A New Opportunity

by RaraLover

First published

A short story about how Coloratura met her manager, Svengallop.

A submission for the MLP Forums NaPoWriMo event.

Please note that I am not a fanfic writer and this is my very first fanfic I've ever written. It will most likely lack the standards of a regular fanfic, but I still hope you will enjoy it.

This is a short story about how Coloratura met her manager, Svengallop, who will lead her to her newfound path of glory and fame.

A New Opportunity

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Looking back at her old camp uniform, she tried to remember what is was like. The camp activities, diving into the lake, hanging out with other ponies, and of course, the song she sang in front of everypony with her best camp friend. It was a really memorable experience for her. But since she left, she felt as if something was missing from her life. She wanted more. The countless times she performed on stage, the many songs she sang, it just wasn’t enough for her.

Coloratura, at the moment, is just an ordinary performer in Manehattan, well known for her fabulous singing talents. She came to Manehattan a few years after she left Camp Friendship in order to become famous, but she didn’t feel like as she’d hoped. In fact, she was only well known in Manehattan. Outside the big city, she is merely treated as an ordinary pony. But she was determined to spread her music all across Equestria.

It was a typical morning in Manehattan, ponies getting ready for work, the galloping sound of hooves as ponies rush to get through the busy streets, and the loud chatter of the city dwellers. Coloratura decided to go to the local stage in the Manehattan park to do some performances. This is the same stage that the Method Mares perform on, and when it’s free, she liked to use it for her own performances. As usual, she would meet ponies that would greet her, some asking for a photo or an autograph.

“Look there, it’s that amazing Coloratura,” said a pony.

“Isn’t she the one who sang ‘Forever Friendships’ last week?” asked another pony.

“Yeah, she’s the one who sang that song, and she did it so beautifully,” replied the pony.

It makes her feel proud to hear ponies admiring her work and determines her to keep on performing for her audience. She likes to play an instrument while she sings, or sometimes get a band of friends. But this time, she was going alone: just herself and her guitar.

She continued to make her way to the stage, deciding on what she should play. Thinking of her uniform early this morning, she remembered the song she sang back at Camp Friendship, ‘Equestria, the Land I Love’. Yes, she thought, I’ll play that song today.

Once she reached the park stage, she set up her environment, and ponies were already gathering up in the park, knowing to expect an amazing performance from her.

“What is she going to sing today?” somepony asked, which is something she heard quite often.

As the park fell quiet, she began to play her guitar and sing.

“Equestria, the land I love,
A land of harmony.
Our flag does wave from high above,
For ponykind to see.

Equestria, a land of friends,
Where ponykind do roam.
They say true friendship never ends,
Equestria, my home.”

As she sang, tears started to form in her eyes, as everypony cheered and clapped their hooves. She remembered that feeling back in Camp Friendship, and playing the song again, she relived that memory. But then she came to a realisation: she missed her old friend, Applejack. She hasn’t seen her since she moved to Manehattan and is only keeping touch with her via letter. She hoped that one day she will be able to see her old filly-friend again.

It has been a few hours since her performance in the park. Coloratura is now back at her house, while also passing by some fans along the way back. In the meantime, she decided to write to Applejack about today’s performance.

Dear Applejack,

Today, I did something very special. Remember the song we wrote together while we were at Camp Friendship? Well, I decided to perform the song today, and everypony loved it. I haven’t played nor sung the song in ages, and playing it today reminded me of you. I really miss you old friend and I hope one day, I will be able to visit you in Ponyville.

From your best friend forever,

She decided to sign her name as Rara, which was the nickname that Applejack gave her while at Camp Friendship.

After she finished her letter to Applejack, she decided to go to the Manehattan Post and mail her letter. She had nothing else to do at the moment. She left her house and started her walk to the post.

As she strolled along, she met a number of fans, unsurprisingly. Some new, some old, but they loved her all the same. As she walked, she got distracted while feeling proud of her fans, and she accidentally bumped into a stallion. He had a white coat, light vermillion-coloured mane and dark tangelo eyes.

“Oh, I’m very sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to bump into you like that.” The stallion didn’t seem too pleased.

“For goodness sake, if you are in the big city, you have to at least have to watch where you’re going.”

“Again, I’m very sorry sir. Let me introduce myself. My name is Coloratura, a musi–“

“Wait,” making Coloratura pause momentarily. “You’re saying you’re that pony who performs on the stage in the park?” asked the stallion.

“Ummm, yes. That’s me,” replied Coloratura.

“Well, I’ve heard your name a number of times while on the streets of Manehattan. I was intrigued by how ponies say you’re one of the most talented ponies that had ever since, yet I have never heard of you before.”

“Well, you see, I just like to do my performances casually. It was just one day that I decided to take my guitar to the park and sing a tune, which apparently attracted a herd of ponies. They appreciated my singing and said they wanted more. So now I occasionally go to the park and play some songs I’ve composed myself. I’m not really as famous as Sapphire Shores or any of those other pony popstars.”

“I see. It’s obvious that you have some talent if you were able to catch the eye of these Manehattanites. Is there any chance I could witness the so-called talent that you have?” asked the stallion.

“To be honest, I’ve already did my performances this morning and haven’t actually planned on doing anymore. I’m just out here to deliver a letter.”

A frown came upon the stallion’s face. “Well, that’s disappointing.”

“If you come to the park tomorrow morning, I’ll most likely be playing my songs again, if that’s okay with you,” said Coloratura.

“Alright then,” replied the stallion. “Tomorrow it is then, then I shall see for myself this amazing talent that everypony has been talking about.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow then,” said Coloratura, glad that the stallion forgotten about her bumping into him.

What a strange pony, she thought. I’ve never met anypony like him before.

Coloratura continued making her way to the Manehattan Post. Once she arrived, she trotted to the mailmare at the desk.

“Excuse me, may I please deliver this letter? It is addressed to Applejack in Sweet Apple Acres,” said Coloratura.

“Of course, no problem. Wait a minute, your voice sounds very familiar. Are you the same pony who sang ‘Forever Friendships’ last week?” asked the mailmare.

“Why, yes. That’s me,” replied Coloratura.

“I can’t believe I’m talking to you. I just have to say, I really love that song, plus the many others that you’ve sang in the past. They were all really good, but ‘Forever Friendships’ is my favourite,” said the mailmare excitedly.

“Thank you so much. I’m really happy to hear that,” said Coloratura in delight.

“May I please get your autograph?” asked the mailmare. She held out a flyer that showed a picture of Coloratura playing the piano on stage. Coloratura made the flyer and gave copies away to inform ponies of her performances in the Manehattan park.

“Of course,” replied Coloratura. The mailmare handed her a black marker as she quickly scribbled her signature on the flyer.

“Thanks so much!” said the mailmare gratefully. “Don’t you worry. I’ll make sure your letter arrives safe and sound.”

With that, Coloratura exited the Manehattan Post and began to head home. She thought about tomorrow’s performance, a little nervous as she wanted to please the stallion who she bumped into earlier.

“This must be my best performance ever,” she said to herself. “I’m going to sing all my best songs, including ‘Forever Friendships’. For some reason though, I don’t think this stallion is who I think he is.”

It is now next morning, and Coloratura got an early start and headed to the city park. The meeting with the stallion could not leave her head. She brought with her a number of instruments, including a keyboard and speakers. She was ready for today’s performance, yet she felt different compared to the other times she had been on stage. She practiced a lot last night, hoping to please the stallion who kept haunting her mind.

She got on stage and saw the crowed in front of her, including the stallion she met yesterday, though he didn’t look too satisfied.

Regardless, Coloratura sang with all hear heart, playing note after note on her instruments and singing word after word for every song she sang. When she sang ‘Forever Friendships’, her cutie mark glowed and sparkled as she sang. It was flawless. The ponies cheered loudly than ever before, and even the stallion she met had a surprised look on his face. Her performance was the best compared to any other, and she even noticed that the crowd, her audience, got much bigger. After a minute of rewarding and heart-warming applause, she headed offstage, to the back, where she saw the stallion waiting for her.

“I must say that was a truly magnificent performance. I can see why these Manehattanites think so highly of you. The praise must feel wonderful,’ said the stallion, complimenting her.

“I really had fun, and the applause from the audience was the best feeling I’ve ever had,” said Coloratura.

“Have you by any chance considered a path of fame and fortune?” asked the stallion.

“Yes, I have. It’s been a dream of mine to share my music with everypony across Equestria. To be known everywhere rather than just in this city. I want more than this. I enjoy what I’ve been doing, but I feel that there is more to my destiny.”

“It sounds like you need a manager. A pony who can help you rise to the ranks, to help you become famous, and spread the word of your talents to ponies everywhere. Lucky for you, I am one of them. I can help you fulfil your destiny and achieve your dreams. So, what do you say? Do you want to join me?”

Coloratura knew this was a life-changing opportunity. She had never thought that this pony would be a manager, and now he is offering her a path to glory and fame. A dream she’d never though would come true. She thought hard about this. She would leave her old life behind and start a new one. A life that she dreamed of. “Alright then. I accept your offer. Thank you very much for this opportunity. I cannot describe how excited I am.”

“Of course, there is work to be done if you want to be a star. You must work hard and do as I say, understand?”

“I understand, and again, thank you very much,” Coloratura replied.

“I promise you that you will get everything that you’ve ever wanted, and perhaps more.”

With that, the stallion began to walk off from backstage.

“Wait,” shouted Coloratura, to get the stallion’s attention just before he left. “I forgot to ask your name.”

The stallion turned around. “My name? Oh, how rude of me to forget to introduce myself. My sincerest apologies. They call me, Svengallop.”

He then left the stage, leaving Coloratura alone backstage. She knew that this was the next chapter, the beginning of her brand new life.