> Anon, The Not Gay Mare > by Gemsona > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Short 1 - Pride Flag Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The young mare trotted down the street, the leather satchels thrown over her back and jiggled slightly as she made her way down the street. Her mane and tail were a dark ebony black, the glorious sun of Celestia bouncing off her onyx hair styled in a short pixie cut, her fur coat was a deep green, like that off the branches of a healthy and lush evergreen, and her eyes were colored the shade of priceless emeralds, just as big and beautiful as the ones from a Dragons most sacred hoard. The Mare had a body that was perfect in every way, not too tall to force a pony to look up like the Princesses, nor too short to make them cast their gaze down. She wasn’t too fit to ruin her feminine charm and features, yet didn’t let herself go and become a slob. And on her amazing view of a flank was an alluringly mysterious question mark. She was the ideal Mare; charming, witty, beautiful yet approachable.  And this Mare’s name was Anon. Anon Y. Mous. She was an odd mare who moved to Ponyville little over a month ago. She simply moved into a small modernized cottage on the end of town, down the road from that strange tree posing as a Library. The resident Party planner attempted to host numerous surprise parties for her upon moving in, but one too many attempts quickly led to a very agitated discussion. One deflated Pie later and the constant partying stopped. Back to our dear Green mare, Anon walked through the market. She didn’t intend to buy anything, just heading home after a long day at her job, where she was a humble desk worker at the mail office. She walked around the ponies shopping for the dinner ingredients for that evening, thinking to herself as a subtle hum cleared her throat. Little did she know the numerous mares who blushed upon seeing her, she was unknowingly the town heart throb. Stallions and mares alike found themselves stealing glances at her and breathing a fluttery sigh. She was just that beautiful. Making her way through the marketplace and down the street. She just wanted to get home and finish that book that odd purple pony gave her. It was a generic romance novel with the only twist being between two mares. It was horrible, sappy and cheesy, along with being by-the-books in every other way, But she did enjoy chuckling at the hammy dialogue before bed. “Hey Anon!” Anon raised her brow, snapping out of her thoughts upon hearing that tomboyish voice from afar - soon following the whipping of wind and flapping of wings. Instinctively Anon ducked her head just in time for Rainbow Dash fly over her back and hover before her. “Sup! What’re you up to, Anon?” She spoke up. “I was flying over head and figured I’d say hello!” Anon merely smirked and shaked her head. “Well, You just said it. So I’ll see ya later then.” The mare kept trotting, walking around the hovering Pony who dropped to the ground and followed not far behind. “W-Wait!” She called, catching up. “Uh… I was gonna ask if you wanted to hang out some?” “No thanks, I wanna get home and rest.” Anon responded. “Are you sure? I have tons of cool new tricks and stunts I wanna show off!” Rainbow boasted. “It would be totally awesome!” “Sorry Dashie, but I can’t. I have some stuff to take care of on my PC that's' really time sensitive.” Anon answered. “But how about Tuesday? It’s my day off then.” The Pegasus gained a rather dopey smile and pink cheeks. Her heart fluttered when she heard the earth pony call her ‘Dashie’. Did she mean ‘her Dashie’-? It made her soar! Uh- Figuratively since she already was. She dumbly nodded and smiled wider. “O-Of course, Anon! Thanks for the talk anyways! See you then!” Anon waved back as she saw the rainbow maned mare fly off. She sighed and shaked her head. Rainbow Dash was always one of the more tomboyish interests besides Applejack. All the mares in town tried using their special skills to woo her or use it to win them over. But the Truth is… Anon just wasn’t into Mares, Nor Stallions funnily enough. She wasn’t particularly interested in anypony. She simply wanted to be with herself and her hobbies. And apparently not many got the message. Anon reached her home. A more modernized home compared to all of Ponyville, where she actually had most modern appliances most of these hicks would assume was complete magic rather than modern technology. She opened the front door and kicked it closed as she walked into her living room. With a sharp exhale of her breath she went to the kitchen and placed everything where it belonged. She merely grabbed a glass of ice sweet tea and a tiny bag of chips to tie her over until she made a proper dinner. But she had to do something very important first. She carried her stuff to her bed room, placing it on her desk a safe distance away from her hoof made PC fit for everyday use and the nightly game session. She was currently going through a game where you fought giant monsters on a recently discovered continent. It was a fun game, even if she messed up by choosing a massive horn as her weapon, it was something she looked forward to after work. She tapped the power button and climbed into the seat, a very cushy and soft seat it was. She opened the web browser typed in '4hooves.org’, where she found herself at a fairly ugly home screen, that looked as if it hadn't been updated in decades. She scrolled through the various boards until she found the right one. /mbh/ - My big Humie, a board festering with fat ugly mares proudly showering in their degeneracy and filth whilst proclaiming who is best human. Anon smirked, finding a husbando thread and knew she would have a fun afternoon. > Short 2 - Worryingly Quiet Pony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Green Mare snorted loudly, crusty eyes snapping open. Sitting up from her small cushy twin sized bed, she uttered a deep growl before lazily raising a hoof and slamming it onto the ringing alarm. Exhaling sharply, Anon would stretch and pop her back, smacking her grimey tasting mouth before hopping off the bed, leaving it a very messy state. After the morning ritual; Bathroom, teeth, and a quick yet filling breakfast of whole wheat toast with strawberry jelly and tofu sausage, she’d finally gather her belongings and set out for another day of work. Luckily this was her last day before her day off. With a final yawn, Anon trotted out of her cottage and into the warm summer morning. Trotting down the dirt road she glanced over to the lush grassy fields, morning dew glistening across each blade and even with a few early birds chirping and singing ine the rays of the rising sun. She’d smile, despite her destine for early mornings, The Mare did admit it was always a pleasure seeing beautiful sights like this. Almost made her consider waking up early on her days off. Almost. Looking back ahead she saw a certain Pegasis on the side of the road, her head down as she spoke to some kind of small rodent, likely a Groundhog or something. They seemed to finish their little talk as the roden skittered off into some lone shrubs. As Anon approached, the butter colored mare perked up when she heard her and looked, only for her entire face to turn beet red as she suddenly cowered down, blocking her flushed face with her delicate and soft wings. “...Hello, Fluttershy.” Anon spoke softly and clearly, stopping a few feet away from the Pegasis. Fluttershy was easily the most obvious about her feelings, even if she rarely even speaks around Anon.The Green Mare knew very clearly, and knew not to ‘over stimulate’ her by getting too close. The yellow mare would peak in between her feathers to look at the source of her embarrassment. “Did you have a good morning so far…?” Anon would ask again in that soft tune, craning her head a little to be level with Fluttershy. She would only vanish back behind her feathers and just barely utter the quietest peep, barely perceivable to the Green Mare. “Fluttershy, please speak up. I can’t hear you at all. Try taking a few breaths first.” She’d add on. Fluttershy would peak her eye out again before closing them again, after a moment the Pegasus would slowly stand back up and pull her wings back. Hiding behind her hair instead, Anon could the pony’s soft small breaths, the rising and falling of her chest before she stopped. Looking back at Anon. Fluttershy’s face was still mostly red, with her eyes refusing to look at theEarth Pony. At least this was better. “...H-Hi… Anon…” Fluttershy would whisper in just barely loud enough volume to be heard. “Y-Yes… It’s a really lovely morning… I was just talking to Tristan about if any berry bushes had bloomed yet… I wanted to get them fresh instead of at the market…” “Isn’t all the produce in Ponyville grown locally and always fresh…?” Anon would raise a brow. “...Not these kinds of berries. They haven’t been domesticated yet and most vendors usually import them, they lose all of their ripeness and most of their flavor by then…” The Pegasus would answer, her eyes stealing a glance at Anon before shooting back the other way, her face turning even redder for a moment. “Welp, I… Hope that works out for you, FlutterButter But I-” “W-wait! What...  D-did you just call me…?” Fluttershy’s eyes would snap back to the Earth mare, eye wide open and her face a shade of red it would put the local apple farm to shame. Anon didn’t seem to even pick up on the look, having gotten so used to it from the many mares who also stare at her like that. “Huh? Oh, I said ‘Flutterbutter’, like how your coat is a super pale yellow, kinda like Butter. I thought it was funny but I get it if you don’t like it.” Anon explained, glancing over she could see that Groundhog from earlier watching them from the shrubs, munching a root of some kind. Almost like it was watching TV or something. “N-No!” The yellow mare would suddenly squeal out, loud enough to earn a jump of surprise from Anon, who looked at her with wide eyes. Fluttershy would realize what she did and awkwardly cough into her hoof and return to looking away from the other pony. “It’s fine…! I-It really is, I like it…! If you came up with it then I really do like it… Um, Anon? Can… I ask you something?” Anon would raise a brow again and tilt her head at the Pegasus question. “Sure, Fluttershy. What do you wanna ask me?” Fluttershy would take a deep, deep inhale and let it out before looking at Anon. “Anon… Would you like to… Watch the sunrise with m-me? It’s such a beautiful morning, would be a shame to waste it without someone to share it, right?” Oh boy… Anon kept herself from rolling her eyes or sighing. She had to be very, very careful now. Fluttershy was obviously the most sensitive Pony in town, if not the entire continent. Each time Fluttershy proposed favors or requests like this, it was like being in the center of a minefield, if said mines were packed full of shrapnel and C4, And besides, even if she wasn’t interested Anon couldn’t allow herself to make this mare cry. “Uh… I would really love to, Flutterbutter, but it’s a work day and I have to be there. And I agreed to watch one of Rainbow Dash’s little stunt shows.” She’d answer in the gentlest voice she could. The Pegasis deflated a little, casting her eyes down as a small, but deeply sad look crossed her face. Anon’s eyes widened in shock as her eyes started to water up some. “B-But! You could uh… Join us! I mean, why not spend time together? You’re friends with Rainbow, yeah? Why don’t we all hang out?” Anon would quickly add on, terrified she may have just started a bad case of water works. She hesitantly raised her hoof, reaching over to touch Fluttershy's shoulder. The Mare would suddenly stiffen as she stood straight up. Her eyes locked with Anon's and her face, neigh, her entire body was now seemingly red. “...T-That would…. W-work… If it’s n-not too much trouble…” She’d stutter out, gulping dryly as she tried not to faint from her crush actually touching her. “Not at all! I’m sure Rainbow wouldn’t mind! I bet she shows you all her tricks and stunts too!” Anon would give a small comforting smile on her muzzle. She’d pull her hoof back and wave at the Pegasis, trotting past her and down the trail towards the town. “Bye Flutters! Hope you have a good day!” Fluttershy would stand there, her eyes trailing the green mare, yet she couldn’t move her head or body to watch her go. She was still paralyzed by the terribly warm and fluffy sensation in her chest. She could only quiver her lip and let out another squeak. “...Y-You too, Anon.” She’d answer with a small smile. > Short 3 - Hot Cider & Lukewarm Mares > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- She sighed tiredly, Anon whipped her brow and rubbed her tired eyes… It was a hectic work day, they had received a huge amount of mail at the office that needed hours to sort through. She wasn’t entirely sure why, but what she did catch was apparently a lot of the town's residents had relatives in nearby towns and villages. She trudged through the marketplace yet again, trying her best to avoid any real eye contact or interaction. All she wanted was some cold sweet tea and a nice hay sandwich in her nice cool home… Anon strutted around the citizens of Ponyville with a tired eagerness to crawl back into bed and rest. However, she caught something in the corner of her eye and paused. She saw none other than the local farmer Applejack at one of the market stands, a crowd formed around her as she kept pouring out large glass bottles from a massive keg from behind her. That tall silent brother and squeaky little sister of hers seem to help her keep up with the workload, handing out the large jugs in exchange for a hefty sum of bits each. As the orders started to slow down and the crown disappeared, Anon saw the hard working mare whip her brow and lean onto the counter with a satisfied look across her face. Anon had to admit, part of her did admire Applejack, in a purely respectful and professional manner, that is. Who wouldn’t? Anypony would find it incredibly difficult to take care of and hoof pick every single tree for dozens of acres. For some it would even be impossible. But somehow Applejack, and to a lesser extent her brother, seemed to do it all on their own! And turn it into a profitable product and sell it off all in a timely manner, nonetheless. The green mare almost felt silly from being tired after shoveling mail all day when that hard working farmer was right there. Anon turned her lip into a small friendly smile. Maybe she can spare a few moments to say ‘Hello’ and get some small talk in. Trotting up to the stand she would speak up. “Hey, Applejack! How’s business?” Anon called out. The Apple mare turned her head, her confident grin became an awkward and surprised smile as her freckled cheeks turned a soft shade of red. “A-Anon! Why, Ah didn’t even see ya walkin’ over!” She would answer, scratching the back of her mane with her hoof. “What brings ya by? Wantin’ to buy some cider? It’s fresh! Straight from the family’s brewery!” Anon would shake her head politely. “Afraid not, AJ. I was on my way home and don’t really got the bits to spare on a whole jug of Cider. I just wanted to stop by and say ‘Hi’! Figured I’d ask how things were going?” “Well… As ya can guess, very good!” Applejack answered with a pleasant tone, scanning Anon. “We got plenty of buyers and plenty of bits!” “Eeeeeeyup.” That tall red stallion answered, Anon wasn’t really sure what his name was. She hasn’t even properly spoken to him before. “Yeah! Big Sis said Ah could get an advance on mah allowance if Ah sold enough jugs!” That smaller yellow filly chirped, peeking her head over the counter, her huge glossy bow bouncing on her head. “Ah already sold seven!” “Good for you!” Anon smiled, reaching over to pat the small excited filly on her head. Who seemed only to smile, emitting an audible squeaking noise as she did. Applejack seemed to turn a deeper shade of red. Turning her head away and pulling her hat down to conceal her face. “Aaaahhh… Say, Anon, how ‘bout some cider on the house-?” Anon perked up, turning her head and glancing over with a surprised look. “Really-? Um, sure, I guess I’ll take a free offer! But are you sure?” Applejack suddenly dove under the counter, poking back up with a rather elegant looking bottle in her hooves. Placing it before the Green Mare. It wasn’t as nearly as big as a whole jug, but more so like a small wine bottle. It was an opec green color,  a dark substance inside. The Glass having an intricate and detailed stamp of an Apple tree with gold colored paint, with a sort of glass topper instead of a normal cork. It had a small name below the logo. Some frilly cursive she had trouble reading at first. ‘Pomme de divinité’. She wasn’t really sure what that was supposed to be or meant, but was impressed with the craftsmanship nonetheless. Anon smiled widely while looking back up at the even redder AJ. Then she realized what she was doing. “A-Ah, Thank you, AJ! But I couldn’t accept this! Just… Look at it! It’s so amazing looking, I couldn’t take it for free!” The Green Mare stuttered out, trying to avoid accepting the gift and send the wrong message. “Ah insist!” Applejack spoke up, eyes widening at Anon’s words. “...Consider it a gift! From one friend t-to another!” “But.. It’s just too good! I’d feel bad about taking it!’ Anon responded, a nervous look forming on her face. The Brother and little Sister trading looks, the filly giggling to herself. “I mean, it must have taken so much effort into making the bottle alone! The cider alone must be worth a fortune!” “That’s why Ah’m given’ it to ya, Then! Yer clearly worth alot to me-!” Applejack paused before sputtering out again. “A-Ah don’t mean like that! L-Like a friend, I mean!” Anon paused, did she really mean that…? The Green mare hesitantly looked at the farmer and gave in. Inwardly sighing before reaching for the bottle of cider, tucking it into her saddle bags.  “...Heh, Thanks AJ, I really appreciate it. I’ll let you know how much I like it.” She answered with a softer smile. Just wanting to come off as nice, hoping she wouldn’t harm the Farmers feelings. Applejack’s eyes flared up. Smiling in a goofy way as she eagerly nodded her head, nearly making her hat fall off before catching it, sliding back on with a goofy grin and a flustered red face. Anon would softly chuckled before turning away. “Well, Agin, Thanks AJ. I’ll see you later. Have a good one.” Anon answered, quickly making her way back into the crowd, wandering back home. Applejack merely gave a heartfelt sigh and watched her ‘friend’ trot off. Her brother raising a brow at her heartfelt gaze and fluttering sigh, The Filly giggled again. “Ah-Jay and ‘Non sittin’ in an apple tree, k-i-s-s-!” The filly suddenly found herself mute. Applejack’s hoof firmly planted over her little sister's mouth, very flustered and embarrassed, glaring down at her. “Now ya stop that! She could still hear ya!” The Farmer grumbled lowly. That alone earned a good chuckle from her brother, who only flinched as soon as she glared at him as well. > Short 4 - Two Shades of Pinks > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was warm, maybe the weather team changed their minds at the last minute about today’s forecast. Not that Anon cared all that much. It was still cool enough not to bother her too much. Work ended early, not entirely sure why. All she could gather before the Boss Mare called the day off was some gray pegasus getting stuck head first in the mail chute and having the fire department come in to cut her out. The Emerald mare scanned the lively streets, middle of the day and there were plenty of ponies about. A few colts and fillies too. She even caught the eye of that little sister of AJ’s scurrying about. Wasn’t today supposed to be a school day…? She vanished around a corner before Anon could look for too long. Shrugging, it likely wasn’t her business. What was a few days playing hooky in the grand scheme of things? She recalled plenty of days ditching class… Ahh, memories and young mistakes. A simpler time… Still, she had a whole day left with nothing to do… What was a grown mare to do in a little village like this? Maybe an afternoon at the spa-? Nah, too expensive and Twins always did give her the heebie jeebies. Anon did still have that novel that bookish Liberian gave her, yet it was honestly becoming a slog near the end with how heavy hooved a lot of the dialogue and writing was getting. As she strutted in thought, her eyes did drift up towards the sign of the local bakery…. Eyes widened as she realized the perfect thing for today, a treat! Yes, a treat… Who said a mare couldn’t indulge her desires every once and a while? The mare did take a pause to look into her saddle bag, She did seem to have more than enough pocket coinage to get herself a few treats… She pushed inside, seeing and hearing a bustling store. A long line up at the front counter, the small stalls packed with ponies enjoying their sweats together, even a few sharing something as intimate as a root beer float with two straws. Anon snorted to herself and rolled her eyes. Young love… As cheesy as it was she still felt happy for whoever she saw living their best lives together. Trotting into line, she looked up at the menu overhead, seeing many different offerings and pastries for sale. Some marked out to show they were sold out. Darn… Donut holes would have been the perfect hoof food for when she got back home. Maybe an eclair then? Ohh… But what about a pack of cupcakes? It was all so good sounding. She never did have that much of a sweet tooth, but she never did outgrow her love for a good sweet as a filly. The fresh smell of baked goods nearly reminded her of her mother too… Snapping down from the menu, she kept in line to see it was progressing quicker than expected. Much quicker. The two owners seemed to keep track of orders, with what sounded like a circus coming from the kitchen. Whoever was making was certainly doing everything they could to keep up. That’s when she saw that distinct cotton pink mane. That all too familiar mare carrying what was undoubtedly a full sized birthday cake, complete with at least an inch of frosting and little figurine of a colt with a bat and filly with a butterfly next running opposed to one another. Twins perhaps? With a loud ‘spoing’ following each hop, the cotton maned mare bounced in between the two older ponies and placed it onto the counter for the Stallion in front of Anon. Eyes still wide, she instinctively turned her head and prayed to Celestia she wouldn’t spot her right away. She couldn’t bear another encounter with the rosy terror. “Here you go, Miss! Tell Home Hitter and Buggy I said hi! I'll make sure to stop by their party when I can!” The pink mare giggled with her bubbly tune, the same one that nearly drained the life from her and startled Anon half to death her first week here. She still remembers the near heart attack her first ‘surprise party’ was. Although exploding out of a massive cake mysteriously snuck into Anon’s home with noise makers and fireworks wasn’t entirely a good kind of surprise. As that mare in front of her thanked the good baker and turned to leave, Anon’s ears folded back at the small but sharp gasp directed to her. Agh… Stepping forward to the counter, Anon looked towards Pinkie with a faint, if weary grin, waving towards her with little passion. “Hi…” She called out, clearly already wanting to speed through this social encounter as quickly as possible. “Oh Hi Nonny! I didn’t see you walk in!” The Bubblegum mare giggled out, her sugary sweet tune always so tooth rottingly thick for Anon. Don’t get her wrong, the green mare did enjoy Pinkie’s enthusiasm and sweetness to an extent, it always seemed a little thick… Even thicker than the amount of calories her average pastry contained. Her crystal baby blue eyes locked with Anon’s emerald globes, sparkling like gemstones as Pinkie grew an especially wide grin, her already pink cheeks flushing an even deeper shade. The Mare bouncing and hopping in place almost akin to an excited puppy. Even her tail was wagging. “What brings you by? OH-! Are you invited to Home Hitter and Buggy’s birthday party too?” Pinkie Pie asked, already chattering way until Anon spoke up. “Erm, No. Sadly not. I don’t really… do birthday parties. Or Parties in general. You know that.” Anon answered, acknowledging their first encounter. Of which Pinkie only giggled yet again in response. “That’s a real shame, Nonny, they’re two of the nicest colts and fillies I know! Did you know Home Hitter scored a home run at his latest game, and shared his victory pizza with the opposing team-!?” Pinkie asked again, seemingly just using this as an excuse to talk Anon’s ear off. “...I wouldn’t have guessed by his name, but I’ll take your word. Now- If you don’t mind if I place my order…?” Anon asked, trying to swerve back onto topic. “Oh? Oh my bad! Silly me!” Another infectious giggle that earned a chuckle out of pure exasperation from Anon. “What will it be, Nonny? We have a special on super choco chunky iced fritters with extra sprinkles today!” Taking a breath, Anon tapped her chin as she glanced up at the menu once more, before looking back down to Pinkie, now leaning onto the counter with one hoof under her chin, tail wagging still. Both owners gave her an odd look, the blue mare giving a light hearted chuckle as the lanky husband seemed to roll his eyes at the mare. “Well, I was gonna order some donut holes, but since you’re o-” “Oh those? Those are super duper easy to whip up!” Pinkie bounced back onto her hooves. “Just go sit in a stall and I’ll bring them right to you! Be back in a little while!” Before Anon could even speak up and correct Pinkie, the rosy mare was already bouncing harder than a highly elastic ball shooting down a hallway, springing back into the kitchen. Leaving the emerald mare in silence, hoof in the air as she was about to continue. Before sighing and shaking her head. “Pinkie gets really excited from time to time… You usually got to lead with what you want right away.” The older stallion answered, rubbing his neck as he shrugged. “...Yeah, she really does get excited.” Anon tiredly chuckled again, before gesturing back to an empty stall. “You just sit right back, with how Pinkie sounded shouldn’t be less than a wink she’s already done with your order.” He added on again, Anon nodded with a thankful smile before turning and making her way. A freshly cleared stall, the candy colored faux leather stretching and squeaking like smooth rubbery plastic under her rump. One elbow on the table and she blew a few strands of hair from her face. The green mare should have thought twice about coming in… She should have just gone to that other mare’s stall, that one that made candy exclusively. Although chances were she would have run into that odd mint colored mare around there as well. And the only thing Anon disliked more than Pinkie’s occasionally grating excitement was getting into another long winded argument over the seasonal rot and eventual controversial reboot of a show with that mare again. What event sparked that the first time anyways…? She could barely remember… Lost in her thoughts, Anon didn’t hear that ominous ‘spoing’ until a hefty bag was placed right before her, making the green mare job on the spot. Pinkie immediately takes the seat across from her. The scent of freshly baked and glazed goods filling Anon’s lungs. They did still smell amazing… Even mouth watering as Anon was forced to swallow what was in her throat before licking her lips. “Hmmm… These do smell wonderful…!” Anon smiled, looking up at Pinkie before reaching back into her saddlebag. “How much do I owe you? I know you were already out so I kinda feel bad for making you go through all that hassle.” “Oh no worries, Nonny! I always do what I can for the ponies I care about! Don’t even sweat it, it’s on me!” Pinkie grinned, still blushing as she watched Anon from across the small table. “I even made them special just for you!” Anon perked up, raising a brow. Oh… Oh Celestia don’t tell her Pinkie was doing the same… And what did she mean by that? She looked towards the bag, cracking it open to see dozens of expertly made and baked donut holes, glazed in chocolate icing with what looked like… Little green question marks as sprinkles. “I made super special sprinkles just for you! I know you’re not a big ‘sweats’ or ‘party’ kind of pony, but I still wanted to make something you’d like! Erm, do you?” Pinkie asked, perking her head to the side, That innocent look on her face, if it were literally any other pony than Anon, she was sure Punkie would make them diabetic through pure exposure. Why did this mare have to go the extra mile on something like this? It almost made Anon feel bad for whatever she was about to ask. Taking a moment to dig one out, she sniffed the small bite before sliding it past her lips. Anon’s eyes shot wide open as she felt an explosion of creamy chocolate flavor with the sugary overload of the countless sprinkles. It put her own mothers cooking to shame and threatened to send her back to culinary school. After a hesitant moment, Anon finally swallowed, a wide and surprised smile crossing her lips. “They’re… really good! Best I’ve ever tasted Pinkie!” Anon answered, only for the Pink Mare to grow the widest smile Anon had ever seen. A loud rubbery squeak playing out as she did. Her crystal eyes glittering even more than before. “I’m so-so-so-so glad you liked it, Nonny!” Pinkie giggled, reaching straight across the small table and wrapped her forelegs around Anon’s neck, pulling her into a tight squeeze. Nuzzling against her and nearly crushing the bag of Donut Holes. “I was almost afraid you wouldn’t!” “Urk-! Pinkie, space please!” Anon gagged a little from the tight choking squeeze, before being released and coughing up a little. Pinkie covered her mouth in a timid manner more akin to Fluttershy. “Heh-! S-Sorry, Nonny, I forgot, rule number one-” “No surprise death hugs…” Anon answered, taking a breath as she gave Pinkie a small look. But regained that small smile regardless. “But… Again, thank you. I really do like it… Are you sure you don’t want me to pay?” Pinkie perked up at Anon’s question, before developing yet another uncharacteristic expression. A more coy and playful smirk. “Well… I can think of one way you can thank me, Nonny~” Taken back just a bit, Anon leaned back into her seat and looked at Pinkie oddly. “...How’s that?” Her tune curious and almost afraid to ask. Pinkie kept eyeing Anon intently, still fluttering her eyelashes before reaching forward, booping Anon square on her nose. “I still need a plus one for Home Hitter and Buggy’s birthday! What do you say you tag along after I’m done with today's work and we can go together! There'll be lots of games and shows!” Anon’s nose scrunched up, both from the touch of Pinkie’s hoof and the request.. Of course she’d ask for that… She rolled her eyes before shaking her head. “You know I don’t do parties, Pinkie. Plus I wouldn’t be… you know, kinda weird turning up at a random colt and fillies birthday party unannounced?” Anon asked. Pinkie’s smile fell as she pouted. “Pretty please, Anon? You said you wanted to repay me for the snack right? Just tag along and play one tiiiiiiiny game of pin the head on the hydra! Plus you could use some fun every once in a while!” Anon frowned at the request. “Listen, Pinkie- I know you really want me to, but I’m no good at parties. I’m not sure if you want me there-” “Pretty Pleeeeeeaaaaaaase~!” Pinkie suddenly cried, hooves clenched together in a prayer. Many eyes suddenly turned towards the two mares after Pinkie Pies display. The Mare in question giving the most heart wrenching puppy eyes Anon had ever seen. After a long, long moment of silence and awkward tension, Anon caved. Sighing as she ran a hoof down her face. “...Fine, alright. I’ll tag along.” Just as Pinkie prepared to bounce right into the ceiling and squeal, an emerald hoof grabbed her by her own hoof and pulled her back down into the stall. “But-” “But?” Pinkie repeated, tilting her head. “Only for a few games. I still wanna spend my early day off at home. I’ll play a few games and maybe until they cut the cake, but that’s all. Are we clear?” Anon asked, still holding onto Pinkie’s hoov, when realizing how that may appear to some who didn’t catch the full conversation let go and sat back. Only for Pinkie to giggle excitedly, nodding her head. “Crystal! Just let me wrap up some more orders and we can head over now!” Pinkie answered. “Even if it’s just a few games, It’s always fun getting to play with you, Nonny~” With a playful wink, one Anon wasn’t entirely sure how to interpret, she watched as Pinkie climbed from the stall and bounced once more… Like a giggly confusing beach ball. She sighed exhaustively as she leaned back into her seat, rummaging into her snack bag and pulled out a few holes to chew on. Maybe a little party would help her loosen up a little…