> How I became an Equestrian > by Raybony > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Prologe > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well how should I start this? I was just going for a nice day of camping to get away from my worries of work and studies. I had planned this trip for some time now and only my friends and family knew where I was, I had decided to go by myself as I thought it would be a better way to relax, how wrong I was. It was a nice day of July of the Summer Holidays on the UK. I was getting off in my stop at the train station in the countryside, taking in the surroundings of the small town and the beautiful fields that spread far and wide. The houses and little establishments had a rustic yet stylish look to the town giving a welcoming feeling, the people look quite friendly and gesture to each as they pass by. As I went by I took notice of a coffee shop and realize that I hadn’t had anything to eat since this morning, so I went into the shop to get a small snack before I headed to the fields. While I waited I decided to ask a few questions about the place to employe. "What can you tell me about this place?" "Not much" The lady on the desk said. "This time of year we ussaly get a lot of costumers from the city who wants to visit the countryside. But since the Olympics is going to happen really soon I guess we are having a bit of a dry year." "Do you enjoy it here?" I ask, seeing as she was a little depress for the Olympics inconvenience. "Oh yeah, I used to live in Manchester but since my parents move here I had to get use to the idea of living in the fields." She looked out the window for a moment, lost in though. "It really was a rather good change, if I could choose between living here or in the city I would live here, it has been quite a good life." I noded to her, I understood what she meant, being away from the constant noise from the cars and city was really something really enjoyable. After I got my food I sit down and enjoyed it with a nice latte, reading about the games that were bound to happen in a few weeks, I was looking forward to the 100m race wanting to see Usain Bolt attempting to smash a new record. After I was done I headed to the woods not far from the towns exit, as I walked through the wood I took in the scenery that was around. The trees standing a few meters high from the ground and their leafs shading most of the sunlight, the small creatures that pass through the canopy and the streams of water as their sound gave a calm felling. As I walked through the trees I couldn’t place away the feeling that there was something in the air, like some kind of presence or force, it was as if something was going to happen, but after much time I manage to put the felling away. I spent the next few hours looking at the fauna and wild life that there was in the woods, taking pictures of the beauty that surrounded me. It was quite a master piece if I could say, the strong look from the trees was softend out with the beatiful look from the flowers and herbs. The sun was starting to set and I had to find a place to set camp, as I walk I started to feel the force again but it felt different, like instead of being a random feeling it had a shape, I couldn't describe it but for it felt familiar for some reason, but I manage to put it at the back of my mind and continue walking. After I found a nice clearing with a view to the sky, I took my sleeping bag out and made a campfire using a small lighter to burn some dry leaves and a few sticks. The fire gave a small warming embrace of heat as it shone in the now dark night. I laid on top of my sleeping bag as I enjoyed some chicken soup that I made myself for dinner and had a nice cup of tea, I went into my sleeping bag where I took out my personal eReader and started reading my favourite fanfic of MLP. It had been a few years since I discovered the love for the show; it had always made me feel better for myself and to cope with the harshness of my everyday life, in a way it made everything look much better for, to see that humans were creatures of wonder and even if didn't agree to everything or come to the best of term, we could always do much more together. some people may say that they started liking the show because of the episodes or the art, but for my it was the stories that the community made, that’s what made me a Brony, I love how people come up with a story that can reflect a positive idea in the society if only we could see it, or the adventures that would come up for the characters or the comedy. As the fire started to die down I turn off my eReader and look to the night sky, gazing at the stars and the full moon that shone with its soothing light. "I wonder if the nights in Equestria are as beutiful as this, who knows maybe they even have the same constelations." I laid there for what seemed like hours, sleep finally taking me over and made fall asleep like a log. As I sleept there the wind started to pick up, making leafs to fly in the air as they started to surround my camping area. The gentle breeze now a gust of wind that made a small tornado of leaf, sparks started to shot out from leaf to leaf, the sparks started to increase on size and frequency as it was about to do something. In a flash the clearing was enveloped in a bright light, all the animals were awoken from their sleep as the white light shone to their eyes, and as quick as it happen the light was gone, all that was left on the its place was a single dark wallet, this not carrying anything but some money, some cards and a ID card, It's owner gone like he never existed. > Welcome to Equestria > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was dreaming of me being in a tunnel of light which seemed like it had no end, I couldn’t stop myself moving as I walked to one end of the tunnel, I couldn't feel anything, I didn't feel floor as I moved towards the light, I couldn't feel the air as it hit my face or the natural feeling of a breath. As I reached the end I felt the sun hitting my eyelids, immediately I stir awake and put my hand to my face to block the sun. “Man I could swear that the wood was denser than this”. As I opened my eyes I took quite a sight, I was in an open field under a single tree just outside a large dark looking forest. I looked around, this didn't seem right, I had set camp on a small clearing in the woods, but where I was right now was totally different but at the same time so familiar, I had seem this place before but wasn't sure where. I stood up and looked around checking for anything else that may be aroun over the hills. I looked over one of the hills and came with a sight that would most certainly make anyone dumbfounded, right in front of me in the distance was a colourful town, but what was more unbelievable it that I recognised that town. "Ponyville?" That couldn't be, Ponyville was from MLP, I most have been dreaming, yeah thats it it was all a dream. I pinched myself, which sent a sting of pain, `ok, I’m not dreaming, then I'm gone crazy and I have started to hallucinate.' I went running to a a part where I knew was a tree, if I was hallucinating then I would smash to the tree and snap me back to reality. I went with full force and went to slam at where the tree would be, unfortunately I went long and ended on the ground earning a face full of dirt. I shook my head as I stood back up and went checking around trying to find any of the trees that were on the clearing that I had camp in, but I never came with one, then I remeber that I never went to sleep next to a tree, I headed for said tree and extended my hand towards and touching it, feeling the rough surface og the trunk. "So this is real then?" I couldn't believe it, I had been transported to Equestria, now I know what some of you may think, that me being a fan of the show I would be going crazy at having a chance like this, but one thing is being a fan who considers life more inportant than a hobby and another is being a crazy fan lover who does everything pony related. So yeah I rather have my normal life than being in Equestria (no offence on you readers that would do anything for something like this). I shook my head and went back to the problem at hand, “ok so I’m in Equestria, just outside of ponyville, with all my stuff and enough food to last a week.” I let out a frustrated sigh. “This is just great, I’m trap in Equestria, I don’t know anyone, well not personally, and I may only be able to stay here for a week. Well I may as well pack my things before something happens.” I started taking down my tent and putting it back in my camping backpack. But Murphy's law was on action, because as soon as I open my bag, a pink pony pops her head out, nearly giving me a heart attack. “Hi, you look funny, are you new in town, because I know everypony in Ponyville and I’ve never seen you before, did you come from the Everfree Forest? Because that would be creepy, do you like parties, of course you do, who doesn’t like parties, have you meet my friends? I’m sure twilight would be interested in you, so what are you, a mix of some weird animals? Do you have a name, would yo...” I placed my hand on Pinkies mouth to silence her. “Please stop with the questions, I can’t answer any of them if you don’t let me” I told her as I removed my hand from her mouth. As I let her go I start noticing how big she was, on all four she was about my shoulder high including her mane, and if she was in her hind legs I would say that she would be a head taller than me. “Okie, Dokie, Lokie” she said before starting with the questions (at least one at the time) “So what are you?” “I’m a human” I said plainly, having a good idea that she wouldn't care. "A huwhatnow?" she asked confused at the strange name. 'Well I didn't see that coming' "A human, its like an ape but has a better developed brain allowing it to rationalise and think like any other human, or pony in this case." She looked even more confussed at my explanation. "Ugh, we are hairless talking apes." "Oh, why didn't you say so? and why were you out here so close to the everfree forest?" 'That was the everfree? doesn't seem that scary' I looked at her and think of an excuse for me being here. "I was camping here after a long day of exploring." I then though of a question. "Can I ask, how did you know I was here?" “Oh, that was my Pinkie Sense, I had shaking legs, tail twitching and scratchy nose, that means that somepony is new and are outside of town” `I should have known better` I thought to myself before answering back. “Ok, so what’s your name?” I asked knowing already her name, but decided to ask it so it wouldn’t seem weird if I already know it. “Oh sorry, I tend to forget to introduce myself when I’m excited, my name is Pinkie Pie, what’s yours?” she responded with her usual cheeriness of hers. “My name is Luis, nice to meet you Pinkie” “Luis, that’s a nice funny name. Say Luis would you like to meet my friends over in ponyville?” I thought about that offer for a moment, it was my dream fantasy to actually meet the cast of the show, but what if they were scared of me?, or what if twilight thought of me as a phenomenon and sent a letter to Princess Celestia? What if... what if Celestia saw me as a threat and banish me to the moon? I stop there realizing how much this sounded like twilight on the incident of Celestia’s phoenix Philomena. I decided it was best to accept the offer and hope for the best. “Yeah sure, I think that would be nice, seeing as I’m here; even though I may already know them” I said the last part to myself in a low whisper. “Oh, you already know them? Oh that makes it even easier, but how do you know them? I’ve been living in Ponyville for nearly all my life, and I know everypony that comes here. Are you some kind of spy?” She asked after she started hooping towards Ponyville. “Well it’s kind of a long story and I rather tell it when I know you all better, don’t want to freak you all out on my first day here” "Ok then, so what brings you to Ponyville?" "I didn't come here on purpose, like I told you I was exploring the land and set camp here, I just didn't see the town until this morning." I answered, it wasn't a complete lie, I really didn't know how I got here, hopefully Twilight could tell me why. "Well thats strange, my Pinkie Sense didn't do anything until this morning, if you really arrived last night I would have sense you even in my sleep, oh look we arrived. “Huh, oh we are, wow is even better than I imaging” I said as I looked at the buildings that made the streets, the town itself looked like the once from the 13th century, with its walls bearing the wooden frames that supported the house. “Isn’t it, well we better go to twilight’s place maybe she can tell where you came from, and even tell you some things about the place.” “Yeah I think your right” We walked through the street of Ponyville, which for some reason were deserted on anypony, 'maybe they saw me and did the same thing like with Zecora, although that was more of Pinkie’s judgement than anyone else.' I thought to myself. After a few minutes of walking we arrived at Twilight’s tree/Library/House, which was bigger than what I expected. “So are you ready to meet twilight or are you scare she will start treating you like a test subject?” she giggle at her own comment, and I wouldn’t say she was wrong, I can remember when Twilight try to understand Pinkie’s ability to predict the future, it didn’t go too well. “So, are you going in or not? The day isn’t getting any longer and I’m sure she is awake by now.” She said as she used her head to push me towards the door. “Ok ok, I’m going geez; you don’t need to push me it’s just um...” I stopped wondering what would await me inside this house, it could be anything to being tested on to being sent away to Princess Celestia, or worst, I could be sent to Princess Celestia so they can test on me against my own will, while being kept in the dungeons. I stopped there realizing that I was going insane just thinking about it, with a deep breath a calm myself and put myself together. “Ok Pinkie I’m ready, let’s surprise Twilight” When I said that she had a grin that cover about 90% of her face. “No Pinkie, we are not throwing her a surprise party” “Ahhhhh, your no fun” She responded with a pouty mouth, to which she then laugh. “Ok fine, but I’m still throwing `you` a party mister, so don’t think you’re getting out of this one”. “Ok then, but let’s go in, maybe we can give her a shock” I said to her as I walked into the library, boy I should have made myself ready for the next bit. > Welcome Interrogation > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As I enter into the library I notice the number of books that adorn the wall/shelves, even on the show there weren’t this many, there were even towers of books scatter across the floor. As I scanned the room I notice Twilight going through some books while levitating another 3 around her. “No, no, NO. There has to be a book about this.” She ramble as she went through another 2 books and putting them away. “Hi Twilight, what you doing so stress?” Pinkie asked seen her friend in a craze state. “Not now Pinkie, I felt a surge in magic this morning and it’s like nothing I felt before, I can’t find any books with a reference to this event and Spike is still with the Crusaders at their sleepover, so I can’t send a letter to the Princess telling her about this.” She responded quickly not taking her eyes off her research. “But Twilight I met somepony new, and I think you would like to meet him.” “Pinkie I don’t have time to...” Twilight stopped mid sentence as she looked at me, her eyes went as wide as saucer plates and her mouth hang open in aew. “Um, hi nice to me...” I couldn’t finish as I was enveloped in a violet aura and thrown to one of the book shelves, with enough force to make some of the books to fall out. “Ow, what are you doing?” I yelled at twilight as her magic push me harder to the shelve. “Pinkie go get the girls and Spike, I think we may be in trouble here” Twilight told her without taking her eyes off me. “But twilight, he isn’t dangerous, I showed him here and he is really nice and funny, even his name's funny.” Pinkie said trying to convince twilight that I was no threat. “Pinkie, look at it, it isn’t a Pony, or a Griffin and I doubt it’s a Changeling, he doesn’t look like anything from this world, he could even be like Discord for all we know. Now go get the others while I keep it company.” Twilight told Pinkie, not wanting to take any risks as to what this being may be. “But Twi ...” Twilight shot her a serious look, not wanting to discuss the issue any further. “O-ok Twi, I’ll be back soon.” With that she ran out of the door to get everyone else. After Pinkie had left Twilight turn back to me, making sure that I wouldn’t try anything, she cast a spell which put me in shackles to the shelve. “What are you and what are your intensions?” Twilight asked wanting to get answers. “I’m a human, and I have no intensions to harm anyone, if thats what you mean. Now if you could just let me explain I could tel...” I was silence with Twilight casting a silence spell. “I don’t want to hear any of what you got to say unless I want to hear. Now, if you really are what you say you are, then tell me how did you get to Equestria?” She release her magic on my mouth to let me answer her question. “I had set camp outside of the town, I woke up this morning here and Pinkie found me” I answer her, not wanting to test her by saying anymore. “Thats a lie, this morning I felt a magic surge and later some being appears, coincidence I doubt it” She said with a small grin on her face. “Well want don’t you try me, I’m sure you have a lie telling spell.” I told her quickly not wanting her to silence me again. “Why would I..., I mean it’s not like I don’t...” She trailed off not sure why had this creature suggested something like this, unless it was really telling the truth. “Well are you going to do it or not? I’m sure this shackles are not being held in place by your magic, what stops you from making a simple lie telling spell?” I asked her, pretty sure she would do it as she likes to prove things the best possible way. “Ok, but if you are lying I can tell, even the best liars fail to pass this spell” With a faint glow on her horn I was enveloped in the same violet aura like before. “Now let’s do this again, did you really wake up on the camp that you say you made last night?” "Well yes and no" The aura around me started shining a bright colour of itself. “What does that mean?” I asked with concern, not wanting that it meant that I had lied, when I had told the truth. “That meant that you were telling the truth, but what did you mean by no?" "You see, you were right about me not being from Equestria, I'm actually from another world." "And where exactly is this world called?" She asked determined to get an answer for everything. "It's called Earth but can we get back to the interrogation? I think you would like to have more inportant questions answer." "Very well, so you are a human, are there any more of you?” she answer me with a calmer voice. “Yes there are but not with me in Equestria, I was camping alone last night and woke up here” I told her, the same shine came from the aura like last time. “Ok then, do you know anypony else here apart from me and Pinkie?, the last thing I want is the whole town to be in a panic.” “No, no I don’t” When I said that the aura around me darkened before going back to normal. “What?” “So you have meet somepony else, who is it and why did you lied about it?” Her voice coming back to the aggressive one. “But-but it’s true, I haven’t met anyone else apart from you and Pinkie, not even a Griffin or Changelings” The aura shone brightly this time, which confused both of us. “What? How is that even possible?” She stayed silence for a few moments before something pop in her mind. “Do you know anypony else by some other way?” “Well, its kind of a complicated story and I don’t think...” before I could finish the door to the library burst open letting in the rest of the mane 6 and Spike. “We’re all here Twi, now what in tarnations did you allneedus...for.” Applejackwas wide eye as the rest of the others at what they were seen, in front of them shackled to the shelve was a tall creature with no coat and had a really short mane. “Um Twillight, care to tell us all what’s that thing on yer wall?” Applejack asked a little worried as to what this creature was. “I’m not too sure myself but he says he is a human, but I think we better contact Princess Celestia, she’ll know what to do” Twilight said as she started writing the letter. “But Twilight I told he is not evil and he has I name, don’t you Luishy?” Pinkie said with one of her big smiles. 'Luishy, really? Already being here less than 30 minutes and already she gives me a nickname?' “I don’t care Pinkie we don’t know anything about him, but at least he doesn’t have bad intensions. Spike send this letter to the Princess quickly” “On it Twi.” Spike said as he took a deep breath and exhale a small green flame which burned the letter, sending it to Canterlot. “Can somepony explain to me what is going on? All I know it’s that Pinkie came to my house and yell at me about something important at twilight’s place, now when we get here we find a whatever it is shackled to the wall.” Rainbow dash exclaimed trying to understand the situation. “Well this ‘human’ supposedly comes from another world and somehow waked up her. Our only hope is that the Princess can send him back.” “If ther is one thing to say about him is that he is so strange, not to mention his choice in fashion.” Rarity said as she inspected me from a distance not wanting to get too near. “Please Rarity this is what humans in a daily basis may wear, it’s totally different to what you...” I stopped there, realizing what I have just said. “How do you know my name?” Rarity asked surprised now a little scared of me. “Um well I...” “Spit it out, or I’ll make you regret ever coming here.” Came a angry Rainbow Dash. Before I could say anything a bright light engulfed the room blinding everyone in the room. When the light died down right in front of all of us was Princess Celestia and Luna. > Royal Meeting > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Princesses” Everyone in the room exclaimed as they bowed to their rulers, I would have done the same if it wasn’t that I was still chained to the shelve. “Rise my little ponies there is no need for formalities here” she said with that sweet voice of hers. She came close to me and stopped her gaze now on me. "So this is the Human that has come to our lands this time? Tell me, what's your name?" She asked, everyone in the room was staring at her like she had just decided to stop raising the sun. "Princess, you know about this Humans?" Twilight asked her mentor. "I do Twilight, and they have been many before him" she looked back at me, "you still haven't answer my question" I was confused, how did she know about my species? or more important, why was she acting so calm towards me? After a few minutes to calm down I finally manage to answer her, "Luis, Luis your highness" "Please there is no reason for such formalities, tell me, what do you think about this lands?" Ok, what are this questions got to do with me being here, if I was her I would be making questions to decide whenever or not I would deal with the matter. "They are really nice, they remind me of the countryside of my world." "It's good to hear that there is still nature in your world." She said as she rerlease the cuffs around me, dropping me to the floor. "But-But I don't get it, why are you releasing me? I could be a danger to this world, why do you trust me so much?" I asked her, in this whole time she didn't made a single question that may lead to revealing the true intensions of someone. Because I know that you wouldn't do anything to harm us. You see I have seen so many of your people that I know how each one may behave, in your case I see a Human that wishes nothing more but to return home to it's family." “But Princess you can’t be sure, what if he is just acting so he can attack us when we least expected?” Twilight asked with concern not liking what their ruler was doing. “It is fine Twilight Sparkle, we have deal with humans before and we can always tell what their true intensions are.” Luna told her so she wouldn’t worry anymore. “That is another question. You have meet my kind before, but how?” I asked truly confused to what they were saying. “Yes, and as to how we have discovered that our worlds are connected between a very thin barrier of magic, me and my sister had tried to understand why but we never could, the last human that came here was about like a century ago, since then we haven’t seen a new case.” Celestia said giving the best description that she could about it. “I think I may now why but I better leave it for later, so can you send me back to earth, because I don’t think a human would fit very good with the ponies here.” Even though it was my dream to come to Equestria I couldn’t stay here forever, I had my family and friends that were still in earth. “I’m afraid that I don’t, every time a humans comes to our world they cannot be sent back, they must find their own way back to their world.” “You mean to tell me I’m stuck here until I find my way back? Isn’t there anything you can do? your suppose to be the most powerful being in this world, and you have Luna, surely you two can do something.” “Listen here, we may be really powerful, but even or magic has our limit, now if I were you I’ll watch my words.” Luna said with a stern tone. “Sorry it’s just that I have seen you so many times that I though you could do something, I was even hoping that the elements would help.” Now hopes of going back very low. “Ok, how do you know so much about us? Celestia nor Luna said a thing about the Elements, so you better start answering our questions.” Rainbow was now really annoyed to me knowing about them. “Um well you see in my world you all are... erm...well” “We are What?” Rainbow asked with a glare that sent shivers down my spine. “You are all fictitional characters created by a person” I said given a nervous chuckle, not sure how well they would take this. Silence fell in the room as everypony had dumbfound look(all except for a pink pony that seem to take it like no big deal), not believing what I had said. “Fictitional, FICTITIONALl!! I’ll give you fiction to you, come here” Rainbow said as she lunge at me ready to pulverise me for calling her fake. I closed my eyes and raised my arms in an attempt to defend myself, reading for what I thought to be the beating of a life time, but it never came. As I lower my arms and open my eys I found Rainbow just feets away from reaching me. “Let go Applejack, I want to teach him a lesson in not insulting me.” Exclaim Rainbow trying hard to break free from Applejack’s hold. “No can do RD, even if he may deserve it, ya can’t go bucking everyone ‘raound.” Applejack said pulling Rainbow back onto the floor, stopping her from trying to potentially kill me. “But ah would like to know, what do ya mean with us not being real?” “Ok, let me think about” How I’m suppose to tell them that they are from a TV show, I don’t even think they have TVs in Equestria, this is going to be a really hard explanation. “How do I say this” I stop there think my words carefully. “In my world you are the product of the stories writing by a human, she makes up your adventures and then publish them to the public for their enjoyment, the best description that I can come up with is that back on earth you’re like the book series of Daring Doo here, but in reallity we can see how you look like, so say is an act of a book, I hope this makes sense to you.” I stopped there, letting my explanation sink in. After a few moments of silence Twilight spoke up. “So what you meant to tell us is that in your world we are characters of a story that the humans read as any other story book, while here we are real and are connected to that same story?” “We actually watch you doing your adventures, but its too complicated to explain really, in my world we are more thecnological advance than yours” It was all I said, seeing as it was very likely for that to be the case. “I must ask, but how much do you know about us, have you seem all our separate lives?” Twilight asked curious for my knowledge on them. “Not much really, only the compilation of the main events of certain days, like the return of Nightmare Moon, The incident of the Diamonds Dogs and up to the Royal Wedding between Twilight’s brother Shinning Armour and Princess Candence.” I said giving just a few events that would hopefully give them an idea of how much I know. “Oh oh, do you know about every party that I have thrown in Ponyville? Because I would love to remember every single one of those parties, so I can be sure to make the next one even better, but if I do that the other ponies that already had their party would feel sad because they’re party as good as this one, oh I know what to do I’ll throw a “sorry to make your party as good as this party” party, then they would feel all better and then the...” Pinkie’s ramble was stop by a hoof being stuck on her mouth. “Pinkie please not now, let’s first sort this out then you can do whatever you want ok?” Twilight asked earning a nod from the hyperactive party pony. “So are there any more questions?” I asked hoping to have cover all the doubts they may have. “Just one, what are you going to do now while you wait for a way to be sent back to your world?” Twilight asked with everyone in the room looking at me. “To be honest I was going to stay outside of Ponyville, the last thing I want is to cause unnecessary panic, and also to avoid Lyra, God knows what will she do if she finds me” Everyone in the room started giggling to my comment for the human eccentric pony. “Hey it’s true, if she finds me it will be like another Pinkie Pie, one that could try to keep me as a pet.” I exclaimed which resulted with everyone to start laughing, more Rainbow Dash than the others. “Ha ha ha, you really think that she will keep you as a pet. What is it boy, do you want something? Come on you can tell me.” Rainbow said rolling around on the floor just like on the ‘Fall Weather Friends’ episode. “Har har har, ok so maybe she won’t take me as a pet, but I still rather not meet her.” I said annoyed to her making fun of something that may well be true. "but she doesn't know anything about Humans, why would she want to pet you if she would be affraid of you first?" "What? You meant to tell me she is not a Human craze Pony?" Everyone in the room shook their heads. "Ok then, but still I don't want to meet her, not gonna take any chances. “Well it’s nice that you don’t want to make any trouble but I think that I would prefer if one of the girls kept an eye on you” Celestia said starting to calm herself from her little outburst, if you can call chuckles as an outburst on royal standards. “That way me and my sister can contact you quickly if we find any way to send you back to your world.” “I guess so, only if that’s ok with the girls” I said not wanting to invade their privacy in case they were still not use to me. “I’ll take him, I was the first one to find him so I think I can look after him, plus he is funny to have around.” Pinkie exclaim appearing right next to me. “I don’t think that is the best thing to do Pinkie, I think we should think about it before we jump to conclusions.” Twilight explained wanting to make the right choice in the matter. “Actually I think I’m with Pinkie here” I said which made everyone to look at me with looks of ‘are you serious?’ “If you think about it makes sense. "If I stayed with Rarity I think I would be a distraction making her fall behind on her orders, not to mention that she already has enough with sweetie Belle." "Applejack may have enough room for me but she has a farm to take care as well as a family. "Rainbow Dash is out of the questions as I can’t walk on clouds and I rather not let twilight use her cloud walking spell on me as we are not too sure what magic can do to humans, plus I think I would stop her from doing her daily practices and she would hate me for that. "Fluttershy I fear that I may scare her animals as they may never have seen something like me before, hey talking of Shy where is she?” When I asked for the timid yellow Pegasus a small ‘eep’ could be heard, looking around I notice her hiding behind Rarity trembling in fear. “Fluttershy dear it’s ok no need to be scare, he seems to be a nice erm... person?” Rarity told her trying to calm her down, ‘Dawwww, even if I’m the one that scared her she still looks just adorable. Fluttershy slowly came out from behind Rarity hiding part of her face behind her hair. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt, I’m really sorry.” Again she is just too adorable when she’s like this. “It’s ok Fluttershy no harm done.” I told her giving her a small smile which she returned felling better about herself. “So back to the place to stay issue, if I stay with twilight I may be in more risk to be found as this is a Library and I like to do lots of things to avoid being lazy. "And with Pinkie I have less chance to be notice by anypony and the onlyones that may now that I’m there would be Mr. And Mrs. Cake and I can keep myself busy by helping out in the kitchen, plus I think Pinkie can keep it a secret if we want her to Pinkie promise.” “Cross my heart hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye” Pinkie inmideatly interrupted as soon as I mention the Pinkie promise. “Yes, so to summaries I think that the best choice is to stay with pinkie as I will avoid to be notice by ponies the most and I can help around.” I said finishing my rather long explanation. Twilight looked at me, amazement in her eyes as I gave a full on detailed reason to the best choice on the matter, “Wow I’m impress, you came up with all of this in a matter of minutes, you sure are a fast thinker.” “Well after reading so much about you guys I think I just know the basic of each of you.” I answer with a small smile, it feels weird to say that I know them from a story book when they are from a TV show, but for now the book story seem to be working. “Well I’m glad that you have come to an agreement, me and Luna should be going now we have some errands to run back in Canterlot but don’t worry Luis, we will try to find a way to send you back home, in the mean time I hope you enjoy your stay.” Celestia said giving a warming smile to the group. “ Thank you Princess” I said giving her a small bow which everyone else soon follow. Celestia smiled brighter before a white light enveloped the room once again, when it die down the Regal Princesses were gone. “Well we better get goin’ to, ah have to tend to mah farm and ah bet Rarity here has some orders to fill.” Applejack said turning towards the door with everyone else following. “Come on Luis, I want you to meet The Cakes, even though you already know, which is kind of weird but that’s ok, because I know how you know them.” Pinkie said hopping towards the door with the others. “Pinkie I think I’m going to wait, seeing as it’s about 10 in the morning I can very much guess that everypony is already out of their homes doing their daily things” “Oh your right, well then I’ll come back later when everypony starts going home, try not to bore him twilight.” With that she zoomed out the door disappearing into Ponyville. I looked at twilight who looked a bit insulted by the comment. “Don’t listen to her, I doubt you could actually bore me, I think you most likely will make me interested in your subjects.” I said trying to cheer her mood. She blushed a bit by the complement and looked away. “Well ok, so what would you like to do, I got some interesting books that you could read?” “I think I rather help around in the Library, seeing as you could use the help after what happened early.” I told motioning to the pile books that now littered the floor. “Oh yeah, thanks for reminding of that, I was so concentrated on what was going on that I forgot about it” “That’s ok, I just hope that Spike doesn’t gets jealous of me helping you around, just like with Owlicious.” “Hey, I was not jealous, I was just testing the guy out, you know seeing if he could handle the work.” Spike exclaimed annoyed for me bringing that up. “Really(!), if I remember correctly you try to accuse him of things that you did, do I need to remind you of the stuff mouse and how you used ketchup for blood?” I said earning a small giggle from Twilight and a frustrated grunt Spike. “Well enough messing around, let’s clean this up.” Twilight said as we started to clean the Library. *Authors Note: So after long editting to the new chapter and reading the feedback that I got I decide to get pre-readers for my story, if anyone is interested then send me a message and I will decide who would be better for the job. I want to make enjoyable reading for everyone and for that I need your help.* > The Nightmare Awakes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The afternoon went by as Twilight, Spike and me worked on the library, telling each other things about one another. “Really Twilight, you teleported yourself into the Princesses chamber when you were 10?” I asked not believing her story. “It’s true I was with her when it happened, boy you should have seen her, she kept apologising to the Princess like for 2 weeks, if it was me I would have gone insane on the fourth day.” Spike say to which I laughed, seeing as it may as well be true. “Don’t laugh, it was really embarrassing, at least I didn’t teleport myself and spike inside a wall, that would have been worst.” “True but from what you both told me it seems that you might have overreacted a bit, seriously 2 weeks? I would have gone 2 or 3 days but you took it a bit too far.” I told her trying to make her see my point. “I guess I did went a little out of my head over that but still, it was ‘her’ chambers and I just pop up right in there in her studies.” She said finishing organizing a shelve on the wall. “But enough about myself, tell me what do you do, as far as I can see you don’t seem to have a cutie mark?” “Well that’s because us humans don’t have a specific talent.” Twilight raised a brow not getting what I meant. “The thing about humans is that we can decide what we want to do, we don’t just focus in a single thing as our main job, we can also have different things that we can also be good at.” “Like Applejack and Pinkie Pie? They both are good bakers and they have different special talents.” Twilight replied with enthusiasm. “Yeah not so much, they both are good bakers yes but they can be related with their special talent. Pinkie can bake the treats for her parties while Applejack can do it to help with the farm.” “Hmmm, when you put it that way it does seem like it.” She said think on my explanation. “So what do you do then, you seem like quite a teacher, with the way you think and come up with solutions and explanations quickly.” “Well I wouldn’t say that I’m teacher material that would be your area of work.” I saw Twilight blush a bit at the compliment while looking away. “I actually I’m a chef, nothing too fancy mind you, the last thing I want is Rarity to come at me with asking about the ‘high class’ culture of my world.” “I think you would be right on that” She said holding a small laugh. “But you told me that your kind doesn’t just go with one thing, what else do you do?” “On weekends I do some fishing trips to the ocean to catch a couple pounds of fish a day, it’s a great way to exercise as we need to bring in all that fish from the nets and let me tell you, those are heavy.” “And what do you do with the fish?” She asked me, curiosity on her tone. “Oh well we...um, we eat it?” As I said that her face filled with shock. “You eat meat? What else do you eat?” She asked a little scare, even Spike was eyeing me a lit unsecure. “Don’t worry you two, I won’t eat you. Humans are Omnivorous but we can survive on a vegetable and fruit diet.” I told them trying to ease the tension that was building up. “Phew, that’s good, for a second there I thought I was going to have you tied up again.” She told me jokingly. “Yeah I would prefer that you didn’t.” I looked around, seeing that almost every shelve was now filled with books. “Hey Twi is there anything else that you need?” “Oh yes, can you go to the basement and get me a copy on ‘arcane magic’? it should be an old red covered book with a golden border and a rune on the front. I would send spike but he has his hands full.” Looking to the direction that Twilight was facing I saw Spike having a hard time balancing a tower of books while walking down the stairs. “Erm. Spike, maybe I should help you, you got too many books for you to handle yourself.” I offer which he return with a shake of his head. “No I’m fine I just need to, WHOAAAA” Spike sliped from the stairs and landing on the floor, just for the tower of books that he was holding moments ago to bury him. “’sigh’ I’ll help him you go and get the book, it shouldn't take you too long, its on one of the cupboards.” Twilight said as she went to work digging out the baby dragon from the pile of books while waving an arm. I started to go towards the door to the basement while laughing at the scene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When I entered the basement I looked at the whole room, it was different that when I had seen it on the show, it gave a sombre feel. The whole room was barely lit by a small window that let the sun to sip through, making the moats of dust visible as they passed through the rays of the sun. I tried to turn on the lights searching for a switch on the walls but found, I started to go down the stairs, the cracking of each step echo through the room, as I continue walking down the stairs I heard a small whisper in the air, I couldn’t make out what it said but though that it was the voices of the ponies outside. When I reached the bottom of the stairs I felt a shiver go down my whole body, this place was staring to give the spooks, looking in the shadows I looked for the book that Twilight sent me to find; again I heard the voice but much clearer now. ‘Come...release me’. That voice it sounded so familiar but I couldn’t think why. Deciding to forget about it for the moment I kept on searching for the book, I looked on the shelves all around but no luck, when I when to search inside a cabinet I heard the voice again, this time like it was right in front of me. ‘You’re nearly there, just a bit moooreee’. There it was again, that same familiar voice, it made my whole body tremble but I just didn’t know why. Opening the doors on the cabinet I saw the book that twilight told me to find, resting on the side of another books that couldn’t know what they were about as they had no titles, I was just about to grab the book when I stopped, taking away my hand slowly from the book, ‘Something is wrong’ I thought to myself, something about the book felt sinister, almost evil. ‘Your are so close, just take it and be done with it’ the voice called again, now I could make the sound perfectly, it sounded like a mixture of a wolf and bear, the ferocious growling of a hungry wolf and the the strength of a mad bear. I stopped thinking as I near the book again, all reasoning, all insecurities, all fears drift away as I came closer to the book. I didn’t notice at the time but the room was starting to grow darker, as the shadows started to near me from all directions, sucking the light out of the room, as I was just about to touched the darkness blocked away the last bit of light, then it was just darkness. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I didn't know where I was or what was happening, all I could remember was me being in a library one second the next on surrounded by darkness. “H-hello? Is anyone there” I asked, hoping for someone to be there. I heard I small laugh from one of the sides and turn around immediately, there was nothing there. I heard it again this time from behind me. “Whose there, show yourself” I yell into the darkness turning around everywhere expecting an attack. “It’s been a while hasn't it Luis?” The voice from before said from somewhere in front of me, looking right in front I couldn't see anything. “Who are you and how do you know my name? “You don’t remember me? That hurts, but after all I was your worst nightmare.” It said sending a cold shiver down my spine. “No. It can’t be, I forgot about you years ago, how can you be here, where is here? I asked my heart beating fast from the fear of who this voiced belonged to. “Oh, but that’s the thing, you can’t destroy dreams, only hide them on your mind. I have been waiting a long time to hunt your dreams again, but I think I prefer this.” It said, now I could make out two red dots glowing in the darkness, as they got brighter I could make out a shape, a wolf head stuck out of the darkness, with it it’s dark fur which was so dark that it match the darkness of the place that I was, if you focused enough you would be able to see a dark mist that sip out of its fur to return back to him, its claws as long as that of a tiger stuck out with dried blood from its last victim. In all and all, this looked like a wolf but was at least twice as large as one and reaching the height of my shoulders, and had a dark presence that could easily scare any large predator that may come in its. “I-I don’t get it, how can y-you be real? I‘m not dreaming and If I were you wouldn't be here, so how-“ “I’m here? Well that’s quite a good story, you see dreams are the product of the magic that humans have.” “Magic? But there is no magic on earth.” I said dumbfounded at his statement. “All humans have magic on them, every dream, every idea, every hope and wish is magic that humans use. So when you have a dream you are using your magic to create it, and sometimes when that dream is strong enough and a lot of humans believe in it, it comes true, that’s how this world exist.” I couldn't believe it; it means that all those hopes and dreams that I always had could become true if I just believe hard enough, but what’s more, Equestria is a dream come true, this was incredible. Before I could have gone too deep into my thoughts I focus my attention back to my nightmare. “And what about you, what about nightmares?” I asked not really wanting to know the answer. “That’s the good part, where the humans use magic to create dreams, nightmares are the result of lost dreams, hopes and wishes; we feed on those dreams and grow stronger, and sometimes when we become strong enough we can take the places of the dreams that you make and take it’s magic.” I was shock and angry, he had stolen away my dreams whenever I had him as a nightmare, I couldn’t take it, I could have had peaceful night dreams, but instead I had those horrifying nightmares. “Good thing I got rid of you then. I don’t think I could have handled you for very long.” I said smirking a little. The nightmare started chuckling evilly. “What’s so funny?” I growled at him, hating him with all my soul. “That’s the thing, you never manage to get rid of me, didn't you ever wonder why since you stopped having those nightmares you rarely had any dream, good or bad?” I looked at him confused, what did he mean by that? “There are times when nightmares become strong enough that even when they are forgotten they can steal nightmares to survive, that’s right when I hid in your mine I took away most of your dreams, sometimes I would let them go just to laze about, but I was always there, I took your precious dreams, and let me tell you, some of them were delicious.” He said grinning sickly. “How. Could. YOU? You took away something from me, something that I had always missed; do you know how it feels to wake up not having a single dream for months? You are sick, and I’m happy that I can meet you again so I can kick your miserable ASS.” I yelled at the top of my lungs, I even surprise myself, not for the fact of how much anger I had but at how much I stand up to him, he was as big as I am and that’s in all four. “So now what, are you going to try to come back as my nightmares to torment me?” I said a little more calm this time but anger still in my voice. “No, Your dream land and the real world are right now connected, so I think I’m going to get and have a little of fresh air. There is just one thing I need to do to get out.” “Oh yeah, and what’s that?” “I’m going to kill you to free myself.” He said as he adapted a prone position to pounce. In an instance all the anger, all the fury, all the courage was replaced by a cold sweat fear, only having a voice that screamed at me inside my head ‘RUN’ I dashed to one side just as the nightmare leapt at me, immediately I started running away from him, “It’s no use running, there is nowhere to hide.” I didn't care, I just need it to get away until something comes up or Twilight figures how to wake me, that is if I’m asleep. I heard growling from behind but there not to look, when I heard the sound of a wolf jumping for its prey I rolled on the floor just it’s claws to barely miss me as they tore part of my t-shirt. “Come on don’t make this hard on both of us, just stay still so I can end your life quickly.” I didn't know what to do I wasn't going to be able to outrun him forever, I was starting to get tire already. ‘Damn, I hate being so out of shape, I should really start jogging more often, that is if I get out of this. Oh how I wish I could run faster.” As I said those words in my mind I felt going faster in an instant. “OH MY GOOOOD” I screamed as I trip on my feet not able to keep up with my own speed. ‘What just happened?’ I asked as I picked myself off the ground, looking from where I had just run I saw the figure of my nightmare a couple hundred meters closing in fast. ‘Did I just wish to be?’ I didn't know and I had no time left to think about it as the nightmare was now a hundred meters away. “BAZOOK, BAZOOK!!!” I screamed not thinking just saying, in a puff a Kazoo appeared in the air and landed in my hand. “I SAID BAZOOKA, NOT KAZOO HOW CAN YOU MIX THOSE THINGS UP? (You tell me readers, you tell me). In another puff a Bazooka appeared on my hands just in time to dive to one side as the nightmare leapt at me. “EAT THIS FREAK” I shouted as I spun around and fire the rocket, the projectile hit its mark leaving a cloud of smoke. “Ha, how do you like for dreams?” I said satisfied with my action, that is until I heard laughter. “Ha ha ha, you really thought that would work?” He said mockingly, ‘How could that not work?’ I was at a loss of words. “We are not longer on the human world, nothing that you imaging from it can harm me here.” He laughed as I view the situation. ‘Oh man, oh man, oh man; how can I hurt him, nothing that I think of can harm him, nothing from my...’ I stood there as realization hit me. ‘Nothing from earth can harm him, because we are in equestrian.’ I chuckle to myself as the nightmare eyed with curiosity. “What’s so funny, do you finally see that it’s useless to escape and how foolish it was to even try?” “Nope” I said as a bright light shot from beneath me, blinding the nightmare for a moment. I started to feel my whole body starting to change, I felt my arm and legs start bending and stretching in different ways, as the bones started to pop out of place and adjust into new places. I felt the fingers from my hands and my feet start fusing with each other until they form four hooves. My face started to stretch outwards making my eyes and nose to switch place, now my nose was totally flat against my face forming a snout at the same time I felt a new appendage forming from my skull right in the middle of my head making a unicorn horn. I had I tingling sensation as my whole body started to grow a coat of a cinnamon colour and a gray cream colour around the tip of the snout. Finally I felt my hair growing and falling to one side with a Vinly scratch mane style but with a few strands going back, tail was of the same style but cut shorter, all with a black colour and an outlining of red to make the black stand out more. As the light started to fade the nightmare slowly lowered its arm to see what was in front of him. What he saw was a standard looking unicorn pony of cinnamon coat and a black mane that could have been mistaken for the darkness in the place if it weren't for the red outlining that it had, for a cutie mark it had a pair of knives crossed on top of each other. “What have you done?” The nightmare demanded as he eyed the pony. The pony shot its eyes open to reveal a pair of brown eyes that quickly shifted to a strong crimson. “Oh nothing really, I just thought that if human things don’t work what about pony things, or in this case an actual pony.” I said as I stood there now looking like my OC pony. “It doesn't matter I will still kill you and I-” Before he could say anything else he was surrounded in a red glow and levitated to the air, just to be sent back towards the ground with great force making get his air knocked out. “Sorry for that, but how about less chatting and more fighting, or are you scare that I can beat you?” I said taunting him just for the fun of it. “You will pay for that.” He said as he tackle me to the ground, in a quick swift I kick him off and use a spell to send a magic missile hitting him and leaving a scorch of a lighter colour than that of his fur. He stood up and disappear on the shadows, I tried to stop him with another missile but ended up hitting the ground, I started to san the area searching for him when I felt a weight on my back and a sharp pain following it.”Aaargh” I started to bolt around making him fall off me, before he could recover I slammed on him and before he went to the ground I turn around and bucked straight in the jaw. The nightmare stood up and dash to me, in a blink he passed right next to me scratching , he repeated this for another three times before I used a barrier to block him. I charged my horn and fired a fired ball spell striking him directly, making him hold his face as he winced to the pain. “You can’t keep this up, using magic can be as tiring as physical work and I don’t think there is much left in you.” He was right, that fireball spell had taken a lot of me, I needed to do something on one hit but what? “DIE” he shouted as he jump at me, this was my chance, I leaned backwards making me fall on my back, as he starting passing on top of me, I used all my strength to send him flying a few feet to the air, I stood up quickly and leapt to the air towards him. ‘This is it, it’s now or never’ I said as I angle my horn to his chest, impaling it making his eyes shot open, before anything else happened I poured all the magic I could into a single spell sending it inside the nightmare. “NO,no,NOOOOOO” He screamed as the magic poured all around his body giving off a blinding. All I could hear was the scream of pain from the nightmare will blinded by the light, and soon it all died down the scream was a distant echo and the light was gone leaving me back in darckness. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ My whole body hurt, I couldn’t hear anything and my eyes hurt like hell. But even on my state I was happy. Finally I was free from that horrible nightmare, I could finally have normal dreams, and who knew maybe I could have of those dreams that- “Luis, are down there, what is taking you so-” Twilight gasp as she saw the beat up unicorn on her basement floor. “Spike get help” Twilight shouted towards the door that leaded back to the library. “What’s going on Twilight?” Spike asked coming to the door. “There is somepony that seems to have been in a fight with a timberwolf, I don’t know how he got he but we need to get help, now hurry.” Spike took a glance down at the pony next to Twilight, that’s all it took Spike to run to the front door to get help. Twilight looked down to the beat up pony and started examining him. “What did you do to get a timberwolf to attack you?” Twilight asked out loud stirring the pony awake. “Ugh, my head” He said as he raised his head. “Please don’t move, you’re pretty hurt I don’t want anything else happening to you” Twilight said trying to make the pony go back to rest. “Oh hello Twilight, what are you doing here?” Was all the pony said before collapsing, consciousness leaving him. ‘Was that, no it couldn’t; he is a human not a pony.’ Twilight started to levitate the unconscious pony. ‘Better put him in a more comfortable place before help arrives’ As she brought the pony up the stairs, she didn’t notice a silhouette in the shadows of a very large black wolf that seems that had been in a fight that nearly took it’s life. “You may have won this round Luis, but the next time we meet I will kill and anyone that you hold dear.” The creature looked towards the window of the basement, he being able to see magic with his sense, every living thing that he saw held an aura of magic for him to feed on. “Looks like I got a buffet of magic for the grabs.” He looked at his beat up body before letting a sigh. “But I think I will recover before I start having some fun.” It said before dissipating in a black mist, sipping through the window and heading for a dark and dense forest outside of the town. > A New Day, A New Life > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I waked up in a white room, the color was so strong that it hurt my eyes just to look at it, the room itself was striped from anything; no door, no windows, no furniture. I was the only thing inside of it, but I could feel something else, another presence but anywhere I looked I only saw a white wall. I look at myself to see I'm human, my clothes now a set of white shirt, trousers and shoes, not my normal set of T-shirt, Jacket, Jeans and climbing boots. "Hello, is anyone there?" I called out, the echo of my voice was the only reply. I started to feel lost, lonely, confused. 'How did I get here, what happened, was I dreaming? was I dead?'. I wonder trying to figure out what was happening. "Do not worry thyself friend" I heard a voice, gentle put powerfull at the same time."thou are here as we have warning." "Who are you, where am I and what do you mean a warning?" I said not sure where this entity was. "There is no much time for us to anwser thy quetions, hear us out for great danger lies ahead of thy path." Danger? what was she talking about? "The terror and evil in thee have been set free on our lands, and the prophecy declares only its master may destroy it before it destroys the lands." "What do you mean? I havent created anything of evil intensons, and even if I did I would never release it into Equestria." I shouted back to the room, I would never do anything to harm such a peacefulplace. "We know that thou would never do something to harm this lands, but this evil was release after thou though you had defeat it." No she couldn't mean. Thy nigthmare has broken free from its prison and will feast upon the magic of every being that comes across, until there is not a single trace of life to feed on." 'No, of all the things that could happen not this, he can't be here its not possible, I don't want the nightmares to happen again, not again not for real' I cried internaly, thoes nightmares had hunt me for so long, imaging that it would happen at any moment in real life, it was torture. Do not worry thyself, everything will be fine, but remember this, thee are not alone, you have friends in here that will help thee in this matter, they will show you the key to defeat this evil." She said in a soothing tone, and I coild swear I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. "We must go now, remember what we said and be ready to fight the nightmare. "Wait, I still have questions." I called out but there was no reply. I felt the floor tremble and the walls in the room started to crack. the whole room fell and left me in darkness, and in front of me was my nightmare, he was huge I couldn't see his body only his face, he was laughing as his head went to scoop me up in a bite. I scream louder that I ever did before, the pure horror that you are about to be killed is one of the worst feelings in the world. "ARGGGGGGG..." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "ARRGGGGG" I looked around, I was in what seemed to be a hospital room, the sterile green adorn the walls and sheets, and the smell of medicines and decinfectents fill my nosetrills. I heard a door open a white earth pony with a pink mane tied back enter, she had a red cross as a Cutie mark. "Your awake, what happend?" She asked as she went to check the medical clipboard at the end of my bed. "Sorry had a nightmare" I told her reasuring her that I was fine, I looked at myself and I was suprised to see myself still a pony. 'Why am I still a pony? I'm no longer in my dreams, or dream realm or whatever.' I wondered. I took a second look at myself and saw a had bandages strap in different parts of my body. "Excuse me, but what happened to me?" I asked but I alredy had a good idea what happened. "Well sir, it seems that you were attack by a Timberwolf, only this one seemed to be larger that the average." So they think it was a Timberwolf, thats good I don't want to raise any questions about how I got my wounds. "So who helped me get to the hospital? becauseI can't remember a thing of what happened" "We believe you teleported from the place were you were being attack and ended up in the basement of a house. As for who helped you qet here it was Miss Twilight Sparkle, she is waiting outside until you wake up, do you want me to let her come in?" "Yes please" It would be good to talk to someone I know. The nurse noded and went out the door. 'I hope Twilight knows what happened to me.' After a few minutes of waiting the nurse and Twilight came back to the room. "I will leave you now, if you need anythingh just press that button on the wall and I'll be here for whatever you need." "Thank you Nurse Red heart, will do." Twilight said as the nurse left the room, Twilight turn around and faced the Stallion that was on the hospital bed. "Hello sir, I don't want to stress you after what you went through but can you tell me who you are?" "Twilight it's me, don't you reconize me?" She looked at me with a confussed look, not sure what this pony meant. Oh that's right, I'm a pony know, silly me. "Twilight it's me Luis." Twilight lookes shocked at this but not as much as I though. "Well that explains why it seemed that you dissapear when I went to the bassement to find you." Twilight said. "But what happened to you? What did you do to turn into a pony?" She said with concern and interest. "I went to get the book that you asked me to, but when I thouched it I got transported into another realm." "where exactly? it seems hard to believe that I book can do something like teleportation." "I know what you mean, I got transported into a realm that was connected to the real world and my dreams, I don't want to go to details now it has some bits I want to forguet for the moment, all I can say is that I transform into a pony in there and I think that resulted on me being a pony here." I told trying to keep as simple as possible. "Ok Luis, but I would like to hear more about this later, the doctors say that you can check out, all you need to do is fill some forms and we can go." She said montion me to come. "Very well" I said stepping out of the bed, but when I tried to walk towrds twilight I lost my balance and came down face to the floor. "Ow" Twilight came next to me and helped me stand up. "Take it easy it, you are still weak from your injuries" "But I feel fine, I'm just not used to walking on hooves, which is strange, in the realm I was able to run normally" I replied having a difficult time to coordinate my legs. Twilight was silent for a moment thinking for a reason to my problem. "You said that this was a dream realm, maybe you just imagine yourselfe able to do all that." "Maybe, so all I need to do is practice to walk on my hooves" I said starting to walk slowly, using Twilight as support. After I change out of my hospitals robes and filled the forms, me and Twilight went out and decided to take advantage of the situation to show me around town. I was starting to get the hang of walking but I still lost my balance once in a while. "And this is the town square where all announcements are made and special events organize; and down the road we have Carousel Boutique, If you want to get your own clothes as a pony just go there." "Thanks, I'll think about it." I looked around, feeling that something was suppose to happen. "Is it me or is it too quite?" "What do you mean?" looking at me skeptical. "Don't know, it feel like something is missing, like something that its natural, something like..." I was stop as a pink blur pass next to me, making me spin around on the spot. As I stop spining and focus my eyes I saw a smiling Pinkie Pie in front of me. "Pinkie Pie, ofcourse." "Hi Twilight, why didn't you tell me about your friend? I would have trown a big 'Welcome to Poniville Party'. Although I didn't feel my Pinkie sense tingling, then he must have been for some time." Pinkie eyed Twilight curiosly. "Were you hiding him from me all this time?" She said bouncing around me as she always does. "Pinkie I didn't hide him and he is new to Poniville, this is Luis remember?" Twilight pointing her hoof towards me. "You can change into other stuff Luis? can you teach me to change into something else, I would love to be a cake so then I would know what I would tate like, but if I'm a cake I wont be able to taste me." She was blarting out bouncing on the spot. "Pinkie" "Oh I know I'll ask someponyelse to tate me, then he will tell me what I taste like." "Pinkie" "But what if I lose part of my body, I don't mind losing part of my hair, but what if he eats my leg, or hoove, or my head, I need my head to think..." "PINKIE" Pinkie looked to twilight who had a frustrated look, Pinkie awnsering like nothing "Yes Twilight?" "Pinkie, Luis doesn't know how to change shape, he was transformed somehow into a pony when he was helping me on the library." Twilight awnser. "WOW, what happened? do Humans also have magic?" Before I could say anything to her a voice in the sky called out. "Hey guys whats up, who is the new guy?" Rainbow Dash yelled from a cloud, she started decending and landed in front of us. "Hi Dashie, we are fine, and look Luis is a pony now, isn't it incredible, I just know we are going to have so much fun with him." (Not in that way if you know what I mean?) "He, Luis, a stallion? haha, good one Pinkie, but he can't be Luis, you know what he is and this guy" RD started to eye me in a seductive way. "Its too good looking to be him, tell me hunk do you have any marefriends?" I started blushing madly by what she said. 'Does she really find me attractive? why would the fastest, bravest and most radical pony be trying to hit with me? Not to mention she has a nice rump' I meantaly slap myself when I though that. 'Did I just said I like Rainbow Dash? I can't like her like that, I'm a human not a pony why would I even though of that?' I just stood there my faceso red that it matched the crimson color of my eyes. "Rainbow, this 'is' Luis, he got transformed somehow when he" "You don't need to say it again Twi, just say that he was transformed and thats it, no need to explain in full detail." Pinkie said interrupting Twilight. "Wait, are you serious?" RD asked earning a nod from everypony, imediatly her face turn red of embarresment from what she had said before. " I-I-I didn't mean any of it, I swear, I was just messing around, you don't look strong, handsome and cool at all, nope not at all" she blurted out giving a really large sheppish smile. "I'm gonna pretend that I never heard that, do we all agree?" I said earning a nod from everyone. I looked at the sun and saw that it was starting to go down, it wouldn't be long before Luna's moon would be risen into the night sky. "Ok then, I think we better go, it is pretty late and I would like go to sleep." "You're right, that trip around Ponyville took a long time, I need to research that book that you found, it may tell us why did you change into a pony and maybe a way to send you back. I'll see you guys tomorrow, G'night guys." Twilight said as she headed to the tree house. "I better go to, I must get ready for that wonderbolt's try-out next month" She said as she started to flap her wings and lift off the ground. "Try-out? They finally invited you join them?" I asked, it was hard to believe that she was finally joining them. "Yep, that Rainboom at the weeding plus me fighting against so many changelly really impress them enough to try and join them. 'llI have to be in top form to ace this test, it'll be a pice of cake." "Cake? really, can I have some when you pass the test?" Pinkie beamed at the mention of cake, hopping around. "Pinkie, she means it will be easy, there won't be actual cake there." I told trying to ease the pony a bit, if that was even possible. Pinkie looked at me with one of her silly grins. "Ofcourse I know that, if it really was going to be a piece of cake I would have passed the test before Dashie, I just love cake." "Pinkie, your so random" RD and me say at the say time, after that RD flew off into the night sky, towards where I would guees was her house. "So Pinkie, shall we go to your house?" I asked her, she still talking about cakes like there was no tomorrow. "Oh yes, just one sec" She said as she pulled out her party canon and got inside of it. "Well what are you waiting for, get in." She said waving me to come with her. "I think I would ratherrrr" I was grabed by the hoof and pulled inside the canon, next thing I know me and Pinkie are going through the sky with Pinkie yelling "Adventureeeee". We then somehow landed on the ground like we were never falling at all, and Pinkie hoping towards Sugar Cube Corner. "Well are you coming or not?" She asked waving me to come in. "I guess we should go in, before Mr. and Mrs. cake start wondering where you are." I said which makes her giggle. We go inside the shop and I can smell the sweet scent of pastry and cake mix. We head for the stairs and stop when we hear a voice calling from downstaris. "Pinkie is that you? did you find that friend of yours that you told me was coming?" Mrs. Cake appear at the bottom of the stairs, a smile adorning her face. "Oh hello there, you must be Pinkie's friend, my name is Mrs. Cup Cake, but just call me Mrs. Cake." "Hello Mrs. Cake, it's nice to meet you, Pinkie has told me a lot about you." I give a small smile and a gesture. "Oh I'm sure she has, she told that your new to town and were looking for work, I would be happy to offer you a place here, Pinkie can give you the details, now run along it is late and we have a busy day tomorrow." "Yes Mrs. Cake" Pinkie and I say before heading up, she shows me the guest's room and leaves me be. I slump into the bed and put on the covers. I looked at the celing and start recaling the event of the day. 'Man what a day, I wake up to find myself in equestria, then I get intrrogated by Twilight, giving a brief history lesson, I fight my nightmare and destroy it, and now I'm staying at Sugar Cube Corner and have a job; yep this has been an interesting day'. I then remember that small dream I had at the hospital. 'If my nightmare its really alive and now free in equestria, how am I suppose to defeated, and did that voice mean when it said that my friends will show me the key to defeat it?'. I stared at the celing for a long time wondering what would I do, but I decided to leave it for another day, I felt my eyes go heavier as sleep started to come, before long I let go and went into the sleep, where rest awaited. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ I heard the sound of birds singing outside the window, I had just woken up from such a lovely dream, a lamd of sweets and treats, I could still feel it as it was right next to me. Wait I eally could still smell it, but it smell of cotton candy and cookies, I slowly open my eyes, and right in front of me was a sleeping Pinkie Pie, her hooves wraped around me and mines in her. I didn't what was going on but I single though manage to escape my lips. "Waattttttttt." > Lessons > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I laid there wondering how did Pinkie got here, or more importantely, why was she here? I started to remove my hooves from her, but to my dissmay I stired her awake, her eyes blinking as they got use to the light, looking up she saw the face of a shocked unicorn, upon realizing this she snap her eyes open and got out of bed in one quick move. "Go-good morning Luis, um, how are you?" she asked trying to make the scene less awkard. "Um, good I guess, now what were you doing in my bed Pinkie?" I asked her. "Oh that, well last night I remember that we forgot your stuff at Twilight's house" she said pointing at a small pile of things, sure enough there laid all of my stuff. "So I decided to go get it and leave it in your room, and when I was about to leave I saw that you were uncomfortable, it seemed that you were having a bad dream, because you were mumbling something about your family and stuff like that, so I decided to stay for a bit and keep you company, I guess I fell asleep and ended up in you bed." 'Bad dream? I was having a wonderful dream.' I get out of bed, trying my best not to fall off balance. "Then thanks Pinkie, you didn't check any of my stuff did you?" "Nope, you you have some really weird stuff, do humans need all of that just to camp?" she asks me her happy attitude on her face. "The majority yes, but some of thoes things are not essential but more for entertainment." If there was one thing I didn't want her or any of the girls to find out was my eReader, its book library having about five stories about them, and one of them being grimdark tagged. "Oh, can I see them? Can I, can I, can I?" she said bouncing in place like a kid on christmas eve. 'oops, shouldn't have said that' I cursed to myself. "Later Pinkie, Mr. and Mrs Cake must be waiting for us downstairs, I would rather not be late for my first day here at work." I tell her, trying to get to stop thinking about my stuff. "Your right, we got a large order to fill today and we are going to need all the help we can get, come no time to waste" She says dashing out the door and me following behind on a small trot. I had been difficult to walk yesterday, but I was getting use to walking on four legs rather quickly. When I came downstairs I was introduce to Mr. Cakes and given the job on helpping Pinkie on making the order. It was really simple, we had to make 150 cupcakes and 3 cakes for a party, it was really no problem, 'If' I had hands. "Oh come on, how do I hold this stupid jug?" I had been struggling with a small measuring jug for five minutes. "It's easy silly, you just hold it like this." Pinkie said, holding the jug on her hoove with no apparent thumbs. "See? it's a piece of cake, oh talking about cakes, can you check the cakes for me? they should be ready about now." I noded starting to trot away when she called out again. "And please, use your magic or your mouth this time, we don't want another incident like last time." I looked towards the waste been, seeing the cake that I tried to take out of the oven but forgott I didn't have hands anymore and tried to hold it with my hooves. "No problem Pinkie, I know what I'm doing this time". tell her graving a towel with my theet and taking out the cake onto the the table. "Tholdh tho Id hath ith" I said with the towel still in my mouth. "And thats the last one, now all we have to do is put the cupcakes mix in the oven and put the frostting on the cakes." She saids going for the pipping bags of frossting on a shelve. "Really, don't cupcakes normally have icing on top ?" I asked, in all my years as a chef I never heard of cupcakes for a party without icing. "Oh don't worry, the pony that made the order said that is for the kids and adults to decorate, so we only need to worry about the cakes. Now catch." She tosses a bag of frossting towards me. With out thinking I dash for the bag before it can hit the floor and caught it in my hooves. I exhale inrelief, that was one less mess to clean. "Yay you did it, I knew you would do it." She said clapping her hooves together while balancing 3 pipping bags on her head. "What did I do? I asked her, before she could answer I noticed what I was doing, I was holding, holding, the bag with my hooves like it was attached to them. "How, what, I mean, huh?" "You were thinking too much, you had to stop thinking as a human and start thinking as a pony, thats why you couldn't hold anything." "Really? hmmm, when you say it like that I guess it does make sense, who would have guess that you would be teaching me." I said smilling at her, whivh she return with a bigger smile. "Ok then, let's finish this cakes shall we?" she said beggining to decorate the first cake, I nod at her and start helpping her on finishing up the cakes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It has been about to weeks, and in that time I had helpped the cakes a lot with their bussiness, that they said that I could stay there as long as I wanted. It really was good to help them out, now with me one of the cakes can spend some time with the twins while we keep on working. I had manage to master walking on hooves and now was able to gallop whenever I needed, but there was one thing that I haven't actually tried yet, and that was magic, after all I was a unicorn and should learn how to use magic as long as I was here. I came face to the front door of the Library and knocked, after a short wait a small purple dragon with green spines answer the door. "Hello Luis, what brings you here?" Spike asked as he opened the door to let me in. "Need a new recipe book for the cakes?" "No, I'm actually here to see Twilight, is she here?" I asked, seeing as there was not a trace of the lavender unicorn anywhere or signs of recent reading. "She's here, she is in the basement doing research on that book that you touched, been at it ever since you moved to Sugar Cube Corner. Why, is there something you need from her?" He asked, a little worry when she mentioned Twilight. "I came here to have her teach me how to use magic, figured that as long as I'm here I should learn a bit on the subject." "I'll go get her, you can search the magic tomes if you want, they are in shelve D, at least that was yesterday Twilight keeps on changing them around everyday." he says a bit annoyed as he goes through the basements door. I move to the shelve where Spike said and to my relief the magic books were here. I grab one and read the title 'Magic tricks for the bed'. I looked at the book quizzically, I open the book to one of the middle chapters and before I can read any of the text, it gets sorruanded on a violet aura and pulled away from my hooves. "You don't need to read that, its... not appropiate for all eyes." Twilight says as she tucks away the book in a drawer. "What do you mean by that?" I ask her now more intrigued on the book. "Its about a certain activity that ponies do on the bed." She says but I give her a confused looked. "having fun in the bed?...Doing like the bees?...Urgh" she grunts and leans towards my ear to whispers it to me so Spike doesn't hear. When she says what the book is about my eyes snap open and I start to blush. "I wouldn't have that booke on the magic section but rather the adult one." I say glad I didn't read anything from the book. "I'll think about that, Spikes tells me that you want me to teach you about magic right?" she asks me which I nod in return. "Ok then, I'll teach you the principles of magic and then a few basic spells that you may find usefull" I smile at her and accept her offer. For the next couple of hours, Twilight explains me how magic works on a unicorn and what I should expect to feel, the lesson goes on from the magick flow on the body to the effect on the world. Now having understand the thecnical stuff came the hard part, putting it to practice. "Come on Luis, you can do it." I can hear Twilights words of encouragement as I tried to focus my magic on my horn. "Your nearly there, I can see a small spark." I open my eyes to see my horn start to have a small red aura like when casting, closing my eyes again I focus the magic in my horn and start to envelop it on my target. "Your doing it, now try to make it go up" Twilight says and I pour all of my mind on doing the job, but in an instant the magic is gone and I'm left exausted. "Oh so close, but that was great you manage to envelope it before going out." "I guess, but it would have felt better if what I tried to lift was a book." I sigh looking at the object that made work so hard. "Not a feather." (What, were you expecting something heavy?) "It's okay really, I was a filly when I first tried to use magic, so I had a more fresh mind, less things to keep me distracted, and even then it took me 3 days to flip a page. while you manage to summon your magic and focus it on the feather before going off, that is incredible." I smiled at the praise. "But it's because of you that I manage to do it, without you I would still be struggling to just call the magic." Twilight rubed her foreleg and blushed a bit. "Thanks, I think that is quite enough for today, the last thing that we want is fore you to have a magic burnout. Just come here every time that you can and we may practice a bit more." she said as she walked towards the kitchen to make some tea. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Thats how it went for the next month, me coming to Twilights tree and practicing magic until I could no longer concentrate on the task. I felt trhilled when I manage to use levitation with no trouble, and I felt more happy when I manage to learn stunt spell incase I ever needed to defend myself. It all of this time I forgot about the Nightmare and what it was doing, and to be honest I couldn't care less, I was having a peaceful life and I wasn't going to worry about that, at least not for now. But deep in the everfree, a dark sillouet moved in the dark as it appear to be feasting on a manticore, only there was no blood, the manticore was alive and breathing but wasn't moving at all as the creature on top of it was bitting down on it. It's theet had a small light that was coming from the manticore, it looked like liquid star light, its shine so white that it rival a dimond under a lamp, so clear that it was like the snow of winter as it landed on top of each other to form a magestic white sheet of cold. But as the creature kept on draining the liquid, the manticore seem to fall into a deep sleep, its colours fading like its own life was being taken but kept a constant breathing. When the last drops of the magestic liquid where absorb, a dark mist started surround the creature, healing it of a few bruises that it had, leaving the fur and skin totally intact, like it never suffer the injuries. Ah, that feels much better. the creature spoke as it streched its back from being in the same possition for a while. It inspected its body, that was once covered in wounds and gashes, now showed no trace of them with the exeption of one or two bruises. It is good thing that this place is so abundant on magic For the last couple of weeks, this creature had been feeding on the magic of the animals in the forest, recovering, getting stronger. It's gaze now set on a castle that sat at the border of a cliff, a waterfall going from one side of the mountain. But it wasn't looking at the castle itself, but rather at 2 small dots of magic that it could see. Soon I will have the magic of the most powerful beings in this world It bore an evil grin that could send a shiver of fear.And once I have it, I'll make everyone live a nightmare worst than they could ever imagine, as he went back into the shadows, a chuckled could be heard echoing in the silence. > Social Talk > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Sun started raising to the sky, announcing the beginning of a new day, the ponies started to wake up to get ready for there every day lives, well all except for me. I was still laying on my bed, not the smallest desire to get up, I just wanted to lay down on bed, and sleep until noon. "Luishy, get up" Oh great, I forgot I have Pinkie as my alarm clock. "It's morning and there is lots of orders to fill for Heart's Warming Eve." Wow, it's hard to believe that I've been here for about five months, already It's Christmas time, or Heart's Warming Eve in here, but not even an order for the holidays was going to separate me of my bed. "Leave me alone Pinkie, I don't feel like doing anything", I said mumbling with my pillow on top of me, "Wake me up in a couple of hours." Pinkie frowned at my answer but replace it with a small naughty grin. "Oh so is this how it's going to be?" I heard hooves going out from the room, and I relax a bit in bed. 'Ah much better, but I wonder what she meant by that?' "PHRUUUUUMMM" I heard the loud note from a tuba, right next to my ear, jolting me wide awake. "Yarrghhh" I scream flying all the way to the ceiling, which in the process planted my horn to it. "Pinkie, haven't I told you I get jump scare easily?" I yell at her in frustration, while trying to get my horn unstuck from the ceiling. She just giggle like a little girl after playing a prank on someone. "I know, so I knew it would wake you up, you sleepy-maclazy-pants, now come on we got cakes to bake." She said, going for the door. "Pinkie" She stopped and looked back to me with a 'Yes?', not seeing that I was stuck. "I can't go anywhere if I'm stuck in the ceiling, care to help?" "Oops, sorry, just give me a moment." She said before going to one of the walls in the room and taping it slightly with her hoof. "Pinkie, What are yooooaaaaarrrrrgh" I felt my horn, getting free from the wood, and me falling back to the floor with a 'uphh', I always forget that Pinkie can do basically anything, so don't ask her how she does it. "Can we go baking now? Mr. and Mrs. Cake said that this was the last order for the month, so we can get the rest of the week free, isn't that great?" She said helping me back up, and having a big grin on her face. "That's great Pinkie, but I got this headache and I think I need to rest it so -" "Pills here" Pinkie shouted, handing a small bottle of painkillers in front of me. "What?" I don't know if this was Pinkie trying to make a joke or was this just plain coincidence. "Well don't just stand there, take some pills for the headache so we can go to work." She said, her smile never leaving her face. "O, K," I took the bottle in my magic and took two pills and swallow them in one gulp. "So what is left to do on the baking list?" I asked her, trying to remember what we made so far, so I could remember what was my ammunition for today. Pinkie has this thing of having a food fight, with all the extra product that we made for the day, around winter time, says that it helps on keeping warm. "Oh it's my favorite, care to guess what?" I think already knew the answer, but I decided to go along with her game. "Is it cupcakes?" I asked her, but her face told me that it wasn't, but I really didn't know what was her favorite, so I gave up. "It's my favorite type for food fights, it's fruit cake." That, made my whole coat shiver, hard fruit cakes to use in food fight? "This is going to hurt, a lot." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was walking around town, holding a bag of frozen peas against a small bruise in my head. If you think fruit cake hurts when you throw it to someone, then imagine half a dozen fruit cakes, being fired from Pinkie's Party Cannon. Yeah, not a pretty sight. "Uugh, good thing that this was the last order, I don't think I would have survived another day like that." I was talking to myself out-loud, a bad habit of mine. "What wouldn't you survive darling?" I heard a familiar voice from my left, and when I looked I saw Rarity and Fluttershy, coming out of the Spa. "Oh hi Rarity, hi Shy, its good to see you." Fluttershy notice the small bruise in my head, and started to inspected. "Oh what happened, are you okay, does it hurt a lot?" she was asking in concern to my well being, I swear, I've being with the girls for so long, but I still can't stand the adorableness of Shy. "It's ok Shy, it doesn't hurt a lot, I just had one of Pinkie's food fight, that's all" I gave them a small smile, trying to make her calm down. "Oh we have heard of her little hoobie, but I still can't imagine how could something so childish, result in something so, physical, for lack of better word." Rarity said with her high class attitude. "Well, it's because we were making...fruit cake?" They just raised their eyebrows, not understanding how I could get that bad of a bruise, from just thrown fruit cake. "Being fired from her Party Cannon" With that, they had face of shock. "Oh my" was all Fluttershy could say at the moment. "Oh how dare her, who would have the will to harm such a nice looking stallion with bake products, it is just outrageous" Rarity said, stomping on the last part. Wait, did she just say? "Did you say 'nice looking'?" She just stood there, her cheeks going to a shade of pink. "Oh i-it's not like that, I meant in fashion standards, you could make a great model if you aspire to." She chuckled a bit, as trying to hide something, but I payed it no mind. "Ok then, I'll see you two later." I was about to leave, until Fluttershy stop me by putting her hoof on my shoulder. "Luis, would you...Umm, I mean if you can...umm, come with me to my cottage...I-I mean, if you want to." She was hiding behind her mane slightly, and I could see a small blush on her face. "Sure Shy, I would love to." I could see her blush getting deeper, but she showed a small smile. "Thanks, I'll see you later Rarity, it was a nice day in the Spa." "You too Fluttershy, well I'll be going now, ta-ta" She said, waving a hoof a she left us. "Ok Shy, shall we go?" I said to her, eager to go to her cottage. "Ok" She responded barely above a whisper, but she set off towards her cottage near the outside of Ponyville. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We have been walking most of the time in silence, starting a few conversations here and there, but nothing that interesting. But I decided to pop a small question. "Hey Shy, why did you want me to come to your cottage?" She hid behind her mane again, but answer none the less. "Oh, I just wanted a bit of help with getting all of my little friends, to go in hibernation, some are still not willing to go to sleep, and I though that i just needed a bit of help." That was something that I would never imagine Shy say, but I guess not everything from the show is true, so I just nodded to her in understanding. Not long after, we arrived to Fluttershy's house, and she greeted all of her friends that were still awake during winter. I then notice a small white rabbit, that was staring at me, like looking for something wrong in me. I leaned down and greeted him. "Hello there, are you by any chance Shy's pet bunny?" I don't know what I said, because in a flash he was on top of me and pulling my mane and stomping his foot on my head. "Ah, get him off, get him off, get him off." I yelled while trying to shake the angry bunny off my head, but he just kept holding on. "Angel, get off him, he's a friend" I felt Angel letting go of my mane and jumping off my head unto Shy's back. "Did I do something wrong?" I was really confused, I only said a sentence to him and he jumps and attacks me. "It's nothing, he is really not really friendly to strangers, and he doesn't like ponies calling me Shy." That actually made some sense, I guess he is just protective of Shy. "I'm guessing that he can't go to hibernate either." I asked her, which she shook her head in response, "Well, shall we get started, we don't want to make them stay awake during the whole of winter?" She smiled and set Angel down to one side, while we started to get the animals to sleep. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I don't know why Shy needed my help in the first place, there were barely any animals that were still needed to be put to sleep, and I barely manage to get a mouse family to fall to sleep. But after about a few hours, we have manage to put the majority to bed for winter, and now we were just relaxing in front of the fireplace, getting warm. "Have you ever liked somepony?" Shy suddenly asked, taking me by surprise. "Uh, what?" "Have you ever liked somepony, but have never said anything to them?" She was saying, the light from the fire reflecting on her eyes. "Yes, Yes I have." it was something from when I was in High School, I had a small crush on this girl in my class, but never said anything for 3 years. "Do you regret not saying anything to her, after all the time that you had?" She was inching in closer, but I didn't notice, I was lost on the memory to pay attention. "I do, and I still do from this day, I always think 'what if I had said something to her' 'what if I had the guts to talk to her', I wonder if we could have been more than friends, *sigh* guess I will never find out now, she has a boyfriend, and I think they are getting married." "I'm sorry, did you like her a lot?" she messing with her hooves as if trying to distract herself. "Yeah, but after that, I moved on, but I always think what could have happened if I had done something different?" "What would you tell somepony, if they had that kind of problem?" he was now looking at me, her eyes glimmering. I think she meant Spike, guess she is trying to get him to move on. "I would tell them to not think about it, that they should go and see if it works out, because even if they say no to you, it's worst to keep it bottled until it's too late." I looked at her, her eyes seem to be lost in a trance of which I don't know what. "Why do you a-" I didn't get to finish, as her mussel touched mine, and locked our lips in a kiss. 'OH MY GOD, She is kissing me' > Conflict of Feelings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just stood there, wide eyes as Fluttershy hold the kiss, it took a few more seconds before I could regain control and pull away. "Fluttershy, what are you doing?" I asked her in shock at her sudden action. Upon realizing what she did, Fluttershy curled into a small ball, out of embarrassment. "I-I-I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me, please, please don't hate me." She was trembling, tears welling up in her eyes. "I-It's ok Shy, I just want to know, why?" I was really surprise to know that someone, no, somepony, would ever like me, let alone when we are different species; even if that doesn't apply a lot right now. "I just, have always like how you treat everypony, you are always caring and like to help anypony when they need help. You help everypony, but don't ask anything in return." She looked away moment before continuing. "And you are always there for me when I need it the most. You make me feel brave to do things, you help me get hear by everyponny, and you make me feel safe wherever I am." She said nuzzling me in the neck. I step away, I was feeling really freaked out right now. "Shy I'm touched, really, but I don't feel the same way, it just feels...wrong." okay, scream at me all you want, I blame myself for saying that, but I wasn't thinking straight, and I was just saying things. And Fluttershy didn't look pleased at all, or sad or disharted, but rather angry, and I mean REALLY angry. "What is that suppose to mean?" She was raising her voice, and she had extended her wings out of anger. "Do you find, liking a pony wrong, is that it?" I was trying to say something but she cut me before I could say anything. "I go and show you my true feelings for you, and what do you do? You smash them in my face and tell me that it just can't be." by this time she had tears running down her cheeks, it really pained me to see her like this. "Shy, please, let me explain." She didn't, she just gave The Stare, but this one was different, this one took away all of my breath, and made me feel like a terrified rabbit in front of a hungry fox. "I don't need you to explain anything, you are just another slob that likes to crush ponies. You are just like the others." She was marching away, towards the staircase. "Wait others?" What did she mean by that? I needed to know. "Nothing that concerns you, now leave." She said, without looking back at me. "But" "GET OUT" She screamed at me, at her shout alone was enough to sent me flying out the door, onto the snow filled garden. Before I could get back to her, she had slam the door in my face. "Fluttershy, please open up, I'm sorry for saying those things, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry" I was banging on the door, trying to get back in. "Go away" I heard her yell from the other side of the door, but I could also hear her crying her heart out. "Fluttershy...I'm sorry" I said in a whisper, as if hoping that she could hear the remorse in my voice, my vision was blurry from the tears that I had in my eyes, I just caused one of the most caring and fragile souls get her heart broken. 'What have I done?' After just standing there, crying myself out, I left, I just hope that we can sort this out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I walked back to town, the memory of what I caused Flutershy still haunting me. I go and show you my true feelings for you, and what do you do? You smash them in my face and tell me that it just can't be. I never really though about it, I was a pony now, and even if I had the mind of a human, I still needed to take in account others people feelings. I don't need you to explain anything, you are just another slob that likes to crush ponies. You are just like the others. That stood out a lot to me, what did she mean by 'others', had this kind of thing happened before? Was she bullied back then, for liking other species? I din't know, but right now there was only one pony that could help me with. Now with a new target set in mind, I started runing around Ponyville, trying to find Shy's best friend from childhood. "Where are you Rainbow?" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I had spent the next hour looking for Rainbow Dash, with no success. No one had any idea where to find her, I had search at Applejack's Farm, thinking that maybe she was hanging at there, I tried her house, calling out to her but she never appeared, I even tried the Library for heavens sake, but no matter where I looked I couldn't find her. "This is getting me nowhere, *sigh* might as well just relax a bit" The sun was starting to go down, and I didn't want to search for her in the dark, so I decided to head back to Sugar Cube Corner, maybe a bit of rest will help me clear my mind. "So Luis, I was wondering if you wanted to come and hang out with me sometime. No that won't work... I heard Dash's voice, I though that she was talking to me at first, but I heard her again. "Hey Luis, I heard of this sweet spot to practice flying, wanna tag along? No that's just stupid, he can's fly. Rrrgh, why is talking to stallions so hard?" I searched the source of her voice, to a small clearing just outside of Ponyville, I saw dash pacing around, trying to think of something. "Sup Luis, listen, what do you think of going to grab some lunch, my treat, NO, that wont work at all." "Dash, tell me you are not trying to get me to go on a date with you" I asked her in a monotone voice, not really wanting to go over the whole liking thing. "AAAGH, Luis, h-how long have you been here?" She clearly was startled, and she had deep crimson shade on her cheeks. "Long enough to see you trying to come up with a way to get me in a date with you. Please, don't do it, I just had a bad experience and I want to avoid any repeats of it." I told her looking to my hooves, I really didn't want to talk about it, but Rainbow isn't one to be kept on the dark for long. "Repeat, what happened?" She was now curios and concern for me, but I still felt uncertain of telling her the truth. "You can tell me anything, that's what friends are for." She gave me a warm smile, easing my nerves a bit. I took a deep breath and waited a few seconds before responding. "I-I...Shy told me she likes me and...well." I t was really hard to say, it pained me to even think about it. "She likes you? so what, everypony likes someone, but I don't see why you're bother by it" "Well I...I kind of told her I didn't feel the same way, and...well, she got angry at me." I told her and she looked at me with worry and shock. "Please tell me you didn't, oh for Celestia's sake, tell me you didn't." She was holding me by the shoulder and had a look of worry that she rarely has. "I-It's something wrong with it?" I asked her a bit worry myself, she knows Fluttershy the longest and knows when something is wrong with her. "Everything is wrong with it, you don't know what she's being through." She let go of me and started walking nervously around. "The last time it took me two whole weeks to calm her down, I just hope it's not as serious this time." "Dash, I was wondering, why did she react like that? she mention something about others, and you seem to know what happened to her." She looked away, not really wanting to tell me about it. "It's nothing don't worry about it." She looked like she was uneasy about and I knew. "Dash please, I need to know what happened to her, this isn't anything like the Shy I know." I gave her my best pleading look, hoping that she will tell me something. She let go a small sigh before responding. "I guess you need to know, she... she was kind of popular back at the flight training school." Popular? from the way those bullies were treating her in that episode, it didn't seem really likely. "She was really popular with the colts on our group, and she liked the attention. But that was before it happened." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Shy was getting the attention of a lot of the colts back then, you could say was a magnet for them. Well that lead to her meeting this one colt, his name was Iron Cloud, he was one of the toughest pegasus in the school, and that's when she made a big. "Hey cutey, want to hang with a real stallion?" Iron Cloud was a charm with the fillies, and Fluttershy liked his type. "Well, aren't you good looking, and where would 'say' stallion take such cute filly?" Fluttershy was back then very seductive and liked to play around with the colts. "hmm, how about the Green Horseshoe, would that be fancy enough for you?" "Oh certainly, but I do hope you bring enough bits to please my needs" So they started dating since then, Shy falling more for him every time, she started to miss some flight lessons just to go with Iron Cloud, she started to lose interest on her grades, and she started to fall down the list. She had basically lost all interest on school and wanted to spent more time with him. But one night, 'the' night that everything change, she decided to move their relationship to the next level, she told me that she had wanted to do it for the first time with the one she loved, but she didn't expect for him to not give back the feelings. "But Cloudy, what do you mean you can't do it? don't you love me." "Love you, bah, I just wanted to make my old marefriend to feel jealous, and thanks to you it worked, did you really think somepony would ever like you?" "But I though-" "Well you though wrong, why would you think I would ever want to spent all of my time with you. You are just a stupid, little foal; making every stallion like, when all they are doing is laughing at you behind your back." "Th-that's not true-" "Face it Fluttershy, you are nothing and nopony will ever love you." Since that day, Shy excluded herself from all the colts, and all the fillies started laughing at her for being so gullible with Iron Cloud. I stood by her ever since, trying to help her get through, but no matter what I do, it seems that she sees every stallion as Iron Cloud. Every time she tried to start a relationship with anypony and doesn't work out, she pictures Iron Cloud, and just starts excluding them out of her life. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So that's why she reacted like that with you, it was you saying that you didn't like her, and for that she thinks of you as Iron Cloud." Dash finished telling me Shy's story, I never knew she had been through that, and I made her remember all that with a simple respond. "I-I never knew, I just never imagine that she could go through something like that. I can't believe it, I-I'm sorry." I was starting to feel tears welling up in my eyes, I could have avoided all this, but I let my stupidity get me, and now Shy hates me. "I know you didn't mean to. But I have to ask." I looked at her and she had a serious face. "Do you actually don't like her, or is that a lie to yourself?" That caught me off guard, I never actually though it through. "I well... I'm not sure" I was fidgeting with my hooves, I was unsure of what to think, a part of me was telling that it just wasn't possible, that I would just leave her in the end and I wouldn't be able to go back. But another part was yelling a t me that yes, I really cared for Shy, she was caring, compassionate and would always stand up for her friends. I shook my head, thinking about wasn't going to help me out, and I wanted to help Shy out. So I said what I though was right. "Y-yes...I do" Rainbow gave me a warm smile and put her arm around my neck. "See, it wasn't that hard was it?" "You aren't upset, angry or something?" If it was me, I would have being a bit angry for saying no to Fluttershy in the first. "And aren't you upset that I like Shy and not? you 'were trying to get me to like you." She just chuckled at that. "Please, you won't catch me getting jealous so easily. If you like somepony then you do, I won't stop, specially if it's Fluttershy we are talking about, I've been trying to get that girl a stallion for years now, you are the first one to get as close." I chuckled with her, feeling a bit better now. "Thanks, I'll do my best to make her happy" "You better, or I'll kick your flank all the way to the moon." She gave me smirk, which didn't make me feel any better. "O-Okay, but what do I do now?" She stifled a yawn before answering. "We'll see what we do in the morning, for now I just want to hit the hay." I looked to the sky and saw the moon high in the sky, wow, time sure flies by when you talk to a friend, even if it isn't on the best of cases. "Oh right, well *yawns* I'll see tomorrow Rainbow, and thanks for telling me about Shy." I gave her a wave of goodbye as she speed up to the sky. While I just walked back towards Ponyville, unaware of the pair of eyes, watching from the everfree forest. Well, it seems that my old creator has a new love the chuckled to himself, and a pony no less. And it seems that he has problems with her, how lovely. It turn around, heading back to the everfree, But I think I want that problem to remain a bit longer, the more troubles he has, the less time he will spend trying to stop me It looked directly to Canterlot, eyeing the same dots of magic that moved around the palace of the royal sisters. I guess it's time to act, I wanted to try this for some time now A thick black mist started to seep out of the ground and surround the Nightmare, the mist hiding its features even more as it engulf its entire body, only it's eyes were visible now. Time for the main meal, I have always wonder how does the sun and moon taste like. And as soon as the eyes were hidden, the mist shot out at a speed that would even rival Rainbow Dash's speed after doing a rainboom. Ready or not royal sisters, here comes your worst nightmare. The voice of the Nightmare said as it drifted in the air. > Rise of Nightmares > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I walked back to Sugar Cube Corner, a bit better from the events of the afternoon, but still felt bad about it. it was nighttime so nearly everyone was in their homes, getting ready for bed or get ready for tomorrow. I was just hoping that tomorrow, I could speak to Fluttershy, she really has gone through a lot and I just made it worst. And even if she didn't forgive me, at the very least I would apologize to her, she at least deserved that from me. I came to the door of Sugar Cube Corner, and knocked on the door, not wanting to come in without permission, even if I was living there for the moment. After a few seconds, the door to the establishment open, to reveal Mrs. Cake standing there with a smile. "Oh hello dear, we were wondering where you had been all day." "I was just out Mrs. Cake, not doing much." I told her, but my voice sounded a bit dishearten, which seemed to notice. "Is something wrong dear?" She sounded a bit concern. "It's nothing Mrs. Cake, just somethings I need to sort out in the morning." I told her as I walked inside, I didn't want to be reminded of what I did to Fluttershy at that moment. Mrs. Cake could see that something was bothering me, but decided not to press on it. "Alright then, I hope everything turns out ok." "Me too Mrs. Cake, me too" I went up the stairs so I could go to my room and have a rest. I laid down in bed, trying to let sleep take over, but all I could do was stare at the ceiling, wondering what I could have done differently. I could have just tell her that I just wanted to be friends with her, at least she wouldn't think of me as that Iron Cloud. I could have try to leave the cottage without saying too much, maybe that way I wouldn't say something bad. But as much as I wanted to change things, I knew what was done was done, and I needed to fix it somehow. Finally I felt my eyes getting heavier, as sleep took over, drifting off to sleep thinking what to do in the morning. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I felt a warm sensation as I stir around, I couldn't move my body, it felt like it was glued to the floor. I try opening my eyes, but the light was to bright to look at, after a few moments I try again, this time I could see a white ceiling. I tried to move my limbs, but they felt different, but yet so familiar. I turn my head to my side I notice my a human arm, MY human arm. I looked at the rest of my body to confirm my suspicions. I had my human body back, but I din't have my regular clothes, instead I had a white long sleeve shirt, a pair of white trousers and white sneakers. "But how..." I didn't know what was going on, one second I was in my bed at Sugar Cube Corner, as a pony; the next I'm back as a human in a white room and totally different clothes to the ones I was wearing when I got turn. I started to get up slowly, jogging my memory on how to move my body. "Hello Luis, it's nice to see thou again" I heard a voice and turn around to look at nothing. "Sorry if we can't make ourself presentable" the voice said, I could hear a smile in the voice. "Who is there, where am I and how do you know my name?" I yelled at the walls, not knowing where the voice was coming from. "Calm thyself friend, we are mearly trying to help you. We know of the creature that has invaded this lands, and we know what is doing." I could hear the worry on her voice, somethings told me that that Nightmare was doing something vile and I didn't know what. "What is going on? how do you know all this?" I wasn't still sure I could trust this voice, but I really wanted to know what was happening. We can do better" It said. The room started to shake, the walls started to move, making more space in the room, I saw as new objects started to form out of the floors and walls, they twis and turn until making a new solid shape. From tables to vases, to frames on the walls and chandeliers on the ceiling, I could even see other rooms being form from doorways in the wall. I didn't know what was happening, the room had change itself an made what appear to be, a fancy looking living room in a hotel. That is until I saw two familiar shapes start to appear in the room, and as they did, the room itself started to gain colour. "Sister, are you sure this spell can help?" I heard the faint voice of Princess Luna. "I know it's not perfect yet Luna, but the scientist at the University tell me that it should help track the creature down." The voice of Celestia said. by know I could see every detail in the room, the frames in the walls, now show images of Ponies from different races in poses. I could see a small fire place which was burning, giving the room warmth. I saw scrolls scatter around in a table, showing some cryptic runes and mathematical formulas. "Then what is keeping us from trying it? the longer we wait, the more chaos that creature from the human can cause." "Luna, that human has a name, and I know that you are just acting to hide your feelings for him" Celestia said, a small smirk on her face. Luna moved her face away, a small blush creeping to her cheeks. "T-that it's not true, I only want to get him back to his world, that's all." 'WHAT? Really? Even one of the Princess has a crush on me, what is with me and this mares, am I giving off a `wanted, needed` aura?' I really needed to talk to this mares more often. "Really? Then why do you always watch him when he sleeps through his dreams?" Celestia said with even bigger smirk than before. 'Wait, what?' Scratch that, I need to talk to LUNA about this when this is all over. "Can we avoid this conversation? I really want to know why can't we use this spell to find this creature." Luna said, her face was all red from her blushing and was hiding behind her waving mane. "Oh right, sorry Lulu, to answer your question is because we need something from the creature to use as a sample." She said, now her serious tone and face back. "Sample? I don't get it." We can use this spell to portrait the magic of every kind of creature that we know, we can use it to distinguish a unicorn from an earth pony, even if they are hiding or too far away to tell the difference. But we can only do it if we have a sample of their type of magic." "So what your saying is that if we want to tell the difference from another's magic and the magic from the creature, we need to get magic from-" "Me" The Nightmare said as it burst through the door of the room, behind him a pair of guards lay unconscious on the floor. Both Princesses gasped at his entrance. "What are you doing here? and what have you done to those guards?" Celestia yelled, anger clearly in her voice. "I just decided to finally make a visit, and don't worry about those two, they are alive but will never wake up. It said as it moved to a window, looking to the everfree forest. "Thou shall undo whatever trickery thou has performed on those souls." Luna boomed with her Canterlot voice, shaking the paintings and the chandelier that was hanging in the ceiling. "Oh but I don't want to, in fact" in a blink, it wasn't standing by the window anymore, but now right next to Luna's face, its mouth just inches from her ear. "I feel like I want to do it again." In a quick move, it buried it's teeth to the back of Luna's head, making scream in pain. "Let go of her monster." Celestia yelled at the top of her lungs with fear and anger to the event. It sent a magic bolt to the Nightmare's head, making it let go of it's prey. "Lulu, are you alright?" "Y-yeah, it felt cold, my whole body felt cold from the bite, and I felt weaker for a moment." She said as she shook her head, to get the feeling off. "hahahahaha, oh it's better than I though. "What are you rambling about?" Celestia asked with anger, not looking to see if her sister was ok. "So much magic from one bite, it's no wonder you are the rulers of this land. This is even better than that hydra from the swamp" "What are you talking about?" Luna said, not liking the sound of things. "I feed off magic, but only that from dreams, either be normal ones or the worst nightmares that you can have. Because I was product of one I can put other dreams into my victims, that bite is me doing just that, and in exchange I get the magic in their bodies." 'Magic from dreams? I though that the magic used in dreams was from humans; but then again, this is a dream come true from others. "And with that bite I have enough power to make some changes to myself." It said, I saw as part of his dark mist started to set on his body, at first I though he was casting a spell, but then I saw part of the fur from his body start changing to scales, they spread out around his chest, encasing him in a scale armor. "It's that...dragon scale?" Celestia asked, amaze at it's feat. 'Dragon scale?' I though to myself. "Oh yes indeed, but thats just half the surprise" I saw as he started taking a deep breath, going into a stance. 'What is he doing, what did he mean by-' I was stop mid thought by what happened next. "Move" Celestia screamed, dodging a blaze of fire that was sent to them from the Nightmare. I was stunt, the Nightmare that I remember never could breath fire, was this what it meant by 'half the surprise'? "How is this possible? no beast can breath fire except for the dragons?" Celestia was stunt as well as me, her face showed it. I looked at Luna, she was staring at the Nightmare, terror in her eyes. The fire from the attack started spreading around, making it hard for me to see what was going on, I couldn't feel the heat so that meant I was safe from them, but not Celestia or Luna. "That it's something I learned on my time in the forest, the magic I consume I can manipulate it to shape my body, only problem is that I need a lot of it if I want to keep it all the time, if not it wears off, that is why I keep my victims alive, so I can have a constant food supply for me to use." It said, smoke rising from it's mouth from the fire that it just let off. "Luna, go get the elements and send them to their bearers" She stop to look at Luna straight in the eye. "It's time to tell them ." Luna gasped at the last part, "Tia, but we are not sure if he's -" "We don't have time, if we fail here then they will never know and will never get the elements, now go." She had a look that there was no room for discussion. Luna nodded her head and exit through an open window. "Do you really think you can stop me? I took down a hydra without any effort, do you really think you have a chance?" It said, getting ready for the fight that was about to happen. "Even if thats true, I will not give up so easily, I rather die fighting than letting you take any more ponies lives." Celestia said, summoning a blade with her magic, it had a thick hilt with rune markings running along all the way the thin slit. It had a double sided blade with similar markings as in the hilt, but more spread out from each other, and on the base of the blade I could see the shield of the nation of Equestria. "As you wish" He said before launching towards Celestia, before I could see what happened next the whole room change quickly to the throne room, I was taken aback when I saw a bunch of guards pointing their spears at me, I was about to say something when I heard a loud thud from behind me. I looked back and saw that another group of guards were barricading the door with objects that were in the room at the time. I looked around and found Luna writing down on a scroll, the chest with the elements next to her. "Stop delaying the inevitable Luna, just open this doors and I will spare the other guards" I heard the voice of the Nightmare from the other side of the door. I backed away slowly, not wanting to be near when that came crashing down. "Hold that door as long as you can, I need time to send this through." Luna said, her horn started to glow, the scroll and the elements surrounded in her magic. "Princess, just what is that thing, I never seen such a monster in my life." a guard from the barricad shouted, straining to hold the statute that was being use as barricade in place. "A monster created from Nightmares themselves, I fear that it will not stop until every single being in the planet has being conquered by it." Luna shouted, straining to send the elements as their own power was working against her. With one last push, she manage to send the objects directly to Twilight, hoping that she could act quickly. BAM "Arrrrrgh" the scream from the guards as they were sent flying from the door, just to be stop in mid air by a dark aura, surrounding them all and pulling them to the dark hallway. And just like that it was silent. "I'm afraid that there is no escape now Luna The voice from the Nightmare said from the dark, a small light from a magic aura could be seen, and said aura was around the body of Luna as she try to break free. "It's over." "No, No, NOOOOOOOOOO" The scream of Luna could be heard, hanging in the air, as the whole scene started to crumble away like a building in an earthquake. I looked around, I was back in the white room, but it was all collapsing around me. "What is going on?" I screamed, hoping that the voice was still there. "You are waking up. Remember, that the clue to wining this battle is with your friends. ALL of them" The voice said as it faded away with the noise of the room falling apart. I looked around, trying to see a way out, but there was no door, no window, heck there wasn't even a small air vent, the whole room was seal thigh.A large craking sound came from above me, and when I looked up I saw the ceiling falling directly in top of me, burring me alive. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I gasped, as I woke up in the middle of the night. I looked at my arms and found that I was still a pony, but I knew everything I just saw was real. I got out of bed and went out of my room towards Pinkie, before I could even knock on it, Pinkie came out, her face showed fear, I knew that either she saw the same thing as me, or she just knew that something was wrong. "Let's Pinkie, Twilight needs us." I turn around to head to the stairs but turn my head back to her. "Everyone needs us." I said and she responds with a nod, we both race down the stairs and out the door. We were going to end this once and for all, or die trying in the process. > Mending Feelings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Me and Pinkie ran as quick as we could from Sugar Cube Corner towards the Library, we ran pass all the houses waking the sleeping ponies inside from their slumbers. We were passing the Square Fountain when we heard someone yelling from up above. "Guys, wait up" I heard Rainbow Dash called, she sounded a little shaken up. "What is it Dash? We are trying to get somewhere fast." I didn't stop to look at her, but I didn't need to as she came next to us. "Did you guys have a weird dream? Like some creature attacking the Princesses?" I could see that Dash was shaken up by it. I wouldn't blame her, if I saw the ruler of a land being attack by something that has never been seen before, then I would be shaken up too. "Yeah, it was like a big meany dark timberwolf, and he even changed shape, and breath fire and it could even use magic. Well he is definitely off my list for party making." Pinkie said with a serious voice, a small frown on her face. "And if that dream was true then Luna sent a letter and the elements to Twilight." I could see the Library now, the lights inside of the building lit up. 'good, she is awake now, maybe she can tell me more about what Luna was talking about.' We came to the door of the Library, Dash didn't even bother to knock as she went with both hooves stretch in front of her through the door. Inside we found Twilight, Applejack and Rarity gather around the table on the living room. Ok, how did they get here so quickly, if I'm right we all shared the same dream at the same time, and I'm sure Applejack lives the farthest. "Rainbow, haven't you ever heard of knocking?" Twilight asked, a bit annoyed at Dash's actions. "At a time like this? We just saw a strange dream, and that something tells me it wasn't one. So I think there is no time to be subtle." Dash flew directly to Twilight looking at the writings that were laid across the table. "What is this anyway?" "According to Luna's letter, this is a legend or prophecy that was given to her and Celestia about 3000 years ago" She went to the table and took the large parchment from the pile to show it to everyone. "And supposedly it was given by a human like Luis." "Like me, are you sure Twilight? Back on earth this world wasn't created no more than 3 years ago, and if that thing that came from my head is saying the truth, then this world wouldn't exist for that long." It really didn't make sense, if both worlds shared about the same timeline, then all the events from the past would have been made up by Lauren Faust. "Ah wouldn' go an' say that thin' is tellin' the truth, but it's not iportan' right now. What does the legen' there say Twi?" Applejack was right, there was no time to wonder how can a human be in Equestria 3000 years ago, there was a Nightmare out there and we needed to stop it. "Ok, there are a few things that I still haven't been able to translate, Luna didn't have time to send a translation, only a copy of the original Legend and a book to translated. Now let's see." I saw Twilight levitate another piece of paper out of the small pile in the table, and bring it next to her. "When a major threat that threaten the land was stop, a creature from a far away land would appear, with it, a being that could put not just the land, but the whole world, into a age of darkness and misery" Everyone look at me for a moment, seeing as it fit to what was happening right now. "Only when all seems lost a power, buried within the creature would have the chance to defeat it and stop the darkness from rising through out the land.-" "Let me stop you there, first of all, this can't be me they are talking about, I'm no fighter, no warrior, I'm not special. I'm just a chef that right now does mostly pastries. "And second, what is it to say that the elements can't stop it, they stopped Nightmare-moon and Discord, surely they can stop it." I said to them, this all sounded a bit too much to be a legend, more like a prophecy, and I rather avoid those kind of things. "I agree with him guys, he doesn't know a lot of fighting and even Angel could beat him in a fight, no offence." Dash said, I way her to not worry about it, she was right after all. "And I bet we could take him on with the elements." She said, pumping her hooves against each other. "Don' get ahead of yourself Rainbow, that thin' ,wha'ever it is, manage to beat both Princesses." Applejack said, everyone now speaking with each other about whenever or not they had a chance against the Nightmare. "Is there anything else in there that can help us out darling?" Rarity asked to Twilight, to which she responded with a shake of her head. "I'm sorry, but I have only being able to decipher this so far, but there is one more thing I mange to make out of it." Everyone looked towards her, waiting to hear what else was there in the legend. "It said, 'A sacrifice would be made'." That sent shivers down my back. A sacrifice, of what sorts? I decided to stop thinking about it and be helpful for the moment. "Let's not worry about that now, we better just try to find that Nightmare and stop it." I looked to the table and found a scroll with some runes and mathematical formulas, very similar to the ones I saw in that dream/vision. "Hey Twilight, what are this?" I asked her pointing to the scroll in question. "I believe that's the spell that the ponies at Canterlot were working on, and Celestia and Luna were right, we need a sample from that creatures magic to track it down." I really wish that Nightmare had left us a piece of him to work on. I though about it for a while, but nothing came up. "I wished that thing would just show up and fight instead of playing tricks with our minds." Rainbow said, annoyed at the Nightmare for waiting in the shadows. 'Wait, mind, Nightmare. That's it!' I got it, it may not work but it was all we had. "Twilight, what don't you take a sample of my magic?" "But Luis, we already have unicorn magic, we don't need anymore." She looked confused at my suggestion. "I know, but I wasn't a unicorn before, or even a pony." She started to see what I was getting at. "And that Nightmare, was that before, a nightmare from my head. So I think that he should share some of that magic from me, and if he does we can track him down." Everyone perked up at that, we had a way to track it down. "That's brilliant, and I can alter the spell to find only that type, so it doesn't get confused with yours. Now don't move, I need a clear shot." '.....WHAT?' before I could react I saw Twilight shoot a beam directly at me, it felt like a joy-buzzer was being applied to all my body, it wasn't as painful, but still unpleasant. "There, all done." Twilight said with a small smile on her face. Everyone else looked a bit shocked at the display, but didn't say anything. "Twi, next time give me a chance to get ready, I didn't even know I would feel something." I said, I could feel my eyes spinning in my eye sockets in different directions. I bet I looked like Derpy right now. "Sorry about that, and that feeling was you magical aura being manipulated around to get a sample, it was rather easy to find your human magic, seeing as it was right in here." she said knocking me in the head, snapping me back to reality. "What are we waitin' for then? let's go get that Nightmare fella'" Applejack said, taking her Element of harmony out of the small chest on the table. In no time everyone had their Elements and ready to go, until I notice that one of the Element still rested in the chest, and it's bearer nowhere around. "Guys where is Fluttershy?" Everyone looked around, expecting to find her hiding behind one of them or somewhere else. "Oh no, the poor dear must be at home shaking like crazy after that horrendous dream." Rarity said. "Well we better get down ther' quick y'all, the quicker we get her the quicker we'll get to beat this Nightmare fella." Applejack said heading out the door with everyone in tow. I went to grab Shy's Element, but when I was about to hold it in my magic, a small spark was sent from it to my hurt. It didn't hurt at all, but it still surprise me, even thou, I grabbed the Element and headed out the door, turning out the lights and closing the door. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile, inside the walls of the old castle of the royal sisters, a creature stayed in the shadows of the castle, it's true form hidden by the dark. Only a small orb the size of a table globe, created light that showed a silhouette of a claw underneath it and the head of a wolf. The orb showed how 6 ponies exited the town's Library, and headed for the outskirts the town towards the everfree forest. "So they manage to find a way to get to me? Now matter. As long as they can't get here I don't have to worry about them." A small light started to appear at the other side of the orb, where a matching claw could be seen underneath the new light. "But I think I will intervene with their plans." Five small orbs, the size of marbles appear from the light and went towards the orb that showed the ponies nearing a small cottage. "I hope they like a nice surprise. Maybe I can get to kill one of them." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We ran all the way to Fluttershy's house, hoping to find her and get going to try and stop my Nightmare. "So darling tell me, how was your visit to Fluttershy's cottage?" Rarity asked me interest on my experience on the event. I really didn't want to tell her the truth now, but I needed to tell her something or else she wouldn't drop it. "Well, it was...unusual?" Idiot, that's the best you can come up with? "Oh how so? did anything interesting happened?" she looked at me expecting to hear a gossip. "We...erm, had a moment." I'm the worst at coming up with things to say. "You two kissed? Oh tell me what happened. Tell me tell me tell me." She was now just like me Pinkie Pie, nearly jumping up and down as we came closer to Shy's house. "We can talk about this stuff later guys, we need to get to Shy's house quickly." Twilight said turning her head around to look at us. Thanks for the safe Twi. With us not talking the rest of the way, we arrived to Fluttershy's house in no time. the lights were on, so that was a good sign of her being awake, or not. I came to the door and knocked on it, after a few moments the door opened a bit to show Angel's head, guess he didn't fall asleep after all, he took one look at me and sent the door slamming in my nose, "Ow" "What was that for? He normally isn't this aggressive." Rarity said, the display really rare for her. "Let me try, me and Shy have been friend since fly school, Angel wouldn't throw me out for no reason." Rainbow said, as she went to the door and knock on it. 'Five, four...' the door to the cottage open to show Angel again, eyeing Rainbow curiously. 'three, two...' Angel looked around her and saw me standing with everyone else, turning to look angrily at Rainbow. 'Oneeeee' SLAM "OW, that rabbit." "Guess that we need another way in. Twilight, think you can teleport us inside?" "I think so, but isn't this illegal?" She said with her ears a bit down, not liking the idea of breaking in to someone's house. "We are suppose to fight against a creature that defeated the Princesses, and you are worry about rules? Come on Twi, we need to get Fluttershy out of there, and I want to teach that rabbit to not mess with me." Rainbow said rubbing her nose with her hoof. "Alright then,gather around everypony." we all came close to Twilight and her horn started to shine. After a flash of Twilights magic, we were inside Shy's house, and after another second Angel was on top of my head, hitting me repeatedly, WITH A FRYING PAN!!! "Get *whack* this *whack* rabbit *whack* off me" ... *whack, whack, whack* "Stop hitting him Angel, I know he messed up with Shy, but he is trying to fix things and we kind of need her right now" Rainbow manage to get Angel off me, but was struggling to hold the little rabbit down. "Messed up? what is she talking about?" Twilight said, a bit curiously at to what I did. Fuck, nice going Rainbow. "This isn't the time to discuss about it, we need to get Shy out and find this Nightmare." I tried to redirect the whole thing away from me. "And...is that Brandy I smell?" I sniffed the air again, sure enough, I could smell the alcohol in the air. "Oh this is not good." I saw Rainbow with a frighten look on her face. I decided to find where the smell came from, thinking it may be serious. I followed the smell to upstairs, the others following suit and Rainbow left Angel under a basket with some books on top to weight him down. I came in front of a door in the hallway, the smell was definitely coming from this room. I push the door slightly to look inside, what I saw made my heart sink. Fluttershy laid on the floor with a few battles of Brandy around her. It looked like she had been crying a lot recently. her eyes were bloodshot and I could see tear stains on her face and the floor. She turn around to look at the door, and gave me an angry look before standing up and going towards the door. "If you think for one second that I'm going anywhere with you, forget it." "Fluttershy, we need you to come with us" Twilight started to say. "there is a Creature going around and we need to-" "I know and I don't care." she screamed at all of us, her shy personality gone from her as anger replace it. "I don't want to do anything with you or anypony if it involves 'him'." She said pointing a hoof at me. "If he hadn't come to Equestria in the first place, we wouldn't be having to go get this thing. If it wasn't for him, we would be having a normal life like always. If it wasn't for him, the Princesses wouldn't have been attack and dead!!" she said, making an emphasis every time she mentioned me. "Fluttershy, you don't know that. That thing said that it needs them alive to feed of their dreams, they can still be alive." Twilight was trying to calm her friend down, with little success. "It doesn't matter, it's because of him that all our lives have change, and I hate it. I want my old life back." She said, new tears forming on her eyes. "Just what could have Luis here have done to make you think that?" Rarity asked worry for her friend. "HE BROKE MY HEART." She said the loudest I have ever hear her. An uncomfortable silence setting in. I wanted to say I was sorry, I wanted to tell her I didn't mean what I said. I wanted. An disgusting smell filled my nose, stopping my train of thoughts. I looked to everyone else, their faces in a state of shock. "Guys, what is it?" A small growl came from outside before one of the windows in the room broke, sending shards of crystals in the air. "TIMBERWOLFS" All the girls say, with fear in their voices. > Trials of The Night > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I acted quickly as soon as I heard them. I drop the Element of Kindness on top of Fluttershy, which somehow landed on her neck and secure itself around it. I used my telekinesis then to pull Shy out of the room and close the door. Just in time as the Timberwolves slammed into the door, breaking part of the wood and exposing their wooden claws. "Downstairs, now" I yelled, holding the door in place to buy us some time to run. The girls quickly left me and headed for the stairs. I waited until they got to them before letting go of the door and follow them. Immediately the door burst open to reveal two Timberwolves standing in the room, but something was off about them. The eyes which should be bright and the colour of fireflies was not there, instead a deep black filled their eyes, emanating a thin dark mist from the corners. I didn’t stay to wonder about it though; I sprinted down the hallway to the stairs. But when I was half way down them I heard the girls scream in terror. I could see from where I was that another three Timberwolves were in the living room, blocking our only way to get out. “What do we do? We’re surrounded.” Twilight said, trembling in fear a bit from the situation we were in. “Don’t worry, I got my Party Cannon with me.” Pinkie said bringing out of one of Fluttershy’s cupboard. Seriously, where does she keep this stuff, or better still, how did she fit that in a cupboard? Pinkie turned the party cannon towards the Timberwolves, grinning evilly a bit; she pressed the button on the cannon and… nothing. “Oh not now, why does it jam at the worst of times?” Pinkie said pressing the button repeatedly hoping for it to work. This was bad, we were corner in the stairs, the two Timberwolves were on the top of the stairs, stalking us as they came down the stairs. ‘Oh, what can we do?’ I was panicking now, we were running out of time and were about to become lunch. The two Timberwolves saw how nervous I was and decided that they could take me now. Lckly I saw as they flexed to jump at me, at the last moment I jumped off the stairs and landed in front of the girls. Half a second later, I heard hard wood hit something hard and… bits of wood falling to the floor? I turned around to see logs and twigs scatter around at the base of the stairs, some logs resembling parts of the Timberwolves. I took me a second to process what I just saw. They are weak, they smashed against a wall a fell apart. I turn around to face the other three Timberwolves; they didn’t seemed affected by their comrades deaths, but I knew what to do now. “Girls get behind me; I’m going to get us out of here.” I said, not turning to look at them, a small smirk in my face. “What are you thinking? You can’t fight them, they are stronger than you.” Rarity said, worry for my well being. “Don’t worry, I got this.” I ready my stance ready to take these bastards down, I don’t know why but this sounded like a good place to do it. “Alright, let’s do this.” I said starting to sprint towards the Timberwolves. “LEROOOOOYYYYYY” I crashed into all three of them, and as expected they broke apart really easily. “JEEENKIIIIINGS” I turned around when I reached the door to face the girls. Twilight and Rarity looked shocked at what I had done; Fluttershy, Pinkie and Applejack looked a bit confused as to why I said that; and Rainbow was…annoyed? “Hey, that’s my thing; I’m suing you for copyright.” Rainbow said, really not liking me doing ‘her thing’. Copyright, is she serious? I rolled my eyes at her, playing along with her, if she was joking. I waved at them to follow me out the house. Fluttershy taking Angel out from the little rabbit’s prison. When I got outside I was bombarded with questions and scolds for my actions. “What were you thinking? You could have gotten killed.” “You really should have though about it darling, what would have happened if you got hurt?” “Why did ya charge at them like that? Wouldn’ it been easie’ to buck them in the face?” “Who in Equestria is Leroy Jenkings anyway?” “What is 2 + 2?” We all turn to Pinkie with an eyebrow raised? “What? You were asking him questions, so I though I should join in.” She said with a smile plastered in her face. “Pinkie, you’re so random.” Dash and I said at the same time. We looked at each other when we saw that we said it at the same time, so we only did the best thing, burst out laughing. “You find this funny? My house just got attacked by Timberwolves and you just laugh about it?” Fluttershy said, her anger diverted between me and Rainbow, but she gave that same angry look from early. “Shy I’m sorry okay? I never though-“ “Exactly, you never think, you said what is best for and go with it. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have to clean my house.” She turned away from us to head back to the cottage, the windows and the door totally destroyed. “Fluttershy, we still need you to come with us, without you we can’t use the Elements of Harmony.” Twilight tried to reason with her. “I told you, I don’t care, if he is involved then count me out.” She didn’t even bother to turn around to face us. “Shy wait a-“ All of a sudden, a small rumbling started to happen, it wasn’t an earthquake, earthquakes never occurred in Ponyville as it was nowhere near a tectonic plate, from what Twilight has told me that is. I then saw that the inside of Fluttershy’ house was glowing dimly, unless it was a dark shine that was glowing brightly. Next thing I know, her house explodes, debris flying into the air and landing in the white snow covered ground. From the dust that was lifted I could make out the shape of a Timberwolf, only thing is that it looked about the size of a two storey, maybe three storey building. “Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me, they rebuild themselves but also make themselves bigger? That is so fucking unfair.” I yelled out, catching the attention of the giant Timberwolf. “Hey, watch that mouth mister.” Pinkie said, a frown planted on her face. I dodge a paw from the beast as it try to squash me. “We are being attack by a fucking giant Timberwolf, and you want to question my selection of vocabulary?” I yelled to her, ducking to avoid a swipe from the beast. “Now’s not the time guys.” Twilight said, sending magic blasts to the beast taking away part of it’s body, only for a black aura to surround it and fix it back on. Rainbow was flying around it’s head, trying to land a few kicks and bucks to face, that only made it more angry. Applejack was having no luck either, even her hardest kicks for apple bucking were doing nothing to it. “Darn it, shoul’ have brough’ my lasso.” We were dogging blow after blow from this monster, getting harder to avoid them as we got more tire, with dash even getting swatted out of the sky into the snow. “Twilight, isn’t there a way to stop it?” I yelled, the tail of the beast sending to a tree hard. “According to my books, Timberwolfs depend on the everfree forest to survive, but we are too far away for it to get any.” Great, so we are essentially fucked. “Is there any other way to stop it?” Fluttershy yelled, running away from the Timberwolf as it chased her. “The only other way is to destroy it’s magic source. They use the canopy to make an armour for their bodies, so they can protect their magic source.” “Skip the details and just tell us how to kill it.” Rainbow said as she was swung around in the Timberwolf’s tail. “We need to blast it in the chest, where the hard is, but this Timberwolf is too big, its armour is too thick for me penetrate it.” She said before being sent flying by a swipe of the Timberwolf’s arm. This is just great, we are too tire to do anything to this thing, we can’t keep going for much longer, everyone is too tired to keep evading it’s attacks, and we can’t run to town and let cause chaos in Ponyville. ‘If only we attack it from the inside we could-‘ then an idea hit me. This could be consider the worst idea ever, but it was the only one I got. I run to the front of the Timberwolf and started yelling. “Hey ugly, down here.” It turn to look at me, forgetting about Applejack. “I bet you don’t have the gut to try and eat me. Come on, are you scare that I’ll give indigestion?” “Luis, are you crazy?” Rainbow said, believing I had gone mad and was trying to kill myself. “What kind of wolf are you if you don’t plan to eat your prey, come on eat me.” It looked at me a bit curious at to why I was saying such things. “EAT ME” it made it’s mind up, as it opened it’s mouth wide open to bring it down. “This…is going to stink.” I said before it brought it’s head down, burring it’s face in the ground. “LUISSSS!” All the girls screamed in terror, after seeing their friend being eaten by the Timberwolf. It took it’s head out of the dirt, with an audible *Gulp* it emptied it’s mouth before liking it’s lips, liking the taste of pony meat. It slowly turn it’s head towards the remaining 6 ponies, wanting to have another one. The girls were in too much shock at the moment to see as the Timberworlf came closer to them. “He-he’s gone.” The voice of Rarity sounded, her eyes were filled with tears, she couldn’t believe it, after all that has happen, she has lost a good friend to this beast. “I never got to say goodbye.” Pinkie was standing there, her mane flat as it represented her mood. Her first human/pony friend and he was gone. The others stay silent, tears in their eyes; they couldn’t believe what just happened. The human friend that they made not just five months ago was gone, they wanted to believe that all of this was dream, a horrible twisted dream. “I-I-I never wanted this to happen.” Fluttershy said, her whole body trembling. The Timberwolf was nearly on top of them, a wide toothy grin in its face. “I didn’t want him death I just…just.” She stopped there, her head going down feeling sorry for the human. She snapped her head up, the look of remorse gone, replace by hatred, the kind that kills. “I’m gonna make you pay you… Nightmare.” She said launching herself to the air to land a kick on it’s nose. The Timberwolf whimpered a bit at the pain of getting it’s nose kick so hard. It turn around just in time to see a magic bolt being sent to it’s face. “You are going to pay. Get him girls.” Twilight shouted as she sent more magic bolts to it’s face and legs, trying to cripple him. “Rainbowwwwww Dasshhhhhh” Dash said charging with all her strength to the back of the Timberwolf, making a loud snap sound. Applejack manage to find an old rope in Fluttershy’s garden pent, and used it to make herself a lasso. She send it flying making it land on the Timberwolf’s snout, Pulling back harder that she had ever done before she manage to lower it’s head to ground level. “You messed with the wrong pony mister Meany mac mean pants.” Pinkie said, her hair still flat against her form. Her party cannon was now in front of the Timberwolf’s face, she pressed the button hard, making the cannon launch a barrage of fireworks that exploded on contact with the Timberfolf’s face, making it to catch fire a bit too. “You’re gonna regret ever being born you lowlife beast.” Rarity said, bringing out a set of a hundred sewing needles, what was surprising was that went she launched them, they buried themselves into the timberwolf, before doing miniature explosions, making a whole leg to crumble down. The Timberwolf was getting a beating, but he was not done yet, it gathered it’s magic and used it all in a loud roar. The girls were pushed back by the sheer force of the roar, before being pushed back a wave magic making them hit the trees harder than normal. The Timberwolf manage to get it’s body parts back together, before heading for the nearest of the ponies, this one being the butter yellow one with pink hair. She tried to get up, but the Timberwolf put a paw on top of her to pin her down. Fluttershy struggled to get free from the paw that kept her in the ground. The Timberwolf open it’s mouth to bring it down on the pony, when it felt a pain in it’s chest, then again, and again, and again. Each one being more painful than the last one. The Timberwolf let go of Fluttershy as it grabbed it’s chest with one paw. Fluttershy saw how ithold it’s chest in pain, but it also saw how a small light started to form in it’s chest. Soon the Timberwolf was whimpering in pain, it’s chest felt like it was on fire, it was even worst than when all the other ponies were attacking him at the same time. And then, he felt it, it’s heart, it’s magic heart was destroyed to pieces by some invisible form. It howled in pain, as it’s whole body was enveloped in a bright light before exploding, bits of wood were sent flying to the air or to the trees nearby, shattering at the speed and force they were going at. All the girls saw the even from the different places that they were sent flying to, they didn’t know what happened that made the Timberwolf explode like. Even less as to why the wood from the creature started to turn into a dark mist collecting itself in one point, before flying off quickly towards the everfree. But they didn’t pay attention to that, as they saw the shape of a pony lay on the ground. “LUIS” They all exclaim, running to the unicorn, Fluttershy being the closest got there first, holding him close with tears in her eyes, not wanting to let go of him. “Luis, are you alright? Say something” Twilight said, worry sick for the well being of her friend. “ggh ath dtti” “What?” Twilight asked, all of the girls leaned in to listen better to him. “Got a neutralizer?” I mange to say with a smile before falling unconscious > Trials of the Night - Pt. 2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I started to regain consciousness, at the price of a head splitting headache. Twilight warned me of using too much magic at one time, as it strains the mind of the user to focus that much magic at once. "Oh my head. Did someone get the number plate of the truck that hit me?" I started to get up slowly, feeling the grass under need me, I opened my eyes slowly and looked around. There were trees all around me and they looked too weird to be normal trees, my best guess is that we were in the everfree. "Girls, he's waking up." I heard the familiar voice of Twilight by my side. How did I not see her there before? "Luis, oh thank Celestia that you're alright, we were scared that we had lost you to that beast." Rarity looking at me relief at seeing me. "Hey Luis." I turn to see Rainbow come closer to me and. *whack* A hoof to the head sent me to meet the ground. "That's for making us worry about you." "Rainbow, Ah know what he did was stupid an' dangerous, but ya can't go an' hit them for doin' it." I raised my head from the ground and spit the dirt that managed to find its way to my mouth. "Applejack is ok, what I did was dangerous and could have killed me, I totally deserved the punch." "Then why even try it? We could have escape from there and find another way into the everfree, you didn't have to do what you did." "Did you see its eyes Twilight?" I asked her, which she responded with a confused look and a shake of her head. "They were black, have you guys ever seen Timberwolves with eyes like that?" I wasn't sure if there were more types of Timberwolves apart from the ones presented on the show, so I didn't want to make assumptions. "Well, there have been cases of green and white timberwolves, but that it's more to do with the seasons that the everfree follows, this is the first time that they ever had that color eye." "What are you getting at?" Rainbow said with her arms crossed; a bit annoyed that she had to listen to one of Twilight's lecture. "I'm not too sure, but they seemed to be more aggressive than I would have expected. We never entered the Everfree before so why did they attacked us in the first place?" "Your right, Timberwolves only attack if they are hunting, and they only go a bit far from the forest so they have less risk of running out of the magic that it offers to them. This makes it impossible for that Timberwolf to last for so long outside of the Everfree, this is incredible I need to research this if I want -" "We get it Twi, but Ah still don' see wha' you mean Luis." "I believe that those weren't Timberwolves that attacked us, or at least normal ones. I think they were summoned." "Oh for Pit's sake, just say it already so we can head out to the Princesses old castle." Rainbow was now impatient about all this talking. "ok, ok. I think my Nightmare summoned them to attack us. And did you say the 'Princesses old castle'? Why am I not surprise?" Why is it that every villain I hear about in fan-fics always sets base at 'that' castle? Even if this is real. "He can make other ponies appear? Oh I want him to make a whole multitude of ponies appear so I can throw the biggest party ever." Usual Pinkie, never taking serious things like this. "Can he do that?" Twilight was now surprise and scare at this info. I nodded to her. "I think so, but I can't be sure, until then I think we better keep our guard up." I looked at them, seeing a bit of worry on their eyes but still willing to go on with the task. I looked towards Fluttershy and notice she was a bit secluded from the rest, "Fluttershy, are you ok? You are quieter than normal." I was hoping that she wasn't still mad at me from what happened this morning. "Oh I...well, I'm fine." She looked away, but not in the normal way that you could tell she was shy, she looked...conflicted. I wanted to ask but I decided to not do it for now. "Ok then let's get going, I want to kick that Nightmare's flank as soon as possible." Rainbow said, going ahead of the group into the forest. "Rainbow, it's that way." Twilight said with a bemused look, pointing with her hoof towards the opposite direction that Rainbow went. Rainbow stopped mid flight and looked towards Twilight. "I-I know that, I was just testing you." She said with a sheepish smile, flying to where Twilight was pointing. We all rolled our eyes at that. "We better get going then, we got less than five hours before the Sun is suppose to rise." we all nodded at Twilight and started walking towards the direction that the castle is. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Nightmare looked at the scene from the orb that floated on top of its open claw. "Oh great, and here I though I had manage to free myself from that pest". It looked as they were nearing a section of the forest that was even denser than the rest, making it harder to see around. "Hmm, this looks like a good place to trap them." A new orb like last time appear in the other claw, going towards the orb showing the ponies as they walked deeper into the forest. "This beast should do the job, I just wish I had found more in my time in that forest." The image in the orb changed to show something start to form out of a dark mist. "It's time to play cat and mouse." A paw came out of the dark in the orb, the claws hidden inside extending out. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "oh, Are we there yet? My hooves are killing me." "For the tenth time Rarity, no we haven't" Twilight was starting to get annoyed by Rarity's whining. And I was starting to as well. We were now in a section of the forest that was denser than the rest, according to Twilight. The tree tops were so dense here, that the light from the moon couldn't get past the leaves, the only light coming from some glowing fungus that grew on the trunks of the trees. The whole place was making me anxious now, and the idea of my Nightmare being able to make animals attack us at any moment, wasn't helping at all. "Oh oh oh, do you know what would make this better?" "I don't know Pinkie, what would make this better?" I'll never understand how Pinkie can take things so easy. But at the moment I was hoping for her to do anything to make the situation a bit more bearable. "A song of course" A song?! Really? This is starting to look like one of the girl’s adventure in a story or the show. Pinkie went towards a tree and grabbed hold of a bit of the glowing fungus, to pull it and make the trunk of the tree to open and reveal a rockola. "How the hay did that get there?" Rainbow said flying to where pinkie was, going through the selection of songs that the machine had. "It's my emergency music player, I have one whenever I'm out in case I needed it. Now where is that song I got from Luis's Ipod?" "Wait what?" I swear I put that out of her reach at Twilight's house, Gods know what she can find from my stuff. "Ah ha! Here it is." She pressed the play button before closing the trunk of the tree, making it look like before. "This song makes me think of Applejack, who knew humans could be so creative." The voice of a man started to sound as a guitar started to play. Applejack perked up immediately, liking the sound of the music. Like it was a surprise. Why don't you come on down To Sweet Apple Acres Got a whole family full Of Tasty Treat Makers All the girls, except for Pinkie, turn to Applejack, surprise as to hearing her apple farm being mentioned in a song. And to top it all off, We're Apple Pie Bakers, Don't be fooled by The Flim Flam Fakers We'll whet your whistle With sweet Apple Cider We wanna be your number one Apple provider We got everything you could Ever ask for And I bet we even got A little bit more than They all turn to me, expecting for me to give an explanation as to why I had a song dedicated to Sweet Apple Acres. "Hey I like the song, it's catchy." "Well Ah don't see how this makes things better. It doesn't take mah mind off this here forest." "Oh just go with it Applejack, you'll feel much better afterwards." She took a deep breath just in time to sing the next part. ALL THE APPLES YOU COULD EVER WANT (at Sweet Apple Acres) ALL THE APPLES YOU COULD EVER WANT And more.... (its a beautiful day, keep the doctor away) "Wha'?" Referring to the doctor part. I turned at her and shrugged, I didn't even understand that part myself. So I'm guessing by now, You know our name, And you know we ain't green To this apple-bucking game, We're well deserving Of this apple fame, Everypony who visited Smiled after they came Applejack had now joined in, singing along with Pinkie while everyone bobbed their heads to the tune. 'Oh why not?' I came next to Applejack and Pinkie to sing with them the next bit. So whatcha waiting for? Ain't you feelin' hungry yet? There's no reason For you not to get The very best apples At our happy little farm So, why don't you visit And sample our charms with... ALL THE APPLES YOU COULD EVER WANT (at Sweet Apple Acres!) ALL THE APPLES YOU COULD EVER WANT And more... (its a beautiful day, keep the doctor away) "Oh boy, now that's a great song. Say Luis, min' if ah borrow this here song to publish mah farm?" "But isn't that against copyright?" Twilight said; leave the egghead of the group to point small things like that. Wait, did I call Twi an egghead? Ugh, Rainbow is rubbing off on me. "Twilight, this was made on 'Earth', the owner doesn't live here so there is no need to worry about it. If people-" "Ponies" Everyone said to me at the same time. "ok. If 'Ponies' start asking as to where it came from, just say that Celestia gave it to you." "And that works how?" Twilight said not liking the idea at all. "I just-" a snap of a twig followed by a low growled stopped me from saying the rest. "Was that a manticore?" Twilight was looking everywhere, searching for any sights of what made the sound. "I don't know, I just hope we can ARRRRGH" Fluttershy screamed as she was carried by something, away from us and towards the dark. "Oh no you don't." rainbow went at top speed, hitting whatever that was carrying Fluttershy. Twilight wasted no time and sent an orb of light to float in the middle of the path, we could now see the surrounding better as the light shone in every directions, the fungus ceasing to glow as it was overpowered by the new source of light. The creature now revealed to us in the light. A manticore as large as a Humvee stood in the light with its claws extended out. Its fur was a grey colour that was dull to the light, it had a black mane to it's normal red one, the bat wings on its back extended out, going about as long as its body size from wing to wing. The scorpion tail straighten out, wiggling side to side waiting to strike a prey, and it's eyes as dark as the ones from the Timberwolves from early. "I'm guessing its another of the Nightmares minions." Twilight started to light her horn, ready to cast a spell whenever she need it. "Anyone know how to beat this overly size cat?" I asked around, maybe this time it could be easier to beat than the Timberwolves? "I think I know something that may help." Pinkie went towards the manticore. It growled at Pinkie's approached but didn't attack yet, looking at what she may try? Pinkie went to search behind her and pulled out a small pile of dust. "Want some catnip?" I immediately facehoof at that. 'Yeah Pinkie, just because it's part cat it means it can be affected by catnip (!)' Pinkie blew the dust towards the manticore's face, which it inhaled as it was caught by surprise by her act. I swung an arm at her, but missed by a foot (or two hoofs in pony measures), striking the ground and losing a bit of footing. "Way to go Pinkie." Rainbow cheered her as she bounced back to the, now the manticore swinging wild blows at her. 'Ok, so manticores can be affected by catnip, neat rick if I do say so myself.' "Ok now's our chance, let's get out of here before the catnip wears off." "Don't be such a chicken; we can totally take him on." Rainbow said in her normal ego. "I'm sorry, but... he will only be like this for a few minutes. I-I think it's best if we run, if you don't mind me saying?" "She's right guys, we don't have time to fight it and we terribly outmatched." "Oh fine, but I still think we could have taken it Twilight, just look at it...WHATCH OUT" We turn around to se the manticore jumping straight at us. We jumped to the sides and started to run to avoid the claws of it. Right now it was chasing Rarity, Applejack and Pinkie; going left and right as they avoided swipes from the large beast's arms. I launched itself to Rarity, which in response received a buck from her in return. "Get your filthy paws off of me." She started to run again, screaming as the manticore resumed chase on them. "I know how to beat him you know?" I jumped in shocked when I heard Pinkie's next to, she somehow manage to escape the manticore as it was now chasing Twilight. After calming myself down from her sudden appearance, I register what she said to me. "How? That thing is like a walking truck." "We need to get on his back; we can then control his movements so it goes where we want to." "Oh yeah, and how do you propose to get on top of it? We can't get near without being flattened by it." She just gave me a smile which made me uneasy. "Pinkie...what are you thinking?" She brings out her party cannon out of a bush and places it in front of me. She than moves behind me and lifts me up and pushes me into the cannon. "PINKIE!! What the fuck are you thinking?" She ignores me moves around the cannon to aim directly to manticore, as it is distracted by fighting with Rainbow trying to get her out of the air. "PONY AWAY" She screamed as she presses the button on the cannon and makes me go flying through the air. "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITT!!!" What else was I suppose to say? I was being FIRED from Pinkie's cannon. I was sent rear first towards the manticore, as I didn't have time to turn inside the cannon to face forward. The manticore starts to turn around just in time to get hit in the face by my flank. The hit didn't do very much but manage to stunt it, while I flipped in the air to land on the back of the manticore. I open my eyes to stare down into the dark ones of the manticore, staying there for nearly a minute before I manage to say something. "Hi?" It was not happy to see me, and I wasn't really overjoyed by the idea either. So it immediately starts to trash and buck about, trying to fling me off its back. But I just held on to its mane, not daring to let go as my life was probably depending on it. "Yewhaa, ride'em good partner, now ya'all gotta take the bull by the horns" "NOT HELPING APPLEJACK." It was getting harder to hold on to the hair, getting more tire by the second as it moved more violent. I slipped a bit to a side but manage to save myself from falling by holding on to one of the ears, this caused it to roar in pain and start running the direction of where I was pulling the ear. I then saw what I needed to do, I went to grab the other ear with my other hoof, it was hard as they were far apart from each other. I pulled hard by the other ear which earned me a roar of pain and a turn in the direction that I pulled. "I got you now pussy." "Luis watch out, a tree in front-" everyone started saying "What?" Next thing I know, I smash in front of a tree with the manticore as well. "Ooooohh." I fell down to the ground, the manticore falling next to me; both of us were really stunned by the hit and could barely make out the surroundings. I tried to stand up, but a searing pain shot from my left hoof, I whimpered a bit at the pain as I tried to get away from the manticore. The growl from the manticore stopped me in my tracks, feeling the hot breath as it breathed on my shoulder, I could feel the hatred that it emanated from it. I turn around slowly, the light from the orb making the face of the manticore even more terrifying, it rose in two legs, shifting all of his weight to deliver a massive pound to me. I closed my eyes, waiting for the pain that the massive arms would do, but then I heard the sound of the air being ripped apart and the roar of the manticore in pain, I opened my eyes to look as four strings were attached to the side of the manticore, in the other end stood Rarity who was about to cast a spell. In a flash, Rarity let out the spell that sent an electrical charge through the strings, the manticore convulsing as it's body was assaulted by the massive energy that most likely would kill it. I t lasted for about ten seconds before it finally stop, Rarity looked exhausted from the magical strain. Then the body of the manticore started to fall, I didn't have time to react to it, so before I could even say anything I was buried under the body of a massive and very heavy manticore. "Oh horse feathers, I hope he's ok." Rainbow said as she flew to the body of the manticore, the girls following behind her. "Hey Luis, are you ok?" Pinkie asked like nothing was happening. "mmph. phisd phin..." came the muffle voice of me." Sorry, you have to say it louder." Pinkie, your impossible. "Get. This Thing. Off of Me." "Ooooh, why didn't you say so silly?" Seriously, if it wasn't for the fact that the body of a manticore was in top of me, I would have facehoof so hard, that I would have probably have given myself a concussion. But I didn't have to wait at all, because soon the body of the manticore started to evaporate into a black mist just like the Timberwolf, the weight of the body disappearing and the mist going away from where we were. "How are you feeling?" "I'm fine Twilight, just a broken hoof? ankle? leg? I don't know" Fluttershy launched herself at me, but instead of the expected worry reaction, I was confronted with a...scolding. "Why did you put yourself in danger again? it was hard enough that we though you were dead back at my house, now you want us to feel that again?" Everyone took a step back, not really expecting her to react that way. "Please Shy, calm down; I only got a broken...thing, no need to worry about it." "But that's exactly what I mean, you got hurt, but what if next tie is worst? What if next time is something we can't fix?" She was now flying to get the upper hand, trying to make me as small as possible. Well I wasn't about to let her. "I don't know, but that it's not important, all I wanted to do was to protect you all, even if it was Pinkie's idea to get me on top of the manticore, I would have still tried to do something." "If you care for us then why make us worry about you? If you wanted to protect us then you wouldn't put yourself at risk, we don't want to lose you again." she looked away and said another thing in a very low voice. "I don't want to lose you again." I didn't know what to say then, she was right about some things, I wasn't really a fighter and just slowed the girls down, even Shy had her Stare if she needed to defend herself. But I had nothing, just luck and my friends to relay on; but that didn't mean I was going to stand there and watch as they fought, I will tried to help them anyway I could no matter what. But was it really worth it? Fluttershy looked at me, seeing as I was uncertain as to what to think, so she decided to cut the discussion there. "We'll talk about this later, let's just keep going." She started to trot off towards where the mist had disappear to. "Don't worry Luis, we are here for you." Rainbow said, as the rest of the girls gave me a small reassuring smile. "Thanks girls, I just hope this all turns well." I looked back towards to where Fluttershy was going, her shape starting to get out of the reach of the light from the orb. 'I just wish I could tell the whole reason as to why I'm doing this' I though to myself as we started to move, Twilight concentrating on a spell to heal my hoof. > Trials of the Night - Pt. 3 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Nightmare watched as the ponies left the area where the fight with the manticore had happen, not liking one bit the resulting outcome. "This is just annoying, how can a bunch of stupid ponies get to beat a whole pack of wolves and an overly size lion?" It wasn't please at its fail attempts to getting rid of them, and they were starting to come really close to its hiding place. "Confound this ponies and their luck, they drive me to madness." It took a sigh before regaining its posture. "No matter, with my next trick I shall finally have them at my mercy." Like last time, a small orb appeared out of one of its claws before going into the orb showing the ponies, going away from the trail and having to go by a cliff side, making them have to go around for them to reach the castle. "Like the old saying goes, the bigger the better." The image in the orb changed to show a deep dark cave on one of the sides from the cliff, where something big and reptilian like could be seen moving. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So let me get this straight?" I have been listening to Rarity’s explanation to her using that electrical spell, and supposedly an explosion spell for when I confronted the Timberwolf. “You use the electricity to charge your dresses?" "You’re misunderstanding darling, I use it to charge the gems that I use on the dresses, and it always makes them shine even more than when standing under the spotlight." "I guess that makes sense, and your explosion spell?" "Well, I needed to get gems from time to time, and I not always had my Spikey Whikey to help me out. So I had to use other means to get the gems." "Really, just blow the ground to find gems?" It sounded a bit odd that Rarity would do something like that in a regularly basis. "I know it’s not the most subtle of ways, but it got the job done." She frowned a bit when she remembered something. "The only downside of it was that I would get my coat filthy. Oh the horror, my perfectly refined coat ruined by the harshness of work." I just rolled my eyes at her, 'typical Rarity'. "Oh please Rarity, you get yourself cover in mud when you go to the Spa, and you complain from a bit of dust." "Now Rainbow, the difference between getting filthy and having a mud bath, is that one makes my whole being more radiant and glamorous, while the other ruins it." Rarity said lifting her head high in the air. "Whatever." Rainbow said rolling her eyes at her friend’s response. "Tell us again Twilight, why are we going around the path instead of going with it? It’s going to take us twice as long to get there." Twilight turn her head around to look at Rainbow, who was looking rather impatient at the moment. "You know why Rainbow, Zecora told us of this new patch of Poison Joke that is near the path, which right now is releasing spores that have the same effect as the flowers when we touch them. I we can’t all fly like you and go over it." "Fine, but we better get there fast, I want to get my hooves on that Nightmare’s head and teach him a lesson." "We know Dash, we know." We all said together, which earned a few giggles and a frown from Rainbow. We had to move out of the path like Twilight said, and instead we had to go by a cliff side of a mountain, which overlooked the everfree and the castle from where we were. "Anyone have a way to pass time? Cause I really bored here." Rainbow said, her expression expressed what she said, boredom. "Oh I know, let’s play 'I spy'. I spy with my little eye, something beginning with...H." "A hat?" Rainbow said, taking Applejack’s hat off of her, just to receive a punch from her making her drop the hat, back to its owner’s head. "Nope." "A hawk?" Twilight said, pointing with a hoof to a bird that was flying in the distance. "Nah-ah" "A helicopter?" I said which made everyone turn to me with a really confused look. "Not even close, come on it’s not hard." "Is it a-" Fluttershy didn't get to finish, as a loud roar that came from on top of us filled our ears. When we looked up our eyes shrunk with terror, and we all said in unison with total fear in our voices. "HYDRAAAAA" "Correct, don’t you love this games?" Pinkie said with a big grin plastered on her face. We all shoot a glare at her, telling her to shut up and take this serious. The Hydra, which shared the same black eyes as the other creatures before, roared again, shaking the whole ground and making a few rocks to fall off the side or to slide down. The Hydra looked a bit smaller to the one I had seen on the show, this one being about three meters smaller, but still really big for a pony, and also having only three heads which all shared the same hating glare towards us. "Everypony, RUN." Twilight screamed, running ahead into the path, everyone else following behind, the hydra started to slide down the side of the hill, coming down to the path that we were one. The vibration from these making bigger rocks to start sliding down towards the path ahead of us. "This is a very weird DeJa Vu." Pinkie said, going to one side as a rock fell just a moment ago. "Come on guys, it can’t follow us in this path, its way too narrow for it run." "Don’t Jinx it Twilight." Too late, as a large boulder started to fall ahead of us, the large size of it would be enough to block our path. "Double time everypony." Rainbow said, getting ahead of us and getting to the other side of where the boulder would land. Unfortunately, my injured hoof started to pain me again, Twilight warned me of not overworking myself, as the healing spell would only mildly head any problems, but would need to go to a hospital if I wanted to have it heal fully. I stumble to the ground, picking up dirt as I rolled to a stop, the girls didn't notice me until they had gotten to the other side, by which it was too late to even try to get to them, as the boulder reached the path and to make it worse, broke the whole section that it hit, dragging it with it to the bottom of the cliff to the everfree. The roars from the hydra were now closer than before; the path was still large enough for it to walk on it. "Hang on Luis; we are coming to get you." They said as they still tried to avoid the rocks that were still falling down. "You can’t, you’ll get crush by the rocks if you stay there, just get out of here." "We are not leaving ya behind; we can still get out of here together." Applejack said as she sidestepped from the path of a large boulder. "No you can’t." I turn around and started to limp away from the edge of the hole in the path. "I'll meet you up ahead, wait for me there." "Luis comeback." Fluttershy said, starting to fly after me, just for her path to be cut as more rocks started to slide in a larger number. "We have to go Fluttershy; he'll be fine I promise." Rainbow said as she pulled Shy by the tail. It took a moment for her before coming with the girls. In the mean time I was trying to find a section of the path that was overlooking a small lake early. The pain in my hoof was getting worse as I put more pressure to the offended limb, but I still manage to find the lake that I saw before, only luck wasn't in my side. The hydra was standing directly on top of the section of the path that overlooked the lake. ‘Why do you hate me so much universe?’ It stood there, all three of its heads looking at me, waiting to see what my next move would be; I guess that they all share the memory of the other creatures that we have defeated, as it was not going to make a mistake so easily. I didn't know what to do, there was no way I could beat this thing with the magic I know, and my only escape option was directly underneath of it. I didn't have much time to think as it started to advance slowly towards me, and hoof wasn’t gonna let me outrun it any time soon. With no much choice left, I came up with a small plan in my head, if I could use a very powerful stunt spell, maybe I could make it lose focus, just long enough to slip underneath him and jump to the lake, where luck would play the rest. I started charging the spell to my horn, pouring as much magic as I could so I had the best chance. I waited until he came at about three meters away from me before I released it, immediately I started running, not paying attention as one of the heads slapped the spell away, before bringing one of its large feet to pin me down to the ground. I screamed as my whole body was the victim to the Hydra’s strength and weight. I opened my eyes to see as the three heads eyed me, a mocking smirk plastered in their faces, their heads reared back as at the same time it opened its mouths wide open, revealing set after set of razor sharp teeth. I closed my eyes, getting ready once again for what would be my death. Until a deep rumbling filled my ears, the Hydra had turn its heads towards the face of the cliff, and a clear shock face was displayed on each of the heads. If there is one thing I have to say about myself in that moment is that I must have the biggest luck that one could hope for. Unknown to me or the Hydra, the stunt spell that had been slapped away had found its way to a large rock that was lodged to the side of the cliff, the strength of the spell was all it needed to loosen it and make it roll down the cliff’s face, which managed to hit the hydra and me off the path that we were on. I was sent flying in the air, my head hitting rock after rock as I fell towards the lake that was at the bottom of the cliff, unfortunately the hydra didn't have the same luck, as for when it hit the ground it was buried by the rocks that had fall off the cliff, ending its rampage and turning it back into that black mist, which rocketed towards the castle, where it’s master awaited. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The girls were waiting in a small clearing that let a bit of the moonlight to seep through the canopy; they had been worry about their friend’s safety after hearing the second rock slide which soon was followed by the black mist that always seemed to come out of the creatures that were sent by the Nightmare. Twenty minutes, for twenty minutes they waited in silence, the only sounds were of their breathing and the sound of the few creatures of the forest walked around. "I can’t take this anymore. I need to see Luis again." Fluttershy yelled as she unfurled her wings ready to take off in search for the mentioned pony. "Whoa there sugarcube, ya can’t just go fer him like tha’, ya’all just gotta wait fer him here." "But I can’t Applejack, he could be hurt and isn’t able to comeback by himself, we need to find him quickly." "Fluttershy, we can’t just go in there like that, what if more of those Nightmare minions show up and we are separated?" Twilight said, trying to make her feel better. "And what if one of them finds him? I already lost him once, and I don’t want that to happen again ever." "You won’t have Shy." The girls turn around to the source of the voice, and upon looking at it, they had shock looks. I stood there, my whole body full of bruises and scratches, my bad hoof was even worse than before, as it now was bent a bit in a weird angle, but despite that I could just smile at them, glad to see them they were ok. "Luis darling, what in Tartarus happened to you?" "Oh nothing really." I tried to walk normally towards them, but my hurt arm made it nearly impossible. "Nrghh, just fell down a cliff to a small lake." "You WHAT?" Everyone shouted, surprised that I manage to survive that, I am myself still surprise I did too. "Please guys, stop taking it so bad, I’m alive, and thou not really intact, I’m still standing." Although the feat was really hard at the moment. "That’s it, just why are you so calm about this? You have been put against the face of death three times, and you take it like it’s no big deal." Fluttershy was now raging at my actions and the girls were a bit scared of her at the moment. "I told you before; I just want to protect all of you, no matter what I’m not going to let anything happen to you guys." "We can take care of ourselves too you know, we don’t need you to jump at every danger that comes our way. We have face dragons, diamond dogs, manticores, changelings, even Nightmare Moon. What makes it so different about these ones that you need to risk your life?" "They are made from my Nightmare; you have no idea what he’s like and what he has done to me." "Then tell us, that way we know what we are facing and you don’t need to face this alone." "No. What he has done stays with me; there are things that are best left in the dark for others." I was starting to shed a few tears, having to remember the horrors I have seen. "I won’t take a ‘no’ for an answer; tell me what is so bad about it, why do you need to keep it a secret, just why do you need to put your life on the line?" "I told you, it’s best if I keep it to myself, I don’t want you to know of what he has caused." "You either tell me or I tell Twilight to use her memory spell to show us instead." She looked at Twilight which made her shrink down at Fluttershy’s gaze. "No, you can’t. Please, the last thing I want is for you to live them like I did." I was now scare of what would happen if they actually saw them rather than imagining it. "Then tell us, why do you risk your life for us every time we face one of the creatures from the Nightmare?" "B-because..." I took a deep breath, trying to find the courage to say it, to tell them what I know. "Because I don’t want to relive my nightmares." "That’s all?" Fluttershy was about to say something else, but I stopped her by starting to talk again. "Every time I had that dream, it was always the same. I would wake up in this forest, where not a sound could be heard, the trees were dead, the ground showed no signs of ever growing anything, and a deep mist would always stop me from seeing where to go. "I would start walking, never knowing what to expect, the trees always seemed to try at trap me with their branches. And out of the mist would see at some point I would see a friend of mine in the mist, fighting a large wolf, a dark wolf with red eyes. "They would always see me and scream for my help, screaming as the wolf tried to kill them. I would try to help them, but my body wouldn't move, no matter what I tried to do I couldn't move, and then the mist would go around them, hiding them from my view just for me to hear horrible cry of pain and then...silence. "Then my body would start to move on its own, making me go to where they were before, only for me to find a slaughtered body of my friend, it’s body filled with gashes from claws, dripping blood freely from all of the wounds that were made. "But the worst part would always be their eye. No matter from where I looked them from, they would always look at me, asking me why? Why didn't I try to do anything? Why did I leave them to die like that? "I would just then start moving again, to another direction, the eyes still burning as I walked. Just for the same thing to happen again, only to someone in my family, and uncle, a cousin, my grandparents. And they would have the same eyes, blaming me, accusing me, making my whole being feel horrible. "Just to make it worst, as my family would be next, only this time I would see it. I would see as that wolf would tear through their flesh, cracking their bones with its mouth, and when it was all over their bodies would talk to me, saying the same thing every time, 'you’re worthless'" By the end I had broken down putting my head between my hooves, just thinking about it was horrible and I would do anything to forget about it. "It was horrible, seeing all of that every time, waking up day after day with the horror that you saw last night. I couldn't take it anymore, it was haunting me and I wanted out. "So I tried to kill myself." I looked up to see the girls with horror on their faces, but I just continued, "I didn't know what to do, for months I would have those dreams and I didn't know what to do. I’m just glad that my parents caught me on the act, after that they took to a special psychiatrist, he helped me to forget about the dreams, to forget the pains, and made me have a normal life again." I looked down again, feeling bad that all of this was happening again. "But after I got here and found out it was still alive and now real, I just couldn't let it try and do what he did to me to anyone. I wouldn't stay still when I could do something, I will do anything to stop it from doing any harm if I can. "That’s why I've been risking my life all this time, if anything happened to you guys because of my nightmare, I... I would..." I didn't know what to say, just the idea made feel horrible. I felt a hoof rest on both of my shoulders. I looked up to see a crying Fluttershy. "Don’t keep things like that from us please, we care for you and we don’t want anything like that eating you from the inside." She tried to smile at me, trying to make me feel better. "Fluttershy I-I-I..." I couldn't hold it back anymore, so I let it all out, all the pain, all my worries, everything. I just cried on Fluttershy's shoulder, with her stroking my mane softly. "There, there now; let it out, just let it all out." Her voice soothing me as all of the girls joined in on the embrace. I don’t know for how long I cried but I didn't care, I just needed to let it go for me, for the girls... for Fluttershy. > Trials of the Night - Pt. 4 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back at the castle, the normal silent in the air broken by the sound of cracking stone. In the dark throne room, the Nightmare was squeezing hard the arm rests of the throne that he was sitting on, it still made him wonder why would some stupid ponies would need arm rests when they always have their hooves on the ground. He was looking at the crystal orb which showed him the ponies gathered around his old creator, consoling him from the retell of his old nightmares. While the scene brought some amusement to him, he was still mad at seeing not only that the stupid Hydra had failed to stop them, but also seeing his creator still alive after that big of a fall. "That stupid human, why is he still alive after all of this? He was eaten whole by a giant wolf, trampled over by a oversize lion, crushed under a prehistoric lizard and fell from nearly 80 feet. How much does it take to kill this pest? He ranted over the incredible odds that his creator had gone through. The orb now showed the ponies starting to head off, they were now a couple of minutes away from reaching him and if that legend had the slight less change to come true, he would do anything to either eliminate his creator or one of the other ponies. I don't have much time, I need to find a way to stop them, but how? my best beasts have already being used. He pondered out loud, looking around trying to find some sign, some clue that told him what to do. The only thing present were the old raged flags of the princesses that hung off the walls. His mind stopped thinking as he just realize that he still had one more beast to play, no, two beasts, and he was a fool for not thinking this before. A small grin started to appear on his nuzzle as he extended his other claw out, two new spheres of light appearing before moving towards the orb and sinking in. I hope you are prepare this time Luis, because there is nothing you can do to defeat this two. The image on the orb changed to show a dark section of the forest, the moonlight that seeped through the foliage making glint something metal like. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We were back on the track now, the castle was now only a couple of minutes away from now. I was now limping along as I rested my good arm around Fluttershy's neck. Having to now wear an improvised splint on my bad arm, Twilight told me that it wasn't a good idea to recast a healing spell more than once every couple of hours, saying something about bone and magic not being too stable on a really direct approach. I trusted her word for it, as I still don't have a very good understanding on the actual magic. We have been walking for some time now in silence, since I told them about what I have been through in the past. They seemed like they wanted to say something to me, trying to reassure me about everything, making me take my mind off the issue. But they couldn't think of anything to say as they were still unsure about the whole thing. The silence was broken when Rainbow Dash spoke. "Hey guys look, we are here." I looked at the direction she was referring to, and sure enough I could see the small clear patch that made room for the rope bridge. "Is it me or those it look even less stable than last time?" Pinkie said as she went ahead to inspect the bridge that we would use to cross the gap between. "It is quite old Pinkie, it still amazes me that it has remain here for all this centuries." Twilight said "Can we cut the talking and go to the other side already? I'm tired of waiting around." Dash was at the front of the bridge waiting for everyone else to follow. We really didn't want make Dash more impatient than she already was, and to avoid any more complaints we went to the bridge. We were about set our hooves on the wooden boards of the bridge a strong gust started blowing. the wind so strong that I had to close my eyes and put my arm in front of me. "Hey, who turn on the wind?" Pinkie said as she tried to fight against the strong wind. "This wind isn't normal, somepony is casting it." Twilight said as she was lowered on the ground, avoiding as much wind as possible from dragging her form. "Well we know who is doing it, so bring it on ugly, throw us the best you got." Rainbow Pinkie then stop struggling against the wind, or rather stop moving at all as her tail was twitching like crazy. "Twitchy twitch twitchy." She screamed out loud for all of us to hear against the strong winds. We all looked up, knowing what that pinkie sense meant. In the sky we could see a bright ball of energy flying towards us, with us unable to move because of the wind. "Dash." I said with a deadpan tone as best as I could while shouting. "Y-Yeah?" "Sometimes, I hate you." I manage to yell at her before the energy ball hit us, sending us flying away with the wind, away from the castle and back into the forest. The whole world was spinning around as I flew through the air, I could see the girls screaming and dash trying hard to regain her balance in the air. I looked down, or at least where I though down was, and saw that we were about to land in a small clearing, a little bit off from the path that we have taken. "Hang on everypony." I heard Twilight yell and saw her horn shine. In a flash we were surrounded by a bubble shield of magenta magic. When we hit the ground I was surprise to feel like I was in a bouncing house, it felt like the air around was absorbing the impact and was slowing me down. Twilight then released her magic and the shield disappeared, I was fortunate enough to have Twilight catch me in mid air, so my broken arm didn't get any more damage than it was. "Everypony alright?" We all nodded at Twilight's question, which her sigh with relief. "I hope you weren't planing on visiting the master? He is busy right now trying to conquer this land." Came a feminine voice out of the shadows, you could feel the mocking grin in her voice. "Who is it? Show yourself." Rainbow yelled to the darkness around, wanting to already kick the flank of whoever the voice belonged to. "My, my, and here I was expecting better from my subjects." The voice said followed by a mocking laugh. "Twilight, I'm sacred." Fluttershy was shaking next to me, shrinking in size at the situation at hand/hoof. I tried my best at calming her by rapping an arm around her, which work a little as she started to shake less. "I believe that punishment is due to them dear sister" Came a new voice. And when it said that, my blood froze over. I knew who the voices belonged to and I'm sure the girls knew too, their faces in a fit of shock and terror. "I believe you're right Luna" The voice that I recognize as Celestia's spoke up, and from the shadows her form creeped out. The moonlight shinning off the surface of her royal garments, which seemed to be of a darker shade than usual, and her eyes as black as the ones of the other creatures that we encountered on our way here. "So which of our subjects do you wish to punish?" From where Celestia came from, Luna appeared now, everything about her was the same, only that the stars of her mane were missing, her eyes the same as Celestia's and she wore a evil grin. She looked directly at us, deciding which one of us she would punish with all of her might. "I think I'll be taking this three." Her horn started shinning and my vision changed to a more bluish shade before I felt myself rising to the air. Looking to my sides I saw Applejack and Rainbow being levitated on by Luna's magic, both of them trying to fight against her grip. "I guess that leaves me with my student and the rest of her friends." Celestia spoke as her horn started to shine too. The shape of a sword started forming in the air and soon the sword that I had seen on my dream was floating in front of Celestia. Only this one was the color of Onyx and the tunes that adorn the blade were a bloody red. And were the shield of Equestria was engraved, was the head of a black wolf, the eyes were like rubies that seemed to have a shine of their own. "Have fun Luna." In an instant I was sent flying towards the far side of the clearing. Where I smash to the side of a tree and fell to the ground, fortunately I didn't land on top of my broken arm, but it still sent a flash of pain when I hit the ground. I tried to stand up again but then I felt pressure on my neck pinning me down, I cracked my eyes open to see Luna looking directly at me, her horn shone and two cutlass form out of her magic. "You will be the first to know what happens when you try to stop the master." She rose her swords high in the air. But before she could even thrust them down, a rainbow blur smash right to her side, sending her a few meters to the side. "Not on my watch." Rainbow said while fuming a puff of steam out of her nostrils. "You dare fight back against your ruler?" Luna was now looking at Rainbow with anger in her eyes. "Ye aren' awr princess, ye are jus a plain ol' illusion cast by that nightmare." Applejack said from my side, having recovered from being toss across by Luna. Luna just started laughing at AJ's statement like it was some kind of joke. "What's so funny?" Rainbow was eyeing Luna carefully, in case she decided to just jump at us when our guard was a bit down. "Hahahaha, you really believe that we are just mere illusions?" She lowered her swords a bit, making it clear that she wasn't going to fight yet. "We are more than that, we are created from the actual magic energy that our master has collected from its victims. Haven't you though why didn't he summon a dragon from the very beginning, a Ursa Major or even a minor? Why didn't he create this 'shadows' as he likes to refer to us, since the moment he arrived here?" "Because he was injured. At least I think so." I wasn't sure if it was because of that. I had injured him really bad on that realm between my dreams and the real world, but maybe it was something else all together. "Although it is true that he was injured when he got free, it is not the main reason. He needs a life, a base if you wish." When she mentioned the part about the life I got worried about our safety. "He lacks the magic that humans have to imagine and create, so the only way for him to summon any shadows for him to command he -" "Needs the actual pony? Ah still don't get it, that still makes ya a mere illusion." Applejack pointed out, still at the ready in case of Luna attacking. "That is the good part. Because he cannot create anything, he has to use something that already exists. So tell me, how can I be here if he cannot create me? I have to come from somewhere, but where?" She was now looking me directly at me, looking at me like I knew the answer. Which I did. "No, you can't be Luna." Both Rainbow and Applejack looked at me, their eyes open in shock at what I said. "She isn't like this at all, you can't be her." "But I am." Both Applejack and Rainbow looked towards Luna again, this time with fear. "And let me tell you now. Whatever you do to me, the Luna that you know also feels it." She raised her swords again, and she was grinning at us evilly, now that she knew that we would hold back against her. "Let's see if you dare hurt me now." She started walking towards us slowly. We could just stare there frozen in fear, not knowing what to do to stop her. If we attacked her we would hurt the actual Luna that we know, but if didn't do anything we would be killed. I looked towards where Twilight and the others were. Celestia was striking a shield spell that Twilight had cast around her and the other. Each hit made the whole shield to faze in and out, Twilight struggling to keep the shield up, Rarity pouring magic of her own into the shield as well. Pinkie was standing behind them, going around inside the shield trying to figure out what to do, that or she was so scare that she was doing a Rarity from when she got her hair turn green. And Fluttershy was curled up into a ball, crying her eyes out as she was terrified at was happening. But I could see in her eyes that she wasn't scared about Celestia trying to kill her. She was scared about losing all of us. I'm not sure how I knew, but I was right, she didn't want anything to happen to anyone, not her friends or me. That was all I needed to stand up to Luna. I slowly stood up, shifting my weight to my good hoof to avoid any displeasure from my broken one. Luna noticed me immediatly showing a mocking. "So what do you wish, a quick or slow death? I myself would prefer a slow one, its so much fun to see you beg for mercy." I didn't respond, instead I focused my sight to Luna's spell, analyzing the type of magic that she was using and the way she was shaping it. I closed my eyes trying to picture the spell as my own, I could feel a tingling sensation going through my body all the way to my horn, as I tried to cast the spell. "Luis, what are you doing?" Rainbow said, I'm sure she was confused at my action. When the spell about ready I opened my eyes looking at Luna, who also wore a look of confusion and curiosity. I then felt an intense pain go through my head, nearly making my concentration over the spell I was trying to cast. Just as expected. I remember when Twilight was teaching me about magic and how to use. She explained to me about the principle of an magic spell, that they all came to be from trial and error. Because of the complexity of some spells scrolls were created by the unicorns that first cast the spell, as a way to improve. But one bit about all of this that stuck out the most for me was how many others tried to steal the credit from the unicorns, by observing the caster and the spell in action one could decipher the structure of it and could try to replicate it, only that this had its risks. You could be lucky and copy the spell perfectly, but because you are going by what you think is right you could make a mistake. The spell could be too weak and not form at all, or it could be too powerful and do damage to the caster and its surroundings. And sometimes you could generate the spell but in a more unstable form, which tends to affect with the magic of the user. This is normally causes a headache and in some cases migraines as a way to tell the user to stop casting, as it could cause some serious damage both physically and mentally. But I didn't care about those, if I wanted to defend my friends then I had to endured it. I had already suffer going inside a timberwolf, being smash by a manticore, nearly crushed by a Hydra and survived a long fall from a cliff. a little pain was nothing. I open my eyes to see in front of me a small blade. It wasn't outstanding in any way, it was about half a meter long, was double edged and it seemed to by less sharp than most blades. There was some runes going along the blade, shining dimly with a red aura, while the whole blade levitated on my red magic field. I looked towards Luna again with her giving me a soft glare. "If you think I'm just gonna sit down and let a monster rule all of this world, then I have news for you." I moved into something of a battle stance, the weight of my body going a bit to my bad hoof. "I'll fight for this world safety or die trying before that even happens. I don't care if you really are Luna, if we stop now then everyone will fall upon darkness. So if you can hear me Luna, I'm sorry for hurting you." Luna flinched a bit, holding a hoof to her fore head muttering something under her breath before regaining her posture. "As you wish, but you can't win against me, I'm an alicorn and you a mere unicorn that barely even knows any magic." Just then a lasso flew straight to Luna and wrapped itself on Luna's horn, before being tugged violently and made Luna's face crash to the ground. I followed the rope to see Applejack holding the lasso on her mouth, her face bored a look of determination. "If ya think fer one moment thatwe are just gonna sit aroun' while you try and get yerself killed, then ya are gravely mistaken." She said as she pulled free the other end of her lasso under Luna's still buried face. "She's right, you have been risking your life all night for us, this time we are sticking together to the end." She said with a smallsmirk. "Besides, I'm the Element of Loyalty, it wouldn't be Loyal to let my friends fight alone. Plus with me at your side she is easy as apple pie." There she goes again, inflating her ego even more. "You dare attack me? You will all be strike down by my wrath." Luna said getting up from the ground, spitting some dirt that manage to get into her mouth. "Bring it on copy, lets see you handling me when I'm at top speed." Rainbow Dash launched herself towards Luna. But before she could connect, Luna dissipated into a dark mist and out of our view. "Hey that's no fair, come on coward face me coward, I can take you down without my wings." "If you insist." I watched in horror as Luna's mist appeared right behind Rainbow, and with a swift move from her hooves hit Rainbow right on the union where the wings connect to her back. Making Rainbow scream in agony as both her wings went limp and she crashed to the ground. "Rainbow! Ya just messed with the bull, nao ya are getting the horns." Applejack started galloping towards Luna who was flying in the air now. Applejack was spinning her lasso in the air with her tail, building momentum before sending it right towards Luna. Only for the whole lasso to be enveloped in Luna's magic change direction towards Applejack. She didn't have time to react as the ring of the lasso fell on her neck and tighten around her, while the rest of the rope twisted around her body until she was securely tied up so she couldn't move at all. "I'll deal with you two after I get rid of the other pest." Luna said with venom in her voice as she said the last part. She came towards me, summoning her blades again, ready to strike me down. I tried to back away, but my broken hoof wouldn't let me go back more than a few centimeters at a time. When Luna was about three meters from me, she lounged at me with both of her swords raised up to cut me down. By reflex I raised the blade that I still had casting, and when both stroked each other I felt a wave of extreme pain go through my head. It felt like someone had hit my bare brain with a baseball bat with spikes on it. "It hurts doesn't it? it takes years to master this spell so you don't feel anything when your blade hits something." She said before striking the blade again, even harder than last time making me fall to my knees. "And I had more than enough time to use it." I looked up to her, glaring at her for the way she was mocking me. "I'm nngh...not done yet." I said as another wave from the spell instability stroked me again. "No, but you will be now." She rose her swords again and delivered a hard blow. I used all of the strength that I had to raised my sword and block it. But when it hit, my blade was cut and I was sent flying back to smash towards a tree. But the moment my sword broke I was flooded with a wave of pain that should have made me go unconscious. In all my live I had never experience such amount of pain, it was like my mind was a glass cup, for it just to be shattered by a high pitch noise and for it to keep going, making every glass shard to vibrate in pain. I tried to get up, knowing that if I laid there Luna would just kill me. But I was stop by a hard stomp of a hoof in my chest. Luna was looking at me now with a look of victory on her face. "Any last words before it all ends." She had her swords positioned to strike my neck, like a executioner would. I couldn't think clearly, my head was still screaming in pain from the sword breaking and I couldn't think of what to do now. I looked behind Luna to see Applejack struggling hard to get free from the rope, and Rainbow was unconscious on the ground from the pain that she had experience and hitting her head o a rock on the ground. I looked back towards where the others and Celestia were. I could see now that Pinkie had stopped running inside the shield and was now aiming her party cannon towards Celestia. I could see small holes appear around the shield as needles from Rarity charged with either her explosive or electric magic to come out and try to hit Celestia. Who simply swatted the charged needles away with her sword. Twilight looked really drain, at least now she didn't have to pour so much magic into the shield as Celestia was being kept busy by Rarity's needles. But she was still struggling to keep the shield up. I looked towards Fluttershy, who was looking at me, terror and sadness was on her face, as she knew that I was about to be killed by Luna. I finally looked back a t Luna, still waiting for my answer to be told. All of this was happening too fast, we were so close to getting to the castle and fight my nightmare, we could save Equestria and try to free the ones that were captured by my nightmare. And now I was about to be killed by my favorite Princess. "This is great, I'm about to get killed by my favorite princess. This. is. so. PERFECT!" I don't know why I said that, but I guess the brony side of me just wanted to get that out. As a way to let Luna know I though she was better than Celestia. So I closed my eyes and waited for the end. And waited, and waited. But after a few seconds I knew that there was something weird going on. I slowly opened my eyes, still scared of having a blade being thrust into my body. But when I opened them I saw the blade was still raised in the executioner style, and Luna had her eyes wide open in shock, it was hard to tell by them being totally black and not having any iris. "Wh-what did you say" Luna spoke, this time sounding soft. I just stare at her, not sure what she meant. which she responded by moving her face to be an inch away from my face with a frown and placing her blade against my neck. "What did you say about me?" She shouted this time with frustration on her voice. I didn't want to question why she wanted to know, so I decided to just tell her. "I-I said you are my f-f-favorite Princess." After that I just stared at her, and she had her eyes opened wide again. I lay there with Luna still holding me in place, it started to get awkward after a bit, Luna was about to kill me but stopped when I said she was my favorite princess? Well I was glad that I was still alive anyways. "YEEEESSSSS! I win. Celestia owns me 1000 bits." Luna said suddenly, getting off me and getting rid of her magic blades. And just then she started to do a silly dance while standing on her two hind legs and moving her front hooves back and forth in front of her in a circular motion. All the while saying 'Go Luna, Go Luna' over and over again. If I was in some kind of manga world I sure I would be sweat dropping at the scene. After some time I decided to risk talk to Luna, seeing as she was not trying to kill me anymore. "Luna, is that you?" Luna stopped her victory dance and looked in my direction, giving me a smile. "Yes I am, why would you ask such an unusual question?" She then opened her eyes in shock. "I-I was trying to k-k-kill you. I-I..." She was shaking in fear now, the idea that she was responsible for the death of someone by her hands was just unthinkable. "Luna is ok, you weren't yourself, you were being control." I looked at her eyes and saw that they had loose a bit of the black that indicated that they were under my nightmares control. "I think you just broke from it for a bit, so with don't have much time before you are under the nightmares control again." "Scuse me, but can somepony get me out of this here rope?" I heard the voice of Applejack calling out, I totally forgot that she had been tied up. Luna walked to Applejack, I got nervous when I saw her summon a blade, but relax when I saw she was using it to cut the rope. After Applejack was set free she went to where Rainbow was laying, "Luna, what did ya do to Rainbow? she hasn' waken up for a long time." "I'm sorry, but I dislocated her wings to prevent her from flying for the rest of the fight. I still can't believe I could do all of this, I'm really a monster." "Wha' in tarnations are ya talking about? ya ain no monster, is that nightmare that was usin' ya." She said as she was now relocating Rainbows wings back in place. Putting back the first wing was all it took to make Rainbow wake up again. "ARRRGH, What the hay AJ?!? Are you trying to kill me?" "Sorry sugarcube, but yer wings were dislocated and ah needed to put 'em back in place. Now get ready while I do the other one." Rainbow nodded and in one move her other wing was put in place, while Rainbow held back a cry of pain. "Ok guys, we don't have long before Luna looses control of herself again, so we need to get Celestia off the others." I said, as I came limping towards where the others were. "Let me help, I can get my sisters attention while all of you get to the castle." Luna offered as she started to summon her magic blades. She then held her head as a headache pass through, her eyes now had gone a bit darker, but she was still in control of her actions. "Are you sure Luna? We don't want you to get hurt because of us." "I'm sure, this way I can buy you some time. And don't worry, I'm just a projection of my body I won't disappear if she delivers a killing blow." "Ok then, get ready to act when that shield drops." They all nodded in confirmation and I turned to where Twilight and the others were. Celestia was now back at striking the shield with all her might. I looked at Fluttershy who was looking at me pleased that I was safe. I tried to tell her to make Twilight drop her shield at my signal, which it seems she understood as she went to Twilight and whispered something in her ear. Twilight looked in our direction and was relieved to see all of us fine, she mouthed something that I understood as ready. I nodded to her and raised a hoof, I waited until the perfect moment when Celestia would strike the shield and have to recover. The moment came when I saw part of the shield in front of Celestia open and Pinkie fired her party cannon, sending a cannon ball right towards Celestia. That was when I shouted 'GO' and Luna rocketed towards Celestia as she was pushed back a bit by the cannon ball as she shielded from it. Celestia was too busy to see Luna coming at her that when she did she was thrown through the air, but she recovered quickly and skidded to a hold. "What do you think you are doing? We are suppose to kill this pests, not each other." Celestia said a she glared daggers towards Luna. "Silence, I'm no longer under the chain of command of these beast, and I won't allow you to harm anypony." She made herself go to a defensive stance, making clear that she was going to follow her word. "So you say, but once I'm finish with you or the master gets a hold of you again then there will be nothing stopping from doing what I want." Celestia said with a evil smirk spread across her nuzzle. "Good luck catching them before they reach the castle then." Luna smirked as Celestia now noticed that the other ponies were being enveloped on a blue magic aura, and this one was a teleportation spell. "NO, I won't allow you." Before I could see what happened next, I was surrounded by a bright light and then I found myself in front of the bridge that connected to the castle. "Quick, get to the other side, we don't know how much time we got." Twilight yelled as she quickly crossed the bridge. In the other side of the tree line I could see bright lights and booms going off. I felt a tug from behind me and saw that Fluttershy was hurrying me to cross the bridge. Pinkie, Rarity and Twilight were already at the other side, and Rainbow and Applejack wee in front of us. When we were about half way through the bridge I heard a screeching scream, as I looked back I saw a black mist like the other creatures from before pass right above our heads and go to the top of the castle. "I don't like the look of these." I said as I tried to hurry along the bridge. Just when I was about to set foot in the other side I feel a strong tug in my tail and I'm dragged back to the middle of the bridge. "Not so fast my little pony. I was sent to kill you and I intend to do so." I hear the voice of Celestia from behind me. When I turn around I couldn't believe what I saw. Celestia was covered in scorch marks and gashes all over her body, her armor was dented and broken in different sections. But what was more noticeable was that one of her wings had been cut across, rendering it useless. And her horn appear to have been cracked across, but it was still able to use magic. She had her sword summon and ready to impale me. I took a step back and the board under me broke off, making me nearly fall to my doom. I couldn't see the bottom and I sure wish I was able to fly if I fell down. I looked up and saw Celestia steeping on the bridge, coming closer to the middle where I stood. I wouldn't be able to make it back in time to the other side where the girls were, so we could cut the bridge and make Celestia fall. And there was no way I could beat Celestia in a duel, so that left one option. I try to summon again my blade, this time it was easier as I was able to alter it to have a more desirable result, but it still sent a small wave of pain to my head, and I was sure I was gonna feel pain when I hit something with the sword. "Do you really think that you can beat me? I defeated Luna and she is an alicorn, what makes you think you have a chance?" "Girls, get ready to catch." I shouted to make sure they could hear me. The girls were confused by what Luis had said. "Ready to catch, what is he talking about?" Rainbow looking at the unicorn on the bridge as he was wrapping a leg to one of the ropes and raising the blade that he hold slightly. Just then she realize what he meant by catch and the rest of the girls knew too. "Oh by Celestia, is he nuts?" "He's no nuts." Pinkie said to answer Rainbows question. "he's crazy." "I don't have a chance against you Celestia." I said which made her grin slightly. "But I don't need to. And I'm sorry." I raised my sword higher and proceeded to bring it down to cut the rope of the bridge. Only it was stop by Celestia's sword before it even touched it. The impact of my sword against Celestia's was enough to send me to my knees, still weak from the last time I tried to use the sword against Luna. "Did you really think I didn't notice your stupid attempt from the beginning? Well I did, and now prepare to die." I saw Celestia raising her sword and was positioned to be planted in my chest. But before she could thrust it forward I saw Fluttershy slamming against Celestias head, making her loose balance for a moment. Long enough for me to take my blade and slice through the rope, which made my head feel like it was been scratch by sandpaper. I then felt the sensation of falling, the bridge giving in and snapping off, making it unusable and letting the ponies that were on top to fall. Those being Celestia and me. But I didn't fall for long as I felt a pair of hooves wrap against me and start raising me up. I looked down to see the form of Celestia falling through the mist that was collected at the bottom, with her being unable to fly she could only scream in rage as she fell. Fluttershy managed to put me on the ground where the others were waiting, glad to see me I was ok. Then we heard a loud roar of anger coming from the top of the castle. Looking up I saw the dark mist like the others, going towards the same tower as before. "Well this is it then? We finally arrived." I said as I examined the whole castle from up close, it was even bigger in person than it was when I watched it on the show. "It is. And are you really going to fight it? after all that you have been through?" Twilight said from behind. "Yes, yes I will." I said without hesitation. I heard her sigh deeply, but I didn't turn around, I knew that she didn't want me to risk myself anymore after all I've been through. "Of course you are." She said in a deadpan tone. I started walking towards the main doors of the castle. but I stopped when something hit me on the back of the head, making me fall quickly unconscious. The last thing I manged to see was Twilight holding a large tree branch on her magic. Then black.