Passing Time

by RebelNarrator45

First published

Twilight reflects on days gone by...

Time has come and gone. Things are no longer the same.

On a rainy day in her Castle in Ponyville, Twilight reflects on days gone by, friendships gained, friendships lost...and ponies she once knew that no longer are there...

Twilight's Reflections

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Time is a constant thing. It flows steadily onwards. In reality, it never slows, it never speeds up, and it never stops. It never waits. It takes its unending toll without mercy, without regret, without favouritism. Time can be manipulated, but it can never be stopped.

These are the thoughts whirling in my mind as I set my hoof gently across the threshold of my old castle in Ponyville. Time has invaded here as well. The layer of dust on the floor, the lightly frayed edges of the canvas art on the walls, the presence of countless spiderwebs hanging from the corners...all give silent testimony to the fact that time has left its mark.

I move further inside, gently closing the door behind me, and I stand silent, looking about me. My heart clenches almost painfully as I remind myself I need not watch out for unexpected missiles or random explosions.

Not anymore.

I begin to walk the halls and rooms of the castle, each one bringing a new set of memories. As I enter the throne room, I stand still briefly, gazing at the massive stone table that once held our map, and the marble seats around it. I move forward to them, and begin to circle them slowly, pausing at each briefly to run a hoof across the back of each, gently rubbing away dust while reminiscing on the owner of each.

My hoof traces the outline of three butterflies..and I can't help but smile softly as I think of the pony it represents. I move on, and my hoof traces the outline of three apples, followed by three gemstones, then three balloons, then finally a rainbow lightning bolt descending from a cloud. I can still hear the voices of each so clearly, as if they are still right here.

Leaving the room with a final glance, I make my way down the long hallways and finally to a door. I push it open, and descend narrow and dusty steps, leaving behind my hoofprints. The base of the stairs stops at another door, and I go inside, my horn lighting up as I set a magic spark that brings a multitude of small lights to life, illuminating the room.

My old laboratory. I don't dwell on that long, as I had another thing in mind. My eyes scan the wall untill I found what I wanted...a drawing of six cutie marks together. I push it with my hoof, and a portion of wall slides aside, granting me access to the chamber I had created long ago.

I step inside, lighting the room with another magic spark that set a few candles aflame. I smile again, softly, as I look around the vast room, memories flooding into mind in a nearly overwhelming fashion.

This room was untouched by time. No dust. No spiderwebs. Nothing. Every precious item it holds is pristine, not a thing is old, frayed or decayed. I stand there, and I look once more at the bright faces of my friends. All of them. Eyes shining, smiles wide. Stacks of books line a wall, and I bring one to me in my magic, sitting on a chair and opening it.

Looking back at me are all the faces I knew and loved. All happy. I look up, scanning the photographs decorating the walls. I remember the day I created this room. I also remember why I am here now.

My magic loosens the strap of the saddlebag I nearly forgot I am wearing, and I place it on my lap. There is nothing but a sacred silence in the room as I open it, and remove the precious object contained therein, bringing it out and holding it up in front of me to look at it yet again. Fresh tears fill my eyes, even as a small smile plays on my lips.

Looking back at me from behind a protective shield of glass is a laughing cyan face, framed with a rainbow mane, magenta eyes snapping with mischief. A lock of that same rainbow mane is encased in the frame, tied with a tiny ribbon, carefully positioned so as to not move. At the bottom of the picture were the words "Loyalty First and Last."

Yes. I am here to leave a final memory of Rainbow Dash...after having just laid her to rest next to our friends. She was the Element of Loyalty through and through, and even in spite of pain that developed in her later years, followed by a disease that had slowly weakened her, she had held on stubbornly...her loyalty alone refused to let her go and leave the rest behind. It made sense she would be the last.

I place the frame gently on a hook, and stand, gazing at it fondly, also taking time to look over each of the others, reflecting on memories of the past. I have so many. My vision blurs a moment as tears take over, and then I wipe them away, focusing on an image.

Pinkie Pie...the Element of Laughter, the first of the Elements I had crossed paths with on my entrance to Ponyville so long ago. Her giant heart, her ability to make ponies and creatures smile, her randomness, her unexplainable logic. All of these things made her unique...and had endeared her to me in spite of myself. I truly missed her crazy antics, the surprise parties, the moments of never knowing when she would pop up. Her specially formulated promise. I still treasured the words of that promise, and even with the original creator of it gone, those words were still sacred.

My gaze drifts back to the image of Rainbow. She had managed to make the worst, then the best, first impression possible. She was brash, and stubborn, with an ego that demanded to be punched sometimes, but deep down her heart was good. She was a truly awesome friend to have. Loyal, protective, strong, and courageous. Her good far outweighed her bad. I shift my gaze to the next one.

Rarity. The Element of Generosity. Fashionista extraordinaire. She could be quite the drama queen, and perhaps a bit stuck up too, but there was no denying there was none better to bear her Element. She had a very giving heart, and would go out of her way to help ponies or creatures...even if it sometimes meant getting her lovely coat dirty or her perfect mane style messed up. I can't stop the soft laugh as I remember her more dramatic side. I shift my focus once again, to the next image.

Fluttershy. Element of Kindness. The gentlest of all of our group. The one with a heart of pure gold, who always had a soft and kind word for any pony or matter who or what. A comforting embrace from this tender soul brightened any creature's day, as did her smile. She brought a ray of loving light into every life she came into. So timid and shy, but soon learned to break out of her shell and soar to new heights. I wipe away a tear, and my eyes settle on the final image.

Applejack. Element of Honesty. Strong, brave, and a pony any creature could be proud to have as a friend. Family was everything to this farm pony, and friends quickly became family in her eyes. She never hesitated to lend a hoof where needed, or to pick up slack where another creature left off. She had been a wonderful friend.

I stand here, still in the silence, looking from one smiling face to the other, tears flowing freely. For some reason, I feel strongly that this is my doing. That somehow I should have found a way to prevent losing all of them. As I had watched them fade from life one by one, I had felt an increase in guilt. If only I could have saved them all. Yet I had not found a way in time.

Time. That word again. As I gaze with tear filled longing at the pictures on the walls, I feel an overwhelming sense of sudden gratitude. Gratitude because here, within the confines of these walls, preserved lovingly and carefully, these moments in time are captured, and those within these moments will stay as they are, youthful, exuberant, alive. Time will continue pass, but these will forever remain the same...untouched and unchanged.

I smile a final farewell at the photographs, then turn and exit the room, magically snuffing out the candles. I face the wall, and press the marks. The wall slides easily into place, sealing the room once more, and I make my way up the stairs and out of my former castle.

As I lift off, and fly away from here, I know that when next I return, that room will be as I now leave it: quiet, and with no destructive touch of time. And I also know, that though all are gone, the spirits of those in those photographs will live on, forever, in me.

Untouched and unchanged by time.