> Dean's New Life > by Moon_Skritch > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: The Portal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1 The Portal ______________________________________________________________________________ I was walking through the forest of my backyard, after my parents kicked me out of the house for not getting a job and being lazy around the house, I was sad about having to leave with nothing but some clothes some slim jims and a few water bottles. How long that will last me I don’t know. I sit down next to a tree and just think and eat a slim jim, I sigh and take a drink of some water, get up and walk on some more. I look down at my watch, 3:30 AM, I sigh and continue drowsily, I must’ve walked for at least 10 hours at the most. I look up at the sky to the nice stars and say to myself “I wish I could get out of this place.” and sigh once more. I continue walking on to wherever this path takes me. After another hour of walking I slump to the ground next to a tree with a pile of leaves next to it, I glance at my watch 4:42 AM. I lean my head back against the tree and close my eyes. After what seemed ages of sleep I awake to a strange noise next to me, I look frantically around me and say “Who's there?!” no answer. I stand up and get into a defensive stance ready for anything. I look around slowly keeping my guard up when I hear the strange noise once more. I almost jump out of my skin at the sound and turn to face where the noise was coming from and find myself looking at the pile of leaves which were moving and had some type of light coming out of them. I curiously look at it and walk slowly to it ready for anything to attack me. I move the leaves aside to see a very bright looking hole in the ground. I rub my eyes at the sight of its brightness and look deep into it to see nothing but white fog of brightness. I calmly step back a little thinking what it could be, I sit at the tree once more pondering while eating another slim jim and drink some water. I glance into my pack only 4 slim jims left and 3 bottles of water. I look at the bright area amazed that it’s not making everything else bright. I finish my beef stick and guzzle my water and realize what the bright fog brightness thing is. “It is a portal to another world.” I find myself saying aloud. I think to myself if I jump in and explore. will I be able to get out? I decide to see if I can just stick my head in for a second, I go over to the portal and slowly stick my head in and then I feel a small tug and I yank my head out as quick as I can. I shake my head and look around to see if anyone was there. I shake my head once more and instead of my head I use my hand to test it. I reach in there and feel a small tug and realize the portal is trying to pull me in, and the longer I hold my hand there the greater the pull gets. I pull my hand away shaking it cause it feels strange, and it felt good, like my hand has never had an injury or pain, the same way my head felt after I pulled it out of the portal. I grab a leaf from the pile and touch it to the portal and it yanks it in and makes me jump. I ponder to myself, Do I jump? > Chapter 2: Welcome to Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 2 Welcome to Equestria ________________________________________________________ I see nothing but darkness, I think to myself, am I dead? I hear a chirping bird in the distance and wind in the trees. I open my eyes slowly to see a beaming sun above me which almost blinds me instantly. Then I hear voices, girl voices, who's that I wonder. I am too weak to move or to talk and then I hear more voices. I gather enough strength to turn and look to my left and I see a blue and yellow moving blurry figures. I finally get up slowly, and walk limply toward the noises to see if there is someone who can help me. I decide to get closer to see what they were. I get about 10 meters away behind a tree, quiet as can be, and stop and drop my mouth in realization, that the two figures are, PONIES? Where am I?! When I was startled at that notice I stepped on a stick and it broke loudly enough for anyone to hear and I freeze in sheer horror. The winged-ponies, Pegasi I guess, stopped talking, the yellow one cowered up and the blue one said “Who’s there!? Show yourself!” I start shaking with fear because I’m not sure if these pegasi are mean to humans. I hear her wings flap and she flies toward my direction and I just sit there in a crouched position hiding my head crying a little because of fear of going to be hurt or worse. Peering up I see the yellow one with the pink mane looking at me and she says “Hello, what creature are you?” I stay quiet and stare at her with tears of fear in my eyes. She says “Don’t be scared I won’t hurt you.” The blue one flies over and I hide myself once more. The yellow one says “Let me introduce our selves.” I peek up at them. “This is Rainbow-Dash.” She points to the blue pegasi. “And I’m Fluttershy.” She smiles at me. I look at them and I quietly whisper “My name is Dean.” Fluttershy looks at me, “Is that the sound you make? A small whisper?” I say a little louder, “No, I said My name is Dean, Dean Yarlo.” They look at me curiously and surprised that I can talk and understand them. “I jumped into a portal from my world and it brought me here, where am I? What is this world called” Rainbow-Dash says in freaked out voice “Y-you can talk? What are you?” I say “I am a human, haven’t you seen one before? We are everywhere.” Fluttershy says quietly “Well the portal you must’ve jumped into took you into our world, Equestria, the town you are in is named Ponyvi-” Rainbow-Dash stops her by saying “Why should Dean know what this place is, I don’t trust him” Fluttershy looks down at me and says, “Well he is a scared, uh whatever he is-” “Human.” I interrupt. “Human, okay well he is scared and doesn’t know where he is at.” The blue pegasi looks at her “Well he does look sad. Come with us Dean we will take you to Ponyville.” I stand up slowly on my feet and the watch me in awe. Fluttershy says “Wow you even stand on two feet and you're tall!” “Is that bad? I’m only 5’11” “No its okay we sometimes stand on two feet to reach something, but we really can’t walk on two feet which stinks.” So we head off to PonyVille and I pull out my water bottle from my pack and take a swig and then pull out a Beef Stick, “What’s that?” Rainbow-Dash asks. “It’s a beef stick, called a slim-jim.” “Slim-jim?” “It’s made of beef, you know cow meat.” Fluttershy stops and looks at me. “Y-You’re a C-carnivore?” “No No, I am an Omnivore I eat plants too like you guys its just I prefer beef, but I am running low I have 2 left now. Rainbow-Dash sniffs it then coughs a little bit. “Whoa, thats a lot of salt!” Fluttershy says in a scared tone, “S-so you won’t eat us?” “Eat a pony? Eww! Not only is that just plain wrong it’s plain gross! Where I come from we don’t eat ponies we feed them and let our children ride their back and we travel on them.” “So you don’t eat us?” “No.” Fluttershy sighs of relief. We walk to Ponyville and it’s a magnificent small village full of well ponies of course and pause. They continue walking and then stop to look at me. I look down at the ground and say “I am not sure if I want to go in the village. I am a bit scared of what they might think.” Rainbow-dash says “Come on It’s not gonna be horrible, they’ll think you’re something from the forest, they won’t pay you no mind since you’re with me and Flutters.” “Okay.” I say nervously, Fluttershy comes to me and pats my back with her hoof and says “don’t worry you’ll be okay, I’ll make sure of that.” I smile at her and she smiles back, I glance over at Rainbow-Dash, she smiles back. I say in a confident tone, “Let’s Go!” As we walk into town I feel eyes watching me so look down not looking at anyone, err pony. I hear whispering about something, not sure of what though, but I suspect it’s me. We continue through the village and I ask quietly, “Where are we going, I don’t want to be here anymore, I’m scared.” Rainbow-Dash looks at me and says “Nobody is going to mess with you and we are going to the library to see if Twilight knows anything about, what did you say you were?” “Human.” “Okay well let’s go see if she knows anything.” I look around and say “Okay.” Finally we get to the library and Rainbow-Dash knocks on the door and a small dragon opens the door, which makes me jump out of my skin. He looks at me and says “Who and what is that?” Rainbow-Dash says “Well he says he is a human, though we are not sure what a human is.” The small dragon turns to the blue pegasus and says “Well, I’ve never seen or heard of a human, maybe Twilight-Sparkle knows. I think inside my head, What is up with these names? Fluttershy, Rainbow-dash, and Twilight-Sparkle, those are strange names. I walk into the large tree library and a purple pony walks into the room and looks at me really dumbfounded and says “What and who is that?” Rainbow-Dash says “Well, she doesn’t know hmm..” Twilight looks at me intently and says “I’m sorry but I have no idea what that is.” I start getting irritated at the fact nobody freaking know what a human is, “I am a human okay! I talk and walk on two feet and I am from a totally different freaking dimension! I am scared beyond belief because I don’t understand why ponies can talk and build societies and read, and..and.. AGH!!! I should’ve never jumped in that stupid portal!” I run out frustrated so much I could pop. I run toward a tree and climb up it and lay up there. Argh I can’t understand what this place is! This place is insane! Ponies running the place? This is all too confusing, I should just go away for a while. Then I hear a voice below but I ignore it. “Hey! Creature in the tree!” I yell back down “I am not a Creature, I am a Human!.” “Y’all can talk?” I look down and see an orange pony with a cowboy hat and a fully pink pony, I wonder what their names are. “Yes I can talk Humans can talk.” The pink one says without taking a single breath, “Well I’ve never seen a human before, where are you from, how’d you get here, why are you up in a tr-” The orange pony puts her hoof on her mouth and says “Hush now and take a breath” The pink takes a huge breath and lets it out, the pink one is a bit bonkers it seems. The pink one says “My name is Pinkie Pie and She is AppleJack.” Pinkie Pie, had a feeling her name had to do something with pink. AppleJack sounds like she is from the south. “Why don’t y’all come down and introduce yourself.” I shake my head “No. I don’t want to be here, this place is driving me crazy!” I look out toward the library and see a white pony with purple hair walking toward this way followed by the other 3 ponies. I groan and lay back wiping my face. Fluttershy looks up at me and says “Please, come down.” I look down at her and she looks so sad that I just can’t say no. To my displeasure I climb down and stand there, arms crossed. The shy pony smiles at me, “Thank you.” I fake smile back, then frown again. “You want me to explain my life story don’t you?” They all look at each other and look back and nod. I sigh and begin my story (end of chapter two) > Chapter 3: The Strange Night... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter Three A Crazy Night ________________________________________________________ “You want to hear my life story?” All six of the Ponies, Fluttershy, Rainbow-Dash, Twilight-Sparkle, Pinkie-Pie, Applejack, and Rarity, nod their heads at me. I sigh and Begin my story. Well my name is Dean Yarlo, and I am from another world, I am from a place called Earth and I was walking in the woods in my town and I found a portal and I decided to jump in and see what the deal was with it glowing and stuff, I am from a town called Poplar. I was thrown out of my house for supposedly not trying to find work which is bullcrap because I worked my ass off trying to find a job, There is nothing in Poplar, shouldn’t be called a town. I am 17 years old soon to be 18 in a couple of days, out of high-school and out of a place to live. I thought jumping into the portal would be a better option than blindly walking through the forest and run out of food and water. I am just trying to figure out why the portal brought me here. I cough a little and clear my throat. "That's pretty much all I can tell you about me, I'm not that special." "Aww come on now, everypony is special in their own way." AppleJack smiles. I smile back. "Are you wanting to go back home?" "not especially..." "Why not?" "Cause they told me to get lost, and so I did." my voice starts to get an angry tone as I remember back to that night. 'You need to find a damn job son!' I remember Dad saying, 'I'm trying my hardest Dad!' 'Well it's not enough, all you do all day is stay in your room and play that stupid computer!' I got angry with him. 'I don't just play games Dad! I do cons-' 'Oh okay sure, constructive,' he makes air quotes when he says constructive. After a while of bickering he told me to pack my things. I looked at him and said 'Fine! You want me to be gone? I am GONE!' I picked up my bag and slammed the door behind me. I must've stood there for a few minutes, my hands clenched so tight the color fades in them. "A-are you okay? Dean?" Fluttershy's voice breaks my thoughts and I remember where I'm at. I sigh "Sorry, yeah, I'm okay.." I lie horribly. "What's wrong Dean?" I hear Twilight speak to me. I open my hands which immediately start to hurt, but I ignore it. "I was remembering the night I left." I explain the night to them, and they nod. "Well you're here now and you can be an awesome friend, cause I like being friends with everypony I meet-" "I'm not a pony, and why do you say everypony and not everybody?" Twilight steps forward. "Nevermind that now we need to get to bed, it's getting late." I notice that it is getting dark. Where am I going to stay, thinking to myself. "You can stay at my cabin Dean." I look at Fluttershy and she smiles, “I-if you want.” “Sure.” I say happily knowing I have at least somewhere to stay. So we all go home saying good night and I follow Fluttershy to her place. She takes me to a small little cabin in the middle of a small forest. “This place is beautiful Fluttershy!” She smiles at me and takes me inside. I walk in and the place looks great, it smells amazing, like a new house smell cause of the wood and paint. “This place is amazing Fluttershy!” she blushes a little and smiles “Thanks Dean.” I smile back as I feel a little weirdness in my chest, not really sure what it means. “You can have my bed” she says, “it’s bigger than my couch and you would have a more comfortable sleep.” “No deal Fluttershy, that is your bed, I don’t want to take it from you” "Are you sure?" "Yes." Before I lay on the couch I smell myself and I about gag on how bad it is. “You got a shower?” She points down the hall “Yep 1st door to the left.” I go in there and notice it’s an open shower. “Don’t you have a curtain for your shower for like, privacy?” She looks at me and says "We don't wear clothes most of the time anyway." "True." I sigh and turn the water on which isnt really that hot, I take off my pack and lay it down next to the door and then I close the door so I can get some privacy. I shrug at it and take off my clothes and jump in the water and wash off the dirt and scum from today. I put my dirty clothes back on, I had no choice, my Dad didn't give me time to get more. I walk over to the couch and lay down on it. I grab the blanket Fluttershy left for me and wrap up in it, its chilly in here. After a while it starts to get really cold, and then I remember that it is getting close to winter, but it is so much colder in this world than mine. I lay there shivering myself crazy. I sit up and curl up as tight as I can, I soon fall asleep. I wake up again still freezing, I look up and notice Fluttershy is standing there. "Agh!" I yelp. She jumps as I do. "Sorry Dean, didn't mean to scare you. Are you okay? Cause Angel came into my room and woke me up saying something was wrong with you." I look down at the bunny, she looks back at me with worried eyes. "She was saying you were shaking crazily." I speak back to her in a stutter due to the cold, "I-It's s-so c-cold..." "Really? Its warm in here to me." "E-easy for you t-to say you have a c-coat to k-keep you warm, all I have is sk-ski-n..." She looks at me and says "Why don't you come and sleep with me, there's enough room on the bed for both of us. I have more blankets for you to use." I nod We get into the bed and it is warmer, I sigh in relief as the warmth comes over me. "Feel better?" she asks. I smile and nod. She says "Okay Good night." She leans over and hugs me randomly making my heart beat like crazy. Wait, I like her..she's a pony..that's not right. She pulls away and I shake my head as I feel a strangeness come over me. I shrug it off as nothing. I close my eyes and enjoy the warmth of the covers. I see a shadow walking towards me, in the shape of a pony, but it's male and charges toward me at a fast pace, it wooshes right through me, like a ghost would, I fall back and the shadow appears over me, It's eyes glow bright white and it seems to fade and I feel an energy engulf me... I wake and yelp loudly waking Fluttershy, "Dean, You okay?" "Y-yeah...Just a nightmare..." I get up mumbling, "it seemed...so...real..." "Dean?" Fluttershy asks. "I'm going to go get some air..." I walk horrified beyond belief outside into the freezing fall air. I walk around in a circle around the shack, and I hear a familiar voice "Dean!" and I ignore it completely, still terrified by the dream. Rainbow-dash lands in front of me with a frown on her face, which immediately fades when she sees that I am white as a ghost. "Dean? You okay?" I stop and just stand there, Fluttershy comes out of the shack and walks toward us, "He had a nightmare and he won't tell me about it." "Come on Dean, Tell us.." I open my mouth to speak but that's when it begins....... (end of chapter 3) > Chapter 4: Transformation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 4 Transformation ________________________________________________________ Energy leaves my body, I fall limp to the ground shaking a bit, everything becomes blurry, Immediately I'm picked up by Rainbow-Dash and Fluttershy, everything is fuzzy, I close my eyes and pass out. I am standing in front of a mirror looking at it. Suddenly the shadow appears behind me. I turn to charge at it, and it dissipates in front of me. I look frantically around and I feel the dark presence fly through me knocking me down, making me lose my energy. "Who are you!" I scream out. The shadow stops and he seems to gain color. The shadow's coat turns a into a light brown, with dark brown hair and dark eyes. The stallion looks at me and says "I am what you are becoming. Soon your Human body will be taken over and I will be in the picture. Now I know what you're thinking, I am evil. No I'm not, I am just what you will become very soon. Everything fades away and the words 'very soon' echo slowly. I open my eyes to hear mumbled voices, understandable, but not knowing who is talking. "What in all of Equestria is going on here? I feel myself being placed on a table. "I don't know, he just jumped out of bed and ran outside, he was sweating profusely. I followed him out there and I saw him talking to Rainbow-dash and he just passed out. He was saying something about a nightmare." I groan and shift a little on the bed. My energy is so depleted right now, I wish this was just a dream. I feel myself being lifted up, but I can't move whatsoever. "What in Celestia's name.." The voices become less muffled as I hear Twilight speak. "There are small light brown hairs growing rapidly on his skin." I get the strength to move my head slowly to see. "Dean?" all I can do is lightly groan. "He's so weak, Twilight can't you do something?" Rainbow-Dash says. There's a knock on the door, Twilight opens it using her magic, and in comes Pinkie, Rarity, and Applejack. "Oh my goodness, is Dean alright?" Rarity asks immediately. Pinkie walks over to me "Dean?" I slowly turn my head to her and look at her, She saddens and hugs me. "Don't worry Dean, we will help you." I try to smile, she smiles back. I get layed back down, and I close my eyes once more. "I hope you are ready Dean." "For what?" I ask the, I guess, soon to be me. "The transformation." "Why is this happening to me?" "You will know soon enough." "What?" Then he disappears and the floor falls from below me and I fall. I jump up off the table, startling everyone, guess I should start saying every'pony' now huh, I stand and I feel pain surge through my body, I fall on my hands and knees, stifling a pained yell. Suddenly my hands slowly morph into hooves, A tail shoots out of my backside. I start to yell loudly as wings fire out of my back. I look over to them to see their shocked faces. I mouth the words "Help me..." A lot of changes happen painfully, my legs and arms morph into the legs of a ponies, and my feet turn into hooves also. My whole body morphs into a stallion's. I groan and fall to the ground and pass out once again. "The process is complete Dean, you are now a pegasus." "W-what? Why?" The human version of me walks up to me, I look at my hands which are now hooves. "I am not needed anymore, but I will always be here." He points to my heart. I yell out "But, I didn't ask for this!" He shrugs, "Sorry Dean, Its too late, Goodbye for now I doubt our paths will cross again soon." He starts to fade into the darkness behind him. "Noooooo...!" I charge toward him but it's too late he's gone. "Don't worry about me Dean, Just go and enjoy you're new life." I start to cry softly, "I don't want this.." I hear another voice coming from the darkness "Dean, come on wake up now." Pinkie Pie steps from the darkness and holds out her hoof. I smile and grab her hoof. and everything fades. Silence, is all I can hear opening my eyes from that strange nightmare. Looking to my right I see a pink pony laying on a couch, "Pinkie Pie?" Her hair is laying flat which is odd. She leans her head up, "Dean? Dean! You're awake!" She runs over and hugs me tightly, I hug back. As we pull away I look at my hands, totally forgetting what happened hours ago. My eyes widen as I stare at my hands, which are now hooves. "I-It wasn't a dream? No.....no....please...no..." My eyes fill with tears, "My human body...gone..." A tear falls from my cheek. Pinkie looks at me with a sad face. "Don't cry Dean, please, I don't like it when my friends cry." Pinkie's says as her eyes slowly fills with tears. The others walk in and see that I am crying. "What's the matter dear? Rarity asks. I look at them my face wet with tears. "I didn't ask for this, Why did this happen to me?" Pinkie hugs me again, "Why won't this nightmare end? Why can't I wake up from this dream and appear back in my bed." More tears flow from my eyes, "Dean, you do know you are not dreaming, right?" Twilight states the obvious. I look at her and squint my teary eyes at her. "I know it's not a dream Twilight, I wish it was so I wouldn't be here." "You want to leave?" Pinkie says as she stares at me with tears in her eyes. "Well.." I start to say but it is immediately cut off by the pink pony yelling, "NO DON'T LEAVE! I DON'T WANT TO LOSE A FRIEND!" She holds onto me and she looks at me tears falling down her face. "P-Please don't leave." I sigh, I feel horrible now. AppleJack pipes up and says "C'mon y'all lets leave Dean alone to his thoughts... C'mon Pinkie." She shakes her head. "No I can't leave Dean, I'm afraid I won't see him again if I leave." She squeezes tighter almost too tight but I don't complain, this pony really cares for me, I can't leave, I don't want to break her heart. "She can stay guys its okay." They nod and walk out. I look up at the Pony on top of me hugging me tightly and I put my hooves around her and smile. After what seems a few minutes she finally gets off of me and wipes the tears from her eyes, I lean up and grab her hoof and hold it, "You know what Pinkie, I don't think I can leave." She stays silent. "I can't leave because well, I'm not human anymore, and.." I pause and she looks up at me our faces inches apart, "..and I can't break the heart of this beautiful pink mare in front of me." I smile. She blushes a little, "So you won't leave?" "I can't if it means I am breaking the heart of friends that care for me." She smiles and puts her hooves around me. I hug her back meaningfully, I'm beginning to think Pinkie likes me. Her hair poofs back into a big pink poofy thing and she smiles, which in turn makes me smile too. I look out the window to see it's still the middle of the night. "What time is it?" I ask. Pinkie shrugs, "All I know Dean is that it's sleepy time." She yawns and she gets up to go. "Where you going Pinkie?" I ask "Bed." she replies groggily. "Why don't you stay here Pinkie?" "Really you wouldn't mind that not at all?" "Not at all." She climbs into the bed and lays next to me, "You are really sweet Dean, you know that?" I blush a little and hold her hoof, "No I can't be that awesome, I'm just a simple dude, well stallion, I'm not special at all..." She puts her hoof under my chin and brings it close to her face. "You're special to me..." she says with a small smile and she leans in and plants her lips on mine softly and kisses me tenderly. I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling, It's amazing to kiss her she tastes so sweet, like sugary cookies. We finally pull away and she says "Good night Dean." "Good Night Pinkie." She pecks me and she squeezes my hoof and we close our eyes and go to sleep. (end of chapter four) > Chapter 5: Alex > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 5 Alex ________________________________________________________ That had to be the most amazing kiss ever, I look up at the ceiling still holding Pinkie Pie's hoof. Our hooves are getting sweaty because its warm under these covers, but I don't care this is the first girl I have ever liked, and kissed...Yes I was a kiss virgin, I sure missed out on a lot when I was, It was so magical, the kiss, and it lasted forever. Pinkie lets go of my hoof and leans over and puts her other hoof around me, cuddling me. I roll over to face her and put my hoof around her and hold her. This is so amazing, holding someone, err...pony, that cares for me so much. I close my eyes to go to sleep. The Darkness surrounds me and I am panicking, "Help! Anypony out there? Pinkie?" I hear a yell and loud thump, I follow my ears through the darkness and I see a light shining, I go up to it and look in and I see another human, in the middle of a forest area, He seems to be scared, he looks around frantically, "Wait a minute, is that? Alex?" He turns in my direction, not seeing me. Holy crap did Alex find the portal also? Slowly the light begins to fade as he runs off into woods frantic as hell. I yell out "Alex! I will find you!" I wake up with a jerk which wakes Pinkie up, I look outside the sun hasn't risen yet but the light is showing for dawn. "Alex." is all I can say. I let go of Pinkie's hoof, "Who's Alex?" She asks. I totally ignore the question and mumble to myself, "Middle of the forest, gotta find him." "Dean..." She says, "Gotta go find him." "Dean." "He's probably scared out of his wits right now." "DEAN!" "What?" "It was just a dream." She grabs my hoof, "It's not real." I look at her and say, "Can we at least go look to see? Cause it was the same place I came in at." She nods. We eat breakfast before we head out, I doubt that Alex went far, He doesn't like new places that much, kinda creeps him out. We head out into the forest next to town and I find the spot where the portal dropped me, and where it dropped Alex in my dream. Pinkie speaks up and says, "Is this the place from your dream?" I nod and say, "We should sear-" I pause cause I hear a sound, a footstep on leaves, I look around and see a hand disappear behind a tree. "It's him, I told you he wouldn't go far." I whisper to Pinkie. I creep close to the tree and I say out loud, "Alex?" I hear a shuffle behind the tree then the words "Aw, Shit..." "Haha, Alex you're so funny." I laugh. Silence. "Alex, It's me, Dean, from Poplar?" Silence. I groan loudly, "Alex don't make me yank you from that tree." Alex looks around the corner a bit. Alex is a tall, skinny, he has short dark brown hair, he must have gotten it cut recently, He is wearing a jet black hoodie opened up, with a white t-shirt with the word dub-step under it, also wearing an LA flat bill cap. and of course he has his jeans down to his freaking ankles... talk about a stupid style of clothing, but I don't judge. He takes one look at me and screams "NO YOU ARE NOT DEAN! YOU ARE A FREAKING TALKING HORSE!" I sigh, "Alex, freaking chill dude, look you are in a land called Equestria, I have turned into a pegasus." I flap my wings a bit. "Equestria, What the hell does that mean?" He says. I'm getting irritated at him. "How about we just show you. This is Pinkie Pie." She comes up behind me slowly, taken aback of how Alex looks. "So it wasn't a dream, it was more of a vision." He yells, "WHAT THE HELL, HOW THE HELL ARE YOU TALKING!" He is becoming very scared at this moment. "This is a dream I need to wake up from now!" He grabs the tree in front of him and starts slamming his head into it yelling, "Wake up, Wake up!" "ALEX STOP! YOU ARE NOT DREAMING SNAP OUT OF IT!" I yell at him, he points at us, "I am going crazy, that's it...I have finally lost it." I walk up to him and slap him in the face, to the best of my abilities, since I am a pony, "Dude quit your shit." He shakes his head wildly. "Look I am Dean, if you don't believe me, ask me a question that only Dean would know." He stands there and ponders for a moment. "What happened last Saturday night at 7:00PM?" I start to laugh, "Oh my god that was hilarious...Shaving cream trick for the win! Kif was so pissed at us!" He opens his eyes widely, "It is you..." he sits on the ground to review his thoughts. "Dude, I told you I was, I thought my voice would give it away." We hear a loud woosh sound above us, I look up and see Rainbow-dash come down to see what's going on. "Hey guys, what's u- Who's that?" She points to Alex, he looks up, "My god there are more of them..." he says to himself. "Rainbow, meet Alex, Alex, Rainbow." Alex looks up at me, "Dean, What the hell is with the formal introduction?" "I just thought it would help." He rolls his eyes and stands up. Alex is a bit shorter than me but not much, when I was a human at least, now he's like a giant cause we are smaller. "C'mon man lets take you to Ponyville." He starts to laugh loudly. "HA HA HA, Ponyville? What kind of name is that?" All three of us glare at him, "I'm just saying, it's funny cause the world is full of po- Ahh forget it lets go. I walk alongside Pinkie, she whispers in my ear, "Alex is a bit odd, why does he have his pants so low to the ground?" I laugh "You know, I have asked myself that question about that too..." She giggles and gives me a peck on the cheek, and I hear behind me, "Woo! Get you some Dean!" I close my eyes and groan. "What does he mean by that?" Pinkie asks, I look at her and shake my head and say, "You do not want to know..." I glance behind me to see that Alex is talking to Rainbow-Dash, talking about flying I guess. We see Twilight's tree house in view and we see Twilight entering. We arrive on the porch and Pinkie knocks before I can, Spike opens the door, "Hey guys..who's your friend?" "Alex." I say. Twilight comes up to the door, "Hey Dean, I was looking for you when you weren't in your bed, couldn't find Pinkie either, where were you guys?" I point to Alex, "We were looking for Alex..." "What do you have to do with this Rainbow?" Twilight asks. "I saw them down there and was curious." Twilight nods, "Come on inside and let's talk about Alex." We walk in, Alex in the back, he has that look on his face like he's creeped the hell out. "It's okay Alex, nopony is going to hurt you." Rainbow says in a reassuring voice. His face lightens up as he looks down at the cyan pegasus. I think he's going to like it here. "Dean, we never got to talk about how you got morphed into a pegasi. We were going to talk about it this morning but you were gone." Twilight says. "Sorry Twi, I had a vision last night about Alex's arrival and I wanted to find him before he killed himself in the forest." "Hey! I can take care of myself..." Alex yells at me. I laugh and he just glares at me. "By the way Dean, why are you a Pegasus?" he asks, I shrug, "Dunno, sure was painful though..." I stretch out my wings, Alex stares at them, "Dude, I wish I could fly, that would be freaking sweet." he says, "Yeah, I don't know how to use these yet, so..." I frown. We hear a knock at the door, Spike rushes over and answers it, "Howdy Spike, Twilight here?" AppleJack asks. "Yeah, everypony is here, plus we have a guest." Spike says, "Is it a nice guest?" Fluttershy asks timidly. Spike looks at Alex, "Why don't you guys come in and see." Spike moves out of their way. They all walk in, Rarity walks in last, Spike just stares at her, I laugh a bit. Little guy has a crush. Pinkie Pie says "Hi everypony! Meet Alex!" Everyone looks at the tall human next to me, who jerks his head back in a 'whoa' type of way. "How many 'ponies' are there in this world?" Alex asks. "You are the only human Alex, right now." Twilight says. "Are you serious?" Alex says, his eyes widening. Twilight nods. "So no other humans.." his voice gets shaky. Rainbow Dash walks up to Alex and says "Don't worry Alex, we can be cool too." he laughs a bit and Rainbow hugs his legs since that is all she can reach. He smiles down at her, "Thanks Rainbow, I feel better now." Out of nowhere we hear this low grumbling noise, we all look around for the noise and we all pinpoint our vision to Alex, "What, I'm hungry..." We all are. Pinkie yells, "Lets go to the Café!" Alex and I look at each other, me and him are broke. Twilight notices our faces, "Don't worry guys, we will get you fed also." We all head out to the Café in downtown Ponyville, everypony starts to stare at Alex and I, they don't know who we are, most of them are staring at Alex. "What are they staring at?" Alex asks. "Us I guess, you are a human, they don't know what that is. And I'm new to town, plus we are walking with 6 mares, doesn't that seem a bit noticeable?" "Hm, you're right." We walk into the Café and we order, "Can I get a cheeseburger?" Alex asks. "Uh, dude, you do know ponies don't eat meat right?" I tell him, "What? Are you serious?" he frowns and crosses his arms, "I want my cheeseburger.." "I thought you knew that Alex." I say, "Well I know now.." he says, disappointed. We look at the menu, "The Hay Salad looks good." I say, stomach growling, Alex looks at me, "Ew, hay? I'll just take a normal salad. Seems normal to me." We all order and sit down at a table, Alex asks me as we sit, "So how'd you get here after falling through the portal Dean?" "I didn't fall I jumped, and I got here thanks to Rainbow and Fluttershy." I nod to them in thanks, they smile back. "So why'd you jump?" Rainbow asks Alex, he begins to tell his story "The portal? Haha, Well, I heard Dean was going down the forest, so I was going to prank him y'know, scare him a bit, well I was walking around and I saw a light, and I walked over to it, this white spot on the ground was shining and so out of curiosity I stepped on it, unbeknownst to me that it was a portal, I fell in, I landed on the ground in the forest and was out like a light, I wake up hours later to sounds of birds and stuff and I look around-" The waitress trots by and gives us our food, we all start eating. Alex continues with his story "I look around to see where I was at and I had no clue whatsoever, so I freaked." He looked at me and Pinkie to his right. "That's when you guys found me. I didn't know what you were, that's why I hid." He looks down at his salad, "Hmm, seems legit.." He takes a bite and shrugs, "Tastes the same. Needs dressing though." "They don't make that stuff here." He stops eating and looks at me, "You serious?" I nod. "Ponies don't need dressing, they just eat it." I say "What's dressing?" Rarity asks. Alex puts a hand on his face and groans. I tell them "It's something we humans put on our salads to make them 'taste better'." "Well how do y'all make it?" Applejack asks. I shake my head and shrug. "I don't know." We finish eating, and Alex says "That was actually rather good, better than any human can make. So where do we go now?" We look up at the sky, Sun is going down, but it's not nighttime yet. Alex nudges me "Hey bro in a few hours you'll be 18." "Heh, yeah, and I'm not home to celebrate." "Well everypony, I should probably get back to the farm, nights'a comin." Applejack says, We all agree and we say our goodnight's. Rainbow hugs Alex again, I look at him and laugh. They both blush and fist bump each other before Rainbow takes off toward the skies. Pinkie gives me a long hug, I hug back smiling. "I'll see you tomorrow Dean!" She leans in and gives me a kiss on the lips. After a while we pull away, and she hops off to her home. I smile as she bounces away. "So where are we staying Dean?" Alex asks me, "My place has enough rooms in it." Twilight states, I have one more guest room left, Dean's got the other." "Thanks Twilight." Alex says. We go to Twilight's tree house and get ready for bed. "This sure was some crazy day, huh Dean? Alex says "I still can't get over the fact you turned into a Pegasus, it's funny." I shrug. "See ya later man I gotta get some sleep." "Alright man, See ya." and we slug off to bed. "Night Twilight!" I yell, I wait a sec to see if she responds. "Night Dean and Alex! Sleep well!" I climb into the bed and lay back on the pillow, I turn over to face the window, and close my eyes and fall asleep. What is with this Darkness, I hear a loud yell, sounds like Alex "Who the hell are you! Get away from me!" I follow my ears and find a lighted room in the darkness and I see a shadowed Pegasus standing in front of Alex, who is laying on the ground, I watch as the shadow gains color. It has a dark blue coat, with a blue mane yellow stripe running through it, and a blue short tail with yellow tips. Alex says "What the shit?" The pegasus in front of him dissolves and the mist flows right through him. I hear a loud scream which jolts me awake, I rush into Alex's room to see dark blue hair covering his body. He looks at me, "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!" He stands up and his arms and legs turn into a pony's. His hands and feet change, he falls to the ground. Wings fire out of his back and fold, a short stubby tail shoots out of his tailbone. He throws his clothes off and the rest of him morphs down to a pony size. He falls over and his hair changes color. Once the changes are done he looks like the Pegasus from the dream. Twilight busts into the room with Spike, "What in the world?" Twilight yells, looking down at Alex who is passed out on the floor. I look at her and shrug. We pick Alex off the ground and place him on the bed. "What should we do?" I ask. "We should probably go back to bed he's gonna be out for a while, cause you were out for a while after you changed." Twilight says. I nod and we go back to bed. I see human Alex standing in front of pegasus Alex, I hear the human one say the same things my human self said. "...I doubt we will see each other again." Pegasus Alex gets up and charges after the human one and it fades, "I guess I'm just like Dean now." I hear him say. He flops to the floor and another voice appears from the Darkness behind him. "Yo, Alex, C'mon, get up!" Rainbow Dash appears and holds out her hoof to him. He smiles and grabs it. She walks him through the Darkness and she says something else, something Pinkie never said, "Don't worry Alex, you'll be okay." He nods and leans his head on hers." I wonder if Rainbow-dash is in his room, like Pinkie was with me. Rainbow and Alex fade. It's morning. I wake up and wonder if Alex is awake. I get out of bed and walk to his room, I open the door slightly to see Rainbow Dash sitting in a chair next to Alex's bed. "Rainbow?" I whisper. She jumps a bit. "Oh you scared me Dean, sorry I just, uh, I came to check on Alex, and he seems to have changed also." Alex shifts in the bed a bit. "He's waking up." I say, she looks over at him and smiles, Alex opens his eyes and sees Rainbow next to him and he smiles. She leans down and hugs him, "Glad that you're okay Alex." he looks at his hands and starts to laugh, "Dean look, I'm one too!" He starts to laugh uncontrollably. "Wow, this is some crazy dream man." Alex says. "Uh, dude, this is real." He stops laughing, "What? but what about my human self?" Apparently he either doesn't remember his dream, cause I was there somehow, or he doesn't want to talk about it. "Sorry man we are both stuck as Pegasi." He just sighs and lays his head back. He looks at Rainbow Dash and smiles a bit which makes her smile. "Thank you for being at my side Rainbow." he says. She puts her hooves around him and hugs him. I smile at them, As I go out and close the door to give them some time alone, I see Rainbow lean in and kiss him. I close the door and go into the kitchen. I see Spike making breakfast. Carrots, apples, and other assorted fruits and vegetables, plus water to drink. I go in there "Hey Spike." He waves his hand still working, "Morning." "Where's Twilight?" "She had to step out for a minute, she'll be back." He turns around with plates in his hand full of food. My stomach growls as I look at the food. Spike sets the table and says "How's Alex? Is he okay?" "Yeah, Rainbow Dash is in there comforting him." I say, he looks at me, "When did she come in?" he asks. I shrug, "I dunno, she was in there when I walked in to check on him." We hear the front door open, Spike leans around the corner to see who it is, I look also. Pinkie bounces in first, which makes my heart flutter with joy. She is followed by Twilight, then Rarity, I look down at Spike to see him stare at her. I nudge him laughing, he shoves me and laughs. Fluttershy and Applejack follow lastly. "Hey guys, I got breakfast set up for everypony!" Pinkie hops over to me and gives me a quick kiss, I think this means we are dating or something I don't know but, I don't mind one bit. I kiss back and I say "I'll go get Alex and Rainbow." They all look at me. "She came in during the night to check on Alex I guess." I walk toward the bedroom, open the door and they are both asleep on the bed, facing each other. I immediately think, oh boy they did something but the room is nice and cool and it doesn't smell of body heat. I knock on the door, which jolts Alex awake. "Oh my god dude, you scared the shit out of me." He rubs his eyes. "Wake Rainbow up, breakfast is ready." He nods and shakes Rainbow, she wakes up and says "Hey Dean." "Breakfast is ready." I say. We all go into the dining room and sit. I sit next to Pinkie and they sit on the far side of the table. We all begin to eat. I wonder what we all are going to do today. I wish I knew why me and Alex changed, though I'm not complaining that much. Pinkie reaches down and holds my hoof. I turn to her and we smile. We all start talking to each other about random stuff. Hopefully today goes well. (end of chapter 5) > Chapter 6: Happy Birthday Dean! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 6 Happy Birthday Dean ________________________________________________________ "I wonder what today will be like?" I ask. Everypony shrugs. I get the urge to use the restroom, "I'll be right back." I get up and walk into the bathroom and use it, afterward I go up to the sink and look in the mirror, seeing my pegasus self. "Huh, so that's what I look like, I haven't seen a reflection of myself since I turned into a pony. I wash my hooves and head back to the Dining Room. Everypony gets quiet as they hear my hoofsteps enter the room, they all smile at me awkwardly. I look at them confused, "What are you ponies talking about? I ask in a funny tone. They all laugh and I look at Alex who has a look on his face that says 'I know something you don't'. I squint my eyes and he laughs. Pinkie motions for me to sit and I do, she says, "So what you wanna do today Dean?" I shrug and say, "I don't know... Since I'm stuck here, what is there to do around here?" Alex shouts out, "I have an Idea! Why don't Dean and I go around town and look around, you know get to know the area." I nod. "Good Idea, anypony else wanna come?" "Maybe just you two should go, I mean ya'll are new here and it'd be better if two best buds go themselves and look around." I nod again. "Well let's go!" Alex says. "Wait, Now?" I say. "Yes, now better to start early you know." I sense something fishy but I just push it away. Me and Alex walk out and go off to look around, Twilight closes the door behind us. Twilight says, "Okay, everypony lets get started." she pulls out a checklist titled, "Things we need for the party." Pinkie smiles really big, "Ooo, Dean's gonna be so surprised by this!" She hops around excitedly. Everypony leaves Twilight's house to get things for Dean's surprise birthday, If it wasn't for Alex telling them, this wouldn't of happened. -- Pinkie Pie runs into Sugarcube corner, "Mrs. Cake, It's Dean's birthday today, we are throwing him a surprise party, can we make a cake?" Pinkie asks excitedly. Mrs. Cake says, "Of course dear." and they go into the kitchen and begin creating the cake. After about an hour, the timer beeps, Mrs. Cake pulls it out and puts frosting on it and writes "Happy 18th Birthday Dean" on it. Pinkie puts it in a box and heads back to Twilight's house. Applejack runs into her house and gathers apple pies, apple tarts, fritters, and other assorted apple items. She grabs all of the food and takes it back to Twilight's house. Rarity goes into her house and begins gathering party decorations to put up inside Twilights house for the party. She grabs a long paper and writes "Happy Birthday Dean!" on it. She grabs the decorations and heads back to Twilights house. Rainbow Dash goes out and hands invitations to the ponies all over Ponyville. She sees Dean at some points and hides successfully. She tells everypony "3 o'clock at Twilight's house, Birthday party for Dean." "Who is Dean?" Some ponies ask her and she explains quickly. Fluttershy runs to her home and asks her birds, "Um..can I ask a favor of you?" The birds nod, "It's Dean's birthday today, and I was wondering, could you sing the "Happy Birthday" song to him, if that's okay.." The birds cheep in agreement and they fly back with Fluttershy to Twilight's house to practice. Twilight surveys the room, which is full of decorations. She checks off her list and says. "Okay banner, check, cake, check, decorations, check, food, check, balloons, check, music, check. Rainbow did you give everypony an invitation?" The cyan pegasus nods. "Guests, Check." "It seems we have everything we need everypony." "Now we got to get Dean back here and surprise him!" Pinkie says as she smiles big. "He will be so happy!" -- "This is a very nice place." I say as we walk through Downtown Ponyville. "So what were you guys talking about at the table this morning when I walked in?" I ask. "Nothing really." Alex says. "But you all got quiet when I walked in." I say with an eye raised. He shrugs, "I dunno man maybe you're just one of those guys that quiet the room when you enter." "Hmm..." I know something is up, but what? Just then Applejack walks up and says "Hey guys, come back to Twilight's house, she needs to ask you something." "What does she wanna ask us?" Alex says. "She didn't say." She replies. So we head back to the library. I see the Library in front of me and notice all the curtains are drawn, and it's quiet. I immediately get really suspicious. "What's going on guys, something is up and you are not telling me." Alex looks at me and says with a straight face, "Nothings up, dude you're paranoid." I squint my eyes at him, his face never changes. "Okay, then lets go see what Twilight wants." We go up to the door, I reach up to knock and Applejack stops me and says, "Just go in, I don't think Twilight will mind." I shrug and open the door to see a pitch black room. We all walk in and close the door, "Where's the light switch?" Then I hear a click. The room illuminates and a bunch of ponies jump out of nowhere and yell "SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAN!" I smile, a bit startled, but happy. A tear appears in my eye, a joyful tear. Pinkie walks up to me and puts her hoof around me and gives me a hug, then she gives me a quick kiss. I am so amazed at the fact that almost every pony in Ponyville is here. "How did you guys know, I never told you." Alex nudges me, I turn to him and he has a big grin. I smile back. The other ponies in the group of the six walk up to me and say, "Happy birthday Dean!" I smile. I look around and see the decorations. "You guys, you didn't have to go to all this trouble." I blush a bit. "Well, Alex told us your birthday was today and Pinkie said we should have a big party!" Rarity says smiling. All the ponies depart to their own thing for a while, grabbing something to eat. I grab a apple fritter and a piece of apple pie, Pinkie following me happily, She is so adorable. I sit down on the love seat holding the plate in my mouth, Pinkie sits next to me, I place the plate in my lap and she swipes the fritter from my plate. "Hey!" I say laughing, she laughs back and she eats it, there's plenty of food so I'm not worried. I look over and see Alex talking to Rainbow Dash, she starts to blush a little bit, I can't hear what they are saying, but I know what's going on, "Alex is hitting on Rainbow." I whisper to Pinkie, she looks over at them and laughs a bit. I eat my piece of pie and get up and put the plate in a trash bin. I walk up to Alex who is getting punch from the punch bowl for rainbow, "Hey man, I want to thank you." I say, he places the cup down and says, "For what?" "For being an awesome friend and help throw this awesome party!" I fistbump him, well since we are ponies I don't know what to call it. Well we are like bros and we have hooves instead of fists, I guess brohoof? I don't know. Alex says "Well man I got to get this punch to Rainbow, I think I'm doing pretty well, she seems to enjoy my company." He picks up the cup with his mouth and walks back to Rainbow who smiles on his return. "Hey Dean!" I hear Pinkie Pie's voice behind me, "Yeah Pinkie?" I ask. "You should totally open your presents!" she says happily. "Presents? Oh come on guys, you didn't need to do that." I blush a bit. We walk over to the table, and Pinkie grabs hers, "Open mine, Open mine!" she says, holding the present out to me. Everypony gathers around the table as I grab the present and open it. I wonder what it is. I open it to find...A card? She smiles and says "Read it." So I read, Dean, you are the most amazing pony I have ever met, when I first met you and you spoke to me, I felt this feeling in my chest and I couldn't explain it, and when you transformed into a Pegasus, I realized that the feeling I had was...Love. And when I realized it was love, That's why I was in your room, the night after your transformation, and that's why I cried when you said you wanted to leave. I love you Dean Yarlo, you amazing Pony. Love, Pinkie Everypony says "Awwww..." I look at the pink pony and I tear up, "Thank you Pinkie. I had no idea that you thought of me that way. I-I love you too Pinkie." I put my hooves around her and hug her, She hugs back, we pull back and look each other eyes, it feels as if its just me and her in the room, she moves her face closer to mine and I move mine closer, we lock lips and we close our eyes, it's amazing, it feels as if nothing else matters anymore. After what seems ages, we pull away. I can still taste her on my lips, tastes like cookies and sugar, I love the taste. I sigh of happiness and I say "Wow, Pinkie, this has to be the best birthday present I ever got." but I say quickly after, "Don't worry everypony I will open yours too!" I smile, they all cheer and laugh. I open all of the presents, which contain assorted knickknacks, clothes, shoes, and other random presents. I think I am covered in clothing for a while. "Thanks everypony for these wonderful presents, this has to be my best birthday party ever!" "Time to blow out the candles!" Pinkie yells, I smile and we walk over to the cake which has 18 candles on it. I look down on it and I hear birds start to tweet the "Happy birthday" song and I smile as everypony sings. "Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday TO YOU! Happy Birthday dear Dean! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" I blow out all the candles and everypony cheers! I grab the knife and cut the first slice of cake, I make it small cause I want everypony to get a piece, Pinkie goes next and follows me back to the couch. I sit down and eat my piece of cake. I look to Pinkie and say "Pinkie?" she looks at me with frosting on her nose, making me laugh a bit, she rubs the frosting off, "Yeah?" she says, "Um, what you said in that card. Was it true?" She puts her hoof on mine, "Yes it was, it's like when you arrived you overtook my heart, I can't even remember when I was this much in love with anypony, well actually your my first." she says with a smile. "Wait, does this mea-" I ask but get cut-off by Pinkie "Yes Dean, we are." she pulls my face closer to hers and gives me a long kiss. After we pull apart, I scoot closer to Pinkie, She leans her head against mine and holds my hoof, "You know what Pinkie?" I say, "Hm?" She asks. "You're my first also." Even though I'm not looking directly at her I can tell she is smiling. I look around at the other guests of the party, and I see Alex talking to Rainbow Dash, I can't understand them but I guess Alex is doing something right because Rainbow is holding his hoof. I look around some more and I see Spike talking to Rarity about something and he hands her a gem and she gives him a hug, which probably exploded his little heart, in a good way of course. The party continues for another few hours and it starts to die down after the sun sets. I thank everypony on their way out. Eventually its just Me, Alex, Spike, and the six other ponies. We all sigh at the same time then laugh at the fact we sighed in unison. "That was a great party guys!" I say happily. I start to help clean up, "No, No Dean." I hear Rarity say. "You're the birthday pony you don't have to clean up." "You sure? I mean I would be happy to help." I say "Don't worry we will take care it." Rarity says back. I just stand there as they clean up the party messes, confetti, spilled food, spilled punch. I feel a tap on my back, making me jump, I turn around and see Pinkie standing there. "Did I scare you Dean?" she says playfully. "Yeah a bit." She giggles and she says, "Why don't you head to bed? You're looking pretty groggy." I yawn and say, "Yeah, I am pretty tired. I just don't want to go to bed yet." "Why not?" she asks. "Because I won't get to see you." I say, good lord that was freaking mushy as hell. She just giggles and pushes me into my bedroom. I get up into the bed and lie there. She walks over and says "Well I got to go home and get to bed. I will see you tomorrow Dean." I smile at her and she kisses me and says "G'night Dean, Love you." "Love you too Pinkie, Gnight." She pecks me one more time and walks out. I lie back on my pillow, today was the greatest. I now have probably the most wonderful girlfriend ever, well actually its a marefriend, eh same thing. My life couldn't get better than this. I close my eyes and sleep. (end of Chapter 6) > Chapter 7: Flight Training and a Date > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 7 Flight Training and a Date ________________________________________________________________________________ The sounds of tweeting birds fill my ears as I wake up, I look to my left to see the sun rising in the window. What a beautiful morning. I get up and stretch out my legs, I slept pretty well after partying all day yesterday. It's funny really, being eighteen doesn't feel different than being seventeen. I look back at my wings and open them up, I wish I knew how to use these things, I move them up and down to stretch them out and then fold them back. I take a deep breath and let it out as I open my bedroom door, I walk out into the hallway and notice it's really quiet. Everyone must still be asleep, I walk into the living room and it's empty, yeah everyone's asleep still, they must have stayed up late cleaning up. I feel bad for not helping, but they said for me not to help cause it was my day and I didn't need to work. I never really got to look around Twilight's house that much, so I decided to take a small tour by myself. The house has a lot of bookshelves, with lots of books, kind obvious though cause it is a library. I look at random books not really paying attention to the names, I hear a door open, I turn around and see Alex walking out of his bedroom groggy, Alex looks at me and says with a sleepy voice, "Morning..." "Mornin' Alex." I say back. "Twilight or Spike up?" he asks me. "Not really, how long were you guys up last night?" I ask him. "Til about midnight, it took a while to clean up." he sighs. We hear a knock on the door and I jump, "Who could that be at this hour?" I ask. Alex shrugs and says, "No clue bro." I open the door and Rainbow Dash is standing there with a smile on her face. "Hey Rainbow you're up early too?" I ask. "Well duh, I am here aren't I?" she says. "Anyway, it's about time you guys used those wings of yours, and I’m gonna teach ya." Me and Alex smile and say "Umm...Okay..." at the same time. "Okay then, lets go get started!" She says. "But what about Twilight? She will wonder where we are at." I say worriedly, "She'll be okay. I don't think she will freak out. So come on we are burning daylight!" We walk out of the house and close the door behind us, we follow Rainbow until we see an open field with no trees. "Alright so first thing you have to do is stretch, you don't want to take off and pull a muscle, cause that hurts like crazy." Rainbow Dash says, extending her wings. Me and Alex open our wings and we follow Rainbow as she does stretching exercises. After about 10-20 minutes of stretching she says "Okay, now open your wings all the way and flap them as hard as you can." I hesitate, I look over at Alex, he is flapping his wings slowly and starting to float up a bit with his eyes closed. I look straight ahead and gulp, I open my wings and slowly begin flapping my wings, harder and faster, I slowly lift from the ground. "There you go guys, now focus on that and try to increase your altitude." Rainbow says assuringly. I flap a bit harder to raise my altitude, I gain about 10 feet of height, Alex soon follows. I glance back at my wings and I watch them flapping, It feels like I’ve done this a million times. A breeze comes through and almost makes Alex lose his balance, Rainbow goes over to him and holds him in place, he smiles, "Thanks Rainbow." He says. She smiles back. "Okay now, let's get to moving around in flight. All you need to do is just lean forward and flap forward. Here I'll demonstrate." She lays flat and turns her wings, and flaps hard making her move forward. Me and Alex look at each other and try to copy what she does, which we seem to manage. "See it's not so hard guys, you just need to Practice. Now for your first challenge." She says and points to a rock on top of a hill, "I want you to fly over to that rock touch it and come back to me. Alex you go first." Alex cracks his neck and takes off, stumbling every now and then but he picks himself back up. He flies back to us with a smile. "You did it Alex!" Rainbow says smiling, she looks to me, "You're turn." I gulp and breathe in and let it out, I control my breath as I slowly follow what Rainbow did and I move forward to the rock, soon my speed gains slowly, the rock comes closer, I slow my flapping and stop at the rock and I touch my hoof to it. I nod, and I head back to Alex and Rainbow, I look over at them and they aren't even looking at me, I laugh, what lovebirds. I quietly make way up behind Alex, "I did it!" I yell on purpose to make them jump. I start laughing, "What are you two lovepegasi up to?" they both blush. I shake my head, "Haha, I'm just kidding, so what do we do now Rainbow?" I ask. "Well, since you guys have flying down pat, we need to work on landing." We watch her as she slows her flapping and slowly loses her altitude, we follow what she does. "Once you get about a half foot off the ground you should be okay for a safe landing." She stops flapping and closes her wings and lands on the ground all four hooves perfectly on the ground. I go first and close my wings and land, I lose my balance a bit but I don't fall, I watch as Alex tries to land, he closes his wings and he lands on the ground and loses his balance completely and falls. "Oof." He says as he falls. Rainbow laughs a bit and holds out a hoof to him "First time is always the hardest." shes says as he grabs her hoof and stands up. We spend a couple hours practicing all the flying techniques. We don't fall much at all, after a while we don't even lose balance. Just then we hear a grumbling noise. Alex holds his stomach, "Ooh, I'm hungry..." I nod in agreement, so does Rainbow. "I think you guys get the idea of what to do. Let's go get some grub." Alex and I start to walk back to Ponyville when Rainbow says. "Why not fly? it's faster." I look at Alex and shrug. "Why not." I flap my wings and start to float, Alex does the same and we take off to Ponyville. We arrive at Ponyville and we land in the town square, next to a fountain. I hear a familiar voice, "Dean!" I get glomped by a pink mass, I fall to the ground and laugh, "Hi Pinkie." I say as I look up at her on top of me. She gets off of me and I get up. "What's up?" she asks me. I extend my wings and say, "Well, Dash taught us about flying and it's not as hard as it looks." Alex taps me and says, "Hey man, Me and Rainbow are going to go get something to eat, you coming?" "You guys go on ahead I'm going to hang out with Pinkie." I look to Pinkie, "If that's okay." She hugs me and says "Of course it's okay! Why on earth would I say no?" She smiles. Alex says, "Well okay man I'll see you later." he leans in closer and whispers, "I think Rainbow is beginning to really like me." I nod and whisper back "Good luck bro." I give him a 'brohoof' and he heads off with Rainbow. I watch them go off then I feel a peck on my cheek, Pinkie. I turn to the pink pony and smile, she smiles back. "Thank you for an awesome party last night." I say to her, "Anything for my Dean." she says. I half-expected her to say 'Deany-Weany' or something of the sort, but she didn't, thank goodness. "So what you wanna do today Dean?" she asks, my stomach garbles and grumbles, she starts to giggle, "I think your stomach made the choice for you." we walk to the nearest restaurant called "The Salad Bar" and we go in and each order a salad, we sit down with the food and start eating. I wonder how she would react if I asked her if this counted as a date, I stop eating and say hesitantly, "Uh..Pinkie?" She looks up, "Um, I was wondering, after we eat could we go to the park and you know, walk around and stuff." I didn't want to say like 'Do you want to go on a date' or something original like that. "You mean like on a date?" she asks in a cute voice, totally catching me off guard. I blink my eyes and say, "Uh, yeah actually, like a date." I smile a little bit. She reaches out and touches my hoof and says, "I would love to Dean." Her leg bumps mine, and she smiles. We finish eating and pay the check. We start out the door when we hear, "Hey guys." we whip around and see Alex and Rainbow standing there. "Oh Hey, what're you guys doing here?" i ask. "Same as you, getting a bite to eat. Where you headed?" Alex asks. "We are going on a date in the Park! Hey you guys should tag along! It could be a double date." Pinkie says as she jumps around excitedly. Alex and Rainbow blush when they hear her say double date. Alex puts one hoof on the back of his head and smiles shyly. "Uh.." he puts his hoof back down and looks at Rainbow, she looks back and she smiles as if to say "Yes". Alex nods then looks to me. "Sounds fun. We will go." Pinkie jumps for joy, I watch her smiling at her randomness, it's cute really. We walk into the park on some cobblestone ground, there is a lot of grass, of course, and trees. I smell the air, nature never smelt so good. We walk around talking and Pinkie says, "Why don't we find a patch of grass and sit down?" We all nod, we have been walking for about an hour, more or less. We find a simple little patch of grass and we all sit down, well lay down. Pinkie lies right next to me and cuddles up against me, I put a hoof around her and she nuzzles me. Alex and Rainbow sit across from us, they don't cuddle or hold each other, they must be real nervous. "You guys okay?" I ask Alex and Rainbow. They look at each other and blush. "No need to be shy around friends, look at me and Pinkie." I hug Pinkie. They both stay still looking at each other. After about a few minutes Rainbow slowly scoots closer to Alex, who looks over when she moves. I'm not really seeing any of this, Pinkie keeps taking my attention away by kissing me. I catch a glimpse of Alex slowly putting his hoof around Rainbow, who snuggles him. Pinkie finally stops kissing me and she lays her head down on my foreleg and closes her eyes. Rainbow leans against Alex and closes her eyes. I look at Alex and he nods his head with a cool smile like he is saying "Hell yeah!", I chuckle a bit. I hold up my hoof to give him a thumbs up, and then I realize, I don't have thumbs. I hear a light snore next to me, Pinkie has fallen asleep, I look over at Rainbow and she has too. I look up at Alex and start laughing quietly, he laughs also. After about fifteen minutes, Pinkie wakes up. Her eyes immediately open and she starts apologizing "I'm sorry Dean, I didn't mean to fall asleep on our date." her face saddens. I look at her and say "Don't worry, it's cool, you were in a comfortable position." She smiles. I bring my right foreleg back to me and stand up and stretch, I was staying still the whole time Pinkie was asleep so my body is real stiff right now. I extend my wings out and stretch them out. Alex is still laying down cause Rainbow is still asleep. Out of nowhere we hear, "Ah-Choo!" from Pinkie, which makes Rainbow jump out of her skin, "What? who!?" we all start laughing, "Not funny guys." she says. Alex sighs and stretches. "Ugh, how long was I asleep?" Rainbow asks. "Not long really, we've been here the whole time though." Alex says stretching his wings. Pinkie looks up at the sky, its not sunset but it's getting close, we still have time. "So what do you guys wanna do?" I ask. "Well as long as I’m with Dean I'm okay" Pinkie says with a smile, and she kisses my cheek. "We could walk around more?" I ask. Everyone nods at my idea and we walk around for another hour talking about random stuff. We take a look up at the sky and see that it's getting dark. "Well we should get back to Twilight's, I guess, it's getting dark." I announce. Alex nods and Rainbow dash speaks up. "Wait, um, Alex can stay at my place, if he wants to. I still want to hang out with him, he is a pretty cool guy." Alex chuckles, "Heh, I'm not that awesome." Rainbow grabs his hoof and says "Today was awesome, you made it awesome, so you're a cool guy." Alex smiles. Rainbow opens her wings and flaps and hovers in the air, Alex does the same. "I'll see you later Dean!" He gives me a nod meaning "Aw yeah a night at Rainbow's", I just shake my head and chuckle giving him a 'brohoof'. They fly off and I hear Pinkie out of nowhere say "I wish I could fly." I look back at my wings and I look down at the ground. I feel a nudge and I don't look up, "Whats wrong Dean?" Pinkie asks. "I feel bad because I have wings and you don't." I say in a sad tone. "I wish there was a way I could give you mine..." She gets in front of me and lifts my chin up, "Don't worry about it Dean, I'm happy to be an earth pony. If I wanted to fly I could use the hot air balloon!" She smiles. "Yeah, but I bet you wish you could fly in places that the balloon wouldn't work." I say "Oh, that's okay." I get an idea, Maybe Twilight can use her magic to give her temporary wings, I don't tell Pinkie though, I'll surprise her with it. I look up at the sky, the sun has gone down and the moon is rising. Me and Pinkie walk back to Sugarcube Corner, we stop at the door and she hugs me, "I had fun Dean, you have to be the most awesome pony around." I smile and say, "Thanks Pinkie, You're awesome too, I mean even more than I am." She just shakes her head, "No way, you are way cooler." and she stops the silly argument right there with a kiss. I sigh of joy and we pull apart. She gives me one more hug and walks up to the door and stops. "Do you want to stay over here Dean?" she asks. "Uh, sure." I say with a smile. I'm kinda worried that Twilight is wondering where we are, but she knows we can take care of ourselves if need be, though I feel bad for not telling her. I go in with Pinkie and we head upstairs. -- Alex follows Rainbow on top of a cloud with a house on it, he is unsure about standing on the cloud. Rainbow lands on the clouds and it poofs a little bit of white fluffiness around her feet. Alex slowly lands on the cloud, and to his satisfaction he is able to stand and walk on it. He follows Rainbow inside her house and he looks around in the room. "So what do you wanna do Rainbow?" Alex asks. She yawns and says, "I want to go to bed, sadly I only have one bed." Alex shrugs and says, "It's cool I can sleep on the couch." She smiles, and hugs him. "You're awesome Alex." "Sure.." he says. "No really you are, you are nice to me, you're cool to hang with, your easy to talk to." Rainbow says and Alex puts his hoof up to Rainbow dashes mouth and says "Thanks Rainbow, I never thought I was that cool." he laughs a little and puts his hoof back down. Rainbow stands there for a moment, then quickly walks up closer to Alex and kisses him. He is surprised by this and he freezes in place, Rainbow just stays there and continues to hold that kiss, finally he just relaxes and enjoys the moment. After about what seems eternity but was only a minute or so, Rainbow pulls back and blushes. Alex clears his throat, "Wow, that was, um, amazing..." He says and blushes also. "Well we better head to bed." Rainbow says. Alex sighs, "Okay.." he starts to walk over to the couch when Rainbow stops him, and she says, "My beds big enough to hold 2 pegasi, besides I don't have another blanket, so we are going to share my bed." Alex smiles and follows Dash into her room. She crawls in bed Alex next to her. Alex lays there still in a daze from the kiss earlier, he feels something bump his hoof and hold it. He lays there and closes his eyes, sleep taking him over. -- I walk in with Pinkie into her room, she has a somewhat large bed but not huge. I ask her "So where am I sleeping?" She points to the bed, "We can share this bed if you want." She smiles. Maybe she will let me hold her as we sleep I don't know. She climbs under the covers and I get on the other side and get under the covers also. Pinkie scoots closer to me and I put my hoof around her holding her softly, she nuzzles into me and closes her eyes, I lay my head back and stare at the ceiling. Wow, what an amazing day this was, first date with Pinkie, actually first date ever. Getting a lot of kissing, which is awesome every time, I love the taste of sugary cookies every time I kiss her, I lick my lips a bit, yep I can still taste it, so awesome. I sigh of enjoyment. I wonder what would be going on if I wasn't here right now, I'd probably be still running through the forest trying to find a way out. I look at my hoof, I start to wonder, how did I change exactly? What caused it? I've been so caught up with liking the new me, I haven't really questioned how it happened. I start getting anxious to know. I squeeze Pinkie a little bit, I'll deal with that thought in the morning, even though it wont leave my head. I close my eyes and fall asleep. I will find answers tomorrow... (end of Chapter 7) > Chapter 8: Answers > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 8 Answers ________________________________________________________________________________ ”So you are looking for answers?” I hear a voice coming from the Darkness. I ask the darkness, “Yes, I am looking for answers, I would like to know how I turned into a pegasus, and my sole purpose of being here.” The voice is silent, then it says, “I know not of the reason of you're being here, but the reason of you and Alex changing into pegasi I do know.” I get excited a bit and say “Can you inform me?” The voice replies, “Yes, the reason is...” The voice fades and I try to listen, but the words are muffled. Then I hear another voice, “Deeeaaaannn! Wake up!” I open my eyes to see Pinkie Pie jumping on the bed, “Good morning Pinkie.” I say groggily. “Morning my hoof Dean, It's breakfast time.” I jerk up fast, which gives me a head rush but I just shake it away. “What time is it?” I ask. “About eight.” She answers. She gets down off the bed, standing in front of me she puts her hooves around me and pulls me into a “good morning” hug and then kisses me. – Alex is awoken by a kiss on the lips by a cyan pegasus. “Wake up Alex.” Rainbow says shaking him. Alex opens his eyes and sees Rainbow Dash standing above him. He sighs and asks “What time is it?” “About eight.” Rainbow says glancing at the clock. “Come on, we need to go get breakfast, Pinkie invited us over.” Rainbow jumps off of the bed and motions for Alex to follow. Alex gets up and they go out the door and fly down to Sugarcube Corner. – Pinkie and I head downstairs to the dining room for breakfast, I can smell toast and eggs in the air. The smell is divine and it makes my stomach grumble. We sit down at the table and Mrs. Cake peeks her head around the corner of the kitchen and asks, “Is Alex and Rainbow coming?” just as she says that we hear a knock at the door. “I'll get it!” Pinkie Pie yells and bounces to the door, after a few seconds she bounces back in, followed by Alex and Dash. I nod to them and 'brohoof' Alex, they sit in the other seats next to us. Mrs. Cake brings out a cart with plates of eggs and toast, plus some fruit. We grab our plates and dig in. “Thanks Mrs. Cake!” I say, she smiles and nods. We eat the delicious breakfast, clean up, and then head outside. I look over at Twilight's house and remember my dream, I stop and look at my hooves, “You know, I've been thinking, how did we end up as pegasi?” I say. Alex shrugs, “No clue bro, I wish I knew.” “Maybe Twilight knows.” I wonder. We walk over to Twilight's house and knock, Spike answers, “Twilight's been looking for you guys, where were you?” I point to Pinkie and Alex points to Rainbow, Spike nods and Twilight walks up behind him, “There you two are, I've been searching for you.” We all go into the living room and I ask Twilight “I'm just wondering, but do you happen to know how we changed into pegasi, Alex and I?” She shakes her head, “I wish I knew too.” she says. “Maybe Princess Celestia knows.” I look at her confused, “Princess who?” She looks at me like I have lobsters crawling out of my ears, but then fades cause she realizes that I am not from here, so I have no idea who anypony is still. “Princess Celestia is the goddess of the sun, and Luna is the goddess of the moon, they each raise and lower them to pass each day.” Twilight explains. I nod. She continues to explain about each Princess and how she is Celestia's “Faithful Student” and how Luna was “Nightmare Moon” before they used the Elements of Harmony to revert her back to her original self. “Can we go ask her?” I say interrupting her long speech. I hear Alex sigh in relief, which makes me laugh a little. “Sure why not? I don't think she will mind us visiting. Spike?” Her little dragon assistant walks up, “Yeah?” “Can you write a letter to Celestia asking If we could ask her a question at the castle?” she asks him, as he grabs a quill and scroll and begins writing. He finishes his last word and then rolls it up and takes a deep breath, then blowing a green flame onto the paper. I watch as the green smoke floats up out of the window toward Canterlot. “Wow that was awesome.” Alex says, “How did you do that?” “It's something I could always do.” Spike says. After a minute or so of dead awkward silence, Spike's mouth bulges and he burps and scroll flops down on the ground. I stare at it, “Ew, doesn't that hurt?” I ask him, “Not really, unless Celestia sends like a hundred of them at one time, like she did when Discord was here.” he looks over at Twilight. I don't bother asking. Twilight picks up the letter and reads it, “Dear Twilight, I would love to answer any question you may have, you may come over to Canterlot when you are ready. Sincerely Princess Celestia.” I think to myself, did she have to read that last part? I laugh and ask, “So when are we going?” “Well, none of you guys have plans, do you?” Twilight says. We all shake our head. A knock is heard on the door, Spike walks over and answers it. “Come on in ladies.” Spike says as Applejack, Fluttershy, and Rarity walk in. He smiles at Rarity, and she smiles back, what a crazy dragon, I laugh. “Howdy everypony.” Applejack says. We all greet them, and Rarity asks “Who's the note from?” “Oh Dean is wanting to ask the Princess about how they changed into pegasi.” Twilight says. “And why.” I add in. “When are y'all going?” Applejack asks. “Right now actually.” Twilight says. “Do you ponies want to tag along?” They all say “Sure”, and chuckle at the fact they said it in unison. “Come on everypony lets head to the Station and get on the train.” We all walk out of Twilight's house and head to the train station. We buy the tickets and get on board. I sit down next to a window and I feel Pinkie sit next to me, I turn and look at her and smile, she grabs my hoof and leans into me. I love Pinkie, she is so loving, maybe a bit clingy, but it doesn't bother me, I've never had a girlfriend, marefriend, that actually cared for me as much as she does. I lean my head on hers and sighs of happiness. Alex and Rainbow sit in front of us, Rainbow leans her head against Alex, he puts a hoof around her and she snuggles him. It's funny how me and him come out of nowhere, from a totally different world, turn into pegasi, and fall in love, in less than a week, wow it's only been a week. The train lurches forward and starts to Canterlot, Spike is sitting next to Rarity, chatting her up I bet, Fluttershy is next to Applejack, and Twilight's by herself reading a book called “Spells and Magicks”. I look at Pinkie and her eyes are closed, she's sleeping. I let go of her hoof and slowly put my hoof around her and hold her. I close my eyes and let them rest for a while. I don't see the Darkness which kind of worries me, I am in the middle of Ponyville and it is destroyed, there is houses falling down as I stand there, somepony taps me and I turn around and I see Alex standing there, scared. “What's going on around here? What happened?” I ask him, he just shakes his head and motions for me to follow him. I follow him to a strange little shack, everything is destroyed. We walk in and I see everypony that I know in there, scared out of their wits. “What happened?” I ask almost yelling. Twilight walks up to me and says, “There's an evil coming, and you and Alex have to stop it.” I feel a lurch forward as the train comes to a halt. I open my eyes and Pinkie wakes up also, I pull my hoof back and she gets up, she looks at me and notices that I am a bit disturbed. “Are you okay Dean?” I shake my head and say, “I had a dream, or a vision, I don't know which, it seemed so real...” The others walk over and see my face, “Bro you okay?” I hear Alex say. We get off the train and I still have the face of terror, “That dream seemed so...real...” Pinkie looks at me worryingly, “Dean, tell us about your dream.” she says. I sigh and tell them my whole dream. Everypony looks at me like I have told them their dog died. “It's just a dream though...” I tell them “It isn't going to happen.” they all sigh, “Come on everypony lets go ask the Princess about Alex and Dean's changing.” we all nod. We walk through Canterlot, it's magnificent, it reminds me of a large city back home like New York. I try not to think of the dream, or vision, I think I will ask Princess Celestia if she knows anything about it. We stop at a small diner and grab some food and continue our walk to the castle. We eventually arrive at the front doors of the castle where guards are posted. We are allowed inside, escorted by a guard, the castle is huge, lots of expensive decorations, I see paintings on the wall of a unicorn using his or her magic on a large dragon, it's pretty epic. I continue looking at other paintings as we walk. We finally arrive at the throne room doors and the doors open and we see a very tall pegasus, wait...unicorn, wait...she has both? “Hello Twilight and friends, I heard you have a question?” “Yes Princess, well not us, them.” Twilight says and points to us, Alex and I hesitate. I clear my throat and tell the Princess everything about what happened to Alex and I. “So you say you were a human?” Celestia says, she has to have the most amazing poker face because she is not fazed at all about what I told her. I nod and say “Yes your highness, and I am just wondering if you knew why we turned into pegasi.” She stands there and thinks for a moment, or what seems like an eternity. “Well from what I can gather, when you arrived into our world the magic of the world was trying to figure you out, since you were the only humans in existence, and the world did not recognize you so it tried to morph you into the most dominant being. Did you touch anypony, like a hug or something?” I look over at Fluttershy and she smiles a little, Alex looks over at Rainbow. “I hugged Fluttershy when I was a human, it was for warmth though, because it was a cold night.” I say and then I look at Alex. “I don't know when he touched a pony.” Then I remember the hug Rainbow gave him a while back to make him feel better. “Oh yeah, Rainbow hugged him to make him feel better when he first arrived.” I say. “It seems that it took the magic of the pegasi and used it and made you into pegasi.” I sigh now knowing how, but then I say, “Another question, What is our purpose? Why are Alex and I here? In my opinion there is a reason for everything.” Celestia stands there for a moment and says “I'm not sure, but you will probably find out sometime.” I look at the others and notice their marks on their flank, “What are those marks?” I ask. “Cutie Marks, they show what your skill is.” Twilight says. I turn to look at the spot and see nothing, “Will we get ours?” Alex asks. “Eventually, everypony gets theres.” Twilight says with a smile. “Even if we are not part of this world completely?” I ask, Twilight looks to Celestia, “I believe that you will eventually, because you are pegasi.” Celestia says. I immediately feel better but then another thought pops into my head, my dream. I start to go ghost faced at the thought of the dream again, I look to the Princess again, “Um, Princess, I have another question.” I hesitate and everypony looks at me. “I had a dream earlier today, on our way here, but I'm not sure if it's a dream because I have seen things in my dreams lately, like when Alex came, I saw him arrive in my dream, or when I transformed, I had a dream with a shadow overtaking me.” I stop and take a breath. “This dream I had earlier was on the train ride, it showed Ponyville...destroyed...” I explain to everypony my dream, I look at Celestia and her poker face is still present, which amazes me. I finish explaining and Celestia says “Do you think this is going to happen soon?” She looks interested in what I am saying, “I'm not sure, I just had this vision, but I don't think it will happen though, it could have been just a silly nightmare, I get those sometimes.” I fake smile, and they smile back. I sigh on the inside, I am never bringing up that dream again, it scares them too much, besides it can't be real, I mean we have a large winged unicorn protecting us. I look out a window and notice that it is becoming late, it looks to be about six thirty or so. I look over to Twilight and she looks out the window and says “It's getting late, we should probably go back home while there is still time.” They all bow to Celestia and Alex and I look at each other and hesitantly bow. “Thank you your highness, for answering my questions, I feel a whole lot better now knowing what happened and why.” I say. “You are very welcome Dean and Alex.” We walk out of the palace and head back to the train station, thank goodness for Round Trip tickets. We get back into the same seats we were in when we first got on. Pinkie asks me “Do you feel better now Dean? Now that you've asked Princess Celestia?” I nod and she smiles, “So you will stop worrying?” I nod. She giggles and hugs me, amazingly she still smells sweet, like sugary sweets. She lets go and leans into me and I put my hoof on hers. We don't fall asleep on the way back we talk most of the time, she told me about her pet alligator, gummy, who has no teeth, figure that one out. She also told me about how to make cupcakes, I can never make them cause I am a horrible cook. We continue to talk until the train reaches Ponyville. We get off the train and everypony heads home, I tell Twilight that Alex is staying over at Rainbow's and I'm staying at Pinkie's, she nods and says “Okay then see you tomorrow.” I smile and we head off to our marefriends' houses, I 'brohoof' Alex before they take off and I follow Pinkie back to her place. We go upstairs and I notice that I reek, I haven't bathed in a while, too bad I'm not like Pinkie and can smell awesome all the time. I head to the shower and clean my self up to the best I can, I come out smelling better than I did before, so that's a plus. I dry off and go to Pinkie's bedroom to find her asleep, I get in bed quietly and I face toward Pinkie, who is facing me eyes closed, I smile and she opens her eyes. She sniffs the air, “You smell good Dean.” she says. “Yeah I did kind of stink earlier.” she cuddles closer to me and kisses me, this time a bit different, she puts hoof around me and pulls me more closer to her, I close my eyes and enjoy the moment, then I feel something slip into my mouth, she is french kissing me. We continue to make out for a while and eventually she pulls away, I sigh and she says “I wish we could do more, but I don't want to make too much noise.” She giggles. “Maybe later...” I smile and she says “I'm glad you found our world, you are an amazing stallionfriend to have.” she nuzzles me and I feel my heart pumping, I really love this pony. I close my eyes and we fall asleep holding each other. – Alex walks into Rainbow Dash's house and she goes to bed while Alex takes a shower. After Alex takes his shower he gets into bed also, he lays back and thinks about the day when suddenly Rainbow leans over and starts to kiss him, Alex smiles big and kisses back, Rainbow gets on top of him and...(well we aren't going to go into detail of what happens next cause I would like to keep this story pg-13...ish.) After happy fun time, they hold each other, “You know Alex, you an amazing guy.” Rainbow says to him, “Thanks Rainbow, you're awesome also!” they cuddle some more and fall asleep. – (end of chapter 8,) (by the way that does not count as clop cause there were no details! So don't start! :P) > Chapter 9: Akulatraxas > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 9 Akulatraxas _____________________________________________________________ The ground shakes beneath us, I walk to a hole in the wall and look out and see the most terrifying thing ever. A huge fiery demon is walking around kicking houses and setting them on fire, my face turns white and I turn back to the other ponies, is this for real? “His name is Akulatraxas. I have no idea what he is but he looks to be a Fire Giant, which isn't right because we don't usually see those, because they don't normally exist, only in stories. I wish I knew where he came from. “Where are you ponies hiding!” The fire giant yells. “I will destroy you all!” his voice echoes across the land, loud and booming. Where is Princess Celestia? Just then out of the corner of my eye I see two winged unicorns fly up to the Fire giant, One bright and one dark, their horns glow and Akulatraxas swings his arm around and smacks them to the ground, “You are so weak, I will rule over this land!” He starts to laugh loudly as he throws fire balls in random directions, one of which lands on the small shack I wake up and gasp for air, I look down and notice Pinkie isn't holding me anymore, in fact she isn't in the bed. I immediately get worried and jump out of bed. I run downstairs and see her at the sink with a cup. I sigh of huge relief and lean against the wall. “Are you okay Dean? You're sweating a lot.” I remember the dream and immediately clamp my mouth, I don't need to scare them anymore than I have. “Wow really?” I act like I don't notice, “Must be hot in here or something.” She shakes her head, “It feels great in here to me.” she says. I shrug and say “I'll be okay.” Pinkie looks at me, “Are you sure you're okay?” she says, she sets the cup down and walks over to me. I sigh and say “I don't want to talk about it...I-I don't want to scare you...” I look down at my hooves. She lifts my chin up and she says, “I'm worried about you Dean. These dreams your having...oh I know! Try to think of something happy before you go to sleep, that usually helps me!” She smiles at me and puts her hooves around me pulling me into a hug. I smile back, she's right I just need to not think about them. We get ourselves a glass of water and bring them upstairs, I drink a little bit of mine and set it down on the end table. I lay down on the bed and I feel a hoof lay on my chest I look over at Pinkie and she is facing me with her eyes closed, I roll over to face her and close my eyes. I see fire everywhere, nopony is hurt, we all take off toward the forest nearby as fast as we can, knowing Akulatraxas is on our tail. I see fireballs land beside me and in front of me. “Aww, the poor ponies don't like a bit of warmth?” I hear the giant taunting us. I am awoken by Pinkie shaking me, “Dean wake up, I heard something.” I immediately go white in the face, knowing it must be the fire giant. “What was the sound?” I ask hesitantly. “I think it was a metal clanking sound.” I sigh of relief. I follow Pinkie downstairs to the front door and open it, nothing. Nopony is at the front door, I go outside and see that the town is peaceful, thank heavens. I go around to the back and see that a trashcan is knocked over and raccoons are pawing through it. Just silly little hungry raccoons. I smile and walk back to the front door, “Just raccoons Pinkie, though I have to say, thank you for waking me up.” she looks at me and says “Another bad dream?” I nod. I look up at the sky and notice light is coming in, “You can go back to bed Pinkie, I don't want to right now.” I go over to the couch and lay down, Pinkie starts to go upstairs but stops and walks over to me and sits down on the edge of the couch that my body isn't taking up. I look up at her then lay my head back down. She taps the couch, I look at her again and she motions for me to lay my head in her lap, I do. Pinkie's warm and she's comfortable to lay on, I close my eyes but then immediately open them in fear of having another dream. I am getting sick of these dreams, I want a good dream for once. I roll over and have my back on the couch, I look up at Pinkie, who has a little cute smile on her face, it makes my heart glow. She leans down and kisses me on the lips, after a few seconds or so she pulls away, “There that should give you nicer dreams. You know we could just sleep here, It doesn't bother me, besides the Cakes will wake up soon.” I smile and she says “Close your eyes, dream of something good.” I close my eyes my mind filled with Pinkie. I am in Ponyville, and it is still standing, I sigh and see Pinkie hopping toward me, She says “Hi Dean!” She hugs me, It feels great to hug her, we hug for a little while and she finally pulls away and says “Hey Dean, wanna go to the park?” I smile and nod. We go to the park and hang out, and make out and everything fades happily. I wake up smelling delicious food, I open my eyes to see Pinkie leaning her head back on the couch. I finally had a good dream, even if it wasn't that long, it felt great to have one without that stupid fire demon giant thing, I can't even remember it's name. I hug Pinkie tightly, which wakes her up. “You okay Dean?” I look up and nod, “I had a good dream. Thanks Pinkie.” She smiles and kisses my nose playfully, she giggles, so cute, I lean up and kiss her lips and we hear, “Okay lovebirds, stop messing around and come get some breakfast.” We hear Mrs. Cake laugh. We eat breakfast and we go over to Twilight's house, I have this urge to ask her about the fire demon giant, but I'm not sure if I should. We knock on the door, Spike greets us and let's us in, I look over at some books that say “Myths, and Legends.” I walk over to them, Pinkie following me. I pick up a book titled “Mythical Beasts and Other Creatures”, I flip to the Index and I go the F's. I see it...Fire demons pg.67, I hesitate, Pinkie is watching me confused, “Whatcha doin' Dean?” she asks as she tries to peek into my book, I don't speak to her I flip to page 67 and I see the name...Akulatraxas... I stare at the book, my face getting whiter by the second, “Akulatraxas...” I say in a scared tone. Pinkie puts her hoof around me, “Are you okay Dean?” she asks. I shake my head, She looks down at the page and she lets go of me and backs away. “Twilight! You need to come see this...” Twilight enters “What's going on?” She asks, Pinkie points to me, Twilight walks over to me and looks down at the page. “Akulatraxas, A fire demon from the depths of the Core.” She reads, “A fire demon of great power, if he ever comes out of the core, all hell will break loose, due to him being locked in the Core by Celestia thousands of years ago...” She stops, looks at me and says, “This is the evil from your dream?” I nod and say shakily, “I-I thought m-my mind made him-m up...” “We should probably get the others.” Twilight suggests, “You're dreams were never wrong before, you saw Alex come into this world...uh” “I saw the shadow of the transformation of Alex and I also.” I say. Twilight nods “Let's go get the others.” she says, I don't budge, “Okay I will get the others.” she says then leans to whisper into Pinkie's ear. “Stay here and see if you can make him feel better.” Pinkie nods. Twilight walks out with Spike to get the other ponies as I just sit there staring at the picture on the page of Akulatraxas, “Looks just like from my dream.” I say out loud. I feel a hoof around me and turn me from the book, I look up and see Pinkie looking at me with a sad face, I sigh and she pulls me into a hug. I put my hooves around her and cry a bit. “Why me...” I say sadly, a tear falls from my eye, “Why do I get these visions...” I cry a bit harder, holding onto Pinkie, she sniffles a bit. We pull away from the hug and I wipe my tears away, I look down at the floor and I hear a loud crash. I jump up on my feet, and the door opens and Alex is standing there dazed, “Wow, I need to work on my landing.” he says as Rainbow is laughing at him. He shakes his head and looks at me, “Yo dude!” he must not notice my tears. He walks closer and he says “You okay?” I shake my head and point to the book. He looks at it and says “Shit about to go down?” I nod. The door opens again and the other ponies walk in, we all stand in a circle, “Why didn't y'all tell us before about the fire demon.” Applejack says. I look down and say, “Because I didn't want to scare anypony.” I sigh. “Don't worry about that, you should have told us sooner.” Rarity says. “So what are we going to do?” I ask. “I don't know Dean.” Twilight says, but then it happens. The ground begins to shake, I shake my head and say “No...no, no no...Please...” I run over to the window and see it happening right in front of me. Ponies are running away from a ripped up area, A large flaming hand slams on the ground, making the ground shake. I hear screams of all the ponies. I start to tear up, “This can't be happening...” The ground gets shoved up again as another hand comes out, slamming the ground. Then he comes out of the ground, Akulatraxas, and he speaks, “I am back Equestria, are you ready to burn!” He stomps the ground and starts to laugh. He creates a fireball in his hand and throws it at the nearest building, it crumbles instantly, thank goodness everypony left and hid. He continues to go around and crushing buildings laughing. I start to bawl right in front of them, “NO! THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING! IT CAN'T BE TRUE!” I fall to the floor, “What are we gonna do?” I say. “The Elements of Harmony.” I hear Twilight say. “The Elements of what?” Alex asks. “Never mind, Come on girls we got a fire demon to deal with.” She opens a large book laying on the table that contains five necklaces and a crown, she gives certain ones to certain ponies, I look at the shapes on the front of the necklaces and on Twilight's crown, it matches their cutie mark. They start out the door and I see 2 flying unicorns go up to Akulatraxas, “Wait guys, I think the Princesses got this!” I hear Alex say, I remember my dream and shake my head. I look out the window and see Princess Celestia and Princess Luna go up to the fire demon. Their horns light up and fire some type of magic at him, he starts to laugh as he smacks them to the ground. Twilight yelps “PRINCESS! NO...!” She starts to run out the door but is stopped by the others, The princesses lay there knocked out. “WE HAVE TO HELP THEM!” Twilight screams. The fire demon looks this way, “Guys, he has spotted us...” I say. He charges a fire ball and throws it at the tree house bursting it into flames. We run out the back door, Twilight cries. I hear and feel heavy footsteps behind us, fireballs fly past us. “RUN PONIES RUN!” he yells and he turns back and destroys the house laughing. We jump into a shack where all the other ponies are hiding. Everypony is crying or scared. “What are we going to do Twilight? I ask. “We are going to take out that fire demon WITH THE ELEMENTS OF HARMONY!” (end of chapter 9) > Chapter 10: The Power of the Heavens > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 10 The Power of the Heavens ________________________________________________________________________________ The six ponies put on their magical jewelry, Pinkie hops over to me and gives me a hug, Rainbow hugs Alex. “Good luck!” I tell them. Pinkie gives me a kiss on the cheek and hops back over to the others. Rainbow kisses Alex on the lips and flies back. They walk out there determined, the fire demon turns and laughs, “What are you going to do? Rainbow me to death?” He continues to laugh at them as the six ponies elemental jewelry glow. Alex and I look at each other and shrug and then look back, watching. The six float up into the air and light appears between them, very bright in fact, I shield my eyes in fear of them being burned out, A humongous rainbow shoots out the middle and slams into Akulatraxas The fire giant starts laughing, “Oh please, stop...It-it tickles!” He swings his arms out breaking the rainbow and causing the six ponies to fly backward almost hitting the cabin. We see them laying there, Alex and I, the little flame in me burns with rage, I look at Alex, his must be burning also, because he looks pissed. I hear Alex start to yell, “Nopony, I mean Nopony does this to Rainbow, and the others, AND GETS AWAY WITH IT!” I look at Pinkie, she's knocked out and she has a few scuff marks, the flame in me grows even more. I look at Alex and say, “Lets get this son of a bitch.” He nods. We walk out the door, open our wings and fly toward the fire giant, anger in our eyes. Akulatraxas looks at us and shakes his head, “You ponies are pathetic.” He charges a fireball and throws it toward us, we dodge it, I get up in his face and he swats at me, I dodge his attack and kick him in the face, he looks at me and says “That was supposed to hurt?” he smacks me down to the side and throws a fireball at me. I dodge the fireball and say to Alex “What are we going to do bro?” “We need to find his weakness.” he says, Akulatraxas throws another fireball at us, we dodge it and I taunt him. “Some fire demon, can't throw a stupid fireball.” We hear him growl as he starts throwing dozens of fireballs at us. Some of which almost hit us. “Dean, don't ever taunt him again.” Alex says. I nod “Sorry.” “We need to retreat.” Alex says. “He is too powerful, we can't beat him. We need to make a plan.” We take off back to the cabin, Akulatraxas taunts us, “Weak Ponies, all of you! YOU ARE ALL WEAK!” We go inside the cabin and we see the six laying there knocked out cold. I run over to Pinkie as Alex runs over to Rainbow. I hold Pinkie and she shifts a little bit, she opens her eyes and looks at me and smiles, I nuzzle her and say “Alex and I will take out Akulatraxas once in for all!” I kiss her head and hug her and lay her back down so she can rest. I look around for a simple weapon or something to use against Akulatraxas but I can't find anything, Alex walks up to me and asks, “So what's the plan?” I look down at the ground and say, “I don't know, we are too weak to fight him.” Just then the door opens and two figures come in, I look over and I see Princess Celestia and Luna limp in the room and lay down on the floor, the look really beat up. “Dean...Alex...” I hear Celestia say, “You have to...Stop...Akulatraxas...” “But how Princess, We don't have anything to fight him with.” Alex says. Luna looks up at Celestia and says “We should give them...” She pauses, “The Power of the Heavens.” She says. Everypony in the room gasps, Celestia looks at Luna and nods, “Let us call The Power of the Heavens on them.” Celestia say, then they begin to chant in some strange language that I can't even imagine how it is said in my head. I feel a strange power slowly overcome me, it feels as if I am being filled with some kind of godly power. I look over at Alex and he looks at me. The room illuminates with a white glow, then the princesses finish their chant and a loud large surge of power flows into me, almost taking my breath away. I feel powerful now, like I can do anything, I now know strange words, I look to Alex and say, “Are you ready Alex?” He nods and says “Let's do this!” We take off out the door to fight Akulatraxas once more. We come up to him and fly up to his face, “So you ready to get beat down again?” Akulatraxas taunts. I squint my eyes, look over to Alex and we both nod. “Ledus...uzbrukums!” we yell at the same time. A shower of ice and water fly past us onto Akulatraxas, He screams as the icy water makes contact onto his skin, he starts to not be able to move as the flames on him go out. “I...will...come...back!” He yells as his flames go out and he is frozen in place as a large rock. “Apturētu!” we both say, and the ice and water stop and disappear. “So what do we do with him?” I ask Alex. “Crush him, so there is a guarantee he will never come back.” I nod and we fly up and we push the petrified Akulatraxas over on the ground away from anypony or houses. Immediately on contact of hitting the ground the body falls apart into dozens of boulders. We fly back to the cabin and say “Akulatraxas is now destroyed!” All of the ponies look at us and applaud and cheer. The six elemental ponies are standing and smiling at us, they must have seen it too, because they are cheering also. Princess Celestia walks up and says “Thank you, Dean and Alex fo-” She is cut off by a rumbling sound, I run back out side and see that Akulatraxas' body is forming back together and igniting once again. My mouth drops, “H-How?” Alex says, “I thought we destroyed him!” Akulatraxas gets back up and looks at us and says, “You think a little ice and water will defeat me?” he starts to laugh. “Now, It's my turn to attack.” He flings fireballs at the cabin, I jump up and kick the fireball with my hoof back at him, it hits him square in the chest and he falls backwards onto the ground. Then an idea pops into my mind, “Hey Alex, I think we have to send him back to the Core, but this time let's make sure he incapable of moving.” I look to the six ponies and say, “I have an idea and we might need the Elements of Harmony to do it.” They all nod. All eight of us go out there as Akulatraxas is standing up, “You ponies are really starting to piss me off.” he says in a low voice, gritting his teeth. I already told the girls the plan and they know it will work. “Wait for him to be totally frozen then, do your thing.” they nod once more. Alex and I fly up and say the words again “Ledus...uzbrukums!” the ice and water come back and hit Akulatraxas once more, “Really same spell guys? You know I will just defrost and come back!” he says laughing. “Not this time.” I say. “Now girls!” A light appears between them and a rainbow shoots out of the middle and hits the ground opening it. “Wait... No... Not the core...NOT AGAIN!” he says as he freezes completely once more. The hole is open and we go around and shove the frozen fire giant into the hole. We watch as the statue falls and disappears. The hole closes as the girls land back onto the ground and the light fades, we land back on the ground also. We all let out a breath at the same time, I look around at the mess and say to Alex “Should we use a spell to fix up this mess?” He nods and we both say, “Restaurācija!”, All the buildings glow a light purple and everything goes back to the way it was, the ground is repaired and the town turns back to the way it was before the attack, it looked as if nothing happened. The glow fades and we float back to the ground. Everypony walks out and congratulates us by cheering and yelling our name. The Princesses walk over to us and say, “It's time to return The Power of the Heavens back.” We nod and they begin to chant again. The power leaves us and it makes me dizzy, as they finish their last words I fall down and see nothing but darkness. The human me walks out of the darkness and looks down at me and says, “You are a hero, now here comes the question. Do you want to go back to the main world or stay here?” “What kind of question is that? Of course I will stay here, this world is so much better than our own.” I say, “Why would you think I would want to go back?” “You completed your task here, you saved Equestria from danger, that was your main purpose, now that the evil is gone, you can go back to the main world.” I look up at him and say, “No, I won't go back, I am happy here and so is Alex, I never want to go back to that corrupted world, Equestria is a better place.” The human me sighs and says “Okay then. Well, until we meet again, farewell.” He backs into the Darkness and everything fades. I am hearing a small crying sound, I open my eyes slowly and look over and see a sad Pinkie, “Pinkie?” I manage to say. She looks up and eyes widen, “Dean?” I smile at her and her hair poofs up and she runs over to me and hugs me and says “Oh my gosh Dean! I thought you were never going to wake up!” “What happened? How long was I out?” “A few weeks, you're in the hospital, We thought something bad happened to you after the Powers left, we kept you at Twi's house for a while but then we thought we should put you in the hospital, because you weren't waking up for anything. I have stayed by your side this whole time talking to you hoping you would wake up one day. Now you're awake and I'm happy!” Pinkie giggles and hugs me tight, almost too tight, but I don't say anything, I just hug back. “I'll go get the nurse and tell her you are awake.” I lay there and then Pinkie hops back in, followed by a nurse, “Ah, you have awoken Dean. We should probably let your friends know.” the nurse says, “I'll go call your friends.” the nurse walks out and goes to her desk. Pinkie smiles at me and hugs me again, “I missed you so much Dean.” “I missed you too Pinkie.” She then plants a kiss on my lips and holds it there for a moment. After about a minute she pulls away, I hug her again. (end of chapter 10) > Chapter 11: Pinkie... will you... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 11 Pinkie...Will you... ________________________________________________________________________________ It has been a few days after the hospital trip, I have slept great, no visions, no bad dreams. Mr and Mrs. Cake gave me a job at Sugarcube Corner, helping with cleaning and stuff, it pays really well. Pinkie and I are getting closer it seems, whenever she is sad about something, all I have to do is walk in the room and she becomes happy again. It's my day off and I walk past the jewelry story, I glance in and see a diamond bangle in the window, I stop and an idea pops in my head, what if I proposed to Pinkie, she has been so great this past month to me, I wonder how she would react if I did. I look at the price, 500 bits, I whistle at the price, I better start saving up, I take my wallet out of my pouch and look in it, 100 bits, I get paid 25 bits weekly, this is going to take a while. Hopefully no one takes it, just then I see it get picked up by the owner of the shop. I sigh, crap what am I going to do now? I start to walk back to Sugarcube corner and I look up and see Alex and Rainbow kick clouds, making them dissipate, Alex got a job working with Rainbow as a weather pony, he looks down and waves his hoof, I wave back and continue walking, he lands next to me, “What's up Dean?” he asks, “Eh, Nothing really just heading back to work.” I say. “I saw you looking in the window of the jewelry store, what were you looking at.” “Nothing just window shopping.” He looks at me and says, “Mmhmm, window shopping... what's the real reason.” I sigh and let it out, “I was seeing if I could get a bangle for Pinkie, because well, I was...” I pause. I know he knows what I'm going to say, but he wants me to say it. “I was...wanting...to...propose to Pinkie.” I say slowly and quietly, “Then go get it dude, if you need bits I can help you out.” he says. “It's already gone, the owner picked it up and some customer bought it already.” “Lets go back dude, there is probably others in there that would work.” he says, I nod and we turn around and head back to the store, we go in and the owner greets us, “Ah, Welcome to The Shining Stone! Feel free to browse around and let me know if you find what you need!” “Thanks.” I say to the owner and walk up to the cases, and see a lot of assorted jewelry. Alex follows me as I look around. I see it, the one that would be perfect. It is a bangle with light pink gemstones around it, I look down at the price: 250 bits, I tap Alex and point to and he nods and says “Perfect for Pinkie.” he pulls out his wallet and hands me 150 bits, I look at him and ask “You sure you want to use your money on me?” “Dude you are like my best bud, of course I am going to help you out with this, come on this is like a once in a lifetime thing.” I smile and the shop owner looks at us and says, “Did you find what you were looking for?” I nod and point to the pink bangle and ask “What type of gemstone is that? The pink one.” The shop owner opens the case and pulls it out and says “Amethyst, very nice choice.” I bet he says that to everypony. “Dude get it Pinkie will love it, because her favorite color is pink you know.” Alex says, and I laugh. “Are you proposing to somepony?” The shopkeeper asks, I nod and say “Yeah it's been on my mind a lot lately and I wanted to get something that fit with her, and this pink bangle sure works.” The shopkeeper smiles and says “Okay then, 250 bits.” I lay down the money and I ask, “Can you put it in a case? So it'll be more secret looking.” The owner pulls a case from a shelf and places the bangle in it, he places the case with the bangle in it down and takes the money and puts it in the register. I feel warm inside as I pick up the case and put it in my bag, thinking of how Pinkie might react to me randomly stopping what I am doing and kneeling down to propose. I thank the shopkeeper and we walk out, we glance at the clock tower and it shows two fifty-five PM, break will be over in five minutes. “So when are you going to do it?” Alex asks me as we walk back to Sugarcube Corner, “I don't know yet, but I want to do it soon.” I say. “Isn't there a party tonight?” Alex asks. “Not sure, it's probably just a small get together, but I do think it's tonight, because Pinkie said something about a party this morning. At six o' clock I think.” I say. We arrive at Sugarcube corner, we 'brohoof' and he takes off back to work, I walk in the door, lay my bag down, hopefully Pinkie doesn't look in it. I get back to work, doing chores around the shop, cleaning shelves, sweeping, all that kind of stuff. Five o'clock finally arrives, my shift is over. I go back over to my pack, pick it up and look inside, the box is still there, thank goodness. I feel a tap behind me and I freeze, “Whatcha got there Dean?” Pinkie's voice says behind me. “Uh, nothing, just looking at what I have in there.” I say. “Can I see?” she asks. “Uh, There's a present in there, but its a secret present and I can't show anypony.” I say. “Who is it for? Can you tell me that?” She says. I shake my head, “I'll give it to the pony at the party.” “Okee dokie lokie!” She says, which makes me laugh a bit. I close my pack and put it on. “So do you need any help with setting up the party?” I ask the pink mare. She thinks and finally says, “Uhh, Oh! Since you can fly you can put up streamers!” I nod and grab the streamers she hands me and I put them up where she wants them. The whole time I'm doing this I am thinking of how I will do it, proposing to her, how will I make the moment. We finish decorating the place and I fly down to Pinkie and she hugs me, her hugs make me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. I look at the clock, five fifty-five, we hear a knock at the door and its everypony else. “I can't wait to party hard!” Rainbow says, “Yeah! This is going to be awesome!” Alex says. The clock ticks up to Six o'clock and Pinkie shouts “Let's Party!” She cranks up the jukebox and some upbeat music plays, “Ooh Come on Dean this is my favorite song!” She yanks me over to the center of the room and starts to do random dancing, I dance around and everyone joins in laughing. We dance around for the whole song, acting silly and stuff. The song ends and we laugh, my stomach growls a bit, so I walk over to the snack table and grab some food, I sit down and eat. Alex sits next to me and asks “So when are you going to do it.” “Do wha- oh you mean-” I say but he hushes me and says “Not so loud, don't mess it up. So what's your plan.” and it hits me, I tell him “Okay, I got a great idea, you go over to the jukebox when everybody is not dancing or its just Pinkie and me dancing, and you turn on a slow song, I will dance with her, then when the song is finished I will do it.” He gives me a 'brohoof' and says “Amazing plan dude, I will wait by the jukebox.” I walk over to Pinkie and she smiles and hugs me, I look around and notice its just me and her on the dance floor, I look over at Alex and he moves the needle and the song changes to something slow, I don't know what it is but it will work. I look at Pinkie and she looks at me confused, “Shall we dance?” I say in a formal tone, not sure why. She giggles and takes my hoof, we dance around slowly for a while. The song comes to an end and she kisses me, “That was great Dean.” This is the moment I needed, I take a deep breath and reach into my pack, pull out the case, and kneel down, She watches me, her eyes getting wide. I open the case revealing the pink bangle “Pinkie, will you...Marry me?” Her mouth opens with a wide smile, she yells with joy and hugs me, picking me up, “Oh my gosh Dean! That is a definite yes!” I put the bangle on her hoof and she looks at it, “It's pink too! Dean you are so awesome!” She hugs me again and gives me a deep kiss. I close my eyes and kiss back. I hear the others “Awww, Congratulations you two!” I smile as Pinkie holds onto me. “Dean, I love you so much!” she says and gives me another kiss. My heart is screaming with joy, I am so happy right now I could just explode, but that would be messy. Pinkie and I spend the rest of the party being with each other practically, Alex and Rainbow are sitting on a couch facing a window holding each other, they must be getting along greatly. The look at the clock and it shows twenty after midnight, I yawn a little bit, been a long party but a great one, I look over to Pinkie, her eyelids are starting to droop a bit. She leans into me and closes her eyes, I hold her and a smile appears across her face, which makes me smile. “Whoa look at the time!” Twilight announces, “I need to get home so I can get some sleep.” everypony else nods, “See ya everypony, Congratulations Dean on the engagement!” Applejack says on her way out. Rainbow takes Alex to her place. Pinkie sleepily waves goodbye to everyone. After everypony leaves I take her to her room, I kiss her and she smiles, she looks like she could fall asleep at any moment, I guess Pinkie has a limit of partying. She pulls the blanket up and falls asleep instantly, I smile and go to the bathroom and look in the mirror, it has been a while since I have looked at my self lately, black mane, brown eyes, tan coat. I kinda still look like my human self, not in the face just the colors, it's pretty funny, Alex looks nothing like his human self did, blue coat, blue mane with a yellow streak. I turn to the side and see my tail, which is black also. I sure do look different. I take a shower and head back to the bedroom and get into the bed, I roll over to face Pinkie, who is facing me, I close my eyes. Sleep creeps up on me when I feel movement, I jolt my eyes open and see Pinkie shifting closer to me, I put my hoof around her and she opens her eyes. “You okay Pinkie?” I ask, She smiles at me and kisses me deeply, “Yep.” She says, moving closer to me, continuing to kiss me, she pushes me back on the bed, still kissing me, and gets on top of me. We then, well can't go into that right now, it gets too crazy for words. After our fun, which was awesome, we lay down next to each other and sleep. I like this new life much more now... (end of chapter 11) > Chapter 12: Missing > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 12 Missing ________________________________________________________________________________ I hear the sounds of tweeting birds and other usual morning sounds, it's beautiful. I am facing the window, I open my eyes and see the sun rising on another glorious day. “Good morning Pink-” I start to say as I turn over but, Pinkie isn't there, she's probably already downstairs, getting breakfast, I get out of bed and stretch a bit, then head downstairs, I notice it is very quiet. I walk into the kitchen, nopony there, I walk around the house and shop, no sign of Pinkie anywhere. I hear somepony trotting down the stairs, I run over to the stairs and see Mr and Mrs. Cake trotting down. “Have you seen Pinkie?” I ask. “No, we haven't, I thought she was still in bed.” Mr. Cake says. I shake my head, “She wasn't there when I awoke.” I say. “I looked everywhere too.” I am starting to worry a bit. I walk up the stairs and look back in the bedroom, maybe she is playing a prank on me, to scare me, she's done that to me before, she disappeared from my side one day at the park and jumped out of the bushes and scared the life out of me. I open the closet, “Found you!” Nopony there, I move stuff around and I don't see her. I search all the possible hiding spots, I don't see her anywhere. I am really worried now. I look back at the bed and realize that the bed on her side is made up, I notice a letter on the pillow, how come I didn't see that before? I pick it up and read, Dear Dean, last night was a mistake, the engagement and what we did. I'm not ready for that stuff, so I have left Ponyville and gone out to start over, don't come looking for me. Sorry -Pinkie I sit on the bed, my mouth open, this can't be true, she's the one that wanted to and she said yes. What did I do to her? This can't be the Pinkie I love, She would never leave me, she's the one that wanted me to stay here after I changed into a pegasus. I look over at the end table and I see the pink bangle, my heart rips in two. My eyes well up with tears, she is gone. I thought she loved me. I pick up the bangle, it's the same one I gave her. I start to sob loudly as I hold it in my hands. I have no heart now cause it has evaporated into dust. A few minutes go by and I hear a quick knocking on the front door, I stay still. I hear the door open and I hear a familiar voice. “Is Dean here? I need to speak to him!” Alex's voice seems a bit saddened too. Then the bedroom door opens quickly and Alex stands there his face wet and eye puffy. Looks like he has been crying too. “Pinkie is gone too I see.” he says. I only sit there and hold the bangle, letting out a cry. I clear my throat and ask, “Who else is gone?” Alex sighs and says in a sad tone, “Rainbow is gone too. She left me a note behind saying that it wouldn't work out and she needed to get away from Ponyville.” I look up at him and I see that he is starting to cry again. He stomps his foot down and yells “We need to find them!” I get up and say “Let's go to Twilight's house. Maybe she knows something.” Alex nods. We head downstairs and I grab my pack, I put the bangle and the letter in it, and we head off to Twilight's house. We come up to the front door and knock, we wait for a minute and there's no answer, I knock again and Spike opens the door and he has the most gloomiest look on his face. “Is Twilight here?” I ask. He shakes his head. “No, She wasn't here when I woke up this morning.” “Hmm, maybe the others know.” I say out loud. “Don't bother, they aren't home either, I checked. Though each of them had a note saying something about leaving and not for anypony to look for them. This can't be real, why would our friends get up and leave, I pull out my letter from my bag to show Alex and Spike and I notice something about the way it is written, “Spike can I see Twilight's letter?” He hands it to me and I look at them both. “Same handwriting...” I say. Alex and Spike look at me, “What?” they say in unison. I look more closely at the words, “I've seen Pinkie and Twilight write before, this isn't their writing. Our friends didn't leave, they were taken...” Alex and Spike stare at me, “Are you sure?” Alex asks. I nod, “Can I see the letter from Rainbow?” I ask Alex, he nods and gives it to me, I look at all three of them, same writing still. “See same writing.” He looks closely at them and then looks at me “You're right, they were taken, but by who?” We hear a poof in the library, we rush in and see a letter laying on the table, I walk over to it and read it. Do not believe what those letters say, we need your help! I had to find a way to contact you guys, Chrysalis, the changeling queen has captured us and is holding us in her castle on the other side of Equestria. HELP US! HURRY! It's in Twilight's writing. “Chrysalis? Who is that?” I ask. “Oh no, not her.” I hear Spike say, “She's a changeling, she can morph into anypony she wants to, she has a humongous army of changelings, she feeds on love, and they want to take over. I thought we got rid of them.” “Do you know where the castle is located?” I ask, Spike nods and says “Yep, it's near Manehattan, let's go get our tickets and go find them.” We nod and head over to the train station and get tickets. We hop on the train and it heads to Manehattan, I sit in my seat holding the bangle, I hope Pinkie is okay. The ride lasts for a couple of hours, it finally stops and we hop off the train, “It's outside of town to the west, good thing the station is on the west side of town.” We go outside of town and into the wilderness. We walk for about an hour and I start to hear sounds, I don't think Spike or Alex hear it. Just then I hear a twig break, I look behind us and see three black creatures with blue eyes and holes in their legs stand there, they snarl at us and fly toward us with their small thin wings. “Run! Those are changelings!” Spike yells. We run as fast as we can away from them, one of them catches up and grabs Spike and flies off. I look to my left and see Alex stop, which makes me stop, “We can take them Dean!” He yells. The changelings stand there and squint their eyes and they speak to each other in a strange language, then they charge at us. We get into a defensive stance as they run up to us. I block the punch the changeling throws at me, and I clock him right in the face, knocking him out. They aren't that tough it seems, all of a sudden I feel a tap behind me and I turn around and see five of them standing in front of me. I look over to Alex who is taking on ten of them, How many of these things are there, I look around and see more coming out of the forest, hundreds, thousands of them coming toward us. I back away from them and I bump into Alex, I am so scared right now, I get into a fighting stance and get ready, some of the changelings run toward us and try to grab us, I kick one of them, causing it to slam into a pack of them, knocking them out. We fight them one by one and then they all pounce on us, I feel a sharp blow to my head when they land on us and everything goes dark. Nothing is what I see, but what I hear is strange voices, in a strange language, then I hear another voice, “What are they doing here? I thought the notes I wrote would've fooled them. Take them to the dungeon and keep them there until I can figure out something I can do.” That must be her, the changeling queen, Chrysalis, her voice sounds distorted also. I then feel me being lifted again and then thrown into a room, I land on the floor, which is cold and slimy feeling, I hear other thuds, which must be Alex and Spike. The pain from my head is severe, I close my eyes and pass out. > Chapter 13: Changelings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 13 Changelings _______________________________________________________________________________ I hear voices and I feel a presence at my side, I open my eyes to find a pink pony next to me, though she looks different, her hair is straight instead of being poofy. I look around and see the others. “Pinkie...” I manage to say. “Dean!? She yells causing everypony including me to jump a bit. “You're alive!” She picks me up and hugs me tightly, I put my hooves around her and hug her, she then sets me down and gives me a deep kiss. This is the real Pinkie, and she loves me still. So glad the letter was fake. I pull away from Pinkie and look to see the others, everypony looks beat up a bit. “What happened?” I ask them. “Chrysalis sent her changelings in the middle of the night and captured us, I don't know what she is up to. I thought we got rid of her before my brothers wedding.” Twilight says. “I am glad you got my letter. I hope the ones she left didn't upset you.” I look down at the ground and sigh, “I didn't believe the one she left for me at Pinkie's at first, but then I saw the bangle... I then believed it.” Pinkie taps me from behind and says, “You mean this one?” She holds up her hoof, bangle still around it. “The one she left you was a fake.” she says. I notice my pack is still on me, amazingly after all that fighting and stuff. I reach in there and grab the fake bangle, I look more closely at it and notice that it's not even gold, It's painted. I throw the fake bangle down and kick it, it goes through the bars and smacks one of the changeling guards in the head. We all laugh at the changeling, it glares at us and says something in the strange language they speak. “What is that language they speak?” I ask Twilight, she should know. “I have no idea what language it is, but it sounds like Norack, an ancient language that isn't spoken or even known about anymore, I read about it in one of my books recently.” Twilight says, she is such a bookworm. “So what do we do now?” I ask, everypony shrugs. We all sit there on the slimy floor waiting for whatever will happen to us, what does Chrysalis want with us? changeling guards walk up, open the door and come in. One says something and the others go over to five of the girls and grabs them, another group comes up and grabs Pinkie, Alex, Spike and I run up to stop them but we are stopped by other guards, who appeared out of nowhere, they stand in front of us as they take the others away. Spike yells out “Don't you dare hurt them!” The guards take them away and the other changelings leave with a creepy smile, we rush up to the door and try to open it, it's too late, it's locked already. The changelings laugh at us through the bars, my face changes to pure anger, I walk up to the bars and say “You lay a single hoof on them and I will end you.” The changelings laugh again and walk away, speaking in their language. It's quiet, too quiet, “What do we do guys. We need to help them!” Spike says, Alex walks over to the door in anger and kicks the door hard, It rattles a bit, “If I get my hands on one of those changelings I will beat the living shit out of it! No one, I mean No one, Hurts Rainbow and gets away with it!” He yells and kicks the door again, I hear a small crack sound. “Alex!” I say looking at the door, “What Dean can't you see I am pissed off right now?” He says kicking the door again, more crack sounds resonate from it. “Keep kicking the door, in fact here I will help!” I say, walking up next to him. He looks at me confused, he must not hear the sounds of the door. “Come on Alex kick! Its about to break!” I say, we both kick the door and a loud crunch sound comes from the door. We kick a few more times and the door eventually falls over, making a loud clang as it smacks against the slimy cobblestone floor. I hear the voices of the guards coming to inspect on the sound, we walk out of the small prison and take off down the hallway. I hear a loud screech and I look behind me and I see about a dozen changelings charging after us, I look over at Alex and Spike, and say “Lets waste these assholes.” They nod and we stop, the changelings look at us and growl. I stomp my hoof and then charge at them, followed by Alex, rage in my eyes I tackle the first changeling I see, punching it in the face, Alex grabs one of the changelings and picks it up and slams it into another one, our adrenaline is pumping, Spike says “I'll go look for the others!” and he runs off. One of the changelings goes after him and I tackle it. I punch the last changeling, knocking it out as Alex kicks one into a wall. “We need to go find them!” I yell, we take off down the corridor, we go through a lot of hallways and then finally arrive at large doors. Alex and I kick the doors open and we see them, on the ground, with a green haze around them, I look up and see Chrysalis' horn glowing green, I run over to Pinkie as quick as I can and try to pick her up, I get thrown backward by some magical force. “Pinkie!” I yell, and then the green aura around the six disappears, they stand up with a smile on their face, but it's not a happy smile, it's an evil smile. Eyes glowing green, evil smiles, they walk toward us, the six, and Chrysalis flies over and stands behind them, “You fools, you're too late, they are already under my control, there is nothing you can do now.” Chrysalis says, “Why not give up and join me!” she laughs. “I would never join you, you bitch.” I say. She laughs and says, “You have no choice.” her horn glows a bright green and I feel an overwhelming magical force try to take my mind over. Everything then goes dark. It's dark, everywhere I look, I walk around in the darkness and I can hear voices, but they are inaudible, I then see the six walk out of the darkness, who just stand there blank faced, I run after them and they disappear into thin air, all except Pinkie, “You're love for her is great, and that is what I need.” I hear Chrysalis' voice speak, I turn around and see nothing behind me. “Why do you do this! I just want to go back home!” I say, she laughs at me, “I do this because I have to, to survive.” She says, I look back at the Pinkie who is still standing there, but she is fading. I run up to her, “No, don't go Pinkie, please.” I say as I try to reach out and touch her but my hoof just phases through, she then disappears, “Pinkie...no...” I cry, a tear falls from my cheek. I lay there, thinking, what can I do, how do I get back to the real world, how do I help them? I then hear a familiar voice, “Follow me.” I look up and see the human me standing there, holding his hand out to help me up, I hold out my hoof and he grabs it and pulls me up and says “I can help you.” I follow him to a strange white floating orb that has pictures flowing through it, he picks it up and hands it to me, I feel a surge of energy flow through me. I am in the throne room standing next to Chrysalis, I don't think she noticed I have broken her spell, I look over and see the others standing there with their glowing green eyes and blank faces, I don't know how I did it but I am out of that trance, I then hear Chrysalis speak, “Dean! Do your queen a favor and go bring me the prisoner!” I do as I am ordered, so she still thinks I am under her power, I walk toward the east door, I then see Pinkie Pie in the corner of my eye, I glance over and see her blank face and glowing green eyes, I will fix this Pinkie I will fix all of this. I walk through the door and down the hall, thank goodness none of the changelings in the hall notice that my eyes aren't glowing anymore, I walk to the dungeon and look in the first cell, and I see a baby dragon laying there on the ground, crying. I look around to see if any changelings are around, I don't see any. “What do you want fake Dean? Did Chrysalis send you here to torture me?” Spike says, I grab the keys that are hanging on the wall and open the door, and I walk in, trying to keep a straight face. I blink my eyes and then I say “Spike, I am busting you out of here.” He looks at me like I have lobsters crawling out of my ears and says, “What?” I smile and say, “Well don't you want to help the others?” He smiles big and says “How did you break her spell?” I shrug and say “Come on, We need to go finish this, I am going to keep the look as if I am still under her spell and you follow me back to the throne room, so that none of the changelings suspect anything.” He nods and asks “Then what do we do?” I shrug and say “I don't know yet, but I will figure something out. Okay ready? Just follow me, don't talk, and look like you're sad also, so the changelings don't suspect.” We walk out and I put on the blank face look, it's rather hard to do. We walk down the corridor, the changelings don't pay us much mind at all, they really don't notice anything. We get up to the door and I open it, staying silent, I walk up to the changeling queen, bow, and walk back to her side, once I get out of her vision, I relax my face. Chrysalis starts to say something to Spike about Twilight, I don't pay attention, because I can hear this strange humming noise behind me. I turn around, I don't know I missed it, but there is a humongous green jewel behind the throne, it looks to be about six feet tall. I walk behind the throne, hoping Chrysalis doesn't notice and I get a closer look at it, as I get closer the humming becomes louder, I look down at the base and see strange characters, it's probably the changeling language. Then it hits me, this must be the source of power for the changelings to survive, I wonder how protected it is. I will probably need Alex's help to destroy it, but how will I break Alex out of his trance? I walk back up next to chrysalis and I look over to my right and see Alex staring off into space still, I look down at the ground and see a small rock, maybe if I hit him with the rock it will knock him out of the trance. I only have one chance at this. Chrysalis gets up from her throne and walks over to Spike, still talking about something I don't pay attention to, I move my hoof over and kick the rock as hard as I can, it whizzes through Alex's mane, Crap I missed, I look around for another rock, and I don't see one. I sigh and I look around for anything I can use to wake him up, I feel something hit me from above, I hear a clack sound as a rock hits the ground next to me, where did that come from? I look up and see that the ceiling is really old and tattered, it's made of stone. I pick up the rock, and fling it again, hitting Alex in the side of his head, “Ow.” He exclaims, and shakes his head, the glow from his eyes go away, he looks around frantically then looks at me, I hold up a hoof telling to be quiet and act normal. I look back down to where Chrysalis is talking to Spike, who is now crying about something, its time to move, now. I quietly walk over to Alex and whisper very quietly, “We need to destroy this gemstone behind us, it's what gives this place power.” He nods and we slowly walk over to the tall green gemstone, I say quietly “On three we kick.” We get into position and I start counting, “one...two...THREE!” We kick it as hard as we can knocking it over, it falls onto the ground and it shatters. “No! What have you done!” Chrysalis screams as the place starts to crumble around us. I look down at the six mares, they are still in a trance, I thought that would break them out of it. “We need to break them out of their trance!” I say through the sounds of crumbling rock. We run down there and I reach Twilight first, I give her a little shake and yell “Twilight Snap out of it we need to get out of here!” She blinks her eyes and asks “What happened?” I shake my head and say “Don't worry about that now, wake the others up! We need to get out of here!” Alex runs over to Rainbow and kisses her which breaks her out of her trance immediately. Twilight goes over to Rarity and shakes her awake, who then wakes up Applejack, who wakes up Fluttershy. I run over to Pinkie who stares at nothing, I put my hooves around her and give her a deep kiss, she blinks her eyes, the green glow fading, “Dean? What's going on?” She asks me. “Don't worry about that now, we need to get out of here before this place falls apart on us!” I say. The ceiling begins to fall apart large rocks landing everywhere around us, we all start to head out the front door and Chrysalis lands in front of it with the most pissed off look on her face. “Now where do you think you ponies are going?” She says in an angry voice. “You may have destroyed my castle, but I am still here and you are not going to get out of here alive!” We all charge her at once, her eyes widen and she flies up. We bust through the door, Spike runs and jumps on Twilight's back as we head out the door, “Changelings after them!” She yell and then the whole castle crumbles and falls down on top of them. I stop and turn around, for some reason I get this feeling that if we leave her there she will die, and I don't want any death's on my conscience. I run back and I hear from behind me, “Dean, what are you doing! We have to go!” I ignore the calls behind me and I run back up to where the front door was. I see a hoof poking out of the rubble, with holes in it, must be Chrysalis. I move the rocks that are covering her, I hear trotting behind me, I turn around and see the others standing there. “Help me, I don't want her to die.” I say, and turn around move more rocks off of her, we don't have much time, I try to pick one rock off of her but it's too heavy, I use all the force I have and it doesn't budge, I notice another pair of hooves appear beside me lifting, I look up and it's Alex, I smile a bit and lift also, the rock slowly rises and we move it aside, we see a bruised changeling queen lying there, still alive, but really beat up. She groans in pain and says “Wh-What are you doing here?”, I look down at her and hold out a hoof, “Here to make sure you don't die, come on we will take you to Celestia.” I say, She sighs a bit and says “Okay, that seems much better.” I smile and look at the others, they smile too. We help her up and she says “I think I can manage to walk a bit.” she smiles a bit, she starts to walk but almost falls down, her leg is hurt. How will we get her to Canterlot? We slowly take her through the forest, the pain searing through her body, “I think I know a spell that might heal you. Twilight says, her horn glows and it fixes up the bruises on Chrysalis and heals her leg a little. “Th-Thank You.” The changeling queen says with a smile. “Twilight isn't there a spell that can teleport us all to Canterlot?” I ask, her face lightens up and says “Oh yeah, I forgot about that one.” Her horn glows again and we are whisked to the front gates of Canterlot, scaring the front guards. The guards then freak out at the sight of Chrysalis, they crowd around us and Twilight steps up and says “We need to see the Princess, actually she does, and it's nothing bad.” I look up at the castle and see Celestia fly from her tower down to us, she lands in front of us and says, “Hello, Twilight, my faithful student.” She looks at Chrysalis, “Why have you brought her here?” “To ask for friendship, I have experienced true kindness tonight, by Dean and Alex, if they didn't help me I would have died. I am an enemy no longer. I wish to be friends.” Chrysalis states. Celestia squints her eyes, not believing her. “Princess, if she came here to attack she would have an army of changelings with her; she wouldn't be beat up looking, and she would have attacked already.” Alex says. Celestia looks down at Alex, “How are you sure that her army isn't hiding somewhere, waiting, and what if she tries to use her magic on us.” she says. Chrysalis sighs and says, “Most of my army has disappeared and Dean and Alex destroyed my gem which contained my power, so I am nothing right now.” “Very well, but there is still need for punishment for your acts in the past.” Celestia states. “You're punishment is...” Celestia pauses for a second, “...to aid Twilight and her friends with whatever they need, and if you act up, you will be banished from Equestria, forever.” Chrysalis smiles, and says “I will accept my punishment, and aid them in any way I can.” Just then the color fades on Chrysalis's body and her eyes morph to that of a normal ponies eyes, her whole body changes. We all stare at her and she says “What's wrong?” she lifts up her hoof and her eyes widen, “The shell is broken, all I needed was somepony to be kind to me, and for me to be kind back.” Her voice has changed back to a normal sounding mare's voice. The new Chrysalis' coat is a light gray and her eyes are green still, but not evil looking, her mane is now red, straightened out, her tail is red and long, she also has a horn and wings, still the same height she was. “Thank you so much everypony! I have wanted out of that shell for a long time.” Chrysalis says, now I'm not so sure if that's her real name now. “Red Velvet?” Celestia says. “I remember you, from a long time ago, you were that one pony who was always alone, nopony ever talked to you.” Red Velvet looks up and says “Now I remember why I became a changeling, my heart was filled with so much anger and loneliness, I decided to create my own friends and I changed. Now that it is gone, I can be happy again.” We hear a voice come from behind Celestia. “Velvet?” A stallion peers his head around and Red's eyes widen and she smiles, “Mantalist?! She runs past Celestia and hugs the strange stallion who seemed to appear out of nowhere. She says farewell and walks off with Mantalist. We stand there for a moment, pondering of what to do next, I guess we go home and go to bed, it is late, and we have had a trying couple of days. We say goodbye to the Princess and we head to the train station, we don't want Twilight to wear herself out using her magic all the time. We buy our tickets and hop on the train, I sit down next to a window, Pinkie sits next to me and grabs my hoof and says “This has been a crazy day hasn't it Dean?” I nod and smile sleepily, I am so tired right now. Pinkie cuddles up to me and closes her eyes, I close my eyes and fall asleep almost instantly. The train stops and we get off, say good night to each other, and head home, Pinkie and I walk back to Sugarcube Corner, we open the door and go in, we close the door behind us and climb upstairs and go into her room, we get into bed, just as I lay down Pinkie cuddles up against me. “I love you Pinkie.” I say to her, giving her a small kiss on the lips, she smiles and says “I love you too Dean, Good night.” She hugs me, “Good night.” I hug her back and fall asleep. > Chapter 14: Wedding > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 14 Wedding _______________________________________________________________________________ Weeks seem to fly by so fast I can't keep up, even though every day it's the same thing, though sometimes Pinkie and I go out or something of the sort, Alex and Rainbow seem to be getting along greatly, I haven't seen them apart ever. We had a party for a thing they call Hearth's Warming Eve, which is like their Christmas, it was pretty awesome I got to see all of them in a play, it was in a theater in Canterlot, very large building, very beautiful too, it's amazing that all this was built by ponies, but I guess when you have magic that can help you it's not so bad. The play was very informal of the history of Equestria, who knew that Earth ponies, Unicorns, and Pegasus' used to hate each other, I'm glad we can all get along now. It was a great day that day. Another few months fly by, spring goes by, and summer is just ending today, and fall is around the corner, hard to believe it's been over a year since I have arrived, and look at all the stuff that has happened, it's quite amazing. It's also hard to believe Pinkie and I have been engaged for, I think about ten months now. My mind has been so filled with questions about mine and Pinkie's wedding. I don't know when she wants to do it, because it's up to her, I walk up to her after my shift and I ask her, “Um, Pinkie...” I pause and clear my throat, “When should we...you know...get married...like when and where, we haven't really planned yet.” “Uh, I kind of want an outdoor wedding, those seem a lot more fun than being cooped up in a building.” She smiles a cute smile, and I smile back. I like her idea it seems a lot nicer to be outside than inside, “I love being outdoors, so an outdoor wedding is perfect.” I say. “So what would be a good day?” I ask next, she thinks for a moment, and she smiles and says “How about next month?” “Maybe we should go ask Rarity, since she makes dresses and stuff for weddings, she should know a bit about them.” I say. Pinkie smiles and says “Great Idea!” she leans in and gives me a quick kiss and says “Let's go!” We head out the door and walk to Rarity's shoppe. We walk through town and arrive at Rarity's door, I knock. Rarity opens the door, and says “Dean! Pinkie! Hello, Do come in!” We walk into the boutique and sit at the couch as Rarity pulls up a chair for her to sit in. “How can I help you two today?” She asks us. I clear my throat and say “We were wondering if you could help us... set up a wedding, for Pinkie and I, we are both wanting to have it next month, outside.” Rarity smiles big and says “Of course I will help you dear! I know a lot about decorating a wedding! Now where outside do you want it?” I look over to Pinkie and she says, “How about the lake? That's always a nice place!” “Oh a lake! Perfect idea Pinkie!” I say. I have always loved lakes, I would always go to the one in Poplar if I had the chance. “I didn't know you had a lake here, guess I have been too busy to notice.” I say. Rarity gets up and says, “Okay, now don't you worry, I will make you're wedding spectacular!” “Do you want us to help?” I ask. “Good heavens, no, It's you're wedding! You don't need to worry about it, I will see if I can get the other ponies to help!” Pinkie and I stand up, “Now run along you two. I will make you the most perfect wedding!” Rarity says. We walk out and thank Rarity. She closes the door behind us and we head back to Sugarcube Corner. We look at the time when we come in, Seven o'clock, we go to the kitchen and get some food and eat. I look at the clock again, seven thirty, I sigh and say “What do you want to do Pinkie? We still have time before bed.” She smiles and giggles a bit, and I look at her, knowing what she is thinking, and smirk a bit and ask “What's on you're mind?” Her smile turns into a smirk and says, “Well it involves upstairs...” She starts up the stairs, me following her. We go into her room and well...things get pretty steamy if you catch my meaning. The month seems to drag on but the day finally arrives, I have noticed Pinkie has gotten a bit chubbier, but I push it off as her eating a lot of sweets, though I am not so sure, cause she has been acting a bit strange lately. I wake up on the morning of our wedding, birds are outside, the sun is rising, I love mornings here more than Poplar's, I wish Princess Celestia rose the sun for us on earth, that would have made everything great. I turn over and I don't see Pinkie next to me, but I do hear strange noises from the bathroom, I get up and walk down the hall to the bathroom. I put my ear to the door and I hear a sound of throwing up. Pinkie? What's wrong with her? I knock on the door, and I hear, “Don't come in, please...” I knock again and say “It's me Dean, are you okay?” I hear nothing for a few moments and then I hear the sink, then the door opens, and there stands Pinkie, she looks so sick, “What's wrong?” I ask, she looks down and takes a deep breath and says, “I'm... I'm... pregnant...” My eyes widen, she's what? “Wh-What?” I say. “Y-you're P-pregnant?” I close my eyes and then I think, well maybe a baby isn't such a bad thing after all, I mean it would be awesome to have a family, at least it's not on earth with the corrupted government, and stupid stuff you have to do to have one. She looks up at me and says, “I have always wanted a foal, and a family.” I smile and say “Me too.” I step forward and we hug, this is great! She hugs back, “I just wish it wasn't so painful.” Pinkie says. “Don't worry, I will be by your side Pinkie, helping you through it.” I say, just then I realize what day it is... is she up for it? Will she be okay? “Pinkie? How do you feel right now?” I say. “I feel like poo right now, though I will get over it, I have to, cause today is our big day!” She says and leans in and kisses me, kind of grossing me out a bit, cause of what she's been doing, but I try not to think of that. We hear a knock at the door downstairs, I run down to answer it, since Mr. and Mrs. Cake are off on business about the bakery. I open the door and I see Rarity, “Hello Dean, I came to see if Pinkie is ready to come over to my place and change.” she says. “One Sec'” I say. I run back upstairs and up to Pinkie, who seems to be looking better. “Rarity is downstairs, she wants you to go over to her house and get ready.” I say to Pinkie. She nods and I ask, “You sure you're okay to go through the day?” I am worried a bit about her, she smiles a bit and says “Dean, don't worry I will be fine, I'm not going to let some morning sickness get in the way of our day.” she kisses me again and walks downstairs with me following her, “See you in a few hours, Dean.” she says and closes the door and walks with Rarity. I wait a while and another knock sounds from the door, I open it, Alex and Spike stand there, “Hey guys!” I say, I hoofbump Alex and Spike, “Come on dude let's get you suited up!” Alex says. I walk with them to the Tuxedo Store, we walked in and the owner greeted us. I already payed for the tux, The owner hands us the tux that we bought and we thank him and walk out. We walk back to Sugarcube Corner and I tell them to wait a few, I go upstairs and into the bathroom, Thank goodness it's just a vest, and not a whole suit, I slip it on over my head and put my front hooves through, I straighten it up and look in the mirror, my mane is a mess, I grab the comb that was laying there and comb it. I take a look at myself, I look pretty good, I guess. I head downstairs and look at the clock, 3 o'clock, 2 hours to go before the moment, “Should we head to the lake? I'm all set.” I ask. “Yep, let's go!” they both say. We walk over to the lake and I see Rarity and the others did an amazing job on the decorating. There is a banner going across the top of the entrance that says “Congratulations Pinkie Pie and Dean Yarlo ” It makes me smile a bit, I look around more, I see a bunch of chairs set up, a large cake stands there, Mr. and Mrs. Cake made it before they left, it stinks that they had to go to Manehattan on business. The whole thing looks great, some ponies are already here, early birds, it'll be another hour before we start. I walk around looking at all decorations, to kill time really, then I realize, I haven't thought about my vows, oh crap... I sit down in one of the chairs and think, why haven't I been thinking about them, I guess I can say what I will do for her and stuff, that's pretty much what they are right? I think over what I am going to say and I hear someone call my name “Hey Dean! Come on dude we are going to start soon!” I stand up and turn around and Alex is standing there. I nod and then freeze, I walk over to the Altar and stand on the right side, Alex and Spike to the left of me, Alex is best stallion, while Spike is the groomsdragon. I look to the right and see the other five mares, Rainbow, Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity, they are all here, I look out to the audience and see almost every pony in Ponyville here. It makes me happy that these ponies actually like me, which is way better than the humans in Poplar, they don't care about anything. Just then the music begins and I take a deep breath, I start getting nervous, the music continues and Pinkie walks up the aisle, I smile as she looks up at me, her dress is amazing, its pink and blue, with glittery rhinestones on it shaped like hard candies, the dress is not tight on her at all, she reaches the altar and smiles at me and we turn to the priest, he begins the opening ceremony, I am trying to listen to him but I am so nervous, I start sweating a little, I silently take in a deep breath, the priest goes on and then he says, “The Bride and Groom will now say their vows to each other.” He looks at me and I hesitate. I look at Pinkie and say “I, Dean, take you Pinkie, to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part.” That seems normal, since I don't know what else to say. Pinkie smiles and begins reciting hers,“I Pinkie, take you Dean to be my husband, my partner in life and my one true love. I will cherish our union and love you more each day than I did the day before. I will trust you and respect you, laugh with you and cry with you, loving you faithfully through good times and bad, regardless of the obstacles we may face together. I give you my hand, my heart, and my love, from this day forward for as long as we both shall live.” I smile big and we turn back to the priest, “Now, the wedding bracelets.” I guess we resort to bracelets instead of ring's cause we don't have fingers. A young colt named Pipsqueak comes in, I know him from Nightmare Night, he was a Pirate. He is holding a pillow on his back, on it are two bracelets, the little colt comes up and he stands in front of us, the priest picks them up and gives them to us, which then we place on each others hoof. The priest then says “Do you, Dean Yarlo, take Pinkie Pie, to be your wife, to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?” I nod and say “I do.” The priest turns to Pinkie, “Do you, Pinkie Pie, take Dean, to be your husband, to love and to hold, in sickness and in health, til death do you part?” She turns to me and grabs my hoof and says, “I do.” I smile and she inches closer as the then says, “And by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife... You may now kiss the bride.” Pinkie leans in and I lean in and our mouths meet, the kiss is magical, best kiss ever. I hear cheering around me, but it's all a blur, I am too focused on the kiss, the kiss seems to last forever. Just then everything fades into darkness......... (end of chapter 14) > Chapter 15: Wait...What? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 15 Wait...What? _______________________________________________________________________________ Have I passed out? What just happened, why is everything so dark and quiet, then I hear something fading in and out. ...I used to wonder what friendship could be... ...big adventures! Tons of fun... ...and magic makes it all complete.. ...Do you know you're all my very best friends... My eyes open slowly and I see the television in front of me, nothing is registering, I watch the screen and I see Pinkie Pie come in bouncing around, making me smile, I get up and stretch a bit, and I notice something. I look down and see that I am standing on two feet, I blink and then laugh, I'm a pony, I dont need to stand on two feet, I lay down to be on all fours and then I see them...my hands... I blink again at them, my brain is not able to register any of this. Why do I have hands? Why am I not at my wedding? I notice that I have been holding my breath and I exhale, I stand up again, on two feet, and look around, It...was...a...Dream? No...no... no no no! It couldn't have been! It was all too real! Tears flow into my eyes, it couldn't have been, no, not a dream, this is the dream I just need to wake up, and when I wake up I will be back at the wedding. Just then I hear the doorbell ring, I walk over to the front door and open it, and what I see, makes me almost explode, Alex, standing there, normal human form, wearing a hoodie and baggy jeans, and Airwalk shoes. My eye twitches and I say “H-hey.. Alex..” he laughs and says “Not much bro, just came by to see what's up, you okay dude? You look like you have seen a ghost.” I stay silent. He looks closer at me and he says “Dude, have you been crying?” I do nothing but stand there, dumbfounded, I step back and silently invite him in, he walks in and sits down at the couch, he looks at the TV and says “What the hell is this dude? You into ponies now?” I walk forward to see the TV and I see a specific rainbow maned pegasus come into the shot. “Rainbow-Dash...” I mumble, Alex looks up at me with a confused look on his face. I sit down on the couch and look at the television and I see Pinkie Pie come into view, she says something but I don't really hear it, “Pinkie...” is all I say, Alex taps me, causing me to jump. “What the hell is wrong with you? You are sitting here reciting names of the ponies, what are you a Brony?” I sigh and shake my head and I say “It was just...a dream...” Tears form in my eyes again and roll down my cheeks. “It was all a dream!” I scream out loudly, making Alex jump from his seat, “What are you talking about! What was all a dream?! God, don't scare me like that, I about wet myself.” I look at the screen again and the show goes black and then a thing comes up and it says “We will be right back to My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Right after these messages, only on The Hub.” I blink at the screen, “They aren't even...real...it's all on a TV show...” I say, Alex turns off the television and stands in front of me, “Look I need to know what the hell is going on here, why are you all freaked out and shit!” he says. I take a deep breath and say “I had a dream, that I jumped into a portal and landed in there, where the TV show is based...” I explain my whole dream to him, and when I finish, he just stares at me, saying nothing. I start to cry again, this time more heavily, “I just got married... to the best girl ever... and it was all lies...why? Why does it have to be lies!” I then get an idea, “Hey Alex, Slap me as hard as you can, maybe I will wake up back in Equestria, this could all be a dream here and I am actually still in Equestria just sleeping, as a pegasus, with Pinkie.” Alex shakes his head, “I am not slapping you dude, you are not dreaming, this is the real world. You are fully awake right now.” he says. “No! Don't say that! This is all a dream! Slap me as hard as you can! DO IT NOW!” I say at the top of my lungs. Alex sighs and says “Okay, but if this hurts, not my fault, okay?” I nod and yell “DO IT ALREADY!” Alex pulls his arm back and then moves it in fast, smacking it across my face, I stumble a bit, and I blink, Alex is still standing there, shaking his head, “Smack me again, maybe the first one didn't work.” Alex shakes his head more and says “No, dude you have lost your mind. You're in the real world, you need to come to terms with that, Equestria is not real.” The words “Equestria is not real” echo in my head, over and over, I slump to the ground and curl up in a ball, this can't be true... “It is real... I was there...” I say. I can tell Alex is getting really mad now, he stomps the floor and yells “DUDE IT WAS A DREAM GET OVER IT! IT WAS NOT REAL! LIFE GOES ON!” I stand up and say, “You're right dude... it was all a dream... nothing real about it...” I sigh as my eyes continue to pour out tears, I wipe my eyes with my shirt sleeve. Alex walks up to me and puts his hand on my shoulder, “Come on dude, let's go to the mall, maybe we can see our friends or something, get your mind off of that silly dream. I grab my wallet and keys off the end table and we walk outside, into the late-fall weather, all the trees are bare, it's quite chilly. I breathe out and see the smoke coming from my mouth, I am back in Poplar all over again... We walk over to his car, he presses a button and the doors unlock, I open my door and sit down and stare through the windshield, looking at nothing really... Alex opens his door and gets in, we both buckle up and he starts the car, I stare more into the windshield, still not looking at anything. I sit there in the passenger seat, silent, Alex shakes his head and pulls out of the driveway and we head off to the mall. I shift around in my seat and lean my head against the window, I watch the trees and stores pass by. We finally arrive in the parking lot, he pulls into an empty space, and shuts the car off. I sigh a bit and open the door, I get out and lean against the car, I hear a siren in the distance, and other sounds you usually hear in the city. “Come on dude, let's go!” Alex says, I slowly walk toward the mall, stuffing my hands in my pockets. We walk in the front door and I smell that normal smell you smell in malls, a mixture of weird colognes, perfumes, clothing shops, and food. I walk with Alex around the mall and a specific store catches my eye, Hot Topic, Alex notices I'm looking at it and he says “Come on, maybe there is some girls there that you can get along with.” I nod and say “Sure, wouldn't that be great...” Alex grabs my shoulders “Come on dude! Snap out of it! Jeez you're a total zombie right now, you are normally not like this.” I just stare at him, he lets go of me and says “Come on.” We walk into “Hot Topic” and it's rather dark in here, but I can still see everything, I look around at some stuff and I see something that catches my eye. A black t-shirt, with Fluttershy on it, under her says “yay” in big white letters, I turn away from it, I need to stop thinking about it. I walk over to a shelf and it has rubber bracelets, I look through the racks and I see one that says “Brony” and it has an outline of Rainbow-Dash on it, my eyes begin to tear up again as the memories of the dream push into my mind. I turn away from the bracelets and look at other assorted stuff, I see a belt that shows all six of them on it. I clench my teeth and run out of the store, I run over to a chair and flop down on it. This is horrible, everywhere I looked, it had them on it, including...Pinkie... Alex walks up and says “Why'd you run out like that?” I shake my head and say quietly, “They are everywhere... I can't get my mind off of them...” Alex clenches his jaw, I can tell he is getting very irritated, but I don't care, I just want to go back to Equestria where everything was great. “Why don't we get some food, maybe that will take your mind off of your dream.” Alex says, we walk over to the food court and up to McDonald’s, he orders himself a Double Cheeseburger meal, I look at the menu, in Equestria they don't eat meat... I order a salad and we pay for our meal, we find a simple table and I just poke at my food, not really that hungry. “Why'd you get a salad? I never knew you liked salad.” Alex says. I take a bite of the salad and then almost spit it out, it tastes horrible, in fact I don't even like salad, though when I was pony, I loved it... Alex sees my reaction to the salad and he says “I knew you didn't like salad, what made you think you di- oh...yeah...you're dream...” he shakes his head. “You know, we haven't even seen our friends yet.” he says, Just then we hear someone yell from behind us, “Yo! Alex! Dean!” I turn around and see someone waving to us. “Hey Max! come join us!” Alex yells, the guy runs over and sits down at the table, he fist bumps Alex then holds his fist up to me, I slowly lift my hand and bump his with mine, not really caring. “What's up with you dude?” Max asks. “He had a dream earlier and it's eating him up inside.” Alex says, Max looks at me, “What was it about?” he asks, I shake my head, “I don't want to think of it right now, I'll tell you later, or Alex can tell you, I don't care, but I will be right back...” I stand up and Alex says “Where ya going?” I look at him and say “Uh, bathroom, duh...” and give him a duh face, he chuckles and says “That's the Dean we have been waiting on!” After a while I come back and I see other people standing around Alex, girls actually. I walk over to them and Alex says “Hey! He's back! Dude check it out it's Alyssa, Tina, and Kayla, remember them?” I nod my head and remember how bitchy they were toward me, but not to Alex. Alex doesn't know of the crap I went through with them. I sit there, glum again, They are all talking to each other, I'm kind of out of the conversation. After a while, I close my eyes, memories from the dream flood the darkness that my eyelids make. I then feel a tap on my shoulder, I look up and see Alex standing there “Dude wake up, let's go home, those girls had to go.” I stand up and we walk toward the door we came through earlier, and head to his car. We get in, and we go back to my house, he drops me off and says “Hey, don't let that dream eat you up anymore dude, just go get some rest, maybe you will feel better then.” I nod and he drives off. I walk up to my front door, unlock it and go in. I take a quick shower and head to bed. I lay in the bed staring at the ceiling, I still can't believe it was a dream... I roll over and face the window, which has a curtain on it. Why did that dream happen, I never even heard of that show until today, I close my eyes and try to sleep, which comes quicker than imagined. I stand in Ponyville once again, I look at my hands, which are hooves again, I see Pinkie hopping toward me, “Hey Dean!” She kisses me, but I don't feel it. I look at her, my eyes start to water and I say “You're not real Pinkie, you never were...” Ponyville fades from behind her, then she slowly fades away also, leaving me alone, in the darkness... I look at my hooves again, and they turn into hands again. So that's that, the love of my life isn't even real... (end of chapter 15) (And end of Book one.)