The Legend Of Nicholas

by DanishDash

First published

A human infant is found in Equestria one winter evening, not knowing what else to do, he is adopted by a loving pair of ponies. This is his story on how he became Equestria's very own Santa Claus.

One cold Hearth's Warming Eve, a pair of ponies find a human infant, crying, alone and cold. Not knowing where he came from or who he is, they decide to adopt him and raise him as their own.

Little Nicholas is crafty, if he was a pony he would surely become a carpenter like his adoptive father, but instead, he uses his skills to make toys and thank all the ponies of Ponyville each year with their very own toys.

This is the story about how the human Nicholas became a saint, and a legend all foals would one day come to know. Santa Claus.

Inspired by:
The life and adventures of Santa Claus.
Christmas Chronicles

Chapter 1: The Legend Begins

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Chapter 1: The Legend Begins

All great legends and myths have an origin, though by now every colt and filly knows his name, there was a time when the name of Santa Claus was only known to a hooffull of ponies. Those hooffull also knew him by another name, because they knew him before the world ever had a chance to.

I was one of those ponies, although he came to our world before I was even born. I knew him before he became the legend and myth we all know him by now. You may wonder how he is able to do magic, how he is able to deliver all of those presents in one night, how he can make all of those toys and how he knows if you've been naughty or nice. Well, get comfy, and let me tell you the story of Santa Claus, the story about, Nicholas.


Unlike us, he was not born into this world, no, he simply appeared one day one cold winter evening. Many years ago, one special Hearth's Warming Eve.

Ponyville and the landscape around it was covered in the most beautiful snow, it glittered so nicely in the moonlight, making it sparkle so beautifully like small crystals. Nothing seemed astray that night as a pair of ponies walked down one of the small roads, taking in the nice quiet evening air and the peace of a cloudless night sky.

The mare looked to the sky, smiling warmly as the star filled night seemed extra clear tonight, and it was like they could behold the entire universe. She was a light blue unicorn with a silver like mane and tail. On her flank was a paint brush as a cutie mark. It looked like it was stoking and was a very elegant line with red paint. She let out a happy sigh. "The stars are so beautiful, aren't they?"

The stallion nodded a little, looking up as well while he moved closer to her. "It is." He was a light grey earth pony with a blonde mane and tail, on his flank was a cutie mark with three tools, a plank, a chisel and a saw. He was quite muscular while she was very feminine in her figure.

This young couple had just moved into this town and this was their first Hearth's Warming Eve together as a newly married couple. Coming to a stop, they looked up at the sky together, staying silent as they took in the beauty of the white snowy landscape, the glittering star filled night, and the warm lights coming from Ponyville.

The mare nuzzled her husband lovingly, planting a small kiss on his cheek. Things were perfect, they were happily married, they had a home, new friends, a place of business. Her cheeks blushed slightly in the cold air as she was thinking about the only thing that was missing from this perfect picture.

Suddenly both her ears stood straight up in the air as they heard the faint sound of crying, it did not sound like an adult, but a young foal. The mare frowned, almost by reflex she started to hurry towards the sound to see if everything was okay.

"Rose Bright?" The stallion called and quickly followed his wife.

"Somepony is crying, I think it's a foal, Cutter." She only replied and her steps quickened. Without a second thought she moved off the path and into the deeper snow and continued towards the Everfree forest.

Now Cutter was getting nervous, if a foal had wandered off into the forest it could be hurt. Rose seemed to have gotten the same idea and started to almost run. Her husband was not far behind, he was worried like her, but he also wanted to keep her safe.

The crying got louder and louder, telling them that they were getting closer.

Rose stopped for, looking around, trying to figure out which direction to go. As soon as the foal let out another cry her ears stood at attention, turning towards the sound. "Over here!" She said almost in a panic and ran all the way to the border of the forest.

"Rose!" Cutter called and hurried after her. When he finally caught up with her, he saw her standing over what looked like a basket. "Rose?"

His wife was still, simply staring down into the basket. Something clearly had shocked her, so he slowly approached. Getting closer and closer he was finally able to look into the basket. When he did so he froze in place too.

In the basket, wrapped in blue and red blankets, was a little bundle of some sort of naked creature. It was pink, had no fur, plump, some tiny arms and what looked like fingers. The little creature was clearly an infant of some kind, but what exactly it was he could not say.

The infant at this point had stopped crying, it's big round blue eyes looked up at them, then suddenly let out a giggle in delight as it reached up with it's tiny hands towards Rose. She didn't hesitate for one moment, reaching into the basket and scooped the little thing up and held it close to her, nuzzling it gently.

"Rose, be careful, we don't even know what that thing is.." Cutter said worried, but not meaning it in a hostile way.

"It's a baby, Cutter.. It needs our help.." She said with a frown and looked up at him. "Look at it, who would leave something so precious out here, near the Everfree of all places.."

She had a point and Cutter started to look around the basket, trying to see if he could spot any prints in the snow, hooves, feet, claws anything, but the snow was quite clean and it had been some time since it had last snowed. "Hello?" He called out. "Is, is anyone in there?"

No reply came, Rose did not count on it either. "Look in the basket, maybe there is something in there?"

Cutter simply nodded and walked over to the basket, looking inside to see if there was a letter, something, anything that might explain what this strange being was doing out here all alone and helpless. His heart broke a little at the thought of someone leaving this child here, all alone in the world.

He looked for a little while but found nothing, then, when he was about to tell Rose the news he saw something glitter in one of the small blankets. Slowly reaching with his hoof he pulled out a small medallion, made of what looked like silver. There was writing on it!

Rose gently moved the baby in her hooves as she looked over. "What's that?"

"A medallion, I think..." He looked at the inscription. "Nicholas, Claus..?"

"Nicholas?" She smiled a little and looked down at the baby. "You're a baby boy then." The little baby giggled in delight. "You think it's his name?"

"Could be.." Cutter nodded, getting an even more worried look. "Rose, we can't keep him." That earned him a deep frown from his wife. "We don't know what he is, we should send a letter to the princess and-"

"No!" She exclaimed and held the little baby close. "Who knows what they will do with him?"

"Surely nothing bad.." Her husband frowned.

"But Cutter, look at him, he's all alone.. See how he reaches up to us?" She said, her eyes pleading with him.

Cutter looked down at the baby, he was indeed holding Rose's fur with his left hand while the other reached out for him. He hesitated, but finally came over, leaning his head down to the little boy. The child let out a giggle in delight and placed it's tiny hand on Cutter's snout.

It was almost too much, and Cutter felt his resolve fail him. "But.." he said and stood up straight again, this time smiling a bit at the child. "We can't keep him a secret forever.."

"I know, but, we can at least try to find a way to maybe convince the princess to let us, keep him?" She asked him in a hopeful tone.

Cutter looked from the baby to her, then back at the baby who also now was looking at him. After a few seconds he sighed. "I guess you're gonna learn that trick from her then? Fine, but we need to tell her highness at some point."

Rose squealed and hugged the small child, then planted a kiss on her husband's cheek. "Thank you Cutter!" She hugged the boy once more, that earned her another delightfully cute giggle from him. "My little Nicholas."

"Nicholas? You're going to call him that?" Cutter asked.

Rose nodded and smiled gently down at the baby. "He's not a pony, Cutter. Whatever he is, he should have the name he was given.. I like the name anyway, Nicholas.. Nicholas Claus.."

"It.. It does have a nice ring to it.. Nicholas.." Cutter smiled as he repeated the name, he had to admit, it did sound nice.

Laying him carefully back in the basket and wrapped him up in the small blankets the two ponies started to make their way towards Ponyville. Rose could not help but to glance down at Nicholas once and again, thinking that NOW, everything was simply, perfect.

Thanks to Rose Bright and Cutter, the little Nicholas was taken in, and brought to Ponyville. Their act of kindness would inspire Nicholas for the rest of his life, always guided by the example they set that fateful night.

This is not where our story ends though, oh no, we have hardly even begun~

Chapter 2: A Royal Visit

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Chapter 2: A Royal Visit.

The little Nicholas was taken to the young couple’s house, he was fed some warm milk and the little child seemed content and nestled close to Rose Bright as he slept. Of course the next few days took some getting used to, caring for a creature such as Nicholas was an experience no pony could have prepared for.

Funny enough, he was much like what they would expect a young foal would need, he had no fur, so they needed to keep him warm, but otherwise he was much like the young foals. He cried when he was hungry, whined when he needed to burp and of course needed a diaper changing now and again.

However, life was good, Nicholas was a delightful little bundle of joy, laughing and giggling as he watched his pony parents tend to him. Rose already loved him as if he was her own flesh and blood, Cutter too shared this affection, but he on the other hoof was still worried about the princess finding out. It was bound to happen, and just as he predicted, she did find out.

And so, it happened about two weeks after Hearth's Warming Eve...

It was one sunny morning, Rose sat in the living room, enjoying the warm blanket she had wrapped herself in. She was not alone, in her hooves she held little Nicholas, holding him and hummed a small melody for them both to enjoy.

Cutter worked in the workshop outback that came with the house, where he could use his special talent as a carpenter and make several beautiful things for their customers. He was a very skilled pony, so focused on his task he never noticed some pony had come to visit.

"Mr Cutter?"

The voice caught him off guard, quick to notice the voice was female and not the one of his wife. He immediately stopped working on the beautiful chair he was creating and slowly turned around to face the visitor. Cutter felt his heart stop and his eyes grow wide.

Right there in the doorway, standing tall and looking as beautiful and powerful as always, was the one and only princess Celestia. He quickly got to the wooden floor and bowed deeply, not daring to look her in the eyes.

"Rise my little pony."

He did so, but he barely dared to meet her gaze with his own, instead he stood still, his ears low and his lips in a frown.

"I must say, these are beautiful." Celestia said calmly, looking over some of the wooden doors and furniture he had created. "You have great skill Mr Cutter."

"T-thank you, your majesty, but if I may be so bold?"

Celestia nodded. "You may." She said, still looking at some of the things he had made.

He cleared his throat, standing nervously as he did not wish to anger her. "I do not think her Royal highness has come to my humble shop by chance.. As much as I would wish it so, I fear you may have come for another reason.."

"Hmm.." She hummed, then slowly turned to face him, she was not smiling, but she was not frowning either. "You're quite right my little pony. I've come to see the little one who has arrived in our world, I know about him."

If it was possible then all the color from Cutter's fur would have gotten white. "You.. You know everything..?"

Now Celestia was smiling, and Cutter was not sure how to take that. Shaking her head a little, she looked into his eyes. "Not everything is a good Cutter, this is why I would like you and your wife to tell me everything. Do not fear, the little one will not be harmed in any way."

He nodded a little, but was still nervous about how Rose would take this. "B-before we do, your royal highness, please, let me explain in my own words first.. I'm afraid Rose might be too scared to speak if her mind is not set at ease at first.."

"Very well good Cutter, I shall listen to you first, please, go on." She said, standing patiently as he started to explain what had happened on that fateful night.


Rose stood in the kitchen of their little cottage, the kitchen was small, but cozy. She hummed happily as she made a tomato sandwich for Cutter, it was his hard work that got them this place and he deserved a nice lunch every day. She loved the simple things in life, painting, taking care of THEIR home and now taking care of their little Nicholas.

She heard the door to the workshop open up. "Hey Cutter, you're early, you still have five minutes of work left." She let out a giggle as she levitated the food onto the plate and then on a tray. "Oh well, guess you just can't stay away from my cooking." She said in almost a singing voice.

Coming out of the kitchen, she carried the tray in her magic and into the living room, but then she froze. Right there on their couch sat the princess of the sun herself. "P-princess Celestia..?" She was so shocked her magic let go of the tray, but just before it crashed, Celestia used her own magic to gently float it over to a nearby table.

"Oh my, please be careful, you could have gotten glass everywhere.." Celestia frowned, but then smiled as she released her magic from the tray. "Good morning, I'm sorry to come uninvited, but you see-"

"Please don't take him!" Rose said and fell to the floor, bowing her head low, sobbing uncontrollably as she feared her baby boy would be taken away from her.

Cutter came out from Celestia's shadow and hurried to his wife's side. As soon as he came to her she threw her hooves around him, sobbing into his chest. He hushed her calmly as he stroked her mane. "Shhh, it's okay, calm down.." He whispered.

Celestia looked at the pair, she did not give away her thoughts in her expression, but her eyes did hold compassion. "Please, do not fret, I am here to see the little one, so please Rose Bright, bring him to me.."

Rose looked at Cutter who nodded a little to her, and she stood up wiping her eyes. "I'll be right back.. Princess.." Quietly, she walked into another room.

"She.." Cutter began as he looked at the direction Rose had left. "She has grown very attached to him, princess.."

"I can see that.." Celestia said, her voice filled with sympathy, but she had her duty.

"Truth is, so have I.. Please." He looked at her. "Let us-," Celestia held up a hoof and he became silent.

"As I told you out in your workshop, as I told your wife, I am here to see the child.. Please, do not make this more difficult than it has to be.." She said, again with the same compassionate voice as before, but she still remained stern on this matter, and Cutter could do very little other than accept the wishes of his princess.

Finally Rose returned, walking on three legs as the last one held the baby close to her. Rose tried to remain firm, trying not to cry, but a few sobs did make their way through her, as well as a few tears.

She said nothing, but walked directly to the princess, gently rocking Nicholas to keep him calm and asleep. "His name is Nicholas.. Nicholas Claus, princess.. We found him, he has no one, so we took him in.."

Celestia nodded, looking closer at the child. Her expression gave nothing away but that of interest and curiosity. The little child held onto Rose, his tiny hands grabbing the soft fur as his little head enjoyed her fluff.

Then suddenly, as if he could feel the radiant princess, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at her. His big blue eyes looked into hers. No one spoke, not even the baby made any sounds, the two simply gazed upon each other, like it was some sort of wordless conversation.

Suddenly Nicholas let out a little squeal and reached out for Celestia, this took the princess off guard, as before she could react the child moved forward and actually managed to get a hold of her flowing mane. Cutter held his breath, so too did Rose.

But Celestia did not seem to mind, sure she looked surprised, but then she simply smiled and let out a small giggle. "A playful little one, isn't he?" She giggled and lifted him up in her magic. She moved him closer to her face to look him over.

Nicholas seemed not to mind as he simply giggled and moved in the warm glowing magic that surrounded him. Then suddenly he stopped, his eyes wide with wonder as his tiny hand moved out and then suddenly, he grasped the horn of the royal princess!

Cutter could have sworn he would faint right then and there, Rose wanted to pull the child away, fearing if he made a bad impression the princess might send him away. Celestia however, once again, seemed not to mind. She simply looked on as the child examined her with the same curiosity she had for him.

His hands were so soft, not that one could feel that through a horn, but she could sense a lot, and she felt the gentle nature of this child. He did not pull, but contented himself with simply feeling it, examined it with his eyes and hands. She slowly moved her wings out, touching the child with her long feathers. To the boys delight, he once again reached out, but this time, as if knowing their sensitivity, did not grab them, he simply stroked them.

Then after maybe five minutes of the two simply examining one another, she gently levitated Nicholas into her hooves. Gently rocking him and looking at him like she did any young foal. She smiled as she saw Nicholas cling to her, and with that final act, sealed his fate.

She looked up at the nervous pair of ponies with a happy smile. "I always feared the day if a human should ever come to our world.. Their lives are much more chaotic, violent and harsh.. But this child, you.. You will make great parents for him, he belongs with you."

Rose's eyes filled with tears and delight as she quickly hugged her husband. "Thank you princess!" Both of them hugged, happy their worst fear has not come to pass, and instead their wish had come true.

Celestia giggled and looked down at the little child. "Nicholas Claus, I bid you welcome to your new home and family. You shall forever be welcome among us. May you have many friends and live out your life in happiness and wonder."


And so Nicholas became a part of the family, was blessed by Celestia herself, and was granted a new life here in Equestria.


Yes of course there is more! Hold on now, the story is not done. Yes yes, we'll get to that part if you just be patient.

Chapter 3: First School Day!

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Chapter 3: First School Day!

Nicholas was allowed to stay, he was the first human in Equestria, the first human infant that had been adopted by a loving pony family. Some say it was luck, I say it was fate. From the day Celestia accepted him into her kingdom, her blessing went with the little boy.

The ponies knew not to fear him, and so, as Rose and Cutter could finally take him outside, the ponies all knew to treat him just like any other foal.

Rose was beyond happy, she now had everything she could have ever wished for. A loving husband, a home, a place of work and her very own son. Of course that didn't mean she did not want to have more kids, but right now, she was simply happy to have Nicholas in her life. She treated him like she herself had given birth to him, and that love rubbed off onto Cutter, who in turn did the same, treating him like he was his real son.

Time went on, as time the old fool does, and Nicholas grew and grew. Soon enough the infant became a boy, and he started to shape up. His hair grew to become a little curly, a little messy, but was nice, smooth and soft, and had a delightful light brown color. Rose could spend hours simply stroking it, but of course, when he started to walk, talk and soon enough run, she knew the boy would become more wild, as all boys do.

Nicholas however, despite being a boy, was a gentle soul. He was never rude, followed the directions his parents gave him. He was also amazingly quick to pick things up and learn at an amazing rate. If it had some sort of beauty or sense of wonder, Nicholas wanted to explore it.

Of course, that didn't mean he never got in trouble. All children do, no matter how good and well behaved they are. Nicholas had a bad habit of wandering off, many times close to the Everfree. He was, as I said, very gentle and kind, but he was quite the curious boy, never afraid maybe bending a rule if it meant he could explore and discover something new.

The Everfree trip was probably the worst of the rules he’d broken, Nicholas did not like to make his parents upset, but he simply felt a calling from it, like he wanted to explore it, even back then.

Now, a human living among ponies, surely he noticed the difference between them. Yea, of course he knew he was not of their kind, and he accepted that, but he was never upset about it, he never questioned it too much. To him, he was one of them, to him, Rose Bright and Cutter was his parents, nothing would ever change that.

As time went on Nicholas grew and grew, when he finally reached the age of five, his parents knew they had to start sending him to school. Rose pondered about this matter for some time, afraid of sending her boy to an all pony school, but Nicholas wanted to go.

He wanted to learn more, despite already having a hungry appetite for knowledge already, he wanted to go, be with foals and play. Cutter agreed with this, they could not shelter Nicholas, if they truly believed he belonged with them and he was no different than any other foal, then they had to let him go. So, Rose agreed, but not without a lot of hugs, kisses and snuggles to make sure she got it all out of her system before sending him off.


The day was here, the first day of school! Nicholas's eyes shot open as he felt Celestia's sun gently warming his cheek. He grinned and quickly jumped out of bed to get dressed. He quickly found a pair of light brown pants, and then looked over his selections of tunics.

Tunics were easy and cheap to make, not that it was a question about costs, but they served many purposes. Other than keeping him warm, they were nice and easy to move in, not to mention crafted to last in all his exploring. He could not decide which one to pick, he was not one for vanity, but he wanted to make a good impression on his first day.

They were all different colors, and Nicholas started to drift towards the dark olive green ones, but then again, his mother always said he looked good in red. He did not want to stick out like a sore thumb, but then again, that ship probably sailed a long time ago.

Finally he decided to get the green tunic, he put it on, strapped the belt around his waist. His tunics were very long, they went all the way down to his knees, and offered him warmth when needed. He had some with long sleeves and some with short sleeves, today he decided on a short sleeved one.

Finally, with that out of the way, he got down on his rump to put his shoes on. The shoes had been a whole different challenge. Since ponies had no need for the same kind as him, it took some time to find a solution. For now the solution was simply wrappings around his feet.

They were wrapped around the leg, from the knee and down to under the foot. Then, as a final protection against the elements, sandals of some sort were made, hardened fabric that would provide protection from stone and water. He would wrap them around his feet and then lace them up along with his foot wrappings, it was quite some work, but Nicholas had gotten so used to it he could do it in less than a minute.

Finally, he needed his handbag. Since he was not a pony, he could not use saddlebags, but instead the clothes maker came up with a clever little solution. The handbag would hang in his belt, and if need be he could have had two handbags in the belt.

Today however he just used one, he put it at his right side, filled it with two pencils and a small sketchbook. He would have loved to bring his knife, but his father always told him he could not take it with him outside the workshop until he was older. This was a rule he never broke.

Nicholas loved to watch his father work, and he picked it up pretty fast. He had a natural aptitude it seemed, and Cutter was more than happy to show his son the art of woodwork.

Nicholas had a natural talent for these things, but it was his parents that showed him how. Cutter took his son as an apprentice, of course he was still a child and it would take a while before he would reach the skills he would one day have. For now it was simple ways to keep the workshop clean, the tools in good condition and how to use the knife the right way, which was a little struggle, since we ponies don't have fingers.

His mother on the other hoof showed him how to make things shine and come to life, the form and the details were important, but with her painting skills she could make things seem even more beautiful and alive.

It was those two skills that would make the foundation of where he would create all of his toys.

At any rate, with his clothes finally on, he quickly made his way downstairs, following the smell of toast, eggs and pancakes. Today seemed to start out great, and as his feet ran down the stairs he could hear his mother chuckle lightly. "No running indoors, Nicholas."

He got up on the chair and smiled at his mother. "Morning ma, and.. uhm, sorry.." He said sheepishly.

Rose trotted over and planted a kiss on her son's forehead. "Wash your hands while I get your father."

Nicholas nodded and got off the chair. "Okay ma." He did as she asked, pulling over a small stool so he could reach the sink. Making sure to wash them probably as his mother would want, his mom returned with his dad.

"Good morning sport." Cutter smiled as he walked over to his chair.

"Morning dad!"

"Cutter." Rose said with a stern voice. "Hooves, wash them, now."

Cutter frowned and did not dare argue with her. "Yes dear.."

Nicholas smirked seeing his mom trying to hide her giggle behind a mask of sternness. His father in turn smirked a little as he stood up and planted a kiss on her lips. Rolling his eyes while smiling, Nicholas returned to his seat and got himself some toast and butter.

"You fiend." Rose sighed with a loving smile before she sat down too. Cutter simply chuckled as he moved over and started to wash his hooves. Rose looked to Nicholas with her ever present motherly smile. "Excited for today Nicholas?"

He nodded eagerly. "Yes! I hope I can make new friends!"

"We hope so too." Cutter said and sat down to get some pancakes. "Just remember Nicholas, be yourself, be honest and treat others as you want to be treated."

Nicholas looked at his father, he had a serious look on his face and Nicholas nodded. He knew his father and mother valued these things and he would never dream of going against that.

Cutter smiled. "That's my boy, after breakfast we both take you to school."

Nicholas could hardly wait!


The walk to the school house was pleasant enough, Nicholas walked at a fast pace, wanting to get there as fast as possible, but his parents insisted on taking it slow and relaxed.

"Come on Nicholas, relax, come up here and enjoy the quiet." Cutter said and motioned to his back with his head. "Trust me lad, soon enough you will be missing the quiet."

Nicholas did not think so, but nevertheless, he went to his father and climbed onto his back. He always enjoyed being carried by his dad, it was fun when he would gallop and only made him feel closer to him, a bonding moment between father and son.

"Now remember." Rose began. "Behave, be nice and have fun."

Nicholas smiled and nodded. "Yes ma!"

It did not take them long to reach the school house, the red building stood tall, and had a large playground beside it. A lot of parents and their foals were there, saying goodbye to them, wishing them good luck, a few hugging and comforting those who were too scared to go in by themselves.

Nicholas looked around, spotting many familiar ponies. His eyes widened in awe, would he have a chance to get to know all of his new school mates? Then he spotted something big, something red, a stallion, well, a colt, but a big colt. He was probably in his teens, a green apple on his flank. Nicholas had seen him before a few times in town, but that was rare.

As some other ponies moved away he spotted a little filly standing before the older colt. She had orange fur, a blonde mane and tail and big green eyes. She looked pretty cute, but she seemed a little nervous. Perhaps they knew each other?

He did not get to finish his thoughts however as the school bell rang and colts and fillies started to move inside. Nicholas jumped off his father's back and hurried towards the school.

"Have a great day son!"

"Be good!"

They called after him and Nicholas simply replied with a big smile and a wave.


The teachers showed them all inside, guiding them to their classrooms. Nicholas was easy enough to spot, which was why the teachers already knew him by name. He was placed in a class with ten other students, this was first grade, and Nicholas had mixed feelings about it all, he was on one hand excited and on the other nervous.

"So class." The older mare called Miss Ice Blossom said, gaining all of their attention. "How about we get to know each other a bit, Hm?"

She pointed to a student and they each started to tell their name, their age and some small minor things. Nicholas listened intensely, many of them had probably gone to kindergarten together and knew each other, but Nicholas had never done that, so he only knew them by looks and not by name.

He noticed the orange earth filly seemed a bit nervous, she flinched a little when the teacher pointed to her. "And you dear? What's your name?"

The little filly sat up a bit straighter. "Uhm, howdy.. Ma'h name is, Applejack.. Ah'm five, and uhm, Ah live at my family's farm, Sweet Apple Acres.."

Nicholas knew of that place, he often passed it when he went exploring, did she really live there? The place looked amazing! She did not seem shy, simply nervous, maybe she had a right to be, some students giggled a bit at her accent, but Nicholas didn't mind.

The teacher smiled satisfied and moved to Nicholas's desk, which his father had donated to the school in order to better accommodate his son. "And, oh yes. Can you tell the class your name?"

He smiled and sat up a bit straighter. "My name is Nicholas Claus, but Nicholas is just fine.. I'm five years old, and my mom and dad own the carpenter shop in Ponyville.." He felt the heat rise to his face and his heart pounding a little faster, he was nervous alright.

There was a moment of silence, but then suddenly one asked. "What are you..? Are you a monkey?" The question came from a colt, and Nicholas felt himself frown and flinch a bit at the question. It was not that strange for somepony to ask, but the way he did it, it almost sounded like the colt was mocking him.

"Flint!" The teacher said sharply. "That is highly inappropriate!"

Nicholas tried to shake the feeling away, but it somehow stung him a little harder than he would have expected. The teacher scolded the colt named Flint for a short moment before starting the first lesson.


They got playtime and all of the young foals ran outside. Nicholas too, and he had gotten to talk with some of the other foals who seemed very interested in him. Though as he came out, he noticed the filly from before, Applejack, walked over to a tree and sat there, alone.

He frowned a bit, she looked sad. Not sure if he should do anything, he thought back to his father's words. "Treat others as you would want to be treated.." He mumbled to himself, thinking over the words. If he was sad and alone, he would want a friend to come over and cheer him up!

Only.. They weren't friends...

But maybe they could be!

That settled it, he wanted to make her smile, and so he started to walk over to her. She didn't notice him at first, but as his wrapped feet came into view she looked up at him with those big green eyes. Nicholas sent her a smile. "Hi."

The filly looked confused, but then looked down again and mumbled. "Howdy.."

"Can I sit?" Applejack didn't respond, she simply nodded a little, scooting over so there was room. He did so, taking a seat in the green grass and leaned against the tree. After maybe a minute of silence he spoke again. "Do you really live on the apple farm?"

Her ears picked up and she eyed him. "Yeah..."

Nicholas's smile grew. "Wow, must be so cool.. Do you have lots of animals and stuff?" She nodded again, looking more at him. "That's so cool!" He exclaimed. "I've often come by when I'm out exploring and I see those huge fields with the many apple trees, they always look so tasty!"

Now she started to smile a bit. "Ya really think so?"

"Mmhmm, I love apples, my mom always buys from your farm, she says they are the best, and my mom never lies." He grinned at her, licking his lips.

She tilted her head, still smiling at him. "What do you explore?"

"Everything I can, I've never gone to your farm however.. My dad says it's wrong to trespass.." He frowned a bit before looking up at the sky. "Oh look, speaking of apples, that cloud looks like one!" He said and pointed.

Applejack leaned back and looked up. "Oh yeah! That one over there looks like a ship!"

Nicholas laughed. "That one there looks like a cat."

"Nu-uh, it looks like a doggie!" She said, shaking her head.

"Nope, it's a cat!" Nicholas retorted and they both looked at one another with determined faces.




"Cat dog!"

Applejack was just about to retort when she started to burst out laughing, Nicholas could no longer hold the mask and started to laugh as well. They both almost fell to the grass as they laughed and giggled.

Finally, as the laughter died down, Applejack removed a tear from her eye. "Ah'm Applejack.."

Nicholas smiled. "I know, I'm Nicholas Claus, but you can call me Nicholas."

"I know." She said back with a small smirk.

"Wanna be friends?" Nicholas then asked, feeling a little nervous again.

Applejack however smiled and gave a single nod. "Sure!"

The school belle rang again, signaling the end of playtime. Nicholas got up and started to run back towards the school. "Come on Applejack!" He called.

"Comin'!" Applejack called back and hurried after her new friend.

Chapter 4: First Toy

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Chapter 4: First Toy

Once again time went on, and his friendship with Applejack bloomed. He got to know the apple family well, and they in turn came to know him. Often enough he and Applejack would go to her family farm and play, other times she would go to his house and they would work on whatever project they might need to complete. Thankfully due to the grade they were in, homework was not really a big thing.

A whole year had almost passed and spring was in the air, winter wrap up had concluded and everything seemed to become greener with each passing day. Nicholas missed the snow, but he liked that the landscape became more alive, and it would be easier to play outside.

It was Saturday and Nicholas could finally enjoy the weekend, he liked school, but it was during the weekends he could help his dad out in the workshop, and go exploring near the woods. He had just stepped out of Sugarcube Corner, holding a small bag.

Nicholas had quite the sweet tooth, even back then, cookies were something he always enjoyed. He wondered if he should wait snacking on them until he got home, or maybe just sneak one now. It was his, paid for them with his own allowance, so there was no need to worry.

Before he could decide however, an orange blur seemed to tackle him! In a great cloud of dust, Nicholas fell to the ground and was suddenly staring up at the two green eyes of Applejack. "Owww... Good morning to you too, Applejack.." He groaned a little as the filly looked at him with a big smile.

"Nicholas, am gonna be a big sister!" She grinned. "I'm gonna have a younger sibling, just like you!" It was true enough, Rose Bright was pregnant, and was probably gonna give birth any day now. Nicholas loved the prospect of having a little sister or little brother, so hearing Applejack was gonna have a younger sibling excited him too!

"Really?!" Nicholas smiled, happy for his friend. "That's great! But, can you get off me now?"

It was like she first noticed she had him pinned down by now. "Oh, sorry about that sugarcube.." She said and was a little embarrassed and got right off him.

"Try to be careful Applejack, I'm sorry about that Nicholas." A mare's voice said as Nicholas stood up and dusted himself off. Nicholas looked up and saw Applejack's mother, smiling at them and tried to hold back a giggle.

"Oh, it's no problem Mrs. Apple, I'm used to Applejack tackling by now." He smirked and nudged Applejack, who nudged him back.

Pear Butter smiled and picked the back of cookies up for him. "Ma, can me and Nicholas go play?" Applejack asked as Pear Butter handed the bag back to Nicholas.

"Of course you can, sweetie. Just don't be home late. You two have fun."

"We will, thanks ma!" Applejack called and waved goodbye to her.

Nicholas smiled and looked at Applejack. "Wanna share some cookies?"

"Of course!"


Applejack had been in Nicholas's room plenty of times by now. It was big, made to fit him and continue to fit him as he would grow older. In fact, the whole house had grown quite a bit since Nicholas first arrived. Thankfully with the money his dad made, it was never an issue.

There was a desk, a dresser, a nice wooden floor with a soft carpet, some posters, pictures, and of course toys. The best thing Applejack thought, was his bed. Like the room, it was made with the room for him to grow, which meant it was big enough for Celestia herself. So that meant, it was the best bouncy castle in all of Ponyville! and being a friend of the owner, she had special bounce privileges! A lifetime bounce pass!

Before that however, she waited for Nicholas to come back from the kitchen with some milk for the cookies. While he was downstairs, she took the time to look around the big room, she had been here before as I said, but somehow his room always fascinated her. She knew him well enough to notice the subtle differences the room would sometimes have.

At times there would be drawings on the table, speaking of which ideas or subjects he was interested in. Other times there were toys on the desk, not as much for playing with, but for what seemed to be more for studying. Today however, there were neither toys, books or even drawings, no, instead on the table were a lot of wood chips.

Seemed like he had been carving something, and yes, just as she suspected, in the middle of the table was a wooden block. It had not really been carved yet, but a look at the dustbin beside the desk told her he had been practicing on other helpless blocks.

The door opened and in came Nicholas, carrying a tray with cookies on a plate and two glasses with milk. "Got our snacks!" He said cheerfully.

Applejack smiled and hurried over to him as he placed the tray on the floor and sat down on one of the pillows. Applejack quickly followed suit and sat down across from him. Both of them got a cookie and snacked on them happily, Applejack couldn't help but grin as she saw the look on Nicholas's face as he ate his cookie.

Nicholas noticed this and tilted his head. "What?"

"Nothing, you just look all goofy, that's all." She chuckled. "Like all, jolly."

"Jolly?" He made a face, and then laughed a little. Applejack always found it nice to hear his laugh, mostly because when he was in a happy mood and chuckled or simply laughed, he always got that, ho ho ho, kind of laugh, which amused her greatly.

"Well you just look happy to get your cookies, sugarcube, meant nothin' by it." Applejack promised and crossed her heart. "So, what are you working on over there?"

Nicholas looked to where she was looking. "Oh, that. Uhm, I want to be a good carpenter like my dad, but he says it takes practice, so I am." He said and smiled proudly, but the pride only lasted for a second. "Well, the first ones I made didn't really work out, I kept messing them up.."

"What did you try to make?"

"Uhm.." He looked down into his glass. "You know, uh, a figurine.. Like a toy.."

Applejack tilted her head, but did not look dismissive. "Really? You can do that?" She now looked impressed with the prospect of him making his own toys, that would be so cool.

"Well, uhm, they are not really, for me... You see..." He started to blush a bit. "I wanted to give them away, as gifts.."

"What? Don't you like toys?" Applejack asked, a little confused.

Nicholas nodded. "Sure I do, but, you know, I just like making ponies happy.. Like the day we met." He said and looked at her. "I like making ponies laugh, smile and be happy for something.. I hope I can make things as gifts, like at birthdays, and all that.."

Applejack smiled softly, she had always been impressed by Nicholas's maturity, even though he was just six years old, he had always been so kind to others. "Well then, what's the problem ya seem to have?"

Nicholas walked over to the bin and picked up one of the failed figures. It was crudely made, not smooth at all, but she could tell it was supposed to be a pony, and for a six year old, that was pretty impressive. immediately however she could see the problem, the dimensions were wrong in certain places. Hooves, ears, or head, did not match the right size, but again, it was nothing bad, but Nicholas wanted it to be perfect.

Applejack trotted over and looked it over. "Hmm, how about you use me as a model?!" She suggested.

"What?" Nicholas looked into her green eyes, then thought it over. It would help a great deal, he could study her better and draw better inspiration. He took a moment and then nodded. "You would really do that?"

"Sure I would, we're friends right, partner?"


So the work began, Applejack got into a position she could hold for some time, and Nicholas started to carve the wood. Sometimes he stopped, asking her to turn, or move a body part to get a better understanding of how her body would react.

Once again Nicholas showed his intelligence of even thinking about these things, but she simply did as he asked. He was very focused, he hardly spoke and Applejack noticed the kind of passion he laid into his work, it was like her father when he worked the fields, or when Big Mac worked alongside him, trying to prove himself to their pa.

She smiled a little at her friend, she could only admire his hard work, that was a thing the apple family always admired.

Minutes turned into hours, and little by the little, the day went by. Before either of them knew it, they were laying on the floor, both sleeping.

It wasn't until the door to Nicholas's room was slowly opened they were discovered. Pear Butter and Rose Bright stood there, looking in on their children. Both of them smiled brightly as they saw the two of them.

Nicholas laid against his bed, while Applejack had snuggled up to him. Her head on his chest, his right arm around her, while the other was slumped to the side. They both looked so peaceful, and neither of the mothers dared waking them up.

The room was in quite a state, wood chips were scattered all over the floor and the knife laid a few feet away from them. Rose used her magic to levitate the knife up on the table. It was then that she noticed something in his left hand, she used her magic to get a close look at the object.

It came to her and both the mothers let out an, "Awwwww.."

The object she had picked up was a small figurine of Applejack, looking like she was running with a big smile on her face. Both of them smiled and Rose put it on the desk carefully. Both the mothers glanced back at the kids who seemed to have snuggled even closer together.

It seemed they were not quite ready to end their day, and both of them knew their friendship was one that would last for life. The figure was proof of that, his very first toy.

Chapter 5: The New Foal

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Chapter 5: The New Foal

The music slowly died down in the room, when it did, a mare clapped her hoof gently to the floorboards. "Alright students, that's it for today, see you next Friday, don't forget to practice."

All the foals started to move away from their positions in the room, and started to pack away their instruments. Nicholas was among them, his mother wanted him to learn to play an instrument and have a hobby that did not involve him sitting alone for hours on end.

"Hey Nicholas."

He heard somepony say from behind, he turned around and smiled. "Hey Octavia, something the matter?"

The dark filly with her big purple eyes shook her head with a friendly smile. "Nu uh, just wanted to say good practice. You've really gotten good at the violin."

"Thank you." Nicholas smiled and looked to the violin. "It's fun playing it, but I think it is a bit easier for me since I have fingers." He let out a small chuckle and looked at her. "I don't think I'll ever get as good as you though, you really sound great on your cello."

Her smile brightened a bit. "Thanks, but it's just practice practice practice." She turned around. "Anyway, see you next Friday."

"See you then." Nicholas smiled and closed up the small violin case before walking towards the door. He did not get very far however, because he soon spotted a large, panting workhorse. He recognized him as Applejack's dad, but what was he doing here? As far as he knew, neither Applejack or Macintosh had any activities here?

"Mr Bright Mac, sir?" Nicholas said and walked over to the large pony. "Is everything alright?"

"There ya are, Nicholas.." He said panting. "Ya better come with me, ya mother is in the hospital."

"Wh-what?!" Nicholas almost dropped the violin case.

"Yes, she is giving birth, come on now, you do not wanna be late, do ya?" He smirked and turned around, lowering himself. "Get on my back." Nicholas didn't hesitate for a second as he quickly got up on his back and held his arms around the big neck of Bright Mac. "Hold on tight." And with that, he took off with great speed.


They arrived at the hospital only 15 minutes later, Bright Mac simply ran through the reception, ignoring the calls and protests from the nurses. Nicholas soon spotted his dad, and he in turn spotted them as he heard the heavy farmer gallop down the halls.

"Nicholas!" He called with a smile and looked at Bright Mac as he came to a stop. "Thanks for picking him up, Bright Mac."

"No problem, Cutter. I’m happy to help." He smiled and let Nicholas slide down from his back. "Good luck." He added and the two stallions shared a hoof bump.

"Is mom gonna be alright, dad?" Nicholas asked a little worried, looking at the door.

Cutter moved Nicholas closer and hugged him. "Everything will be alright, I promise you."


Time passed by, neither Cutter or Nicholas noticed it though. They simply sat in silence, listened to whatever sounds they could pick up.

Both of them were rather nervous, and unfortunately, Nicholas could not stay awake. He slumped against his seat and started to snore, just a little. A nurse had been so kind to bring a cup of coffee for Cutter, and a blanket for Nicholas.

"Thank you.." Cutter said and took a sip from his coffee.

The nurse shook her head. "It's nothing." She looked to the door. "Are you nervous?"

"About my child? No, I'm just.. This is her first time giving birth, and that is what worries me.." He said and then looked over at Nicholas. "But, I think we got our parenting skills quite sharp by now."

The nurse smirked. "Is he a hooffull?"

Cutter chuckled and took another sip from his coffee. "In his own ways, yes, he is a very kind colt, always helping me and his mother out.. To be honest, he has brought a lot of joy into our lives..." He smiled gently and glanced at his sleeping son.

The nurse smiled back and was about to reply when suddenly the door opened. Cutter put the cup down onto the table and stood up. The doctor, a white coated unicorn, smiled at him. "Mr Cutter, congratulations, the birth went well despite our fears. Your wife is ready to see you now."

"And the foal?" Cutter asked nervously.

"Well, she wanted to tell you herself, but don't worry, your foal is healthy. You can go in now." He looked to Nicholas who was slowly opening his eyes, rubbing them a little with his hand. "Both of you."

"Thank you doctor, thank you so much." Cutter smiled and walked over to Nicholas. "Come on, time to say hello to your new sibling."

"Mmmh.. 'kay.." He mumbled, still a little sleepy, but he quickly got out of his drowsiness when he remembered where he was and why. "Is ma okay?" Nicholas asked, a bit worried.

Cutter nodded. "She's fine, come on, she wants to see us."

Nicholas quietly got down to the floor and started to walk into the room beside his father. The room was lit with few lights to give a relaxing atmosphere, it helped, as Rose hummed lightly with a warm smile on her face. She sat up in the bed, holding a light blue blanket, rocking it gently back and forth.

When she saw her boys her smile grew. "Shhh, don't wake him.."

Cutter felt like his heart was gonna explode, he had a son? He quickly, but still silently moved over to her side and looked down into the bundle of blankets. Inside was a tiny light blue unicorn colt. "We have a son..." he whispered, wiping some tears from his face, he moved his hoof around Rose and hugged her very lightly from the side. They shared a moment before he looked towards the door. "Nicholas come over and... Nicholas?"

He was gone.


It was not often Applejack was allowed to go to town by herself, but this evening was an exception, and since the sun was still setting, there was still plenty of light. She wanted to go and see Nicholas, and deliver a message from her parents, since Rose and Cutter might be a bit busy, maybe he should sleep at their place.

She went to the reception desk and told them who she was here to see. The nurse tilted her head. "Nicholas, the human boy? Well, he just left."

Applejack tilted her head. "Left? Where did he go?"

The nurse shrugged. "He was probably sent home, I would not worry if I were you."

The nurse provided no help, and Applejack knew well enough Nicholas would have been sent home alone, not at this time when his mom was giving birth. Turning around she quickly ran outside and looked around. "Nicholas..?" She saw no sign of him.

She was a little worried, Nicholas was not one to disappear. Sure, sometimes he was a bit secluded in his room when he worked on something. Sometimes he would even go to the woods and be gone for some time, but right now? No, that was not like him at all.

Going through all she knew about him, she concluded quickly he had probably not gone very far, and so, when she looked over at the park across from the hospital, she figured that was the most likely place he would be.

She quickly walked over the small dirt road and entered the park area. Thankfully the park was rather small, it was used for families who waited for some results inside the hospital, or just to relax and talk about things when it got too stuffy inside. Applejack kept looking around, nopony was here, but when she came to the small playground she finally spotted him.

He sat on one of the swings, alone, looking rather, sad? That was a new emotion, she had never seen Nicholas cry, be sad or anything of the sort, so seeing him like this kind of stung her.

Carefully she started to move closer, when he finally noticed her, she simply sent him a small smile, but said nothing. For now she simply walked over to the swing right beside him and got up. Then, and only then did she speak. "Howdy Nicholas.."

"Uhm.." He looked away from her for a brief moment, but only so he could wipe something away from his face. "Hey Applejack.." Nicholas looked at her, his eyes were a bit glassy and he tried to smile, but she could tell it was forced.

She frowned. "What's wrong sugarcube?"

"N-nothing.." He tried, but looked away from her when he replied.

Applejack raised an eyebrow, then giggled lightly. "That's the first time ya tried to lie to me, and you're bad at it.. Come on, it's me."

Nicholas was silent for a few moments, feeling ashamed as he had never tried to lie before, and she was right. This was her, his best friend, he could not lie to her. "It's just.." He sighed and looked to the ground beneath them. Swinging his legs back and forth lightly, trying to get his emotions to settle and find the right words.

Finally, he let out a sigh. "I don't know.. My little brother was just born, I'm really happy about it, I really am.." He said making sure she knew that, and she simply nodded, believing him. "My dad, he was so happy I saw him cry.. My mom, she was so happy, so when I looked at them, all three of them, together.. It just looked so perfect.."

He held up one of his hands, looking it over, clenching it into a fist, then opening it slowly. He moved his fingers a few times, as if to test them. "But, but i'm not like them.. It reminded me how different I am.." He sighed and placed the hand back to hold the rope of the swing. "I guess I'm just afraid they will stop loving me, since they now have a real son... It's jus-Bonk-Ow!"

He felt a small hoof hit him on top of the head and he turned to see Applejack frowning at him.

"What was that for?" Nicholas asked as he rubbed the place where she had hit.

Applejack gave him a stern look. "That is just the silliest thing ah think ah have ever heard." She said, with a tone he had never heard her use before. "Ah may not be the good at math, or do those fancy carvings you can do, but ah know a thing or two about family."

Nicholas could only look at her in slight awe, Applejack had never seemed so mature before. Sure, he knew she wanted to work hard, and she always did her best in whatever work she could do back on the farm, but she had never talked like this to him.

"Listen sugarcube.. I know that your family loves ya, of course they do. They don't see you as a human or a pony, they simply see you as their son.. If they did not, why would they build you such a nice room? Why help you with hobbies, teach you things and look after you for such a long time?"

He could not answer, what could he say? She had a point.. All of these years, ever since he was a baby, they had been looking after him. There was not a happy moment in his head where they or Applejack were not in them. They always smiled, always took care of him and made sure he was safe and happy. How could he be so stupid and think they might forget him.

A small smile crept onto his face, and Applejack smiled in turn. "See? Told ya."

Nicholas chuckled and leaned his head towards her. "Maybe give me one more to make sure I don't forget." Applejack giggled and tapped his head with her hoof, but it was much softer now. With that he got off the swing and turned to her. "Thanks Applejack." Before she could respond he closed the gap between them and gave her a big hug. Kinda took her off guard, but then she smiled and hugged him back.

"Any time."

He chuckled once more and turned towards the hospital. "I'm going to see my little brother, see you later!" He called out as he started to run.

Applejack laughed and waved back at him, though when he vanished and she let her hoof drop she remembered something. She forgot to tell him he could sleep at their place tonight. She turned the hoof on herself and hit herself on the head. "Dang It!"


Slowly Nicholas opened the door to his mother's room, he felt a bit bad for simply going without telling them. He peeked inside, seeing his mother gently rocking his little brother, she seemed to be frowning. He could not spot his dad however, but before he had a chance to wonder where he was, someone cleared their throat behind him.

He jumped a little by the sound and quickly turned around. He saw a dark grey earth pony, his dad. He looked at him with a frown. "Nicholas? Where did you go?"

Nicholas looked down at the floor, the look on his face, it made him feel even more guilty. "It's just..." He had not really planned for this, he simply felt his eyes watering up again, a mix of emotions running through him. He was upset, mostly at himself, he was ashamed for worrying them both when this was supposed to be a happy day. "I was just worried that I was going to be alone, and.. You would forget all about me.."

Now the tears started to run down his cheeks, but he did nothing to stop them. He felt so bad for making this all about him, this was his little brother's birthday, and here he was, ruining it. That was what he felt at least. He sobbed a little, trying to get a grip of himself, trying to explain, but he couldn't, his throat would not allow more words.

Cutter frowned, placing a hoof on his shoulder. "Hey, lad.. Your mom and I love you, you won't be alone.. We will always be your parents, no matter what. Your brother will also always be your little brother, so you need to look after him too, okay?"

Nicholas continued to cry lightly, and simply nodded. "Mmhm.."

Suddenly before either of them could say or do anything, Nicholas felt himself getting wrapped in a light blue glow and levitated into the room behind him. He saw his mother with tears in her eyes as she levitated him closer. When she did get him to her, she reached up a hoof and hugged him.

"We love you Nicholas, don't you ever doubt that." She whispered soothingly.

Nicholas nodded, hugging her back, sobbing a bit a few times, but already felt better. Cutter had closed the door behind them, then walked over and joined in the family hug.

They stayed like this for maybe a minute or two before they pulled away. Nicholas smiled a little, wiping his eyes. Rose smiled and then looked at the little foal in her arms. "Nicholas, this is Star Tail, your little brother.." She looked at him again. "Do you want to hold him?"

Nicholas was a little hesitant, but then nodded carefully. Cutter went over and gently lifted Star Tail into his hooves, showing quickly how to hold the foal before handing him carefully to Nicholas who held out his arms.

He took the little foal, making sure to support his head. He looked down at the sleeping infant, smiling faintly. "Hey.." He whispered. "I'm Nicholas, your brother... Happy Birthday Star Tail.." The small eyes started to open, looking directly into Nicholas's own.

And just like that the little foal giggled and squealed, holding up it's tiny hooves for Nicholas. He chuckled in response, hugging the little foal lightly, happy to have a brother. His parents looked on, both of them smiling, letting small tears of joy run down their cheeks.

None of them noticed the door had been opened slightly, nor did they notice the little filly poking her head inside and smiled at them. "Told ya.." She grinned and left them to get some alone time.

Chapter 6: Tragedy Strikes

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Chapter 6: Tragedy Strikes

Throughout our lives, we will all experience hardships, loss, tragedy. There are times where we all feel like we're in the deepest and darkest pits, with no light to guide us back out, into the warmth. It is a fact we all have to live with, pony or human.

Tragedy had struck the Apple family, and it affected all in Ponyville. Bright Mac and Pear Butter had passed away, it was a simple accident, nopony could have seen it coming, especially not the Apple children. Apple Bloom was barely half a year old back then, and it left Granny Smith with the task to take care of three foals.

You cannot say who it affected most, who was most sad and who deserved the most sympathy, it's simply not possible. For Nicholas however, he saw how deeply affected Applejack was, to him, he saw the raw wound and the gaping void left in her. He wanted to see her smile again, run with her in the fields, make jokes, and funny faces at the pigs, but no. The Applejack he knew, was gone, locked away by the heartbreak and sorrow that leaked from her heart.

On the day of the funeral, at the reception back at the farm, Nicholas went to look for her. He did not expect her to laugh, not to play or smile at him, but he wanted to be there for her, just as she had been there for him time and time again.

He walked past all the ponies, many of them dressed in some sort of black. He himself had a black tunic and some sort of black cloak. He hated it, but he knew it was to show respect, but he hated why he had to wear it, and he hated all of this. It was simply not fair! And yet, this was how it was.

Nicholas looked around a little, though, he could not spot her. He decided to take a walk, go to the places he knew she liked to go to. Walking around for a bit, he came across a small hill at the end of the field. Up there, he saw her. Applejack, sitting alone near one of the trees, tears moving down from her eyes, but she did not make a single sound, nor did she move.

Frowning, Nicholas started to walk up to her. He did not walk too fast, he did not want to make a sound either, but soon enough he could tell by her ears she had heard him.

"Applejack..?" He asked carefully, still slowly moving towards her. She didn't respond, she simply continued to look up at the sky, like if she was expecting to see a sign from her parents. He could not ask if she was okay, of course she wasn't, but what could he say? There was nothing he could say, nothing he could tell her that would lessen the pain.

The only thing he could do, was to be there for her. He took a step towards her, but this time she spoke up. "Go away.." She said quietly, but even so, just hearing that, in that tone, it broke his heart.

"But Appl-"

"I said go away, Nicholas!" She said a little more firmly, and this time he could see the tears build up more so than before.

What could he do? He could not let fear stop him from reaching out to her, but he also didn't want to push her if she really just wanted to be alone. "Applejack, I'm sorry.. I want to help you, if I can.. If you need anything, just know I'm right here for yo-Oufh!" He felt two hooves slam into him, Nicholas could feel the air being forced out of his lunges and soon enough he was on the grass.

Confused at first, he looked up and saw Applejack glaring at him, tears now streaming down her cheeks. She gritted her teeth, and yet, he could see for a moment, she was both angry and yet shocked at what she had just done, but it was too late now. She held onto the only emotion she could handle right now, anger.

"Just leave me alone Nicholas! Just go away!" And with that, she turned around and ran off into the orchard. He knew very well he would never find her in there if she didn't want to be found.

Now, he found himself in tears, though he did not sob, he just felt so horrible. He wanted to help her, he wanted to make her smile and get her through this, but he was just a child, and he had no idea how to help. After a few minutes letting the pain fade, he returned back to the farm and ready to go home.


Days passed, and still no sign of Applejack. He didn't see her at school, not in town, not even in the fields when he walked by. Big Mac stopped coming to school too, but that was because he now had to work on the farm, whenever Nicholas saw him work, he saw him give it his all, never ever trying to slack off or take a break.

It was simply the worst time, Nicholas felt so useless during those days. There was nothing he could do, his parents told him he didn't need to do anything, it was not his responsibility. His mom told him the best thing he could do was to simply be there for Applejack, to be there to listen whenever she was ready to talk.

And while that was true, Nicholas didn't like the way they parted. He feared she was angry with him, maybe she feared the same because the push?

Nicholas didn't feel like working on his figure, he simply sat in his room, by his desk and looked at the little figure of Applejack he had carved that one time. Since then he had refined it a bit, added more detail, made it smoother here and there, by now it was almost a perfect replica.

Letting out a deep sigh, he wished by all his heart he could talk to her, hug her and take all her pain away, but that was a foolish wish, and he knew it. The pain she carried, the pain they all carried was simply deeper than he could ever reach.

Looking to the figurine, he felt a tear go down his cheek. "I'm sorry Applejack.." He sniffled and wiped it away. "I wish I could give you, something, to make you feel better.." And then, for the first time in days, he got an idea for something he could make.

Sure, it might not fix anything, in fact, he didn't expect it to, but at least it was something. He didn't need much, he simply started to work, spending hours to work out the right design, to find the right kind of wood, the measurements, and finally away he carved.

It would be nothing special, but hopefully, it would at least show her that she was not alone.


He was not sure how much time had passed, though judging by his heavy eyes, his exhausted body, it had probably been hours upon hours. He looked up from his work, probably the first time since he started working, and to his shock he could see light in the east, which meant the sun was coming up!

He had worked through the night, there was wooden chips, crumbled paper and flawed work everywhere. So his room was quite messy, but, now that he looked down at the final result, he felt a sense of pride, and even a sense of hope.

Though he wanted to go to bed, he did the finishing touches and then finally let himself fall into a deep sleep. Before he knew it, he had slumped over his desk, snoring as his body refused to go on.

It was not before he heard a loud knocking noise coming from downstairs that he woke up. Slowly he opened his eyes, groaning a bit as his body felt sore all over, but at least he had managed some sleep. According to his clock, he had barely gotten two hours of sleep, but it would have to do.

Getting up, he started to walk downstairs, curious to see what the commotion was about. As he got down there he started to hear the voices of his mom, and to his surprise, Big Mac.

"No, I'm sorry, she's not here.." His mother said at the door, looking at the soaked red colt. It seemed like it had started to rain, soaking him completely, but he didn't seem to care. When his mother heard him coming down she turned to look at him. "Nicholas, is Applejack up in your room?"

Nicholas shook his head in response. "No? What's going on?"

"Oh dear.. It seems Applejack has gone missing." She looked at Big Mac. "I'm sorry, she's not here, but we will come out and help you look for her."

Nicholas's eyes went wide, and he didn't wait to hear what else was being said. Instead he turned right around, running to his room. Applejack could not be running away, no! He needed to find her and give her this! He sped through his room, grabbing what he had made and ran right back out, passing his mom just as she was going up to check on him.

"Nicholas, where are you, Nicholas?!"

He didn't answer, he simply ran past her and out into the rain, speeding towards the farm as fast as his legs would allow him. His heart galloped, and his breaths became ragged, but he didn't care, nor did he care that his clothes were getting soaked.

Instead he ran to the place where he last saw her, but to his great disappointment, she wasn't there. He quickly ran through all the locations of where she might be, but there was no obvious answer. Deciding to go on a whim, he decided to try the first place he would go if this was his parents, the place of their graves.

Unlike where so many other ponies laid to rest, Bright and Pear was laid to rest here, on Sweet Apple Acres. He knew the place, and he felt bad running there, but what if Applejack was really running away? That meant he needed to eliminate all the places he could think of.

He moved through the trees, being careful not to hit any low hanging branches, trying not to slip in the mud. He navigated his way through the orchard, towards the final resting place of Applejack's parents.

Suddenly, he picked up a weak sound, quickly stopping, almost sliding as the sudden stop jolted his body forward. When he stopped, trying to listen over the sound of heavy rain, he could finally hear it, sobbing.


He started to walk, still keeping a fast pace, but now that he knew she was near, he let himself slow down a bit. Soon enough he came out of the trees and into a clearing, there, right under the biggest tree on Sweet Apple Acres, sat Applejack. In front of her was the grave, the earth still dark from where the hole had been dug. A single tombstone, looming over it, as a momentum of the importance of this place.

She sat there, sobbing, crying, her tears mixing with the water from the rain. Nicholas frowned, she didn't care about getting a cold, being wet, sitting in the grass mixing with the mud, she simply vented every inch of pain she held within her.

Not wanting to say anything, he started to walk towards her, again slowly, not wanting to startle her. Fate however had other plans, as suddenly he heard a snap, and when looking down he saw he had stepped on a small stick, breaking it in two.

Her ears shot up, and instantly she looked around. This time however, there was no anger in her eyes, simply sadness, desperation. Before Nicholas could even utter a single word, she turned and ran towards the orchard again.

"Applejack! Wait, please!"

This time he ran after her, this time refusing to let her go, not until he did what he came here to do. One might look back and think you would have done it like this, or this, but they were kids, running on what they felt was right. To Nicholas, he felt he needed to give Applejack this one gift, he did not expect it to magically cure every pain she had, but he hoped it would show her that he was there for her, as sometimes showing, is better than saying.

She however, did not want him to catch up, running on four legs, knowing every tree on the field, she had a big head start. Nicholas however, was stubborn, and paid less and less attention to his surroundings in order to gain speed, ignoring all that might hurt him so he could simply focus on gaining up on her.

"Applejack! Please, wait!"

"Go away!"

"No, I need you to listen! Please, I hav-SLAM!-Arguh!!"

Before Nicholas knew what hit him, a sharp pain went across his face, and he felt his head instantly come to a stop while the rest of his body still tried to move forward. Everything happened so fast, and yet to him, it seemed everything went slow. Before he knew it, he suddenly felt his body slamming into the mud, everything becoming dark as he slid forward a few meters.

Applejack heard the nasty crack, and she glanced back to see what it had been. Her eyes went wide in horror as she saw her best friend in the mud, not moving, a low hanging branch she had moved under with no problem, but he however could not. Digging her hooves into the mud, she came to a complete stop and started to run back towards him.

"Nicholas!" She screamed, feeling the tears swell up in her eyes again. She made it to him, moving into the mud, she placed her hooves on his chest, shaking him. "Nicholas, please, are you alright!?" To her shock and regret she saw blood come from his nose and some from his mouth.

She found no words, she simply started to cry, weakly shaking him as she tried to wake him back up. Then, as a warm caring light, she felt his hand touch her mane. She looked up, feeling him stroking her, and his eyes slowly opening. Then she noticed the small smile on his face.


That simply broke her, she leaped forward and hugged him, crying her heart out to him. "I'm sorry, i'm sorry i'm sorry!" She kept repeating, holding him tightly.

He felt a bit guilty, but now that he had Applejack in his arms, he simply kept stroking her, moving his arms around the filly, hugging her back, though not with the same force she hugged him with. Feeling her this close again, he too started to cry lightly. He didn't care about the pain, he simply cared about his friend.

"It's okay, i'm sorry too, I should probably not have run into the orchard like that..." He gave a weak chuckle, and to his surprise, she chuckled a bit too, though it was mixed in with a little crying.

"You really are stupid.." She said and pulled back, not bothering wiping her eyes as the rain would just ruin the effort.

"Applejack.." He frowned and sat up. "I don't really know what to say.. I'm sorry.. I want you to know I will be there for you, if you need to talk, or simply want me near.. And I also want to let you know that..." He reached into his bag in his belt and pulled something out. "You're never alone, even if I weren't here.." He held out the object, and as she looked down into the palm of his hand, she could only gasp.

There, in his hand laid a wooden apple, it looked like it had been cut in half, showing the core clearly. Inside the core where six seeds would have normally been, was six names, her own, her brother's, her new little sister's, Granny's and then her mom and dad's.

It was probably the finest thing he had ever made, he had spent hours upon hours getting it just right, the markings, the details, the writing. Each little mistake on the others had been thrown out in the trash, he would only accept pure perfection. He had even put a stem on top, and a leaf. He had painted the whole thing, and it really looked like an apple, bright red, green leaf, brown stem, everything to every little detail you could think of had been put into this.

She just stared at the apple in disbelief. "No matter what, they will always be a part of you, and you, always a part of them.." he said, as she gently lifted the apple up into her hooves like it was a fragile treasure.

They stayed there in silence for some time, maybe a minute. At some point Nicholas feared she might not like it, but then, she looked up at him, her lip quivering, and then she moved into him, hugging him tightly, crying into his chest. Nicholas said nothing, there was nothing he could say that he had not already shown her, and he knew she understood.

When they walked back to the graves, the rain had stopped, only grey clouds remained. They were dirty, wet, cold, but they didn't care. They came to a stop in front of the grave, Applejack wiped some tears away, taking a deep breath.

"I'll miss you, mom, dad.."

She had not moved on, that would take some time, but today, she had taken the first step. And as she finally said those words, not out of desperation, but out of acceptance, she felt the gentle sun break through the dark clouds, letting a beam of light hit them, and the grave.

Like a loving kiss or a warm hug, she felt the sun warm her, and she knew, no matter how dark a day could be, there would always be light ahead, always.

Chapter 7: A Strange New Friend

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Chapter 7.

A Strange New Friend.

Another year passed, and now Nicholas was at the age of eight, and the older he got, the more he explored. Nicholas often found himself traveling the woods, and even at times he would go and explore the Everfree forest.

His family didn't like it when he vanished for hours on end, but lately he simply felt he needed to. Applejack had gotten better, she was back to her old self, but she had went away. She kept talking about going to Manehatten, to try her luck in the big city. Although he would miss her, and he could tell she was conflicted about the idea, he told her to try her luck, and that her family would take her back in a heartbeat if it didn't work out.

That had been a few days ago, and although he felt a little sad, he knew she was okay, and of course she would write to him once she got settled in.

Nicholas dealt with this how he knew best, sharpening his skills. His toys started to look better and better, his skills at the violin had earned him praise from his music teacher, but now, he wanted a break. He loved doing all of these things, but this weekend he wanted to go back into the forest of Everfree.

It had been a while since he had last been there, not that he was naive enough to think it was safe, but he had learned a trick or two to avoid the worst kind of dangers. Most ponies feared to go in, the way things were out of the control of ponies, everything from the weather, to the animals, to the plants, scared most of them for some reason. Somehow, that lack of control drew him to the mysterious woods.

It was like an adventure, and on each trip he made, he went further and further in. Again, his family had forbidden him to even go near, and if his father was a lesser stallion, he would have probably struck him by now for disobeying. Thankfully most ponies were kind and gentle, and so never resorted to that kind of punishment, but the sad fact was, some did.

He did not like to break rules, but his curiosity would not allow him to stay away. He wanted to explore, learn more, draw the animals he saw, gain inspiration for his toys. In the seclusion of the woods, it was like his imagination could wander, and go free.

As the forest could be dangerous, he brought a few things just in case. In his belt he had his knife, his dad had allowed him to take it out, as he trusted him to use it responsibly. He knew it was a large amount of trust he had put on his kid, but Nicholas was very mature when it came to most things, and he had always shown to treat his knife as ONLY a tool, never a toy.

Other than that, he had also placed some rope within his belt, it hung from his left side along with the bag. Inside the back were two pencils, a water bottle and some biscuits. He had also brought a sketch book and a notebook, the sketch was to record the things he found interesting, the notebook was for ideas or observations.

If you think that is a lot for a kid to prepare, or do on his own, then I only have one answer for you kids.... Twilight Sparkle, oh, and P S, Cutie Mark Crusaders. Yeah, that's what I thought. Anyway!

As he walked deeper and deeper into the forest, he started to hum a tune. He was not sure where he got it from, he knew he had never heard any pony hum it, but it felt familiar to him, and so, he simply kept humming it as he walked down the mossy and grassy trails.

By now he knew which plants to avoid, and he knew the places he had explored quite well, so he was not afraid of getting lost. He kept humming, still making sure to keep an eye and an ear out for any sounds of trouble. However, none came to his attention.

He could understand why most ponies feared this place, when you first got in, it looked gloomy and dark, it did for a good while, but he knew for a fact it would become lighter, he had seen it himself. Last time he had been here, he had been walking around for quite some time, right up until he spotted a small river. It was not very large, narrow, some places shallow, other places deep. It was narrow enough for him to jump over if he wanted, but he had not done so as of yet.

What was more fascinating however was the other side of the river, he could see the sun's powerful rays cut through the trees, lighting up the green all around, lighting everything up in it's warm light. The bright colors of the flowers, bushes and the trees, it was all something that lured the young Nicholas closer.

Nicholas had never been there, but today, he was determined to cross the small river and explore the unknown area!


It took about two hours getting to the small river, mostly it was because he needed to be careful and to find the correct path. Since he had only been there once before, he moved forward slowly. But now, with the sound of running water, and soon enough the warm light of the other side, he found himself back where he was the last time.

He looked to the other side, seeing a clear difference. That side looked more friendly, a beautiful place he knew ponies would like. His side on the other hand was more mysterious, dark and gloomy, but not without its shares of wonders and beauty mind you.

It was time to leap across, so, taking a deep breath, getting himself ready to go further than he had ever been from home. Steeling his nerves, he clenched his fists, took a few steps back, and then finally he ran. Picking up as much speed as he could, he leaped into the air, crossing the narrow river in one long jump.

He felt the soft moss under his boots as he landed, and as he slowly turned around, he saw he had crossed the river! He knew he could have simply walked over, but where was the fun in that? Life was an adventure, and to him, he had just crossed a grand valley filled with danger! Or at least, that is what he imagined.

Satisfied with his feat, he turned around and started to walk forward. It was just like he imagined it, the whole forest seemed to open up, the thick trees were spread out more, allowing more sunlight to come through, but still close enough to let the massive branches clover the most of the sky with it's green leaves.

It was so very peaceful here, so secluded and had a sense of calm. Starting to walk forward, he took in the beauty of the new forest landscape that was revealing itself to him. The more he walked, the more he started to relax. The trees were not standing so close here, it meant it would be hard for an animal to sneak up on him out here. There were lots of pretty flowers, bringing more color to the green cover that the moss and grass provided.

The birds sang in the trees above, and the critters played and ran along the branches. He smiled to himself, thinking that if ponies would ever come in here, then maybe they would start seeing the Everfree differently, but for now, he was content being the only one knowing of this little oasis within the dark forest.

There was only one thing, it felt like he was being watched...


He had walked for quite some time, his feet were a bit sore, but they didn't hurt. Finding a spot under one of the large trees, he sat down to relax and get a snack or two. He took his bag off his belt and placed it in front of him, pulling out his water bottle and took out a biscuit.

He chewed on the crunchy treats happily, leaning against the tree and enjoyed the green around him. He continued to munch on his snack when he suddenly heard a sound of a stick snapping. He turned his head around to look, but saw nothing. "Strange.." He wondered if it could have been an animal, then again it could have just been a branch falling from one of the trees.

He was about to take another bite from his biscuit, when he suddenly heard some weird scratching sounds coming from behind. This time he felt his hair rise as he got nervous and quickly moved and looked behind the tree, nothing. Again, it was strange, he could have sworn he heard something sounding like claws climbing a tree, like a squirrel.

This time when he looked back around, he noticed his bag seemed to have grown larger, and, alive? It was moving, but as he saw a little tail sticking out of the opening, he quickly concluded an animal had snuck in. As soon as he heard the small crunching sounds, he knew it was after his biscuits.

"Hey, stop that." He did not count on the animal understanding him, but maybe the sound of his voice would scare it off.

For a moment he thought it worked, the tail shot up into the air, becoming stiff, and the movements also stopped right away. Then slowly, it emerged from his bag, looking nervous and timid. As it turned to look at him, Nicholas at once knew he had never seen an animal like this.

It was furry, a snow white color. It's features were a little strange, no ugly, but it was foreign to him. It stood on two legs, it's feet seemed to assemble paws, but on it's arms was tiny fingers, they weren't long like his, but seemed to also form a sort of paw, but unlike its feet, it seemed to have functional palms, meaning it could grab and hold onto stuff, just like him.

It had two big pointy ears, and two large round blue eyes. It's facial features reminded him mostly of a cat, a tiny little nose, but with a mouth like his, and very expressional as it looked back at him with a mix of fear and nervousness. He gazed into its eyes, and he could see something he did not see in other animals, an intelligence that was beyond any simple animal.

Clearly the creature was young, he could tell it was smaller than it would be if it was an adult, maybe it was because it looked more fluffy, but that was his guess. Thinking quickly, he looked to the uneaten biscuit in his hand, and then slowly held it out to the strange creature.

At first it covered it's eyes, fearing he was going to hurt it, but Nicholas placed the biscuit down, then gave it a gentle push towards the creature and removed his hand. It opened its eyes, it's little nose moving as it started to sniff. Slowly, but surely, it moved closer, sniffing it some more, and then with a happy expression took the biscuit in both hands and took a large bite.

Nicholas swore he heard a yelp of delight coming from the small thing, and judging by the large smile on its face, he would say he was right. It continued to eat, sitting down on it's rump as it continued to enjoy the round treat.

He smiled to himself, finding the creature quite cute. "I wonder what you are, I have never seen someone like you before.." he said, not really to anyone.

But then suddenly the creature turned to him, it's eyes looking directly into his, and replied. "Is mise Mina. Is elf na foraoise mé." It said in what Nicholas could guess was a female voice. Though the gender interested him less right now, it spoke!?

"You, you can speak?" He asked in disbelief.

She nodded at him, looking more relaxed as it pointed at him and said. "Cad is ainm duit?" He had never heard a language like that before, and he simply tilted his head, trying to show he did not understand. She looked thoughtful, then pointed to herself and said. "Mina." Then pointed to him, and waited for him to respond.

Nicholas understood instantly, so he pointed to himself. "Nicholas."

The little creature, named Mina, smiled and started to speak. "Is maith bualadh leat Nicholas, cad é atá tú? Ní chapaillín tú."

Well, there was no way Nicholas understood any of what she said, but before he could let her know, he heard something that sounded like a massive explosion in the sky. "What the?!" He looked up, seeing some sort of rainbow colored wave moving across the sky.

Standing up to get a better look, he wondered what could have made something like that happen. It was beautiful, washing over the heavens like a colorful tidal wave of wonder. "Wow.." He smiled a little, shielding his eyes with one hand. Slowly, it started to vanish, and when it did, he returned his attention to his furry friend.

Only, she was not there anymore.

Nicholas looked around for a little bit, not understanding where she had gone to. "Mina?" He tried calling, but there was no answer. She was probably scared off by the strange explosion they heard, which reminded him, he'd better go home as well before it got too late.

He grabbed his bag, and quickly left for Ponyville.


It was evening when he finally returned home, the sun had been lowered and ponies were settling in for dinner. Nicholas knew his parents would not be too happy with him coming home after dinner time, but they also knew it was the weekend, and as he was growing up he needed to run free once in a while.

He opened the door to his house, the nice smell of tomato soup hit his nose. and he could feel his stomach rumble in response.

"Is that you, Nicholas?" His mother called.

"Yeah, sorry for being late." Nicholas called back and walked into the kitchen. He made his way over to his mother, and kissed her on the cheek. "That smells nice."

Rose Bright smirked. "Nice try, that won't get you out of trouble with your dad, young man." She chuckled and gave her son a quick nuzzle. "Where have you been all day?"

"All around." Nicholas replied as he walked over to the crib and smiled down at his little brother. "Hey Star Tail, having fun?" The little colt cheered as he saw his big brother, then continued to consume his toy with his mouth, sucking on it like it was a pacifier. Nicholas chuckled a bit. "Ho, ho, ho. Need any help mom?" Nicholas asked, glancing over at his mother.

She thought for a moment, then nodded. "Yes, can you get your father. I've already set the table."

Nicholas nodded. "Okay mom, just going to put my stuff in my room."

"Good." Rose smiled and then called after him as he walked up the stairs. "And wash your hands!"

"I will!" Nicholas called back down as he reached his room. There was not much to do, he did not bother closing the door as he just needed to get his stuff off and go get his dad, and wash hands of course. He unclipped the things from his belt, putting it on the table, then took off the bag and threw it to the bed.

It hit bed with a clear sounding thud, followed up by a little yelp. "Mew!"

Nicholas stopped. "Mew?" He looked to his bed, suddenly seeing his bag expand, then move around for a bit. Then suddenly it opened and out came the little creature he had met in the forest. "Mina?"

She scratched her head, mumbling something he didn't understand. "Ow, mo cheann.." Mina then turned to him, her expression turned to one of concern.

"Mina." Nicholas said again, walking over to her. "What are you doing in my bag? I thought you had run off?"

Her tail curled around to reach her tiny hands, and she started to fumble with it like a kid who had been caught doing something they weren't supposed to. "Tá brón orm, bhí eagla orm agus chuir mé i do mhála.." Again with that language.

Nicholas didn't understand, so he frowned and shook his head. "I'm sorry Mina, but I don't understand what you're saying.." Mina sighed, and looked down. "We got to get you back home." Nicholas continued. Mina's mood seemed to lighten as she heard that. "Although.." A glance out the window told him his parents would never allow him out at this time, and it would be too dangerous for him to wander the Everfree in the dark anyway.

Letting out a sigh, he sent Mina an apologetic look. "But it looks like we got to wait for tomorrow, Mina.." She looked disappointed, her ears dropping a bit. "Hey, it's gonna be fine, you can stay with me tonight, and tomorrow we go back to the forest, and then you can find your way home."

Mina brightened at that, her ears returning to their full size once again. "Oh, míle buíochas, Nicholas, míle buíochas!"

Nicholas chuckled a little, but then heard his mother call. "Nicholas?! Are you coming down to eat!?"

He had completely forgotten about dinner, but he quickly turned and called. "Coming ma! Sorry!" He turned to Mina again who gave him a questioning look. "I'll be right back, family dinner, you know. I'll bring you back some food, okay?"

Mina seemed to understand and gave him a small nod. With that handled, Nicholas quickly got out, closed the door, and of course, washed his hands.


After getting his dad, dinner began. His father sat at the end of the table, his mother on his right side, right beside Star Tail in his specially made chair. That way, Rose could feed him. Nicholas himself sat on Cutter's right side, quietly eating his soup.

It was pretty quiet around the table, his dad had not given him a lecture, maybe because he did not feel the need to do it. Suddenly however, his dad looked at him and asked. "Nicholas, are you okay?"

"Hm?" That question caught him off guard.

"With Applejack leaving for the city.. You must miss her."

Well, there was no getting around that fact, Nicholas did miss Applejack, a lot. Although, that was not really what was on his mind right now. He missed Applejack, but he knew he would see her again, and he would write to her, of course he would, though right now he had more pressing concerns.

For a brief moment he wondered if he should ask about Mina, try to see if they knew what kind of creature she was. Then again, It might not be good to worry them. If they found out he had been exploring the Everfree, again, they would get all worried and concerned.

No, maybe it was better to wait, maybe after he had gotten Mina back to the forest he would see what he could find out at the bookstore. Surely they had a book about the creatures living in Equestria.

"Nicholas?" His dad prompted.

"Oh!" Nicholas had been so deep in thought he had completely forgotten to answer his dad. "Sorry, yes I miss her, but I know I'll see her again.."

"Are you okay then?" His mother then asked.

Nicholas smiled a little. "Yes, i'm fine, just trying to get used to her not being here each day.." He shrugged. "Don't worry." That answer seemed to ease their concerns a little, but not making them vanish.


After dinner, Nicholas managed to sneak two buns for a snack, his mother never did mind, so he didn't bother hiding them. He came back to his room, quickly spotting Mina standing on his desk, looking over the figurine of Applejack. She looked fascinated by the wooden figure.

"That's Applejack, a filly I know." He smiled as he closed the door. "Got some homemade bread for you, if you're hungry." Mina jumped up in excitement and made her way over to the edge of the desk. He placed the buns on the table and she quickly started to consume them.

He in the meantime simply sat down, finding it cute her small satisfied noises as she enjoyed her food. After the first bun was consumed, she looked to the wooden figure, then pointed at it. "Pony, Applejack.." She said, then pointed at him. "Nicholas, cairde?"

Nicholas did not understand the last word she used, did she want to know what he was if not a pony? No, it was something else. "Uhm.."

She sighed, walking over to the figure, pointing at him, then at the figure, then picked it up and hugged it. After a second she let it go and repeated. "Cairde?"

"Uhm.." He thought for a moment, then coming up with a guess. "Friends you mean? Are you asking if we are friends?" Mina smiled and nodded. Nicholas couldn't help, but to smile as well. He then nodded. "Yes, best friends." She seemed happy with that answer, then let out a long yawn.

"Oh, are you tired? Well, me too." He said and sighed. "Let's go to bed." He made her a quick bed, using a small box and a lot of small blankets and scarves. Then he placed it on the nightstand next to his bed.

Mina hopped onto the bed, then went to the nightstand and inspected her bed. After a few seconds she nodded with approval and got in, snuggling up into a ball like a small cat. Chuckling at the sight, Nicholas got into his own bed, moving under the covers so he was nice and snug too. "Good night Mina.."

The little voice spoke from the makeshift bed. "Codladh go maith, Nicholas.."

She sounded tired, and he could not blame her. It had certainly been an eventful day. Exploring the forest, meeting Mina, seeing that strange rainbow wave in the sky. There were certainly a lot of things to write about to Applejack once he heard from her.

He smiled a little to himself as he turned off the lights, hoping it wouldn't be too long before he saw his friend again. If you know anything about Ponyville history kids, I'm sure you know that answer, hehe.

Chapter 8: Welcome Home

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Chapter 8.

Welcome Home.

The morning sun rose, it's gentle light hit Nicholas's face, or, at least it would, if not for a certain furry creature who had decided to make his face her resting spot. "Mmmh.." Nicholas took a deep breath, then found himself a bit muffled. "Hmm?" He opened his eyes, only to see the white fur of Mina. "Mmmfh?"

The vibrations from his mouth seemed to wake her, so she slowly sat up, rubbed her eyes and stretched. Nicholas looked up at her, picked her up, much to her surprise, and sat her down beside him. "Good morning.." He said quietly, still feeling tired from the long walk yesterday.

Mina rubbed her eyes again and looked at him. "Maidin mhaith."

He sat up, stretched. "Got comfy?" Nicholas teased, and for a moment he could swear he saw Mina blush from embarrassment. Chuckling a bit, he looked out the window to see the sun was still rising, which meant it was pretty early, which in turn meant his parents had yet to wake up.

Perfect time to sneak out before they got up, perfect time to bring Mina home. He stood up, made his bed, and started to get dressed. Mina looked on with interest, watching his every move as he took out a tunic, his belt and so forth. She jumped down to the floor, walking over to some of the discarded garments on the floor. Feeling it with her hands, she seemed fascinated by the feeling and look.

"Céard é sin?"

He was not entirely sure what she asked him, but he had an idea. Slipping on his green tunic, he gestured to it and replied. "It's a tunic, I don't have fur like you or ponies, so it keeps me warm."

His guess seemed to have been spot on, because Mina nodded satisfied with the explanation. When he finished putting on his belt and his bag, he got down to one knee and held out a hand. "Come on, you better stay in my bag when we go through town. I don't think many will be out yet, but you can never be too careful."

Mina understood, and hurried over to his hands so he could lift her up. He did so gently, and placed her inside his bag. Nicholas did not bother with sealing it, he simply made sure that she was covered and could peek out whenever she wanted to.

He looked down at her, seeing her little head picking out, her ears pushing back by the leather flap that covered the opening. "Ready to go?"

She gave a nod of confirmation. "Réidh."


The walk through Ponyville was pleasant, well, it was always pleasant, but Nicholas found when nopony was around at this time, it gave the already quiet town some new peace. Nicholas was not a loner, but he enjoyed the quiet. Mina looked around with fascination, her eyes pretty much sparkling at the sight of the many cottages.

"Tá sé chomh deas!"

She exclaimed over and over again, Nicholas figured she was excited to see a pony town up close. He still wondered though, what was Mina? It was a question for another time, for now he was going to bring her home, then hopefully be back before sundown. He planned on going to the bookshop, maybe see if somepony could open up the old library, or maybe even ask Granny Smith from Sweet Apple Acres?

Surely she would know about the creatures of the Everfree, she was like, a billion years old, right?

As soon as he thought that, he felt a small pinch in his right ear. He winched, and by reflex put a hand up to it. No one was there, but for a moment it felt like someone pinched him. He shivered, thinking Granny Smith worked in mysterious ways. Probably best not to think too hard about it.


It did not take them long to reach the forest, and when they did, Mina got out of the bag and climbed onto Nicholas's shoulder. She seemed more comfortable in here, not nervous like most ponies would be. Though, why would she? She probably knew the forest better than he ever would.

For a moment, he felt his stomach growl, probably not the best idea to skip breakfast, but he needed to bring Mina back. She had spent the night at his place, a foreign place to her, so she probably wanted to get home as soon as possible.

The two embarked on their journey, moving through the dark gloomy parts of the forest, not that it bothered Nicholas as much as it did the ponies. He was able to see the subtle beauty of this place, despite what most ponies thought, this place had a peace and harmony that a being, such as himself, could find beautiful. In it's raw uncontrolled chaos, there was order and balance.

Mina seemed to pick up on this as well, not as much the forest, but him. She saw how he walked with confidence and with no fear. Caution at times yes, but only when the situation called for such precautions. She was impressed with the young human, not many would go in this forest with such courage.

On the way, the two chatted for a bit, Nicholas mainly trying to pick up on some of her words, and he did get some right. The two had fun with this, trying to get him to understand her was a challenge, but like with every skill Nicholas had, he always worked hard on it.

Finally, after two hours of walking, Nicholas decided to go the way he had gone the day before, but Mina stopped him. She jumped down onto the forest floor and waved at him to follow her. "Níl, níl, mar seo. Tar liom!" She smiled and started to move another direction.

Nicholas was not about to argue with one who had lived in the forest all her life, so he did as she asked and followed her.

She took him far, not sure how far, but the forest seemed to become more dense and thick. It felt like they walked through a maze, filled with twists and turns, and for the first time, Nicholas was not sure where they were. Mina on the other hand seemed to walk with purpose and direction, knowing exactly when to turn, when to stop, and where to go.

After for what seemed like forever, she stopped. Nicholas did the same and saw they had stopped in front of what could only be described as a massive wall of nature. It was like great many vines, bushes, trees, everything creating a blanket, or a sort of curtain, masking whatever laid behind it.

Nicholas looked to Mina who smirked, and pointed to the wall, then suddenly going through it with ease. Nicholas however, hesitated for a moment, he had no idea what was on the other side, but Mina trusted him enough to bring him here, so it was only fair of him to trust her in return. Moving his hands forward, he slid the curtain of nature to the sides, allowing him to go through.


To say the sight surprised Nicholas would have been an understatement. Here he was, standing in the Everfree forest, looking at something that could only be described as a.. Village? Yes, that's exactly what this was, a village built into the forest itself.

He saw small doors at the base of the trees, leading into homes directly under them he suspected. Small bridges, ropes holding up small glowing mushrooms and so forth. He was pretty sure he saw things like shops, homes, dirt roads that were supposed to be streets.

The only thing missing was the inhabitants.

He looked around, and sure enough, no one was about, except for him and Mina that was. She in the meantime was about a meter ahead of him, still smiling as she took a deep breath and called out.

"Mama, papa, gach duine! Tá mé ar ais, agus thug mé cara nua!!"

Other than the two first words, he had no idea what she just yelled out, but that soon became somewhat clearer as the tiny doors opened up slowly. Soon enough small faces appeared, then soon after that, creatures like Mina came out of all sorts of hiding places. Out the doors, behind bushes and rocks, down the trees, even out of a small pond.

They were all furry, long eared and all had the features Mina had. Still, like ponies, they had different sizes, colors and so on. Some were brown, some were red, others had beards, others had full blown braided hair, some were old, some were young. All of them came closer, carefully of course as he was a giant among them.

Nicholas sat down slowly, making himself a little smaller and trying to look as friendly as he could. Thankfully Mina was a great help as she moved over to him, patted his knee and smiled. "Seo Nicholas, chuidigh sé liom dul abhaile. Tá sé an-deas!"

Her words seem to make the creatures relax as they now approached him at a normal pace. Two of them however ran to Mina and gave her a big hug, speaking fast and in that language he didn't understand. What was clear however was that these two were her parents, and he had seen that look on his own enough times to know Mina was getting half a scolding and a half 'so glad you're okay', talk.

Mina gestured to him, and her parents looked at him with grateful eyes. Even though he had not done much, in fact, in some ways it might be a little his fault. Though, Mina was safely back home, and so there was no harm done.

The orange coated creature which he could only guess was Mina's father stepped forward and bowed to him. "Go raibh maith agat as ár dteach Mina a thabhairt."

Though he didn't understand everything he said, Nicholas understood enough to know he was saying thank you. So he placed a hand over his heart and bowed his head. "You're welcome, I'm happy she is back home with you."

After that, the many creatures seemed to grow from careful to interested. Soon enough they were examining him, climbing on him, talking to him. He found it fun, and Mina seemed to find it extra funny how much the younger ones enjoyed climbing on him.

They brought him berries and nuts to feed him, and they all seemed to become very festive as they celebrated a new friend and the return of one of their own.

At some point Mina seemed to tell them about him, all of the creatures listened like she was telling them a fairy tail. At first Nicholas had no idea what she spoke off, though that soon became clear when she turned to him and pointed to his knife, then at some small piece of wood.

"Oh, I..." He was not sure if he should, but they seemed really excited to see his carving skills. He took out the knife, making sure to keep it a good distance from any of the curious creatures.

Thinking about what to make, he looked around to see what he could carve that might be helpful to them all. He didn't have enough time to make anything too complicated, so he started to make tiny toys for the small ones. Nothing overly complicated, some wooden swords and shields for the boys, and for the girls he made small dolls using grass, flowers and small pieces of sticks.

All the creatures looked in fascination at his speed and eye for detail. Though the ideas and designs were basic, he still had a natural talent for making them look amazing. All the young ones loved the gifts and of course started to play right away.

That was not the end of it however, soon enough they were all pulling him to different places around their village. One wanted him to help repair a small bridge, Nicholas did just that, even making it able to rise and lower, to which they all applauded.

Another one wanted a table, a third a new door to his home, and before he knew it, Nicholas was making stuff for them all. To his mild surprise Mina made them all line up in orderly fashion and helped keep order and made sure he was not overworked.

Hours passed, but Nicholas did not mind, nor did he notice, he simply kept working, making everything from doors, tables, a chair, even a cane or two. It was not before the very last of them had received the last gift, and they all cheered at him, he noticed the sun's position.

The few seconds of worry was quickly drowned out by the cheers of them all. He smiled bashfully, seeing them so happy for all the things he had made them. True joy really, to them it was not simple objects, they really seemed to cherish them, which kind of made him happy, but a little sad as well. The things he had made, although skillful, were made by the materials he had on hand. It would be something else if he had been at home, in his dad's workshop.

However they all seemed to love their gifts so much it quickly made his sad feelings vanish.

Finally, he stood up and dusted himself off. "Well, I have to get home, my mum will start worrying about me." He heard a collective; 'Awwwwww', and he chuckled a little at that. "Sorry, but like Mina, I have a family that will miss me too if i'm gone too long."

Disappointed, but understanding, the creatures offered their goodbyes and waves. Mina and her parents however decided to follow him out, guiding him back the way him and Mina came. This time around, the travel time seemed to go much faster than before, only an hour, but at that time the sun had started to lower.

Standing at the edge of the forest Nicholas got down on one knee and smiled at his new friends. "Well, guess this is where we part ways." Mina whined slightly, frowning even. Nicholas chuckled. "Don't worry Mina, we'll see each other again, I promise."

She looked up at him, her big eyes staring into his. "Geall?"

Although he still could not be sure, he guessed she asked him if he promised, and so he smiled and nodded. "Promise." Mina smiled a little, then walked over to him, reached out for a hug, which Nicholas gladly gave.

With the day over, with the goodbyes said, Nicholas started to make his way down the dirt road, towards Ponyville and his home. He was tired, but happy. He had gotten a ton of new friends, and it seemed life was not going to be as boring without Applejack as he had worried about.

As soon as he finished that thought however, he noticed something in the distance. It looked like it was moving with great speed, picking up dust as it moved down the road and towards him. "What in Celestia..?" He narrowed his eyes, trying to see what it was that moved with such haste.

Then his eyes grew wide as he took a step back. "Appleja-Oufh!" Before he knew it he was tackled by an orange filly only a head smaller than him. He was flung onto his back, staring up at the green eyes he had grown so accustomed to.

Before he could even speak a word of shock, she glared at him. "Where the hay have you been?! Ah have you know, ah have been looking fer you all darn day!" Nicholas didn't speak, he was still in shock over seeing her, then being tackled and then hearing her swear like this. Before he got a chance to respond she lunged forward and hugged him. "Ah missed ya, you big log."

Big might be a bit much, but he was taller than her, but certainly not stronger. Nicholas smiled, then moved his arms around her. "Missed you too, Applejack.. But why did you come back?"

Applejack got off him. "Well, kind of a long story.. Only just arrived this morning, but speaking of that. Look at this!" She turned, wiggling her flank. "See here!"

Nicholas got wide eyes. "Applejack! You, you got your cutie mark!"

"Ah know, isn't it amazing!?" She exclaimed and pretty much beamed with pride.

"That's so great." Nicholas smiled as he stood up. "Come on, you can tell me all about it on the way back."

And so, the two friends walked down the dirt road towards Ponyville, Applejack told him everything that happened in Manehatten, how she saw the strange rainbow in the sky and how she came to return. Quite the interesting story for sure, and it was not like he didn't have things to tell her as well. Though, for now he decided to keep his adventures in the Everfree to himself, he would tell her at some point, but for now he would rather keep his friends in the forest a secret until he knew more. For now, he was simply glad Applejack was back!

That night, he got to bed with a happy feeling, he'd gotten new friends and his very best had returned! What a day, what a long, but fun day. He closed his eyes, letting sleep overtake him as he thought about how perfect this was, nothing could ruin this, nothing at all.


The very next morning.

Nicholas yawned, feeling the sun hit him through the window as it did every morning. He was not sure why, but he had slept extra well tonight, his bed felt warmer, softer, fluffier than normal. Then, slowly he opened his eyes, only to find hundreds of eyes staring back at him.

"Wha?!" Nicholas jumped back and managed to fall out of the bed. He looked confused around the many creatures, and it was not until Mina jumped down in front of him they all greeted him at once.

"Maidin mhaith, Nicholas!"

He looked at all the creatures smiling at him, and there were only two words that made it past his lips at this point.

"Oh dear...."

Chapter 9: Little Helpers

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Chapter 9.

Little Helpers.

Four months had passed, and things had gotten pretty busy lately, Nicholas had gotten his best friend back from Manehatten, but at the same time he'd gotten hundreds of new furry friends living with him now as well. Thankfully with some quick thinking, he had managed to convince them to live up in the attic for now, nopony had been up there for years.

Nicholas knew however this was not the ideal place for them to live, and so he tried to get them to return to the forest, that seemed forever ago however. How he had managed to keep the fact that there were over a hundred wood creatures hiding in the attic he had no idea.

However, he did learn a few things about Mina and her kind. Firstly, they were called elves, they were masters at stealth, if they wanted no pony or human would be able to see, hear or smell them. In the night, hundreds of them could move through the house without any soul in the house even noticing something was afoot.

Another thing he had learned about them was that they could perform small acts of magic. It was nothing like unicorn magic, no, these were tiny spells, something that made it easy for them to play with the world around them.

Elves are mischievous creatures, they are kind-hearted by nature, but when bored, they like to use their magic to make small pranks. Making the milk go sour, or change color from white to green. Filling the drawers with confetti, making the letters in the books spell out naughty words. The pranks were harmless enough, but Nicholas didn't want them to draw too much attention to themselves.

He found the best way to keep them from making pranks was to keep them busy with something, so he started to teach them his trade. Some he showed how to carve things out of wood, others how to use hammers or other tools, some he showed to sew or how to paint.

Before Nicholas knew it, he had a small army of little helpers on hand. Elves were quick learners, but it seemed they could only master one skill, which meant a master carver would never be able to sew a pair of socks. He didn't mind, and now that they had something to practice they seemed to help around the house at night.

Sometimes finishing a project his father worked on, fixed a cloth for his mom, cleaned the house, anything really to show their gratitude towards Nicholas. It made him wonder though, the more he showed them, the more he took care of them, the more loyal they seemed to become.

Soon he had learned their language, or at least enough to understand them better. He learned how to spot them, even when they were hiding, even learned a few tricks of distraction. How to avert the attention of a pony, sleight of hand you might say.

Of course, with his little helpers running out of things to do, he worried they would start their mischief again. Not out of malice, but out of boredom. Living in a house was not the same as living in the forest after all, which was why he had tried to convince the elves to return there. But no matter how many times he talked to them, they simply refused to leave him.

He was not sure how to take this devotion, which only seemed to grow stronger when he gifted them all with clothes. Nothing too complicated, some different colored tunics and dresses. He also gave them some pants, belts and hats. They all REALLY seemed to like the hats, which were all pointy.

Mina, who seemed to be his only ally when it came to order and no mischief, was given a red set of clothes, which she loved. She got a pointy hat with a bell, a red tunic/dress with no sleeves, and a pair of light brown pants. Also, he gave her a small clipboard and pencil which she took an immediate liking to.

It helped her keep track of all the elves, and she sort of became the head elf after that. She was his number one assistant, keeping order, and made sure her clan of elves did not get into trouble.

Winter had just started to come rolling over Equestria, snow had started to fall, and in a month it would be Hearth's Warming Eve, a time of family, friends, joy and giving presents, which most foals enjoyed. Nicholas enjoyed it too, it was his birthday, well, the day his pony parents took him in, but it was also a time when he was reminded more strongly that someone had given birth to him, and he somehow ended up here, alone.

It made him wonder if there was more like him, if he was wanted or not, who he was supposed to be?

Thankfully the feelings passed very quickly as he thought about his life in Equestria. He had friends, a loving family, a home. There was no need to wonder what might have been or might be, for he had everything he needed already.

The only question right now was, what was he going to do with all his little helpers?



The sudden voice of Applejack brought Nicholas back into the present. He had been in deep thought once again, and Applejack had a concerned look on her face.

"Huh? What?"

"What's wrong sugarcube? You've been mighty quiet for some time."

In the midst of all his thinking, Nicholas had completely forgotten the world around him. He sat in the Apple's family living room, the fireplace crackled gently, keeping the farm house warm and cozy, thick snow fell slowly from the sky above, and the whole house smelled of freshly baked cookies. He and Applejack were enjoying some hot chocolate Granny Smith had made them.

They sat on the floor, a board game between them, it was his turn by the looks of it. Quickly picking up the dice, he shook them in his hands before letting them roll gently across the board. "Sorry, I just have a lot on my mind, that's all."

"I can tell." She replied while he moved his piece. "And if you don't mind me saying so, you've been acting strange lately." Applejack noted as she narrowed her eyes. "Are ya hiding something from me?"

What was he supposed to say to that, in all honesty, he had kept the truth about the elves hidden from her. Applejack hated when ponies lied to her, and she had a way of sensing these things. Nicholas in turn hated to lie, though it was not like he had outright done so, he simply did not tell her about them.

Now that he thought about it, he had no real reason to keep this from her, or any pony for that matter. Then again, he figured it would be best not to bring too many ponies into this. Although kind creatures, elves did not like too many ponies to know about them, Mina and her clan had made that clear, he was not sure why. Surely it would be okay to bring Applejack into the loop, right?

"Well you know, I had some ideas, some problems.." He said almost in a mumble. "Maybe it will be easier if I just show you.." Nicholas stood up. "Come on back to my house."

Applejack frowned. "Now? Isn't it locked?"

Nicholas nodded. "I have a spare key."

His parents were at some party in Canterlot, so him and Star Tail were spending the night here. Star Tail and Apple Bloom had become quite fond of one another, and spent a lot of time playing nonsense games that foals that age play.

"It won't be long, I promise."

Applejack nodded a little, then stood up. "Alright then, but we better not be late for dinner."

"We won't." Nicholas assured her. "I know how cranky you get when we don't get some food in you." He felt her hoof punch his shoulder. "Ouch!" The two laughed lightly as they walked into the hallway and got dressed for the cold weather.

Nicholas felt a bit nervous about revealing his little army of helpers to Applejack, but it would be easier if she knew, and he had somepony to talk to about it. Hopefully, she wouldn't be too freaked out as well.


It didn't take them too long to travel to Ponyville, move through the snow covered streets, and reach his house. Although it snowed, it was nothing so bad they would not be able to move around outside. Making his way to the front door, Nicholas put in the spare key, and turned.


The door unlocked, and the two were free to walk inside. It was a little cold, but the house had stood empty since this morning. Applejack shook a little, somehow it always felt colder inside a cold house than it did outside with the snow.

"So.." Applejack began, and eyed her friend. "What is the thing you wanted to show me?"

Nicholas sighed a little, clearly nervous about this, but he turned to her and looked her directly in the eyes. "First things first, I need to prepare for it, can you please wait in the living room?" At first it looked like Applejack was about to say something, but she kept her mouth shut, and simply nodded. Mentally he sighed with relief, if she waited, he would have time talking to the elves, hopefully they would trust him enough to trust Applejack. She was, after all, the most honest pony he knew, so he hoped that would convince them to trust her.

Walking upstairs, he found the hatch in the ceiling leading to the attic. He took a deep breath. "Just convince them she is okay, nothing to worry about, right?"


Applejack had made herself comfortable on the couch, she was still a little cold, but nothing that bothered her too much. For a moment she thought about turning on the light, but she was not sure how long they were going to stay, so for now she didn't bother with it.

Her thoughts were occupied too much anyway to really think about the cold. Nicholas had started acting strange not long after she came back from Manehatten. For the last four months, he had been making excuse after excuse for them not to hang out at his home, but at hers. She knew he was hiding something, but what? Could it be a special gift? A toy he had been working on maybe? Or maybe... She blushed.

'Oh, gosh, what if it's a confession letter??'

Like any little filly, many dreamed of a love letter, some dreamed of writing them, others hoped to receive them. Surely he couldn't be thinking of giving her such a thing!? But, but what if it was, how should she react? Did she accept it? Or should she accept it, read it, then was she supposed to give an answer?????!!!!!

She felt like screaming, and was just about to grab a pillow and scream into that, but suddenly she heard a strange sound from behind.


She looked, but nopony was there. That was strange, for a moment she could have sworn it sounded like tiny footsteps. Then another sound caught her attention, this time from another direction which she quickly turned her head to face, still nopony however.

Applejack got off the couch. "H-hello? Nicholas?" Something ran across the floor behind her, and she quickly turned, but once again, she could see nothing. "If this is you Nicholas, then it ain't funny." She said in a half attempt to sound brave.

She started to back up slowly, her eyes darting around the room in hopes of spotting whatever was running around. When she felt her flank bump against one of the tables, she stopped, still looking around. She saw nothing, but then, something caught her attention, it was faint, but it was like she could hear small grunts from above her.

Slowly, she turned her head up, and her eyes grew wide. There, on the table stood four furry creatures, all looking at her with narrowed eyes. She was about to say something when suddenly the biggest one of the creatures pointed at her and yelled out. "Tóg í!!"

They jumped her, and Applejack let out a scream.


The scream made Nicholas almost fall down the ladder to the attic, Mina jumping onto his shoulder as he ran down the hall and the stairs. "Applejack!?" The scream had startled him, had she gotten hurt or something.

When he reached the end of the stairs, he turned and quickly made his way into the living room. "Applejack, are you.." He froze in shock. On the floor was Applejack, glaring at the little creatures as they tightened the ribbons they had used to hogtie her with. She growled some words, but no words came out as they were not able to make it through the red apple they had lodged in place in her muzzle.

When she saw Nicholas she wiggled, saying something he didn't quite understand. "Mmmfg! Hmmfhh!"

The four elves that had captured her looked at Nicholas with pleased smiles. "Ghlacamar ionróir!" One of them said, proudly proclaiming they had captured an intruder.

Nicholas shook his head while Mina jumped down and started to scold them. "She is not an intruder, she's my friend." He told the elves and hurried over, removing the apple from Applejack's muzzle. "Are you okay?"

"What in tarnation are those things, Nicholas!? And how do ya know them?!" She asked, still very much angry. Though as he untied her, her anger started to fade a little. "Ya have some explaining to do."

Nicholas nodded. "I know.."


When she was untied, the four elves that had tied her up all stood with their hats in their paws, looking down at the floor with ashamed frowns on their faces. Mina crossed her arms, shaking her head. "Anois, leithscéal a ghabháil le Applejack." She said sternly.

Applejack, now sitting on the couch next to Nicholas, leaned over and asked quietly. "What is she saying?"

He said back, almost as quietly as her. "She is telling them to apologize to you."


Mina took a step away and the four culprits said in unison. "Tá brón orainn.."

Applejack looked to Nicholas who gave her a nod in return, confirming they were saying sorry. She looked back at them, they looked like foals who had just gotten a good scolding, which they probably had gotten from Mina. "No harm done." She finally said, and the four elves seemed to let out a sigh in relief.

Nicholas smiled relieved that they could work it out and not leave a permanent bad impression on Applejack. "Very good, guys." He looked to his number one elf. "Mina, can you bring the rest of the clan down, let's introduce everyone probably this time." Mina nodded with a smile and soon vanished with the four other elves following her.

Once they were alone, Applejack looked at him again. "What are they, and how can you understand what they are saying?"

"Well, it's kind of a long story.." Nicholas started to explain everything that had happened when she went to Manehatten, everything from meeting Mina to having them live here. Applejack couldn't help but laugh at some of his stories, though she was not the biggest fan of mischief, even she had to laugh a little at the elves' antics.

"So let me see if ah get this straight.." She said, looking thoughtful. "Ah go to Manehatten to try my luck in the big city, and you in meantime has gone ahead and become the elf king?"

Nicholas smirked and nudged her with his shoulder. "Very funny.."

Letting out a chuckle, she looked ahead to where the elves had vanished off too. "So why are they staying with you?"

"No idea.. Well, maybe.." He let out a sigh, not sure how to explain it. "I've learned a lot while they have been here, learned their language, some of their history, and I think some sort of bond has been created.." He explained and then scratched his head before leaning back a little frustrated. "I don't know, it hurts my brain just thinking about why.."

She chuckled a bit and leaned back as well. "You've always been more of a dreamer than a thinker." He snorted with a slight smirk in response. "So what are ya plans for them now?"

Nicholas twiddled his thumbs. "W-well.. I do have an idea..." He said almost in a mumble.

"Well, don't leave me hanging now, spit it out."

"I was thinking, making toys too the foals in Ponyville, and, you know, maybe give them away on hearth's warming eve.." He admits, not sure how she will take the idea.

Applejack is not one to mock or anything, but there were quite many foals in Ponyville, that was quite a lot of toys. Applejack was not even sure if she could name them all. Some were in their class, sure, but there were others, older and younger. After a moment of thinking she said. "That's quite a tall order, sugarcube.. Why would ya even try to do that?"

It was a good question, one that Nicholas had asked himself several times by now, and he always came to the same conclusion. Closing his eyes, he placed a hand on his chest, and simply spoke from the heart. "I've lived here in Ponyville for as long as I can remember.. I'm not a pony, and I know my parents adopted me, even when they didn't have to." Applejack did not reply, she simply sat there, looking at him as he spoke. "Everypony here has accepted me, treated me like a normal colt, even though I'm not.. Sure, I get some questions now and again, but everypony has been so kind to me, accepted me.." He felt a few tears of true joy come to his eyes, and he did not attempt to hide them. "I've got my family.." He opened his eyes and looked at her. "And you.. My life has been nothing short of a blessing, so I figured I wanted to give something back, even though I can never truly repay them.."

Once again, Applejack was struck with how mature Nicholas could be, even at his age. Though, she smiled, happy to know he really loved his life here. She had often thought about how he was feeling, if he felt left out, or like he didn't belong. He had obviously had such thoughts, but it seemed he had come to terms with that, and seemed to simply accept and enjoy the life he had to the fullest.

She gave him a nod, sending her trademark smile, which Nicholas always thought should be plastered on their apple cider bottles. "As ah said, it's a lot of work for you.. You only have a month to get ready, and even if you do manage to make them, will you just go around and hand them out?"

Nicholas shook his head. "No, I don't care about the credit or anything, I think I will give them out while everypony is sleeping."

"Why?" Applejack asked, a little confused.

"Well, if ponies see me working on a lot of toys and I then hand them out, they will start to think they will have to give me something back. It also means it won't be a surprise if they know I am making them."

Applejack frowned. "So ya need to make about.." She did a mental calculation, which was not her strong suit. "At least one hundred toys in one month, then deliver all those around Ponyville in one night. Ya won’t be done before sunrise."

"One hundred and six." Nicholas corrected with a small smile. "And I know, but it will be worth it."

"Not to mention if ya want to keep it a secret, ya need a place to work, a place to store all the toys too. That won't be easy, not one bit." She reminded him. "You also can't be found out, sneaking around after bedtime is bad, not to mention if one sees you they'll assume ya're up to no good."

Nicholas nodded again. "I know.. But.."

Applejack held up a hoof. "Ah know, and ah will help ya if ah can.. But how do you imagine you can do this?"

"Well.." Nicholas smiled, then turned his head towards the living room. "I know some pretty good helpers."

Applejack looked to where he was looking, and once again, her eyes went wide. The entire living room was filled with the entire elf clan that had moved in. All smirking as they held up their tools to show support for Nicholas's plan. She could not help but to be a little impressed.

"I wanted to tell you this, because I want your help, and.." He looked back at her. "Because I don't wanna hide anything from you.."

Applejack blushed slightly, then gave his shoulder a weak punch. "Of course i'll help ya, partner!"

Nicholas smiled at her, then at the elves. "Then I guess we have a lot of work to do, only a month to heathe's warming eve!" The elves cheered, and thus the groundwork began.

Nicholas had one month to prepare for hearth's warming eve, one month to make the toys, and one night to deliver them. He knew it was a lot of work, but he knew with his friend's help, he could make it.

Let the work begin.

Chapter 10: The Big Night

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Chapter 10.

The Big Night.

The work had begun, Nicholas had a goal, to make at least one hundred and six toys, and deliver them on hearth's warming eve. It was a massive task for the young Nicholas, but one he knew he was not alone in working towards. However! There were a lot of logistical questions and issues that needed to be solved before work could even begin.

First, they needed a place to build and store the toys.

They would not be able to build them in his dad's workshop, he would know his tools had been used, and he would notice something had been going on during the night. So that place was out. Applejack thankfully had a solution. With the winter cold, there was not much work to be done around the farm, which meant the barn saw little to no use, especially back then with Big Mac and Applejack not being older than they were. It provided a warm place to work at night, and even a place to hide the toys, to which Applejack knew all the best places. Problem solved.

Second was the supplies.

Again, Nicholas could not use the wood his father had. Not that it was a money problem, but it took time to get the right trees needed. The trees they needed were the biggest issue, other things they might need were simply things like paint, nails, tools, strings and small metal parts. All things Nicholas and Applejack could get with ease, and with Nicholas's allowance, he would be able to purchase most of it. With the wood needed, the elves simply went to the forest and got whatever was needed per Nicholas's instructions. Problem solved.

Great, they had a place to work, and things to work with! But that was not the end of their problems. They needed to know the names of the colts and fillies, know where they lived, and have some idea what they might like for hearth's warming eve. This problem was easier to deal with. During the night, he would send some elves out to gather Intel. Provided with some maps of Ponyville, his scouting teams went out to find out everything they needed to know, that way he could write every name down on some sort of list. Applejack told him it was important not to give the wrong gifts to the wrong colt or filly, so she suggested that he check the list at least twice, which he did.

Well then, they had the place, means, and information, now they only needed to get the toys built.

Nicholas in this regard thanked his lucky stars for the elves, without them, he would never be able to get them all built. They were hard workers, which impressed Applejack whenever she could sneak out and watch for a bit. It was hard for Nicholas to sneak out of his house, which the Elves noticed, something needed to be done if he was to go around Ponyville at night.


Applejack snuck out after Granny and Big Mac had fallen asleep. She figured Nicholas was already in the barn working with the elves. It was always fun to watch the work unfold, and she was happy that the barn idea had worked out so well. When she went inside, she somewhat expected the elves to be hard at work along with Nicholas, but instead she found the barn dark, except for a few lamps here and there.


"Shhhh." A lot of tiny voices hushed.

Then she heard a few bells ring, and then a lot of groans. More of the lamps were lit, and she Nicholas in the middle of the barn, surrounded by tables, some chairs, and some hay balls. Nicholas wore one of his tunics, but she noticed he had a lot of tiny bells attached to it.

She smirked a bit. "What's that fer, partner?"

Nicholas sighed. "Mina and the others thought I needed some practice in sneaking around.."

"Oh, did they now? And what's the purpose of the bells?" She asked and walked over to some hay and sat down, finding the scene kind of amusing.

"Well, if I move wrong, then the bells will make sounds." He pointed to one end of the barn. "I start over there." Then pointed to the other end. "And finish when I reach the ther. They placed things in the way for me to get around."

Applejack had to chuckle a little. "Well, before we know it, ya be a proper thief pony."

Nicholas frowned. "I would never steal from any pony."

Her expression got soft as she nodded a little. "Ah know sugarcube, it was just a joke." Standing up she made her way towards him. "So, how about we make this more realistic?"


"Well, playing hide and seek of course. Same tunic, obstacles, but ah will be looking fer ya. If ah see ya, you lose. If ya make it to the end, ya win." She smirked. "Deal?"

Nicholas chuckled. "Deal."


The lights were turned off again, and Applejack could feel her heart jump as it did. She started to simply walk around, her ears peaked as she tried to listen for him. She knew Nicholas was out there somewhere, in the darkness, and though it was her task to find him, she kinda wished for him to find her instead.

Her heart was beating faster, she was not sure why, she was the one supposed to find him after all, not the other way around. Still, the mix of darkness and trying to pick up any sound was kind of, not scary per say, but something that made one's heart beat faster with anticipation.

She didn't know why she was getting so giddy, maybe because she was getting to that age, or maybe just because she was in a playful mood. Her breathing was steady as she walked through the darkness, trying to listen for any little ring the bells might make.

Step by step, she carefully moved around the barn. No one said anything, not an elf, not her, and certainly not Nicholas. The anticipation was almost enough to make her scream or laugh in frustration. Then, when she finally heard a tiny little ring, her whole body tensed, then turned, and leaped at the sound, yelling out. "Gotcha!"


Indeed she found her target alright, in fact, she managed to tackle it to the ground. The lights turned on and the elves all chuckled seeing the two of them. Applejack had jumped him, tackled Nicholas to the floor of the barn and pinned him down.

"Ah win!" She exclaimed, panting a bit.

"Yeah, yeah, you win." Nicholas chuckled. The laughter and chuckles slowly died down, right until both of them simply looked at one another. He looked into her big green eyes, and into his small blue ones. It was not really clear how long they stayed like this for, but Mina coughed a little, getting their attention.

Both of them looked at the little smirking elf. "Cuirimid tús le hobair?" She asked, and Nicholas nodded.

"Y-yes, we should get to work.. Ahem, I well.."

"No no, ya right, sorry, sorry, ah got carried away."

"No, it's fine, it was fun, but."

"Yeah, ah know, we better, uhm, get back to work.."

Both of them mumbled as she got off him and he stood up, dusting himself off. Both of them looked to the elves, all of them smirking at them, like they knew something they either did not know, or didn't want to admit.



And so, the work and the training continued.

Every night Nicholas would sneak out to work on his toys, and to practice sneaking around. It felt a little weird to train for something like this, but if he wanted to get in and out without being seen or heard, that was the way. Work continued, and although it was hard for Nicholas to stay awake when the sun finally got up, he kept going. Things went on smoothly, soon enough they would have enough toys for every colt and filly in Ponyville.

The weeks passed quickly, and either by luck, or by pure fate, nopony discovered what he had been up to in the barn. Neither Granny Smith nor Big Mac ever found out the barn was being used, largely thanks to the elves who were masters in making it look like no one had been there during the night.

Everything went according to schedule, the toys were being made, painted and wrapped, following Nicholas's instructions. He, besides overseeing the work, studied his list well, made sure he knew it by heart so no pony got the wrong present.

It was the last night before hearth's warming eve, Nicholas and the elves watched as the last gift was wrapped, counting down until it was ready to go. "3....2.....1....." The last present was wrapped and put away in a sack, and with that everything was ready. They all let out a cheer, the elves hugged one another, shaking paws, or simply jumped up and down in excitement.

Nicholas laughed and waved his hands a little. "Great work everybody, i'm so proud of the work you have put in. I could not have done this without you."

"I say." Applejack smirked as she walked in with a basket in her mouth. She placed the basket down and smirked. "Would ya mind calming down, they're not deaf ya know." She chided, reminding them all they were still trying to hide what was going on in here.

Nicholas smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, Applejack.. I guess we got a little excited."

"Well, ah don't blame ya.. Working hard will do that, but don't ya forget ya still have to deliver all these presents. So relax partner, and wait to celebrate until the deed is done." She opened the basket and smiled at the elves. "Brought snacks for y'all, please dig in!" The elves cheered and hurried over to see what goodies the filly had brought them. Applejack chuckled and shook her head. "So." She began and looked back at Nicholas. "How do you expect to carry all those toys into town?"

There was a moment of silence from Nicholas as the realization kicked in. "Oh no, I forgot about that.." He looked like he was going to panic, but Applejack put a hoof on his hand.

"Don't fret, sugarcube. Ah have the solution." She said with a knowing smile.

"You do?"

She nodded. "Follow me."

Without another word she started to walk to the back of the barn. Nicholas, intrigued, followed the orange filly to the back of the barn, with a few excited elves following close behind him.

Applejack waited for him to reach her, she stood beside something, he could not see what as it was covered with a tarpaulin, hiding the object from him. The elves smirked, seemingly knowing something he did not. Applejack winked at him, then grabbed a hold of the tarpaulin with her muzzle, then pulled.

Nicholas' eyes widened as a beautiful wooden sledge came to view. It was painted red, was big enough for him, had small railings to keep the sack in place too. "Applejack.. I.." He was not sure what to say, but Applejack knew exactly what to say.

"Happy hearth's warming, Nicholas.." She blushed a little, looking down at one hoof as she traced it back and forth the floorboards. "ah know it's a bit early, but ah thought ya needed something that could help ya with the sacks. Ya can use it in the snow when ya're done and-"

She didn't get to say anymore before Nicholas had moved forward and embraced her in a warm hug. "Thank you, Applejack.. Thank you so much, and happy hearth's warming to you too.." He felt her hug him back tightly, the two once again sharing a moment, one out of many they had shared during the years they had been friends. A friendship that he would never forget, and cherish for all the years to come.


Finally the day, no, the night came! Hearth's warming eve, the celebration of peace, and the foundation of Equestria. To Nicholas however, it was so much more. It was the night he was adopted, the night two ponies showed kindness and compassion, took him in and gave him a home, a family.

This all meant he was very excited to finally give something back, to finally show his gratitude in some way. Nicholas had instructed the elves to wait at Sweet Apple Acres, Applejack would help keep the sledge and the sack with presents hidden for the day until he could come and pick it up at night.

There were a lot of traditions each year, singing, cookies, always cookies. Reading stories, playing board games, simply good family fun. Then, after a nice wholesome dinner and opening of presents, it was time for bed. By that time it was pretty late, and Nicholas had to admit he really wanted to just sleep. however, the sheer nervousness and excitement kept him from resting.

Time passed, and when he was sure the house and most of Ponyville was asleep, he got out of bed. He had prepared his red woolen coat for tonight, laid it out so he could quickly slip into it.

Sneaking out was easy enough, and all the practice with the elves had really made him soundless. He moved throughout the house without a single sound or creak from the floorboards. He had been shown how to move silently and fast, and when he came outside, he had to keep himself from cheering. He was just so excited!

It did not take him long to make his way to Sweet Apple Acres, the elves were already getting the sledge ready as he approached the barn. The farm house was dark, a few candles in the first floor windows, but no activity inside. He figured they all had to be sleeping.

He turned to Mina and smiled. "Everything ready to go?"

She nodded as the elves tied the sack shut. "Tá gach rud réidh, Santa Claus!"

Santa Claus? He recognized his last name, Claus, but he had never heard the word Santa before. He looked at Mina, tilted his head and asked. "Santa? What does that mean?"

She smiled at him, putting her paws over her heart, as did the others he noticed. "Ciallaíonn Santa, cineálta croí, áthas, agus dóchas." She explained to him it meant joy, hope and kindness, but it was more of a title than a simple word. A title they had decided to give him.

Nicholas smiled a little, then bowed his head. "Thank you, everybody.. Santa Claus.. Sounds nice, almost sounds like a pony name now, hoho, but.. I'm pretty sure it won't catch on.." He smiled then grabbed the rope to the sledge, ready to pull it towards Ponyville.

Before he did though, he glanced up at the farm house, spotting a new candle had been lit, this time on the second floor. He looked closer, and saw Applejack, her mane free, in her pajamas, smiling a little sleepily at him. He smiled back and waved, and she waved back, mouthing, 'good luck', to him.

He waved once again, pointing at himself, the sack, then her, and she nodded, knowing he would visit her last. She would sleep while he worked, but be up for when he got back.

"Well.." He looked at the three elves he had decided to bring, Mina was one of them obviously. "Are you ready?" They all confirmed with a small cheer, and with that final blessing, he started to pull the sledge towards Ponyville.


Many of us now know how the story goes, but this was Nicholas' first night, and he was nervous. Ponyville was quiet, all the ponies laid in their beds, sleeping soundly, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse, as the poem would one day say. The night would have been dark, if it was not for the few street lamps illuminating the streets.

The moon was full, giving Nicholas more light to navigate through the night. Not only that, but it made the snow sparkle like a million tiny diamonds. Though cold, Nicholas could not help but smile as he made his way to the first cottage.

Nicholas had a route, and the elves had packed all the gifts so he could easily find the presents for the houses he visited in order. So when he reached the first house, Mina spoke the names of the colt living here with his mum and dad, and the two other elves quickly found the package.

"Thank you." Nicholas said in a whisper as Mina jumped up on the package. He lifted it close to the door, and Mina waved her paw a little, making tiny glowing dust light up from her paw, then the lock, and with a click, the door opened.

He smiled amazed, even though he had seen such tricks before, it always amazed him. Using the skills he had learned from the elves, he silently moved into the house, traversing the hallway towards the living room. There was a nice smell in the house, cakes, food, and candles, really, any cottage on hearth's warming eve.

Going in, he walked near the fireplace and placed the toy, making sure the label with the name on it was nice and clear. On it was written: From Santa, To Star Whistle. When placing the gift, he let out a happy sigh, but Mina nudging him reminded him they were breaking in, so it might not be good to linger.

And so, the evening went on and on, Nicholas went from house to house, leaving one present for each colt and filly. His little helpers making sure each stop went as smoothly as possible, sure, at times he found a couple snuggling on their couch, fast asleep in each other's hooves, but with the help of Mina, nopony ever even sensed he had been in their house.

When the last present had been delivered, he could see the pink lines in the sky, the sun was slowly being raised, which meant his work was done. With an almost empty bag of gifts, an exhausted body, he knew when everypony woke, they would find their presents.

He did however have one last stop.


Once again he approached Sweet Apple Acres, the sun already banishing the darkness of the night, lighting the sky up in a calming blue and orange. Nicholas was tired, but happy. And as he got closer, he saw Applejack on the porch of the farmhouse, sitting there, wrapped in a thick blanket and now, wearing some sort of hat. He smiled a little, it suited her.

Coming to a stop, he let go of the rope to the sledge while the elves started to push it closer to the barn. He walked up to the porch, still holding the sack over his shoulder, he moved with heavy footsteps towards Applejack. The snow made sounds with each footstep he took towards her, and as he got close, she smiled slightly and said.

"Want some coco?"

He noticed the canteen beside her, and the cup. Nicholas smiled and nodded. "Oh yes, for Celestia's sake.."

Applejack snorted and poured a cup of hot cocoa while he sat down next to her. "That cold, huh?"

Nicholas nodded and smiled as he got the mug. "Eeyup." He did not drink right away, he simply looked out on the snowy landscape with her, enjoying the sunrise as Celestia cast the lands in it's warm welcoming lights.

"It went well then?"


Applejack snorted a bit. "Stop that, ya know ah already get that from Big Mac, ah don't need ya to do it too."

Nicholas let out a chuckle. "Sorry.." There were a few more seconds of silence, just them enjoying the view. Then, Nicholas reached into the bag, fetching the last gift of the year. It was not very big, but with Nicholas, one should never underestimate anything he gave you. "Happy Hearth's Warming, Applejack.. Thank you for all your help.."

Applejack looked at the present and smiled slightly. "Gosh, ya didn't need to make me anything, sugarcube.."

"Well, sledge." He countered with a smile and watched as she unwrapped it.

She removed the paper carefully, as if it was to be handled with care. Nicholas smiled slightly, it was nothing special, to be honest, he was not sure what to give her. It was not like Applejack was one to play with many toys, she was more interested in learning about farm work.

When the wrapping was gone, she was left with a figurine. It was of her, but not only her, next to her was a carved figure of himself, both of them looked like they were ready to take on anything the world could throw at them. Standing side by side, like they had for such a long time.

"It's nothing much, I know.. Certainly nothing like a sledge, but I-"

Applejack opened up the blanket she was wrapped in. "Just shut up and get in here before you freeze to death..." She mumbled, not looking at him, but he could tell she was smiling ever so slightly.

Without another word, Nicholas scooted closer and wrapped them both in the blanket, his arm around her as they simply looked out on the landscape. They did not need to say anything, they simply enjoyed each other's company. Because that was really the biggest gift anyone could get... Friendship..


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The snow fell slowly around Ponyville, it made the town look so beautiful as it was covered by a sparkling white blanket. Twilight was pretty excited, this was her first hearth's warming in Ponyville and with her friends. To be honest, she was a little nervous, but in a good way.

Everything around town seemed to spark with joy and excitement. Every pony around her was in a festive mood, everything was just, great. She was about to make her way to Sugarcube Corner, to meet with her friends for a nice cup of hot chocolate and some baked goods, when suddenly three fillies bumped into her.

"Eep!" Twilight exclaimed and fell down on her flank.

"Oh, sorry Twilight." A filly’s voice said. It was Sweetie Belle, looking rather worried, along with her two friends, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom, when three of them were combined, they became the cutie mark crusaders!!

"Are you okay?" Scootaloo added while Apple Bloom helped the confused mare up on all fours once again.

Once she was up, Twilight shook her head, then smiled. "I'm fine girls, don't worry, just, next time be more careful okay?" She noticed two envelopes in the snow, looked sealed and ready to be sent. "Oh, you dropped this." She levitated the letters up, and caught a glimpse of the receiver.

The letter looked fine enough, there was the return address of Apple Bloom, Sweet Apple Acres, but then it simply said:

Santa Claus,
Santa's workshop,
Everfree Forrest.

Twilight couldn't help but wonder who that was for. Then she looked at the three fillies, noticing Sweetie Belle had one too, were they all gonna send letters to this, Santa Claus?

"So girls, who are these for?" She asked, feeling her curiosity rising.

"They are for Santa!" Scootaloo replied excitedly.

"Yeah, we write to him every year." Sweetie Belle chimed in, looking as excited as Scootaloo.

Apple Bloom nodded. "We are going to the post office to get them sent now."

"Uhm, but girls." Twilight looked over the letters one last time before levitating them back to the two fillies that had dropped their letters. "There's no address on them, and I don't think anypony lives in the Everfree." Well except for Zecora and Fluttershy, but Fluttershy only lived near it, and Zecora only within a safe distance.

The three fillies started to giggle. "Well, you're almost right on that one.." Apple Bloom said and giggled. "He's human, and he lives deep within the forest in some hidden valley, there he has a big workshop where he makes toys for all of Ponyville, and some of the other villages around."

"Yup!" Scootaloo smirked. "Every Hearth's Warming Eve, he goes out as everypony sleeps and gives toys to the foals that have been good."

"He keeps a list of every good and bad foal, so you need to be very good to get a toy, but that's why we are writing to him, to say what we wish for, and how good we've been." Sweetie Belle finished.

There was, certainly a lot to unpack there. First of all, a human? If there really was a human in Ponyville, surely princess Celestia would have told her about him. And if this really did happen, why only once a year? Why live in the Everfree? No no, this had to be some sort of local legend parents told their foals. If that was the case, then it was not her place to burst their bubble. So she put on a smile and nodded.

"Okay, well, you have fun." Twilight said. "And be more careful running in the snow."

"We will!" The three fillies said in unison before running off.


When Twilight had arrived at Sugarcube Corner, and gotten herself seated, she told the girls about the encounter she had with the cutie mark crusaders. She chuckled a bit before sipping a bit on her coco. "It really was an interesting story, I had no idea you had these kinds of local legends in Ponyville, though I shouldn't be surprised." She smiled and looked up at her friends. "So, when did you stop believing in this, 'Santa Claus'?"

There was a moment of silence, then all five of her friends burst out laughing, though Fluttershy tried to hide it and be as polite as possible, while Rainbow and Pinkie were probably the loudest of them all.

Twilight frowned, then laughed a little bit, thinking they might just find the story funny. Still, something was not right here. "What?"

Rainbow wiped a tear away, trying to stop laughing. "Twilight, we still believe in him."

"What, but how can y-" Twilight was cut off by Rarity.

"Darling, Mr. Claus is not some local fairy tale, he is quite real, and he has lived here for years now." Rarity explained.

Twilight could not believe what she was hearing. "What!?"

"It's true Twilight, he lives pretty secluded and does not come to Ponyville that often, that's probably why you haven't seen him around.." Fluttershy explained.

"Yeah, he's like Zecora, all mysterious and stuff. And he likes cookies!" Pinkie added.

"Wait wait wait, so you all met him??" Twilight asked, and they all nodded.

"Yup yup, Applejack here is the one who has known him the longest." Pinkie smiled, and pointed over her orange friend who seemed to try to make herself look as small as possible.

As Applejack had expected, Twilight was at her side before she even had a chance to flinch. "Tell me! Is it true!? What is he like, if he is real."

Applejack sighed and pushed her off. "Alright alright, Twilight. Nicholas is not one for all that attention, he got plenty of that during his time here. Listen sugarcube, ah guess we can all tell you a little, then if you promise to be calm, I'll take you to him."

Now the whole table seemed surprised. Rainbow was the first speak up. "Wait, you know where he lives!?"

"Yes, but ah promised him I would not tell any pony. So if ah take you, you guys need to pinkie promise you never, EVER, tell anypony how to get there and where it is, okay?" Applejack said, looking seriously at them all. "It was bad enough when Apple Bloom tried." She mumbled and shuddered a little at the episode.

They all nodded and swore the unbreakable vow of the Pinkie promise. Then Applejack took a deep breath and let out a sigh. "Alright, listen up then.. It all started when ah was just a filly, I met Nicholas back when I was starting...."

And so, Applejack started to tell how she met Nicholas, but that was just her version, the others also had their own stories to tell. But Nicholas's role in Equestria is far from over, there is more to tell, more for him to learn and see, but that is for next time. It is time for you foals, to get to sleep, and remember, stay good, and perhaps you too will get a visit from Santa Claus.

To Be Continued.