> The Genius Named Starswirl > by WinterTwister > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Starswirl's Studies. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal entry #1 May 12th, Year 1542 I have been appointed one of Canterlot's researchers in the field of magic. I now deem it suitable to keep a record of my findings. I was surprised to see Celestia herself come to my humble home in Ponyville and offer me to come to the castle. To this day I have no idea why she came to me, my feats have been minimal and only within my aid to the village, but I should not question something so charitable to my studies. I suppose I should start in my part in extending the knowledge of the magical boundaries, But I do feel as if I'm in need of a shave...no I must not waste a moment of this opportunity, I shall shave later. Journal entry #2 May 17th, Year 1542 I have stumbled upon a codec language in the wavelength of unicorn magic, if I were to decode this language... the possibilities would be endless. I shall pour every ounce of my being into deciphering this code. Journal entry #3 July 2nd, Year 1542 The language of the magical wavelengths were stumbling but I managed to find a basis on which they speak to the world around them. I have not slept soundly in the past month; my sleep has been ruptured by the torture of my inability to read this code. It is late; hopefully I am able to sleep well enough so I can properly present my findings to the princess. Journal entry #4 July 3rd, Year 1542 Princess Celestia had praised me for my findings on the language of magic; it feels undeserving because of my only meager findings on the code. She told me that I should not think of it as a small feat, but the foundation of my future studies that would only improve. Improve? That was a word I understood well. Arguments on a utopian society never appealed to me. If you are already perfect, where is the room for improvement? Journal entry #5 July 4th, Year 1542 A local professor at the University of Magic came to my studies today and asked me to come and lecture the students to help boost morale in their own studies. Young minds, so much potential and they cannot grasp the idea of their own success exceeding their teachers. Perhaps that's what I should lecture them about. Journal entry #6 July 5th, Year 1542 I was gathering my books as I finished lecturing the class and a group of colts were talking in a group about the lecture. They appear to have nicknamed me Starswirl the Bearded, I thought that was preposterous considering I didn't have a beard; at least until I looked down at my chest and saw that I did indeed have a beard! I still haven't shaved since I came to the castle. The nickname appeals to me, so I don't think I will shave now. I was then leaving the classroom when the professor gifted me a wonderful pipe for sharing my time with them. I am very grateful for the pipe and have been enjoying its luxury. Journal entry #7 August 13th, Year 1542 I have created a spell in which it acts like a template to create new spells within it, like a hollow plastic container you melt into a certain shape and then you give it power. I named the spell Aminomorphasis and as soon as it was complete I rushed to Princess Celestia to tell her the news. She was stunned at my spell and gifted me a phoenix so that I would be able to contact her more efficiently with constant progress on my research. I named the phoenix Philomena. Journal entry #8 August 14th, Year 1542 This phoenix is quite the help, but also an occasional trickster that was to be lectured. I am grateful for the Princess’s gift and as a child I never owned a pet regardless of my pleas to my parents. I must get back to work. Journal entry #9 September 20th, Year 1542 I have been inspired by the needs of local ponies to create spells that were much needed and oddly have not been created, so I have taken the liberty of creating them myself and published them into a book called 'Household Spell Weaving.' I hope that it helps the local ponies in Canterlot. Journal entry #10 September 23rd, Year 1542 My book was instantly popular and bought not only by a grand majority of Canterlot citizens but copies were sent all over Equestria. 'Masterful spells.' some called them. I do not want to be remembered for creating a spell that removes dust from a shelf, or an animation spell that gave a broom a mind of its own. If I am to truly leave a legend for myself I must focus on my studies more than ever, in fear that I will be remembered as a janitor spell-caster. Journal entry #11 September 24th, Year 1542 Princess Celestia had again acknowledged me for another small feat. She offered to gift me a set of robes of my choosing and I became giddy like a young foal waiting for Hearth Warming Eve morning and immediately started on a design for a robe that I thought was masterful in style. I gave her my design and she told me that she would have them ordered right away. Journal entry #12 October 9th, Year 1542 My robes arrived today and the product was stunning, I now feel as if they are a second coat to me. The bells calm my mind and the star pattern was expertly copied and I find myself sometimes distracted gazing at the pattern. Journal entry #13 October 11th, Year 1542 I attended a celebration yesterday in honor of Princess Luna. 'Lunar Night' Where the princess changes the moon to a red hue of color and a feast is held in the castle. I found myself not wanting nourishment and wanted to gaze longer at the stunning moon. I found a high balcony in the castle where I met the company of Princess Luna. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starswirl walked out of the castle into a balcony that hanged off of a high tower. "Oh most wonderful of nights..." He said as he walked to the edge and leaned on the stone railing gazing at the moon. "The moon is so majestic, yet so ignored..." "We are glad that you appreciate the moon as much as I." Starswirl turned his head and saw that he had completely ignored the princess, he bowed low. "My apology princess, I did not see you. Shall I leave?" Luna turned her attention to the moon. "No, we would wish if you were to stay, it does get lonely up here." Starswirl had kept his bow. "Yes your majesty." Luna turned to face Starswirl and beckoned him to stop kneeling. "We would prefer if you would address me as Luna." Starswirl and Luna stared at the moon, both captivated by its presence, along with each other’s. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Princess Luna was a very interesting pony to meet. We shared stories in the beauty of the stars that brought amusement to each other. We shared common bases; we were both younger siblings and an undying love for the night sky. I hope to one day meet with the princess again, although I should not hope for much, she is royalty and I am but a commoner. A stallion could dream can they not? I must resume my studies now. > Starswirl's Student. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Journal entry #14 November 5th, Year 1542 I was visited today while I was deeply reading a few reference books on magical physics by a young colt. He pleaded for me to teach him with great enthusiasm, but I declined and he left, disappointed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Philomena, could you grab me the third and seventh book on the top shelf in the third row?" Starswirl asked as he started reading a book he already had. The phoenix soared up to retrieve the books and set them next to Starswirl's already open book and then landed on his shoulder, waiting for her next command. "Thank you very much." Starswirl pulled the two books open with his magic and lined them up and started flipping the pages. He would resonate his head between two books at once as if each eye could read a different page. Knock-Knock A loud knock came from the door and Starswirl was torn away from his concentration; annoyed he left his desk to answer it. Philomena took flight as Starswirl stood up with his bells jingling. Starswirl opened the door to see a colt with a determined look on his face, a small amount of snow covered the back of his lavender coat along with his red hair, which contained purple highlights. The colt bowed and spoke. "Hello sir, I am Clover Sparkle." He faced Starswirl, his eyes now sincere along with his determination. "I would love nothing else, but to be your apprentice." Starswirl had never expected to be asked a question of this caliber. He sighed and replied. "It's cold out there, feel free to come in and we can talk." Clover stepped in and closed the door behind him, shaking with anticipation. Starswirl lead Clover to his desk and motioned Clover to sit in one of the chairs he had kept in case he had guests. Starswirl started browsing one of his books as he talked. "Now, what is your question again?" Clover cleared his throat. "Sir, I would wish for you to take me as your apprentice." Starswirl laid the book down, giving Clover his full attention. "And why is that?" "The university has nothing to teach me, each day I drag along through the classes they plan carefully, so they say, and I want to learn more. Please sir, I want to learn from one of the greatest minds in Equestria." Clover had both of his hooves on the desk, staring intently at Starswirl. Starswirl pulled out his pipe and lit it. "You say I have a great mind?" Clover nodded fierce fully. "Yes sir. In your short time in Canterlot you've more than proved this." Starswirl took a deep breath through his pipe, and then released the smoke from his lungs with his words. "My mind is no different than any other pony. I am but someone who finished the puzzle that others only start." "And your completion of those 'puzzles' are what show your higher intelligence.' Clover argued. "Only because, they had the means to start it." Starswirl replied. "What about yourself thought of the aminomorphic spell? That was true genius and it was all your idea!" "I only created what is needed or necessary, anypony could have done it, I was just the first." "You see what is wanted, most are deaf to the cries of others and you reply with an answer that nopony else could conceive." Starswirl raised an eyebrow. "You certainly are a clever pony, Clover." Clover bowed his head. "Thank you sir." "But I cannot teach you." Clover's head snapped back up. "But sir! You are the only one who can teach me!" "Do not call me sir, you may call me Starswirl. You must stay within your normal routine of school, most would be grateful to have your position in the classes you attend daily. I was never accepted into the University of Magic myself." "Starswirl is there anything I could possibly do for you to reconsider?" Starswirl took another short drag of his pipe. "I'm sorry; Clover, but I would not make a sufficient teacher." Clover hung his head in disappointment. Starswirl cleared his throat. "You are a very clever young colt, with a sharp mind, but it does not matter how good of a mind you have, if you do not put hard work in your thinking, your mind will become blunt." "Yes si- Starswirl." "Philomena, could you show Clover to the door?" Starswirl flipped open his books again and continued to read all three of them. The phoenix and Clover left Starswirl to continue his reading. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I do feel as if that colt was a very intelligent individual and I have no doubt his future is bright, I only hope I did not negatively affect him. Journal entry #15 November 6th Year 1542 More praise from several researchers for my aminomorphic spell. At least they are not congratulating me on my janitor spells... As I put in entry before I must try harder to create spells to block out the humility I have put myself through. 'Legendary, Masterful, A bright mind' They tell me, true ignorance, although enjoyed slightly but I disagree. If one thing in my life has offended me, it is to call me a master. Masters have no flaws in their work, I am a stallion of many flaws and it rips at my conscious that they try to attach that title to my name. I will endure their unintentional insults for now; but one day I may lose my patience. Journal entry #16 November 7th Year 1542 Today I had a conversation with another researcher while walking through the courtyards of Canterlot. The topic, Utopia. I had no intention of joining him in the subject but he insisted that Utopia was possible and I could not stop my anger from getting the best of me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Good evening Starswirl, out for some fresh air for once?" The pony had appeared next to Starswirl out of nowhere. Starswirl chuckled. "Yes, even I enjoy the sunlight once in a while, Yale." Starswirl called Cherr Yale, just Yale as if they were close friends, some could argue that they were but he considered Cherr Yale more of an acquaintance than anything. "I had finished reading a book on the topic of Utopia, it’s a wonderful read, I could send you a copy if you would love to read it." "No thank you." "Oh? Why’s that I thought you loved reading." "I do not believe in Utopia, it will never exist." "Why wouldn't you want true harmony and perfection?" Starswirl stopped walking. "Because, there is nothing close to perfection, the day perfection is found in this world I would not continue to drive myself forward." "So you’re a pessimist?" "Far from it. Talking of Utopia is an essence of ignorance and laziness." "So you never wish to become the best possible?" "The best that one can be by his own accord yes, if it were to be given to me I would rather sit down and do nothing than use perfection." "Perhaps it might not be within your grasp, Starswirl the Bearded, but it is within the grasp of willing minds that are not too soon to block a good idea." Something inside of Starswirl snapped. "You say my mind is not willing? You spend the day repeating to students about something already written and you call that flexible?! I spend my time pushing the boundaries of our knowledge and setting pathways for others to follow and in their own way also pursue the thoughts of achieving higher intelligence. Continue your ignorance of 'Utopia', if anything were to be called utopia it would be the word, improvement." Starswirl left the stallion dazed at his rant. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I regret snapping at the fellow researcher, but one should not look to the past with hesitation, only a reference tab. Journal entry #17 November 14th, Year 1542 Princess Celestia requested my presence today and I quickly answered the call, she had a favor to ask of me. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starswirl walked through the heavily guarded hallway with a hastened stride to meet Princess Celestia. The guards had opened the door immediately for Starswirl, expecting him. Starswirl slowly walked in front of Celestia's throne and bowed. "Yes your majesty?" "Hello, Starswirl, my most trusted researcher, how are you?" Celestia arose from her throne. "I am well, your highness." "I have a favor to ask of you." "Anything, your highness." "There is a student from the University of Magic who demanded a mastery test, not only did he pass but he achieved a perfect score and with anger asked for a higher test." Celestia used her magic to grab a scroll and a quill and started writing down. "I am transferring him to your teaching so that he may expand his knowledge and one day also become a researcher as yourself." Celestia levitated the decree to Starswirl and he read it, it was official. "I will try my best, your highness." "I know you will, he should even be able to help you in your own studies, I'm sure of it." Starswirl bowed and left the room with the scroll in his mouth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- She asked me to be a teacher to a student who had more than proved his intelligence, and I have a good idea on who that certain student is. I must now prepare a room for Clover. > Starswirl's Pride. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- November 15th, Year 1542 I was to retrieve my student from the Canterlot library today, and as I predicted it was that bright young colt that came to me before. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starswirl entered the enormous library that was packed with unicorns walking around with books in their muzzles. A few unicorns looked up from their books and saw Starswirl and gaped in awe, all familiar with Starswirl's works. Starswirl approached the check-out desk where he was to meet his student, and saw Clover Sparkle handing the librarian a mountain of books. "Is this all of them?" asked the librarian Clover nodded at the librarian. Starswirl poked Clover's shoulder from behind him. Clover looked back quickly. "One moment." and then returned to talk with the librarian. Clover tensed up and looked back again slowly. "Starswirl?" "Hello, are you my student?" Clover turned around, now ignoring the librarian. "Your my teacher?" Starswirl nodded with his bells jingling slightly. "Yes, princess Celestia assigned you to me, is your business done here?" Clover stammered. "Y-yes Starswirl." Starswirl smiled. "You are no longer to call me by name, now you are to call me teacher." Clover bowed. "Yes, teacher." Starswirl softly put his hoof on Clover's forehead. 'Calm." Clover felt his mind go blank at the touch of the hoof and brought his head back up. "Do not bow unless you are in apology, now follow me I will take you to your new home." Starswirl turned and started walking off. Clover hesitated, but then trotted after Starswirl. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I enjoyed watching his surprise. I hope I do not let him down as a teacher. November 16th, Year 1542 Today I allowed Clover to familiarize himself with my library while I continued my study on the language of magic. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starswirl aimed a short beam of energy at a target crystal and then watched the crystal glow in its own aura. He wrote down his analysis on the reaction. Clover saw Starswirl work, his eyes hovering over the top of a book he had been reading before. He noticed the gem's glow and the aura wavering. He stood up and walked over to Starswirl. "Teacher?" Starswirl continued to jot his notes down as he spoke. "Yes, Clover?" "What are you doing?" Starswirl finished writing and placed the quill in the inkbot. "I am deciphering a code." Clover glanced at the notes and instantly knew. "Magic has a code?" Starswirl looked up at a shelf and pulled a book with his magic towards him. He flipped open the book and talked as he read. "I believe it does, but it is very difficult to find a translation to it." Clover thought of the image of the crystal's magical reaction and had an idea. "Are you trying to translate it to our language?" Starswirl closed the book and levitated it back to its original spot. "Yes." Clover rubbed his chin as he closed his eyes. "Well, what if you were to obtain a map of its language first?" Starswirl started jotting down new notes on his parchment. "Its not possible to read something that's not put into some form of equation or without symbols." "What if it does?" Clover now had Starswirl's attention. "Could you use the same type of magic you just used on the crystal again?" Starswirl was curious on what Clover had in mind and obliged. He sent another short beam of energy on the crystal. Clover watched the crystal without blinking ; after the crystal halted he spoke again. "Could you use another spell on the crystal?" Starswirl sent another beam of energy at the crystal that was slightly larger than the first. Clover smiled and grabbed Starswirl's notes and flipped over the paper and started frantically writing down his assessment. Clover pointed at the two different pictures. "If you look close enough, the magic changes patterns within the aura." "Oh?" Starswirl walked over to get a better view of his notes. "The first spell had a frantic fizz to the edges of the aura, it was a stun spell was it not?" Starswirl's eyes widened at Clover's observation. "Yes, it was." "The second spell was a type of healing spell, correct? The edges were smoother and in the middle the color was soft." Starswirl looked at the notes. "A pattern... my word I think you have something my boy!" "I just took the time to look at the finer details." Clover took pride in his praise. "But how do you suggest we put them into a legend?" Clover couldn't think of anything. "I have no clue." Starswirl racked his mind for an idea and then as if a light bulb appeared above his head he had an answer. "We could write down every pattern possible and try to fit them into an alphabet..Yes, that seems like the only way. Thank you for your assistance, Clover the clever." Starswirl chuckled at the title he had given Clover. "Clover the clever? I'm certainly not as intelligent as you, teacher." Starswirl smiled. "You are indeed intelligent, you pay very close attention to detail. I myself only look at the big 'picture'. You should resume your reading, I can carry on my own now." Clover returned to his seat next to the book shelf, but finding himself unable to read with Starswirl's praise replaying in his mind. 'My boy....' Clover closed his eyes and found comfort in Starswirl's words. 'My boy...' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He came to me with a brilliant idea that I am now pursuing, I am now grateful for his presence here, and now my fear grows that I may disappoint him. December 19th, Year 1542 Today I decided to lecture Clover on one of my favorite subjects, the stars. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Do you have your reference book on stars?" Starswirl asked as he started to set up his telescope with his magic. "Yes teacher." Clover had a notepad open with a quill hovering in the air above it. "Turn to page 54 while I adjust the telescope." Clover didn't open his book but spoke. "Page 54, life cycle of stars. A star is born from a nebula, a cloud of dust and gas composed of hydrogen and helium, and within the nebula a gravity field affects the elements to form together and create a protostar." Before Clover could continue, Starswirl interrupted him. "You've read this book before?" "One of my personal favorites." "And what is the main key to a stars survival?" Starswirl finished adjusting the telescope through an opening in the ceiling. "Equilibrium." Starswirl peered through the telescope after removing his hat. Philomena took the hat and set it on Starswirl's desk and then perched herself on the desk next to the hat. Starswirl had the telescope locked on a star and called Clover to the telescope. "Take a good look at the star, can you identify what stage it is in?" Clover looked at the star and quickly responded. "It is in its prime of the main sequence." "Good, I see you are very educated on the subject. I have an assignment for you." Clover looked up from the telescope with anticipation for his first assignment. "You are to create a theory on What causes these 'gravitational centers' to form in these huge clouds. You have tonight to give me a decent theory." Clover nodded and returned to stare at the star while levitating his book beside him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He knew a great deal on stars by heart and I was surprised to see someone so much younger than I have a same level of knowledge on the subject. He is a very rounded student, but his comprehensive thinking can lack in certain areas. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An hour later Starswirl returned to see Clover's progress. He saw from a distance that Clover's mane was a mess and there was a mountain of crumpled papers beside him. Clover couldn't concentrate anymore. No matter how much he thought he had no theory or any idea how it was possible and he started to panic. 'What if he disowns me as a student? If I don't complete his task by sunrise I'll be tardy! A poor excuse for a student who can't even think of a simple theory!' Clover racked his thoughts in panic. Starswirl saw that Clover was in a frenzied state, flipping through a pile of books he had by his side. He scrunched his muzzle trying to muffle a chuckle and decided to aid his student by calming him down with the same spell he had used before. Starswirl sent a slow beam to the back of Clovers head. 'Calm down.' Clover's breathing started to steady and he could find his thoughts again. He was struck with sudden inspiration and started writing down his thoughts. Starswirl smiled and left Clover to continue his work. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He is an easy one to worry, I'm sure one day that he will overcome his hasty nature. He presented me with his theory, which was well thought out and I accepted it. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starswirl was reading his recent notes on the language of magic when Clover came to him with a paper in his mouth. Clover set the paper in front of Starswirl and he picked it up and read it out loud. "The centers of stars are formed from dust particles that constantly build up on themselves and eventually develop their own gravitational pull to other elements around them due to the non existent gravity forces in the brinks of space. Once the star is formed it begins to move as it heats up." Starswirl set the paper back down with a smile. "Well done, very thought out in one paragraph. Good work, Clover." "Thank you, teacher." Clover almost bowed, but restrained himself. "It's late, you should get some rest now." Starswirl dismissed Clover and continued to read his notes after putting Clover's theory in a drawer of his desk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I read the paper from Clover I felt something I haven't felt in a long time, Was it pride? Yes, I have great pride in my student. > Starswirl's Heart. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- December 23rd, Year 1542 Today a crater was created in the main courtyard from a ricocheted spell from an unknown unicorn and it managed to amplify itself when it stuck the ground. It was said to be an accident but I was sent to survey the damages with my student. It looked like a forced accident. I quickly repaired the crater with a moderate regeneration spell and the unicorns all around me seem to have over-reacted and now all throughout Canterlot it's rumored that I have magical ability to match Celestia. I could only wish to be as advanced as her, and they insult her by comparing me to her. December 24th, Year 1542 Hearth Warming's day is tomorrow, I have thought ahead, I ordered Clover proper attire the week before and it should be here today. If he is going to be my apprentice or student - he shall look like one. December 25th, Year 1542 This morning I gifted Clover his cloak. It brought a smile to my face to see him so surprised. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clover was organizing his own collection of books in his room. He was levitating books to different shelves that covered his walls. Clover paused at a book and read the title out loud. "Art of the To-Do List. I need to re-read this book today." He levitated the book to his bed and let it fall on his pillow. Starswirl's bells jingled as he walked to Clover's room with a package on his back. He knocked loudly and heard several books crash on the ground. Starswirl opened the door and saw Clover scattering and checking the fallen books conditions. "Clover? What are all of your books doing on the ground?" "I was re-organizing them. I'm sorry for the mess, teacher." Clover said as he was inspecting the spine on a book. "Did you not do that last week?" Clover had picked up two more books to check the pages for any imperfections. "I organize all of my possessions once a week to keep everything tidy." Starswirl raised an eyebrow. 'How odd...' He cleared his throat. "Well, today is Heart Warming and I brought you a gift." He levitated the package to Clover who accepted it with a slightly confused expression. "Is there something wrong?" Starswirl asked, noticing Clover's confusion. "I've never received a gift before, teacher...." Clover said as he stared at the up-opened package. Starswirl chuckled. "Well, the first step to receiving a gift is to open it." Clover nodded and tore off the wrappers and gasped. Inside was a navy blue cloak, the neck had a line of stars and the hood was trimmed in gold fabric and the cloak was lined with a thin layer of cotton. "I felt that my student needed proper clothing, this is now your uniform." Starswirl left the room as Clover giddily tried on his new cloak. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- He had told me he had never received a present before, I had the urge to press him on the subject but I felt that was not the right time or place. December 27th, Year 1542 Another 'accident' had occurred today, this time in the Canterlot gardens. Princess Celestia has now sent out patrols to possibly prevent these... mishaps.. from happening. Luckily this time no damage had effected any ground or structures. December 31st, Year 1542 I was invited to the castle for a New-Years eve party today and I brought along Clover with me. The festivities were delightful but the presence of so many ponies in one place always gave me a headache and I decided to step outside to smoke my pipe in peace. Outside I found the acquaintance of princess Luna. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starswirl was walking under the shelter of the breeze way in the castle court yard. He was enjoying the cold night air with pipe smoke blurring his frontal vision and to the side of him, snow was gently falling to the ground. Starswirl heard footsteps echo under the breeze way but decided to ignore them. "Hello, Starswirl." Starswirl turned around and saw nopony behind him. "Hello?" He called behind himself. "um..we are in front of you..." Starswirl levitated the pipe away from his mouth and rubbed his eyes and saw princess Luna in front of him and he became slightly nervous. Starswirl bowed low. "I'm sorry princess, I did not see you." Luna smiled when Starswirl regained his posture. "Please, we wish that you call us, Luna." Starswirl returned a small grin. "We were just on a walk through the night, would thou care to join me?" Starswirl's small grin turned into a large smile. "Of course, Luna." Luna turned around and Starswirl took his place beside her. Luna and Starswirl kept a steady pace as they talked. "So Starswirl, there is alot of talk about your work recently. We have read up on your studies and we are curious about how you thought up of that aminomorphic spell." Starswirl laughed. "Only minor work.... what is truly wondrous is how you manage to always position the moon and stars so perfectly. The night is always beautiful and it mimics the weaver..." Starswirl tensed up at the words that he spoke and stopped walking. Luna blushed and walked a few feet ahead of Starswirl. "We thank thee for your comment." Luna turned around and saw Starswirl frozen. "Is there something the matter?" Starswirl finally regained his ability to move. "I am sorry to say something so bluntly, Luna.." "There is nothing to be sorry for, in fact it is quite...welcome." Luna looked at her hooves, hoping to hide her continuous blush. Starswirl was lost for words. Luna looked back up. "Shall we continue our stroll?" Starswirl could only nod at that point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I am thirty-five years old, I had thought that feelings of this nature were used up in my teenage years. What really drives me to question my stability is the hope that Luna also feels this way, but she could just be kind to her subjects. I can only hope to ever amount to anything to Luna. After we grew too cold from the winter air we made our way back to the castle where we departed from each other. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "We must prepare to lower the moon for the rising of the sun on the start of the year. We hope to see you again soon, Starswirl. Goodbye for now." Starswirl bowed. "I also hope to accompany you again soon, Goodbye, Luna." Luna started walking down a hallway, leaving Starswirl in a happy mood he hadn't felt in years. Starswirl decided to re-join the party and find his student. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When I went to find my student he was surrounded by other unicorns, bombarding him with silly questions. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There was a small crowd of students surrounding Clover. "I can't believe you got a mastery grade on the final test, that's so awesome, Clover." Said a freshman colt beside him. "So whots it lighke bein' taught by the fahmous Starswirl the bearded?" A mare questioned through her thick accent. Clover adjusted the hoof of his new cloak. "It's been wonderful, hes already taught me much and I'm grateful to be his student." Starswirl walked up beside Clover and the unicorns gasped at the sight of Starswirl. "Good evening, young minds." The unicorns were speechless. "Come, Clover. It is time we went home." "Yes, teacher." Clover started following Starswirl and quickly turned his head. "See you guys on Saturday?" "No doubt! Later, Clover!" The colt replied as the two stallions walked away. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The young unicorns look up to me as if I were a ruler. They should not think of me as a higher pony, I am the same as they are and nothing more. > Luna's Journal. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- October 10th, Year 1542 Does nopony appreciate me? Most commoners ignore me regardless of the beauty of the night I give them each evening. My sister is organizing an event that she thinks will fix my problem among the commoners. I couldn't be grateful. I am but a shadow to my big sister and I grow slight hatred at all of the ungrateful welches in Canterlot. Perhaps one of these days I may take the liberty of denying the sun passage to the sky..No, I shouldn't think of that, it is not right, I shall give this event a chance. This journal is the only thing I can ever communicate with....it's a good thing my sister suggested it to keep track of the days and record my thoughts on those days, being immortal makes the days pass so quickly. October 11th, Year 1542 Oh glorious stars, the party my sister held had the desired effect, but I could care less about the ponies inside the castle. I found the acquaintance of a new researcher that has been making a name of himself in Canterlot, Starswirl the bearded they call him. He is a very charming and handsome stallion. Countless stallions try to charm me, but they never succeed. Starswirl didn't even have to speak any romantic words to captivate me, its been so many years since I found somepony I had such feelings for. I hope to meet him again soon. December 23rd, Year 1542 An attack was attempted on the castle in the center courtyard. I tried to reason with my sister to convince her it was indeed an attack, but she is far too forgiving and passed it off as an accident. She rules too softly, she only wishes to lead by example and that is not enough. There is rarely crime in Equestria, but there could possibly be none if only she had more sense in ruling by a stronger 'example'. December 31st, Year 1542 I had enjoyed the party and conversed with alot of ponies today next to my sister. The bright lights that made it feel as if it were daytime annoyed me, so I went to go for a short walk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia and Luna were standing at the top of the staircase, greeting newcomers to the New Year's eve party. Luna looked up at the windows, trying to view the stars ; but the lights in the castle were too bright and it was difficult. "Big sister?" "Yes, Luna?" "I'm going to go for a walk, I'll return soon." Celestia smiled. "Okay, don't forget to try and make new friends." Luna just stared down. "Yeah, right." Luna walked off down the stairs and exited the castle, now outside. The winter night air cooled down her coat and she stretched her wings outward in the pleasure of the air. She folded her wings and began to walk under the breeze way while staring at the stars through the gentle snowfall. Luna had walked halfway around the castle when she saw another pony ahead. She could see clearly through the dark and saw that it was Starswirl. The sight of Starswirl brought a smile to her face and she quickly checked her mane. 'Should I talk to him normally as I do to my sister? Or would that make him feel uncomfortable..' Luna then continued to walk towards Starswirl and stopped a few feet in front of him. "Hello, Starswirl." Luna tried to put on the most pleasant smile possible. Luna saw Starswirl look behind him. "Hello?" Luna's smile dropped. "Um...We are in front of you." Luna saw that Starswirl removed his pipe and rubbed his eyes and then saw his surprised expression and he bowed. "I'm sorry princess, I did not see you." Starswirl said sincerely Luna's smile returned as Starswirl brought his head back up. "We wish that you call us, Luna." Luna resisted a laugh when she saw Starswirl's face light up. "We were on a walk through the night. Would thou care to join me?" Luna almost couldn't resist giggling when she saw Starswirl's face light up more than before at the question. "Of course, Luna." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I met Starswirl again, and I asked about his work. He was very modest but complimented on my stars very sweetly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna was curious about Starswirl. "So Starswirl, there is alot of talk about your work recently. We have read up on your studies and we are curious about how you thought up of that aminomorphic spell." as she said this she tried to move slightly closer to Starswirl. Starswirl laughed. "Only minor work.... what is truly wondrous is how you manage to always position the moon and stars so perfectly. The night is always beautiful and it mimics the weaver." Luna started to blush at his statement. "We thank thee for your comment." Luna tried to face Starswirl beside her, but she saw that he wasn't there. She looked behind and saw him frozen in place with his mouth gaping. "Is something the matter?" "I am sorry to say something so bluntly, Luna.." "There is nothing to be sorry for, in fact it is quite...welcome." Luna's blush intensified and looked down at her hooves in embarrassment. She looked back up after her blush faded away in the cold wind. "Shall we continue our stroll?" Luna and Starswirl continued to walk through the late winter night. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I would have loved to talk with Starswirl the rest of the night, but my duties as the night keeper separated us. My sister encourages me to find affection but I fear that Starswirl only said such a sweet thing because I'm a princess... perhaps I could attempt a 'leap of faith'. I also wonder when my sister is going to stop treating the attacks as accidents, it has been twice now and I worry. > A Lesson Gone Wrong. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 1st, Year 1543 A new year, each year filled with potential opportunity to push ourselves forward. But do most of us take it? January 2nd, Year 1543 Today I taught Clover the basics of offensive and defensive spell casting. We had to leave Canterlot grounds to be careful not to affect anyone, but we ran into a minor.. complication with an odd young colt named Trixster. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starswirl and Clover were walking through the main courtyard as Starswirl lectured on about spell casting. "Do you know any offensive spells, Clover?" "No, teacher." Clover never had any enemies and never felt the need to learn any. "What do you know on the subject?" "Not much, teacher." Starswirl drew out his pipe and lit it with a spark as it levitated in the air. "Teacher, isn't smoking a bad habit?" Clover asked, concerned. He spoke after a short inhale. "There's no such thing as a bad habit, only an odd habit." "I consider it bad when it harms your body, teacher." "Harms the body, but calms ones mind." He decided to oblige and put away his pipe for now. "But on the subject of being calm, it is the major factor in offensive and defensive casting. A calm mind amplifies your attack and it also builds a barrier around you that has the potential to absorb a spell directed at you." "Is that all there is to it, teacher?" "Not quite, it does in fact play a major portion of it. I'll explain more once we get to the unicorn practice field." The student and teacher continued to walk through the courtyards until Starswirl's attention was caught by crowd of unicorns surrounding one blue coated unicorn. Starswirl was curious and lead Clover over to the crowd. The unicorn in the middle was wearing a blue cape riddled with stars. "I am the great and powerful Trixster! None can match Trixster's abilities, say you otherwise challenge Trixster yourselves!" None of the crowd had said anything. A young colt stepped away from the crowd while puffing out his chest. "I challenge you to a magical duel!" He laughed. "You will soon see the might of Trixster, young one." Starswirl turned to Clover. "Isn't that the young colt you were with at the New Year's party, Clover?" Clover nodded, he was now focused on watching the duel between his friend and the blue coated unicorn. Trixster and the colt were spaced apart in the center of the courtyard where another unicorn was in the middle with her hooves raised in the air. As soon as her hooves dropped to signal the start the colt sent a purple dart of energy at Trixster from his horn. Trixster focused and right before the dart touched him it evaporated into smoke that circled him. Trixster then focused his magic and at first it did nothing, but within seconds the colt was covered with a giant snowball that fell from the sky. The colt popped his head out of the giant snowball. "Ouch..." Trixster laughed. "An easy opponent, is there nopony else?" Clover was angry that his friend had lost and took a step forward but was cut off by Starswirl's hoof. "He lost fairly, there is no need to become hostile. You do not even know any dueling spells yet, do not be ignorant." Clover opened his mouth to protest, but closed it immediately knowing not to question Starswirl. A unicorn in front of Starswirl heard his voice and turned around to see him. "Starswirl! You can take this guy easy!" The other unicorns turned to see the stallion and agreed. "Yeah! This guy is not match for the best magic user in Canterlot!" Starswirl's eye twitched at what the other unicorn had said. "No, I am not the best. Nor will I ever be." Trixster saw the unicorns now crowding around Starswirl and had walked over to see who was stealing his thunder. "This old stallion could never hope to beat the great and powerfulTrixster!" Starswirl chuckled at the unicorn. "What is so funny? How dare you laugh at Trixster!" "Are you narrating an autobiography, young one?" "Trixster has no idea what you are talking about. Either duel Trixster or be on your way." He waved off at Starswirl. "Why would I ever wish to duel a child who speaks in third person?" The unicorns all laughed at Trixster, and it forced his temper rise dangerously. Trixster growled, angry at being insulted repeatedly. "Be quiet old stallion!" He sent a volley of golden darts at Starswirl from the tip of his horn. Starswirl started running sideways faster than a wolf, dodging each golden dart that crashed into the snow forcing it to melt. The unicorns had scattered to also evade the volley, but most were more scared of Starswirl than Trixster. Starswirl slid to a halt and focused his magic under Trixster. The snow below Trixster transformed into a small puddle of water that grew into a short gushing fountain of water that launched him high into the air. Trixster screamed in fright as he hurled into the snow less ground while flailing his hooves. Inches before he could hit the ground he was caught by Starswirl's powerful aura. Starswirl levitated Trixster in front of himself. "Do not boast about ability you do not posses. It would be wise to leave Canterlot now, as they see you as a felon now that you attacked one of Celestia's researchers." Trixster nodded shakily, agreeing with Starswirl. Starswirl released him and he fell onto the ground. Trixster started struggling to get up as soon as he hit the ground. He got up and galloped away, embarrassed about his humiliating defeat. The crowd of unicorns started chanting at the victory. "Starswirl! Starswirl!" Starswirl scowled at the crowd and then turned to Clover. "Come, we must continue your lesson." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I quickly dealt with the ignorant colt and I do not have much to comment on him other than his dire need of a speech therapist. Once we reached the practice field we were able to continue Clover's lesson. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starswirl and Clover were approaching the magical practice field. The field was simple and was surrounded by trees and had magical equipment supplied in shacks for the use of unicorns. "Teacher?" Clover said as he removed his hood. "Yes?" "That was really incredible what you did at the courtyard." He said sheepishly. Starswirl sighed. "No it was not, it was a novice against a beginner." he quickened his pace, annoyed by the praise. "You know, teacher... there's nothing wrong with taking pride in something. No matter how small a feat." "Yes there is, taking pride in something insignificant leads to being arrogant." "It is also important to recognize your own progress and take pride in your accomplishments. The recognition and support to those around you can lead to nurturing." Starswirl tried to say something else, but closed his mouth and scrunched up his muzzle, contemplating Clover's statement. They reached the field and saw that somepony had forgot to put away some practice dummies. "Okay, Clover. You see that dummy just ahead of you?" He pointed his hoof at the dummy. "The one on the right?" "Yes, lift it up please." Clover focused his aura around the dummy and picked it up. "Good, now drop it." He dropped the dummy where it originally was. "Now instead of using your aura outside of your horn, build it up inside much like filling a glass of water. Once you reach a certain pressure unleash it from the tip while focusing on the spell you want and it will then act like a cannon hurling your built-up energy. A simple spell is a stun spell. Now concentrate." Clover closed his eyes, trying to focus. He started scrunching up his face at the difficulty from the spell. He let out a loud sigh after a minute of trying to force out the spell. "I can't do it. The energy in my horn keeps receding the energy back into my body and I can't hold it." Starswirl raised an eyebrow. "You cannot do it because you don't think you can, be more confident. Try again and this time imagine a shock of lightening emanating from your horn and striking the dummy. Be confident, focused, and most importantly, be calm." Clover took a deep breath and tried to focus again and felt the pressure build in his horn. His spine started to tingle from the magical buildup traveling through his body to his horn. He held the energy and allowed it to build pressure and then let it loose. His head jerked from the spell exploding from his horn and it blurred his vision from the light of the silver dart. The dummy was knocked over in a twirl from the impact of the dart. Starswirl levitated the dummy back on its stand. "Well done, now that you get the concept of an offensive spell all it takes is practice. Now try once more and this time focus every ounce of your magical ability into your horn to test how powerful of a spell you can cast. Keep your neck strained and reinforced to resist the kick-back." Starswirl patted his student's back and took a few steps back to give him room. Clover did as he was told and started pouring his energy into his horn to let it build up. He started shaking in his concentration as he felt an infinite source of energy pour from his body into his mind. He opened his eyes when something inside of him snapped and his full body was instantly covered in his own aura. He started to rise slowly into the air, his eyes now becoming engulfed in arcane energy and his own aura was stinging his body. The dummies were struck with a large thick purple strike of lightening and it obliterated them raining splinters everywhere. Clover started to recoil as he rose up higher, losing control of himself, sending purple sparks in all directions. A streak of lightening ricocheted off of a metal plate that was at the edge of the field and struck Starswirl's hoof. He looked up at Clover in worry. "Clover!" He yelled up at his student. "ugh... t-teacher..." Clover said through his wavering amplified voice. Starswirl's eyes widened in fear, now knowing that Clover was being hurt. He raised his horn directly at Clover and reached his own aura around Clover and started using draining spell to extinguish the burning aura around Clover. Clover started to descend slowly as Starswirl siphoned his enormous quantity of energy. Starswirl started to shake at the vast amount of energy. Clover collapsed to the ground after the aura disappeared and Starswirl unleashed the trapped energy at a tree in the distance. The tree was cut in half from the wave of energy and had shot through several other trees and forming a path. Starswirl started stroking his mane while holding him tightly in the dust. "It's alright Clover..you're fine now." Clover was shaking. "Teacher.. what happened?" "I don't know..I wont let it happen again, Clover." Starswirl slowly rocked his student while passively casting a calming spell on him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Something strange happened during the lesson and he became enveloped in energy and lost control of himself. I was able to siphon the energy away from him and he became traumatized by the event. I gave him the rest of the week off to recuperate. I have not been that scared in years, I will never let anything bad happen to Clover ever again. I think of Clover as the son I never had and he is the only pony I have ever felt this connection with and I do not wish for it to sever. I should report to Celestia the event that happened with Clover, I will send a letter with Philomena. > Sturdy Foundations. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 6th, Year 1543 While Clover is recuperating I was focusing on my studies on the language of magic and I think I am close to completing the 'alphabet' of its language. The closer I get to deciphering magic, the more it leads to not a different subject - but an add to my aminomorphasis spell. The language can of course still be separated but now I see it as a major improvement to my spell. How aminomorphasis works now is that you can channel your energy inside of you to create an outline of a spell and then focus what directive the spell is to be given. The process if very difficult but using the language of magic I believe the flow of direction can be suppressed to create a more refined and stable spell.. along with a possibility of a creation of an advanced spell. Before spells were created through a longer and more difficult process to which I could never achieve, but using aminomorphasis I find myself now grasping the brinks of magical conduct that can lead to a breakthrough in all magic. Improved spells, revised spells, and newly created spells that would be obtained. Tomorrow I will test how aminomorphasis and the language of magic can combine together to create a torrent of potential knowledge.. just writing out this excites me and I would wish to try it now but an experiment of this caliber requires rest and it is late. January 6th, Year 1543 By the stars it worked as I had planned, no, more than I could have ever expected of the combination. I was able to use patterns to direct my magic completely in the area I wished it too and even though it took all of my energy I created a revised aminomorphasis spell that has the potential of the previous version ten fold. I sent Philomena to the princess and she was breathless about my newly reformed spell and had tried it herself and now she finds that the sun no longer drains all of her energy to rise and lower and she had the energy to do it twice if she needed. She had given me the title of Canterlot's head researcher and now all new research is to be shown to me for my approval and my aid if needed. Never before have I been this honored and I'm am very happy to be such a great help to Canterlot and my wish had been realized, my fear of being remembered as a janitor spell caster has blown by. In this opportunity I must contribute more to Equestrian society to prove I am worthy of such a title. Today Clover and I celebrated, but I couldn't help but notice his constant spacing out. Even in this joy I find worry for Clover, tomorrow I will press him on his troubles. January 7th, Year 1543 I visited Clover in his room today and all seemed fine, but I did notice something odd and it lead me to my previous concern. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starswirl entered Clover's room and found him sitting on his bed staring down into a book. He did not bother him but watched his student for a moment. Clover was looking down at a page of one of his favorite books, it was a fiction, and it was rare that he read fiction books but this was a favorite from his early childhood. His eyes were fixed on a single word in the middle of the page. 'monster'. He closed his eyes and started to tremble, remembering his uncontrollable state that had cause him much pain physically and mentally. The event had blurred his thoughts and focus was difficult to obtain, he could remember the pain that tore through his body as if acid was corroding his skin through the heavy amount of aura that surrounded him. He saw through his eyes everything was heavily tinted purple through the arcane energy that enveloped his eyes and saw the destruction that poured out of him. He remembered the dangerous beams and darts of energy that struck the practice dummy and several trees around him and saw that Starswirl was hit by a ricochet of one of his spells. He remembered Starswirl's pained face from the impact of the spell on his foreleg and it was burned inside of his thoughts, he had hurt his teacher who he thought of as his father in a way to which he would gladly follow him relentlessly. Clover continued to tremble and tried to close his book but the word monster continued to draw his gaze. Starswirl saw that he was trembling and quickly went to his side. "Clover?" Clover tried to restrain himself and finaly found the will to close his book. "Yes, teacher?" Starswirl sat next to his student on his bed and removed his hat and set it down. "What is troubling you? Clover stared at the cover of his book that was titled 'Demon spawn.' and spoke with a soft voice. "Nothing." "Do not lie to me Clover... is this about the incident at the training field?" Clover lightly nodded his head and his hooves lightly shook. "I-I don't know what happened.. it hurt severely and I even hurt you... I don't know what to think of myself." "Think of it as nothing Clover, magic can never be predicted as it is a strange and wondrous thing and that is why many unicorns such as myself pursue its infinite potential knowledge. What happened to you was a phenomenon that will most likely never be explained and I cannot see it happening again." Clover flipped over the book to get the title out of his site. "How can you be sure of that when you do not know what it is?" "Well..." Starswirl lightly stroked his beard. "I think you do have a point , but , if this were to miraculously happen again I will immediately stop it as I did before. I didn't realize its danger fast enough the first time Clover and I'm sorry." Without any warning Starswirl leaned and squeezed Clover. Clover didn't know how to react and slowly felt a slow drip of relief inside of him. He slowly brought a hoof over Starswirls wrapped hooves. "Teacher.." "I will never let anything harm you Clover, you are my student and its my duty to protect and teach you." He let go of Clover and stood up. "I hope your father is as proud of you as I am Clover." He gave his teacher an awkward smile. "Yes I messaged my mother the other day, she is proud." "What of your father?" Clover's smile became flat. "I've never known my father, teacher." Starswirl tensed up. "Oh... Well.. um.." He felt that he had caused his student to say something he had not wished to. Clover saw his teacher tense up. "It's fine teacher, I think of it as no big deal." "Right. Well I hope you relax yourself, you still have a few days off before your studies resume." "Thank you, teacher." Clover reached over and ignored his prior book and grabbed a book called. 'Art of the To-Do List.' Starswirl left the room, comfortable that he had helped his student with his worries, but now he himself was worried about Clover's fatherless childhood. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clover is now more at ease from the event. But now I find myself unsettled about the thought of Clover living without a father, not only do I wish to be a good teacher to Clover but now I wish to be a better role model for my student. Perhaps I should give up smoking... January 8th 1543 Clover came to me today while I was organizing the symbols that I created to represent magical language, and he was willing to continue his studies early. I was surprised to see him back to his enthusiastic self and couldn't help but smile. I did not teach him anything today, but instead we went for a pleasant walk through the Canterlot courtyards together. I do not remember a time when I had enjoyed the company of another pony this much, Clover is an interesting, intelligent, and very willing young colt and I am grateful that Celestia saw me as fit to teach Clover. I now feel a very sturdy connection between us and as we walked we ran into my acquaintance Cherr Yale during our walk. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starswirl and Clover walked through the courtyard. They both enjoyed cloudy weather and the chilly winds that raced through their manes. Cherr Yale had appeared next to Starswirl as usual, unannounced and sudden. "Hello again Starswirl, is this the apprentice I've heard so much about?" Starswirl grinned slightly. "Yes this is my so-...Student, Clover." Cherr Yale was always an upright stallion and never lingered in the past as Starswirl did and so their arguments in the past were invalid to both of them. So it was another normal day for them. "Yes, and I see that your aminomorphasis spell had given the princess a better pathway to rising the sun. Very impressive." "Thank you, I am always glad to help anyone in any way possible." "I must be off, I still have a class to teach, fare-thee-well Starswirl the bearded." Cherr Yale teased as he sharply turned and trotted off into the university. The teacher and student both enjoyed the stroll through the beautifully created courtyards. The courtyards had outstanding architecture and the gardening was never flawed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I think I should veer away from offensive and defensive spell casting teaching for awhile, I wouldn't want Clover to have any more.. mishaps. > Volunteer > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- January 9th, Year 1543 Today I gave Clover a lesson continuing on the subject of stars. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Starswirl cleared his throat. "Clover, open your textbook and turn to page sixty please." Clover quickly opened his book and flipped to the requested page. Starswirl spoke as Clover turned through his book. "During the major part of a stars lives, most stars on the Main Sequence will create their energy by the process of hydrogen fusion - the process of fusing two hydrogen atoms to create one helium atom. Energy is created because a helium atom weighs slightly less than the two hydrogen atoms, and the excess mass is converted into energy." "Um..Teacher, pardon me." "Yes Clover?" "Shouldn't we be learning more about magic?" Starswirl laughed. "You can learn all the magic you wish, but to push the boundaries of knowledge is more powerful than any spell you could learn." Clover tried to protest. "But to learn more magic is the main reason I came to you in the first place, the school tried to repeat to me which I already knew." "So you are sure that you know all there is to know about astronomy, geology, and anatomy?" Starswirl asked with a grin on his face. "I believe so, yes." Starswirl motioned Clover to stay as he trotted over to his desk and pulled out a blank piece of parchment and a map. He quickly jotted down ten questions and then numbered them accordingly. He trotted back over to Clover with a smirk. "Answer these ten questions correctly and then I will teach you only magic." He left Clover to go back to his desk to read. Clover lit up at the thought of being taught only magic and he quickly went to work on the paper. Okay... first question, You are lost at sea, Fortunately you have some astronomical tables and instruments and a Universal time clock. 1. It is the spring equinox 2. The Sun is on your meridian at altitude 75 degrees in the south.... He stared at the first question and his mind went blank from the difficulty. Okay.. I'll just come back to that one... He looked down lower on the paper and read the next question. True or False, The monoamine neurotransmitters include norepinephrine, dopa-.. Clover's hooves started to tremble as he looked below the question and saw that they became more difficult the higher the number. Dear Celestia what have I gotten myself in to..I can't answer any of these questions...What if I turn in the paper blank?! He will be disappointed! Wait, wait, what if I just wrote down educated guesses? No, he will think that I'm stupid.. Starswirl looked over the top of his book at Clover and smiled. He is smart, but he knows so little. He had to scrunch up his muzzle to resist laughing. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clover questioned my teachings so I had given him a little test, I purposely set the test up to where he would indeed have to be a master in the subjects to answer them; but I am certain it was a good learning experience for him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Clover levitated the paper onto Starswirl's desk in shame and lowered his head. Starswirl picked up the paper and saw that it was covered in sweat stains. He looked at his student and decided to turn it into a lesson for Clover. "I see you didn't even bother to put an answer down." Clover continued to stare downwards. He choked out the words. "I-I'm s-sorry teacher.. I've failed you." "Yes, you did fail me and I'm very disappointed." Clover slouched low. "You should never question what I teach you, regardless of the subject. I know you are anxious to learn the wonders of magic, but to learn the pure unknown you must first wade into the knowledge in which is more rich." "It wont happen again, teacher." Starswirl quietly got up and walked up next to Clover and put a hoof on his shoulder. "You are very intelligent, as I said before. No matter how powerful of a mind you posses, if you do not put in hard work it will become a mess. Now let us continue today's lesson." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I know that one day he will become more than I ever will be myself. January 12th, Year 1543 A third attack has been attempted in the castle and this time it was only 300 yards shy of the throne room and Celestia, pardon me, but still ignorantly passes them off as accidents! I could not allow this to continue so I requested to investigate these so-called accidents. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Starswirl, you have nothing to worry about." Celestia tried to reassure him. Starswirl gently shook his head. "I'm sorry, princess but I really hope you will allow me to investigate these 'accidents'." She closed her eyes to think. "Do you really believe these are attacks, Starswirl?" He really wanted to raise his voice to ask the princess on how after three times she could still think of these as mishaps. He calmly nodded "Yes, princess." Celestia levitated a scroll in front of her and wrote down on it and then gave it to Starswirl. "This decrees that you are allowed to do as you see necessary about these incidents." Starswirl bowed and quickly left the throne room with the scroll in his mouth. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After I pressed her, she finally agreed to let me handle the situation. I quickly left the throne room to look at the attack site and the crater had grown in size, I assess that not only are the attackers increasing in range but also power. I studied the crater for an hour and I think I have the area in which it came from - outside of the castle walls and possibly in an old town that I was surprised to still see on the atlas. I will journey there on hoof and bring Clover along with me, I see this as a potential learning experience for my student. I hope there really is nothing to worry about and the attacks really are accidents, but judging by the power of the spell I am skeptical to my hopes and fear that this is more than just an attack.