> Kisses Under the Sunset > by PinkCandy559 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Our Anniversary > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fluttershy awoke to Angel lightly shaking her. She struggled to open her eyes, as she was exhausted from the night before. Not only was she busy, but there was the anxiety that plagued her mind as she tossed and turned. She finally sat up and smiled at Angel sadly. He stared at her for a moment, before running off. She was a little confused, but got up and began to get ready to start the day. After she was done brushing her teeth and mane, she just stared at her reflection. Even though she’s been with Dash for a year now, it was just so hard for her to grasp. She often was worried about what-ifs. Such as what if she screwed up. What if she had done or said something to Rainbow Dash that offended her. What if they got into a huge fight? Angel tapped Fluttershy softly on the hoof, holding up a photo. Fluttershy looked down and picked up the photo. It was of them at last years Grand Galloping Gala. She smiled. Dash always loved to call it Triple G, but Fluttershy always seemed to call it Great Galloping Gala. Dash always loved to give Fluttershy a hard time about it, but she knew it was all in good taste. That night was so special. It was the night that Fluttershy confessed. She was out at the garden, playing with all of the lovely animals. Then, Dash came along. When she walked forward, Dash walked rather rather close. “Um, hi Rainbow. H-how’s the Gala for you?” She blushed a tiny bit because of how close Rainbow Dash was. Plus she had an odd look in her eyes. It was a look that she couldn’t decipher. “Eh, it’s going alright. But what are you doing here all alone?” Rainbow said with a tad bit of concern. “I-I’m fine. I just am scared of being in the crowd.” “I getcha. Spitfire has been busy with fans and I was bored. Besides, I was kinda worried about ya.” “Oh! W-well, I’m fine.. Al-although I do want to tell you something.” “Hm? What’s that?” Crap. Fluttershy already admitted she had to tell Dash something, but what could she say? She desperately wanted to admit her feelings for the mare before her. She looked Dash up and down and blushed furiously. The dress she was wearing was flowing and pretty. Her heart was pounding and her throat was dry. She felt exactly how Pinkiepie described fear. Fear of what? REJECTION! “I-I-I...” She stumbled with her words. While Fluttershy was desperately attempting to get out her thoughts, Rainbow was feeling a smile grow wider and wider on her face. She stepped closer. Fluttershy, out of instinct, stepped back. But Dash didn't seem to care. So she kept stepping forward. "R-Rainbow? What are you doing?" "Come on, Flutters. I know what you're trying to say. It just looks like you could use some help." She said with a chuckle. Before she could speak, she felt a weight being gently pressed onto her lips. Rainbow Dash... her longest friend... was kissing her! She was so shocked! She didn't know what to do! Was she supposed to kiss back? She wanted to so badly. So... with so much hesitance, she kissed back. Fluttershy recollected on that kiss. It was so awkward for her. She always had the feeling she was a bad kisser and that was probably proof. Dash always insisted that kiss was as perfect as can be, but Flutters thought that was just a bit to make her feel better. As the evening came closer to Ponyville, Fluttershy began to panic more and more. All she could do was hope Dash would like the gift she had. When she reached the edge of ponyville, she saw Rainbow Dash laying on a cloud. She was dozing, making Fluttershy hesitate a little more. She inhaled deeply and flew up to the cloud and gently woke Rainbow up. When she awoke, she saw Fluttershy holding a small, wrapped gift. She smiled sweetly and yawned. "Hey, Flutters. Glad you made it!" "O-of course I did! I-I would never skip it!" She said with a panicked tone. "It's okay, Flutters! I'm just kidding you!" She said with a laugh. Fluttershy then sat down on the puffy cloud. She inhaled deeply, before letting it go. She then gently slid the present towards Rainbow. She smiled at the gesture. Rainbow then laughed. "Aww! Thanks, Flutters! I wanted to get you a present, but I couldn't.. sorry about that." "O-oh no, no, no! I-it's fine! I understand! I don't want you to waste bits on me." "That is just what I wish you would stop doing, Fluttershy. I really don't mind putting bits down for you. You are so important to me. I really hope that.. someday I can convince you that I do love you." She immediately blushed at that final part. Fluttershy blushed too, but smiled. She nudged the gift closer to her. She gave a look of kindness and acceptance. When Rainbow Dash opened the wrapped package, she was greeted with a small box. She hesitated in opening it, but she almost cried when she unleased the item from the box. It was a photograph of both Rainbow and Fluttershy at the gala. This was the photo that Pinkiepie took when they kissed, unbeknownst to them. It was placed into a heart-shaped picture frame. "How did you get this picture?" She asked with a confused laugh. "When I told Pinkiepie that we were gonna celebrate our anniversary, she gave it to me. A-apparently, she was hiding in a tree when she took that." They both shared a laugh over that. Creepy, but thoughtful on Pinkie's part. But after the laugh, Fluttershy initiated a kiss, which was rare. When they kiss, it's Rainbow who starts it because Fluttershy doesn't have the courage to do it. But this time, she was on the receiving end. Rainbow and Fluttershy softly kissed each other, all the while, the sun was setting. A beautiful scene that captured a beautiful moment between these two lovers.