Fluttershy's story

by QueenCartoony

First published

"He lulled me into a false sense of security...left message in snow reading 'I dare you to love again'

This story is from the 3rd episode of friendship is witchcraft and I've always thought of making a fanfict about it. But here is the feeling of being fluttershy during those stages of events.

Character Fluttershy and her dragon father belong to Sherclop pones on YouTube

The Dragon's my father!

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"Ugh" someone said in a deep and anger-ridden tone.

"Finally that bitch is gone. Never coming back in here to steal my gems, gold or my life."

A fist clenched, showing a sign of rage co ming from a dark crimson claw, all four fingers coming together and balming into a fist. Unbunching the fist, the dragon put the hand down, snorting out a steam of air. After a bit, he picked up the phone that was in his claw before and started to dial. The phone was silent before a ringing started. The dragon pressed a button on the phone and placed it on the side of his head.

Piercing his golden reptilian like eyes, he waited. He stared off into the distance a bit, seeing his cave and looking at his precious valuables. What beauties they are. When looking over them, confidence and pride swelled in his chest, and he enjoyed the feeling. He remembered his times as a young drake, winning battles agains other dragon, cheating sometimes just to get what their gold, sometimes even stealing it. No one caught him most times but if they did surely they just didn't care since that was how dragon culture was. In a corner, it was stacked off with tons and tons of golden bits aligned with pearl necklaces and some hordes of gems.

In the middle of the pile, a bit of coins moved, seeming like something was under it. The dragon didn't move, knowing whatever was their would be frightened to their death when they saw him. A head poped out soon after, causing coins to move left and right around the thing. The thing that was in the pile was a pony head, habing two innocent turqoise eyes. The pony was yellow, having a pastel pink mane on the side of her face, almost covering her right eye. Ignoring anything else the dragon stared at the pony, seeming like he knew the horse.

The pony, or erm pegasus apperently as they moved upwards, flared open their wings and smiled wide. The dragon looked at the horse an finally remembered something, that was his and his ex wifes kid. 'I can't beilieve that stupid bitch left her here just to fucking get me' he thought angrily. Opening his palm and putting it down he rolled his eyes and growled again. He'll have to do something with her. He moved his claw onto his arm from his annoyance. After a bit he started moving his finger up and down. The dragon was about to grind his teeth and screm into the phone before a voice came on.


"Hi, hello yes, I was calling to you about the proposition you had for me."


The dragon calling stomped his foot a bit,waiting for the other to answer. 'Don't tell me he forgot about the deal, I nearly forgot about the kid' he thought.

"You mean, when I said I had some rare yellow rubies and you said you had something else to trade?"

"Yeah. I have something for ya" he said while grinning. "how about a little filly?"

The other dragon stayed silent, in shock at what his friend was asking.

"Umm dude, uuH what am I gonna do with a little baby pony? Plus, what if other ponies come and try to take it back?" Questioned the one on the other side of the phone.

"Don't worry and listen. She perfect for you man, just perfect. She can fly long period of time and distances, can carry at least 10 pounds of gems and she knows more than she shows. Look, it'd be a bargain if she went with you and traded me those rubies. You'd have a valuable helper on your side, plus she's never seen any other stupid pony, aside from her mother, but that rat isn't coming back for a fact, so if any other horse comes over she'll definetly stay with you" he explained.

The dragon on the otherside paused again, thinking and weighing his options. Take a small pegasus and have her be a worker on his side and carry his rubies. Well, he has been finding neat places where gems are but hasn't been able to get all of them in one run. Having the pony around would help him get his entire stick before the other dragons got there.

"Mmm actually, that sounds like a deal."

The red dragon smiled wider, glad to get persuade the bargain onto his friend.

"I'm wanting to do the deal today so i'll come over to your place and just get her and trade with ya-"

"No" the father blurted. He didn't want anyone to come to his cave. Not because of him being embarrassed about his cave or anything. Or just suddenly hating everone because of his divorce. It's that he didn't want anyone else to see how perfect it was. If they did then he'd try and steal most of it. But instead of having him comeover, what could he do?

"I mean, no I'm busy today but I'll cut you a deal. I'll put her in the nearby snow region where you can pick her up whenever. She'll be fine there and be waiting patiently just for you."

The dragon on the other side chuckled.

"Hehehe well sounds like a plan. I'll pick her up later today. Now where was that place again?"

He put a claw under his chin and scratched it, trying to remember and snowy places he's been too.

"UgH it was where your last birthday party was."

"Wait really? Ohhhhhh yaya I remember now."

"Alright, I'll put the kid down and go back to my ahem duties. Just put the rocks in the closed off places in the cave. Once you get their you'll see them" he explained.

"Alright by dude!"


Putting the phone down and pressing another button, he grumbled, putting aside the phone.

The dragon looked over to the pony who had changed his place. She was now next to the dragons side, measuring up to his foot. The pegasus turned her head to the foot and looked at the claws. She took both her hooves out and over and grabbed the foot tightly. Squeezing it more and more she opened her mouth and started bitting and sucking.

The father smiled.

"Aww how eager you are." He placed a claw on top of her head and pet it.

He then took the pony in his giant claws, pushing her into her palm and curled his claws onto her.

"We need to get some things for you first, filly" he talked silently to himself. He moved his legs, going to only where he knew. He did say that the pony would be able to survive on her own, but didn't explain. He went to his makeshift 'kitchen', something his wife whinned about needing. Looking at the fridge, sink and the mirror, she looked down and saw the tool that he needed, the hatchet.

He moved his other claw out and grasped onto the weapon. He turned around and left without saying a word. Next, he would need something else that would help the child. While walking, the pegasus pony moved her head left and right until she poked her head out. She looked up, not being able to see well because of her hair covering her eye. Her father ignored it, not know what his daughter had done or felt it.

After walking a bit more the dragon came into an area of trees. He looked up and squinted, as if he was looking for something. moving his head up, to the left, to the left more he then stopped and widened his eyes. Taking the hand that had the hatchet, he grabbed onto a long thin thing. There was a slight tug and the rope came down slowly and rested onto the claw. The father turned around and opened his other arm, the one with the pony. The pony saw the chance and got up, opening her wings and flapping them.

Her father stared at her, then started to talk. "Listen, come follow me. I'll be taking you to see my, friend heh and you'll be staying with him for a bit."

The pegasus mare looked at her father, turning her face and looking timid. She said in a low, and innocent voice. "U-um okay."

Turnung around the red dragon flared up his wings and went into the sky. The sudden rush of wind caused some nearby trees to shake. After a few seconds they stopped though. Fluttershy looked at the dragging flying in the aor and started to follow him.

When she came close to him, she looked at his body, remembering the times she would cuddle up against him, snuggling and feeling the warmth of his body heat, before feeliing a rush of cold from the icy floor her father pushed her onto.

Ever time she'd snuggle up to him he'd do that. Every. Single. Time. But that made her feel...mad? No, why was she mad at her dad? Maybe he's mad because he's been stressed. And then she just wants to feel the same. Well it's over right now at least. But she heard what was happening in the phone call. She was being taken to a place that had snow? That might be good, whatever snow was, and someone else was taking her? But her dad was goinng to get rubbies. Rubies are really pretty. They're nice and red like her Daddy but not as dark as him. Maybe she could steal another ruby withput him looking this time.

The dragon went down to the Snow, placing all four claws down, along with his body. The pegasus saw this and quickly went to the floor too, but went a bit too fast and crashed into the snow.

"Here" grumbled her father behind her and let go of the axe and rope.

"You'll be going to my pal, he's another dragon and you'll stay with him forever."

The father stared at her one last time, meeting his golden angrily lidded eyes and meetimg her confused, baby blue eyes.

He blinked once, then decided to turn around and fly back home.

Left in the Frozen Tundra with nothing but a hatchet and a length of rope

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Chapter two

Fluttershy watched as her father and last remaining care taker few off into the sky, doing a few loops before finally taking off into the air. Fluttershy watched him, not noticing in the slightest what her father had just done to her.

She stared into the air more and more, watching incase her father decided to come back and get her, incase he was coming to get his rubies. Maybe he'll be back in a day, which isn't really that long she thought.

The pony turned her body around, facing her body foward and head upwards. Just like her Dad said, she'd sit and wait for him, and stay right here. Right in the ground. The cold, cold, cold ground. The little itzy bits white things that came from the clouds and pressed onto her fur, made her shiver. It kinda reminded her of home, like where she sleeped.

She turned around and touched the snow, grabbing it and spreading it with her hoof. The pink maned mare turned her head and watched her hoof, slowly growing more bored and bored of her actions.

After 5 minutes, she stopped and just stared at the snow, looking at the clumps and the indent she made in the snow.

The pegasus got another idea. She fell down into the snow, open arms and open wings, not caring if the cold would envelope her fur. This reminded her again of her times with her dad, when she would hug him tightly and so very lovingly but woulf never get the jesture back.

She turned her head to the side, remembering her dad saying someone was going to pick her up. Where were they? Maybe they didn't know she was there.

The mare got up quickly, wanting to see if anyone was there. Maybe the dragon was already coming soon? She opened her wings and got up in the air, looking to see if the "friend" was coming. No one was seen. The yellow mare put her hoof on her head, trying to get a better look from the snow. She might have to look higher. Flying higher and higher her head hit something. She stopped and looked up, but didn't see what it was.

"O-okay i'm gonna try something."

She flew down slowly, going at a verticle and down by about 15 feet, until she could see the top of the cave.

"Alright, one. Two. Three!!!"

The yellow pony flew as fast as she could, stretching out her hooves far, so so far that she could almost see her arms curl. Her wings were aching a bit from her not stretching before, but she ignored it.

Ignoring the pain and the snow in her face along with her mane, her speed went faster and faster and faster until...BOOM.

The yellow and pink pony landed head first into the wall. Her head was hit onto a hard, curved surface. Her wings froze and her body felt stiff, causing the mare to freeze and start falling. The mare didn't feel much until she hit the cold, cold, FREEZING snow, only having the it to break her fall.

An hour later, a yellow pony opened her eyes, groaning and blinking heavily from the pain of her trying to escape. The pony held both her hooves firm to the ground and pushed her body, escilating it up until her whole head was put off the snow. She moved her head more and more until the tips of her hooves were almost off the ground.

Slowly, she opened her eyes, moving one hoof to the side of her head and another to her legs, making her back lean over. Moving her hoof to her noggin' she felt around her temple, checking if there was a bump or anything. Nothing was their, luckily.

The filly put her hoof down, happy that there was nothing wrong with her. But besides that, what was she doing? Motioning a hoof to to chin she thought, and tried remembering what she was doing before. The long haired pony stopped motioning her hoof and looked, remebering that she was searching for her fathers friend, whatever he looked like. But above her was...something.

She moved her head up, squinting her eyes and being a bit mad from what had just occured. Her stomach rumbled, making her look down and listen as it growled. The pony looked back up and frowned. She was so hungry! Her father had forgoten to feed her this morning, like he has been doing since mommy hasn't been with them. It feels like he was forgetting her purposely. Oh well, at least he didn't forget her this time.

Then, randomly a butterfly came by into the distance, coming 10 miles off, then coming 5, then 1, then it landed on her face. The pony looked at the butterfly, suddenly feeling the urge to want it. A breif dull flash came up below her, the pony looked down and saw her left cheek, covered with butterflies. The pony gasped and grinned, getting up and flying.


The butterfly, startled by the action, started to fly away, before a rush of wind flew her back, landing it into a wet, and damp place, that smelt of stink. The butterfly, not wanting to be here any longer, started to walk out until the pony closed her mouth. The butterfly, having her limb on the teeth of the pony before, started freaking out, trying and pulling and tugging and squirming until she heard a noise.


The butterfly took her arm back and licked with her long tounge, noticing that her arm was gone! The butterfly was about to try and scramble to an exit until, a warm and long thing from beneath her pushed her up and back, going down more and more.

The yellow and pink mare burped, putting a hoof over her mouth and excusing herself. When finished swallowing and not at all realizing or caring what she had just swallowed, she look back at her new cutiemark. It had three butterflies, two going the same way and the other going another way. The yellow pony was so thrilled and happy, but she also wondered what it ment for her. Most ponies, when they got their cutiemark had made their own name from it, just liker her mom who had a cutie mark of a boat and her name was Sailor Ginger. But her Dad who was a dragon never had one. She didn't know if dragon's would get cutie marks, and she would never know.

Moving away from that, she had to think of a name for herself. 'Let's see...' she said in her mind. She would be mostly shy around ponies, but she only did that to trick them into getting what she would want, just like her Father! Except, he knew how to do it better. But okay Shy would be shown in her name, making it even more obvious that she was quiet and innocent.

"What else?" She questioned herself. What else explained who she was. What was the thing she had in common with her and her last parent. What was a thing that she would use to her advantage if any means necce-

Her wings stiffened and she looked back at them, feeling them being covered with snow and- wait. Of course! She could be named "Fluttershy!"

Flutter-meaning fly like what she could do with her wings, and Shy- meaning she was quiet infront of people and around people. It was perfect!

Fluttershy yawned, suddenly wanting to go to sleep. She didn't realize it but during this time, her mother would tell her to go to sleep. The yellow pony looked around, seeing a cave, the one that her father talked about. Picking up her body again she slowly started walking to the cave. Fluttershy walking in, she noticed that there seemed to be a torch that had a small flame on it. Once she was near it, she curled into a ball,and slept under it.


It had been a week since her father had left her, and a week since she had seen anyone. After the next day and sitting outside and waiting, she decided to count how many days she had been out there. Right now she had 5 in counting, just starting to mark the cross in the snow with the end of her axe.

It was okay though, she still believed that her fathers friend would come and pick her up. Maybe he had just forgoten and today he was going to come. She really wanted to leave this place, she didn't like it very much. She ignored the feeling of wanting to leave and thought about happier things, like her mom.

She was so nice and calm, aside from when she was arguing with dad. During the day, she'd want to go on picnic and even go on boating trips and try to teach her to boat, until her father came and crashed it and started arguing about stuff.

Fluttershy looked at the tallies. They were long and embedded deep into the snow, as if she didn't want them to go away or be forgotten. She probably wouldn't have remembered them if they did vanish. Her stomach rumbled, making her look down and look at it. She seemed to have lost some weight from not having much of anything.

"Mmmmmm" she said, realizing something.

Wolf Robots Were Made By Father To Lul Me Into A False Sense Of Security

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Warning: cursing/gore will be in this chapter, read with caution

Fluttershy realized something.

Usually her Mommy or Dad would give her food. Sometimes when Dad would be alone with her, he'd teach her how to catch other animals. Fluttershy thought it was really cool. He'd hide into the giant bush that was strangley his exact size and hide behind it. Fluttershy sat next to the bush, watching and waiting to see what her dad would do. After a minute or 2 a rabbit would come out, followed by her dad throwing himself onto the rabbit.

The young pony got closer and watched on hesetant hooves what her father was doing to the white fur covered animal. He brought two fingers together with a piece of rope wrapped around each end. Holding down the rabbit with his elbow, he moved both fingers under the chin until it came to the back. He then tightly and quickly moved the ropes ends on the back and pass each other. As her father pulled tighter, the bunny slowly stopped moving his arms and started to close his eyes. After one more tight grasp of a rope choking a rabbit to death, the dragon let go of the thing. He looked at his work, enjoying his finished result. The dragon turned around looked at Fluttershy, as if waiting for something. Fluttershy looked back in her childlike eyes, then looked down at the rabbit wondering what else he would do with the rabbit, then looked back up at him. This would be the first time he cursed at her.

"Give me the fucking axe."

Fluttershy stared at her father, not knowing if that was an insult or not. She followed the instructions though and picked up the axe, giving it to him.

The dragon moved his forefinger and grabbed the axe quickly. Not muttering another word he turned around and looked at the axe. It was small in comparison to him, but was still as deadly. Gripping it, he moved his arm up a bit before throwing it down and stabbing deep into the corpse.

Blood splattered around almost immediately. When it came in contact with his scales, it seemed like it blended in with him. But it did different to his daughter.

It was easily seen, spreading in little dots all in front of her face. As a child, this was the first time she had also seen blood and murder.

Fluttershy thought back to the present, finishing her memory. Maybe this could help her in some way?

Fluttershy moved and opened her wings. She spaced them out more, along with her body and started stretching. Since she was at the tundra, she again hadn't moved around much and she had to get at least some exercise in. Fluttershy wanted to know how long she'd still been here, since no one was going to pick her up apperently.

Looking around, she found the familiar marks that were made by her axe. The specific one that her father had given her.

Moving her hoof out, she counted each tally and made out...49 days. She really didn't care about that though. They forgot about her and she knew it.

This made her mad and very...sad. Even if her dad had seemed like a big meanie to her, she thought he was faking it. She thought he was just messing around and he was just mad at something else. Not her. Not his own flesh and blood daughter.

Both her Mommy and Daddy argued everyday and she would just cover her ears and go into the corner or into a room they weren't in. One time she did hear them, which made her not want to hear them ever again. They talked about her, well her Father talked about her, how they were "disgusting pony tramps" and "you needed to be gone from the earth."

Her mother would shout back insults so very heavy that, the dragon seemed a bit nerved. He would puff up his back scales, as if showing dominance.

Fluttershy closed her eyes and covered her ears with her hooves. She probably wouldn't deal with that anymore. Not ever again.

The yellow pony opened her eyes, thinking back to her Dragon father and the last moments they shared. She was sitting in a money pile, playing with the coins and her father seemed like he didn't notice until she looked at him. She went up to him and tried playing and acting like a filly. He did smile and like that, but he never liked the other things she did, which was very rude.

How dare he not see the loving things she did for him!? She would catch rabbits the same way he did and he would just ignore her, she would try and help him find gems, but he'd tell her to go back to "your mother."


She wanted to break something, to hurl something out into the shield above her. What shield!? It's just an invisible cage that locked her in and left her alone. Alone forever!

The yellow pony shivered, feeling anger boil and come out in waves, making her feel even worse.

With all the strength she could muster, she picked up a rock, and threw it out into the area.

It flew and landed right next to the shield, touching the bottom of it ever so slightly with it's end.

Fluttershy let out an angry yell, then fell onto the snow on her back and staying silent.

A door opened, looking like it was made from a giant jello substance, also with the color pink illuminating it.

A long dark snout came in, followed by a dragon's head, scales, wings and the rest of his body. The Dragon crawled, staying down and low making sure no one or anything saw him. He was in a cave, the one Fluttershy would use for shelter occasionally. The dragons head turned forward, looking straight at his daughter.

His pony daughter wasn't awake to catch him though so he was fine. She was still on the floor with all the snow, possibly have being asleep for a couple hours or had just went to sleep. The dragon thought more likely that she had been asleep for hours, since she always wanted to sleep for some reason.

He thought back to the shield, thinking if he should have even put out the "project must sleep as soon as creator is present" command. Waving his claw to dismiss the idea, he turned his head to the side where the vault was.

Using two fingers from his big meaty dragon claw, he turned the lock. He turned it all around, then left, then right and opened it. Inside was nothing. No rubies, no gold, nothing. Where was his stuff? Wasn't he supposed to give his those rare rubies from the deal he had.

"Y'know what, whatever their probably not rare anyway" he said in his mind. He closed it quickly and locked it back up, remembering that he wasn't the only one their. His.....project would get suspicious if there were any changes in their/her environment.

"Aww what a hustler. She still has that axe I gave her and that rope."

He moved closer to the filly, beginning to see details in her stomach. This made the dragon frown. Their had been no different progress to her other than getting thinner. Which didn't really mean much for his papers.

"Uuggh guess I will have to bring in the robots."

He turned away from the pony and walked back to his cave. The robots would help her a lot, maybe even help her even more than needed. The robots would be named " The wolf pack."

He admitted to himself that he wasn't very creative with names but told himself in contrast that it wouldn't matter if his machines were amazing and unstoppable.

When he got back into the cave, his eyes wandered. He was looking for his tool, a shrink ray. He built it himself and just for himself when he needed to do building. He found a deep hole somewhere on the wall. When finding it, he reached his claw deep into it and grabbed, slowly yanking out his shrink gun.

It surprisingly fit the size if his palm but was small enough to be held by any small creature. How weird was that?

The dragon moved it around, searching and searching for any scratches or bumps. Successfully there was nothing. With his giant crimson red hand, he moved the gun to his forehead and zapped.

Once the trigger on the gun was pushed, a green ara enveloped the dragon, making him look like an experiment in a giant test tube. After a couple of seconds the dragon shrunk, stopping to the height of an adult pony. The color of the zap vanished as soon as the procedure was done, causing the dragon the drop the gun. The dragon opened his eyes, blinking them a few times to make all the static go away, which made him rub his eyes as well.

When finished he scooped up the gun and put it back where he found it. Turning around he also went back to what he was supposed to be doing; making the Wolf Pack.

His main materials where pulled out from a sack on his stomach, seeming weirdly the same size even if they had gone through the shrink ray. This didn't seem to bother him, he just continued to what he was doing, creating the robots.

He lied down the work table, a simple plastic one along with a wood for the table, metal, gears and ect.

'The Wolf Pack' as he called was a very small group of robots, having only three members. He would reference each of them as RW_01,RW_02 & RW_03. But he felt it would be suspicious if his daughter heard that from them. They would find her and when she asked who they were, she'd probably think they were robots. So each of them had a specific name.

He had finished the building of the robot, having the arm, paws, chest, head be shiny and well put together, next he took out a bag. Throwing it down onto the snow, a piece of fur came out. The dragon almost didn't see where it landed since it's color was so similar to the lands. He reached around, clenching his fists around some fur, putting his hand back in the back and taking out more fur. He took the fur back out and searched behind him for his staple gun. It also just for this occasion has a back up battery on itself.
The dragon moved his hand to the gun and started stapling the fur.

Continuing on, the procedure of the robots was to act as a whole loving 'family'. This would then trigger Fluttershy to want to be with them. As a 'family' they would talk about how she was going to be involved and such.

After a couple of hours, the dragon finally finished all of his project starters. In his palm, he had a remote with one button on it. It seemed very easy to control whenever. That was over and now all he had to do was leave, but he felt like there was something missing. He thought through all the things he wanted to do today. "Check on my daughter, build robots, program robots....then grow big and go home, right."

Without another word he quickly brought back the shrink ray and shot himself once again. He knew that you couldn't be shrunken down more than once in this thing, so every second shot you'd grown back to normal size.

After having that happen and having to crouch in the cave, he turned around and went to the door, the one made into the shield. He pushed his claw onto it and walked outside the door. He turned around, looking through the shield and seeing all his little creations just standing there, standing around the pony.

The dragon quickly pressed the button, then threw the remote and quickly flew off into the air, flying away.


Fluttershy woke up, tired and cold from what she was just doing. The sound of crunching snow was made, making Fluttershy turn around. When the yellow pony did, she saw 3 big wolves. The first one had fur that was smoothed down and short, looking like he had just gotten it slicked back. The second one was fluffy and big, having thick muscles and stood tall. The last one was the smallest and seemed like an ant compared to the other two. But together they all had Snow white fur, all seeming like they could easily blend in with the snow.

"W-who are you?" Fluttershy stuttered, acting timid like she wanted to. She moved her hair closer to her face and one of her hooves scrunched up closer to her chest.

The first wolf spoke, seeming like the group leader.

"We are The Wolf Pack. Me and my brothers were going on a stroll and saw you out here alone, seeming like you didn't have any companions and we would very much appreciate if you could be one of our members." After finishing, the other two had small grins plastered on their faces, as if they had a plan.

Fluttershy could see this, even if both wolves faces were made very unreadable. Her ears moved a bit, showing that she had heard them. She stayed silent for a bit, wondering what to do.

'Should I go with them, or stay here alone? I really want to go with them, they might actually have food for me'

Fluttershy looked up at the leader wolf. "Yes I would really really like that th-thank you"

The wolf reached his paw out, waiting for Fluttershy to grab it. She did, not as fast though to not draw any suspicion. The wolf held firm onto her hoof and looked her in the eyes.

"Then it is settled. Let us introduce ourselves for you. I am Roger Way, next to me is Robert Weight. Lastly we have Randy Wand. What is your name?" Said the wolf with little emotion. He didn't sound as if he was sad, he was just..saying what he wanted to.

Fluttershy stared at him some, looking at his face. When he was talking, his sounded a bit weird. Also when he was saying him and his brothers names, he would gesture to each of them and his arm would make a hight pitched noise.

"My name's F-fluttershyy" she said quietly. The wolf nodded his head, accepting the answer.

"That is nice, now we must show you where your new cave will be, follow me."

The wolf let go of the pegasus, looking at her and turning around to start walking. When he moved his arms, she could hear the strange noise again but this time louder.

Fluttershy opened her winds and walked next to the mane wolf, walking side by side with him and ignoring the others. She thought back to what she was telling herself before about the wolf beside her. Why did he make a weird noise everytime he walked? The other wolves did it too, and when he opened his mouth, there was metal inside, big shiny metal pieces.

She decided not to ask the wolf, because it would probably be really weird if someone asked why there were things in your mouth that weren't supposed to be there.


That night Fluttershy, Roger, Randy and Robert were out hunting and teaching Fluttershy how to catch food. When they looked at Fluttershy more and asked her questions, she answered as honestly as a kid would. After those procedures, she went off to bed, snuggled up next to all 3 of them, finally having warmth and Happiness.

I awoke one morning to find a message written in the snow reading I dare you to love again!

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A small pony had awoken in a cave, an empty and hallow cave. She was light yellow, like a daisy in the summer field or a honey bee buzzing in the sky.

She had not opened her eyes yet but could feel she was awake and could sense all around her. Moving her hoof to the side where one of her friends had been with his big, fluffy tail covering the ponies waist, she could feel nothing. She moved her hoof to her other side, she felt the cold chill of the wind and again nothing. Lastly she moved her back leg, remembering one of the wolves had slept their to protect her and she felt....nothing.

The pony sniffed to air, mostly smelling dirt and a bit of...a stronger sent. This took her memory back, back to her father. When he had strangled the rabbit with the thick rope, and stabbed him with the axe, she took a sniff and it smelt exactly the same.

Fluttershy opened her eyes and almost got up before realizing, theirs nothing to worry about. Last night Roger had taught her directly how to kill and how it smelt, maybe they were having breakfast!

The pony got up once again, lifting her weight up easily and then stretching herself out. After finishing, she finally opened her eyes and stared. Fluttershy couldn't believe it.

The mare walked closer to the three wolfs laying on the floor. The first one, Roger, the leader of the pack was now stiff, looking like he was a statue with a couple stains on his face. Looking down further, she could see a big wide strike that had slit the animal in half. The pony closed her mouth and cringed, already begining to stain her cheek.

Fluttershy took her hoof and wing to the side of her face and forcefully turned to the side without looking at the others. The were also in a very similar state to Roger, blood seeping out and having a dark color all over the packs body. Along with that, they had little pieces of metal sticking out unevenly from their stomachs.

Fluttershy was shaking and putting her wing closer and closer to her face, crying heavy streams of tears. She was just enjoying the comfort of her new home, the new family she was having and her first ever friends! They were her bestest of pals and now they're all gone. All Dead and had been slaughtered.

Fluttershy opened her eyes and pulled her wings away. She moved her body swiftly to the front and put both forehooves in an angry stance, almost seeming like she wanted to attack.


Fluttershy looked down and breathed heavily. She didn't care who it was. She didn't care if they seemed to big, she didn't care if they seemed to fast, but she'd grab them and make sure they feel her revenge. Not from just her hooves, but from ALLL forces. She'll seem all nice and kind and make them do something to make her mad, making her be angry with them and making them think they did something wrong. She'll then lie to them about something but do it sadly so that they can find out. She'll cover her hair over her face, saying "oh-hh um i'm ssorry, but I only did it because I have something to show you."

She'll then take out her axe and repeatedly stab and stab at the head, not too much because she wants them to still be awake by the time she takes them somewhere quiet, then she'll slap them awake and they will open their eyes and see the pain and feel in coursing through them forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever....

Fluttershy looked around, finally feeling calm after thinking to herself, since she was not feeling normal, she breathed in deeply through her nose, inhaling the metal and somewhat rotten stench and breathed out through her mouth. Fluttershy's frown stayed and she looked around and down onto her hooves, seeing a message written in the snow. It looked like it read,


Fluttershy stayed quiet and looked over at it again, and again and for 3 more times. Those words...they felt so familiar. It had been a while since she had read anything. The last thing she was reading was a stack of papers Mommy had left on the table. She remembered in big black letters the word spelled D-I-V-O-R-C-E. But, the words said "I dare you to love again." N-nO. It can't be him. This was from him wasn't it?

She turned her head to the other side and looked at the robots. She couldn't tell if they were real or not, since she didn't know what was inside real wolves. She shivered a bit before turning back to the words. It must have been her father that was here, or one of his friends. That...t-that, that.....fucking butthead.

She realized what she must do now. The yellow pony will find her father and bring him to justice for all the crimes he has done to her, Yes!

Fluttershy stepped forward, onto the letters without realizing it. But Yes YEES! He will pay! He will die from her very hooves and all his dragon kind will, all of them! They will all be held onto the walls, stripped of their flesh, be cooked, be starved, be tortured, she will do things to them the like that no one has ever SEEN!

Fluttershy loomed at her face and saw a bug, without a second thought, the bug bit her on her snout, sending a shoot of pain in her nose. "AOW-"

She looked down and realized their was a whole swarm of the same exact bug, being ready to do the same as their follower. Fluttershy knew she had only one thing to do, run.

The yellow pony opened her wind and speed off into the wind, her hoof running faster and faster, endlessly and hard. She flapped her wings to get ay and all of the creatures off, downing the same to her body, along with her face. She screamed at the top of her lungs, what seemed like endlessly. She felt the cool breeze brush up and past her, flowing her mane out and going past her wings. Fluttershy stopped and looked around, seeing a trail of and behind her in one long line. She looked down and checked to make sure none where left on her. When done she remembered something, her home!

When she was their, she wasn't allowed to go very far because of an invisible berrier, but now, SHE WAS FREE!!

Fluttershy screamed and yipped and hollered, blistfully happy and aware of what is going on. She was out and away from the danger, and now she could be free, free from starvation and sadness! She turned her head forward to see a little town out ahead. It had a giant pillar with ribbons and a flag at the top. Their were ponies all around and walking and talking.

Other PONIES!!! She thought. This seemed like a break through for her, she could probably find shelter and a home to take care of herself at, she was finally going to find a home that suited her the most. This was going to be wonderful, Fluttershy opened her wing and started to fly to the town.