> A Day at the Starswirled Festival > by CapNTilfy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > A Perfect Day > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Curly Winds double checked his inventory and his luggage, making sure he hadn't forgotten anything. Tomorrow was the first day of the Starswirled Music Festival, and when he woke up in the morning, he didn't want to realize he left something important at home. Curly grinned. He had a whole weekend with Wiz Kid ahead of him! He'd never spent that much time with his boyfriend before! It was sure going to be a memorable one! As he left his room with his luggage in tow, he hoped that nothing magical would get in the way of their fun... Wiz Kid looked out the window, eagerly awaiting Curly's arrival. They had been planning this weekend for months, and they were going to enjoy it no matter what! Dancing together. Walking together. Talking together... he sighed happily as he recalled the moment they first met... Wiz Kid nervously walked around the halls of Canterlot High. It was his Freshman year, and he had been feeling a little insecure ever since he realized he was gay. "Hey, you okay," A voice asked from a few feet behind him. Wiz jumped and let out a loud yelp, then put his hand to his chest as he tried to steady his breathing. He turned around to see a fairly buff blue student wearing a white shirt with a tornado in its center. "Seriously... are you okay?" Wiz took a deep breath, then managed to calm himself. "Yeah," he said with a nod. "Sorry about that. I'm just a little jumpy because..." he trailed off, his insecurities getting the better of himself. I'm gay. The student waited patiently. Just say it. 'I'm gay.' "...Because I'm new around here," Wiz said with a sheepish smile. As true as that statement was, he felt disappointed in himself. He managed to hide it from the student in front of him. "Yeah. Me too," the student said. "Curly Winds." He extended a hand to Wiz. "Wiz Kid." The two shook hands. Wiz Kid rolled his eyes. He beat himself up over not coming out to Curly then for weeks! The two would become good friends over the following months as they got to know each other better. Despite his best efforts, however, he could feel a crush coming on... Curly got into his parent's RV and drove off, thankful that his father was a hopeless romantic. 'Anything in the name of love', he'd say. He smiled, as he often echoed that sentiment to Wiz over the course of their relationship. And it was true. He'd do anything to make him happy. Curly sighed happily. Just imagining Wiz's smile made his heart feel lighter. He couldn't imagine life without him, and he knew just who to thank for that... Curly entered Canterlot High. It had been a few months since school started, and he had gotten used to the constant chatter of students in the hallway. In that same amount of time, he found himself thinking about Wiz Kid a bit more often than normal. Curly sighed. He didn't have the courage to tell Wiz he was gay. He wanted to make a good first impression, and he wasn't going to do that by foisting his personal baggage on someone he just met! Three chimes rang out from the PA system, gathering the attention of most of the students in the hallways. "Aaaaaaaatention, Canterlot Wondercolts," a feminine voice chirped. "My name is Pinkie Pie, and I'm making the morning announcements!" She giggled. Various students went back to their own business as others listened in. Curly shrugged and began walking to his first class for the day. He tuned out most of the announcements until a new voice spoke. "Calling all LGBTQ students! Calling all LGBTQ students!" Curly raised an eyebrow as he gave the new announcement his full and undivided attention. "My name is Lyra Heartstrings, and I'm one of the Co-Leaders of the newly formed LGBTQ group. We'll be having our first meeting after school in Room 208. Hope to see you there!" Curly smiled. It felt heartening to know that someone put in the effort to make a group like that. He might as well at least check it out. After all, he had nothing to lose. Curly went about his school day like normal. Going to classes, talking to Wiz, enjoying his lunch. Once the school day ended, he headed to Room 208. He took a deep breath, then exhaled and entered. Inside were two young women setting up chairs. One was a very pale green girl that wore a harp necklace. Atop her pale blue and white hair rested a pair of pink earmuffs with a yellow heart inside each ear. The other girl had cream colored skin. Her cyan eyes shimmered as she watched the other set down a chair. "Do you think we'll need more," she asked as she ran a hand through her blue and pink hair. "I don't know, but-" The pale green girl took notice of Curly. "Oh! Hi there," she said as she walked up to Curly. "I'm Lyra Heartstrings." She extended a hand. "Curly Winds." He accepted the handshake. "This is my girlfriend, Bon-Bon," she said, gesturing to the other girl in the room as she broke the handshake. Bon-Bon waved. "We're the group co-leaders." "Girlfriend, huh? How long have you guys been going out?" "Since eighth grade," Bon Bon said as she walked up to Curly. "But we've been best friends forever since kindergarten." she shook Curly's hand. "Well it's nice to meet you both," Curly said as he broke the handshake. "Do you need any help with those," he asked, gesturing to the chairs. Bon-Bon shook her head. "Nah, I think we're good here." There was a knock at the door. "Come in," Lyra said. The door opened slowly to admit a pale blue girl with rainbow-colored hair. Lyra and Bon-Bon gasped in unison. "R... Rainbow Dash?!" Rainbow Dash was one of the most popular girls in school due to her ability to inspire people, her athleticism and her loyalty to her friends. She quickly put a finger to her mouth as she closed the door. "Not so loud," she said, then hugged herself as she took a seat. Bon-Bon calmed visibly and slowly walked over to Rainbow. "Are you okay?" Rainbow sighed. "I-I don't know. I mean, I just came out to my friends." She smiled. "Of course, they were supportive and stuff, but..." she trailed off and looked away. Lyra walked over to Rainbow and put a supportive hand on her shoulder. "But what?" Rainbow sighed again. "I... I'm pretty new to the whole 'lesbian' thing and I'm not comfortable with everyone knowing yet." Bon-Bon nodded with an understanding smile. "Fair enough." Curly smiled warmly, having watched from a few feet away. There was another knock at the door. "Come in," Lyra said. The door opened, and Curly Winds' jaw dropped. Wiz Kid stood still at the entrance, sporting the same expression. Lyra, Bon-Bon, and Rainbow Dash looked at the two in confusion. Time seemed to stand still until Wiz blushed and took a seat near Curly, who felt heat rise to his face. Curly smiled as he reached Wiz's home. The rest of that meeting was incredibly awkward between the two of them, but he wouldn't change it for anything. Curly left the RV and walked up to the door, then knocked. A few moments passed, and Wiz Kid opened the door with luggage in hand. "Hey Curly Fries," he said softly. Curly caressed Wiz's cheek. "Hey Wizzie. Need some help?" Wiz shook his head. "No, I'm good." he took Curly by the hand and they boarded the RV. Upon entering the RV, Wiz's eyes widened. "Whoooooa..." Looking down, Wiz saw that he was standing on a marble floor. A black fridge stood to his left with cabinets above and next to it. A sink sat across from the fridge. Further down was a leather sofa that sat across from two leather chairs with armrests. A table stood between the seats. The cockpit had a large window with satellite radio and all of the controls for heat and ventilation, with a flat-screen TV embedded above it. On the other side of the RV stood two beds with sheets that matched the sepia of the sofa and chairs, with a shower in the very back. "Oh yeah, that's right," Curly said with a laugh. "You've never actually seen the inside of an RV before." Wiz stood still as his jaw hung open. "Hello?" Curly waved his hand in front of Wiz's face. He smiled and rolled his eyes, then pecked him on the cheek. Wiz blinked and blushed. "Sorry about that. I might've overreacted there." "Don't worry about it, hon." Curly took Wiz's luggage and set it aside, then checked his phone. "We've got a little bit of extra time. Want to snuggle on the sofa?" Wiz smiled. "Of course," he said. "You know I love cuddling with my favorite romantic goofball." Curly snorted. "After you, then," he said, gesturing to the sofa. Wiz walked over to the sofa and laid down on it, then Curly did the same. Curly turned over to face Wiz, and the two embraced with happy sighs. "I love you," Curly whispered as he gently stroked Wiz's back. "I love you too." Wiz ran a hand through Curly's hair, and they gazed into each other's eyes as they touched foreheads. The smiled lovingly at one another, then kissed as another memory surfaced for them... Curly and Wiz left the LGBTQ meeting, nearly hitting the wall and door on their way out. They could hardly keep their eyes off of one another, still shocked that the other was gay. Curly and Wiz reached the hall, and Wiz spoke up. "...If I'd known you were gay when we met, I would've come out to you." "Same," Curly said softly. Heat rose to Wiz's face. "I..." He had to take this chance. "I... hope this isn't too soon for you... but." He took a deep breath to steady his nerves, then exhaled. "Would you like to go ou-" "Yes." Wiz blinked. "I... you didn't let me finish," he said, folding his arms. "You were going to ask me out on a date, right? The answer is yes." "Oh." A smile slowly formed on Wiz's face. "When are you available?" One kiss transitioned seamlessly into another as Wiz and Curly tasted each other's tongues and sighed into each other's mouths. One more kiss, then Curly caressed Wiz's shoulder. "We should probably get moving, babe," he said softly. "Besides, we'll need to save some energy for all the walking and dancing." "Yeah." Wiz said dreamily as he began to ride out a make out high. He followed Curly to the front, sat down, and buckled his seat belt. "You ready?" Wiz nodded, and Curly started the ignition. "Then off we go!" Wiz and Curly arrived at the festival campground. Several tents and RVs crowded the area, and many people were out and about. Curly parked the RV with a grin. "You excited, baby?" Wiz grinned in return. "You know it!" Curly unbuckled his seatbelt. "We've got some time to kill before calling it a night. Why don't we see who else made it here?" "Sounds like a plan to me!" The two got out of the car and walked over to the tents. "I thought I recognized that RV," a voice said from a few feet away. Curly and Wiz stopped in their tracks. They turned to see a pale green teenager with wavy purple hair. He smiled, put his pointer and middle finger together, then tapped it to his temple as a salute while his brown eyes shone. "Hey-o." "Smooth Move," Curly said with a smile as he walked towards him, then gave him a fist bump. "Hey man," Wiz said casually, just before giving him a high-five. Smooth Move was a trans man, and came out as such when he joined the group while he was still known as Dazzle Flair. Once a self-loathing, anxious mess of a person, Smooth transitioned into a confident and jovial man. "You guys on an extended date," Smooth asked with a grin and a raised eyebrow. Curly barked a laugh. "I guess we are," he said as he took Wiz by the hand and laced fingers with him. Wiz smiled warmly. "Either of you up for some hacky sack?" Wiz shook his head as Curly turned to look at him. "You don't mind, do you," Curly asked Wiz as he let go of his hand. Wiz shook his head. "Not at all. I like seeing you in action anyway!" Curly grinned. "All right then, Smooth. Bring it!" About half an hour later, Smooth parted ways with Wiz and Curly. "Nothing like a little extra legwork before the real deal tomorrow," Curly said as he stretched. "My legs were getting sore just watching you guys." Curly snorted, then yawned. "Welp. Time to hit the sack." Wiz nodded, and they made their way towards the RV. Curly went in and changed into his pajamas first, followed by Wiz. The two laid in their beds as the RV's lights were turned off. Curly simply stared at Wiz as he watched him fall asleep, and a thought had entered his mind. A thought that he had been having for quite some time. A thought that he wasn't sure he could keep at bay for much longer. He sighed happily, then closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep... With their first date over, Wiz and Curly left the diner. "That was a blast!" Wiz grinned. "Yeah. It was." Curly sighed happily. Wiz blinked. "Are you okay?" Curly nodded. "Yeah... I was just wondering when we could do it all again." Heat rose to Wiz's face. "H-How does next Thursday sound?" Curly woke up to the sound of his alarm clock. He shut it off, then froze in place as he saw Wiz completely asleep. His heart skipped a beat at the sight. The thought returned, stronger than it ever had before. There was no more denying it. Tonight, his thought would become a reality! Wiz Kid slowly stirred, and Curly's heartbeat sped up. He would never forget this sight for as long as he lived. Wiz slowly opened his eyes and smiled. "Morning, hon..." "Morning," Curly said dreamily. Wiz and Curly got out of their beds, took showers and ate breakfast. After that, they walked over to the festival entrance and stood in line for a few minutes, then entered. "All right, hon," Curly said as they walked away from the line. "Pon Iver won't be on until about a half hour from now. What do you want to do?" Wiz cupped his chin in thought. "How about the Neon Garden?" "I don't see why not." Curly took Wiz by the hand, and they entered. "Oh... wow..." The two found themselves surrounded by the tallest shrubs either of them had seen before, just barely two feet taller than Curly. Strings of bright lights were strewn about, some in the shapes of flowers or hearts. "It's... beautiful..." Curly laced his fingers with Wiz's. "Not as beautiful as you, hon," Wiz said softly as he tightened his grip, then pecked Curly on the cheek. Curly smiled warmly. "Hey now, I'm the romantic goofball around here," he said playfully as he ran a hand through Wiz's hair. "You are," Wiz conceded, then grinned. "Doesn't mean I can't turn the tables on you every now and then, though." Curly barked a laugh. "That's true, and I love it when you do." The two sighed happily, then spent some time walking through the maze in silence. After a while, Curly glanced at his phone, then yelped. "The shows going to start in a few minutes! We gotta get out of here!" "Thankfully, the maze isn't all that complicated," Wiz said. "We should be out soon as long as we keep our cool." Curly took a deep breath, then exhaled. He knew Wiz was right. Always able to keep his calm under stress. Curly wished he could do that sometimes. In a matter of minutes, they found their way out and reached the stage just in time. Once the band came out, the air was filled with music. The songs that played were ones that both Curly and Wiz knew by heart. They sang out loud to one another as their eyes twinkled, fully enjoying the moment they were in together. When the band had finished, Curly and Wiz found a tent with a sofa, and they sat on it. "Nothing beats a good workout, huh, Wizzie?" Curly wrapped an arm around Wiz's shoulder. "Easy for you to say, babe," Wiz said with a small wince. "My legs and thighs really felt the burn back there." "You going to be okay?" "Yeah. I just need to rest a little, that's all," Wiz said as he laid his head on Curly's shoulder, then closed his eyes with a sigh. Curly simply watched as Wiz rested, his eyes closed with a smile on his face. The sight before him had the thought return stronger than before, and it became apparent that before the day was over, the thought would become an urge. After Wiz Kid felt rested enough, their day had continued. They serenaded each other with their favorite songs played live, stole kisses from each other, held hands... it was like a perfect day. Even after that oddness with PostCrush and two of Rainbow Dash's friends getting on stage! It was evening now, and Curly felt his nerves start to get the better of himself as he and Wiz left the festival grounds for the day. As they approached the RV, Curly shook his head rapidly, then took a deep breath and exhaled. "Wiz." Wiz Kid turned around. "Yes?" "I... I-I've been thinking... lately. About us." Wiz blinked in confusion. "...And?" "I want to take things to the next level. Tonight. Here." Heat rose to Wiz's face. "I just... I just love you so much. Seeing you sleep, hearing your voice. Holding you close makes me so very happy, and I know it makes you happy." Wiz stood still. "We both see that we love each other. We both know that we love each other... but tonight. Wiz Kid. Love of my life. My everything. Tonight I want us to feel how much we love each other." Tears began streaming down Wiz Kid's face as his heart beat a mile a minute. "You... romantic goofball." He sniffled. "I-I love you so much too!" He grabbed Curly and gave him a fiery kiss. Their tongues lashed, danced and wrestled with each other for several seconds, then the kiss was broken. Wiz Kid and Curly Winds gazed lovingly at one another. Wiz gave Curly a slow nod with a smile, and they entered the RV. With the door closed, Wiz and Curly exchanged deep and passionate kisses as they discarded their clothes. Hands roamed freely. Mouths opened, closed and nibbled. Tongues tasted. Sighs filled the RV. The sighs became pants, then soft moaning as hands were held and fingers were laced. Grips tightened as cries of love and passion resounded throughout... then silence. After all was said and done, Wiz and Curly simply stared at one another, beaming with love. The lights were turned off, and the two embraced. No words were necessary. "I love you." "I love you too." The RV remained silent, save for the occasional sigh or quick yet passionate kiss as hands caressed a cheek or neck. This continued until Wiz Kid and Curly Winds fell asleep in each other's arms, happier and more in love with each other than ever.