well is in Trothem and has no superpowers." Radiance ponited out. "I know. But I feel like a screw up even before you girls got along." Humdrum said. "I need some more combat experience so I can be ready for what ever comes in our way." "To be fair Matterhorn, Mare-Do-Well is a skilled fighting. And it takes more then superpowers to be a superhero after all." Mistress Marevelous said. "Alright little brother. If this is what you want. Then so be it. I'll call Mare-Do-Well tonight and tell her you have my permission." Matterhorn said. Just when Matterhorn was going to get the phone... The alarm went off. "Oh come on!!! Is it High Heel again?" Radiance asked. "Oh Pharoah Phetlock?" Fili-Second asked. "Let's see what we're dealing with." Masked Matterhorn said. She opened on the computer in the jumbo tv screen. "Wait a minute... This doesn't seem right..." "What do you mean?" Zapp asked. "It's not an alarm. It's a message... From another dimension?" Matterhorn printed out in confusion. "What?!" They all said. "This is a message for the heroes of this world we have found. We are a group of heroes called the Birth of Heroes. If you get this message then we have been too late to stop the great danger that has been brought upon your world... By our own hands..." To be continued... > Warning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Power Ponies listen to the message, but its kinda static. "...Your world is an great peril... We accidentally sent the monster known as... Orgra into... Your reality. Orgra is an evil black Dragon King from another dimension bent on conquering worlds. And he believes that the hardest choices he does, require the strongest will. He slaughters everyone who stands in his way. We stopped him when he tried to conquer our world. We believe that banishing him to a void dimension where he can drift and rot could be the solution, but we made a miscalculation and sent him to an inhabited reality. Your reality. For this reason, we hope whoever you are, could try to stop hold off Orgra while we try to pinpoint your dimensional coordinates hopefully before its too late. It is a deprecate act. You must... understand... sending him to your universe is not an act of aggression, it is by accident, and we can't stop him, he'll know we'll do it again. Whiches why we need to come up with a new plan. But he doesn't fully understand your world. You may have a chance to stop against his evil. For this reason, we have sent these... messages into your world... in hopes that someone can stop Orgra before he destroys our world, as well as yours." The message ended. The power ponies were shocked at the news. "This can be real, right?" Humdrum asked while his legs were shaking. Masked Matterhorn comforted Humdrum to calm him down. "Its okay Humdrum, But yeah, the message is real." Zapp looked at the heroes on the screen. "These creatures are saying this is their fault that this Orgra is coming here." She said. "But they don't look like ponies." "Why can't they come here and fix the problem themselves?" Fili-Second asked. "You heard that creature, they can't come here." Matterhorn said. "That dragon king follow will know they'll banish him for real this time." "What ever this Orgra creature is...It may be the biggest threat to Maretropolis since Mane-iac teamed up with the other supervillains 2 years ago." Mistress Marevelous said. "And we need to stop him." "Marevelous is right." Radiance said. "Until these Birth of Heroes creatuers come here, we'll have to face that dragon ourselves." Matterhorn is a little concern, Orgra sounds very dangerous. "Orgra may not be as easy like Mane-iac , Long Face or even Shadowmane." "We've took them down before, and we even outsmarted those miscreants when they teamed up." Zapp said. "We can handle an evil conquering dragon." "Exactly. We've been in tight before. And this evil dragon won't be any different." Radiance said. "I agree, when Orgra comes to Maretropolis we must be ready to stop him and whatever plan he has." Saddle Rager said. "Then we better get prepared." Matterhorn said. "We don't know when Orgra will come, but we can detect energy waves to figure out his pin point coordinates on where he was come." She went to the computer to activate the energy detector waves. While the other power ponies started training. Suddenly... A siren went off, which means a crime is happening. All the power ponies got together again to see what's going on. Two strange looking dragons we're terrorizing the streets of Maretropolis. "Could that be Orgra?" Fili-Second asked. "Which one?" Zapp asked. "Either one?" Fili-Second asked again. "Only one way to find out. Power Ponies, let's go!" Masked Matterhorn said. To be continued...