> Dragon's Mothers > by TAD2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Friendship Is Magic Pt1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Spike was walking around town with his mother, he was carrying all of the decorations they would need for Princess Celestia's visit tomorrow. "Spikie, after we get to town hall, why don't you go help AJ with the treats." Said Rarity as she saw the town hall in the distance. "Sorry Mother, I need to go meet Twilight and her friends by the welcome sign, Grandma said they should be arriving soon." Rarity rolled her eyes. "Right, she's coming to oversee everything." She still didn't like Twilight, but technically she was one of Spike's mothers, and Spike was fine with her, but she was on thin ice with not only Rarity but all the girls. "Fine, but be a good dragon." Spike nodded. When they arrived at town hall Spike placed down all 5 boxes that he was carrying and smiled at his mother. "Ok Mother, I'm going to see Twilight, see you later." "Hold on." Said Rarity as she used her magic to grab Spike's tail. "Mother, what's up?" Rarity smiled as she walked over to Spike. "Nothing, but I taught you better than to just runoff." Spike sighed as he gave his mother a kiss on her cheek. "I love you Mother." Rarity released Spike's tail and smiled at him. "Mother loves you too Spikie, now get your tail in gear, I also taught you to be on time." Spike smiled as he rolled his eyes. "Says the mare that is determined to always be fashionably late." "Spike, a mare is allowed to be fashionably late, but a gentledrake is supposed to be on time." Said the mare. Spike nodded as he turned around and walked out of town hall, leaving Rarity to her own devices. "Wow, Rarity, I was expecting you to keep him here with you, just to make sure that Twilight didn't see him." Said Raven as she walked into the main hall. "Yes, I would rather my little Spikie not interact with her, but we do want Spike to move on from that." All the girls had told their friends and families about Twilight, and after calling Granny off from attacking Canterlot with the whole Apple family, all of them were going to accept this mare, but if one thing goes wrong, the mare was going to pay. "Well I think Spike has moved on just fine, but maybe its his mothers that are having a hard time doing that?" Said the secretary. Rarity huffed at the implication. "Raven, I have nothing against Twilight, she was willing to help Spike during the molt, and for that I'm grateful." Rarity started opening the boxes with her magic. "So you say, but what would you do if, and this is totally hypothetical, Spike decided to start living with her as well?" Rarity started growling at the idea, and the ribbon she was holding in her magic was now nothing but shreds. "Raven, there is no way that our little Spikie will ever leave us for the one that abandoned him, the one that didn't even care that she brought him into this world, the one that lost out on having a relationship with Spike, but thinks she can just jump right back into his life after 11 years." Said Rarity seething with anger. Raven gulped as she looked at the very upset unicorn. "Right, oh look, I got work to do, I'll let you get back to decorating." She ran to her desk and decided it was probably safer if she just stayed under it for today. Outside, Spike was flying through the sky, headed for the main road out of town and the meeting point that he and Celestia had prepared ahead of time. But once Spike was almost there, he was stopped by Rainbow Dash. "Spike?" "Hi mom, um... its not what it looks like?" He knows that he is on a strict no flying order after all the craters. "Really, because it doesn't look like Pinkie doing the Macarena, does it?" Spike looked around and smiled when he noticed that Pinkie was in fact doing the Macarena. "Well she is, see." Said Spike as he pointed to his Mama. Rainbow looked at where Spike was pointing and Pinkie was indeed doing the Macarena. "Ok, that is only slightly odd, but that does not change the matter at hoof, you know that you are not allowed to fly without me or Shy with you." She looked back at her son and noticed that he was already gone, so she sighed. "Dang it Spike, I taught you how to do that, so using it on me will not work." Said Rainbow as she sped off to catch her son. But Spike had landed and blended in with the crowd, and by crowd I mean Pinkie, Spike had joined her in the Macarena. "So, why are we doing the Macarena Mama?" Asked the dragon. Pinkie hummed as she wasn't so sure herself. "No clue, but maybe Mister Writer is trying to give this first chapter as much of a chance as he can?" "Come on Mama, I doubt he would make us do the Macarena then?" Pinkie giggled at the idea. "Maybe, then I guess I'm just doing it because it's fun." Spike smiled as he did one more set of the moves before leaving to go meet Twilight. "Ok Mama, I'll be ready for Twilight and friends Welcome to town party." Pinkie nodded as she kept dancing in the middle of the street. "Ok Spike, I'll see you later." Spike decided to walk the rest of the way, and when he reached the edge of town, he was right on time, because not 20 seconds later did a pair of royal air chariots land right in front of him. Both were pulled by the guards, and they were immediately aware of the dragon. But before they could fly off, Twilight, Sunburst, and Moondancer all jumped off the chariots and walked over to Spike. "Hello Spike." Said Twilight. "Hi Twilight, Sunburst, Moondancer, I'm glad you all made it here safely." Sunburst sighed. "Safe being a loose term. Twilight has become obsessed with the legend of the Mare in the Moon, she thinks that its all real, and that she will be returning to take her revenge." Spike looked at the mare and he started laughing. "Really? You actually believe that old mare's tale?" Twilight looked at the two. "Stop that, I have proof, this book says that after a thousand moons, that the Mare in the Moon will return and seek revenge and bring about the eternal night, and that the only way to stop her is with the aid of the Elements of Harmony." Said Twilight as she showed her book. "Twilight, I'm sure that Grandma would be aware of anything that important, but no, she is coming to celebrate the start of summer." Said Spike. Meanwhile in Canterlot Celestia was pacing around her study. "Ok, so I planted the idea of Luna's return, I sent her to Ponyville, I made sure that the five elements are on that stupid mechanism. I just hope that Twilight is bright enough to figure out that she is the final element and that she needs the girls to make it appear." "Princess, can you please stop pacing around, I don't want to prick you with the push pin." Said the Royal dress maker, she was trying to make a dress for the princess. "Right, sorry, tomorrow is a really big day." Said Celestia as she was sure that everything was going to go wrong, and she was hoping that it would. > Friendship Is Magic Pt1-2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Spike was showing Twilight, Moondancer, and Sunburst around town, he tried to start a conversation with them. "So, Twilight, how are you doing?" Asked Spike. "You know, about finding out that I'm here?" Twilight sighed as she looked at the dragon. "Well Spike, I really don't know how to feel. I did ask the Princess what happened after things calmed down. Kinda hard to miss a massive dragon. But she told me that you would be taken care of. I always wondered if you were safe, and happy with your dragon family, growing up to be a dragon. But finding out that you were only a few miles away, living with a bunch of pre-teen fillies, and having the Princess as a grandmother, was something I never thought was going to happen to you." Spike chuckled. "Well, she was right, I was taken care of, and I'm really happy here... well aside from not being allowed to fly in town, Mayor Mare got really mad about the craters in the field. But aside from that, it's been a great life." Spike looked around at his home and noticed that Pinkie was still doing the Macarena. "Twilight, can you dance?" Asked Spike as he started to tap his foot. All three looked at Spike, confused at the question. "Yeah?" This was a bold face lie, Twilight looked like a dying fish on the dancefloor. But Sunburst and Moondancer knew the truth. Spike smiled as he pulled Moondancer into the Macarena. "Cool, but this is my cover from my mom, she thinks I flew off so I wouldn't get a talking to." Spike danced over to his Mama. "Hi Mama, I thought you finished dancing, but we're just passing through." Said Spike as he kept dancing and shuffled out of Pinkie's way, with Moondancer right behind. Moondancer blushed as she followed Spike's steps and got passed Pinkie, but once she was through, she looked at Spike. "Spike, please never make me do something so embarrassing ever again?" Spike chuckled as he gave the mare a smile. "Sorry Moondancer, in this town, that's the norm for us." He looked over to Sunburst and Twilight. "Come on, we need to go see Ma." Sunburst sighed with a shrug. "When in Rome." He started doing the Macarena and he was doing a poor job, but passable as he moved over to the other side of the dancing mother. Spike smiled at the stallion. "Not bad, but you need to put more into the behind the head movement, it felt a little stale." Spike looked at Twilight and nodded at her. "Ok Twilight, it's all up to you now." Twilight gulped as she tried to follow Pinkie's move set, but it was not going well. Spike watched in horror as Twilight fell on her face, then in a bunch of flowers, and finished upside down face first in the dirt. "Ok, that was good first try, but there's room for improvement." Twilight pulled her face off the ground and looked at Spike. "Spike, don't sugar coat it, it was bad." Spike sighed as he'd rather not lie about just how bad it was. "Twilight, bad would insulted at how horrible that was." Moondancer and Sunburst had to agree at the statement, it was just that bad. Spike helped Twilight to her hooves and dusted off her coat. "Thank you, Spike." Spike nodded, he then looked at his Mama. "Bye Mama, see you tonight." Pinkie stopped doing the Macarena and gave Spike a kiss on the cheek. "Love you Sweetie, have a good day with Twilight, Moondancer, and Sunburst." Spike nodded. "Will do Mama." Spike motioned for all of the ponies to follow him, and they did. But as all four of them walked to the apple farm, they were completely unaware that Pinkie had disappeared into Sugar Cube Corner. Pinkie went up to her and Spike's loft, and like a secret agent, Pinkie placed her hoof on the ice cream style newel. The top layers dropped into the bottom most layer as the sound of the mechanism started. Pinkie took a few steps back, and once the mechanism was released, the floor split in half showing a trap door and slide was underneath Pinkie. But she didn't fall, no she was just standing over the trap door. Pinkie looked down and groaned at the fact that she wasn't falling. "Shoot, forgot to turn on my anti me logic." Pinkie squinted as she concentrated on being a normal pony, and once he felt a small jolt of electricity, she fell down the trap door and into her and Spike's party cave. She slid down the slide and right into a large filing cabinet. "Perfect, now where are those files?" Pinkie started going through the files. "Ok, Twinkle Shine, nope. Twilight Sky, close but no cupcakes. Ah ha, Twilight Sparkle, perfect." Pinkie grabbed the file and started to read. "Twilight Sparkle, likes vanilla ice cream, red balloons, dancing, clearly she needs to take lessons, but that's for later, afraid of quesadillas and ladybugs. Geeze this mare is really out there." Pinkie dove into her filing cabinet again to search for Moondancer's and Sunburst's files so she can get the welcome to town party exactly right. Back with Spike and group, they had just arrived at the farm. "So, this is Sweet Apple Acres, the life blood of Ponyville, and home to some of the best treats this side of delicious and just past yummy." Soon Applebloom walked over to Spike, glad to see him. "There you are Spike, come on, Aunt Orange is looking for ya." Said Apple Bloom as she ran over to Spike to get him, but that's when she noticed Twilight and the others. "Oh, sorry, you're Miss Twilight, right?" Twilight nodded. "That's right, and you're Applebloom correct?" Applebloom nodded. "Sorry, we didn't really have that much time to get to know each other last time." Applebloom shrugged it off. "Yeah, that was an interesting day." She then looked to her nephew. "Come on Spike, Aunt Orange is looking for some help, and since Uncle Orange had to stay in Manehattan, you're the best shot we got." Said Applebloom as she started dragging her nephew into the farm. "But Aunt Bloom, what about Ma, Uncle Mac, Grandpa, or Grandma?" "Busy, busy, busy, and busy." Said Applebloom as she kept dragging Spike by his tail. Spike sighed as he was being dragged by his aunt to find his aunt. "Just becasue she's a little older than me, she thinks she's the boss." Twilight, Sunburst and Moondancer all followed the dragon. > Friendship Is Magic Pt1-3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the group arrived at the house, Applebloom pulled Spike into the house to help their aunt. Leaving Twilight, Sunburst, and Moondancer to wait. "So, no one is going to question the fact that we just saw a little filly pull a dragon twice her size into the house?" Asked Moondancer. "Moondancer, this is not even in the top 5 weirdest things that I've seen in this town." Said Twilight. "You get used to it, but it's really nothing too troublesome." Said Pear with a chuckle as she walked out of the barn to get some stuff ready. "Now, from what Spike told me, you must be Twilight, Moondancer, and Sunburst, it's lovely to meet you all, I'm Pear Butter Apple, and I'm Spike's grandmother." All three smiled at the older mare. "That's right, and it's nice to meet you as well." Said Twilight. Pear walked over to the trio and looked around for her grandson. "So, where is Spike?" "Oh, a little filly named Applebloom met us near the gate and dragged him into the house for some reason." Said Sunburst. Pear hummed. "Oh, I guess Aunt Orange needed some help getting the pies out of the oven." There was the sound of a wooden spoon breaking. "SPIKE DRAKE, I TOLD YOU THOSE ARE NOT FOR YOU!" Yelled Aunt Orange as she started chasing Spike around the house before he made a break for it. Spike laughed as he ran out of the house holding a pie in his hands. "Sorry, but I need to let Twilight and her friends taste it." Said Spike as he was running for his life from the mare. Pear sighed as she got in front of Spike to block his path. "Spike, you hold it right there young drake." Spike looked at the face of his grandma and stopped on a bit. "Grandma, it's not what it looks like, and it's not Mama doing the Macarena." Pear looked at the pie in Spike's hand and figured out the truth. "Spike, why did you take a pie from the counter?" Spike was sure nothing was going to get him out of this, so he told the truth, and showed the pie in his hands. "Um... Twilight and her friends need to taste it for the celebration." Aunt Orange was behind Spike and glaring at him. "Sure? If that's all, then why not let them have one of the many pies and apple treats that we already had ready in the barn?" Asked Aunt Orange. Now both mares were looking at the dragon. "Um... I thought that fresh out of the oven is best." Said Spike. They both sighed at the dragon's logic. "Spike, just make sure that you show them the full Apple hospitality." Said Orange as she still needed to make the rest of the treats before tomorrow. Pear giggled. "Spike, just no more stealing from the counter, ok?" Spike chuckled as he placed the pie in his tail and brought it over to the group. "Yes Ma'am." Pear smiled as she gave Spike a kiss on the cheek. "Good boy, now your Ma is helping Mac in the fields, so once you get your friends seated, go help them." Spike nodded. "Will do grandma." Pear walked into the house with Orange. Spike looked at the group and noticed that Twilight was shaking her head in shame. "I swear by Celestia, you act just like my brother." Said Twilight. Spike looked at Twilight. "So, you have a brother, I had no idea." Twilight nodded. "That's right, his name is Shining Armor, he's my BBBFF, and he was just appointed as captain of the royal guard." Spike was now intrigued. "Wow, that's really cool, maybe I'll get to meet him one day." Twilight imagined the look on her brothers face if he and Spike met, and it was just too good to pass up. "I'm sure that will be a great moment, Spike." Spike looked back at the others. "So Moondancer, Sunburst, you guys have siblings?" Moondancer shook her head. "Nope, I'm an only child." Sunburst shook his head as well. "Nope, only child as well. But I had a great friend back in my home town, her name was Starlight Glimmer, but I haven't gotten any letters from her while I've been gone." "Well, maybe you should write her, and get back into contact." Said Spike. Sunburst smiled as he had been focused on his studying to really write to Starlight. "Yeah, that's a good idea, but I hope she's not too mad at me for waiting this long." Spike nodded as he showed the trio to the barn so they could taste the treats. But the moment they walked into the barn, the trio was pulled away from Spike by a lot of the Apple family. Spike laughed at the confused looks the trio's faces. "Guys, just go with it." Once the group was pulled into the barn, Spike walked to the orchard to find his Ma and uncle. Spike found them rather quickly, but the weird thing was that they were arguing. "AJ, I'm telling you that I'm fine, it's just a little back pain." Said Big Mac. AJ glared at her older brother. "Macintosh, for the last time, if you keep running yourself ragged, you're going to really hurt yourself." Mac sighed as he was fine, he just woke up a little stiff this morning. "AJ, I woke up on the wrong side of the bed, that's it." Mac walked over to an apple tree and gave it a hard buck to prove his point, but the moment he did, he winced a little at the pain." "See I told ya, now go into the house and rest up, applebuck season is creeping up and we need all hooves on deck for it, and I'm not going to have you in bed for the most important part of the year." "Sorry Uncle Mac, I tend to agree with Ma." Said Spike, it wasn't that hard to find them going off the sound of the yelling. Both Apples looked at Spike, and Mac knew that he was out matched now. "Fine, I'll go lay down, but wholly against my will." Said Mac as he walked to the house to go lay down in his room. AJ sighed at how stubborn her brother could be. "I swear, that stallion is thicker than an iron plow." Spike chuckled at hearing that come out of AJ's mouth. "Ma, you're not much better." AJ shot Spike a glare. "What was that?" Spike chuckled as he looked anywhere but AJ's eyes. "Oh, look, we still need to get some apples off the trees." Said Spike as he walked over to the tree that Mac was bucking to avoid his Ma's gaze. "That's what I thought." Said AJ, she walked over to another tree and gave it a hard buck to the trunk, making many of the apples fall into the baskets on the ground. Spike on the other hand was whacking the tree with his tail, seeing as it was all muscle and no bone, it makes the perfect substitute. Spike swung his tail right into the trunk and many of the apples started falling from the tree. AJ smiled at seeing her son working so hard to live up to the Apple name. "Well come on Spike, let’s get these to the family." Spike nodded as he grabbed the three baskets AJ was using. "Ready Ma?" AJ nodded as she felt Spike place the baskets on her back. "Good. You ready Sugar Cube?" Spike wrapped his tail around one of the baskets and lifted the other two up with his arms. "Sure am, but let’s try to avoid Aunt Orange." AJ sighed. "You took a pie from the counter, didn't you?" "Yes ma'am." "Spike, I'm not upset, but if you want to have a pie, all you have to do is ask." "But it was for Twilight and the others, they are here to taste the food for Grandma's visit." AJ looked at Spike. "Wait, that was today?" Spike nodded as he figured out what went wrong. "You totally forgot that was today, didn't you?" "Oh, look, we still have a ton of apple to deliver, let’s not dilly dally." Said AJ as she ran off. Spike sighed as he had a feeling that this was going to happen. "Between the farm, and the family, I'm surprised she hasn't gone nuts." Spike walked back to the house with the apples. When Spike got to the house, things were going as well as he thought it would be. AJ was freaking out about not being a proper host, and Twilight, Sunburst, and Moondancer were a little freaked out at how forcibly the mare was trying to make up for missing their arrival. "I'm so sorry for not being here to greet you all, but my older brother was being stubborn, and with Celestia's visit needing as much of the family that we could get on such short notice, I completely forgot that you three were coming today." Spike sighed at how his Ma was creeping the trio out, so he walked to the house, while avoiding his aunt, and dropped off the apples for the next batch of the treats. But once he was apple free, he walked out of the house, and decided to save the group of unicorns from his Ma. "Ma, I think they accept your apology." Said Spike as he pulled his Ma away from them. AJ looked at Spike and snapped out of her state. "Sorry." Spike smiled at seeing that his normally calm and collected Ma was back. "It's fine." Now that AJ was calmed down, it was time for the normal conversation to start. "Ma, you remember Twilight, Moondancer, and Sunburst." Said Spike as he motioned to the unicorns. AJ nodded as she smiled at the three. "Of course, I do." Twilight sighed in relief that AJ was back to normal. "Well, it's good to see you again Applejack, now your family already gave us a good idea on the food situation, so I think our work here is done." AJ sighed, she had pretty much missed the entire visit, and she wanted to grow a little closer to Twilight for Spike's sake. "Well, I'm sorry to hear that, but feel free to stop by before you leave." Said AJ. Twilight, Sunburst, and Moondancer all nodded. "Thank you, Applejack. Where to next Spike?" Spike smiled as it would probably be best if they headed to Fluttershy's home next. "Let’s head to my Mommy's home next, it's not too far from here." So, with the treats all settled, it was time for the music check to happen. > Friendship Is Magic Pt1-4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Spike and the group neared Fluttershy's home, Spike smiled at the sight of his mother conducting some of the local birds for the performance. The song was a soft and melodious melody, but one of the birds was a little off key. "Stop please." Said Fluttershy as she looked at all the birds. "I'm sorry but can everyone please stop." All the birds stopped singing and she flew over to a large blue jay. "Excuse me, sir? I mean no offense, but your pitch and rhythm was just a teeny-tiny bit off." The bird nodded, he felt like he was a little off, but he wasn't sure. Fluttershy flew back to her spot and smiled at her birds. "Now, follow me, please. A-one, a-two, a-one two three-..." "Hi Mommy." Said Spike as he walked over to Fluttershy with the others. Fluttershy smiled at seeing her son. "Oh, hi baby, how was helping Rarity?" Spike shrugged. "It went well, but Mother is still working at town hall, but I needed to leave so I could meet Twilight, Moondancer, and Sunburst." Spike moved to the side to show the trio to his mother. Fluttershy smiled at the unicorns. "Well, I know that you have to check on the music, so you're all free to stay and listen." She looked to Spike who was talking to an elderly bird with her three grown up children and their kids. "Spike, can you leave Jasmin and her family alone until after practice?" Spike chuckled as he said his goodbyes to the bird family. "Sorry, Mommy, I just wanted to see her again." Fluttershy smiled at her son's kindness. "It's ok Spike." She looked back at the audience. "Sorry, but Jasmin has been a family friend for a long time now. What can I do for you all?" "Oh, we're here to check on the music for Princess Celestia's visit." Said Moondancer. Fluttershy nodded at the mare. "Oh, well, I hope this is good enough." She turned to the birds and signaled for them to get ready for the song. "Ok, one, two, a one two three four." Fluttershy started conducting the birds. Once the mini concert was done, Twilight pulled out a checklist and checked off the music aspect of the celebration. "That was wonderful Fluttershy, I'm sure that Princess Celestia will be happy with the work you and all the birds have done." Fluttershy blushed as she hid behind Spike. "Why...Thank you, it was no trouble." All the unicorns looked over at the mare. "Umm... Spike, is she ok?" Asked Sunburst. Spike nodded as he stepped away from Fluttershy. "She's fine, but she gets a little jumpy when she gets a complement. Mommy, I loved the song very much, I'm sure that Grandma will love it too." Fluttershy nodded as she stood up on her own hooves again. "Oh, thank you Spike, I hope she does." Spike smiled as he was sure that she would. "Well, I was just about to go find Mom, to make sure that she remembers to clear the skies today." Spike gave Fluttershy a kiss on the cheek. "Love you Mommy." Fluttershy smiled at Spike. "I love you too Spike, have a good day." Spike nodded as he gave the birds a wave goodbye and walked away with Twilight, Sunburst, and Moondancer. Fluttershy looked at the birds. "Ok from the top… if you don't mind. A-one, a-two, a-one two three..." As Spike and the Trio were walking around trying to find Rainbow Dash, Spike felt something twitch on the back of his neck. "Oh, that's not good." Spike turned around and floating right behind him was his mom. "Mom, there you are, I was looking all around for you." "Spike, what did I tell you about flying without me or Shy while you're in town?" Said Rainbow as she was terribly upset at Spike. Spike sighed as he knew the rules. "I'm not allowed to fly around without you or Mommy, until I can go a month without any crashes." "And how many days has it been?" "17." "And..." "I lose a day for flying without you or Mommy." Rainbow smiled at seeing that her son was going to take responsibility. "Good boy, now, what are you doing?" Spike showed Twilight, Sunburst, and Moondancer. "Mom, you remember Twilight, Sunburst, and Moondancer, I'm showing them around town to make sure that Grandma's visit goes well." Rainbow nodded, she remembered the group and the task that Celestia wanted her to do for the celebration. "Sure do." Twilight looked up and noticed that there were clouds all in the sky. "I knew that having one pegasus in charge of the weather was a bad idea." Said Twilight. Spike gulped as that sounded like an insult. "Twilight, shut up, or you’re going to regret it." "No, this is unacceptable, the princess asked her to have the skies cleared for the celebration, and with how much the clouds have piled up, there is no way that she will be able to get it done now." Rainbow growled at hearing that. "Really, are you calling me slow?" Asked Rainbow as she got right into the mare’s face. "No, I'm calling you lazy, and Princess Celestia told me that you want to be a wonderbolt, but with that attitude you’re never going to be one." Spike grabbed Sunburst and Moondancer and ran into a ditch. "Spike, what are you doing?" Asked Moondancer. "Getting us out of this. My mom is not a mare to let her pride be insulted. She's going to prove that she is the best." Rainbow growled at the insults the mare was spouting. "That's it, you want the skies clear, I'll have it cleared in 10 seconds flat." Twilight smirked. "Prove it." Spike sighed as that was the trigger. "Mom, just don't run into a building." Rainbow nodded as she took to the sky and started bucking the clouds. All the unicorns went slack jawed at seeing the mare fly super-fast and get all the clouds. Once she was done, she landed right back in front of Twilight and closed her mouth. "10 seconds flat." Spike walked over with the others and grabbed Twilight's check list. "Weather, check." Said Spike, he walked over to Rainbow and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "You did great mom." Rainbow smiled at the praise. "Thanks Spike, now I got to go see grandma about why this even happened, I thought the day before was only supposed to have light cloud cover, this was heavy." She gave him a kiss on the head before flying off to ask her boss and mother what was going on. Twilight blinked as she looked to Spike. "Wait, her mother?" Spike nodded. "Yeah, my grandma is the local weather manager, and I have to agree, this was a little heavy for what we had planned." Twilight sighed as she grabbed her checklist. "Weather, checked?" Spike shrugged. "I did it for you, hope that's fine?" Twilight smiled as she nodded. "Sure is, thank you Spike." Twilight gave the dragon a pat on his back, she wanted to get closer to Spike, she was the one that hatched him, and a book she read showed that a good place to start was small physical contact. She looked at her list and the last thing to do was check on the decorations at town hall. "One more thing to check, decorations at town hall." Spike nodded at the plan. "Good, we're only a few minutes from there, and by now my mother has almost everything done, Lets go." > Friendship Is Magic Pt1-5 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When Spike and group arrived at town hall, they all looked at the decorations that Rarity had completed already, there were banners, flags, flowers, all of which matched the change from night to day. "Beautiful." Said Sunburst and Moondancer. Twilight nodded at the decorations. "Yes, the décor is coming along nicely, this should be quick, and we can get to the library in no time." She walked down the hall as she admired the designs. Spike smiled at the statement. "That's my Mother for you." Said Spike, but then he noticed Rarity trying to find a ribbon. "Mother, the place looks great!" He ran over to his mother and gave her a hug. Rarity giggled as she returned the hug. "Awe, thank you Spikie, I would be so behind if it wasn't for you helping me bring all the supplies." She gave him a kiss on the cheek, which him made blush. "Mother, not in front of Twilight and the others." Rarity giggled, but that was to hide the fact that Twilight was there. "Sorry sweetie." She looked to Twilight. "Twilight, it's good to see you again. But I must apologize once again for my actions towards you when we first met." Twilight nodded. "Don't worry about it Rarity. It was a stressful time for everyone, and I understand that not knowing how Spike wound up in the forest and then hearing my story about hatching him, would make you believe that I was the one that abandoned him." Rarity smiled but hearing that made her less hostile. "Yes, that day was truly an interesting one, but it is in the past, and after talking with the girls, we would like to get to know you for Spike's sake, seeing as you are somewhat his mother." Twilight smiled at hearing that all the girls were accepting of her. "Thank you, and I want to get to know you girls as well, I missed out on knowing Spike, but I want to change that." Spike smiled as he gave Twilight a small hug. "Thank you, Twilight." Twilight nodded as she returned the hug. But this made Rarity growl, she was remembering what Raven said about Spike living with her. But she cleared her throat. "Now, I have most of this under control, and it should only take me around another 20 minutes or so to finish. Why don't you take Twilight and her friends to the Library and help them get settled in, and I'll come get you on my way back to the shop?" Spike nodded at the plan. "Sure Mother, do you want me to cook tonight?" Rarity giggled. "Sure, that would be lovely Spikie. You have really grown up fast, I remember when Pear gave you your first spoon of applesauce, and look at you now, almost 12 years old and cooking on your own. Soon you'll be old enough to leave your Mamas... and..." She wrapped her legs around Spike as she started to cry. "NO... I DON'T WANT MY LITTLE SPIKIE TO GROW UP!" Cried the mare. Spike sighed, this was nothing new for him, she did this the day he finished school, she did this the day that he turned ten years old, and she did this the first time he went gem hunting on his own, but that was to find a special gift that he was planning to give her. "Mother, can you please let go?" Rarity shook her head. "No, maybe if I hold you tight enough then you'll stay just the way you are?" Spike tapped her head. "Mother, your makeup is running." Rarity gasped as she let go of Spike and ran to the bathroom to fix it before it was gone past the point of no return. "Is she gone?" Asked Raven as she walked out of the broom closet. "Miss Rich? Why were you in the closet?" Asked Spike. She sighed as she rather not tell him the truth. "Spike, Rarity got upset that town hall isn't closed and I refused to let her decorate my desk while I was working. So, she cleared the broom closet for me to work." Spike shrugged, that did sound like something Rarity would do. "Sorry about that Miss Rich, but you know Mother." Raven giggled as she nuzzled the not so little dragon's head. "I do sweetie, but it's fine. Now, how are you and Diamond doing?" Spike blushed. "We're good, we still talk, and I'm happy that she got her cutie mark. Randolph delivered the invitation to her Cute-ceañera a few days ago, and I can't wait." 'Dang it Filthy, I told you to let her do it.' Thought the mare. "Well, I hope to see you there Spike, and I know that Diamond is looking forward to that." She gave Spike a kiss on the cheek as she walked back into the closet to get back to the last bit of work she had. Twilight walked over to Spike. "Spike, who was that?" "That was Miss Raven Inkwell Rich, she is the receptionist for town hall, and Grandma Pear's friend." Said Spike. "What else?" Asked Raven from her closet. "And the mother of my friend Diamond Tiara." Said Spike as he blushed and looked away. "Oh, well that's nice, maybe I'll get to meet her soon." Said Twilight. Moondancer and Sunburst face hooved. Just then the bell in the clocktower started to chime. "Well, that is the signal to leave, town hall is closing for the day and will be open in the morning for the event." Said Spike. "Thank you Spike, but I got a little more work to do, so many forms for a single princess, it never ends. I'll see you later." Said Raven. Spike nodded as he pushed the trio out of town hall before Rarity comes back. "Bye Miss Rich." Soon Spike and the group were outside of the building. "Well, that is everything that Grandma needed from you guys, so I'll show you to the library and help you guys get settled in." Said Spike, the trio nodded as they followed Spike to the library. Meanwhile, Celestia was drinking her first cup of coffee that will keep her awake for the long night and morning ahead. "I always hate today. I can't get any sleep." Soon a guard walked over to the princess. "Princess, we are ready to escort you to Ponyville upon your command." Celestia nodded. "Good, be ready to move out at 4:30am and what ever happens, protect the ponies." "Yes ma'am." Said the guard. Soon Cadence walked in as the guard was walking out. "Long night ahead?" Asked the princess of Love. "You have no idea, how was your date with Captain Armor?" Asked Celestia with a smile. Cadence giggled as she had some big news. "Auntie, what would you say if I told you that tonight was a little more interesting than I thought?" "He asked me for permission a week ago Cadence. I hope it ended well?" Cadence smiled as she walked to the throne. "Mi amore Cadenza Armor, that has a really nice ring to it." She moved her mane to show that she had a gold band around her horn. Celestia smiled at seeing her niece was getting married. "I'm so happy for you, but for now keep this quiet, I don't want to deal with mobs, rich ponies trying to get invited, and more over our enemies taking advantage of the confusion of a royal wedding to attack." Celestia got off her throne and walked down to Cadence. She pulled the little filly that she raised into a big hug. "I'm so happy for you Sweetie, he is a good stallion, and I know that you love each other." Cadence smiled as she returned the hug. "Thanks Auntie." But unknown to both of them, a waiter at the restaurant that Shining proposed in was relaying the news to his queen. "Excellent, keep me informed, the more changelings we can replace, the easier it will be to finally take over Equestria." Said a pair of green glowing eyes. "Yes, my queen." Spike and the group arrived at the local library. "Welcome to Golden Oaks." Said Spike as he presented the building. It was a large oak tree that was changed into a library. "For an 85 year old mare, Miss Binding kept this place in great condition, and I'm happy to know that she is enjoying her retirement. There is a 2 pony loft in the canopy, a small kitchen under the loft, and the roots section is the basement. Sunburst, I recommend that you live in there, because no mare, let alone 2 of them will be quiet enough for a guy to get any shut eye." Sunburst started laughing at the joke. "Sure, besides Twilight snores." "I do not!" Yelled the mare. "Well, let me show you around for a bit, and then I'll get out of your manes." The moment Spike opened the door the lights turned on and Pinkie screamed. "SURPRISE!" She then pulled all four creatures into the building to throw them their welcome to town party. Spike looked at Pinkie and smiled at the party. "Hi Mama, how'd I do?" She nuzzled Spike's head. "Just perfect Spike, I almost was surprised when I yelled surprise." She released Spike and moved at Pinkie speed to the snack table, prepared drinks for the unicorns in the blink of an eye and got back to them with a smile. "Here you go, the night is young, and this party pony is going to party all night!" All three sighed as they took the punch. But the moment Twilight took a gulp of it, her face went red. "AH!" Cried Twilight as she ran for something to cool her mouth. Spike sighed as Pinkie messed up. "Mama, did you accidentally put hot sauce in the punch?" Pinkie hummed as the sound of Twilight running around was behind her. "I made 4 drinks. One for Twilight, one for Moondancer, one for Sunburst, and one for you." Spike got into his thinker pose. "Well, you only arrived with three drinks. Meaning that you left one on the table, and Twilight got my drink." "I agree, very astute my dear Spike." Spike nodded as he walked over to Moondancer and started digging into her mane. "Spike, what are you doing?" Asked the mare as she blushed. "Looking for milk, that was dragon fire hot sauce, water will only make it worse." Soon Spike pulled out a gallon of milk from the mare’s mane. "Twilight, I got something to help." The mare ran over to Spike and took the gallon of milk. She didn't even think, she just opened the jug and started chugging. Once the gallon was halved, she looked at Spike. "Thanks Spike." Pinkie walked over to Twilight with a I'm sorry face. "Sorry about that Twilight, I made that drink for Spike, he loves it when I put the punch in punch, and I left your drink on the table." Twilight sighed. "First, it's fine, it was an accident." She looked at Spike. "You actually drink that?" Spike chuckled. "Sure do, it gives the punch a taste of what it's like to be me." Twilight sighed as this was normal for this town. "Well, I got some research to do, Moondancer, Sunburst, you guys have fun, Pinkie, can you keep it down? Spike have a good night and thank you for showing us around town." Spike smiled. "Sure thing Twilight, but all work and no play makes a mare go crazy, don't study too much, this is also your party." Twilight nodded as she could spend a little while enjoying the party. "Fine, an hour more won't kill me." Pinkie gasped as she pulled the unicorns to the dance floor. "Come on let’s dance." Cried Pinkie as she was busting a move from here to Canterlot. Spike chuckled as he walked to the door and opened it. "Hey Mother, you ready to go home?" Rarity smiled as she kissed Spike's cheek. "Such a gentledrake, escorting a mare home in the middle of the night." Spike rolled his eyes. "Mother, I live there, and I'm fairly sure that Opal is waiting for dinner. Besides, Grandma wants me to meet her in the morning, so I need some sleep." Said Spike as he yawned. Rarity nodded as they walked to the shop to let Spike get some sleep. On the moon, a pair of demonic blue eyes opened and started chuckling at the view of her former home. "The eternal night has awakened." > Friendship Is Magic Pt1-6 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After cooking for himself and Rarity, it was time for them to go to bed, and the next morning came very quickly. Spike woke up at 4am and walked out of his room. He walked to the kitchen and started a pot of coffee for his mother and himself, he needed to meet Celestia at townhall at 5am, an hour before the event started. Spike yawned, he was never a morning dragon, but he wanted to see Celestia today, so he pushed his desire to go back to bed away. In Canterlot, Celestia was drinking her 17th cup of coffee, she had been up all night getting ready for this day. "Princess, I know that it is a little early, but the weather above the city seems to be scheduled for an early morning storm, I recommend that we depart in the next few minutes." Said a guard. Celestia nodded. "Very well, I am expecting a guest anyways, and I'd rather be there to greet him." The guard nodded as he ran to prepare the royal air chariot. She took a sip of her coffee. "Luna, I hope by sunrise you will be back with me." Said Celestia as she watched the image of the mare on the moon disappear. After boarding the chariot, it took the princess 20 minutes to arrive at the town hall's back door. The front was already packed with the ponies that wanted to get in. But when they landed, Mayor Mare greeted the princess. "Your highness, thank you for choosing Ponyville to hold this year’s summer sun celebration." Said Mayor as she bowed. Celestia bowed her head. "It is a pleasure. Tell me, has Spike arrived yet?" "No, not yet princess, but he should be here any moment." Celestia looked to her guards. "Guards, please head inside and prepare for the doors to open." They all nodded and filed into the building, letting Celestia relax. "I can't wait to see him." Said Celestia with a smile. Mayor Mare giggled as she looked at how the princess's mood always changed when he was around. "Well, I know that he is excited to see you." "GRANDMA!" Cried Spike as he dive bombed from the sky to Celestia. Celestia smiled as she used her magic to stop Spike from creating a new hole in the town. "Spike, how many days has it been?" "16." Said Spike as he sighed. "And what do you do if you don't want me to tell Fluttershy or Rainbow?" Spike smiled as he wrapped his arms around Celestia's neck. "I love my Grandma." Celestia smiled as she gave Spike's head a nuzzle. "And Grandma loves you too." "Well, I have a meeting room ready for you and him to talk privately. I have a feeling, you have a lot to talk about." Celestia smiled as she gave Spike a kiss on the cheek. "Come on Spike, I need to get ready." With that, they walked into the building, and after arriving at the room, Mayor Mare walked away to let the grandmother and her grandson talk. Celestia looked to Spike with a sad smile. "Sweetie, I need to be honest with you, today is not going to be easy, but no matter what, I will not let her hurt you." "Grandma, what is going on, who's her?" Asked Spike worried that something was going to happen. Soon a dark blue wisp raised out of the floor, behind Celestia. "Awe, Celestia, it's been a long time hasn't its sister? Are you ready for our rematch?" Spike got close to Celestia. "Grandma, what's happening?" Celestia shushed the dragon and covered him with her wing. "Nightmare, things have changed since we last saw each other, I do not have control of what you need to return fully, but I believe that they have chosen their new guardians. Per our agreement, I will accompany you to our old home, and we will observe what fate has determined will happen." The wisp slowly shifted into the shape of a tall black mare with sharp teeth, a star filled mane, and armor on her body. But what shocked Spike was the large horn and wings on her back. "Very well, but I hope you are ready for the eternal night?" "NO!" Cried Spike as he tried to protect Celestia. "I'm not going to let you take her." The mare blinked in surprise. "What is a dragon doing here?" She looked to Celestia. "Sister, I know I have been gone, but when did you make peace with the dragons?" "Nightmare, can you allow Luna to see this as well, I want to explain?" "Very well, but just know that she is very confused, and still holds some resentment." Soon the mare's eyes changed into normal pony eyes. "Sister, what do you want?" "Luna, I'm so sorry about what happened, I hope that you know that, and I hope that today we can be together again. But before our agreement has begun, I would like to introduce you to Spike Drake." "Grandma, run, get the guards, I'll do my best to distract her." Said Spike. Luna blinked as she looked at Spike. "Wait, did he just say Grandma?" Celestia nuzzled Spike's head. "Shh, don't worry Sweetie, she won't do anything to me, if she did, that would send her to the moon again." She looked at Luna. "Yes Luna, Spike is my grandson, and I ask that you take him with us." "Trust me sister, thou hath a whole lot to explain about this." Celestia smiled. "Thank you. Spike let me explain. Long ago, I was not the only princess of the lands, I had a sister. Her name was Luna. She was the princess of the moon and ruled alongside me since Equestria was founded. But 1000 years ago, I was growing content with our places in the kingdom. Many ponies often forgot that I was only half of our home. While I was celebrated for the days I brought, many missed out on the beautiful nights that Luna worked to bring." "Celestia, do not fill this youngling's mind with your lies. The ponies never cared for me, you were all they saw, I never was mentioned, I was never given the respect that I worked for, and when I tried to confront you about the ponies bias, all you did was ignore what I was saying. This is the start of the rule of Nightmare Moon, and the end of Celestia." She grabbed Spike in her magic and pulled him closer to her. "NIGHTMARE! RELEASE HIM NOW!" Yelled Celestia, she was not going to let Spike get hurt. "Fear not, I will not hurt him, I will merely display him to the crowd. If they see that a dragon has been defeated, than it will quell much of the resistance, when you disappear. I will return him, after I announce my return and we will depart." Celestia nodded as she walked over to Spike. "Sweetie, just be calm, and everything will be fine. Do you trust me?" Spike nodded. "I do, but will Mama's be ok?" Celestia gave Spike a kiss on the head. "I'm sure they will be fine. I love you." "I love you too." So with that Nightmare and Spike walked out of the room. Once they were alone Spike looked to the mare. "So, you're Luna?" "Correct, but I am also Nightmare Moon." Spike looked at her. "So, does that make you my Aunt or something?" "You are taking this quite well, youngling, why are you not afraid?" Asked Luna, she was holding him hostage, and he was not even struggling. Spike shrugged. "I trust my grandma, and I know that everything will be ok." Luna stopped on her way to the balcony. "Spike was it?" Spike nodded. "Yes?" "Did Celestia ever once mention me?" "She did, she said that you were so adventurous, smart, talented, and loving, but then you changed, and she felt like it was all her fault." Luna huffed as she looked at Spike. "Well it was, I was never as important as Celestia, and our ponies never saw the work that I did to bring them a restful night." "Well, that's good." Said Spike. She brought the dragon to her face and glared at him. "Tell me how that is good?" "Grandma Cookie told me that before Equestria was formed, every day was a challenge, and the nights were filled with the sound of monsters and the cold." Luna softened her glare. "That is all true, I remember those times. Many ponies feared the night, and I wished to help them." "But now, our nights are filled with sleeping, dreams, and family. It's thanks to you that I can sleep in my home without fear." "Then why is it that you are the first to ever thank me?" Asked Luna. "Maybe others did, but you were too focused on Grandma that while you felt ignored, you were ignoring the very same ponies that only wished to thank the mare that allowed them to enjoy the day." Said Spike. Luna looked at Spike. "What trick are you trying, this is some plot to distract me isn't it?" Spike rolled his eyes at the idea. "Yes, because this whole time, while I've been in your magic, I've been lying to you. Grandma lied to you and is running for the guards to attack you." "No, Celestia is a mare of honor, she has never broken such an agreement." Growled Luna in anger that her sister was being insulted. "So, if that is all true, why do you think this is a plot to distract you?" "Well...Because...What is your game?" "Go Fish?" "No, what is your plan, clearly my sister is not planning anything, but that cannot be the same for you." Spike shrugged. "Well, I was planning on going back to bed when this was all done, that plan is out the window now. Then I was going to make lunch for me, my mamas and Grandma, then pick up that comic Feather mentioned a while back. Oh, then I have to get ready for Apple Buck season with Ma and Uncle Mac." Luna looked at Spike, but she hadn't eaten anything in the last 1000 years, and she was hungry. "Wait, you said something about food?" Spike nodded. "Yeah, I like to cook, are you hungry?" Luna nodded. "I was in a magic spell for 1000 years, where I did not require food, but that doesn't mean I didn't want some. Listen Young Spike, let us continue this after we have procured some sustenance for me." Spike nodded. "Um...Sure, go right past the balcony, down the stairs, second or third door on the left." "Second or Third?" Spike nodded. "Yeah, sorry, Ma and the family were transporting the food last night, and she mentioned it to me only once, so it should be in either one." Luna nodded. "Very Well." Luna walked down the hall with Spike. "Can you tell me something?" Asked Spike. "Fine, I have asked you so many questions, it is only fair." "Why aren't you more scary?" Luna started to giggle but she had to control herself. "What do you mean?" "On Nightmare Night, I always hear stories of Nightmare Moon demanding that we offer her our candy, or she'll eat us, but so far you seem very nice, a little mean, but nothing like the stories." "Who in Celestia's name would come up with such a lie, I have never ever eaten a foal, this is obviously a tactic to portray me as some villain." "I think it was the dentist, they didn't want kids to get cavities, so they came up with the lie to get us to give up the candy." "Then they shall be the first to be banished. I love foals, they are the future of our world, only a true monster would eat them. What other lies have been spread about me?" "Well, I remember that a few kids said that you never really existed." "Wait, surely there are some records of me?" "Oh, plenty of them, but I'm talking about the Mare in the Moon thing. Some thought it was just a random pattern that formed on the surface of the moon after years of asteroid impacts." "Oh, that one is true, not much to do on the moon but chuck rocks and dig, but I fixed all of it before I left." Spike laughed at hearing that. "Really?" "Yes. I envy you Spike, the world was much different 1000 years ago. Would you be willing to assist me in catching up to this time, I fear I have missed out on quite a lot?" Spike smiled at the offer. "Sure, but only if you don't hurt anyone." "And why do you think I am planning on hurting anyone, what is the point in that, you cannot rule a kingdom if there is no one to rule?" "What about dragons?" "I hold no ill will with them, so long as they are not a threat to me or my subjects, I will leave them be. That goes for all of the creatures of this world. I know that my appearance seems like I am filled with conquest, but I was also taught alongside Celestia, by our teacher Star Swirl. I want to preserve peace, not end it." "You are a strange mare." "Are thou insulting me, I believed we were becoming acquaintances?" Asked Luna, she was growing fond of the dragon. Spike smiled at her. "Sorry, but no, I was not insulting you, it was a complement. In this town strange is good, and normal is boring. Take me for example, I'm a dragon living in a pony town, raised by five fillies after I was abandoned in the Everfree." Luna gasped as she pulled Spike close to her. "Oh, you poor thing, there is no way that Celestia would ever allow that to happen in our kingdom." Spike sighed as this was going to be a long talk. "I'll tell you while we get you some food. We're here." Spike opened the door and it was a closet. "Ok, I guess it was the third door." He opened that door and sitting on a buffet cart was treats from the Apple family and Sugar Cube Corner. "Here, if anyone asks, I'll take the blame for this, you don't need any more bad publicity." Luna looked to the dragon. "No, if this is going to happen, than we're doing this together." She used her magic to move a treat over to Spike. "Tell me, what happened to cause a dragon to be left in the Everfree of all places?" Spike sighed. "Well, from what Grandma told me, I was thought to be dead, my egg was not warm when a traveler brought me before her. So, for years I was used as an item in her school for gifted unicorns." "I see, the shell of a dragon egg is one of the most magic resistant materials in the lands, even for an alicorn it would be a challenge to break." "Really, I had no idea, cool. But then this filly somehow hatched me one day. But to avoid a war with Dragons, Grandma wanted to send me back to the dragon lands so I could be raised by dragons. But the guard she chose to take me there was a coward and decided to leave me in the forest to die." Luna growled as her demonic eyes were back. "I will make him pay." Spike placed his hand on her leg. "Luna, it's fine, I'm not upset, I'm actually thankful to him for it. I got to be found by my Mamas, I got to be loved by them and my family, sure there were some problems at first, but I was taught to let the stares and comments be just that. It didn't make the life I knew any different, I had a family and they loved me, for me." Luna was crying as she stuffed another cupcake into her mouth. "Spike, you are much wiser than many dragons and far more than your age." Spike chuckled at the frosting on Luna's mouth. "Thanks, but I'm just me." Spike wiped the frosting off her muzzle. "So, did they taste good?" Luna blushed as she nodded. "Very, I had no idea such a confection existed." Spike nodded. "Yeah, me and Mama are proud of our baking skills." "Then she shall be my personal baker, while you assist me in learning of this world." "Cool, now try one of these." Spike showed a fritter. "What is it?" "It's an apple fritter." Luna took the treat and took a bite, then another, and another. "This is some trick, truly, nothing in this world can be this divine?" "No, they are that good, but it takes a lot of hard work to make them, but we Apples are hard workers." Luna brought more of the fritters to her. "Apples?" Spike chuckled at the question. "Chew first." Luna chewed and swallowed the 4 fritters in her mouth. "Sorry, but who are the Apples?" "Their my Ma's family, they actually settled this area when my Great Granny was a little filly, and ever since then we have stayed here." "I must say, the more of this town I hear about the more I see why strange is good." "Oh, trust me, that isn't even the half of it. My Mommy is a shy mare that can wrestle a bear, but it's only to help him get the kinks out of his back. My Mom is one of the best fliers in the world, and my Mother is one of the best designers I have ever seen." Luna sighed as she looked at Spike. "Spike, you're free to go, I'd rather not lose what we have forged by taking you hostage." Spike looked at Luna. "Nah, that would be the normal thing to do. Besides, I got loads more stories to tell you when we leave." Luna smiled as she looked at her nephew and friend. "Thank you Spike, you're the first bit of kindness that I've had in 1000 years. No matter what happens, I hope that we can still be friends." Spike gave the mare a hug. "Sure." "Luna, where are you?" Asked Celestia as she was getting worried when she never returned with Spike. "Oh, that's grandma, she must be worried." Said Spike. "Well, I was planning on doing this right after we left the room." She used her magic on Spike and smiled at him. "Thank you for everything Spike." "No problem Aunt Luna." Luna walked out of the storage room and found Celestia looking worriedly around. "There you are. Where have you 2 been, I'm supposed to raise the sun in a few minutes?" Luna glared at Celestia. "Sister, I was trapped on the moon for 1000 years with no real food. The least you can do to accommodate me is to allow me to eat." Celestia looked into the room and noticed that most of the food was gone. "No, I've been waiting for that all week." "Oh, grow up, you could stand to lose the weight, I noticed that you had a more pronounced flank the moment I arrived." Celestia glared at Luna. "Oh, the moment this is settled, you're going to regret saying that." Spike sighed. "Can you 2 stop fighting like Mother and Aunt Sweetie, I'm supposed to be a hostage remember, and you 2 are fighting over cakes and flanks. Grandma, when I'm done, I'll make you a cake to make up for it, and Aunt Luna, why does it matter, you got thinner legs, and Grandma has a longer muzzle. That doesn't change the fact that you are both pretty. Now shut up, take me to the balcony, threaten to bring upon this eternal night thing, and lets head to where ever we're going, it is too early for all of this, and maybe we can stop off at Mommy's for some nice tea, it goes well with the cupcakes." Both Celestia and Luna blinked at Spike. "Sweetie, are you ok?" Asked Celestia, she had never heard Spike talk like this. Spike sighed. "Sorry Grandma, I just find this whole situation kinda dumb, so whoever wins this thing between you is kinda pointless, you 2 care about each other, you care about the ponies, and sorry to say this, but you 2 are really strange, sure sisters fight, but you don't see Aunt Sweetie going nuts and Mother banishing her to the moon." Spike huffed. "And honestly, if this keeps up, I'd rather just leave you both alone for a while." Celestia looked at Spike. "Spike, I'm sorry, but you can't be serious, we love spending time together." "No, I'm tired of all of this." Said Spike as something was different about him. "I'm tired of all of this." Spike's eyes started to change from their green to an aqua color. "I'm tired of you, it's because of you that I don't know about my own kind. It's because of you that I was left to die." Spike then smirked as his spine's became longer and sharper. "And it's thanks to you I have a new host." Said Nightmare. "Oh, this is even better than I felt. Deep seeded regret, questions that are left unanswered, anger for always being the voice of reason. So much better than a little sister’s jealousy. Now all I have to do is get the elements and I can finally be free to rule over all of Equestria, then the dragons, and then the world... Wow this kid is really knowledgeable." Celestia and Luna glared at the dragon. "Nightmare, you leave Spike's body, he has nothing to do with this." "Tia, Tia, Tia, he does now." Said Nightmare as she broke the hold Luna had on Spike's body. "Do what you want, I have a world to rule. But first, I need to go see my Mamas." Spike walked over to the wall and with a single punch, shattered it. Shocking everyone in the room for the celebration. Spike flew up to the balcony. "Ponies of Ponyville, I have some sad news. The party is over." Everyone looked at Spike, but all the girls ran over to get some answers. "Spike Drake, what is the meaning of this?" Asked Rarity, she was so confused. Spike chuckled. "Sorry Mother, but I'm done being your little Spikie, in fact I'm done being a Shy, a Dash, a Pie, a Belle, and an Apple. I'm going to show the world that they shouldn't fear dragons, no they should fear me." Rainbow flew up to Spike, this wasn't her son, and she was going to get him back. "Spike, snap out of it." But Rainbow ran straight into a wall. "Sorry Mom, but someone that slow could never be a Wonderbolt, let alone catch me." Rarity tried to use her magic to pull Spike down. "Spike, please calm down, this isn't you." "I see, I guess you really are nothing but a dress maker, not even strong enough to save your son." Nightmare broke Rarity's spell on Spike's body and started laughing, but then he felt a rope around his leg. "Seriously, a rope?" AJ Glared at him as she gave a whistle. "LETS GET THIS APPLE BACK!" Cried AJ as she, Mac, Pear, Bright Mac, Aunt Orange, and 30 other members of the family took hold of the rope. But nothing happened. "Wow, this kid even works out his wings when he's alone. I picked a winner." Said Nightmare. He used his claws to cut the rope, but when he looked up, he saw the barrel of Pinkie's cannon. "GIVE ME BACK MY SWEETIE!" She shot Spike with a whole party but when it was clear all she saw was a Spike cut out. "What?" Spike grabbed the cannon and smiled when he placed it under his arm. "Thanks Mama, I'll make Gummy my general." Fluttershy looked at all the girls. "No." She flew up to Spike. "Spike, please stop this." "Mommy?" Asked the real Spike. "Sweetie, something is wrong, you need to listen to me." But her heart broke when she heard that evil laughter. "That was a close one, I almost got forced out, but I guess I'm stronger." Spike flew right in front of Fluttershy. "Sorry Mommy, but your little baby is a monster now." Fluttershy's heart was shattered when she heard that. "No no no. YOU GIVE HIM BACK RIGHT NOW!" She grabbed his tail. "Let my little baby go!" Nightmare looked back at her and growled. "Get off me." Nightmare tried to shake Spike's tail to get Fluttershy to let go of it. But she wasn't letting her little baby go. "Fine, I warned you." Nightmare was about to attack her, but the body wasn't moving. "What?" Inside of Spike's head. Spike was looking at what he had become. "Stop this, I agreed to this on the condition that no one gets hurt." "Fine, but how do you expect me to do that, I got goals Spike, and having your little mommy around kinda puts a cramp in that." "Let me say something." "Sure, what ever, but one word." Spike nodded. Nightmare looked at Fluttershy with a smirk. "Good news, Spike wants to say a something." Said Nightmare as Spike's eyes turned back to normal. "Sorry." Said Spike. Spike's eyes went back to Nightmares as they chuckled. "And moment gone." Said Nightmare Spike. "Now, let go." Fluttershy glared at the creature that was taking her son. "We're going to get him back." Said Fluttershy as she let Spikes tail go. "I wouldn't bet on it." Said Nightmare as they flew off into the Everfree. Fluttershy watched as Spike left, but the moment he was gone, she landed. "Shy, what the hay, why did you let him go?" Asked Rainbow. "Dash, that was not Spike, and nothing we did seemed like it did anything to him. We need to think about this before we rush in and get hurt." "There is a castle at the heart of the Everfree, The Castle of The Two Sisters. We will show you what you must do if we want to get Spike back from Nightmare." Said Celestia as she and Luna walked out into the room. All the girls ran over to Celestia. "Celestia, what is happening, who is this, and what happened to Spike?" Asked Fluttershy. "Fluttershy, this is my sister Luna, or you might know her as Nightmare Moon." Fluttershy growled as she looked at the mare. "YOU GIVE ME BACK MY LITTLE BABY RIGHT THIS INSTANT!" Yelled Fluttershy. Celestia used her magic to pry off the mare. "Fluttershy, this is not her doing, please listen, long ago, Luna was corrupted by a evil force that changed her into Nightmare Moon. I used a set of magical items to banish her to the moon, and now that thing has found a new host in Spike. But there is still time, I believe that we must the same method, to save Spike." Twilight ran over to the princess. "Princess, are you talking about the Elements of Harmony?" "That is correct, Twilight. We must use them to save Spike, before his mind is overpowered by Nightmare." She removed her yoke and showed her neckless. "I'm not going to lose my little granddrake like I did Luna." "He's our son." Said Rainbow as she and the rest of the girls got on their necklaces. "Twilight, I know that you do not know Spike as much, but you and he share a special connection. I think that you are going to play a role in getting him back. Moondancer, Sunburst, please stay and keep everyone calm." Said Celestia. Twilight nodded. "Girls, I know that we have only known each other for a little while, but I'm his mother too, and I need to take responsibility." They all nodded, happy to know that Twilight was joining them. "Great, we'll make you a mama necklace when we get back from saving Spike." Said Pinkie. Luna looked at Celestia. "You planned this?" Asked Luna in shock. Celestia nodded. "Well, most of it, I wasn't expecting Spike to be possessed. I had planned to take him with us, and then you accept the loss after you talked with him, you turn back to Luna, and boom, all good, the elements have their matches, I got you back, and Spike isn't a power hungry demon. But this town is strange. Sorry if my premonitions are a little off." Whispered Celestia. Luna sighed as she looked at the girls. "Spike spoke highly about all of you, I am so sorry that this has happened to him." "If my little baby is not ok after this, than the only one that will be in trouble is you." Luna nodded, it was fair. "I will not argue." Fluttershy sighed. "Sorry, but we need to focus on Spike." "AH!" Cried Zecora as she was running away from her home. "Zecora!?" Cried everyone. The Zebra mare ran into town hall. "Spike, gave me a fright, what is he doing in the dead of night, more over why is it still the middle of the night?" "Long story short, Spike got possessed, we need to head to a castle in the forest to save him, and Celestia hasn't risen the sun." Said Rainbow. Celestia face hoofed. "Right, I was going to blame that on Nightmare. Yaddy yaddy yadda, I Celestia raise the sun on a bright new day." Celestia's horn glowed and the sun was in position. "There, let’s go." Said Celestia as she teleported the group to the forest's edge. > Friendship Is Magic Pt2-1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- All the girls, Celestia, and Luna had arrived at the edge of the Everfree, and the girls were still waiting for a full explanation. "Celestia, why is this happening?" Asked Rainbow, the princess hadn't said anything that explained why this was happening to Spike. All the girls looked to the princess wanting an explanation of what was going on. Celestia sighed at the looks. "Long ago, when I was forced to banish Luna to the moon because of Nightmare, the spell I used required that I place conditions when it was complete. So, at the time, I set it for 1000 years, hoping that Luna would figure out that Nightmare was using her, second, if that did not happen, and the 1000 years went past, then upon their return they could not harm me or my ponies. Lastly, if they wished to return fully, they would need to use the Elements of Harmony, but until then they will be considerably weaker. So, if we want to get Spike back from Nightmare, we must get to the Elements first and use them on Spike." Fluttershy nodded as she walked into the forest without a word, she was determined to get her little baby back, no matter what, but she was not alone, all the girls followed Fluttershy into the dangerous forest. Luna looked to Celestia. "Sister, should I warn them about the traps that Nightmare set before we arrived?" Celestia shook her head. "No, I planned for them to just blow past anything that you might have setup. Believe it or not, Fluttershy stared down the newest dragon lord, without a second thought. That was the whole reason I wanted you to take Spike, nothing is going to stop them from getting him back." Luna sighed as she expected nothing less from Celestia. "Then let’s make sure we get him back, or I'll be dead." Said Luna as she walked into the forest. Celestia sighed as she followed her sister into the forest, ready to face any challenge for Spike. Nightmare just arrived at the old castle, and the moment they saw it, they smiled. "Finally, I can fully return." "So, you want to talk or something, or are you just going to use my body, and not clue me in to the whole plan?" Asked Spike. "Seriously? Luna at least put up a small fight when I first took over her, why are you acting so calm?" "Like I told Luna, I trust my Grandma, so I know everything will work out alright. So, what exactly are you?" "I am Nightmare, a force that was born from hatred, bitterness, jealousy, and dark magic. Now I need to locate the Elements so I can return and rule the world." "Then what?" "I rule the world, I said that." "Yeah, what about after that?" "I don't get what you're talking about, I rule the world and that's it." "Seriously, 1000 years on the moon, and ruling the world is all you have?" "What, I will have the world in my hooves...claws, sorry been with Luna for too long. Able to do anything I want." "Yeah, then what happens, do you think that everyone in the whole world will just say, whelp Celestia's done, lets follow the crazy dragon that doesn't have magic, can't move the sun, and is only 11 years old? What about a revolt? Grandma has been ruling for 1000 years, and many creatures will not let this happen. Oh, if all of the races don't take kindly to being ruled by you, will you attack them and force them to rally the other races, or will you just stay in Equestria. Can't do that and rule the world." "Wow, you are a buzz kill, and where does a 11 year old even learn stuff like this?" "Comics, Power Ponies issue #145, The Mane-iac was super charged with some cosmic powers and tried to take over the world instead of Maretropolis. But this kicked the hornets’ nest, when other heroes from around the world joined the Power Ponies and over powered her. She got crazy powerful, and not only made herself a problem for the Power Ponies but for many powerful heroes, and that was her own downfall." "Spike, this is real life, not some cheesy story that always ends for the best." Said Nightmare as she looked at her host. Spike shook his head. 'If only she knew.' As the group of mares made their way to Spike, they were walking on a mountainside. "So, I remember reading about the elements, Honesty, Kindness, Generosity, Laughter, Loyalty, and Magic makes it all complete, but they were lost centuries ago." Said Twilight, she then looked to Celestia. "Princess, how do you know that they are in the old castle?" Celestia sighed. "Twilight, the reason they were lost to time was because I was the one that hid them away. Before my sister was taken over, both of us were bound to the elements, but once Nightmare took over, I could feel that the elements were going to sever their connection to me, so in a last ditch hope, I used all the remaining magic they stored to use the spell. Thankfully, it worked, but it completely drained them and severed my connection to them. In time you will learn more about them, but as it is right now, they are almost fully charged, and are waiting for a bearer to unlock them again." Suddenly as the group was walking around a turn, a cloud of purple smoke trigged a landslide. "GIRLS LOOK OUT." Cried Celestia. She used her magic to pull all the girls back before they were crushed. But the landslide threw up a lot of dirt. "Girls, is everyone alright?" Asked Celestia. All the girls groaned, but aside from getting dizzy, they were all right. "Yes." As the dust cleared, everyone saw the path that was now impassable. "Great, but thankfully there is another route nearby." Said Celestia All the girls nodded as they followed the princess, when the edge of the mountainside started to crumble. This created another landslide that swept away the girls down to a cliff. "AWE!" But Rainbow was the first to take to the air. "I got you Pinkie!" Cried Rainbow as she swooped down and grabbed Pinkie by her legs. "Shy, get Rarity." Fluttershy nodded and kicked it into high gear. She grabbed Rarity's tail with her mouth and stopped her from sliding. But that still left Applejack and Twilight. Applejack grabbed a root that was hanging out of the cliff and stopped her sliding, but when she did, she noticed that Twilight was still sliding to the cliff's edge. Thankfully, she was able to stop herself, but she was hanging off by her own strength. "HELP!" Cried Twilight. Applejack took a deep breath and released her hold on the root. "Hold on I'm coming." Said the mare as she slid down to Twilight. Once she was down with Twilight, she wrapped her hooves around the mare’s legs. Twilight was scared. "Applejack, what do I do?" Applejack looked up and noticed that Luna and Celestia were ready to get the mare. So, in a straight face she looked at Twilight. "Let go." "ARE YOU CRAZY?" Cried the mare, she was not going to let go and drop to her death. "No, I ain't. I promise you'll be safe." Said Applejack. Twilight still didn't believe her. "That's not true!" But Applejack looked into the mare's eyes. "Now listen here. What I'm sayin' to you is the honest truth. Let go, and you'll be safe." After looking into Applejack's eyes, she felt like Applejack was being completely honest with her. So, with only the trust in her friend she let go of Applejack's legs and started to fall... for about a second. She was caught by Celestia and Luna the moment they noticed her falling. "Princess?" "Did you really think that I was going to let you fall Twilight?" Asked Celestia. "Ugh." Said Twilight as she went limp. Celestia giggled as she used her magic to grab Applejack and carried both mares to the bottom of the mountain side, where the others were waiting. "Girls, is everyone alright again?" Asked Celestia. "Yep, all good." Said Pinkie. "Ok, that one worked, but I teleported a..." Suddenly there was a loud roar coming through the tree line. Luna sighed, she had teleported a manticore that lived deeper in the forest to right around here to handle any survivors, and to top it off, she shoved a thorn into its paw, so it was going to be mad. "Girls, we have a problem... MANTICORE!" Cried Twilight. All the girls looked to the manticore as he walked out of the trees, but Fluttershy noticed 3 things about it almost instantly. "Manny?" Cried the mare as she flew over to the manticore. "What are you doing here?" The manticore growled as he showed his paw. "Oh, you poor thing, how did this happen?" More growling. "I see, well that is odd." He growled again, and Fluttershy sighed. "Sorry Manny, Spike is in trouble and we're trying to get to him, but you're free to stop by soon and chat?" Manny nodded and Fluttershy pulled out the thorn. "There, all better." Manny grabbed Fluttershy and gave her head a lick. "Ok, ok, you're welcome Manny." He put down his friend and walked back into the forest to get back to his den. Fluttershy walked back to the group with a smile on her face. "Such a sweet boy." But everyone was looking at her in shock. "What?" Twilight looked to the mare, then to the place the manticore was. "How did you do that?" Fluttershy giggled. "Oh, that was Manny, he stopped by my house about 2 months back, poor thing was defending himself from a Timberwolf, and got his stinger stuck in a tree trunk. So, after he promised to behave, I brought him to my house and helped him. But I wanted to make sure that there were no splinters, so I got Spike to talk with him while I examined his tail. But he lives much further in, what was he doing so far away from his home?" Luna looked away and started whistling. "Who knows, but we mustn't stop, young Spike is in need." Said Luna. This got the train back on track. "Right." Said all the girls as they followed the path. Celestia looked to Luna with a shocked face. "Really, a Manticore? Are you crazy, how is that not a breach of the conditions?" "Technically, I was not the one that was going to hurt them, and yes I was crazy, remember?" Celestia sighed, but suddenly there was the sound of Pinkie singing coming through the trees. "What is happening now?" Asked Luna. "Pinkie Pie." Said Celestia as she followed the sound of Pinkie. Inside of the tree's, Pinkie was finishing up her song. "So, giggle at the ghostly Guffaw at the grossly Crack up at the creepy Whoop it up with the weepy Chortle at the kooky Snortle at the spooky And tell that big dumb scary face to take a hike and leave you alone and if he thinks he can scare you then he's got another thing coming and the very idea of such a thing just makes you wanna... hahahaha... heh... Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuugh!" Finished Pinkie as she flopped onto her back and started laughing, soon all the girls joined her as now the dark forest didn't seem so bad. "Girls, what happened?" Asked Celestia, she was worried that it was another one of Nightmare's traps. "Oh, we let our imaginations run wild, but we got past it, and now we're all laughing." Said Pinkie. "But I heard singing?" Asked Luna. "Silly Luna, you can't be scared when your singing." Said Pinkie as she wrapped her leg around the mare's neck. "You are a strange one Miss Pie." Pinkie giggled as she gently slapped Luna's shoulder. "Awe, thank you Luna, you are quite strange as well." Luna smiled as she thought back to her conversation with Spike. "I see where Spike gets it from, but more on that later, we are not too far now, we must make haste." Pinkie adopted her serious look, which was still a smile, but it was a serious smile, and she nodded. "Right, so that's me, Fluttershy, and AJ, that means that it's Rarity's turn." Pinkie looked to the trunk of a tree. "Hey Mister Writer, I know your there, go to the next scene." 'Fine, but stop that, I'm the one writing this.' "I know and you're doing a great job, have a cupcake." Pinkie pulled a cupcake from her mane and pushed it behind a tree. 'You know what, cool, good luck with Steven.' The writer grabbed the cake and smiled. 'Red velvet, nice.' So, after braking every known wall in the universe, Pinkie and group continued on their way to save Spike. > Friendship Is Magic Pt2-2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the group had stopped questioning why Pinkie had placed a cupcake behind a tree, it was time for another problem. In front of them was a raging river. "Really? Come on!" Cried Pinkie. "How are we going to cross this?" But soon the girls heard the sound of someone crying. "Huh?" Pinkie walked over to some bushes and found that the river wasn't raging but was in fact being aggravated by a large purple sea serpent with a head of orange hair. "What a world, what a world." Cried the serpent as he beat the water with his hands. Twilight walked over to the river’s edge to see if there was something they could do to help. "Excuse me, sir. Why are you crying?" The sea serpent noticed the group and stopped crying. "Well, I don't know. I was just sitting here, minding my own business, when this very mean purple and green dragon just buzzed past me and tore half of my beloved mustache clean off, and now I look simply horrid." The serpent wailed and flopped into the river, splashing all the girls. "Oh, give me a break." Said Rainbow. "That's what all the fuss is about?" Asked Applejack. Rarity huffed as she walked between the 2 mares. "Why, of course it is. How can you be so insensitive? Oh, just look at him." She walked over to him and started complementing his style. "Such lovely luminescent scales." The serpent sniffled. "I know." "And your expertly coiffed mane." He pulled himself out of the water and rested his arms on the bank. "Oh, I know, I know." "Your fabulous manicure." The Serpent gasped, he had never been complemented like this before. "It's so true!" "All ruined without your beautiful mustache." Said Rarity. The serpent cried as he covered his face. "It's true, I'm hideous!" Rarity squinted her eyes. "I simply cannot let such a crime against fabulosity go uncorrected." She used her mouth to grab one of the serpent's scales. She tore it off his body, which made him yelp in slight pain. "What did you do that for?" All the girls were confused on what Rarity was going to do. ": Rarity, what are you-?" Asked Twilight before she noticed Rarity using the scale to cut her own tail. This made the Serpent faint in shock. But Rarity wasn't done, she used her magic and her years of sawing and re attached her tail to the torn bit of the serpent’s mustache. Once the serpent was aware of what was going on, he moaned. " Oh-hohohoho! My mustache. How wonderful." Rarity smiled as she looked at the serpent. "You look smashing." Twilight walked over to Rarity. "Oh, Rarity, your beautiful tail..." But Rarity smiled. "Oh. It's fine, my dear. Short tails are in this season. Besides, it'll grow back." Rainbow interjected. "So would the mustache." That's when Twilight noticed that the river had calmed, so she gasped. "Oh, we can cross now." She trotted into the water before she was caught by the serpent’s body. "AH." "Oh, don't worry, allow me." Said the serpent. He allowed all the girls to hop across his body to let them cross. But when they did, they noticed Luna and Celestia were already waiting. "Princess? how did you already cross?" Asked Twilight. Celestia pointed to a bridge about 300 feet from where they were. "Twilight, there was a bridge, it is a river, and it would be hard for ponies to come see us if they had to hall carts through it." Twilight groaned as she looked to Rarity. "Rarity, I'm sorry, if I had noticed, then you wouldn't have had to give up your tail." Rarity shushed the mare. "Oh, it's fine, besides, it was kinda Spike's fault, and I felt like it was my job to fix it." Celestia smiled as she used her magic to fix it instantly. "Allow me Rarity." Soon Rarity's tail was back to its normal length. Rarity gasped as she used her magic to curl her tail to just the right shape, and once it was finished, she sighed. "Oh, that is a life saver, thank you Celestia." "No problem Rarity." "Wait, but I thought it was impossible to replace a mane or tail?" Asked Twilight, that was what her books said. Celestia giggled. "Twilight, while you cannot fix an already bald tail or mane, no one ever mentioned using a growth spell on what was left. That is all Rarity's tail, but I just grew it out." "And it looks fabulous." Said Rarity. Twilight groaned. "I'm just going to leave that for now. We should be almost there." The group kept walking until they reached a break in the trees. Twilight gasped. "There it is, the ruins that holds The Elements of Harmony. We made it!" Cheered Twilight. "Hey, that is still our old home." Said Luna, she was a little insulted that it was called a ruin. Suddenly a part of the castle crumbled. "Ok, never mind, ruin works." Twilight ran to the ruins and when she did, she completely ignored the fact that there was no bridge to span the gap. "AH!" Cried Twilight, but thankfully she was pulled to safety by Rainbow Dash. "What's with you and falling off cliffs today?" Asked the mare. Twilight huffed and brushed the comment aside. "Princess is there another bridge?" Celestia shook her head. "I'm afraid not, this used to be a grand bridge made of stone, but after someone tossed me through it, and destroyed most of the castle, I decided that I would move to Canterlot. So, I placed a small rope bridge here just in case." Celestia looked to the bridge. "But it seems that the ropes were damaged." Pinkie huffed. "Now what?" "Um...duh." Said Rainbow as she gave a small flap of her wings. "Oh yeah." Giggled Pinkie as she watched Rainbow fly down the cliff and grab the end of the rope. Rainbow flew back up and was about to tie it off but then she noticed that a thick fog was obscuring the cliff. "Rainbow." Said an eerie voice. Rainbow looked around. "Who's there?" But the eerie voice called again. "Rainbow..." Rainbow huffed as she flared her wings. "I ain't scared of you! Show yourself!" "We've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flyer in Equestria." This confused Rainbow. "Who?" "Why, you, of course." This made Rainbow blush. "Really?! I mean... Oh yeah, me. Hey, uh, you wouldn't mind telling the Wonderbolts that, would ya? 'cause I've been trying to get into that group for like, ever." "No, Rainbow Dash. We want you to join us, The Shadowbolts." Soon three pegasi ran out of the mist and stopped right in front of the mare. Each of them was dressed in a purple and black jumpsuit and cowl. "We're the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest, and soon we will be the greatest in all Equestria." The leader started flying around Rainbow. "But first, we need a captain. The most magnificent-" Rainbow nodded. "Yep." "Swiftest-" "Yes." "Bravest flyer in all the land." Rainbow nodded again. "Yes, that's all true." The leader flew right up to Rainbow's ear. "We need... you." Rainbow cheered as she flew up. "WOOHOO! Sign me up. Just let me tie this bridge real quick and then we have a deal." This didn't sit well with the leader. "No! It's them or us." And this didn't sit well with the mare. "Leave! I don't care then, I'm here to save my son, and if I have to choose between him and becoming a great flyer, then take my wings right now, and I better never see you're faces again." Rainbow turned around and tied the rope to the large stone pillar. The three Shadowbolts growled as they puffed into a purple cloud. "Rainbow, is everything all right?" Cried Fluttershy. Rainbow smiled at her fellow mothers and Twilight, as she flew past the fog. "Yep, not a problem Shy, I'd never leave you guys hanging. But let’s hurry, Spike is so close now." This reinvigorated all the girls, as they ran past the bridge, missing that there was a set of stone stairs that lead down into the foggy pit. Celestia and Luna watched as all the girls ran across the bridge. "Charm Spell?" "Yep, but it seems to not have worked, it was designed to temp the target with their greatest desire." "Well, it seems that even a mother's love beats desire." Said Celestia. "Come along lets head to the observation tower and see if we can get Spike back." Luna was confused. "Wait, why? Aren't the Elements right over our thrones?" Celestia giggled. "Oh, heavens no, do you have any idea how many ponies tried to steal them before I had everything moved? A lot, so as the last addition to the castle I added a mechanism in the observation tower to store them. It's actually very entertaining, but really unnecessary." Luna sighed as she and Celestia flew to the tower. Inside of the castle, Spike was driving Nightmare crazy. "Stop talking about how my plan is flawed." "No, it makes no logical sense, you're determined to bring upon the eternal night, but we need the sun to grow crops, and too much will kill them, so if you do this eternal night thing, you would either need to use your own magic, which I do not have, or you take a host that can move the sun and moon, which only grandma and Luna can do, or you starve to death from no food, or the ponies revolt and you are dethroned, and Grandma takes control again. So, no matter what, your plan is doomed." "What if I just force everyone to farm?" "Then you'd be like the yaks, not advancing past where we are now, no new products, and no new tools, and not everyone is a farmer." "Um... we domesticate animals, to help?" "You have any idea how hard it is to get a rabbit to listen to you, birds are easier, but can't work, we have cows, but they are for milking, and only if you are nice. So, animals are not the right move either." Nightmare groaned. "I really wish I stayed with Luna now, at least she kept her trap shut." "Oh, and what about parties, no sun means no wheat, no wheat means no flour, no flour means no more cakes... Ever." Suddenly there was a loud gasp from inside of the castle. "What did you do?" Celestia giggled as she and Luna landed into the tower. "He just made Pinkie see logic." Said Celestia. Nightmare looked at the pair. "Celestia, but how, my traps?" "Don't underestimate the power of an angry mother." Said Luna. "And thanks for giving me my magic back." Nightmare looked to Luna. "Luna, I'm sorry, how about we let bygones be bygones and I hop back into you and we do the whole eternal night thing?" "It's still flawed." Said Spike. "Dang it, I'm letting him have too much freedom, my connection with him isn't complete." "I mean seriously, think about when the ponies are going to sleep? We are awake during the day, so just because some crazy dragon says there will not be any more sun, what do you expect to happen, and again no magic?" Nightmare cried as she had enough. "STOP!" Cried Nightmare as she broke the link between Spike and flew out of his mouth. "FINE IF I CAN'T HAVE YOU, THEN I'LL TAKE THE ONLY ONE THAT CAN MAKE MY PLAN WORK!" She flew towards Celestia but was stopped by a magical barrier. "What?" Celestia smiled. "Sorry Nightmare, possessing me is a clear breach of the agreement. The only choice you have is Luna, and she has been practicing holding you back." "That's where you're wrong Celestia, I'll just posses one of Spike's mamas." "Oh, you mean my ponies, that are also bound by the agreement?" It took Nightmare a moment to figure out what was happening, and they did not like it. "No, this can’t be happening?" Cried the wisp. Luna walked to the wisp. "Sorry Nightmare, but this is your nightmare come true." Luna walked into the wisp and forced it back into her body. Luna shivered at having Nightmare back in her, but she was still in control. "Well the good news is she is safely tucked in my mind and can't break out for a while." Said Luna as her nightmare was about to be over. Spike groaned. "Uh, what happened?" Celestia walked over to Spike and nuzzled his head. "Nothing that was your fault Sweetie, and great job helping me." "Where are mamas?" "Yes, where are the girls?" Asked Luna. "Dang it Pinkie, I told you not to touch the organ." Said AJ. "Sorry, but I need to practice." Said Pinkie, she was sitting at a massive organ and the moment she touched it, the sound shook the whole castle. Celestia face hoofed as she forgot about the organ. "I thought I had that dismantled." "Wait, are my slides still here?" Asked Luna happily. "Yes, all of them are still here, and the hall of hooves, and all the short cuts." Said Celestia. "But Luna, don't we need to deal with Nightmare first?" "Right, right, now let me see this mechanism." Celestia smiled as she placed Spike on her back and walked over to the stairs, but that's when she heard the sound of all the girls coming up to check there. "On second thought." She walked away from the stairs and took a seat behind Luna. When the group reached the final set of stairs, there was a small clunk and a section of the floor slid open showing a large mechanical pedestal, with 5 large stone orbs as it rose out of the ground. Celestia hummed as she looked at the. "What happened, it was supposed to rotate as it rose out of the ground?" Celestia sighed as it was too late now to fix it, so she placed an invisibility spell on all three of them. Luna was confused. "Sister, why are you hiding us?" "Shh, this was part of the plan, she needs to figure it out." Said Celestia. When the group got there, Twilight gasped at finding the Elements. "Girls, there they are. Lets hurry before Spike finds them." Applejack looked at the stones. "Wait, I only see 5 of them, where's the sixth?" Celestia looked to Luna. "Ok, Luna, tell them that I hid the sixth long ago somewhere else, then use your magic to shatter the stones." "Really, that again? I was finding stone bits in my mane for weeks after we did it the first time." "Just do it." Luna huffed. "Fine." She walked out of the spells range and cackled evilly. "Sorry to tell you girls, but Celestia had misled you all, she only had the 5 elements here, she kept the 6th in a safe location." Luna then pulled all the orbs to her and with a mighty stomp, shattered all 5 orbs. "AND NOW I WILL FINALLY RULE!" All the girls gasped as they looked at Luna. "Luna?" "NO, YOU FOALS, NIGHTMARE!" But it was still Luna. WHERE IS MY LITTLE BABY!?" Yelled Fluttershy. "Safe, for now." "No, you give him right back." Cried the mare. "Yeah, let him go." Said Rainbow. "You better give him back or this is not going to take long." Said AJ. Pinkie's hair went straight, and she had an incredibly angry look in her eye. "Cupcakes?" 'Not again.' Sighed Mister Writer. 'Pinkie no, just roll with it.' Pinkie's hair went back to normal, but she was still angry. "Fine." "I may be a lady but I'm also a mother, and this mother will fight tooth and nail for her Spikie." Twilight gasped as she looked at how determined each of the girls were. "That's it." Celestia smirked from her spell. "And cue the elements." Soon all the shattered elements started flying over to the girls and floating around them. "Girls, I know how to beat her, but we can only do this together." "Well duh, it was kinda obvious, but less life lesson and more getting back our son." Said Rainbow. "No, the last spark is missing, you cannot use them without the spark." Said Luna. "That's where you are wrong, Nightmare, the spark isn't what you think it is. The true spark is when I realized that even though we haven't known each other for long, that they are my friends." Suddenly there was a light coming from the ceiling, as a sixth stone orb floated down to Twilight. "You see, Nightmare Moon, when those Elements are ignited by the... the spark, that resides in the heart of us all, it creates the sixth element: the element of... magic!" There was a blinding flash as each of the girl’s necklaces were embedded in 5 larger copies of their gems, with a large gold band. But what was diffrent, was that Twilight had a large golden tiara on her head with a large 6 pointed star on top. The girls started floating and a magical beam connected them. Luna smirked as it was time for her to let Nightmare have her turn. "Good luck." Spike and Celestia watched as a large curled rainbow was shot up and focused onto Nightmare. "NOOOOOO!" Cried the mare as she was being totally banished. Twilight opened her eyes and showed that they were pure white from the amount of magic she was channeling. "Spike, cover your eyes, this is going to be bright." Said Celestia as she covered her eyes with her wings. Spike did the same with his, and in an instant, it was like a second sun was in the room. When the light died all the girls were on the ground. "Uh, is everyone ok?" Asked Rainbow as she rubbed her head. Each of the girls groaned in agreement. "Did we do it?" "Well we're not dead, so I'd say so." Said AJ. "It just feels like we are." Said Rarity. "I can't feel my bones." Said Pinkie. "Could you before?" Asked AJ. Pinkie giggled. "Nope." "Girls, we still need to find Spike." Said Fluttershy. This made all the girls jump up to find Spike. Celestia smiled as her job was done. She used her magic to teleport both her and Spike out of nowhere to seem like they were captured. But the moment Spike was aware of where he was in respect to the girls, he flew off of Celestia's back and cried. "MAMAS!" All the girls gasped at seeing Spike was ok. "SPIKE!" Cried the girls, the first thing they did was pull the dragon into a loving hug as they were all crying at seeing Spike was back. "I'm so sorry Mamas, I don't want to stop being a Shy, or a Dash, or a Pie, or a Belle, or an Apple, I'm so sorry." Fluttershy smiled as she gave Spike a kiss on the head. "Shh, don't worry Sweetie, we know that wasn't you talking." Pinkie looked to Twilight and noticed that she wasn't in the hug, so Pinkie pulled the mare, who was easily 10 feet away, into it against her will. "Come on Twilight, you're his Mama too." Twilight sighed as she accepted the new title. "It's good to have you back Spike." Said Twilight as she joined the hug. "Thanks Twilight, and welcome to the family." Said Spike. Celestia walked over to Luna, who had lost her nightmare form. She was now shorter than Celestia by a good bit, her mane was shorter as well and was a pale blue color, and she looked like she was hit by a train. "I haven't seen you look like this in almost 1500 years." She helped the mare up to her hooves. "Stop talking like that sister, I'll be me once again when my true magic returns." "I know, but truly it is good to see the real you again." She pulled Luna into a hug. "I missed you too Tia." Then there was a gasp. "NO!" Cried Pinkie. This made Celestia and Luna run over to see what was wrong. "Pinkie what happened?" All the girls had taken off their elements and were even trying to break them. "Give it back." Said Rarity as she tried to pry off the smaller original gem. "That was a gift from our Spikie Wikie, and no 2 bit gem is going to take them away." "Mamas I can find new ones for you all." All the girls glared at Spike, and that was his cue to leave them alone. "Ok I'm not going to get into this." Said Spike. Celestia sighed as she pulled all the necklaces to her. "Ok, Spike, you pull." Spike sighed as he looked at the stones. "Fine." He grabbed Fluttershy's necklace and popped out the original stone. Spike looked at the stone. "Wait, seriously?" Celestia nodded. "Yeah, each of them are magical gemstones, and while yes they would have been able to get them out on their own sooner or later, this is just easier." Celestia moved to Rainbows, and Spike got it out, then to Applejacks, and he popped that one out. Rarity's was next and that came out in a snap, and lastly was Pinkie's but hers had a button that when pressed just popped it out for him. He looked at the gems and smiled as he walked over to the girls. He was in front of Rainbow as he placed on her necklace. "This one for Mama." He walked over to AJ and placed it around her neck. "This one for Mama." He walked over to Fluttershy and smiled at her. "This one looks like Mama." He placed it around her neck. He walked over to Pinkie and looked sheepish. "So good news Gummy is safe, but I think he's hungry for world domination." Pinkie hummed as she pulled Gummy out of her mane. "Is that why I found you with a bunch of toys and a generals cap?" Gummy looked into her eyes and she shrugged. "Nope he's just hungry." She placed him back into her mane and he sunk down into his dimension. Spike looked at the gem. "This one pretty like Mama's eyes." He lowered the necklace over Pinkie's head. Lastly Spike walked over to Rarity and smiled at her. "Sorry, I don't remember if I said anything to you, but this pretty like mama's mane." Said Spike as he placed the necklace on Rarity. Rarity smiled. "It's fine, and I kinda got side tracked as well back then, something about your first bath." Pinkie sighed as she pulled out a rocking chair, a pair of reading glasses and a hard back cover of the old story. "First off, he never did say anything and that was when you got your inspiration and cutie mark, but we did have to bathe Spike, he was really dirty." Pinkie then placed all of the things back in her hair and smiled at the family. Spike chuckled as he looked at Pinkie. "Thanks Mama." "Now that everything is settled, I think it is time for us to return." Said Celestia as she walked over to the group. "Yes, I agree, I'm sure Nightmare's actions have spoiled the morning, but let’s make the rest of the day grand to compensate." Said Luna. Everyone nodded, so the group started walking back to town. After an hour of walking, Pinkie had gotten the party going full swing in 3 minutes. Spike was sitting on a cloud with Celestia and Luna, looking over his home. "So, how much trouble am I in, I did kinda destroy a wall at Town Hall?" Celestia giggled as she nuzzled Spike's head. "Don't worry about it, that was not because of you, but I do want some fritters to replace the one's that you and Luna ate." Spike smiled as he hugged Celestia. "Sure thing Grandma." "So, tell me young Spike, when we were together in the closet, I made you an offer to help me learn about this new world, are you still willing to do that?" "Of course, Aunt Luna, and just call me Spike." Luna smiled as she looked to her nephew. "Wondrous, then when you have time, I would be happy to invite you to our castle." "Really, thanks, I've always wanted to see where Grandma lives." "Wait, you've never been to Celestia's castle?" Luna looked to Celestia. "Tia, why hast our nephew never seen the castle?" Spike sighed as he kinda guessed. "Dragon." "Yes, that was not an unknown sight to either of us back when I was with Tia, the Dragon Lord sent an emissary every year to visit and bring us news, and in turn seeing a dragon was at least seen as formality." Said Luna. Celestia rubbed her head. "Luna, that was like 3 dragon lords ago, Dragon Lord Iron Scale, was the last to do that, but now it is unheard of to see a dragon in a pony city." Spike chuckled. "Yeah, but it's fine. I'm happy, I got my mamas, and I heard that Great Grandpa and Great Grandma are thinking of letting uncle Sweet Pear take over the farm in Vanhoover, and they want to move back to town." Celestia smiled. "That's great. Pear must be so happy." Spike nodded. "She is." Luna looked to Celestia. "Then Spike, seeing as I'm still a princess of Equestria, I hereby allow you access to visit me and Tia, and if anyone makes a fuss, just tell me and I'll handle it." Spike leaned over to Celestia. "So, this is what you meant when you told me that Aunt Luna had a fighting spirit." Celestia nodded. Celestia took a deep breath. "But she's right Spike, you are my granddrake, and we founded Equestria on equality. So, if you have time, I would love to finally see you visit our home." She nuzzled Spike's head. "Oh, I need to tell you about my niece Cadence, and warn you about my nephew blueblood." Spike looked to Celestia, then to Luna. "What?" Cried Luna. "Oh, it's not what you think, I adopted a colt that had lost his family and home around 500 years ago, and I loved him very much, but he got married and started a family, and right now Blueblood is the last in that line, but I'm still his aunt. Cadence was in the same position, but technically she is not my niece, I'm her guardian, but she's still family." Spike chuckled at seeing that there was even more of his family to meet. "Well I can't wait to meet them." Celestia giggled. "I'm sure it will be a great moment when you do." "SPIKE?" Cried a voice. Spike looked down to the ground and noticed that Fluttershy was looking around for him. "Oh, it's Mommy." Celestia smiled at her little granddrake. "Well, that's fine, it is time for me to leave as well, I've been up for 30 hours and this princess has earned her day off to sleep." She looked to Luna. "Luna, do you want to come back with me or would you like me to send a chariot to pick you up later?" Luna looked to Celestia, then to Spike, but she smiled. "No, I wish to stay and acquaint myself with Spike some more, you've had 11 years, and I've had 3 hours. I have a lot of catching up to do." Celestia nodded as she gave Spike a kiss and her sister a hug, but before she left. "Oh, I forgot about this." Celestia powered her horn and used the messenger spell on Spike and Luna. Once it was complete, Spike shivered a little. "Cool, thanks Grandma." "Sister?" "Send to family with Fire, now Spike can send you messages." Said Celestia. Luna smiled at hearing that. "That is joyous." "Spike, there you are, I was so worried." Said Fluttershy. Spike chuckled as he looked at Fluttershy. "Sorry Mommy, I was just talking with Aunt Luna and Grandma." Fluttershy looked to the mares and smiled at them. "Fluttershy, may I place my sister into your care for now, I am required elsewhere?" Asked Celestia. "Of course, Celestia, have a nice rest." Celestia yawned, but she didn't teleport to her bed, no she flew down to the ground to finally finish up what will play a part in her role. She walked over to a table where Twilight, Moondancer, and Sunburst were talking with some of the towns ponies. "Twilight, Moondancer, Sunburst, may I have a word with you all?" They all nodded as they waved goodbye to the others. "Of course Princess, but there is something I want to ask you as well." Celestia nodded as she was always happy to hear her ponies out. "Sure, what is on your mind?" She took a seat at the table and the moment she did, she felt a strong gale pass her. Celestia looked down and found a large plate of fritters and a note from Pinkie. Celestia smiled at the note. Sorry about Spike eating all the sweets, this one is all yours. Celestia giggled as she started digging into the food. "Excuse me, but I'm listening." "Princess, I'd like to stay here for some time and explore the magic of friendship, and to make up for lost time with the girls and Spike." Celestia smiled at hearing that, she was planning on asking Twilight to do the very same thing, and she doubted that the old librarian was willing to end her retirement. "Very well, but what of Moondancer and Sunburst?" "We talked about it as well, and we want to stay. That and without us, she'd be in the hospital every day with food poisoning." Said the mare. "Very well, I will have some guards bring all your personal belongings tomorrow, but I am also interested in hearing of what you have discovered, so if it is not too much of a bother, could you send me a report on how you are all doing, what you have learned, and what new friends you have made?" Twilight beamed at getting an assignment. "Of course, and don't worry, I'll make sure to send you a report every week." "NO!" Cried Pinkie as she ran over to the mare and started shaking her. "No, what ever you do, don't force it, just wait for something to happen." Celestia giggled at how random Pinkie Pie could be. "Pinkie, thank you for the treats." Pinkie smiled but she kept shaking the mare. "No problem." Twilight was getting dizzy. "Pinkie, can you please stop?" "Oh." She let go of Twilight and smiled. "Sorry, but I don't want to deal with that." Mister Writer sighed. 'Screw it, I'm going to my other stories.' Pinkie smiled as she waved to Mister Writer. "Don't worry, you'll be back." Sunburst leaned over to Moondancer. "Who is she talking to?" "I have no clue, but for some reason I don't want to question it." Said the mare. Celestia smiled as it was time for her to go. "Twilight, Moondancer, Sunburst, I must get back to Canterlot, have a good time here." They all bowed at Celestia, but she had watched all of them grow up into 3 great unicorns, so she pulled them into a hug. One that was happily returned. "I'll see you all soon." Said Celestia as it was time for bed. She took a few steps back and took the rest of her treats in her magic, and in a large flash, she teleported back to her home. Pinkie awed at how loving that was, but she wasn't partying like it was the end of the world, which it almost was, so she pulled out her party cannon and shot off a 10killaton confetti bomb into the sky. Back with Spike, Luna, and Fluttershy, they all just watched the confetti bomb go off. "Well come on, this is a celebration, and Pinkie is looking for her favorite party dragon?" Spike's mood then changed as he reached into Luna's mane and pulled out a pair of glasses and a fake mustache. "I'll be back." He leapt off the cloud and flew straight for Pinkie. Luna watched as so many ponies were partying. "Fluttershy, your home is strange." Fluttershy giggled at the complement. "Thank you." She pulled the mare into a hug. "Welcome to the family." Luna smiled. "So, tell me about yourself?" But then she heard something rattle in her mane. "What is this?" Soon a small moonstone cut into the shape of a crescent moon with a dark chain was around Luna's neck. Fluttershy smiled at seeing the stone. "Well it's official." She showed her necklace and smiled at the gift. "Such a sweet dragon." > Golden Ticket > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It's been a week since the whole Nightmare Moon fiasco, and Spike was helping his Ma haul bushels of apples to the barn, with the town's newest residents, Twilight, Moondancer, and Sunburst. "Thanks for helping guys, I want to see how ridiculous Uncle Mac looks in one of Granny's girdles." Said Spike, earlier today, AJ and Big Mac made a stupid bet, if AJ could get a large section of the orchard cleared and hauled to the barn, he would walk around town in one of Granny's girdles, but if she lost, she would have to do pig calls all day. Both would have been hilarious to see, but seeing Mac in a girdle was just slightly better. The unicorns chuckled at the idea, each of them was hauling a basket. "No problem, it's a perfect way for us to get to know you and the girls, Spike." Said Moondancer. "Yeah, without the whole, possession by a demon, the threat of you getting eaten, and Twilight almost getting killed by your mamas." Said Sunburst. This earned him a hoof to the side by Moondancer. "Yes... it's been an interesting month." Said Twilight. "Nah, I'd say in the top 10, but nowhere near the most interesting." Said Spike. Twilight groaned. "I don't want to know, because knowing you, most of it won't make sense." Spike chuckled, she was 100% correct. "Yeah, but Mister Time Turner, taking me back to see what Grandma looked like when she was a filly was so cool. Though I hope he is happy with Miss Hooves?" "There you go again, I keep telling ya, there is no way that you went back in time in a large blue box, driven by a crazy stallion with no magic, it was a dream." 'If only she knew.' Thought Spike. But suddenly Spike's cheeks bulged. "You got mail." Said Spike as he belched up the note. Spike had really improved with getting messages, so much so that he was able to catch it before it landed. He opened the note and found 9 golden tickets and a note from Celestia within. Dear Spike, I just had a thought, I know that you want to come to see Canterlot, and visit with me and Luna, so let's make it fun. Every year since I took over as princess, I've held a gala, and it's always boring, it's not fun, there are only small talks, and the worst part, is that I have to stand around for an hour greeting guests. So this year I want to spice this gala up a bit, that is why I'm inviting the cause of all the crazy in Ponyville. Please give each of your mamas a ticket, as well as Twilight, Sunburst, and Moondancer. And of course, the last one is for you. Don't worry about what the ponies will say, I've already made a cover for a dragon being here, mister emissary. Luna is so excited to see you again, and I've made arrangements for you to meet Cadence, but a little heads up, she has no idea that you're a dragon, but I've told her all about you. See you in a month's Sweetie. Love Grandma. P.S. Make sure to dress up. Spike looked at the tickets in his hand and shrugged. "Cool." Spike then sent each of his mamas a ticket with his fire. He then looked at AJ. "So, what is a gala?" "Spike, a gala is a party, but more refined, there is music, high-class food, and very important ponies." Said Moondancer. Spike gasped in horror. "Ma, I need to find Mama, this is going to take all of our power to make halfway decent." AJ sighed as she looked at Spike. "Fine, but you better be ready for Monday Spike, Applebuck season starts, and I better not find you passed out from drinking too much sugar punch." Spike sighed. "It was one time, and Mama wanted to see if 4 bags of sugar was enough." "That doesn't mean you need to drink the whole bowl." Said AJ. "Now get going, I got a bet to win." She kissed Spike on the cheek and smiled as he ran off to go find Pinkie. Twilight groaned. "I'm never going to have a normal day again." AJ laughed. "Nope, but accepting that is the first step." Spike ran into Sugar Cube Corner, and the moment he did, he smiled at his boss, landlord, and kinda aunt seeing as she's been part of his life since day 2, Misses Cake. She pointed up to the living loft. "She's already up there Spike." Spike ran over to Misses' cake and kissed her on the cheek. "Thanks, Aunt Cake." Then he b lined it for his mama. Downstairs in the party cave, Pinkie was going full-blown for this, she somehow had a 5 o'clock shadow, but it was only 9 am, she was drinking coffee through a silly straw, and she looked like she was planning on how to rob a bank with blueprints of the royal castle on a desk. "Ok, so if we put the fondue fountain over here by the stage, we can move the giant chicken to the other side of the snack table. But where can I put the glowing dancefloor?" Pinkie slammed her head on the desk in defeat. Spike walked over to Pinkie and looked over her shoulder, at the setup. "Get rid of the dancefloor, and utilize the tiles that are there already with lights. The chicken can then be moved to the right, near the stairs and that'll free up space for even more cakes on the dessert table." Pinkie looked over to Spike and smiled at him. "That's my boy." She then peeled off her shadow and kissed him on the cheek. "Now, I got the jest of it already, but the main goal of all of this to work is if we make a scene." She then pulled Spike down and the party plan was started. > Griffon The Brush Off > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Today was like any other day, by Ponyville standards. Twilight was reading in the park, listening to Pinkie talk about Spike's last day of forced flight restrictions and, to commemorate it, Rainbow took Spike out to teach him some tricks. "Twilight, it was hoof-biting action overload! They were like stunt superstars, flying higher and higher, and then Rainbow Dash swooped down—swoosh—with Spike right behind her, and before she hit the ground—shoom, she pulled up—vrrrmmm! Then Spike pulled up—vrrrmmm, and started cutting the grass." Twilight nodded. "Uh-huh." But she wasn't listening really. "And then they looped around and around like whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo whoo!" As she jerked her head in every possible direction, but this made her fall onto her back. Twilight nodded again. "Uh-huh." Pinkie was looking up at the sky when she noticed Rainbow and Spike flying above. She gasped at seeing them, so she started to follow. Leaving Twilight alone. "Whew." Said Twilight as she went to the next page. Up above Rainbow and Spike were flying to meet an old friend of Rainbows. "So, Mom, tell me. Who is Gilda?" "Well, Spike, she's an old friend of mine from before we found you. I kinda lost touch with her after I moved, but I looked her up again and she's coming to visit." "RAINBOW DASH, SPIKE!" Cried Pinkie from the ground. They both looked down and noticed Pinkie. "Hey Mama, what's up?" "Watch..." There was a loud thud as the pair just flew right into a mountain. "Aww, that's gotta hurt." "It did." Said Spike as he and Rainbow slid down the side and onto the ground. Pinkie ran over to them. "Are you alright?" Spike got up and dusted himself off. "Yep, nothing's wrong." "Same here, Pinkie." Said Rainbow as she got to her hooves and dusted herself off. "YO, DASH! YOU HERE?!" Yelled a voice from above. "DOWN HERE, GILDA!" Yelled Rainbow as she saw her old griffon friend in the sky. Soon a brown feathered griffon with a white head, but purple crest feathers landed on the ground. "Dang Dash, trying to live up to the name Rainbow Crash much?" Rainbow chuckled as she pulled the griffon into a hug. "Hey, I even make crashing 20% cooler." "Yeah. Like the time you crashed headfirst into that colt you liked." Said Gilda with a chuckle. Rainbow blushed at the memory. "That was a long time ago Gilda, and not in front of Spike, I'm like his idol." Spike shrugged, all of his mamas were his idols and he wanted to be just like them, just minus the whole scared, stubborn, crazy, obsessed, and ego things. "Hi, it's nice to meet you, Miss Gilda." "So, you’re the dragon that took my friend from me, I feel sorry for you though; it took you 11 years to finally meet your cool new aunt." She pulled Spike into a hug and gave his head a nuggie. "Aunt, aunt." Cried, Spike. Gilda chuckled as she released the dragon. "So, what's there to do around here?" "Hold on Gilda. I want to introduce you to my friends and Spike's other mothers first." "Yeah, that's cool I guess." She then looked to Pinkie who was smiling wide at the griffin. "Um... Dash is she ok?" Rainbow looked at Pinkie. "Yeah, she does that when she's excited to meet a new friend." Rainbow pulled Pinkie in front of Gilda. "Gilda, this is Pinkie Pie, she's Spike's Mama. Pinkie this is my friend Gilda." "Yeah, it's cool to meet you." Said Gilda. "Wait for it." Said Spike as he had seen Pinkie like this before. Pinkie then gasped and ran to her party cave to get Gilda's party started. "And there she goes." Said Spike. Rainbow sighed at seeing Pinkie be Pinkie. "She went to start planning, didn't she?" Spike nodded. "Yep." "And you're not going with her, why?" Asked Rainbow. Spike shrugged, he could help his Mama, or he could talk with Gilda. "I want to talk with Aunt Gilda." Gilda smirked as she wrapped her eagle leg around Spike's neck. "Great choice, kiddo." "So, let's head over to Shy's place." Said Rainbow. "Wait, Crybaby Shy is here?" Rainbow nodded. "Yeah, but Gilda, I told you to stop calling her that." Gilda rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah, but she was always a crybaby." "Gilda, she had some issues, but she's toughened up quite a bit since you last saw her." "Sure, let me be the judge." Rainbow nodded as the group took to the sky to visit Fluttershy. When they got to the cottage, Fluttershy was feeding some of the otters that lived under the walkway near the small stream. "Hi, Mommy." Said Spike as he walked over to Fluttershy. Fluttershy looked at Spike and smiled at him, she knew what today was, and she was ready to hear all about what happened, just minus the dangerous stunts that Rainbow no doubt taught Spike that would make her heart stop out of sheer fear. "Hi, Sweetie. How did it go?" Spike smiled, it was one of the most exhilarating flies of his life. "It went great. I did a quadruple loop and changed into an almost vertical dive-bomb, but I pulled up and was only a few feet off the ground." Fluttershy's mouth went dry at hearing that her baby was doing something so dangerous. "Oh...well...that does seem like something that could be...fun." Spike nodded, but then he kept going. "I know, then mom taught me how to a roll and turn on a bit. Granted it probably wasn't a good idea to do that in the Whitetail Woods, but I only hit one tree." Fluttershy's brain was shutting down. The thought of Spike flying into the ground was worrying enough, but hearing that he did hit a tree was almost too much. "Spike, you are ok, right?" Spike nodded. "Yeah, I think so." He started looking over his body, and he didn't see anything different. But then he noticed that one of his scales on his tail was a little loose. Spike moved his tail in front of him, and it was just one of his small scales, he grabbed the scale and tore it off. "Ok, almost fine, just damaged one of my scales. Nothing major." He tossed the scale away and smiled at Fluttershy. "So, Mommy...Mommy?" Spike sighed the moment he noticed what had happened. Fluttershy had passed out on her hooves. The fact that Spike got so hurt in her head had made all of the news she got collapse onto her. Rainbow and Gilda walked over to Spike. "Spike, what did you do?" Asked Rainbow, she wasn't worried or upset. Fluttershy had passed out from seeing a bird chirp a bad word. Spike shrugged. He didn't know what he did to cause this. "I don't know. I just told Mommy about my last flying lesson, and then I found that one of my tail scales got damaged when I hit that tree. I tore it off and tossed it away, and then I found her like this." "Spike, can you carry Fluttershy back into the house?" Spike nodded as he picked up Fluttershy and carried her into the house. Rainbow looked to Gilda and looked apologetic. "Sorry about that, Gilda." Gilda rolled her eyes. "It's fine. I wasn't expecting much anyway." Rainbow huffed but smiled. "Well, Shy is out, but I'm sure AJ won't pass out. Oh, you'll love AJ, she's cool to hang with, and if anything, we might get some cider." Gilda shrugged. "Whatever." When Spike walked out of the house he was followed by Harry. Gilda was a little shocked to see a bear in the house, but she kept her cool. "Spike, is Shy good?" Spike nodded when he rejoined the group. "She is. Sorry about that, Aunt Gilda, but let me introduce you to Harry." Spike moved to show Harry to Gilda. "Aunt Gilda, this is Harry, he's one of my friends." He looked at Harry. "Harry this is Gilda. She's Mom's friend," Harry growled and stuck out his paw for the griffon. Gilda gulped slightly but took the paw. "Sup, it's cool to meet you." Harry growled some more and smiled. "He's happy to meet you, but he has to go take care of Mommy." Said Spike. "Wait, you can understand him?" Asked Gilda. Rainbow sighed as she wrapped her leg around Gilda's neck. "G, trust me when I say this. Spike is not normal, but that's what makes him so great." Spike smiled at the compliment. "Thanks, Mom. but I learned how to do all those cool things thanks to all my Mamas - including you." Rainbow smiled at her son. "Thank you, Spike, but let's get moving." Spike nodded and looked at Harry. "Ok Harry, please take care of Mommy, I'll be home later." Harry nodded as he walked back to the house to tend to his friend. Spike looked to his mother and aunt. "So, should we go see Ma, Mother, or Twilight next?" "Twilight?" Asked Gilda. "Who is that?" "It's a long story, but Twilight is the one that actually hatched Spike's egg." Said Rainbow. Gilda growled, she remembered what she read in the letter, and now she had a target to take her anger out on. "Where is she?! we need to have a little talk about leaving a baby in the forest." "Gilda, I think I need to explain more on that, but to make it clear, it wasn't Twilight who left Spike, she just hatched him. I'll give you the details while we fly to the farm." Said Rainbow, hoping that Gilda didn't go and hunt down Twilight. Gilda huffed, but she nodded. "Fine, but if I ever see the pony that is willing to leave a poor baby in a place like the Everfree, they'll be lucky to eat their next meal through a straw." Rainbow gulped at the comment, but she nodded. "So, let's move on." Rainbow took to the sky followed by Gilda and Spike, and they flew to the farm. When they arrived, Gilda had calmed down about finding the guard that abandoned Spike in the forest (because she was reassured that Celestia already punished him quite severely after she found out), but she was still not going to go easy on them if she ever meets them. "Spike, I'm going to make that guard pay." Said Gilda. Spike shook his head. "No. Don't worry Aunt Gilda, I don't hate him, because, thanks to him, I got to meet my mamas." Gilda huffed at the comment. "Fine." Spike looked around and noticed that Granny was sitting in her rocking chair on the porch. "Granny!" Yelled Spike when he noticed his great grandmother. Granny was passed out in her chair, but when she heard her name, she awoke. "What, who?" Granny looked around for the source of the yelling, but soon her eyes found Spike flying in the sky. "Spike?" Spike landed near the house and smiled at his great grandmother. "Hi, Granny." Granny smiled at Spike, she slowly got out of her chair and walked over to Spike. "Hey Spike, how did it go?" "It went great! Mom and I had so much fun, but do you know where Ma is?" Granny rubbed her chin with her leg. "I think she's in the east orchard with Buttercup." Spike nodded as he hugged Granny. "Thanks, Granny. I love you." Granny smiled and returned the hug. "Love you too Spike." Spike ended the hug and started flying to the east orchard with Gilda and Rainbow to find his Ma. When they got to the east orchard, they found AJ and Pear, they were walking around the border of the farm, trying to find a small plot of land for the family to help build a house for the Pears along with a few of their trees. "MA! Grandma!" Cried Spike when he noticed them. AJ and Pear smiled at seeing Spike. "Hey, Sugarcube!" Yelled AJ as she waved her son down. Spike, Rainbow, and Gilda all landed, and the moment Spike was on the ground AJ pulled Spike into a hug. "Spike, did it go well?" "It did, and I can't wait for tomorrow to come." AJ chuckled. "I know, but just don't go flying off without telling us. We love you and we get worried when you disappear." Spike smiled. "I know, Ma, but I'll never do that. I love my Mamas." AJ smiled at hearing that. "And we love you too." Gilda gagged at the sappiness in front of her and this earned her an elbow into her side from Rainbow. "Gilda, not cool." Whispered Rainbow. "Yeah yeah, sorry." Said Gilda. AJ looked to her fellow mother and the new face in the group. "Howdy. The names Applejack, this is my Ma, and welcome to Sweet Apple Acres." Applejack walked over to Gilda and smiled at her. "It's nice to meet you..." "Gilda." Said, Gilda. "Gilda, but may I ask, what brings you here. it's not every day we see a griffin in Ponyville?" "Yeah. I used to know Crash when we were younger and, after the little dude showed up, I lost touch with her. She sent me a letter and asked me to see her and meet Spike." AJ looked to Rainbow. "Rainbow, why didn't you tell us?" Rainbow shrugged. "I didn't think it was that big." AJ sighed. This was normal Rainbow behavior. But Pear walked over to Gilda and introduced herself to Gilda. "It's nice to meet you, and I'm sorry for my daughter. My name is Pear Butter, and it's wonderful to meet you." Gilda smiled a bit. "Thanks, but I want to know has Crash changed since she showed up?" Pear giggled at the question. "Kinda, but I think it's more to do with growing up, but since the first day I met her, she's never lost that spark that makes her special." Gilda looked to AJ, Spike, and Rainbow. Spike was in the middle of them trying to calm them down. AJ sighed at her friend. "Rainbow, next time you want to invite your old friend that you care about, maybe take a few moments to think about telling us so we can give her a warm welcome." AJ looked to Gilda and sighed again. "Sorry about not talking with you Gilda. I don't know what she was like when you met her, but I have a feeling that she was a hoof full." Gilda laughed at the statement. "Have you ever had to try to talk Rainbow out of challenging a teacher at our junior flight camp to a race, and then not getting through her head?" "I feel like that every time." Said AJ. Then the 2 started laughing at the Pegasus’s embarrassment. Gilda wrapped her arm around AJ's neck. "You're not so bad Applejack. I'm happy to know that someone is around to keep Rainbow in line." Rainbow blushed as she wanted this conversation to end soon. "Well, sorry to talk and run, but we're going to go see Rarity next, so bye." Rainbow grabbed Gilda and started flying to town. Spike laughed at his Mom running away, but he gave his Ma and Grandma each a kiss on the cheek before he flew to follow. "Gilda, that was not cool." Said Rainbow as she was not happy with the old story. "Dash it was not that bad. Besides, you still won that race." Said the griffin. "Oh, Spikie?!" Cried Rarity as she was walking to her home to drop off some fabrics she ordered when she noticed that Spike was above her. Spike looked down and saw his Mother below them. "Hi, Mother." Said Spike as he started landing to help his mother with Gilda and Rarity. When they landed Rarity pranced over and pulled her little Spikey Wikey into a big kiss. "Mother?" Whined Spike. He was fine with a little kiss, but not this big. Rainbow and Gilda snickered at the Mama's drake, but seeing as half of that group was the drake's mothers, it was fine. "Hey, Rares." Said Rainbow. Rarity smiled at her friends. "Hello Rainbow, dear. How did it go, is our little Spikey ready to fly on his own?" "Yeah, Spike is ready." Rarity smiled widely at the news. "Oh, that is fantastic." She looked at Gilda and blushed. "Oh, I'm so sorry, where are my manners, it's lovely to meet you, dear. My name is Rarity." "Gilda." "Well, it is fabulous to meet you, Gilda, and might I say your white feathers look fabulous." Gilda shrugged at the compliment. "Thanks, I guess." "Oh, let's not just stand around. Let's head to my home and we can talk over some lovely tea." Suggested Rarity. Spike nodded at the plan and grabbed all the fabrics from Rarity. "Sweet, but let me take these for you Mother." Rarity giggled at the kindness of her son. "Oh, thank you, Spike. Such a sweet little dragon you are." Rarity gave Spike another kiss and showed her guests to her home. When they arrived, Spike took the fabrics to Rarity's workshop and smiled at his kinda pet cat. "Hey Opal, how are you today?" Opal was just laying in her cat bed in the sun. Opal yawned and looked at her owner's son, but he was the one that took care of her, so Opal liked him more. "I'm good Spike." "Good. Well, don't let me bother you. I'm just going to put some stuff up in Mother's workshop." "Ok, but something is different. Is there someone new in the house?" "Yep. Mom's old friend Gilda is here." "Whatever. Wake me up when it's time for dinner." Spike nodded at the cat. "Sure thing, Opal." Downstairs, Gilda was sitting with Rainbow in Rarity's kitchen while Rarity got the tea ready. "Dash, what the heck? how did you ever become friends with someone like this?" She looked into the beauty area of the shop and shivered. "It's just so cutesy." Rainbow huffed. "Gilda, that is not cool! She's my friend and, while I really don't care about dressing up, she does, so it's important to me." "The Dash I knew, would have bolted the second she saw a place like this. Where is that filly? at least she was cool." "Well sorry, but that filly grew up. Sure, I wish I got to be a little wilder when I was younger, but I made a promise to my son that I was going to be there for him and every day, I make good on that because I love him." Gilda rolled her eyes. "Fine. I knew what was wrong the moment I saw the kid, he stole your foal hood and that's something that you can't get back, it seems. Maybe you'd be cooler if he wasn't around." Suddenly there was the sound of the door opening. "Oh sorry. My shop is closed for the day please come back tomorrow." Said Rarity from the kitchen. But when the sound of the door closing never came, Rarity walked out of her kitchen and headed to the door to see who it was. "Who was that?" Asked Rarity as she didn't see anyone. She looked to Rainbow and Gilda. "Rainbow, did you see anyone?" "No, I was just talking with Gilda." "Sweetie Belle are you home?" Asked Rarity, but when she got no answer her worry started to grow. "SPIKE?" She got no response, so she got really worried now. "Rainbow, I think Spike left." "What, why would he do that?" "I don't know, but it's clear something happened. What were you talking about before the door was opened?" "We were just talking about how I've changed... Oh no." Said Rainbow as she had a good idea of what went on. "Gilda, we need to go find him now." "Why? He's old enough to leave on his own. Probably wanted to give you and me some time to talk." Rainbow growled and got into Gilda's face. "Or he heard what you said and is thinking that if he wasn't around we could relax and not deal with being mothers." Rarity's eyes went wide, and her horn glowed bright, she pined Gilda to the chair and looked at her with death in her eyes. "WHAT!" Yelled Rarity, she was furious right now and for good reason. "I will have you know that we did not grow up because of Spike. We grew up FOR Spike! We did it for him so he could grow up knowing that he was loved. NOW YOU HELP US FIND OUR SON OR I WILL PERSONALLY SEND YOU TO TARTARUS FOR A YEAR FOR EVERY SCALE OUT OF PLACE ON HIS BODY!" Rainbow gulped. That was something she never learned to do, she was the cool mom, AJ was the hard worker, Pinkie was the happy mom, Fluttershy was the loving one, but Rarity was the angry mom hoofs down. "Rarity, less threatening, more finding Spike before he does something stupid." Rarity huffed as she released the griffin from her magic. "Fine." She looked to Rainbow. "Rainbow, he's not as fast as you, so maybe you can see him." Rainbow nodded as she grabbed Gilda's legs and flew off to find Spike. Rarity turned off the stove and followed suit to make sure that Spike was ok. But unbeknownst to everyone, Spike was still in the house. Back upstairs, Opal was looking at Spike's face. "Spike, are you ok?" "Yeah, just remind me to bring Ma over soon." Spike was half-buried in fabrics and ribbons, the shelf that normally housed these things in Rarity's workshop had finally broken thanks to the large amount she had, and it fell all over Spike. He lifted himself out of the pile and groaned at the mess. "So, you want to help?" Asked Spike. "No magic, and no thumbs." Said Opal. Spike sighed as he looked at the mess. "I'll go tell Mother." Spike walked out of the room and down the stairs. But when he arrived Rarity, Rainbow, and Gilda were gone. "Mom, Mother, Aunt Gilda, where did you guys go?" Spike hummed as he looked around the floor, but it was empty aside from him. "That's odd, but I'm guessing they just went out. They never really have time to themselves, and besides, I'll see them later at the party." Suddenly the door to the shop opened on its own. "Sorry but the shop is closed for the day." Said Spike as he turned to see who it was, but when he saw nothing he sighed. "Right need to get that fixed as well." He walked over to the door and yep he was right. "Stupid latch, I told Mother that it was starting to stick." Spike pushed the latch on the door, and it popped out. "She must have not used the deadbolt before they left." Spike closed the door and used the deadbolt to make sure the wind didn't open it again. Meanwhile, Rainbow was flying above the town looking for any hint of purple in her view. "Come on, come on. Where is he?" "Geeze Rainbow. Live a little, the kids probably fine. Let's call this off and we can hang just like when we were younger?" "Gilda what is your deal? my son is missing, I'm worried sick, and all you can think about is having a good time? You know what, fine. If you want to have a good time, you can do it on your own. A real friend would actually care that I'm worried." Gilda huffed. "Fine, but it's him or me." "HIM! Always him, it's always going to be him, and it will never change." "Fine. Waste of a trip anyway." Said Gilda as she flew away. Rainbow looked at Gilda flying away. "Good riddance. Maybe when you have someone that you really love, you'll finally understand." But she still needed to find Spike, so she kept flying around. With Rarity, she was looking around on the ground and had informed as many ponies as she could to aid in the search. "SPIKE?!" Cried Raven, it was a slow day at Town Hall, and this was important. "SPIKE?!" Cried Misses Cake. "SPIKE?!" Cried Applejack. "SPIKE?!" Cried almost everyone in town, they were all worried about Spike. But Spike was still in the workshop rolling the fabrics up, thankfully he was almost done. "And there, all better." Said Spike as he placed the last roll of fabric on the ground in order. "Opal, how does it look?" "Fine, but why hasn't Rarity returned?" "Don't know, but do you mind if I go out for a bit? I think the newest issue of the Power ponies is coming in today." "Fine. I'll keep the house safe." Spike smiled and gave the cat a scratch on her back, this earned a loving purr from the cat. "Thanks, Opal." Spike walked out of the room with Opal following behind. She went back to her bed, and Spike walked into his room, to grab some of his bits. With bits in hand, Spike walked to the ground floor and walked out the door. But before he left he grabbed one of the rocks near the entrance and found the backup key for the house. He locked the door and went to get his comic. As Spike was walking around, he noticed that something was a bit off. Normally, around this time of day, the streets were packed. Spike looked around and found that the only thing in the streets was him and a tumbleweed. "Ok." Said Spike, but he chalked it up to normal Ponyville craziness and kept walking to the library. Meanwhile, Rarity was sitting with everyone in the barn at sweet apple acres. "Ok, we've checked town, and I'll send a letter to Celestia to get her help. Applejack and Zecora, he might have gone into the forest. I know it's dangerous but please go check?" Applejack nodded as she looked at Zecora. "Let's find Spike." Zecora smiled back. "Mister Bow, Miss Windy, can you lead all the pegasi from the sky to widen the search?" "Of course, dear. Oh, I hope he's ok." Said Windy, she was worried about her little grand drake. Bow wrapped his leg around Windy to comfort her. "Mom, Dad, I remember when I was little, you used a spell on my stuffed toy to track me. How hard would that be to learn?" "Not hard at all. We just need something of Spike's." Said Cookie. "Everyone, this means a lot to us, and I know that you are all taking time out of your day to help, thank you." Said Granny. Rarity smiled at having almost the whole town joining in the search for Spike. "Let's go." Suddenly the door to the barn was opened and standing there was Spike. He looked at the town's ponies in the barn and closed the door. "Sorry, I'll come back later." Said Spike as he was not sure what craziness was going on today, but this one took a top spot. The moment everyone noticed that Spike was found, all the girls ran to the door to talk with Spike. "SPIKE!" Cried Rainbow and Rarity as they both pushed the door open. Spike was still there but the moment he was found again Rarity pulled Spike into a hug. "WHERE DID YOU GO?!" Cried Rarity, she was so worried that she lost her little Spikie forever. "Um... the library." Said Spike as he showed his tail, it had the comic rolled up. "Today is Wednesday." Rainbow sighed, it was her fault this happened, and it was her job to fix it. "Spike, I'm sorry about what Gilda said. We love you, and we were happy to grow up to be responsible for you." "Um... thanks mom, but I have no idea what you are talking about, I was still at Mother's when you guys left out of the blue." "Wait, you didn't hear us talking about stuff?" "Nope, I was buried under a ton of fabric. One of Mother's shelves broke, and I was cleaning it up." "But the door? It was wide open." "Yeah, I told Mother that it was sticking and, if you haven't noticed, the wind is pretty strong today. The door was blown open." Said Spike. "Right, I've been meaning to talk with AJ about that." Said Rarity as she blushed. "So, where's Aunt Gilda?" Asked Spike. "She needed to head home. Sorry, but Spike, please remember that we love you and no matter what, we have always been here for you." Said Rainbow. Spike smiled as he pulled his mom into a hug. "I love you too mom." In the background of all this, Pinkie was sitting on a haybale reading the original script for Griffin the Brush Off. "That's not how it's supposed to end. I know you're taking some liberties with this story, Mister Writer, but have a little respect for the original." Said Pinkie. "Nah, I like this better. Besides, I don't mess with Fluttershy." "Fine, but does that mean I get an episode to replace this one?" "We'll talk later." "Ok bye." Said Pinkie as she kicked the script away. "Wow, I haven't done that bit in a while. Wait, I remember something about a party." Pinkie gasped and pulled the whole party to the barn in 5 second’s flat. "LETS PARTY!" Cried Pinkie. Everyone looked at Pinkie, but then they shrugged. "It's Pinkie. Don't question it." > Boast Busters > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Come on Twilight, why are you testing it on me?" Asked Sunburst as he was not so sure about this spell. "Sunburst, it's not so bad, and it has to be you, and it's only your goatee." Said Twilight she was trying to use the spell to elongate a mane or tail that Celestia used. "But why not Moondancer, or yourself?" Asked the stallion. "Oh, you need a trim anyway, that thing is so messy." Said Moondancer, she was taking notes. "Then why is Spike here?" Spike was sitting next to Moondancer. "Mamas wanted me to spend time with Twilight." Sunburst sighed as he accepted his fate. "Fine, but this is the last one, 24 spells in one day are still impressive Twilight." "Fine, I am getting a little tired myself, this will be the last one, I promise. Now hold still." Twilight started the spell. "GANGWAY!" Cried a voice from outside. This distraction caught everyone's attention, even Twilight's as she turned her head to see what was going on, and moving the target of the spell over to Spike. "What's going on?" Asked Twilight, the spell was complete. Moondancer blinked in surprise when she looked at Spike. "Ok, that is not right?" He was sitting there with a black mustache on his face. "Twilight, I think you missed the spell." Said Moondancer. This brought back everyone's attention. "Wait, how?" Asked the mare, then she got a good look at Spike. "Oh, I see." "What, do I got something on my face?" Asked Spike, not aware of anything happening. "But that's not possible, dragons don't have hair." Said Twilight as she was so confused about where this came from. Spike started to chuckle as he tore the mustache off his snout. "Sorry, I couldn't resist." He looked at all the ponies looking at him. "What?" "Where did you even get a fake mustache?" Asked Moondancer. Spike smiled as he opened up a book. "Simple, me and Mama have supply stashes all around town. I took the mustaches and hats, and Mama took the eyepatches and balls." "Why?" Asked Sunburst. "Because of mustache emergencies duh." Said Spike as he opened the book of mustaches and inside was a neat row of face mustaches. Spike returned number 156 to the book and closed it. "Now, I swear I knew that voice, and something tells me it's not going to end well." Twilight sighed as she just had to hatch a dragon that got adopted by a group of fillies, that lived in the craziest town ever to exist. "Let's go check if my day is going to be ruined." Said Twilight. Once outside, they found the problem. More like pair of them, the first was a colt named Snips, he was shorter, rounder, and honestly not that bad to hand out with, but he was as sharp as a butter knife. Next to him was his partner in crime, Snails. He was a tall colt with a bowl mane cut. Spike had talked with him a few times and had learned that while he was a slow thinker, he was a very powerful one, it just took him some time to process it all. "Snips, Snails, what's wrong?" Asked Spike. "Spike, haven't you heard? There's a new unicorn in town." Said Snails. "Yeah, and they say that she's got more magical powers than any other unicorn ever!" Cried Snips. "Really?" Asked Twilight as she was interested. "Well, maybe we might know her? If she's that powerful she's probably a student from Princess Celestia's school." "Yeah, it's possible, but that honor goes to Twilight. The only student to actually destroy one of those crystals." Said Sunburst. The last time they all used the crystal, Twilight destroyed it, while Sunburst and Moondancer got in the top 10 of all the graduates that year. Still, nothing to sneeze at, but Twilight was a top pony. Twilight blushed at the compliment from her friend. "Guys, it wasn't that great, I probably had a faulty one." She did not, Celestia had made sure it was even reinforced to take that much power, and it still shattered into pieces. "Well, let's go see this unicorn, where are they?" "Oh, she's in the town square. Come on!" Cheered Snails as he ran off with Snails. Spike shrugged as he followed the pair. Twilight looked to her friends, who shrugged and followed Spike. "COME ONE! COME ALL!" Cried a voice. Sitting in the middle of the town square was a cart, with most of the town gathered around. Spike pushed through most of the crowd and noticed that his Mamas were standing in the front row. "COME AND WITNESS THE AMAZING MAGIC OF THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE!" The cart unfolded to show a full over-the-top stage with horns, a curtain, and hoof-made props. There was a large pop, and the center of the stage was instantly filled with a cloud of dark smoke with sparkles in it. The crowd oohed at the display. Soon the smoke cleared and standing in the middle of the stage was a blue mare with a two-tone pale blue mane. She was dressed in a light lavender cape with a large gem clip and hat with stars on them. "WATCH IN AWE AS THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE PERFORMAS THE MOST SPECTACULAR FEATS OF MAGIC EVER WITNESSED BY PONY EYES!" Cheered the mare as she stood on her back legs. Behind her, some fireworks went off. "My, my, my, what boasting." Said Rarity. Twilight looked to the mare. "There's nothing wrong with being talented is there?" "None at all, except when someone goes around showing it off like it's the greatest thing since sliced apple bread." Said AJ. "Yes, just because someone has more magical ability, does not make them better than anyone else." Said Rarity. "Well, well, well. It seems that we have some Naysayers in the audience, who is so ignorant as to challenge the magical ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie? Do they not know that they're in the presence of the most magical unicorn in all of Equestria?" Rarity blew a raspberry and rolled her eyes at the question. "Just who does she think she is?" "Mother, I think she thinks she's the Great and Powerful Trixie." Said Spike like it was obvious. "I know Spikie, I was being facetious." Said Rarity. Rainbow sighed as she flew up to the mare on stage. " So, "Great and Powerful Trixie". What makes you think you're so awesome, anyway?" Asked Rainbow. Trixie scoffed. "Heh, why, only the Great and Powerful Trixie has magic strong enough to vanquish the dreaded Ursa Major!" More fireworks shot out of the horns and formed an image of a bear. "When all hope was lost, the ponies of Hoofington had no one to turn to, but the Great and Powerful Trixie stepped in, and with her awesome magic, vanquished the Ursa major and sent it back to its cave deep within the Everfree Forest!" Snips and Snails reacted together at hearing the story. "So cool." "That settles it." Said Snips as he nodded his head. Snails nodded his head slowly as he agreed. "Trixie truly is the most talented, the most magical, the most awesome unicorn in Ponyville." But Snips figured that he was wrong. "No, in all of Equestria!" Spike sighed as he looked at the 2 colts. "You guys do know this is an act right, there is no way anyone other than the princesses have even enough magic to deal with a Ursa Major, maybe a very powerful unicorn could handle a Ursa Minor, but a Major is much much stronger." "But it is true, I am most definitely the most powerful unicorn in Ponyville, maybe in all Equestria." Suddenly there was a cricket chirping. Fluttershy looked around, she knew that chirping and it was odd to hear him now. "Jiminy, where are you?" A small cricket hopped over to Fluttershy and chirped happily at seeing Fluttershy. "Oh, I knew it was you, what are you doing out so early?" More chirping. "Really, oh I'm so sorry, if you want my garden is open to you and the others." Jiminy chirped his thanks and jumped off to head to his new home. Everyone looked at the mare, and she blushed. "I'm sorry." Spike sighed as he hugged his mommy. "It's ok." Trixie cleared her throat to get back to her show. "Well, for those who don't believe the Great and Powerful Trixie?" She chuckled. "Well then, I hereby challenge you, Ponyvillians. Anything you can do, I can do better. Any takers? Anyone? Hmm? Or is Trixie destined to be the greatest equine who has ever lived?!" More fireworks started shooting off as more horns blew loudly. The next thing everyone saw was Mayor Mare walking on stage. "I'm sorry this show is over." Said the Mayor. "WHAT!" Yelled Trixie as she was not going to end her show before it even started. "Why, and who is going to make me?" Mayor grabbed a scroll from her saddlebags and showed it to Trixie. "As the mayor of Ponyville, I hereby order you to end this show for unsafe pyrotechnics, disturbing the peace, and blocking traffic on our main road." Trixie took the scroll and read on. "Wait, but I already requested permission to use my fireworks in town?" "Yes I remember, and if it was any other town, I would have allowed this to continue, but if you actually read my response, you would have noted that all pyrotechnics are restricted in town due to a few miss understandings. You are free to set up near the field tomorrow, and continue the show there." Trixie looked at the scroll. "But why is this even an issue?" Everyone looked at Spike and the girls, but Mayor mare sighed. "Well Miss Great and Powerful, this town in home to the only dragon in Equestria, and many of the guest that learn of this, are not as understanding as we are." All the girls growled at what happened when Spike was 7 years old. The town was celebrating its 75th-anniversary town existing, and it ended with a large fireworks show. There was an issue when a few bushes caught fire in town and the first thing that many of the guests did was accuse Spike of trying to burn down the town. But he was with the girls all night and was never even near those bushes. Rarity huffed at the memory. "I swear, some ponies are just too..." She took a deep breath, she was still a lady, and a lady doesn't use such language. "Sorry, but yes, we do allow small things, mostly the things that Pinkie does, but she had been informed that anything that is able to shoot sparks over a building is not allowed." Trixie blinked as she looked at her setup, most of the time she shoots high past her cart. "Now, please vacate this location and make sure that your fireworks are properly controlled." Said the Mayor as she walked off the stage to head home. After the interruption, it was clear that the show was over, so everyone started to head home. Everyone except for Snips and Snails, they were upset that the show was canceled. "Ah, but she's super powerful, I'm sure that even if there was a fire, she could easily put it out." "Yeah, she beat a Ursa major, a small fire is nothing compared to that." Snips nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure if she shows how great she is, Mayor will let her preform anywhere in town. Come on, lets head to my house and we can come up with a plan." The duo went to start planning the stupidest plan ever created. Hours later, Spike was sitting in the dining room with Fluttershy, they were eating dinner together when out of nowhere there was a roar echoing around the house. Spike and Fluttershy both stopped eating the moment they heard how loud it was and they looked at each other with worried expressions. "Mommy, please tell me I didn't just hear a very loud roar." "Oh well, I think it's time for bed, I'm sure whatever large and scary monster that made that noise is nothing but a figment of our imagination." Said Fluttershy, she didn't want to face the creature. "AWWWWWW!" Cried Snips and Snails as they ran away from the result of their master plan to show everyone that The Great and Powerful Trixie could defeat an Ursa major. Spike looked at his mommy and mirrored her expression. "Mommy, did you just hear Snips and Snails?" Fluttershy gulped but she nodded to confirm Spike's worries. Soon, the glass of milk Spike was drinking started shaking, creating ripples in the white liquid, telling them both that something large was coming this way. "I think we should go get the others." Said Fluttershy as she grabbed Spike and started pulling him away as all the other animals started fleeing the cottage. By the time Fluttershy and Spike reached the town, it was clear what was going on, in the middle of town was a large blue glowing bear with stars in its fur and a large white star on its forehead, that towered over almost every building in town. "WHAT IS A URSA MINOR DOING IN TOWN!?" Cried Fluttershy in hysterical worry, if a minor was here, then its mother wasn't going to be far behind. She looked to Spike and in the most serious tone, she had ever used she told Spike what to do. "Spike, this is really bad, somehow a Ursa minor has wondered into town and it's mother can't be far behind. I need you to tell Celestia or Luna that we are going to need help right away." Spike nodded, but that's when he noticed something really odd. "Wait, why did it go quiet?" Fluttershy blinked as she looked around and Spike was right, there wasn't anything going on now. "What?" Asked Fluttershy. They both took to the air and a few streets away there was a large purple light lighting the area. "What's going on?" They both flew to the light to investigate. When they landed, they learned that the light was actually Twilight using a massive amount of her magic, her magical aura was over 20 times larger than normal and small sparks of magic were being flung from it. "Twilight!" Cried Fluttershy, but she was pulled back by Moondancer and Sunburst, who shushed her. "Fluttershy, don't distract her." Said Moondancer. Spike looked at Twilight and watched as the town water tower was being held by the rampaging monster as it suckled on its contents. "Um... ok." He watched as the Ursa minor was carried in the air back to the Everfree. That's when Spike gulped at the massively large figure standing in the moonlight. "I think mommy is here." Said Spike. Standing stories above the top of the trees in the Everfree was an even larger bear-like creature with dark purple fur and a large blue star on its forehead, she was looking for her child who ran out of the cave in the middle of the night, ready to attack any would-be kidnappers with the full fury of her anger. Spike was watching in fear, but when the Ursa Major turned around and walked further into the forest, Spike let out a breath. "I think Twilight just saved the town." Said Spike. He landed on the ground and smiled at the mare who was exhausted, but still on her hooves. "That was amazing Twilight." Said Spike. Twilight smiled lightly but she was huffing. "Thanks Spike, but it was really nothing." "I'd hardly call that nothing, you just stopped a Ursa Minor from rampaging through the town." "So, you aren't upset that I was a showoff?" "Why would I?" Asked Spike confused on why she would ask that. Moondancer patted Twilight on her back. "Twi, remember what we talked about the last time you thought Princess Celestia was giving you a surprise test." Twilight groaned. "Don't remind me, I just assumed that she had something I didn't study on the test to see if I was studying on my own, and there wasn't even a test." Sunburst nodded. "That's right, and I don't think that anyone here is going to hate you for being great at magic." Spike blinked at the answer. "Wait seriously you were worried about showing off how great you are with magic?" Twilight sheepishly nodded. "During Trixie's show, I heard that everyone was upset about how boastful she was about her talent, and I was worried that if you all found out about how magical I am, you and your Mamas would hate me." "Twilight, my mom has the ego the size of the moon, you have nothing to worry about." Said Spike. Twilight chuckled softly as she nodded more confidently. "Thanks Spike." "Is it over?" Asked Snips and Snails as they pushed open the lid of the barrel they were using to hide. They looked around at the street and noticed that Ursa was gone. "Whew, it's over." Said Snips as he and Snails climbed out of the barrel. "I knew it, The Great and Powerful Trixie was able to defeat that Ursa Major." Said Snails. "Is it over?" Asked a scared mare who was hiding in a cart of hay. A pair of purple eyes peeked out of the hay to survey if she was clear to run to her cart and high tail it out of town. Not seeing the monster, she climbed out of the cart, showing that it was Trixie. Snips and Snails ran over to the mare with stars in their eyes. "You did it The Great and Powerful Trixie, you really are the most powerful unicorn to live." "Um...Yes, you are welcome, but be aware that was only a small fraction of my powers." Said Trixie in her stage mare tone. "Hey Twilight stopped the Ursa." Said Moondancer, she was not happy that her friend wasn't getting the credit. "Actually, that wasn't a Ursa Major, that was a baby, a Ursa Minor." Said Spike as he walked over to Trixie. "I actually saw it's mother, and she was massive." "THAT WAS A URSA MINOR!?" Cried Trixie. Spike nodded. "And it wasn't rampaging. It was just cranky because someone woke it up." Snips and Snails both backed away slightly. "Aww..." "Well, if that was an ursa minor, then what's an ursa major like?" Asked Trixie. "You don't want to know." Said Twilight. Trixie squinted her eyes as she looked at Twilight, giving her a huff. " Huh. You may have vanquished an ursa minor, but you will never have the amazing, show-stopping ability of the Great and Powerful Trixie!" She then threw one of her emergency smoke bombs on the ground and ran off to her cart, determined to be the center of attention with even more magic than Twilight. Everyone watched the mare run away, but this was about average for Ponyville. "Well, that was fun." Said Spike as he walked over to Twilight. She looked at the reason she was here, and she sighed. "I will never understand this town." She started to lose her balance, all the adrenalin from the day was leaving her system, and she was ready for bed. Spike caught Twilight and rolled her into his arms. "I think someone used too much magic just now." Twilight yawned but she nodded. "I think I'm going to take a nap." She promptly passed out in Spike's arms as she snored loudly. Spike looked at Moondancer and Sunburst. "I think this is worthy of a report to grandma Celestia." Said Spike, and the others nodded. "You can use our quills and ink Spike, we're going to help clean up, can you take her back to the library?" Asked Sunburst. "Sure." Said Spike. He walked off, carrying Twilight in his arms. When they arrived at the library, Spike carried Twilight to her room in the canopy of the tree and placed her down on her bed. He covered her in her sheets and walked to the library part to send Celestia the letter. Dear Grandma, Today was very interesting. But for right now, I want to give you a little update on Twilight. I learned that she was worried about being thought of like a show-off around me and Mamas, but she risked her life and saved the town from an Ursa minor. Then I reminded her that the only real show-off in this town is Mom, and she shouldn't be afraid of just being who she is and that it's okay to be proud of your talents, and there are times when it's appropriate to show them off... Especially when you're standing up for your friends. Also, just be aware that we might need a new water tower seeing as Twilight kinda used it as a bottle. Tell Aunt Luna I say hi, and I miss you and her both. From Spike. Spike rolled up the scroll and sent it to Celestia. Now that this was over, he looked at the moon and sighed. "Thank Grandma that Ursa Major didn't get here sooner."