
by Jade Ring

First published

Flash Sentry and Sunset Shimmer finally give in to the tension between them.

For years, Flash Sentry and Sunset Shimmer have laughed off jokes and innuendos about their past relationship and the obvious friction that still exists between them. They've maintained their status as "just friends" to the point that hardly anyone even brings it up anymore.

But one stormy afternoon in Sunset's apartment just might change all that.


Written for Dirty Little Secret's Dirty Little Contest.

Cover art is a cropped version of a piece by verumtee. Full version found here.

Special thanks to mah boy Grand_Moff_Pony for pre-reading the first half and giving me the motivation to finish.


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What happens when the irresistible force meets the immovable object?

It was bound to happen sooner or later. Anyone with half a brain and even a basic knowledge of the history between the two could see that. There was always a spark when their eyes met, some sort of unspoken friction when their bodies came even relatively close to one another. It wasn’t love, at least not in the romantic sense.

But it was something. That was for damn sure.

For Sunset Shimmer and Flash Sentry’s part, they had always played dumb when anyone even slightly mentioned the obvious tension between them or even their sordid history together.

For Flash, he’d maintain that he was young and dumb, oblivious to the fact that he was a mere pawn in Sunset’s game.

For Sunset, she’d simply remind the conversation starter about how different she’d been back then, literally obsessed with seizing power and creating an army to conquer her home dimension.

Their deflection techniques worked, more often than not, but they never really were able to put an end to the gossip, speculations, and rumors. For their own sanity, they ignored it as best as they could and carried on as simple friends and nothing more. Still, some quiet, subtle part of them recognized the forces boiling just beneath the surface and thus they always took care that they were never really alone. Whether it was part of a study group or out on the town, they were always accompanied by at least one other party. This carried on for years, and if anyone ever noticed it, they didn’t say anything.

Truthfully, this dodging of the issue probably only exacerbated the intensity of the inevitable collapse. They reached the point that they truly believed that they could control themselves, no matter the company they were in.

That was why when the sky began to rumble and the dark clouds rolled in right after a late lunch with Rarity, Sunset thought nothing of her offer to let Flash hide out in her place until the weather died down enough for him to get to his own apartment.

Time was on their side, and the downpour didn’t start until right after they crossed the threshold of Sunset’s building. They stood for a moment in the doorframe and watched the torrential rain fall, ruminating to one another how lucky they were to avoid getting soaked. Lightning crashed down nearby, and they took that as their sign to head further inside.

Sunset unlocked the door to her dwelling and mock bowed, gesturing for him to enter before her.

Flash entered the apartment and looked around. It wasn’t the first time he’d been here, but it had been quite a while. He spied the tank that held Sunset’s lizard and gave the creature a little wave.

It didn’t wave back. Because it was a lizard.

Flash chuckled to himself as he started to turn and went to unzip his jacket. He opened his mouth to say something, to suggest some trivial but fun activity that would pass the time until the storm passed. His thoughts of speaking vanished when he heard the door click shut. He finished the turn and looked at Sunset Shimmer, the woman from another world who had used him once and was now his friend always.

Sunset stared back him, the last traces of a smile leaving her face. The realization had struck her the moment she closed the door. They were alone. Despite all the years of maneuvering, all the coordinating to ensure they were never alone, somehow they’d wound up here.

Flash gazed intently into her eyes, his mouth suddenly bone dry. His hands remained frozen on his zipper.

Time stood still.

Lightning flashed. Thunder rolled.

They rushed each other at the same time.

They collided in the center of the room, mashing their bodies together frantically, their lips merging into one.

Sunset wrapped her arms round his neck, tangling her hands in his hair. She’d always loved his hair, even after he cut it after graduation.

Flash's own arms wrapped around her waist, pulling tighter as her mouth opened and her tongue invaded his mouth. God, she even tasted the same as she did back then…

He pushed her back and she let him push her, gasping briefly when her back struck the wall. She moaned when he took the opportunity to slip her his own tongue, letting one of her hands leave his head and rub frantically at his shoulders. His hands slipped to her jeans clad ass and he hoisted her against the wall, dead-set on joining with her, bonding with her, becoming one with her…

Sunset wrapped her legs around his waist and ground against him, hissing from the friction. She quit her explorations of his chest and quickly stripped herself of her jacket, tossing it aside and tilting her neck in obvious invitation. Flash broke the kiss and started kissing her neck, biting her in the way he remembered she liked. Sunset’s hands tugged at the neck of his shirt, desperately trying to pull it over his head. He let her slip to the ground and quickly removed the item. He pushed against her again and kissed her once more, but she shoved him away in irritation. Before he could ruin the moment with a dumb question, she stripped off her own shirt and pulled off her bra in one smooth movement.

Flash got the picture very quickly when she started undoing her belt.

It quickly became a race as the two teens tore off pants and boots, underwear and socks. When there wasn’t a stitch left between them, they came together again, the heat of their nakedness only increasing the burning that much more.

Again Sunset found herself pushed hard against the wall. She gasped and moaned as she felt his hardness against her stomach, and she rolled her hips against him, her body telegraphing exactly what it wanted.

Flash’s lips left hers and found first the orange swell of a breast, then the pointed darker orange of a nipple. He attacked it, biting it harder than he’d meant, but her hiss signaled her approval. He repeated the action with the opposite breast, very nearly slobbering over the mounds of flesh. Sunset’s moans and hitched breaths only egged him further on. He pulled away for another kiss and grasped himself, trying to move it into position…

For the second time, Sunset pushed him away.

Flash stared at her, panting with unrestrained lust. Her body was perfect, like a masterpiece sculpted from living marble. He could see the sheen of sweat on her skin, from her beautiful face to her toes, and God how he just wanted to taste her again.

Sunset stared at him with hooded eyes, her chest heaving, and she gave him a full once over. When she’d first crossed into this world, the male specimens of the species had hardly interested her. Hell, they still didn’t, with a few obvious exceptions. But as her eyes wandered from his chest to the practically pulsing rod of virility between his legs, she really wondered what she had ever seen in stallions to begin with.

She took his hand and pulled him up the stairs towards the loft that held her bed. Lightning flashed and a low rumble of thunder shook the room ever so slightly. She turned to face him and took his cock in her hands, slowly stroking it and relishing the noise he made at first contact. She bit her lip as she considered her next move.

Flash made the decision for her.

Sunset let out a gasp of surprise when he grabbed her shoulders and kissed her once more. She surrendered to him, her nimble hands still doing their work below. She let him lay her down on the bed and reluctantly released her grip on him as he slid down her body, his destination obvious. Her legs spread on their own, and she gave a little cry when his tongue first touched her.

Flash grasped her thighs and practically dove in to her pussy, baptizing himself in her, plunging himself into the taste of her that had for so long only lived only as fondly remembered memories. His tongue moved frantically across her lips, almost doing this more for his benefit than hers.

Sunset moaned low in her throat as her hands once again buried themselves in that wonderful blue hair. Flash had never been like this, not even when they’d first gotten together. She’d always taken the lead, and in doing so had instructed him in the buttons that would best set her off. But he was like an unleashed animal now, almost quite literally eating her, and the very idea of so much unrestrained passion just made it feel so much better.

Flash grunted as he lifted Sunset’s ass off the bed so he could get that much closer to his prize. His nose bumped against her clit and, without even thinking about it, he closed his lips over it and sucked.

Sunset’s back arched from the pleasure. She uttered a choked gasp and she ground herself against Flash’s face, silently urging him on, to continue, to drink every drop of her essence, to not stop until she was a mewling, numb pile of limbs…

Flash could take no more. With a quiet cry of desperate need, he pulled himself away and lay atop her. He lavished her breasts with kisses as he reached down and grasped himself, positioning himself for the final push…

He looked up and found himself staring into her eyes.

They froze.

For an instant, the rational parts of their minds returned. Were they really doing this? Were they really slipping so easily back into the past? Had all those years of willful denial, of careful dancing, really been for nothing?

They could stop now, they knew. They could excuse everything that had come before as a moment of weakness, one brought about by lengthy dry spells and raging hormones. It could be their secret. He could pull away from her, whisper some apology, and she could make some sarcastic remark, and they could laugh and get dressed and that would be that. This would never happen again.

Except, they both knew, it would.

Lightning flashed, bathing the room in momentary white, and Sunset smiled at him. She placed her hand on his face and drew him into a kiss; not furious and heated, but so much slower and sweeter. Flash returned it, and inhaled when he felt Sunset’s other hand join his on his cock.

Thunder shook the apartment as he slid into her, and their first cries were swallowed up into one another’s kiss.

Flash braced himself with his arms and began to move, relishing the silky heat of her all around him. He stared into her eyes, and kissed her once more.

Sunset’s legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him deeper into her, thrusting back against him in time with his movements. She kissed his neck, his cheek, his lips, anything her lips could reach as he took her. Her arms wrapped around his neck and pulled him tight.

Flash lost himself in to heat of his Sunset, their bodies melded together by sweat and fluids. He licked and bit her neck as she cried out in his ear, her burning breaths only urging him on.

The need, the heat, from earlier returned with a vengeance and soon they were fucking each other properly, their bellies slapping lewdly against each other with every matched thrust. The storm raged around them, almost matching the fury of their passion. They barely noticed when the lights flickered and died after another bolt of lightning, plunging the room into darkness. They were their own world, a ball of molten heat in the vacuum of night. The only things that existed were their panted moans, the heavy scent of sex, and the assuredness that they were there together.


Flash could feel his end approaching, and he knew there was no stopping it. He worked towards it, his thrusts becoming faster and quicker.

Sunset did her best to match him, answering his silent question by tightening her legs around him that much more, locking him inside her.

Lightning struck the building as they came, their cries lost in the boom of thunder. He poured into her and she accepted every drop without complaint. They locked against one another, their muscles tensed to the breaking point. When it was over, he collapsed on top of her. She held him tight, enjoying the feeling of being under him. She peppered his face with small kisses and wiped a sweaty strand of hair from her forehead.

He softened and pulled out of her, rolling onto his back beside her. His heart hammered in his chest as his body struggled to come down from the amazing high. He felt her shift away and looked over to see her lighting a few candles on the nightstand.

The storm was beginning to fade, and they looked at one another in the flickering candle light. Each searched the face of the other for a sign of regret, a moment of hesitation. A line had been crossed, they both knew that, but could this particular line be uncrossed?

More importantly, did they even want to uncross it?

Sunset lay back down beside him and snuggled against his chest. Obediently, he wrapped an arm around her and held her tight.

Their friends were going to talk. They were going to say how they always knew there was something there, how funny it was that they had danced around the inevitable for so long.

And there would be struggles. They had broken up before, hadn’t they? Being older and wiser was one thing, but surely there would still be old problems, ancient arguments that would have to be dealt with.

She looked at him.

He looked at her.

They smiled.

As they drew together once again, the dying storm let out one final echo of thunder.

What happens when the irresistible force meets the immovable object?


They surrender.