> The sign of four > by keithsterling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It 1200 hrs, the Fair White Unicorn Café, Patio Area, Bistro ward, City of Canterlot, and Capital city of Equestria. The Bistro ward is the massive restaurants area in the city of Canterlot it home to numerous restaurants for ponies to eat after attending and leaving performances at the Canterlot Theater and Opera House (It one blocks down from those venues). After a particularly stressful week for Royal Investigator, Alysia Silverlight of investigating dead ends on the current case she is working on. In an attempt to de-stress from all the pressure of the investigation, Alysia called her Grandmother Celestia. She invited her to have lunch with her. Celestia was overjoyed with the invitation from her granddaughter since taking over her father’s position as the Royal Investigator in the Canterlot Military Police Department. Celestia rarely sees her Grandchild around the Royal Palace anymore, and she misses her. 'Grandmother said she would meet me on the corner of Cuisine Road and Cookery Street under a lamp post and she had something to show me.’ Alysia thought as she walks down the sidewalk toward the location that her Grandmother specified for the meeting. As she near the location for the meeting, she spotted a 6ft 5in white pegasi mare with bright golden blonde mane and tail. She was attired in navy blue floral print short sleeve crew neck blouse and black straight leg jeans, why pair of slip-on shoes was on her feet. A silver shoulder bag hung from her shoulder. As Alysia neared the pegasi mare, she turns around and gawks in disbelief. This Pegasi mare was her Grandmother Princess Celestia Silverlight. "Hello, Granddaughter, what do you think of my new mane and tail color. After a thousand years, I decided to change it. I think it suits me better." Celestia said her voice constricted as she waited for her granddaughter's approval. "Do you not like it, Alysia?"Celestia said her voice quavering as it took Alysia a few minutes to wrap her head around her Grandmother's new mane and tail color. "It doesn't matter what color your mane and tail is Grandma. You’re still a breathtaking beautiful Alicorn mare and my Grandmother. Plus, you seem reborn with this new hair color," Alysia said reassuringly as Celestia blush from her granddaughter's approval. "Oh, thank you Grandchild shall we go find a place to have lunch?" Celestia inquiry as Alysia hugs her. With that, the two mares walk down the block to the Fair White Unicorn café. The fair white unicorn café is a small street-side bistro with the most exceptional food and drink in the bistro ward. Alysia came across this small restaurant last time she was on vehicle patrol in the ward and have wanted to try it. Over the next few hours, the two mares talk to each other, till knowing smile forms on Celestia's snout. "You are much stressed, are you not, Grandchild?" Celestia said nonchalantly as Alysia's jaw drops. "How did you know, Grandma?" Alysia inquiries as Celestia signaled the waitress mare to bring her some more tea. "Your Grandfather Prince Justice was the same way. Went his stress level was too high, he would send me a message asking me if I was free for lunch. Because I was the ruling Princess at the time. I would reply to the message saying, 'I was, but we had to have lunch at the palace,' and sure enough at the time I specified he would arrive at the palace to have lunch with me." Celestia explains as the waitress mare brings another small pot of tea to finish her lunch with her granddaughter. As Celestia's empty the last drop of tea from her final pot and before Alysia could lift her MCV up to pay the bill for the meal. Celestia pays off their bill at the restaurant with credits from her own personal account. An annoyed look appears on Alysia's snout as her Grandmother politely chuckles into her hand. She knows that her granddaughter wanted to treat her to lunch and pay off the bill for them. But Celestia has not forgotten it was her own Grandchild that kept her and her sister from spending the rest of their long life in Canterlot Psychiatric Hospital, trying to be cured of being an Alicorn. "Please forgive me, my dear Grandchild I have yet to pay back my debt to you for that leap of fate it my obligation as a Princess of Equestria to pay back my debt to you in full," Celestia explains apologetically as the two mares stood on the sidewalk next to Alysia's CMP patrol car. "I understand Grandma; it just I too have a debt to pay back to you up till you returned Grandma. I didn't know anything about the history of my Royal family. You fill in many questions I had about my family. I know a little bit more about them now." Alysia said gratefully as Celestia's eyes moist with joy from her grandchild appreciation of her. "Chuckles, so it looks like we are both honors bound to pay back our debt to each other. Let talk about it later. Went, will you be back at the palace?" Celestia inquiry as Alysia thought for a little while. "As soon as I can wrap up this current case, I am working on. I'm still royalty in Equestria and must perform my royal duties as a Princess of Equestria. I am hoping to be back at the palace by sometime next week, but that a stretch for this case." Alysia explains as she climbs into her CMP patrol car. "Oh, all right, I am very patient I can wait till you wrap up your case, well, goodbye, granddaughter." Celestia said as her granddaughter drive off back to the department. "Ow!!" Celestia exclaims as she grimaces with a lousy fracture; she got on her delicate Pegasus wing after getting hit by speedy squash ball. Went she and Luna were playing together a version of a ball game they called Alicorn squash. 'I didn't think my wing was that badly fracture I thought I could muscle through it. But I should have listened to Luna and had my wing check out by Blueberry.' Celestia thought as their bloodcurdling scream as Celestia is attacked from behind by a knife-wielding pony. A few hours later, Streets of Canterlot on the way back to Canterlot Military Police Department, Judicature ward, City of Canterlot, and the Capital City of Equestria. "Dispatch to Patrol Vehicle 47-how are you receiving?" CMP Radio dispatcher mare inquiry, "Patrol Vehicle 47-ten 2-loud and clear" Alysia answers "Patrol Vehicle 47-ten 23-stand by for a call," CMP radio dispatcher mare said "Roger dispatch-ten 23-standing by." Alysia answers "Royal Investigator Silverlight-Respond Code 3 lights and sirens to the Bistro Ward assault with deadly weapon call a modified mare has been attacked. It less than an hour old victim of the latest assault en route to the hospital as we speak." CMP Radio Dispatcher mare explains "Roger dispatch-has the victim of the assault been identified?" Alysia inquiry as their a long pause from CMP Radio Dispatcher mare "It was *transmission inaudible*" CMP dispatcher mare said "Ten 1 dispatch-receiving poorly-ten 9 dispatch-repeat." Alysia inquiry "I am sorry your highness the latest victim is Princess Celestia Silverlight. Your grandmother Alysia." CMP dispatcher mare sadden as crying is the only thing heard over the radio from Alysia's unit. "R-r-roger dispatch-patrol vehicle 47-going 902-enroute to the hospital-ten 4-over and out." Alysia said with a hitch in her voice as she stops radio transmission from her unit. Its 1400 hrs main lobby, Palace hospital, royal ward, City of Canterlot, Capital City of Equestria. The main lobby of the palace hospital is ample open space near the entrance of the hospital with numerous corridors leading to a different area of the hospital. As an anxious Alysia walks through the automatic door into the lobby, she runs into her Aunt Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight. Upon leaving a meeting at the Grand Royal Palace with her older siblings. A nurse from the Palace hospital informed Blueberry that severely injured Alicorn was being brought into the hospital. And they need her help as the only specialist in Alicorn medicine in Equestria. At the time, Blueberry had no idea that the severely injured Alicorn was her own mother, Princess Celestia Silverlight. But upon seeing her mother lying on the gurney in the Emergency Room Blueberry set to work stabilizing her mother. So she can send her to the operating room to begin to repair the numerous stab wounds on her mother's back. "Auntie! How is grandma? Is she going to survive?" Alysia's voice becoming high and hysterical. "Please calm yourself, your Grandmother is in the ICU ward. I just finished surgery on her to repair all the stab wounds on her back." Blueberry said she remains calm as she leads Alysia through the hallways of the hospital to the ICU ward. "Grandma!" Alysia's voice explodes out of her in the ICU ward Alysia begin to tear up upon seeing her Grandmother lying unconscious on a bed with an oxygen mask over her snout and hook up to various machines. "Alysia listen to me; your Grandmother is immortal; she can't die. But the shock of being stabbed numerous times in the back threw her body into suspend animation to allow her natural Alicorn healing ability to work and stop the severe bleeding. I have no idea how long your Grandmother will remain unconscious for something like this has never happened to her before." Blueberry explains very calmly and reassuring as she places her hand on Alysia's shoulder. "If you don't believe me. Alysia go squeeze your Grandmother's hand. Like her own foals, she will most likely respond to your touch," Blueberry suggests as Alysia walks over to her Grandmother's bedside. Slowly Alysia reaches down and grasps her Grandmother's hand firmly in her and squeezes it. A moment later, her Grandmother responds by weakly squeezing her granddaughter's hand, tears once again run down Alysia's cheeks soaking Celestia's hand. Secured in the fact that her Grandmother will survive the assault Alysia release her hand and place it on the bed next to her. "Auntie, may I ask your opinion on something?" Alysia inquiry as she stands in front of her aunt Blueberry. "Sure, Alysia, what?" Blueberry answer "This looks like the work of the serial killer that been preying on modified ponies of late. He attacks the victims from behind with some kind of knife. My question is why attack a pure Alicorn mare like Grandmother? She no modified pony as far as I know. This doesn't fit the serial killer pattern. What do you think, Auntie?" Alysia poses the question as Blueberry thought for something before answer her niece. "You know it been a great number of seasons since I last worked on a case file since your father was the Royal Investigator. But anyway. As it is very true, a serial killer doesn't break from its established pattern, it sort of ritual to them. To switch so dramatically to attacking a pure alicorn it unheard of there are only two of them mother and auntie; both of them are immortal. So trying to kill them will not satisfy the killer need the two of them will just come back. But a serial killer does make a mistake and attacks the wrong target that could be a reason for the attack on mother, but that just my opinion, Alysia. It your job to figure out why?" Blueberry explains as they both leave the ICU to allow her Grandmother to rest quietly > Chapter 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Its 15:30 hrs Canterlot City Morgue, basement area, Civilian Sector: Judicature Ward, City of Canterlot, and the Capital City of Equestria. The Canterlot city morgue is a single-story brick building with a basement. The basement area of the city morgue is lit by several fluorescent lights. The floor was lined with several stainless steel tables to perform autopsies. Standing at a silver stainless steel mobile cart in one corner of the room was a beautiful lightly colored dark blue, fully grown unicorn mare. Her crimson red mane and tail were gathered in a tight bun hairstyle to keep it from dragging on the white subway tiled floor of the autopsy room. She was attired in estate blue colored surgical scrubs to protect the dress she wore underneath and booties to protect the shoes on her feet. On her five-fingered hands were two pairs of blue latex gloves. She was flipping through two concluded coroner's reports for two victims of the serial killer. This unicorn mare was Lady Seer Silverlight, the Royal Medical Examiner for the City of Canterlot. A moment later, the swing doors of the autopsy room were opened by Royal Investigator Alysia Silverlight, the great-niece of Royal Medical Examiner Seer Silverlight on her grandfather's side. After talking with her Aunt Blueberry about her Grandmother. She was called by her great aunt Seer to stop by the city morgue because she found something exciting about two of the victims of the serial killer. "Hello, Great Auntie Seer you want to see me," Alysia said friendly as she hugs her great aunt. "I did Great niece I was going back over the first two victims’ coroner report. I didn't notice a certain fact went I concluded it the first time." Seer explains point with her finger at two DNA strands noted in the report. "These two victims the first victim, Mr. Nara North Star, and Miss Deanna Paradise are a brother and sister they share the same parents DNA." Seer explains as Alysia still couldn't figure out why her great aunt called her. "That means nothing to the case Great Auntie these two victims were modified ponies that why the killer targets them." Alysia said bluntly as her great aunt sighed softly at her. As she called up some information in the form of newspaper clippings on a laptop computer next to her and turn it toward Alysia. "That not why I called you Alysia have a look at this brother and sister was the subject of an investigation by your father, went he was the Royal investigator. After I found out I look back over the other case files and discover the fifth victim of the Serial Killer, one Mr. Ashton Lancer was a subject in the same investigation." Seer explains as Alysia reel with astonishment. "What!?" Alysia exclaims "So three of the victims of this Serial Killer were the subjects in an investigation, by my father do you have any more information about this case my father was looking into Great Auntie?" Alysia inquiry as Seer shook her head. "All the information I found out about was of public record. It doesn't reveal the focus of the investigation or why those three particular ponies were the subjects of the investigation in the first place best go talk to your father about it." Seer suggested as Alysia left the city morgue to head to the Grand Royal Palace. It a few hours later, Canterlot Grand Royal Palace, the main foyer of the palace, public area, and the government office's section, Royal Ward, City of Canterlot and Capital City of Equestria After concluding her business with her Great Aunt Seer at the Canterlot City morgue and downloading the news clipping onto her MCV of the case, her father was working on. She drives over to Grand Royal Palace to talk to him about the case he was investigating that involved three of the victims of the killer. Went she arrive at the Grand Royal Palace it is unusually busy today the main foyer of the palace leading into governmental offices section of the palace is packed with ponies waiting for their meeting with governmental officials. It took her good few hours to make it through the main foyer to the Royal family private business area, were her families offices are located. Once in the private business area of the palace's it was clear shot to her father's office across the hall from her Aunt Aurora's office. In the waiting room of her father's office sitting behind a solid oak desk reading a fashion magazine was engaging blue colored unicorn mare with yellow mane streaked with orange wearing a fit and flare skirt suit. This unicorn mare is her father's Executive Secretary, Angeletta Ribbon. "Excuse me, Angeletta is my father in his office today?" Alysia inquiry as Angeletta looks up from her magazine with a startled gasp. "Oh, your highness, I am sorry I didn't hear you come in. How can I help you?" Angeletta inquiry stuffing the magazine back into the drawer of her desk quickly. "It fine, Angeletta I just ask you if my father is in his office today." Alysia inquiry "I am sorry, Alysia but your father is not in his office today there was unexpected important royal business to take care of today. He came into his office, grabbed his briefcase, and ran out. He told me to rearrange his appointment for today. So I am waiting on a few return calls from those appointments, and I am heading home." Angeletta explains as Alysia turns and walks back outside. A moment later in the white-tiled hallway of the Royal family's private business area, a 6ft 10in magnificent looking dark blue colored older unicorn mare with crimson red mane and tail walks out of one of the smaller office in the area. She was attired in a navy blue pantsuit and taupe colored pumps. Across her chest was a leather crossbody bag, and in her hand, she held the handle of a brown briefcase. This older unicorn mare is Lady Serena Silverlight, the other great aunt of Alysia and Canterlot Royal District Attorney. "Huh?" Serena exclaims, spotting Alysia standing outside her father's office a bit disappointed. "Hey, Alysia!" Serena calls catching the attention of her great-niece, who seem to cheer-up a bit upon seeing her Great Aunt Serena come walking toward her. Went Serena is standing in front of Alysia, she hugs her. It's been some time since she last saw her great-niece around the palace. "Hello, Great Aunt Serena." Alysia response backs as she returns her great aunt hug. "Greetings, great-niece what is wrong, Alysia? You don't look too happy about something." Serena comments as she set her briefcase down beside her. "I needed to talk with my father about a case he was investigating went he was the Royal Investigator. It might be important to my case. But he not here." Alysia said, her face drawn. "You know Alysia I have prosecuted several cases for your father that he has investigated, if I was giving the case, I would have the case files in my files. So Alysia, what is the case you are interested in?" Serena's inquiry as Alysia shows her great aunt the newspaper clippings she got from her other great aunt Seer. The newspaper clipping sparks a memory in Serena's mind. "I remember that case, and I do have a case file on it in my office," Serena said bitterly as she picks up her briefcase and heads back to her office, followed by Alysia. Lady Serena Silverlight's office is smaller than Alysia's father's office but beautifully decorated with a hint of mare's hand. The carpeted floor was soft and cushy underfoot a fantastic feeling. As Alysia enters her great aunt's office, she watches her great aunt Serena removes her pumps from her very sore feet and padded around her office barefooted. She explains to Alysia that she been wearing these pumps all day, and she fears that her feet will revolt against her if she didn't remove them soon. Alysia chuckles and tells her great aunt if she was not on duty and wearing boots, she would join her. The two mares have a good laugh together before return to business. With that, Serena sits down in front of her holo computer on her desk. She begins typing on the holographic keyboard, looking for the case number. A moment later, Serena stands back up and walks over to the furthest file cabinet in her office and crouches down in front of it. She pulls the drawer out and rifles through the contents until she retrieved a thick folder. With the folder in hand, she slams the drawer shut with her foot and brings the folder over to her desk. She sets it down in front of her great-niece, who begins to flip through it. "This case is the first one that makes me and your father furious. For several months your father investigated The Sign of Four Company the main business of this company was local real estate during several weeks' buildings owned by the company mysteriously burn down, and the insurance money was collected. Unfortunately, those ponies that rented the units in the buildings were not compensated for the loss they lost everything in the fires." Serena explains as she takes a deep breath before continuing. "Your Grandmother and Great Aunt sadden by ponies that’s lost everything in the fires, order your father to look into the incidents to try and get compensation for them. At the very start of the investigation, the company started to stonewall your father's investigation into the fires. It was not till a mysterious restaurant fire pulled your father away from the company. That went the four owners of the company disappeared with millions of bits in their pockets." Serena said irately as something Alysia's great aunt say got her attention. "Great Auntie Serena, you said that the company had four owners. Only three have been identified and connected to my current case, who was the fourth owner?" Alysia inquiry as Serena flips through file folder for the pictures of the owners. "The fourth owner name was Isis Wishes a unicorn mare and here a picture of her," Serena explains, pointing at a picture of breathtaking beautiful white unicorn mare with a golden blonde mane. "By grandma light she looks like Grandmother," Alysia exclaimed, shocked as Serena looked at Isis Wishes photo. "This unicorn looks nothing like your grandmother Princess Celestia, I am sorry Alysia." Serena correcting as Alysia shook her head. "No, Great Auntie Serena I mean what she looks like now she changes her mane and tail color." Alysia explains bring up the photo she took of her Grandmother went she met her for lunch today. "By Celestia's light. She does look like your Grandmother if you add a pair of wings on her back," Serena explains as Alysia's eyes moist with joy after notice the message from her aunt Blueberry on her MCV. "Great niece, why are you crying?" Serena inquiry noticing the tears running down Alysia's cheeks. "Grandma is conscious and talking," Alysia said joyfully as she quickly explains to her Grand Aunt Serena what happen to her Grandmother, that she was attacked by the killer who thought Alysia's Grandmother was this Isis wishes. > Chapter 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Its hour later that same day, Palace hospital, Royal ward, City of Canterlot, Capital city of Equestria, Princess Celestia's Private hospital room, fourth floor of the hospital. The hospital room that Princess Celestia Silverlight now occupies is a single occupant room on the fourth floor of the Palace hospital. Due to the high profile of Blueberry's mother, the former ruler of Equestria, she opted to assign her mother's continuous recovery to the more secure fourth floor of the Palace hospital. It the only floor with its own security forces to protect the high profile patients. Laying on her hospital bed talking to her sister Luna on her vid-phone was Celestia; her sister just learned that she was attacked. "How are you, sister?"Luna inquiry "I am still a bit sore, Luna. But ok." Celestia answers as she notices Alysia walking into the room. "Good to hear, sister." Luna replies "I'll call you back, Luna. Alysia just arrived." Celestia explains as she hangs up her vid-phone as Alysia approaches her bedside. "I am sorry that I worried you, grandchild, I did feel you squeezing my hand in my condition all I could do was that weak return squeeze," Celestia said apologetically as Blueberry told her everything that happens went she came to. "Ow!" Celestia exclaimed as she clamped her eyes shut went Alysia hug her a bit too tight, as she still very tender on her back and wings from the attack. Quickly Alysia released her grandmother from her hug as Celestia's knuckle turned white. "I am sorry grandma." Alysia apologetic as Celestia shook her head. "No Grandchild, it fine. This old alicorn will take a little longer to heal her wounds than normal, but after that, I'll be that much more huggable. Beside that grandchild, you have something to talk to me about?" Celestia comments as she gently lay back on the pillows behind her as Alysia shook her head. "Did you see your attacker Grandma?" Alysia inquiry "No, I didn't Alysia I was standing on the curb with my back turned waiting for the cab to arrive to pick me up and take me back home. I couldn't fly back home on my own, so I called a cab to pick me up." Celestia explains as Alysia enter the statement into her MCV. "Well, that confirms what I suspected the attacker mistook you, grandma, for some pony else, because your back was turned," Alysia explains as Celestia gawk in disbelief. "Mistaken me for some pony else! What?" Celestia said as she gazes in shock. "I just learned about it myself. Three of the victims of the Serial Killer where suspects in a case that father was working on dealing with The Sign of Four Company. The fourth suspect was unicorn mare that looks kind a like you Grandma if the pattern holds she modified herself with a pair of wings." Alysia explains as Celestia gasps, the name sparks a memory in her grandmother. "That case you mentioned involving the Sign of Four Company, it was series of mysterious fires that struck properties own by the company, correct," Celestia said, remembering the case. "That right grandma, you and Great Auntie are the ones that assign father the case. Is there anything you can tell me about the case Grandma that can help me?" Alysia inquires as she looks at her grandmother. "Only what your father noted in his second to final report to the crown at the last fire scene The Herbaceous restaurant a badly burned body was found in the kitchen of the establishment. Very close to the starting point of the fire, a stove with hot grease fryer was left unattended." Celestia said as Alysia noted the statement on her MCV. After carefully hugging her grandmother. Alysia left Celestia’s hospital room and head back to the medical examiner's office to talk to her grand aunt seer again. Its 1800 hrs, many years earlier, Herbaceous Restaurant (closing time), Bistro ward, City of Canterlot, Capital city of Equestria, the kitchen of the restaurant. Walking about the empty kitchen checking that everything was turned off was an attractive ash gray body earth pony mare with white mane and tail. Her athletic 5ft 6in equine figure was attired in white short-sleeve knit polo shirt and blue inspire straight regular fit jeans. Why on her ten-inch long ash gray bare feet were black round-toed clogs. This earth pony mare was Chef Natasha Cuisinier, the owner and head chef of the herbaceous restaurant. She relocated from Stalliongrad to Canterlot to pursue the dream of owning her own restaurant. A moment later, a brilliant amber colored earth pony stallion with light gray mane and tail walks into the kitchen and up to Natasha wrapping his arms around her waist before kissing her on her cheek. His athletic 5ft 7in equine figure was attired in a white short-sleeve polo shirt and dark gull gray cargo jeans. Why on his eleven-inch long amber colored socked feet were black slip-on shoes. This earth pony stallion was a Restaurateur David Cuisinier co-owner of herbaceous restaurant and Natasha's husband. "Is everything secured, Natasha?" David inquiry as she shook her head. "Da! Yes, David." Natasha said in a Russian accent as she turns around to kiss him. "It hard to believe Natasha that two short years ago, you were just a simple and underpaid Sous chef working at a small restaurant in Stalliongrad. The head chef at the restaurant makes sure that you stay as an underpaid Sous Chef. By calling all your wonderful dishes his own and gave you no credit for your hard work." David comment as Natasha shook her head a few times. "It was his ego that finally did him in. He didn't like the fact that his customers started to question the dishes he put out. To prove a point, he fired me from the restaurant. Last I heard about the head chef is that he got several customers sick at his restaurant and was finally forced to close." Natasha explains as the two earth ponies walk to the front of the house. "Then, one month later, as I was looking for a certain restaurant to review in Stalliongrad. I ran into you looking for a job as a cook. You told me that all the dishes that the head chef did at the restaurant was your work. To test it, I took you to one of my friend's restaurant and ask him to allow you to cook in his kitchen. You brought out the most wonderful dish. My friend says if you work for him, he will teach you how to make this wonderful dish into a great dish." David explains as the two earth ponies climb into the car and drive back home. Its a few hours later (present), Canterlot City Morgue, Medical Examiner office, Civilian Sector: Judicature Ward, City of Canterlot, and Capital City of Equestria. "Grandma mentioned something about a badly burned body that was found at the herbaceous restaurant at the last fire scene. Do you have any information regarding that case, Aunt Seer?" Alysia asks as Seer begins typing on her holographic keyboard, looking for the case number on her holo computer in front of her. "Why do you want to know about that case, great-niece?" Seer asked as she found the case number, and she walked over to the furthest file cabinet in her office and crouches down in front of it. "The Sign of Four Company is the only thing that connects the three killings and the assault on Grandma (a tear comes to her eye)," Alysia said her voice a lifeless monotone as Seer sets the case file on her desk "Great niece, your grandma is no normal mare. She knows you are trying your best to find out who did this. I see so much of my late brother in you. It sometimes very scary if you think about it. You and my brother have that same look in your eyes. No matter what, you will close this case and solve it." Seer said encouraging as Alysia took hold of the case file. "Thank you, great Aunt Seer. I needed that." Alysia thankful "You are welcome, great-niece." Seer said "The body was so badly burned it was unrecognizable. It was not until it was brought to the morgue that I was able to identify it as an earth pony mare. As I continued the autopsy, I discovered that the mare's lungs had no soot in them. This means that the earth pony mare was dead already before the fire started." Seer explains as the vid-phone on Alysia's MCV rings, and she answers it. Slowly the holographic head of gorgeous Alicorn stallion with crimson red mane springs to life in front of Alysia and Seer in mid-air. "Greetings, daughter, and Aunt Seer. Angeletta told me you were looking for me to ask me about something?" Somnus said as a smile form on Alysia's snout. "Yes, father," Alysia said "And what was it, Alysia?" Somnus inquiry "Father, you investigated the Sign of Four Company, did you not?" Alysia inquiry as Somnus turns a cold eye on. "The Sign of Four Company! May I know why daughter?" Somnus said indignantly as Alysia has never seen her father this mad. "Three of the owners from Sign of Four Company were killed by the serial killer I am looking for. Grandma was attacked by the same serial killer." Alysia explained as Somnus' mood changed from anger to shock from the news. A moment later, Somnus turn his head away from the holo camera, and Alysia heard her father call her Aunt Aurora's name. A moment later, a second holographic head of gorgeous Alicorn mare with crimson red mane springs to life next to Somnus. "Greetings, niece, and Aunt Seer. Why did you call me, brother?" Aurora inquiry. "Our mother was attacked by the serial killer my daughter is looking for," Somnus comments as Aurora gasps. "What!? Mama! How is our mother doing Alysia?" Aurora inquiry with a hitch in her voice. "She is recovering in the Palace hospital, Auntie." Alysia comment as a tear runs down Aurora's cheek. "If you have no objection, brother, this meeting in Mustangia is not as important as our mother is, let postpone it and head back to Canterlot." Aurora looking toward her brother. "I have no objection to your request, Your Highness. I fully agree with your decision, sister." Somnus comment as Aurora shook her head in agreement. "Very good your highness, let repack and head back to Canterlot. And Alysia, please do nothing more until me, and your father returns to Canterlot. I overheard your father mention the Sign of Four Company. It was my Solar Guard fugitive recovery unit that allows the four owners to slip out of Canterlot and disappear with all those bits in their pockets. That case is personal." Aurora said coldly as her holographic head disappeared from the holo camera. "Huh, father? Great Aunt Serena never mentions that Aunt Aurora Solar Guard was trying to find them." Alysia comments as Somnus sighed. "After the four owners disappeared, I asked your aunt Aurora to use her fugitive recovery unit to try and locate the four owners. By the time the arrest warrant made it into your aunt's hands, the four owners escape from Canterlot and disappeared. Your aunt has not forgotten that." Somnus explains as he hangs up the holo phone. Its 1700 hrs that same day (present), Illustriousness apartment, Apt 30, Penumbra ward, City of Canterlot, Capital city of Equestria. In apartment thirty, a breathtaking beautiful pale fuchsia-colored modified unicorn mare with a golden blonde mane and tail paces back and forth nervously, the holo set in her apartment is set to the Equestria News Network. The reporter states that four modified ponies have been murdered by a serial killer. Three of the murder victims were her old partners from the Sign of Four Company. This modified unicorn mare was Miss Isis Wishes, the second most senior partner in the Sign of Four Company. "No, I knew this was a bad idea returning to Canterlot from Peurto Cabello. But that stupid mareizer Ashton Lancer would get in trouble with the mayor's daughter. I had a cushy hacienda in the city and enough bits to live out my new life. But no, his big mouth set off an investigation by the local police force. To make things worse, a married couple from Solar Guard unit were on their vacation in the city. The local police force asks them for their assistance." Isis said fiercely as their knock on her apartment door. "Who is it?!" Isis calls "Speedy filly Pizza Delivery for Miss Dia Yen." The voice on the other side of the door calls as Isis Wishes answer the door. "It about time (face stricken) it can be, you!" Isis wishes scream as the next sound is the window breaking as delivery pony push Isis Wishes out the window of her apartment. Tossing the baseball cap and pizza box onto a nearby table was aging but handsome, brilliant amber colored earth pony stallion with light gray mane and tail. His 5ft 7in fit equine figure was attired in a red short-sleeve polo shirt and gray slim fit jean. On his eleven inches long foot were black sneakers. "It finally over, my beloved Natasha. Those four have paid for their crime of killing you." The delivery pony said as he quickly leaves the apartment. > chapter 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Its 2100 hrs that same night, Illustriousness apartment, Death investigation street in front of the Illustriousness apartment, Penumbra ward, City of Canterlot, Capital city of Equestria. The streets in front of the Illustriousness apartment was swarming with Canterlot Military Police Department personnel went a citizen report to emergency services that he heard a mare screaming and a loud crash soon after. Sometime later, a CMP patrol unit arrived at the scene to discover the dead body of modified unicorn mare apparently the victim of a suicide. Walking about the crime scene investigating was a gorgeous light blue colored Alicorn mare with crimson red mane and tail, a single light pink-stripe ran through her mane to her tail. Her shapely 6ft 6in equine figure was attired in the gunmetal gray nano-suit of the Solar Guard tactical unit. On her head behind her horn was a black beret with a gold sun pin and folded on her back were her light blue feathered bird wings. On her, ten-inch long light blue bare feet were the nano-suit integrated boots. Around her slender waist was a utility belt with holster containing the special force tactical pulse pistol. This mare was Grand Princess of the Sun Aurora Silverlight. But in the Solar Guard tactical unit nano-suit, no civilian pony has figured out that this mare is the ruling princess of all Equestria. She walks up to a second gorgeous light blue colored unicorn mare with crimson red mane and tail a single light pink-stripe ran through her mane to her tail. Her athletic 5ft 8in equine figure was attired in the aqua-colored nano-suit of the Solar Guard medical unit. On her head behind her horn was a black beret with a gold sun pin. On her, ten-inch long light blue bare feet were the nano-suit integrated boots. Around her waist was a utility belt with holster containing the special force tactical pulse pistol. This mare was Grand Princess of love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight. But in the Solar Guard medical unit nano-suit, no civilian pony has figured out that this mare is the former ruling princess of the Crystal Empire. "Any preliminary thoughts, Blueberry?" Aurora inquiry as her younger sister turns toward her. "Not much Aurora, she died on impact went her neck broke. My guess four hours ago as rigor mortis has set in. Her muscles have not relaxed yet." Blueberry explains as she gestured two medic ponies to take the body to the Canterlot city morgue. "Makes sense Blueberry, the call came in at little bit after 1700 hrs. The closes unit was several miles away." Aurora explains as she looks up toward a broken window on the third floor of the apartment building. Meanwhile, in the apartment was gorgeous light blue colored Alicorn stallion with crimson red mane and tail, a single light pink-stripe ran through his mane to his tail. His athletic 6ft 2in equine figure was attired in the gunmetal gray nano-suit of the Solar Guard tactical unit. On his head behind his horn was a black beret with a gold sun pin and folded on his back were his light blue feathered bird wings. On his eleven and one-sixth inch, long light blue bare feet were the nano-suit integrated boots. Around his waist was a utility belt with holster containing the special force tactical pulse pistol. This stallion was Grand Prince of the moon Somnus Silverlight. But in the Solar Guard tactical unit nano-suit, no civilian pony has figured out that this stallion is the current ruler of the moon throne. In the apartment with Somnus was very lovely looking lavender colored unicorn/siren mare with sky blue mane and tail. Her athletic 5ft 10in equine figure was attired in the navy blue nano-suit of the Canterlot Military Police department. On her head behind her horn was a dark blue beret with letters stenciled in white that reads CMP. On her, ten-inch long lavender-colored bare feet were the nano-suit integrated boots. Around her fit waist was a utility belt with holster containing the police special pulse pistol. This mare was Grand Princess Alysia Ara Silverlight. "Daughter, did you find anything?" Somnus calls as he studies the pizza box with cold pizza inside and a delivery pony baseball cap on top of the table. "I might have father!" Alysia calls back as she walks out of the bedroom with a large suitcase that was hidden in the closet. "A suitcase, I hope you scanned the area before you took the suitcase out of the location , Alysia?" Somnus inquiry as Alysia set the suitcase on top of the small sofa in the living room. "I did father, it was hidden in the closet of the bedroom," Alysia explains as Somnus scan the closed suitcase before opening it. "Scan done Alysia. Go ahead and open it." Somnus said as Alysia flip open the claps before opening the case. On top section were three pockets and a small buttoned pocket. On the bottom, half were folded clothes and a pair of brown huarache sandals. After her father scanned the interior of the suitcase, Alysia carefully searches through the contents of the bag. "Item one: several folded sundresses of various colors." Alysia dictated, as her father recorded his daughter's notes on his MCV. "Item two: a mare's size nine brown huarache sandals, heavily used the shape of mare's ten-inch long footprints, can be clearly seen on the insole of the sandal." Alysia dictated "Item three: A small brown zipped bag containing toiletries." Alysia dictated "Under the mentioned items is the substance that feels like sand will send the substance to the Solar Guard Crime Laboratory for analysis. The substance will be placed in three different small plastic bags mark and signed." Alysia dictated as her father hands, Alysia three small empty plastic bags with a small brush to collect the substance. "Top half of the suitcase: Large pocket-nothing in the top pocket." Alysia dictated "Top half of the suitcase: second pocket-nothing in the second pocket." Alysia dictated "Top half of the suitcase: buttoned pocket. Opening the buttoned pocket: inside the buttoned pocket is a passport issued from Puerto Cabello to a Dia Yen. Miss Dia Yen is a modified unicorn mare." Alysia dictated as she hands the passport to her father so he can scan the code to authenticate the document. "Huh? This passport has been flagged by the Puerto Cabello Police Department and Puerto Cabello Solar Guard unit. Miss Dia Yen is to be arrest on the spot and beheld for possible bank fraud charges." Somnus explains as Alysia blinks with surprise. "Huh! But father, how did she get into Canterlot if her passport is flagged by Puerto Caballo police force and the Solar Guard." Alysia inquiry as her father waved the passport in the air. "By the train and under a different name. Traveling on the train doesn't require you to show your passport. As long as you have a ticket and a name to put on the passenger manifest. You can move around Equestria on the rails." Somnus explains as he bagged the passport in medium plastic bags sealed and signed it. Its 1500 hrs Canterlot City Morgue, the following day, basement area, Civilian Sector: Judicature Ward, City of Canterlot, and the Capital City of Equestria. In the autopsy room of the Canterlot City Morgue, both Royal Coroner Blueberry Swirl Silverlight and Medical Examiner Seer Silverlight finish up processing the body of suicide victim Dia Yen, so they may finish filling out the Death Certificate. So they can release the body to the funeral home. "Not much left Blueberry, just have to finish up the Death Certificate. I do hate having to list the manner of death as a suicide." Seer said discourage as Blueberry scans the fingerprint of Dia Yen to recheck them on her MCV. "I know the feeling Auntie Seer. I have seen too many ponies head down this final route at my Royal hospital. I have sent them to seek help at the Royal Crystal Mental Hospital in Canterlot. But very few of them actually do, I can't force them to seek help. That why it always sad to see it happen." Blueberry said agitated as the alarm on her MCV sounds after scanning the fingerprints into AFIS. "Say what! Auntie Seer!" Blueberry yells as Seer join Blueberry next to the mare's body inside a body bag. "What is it, niece?" Seer inquiry as Blueberry blinks with surprise with the results of AFIS hit on her MCV. "These fingerprints don't belong to Miss Dia Yen. They belong to Miss Isis Wishes. The Primary owner of the Sign of Four real estate company. Their arrest warrant issued out of Canterlot by my brother Somnus. From the issue date, the statute of limitations for her crime would have expired at the end of the week. She would be free and clear for her crime." Blueberry explains as Seer's eyes widen with alarm, and a moment later, Blueberry turns a cold eye on the body of Miss Isis Wishes in front of her. "Damn it! How is this justice! That Sign of Four Company hurt so many ponies! Aurora blamed herself for letting the owners escape Canterlot and disappear!" Blueberry said viciously, grabbing a scalpel off the metal cart with medical instruments and raises it in the air. "Blueberry stop!" Seer exclaims, gripping hold of her niece's wrist to prevent her from driving the scalpel into Isis Wishes' face disfiguring it. "I know how you feel, Blueberry. I, your aunt Serena and your father justice had a case like this. The criminal would get a lighter sentence or none at all. We sometimes thoughts the law was working against us. But your father would look to us and said 'the law is indeed blind. But we can't be sisters. It our job to hold those that break the law accountable.' " Seer said reassuringly as she took the scalpel out of Blueberry hand and placed the instrument on the rolling table once again. It 2100 hrs Canterlot City Morgue, that evening, Parking lot, Civilian Sector: Judicature Ward, City of Canterlot, and the Capital City of Equestria. "Greetings, brother." Seer said friendly as she speaks to a tall pony standing in the shadows. "Greetings, little sister." The stallion said as she presses a button on the key fob, opening the driver's side door of her hover car. "Is there something you want me to do, brother? In that case, you are looking into?" Seer asked, tossing her purse onto the passenger seat of her hover car. "Their a body of a crystal pony mare being sent to your morgue from the Crystal Empire. The manner of death is undetermined. She was discovered with a mask of terror on her face at her home in Crystal City. Call mother to bring you the Celestial Alicorn portable cortex scanner and scan her gray matter. There should be remnants of a psychic weapon in her brain." The stallion explains as Seer gasps with the thought. "A Psychic weapon!" Seer exclaims as dark blue five-fingered handed flips a palm into the air. "Yes, Seer. Some pony is messing with psychic weapons. We Celestial Alicorn know what will happen if the weapon goes rogue." The stallion comments as Seer slams her fist on the roof of her hover car. "Pandemonium." Seer exclaim climbing into her hover car and drive off.