> Rainbow Dash The Pegasus > by APStories > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Rainbow Dash The Pegasus > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: February 6, 2020. Location: Kubicz residence. Time: sometime after 3:00 PM. In the cafeteria at school, during lunch, I watched the first two episodes of My Little Pony: Pony Life. When I first saw the trailer, I had several questions, one being "what the hell?". On January 24, the first short was released, though I didn't care. On January 31, the second short was released. Today, I decided to see what the fuss was about. I wish I hadn't. The animation was an interesting concept, but they were basically cringe compilations. Now, I'm at my house, watching one of the most violent films ever, Logan. Wolverine and the young mutants, including his daughter Laura, were violently killing Reavers in the forest. Suddenly, the screen turned white. "What happened?", I asked. I went to go tell my mother about what happened. She said to not worry about it. Maybe I was tired. When I came back, there was a bulge under my blankets. The movie was back to normal. Eventually, it was time for dinner. I restarted the movie and I was at the part where Caliban dumped a presumably unconscious Donald Pierce on the side of a road, only to realize he was screwed. I stopped the movie and joined my family. In my bedroom, the bulge started to move. After I brushed my teeth, I returned to the room to find my bed staring at me. Wait. My bed was staring at me? No, that can't be right. I removed the blankets, revealing a filly Rainbow Dash hiding underneath my blankets. I picked her up and examined her. No scratches or bruises. She stared at me with wide eyes. I stared back at her. It didn't take me long before I realized that Logan was an R-rated film, and the filly in my hands was five years old. I understood that I would need to raise this filly. I quickly created a makeshift bed before my brother got out of the shower. "Stay hidden." "Okay, Alan", the filly said. Those two words bounced around in my head as I took my shower. When night fell, I made sure that my new daughter stayed hidden. As me and my family slept, our dog, Stella, walked into my room and sniffed the sleeping filly. I shooed her away. "What was that?" "That... is my dog", I answered. "Why are you here?" I picked her up and put her on my lap... and she told me everything. Apparently, she was sent here because she's the last hope of the world's survival. The Legion of Doom are planning to destroy the world beyond the cartoon, and the power inside Rainbow Dash is exactly the kind of power they need to become unstoppable. I looked upward with a furrowed brow. "I will care for you and I'll never let you go... no matter what." I began singing. My singing woke my brother up. Even though he's younger than me, he's more intimidating. He saw the filly on my lap. I pulled my brother into the room and closed the door. "What's going on?!", Joseph asked angrily. I explained everything. "Listen, Joseph. You can't tell anyone about this", I said. "I made a promise, and I intend to keep it, no matter what." "What's in it for me?", Joseph asked. "What do you mean what's in it for you?!", I annoyingly replied. "Listen. Our world could be at stake here. Becoming a hero seems like plenty of payback to me." "Okay", Joseph said. He went back into his bedroom. "That's your uncle Joseph. He seems rude and pushy, but he and I understand each other. We have each other's backs", I explained to my companion. "Okay, Alan", she said. She then fell asleep in my lap. I eventually fell backwards and I was out cold. The two of us slept peacefully. This filly is definitely cuter than any pony in My Little Pony: Pony Life, no joke. Date: February 21, 2020. Location: Glenbard North High School. Time: Midnight. A portal opened up near the school. A figure stepped out. Queen Chrysalis. She was followed by King Sombra, Lord Tirek, and Cozy Glow. They knew where Rainbow Dash was hiding. Chrysalis, the leader, walked towards my house. "Stay hidden in the darkness." Time: sometime after 3:00 PM. Location: Kubicz residence. When my brother and I got home from school, Chrysalis was waiting for us in my room. "Hello, boys", she said in a taunting tone. Joseph and I both grabbed knives from the kitchen. Our mom asked why, and we explained everything... and that my brother and I could handle this on our own. She understood and wished us luck. "You're not going to destroy our world!", I shouted with a furrowed brow. "They all say that", Chrysalis replied. "Why do you want to destroy the world?", Joseph asked. "Because..." Cozy Glow flew in through the window. ("You got a flyswatter?", I asked Joseph.) "...there should only be one world!", the Pegasus filly answered. My brother and I were dumbfounded. "Well, in any case, you're on our turf now!" I shouted. We used our knives to force the villains to back off. I grabbed Rainbow Dash and Joseph and I jumped out the window. We threw our knives at the villains, but they dodged. "Shit!" The two villains chased us. However, I can't run for very long... or very fast, for that matter. Fortunately, Jeffrey Forrest, a friend of ours, lived down the street. It was close enough for us to run there. We went in through the gate and held it closed. "You can run, but you can't hide!", Chrysalis shouted. The two villains flew off. Joseph and I knocked on the door. Jeffrey answered. "Alan? Joseph? What's wrong?", Jeffrey asked. "Long story short, we need to stop a gang of villains from catching her and destroying the world", I answered. I held a sleeping Rainbow Dash in my arms. Jeffrey let us inside. Time: 7:00 PM Location: Forrest residence. I was sleeping on Jeffrey's top bunk. "Jeffrey, we need your help. Your knowledge of video games can be crucial in saving the world." "If you say so", Jeffrey replied. Date: February 23, 2020. Location: On the road. Time: 10:00 AM. Joseph, Jeffrey, Rainbow Dash and I left the house yesterday. We stole- I mean, borrowed my father's car. We've been on the road for a day. I was driving since I'm the only one with driving experience. Jeffrey was riding shotgun. "Do you even know where we're going, Alan?", Rainbow Dash asked. "We're going to Venice", I answered. "Venice?!", Joseph asked. "Do you want to get murdered or save the world?!", I replied. "Fair point", Joseph answered. "How did she turn into a filly?", Jeffrey asked. "When she was transferred from the cartoon world and into our world, her age somehow drastically decreased", I answered. "So, long story short, I have to raise her." "Wait. Venice is overseas", Jeffrey said. "There's an airport in Florida", I responded. "The villains won't be able to find us in Florida." At a Florida airport... As we were getting out of the car, Tirek arrived and destroyed the car. We were presumed dead... but we were still alive. "My father's gonna kill me!", I shouted in despair. Date: February 24, 2020. Location: Venice, Italy. Time: 10:00 AM. "Can you explain to me why we're wearing Assassin's Creed outfits?", Joseph asked. "So we stay hidden", I answered. Even Rainbow Dash had a cute little outfit. "We need to get to Prague, which is in the Czech Republic." "Are... are we following some kind of pattern here?", Jeffrey asked. "There's a safe place in England, but we need to sneak across the continent so the villains can't find us", I answered. However, the Legion were right in front of us looking around. "Never mind." They were... calling someone? "WHERE ARE THEY?!", a mysterious figure screamed. "They're here, in Venice", Chrysalis answered calmly. "Those three boys just entered a world of pain", the figure snarled. "Take a chill pill, sir. They're not sitting ducks", Tirek said. "Just find them and bring them to me", the figure replied annoyingly. The feed got cut off. We ran and hid. "Jeff, who was that?", I asked. "How the hell would I know? I'm not a hacker", Jeffrey answered. Unbeknownst to us, we were speaking a little too loud. The Legion looked our way. "Crap. Joseph, do a half-nelson on Chrysalis!", I commanded. Joseph, who wrestles, executed the move with perfection. Jeffrey pummeled Tirek, and I grabbed Cozy Glow. Sombra didn't even think about attacking. We scared him. Suddenly, my mom called me on my cellphone. I explained that we were in Venice, Italy and that we were fine. "Alright, everybody stay where you are! Chill the eff out!" "Let me go! I am the queen!", Chrysalis said. I laughed so hard I couldn't even breathe. "Last time I checked, your followers abandoned you, which also strips you of your title as queen!", I replied. "I'm only gonna ask you this one time. What master do you serve?" "We're not talking", Cozy Glow answered. I was holding her in a chokehold. "I'm not above killing little kids who are psychopathic monsters", I snarled. I tightened my grip. "Answer me, or the filly dies!" Suddenly, Cozy Glow kicked me in the stomach. "Agh!" She delivered two punches to my face. "Alright, STOP!", Sombra shouted. We did, though Cozy Glow punched me one more time... in the groin. "Oh! Right in the knickerknackers!", Joseph replied. "Jesus Christ!", Chrysalis said as she caught her breath. The villains vanished. "What the?!", I shouted. Time: 7:00 PM. Location: Venice, Italy. We were standing on a rooftop in our outfits. "Let's move", I said. Date: February 25, 2020. Location: Prague, Czech Republic. Time: 6:00 AM. We took a train to Prague. Knowing that the villains would be on our tails after the debacle in Venice, we were on our toes. As a matter of fact, we were hiding in the State Opera. Specifically backstage. We were able to sneak into the Carlo IV hotel, though it wasn't easy. The villains were already in Prague, but because it was still dark outside, we were cloaked by the night. "Boy, am I glad we got these outfits", I whispered as we snuck towards the hotel. Inside the hotel, we hid in a room. The villains walked past the hotel. "Thank God!" I slumped onto the bed. "Those villains just won't give up!" Suddenly, my brow furrowed. "Wait a minute." I sat up. "How did they know that we were in Venice? And how did they know that we were here?!" I glared at my two companions. "Are you two with them?" I took my bow from my quiver and aimed an arrow. Suddenly, I remembered the voice of the mysterious figure. Despite not knowing who it was, I thought I heard that voice before. I distractedly aimed at my brother, but he disarmed me and held me in a half-nelson. "Dumbass! It's not me! I was with you when we were spying on them!", he shouted. "Wha?! Sorry!", I replied. He released me. I picked up my bow and arrow and put them back in my quiver. "I think we're all tired since we got ZERO sleep last night." We all fell asleep in a matter of seconds. Date: February 26, 2020. Location: Carlo IV hotel. Time: 9:00 AM. "Alright. If we're...", I started to say until I heard a beeping noise. It was coming from my quiver. There was a tracking device on one of the arrows. "So that's how the villains knew where we were." I chucked it out the window. "Alright. Our next stop is London, England. Since the villains won't be able to track us now..." "...then we'll have to kill you here!", Cozy Glow shouted. Jeffrey used a smoke bomb to blind the Pegasus and Joseph extended blades from his gloves and punched Cozy Glow. Through the smoke, Chrysalis grabbed me and hurled me outside. However, I had Rainbow Dash with me. I landed on the ground hard. Tirek and Sombra approached me. Cozy Glow was badly injured from the punch. I somersaulted away from the male villains and threw the arrow with the tracking device on it at Sombra, which proved to be a huge mistake. Sombra, as his name suggests, can turn into a shadowy figure (Sombra is Spanish for shadow), so he easily evaded the attack. Back in the room, Joseph and Jeffrey were fighting Chrysalis and Cozy Glow, who recovered from the punch. The two female villains hurled Joseph and Jeffrey outside. We stood our ground. Chrysalis and Cozy Glow joined their fellow villains. I held Rainbow Dash with no intention of letting go. "Stay away!", I shouted. Chrysalis blasted me with her magic, sending me flying backwards. However, I got back up. "I made a promise! And I'm not breaking it!" I took my bow from my quiver and aimed an arrow. My companions readied their weapons as well. We charged at the villains, who charged back. We clashed. We were defeated. Fortunately, Rainbow Dash wasn't hurt. Unfortunately, the battle left me and my companions badly injured. The villains wouldn't let us go anywhere. Chrysalis used her magic to grab me. "Let them go now!", a familiar voice shouted. I looked behind Chrysalis. "Mya!", I shouted. Using an arrow, she stabbed Chrysalis in the neck, freeing me. The five of us ran despite being badly injured. Mya, a very close friend of mine, also had an assassin's outfit on. She had footblades. They're similar to Joseph's Hidden Blades, but footblades are hidden in boots, not gloves. "You can hide, but we'll always find you! BET ON THAT, BASTARDS!", Chrysalis screamed. Location: A train station. Time: 1:00 PM. "Mya, what are you doing here?", I asked. "It's a long story", she answered. When the train to Berlin arrived, we boarded. The villains couldn't track us anymore, but they definitely left a mark on us. Bruised marked my face as we took our seats. I held Rainbow Dash close to me as the train left the station. Date: February 27, 2020. Location: Train. Time: 3:00 AM. Throughout the train trip, Rainbow Dash tested her powers of super-speed. "AW, YEAH!!!", she shouted victoriously. "I'm getting Sonic vibes from this", I said as I watched Rainbow Dash feel like herself again. Location: London, England. Time: 5:00 AM. When we arrived in London, we saw a mysterious man. He aimed a gun at me and fired. The gun was actually a taser gun, so I was electrocuted but not dead. Fortunately, my companions already bolted with Rainbow Dash. Where were they going? To the Tower Bridge since I had no idea where DAGames/Will Ryan lived. That's where we were originally going. "Alan, Alan, Alan", the mysterious man said. In the Crown Jewels Vault... I was tied to a chair. "Ah, shit", I said. The four villains entered the vault, followed by the mysterious man. After taking a good look, I realized that this man was the man who was commanding the Legion of Doom. Who was he? Someone who wanted nothing more that to see the world destroyed: Carlton Drake. "I thought you were dead. I take it Riot protected you and the cost of his life." "I'm impressed", Drake said. "You managed to make it this far, just to fail." "I haven't failed. You have. You don't have Rainbow Dash", I said tauntingly. Drake then got into an aircraft and flew out. "No copyright law in the universe is gonna stop me!", Drake shouted. I laughed. "What's so funny?", Chrysalis snarled. "That's literally a line spoken by Sonic himself", I answered. I had also untied myself. I faced the four villains. On the Tower Bridge... Joseph, Jeffrey, and Mya faced Drake. "You've gotta be shitting me", Joseph said. "Stop!", Rainbow Dash shouted. She faced Drake. "This is my power. And I'm using it to protect my friends!" Blue electricity was flowing through her small body. In the vault, I was fighting the Legion of Doom. Despite me being drastically outnumbered, I was staying alive. I ripped Chrysalis' horn off and stabbed Tirek in the heart with it. I used an explosive arrow to destroy Sombra. Cozy Glow was weak compared to me, so killing her was easy. Among the three dead bodies, Chrysalis and I faced each other. I took the dismembered horn out of Tirek's chest. "Who the hell do you think you are?", Chrysalis asked. "I... am... all... of... me!", I declared before I stabbed the horn into Chrysalis' chest, killing her. I ran to the Tower Bridge. As I left, the four villains faded away into nothingness. Meanwhile, Joseph was fighting Drake aboard the aircraft. "You think you can stop me?!", Drake asked. "No. But she can", Joseph answered. Rainbow Dash, now a fully grown pony again, used her super-speed to ram into her opponent. I jumped onto the aircraft, grabbed my brother, and jumped off the bridge. We Assassins call that a Leap of Faith. We landed in the water. Joseph hung on to me as I swam to the surface. Jeffrey and Mya marveled at the supercharged pony. Overloading herself with electricity, she rammed into the aircraft again, this time destroying it along with Drake. "Dash!", I shouted. Jeffrey and Mya met Joseph and I on the shoreline. Rainbow Dash flew out of the wreckage and landed in a heroic pose near us. I hugged the pony tightly. My fellow Assassins looked up at the wreckage on the Tower Bridge. "Did you get him?", Mya asked. Rainbow Dash nodded. Back at home, Jeffrey, Mya, and I stood on the roof of my house. We formed the Assassin's Brotherhood. Joseph didn't join because he "didn't wanna die young". Since her show ended, Rainbow Dash had decided to live with me and my family. Meanwhile, a yellow Pegasus looking for Rainbow Dash emerged from a portal and flew off.