The New Job

by RayneTheSkunk

First published

Gallus has enjoyed ten years of being a guard captain. Twilight thinks its time to ruin that.

The most dangerous assignment of Captain Gallus' career: protect Luster Dawn, friendless magical prodigy, from Ponyville. Isn't there a nice war to fight instead?

Written for the The Discovery contest.

Edited by the lovely Lofty Withers, Just Lightning and Sock Puppet

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“You called for me, Twilight?” Gallus gave the barest of bows before resting his eyes upon Twilight Sparkle’s throne. His armor shimmered in the prismatic light of the stained-glass.

“Please just call me Twi— wait.” The queen snapped out of her practiced introduction. Once her brain had caught up to reality, she leaned back against her throne and belted a sigh of freedom. “You have no idea how much I’m used to saying that. Everycreature comes in here with ‘my queen’ that, and ‘your highness’ this, ugh!”

“I do. I stand outside your door every day, your highness.” Gallus smirked, and he held that smirk until the look of disdain on Twilight’s face was to his satisfaction. “May I ask what I was called for, exactly?”

“You’re being relieved of your duties as captain of the guard!”

“Hold up. What?” His pupils shrunk into pin pricks.

“Because there’s a new job I have for you!” She cheered!


“Twilight.” Spike elbowed Twilight’s shoulder “I think you want to explain what it is you have in mind for him before he breaks down.”

“Phshh, can’t I mess with him back a little? Gallus, you okay over there?”

“Just a bit razzled.” He coughed. “I’m fine, didn’t panic about my livelihood at all.”

“Good, you’re not getting fired, but I do have a request for you. I would like you to accompany Luster Dawn to Ponyville as her bodyguard for the duration of her stay. This would mean giving up your station as Captain, but your pay as a royal guard will remain the same.”

“Somehow this feels more like an order than a request. Isn’t there anyone else for the job? Not gonna lie, I kinda like being in charge here. I’ve done a lot for this position—the airship battles, the Griffonstone insurgency, aiding in the defeat of Lendys.”

Spike rolled his eyes. “And the whole way through the ranks, you put the bare minimum into training, and snoozed on the job.”

“But I get results, and my paperwork is always perfect!”

A shiver ran downTwilight’s wings “It is some of the most immaculately signed and filed paperwork I’ve ever seen, Spike. Gallus, I mean no disrespect to your position, in fact, its precisely because of how much you’ve done for Equestria that I want you for this. I may not have been there for all of it, but I’ve watched you grow into a fine soldier, and an even better symbol of friendship. You’re the best creature I could ever think of for the job.”

“I’m the best possible creature for any job, but why is it a job that needs to be done anyway? Equestria’s not at war with anyone, Luster’s not a noble or from a rich family, and last I checked there's not exactly a whole lot of political assassinations going on. Shouldn’t she be fine?”

“She should.” She grimaced. “But you know what Ponyville is like.”

Spike smirked. “You remember how many times you almost died in one semester in Ponyville, Gallus”

“Only,.” He drew a blank as he resorted to counting his feathers. “Twelve, and that's cause we couldn’t stop ourselves from messing around with ancient spells or caves under the school. Most the time. If she’s smart, she won’t need a guard.”

“Twilight got herself turned to stone on her third month living there, almost eaten by a hydra on her second. Oh, there was the time everything got half-eaten by parasprites!”

“And you both miraculously survived without bodyguards,” Gallus said with a cheerful smile, a riveting swing of his arm before deflating into a level deadpan. “I’d prefer to keep my position.”

“We survived because we all looked out for each other.” Twilight tapped her hoof to her heart. “Listen, Luster is, well...”

“She’s a lot like you were.” Spike chuckled. A faint blush shined on Twilight's face along with a small grin. Her wing fanning at him brushing his comment aside.

“A little too much.” Twilight approached Gallus. There was a quite tink she touched his armored chest. “I’ll be honest, I don’t think I would have made it anywhere without Spike by my side. I’m not just asking you to be her guard. I want someone to look out for her, and I respect you enough to know you aren't going to be any creature’s assistant, and don’t think she needs an assistant, but she needs someone dependable who can watch over her. Someone who understands friendship, and I can’t imagine anyone better than someone who also sparked the element of magic.”

The pondering clicks of Gallus talon against his beak was the only sound in the room. It echoed like the sting of a ticking clock.

“I’ll do it”

“Oh my goodness thank you. You don't know—”

“If you double my salary”

“You can’t be serious. We already pay you handsomely.”


“Gallus, you’re dismissed.”

Gallus later got a note that his pay absolutely, under no circumstances, was receiving any increases of any sort, but he would get free housing for the job. There was a second note, signed by Spike. A small illustration of Spike sat in the corner of the page with a speech bubble.

Any further attempts to haggle your pay will result in your immediate termination. I can do that, I swear. Respect the hustle though.

Managing Expectations

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“New armor, Captain?” asked a pegasus guard strapped to a chariot. Gallus was just barely wearing armor. Instead of his full guard outfit, he had one leather pauldron on his left foreleg and leather wraps near his talons. As per instruction, he wasn’t to wear full plate as a bodyguard. He was living life in Ponyville now. No regimen or rules, just relax and keep Luster out of trouble. No one needed to tell Gallus twice to relax. Though he did keep his full combat gear packed in a trunk. Just in case.

“New job, not a guard anymore. I’m civvie now, sorta… It's a weird situation. I keep the title though!”

“Whaaaat, this the worst! No other captain is as lax as you. I don’t think I can go back to actually being on time every patrol!”

“Get out while you can, Cross Wind. Get out while you can.” Gallus’ ears twitched at the thunderous clap of the towering castle doors. “Crap, look sharp. They’re coming.” The two snapped themselves into form as Twilight, Spike and Luster strolled down the courtyard.

Twilight wrapped her hooves around Luster. Though nocreature could see it, Luster could feel the tears brush against her fur. Luster grinned as she pulled away, one hoof still on Twilight’s chest. “Twilight, I’m just going to Ponyville. There’s nothing to be crying about?”

“I know, I’m just thinking of the great pony you’ll grow up to be all on your own.”

“She’s being dramatic. She’ll be fine. Get going before she starts crying for real. No one wants to be around for that.” Spike lifted Luster into a hug, before setting her on the chariot. “Be safe, Luster. Don’t get turned to stone.”

“I won’t, got an anti-cockatrice pendant!”

Gallus leapt over the chariot’s side and took his seat beside Luster. “She’s in good talons, Twilight. Don’t worry about it.”

“I know. I trust you.” That was close enough to the queen’s blessing for Gallus, and he gave Cross Wind the cue to start pulling. “Say hi to Starlight and everyone else at the school for me. You’re going to love them, Luster. They’re the best. Don’t forget to write.” Twilight’s voice rose as they rolled further and further from the castle gate. Spike’s grip on her leg was the only thing keeping her from following after them. “If you forget the letter spell, Spike can send a reminder!”

“You could show some concern for your old students too, Twilight!” Gallus chuckled before reclining against the edge of the chariot. Legs crossed, wind blowing through his feathers, and the distant calls of the queen to set the mood. “Must be nice having someone care so much.”

“It does make me feel a little bad about leaving.” Luster smiled as she turned through the pages of a book, Life In Ponyville: Most Diverse Town In Equestria. “But that just means I have to make sure not to let her down.”

“That’s why you’re studying before you even make it to school?”

“Yeah, kinda. Its stress relieving, I guess.” Luster’s eyes didn’t leave her book. “So um, you’re going to be keeping an eye on me?”

“Yep.” Gallus crunched into an apple. “Get used to me. Name’s Gallus.”

“Oh, well I’ll try to do my best.” Gallus raised a brow at the comment but didn’t say a word. She floated the book to her side, away from Gallus. “Well, it’s nice to properly talk to you, Captain Gallus.”

“Eh, same.” Gallus closed his eyes. Being a guard had mostly meant patrolling the same halls every day, standing next to doors, and maybe twice a year being called on to handle some big evil or something. Being a member of the guard and being a bodyguard were two entirely different jobs. Surely he wasn’t supposed to just follow her around all day? Or was he? When even are off hours for a job like that? Being glued to a kid’s hip all day sounds pretty bogus.

“Hey kid.”

“Yes, Captain Gallus?”

“How much would you say you really need a bodyguard? Be honest with me”

“Well, I don’t know. I’ve never been attacked before? I’ve got making shields down pretty well. But if Twilight thinks I ne—”

“No, no, no, what do you think?”

“Uh…” Luster paused, looked back towards her book, and took a deep breath. She turned back to him with a smile. “I can take care of myself.”

“That’s what I like to hear.” If she can take care of herself, he’d barely even have to bother with her. He could relax, sit back, and get paid for even more nothing than before. She’d be fine.

Luster had fallen asleep at some point during the ride. Gallus figured if she was anything like Ocellus she probably doesn’t sleep till two AM. Gallus had got plenty of sleep, but any opportunity for nap was one to be taken. With the sun still rising, they were on track to fly into Ponyville in time for classes.

If there's anything Cross Winds was good at, it was smooth landings. Neither passenger had woken up till he blared the royal horn.

“The Oxford comma is non-negotiable!” The words blurted out of Luster’s mouth as she shot up. They were on the front steps of the School of Friendship. Students walked by, some staring in awe at the arrival of a royal chariot. Luster searched for a blanket to cover herself, but all she could hide behind was Gallus. She just arrived with this much fanfare and every creature caught her sleeping! Drooling, even!

Gallus simply yawned and carried himself off the chariot, unfolding a note.

First Day Instructions: Greatly Abbreviated by Spike (you’re welcome)
Step 1: Talk to Starlight and get Luster registered with a dorm room. She probably already did it.

“Come on, kid. We have a headmare to talk to.”

Gallus led Luster inside, and before she could even take in the view Gallus’ arm wrapped around her, and she was flung behind a pillar!

“What’s go—” A talon covered Luster’s mouth as Gallus peered behind the pillar.

“Shhh” Gallus’ eyes locked onto Yona and Silverstream. The two engaged in a conversation with a handful of kirin students over some burned homework. “We can’t let them see us” he whispered.

“Why no—”

“Because, well, it's complicated. My friends haven’t seen me in… a bit.”

“Oh, they’re the ones from the—”

“Yes, the stained-glass.” Gallus scanned the room for a suitable method of getting out of this. “There! Jump with me on three.”

“Jump when you say three?”


“Or jump after three?”

The talon around her leg pinched her, and in a blur, she flew across the room into a crowd of blue and pink hippogriffs. Griff enough to blend in with griffons, hippo enough to blend with ponies.

“We didn’t even make it to two!”

“They started moving—” A yank from Gallus tail lurched Luster onward. “Didn’t have time—” The pull on her leg kept her walking in pace with the hippogriffs. “Now keep up. We split up from them at the end of the hall.”

Luster puzzled over what to do with her hooves. Her eyes lingered on the hippogriffs, so tall. Walk on her tippy hooves to match their height? Slink low to hide behind them? So she tried both, walking arched like a startled cat. “Okay, but I don’t get why we’re hiding.”

“You like being punctual? We either get this done now or in three hours, after I finish explaining things.”

“Explaining what?”

“See, that's the sort of question that would waste both of our time.” The herd of hippogriffs reached a fork in the halls. “Break left now! Go! Go!” The two slunk into a hall that Luster just had to hope led to the headmare’s office, her mind racing with questions as to just what was even happening. Is this what having a bodyguard is like?

“Okay we should be goo—”

“Gallus!” Silverstream shouted, launching herself up for a birds eye view. “Is that you!”

“Uh! No, it isn't!” he squawked. Luster’s gut clenched, and the safety of solid ground left her hooves. With talons tight against her barrel she was flying through hallways, up and down, and all around at mind twisting velocities. Wind blowing through her main, students whizzing by a hair away from her face, the blur of hallways and creatures going by so fast they can only be processed as colors. All she could think ‘Wow, is he fluffy! How can he be this soft!’

Her fluffy thoughts were slammed aside as they charged into a door! “What in the world!” shrieked a voice Luster was vaguely familiar with. Without warning, she was air dropped into a seat in before a maroon-suited mare.

“Luster Dawn!” Starlight said between sharp breaths, one hoof against her heart. Her mouth curled into a wavering smile “It’s nice of you to… drop in. I figured you’d arrive in a less heart-attack-inducing way.”

“Sorry, Miss.” Come on, you know her name from your visit. Try to make a good second impression. “Starlight Shimmer!”

Starlight Glimmer sucked on her teeth and she tapped her nameplate. “Good try. “ The sickness of embarrassment squirmed in Luster’s stomach. If she turned to dust right now. Well that would be just okay. As Luster pondered shame based self-combustion, Gallus fluttered into his seat, fell back, and huffed.

“Okay, doors locked.”

The smile she had for Luster transmogrified into a stern glower as Starlight turned to the griffon. “Gallus, why are you locking my doors?”

“Bodyguard things.” His chest swelled. “Keeping ponies safe.” He panted “Don’t- Don’t worry about it. So how about that student registration. Heard you might have already handled a lot of it.”

Starlight rolled her eyes and produced a stack of forms the hit the desk with hollow thud. “Well, Twilight and I have discussed Luster’s enrollment for a while now, so I’m well prepared. I just need you two to sign a few papers first, then Luster can choose her course schedule.” She slid them both a set of documents ready for signing “Then maybe we can discuss why you two came flying in here like bats out of Tartarus.”

“It's complicated?” Luster said as she signed her name on each sheet. Gallus leered over her penmareship. For all her studying, Luster’s control over a pen left something to be desired. Luster leered over to Gallus’....and he hadn’t signed anything. “Captain Gallus?”

“I don’t sign anything I haven’t read.”

“I don’t think Ms. Glimmer would be trying anything fishy.”

“No, no, he’s just like this.” Starlight had leaned her face into her hoof, looking upon Gallus with a nostalgic smile.

“I don’t know. I think he’s just stalling for more time to avoid his friends.”

“You’re doing what now?”

“Nothing! Don’t worry about it, Ma!” The feather’s on Gallus’ cheeks puffed up, the moment he realised what he had said.

Luster raised a brow “Ma?”

“None of your business. Don’t ask!” He hid his face behind the paperwork, leaving Luster’s only other option to look at Starlight giggling into her hoof, before making a silly face at her bodyguard. Which he only reacted to by burying himself further into the sheets of legalese.

Luster had sunk into her chair, twirling a globe for an hour for Gallus to find every document to his liking. She could have sworn this was the same griffon who was trying to avoid wasting hours of time earlier. She’d studied plenty of things, but the law was the dullest of all subjects. Even just knowing that someone near here was actually reading the fine print bore her half to sleep. The globe was starting to convince her hypnosis might work if the subject is bored enough.

“Are we done?”

“Yes.” Starlight pulled all the forms into one perfectly aligned stack “Now that Gal-Gal’s got his satisfaction out of paperwork, we can move on to actually getting you your classes.”


“Don’t say that in front of creatures! Come on!”

Luster’s headmare stuck her tongue out at the guard, and he merely crossed his forelegs as his feathers puffed out. Not exactly behavior she had expected from a guard captain or the headmare of a prestigious school, but maybe this is just what a friendship school is like. Twilight knows what she’s doing, she’s the queen and a genius. A queen and genius of friendship, at that. The strangeness must just be a part of friendship It must be.

As the two adults chattered about the school and the past, Luster looked over her course options. The first name to pop out to her was Dr. Ocellus. She did her best to contain a squeal. Ocellus’ name was either on the cover or in the citations of every modern book on creature biology from changelings, to dragons, to even monsters! Oh, and Fluttershy, leading expert on chaos! She just had to study with her too, besides, Fluttershy was just so nice when they had met before.

By the time she finished, she had four courses under some of the best researchers in their fields. And one course under her favorite author, Rainbow Dash, who she just might be able to squeeze some tips out of.

“Looking pretty excited about your classes,” Starlight said.

“Of course, but there's one question that's bugging me. Why is a marine biology expert like Dr. Sandbar teaching about kindness and friendship, instead of teaching, well, marine biology at Hoofford! Or any of the other professors?”

“Well, Luster, this school means a lot to the creatures that went here, and it's changed a lot of hearts. I think you’ll learn the answer to those questions first hoof in a few years.” Starlight got out of her seat and put a hoof on Luster’s shoulder. “Let me show you around and get you settled into a dorm.”

The three trekked across campus. Gallus made occasional comments on anything that’s changed in the last twenty years, while ducking under any classroom windows. By the end of the tour they arrived at the dorm rooms. Starlight passed Luster the key that lead into a simple room with a desk and a bunk-bed.“What do you think?”

Luster set down her things and looked over the space. She mumbled under her breath before speaking up. “Well, it's not as big as my tower... and doesn’t have enough room to store all the things I left behind, and it doesn—” she stopped herself and looked at her two elders with a sudden look of fear. Friendship school, right! Shift gears! Shift gears! “I mean, it's perfect. I can’t wait to live here.” Her eyes looked between their faces, scanning for signs of disapproval. Starlight looked fine, but Gallus’ dull grin, his leering eyes. He’s not buying it! “Thank you so much, Miss Starlight!”

“It's not a problem at all. By the by, I did a little checking in with the student body after your visit last month, you remember the kids you met?” Luster nodded, a bead of sweat building on her head. “The griffon, Gladia, she’s your new room-mate! When I mentioned it she practically jumped at the chance.”

Gallus snickered “Cute, you’re a regular griffon magnet.”

“As for you, Gallus, you’ll be staying in the staff building.”

“Staff building?” Luster tilted her head “we didn’t go past a staff building.”

“She means the castle. Its free housing for everyone working here.” Gallus sighed “Which means I better start writing a good script in my head.”

“Don’t think I didn’t catch you avoiding everycreature during the tour, Gallus. What in Equestria could you possibly be avoiding your friends over?”

“Well, they’re only going to have one question for me.”

“Why weren’t you at last month’s meet up?!” all five of them shouted. He barely stepped a foot into his new room.


Sandbar threw himself over Gallus. “We were so worried, dude! Did something happen?”

“Not really—”

Ocellus flung onto his side “You didn’t send a letter or anything!”

“You see—”

Gallus looked up, his eyes wide as he saw nothing but the underside of a yak above him.

“Yona just really missed grumpy Gallus!”

“Please....” he wheezed “get off me.” The three of them pulled themselves away, chuckling to themselves. “Listen, nothing happened, I just... wasn’t up for it, alright.”

“But you love our meetups.”

“I just didn’t feel well, and as much as I don’t want to talk about it, I know if I don’t, you guys will make the next few days hell.”

Silver snorted,“Pfft, we wouldn’t do that.”

“No, you totally would,” Smolder said, already making herself at home on Gallus’ bed, “You guys have no sense of when things aren't your business.”

“Its fine.” Gallus rubbed his talon over his face as he took a deep breath “you guys remember when I brought Glint Spear over.”

“Yeah, he was really nice. You two looked so cute together with your matching necklaces, and those pictures from the guard parties,” Silvestream said.

“Yona no see necklace.” As the words left her mouth, the room was filled with sharp gasps and aws. “But Gallus and Spear together for two years, what happened?”

“He said he wanted to adopt, start a family together, and I just kinda froze up. Didn’t talk to him for three months. Broke up. Didn’t want to talk to anyone for a bit, you know. He got the kid, though, a unicorn. Seems happy.”

“Aww, dude, you okay man?” As Sandbar, Yona and Ocellus moved closer, Gallus’ eyes locked on Silverstream slinking away. He lifted a talon, trying to reach out, but he couldn’t. His talon tensed up, froze.

“I’m fine now, really. Don’t worry about it. I’m just not ready for families. I’ve already got my hands full with work, ya know. Let's just forget about all this and have our meet up now. You guys don’t have to be all sad and crap over me. Hey Silver, how’s your brother been?”

“No way! That can’t be true!” Smolder sat upside down on a bench, her legs hung over the back and her eyes sparkling with wonder. “You’ve gotta be pulling my tail. There’s no way you took down six airships by yourself”

“Well not by myself, but everyone was following my lead. So it's kinda like they were all me.” Gallus smirked. “You’re looking jealous? Wish you joined the guard too?”

“What? And deal with taking orders? Starlight and Sunburst already get me this close to breaking a wall. Besides, I get plenty of action in Ponyville, we had to stop a warlock the week before you got here.”

It wasn’t Gallus’ plan to be in the park today. He had novels to read and films to binge, but Luster got to make those sorts of decisions now. She had plans with Gladia, a dark coloured griff, and Yolinda, a tank of a yak for her age, and as her conscribed bodyguard Gallus had been obligated to join despite his array of practiced excuses. Migraine? She kept pills for that. Obscure griffon holiday? She knew them all. Smolder needed him? She convinced Smolder to come to the park too.

Gallus kept his distance sitting on the furthest bench still within line of sight of his ward. Luster and company were huddled around a picnic table practicing lines or something like that. A light kick to head knocked redirected Gallus’ attention. “It’s pretty lucky you got this new job.”


“I mean who else can say they have hero as their personal guard, that's pretty lucky! And you get to live with all of us again, lucky for you! And you know who’s the luckiest?” Smolder’s razor teeth glisten through her grin.

“Nah, who?”

Smolder clenched her fist and beat her pride against her chest. “This girl right here! I’ve missed you dude! Getting to see you all the time again, it's been a pretty great two weeks.”

“I know I’m great, but come on. I’m not that special.”

“Maybe not, but I like keeping you around.” She pounded a fist into his side. “If you wanna know a secret, when Ocellus and I planned our wedding, half the planning was trying to figure out how to get you to move back.”

“Wait. Is that why I was your griff of honor?”

“Maybe.” Their laughter mixed together and as it settled down they were left with the warmth of each other's memories. “Ya’know, you probably could have just asked me to move back. I might have been able to find a position.”

“Yeah, but if I asked it wouldn’t have been fair. Speaking of asking. I got a megaton of essays to grade and wanna help?”

“And why would I spend time doing that?”

“Cause I asked?”

Gallus’s face fell into his talon. “Yeah, sure. I guess I could read a few papers.”

“Captain Gallus!” Luster called, “Captain Gallus, come look at this!” Her horn glow made neon signs out of waving her forelegs.

“Ugh,” he groaned, the peace was nice for a bit. “What!” He squacked!

“You have to see these they’re really cool!”

“No, nope she’s lying nothing to see here!” Gladia slammed Luster’s hooves down, and shielded the table behind her wings.

Now that he wasn’t wanted, they had his interest. “C’mon, Smols. Let's check this out.” The two flew over, and while they couldn’t make out what was on the table, they could see Gladia sweeping something away. They touched down on the grass to see the dark griffon lass clutching a satchel to her heart. “So what's so cooool over here?”

“Gladia has these—” A rush of griffon feathers snapped Luster’s snout shut.

“Cookies!” Gladia chirped, “I had some cookies, and I only want to share them with Dawn and Yolli. For my friends you understand.”

Smolder folded her arms and smirked, topped up with a shift of her hips. All to silently say yeah right. Luster swatted Gladia’s wing aside, revealing an eager smile “First, I’m zapping the next griffon to cover my mouth! Second, C’mon I really want Captain Gallus to see it, he’s a gaurd he’ll think it's neat.”

“Maybe I don’t want a cop and my professor to see what I carry around, Dawn!”

Gallus let out a shrill gasp “I am not a cop! And if I was, I’d be dirty!”

“Whatever!”Gladia shifted her bag even further away, covering it with her body. “We’ve got an assignment to get back to rehearsing for anyway!”

“Ugh! I’m sick of this! Give it here!” Yolinda snatched the bag right from Gladia’s clutches and shook it like it owed her money. Gallus was about to comment on the yak’s ponish before seeing a collection of throwing knives pour onto the table.

“Whoa,” Smolder said as she reached to grab one. Gallus flipped one between his talons as well. An impressed whistle escaping his beak.

Gladia peaked at Smolder through a gap in her wing feathers “I ain’t in trouble, right?”

Smolder snorted, “Long as you’re not whipping ‘em out on campus, I don’t see the harm. These sure are something.”

“For sure, whoever made these really knows their work.” Gallus looked to luster and chuckles she was holding back. “You really wanted me to see this?” She nodded. The feathers around his face buffed out just a bit. “Hey, did you show them the knife game?”

“Oh, not yet! No, not yet.”

“What knife game?”

Gallus slammed his talon down on the table, his digits spread. The knife danced between the digits of his other talon. The dazzling light of the sun shimmering along its edge. “You’re gonna love this. Ponies go wild for it.”

Gladia caught the shimmering look of anticipation on Luster’s face, and slammed her talon down as well. “Go!” The to each slammed down a knife between their digits, cycling between the gaps in a blur.

The hooved creatures in attendendance couldn’t keep their eyes away. Leaned in snout to table, their eyes bouncing up and down with the motion of the blades “Whoooooooaaa”.

Gallus took a long sip of hot cocoa. Sugarcube Corner was a noisier place with the Cake twins working the counter. The two couldn’t seem to go ten minutes without finding a new thing to fight over, and when they weren’t doing that they were chatting up friends during work hours. Everyone else had told him the best time to go was when one of the two were out, but how was he supposed to pass up free sibling bickering entertainment?

Fortunately for him, the two always worked together during Luster’s one O’clock class. A good two hours free from any responsibility whatsoever. Not a single thing demanded his attention. Not even the pink filly that looked exactly like Luster Dawn trotting into the store. Her cutie mark looked pretty similar to, and even the way she walked around blind to the world with her nose in a book.

“Wait.” No, she’s supposed to be in class. You’re off, you don’t have to worry about it. “Aye, kid you mind telling me what time it is?” Dang it why are you worrying about it.

She had just finished making her order with her face stuck in a book before hearing him. She looked up, “Oh it's one twenty-five,” and immediately realized her mistake. “I mean I really shouldn’t be here. I’ve got to go!” She made a break for it. With a flick of his talons, Gallus shot a coin underneath Luster’s hooves. Her hoof flew from the ground, her body rolled over the floor, and her butt landed right in the seat across Gallus.

“You skip classes now? Not very Twilight-like of you,” Gallus said, taking a sip of his cocoa.

Sweat trickled down Luster’s face. “Skipping? I’m not skipping! Dr.Ocellus let us out early.”

“Will she say that if I ask her?” She had a funk on her that made Gallus’ beak want to curl.

“Well uh,” her book landed in front of her, and her face landed in its pages. “Okay I’m skipping class.” She lifted her face with a pleading grin. “But it's for a really good reason! I promise! Its friendship stuff. It's like, uh, field study.”

“So you got peer pressured into skipping?” Gallus chuckled.

“No, absolutely not! My friends and I are just... taking our own study opportunities. Listen, just just... don’t worry about it. Everycreature says Ocellus doesn’t say anything if you skip class as long as you pass her tests. So trust me, it's not a problem. I’ve never failed a test in my life.”

“Aight, I’m not a snitch. Besides, I’m not about to cheat myself out of my break. Just don’t get caught by some creature who cares.” A tray of five strawberry smoothies slid onto the table. Just as Luster’s horn glow started to envelop it “One last thing. Take a shower when you get back. You can do all the studying you want, but taking care of yourself helps friends want to stay around you.”

“Oh, I guess I‘ve been forgetting again.”

“Dawn!” A kirin shouted through the window, “Hurry up, they’re getting worse!”

“Sorry, gotta go!” She flashed a grin and in a yellow flash of sparks she, and her drinks were gone.

Gallus flicked through letters under the moonlight. Twilight, Spike, scams. He, Yona, and Silvestream were out on the castle balcony to enjoy the night view of Ponyville, or he would be enjoying it if he wasn’t so distracted.

“Hey, how long was it before your parents sent their first letter?” Gallus said, sitting against the railing.

Silverstream’s ears perked up in an instant. “Oh, I got my first letter on the second day! It even came with a picture! What a great second day! The letter I got on my third day was even better, and don’t get me started on how silly day four’s picture was.”

“Silverstream parents love too extreme. Three weeks. Family just ask how things were.”

“So would you say it's normal to not get a single letter from your family in two months?”

Yona tapped a hoof to her chin.“MMmmmm, no, but Yona doesn’t make it her place to judge.” She tapped her hooves against the rail, and attempted to fix her attention on the sky. “Sooooo, Gallus talking about Luster,yes?”

“Yeppers.” Gallus’s tone was dry as sawdust. “I’ve been bringing her her mail since my stuff gets mixed in it, and not a single letter from her parents. They only live in Canterlot. It shouldn’t be that hard to send a letter.”

Yona grunted, “No they don’t.”


“Luster parents live in Vanhoover. Has Gallus seen Luster file? Parents at bottom of emergency contacts list.”

Gallus raised a brow “Who’s at the top”


Gallus blinked in silence for a moment before muttering. “Yeah that makes sense”

“They didn’t show up to friends and family day either And we started covering all the expenses for those.” Silverstreams said

“What!” Gallus snapped onto his legs. “But I was watching her! She was with her family!”

“That Sunburst family. Yona understand mistake. Luster fit in real well. Why Gallus stuck on this anyway? Concerned?”

“Not really,” he mumbled, shoving the letters under a wing, “don’t worry about it.”

“Hey you could ask about her family right now!” Silverstream chirped, her back legs bouncing off the floor.

“Why would I wake her up just for that?”

“No, no look!” Silver’s claws latched onto Gallus cheeks and yanked him to the railing. She then cupped her claws into convenient pair of ‘binoculars’. In the distance, Luster was walking the streets with the kirin from Sugarcube Corner.

“Isn’t it a bit late for students to be out?” Gallus took hold of Silver’s ‘binoculars’ and scanned the rest of the town. Small groups of teens were walking the streets and alley’s all over. All of them funneling towards one destination.

“Oooh looks like a party’s going down. Fun, fun!”

“Isn’t a bunch of students out at night the sort of thing teachers should be concerned about?”

Silver crossed her eyes and put on a dopish, lispy voice. “Isn’t Luster heading out to a party by herself the sort of thing a bodyguard should be concerned about?” She giggled, taking in Gallus’ unamused stare

“How about griffon and hippogriff be responsible adults and both handle party. Yona has grading to do. No time to stop teen raving.”

It was a short flight to the other side of Ponyville. Once they made it halfway, the party stood out like a beacon. Neon lights flashed through the windows of an old farmhouse as if it was sending morse code to aliens. The two ducked behind some barrels near a window. Mumble rap played through massive speakers, the bass shaking their bones.

They peaked their beaks over the window and scanned the swarm of teens buzzing about inside. “Wow. Is this every kid in town?” Gallus said, “How did you not know about this?”

“I’m a teacher, not their watcher. How did you not know, Mr. Guard?” she asked with a smarmy grin and a poke from her wing just to rub it in. “Oh wait. I think I see them. All the way in the back with the those griffon and yak girls.”

“Gladia and Yolinda. I never bothered to ask the kirin her name though”

“Mossburn, I think.”

“So what do we do now exactly? Are we supposed to stop them?”

“Do we have to? Everycreature looks like they’re having a great time! You just make sure they’re all safe and call it a night. I don’t wanna be a buzzkillington.”

“Why me?”

Silver rolled her eyes. She made a sweeping gesture over herself. “You see all this? I kinda stand out in a herd of kids. I’m three heads taller than evercreature. I’d stick out like a sore claw.”

“And I won’t?”

“Well yeah. You didn’t really grow at all.” Gallus’s face took a harsh turn into the deepest of grimaces. “You’d think all that training would at least bulk you up,” Silver said, feeling Gallus’s side, “You aren't even an inch taller since graduation and—”

“I do not look like a kid!”

“You got carded at the club last week.” Silver nearly choked on her laughter as Gallus’ beak curled deeper into his face. “Oh don’t be like that. You’re cute. Now go blend in with those sixteen year olds!” She chuckled before pushing him through the window. “Shake your butt. It’ll keep them distracted!”

Gallus mocked a laugh before grumbling his way through the dance floor. Shoulders and flanks bumped him between creatures like a pinball. Not to mention the way these kirin kicked around. How is a battle easier to get through unharmed than a party? He made it through the dance field to a set of stairs that brought him to a balcony overlooking the party. There was a pair of seats right next to the railing-less edge. He threw himself into one without a second thought. It was the perfect vantage point to see Luster without getting spotted.

“What are you doing here, Mr.Soldier?”

Gallus looked to his left to see a yellow pegasus enjoying a drink. “Soldier? Whaaat, I mean if you think I look that strong. I’m just uhhh, Greg from the normal highschool.”

The pony laughed behind their cup before leaning in and whispering “It's me. O. C. Ellus.” Ocellus leaned back and took another drink before saying “But you can call me Party Crasher!”

“You can’t be serious.”

She shrugged her wings. “It works every time. So what brings you here” She paused Greg?

“Ocellus, please.”

“Aw, no more codenames?”

Gallus pointed back to a passed-out pony on a seat behind them, “I think we’re good. Silver just asked me to check if the kids are being safe or whatever. Wait—why are you here? No one else knew about a party!”

“You guys didn’t know? My students couldn’t keep a secret if their lives depended on it. I can’t even check on students work without hearing who’s dating who, and who’s doing what. So I just show up to eat their food and see if friendship lessons are working.”

“And drink?”

Ocellus took a sip before singing, “Of course. This Kirin juice is way too good, I can’t pass this up.”

“So you let kids party and skip class. How did you grow up to be the cool teacher?”

She smirked. “I was always the cool one. I also helped that griffon down there with his rap.” She said pointing to makeshift stage “Kids love me.”

“If you say so. Welp, if you got watching this party covered, I’m just gonna head home.”

“Wait! I want to talk to you about something. I just need a moment to think about how I want to say it.”

With a sigh, Gallus deflated back into his seat while Ocellus fiddled with her cup, staring into the swirling juice, her lips on the cusp of words she wanted. Gallus’ attention wandered back over to the Luster’s corner. One less yak, and one very heated griffon. He scanned the room for Yolinda, but couldn’t spot the yak anywhere. As Gallus pushed himself from his seat he felt Ocellus’ hoof.

“It's about me and Smolder. She’s been thinking about… having a kid.”

Gallus sat himself back down, a faint look of disbelief on his face.“Oh wow, her?”

“It's not that surprising. She really likes kids actually.”

“So you two gonna adopt?”

“Wha- no. Have you read any of my books!”

He grinned. “I bought all of your books?”

“Well no. We don’t have to adopt! You can read up on how that works. Anyway, the thing I need to tell you about is something Smolder wants. She umm.” She stared into her cup before gulping down the rest. “She wants you to be the godfather.”

Gallus’ talon shook at the word. “I. Uh, godfather?”

“I guess it's mostly symbolic, but she basically wants you to be a pretty big part of their life. Also, it means that—if anything were to happen to us, she trusts you to take care of them.” An ear-grating crunch came from Gallus’ chair. Four brand-new talon shaped holes had been dug into its arm. Ocellus eased his talon into her hooves. “Look, I understand. I told her it was bad and insensitive, but she didn’t want to consider anyone else. She only trusts you. I get family is some sort of... I dunno thing for you. That's why I’m trying to be fair.”

“What do you mean fair?”

“Well, if Smolder asked you first you couldn’t say no.”

Gallus opened his beak, but only breath escaped. His eyes shifted back towards Luster, now alone with her book and Gladia, Mossburn had disappeared too. “I don’t think I should really be responsible for anycreature.”

“Don’t take this the wrong way, but— weren’t you a guard captain?”

“They’re grown adults. In the guard, I kinda just gelled with everypony, and when I gave orders it made them feel connected. Camaraderie and all that. The magic of friendship at work I guess. Point—is they signed up to fight. It's different.”

“Doesn’t seem so different to me, but I guess I grew up into that sort of thing. What about Dawn? I think you’ve been doing a good job with her, She’s got a great love for her friends in her.”

“She’s Twilight’s student. Her magic can protect her better than I can. Luster takes care of herself just fine. Maybe you haven’t noticed, but I haven’t exactly been keeping close to her. I’d only make her worse and she’d only get in my way.”

“I don’t know about that. She’s smelt a lot better lately, and I see you get her mail every day.”

“It's just an excuse to be nosey.”

“Is that why you pick up her migraine prescriptions for her, or bring her breakfasts from the diner?”

Covering his beak with his claw, he mumbled, "She just forgets breakfast sometimes."His face resembled a plush toy with how far his feathers puffed out.

“Gallus, I don’t think whatever you’ve convinced yourself of in that head of yours is true. Here, take some juice, head home, do a little thinking, read my book, and I’ll make sure Dawn gets home safe tonight. We can talk about this whole godfather thing again when there's actually an egg.”

What if I… no. It should say… that's not good enough either. Luster sat in the school café, accompanied only by a satchel filling the seat beside her. She ground her pen between her teeth, glancing between her paper and a heavily revised copy of The Friendship Journal. “I can’t mess this up.”

The sound of a paper bag landing on the table shattered her concentration like the sound of a grown dragon touching down. “This seat taken?” Without waiting for a reply, Gallus pulled the seat for himself and open his grease-dripping Hayburger bag.

“Captain Gallus?” she asked through gritted teeth, trying to hold her pen and maintain a smile.

“Yep, it's me.”

“Do you need something?”


“Oh?” Her pen swiveled in her mouth. “Um, are you okay?”

“Yeah. I just thought maybe I’d want to sit with you for once. See how its going or something ya know.”
He tapped his talons on the table. Silence.
He wings twitched.
The clock ticked. Still silence.
“So how's it going?”

“It goes. Just another great day at the School of Friendship. Learning the wonders of loyalty, honesty, and tragic.”


“Yeah, that's what I said.” She beamed.

“Doesn’t it hurt to smile like that all the time? You’re on some serious Pinkie Pie levels of grinning and I’m not sure that's healthy for anyone besides her.”

“Hurt? Noooo, that's just how great things have been! Captain Gallus, how often have you seen me not smile, really?”

“Huh, I guess that's true. So, what are you doing anyway?”

“Just writing down some plans.”

“Oh, you doing something with Gladia?”

Her pen dropped. “What!” She scrambled retrieve her pen “I mean. Kinda. How’d you know?”

“Her bag’s right there. Figured you were waiting for her.”

“Oh, no. She just let me borrow her books for a bit is all.”

“That makes sense I guess… Sooo, should I tell you, uh , griffon things?”

Luster coughed out her pen. “It's not those kinds of plans!” She said, sputtering out her words. “I can make plans for my time for Gladia just fine… alone. I heard some creature stole some gym equipment. A horn lock I think, maybe they could use your help with that.”

Gallus crumbled up his bag “Oh. Sure I’ll get out of your hair.” He got up and shot the bag into the trashcan on the opposite end of the café. “Speaking, what you’ve done with your hair’s pretty nice, the way it covers up your face more. Gives it this whole aloof look.”

“Oh, thanks.” A soft blush glowed on her cheeks, as she raised her book to cover her face. “It's a new thing for the week.”

“Hey, Mossburn!” Gallus flew towards the Kirin who was flanked by two fillies. The halls filled with students making their way between classes and study sessions.

“Mr. Gallus?” Mossburn’s snout curled. Her eyes scanned around for some sort of reason this was happening. “is Dawn in trouble?”


“Oh… then why are you talking to me?”

“Is this the soldier guy?” whispered one of the fillies.

“Should we be talking to him? Do I need to get my lawyer?” the other whispered back.

“Whew, blunt, okay. Listen—I get that I’ve basically been like luster’s fifty feet away shadow, but I’m just trying to learn things.”

“Don’t talk to him without a lawyer present, Moss!” said one of the fillies.

“Gah! No! I am not a cop! I don’t do busts or arrest ponies! I am only allowed to intervene in violent attacks, and general protection of the public!”

“He’s fine. Gladia likes him, so he’s at least a chill cop.”

“I’m not—nevermind. I just want to know what kind of candy Luster likes.”

“Wait, that's all? She loves sour candy. Gummy. Preferably in the shape of some sort of animal, especially bugbears.”

“Wow, you know all that?”

“Yeah, you don’t?” Mossburn rubbed a hoof against her chin “I guess it's kinda specific. She a big fan of the animal ones ‘cause she gets to do little dissections on them before eating them! Its kinda cool.”

“She’s just as creepy as I thought?” asked one of the fillies. “The way she’s always smiling. I swear she’s a cultist or something.”

“Whaaat, everyone loves Dawny, she’s like a big grinning ray of sunshine,” said the other filly.

“She’s a total creep. I’m telling you, why else would that knife-nut griff hang so close to her. You better keep a closer eye on her, Mr.cop. Who knows what she’s capable of.”

“That’s enough! You say one more thing about Dawn and Gladia, and you’re out of this study group!” Mossburn sighed before turning back to Gallus. “It was… strange talking to you Mr. Gallus. Tell Dawn some of the candy’s from me. Oh, and tell her Yolinda said ‘Hi.’” She and the fillies split ways, leaving Gallus to go to the candy store by himself.

Gallus knocked on Luster’s door, armed with three bags of gummies. The door creaked open.

“Oh, Gallus, what's up?” Gladia opened the door just enough to stick her head out. “Say, I was wondering actually, you wanna like, dual or spar or something?”

“I'm more of a marksman.”

“Then a knife throwing contest!”

“Maybe later, I’m here for Luster. I brought her some candy. A, uh, gift for doing good in classes or something.”

“Dawn, right. Yo, Dawn! Gallus is here for you.”

“Really!? Could you just take it for now.” Luster raisedher voice “I’m kinda busy with studying, Captain Gallus! Just, don’t worry about me for a bit, okay? I’m fine!”

“Oh. Well, here I guess. Oh, right. Tell Luster that Yolinda said ‘Hi.’”

Gladia’s face twisted “Don’t talk to me about her!” The door slammed inches from Gallus’ beak.

Gallus finished brewing a cup of cocoa in the teacher’s lounge. Everycreature had agreed that if he lived in the staff building and aided a student he might as well be given access. He caught a glimpse of pink through the door window before Siverstream flew in.

“Have you seen Dawn? She didn’t show up to class this morning.”

“No. That's weird though. Brought her pills this morning so she should definitely be around.”

“Gallus, I’m normally just teasing, but… you have been watching her, right? What if somecreature or something targeted her? She’s a valuable pony, isn’t she? What if it's related to the missing horn lock?”

“I’m sure no evil-whatever is targeting Luster. I’d at least see that much. Here take this.” Gallus, offered his mug Silverstream.

Silver’s wings fluttered against her side.“What, just drink yours?”

“Yeah, sure. I have more. Sit. Relax.” He sat her down beside him. His wing draped over her, and she cuddled closer to his familiar warmth. “I’ve actually been trying to watch her closer lately. Keyword ‘trying’. She seemed to like me before, but the second I try to get close she just wants me to leave.”

“Maybe she’s going through something.”

“Maybe. Silver, do you remember when I left to join the guard?”

Her eyes looked up. Her beak was in his chest, preening through his feathers.“I don’t like remembering it. You looked so lost.”

“I don’t either, but remember saying how you wanted kids a month before that.” Gallus felt silver’s claws intertwine with his as she gave a silent nod. “You kept saying it was a ‘someday’ thing.” His grasp tightened. “But I still freaked out like it meant right then, that moment, as if I had to know what to do right then.”

“And then we broke up, yeah. I’ve had a long time to get over that. I guess you still don’t know what to do.”

“Not at all. I just keep thinking how is someone raised by no one supposed to raise someone else. Gruff is the closest thing I had and I still don’t know how I feel about him and by the time I had Starlight I was already almost an adult. Besides, I’m not Starlight.”

“Do you really think you’re closer to being Gruff than Starlight?”

“No, not really, but it's easier to put myself near his end of the scale. That's why I joined the guard, that's why I’ve broken up with anyone who’s even mentioned kids. I’m sorry, by the way. I thought I’d learn something. Now I’m not even doing my job right.” With a sigh his talon gripped against the table, pushing himself away before he felt something pull him back in.

“Listen.” Silver wrapped her wings around Gallus. “I don’t know anything about what it's like to grow up like you did, but I know a few things about fear, and I know a lot about you. When I started here, I was afraid I was going to just mess up all these kids somehow. Just be a complete, utter flop of a teacher. Ruin ‘em on friendship forever and make a bunch of villains and loners.”

“Why would you think that? You’re the second element of laughter! You’re plenty qualified.”

“Cause we watched one of our own classmates turn out evil under way better professors than I was. If Cozy Glow could happen under Twilight and Pinkie Pie’s watch, just imagine what I’d mess up. And guess what—that didn’t happen. You’re a good bird, Gal, and everycreature you know will tell you the same. You can be a good parent someday, and you can be a good whatever Dawn needs you to be.”

“Yeah, I know. Kinda. I had a similar talk with Ocellus. I’ve just been thinking about it more now, and with Luster avoiding me I started to think she was wrong. Anyway, thanks for everything, and never being mad at me.”

“Oh I was super mad back then. I just never told you. But ya know—you took your path, and I took mine. It's past.” Silverstream took the cocoa to her beak. Just as she was about to take a sip, the door burst open. Smolder launched into the room with Mossburn, Yolinda, and Gladia spilling in after her.

“Have you seen Luster?!” Smolder shouted, her pupils shrunk to pin pricks.

“No, but now I’m getting the feeling its urgent.” Gallus adjusted his pauldron and checked his wrappings. “What's going on?”

“She has been targeted, hasn’t she!”

“Yes!” Gladia shouted. Gallus eyes shot open.”When I went back to our dorm there was this note on the floor!” She pulled out a letter written in magazine clippings.

We have Luster Dawn, She’s safe for now. We’re holding her in the place you last spoke. Come alone.

That couldn’t be possible. Even if he kept his distance, he would notice someone stalking her. No creature pulls a kidnapping without keeping tabs on their target. How close was I watching really? Did I let her go out on her own to much? Focus, focus! This is your element!

“I have to get to my room. I need to get ready.” Gallus walked his way through Smolder and the kids before he felt a claw catch his shoulder.

“Gallus, wait. You should stay with the kids.” Smolder said, nudging towards the small herd of worried girls.

“What? But I have to go get her!”

“We can handle that! I told you—we deal with bad guys all the time. We aren't exactly out of practice. You’re the one equipped to be a guard. If someone took Luster, they might want her friends too.”

Gallus grumbled as he worked it over in his head. He had a job to do—a job he had already failed at. If he couldn’t protect Luster, maybe it really should be someone else’s job to save her, but what about Twilight? The faith she had in him? He looked into the fierce depths of Smolder’s eyes. He had as much faith in her as Twilight had in him. He’d just have to extend Twilight’s trust to his friends. They’ll know what to do with it. “Fine. I’ll take them. Just let me know the second you find her.”

The kids gathered into Gallus’s room. They muttered amongst themselves about Luster and if they should be doing something. Gallus for the most part tried to keep his head clear. Helmet on. He had to stay focused if he was going to keep these three safe. Armor strapped. He had to trust that the others could handle it. Crossbow loaded. He closed his emergency chest, kicked it back under his bed, and turned to the kids.

“Whoa, uh, is all that necessary?” The girls’ eyes fixated on him. A griffon covered completely in armor with a loaded weapon strapped to his side. The metal was decorated with scratches and dents from its past service, unlike the pristine armor guards wore for ceremonial Palace duty.

“Hopefully not. You three just try to make yourselves comfortable. I’ll watch the door.” They nodded. Yolinda and Gladia sat on opposite ends of the room, while Mossburn seated herself in the middle. Minutes passed in near silence except the occasional hoof tap or the metallic scrape of Gladia fiddling with a knife. Scrape. Scrape. Scrape—

The room shook as Yolinda put her hooves down “Enough! Stop playing with those for five minutes! I can’t think!”

“I’m not playing. I’m being prepared,” Gladia whispered. She scraped her blade against the metal rings on her scarf. “Not that you’d know anything about being prepared.”

“I know plenty. I practiced just as hard as you did! You’re the one too busy with delusions of being an action hero to bother to learn your lines!”

Gladia pulled her scarf over her beak. “At least I had the balance not to trip through the stage and ruin a whole classroom.”

Yolinda opened her mouth ready to fling back spit and vitriol, but her jaw snapped shut when the room lit up in flash of blue fire. Gallus fought the urge to reach for his weapon as he stared at the burning nirik panting in the middle of the room. “I am sick of you two! The first time you speak to each other in forever and you’re still fighting! You can’t even get over yourselves to think about Dawn right now!” She bared her teeth at the both of them before extinguishing her flames. Her anger fizzing into a sullen frown. “I just want this to stop.”

A heavy tension hung over the room but Gallus’ thoughts were racing. “Mossburn. What did you just say?”

“That I want this to stop? These two have been fighting over an—”

“I’m sure that's important but not that! You all haven’t spoken in how long?”

“Well what's what I was saying. Gladia and Yolinda,” she spat their names out. The two still refusing to look at each other even then. “Haven’t spoken to each other since that party two weeks ago, and, ugh—the fights before that!”


“Leave me alone! You’re a guard not a counselor.”

“This isn’t—” Gallus dug his palm into his face. “Look! Did you get a letter in your room too?”

“Yes, but I gave mine to Sandbar.” Yolinda paused, her lip hanging for a moment. “Wait, why would a second letter get sent to my room?”

“I think I know why. Yolinda, Gladia, round up. I know where we’re going. Moss, you go find the others and tell them to head to the barn.” As the three passed through the door, Mossburn felt a talon on her shoulder. “How long have those two been fighting, anyway?” Gallus whispered.

“Since their play. It's been months. You didn’t know?”

“There’s a lot of things I should have known.”

They rushed to the barn following Gallus’s lead. Without the lights and the noise, it looked like a grey husk on the verge of giving in at any moment. Gallus signalled the others to stay back as he pried the barn door open. Light pierced into the barn—a sliver of white against the dark, musty walls.

“Guys! Is that you?” Luster cried. She was tied against a pillar on the other end of the room. “The shady ponies are gone! Please, help before they come back!” With that Gallus, pushed the door the rest of the way open. “Captain Gallus?”

“Dawn!” Gladia and Yolinda sprinted for Luster before Gallus yanked them both back by the skin of their necks.

“Stop!” As Luster screamed, a set of knives stabbed the ground where the girls almost stood. A glint of light flashed from the ceiling. Knives. Hundreds of them all dangling on loose string ready to snap from the slightest shift.

Gladia lifted a brow. “Can’t you teleport out of those?”

“I can’t! They forced a horn lock on me! I can’t make a single spark”

Yolinda’s head darted in every direction looking for something, anything till her eyes landed on a wagon leaning beside the barn. “I got it!” She dug her horns underneath and flipped the wagon onto her back. “Gladia! I’ll carry the wagon like a shield. You cut Dawn free!”

Gladia’s eyes lit up “Oh! That might work! We’re coming for you Dawny!” She huddled with Yolinda underneath the wagon. Gallus noticed it had the Sweet Apple Acres logo emblazoned on the side, but this was a peach farm. Stranger still, Sweet Apple Acres was on the opposite side of Ponyville.

“On three,” Gladia whispered.

Gallus belted a groan “Hold on, I can’t let you two do this.”

“But we have too!” Yolinda shouted, “You can’t stop us from saving her!”

“But…” Gladia clutched her foreleg. “ I’m not sure we can. You know how I crack under pressure. I’m like a freaking egg. I couldn’t even deliver my lines on stage, how can I untie someone with stakes like this.”

Yolinda gave the barn a long look. “I’m not too sure I can keep this balanced either but…”

“Before you try this, I have a question,”Gallus said, ”What were you thinking about during your play?”

Gladia shrank behind her wings, hiding her face. Her talons traced one of the rings in her scarf. “I was thinking about, well, messing up.”

“I was thinking about how to make it cause less damage when I tripped.”

“Yeah, I get that. Listen, if you want to save Luster—if you want to do anything—you can’t worry about expecting to fail or expecting to win. You just have to do what you know you can do the best you can do it, and trust that someone else believes in you too.” With a click, Gallus’ crossbow was ready. “I’ll be right behind you guys, like a safety net.”

Yolinda took a deep breath. Her legs wide, stance steady, wagon balanced. “Three, two, one.” She stepped her first hoof into the barn. No knives. She took another. Thunkthunkthunk.

“Five, that was five.” Gladia whispered. The wood held up, too dense to be completely penetrated. “This should hold, they’re all identical. Go faster, I’ll keep up.” with the creak of each floor board a hail of blades dropped onto the wagon.Gallus trailed behind flying above the floor, but even his wing flaps agitated unstable trap above.

“Come on, Yolli. Just a bit closer”

“Right,” she breathed. “Just a bit.” Her hooves rattled the wood. The wagon started to waver—tipping from one side to the other.

“Hold on. The balance is being thrown off by all the weight.” Gallus swooped closer to hold up the backside of the wagon. “Just remember you’re still carrying the bulk of this. You’ve got this.”

Yolinda took the opportunity to restabilize her legs. Each one hesitant to reconnect with the floorboards. “But is it safe for you to be this close?”

“I’ve got my own protection, don’t worry about it. Gladia just keep as close as possible”

Gallus kept his head low, staring at nothing but the floor. Knives flew past him. Some clanked against his armor. He had resolved to stop flying and simply risk stepping on the floor. His wings were the only vulnerable point on him and the wind of a whizzing blade brushed against his folded feathers every few moments. Each second of silence was filled with only the sound of wood creaking under trepid footsteps, the punctuating puncturing of wood, and throbbing pulse of their own heartbeats.

“Dawn, we’re here for you.” Yolinda said, getting on her hind legs to lift the wagon high enough to cover luster.

“You two really came together to save me?”

“Of course we did. What sort of punks do you think we are? Now just hold still and I’ll get you out of this.” Gladia hovered off the ground just high enough to start cutting away at Luster’s restraints. Using her knife and beak in tandem, Gladia sawed through the ropes, but Gallus’s eyes were focused on the sway of of the wagon.

“Yolinda. Focus. You got this.” He whispered.

“I-I-I. I can’t keep this up,” she whispered. “This is so much pressure.”

“That's fine. You just need to focus.”

“But I can’t.” Her hooves shook and wobbled. “I’m not made for standing like this.” The wood creaked as one her hooves nearly slipped. A shift of her weight caught it at the last second. “Mr. Gallus. You said you have our backs, right?”

“Of course.”

“Then I hope you think of something quick.” Her forelegs trembled and her hind hooves were sliding further apart despite her attempts to remain upright. Gallus took a deep breath looking for some sort of solution as his end of the wagon steadily weighed heavier. A glimmer of light shined on the lock around Luster’s horn. Just as an idea clicked in his head, the wagon’s weight tossed him aside.

“Yolli!” Luster and Gladia shouted. The wagon flew as Yolinda’s hooves gave out, and she tripped onto her back. The building shook, and the song of hundreds of rattling blades chimed with it.

Gallus reached for his crossbow and snapped it at Luster’s head.

Luster’s eyes shrank as she asked weakly, “Captain Gallus?”

“Teleport!” He shouted, pulling the trigger. The bolt launched over Gladia and Yolinda huddling together, and under the rainstorm of falling blades. There was a small, quiet clank. Luster’s horn lock broke off, split in two.

With a sparkling pop, Luster and Gallus sprang into existence above a patch of soil. Each of them hitting the ground with a meaty thud.

“Ugh, that was really rough,” Luster said while cradling her head. She took a scan of her surroundings as she drew herself to her hooves. As blurry as everything was, there was something missing.”Wait.. Wait, ah fudge where are they? Gladia! Yolli!”

“Probably somewhere else on the farm. I've seen splits happen before.” Gallus dusted the dirt off his feathers and tossed his helmet aside, along with the rest of his armor. “But since we’re alone, would you mind telling me why in the world you’d do something this dumb?”

Luster turned to him, her face tight like she was under leagues of pressure. “I-I don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, Captain Gallus,” she stuttered through a wavering smile. A chuckle escaping her mouth every few words. “I was kidnapped, remember? These ponies in black came and—”

“Cut it." Gallus' eyes glared right through her heart, though the slight grin on his beak had a softness to it. “You set this up yourself didn’t you?”

Luster brushed her hair aside. Her eyes darting for something safe to fixate on. “Why would you think—”

“That was the missing horn lock from the gym storage, and you stole Gladia’s before, right? Glamored those knives so she couldn’t recognize ‘em?” Luster’s tongue stammered. Her face cracked apart at the seams as tears welled in her eyes. “You put the wagon there too. You knew exactly what plan they’d use to save you. I’ve seen this sort of thing before. Don’t bother lying to me.”

“I-I-I” Her words turned into heavy panting breaths, and her breaths turned into chuckles, and her chuckles turned into a full cackle. Her face sunk into Gallus’ chest. Her tears running through his feathers as she heaved with laughter and sobs. “I tried! I tried so hard! I failed didn’t I!”

“Failed?” He grabbed her shoulders “Luster, what are you talking about”

She swatted his talons away. “C’mon! It's obvious! I know what's happening! The ruler of Equestria sends her friendless student to go live in Ponyville and learn about the magic of friendship! I’m not blind! I recognized the second she said I should go. It's the exact same thing she went through. She expects me to come out like her!”

“What? That's—”

“I know everyone's thinking it! They all see it, too! That's why she sent you! You’re here to watch me. The element of magic sends another element of magic to keep track of my progress… to watch if I fail. To see if I’m worthy.” Her posture turned limp, ears hanging low. “That's why I tried so hard.

“But how am I supposed to live up to anyone’s expectations if I can’t even keep my first group of friends together? They got in one fight and I just kept trying and trying to make them see eye to eye.” Her voice cracked, the tears in her eyes ran in heavy drops. “ And it just kept getting worse and worse and worse!”

“Luster… I want to ask why you didn’t tell me, but...” He sighed. He grabbed her chin, tiling her face to look him in the eyes. “I didn’t make myself open. I’m sorry. I should have seen all these worries eating at you.”

“Well.” She wiped her tears aside and pulled away. “It's not like you were supposed to see it.” Luster’s smile faded, the nervous chuckles disappeared. Her face hung like a heavy strain had finally gone away. “Let me show you something.” With the light of her horn, a saddlebag popped in front of her, and she pulled a textbook from it. “You want to know what I’ve really been reading this whole time?”

“Uh. Yeah. Sure. Go ahead.” She cracked the book open to reveal an array of color panels and illustrations. A comic book: The Unflappable Ms.Spark. On every page, no matter how much danger she was in, she was always saving people with a smile.

“I… really like this hero. When she shows up, everyone feels safe, like she there's nothing to worry about as long as she’s there. She doesn’t even have powers. I thought as long as I smile I’d make sure no one worried, I’d look like I have everything under control. And here I am putting myself in a deathtrap because I couldn’t stop one disagreement between friends. I’m no Twilight, no Spark.”

She looked down at her hero, her tears falling on the page lost in weight of her own failure until she felt her face pulled back into Gallus’ feathers. “You’re not. Luste—” He took a deep breath. “Dawn, no creature expects you to be Twilight. All she expected of you is for you to do your best. I wasn’t here to make sure you live up to anything. I was here to… stop things like this, and I’m sorry I let this happen.”

“So we both messed up?”

“I guess so, and Twilight doesn’t need to know. Alright Dawn, how about this” he brushed her cheek, “you don’t try to hide everything behind a smile anymore, and I’ll try to actually be a friend.”

A chuckle soft as air escaped Dawn’s mouth. She let her body fall back against him, her face nestled in the plumage of his chest. “You sound like my uncle.”

“Uncle, huh?” Gallus let his arms rest around Dawn. “That doesn’t sound that bad. Now let's go find where your friends ended up.”

“Gallus, can I stay like this for just a bit longer? You’re really fluffy.”