> Frozen Friendship > by Melody Song > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologue > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- One day, a couple had a filly. It was their second child, and she was very special. Her mane was white as snow, her eyes were almond-shaped and fuchsia. Her coat was ice blue. And when they touched her hoof to a bowl of water, it froze on impact. Her name was Fleetfoot Frost. Fleetfoot shut the door to her room tight, hunched over and crying. She reached out a hoof and watched the magic begin to stir. "It's just getting stronger the more I grow. I can't let them take it. It's the only protection I have." Fleetfoot thought, touching her hoof to the ground, letting the ice blossom around her like flowers. The frost made intricate shapes and swirls on the cloud floor, soothing her. There was a tapping sound from the other side of the door, and Fleetfoot listened close. Tip-tap, tap-tip, tip-tip-tap-tap. Fleetfoot smiled as she recognized the pattern. Fleetfoot turned, pulling open the door, hugging the colt that stood there. Her brother, a pegasus with a purple coat and the same eyes and mane as her. "It's okay sis. I'll protect you." Her big brother wrapped his hooves around his four-year-old sister, trying to calm her down. "I don't like thith Dark Shooter. A home ith no place to hide." Fleetfoot sobbed, and he nuzzled her gently, trying to calm her down "I'll get you out of here one day sis, I promise." Dark Shooter said. Then, hoofsteps sounded from the hallway. Fleetfoot whimpered, backing away. A mare entered Fleetfoot's room, a book tucked under her wing "There you are." it was Icy Mint Frost, their mother. She had an ice blue coat, white mane, and ice cold blue eyes. "I won't let you hurt her!" Dark Shooter cried "Dark Shooter, my darling, come away from that foal, she's brainwashed you. Don't worry, those powers won't be in her dangerous hooves any longer." Icy Mint held out her hoof and sent a flurry of snow that picked Dark Shooter up and set him by her side. Dark Shooter cried out and reached for his sister. Icy Mint opened the book. Fleetfoot screamed and was lifted into the air. Fleetfoot spun slowly in midair, ice blue light pouring out of her chest. It settled in the book and formed writing in Old Ponish. Icy Mint shut the book and turned to leave, ignoring Fleetfoot's shriek as she hit the ground hard. Fleetfoot raised her head and watched through blurry vision as her mother left, dragging Dark Shooter behind her. Then, the world went dark. When Fleetfoot woke, she had no memory of what had just occurred. Or any idea how the strange, almost magical ice had appeared on her bedroom floor. "FLEETFOOT FROST!!" was bellowed down the hallway of the mansion. Fleetfoot was sobbing on the floor, her father beating her as her mother yelled at her from the other room. The filly's father was Sharp Skater, a world famous hockey player. He had a purple coat and gray mane, with the same almond-shaped, fuchsia eyes. "What mom?" Fleetfoot asked through her tears. "STAY AWAY FROM MY PRECIOUS SON AND GO TO YOUR ROOM. YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT DINNER, TOO!" Icy Mint yelled Fleetfoot picked herself up and ran out as instructed. She was fifteen and still abused by her parents. Dark Shooter had moved out the second he came of age. He had wanted to take Fleetfoot with him, but then, he had got an offer to be a Royal Guard. "You have to accept bro, it'th your dream job!" Fleetfoot insisted as they walked through Cloudsdale, heading to the park. "Sis, I can't. I promised you I'd get you out one day. Now that I'm sixteen, I can." Dark Shooter argued "Dark, thith hath been your dream for yearth. I may thtill be fourteen, but I'm tough. I'll wait for you to get your own home. Jutht accept the offer and apply. You know you won't get another chance if you refuthe." "But..." "If you don't, then I won't go to Wonderbolt Academy." "But you have to! It's your dream!" Dark Shooter stopped walking "Oh. I see what you're doing." "I'll only enroll in Wonderbolt Academy if you accept thith once in a lifetime opportunity." "Fine. Are you sure you'll be okay with me leaving you behind with mom and dad?" "I'll have my friendth Dark." "They don't know about mom and dad though. Right?" "Well, yeah. But they're alwayth there for me. I can count on them" Fleetfoot remembered that conversation as she went over to the window, watching the stars outside. She closed her eyes and sang softly "In the bleak midwinter A frosty wind does blow Clouds turn hard as iron Water becomes stone Snow starts falling Snow on snow Snow on snow In a bleak midwinter Not so long ago I wish upon the farthest star Hoping for a change A change of heart A change of way So I could breathe again I close my eyes and see The warmest smile That has ever greeted me Oh Oh Brother I miss you." Fleetfoot sighed and turned away from the window, hugging herself and going to bandage her injuries. "I have to become a Wonderbolt. Then I can get out here." she murmured, hope lighting in her eyes. Her stomach grumbled as she sat down on the bed. "I'll be thixteen in a few weekth, then I can move in with Thpitfire. And finally eat a proper meal." Fleetfoot told herself, before she fell backwards in the bed and rolled onto her side, falling asleep through her hunger. "Fleet, hey." Spitfire said, pulling open the door to her apartment "Happy Birthday." "Hey Thpitfire, thankth." Fleetfoot stepped inside, sighing. Soarin Skies, her other friend, was sitting on the couch. They had agreed to meet there for her birthday. "What's wrong?" Soarin asked, standing up and coming over to him. "Can I thtay with you for a while Thpit? At leatht until we become Wonderboltth?" "Of course Fleet. You don't even have to tell me why. Come on, let's get you settled." Spitfire led her towards the second bedroom in her apartment. > Freezing Rain > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Great practice everypony, time for lunch!" Spitfire called, and Fleetfoot flew down to join her friend, Soarin and Rainbow Dash behind her. Rainbow Dash had grown close to them, she was now their friend as well. "You want to head inside and grab some grub?" Rainbow asked "Yeah." Soarin agreed "You guyth go ahead, I want to thtay out here for a bit." Fleetfoot said, and they nodded "Don't stay out here too long Fleet, I got word that the Cloudsdale Weather Factory's scheduling a rain shower over HQ." Spitfire warned "Got it, I promithe I won't be long." Fleetfoot gazed out at the sky, hearing them trotting into the building behind her. One set of hooves stopped, and Fleetfoot pricked her ears as she heard Spitfire's voice. "Fleet?" "Yeah Thpit?" "You seem...distracted lately. Are you okay?" "I'm fine Thpit. It'th jutht...I feel like thomething'th calling me." Fleetfoot replied. There was a rustling of wings behind her, and Spitfire touched down by her side. "What do you mean?" "I mean..." Fleetfoot took a breath "Something has changed in the air Like a storm is brewing Filled with freezing rain I don't know what for But I can't just wait and see While it haunts my dreams It seems like it's coming Coming for me I just can't say When it will come But just as the dawn Comes after the dark I know it will Through the freezing... Rain." Fleetfoot sang softly "I didn't know you were such a good singer. I understand what you're trying to say. You feel like there's something about your past that you don't know." Spitfire said, and Fleetfoot nodded. "Actually, I'm sure of it. It'th almotht like there'th thomething inthide me, that I can't get to." Fleetfoot replied "Well, feel free to stay out a little longer. Just come in before it starts raining. I don't want my top flyer to catch cold. Don't tell Rainbow I said that though." Spitfire chuckled a little and left Fleetfoot alone. Fleetfoot ignored Spitfire's words. She stayed outside even when the thunder rumbled in the distance, warning her of the storm like an alarm. Fleetfoot stood still and closed her eyes, letting the rain wash over her body, mane falling out of the sleek style, hanging around her face in long locks. The water seemed to energize the mare. It made Fleetfoot's wings open on instinct and she took off. Fleetfoot flew high into the air, doing an upwards corkscrew, mane flipping around her face, water drops springing from her wing feathers. "I feel like I could fly forever." Fleetfoot breathed when she pulled out of the spin, doing a flip. She brushed her mane out of her eyes. "What do you mean, the book is gone?!" Icy Mint shrieked at her servant "I-I'm sorry Mrs Frost. I was doing my routine cleaning, when I noticed the book had disappeared. I don't know what happened to your heirloom, I swear." the servant pleaded "Very well. YOU'RE FIRED!" Icy Mint yelled, then turned to her husband as the servant girl crept away, shaking. "Why is it gone? That unicorn you visited said it would lock the brat's powers away until Dark Shooter had foals!" she hissed "Well, dearest, he did mention that if the brat were to ever 'be in her natural element' after she came of age, it would cause the book to appear wherever she is at the time." Sharp Skater replied "Of course. The freak must be flying right now. Her cutie mark had to be flying, didn't it? And of course the weather ponies schedule rain showers over the one place we can't access. Ice is just frozen water. I bet the brat's flying with the stupid stunt team she loves so much, even through the rain scheduled." "We need to find the book before she does then. And maybe teach the lesbian freak some manners while we're at it." Sharp Skater replied, flexing a hoof. "Brilliant. But not in the rain those stupid ponies at the Weather Factory scheduled, I don't want to ruin my mane or outfit." "Of course not dear." Fleetfoot landed near the building, then gasped. Something was glowing. It seemed almost magical, pulsing with ice blue light. Fleetfoot went closer, and could hear it. It was singing, to her. "What ith thith?" Fleetfoot murmured, holding out her hoof to try and find whatever was calling her "Fleetfoot." she heard, and stepped closer "I'm here, what ith it? What are you?" "Fleetfoot!" it was Spitfire shouting behind her. Fleetfoot turned and sighed a little "Oh, it'th jutht you." "Of course it's me. Fleet, what are you doing? I told you to come inside, you're going to get sick. Come on." Spitfire put a wing on Fleetfoot's back and tried to lead her away. "But Thpit, I thaw thomething, it looked tho magical, it came from over there." Fleetfoot pointed, and Spitfire sighed "It was probably just the light on the rain. Come on, let's go inside." "No, I have to thee what it wath!" Fleetfoot pulled away from Spitfire and galloped to light, and it's source. "Fleetfoot, get back here!" Spitfire's hooves sounded behind her, but Fleetfoot said nothing. She let the light guide her, it was drawing her in. "Fleet." Spitfire panted as she followed "It'th like it'th pulling me to it." Fleetfoot murmured, gasping as she found it. An old book lay on the cloud. It was pulsing with ice blue light, ancient writing on the cover. "Wow. There was something there." Spitfire said, and Fleetfoot turned "I'm thorry I didn't lithten to you, you're the Captain, I should have-" "No, I'm sorry, I should have listened. Bring the book and we can look at it inside." "I'm not cold." "You aren't, but I am. Usually I don't get cold, but this rain is worse than usual." Spitfire said, shaking herself "Alright." Fleetfoot tucked the book under her wing and the two turned back, heading for the building. > What In Equestria?! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fleetfoot and Spitfire walked into Headquarters, where Soarin and Rainbow were waiting. Soarin was eating a piece of pie, of course. "Why were you out there Fleet?" Rainbow asked, and she revealed the book "I found it lying outthide, but I can't read the writing on it." Fleetfoot replied, and Rainbow took it. "I've seen this before. It's Old Ponish. Cool, but I wonder what it was doing outside." Rainbow wondered "Can you read Old Ponish Rainbow?" Soarin asked, in awe, but she shook her head, blushing. "No Soar, I can't. Twilight can, and she's shown me and my other friends documents in Old Ponish before, that's how I know what it is." "Do you think she could tranthlate it?" Fleetfoot asked "Sure. I'm going down tomorrow, I can take it with me, if you want." Rainbow offered, Fleetfoot nodded in agreement, taking the book back. "Okay, now that that's settled, let's grab some food, I'm starving." Spitfire said "Hey, Spits, I got word from the Weather Factory while you were wrangling Fleet, they said the storm was accidentally made larger than it should have been. It's going to last all day and most of the night." Soarin said, swallowing the last bit of his pie. "You really want me to say it, don't you?" Spitfire asked, and Soarin nodded. Spitfire let out a sigh, but smiled. "Fine. Practice is cancelled until the storm stops." "Woo-hoo!" Rainbow said, taking off "GUYS! SHE SAID NO PRACTICE!" Rainbow called, flying down the hall with Soarin hot on her tail. They heard cheers from the other Wonderbolts in the background. Spitfire shook her head but smiled, following Soarin and Rainbow. Fleetfoot trotted behind them, holding the book securely under her wing. They had a good time with the other Wonderbolts, but Fleetfoot felt like there was something waiting for her. And that it had to do with the book. That night, Fleetfoot couldn't sleep. She leaned over her bed and pulled the book out from where it was beside her Daring Do collection. Fleetfoot examined the cover, tracing her hoof along the intricate designs. "Why do I feel like I've theen thethe shapeth before?" Fleetfoot whispered, touching a hoof to a rather poorly designed snowflake "I recognize thith, it'th the family cretht. But why ith it on here?" The book suddenly glowed around the edge, and the cover suddenly lifted an inch or so higher. Fleetfoot decided to take a risk. She pulled the book cover open. An ice blue light emerged, and wound it's way around her hooves, crawling up her forelegs and wrapping around her chest. Fleetfoot gasped, she was suddenly filled with cold, as though she had just taken a deep breath of winter air. Though strangely, it didn't hurt. Fleetfoot felt...invigorated. Like she could fly forever. The book stopped glowing but the writing remained behind, just faded. Fleetfoot gasped for breath, heart racing. "What...jutht happened?" she waited for a minute, but she didn't feel any different. Fleetfoot eventually began to get tired, and she laid back down, falling asleep with the book clenched in her hooves. "Morning 'bolts. Up and at 'em, we've got a big day of practice to make up for the surprise day off yesterday!" Spitfire called the next morning. Fleetfoot sat up, the book falling from her hooves "Um, Spit, have you looked outside? It's still raining." High Winds, their fellow Wonderbolt, said. "Of course it is." Spitfire put a hoof to her face in exasperation. "Fine, but get up. If it stops before breakfast we're practicing." "Yes ma'am!" they all called, getting up. Fleetfoot got out of bed and went over to the window, watching the rain. She put her hooves on the window, then suddenly, the ledge began to ice over. Fleetfoot gasped and pulled her hooves away from it. The ice disappeared, slowly. "What's wrong?" Rainbow asked, toothbrush still in her mouth "N-nothing." Fleetfoot said quickly, trotting away "I think I'll go get some air" she thought, leaving the room and going outside, into the rain. "Again Fleet?" Spitfire asked from behind her, and Fleetfoot shrugged. "It'th thtrange, but the cold doethn't theem to bother me." she replied "It doesn't bother me either, I'm just saying." Fleetfoot heard Spitfire's wings rustle, and she trotted up "Why did your wingth flap if you didn't fly?" "Oh, um...no reason. Just restless, I guess." Spitfire said hurriedly, then looked up as the rain began to clear. "Looks like somepony's coming." "Oh no." Fleetfoot breathed "What's wrong? You know them?" "Yeth. They're my parentth." "Is that a bad thing?" "You'll thee." Fleetfoot sighed "Jutht go back inthide and lithten." "Why?" "Tho they think I'm alone." "I don't understand, but okay." Spitfire turned and went inside just as Icy Mint Frost and Sharp Skater landed. "Fleetfoot Frost!" Icy Mint yelled, and Fleetfoot flinched. "Mother." she muttered "To what do I owe thith pleathure?" "Don't speak to your mother that way brat." Sharp Skater said "Now, have you seen any...strange objects around here?" Icy Mint asked "Uh, n-no." "JUST TELL US WHERE THE BOOK IS!" Icy Mint shouted, grabbing Fleetfoot and pinning her to the ground "Or your father will knock you into next week!" "G-get o-off m-me." Fleetfoot stammered "Then where's the book brat?!" Sharp Skater asked "I-I don't know what you're talking about!" "Don't lie to me stupid mare! Where's the book with that old writing on it?!" Icy Mint demanded "LEAVE ME ALONE!" Fleetfoot yelled, drawing the attention of everypony inside. They ran out into the hallway and found Spitfire watching something. The Wonderbolts joined her, shoving each other to get a better look. Fleetfoot struggled against her mother, and Icy Mint snarled, stepping backwards. Sharp Skater raised a hoof, about to strike her. But as he tried, Fleetfoot threw her wings up in front of her face, hearing a strange crackling sound. She looked up and gasped. Large spikes of ice were pointed at her parents, one nearly impaling her father. "You do have the book!" Icy Mint cried "Where is it?!" Fleetfoot shook herself, still in shock over the sudden appearance of ice that it was way too hot for. "I-I don't know." she lied, but Icy Mint held up her hoof and the ice suddenly shattered "Stop lying you stupid brat! I've had it with your cutie mark, your lisp, and your stupid stunt team! If you don't tell me where that book is right now you'll be sorry." Icy Mint threatened "That's it!" Spitfire threw open the door and sent a blast of fire at Icy Mint and Sharp Skater with her hoof. They stumbled backwards and glared at her. "We'll be back for you brat." Icy Mint snarled, then the two took off. Fleetfoot turned and gaped at Spitfire. "Wath that you?" Fleetfoot asked "Yes, but that's not the point. What was that?" Spitfire asked "Which part? My parentth attacking me? That'th normal for me." "Not that, although it is messed up. She meant where did that ice come from?" Rainbow responded "I-I don't know, honetht." Fleetfoot said "They said something about a book, could it be the one from last night?" Soarin suggested "What book? Why don't you guys ever tell us anything?" Surprise whined "Actually, thomething did happen latht night. With the book." Fleetfoot said, flying inside. The others followed her as she picked up the strange book. "Wasn't it glowing yesterday?" Rainbow asked "Yeah. Latht night, I wath really curiouth, and I kind of...opened it." Fleetfoot admitted "So what happened?" Spitfire asked "Thome thtrange light came out of it and thurrounded me. I think it may have thomething to do with that ice. But I have no idea what." Fleetfoot let Rainbow take the book from her. "The writing is still there, but it's faded now." Rainbow said "What is that? It looks like it was written by aliens." Blaze commented "It's in Old Ponish, and before you ask I can't read it." Rainbow said, "But I know who can." "Can we go now? I need to know what'th happening to me." Fleetfoot said "Don't ask me, it stopped raining, Spit said we were going to practice." Rainbow objected "I want to know too, so I guess we could. It'll just be us three and Soarin." the other Wonderbolts groaned "And the rest of you had better be doing freestyle training in the gym when we get back." Spitfire added "Let's go then." Rainbow said, giving Fleetfoot back the book "And you're going to have to tell us how you made fire appear out of thin air." she added to Spitfire, who nodded. "I promise I will, as soon as we find out about that ice thing." Spitfire agreed, and the four ponies left, heading down from Wonderbolt Headquarters to Ponyville. > Ice Magic? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fleetfoot touched down in a grassy field, followed by Spitfire and Soarin. Rainbow had already landed. "Where do we go?" Spitfire asked "The castle. Twi's normally reading this time of day. Or any time of day." Rainbow led them into the nearby town, heading for the crystal castle in the distance. "So, that weird fire? Tell us before we go inside, then it'll be all about helping Fleet." Soarin said when they reached the steps up to the castle. Spitfire sighed and nodded. Rainbow turned to join them. "It's ancient family magic, called Phoenix Magic. I can make fire with my hooves or wings. I don't usually use it but when I saw Fleet in trouble I just...reacted. I don't normally use it because it can be hard to control." Spitfire explained "Now that we know that, let's help Fleet." Rainbow opened the door to the castle and led her friends inside. She took them to a large throne room with six identical thrones surrounding a table. Princess Twilight was seated at one with her cutie mark on it. She was reading a book, but looked up when they came in. "Rainbow, I wasn't expecting you today. What's going on?" Princess Twilight asked "Fleetfoot found this book, and when she opened it, something weird happened." Rainbow said, beckoning Fleetfoot forward "I found it outthide HQ. I have no idea how it got there, but when I opened it, thomething came out and went inthide me. Now..." Fleetfoot trailed off and touched her hoof to a throne. Ice began to spread over it, and Fleetfoot quickly pulled her hoof away. "That's amazing! I've heard of Ice Manipulation before, but I've never seen it, it's fascinating." Princess Twilight exclaimed "Ice what?" Rainbow asked "Ice Manipulation. It means a pony can control ice." Princess Twilight explained "So, does that mean Spits' power would be called Fire Manipulation?" Soarin asked "Oh, oops." he said as Spitfire shot him a glare. Rainbow pressed against him in comfort. "If she can control fire." Princess Twilight replied "Well, control is a strong word, but yes, I can; in theory. The family calls it Phoenix Magic." "Even more fascinating, Fire and Ice, together. Anyway, you said it started from this book?" Princess Twilight asked "Yeth." Fleetfoot said "I brought it here because there's something written inside, but it's in Old Ponish. Can you translate it?" Rainbow asked "Of course. There's never been an ancient text I couldn't translate." Princess Twilight said, a little proudly. She lifted the book in her magic and opened it "What's it say?" Rainbow asked "It says: the powers held within this page were stolen from a mare of winter. The ice magic held here can only be freed by her element when she comes of age. This book will go wherever she is, and open only for her." Twilight translated. "It opened for me, it had to have been, I wath holding it and everypony elthe wath athleep." Fleetfoot said "I wonder why the magic was trapped in here. Spitfire, your Phoenix Magic, were you born with it?" Princess Twilight asked "Yes. But please don't tell anyone, you're not even supposed to know, it's a family secret. Up until now, that is." Spitfire glared at Soarin, who chuckled sheepishly. "Sorry, I forgot." "It's not a problem, just saying." Spitfire replied "I won't say anything, but if you were born with the powers, then maybe Fleetfoot was too. But who would want to take her powers away?" Princess Twilight asked "My parentth, they hate me, tho they might have taken the magic. And they came to HQ earlier, my mother wath demanding to give her the book." Fleetfoot said "Of course, the book was instantly transported to you. Were you out in rain recently?" Princess Twilight asked "Yes, she was, yesterday it stormed over HQ." Spitfire answered "How did you figure that out?" "Well, rain is still related to ice, in a way. Ice is just frozen water." Princess Twilight replied "It must have triggered the spell on this book that took it to you." "But why don't I remember having magic? Or even it getting taken?" Fleetfoot asked "That, I don't know. Your parents might, but clearly you aren't interested in talking to them." Princess Twilight answered "Well, thanks for helping Twi." Rainbow said "Yes, now we have to get to practice." Spitfire added "I guess the only problem now is, how do I control it?" Fleetfoot wondered Back at Wonderbolt Headquarters, Fleetfoot was practicing with the others, but her new magic was hard to control. When she tried lifting weights in the gym, sometimes they would freeze. And she didn't know how to stop the ice from spreading. "Maybe you shouldn't touch anything." Rapidfire joked, which earned him a smack upside the head from Blaze. "You idiot." she hissed "Well, it's practical." Rapidfire retorted "Save it Rapid. Fleet, can I see you in my office?" Spitfire asked. They headed into the Captain's office and Spitfire gestured for her to sit. "Thpitfire, I didn't mean to freeze everything, it'th jutht..." "I know Fleet, I called you here because I wanted to teach you how to control your magic." Spitfire replied "Really?" "Yeah. I'll teach you what I know, then you can try. First, you need to learn to control your emotions. Anger is usually what controls my fire." Spitfire said, demonstrating by making some flames appear in her hoof. "Maybe for me it'th fear? I wath thcared when I made thothe thpiketh appear." Fleetfoot suggested "Maybe. Now that we think we know that, why don't we try to see if controlling your fear helps with your magic." Spitfire went around to Fleetfoot and took her hoof gently. "Try to make a little bit of snow in my hoof." "O-okay." Fleetfoot suddenly blushed, but did as Spitfire instructed. A few snowflakes appeared, but that was it. "I jutht keep thinking about my mother yelling at me over the book." "Then it's definitely fear. Why don't you try thinking about all the things that make you feel safe?" Spitfire suggested, and Fleetfoot tried, but she could still only make wisps of frosty air. "I can't do it. I'm thorry Thpit, I wathted your time." "You're not going to get it right the first time Fleet. We can practice more later." Spitfire assured her, and Fleetfoot smiled, blushing again "Okay. Thank you Thpitfire." "Anytime Fleet." Spitfire smiled > Frozen in Fear > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Shooter, How are you doing bro? I've missed you. I know it wasn't easy taking over for Shining Armor as Captain of the Canterlot Guard. But I know you'll do a great job. And you can still be Princess Luna's top guard! Just, with more duties. I've been meaning to write, because...I have some big news. Really big news. A week or so ago, I found this old book near Wonderbolt HQ. It was glowing with a strange ice blue light. When I opened it, it sent a ice blue light into me. Then, I was somehow able to control ice. My friend, Rainbow Dash, suggested we take the book to Princess Twilight, one of her other friends. Princess Twilight told us it was Ice Manipulation magic, and that I was probably born with it. But...I can't remember ever having powers. Actually, now that I think about it, I can't remember anything until a day or two after my fourth birthday. You're older, maybe you remember something? Don't worry about me though, Spitfire's been coaching me in controlling it, since she has Fire Manipulation magic. But don't tell anypony, she made us promise not to. I'm getting pretty good at controlling it. Write back as soon as you can, I miss you brother. There's an endless road to rediscover, Fleetfoot Dark Shooter's new assignment kept her brother very busy, so Fleetfoot didn't expect him to write back for a while. But she didn't mind. Everything was going good with her lessons, except...every time Fleetfoot tried to make the ice as she pleased, it didn't work, or she would freeze more than she meant to. Fleetfoot also found she couldn't make the ice melt, no matter what she did. "Come on Fleet, let's take a break. You up for a quick flight?" Spitfire asked. It was the weekend, and they had been practicing in her office again. "Alright." Fleetfoot sighed, and she followed Spitfire out of the room. They took off once outside. "Race ya!" Spitfire called, nudging her friend. Fleetfoot smiled "You're on! Firtht to that cloud?" Fleetfoot suggested "Sure. In three...two..." "One!" they shouted together, taking off. As they flew at the cloud, a mare zoomed up in front of them. As trained Wonderbolts, they easily stopped in time. It was Icy Mint, with Sharp Skater behind her. "What do you want mother?" Fleetfoot snarled "Your powers brat, what else. You don't deserve those, now give them to me!" Icy Mint lunged at her, and Fleetfoot backed away-straight into Spitfire's hooves. "No! You're the one who doethn't detherve them! Leave me alone!" Fleetfoot yelled, pulling away from Spitfire. Sharp Skater flew up behind them and grabbed Fleetfoot, pinning her forelegs against her side. Sharp Skater and Icy Mint tried to hit Fleetfoot, but Spitfire flew at them. "Stay away from her!" Spitfire's hooves lit up with fire, and her eyes flashed red. Icy Mint cause ice to shoot from her hooves, but Spitfire easily melted it and knocked Sharp Skater away from Fleetfoot with a shove. Icy Mint kept trying to blast them both, but Spitfire kept using her fire to melt it. "Get away!" Spitfire growled low in her throat and used a wall of fire to block them. "You mistake! We should have never had you!" Icy Mint shrieked "You and your stupid lisp! You're a horrible excuse for a daughter!" Sharp Skater yelled at Fleetfoot again, making her tremble and duck behind her friend. Icy Mint and Sharp Skater eventually gave up, and Spitfire dropped the shield of fire. "Are you okay Fleet?" Spitfire asked "N-no. I keep cauthing you tho much trouble. I should jutht go." Fleetfoot said, rubbing her eyes. "Fleet, no. You're not causing any trouble, this isn't your fault." "But they won't give up until they have the magic back." Fleetfoot said, starting to cry. "Fleet, we can protect you. Please don't be upset, I haven't seen you cry since...well, ever. But I know you do, I guess you just never show it." Spitfire tried to say "No! I can't! Thpitfire, thith ith my burden to carry, not yourth! I-I'm thorry." Fleetfoot turned and flew off, she didn't know where she was going, but she knew she had to leave. "Fleetfoot! Wait! Come back!" Spitfire screamed, eyes watering "I need you." she whispered, as Rainbow and Soarin flew up to her, they had heard her yells after coming to look for their friends. > Arctic Fox > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fleetfoot had been flying for hours, but she finally grew too tired to keep going. Fleetfoot slowed to a halt and looked around. "I'm in the Yaket Mountain Range. No wonder I'm tho tired." Fleetfoot sighed, then collapsed in a snow bank, surprisingly not feeling cold. "I guethth my magic keepth me from getting cold." she murmured, closing her eyes with fatigue. An hour later, Fleetfoot sat up and yawned. To her, the was like a nice warm blanket, she was hardly cold at all. Dusk had come, and as Fleetfoot looked up, she smiled at all the stars above her. "I don't know why, but I've always loved the stars." Fleetfoot thought. But seeing them reminded her of Dark Shooter. When they had been little, they would sneak out and stargaze for hours. Whenever Fleetfoot missed him, she would look up at the night sky. "Thith ith the perfect place to practice my magic without hurting anypony." Fleetfoot murmured to herself. She waved her wings, to see what would happen. The snow lifted into the air. "Thith will be fun." Fleetfoot grinned, then began to sing. "The snow glows white in the mountains tonight Not a hoofprint to be found The wind howls like a swirling storm Couldn't hold my true self in Even though the consequence was sure Be a good girl, or you'll pay the price But I don't have to hold it back, anymore I can break free!" Fleetfoot took off and spun high up into the air, making the snow follow her momentarily. "It's like an Arctic Fox prowls within! But there's no need to hide The magic inside Anymore! Be swift Be strong Be silent Be bold Be as brave as an Arctic Fox And let the storm come on! The cold never seems to bother me anyway!" Fleetfoot flew up the mountain, sending snow flurries all around her. She spun in the air and landed near a cliff on the mountain, still singing. "It's funny how this distance Makes all the controlling things so small! The fears of what's to come Can't get to me at all!" Fleetfoot would normally fly straight across the ravine to the other side, but there was some powerful wind, so she raised her wings and sent a blast of ice forward, making icy steps. She stepped on the stairs and held out her wings, making railings. Fleetfoot raced up the stairs, making more as she went. Fleetfoot was still laughing and singing. "Time to see what I can do Test my limits and push through! There's no right or wrong No more rules for me! I'm finally free!" She jumped off her bridge and twirled. Fleetfoot's mane fell out of the sleek style and framed her face in delicate white strands. "It's like an Arctic Fox prowls within! But there's no need to hide! The magic inside Anymore! Be swift Be strong Be silent Be bold Be as brave as an Arctic Fox And let the storm come on! The cold never seems to bother me anyway!" Fleetfoot stomped a hoof and made a snowflake appear, made of ice. It grew around her to form a small shelter from the wind. She went back outside and made another snowflake. "My power goes from the air into my sound! Soul spiraling in snowflakes all around! Every thought crystallizes With an icy blast! Maybe I'll go back, But not until I'm good and ready! My past is in the past It's time to break free! It's like an Arctic Fox prowls within! But there's no need to hide The magic inside Anymore! Be swift Be strong Be silent Be bold Be as brave as an Arctic Fox And let the storm come on! The cold never seems to bother me anyway!" Fleetfoot raised her wings and the snow swirled around her, forming an outfit. The dress was made of permafrost, covering her body and reaching down to her back legs. It left wingholes and a space where her cutie mark showed through her dress. The sleeves on her front hooves hardly looked like sleeves, they wound around her forelegs like frost did on a windowsill. The patterns on the dress were shaped like snowflakes, stars, and wings, reminding her of the life and ponies she'd left behind. "Here in these mountains tall I'm one with the snow and stars! I'm a whole new mare Here to stay! And you won't see me cry again! For I'll stand tall! You'll find that Your 'perfect' girl is gone! Here I stand In the moonlight's dawn! So let the storms rage o~n! The cold never seemed to bother me anyway." Fleetfoot finished, smiling. She turned and went inside her little shelter, trying to practice more with her magic. Fleetfoot had been gone for hours, it was night now. Spitfire had been forced by Rainbow and Soarin to give up searching so the team could sleep. Spitfire rolled over in bed and looked out at the silver moon against the purple night sky. Spitfire began to sing under her breath, the way Fleetfoot had during the rain that started all this. "I remember tears streamed down your face When they said they'd hurt you now When their haunted shadows nearly killed your light You ran away from all the scary things But you couldn't hear me crying out That I wouldn't let you slip away from me The stars were in shock And as the fire raged on Couldn't you hear me screaming: Please don't leave me behind?! I want you here with me Safe and sound So let the wind carry this to you A lullaby to soothe your dread From me... To the mare... That I love." Spitfire finished, letting a tear drip down her face, as she sat up and stared out the window. The stars twinkling in the night sky seemed to wink at her. Somewhere in the Yaket Mountain Range, the wind whistled a lullaby into Fleetfoot's ear. > Life Beneath the Snow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spitfire was pacing around in her office the following afternoon. Rainbow and Soarin were standing nearby, worry for their friend clear on their faces. Suddenly, a stallion Soarin and Spitfire recognized burst in. "Dark Shooter?" Spitfire asked. "Where's Fleetfoot? I need to talk to her." Dark Shooter said "She's not here. Why?" Spitfire said "I got her letter. I needed to respond to it in pony, but I couldn't get off work until now." Dark Shooter replied "Who are you?" Rainbow asked "Oh, Rainbow, this is Dark Shooter, Fleetfoot's older brother. He works as one of Princess Luna's Night Guards." Soarin told her. "What letter?" Spitfire asked "The one about finding her ice powers. She asked me if I knew anything, and I do. But I thought I should tell her in pony." Dark Shooter replied "That would be okay, but she's not here." Spitfire sighed "She ran away yesterday evening, and we haven't been able to find her. Rainbow and Soarin made me stop searching last night. I sent the 'bolts out again this morning, but still no luck." "That's not good." Dark Shooter sighed "But I think I know where she might be." "Then tell us!" Spitfire shouted "Calm down Spits, we'll find her." Soarin tried to calm her. Spitfire sighed, rubbing her forehead. "I'm sorry Dark, I just...I miss her." Spitfire murmured "Don't worry about it, now come on." Dark Shooter led them outside, into the sky. "So, where are we going?" Rainbow asked "The magic has the tendency to sort of pull it's bearers to the North. If Fleetfoot was too scared to think for herself, then her instincts would have taken over and drawn her there. Since she only just got her magic, she hasn't gotten enough control to block these instincts, the way our mother can." "Your mom, do you know what she does to Fleet?" Spitfire asked "Of course I do, I saw everything they did to her. I wanted to take her with me when I turned sixteen, but then I was offered a position as a Royal Guard. Fleetfoot convinced me to leave her behind. She knew that you two would protect her, without needing to know what was going on." Dark Shooter replied, nodding to Spitfire and Soarin. "She really trusted you guys." Rainbow said "All the more reason we have to find her." Spitfire responded Fleetfoot was making piles of the snow with her magic, she was getting pretty good at making things move, besides ice. When she lifted a new clump of snow, a flower lifted up from underneath. It had been buried beneath the snow. "There'th life here." Fleetfoot murmured, brushing the snow off the flower and lifting up the blossom. "Huh, it'th one I've never theen before, but I'd better leave it be." Fleetfoot put it back and continued making snow sculptures. A snow hare suddenly jumped out of the snow, shaking the white flakes off it's ears. It's nose twitched and it hopped away. "I can't believe tho much life can thurvive here." Fleetfoot murmured, watching the rabbit's progress. "Underneath the snow Through the frozen drifts Life still finds a way to bloom For through all the blank scenery Nature still calls through her sleep And in her dreams the world grows cold To embrace the ice and snow And regrow the earth for sunnier days For the colder the Winter The warmer the new Spring will be" Fleetfoot took off and sang, the snow following her. "The deeper wounds run The more hearts find a way to sing For even when it's hard to look past the cold There is life beneath the snow." Fleetfoot flew into the clouds as it began to snow over the mountain, imagining it was water pouring onto her body instead. "And after the rain The sun shines brighter than before After all the pain I've gone through My heart still knows how to soar!" Fleetfoot didn't know it, but her singing was attracting the attention of some ponies nearby. "It's once we're out of the dark That we learn how to see From embracing the shadows of our misery That's where we find the greatest glee The silence is where The best songs come to be And all we dream Waits somewhere beyond The Life beneath the snow Life beneath The snow~" Fleetfoot finished her song, landing in the snowdrifts. She smiled and began digging in the snow, just for the fun of it. "That was Fleetfoot! I'd know her voice anywhere!" Spitfire called to the others through the wind. "How do we know which direction it came from? The snow's falling fast, we won't be able to see much longer." Soarin asked. "I think I know a way. But we need to get as close as we can so she can hear me." Dark Shooter responded, leading them forward. "I think the singing came from over here." Rainbow said helpfully, pointing to the left of them. The group flew in that direction, landing due to the snow. > Hey Brother, Hey Sister > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dark Shooter led them in one direction. "How do you know she's here?" Rainbow asked, and Dark pointed to the snow nearby. It was glimmering strangely. "That's what ice magic looks like when it touches real snow. I've seen mom use her ice powers enough to know." Dark Shooter replied. "So, how are we going to find her?" Spitfire asked, and Dark Shooter smiled. "A song that she and I made up when we were kids. She wrote the first line in her letter. That's our thing, we get through the first few verses in writing to each other. Ever since the Queen Chrysalis incident I suggested it to make sure it's really us." "So you're going to sing it?" Soarin asked "Yeah, but the first line is Fleetfoot's line. She sings it. I'll start with the second line." Dark Shooter replied, then trotted closer to the snow. He raised his voice and began to sing. "Hey sister, know the water's sweet but blood is thicker Oh~ and if the sky comes falling down, for you There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do~" His tenor voice was carried by the wind. It reached Fleetfoot, and her ears pricked. She recognized him. The others waited, had she heard it? Dark Shooter shifted and sighed. Then... "Hey brother, do you still believe in one another?" Fleetfoot's soprano voice rang out, loud and clear. Spitfire gasped and Dark Shooter brightened. "Hey sister, do you still believe in love I wonder?" Their voices joined together, and they went in the direction Fleetfoot's voice was coming from. "Oh, and if the sky comes falling down, for you There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do!" "What if I'm far from home?" Dark Shooter asked to the wind. "Oh brother, I will hear you call! What if I lose it all?" "Oh sister, I will help you out!" They sang together once more in what was clearly the chorus "Oh, and if the sky comes falling down, for you There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do!" Dark Shooter ran forwards as a shape ran to them. It was Fleetfoot. She panted breathlessly and smiled at him, still singing. "Hey brother, there's an endless road to rediscover." "Hey sister. Do you still believe in love, I wonder!" "And oh, if the sky comes falling down, for you There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do~" "What if I'm far from home?" Dark Shooter asked once more. "Oh brother, I will hear you call! What if I lose it all?" "Oh sister, I will help you out" "And if the sky comes falling down, for you There's nothing in this world I wouldn't...do~." The siblings finished their song and Fleetfoot hugged him. She let go and saw her friends behind him. "What are you doing here?" Fleetfoot asked them. "Shivering." Rainbow responded sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "We came to look for you, obviously!" "We've been looking for you since you left. Spitfire was worried sick." Soarin added, and Fleetfoot looked at her, blushing. "R-really? You were?" "Of course, I care about you." Spitfire said, blushing as well. "You look nice, you know. I don't think I've ever seen you in a dress." "Thank you." Fleetfoot said, looking down at the gown she'd created. "You need to come home Fleet. You belong in with us in HQ." Rainbow said "I can't. I want to, but my magic ith too dangerouth." Fleetfoot replied, and Dark sighed. "Fleet, there's something I need to tell you. It's about your powers." > The Plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Your magic is ancient family magic. Mom has ice powers, and she took yours from you." Dark Shooter began. "I thaw mom'th powerth. But how come I never thaw them when I wath a kid?" "She hid them from you, so you wouldn't wonder why you didn't have powers. I remember the day she took them. It was a little bit after your fourth birthday. Mom used her own magic to hold me back. Then she trapped your powers in a book with our family crest on the cover. The magic spell mom used made sure you'd never remember anything." Dark Shooter explained "Then, why didn't you tell me?" Fleetfoot asked, a little hurt. "Believe me, I wanted to. But I thought it would be easier to explain if I could give you back the magic. But every time I tried to get close to the book, mom and dad thought I was trying to take it for myself. They told me that I had to have a family first. Then they would infuse the magic into my child, and the magic would continue down the line. I wanted to give the magic to you, I promise." "I underthtand Dark. But I thtill won't come back." Fleetfoot sighed, and Spitfire trotted forward. "Fleet, we can help. We can protect you." "Thank you Thpitfire, but..." "Please. I'm lost without you, I need you." Spitfire murmured, brushing her muzzle along Fleetfoot's. "I believe you when you thay you can help. But I won't go back until I'm sure that my parentth won't ever bother uth again." Fleetfoot replied "Then there's only one thing to do." Rainbow said matter-of-factly. "What's that?" Soarin asked "Come up with a plan." Rainbow then grimaced "What's wrong?" Dark Shooter asked. "I never thought I'd end up sounding just like Twilight." Rainbow muttered, and Soarin laughed, nuzzling her. "What kind of plan did you have in mind?" Spitfire asked, grinning. "Well, we know Fleet's parents don't want her to be herself. So maybe..she can be the star in our next show." Rainbow asked "Okay. But my parentth need to be there or it won't work." "That can be arranged. I can schedule our performance in Cloudsdale." Spitfire said, and Fleetfoot looked at her gratefully. "And I'll ask our parents to come." Dark Shooter added "That won't be a problem. They love you." Fleetfoot mumbled, and Dark sighed. "I'd rather they hate me. Anyway, we'd better go back to your HQ, not all of us are immune to the cold." Dark Shooter replied. "You mean Fleet can't feel this? I'm freezing." Rainbow said. Soarin wrapped a wing over her for warmth. "The cold doethn't bother me, but if you're cold, let'th go." Fleetfoot agreed. "Cool. But if you come back wearing that, Rapid's gonna say something." Soarin advised, glancing at Fleetfoot's dress. Fleetfoot nodded, closing her eyes. The snow flew around her and removed the dress. "Now let's go home." Spitfire said, and they took off. > Not Enough > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spitfire trotted up to Fleetfoot. They were changing for their big show. "You okay?" Spitfire asked "No, I'm freaking out." Fleetfoot gasped "I don't know why I thought thith would work. My parentth are going to kill me." "It'll be okay Fleet, I promise. We'll all be right here for you if things go wrong. And nothing will go wrong, anyway." Spitfire assured the mare, taking her hoof gently. "Thank you Thpitfire." Fleetfoot smiled and pulled down her goggles "I'm ready to go out there." "Dark Shooter, why must we attend this...performance? It's pointless." Icy Mint asked her son as they made their way through the crowd. "Mother, I want to see the performance, and this will be good for your image." Dark Shooter replied, not making eye contact. "Oh, very well." Icy Mint grunted. They made their way into the Cloudeseum and took their seats. Dark Shooter smiled as he watched the skies. The announcer took his position and the show began. "Now ladies and gentlecolts, please welcome Cloudsdale's pride: The Wonderbolts!" the uniform-clad pegasi flew into the Cloudeseum. "Let me remind you that normally Captain Spitfire Flare leads the performance. Today there will be sompony else in the lead. Please give a warm welcome to the Wonderbolt's third-in-command: Fleetfoot...wait, this can't be right...Frost?!" The announcer was startled, as was the crowd upon hearing her last name. The Wonderbolts separated into two rows facing the crowd. Fleetfoot flew between the rows of her peers. She waved at the crowd before arching over the others and flying upside-down. The others followed her, going two-by-two, one from each side. They all turned right side up again and started the show. "What is Fleetfoot doing?" Icy Mint hissed, and Sharp Skater turned to Dark Shooter. "Did you know about this son?" "Yes. You need to give her a chance dad. Fleetfoot is really talented, and you both hate her for no reason. I believe in her." Dark Shooter had barely finished his sentence when Icy Mint slapped him. Dark Shooter rubbed his cheek, then grabbed both of his parents and pinned them by their tails-and Icy Mint's dress-onto the cloud seats. "Let us go this instant you brat!" Icy Mint snapped "Not until Fleetfoot finishes her performance." Dark Shooter responded, then looked up at the show. Fleetfoot had led the Wonderbolts up into spirals. They swirled around each other and then broke apart. Fleetfoot had them dive down and swoop up at the last minute. The group twirled around each other in couples while she and Spitfire rose into the center. They spun in place, then clapped their front hooves together and pushed away from each other. The two did a series of loops until they came together again. After performing a few more moves, Fleetfoot led the Wonderbolts backstage. Dark Shooter finally released his parents and they stood, striding off to find their daughter. Dark Shooter flew a different way, he was taking a shortcut. "That was awesome." Rainbow said, pulling her goggles off. "Best show ever!" Surprise cheered, bouncing around the room. "It was really brave of you to tell everypony your last name." Silver Zoom commented, and Fleetfoot sighed. "Thankth." "Fleet!" Dark Shooter burst in, and Fleetfoot gasped as the bruise on his face. "Bro, what happened to you?" "That's not important, they're coming!" Dark Shooter exclaimed, and Fleetfoot stiffened. "Don't worry, they won't get close to you." Spitfire said to her, and Fleetfoot sighed. "How do you know?" she mumbled, and Spitfire lifted her chin. "Because this is just phase one." Spitfire replied, and Fleetfoot smiled at her. "FLEETFOOT!!" "They're getting closer." Dark Shooter warned. "Time for phase two." Soarin said, and Spitfire nodded. "Go." He and Rainbow left through the back exit. Fleetfoot pressed into her friend, who wrapped a wing over her protectively. "What are you two waiting for? Just kiss already!!!" Surprise shrieked, and both of them blushed. "We-we aren't-" Fleetfoot tried to deny it, blushing, Spitfire just sighed, shrugged it off, and pulled Fleetfoot in. Fleetfoot let out a muffled gasp as Spitfire kissed her. Fleetfoot melted into it and wrapped her hooves around Spitfire's neck, kissing back just as eagerly. The others could be heard cheering behind them. "What do you think you're doing?!" Icy Mint and Sharp Skater had come in. Fleetfoot and Spitfire pulled away from each other. Fleetfoot instinctively lowered her head in shame, ears drooping. She already predicted the yells that would come. "First you reveal your lineage to all of Cloudsdale, and now this?!" Icy Mint yelled, grabbing Fleetfoot by the hoof and dragging her away from the others. "You are a disgrace to this family. You brat! Now everypony knows you're related to us and there are going to be questions! Are you trying to make us disreputable?! You are unworthy of those powers, and of your last name!" Icy Mint then tossed her to the floor. The Wonderbolts flinched and some of them growled. "Remember the plan, don't react." Spitfire murmured. Dark Shooter ran for his sister and pulled her up. "Leave her alone!" he shouted "Dark Shooter, please. Come over to the right side and we will never speak of this again." Icy Mint urged "I'm already on the right side. And now, you have a choice." Dark Shooter replied "What?" Sharp Skater growled, as there was a click behind them. High Winds had snuck past while the two weren't looking and locked the door. Wave Chill and Thunderlane stood guard beside the other door. "You can turn yourselves in for child abuse, or leave now and never bother us again. Your choice." Spitfire told them. "Child abuse?! I have no idea what you're talking about, we love our son!" Icy Mint laughed "You have a daughter too." Sun Chaser reminded her. "No, they don't." Fleetfoot stepped forward "I'll never be their daughter, becauthe I wath never good enough." "You're right about that. You little brat." Icy Mint hissed "Now, what do you have to say for your actions?" "I'm not going to thay anything." Fleetfoot replied. She took a breath and began singing instead. "To you, I never compared Tried to make me live your dreams Want me to show more interest Always keep a big bright smile Be a pink little perfect princess I wasn't that type of child." Fleetfoot had always felt so helpless when her parents yelled and said these things. But now, as she sang with all her heart, she didn't feel scared to tell them exactly what she thought. "But I won't cry I won't start to break Whenever you try to shut me down You won't keep me silent I found the light you kept from me" Fleetfoot summoned snow in her hoof and sent a flurry at her parents, temporarily blinding them so she could step closer. "Couldn't love me if you tried Couldn't change the pony I am inside Why won't you just let me be Who I am?! I try and try to get out But I can't break free From the silent scream So I ask you: Am I still not good enough? Still not worth that much? I won't stay speechless When you try to suffocate me." Sharp Skater slapped her as Icy Mint stepped forward. "You want to play that game? So can I." Icy Mint slapped her too, then began to sing. "Been written in stone Every rule Every single word Is centuries old and unbending You're to stay in your place! Better off seen and not heard" Fleetfoot growled and shoved her parents "Well now that story is ending I'll break the chains that bind me! I won't let my screams stay silent You haven't seen anything yet! You wanted the best but that's clearly not me! This is all I can be So I'm sorry I'm not good enough! Sorry I'm not worth that much! But you'll never understand How it hurts deep inside If you try to lock me in a cage I won't lay down and die! I'll take my broken wings And send storms across the sky! I won't let my screams stay silent! I won't go speechless." Fleetfoot stopped and her voice began to break. She needed to get this out now before phase three showed up. "Couldn't you see how I cried for help? You should just love me for being myself I'll drown in an ocean Of pain and emotion If somepony doesn't save me right away! You've been torturing me, I cry and cry but just can't get it out My silent scream." Fleetfoot stifled a sob and wiped her tears, then straightened up. "But I've broken free I won't stay quiet Just try to keep me silent Because I won't go speechless." Fleetfoot finished "So dramatic. We don't do any of that. Why don't you just shut your mouth? Nopony loves you, freak, or your lisp. You're right, you're worthless. And you can't prove us wrong because you said it yourself." Icy Mint snarled. Fleetfoot backed away from her, about to cry. "We love her." Misty Fly said "Fleetfoot's lisp doesn't make her a freak!" Blaze snarled "It makes her unique and beautiful." Spitfire added, pulling Fleetfoot in for a hug. "So, have you made your choice yet?" Dark Shooter asked "We won't leave either of you alone until you give the powers back!" Sharp Skater bellowed "Then we'll make the choice for you." Rainbow's voice came from behind them. Wave Chill and Thunderlane stepped to the side to reveal their teammates. Standing beside two Pegasi police officers. Phase three. "We heard everything." an officer said, moving with his partner to grab the two. "You can't convict us! We're highly influential!" Icy Mint cried "And I'm a Royal Guard who heads the army of Princess Luna. I also sometimes head the army of Princess Celestia. My influence among the Military outweighs your own. And that includes the police force." Dark Shooter retorted, turning to the officers "I'm willing to testify against them, if needed." "That will not be necessary sir, I think the amount of witnesses here already will suffice. We'll need to question a few of them, of course." the other officer replied, and they all agreed to provide a statement. Icy Mint and Sharp Skater yelled in frustration as they were taken away. "Fleet, about what happened today." Spitfire was talking with her in the Captain's private room. It was night. "About...kiththing me, you mean?" Fleetfoot blushed just saying it. "Yeah. I really do have feelings for you, but if you don't like me back..." Spitfire dropped down onto her bed, sighing. "Didn't you feel how badly I wanted that kithth to latht longer? I like you too Thpit, I alwayth have." Fleetfoot replied, sitting beside her. "In that case..." Spitfire reached out, pulled her close, and kissed her. The two fell onto the bed and snuggled close. As they cuddled together and soon fell asleep, they didn't know the storm that was to come.