> Shout At The Devil : A Devilish Christmas Carol > by Bucket of Skies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Christmas Time is Here > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The time when Manehatten cold is here,  and a sense of happiness is sprung from everyone, ear to ear.  The time when snow falls for a natural cause, when children are anxious for the return of Santa Claus.  A time for giving kind gifts and doing acts of charity, and gifts that are meaningful, and not a rarity.  For those asking what time of year it is if they dare. For it is Christmas time, all sprung up  in the air.  Now gather all around and sit on your barrel. For I have a tale, worthy of a Christmas Carol.  For it's- What the fuck are you doing? Brim! I was in the middle of trying to tell our Christmas story! That was you telling our Christmas story? Dear Lucy I thought you were about to break out the Irish flute and start a jig with the amount of cheesy rhymes you were doing. Look, I'm trying to capture the Christmas spirit in our story by doing it in kind of a children's book. Something like Twas the Night Before Christmas. Oh no! I'm not gonna stand by and watch you sell out. We're going to tell our story of Christmas the right way. Our way! None of that cheesy goodwill and Santa Claus bullshit.  Brim! There could be kids reading this as we speak. Oh, well then it's time we have that talk with them then. Kids, when a mom and dad love each other very much, they decide it's time to have a kid by- Haha, that's more like it. Roll our Christmas theme! We start off right after Hannukah. Well, actually a week after Hannukah, leaving me only five days until Christmas day with a fresh new Christmas tree. Everything went well for Hanukkah. For once, my family acted normally coming to visit us for the holiday. But most of all, Sunset Shimmer had an absolute blast celebrating her first Hanukkah with me. So much so that she asked if we could do it again next year on a much larger scale. All was fine and dandy with her, Brim on the other hand….  I had to go away for a few days to not burn to a crisp. Wasn't so bad. Got to visit old chums back in Hell for a white elephant party. May or may not have spiked the eggnog with some lax and lean. Fun times, fun times. Well, it was five days before Christmas, and I was cleaning up the aftermath of Hanukkah while Sunset was out shopping. As I was cleaning up the place I began to notice the pile of Hanukkah decorations began to smoke and suddenly flames erupted with Brim appearing in the center of it. Making his grand entrance back from hell. "The Brimeo is back in town bitches!!!", Brim announced tossing a suitcase to the couch. "Could you not have burned the Jewish drapes? I'm happy to see you,  but I was hoping to save for next year.", I said to Brim. "Oh what? No Hanukkah love from your favorite demon friend? Come on Rocky! It's Christmas. ", Brim said stepping down from the burnt decorations. "Okay, I'm happy your back. But I still got to clean up.", I said going up to him and hugging him.  "Whoa, okay. I think I know the issue here. You, my friend, are stressed about something.", Brim pointed out. "Thanks Captain Obvious. But it's nothing. I just need to worry about saving the rest of these decorations before-", I said grabbing the rest of the decorations before it suddenly burst into flames into nothing. "There, no more decorations. Now we can discuss your issue over some eggnog, preferably with nicotine infused in it?", Brim asked. "Those were all my Jewish decorations you just burned!", I told him. "Ah don't worry about it.  I'll give you a new set of decorations for Christmas. Now, about your Christmas conundrum. What has Jack Frost nipping at your nose that has you so worried?", He asked pulling out a mug of Eggnog. He was definitely right about one thing. Well, a lot of things. There was an issue bothering me once I came to the realization of Christmas being in just a few days.  "Well, it's about Sunset. You see, I was so caught up with trying to make this year's Hanukkah the best that I ended up forgetting about getting a gift for her. With only a few days, I have no clue where to start without seeming like a lazy boyfriend.", I explained sitting on the couch.  "You mean to tell me after several months of dating a girl you can't think of a single thing to get her? Maybe you are a lazy boyfriend.", Brim said sipping his eggnog.  "It's not like that. I don't just want to get her something basic like a gift card or something like that. I want it to be special. I want it to be something meaningful for our first Christmas together.", I explained. "You do realize that Christmas is no longer about that anymore? The years of goodwill and merriness are over. Now it's about finding the right deal for a gift that is in every way practical and useful. Or at least that's what I get from all the TV commercials for stores.", Brim said pondering.  Right as we were discussing my issue, the door opened up with Sunset quickly behind it trying to get inside to the warm air. She was holding a couple of Christmas boxes in her hands. "Brr, I will never get used to how cold it gets here.", she said walking inside.  I walked over and kissed her, taking some of the boxes off her hands. "How was it out there? Not too crazy I hope.", I asked her. "Nope. In fact, it was pretty pleasant.  I mean the only real populated area was the homeless alley, but that's always filled up with carolers.", She explained.  "Huh that's weird. I would've thought with Christmas being a few days away, a lot more people would be rushing to be some last minute gifts.", I assumed. "Nah. Surprisingly, almost everything was sold out.", Sunset explained.  That made me jump a little. The thought of not being able to get a gift for Sunset haunted me like the ghost of Christmas future. Sunset must've taken notice to my nervousness to the thought. "You okay?", she asked me. "Uh, yep. Super duper.", I nervously said trying to hide my dilemma. "Say, did you happen to get anymore eggnog at the store? I'm all dried up.", Brim asked her. "This is the third bottle this week. Why can't you just smoke cigarettes like you normally do?", Sunset asked him frustrated.  "It's the holidays. If I don't do anything festive, I feel like I'm committing an act of heresy. Ironic I know.", Brim explained.  "I thought demons hated Christmas.", She assumed. "Oh, because Jesus was born on that day? We don't celebrate for him. We celebrate the greed that comes every time of year. And then we make the greediest of them all have an accident. A very serious accident. All to make them see the error of their ways, and to have something to laugh at while we're drunk.", Brim explained.  "That's horrible Brim.", I said.  "Not as horrible as I will get if I don't get my nicotine in my fresh cup of eggnog that is empty. ", Brim said looking at Sunset.  "Ugh, fine. I'll get you your eggnog. I'm gonna have to go to the other side of town to get it, but I will make do with it. I'll see you later Rocky. Love you.", She said kissing me on the cheek before opening the door. "Love you too.", I answered as she walked out the door and closed it behind her.  Brim took a turn and snapped behind me. "Congratulations,  I just bought you a few hours to find whatever it is you're looking for to get Sunset for Christmas. You're welcome.", Brim said appearing in his winter clothes. "Wait, you didn't need anymore eggnog?", I asked.  "Of course I needed more eggnog. I just used up the fresh bottle from earlier this week to put it in a travel flask. Plus I knew they would be sold out at nearby stores so I figured it would work out if I gave you some time away from Sunset to find out an idea.", Brim explained pulling out the huge flask to sip out of. "You didn't have to do that. But still, thanks Brim.", I told him.  "Don't mention it. Always out to support my friend when he needs help. Now lets hurry because we're on the clock.", Brim said handing me my coat. "Hey, while on the topic, is there anything you want for Christmas.", I asked him while putting on my coat. "Besides more people to like this story, nothing except maybe not going in front of a church while we're out. I feel like I might contract an airborne priest STD.", Brim explained as we headed out the door. With the amount of time we had, Brim and I rushed over to as many stores as we could to find the perfect gift for Sunset. To my avail, I wasn't able to find anything in a lot of places nearby. Everything was either sold out, on back order, or was something so sad to buy for a gift that it wasn't even worth it. It was looking like a dead end for me and my quest for the perfect gift. That was until we ended up on the poorer side of Manehatten. All the stores were packed to the brim with people trying to get a last minute gift for family and friends. In the meantime, it gave me time to think more and more of what I was hoping to get for Sunset. Brim was making suggestions as I shot some of them down. "So that's a no for the diamond crusted guitar and a no for the lingerie shop on the way here. My god man, I'm starting to question whether it's her gift or yours.", Brim said tossing his checklist in a bin. "Look, I'm just trying to find the perfect gift for her. It's got to be meaningful for our first year together for Christmas.", I explained to Brim. "Well, let's break this down from the beginning. Why did you get with Sunset in the first place?", he asked me. I shrugged shoulders as I walked further down the street with him. "It's a lot of things Brim. For one, she made me feel a lot less alone than I felt at the time. She made me have someone I could trust and confide in whenever something bothered me. She was the first person in a long while who treated me like a decent human being. ", I told him. "So, she made you a little bit less like a total pussy? Seems like it could be semi meaningful.", Brim said. "You're an asshole sometimes, you know that?", I told him as he made fun of my reasoning.  "I'm just being honest. Let's start from a more literal standpoint. How much money do you have on you right now?", He asked me. "Two Hundred and fifty dollars. And then some pocket change.", I told him. "Okay. Two hundred fifty dollars. Little cheap for what I would spend on a girlfriend, but maybe it's because I'm  a different demon.", He said. "It's all I had left in cash. I highly doubt any of these stores will be too keen on swiping a card.", I told him. "Okay fair point. So how do you invest your two hundred and fifty bucks for a girl that you love so very much that you want to give her the best damn gift in all of Manehatten?", He asked. "That's not what I'm trying to do Brim.", I explained.  "That's my point Rocky. You are thinking way too hard on this. You're almost taking an impossible task and expecting to succeed with it giving a few days and a limited budget. I think you are thinking about this too much like a Jew. Hanukkah is over dude. It's all Christmas now.", Brim said sipping his eggnog.  I rolled my eyes at him. "Look, maybe I'm wired a little differently than most who can get a basic gift and put meaning behind it. It's still not gonna fix my situation I'm in.", I told him. "Well, I'm no psychologist, but I can give you a point in the right direction. What about the group of jewelry stores around the corner?", he suggested. "The ones by the alley of homeless carolers? I see no reason why not to try there. Just what will be a good gift for her there?", I asked. "Guess we'll figure that shit out when we get there.", Brim said shrugging as we walked further.  As we approached the stores, we got close to the alley way of homeless people to get through the tough crowd. I've never noticed this before about people who are homeless, but despite some of them who literally have nothing, they are as happy as they can be. Maybe it's because they understand the true meaning of life with loved ones. What further proved it further was that almost all of them were supporting each other in whatever way they could. Some even would give all they had. One lone person managed to give up his only warm blanket for a homeless family's little girl. It's kind of sad when you think about it. The rich doesn't help those in need, leaving the poor to help themselves.  "Pity. Guess that's what happens when you go chasing waterfalls with only a bucket and a paper mache boat. Let's get a move on Rocky.", Brim told me taking me out of my glance at a homeless family of carolers singing. "It's still pretty sad though. Having to spend Christmas outside in the cold. I feel like shit seeing this compared to what I have.", I told him. "Don't feel bad. It's not your fault that some people in this world are less fortunate. It's like you said in your monologue above, they are the most happy.", he said. "I didn't say anything.", I told him confused. "Oh, different you. Hey, look that jewelry store looks promising.", Brim said pointing to a place. I looked through the window of the store.it looked very promising with what it had. A bit on the pricey side, but still enough for two hundred and fifty bucks. A trinket that really caught my eye was this beautiful necklace that had an emblem of a sun rising. But what made me want to get it even more was the sign next to it. It was a sign pointing out a sale on all necklaces being half off for the last minute doorbuster sales before Christmas. That was it, that was the one. Rushing into the store as quickly as I could, I ran straight to the counter where a saleswoman was standing.  "How much is the sunshine bracelet with the sale?", I asked frantically. She rose up in surprise.  "Its originally $250, but I'm afraid the sale is done. It's now $500.", she said. "What? But the sign next to it says…", I told her before noticing that the sale ended the day before today. Oooh tough break on you. My goodness it was such a treat to watch your face look destroyed. "I'm sorry sir, but I'm afraid that you have to pay the $500 in order to get it.", She said sympathetically.  I gave a small disappointed sigh to hearing this. I thought I had it, but then at the last minute, the circumstances changed. "Look, ma'am, is there anything you can do? Like do I have to run an errand for you or something just to get it for a low price?", I asked her. "I'm sorry, but it's against store policy that I give you an unauthorized discount,  especially if it's that large.", She explained.  I put my hand on the counter.  "Please, you don't understand. I need to get this for my girlfriend for Christmas. I was so busy with Hanukkah that I lost track of time looking for any sort of gifts outside of the holiday. Please, it's my first year with her. I want it to be a special first Christmas for her. Is there anything you can do as a generous person?", I begged. "This is crazy Rocky. Just forget it and we'll think of something else that doesn't involve me using my magic.", Brim urged me. The sales woman looked around the counter to see if she was being watched. She then looked over at me and leaned in to whisper something. "Okay, I can buy one half of the necklace for you, but only because I see a bit of myself in a similar situation I had when I was younger.", she whispered.  I gave a small, happy chuckle. "Oh thank you so much!", I exclaimed.  "Shhh, don't be loud with it. Just get the money out and I'll make the exchange. "She whispered taking out the necklace.  "Holy shit I didn't think begging would work! I think I will have to try that some time with you.", Brim told me in amusement. Pulling out my money inconspicuously as I could, I slid it over to the saleswoman to trade for the necklace. "Thank you so much, have a merry Christma-", I said before getting interrupted by the door of the store slamming open with a masked man walking in. The man pulled out a gun and fired it into the air. The loud bang was so loud it deafened me for almost a second. The gunshot made everyone in the store either scream or panic. "Alright grease monkeys, you know the deal! On the ground and no one gets popped and can go home for Christmas! This is a robbery,  I don't got time for slow pokes!", He yelled out pointing the gun at everyone. "Oh shit!", I yelled out as I got on the ground with my money in my hand. "That's right, everyone down! Or else I'll make you go down permanently.", the robber yelled out to the rest of the people in the store. The only people that were left standing was the robber and Brim. "Brim! You gotta do something!", I told him. "I can, but right now I have to add more nicotine to my eggnog. Its tasting a little too sweet.", Brim said opening his flask. "Are you fucking kidding me!?", I asked him. "Alright,  so here's what's gonna go down: every single one of yous is gonna take out your wallet and I'm gonna walk around collecting them in this bag. The rest of you working behind the counter are gonna hand over as much shiny stuff as you can before the cops come and I take one of you hostage. Don't try anything stupid!", the robber demanded. The lady who was doing the deal with me was quick to toss the necklace in the bag for the robber. I couldn't risk him taking everything from me. With the money in my hand, I quickly stuffed it in my pants where he couldn't find it: by my crotch. The robber took a walk around and and took a look at me. "I said everyone on the ground take out their wallets and leave it in front of them.", the robber said pointing his gun at me. My heart began racing as the thought of me getting shot right before Christmas. I needed to tell a quick lie, and a good one. "Look man, I was just coming in to look. Please I'm being serious!", I lied. "Ooof, you're gonna have to do better than that if you are gonna fool a criminal.", Brim said shaking up his flask. "You think I was born yesterday? I'm gonna give you from one to ten to take out the wallet before I blow a third mouth into your head!", the robber yelled out. This made a couple of people panic and beg me to do what he said. "Please don't I'm telling the truth!", I lied again. "Just because you say it twice doesn't make it true.", Brim said sipping his eggnog. "Fuck you Brim!", I yelled out. "One, Two, te-", The robber said before the door opened up again. "Manehatten PD motherfucker! Put your hands up.", a cop yelled out as he barged in. "Ah shit!", the robber yelled out, pointing his gun at the cop. "Don't do anything stupid Scumbag! Put your gun down and get on the ground!", the officer demanded. "Okay. As you wish.", the robber said calmly. Then, the robber threw his gun at the face of the cop and knocked him down. While the cop was down, he grabbed the bag of wallets and trinkets and ran out of the door. Brim looked over at the guy running and then looked back at me. "What? You thought I was gonna let him hurt you if I knew he would be stupid enough to waste time talking to your horrible lying ass?", he asked me. I gave him a disgusted look before getting up from the ground.  "Look at the bright side! At least you still have your money.", he said smiling and shrugging," No Christmas spirit?" After filling out a quick witness report about my perspective on the robbery, I walked out of the jewelry store to be back where I started; no idea for a gift for Sunset with two hundred and fifty bucks. Brim, on the other hand,  was happier than I was. You bet your sweet bippy I was happy. Nothing like a cup of eggnog during a robbery. Try passing that story to your relatives on how you got them a necklace.  Note taken. Anyways, I was stuck in the same spot I was in before and I was frustrated. "How could you be so fucking stupid?!", I yelled out.  "Whoa whoa! I had no idea that a robbery would take place at that sto-", Brim said before I interrupted him.  "Not you! I'm talking about me! How could I have been so stupid to not plan this sooner to get a gift for Sunset to not allow any of this to happen?! I'm such a shitty person!", I said kicking a trash can.  "Rocky, let's cool down a bit. There is a fried chicken place around the corner. Maybe if we sit down for lunch we can-", He said before I interrupted him again. "You don't get it do you?! This is my first year I get to spend with the girl I love for Christmas, the girl who changed my life, and I have nothing to show how much she means to me! All the stores that are open have either jack shit, or shit that is too much for what I have. And now, I'm stressing over a Christmas gift and I'm gonna lose my mi-", I said before coming to a realization to what I was saying. It was right there where I realized that I was starting to go against everything that Christmas was all about. I was stressing way too much on the gift of Christmas being exquisite instead of taking into consideration the meaning into a smaller gift. Instead, I was using it to try and make me look good with a gift giving. I lost the meaning of Christmas with me wanting to impress Sunset.  "What am I doing? This isn't right. This isn't what Sunset would want.", I said to myself. "That's what I have been trying to tell you for the past few hours. Mate, you don't need to go above and beyond for someone if they already love you. Sure, it's nice to give them the bells and whistles of a good Christmas gift, but it means a whole lot more if it comes from the heart and is not worth anything.", Brim told me. I looked up at him and looked back at the homeless alley. How could I have missed the true meaning of Christmas right in front of me in that alley way? They weren't happy because of what they had. They were happy because they were together with each other for Christmas. I don't know if that is some stereotype of a Christmas movie or something but it was how I felt.  "Look, let's just go eat some fried chicken. Maybe even some biscuits and we can start over and figure out what we can get for Sunset. ", Brim said walking towards the place. It wasn't until I looked at the fried chicken place and back at the homeless alley that it gave me an idea to satisfy both my want to make Sunsets gift memorable and to give the truest meaning to Christmas.  "Wait! I've got an idea. But you're going to need a physical body for this.", I told him. "Cool. Where's an innocent woman when you need one?", Brim said looking around.  With Brim temporarily possessing a body, we walked right into the fried chicken place with the money we had and decided to buy as many family dinner meals as we could with two hundred and fifty dollars. It was almost a chore to carry them out of the store with Brim and his frail female possessed body, but we could manage.  "So you're idea for a memorable Christmas gift for Sunset is about two hundred dollars worth of fried chicken? Are you secretly someone who likes fat women?", he jokingly asked me. "It's not that. It's something that will help us probably obtain the gift I need for Sunset. Something for a very good cause.", I explained. "You better save me some biscuits in this pile. I may get antsy for nicotine in eggnog, but you don't know antsy until you see me miss out on biscuits. ", He warned me. And that's rule of life kids. Never touch a man's fried chicken biscuit, or else you will be curb stomped brutally. I'm not even joking. Anyways, Brim and I took this food down to the homeless alley of carolers and placed it down in a corner. A few families stopped to come over and see, other stopped to simply look. After about five minutes of setting up, almost every single caroler was gathered around us. I was the one to step forward and address the crowd. There was a bit of silence before I spoke.  "I ...figured it wouldn't be a bad idea to give back to the ones who need it most. Would you allow me to help out?", I said silently.  There was a brief silence.  Almost quiet enough to hear a pin drop to the concrete.  Then, a sudden cheer began to happen as the crowd began to gather in a single straight line to start serving themselves and their families. I was met with a few of the families who thanked me personally for giving them a warm meal and enough to last them to Christmas day. One older woman was crying tears of joy to my generous charity. Hell, even Brim was being thanked through his fake possessed body. Whoa whoa whoa! I may have helped you help them out, but I was in it for the damn biscuits. Don't twist my actions to make me look good. I mean I appreciate the support to try and make me more likeable, but I was in it for the biscuits. Whatever Brim. You were the one smiling at little girl who hugged you for giving her a meal. Shut up! Anyways, the homeless were all served and they were all gathered around us enjoying their first warm meal in a long time. After a while, I remembered my goal of trying to make the best gift for Sunset. Finding a sturdy trash can,  I stood on top to get everyone's attention. They all turned to me and quieted down for me to speak. I earned their respect. "I want to thank you all again for allowing me and my friend to help give back to you all. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.", I said before they responded with cheers and applause.  Brim gave me a nod of approval from the side. "Which leads me to me asking a favor from all of you. You see, I have a loved one at home who I want to give the most memorable first Christmas together ever. I've realized that it wasn't about the gifts that made a Christmas memorable, it was the little things that carry meaning. So, will you do me the most gracious favor to help me make it memorable for her?", I called out to them. They all clamored in positive cheers and supported my favor.  Some even called out and said they would do anything for me. I had them in the palm of my hands, for good reasons. "Good, here's the plan". Fast forward a few days to Christmas morning. I laid next to Sunset as the sun began shining letting me know that Christmas had arrived. I gently woke her up as I moved the hair out of her eyes. Her soft smile let me know that the day she had waited for had come. "Merry Christmas Sunset.", I said to her. She leaned in to kiss me. "Merry Christmas my Rocky.", She said holding me tight. Her warmth felt heavenly, especially to the cold Christmas air that typically ensures. She finally sat up and grabbed my glasses from the counter and put them on me. "What do you say we get up for Santa this morning?", I suggested to her. She cocked her head off to the side a little bit confused.  "Santa?", She asked. Then from the living room… "Ho Ho Ho or some shit like that! Merry Christmas! Please get out of bed so I can get myself down from here!", Brim yelled out in a jolly voice. Sunset and I looked at each other and laughed at what Brim had planned. Getting up and putting on some gowns, we walked into the living room to see the tree with presents underneath and a Santa Claus dressed Brim hanging from a string over the living room.  "Ho Ho Ho! Merry Christmas, even though you two are in your twenties and way too old for this shit! Ho Ho Ho-Oh Fuck!!!!", Brim said falling from the ceiling due to the string breaking. Sunset and I ran over to check on him. "Brim! Are you okay?", I asked him. He sat up from where he fell. "How the hell is that fat ass so nimble?", Brim asked. We all laughed at the situation and moved on to the tree, stuffed with gifts from Brim, as well as some of Sunset's gifts to us. Brim decided since he was the one who fell flat on his face for an effect, he decided that he wanted to hand out his gifts to us first. His gift to Sunset was a new leather jacket that had bits of velvet sewn in it. It was a very nice jacket. As for me, Brim had gotten me a coffee mug with black lettering on it that read "I drink from a big man's mug". I was confused until he snapped some eggnog into my mug when I sipped into it and both Brim and Sunset started to laugh. It wasn't until I looked at the bottom of the mug to see that it had in Brim's handwriting "because I'm a huge pussy". Such a classic mug! If you guys can give that to someone in your family, I will personally give you a ride to heaven. Then of course, Sunset was up next with her gifts to us. For Brim, she had gotten him a giant bottle of Eggnog and a ugly Christmas sweater that looked like his signature red varsity jacket.  The best damn ugly Christmas sweater I have ever gotten.  Finally, Sunset had one gift for me in a large box. It had a small ribbon on it in a bow. "Here you go Rocky, I had to save this for a long time, but I knew you would love it. Go on and open it.", she said with an eager smile.  Not wanting to waste a second more, I opened up the box to see that inside was a rare whiskey that I enjoyed very much and a small box inside. "Oh my god! Where did you find this?", I asked her pulling out the bottle.  "Well, I have to thank some of the special friends you had before Brim for being an expert bartender and able to get the right connections to a rare little whiskey. But that's not all. Open the small box!", She told me. Reaching inside,  I pulled out the small box. It was a little bit weighted. Curious to see what it was, I pulled off the top and small cover on the inside of the box. Inside was a really nice looking steel watch. I took it in my hands to try it on my left wrist.  It fit nice and snug and felt great. "I love it. Thank you so much Sunset. ", I said hugging her tightly. "It's a Merry Christmas after all. ", She said before she pulled away," So, what about you? What have you gotten for both of us"? I looked over at Brim who gave me a nod of approval that everything was all set up. "Well, it's ironic that you have me this watch, because you're gift from me and Brim both is about to arrive right ...now.", I said as my watch struck 8 AM. "What's arrived?", she asked. I stood up from the couch. And held out my hand. "Come with me and you will see.", I said eagerly. With a curious smile, she took my hand and walked with me to the front door of our house. I took one last look back at Brim to double check and see that everyone was set. He gave me one more nod before I pushed open the door to show Sunset the huge crowd of carolers I had waiting outside to sing for us personally. To my surprise, all of the homeless people who I helped put the other day showed up to sing beautiful Christmas Carols. They sang together in harmony in such beautiful volumes. I looked back at Sunset, to see her with the biggest smile upon her face. That right there let me know that I did the right thing. Her smile spoke volumes even louder than the carolers could sing. Once they finally finished,  I looked down at Sunset who was crying tears of joy a little bit.  "Now how was that for a Christmas gift to remember?", I asked her. She looked up at me and kissed me. "I  love it. That is the best Christmas gift anyone has ever given me.", She said. I gave her a small smile. "I wanted it to be memorable and meaningful for our first Christmas together. I managed to help out everyone here, and they were able to help me out.", I explained to her. "And memorable this Christmas will forever be. I love you Rocky!", she said before hugging me tight. I took her hug deeply.  "I love you too Sunset. ", I said as the crowd began cheering for the both of us. After Sunset and I hugged, I looked over at Brim. "So, you agree that I delivered, or I delivered?", I asked him. "Well, apart from the amount of over the top shit you had to pull for this to work out, this was good Rocky.  You did good.", he said sipping from his Eggnog. And so, the rest of the day that followed was the happiest Holiday that I had had in a long time. I was able to spend it with the closest family I had. I was able to be jolly for what I did this Christmas season. That's all I got to say. Brim you want to say something? Oh shit you're putting this on me to end the story. Um, yeah. I may be a demon from hell who finds joy in torturing other douchebags for Christmas, but it's always good to be a jolly old elf every December. And so, from Rocky, Sunset, and your least favorite demon from hell, Merry Christmas horse lovers.