Post Epilogue

by kits

First published

Four months after their first real date, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash find themselves excited to take the next step in their relationship.

Four months after their first real date, Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash find themselves excited to take the next step in their relationship.

May contain: not-quite clop, silly ponies, unicorn Twilight

The only chapter

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Twilight giggled as she stumbled sideways through the door to her library, almost tripping over her skirt as she attempted to avoid a stray book. She needn't have bothered trying. No sooner had she reached some sort of equilibrium than a multi-colored blur shot through the doorway and crashed into her.

Rainbow Dash wrapped her legs around the laughing unicorn, bearing the pair to the floor. Momentum had its say in this get together and, with physics and math as its wingmares, politely told the couple there was no way they were stopping there. The pair rolled and slid across the library floor, sending several scattered books flying, and finally coming to rest just before crashing into a table.

Twilight could feel strands of silky hair covering her face. She inhaled, savoring the scent; a hint of roses and the smell of a clean spring day's breeze wafted through the sweat and lust hanging in the air. Pushing her muzzle into the mass of Dash's mane, Twilight sought to nip her the pegasus playfully on her neck. Her eyes shot open as her muzzle encountered a firm roundness.

Dash laughed, the sound coming from down by her belly. "And I thought I was the fast one." Twilight heard the smirk in her voice as Dash flipped the end of her tail up and over Twilight's head.

Twilight jerked her head back, a worried frown crept onto her face. "I'm sorry, Dash. I thought I was, um, somewhere else." She tried to make out Dash's expression, hoping to gain a sign that she hadn't just ruined their six month anniversary date, but without any lit candles, it was impossible to see more than a glimmer of moonlight being reflected by Rainbow's eyes. She felt Dash's tail slide off of her head, heard the layers of Dash's dress slide over each other as the pegasus moved away. Had she ruined their evening? She was just about to apologize again when Dash kissed her.

She nearly choked feeling Dash's tongue force it's way past her half open lips and slide over hers. Lips pressed against hers as her eyes widened. Rainbow's face, what she could see of it, filled her vision. Instead of a shadowy room, paneled with bookcases, she could only see the barest hint of a blue coat framed by a tresses carrying the slightest traces of color.

She responded instinctively, her lips firming and pressing back, her own tongue wrapping around the invader, wrestling with it. She vaguely remembered there was something she had to do, something very important. Oh yeah, breathing. She inhaled deeply but still found herself short of breath. She shifted her back leg and felt her ears twitch. She wanted—no needed—to move, to act, but she couldn't bring herself to risk breaking the kiss. She worked her mouth against Dash's until she could almost imagine that this was all there was in the world.

After what felt like minutes, the pressure against her lips slackened. Twilight tried to press forward, determined to maintain the kiss. Dash's lips escaped hers even though their tongues were still intertwined. Twilight whined as she felt her hold slipping. Their tongues parted. A small strand of saliva kept up the valiant fight on her behalf for several moments before it, too, failed.

Twilight was panting, her heart hammering in her chest so loud that she was certain that Dash could hear it. This was a million times worse than the Running of the Leaves and a million times better. She wanted to spring at Rainbow, to press her muzzle against Dash's and taste her again. She tried to pick out facial features in the dark, she didn't want to miss and get a cheek instead. It wasn't made any easier by the way Dash's wings were making her silhouette that much larger.

It took her a moment to realize that her gulped breaths and the rush of blood through her ears were not the only sounds in the library. She'd seen Dash exhausted before. Even in her practice sessions, she gave everything she had, always trying to push her own limits. Now, her breathing was as loud and ragged as it had ever been. Twilight smiled as she homed in on source of the panting. With a cry of "hah!" she sprung.

With a hollow thunk and a blast of dizzying pain, her forehead collided with the side of Rainbow's, drawing a grunt of surprise from her intended target. Twilight groaned and sat back on her haunches, massaging that spot right between her eyes.

Dash snickered, rubbing her head with one hoof as even as she kissed Twilight. "Maybe we should get a light, unless you've actually figure out how to make me glow in the dark."

Visions of Rainbow Dash, each segment of her mane shining a different shade of pale green taunted Twilight as she tore through her knowledge of magic looking for something, anything that could be twisted, cajoled, or bludgeoned into serving. For several heartbeats her mind raced. Maybe if she... She shook her head and gave a single dry laugh. "Sorry, Rainbow. Looks like we'll have to use boring old normal illumination."

"That's okay, Twilight." Dash's silhouette struck what could have been an impressive pose under the light of the sun. The pattern of dark on dark radiated confidence, and Twilight's mind filled in the rest. "Besides, would you really want to hide all this?" A dark blob that must have been Dash's hoof moved across her chest and down her belly.

Now Twilight's mind was just making things up. Instead of a confident, low stance, ready to move in any direction, she saw Rainbow's rear hiked up and her tail flagging high. Instead of eyes that challenged the world to do its worst, she could see them almost closed, the pupils rolling up. Was that shadow part of her dress? Or was it really her tongue hanging out and she panted, begging for...

Twilight shook her head, unable and maybe a little unwilling to dismiss the image. Clearing her throat, she stood and walked past the Rainbow's shadowy form. As she passed, she brought her tail up and over to trail across the pegasus's chest. She lifted it high enough to brush the bottom of Dash's chin. So she had imagined it after all. "Of course not," she whispered. Stepping around Dash, she pressed her tail against the other mare's muzzle. She heard a sharp intake of breath followed by a small, barely audible whine. The noise sent a tingle flooding through her stomach and down between her legs.

Dash's voice was a little shaky as she spoke. "Twilight. Either make with the glowing or make with the light. Right. Now."

"Come on, Dash, surely you can wait till we get to the bedr—" She let out an excited "eep" as Dash rocketed under her, using her legs and head to drape Twilight across her back as she flew up the stairs. She crashed through the door to Twilight's bedroom, ripping it from its hinges and leaving it leaning against the wall. Halting suddenly in front of the larger guest bed, she dipped her head. Twilight slid up Dash's back and neck and flew over her mane. Feeling the gentle brush of that silky mane against her belly shot tendrils of fire through her core. She crashed into mattress and bounced, landing square on her back with her head on the pillows. Just as if she had crawled into bed herself. She looked down, over her tail, just in time to see Dash land gently and perch on the footboard.

The window in this room was larger and faced the rising moon. Twilight could make out her soon-to-be lover—the word sent a tingle through her loins—bathed and back lit by silvery light. Dash seemed to glimmer, her mane and tail took of an almost electric quality as she crouched low on the foot-board. Rainbow's eyes narrowed. A glimmer of moonlight flashed across them and her mouth turned up into a predatory grin. A low growl, almost a purr, sent heat racing through Twilight's entire body.

Twilight's mouth dropped open, and her breathing became shallow as she saw Rainbow's tongue slip out of her mouth and slowly glide along her top lip. Her tail started to flick and twitch and her mouth was suddenly dried. The fire she had felt before paled in comparison to what was now burning between her legs. She spread her hips wide, pulling her rear legs up and out to the sides. She arched her back, a soft groaning escaping as she quivered with excitement. Through half-lidded eyes she saw Rainbow's tongue withdraw. Her wings stretched high into the air as she prepared to pounce.

"Twilight?" Spike's sleepy voice hesitantly called from the corner of the room. A yawn followed by, "is that you?"

Fear shot through Twilight as she snapped her open legs together and curled her tail up over her dripping sex protectively. Dash toppled backwards off of her perch and landed on her head with a loud crash.

Spike! How could they have forgotten Spike?! She fumbled for words, any words. "U–um. Y–yes Spike." Lust and fear and adrenaline all warred within her. She took a deep breath and pressed her hooves against her chest to keep from shivering. " Sorry about the um... Sorry. We were just, um... Just..." With a flash of light she vanished.

Rainbow Dash rolled into a sitting position and rubbed her head. That was twice tonight she'd whacked her skull. Groaning a bit at the unfairness of it all, she slowly got to her hooves. Where had Twilight got to? What had made that noi—

She noticed the purple dragon giving her an irritated glare. "Spike!" she yelped, jumping a bit in shock. She stayed suspended in the air as her wings began to beat. "Um, hi!. I was just... um..." She glanced around the room, looking for any excuse she could offer. "...looking for... a book!" She spied a novel on Twilight's nightstand and lunged for it. "Yeah, a book. Cause I love... reading." Front hooves clutched together behind her back, she drifted to the nightstand. Spike didn't move except for his eyes, which tracked her across the room. "That's me, Rainbow Dash. A regular old reading Rainbow." She lunged for the book, clutching it to her chest as she bolted from the room with a hasty "wellgoodnightSpike."

Spike snorted, closed his eyes, and fell backwards into his bed. He was asleep before his head hit the pillow.