An Equestrian Voyager

by Equestrian Intelligence

First published

A crew, lost 70,000 light years from home. A civilization, wondering if there's anything out there. Fate will bring the two together.

Torn from the Alpha Quadrant in 2371, The USS Voyager and her crew have been navigating their way through the previously uncharted Delta Quadrant. After four years of traveling, The crew is alerted to radio transmissions originating from a planet in the Equis System.

In that same system, an unicorn is staring up at the night sky, wondering if there is anything out there. Nopony could have predicted the events that would come to pass within the next few days, nor the consequences that would follow.

Thank you to discranola for proofreading.

DisQord Part 1

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“Captain’s Log. Stardate 52870.8.” Captain Katherine Janeway spoke to her PADD. “Voyager has been journeying through the Delta Quadrant for over four years now. We are still over 68,000 light-years from home, but this crew is a hearty one, and I have full confidence in their ability to bring us home.” Janeway paused. “We have suffered several casualties, the most recent being Ensigns Jeffries and Evans, whose lives were taken in a recent encounter with Species 8472. However, we have detected a recent string of radio transmissions from a nearby system, we believe them to be coming from a pre-warp civilization, so all we will be able to do is observe before moving on.”

She then felt the familiar lurch of Voyager dropping out of warp. Immediately afterwards, she was paged to the bridge. As Captain Janeway exited her ready room onto the bridge, Voyager was shaken from an impact.

“Damage report!” Janeway demanded.

“We’ve struck an asteroid,” Lieutenant Commander Tuvok responded,” heavy damage to the port nacelle.” he paused,” We will not be able to go to warp until it is repaired. We are also receiving reports of hull breaches on decks four and six.”

“It’s like our shields aren’t even there!” Exclaimed B’Elanna Torres.

“That’s because they aren’t!” Came a response from Ensign Harry Kim. “Shields are completely inactive.”

“Tuvok, any idea why we didn’t detect this asteroid field sooner?” Janeway asked.

“Long-range sensors were knocked out in the attack by Species 8472. There is no way we could have detected this field.” Tuvok replied.

“Very well, if we can’t go to warp we’ll have to find somewhere to set Voyager down and make repairs.” Captain Janeway stated.

There are several Asteroids that have flat enough faces for us to land Voyager.” Tuvok stated. “There is also an M Class planet in this system. However, I do not recommend it as the radio signals we detected before Species 8472 ambushed us originated from that planet.”

”I don’t trust that whatever took out our shields won’t harm any teams we send out.” After a short pause, Janeway continued. “It will be noted in my logs that at 2:24 AM on Stardate 52870.8, I elected to violate the prime directive and set Voyager down on a planet inhabited by a pre-warp civilization. Ensign Johannes, use one-quarter impulse to get us out of this asteroid belt, then plot a course towards that planet at full impulse and find somewhere relatively flat so we can land and make repairs. Kim, any wounded?”

“Only those who were already in sickbay Captain.” Harry responded.

As Voyager neared the planet Captain Janeway ordered an orbit of the planet to locate a relatively flat piece of land.

“I found something ma’am.” Ensign Johannes said. “It’s relatively flat and more than large enough to accommodate Voyager.” She hesitated.

“What’s the drawback?” Janeway asked.

“It’s right next to a town ma’am.” Ensign Johannes responded.

“The population of this planet would have found us eventually anyway,” B’Elanna Torres announced,” because I’m estimating repairs will take approximately three to four months.”

Seeing no other viable option, Captain Janeway ordered Voyager down to the planet’s surface. “Blue Alert.”


Twilight Sparkle sat on the couch in the middle of her library. It was late, but Princess Celestia had tasked her with learning more about the Crystal Empire. It had been about 4 days since that whole fiasco and she had been having nightmares regarding the vision that the doorway had given her. Twilight was grateful for the distraction.

She was proud of Spike for being brave and delivering the Crystal Heart to Cadence. She was distracted from her thoughts when her inkwell fell off her desk.

“Huh, must’ve been too close to the edge.” Twilight said, picking up the vial with her magic. As she did this, she began to notice as her house began to shake with greater and greater intensity. Stepping outside, Twilight was confused to see nothing. Not a moment later, Twilight heard a low rumble and turned to face its source. She was shocked to see an object descending from the sky. She could just barely make out letters as the object raced overhead. Twilight was shocked even more to see the object slow down and land gently just over the hill.

The lavender unicorn raced back inside and immediately penned a letter to her mentor.

Dear Princess Celestia,

I have just witnessed an event of epic proportions. It would appear that an alien vessel of some kind has landed outside of Ponyville. I believe it to be alien as it appeared to have written text on it, as well as it having slowed to a stop mid-air. I will investigate this craft tomorrow with my friends.

Twilight Sparkle

Twilight immediately searched her house for her assistant Spike. She found him in his bed.

“SPIKE! WAKE UP!” Twilight shouted.

Spike jumped out of his bed and was annoyed to have been disturbed from his peaceful slumber. “Twilight, why did you have to wake me up this early?” Spike asked, yawning. “It’s like three in the morning.”

“Spike, aliens have just landed on Equis!” Twilight exclaimed. “I need you to send this letter to Princess Celestia immediately.”

“This must be a dream because I swear you just said aliens have landed on Equis.” Spike replied. Twilight gave him a glare that could give the ‘Stare’ a run for its bits. “OK, I’ll send it.” Spike replied. “But I'm going back to sleep afterwards ok?”

“Thank you Spike.” Twilight said as Spike sent the letter. “You know what, I think I'll take you up on that sleep proposal of yours.” Twilight yawned and made her way to her bed. She got comfortable, then blew out the candle and fell asleep.

The next morning, the small town of Ponyville was bustling about. The hot topic of the day being the large alien craft to the west of town. Twilight had just gathered her friends when Spike came to Twilight with a message.

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

I thank you for bringing this event to my attention when you did. As I write this, I am traveling to Ponyville to make first contact with these aliens along with you and your friends. This will truly be a great historical event for pony kind. I find the fact that we are not alone in this universe truly exhilarating. I will see you soon.

Your mentor,
Princess Celestia

Just as Twilight finished reading the letter, her mentor and a small contingent of Royal Guards landed in front of the town hall.

“I see you have already gathered the other Elements my faithful student.” Princess Celestia said.

“We were just about to leave for the craft when your letter arrived Princess.” Twilight replied, adding a small bow.

“Well then I suppose we make haste for the craft, we don’t want to keep the aliens waiting.” Princess Celestia said.

“I’m excited to see some extra terrestrial fashion.” Rarity said.

“I wonder how fast it can go?” Rainbow said. “I’m probably faster.”

“Now now Rainbow, we don’t want them thinking you some kinda disease because of how much you inflate your ego.” Came a response from Applejack.

“I just hope they’re friendly.” Came a timid response from Fluttershy.

After about twenty minutes of walking, the group approached the craft and were surprised to find bits and pieces of it removed. Even stranger was that the aliens were bipedal in nature. It was at that moment that moment that the group realised that one of the creatures had seen them.


“Lieutenant Paris to bridge.” Tom Paris spoke into his com-badge.

“Bridge to Lieutenant Paris. How can we help you?” Came the voice of Captain Janeway.

“We have natives about thirty meters to port.” Paris continued. “My guess is that they are sentient considering they appeared to be having a conversation before stopping. Would you like me to head to the aft loading ramp?”

“Affirmative, Tuvok and I will be there shortly.” Came the reply form the bridge.

Navigating through the tight corridors of Voyager’s lower decks proved to be harder than normal considering how much activity was going on in that area of the ship. After about ten minutes, Tom Paris got to the aft loading ramp to find it already lowered with Captain Janeway and Tuvok walking down it. Paris quickly caught up with the pair.

“I apologise for being late, I had a lot of difficulty getting to the loading bay with all the activity in Voyager.” Tom Paris said.

“Apology accepted,” Janeway responded. “but we have more important issues at hand.”

“Of course Captain, after you.” Tom Paris replied.

The trio made it the rest of the way down the ramp and made it to the group of creatures.

“If you understand what I am saying, please nod.” Captain Janeway said.

“You speak our language?” Came the response from the tallest of the creatures.

“It would appear so.” Captain Janeway began. “I am Captain Katherine Janeway of the starship Voyager. To my left is my head of security Lieutenant Commander Tuvok and to my right is my chief navigator Lieutenant Tom Paris. We are representatives from the United Federation of Planets. May I ask what your names are?”

“My name is Princess Celestia, The three to my left are Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie. The three to my left are Applejack, Rarity, and Fluttershy.” Came the response from Celestia. “May I ask why you came to our planet?”

“Heavy damage from a recent battle brought most of our systems down.” Janeway said. “We were originally just going to observe you from orbit, but we struck an asteroid which heavily damaged one of our Warp Nacelles.”

“Warp Nacelles?” Princess Celestia asked.

“We use them to go faster than the speed of light.” Tom Paris replied.

“Faster than light?” Princess Celestia said. “You must be from very far away.”

“That we are.” Janeway responded. “We are stranded as our ship can only go so fast.”

“How far away from your home are you?” Twilight Sparkle asked.

“Over 65,000 light-years.” Came the response from Janeway.