> The Powder Room > by Fabulosity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The Powder Room > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Applejack let out a little sigh as she entered the bathroom at Canterlot High during their free period, wearing her normal denim skirt and white and green blouse and her cowgirl boot. And of course, her hat. Rarity had aid she needed to 'powder her nose' and dragged Applejack along, probably gossip or the fact that Rarity could never go to the bathroom without a small group of the girls. As they both entered the bathroom, Rarity sighed in delight. Finally it was time to catch up on her makeup. It was always difficult to keep ones appearance in top-notch without frequent breaks. As they entered, she'd move over toward the mirror and begin to inspect her gorgeous looks. Naturally Rarity was wearing her usual ensemble today. That flirty purple skirt, those accessories and even those gorgeous boots. "Goodness, why is it always so much work to keep one's appearance from failing." She'd mumble to herself, removing her lipstick, re-applying a thin coat of rose to her lips. "Mmmn, now Applejack. Do you know why we're truly here?" Applejack watched the girl apply her makeup like she suspected, leaning with her back to one of the sinks and arms folded across her chest. She never really understood the constant fuss, even with bedhead or smeared makeup Rarity was always gorgeous... not that she had a lot of experience witnessing Rarity in such states. "Cause going to tha bathroom alone ain't yer style?" She asked flatly with a raised brow. Rarity continued to hum as she applied her eye-liner, since her lipstick was recently applied. "Oh, heaven's darling. That's not the only thing. There was something more I wanted to discuss with you, so I do hope you enlighten me." The gorgeous girl smiled at herself in the mirror, changing angles as she gazed at all corners of her visage. Clicking her eye-liner closed, she'd turn and rest against the sink. Beautiful blue eyes fixated upon Applejack, observing the girls posture and that athletic yet sturdy farm-girl frame. "Allow me to state what I mean." Rarity pushed away from the sink and pressed into the side of Applejack, giving her those dreamy bed-room eyes. "Oopsie, me." It was then, she'd move around and press against the girl from the front. Chest-to-chest. "Oh, pardon me Applejack." The farm-girl wondered just what Rarity was getting at, but then she noticed that stare and she started to get nervous, knowing full well what happened when Rarity started looking her over. It was either a makeover or something else. It was probably interesting to see such a tall, strong form fold so easily, muscles tensing at the initial contact. The orange skinned girl took a sharp breath from her nose as Rarity pressed their bodies chest to chest, pinning her against the sink, legs spreading a little from the way Rarity pressed into her body, standing a little spread-legged on either side of her and half-sitting on the sink. "R-Rarity...!" She'd whisper out, suddenly looking nervous, the fashionista could practically see her start to sweat. "W-We're... we're at school...!" She protested lamely. The fashionista wasn't going to stop. She had already set everything up and now was the time to push further. Having cornered the lasso-wielding cowgirl, she'd give her those continued sultry eyes. That sheer look of want, perversion and lustful desire. There wasn't a better place in the school right now, where she could enjoy Applejack without being interrupted. Surely they both had a free period, but Rarity was keen on her instincts and was more than certain, that no-one would come inside the girls bathroom to bother them. "It's okay darling, just relax... let Rarity take care of you. I'll make you feel good." The crafty diva sneered, as she'd lean her face up toward the taller girl and gently touch lips with her, before pushing in furthermore and fully connecting the kiss entirely. "Mmmnn!" Applejack was breathing faster, rising and falling as she looked into those eyes. After being 'close' for so long the fancy girl knew Applejack wouldn't resist. The big and well-built farm girl was a doormat to Rarity with just the right 'pressure'. Reflexively her head titled forward as their lips brushed together, just enough for Rarity to notice before their lips locked. "Mmh...!" Applejack's hands hovered in the air, a few inches from Rarity's body, hesitating to push her away. After a few seconds though those hands moved back to rest on the sink behind her. Excellent. Things had been working so well, thus far at least. Rarity continued her oral assault upon those farm-girl lips. Soft suckles and sweet kisses could be heard within the bathroom, and thus far, Rarity was enjoying the soft feel of her close friends lips. Surely, Applejack was strong and sturdy. But even this physical specimen had her charms. With a chancing grasp, Rarity reached up and clamped both hands onto the breasts of Applejack; as she pushed her back against that sink. "Mmmmn." The indigo maned girl kept her attention on those lips, while her fingers grasped and squeezed against that shirt, enjoying the feel of those surprisingly large orbs. Applejack released shivers at all of the kissing, no doubt biting her own unpainted lip with every kiss and suckle on her lips, making her groan. "Uuhn..." Her back was forced to arch into Rarity's hands when she was pushed further back into the sink, the pressure forcing her to lean back and fully sit on the sink, thankful that it could support her weight. She could feel her nipples getting some of the attention, knees on either side of Rarity's body and the girls green eyes finally closing. Rarity observed Applejack's actions with a keen eye, it seemed the farm-girl was finally giving in. Which was a good thing, as it made her life easier when it came to molesting her dear friend. As Applejack sat there on the sink, she'd release those breasts and run her hands down that gorgeous figure, fingertips trailing along those legs and then she'd grin with a cheeky glare. "Oh, I suppose I do owe this... for the other day, Applejack. I hope you'll approve of my repaying you." Rarity decided the favor that she had to repay was best done now, in whatever method she decided to use. Reaching forward, she'd push up her skirt with both hands and expose those cute and typical panties. "Hehehe, how cute." Rarity commented as she'd place both hands on her knees, pushing those legs apart using the sink as an advantage to move in. "This is quite the perfect place to sit dear, it's helping me achieve the perfect view." She'd grin. Applejack was of course wearing a pair of pretty purple panties with a few frills, and side-tied with ribbons. Applejack had been very vocal about the partial wardrobe control, but a few 'sessions' of Rarity asserting her dominance and the farm girl reluctantly said goodbye to all of her previous underwear, letting Rarity decide what belonged in her top drawer now. Her face burned red like it always did when Rarity pointed out her cute underwear, glancing away, but not resisting as her skirt was pushed up and her knees spread far apart. "W... W-What are ya g-gonna do...?" she finally managed to speak up. "Oh, you know what I'm going to do. I know you actually love it when I touch you like this. You can't deny your true feelings, my sweet little farm girl." The young fashionista giggled and admired those cute panties some more. She was so glad that she managed to coax Applejack into allowing her to change the girls wardrobe. So far it was working out well. Those fingertips still teasing those exposed legs, tickling her best friend and she'd squat down slightly before her. Then, she'd lean in closer toward those panties and take a long, satisfying sniff of her friends groin; through those panties and then she'd push forward and nudge her nose into the crease of her friends sex, moving it up and down. "Mmmmmmn." The farm girl's face was crimson at Rarity's words and as the much more fabulous girl teased her legs, making her shiver. Those strong, well-toned thighs were smooth as well, bare of any hair thanks to some coerced beauty treatments by the fashionista. "Ah ain't..." She started, but the rest of the words died in her throat as Rarity crouched down between her legs, soon stifling a groan as she felt the girl getting cosy up to her crotch and sniffing. "Nnn... th-this is weird..." Applejack grumbled quietly. Rarity mumbled as she enjoyed the scent of her best friend. The young farm girl was appeasing to the eye in many ways, even her alluring smell. It was something that Rarity had wanted to do for the longest time and right now, she was getting her chance. As her nose rubbed up and down along her friend's sex, she'd squeeze on those toned legs in combination. "Mmmmnnn." Moving her nose upward, she'd purposely flick it over that little nub and connect her lips around that little bead. That sweet pleasure buzzer and lock them in a firm seal before giving them a powerful suckle, her eyes looking up waiting to see that reaction. Applejack shifted only minimally as Rarity rubbed along the crease in her panties and squeezed and teased her thighs, clenching her eyes shut as she just took it. "Nnn... R-Rare..." Was she really going go down on her like this? Where anyone could walk in? "H... ho-Oooh!?" Whatever she was going to say was interrupted by Rarity suckling on her clit through her silky panties, forcing a moan out of the girl suddenly, hips jerking and legs twitching as her eyes snapped open, wide and tilted upward as her mouth hung open. Applejack was hating how much she was loving this, the mix of pleasure at Rarity's attention, humiliation as at her own slow feminizing, from her best friend's hand, and fear at being found out and outed to the school and her family. She had stopped resisting or complaining by the time Rarity had slid down her damp panties. "Aaaah! Oooh, nnuuuuh!" Applejack's deeper voice went a few octaves higher, sounding more like Fluttershy or Pinkie at the little squeal she gave. Her legs spread further as Rarity massaged them, Applejack's eyes flickering and rolling in her head. "Aah! Nnuh... G... G-Gonnna cum...!" Rarity heard those cries, it was evident now that she was going to explode. The fashionista was a naughty bitch and she wanted to experience the heat of this orgasmic sensation before it was too late. Removing her mouth from around that clit, Rarity moved her palm up and pressed it flat against Applejack's opening. Sliding two fingers inside, curling up and moving inside that darling, soaked slit. She'd wiggle her fingers, trying to drive Applejack over the edge with full force. Though, having her palm pressed flat against the girl's sex, it only meant, she'd soak herself mostly; meaning Rarity would take as little damage as possible. Well, that was the theory at least. With a confident grin on her face, she'd watch her friends face as she stood upright while performing her actions. "Good, cum darling. Let me see how messy you can be!" Applejack for a brief moment wondered if Rarity was going to stop and leave her hanging when she pulled away, not expecting to feel the palm grind against her slit while two fingers pushed into her tight tunnel. "Nngh! Aah!.. R-Rare... Rare...!" She whimpered, fully rocking her hips against the hand. "R-Rare... it... t-t-eeeeee!" She'd squeal Rarity's name as she came, it was positively girlish as she squirmed on the sink, eyes rolling back into her head. Now she was a little messy, but not much of a squirt-er so Rarity was fairly safe from any mess, mostly staining her own thighs with her juices a she sat there panting, eyes all glassy while her body twitched. As Rarity watched with a gleeful expression, she admired the way Applejack reacted. Her pussy was incredibly warm. While the girl did soak herself mostly, dribbling those lady liquids down her own thighs. Rarity's palm was soaked, staining of the girls naughty juices. Once Applejack finished, Rarity removed her hand and held it up to her face and she'd give it a gentle lick, sampling those sticky liquids. "Mmmmn. You taste wonderful my darling, and look! You've made a delightful mess too! Goodness... but I hope you've felt better after that much needed release, I am sure. Hehehe. I was glad I was able to help." The royal curled beauty giggled, giving her a sly wink. Applejack was still twitching and breathing heavy as the ivory-skinned girl spoke and licked her juices, not bothering to close her legs as she covered her face in her hands, trying to calm down from the wave of embarrassment. "Haah... Haah... can ah go wash up?" She'd ask sheepishly, peeking at Rarity from between her fingers. As always she was quite vulnerable after cumming, often speaking as if she needed Rarity's permission. For a moment, Rarity tilted her head as if she was debating it and then she'd smirk. "Yes, of course you can darling. We're in a bathroom after all, this is the perfect place to get washed up. Luckily for us... no-one came in and disturbed our little session. Don't worry, you can extract your revenge upon me later, if you so desire. I wouldn't mind letting you... use those strong arms to simply man-handle me. Goodness, the very thought has my own legs pinching together." She'd chew upon her lower lip in deep thought of the moment, a gentle sigh escaping her lips. "Oh, the very image shall stay in my mind." Rarity followed up with a giggle. "Now, I have some tissues in my bag if you need them. I suggest using the sink, rub down those gorgeous legs too - yes?" Applejack's legs were still a little wobbly as she got onto her legs, face still crimson while Rarity fantasized about the idea of more naughty acts together. Though in her state, being the one in charge sounded nice. She was having thoughts though, just like when Rarity had sunk those perfectly manicured nails into her a long time ago, even before they became sexually involved. It made her shiver. "Th-Thanks..." She'd take the tissues that were offered and began to work on cleaning her smooth, toned thighs and crotch. Applejack was still blushing deeply as she cleaned herself, fancy panties still around her knees. "C-Can we... hold off on this stuff in school?" She asked, sounding meek. Rarity watched the beautiful girl, observing those cleaning motions and enjoying the scene as Applejack cleaned herself down. Though, she'd smirk when she heard Applejack's request. "Oh? That's fine darling. If you don't want the thrill of being possibly caught in school, I'm sure we can find other places to experiment with each other. Though, I'll not lie. I wouldn't mind some more experimentation in your barn. Those large bales of hay, do look awfully comfortable. So, after school tomorrow? At your place, the barn of course?" The fashionista smiled, hands on her hips as she waited for an answer. Making sure to give Applejack a flickering, alluring look with those regal bedroom eyes. Applejack slowly slid her fancy pair of panties back up, as Rarity questioned her as her face was still hot, especially with the looks that Rarity was giving her. She'd normally resist, but in her often-vulnerable state post-molesting, she'd give a sheepish look. "... I-I'll bring some blankets... hay can actually get pretty scratchy." Then she remembered that tomorrow would be Friday, shifting awkwardly as she smoothed out her skirt. As part of Rarity's little process, her Fridays usually involved some slight moments together, usually after arriving at school. "Oh, uh... what should ah wear tomorrow?" She'd ask, lifting her skirt just a little while looking away, alluding to what underwear Rarity wanted her to wear. Once again, the ivory skinned beauty was pleased with her best friend. Applejack knew her too well, even giving her a fine choice in what undergarments she wanted her to wear. Keeping her posture, she'd hum and run a finger across her thin lips. "Mmmmn, which indeed?" Rarity gave it another thought, before smiling sweetly toward her farm girl partner. "I want you to wear those black satin panties. The pair I got you for your birthday last year, I love how they make your backside stand out - with the fabric running between those gorgeous cheeks! Oh, just the thought is getting me excited. I can't wait to see them! Now, let's go Applejack. It's almost time for class." Upon stating the impending ringing of the school bell, she'd move past her best friend and slip a hand into the girls moist panties while helping to guide her toward the door. "Ooh, I do love Fab-Fridays! It's going to be fun, hehehe!"