> All That We Are > by Marezinger Z > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Finding shelter on a peak of the nearby mountain; Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow spent the remainder of the day making the small cave hospitable. Not a word was spoken between the three which did not aid the underlying tension surrounding them; the following morning, the trio sat around the fire they had prepared, they each watched the erratic movement of the flame as they processed their encounter with Aurelian. The Alicorn’s words haunted them in vastly different ways, something that Cozy Glow was growing deeply irritated with. “Ugh.” The young Pegasus tapped her hoof. “We’re wasting time just sitting here. Did that stupid Alicorn really spook you two that much?” “It isn’t about being ‘spooked’.” Tirek grumbled. “Then what?” Cozy Glow hovered above the fire. “He was just some washed up conqueror that lost his fire. Whatever he did or has done doesn’t apply to us.” “You are too young to understand.” Chrysalis cast her eyes up at Cozy Glow. “While your cunning and manipulative abilities are great, you are still just a filly who has all the life experience of a larvae.” “Yeah yeah yeah.” Cozy Glow glared back, pushing her hooves into her cheeks with a frown. “I’m just a wittle girl… so I automatically don’t know what I’m talking about.” She folded her forelegs. “Spoken like a true old mare.” “Watch it!” Chrysalis stood with a hiss. “Knock it off.” Tirek scolded. “No.” Chrysalis refuted. “If we’re going to argue about this then let’s do so. Why don’t you tell us what’s on your mind, oh mighty Tirek.” Tirek sighed, his eyes hard with consideration. “I am… inclined to believe Aurelian.” “What!?” Cozy Glow fluttered over to him. “You can’t be serious.” “I am not foolish enough to ignore the truth in his words.” Tirek defended. “And what if he’s wrong?” Chrysalis asked shortly. “What if he isn’t?” Tirek turned his gaze to her. “This is not the first time another creature posed this to me; my brother said something quite similar before he abandoned my side. I scorned and mocked him for his weakness but… perhaps he was not entirely mistaken.” “Unbelievable!” Cozy Glow threw her hooves up. “So, you really intend to give up the fight?” Chrysalis watched as he stood and crossed the cave. “I don’t know.” Tirek answered honestly. “I despise the ponies of Equestria and would like nothing more than to see them fall. Even so, our repeated failures make it clear that we are missing something; what that something is I can’t say.” “We just need a better plan.” Cozy Glow landed at his back. “If we…” “There is someplace I need to go.” Tirek cut her off. “We were just returned to Tartarus not long ago, no matter what the case it would be foolish to face the Princesses again so soon.” “And what are we supposed to do in the meantime?” Chrysalis followed him outside. “I would suggest laying low and staying safe.” Tirek glanced back at her. “But I doubt you would.” “Fine then!” Cozy Glow flew to Chrysalis’ side as Tirek headed off. “We don’t need you anyway! We’ll take over Equestria on our own!” “This is ridiculous.” Chrysalis muttered as she returned to the cave. “I agree.” Cozy Glow followed after her. “I’m glad that you didn’t let that hack get into your head the way Tirek did.” “Oh shut up, that’s not what I’m talking about!” Chrysalis barked. “We failed when the three of us were united, what hope would just the two of us have?” With an irritated growl she sat before the fire once more. “You know, I’m getting real tired of being the only one trying to keep this team together.” Cozy Glow buzzed around her head. “We are hardly a team.” Chrysalis retorted. “We just want the same thing for very different reasons, not exactly what I would call a united front.” The fire danced in her emerald eyes as she stared at it in thought. “Tirek may see wisdom in Aurelian, but I see opportunity.” “What do you mean?” “That Alicorn may well be the most powerful creature in existence.” She turned back with a sly smile. “He walked away from life seeing no purpose to anything; but what if some creature could re-ignite that purpose?” “You want to get him on our side?” Cozy Glow landed beside her. “Why would he join us, if he’s so powerful he’d have no reason to bother allying with anycreature. What do we have that we could possibly offer him?” “You don’t have anything, little filly.” Chrysalis poked her in the chest. “I, on the other hoof, have many assets that should spark the interest of a stallion that’s been all alone for thousands of years.” “You mean… oh, yuck!” Cozy Glow grimaced. “Spoken like a true child.” Chrysalis grinned, throwing her earlier comment back at her. She quickly headed for the exit once more. “Stay out of trouble till I get back.” “But…” Cozy Glow groaned as she was left alone. “Grr, stupid grownups always being so… stupid!” She started kicking dirt onto the fire. “There is no way he is going to fall for that old hag. As usual, it looks like it’s up to me to get the ball rolling here.” Once the fire was fully extinguished, Cozy Glow flew from the cave and headed south. Taking the form of an eagle, Chrysalis sped across the sky and back towards the gate to Tartarus. The all too familiar doorway came into view along with the four guards that stood before it; landing behind a nearby tree, Chrysalis retook her true form and looked over the situation. “Ugh, I always feel so dirty taking this shape.” She muttered to herself as she took on the guise of Celestia. Stepping out from behind the tree, she exaggeratingly strutted over to the guards. “My loyal stallions, I require entry into Tartarus to… check up on our captives.” The guards looked at each other in confusion. “Your highness, the password please.” One of them spoke up. “Password?” Chrysalis repeated. “Surely your Princess requires no such verification.” “On your orders, your highness.” The guard informed. “Even you and Princess Luna must give the password for entry.” “Oh for the love of…” Chrysalis reverted to her natural state and charged the guard, sending him to the ground after a solid blow to the head. “Chrysalis!” The surprised guards called. “Don’t wear it out, boys.” She set her sights on the closest target and pounced. “Spread out, she mustn’t get all four parts of the key.” The farthest guard noted as he ran into the forest. “Right.” The other remaining guard ran off in the opposite direction. “Get back here!” Changing into a Timber Wolf, Chrysalis gave chase. As she pursued one of the guards through the trees, she took the form of a gibbon and scaled the trunks; swinging from branch to branch until she was on top of him. “Got you!” Falling from above, she transformed back and stomped the stallion into the dirt. “Now, what’s this key?” She rifled through his armor until finding an ornate piece of stone. Returning to the sky as an eagle, she doubled back and soared over the area in search of the final guard. Her keen eyes spotted him nearing the river and she dove down as he attempted to cross. Transforming into a bear, she cannonballed in front of him; rising from the water and knocking him up onto the shore with a powerful swipe. Taking his piece of the key, she hiked back to the gate and retrieved the final two pieces off of the other unconscious guards. “Let’s see now.” She fiddled with the components until they came together and began to glow; promptly sticking the completed piece into the door’s center. Chrysalis stepped through the passage and the door closed behind her; doing her best to retrace the steps they had taken last time, she began wandering the rear tunnels of Tartarus. “My, back so swiftly.” Aurelian’s hauntingly eloquent voice echoed around her. “Like you, I return by choice.” Chrysalis called down the passages. “I came to speak with you again.” As before, the walls lit and she followed them back to Aurelian’s chamber. The Alicorn sat still in the room’s center, his eyes unblinking as he focused on his return visitor. “Alone, no less.” Aurelian noted. “Well.” Chrysalis smiled. “I felt that our talk would be more productive without my… associates.” “Is that so?” He asked, a hint of amusement in his voice. “Indeed.” She sashayed closer. “I have to admit, our previous encounter left quite the impression on me. But to be honest, while you made some very valid points, I couldn’t help but doubt some of your conclusions.” “Such as?” His eyes trailed her as she maneuvered around him. “It just seems such a waste that a magnificent and unmatched power such as yours merely lingers in this hole.” She began. “You said that you see no worth in pursuing conquest for any side as you have ‘seen it all’, so to speak. But I don’t believe that any creature can truly see it all; the world has changed so much since you’ve resigned yourself to this place. There are so many new places to see and things to… experience.” She brushed him with her tail as she rounded him; Aurelian began to chuckle which spiked her ire. “Did I say something funny?” She eyed him. “Allow me a single guess.” He softly smiled. “The elder heeds my words and the younger dismisses them, leaving you stuck in the middle and unable to draw your own conclusion.” He watched her eyes harden as his words struck a nerve. “Hence, as the weak are naturally inclined to do, you seek a stronger creature to lead as you cannot make a decision about your own existence.” “You…” Chrysalis growled bitterly. “More so, you thought you could charm me with your wiles?” Aurelian laughed. “I have bedded countless mares in my time, the appetites of the flesh hold little meaning for me anymore. I have no interest in you, Halfling.” “How dare…” She stopped as his words registered in her mind. “Halfling? What do you mean by that?” Aurelian’s head tilted slightly in interest. “So eager to control others and yet you do not even know yourself.” He sighed. “I knew the original Changeling Queen, and you girl, are no Changeling. You are a half breed, the result of a long forgotten tryst that created a schism in the Changeling hive.” He gestured to her with his wing. “Unicorn blood runs in your veins.” “That cannot be!” She shouted angrily. “Do you know your broodmother?” He continued, ignoring her outburst. “I… I don’t… remember her.” Chrysalis admitted. “Your ignorance of the truth would suggest that she perished before the story could be passed on.” He said wistfully. Chrysalis sat stricken, in just a hoof full of words Aurelian had dismantled her plan and shattered her world. Aurelian saw the lost look in her eyes and stepped closer. “Your raging against the world appears more futile by the minute.” He said with little consolation. “You’re right, about all of it.” She said with hollow voice. “I don’t know what to do. Tirek thinks you a sage and left to visit some unknown place. Cozy Glow thinks you a fool and works to continue our fight against the Princesses.” “And you?” He looked down at her. “I don’t want to believe you.” She looked up at him. “My anger at all that has been done to me won’t allow it.” “Nothing blinds more than anger, girl.” Aurelian nodded. “And now you tell me I am not even what I claim to be.” She continued. Aurelian opened a portal at his back. “You should return now.” “No, wait.” She pleaded. “Can you… tell me what happened to the Changelings? About where I came from?” Aurelian’s cynical heart registered something as he looked into the desperate eyes of his guest. He slowly nodded and closed the portal. “If it will aid in bringing you clarity, I will tell you the story.” All of Chrysalis’ typical demeanor faded away and she sat before him with an atypically open mind. “The Changelings were a fierce species; originally led by Queen Maxilla, her brood controlled nearly fifteen percent of the known world. When I served the budding national alliance in my youth, I was tasked to meet with her in order to help form an accord; one that would welcome her kind into the alliance to, in a roundabout way, control them.” “Control?” Chrysalis didn’t take too kindly to the word. “If left unchecked, she would have spread the Changelings across the globe which would have inevitably led to a war.” Aurelian explained. “Allowing her to be a part of the alliance would grant her power and say in the world’s affairs while, at the same time, allow us to set limits on her population and expansion.” He thought far back to the encounter. “She was a vicious and yet particular beast, we spoke plainly with one another as I knew that the slightest air of fabrication would have led to conflict. Suffice to say, she did eventually agree to join and the Changelings became an officially recognized species on the world stage. In order to keep them in check, thousands of acres of farmland were dedicated to raise livestock for them to consume so they would not have to spread any further than they already had.” “They were forced to feed off of the love of simple animals?” Chrysalis asked. “The true Changelings did not consume love, only flesh.” He answered. “Diet aside, it was with the third Queen known as Clypeus where your question becomes important. In a tale as old as time, love found a way to blossom between the strangest of bedfellows. She fell in love with a Unicorn named Stargazer who was the ambassador to her hive for his kind. Normally, a specially birthed stud drone would be the one to fertilize the Queen’s eggs but she allowed the Unicorn to do so instead; which gave way to unique batch of eggs that hatched into your particular subspecies.” As before, he used his magic to help illustrate his story. “It was an unheard of act that sparked a civil war within the massive hive. Clypeus and her lover fled with their brood and raised them far away from the angry maw of the Changelings, who were quick to foster a replacement Queen.” “And that brood are my ancestors?” Chrysalis queried. “Yes.” He nodded. “Friendship and love are a great source of power for Ponies; the added element of Unicorn magic mixed with the Changeling's voracious nature, allowing them to literally feed on emotion. Originally, they were able to sustain themselves on their mother’s love; but as more and more were born it became necessary for them to feed off of the love of other creatures.” He reached out and lifted her mane, looking over her face. “It was one of Clypeus' daughters that was your broodmother. I did not know her personally, by then I was already here in Tartarus.” Chrysalis took in the story silently for several moments. “They’ve evolved again, you know.” She finally spoke. “A member of my own brood, Thorax, took it upon himself to cease feeding on love and share it freely with… friends. With help from Ponies, he wrested control away from me and my Changelings became a new breed; they no longer need to feed off of other creatures and have taken on a culture of passivity.” “You see them as weak now?” Aurelian asked. “Are they not?” She asked in return. “They can’t even defend their own hive without the aid of others anymore.” Aurelian took a long breath as he thought. “The true Changelings said much the same of your breed, girl. The Halflings were seen as a mistake, an aberration of nature that spit in the face of all that they stood for. They sought out to destroy them, but through their mother’s strength and love they survived. She was not as weak as they imagined, and I would assume the new Changelings are not as weak as you claim them to be either. As I said before, you are participating in this meandering cycle that need not be.” “What am I supposed to do then?” She asked harshly. “With all the Changelings evolved, I am the last of my breed. I have no hive, no children… nothing.” Aurelian shook his head. “Did they stop being your brood merely because they changed their form and ways? Are you not still their broodmother as Clypeus remained the broodmother of her own evolved offspring?" “I… I am.” She slowly nodded. “They have joined the natural equilibrium of peace that always corrects the imbalances of the world. You are the one who chooses to resist it, you are the one who walked away from your brood out of anger and spite.” He stepped back towards the room’s center. “Your desire for control and power is what robbed you of your hive, not this Thorax and his allies." He opened his wings to the walls around them. "Nations, societies and species all change with time. What is considered wrong becomes right and what is considered right becomes wrong; I’ve seen it happen hundreds upon hundreds of times. The natural state of the world is always in flux; the needle can be bent by force but in the end it always returns to the point of least resistance and tension, which is what we call peace. You keep holding onto the needle, trying with all your might to pull it in the direction you wish; the true Changelings did much the same and they are gone now, let that be the lesson you take from this talk.” He once again opened the portal. Chrysalis nodded again and made her way over to the magical exit. “Thank you, for telling me all that.” “Find your peace, girl.” He tipped his head. “Do not repeat the mistakes of the past; be they yours or others’.” Aurelian closed the portal as she passed through and laughed shortly to himself. Without further word, he laid in the center of the chamber and resumed his endless waiting. Within Canterlot Castle, the four bested guards at the gates to Tartarus had returned with their news of what had transpired. They met with the royal sisters and detailed the confusing event in full. “You mean to say that somehow, Chrysalis had already escaped; only to return and break back into Tartarus?” Celestia summarized what she had heard. “Yes, Princess.” The lead guard nodded. “We are sorry we failed you.” “Did they?” Luna asked. “If Chrysalis returned to Tartarus, does that not mean she is secure once more?” “If she found a way out once, she will surely do so again.” Celestia said with a burdened sigh. “I do not understand her game, but we must investigate and see if she and the others are still there or not.” “I will inform the court of our leave.” Luna noted as she went to prepare. “Shall I alert Twilight as well?” “No, not yet.” Celestia shook her head. “Not until we know for certain what is happening.” With an entourage of Pegasi guard, Celestia and Luna rushed to the Tartarus gate. Using the reclaimed key, the stone doors parted as they hurried inside towards the primary chamber. “As expected.” Celestia beheld the broken cages of Tirek, Chrysalis and Cozy Glow. “Curse them.” Luna huffed. “Still, even free of the cages, how did they escape this place without using the only exit?” “You pose the answer to your own question, sister.” Celestia looked to her grimly. “There must be another exit from this place of which we are unaware.” “Then let us seek it out.” Luna began to proceed but Celestia halted her. “It is more important that we track them down first before they can regain too much footing.” Celestia advised. “Return to the castle and spread word that the villians are free once more. I will contact Twilight and the others so that they can keep their eyes and ears open.” “At once, sister.” Luna nodded and rallied the guard to follow her back. Celestia stared into the back reaches of Tartarus, her mind curious as to what the villians had discovered to allow their escape back into the world. Surpressing her lingering wonder for the time being, she hurried to inform her protégé of the situation. After a tireless trip across the lands, Tirek found himself at his destination. The bustling port city was active with traders and merchants who dealt in fresh wares brought from around the world by ship and caravan. Covering himself in a cloak, Tirek made his way towards the farther end of the city and into a decorative stone workshop. A chime sounded as the door knocked against a small bell and the owner emerged from the back. “Tirek?” His eyes widened as Tirek removed his cloak. “Brother.” He let the garment fall to the ground. “It has been some time.” “A lifetime.” Scorpan cautiously flew around to him. “Last I heard, you were returned to Tartarus yet again.” “You heard correctly.” He nodded. “How did you escape?” “That is a story in and of itself.” Tirek sighed. “Well, forgive my bluntness, but what are you doing here?” “I… I’m not truly certain.” Tirek admitted. “I just felt that I needed to see you.” Scorpan saw that something in his brother’s eyes was immeasurably different from when they last spoke. “What happened, brother?” “In Tartarus, I met a creature that is far more powerful than I could ever be, even if I drank of all the magic in Equestria.” Tirek began. “That creature, who could easily destroy the world if he desired, chooses to sit in Tartarus because he has accomplished every goal a hero or a conqueror could dare to dream of and has claimed only emptiness awaits those that follow in his hoof steps.” Scorpan stroked his chin. “Such a creature exists?” “He is an Alicorn.” “He?” Scorpan repeated. “Yes.” He nodded. “One that attests to being over ten thousand years old.” “Incredible.” Scorpan whispered to himself. “Are his words what brought you here?” Tirek stayed silent for a moment at the question. “If a creature that powerful can find no contentment in that power, then… everything I have based my life upon has been meaningless. You, who sits in this city living a mediocre life, have accomplished so much more than I ever have.” He laughed dryly. “Being a small part of a big world has made you happy; seeking control of it has left me with nothing but so much lost time in Tartarus and a fragile comradery with a fallen Queen and a mad child.” “It seems this creature is wise.” Scorpan nodded solemnly. “Brother, for creatures as long lived as we, life is not a sprint but a marathon. It is never too late to become a part of the world. You said you hate the ponies but their forgiveness, kindness and friendship know no bounds. Even a creature like me was welcomed with open hooves and being a part of their world has afforded me more than any conquest could ever provide.” He reached out and took Tirek’s shoulder. “This Alicorn has clearly laid a fog down around you and you have the chance to come out of it a different creature.” He smiled. “I’ve never abandoned my love for you, brother. You are all the family I have left and all I’ve ever wanted was for you to find the same peace that I have. You never listened to me or any creature else before, so I am grateful to this Alicorn for being able to reach you; for saying whatever it was that you needed to hear to finally sway you off of your nefarious course in life.” Tirek struggled as his eyes grew damp. “I saw a loneliness and emptiness in that Alicorn’s eyes that terrified me; and worst of all I saw myself in the reflection of those eyes. As much as I lust for power, I… I cannot allow myself to ever have that look in my eyes. I don’t know if I can accept the world as readily as you, but I also know that I do not wish to be like Aurelian.” “Confusion is a fine start, brother.” Scorpan patted his arm. “How about I get some food for us and we can talk about this as much as you need to.” Tirek felt comfort as he looked into his brother’s eyes. “Thank you, brother. I certainly don’t deserve such kindness from you.” “When a creature feels they do not deserve kindness; that is often the point when they need it the most.” Scorpan assured. “Family is there for each other no matter what, as mother taught us.” Cozy Glow wandered the towns and villages of the Equestrian countryside, spending her time in curio shops and antique stores looking for items of interest. Finding little worth her time, she eventually found herself in a massive bazaar near the outskirts of Appaloosa. Rifling through the bric-a-brac of a tent, the filly was soon approached by the owner. “Excuse me, child.” The Saddle Arabian Unicorn called her attention. “If it is toys you seek, this is not the place.” “If I wanted toys, I’d go to a toy store.” She looked up at him sourly. “I’m interested in magical artifacts.” “Oh, is that so?” The Unicorn eyed her curiously. “Yes indeedy.” She returned to her search. “Have you got anything besides this junk?” “Ahem.” He cleared his throat, a bit perturbed by the insinuation. “These items happen to be…” “Junk!” She glared at him with an unhinged smile. “Are you sure this isn’t a toy store? Because that’s all I’m seeing here.” “You are welcome to leave.” He pointed to the flap. “Fine!” She shouted, flying towards the exit. “Stupid adults, always treating me like I’m some kind of baby!” She cursed to the sky. “I’m sick of it! I’m tired of never being taken seriously!” “Excuse me, little miss.” A cloaked figure waved to her. Cozy Glow stared at the stranger and slowly approached. “What? Want to know where my mommy and daddy are?” “No, child.” He shook his head. “I couldn’t help but hear your exchange with that shop keeper and you are right; he deals only in trinkets to dazzle tourists.” “Can you do better?” Cozy Glow asked. “Of course.” The stallion removed his cloak. “My name is Dr. Caballeron; explorer, treasure hunter and purveyor of lost artifacts.” “Ooh, that sounds neat.” She quickly altered to her overly sweet demeanor. “Maybe you can help, mister.” “Doctor.” Caballeron corrected. “I did not obtain a degree in archaeology to be called ‘mister’.” He waved her into his shop. Cozy Glow followed him inside and smiled at the sight of the sparkling treasures that lined his shelves. “This is what I’m talking about.” She hovered from shelf to shelf. “What is all this stuff?” “These are rare finds from the deepest and most sheltered parts of the world.” Caballeron proclaimed. “Each with a legend and a sordid history to accompany it.” He saw her eyeing a bizzare bracelet; it was silver and studded with tiny gemstones, the round was ornately molded to resemble a Chimera with a detailed scorpion tail that jutted out and was complete with a sharp point. “Ah, that is one of my more recent discoveries.” “What is it?” Cozy Glow asked. “Ha ha… I… have no idea.” Caballeron admitted. “My team and I found it in a temple that was buried under the sands of the Palomino Desert. Whatever society crafted it is long gone and these things don’t exactly come with instructions.” “It’s pretty if nothing else.” Cozy Glow slid it on, screaming in pain as barbs jutted from the interior of the band and dug deep into her foreleg. “Ahhh! Get it off!” She shook her leg, blood flying around the tent. “Stay still, little one!” Caballeron began to panic and tried to grab her, the stinger of the bracelet sank into his foreleg and he quickly fell to the ground in complete exhaustion. Cozy Glow landed on the floor as her entire body began to burn; her legs and neck began to extend, body filling out to match and her curly mane and tail lengthened along with her wings. When the burning subsided, she fumbled around the room as she attempted to walk on new legs. She hobbled before a decorative mirror and gasped at her reflection. “What in the world?” She reached her hoof up and touched her elongated face, quickly recoiling at the length of her leg. “I’m… grown up.” She looked down at the bracelet, seeing that the bleeding had ceased; she then looked down at the groaning Caballeron with a wide smile. “Hee hee… I think I know what this does now, Doctor.” > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After propping the half conscious Caballeron up in a chair, Cozy Glow quickly high tailed it away from the scene and into the forests. She landed with a gleeful laugh, prancing around on her long new legs. “Ha ha, this feels amazing.” She danced around the area. “Now that I’m big, those two will have to take me seriously.” An excited giggle left her. “I can get on roller coasters, I don’t have to order off of the kids menu anymore…” She glanced back at her flank, wiggling it too and fro. “Not to mention I’m way cuter than that old bug now.” Reaching up to her curly mane, she tugged on her locks with a questioning hum. “Although, this hair cut doesn’t really scream ‘grown up’.” Her eyes lit up as an idea struck her. “Ooh, I should get a makeover!” Quickly returning to the sky, she headed back towards Appaloosa. Coming upon a traveling stallion along the road, Cozy Glow happily mugged the poor traveler for his bits and made her way into town. With no pony recognizing her straight away, she freely walked the streets in search of some kind of salon. She was directed to Country Rose and eagerly hurried inside. “Hello there.” A unicorn greeted her. “I’m Lilac, how can we help you?” “I want a new look.” Cozy Glow said bluntly. “I’m big now and I want to look like it.” “Um… okay.” Lilac smiled timidly at the bizarre statement. “Are you looking to get your hair done?” “Yeah.” She nodded. “And makeup, I want that too.” “I see.” Lilac retrieved a brochure. “May I suggest our silver package? It provides hair styling, a hooficure and we can set you up with some basic cosmetics.” “Okay, let’s do that.” Cozy Glow followed her into the back where she was passed off to one of the stylists. The mare set herself on Cozy Glow’s hair, using every trick she knew to try and straighten the tight curls. As she laid in the chair with her head in a sink, another mare tended to her hooves. After an hour of work, she was moved to another chair where the treatment continued. The stylist layered her hair, giving Cozy Glow a straighter mane with tips that retained her signature ringlets; while the upper part was woven into smooth waves. Her tail was straightened as well, braided to match the waves in her mane and secured with red lace. She was given rose tinted eyeshadow to lightly compliment her pinkish coat and a similar shade of lipstick. Her hooves were painted to reflect the red lace around her tail and finally she was provided eyelash extensions. When all was said and done, she stood before the mirror in amazement; barely even recognizing herself. “Well now, what do you think?” Her stylist inquired. “I’m beautiful.” Cozy Glow held her cheek, a wide smile on her face. “You certainly are.” The stylist agreed. “I can’t wait to rub this in Chrys….” She stopped herself from saying the notorious name aloud. “I mean… my friend’s face.” Paying in her stolen bits, Cozy Glow left feeling like a new mare. As she strolled down the street, catching eyes left and right, she quelled an excited laugh. “I bet every pony wants to be my friend now.” She paused her celebration and observed the bracelet. “But first things first, I’m going to have to do a test to see if I’m right about this thing.” Taking to the air again, Cozy Glow left Appaloosa and headed for the mountain base to begin looking for a suitable cavern. She discovered an opening that was heavy with guano and quietly made her way inside. “Here we go.” She whispered, eying the bats that lined the ceiling. Gingerly plucking one of the slumbering creatures from its spot, Cozy Glow sped from the cave before the screeching could alarm the others. The bat struggled in her grasp as she carried it over to a rock and pinned it down. “Sit still and this’ll be over in a second.” Cozy Glow aimed the stinger and jabbed it into the bat’s stomach; the animal let out a long screech before falling into the same exhausted state as Caballeron. Cozy Glow stepped back and waited, feeling nothing of note. “Huh… maybe I was…” Her eyes widened as she felt the familiar fire course through her flesh. “Ohhh, there we go.” She giggled wildly at the intense sensation, her feathered wings contorting and rearranging into the leathery wings of a bat. As the burn ceased, she spread her new wings with an ecstatic smile. “I knew it!” She lifted herself into the air. “I can take the dominate physical trait of whatever creature I want, I’m like a real Chimera now.” Her mind began to race with ideas. “I can be more than just big… I can become an entirely new creature.” Her laugh echoing off the rocks, she soared up into the sky and began making her way back north. The Changeling hive was as active as ever with Thorax overseeing the Spring Carnival, a holiday he instigated to celebrate the spring bloom which was something new to the rejuvenated region. Decorating, cooking and preparation were in full swing; the overtly merry creatures singing all the while. A formation of sparrows swept over the area, with one in particular breaking away and landing on a jagged perch overlooking the activity. Through green eyes, the bird watched as the Changelings went about their blissful day. Moving from perch to perch, it kept up its vigil for a few hours before its attention was captured by the sound of crying. Flying over an outcropping near the rear of the hive, a young Changeling was spotted holding her leg with tears in her eyes. Seeing no one coming to investigate, the bird swooped down and reformed into Chrysalis. “Why are you crying?” Chrysalis asked rather curtly. The little Changeling looked up at her in shock, sniffling as she clutched her leg. “I… I twisted my leg when I was playing on the rocks.” “Is that all?” Chrysalis eyed her. “You’re a Changeling, your body is designed to endure far worse than a simple fall.” She knelt down and rolled the leg, feeling the joint and squeezing in various spots. “Your leg isn’t damaged, just sore.” “Okay.” The young Changeling planted her hoof down and tested her leg. “If you should actually injure yourself while away from the others, do not merely sit there and cry.” Chrysalis continued. “Change into a creature that compensates for the injury and quickly return to the hive where you can be properly treated.” She sighed in disgust. “Honestly, that should be of the first things you learn.” “I’ll remember that next time.” The girl smiled up at her. “Thank you.” “Yes, well… be more careful next time.” Chrysalis advised. “Chitin!?” A voice called from the distance. “Over here!” The young one turned and waved. “That’s my…” Turning back, she looked around in confusion, finding the stranger gone. Chrysalis continued to watch over the hive; she noticed that within the hour there were dozens of Changelings inspecting the area, no doubt in reaction to Chitin describing her to the others and raising alarms. Thorax himself surveyed the area as well which caught her eye; going against her instinct, she descended from above and landed at his back. “Looking for me, I take it.” She assumed her natural form. “Chrysalis.” Thorax turned, startled but holding his ground. “So it was you.” “What of it?” She turned her nose up. “Princess Celestia sent a letter warning Pharynx and I that you had escaped Tartarus.” He detailed. “I haven’t told the rest of the hive yet because I didn’t want to start a panic. To be honest, I was hoping that if it was you I would find you first.” “You do not fear my presence?” She asked. “Should I.” He asked in return. “Tell me why you’re here and we can go from there.” “Hmph.” Chrysalis cocked her stance. “You may have taken the throne, but this is still my hive. I was just seeing what you’ve done with it… or to it, rather.” She turned and started off. “I didn’t come looking for a fight.” “Wait.” Thorax stopped her. “Thank you.” She looked back over her shoulder. “Thank you?” “Chitin said you helped her and gave her some good advice.” Thorax lightly smiled. “So, thank you.” “Whatever.” She looked away. “Some creature has to teach them properly.” “Hey.” Thorax crinkled his nose. “I may be new to this whole 'leader of the hive' thing, but the Changelings are doing better than ever." “You’re certainly leading them down an interesting path.” Chrysalis noted. Thorax’s extremely empathetic nature could detect that something was off with all of this. He looked at her with serious eyes and held his hoof out. “You came here for a reason. If it wasn’t to fight, then why?” Chrysalis struggled with all her might to swallow her immense pride. “I wanted… to see my home again.” She turned back and looked up at the hive. “I didn’t think this was my home anymore; but some creature suggests that it still is… or should be… or could be…” Her frustrated eyes battled against displaying the emotion she was feeling inside. Thorax sighed as he struggled with a decision of his own. “History and experience say I shouldn’t trust you; but I’ve always gone with my heart and my heart says that whatever this is… it’s genuine. If something is wrong, I’d like to help if I can. In spite of all that you’ve done… you’re still our mother.” Hearing that word finally broke Chrysalis; she bit her lip to stay the tear that was working to leave her eye and silently nodded her approval of the idea. Disguising herself as a fly and resting upon his antler, Thorax took her into the hive and instructed the Changelings to end the search. He retrieved his brother and headed to a secluded area to let him in on what has happening. “You shouldn’t have stopped the search.” Pharynx grumbled as he followed. “If Chrysalis is in the area then we are in danger.” “She’s… a lot closer than you think.” Thorax chuckled nervously as they halted. “Come on out.” Chrysalis flew from his head and retook her form. “Ah!” Pharynx leapt back and dug in his hooves. “Hold on!” Thorax frantically waved. “Are you crazy!?” Pharynx stared his brother down. “I really wish you would stop asking me that.” Thorax pouted. “She isn’t here to fight.” “You gullible nitwit, did it ever occur to you that she could be lying?” Pharynx asked. Chrysalis laughed shortly at the question. “Well, it seems some of you still retain your instincts.” She chimed in. “But this time he is right, I didn’t come here to cause trouble.” “See.” Thorax waved his brother down. “Just keep calm and let’s talk this out.” “Fine.” Pharynx settled but maintained his distance. “What exactly are we talking about?” “Well, that’s kind of up to her.” Thorax looked to Chrysalis. “You want to tell us what happened that led you back here?” “Why don’t you start with how you escaped Tartarus again?” Pharynx suggested. “I didn’t so much escape as I was let out.” Chrysalis informed. “There is an old and very powerful creature down there; it was he who freed us, but not after a fairly insightful talk. His words hung on us like iron chains and Tirek felt driven to leave for who knows where.” She lowered her head in a sort of shame. “I thought I could manipulate this creature to aid us but that was a naïve dream. He saw through me like damp parchment and laid a truth on my shoulders for which I was not prepared.” “What truth?” Thorax asked. “The full history of our kind.” She answered. “His tale laid bare that I have spent my life being mistaken about so many things… and that I walk a path that has been treaded before, to no great end.” She set her hoof to her head. “I didn’t know where else to go.” Thorax checked his brother’s face to see his reaction to all this, finding the typical level of suspect in his eyes. “Would you… like to see the hive?” He finally asked. “What?” She quickly looked back to him. “Yeah, what?” Pharynx repeated. “Like you said, it’s still technically your hive.” Thorax smiled. “I’d like to show you what we’ve accomplished since you’ve been gone.” “I…” Chrysalis hesitated greatly, more so at Thorax’s willingness to show her so much kindness than anything else. “I would.” “Thorax.” Pharynx finally stepped forward. “Brother, I don’t want to fight anymore.” He said sternly. “Not with you and not with her.” Pharynx slowly nodded. “Okay. It’s your call, but make one wrong move and I’ll set the entire hive on you.” He pointed his hoof at Chrysalis. “Fair enough.” She nodded in return. “This works out great.” Thorax cheered. “We’re getting ready for the Spring Carnival.” “Spring… Carnival?” Chrysalis eyed him. “Yeah, it’s a new holiday I came up with to celebrate the spring bloom.” He smiled excitedly. “Since flowers and trees, you know, grow here now.” “Lead on.” Chrysalis suppressed an eye roll at the very idea. Thorax led her from their spot and out into the midst of the hive activity. As the Changelings saw their visitor they immediately stopped and stared in worry. “It’s okay, every creature!” Thorax assured as he gestured to Chrysalis. “Yes, this is Chrysalis and she is here under my charge! There isn’t any need to be afraid so lets put on our best attitudes and show her how awesome our hive is now!” Pharynx flew out over them. “I’ll be monitoring the situation! So stay at ease and go about your day! We still have lots of preparation to do for the Carnival!” Between the words of their leaders, the Changelings slowly began to return to their activity, albeit cautiously. “There.” Thorax beamed. “Let’s start the tour.” Chrysalis quietly followed as Thorax showed her around the hive, showcasing all the changes he had introduced after their evolution. Surrounded by bright colors, art, singing and merriment; Chrysalis could hardly believe that many of these Changelings were once part of the destructive horde she had commanded. They ultimately found themselves near the hive’s peak, the full majesty of the area before them. “So, what do you think?” Thorax asked. Chrysalis sighed. “Honestly, it’s so sweet I can’t help but be disgusted.” She answered. “Oh… okay.” Thorax frowned. “But they do seem happy.” She added. “Happier than I could ever make them.” “Well, I know this change is a lot but…” “That’s just the thing.” Chrysalis cut him off. “It isn’t. This has all happened before.” “It has?” Thorax sat at her side. “We were the result of such a change as well.” She nodded. “Born from love, no less.” Thorax’s curiosity was piqued. “Can you tell me the story?” "Yes." Chrysalis sat and recounted the story that was passed to her by Aurelian. She told him what he had said to her about her path in life and the advice he left her with. Upon hearing the full explanation, Thorax felt more certain than ever about his decision. “He’s right, you know.” He smiled. “You’re still our mother and you can still have a place here… that is, if you’re willing to be a part of what we’ve created.” Chrysalis shook her head with a laugh. “Where did you get your heart? Certainly wasn’t from me.” “You led us the best way you knew how.” Thorax began. “But the world is different now and that isn’t the best way anymore. I knew that the reason we always fought with other creatures is because we needed to feed off of them. I left because I felt there had to be a better way and I thought that if I could find that way, you would be proud of me.” His smile faded. “I did find a way, but by that time you had already enacted another plan to take over Equestria. When Starlight led us back to stop you, I had hoped in those final moments I could convince you to hear me out.” “You expected more than I was capable of at the time.” Chrysalis looked to him with regret. “I think deep down I knew you were right, but I was unable to accept that truth. I blamed you and Starlight for taking my hive but it was as Aurelian said, I cost myself my own hive.” She looked back out over the Changelings below. “I may not agree with all this, but you have done more to lead the Changelings to a better future than I ever did; and for whatever it’s worth now, I am proud of you.” She heard him sniffle and looked over to see tears in his eyes. “Stop crying.” She ordered. “That isn’t how a leader acts.” “Sorry.” He laughed and wiped his eyes. “Does this mean you’ll stay and finally put an end to all the fighting?” “I… will try, Thorax.” She nodded. “Just don’t expect me to sing or anything.” “Deal.” He got closer and put his hoof around her with a teary smile. “Welcome home, mom.” > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After a day long talk with his brother, a full meal and night’s sleep unlike any he had enjoyed in longer than he could remember; Tirek awoke feeling a welcome ease. He could hear work being done at the forefront of his brother’s workshop and went to investigate. “Ah, good morning brother.” Scorpan hailed as he labored over a grandfather clock. “It’s late, you must have slept well.” “It’s the first night in ages I haven’t spent in a cage or on a rock.” Tirek looked over the clock. “What is this?” “There is an old pony who lives in this town.” Scorpan began as he continued his work. “He collects antique clocks and usually brings them to me for repair.” He laughed. “Having opposable thumbs helps when it comes to fine labor such as this.” “Is this what you do with your time?” Tirek asked sourly. “I do many things, brother.” He answered. “My life has given me experience in a variety of trades and fields; I’ve become a renaissance creature as it were. I earn my keep offering whatever skills I can to this city.” “Your magical ability and power are beyond such menial tasks.” Tirek noted. “Perhaps.” Scorpan nodded. “But my heart is not.” He set his tools down and looked to Tirek with serious consideration. “If you are to change your view of the world, you must stop seeing all others as lesser than yourself. We are powerful, yes; but we are far from perfect and there are other creatures that exude that which we lack.” His gaze drifted to the window and out at the city. “I have a route of jobs to tend to today, why don’t you come with me and see the city for yourself.” “The world still thinks me in Tartarus, brother.” Tirek reminded. “Seeing me would only lure all of Canterlot’s guard here.” "I can remedy that.” Scorpan’s eyes shone with light, he laid his hand to Tirek’s shoulder and his brother’s form began to augment. His horns turned downward, skin changing to a light tan and fur to a rich cocoa. “There.” “What kind of trick is this?” Tirek looked himself over. “One required back when I needed to lay low for a time.” Scorpan returned his attention to his work. “Allow me to finish with this clock and we’ll be on our way.” Tirek hesitantly followed Scorpan out onto the streets. He was able to see firsthand how beloved his brother was to the creatures of the city; nearly everyone they passed waved or greeted him with all the warmth of a longtime friend. As the day went on, Tirek’s constant guard began to lower as he realized that, for the time being, he wasn’t a wanted villain. That simple peace of mind was something he had all but forgotten over the course of his life and he was careful to take note of the fact. At the cusp of the afternoon, they found themselves at the docks where Scorpan was meeting up with a visiting ship captain whom he had developed a lasting friendship with. “Scorpan!” The old dragon was quick to embrace him. “Never forget my schedule, do you?” “Of course not, Singe.” Scorpan chuckled. “How are the seas?” “A kinder mistress than my last.” He laughed. “We just returned from Maretonia; we’ve got several shipments to unload for pickup.” “Anything interesting?” Scorpan asked. “Ahh, fancy wares and materials that are lost on us sea faring types.” Singe looked back to his ship. “Lost a hand too, poor lad.” “Did he perish?” “Worse, married.” Singe slapped his back with a hearty laugh. Scorpan shook his head with a smile. “Well, as it happens, I’ve an extra pair of hands with me today.” He looked to his brother. “Perhaps he could aid your crew with the shipment?” Tirek took the hint and nodded. “I suppose I could use a workout.” “Thank you, stranger.” Singe smiled brightly. “The auburn barge with six sails in mine.” Tirek slowly made his way down the dock to the aforementioned craft; he saw a pair of Dragons, a Unicorn and a Hippogriff moving crates down the gangway. They took notice of him as he approached and one of the Dragons halted his work to meet him. “Seen you down the dock with Scorpan.” He began. “Friend of his?” “Yes.” Tirek nodded. “I am merely visiting.” He quickly changed topics. “Singe said you were a creature down and could use a hand.” “Well, we certainly won’t turn down the offer.” The Dragon held his claw out. “Whiterock.” As Tirek took his claw he pointed back to the others. “That’s Spade, Summer Sun and Altor.” “Nice… to meet you.” Tirek offered a light wave. “So, what exactly are we doing?” “Moving heavy things from one place to another.” Spade laughed as he hoisted another crate. “Easy enough.” Tirek boarded the ship. “Hey, this is highly skilled labor.” Summer Sun assured. Altor flew back aboard the ship. “We have to tell ourselves that once a day; otherwise we’d throw ourselves into the ocean.” “It has its perks.” Whiterock lifted a crate and passed it to Tirek. “Keeps us in shape.” “Yeah, to impress all those girls we never see.” Spade added. Tirek took the crate and balanced it in one palm. “I can take another.” He offered his other hand. “Well now, get a load of this one.” Whiterock obliged the request. “Hey now.” Altor toned. “Don’t go trying to upstage us. We can’t let the captain see how much we’re really capable of or he’ll expect it all the time.” Tirek smiled as he walked down the gangway. “If you consider this upstaging then I suppose I’ll have to hold back.” Summer Sun eyed Altor with a grin. “Uh oh, our meat-head ratio is all thrown off now.” "If you trained your magic as much as your mouth you could move this all in one go.” Spade jabbed. “And give you even more reason to slack?” Summer Sun scoffed. Tirek found himself enjoying the rough and off color antics of the crew, loosening up and firing his own shots into the conversation. The crew took to him as well and within the span of the job he was all but one of the boys. Wrapping up as the afternoon grew late, Tirek returned to his brother and followed him back home. After a shower, the smell of dinner caught his nose and led him to a pot of stew on the range. “Feeling better?” Scorpan asked as he stirred. “Yes.” Tirek nodded. “Would you mind changing me back now?” “Of course.” Scorpan left the stove and undid his spell, returning Tirek to his proper form. “So, what do you think of my city now?” “It is very… down to earth.” He answered. “I can see why you are fond of it.” “It seemed to be fond of you as well.” Scorpan noted. “You must have many thoughts on the matter, brother; tell me of them.” “At full power, I can level a mountain if I desired.” Tirek stared at his clenched fist. “But performing such a simple task, alongside creatures who didn’t even so much as ask about who I was or where I came from… it was more pleasant than I would have first thought.” “Even when we were young, you always focused on growing stronger and more powerful." Scorpan filled a bowl with stew. “Your quest to control the world around you only saw to it that you were further and further removed from that world.” He set the bowl before his brother. “But today, instead of trying to stand above the world, you stood at its side.” He filled a bowl of his own and sat across from his brother. “What you feel after today, when was the last time you felt anything similar?” “I don’t remember.” Tirek looked down into the bowl. “Perhaps never.” “Today was an experiment and you now have the results of that experiment.” Scorpan smiled. “I hope they help inform your decisions moving forward.” Tirek absorbed the advice as he silently began to eat. Celestia and Twilight flew towards the Changeling hive, having received word from Thorax that Chrysalis was there with him. “This is turning out to be some week.” Twilight noted. “What do you make of all this?” “I do not know, Twilight.” Celestia shook her head. “Thorax’s letter took us by surprise and lacked any sense of concern. Whatever is happening, I intend for her to explain in full.” “Thorax is sweet hearted to a fault.” Twilight sighed. “I can’t help but worry he’s being manipulated.” “Pharynx acts as his counter balance.” Celestia pointed out. “If something was amiss, he would have said so.” Upon nearing the hive, they descended from the sky and headed for the Changeling throne. Thorax patiently awaited them, greeting the pair with his usual cheer. “Princess Celestia, Twilight, welcome back.” “Hello, Thorax.” Celestia greeted. “We came as quickly as possible.” “Oh, that’s alright.” He promised. “It is?” Twilight looked up at him unsurely. “Where’s Chrysalis?” “Well, she isn’t exactly taking to the majority of the activities around here.” Thorax scratched his chin. “But she has taken to spending time with the hatchlings; she’s probably in the nursery.” “Is she not under guard?” Celestia asked. “Oh no, it isn’t like that.” Thorax shook his head. “She’s been settling in pretty well.” “Please take us to her.” Celestia gestured for Thorax to lead the way. Thorax escorted them down into the subterranean areas of the hive. They came upon a quiet section where a distinct, musical humming could be heard. Crossing into the sheltered nursery, Celestia was brought to full pause at what she saw; the fearsome and malevolent Changeling Queen with a pair of hatchlings held against her breast. Aided by a team of three, she busied herself with the dozens of little ones that crawled about. “Chrysalis?” Celestia called. Chrysalis glanced over at them, an unsurprised laugh leaving her. “I was wondering when you’d show up.” “I called them here, mom.” Thorax explained. “I wanted them to see that you weren’t here to hurt any creature.” Setting the two younglings to the ground, Chrysalis made her way over to her rival. “Well, you know I am here.” She stared calmly yet fearlessly into Celestia’s eyes. “What now?” “That depends on you, I suppose.” Celestia answered. “You and I have battled and battled with no signs of stopping; and now, out of the blue, it is suggested that the battle is done. I hope you understand my hesitation in believing that.” “I do.” She nodded. “Not a month ago; you, Tirek and Cozy Glow were returned to Tartarus for your crimes.” Celestia recapped. “What has changed?” “My perspective.” Chrysalis laid her hoof to her chest. “The last few days have been a lot, the weight of which has made me reflect on many things.” She took another step forward. “I lost my home and my brood, all because the desire to dethrone you and control this world was more important to me than they were.” She pointed to the hatchlings behind her. “Losing them, seeing them move on and leave me behind… sent me to the brink of madness which only fueled the fire of hatred inside of me. I thought nothing would quell that flame until I was given a stark look at the future the light of that fire was leading me towards.” Taking a moment to calm herself, Chrysalis shook her head longingly. “I’m done wasting my life fighting with you. I’ve been given an opportunity I didn’t deserve, an opportunity to have my family and home back; and that is enough of the world for me.” Thorax proudly went to her side. “If there’s one thing I’ve learned from ponies, it’s that nothing is more important than family. She’s our mother, and I want her here with us where she belongs.” Celestia looked to Twilight who could only offer a considering smile. The Princess nodded and returned her gaze to Chrysalis. “Alright, if that is truly your wish then I will not interfere with your life here. Thorax is the ruler of the hive and as fellow royalty, I accept his decision.” “That’s great.” Thorax hugged onto Chrysalis. “Aren’t you happy?” “Yes, yes.” Chrysalis lightly patted his back. “Chrysalis.” Twilight spoke up. “Even if you still aren’t too keen on ponies; as the Princess of Friendship, I’m glad to see the fighting between us stop. And I’m happy you’ve been able to reconnect with your family.” “I… appreciate the sentiment.” Chrysalis pried herself free of her son’s hug. “I still have some questions, if you would oblige.” Celestia continued. “Do you know where Tirek and Cozy Glow are?” “No.” Chrysalis answered. “Tirek left first, but he did not say where he was headed. I left Cozy Glow in a cave, but by the time I returned she was already gone.” “I see.” Celestia pondered the implications of the news. “I have only one more thing to ask you then. How were you able to escape Tartarus?” Chrysalis looked at her with intrigue. “Were you aware that there’s an Alicorn in Tartarus?” She asked in kind. “What?” Shock washed over the Princess’ face. “Another Princess?” Twilight asked. “No, a male.” Chrysalis informed. Twilight’s eyes harried in confusion. “That’s a thing?” She looked up to Celestia. “I… do not know.” Celestia admitted. “I have never heard of one before.” “His name is Aurelian.” Chrysalis continued. “He says he is the first, dating back over ten thousand years.” “That predates any information in my oldest history book.” Twilight said in amazement. “I had no idea such a creature resided there.” Celestia confirmed. “Was it he who freed you?” “Yes.” Chrysalis nodded. “And it was his words that led me back to my hive.” “This is incredible.” Twilight grew excited at the idea of a creature so knowledgeable of the world’s history. “If he is in Tartarus, that means he must have been an enemy to the world at some point.” Celestia surmised. “You have no idea.” Chrysalis noted. “He said that Tartarus itself was built to be his prison. He can leave anytime he wants, but he chooses not to as he feels he has seen all that the world has to offer and no longer desires to be a part of it.” “That sounds sad.” Thorax frowned. “He helped you, right? From all that you’ve told me, he sounds like a good creature.” “He isn’t.” Chrysalis looked to him sharply. “At least... not entirely. The only reason that he does not rule this world is due to the simple fact that he chooses not to.” She looked back to Celestia. “He spoke with us because he wished to warn us away from a path in life that he has already seen the end of more than once. His philosophy and wisdom are derived from a life so long, he claims to understand the ebb and flow of existence itself; and I believe him.” Celestia weighed Chrysalis’ tale in her mind. “That is certainly a deal to comprehend; as if recent events weren’t spectacular enough already.” She sighed. “If we’re done, the little ones need to be fed.” Chrysalis headed back into the nursery. “Chrysalis.” Celestia halted her. “Thank you, and know that I do wish you well here.” Chrysalis looked back over her shoulder. “Just because my perspective has changed, doesn’t mean my feelings have.” Thorax gave her a disapproving look. “C’mon, mom.” Chrysalis rolled her eyes with a light sigh. “But… thank you.” With that, she returned to her caregiving. “So, what now?” Twilight asked as Thorax rejoined them. “We must track down Tirek and Cozy Glow.” Celestia began. “At least we know Chrysalis is in good hooves with Thorax, so that is one less worry.” “Well, if we can help, just let us know.” Thorax offered. “Thank you.” Celestia nodded. “For now, let us return to the castle. The news about this Aurelian leaves me troubled.” With more questions than answers, the Princesses flew from the hive and began their return to Canterlot. > Chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna quickly went to meet with Twilight and her sister the moment she received word of their return. She found Celestia on the throne, her eyes heavy with thought. “Sister, what news do you bring?” She asked, hurrying to their side. Celestia raised her head from her pondering. “Well, it is as Thorax suggested; Chrysalis is indeed living within the hive once more and shows no interest in further conflict with us.” “Truly?” Luna checked with Twilight. “Yes.” Twilight nodded. “I mean… she’s not exactly anymore friendly or anything, but she said she just wants to have her family back.” “That is most excellent news.” Luna eyed her sister. “So why do you seem so troubled?” “We may have another problem.” Celestia explained. “Chrysalis’ sudden change of heart only came about due to an encounter within Tartarus. She told us that there is an ancient, male Alicorn living in those forgotten tunnels. “An Alicorn? In Tartarus?” Luna found herself lost in surprise at the idea. “She said his name is Aurelian.” Twilight continued. “And his lifespan predates our recorded history.” “What do you intend to do, sister?” “I am not certain, Luna.” Celestia admitted. “There is much to consider and ruler or no… I am not wholly comfortable drawing a conclusion alone.” She looked to Twilight. “I can think of no other opinion on the matter I would value more than my own mentor’s. You converse with Starswirl regularly, would you ask that he join us here?” “That’s a great idea.” Twilight smiled. “I’ll have Spike send a letter to him right away; be back soon.” Twilight vanished in a purple flash of light as she teleported from the room. “Sister, did Chrysalis have any further information on Tirek and Cozy Glow?” Luna sat in her throne at Celestia’s side. “No, she is unaware of their location.” Celestia shook her head. “She did say that Aurelian spoke with them at length before freeing them from Tartarus. Part of me hopes that his words impacted them as they did Chrysalis; although I must remain skeptical.” “If nothing else, they are no longer working in concert.” Luna gleaned a bright side to a matter. “And with Chrysalis out of the equation, the threat has greatly decreased.” “True.” Celestia agreed as she stood. “I am going to draft a public announcement about Chrysalis , would you mind tending the throne a bit longer?” “Not at all, sister.” Luna nodded as Celestia teleported away. Cozy Glow had spent the last two days enjoying her recent popularity as a full grown mare. Her newfound beauty served only to exponentially increase the effectiveness of her manipulative ways and she was using it to full effect. Charming her way into some free room and board, she laid low in a quiet town while she pondered her next moves. “Let’s see now.” She sighed, reviewing a list she was assembling of possible creatures on which to use the Chimera Bracelet. “Scorpion tail?” She looked down at her rear. “And ruin this?” She quickly scratched the creature off the list. “Minotaur horns?” Her eyes rolled up in an attempt to see her forehead. “That could be neat, and I can get them painted if I don’t like the color.” Her thought was interrupted by a knock at the door. “Just a second!” She strolled to the door and opened up to find one of the attendants. “Your lunch order, miss.” He timidly smiled, presenting the tray. “About time… geez.” She took the tray, finding him still standing there. “What?” “Oh, well… a tip?” He meekly asked. “Tip huh?” Cozy Glow reached her head out the door and set her lips to the corner of his mouth. “That should cover it.” She quickly shut the door in his blushing face. “Boys are so much easier to deal with now.” With a giggle she set the tray down and uncovered her meal. Her devious smile faded after a moment as she looked around the empty room. “Still, this would be more fun if Tirek and Chrysalis were here.” Her face soured. “Dummies, wasting their time sulking; whatever, once they see the new me they’ll realize that they were wrong and we can get back to business.” She took a bite of her sprout, tomato and spinach sandwich. A much harder knock came at the door and with an annoyed growl she went to answer. “What!?” She pulled open the door to see an older mare glaring up at her. “Ugh… please don’t tell me you want a tip too?” “What I want...” The ornery mare began. “Is the bits you owe for this room. I just let my front desk manager have it for falling for whatever sob story you threw at him, so pay up.” Cozy Glow put on a gimmicky frown. “But… it was the truth. I’ve been traveling all alone and I just needed a place to rest. Times have been hard.” The owner looked her up and down. “Fancy mane, painted hooves… yeah, life’s been real rough on you hasn’t it.” She scoffed. “Stop acting like a spoiled brat and fork over the bits. Otherwise you can beat it, before I let the Sheriff straighten you out.” “Brat?” Cozy Glow’s eye twitched. “I… am not…a BRAT!” She spread her unnatural wings, the sight of which confused the owner. Mashing her hat down over her eyes and kicking her to the floor, Cozy Glow instinctively raised the bracelet to strike but stopped herself. “Actually, forget it. The only thing I could get from you is bags under my eyes.” She flew from the room and down the stairway, knocking over patrons as she made her escape from the building. Taking to the sky, she fled from the town and began making her way west. The following dawn, Starswirl had joined the Princesses as requested. With little time for a full reunion, Celestia explained to her former teacher what Chrysalis had detailed to them. The old sorcerer listened to the tale with a sense of wonder that he had not felt in ages. As Celestia concluded her story, Starswirl sat quiet; stroking his beard as he mulled over the situation. “No matter how old I get, there is always something new to learn.” Starswirl let out a short chuckle. “Although, this Aurelian would probably disagree.” He looked up at the ceiling. “Ten thousand years, how many mortal lifetimes could one live in so vast a span of time. This world changed so much in just the time I spent trapped in limbo, and yet that might as well be the blink of an eye to him… I can only imagine the level of change he’s witnessed.” “I know.” Twilight nodded. “Think of what a creature like that could teach us.” He laughed and laid his hoof to her head. “Ever the student, but you cannot look at this through that lens alone, Twilight. This creature not only represents knowledge, but a power that I doubt any of us could stand against if he wielded it as our enemy.” “That is why I struggle with this, Starswirl.” Celestia said in frustration. “As much of me is intrigued as it is fearful. On one hoof, Aurelian accomplished with a simple talk what we’ve been unable to for years; Chrysalis is no longer an enemy and we have him to thank for that. There is no telling how much good a creature so knowledgable and influential could do for our world. And yet, on the other hoof, his actions are based purely on his whim. If he was returned to the surface and decided to raise his hoof against it… well, as you said, who would or could stop him.” She let out an indecisive sigh. “As much good as he could do, perhaps it is best to let his power stay where it is.” “Sister.” Luna stepped in. “You mentioned that Chrysalis said this creature chooses to remain in Tartarus and can leave at will. If that is the case, then merely leaving him there is just as dangerous. If we do nothing and he one day chooses to return anyway, we will have no presence against him.” “Luna is right.” Twilight added. “We have the chance to reach out to him in friendship.” “An olive branch used as a preemptive strike.” Celestia hummed in thought. “He is like a gigantic explosive just sitting in the middle of a crowded room.” Starswirl surmised. “If we leave him be, he could explode on his own. If we approach him, we could attempt to defuse him but set him off anyway. No matter what course we take, the same end could be the result.” He went to Celestia with a reassuring smile. “If that is so, then I agree it would be best to try and speak with him now while we have the opportunity. If not, we also run the risk of a far more malicious creature reaching him first.” “Very well then.” Celestia nodded in acceptance. “I will go to Tartarus and see him myself.” “Alone?” Luna asked. “Yes.” She said surely. “He may hear me out, he may strike me dead; if the latter comes to pass then I need you and Twilight here to maintain order in Canterlot. “Princess.” Twilight’s eyes washed over with worry. “Do not fret, Twilight.” She smiled. “I will take utmost care in dealing with this. In the meantime, we should garner some precautions if I should return here with him; I would like Discord to be present as his power is of the greatest we have at our disposal.” “He’ll show up if Fluttershy does.” Twilight noted. “I’ll bring them here.” “Luna.” Celestia turned to her sister. “See to it that all of tomorrow’s appointments are cancelled. I don’t want any creature here that does not need to be.” “It will be done, sister.” Luna nodded. “I will have to decide just how to approach him.” Celestia started off. “We’ll convene tomorrow before my leave.” She returned to her chamber to think hard about her words for tomorrow. Late next morning, after seeing Luna and Twilight off, Celestia returned to the Tartarus gate once more. She landed before the guards who, given their last experience with her appearance, were understandably alarmed. “It is the real me this time, I promise.” She calmly held her hoof up. “The password is blueberry pancakes.” The guards sighed in relief and opened the passage for her. Not fully knowing what to expect, Celestia steeled herself and began exploring Tartarus. The silence was unnerving and her hoofsteps reverberated around her as she wandered through the tunnels. Reaching a junction, she halted and eyed the passageways. “Aurelian!” She called. “I am Princess Celestia, one of the rulers of Equestria! I have come to request the chance to speak with you!” The area remained still for nearly two minutes before one of the passages lit with magical energy. With a calming breath, she followed the path further back to its end. “If I had known that this place was going to become so popular, I would have chosen to reside elsewhere.” Aurelian noted as yet another guest entered his chamber. Celestia could feel the magic radiating off of him and her chest tightened in response. “I was told of your existence by Chrysalis, the Changeling with which you spoke.” “Ah, the Halfling.” He slowly nodded, stepping closer to get a better look at Celestia. “And you are the ruler of the modern pony world?” “Along with my sister, yes.” She confirmed. “I see. Then to what do I owe this royal visitation?” Celestia chose her words carefully. “In part, to thank you for what you’ve done; and also to invite you to return with me to Equestria.” Aurelian wandered back to his typical spot in the room and sat. “Interesting.” “Your very existence is a wonder.” She carried on. “I have worked to spread the lessons of friendship across not only Equestria, but the whole of the world… even here in Tartarus. I know you have misdeeds in your past but I believe…” “Stop.” Aurelian cut her off. “You know nothing of what I have done. If you truly came here because of a single deed that benefited your world, then you’re a fool; but I do not think that you are.” He aimed his wing at her. “I am not one for platitudes and rhetoric. If you wish to leave here, then speak plainly with me, girl.” Celestia tensed but maintained her composure. “Very well.” She nodded. “I think you have a great deal to offer the world, worth that goes far beyond your immense power. You are a walking lexicon of our kind’s history and there is no telling the depth of what can be gained from your knowledge, insight and wisdom.” She stepped towards him in return. “But I am far from foolish enough to ignore the danger in meddling with a creature like you. I am taking a great risk, not only to myself but to all the world in asking what I am of you. Even so, I feel the possible rewards of that risk are worth the very real threat your power represents.” She pointed her wing to the ceiling. “What I have heard suggests that you care nothing for the world above and wish only to sit here in solitude. Yet, if all your heart was truly devoted to that notion, then you wouldn’t have taken the time to speak with Chrysalis and the others… nor would you have taken the time to see me now.” She paused, taking a thoughtful breath. “I think a part of you misses the world and I am offering you the chance to return as a friend.” She nodded solemnly. “You’re right, I have no idea what kind of miracles you have performed or atrocities you have committed over your unimaginably long life; but that was more lifetimes ago than any living creature could possibly recall. The world is so different now and you can be a part of it again, if you wish to be.” She held her wing to her chest. “And I am no girl, my name is Celestia.” He approached again but she firmly held her ground and looked him in the eyes. Aurelian looked back into Celestia’s eyes, searching for any signs of insincerity. The corner of his mouth turned upward in the faintest of smiles as he made a short laugh. “That is better.” He said approvingly. “Still, while your offer is not without logic, no matter how different you claim the world to be I doubt the fundamentals are any different.” He sat before her. “You say you seek to spread lessons of friendship? In my time, they were called the values of unity; it was the basis upon which was formed the original alliance between the multitudes of species that wandered the world. The Halfling, the Centaur and the child claimed to be villains, ones who stood against your would be lessons and attempted to lay claim to the world for their own ends. They are about as unique as grains of sand… I’ve lost count of how many I’ve slain and how many have stood at my side over the years." He lightly sighed. "Be it my time or yours, it is all the same empty loop.” Using his magic, he formed a chess board before him with pieces representing various species. “Like a pair of chess boards from different nations, the pieces and board may be different; but in the end they are playing the same game, and I have seen all the possible moves one can make on this board.” “But that is the thing about chess.” Celestia used her magic to form a piece of herself. “The game can always feel fresh as long as you have someone new to play with.” She sat before the board, forming pieces of her sister, Twilight and her friends. “I will not argue that you have undoubtedly seen so much that you are actively conscious of the repetitions that take place in societies. But look at it from our side of the board; we have never seen anything like you and we would relish the chance to learn from you. Your wisdom could end wars before they start, change the minds of villains before they even set out on their wicked path and teach us the lost lessons of thousands of years past.” She gave him a sincere smile. He looked up at the lifeless, rocky ceiling with a hint of longing. “I admit, I have been here for so long that it was a welcome distraction to interact with others once more.” “All I am suggesting is that you give the world a chance. I know full well no creature can force you to do anything; and we do wish to extend our hooves in friendship; had I known you were down here, I would have done so much sooner.” Aurelian considered her words. “Very well.” He accepted, their shared magical construct vanishing. “The world seems to be in no hurry to end, perhaps I should check in on how things have progressed in my absence.” Celestia let out a great, internal sigh of relief. “I am glad to hear that, we can…” As she began to turn, she found herself outside and in the midst of her guard. She quickly looked back, seeing Aurelian staring up into the blue sky; she then noticed her even more anxious guards and quickly waved them down. “It is alright, please be at ease.” “Y… yes, Princess.” The lead guard held their formation. “Aurelian?” She called his attention. “May I show you to Canterlot? It is the current seat of power and my home.” Aurelian returned his eyes to her, merely gesturing with his wing for her to lead on. The flight was quiet and a little tense for Celestia, although Aurelian did little more than pan his disinterested eyes over the scenery, no doubt observing the changes in the landscape from what he remembered. Celestia led him directly to the castle, which Luna had ensured was operated only by a skeleton crew; Aurelian continued to silently follow her to the throne room where his reception awaited. “How colorful.” Aurelian noted, looking over the stain glass and beautiful banners. “These must be peaceful times indeed if you have time to decorate.” “I’ll take that as a positive.” Celestia stopped and gestured to Luna. “This is my sister, Princess Luna.” “It is nice to meet you.” Luna tipped her head respectfully. “Sibling Alicorns are rare.” Aurelian informed. “I have known only three other pairs.” Celestia motioned towards Twilight and Starswirl. “This is my most valued student and soon to be successor Twilight Sparkle and my former teacher Starswirl the Bearded.” “Hello.” Twilight greeted. “It is a rare moment in history to meet one such as you.” Starswirl added. Celestia continued to Fluttershy and Discord. “Lastly, this is Fluttershy, a close friend to the throne and…” “Discord.” Discord took over his own introduction with a smug smile. “Lord of chaos.” “Lord of chaos?” Aurelian chuckled. “If you consider animating pottery and raining confections chaotic, then for your sake I hope you fail to ever run into true chaos.” Discord irked at the dismissal of his power. “I’ll have you know that my power is among the greatest in Equestria.” He informed. “If that is the case, then this world has truly grown weak.” Aurelian scoffed. “There were many Draconoquis in my time; their antics made them excellent jesters.” “J…jester?” Discord growled. “Discord.” Flutterhsy grabbed his claw and pulled his attention to her, merely shaking her head to tell him to stop. “Wow.” Twilight looked at Discord. “I honestly can’t imagine more than one of you.” “They are creatures ruled by remoteness and always at odds with each other. That lack of community is what likely led to their decline in numbers over the centuries.” Aurelian concluded. “Well, Discord is different.” Fluttershy said with great pride. “He’s learned to accept friendship and is practically family.” “Even the wildest dog can be domesticated with enough effort.” He laughed to himself. “Aurelian?” Twilight came in. “Speaking of rare creatures, you too are something I never thought could exist. Were there other male Alicorns?” Aurelian sighed and nodded. “Yes, there were. I imagine only females are born now?” “That is correct.” Celestia confirmed. “In all our recorded history, there are no instances of a male Alicorn being born.” “That would be my doing.” Aurelian admitted. “How so?” Luna questioned. “The first time my path grew dark came as a shock to the world, which held Alicorns in the highest regard.” He began. “The impact I left was immeasurable and after my first defeat and imprisonment, the world decided to see to it that there would never be another Aurelian.” “Oh no.” Celestia realized where his tale was going. “Indeed.” He continued. “All male Alicorns were killed, and any males that were born after the fact were executed at birth.” Regret laced his voice as he spoke. “They were not me, and they did not deserve that fate. Sometimes a society can impact the course of nature itself; and it seems that in response to this cruel genocide, nature in turn saw to it that another male Alicorn was never brought into the world.” “I cannot imagine a world so cruel.” Luna shook her head in disgust. “If it makes you feel any better, I returned the favor upon my escape.” He coldly added, the rapid shift in his story from tragic to terrifying sending chills through the room. “If I am going to be spending time on the surface once more, I feel I should wash the thousands of years of dust from my body.” Celestia’s mind returned to the moment. “Of course; Luna, would you show him the bath?” “Yes, sister.” Luna nodded and motioned for him to follow. “If you would.” Aurelian followed her from the room and Starswirl let out a drained sigh once he was away. “I know not whether to feel awe or terror, I think both are suitable.” “I know the deeds of his past are brutal.” Celestia conceded. “But his world is not like our own, I wish for him to see that and know that he can have a place in our modern world.” “Well, I don’t particularly like him.” Discord turned his nose up. “Don’t go trying to start a fight, Discord.” Twilight warned. “Indeed.” Celestia agreed. “He seems calm enough, but if you raise your power against him I have no doubt he will respond in kind. We can’t risk doing anything that might cause him to see us as enemies.” “It’s okay, Discord.” Fluttershy patted his claw. “You’ll always be great to me.” Discord calmed at her praise. “That’s all that matters anyway.” He smiled. Starswirl went to Twilight with questioning smirk. “Are you still excited to speak with him?” “I am.” Twilight nodded. “Sure… he’s pretty scary; but look how much we learned just from this one little talk.” The quiet throne room was abruptly filled with the shrill call of Rainbow Dash. “Where the heck is everypony!” A blue blur flew by the door. “Rainbow Dash!” Twilight called. “There you are.” She quickly appeared in the doorway with Daring Do at her back. “Oh, Daring Do.” Fluttershy smiled. “What are you doing here?” “She came to Ponyville looking for us.” Rainbow Dash explained. “She’s got a lead on Cozy Glow.” “Really?” Celestia stepped forward. “What do you know?” “Well, I went to check in on Caballeron.” Daring Do landed before her. “Just to make sure he was staying on the up and up. I found him barely conscious; it took almost a day to get him back to the point where he could talk properly.” She held her hoof slightly above the ground. “He said that a little pink Pegasus with a curly mane had come to his shop looking for artifacts; she got ahold of some weird bracelet and when Caballeron poked himself on it he passed out. As he was losing consciousness, he said he saw her grow right in front of him.” “What?” Twilight asked. “How?” “I don’t know.” Daring Do shook her head. “He described the bracelet to me and it’s nothing I’ve ever heard of.” “Maybe something in my library will help.” Twilight suggested. “An excellent start.” Celestia concurred. “Take Daring Do with you and learn what you can. Rainbow Dash, would you search the areas near where Caballeron was found and see if any creature else spotted her?” “On it.” Rainbow Dash saluted before speeding off. “We’ll be back as soon as we can.” Twilight noted as she teleported herself and Daring Do away. “In the meantime, I will continue to host Aurelian.” Celestia looked to Starswirl, Fluttershy and Discord. “Would you remain here for the time? It would put me more at ease.” "Of course, Celestia.” Starswirl nodded. “You can count on us.” Fluttershy looked up at Discord. “Right?” Discord rolled his eyes and groaned. “Yes.” “Thank you.” Celestia laughed. “Let us hope things continue to go smoothly.” The four of them settled as they waited for Aurelian’s return. > Chapter 5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Past sunset, in a dive near the docks known as Bottom of the Barrel, a drunken crowed cheered without restraint as Tirek arm wrestled his thirteenth opponent of the night. With little struggle, Tirek slammed the Griffon’s talon down onto the table and the bar boomed with raucous applause. “Another drink!” Tirek waved over at the bartender. “On his tab!” “Yeah, yeah.” The Griffon shook his numb talon and headed for a stool. “Ay now!” A rather spiky dragoness called, lacing her arm around Tirek’s neck. “Bout time some creature came in and weeded out the boys.” “Careful friend!” An old Hippogriff pointed his talon at Tirek. “My ship has had less crew on her than that one.” “Shut it, you old buzzard!” She growled as the bar broke into laughter. “Here you are, champ.” The bartender placed another drink before Tirek, patting his shoulder roughly before heading back. “Thank you.” Tirek raised the glass and downed it a single swig. He saw the doors swing open and noticed Scorpan enter. “Brother!” He waved him over, kicking a chair out for him. “I was wondering where you had disappeared.” Scorpan said, struggling to talk over the loud atmosphere. “Sorry, brother.” Tirek laughed. “I got a little side tracked.” “Quite alright.” Scorpan nodded. “You seem to be doing just fine.” “These creatures are ones that know how to live.” He praised, gesturing across the room. “An interesting view.” Scorpan chuckled. “Forgive me for interrupting the… festivities here, but we should return. The spell on you will not last much longer without being recast.” “Right.” Tirek nodded, rising from the table. “Off already!?” A Minotaur called across the way. “Night’s still young!” “I've run out of challengers!” Tirek called back with a laugh as he waved farewell to the others. Stepping out into the chilled, ocean air; the brothers started their walk back. “I am happy to see you fitting in so well so quickly.” Scorpan complimented. “Ahh.” Tirek looked down at his camouflaged body. “This creature I am pretending to be is the one that is fitting in. As nice as this feels, I can’t keep relying on your magic forever.” “True.” Scorpan agreed. “Then perhaps, it is a good time to come clean with your escape and speak with the Princesses.” “What?” Tirek’s inebriated eyes narrowed. “These last days have seen the return of the brother I remember from my youth.” Scorpan smiled up at him. “You have had a taste of the life you could be leading and I think we can both agree that you have grown fond of it; if you wish it to continue, then you need to step up and speak your peace to the Princesses.” “It isn’t that simple, brother.” “No, it isn’t.” He concurred. “You have a lot to answer for; but I will be there at your side to speak on your behalf.” “You… will?” “Of course.” He nodded. “I have my brother back and I would very much like to keep it that way.” Tirek laid his hand to Scorpan’s shoulder, squeezing it tightly. “Thank you, brother. I am sorry it has taken me so long to learn to value the family I have.” He looked up at the stars. “What is it?” Scorpan asked. “Oddly enough, I was just thinking about where Chrysalis and Cozy Glow might be?” “You spoke of them before, the other villains with which you had allied yourself.” “Yes.” Tirek nodded. “I left them without word of where I was headed. I told them to remain hidden but I honestly doubt they did so.” “I do not think it is in your best interest to concern yourself with them.” Scorpan advised. “Objectively… that is true, but they…” He sighed, failing to complete his thought. “Do you consider them your friends?” “I don’t know what they are.” Tirek shook his head. “We worked together because it was in our best interest; not truly in the spirit of any sense of comradery. Even so, we did find a… comfort in knowing that we were not alone; no matter how openly we declared otherwise.” “I have no doubt that in some twisted way, you formed a bond with one another that each of you were too proud to admit.” Scorpan surmised. “Or perhaps, given that you endeavored to destroy the Princesses and their ideals of friendship, you were too scared to admit that you had begun to understand those ideals.” He saw Tirek grow lost in the idea. “In any case, you need to focus on yourself first. Are you willing to travel to Canterlot with me and bury your past that you may look forward to a new future? If this is your wish, then you must be one hundred percent dedicated to giving up your former life as an enemy to the world.” Tirek looked down into his brother’s eyes with confidence. “I am.” Late in the evening, Cozy Glow sat before a fireplace in a quiet cabin. Her recent escape had caused her to stumble upon an old stallion in the outskirts of the woods who offered her a place to stay for the night. She gave him few words in return, in spite of being given a meal and warm bed. Her normally agile and streamlined mind was cluttered with recent events and future prospects, neither of which sat well with her. Her ears detected the slow hoof steps of the cabin’s owner as he came to check on her. “Still up?” He laughed lightly as he struggled to sit in the chair behind her. “Your eyes are always troubled. What’s a young lady like you so wrapped up in thought about?” “Look.” Cozy Glow snapped. “I appreciate the food and the room, but I didn’t come here to play twenty questions.” The stallion chuckled. “Well how about just one then?” He continued. “My eyes may be old, but I’ve gotten a gander at your wings and you’re no ordinary pony.” Cozy Glow quickly looked back at him. “Are you in some kind of trouble?” “I am some kind of trouble.” She stood and faced him. “You want to know who I am? I’m Cozy Glow.” The stallion scratched his chin. “Is that supposed to mean something?” He asked. “What?” She huffed. “You seriously haven’t heard of me?” “Nope.” He shook his head. “You some kind of performer like that Countess Color-whatever that I hear kids keep talking about?" “Perfor… no!” She stamped her hoof. “I nearly drained all the magic from the world and brought Equestria to its knees!” “Oh.” He hummed. “I think I recall hearing about something like that.” “Wow.” She said dryly. “I’ve been living here alone for going on twenty years now.” He explained. “I don’t hear too much about what goes on in the world. I’m too old for it to be any of my business.” “So you don’t care that you invited one of Equestria’s most notorious ponies into your home?” “You may well be.” He nodded. “Too late to worry about it now, I’m not in much shape to do anything about it.” “Hmph.” Cozy Glow sat back down. “So what is a notorious pony like you doing in the woods in the middle of the night?” He inquired. “If you must know, I’m looking for my… partners.” She answered. “They left me because some stupid Alicorn fed them a whole bunch of nonsense about giving up trying to be powerful and crushing our enemies.” She pouted. “So of course, I have to be the one get things back on track. I scoured around for something useful, got ahold of this powerful artifact and have been busting my flank working out a plan to use it to our advantage." Her hoof pounded the floor in frustration. "They never took me seriously because they think I’m just some little kid; but I’m big now and I have a new power that will make them come crawling back.” She heard the stallion laugh. “What’s so funny!?” “Sounds like you really miss them.” He smiled, reading her tone more than her words. “I don’t miss them!” She insisted. “Then why are you going through all this trouble just to get them back?” He asked. “I…” She stammered. “Because we’re supposed to be a team. We’re supposed to take over the world together, like we promised.” Her face grew angry. “And they just ditched me!” “That must’ve hurt.” He noted understandingly. Cozy Glow turned back to the fire. “Shut up, you don’t know anything.” “You don’t get to be my age by not knowing anything.” He laughed again. “As much as the world would like you to believe, good friends are hard to come by; I imagine that’s even more so for notorious ponies like you.” He rose from the chair with a groan and headed for his room. “I’m guessing you’ll be gone by the time I get up in the morning.” He glanced back at her. “Can’t say I’m on board with whatever you’re planning, but I hope you find what you’re really looking for.” He said knowingly as he vanished down the hall. Cozy Glow glared down the dark passage as his steps faded, the sound of a door closing coming soon after. “What I’m really looking for?” She muttered. “What the heck is it with old creatures and talking in riddles?” She got up and slowly headed for the guest room. After a long and tense night with little sleep, Celestia’s morning saw her continued efforts to demonstrate modern sensibilities to Aurelian. She instructed the castle’s culinary staff to produce a breakfast representing the finest Canterlot had to offer. With the same, luke warm interest; Aurelian joined her, Luna, Starswirl, Fluttershy and Discord for the grand meal. They sat in uncomfortable silence as they ate, their eyes often shifting to Aurelian to judge his reactions. “Ahem.” Celestia cleared her throat. “Are you finding the food enjoyable, Aurelian?” “I will say, it is a vast improvement from the basic nourishment of bygone years.” He complimented in monotone. “Yet another sign of peaceful times.” “Good food creates good spirits.” Starswirl quoted. “In a way, a meal like this helps preserve that peace.” Fluttershy spied a platter of honey cakes across the table and smiled up at Discord. “Could you pass me the honey cakes, please?” “Of course.” He snapped his fingers and the platter sprouted legs, it began stumbling around the table awkwardly and knocking things over. “Discord.” Celestia eyed him harshly. “It has no eyes, it’s doing the best it can.” He defended. The platter began to fumble towards Aurelian and the table held their breath in concern; without looking up from his plate, Aurelian’s horn shone bright and the platter returned to normal. “Your manners are ill, Draconoquis.” He noted. Discord looked at the platter in utter shock. “How did you do that?” He asked insistently. Aurelian chortled with a light shake of his head. “Chaos magic, when not wielded like a child, is a formidable power. Long ago, a lodge of Alicorns developed a countermeasure to deal with it; I suppose one could consider it the magic of order.” “Amazing.” Luna said in wonder. “You must be privy to so many lost arts. Would you ever consider sharing them with the world once more?” Aurelian actually took some time to consider the request. “From what I have seen thus far, it would be folly to impart what I know to this world.” “For once, I agree.” Discord added, far from fond of a magic that could undo his work. “Do you think the world unable to handle such power?” Starswirl asked. “I think he means that what he knows would only do more harm than good.” Fluttershy came in. “I’m guessing the world was really unforgiving in your time and you know a lot of dangerous magic.” “It amuses me that the youngest here is proving to be the wisest.” Aurelian smiled, teleporting the honey cakes to her plate. “Oh… thank you.” Fluttershy smiled brightly. The dining room doors parted and Twilight entered, she saw what was going on and slowly moved over to Celestia. “Princess, sorry for interrupting.” “It is alright.” Celestia assured. “Have you learned anything?” “Yes, if you want to step out for a minute.” She looked over the table. “Of course.” She rose. “Please excuse me, I shall return shortly.” “Sister.” Luna tried to get her attention but they quickly stepped out, returning the room to uncomfortable silence. Celestia found Rainbow Dash and Daring Do waiting for them in the hall as they left the dining room. “Alright, what have you learned?” “Well, first of all.” Rainbow Dash began. “I flew to every little town in a fifty mile radius around that bazaar.” She smiled. “Not that it took a long time mind you…” “Dash.” Twilight eyed her with raised brow. “Oh, right.” Rainbow Dash laughed. “Anyway, I asked around and some ponies were reporting coming across an obnoxious, light pink mare that had been causing trouble. Weirdest part, some ponies at a motel said she had bat wings.” “Bat wings?” Celestia repeated. “That isn’t as strange as it sounds.” Daring Do came in. “Twilight and I found the bracelet Caballeron was talking about. It’s called the Chimera’s Embrace; the creature that has that bracelet can use it steal the physical traits of other creatures and add them to their own.” “That certainly explains the wings.” Celestia noted. “As well as her sudden growth spurt.” “The good news is, she can’t gain any magical abilities.” Twilight further explained. “Nevertheless, she can still augment herself into a physical powerhouse.” Celestia looked back at the door. “I must remain here with Aurelian, so I must ask that you do what you can to find her and bring her in once more.” “We will.” Twilight promised. “So, how is it going in there?” “He certainly looks down at us.” She said with a half-smile. “But thus far, he does not seem to look down at us with any malice." A subtle laugh escaped her. "Fluttershy seems to be at ease with him though.” “That’s a surprise” Rainbow Dash sarcastically toned. “Okay, we should get back to Ponyville.” Twilight rallied. “I’d love to help.” Daring Do laid her hoof to Twilight’s shoulder. “But A.K. Yearling has a public appearance to make.” “We understand.” Twilight nodded. “Thank you for your help.” “No problem, be careful out there.” She quickly flew down the hall and vanished. “We’ll be back as soon as we have more news.” Twilight vowed as she teleported herself and Rainbow Dash away. Taking a deep breath, Celestia returned to the dining room and sat back down. “Forgive me.” “You didn’t miss much.” Discord muttered, taking an elbow from Fluttershy as a reward. “Aurelian?” Celestia looked across at him. “If you are interested, I was thinking it would be nice to show you the city. Canterlot is the cultural epicenter of Equestria and has much to offer. “The last time I walked a city was over four thousand years ago.” Aurelian returned her gaze. “I suppose it could be interesting to see what ponies have accomplished in such a time.” “Wonderful.” Celestia smiled. “I have no doubt your appearance will cause a bit of a stir, but seeing me with you will let them know that all is well.” Wrapping up breakfast, Celestia left Luna in charge and set out into the city with Aurelian. As expected, the sight of a new Alicorn created quite the buzz. Aurelian seemed immune to the whispers and chatter around him, he focused his attention on the vastly different sights and sounds that created modern pony society. Celestia offered descriptions and details of the city as well as relating how much it had evolved during her own lifetime. Aurelian spoke little in return, when he did it was typically noting his own memories of how things were in comparison to what he saw before him. Over the hours, Celestia finally began to feel more at ease around him; the pair even stopping for lunch while they were out. As they rounded the edge of the city and started back for the castle, Celestia sought his thoughts on her home. “So, how do you find how far we’ve come?” She asked. “Life seems filled with… diversions.” He answered. “The world had little time for such things when last I saw it; simple survival was difficult enough for most.” He watched the ponies socializing and interacting. “There is nothing left as I remember it; I imagine the rest of the world would prove much the same." He made a short, thoughtful laugh. "Even surrounded by all this, I still feel as removed as I did within Tartarus.” “It will no doubt take much adjusting for you, Aurelian.” Celestia said understandingly. “An excellent place to start is to allow yourself to make friends. Having friends at your side to share your new experiences with would make things easier.” “Friends.” He said distantly. “Even you must have had close friends at one time.” She surmised. “It couldn’t be beyond you to find such bonds again.” “Yes… I did have friends.” He slowly nodded. “That was so long ago now.” He stopped and looked up at the sky. Celestia saw the far off look in his eyes and frowned. “I am sorry, I did not mean to conjure any unpleasantry from your past. “Not unpleasant at all.” Aurelian shook his head. “I agree with your sentiment that friends might prove a comfort.” He turned his eyes to her. “I did indeed have friends and I would like to see them once more.” “See them?” She repeated in confusion. “Yes.” He suddenly spread his wings and lifted into the air. “Wait.” Celestia called up to him. “Where are you going?” “To see my friends again.” He quickly ascended into the sky and flew from the city; leaving Celestia staring up into the blue as the deep concern that had just lifted began to flow through her mind once more. > Chapter 6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia rushed back to the castle, startling her sister as she abruptly teleported into the throne room. “Sister?” Luna quickly stood. “What is the matter?” “Aurelian is gone.” She informed. “What?” Luna followed after her into the throne room’s antechamber. “Did something happen?” “We were discussing the idea of him having friends to help his transition into the world and he suddenly left, saying that he was going to find the friends of his past.” She explained, rapidly collecting scrolls and a quill. “Wait… he has friends that still live?” Luna again followed her out. “How is that possible?” “I do not know.” Celestia shook her head. “But whatever the case, he is out in the world on his own. I don’t believe he intends to attack any creature, but some may attack him out of fear or confusion. If that happens…” “I can imagine the rest, sister.” Luna shuddered. “What do we do?” “I am going to send communications out to the heads of the other nations.” She began diligently writing with her magic. “I need to find him and return to his side as soon as possible.” Her eyes grew upset. “If anything should happen as a result of my bringing him back, I will not be able to forgive myself.” “Be at ease, sister.” Luna attempted to calm her. “We cannot jump to conclusions.” “I know.” Celestia sent the first letter out, immediately beginning the second. “I will not allow my fears to get ahead of me; would you inform Starswirl, Fluttershy and Discord? They can return to Ponyville and warn Twilight.” “Of course.” Luna hurried from the room as Celestia frantically continued spreading the word. Aurelian used his memory of the land formations to guide himself eastward and into the Dragonlands. He observed the volcanic landscape and touched down on a peak overlooking the area. The local dragons took immediate notice of the imposing stranger; landing around him in a semi-circle. “Check it out.” One of them pointed to his wings. “An Alicorn.” “Haven’t seen that one before.” Another noted. “Hey, new guy!” Garble stepped up. “You must be lost.” “Hardly.” Aurelian answered shortly. “I have no interest in you, Dragon. If you value your existence then do not impede my path.” He released a quick burst of magic that sent them flying backwards; shaken at the display, they fled the scene and went to inform their Dragon Lord of the situation. Aurelian leapt in to the air again and flew down from the cliff side; he landed and began exploring the area on hoof. “Hey!” Ember’s voice called from the sky. She swooped down and fearlessly landed before him. Aurelian noticed the staff in her claw and hummed in curiosity. “The stave of the Dragon Lord.” “That's right.” She raised it before him. “I’m Dragon Lord Ember; and I don’t take kindly to other creatures showing up and pushing my kin around.” “It was they who sought to approach me with such intent.” He said, walking by her and continuing on. “Hold on.” She flustered as his dismissal and chased after him. “Just who are you and what do you want in the Dragonlands?” “I am Aurelian.” He introduced. “And I have come to see an old friend.” “A friend?” She asked. “A Dragon I take it?” “Yes.” “Well all you had to do was ask.” She matched pace with him. “I know every Dragon here, who are you looking for?” “You do not know this Dragon.” Aurelian assured. “Then he isn’t here.” She retorted. “You walk upon his back, girl.” “Wh… what?” She stopped. “What is that supposed to mean?” Aurelian halted and turned to face her. “Very well, as Dragon Lord I suppose you have the right to know.” His mind traveled far back to the past. “Nearly eight thousand years ago, one of the mightiest Dragons to ever live ruled over your kind. His strength was unparalleled and his fire could melt the crust of the world. While not a particularly kind creature, his methods were just and fair; he was one of the few creatures I considered my equal.” His eyes grew harsh. “But as is typically the case, the strong are feared by the weak no matter how they conduct themselves; the other nations eventually decided that he was too powerful to leave as ruler of the Dragons. By vote of committee by the Alliance, it was decided that he would be given the ultimatum to abdicate the seat of Lord or be removed by force. As I am sure you know, a Dragon would never bow to others and he chose to stand against them. A legion of sorcerers cast a spell that sent him into an eternal state of hibernation and over the centuries his still body was claimed by the earth.” He opened his wing, gesturing around them. “These so called Dragonlands were established atop his sleeping frame, and I have come to wake him.” Ember was not prepared for such a story and stood in idle shock as she watched Aurelian rise into the air. “Wait!” She shook herself free of her state and flew up to him. “If that’s true, and you do this… the Dragonlands will be destroyed.” “Unfortunately, yes.” He nodded. “I am sorry; but if you wish to save your kind then I suggest you ask them to flee.” His horn lit up and eyes went white as his body was consumed in magical energy. “Stop!” Ember was thrown far back by the force of his magic. “Aestus!” He called, the ground beginning to quake. “You have slept long enough, old friend! It is time for you to walk the world once more!” His horn loosed a powerful beam of magic that plowed deep into the earth. Ember looked around and saw her Dragons in a panic at the massive tremor. She quickly flew about and rounded up a group of them to aid her. “Listen!” She barked. “Get all the Dragons you can and save the dormant eggs from the hatching ground. Get them as far from here as you can and find a place to convene, spread the word and evacuate the area!” “Yes, Dragon Lord Ember.” They nodded in unison and dispersed to see her will done. Ember’s attention was suddenly taken by the sound a roar so deep it shook her bones. Her eyes panned over her home, watching the volcanos begin to spew lava and the ground crack open like an egg. A carmine claw of incomprehensible size burst from the jagged terrain and planted itself on the surface. She quickly looked back at the sound of another explosion of rock, witnessing a mile long tail slither into the sky. Another roar thundered as Aestus’ massive head rose, adorned with opal horns that branched like tree limbs. The gargantuan dragon worked himself free from his grave and stood tall once again. Aestus swung his neck around until his eyes fell upon the Alicorn. “Aurelian?” Due to his sheer size, his deep voice was almost overwhelming to Ember’s ear. “Yes.” He nodded. Aestus looked around in confusion. “What has happened? The last thing I remember is the Alliance’s forces moving against me.” “You lost that battle.” Aurelian informed. “You were sent into a sleep that was meant to be eternal. I have undone their work and returned you to the world.” He brought his head closer to Aurelian, his eyes angry. “You allowed them to do such a thing?” “I did all I could to sway them from their decision.” Aurelian answered calmly. “I was in no position to interfere at that time; although, I will say that what they did to you led me to reevaluate my position on many things. I became a different creature after the day you fell.” Aestus pulled his head back and sighed. “How long have I been here?” “That battle was nearly sixty-five hundred years ago.” He relayed. Aestus’ eyes hardened at the new knowledge. “Blast those short-sighted weaklings.” He growled. “What of the Dragons?” “Well.” Aurelian looked over at Ember. “This one here claims to be the current Dragon Lord.” The great Dragon’s eyes zeroed in on Ember. “What? Surely this is some kind of joke.” A searing hot breath left his nose and engulfed her. "Is this true?" Ember’s body was frozen in a fear that she had never known and she failed to respond. “Speak, tiny one.” He commanded. “I… I am.” She finally managed. Aestus looked around, seeing some of the Dragons in the air as they fled the area. “They are all so… small.” He noted judgingly. “Is this your doing?” He looked back to Aurelian. “Some kind of revenge?” Aurelian laughed and shook his head. “What you see before you was crafted by the hands of time. I myself have just returned to the surface.” “Ha.” Aestus laughed. “Some creature finally put you in your place?” “Yes… myself.” “Eh?” He eyed Aurelian curiously. “Much has happened in my life since we last saw one another; and I will tell you the story once I am finished. There are two more that I must wake; in the meantime, I ask that you head to Elder Island.” “Heh, does it still exist?” “I have no doubt that it does.” Aurelian confirmed. “It is far removed from where any creature would settle. Do you recall the way?” “Of course.” Aestus snorted. “Just because I was asleep for so long doesn’t make me senile.” He began to walk, his footsteps causing localized tremors as he proceeded. Aurelian flew off without further word, leaving Ember shaken and disoriented as she looked over the decimated Dragonlands. Thorax galloped into the hive’s nursery at full speed, a scroll cinched between his antlers. “Mom!” He skidded to a halt. “Keep it down.” Chrysalis harshly whispered. “The hatchlings are asleep.” “Oh, sorry.” He whispered. “I’ve got urgent news.” “If this is about that vase you made for me in your little craft class then I already know.” She stepped out to join him. “It’s… adequate.” “Aw, thanks.” He smiled. “But that’s not it.” He tilted his head and offered her the scroll. “I just received word from Princess Celestia. Aurelian is out wandering the world again.” “What?” Chrysalis quickly took the scroll and began to read. “She actually convinced him to return?” She growled. “That fool, what was she thinking? No creature in Equestria can control Aurelian.” “Didn’t you try to convince him to come back?” Thorax asked. “I…” She flustered. “I failed, so that is a moot point now.” “I’m leaving Pharynx in charge to watch over the region here.” Thorax explained. “I’m going to Canterlot to see if I can help on their end. You should come too.” “Why would I?” She poked the scroll onto the tip of his antler. “This is Celestia’s doing, she can fix it on her own.” She started back into the nursery. “You have more experience with him than any creature.” Thorax noted. “There is no telling how this is going to play out and seeing as he knows you on some level, it would be a good idea to have you there in case we need to talk him down or something. Besides, if worse comes to worse, the hive is going to be in just as much danger as the rest of the world.” Chrysalis stopped and sighed, looking over the sleeping hatchlings. “Fine.” She turned back and flew past him. “But I’m only doing this to ensure the safety of the hive.” “That works for me.” Thorax smiled and flew after her. The familial duo arrived in Canterlot in the late afternoon; the unnatural sight of the former Changeling Queen approaching the home of the royal sisters was something for the citizens to behold as they made their way to the castle. Receiving entry into the throne room, they found the three Princesses in discussion about the current situation. “Princess Celestia.” Thorax greeted. “Thorax.” She halted their talk. “Chrysalis, you came as well?” “It was Thorax’s idea more than mine.” She shrugged. “Is there any update?” Thorax asked. “No.” Celestia shook her head. “So far, we have no idea where he might be.” “Chrysalis.” Twilight went to them. “Did Aurelian say anything about these friends he mentioned?” “No, he didn't.” Chrysalis answered. “I would have imagined any creature he was familiar with to be long dead by now.” “As would we.” Luna agreed. “The only reasonable answer to this is that as he himself was, they are either trapped or dormant in some long forgotten location.” “What kind of friends would a creature like Aurelian have anyway?” Thorax queried. “I would rather not imagine.” Celestia admitted. The doors parted again and the guards aided a spent Ember into the throne room. “Your highness, Dragon Lord Ember brings word.” “Ember!” Thorax ran to her and took her from the guards. “Are you okay? What happened?” “I’m fine, I just flew here full bore so I'm pretty wiped.” Ember assured. “But the Dragonlands...” She lowered her head with heavy eyes. “What of the Dragonlands?” Celestia asked, already knowing the answer deep in her heart. “Some weird Alicorn showed up like he owned the place.” She began. “He didn’t attack us or anything, but he told me this creepy story about a Dragon that he used to know and how the Dragonlands were literally built on top of him.” She stepped from Thorax’s side and stood on her own. “An ancient Dragon sleeping within the earth.” Luna summarized. “It’s not just any Dragon.” Ember added. “It’s a mountain range with a tail. I’ve never seen anything so enormous in my life; he makes my dad look like Spike.” Her voice was still trembling with the shock of the experience. “He came out of the ground and left the Dragonlands in shambles. I managed to gather some Dragons and had them save the eggs; they’re currently holed up someplace safe and establishing a temporary hatchery to keep them warm.” She looked across the Princesses. “I didn’t know where else to go for help, so I came here.” “Well.” Chrysalis laughed. “You came to the right place, seeing as Celestia is responsible for that Alicorn you came across.” “Mom.” Thorax eyed her. “What?” Ember glared at Celestia. “It… is true.” She lowered her head. “I am sorry, Ember.” “Sorry!?” She snarled. “My entire home is a wasteland and my Dragons are crammed together in a few caves.” “Ember.” Celestia returned her eyes to her. “I take full responsibility for this and you have my word that all of Canterlot will be at your disposal to help repair the damage to the Dragonlands.” “I’ll help to.” Thorax promised. Ember took a long, calming breath and collected herself. “Well, you might have more to worry about than just the Dragonlands.” “I don’t like the sound of that.” Twilight noted. “Whoever this guy is, he said he had two more old buddies to wake up.” Ember continued. “He didn’t say who or where they were, he just took off.” “Two more?” Luna looked to her sister. “Did he say anything else of note, Ember?” Celestia asked. “He did tell that giant Dragon to head to place called Elder Island.” She recalled. “Does that ring a bell to any pony?” Twilight asked. “No, but he refers to things as they were known in his own time.” Celestia heard him do much the same on their tour of the city. “We may know it, just not by that name.” “How shall we go about…” Luna was cut off by the sound of the door opening once again. “Your Highness?” The guard appeared, his voice far more unsure. “You have another guest. Celestia gasped as Scorpan and Tirek entered her throne room. “Tirek!” “Please, Princess.” Scorpan held his hands up. “We came to speak with you in peace…” He looked around the crowded room. “But I see we may have come at an inopportune time.” “Tirek.” Chrysalis immediately went to him. “Where have you been?” “With my brother.” He gestured to Scorpan. “It would have been nice to know that instead of you just leaving us in that cave.” Her eyes narrowed. “I couldn’t risk jeopardizing his location.” Tirek explained. “What are you doing here?” “About that.” She looked back to the confused room. “Celestia managed to bring Aurelian back to the surface and now he’s running around the world, waking up creatures just as old and powerful as himself.” “Oh dear.” Scorpan made a silent gasp. “That is distressing.” “That’s putting it mildly.” Chrysalis scoffed. Luna watched the scene with exasperation. “This day is proving to be a bit much.” “Is it always this crazy around here?” Ember asked. “Every creature, please.” Celestia called the room’s attention. “Twilight, learn what you can about this Elder Island.” “Leave it to me.” Twilight nodded. “Luna, see to Ember.” She looked to her sister. “Begin preparations to provide her with whatever provisions and supplies she needs to ensure the well-being of her kin.” “Yes, sister.” Luna nodded in kind. “Thorax?” She turned her attention to him. “The Changelings are great in number, I would ask that you have your hive fan out and investigate as many areas as they can; we need to locate Aurelian.” “We can handle that, right mom?” He checked with Chrysalis. “Given that you insist on saying 'we' all the time, I suppose I have little choice.” She grumbled. “Scorpan.” Celestia stepped over to the long reformed villain. “If you and Tirek wish to speak, we shall.” “Thank you, Princess.” Scorpan bowed. “Have fun with that.” Chrysalis patted Tirek’s forearm. Thorax went back over to Ember and caught her before she headed off with Luna. “Hey, are you sure you’re okay?” She smiled up at him and patted his cheek. “I said I’m fine, you big softy. The Dragons will be fine too, no one was injured and that’s the important part.” She looked over at Chrysalis. “Seems like you have your hooves full too.” “Yeah.” He laughed. “It’s been great having her back though, even if she’s still on the fence about a lot of things.” “Thorax!” Chrysalis called as she headed for the door. “Stop fawning over that Dragon and let’s return to the hive!” Thorax's face went red as Ember began snickering. “I… I’m not fawning!” Thorax insisted as he ran after her. > Chapter 7 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia and an escort of guards saw Scorpan and Tirek to the removed quiet of the conference hall. As they took positions around the table, Scorpan lowered his head respectfully. “Thank you for seeing us, Princess.” He said graciously. “I have little doubt that the two of us showing up at your doorstep is a shock.” “Recent events are in your favor.” Celestia began. “Given all that has happened, your arrival is far from the most shocking thing imaginable.” “I suppose you have a point.” He agreed. “Nevertheless, I am here with my brother to speak of the recent steps he has taken towards living a more positive life.” “I see.” She looked to Tirek. “I take it that this too has to do with Aurelian. “Yes.” Tirek nodded. “His words struck me deeply and I traveled to see my brother in hopes of making sense of what I was feeling.” “Chrysalis said much the same.” Celestia informed. “As you saw, she is back with her family at the Changeling hive. “Yes. That is… good to know.” “Tirek.” Celestia looked him in the eye. “Had I not already witnessed this with Chrysalis, I would be highly suspect of this meeting. Even more so than her, you have proven to be a stalwart enemy to the world. Have you honestly taken whatever advice you were given to heart?” “I have.” Tirek answered surely. “Aurelian’s words were a bitter pill to swallow. Power has always meant everything to me; and seeing a creature with power that vastly eclipses my own living in such miserable isolation has shown me that power is not everything.” He looked to Scorpan. “It was then that I thought of my brother; who, in spite of his own power, turned away from the pursuit of it to live what I considered to be an insignificant life. I wanted to see how he could be happy living such a life so I went to investigate for myself, to see if there was something I was missing in my judgement.” “And what did you find?” She asked. “I found a creature that is more powerful than any other in the region, yet is looked upon and treated as an equal.” He looked back to her. “I always thought that it was an insult for creatures like us to be seen as equal; because in a way it overlooked our ability and made us seem inferior in many respects. I thought that I needed to be above others so that they would respect and recognize my power. My brother, however, was able to garner that same respect and recognition because of the fact that he allows himself to be seen as one of them in lieu of his great power.” Celestia nodded slowly. “It is very easy to lord one's power over others. It has always been my opinion that it takes a much stronger creature to refuse the pedestal that such power offers you.” “My brother has spent the last days at the side of the rowdy but honest sea faring folk of my home.” Scorpan continued. “His steps have been small thus far, but the fact that he has taken them speaks volumes; and I have every intention of staying with him as he continues to adjust.” “These past days have provided me with more pleasure and comfort than I’ve felt in the last five hundred years.” Tirek sighed. “I am still uncertain about many things, but I can say that my…” “Perspective has changed.” Celestia finished. Tirek looked at her with surprise. “Well… yes.” “That is exactly what Chrysalis said to me.” She smiled. “And it is a good start.” “Then we have your blessing to continue life in peace?” Scorpan asked. “Yes, you do.” She said surely. “You of course understand that I will be checking in with you regularly?” “Of course.” He accepted. “Whatever we must do to maintain trust.” “If that is so, then we could actually use your help.” Celestia returned her attention to Tirek. “Cozy Glow has not taken Aurelian’s words to heart as you and Chrysalis have. As we speak, she is roaming the countryside in possession of a powerful relic.” “I wish I could say I was surprised.” Tirek noted. “She was furious that we were even considering Aurelian’s advice.” “What has she gotten her hooves on?” Scorpan inquired. “She stole something called the Chimera’s Embrace.” She informed. “It allows its bearer to steal physical traits from other creatures and she has already attained an adult body and bat wings.” “Something like that is dangerous in her hooves.” Tirek stated. “Indeed.” Celestia agreed. “We need to find her but even if we do, she will no doubt go to battle with us. However, she may well listen to you and Chrysalis.” “You want us to track her down and convince her to stop?” He summarized. “Yes.” Celestia nodded. “I can, of course, only ask this of you.” “Will you do this, brother?” Scorpan checked with him. “I would rather she not wind up getting herself hurt, or worse.” He admitted. “I… will try.” “Thank you.” She said sincerely. “I will aid him.” Scorpan promised. “That is appreciated.” Celestia smiled. “If you make any headway, please inform us immediately. In the meantime, I will continue to focus on the matter at hoof.” “Has Aurelian become a threat?” Tirek asked. “That is a complicated question.” She admitted. “I don’t believe that to be the case. Still, his actions have already caused severe damage. Not to mention the fact that the motivations and desires of these creatures he is reviving are completely unknown.” She stood from the table. “For now, simply focus on Cozy Glow; her intent is more than clear.” “We shall.” Tirek and Scorpan followed her from the room. Celestia bid them well as they left the castle and she swiftly returned to her efforts to locate Aurelian. The following day saw Aurelian soaring over the warm, southern ocean towards a far removed island chain. The land formation, known as the Constellation Isles, were a set of seven islands whose positioning mirrored a well-known star formation used by sailors for navigation. Aurelian spied a clearing in the jungle that was dotted with huts and landed at its center. Native ponies ceased their activity as they beheld the bizarre creature that had touched down in their midst. Aurelian eyed them, noting that they were speaking in some unknown tongue. “This place has grown primitive.” He said with a disappointed sigh. “It seems the once glorious Parataiso Inferna has been consumed by nature.” He began walking into the thick jungle, using his magic to blast away massive portions of the greenery in his way. Tracing familiar steps, he neared the base of the island’s central mountain and found remnants of marble columns. He fired once more, knocking out a section of the face and revealing a passage that led down into the heart of the mountain. The temperature rose considerably as he progressed further and further down until he found what he was looking for; a massive, dual handled urn that was covered in ancient inscriptions. Levitating it alongside him, Aurelian returned to the surface and flew from the main island to the volcanic peak of one of the smaller land masses. Staring down into the bubbling interior, he used his magic to remove the urn’s lid and cast it into the volcano. After several minutes, he heard a heavy rumble followed by a pillar of flame bursting from the opening. “Ooooh, hoo hooo!” A jubilant voice sounded as the flame began to reform into a grand Phoenix. The great bird spread its wings, a beautiful tapestry of reds, yellows and oranges and twirled in the sky. “Nothing like a little reincarnation to make a lady feel like new.” She immediately noticed Aurelian hovering before her. “Well hello, love; aren’t you a sight for reborn eyes.” She smiled. “Get out early on good behavior?” “Not precisely, Faye.” “Oh, a jail break then?” Faye eyed him keenly. “Couldn’t wait to see me all young and perfect again, huh?” She drifted closer. “Can't very well blame you, love. How about we head…” “Faye, there is something you must see.” He moved aside and gestured over the islands. “Hold on now.” She flew past him with a gasp. “Where is the temple? Where are the eternal pyres?” She quickly looked back to him. “Based on my estimates from what I learned, your last death was nearly five thousand years ago.” “What now?” Her eyes grew heavy with the weight of the news. “Stories suggest that an ambush was set up to take advantage of your death.” He began. “The moment you returned to ash, Parataiso Inferna was attacked and the creatures that celebrated you were slaughtered. The treasures of the island were stolen and your remains were sealed within an enchanted urn, one that prevented your fire from reigniting.” He could see the hurt build in her eyes as he spoke. Faye slowly descended to the beach, digging her talons into the sand and looking out longingly over the ocean. “Five thousand years, huh?” She shook her head. “Felt like only five minutes.” Aurelian landed behind her and slowly approached. “I am sorry, Faye. Were I not locked away at the time, I would have tracked down those who did this to you and wiped their lands from existence.” “It’s that kind of thinking that got you locked up in the first place, love.” She turned. “I missed you, you know.” “Forgive me for not being here to protect you.” He apologized. “It is one of many regrets I carry.” Faye dramatically fell onto her side, tilting her head back and laying her wing to her forehead. “I suppose I’ll be alright.” She said in dramatic fashion. “There must be some comfort to be found in this strange new world.” She risked an eye and noticed Aurelian still idling. “Come on now, love. This is the part where you wrap me in your wings and tell me everything will be okay.” She sighed. “Nearly six thousand years and you still haven’t learned how to treat a lady.” Aurelian laughed, actually allowing himself to fully smile. “It is good to see that time has not robbed you of your ardor, Faye.” He held his wing to his chest. “However, I am far from the Aurelian you remember.” “You do seem less… you.” Faye noted with a laugh as she hopped back to her talons. “But, the important thing is that you’re here now.” She went to him, lowering her head and nuzzling his cheek. “Thanks for rescuing me, love.” “Unfortunately, your paradise is beyond such revival. There are creatures here, but they are mere island ponies with no concept of who or what we are.” “A right shame.” With a light sigh she looked around in thought. “Looks like I’m homeless then. What do we do now?” She grinned down at him. “I have ideas if you don’t.” “I have little doubt you do.” He flew into the sky and she followed after him. “We will not be alone for long. Head to Elder Island; I have roused Aestus as well and he is already on route.” “Aestus?” She chuckled. “There’s a name I didn’t think I’d hear again; how’s old broadside doing?” “Like you, understandably disoriented." He answered simply. “Okay, I’ll go keep the scaly grump company.” She coasted past him. “Where are you off to?” “To revive the last of us.” He informed. “We will join you soon.” “Don’t keep me waiting too long now.” With a wink and a heavy beat of her wings, Faye sent herself high into the sky. “Ooooh, hoo hooo!” Her trademark laugh ringing out, Faye’s body engulfed in fire and she headed off at top speed. Cozy Glow raised her hoof and ran it across her brand new horns with a giddy laugh. “Not bad.” She looked down at her victim. “Thanks a bunch, I’m glad I found one of your ads.” “Ohhh… Iron Will doesn’t feel so… good.” The Minotaur struggled to crawl along as his loyal goats galloped about him in a panic. “Oh you’ll be fine.” She set her hoof to her chin. “I think… I’m not exactly sure what happens to you after this.” She shrugged with little concern. “Still, you talk a lot less now so that’s an improvement.” She flew into the air and left the grounds where his latest business venture was set up. “Ugh!” She groaned as she rose above the clouds. “How the heck am I supposed to find Tirek and Chrysalis? Those two could have wandered anywhere by now.” Thinking of them sent her mind back to what the old stallion in the cabin had said to her; she shook the irritating distraction from her mind and pressed onward. Coming to the next town, she landed on the main road and headed within its limits. No longer able to hide the abnormalities of her form, she found herself the victim of many stares. Her eyes shifted from pony to pony until she finally snapped. “What!?” She glared at a pair of passing mares. “Never seen a Pegasus with horns before!?” “Uh…. no?” One of them answered timidly as they hurried along. “Well it isn’t weird!” She looked over her gawkers. “I’m exotic!” Flipping her mane, she turned up her nose and continued along. “Excuse me?” A high pitched voice halted her as a Changeling approached. “What is it!?” She cast her eyes on him, making him cower. “I… just wanted to know if you had seen this creature?” He extended a poster with a crude drawing of an Alicorn. “His name is Aurelian and we’re trying very hard to tack him down.” “Aurelian?” Cozy Glow snatched the poster and looked it over. “He’s here on the surface?” “That’s right.” The Changeling perked at her recognition. “Do you know him?” “Unfortunately.” She said sourly. “Stupid know-it-all.” “Do you know where he is?” The Changeling asked eagerly. “No idea.” She tossed the poster back at him. “And I don’t care to.” “Aw.” He sighed in disappointment. “Thorax and Chrysalis are really counting on us to find him as soon as we can.” “Chrysalis?” She looked to him sharply. “Chrysalis is with Thorax?” “Yeah.” He nodded with a smile. “She came back and is staying with us again.” “What!?” Cozy Glow snarled. “She actually went crawling back to your wussy, tree hugging hive?” She leapt into the air, leaving the Changeling in a cloud of dust. “Unbelievable! I knew Tirek was getting all introspective but I expected better from her! I can’t leave those two alone at all!” Altering her course, she set herself on a path straight for the Changeling hive. > Chapter 8 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tirek and Scorpan had traveled to the hive to enlist Chrysalis in their search for Cozy Glow. Scorpan marveled at the lush and vibrant structure as they approached its base. “I have never seen the Changeling hive before.” Scorpan lowered his claw and danced his fingers along the colorful blooms. “It is truly a natural wonder.” “A far cry from Chrysalis’ original intent.” Tirek internally chuckled. “I am sure she is thrilled with the beauty.” Celestia had sent word of their arrival ahead of them and they were welcomed by the Changelings. As they passed through into the tower of tunnels and passages, they were met by Pharynx. “Scorpan. Tirek.” He eyed them with his typical suspicion. “Greetings.” Scorpan tipped his head. “You must be Pharynx.” “If you’re here to see Chrysalis, I’ll lead you to her.” He informed, bypassing any formality. “She’s watching a play at the moment.” He motioned for them to follow. “A play?” Tirek asked. “It’s our weekly theater performance.” Pharynx rolled his eyes. “My brother’s idea, not mine.” “I see.” Scorpan laughed as they followed along. They exited the eastern end of the hive and observed a stage with a host of Changelings both young and old watching the performance. In the back row they found Chrysalis, seated alone and watching the play with dead eyes. “Well, this is hardly the place I’d expect to find you.” Tirek stood at her back. “Tirek?” She quickly looked up at him. “I never pegged you for the theater type.” He laughed. “I’m not.” She returned her eyes to the stage. “Thorax said he always wanted for me to see him perform so… here I am.” She shrugged. Up on stage, the background was changed and the actors altered position. Thorax finally made his appearance to the applause of the crowd. “Mom!” He began wildly waving at her. “Over here!” Chrysalis slowly raised her hoof and waved back as he cleared his throat and went into his scene. “It must make you happy to know that he thinks so much of you in spite of all that has happened.” Scorpan noted. “Why are you here?” She asked, avoiding acknowledging his sentiment. “Celestia wants us to find Cozy Glow.” Tirek said as he watched the play. “She has an artifact that is slowly transforming her into a monster.” “All those friends and she needs our help?” Chrysalis scoffed, keeping her eyes on Thorax. “She is focusing on Aurelian.” Tirek explained. “I told her I would try to find her and stop her from doing whatever she is planning.” He breathed a sigh through his nose. “In a way, I am responsible for her.” “How so, brother?” Scorpan asked. “I was the one who nurtured her budding maliciousness and gave her the tools she needed to enact her plans.” He detailed. “From her letters, I could tell that she was already on the edge of falling onto an evil path and I gave her the push that set her down that road.” He looked down at Chrysalis. “My bother told me that the three of us formed a bond that we refused to acknowledge; well, I am asking you to acknowledge it now and help me find her.” Chrysalis watched her son on stage, giving a speech about the values of family and friendship obviously written to parallel recent events. She lowered her head with a deep growl and nodded. “Fine, let’s find her before she makes things even worse than they already are.” “Thank you.” Scorpan said graciously. “After the play.” She added, folding her hooves and returning her attention to Thorax. The popular beaches surrounding Mt Aris were alive with all manner of vacationing creatures. Lyra and Bon Bon stood on the shore, looking out over the sparkling ocean with contentment as the waves lapped at their hooves. “This is so amazing.” Lyra smiled. “Great idea coming here.” “I know.” Bon Bon giggled. “Totally worth the extra hours to save for the trip.” She reached her hoof down and splashed Lyra. “How’s the temperature?” “You tell me.” Lyra laughed as she splashed her back. Their playing ceased as a winged shadow appeared behind them; the pair slowly turned to see an Alicorn standing at their back. “Um… hi.” Bon Bon nervously waved as all activity on the beach halted at the creature’s arrival. “Can we… help you?” Lyra asked meekly. “Unlikely.” Aurelian began to walk between them, the water parting from the sheer force of his intense magic. The beach stood silent as the ocean itself made way for the intimidating creature; his body soon encased in magic and the water crashed down around him as he vanished below the surface. Aurelian walked the ocean floor, marine life coming close and bopping his barrier in curiosity. His travel soon led him to Seaquestria, where the sight of an Alicorn methodically walking towards the city caused quite the stir. The patrolling Sea Ponies reported the sighting and given the nature of the situation, Queen Novo herself came to investigate the matter. As the foreign creature neared their home, the Queen and a faction of her guard moved to intercept. “You are no ordinary visitor.” Novo halted him. “You stand before Queen Novo of Seaquestria, you must be Aurelian.” He looked up at her with interest. “You know my name?” “Princess Celestia is searching for you.” She informed. “We were asked to report your location should you be discovered.” “That is not my concern at the moment.” He retorted. “I seek a trench, known to be the deepest part of this ocean.” “The maw of the sea?” She asked, a hint of fear in her voice. “That is a place of legend and peril.” “I suppose it would be.” He nodded. “Where is it located?” The proud Novo was warned of Aurelian’s power and in spite of being far from pleased with his demeanor, she knew better than to show him aggression. “Countless generations have told stories of that place. Legends say that the maw of the sea is no mere trench, but a literally mouth that swallows all life that dares tread the darkness of its interior. The Sea Ponies have kept their distance and yet have also watched over that sacred place to keep it safe from interference. Why do you seek it?” Aurelian shook his head with an amused laugh. “Your generations are far from countless and your legends are foolish folktale.” He began. “The trench is a prison for Brayok; a creature once known as the warden of the deep.” “What?” Novo’s air of regality faded. “There is truly something alive within that void?” “Yes.” Aurelian confirmed. “He was imprisoned nearly forty-two hundred years ago for allying himself with me before my final defeat.” “You would release such a creature?” She asked. “He has more than served his sentence.” Aurelian sighed. “I have come to see him free and returned to my side. Now, where is the trench?” He asked again with more insistence. Novo struggled to answer, knowing what would happen should he complete his mission and also knowing what would happen should she refuse. “It… is southwest of Seaquestria.” She finally responded. “But I ask that you not do this; disrupting that place could compromise the ocean floor.” “I understand the risk.” Having gotten his answer he proceeded southwest. “I apologize now for any ill that befalls your home as a result.” Novo quickly motioned to her guard as Aurelian went on his way. “Have my sister send word to Celestia immediately.” She laid her fin to one of the guard. “The rest of you warn and prepare the city for whatever may come. I will follow him to learn what I can.” “At once, your majesty.” The guards rushed back into the city while Novo swam off after Aurelian. Within the hour, Aurelian arrived at the pit that lay on the ocean floor. Without fear, he levitated his bubble down into the blackness, the only light available being that from his horn. A rhythmic thump became audible within the dark which he knew to be the beating heart of his long lost ally. “Brayok, it has been… far too long.” He moved his bubble over an immense frame, landing on a spiky shell. “The cold of the deep has trapped you in this sleep.” Closing his eyes, he began to radiate magic from his protective barrier. The light he produced expanded and the water began to bubble as the temperature rapidly increased. The radius of his magic expanded until the entirety of the pit was brought to a boil like a pot on a stove. Aurelian held this extreme exertion for nearly twenty minutes until the form beneath him finally stirred. A gurgling roar filled the trench and made its way back up to the entrance where it sent a horrified chill through Novo who watched as massive bubbles rose from the depths. Brayok’s dull, yellow eyes opened and his senses slowly returned. The light from Aurelian’s body drew his attention and he looked back at the orb that rested atop him. “Aurelian?” “Yes.” He nodded as he moved himself to a safe distance. “Do you know where you are?” “I… do.” A mass of tentacles writhed from the bottom of Brayok’s shell as he raised his finned forelegs, finding his wrists chained to the ground. “Bound.” He balled his claws, a low growl flowing through the gills along his neck. Rearing back, he found his torso also held by a giant manacle as well as more links directly connected to the back of his shell. “Your bonds, while great, date back over four thousand years.” Aurelian informed. “I trust you can handle the rest?” “Just get somewhere out of the way.” Brayok rolled his shoulders as he prepared to free himself. “I will await you above.” Aurelian quickly rose back to the entrance, finding Novo looking down into the abyss with stricken eyes. The ocean floor began to quake as Brayok ripped his binds from the floors and walls of the trench. His roar boomed from the mouth of the trench and steam geysers began to open up all around them in a radius that could not be measured. The ruptures in the sea floor began to appear within Seaquestria as well, hot steam blasting all around the Sea Ponies as the royal guard continued their efforts to move them to safety. Novo swam backwards as Brayok’s claws gripped the edge of the trench; a head, not far removed from a snapping turtle, followed them as his eyes beheld light for the first time in several thousand years. The rim of the entrance began to crumble as he forced his thick shell through; a dozen barbed tentacles propelling him along. “Finally!” Brayok inhaled the fresh, warm water through his gills. “I see your strength has not waned.” Aurelian smiled. “Maybe, but I’ve definitely felt better.” He wound his tentacles together and stood on the platform they created. Novo looked up at the towering monstrosity in disbelief, her fins shaking as she floated in its presence. Brayok took notice of her and snarled menacingly. “A Sea Pony?” His eyes narrowed. “You’re the ones that chained me in that accursed hole!” One of his tentacles lashed out with amazing speed, aimed at her head. Novo screamed but the appendage halted a mere foot from its target, held still by magic. “This one is not your enemy.” Aurelian stated. “The Sea Ponies who imprisoned you are long dead.” Brayok withdrew his tentacle and eyed Aurelian. “My strength may not have waned… but you seemed to have.” “If you wish to test that theory, you are welcome to attack me.” Aurelian offered fearlessly. Brayok laughed shortly. “That wouldn’t be much of a thanks for releasing me. Besides, I’m too stiff right now to risk a round with you.” “Then let us be off.” Aurelian began to rise. “Where to, exactly?” Brayok asked as he followed. “Elder Island. Aestus and Faye await us there; now that we are reunited we can speak freely about how to best deal with this foreign world.” Novo watched them off, Aurelian’s words leaving a gnawing upset in her stomach. She quickly doubled back and returned to Sequestria to check on the safety of the Sea Ponies. Once the play had ended, Chrysalis joined Tirek and Scorpan near the stage while they waited for Thorax. The proud lead actor galloped from the stage and to her side. “So, did you like the play?” He asked with shimmering eyes. “It… was pleasant.” She praised as best she could. “Certainly the finest play I’ve seen.” “It’s the only play you’ve seen.” Tirek pointed out. “Quiet!” She glared back at him with a hiss. “Thanks, mom.” Thorax beamed. “What’s going on?” “I must leave with Tirek and Scorpan.” She informed. “I’ll go with you.” He offered. “That isn’t necessary.” She braced her hoof on his chest as he tried to approach. “Actually it is.” Thorax nodded surely. “Celestia said that if you left the hive you needed to be supervised.” He smiled. “She what!?” Chrysalis barked. “Well, the more the merrier.” Scorpan added. “Fine!” She turned and stormed past them. “Let’s just go!” Thorax eyed the brothers with a lopsided grin. “She’s… still adjusting.” “Is that what that was?” Tirek chuckled as he and Scorpan followed. Checking out with Pharynx, Thorax led them from the hive and they began their trek across the region. Guided by the knowledge of Cozy Glow’s last know location, they progressed westward along the open roads. Not expecting action anytime soon, it came as shock to Scorpan as he noticed an unnatural form in the sky above them. “Brother.” He halted them and pointed upwards. “I see her.” Tirek let out a hard breath. “There you are!” Cozy Glow landed before them. “We found her already?” Thorax asked. “Wow, we’re good at this.” “Cozy Glow?” Chrysalis looked over the unrecognizable Pony. “What have you done to yourself?” “Like it?” Cozy Glow asked, showing off her new body. “Not so little anymore, am I?” Her smug smile quickly faded into an angry stare. “Now, want to tell me about this silly news I heard about you returning to the hive?” She looked to Tirek. “And you, who is this?” She pointed her hoof at the unknown creature at his side. “This is my brother, Scorpan.” Tirek introduced. “And yes, Chrysalis has decided to return to her hive with the rest of the Changelings.” “Geez.” Cozy Glow stamped her hoof. “I didn’t want to believe you’d do something so stupid.” “Seeking the comfort of family is not foolishness, child.” Scorpan stepped forward. “You stay out of this!” She scowled at him. “I’m not talking to you!” “Cozy, that’s enough.” Tirek said sternly. “I know it may not be what you want to hear, but the battle is over; I don’t know what you’re trying to do but you need to stop before you get hurt.” “Hurt?” She laughed. “I’m getting stronger every time I use this thing.” She brandished the bracelet. “I’m getting stronger to show you that the battle isn’t over. I can become powerful enough to beat anybody with enough time, just come with me and…” “No.” Chrysalis said bluntly. “We’re done living in the shadows and scraping by in life.” “We’re making peace as best we can.” Tirek continued. “It isn’t easy, but it’s better than constantly fighting against the world. We have both rediscovered our family.” “Family!?” Cozy Glow's face twisted in rage. “La de da! Family doesn’t mean anything!” “Of course it does.” Thorax took over. “Family is the bond that lets you know you always have a place in the world. I’m sure if you tried, you could rediscover that bond too.” “No I can’t, you dumb bug!” She shouted. “I’ve heard all that junk about family always loving you and being there for you and it’s a lie! I was ditched on a doorstep by the only two ponies in the world who were supposed to love me!” “Oh my.” Scorpan held his claw to his mouth. “Cozy…” Tirek struggled with what to say at the news. “What?” She eyed him. “You feel sorry for me? Well don’t, I got by just fine without them.” “Did you?” Thorax asked. “It doesn’t look like it.” “Shut up you pastel pansy!” She growled. “I suggest you stop insulting my son.” Chrysalis started to approach her. “Enough.” Tirek grabbed her shoulder. “Cozy, I’m sorry about your past and… I shouldn’t have urged you to take my selfish route in life. You listened to me once, so do so again. Chrysalis and I have chosen to move on in life and you need to do the same. You’re just a Pony, you don’t share our lifespan; is this really how you want to spend it?” He sighed. “No conquest, even Equestria itself, is worth all this misery.” “This isn’t just about Equestria!” Cozy Glow's eyes began to water. “We promised to stick together… you’re supposed to be my friends! And you just left me in a cave like… like I didn’t even matter.” Her tense body began to sulk. “You’re right.” Tirek nodded. “And we’re sorry.” “If you truly see us a friends, then listen to us and stand down.” Chrysalis added. Cozy Glow’s head lowered and she wiped her eyes. “Fine.” Tirek and Chrysalis went to her side and sat before her. “Listen Cozy.” Tirek began. “Canterlot is working to find Aurelian, he’s back on the surface and reviving creatures from his time. We don’t know much, only that he’s headed someplace called Elder Island and we could use all the help we can with this.” “Good to know.” Cozy lashed out and punctured the two of them with her bracelet. They instantly collapsed at her hooves, Tirek reverting to his frail and elderly form. “Brother!” Scorpan flew in to protect them. “Mom!” Thorax galloped after him. Cozy Glow leapt back as they closed in and began to shake as the bracelet’s effects started to alter her form once more. She began to grow even larger; her neck and shoulders extending into a torso and arms budding from her new sides, giving her a Centaur’s body. Her skin hardened into a Changeling carapace and sharp teeth filled her mouth. A subset of insectoid wings extended downward below her exiting ones and her arms, legs and chest bulged with new muscle. “This isn’t good.” Scorpan stood from Tirek’s side. “We must stop her.” “I’m with you.” Thorax changed into a Bug Bear and beat his chest. “Wanna fight?” Cozy Glow asked as she cracked her new knuckles. “Bring it on.” Thorax charged her and threw all his weight into his paw, she easily caught the punch with a delighted laugh and backhanded him in the face with her opposite. As he fell, Scorpan conjured a barrage of fireballs and sent them at her; the magical flames dissipated as they came into contact with the tough exoskeleton. “Ha ha ha!” She galloped at him and rammed her shoulder into his chest, sending him flying back along the road. “This is awesome!” She looked down at Tirek and Chrysalis. “I told you I would turn us into the perfect team.” Her face saddened as she watched them struggle to stand. “Don’t worry, I know how to fix this. You’re only doing this because of that stupid Alicorn; I’m going to beat him and show you that his power is nothing to fear or respect. After that, we can take over Equestria and be friends again.” She opened her four wings and slowly lifted into the sky, disappearing in the rolling clouds. Scorpan got his feet and staggered over to Thorax who had reflexively changed back to his natural state. “Are you okay, my boy?” He helped him up. “Yeah.” Thorax held his throbbing head. “Changelings are pretty durable.” “I noticed.” He patted his back and went to Tirek. “Brother, absorb my magic to restore yourself.” Tirek slowly nodded and drained a portion of his brother’s power; his body returned to its healthy state and he wearily stood on his own. “You too, mom.” Thorax knelt beside her. “Feed off of me.” Chrysalis opened her mouth and fed on his love; her strength returned, she rose to her hooves and immediately severed the connection. “Thorax.” She pulled him up. “Are you alright?” “I’m fine, mom.” He smiled. “Just lightheaded.” “No more than usual.” She smiled back. “Thank you.” “Well, that went about as poorly as it could have.” Tirek looked up into the sky. “Not only is she even stronger now, but she intends to battle Aurelian.” “If she angers him, there is no telling what he’ll do.” Chrysalis stood at his side. “We need to return to Canterlot and update them on the situation.” Scorpan suggested. “She is too powerful for us to contend with now.” Tirek and Chrysalis looked at each other grimly before returning their gaze to the clouds above. > Chapter 9 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight returned to the castle to see Celestia and deliver her findings about Elder Island. The understandably distressed Princess sat with Starswirl and her sister, reviewing the recent communication from Seaquestria. “Princess.” Twilight halted as she noticed the upset look on Celestia’s face. “What’s happened?” “Aurelian has released another creature from the depths near Seaquestria.” Celestia relayed with a burdened sigh. “Are they alright?” She asked. “The first letter from Ocean Flow did not say much, but Novo has updated us further and there are no severe injuries.” Celestia set the letter down. “Seaquestria, however, was heavily damaged by ocean tremors caused by the creature’s release.” “So what are we dealing with now?” Twilight further inquired. “His name is Brayok.” Celestia answered. “What Novo describes in her letter portrays a truly frightening beast. Furthermore, she heard Aurelian say that now that they are reunited they can decide what to do about the current world.” “That… doesn’t sound good.” Twilight admitted. “Have you learned anything, Twilight?” She asked in return. “I found the island we’re looking for, finally.” She presented a very old book. “This is the oldest book of Equestrian history in my collection and it mentions Elder Island.” “Well done, Twilight.” Starswirl commended. “What exactly is this place?” “It’s known as the first continent and is a place that was deemed hallowed by all creatures.” Twilight began as she magically passed the book to Celestia. “From what I can gather, it is the only remaining piece of world’s original land mass. It was used as some sort of dueling ground for extremely powerful creatures." “That is quite intriguing.” Luna stood at her sister’s side and observed the bookmarked pages. “Where is it located?” “Far out into the eastern ocean.” She informed. “Although I can’t get exact coordinates.” “And without a precise location, teleportation would prove difficult.” Luna added. “Not for Discord.” Celestia lowered the book. “He could easily enter and exit his chaos dimension and scout the eastern sea for the island.” “On it.” Twilight nodded and went to seek out the often reluctant ally. “What are we supposed to do when we get there, sister?” Luna asked. “I just want to talk to him and find out his intentions.” Celestia answered simply. “I will, of course, confront him on the damage he has caused.” “We’ll be surrounded by creatures whose power we can’t even begin to imagine.” Starswirl noted. “We’ll be completely at their mercy.” “If it came down to a fight, I have little doubt we would lose no matter what.” She admitted with a small smile. “These creatures represent another age, one far more violent and unforgiving than our own; their power and magic were forged by conditions that would seem unlivable to any modern creature.” She looked to him confidently. “If worse comes to worse, Discord can see us to safety.” “Princess?” A guard appeared in the doorway. “Tirek and Scorpan have returned.” “So soon?” She motioned for the guard to see them in; the brothers joined them in the room along with Thorax and Chrysalis. “Princess.” Scorpan bowed. Celestia looked over their faces. “What has happened?” “We found Cozy Glow.” Tirek began. “Or, rather she found us; we thought we had talked her down but she used that artifact on Chrysalis and I.” “What has she become?” Luna asked. “Well.” Thorax sighed. “She’s about four times bigger than she was before, has the body of a Centaur, the wings and armored skin of a Changeling and wants to challenge Aurelian to a fight.” “What?” Celestia gasped. “It turns out she’s a bit more emotionally damaged than we first thought.” Chrysalis took over. “She blames him for Tirek and I abandoning our fight against you and thinks defeating him will return us to her side.” “More so, she knows about Elder Island.” Scorpan added. “Well, at least she doesn’t know the location.” Starswirl attempted to spin some positive from the information. “She’ll find out.” Tirek assured. “That girl is tenacious to a fault.” His face displayed a deep worry. “We have to stop her, Aurelian will kill her if she tries to fight him.” “Have you made any headway in locating Aurelian?” Scorpan asked. “Yes.” Celestia nodded. “We have the general location of Elder Island and Twilight is seeing to the matter as we speak." “Well, count us in.” Tirek nodded. “If Cozy Glow is going to him, then we will as well.” “Us too.” The room looked to see Ember and Fluttershy enter from the opposite doorway. “I’m over the shock and I’m going to give that Dragon a piece of my mind.” “That seems unwise.” Starswirl advised. “Hey, I’m the Dragon Lord.” She raised her staff. “If I let him push me around then I might as well give him this staff back; and that isn’t going to happen.” “Very well.” Celestia accepted their decision. “Then once we hear from Twilight, we will set out.” Wrapped in mixed thought, the room sat in as much ease as possible to wait for further word Surrounded by innumerable bleached bones, the titanic Aestus laid across a portion of the island as Faye continued to circle his head. “So then, I puffed out my chest and said in me best Aurelian, ‘you dare challenge my power?’.” Faye recounted with a laugh. “Sent him off with a right fright.” “I’m surprised he actually believed that you possessed such power.” Aestus chuckled. “Hey now.” She twisted in the air and hovered before his nose. “I have plenty of power, I just don’t go throwing it around the way you lot do.” She smirked. “Besides, I can do all sorts of things that you can’t, love.” “Such as?” His brow raised in suspect.” “Well for one.” She flew up and landed between the stem of his horns. “I can touch the top of me own head.” She laid her wing tips to her head, dancing and strutting across his temple. “Ooooh, hoo hooo!” “Ugh.” Aestus sighed deeply. “I’m starting to recall why you and I never spent much time together.” “Oh come on, love.” She traipsed down his snout and patted his nose. “We haven’t seen each other in thousands of years. This is a happy little reunion.” “Faye is right.” Aurelian appeared over the trees, Brayok dragging himself across the land behind him. “Finally.” Aestus said in relief. “Brayok! You old sea slug!” Faye dove at him, stopping shortly and waving her wing before her beak. “Pew. You smell even more like dead fish than I remember, love.” “Forgive me for being trapped on the bottom of the sea and not in a rose garden.” He settled himself in a comfortable spot. “No worries.” She kissed the top of his head. “A day out in the sun and fresh air will having you back to smelling like the correct amount of dead fish in no time.” One of Brayok’s tentacles swung at her but she easily avoided it and circled him with a cheery laugh. “Too slow, love.” “So, you were sealed away as well?” Aestus asked. “Not long after Aurelian was brought down.” He nodded. “The Sea Ponies helped to chain me within the deepest hole they could find. I don’t remember much following the final battle; and after a few hundred years the cold of the deep took its toll and shut my body down.” “At least you live.” Aurelian landed in the shadows of his allies, looking up at them with a smile. “I never imagined a day when we would stand together again.” “Speaking of which.” Brayok craned his head down. “Not that I am ungrateful for you releasing me, but I have to ask what took you so long?” “I was thinking much the same.” Aestus concurred. “You could have revived us whenever you wanted. Why now all of the sudden?” Faye landed atop Aestus again with a troubled frown. “They have point, love. Where have you been all this time?” Aurelian sat and slowly nodded. “Time and experience took its toll on me.” He began. “When the Alliance chose to turn on Aestus, I realized that creatures as powerful as we, no matter how respected, would ever be the victim of treachery due to the fear we instill in the world. I turned my back on that world that I had spent thousands of years protecting; seeking to establish a new order where the foolishness and shortsightedness of the weak and fearful would no longer guide the course of society. I held the world in that order for hundreds of years until I was unseated by a new Alliance, born from those I thought too weak to best me.” “I remember that all too well, love.” Faye interjected. “I always wished I was strong enough to keep them from locking you away in that otherworldly dungeon they built.” She shook her head longingly. “Must have spent a hundred years trying to burn a hole through that door.” Aestus breathed a thoughtful sigh. “I would not have thought my defeat could impact you so.” “I respected you far more than I was willing to admit at the time, old friend.” Aurelian confessed. “But when I finally freed myself from that prison, thoughts of you and the others were stolen from my mind by the rage that overtook me upon learning what the world had done in my absence. The slaughter of the male Alicorns was an atrocity that I could not let stand and I set myself on the world again, this time with intent only to destroy.” A deep sense of regret ran through him. “My anger turned me into a monster and… I did terrible things that even now haunt the back of my mind.” “You were indeed unrecognizable.” Brayok admitted. “I was so happy to see you back.” Faye sighed. “But you were in such a state, I knew I couldn't go anywhere near you... no matter how badly I wanted to.” “I deserved to be locked away again.” Aurelian nodded. “What I did stripped me of whatever honor and good I still carried in my heart.” He laid his hoof to his head. “That defeat made me realize how far I had fallen; and when I returned once more I found that I had lost Faye on top of my own sense of self. All I wanted at that point was for things to go back to the way they were, so I sought out Brayok to aid me a final time to attempt to restore the order that we had once known. But there was no joy or solace to be had in that victory. The world had moved on so much by then, it had no want or desire to return to the world that I knew and they battled back with great fervor. It did not help that the fire within me had also dwindled and I simply did not have the fight in me I once had. I was beaten again, and after that final defeat I was overtaken by an emptiness that I was not prepared for; it was as if all at once the futility of everything I had accomplished in life became all too clear.” “We could have fought again.” Brayok noted. “I saw no reason.” He shook his head. “I realized after so long that the world is a self-correcting system that always leads back to a homeostasis of peace that no creature can break. I defeated countless enemies of the Alliance and ended numerous world threats, only for an even greater menace to inevitably rise in their place. In turn, each time I laid claim to the world my work was always undone by a valiant good that returned to world once more to that neutral starting point.” Aurelian looked at Brayok with sullen eyes. “My realization broke my spirt and I decided that if there was no point to being a hero or a menace, then I would be neither; I returned to my prison and sat in silence until only recently when I received several visitors. One of which was the current ruler of the Ponies and her words sparked enough of an interest in me to return to the world. We spoke of much, but it was her suggestion that I have friends with me to help adjust to the world I had so long ago walked away from that made me think of you once again.” “So we owe our returns to a mere whim?” Aestus asked. Aurelian looked to him with understanding. “The three of you woke up in this foreign time, but I traveled here the old fashioned way; I have lived every single moment and only now do I fully realize just how much of myself I have lost. Each of you represents a part of me that withered away as I sat in that prison.” He nodded to Aestus. “My fortitude.” He looked to Faye. “My passion.” He looked to Brayok. “My ferocity.” A quaint smile crossed his lips. “I am not who you remember, but you are exactly as I held you in my mind; and standing here with you makes me feel whole once more.” “Aw.” Faye smiled down at him. “Even so.” He continued. “That does not excuse the fact that as I wallowed in my own emptiness, I abandoned you to your fates. I understand whatever anger you may bear towards me and if you feel that you are owed retribution, then I welcome you to enact it upon me; I will not stop you.” He lowered his head as he knelt before them, laying his wing tips to the ground in a sign of prostration. The three of them looked to each other in great surprise at such a display. “You have changed.” Aestus shook his head with a laugh. “Yet you remain as melodramatic as ever. I understand why you could not aid me at the time, I chose to stand against the Alliance as a proud Dragon and met a noble defeat.” “I feel the same.” Brayok continued. “It was my choice to join your cause and my punishment was a result of that choice. I did not regret my decision nor did I blame you for the outcome.” Aurelian rose to his hooves as Faye swooped down behind him. “I’ve never been one to live in the past, love.” She laid her body against his back and wrapped her wings around him. “You may be a sight different now, but I’m just glad to have you back. You’ve always been one of the greatest comforts in me life; because I know that no matter how many times I croak you’ll be right there waiting for me when I get back.” Aurelian smiled and nodded in acceptance. “Thank you.” After several hours, Twilight and Discord appeared in the castle after finally locating the elusive isle. “Princess.” Twilight hurried along as Discord slumped behind her, shaking his swollen claw. “We found it!” “Excellent work.” Celestia praised. “You’re welcome.” Discord huffed. “I snapped so many times my poor fingers are numb.” He popped his hand off and replaced it with a fresh one. “Thank you, Discord.” Celestia acknowledged. “Is Aurelian there?” “They all are.” Twilight confirmed. “The Dragon, the Sea Monster and a Phoenix too.” “A Phoenix?” Celestia’s eyes widened. “That is quite the ensemble.” Starswirl noted. “Alright then.” Celestia nodded surely. “Discord, take us there.” She looked over the team as they gathered around her. “My friends, whatever happens, we must remain calm and united.” “As calm as you can, considering you’ll be surrounded by creatures that see you as insects.” Chrysalis chimed in as she joined the circle. “A feeling you’re no doubt used to.” Discord grinned at her. “This is going to prove most interesting.” Scorpan chuckled nervously. “Or fatal.” Tirek added as he, Luna, Thorax, Ember and Fluttershy stepped closer. “Ok Discord.” Fluttershy stood at his side. “Do your thing.” Discord raised his claw and snapped his fingers; in an instant, they were in the midst of the untainted greenery of Elder Island. While they felt they had prepared for anything, they were far from ready for what they heard; the sound of laughter. “I had endured more than enough of his arrogance.” Brayok spoke with a restrained chortle. “So I traveled beneath his island and bore holes through the land until it began to flood. As he scrambled to save his precious home and hoard, I said 'finally, something in this world holier than thou.'" The four of them laughed as Celestia and her allies looked up at them from the ground. “Ok, this isn’t what I was expecting.” Ember whispered. "I know." Thorax agreed. "It looks like they're just... hanging out." “Aurelian?” Celestia called up to him, garnering the attention of all four. “Well now.” Faye looked down at them curiously. “Who's this lot?” Aurelian looked them over. “These are the ones of which I spoke.” He descended and hovered above them. “How did you find this place?” “Well, it wasn’t easy.” Twilight noted. “It took a lot of research and even more teleporting…” She slowly trailed off under his unamused look. Celestia and Luna rose from the ground and matched altitude with him. “Forgive our trespass here, but it was imperative that I find you. You left so suddenly and not long after, I began receiving reports of you reviving other creatures.” “I informed you that I wished to see my friends again.” Aurelian reminded. “These three are all that remain from the world I once knew; and I admit that your suggestion to have them with me again was a sound one.” “I… see.” Celestia nodded. “Well, isn’t this grand.” Faye suddenly flew behind the sisters and took one in each wing. “Nice to finally have some girls to talk to; names’ Faye, nice to meet you, loves.” “Um, hello.” Celestia smiled. “I am Celestia, and this is my sister Luna.” “Sisters, eh?” She shook them roughly. “Never had any m’self; was an only child, as in the only child me mother could bear to put up with. Ooooh, hoo hooo!” “Sister… I am very confused.” Luna muttered across to Celestia. The others flew up to join them, with Tirek and Starswirl held aloft in Twilight’s magic. Celestia politely worked herself from under Faye’s wing and looked over the other foreign creatures. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Faye.” She looked to Aurelian. “Perhaps, you could introduce us to your friends?” Aurelian responded with a single nod. “Faye was once the self-proclaimed Queen of Parataiso Inferna; a carnal paradise of her own making, open to creatures from all walks of life. The power of her flame is exceeded only by her… appetites.” “Don’t make it sound so tawdry.” Faye protested. “Life is nothing without passion and I am equal opportunist.” She looked down at Luna with a wink; Luna laughed nervously and slowly pulled herself from the Phoenix’s lingering hug. Aurelian gestured to Brayok. “Brayok’s origins are a mystery even to me, as he is steadfast in refusing us the details of his birth.” “You can know when it becomes your business.” Brayok grumbled. “Regardless.” Aurelian continued with a laugh. “For several thousand years, every kingdom and creature beneath the waves answered to his might; whether they cared to or not. He acted as a living deterrent to any would be threats from the sea; seen as a terrifying but fair peacekeeper.” He looked up to Aestus. “Aestus is the last son of Terrus, the World Dragon of earth.” “World Dragon?” Ember repeated. “That’s a thing?” “Even the prestige of our heritage has been lost in this time?” Aestus dragged his head over to her. “The lives of the seven World Dragons extend far beyond even ours; they had a claw in shaping the very world on which you stand. The Dragons of earth, flame, water, sky, ice, lightning and nature are the ancestors of all Dragons living today." “Wow.” Ember considered the news. “Earth Dragon, huh? Is that why you don’t have wings?” “Only the Dragons of sky, flame and lighting bore wings.” Aestus explained. “Could you imagine this tub flying around in the air?” Faye asked with a hysterical laugh. “Blot out the sun, he would.” “This is going a lot differently than I imagined.” Twilight whispered down to Starswirl. “I think that is for the best.” Starswirl smiled. “All things considered, they seem an amiable bunch.” Scorpan noted. “Just because they're big and powerful doesn’t mean they can’t be kind.” Fluttershy eyed the stoic Brayok. “Except maybe that one, he seems pretty grumpy.” Above them, Celestia gave Aurelian a pleased smile. “Well, it is a honor to meet you all. I am glad that you have been able to reconnect with these creatures from your past.” Her smile lessened. “Still, you are aware of the damage that has been caused by your revival of them.” “I am.” He nodded. “I imagine you find it unfair that such destruction was caused just to release them; but is it any less fair than the fact that they had their lives and freedom stolen from them?” “I suppose not.” Celestia admitted. “Even so, the fact of the matter remains that the Dragon Lands and Seaquestria lay in ruin. When we first spoke, I offered that you return as a friend; as a ruler and as one who values that offer of friendship, I must ask that you repair the damage you have caused.” Aurelian stared back at her in silence for several long, tense moments. Just as Celestia began to prepare for the worst, he slowly nodded in acceptance. “Very well. Without you I would not be able to enjoy this reunion; so I will honor your request.” Celestia sighed internally. “Thank you.” She tipped her head. “I appreciate that.” “Wait?” Aestus looked back to Ember. “Your lands are still damaged? Why did the Dragons not simply use their molten breath to repair the landscape?” “Molten… breath?” Ember gave him another confused look. “Can you do that?” “Can I…” Aestus flustered and quickly looked back to Aurelian in irritation. Aurelian began to laugh at his frustration. “It seems time has robbed them of more than their size, old friend.” “We just learned how to make blue fire like a month ago.” Ember added. “We found that if the Dragons laugh hard enough then they can generate more heat.” “Laughter?” Aestus groaned. “Blue fire comes from rapidly increasing the amount of oxygen in your flame. You can do it at will though advanced breathing technique.” He shook his head. “What has become of my kind?” “I imagine I know, Aestus.” Aurelian looked over Celestia and her friends. “It is true, the multitude of species have grown so weak since we last walked this world; but I think that is by design.” “What do you mean?” Celestia asked. “As I have said, whatever unseen hand that guides this world strives to maintain a balance of peace. What better way to achieve that then by slowly robbing the creatures of this world of their destructive power." His eyes ran across them. "In our time, these feats that you deem so amazing were commonplace and played key parts in the endless warring. Now, such power is no longer necessary it seems; you maintain order through your word and bonds, only raising your hoof to strike when absolutely necessary.” “A bit of a left handed compliment.” Scorpan came in. “But he has a point. The most powerful of us are the oldest here, each succeeding generation seems to lose a bit of its power but gains so much more in its heart.” “I can attest to that.” Chrysalis wryly patted Thorax on the head. “If that’s the case.” Ember flew up and into Aestus’ face. “As Dragon Lord, I’m instructing you to repair the Dragon Lands. Just because you're way bigger and stronger than I am doesn’t take away from the fact that I lead the Dragons, which includes you.” Aestus’ mouth opened wide before her and he began to heartily laugh, the shockwave of which sent her careening from the sky. “I got you!” Thorax soared up and caught her. “Quite a bit of fire in that itty bitty body of yours.” Aestus said approvingly. “Despite not asking you to build your society on my backside, I will mend your Dragon Lands; as a Dragon, my pride would not rest well knowing I have displaced my own kin.” “And my magic is more than sufficient to repair the Sea Pony’s home.” Aurelian added. “It would be best to keep Brayok away from them for now.” “Well, this is quite a relief.” Celestia said with a calming breath, her tense body relaxing. “You seem a bit on edge, love.” Faye noted. “No need to be so nervous around Aurelian, he’s a big softy once you get past the ego and history of bloodlust.” “Oh, she’s just relieved because she thought Aurelian was freeing you all so that you could conquer the world.” Discord casually noted. “Discord!” Luna glared at him. “Ha, foolishness.” Aurelian dismissed the idea. “You think I would require them to complete such a task?” “Oh get over yourself.” Brayok mocked, dragging himself closer. “He is quick to tell all the stories of his power and conquest, yet he typically forgets to tell you the times that arrogance of his landed his hoof in his mouth.” “That’s true, love.” Faye added. “Aurelian is lot like wine. Sure, he’s perfectly aged now, but way back when he was just a glass of sour grape water.” She broke into laughter “Do you remember those few hundred years after he started wearing that ugly orange cape?” “Ugh.” Aestus shuddered. “I had nearly forgotten that.” “Polaris said it complimented my coat.” Aurelian eyed them. “That mare had you wrapped around her hoof.” Brayok chuckled. “She could convince you the sky was green.” Celestia smiled over at Luna as the four of them began to laugh once again. > Chapter 10 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the others got to know Aestus, Faye and Brayok; Tirek and Chrysalis brought their family before Aurelian. "Aurelian." Tirek gestured to his brother. "This is my younger brother, Scorpan." "It is certainly an experience to meet you." Scorpan tipped his head. "And this bundle of energy is my son, Thorax." Chrysalis introduced. "Hello." He smiled brightly. Aurelian looked them over quietly. "It seems you have found company on your new paths." He noted. "Yes." Tirek nodded. "We would not have searched them out if it wasn't for you, though." He continued. "I don't know what drove you to speak to us or what your whims are based on; but you have my thanks." "Mine as well." Chrysalis added. "Life is different now, far from perfect at times but... better, without question." "I can say much the same." Aurelian watched his friends interact with Celestia and her own. "So, what will you do now?" Scorpan asked. "I am not certain." Aurelian admitted. "For now, it is simply enough to have them back." A small laugh of consideration left him. "What an odd power such bonds hold, to free even me from the chains of my bleak philosophy." "Well, as we were taught." Thorax raised his hoof with a learned smile. "Friendship is..." "Don't even." Chrysalis shut him down. "Well... it is." He pouted. Their scene was disrupted by the deep wail of Aestus, his legs went from under him and everyone scattered as his great head crashed to the ground. "Well, that was easy." The mutated Cozy Glow appeared over the dragon's body. "Cozy Glow!" Celestia flew into the air. "What have you done?" "Finally given myself the edge...I... needed!" She landed on the island and her body began to grow at an exponential rate. "Oh no." Tirek muttered as he watched her transformation. "We need to fall back!" Thorax rallied, Celestia nodding and teleporting the others to safety with the help of Twilight. As they retreat, Aurelian stood calmly as he looked up at the towering monstrosity; Faye was quick to his side and Brayok drug himself to their back. "Well, there's something you don't see every day." Faye noted. "And we've been around a lot of days." "What has happened to Aestus?" Brayok asked. "I do not know." Aurelian shook his head. "But, he is still breathing." "Aurelian." Celestia landed beside him along with Luna. "You must be careful, she has an artifact that allows her to steal the physical power of others. She has already used it on Tirek and Chrysalis; now she has absorbed Aestus' size and strength." "I see." Aurelian flew into the air and up to Cozy Glow's face. "We meet again, child. I see you have chosen your path." "That's right." Cozy Glow pointed at him. "You stole my friends from me and I'm going to put you in your place so they can see what I've known all along, that you're a washed up has-been with a broken ideology." "Is that so?" He stared into her eyes. "You think I stole them from you? I did not make any of you do anything; I merely offered perspective, it was they who made the decision of what to do with that newfound outlook. Just as it was you who chose to ignore my warning and continue your efforts to seek power." He laughed at her. "Your friends abandoned their lust for power and have found family and friends awaiting them. You? You chose power instead and now that you possess it, you complain because you now stand alone, just as I said you would." He shook his head in disappointment. "I did not steal them away, you turned your back on them and have rendered yourself as alone as I had become." "No!" Cozy Glow roared. "I lost them because they wanted to listen to you instead of me! Only one of us is going to be right and when I kill you, that's going to be me!" "Cozy!" Tirek galloped over with Chrysalis behind him. "Stop this!" "Wh... why are you here?" Cozy Glow looked down on them. "We came to stop you from getting yourself killed!" Chrysalis called up. "Aurelian is right, we didn't have to listen to him but we chose to, and we're better off for it!" "If you don't want to believe him, then believe us!" Tirek added. "This can all end now if you just stand down!" "That's Aurelian talking, not you!" She raised her right foreleg and brought it down in a fit, cracking the ground beneath her. Aurelian teleported the three of them back to the others before either of them could be hurt. "She will not listen." Aurelian concluded. "Her emotional state is consuming her and no matter how powerful she becomes, she is still a child and will continue to act like one." "We have to do something." Twilight looked around the group. "Even if I absorbed all the Princess magic here, I wouldn't be able to compete with her now." Tirek sighed. "Aurelian." Celestia went to his side. "Can you stop her?" Aurelian stood silent as Brayok began to laugh. "He can, but I doubt you'll care for his methods." Celestia looked to Faye who innocently shrugged. "Don't look at me, love. I only get rough in bed." "Brayok, restrain her." Aurelian ordered. "Be weary of her armlet, do not allow her to obtain your strength as well; or she may very well become unstoppable." Brayok growled in irritation. "Whatever you're planning make it quick, I'm only at half strength on land." Brayok sent his tentacles out and engaged Cozy Glow, making sure to bind her wrist to guard himself from the artifact." As the titans battled, Aurelian turned back to Tirek and Chrysalis. "Do you truly wish to save her?" Tirek looked over at Chrysalis who nodded her agreement. "We do." He answered. "Very well." Aurelian looked to Tirek. "Absorb my magic." "What?" He eyed him in shock. "You two are closest to her and will be the only ones who can breach her anger." Aurelian informed. "I can kill her, but if you want her back then you must be the ones to battle her." "I fear he's right, brother." Scorpan took his shoulder. "She wants Aurelian dead and he will have no choice but to go at her full force, but she will be hesitant to fight you which may give you the opening you need to calm her down." "Tirek." Celestia called him. "If everything that you and Chrysalis said to me is true, then this is your chance to carve it in stone for the world to see." "Alright." Tirek nodded. "Halfling." Aurelian looked to Chrysalis. "Drink of Faye's love, I assure you she has more than enough to spare." "Hmph, not quite sure how I'm supposed to take that." Faye fluttered over and landed before her. "Go on, love; give us a right good sucking." "Ugh... don't make this weird." Chrysalis opened her mouth and began to inhale her love essence. Tirek and Chrysalis started to absorb the power of the two mighty creatures. Tirek began to grow, forcing everyone to fall back even farther as he rapidly reached Cozy Glow's height. Chrysalis gorged herself like never before, her body beginning to overflow with magic from the seemingly endless font of the Phoenix's passion. Her eyes flared red and trails of flame sprouted from her body. She ate until she could feed no more and staggered as the power coursed through her. "Oh, look at you, love." Faye applauded. "Even got yourself a pair of fancy fire wings." "I... do?" Chrysalis looked to her sides and saw wings of flame protruding from her back. "Incredible... I've never felt so strong before." She rose into the air and up to Tirek's head. "Ready?" He asked, cracking his neck. "She isn't going to go down easy." "I feel like I could take on the world." Chrysalis smiled. The pair entered the battlefield, Tirek's hoof steps leaving craters in his wake. Faye hopped over to Aurelian and gave him a look of mild concern. "You sure this was a good idea, love?" "I have no doubt they can handle this task." He answered. "Besides, I have little desire to take the life of a child." Back across the way, Cozy Glow took to the air; pulling the tentacles that held her taught and lifting Brayok from the ground. "Let go of me you butt-ugly snail!" She commanded as her body thrashed. "Ha, you think you're the first aerial creature I've dealt with?" Brayok sent more of his tentacles into the ground and anchored himself. "I... said...let...go!" She grabbed her binds and pulled with all her newfound might. Brayok came loose from the soil and she swung him over her head and back down onto the ground. The entire island shook as Brayok's shell made contact and he retracted his tendrils to begin righting himself. "Cozy Glow!" Tirek bellowed, catching her attention. Cozy Glow saw his lumbering approach with an enflamed Chrysalis at his side and landed before them. "Whoa... did you take their magic?" "Yes, to stop you." He challenged. "What!?" She glared at them angrily. "Now you're fighting me too!?" "We don't have to fight at all." Chrysalis landed on his shoulder. "You're the one dragging this out." "I'm doing this for us!" She protested. "No, you're doing this for yourself." Tirek retorted. "You refuse to accept the fact that Chrysalis and I have laid down arms against the Princesses and you've fixated yourself on Aurelian out of that refusal." "You're completely brainwashed!" She stomped the ground in anger. "If I have to go through you to get to him then I will! Whatever it takes to make you see how wrong you are!" She threw a punch at Tirek but he caught her fist and held it fast. "Fine, if we have to beat sense into you then we will." He drove his other fist into her armored gut and sent her back. She gripped her stomach and stared at him. "You... really hit me..." "We're not holding back." He readied himself. "This is for your own good." Cozy Glow's eyes showed sincere hurt as she screamed and ran at him, they locked hands and struggled as Chrysalis flew behind her. "Time to see how far I can go." She changed her shape into an Ursa Major and landed hard at her back. Cozy Glow bucked her back legs and kicked at her as she charged; Chrysalis crossed her arms and absorbed the blow but was sent reeling backwards. As she was distracted, Tirek reared his neck back and drove his forehead into hers; the impact sent her cross-eyed but she held her footing. "I can do that...to!" She headbutted him in return, her shelled skull causing a deal more damage to him. Tirek's hands released hers and she delivered a pair of blows to his ribs that dropped him to the knees of his forelegs. Chrysalis recovered and barreled back in, she went to Cozy's side and wrapped her paws around her waist; in a move that again shook the island, she suplexed Cozy into the ground and rolled to safety towards Tirek. Retaking her normal form, she hoverd over him as he stood. "Well, you were right about her not going down easy." She huffed. "That freakish body of hers doesn't show many weaknesses." "Centaur!" Brayok called to him as he wrapped his tentacles around a pair of points on his shell and snapped them off. "Try these!" He threw them at Tirek who snatched them from the air and held them like daggers. "Right!" Tirek nodded and looked to Chrysalis. "I'm going to crack that shell of hers, once I do, use your magic to strike the exposed parts." "Alright." Chrysalis flew higher into the sky. Cozy Glow began galloping in at top speed, Tirek braced himself and held his guard up; she threw a wild haymaker which he blocked with his left elbow, he stabbed at her exposed side and the ancient piece of shell pieced her carapace. The scream of pain she made tore at his heart but let him know that he was on the right track. He stepped in, punching her left hand and sending her arm backwards to expose her opposite side; he stabbed her again and opened a hole on her chest. He stepped in again, holding his arms up to deflect her untrained punches as he waited for another opening. Chrysalis dropped from the sky, taking the form of a colossal squid and latching onto Cozy's head; as she reached up to pry her off, Tirek moved in again and brought both points down onto her shoulders. Chrysalis changed back and swooped low, firing her empowered magic into the damaged part of her side. Cozy instantly recoiled in pain and began falling back as she protected the spot with her arm. Tirek ran past her side and backhanded one of the points near the base of her neck, the thick armor shattered and she quickly spun and landed a solid punch across his chin. Tirek stumbled and dropped his weapons as she bore down on him. "Stop hurting me!" She mounted him and began pounding away at his chest and head. "You're supposed to be my friend! Why are you doing this?!" Tears began to flow from her eyes as her physical pain began to match the emotional. She screamed again as Chrysalis fired into the back of her neck. Her attacks stopped and Tirek grabbed her wrists, rolling backwards and kicking her over him; she crashed onto her side and finally began to show signs of slowing down. Tirek pushed himself up and pursued her as she tried to stand; he grabbed her mane and drove his knee into her nose, as her head went flying back he delivered a rush of punches to her midsection that sent her staggering back. Chrysalis changed into a massive constrictor and wound herself around Cozy's forelegs, pulling them together in a tight bind. She fell forward and Tirek laced his fingers together to lay an axe handle blow to the back of her head. Her skull rebounded off the ground and she finally laid still. Chrysalis changed back and returned to his shoulder as an exhausted Tirek stood over their opponent. Cozy Glow clawed at the dirt as she began to sob. Tirek sighed and knelt beside her, laying his hand to her head. "Enough Cozy, we don't want to hurt you anymore." He let out a tired breath. "Chrysalis and I were lost and we needed answers, answers that could only be found apart from one another. But we shouldn't have just left you the way we did; I'm sorry we made you feel abandoned again." Her rubbed the back of her neck. "I know you don't have family to return to like we do, but you have us; let's stay a team and face a new life of peace together." Cozy pushed herself to her knees and wiped her eyes with her forearm, slowly nodding. "Okay." She whimpered. "This isn't fun anymore… I don't want to be a monster..." "Take the bracelet off." Chrysalis pointed to her wrist. "I can't." She looked at it with a sniffle. "Spikes came out when I put it on...I can feel it in my bone." "Come on." Tirek stood and helped her up, the three of them returning to Aurelian and Faye. "Aurelian, can you remove this bracelet from her?" Aurelian flew up and observed the artifact. "She says it has latched itself into her flesh." Aurelian sighed and looked up into Cozy Glow's eyes. "This will not be painless, child." He eyed Tirek. "Hold her arm still." "Right." Tirek wrapped his hands around Cozy's arm and held it steady. "Faye." Aurelian called down to her. "What can I do?" She flew up to his side. "I need you to superheat the band on her wrist." He instructed. "Okay." She hovered over the bracelet and gave Cozy Glow a reassuring smile. "Just hold on, love. We'll have this nasty thing off ya right quick." She ignited her body and parted her beak, sending a concentrated jet of flame down onto the bracelet. Cozy Glow began to whine and flinch as the heated metal started to burn. "Stay strong." Tirek said as he continued to hold her tightly. As the metal began to glow red, Aurelian used a focused beam of magic to start carving the band into sections and pulling them upward, prying the metal spikes from her arm and dropping them into the trees below. Once the bracelet had completely fallen from her body, she began to shrink and her acquired features started to wither away until she was a tiny Pegasus once again. The others made their way back over and observed the reverted villain with a sigh of relief. "Let me take care of that." Fluttershy went to Cozy Glow and dug in her travel pack for bandages to begin tending her damaged foreleg. Scorpan and Thorax looked up at their kin with proud smiles. "Well done, brother." Scorpan praised. "Yeah, way to go, mom!" Thorax called up to her. Celestia flew up to Aurelian and gratefully lowered her head to him. "Thank you for helping to stop her." "I did nothing of note." He looked up at Tirek and Chrysalis. "They are your champions." "That is true." She looked up to them as well. "Thank you both." "You should return that borrowed power now, brother." Scorpan noted. "I know." Tirek nodded. "As wonderful as this feels, this size is too much even for me." He channeled the magic back into Aurelian and returned to his normal size. "I can't return what I've consumed." Chrysalis informed as she, Aurelian, Celestia and Faye landed beside him. "That's alright, love." Faye waved her wing at her. "I feel fine. Besides, that's a nice look on you." "How long are you going to be like this?" Thorax asked. "I don't know." She looked herself over. "I've never eaten so much love before, it will probably last a few days before the bulk of it fades away." Faye left them and flew up to Aestus who was still limp on the ground. "How you doing, love?" "All my... stamina is... gone." He groaned. "Don't worry." She smiled. "Happens to creatures your age all the time; perfectly normal." "Faye." Aurelian toned up at her. "What?" She looked down at him innocently. "Just trying to make him feel better." "Is there anything we can do to help him?" Twilight flew up to join her. "Ah, he'll be alright." Faye assured. "Just needs some rest and a good meal." She looked out over the others. "Anyone got a four hundred gallon bowl of soup!?" "Actually." Luna turned to Discord. "Ugh... first I'm a clown, then I'm a taxi and now I'm a caterer." He rolled his eyes as he went to conjure the request. "Thank you, Discord." Luna called out with a sly smile. Tirek made his way over to Cozy Glow. Fluttershy was wrapping up her bandaging and smiled up at him. "She's good to go, she'll need this changed daily for about a week before it's healed enough to go without a bandage." "Thank you." Tirek nodded and knelt beside her again. "Are you okay?" "Yeah..." Cozy Glow said shallowly as she looked at her foreleg with tired eyes. "My body feels weird though." "It will pass." Tirek took her up on his shoulder and reconvened with Chrysalis. "I'm sorry." Cozy Glow apologized with watery eyes. "I just..." "It's fine." Chrysalis insisted. "We fought it out and it's over now. At least you're safe and free of that dangerous trinket you got your hooves on." "She's right." Tirek agreed. "This could have gone much worse." "So, what am I supposed to do now?" Cozy Glow asked. "I will request that you be allowed to come with me." Tirek offered. "You can stay with my brother and I; the city is loud but welcoming and it's a good place to start over." "Okay." She smiled at the idea and looked to Chrysalis. "Are you going to visit too?" "I will." Chrysalis promised. "As soon as Princess High Horse let's me leave without my shadow." Cozy Glow let out a long yawn and curled up on Tirek's back, her little body finally tiring out from the battle. "That sounds... like fun." She slowly drifted off. "Figures." Chrysalis smiled. "Causes all the trouble and then is the first one to nap." "She's been through enough today." Tirek glanced at her. "We're going to have to be there for her, we're all she has." Chrysalis nodded. "I already have a thousand children." She shrugged. "What's one more." > Chapter 11 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy worked with Discord and Faye to craft a large supply of extract which she used to treat reptiles; with some magical help from Twilight and Luna they were able to feed it to Aestus to help him regain his sapped strength. As they labored, Celestia went to Tirek and Chrysalis who sat in a quiet spot with the still slumbering Cozy Glow. "How is she doing?" Celestia asked as she sat with them. "She's completely exhausted." Tirek could hear her rhythmic breathing in his ear. "She'll be out for a day or so." "Did she say anything before she fell asleep?" She asked. "Only that she was sorry." He answered. "Are you set on punishing her once again?" Chrysalis eyed her. "Locking her away again, alone... would serve only to make things worse." Celestia admitted. "Agreed." Tirek nodded. "I offered to ask that I be able to take her back with Scorpan." Celestia smiled knowingly. "I imagined that you might. To be honest, I was placing my hope in that; she needs guidance but she has shown that not even the Princess of Friendship can get through whatever blockades she has constructed in her mind and heart. She will listen to the two of you however; I know that you yourselves are still adapting to a new life but I ask that you help her to do the same. If we are to build, at the very least, a stable understanding between us; then it must be built upon trust. I am willing to trust the two of you to guide her away from her villainous life and learn to function in the world peacefully." "We shall." Tirek promised. "Although, to do so properly, I will require that I be allowed to leave my hive without my son attached to my hip." Chrysalis added. Celestia laughed lightly. "Of course, you have greatly demonstrated your committal to your new life and I will gladly trust you to come and go as you please." "My." Chrysalis forced a smile. "How gracious." "Chrysalis." Tirek gave her a judging glance. "It is alright." Celestia assured. "Chrysalis and I have a long history and I do not expect it to disappear overnight." She stood. "I doubt that you and I will be having a spa day together anytime soon, but I do hope that one day we can at least call one another friend." With that, she left them and returned to check on the others. "She's right." Tirek slid his eyes over to Cozy Glow. "If Cozy sees that you continue to harbor your anger, then she will not fully abandon hers either." "I know that." Chrysalis huffed. "Don't worry about me, I've far more experience with the young than you." Tirek laughed with an accepting nod. "That is true." Within about two hours, the massive dose of extract had taken effect and Aestus was back on his feet. With everyone well, they prepared to make their return trips. Aurelian assembled his friends once more before they headed off to see to their tasks. "Are you well enough to cross the sea, Aestus?" Aurelian asked. "I will be fine." He nodded. "I'll travel with him." Brayok informed. "Just in case." "Very well." Aurelian accepted the idea. "While you travel to the Dragonlands, I will return to the sea and restore the Sea Pony's city. Once that is tended to, I will seek you out again soon." "I'll go with you, love." Faye flapped her way over to his side. "Except for the underwater part, I'll leave that to you; not really my thing." "Till then." Aestus began to turn his body. "Come, Dragon Lord." He called to Ember. "I have much to teach you. By the time I am done with you, you will truly be able to consider yourself the lord of dragons." Ember flew up and landed on his head. "Sounds like a good deal." She pointed out to sea. "Homeward bound!" With Brayok at their side, they made their way into the water and began the trip home. Aurelian landed before Celestia and Luna as Faye circled above them. "Faye and I shall return to your Canterlot once we see to the Sea Ponies." "I look forward to it." Celestia smiled. "Thank you again for helping them." Aurelian merely nodded and returned to the sky, he and the Phoenix heading in the opposite direction from the others. "Does this mean we can return now?" Discord asked as he and the others gathered around. "I've done enough for one day." "Yes." Celestia nodded. "Please take us back home." "Finally." Discord raised his claw high and snapped his fingers; the group vanished and returned the ancient island to its eerie silence. Cozy Glow woke up in a strange bed, panicked by the chaotic dream her mind crafted from the fuzzy memories of her intense fight. Looking around the room in fright, she calmed as she saw Tirek asleep against the wall beside her bed. The haze of what they had discussed before she fell asleep lifted and she realized she must be in Scorpan's home; it was then that her reviving senses made her aware of the lingering pain in her foreleg. "Tirek." She shimmied over to the edge of the bed and shook his arm. "Tirek!" His eyes quickly opened and he lurched forward. "Cozy?" He rubbed the back of his neck, stiff from the position he had been seated in. "Finally awake then?" "How long has it been?" She asked. "About 36 hours." He guessed. "Have you... been here the whole time?" She sat back on her rear. "Yes." He nodded. "Given how you passed out, I figured I should be here when you woke up." Cozy Glow looked down at the sheets. "Thank you." "How do you feel?" She checked her bandage. "This still hurts." He nodded. "It will, for a while. Fluttershy gave us everything we need to take care of it until it heals." "She did?" Cozy asked in surprise as he picked her up and laid her on his shoulder again. "Brother said he would make whatever you'd like to eat once you woke up, you need to regain your strength before anything else." He left the room and headed into the main workshop where Scorpan was handling his repair jobs for the day. He smiled as they entered and quickly set his tools down. "Well, we were beginning to think you would never wake up." He went to them. "How are you feeling, young Cozy." "Ok." She quietly answered. Scorpan ushered them back into the house. "Then let us see if we can improve that even more; what is your favorite dish?" "My favorite?" She struggled to think. "Spicy black bean chili." Tirek glanced at her with a surprised look. "Spicy chili?" "Yeah." She started to smile. "I used to eat it all the time when I was on my own. It was cheap to make and I like spicy food." "I see." Scorpan headed into the kitchen. "Then spicy black bean chili it shall be." As the day progressed, Tirek took note of how docile Cozy Glow had become since her defeat. Her voice was calmer, she was far less aggressive and in many ways she was acting the way one would imagine a Pony her age to behave. More so, he noticed that she refused to leave his shoulder; even as she scarfed down bowl after bowl of Scorpan's take on her favorite dish. It was as if that spot had become the only place in the world she felt safe and she seemed adamant about not abandoning it. A long yawn escaped her after she had stuffed herself and Tirek took her back to bed; he sat at the bedside, pulling the blanket to her shoulder as she curled up. "Are you certain you're alright?" He asked. "You don't seem yourself, not that it isn't a bit of an improvement." Cozy Glow sighed and laid her head to the pillow. "I'm just waiting for whatever is going to go wrong." "What do you mean by that?" "For when the Princess comes to lock me up again." She bunched the sheets under her chin. "Or Aurelian to come after me for attacking him... or for you and Chrysalis to disappear again. Something like that always happens, it's been happening my whole life." Tirek nodded, having had a glimpse of how far her emotional scars actually ran. "That isn't going to happen this time; you have my word. The Princess has entrusted you to us and we're going to do what we can to help you live the normal life you should have been living in the first place." He reflected on recent events. "Chrysalis and I are far from perfect and have a lot to learn and answer for ourselves, but we've dedicated ourselves to moving on from our pasts and you need to do the same." He looked to her sternly but understandingly. "No one is going to harm you, but you have to be as dedicated to this as we are or we cannot help you; you need to decide once and for all if you're truly willing to turn your life around and be a part of the world." Cozy Glow's tired mind tried to make sense of things. "Do you promise you wont go away?" She asked meekly. "I do." He patted her head. "Okay, then I promise too." Her eyes slowly closed and she returned to her recuperating sleep. Tirek dimmed the room and left her to rest. "Did she go back to sleep?" Scorpan asked as Tirek returned to the kitchen. "Yes." He confirmed. "This is quite the new role for you, is it not?" "I don't know how suitable I am for it." Tirek admitted. "I'm not exactly the mentor type, at least not like you seem to be." "You don't have to be a mentor, or a teacher or anything special." Scorpan assured. "All you need be is her friend. She looks up to you and will do as you do; as long as you remain true to your new path then she will follow." Tirek laughed. "No pressure." Scorpan patted his shoulder with smile. "The finest gemstones are formed under the greatest pressure. Endure it, and the results will be spectacular." As promised, after repairing the damaged Seaquestria, Aurelian and Faye made their way to Canterlot. The city had yet to fully adjust to the sight of a new Alicorn, much less the sight of one in the company of a grand Phoenix. "Look at them all." Faye smiled at Aurelian as they walked the streets. "Can't keep their eyes off me." "For reasons far different than you imagine." He reminded. "Would it kill you to stop being so pragmatic?" She looked down at him with a twisted beak. "I am not inclined to find out." He smirked as they continued on to the castle. The guards were given word of his impending arrival and let him pass without call for ceremony. The duo proceeded to the throne room where the next line of guards announced their presence. "Princess." The pair of guards held the doors open. "Your guests have arrived." "My, sooner than I expected." Celestia noted as she left her throne. "Thanks, loves." Faye slapped the guards' rears with her wings as they entered the room. The pair of stallions shared odd looks as they closed the doors behind them. "Welcome back." Celestia greeted as she and Luna met with them. "Did everything go well?" "Their homes have been restored and they are settling in as we speak." He confirmed. "That is wonderful news." Luna praised. "We have already received word from Ember, Aestus and Brayok arrived without incident." "Good." Aurelian nodded. "Ember and Aestus seem to be getting along quite well." Celestia added. "Aestus is many things." Aurelian informed. "But above all else, he is a Dragon; his pride and love for his kind is without equal." "He may act all grumpy about it, but I know he's getting a right kick out of being able to teach the Dragons what he knows." Faye laughed. "We've already heard all his stories, now he's got fresh ears to carry on into." "Well, since you've just arrived, can we offer you anything?" Celestia asked. "That is not necessary." Aurelian shook his head. "Actually." Faye bounced over to Celestia, taking her under her wing. "I know this isn't proper, but one lady to another, would you mind if I had a go at your harem? Been ages, you know." "My... what?" Celestia flustered. "I can assure you I have no such thing." "Oh come on now, love." Faye jostled her. "You've got over a thousand years under your tail, surely you've been around the way a few times?" "Yes sister." Luna looked to her with a smarmy grin. "You remain often silent about your life while I was on the moon, do tell." "Luna." Celestia grumbled with narrow eyes. "Faye." Aurelian called her. "We've more important matters to tend than your loins." "If I had a coin for every time he said that." Faye roughly patted her side. "Ooooh, hoo hooo!” "We will travel back to the Dragonlands." Aurelian continued. "Ah, well then allow us to accompany you." Celestia offered. "From what Ember has written, they are already making improvements with what Aestus has taught them." "Very well." He accepted. After making some arrangements with the castle staff, the four of them set out for the Dragonlands. Even from a distance, they could see that much had changed. Towering spirals of sculpted rock adorned the landscape in a meticulous pattern and the lengthy breaks in the surface had been patched over with fresh rock. Rudimentary domes dotted the area as the Dragons crafted themselves personal dens using their newly acquired molten breath. Aestus and Brayok stood out starkly and they flew down to join them. "Looks like you lot have been busy." Faye took her spot on Aestus' head. "Quite." Aestus nodded. "As you can see, they already make great strides of progress." "We can indeed." Luna landed beside Ember. "Yeah, check this out." Ember reached down and scooped up a claw full of rock, tossing it into her gullet and swallowing. Her belly swelled as she internalized her fire and after a few moments she threw up a molten putty into her claw. With a few quick motions, she molded it into a nearly perfect ring and it slowly hardened; she slipped it onto her wrist and held it up proudly. "My word." Luna eyed the stone bracelet. "I know, right." Ember chuckled. "That's how we've been patching the ground and building those neat little houses." She looked up at Aestus. "The big guy here made all the spires." "She is a fast learner." Aestus brought his head down to them. "Her skill has already improved a hundred years worth." Aurelian surveyed the area. "It seems you have a deal of effort ahead of you." "I do." Aestus returned his head to the sky. "I will be remaining here for the time being." "I thought that you would decide so." Aurelian nodded. "If that's the case, then I'll be on my way." Brayok came in. "I don't much care for this volcanic scenery." "Really now?" Faye asked. "We just got back together, now you want to split up again?" "It is alright, and perhaps for the best." Aurelian looked them over. "We must each become accustomed to living in the world again and it would be to our benefit to do so in our own manner." "Aurelian?" Celestia and Luna flew up to join them. "If I may, why do you not go out and spend some time seeing the world. After all that has happened, I am far more at ease and I do trust that you have no ill intentions for the world." She smiled warmly. "The world has so much more to offer now and you can decide what kind of life you want to live. You can learn about modern culture, make new friends and even perhaps find love again; you needn't be the last male Alicorn." "Good luck with that one, love." Faye laughed. "Spent three thousand years barking up that tree." "I... didn't mean me of course." Celestia clarified. Aurelian merely laughed. "It is true, this peaceful world offers many opportunities that were not available to me in the past. Perhaps that would be the simplest route to take." He spent a moment in decisive thought. "I believe I will." He looked to Brayok. "What of you?" "I'll be fine." Brayok promised. "The seas are much more vast than your lands and I should see what state the marine world is in; the Sea Ponies cannot be the only species to have survived all this time." "Then I suggest we allow ourselves a year." Aurelian proposed. "After which, we shall again meet at Elder Island to share what we've uncovered." "A year it is." Aestus agreed. "Fine with me." Brayok nodded. Aurelian turned back to Celestia. "After which I will return to you, Princess. At which point, I will teach you what I know." Celestia washed over in shock. "You shall? But, I thought you felt that doing so would be a mistake." "I did, at first." He admitted. "But seeing what occurred with the child, it is clear that the world must always maintain a strongest. I no longer have interest in the title, so I will see to it that you become the strongest. Power like mine has never been wielded by one with a heart like yours, it will prove an interesting experiment. In the end though, what you do with what I give you is your choice; continue to guide the world as you have been or become its new master, either choice is of no consequence to us." Celestia nodded soundly. "I would be honored to learn what you are willing to teach." "Ready yourself." He warned. "It will be neither simple or painless." "I shall." She vowed. "Faye?" He glanced up at her. "Would you accompany me?" Faye's eyes widened a bit. "Oh? After all this time are you finally asking me out?" She scratched her beak with her wing. "Well, maybe I'm the one who's busy for a change." Aurelian nodded. "As you wish." He began to fly off. "That was a joke, love!" Faye quickly righted herself in the air and flew after him. "Always so serious." She huffed. "Only to compensate for your lack of it." He smiled. "Hmph." She turned up her beak. "Just for that, I'm not going to let you hold my wing." "I did not ask to." He noted. Brayok laughed as he began to drag himself towards the shore. "Those two deserve each other." He looked back at Aestus. "Till next time." "Take care." Aestus called back. "I don't need it." Brayok chuckled. "I was talking to the sea." Aestus laughed. As the four parted ways once more, Celestia and Luna began their return trip to Canterlot. "Sister?" Luna looked at her unsurely. "It is safe to allow them to wander freely?" "It is not as if we could stop them." Celestia pointed out. "But, I do have faith that they will not bring us harm. I know nothing of the creatures they once were, but I have seen the ones they are now and I think they will be able to find their places here in time." "And what of Aurelian's intent to teach you his magic?" "That is indeed a surprise." Celestia confessed. "I am not fully certain, a part of me is actually scared to have access to the type of power he wields. I suppose that is what he meant by it being an experiment, he intends to see if my choices agree with or defy his existing philosophy. Suffice to say, I will work to prove him wrong. It is true that power can corrupt; but with you and my friends at my side, I will not allow myself to embark on the dark path Aurelian once did." "It will definitely be an interesting new chapter in our lives." Luna surmised. "May I suggest you start by learning the magic of order? If only to see the look on Discord's face." The sisters giggled at the idea as they soared over the ocean. It had been nearly a week and Cozy Glow's leg finally completed the healing process. Up and about on her own, she was ready to start exploring her new locale and get a feel for things. Scorpan worked in his shop, halting at the sound of a sharp knock; he answered the door to find a strange mare. "Oh, hello miss." He greeted. "It's me." Chrysalis stepped past him and returned to her normal form. "I see." He closed the door. "You know, you needn't hide yourself any longer." "Force of habit." She looked around. "They are in the back." Scorpan guessed her aim and began escorting her into his home. Tirek and Cozy Glow were going through the daily paper, the young Pegasus' eyes cheering when she saw their visitor. "Chrysalis, there you are." Cozy Glow flew up and met her in the doorway. "Well, you seem to be doing better." She noted, observing her leg. "Yeah." She nodded. "You're just in time, Tirek said he was going to show me the city today." "Care to join?" Tirek asked. "I can think of worse things." She and Scorpan joined them around the table. "How are things at the hive." Tirek inquired. "It turns out that Thorax's play was only part one of five." She informed. "I'm told I have much to look forward to when I return." "You try quite hard to pretend such things hold little meaning to you." Scorpan smiled. "It isn't... unpleasant." She admitted. "So where should we go?" Cozy Glow asked. "Well, there appears to be a trade bazaar advertised." Tirek tapped his finger on a page of the paper. "That sounds like a fine idea." Scorpan said with a pleased hum. "There are always new goods coming in from the trade ships." "We can shop for chilies." Cozy Glow suggested. "No offense, but yours could be hotter." "Your stomach is lead, girl." Tirek chortled. "Excellent." Scorpan rose. "Then we can try to create our own recipe." "Yes." Cozy Glow pumped her leg as she followed him into the kitchen. "Spicy chili!" "Did I miss something?" Chrysalis asked. "It's her favorite." Tirek shrugged. "That is Cozy, right?" She further asked. "It is." He nodded. "I don't fully understand what happened, but something left her after we fought; as if she shed some part of herself along with that monstrous form." "I wish it was that easy for us." "I know." He agreed. "But, my brother said that she will follow our lead; as difficult a time as we might have, we have to show her that we keep moving forward." He smirked. "So try and enjoy yourself today." "I can enjoy normal things like shopping." She pointed her hoof at him. "Are you trying to convince me, or yourself?" "Oh, shut up." She rolled her eyes. "Ready to go?" Scorpan asked as he and Cozy Glow returned with a list. "Indeed, brother." Tirek nodded. The four of them headed out onto the road and began making their way into the city. Cozy Glow sat on Tirek's shoulder with Chrysalis at their side, an excited and happy smile on her face as they set out to face life together.