Whelp, Stuff Just Happened.

by My Sister Tia

First published

Young Twilight Sparkle is sent to the moon. And kidnapped by Discord. And more craziness ensues.

Young Twilight Sparkle is sent to the moon. And kidnapped by Discord. And more craziness ensues.

Disclaimer: This is a truly random story! It has more randomness and storyline! Yet it was speed written, so yeah.
Not meant to be featured or anything, just a fun bucket of a random story! :yay:

The Dramatic Stuff

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One day, young Twilight Sparkle was bored. She decided to go to the plaza, or town hall. She saw the princess of the sun, and immediately wanted to study hard.

Then, she was instantly sent to the moon. Nightmare Moon was enraged at this. She sent her into a magical prison hold. Twilight was even more bored. But then she saw some microscopic books, and started reading. She learned the magical spell of getting a cutie mark without earning one! She then used this magical spell to do just that, but she had earned it, by using such a powerful magical spell!

Discord then captures her, and accidentally brings Nightmare Moon along. The former princess recognises him, and turns back into Princess Luna. Twilight Sparkle is surprised that this is truly a second princess. She hears the story, and believes every word of it. Then, Discord shows her his collection of wings, and asks her to choose a pair. She chooses a small, orange set. Then, Discord puts them way out of her reach, and frustrated, she just starts to pout.

Princess Luna shows her some of the future, showing an orange earth pony named Scootaloo. Twilight feels bad, and tells Discord to let the future pony have the wings. He said fine, but that the pony would still never be able to fly. So then, Twilight pouts more, and Discord says fine. She then gets her wings back onto her back.

When she tries to fly, she can't. So, she used a spell. It makes it so that the wings are alicorn size. She then flies along, happily.

What Happened Years Later

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Scootaloo was sad. Her wings were super small. So, she went to the mirror pool. She cried a lot, then her tears literally carried her over to where Discord was. Then, she asked him why her wings were small, because she thought she had nothing to lose.
Then, he explained that the "current all powerful alicorn princess with the big orange wings" had Scoootaloo's wings, and they shrunk for Scootaloo in the process. So, she went to the "current all powerful alicorn princess with the big orange wings", and sued her.
Because the princess Twilight did not want to pay, she instead just gave the young filly the ability of flight. So, the young one decided not to sue after all. So, she flew about, and she went to live with her favorite hero, Rainbow Dash.

The Next Part

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Now we see what happened to Princess Luna. She got back to Equestria, and was known of as "the blue princess". Her sister, Celestia retired, and so she was left to rule with the "current all powerful alicorn princess with the big orange wings". She was very happy, and decided to throw a party.
Pinkie pie dressed up and stole her place, but at least Luna got to have a break for about five hours. Afterwards, Pinkie Pie, known of as "random pony", was renicknamed to "joker of the castle". But, back to Luna, Luna went to be best friend of the princess, who had recently been renamed "purple princess", due to her losing her wings.
Princess Celestia came back to the thrown, which was exciting, and Luna threw a party for her (and invited "joker of the castle", Pinkie Pie. All was happy, and Luna became a great ruler.

But What About Rarity?

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Rarity, nicknamed "fancy pony", decided to go to the three princesses. She asked if she could sell them bracelets for the royal guards so that they would feel special. Considering the dropping rate of guards they had, they immediately agreed.

They all got customized bracelets, and the rate of guards for the castle increased by one million percent. Then, one day Rarity got a sack full of one million gold coins. Then, she built an empire of bracelets, and was in charge of the Royal guard. She also got her nickname upgraded to "fancy bracelet pony".
Then, with her friend Fluttershy ( who goes by the nickname of "butterfly", she started selling necklaces as well, and became the richest non-royalty in the history of Equestria.

Commercial Brought to you by the Apple Family

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Once apon there was a pony named Granny Smith ("zapper of the apples"). She found some zap apples, and discovered a way to make delicious jam. Now it's only one hundred bits!
Get some of yours today!

The Jam Season

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After creating the jam, Granny Smith sold tons of jam, and decided to work together with Rarity.
But then "the blue princess" stepped in, and said no more bracelet making, for every pony already owned at least a hundred each, and it was simply getting out of hoof. So, "fancy bracelet pony" decided to sell dresses instead. Then, Granny Smith sold tons more jam, and became friends with "the purple princess".
Tons of ponies loved the jam, so they all threw a party with tons of jam, and they were all happy. Even Discord (when was nicknamed "Djam") showed up!

The Hive

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A bee hive was plotting to steal a jar of jam, so Princsss Celestia ("mind changer") had to come and reason with them that stealing was not the way, and gave them a gift of two jars of jam. They were very thankful, and gave her a beautiful box of specially carved gems.
The princess then named them the elements of harmony, and nicknamed them "stolen rocks". Then, in the distant
future, a statue of the bees would be created, out of gems.
But back in the time of the rocks being given, they were placed in the safe of safety.

The End

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After all of that history had happened, it was all collaborated into a picture book, and sadly marked as fantasy. However, some historians are considering it to be true, and most of the public thinks so. But the weird thing about it all is that there is a lot of variation to what the ponies all think of such a story.
But remember the very beggining. Why, none of it would have ever happened if it weren't for "the purple princess", Twilight Sparkle.