Children of the Moon

by WinterFang

First published

Princess Luna pays the CMC a surprise visit

Princess Luna wants to be a mother, but hate the idea of a one-night stand and adoption. Fortunately, she knows a spell that help with her wish. Along with three special fillies.

Contains [unbirth/ slight hyper pregnancy]

This story can take anytime before season 9

Editor: Applefai


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Luna was laying in bed trying to get some sleep to no effect. Thoughts of her raising foals of her own swam in through the lunar alicon's mind. The thoughts continued until Luna sat up.

"That is it. At this rate, I'll never get any sleep." she said as she got out of bed.

In the past few weeks, Luna has been feeling the desire for a family, other than her sister Celestia. She did bring it up with her sister to a positive response. However, Luna felt no inkling to look for a stallion to impregnate her. Nor did she felt comfortable adopting a young filly or colt that didn't share her blood. Luna was at mental dead end at what to do, for the past three to four days. Luna went to the kitchen to get something to eat and to help her thing of an answer. As she entered the kitchen, Luna noticed her sister reading a letter at the dining table.

"Hello Luna. having trouble sleeping?" asked Celestia when she heard the younger alicorn come into the room.

"A bit, yes. I was having that dream again and it was the strongest it has even been." replied Luna as joined Celestia at the table.

"And you're sure that adoption is out of the question?" asked the alabaster mare.

"Yes, sister. It wouldn't feel right if the foal wasn't truly mine." answered Luna.

"Well, there is...." Said Celestia before she was cut off by a glare from her younger sister.

"No, Celestia. I am not going to mate with a random stallion to become pregnant." Said Luna.

"I just trying to help." replied Celestia going back to reading her letter.

"Who's the letter from, sister?" asked Luna as she filled a glass with water.

"It's from Twilight. She likes to keep me updated with things in Ponyvile. She sends her thanks for helping the CMC sometime ago." Said Celestia, a small smile crossing her lips.

Luna remembered the fillies well. Each one had reminded the princess of the night a little bit of herself in some regard. Just then, an idea sparked in Luna's mind about her current situation. She knew a spell that allowed the one uses it to basically others a fresh start on life. The spell was powerful and difficult to use. It was also forbidden to all except for most powerful mages in the land.

"I believe i shall return to room now dear sister. The day is still early and I am quite tired." Said Luna setting down her now empty water glass.

"Very well, Luna. Sweet dreams." responded Celestia not noticing her sister's unusual smile.


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Over the next three days, Luna made preparations for her plan. She even made sure that when the spell is cast, no one would notice her changed appearance and found a way that the families of the ponies she uses the spell on, would not question what happened to that member. The only thing that Luna has yet to do is inform her sister about how she going to become a mother.

"Are sure about this Luna?" asked Celestia once Luna had explained her plan.

"Yes sister. I am." replied Luna.

"Very well. I wish you luck. I know you'll make a good mother." Said older alicorn giving her sister a hug.

Luna gave Celestia her thanks and left to begin her plan. The following evening, Luna silently flew to Ponyville where her soon-to-be daughters lived. The night princess softly landed at the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse and gently knocked on the door.

"Yes? Oh, Princess Luna. What brings you here?" asked Apple Bloom when she opened the door.

"What? Princes Luna's here?" called one of the crusaders.

Apple Bloom opened the door wider to let Luna entry.

"Sorry for dropping by so late. I have a small favor to you three. If that alright with you." Said Luna once she was inside.

"Of course Princess. You can ask us anything." replied Scootaloo.

"Yeah. Anything you need at all princess." agreed Sweetie Belle.

"Very well. I would like you three girls to become my new daughters." Said the night princess.

The request stunned the three fillies into silence. It was a few seconds before any of them found their voices.

"I'm sorry. What?" asked Apple Bloom.

Luna explained that she had been yearning to becoming a mother for the past several weeks. However, she didn't feel like using some poor stallion just get pregnant. Neither, did she feel comfortable adopting a colt or filly.

"But, you want us to become your daughters? How does that work?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"There's a spell. Forbidden to all, save for a select few. This spell allows the user to basically turn anypony into an unborn foal. However, the caster must be a mare and the would-be newborns must be willing." answered Luna.

"But, Why us? There must be ponies that could be your kids." Said Apple Bloom concern lacing her voice.

"There are. But, I only ask you three because you are the only three I trust, other Celestia." replied the moon princess.

"If we agree to do this. Will we remember anything? And will our families remember us?" asked the orange pegasus filly.

"Only if you want to. I can't force you into this. But no, most of your memories of this previous life will be sealed away along with your families of you. They'll forget about you,but there's a small chance that your memories and their memories of you, will come back. Memories can't just be destroyed." Said Luna.

After some deep thought, the crusaders agreed to become Luna's new daughters on the condition that they would remember their past lives. The condition was reasonable for Luna and started to cast the spell. Once it was done, Luna appeared to be a good eight months pregnant with triplets. The now pregnant moon princess left the former crusaders clubhouse and headed back to Cantorlot.


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Over the several days, Luna was the happiest she has ever been. The sensation of her children moving around inside of her was beyond words. The only downside was that, whenever Luna tried to get some sleep, the former CMC would become more active. But even this Luna didn't mind so much, due to her joy being so great. Thanks to the spell, the rest of Equestia truly believes that Luna had been pregnant for the past eight months. Luna wanted to try the full experience of carrying a foal (or her case, foals) to full term. Thus, the spell will keep Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle within her womb for the eleven months. The only pony who doesn't seem to be effected by her spell was Celestia. Luna just dismissed it as either of her telling Celestia was had in mind. Or Celestia was immune to spell overall. Early one evening, while Luna was hanging more lavender. A royal guard made he way towards her and bowed.

"May I help you guard?" asked Luna. Curious at what could be wrong.

"You have a letter princess." was all the guard said as he levitated said letter over.

Luna took it and thanked the guard for his work. Upon opening the note, Luna discovered that was from Twilight Sparkle.

"Dear Princess Luna. Sorry for not getting in contacted with you sooner, but once my friends and I heard that you going to have foals of your own, we wanted to throw you a baby shower. The party will at Sugar Cube Corner next Saturday at sundown. We look forward to seeing you there. Sincerely, Twilight Sparkle."

Luna was overjoyed and nervous at the thought of a party being throw for her, but still no less honored. Once she had finished putting up the lavender, Luna headed for Celestia's chambers.


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The day of Princess Luna's baby shower was soon upon her. In order to not overexert herself, Luna used a pegasus pulled chariot to travel to Ponyville. It didn't take long before the night princess was in the town square. After getting directions to the bakery, Luna made way to Sugar Cube Corner with her guards close behind. Princess Luna was nervous about seeing the former families of the three fillies within her womb, because even if they don't remember, she does. But she didn't want to seem ungrateful to those, who spent so much time and effort into something just for her.

"Welcome Princess Luna. I'm so glad you could make it." Said Twilight Sparkle once Luna had finally reached the store.

"Many thanks to you and your friends Twilight Sparkle. This is the first time I've been to an event like this." replied Luna

"Then you'll have a great time princess." Said the purple alicorn leading the older princess over to a near couch.

Once the party started, Princess Luna felt more at ease with the situation. She made pleasant small talk with some of the guests and had some of the snacks on the counter. Luna was fortune that no pony asked her about how she became pregnant. After an hour or two had past, Pinkie Pie asked if it was time to open the gifts for Luna's future foals. The ruler of night was kind of curious about what the others had brought for her. So Princess Luna agreed that is was time for gifts and was handed a present by the pink mare. Luna had just opened a present of story books when a familiar earth pony mare came over with her gift.

"Howdy, princess. This one is for my family and I." Said Applejack setting down a smallish box next to the princess of the night.

Luna carefully opened the package to reveal a dozen jars of all natural applesauce. Tears threaten to emerge, but Luna was able to hold them all back to thank the apple farmer. Luna had similar reaction when Rainbow Dash and Rarity gave their presents to the expecting mother. Rarity's gift was a collection night clothes for the foals. While Rainbow's gift was a simple coupon for free flying lessons. After the last present was opened and the last cupcake was eaten, Luna felt that it was time to return to the castle.

5 (Revision)

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"It won't be that much longer little ones." Said Luna as laid on her bed feeling her foal gently move within her.

It had been months since the baby shower and Princess Luna was able to get thing prepared for day daughters arrived. She had put together a nursery and asked Twilight Sparkle to take for a while. Once she was in her final month of pregnancy, Luna's doctor had confined her to bed rest. Luna didn't argue and been held up in her room for four and half weeks as she continued to enjoy the sensation of three fillies move inside her womb. Luna suddenly felt an odd pain in her midriff. It only last for a couple minutes, but it was long enough to tell the moon princess that she was going into labor.

Luna called her guards to summon the doctor quickly. News of Luna being in labor soon reached Celestia, who jumped out of bed and rushed to her sister. After what seemed like an eternity, Luna's first foal was born. She could see that it was Apple Bloom. The reborn filly had taken on some of her new mother's features, like the wings and horn. She also had a similar coat and mane color to Luna's. The only thing betraying what Luna did, was Apple Bloom's former colors were supinated in a very unique way. This gave the moon princess the idea to name the former crusader 'Nebula'. The same thing happened to Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle. Their coats and manes had changed colors to match their mother's. For Scootaloo, her former colors occasionally shot through her mane and tail like stars, giving her the name of Star Shower, along with a horn. In Sweetie Belle, the colors moved and danced, thus giving the unicorn turned alicorn the name of Aurora.

Once everything was said and done with, Luna and her foals were left alone to rest. Luna was able to whisper a soft 'Thank You' to the former crusaders before gently falling asleep from exhaustion. As the newest mother slumbered, a single tear of joy rolled down Luna check while a small smile was on her lips.