Snickers: The Royal Colt

by Mocha Star

First published

After a fallout with his family and friends, Snickers is moving to Canterlot to spend time with Princess Celestia. However, politics and people aren't as easy or fanciful as they seem in books.

After a fallout with his family and friends, Snickers is moving to Canterlot to spend time with Princess Celestia.

His time ahead is not going to be as care-free or fun as he was expecting; having Kiwe with him as support, can the two colts survive the noble's politics, the princesses, and the life they are intended to live in the castle; or, will Snickers return to Ponyville and make amends?

Edited by Ninjadeadbeard.

Triggers: Swearing, Sexual Situation/Talk
-More will be added as they occur.

First Impressions

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Trotting around his room, Snickers giggled at a mirror that was at least four times taller than he was. “Wow, if I get that tall, I’ll be able to walk over everyone that bugs me. Maybe I can slip and fall on the ponies that I never wanna see again.”

Snickers made his way towards the massive doors that he wasn’t sure he could even open on his own, then looked up and, with wide eyes, scanned the murals that depicted the sun rising through setting, and the moon going across it crossways though it’s phases. It was so real, he felt like he could watch the actual time of day pass if he waited long enough.

“Nope, gotta check on Kiwe!” Snickers shook his head and looked at the bed. “Laxxie, wait there. If I need you, I’ll call, ‘kay?”

Snickers galloped from his room. He slipped on the floor and was helped up by a unicorn maid. “Thanks. It’s slipperier than I thought it would be.”

The maid nodded, keeping a professional expression. “Yes, master; it is advised you wear the provided shoes when in your room or going for a run around the palace,” she started and showed her hoof, and the rubbery material that coated the shoe she wore. “Princess Celestia has taken her leave, but will see you again soon. If you need anything, you only need to call and we shall service you at once.”

Snickers smirked. “Really? You’ll service me? At my age, I don’t know how to feel about that…”

The mare started to blush and her facade cracked slightly. “M-master, I did not mean--”

“...and being a prince, I wonder how Celestia will handle hearing your offer to me.” Snickers started to smile, then stepped back.

The maid broke and fell to her belly, prostrating herself before Snickers. “Please, Master; do not tell Princess Celestia. If she retires me, I will be unable to pay for my foal’s schooling… I will do as you request, if it will save my employ.” Her horn scratched against the floor and Snickers winced at the thought of how much that must have hurt.

Feeling like an ass, Snickers backstepped and shook his head. “No! I was joking, only teasing! I’m like that; no blow jobs or anal… wow, did I really skip vagina and go to anal? What the hell, Snickers?” Snickers tapped the side of his head curiously.

The mare sniffled and stood up, wiping her damp eyes on her sleeve. “A-are you certain, Master? I-if y-you wish it…”

“No,” Snickers shook his head, “I won’t tell anypony, and I hope you won’t, either. It was a joke that was in bad taste, darling; that’s why it went so wrong so fast. That, and I don’t know a thing about you, or this castle, for that matter. Hi,” Snickers said, extending a foreleg, “I’m Snickers, and I’m gonna be staying here for a while.”

Their hooves clacked. “My name is Rosemary, your personal attendant and maid. Anything you need will also be available and offered by the rest of your staff. However, I primarily focus on your needs. If you need clothes, anything laundered, or the theme of your room changed, I will have it taken care of, post haste, as well.

“That does bring into account the more basic needs a pony has, primarily food; which, as you can tell from the buffet offered, anything you request can be made and delivered as soon as equinely possible. Your friend has his own attendants, as well.”

Snickers nodded, wondering what he’d change his room to look like, if he wanted to later; and what ‘post haste’ meant. Snickers listened to the sound of hooves clacking and clipping on the marble floor. “C’mon, I’ll introduce you to Kiwe. He’s a zony and unicorn, he’s really cool and is my brother from another mother.”

Rosemary nodded. “Ah, extra marital affair; they are common with Zebra being so… exotic.”

Snickers rolled his eyes. “Kiwe’s only seven, I don’t think he’s looking for love yet.”

Rosemary smirked from behind Snickers as the thought of a Zebracan ambassador flashed through her mind. She relaxed into her professional facade and listened to the hooves from the next room over. “I believe your friend has become stuck in the bathtub. I’ll go ahead and help him, if that’s okay with you, Master.”

Snickers sighed. “Okay, I thought it was cool at first, but can you stop calling me Master? I’m many things, darling, but being master over another is not one. Call me Snickers, okay?”

Rosemary cocked her head to the side. “I was told your name is Aquelis, was I misinformed?”

Snickers sneered slightly. “No, that’s what Celestia calls me. My name is Snickers, got it?”

Rosemary quickly bowed her head. “Yes, Your Highness. I will make sure we all refer to you by the name you’ve provided.”

Snickers was about to say something, but stopped and walked to Kiwe’s room. The door was open and Rosemary rushed past. Snickers snerked and followed close behind her. Once in the bathroom, Snickers chuckled and then laughed.

Kiwe was in a bathtub large enough to rival the tub at Ponyville Spa, set in the floor. He looked down at Kiwe in the empty tub, a full adult’s height below the steps leading in. Rosemary’s magic surrounded him just as Snickers broke and started laughing uproariously until he fell onto his haunches.

“How… how did you get in there?” Snickers managed to ask when Kiwe was on the floor beside him, blushing and looking away.

“I… was hoping to see how deep the pool was, and didn’t think I couldn’t get out until I was inside already.” Kiwe refused to look at Snickers. Meanwhile, Rosemary was looking intently at the dark grey stripes showing through Kiwe’s chocolate brown coat.

With a bow, Rosemary introduced herself. “My name is Rosemary, attendant to Master… er, Snickers. It is nice to meet you, Master Kiwe. Sage Brush should have been here to assist you...”

In comically perfect timing, a maid rushed into the bathroom, panting quietly. She dipped to a bow and lowered her horn until it was nearly touching the floor. “I apologize, good Sir, Kiwe. I am Sage Brush, your personal attendant. It is an honor to finally meet you.”

Rosemary moved past Kiwe to look at Sage Brush with contempt. “And where were you just now? Your charge nearly had an accident that could have proven fatal.”

Sage covered her mouth. “Oh, no. Is it so? I didn’t know… should I just go?” Sage said lowering her hoof and head, rhyming unintentionally.

Rosemary sighed and pulled the younger mare a step further from the unfilled bathtub. “You are not in trouble, but as this is your first Royal assignment, I must insist you not dawdle or tarry; everything you do reflects on the castle staff; and is reported to the Princess every afternoon.”

Sage nodded and smiled weakly. “Yes, ma’am. I won’t disappoint you.” Sage gave a half hearted salute and then turned to Kiwe again, crossing her forelegs and bending her elbows in a curtsey. “Master Kiwe, I am at your service for anything you may need. Day or night, I’ll be at your beck and call.”

Kiwe blushed a little. “I am simply Kiwe, not a Master, as you say.”

Snickers smirked. “He rhymes when he’s nervous; just call him Kiwe. I’m Snickers,” Snickers bumped hooves with the nervous mare, “and I think gettin’ to know this place is gonna be next on our to-do list.”

“Ah, M-master Aquelis… the honor is mine,” Sage bowed while crossing her forelegs. Her legs crossed awkwardly and she stumbled to the side, slipping over the edge of the bathtub. “Fill!” She shouted and splashed into water that quickly brought her to the surface. Her uniform was wet and clinging to her body as she exited the tub without help from the others.

Snickers looked down on Sage as she flopped onto her back. “My name, darling, is Snickers. I’d ever so appreciate it if you’d call me that, rather than a name that isn’t mine.”

With water pooling around her from her body, Sage nodded. “Y-yes, Your Highness... I’ll do that. May I have a moment, Kiwe, to dry off in the drying area?”

Both colts shared a look of curious excitement. “What’s that?” Snickers asked eagerly. Sage got up and her dress sloshed with each step she took. She stood on an orange square tile near some towels. After four seconds, a rush of warm air buffeted Snickers and Kiwe, warming their faces and chests.

Sage sighed after the warm air stopped and shook habitually, “That is the Pony Dryer, something nice from an out of town guest. Okay, now I’ll get to work, properly. Is there anything I can do for you, Kiwe? Oh, or Snickers?”

Both colts shared another look. “I’unno, maybe we can listen to the radio and play a game?” Snickers asked.

“Wait,” Kiwe said, looking around his room. “First, we should unpack. It would be rude to leave it all to these fine mares.”

Sage Brush waved her forehoof. “It’s no problem, we will do that when you have your audience with the Princesses.”

“Your time is scheduled for four o’clock, which is in…” Rosemary looked out of the window, “forty minutes. I feel we should take our leave, gentlecolts. Basil and Oregano will escort you to the Princesses meeting room for your first appointment.”

“Both of us?” Kiwe asked, hopefully and expectantly. After a nod from Rosemary, Kiwe let out a ululation and hopped into the air. “Yes!”

Snickers held out his hoof and got a solid bump in return, just as two stallions, a unicorn and pegasus, cleared their throats. Snickers noticed them coming out of a bow before one spoke. “Gentlecolts, I am Basil and he is Oregano,” one dark green unicorn said while gesturing to the slightly lighter green pony beside him; both had black manes with two green stripes, only on opposite sides. Basil started, “We are here--”

“--To take you to your meeting. The princess will see you shortly, and the path is confusing at first.” Oregano finished.

Stepping back, the butlers flanked the door and gestured for Snickers and Kiwe to join them in the main room. The colts were led, followed by the maids, to the main foyer, where they all made certain to wear their adhesive shoes before leaving. Snickers noticed the door had a number ‘9’ to identify it, and the door opposite theirs had an ‘8’.

The hallway ended after their apartments, and didn’t seem to go much further past ‘7’ and ‘6’. “Hey, how many apartments are there here?” Snickers asked one of the stallions ahead of him.

Oregano answered. “There are ten, Master Snickers. Your Highness is in apartment nine, Princess Celestia is in apartment one.”

“The others are used as quarters for visiting dignitaries or envoys.” Basil added.

Snickers and Kiwe were silent for the rest of the walk, trying to take in the splendor that was Canterlot’s castle. Topiaries, tapestries, paintings, stained glass, and fountains were the main attraction. Snickers also noticed several species he didn’t know were real, such as a dragon as large as he believed he once was, a flock of gryphons talking by one of the fountains, and two minotaur wearing glasses and cloaks that did little to hide their massive bodies.

“We have arrived, Your Majesty,” Basil said, opening the door with his magic to show a large open room lightly furnished. A fireplace lay unused against one wall while two couches sat opposite one another with a large table between.

Celestia sat on one with a cup of tea in her magic. Taking it from her lips, she was clearly excited to see Snickers, even though she tried to hide it. “Welcome home, Snickers. It is nice to see you enjoying yourself.”

Snickers and Kiwe entered and came up to the relaxing Princess. Snickers felt the power from Princess Celestia practically tingling his skin and making his fur feel weird. “Uh, hi, Princess Celestia. Sorry about how I was last time; I was kind of an asshole to you, and you didn’t deserve that.”

There were audible gasps from the servants that had accompanied the colts, as well as one stallion that was ready to serve various food items as needed.

Celestia was silent and smirked when Kiwe shoved Snickers slightly. “You do not speak to one in such a way, or they may shorten your stay.”

Snickers rolled his eyes. “I’m apologizing, not telling her her butt looks big, dude!” Snickers squeezed his eyes shut tightly in regret. He opened them and looked at Celestia as the mare casually looked at her own flanks from side to side. “Sorry about that.”

Celestia chuckled softly. “It is true, so you do not need to apologize. They say that when one has foals, their figure never truly returns; I am proof of that. Oh, and cake. Lots of cake over the years.”

Snickers didn’t know what to say, so he nodded as Celestia tittered at her own musing.

“Well, Aquelis… I apologize, Snickers. Would you mind taking a seat so I may have some words with you about your time here?” Snickers and Kiwe nodded, moving quickly to the other couch and flinching as ponies seemed to appear out of nowhere, placing tea cups, snacks, and tableware rolled in white cotton napkins around and in front of them.

“Th-thanks,” Snicker said as he looked at the teatime meal he’d been provided. Snickers looked at Kiwe, then they both looked at their servants, noticing the mares were gone. “Um, you guys gonna join us?”

The twins stood still and silent. Celestia setting her teacup on its saucer was the loudest noise at the moment and drew the attention to her. “They are only here in a supervisory capacity. What I have to tell you both, is that while you’re here, you are going to be considered very important ponies.

“I have already told many important nobles about your arrival, but nothing of the pony you once were to me,” Celestia’s voice didn’t waver. “Only that you are both to be treated with the same respect and honor they would give to me, and any other colt or stallion in the nation. If anypony causes you trouble, let any staff member know and the problem will be dealt with swiftly and justly.

“You have full access to any non-restricted areas of the castle, anything you want outside these walls will be covered by my personal coffers, and any questions you may have will be answered to the best of whoever you ask ability, as per my orders.

“Also, you will both be required to have at least two hours of schooling while staying here. The subjects will be determined by your tutors, not I. And, to ease you into a transition of living here, for as long as you wish it to be…” Celestia sighed, “...I will keep my distance from you, Snickers, until you wish to spend time with me.”

Snickers and Kiwe had sat still through her lecture, then Snickers raised a forehoof like he was in class still. “Um, what if I wanna play with you now?”

Celestia’s head jerked back and the sugar cup in her magic fell, nearly breaking had a servant not saved it. “Wh-wha-, I mean… y-you do? Now?” She asked with a growing smile. Her wings opened slowly and she sat up taller. “What would you like to play? My, what even do foals these days play?”

Snickers leaned forward and grabbed a tea sandwich with his lips before eating it, then he held up a hoof and ate another, then drank a cup of tea. “Okay, well… it’s kinda weird, but…”


Several minutes later, the sound of heavy hoof falls echoed down the many corridors with foals laughing and giggling intermittently. The sound of wings flapping heavily punctuated a set of shrieks, then more laughing and muddled talking and shouting. A flock of gryphons and a pair of minotaur around a fountain stopped their chatting at the sounds and looked down the hallway leading to the public areas of the castle. A few seconds later, Celestia herself turned the corner grinning in a way none of the guests had ever seen or heard of, running towards them with two foals on her back.

A flap of Celestia’s wings brought her over the fountain in a single assisted leap and without loss of speed, the group turned the corner and were gone, leaving the guests to get up and gather their wits. The sound of more hooves followed in Celestia’s path, only not as fast or energetic. Basil and Oregano nearly slipped turning the corner and galloped after their ruler as fast as they could.

They both went around the fountain their own way, ending side by side as they left the area. “Is that all, or are we going to expect another pony to come down the path?” A gryphon snarked as she picked up her dropped scrolls and grumbled at them.

A flash of golden light preceded Celestia’s appearance in the foyer of apartment 9, laughing and giggling filled the room and Celestia stopped with aid from her wings. She pranced like a show horse, elbows high and an extra bounce in her step.“That was more fun than I thought it would be.

“It’s been many years since I last gave foals a ride on my back. As it so happens, you’re going to meet one of them this evening at supper. He’ll be your guide to Canterlot, and show you the ways of the nobles. Should you stay here with me, my son, I shall teach you the ways of ruling a nation and, perhaps someday, taking the official mantle of Prince."

Snickers didn't comment on that topic. "So, can I get down now? I'm done riding you for now. Thanks," he said when his hooves touched the floor. "That was fun, but what you said killed it, kinda. Why not just call me Aqua-whatever and start trying to make me mad at you?”

“That was not my intention… there is a lot I must adapt to with you being alive, and even more I have to worry about now that you’re living in the castle again.”

Snickers flared his nostrils with a huff. “I, was, never, here! I’m not your son; you’re not my mom. Rarity is my mommy, and you can’t take that away from me!” He ran away, leaving Kiwe and Princess Celestia alone.

Princess Celestia exhaled a shaky sigh. “You should go and keep him company, Kiwe. Try rubbing small circles at the base of his head. It always relaxed him from whatever stress may have happened.”

Kiwe watched as Celestia vanished in a silent burst of light, barely brighter than a candle, but with his horn, Kiwe felt the magic thrum through his very being when she teleported away.

Kiwe quickly ran up the stairs and into Snickers’s room, skidding to a stop when he was greeted with a surprise. Snickers was frowning and snapped his tail when two fillies greeted him. “Hi, Kiwe.” Silver Spoon said with a small wave.

“Yeah, hi… are you mad we snuck in your luggage, Snickers?” Diamond Tiara asked.

Snickers looked at the fillies for a few tense seconds, then walked to them and sat down. “I need a hug from the best filly friends I have.”

Silver and Diamond hugged Snickers while Kiwe made his way over. “I do not mean to pry, but how have you gotten past the maid’s eye?”

Silver looked at Kiwe and smiled. “Oh, we were totally busted right away. It was, like, crazy how loud she screamed.”

“Yeah,” Diamond Tiara said, backing from the hug against her own will. “The maid is gonna talk to some ponies around the castle to get a letter to my mom and dad, and Silver’s, too. But, I already talked to our parents and got their permission to spend the rest of the week here."

Diamond Tiara gestured proudly between Silver Spoon and herself. Snickers sighed. "Okay, so what are we gonna do about sleeping?"

Silver Spoon raised her foreleg. "I call Snickers!"

"No way, I do! You owe me after listening in on me and blabbing," Diamond Tiara stated. Silver Spoon halted and frowned. "Yeah, that's right, I'm calling in one of the favors you owe me."

"One of these days I'm gonna knock that tiara off your head," Silver mumbled.

Diamond Tiara ignored the comment and noticed Kiwe. "Oh, hi, Kiwe. Are you sleeping with us, then?" Diamond gestured between herself and Snickers.

“Hey,” Snickers said, “Silver’s not sleeping alone, and Kiwe has his own room. I guess you’re here for the rest of the week, so I’ll let you stay as my guests… as long as you don’t cause any trouble. One slip up, and you’re out; got it?”

Both fillies nodded and then raised their right foreleg. “Filly Scout’s honor,” they said in unison.

Snickers shrugged and then went to his bathroom. “I’ve gotta go, so you three talk about stuff.”

“Wait! I gotta go next,” Silver Spoon called out, following Snickers. “I had to go for hours, hiding in that trunk.”

Diamond Tiara shook her head, following Silver Spoon. “I went before we left, like I told her to… but does she go before we leave? Of course not.”

Kiwe waited and followed a length behind Diamond Tiara, watching her tail sway with each step and letting his mind wander to what he might have been able to see, or might be able to see, if he were so lucky. Once they were all in the bathroom, Diamond eeped. “Gross! You dropped, put that thing away, Kiwe.”

While Diamond Tiara averted her eyes and covered her view of him with a foreleg, he looked down his body, then at Snickers, who was standing over the slot in the floor with fresh water flowing through it. Kiwe saw his friend’s sheath, but nothing coming out, then realized that she was the only one that had skipped on the spell.

He lit his horn and concentrated, a golden light brightening before a small orb shot out and struck Diamond Tiara. “Hey,” Diamond shouted as she noticed her body glow, “what did you do?” Diamond asked heatedly, then her eyes widened as she stared at Kiwe from the side, then Snickers. “Hey! Take that off me, right now!”

Kiwe stomped toward her. “I will do no such thing! You have not had the spell cast on you, allowing you to see personal parts that we may not have wished you to see. You were to undergo the see-not spell with us. Now I understand why you were late yesterday to the casting.”

Diamond Tiara stood frozen in place, looking between the foals in the room. “Uh… I had a headache?”

Snickers squatted and swished his tail around to his hind legs, a foreleg held his tail to his body. “I swear, if this is gonna be a thing, Diamond, you’re gonna have to… start taking lessons from Applejack, or me. I don’t lie unless I have to, and even… then, whew; that was a big one… uh, oh yeah! Even then, it’s only to protect others, not myself.

“And I don’t think liars are cute or fun to be around,” Snickers finished sliding his remaining forehoof along a lever. “Wow, the bidets here are so much better than at Rarity’s. And no paper to get stuck in my frogs,” he said showing his forehoof with a smile.

“Wow, I wanna try next… I can’t wait much longer!” Silver Spoon began hopping between her hooves and once Snickers had left the toilet she took the same position with a satisfied groan. “Oh, that’s so much better. I’m so going every time before I leave somewhere if this is how much it starts to hurt. Seriously, you boys don’t know what it’s like to have it sting because you hold it so long.”

Snickers and Kiwe shared a look,.

Kiwe turned back to Diamond and huffed. “You should be more like Snickers, then. Less games, more honesty.”

Snickers used his head to butt Kiwe a step back from Diamond. “Look, you two. I know you’re both emotional over this, but seriously… okay, Diamond, I would like you to apologize to all of us for watching us and seeing our privates without our permission. Kiwe, I’d like you to apologize to Diamond for casting a spell on her without her permission.”

Snickers took a step back and only the sound of Silver peeing into flowing water filled the air. Finally, after a stern look from Snickers, Diamond stood tall and proud. “I apologize to you all for being dishonest and looking at your goodies. I won’t do it again, as long as I can handle it, anyway.”

“Diamond!” Snickers snapped.

Diamond spoke back calmly, “Hey, it’s almost Fall, then Spring estrus, right? I can’t help it if I’ll be uncontrollable for a couple days. I mean, it’s a whole month of everything sex! I can finally be a part of it, like a real mare.”

Kiwe nodded. “She is right. The town should have a restriction on where ponies can go at certain times, and most stallions may self confine themselves to their homes. Mares will have their own methods to control their urges in public, but I have heard most mares cannot control themselves during their fertile days.”

“Do we have to talk about this while I’m peeing? It’s kinda making me feel butterflies in my tummy,” Silver said anxiously.

“Sure, I’m sorry, Silver,” Snickers said. His words were echoed by the others, then the attention was on Kiwe.

“I apologize for casting a spell on you without your knowing. From now on, I will do no such thing without your permission, or at least knowing of it. Deal?” Kiwe and Diamond bumped hooves.

The sight of Silver Spoon hopping from the spray of water with an excited squeal startled them. She landed on shaky legs, wide eyed and panting for no reason. “That… the water… cold on my… back there…” Silver blushed and she looked at the floor, tapping her hoof on the marble.

Snickers realized what Silver meant. “Oh, don’t be embarrassed. It was just shocking, is all. Do you want a few minutes alone to masturbate?”

Silver Spoon inhaled sharply and snapped her attention to Snickers. “Ah! How can you say that?! You’re a cute colt, not some pervy stallion! Get out of here before I… I don’t even know. Go on, all of you! I need to spend some time alone to de-stress!”

Snickers snickered as he and the others were ushered out of the bathroom and the door shut behind them. Silver Spoon loudly growled and began talking to herself animatedly. Diamond Tiara moved to press her ear to the door, but was stopped when Snickers clicked his tongue.

“Hey, no.” Was all Snickers had to say.

Diamond’s ears perked and she moved beside Snickers. “Okay, so what’re we gonna do while she… de-stresses?”

“How long will it take, do you think?” Snickers asked.

Diamond thought for a couple seconds. “Maybe two minutes. She gets really worked up sometimes.”

“That’s it?” Snickers asked, surprised. “I usually go for fifteen before I get the shivers.”

The sound of wood hitting the floor and small trinkets rolling got Snickers’s attention. He looked back to see a board game lying open on the floor in front of Kiwe, clearly dropped from his magic.

“Did you say… fifteen minutes? Or did you mean fifty seconds? Or, some other time I might have misunderstood?” Diamond asked urgently.

Snickers stepped back from the filly that was approaching him. He looked at Kiwe, who was following Snickers with his eyes, but his mouth was tightly closed. “Hey, little help, buddy?” Snickers asked.

Kiwe shook his head slightly, still immobile and quiet.

Snickers bumped into his bed and took notice of Laxxie looking down on him with a wooden smile. “What’s the big deal, Diamond? When I do it myself, that’s about how long it takes, and fifteen minutes isn’t much for a human, nowadays.”

Diamond stopped and stepped back. “M-most… no, no stallion lasts more than a minute and a half, and that’s with magic, potions, and medicine! Oh, my, gosh!” Diamond turned and galloped to the bathroom and opened the door, running in before slamming it. Silver Spoon clearly shrieked, but it was muffled when the door closed.

Snickers looked at his friend. “What the hay was that about? Is she right, Kiwe?”

Kiwe nodded and looked at the game and pieces. “Yes… you having said that will make… problems for you now.”

“Problems? What ‘problems’?”

Kiwe hesitated before he answered, “We… will talk about that later, when my mind is more clear. Come, let us play while the girls talk and… do what they do in private.”

Snickers grinned at the thought of what the fillies could have been doing with one another, only for his grin to turn into a grimace. “Gross! Ew, that’s so nasty! Ugh, I need a memory spell to make me forget what I just thought of. Right here, when you’re ready, brother.” Snickers tapped a random spot on his head.

Kiwe lit his horn and pulled a hair from the spot. “There, you are cured. You no longer remember the secret I just shared.”

“Wait, what secret? I don’t remember any secret!” Snickers said in a panic. “What else have I forgotten?!”

Kiwe giggled. “I was only joking, brother. Your memory is intact.”

Snickers smirked. “Me, too. Gotcha!”

Snickers, Kiwe, Silver Spoon, and Diamond Tiara followed Basil and Oregano into a comfortably sized dining hall , with a rectangular table centered in the room. Celestia sat at one end, a white unicorn with a blonde mane sat at the other, and the foals felt the weight of their eyes on them.

Celestia nodded to the arriving guests. “Greetings. It seems you have more friends here than you said earlier, or in your letter.” Celestia’s voice was curious and a bit light hearted, but Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara bowed once Celestia finished speaking.

“Princess… I, uh, I mean we’re… I mean, we are honored to be here. With Snickers. In your presence. Your Majesty.” Diamond stammered for her friend, who was trembling with excitement.

Silver, still bowing, turned her head so she could whisper to Diamond. “This is the second time we’re meeting the princess.”

Diamond grinned and whispered back, “I know. We’re so gonna rule the school when we get home.”

“Rise, and do not bow again while in private, or at all, for that matter. Foals shouldn’t be pressured to live with the same rules adults do, right, Blueblood?”

Snickers looked at the stallion closer and he clenched his teeth, waiting to hear what the pompous jerk that insulted his mother would have to say.

Blueblood nodded and gently moved the hair from his face, showing a kind and heartwarming smile. “Yes, it isn’t the duty of the young to worry about the troubles of the old.”

“Nephew, do you mean to say that I am old?” Celstia said with mock hurt.

“You are only as old as you feel, Auntie. And, since you were there when feelings were being named…” Blueblood laughed as he used a plate to shield himself from a bread roll Celestia threw at him. “Don’t worry, children. I’m on a roll with great jokes.”

Snickers couldn’t help himself and chortled, covering his mouth with his hoof to be polite, as well as to try to stay upset with this confusing stallion. “Hey, you’re the jer--”

Another roll bonked Snickers on the head, stopping him in place and sending him mind aflutter with questions. Mostly, who threw it, and how sweet revenge would be. Snickers looked at Celestia; the mare looking at the top of a nearby window casually, as though she had no part in any of the roll throwing, practically whistling comically.

Snickers looked at Blueblood, who grinned with perfect white teeth, and then gestured with his head at Celestia while hiding behind his plate. Snickers picked up the roll, wound his foreleg back, and let loose with a quiet grunt of pain. Apparently,his foreleg wasn’t meant to move that fast in that way.

“Auntie?” Blueblood asked, getting Celestia’s attention.

“Yes? Is there som-...”

The room was silent for a second, then snickers and giggles filled the room from the servants to the guards, and especially the foals as the roll skewered on Celestia’s horn. Any remaining tension was lost when Celestia’s eyes crossed as she tried to see herself shake the bread off.

Celestia stood and began flinging her head around like she was at a heavy metal concert, looking foolish and silly; singly for the foal’s benefit and to relax them into their temporary lives living with her. After nearly a minute passed, Celestia finally had a guard use her wings to remove the roll, which the guard saved to prove the story she’d tell later. Retaking her seat, Celestia sighed and used her magic to help the laughing foals to two seats large enough to seat them as pairs.

Snickers and Kiwe bumped hooves while Diamond and Silver sat up properly and prepared for a fancy meal. “That was a very nice throw, you nailed her with that roll,” Kiwe said, coming down from his laughter.

Snickers hopped in his seat, recounting events. “Yeah, I can’t believe I made it! I was like, whoosh, and it was like, squish. Then we were all, what?!”

Blueblood tapped his wine glass with a spoon to call attention to himself. “In honor of our newest guests, lost family, and good humor; I’m honored to call this supper to order. May we dine like the royals we are.”

After the toast, Snickers used both forehooves to lift the glass in front of himself to his lips, and drank a full swallow. His eyes widened slightly and he licked his lips as the taste of fine wine tickled his tongue. He glanced aside to Kiwe, who was looking at Blueblood. He sipped again and set his glass back on the table before noticing the fillies across from him whispering and tittering, giving furtive glances around the room.

A door behind the colts opened and two mares dressed as chefs walked to the table, two carts with several domed platters were behind them, pushed by two mares in cook uniforms. “Madame und monsieur, from ze furthest reaches of ze land have the best meals traveled; all to come to zis moment. In honor of our young guests, I prezent… supper.”

The platers moved to the center of the table and lined up nicely. The domes were lifted with a puff of smoke that rolled from the exposed food, then the sound of happy children filled the room.

“Hayburgers!” “Fries!” “Fish sticks!” “Hay fries!” “Onion rings!” “Salads!”

The foals all shouted over one another and didn’t wait to be offered permission before they began grabbing food from the platters, lost to the hunger they didn’t know they all had. Decorum and politeness were pushed aside, even by the fillies, at the prospect of eating after nearly twelve hours without a proper meal.

Once their plates were full, they began to eat without abandon for several bites, before they all seemed to realize where they were and who they were dining with. Still chewing, Snickers looked between the sitting ruler of the nation, and the prince he knew nothing about.

“Um, effcuth me,” Snickers covered his mouth from the ketchup covered hayburger with fish sticks in it he had just spat out.

“Ew! Don’t spit in my shake, Snickers!” Diamond scolded.

Silver Spoon hummed. “Don’t be mad at him, Diamond Tiara. Colts just don’t know proper table etiquette.”

“Hey,” Snickers said with an empty mouth and a little more wine in his belly, “you’re eating like us, so cram it.”

Celestia quietly laughed and took a fork and knife to her burger, as did Blueblood. “This is quite more lively than I imagined it would be. Shortly, Blueblood, Luna will arrive and we will see how she reacts to our guests and their energy.”

Snickers heard Luna’s name and looked at Blueblood. “So, when’s she getting here? I haven’t met her yet, is she nice? Mean? Crazy? Cool?”

Blueblood chuckled. “She is who she is, and that depends on the day, some days. She’s still only recently back from her stay on the moon, and adjusting isn’t as easy as she thought it would be. But, she is making great progress, right, Auntie?”

“That she is. Now, eat up before it gets cold,” Celestia urged.

The meal was nearly done, plates were cleared, and dessert was brought out to each pony; a lava cake that was actually on fire with controlled magic. Snickers wavered ever so slightly from side to side and eyed his nearly empty glass of wine with a goofy grin.

Kiwe noticed Snickers’s descent from sobriety. “Snickers, are you well? If not, there are many here you can tell.”

Snickers waved at Kiwe. “Nah, I’m good as ever. If I was more good, I’d be… gooder.” Snickers giggled into his forehooves while Kiwe reluctantly looked around, trying to take in the wonders of the room he didn’t notice earlier. “Snickers, the ceiling--”

“Hey, Blueblue? Did you make cake on my mommy? That was very uncouth of you, darling. Why, if I had a say in the matter,” Snickers began to slur his speech, telling the rest of the table something was off and raising mental alarms, “I’d put cake on you. Ha, what’d’ya gotta say to that?”

Blueblood sighed and lowered the fork he was using to eat his souffle back to his plate. “Ah, yes. I was wondering when that was going to return to haunt me. You see…”

The sound of metal clanging against the floor outside the room distracted them all and Celestia perked up. “Ah, my sister will be here in a moment and I can introduce you all.”

Snickers, however, was stone still and staring at the door. While the other foals began to talk animatedly, he was lost in a private world of cold silence where only muffled noises could be made out.

A chill ran through Snickers, and when he shivered, the hairs on his entire body prickled. The only thing he could hear were the steps approaching and the only thing he could feel was the temperature seeming to drop.

The door handle glowed with a blue aura and turned, showing Snickers one of the most frightening creatures he’d ever seen in this world.

A mare as tall as Celestia with a coat blacker than the void between stars stood looking into the room when the door swung open. She smiled with a maw full of sharp, predatory teeth and her cat-like slit eyes darted from pony to pony, foal to foal, until they landed on him.

Her voice was like silk, the words haughty; looking down on those around her. “Ah, I have made it to the feast!”

A poorer choice of words couldn’t have been used, as Snickers’s flight response switched on. The colt panicked, and ran over Kiwe. He raced past the servants and crashed into a service door that only swung one way.

Blood dribbled from Snicker’s nose as he stood up on wobbly legs. He turned back to the room, and saw the worried look on Celestia’s face.

The warmth there, in her expression, clashed with the icy sensation Luna gave off. Choosing Celestia over more pain, Snickers’s rational mind pushed him to gallop to the Princess and hide under her, letting his bladder loose as he held onto one of her forehooves, just above her golden shoes.

“Don’t let it get me, Princess! Please, I don’t wanna die!”

A concerned and knowing look from Celestia met the shocked and quickly shamed one from Luna.

The room was quiet as his words echoed. Luna vanished in a burst of dark light, a single tear hitting the floor as she left.

A Stallion's Talk and Foals Play

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Celestia lowered her head to Snickers as he trembled in his own urine, on the floor behind her foreleg. “Child, it is safe now. Please, come out so we can clean you and care for you.”

At a loss for what to say or do, the rest of the room was hesitant to do anything that may set off another panic. Small hooves tapped their way quickly under the table and to Snickers. Ignoring the mess he’d made, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara lay facing him and nuzzled his head from both sides.

Snickers stopped trembling and peeked out to see Diamond Tiara’s ear flick, and her tail swish. But no dark monsters.

“Is… is the monster gone?” Snickers asked in a high pitched, trembling voice.

“There wasn’t any monster, Snickers. You went crazy when Luna walked in, and now she’s gone,” Diamond said quietly, nuzzling one more time before she backed up, and looked into his eyes. “Oh, no… you’re so scared. I’ve never seen you so scared before, Snickers.”

Diamond’s heart melted at the sight of the strong colt, little more than a shivering foal afraid for his life; the mask he wore was taken off, for once, and Diamond was the first to see what she perceived as the real Snickers. A scared colt, lost and friendless, desperate for safety and security.

Silver Spoon scooted back and moved to press her side to Diamond’s. “Oh, my, Celestia, Diamond. He looks so sad and scared; you’re right.”

Snickers sniffled, and got up on shaky legs, swaying before he flopped down in his mess. “Ugh, I think, yeah. I think I’m kinda drunk. Gotta good buzz starting.”

Celestia picked him up with her magic, and before maids and servants could rush in, the mess was cleaned with a flash of magic. Snickers was affected by the spell, so he was at least extra clean from his neck to his tail. Celestia raised him to her eye level, and looked him over. His eyes were losing focus, he let his legs sway, and his head tipped to the right slowly. Then, it moved upright, only to repeat the pattern.

Celestia smelled his breath and hummed knowingly. “Yes, he is, indeed, drunk. How is this possible? A glass of wine should not affect a colt of his age in such a manner.”

Her question was directed at the castle staff, but Kiwe answered. “Your Highness, Princess Celestia, he does not drink full wine yet. With meals or not, it is watered down; to build his tolerance. He is only two months old, you see…”

There were audible gasps and a few chuckles. Celestia rolled her eyes in good humor. “Kiwe, I understand you may want to play games, but this is not the time. This is a serious issue that must be resolved. One of many, it seems.”

Diamond and Silver stood up for Kiwe. “No, it’s true. Snickers has only been on Equus for a couple months. But, we don’t know why he looks like your son, honest.”

Celestia’s lips pursed and her eyes darted from side to side, taking in the shocked expressions of the room. “Blast it all,” Celestia whispered. Her horn lit and there was a flash of golden light that didn’t seem to have affected the foals, or Prince Blueblood; but the rest of the staff and guards seemed uneasy for a few seconds.A dome of silence surrounded Celestia and the others that were close to Snickers, allowing Celestia to speak freely.

“This has been a trying day already, and I apologize to you all. Especially you, my little Snickers. Prince Blueblood, Kiwe, and friends; would you be so kind as to take Aque… Snickers to his room while I speak to Luna?”

Blueblood nodded and took Snickers onto his back, noticing the slight tremor still coursing through the colt. “Come along, nephew, I’ll take you to your quarters and introduce you to the fine art of snobbery, as only one of my stature can.”

Snickers quietly giggled when Blueblood turned his snout up and pranced through the bubble Celestia had made, with the other three foals following behind.

Celestia, still in her sphere, sighed. “I just had to erase the last three seconds from the staff’s memories, for my son, Luna. You had better have a great explanation for this,” she said to herself, keeping the air and regality she was known for, while seething inside. She lowered the bubble and vanished without a sound, leaving behind some speckles of golden light.

Appearing in Luna’s chambers, Celestia looked through the shadowed room to find her sister; crying softly at her vanity. “Luna? What have you done?”

“Sister,” Luna said, weakly, “I do not know how, but he saw through the illusions. Nopony should have that power, but he has seen it. The beast within and without, that I hide with all I have… Celestia, how can we fix this?”

Luna’s dark blue cheeks were matted with tears as she looked at herself in the mirror, slit eyes and pitch black fur copying her every motion.

Celestia placed a forehoof on Luna’s shoulder, then pulled it back quickly when the enchanted gold sizzled against Luna’s fur. Thedark mare grimaced.

“By telling them the truth,” Celestia said, “and praying to Mother on High that we can salvage this. Aquelis won’t be lost to me again so easily.

“Whatever game the Sisters are playing at, I will not let them take him from me again.”

Luna’s eyes met Celestia’s and Luna’s reflection bared its predatory teeth. “I like how you think, dear sister. I would not mind taking the Sisters Eternal to task,” Luna wiped her eyes and turned to face Celestia, “but first, I must task myself with proving my honorable intentions to your son, the nephew I never knew.

“Dearest sister, you lay with a stallion and chose to not tell me after my return.” Luna pouted. “And to think, a lowly whitesmith planted his seed within your womb on the first night you lay as one. Should I be so lucky to have such a passionate affair when the stars align on my estrus.”

Celestia swatted Luna with her wing. “Hush, Sister. You will bear a foal within the decade, I’m certain of it. You have already had several consorts for fun. Just wait for the right time of the year, and you’ll find a foal within yourself to call my Aquelis her cousin.”

“Bah, swiving is less for foals than fun, as you know. When the time comes for my belly to bear fruit, I shall have the greatest harem in Equestria plow my fields and sew my royal oats, as only stallions in the throws of passion can do. Until then,” they shared a titter while Celestia blushed to Luna’s lustful grin, “I shall have a consort every night if I wish, to fill my womb in practice for the glorious moment time has prepared me for.

“Perhaps I will even name her after my last child. Dearest One, I pray your eternal slumber is as joyous as your life was.”

Celestia brought her horn to touch Luna’s and they shared a small spark of magic. “Luna, she lived the life she wanted, and didn’t end her journey alone. She was surrounded by love, kinship, and those she called family, from across the globe. She was an inspiration to all she knew, and even those she didn’t.

“You did the world proud and made it a better place by birthing her before your change. If there was any time to believe there was some good to come of your leaving us so suddenly, she was certainly the answer to that question.”

They shared a nuzzle, then Celestia stepped away. “I shall see you in Snickers’s quarters soon, and when you arrive, I shall introduce you both, properly, for the first time.”

Walking down the halls, Blueblood led the foals back to room 9 to let Snickers relax. The walk was a bit long, so Blueblood chose to fill the silence between padded hooffalls. “So, I understand you are the lost son of my dearest Auntie, yes?”

Snickers bit Blueblood’s mane and tugged. The stallion instinctively reared and landed, ready to shout at the colt, but decorum stopped him. “I’m not the son of Celestia. I’m just a guy who turned into a pony, that’s all.”

Blueblood’s blood pressure was still rising after the affront to his nature, but he stayed calm and took a deep breath before replying. “Well, Auntie seems to think so, at least. She’s been speaking of ‘her long lost Aquelis’ returning to her after two hundred years. I’ll be honest, Snickers is a much better name, in my opinion.

“And, was I correct in hearing you say you’re related to a Miss Rarity? The name doesn’t ring a bell, but I doubt I’d do anything to sully a Canterlot mare’s name, or clothing.”

Silver Spoon interjected herself to clarify. “Actually, it was at the Grand Galloping Gala last year. Miss Rarity’s a white pony that talks with a fakey accent and adopted Snickers a couple months ago.”

Blueblood winced and grimaced. “Oh, her? Dearest me, had I any idea who she was… well, I would have probably done the same. Children, you do not know how difficult it is being nobility, much less one of the last descendents of Princess Platinum herself. Everywhere I go, every event I attend, mares, and a stallion here and there, try to win my favor for their own needs.

“There are rarely ponies that try to attract me with false attention to better themselves. That’s what your Miss Rarity did. I was only enjoying a moment in the garden, to escape the crowds begging for my attention and time, wooing me with promises for favors, when she showed up. Her dress was exquisite and, at first sight, I did see something attractive in her.

“When she introduced herself to me I was expecting an offer for a line of clothing or an investment opportunity from a poor mare trying to get her hoof in the door, as it was. Instead, she began trying to win my affections with fluttering eyes and lustful smiles.”

Blueblood’s nostrils flared and he nickered. “So uncouth, and rude. I did everything I could, acted as pompous as one would see a royal. I even acted as a spoiled colt would on Hearth’s Warming Eve to try to get her away from me, so the normal moochers and leeches could hound me again.

“She even went so far as to have her friend buy me one of the most delectable treats I have ever tasted in my life; that I had to spit out, and complain to the mare’s saddened face. It wasn’t until that same mare arrived with a half dozen cakes on three carts, one pushed by her, the others tied to her tail, that I was able to rid myself of that selfish mare.

“A little spell and the first, largest, cake flew at me! I used Rarity as a shield. I hated ruining such fine clothing, but it was wasted on the mare. Ow!” Blueblood rubbed the back of his ear, where Snickers had hit him. “I apologize, Snickers, but she was simply dreadful to me. Not a moment of honesty, until she was angered and flung cake at me.

“Not that the following events were expected. A century old statue gifted from the Gryphon Kingdom of New Heights was destroyed, the party was run afoul by creatures not suited to be indoors; chased by a crazed mare demanding the room’s ponies love her!

“It was a true disaster; created by those we relied upon to defend our very world from the forces that meant to destroy us at every turn. Nightmare Moon, Discord, the national parasprite infestation, the Royal Wedding of - now Prince-Consort - Shining Armor and Princess Cadence, and the return of the Crystal Empire’s capital city; what will happen next?

“I hope it’s something Auntie can handle with Luna. Ever since the Gala, I’ve had little to no expectations from four of those mares.”

“Only four?” Diamond asked. “There are six, right?”

Silver nudged Diamond. “Hey, they’re cool, Diamond. They’re just eccentric.”

Blueblood harrumphed. “Indeed. The blue one is making herself known as a braggart across the city, the yellow one isn’t allowed near the gardens until future notice, the white one isn’t allowed to any further balls or parties without guard escort, and the orange one has a special requirement that I shouldn’t divulge.”

Snickers prepared his forehoof to slap Blueblood’s ear harder. A guard trailing them prepared a spell to hold the colt’s foreleg in place. “And what is that? Applejack is the orange one, and she’s the only honest one, the only one I trust, anyway,” Snickers said.

Blueblood chuckled, unknowing of the danger his sensitive ear was in. “She is bound by edict to provide the castle with ten apple fritters each day, at a cost ten times their worth, for the foreseeable future; by myself, of course. I won’t lose any weight at this rate, but I can’t say no when they’re delivered to my quarters in the morning, still steaming hot and fresh.”

Blueblood salivated. Snickers lowered his forehoof, and raised an eyebrow. “You liked them that much?”

Blueblood’s voice sounded jovial to Snickers. “Son, if I had any notion, every meal across the nation would end with one for each and every creature.”

Snickers let the word ‘son’ bounce around in his mind, and realized it was something a stallion or human had never called him. The word brought a faster beat to his little heart and he had to shake his head to return from a place of wonder.

A day guard stood at attention when the prince approached. “Prince Blueblood, it is an honor to see you here. Will you be visiting for a while?”

“Yes. I will be delivering Snickers and his friends to his room, then staying to entertain them while we await their bedtime. I am tasked with showing these little ruffians around the city,” Blueblood joked and ruffled Kiwe’s mane, “and bonding is a great way to build trust, as you know, corporal.”

“Sir, yes, sir,” the guard stated and moved to open the door to Snickers and Kiwe’s room. “Have a nice evening, and if you need anything, the servants are prepared for you.”

Blueblood shook his head ever so slightly. “No, I don’t think I’ll need any of their cervixes, thank you, though.”

Snickers barked a laugh and shoved his forehoof into Blueblood’s mane. “I heard that, you sly fox. I used the same line to pick up mares back when I was younger.”

Blueblood stumbled, but caught himself and shared a surprised look with the guard. “Yes, well, perhaps we can discuss that in private?”

Snickers chuckled. “Hey, anything that gets you balls deep into a mare is more than okay with me. I’ve- mmpo.”

Snickers frowned at having his muzzle closed while talking, but moved past that and understood he was saying too much when he noticed the guards flanking the door looking at him with saddened surprise. Snickers rode Blueblood into the foyer and heard one guard whisper, “So, it’s true about him being raped as a yearling?”

Snickers felt his happy mood fly away with the door slamming closed. He dismounted Blueblood and was met by Rosemary, while Sage was standing by the stairs, with poise and elegance, looking at Kiwe with her full attention. Kiwe nodded to Sage, she nodded back, then lowered her eyes, to not seem to be staring at him, while still awaiting a command.

“Greetings, Your Highness, Prince Blueblood,” Rosemary bowed her head.

Blueblood sniffed and spoke, “Rise, my darling. As you know, this small stallion beside me is Snickers, and he has had a fright, most severe. I’d appreciate it if you would draw him, and his friends, a bath; and tend to their needs, as you’re told to do.”

Snickers didn’t say anything. Kiwe walked beside him, and the fillies whispered a short conversation at the back as they all followed Rosemary and Sage to Snickers’s bathroom. The water in the tub filled in four seconds from being completely empty and steam wisped lightly from the surface.

Snickers pulled his shirt off and tossed it aside, not noticing that Sage caught it and directed it to a small hamper.

“What about bubbles?” Silver Spoon asked as she took her glasses off and set them on a bench by Diamond’s tiara.

“You need only ask the water,” Rosemary said with a smile.

Looking between one another, the foals all shouted ‘bubbles’ at once. Bubbles, foamy and light, rose to the surface and covered at least two inches of the entire surface. Snickers and Kiwe backed up and screamed as they jumped in, flailing their forelegs as they parted the bubbles and sank into the relaxing, hot water.

Diamond Tiara walked into the water using the steps. “Boys, always have to show o-wah!” Diamond didn’t estimate the length of the steps properly and tumbled under the water, sinking out of sight quickly.

Silver Spoon moved to where the steps began and hesitated. “Um, like, how do you know if we’re all okay? I mean, what if, like, something happens and we can’t come up or something?”

Rosemary hummed a chuckle. “This is a magic pool, if anything happens that scares or puts the lives of those within in danger, a gong rings, the water expunges the injured, and, if needed, a medical crew is teleported here within ten seconds to care for whomever it may be. Also, the staff are all trained medics, Miss Silver. You don’t have to worry. Everything is safe.”

Silver Spoon blinked and looked at the water, then stepped in and leapt into the pool. Underwater, she could see as clearly as though she were wearing swimming goggles and her glasses. She saw Kiwe swimming away from Snickers while Diamond floated in place, watching the colts.

Silver had never noticed how their manes and tails moved while submerged and watched for several seconds before she let her legs try to carry her to the surface. She stopped before she crested the water and waved to Diamond, motioning for her to surface.

Diamond nodded. Her cheeks puffed as air bubbles started to escape her mouth, and Diamond quickly surfaced with a loud exhale and gasp. Silver Spoon followed a second later, only more relaxed about breathing again.

“Wow, that is the best water I’ve ever been in. It’s like spring water, but way better,” Diamond gushed and swam to the edge where the tub had a recess for their knees to rest in while their forehooves lay on the floor.

“Diamond, this is the best bath I’ve ever had, too. I mean, look under water! Did you see that?! It was like I didn’t need glasses, and I never saw tails move like that. It was just-

“-Amazing.” Both fillies said together and giggled. They moved closer and sighed. “This is just what I needed, and I didn’t even know it,” Diamond said.

Silver agreed. “I know! I feel my hooves tingling like they’re tired, but I’ve only walked a little today. I think the water’s cleaning them with magic, or something.”

“Mine, too. Wait,” Diamond giggled and started thrashing in the water. Snickers appeared for a couple seconds as he breached the surface to take a breath, then went back under.

“What are you doing, Dia--” Silver’s hooves started tickling her and she was thrashing before she knew it, too. “Stop it! I can’t have my hooves tickled! I give up! Auntie, auntie!”

Diamond tried climbing out, but something grabbed her pastern and tugged her back, then resumed tickling her. “They can’t hear us! I’m going under, no~!” Diamond overdramatized her sinking and Silver chortled before submerging again.

Blueblood poked his head into the bathroom and noticed the maids grinning and giggling to themselves. “Ah, I see they’re playing properly. Carry on, then. I’ll be reading this fascinating magazine of Snickers’; FoalFun, indeed.”

Silver Spoon saw Kiwe holding Diamond’s leg in his forelegs while using his magic to tickle her, then she looked down as her humor turned to shock. Snickers was holding her legs with his. His tail swayed and brushed across her face while his forehooves attacked her ticklish hooves.

There was a gong and the water reverberated the sound as all four foals were essentially spat out of the tub, coughing water and laughing. “Ha, colts rule; fillies drool!” Snickers exclaimed, then got up and leapt back into the water.

“What he said,” Kiwe shouted, following Snickers back into the water. Kiwe pulled bubbles across his head and spoke in a wary and haggard voice. “Hey, I’m an old stallion with hair of gray. Young colt, listen to what I say.”

“I won’t do what you say, because I’m old too; want some hay?”

The fillies coughed and got up. They looked at the colts messing around, then shared a glance. “Cannon-ball!” Diamond shouted and shrieked as she leapt and splashed between the colts. Silver Spoon followed with a swan dive and nearly reached the bottom before her ears popped and forced her to surface.

Before Silver did surface, though, she grabbed Snickers’s tail and tied the end with Kiwe’s. “Hey, you can’t get us, nyah nyah,” Silver taunted and Diamond joined in.

“Nyah nyah, fillies rule and colts drool!”

“Diamond,” Silver whispered and giggled, “split up, you’ll see why.”

Diamond nodded. When the colts made to chase and dunk them, the fillies split and the colts’ tails tugged them back to one another. “Hey, get your tail off mine,” Snickers said.

Kiwe snorted. “You should remove your tail from mine, as it would be better than to hear you whine.”

Both colts shared a smirk and started to grapple one another. Their tails untied from the loose knot, but they didn’t notice through their thrashing. Taking opposite sides, Diamond and Silver Spoon unleashed a torrent of splashes that forced the colts underwater.

Claiming their victory for fillies everywhere, Diamond and Silver Spoon climbed out of the water and shook the excess from their bodies. Diamond sniffed her foreleg and her ears perked. “Wow, lavender-rose, that’s my favorite shampoo and conditioner. I didn’t even… wow, I’m so clean,” she noticed.

Silver Spoon looked along her own body and gasped at the shine she carried. She sniffed her foreleg and giggled, then pranced in place. “I love this bath! Honeysuckle and wildflowers, how does it even know?”

Diamond held up a hoof and snickered. “What if the boys come out smelling like dirt and chalk, or something?”

Silver giggled into her forehooves. “Like worms or something?”

Diamond raised a hoof. “Bump it, that’s a good one.”

Together they waited as the colts played for another minute, then got out. “Hey, are you done already?” Snickers asked, noticing how clean he was. “Holy shit, it’s like I just got groomed at the spa!” He sniffed the air and it led him to his foreleg. Snickers’s eyes rolled back and he stumbled to the side with a goofy grin.

“Pure vanilla and hops,” Rosemary said, looking at something on her foreleg. “It seems to be his favorite smell. Oh, my,” she blushed and looked at Sage, who was looking at Snickers with growing eyes. “Sage, if you can’t handle what you’re seeing, avert your eyes, filly.”

Sage eeped and looked at the ceiling, but the image of Snickers’s growing arousal would stay with her for many moons. “I apologize, Rosemary. I’ll have the see-not spell cast on me as soon as I get time tonight.”

The fillies glared at Sage. “Are you checking out our herd stallion ? Because if you are, you’re fired!” Diamond shouted. Sage looked down to meet Diamond’s eyes.

Rosemary stepped between them. “You have no authority to do anything of the sort. In fact, I’ve received an edict that says we can separate you from these colts at any time, if you become a bother. Should we exercise our rights as guardians?”

Diamond and Rosemary stared one another down, then Silver stepped beside Diamond. “Diamond, it’s fine. Just let her do what she wants; I don’t want to leave Snickers. We just got here and had so much fun, right?”

Diamond blinked and looked away from the mare in defeat. “Fine, but I don’t want her checking out Snickers or Kiwe.”

Rosemary looked back to Sage. “And she won’t be doing that again, will you, Sage Brush?”

Sage shook her head. “N-no, ma’am. Never again. I’m not interested in a colt, anyway; he’s just as big as a stallion and--”

“Sage,” Rosemary said in a curt tone, “please leave the room and wait outside the door. We’ll call you if we need you.”

Sage lowered her head and turned to leave, knowing she had messed up. “Yes, ma’am. I apologize again.”

Blueblood peeked in the room as Sage was leaving, waving her past before she could bow. “I heard some shouting and… oh, my… well, he’s going to be quite the lady’s colt, isn’t he?” Blueblood joked and looked between the females in the room. An awkward silence began, broken when Kiwe breached the water’s surface and landed by Diamond Tiara.

“What happened to the fun, is there a reason you are on the run?” Kiwe asked. He noticed Snickers rolling to his belly and crawled beside him. “Snickers, are you already done? We were having so much fun. I… is that vanilla and hopps I smell on you?”

Snickers nodded and shook his head. “Wow, that’s like getting a snout full of mare. Just knocked me out for a minute.” Snickers felt beneath him and groaned. “Damn it, it’s all the way out… Kiwe, cover me while I get dried and put this thing away.”

Kiwe sided Snickers, every female averted their eyes, even the fillies who couldn’t see anything. Warm air crashed onto Snickers, drying him and causing his mane to frizz. Kiwe was next, followed by Diamond, and lastly Silver.

Silver hummed. “Hey, what do you smell like, Kiwe? You didn’t tell us.”

“I was not aware it was something to share, but since you ask,” he held out his foreleg and both fillies took a smell, humming contentedly.

“Why am I not surprised?” Diamond asked.

Silver smiled. “Muffins and bread? I thought you’d smell more, robust; like your cooking.”

Kiwe nodded once. “Thanks, but I do love kneading bread. It gives me time to clear my head.”

“Forget about that,” Snickers shouted as he looked in a mirror, “what about my mane?! It’s awful and frizzy, and is that a knot? Oh, fuck me; I think I’m going to faint.”

Snickers took several steps to the side and walked into his room before falling to his side on the floor.

Diamond giggled. “All you need to say is ‘the horror’ a couple times, and you’re ready to start selling flowers in Ponyville.”

Snickers twitched his hind leg.

“Almost there,” Silver Spoon said, squinting her eyes. “Where are my glasses? I can hardly see.”

Her glasses aligned onto her head, and with a little adjustment herself, she nodded thanks to Rosemary.

Her tiara levitated in front of Diamond, and the filly didn’t waste any time slipping it into her mane. “I really need to have my mane taken care of, though. Seriously, I look and smell amazing, but my mane isn’t what it should be.”

“Your request is our pleasure,” Sage said, clapping her forehooves together. With a spark of her horn at the same time, several sets of hooves began to hurriedly approach. Snickers sat up and watched his open room door.

“Ah, you are going to love this,” Blueblood said, startling Snickers.

Snickers looked from the stallion to the doorway. “Love what?”

Just then, a half dozen mares rushed into the room and galloped to the foals. Two were unicorns that lined Snickers and Kiwe side by side. Two began using hooves and pinions to take care of manes, the unicorns began filing the colts hooves, and the last two were earth ponies that began brushing Snickers and Kiwe’s coats.

All the while, the group of adults talked over one another on what to do and where they’d be going later; working in a wondrous dance that ended after several minutes. As they were finishing, one noticed a wooden pony on the bed and brought attention to it.

“Wow, that is the most life-like doll I’ve seen in months. It’s like it’s really watching us.”

“Apa!” Laxxie chirped, bringing a round of ‘aww’s from the manestylist.

“I want one, but first I need my orange-mocha-latte-skinny-frapaccino! C’mon, girls; Startled-Bucks awaits our orders!”

The mares left in as much of a rush as they’d arrived in, leaving two very pleased colts and two somewhat irate fillies behind. “Hey,” Diamond shouted, chasing the mares, “what about me and my friend?!”

Royal Perogative

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Sitting in the main room at a table fit for at least ten, the colts were feeling refreshed and pampered, even after such a short grooming. The fillies were upset and brushing one another while giving jealous looks to their counterparts, when two servants of the castle walked in, led by the apartment’s chef.

“Afternoon, everypony,” the earth pony chef said shortly, “your meals are prepared. Ladies,” she gestured to the pegasi servants with her forehoof.

The mare and stallion stepped forward, using their wings to move the platters from their backs to the table. Everypony wasn’t too excited to eat again so soon, which dampened the chef’s spirits. “I had heard you left your meal with the Princesses early, I didn’t know you had eaten first. I apologize for my mistake.”

“It’s cool, leave it. I might get hungry again,” Snickers said as the chef waved the pegasi to gather the domed platters and stopped.

Silver Spoon waved a foreleg. “Excuse me, I didn’t hear your name.”

The chef bowed her head. “My name is Chef Basil, it is an honor to meet you, Miss Silver Spoon. And the same to you, Miss Diamond Tiara.” Basil looked to the colts and bowed low, vanishing from their view. Basil stood again. “And royal guests, Snickers and Kiwe. If we may take our leave?”

Snickers nodded and the chef left. The food under the domed lids was gathering their attention and Kiwe lit his horn to lift the lid on one, grinning when he saw what it was. “Desserts!”

Having taken a plate and stacked it with treats, Snickers noticed Basil standing at the servant’s doorway. They both grinned and Snickers dug into his unhealthy snacks. A golden flash of light from the foyer brought the foals to a slow chew, whereas they were ravenously gobbing the treats before.

Celestia entered the room and Snickers felt the usual warmth precede her. “Hm, it seems you all have a sweet tooth as well. They do say a sweet tooth is often passed from mother to son, you know,” Celestia looked hopefully at Snickers, then averted her eyes when he didn’t show any joy at her statement. “But, the reason I’m here isn’t for donuts or cake. Snickers and friends, do you have a moment to spare for me?”

The foals all nodded and stopped eating, loudly gulping and wiping their mouths on cloth napkins that Snickers noticed were embroidered with his name. A glance back showed Kiwe’s napkin had ‘Kiwe’ written in elegant cursive.

‘Must be magic napkins’, Snickers thought to himself.

“Before I begin, do any of you know what an oath is?” Celestia asked.

Silver Spoon raised her foreleg. “Oh, oh! I do, Princess Celestia! It’s when you say you’ll do something, and mean it.”

Celestia nodded. “That is, in essence, the idea of an oath. I must have you all recite one with me. If you’re not willing to know the secret I’m about to share, please leave the room.”

None of the foals moved, and Celestia smiled. Her horn glowed and Snickers felt the warmth of the noon sun tingle his skin as the room was cast in a glow of her magic. Everything outside the walls was tinted black with a swirling fog, adding to the secrecy. Snickers and Kiwe were clearly growing excited, but not as much as the fillies.

“Ohmygosh, ohmygosh, we’re gonna hear a royal secret, Diamond Tiara!” Silver exclaimed.

“Bump, bump, sugarlump, rump,” they chanted and giggled.

“Children, your attention, please. Raise your right forehoof and repeat after me,” Celestia said and her horn flashed. Snickers felt something tingle in his mouth, but it faded quickly. “I, state your name, will not tell anypony what I’m going to learn today. I will do my very best to be kind to the ponies that do know, and I will also let Celestia have a slice of cake, if she asks and there’s enough to share.”

The foals giggled when they finished repeating the oath and opened the second platter to show several cupcakes. Celestia eyed them, but then stepped aside. “Snickers, would you mind sitting between your filly-friends?”

Snickers blushed. “They’re not my fillyfriends, we’re just in a little herd.”

Celestia smirked and nearly cooed, but stopped herself and waited as Snickers went under the table to sit between Silver and Diamond.

Celestia took in a deep breath, then exhaled loudly. “Sister, please come in.”

Snickers’s eyes widened and he wrapped his forelegs around Silver Spoon. The air chilled briefly, then normalized as the creature from an hour before walked into the room. Snickers was ready to run, but this time it wasn’t terrifying. It’s eyes were slightly red, it’s… Snickers noticed it was a mare.

Not a monster or an ‘it’, but a mare. One that had clearly been crying, if the tear lines were any indication. She remained tight-lipped, hiding her teeth this time as she stood by Celestia.

Celestia looked lovingly at her sister. “Luna, show them. It’s okay, I trust they’ll do fine.”

Luna nodded and her horn glowed briefly. Her coat shimmered, but nothing changed about her for Snickers. The others didn’t react the same, though. Kiwe dumped the contents of his plate onto his lap as he used it as a shield. Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara hugged Snickers, tightly enough to squeeze the air from his lungs.

“Too tight, lemme go,” Snickers wheezed. Once he was able to breathe, he looked at the tall mare, almost the same height as her sister. “So… y-you’re Luna?”

Luna nodded and looked at the floor, staying silent.

“Sister, is there a story you wish to tell them?” Celestia asked. Luna shook her head and took a short step back. “Come, now. You can do it. You’re a fantastic story teller.”

Luna inhaled and looked up, then opened her mouth to intentionally show her teeth and fangs. “I am not a monster, but I look like one because of a pact I made with a greater evil entity called Limelight. A creature summoned by black magic in a spell I cast to win me the favor of my subjects.

“A normal Limelight’s power is to make one believe they will be the center of attention for whatever their desire may be. A pony may wish to be a dancer, and the Limelight will make it so; at the cost of that pony breaking the leg of their rival, for example.

“Over a thousand years ago, I was shunned, and the ponies slept through my nights while showering Celestia with praise, affection, consorts, and gifts.” Luna giggled when she was shoved by Celestia’s wing. “It is true. While she had fun and love, I was alone, save for my guard, and dreamwalking.

“Certainly, it was a sad time for me. I was this tall then, but my body was like the glamour I use to hide, this,” she gestured to herself. “To win the love my sister had, I called Limelight to me and let it take me over, warping my mind and body to fit its needs. Limelight is many things, but honest isn’t one of them.

“To become loved, I gave up myself; body and soul. I am omnivorous now. I do not need to sleep more than four hours in a day, once every two days. I can see into the shadow realm, knowing where every pony is within my line of sight, or I can sense with my magic.

“I was told that these ‘gifts’ would be all I need to be the pony all loved and adored, with a final caveat; I had to dethrone my sister and take her place as Queen of the lands that the moon touches.”

Celestia and Luna, in her true form, shared a sad look, then Luna went on, “The battles we had were ruinous. The cities that made up much of the lands the three tribes had forged as their home was rend asunder, the castle was purged of all life, and the magics I used poisoned the land and air to their very roots, and far below.

“It was I who created the Everfree Forest, unknowingly a puppet to a creature from beyond our world. But, as much as I blame Limelight, it was all me; I who started the process and gave in to the allure of what I already had.

“My sister loved me, my guards listened to me when I spoke, I had a night court ponies would visit, and I had many a morning spent in the throes of passionate embraces. But, what I had, I did not see, and what was offered to me sounded so much like what I wanted, that I took it without thinking of what I had.

“So, now you know why I look like this, like Nightmare Moon. I am not evil, even though I may seem as such from your point of view, but…” Luna looked down her body to the brown colt hugging her foreleg. His silver mane fell back and showed Luna a bright smile that surprised her.

“I don’t care what anypony says, I’m calling you Auntie Luna forever! C’mon, guys,” Snickers called to his friends, “show her what Ponyville is all about.”

Luna held back a happy sob, but still hiccupped when both her forelegs were hugged by four foals, each talking animatedly about the story and how great it would be to look like Luna. Luna looked to Celestia, who mouthed ‘I told you so’, earning a dark wing slap to her side. Celestia pulled a napkin from the table and passed it to Luna, who used it to dab under her eyes.

Neither mare noticed Snickers cringe at Luna’s teeth when he saw them.

“Go, children, enjoy your treats,” Luna said softly. Her forelegs were freed with a gentle pull and the foals rushed back to their seats to resume eating. Luna recast her glamour, hiding her true self behind the smaller pony she is known for being. She nuzzled her sister and they shared a wing hug. “Celestia, I would be most honored to call him nephew, and cousin to the foal I will someday have.”

Celestia hummed. “He called you auntie, Luna. I know he’s in there, and I’ll see him again. But first, I need to remind him of who he is, and what he has to gain from his future with us. It is nearly time for you to take up the task of the sky, I’ll prepare here to show these darling children the beauty of your night.”

Luna chuckled. “Yes, and the splendor of your day coming to an end is to be mocked? I will stand by your side and share the passing with you, for them… and my nephew.”

“Fret not over such trivial words, dearest Sister. I will see you shortly, even if it is in passing. Will you hold court tonight?”

“Certainly,” Luna said loudly. “Ponies did not wait long to come visit me for their troubles, once I learned more of how you speak, of course. Limelight may have translated Middle Ponish to modern Ponish when I returned, but that magic has left me.”

Celestia wiped her dry eyes, as though she had a tear. “My sister and my son, returned to me in the same year… I cannot imagine a better gift.”

Luna giggled. “Perhaps for Mother to return and shower you with affection and gifts?”

Celestia sighed wantingly. “Just to see her, after so many years, would be nice. Come, I’ll take you to their rooms so you can give them your gifts.”

Luna pranced in place happily as the shield fell. “I cannot wait to see how my presents are received! Hurry sister, lower the sun so we can put the foals to bed.”

Blueblood cleared his throat politely. “Dearest aunties, perhaps we should not rush them to bed, as it’s barely six in the evening. The sun is to set soon, but bedtime isn’t until eight-thirty.”

“Eight-thirty? Why so late into my night, nephew, should they be kept from the joy of slumber?” Luna boldly asked Blueblood.

“Because, I am Snickers’s guardian; therefore, I make the bedtime… among other schedules.” Blueblood stated. “However, if you insist that I change their bedtime to something earlier, thus taking them away from playing with you all the longer into the night, then…”

Luna nickered in good nature. “You play a good game, Blueblood. I shall not challenge your authority as guardian to them, but if I do not see them in my realm of dreams tonight, I shall have stern words with your baker delivery for the rest of the week.”

Blueblood faked shock and placed a forehoof to his forehead, dramatically speaking. “Oh, dear me! Oh, whatever shall I do without my treats for a single day? Will this be how I, the noble and honorable Prince Blueblood meets his end?” Taking several steps to the table, he picked up a bearclaw in his magic and took a small bite. “I do not think I will be harmed too badly.”

The royalty shared a smile and then a nod, ever so slight. Blueblood traded his bearclaw for a donut and slipped it onto his horn, turned around to the table, and shouted, “Auntie Luna put a donut on my horn!”

The reaction was instant and each foal broke into laughter, pointing and spitting out breaded desserts to laugh without choking. Silver Spoon fell back onto Diamond Tiara and wiped her own eyes with a forehoof while laughing. Snickers and Kiwe chortled, making them all laugh louder.

The servants in the room started to laugh, even through their training, and the guards; for all their experience, smirked at the scene of a royal prince, pouting at four foals.

Blueblood whined after a few seconds. “Don’t laugh, it’s sticky, and drippy, and a waste of a good donut. Why, it’s so good, in fact...” Blueblood began trying to lick the donut on his head, running in small circles, faster and faster, until he fell over. He used his forehoof to pull himself up high enough to almost stand. “It’s so good, I’m spinning mad over it.”

At that, even two of the guards snerked; though they’d only admit it in private. The laughing of children drowned out any other sounds that mattered, anyway. Diamond Tiara got up and hopped to the floor, rushing to the bathroom while laughing, having laughed a little too much after drinking more water than she should have earlier.

Silver Spoon watched Diamond cantering and fell back to take up the whole chair they were sharing, her legs kicking in the air for a moment. She sat up and sighed, wiping her eyes with a napkin. Blueblood took the donut off his head and nibbled a small bite off of it. Luna and Celestia stood back, enjoying the moment, and Snickers sighed, chuckling with Kiwe as the laughter wound down.

“That was a good one, Blueblood,” Snickers said.

Blueblood nodded in appreciation. “Thank you, but this donut is, indeed, better.”

“Well, I think I’m done,” Silver Spoon said, patting her side. “I can’t eat anymore, or I’ll regret it before I go to bed.”

“Yes, the food you eat now will give you cramps later. We can’t have that,” Luna said. “Now, head upstairs to the balcony so that you may watch me raise my moon after Celestia lowers the sun.”

The three friends hopped to the floor and galloped to the stairs and to Snickers’s room. “Diamond,” Snickers shouted at the open bathroom door, “they’re gonna do the sun and moon thing,” Snickers said with clear doubt. “Like a star and satellite can be moved by a pony,” he scoffed.

Diamond flushed and rushed to wash her forehooves before joining the others at the balcony. Celestia stood to one side, Luna the other, and the foals between them. Blueblood ate his donut slowly and watched from beside the bed, not noticing the timberpony watching Snickers.

Snickers felt Laxxie’s curiosity and looked back. “Laxxie, c’mere, girl.”

Laxxie chirped and got up, scaring Blueblood enough to make his magic stop and his treat land on the floor. “What in the world is that?!”

Diamond Tiara answered first, “Laxxie! She’s Snickers’s daughter-puppy-timberwolf. She’s awesome, once you get past the wood and scariness.”

“Boo-butt,” Laxxie said as she reached Snickers and nuzzled him. Her moss was still soft and thankfully covered any splinters that may have existed.

Snickers laughed while Luna looked back to the surprised prince. “Boo-butt? A finer name I have not heard regarding you, silly nephew.”

Silver and Diamond joined Kiwe in a classic ‘ooo’, which Blueblood huffed at. “I shan’t play such foalish games, Moon-butt.”

Luna gasped and looked at Celestia. “Sun-butt, are you going to allow your nephew to speak to me in such a manner?”

Celestia rolled her eyes. “Both of you, quiet your butts so I can begin my duty.”

Blueblood blew a raspberry and pointed at Snickers. “It wasn’t me. It was him.”

Snickers hopped in place and stomped his hoof. “I did not! You’re a liar, you did it with your boo-butt of tooting.”

Celestia’s horn lit brightly, stopping the schoolyard insulting before it got out of hoof. The sun dipped lower in the sky until it was behind the mountains. Luna raised her moon and herself with a flap of her wings. Stars came to life in the sky where there weren’t any a few seconds before and moonlight shone off the golden topped castle towers.

“Woah,” Snickers and his friends said in a long few seconds at the sight. “That’s so cool how you can do that.”

Luna smiled when she landed from her display, ignoring the knowing look Celestia gave her. The look that said ‘showoff’. “That is my destiny; to control the heavens at night and… Snickers, are you alright?” Luna asked.

Snickers was wincing, seeing the dark creature with its leathery wings and sharp teeth still unnerved him. “Y-you’re st-still kinda scary. Like, when you show your sharp teeth; it makes me wanna run and hide under my mom.”

Celestia stepped closer. “Snickers, you can stand under me anytime you wish. I’ll take care of you and keep you safe.”

Snickers glanced back, but otherwise ignored Celestia. “Ponies said you were really nice and only pretended to be scary on Nightmare Night… can you maybe put on a disguise?”

Celestia looked at Snickers and brushed his back with her pinions to get his attention. “What color is Luna, Snickers?”

Snickers looked back at Celestia and instinctively moved between her forelegs to look at Luna. “Auntie Luna, I’m sorry I lied… but you’re scary looking. You’re still like you were when I first saw you, and when you shimmered downstairs and told us about your past. I can get past everything, but your teeth…”

Luna’s horn glowed and she bared her teeth again, earning a startled squeak from Snickers. Snickers hid his eyes behind Celestia’s leg. “I… I think my shirt’s in my trunk, I should put it on. Being naked feels too weird.” Snickers excused himself and gave a fearful, sad look to Luna, then galloped back into his room.

Luna noticed Laxxie just then. “You! Timberwolf, why are you here?” Her horn glowed and she started at the wooden pony. “Do not try to hide, either. I know of your kind and you cannot hide.”

A blast of magic struck Laxxie, reverting her to her wolf form. Mistress of the Night, I am but a spirit of the woods. I was brought to life by the colt, Sss… Alpha. I am part of his pack, not the ferals that guard the woods.

Luna narrowed her eyes at Laxxie, then Snickers slid to a stop between the two. “Leave her alone! She’s my timberwolf, and if you want her gone--”

Alpha, stop. Mistress only wondered, I think I may survive this encounter.

“What?!” Snickers snapped his attention to Laxxie. “You think she’s gonna destroy you? Well, fuck that,” Snickers stood protectively in front of Laxxie. “You gotta get through me to get to her.”

Silver Spoon moved to stand behind Snickers. “Me, too. Laxxie’s awesome, and I know she’s only gonna get better.”

Diamond stood beside Snickers. “And I won’t let you hurt her without knowing my daddy has a great legal team, and he’ll take you to court if you hurt Laxxie.”

Luna relaxed. “I’m not going to do anything to her, I was merely… curious,” Luna said, rolling her forehoof. “I cannot destroy her, anyway. She is bonded to you, Aquelis, not I.”

Snickers’s nostrils flared. “I’m not Aquelis!” He shouted loud enough for his words to echo back from outside. Snickers mentally commanded Laxxie to follow him while he went to get clothes on. He grabbed a pajamas shirt and fought his way into it, then grabbed a matching set of pants to wear.

He struggled for a few seconds before Laxxie moved in to help him pull his tail through, then move it up and over his rump to rest on his hips. “There, dressed for bed. I’m not tired yet, so let’s do something to take my mind off all this scary and mean shit.”

Celestia held up a wing to stop Luna, as the dark mare had clearly had enough; but Celestia knew her own tactics would work better. “Snickers, may I ask why you swear so much?”

Snickers turned his attention from Diamond Tiara approaching and restrained a smirk. “Why do you ask?”

Celestia barely said, “It’s just difficult to hear--” before Snickers cut her off.

“A pwecious wittle colt like me say bad words?” Snickers said mockingly. “Well fuck that, and the same to anyone that wants to change me. I tried that, and it fucked me over, so now I’m just gonna be the crass, rude, foul mouthed jerk that everypony hates!”

Snickers turned, bucked his traveling trunk, then cried out in pain. “My hoof, owie! My hoof, my hoof,” he fell to his haunches and lifted his hind leg to look at where it hurt. “A splinter?! What kind of cheap, shoddy… who’s fucking chest is this?!” Snickers shouted and struck at the chest that seemed solid, except where a small crack had been made from his kick.

Rosemary rushed over and rolled Snickers to his side to check his hoof. “It’s not that bad, it’s just in your frog. I’ll have it out in a jiffy,” she said and patted Snickers where his cutie mark would be. She surrounded his hoof with magic and the splinter popped out, landing on the floor. “What the… that tiny thing hurt that much?” Snickers asked, incredulously.

Kiwe lifted the splinter and sized it. “About half an inch long, but in the frog is a bad place to have one.”

Snickers looked at his forehooves. “Why haven’t I ever had that happen before? I’ve walked down tons of rocks on the streets and sticks in the woods.”

Silver Spoon slipped a foreleg under Snickers to help him up. “Were you wearing your shoes?”

“Yeah,” he answered. “Ever since my first week with mom.”

“Shoes are enchanted to protect hooves from what we walk on. You bucked the trunk, and these aren’t made for outside walking,” Silver said, holding up her forehoof to show her padded shoe. “No enchantments, because we’re inside, where it’s safe.”

“Unless you’re a moody colt that’s acting like a drama queen,” Diamond said, giving Snickers a playful punch.

Luna stepped ahead of her sister and spoke with her lips over her teeth. “Snickers, I heard you mention that you feel everypony hates you, do you truly believe that?”

Snickers shrugged and accepted a side hug from Silver. “Sometimes. Not like you can do anything about it.”

Luna smirked. “We shall see.”

Evening Troubles

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Six ponies sat at a round table. Two alicorns, three earth ponies, and one unicorn zony. Snickers shot a glare at Kiwe. Kiwe narrowed his eyes back and stared his friend down.

“This is getting intense,” Silver Spoon whispered. Diamond Tiara nodded back.

“Do you have two of stars?” Snickers asked Kiwe. Kiwe groaned loudly to the ceiling, passing the card to Snickers. “Ha! Bookie, I win! I win!”

Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara set their cards down and looked at one another, then watched as Kiwe slid his last cookie to Snickers with his hoof.

“Take my cookie, I don’t even want it,” Kiwe mumbled glumly.

“Oh, I’m taking it… and giving you half for being my brother from another mother,” Snickers said, biting the cookie and passing the rest back.

Kiwe grabbed the treat in his magic and chomped it down, humming in delight as it tickled his taste buds. Silver and Diamond looked at their cookies and just traded them while Luna’s wings flared and she looked pointedly at Celestia.

Luna turned to Celestia with a playful look. “Sister, didst thou eat mine confection?! Open thy mouth and I’ll retrieve it from thy gullet with my own hooves.” With that, Luna tackled Celestia and the two rolled around, play wrestling on the carpet while the apartment staff watched with awkward expressions, unsure of how to take the nigh immortal rulers of the land play-fighting like earth pony foals.

“I’ll bet you two cookies Auntie Luna wins,” Snickers exclaimed.

“I’m in!” Basil shouted before he could stop himself. Oregano bumped his hip to his brother’s. “I mean, I have no part to play in this.”

“Do you hear that, Sister?” Celestia asked. “They’re betting on me winning.”

Celestia rolled over with Luna twice before ending up on top and pinning the mare’s wings down with her knees and her forelegs with her own. Luna looked up in shock when Celestia had her pinned. “Celestia?!? You and your sun-butt are squashing me.”

Luna fake wheezed, bringing even more awkwardness to the staff, who did notice the size of Celestia’s rump with appreciation.

“I am not that big, and if I am, it’s from carrying the nation on my back for so long,” Celestia snarked.

Most of the ponies held their tongues, but their smiles said more than enough. Luna turned to dark mist and flowed back to the table, taking her seat once she was corporeal again.

Luna made a declaration that finally broke most ponies in the room’s constitution. “Chef, bring marzipan, cakes, and tarts to my room with each meal. If I am to win in a contest with my sister, I must fill my rump with sweets and rest on my laurels until my posterior is nearly as grand as hers.”

Celestia gasped in actual surprise. “Luna? Did you really just call me fat?”

Luna scoffed. “Neigh, Sister. I said you have a large posterior, and I cannot deny it may put my own moon to shame some days.”

Celestia’s ears lowered for the first time since Snickers had seen the alicorn and while seeing the slight weakness was almost enough to make him feel for her, it wasn’t enough to stop him from grinning at the sisters as they argued.

“Very well, if that’s the way you feel,” Celestia stood tall, “I will accept victory now. You are simply jealous of the royal rump, and only call more attention to it out of envy.”

Celestia turned and moved her flank by Luna’s head. “Get your smelly rump away from my sensitive snout, lest you poison me with your most foul air.” Luna said.

Celestia turned around quickly and slapped Luna with her wing. “Oh, my mistake. Silly wings just have a mind of their own at times.”

Luna, taken by surprise, snapped at Celestia. “Go feed a rabbit with your voluptuous udders! Oh… oh my, I apologize, Sister,” Luna said, honestly meaning her apology. “That was too far.”

Celestia held up a hoof. “It’s fine, Luna, there was no harm done.”

“No, Celestia,” Luna said with a winning pout, “I have insulted rabbits everywhere, and I must apologize to each and every one.”

Celestia’s wing struck at Luna again as they joined the room in their laughter.

Snickers yawned after hours of playing cards and having fun playing tag, hide and seek, and I-Spy. He had finished with his friends in the bathroom and still tasted cinnamon as he led them into bed.

“Why does Kiwe even have a room if he’s sleeping with us?” Diamond asked, a bit huffy.

“Because, it’s the only way to not hurt anypony’s feelings… hey, what’s this?” Snickers asked when he’d climbed onto his bed and looked at the pillows. A small rectangular box rested, tied with a brown bow that sparkled from glitter.

“That’s a box, my boy,” Blueblood said, trotting into Snickers’s spacious room with the Princesses behind him.

“Well, duh,” Snickers replied with a roll of his eyes. “Is it for me?”

Blueblood raised his snout slightly. “This is your room, is it not?”

“Wow, somepony’s snippy. Laxxie, give Blueblood a kiss,” Snickers said. While Blueblood held back a kiss from the relatively unknown predatory tree-spirit, Snickers took the box in his forehooves. “Okay, that’s enough, girl. Take a rest.”

Blueblood sighed and smiled appreciatively. “Ah, thank you for that. I’m not sure, but I think it may try to take a bite out of… wait, why am I sticky?” Blueblood asked, looking at his foreleg and the drops of fluid Laxxie had drooled onto him.

“Because you just got licked by a timberwolf, silly. They’re very sticky.” Luna said and even Celestia snorted.

“Auntie Celestia, Luna’s being mean again. Ugh, seriously, what is this? It’s ruining my fur.” Blueblood whined.

Celestia tutted the stallion. “Blueblood, we had this talk when you were seven. You’re a stallion now and should know all about that part of--”

“Auntie?! Not in front of the foals,” Blueblood pointed to Snickers and his friends, all looking at the box.

“So, can I open it?” Snickers asked Blueblood.

Blueblood nodded while his eye twitched when his fur pinched from pulling against the sap. “Sure, I see no reason as to why you can’t.”

Snickers bit the string and held the ends of the box between his forehooves while using his lips to lift the lid.

“Oh, what if it’s a bangle?” Silver Spoon asked.

“A necklace?” Diamond Tiara offered.

All four looked at the item in the box perplexed. “It’s… a ruler?” Snickers asked, then all eyes turned to Blueblood. “I don’t get it.”

Blueblood stood tall and proud. “Yes, nephew. So that we may see how long you sleep.”

There was a thwap sound as Luna and Celestia reacted by swatting the cheeky stallion with their wings. Blueblood laughed, the Princesses frowned at him, while the foals rolled their eyes.

“Nephew,” Luna said. “That was a terrible joke, and you should feel shame for it. My gift, on this first night, is actually something useful.”

Luna’s horn glowed and a box appeared on the bed. “Oh, what’s this one?” Snickers asked.

“Open it to find out,” Luna said, repressing a grin. Celestia and Blueblood narrowed their eyes at her.

The box was opened and Snickers looked at a melon with curiosity. “Um, thanks?”

“Wait a moment,” Luna said. The room darkened and the melon began to glow more as the darkness set in. “It’s a glowing fruit from the farms in the west. In case you need a… light snack!” Luna chortled and giggled. The lights in the room returned to normal and the joke went over far better as each foal was giggling into their hooves, looking at the fruit they’d definitely be sampling after lights out.

Celestia sighed in defeat. “Fantastic, I have a gift to offer as well, only it’s not silly or… whatever Blueblood’s was meant to be,” she teased the pouting stallion.

“Well, it was funny when it happened to me,” Blueblood grumbled.

“Be that as it may, here is my gift to you.” Celestia’s horn glowed and a small pony doll appeared in front of him.

“Aries!” Snickers shouted, wrapping the doll in a hug.

Celestia’s eyes watered and she fell onto her haunches, a forehoof raised to her chest plate guarding her heart. “Oh, Aquelis; you remember your doll?” Celestia’s voice wavered. “I’ve saved her all these years in the vault, but you remember her as though you’d lost her in the gardens.”

Snickers inhaled the scent of the doll he held and then pulled back with a snort. Snickers looked at Celestia, then the doll in his forelegs. “This isn’t the one from Mom?”

Celestia looked at Snickers. “I… am your mother. That’s your Aries, from before you… left me.”

Snickers tossed the doll away from him and turned to the pillows. “That’s not my doll, you’re not my mommy. I’m sorry, but I just don’t know you, Celestia. Goodnight.” Snickers climbed under the covers and turned away just as the doll stopped bouncing, it’s small button eyes peering at Celestia.

Celestia couldn’t restrain herself and covered her face with her forehooves as she started to cry. She grabbed Aries in her magic and vanished, leaving a heartbroken stallion and uncomfortable alicorn behind.

“I… think I’ll take my leave for the evening. Snickers, and friends, I wish you the sweetest dreams and most restful of nights.” Blueblood bowed and stepped back, then turned and left the room with Luna following.

Luna turned back to the foals and tried to say something, but instead offered a small smile to the fillies. Luna glanced at Snickers quickly, then left as well.

Silver Spoon, Kiwe, and Diamond Tiara were still sitting where they were when the shocking event had happened. After so much fun, to see Princess Celestia crying; it shocked them all. None of them had even thought it possible for a Princess to be anything but happy - or angry at enemies of the nation - and now their hopes of a fun time were shattered.

Back to the reality that seemed to surround Snickers, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara moved to either side of Snickers on the bed, while Kiwe moved to the outside by Silver Spoon.

Both fillies hugged Snickers and gave him a nuzzle. “We’re here for you, Snickers. Not even a Princess will hurt you with us here,” Silver said quietly.

“And we’d get banished before we let any of them touch you without a fight,” Diamond added.

“And no matter what, you’ll always be a pony worth fighting for,” Kiwe said.

Snickers sniffled and, facing Diamond Tiara, hugged her with both forelegs. “I miss my mommy,” he whispered. “I wish I never came here, but I can’t be around those other ponies,” he finished with a slight snarl.

“I get it, and remember that…” Diamond hesitated, unsure of whether to say ‘we love you’, or something else she couldn’t think of. Thankfully, Silver Spoon hugged Snickers from behind and nibbled his ear, distracting Snickers and Diamond.

Snickers inhaled loudly and shivered. “S-silver?” Snickers exclaimed, feeling himself growing hard at the moment, pressing out from the pajama bottoms he wore and pressing between himself and Diamond as it grew. The thought was brief, but that thought was enough to dispel the hiding spell, letting Diamond see what was tickling her teats.

Diamond’s heart raced, feeling him between them. Her first reaction was to shove him back and slap him, but her body reacted and pressed her labia forward to graze his member while he was distracted. Diamond shivered and her coat bristled at the contact and sensation. Her desires were growing by instinct to be rutted by him and her tail flagged from under the sheets.

Glad to not be seen reacting, she scooted her hind back to keep him from her nethers while staying close and forcing a frown over the slight smile she felt on her lips. “Hey, stop it, Silver Spoon,” Diamond commanded and glanced down. Silver leaned up and looked between her best friend and her love with suddenly widening eyes.

“Sorry, I didn’t think he’d react like that. I was just doing what my daddy does to make my mommy stop being down.” Silver stared at the top of Snickers’s penis hungrily, but a shove from Diamond forced her back down to her own pillow.

Sage entered the room. "Is there anything else I can do for you this evening?" When Kiwe looked at her and shook his head, sage bowed. “Lights off, please.”

After her command, the lights clicked off leaving the room lit by moonlight.

Several minutes passed; Snickers and Kiwe fell asleep while the fillies stayed awake.

"Silver Spoon?" Diamond said, leaning up and whispering in a sound slightly more than a breath.

Silver replied, equally quiet. "Hrm?"

"I love you, and the rest of our herd. But, I want Snickers to be my first, too." Diamond said.

Silver leaned up with wide eyes and a grin. "Same time?" Silver said.

Diamond frowned. "No, gross. I don't want some filly watching me at that moment."

"Whatever." Silver rolled her eyes. "Like, do what you have to; but I called him first."

"Did not."

"Did too," Silver Spoon said firmly, then leaned closer and nibbled Snickers's ear.

Diamond huffed and turned over, knowing what was about to happen. As Snickers grew, he brushed against Diamond's tail and, just as she was about to shift to let him enter her moist tunnel, her hind legs kicked.

The motion woke Snickers, who noticed right away his problem. "Sorry, let me button this thing better," Snickers said, fumbling under the covers, trying to get his full erection into his pants.

Silver Spoon sighed and rolled him onto his back. "Me and Diamond are gonna help you."

Snickers blushed. "Wh-what do you mean?"

Silver straddled his hind legs while moving the covers aside to get a full close up cause of her physical desire. "We're gonna give you the shivers, then you'll be better and go to sleep."

Diamond nervously sat up and scooted by Silver's side. "What are you talking about? I've never touched one before, why's it gotta be his, and now?"

"Do you want to try something a little more personal?" Silver asked and waggled her eyebrows.

Snickers began trying to think of unsexy things, but the scent of one, or both, fillies being aroused negated those thoughts. When Silver’s shoes thumped on the bed and she wrapped her soft, warm, smooth hooves around his member, Snickers sat up and scooted back. In the moonlight, Snickers saw Diamond sitting nervously looking away while Silver Spoon had fallen back and was on full display for him, without knowing it.

Snickers got up onto his hooves and Silver gasped, thinking this was the moment he’d take her. Her tail whipped up and her legs closed around it, guarding her sensitive parts from what might have happened; had he not run the length of the bed, stopping at the edge.

“I have to take care of this myself. I’m sorry, but… I’m not ready.” Snickers said softly, then hopped to the floor.

Silver trembled as a wave of fear ran through her. She looked at Diamond, who was still sitting in the same place, watching Snickers trot to the bathroom. “Diamond,” Silver said, voice weak and she squeaked.

Both their attention was drawn to Kiwe, who was facing away from them. His horn glowed faintly from something in his dream, but he was still asleep.
“Diamond,” Silver whispered again. “I… I’m not ready. I don’t want him under my tail, I was so scared when he was so close.”

Diamond inhaled deeply and mewled.

Silver rolled to her side and looked at the silhouette of her friend, the moonlight striking her back and hiding her front from her. “Diamond Tiara? Are you…” Diamond shook her head and got to her hooves. “You better not be, I’m seriously scared here, and I need you to be here for me.”

Diamond sighed and gulped loudly, wetting her dry throat. “Y-yeah… I’m here, I was just thinking about Snickers. Ya know how it is,” she said, returning to her place in the bed. “So, what can I do to help you feel safer and better?”

Snickers closed the door and reached for the light switch, then swore at the wall. After calling for the lights to turn on, he went to the mirror and looked at himself. He was still clean and attractive. His mane was a little frizzy from being in bed, but that was to be expected. He stepped on the cold water pedal to fill the sink and when it was about a quarter full, he dipped his muzzle in the water and slurped some.

Gargling it, he spat it out and then looked under himself. “What the fuck just happened out there? Is it something in the water that makes fillies go bat-shit crazy for my dick? Is it magic? Do I have magic balls? My dick’s three colors, are those some crazy combination that makes fillies want it?!”

Snickers shouted in frustration and stomped his hooves, feeling himself swaying and pulling under his body, getting bumped by his legs and even whacking his chest a couple times in his tantrum.

“Damn this thing! It’s fucking huge and ruining my life! All I want to do is be normal. Is that so much to ask? To go a few days without getting some filly to show me her slit to get me to drop out of my sheath?” Snickers reared up and stomped his hooves onto the floor. “And it won’t stop making me want them,” he sighed and sat down.

“I just want to be normal. I don’t wanna have sex, but…” Snickers sighed and opened his mouth, leaning down to do something he hadn’t since he was at the hospital that transferred him to Rarity.

After several moments passed, Snickers sat up and, having his mouth empty, coughed and wiped his lips. “Damn it, why does it feel so good? Everything about sex here is just… feeling it in my mouth and throat… I don’t know how much longer I can stop myself from just giving in. I swear, if I get a filly pregnant, I’m going to move to another city, change my name, and live under a bridge until I’m eight.

“Wow,” Snickers said, bumping his own head, “great job being a father, asshole. You’d abandon your foal like your dad left you?” Snickers frowned and noticed his forelegs were working on their own, running the length of his torment. “Fine, just once; then I’m done for the next couple days.”

Snickers opened the door and turned off the bathroom light. He walked through the room and climbed onto the bed, noticing two ponies weren’t there anymore. Snickers sighed and rubbed his mane. “I miss Mom,” he said to himself. His ears perked and he left the bed again, went to his trunk, and opened it. Digging through the clothes he’d brought, he came across Aries, the same doll Celestia had offered to him.

This one, though, smelled like Rarity. Snickers hugged the doll and gave it a nuzzle before setting her on his back. He quickly found the book he was gifted by Celestia and took it to the writing desk.

Using a pencil, he prepared to write, but stopped before the first word could be written. He thought about what to write for several seconds, and finally put pencil to paper.

Dear Mom. I miss you.


He set the pencil down and licked his lips by habit. He noticed the pencil was made from something that didn’t dry his lips and he smirked. “I’ve found the answer to dry lips; Ponyville will welcome me back someday as a hero.”

The book glowed, to his surprise. Words appeared beneath his in elegant Ponish.

We miss you, too, Darling. I hope you’re doing well, being so far away from your bed. I wish I could give you a kiss goodnight.

Snickers felt his heart ache as he read the message in his mother’s voice.

I want a kiss goodnight. It’s been crazy here. The whole day’s been crazy. from waking up, to my freakout, to leaving, to getting to the castle, and all this, I even almost got laid tonight, if you can believe that.

Snickers giggled and waited for almost a minute. About halfway through, he thought he caught a tiny blue spark from outside in the corner of his eye, but when he looked he didn’t see anything outside the window.

That’s lovely to hear, that you’ve found such a lucky pony. As long as you’re happy, safe, and don’t rush into anything, my little prince, I’ll always expect the best. Oh, I’m not making any sense, am I? I understand you’ve been through a lot today; we all have. I had no inclination that waking up this morning, I’d be saying goodbye to my

Several seconds passed and some of the letters she’d written began to bleed together, making Snickers wonder what was happening.


It’s not going to be easy, earning your trust and love again, much less the respect you gave me. No, trust is the most important, darling. I can’t keep my mind on track at the moment. What, pray tell, have you been doing all day? Shopping? Fine dining? Clearly romance is something you do naturally.

Snickers rolled his eyes.

I do love you mommy. Your always going to be my mom, you earned that, and I love you for putting up with my Shit for so long. I kinda think i rushed leaving to be Honest.
I was kinda joking about getting laid, Silver and Diamond wanted me to relax after I was mean to Celestia and made her cry because she keeps calling me akwelis and so they offered to give me a hoofjob, but i left, and went to the bathroom to cool off, and that’s all I’m saying about it. haha.

I met Luna and shes scary. I mean she looks scary but is actually really nice and silly, and Celestia and Luna play fighted all night, and Prince Blueblood told me about how you introdused yourself to him and how he had to pretend to be a jerk, but is actually really nice and played cards with us for a round, and hide, and seek, and he wouldnt play tag though.

he said it was uncouth to gallop but Celestia and Luna did with all four of us. What did you do today.

Snickers sighed and rested his chin on his forehoof as his eyes grew heavy and he yawned quietly with a chirp at the end that made him giggle.

His eyes closed as more words appeared on the page and his head lowered to rest on the book as a comfortable sleep took him. The feeling of Rarity being close was enough to pull him into a restful slumber that lasted the night.

The Other Side of the Evening

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Lying on a fainting couch, Rarity lay with a foreleg dangling, and sighed for the thousandth time that day, it seemed. Four empty buckets of ice cream lay around her, her face streaked with black lines as mascara had washed down her cheeks and was rubbed off onto her forelegs. Twilight had just let herself in and found the fashionista in her current state.

“Rarity? Are you feeling okay?” Twilight asked.

Rarity looked at Twilight’s hooves and sighed again. She moved and turned away, leaving a small smear of mascara on her couch. “No,” was all she said.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” Twilight asked. Rarity didn’t answer that time, getting Twilight to sigh sadly, as well. “Rarity, I know that him being gone is going to be hard on you, but remember that we’re all here for you and each other. He didn’t leave hating you. He said so, right?”

Rarity’s body shook. Twilight prepared a box of tissues and considered leaving to get another tub of ice cream for Rarity, when she heard a little giggle.

“Y-you said ‘hard on’.” Rarity tittered. “Snickers would have loved to say that. My darling little prince,” she said and sat up. She glanced back at Twilight, noticed the tissues, and took them in her magic. Rarity wiped her eyes and noticed the mascara on the tissue. “Oh, I must look quite the fright. Twilight, darling, would you mind giving a mare some time to recover?”

Twilight heard alarm bells in her mind and shook her head. “No! I mean, no. I don’t think you should be alone right now, with how you feel, and everything. I don’t think you should be alone and have to suffer… alone.”

Rarity turned around and lay on her couch, letting Twilight see her anew. Rarity was still sad, but she had more energy than a minute ago. “Darling, I only request for your benefit. Might you give a mare some space and leave the room for a few minutes?”

Twilight looked determined and shook her head. “No, I’m here for you, Rarity. I’m going to be by your side through this, all the way.”

Rarity smirked. “Well, I did warn you.”

Twilight’s eyebrow quirked at the comment, then her nose twitched. She smelled something foul, something she didn’t expect to come from Rarity, of all creatures in the world. “Gah, gross! Rarity, did you--”

“Break wind? Yes, quite a bit, too. I did warn you, and I’ve eaten more than enough oat, hay, wheat, and mint ice cream for a mare of Granny Smith’s age to become regular.” Rarity giggled when Twilight covered her snout with her hoof. “Oh, Snickers would get me all the time; his laughter was the best thing, even if I didn’t know it.

“Why, I can still hear him in my mind,” Rarity said with a faint smile. “His voice has changed, if you haven’t noticed; he was so crass and rude, yet now, even though he won’t admit it, he speaks with an air of refinement, much as I once had when I was a filly, learning to speak as I do now.

“I’ve even heard him saying ‘darling’ and other words with my accent. He loves me, even if,” Rarity sniffled and her lips trembled, “he hates me for what we’ve done to him. Now, before you begin, Twilight, he did say he cares for me, but without trust, what is there for us to have as far as love?”

Twilight didn’t answer, instead she sat beside the couch in just the right way for Rarity to lean down and rest her head on her neck. Without a word, Twilight let Rarity know that she was not going to be alone through this all. Neither of them would have to ride the wave of challenges ahead as long as they had one another.

Rarity yelped when something behind her buzzed and she nearly fell onto Twilight with her legs scrambling away from whatever had tickled her in a most uncouth way. “What in Celestia’s name?!” Rarity shouted, then looked back to see the book she was gifted glowing slightly and making a buzzing sound as it vibrated on the couch.

Rarity pulled the book to her with her magic so fast it could have broken her muzzle. Instead, the book opened to page one and words were written in a foals mouth-writing. “Twilight…” Rarity sobbed into her forehooves, “...he’s writing to me.”


“Almost got laid?!” Rarity fumed and grabbed a sewing table, throwing it through the nearby wall while Twilight watched; a shield and teleport ready if needed. “Of all the grand places to go, he has to be seduced by some… harlot with eyes for a young colt?! I’m going there, Twilight. I’m going there to turn that mare into next season’s line of wear!”

Rarity pulled the front door off its hinges, the bell bending from the force of the door striking it made a sound more like a cowbell after the second ring. She ran outside and dug deeper within herself than ever before, looking at the castle on the mountain with her target, the Royal Throne Room, in her mind.

Twilight ran outside just in time to sense the spell Rarity was trying to cast. Acting quickly, Twilight cast a counterspell, turning Rarity’s magic spell into a brilliant flash of light that temporarily blinded several ponies that were out and in the area.

Rarity stumbled slightly and held a hoof to her head. “Twilight, what did you do?”

“Stopped you from shattering your horn! What got into you just now? You can’t cast a teleport that massive without more magic than twice what you have, without killing yourself.”

Rarity whinnied in frustration. “I would not have done such a thing, I would have arrived in the throne room--”

“And you’d have died with a shattered skull, right in front of Princess Luna! Get back in your house, this instant,” Twilight shouted and pointed, “or I’ll have no choice but to tell your parents about what you just did.”

Rarity gasped, truly hurt. “Twilight, y-you wouldn’t?”

Twilight’s horn glowed and they both appeared back in the sitting room, where the book lay undisturbed, waiting for her to reply to Snickers. “Write back to him, or I’ll be sure to write a report to your mom about your part to play in Snickers’s leaving.”

Rarity took the quill in her magic, allowing Twilight her victory. Mommy and daddy haven’t met their grandfoal yet, and I can’t let them know that I may be the reason as to why he’s still absent.

Rainbow Dash laid on her belly in a bed, an earth pony bed; Applejack’s bed, to be precise. Applejack had tuned out Rainbow’s whimpering and whining, but the cyan mare’s sniffles and complaints still bothered her. “Rainbow, lift yer tail, Ah’ve gotta change the ice pack.”

Rainbow whined, overdramatizing the effort. “Grrr… ah-ah. There, Applejack. Hurry up, this hurts, a lot.”

Applejack moved, with patience, as she began removing the old ice pack for the new one, when she noticed how bad it looked. “Yeah, yeah, quit yer bellyachin’. Ah… dang, Dashie, yer still as puffy as a cloud and redder than a Red Delicious back here. Ah’m inclined ta believe ya. At least ya stopped bleedin’.”

“My clit feels like a grapefruit in a juice press, and you’re worried about a little blood? Tonight was gonna be our first night, Aj. Now you’re touchin’ me in ways I wanted, but I didn’t want it like this. I even took a file to my forehooves,” Rainbow sulked and whined, “I’ve been saving myself for a week, waiting for this.”

Applejack rolled her eyes. “Ya know, Ah wasn’t plannin’ on havin’ relations with ya tonight, even with yer sweet talkin’ me fer all these months. Ya gotta thank that boy, though.”

Rainbow turned to look back at her marefriend, wincing at the flare of pain she got. “Thank him? Why the f-- heck should I thank him? He beaned my taco so bad, I’ve got hot sauce in my crack. I should take his burrito and wrap it with--”

“Alright, all done,” Applejack cut in. “And ya lost me with yer analogies, so why not just talk normal Ponish?”

“I’m saying, Applejack, that I’m not gonna thank that little prick. He hurt me where my marefriend has to fix.” Rainbow blushed and looked away. “And you shouldn’t tell me I have to like him, just because he finally got you to kiss me.”

Applejack giggled. “Took yer breath away, didn’t it?” Rainbow nodded, resting back into place with a pillow between her forelegs to rest her head on. “And that young stallion’s been through enough without ya havin’ ta throw yer two bits in, after all ya had us do.”

“Well, it should have worked. If he didn’t hear us, he’d be asleep with Sweetie and Kiwe soon, none the wiser that he was actually being normal, and not some emotionally screwed up colt that thinks he’s a character from a fillies adventure book.”

Applejack took off the hair tie holding her tail in check, making a slight show of it; for Rainbow’s sake. A swish of her tail, once it was free, and a little sway in her step shut Rainbow’s mouth. Applejack turned her head back to look seductively at Rainbow.

“Rainbow Dash? After all the good ya done fer that colt… ya had ta mess it all up by lyin’, and then tellin’ me it was Fluttershy’s idea…” Applejack flagged her tail, but her loose hair covered everything, “...makes me wonder if’n ya want me at all, or if this’s some kinda lie, too.”

Applejack lowered her tail, moved to the door, and flipped the light switch to off. “Goodnight, Rainbow Dash, Ah’ll see ya in the mornin’.”

With that, Applejack left Rainbow in the dark, on her bed, alone with her thoughts of how much her lies had made a mess of everything. She saw a flash of blue light from the other side of the house, but couldn’t see what made it.

She put the wonder of that event from her mind while thinking of what she could do to earn the trust and respect of her friends back. Then she realized, with horrible alertness, how Snickers had felt. The pain of betrayal, being untrusted, losing faith in those he counted on.

For the first time that day, Rainbow quietly cried; not for herself in any way, but for what her short sighted plan had done to an innocent and precious colt. A colt that had looked up to her once, and may never even listen to her apology, once she’d figured out how to show how sorry she was, that is.

After nearly an hour of feeling bad for herself, Rainbow got up with effort. More because she was being lazy and her hind legs had gone a bit stiff, than the ebbing pain under her tail.

“I need my best friend for this. Fluttershy will know what to do to help me be a better pony.”

Rainbow hopped into the air and opened the window a bit more, then flew out into the night sky and toward Fluttershy’s cottage at a relaxed pace. She wasn’t in a rush, after all, so she made one small detour, back to the farmhouse.

Applejack climbed onto the couch and pulled the quilt over herself, then smacked her lips. “Bit dry, gotta get the humidity up a tad.”

Applejack looked around the den, taking in the photos, paintings, and small knick-knacks from years gone by. She nuzzled into the pillow with a sigh. “Ah wish ya weren’t so darn fast, RD. Ah’d love ta keep ya company, but Ah’m not gonna encourage ya ta act so against yer nature. Lyin’ ta everypony, makin’ us all lie, lyin’ ta me… Ah swear, if it was any other pony, mare or stallion, Ah’d have had some harsh words with ‘em.”

Her moment of frustration dealt with, Applejack moved to get comfortable in bed and closed her eyes, letting sleep take her at its own pace while the silence of the house let in the sound of wind rustling the leaves of her apple trees through the open windows and carried with it the scent of so many things that she loved.

Silently, Rainbow Dash placed a feather that she’d been saving for Applejack between the farm mare’s cheek and the pillow, earning a contented hum as Applejack finally fell deep asleep.

“I will prove my worth, Aj, I promise,” Rainbow whispered, then left as quietly as she’d arrived.

Fluttershy held a small bag of feed on her back, casually carrying it over to its spot where, in the morning, she’d give it to the various critters that ate that particular type of food. With a small grunt, she toppled the bag from her back and smiled at a job well done.

“Alright, where’s Mister Fox?” Fluttershy asked the various creatures in the room. “Nopony knows? Come now, one of you must have seen him around here. I had Harry gather him for me, just for tonight.”

The bear in question entered the room on all fours with a fox, hanging by its tail, in his maw. He growled around the tail and Fluttershy smiled her kindest smile.

“Thank you for your extra effort, Harry. If it works out, I’ll make sure to give you a nice big meal, to show you how much I appreciate the work you do for me. Now, as for you...” Fluttershy said, widening her eyes and staring into the scared foxes own, “... just take a seat right where you are, and this will be over before you know it.”

The fox, unable to blink, think, or move under his own conscious will, sat as he was told.

“Hold out your foreleg for me.” Fluttershy commanded, and the fox obeyed. “You won’t remember how this happened, but you’ll need me, my love, and my caring support to make you feel better. Do you understand?” Fluttershy asked, and the fox nodded its red furred head.

Fluttershy took its foreleg between her own forehooves and began to apply pressure, when a blue light startled her, breaking her stare. The fox blinked back into reality and ran for the nearest exit, a small door in the back door for larger rodents and mammals to enter and exit at their free will.

“No! Come back, Mister Fox! If you’re not hurt, I can’t heal you… then--” Fluttershy took a step and reached with her forehoof, as though she could will him back. He was gone, and she knew that fox wouldn’t return to the area ever again.

“N-o, I’m such a bad pony,” Fluttershy said as the thought of what she’d almost done again crashed into her. She fell to the floor and covered her head with her forehooves, shaking at the pony she almost became; a pony she thought was gone from her heart and mind.

Fluttershy sent all her animals to bed and then climbed the stairs to her room, where she climbed onto her bed and sat up, cross legged. She looked at her hooves in the candlelight, trying to imagine the fox’s leg breaking between them. She imagined the mouse, cat, bird, and rabbit that had met the same fate.

Fluttershy brought her hooves to her eyes and sobbed at the monster she was hiding within herself, and how she could let such a sweet and innocent colt fall so far as to remind her of the pony she truly was.

Fluttershy was many things, but she had never been a disappointment to a foal. She slapped her hooves into the mattress and grunted her frustration at herself. “Dumb, mean, dishonest filly. You don’t deserve to be a colt’s hero; you’re not Rainbow Dash. You’re not awesome, Fluttershy.

“Rainbow Dash is probably having drinks with her real best friend, and they’ll go to bed soon, and do things I’ve never…” Fluttershy whined to the ceiling. “You’re worthless, Fluttershy, and...” she hesitated and started to sob, falling to her side on her bed, “’ll never have a foal of your own to fix yourself.”

After minutes more of self recrimination, the area around her cottage was tormented by Fluttershy, wailing into the night. Fluttershy flew from her room to the kitchen, where she began digging through her drawers, looking for the one knife she preferred. She found it, hidden in Angel Bunny’s favorite hiding spot.

She took the knife and turned her foreleg up, ready to rend her flesh for the rush of pain it would give her; a feeling of excitement ran through her in anticipation.

The door behind her slammed open, and the knife cut too deep. Rainbow screamed at the sight of blood and rushed through the cottage to the upstairs bathroom, and back before Fluttershy could scream at the wound she’d given herself.

“Fluttershy, press this to the cut, I’ll get you to the hospital! Please, don’t die on me, Fluttershy; you’re the best friend I have. I can’t lose you,” Rainbow said, hugging her friend for a second before trying to pick Fluttershy up.

“Get off of me, Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy shouted, getting the response she wanted. Rainbow hopped back, scared for her friend, but also of her. “It’s not that bad, I’ve done worse a few times. Ouch, you made me cut to the muscle that time,” Fluttershy smiled a little when she peeked at the laceration, then covered it again. “I haven’t done that since I was a young mare.”

Rainbow was aghast. “Fluttershy, what are you talking about? Weren’t you just… making something for one of your animals, and the knife slipped?”

Fluttershy frowned slightly. “And what gives you the right to break into my home in the middle of the night, hrm?”

Rainbow pointed behind her to the night sky. “Luna’s barely raised the moon, and I heard you wailing from the edge of town! I thought you were really hurt, and I was right. So, hang on while I get you to the hospital.”

Fluttershy shook her head and flew into the living room. “No, I’ll handle this myself.”

Rainbow looked at Fluttershy with shock. “Fluttershy, how can you do this to yourself? How can you cut yourself, like it’s nothing?!”

Fluttershy landed and spun, glaring at her friend. “Because, I am nothing! I’m nothing, Rainbow Dash,” Fluttershy’s eyes began to water, but she held her gaze. “I’ve never been successful at anything, when it comes to other ponies. Everytime I fall from a cloud, everytime I’m teased for being the weakling I am, and everytime a pony reminds me of how terrible I am at being a pony…”

Fluttershy turned her head so quickly, tears pattered on the floor before they reached her cheeks, but she went on. “This is the only way I can feel, Rainbow Dash. I can’t keep hurting my animals, because they said they’ll leave me. I can’t keep hurting my wings, because I already made myself a weaker flyer. I have to be able to fly to reach creatures that I can actually help.

“All I have left... is my body. No pony wants it, so what does it matter? That's also why I hurt my little friends, because of I don't matter, I can make sure they feel like they do.”

Rainbow landed beside her friend and hesitated; all her reading and preparation had never put her in the position of actually having to handle a pony dealing with self harm. Rainbow was about to wing it, but remembered Snickers and everything she’d done wrong. From swearing at him, even in joking, to kicking him under the tail, to teasing him; none of it was right, so she had to play this safe.

“Fluttershy?” Rainbow asked the quiet mare beside her. “You matter so much to me. You’re the most important pony I have in my life, even more than my silly crush on Applejack. You’re my best friend, and I’ll never think less of you for what you think of yourself, or what you do to yourself.”

Fluttershy’s breathing halted and she stiffened. Rainbow prepared for anything she could think of as Fluttershy turned to look at her. Expecting a look of anger, rage, or apathy, it was a silent blessing when Fluttershy had a sad, yet hopeful, expression. Fluttershy, not wasting a second, pulled Rainbow Dash into a tight hug with her free foreleg.

Rainbow held her back as Fluttershy cried.

A nondescript nurse looked up from her magazine when the door opened and she greeted the newest visitors. “Welcome to Ponyville Hospital, how… oh, my! Fluttershy, did one of your predators bite you again?”

Rainbow shook her head, Fluttershy having entered a depression after breaking down with her friend earlier. “No, Blue Cross, we need to take a trip to the fourth floor.”

Rainbow draped a wing over Fluttershy’s back and hugged the yellow mare to herself.

Blue Cross looked at the placement of the wound and nodded, not saying anything as she left her desk and walked the pair to a medical room. “First, we have to have a doctor look at your injury. Then, we’ll have a special doctor come talk to you, okay, Fluttershy?”

Fluttershy was led to the bed, then bit the gauze patch, that she’d let Rainbow apply, in her teeth. She yanked it off and flung it away. “Do whatever you have to, I don’t care anymore.”

Blue Cross, acting with years of practice, used her magic to hold the wound closed in a field of magic while determining Fluttershy’s blood pressure and pulse. “Code Purple! Room seven, code purple!”

Rainbow knew she wasn’t going to be any help, so she moved to the doorway and barely dodged two nurses that ran in. Looking back, she saw the disconnected expression Fluttershy had and made a choice, the best choice she’d made that day; she moved back into the room and sat by the wall, keeping her eyes matched with Fluttershy’s.

Even though Fluttershy didn’t show it, Rainbow saw a hint of appreciation cross between them, and Rainbow knew that she’d saved her friend, and with her friends, she could work to become a better pony, one worth a colt’s respect again, some day.

She also wanted to know how badly Fluttershy hurt her animals. It deeply worried her that Fluttershy, her best friend, may be a psychopath and not know it.

The ramifications staggered Rainbow, but she remained looking cocky and confident for her friend.

Morning in Canterlot Shines

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After being moved to his bed in the middle of the night by somepony, Snickers slept snuggled close to Kiwe until reflected sunlight beamed directly against Snickers’s closed eyes. He scrunched his face and whined. “Mom, close the curtains,” he said, grabbing the blankets and pulling them up to cover his head.

“Wake up, Snickers. A young stallion like you simply must begin strong, and get ready for the day ahead,” Blueblood’s voice cheerily said.

Snickers bemoaned the greeting to the day with incoherent groaning.

Blueblood gripped the blankets and pulled them down, lower than both Snickers and Kiwe could reach. Kiwe rolled from the bed and landed on the floor with little sound, somewhat impressing Blueblood at the natural skill all zebras seemed to possess.

Snickers did his best to crawl under his pillows to hide. “Five more hours, and some water… and no more getting me drunk,” Snickers groaned.

“Oh, ho. So, that’s what this is about?” Blueblood asked. “Well, I should have spoken louder to teach you a lesson. However, you are a special circumstance in this case, as I was informed of your lower tolerance to alcohol. I thought it meant stronger spirits with more salts to nibble on, not table wine, vintage be damned.”

A mare cleared her throat, bringing attention to both Kiwe performing a near perfect bridge, arching back, with Chef Parsley staring with wide eyes. “M-master… uh, food?” She asked, her eyes watching the zony as he moved to stand on his forehooves only. When Kiwe began doing push ups, Parsley turned away and blushed through her green fur.

Blueblood nickered to get Parsley’s attention. “Chef, would you kindly stop staring at the foal performing acrobatics and take our orders?”

Parsley raised a forehoof to the side of her head to block Kiwe, who was actually enjoying the attention to the point that he turned around to let his tail sway in her vision. Parsley turned her tail to him, then thought better of her placement and moved several steps away, then raised her forehoof again.

Able to think clearly, Parsley stood up, trying to gain any semblance of professionalism she had back. “Your orders are not needed, as your meal is ready, gentlecolts. I’ll gather the fillies, poste haste.” Parsley cantered from the room, her tail swaying more than it should have.

Blueblood huffed and lifted the pillows from the bed. Snickers clung to one until his hooves slipped. “Damn these not grabby hooves without… fingers or... claws. Ew, what would a pony with claws look like?” Snickers asked, sitting up with one eye closed and the other barely open.

Blueblood turned to the door. “I’ll explain the origins of the hippogryphs during breakfast, young stallion. Now, come along, and the food will still be warm.”

Snickers groaned and stood up on the bed, took a step, then fell forward onto his chest and chin. He got up, repeated the actions, and then asked for help from Kiwe. The little zony-unicorn used his agility to hop from his forelegs to his hind legs, then he took a short leap onto the bed to help Snickers to the floor.

“Good heavens,” Blueblood commented, “I wonder if anypony could be so agile, or if it’s a matter of breeding the right traits into a foal?”

“Practice each day, eat your hay, and no matter what, do whatever mother’s say. That was what my mother told me each day we stretched.” Kiwe answered.

Blueblood laughed loudly. “And is the rhyming something you must all do?”

Kiwe shook his head while helping Snickers stay standing on his four hooves. “No,” Kiwe said. “My mother was a village mystic, rhyming is their way. Each thing they say must flow like water down rapids; smooth and rough at the same time.”

Snickers looked aside at Kiwe. “How does that make sense?”

Kiwe smiled, taking steps with Snickers towards the bathroom for their morning routine. “Simple, brother, it’s not easy to rhyme all the time, but when you do, ponies listen to you. Zebra and ponies may live far apart, but we are all the same, here, in our heart.”

Blueblood nodded. “Hm, perhaps I shall try to rhyme from time to time. Oh, I just did it! I say, this day just may go my way.” Blueblood hummed to himself in contentment. “Yes, that’s the ticket. Say, boys? Are you about ready to go to our meal, or shall we have them make it a brunch?”

“Soon we will be done, go ahead and we will come… not like that, Snickers!” Kiwe exclaimed from the bathroom, over the sound of Snickers’s giggling.

Blueblood shook his head and chuckled, speaking softly. “Those colts are going be a hoof full, I can tell already.”

Feeling better, and somewhat more refreshed, Snickers sat beside Kiwe at the table with three trays full of various fruits, vegetables, and breaded breakfast items. Pancakes, cinnamon rolls, bananas, strawberries, and even what appeared to be pork bacon were laid out for them to pick through. Chef Parsley grinned when the meal was attacked and plates were filled.

Snickers looked around a stack of pancakes he’d be given from a very hungry Kiwe to see the fillies eating quietly and properly. Syrup poured freely from a carafe, distracting Snickers from his curiosity.

His tummy cramped, bringing the realization of how hungry he was to the forefront of his mind. He made a mental note to talk to the fillies about the previous night, like he had planned to before he went back to sleep, later. Right then, breakfast awaited, and he was salivating.

He leaned to the side and was about to bite the side of the stack, nearly as tall as his head height was, but Blueblood caught his eye. Shaking his head, Blueblood used his fetlock to lift a fork, showing the proper way to use a fork.

Snickers sat tall and grabbed his fork with his hoof, then slipped it to the same joint as Blueblood had his. With the extra support, Snickers followed the prince’s motions for the first three bites, then stopped copying and took a large piece. Blueblood smirked, knowingly, as Snickers cockily ate the pieces he’d cut.

The stack started to slide and before Snickers could stop them, they toppled to the side and off the plate. “Damnit,” Snickers swore quietly.

Blueblood used his magic to restack the pancakes. “Perhaps you’d like to have something else on your plate, Snickers.”

Snickers looked at Silver Spoon and caught her eye, earning a blush from the grey filly. Her wisteria color eyes looked away and the light from the morning sun glinted off her glasses into Snickers’s eyes.

Diamond looked up just as Snickers winced, looking away. She elbowed Silver Spoon and leaned over to whisper. “Silver, he’s really hurting. He must be so ashamed of running away last night, or maybe he just can’t look into your eyes,” she teased.

Silver dropped her forehoof quickly onto Diamond’s thigh. Diamond repressed a shout in pain. “Diamond, just don’t. I messed up last night and went too far, then we left him without explaining why. He’s probably just mad he couldn’t sleep with us, after we made such a big deal out of it.”

Diamond took a small fork of her fruit to her mouth. “Well, we had fun in Kiwe’s bed. Don’t tell the colts we jumped and laughed until ten, or they might get upset that us fillies have all the fun.”

They shared a titter and bumped their free forehooves, elbows, then hips while singing their chant to one another in a breath. “Bump, bump, sugarlump, rump.” They giggled together and bumped forehooves. Meanwhile, Snickers leaned to talk to Kiwe.

“Kiwe? What’s your favorite flavor of syrup?” Snickers asked.

“Why?” Kiwe responded around a mouthful of pancakes.

Snickers snerked. “It’s for Laxxie; she’s nuzzling my legs under the table and I hope giving her some will distract her. It’s starting to tickle.”

Kiwe nodded and grabbed an open jar with his magic, brought it under the table, and rested it on the floor by where he figured Laxxie would be. Neither were expecting the sound of glass cracking from under that table. While only they seemed to notice it, the sound of growling and squishing hadn’t become so loud, it would have stayed that way.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon set their forks down and looked at Snickers, sardonically. “Really, Snickers?” Diamond Tiara asked. “Just one day? Can we have just one day without you doing--”

Diamond was cut off when the table lurched upwards an inch, then fell; causing everything on the surface to topple, spill, or fall. Servants gasped, Chef Parsley moved on instinct to save a silver chalice older than she could imagine, from becoming dented on the marble floor. She slid on the floor and caught it in her forehooves.

She also saw the creature under the table.

She clutched the chalice to her chest and scrambled back when her eyes met glowing lime green eyes that narrowed at her. “What the hay is that?!” Parsley asked Prince Blueblood.

Blueblood held his coffee close to his lips, not paying any mind to the events transpiring, assuming it was simply foals playing. “My dear, whatever it is, it nearly spilt my morning coffee. A greater travesty cannot be allowed to happen before eight in the morning, I say.”

The table shifted as Laxxie moved from underneath and her head shook. “Apa!” She shouted and turned to look over the table at Snickers. “Nyum, urrp.”

“It’s a pony-doll?” A servant asked. “Who’s controlling it?”

Laxxie climbed from under the table in her pony form, larger than Princess Celestia, with syrup around her mouth. She moved to stand over Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara and leaned between them. “Ma urrp?”

“Diamond, I think she wants your syrup,” Silver said, pointing to the carafe in front of the pink filly.

“I dunno, do you think we should give her any? I think she’s getting bigger eating it… Snickers, has she ever had syrup before?” Diamond asked across the table.

Snickers thought it over, then shook his head. “No, she usually just roots and gets what’s in the ground. I’ve never given her actual pony food. What’s the worst that could happen if we do?”

Kiwe poked Snickers to get his attention and pointed at the timber-pony towering over the fillies. “I think she has grown enough, do not encourage her to become more tough.”

Snickers dismissed Kiwe’s concern. “It’s just a little syrup, just give her some, Silver Spoon.”

Silver cringed back and shook her head. Diamond shook her head and leaned opposite Silver Spoon. Laxxie took the opening and leaned forward, licking out a viney tongue to encompass the syrup container. She pulled the whole thing into her mouth and crunched the glass, seeming to absorb it all into her maw.

Laxxie shivered and made a sound akin to a satisfied hum. “Nummy, uurp! S’urp goop, Apha. Ma’r?”

All eyes went between Snickers and Laxxie, unsure of what to say or do. Even Blueblood had stopped acting privileged and pompous to wonder what was going to happen next. Snickers looked at the food on the table and then at Laxxie, narrowing his eyes.

Is this something that you naturally do? Eat sugar and grow bigger? Snickers asked Laxxie through their link.

Laxxie licked her wooden lips with a sappy tongue. I am not sure, I am not naturally a timberwolf, or timberpony. But, Alpha, I feel better with nummy sugars.

Snickers looked at the various ponies around the room, then shook his head. “No, Laxxie. You’ve had enough, you’ve grown too much and need to get back to normal. Now, get that sugar and stuff out of your body.

“No, Apa! I wan maw,” Laxxie whined and clacked her hoof on the floor. “Pwea, Alpa?” Laxxie pouted again, getting a moan from Snickers.

“Stop that, Laxxie. It’s too cute, I won’t look at you.” Snickers looked away, but when the sound of Laxxie sniffling made his ear turn to her, he glanced at his little pup and remembered the past three weeks as she grew with him. Seeing her cry hurt him deeply and he gave in. “Fine, you get one more cup of syrup, then you’re done. Got it, young pup?”

Laxxie giggled and moved around on her hooves, clacking loudly as wood met marble in a happy prance. A maid lifted a cup of syrup toward Laxxie, and quickly hopped back when Laxxie licked the container from her hooves. With a quiet clink, the syrup went down Laxxie’s maw and into her belly.

She burped, something that surprised everypony, and then shivered.

Diamond looked pointedly at Snickers. “Really?!” She shouted and leapt onto the table. “Silver? Hurry and get over to Snickers, it’s the only safe place!”

Servants, foals, and a prince urgently moved to stand behind Snickers, watching with wide eyes as Laxxie shivered and trembled, her body reverting to a timberwolf and terrifying most in the room. Ponies screamed and ran away to either other rooms, or they fainted on the spot from fright.

Laxxie shook herself and sat, her tongue lolled from her mouth, and she started panting the sweetest breath any of those that remained had ever smelled. Chef Parsley peeked from under the table at the timberwolf that would have looked eye to eye with Princess Celestia, and whimpered.

“Is… is it gonna eat us, or just play with its food?” Parsley asked.

Snickers placed his hooves on the table and pushed himself to stand on his hind legs. “Laxxie, that’s enough. I won’t have you ruining today with your… bigness. Spit out that sugar, right now, darling, or I’ll have no choice but to have you try soap, like my mom did to me.”

Laxxie cocked her head. Is soap nummy, like syrp? I want nummy soap!

“No, soap is bad and gross, Laxxie,” Snickers said. Some ponies were slightly confused, being unable to hear the conversation or not being used to Snickers’s different personality quirks.

“Spit. It. Out.” Snickers said each word, sending them across their link at the same time.

Laxxie recoiled with each word, bringing her foreleg up, as though she could guard herself from the verbal and mental orders. Laxxie nodded and began making a hacking sound, then, a mere four seconds after agreeing, she spat out a glowing yellow ball of slime as large as a soccer ball onto the table.

She used her paw to push it closer to Snickers, then her body collapsed into a pile of branches. The staff relaxed, somewhat, and they reentered the room, looking at the pile of large sticks and branches that made up the terrifying wolf.

“Is it… dead?” A stallion asked.

Blueblood shrugged. “If so, was it taken down by some choice words? Snickers, you may be quite the diplomat when you’re older.”

The orb of slime pulsed and from within, a small, foal sized timber-pony stood and absorbed it’s squishy cell. “Alpha, Laxxie talk. Talk, talk, talk. Laxxie talk, talk, talk. Alpha best in spirit world and this; no hurt Laxxie, or make sad. Wolf wood no-no. Pony wood, good. Yes, Alpha?”

Snickers fell back into his seat and groaned into his hooves. “Diamond’s right, why can’t I have a single normal day?”

“Um, like, is she gonna keep talking about talking, or what?” Silver asked.

Diamond shrugged. Kiwe was watching with curiosity and the rest of the ponies in the room were trying to ignore the weirdness, focusing on cleaning up the various messes around the table.

“Hey! Um, I mean, your highnesses,” Parsley, Sage, and Rosemary bowed while Parsley corrected herself. “Might I ask, as to what will happen with these branches? They are taking up a large portion of the serving path and dining area.”

Attention went to Snickers first. Snickers looked at Blueblood and shrugged. “I think Laxxie’s done with them, so you can just toss ‘em out the window, I guess.”

Many ponies in the room tensed at the idea, but relaxed after a moment to think it over. “Ah, you don’t mean throw them out the window, really; do you, Snickers?” Sage asked.

Some ponies face-hooved, Snickers rolled his eyes. “No, just… get rid of them somewhere. I don’t care where, just don’t throw them out, literally. I was being… uh, exaggerating.”

“You mean you were exaggerating?” Silver supplied.

Snickers nodded. “Oh, yes, darling. That’s what I meant. All this has me a bit out of sorts, and I feel I simply must take my leave at once. Please,” Snickers said standing and getting every servant to stop and face him, “carry on and don’t mind me. Won’t be but a tick to recover,” Snickers finished.

The staff bowed, Blueblood looked at Snickers with a raised eyebrow, and Snickers hopped from the chair to the floor before making his way upstairs. “Laxxie, be a dear and come along, now. Diamond, would you mind joining me? I have something I must speak to you about, privately.”

Diamond looked between her friends and then followed Snickers and Laxxie upstairs to their rooms.

Once inside, Snickers closed the door, noticing Rosemary was close behind Diamond. “Just wait,” Snickers said with his normal voice, “I need a minute with one of the fillies in my herd.”

Rosemary’s eyes widened and she nodded, turning to guard the hall while Diamond closed the door behind her. “What’s all this about, Snickers?” Diamond asked.

Snickers paced in long strides before turning and walking the same path for almost a minute, muttering to himself. “Diamond, what the heck happened last night?” Snickers finally asked.

Diamond blushed and she looked away from him as she made her way to the bed. Snickers rushed and blocked her path. “Snickers, let me get by.” Diamond said.

“No, tell me what happened. Why’d you and Silver Spoon wake me up and try to give me the shivers? What’s going on with all you fillies? Why am I so… fucking hot to you?!”

Diamond stepped back at his shout, bit her lip, and looked away. “Look, I don't really know what’s going on. Maybe it’s because you’re the new kid and you’re strong, smart, cute, and survived so much.

“Everypony knows about… well, they think they know some… well…” Diamond began to trail off and sat down, tapping her forehooves together.

“Well, what?” Snickers pressed.

Diamond looked at the floor and quietly gulped. “The other fillies know you’re not a virgin, and a lot of them want you to show them what it’s like. Some fillies, ya know, practice with colts and make silly filly herds… but you made a real herd, Snickers.”

Snickers stepped back from Diamond. “What… how the hell did I make a real herd? I’m just doing the trying stuff like everypony said. We’re not having sex, or kissing, or planning vacations. Hell, I’ve only met your father once, and he tried to have me talk to Mom about buying stock in his business.”

“Yeah,” Diamond rolled her eyes with a smile, “that’s daddy.”

“Well, how am I in a real herd then, huh?” Snickers asked.

Diamond looked up and met his eyes, blushing slightly. “I… don’t wanna say it, Snickers.”

“Say what? What am I doing wrong, Diamond?”

Diamond blushed brighter. “I… don’t wanna say it. I don’t wanna lose you as a friend, if I do.”

Snickers stomped a hoof onto the floor, startling Diamond and Laxxie. Snickers didn’t have to say anything, his actions were enough to crumble Diamond’s resolve.

“Snickers, we all love you. Like, love you, love you. Even me,” Diamond said with a sigh. “I know you’re not into me, and you’ll choose Silver every time. Or even Scootaloo, but… there’s something about you that makes me wanna be with you, and only you. Not that I’d turn down a mare that was offering… but if I could have you,” she said looking up to meet his eyes, “I’d think that I might be the perfect lover for you.”

Snickers fell onto his haunches, staring at Diamond in shock. “I… you… I turned you straight?”

Diamond laughed loudly and shook her head. “No way! I’d bury my muzzle under a filly’s tail faster than you can get your…” she stared at his still exposed sheath and quickly looked away. “Yeah, that thing can get ready. Look, do we have to talk about this? I’m still a lesbian filly, and your friend, I hope. I just... wanna try you, I guess.”

Snickers nickered. “Oh, try me? Like a sample of what might work for you in estrus? Something to scratch that itch, like a living sex toy, for your pleasure?”

Diamond shook her head. “No, that’s not what I meant. Honest, I just meant that… if I could have you once, I think that’d help me know if I want to be with you.” Diamond flinched at her wording. “No! I mean, I like you a lot, I just want to have… I mean, I wanna be--”

“Shut it, Diamond Tiara,” Snickers said and pointed to the door. “I was hoping to have a good answer from you, but you’re just after my body like everyone else. Goddess, to think I was gonna <hug> you when we walked in this room together.”

Diamond sputtered and tried to stammer a word, anything to start her brain. Not knowing he’d intentionally used a word she had trouble with, a word she often confused with ‘kiss’, her mind simply couldn’t process anything.

Snickers scoffed. “Yeah, that’s what I thought. You only want my body, too.”

Diamond shook her head. “N-no! I… I mean, I like your body, but your dick is still gross to me, and I don’t want you… but I do, and… this is just the worst! I hate colts, I always have. Then you come along and make me all confused!” Diamond turned her tail to Snickers in frustration, and to think.

Snickers was going to make another snarky insult, when he saw her clit wink, shutting him up and putting him in the same scenario Diamond was in a moment ago.

“I don’t like your body,” Diamond finally said, winking for Snickers again, “but I like you, Snickers. Whatever’s going to happen in the future between us all, just remember that, okay?”

Diamond turned to face Snickers and noticed he was blushing. “What?!” Snickers shouted. “I wasn’t looking at anything! Nothing. You should go, just give me some time and I’ll see you when I’m in a better place. Yup, just go. Don’t worry about me, just fine here.”

Diamond raised her eyebrows and she started to smile. “You don’t like me!” She exclaimed. “Yes! Yes, yes, yes! We can stay friends; even if you’re not gay, we can be besties! Thank you, Snickers, for being you! I love that about you,” she said and gave him a kiss on the lips that she felt as chaste, while he felt a rush of sensations, many of which found their way under his belly.

Snickers thanked whatever deity there was watching over him because Diamond didn’t notice him dropping from his sheath and he didn’t see any more of her private parts as she left the room, happy as could be.

Rosemary started to walk in the room when Diamond left, only to see Snickers awkwardly trotting around his bed as quickly as he could. She sighed. “Oh, dear. Do you need the privacy spell cast on you, again?”

Snickers peeked around the bed at the mare as she got closer to him and nodded shyly.

Rosemary’s horn glowed and a ball of light left her to encompass Snickers, after a second it passed and she waved him out. “C’mon. I won’t see anything this time. I cast it as an expert, not like whoever cast it on you before.”

Snickers stepped out from behind the bed, showing his side and underbelly to Rosemary, gauging her reaction to be approvable before he answered. “My mom did it.”

Rosemary nodded. “I understand. One thing about the spell that most ponies don’t know, is that if it’s cast by an average unicorn, a more powerful unicorn will see through it. And before you ask, it doesn’t apply to all illusionary magic, only small spells like ones made to hide your penis, or my labia, from the prying eyes of other ponies.

“Speaking of which, should I be worried about why Diamond Tiara was so happy, and you were so embarrassed, a moment ago?”

Snickers shook his head. “No, it’s fine. She thinks I’m only her friend, so we can be friends and she doesn’t have to want to love me… if that makes sense?”

Rosemary nodded twice. “Yes, it’s nearing the fall estrus and she seems to be nearing her cycle. It’s best that you establish your friendship boundaries now, so she and her friend don’t get into fights over who can be with you. Unless, you want to--”

“No!” Snickers shouted. “I mean, I’m not trying to have sex anymore. I did that enough in my life already, I just wanna be young and have fun for as long as I can.”

Rosemary’s eyes and expression stayed schooled and passive while inside she wanted to rage at Snickers’s actual parents. The sordid and lewd history of Snickers was well known by most ponies around the castle already. The ramifications of rumors spreading of the colt trying to have sex with a filly in his herd could prove disastrous, and she was willing to go to almost any lengths to quash those.

Rosemary smiled a little and stepped aside. “Then, by all means, go play with your friends. Just, please, be careful what you say and whom you say things to. Everything is a weapon in Canterlot, and words are the sharpest.”

Snickers waved Rosemary out of his room and waited as the mare stepped back to leave. “Just, let me rest for a bit. I mean, it’s been an hour and already I’ve had to deal with Laxxie here going grow-crazy and telling my friend that I’m not into her, when I kind of am. I’m just a fuck up, and I gotta get my head together.”

Rosemary closed the door with a small burst of magic, startling Snickers. “Okay, that’s it. We’re going to talk about why you feel you need to talk down to, and about, yourself. And we’re not leaving this room until you understand that you’re a rad-kid and not a bad-kid. Okay?”

Snickers snickered at the small play on words, then nodded. “Yes, ma’am. Well, I guess it started when I first got here…”


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Snickers stood by the small fountain in the hallway rotunda he’d passed twice the previous day with Laxxie and Kiwe by his side. The now green, moss covered timber-pony was trying to lap water from the fountain. Her thick grass mane actually drank from the water she was reaching for, but it was unknown to the other creatures in the room.

Kiwe smirked at Laxxie’s efforts. “She is certainly dedicated to her task.”

Snickers looked at the two gryphons standing on the other side of the fountain with rapt interest and gave a passive grunt, acknowledging Kiwe’s comment.

The male gryphon had had enough and turned to look directly at Snickers. “Can I help you with something, foal?”

Snickers shook his head and blinked. “Sorry, I was spaced out for a minute, there. Oh, cool! You’re talking to me,” Snickers cheered and galloped around the fountain to greet the creatures he’d never thought he’d meet. “Hi,” Snickers said in greeting when he moved to stand almost between the two conversing creatures, “I’m Snickers and I’m a royal guest.”

“Big deal, kid,” the hen of the couple said, “we are, too. Anypony staying in these apartments are royal guests. Now, do you need something, or can you leave my brother and I to talk in peace?”

Snickers looked between the two. “Wait, I thought you were… ya know, together.”

The male clicked his tongue. “And why would you think that?

Snickers shrugged and smiled. “Well, I’unno… I was just thinking that it’d be cool to see two gryphs that were a couple. I’ve only met ponies since I got here, and you’re the first not ponies I’ve met! You have actual fingers?!” Snickers squeaked in surprise, lowering his head to get a closer look at them.

“Hey, leave my talons alone! They aren’t fingers. I’m not a minotaur. Don’t you have a mother you can be bothering?”

The hen snerked at her brother’s frustration. “Oh, c’mon, Gus; let the colt look at your fingers. What’s the worst that he could do, bite them?”

Gus hissed and ruffled the feathers on his neck at his sister. “Why don’t you go nibble on her? Gul is more than eager to share gryphon talons with ponies.”

Snickers snickered. “Your names are Gul and Gus? I guess the naming scheme is true, then?”

Kiwe startled Snickers by speaking from behind him. “It depends on from where they hail, some have different names by where they set sail.”

Gul snapped her beak. “Great, a zebra mystic; just what I needed in my life.”

“Thank you for the kind thought, but I am but the son of one. My mother’s words and rhyme just happen from time to time.” Kiwe smirked at the hen when she frowned. “For a hen with such a lovely name, a glance along your body I could not refrain.”

Gul blushed a little and looked away. “Damn zebra and your rhyming… stop it, you’re not gonna get to me.”

Gus growled like a large predatory feline, clear anger growing in his eyes. “Are you flirting with my sister, zebra?”

Kiwe shook his head. “I am a zony, part zebra, part pony. I find your sister very cute, but a moment looking is still quite moot. I cannot be the one to take her heart, because my own belongs to another.”

“Hey!” Gul snapped. “That didn’t rhyme… I mean, good! I hate rhyming like that,” Gul stammered, her blush covering her cheeks behind her beak.

Kiwe nodded approvingly. “As you can see, my dear cock, my feelings for her have fallen off my dock.”

Gus raised his talons, spread wide and ready to slash down. “You dare compare anything about my sister to your dock?! I’ll teach you respect for a hen!”

Gus stopped before he could swipe. Before a hidden guard could loose an arrow, and a second guard could cast a violent spell, Snickers’ laughter took the group’s attention. “Y-yo-you’re a cock?!”

Gus grimaced and flinched back at the word. Gul snerked while Kiwe stood passively, knowing he was almost scarred for his mouth.

“I am not! I’m a Tom, not a cock!” Gus defended, taking an embarrassed step back. “I’m only thirty percent rooster,” he said, defensively.

“A cock was gonna slap my friend!” Snickers fell over and kicked his legs, unable to hold himself back.

Gus snapped his beak and turned to leave. “Whatever, you’re a waste of my time. Come on, Gul. Let’s let these dweeb ponies graze on some straw, or whatever foals do.”

The hidden guards slunk into the background again while Gus left. Gul followed, whispering something to Kiwe as she passed; something that brought a blush to his face and a bright smile along with it. Gul made a point to wipe the last half of her tail along Kiwe’s muzzle before she flew to catch up to her brother.

Both gryphons left the area to the foals and timberpony.

Snickers got up and sighed. “That was a close one. Don’t open your dumb mouth about a mare… any female’s body again!” Snickers admonished his friend in a serious voice. “I barely stopped him; you’re lucky I knew about the pride of a Tom and their common reaction to being called a cock.

“Twilight’s library is a wealth of knowledge. Seriously, I swear, you can be so dense sometimes.”

Snickers pushed past Kiwe while Kiwe looked flatly at Snickers. “I am not the one who is dense, you are bound by recompense.” Kiwe grumbled to himself.

Snickers looked back at Kiwe as he rounded the fountain. “So, what was the whispering about?”

Kiwe’s blush returned and his smile with it. “Nothing worth talking about. Just some casual flirting between races. She asked me if I liked eggs, I told her how I do, that’s all.”

Once they reached Laxxie, who was sitting like a patient puppy, her segmented stick tail swaying side to side along the floor, Snickers ribbed Kiwe a little. “How did you answer, ‘fertilized?’” Snickers asked. When Kiwe averted his attention to a window, Snickers laughed. “You sly dog! You gonna slap flank?”

“Snickers?! One does not do such a thing with a lovely female like Gul. If it were to happen, it should be handled delicately and with care. Those talons should not appear,” Kiwe shuddered with the thought of being scratched anywhere by a predatory, carnivorous, species; although he might have been shuddering for another reason.

Snickers smirked as Laxxie pushed her mossy side against him and hummed. “Well, maybe you’re right about Gul. I wonder if I should ask her out? Dinner with a prince might loosen her up, right?”

Kiwe, for the first time in over a month of being close to Snickers, narrowed his eyes at the earth pony and Kiwe’s horn sparkled. “It would be wise to stay within your herd, and that is my final word.”

Snickers’s smile faltered and he nodded. “Sure, she’s all yours, bud. I was just joking anyway. I’ve never been into cats; more of a dog person, to be honest,” Snickers wrapped a foreleg around Laxxie’s back.

“Alpha, ‘imber?” Laxxie asked.

Snickers shook his head. “No, being a wolf would terrify most creatures here, so don’t do it. Besides, I kinda like the pony look on you.”

Laxxie cocked her head to the side slightly. “Pony look?”

A series of images passed from Laxxie to Snickers at the speed of thought, when it was over, Snickers shook his head. “No, you can’t have a real pony body, Laxxie. You’re wooden, and a spirit. You can’t just become a real filly, okay?” Snickers said comfortingly.

Laxxie seemed saddened and laid down, resting her chin on her forelegs. If she could have sighed, she would have.

Kiwe nudged her wooden barrel, the reality of her barrel actually being made of wood made him smile warmly. “Do not worry, little wooden pony, you are real to us. Isn’t that enough to warm your… Snickers, do you think she has a heart?”

Snickers nodded. “Yeah, it’s just not the same as ours.”

Kiwe leaned down and nuzzled her mossy cheek. “Then it warms my heart knowing you. I only hope you feel the same.”

Laxxie lifted her head and nodded. “Me happy you happy, Kawe.”

Kiwe chuckled. “Kiwe, Kee-way,” he enunciated.


Kiwe sat and clapped his forehooves. “Very good, Laxxie. I will give you a nice cold bath with dirt fresh from the gardens tonight.”

Laxxie hopped to her hooves and leaned forward, licking Kiwe and getting his muzzle and a spot under his eye sticky. “Gah, ponies don’t lick for thanks, silly filly!”

Snickers reacted and reached out, stopping Kiwe from wiping his face. “You want sticky legs?”

“Laxxie have sticky legs,” Laxxie said, lifting a foreleg to show the colts.

The comment made the both laugh and fall over, confusing the timber-pony as to why they were acting so weird. Keeping the thought to herself, she lowered her hoof to the floor. Males are so weird.

Outside, on a balcony, Diamond Tiara sat in a lounge chair with an umbrella protecting her from the sun. “Silver, where are you?” Diamond called behind her.

Silver Spoon walked from inside the cool castle into the hot sun. “Right here, now. Do you need something, or are you just gonna try to make me your servant again?”

Diamond turned her head to the side so she could look at Silver from the corner of her eye. “You don’t have to be a bitch about seeing me, you know.”

Silver frowned. “You don’t have to be one… too.”

“Nice come back,” Diamond snarked and returned to relaxing. “Look, can you sit with me? I wanna talk with you about Snickers.”

Silver sighed loudly and nickered. “Seriously, can we talk about something else for once? Every day and every other time we talk it’s about Snickers. I love him, but even I need a break, or I’ll go crazy.”

Diamond patted a spot beside her and scooted over to give Silver more space. Relenting, Silver moved onto the chair and sat back, watching clouds drift over the capitol city with pegasi flying about. “Why are you scared to have sex?” Diamond finally asked.

Silver Spoon wanted to facehoof, hard. Instead, Silver looked away in frustration. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“C’mon, you can tell me. Is it because his penis is gross?”


“Are you scared he’ll hurt you?”

“No,” Silver said again.

“Are you worried about how it’ll feel?” Diamond asked, softly.

Silver turned to look at her friend. “Are you only gonna ask about his penis? Sweet Celestia, no wonder he gets so annoyed with me.”

While Silver rolled her eyes, Diamond waited for an answer. After nearly a minute, Silver sighed. “It’s not about his penis, Diamond,” Silver said quietly. “I just didn’t feel like I was ready. I was ready, my body wanted him… but when he was about to get on top of me, or, like, I thought he was going to… I just realized that all I saw was his penis, and that was all.

“I didn’t see a colt, or a smile, or his eyes looking at me. All I saw was that long thing coming for me, and it scared me. After he left, after we went to Kiwe’s room, our room, and we played and had fun like it was a normal sleepover, we went to bed,” Silver let her hoof touch Diamond’s foreleg. “And I thought about Snickers.

“Yeah, I wanted to think of him like I used to, but when I thought about him, it was just that one part that kept, I dunno, being there.”

“What part was that?” Diamond asked.

“Ugh, like, do you have to make me say it again?” Silver retorted, laying her head back.

“Oh… that part,” Diamond nodded in understanding. “I thought of it and had to take care of myself in the bathroom. The tub echo’s splashing sounds really good,” Diamond giggled and Silver blushed.

“I’ll make sure to try that out sometime,” Silver said sardonically. “Anyway, ugh, like, where was I?”

“His huge penis was thrusting in your mind,” Diamond teased.

Silver gave Diamond a firm shove. “Shut up! It wasn’t… whatever! Fine, if you don’t wanna talk about it seriously--”

“No! I’m sorry, Silvie. I’ll be nice and quiet, just tell me, please.”

Silver scrutinized Diamond’s face and finally relaxed again. “Fine. I was all about him and damming his foal, feeling everything about him, and being his alpha mare; but I realized that all I wanted was his body, like he’d said. I didn’t want him, I still don’t really know him. I followed him all the way here because it was your idea, but I was hoping to...” Silver hesitated and glanced at her friend.

Silver sighed again. “I was gonna give him the shivers and let him snuggle me, then I was gonna start doing that every night until he fell in love with me. But, that’s not the right way to a stallion’s heart, I realized.”

“Then, what is?” Diamond asked.

“I don’t really know. Mommy said it was food, but Mom said it was sex. Daddy said it was gifts, grandpa said it was kisses. Grandma Fern said the way to a stallion’s heart is a plate of cookies, and Grandma Red said it was through the cage and a little to the left, whatever that meant.”

“Isn’t your Grandma Red crazy?” Diamond asked.

Silver shrugged. “Kinda, but I still asked her last week when they all came over.”

Diamond nodded. “Yeah, the monthly thing your family does, getting together for stuff.”

“Yeah, they went over the books while I got to talk to ponies. This time everypony knew I was in love and trying to win a stallion over, but they all had different advice, so I asked them how to win a stallion’s love. That was when I got all those different answers.

“But, anyway, what I've been trying to say is that I finally realized what Snickers meant. I only saw him as a sire to my foals, not the father he could be, or the pony he actually is. I don’t know his favorite color, or his favorite food, or even his human name. What kind of Alpha mare am I, if I don’t even know the basics of the stallion I’m going to spend the rest of my life protecting and taking care of?”

Diamond hummed, then teased her friend. “Well, you could always ask him that stuff. Maybe he’ll let you grab his penis and wait for you to give him the shivers after that.”

Silver raised a forehoof and was going to bring it down on Diamond’s arm, when she noticed she’d put her shoes back on. “You’re lucky I put my shoes on, or I’d slap you for saying that.”

“What?” Diamond replied innocently. “You want it, he needs it. So, go do it… I’ll watch.”

Silver whinnied and pushed Diamond from the seat. “Stop being so uncouth and take this seriously!”

Diamond stood up and looked flatly at Silver Spoon. “Silver, I can’t take any of this seriously because I don’t get colts.” Diamond waved Silver aside and took her seat again. “Look, I get where you’re coming from. You like this colt and all that, and I’ve been the same for mares for a long time.

“I’ve even played some of the little games we play on the colts, like showing our labia when doing stretches or falling on my back during tag with my legs up and open so they can see my teats. But, I dunno, I just don’t like them. Snickers is a good friend and will always be there for me, I know that.

“He’s a strong and confident colt, just the opposite of you, which is why you’re such a great match up. But, thinking of taking his dangly thing in my hooves and licking it, or whatever mares do to their stallions, is just gross. Not even because I’m gay, but because those things aren’t even washed unless they come out during a bath.

“When was the last time you saw one out in a bath?”

Silver smirked. “Last night, when Snickers was tickling us, and Kiwe, too. It was only about half way, but… Sweet Celestia, I wanted to touch it so bad, Diamond. Last night, I almost got to do something with Snickers, and if he didn’t run away, I might have turned over and let him take me right there.”

“That’s the thing, Silver! You just said all that stuff about liking him for who he is, and you’re still saying you’d let him stick his… ew, in your body.”

Silver groaned quietly. “I said that was before he ran away! After that, and after we went to take over this room, Kiwe’s room, I realized I was being a jerk about all this love stuff,” Silver lay her head back and looked at pegasi in the sky over Canterlot. “I touched his penis for a second, and I wish it’d been more so I could have felt it.

“Dumb hooves can’t feel anything without enough pressure,” she looked at her hooves with a frown. “If I had hands, or even talons, I could have wrapped it up in my grip and--”

Diamond pretended to retch. “Euck, stop talking about giving him the shivers, Silver! Gross, just thinking of you holding it in your fetlocks and running up and down the long, hard…” Silver Spoon smiled as Diamond trailed off, then glanced at her. “Shut up,” Diamond said, crossing her forelegs over her chest.

“You like Snickers, don’t you, Diamond?”

Diamond’s ears started turning a shade of pink that matched her cheeks in growing hue. “I said I did, but I don’t like him like that. It’s just a dumb filly crush and when it’s over, I’ll be all over mares again.”

Silver scoffed. “You’re rude, mean, uncouth, and like to bully other foals; I bet mares are gonna line up for you.”

Diamond grumbled, then swiftly rolled over and on top of Silver Spoon, pinning the grey filly to the lounge chair. “Who says I need mares? You need the shivers, I need the shivers; let’s help each other, like the old days,” Diamond said softly and leaned closer to Silver.

Silver turned her head away. “No, I’m not a little filly anymore. I know who and what I want, and being your doll isn’t what I want. I’d rather be Snickers’s doll.”

Diamond rolled off Silver with a dejected sigh. “Great, I don’t even have you to fuck anymore.”

Silver gasped. “With that language, you never will get a marefriend. I’m going back to reading my fashion magazine, Diamond. You can keep your uncouth language to yourself out here.”

Diamond watched Silver climb from the chair. “Well, you never cared back then!”

Silver turned to Diamond. “That was then, this is now. I’m not the same filly, and Snickers is changing me into a better filly; the best filly he needs and deserves. I’ll see you later, Diamond Tiara.”

Diamond lay her head back and looked at the spokes in the umbrella, counting them around and around, as though they’d change if she counted them the right way. “Why can’t I make up my mind?” She finally whispered to herself. “Being gay is easy, I just made the choice and went with it. Now, it’s like I have to choose to be straight or gay, and it sucks.”

A Day Passes

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“And here you are, gentlecolts,” a guard gestured to the gardens and let the colts walk onto the grass.

Snickers nodded to the guard as he passed, then let his hooves dig into the soft earth. He hadn’t realized how nice and strong the earth made him feel, but in Canterlot, he seemed to feel stronger.

Once he felt comfortable, Snickers crouched and leapt into the air to about twice his height. Kiwe and Laxxie watched Snickers land and repeat the action while the guard stood stoically, at attention.

“Woo, I can’t believe how much I missed dirt and grass!” Snickers shouted.

Joining in, Laxxie leapt about four inches with each try. “Laxxie happy, too, Alpha!”

Snickers landed with a little bounce and faced Laxxie. “Okay, stop calling me Alpha. I know you think I am, and I guess I am, but you can’t just call me that; it’s weird.”

Laxxie smiled. “Laxxie good at wee-urd. Make Ickers happy, make Laxxie happy.”

Snickers sighed and turned to walk a little further from the guards that were posted by the entrances. “Laxxie, just, listen to my brain for a little bit, okay?”

Snickers looked into Laxxie’s eyes for a moment and began saying his pony name. He sent writings, memories of being called Snickers, and even let slip his intimate night with Scootaloo, where she whispered his name several times.

Once done, Snickers imagined a door closing and shut off his connection to the timber-pony. “Okay, now… who am I?”

Laxxie cocked her head and her eyes glowed a little brighter for a second as she processed everything she was given. “You are Snickers, my father.”

Snickers felt his heart warm and a smile grow into a grin on his muzzle at being called a father. “Y-yeah, that’s me. A regular dad, right here.”

“<You are my father, Snickers. My Alpha, when I am a wolf>.”

Snickers’s ears were directed at Laxxie and some of the guards noticed the odd words. Snickers nodded. “<You can speak English? How>?”

“<Father teached me. Father teached me many things, now>.” Laxxie sniffed the air and nuzzled Snickers.

Snickers looked at Kiwe with wide eyes. “Wow… Kiwe, I taught her a bunch of stuff just now.”

“As it seems, so it is. Perhaps you can teach her not to beg for food under the table, next.”

Snickers stuck his tongue out at the snarky zony. “Whatever. You’re just jealous you don’t have your own little wooden pony to call your own.” Snickers pulled Laxxie into a side hug and smirked at Kiwe.

“If I must birth a log the size of my leg, I’d sooner lay a golden egg.” Kiwe turned away from the family pair and flicked his tail as he went further into the gardens.

“Hey, wait up,” Snickers called after Kiwe, “don’t get lost. You probably can’t find your way back without my expert navigation skills.”

While Snickers beamed, Kiwe looked over his shoulder at the castle. “Yes, the risk of being lost is too great,” Kiwe deadpanned.

“Hey, just play along and let’s have an adventure! Maybe I’ll get us some cutie marks while we’re at it?!”

Laxxie, being thankfully smaller than Snickers, leapt up high to land on the earth pony’s back, nearly buckling his knees from the sudden weight. “I want ride from Father, like when I was small sticky wolf, Pup.”

Snickers bounced, again noticing the strength the earth gave him. “Sure, just don’t get used to it. And if you nibble my ear, I’m bucking you off of me, got it?”

Laxxie nodded. “No do nobble.”

Snickers and Kiwe giggled, then ran deeper into the gardens.

“I don’t understand it,” Rosemary said, disdainfully, “how did you both get tree sap in your manes and coats? There aren’t even any trees in the area of the gardens you were in.”

Snickers and Kiwe shrugged while Laxxie sat outside the wash basin, watching the colts get gently scrubbed clean of mud, dirt, and sap. “I dunno, except that we didn’t get our marks after all that trouble and mess.”

“Laxxie helped!” The timber-pony chirped.

Sage Brush nodded. “Yes, so we heard from the guards. How, exactly, did you make it rain mud, exactly?”

Laxxie hopped to her hooves and tried to sink into the ground before realizing she was on tiles. “Hmm, make water go up, nummy soil with water come down. Help make Snickers clean.”

Rosemary scoffed. “Clean? Look at the water, it’s already brown! I have to change it and they just got in. Sage, help me get the foals out of their bath so I can clean them properly.”

Snickers climbed out of the tub with Kiwe behind him. “Little wooden traitor. Why couldn’t you get the sap off of us?”

Laxxie patted her barrel. “Laxxie full, no more sap space in body.”

Snickers snapped at the wooden pony. “Then make space! I don’t wanna spend an hour in the bath!”

Laxxie nodded and began to tremble, worrying the two guards by the door and both maids. Kiwe and Snickers had an idea of what was about to happen.

The door opened and Prince Blueblood stepped into the room. “Snickers, I heard you and your friend were… oh, my.” A small ball of sap struck Blueblood on his chest, splattering and spreading quickly before it hardened faster than it should have. “May I ask what this distasteful muck is?”

“Laxxie help now,” she exclaimed and began to lick Snickers on his mane and back.

“Ew! Stop doing that, little… wooden… pony thing! You’re gonna get them all splintery.” Sage commanded.

Laxxie moved to Kiwe and attacked him with her flat leaf-like tongue, leaving nothing behind but residue of a job well done. “Laxxie almost full…” She moved to the worried prince and licked along his legs and freed him enough to at least move freely.

“Ah, yes, well… with that, I’ll be off and I’ll remind you both that it’s nearly five and thus supper will be served in an hour. Enjoy your bath time,” Blueblood said, then walked awkwardly out of the room. The colts giggled at the prince’s awkward gait, but attention returned to the maids.

“So, do you have to give us a bath, still?” Kiwe asked.

The mares looked between one another, then shook their heads. “No,” Rosemary said, “but you still need one. Let’s go to your apartment and you can take a proper bath with your fillies.”

Snickers blushed and noticed Kiwe doing the same. “But, they’re not really our fillies,” Snickers said, a little defensively.

Rosemary waved a forehoof. “Oh, I meant no offence, young master. Only that you have a lot more fun with them around, or so it seems.”

“Yeah, well, let’s go get them, then.” Snickers said.


Silver Spoon sat opposite Diamond Tiara with a stack of cards between them. Picking one up with her hoof, Diamond looked at it and hummed, then set it on a stack in front of her, face down. “Stars.”

Silver grinned. “Fibber!”

Diamond groaned and gave her short stack of cards to Silver Spoon, who already had half the deck. “Whatever you’re doing, stop it.” Diamond grumbled and took another turn, since she was out of cards. She frowned at the card and slapped it down, then practically spat the word out, “Stars.”

“Ha! You’re fibbing again! I bet it’s another shoe.”

Diamond laughed and flipped the card over to show a star. “I knew I’d get you, eventually! Gimme, gimme, gimme.”

Silver pushed the cards over with several motions, then smiled slightly, knowing she’d just let her friend have the turn. “You just tricked me, it’s only a game. The whole point of the game, actually. It’s called card fibber, not card flipper, for a reason.”

Diamond, still grinning, waved her forehoof. “Whatever, I finally won, you owe me a kiss.”

Silver rolled her eyes and adjusted her glasses, then nervously played with her braid. “Fine, if I do it now, can we skip it for the rest of… forever?”

Diamond pouted and whined. “Do I have to give up kisses with my old girlfriend?”

Silver scoffed. “I was hardly that. We were still blank flanks and played dress-up tea party.”

Diamond tittered. “And you let me do a lot more than just make tea for you.”

“Yeah?” Silver retorted. “My nipples were sore for a week after what you did to them. I’m not letting you near my tail again after that.”

Diamond shook her head. “Psh, daddy said a little foal-play is normal for ponies. He said he loved nursing with me while I was an infant.”

Silver, already around the table and beside Diamond, sneered. “That is actually disgusting. What if he was kissing you, or something?”

“My daddy isn’t like that, besides, mommy’s milk was warm and sweet; it was as great as she was. Then she left and I had to have Spoiled Milk come into the house. Anyway, kiss me, you grey beauty.”

Silver leaned towards Diamond and let her lips touch the pink filly’s, actually enjoying the sensation as a second turned into two, then five. Their lips parted and their tongues met, making them both become more impassioned. Both lost track of time as their hooves touched one another’s muzzles.

“Woah,” Snickers said from the other side of the table.

Both fillies opened their eyes and scrambled back a couple paces, then looked at Snickers, blushing suddenly. “I didn’t,” both fillies said in unison and pointed to the other, “I mean, she. No, I didn’t. I thought you were…” Both fillies went silent and looked with wide eyes at Snickers, who looked back at the slightly open doorway to see Kiwe’s head looking in.

Silver and Diamond stared at Kiwe, and the colt quickly backed out and his steps were heard galloping down the hall.

“He’s probably gonna be in the bathroom for a while after seeing us,” Silver said quietly. “Do you wanna use ours, Snickers?”

Snickers looked between the fillies and smiled. “Your lips are still wet.”

Both fillies wiped their lips on their forelegs and looked at one another, then nodded. “Better?” Diamond asked.

Snickers snickered and turned to leave. “I’ll give you a minute, I was wondering if you wanted to check something out, but I caught you having your own good time.”

“W-wait!” Silver Spoon shouted loud enough to echo in the spacious room. “I’ll come with you.”

Snickers barked into laughter. “I bet you would. By the way, I wasn’t talking about your muzzles being wet.”

Both fillies clamped their tails down as Snickers left and closed the door behind him. Silver Spoon looked at Diamond, both blushing still. “That was so embarrassing. I wanna crawl under the bed and hide forever.”

Diamond nodded. “I know, I feel the same, but who knows what’d happen if we went there together after what we just did.”

“I know. I didn’t want it to be like that, but I started thinking of…”

After Silver trailed off, Diamond’s mind went to who she was thinking about kissing, and a quiet whine left her lips. “I don’t wanna talk about who I was thinking about, so don’t ask!” Diamond shouted suddenly.

The door opened again and Laxxie was shoved into the room. She looked around and then to the fillies. Snickers’s voice whispered quietly and Laxxie nodded. Wooden hooves clacked awkwardly as the timber-pony approached the two embarrassed young mares.

“You bath with Snickers and Kiwe?” Laxxie asked. She was nearly knocked off her hooves when Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon ran past her, both bumping the wooden pony. Snickers gave the door a shove open and galloped ahead to his bathroom, passing a waiting Sage Brush and Rosemary at the door to the room, and the door to the bathroom, respectively.

The sun hadn’t risen yet when Snickers woke in his bed and stretched his legs, then shuddered from muscle spasms, smiling at the feeling they left along his limbs. He noticed something in his mouth and wiped his foreleg across his lips, frowning when white hair came out.

Kiwe was asleep a short distance away, letting Snickers know he’d cuddled up to his friend in the night again, this time getting only one mane hair in his mouth compared to several, which was a good thing, Snickers presumed.

Snickers rolled from the bed and hopped to the floor, his left hind leg slipping from under him and nearly giving him a pulled muscle, had he not moved with the leg, stopping it before the muscle went taut. Snickers kicked his leg twice, to loosen the tension that had built, then looked at his unshod hoof.

“Damnit,” he cursed in a whisper and climbed back onto the bed. Spending nearly a minute, Snickers found his missing shoe by Kiwe’s tail. The fleeting thought of wrapping his lips around certain parts of the sleeping zony tickled him, but he quickly left the bed for the bathroom before he could act on his urges.

Once the bathroom door was closed, Snickers swore loudly for several seconds and kicked a bottle of shampoo into the tub. “What the fuck is wrong with me? All I can think about is sex. Sex, sex, sex. Blowjobs, licking, sucking, so many mares don’t have the spell cast on them and… no! Down, boy. Er, up! No, not that up,” Snickers shouted under himself at his growing problem.

“If I had any idea being a colt would be so much trouble, I’d have… I dunno, but this sucks. Mares and fillies have it so much better and easier,” Snickers whined as he locked the bathroom door and leaned his back against it, his penis fully erect and sending feelings through him he didn’t want, but couldn’t make go away without some attention. “Lucky bitches.”

Diamond Tiara bit the pillow under her head while moving her hips in a steady rhythm against one of her many pillows that she’d placed between her hind legs. Silver Spoon watched her friend in the shadows of the early morning light with her forehoof between her hind legs, imagining them both having the same colt between them while whimpering to herself. Colts never have this problem, lucky… jerks! Silver thought to herself.

Diamond gasped and shuddered, covering her mouth with her forehoof as she whispered a name she didn’t want heard by Silver Spoon. Silver Spoon wasn’t listening, her ears were pinned to her head as she moved faster to climax while Diamond was awash with guilt. Once Silver was done, Diamond pulled the covers up to cover her muzzle, only leaving her eyes and ears exposed.

“Silver, I made the pillows wet again. And, I know we shouldn’t do this in bed, not since we started becoming mares. What if we get caught? What if the maids are upset with me? Silver, what if Snickers finds out and thinks we’re gross? What if--”

Silver placed a hoof to Diamond’s lips to stop the filly from talking. Diamond noticed it wasn’t dry and pulled back, but still licked her lips. It wasn’t as great as she’d remembered, adding to the morose she was feeling. “Diamond, relax,” Silver said with a deep inhale and trembling exhale, “this’s normal and happens all the time.

“We’re practically mares, and mares make a mess when they’re done getting the shivers; it’s just biology. Colts are the lucky ones, they don’t have any mess to make or have to worry about. Just a couple drops of… what’d mommy call it? Uh, spink? Spork? Spunk? Sponk! That’s it, it was sponk. A couple drops and no mess, lucky jerks.”

Diamond hid under her blanket again. “But, I just feel so embarrassed right now. We haven’t done this for almost four months, even before Snickers came around… what if we fall in love again? What if I steal you from Snickers? What’re we gonna do if you’re gay like me and both colts decide to be gay?

“Oh, no. What if we get back to Ponyville and all of us are gay, and everypony hates us for making two colts fall in love?!” Diamond asked, nearing a panic. Sitting up and pushing the damp pillow out from between her legs, Diamond threw it to the floor where it landed with a quiet wet thud.

“Sweet Celestia, Silver; we might have just taken two stallions from the gene pool,” Diamond held her hooves to her cheeks in worry.

Silver Spoon snerked, then giggled, then laughed. Partially from the afterglow, partially from what her friend was saying. “Diamond, you always were cute after you got the shivers. Just, lay down and relax. I’ll call the maids to get you some hot tea, if that’ll help?”

“No! I can’t let them see my pillow! What if they laugh at me?” Diamond said, allowing herself to be pulled back to a lying position. Silver Spoon laid Diamond’s head on her chest and breathed calmly, letting Diamond follow the pattern.

Soon, Diamond Tiara was calm and thinking slowly, but more rationally.

I'll do this with Snickers someday, Silver thought to herself, smiling while Diamond focused on imagining the night she and Snickers had cuddled, snuggled, and touched one another while he slept.

“Do you feel better now, crazy mare?” Silver Spoon asked.

Diamond nodded. “Yeah,” she said groggily with a yawn, “I’m sleepy now.”

Silver pat Diamond’s back and ran a hoof through her mane. “Then go to sleep, and I’ll be here when you wake up.”

To Diamond’s ears, Silver’s voice had a slightly deeper tone, and she spoke without knowing what she said as she fell asleep, holding her friend close. “‘Kay, I love you, Snickers. ‘Night.”

Diamond Tiara imagined Snickers holding her gently, keeping her safe, as she fell asleep again, listening to what she believed to be his heartbeat.

Silver bit her lip, unsure of how to feel at the statement from her friend. Knowing Diamond was unsure of her feelings was one thing, hearing the pink filly confess, again, kept putting facts in different areas for the grey filly.

Eventually, Silver shrugged and turned to her side, facing away from Diamond Tiara, so that Diamond could hold her tightly and cuddle close, making her feel safe and secure. As Silver was falling asleep, herself, Diamond nibbled lightly on Silver’s ear, startling the grey filly awake. “Snickers?!” Silver said suddenly.

“Where?!” Diamond said, sitting up and looking around with bleary eyes. “Where’s he, I dun see’m…” Diamond yawned and fell back to her side, asleep again.

Silver Spoon looked back at her friend with a frown. “I’ll nibble your ear and, like, we’ll see how you like it…” Silver groused while getting back into position and falling back asleep.

Snickers left the bathroom wide eyed, toilet paper stuck to his hind hoof as he rushed back to the bed and climbed up, losing his right rear shoe in the process. He climbed under the covers and pulled them to his chin as sensual thoughts ran through his mind. “Fuck puberty, damn it to Tartarus and back. Why me?” Snickers grumbled and looked at Kiwe, asleep across the bed from him.

“He can help,” Snickers whispered and was going to wake his friend, his brother, to aid him in his hour of need. “A potion or two, that’s all I need. A little magic brew, maybe in a stew? For one or for two, a potion to make me feel like new.”

Snickers tittered at his rhyming while his mind began pulling him towards sleep. His eyes grew heavy and while trying to rhyme, Snickers fell asleep on his back with his limbs splayed every which way.

Nobles in Passing

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Morning came and Snickers was awoken by Rosemary’s squeaky gasp. He opened his eyes and stretched his legs again, noticing the mare beside his bed with a hoof blocking her vision of him.

Still on his back, Snickers looked down his underbelly and rolled over, tucking everything under himself as gently and quickly as he could. “Sorry about that!” Snickers said, loudly enough to wake Kiwe. “I was just sleeping and it came out, I guess,” Snickers said, meekly, and clearly embarrassed.

Rosemare glanced, quickly, to make sure Snickers was decent, then made a motion behind her. Snickers looked, and watched, as Diamond Tiara’s wide eyes met his, and then darted away. “It’s perfectly fine, Snickers. The fillies said they’d wake you a moment ago, and when I didn’t hear anything… well, I guess I now know why.”

Snickers grabbed at his pillow and when it was close enough, he pulled his head under it. “They were checking me out, weren’t they? These spells go away too easily," he groused.

Rosemary watched the colt and smirked, remembering her time as a horny little mare. “I’m sure it wasn’t as b-Ah?!”

Snickers sat up and looked at Rosemary. Her foreleg had slipped on something wet, and Snickers watched the confused mare’s expression turn from surprised curiosity, to a controlled anger. “Master Snickers, I’ll be back shortly,” Rosemary said. Her horn glowed and she vanished in a flash of light.

With the mare and fillies gone, Snickers got up and crawled to Kiwe, who was still waking up, somewhat.

“It seems you have not a moment of peace, not even in sleep, brother.” Kiwe teased.

“Kiwe, I need your magic potions to help me. I’m going through puberty and all I think about, and want, is sex. Every mare, every filly… some colts,” Snickers looked away and Kiwe did the same. “I just… you have potions for this, right? Can you give me some?”

Kiwe nodded, his mane's motion catching Snickers’s eye. “I have extra to give and more I can make, just take it now, before you get the urge to ‘bate.”

Snickers snerked, then giggled. “That was a good one. So, where’s it? Can I just grab one?”

Kiwe shook his head, saying, “Certainly not. While it is not all I have, the wrong brew can be unpleasant for you.” Kiwe hopped from the bed with Snickers following. A brief glance told Kiwe of the urgency of the potion was needed, since the see-not spell had been dispelled, again, by Snickers’s thoughts. “First, though, I will cast the spell. My potions will elongate the veil.”

“Don’t say ‘elongate’ right now,” Snickers complained, “please.”

Kiwe shook his head in good humor and lit his horn. A glow surrounded Snickers and Kiwe handed him a bottle of potion, and Snickers drank it greedily.

As soon as the potion was gone, tingles went down Snicker’s throat and then blossomed though his body as it settled in his stomach. While he was shivering from the tingles traveling down his legs, Rosemary walked into the room again, smiling and acting as though she hadn’t had to leave because of two fillies’ passive arousal.

After a brief test on whether the spell worked or not, Snickers was happy that not only did the see-not spell work on himself, but it seemed to work on Kiwe and Rosemary, the same mare who hadn’t had the spell on her since they’d met two days prior, and would unwittingly flash the colt at times.

Although he was pleased at the newest event, Snickers wasn’t sure if the spell, potion, or the mix would last, how long it would work on him, and whether or not he’d be seen by every mare nearby. It brought his exuberance down a lot.

Kiwe noticed Snickers’s worry and placed a forehoof on Snickers’s side. “Brother, do not fret. The spell is one I won’t forget. The potion will work as a balm, even if you do not remain calm.”

Snickers smiled. “You’re a great brother, and I’m glad I have you.”

They shared a hug and Sage Brush let herself be known by awwing a little too loud.

The colts were separated by Laxxie, who embraced them as best she could. “Laxxie love you, too, Uncle Kiwe.”

The statement brought an aww from both maids.

“Yes, while that’s quite the moving statement,” Blueblood said from the doorway into Snickers’s room, “I have to ask why there’s an alchemy setup in this room, and not in the personal room given to our ward’s friend?”

The stallion entered wearing a nice frontal suit that spoke of elegance and refinery, that even Snickers scrutinized, finding it worthy of Rarity’s approval.

“I can answer that.” Sage said, “It’s because the fillies took Kiwe’s room the first night. I apologize for not telling you sooner, your highness.”

Blueblood tossed his head, sending his mane cascading over his back. “It is of little concern of where and how colts sleep, as long as they’re awake and ready when breakfast is served. So,” Blueblood said, lowering himself to be at the colt’s level, “are you feeling a little hungry, or shall I fill my belly, first?”

The colts looked between one another, then slowly smiled as Blueblood crept closer. The colts took a step back, and screamed as Blueblood began to chase them around the room, first Kiwe, then Snickers. After a couple minutes, the stallion used his magic to envelop his targets and held them still while he tickled them mercilessly.

“Uncle!” “Auntie!” Snickers and Kiwe called out, respectively.

“Let us go!” Both colts shouted through their laughter in unison. Once released, Snickers lay on his side, laughing as his body tingled with happiness. For reasons he didn’t understand, Snickers had never felt so fulfilled and happy after being chased and tickled, but he didn’t care about the details, just that it was a great moment.

“Well,” Blueblood said, shaking his head and mane back into place, “I say, that was quite fun. However, it is time for breakfast, and Parsley wouldn’t want you both to eat cold food, right?”

Kiwe was the first to his hooves. “No, I will go with Snickers to eat. Who will gather the girls?”

Blueblood looked between Rosemary and Sage. Rosemary glanced at the colts, sealing Sage to her given task. “I’ll go,” Sage said cheerily.

A moment later, the groups had gathered and quietly went to the dining area.

Breakfast was very quiet, which was unusual for the group of foals. Kiwe looked between his three friends and broke the silence that had fallen over them all. “What is wrong with you all, have you heard a Siren’s call? You do not look into one another’s eyes, joke, or tell amusing lies. It is… unusual,” Kiwe let his magic aura around his fork disperse after he’d set it on the table.

Staring into the juice between his hooves, Snickers glanced up to the fillies, then back down to take a drink.

Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara shared a look, then blushed and looked at their own plates, each using a spoon to scoop a small bit of sausage to their mouths before chewing.

Snickers sighed and leaned closer to Kiwe. “I don’t wanna talk about it.”

“Well, I do,” Diamond Tiara stated.

“Me, too,” Silver added. “I like you, but I want you to know that I’m gonna get to know you, like you said I should do… only now I know what you mean.”

Diamond nodded and placed her fork down. “Yeah, when you were about to climb on Silver Spoon and take her as yours,” there were several gasps from the servants around the room and a minor spit-take from Blueblood, “but it turned out you just had to go pee and we overreacted…”

Silver Spoon cut into the conversation, as though it were rehearsed several times the previous evening. “...I realized that I was only thinking about being your alpha mare, and not who I was going to be spending the rest of my life with. I want to know you, Snickers; the rough, tough, awesome colt that’s cute, smart, and cool through so many things.”

“And…” Diamond started, then looked at Silver Spoon, “...I like you, as a friend. But, maybe I want to see if I can be more with you, maybe I can… I dunno, let you wear my tiara and we can watch the sunset, and share a drink at the malt shop. Oh, maybe I can buy a dress and you can tell me what you think?

“I can help you pick out a matching suit, then we can go out on the town, in a city… Baltimare, maybe? Ya know… the City of Sisterly Love,” Diamond said softly while glancing at Silver Spoon.

The energy in the room was growing and everypony could tell the filly had gone off the rehearsed script, but even Silver Spoon wanted to know what Diamond would say next.

“Maybe… when we’re there, we can talk about what we wanna be like in the future, and maybe plan a way to do it all together? Like, as a real herd, and… Silver?”

Silver Spoon blinked and was back in the moment. “Oh, right! Snickers, we wanna be your official herd mares. Sorry, Kiwe, but…”

Kiwe shook his head fervently. “No, while I care for Diamond in ways you know too well, this is something special. That, even I can tell.”

Snickers swatted Kiwe’s foreleg. “Hey, you’re supposed to be on my side, not theirs.”

“Are you saying you… don’t wanna herd with us?” Silver asked Snickers with a pleading expression. Snickers saw Diamond was copying the look with wide eyes and pouty lips.

Snickers felt an icy dagger in his heart and clutched his chest with his forehooves. “No, you’re breaking through… guh, fine,” Snickers sagged, then looked up with a smile, “you can be my herd… as long,” he shouted over the fillies screaming to get their attention, “as you show me, each other, and everyone else the respect they deserve. <Unlike my old girlfriends>.” Snickers mumbled at the end.

The fillies cheered and hopped to the floor to prance and dance around one another. Meanwhile, Blueblood caught Snickers’s eye with a raise of his morning mimosa and a wink of his eye.

Snickers felt pride build within himself and couldn’t stop the grin that showed all his front teeth, and a few of the rear.

Snickers reluctantly walked just behind Blueblood with Kiwe by his side. Laxxie and the girls had stayed back to spend time together, and while Snickers was unsure what two fillies would do with a timber-pony, if anything got out of hoof, Laxxie could contact him.

Snickers bit his lip and looked back along the hall as it seemed to elongate while he watched. “I… haven’t been without Laxxie for this long in a while. What if she can’t talk to me while I’m so far away?” Snickers said to Kiwe.

“It will be no trouble, your little Pup has a friend, on the double.”

Snickers looked at Kiwe and shook his head with a smirk. “You’re such a dork.”

“Hmm, I do wonder, my brother and friend…” Kiwe looked at the fountain they’d seen a few times, “when will you begin your language lessons again?”

Snickers hummed in thought. “I guess I can start tonight, as long as everything doesn’t go crazy, like it always does around me.”

Blueblood slowed and looked behind him. “Colts, hurry along. We have to present you to the nobles before rumors start. The sooner we do this, the sooner rumors of you being some handsome stallion trying for Princess Celestia’s fetlock will be put to rest.”

“Ew,” Snickers scoffed. “I don’t like her like that, she my m--” Snickers went silent as what he was about to say struck him. He looked at Kiwe, who slightly shook his head. “She’s my mom’s idol… and I can’t do that to her.” Snickers leaned close to whisper to Kiwe, “I need to talk to you when we get time.”

Kiwe nodded and chose to stay silent as they walked past the fountain and back into the castle’s depths they’d only experienced once in their three days there.

Several turns passed and Snickers knew he was lost, completely unable to find his way back to the apartment, and now dependent on Blueblood. The stallion glanced back and noticed Snickers’s apprehension, so he stopped their small group and lowered himself to the floor.

“Boys, I know this may be scary, but just remember that I’m going to be right there. Anypony that crosses a line or goes too far, I’ll stop them and, if need be, whisk you away to another group of nobles.”

Snickers pouted. “But, do I have to? I didn’t wanna meet these stuck-ups in the first place.”

“I understand, young stallion,” Blueblood said softly, “however, you must learn that nopony wants to interact with these cretins. The only reason we do, is that they hold authority over much of the lands in tandem with the diarchy. We can’t just ignore them, any more than we can skip using tableware.”

Snickers sniffed and raised his snout. “Well, I’d be willing to eat from a tablecloth if it meant not having to go through with this.” Blueblood chuckled and reached out to rub Snickers’s mane. “Ah! Nopony touches my mane without a brush and product, darling.”

Blueblood laughed and stood up. “With that attitude, you’re certain to make a splash. Come along, let’s march ahead and put this behind us.”

Walking into the small ballroom, Snickers still noticed how ‘small’ was very relative a term. The room was as large as the Ponyville Schoolhouse twice over. Groups of ponies, mostly unicorns, stood in groups of three to five with a pony-length between the groups. Every so often, one pony would leave a group to go to another in a dance of rumors and gossip.

Snickers felt his elbows and knees shaking from his growing anxiety. He looked to his side to find Kiwe not there. It seemed Kiwe was staying out of the scene, leaving Snickers alone with Prince Blueblood to entertain the top echelons of Pony society.

Please don’t fart. Don’t burp. Don’t swear. Don’t do anything stupid, you dumb colt.

Snickers was tapped by Blueblood’s magic, bringing him out of his mind and back to the moment he’d been dreading since it was dropped on him after breakfast.

“Snickers,” Oregano had said, “there is a gathering in one of the small ballrooms that you are required to attend. It’s just come to our attention, but many nobles have heard about you and are wondering who the mysterious pony that now resides in the apartments is.”

Now, Snickers stood, trying not to hide under Blueblood by willpower alone, as sweat dampened his shirt slightly. Snickers looked at his foreleg and took a bit of strength, knowing that his mother had made the shirt for him and would be with him… even if she wasn’t ready for his trust, yet.

“...and so, with great honor, I present to you, Snickers; guest to her Royal Majesties, Princesses Celestia and Luna.” There was polite stomping, but nothing too loud. “Go ahead, son, say something,” Blueblood said, encouragingly.

Snickers grinned again and stepped a pace ahead of the stallion and cleared his throat. “Um… hi. I’m Snickers and… um, it’s nice to be here to meet you all… um, I guess when my mommy, um, I mean I came here for Celestia… um… I mean, I’m here to visit Princess Celestia because my mommy… um…”

Blueblood stepped forward and stood over Snickers, saving the colt from his numerous mistakes he was already making. “Well, it can be said that foals aren’t the best at public speaking, yes?

“On that note, I believe it’s time for some music and mingling, so let’s enjoy ourselves until you’ve drunk all my wine and eaten all my hors d'oeuvres,” Blueblood said, mirthfully. A loud round of honest laughter filled the room, startling Snickers a little. His ears turned and twitched, and he found he had to use the bathroom, badly.

Snickers lifted his head twice to bump Blueblood’s belly. “Yes, what is it, son?”

Snickers smiled again. “I gotta use the bathroom, dad… I mean Blueblood! I mean…” Snickers sat and covered his face with his forelegs. “I’m such an asshole.”

Blueblood winnied and stomped a forehoof. “Stand at once.” Snickers stood at the stallion’s command. “Forgive us, we must use the colt’s room. We’ll return in a moment.”

Blueblood led Snickers quickly around and through the clusters of ponies and to the bathrooms hidden behind drapery. Once inside, Blueblood turned a frown towards Snickers. “I don’t ever want to hear you say such things about yourself, in my company or in the company of others. You are a very good boy and have the world set before you by the vicissitudes of fate.

“I am endeared that you called me your ‘dad’, however, I am not vying for that title. If I earn it, then so it is. Until then, worry about being a foal… and for my auntie’s sake, pee before you mess the floor.”

Snickers nodded and, with a light heart, rushed into the second stall to pee. The stall was unisex, as were nearly all bathrooms, but sized for an adult of nearly Celestia’s size. Snickers presumed it was preplanning, but being unable to rest his forehead against the wall while he went was uncomfortable.

Laxxie, can you hear me? Is everything okay?

Laxxie is pretty now! Was all Laxxie replied with, then their link was closed. Snickers knew he could just ask what she meant, but it was a waste of time, and he knew it.

Finishing, Snickers stepped on the pedal to flush, and then washed his hooves before leaving the restroom with Blueblood. “Hey, BB? Thanks.”

Blueblood nodded to the colt beside him, then took Snickers into the crowd.

“Did you hear him? He practically admitted his mother is the princess?”
“Can I believe it? Can you believe it?”
“Don’t take a child’s word so seriously. The way he was stammering, he could have said his father was a turnip and it would have made so much sense.”
“Clearly his mother sent him to visit the castle, but who has such influence over the princess’s personal time?”

Blueblood stepped up to the group of nobles with Snickers and cleared his throat. “Might we join in for introductions?”

“Why, yes, Your Highness. I’m Black Thread, this is my herd. My alpha mare here is Paper Cut. Also, Credit Slip, Second Chances, and Black Book.” Each mare pony bowed their heads in greeting while introduced.

“<What the fuck names are these? It’s like their… oh.> Hi… um, it’s nice to meet you?” Snickers looked up to Blueblood and when the stallion nodded, Snickers smiled, weakly.

“Oh, a bilingual foal! How adorable, simply adorable,” Black Book said to Snickers in a condescending way.

Thread flatly agreed, staying properly still while speaking. “Yes, darling, quite unique. Say, lad… what language was that? I don’t believe I’ve heard anything like it.”

“Um… <English>, but a newer dialect… I guess,” Snickers rubbed his left foreleg with his right.

“Ohh… he’s so adorable, I could just cuddle him!”

“Keep your hugs to yourself, Second,” Slip teased.

“Paper?” Second Chances whined, “Slip is being bossy.”

“Slip, be nice to your herd-sister,” Paper Cut said dismissively.

“But, Paper--”

Thread spoke in a hushed whisper. “Hush! It’s the Princess, get ready to bow.”

Snickers looked lazily to the princess, then noticed it was Luna. He grinned and left Blueblood, to the stallion’s surprise and shock. “Snickers, don’t leave my side!”

Snickers dodged many legs, but one mare backed up a pace to laugh, just before Snickers passed her. He ran into her cutie mark and very well toned earth pony muscles, stopping him suddenly. His body kept moving, though, and he slipped under the mare and under the hooves of a fat stallion.

The stallion stepped on Snickers’s foreleg, luckily missing anything important, but still pinching the colt’s skin. Snickers screamed shrilly and the stallion hopped forward, taking the weight off Snickers before he moved. Luna heard the cry and galloped to Snickers and picked him up in her magic.

Crying tears that matted his cheeks and dripped to the floor under him, Snickers clutched his bruised foreleg to his barrel. “Auntie! I wanna go to my room!” Snickers cried out.

Luna pulled Snickers into a hug and curled her wings around him. Unknown to Snickers, the crowd had new gossip to pervert as Luna teleported herself and the colt away.

Blueblood sighed quietly and knew a single nickname had just opened a can of hornets into the face of the entire royal line.

What's Happened

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Sage Brush was lying in the Center of Snickers’s bed, reading a magazine she’d found in the fillies’ room. The fillies were taking a walk through the gardens and Rosemary was having breakfast, leaving the younger unicorn alone and unsupervised. Sage turned a page and flicked her tail as the thought of wearing a new dress ran through her mind.

Suddenly, light seemed to be sucked into a void and Princess Luna appeared in the center of the colt’s room with her wings around her front. Struck dumb for a second, Sage stared before she got to her hooves and galloped to the edge of the bed and bowed. “Y-y-your Majesty, er, Highness! To what do we, I… how may I be of cervix? Service!”

Not paying attention to the maid, Luna opened her wings from around herself and showed Snickers held in her forelegs. Sage, still looking intently at the floor from the surface of the bed, didn't see the colt, but she heard him when he whimpered. “Master Snickers?! Your Highness, how can I help?”

Sage hopped to the floor and ran to the colt as he was lowered to the floor, sitting and holding his foreleg to his body still. Sage moved to Snickers’s side and used her magic to turn him to face her, not seeing the upset look she got from Princess Luna. Luna’s look turned to a kind smile as she watched the mare looking over Snickers, without touching him or using magic, to gauge his injury.

“Master Snickers, are you in pain?”

“Are you as dumb as you sound?” Snickers snapped angrily with tears slowly leaving his eyes.

“Can I see your injury? Do you feel you need a hug?” Sage asked.

Snickers scoffed and looked at Luna. “Auntie,” he said, goosebumps crawling down his legs when he saw the canines, the black mare had glint in the light, “can you just heal me?”

“Master Snickers, no! Never get healed while unsure of the wound,” Sage said, walking around Snickers, and looking him over.

“Stop calling me ‘Master’. I’ll be damned before I have a slave or hold myself that high above another creature!”

Luna smirked, keeping her mouth closed, while Sage backed up and bowed her head to the colt. “Yes, Snickers. I apologize, it’s just habit, and I mean no offense.”

Snickers used his good foreleg to flip his mane like Rarity had done. “Quite, be certain to remember that in the future, as well. Now, about my injury?”

Sage stood and looked it over visually, then she cast a brief spell to check it out. “Hm, seems to be fine. You’re cleared for healing, however, I would like to know who stepped on you. I’m certain several guards will be most eager to speak with her.”

“It was a stallion, actually,” Luna said. “And I’ll take care of healing him. You’re released from your duty and may take your reading material to the proper quarters.”

Sage rolled the magazine as it flew to her, then she took her leave. “Thank you, Your Highness. Will there be anything else, Princess Luna, Snickers?”

“Leave us,” Luna said sternly, a final time as Sage galloped from the bedroom. “With the riff-raff gone, let Us see your foreleg. Hold still, you won’t feel a thing.”

Snickers waited and watched as magic so dark it seemed to absorb light itself, healed him. “Well, that was ominous,” Snickers said, rubbing the spot where the phantom pain resided.

Luna sighed and picked Snickers up with her forelegs to toss him onto the bed. Startled, he yelped behind closed lips, then giggled when he bounced on the bed and tumbled over himself, nearly asking for another toss. He would have, had he not seen a black bat-winged, large fanged, slit eyed horse flying at him.

Had he no idea who Luna was, he would have wet the bed and fainted. Regardless, he still managed a small smile.

Luna flew to lay beside him, noting Snickers’s eyes on her bat-like wings. She moved her legs under herself and shimmied a little to get comfortable. “You are afraid of me, aren’t you?”

Snickers looked along the dark alicorn’s body, then nodded. “What are you gonna do if I say you’re really nice, but you look like you’re gonna gobble me up, if I say something you don’t like?”

Luna laid her head on her silver fore-shoes. “I am but a mare who made a mistake. I was changed beyond the physical confines of my old body so I could better emulate the Limelight’s influence.

“I would no more attack you, than I would a feline by the seat of my sister’s throne. The fact you can see through my illusion is curious and worrisome, but I wonder what else you may be immune to, based solely on that.”

Snickers shrugged. “Whatever it is, I don’t know it, I bet. I mean, I don’t know if I can see through all illusions, or just yours. What if I’m impervious to certain kinds of energy, or some spells are doubled in power when they are cast on me… I just wouldn’t know, would I?”

Luna giggled, quietly. “You are indeed wiser than your age. You may grow to be a worldly scholar at this rate, Aquealis.”

Snickers blushed. “You don’t have to say that, Auntie Luna.”

Luna raised an eyebrow, waiting to be shouted at, but it seemed the moment had passed and Snickers hadn’t noticed, maybe he hadn’t cared for once. “Well… it is true enough. I heard that you… are a human? A creature from a modern book, based in a world of technology and science that rivals our own in magics unknown and unbelievable to pony minds?”

Snickers nodded. “Yeah, I was an electrical engineer. I can’t believe it took me almost three weeks to learn to say that,” he chuckled at himself, “I didn’t know the words existed in Ponish, much less how to combine them. It was as simple as taking each word, and then adding the particle ‘ne’ between them, and ‘eigh’ after. The humor isn’t lost on me.”

Luna and Snickers giggled. “Indeed, Nephew,” Luna said, finally using the term freely, “Old Ponish was elegant, Modern Ponish seems to use many puns and musings on the basics of Equine life and existence.”

“I pone, therefore I am,” Snickers quoted. “Twilight taught me a lot of things, and language was one of them. A few words make all the difference in my life; being able to talk about space, electricity, math, and science in ways I didn’t know I could… it’s liberating to have that connection to my old life.”

Luna tilted her head slightly. “Old life? You mean from when you left my sister?”

Snickers snorted. “No, I’m not the colt she lost. I meant my human life. Sure, being a pony is fine, Auntie. I mean, being adopted by Rarity has been great, even though I made her life Tartarus for most of it; she’s stuck by me and learned with me. But, what I like best, is that I can speak between my language of <English, and then hop back to> Ponish, with little work.”

Luna blinked a couple times, trying to understand what was said. “I… noticed you slipped in your modern Ponish when you began to speak again. Much as I used to so often, Ponah trula ert ingula.”

Snickers grinned. “You speak Old Ponish? Cool, can you teach me a couple words? Twilight knows it, but she knows everything, and asking her always gets a lecture. Why, if I were so inclined, I’d have her stand by a lectern when a question was asked,” Snickers said, flipping his mane again while speaking eloquently.

Luna giggled into her shoe. “It seems Lady Rarity is quite the influence on you, young Aquelis.”

“I’m not Aquelis,” Snickers replied. “And, she’s a great mare, and mom. And… I don’t know why mom won’t let it go. I’m not her son, but she keeps trying to win me over, or convince me I am.”

Luna hummed, wondering who Snickers was referring to as ‘mom’. “Actually, you haven’t seen Celestia for nearly a day, now. As you may recall, she was quite hurt when you both parted ways last time.” Snickers nodded and averted his attention to the glass doors that led to the balcony. “You didn’t mean to do so, I’m sure, but she was quite inconsolable for a while, into my night.”

Snickers’ eyes shimmered briefly and he looked at Luna. “Is… is mommy okay? Celestia! Is Celestia… goddesses,” Snickers sat up and held his head in his forehooves, “what’s wrong with me?”

Luna pulled Snickers to her and she lay on her side as she maneuvered him to lie with his head against her barrel. “Young child, I know not of what the Three Sisters Eternal have done to you, but what I can see, it was not with kindness in their eyes. A foal, taken from my sister, brought back with the mind of another…

“It boggles my mind as to what you know is true, or what they may have made up to fill the lost time. Perhaps, even, you never left, but were taken as a token in their game; unknownst to us below them.”

Snickers whimpered and sniffled. “I don’t wanna be anyone but me. Why does this life have to be so shitty? Why can’t I just be liked and loved, and not have something go wrong, or weird, every single day?”

Luna chuckled. “Aquelis, you are liked by your friends; loved by your herd and family. And while you may think your life is… shitty, as you youth must say these days, I believe that if you saw the events more as fun adventures or lessons, you’d have a better outlook on your life. And what a life it is, Nephew.

“Why, to be a lost prince, son to Princess Celestia herself, borne with the right to any land in the nation that isn’t claimed, and the authority to do as you please… most colts would give anything for such power and control.”

Snickers pushed back from the black mare and looked away. “I’m not them, Auntie. I’m me. And, I don’t wanna be Celestia’s son. Stop calling me Aquelis, too. I’m Snickers, and I’m Rarity’s colt. I’m Rarity’s son, and I’m… lucky to have her as a parent here.” Snickers realized, just then, how important his life with Rarity was.

The time he’d first met her and spread chocolate across the kitchen nearly made him shiver from the mess he’d made, not only of himself, but of the area; and Rarity, too. The time they primped at the spa for the first time took away the sense of ick.

The efforts Rarity had gone through, trying to curb his swearing on their first day, and the inception of the swear jar that must have still been a quarter full when he left so abruptly.
Rarity’s defense of himself when Harmony, Discordance, and Order had made themselves known. Knowing that Rarity would have done more than just get messy(er) to teach them a lesson about a mother’s defense of her foal.

The lessons they’d learned together, the fights and shouting, the hugs and cries; it all funneled down to three words that he couldn’t deny feeling and believing.

I trust her.

Snickers smiled at the thought and tried to think and feel the same for all his friends in Ponyville, but with each mental image, the feeling slipped away.

Twilight, Applejack, Fluttershy, the CMC, Rainbow Dash. Each pony he thought of numbed his heart and chilled his expression until he was frowning. Without intentionally doing so, the image of Silver Spoon sitting on his hind legs, two days before, went through his mind, and he smiled.

Diamond Tiara looking away from her friend as Silver was ready to, at the least, give him his first stroking. Diamond’s head, Snickers noticed, twinged towards looking twice, but it was a big reason he left; he didn’t want Diamond to be a part of something she wasn’t okay with.

What kind of friend would he be if he lied to her? He had promised their first day as friends that he wouldn’t put her in, or force her into, any sexual situations she wasn’t comfortable with.

But, seeing the grey filly shyly looking at him the morning after over breakfast brought a neutrality to him, and a smile broke when he remembered his fillies happily hopping around, being accepted into his herd. He was the alpha colt, and he had two fillies vying for his love.

Snickers chuckled quietly at the feelings of being wanted and loved so much that two fillies wanted him more than he wanted them. The lengths they would be willing to go through to earn his affection was heartwarming and he longed to know what it was going to be like.

All the while, Luna watched Snickers’s expressions change with her sharp vision. Finally, when he was clearly content, she softly spoke, “Would you like me to leave? I’m sure you have many important things to do.”

Snickers shook his head. “No, stay, Auntie. Can we talk a little more, about mom?”

“I am unsure of who you mean,” Luna admitted.

“What didn’t you get? I asked if we can talk about Celestia,” Snickers clarified, unaware of his previous wording.

Luna looked away and bared her fangs. I will call upon the Sisters and demand answers for this… perversion of my Sister’s family.

Hours seemed to pass, and Snickers was still lying with Luna, only now beside her and away from her body. “, that’s how I tried to get my mark in basket weaving.”

Luna’s cheeks were getting sore from all the smiling, and she was pleased she was able to deflect the entire Celestia conversation by asking Snickers about his mark. Snickers went over several failed attempts, including the two in the gardens that ended with a thorough bath and, unwittingly, he’d alluded to the evening’s events that led to the fillies sleeping in Kiwe’s room.

“So, that’s what happened, Auntie. Don’t tell anypony, please,” Snickers asked quietly. “Mom knows already, and she was kinda… oh, darn! I didn’t write her last night,” Snickers slapped the mattress, “she’ll be quite cross with me, I wager.

Luna smiled at the colt and began to speak, when suddenly there was a loud knock at the doorway and Celestia let herself in. She saw Snickers on the bed and her wings flew open.

She galloped towards the bed and lowered herself, sliding the last couple lengths to end with her chest fluff lightly brushing the blanket. “I heard what had happened… are you okay? Let me see your wound, I may be able to fix it,” Celestia nearly commanded.

Snickers held his foreleg out and let Celestia look it over. “Mo~m, I’m fine! I just wanna talk to Auntie, can you… what’s wrong?” Snickers asked.

Celestia was pouting, but she seemed to be happy as her eyes brimmed with tears. The white alicorn sobbed once and held her forelegs out. “Can… I have a hug?” Celestia asked Snickers.

Put on the spot, Snickers looked at Luna. When she nodded once, Snickers walked between Celestia’s forelegs and watched her horn move with her head as she pulled him close to her. All he could see was white fur and he smelled Celestia for the first time.

Snickers wanted to push free, but against all his wants, his body relaxed, letting Celestia hold him. “I’ve missed you so much, my little baby. I’ve been so alone for so long, without you.”

Snickers hummed and curled up a little, allowing Celestia to cradle him in her forelegs to her fluffy chest. “Why am I so sleepy?” Snickers asked.

Luna’s horn stopped glowing just as Celestia looked at her, pointedly. Luna and Celestia shared a short conversation though expressions, finally stopping when Snickers yawned quietly and smacked his lips. “Hush my little pony, don’t say a word,” Celestia began to sing, “Mommy’s going to find you a burning bird.

If that burning bird won’t burn, Mommy’s gonna find you a cute little worm. If that little worm won’t wiggle, Mommy will tickle your tummy to make you giggle.”

Snickers playfully slapped at the now shoeless hoof that poked at his belly, making him smile. Celestia sat and was about to continue the song when the door opened and a short pony entered the bedroom wearing a very oversized bathrobe. Unused wing slits showed the color of the pony underneath and Luna called out Kiwe’s name.

The colt jerked to a stop with a startled hop. “Wh-- y-your Majesties?!” Kiwe bowed deeply and pulled the hood back to expose his head to the mares as soon as he realized it hid him from their view.

Snickers, at that moment, snapped back to his senses and looked up at the mare holding him, into her eyes, and then looked away. “I don’t know what’s going on, but can you put me down?”

Celestia looked at Snickers, blinked, then nodded. Her mane drifted behind her slowly as she lowered Snickers to the floor, where he stood tall and shook briefly. Snickers looked at Luna, then moved to Kiwe’s side. Kiwe was standing awkwardly, doing his best to not look nervous, and failing terribly.

“Kiwe, where’d you go when you ditched me at the nobles meeting?” Snickers asked and bumped his shoulder playfully to his friend’s.

Kiwe grimaced and hissed in pain. “Please, do not touch there at the time; I have need for rest, brother of mine.”

Snickers and the princesses looked worriedly at Kiwe. “Were you in a fight?” Snickers asked. Kiwe shook his head and began to walk to the bathroom. “Wait, you aren’t getting away that easily!” Snickers stepped on the robe, but Kiwe didn’t notice and moved on until he felt the hood on his back and sliding off of him, further.

Luna smirked, Celestia frowned, and Snickers looked at his friend with puzzlement. “Kiwe, who scratched you? Wait… scratched? Talons! That jerk, Gus, right?! I’ll buck that fucking half-bird half-cock into the next town!”

Snickers’s shirt was grabbed in Kiwe’s magic, stopping the colt before he could stomp away. Kiwe, blushing brightly, even through his brown fur, shook his head. “Nay, it was not Gus. It was… his sister, Gul.”

Luna snorted into laughter for a brief moment in time, until she saw the cross look on Celestia.

“Are you saying that Gul had her way with you?” Celestia asked.

Kiwe’s ears went straight up and he looked at Celestia. “N-no, Your Majesty… I… apologize, but there was something about her that… must I say it?”

Snickers looked at the ponies in the room, then realized what wasn’t being said. “Wait, you fucked Gul?! Alright, my colt!” Snickers ran to his friend and held out a hoof.

“Aquelis! I’ll not have you encouraging such acts while I’m around,” Celestia scolded Snickers.

Snickers flicked his tail at her and looked between his hoof and Kiwe. Kiwe shook his head. “No, what I have done is not worth a hoof-bump. I am ashamed to have been caught so soon, and by the Sisters Eternal.”

Kiwe bowed again and trotted to the bathroom and closed the door. “Um, can I go check on him?” Snickers asked Luna. Luna looked at Celestia, who nodded.

“You may go, my little Aquelis. Care for your friends as I care for you.”

Snickers frowned. “I’m not Aquelis, mommy.”

With that baffling statement, Snickers galloped to the bathroom and knocked twice before opening the door and entering the bathroom.

Celestia turned her head slowly to look at Luna. Her breath hitched, and she spoke softly. “What’s wrong with my little boy, Luna?”

Luna looked to Celestia, who was vexed, to say the least. “Sister, the Sisters are playing another game; this time, your son is a piece, and I fear his friends are not mere pawns.”

Celestia stood and her horn lit, lightning and fire crackling and coursing down from the tip to its base. “Then, Lulu, it is time I speak with them again.” In a flash of light that left flames in her wake, Celestia was gone before Luna could ask where she was going, or to ask to come along.

“Darn it… I need a goblet of wine and a good book,” Luna groused as she stood from the bed and stretched her legs. “However, I won’t leave my nephew without a fair farewell…” Luna went to the bathroom door and noticed it was slightly open. She nudged it open and closed it as soon as she noticed Snickers looking under Kiwe.

With the door back to it’s almost closed position, she listened.

“Wow, still wet. You plowed her good, huh?” Snickers asked.

“Snickers, one does not ‘plow’ a hen like Gul. I was sure to be sensual and caring during the act of…”

“Act, shmact, you’re the first colt to get some that I know… how was it?!”

There was a moment of silence, then Kiwe’s hooves began to clip and clop quickly. “It was amazing! I had never been with a creature like her, and never imagined I would… it was predator and prey; wolf and a lamb. I was ready to run for my life every time our eyes met, and it only made me want more.

“Her beak is like leather, not sharp like a blade. It was nice to kiss, during the love we made. Her talons were as sharp as a knife, and each pass on my hide was ecstasy by the slice. She roared when she reached her peak, and even though she was on top, I was cowardly and meek.

“When I finished I told her I was about to be done, she took it all within her and licked my cheek some.”

Luna backed from the door and let the colts talk about Kiwe’s experience, happy the colts had something to talk about that wasn’t violent or dangerous. While she was willing to stop Snickers from leaving to fight a grown tom, the thought worried her; because if Aquelis-Snickers was willing to fight, what would that mean for the future of Celestia’s new family line?

Harmony and a Timber Pony

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“Harmony?! Order? Discordance?! Show yourselves and explain what you’re doing to my son!” Celestia bellowed in the Royal Canterlot Voice. The cylindrical chamber she stood in was barely twice her height with runic spells carved along every spare space on the walls and floor. With no doors or stairs, any interaction would have to be muzzle to muzzle, which was what she was intending.

Celestia turned around twice, looking for any of the avatars, only to flinch when she felt a poke between her wings. “Really, Avatar of Order’s Light, must you be so loud?”

Celestia turned and glared at a black mare with white mane. “Discordance,” she stated. “Where are your sisters? I demand answers for this insult!”

A weight unlike any other Celestia had ever felt pulled her to the ground, cracking her legs and shattering bones as her body slammed into the floor. Biting back pained screams, Celestia tried to open her mouth, only to realize she didn’t have a muzzle.

“You demand from us? You, who are a mere hazy reflection of what my sister, Order, truly is, tells us what to do?” Discordance asked, darkness spilling from her mouth like cloudy tar. “You have no mouth to speak, no nose to breathe, not a leg to stand on, and no idea of the powers we hold, it seems.”

Harmony stepped into Celestia’s line of sight, just as the alicorn’s chest started heaving, aching for breath. “Dis, must you play with the mortals?” Her grey fur began to turn black as Celestia’s eyes drifted closed from pain and asphyxiation. “Stand, Light Bringer,” Harmony said, and Celestia stood without realizing her own motions.

Celestia took in a deep gasping breath and stumbled back to fall on her haunches.

Order appeared, a white mare with black mane; completing the triangle of god-like beings. “Discordance! You have no right or reason to bring harm to my avatar!”

Harmony stepped between them and shook her head. “Sisters, Light seems to have words with us, let us hear her out.”

Celestia stood and, with centuries of experience, schooled her expression and controlled her breathing. “I respectfully ask, Your Majestic Ones, about my son, Aquelis.”

“Respectfully,” Discordance scoffed, only to be quieted by her sisters.

Order stepped beside Harmony. “My dear, if you must know… we are bored.”

Celestia jerked her neck forward, ready to shout at her for being bored and playing with her only child as a foal would a used toy, but she stopped herself and swallowed the vitriol. “I humbly ask, creator of my being, what you have planned for my son.”

Order sniffed, derisively. “That is not for you to know, or even comprehend. No, it is not in my plans, is it, Harmony?”

Harmony giggled into her forehoof and hovered off the floor. “No, only I have an idea of what may happen in the time going forward. I, unlike my sisters, can see a way ahead and behind with the flow of time. However, everything around Snickers is curious.”

A Moebius ring appeared in the center of the room they were in and Harmony drug her forehoof along the lower partition. “You see, this is a fraction of reality as you know it. This, right here, is where Snickers began his time here…” Harmony let her eyes meet Celestia’s, “...and nowhere in my plan was your son involved.

“I’ve pulled many creatures to this reality over the many loops the ring has made, but this section here, is where we are now… and,” her forehoof moved and the entire ring changed to move with her, reforming itself as a line she drew continued, “this is where everything changes.

“I will let you and my sisters in on this little secret, but only you won’t recall this little detail; soon, Aquelis and Snickers will be one, and I have no idea what will happen after that. Think of it, sisters! A future none of us knows, with avatars acting on their own… perhaps they will all die, or pass their elements to another.

“Perhaps nothing will happen and everything will stay as it has been… we simply don’t know; and it’s glorious, Celestia!” Harmony cheered and the ring vanished. “Now, is there anything else, or should I let Discordance have her fun with you before sending you back to your bedroom?”

Celestia glared at the creature as it patted her muzzle condescendingly. “I ask that you please, please, keep my Aquelis safe in his trials ahead. Please, Sisters, I have asked so little of you over all these years, just do this one thing. Not for me, but for him, and the creature sharing his body.”

Harmony huffed hot air in Celestia’s face. “It is not your son’s body, he was turned to ashes in a pyre, lit by your own magic. To recall him now would destroy thousands of futures by the loss of blades of grass alone. This may be a bit of fun for us all, but fixing such damages are more of a toil than triumph.

“No, the reason he inhabits your son’s body is chance, and chance alone. Leave it as it is, and leave us alone, unless you have something important to say or offer.”

The Sisters looked at Celestia and the room began to brighten as various runes came to life. Before Celestia was sent back to her room, she noticed Discordance wink at her.

Snickers sat and looked at Laxxie, his eyes locking on her own and then glancing at the various paints around her face and on her muzzle.

“So, you turned my timber-pony into a doll?” Snickers said, narrowing his eyes at Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

“Ugh, as if! She’s more than just some doll,” Silver Spoon exclaimed. “She’s a work of art!”

“As you can see, we used a little cloth in her joints to stop that clacking sound when she moves, we painted her face with a green base, like most of her body, to better hide the moss, and we even braided her mane and tail… because that was fun,” Diamond Tiara finished.

Laxxie hopped a little in place, showing off how quiet she was. “See, Alpha; Laxxie is pretty now. I am real pony, can go out with Alpha now.”

Snickers shook his head. “No, you’re as real as you need to be, Laxxie. Shit, I know how dumb this sounds, but just be happy for the pony you are.”

Laxxie cocked her head. “I am not a pony, I am doll?” For the first time, Snickers saw some golden sap form at the corner of Laxxie’s eye.

“No, you’re a real pony!” Snickers interjected. “You’re a real timber-pony, and you’re the only you there is, and that’s great, right, everypony?” Snickers asked urgently.

The maids stayed well back from the four foals, but nodded when the question was posed.

Laxxie’s form slowly shifted into a wolf, and she whimpered with her tail between her legs. Her eyes were larger than they normally were, an effect of being able to change her body shape, and her branch ears drooped. In the span of two whimpers, every pony ‘awww’ed.

“Laxxie, my little puppy, why are you so sad?” Snickers asked as Silver Spoon moved behind the wolf and gently pat her back.

“Laxxie was pretty, but not a real pony. I want to be a real pony, daddy.”

Laxxie’s words struck every pony in the room, and even the hardened guard hiding in the ceiling felt a maternal ache in her chest. Snickers pouted and hugged his timberwolf. “You are a real pony, as long as you believe in your heart that you are one.”

There was the brushing sound and Silver ‘eeped’ as Laxxie’s tail began to wag. “Alpha...” the wolf said quietly, “...daddy, can we splash in the bath like last time?”

Snickers, Kiwe, and the fillies giggled. “It’s too early to take a bath, but let’s go play in the gardens! Oregano, Basil!” Snickers called out. Laxxie reformed quickly into a pony, just as the twin butlers entered the room.

“You called, Snickers?” They said in unison.

“Creepy,” Diamond Tiara whispered to Silver Spoon.

“Take us to the gardens,” Snickers commanded them. Each adult in the room snapped to attention and stood proud, then Snickers snickered. “Wow, I didn’t mean it like an order, I was just saying it like a adult would. C’mon, Laxxie needs a walk.”

Basil nodded and stepped to the side, letting Oregano flank him. “Will your toy be needing papers, sir?” Basil joked.

Snickers whinnied and reared up to kick his legs. “She’s not a toy!” He shouted as he landed. “She’s my little wooden pony, and you will refer to her as you would any other friend and family of mine.”

Rosemary quickly moved to stand between the stallions and whispered to them for several seconds before she stepped back and bowed her head to them. The stallions remained quiet for the rest of the trek to the gardens with the maids following the foals from behind.

Once in the gardens, Snickers ran out with his friends to play and have fun. “Tag!” Snickers shouted and gave Diamond a hard shove.

Diamond frowned. “You’re gonna get it when I tag you back, Snickers!”

“I bet you can’t tag me,” Snickers shot back, already far enough that he had to stop and shout at the stationary filly.

Diamond looked back to Sage and pointed to her tiara. “Hold this for me.” Once the tiara was off her head, Diamond tore off at a speed that rivaled Snickers’s at his best. The colt yelped in surprise and ran in a large arc to catch Kiwe and Silver in the game.

Silver Spoon had already taken her glasses off and had folded them with an over dramatic sigh and eye roll. She made sure her braids were tight, her tail, too; then she ran into the fray with a laugh.

Diamond tagged Kiwe, actually, as the colt was distracted by a flower that shared the same color as Gul’s headcrest. Kiwe chased her, then veered to tag Snickers, who had accidentally run too close to taunt the zony.

“Hey! No tag-backs,” Diamond shouted when Kiwe managed to tag her shoulder.

“What?! Since when?” Kiwe asked, breathing heavily.

Diamond sucked in a deep breath and spoke quickly. “Since we have four players, duh! So, go tag somepony else, or I’ll just tag you, and you’ll tag me, and that’ll ruin the game!”

Kiwe turned and locked eyes on Silver Spoon, who happily screamed when their eyes met. The chase was shorter than Silver would have liked, though, as she’d been spending a lot of time living easy through her life and didn’t usually gallop or play tag.

Snickers watched the last chase and then ran by, Silver Spoon, flicking his tail at her as he passed.

“Hey! You’re so gonna get it,” Silver gave chase and Snickers looked back, screaming himself when he noticed Silver gaining. With a leap, Silver tagged Snickers’s blank flank and tumbled to the ground, rolling twice before standing and lowering her front, watching to see where he went next.

Snickers pronked side to side, then turned away from them all, confusing the other foals. There was a loud clang as Snickers tagged a guard. “Tag! You’re it, and you gotta play ‘cause my mommy said ya hafta!”

Snickers ran away and stopped to turn back, watching the guard look to his comrades as he ran through his options.

“Buck me, if I get in trouble for this, it’s gonna be worth it,” the stallion said and slipped his helmet off, exposing a purple mare with a yellow mane. Her voice now matched her gender and she kicked her boots off before prancing into the grass. “Okay, you’re going to get it, now!” She shouted and galloped into the now screaming chorus of foals.

The mare, still in full metal barding, tagged Snickers, who spun and quickly tagged Diamond, with a raspberry for added effect. “Nya, nya! No tag-backs,” he teased.

Diamond shoved Snickers over and hopped over him. “I can still try,” she mocked back. As Snickers got up, he giggled in a higher voice and snortled.

Snickers turned from the main group and cantered toward some bushes to hide and catch his breath. “Best… tag… ever,” he panted and gulped air down his throat. A slap on his hindquarters made him yelp and hop out of the bushes.

“Tag!” Kiwe shouted and ran off to stand by the others.

Snickers didn’t know how much time had passed while he was catching his breath, but two more guards were in the game now; a mare and stallion. They were all only wearing their barding and seemed ready to run at the first sign of trouble. Snickers smirked.

Laxxie, bark at them for me.

But, I am pony. Ponies no bark.

Laxxie, c’mon. Do it! Snickers mentally pleaded. A low growl caught all the ponies attention and they looked back over their shoulders to see a timber-pony growling. It was cute and the sound was more reminiscent of a pony clearing their throat than a menacing growl.

There was another clang as Snickers tagged the stallion. “Tag! You’re it!”

The game went on until the adults started to get winded and stepped out to redon their gear. The foals finally had had enough. “Hey…” Silver Spoon asked as they drank from glasses of water set up for them by a passing servant, “... didn’t we come out here for Laxxie?”

The foals looked at the timber-pony, happily rooted in the soil. They all made grumbling noises, not concerned. Snickers piped up, “She’s fine and says she had fun watching, and would have been broken if she’d played with us, so she’s been having a meal,” Snickers said, then gulped down a full glass of water and ignored the mare that refilled his glass.

“So,” Snickers said, noticing the lower position of the sun, “after mommy sets the sun, we can go to bed, like a sleepover, right?”

Everypony looked at Snickers curiously. “Um,” Silver Spoon said, licking her lips after another drink, “like, doesn’t Rarity just sew clothes, and stuff?”

Snickers nodded. “Yeah, Rarity does… but… wait, what was I talking about?”

Kiwe looked at the fillies as Snickers closed his eyes tightly. Silver Spoon moved to sit beside Snickers and pressed her side to his. “Are you feeling okay?”

Snickers leaned close to Silver and nuzzled her, earning a big grin from the grey filly and a smile from the other two. “I dunno, I feel weird being here.”

“Then, let’s leave the gardens and see if that helps.” Diamond suggested.

“No, the castle,” Snickers clarified, “I feel like a different pony sometimes, especially around Auntie and Mommy.”

The other three looked at Snickers with confusion, again. “Your… mommy? Which one?”

Snickers shook his head. “I only have one. She’s white and has a lovely mane, is super sweet, cares and loves me; you know, my mommy.”

Kiwe moved and rested the back of his fetlock to Snickers’s forehead. “You seem to not be feeling your best, perhaps you are tired and need rest?”

Snickers leaned back and nickered. “I’m not sick, sheesh. Wanna play hide ‘n seek?”

The others looked between one another and reluctantly shook their heads. “I don’t think we should let Snickers play a game like that out here,” Silver gestured to the numerous and vast places to hide. The implications were clear, and finding a lost and confused colt wouldn’t necessarily be for the best.

“It is getting late, perhaps we should end this play date?” Kiwe offered as an option.

The others nodded and went to a guard. “Um, did you take us here?” Silver Spoon asked the tall white stallion. “Like, you all look the same, so, like, I’m not sure.”

The guard shook his head and motioned for another guard to come over. “She did,” the guard said. “Lieutenant, please escort these honored guests back to their apartment.”

The lieutenant saluted. “Yes, sir.”


“So… how are we gonna handle sleeping now?” Kiwe asked.

“I don’t know, I thought we were just gonna sleep the same way we have been the last couple nights; girls in their room, us in ours.” Snickers said.

The two fillies looked at Snickers, then Kiwe, then they rushed to be by Snickers’s sides. “I like this,” Diamond said with a haughty tone.

“Like, me too, Diamond Tiara! It’s like we’re sisters, or something; don’t you think so, Snickers?” Silver asked the brown colt. “Oh, wow. Look, Snickers! Our manes are almost the same color. Isn’t that neat?”

Diamond gasped. “Oh, Silver Spoon, my sister, let’s braid his mane to look like yours!”

Both fillies gasped and sat to clap their forehooves as they shouted in unison. “Makeover the alpha!”

Snickers backpedaled quickly. “Woah! No, I already have a mane style from Mom I like! I’m not getting it redone into braids.”

The fillies rolled their eyes and Silver moved to face him. “It’s not like it’s gonna be permanent, it’s just a little fun. Like, just playing around.”

“Yeah, it’s not like you can’t unbraid your mane when we’re done.” Diamond stated with an eye roll.

Snickers sighed and shook his head at the floor. “Fine,” he looked between Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, “but, only one braid, and I have to say it, no touching me sexually without my permission!”

“Wow, that was so random,” Diamond said, “but that’s why we lo- like you, right, Silver Spoon?”

Silver Spoon scoffed. “I don’t care, I love him; and soon, I’ll know him better and love him even more.”

Snickers and Kiwe rolled their eyes. “I shall go to my alchemy set to make some potions, brother, just in case you need anything extra in the morning.”

Snickers cocked his head and thought how the potion had cured him of his urges throughout the day. “Okay, have fun and make them strong… whatever they are.”

After a short game of hide and seek through the apartment, the foals got ready for bed and Snickers donned a full set of pajamas again. The fillies had pajama shirts made, while Kiwe slept in his fur, as he preferred. With a final goodnight, they were tucked in and cuddled with Diamond Tiara, Snickers, Silver Spoon, and Kiwe laying side by side, looking at the ceiling.

Pup lay awake at the foot of the bed, wondering about the new things and ideas going through her mind that Snickers had unknowingly gifted her.

One by one, each foal fell asleep and Snickers found himself the big spoon to Diamond. Humming quietly as she fell asleep with Snickers nuzzled against her neck, Diamond couldn’t have been happier or more content than she was right then.

Crossing of the Minds

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Diamond Tiara awoke to a firm prodding in her back. Her first thought was that she was woken up by Silver Spoon being annoying, but then she remembered where she was and who was behind her. She smiled at the thought, at first; the first colt she liked, a lot, was in bed with her.

The pressure increased and a mix of emotions went through Diamond’s body, each surrounding what she was more and more certain was bothering her into wakefulness. It was nearly time to wake up as it was, and her hormones were still bothering her from the previous night, giving her a growing desire she didn’t understand fully.

That desire was growing as Diamond felt the same thing poke her lower back a little more, firmer, before backing off the pressure and repeating. She contemplated letting the colt behind her do whatever he wanted, to just scooting up and moving her tail aside to satiate her growing curiosity and instinctive desire… then she got upset.

She wasn’t going to be pressured, or teased, into lifting her tail for some colt, even if it was Snickers. The prodding came again, and she had enough.

She scooted forward a little and turned over quickly, ready to glare the colt into submission, maybe even slap his penis to teach him a lesson; only to see his ears at her eye level. She carefully lifted the sheet and saw Snickers curled up with a forehoof twitching a little where her back was as he dreamt.

Diamond Tiara sighed, quietly, and looked along his body, noting that he wasn’t in any condition to take her or imply he would in any way. Feeling sheepish, and a little embarrassed, she leaned forward and kissed his forehead, then leaned back, smiling, when she saw him smile and reach for her in a pawing motion.

Diamond scooted closer and when Snickers felt her close enough, he moved to her and nuzzled into her chest with a sigh that made butterflies swarm within her, adding to her embarrassment of what she’d thought and almost done.

It was something she’d have to tell Silver, when they had a chance.

Diamond’s head rested on his and she fell back asleep, not a problem in the world.

“Heresy! I’ve never heard of something so… outlandish as what you’re suggesting!”

“Truth is not heresy, your ignorance is!”

“Both of you are idiots, let the mares handle this while you go put foals in your wives.”

The room roared into a menagerie of shouts, none of them kind or caring, as fifteen ponies of all kinds shouted and pointed blame at one another. Finally, one stood and clapped his hoof on his table several times until the room was quiet enough for his sound to reverberate.

“Ponies, I understand it’s very early and we’re all up in legs about the revelations, but we must keep our heads; lest we be the peasants we preside over.”

A mare spoke up. “But, Mister Fancy Pants; the princess has a son that none of us knew of… this throws everything we’ve worked for into chaos!”

“There’s no precedent or contingency for this. If we let this go uncontested, a new prince could very well upend the entire structure we’ve spent centuries building!” A stallion shouted, pulling a scroll from his table to show projected statistics.

“Ignore that; I was going to sire the first royal foal!” A stallion shouted, bringing the room back to a roar.

Fancy Pants shook his head and brought a glass of water to his lips. He rolled the water in his mouth, then swallowed, looking intently at the glass. A smirk tickled the corners of his mouth as he took in the cup and noticed it hadn’t been properly cleaned from the previous user. He set the glass down and cleared his throat and stood proud, tapping the table again.

“Ponies, I have a fantastic idea as to relieve ourselves of this troublesome foal, without resorting to violence, murder, or threats,” Fancy said, looking around at certain ponies in the room. “We simply convince Princess Celestia to release Discord, and he’ll solve the problem for us.”

As soon as Discord’s name was mentioned, Fancy Pants’s words were drowned out by the cacophony of noise, unanimously agreeing, for once, against the idea.

Fancy brought the room back under control, again. “If any of you have a better idea, that won’t violate the foundations on which we stand, as a united society, please let them be known.”

There was silence as ponies thought. Some started to raise forelegs, only to flinch at their ideas and lower them again.

“But… can’t we just foalnap this, Snickers? Send him away to some other country and--”

“And what, Lord Spear?” Fancy shouted. “Have our princess go to any length to find him? Have the foal recognize one of us and bring light to our cabal? Have us marked as dissidents, when all we do is maintain the standards and purity of our glorious nation?! How many times do you think we can be caught before Princess Celestia becomes tired of us and sends us to opposite ends of the nation, again?

“Who here remembers when gryphons flocked to our nation as ‘refugees’, and began hunting our small animals and eating our fish? Where were we to keep them out? Scattered to the corners of the nation! That’s where,” Fancy huffed on his monocle and cleaned it with a cloth. “We won’t be having that, again.

“No, we shall stay where we are and work as we have; and we shall let another patsy take the blame for our ‘crimes’, as they’re so freely called by the media. And, if Discord is banished to the sun after his games take her supposed foal from our manes, then it’s as simple as feeding two birds with one scone,” he chuckled, “I do say.”

The meeting of nobles ended and three ponies left together; two mares and a stallion. Once they were on the streets of Canterlot, they raised their muzzles and walked as though they were above all around them, as was the style and duty of their ilk. While seeming to have all the time in the world, they were moving to a diner they frequented to have a private chat about the situation they found themselves in.

“We’re here, now we can talk,” the stallion said once they’d taken their seats, and once the spells cast on the table partially obfuscated the area within..

“Jet, you have to brush your teeth more often; I can smell your breath from here.”

Jet Set scoffed, and heaved a breath into his forehoof, then inhaled. “I don’t know what you’re talking about; I smell fine, Crust.”

“To yourself, darling; as always,” Upper Crust snarked.

“Children,” the final mare said with a roll of her eyes, “maybe we can speak about the issues at hoof, and not bicker like foals?”

“You’re not our mother, Mini. But, you’re right,” Upper Crust admitted, “we have to do something about this colt. If he is the foal of Princess Celestia, it’ll take the world by storm. What do you know about any of this, Mini?”

Mini frowned slightly. “There is a single report of Celestia having a foal living under her care, but the time isn’t clear. It may have been four hundred years ago, or one hundred. There’s nothing written on the topic, besides that she had a foal living in the castle at the time. Age, gender, reasons; all lost.”

“That’s not enough to go on,” Jet said. “It could have been one of the Founder’s lines staying for a summer, with that information. We need something concrete. Hearsay that a foal called Princess Luna ‘auntie’ isn’t enough. Perhaps we’re worrying about nothing…”

The mares hummed and looked at one another. “Maybe you’re right,” Upper Crust said. “But, I do happen to have a little knowledge of this foal that I’ve been saving for our meeting.” Crust pulled a Manilla folder from her saddlebag and laid it on the table in front of her. She leafed through a couple pages and then closed the folder.

“Well,” Mini said, “out with it.”

“He’s an adopted son to Rarity, of Ponyville. The same mare that crashed our parties and endeared herself to Fancy Pants as a fraud, although he overlooked it all,” Upper Crust huffed. “The colt’s name is Snickerdoodle, and is quite the uncultured brute; fighting and using uncouth language at all times and circumstances.

“Also, I found out that he’s had nearly one hundred complaints about his personality since moving to Ponyville…” Upper Crust trailed off.

“And, what else, darling?” Jet Set asked.

“Well,” Upper Crust smirked, “he seems to be the one that started the current phrase striking the nation.”

Jet Set looked flatly at his wife. “And, what might that be?”

Upper Crust leaned back into her cushion and shook her head. “The cervix one, dear. “ She turned her attention to Mini. “Males are quite simple, aren’t they, love?”

Mini waved a forehoof. “I’m not interested in joining your family; you haven’t anything to offer a mare of my tastes. My larger concern is Fancy Pants’ idea to awaken and reform Discord. What will we do if he’s able to convince the princess to do so?”

Upper Crust held a hoof at Jet Set. “Let them have their fun. The elements of Harmony can just seal him up again if he gets out of hoof. Is there anything else you’d like to discuss, or may we call the server over to take our orders?”

Jet Set sat up and cleared his throat. “I believe I was offered some sexual relief for staying quiet, Mini. When can I have my payment?” He asked, hopefully.

Mini and Upper Crust laughed at Jet Set. “Oh, that’s too rich,” Mini said. “It’s quite the relief that I won’t touch your fifth leg with my hooves, as I shan’t sully my body in such a way.”

Upper Crust snickered. “And I must agree with Mini, your dry spell will go on, and you can relieve yourself at the table, for all we care. Go ahead,” she mocked the saddening stallion, “no one will know but us, and I could use a good show.”

Mini and Upper Crust laughed louder as Jet Set pouted and crossed his forelegs. “You lied, then.”

“What a foal!”

“How petulant!”

Both mares lowered the privacy spell and waved the waiter over to take their order while Jet Set began brooding.

“We’re gonna see the city! We’re gonna see the city! We’re gonna see the city!” Snickers and his friends chanted as they were led from the apartments by their butlers. Two of Celestia’s personal guards were in attendance, walking behind the others as they all walked to leave the castle.

Once outside, Snickers looked at the city as a whole from the massive front doors of the most notable landmark in the nation. “Wow,” Diamond Tiara said from Snickers’s right while Silver Spoon stood to his left and whispered the same.

“What’re we waiting for?” Snickers asked. “Let’s go!”

All four foals started to run ahead, but were stopped when the royal guards showed their training, grabbing the foals and holding them in place with magic. “You are to stay within our sight at all times, not to exceed a trot, and to follow the orders of your butlers at all times,” one stallion said.

The foals were set down and then flanked by the guards. “Ya know, this is just making us look really suspicious, being escorted and all. Why don’t ya guys take a break and let these guys,” Snickers gestured to Oregano and Basil, “lead us around the city?”

“We have our orders,” the other guard replied.

Diamond Tiara bumped Snickers’s side. “C’mon, let’s just go into Canterlot; it’s gonna be great!”

Snickers sighed, then stood tall and walked with his fillies by his side, each matching the look of some snooty nobles they saw.

“I say,” Kiwe stated, “this town is as I remember, full of snobs with no gifts to tender.”

Silver Spoon giggled. “That was a terrible rhyme. Just talk normal, we all know you can.”

Snickers nodded to the zony. “Yeah, drop the rhyme and live in the minute!”

“Moment,” Kiwe corrected his friend, “and I’ll do my best. After so many years of my life being spoken in rhyme… it is a habit that I can’t break so easily.”

“Well, you’re doing fine, for a colt,” Diamond said, teasingly. Kiwe stuck out his tongue and Diamond gasped.

“Ugh, rude.”

Snickers leaned a little closer to Silver Spoon. “Why is sticking out tongues so rude, here?” He asked.

Silver Spoon blinked at Snickers twice, then sighed before speaking softly. “Whatever, I guess you don’t know, or whatever. It’s the same as saying the ‘f’ word, but without words. Like how Minotaurs use their third finger, gryphons snap and click their beaks, or stuff like that.”

Snickers nodded. “I get it, I just never thought about it. So, if I said ‘Silver, you wanna’,” he then stuck his tongue out at the grey filly.

Silver Spoon’s eyes shot wide and she tripped over her own legs onto the cobblestone street, landing on her side with a short shriek. Snickers felt a little laugh build at the filly’s reaction. “You jerk,” Silver Spoon said as she got to her hooves and adjusted her glasses.

Diamond Tiara was watching the exchange. “Well, is that a ‘yes’?” She asked Silver Spoon.

Silver Spoon snorted hot air from her nostrils. “No! Not until I know him better and earn his love, Diamond Tiara.”

Snickers felt a little flutter in his chest hearing that, but a passing pony’s scoff distracted him. “What the fuck are you lookin’ at? Yeah, take your ugly flank back to the spa and get groomed, you jerkface!”

Diamond Tiara moved to cover Snickers’s mouth. “Not here,” Diamond quietly sang, “we’re just starting the tour and I don’t wanna get grounded, okay?”

Snickers pushed her hoof from his mouth. “Fine… I’m sorry,” he said to Diamond, then repeated his words to Silver Spoon and Kiwe. “I don’t know why, but that guy just made me so… angry.”

Kiwe stepped up to Snickers’s side and bumped him. “At least you stopped. Last week, in Ponyville, such a thing may have made you lose all sense of reason.”

Silver Spoon groaned. “Can we just go into Canterlot? The best and most greatest city in the world?! I wanna go shopping!”

Diamond Tiara squeed and Silver Spoon joined her. “Shopping!”

Snickers and Kiwe sat in a dress shop, staring lazily at the ceiling as the fillies tried on dresses and accessories. It was the fourth shop they’d gone to, with both fillies had chosen something from each shop for themselves and trying desperately to dress up the colts, without any luck.

“Oh, Snickers,” Silver Spoon said in a sweet voice. When Snickers looked lazily at the filly, his attention snapped solely on her. “You like?” She asked and turned around once with a flick of her tail to show everything she had to offer.

Snickers looked at the grey filly and noticed Diamond Tiara leaving a dressing room dressed mostly the same. But before she could, potentially, give the same presentation, he got up and cantered to the entrance. “I gotta go, now!” Snickers demanded in a panicked voice.

“Hey, come back, are you okay?” Diamond’s voice called and got him to glance back. The bridle she wore had reigns and a bit she chomped at. Snickers pushed past the stoic guard into the Canterlot streets. He moved to stand several paces from the door and sat down, crossing his forelegs over his sheath as he thought of rocks and sticks.

The mental images of his fillies wearing full tack and saddles with socks that went to their thighs began to leave his active mind and Snickers wanted to hug Kiwe for all he was worth for the potions he’d been sharing.

Snickers took in a shaky breath and exhaled. “I… didn’t know they made clitoral accessories for lingerie,” Snickers whimpered and a silver mesh covering Silver’s personal parts flashed in his mind. “How did the spell not work? I shouldn’t have seen anything.”

The door to the shop opened and Kiwe was sitting by Snickers a couple seconds later. “Brother, are you alright? What happened just now?”

Snickers turned and hugged Kiwe tightly. “I… why were they dressed like that? How could I see their… everything?”

Kiwe hugged Snickers back in confusion. “They wanted to show you provocative wear, and magic masking spells don’t work in those kinds of shops. Didn’t you read the sign on the door, and hanging over the dressing rooms?”

Snickers shook his head against Kiwe’s neck. “No! Why would I want to see them dressed like that? Seriously?!”

Kiwe leaned back to look at Snickers. “You do not seem to understand what it means to wear lingerie, it seems,” Kiwe gestured to the shop and Snickers looked, seeing a riding crop and socks as the store logo. “Any pony with a cutie mark may dress as they please, and it was quite clear your herd wishes to entice you for when you practice mating.”

Snickers shook his head. “I don’t wanna do that, Kiwe. They might have cooties, and fillies are icky. Why’d Silver have the net covering her labia? It was weird and kinda nice, but icky!”

Kiwe’s eyebrows knitted, but before he could ask anything the door to the shop burst open and Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara ran out, looking right and left before seeing their herd stallion sitting and looking scared.

“Oh, Snickers,” Silver Spoon shouted and ran to him, hugging him tightly. “I’m so sorry! I had no idea we’d scare you taking you here. I didn’t want to make you uncomfortable, it was just dressup.”

Diamond Tiara nodded in agreement.

The door to the shop opened and an employee walked out with a frown. “You have to pay for those, young mares.”

Without another word, the mare’s horn lit and both fillies yelped in surprise as the accessories they had put on were taken back into the shop by a huffy clerk.

“Sheesh, ask a filly before you pull a thing off her tail that’s touching her clit, at least,” Diamond scoffed as the last guard left the shop. Basil and Oregano stood several paces away at each end of the shop, as additional guards, for what little it seemed to offer.

Kiwe stood up and offered his hoof to Snickers. “Let us go, and forget about this event.”

Snickers nodded. “Yeah, I don’t wanna mate a filly until I’m waaay older. Like, a hundred, or something, like mommy’s oldness.”

Everypony that was with the entourage looked at Snickers for a moment, then Silver giggled. “You’re so silly, Snickers. C’mon, let’s go to the food court.”

As the group started to walk, Snickers stopped. “Silver Spoon, why’d you call me that?”

Silver looked back and stopped with the others. “Say what?”

Snickers looked at her and pointed to himself. “I’m Aquelis. That’s my name; not Snickers, silly.”

Diamond Tiara moved back to Snickers and placed the back of her fetlock to his head while Kiwe moved to Diamond’s side and looked into Snickers’s eyes. “He doesn’t feel warm,” Diamond said.

“His eyes seem fine and his breath is in proper time. Maybe he needs a snack to push off the confusion attack.”

Snickers giggled. “You’re a silly zony. I want ice cream, can we get one? Maybe with four scoops. ‘Cause I’m that much old, I can have that many, mommy said.”

The others fell silent and the sound of the city was all they could hear as they tried to parse what Snickers had said.

“Okay, I think he’s just having some fun,” Diamond said slowly. “I think we should get some ice cream and take it from there, right?”

Silver Spoon nodded and moved to touch her side to Snickers’s, but he hopped away. “Cooties, ew! Help, I’m gonna get cooties!” Snickers shouted and ran to Basil, hiding under the stallion, watching the fillies with a slight grimace from behind the stallions’ forelegs.

Silver Spoon furrowed her brows. “Cooties? Diamond, do you know what’s going on?”

Diamond Tiara shook her head, then narrowed her eyes. “Snickers?” She called out to the colt. “Aquelis?” She called. She waved him over and gently tapped the ground with her forehoof, implying it was safe to come over.

“Yeah, Miss Tiara?” Snickers asked when he’d gotten two lengths away. “You don’t wanna give me cooties, do you?” He asked meekly and rubbed his foreleg with the other. “Sorry, Miss Tiara. Maybe we can start over?” He asked.

Diamond looked at the guards, who seemed to be growing worried.

Basil stepped beside Snickers. “I will get you five scoops of ice cream, but we have to go back to the castle as soon as we’re done, alright?”

Snickers whooped and reared to wheel his forelegs in joy. “Yeah! I want the bestest flavors of cloud ice cream, if they have it.”

A guard entered the throne room during lunch very anxiously, despite of his years of service. “Your Highness?”

“Yes, Soda?” Celestia asked while eating a sandwich.

“It’s about… um, Snickers. He’s changed his name to Aquelis, and is acting like a younger foal of three or four, and it’s worrying some of the staff.”

Celestia swallowed her latest bite and sipped some hot tea. “Is he able to be brought to me, or is he in his quarters?”

“He’s in his apartment, Your Highness,” Soda answered.

“Thank you, I’ll go there right away,” Celestia stated and stood, moving swiftly down the steps, out of the throne room, and towards the apartment wing. As quickly as she could move, without seeming worried or eager, she passed by other dignitaries and guests, offering kind words in passing but showing her urgency so as to not get into a conversation.

Once she got to the apartment, the door opened and Snickers shouted, “Mommy!” and hugged Celestia’s leg tightly. A dozen creatures watched as a foal nuzzled Celestia’s foreleg with rapt attention.

Stifling a litany of swear words, Celestia used her magic to raise the giggling colt from her leg, then she walked into the room and closed the door behind her. Once inside, Celestia moved Snickers onto her back. “Aquelis, it is good to see you in such high spirits. Is there anything I can do for you?”

“Ponyback ride!” Snickers exclaimed.

Celestia looked to the others in the room, noting that Snickers’s friends were worried while Laxxie focused on her sire with rapt interest. “Is everything alright, my little ponies?”

Diamond Tiara bowed her head, then moved to stand closer to the alicorn. “He’s not going by his name, Y-your Highness. And, he’s acting different; like he’s not his self.”

Silver stepped up beside Diamond and whispered, “Himself,” before bowing to Celestia. “I’d like to say that he’s also our herd alpha, and isn’t acting like it anymore.”

Snickers laid on Celestia’s back and pouted. “No ride?”

Celestia moved to the couch and began prancing around the room, getting a laugh and shout of joy from Snickers. Celestia felt her heart filling with joy unlike any she’d felt for nearly two centuries. “Children, my son is back with his mother; I do not know what you’re upset about. He’s the same colt you’ve known for the past month.”

Kiwe cleared his throat, choosing to stay by the coffee table to address the prancing pony princess. “That is the point we are trying to make; he is not the same as when he became awake. This morning he was the colt we knew, now he is a stranger to all, but you.”

Celestia’s smile fell slightly and she slowed her circuit. Snickers moved to the side to see Celestia’s face through her billowing mane, only to slip and nearly impact the floor; had it not been for the quick action of a guard.

“This can’t be true,” Celestia quietly said, “he has to be my Aquelis.”

Snickers hugged Celestia’s hind leg. “I am Aquelis, mommy. I missed you… where did I go and where’s Auntie Luna? She should be here to have fun, too.”

Celestia, for the first time, looked at Snickers and sighed. She shook her head and her horn glowed with golden light. Snickers was encased in her magic aura, but he giggled again and looked himself over. “Mommy, what are you doing? I feel funny.”

“I’m merely checking for anything wrong,” Celestia said quietly to the colt.

Snickers nodded in understanding. “Okay, but what if your magic makes me go into another Harmonic Vision? I don’t wanna get mind-fucked like last time.”

Celestia frowned ever so slightly, making the adults in the room take a step away from her, while the young didn’t even notice.

Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara rushed Snickers and tackled him in twin hugs. “We missed you, Snickers.”

“Where’d you go? Please, tell me you’re gonna stay.”

Snickers gasped for air and pushed his fillies back. “What the hell? Okay…” Snickers looked past and through the fillies, a small smirk blossomed on his lips, “ long as you’re willing to wear those dresses you got, and everything with ‘em.”

Both fillies blushed and Kiwe chuckled as Snickers spoke, “What? They were h-o-t-t, hot as--”

Celestia magicked Snickers’s mouth closed before he could finish spelling another word. “I’ll have no more of that crass language, young stallion.”

Snickers frowned and pointed to his mouth, implying for him to be allowed to speak. “Hey, you’re not my mother, so I don’t have to do what you say.”

Celestia’s heart ached. She recalled Aquelis suckling her milk as a yearling and yearned for those days again; simple days where he would play and come back to her several times during a playdate.

Now she stood, being scolded by a colt that inhabited her son’s body without a care in the world for her own feelings.

Celestia nodded. “Then, if you have no more need for me, I’ll take my leave of you, Snickers.”

Snickers hesitated and sat down in place. “No, don’t go, yet. There’s somepony else up here,” he tapped his temple, “but they are confusing me. I know I’m me, but I talk and act different; ever since I got here. So, what do I do?”

“Have you ever considered therapy for your confusion?” Celestia offered, hoping Snickers would get a little stressed and show her son again.

Snickers stuck his tongue out in disapproval. “Nah, whatever this is, I’m not being hurt or scared… just fucked with by those Spirit guys, I bet. I don’t wanna talk to some shrink, but I do wanna talk to my mom, Rarity.”

Celestia thought it over. A dozen ideas flew through her and she compiled a plan. “I will have her come to the castle, then. We shall all have a talk and come to terms with what’s happening to you.”

Snickers looked flatly at Celestia. “That’s a… great idea!” Snickers shouted. “I can’t wait to see Mom again. Oh, I have to take a bath and do my mane again… it’s getting quite unruly, darling. Perhaps a trip to the spa,” Snickers intoned in a posh accent that made his fillies giggle to one another.

“Oh, yes, darling,” Silver Spoon mocked playfully, “that sound simply divine.”

“I know, let’s set a date for first thing in the morning,” Diamond Tiara flipped her mane , “and don’t dawdle, we have things to do. In fact, come along, Aquelis, let’s have fun before we get all clean and proper.”

Diamond turned and flicked her tail to her side, implying where she wanted Snickers to stand. Seeing that, Silver Spoon turned and did the same.

Snickers watched the fillies as they started flicking their sides with their tails and glaring at one another. He looked to Kiwe. “Hey, are fillies always doing weird stuff like that?”

“Brushing their sides?” Kiwe asked and watched as the females squared off, face to face, practically slapping their side. “No, these two are just weird. Let us take our leave and let them do as fillies do.”

“Yeah, I like that idea,” Snickers agreed and slunk away as Diamond and Silver Spoon pressed their foreheads together and started shoving.

Celestia’s magic separated the fillies before they could hurt one another. “Girls, why are you fighting? Don’t you know that my little Aquelis is more than willing to share you both?”

Both fillies snapped their attention to Celestia. “His name is Snickers! Stop calling him that name, it’s confusing him!” Silver Spoon shouted and shrieked.

“And, stop calling him yours! He’s Rarity’s colt, and has been for the last two months! You really hurt his feelings, calling him Aquelis.”

Celestia looked between the fillies and nodded. “I will take that under advisement, young mares. But for now, your herd stallion needs you.”

Celestia set them down and once their hooves touched the floor the rubber shoes did their work, gripping each step as they chased after Snickers. Once they caught up to him and Kiwe, they pressed their side to him and gave him a tandem nuzzle. Snickers shivered when one of the young mares let their tail brush his haunches.

“What was that just now, Snickers?” Diamond asked, nuzzling him again.

Kiwe rolled his eyes with a smirk and kept a friendly distance while Snickers blushed through his brown coat. “N-nothing… just got the tingles, a little.”

Silver cooed and whispered into Snickers’s ear, “You can have the shivers with us, anytime.”

Another tail brushed Snickers’s haunches and he shivered enough to stumble. “St-stop,” he quietly protested.

“Stop what?” Diamond asked, nuzzling him again. Snickers slowed to a stop, being nuzzled by two fillies in an empty hallway was taking its toll on him; the tail brushing him was just torture.

“I… I need Kiwe!” Snickers shouted and backpedalled to look at Kiwe, only to see him walking to a doorway that was cracked open, a taloned finger beckoning him in. Snickers whined and bounced, hoping Kiwe wasn’t about to have sex when he needed his help.

Kiwe slipped into the room, looking back at the trio with a wink before he bucked the door closed. Snickers whimpered and started back to his apartment at a faster pace. “Hey, I thought that was some meeting room we weren’t allowed in,” Silver Spoon said to Diamond.

“It was,” Snickers interjected, “it’s the room I first met Celestia in when I got here. They’re gonna fuck on a royal conference table… maybe even in her cushion. At least he’s having fun,” Snickers grumbled.

Silver caught up to Snickers’s cantering pace. “What’s the rush, aren’t you having a good time? I mean, we can go play for a bit, if that’s what you’d like.”

“Or read a book, you like to read; right?” Diamond offered.

“Play Snakes and Ladders?”

“Realm of Sweets?”

“Nightmare Night, the game?”


“Go fish?”



“Play in the gardens?”

Snickers stopped and shouted, “Girls! Stop, just… stop. I wanna do so many things with you both right now, but none of them are what I should do. Let’s just get back to the apartment, I’ll spend a minute getting something in my room, and then we can do something nice and relaxing.”

Both fillies nodded and motioned for Snickers to join them. Snickers took his place between Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, and together they went back to the apartment.

Meeting of the Moms, part 1

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Two heavy knocks rattled the door to Rarity's Boutique, startling her and the unfortunate mare she was fitting with a dress.

After a brief, but heartfelt, apology and rush to the door, Rarity had tossed politeness out of the window and pulled the front door open. "What reason have you to knock as though you're… the Royal Guard?

"What, may I ask, is the reason for your inability to enter my shop and address me?" Rarity asked with a firm voice.

While stoic, the guard swallowed hard and looked down at the mare, then used his wing to pull a sealed letter from a saddlebag Rarity didn’t notice around the stallion’s armored chest. “For you, ma’am.”

Rarity took the letter from his pinions and looked at it. “A letter? From… Princess Celestia?!” Rarity looked at the mare in the center of the room, who looked back with shock. “Is there anything else I can do for you, Sir?” Rarity asked urgently.

The guard saluted and stepped back as he turned away. Rarity closed the door and raced to the mare. “Verb Tense! Look at this, a personal letter from the princess!” Rarity said, prancing between her forelegs.

“Hurry and open it, Rarity,” Tense said.

Rarity brought over a pair of shears and carefully began to slice the top of the letter open, paining both mares at her care. However, both knew the importance of the letter and causing any damage to the paper would mar it when framed and lauded over for years to come.

“Okay, now I can read it,” Rarity said with a sigh once the letter was free of its confines. “Let’s see… hm. Yes… well, I didn’t expect that…”

“What, Rarity? What’s she saying?”

Rarity held up a forehoof to stall the mare, who was about ready to take the dress off and move beside Rarity to read over her shoulder. “Oh, my,” Rarity gasped dramatically and covered her mouth. “It seems I’m needed in Canterlot at my earliest convenience, because my son is confused, as of late.”

Tense sighed. “Well, that’s not so bad.”

Rarity nodded and exhaled her stress, smiling at Tense. “Well, since it’s not a pressing issue, I’d like to finish your dress before packing to leave, first thing in the morning.”

“Are you sure, Rarity? Your son might be in trouble… again,” Tense nervously supplied.

“No, no, darling. It’s quite clear that he’s in good hooves, and he has his herd with him for emotional support.” Rarity chuckled as she used her magic to force Verb Tense back into position. “If there was anything wrong, and if Princess Celestia didn’t tell me… why, I’d be willing to go to the dungeons after throwing a table at our Royal monarch.

“Nopony messes with my family,” Rarity said with a slightly dark inflection. “Anyway, let’s finish hemming your dress so you can go on that date with your potential girlfriend.”

Verb Tense blushed and nodded, grimacing when a pin poked her. “Stay still, Tense. Oh,” Rarity giggled, “you’re being tense, Tense. Relax, but don’t move anymore and you won’t get poked.”

Both mares went through the motions for the next hour. After undressing Verb Tense and sending her on her way with a cheery farewell, Rarity set the almost complete dress on a dummy and went to her sewing room to calm her mind with some stitching.

The bell above the front door dinged and Rarity tensed, ever so slightly, at the interruption. Regardless, she was a business owner, and it was still early in the evening. Putting her glasses down and standing quickly, Rarity made for the main room. “Welcome to Rarity’s Boutique, where everything is--”

“Where is my daughter?” Spoiled Rich demanded.

Rarity clenched her teeth behind her lips, but relaxed and smiled. “Why, I do believe she’s in Canterlot with Silver Spoon, why do you ask?” Rarity gestured for a place they could sit, but was rebuked by the pink mare.

“I do believe you’re excluding your blank flank bastard of foal you adopted from those you mentioned; why you’d ever lower yourself to such depths is beyond me…”

“Excuse me,” Rarity tried to speak, but was unable to stop the other mare’s tirade.

“...but to allow that cretin to essentially foalnap two innocent fillies is criminal.”

Rarity huffed, gladly having reached eight in her count to ten, in order to stop herself from reacting appropriately to such a vile mare. “Well, when I see him in the morning, I’ll be sure to take his side of the story and inform Diamond Tiara--”

“You’ll do no such thing! If you’re going to see that Tartarus spawn, then I’m going with you to reclaim my daughter. I see that look in your eyes, as I’ve seen it before. Touch a hair on my body and I’ll have this eyesore torn down before the week is over. The law is on my side, darling, remember that. It is the golden rule, after all.”

Rarity took two shaky breaths and weighed the risks of losing everything she had over making Spoiled Rich need another muzzle job. “Yes, well… I cannot stop you from going to Canterlot, but I have an important meeting with--”

“Whatever pony you’re bribing to show your latest designs, can be your focus and has no bearing on me or my child. I don’t even care if that colt you cared for takes Silver Spoon and has a slew of bastard foals with her! I won’t let him sully my daughter with his presence any longer.”

Rarity raised a forehoof and brought it down, stopping just before striking Diamond’s mother across her muzzle. She redirected her foreleg and pointed at the door. “Leave my place of business at one, you old nag… you are no longer welcome here.”

Spoiled scoffed and turned so fast her tail nearly slapped Rarity. “I wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for my daughter. Can you believe she told Randolph, our butler, that she was spending the week with Silver Spoon? As though I’d not check up on her after a while.”

As Spoiled left, Rarity chomped her teeth. “You’re also banned from any future locations of franchises I make!”

“As if you’ll ever leave this one horse town,” Spoiled retorted. “I come from Baltimare’s upper districts. You won’t leave the shadow of this abomination,” she gestured to the boutique. “So don’t get your hopes up and you won’t be hurt when you fall right back here.”

Rarity watched the mare smirk in victory, just as Rarity slammed the door and turned to lean against it. Her chest ached and before she could stop it, she began to cry at the hurtful possibility, the truth that Spoiled had spoken.

“Oh, how I hate that mare…” Rarity nickered and grit her teeth. “Maybe I can convince Princess Celestia to send her to the dungeons for a week, or a year. Equestria would be better off.” Wiping her eyes with a tissue, Rarity let a smile cross her lips, slightly, at the thought of Spoiled Rich in a dank stone cell.

Panting after another round of tag with two off duty guards, the four foals lay in the shade of a large hedge, drinking water and catching their breath. “So,” Snickers smirked at Kiwe, “how was Gul earlier?”

Kiwe gulped his water down and grinned. “She was with far less stamina than the first three times,” he said, blushing lightly. The fillies giggled and Snickers reached back to punch Kiwe, proudly. Kiwe grabbed Snickers’s forehoof with his magic. “I would prefer to not have you hurt me, thank you.”

“Wuss,” Snickers said, beaming a smile. “So, how was it?”

Kiwe shrugged. “Sex is sex, it is little different between creatures.”

Snickers looked at Silver and Diamond, who rolled their eyes. “Look,” Snickers said, “ponies cocks are three times bigger than a male gryphon’s. You rubbin’ somethin’ special in her, or just poking the tip in?” Snickers grimaced at the tandem slaps he got on his forelegs from the fillies at his sides.

“You don’t have to be such a mare about it when you ask him, Snickers!” Diamond said.

“Yeah, leave that dirty talk to the mares, you just focus on being cute,” Silver said.

Both fillies nuzzled Snickers’s cheeks, but it was the warmth from Diamond that took Snickers’s attention. He looked at her and noticed her cheeks were pinker than normal. “Hey, what’s going on? Why’re you blushing, Diamond?”

Diamond leaned away and cleared her throat. “It’s nothing. I just… kinda like it when you’re… well, like a mare and not some wimpy colt.” She turned to look at him and leaned in to kiss Snickers. Their lips met and it seemed like two hundred pounds was lifted off Diamond’s withers.

She smiled and relaxed every taut muscle making her look like a deflating inflatable. Her lips left his and she giggled quietly while opening her eyes. Seeing Snickers’s lips still pursed with a smile growing only made her body warm and tingly in places she was finally willing to accept him into.

Silver Spoon cooed at Diamond, sweetly. “That was so cute. I wanna do that with him someday, too.”

“Well,” Snickers said and turned to look at Silver Spoon, “how about now?”

Silver shook her head. “No, I don’t deserve it, yet. I want it when it's special, like what you just did with Diamond.”

Snickers looked at Diamond and leaned closer. “You made me drop out just now, young mare.”

At Snickers’s taunt, Diamond’s tail flagged and her ears perked just before she did. “Wh-what? I… I made you… Sivler, er, Silver Spoon, we have to go talk about stuff, now! Filly stuff, no colts! Hurry,” Diamond commanded as she cantered further into the gardens.

Kiwe grinned at Snickers and scooted a little closer from across the little picnic area they were lying at. “So, who was your first mare? I have heard you are more experienced than I in the ways of sex, perhaps we can compare, as stallions do?”

Snickers’s smile fell. “Well, it wasn’t exactly a mare, and it wasn’t something I wanted at the time.”

Kiwe’s smile fell. “Oh. So… it is true then? You were molested and… raped as a yearling?”

Snickers shook his head. “I was never a yearling here. I was a human, like from the books going around, I guess. But, I haven’t had a mare yet, and I don’t know if I can, or will. It’s not like I can just do it like I’m used to back where I’m from. I mean, we walked on two legs, now I walk on four.

“I know how it works, don’t look at me like that; but I also have to meet the right mare and make it special; like I always wanted it to be.”

Kiwe nodded and glanced over his shoulder to where the sound of the two young mares happily screaming was coming from. “It seems you have two to choose from, and they may choose you if you let them. It may be that they have truly chosen you already, though.”

Snickers laid his head on his forelegs. “I know, that’s what scares me.”

“Why does that worry you, brother?” Kiwe asked, lying in a way that his stripes blended into the shadows, making him seem only partly there.

“Because, I almost did it with Scootaloo, twice. What happens if I wake up ring-deep inside Silver Spoon one morning? What if I do something to Diamond to make her hate me and think all I want from her is… sex. I can’t just let it happen, Kiwe.”

“Why not? You are not producing yet, and they have needs, as we do. It is only practice for when you find the mares you will spend your life with.”

“I know, I’ve been told that… but, what if I already have them? I don’t want to make it like something I just did and feel obligated towards. I want them to know that I’ll be there with them forever, if they’re the ones, and if they’d have me.”

One of the guards sniffled and wiped her eye. “That was so beautiful; those young mares are lucky to have you.”

Snickers sighed.

“You sigh a lot, Snickers,” Kiwe observed. “Maybe you should just talk to them and let them know how you truly feel.”

“Yeah, right. ‘Hi girls, I think I’m falling in love with you, wanna be together forever, just in case it’s true?’.” Snickers scoffed. “Yeah, I can already hear them laughing at me. What next, tell them some cheesy crap?”

Kiwe chuckled. “It sounds like you already have that part taken care of.”

Snickers got to his hooves and inhaled deeply. “Well, I’m recovered and relaxed enough to make it to our room. Let’s go, they can catch up for once.” Snickers turned and led Kiwe back into the castle. “Laxxie, c’mon; we’re leaving.”

Laxxie unrooted herself and ran to follow behind Snickers. “I here, Daddy.”

“Aww,” a guard said quietly, just before being hit in the side by his friend and hushed.

Snickers looked behind him. You don’t have to call me that, you know, he said through their link.

I understand, but you are not my alpha when I am pony. You are my daddy; you helped make me.

Snickers shivered and he clenched his anus. Don’t remind me. Worst poop I ever had… but it did give me you, so it was pretty good, too.

“Thank you, Daddy!” Laxxie chirped and got the attention of everypony around them.

“What is she thanking you for, ‘daddy’?” Kiwe said in a teasing tone.

Snickers swished his tail. “Nothing that you need to worry about. And don’t even think nasty thoughts, she’s made of wood.”

Kiwe laughed aloud. “As are a part of us, huh?” Kiwe bumped into Snickers.

Snickers groaned to the ceiling. “Why me? This is all ‘cause you’re slapping haunches with that gryphon, isn’t it?”

Kiwe nodded while still grinning. “More than just haunches are being met, it is a time I shall never forget.”

“Great, now you’re rhyming again. Next are you gonna use your magic… never mind, I’m not gonna chance it.”

They both laughed at the comment and walked on, with Laxxie behind Snickers staying quiet and going over new thoughts that ran through her mind.

“Sweet Celestia, Silver; he said I turned him on. I made him drop, can you believe it?” Diamond giggled.

Silver looked around them, then stepped closer. “Are you sure you heard him right?”

Diamond beamed a grin that caught on to Silver and together they screamed and pranced in their own circles.

“Bump, bump, sugarlump, rump!”

“Diamond, what if it’s your rump Snickers is thinking about the next time he touches himself?” Silver teased. Diamond’s eyes widened and her cheeks became far darker than her coat. Silver gasped. “You didn’t even think of that? What else do I have to teach you?”

Diamond shook her head. “Nothing! I want him to, I mean I wanna… with him… I still don’t know!”

Silver laughed at her friend’s expense. “Filly, you really need a good flank spank. Haven’t you ever thought about… no, I guess you haven’t. Hm,” she tapped her chin, then an idea sparked in her eye. She sat and flicked her braid. “I’ll be the colt, you be the filly; I’ll show you what it’s like.”

“What?!” Diamond exclaimed. “You wanna mount me like some colt?!”

Silver nodded. “Yes, Diamond Tiara. It’s the only way you’ll get over this fear you have of colts.”

“It’s not a fear, it’s just… disgust. Those things are dirty, and smelly, and long, and hard. What if it’s been in the dirt when they’re walking around and it gets dirt in me? What if I get infected, or bugs start living in me back there?”

Silver snorted into laughter and fell over, kicking the air. “Bugs… living… ha!” She composed herself after a moment and rolled to her belly. “Will they build apartments or luxury houses?”

Diamond looked away in embarrassment. “Shut up, I didn’t mean it like that.”

“So, would they elect a Princess Bug? Or maybe a Prince Buggy?”

“Shut up, Silver Spoon!” Diamond grumbled.

Silver Spoon knew when not to push it, so she stood up and commanded, “turn around and stand like normal. Root your hind hooves to the dirt, too. I don’t want you bucking me.”

“Are we really gonna do this?” Diamond asked. Silver Spoon nudged her glasses closer to her eyes without saying a word. “Fine, but if this terrorizes me, I can’t be held accountable for what happens.”

“Shut up and take it like a mare,” Silver droned in good humor as she moved behind Diamond. Diamond laughed mockingly, then went silent. Silver had reared up and placed her forehooves on Diamond’s dock.

With an awkward step forward, then another, Silver had moved close enough to feel Diamond’s tail on her belly. “Pretend I’m Snickers,” Silver whispered in a husky deep voice.

Diamond’s tail almost instantly moved aside, exposing her to the world. The thought of Snickers made Diamond’s clit wink, even though she tried not to.

Legs draped themselves around Diamond’s hips and a weight rested on her back. A little push from behind made Diamond dig her forehooves into the earth to resist the force from pushing her over. She winked again and again, the chilled air almost stinging her heated vulva. She leaned back quickly, instinctively wanting him inside her.

Then, they both shrieked as Diamond forced them to fall backwards. Silver landed and watched as Diamond came down next, grunting. They both rolled away from one another, but only Diamond got to her hooves. “What the hay, Silver Spoon?! What’d you do to me? I didn’t… are you okay?”

Silver shook her head and whimpered. “You… elbowed my tit.”

Diamond giggled, then chortled, then laughed at the whole event.

“It’s not funny,” Silver whined as she got up to her hooves. She followed Diamond back to where they’d left the colts, not aware that two guards hiding in a cloud were holding back laughter at the filly’s little game.

Meeting of the Moms, Part 2

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Snickers looked in the book he had pilfered and skimmed the page, then the next. He changed pages, repeating the pattern blindly for several moments before closing the book and sighing contentedly. “I can’t read with you two being so close, and I can’t get up because… stallion problems,” he said glancing between the two.

Both fillies giggled and kissed his muzzle, making him blush. “So? Our stallion should be shown the love he needs and deserves.”

Silver nibbled his jaw while Diamond breathed hot breaths into his ear while nibbling along the edges. Snickers whinnied when both Silver and Diamond touched two erogenous zones at the same time, making the fillies focus on them for several long seconds before they both stopped to look at the heavily panting colt between them.

“Maybe we should give him a little something special, Diamond…”

“I think he deserves more than a little, for being so strong and brave. He should get everything we have, if he’s ready. Are you ready, Snickers?”

Snickers nodded fervently. “Please, don’t stop.”

Silver let her forehoof slide under Snickers’s barrel, meeting Diamond’s. Both fillies shared a sultry look and nuzzled Snickers as their hooves pressed along his barrel and back until…

Snickers snorted awake at a gentle shove from his front. He opened his eyes to see a smirking Silver Spoon. “Morning, stud. Thanks for the offer, but you’re not ready.”

Snickers looked between them to see himself full mast and held between Silver’s sleeping shirt and her body. Blushing hotly, Snickers reached to grab himself and pull free, only to tug the grey filly closer. “I’m sorry!” He said, almost pleadingly.

Silver reached down and lifted her pajama shirt to let him go, then looked into his fearful eyes.

Snickers began to tremble. “Don’t… don’t hate me; don’t leave me, I didn’t mean it. I... don’t wanna lose you, like I did the Crusaders.”

Silver, being close enough, hugged Snickers and nuzzled him. “You won’t lose me, it’s actually really sweet you’re willing to show yourself to me and let me feel you so close to my heart, without being pressured into sex by some cliche horny stallion stuff.”

Snickers gulped loudly and felt a foreleg reach over his barrel. He looked down to see pink and knew it was Diamond, cuddling up to him. He relaxed and let his penis go, moving to hold Silver in return. “S-serious?” He whispered.

“Yeah, it makes me cherish you even more… for how respectful you are to me and Diamond. I bet some colts would be practicing for their future mares on us by now… but you’re waiting, and that’s so sweet of you,” she said in a whisper. She brought her lips to his and electricity shot through her when his tongue touched hers.

She hadn’t even thought he’d be okay to kiss, much less do something she’d only read about in books. She pulled back and panted, shaking her head. “No, I don’t want you for your body, yet. I love you, and I wanna show it by what I do, not who you are… if you’re okay to wait, that is.”

Snickers looked at Silver Spoon and took her various features to memory. He wanted to remember her as she was just then. “I wanna wait, and you might be the first I’m ever with… but I can’t choose between you two, if that’s what you’re expecting.”

Silver giggled and sighed. “The sun isn’t gonna rise for a couple hours, let’s go back to sleep and you can read your sciencey books while Diamond and me do filly stuff.”

Snickers nodded and gave Silver Spoon a peck on her muzzle before she turned over and scooted back. She looked over her shoulder at him. “Don’t let it slip anywhere, I’d hate to wake up without my purity intact.”

Snickers chuckled. “You’re pure?”

“Oh, shut up,” Silver said. She scooted back and enjoyed the feeling of Snickers cuddling close, his member pressing between them, as she quickly fell asleep.

Diamond Tiara lay behind Snickers, awake and staring into his silvery mane as she felt affection and a little jealousness of her herd sister. She wanted to feel him pressed against her, every part of him. Part of her wanted to be violated, penetrated, and taken as his first mare. She clenched her hind legs together, then sighed and nuzzled into his mane, smelling him through the shampoo and perfumes he loved to wear.

She sighed and moved to whisper in his ear, once she was sure he was asleep. “I’ll wait for you, too.”

The sun rose, followed by Rarity shortly after the warmth touched her cheeks and brought a smile to her face. “Hmm, spring meadow… chiffon… silver…” she mumbled as she was brought back to the waking world and her dreams were left behind. She slipped her sleeping mask from her eyes and blinked her room into focus.

Looking to the side of her bed she found Opal, sleeping on her perch Rarity had custom built for her a year before. She didn’t want to wake Opal yet, so she quietly got out of bed and, after making it, she opened her door and went downstairs.

Breakfast was quick and simple, and with her bags packed the previous night, she quickly returned to her room to say goodbye to her cat. Several growling hisses and a swipe at Rarity’s muzzle were ignored as Rarity bid her ‘kitten’ farewell and left with her trunk and luggage in tow for the train.

With the sun at barely seven-thirty, she was sure she’d catch the early train to beat Spoiled Rich to Canterlot. The streets were nearly empty, save for Applejack who was walking into town with her apple cart hitched behind her.

“Howdy, Rarity. Goin’ on a trip?” Applejack asked.

Rarity stopped and nodded. “Just to Canterlot. It seems my little prince is having some troubles adjusting. I’ve been invited and will be gone for only a short time, I fear.”

“What do ya have ta be worried about, Rares?”

“Just that… when Snickers left, he wasn’t exactly a fan of me, or any of us, to be honest…” Rarity trailed off.

Applejack tipped her hat up. “Shucks, if Ah know anything, it’s that yer kin will always love ya, even when ya mess up. And, face it; Snickers is as close to yer son as you might ever get without foalin’ one yerself.”

Rarity blushed slightly and smirked. “Well, that day may be many years away, at this rate. However, I do have a train to catch, Applejack. I must take my leave, as I can’t miss it. I’m trying to beat Spoiled Rich to Canterlot. At the very least, to prepare Diamond Tiara for her arrival.”

Applejack whistled. “Well, Ah’d hurry. Ain’t nothin’ good comin’ from that mare when she sets her sights on somethin’.”

“Right, darling. I’ll contact you if I need anything. That won’t be a problem, will it?”

Applejack lowered her hat and adjusted it onto her head. “Nope. Ya need anythin’ just holler… er, write,” Applejack said and nodded. Both mares went back to their work and, before seven-fifty, Rarity had made it to the train station.

Ticket in her magic, she set her luggage down and sighed at the lack of pressure in her head from carrying the weight.

“I thought you’d be here,” the snobbish voice of Spoiled Rich spoke up from the stairs leading up to the train platform. “I certainly hope you aren’t trying to leave me behind, darling,” she mocked. “I’d be disappointed in your social skills if you were.”

Rarity grit her teeth before forcing a smile. “Why certainly not, dar-, ahem… I was merely excited to see Canterlot; center of sophistication and class. Perhaps you may learn something about proper social graces while there?”

“Ha, as if I need learn anything. I’m rich, and as such have taken it upon myself to study under the best ponies in the area on grace, charm, and etiquette. Who have you learned from? A book hidden under your bed?”

Rarity felt her ire rising at the pompous mare and nearly said the first words that would leave her lips. Instead, she merely smiled again. “Yes, it’s a good read, too. It’s called ‘Ten Ways to Annoy Rich Ponies’, darling. You’re clearly the author, under a pseudonym, of course.”

As the mares bickered, time passed quickly and the distant sound of the train horn sounded. “Finally,” both mares said in unison. “At least I won’t have to sit with you. Stop saying what I’m saying, darling.”

Once on the train, Rarity made for the first private room she could get into while her luggage was loaded, only to find Spoiled Rich at the door looking at her with scorn. “All the other rooms are full. There’s some large event in Canterlot this weekend, so you’ll have to leave this room for a pony that deserves it.”

Rarity frowned. “It already has a pony who deserves it. I am, however, willing to share.”

“With you? I’d sooner sit with the rabble the next car over.”

“Well,” Rarity snorted, “I’m not moving, and you can’t make me give up my seat for your ample flanks.”

Spoiled looked down her modified muzzle. “Well, I never! An uncouth pony such as you should walk to Canterlot.”

Rarity got up, taking up more than a third of the room, and was about to snap at the pink mare, when she saw the same royal guard as the day before looking around the platform. Rarity moved past Spoiled, bumping her as she went.

Spoiled grinned in victory. “It’s about time you acknowledge your betters. Have a fine ride in the poverty car.”

Rarity snapped her curled tail as she stepped out of the train. “Mister Guard, are you looking for me?”

“Miss Rarity,” the guard stepped up to her, “your chariot to Canterlot awaits just on the other side of the station. We apologize for missing you, but we didn’t have a time for your personal departure. It’s by luck that we caught you at all.”

Rarity nodded and took on a stern expression. “Pretend something serious has come up and lead me away,” she stated and looked at Spoiled, waving at her condescending from the door to her room.

Rarity shook her head and trotted after the guard and out of sight of the pink bitch. “Oh, that is a lovely chariot,” Rarity commented as she was guided in.

“Why did you want me to pretend, Ma’am?”

“Well, I have a second request that will answer that…” Rarity smirked conspiratorially.

Spoiled lounged on one cushioned bench, wondering of what trouble Rarity could be in. As the train lurched and began to trundle down the tracks, she yawned and looked out of the window to the blue sky. That was when two royal guard pegasi flew by her window and stopped accelerating in time for the rider to look at her.

Rarity waved in the same way Spoiled had a few minutes prior. Then, in a blink, she rocketed away from Spoiled to Canterlot, leaving the pink mare growling in jealousy.

Snickers had finished breakfast and was lying on his bed with Silver and Diamond side by side with him, giving him little nuzzles and surreptitious kisses when the other filly wasn’t looking. Snickers was comfortably reading a technical journal he’d brought from Ponyville, knowing Twilight would probably be freaking out over the missing book, right then.

“Hey, Spike? Have you seen the books Snickers checked out before he left?” Twilight called to Spike.

“No, I don’t know where they are,” Spike called back from the next room.

Twilight shrugged to herself. “Whatever, nopony reads technical manuals anyway.”

“What was that?”

Twilight smirked and shook her head. “Nothing, Spike. Keep up the great work.”


He flashed back to his dream the evening before and looked at his fillies teaching Laxxie to play Go Fish. The timberpony wasn’t understanding the concept of the higher cards.

“What is queen?” Laxxie asked, looking at the card.

“A double princess,” Silver answered, flippantly looking at her own cards.

“What is king?”

“A double prince,” Diamond answered.

“What is a prince?” Laxxie asked.

Both fillies looked between one another. “A boy princess.”

“Can boy be princess?” Laxxie asked, looking at Snickers.

“No, only a girl,” Diamond said, tapping her jewelry, “like, only princesses wear tiaras.”

Laxxie looked at the tiara on Diamond’s head. “Can I try on… that,” she pointed.

Diamond looked at Laxxie’s wooden head and pondered the fit. “I’ll put it on, and we’ll see if it stays, first.”

Diamond got up, walked around the small table they sat at, and carefully took off her tiara. Placing it on Laxxie’s head was almost a chore, as Diamond had to find the right spot between her vine mane and thick grass hair. Once she had it set in, Diamond stepped back to look at her work and nodded. “It looks good.”

“Cool, Princess Laxxie,” Silver said, clapping her forehooves. “I’d like to see you with your own accessories… oh, my! Diamond, shopping trip in Canterlot!”

Diamond giggled and pranced in place. “Girl’s day! Girl’s day!”

Silver joined her and so did Laxxie, each chanting ‘girl’s day’. Snickers looked over at the group. “What about me?”

“You can’t come, because you’re not a filly,” Diamond said, sticking her tongue out and winking one eye, making the act playful.

Snickers shook his head. “Who remembers the last time I was left alone? I kinda went crazy and now we’re here.”

“Oh yeah,” Silver Spoon said, “that was only a couple days ago, too. Maybe we should go in pairs? Like, Laxxie and me first, then Laxxie and Diamond. That way, Snickers is never alone and he won’t get a statue thrown out of a window,” she tittered.

Diamond tossed a playing card at Silver. “This isn’t funny. We need somepony to stay with Snickers, and we wanna go shopping. Taking turns shopping is silly. Who can stay with him, though?”

“He’s got his guards, butlers, and maids; pick one or two. Snickers, where’s Kiwe been?” Silver asked.

Snickers smirked at the thought of what the colt was doing… and who. “He’s just spending time with a little birdie he knows.”

Diamond scoffed. “Again? He’s been having sex a lot, don’t you think? And she’s not even equine… it’s just kinda weird, if you ask me.”

“I think it’s sweet. He found love and is gonna spend all the time he can with her. Maybe even forever,” Silver quietly sighed.

Snickers shook his head. “Yeah, only I hope not. That would mean he’d be leaving when she does, since she’s only here for politics and stuff.”

“So,” Silver asked, “she could leave and he might never see her again?”

“That’s probably gonna happen, yeah,” Diamond cut in. “So get ready to have to drag a super sad colt around for a while.”

Silver licked her lips. “And so much ice cream to share, yummy.”

Laxxie’s tongue stuck out and she licked the air. “I want ice cream.”

Diamond looked between her friends, then to Snickers. “So do I, but it’s gonna have to be here, I guess.”

Snickers pushed his book away and pouted. “I’m sorry, girls. I can’t help it, I guess. I can’t just be left alone after being alone in the forest for a few days. It’s not normal for a pony to be alone that long, and I only had Laxxie for the last two days, and it’s not the same. I couldn’t talk with her, or cuddle, or nuzzle.

“There wasn’t anypony around or nearby to help me feel safe or cared for. As far as I thought, I was lost and gonna die every night.” He shivered at the memory. “There were monsters there, I know it, just outside the firelight. Their eyes shined in the night, watching me… and I was alone the whole time.

“Harmony and his brothers don’t count. They only showed up once to fuck with me; gave me a horn and I made them take it back.” Both fillies gasped at the new part of the story they hadn’t known. “What?”

“You got magic… and gave it back? Snickers, why? Isn’t it every pony’s dream to have magic, at least once?” Diamond asked, taking her tiara back and holding it in her hoof as she climbed onto the bed.

Snickers shook his head. “Not mine. I’ve only been here a couple months. Sure, it’d be cool to move shit with my brain, some kinda psionic powers would be awesome; but that’s not for me. Especially not if it’s only to be part of some game to some spirits for their fun.”

Silver Spoon climbed onto the bed when Diamond had reached him. Diamond slipped her tiara onto Snickers’s head and smiled a little. “It makes you look handsome,” she said softly and nuzzled him.

Snickers whimpered and sniffled. “I just want to be normal, is that too much? I just wanna be a pony, totally a pony. Why do I have to remember my old life when starting this new one?”

Silver Spoon lay beside Snickers and nuzzled him from the side while Diamond stayed facing him. “Because,” Diamond said, “if you were only a pony, I wouldn’t love you.”

Snickers sobbed and looked away. “You can’t love me, I’m just a freak wearing a mask. I don’t know who I am, and when you learn about what I did… you’ll never wanna talk to me again.”

Diamond raised a hoof to an inch from Snickers’s muzzle and slowly brought it across his face in a slap. “Don’t talk like that. It’s thanks to you that I’m the pony I always wanted to be… and that’s not something I’ll ever forget.”

Snickers leaned forward to nuzzle Diamond while tears began to run down his cheeks. Both fillies cooed sweetly. “You don’t have to cry, my mighty stallion,” Silver Spoon said, “you have us, and we’ll never leave you alone. You can come with us to go shopping, and we won’t put on anything sexy, this time.”

Snickers snorted a little in good humor. “That was a lot to take in, you know.”

Diamond looked at Silver, pointedly. “I told you those under the tail accessories were too much.”

Silver giggled. “But, now we know they work on our alpha stallion. And, who knows; maybe we can buy them and save them for a special night next year…”

There was a commotion outside in the foyer. Guards shouted, stomped their hooves, and then went silent. Oregano rushed into Snickers’s room and slid to a stop by the bed, standing facing the door while Basil stopped inside the doorway and slammed the door, facing it once it was closed. Both butlers had their defenses up and stood ready for attacks from either direction.

Basil commanded, “Master Snickers, stay on the bed and don’t move. Your friends should do the same.”

“Brother, watch the windows, too. Foals, there’s an intruder in the apartment and we can’t take any chances.”

Snickers chuckled. “I’m not worried, I have Laxxie. Laxxie,” Snickers said calmly, wiping his eyes and getting the attention of the timberpony, “protect.”

Laxxie’s eyes flashed yellow and she began to revert to a timberwolf, spiked wood replacing moss and carnivorous traits quickly replacing soft pony ones. While still in professional and protective training modes, both brother butler’s tails fell, curling slightly to protect their reproductive areas like frightened dogs.

Laxxie stood taller than every pony in the room, possibly taller than Celestia and a dozen times more intimidating as green sap dripped from her maw. Her growl made every pony, except Snickers, fight the innate desire to bolt for their lives. Laxxie looked at Snickers and licked her canines. “I keep Alpha safe,” she said in a growling and reverberating voice.

Snickers nodded. Just sit tight and wait. If anything bursts through the door, hold them down and snarl at them; no killing, and do your best to not hurt anypony.

“Yes, Alpha,” Laxxie said aloud and moved to the foot of the bed, sending the butler’s guarded stanced into disarray as they tried to determine what threat to watch for. They finally decided to watch the door and window, as they first had planned, and to try to ignore the timberwolf in the room.

Minutes passed, during which Diamond and Silver huddled close to Snickers, when a knock finally came from the door. “Coast is clear; we’re in control of the situation.”

Basil opened the door a crack while keeping his guard up, checking to see the guards. They were who they seemed to be, so he opened the door and stepped out, checking both ways before waving his brother over. Together they checked the hallway and nodded to one another. “It is safe, for the moment. Stay here and we’ll check ahead. You two, stand by this door. You, go stand guard in the room and watch the windows for anything suspicious.”

Each guard saluted and took their spot while the door was closed with magic. “We’ll return shortly with an update, don’t do anything without a guard present.”

The foals nodded while Laxxie growled quietly, sending the guards into a short panic. They knew of the timberpony/wolf, but it had never looked so imposing before.

Minutes passed again, and now the little herd had fallen into reading their own books, facing slightly away from one another, while both fillies had their tails wrapped around Snickers’.

A code was knocked through the door and the in room guard moved quickly to open it, showing Basil and Oregano. “Master Snickers, there is a pony here to see you.”

Snickers closed his book and got up, untangling his tail from his fillies just before leaving the bed, he glanced at Laxxie. “Down, girl. Go play cards.”

Laxxie quickly shrank to her timberpony form and gulped extra sap down her throat before licking and that dripped from her mouth off of the floor. “Okay, daddy. Have fun!”

Snickers hopped to the floor and went into the hall, followed the twins down the stairs, and to a filly being half surrounded by spear wielding guards. The filly waved and smiled with a weak, awkward grin. “Um, hi. I’m Watercress.”

Snickers looked the pony over and noticed she wasn’t one of the typical three tribes, but was instead one of the more elusive thestral tribe, bearing navy blue fur, leathery wings, and pink eyes. “You’re a thestral?” Snickers asked.

“And you’re really cute, but not my type,” she winked her right eye. “I’m just curious to meet the long lost son of Celestia! Oh, my, Luna! You’re real and you look like the picture I found,” Watercress chirped and her wings flared, gaining the readying of every spear aimed at her.

“Wow, chill, guys! She’s not some bad pony, just a curious filly. What’re you gonna tell your families if you skewer her?” Snickers asked the guards as he marched, alone, through the soldiers. Silver and Diamond were held back by Rosemary and Sage, their mouths surrounded by silencing magic.

Watercress’s fangs glinted in the sunlight from a second story window, and she bowed. “Prince Snickers, it’s an honor to finally meet you. I’m just curious about you, and was hoping you could answer some questions for my school paper?”

Several guards stepped back and relaxed their stances while others kept their weapons leveled.

Snickers glared at the stationary guards. “So, you guys think it’s cool to wanna stab a school filly? Real mature of you,” Snickers shook his head and moved to Watercress and extended a forehoof. “Hi, I’m… Aqu… Sni…” Snickers shook his head and lowered his hoof, without noticing. “Nice to meet you. But, next time a pony offers their hoof, you should shake it.”

Watercress nodded, then looked at the guards around her, who were finally relaxing. One of them tossed her her bags, “Here, your bags are clear. Next time, don’t sneak in using a snack trolly. In fact, never sneak in again, because we’ll catch you, then tell your mother about what you’ve done.”

Watercress let her ears fall. “I won’t, mister. Honest. I’m sorry and I won’t do it again.”

Her saddlebags were tossed across her rear without care and most of the guards returned to their stations, two audibly complaining about the report they’d have to make.

“So, Watercress… is that a normal name for a thestral?” Snickers asked.

Diamond and Silver reached his sides and looked down at the smaller filly. “What’s the big idea, trying to break into our room? You gonna try to get close to him, because he’s royal?” Diamond asked in an argumentative tone.

Silver nodded. “He’s ours, and the herd’s full. So don’t even try to get in on this… and who are you, anyway?”

Snickers raised a foreleg. “Hold up, fillies,” he announced and the two beside him went quiet, narrowed eyes focused on Watercress. “Look, she’s only here for a school report on me, probably for extra credit. She’s not getting between us, and already said so. She’s probably got something against earth ponies, right?” Snickers asked.

Watercress shrugged. “No, just not interested in mating right now. I’m waiting for estrus to hit to hide in a cave from everypony and suffer alone.”

Silver scoffed. “Suffer alone? Like, what are you saying?”

Watercress mockingly scoffed in reply. “Like, I’m trying to save myself for the right pony. Like, psh-ah-ya.”

Silver glared at the new filly and rolled her hoof around the end of her braid. “Snickers, let me at her… just one slap…”

Snickers sighed. “Look, it won’t fix anything but make you sore when you’re done fighting. And a sore filly can’t snuggle, can she?”

Silver slowed her braid twirling and blushed, nuzzling her head against Snickers’s neck. “No, she can’t.”

Diamond took a step forward and pointed at Watercress. “Look, if you’re just gonna be a bitch, you can fuck off!”

Several ponies gasped, including the little thestral. “You don’t gotta be a potty mouth… whoever you are.”

Snickers tugged Diamond back by her foreleg. “That’s a great idea, why don’t we introduce ourselves. “I’m Aquelis and this is Grey Steam and Pink Lace, my best friends. Mommy should be here soon to give us lunch, er… wow, it got late. Um, maybe lupper,” Snickers giggled into his hooves.

Watercress nodded. “Well, I’m Watercress, but you can call me Cress, because there’s enough water in the world, but not enough Cress. Pink Lace, Grey Steam, nice to meet you.” She offered them a hoof in greeting.

“Woah, wait a minute?! You’re Aquelis again?” Diamond shouted, getting the colt to back up and cover his ears. “No, I’m not playing that switch-a-roo game, you’re Snickers, got it?”

Snickers nodded. “Okay, Lacey, I can play house with you, but you don’t gotta be the mean mommy.”

Diamond growled and stomped her hoof on the floor. “Not again,” she sat and pouted. “Why’s he gotta go away now?”

Cress cleared her throat. “Um, what’s going on?”

Silver Spoon had moved to hug and console Snickers while Diamond answered, “I’m Diamond Tiara, she’s Silver Spoon, and he’s Snickers. He’s just been kinda weird since we got to the castle Maybe… we should go somewhere else for a while.”

Cress looked between the three and shook her head. “This is gonna get me a ‘A’, for sure. So, when can I ask you some questions, Snickers-Aquelis? Is that one name, or two? And how do you spell ‘Aquelis’? Is it with a ‘kw’?”

“Kilowatt,” Laxxie said from the top of the stairs.

“What the hay is that thing? Is it some kinda toy? What’s a ‘kill-watt’?” Cress asked.

Diamond pointed at the timberpony. “Laxxie, this is Cress. Cress, this is Laxxie; Laxxie is a timberpony-slash-wolf, and connected to Snickers… Snickers, only. No Aquelis… and we don’t know how to spell it, I don’t think. Silver, can you spell his made up name?”

“I can,” Snickers announced, “it’s my name, I should know how. A-q-u-e-l-l-i-s, Aquelis.”

Cress tossed her bags to the floor and nosed through one pocket to find her writing equipment. “Okay, can you spell that one more time?” She asked, clicking the pen with her tongue as she held the notepad on her hooves.

Snickers shook his head. “Spell what?”

There was a firm knock on the door and it opened, showing Princess Celestia. She entered the foyer and looked at the foals in the living area, one with two guards facing her, indicating a possible threat. Holding curiosity, Celestia stepped aside to show Rarity just behind her with a pink mare standing beside her, easily a ponylengh apart.

Snickers screamed in surprise and ran away from Diamond and Silver, past Cress, and skidded to a stop two lengths away from Rarity and Spoiled.

“Mommy! Mom… I…” his body moved side to side, his forelegs crossed over one another, and his attention was split between both mares. “Mommy?” He asked as his head began to feel like it was splitting in a dozen different spots.

His legs wobbling, Snickers’ eyes rolled up and he fell to his side amiss the sound of shocked mares shouting his name.

Meeting of the Moms, Part 3

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Two hours earlier

Rarity arrived at Canterlot Castle mere minutes after waving farewell to Spoiled Rich and, after making sure the enchantments had, indeed, kept her mane and tail in order, left the carriage, promptly meeting the regal Day Princess just outside the landing area. Several ponies were standing from their bows when Rarity bowed her head in respect to Celestia, who was flanked by four guards while a flight of pegasi took formation far above.

“It is an honor to meet you on such short notice, Your Majesty. How, may I ask, is my son?”

Celestia nodded to Rarity and then turned to walk down the airdock with the white mare beside her and slightly behind to her right, a position few could brag at being able to stand, much less walk, by their ruler.

Celestia, staying silent for a moment, began to worry Rarity, but as Rarity began to inhale to speak, Celestia spoke, “He is fine. He does need his mother, but that is the reason I called you here. Since we have a decent walk ahead of us, perhaps we can talk about other things; you know how gossip hangs on each word I say, after all.”

“Indeed, Your Highness. What would you like to discuss in the meantime, then?”

“I heard that you are considering opening a new boutique somewhere; would you care to tell me about it?”

Rarity beamed and pranced a step. “Certainly. I’m scouting locations across Equestria, in all the most fashionable and fashion forward cities. Manehattan, Baltimare, Las Pegasus; why, even Canterlot has caught my eye. Were it not for the exuberant costs associated with opening a location, staffing it, and creating a custom outfit for each pony, I’d have opened a new boutique somewhere by now.”

Celestia hummed. “Well, have you used your authority?”

“Authority? As a mare, I won’t hold my gender over a stallion for a better deal. Besides, most of them have a mare with them, to keep them on track. A simply flick of the tail would be more than enough to guarantee a location in most cities that have male landowners, it seems.” Rarity stopped and looked at the flowing ethereal tail that passed her and gulped. “Y-your Majesty, I apologize for being so blunt; please forgive me.”

Celestia chuckled and looked back, not stopping. “Come along, it seems you don’t know some things that come along with being a knight in my service.”

Rarity cantered to her place by Celestia again and nodded. “Yes, do tell. What are you speaking of? Authority?”

“Rarity, being a knight makes you a noble. Being a noble gives you land rights. Simply trade the land rights you have for the location you want in Canterlot, and it’s done… more or less. There’s still paperwork and contracts to go through, but a good representative of the law will help you with that, which will be covered by your annual budgeted per diem.”

“Wait, a per diem?” Rarity asked.

“Yes, I should have each of your friends brought up to date on this as well, it seems. You’re allotted a certain amount of coinage from the royal coffers, based on your noble rank, each day. It accrues through the year, and at the end of the year it rolls over into a bank account under your name.

“You’re a duchess, Lady Rarity, so you’d have one hundred bits per day, from the day you were knighted.”

Rarity gasped and stopped, a hoof covering her mouth as the numbers ran through her head. “That was… I have…”

“Hm, yes,” Celestia stopped and smiled at the mare accompanying her, “about five thousand bits in the Royal Canterlot Treasury. Haven’t you received a notice of your holdings?” Celestia asked, curiously.

“Wh- no! I haven’t, and it’s been this long? What in the wide realm of Equestria has been happening with the mail service, if this has been happening without my knowledge?”


“Derpy, have you finished your deliveries for the morning?” Fast Stamp asked the grey mare.

Derpy saluted and her eyes drifted. “Yessir, Mister Stamp. All done and ready for the next load.”

“Then take these letters and deliver them to Ponyville, we can’t keep falling behind.”

Derpy lowered her foreleg. “Can I have a muffin break?”

“You’re eating one right now, filly,” Stamp stated.

“A second one?”

Stamp shook his head. “No, finish up and get to work.”

Later, as Derpy was flying over Ponyville, she saw a mail slot on Rarity’s boutique and hovered by it, then fed the latest letter into it and backed away. “Gee, it sure is odd that Rarity has a mailbox on her roof, since she can’t fly. Oh, well…”

Derpy flew off, unaware of the broken shingle she’d been feeding mail into, collecting in the attic just over the showroom.


“Calm down, my little pony; at least you now know,” Celestia placated. “Now, let’s finish our walk to the castle in better spirits.”

Rarity nodded and moved to her place. Then, thinking of future business prospects, giggled at the possibilities. “Princess Celestia, thank you for letting me know. Had you not, I may not have found out for many more moons.”

“And your personal account would be that much richer. Would you like time to detour to the local bank?”

“No, darling. I don’t need any money right now; with the help of my friends, I’m much more budget oriented. I am not hurting for bits, thanks to Twilight. It turns out my generosity kept my sales high, only because I was charging at cost, plus twelve percent. I was breaking even, only having owned my land and boutique being in my favor.”

“Oh, my. It certainly is good to know you’ve received help. With those numbers, I don’t see how you could have stayed in business for much longer.”

“According to Twilight, seven months. Then, I’d have to close my doors or start using much cheaper materials. Granted, I’d have a house to live in, but a new job? Whatever would I do? Gem sales? The market isn’t large enough. I’d almost have to move to one of the cities I wanted to open a boutique in, just to become an associate in a dress shop.”

Rarity shuddered. “Imagine me, selling mass produced lines of clothing, made by foals and stallions from fringe towns, unable to care for themselves or find mares to care for them. The thought alone brings a tear to my eye.”

Celestia nodded once. “Indeed, that is a troubling thought; that colts and stallions have to work in mass production lines to service mares. It reminds me of that day we rarely speak of… the reason we nearly all died out.”

“Oh, my,” Rarity said breathily. “Snickers mentioned something of the sort at a spa day we shared. Are we slipping into that mentality again, without realizing it?”

Celestia frowned ever so slightly. “Now that you mention it, I fear that may be the case."

Rarity was quiet until they reached the boardwalk and passed by dozens of ponies that bowed to Celestia. Market sellers shouted as she passed their wares, slightly happier and with more energy after being blessed with the rare chance to see the princess in person, unaware of the growing worry and turmoil beneath their ruler’s regal and pleasant facade.

The two mares reached the castle through service elevators and back passages that only servants or guards used, twice coming across a male guard successfully convincing a mare or two to a casual date. One guard didn’t notice the royal mare until the one he was flirting with bowed.

“...janitor’s closet right now and show you why they call me… you know, most mares face the other way before bowing to me.”

“I believe she is bowing for me, corporal.” Celestia said in a slightly amused tone.

The guard snapped to attention and turned as quickly as he could, saluting. “Ma’am, yes, ma’am.”

Being a guard, he didn’t need to bow, but he still had to show deference to his Commander in Chief. Celestia tittered. “As you were, both of you. You have my blessing to have your fun, just clean up when you’re done.”

The maid blushed while the stallion couldn’t repress a grin. With the princess’ approval and essential permission, the mare stepped past the stallion, brushing her tail by his muzzle. He stumbled after her with a now cheesy grin. “Th-thank you, Princess Celestia.”

Rarity giggled behind a hoof. When the couple quickly passed them, she turned to look up at Celestia, “I hope the best for them, even if it is only a trist in a closet.”

Celestia leaned down to speak softly, her eyes watching the hurried pair turn a corner. “I make sure to have step stools in each closet, for a mare to have something to lean on, if needed. Or, a stallion, as the case may be.”

They shared a warm smile and began walking again. “Rarity, walk by me. You’re a guest, and a noble, and a knight in my employ; you should walk as such.” Rarity slowed and a grin broke onto her muzzle. “Come along, now. We should have tea before we meet the foal. I have some things to cover with you.”

“So, you believe my Snickers is sharing host to your son, Aquelis? And he is now unsure of who he is?”

Celestia set her empty teacup onto its saucer, the clink it made being the only sound in the room for two seconds before and after. “Yes, simply put. It’s one body, two minds. I’ve seen it before, long ago, but never would I have thought that it would happen to my son. I apologize; our son.”

“Snickers is many things, but a liar is not one of them. Have you asked him about any of this... shared body... issue?”

Celestia shook her head. “No, my only comment was… to offer him therapy,” she said and looked away, abashed. If Rarity had had any paper, she would have rolled it and smacked the ruler of the land on her head. “I know, it was a bad tactic…” Celestia paused and glanced at the frowning mare across from her, “but it was all I could think of at the time.

“I have spoken with the Harmony Sisters, they weren’t very forthcoming,” Celestia admitted. “But, they do know they share a single body, even though they don’t know how it came to pass.”

“And, what of the previous ponies that had this happen to them? Were you able to assist them with their problem?”

Celestia looked at her teacup and refilled it. “No, what happened was the minds clashed for dominance until only part of them remained, creating a new pony.”

Rarity shot to her hooves. “Are you suggesting that my son will be mentally damaged?!” Her horn glowed as thoughts of throwing sugar cubes at Celestia until she was crushed under the weight of a star’s worth of gravity crossed her mind.

Celestia blew on her tea and smelled the aroma. “No, neither of our colts will have that problem.”

Rarity sighed in relief as she cancelled her spell. “What a relief! I was worried, Your Highness, that we’d both lose our child. What will happen then?”

Celestia sipped her tea. “Either I create a new body for one of our children to inhabit, or we let them work it out between one another. The stallion this happened to was aggressive, as was the stallion within him. These are two foals, both are dear to us, and both are ready to live their lives as they see fit.

“I can have my darling Aquelis back to rule in my stead, should I leave the lands for a diplomatic reason, and you can have your son back, to do with as a loving mother should. I should point out,” Celestia said with a quiet chuckle, “that he has made a change you will find most appropriate.

“Your son has your sense of style, it seems.”

Rarity flounced her mane. “Well, with only two months with him in my life, I have spent a fair amount of time teaching him the fine art of flair. I do have one question, though, Your Highness.”

“Please, call me Celestia in private. Let’s not stand on formalities in one another’s company.”

Rarity bowed her head. “I shall do my best. Now, then; you mention the Sisters, I was wondering if they’re related to the Brothers that continually harass my little prince.”

Celestia blinked at Rarity. “I suppose they can take whatever form they wish. For me, they have always been mares. Perhaps they are stallions for Snickers and my darling Aquelis.” Celestia stood up and motioned to the doorway from her study. “Shall we, then?”

“I was hoping you’d offer,” Rarity said with a little curtsey. “I don’t know the way, so after you, Celestia.” Rarity tittered at the privilege she was being given.

Celestia took the lead and led them down and through several hallways, passing a very grumpy gryphon tom, stomping and scratching his talons on the floor as he mumbled something under his breath.

Celestia gave him a little more space while Rarity fought the urge to change sides on Celestia. Once they were clear, Celestia spoke. “That was Gus, older brother to Gil and Gul. Gul has been very busy socializing, I presume, since I haven’t seen her for the past day, while Gus has been a bit stressed.”

“What of Gil?”

Celestia smiled. “Ah, she’s been staying in the guard’s quarters, training and preparing for her future in the gryphon military.”

“Don’t they have a forced conscription, or so I’ve heard?” Rarity asked.

Celestia shook her head slightly. “No, that only happens in times of war. Oftentimes, the gryphons hunt in packs of seven or less with a strong military trained leader leading them. It seems like training for military purposes, and I suppose it could be seen that way, but they’re only teaching their young to hunt for themselves.”

“Ahem,” a mare cleared her throat and made Rarity’s mane bristle. “I’m glad I caught up with you, Rarity,” Spoiled stated. She half bowed to Celestia and stood again. “After you left so rudely back in Ponyville, I took the train, alone,” she pointedly looked at Rarity while her ears twitched toward Celestia.

“Rarity, would you like to introduce your acquaintance to me?” Celestia asked as she moved to stand beside Rarity.

“I was just about to do just that, Princess Celestia. Spoiled Milk--”

Spoiled clarified quickly. “Rich, Rarity.”

Rarity rolled her eyes and Spoiled frowned a little more. “Yes, you certainly are. Spoiled Rich, this is the sovereign diarch ruler of the land, Princess Celestia.”

“Charmed to meet Your Highness,” Spoiled said and moved within a step of Celestia, ready to kiss her gilded hoof.

Celestia, though, could tell Rarity didn’t like this mare; and she was inclined to agree. “What brings you to me, my little pony?”

“It seems as though my daughter is cavorting with common ponies. Ponies that are not only blank flanks, but bad influences on her; having her run away from home without telling her mother where she’s gone. She apparently told her father, for what little good that did. Lout didn’t even tell me until I asked about her whereabouts.”

Rarity furrowed her brows. “And when did you ask, by chance?”

“Last evening, about when we spoke, darling.” Spoiled made a point to mock Rarity.

Celestia’s mask didn’t falter, but inwardly she held strong distaste for the mare before her. “I see. And it has been four days now that the foals have been here. Why did it take you so long to seek the whereabouts of your daughter?”

Spoiled looked flustered for the first time. “W-well, a rich pony such as myself has a lot of engagements to attend and soirees to plan with other well off ponies. I can’t be atop my family at all hours of the day and night.”

“And when,” Celestia asked, lifting her head to appear even taller and more imposing, “do you check in on your family, between these engagements? Surely you sleep with your husband.”

“Why, of course, Your Highness. I’m not some tail lifting ragamuffin. I’m a very rich pony, and I can’t put my husband’s company in jeopardy over another stallion or mare’s desire for me.”

Celestia nodded. “Yes, that makes sense. However, I am a little concerned about your description of the foals around your daughter. I have an idea of who they are, and I am about to meet them. Perhaps you should accompany us, since your daughter is most likely with the colt we are looking for.”

Spoiled nodded, a bead of sweat wettening her fur as it traveled down the side of her head from the stress of the moment. “Certainly. Lead the way and I’ll stay in my place.”

Rarity smirked. “Indeed you shall. As will I,” she said flippantly and moved to stand shoulder by shoulder with Celestia. Spoiled’s eyes widened as both mares turned to face the door to the apartment they were going towards.

“Ah, here we are; the herbal apartment wing.”

“Herbal?” Rarity asked.

“Ah, yes. Each wing is known for a certain theme. These are herbal, so each pony working in them has a name related to an herb or spice. There’s also a geological wing, fabric wing, and a lesser used physical wing.”

Rarity smirked. “Physical? Certainly you don’t mean to imply…”

Celestia giggled. “No, it’s used for more physical creatures. Minotaurs, for example. There are other races that are large and focus on physical attributes, so that wing is reinforced and most breakable objects are much more easily replaced. Two minotaurs having a sparring match can decimate a room, after all. Why they won’t use the offered fighting rings in each apartment is a true conundrum.”

Both mares noticed the lack of guards at the door and Celestia halted. “Something is amiss. Stay close and don’t wander off.”

Rarity moved close enough to bump her withers into Celestia’s underbelly, then she blushed and stepped away from the alicorn a quarter pace. “I apologize for touching you, Princess Celestia--”

“It is perfectly fine. I’m going to knock and we’ll see what happens. If anypony is attempting to harm my little Aquelis…” The air around Celestia’s body warmed noticeably and Rarity took another half step away. The alicorn brought her golden hoof up and brought it casually onto the door, sensing for alarm enchantments that may have been broken.

A moment passed before the door opened and Celestia’s attention was focused on her foal, standing by a thestral filly, in the center of the living area. She noted some of the guards looked to be on edge, but stepped closer to her son, by instinct to protect him from a spear wielding guard.

Snickers looked up and saw Celestia, then Rarity as she stepped from behind the ruler. Both mares watched with growing excitement as their foal rushed to them, called their names, then to their horror, fainted.

”Aquelis!” Celestia shouted.

“Snickers!” Five ponies shouted and rushed towards the sleeping colt.

Celestia stood over him, her horn glowing. “My darling son, my dearest Aquelis… don’t leave me again.”

Spoiled was looking at her daughter, who was torn between submitting to her mother, or rushing to her herd stallion. That is, until Spoiled heard Celestia speak. Her blood ran cold as she looked at the colt with ponies surrounding him, the very princess herself watching him with bated breath.

It seems as though my daughter is cavorting with common ponies. Ponies that are not only blank flanks, but bad influences on her… Spoiled gulped and sidestepped from the princess and Rarity, remembering what she’d said about Snickers and the harm it could have on her social standing.

Spoiled blinked and gasped, looking between Celestia and Snickers. “The princess has a secret son?” She whispered to herself.

Snickers stood in a colorless void of white with a colt exactly like him, save for the mane and tail style. He looked at the colt with curiosity. “Who are you?” Snickers asked.

“I t’was about to ask the same, kind gentlecolt,” Aquelis bowed slightly.

“I… think I’m you. Or, you’re me?”

“Your name, sir?” Aquelis asked, again.

“Snickers, nice to meet you,” he extended a hoof that Aquelis stared blankly at.

“Should I be expected to kiss your hoof, or shake it? Both are below what uncle says is of my noble standing.”

“Okay,” Snickers set his hoof down and tapped the ground, hearing the sound of water when he did. “Are you me?”

Aquelis shrugged. “My name is Aquelis, son of Her Royal Highness, Princess Celetia. Other than that, I am not sure of much, Mister Snickers. Only that I have been in this place for many a day. I feel no hunger or thirst, yet I long for mother’s milk and, perhaps, some teacakes.”

“Your mother’s… milk? How old are you?” Snickers asked.

“I understand, kind sir, that it is uncommon; yet my mother, the princess of the land, cherished me with all she had. Had I not a pain in my chest and awoken here, I would suckle from her teat to this day, should she allow it. Weaned properly, there is something of a mother’s milk that invigorates a pony, even after sneaking it to me for years after.

“I should hope you recall your own mother’s teat, as the connection one creates while savoring is truly as divine as Mother, herself.”

Snickers had adopted a gross face. “You… really like your mom’s teat. Like, a lot, don’t you?”

Aquelis sighed. “It was common for a doting mother to feed her foal, I thought. The way you speak is oddly accented. Are you, by chance, from the fringes? The township of Manehattan or the burg of Baltimare?”

Snickers shook his head. “Dude, those are cities. Like, big cities. I read that they’re two-hundred and fifty thousand strong, and growing.”

Aquelis cocked his head. “You can read? You do not seem to have the trappings of nobility. Perhaps the child of a squire or as a trade? You are yet unmarked, so the options are limited.”

“No, almost everypony can read. It’s taught in schools and everything. Not everypony cares to read, though. So, some places still use signs to tell what the place is, because, ya know.”

“No, I do not. That is why I asked. Why do you speak in such common words when you can read and expand your knowledge to boundless heights. The tomes available to you must be quite grand for you to have such refinement in your speech.”

Snickers sighed. “That would be my mother’s accent, darling. I’ve picked it up over the months. The more I like her, the more I talk like her, it would seem. Plus, my mane style has a curl just like hers, see?” Snickers said, pointing to the ends of his mane and the upcurl it sported.

“Quite nice, friend. It is acceptable I call you friend, is it not?”

“Sure,” Snickers answered, “whatever floats your boat.”

“I see no water on which to sail, yet I have never been, so it would be quite nice to experience. Pray thee answer, what brings you to my void?”

Snickers shrugged. “I’unno. Magic?”

Aquelis sighed. “The answer of the dull witted and exasperated parent, indeed. Pray thee tell, then, from whence to you hail?”

“Whence? Like, where? Ponyville, I guess.”

Aquelis sighed louder, growing frustrated. He spoke slower for his reiteration. “When do you come from?” He asked in a more casual tone, belying the refined speech he had had a moment before.

“Uh, right now? I guess 2214, summertime, if that’s what you’re asking.”

Aquelis sat down and shook his head. “No, you fib and lie! I have not been here for two hundred years; merely a fortnight, or so!” Snickers moved closer to Aquelis, only to stop. “Stay back, deceiver! You are some conjuration, sent to befuddle me from learning of where I am and how to return home.”

Snickers stepped back. “No, I wanna get outta here, too. I was talking to mom when I appeared here, suddenly.”

Aquelis stared ahead and smirked. “I… recall seeing my mother in my mind’s eye. As well as two of my friends; in a room several hours ago. A white mare, just as mother, stood beside her and a pink mare with,” he giggled, “the silliest muzzle ever, too.”

“That was mom, and Celestia, and Diamond’s mom… Sour Milk, or something.”

Aquelis nodded. “She seems the sort. Whom is Diamond?”

“My herdmare, did you have a herd when you were out there?”

Shaking his head, Aquelis stuck out his tongue. “Meadows forbid; fillies are nothing but sweet scents and teasing tails. Always asking me to mount them like uncouth animals, they carry diseases such as cooties and syphilis. I’ll have no part in their games, nor succumb to their wiles.”

Snickers snickered. “Wow, you really don’t like girls, do you?”

“Certainly not! Mother tried to have me herd with my friends, but they are just that, and only will be forever; friends. Anyway, on to more favorable topics. You say out there like it’s a new world, is that from where I come?”

Snickers nodded. “Sure, I guess that makes sense. I mean, you saw my apartment that I’m staying in, you saw mom and Sour Milk. It’s only logical that you live out there… but, where’s your body?”

Aquelis and Snickers shared a look and took each other’s forms in. “Oh,” they both said.

“So, are we to take turns in my body, or yours?”

Snickers gulped and looked around the void. “I don’t know about you, but chillin’ in a place that doesn’t even have shadows would make me go crazy. How about you take a back seat and let me drive?”

“If you believe, for more than a thought, that I’d let a commoner with fine upbringing ‘drive’ my body like an automaton, then you aren’t as fine a gentlecolt as I had thought. Why, t’were it up to me, you’d not share my body at all.”

Aquelis stood up and stomped to Snickers, his hooves making the sound of rippling water with each heavy step. Snickers stood his ground, a passive expression contending with the one Aquelis wore, of growing frustration.

“Do you know who Harmony is?” Snickers asked, before his counterpart could get within sniffing distance.

Aquelis stopped as though he ran into a wall, but his expression didn’t change. “No, maybe… I don’t see what matter it is to this confrontation we are having.”

Snickers looked around the void and gestured with his foreleg. “C’mon, don’t you see? It’s a perfect setup to some lame fight; the void, two ponies wanting to control the same body, ready to fight over control from within. Ell, buddy,” Snickers said slyly, adopting a nickname for the prince, “you saw our moms a little bit ago for the first time in two hundred years.

“I really think it’s too convenient for chance. Wanna know what I think?” Snickers asked the confused colt opposite him, “I think there’s a way for us to share the body, by just merging our minds.

“Why, with my smarts and your naturally being a pony, think of what we could accomplish!”

Aquelis clicked his tongue. “First of all, I am not ‘Ell’, the proper shortening of my name is Aquel. Second, I do not even know of your lineage, much less your intentions within my, potentially our, body. Lastly, how would we merge, yet remain ourselves? I would detest losing four years of my life as Mother’s colt, only to have it replaced with memories of rolling in mud puddles and cow pies.”

Snickers sighed quietly. “Look, we haven’t shared any memories, yet. Maybe I can just,” he moved his foreleg several times in the air with different motions. “Darn, I thought that would work. What? In movies, a person throws their arm out and creates screens of their past.”

Aquelis cocked his head and looked over Snickers’s back. “You mean as such?”

Snickers turned around to see a hovering image of himself from a moment before. “Yeah, only with more history. Like, how about the real me?”

“Real you? Are you saying this form isn’t… oh, my,” Aquelis said, looking at a new screen that had appeared near the previous one. Dozens of still images began appearing behind Snickers, from his time as a human from birth to his time as a pony until the moment he passed out. “That creature? What is it?”

Snickers looked back and smiled. “That was me… only I’m naked and in the shower… holy shit, it is big.”

Aquelis moved to stand beside Snickers and both their eyes were attracted to the same part of the naked human’s anatomy. “Is there a reason it’s out… and so low?”

Snickers blushed and waved his forehooves at his image, shoving it aside to show one of his human self grabbing the appendage. “Fuck! No, stop…” the image vanished and Snickers sighed in relief. “That was close.”

Aquelis sneered. “So, you watched other creatures touch themselves in the shower, did you? I’ll not befriend such a perverted creature, much less share my mind with one.”

Snickers waved his hoof at where the image was. “That was me, limp-dick!”

Aquelis eeped and looked under himself, then frowned at Snickers. “Fibber, it’s not even out!”

Snickers rubbed his temple with his forehoof. “Wow, I gotta remember I’m talking to a kid, here.”

Aquelis gasped with a hoof to his chest, in surprise. “Sir, I am many things, but a goat is not one of them! Take it back, or… I’ll throttle you!”

Snickers pressed into his head a little harder. “I didn’t mean goat, I meant child. A kid means child, not just goat. Sheesh, you’re four and don’t know that?”

“I’m five, you… limp-noodle brain.”

Snickers looked his counterpart over. “You said four.”

“I’m four, almost five, just like you!”

Snickers blinked, then did it again. “Five, almost six… I know how old I am, right?”

Aquelis groaned. “How am I supposed to know?”

“I didn’t ask you, shit-ball!” Snickers snapped.

Aquelis gasped louder than he ever had. “You called me a bad word! I’m tellin’ mommy when I see her, and you’ll be on no desserts for a whole week! And you’ll be grounded, too.” As he began stomping in place, venting his frustration, Snickers watched.

Snickers waited and finally facehoofed. “I wonder what’s happening outside this waking nightmare.”

“Quickly, take him to his room. I’ll have a medical team here to care for him in a minute.” Rosemary ordered and every staff member complied with haste. Celestia picked him up and flew to the upper floor landing and into his room, where she landed by his bed and lay him gently onto the covers.

Rosemary teleported into the room and rushed to Snickers’s side while guards posted by the doors and three at the balcony window. Ponies rushed about, clearing the area with reckless abandon, save for the small alchemy setup Kiwe had been using and the trunks at the foot of the bed.

Rarity rushed into the room several seconds after Celestia had taken a seat, Both mares sat side by side, watching their sleeping son and holding back worried tears.

Spoiled Rich had taken a hold of Diamond Tiara and held her in place. “Diamond Tiara, you’re returning home with me at once. I don’t know how you managed to gain the favor of that colt, but you’re not going to court a royal without proper attire or-”

“Get the fuck off me, mom! I need him, I need to make sure he’s okay!” Diamond shouted and pulled against her much stronger mother’s grip.

“Nonsense, young lady. You may have your father tricked into allowing you to be with some ruffian, but until I hear otherwise, that colt is still bad news. That reflects on you as a Rich family member, and we can’t have that!”

Silver Spoon ran to Diamond’s side and pulled with her friend against Spoiled’s fetlock. “Let her go, you meanie! I won’t let you break us up!”

“Shut your mouth, you little tramp,” Spoiled hissed. “It’s all your fault that my daughter isn’t touring the pageants this season. You had to side with that worthless blank flank and his herd of little whores; you lifted your tail the moment you saw him. Diamond told me the truth about you.”

Silver’s glasses were knocked askew on her muzzle, but she glared past them. “I know that’s not true. And even if it was, she’s a different pony now, and she’s a better pony without you!”

“Mommy, you’re hurting me! Help, help! I’m being attacked,” Diamond began to scream. Spoiled had balanced on her hind legs and was raising her free foreleg up to spank her daughter, when the mare was tackled to the floor.
Cress stood over Spoiled, sneering with her fangs bared and wings open, nearly covering the mare with her wingspan. “Don’t hurt fillies,” Cress literally hissed.

Spoiled scrambled back and got to her hooves. “You can’t stop me from taking my daughter home, you freak of ponykind! I’ll--”

Spoiled went silent as the room’s light flickered and, with a resounding ‘whump’, Luna landed between Cress and Spoiled. “You’ll do what to mine Child of the Night, wench?”

Spoiled sputtered and stammered in anger. “A wench? Your highness, this is a matter between--”

“Between an adult and three foals! Leave this castle at once and do not return as long as these foals are here, or I’ll have you remanded to the dungeons, an hour for each word you speak against my guards and their families.”

Spoiled grit her teeth, then inhaled and stood as a pompous noble would. “Very well. I only request that my daughter be given to me, so that I may take her home to see her father, who misses her dearly.”

Luna glanced back at the two filly friends, then at the thestral behind her. “No, they shall stay, as I said. You, on the other hoof, for challenging my authority, will have to be escorted to a holding cell to await further judgement.”

Spoiled blanched and she stepped back. Diamond ran up to the Princess of the Night. “No, Princess, please! She’s mean, but she’s still my mother. If you send her to the dungeons, it’ll make her really sad and mad, and princesses aren’t supposed to do that.”

Luna sighed and shook her head. “Very well. Know this… what is your name?” Luna asked.

“Spoiled Rich, of the Ponyville Rich’s.”

“Know this, Spoiled Rich of Ponyville, that your daughter saved you from the dungeons, and my verdict between innocence and guilt. Had I--”

The room door opened and a harried Prince Blueblood stood in the doorway. “I heard there was a break-in and Snickers was in danger… Auntie Luna, please, tell me he’s okay.”

Luna narrowed her eyes at Spoiled, then turned to address her nephew, letting Spoiled exhale a stressed breath. “Prince Blueblood, Snickers was not injured during the event. He has not yet been seen by me, but I believe he fainted from the stress of it all.”

Blueblood trotted into the room and past Luna. “I’ll check on him. He’s not to be troubled by most, and I would hate for Auntie Celestia to find him like this.”

Luna was about to say Celestia was already there, but chose not to. A little surprise would do him good.

Meeting of the Moms, Part 4

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Snickers sat at a table across from Aquelis. The void had turned a shade of pink during their time together, over untold minutes, or hours. At first they had wondered about the table, but now sat and stared at one another through silence.

“So, friend Snickers, what shall we do?” Aquelis asked.

Snickers didn’t blink. “I dunno, but you gotta blink sometime.” Both colts smirked and strained their eyes, stinging dancing around their exposed orbs as they held the contest. Snickers gasped, suddenly aware of something. “Wait!” He blinked and looked around.

“Ha! I have won this round, a point to me.”

“No,” Snickers said, standing and looking around. “My eyes hurt.”

Aquelis rubbed his own. “Yes, as do mine. Your point?”

Snickers sighed. “Forgot, you’re just a kid.”

“I am not a goat!” Aquelis shrilly screamed.

Snickers glanced back at the scowling colt. “I already told you that ‘kid’ means child, foal, and youth now.”

Aquelis added a glare to his expression. “I, don’t, care. I’m not a little goat,” he pouted and looked away, crossing his forelegs at the table.

“My point, small version of an adult pony,” Snickers said, mockingly, “is that our eyes shouldn’t hurt without air. We’re supposed to be someplace magical, or <metaphysical>, so there’s no way our body should actually feel anything.”

“I don’t know what that word you said was, but if my eyes hurt, it’s only because of the game we played. Which, might I remind, that I won.” Aquelis humphed.

“Hey, fuck faces?! Are you keeping my buddy, Ell here? Did you lock me up with him for some new game?” Snickers shouted into the pink and white void. “Great, no answer. Harmony?! Get your ass here, now!”

“Why would a spirit have a donkey?”

“Not now, you dumb colt!” Snickers shouted at Aquelis. Aquelis went back to brooding while Snickers stomped his forehoof. “What about Discordance? Order? Hello?!”

There wasn’t even an echo in reply. “Well, have you finished calling your imaginary friends to join us, or shall I join in?”

Snickers lowered his head. “I just thought I’d had a good idea. I mean, it makes sense; ghosts don’t feel pain. Maybe it’s something psychosomatic.”

“You mean creating fire?”

Snickers whined to where the sky would be. “Why?” He asked, then cocked his head as he noticed something. “What’s that?”

Aquelis, glad to have something else to do than be petulant, followed Snickers’s gaze. “I see nothing amiss, other than the change of color from white to pink and white.”

“No, there’s something there, just above me. Come over and look, you’ll see it.”

Both colts sat side by side, finally having noticed something different. “What is it?” Aquelis asked.

“How should I know? It looks like a dot, but it’s getting bigger. Maybe something’s falling at us?” Snickers suggested.

Aquelis scooted a little farther from Snickers. “If that’s the case, I’d prefer it be only you. I’d get my body back, if that were the case.”

Snickers looked at his counterpart. “You know, there’s gotta be a way for us to share, right?”

“No, there is not a way. It is my body, so I shall do with it as I please. You may be squashed like a bug under hoof, and I shall remember you fondly.”

Snickers grit his teeth. “You know, you’re not exactly in a good place to argue anything. You wanna make something of all this, I’ll show you what I can do.”

Aquelis stood on all fours and lowered his head. “You wish to test my strength?”

Snickers nodded and hopped to stand on his hind legs. “Yeah,” he said, then toppled back and landed with the sound of water splashing around them. He rolled to his hooves and reared up again, barely able to maintain balance for more than a few seconds before he landed on all fours.

“What, in mother’s name, are you doing?” Aquelis asked.

Snickers stopped trying to stand and copied Aquelis’ stance. “Getting ready to kick your ass!”

“I don’t have any donkeys as servants, you fool!”

Snickers bellowed as he charged while Aquelis did the same. They met head to head, and bounced back from one another before rearing up and striking at one another until they had to land and hop back to get their balance. They reared up, both swinging their left foreleg toward the other, managing a tandem slap.

Both colts landed on their forelegs and felt the pain blossom in their cheeks. Their eyes watered, they sniffled, then started crying at the same time. Weakly, they both rushed back into fight, but being so close, they couldn’t manage any hits and ended up hugging as they cried with one another.

“I don’t wish to be here for another moment,” Aquelis blubbered.

Snickers nodded, hugging tighter to his friend. “I wanna see my mom. I want her to brush my mane and tell me I’m her little prince.”

“I wish to hug my mother and tell her how much I love her.”

“I want Rarity to sing to me again. Just a bedtime lullaby, anything.”

“I want mommy to nuzzle me and nudge me out from under her to go play.”

They both leaned back and looked at one another long enough to stop crying, then wailed, “I want my mommy!”

Dozens of windows opened around them both, showing memories they cherished. They looked at what they could see, and Snickers felt his heart grow heavy at seeing so many more memories filling the space in front of him of Aquelis and Celesita. He knew that he didn’t have as many with Rarity, and what he did have were mostly tainted with his early attitude.

He sighed deeply and let Aquelis go. “You’re right. It’s your body, and I have no right to it… can we, maybe, let me say goodbye to my mom before you take over?”

Aquelis held Snickers tighter and kept crying.

“Hey, it’s okay, Ell, just… tell Rarity that I love her, okay? I’ll stop fighting, I know when I’m beaten.” Aquelis shivered and buried his eyes in Snickers’s neck. “What’s wrong with you?” Snickers asked, then looked over his shoulder and his blood went cold.

Four men he remembered were forcing him down and holding him in place while a fifth walked behind him. “No, don’t look!” Snickers shouted and tried to move Aquelis, only to find the colt wouldn’t budge. The image changed to show a woman as skinny as a person could be, offering animal food from a jar to the window.

“Mother? My human mother... I had forgotten that time,” Snickers said quietly. “We were between owners, when I was young, and were hiding in an old ship.” Another window moved past and Snickers noticed Aquelis was moving through his memories with a wave of his foreleg.

The younger colt wasn’t crying as loudly, but was still holding Snickers in place. “You were really this other creature? A hoo-nym?”

Snickers nodded. “Yeah, it was a pretty bad life, but it was mine.”

As windows were passed, Snickers stopped looking back and just hugged Aquelis again, knowing there were very few good moments to remember. He scoured his own memory, but found very few thoughts worth noting as being good enough to brag about, or even mention.

“Oh, my…” Aquelis whispered. Snickers looked back and blushed at being reminded of the first woman he chose to be with. “Is that what a mare looks like for you?”

“Yeah, she was one of the good ones.”

“What is wrong with her teats? Is she with foal… is it yours?”

Snickers snerked. “No, that’s how almost all human mares look. You know, there’s some differences that you just don’t see between two legged and four or more legged creatures.”

“Wait, you always walked on your hind legs?” Aquelis asked and finally let Snickers go.

“Yeah, it was just normal.”

“Oh, I didn’t think that you were always two legged. Was it weird, doing that?” Aquelis motioned to the image as it moved forward to show the beginning of a sexual experience. Snickers waved it away.

“Yes! Sheesh, no privacy, huh?”

“Well, that may be your choice, but mommy knows that I like colts more than fillies, but she loves me anyway… as long as I give her a foal, she says, I can be with whoever I want.”

After Aquelis had made his statement, images began flowing of the young colt having various sexual encounters with other colts, some fillies tried to join in, but the images seemed to stop before the fillies could do anything.

Snickers smirked and it turned into a smile. “So, you’re the reason I like cock, huh?”

“Now roosters?! Why do you have so many animals on your mind? You’re not… a lover of animals, are you?”

Snickers giggled and sniffled, wiping his eyes with his legs. “I won’t complain, since I am one,” he giggled again at the thought.

“You’re weird,” was all Aquelis could manage to say.

“Yeah, and you’re normal.”

“Um, thanks?”

“You’re welcome, now stop being so weird,” Snickers said, “and tell me what’s on your mind.”

Aquelis looked away and rubbed his foreleg. “You’re… older than I am. You’re also from a different world, and are from a different people. You’ve not had as fine a life as I… so I would like to offer you my body… but not all of it. I wish to share, if that’s alright.”

Snickers gulped. “Um, what brought this on? I thought it was gonna be a fight, or something. My face is still tingly from where you hit me over all this.”

Aquelis shrugged. “I only wished to see my mother, but over the time I’ve been here, I’ve been alone. Only over the last few hours, or so it seems, have I seen or felt mother. And only through your eyes, not my own. T’would be a travesty to take you from the life you’re making, with your herd of… fillies,” he made a silent retch. "I am a pony out of time, as it is. I t'would not fit in, I believe."

“You know, fillies are not that bad,” Snickers said in defense of his herd. “I’ve been a part of two herds and they all loved me very much, thank you.”

Aquelis nickered. “Well, you can take your sweet smells and syphilis with you and this body, I’ll take what I choose.”

“And what is it you choose?” Snickers asked, growing wary at the turn in conversation.

“Just to know mother’s love in my own ways, like when I was alive and with her.”

Snickers nodded. “Deal, just stay outta my sex life, and don’t mess with my brain and make me forget or mess stuff up, and we’ll have a great thing going.”

“I suppose this is it, then?” Aquelis asked, his eyes watering.

“No, you’re going to stay… but just as a passenger, I guess is the way I’d describe it. Maybe we can work out a schedule, or something, someday… somehow.”

Aquelis shook his head. “That is for our future,” he yawned and squeaked. “As for me… for the first time in so long, I feel as though I need a nap.”

Snickers moved to his counterpart’s side and helped him lay down. “Then get some sleep, and next time you wake up, we’ll talk then and I’ll tell you about what’s happened between then and now.”

Aquelis laid his head on his forelegs and yawned again. “‘Kay. I’ll see you soon, friend Snickers. I trust you will be well, as you are a survivor, and will treat our body with the most respect one can.”

Blueblood rushed into the room and skidded to a stop when he saw Celestia and Rarity by the bed, looking at the sleeping colt. He swiftly moved around the doctor that had been teleported in to gauge the situation, and climbed onto the bed to lay as close as he could. “Dearest Auntie, what’s happened? Please tell me it’s not poison or an assassin’s strike.”

Celestia shook her head, her eyes not moving from Snickers’s body. “No, he just… fainted.”

“He has done it in the past,” Rarity said, looking up and noticing the prince on the bed. “You?! What reason do you have to pester my son?”

“Pester?” Blueblood asked loudly, then flinched when the doctor shot him a glare. “I am his uncle, I have every right to watch over this colt’s safety while his mother is busy ruling the nation.”

Rarity balked. “I do not rule… oh,” she looked aside at the still alicorn, “I beg your forgiveness, Celestia.”

“Please,” Celestia whispered, “don’t leave me again. I… can’t. I’m not strong enough to lose you again.” Finally, for the first time in any of their lives, Celestia’s regal mask broke and the pain of losing her son tore through her. Her face scrunched and her eyes shed tears she’d held at bay for centuries.

Unsure of what to do, Rarity let her forelegs wrap around Celestia as best she could. “Celestia, he’ll be fine. Just wait and see, our little prince is the strongest colt, and he’ll awaken as though this never happened. Why, I’d wager that he’ll love us both, even.”

While meaning well, the mare’s words had little effect on the alicorn.

Meanwhile downstairs, Luna stood over Cress, who was still standing over Spoiled Rich. “Young one, stand down. I have matters of my own to deal with.”

Cress folded her wings to her sides and bowed, backing up with her head lowered in respect of the princess. “Yes, Your Highness. As you command, so shall it be.”

“Thank you, Your Majesty. I’ll take my daughter from these bad influences and be out of your mane, then.”

Luna watched the thestral foal until she backed out of sight and then focused her attention on the pink mare that was rolling back to her hooves.“Spoiled Rich, you are remanded to the dungeons for the remainder of my night, until tomorrow morning.”

Spoiled gasped, as did Diamond Tiara. “But, Princess, you said she’d be allowed to leave.”

“And yet, when told to remain silent, she still spoke. She not only shows no respect for royalty,” Luna stated while looking back at Diamond Tiara, “but she has commanded you, a marked young mare, about who you should be with. I watched as she struggled with you, after hearing you call for help.

“I watched her errant hoof strike your friend, Silver, and nearly break her spectacles. I listened from the hallway as she belittled my nephew and his herd. This mare is worth less than her name implies… or perhaps exactly what it means. It seems as though the rich fancy themselves nobles while nobles fancy themselves as rulers.

“Changes are coming, but for now; guards! Escort this disrespectful mare to the dungeons; let her cool off in the cold stone cells and drink water from a trough like the mongrel she is.”

Spoiled whined, lowered her head, and was quietly escorted from the room by three guards.

“Is… my mother going to be okay?” Diamond Tiara asked quietly.

Luna waited for the door to close, then turned to Diamond with a smile. “Surely, the dungeons aren’t as they once were. No longer are they dank and dark, but furnished with the trappings of finery as found in most common households. A sink, mirror, bed, and commode are common, as well as soft stone floors in a heated room.

“She will be transported and treated like a criminal, but never did I say she was to be punished unfairly, and the guards know this. I am firm, yet just. Your mother will be released tomorrow with the knowledge that she could have been in more trouble, had I wished it. She will be sent home, though, with or without you is your choice, not hers.”

Diamond looked between the door to the hallways, and then up to where Snickers rested and the quiet sound of crying could be heard. “I wanna stay with my stallion,” she said quietly.

Silver Spoon wrapped a foreleg over her friend’s back. “Me, too.”

“Very well. Now, you three wait here whilst I check on Snickers.”

Three foals bowed to Luna as the mare ascended the stairs. “So, what’s your deal, Cress?” Silver asked. “You’re not after Snickers, so are you really here for a school story?”

“Yeah, I go to Canterlot Elementary and I’m in fourth grade. I heard from my auntie that a colt was staying here and he might be a lost relative to Princess Celestia, so I just had to interview him for my school paper!”

“Wait, you heard what from who?” Silver Spoon asked Cress.

“Just that my auntie heard about Snickerdoodle, and he’s gonna be the subject of my next column.” Cress supplied as she fished a pencil and notepad from her saddlebags. “So, who are you and how do you know him? Are you in a herd? Have you decided your roles yet? You’re both marked, do you have jobs to support him?”

“Woah,” Diamond snapped, “you’re not getting the scoop on Snickers without going through me and Silver Spoon, got it?”

Luna stepped away from the foals as they talked and debated going upstairs, finally choosing not to. She recalled Snickers reacting to her poorly, since he could see through her illusion, and waking up to see her true self may terrify him. He’s already been through so much, I don’t want to add to his troubles, Luna determined and chose to sit back on a cushion and meditate.

“No, you can’t.”

“Yes, I can.”


“Why not? It’s a free country, as long as you’re in the right family,” Cress mumbled. “I can interview you if I want.”

Silver Spoon stepped between Diamond Tiara and Cress. “Girls, let’s agree to disagree, okay? Like, our stallion isn’t going to answer your questions while he’s up there and you’re down here. We won’t answer you without his permission. You can just sit and, like, I dunno, wait for whatever happens next, okay?”

Laxxie descended the stairs in her pony form and watched the fillies compromise, then her wood trembled. “Daddy is different.” She stated and moved out of the way before lying down and sighing. “I hope he’s still Daddy, and not Ell.”

Diamond left Cress and Silver to talk between themselves to see to Laxxie. “Laxxie, who’s Ell?”

“I don’t know, but Daddy is Ell, who is Daddy, too. I want to talk to them, but I can’t talk to them, only listen and see a little.”

Diamond whistled Silver over, Cress following. “Hey, Laxxie can see and hear Snickers!”

“Laxxie,” Silver Spoon asked, “where is he? Is he okay?”

“Yes, Daddy’s okay. He’s talking to his friend, Ell, in a white and pink room. Oh! The room is turning all the colors,” Laxxie announced and her twiggy ears perked. “Daddy’s waking up!”

“Aquelis, I hope you’re gonna be okay. I think I’m waking up now and…” There was a splash as whatever was falling finally landed, the sound marking its landing. Snickers looked back as Aquelis fell asleep. “What the hay is that thing?” He asked, looking at the statue of a Discord, frozen in fright.

The statue looked down and winked its eye before it flashed into a living being. “I’ll be seeing you soon, if all works out like I planned.”

“What the fuck are you supposed to--”

Snickers groaned and fluttered his eyes open, looking into the kind face of Blueblood. He smiled and sighed. “Hi, Dad. Er, Prince Blueblood.”

Rarity scoffed and sputtered. “D-dad?! Are you…” she went silent and collected herself, choosing to address the issue later. “My little prince, how do you feel?”

Celestia unwrapped Rarity and looked at Snickers. “I’m,” she sniffled and wiped her eyes, “curious as well. Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?”

Snickers rolled to his belly and looked at the mares, then blushed. “Mother, may I suckle your milk? Wait,” Snickers said quickly as all eyes in the room widened, “that was Aquelis, not me!”

Celestia pulled Snickers to her in a hug. “My little star, I knew you were in there. I am unable to help you in your request, but I can hire a chambermaid--”

“I’ll have no such thing! Forgive me, Your Highness, but having my son drink milk from a mare, at his age, is perverse.”

Celestia narrowed her eyes at Rarity. “You drink from a cow, how is a pony any different?”

Rarity went silent and many ponies in the room that weren’t medical staff began to back away from the confrontation. “Because, we pay them for their milk and use it for many things. Butter, for example.”

“And a pony’s milk can be used for the same!” Celestia retorted.

“Have you ever tried pony butter?! Baked with it? Tried it in your morning oats?” Rarity shouted back.

Celestia was silent, still hugging Snickers to her chest as she calmed down and took in what Rarity had said, and the logic it provided to her. “You make a good point; ponies aren’t the same as bovine, and our milk isn’t made for those things, in our diets. However, my little star won’t be left thirsty when he has needs.”

Snickers pushed his hooves into Celestia’s chest. “Don’t I get a say in this? I don’t want some tit in my mouth! I won’t suck milk from a pony or cow, either! I’m not a foal, I’m a big colt!”

Rarity nodded. “That you are, and you don’t need a chambermaid, you need your mother.”

Snickers nodded. “I want Rarity to be my mom, but you’re still my mommy, too, Celestia. Can you set me down so I can tell you what happened just now?” Snickers was set onto the bed and asked his most important question. “How long was I out this time?”

“Half an hour, at most,” Celestia answered.

“Okay, here’s what happened in that time…”

Meeting of the Moms, Part 5

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Celestia and Rarity sat, each holding one of Snickers’s forehooves while he finished his story, both mares reacting in their own way. Celestia was hurt and worried while Rarity was proud and happy.

“...and then I woke up. What the hell was that thing I saw? And, what’d it mean?”

Celestia rubbed Snickers’s foreleg. “My little star, that creature was Discord, and what he meant is uncertain. I have no intention of freeing him, not without great reason.”

“But, that doesn’t tell me what he is. Is he a bad guy, a good guy, a pizza delivery guy?” Snickers asked.

“I’ll explain to you, my little prince,” Rarity said, rubbing Snickers’s mane. “He’s a creature of chaos that only cares about making the world in his image; usually by creating comical changes to reality with his powers.”

Snickers smiled and lay his head down. “That sounds bad,” he said. His eyes fluttering from the attention he was getting.

Blueblood cleared his throat. “Auntie, might you properly introduce us?” He asked and gestured between himself and Rarity.

“Prince Blueblood, this is Rarity. Rarity, this is Prince Blueblood. Rarity is a seamstress from Ponyville and adopted my little star after he was found in the woods by a Filly Scout troop. Prince Blueblood is the second to last in his line, beside his twin sister, Pure Blood. They are from the royal bloodline of Princess Platinum, herself.”

Rarity nodded to the stallion, who smiled in return. “It is good to finally meet you, properly. Would you like to go for a walk and talk about our Gala experience and how I was out of line? After this, of course.”

Rarity didn’t reply, instead choosing to shrug slightly and refocus on her son. “Snickers, darling, are you feeling better? Do you need anything?”

Snickers lifted his head again. “Just for you both to stop making me feel so comfortable. I need to check on my herd and make sure they’re not too worried about me.”

Rarity placed a forehoof to her chest. “Oh, you’re such a darling. I say you should go check on them. They must be so worried about you, and you can introduce me to your new thestral friend, too.”

Snickers cocked his head, then realized who Rarity was talking about. “I don’t know her, she just showed up before you all got here. It’s really weird timing, when you think about it.”

Celestia hushed Snickers. “Don’t worry about that, it’s only coincidence.”

Snickers pulled his forehooves back from the mares and sat up, brushing his shirt and smoothing the sleeves. “Okay, but just let me check on them. I’ll be right back, if you need me.”

Celestia and Rarity shared a look. “No, you can go. If we need anything, we can check on you. For right now, I believe we must have a talk,” Rarity said, “between Celestia and I.”

Snickers noticed the staff had moved towards the door and met eyes with the palace doctor. “Hey, doc, cool if I leave?”

The mare stood professionally and nodded. “Yes, y-your highness, you may do as you wish. Please, check in if anything changes in your health, or you feel unwell in any way.”

Snickers grumbled about being outed as royalty as he walked out of the room. The staff left just as quickly as they’d arrived, startling Rarity as a dozen flashes of light heralded their leaving. “My goodness, that was unsettling. Um, may I be blunt, Celestia?” Rarity hesitantly asked.

“Of course, my little pony; I prefer it over what I usually deal with.”

Rarity cleared her throat and closed the door to the suite with her magic. “Are you fucking crazy?! How dare you confuse my little prince by offering him a wetnurse, by the way, not a chambermaid. How can a mare as marvelous as yourself even offer, in the company of others, nursing to a five year old at the cusp of adulthood?!”

Celesita’s eyes widened as Rarity shouted her issues, then held up a forehoof to forestall more of Rarity’s attack. “I apologize for what I said.”

Rarity waited, then balked. “That’s it? That’s all you have to say? You embarrassed him, me, and yourself by that act of spoiling, something I’d never imagined seeing, much less being a part of in my life,” Rarity began pacing. “I just don’t understand, what reason do you have to act in such a way?

“Snickers isn’t your Aquelis, it’s plainly clear. But, they do share some traits, it seems. It’s possible that they share a mind, or some of Aquelis’ memories are mixed with Snickers’ own…” Rarity stopped and stared at the floor in thought.

“May I speak now, Rarity?” Celestia asked. Rarity’s ears swiveled toward her, so she continued. “I was lost in the moment and when my little star was with me, I will be honest; I nursed him in secret for all his days and nights. I let him have my teat as a young stallion because it was something he loved, and I loved him.

“I wouldn’t have done anything to harm him, and at the time… I was a new mother for the first time in my life. The story isn’t important as to how, but when I finished birthing him and he was swaddled and passed to me, I saw more than a little colt; I saw the future of Equestria. I had the chance to step down and move on with a more normal life.

“I could have stayed with his father for the rest of his days and I would have been the loving mother to my little star,” she sniffled and the doll, Aries, appeared on the bed. Celestia lifted it to her and held it at her eye level. “I wanted grandfoals, and to be a mother to generations of my own; not the ‘aunt’ I’ve been called for over a thousand years.

“Then… his heart stopped, and in a way, so did mine. I was under so much stress; sun, moon, delegations, negotiations, forms, meetings, parades, walks through cities as they grew from villages or towns. The pain was so great I asked my consortium to take over the celestial mechanisms again.

“I was ready to retire and await my own death, to meet my son and allow my sister to return and rule in her own way. For a week, I did nothing but hide in my room and cry. The mages raised and lowered the sun with the help of an amulet I’d made ages ago, just in case I was unable to perform my duties for any reason.

“They used it, combined with their own magic, and learned the weight of the sun and moon as it rested on my withers. They begged, implored, and even had Aquelis’ father try to coax me from my room to at least eat.

“I would have none of it, until the ninth day when I awoke to this doll on my pillow. I didn’t know what had happened to it, as it was presumed lost in the gardens and stolen by some ungrateful servant. When I was done crying it was nearly noon, hours had passed, and I had to do more than mope at my loss.

“I had my little star’s doll, and even without it, I knew I’d always have him in my heart. I put on my mask, the mask I wear to this day, and left my room. I acted as though I’d only slept an evening and spent the next two days catching up with all my work I’d missed. I went back to my life.

“There was a point when this doll stopped being a source of hope and inspiration, though. That was when I had it placed in a sealed box and locked away with his other items, and I moved on. Or, so I thought. The moment I stepped into your boutique and saw him there, surrounded by others, I remembered the last time we’d seen one another.”

Rarity sniffled and listened intently to Celestia’s story, remembering every word to tell her friends about the soft side of the princess.

“The last time we played, the last time he drank from me, the last time I heard him laugh, and the last time I heard him tell me he loved me. He looks like Aquelis, smells like him, and even speaks like him… well, his voice is the same,” Celestia let a weak smile onto her muzzle that didn’t detract from the tears steadily running down her cheeks and down her neck. “If my little star swore as Snickers does, I’d have spanked him for the first time that night.”

Rarity’s horn sparked. “You wouldn’t dare to lay a hoof on him though, right?”

Celestia looked at Rarity and chuckled sweetly. “You care about him, and that is truly great. To answer your question; no, I’d never harm any foal, no matter what they did. I’d sooner cast a tyrant foal in stone for a century than harm a hair on their bodies.”

Rarity calmed down and exhaled. “Oh, thank you for saying that. I seem to be a very protective mother, and it comes out when my sister or son are threatened. Once,” she giggled, “I even nearly threw Twilight through a wall for accidentally breaking some spell Harmony had put on Snickers.”

Celestia smirked. “Yes, Twilight told me of that day and event. She was happy to find out that not only did her spell work, but you were willing to harm her to protect him.”

Rarity would have paled, if she could have. “Princess Celestia, I didn’t intentionally try to harm her, you must understand. It was an impulsive action and--”

Celestia laughed and Rarity gently bit her lip. “Oh, no harm was done and we all understand why. Also, Twilight always bragged about how her spell would keep her safe from bumping into objects around the castle. It was quite exciting for her to know it protected from being thrown through a wall, too.”

Rarity nervously giggled. “So, no harm done between us, then?”

Celestia smiled and opened her forelegs towards Rarity. Rarity smiled and moved in quickly to hug Celestia. “My little pony, I only have one last thing to say.”

“What might that be, Celest-heeee,” Rarity wheezed.

“Harm my little star’s body, or allow him to come to harm while he’s with you, and perhaps you’ll feel the weight of the sun upon your withers as well. Are we in agreement?”

Rarity’s horn flashed a brilliant blue and she appeared on the bed in a fighter’s stance. “And if you threaten me again, to take his mother away from him… I’ll see how well you take being thrown through a wall, hrm?”

Both mares exchanged a nod and quietly moved to the bedside. “Rarity, let’s put the past behind us and work for the betterment of Snickers, whether he has my Aquelis in him or not.”

Rarity snerked and shook her head. “I’m so sorry, Celestia. After finding out your son preferred other colts, to hear you say that… I’m just going to be quiet now,” she said weakly.

“Hmm, you are every bit the mother he needs. Firm, gentle, protective, and caring… I can’t imagine a better choice.”

“It’s hardly a choice, your majesty,” Rarity opined. “Snickers is, if nothing else, your son’s body with a new mind. He can be both our son, only we can’t exactly share him, now can we?”

“There is such a thing as shared custody.”

Rarity laughed, a real one that warmed both their hearts. “I thank you for the offer, but marrying you, just to divorce you? What would the world think?”

Celestia tittered behind her hoof, just as she slipped the other into its shoe. “Wouldn’t that be more up to us to worry about?”

Rarity sighed and looked up to Celestia. “You would make a fine mother, why not try again?”

“Because, after Black Thread, I don’t know if there would be another stallion for me.”

Rarity’s breath hitched and she looked intently at Celestia, who had donned her other foreshoe and was beginning to return Aries to where she kept her. “Celestia, what happened to this stallion of yours, Aquelis’ father?”

“Oh, he left me and began a new family in Whinneypeg; he wanted to be away from the pain we reminded one another of, so he started anew. Why do you ask?”

Rarity gulped dryly, her eyes rolled up, and she fell onto the floor without any grace.


Snickers hugged Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara, giving them both a kiss on the cheek, even though he wanted to feel their soft lips. “So,” Snickers asked Silver Spoon, “what’d I miss while I was gone? Was Auntie good?”

Silver Spoon frowned and flicked her braid. “Diamond’s mom hit me and almost knocked my glasses off, but Luna came in and saved me and Diamond from her. Oh, and Cress helped, too.”

Cress rolled her eyes. “Yeah, thanks for the credit, where it was due. I tackled that mare and told her not to hit fillies, and she totally almost cried. It was cool.”

“Mom’s in the dungeon until tomorrow, but Luna didn’t tell us if she’d be earning more time in there,” Diamond said, suggestively.

Luna opened her eyes and smiled, sending another involuntary shiver down Snickers’s back as he saw the predatory look in her eyes. Luna lowered her lips to hide her teeth better, for Snickers’s sake. “Unless she causes problems for the guard, she’ll be out in the morning and on the noon train back to Ponyville.

“Ponyville, what a silly name. Did you know that the founders wanted to call the town Sunrise Valley, but they chose Ponyville over it? What a ludicrous choice.”

“Whatever it’s called, it’s my home,” Diamond said back.

“And mine,” Silver Spoon said, too.

“Wherever my fillies are, might as well be home for me, too, I guess,” Snickers said.

“Awwwe,” every filly in the room chorused. Snickers was peppered with kisses from Diamond and Silver, then nuzzled. He felt a forehoof brush his belly as they turned to side with him, giving him a shudder for a different reason.

Snickers, now blushing from the public affection -and the sound of a guard giggling didn’t help- looked back to Cress. “So, Pink Eyes,” Snickers said, noting her colors, “what’s your deal.”

“My name’s Cress, ‘kay?”

Snickers nodded. “Okay, my bad. So… I like your mane.”

Cress brushed her mane from her face, only for it to fall back, covering one eye. “Thanks, it’s the same color as your beta mare’s coat.”

Silver Spoon gasped and would have made to slap the new filly, but a sidelong glance from Diamond stopped her. “Whatever you wanna say about my color, you say it, but Snickers hasn’t chosen an alpha mare, so don’t even try to worm your way between us,” Silver said.

Snickers nodded. “Yeah, and I’m sorry, but I’m not looking for another filly. I’ve had five, and I think two is plenty.”

Cress sighed in relief. “Thank Luna, I don’t wanna be in a herd in the first place.”

Snickers was about to ask, but Diamond and Silver explained most of the conversations that had happened while he was away.

“Oh, that makes sense, then. So, you’re not into colts or fillies?” Snickers asked Cress.

“Well,” the filly rubbed her navy blue forelegs together, “I am, but I don’t wanna talk about that. I wanna talk about you, and get that news for my school paper. The first royal colt! I’ll be famous!” she giggled and pranced in a circle.

Snickers noticed her blank flank. “Hey, you don’t have a mark! I’m a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders and we’re looking for our marks, wanna join and we can get them together?”

Cress scribbled in her notebook, then stopped and looked up from her forehooves that held the pad. “What?” She asked quietly.

“Well, I mean, I was a part of… anyway, we can try to get our marks together!” Snickers exclaimed.

Diamond Tiara cleared her throat and stepped away from Snickers. “Snickers, maybe you shouldn’t invite a new pony to join us just like that. It might be seen as you, oh, I dunno,” she tapped her chin, then stomped her forehoof on the floor with a loud clack, “asking a filly to join us!”

Silver Spoon gasped and leaned her neck over Snickers’ to leer at Diamond. “Don’t shout at him! And, Snickers is a gentlecolt; he wouldn’t ask a new filly to join our herd without talking it over with us,” she rested her ear against his mane and hummed sweetly. “Right, honey?”

“Well,” Cress said, holding the notepad to her chest, “I always wanted to try diving through a ring of fire, into a swimming pool full of jello.”

Snickers’s attention was on Cress and his features perked. “Wow, that’s neat. Maybe--”

“No!” Diamond and Silver shouted. “You’re not doing that to get your mark,” Diamond stated. Silver nodded in agreement.

“Sheesh, I get it. You don’t have to shout at me,” Snickers said quietly, pawing at the floor.

“I’m sorry for yelling, Snickers,” Silver said, “Can I make it up to you?” she asked, caringly.

Snickers was about to answer, when the trio was bowled over by a wooden pony. “Daddy! You’re not Ell, you’re Daddy!” Laxxie licked Snickers several times, the first for affection the last to clean up as much sap as she could.

“Pleh, blah, get off me, you’re too big to do that,” Diamond snapped and gave Laxxie a shove.

Snickers rolled to his hooves first and hugged Laxxie. “Aww, who’s my favorite little girl? You are! That’s who, you are,” Snickers emphasised his statement by rubbing Laxxie’s mane vigorously. Laxxie’s form changed so her ears were more pointed and round, like a wolf’s.

“Wow, did that toy just change shape?! That’s amazing,” Cress announced as she began to get her pencil and notepad ready, again. “Is it a minor golem spell, or something else? How’s it have such good speech? How’s it moving on its own? Is Mistress Luna helping?”

Snickers nuzzled Laxxie and then looked at Cress. “It doesn’t matter. Laxxie’s not a part of your interview, right?”

Cress let out a high pitched chirp and hopped up, helped with a flap of her wings. “I can interview you? Really? That’s so lunar! I can’t wait,” she exclaimed, realizing she’d dropped her notepad. She picked it up with her wings and pulled the pencil from behind her ear. “Okay, can I start?”

Snickers nodded and, with his fillies beside him, challenging Cress with a daring look to every question she asked, he took a few minutes to answer to the best of his ability.

“So,” Cress said, pocketing her notepad, “can I have a snack? I’m a little hungry after all this.”

“Sure,” Silver Spoon pointed to a side door. “Dinner’s in there, help yourself. We have to talk to our stallion for a minute.”

Cress eyed the trio warily, but left the room with her ears low. “What is wrong with you?” Diamond Tiara asked Snickers. “How can you entertain her without talking to us first?”

Silver huffed. “I can’t believe you don’t trust us enough to talk to us before you do something like this.”

Snickers shook his sides and bumped the fillies away from him. “And, I can’t believe you are treating me like a yearling! I can talk to anypony I want, whenever I want. I don’t need to ask your permission for a doodling thing!”

Diamond snerked. “Wait, what did you say?”

Silver stomped her hoof. “It doesn’t matter, Diamond. I don’t know what to think about this! Snickers is our stallion, so we have to take care of him. That doesn’t mean we have to make him do stuff, right?”

Diamond opened her mouth, but no words formed in her mind as she quickly thought it over. “No, but… Snickers, don’t you trust us, as your herdmares?”

Snickers faced them and nodded. “Of course I do, but don’t you trust me, darlings? After all we’ve been through, to think that speaking to a filly would cause such a rift between us all.”

Diamond sighed and nodded. “I’m a better pony,” she told herself. “Snickers, you can talk to whoever you want, just… don’t let them trick you into getting into our herd, or taking you from us, okay?”

Snickers scoffed. “After what I just said, you’re just gonna fluff with me? Why don’t you take your gingerbread apples and pickle some tea!”

A guard giggled and was silenced by a company of glares from each filly and other guards in the room. Silver pulled at her mane. “Um, I never really liked your bad words… but are you saying them different for a reason?”

Snickers looked at Silver Spoon. “What the pancake are you talking about? Whatever! I’m going to check on Cress, since at least I know how to be civil, or so it seems.”

Snickers left his fillies behind him as he cantered after Cress. Diamond and Silver shared a concerned look, then followed Snickers.

“Oh, my head,” Rarity mumbled as she opened her eyes to see a blue mare wearing a stethoscope, listening to her heart. “Excuse me, but what happened?”

The mare held up a hoof. “Breathe in and hold it, then exhale slowly… okay, heart and lungs are normal. Miss Rarity, it seems you fainted. A lot of that seems to be happening, as of late. Should I be concerned, Princess Celestia?”

Celestia shook her head. “No, but I am wondering why you fainted, Rarity. Do you recall anything that led up to it?”

The doctor sniffed. “Yes, any dizziness, wariness, lightheadedness, tingling in your limbs, or magical discharges over the past hour?”

Rarity shook her head, still lying down. “No, it was something… something Princess Celestia said. I don’t recall what it was, though.”

Celestia cocked her head. “Only something personal, about a very close friend of mine moving away, I believe. His name was--”

Rarity sat up suddenly and shouted, “Black Thread! My grandfather!” she looked, shocked at the Princess, who shared the look.

“Everypony, leave us at once!” Celestia commanded. With everypony in the room giving a quick bow, they all vanished in their flashes of light.

Silence filled the room as both mares looked at one another in a new light. “S-so, does this make us related?” Rarity asked with a slight smile.

Celestia swallowed hard, looking the mare from tail to head. “I will say yes, should anypony ask. To think,” Celestia began to smile, but it stopped and she began to waver in her strength.

“Princess Celestia, what’s wrong?” Rarity asked.

Celestia looked at Rarity. “I… just the thought of you being a grandchild of mine… it’s, what might have been, had I not let him leave.”

Rarity scooted close to the alicorn and did something practically unthinkable; she nuzzled Celestia. “Don’t think such things, Celestia. You are still young, fertile, and verile, or so the tabloids say,” they shared a giggle. “You can always start a family, Celestia. There’s no such thing as ‘too late’ when you have forever.”

Celestia moved and hugged Rarity, gently. “You’re a great friend, and I will take your advice to heart. Perhaps I should change my old fashioned views in this new day and age,” Celestia hugged Rarity tighter. “I apologize for my implied threat before.”

Rarity tittered. “I didn’t take you seriously. I know you wouldn’t let any harm come to me.”

Celestia locked eyes with a guard watching from a false ceiling tile and shook her head ever so slightly. The guard nodded and vanished into the ceiling again from even Celestia’s eyes. “Indeed, I was merely jesting. I do believe you’d never let harm come to our son.”

Rarity pulled back and free of Celestia’s embrace. “Quite. I would sooner do something unthinkable to anypony that harmed a hair in his.. oh, my. His mane was simply darling! Would you mind if we saw him? I haven’t seen him for nearly a week and I miss him, dearly.”

Celestia nodded. “I, too, haven’t seen him much. I’ve been quite busy with work and, to be honest, he hasn’t been too happy to see me. I hope that will change now, though.”

“Shall we, then?”

Celestia smirked. “As long as one of us doesn’t faint, that is.”

Rarity smirked back. “Only one of us is left, by my count.”

They both laughed and felt the bonds between them growing stronger by the second.

Meet Cress

Noble Tasks

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Fancy Pants sighed into his hooves as he looked at the enchanted letter on his desk. He let his eyes trail over the books in his library before he looked at the letter again. “Honorable Noble,” he read aloud, “Humble Lord, indeed. We request funds,” he grumbled and then skipped to the center of the letter to scoff. “...foalnap the colt…”

Using his magic, Fancy Pants moved the letter to the fireplace and set it ablaze. “I cannot fathom the depths of their stupidity. Why, after being so clear, would they insist, in writing, that I endorse the taking of a child from anypony?”

Fleur des Lis sighed. “Mon amore, it is ze trappings of ze rich un fancy to stay zeir positions. Zis… Aquelis… oui? He is different, ze change nopony expected, non?”

Fancy Pants glared at the mare. “Do you mind?”

Fleur giggled. “Fine, darling. For moi stallion, I will tone back my accent, you are too sensitive, my love.”

“That is besides the point,” Fancy stomped a hoof onto the floor. “Too much is at risk with our group maintaining law and order at the borders of the nations, and adding in these fools and their private plans…”

Fleur stood up and stepped to her stallion as he contemplated his options. “Zey are not your foals, let them make their mistakes. Simply, clean up after they make zeir mess, oui?”

Fancy Pants grumbled and shook his head. “No, I cannot allow them to continue. This is Canterlot, not Saddle Arabia or the lawless south. I will write to my agents and have them talk, most sternly, with these overly-thoughtful ponies. I’ll be buried before I let some upstarts ruin all we’ve accomplished.”

Fleur nuzzled him. “I would expect no less from such a fine stallion, mon ami.”

It was lunchtime and Snickers sat at the table with a plate in front of him. He glanced at Cress, who was a bit more shy with less ponies around her as she nibbled on a piece of fish jerky. He looked hungrily at the salad, topped with a chicken breast, and grasped a fork in his hoof before raising it, ready to satiate the growing hunger in his belly.

“Snickers, my little princey-wincey!” Rarity called as she galloped into the dining room. The afternoon sun highlighted her nearly white coat and seemed to make her brighter as she wrapped her son in a hug. “Oh, I’ve missed you so. I didn’t receive a message last night from you and was slightly worried.

Blueblood sat at the end of the table with a mare by his side, gently rubbing something against the tip of his horn. “Ah, Miss Rarity, it is good to see you.”

“Oh, Blueblood,” Rarity said, flatly. “I wondered where you went.”

Blueblood held a glass in his hooves and glanced at the mare tending to his horn. “I teleported with the rest when Auntie cast us out. I cannot teleport as well as the others, but when Auntie has that tone…” he sipped his drink and sighed, going silent to let himself be nursed.

Rarity rolled her eyes and focused on Snickers, picking up where she left off. “Seeing who you’ve chosen to have lunch with, though,” she pulled back from the hug so she could wink at Snickers, “I can certainly see why you were distracted. And, oh my… is this a new friend?”

Rarity let Snickers go and stood up with a flounce of her mane. “Do forgive me, darling. Where are my manners? I am Lady Rarity, but you can call me Rarity,” she slightly looked down her muzzle at Cress, who looked at her plate again, poking a cherry tomato with her fork.

“I… I’m Cress, ma’am.”

“Cress? What might that be short for? Um, I mean no offense if you have a different naming scheme than us normal ponies,” Rarity covered her mouth. “Not that you’re not normal, darling.”

Celestia stood over Rarity and answered for Cress. “No, Rarity; thestral’s have the same naming scheme as us, to answer your question. Little filly, what is your full name?”

Cress lifted her bowed head and met Celestia’s eye for a second, then looked at her plate again. “W-watercress, but everypony calls me C-cress.”

“There you have it, Rarity. And, now, Aqu- Snickers has a new friend; at the least?”

Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara shouted ‘No!’ at the same time, spitting half a mouthful of food onto the table. They blushed and covered their mouths while servants used magic to clean up the mess and dispose of a plate of sliced eggs and onions.

Cress looked aside and seemed to find her juice the most interesting thing in the room as she blushed, too. “N-no, your majesty of the day. I j-just met him. I can’t, and don’t want, a relationship with him.”

“Good,” Silver and Diamond chorused as they swallowed their food.

Diamond reached for her water and said, “He’s our stallion, and you can’t join our herd without us all talking about it first.”

“Besides,” Silver said, “you just met us an hour ago, don’t go moving so fast.”

“I’m not!” Cress shouted at the fillies. “I just got here, how can you think I’m so desperate for a mate that I’d fall for the first stallion I met? What kind of filly do you take me for?!”

“Sheesh,” Silver said, sitting back in her seat, “like, you don’t have to be so serious about it. I was just worried, can you blame us?”

Cress blinked and looked back to her plate as the adult mares focused their attention on Snickers.

Celestia cooed at Snickers. “Awe, my little star is in a herd of his own. I’m so proud of you.”

“My little prince is growing up so fast.”

“My little star is gonna give me lots of grand foals, I hope,” Celestia’s gaze met Rarity’s.

“My little prince is going to marry his first filly next year, right?” Rarity asked while challenging Celestia with her tone of voice.

“My little star--”

“My little Prince--”

Snickers’s blush was noticeable to him at this point, so he shouted, “Enough! No more! I can’t take this, and it’s only been fifteen seconds! I’m tired, I’m hangry, I’m embarrassed, and I want to have sex more than ever! I don’t have Kiwe’s potion, so can you just leave me the fiddlesticks alone and let me eat my pencil-loving lunch?!”

Both mares had stepped back, slightly ashamed at their behavior. Neither spoke, instead glancing around the room to occupy their time while Snickers huffed. Finally, Rarity cleared her throat. “Um, about you being in the mood for physical affection?”

“Oh, stuff it,” Snickers said, “I wanna scramble some eggs and milk her toast for all the cream in the realm!”

He hopped from the chair and galloped from the room. Rarity, Silver Spoon, and Diamond Tiara rushed to watch him race to his room, then slam the door. They all looked between one another and giggled.

“It seems he’s nearing his first ejaculation,” Celestia commented between giggles. “You fillies had best be cautious, or you know what will happen.”

Silver and Diamond blushed, meeting eyes and smirking. “I wouldn’t be against the idea,” Silver Spoon said, tugging her braid.

Diamond scuffed the floor with a whimsical smile and a swish of her tail. “He’s the only colt I wanna be with, so… yeah.”

Rarity looked down at the fillies, her mirth changing to a slight frustration. “You shouldn’t pressure him into such things; you know full well the power you have over him in the first place, more so when he’s in this state.”

The fillies giggled and both tails flagged, pressed back down by Celestia’s magic. “Let’s go back to eating and leave this matter to rest.”

Snickers slammed the door to his room with a solid buck that startled him. He rushed to the alchemy set by the wall and grabbed a bottle he recognized. He grabbed the mortar and pestle and poured some of the concoction into the stone recess, then began to add other ingredients he’d seen Kiwe use.

“I gotta get this right… I can’t wait this out, I need this to make it go away. Why can’t that colt come back? He’s so head over hooves,” Snickers coughed as a pink cloud misted from the potion, “that he can’t even help a brother out?”

Finally, the last ingredient was added and he moved the contents to a small pot, then added some water from a nearby jug and stirred it like he’d seen Kiwe do a dozen times. A minute passed, then Snickers lifted the pot to his lips and drank it all down with a burp when he was done.

He hiccupped, then burped. “Okay, I think…” he heard a horn sound from everywhere that made four notes, each lower than the last. “Uh-oh…” Snickers hiccupped and his vision turned blurry, then refocused to show him he was lifting off the floor. His stomach cramped and he burped again, each burp raising him higher into the air until he was resting on his side on the ceiling, sliding up the slope slowly.

“Well, nutty fudge creamsicles.”

Laxxie’s head shot up and she got to her hooves. “Daddy?!” She called and raced from Luna’s side, barely bothering the sleeping mare. The timberpony ran up the stairs and began scratching at the door.

A nearby guard moved to open it and grimaced once he had. “Grugh, what’s that awful stench?”


The guard looked in and looked around, seeing nothing out of place, walked in with Laxxie. A belch reverberated around the room, drawing both sets of eyes up. “Your Highness? You can fly?!

The announcement brought all attention to the guard and Laxxie, who was standing under Snickers. “No,” Snickers waved a bloated foreleg, “don’t tell anypony! I just… ugh,” he burped again and seemed to inflate slightly. “I need some help.”

Diamond Tiara was the first in the room and gasped at her colt, resting with his back in the apex of the ceiling, slowly rotating in the breeze. “I asked for one single day!” She screamed and stormed from the room, bumping into Silver as she left.

Celestia looked at Snickers, now twice his normal size. “Alchemy?” She asked. When Snickers nodded, she looked to find the potion set and moved to it. “Hm, this is not something I’m very familiar with, but as long as you stay indoors the effect shouldn’t prove detrimental to you.”

“Snickers, get down here this instant. Do you have any idea what such weight gain will do to your-” she watched as his shirt shredded off of him and rained to the floor below. “-clothing. Honestly, what made you think this was a good idea; using magic you don’t understand?”

Snickers huffed, his voice becoming slightly deeper. “I didn’t plan for this! All I wanted was a potion to be less… in the mood.”

Celestia and Rarity sighed and sat down with Silver walking under Snickers to look up at him.

“Are you okay up there? Can I do anything to help?” Rarity asked, then turned her attention to Laxxie as the little wooden pony began to nose Rarity’s ticklish ribs. “Bah, Laxxie? Go help Diamond Tiara stay calm. Tut-tut, I’ll have no talk-back. That filly needs your help, okay.” Rarity said and pulled a small clump of dirt from a jar in her saddlebag to give to the wooden pony as a treat.

Laxxie gobbled it down and nuzzled Rarity before looking up. “Bye, see you when you are not up there,” she happily said and pranced from the room.

“Now, then… what can we do to help?”

Snickers shook his voluminous head. “Nothing… well, maybe find Kiwe to help with his alchemy to fix me?”

Celestia’s horn flashed and sparkled, a second later a new mare appeared in the room, her white mane stood out against her burnt orange coat, catching every eye in the room. “...pinch of… Princess Celestia, do you know what you just interrupted?!” The mare gasped in shock. She looked around the room and blanched.

Celestia opened her mouth, then felt a slight tremble in the floor, clearly saddened for her little pony’s troubles. “Was it important?”

The mare glared at Celestia and wiped her right eye with her medical coat sleeve. “Very… or, it was. And my research notes were in the same room as that explosion. If they survived, I’ll be very surprised.”

Rarity grimaced. “What were you researching, if I may ask?”

“A new form of energy, for what it was worth. Now that I’m here; what can I do for you?” The mare asked with scorn, then looked up when a burp rattled the room. She gasped. “Sweet Celestia, that foal’s suffering from voluminal increasement via eructation! What caused this?”

“Doctor Hypothesis,” Celestia introduced the doctor to Rarity, then pointed with a wing to Snickers, “there’s an alchemy set by the wall over there, if that helps,” Celestia offered.

“Call me Hypo, Your Highness. This isn’t the first time I’ve asked that of you,” Hypo said as she walked to the setup and looked it all over. “This is a mess, who made… oh,” she rubbed her temple and groaned. “Colts, always doing what they shouldn’t. What mare owns this? How could she allow a colt to play with something so potentially dangerous?”

Rarity snorted hot air. “I’ll have you know that our,” she looked at Celestia, then back to Hypo, “son is, by far, one of the smartest foals in history.”

Hypo rolled her eyes and went back to the setup, then began to sniff the ingredients. She took a pair of glasses from her pocket and slid them onto her muzzle. “These shouldn’t even be available in Canterlot! This… this is ruby thistle wort… it isn’t even available for purchase in Equestria! Where’s this mare?!” Hypo asked loudly. “I need to meet her, she… oh, right,” she looked up again when another burp sounded. “I’d better get an antidote started before he pops.”

“What?!” Rarity shouted and Celestia gasped. “He’s going to explode?! Oh, my little prince? Whatever can we do?”

Hypo shook her head at the mares. “No, he’s not going to explode. All that air has to go somewhere, so it’s going to vacate from his colon, along with everything along its path. I’ve seen it, the mess isn’t pretty. We’d have to close the room for at least two days for cleanup,” she said with a shudder. “Poor Tumble… he spent three weeks healing after that.”

“I don’t wanna be sick for three weeks,” Snickers said from above.

Celestia flapped her wings and flicked her tail. “I would prefer not to see our son in the hospital so soon after he came to terms with so much. “

“Ugh, we have time. Just, keep him occupied while I work with what I have…” Hypo began to clean the set with her magic and more water from the jug. Taking several small vials, she checked them over and began to open them one by one, as needed, and mixed them with expert grace.

A minute later, Hypo was done and held up the pot to Celestia. “Give him this, quickly.”

Celestia took it in her magic and flew up to Snickers. “Here, my little star, drink up,” she said, offering him the pot. He reached for it, but rolled away when he moved. Celestia smiled and held him still and brought the drink to his lips.

He drank quickly until it was all gone, then hiccupped. “Thanks, mommy.”

Celestia placed a hoof to her chest plate with a wistful expression. “Of course, my little star. If there’s--” She grimaced and her mane blew back from the belch he released in her face. For seconds it went on, until he visibly began to shrink and quickly fell to the floor at an increasing velocity.

Rarity and Hypo caught him in their magic, lowering him to the bed before Celestia landed and used her magic to wipe her face. “Not once, in two hundred years, has a foal spit up on me… it’s something I do not miss, not even from my own child. Er, our child, Rarity.”

Rarity was checking Snickers over, looking at his legs and back. “No stretch marks or even flabby skin? Not that I’m complaining, but…”

“It’s just a potion, not nature. If he were to overeat and laze around, then he’d get fat and then more troubles than what you can see happen. No, he’s perfectly fine… except for why he’d do something so reckless!” Hypo spat at Snickers.

Snickers stood up on the bed. “Hey, cram it in your grommet! I just made a little mistake and nothing bad happened, okay?”

Hypo looked at the colt, then to Rarity. “Who is this colt and why is he so simple?”

“Hey, lady!” Snickers shouted and hopped off the bed. “I’m smarter than you on my worst day! Outta my way, I’ve gotta see to my herd.”

“Your Highness, you can’t just let this colt go without making him pay for his mistake somehow. If we treat colts with impunity, we’re looking at the future misanthropes of the world. From there, it’s only a step and hop to the next villain out to take over the world!”

Snickers was nearly to the mare when he stopped and looked up at her. “Lady, you’re as smart as a frog and twice as needy of a lick. Now, excuse me.”

“Woah, that’s completely uncalled for,” Hypo said, indignation in her tone. “Ladies, is this the foal you’ve raised? I presume this is some kind of adoption gone wrong, Your Highness,” she glared at Snickers below her, “this foal must go back to the orphanage at once.”

Snickers spat at her hooves. “Tickle a turtle, lady. I’ve got better things to do.”

“Like what?” Hypo began, only to be stopped by a glare from Rarity and Celestia.

Rarity sniffed to get Hypo’s attention. “This colt, I’ll have you know, is the smartest pony in the known world. He’s working with top minds to advance the world as we know it, what have you done lately, besides creating a fool of yourself just now?”

Hypo grit her teeth and her horn lit, calling in a blackboard with several equations on it. “This is from my office, I’ve been working on it for two weeks. It’s a formula for changing direct current electronics to this new alternating current. I’m working to disprove its viability, so if you’re so smart, you can disprove it for me.”

Snickers sneered. “You know, it was my idea to switch to the more effective AC, unless I skip it and go right to wave tech…” he said thoughtfully. “Whatever, give me that chalk,” Snickers demanded from the mare and went to the blackboard to grab the chalk in his mouth. He began writing a much more simplistic formula than Hypo had written out and with a couple images comparing the currents, he quickly proved the alternating current theorem.

Hypo had stood behind the board, snickering at Snickers’ ego and when he announced himself as done, she walked around, expecting senseless math and maybe some doodles. She first saw the proud faces of the mares, then she saw the board and her mouth dropped open. “Wha- but, this… you’re a colt! You’re not supposed to be… how?!”

Snickers spat the chalk at Hypo, who caught it in a fumbling magical grip. “See ya later, sweet flanks.”

Four nobles sat in a private library, sipping fine wine and picking hors d'oeuvres from a platter. “So, the leadership has offered resounding no’s to our requests?”


“Then what shall we do?”

“Go against his wishes?”

“Do as he instructs?”

The last noble was silent, even as attention shifted to her. Finally, she spoke. “I do not zee how we have un choice, non? Even by his side, I can offer no sway. Vee shall have Discord released to solve zis problem, oui?”

The other three nodded and refilled their glasses before clinking them together. “To the future,” they said in unison.

“Now, how are we going to do this? We can’t just go up to the statue and act crazy to wake him; the bloody thing was moved inside the castle to an unknown location.”

“Bribe of a guard?”

“You’ll be in jail before the offer is made. I say we foalnap one of the guard’s kin and use her as leverage. Even better if it’s a colt!”

“Bah, you un your foalnapping. A foal you are, oui? I say we convince the Princesses Discord can be reformed via spell to work on the side of good. Zat will free him to his own devices, including doing away with a colt he sees as trouble to ees, how do you say… mech’a’nations?”

“Oui! Um, I mean, I like that plan. Who else is on board?”

Three forelegs raised. “The ayes have it. Now, how to go about this task?”

“Zis is simple; we write a letter, being anonymous, for the reformation of criminals zat are, potentially, a great boon to our nation. Prance may be across ze ocean, but we are all Equestrians.”




The others looked at the mare. “What? I heard Princess Luna say it a few months ago…”

Kiwe sauntered into the room and stopped when he saw his alchemy set. “Who has used my mortar and pestle? Is this residue of thistle wort?! Snickers?!” Kiwe’s voice echoed through the room. Silver poked her head from the bathroom and hushed him. “I will not be silenced, this… this affront to my months of practice--”

“Like, can you just come in here. Diamond’s going pee and we’re just talking about the day. Oh, like, it’s been a crazy day, too. You can tell us more about what sex with a gyphoness is like, if you want.”

Kiwe nickered in frustrations, but cantered to the bathroom, ready to give Snickers a good talking to. When he entered the bathroom, he saw Silver Spoon behind the door, closing it behind him. Snickers was sitting on the floor while Diamond was finishing her business and was giggling at something Snickers had said, pressing a few more drops from her.

While unable to see her parts, he couldn’t help but imagine them; especially at times like these. The foals went silent when Kiwe walked in and they all sniffed the air, sensing pheromones that intrigued them. Kiwe’s blush was hidden under his coat, for the moment.

“So, that’s what a Gryphoness smells like?” Snickers asked and got up, moving quickly to poke his head under Kiwe to inhale. “Hm, salty and musty.”

Kiwe hopped aside. “I would thank you not to smell my love making.”

Silver snorted. “Predators are scary. I don’t see what you like about her.”

Kiwe hummed as he thought of the hen, then noticed Snickers leering at him. “What?”

Snickers blinked and looked away. “What? Nothing.”

Kiwe dismissed the comment, starting a short story and explanation about Gul and what he liked about her. While the fillies stood on the marble floor, practically enraptured by Kiwe’s explanation, Snickers let his eyes trail across Kiwe’s body. His chocolate colored coat, his black and white mane.

The zony’s toned hind legs and firm haunches made his eyes widen slightly, and as Snickers’s eyes moved, they quickly met Kiwe’s.

“Brother, why are you looking at me like that?” Kiwe asked, intrigued.

Aquelis is gay! Snickers shouted and covered his mouth. The sound echoed in the room for a second, long enough for every foal to wonder what Snickers was talking about, himself included. “Look, I’m sorry, Kiwe, but a part of me is really attracted to you. You’re super hot, for a colt, and I’d love to wake up with those--”

“Okay, that’s enough,” Diamond said in a sing-song voice as she stepped between the colts. “Let’s get back to talking about sex, and anything that isn’t my stallion trying to bring a stallion into the herd.”

“Hey,” Snickers snapped. “I was about to say forelegs wrapped around me, keeping me safe. Why would that be an invitation to ask Kiwe to join us? Especially when he’s already got a lover.”

Kiwe nodded and looked between the fillies. “He is right, and please, don’t fight. I have been told of my many attractive traits, a little more is merely a compliment.”

Silver hummed. “Ya know, we’ve seen Snickers’s penis a ton, but we’ve never seen yours.”

Kiwe shook his head. “Neigh, you have gone so long, you will survive going longer still. As it happens, I am in need of a good washing, so if you’d like to join me…” he asked, glancing at Diamond with hope in his heart.

Everypony declined, but they all chose to stay in the room while he cleaned up. Kiwe took that moment to comment, “You know what’s great about being a stallion when it comes to sex?” Kiwe asked as he got into the hot water.

“You get your choice of mares?” Silver offered.

“You have so much power?” Snickers said.

“You don’t get cramps sometimes?” Diamond suggested.

Kiwe nodded at the suggestions. “Good points, however, I was going to say that cleanup is easy. Just a...” he shivered as he hooves worked under the surface, “...little wiping and… done.” He chuckled and ducked under the surface to scrub his fur and mane in the magic water.

Snickers nodded. “I bet it’s just as easy for fillies, right?”

Silver and Diamond laughed loudly. “Oh, there’s so much you just don’t know.” Diamond said between giggles.

“And I’m not gonna tell you,” Silver said.

Diamond held up a hoof for Silver to bump. “A mare has to keep some secrets, and you’re too young to know about that stuff.”

Snickers pouted. “Fine, but if you ever wanna talk about your… uh,” he gestured to their tails.

“Oh, you mean our pussies?”

“Barn doors?”

“Tunnels of love?”

“Foal holes?”


Snickers covered his ears and began to sing ‘la-la-la-la, can’t hear you, la-la-la-la’.

While Diamond and Silver giggled, Kiwe got out of the bath and smiled at how clean he looked and smelled. “Ah, a time to be in love is the greatest time of all.”

Snickers lay on a large cushion that Celestia had gifted his herd from her own bedroom. It smelled like her, and a small part of Snickers liked that fact. Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara sat side by side, reading their own magazines as pages turning were the only sound in the room.

“What do you think Mom’s doing?” Snickers asked, breaking the silence.

“Which one?” Silver asked. “You have, like, two, at least.”

Snickers pondered the question. “Good point. Well, how’s Diamond’s mom, Spoiled Rich?”

Diamond sighed. “She’s back home and fine. The night in jail did her good, at least to the point she didn’t fight going back to Ponyville.”

“I thought it was the dungeon,” Snickers asked.

“Whatever!” Diamond said and swatted Snickers’s foreleg.

“Ouch! Hey, I was serious about my mom; Rarity. What do you think she’s doing?”

Both fillies looked at one another, said, “Shopping,” and then giggled.

Snickers nodded in agreement. “Yup, that’s mom for ya. Um, I never got to ask, but how are you both feeling after everything that happened earlier? I mean, me passing out again…”

“I think that puts you at five,” Diamond commented.

Snickers nodded. “That’s about right. At least. At least my heart’s all better now.”

Both fillies nodded. “Yup, true. And as far as how I feel,” Diamond went silent for a few seconds. “I feel worried, but happy that you’re still you. Except you don’t swear anymore, and I liked that about you.”

Snickers cocked his head. “What do you mean? I’ve been doing that all day. It’s one of the only things I know I do right.”

Silver and Diamond looked between one another and sighed, looking at Snickers again. “Just, another weird thing that you’ll get over in a couple days, I bet,” Diamond said.

Silver giggled and twirled the end of her braid. “I dunno, I think it’s kinda cute how he’s swearing now. A lady doesn’t swear, afterall, but he’s not a lady.”

Diamond nickered. “Whatever, he’s more marelike than some stallions I know.”

Snickers smiled and relaxed, the sound of his fillies bickering comforting him in subtle ways. He wondered about many things, finally settling on one uncomfortable question he hadn’t had properly answered. Who is Discord?

Catching Up

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The day waned and the foals played, ate snacks, and spent time getting to know Cress through it all. The thestral was surprisingly quiet around more than four ponies, but was ever full of youthful energy to make up for her shyness, even going so far as to ask a guard to play with their group in a game of tag.

While the answer was a kindly ‘no’, Cress didn’t seem too bothered by the exchange.

As the evening wore on and energy dipped, Snickers found himself relaxing, reading a book on the founding of Equestria, with Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara while Cress prepared to leave.

Cress cinched her saddlebags and pawed the floor. “Well, I’m gonna head home, gals… and guy.”

Silver Spoon and Diamond looked at Cress and smiled. “See you soon?” Silver asked.

“Um, if you’d be cool with that, I’m cool with it. As long as we’re all cool,” she scrunched her face and then sighed. “Sorry, I’m not good at dealing with ponies sometimes.”

“It’s cool,” Diamond smirked, “we don’t really mind you coming over tomorrow, or whatever. You’re pretty cool.”

Cress slowly smiled and averted her eyes. “Th-thanks, I guess… I’ll see you tomorrow then; afternoon?”

“Well, yeah,” Diamond said with a bit of exasperation. “You have school, so after that.”

Cress’s eyes widened and she stepped back. “Oh, yeah! My report, I’ve gotta get it going. I’ll see you tomorrow, after school.”

Snickers was able to shout a quick ‘goodbye’ just as the filly ran from the room. “Well, she’s gone, what’d you think of her?”

Silver shrugged a foreleg. “I don’t know. Something’s kinda weird about her, but I think it’s just because her tribe is so rare.”

“Yeah, and I don’t really mind her. She’s not getting between us, so she’s pretty cool. Great, I’m gonna be saying ‘cool’ all night, now; just watch.”

The other two snickered and Laxxie yawned, bringing attention to herself. She sat by the couch that was opposite the gifted cushion the herd laid on. “Daddy, can you tell me more about Daddy’s home? Out there,” she gestured to a bay window that showed the setting sun, “in the starts?”

“‘Stars’, Laxxie, not ‘starts’, and why? Everything you need to know you already do,” Snickers answered. “Besides, stellar cartography wasn’t a strong suit of mine. I was more of a tinkerer than a wonderer.”

Laxxie took on a softer tone and she laid upon the three foals the mightiest pout she could muster, with a quiet whimper added in for effect. The response was immediate as Silver and Diamond cooed and rushed to Laxxie, hugging her and petting her; all the while the look stayed directed at Snickers, whittling his defenses down until he finally cracked.

“Fine! Just, stop looking at me like that! I’m a foal, I should have that skill, not just you,” Snickers pouted and looked away while crossing his forelegs.

He was glomped by Silver Spoon a couple seconds later. “He’s too cute when he pouts, Diamond!”

“I didn’t see, Silver… Laxxie’s so adorable when she pouts I can’t stop giving her the affection she needs.”

“Aww, who’s my big stallion?” Silver asked while nuzzling Snickers as he blushed. “Aw, don’t be upset, you’re surrounded by love.”

Snickers wiggled and Silver let him go, moving in for a muzzle nuzzle once he was sitting. “C’mon, stop it,” Snickers whined and gently pushed Silver back, “you’re making me embarrassed.”

Silver giggled cutely and leaned in, kissing Snickers on his lips, quickly, before rushing back to Diamond’s side to pet Laxxie. Snickers licked his lips and his mind ran through several images of him sitting in various places, holding Silver’s hooves in his and leaning in for another kiss.

Then, a whisper in the back of his mind got his attention. Daddy, can you share to me now? About stars?

Fine, but you need to be beside me for it to work best, like that one time. Snickers mentally replied.

Laxxie looked between the fillies and stood up, shaking a little to send her long grassy mane waving. “I wanna talk to Daddy, ‘kay?”

Understanding, as best they could, Silver and Diamond nodded and moved back, giving the two space between one another. Laxxie pronked to Snickers and stopped at the edge of the cushion, leaning her head down for him. Snickers touched his head to hers and sent some of what he knew about actual stars to Laxxie.

A few seconds later and Laxxie’s eyes sparkled. Tendrils of energy that bound her wooden body together shimmered into and out of existence. Then Laxxie giggled. “You’re silly, Daddy.”

Snickers cocked his head. “Why am I silly?” He asked.

Laxxie covered her mouth with her wooden hoof. “Stars are farts on fire, you said.”

Snickers smiled. “Yeah, well, it’s kinda true.”

Silver and Diamond looked between one another and rolled their eyes. “Colts and fart jokes,” Diamond said with a shake of her head.

Blueblood walked into the room just then. “What’s this I hear about fart jokes? Was it good, or was it a real stinker?”

“Boo,” Snickers said in response to the joke while the fillies giggled to one another.

“At least the girls understand a good joke when they hear it,” Blueblood said with a little pride.

Diamond raised her foreleg. “I thought it was funny, Your Highness.”

Blueblood nodded to the fillies. “Thank you. Now, might I have a moment alone with Snickers?”

Seeing nothing wrong with the request, Snickers was hugged by his fillies, then left alone with the stallion. “So, what’s up, Daddy?”

Blueblood’s ears perked and he stepped beside Snickers, who met him halfway. Snickers nuzzled Blueblood’s chest with a hum and Blueblood stood still. “Snickers, my boy, er, boy…”

“Yes, Daddy?”

“Well,” Blueblood hemmed, “you see, I’m not exactly your father, now.”

“That’s fine, you can still be my daddy, right?” Snickers asked with hopeful, sparkling eyes.

Blueblood whimpered ever so quietly as he looked down into the colt’s shiny orbs. Everything Blueblood had to say was forgotten and he leaned down to rest his head on Snickers’s neck. “Whatever pleases you, my son.”

Snickers nickered happily and turned like a cat, rubbing his side along the stallion’s forelegs before returning to the large cushion. “So, was that all? Wanna play s’more? Wanna read with me? I’m reading about Equestria’s history, see?” Snickers said, holding up the book in his forehooves.

Blueblood shook his head. “No, that’s not exactly what I prefer to read at my age. Have you ever read a comic book, or maybe the tales of humans adventuring? There are only three books, all written quite well. The author is a bit of a myth, though. Some say she’s actually been to Urlan, their home city. Others say it’s actually a stallion and he simply has the greatest imagination.”

Snickers huffed. “Whatever, I was a human and you don’t see me trying to read that account snippet stone stuff.”

Blueblood chuckled. “Whatever that meant, it’s quite a good read and full of imagination. One of the three books has the humans--”

“Spoilers! Don’t do it, because what if I get hit in the head and wanna read one?”

“Well, they’re all stand alone stories based in different locales, but they all seem interconnected somehow; and not just from the species’ standpoints.”

Snickers patted the spot beside him and grinned when Blueblood laid down, protectively surrounding him and being so close, Snickers could feel the warmth from the stallion’s underbelly warming him. Snickers leaned to the side and rested against Blueblood’s chest. “I don’t know if I’ll read them, Daddy, but maybe we could read them together?”

“I think I’d like that. I’ll bring one by soon and we can spend some of my free time reading.”

“Oh, can you read to me? I always wanted a stallion to read to me,” Snickers asked, eagerly.

Blueblood nodded and Snickers squealed, nuzzling Blueblood again. “Thanks, Daddy! Thank you, thank you!”

Blueblood looked at the happy colt and couldn’t stop smiling. So, this is what it would be like to have a son… perhaps with that Rarity mare? Perhaps it would be best to introduce myself to her and her friends down in Ponyville.

“So, I was thinking about talking to you about mares… since you do have a herd and it seems pretty serious, um, if you’d happen to have any questions, I’m more than willing to answer them.”


Snickers awoke, snuggled between his fillies while Kiwe was absent, again. It had begun to feel like the zony wasn’t even a part of their group anymore and Snickers intended to tell him as much the next time they met. It didn’t help that the potion had worn off during the previous evening and images of Kiwe prancing through a field of long grass, peeking at Snickers every so often, was one of the dreams Snickers recalled upon waking up.

Snickers looked at Silver and Diamond, lying on him like he was a body pillow, and they were more than pleased to hold him close with their forelegs wrapping over him. He also noticed their hind legs were over his, completely pinning him to the bed. He took a moment to reflect on the past week and what led him to be so comfortable with two fillies he’d beat up two months before.

A quiet chuckle rumbled his chest as he thought of how he had seen Scootaloo as the one for him, but now couldn’t imagine seeing her, or any of his previous herd.

Rarity was preparing to return to Ponyville. Having tapped into her allowance at the Royal Canterlot Bank, she had made enough purchases to make herself known to many businesses in Canterlot and had struck up several potentially lucrative agreements, as stated by the mare herself during a teatime.

Diamond Tiara trilled and squeezed closer to Snickers, then opened her eyes and looked up, meeting his. She smiled slightly and leaned up for a little kiss that gave her goosebumps. “Morning, handsome.”

“Morning, beautiful,” Snickers whispered back.

Diamond grinned. “Y-you never called me that before,” she said softly. “Do you really think I’m beautiful?”

Snickers kissed the top of her head. “Only when the sun shines on you.”

Diamond blushed and Snickers mentally pumped his foreleg. Thanks, Daddy. That line was awesome. Part of him cheered, while another part of him seemed to make an internal retching feeling.

Diamond scooted back and rolled away, getting out of the covers and quickly walking to the end of the bed. She hopped off and rushed to the bathroom without a word. Snickers listened to her leave, then gently shook Silver Spoon; her unbraided mane and tail were curly and billowed behind her.

Snickers leaned down and nibbled her ear as revenge for nights past, earning a quiet moan that made him blush and start to get hard. “Snickers, don’t stop,” she mumbled in her sleep.

Snickers let his tongue tickle the apex of her ear, waking her with a start. She sat up, onto her flank, and looked at him with wild eyes. Before he could say anything, she leaned down and kissed him, her lips parting to let her tongue meet his. Her hoof drew a circle in his chest fluff and quickly ran down the length of his underbelly. Then, she stopped and glared at him. “Don’t do that again, or I won’t be able to control myself,” she said through heavy breaths.

She left the bed as quickly as she could to use the bathroom, leaving Snickers alone in the bed. That is, until Laxxie hopped up and stood over Snickers. “Garden for breakfast?”

Snickers nodded and rolled to his belly, glad the new spells and potions hid his troubles better than ever before. He reached for a potion on the nightstand and popped the cork from it, then drank it all down; thankful for the quick response his body had. Feeling the potion go to work and lower his hormones to a manageable level still gave him a weird feeling, but it was worth it.

Done with his potion, he returned it to the alchemy set and went to the bathroom. “Morning, girls, did you sleep well?” Snickers asked as he walked in, glancing at the blushing fillies that had their forehooves between their hind legs while leaning their hindquarters over the edge of the large tub. They both stopped, already blushing from what they were doing, and cleared their throats.

“Aren’t you, I dunno, upset you caught us just now?” Silver Spoon asked, her wavy loose mane cascading across her body like a hero princess in a romance book that Snickers couldn’t help but want to help her braid, right then.

Snickers stood over the toilet and sighed as he relaxed his bladder. “Nope, potion fixed that. I’m embarrassed, but not gonna freak out. Besides, if we’re gonna be together for a while, I think I’ll catch you both doing that a few more times, right?”

Diamond narrowed her eyes. “Is this because Aquelis isn’t into mares, or are you really okay watching us do that?” She asked, moving from the tubside with a very embarrassed Silver Spoon beside her.

Snickers, finished peeing, flushed the toilet and turned to face her. “Probably both. But, before I took my potion, I was definitely turned on by you two.”

Both fillies smiled a little and then moved behind Snickers. “Go! We gotta finish or we’ll be totally bitchy all day,” Diamond stated as a fact, “and you don’t want that. So hurry out and let us have our release time.” She and Silver pushed Snickers from the room and closed the door behind him.

“Sweet Celestia and Luna, I love that stallion,” Snickers heard one of them say, but he couldn’t figure out which.

There was a knock on the door and Rarity walked in. “Oh, there’s my little prince. I have to go back to Ponyville soon, but I wanted to ask if there was anything you needed before I left.”

Snickers shrugged and then looked away from Rarity. “Well… I know it’s a weird question, but how’s everypony back home?”

Rarity smiled and lay on her belly to be at eye level with Snickers. “Well, Applejack just had a family reunion that went well enough. Shortly afterward, the third day you were here, actually, Spike saved Applejack from a timberwolf and spent the next two days at her service. Oh, I nearly said that crass phrase you started everypony saying,” she said with a faux frown and gentle, playful, shove to her colt’s side.

“What? What’d I start everypony saying?” Snickers asked.

Rarity rolled her eyes. “At your cervix, darling. It turns out that stallions don’t have many phrases of the sort, like mares do; so when you, a little five year old, came up with something new, everypony took to it like white to a wedding dress.”

“Huh, well, at least they don’t know it was me, right?” Snickers joked, then went serious. “Shuck some corn, they do?”

Rarity sighed. “You have a reputation, Snickers, and it’s not a preferable one.”

Snickers looked at his hooves with a pout. “I didn’t mean to be such an ass,” he said and Rarity’s ears perked, “but that was all I knew. I was a human turned pony and… well, I just messed up, I guess. And I didn’t make it any better over the first few weeks, either.”

“No, darling, you certainly didn’t,” Rarity quietly said and draped a foreleg across Snickers’s back. “But, you’re making strides to be a better pony and less… of a crass creature,” she hesitantly said, “and that’s a step in the right direction. As for the rest of the town, well, Rainbow Dash and Applejack are openly together, but neither wants to show much public affection.

“They insist it wouldn’t be very ‘cool’, for Rainbow’s sake. I say that’s complete balderdash, as they certainly kissed openly for the first time. However, that’s neither here nor there. You had a positive effect on them, so I’ll be bringing that up again, I’m sure. As far as Rainbow, personally, she’s not talking about you, or anything much for what it’s worth.

“Pinkie Pie is, well, Pinkie Pie. She’s having parties and doing her best to live life to its fullest. I feel she’s coping with your leaving in some ways hidden beneath her cheery facade.

“Twilight is focusing on her studies and researching various topics, but she is still going over the notes she’d taken from your language lessons and energy… what’s-it’s. That’s all beyond me, to be honest, so take no offense when I say I haven’t the slightest care about it. Let’s see… the Crusaders are still trying.

“In the days you’ve been gone we’ve seen them try window washing, glasses making, paper shredding, ink making, disk throwing, plate spinning, golfers, foragers, chopstick users, debt collectors… Honestly, my little prince, the world is safer without your mind helping them. Oh, yes, the Pony Thrower is being patented.

“Nothing of my doing, but the Mayor wishes to keep the idea’s profits local. I haven’t seen Fluttershy since a couple days before you left, and I’ve missed our spa date being here, so I do hope she’s not out of sorts. She’s a lovely mare, as I’m sure you recall, but one of the best times to see her unwind is at the spa.

“Snickers?” Rarity asked suddenly. “When was your last spa day? Your coat seems so well kept and your mane is so lovely, but you seem to be lacking a certain care that only a spa can offer.”

Snickers hummed. “Well, before I left home. They have some salon ponies to help me groom and style my mane the way I like it,” he said, glancing at the curl in his mane with a smile. “I just like my mane now, is that okay, Mommy?”

Rarity tittered and nodded. “Of course, my little prince. Oh, how I feel, knowing that’s true while never having suspected as much; a little prince, delivered to me by chance, like flowers on the wind.”

Snickers cocked his head. “Poetry? Just what I needed. At least it’s better than a Vogon’s.” When Rarity gave him a quizzical look, Snickers clarified, “Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, a movie from back home; timeless.”

“Hm, indeed. Well, as much as I hate to say it, I have to return to Ponyville. I have orders to fulfill, and knowing you’re in good hooves, I have no reason to worry. And… I’ll be honest with you,” Rarity spoke softer, “I met with Prince Blueblood and we seemed to hit it off more than I thought we would,” she giggled.

Snickers grinned and hopped up. “Yay! I get a daddy for real!”

While Snickers whooped and hopped, Rarity hushed him and finally held his mouth closed and hooves to the floor. “Darling, it’s not that serious. In fact, until I introduce him to my friends and make amends publically, nothing will happen further than being friends. Also, I wouldn’t go so far as for you to call him ‘daddy’ when we’re probably not even going to have sex in the first place.”

Snickers mumbled and Rarity let his mouth free. “Then fudge him until he creams your iced coffee!”

Rarity leaned back and blushed. “Oh, dear. While your profanity is censored in a bit of a silly way, I won’t be allowing him onto my back, or in any other position, without being treated like a lady in the first place.”

Snickers still grinned. “So, you’re saying there’s, like, a one in ten chance I’ll have a Prince for a daddy?”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “More like one in a million.”

Snickers pondered the math in his head and tapped his chin, another grin forming and his knees bent, ready to take him back into the air, hopping. “So you’re saying there’s a chance! Yeah!”

“Well, I don’t think he’ll be my first any more than any other stallion, or other creature,” she quickly amended, “but I’ll be sure to cover my tail in the event anything does nearly occur, thanks to your hopefulness.”

Snickers bit his lip and looked into Rarity’s eyes. “Mommy, I might wanna… well, come home, soon. I’m not saying that this isn’t fun, being here and all, but part of me wants to be in my own bed and… well, show off my fillies to the town.”

Rarity smiled and nuzzled Snickers. “I think that would be wonderful, darling. Whatever you choose, know I’ll be here for you, every step of the way. Do be sure to write me everything that happens,” she hugged her son and sniffled when he hugged her back. Tears welled in her eyes and she leaned back to kiss him on his head.

“I’ll miss you, Mommy.”

“I’ll miss you, too, my little prince.”

Meeting Discord

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Snickers sat with Laxxie in a corner of the Canterlot Castle Royal Library, reading one of two books he’d found about Discord. A chill sent a feeling of dread through the colt and Laxxie lifted her head from the picture book she was looking at.

“What was that?” Snickers asked no one.

“I wouldn’t know. But, whatever it was, I’m sure it’s nothing for you to worry about,” Laxxie said in a masculine voice.

Snickers blinked and stared at his wooden child. “Is… this a new ability, Laxxie?”

Laxxie chuckled deeply and long. “Why, my boy, it sounds like you don’t know what’s happening. Perhaps I should introduce myself,” the voice said and Laxxie vanished in a flash of light, Discord reappearing where she was, standing proud. “Discord, child of Discordance. Lord of Chaos. Master of mayhem. The yin to my creator’s yang… here to enjoy the partial freedom I’ve been granted for all it’s worth!”

Discord hissed and a snake tongue flicked from his mouth, wrapping around the book Snickers was reading, making the colt scramble back in fear. “What have we here? A little light reading about me?” Discord asked, casually.

Snickers let the book go and cringed from the muscle that darted towards him with vicious speed. “Don’t touch me!”

“Oh, hush. You are in a library, after all,” Discord said as he looked at the cover of the book and snapped his fingers. He glanced at Snickers and his eyes narrowed. “Hm, so what might you be up to, young Snickers? Planning to defeat me like the mares you hate so much, or maybe trying to find a weakness that doesn’t exist.”

Discord moved from Snickers’s sight and appeared on the colt’s muzzle, getting him to scream. “Darling boy, do you have any idea how much you mean to Celestia? Why, if anything were to happen to you,” he snapped his talons, “hmph, I wonder what she’d do.” Another snap, then another.

Snickers watched as Discord floated back and grew to his normal size and bared his teeth. “Help! Help!” Snickers shouted. A librarian rushed around a corner and skidded to a stop, the hush on her lips turning into a scream. Discord snapped his talons and the mare was dressed like a clown.

The red ball on her head stayed in her now yellow puff of a mane while her shoes honked with each step as she tried to take to escape. Discord turned his attention back to Snickers and growled. He snapped his fingers and snorted. “Well, it seems you’re a true Avatar. Let’s see what we can make of that?”

The lights around them turned off with a thunk and a spotlight turned on over Discord, who was standing by a chalkboard. Discord wore a lab scientist coat and held a magnifying glass to his eye, examining Snickers. “Hmm… yes… I see,” Discord hummed and lowered the glass, his eye remained the same size.

Snickers shrieked at the giant eye, peering at him with its slit red pupil and yellow sclera.

“You know,” Discord said, blinking his extended eye back into his head, “for the main character meeting the Lord of Chaos, you aren’t really saying much, now are you? Why, the impertinence and disrespect of the author is without bounds. Perhaps a little more chaos,” Discord snapped his paw and balloons began to fall around them.

One popped and confetti scattered, the next sent red paint. Then they all began popping across the area, smothering the books with jelly, icing, taffy, chocolate cream, and maple syrup that were certain to stick if they weren’t cleaned up by magic.

Snickers looked at the books and frowned. “Hey, you can’t just ruin books like that. What if there’s something important in there?”

Discord held up a bowl of paper and the lights returned to normal. He licked out some shredded paper while staring at Snickers. “Paper is quite full of nutrients, though. The ink adds some nice flavorings, too,” he said. Snickers stood up and looked up at Discord, who dispelled the bowl from his grasp. “Oh, are we feeling upset?”

Snickers turned around and bucked his hind legs as hard as he could into the unsuspecting draconequus' belly. The bowl vanished and all the changes reverted as Discord fell to his knees and held his gut.

Discord coughed once, then again, the third time a small bike horn came out, followed by a roll of toilet paper, streamers, several pens, a dozen left socks, and a ball that bounced down the length of the room. Discord wiped his lips and pouted at Snickers.“You hit me, Celestia never hit me.”

Snickers stuck his tongue out. “I’m not Celestia.”

Discord smirked. “I can see that.” He stood up and was suddenly wearing boxing gloves. He punched the air with a spirited one-two combination. “But, it’ll be a cold day in winter before I lose to the likes of you. Have at thee,” he challenged.

A pair of solid lead boxing gloves appeared in front of Snickers and the colt stumbled back from them. “Get lost, I don’t wanna fight you. I’m only a colt, I can’t fight a growed up!”

In a flash of light, Discord held the lead gloves and peeled one of them like a banana, showing a plate covered with noodles. He spun the plate on the tip of his talon and his lips touched the plate, slurping it as it spun until the noodles fell onto his hand.

Discord balled the noodles and tossed them at the window, which hopped from the wall and fell onto the ball, leaving the wall it was at blank. An open portal to the outside now resided on the floor and Snickers couldn’t help but crane his neck to try to see out of it.

Discord’s head popped up from the floor-window, terrifying Snickers, again. Snickers turned from the scare and ran into Discord’s lion’s paw, freezing up when he was lifted from the floor and held at eye level with his captor.

“So, this is Harmony’s new plaything? I was expecting… more. Let’s see what my chaos magic can do to you, and those you love, shall we?” Discord asked and lifted his talons, ready to snap.

Discord?!” Celestia’s voice bellowed from behind them.

A golden pile of bricks dropped from Discord’s tail as he spun around. “Celestia! What a treat to see you in person. After listening to your late night activities - and might I mention you moan like the goddess you are, it’s so nice to see the mare behind the noises that tickled my ears on so many nights while I was stuck in stone.”

Celestia didn’t blush, instead glaring sternly. “You are supposed to be in Ponyville, with Twilight Sparkle and her friends.”

“Ah, yes,” Discord said and snorted steam from his ears. “Those mares you had defeat me after I was freed from your stone prison, and then free me again just a couple hours ago… I know more about them than you’d think. Them and your lost little foal.”

Discord swiped his arms across one another and an image appeared in the space between. The image was of the mares Celestia had sent his statue to, mutely talking to another Discord disdainfully. The group was deliberating on what to do when Discord waved his hands and the image dispersed.

“You see, I’m right where I should be. This is just a copy of the true version,” Discord said, looking into a scrying mirror he’d created and picking his teeth with his talon. The Discord in the mirror was currently at a tea party with the six mares, none of the mares seemed to be having a good time.

Rainbow Dash was standing on the table and shouting something, but it was interrupted by the Discord in front of Celestia and Snickers standing between the image and the viewers.

“Not that you could tell the difference. I think I’m slightly better looking,” he said as the image leaned out from the mirror, looked at Celestia and nodded.

The mirror image of Discord cracked and shattered with the mirror he held, falling to the floor and turning into ants that crawled up his legs and into pants he was now wearing.

Celestia was not impressed. “Leave, and leave my son alone. If you even try to harm a hair on his body, I’ll turn you back to stone and hide your statue on the moon,” she threatened.

Discord held his paw to his chest. “Whyever would you be so mean? I haven’t, and wouldn’t,” he mumbled, “and can’t… harm a molecule on his person. Why, I bet if I tried, then nothing would happen. I can sense the balance within him,” Discord sniffed the air and pulled a flower from nowhere, “and it’s sickening.”

The flower wilted and turned to dust that Discord slurped up loudly.

“Snickers, get behind me,” Celestia ordered, no kindness in her voice for once. Snickers moved quickly, but was picked up by Discord as he passed. “Let him go!”

Discord pet Snickers and held the kicking colt close to himself. “Awww, what a precious little babe. Why, perhaps I can just take him as a pet while I’m being reformed,” he laughed mockingly.

Discord swirled around a small blast of golden energy Celestia sent his way. When the energy went through the ring his body created, it bent around itself and was redirected back at Celestia, turning to tapioca pudding that splashed against a shield the mare created and splotched to the floor. “Really, dear Kay-kay? You’d risk harming your little darling Aquelis, would you?”

A halo appeared over Discord’s head, which he used quickly to close Snickers’s mouth. Discord then held Snickers between them like a shield as he smirked innocently.

Celestia sneered and glared with rage she hadn’t felt in centuries. “Let him go,” Celestia commanded with a voice that brokered no negotiation. “Don’t you dare say his name. Give me my son, Discord, or else.” Celestia’s horn glowed and her eyes took a fiery red hue. Her pupils changed, becoming slitted like her sister’s for a second.

Discord didn’t miss that effect. He held Aquelis out to her. “Here, take the little stinker,” he said, smirking as Snickers now wore a fitting diaper with his tail hanging out of a hole in the back. “Well, it seems I can affect something about you, just not you, yourself. That darned magic of Harmony seems to be interfering with the fun we could be having.”

Celestia quickly took Snickers and set him beneath her while her attention never wavered from Discord. Discord touched a talon to her bottom lip and flipped it down, but she still didn’t move.

“Leave, Discord, and don’t return without the blessing of the Elements of Harmony.”

“On what authority?” Discord asked, slyly; wiping his finger onto a paper towel. “You have no power over me, Child of Order,” he scoffed.

Snickers looked at Discord with fear evident on his face, but he was emboldened by being under Celestia. “I do, and I am telling you to pickle the salmon out of here!”

Discord laughed loudly. “Oh, that’s rich. Look here, little mutt,” Discord began to lean down to play with Snickers in his own way, but leaned back and hovered in the air when Celestia reared up and stomped the floor between her son and the draconequus.

“Do not speak to my son, Discord. Luna is on her way and we’ll deal with you like we should have long ago.”

Discord smiled and leaned down to meet eyes with the alicorn. “If I could, I’d turn you into a mouse and cage you for what you represent, just on principle. As it is,” he said, standing tall, “but as I can’t, I’ll have to settle for playing with your little friends and minions, until I can gain my freedom once again… and the opportunity is fast approaching, it seems,” he chuckled darkly.

Snickers backed up until he couldn’t see Discord and bumped against Celestia’s hind legs while Celestia lowered her front and horn, aiming at Discord. “If you try to escape or--”

“Hush, hush… it’s happening,” he giggled and narrowed his eyes at Celestia. “I’ll be seeing you again soon, Celestia. Free to do as I please and without the shackles you insist I wear.” Discord held his arms up and a set of chains binding him vaporized into a cloud of butterfly wings. When they dispersed, he was gone.

Celestia immediately turned and encircled Snickers with her body in a protective pose, looking down on. “My dearest little star, are you okay?”

Snickers sniffled and nuzzled Celestia. “Yes, Celestia. Thanks for scaring that meanie away… he was so scary I thought… I didn’t know what he was gonna do to me, but I’m so glad you showed up. Where’s Auntie Luna? Is she going to be here soon?”

Celestia finally relaxed and nuzzled Snickers. “No, she wasn’t coming. She’s asleep after a long night performing her duties in the dream realm. I was bluffing… but I don’t care about that, only you. Are you going to be okay? Once I heard from the guard a librarian was assaulted with Chaos magic, I rushed here.

“I had no idea you were here and in such danger,” Celestia’s eyes watered and she hugged him close to her, “if I’d known, I’d have gotten here even faster and would have--”

“Done something reckless, I’m sure,” Snickers said as he basked in the affection. “You did just fine with what you had, don’t worry about it.” Snickers pulled back and pushed Celestia off of him so he could look behind himself, then exhaled loudly. “No ‘being foalnapped mark’. I guess that’s a good thing, huh?”

Celestia snorted a laugh and a sob, her eyes finally spilling tears down her cheeks as she was wracked with sobs. She encircled them both with her wings and cried over her son like she had once done two hundred years prior.

Snickers held Celestia more than she held him for a while, then she stopped and used her magic to clean herself up. She closed her wings and wiped her puffy pink eyes with her golden-shod leg. “I apologize for that, Snickers,” she said, softly. “I think that was just too much to hear from you, just then.”

“Why? I thought it was normal for a foal to want their mark,” Snickers said, hugging her giant body as best he could. Celestia moved him back to a sitting position to look at her. “The last thing… Aquelis said to me, was that he didn’t want a mark in his hurting heart.”

Celestia breathed in deeply and held it as her eyes widened. She looked down and let her breath out quickly with a ‘huh’. “Was… that it? Was that the closure I needed for all this time?”

Snickers looked back into the mare’s large and hopeful eyes, then shrugged. “I don’t think I even know what closure is…”

Celestia smiled and hugged Snickers again, then moved to her hooves in a fluid motion that kept Snickers beneath her. “I think we should get you out of this area and into a safer room. Where are your fillies, by the way… and your timberpony?”

Snickers’s eyes darted around the room and he pouted. “Laxxie?! Where are you, girl?”

Laxxie looked around the gardens of Canterlot Castle and realized she knew where she was. Her first instinctive reaction was to root herself for a snack, but she quickly decided against it when she realized that Snickers was probably alone.

She stood up and her head bonked against metal; that was when she realized she had been caged. Discord looked at her through the bars and hummed. “Well, a forest spirit, bound to a body… bound to a pony… what an odd happening,” he sniffed the air, “and you stink of Harmony’s magic.

“There are so many things I could do to you, little spirit. I could pull you from your body and bind you to this garden, never able to interact again.” He chuckled when Laxxie cowered back from the draconequus.

“Don’t,” Laxxie whimpered and reverted back to her timberwolf form. “Laxxie is good puppy, won’t hurt a pony. Nope, nope, nope,” she insisted and shook her head.

“A good puppy? A good pony? You’re not worth the jokes I can play on you,” he looked up at the guards assembling and snapped his tail, turning all their armor into dresses and their weapons into various soft candies. “You may have the human fooled, but I know you’re worse than I am.

“Harmony’s gifts only benefit itself, unlike its kin. I’ll show you by giving you a punishment; for bonding to a pony instead of the forest you should have,” Discord grinned maliciously and snapped his paw. He vanished with a pained noise and everything returned to normal.

Except for Laxxie.

Laxxie opened her eyes and blinked with eyelids that she’d never had before. A small breeze blew through the area and she closed her eyes and lifted her muzzle as she, for the first time, felt the breeze against her mossy body and through her grassy hair. It was the most delightful thing, second to syrup, she’d ever experienced.

Laxxie sniffed the air and more scents than she could explain assaulted her nose. “Wh-what happened?” She asked in a soft and melodious voice. She lifted a wooden hoof to her lips and felt the soft wood give at the pressure, making her gasp in a breath she realized she could feel.

“What happened?” She asked again. A sticky wetness was in her mouth and she opened her lips to let her tongue out. A guard giggled at the sight of Laxxie’s tongue dripping sap as she tried to look at the little vine that protruded from her lips.

Another breeze brushed across Laxxie’s body and she lifted her muzzle to bask in the sensation, when a single butterfly landed on the end of her muzzle. Laxxie’s eyes crossed and she quietly giggled as the butterfly flapped its wings, slowly; unknowing that the creature it rested on was alive and not another branch it favored.

“Hi, I’m Laxxie, who are you?” Laxxie naively asked. The butterfly hopped from her snout and fluttered away. Laxxie waved goodbye, and the guards watched the exchange with smiles.

Laxxie sat ramrod straight and she stared into space, then nodded and relaxed after whispering ‘thank you’ to the air in front of her.

Celestia quickly carried Snickers through the halls and back to his room, where Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon hugged by the door, fear clearly gripping their little hearts. Snickers leapt to the floor and hugged them tightly.

“Discord was here and he told us he was gonna get you, and if we didn’t help him, he was gonna turn our families into mice and make them run in mazes forever,” Diamond said quickly, into his ear.

“Discord said he was gonna make us bald and stand on stilts, too,” Silver added.

Both their hearts raced at the ideas of what horrors Discord was planning, only to relax when Snickers hushed them as he held them with each foreleg. “It was all lies, he won’t do a thing to anypony, if I have anything to say about it.”

Celestia resisted the urge to frown at Snickers’s potential lie, but instead stepped back. “I will look for your pet, and any other mischief Discord may have caused. Stay in here; Discord may have his magic, but it’s far less effective in the castle, and especially these rooms. I’ll be back, soon.”

Snickers and the fillies nodded and Celestia closed the door as she backed away from them. She gave one glance at the lone guard in the room conveying the importance of the matter, to which a single nod was the reply.

“Don’t worry, girls, I’m gonna keep you safe,” Snickers said.

Diamond weakly giggled with Silver Spoon. “Silly,” Diamond said, “that’s the mare’s job, to keep the stallion safe.”

“Well, I guess I’m just different, aren’t I?” Snickers asked.

Silver backed up from the hug and smiled kindly. “Thank goodness for that. I can’t imagine you being like every other colt.”

Snickers shivered and held his head for a moment, startling the fillies and worrying the guard. “Ugh, I feel like I might throw up.”

“Do you need a bucket, Your Highness?” The guard asked.

Snickers snapped a glare at the guard. “I’m not royalty, you biscuit loving soda drinker! Stop calling me that.”

The guard’s ears turned this way and that, but finally she nodded. “Yes, sir.” She stood at ease and her eyes scanned the area while the foals moved to the next room.

Another guard stood by the door, snapped her wings to her sides, and brought her forehoof up in a salute.

“Good afternoon, sir, and ladies. No sign of Discord for nearly ten minutes, I’ll keep you abreast of any changes.”

Snickers looked at the guard and nodded. “Keep doing good work, uh, ma’am.”

The guard smirked ever so slightly at the praise and clacked her hooves to the floor when she returned to a relaxed position.

Snickers moved to the couch and hopped up with Diamond and Silver, then rubbed a spot at the apex of his forehead. Silver noticed where he was rubbing and asked, “Are you feeling any better?”

Snickers nodded. “Yeah, just feels like I got yanked here, for some reason. Like, someone pulled my fur and skin at the same time, it’s weird.”

Diamond began to speak, but Snickers heard a distant voice whispering in the back of his mind. He couldn’t make out what was being said, but he could almost recognize the voice as a filly’s.

“...bring some soup to help your tummy, Snickers. Would you like that?” Diamond finished.

Snickers shook his head quickly and blinked his eyes. “What? I was out of it for a second there.”

Diamond shared a worried look with Silver Spoon. “I think you should lay down. Here, lay on my side while Silver Spoon rubs your back. That always makes us feel better when we feel icky.”

Snickers didn’t feel like protesting, and he also felt like the last hour was more stressful than he could deal with at his age. He moved a little and Diamond sat up so Snickers could lay his head on her lap as he stretched on his belly with his hind legs under himself.

He noticed the same arousing scents that would have affected him, and then he mentally thanked Kiwe for making several potions he could take when needed. Snickers rested his chin on Diamond’s thigh and breathed in and out, ignoring Diamond’s sweet musk, but appreciating it all the same.

He jolted slightly when Silver’s shoeless hooves touched his back and began moving in slow motions from his withers to his dock, back and forth without any intention implied but to help him feel better.

It worked better than both fillies knew, because within a minute of silence and being gently tended to, Snickers hummed in his sleep. Diamond waved Silver to move around to her side so they could watch Snickers sleep, and that they did for a minute before Silver spoke to Diamond in a whisper.

“He’s so cute when he sleeps, isn’t he?”

Diamond nodded. “He’s the most precious thing I’ve ever had in my life. How did I not know that I could feel this way?”

Silver draped a foreleg over Diamond’s back as they looked at the colt they both cared for. “All I know is that he really will fight to keep us safe, and that means we have to work extra hard to make sure he doesn’t have to.”

They nuzzled one another and both wanted to give Snickers more affection, but they were in the best place and position to just be together and destress, and neither wanted to ruin the moment. After such a trying day, they all needed their rest, and before too long they were all asleep in a much needed nap.

Snickers felt warm, cozy, and drowsy when he began to wake up. His senses were filled with a heady aroma that tingled parts of him he didn’t want to worry about, and when he cracked his eyes open, all he could see was pink fur. He groaned and began to stretch his hind legs, then moved to pull himself free of Diamond’s body.

He noticed his head was nestled between her hind legs, her tail was across his back and tangled in his mane; and he didn’t care. It brought a sense of elation to him, that he was so close to such a personal part of Diamond Tiara, and he wasn’t assaulted by the urges and desires that tended to allay him at every third turn.

Silver Spoon was laying with her neck across Diamond’s and both fillies were slowly waking up, now that Snickers was moving. Silver opened her eyes and looked at Snickers. “Hey, have a nice nap? Do you feel better?” She asked, sitting up and pulling her braid over her left shoulder.

Snickers scrunched his face and moved his eyebrows, then nodded. “Yeah,” he yawned with a cute squeak that Diamond smiled at, even though she still refused to open her eyes and admit her wakefulness. “I don’t have that weird feeling, but I don’t know where Laxxie is.”

“Have you tried,” Silver bit her lip, “like, talking to her, in your mind?”

Snickers blinked and sighed gruffly. “If I didn’t have you girls, I’d go crazy, I think.”

Diamond giggled. “You already did that once, when we weren’t there, too.”

“Hush, I need a minute.” Snickers focused his connection and felt his mind searching for Laxxie’s mind, and finally it connected like a snapping rubber band, sending a pang of pain through them both.

Laxxie, where are you? Did Discord hurt you?

I will be there soon, Daddy. Just wait to see.

Wait and see what? Send me an image so I know where you are, Snickers asked, only to receive silence as the reply. He blinked and stomped a hoof onto the couch. “Dark chocolate with nuts! She’s okay and is gonna be here soon, but she cut me off.”

Silver scoffed. “How rude! I think your timberpony Should be kinder to her daddy, right, Diamond?”

“Yup.” Diamond simply said.

Silver giggled quietly as Snickers nuzzled her. “Why are you nuzzling me? I didn’t do anything.”

“Do I need a reason to show affection to my mares?” Snickers replied. Silver and Diamond blushed and then looked at the colt with adoration.

The door to the main room opened and closed. Heavy hooves approached the reading room, and Celestia entered with a soft smile. Her billowing tail moved aside and a wooden pony trotted into the room.

“Look, Daddy, I’m real!” Laxxie said in a cheerful filly’s voice that sounded like a beautiful melody.

The little herd galloped across the room in seconds and began talking animatedly while encircling Laxxie, looking her over and giving curious prods to her body. “How’d this happen?” Silver eventually asked.

“She’s as soft on the outside and hard on the inside; it’s like I heard a…” Diamond blushed brightly and refused to look at Snickers. “...nevermind.”

Snickers ignored Diamond and looked at Laxxie, in her glowing eyes. He watched her blink and they both grinned, then they hugged and Snickers felt warmth from his daughter’s body. “What happened, Laxxie? Did Discord do this?”

Laxxie shook her head. “Grampa Harmony’s magic did. He told me so, after I kissed a butterfly.”

Snickers clenched his teeth and leaned away from the hug. “Harmony isn’t your grandpa, and if he did this…” Snickers looked away and at the floor, “...then I hope it isn’t some new game of his.”

Laxxie lowered herself and cocked her head to try to catch Snickers’s attention. “Daddy, no matter what, I’m gonna be fine, okay?”

Snickers looked at Laxxie and a smile crept onto his lips. “No, I think we’ll all be fine; as long as we have each other.”

A group hug brought them all together and, for a moment, all was right in their world.


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“What do you mean, Grandpa Harmony?” Snickers asked when the fillies had come to terms with Laxxie’s cuteness.

Laxxie sniffed the air and her eyes followed her nose to Snickers. “Hm, weird smell, Daddy,” she giggled melodically.

“Laxxie,” Snickers stated firmly.

Laxxie’s ears perked and she looked at him. “Grandpa Harmony was in the gardens after Uncle Discord tried to make me different… Grandpa Harmony said Uncle Discord’s magic didn’t work with Grandpa Harmony’s magic in me,” she touched her chest, “so I was made real, on accident.”

“Accident?” Celestia asked. “I consider this quite the fortunate event. Another filly to care for you is always a good thing, right?”

Snickers frowned at the alicorn in the room. “She’s not joining my herd, Celestia.”

Celestia’s smile fell slightly. “I… thought I was still your mommy, my little star.”

Snickers groaned and got up, then moved to Celestia and hugged her foreleg. “You’re kinda my mom, but not enough,” he said and backed away before Celestia could nuzzle him. “Aquelis is in here,” he tapped his head, “but Rarity is here,” he touched his chest. “I’m sorry, but you’re just not my mom.”

Celestia sighed sadly, but nodded acceptingly. “I understand; but know I’ll always be here for you, if you need me. The same applies to your herd, and children,” she said softly and looked at the timberpony, watching them with the fillies. “You know,” Celestia said, lowering her head to Snickers’ level, “when I said I wanted grandfoals, I was thinking they’d be… more pony and less timber.”

The two shared a laugh and rubbed muzzles, then backed apart. Celestia nodded to Snickers and took her leave while Snickers and the others watched. “Can we have some time alone?” Snickers asked his group of friends.

A minute later they were all in their room and Snickers paced back and forth before the three fillies. Snickers glanced up at Laxxie every pass he made and shook his head. He finally stopped in front of the wooden filly and looked at her. “So, you’re a real pony now?”

Laxxie grinned, showing wooden teeth. “Yuppers.”

Snickers waved her closer to him and mentally connected to her. Can you still hear me, Laxxie?

Yes, Daddy, Laxxie replied.

Snickers smiled. “Why does your voice sound like you’re being musical?”

“Musical, Daddy?”

Silver giggled. “Melodic, that’s the word you’re thinking of.”

“Oh, I can answer that,” Diamond raised her foreleg like she was in class. Snickers nodded and she sat up straight. “Pony’s had a musical renaissance eight hundred years ago and music became part of our lives for three hundred years afterwards. Ever since then, music has had a true part of our being because music is nothing without Harmony.”

Snickers brought a hoof to his face. “Of course it is. Okay, so what does melody, and music revolution’s, gotta do with her voice.”

“Duh,” Diamond snarked. “She’s enchanted with Harmony’s magic, which is the essence of music.”

Snickers stared at the pink filly for a moment, waiting for more. “That doesn’t make sense. It’s like saying the trees grow because the sun is out.”

“Um, they kinda do,” Silver said, half raising a foreleg. Diamond nodded in agreement. Laxxie stood and let her tail sway side to side in a rhythmic motion.

Snickers was about to argue the logic of cause and effect, but stopped himself as a feeling swelled inside him. Laxxie’s tail was dragging on the floor and some water dripped in the bathroom, both in time with a beat that he felt growing around himself. Silver and Diamond’s ears twitched in time with everything coming together, and Snickers realized what was about to happen.

“No!” He shouted and ran to the balcony door. He opened it and closed it behind himself with a loud clack as it shut. The midmorning sun shone upon him and warmed his coat as he listened with his ear to the door.

Music began to play from within the room as the three fillies began to sing about Laxxie’s new body and the future she has ahead of her. Snickers did his best to keep from singing the chorus by sucking his lips into his mouth and gently biting down, but his hips swayed and his hooves tapped to the beat of the music.

Before too long, it was over and Diamond Tiara knocked on the balcony door. “Snickers, are you okay?”

“Is it over?” Snickers asked.

“Is what over?” Diamond replied.

Snickers yanked the door, only to realize it was locked from the inside. The door unlatched and Snickers pulled it open, then peeked inside. “The song, is it over?”

The fillies nodded to Snickers, who exhaled quietly and reentered the room with his head high.

“Snickers, you know you can’t outrun every song that’s gonna come along, right?” Silver Spoon asked.

Snickers shook his head. “There’s always a way out, and I don’t sing and dance, okay?”

Silver and Diamond’s ears lowered, but they nodded in acquiescence.

Laxxie pranced around Snickers, twice, and nuzzled her muzzle under his foreleg, sniffing at him intently. Snickers giggled and did his best to push her back, but she was at an odd angle that left Snickers only able to rotate with her motion as he tried to get space. “What’re you doing, Laxxie?” Snickers laughed.

Laxxie snorted warm air under Snickers’s barrel. “You smell weird, Daddy. Like… I don’t know what, but it’s not good.”

Snickers stopped, lifted his foreleg, and brought his hoof down onto Laxxie’s neck. “Stop it!”

Laxxie hopped back with a whimper. “Ouch, Daddy. Why did you hit me? I thought… I thought I am a good filly.”

Snickers noticed the glares Silver and Diamond were giving him, so he hid the offending forehoof behind his back. “I didn’t say she was bad, just that she had to stop!”

“Hush,” Silver Spoon hushed Laxxie as she hugged the slightly smaller wooden filly to her body, “that mean colt isn’t going to hurt you again,” she gave his a searing look, “is he?”

Snickers looked away in shame and nodded. “Yeah, I’m sorry, Laxxie. I was just… uncomfortable with you sniffing me. Ponies don’t do that to each other, okay?”

“But,” Laxxie said, quietly, “you smell like a bad plant, and I don’t want you sick.”

Snickers looked between Silver and Diamond, then back to Laxxie. “How do you know it’s a bad plant?”

“Because, I am a forest spirit. I know good and bad plants.”

Snickers nodded at the reasoning. “Makes sense, but I don’t get why you think it’s bad. Some things aren’t bad for ponies, but are poisonous to other creatures. How do you know this plant is bad for ponies?”

Laxxie opened her mouth, then closed it. She stared into space for a moment, then looked back at Snickers. “I don’t know, Daddy.”

“Exactly, so there’s probably nothing to worry about. Besides,” Snickers said as he sat beside Laxxie and leaned against her, “sometimes, bad things happen, and all we can do is make them better.”

Laxxie leaned against Snickers and trilled. “You’re warm like the sun on a good day, Daddy.”

Silver and Diamond ‘aww’ed and moved to Snickers’s side and back, both leaning against him to share in the affection. “He’s so soft,” Silver said from behind him, nuzzling against his mane and breathing in softly..

“And he smells so good,” Diamond said, opening her eyes when she said it, but regretting nothing as she nuzzled her snout under his chin and breathed him in.

Snickers sighed in contentment. “Yeah, life’s good.”

Covered with cuts and lacerations, Kiwe entered the apartment for the first time in what felt like weeks, his body was sore and it wasn’t from various types of fun with Gul. The door guards watched him as he dragged his hooves across the threshold and through the rooms to the stairs. He walked up the stairs, went to the first bedroom and touched the closed door.

His horn lit and the knob turned with his magic, opening and revealing the room within. Kiwe nearly fell in, but braced his forelegs as he walked into the room. He looked up to see the surprised faces of the herd, plus a new pony made of wood. “What do I see here, but a wooden pony that causes no fear?

“Should I guess this one is Laxxie, or a new pony that I have never before seen?”

Silver Spoon got to her hooves and hopped to the floor before the other two and rushed to Kiwe. She stopped before him and looked him over. “You look like you got into a fight and lost, are you okay?”

Snickers grimaced when he saw the other colt. “Ouch, did it hurt when you got those scratches and cuts?”

“How are you not bleeding, I can see…" Diamond Tiara nearly gagged when one of the wounds moved and the fat underneath showed.

Kiwe chuckled dryly. “I didn’t lose, but a little healing potion saved me from losing my life in my victory, as shallow as it is.”

Snickers watched as one cut across Kiwe’s cheek closed without a mark, his fur growing quickly to cover the spot. “Still, ouch. What happened? Did you and Gul get into a fight over something?”

Kiwe tried to sit, but winced from a cut in his hindquarters and stayed standing. “Can you get me a cushion, I need to sit down and rest.”

A flash of light filled the room and a nurse appeared, looked at the foals, then rushed to Kiwe with her horn alight. “Multiple cuts and contusions, missing fur, minor concussion… care to tell me what happened, young stallion?” the nurse asked as she began healing Kiwe.

Kiwe sat on a cushion that the mare moved into place before the other foals could respond to Kiwe’s initial request. “I was in a fight, though I may not have been in the right.”

Snickers sat between Silver and Diamond and watched from a little ways away. “So, can you tell us about it?” Snickers asked.

Kiwe looked stunned and somewhat shocked, then hummed sadly. “I… am to be a father, it seems.”

“What?!” Kiwe’s friends shouted in unison, then they all ran to hug him while cheering and heaping praise on the worried zony colt.

“What a stallion! Great job! What’s it gonna be, a pony, a gryphon? Oh, my, or hippogryph?”
“I’m so proud of you, when is she due? Do gryphons last eleven months like ponies do?”
“I can’t believe it, how’d you manage to knock her up; it isn’t even the season!”

The nurse stopped her magic and pushed the other foals off Kiwe. “Do you mind waiting to praise this little hero until after I’m done healing his wounds?” She asked, clearly with some joy in her eyes while her voice was struck with sternness.

Snickers, Diamond, and Silver giggled and pronked in place around Kiwe while the nurse quickly finished. A few seconds passed and the nurse smirked. “Okay, done.”

She stepped back and bumped into Laxxie, who was watching passively. “Hi, miss pony. I’m a real pony, did you know that?”

The nurse looked at Laxxie and nodded. “Sure you are,” she answered with disbelief in her voice. “Well, if there’s nothing else…” she said as Kiwe was surrounded by his friends. She smiled warmly at Kiwe and vanished in a teleport.

Kiwe, while being proud of his friends’ affection and support, raised a forehoof to forestall the bombardment of questions and praise. Kiwe noted that Snickers was acting very happy, more so than the colt had ever been before. “Well, as I said, I was in a fight. I may soon be a father, which is quite the delight. I was not expecting such to occur, but a lioness is fertile more than twice a year. I found out by the hen during one of our suppers, with both of her brothers. While the oldest was upset and held back his wrath, her younger brother, Gil, responded with a slash.

“He scratched, bit, sliced, and hit, a well placed buck and spell sent him away with a defined limp. I was given a potion meant to heal, and banished from the most recent meal. I made my way here as the potion did its work, and now you know the story of how I chose to listen to my dork.”

“I don’t think you’re a dork, Kiwe,” Silver Spoon said, patting the zony’s back.

Kiwe weakly giggled and stood up. “A dork is a whale penis, my grey friend. May you never see one, or the mental images may never end.” Kiwe grinned at Silver, who blushed a little.

Diamond Tiara huffed indignantly. “She’s silver, not grey… and, even though I’m super proud of you for what you’ve done… what about the baby? Are you gonna stay here, or travel with her and her brothers?”

Kiwe slumped and dragged his hooves, quietly moving across the room until he could flop onto a cushion large enough for him to just sink into. “She won’t have me follow her. I asked and tried to plead my case, but she won’t fly and her brothers refuse to carry me. I miss her already,” he said quietly.

Diamond and Silver looked at Snickers, asking him with their eyes for permission to show Kiwe attention. Snickers nodded, not wanting to play around, and watched as his fillies lay besides Kiwe and shared their warmth and love with him. It took a few seconds before Kiwe was crying onto Silver Spoon while being held by both fillies.

Snickers wiped his eye and moved besides Laxxie, who was watching curiously at the events.

Daddy, why is Uncle Kiwe sad?

Snickers smiled at the phrase ‘Uncle Kiwe’. He may lose the one he loves, Laxxie. It hurts when that happens, and trust me when I say that I hope I don’t have it happen to me again.

But, Daddy, why don’t they just find a nice place to make a home and be there, under the sun and with yummy food around them?

Snickers snickered as he leaned onto Laxxie. “You’re just so young… I can’t believe how much alike we are. We’re both learning about being a pony now, aren’t we?”

“Daddy, I am a pony, like you are. What we were doesn’t define our futures, does it?” Laxxie said and blinked when she noticed Snickers looking at her. “You said that before and told me. I’m just saying what you said, Daddy.”

Snickers ran through his memories and didn’t recall ever saying that, then it struck him. “Laxxie, did I give you any memories of my life before I was a pony?”

Laxxie blinked twice and cocked her head. “Of course, Daddy. That’s why I know electrics and maths so good.”

Snickers tapped his chin and let his gaze travel across the moving heavens of the ceiling he’d taken for granted. “Laxxie, what’s 135.241 times 952.56 divided by 9.65?”

Laxxie inhaled and said, “Thirteen-thousand, three-hundred and forty-nine point seven-five-eight-two-three-four-one-nine-six-eight-nine. Why?”

Snickers sputtered and pointed to himself, then Laxxie. “What? What?! You just solved something I made up as fast as I made it up! How, is more important than ‘why’! This is amazing, Laxxie!”

“Hey, don’t be a jerk, Snickers!” Diamond Tiara shouted, quieting Snickers’ curious joy.

“It wasn’t because of Kiwe, Laxxie just--”

“Like, show more consideration for your friend, Snickers,” Silver scolded. “Why aren’t you here with us, helping him through this tough time?”

Laxxie gave Snickers a firm shove, harder than she knew was needed, and sent him rushing to his friends. He managed to lay on the cushion behind Kiwe and began petting the sobbing colt’s back.

Snickers’s forehoof trailed back a little far a couple times and Diamond used her tail to snap Snickers’s attention back to the moment. Snickers decided he’d take some time to meditate and try to find and talk to Aquelis about boundaries, physical desires, and the line between them.

Sitting up with his hind legs crossed and his forelegs resting on his knees, Snickers felt a tug inside his mind he couldn’t explain if he tried, then opened his eyes. He was in the void from when he’d first met Aquelis, only there was a lot more yellow than before. Snickers noticed some light grey stripes and noticed the image of Kiwe out of the corner of his eye, but it always vanished before he could see it.

“So, you return?” Aquelis said from behind Snickers. Snickers turned to face his near mirror image. “How long has it been? Months, years?”

“No,” Snickers replied, “only a couple days. Look, I have to talk to you about something serious, okay?”

Aquelis flicked an ear and looked away. “Whatever it may be, I’m sure it has little to do with me.”

Snickers stomped his hoof and the ground rang like a bell that hurt both colts to hear. They covered their ears for a few seconds as the ring toned away. “Okay, I’m gonna come back to that, but first is my swearing. I--”

“You’re very welcome,” Aquelis grinned. “You sounded like the lowliest peasant off the dirtiest ship from the murkiest waters before I helped you sound more refined, even though you seem to push even my censorship of you to its limits at times. How can one that looks so lovely have such a vile repertoire of crass language?”

Snickers pouted and looked away from Aquelis. “Well, I want it back. I don’t notice when I don’t say shit, but everypony else does. Swearing is a part of me and I need it, okay?”

Aquelis shook his head. “If I could, I’d purge every word you use in such a manner and have you learn them anew, over time… as a foal naturally should. Instead, I will discuss this topic no more, for now. What else is on your mind, friend? Please, don’t say fillies. I’ve seen what’s on your mind with those fillies and…” Aquelis pretended to retch and gag.

Snickers rolled his eyes. “Get up and stop acting like I just kissed Kiwe.”

Aquelis’s eyes widened and he blushed. “Could you? That would be ever so wonderful… I feel something special when I see him. Maybe it’s the exotic nature, maybe it’s the way his hips sway when he walks--”

“Stop checking out my bro, bro! C’mon, I can’t even rub his back without wanting to rub somewhere under his tail! Can you just… God, ever since that night…” a window appeared over Snickers showing the night he tasted Kiwe with Diamond’s intervention, “...all I want is to feel it again, and I know it’s your fault.”

“Is that so wrong?!” Aquelis snapped. “All I wanted was a cute boyfriend, and then I died before that could happen. Everything is bringing me and Kiwe together, except you keep blocking my advances. Why can’t I just have a sample? What if…” Snickers raised a hoof but didn’t speak in time to stop Aquelis’s suggestion, “...I switch with you, so it’ll all happen to me?

“I won’t say anything about love, just let him know how amazing it feels. Then, we switch back when it’s over and you can say you were under the drink.”

“I don’t think--”

“It’s a great idea! You have the urges, I can feel them! What do I have to do to let you, let me, taste some Zebracan chocolate?”

Snickers burst into laughter and fell onto his flank, holding his sides. “That’s fucking awesome! That’s… I’m gonna use that when I see Kiwe and get a chance to tease him about being a daddy.”

Aquelis blushed again and his eyes shimmered. “A… daddy? My zebra is gonna be a daddy? That’s… wonderful…”

Snickers stopped laughing so hard and got to all fours and gave his counterpart a gentle punch. “C’mon, don’t be glum. You know it was bound to happen, eventually. Every stallion has a foal, or so I’ve been told,” he winked at Aquelis, who sniffled.

“I just hope she’s a mare that will keep him safe and cared for. He deserves no less.”

Snickers chuckled nervously and looked at the sky, which was the same color as Kiwe’s coat, striped as well. “Well, she’s not exactly a mare.”

“Oh,” Aquelis smiled and gave Snickers a playful shove. “One of yours, I take it?”

Snickers looked at Aquelis, deadpan. “She’s a gryphon, actually.”

There were four seconds of absolute silence before Aquelis covered his ears and screamed as loud as he could.

Snickers touched Aquelis’s side and the colt screamed again, shrilly enough to make Snickers grimace and press his ears to his head. “Aquelis!” Snickers shouted, only to get another scream in reply. “Want me to kiss Kiwe for you?” Snickers shouted.

Aquelis inhaled to scream again, but opened his eyes and looked at the serious look Snickers was giving him. He uncovered his ears slightly and let one rise a little. “Would you, really?”

Snickers nodded. “Yeah, and I’ll even let you do it, if we can figure out how to work out sharing some things.”

Aquelis gulped. He closed his eyes and the room transitioned to a light creamy yellow that reminded Snickers of warm butter, a better palette than seeing Kiwe’s color scheme everywhere. “Okay,” Aquelis said, breathily, “I don’t want to make you uncomfortable, dear friend, but I would love for that to happen. Perhaps, I could even find time for some much needed release?” He asked, a bit hopefully.

“Don’t push your luck,” Snickers snarked, “I’m not rubbing one out to my BFAM.”


“Brother from another mother.” Snickers answered and they both shared a polite laugh. “Okay, boundaries are set, deals are made, are we good?”

Aquelis cocked his head. “I try to always be a good colt. Mommy’s little star can’t shine if he’s dirty with shame, after all.”

Snickers opened his mouth, then closed it. “That’s a great way to look at it. I’ll see you later, okay?”

“Farewell, friend Snickers,” Aquelis waved as the room began to fade away.

Snickers waved back. “Since when am I so spiritually connected? I never could have done this before…”

Snickers opened his eyes and saw Silver Spoon sleeping in front of him, her body and tail curled like a pleased cat that brought a smile to his lips. He stiffly moved his body and his hind legs creaked as he moved them back to their frontal position. He was pleased they didn’t cramp or hurt as he moved, but was curious about the popping and tension he felt.

“Pony legs are not meant to bend that way, yet there you chose to sit and stay,” Kiwe’s voice intoned from beside him. On his own cushion, Kiwe sat in the same cross legged position. “Do not be surprised, I relax like this from time to time. Meditation is a very good thing, it helps relax the mind and get it off troubling things.”

Snickers fell to his side and rolled onto his hooves, groaning as his lower back realigned with a loud pop that sent his tail ridgid. He relaxed with a contented sigh. “If that’s what happens, I’ll meditate every day… so, when did Silver show up? How long was I meditating?”

Kiwe opened one eye a little and looked from the filly to the colt. “Nearly two hours, by my guess. Time does fly when one does not care about it. And, before you ask, Diamond Tiara has taken time to visit with Cress in the common room. You should awaken your filly and visit as well, while I come to terms with my life choices.”

Snickers took the given advice, but before he woke Silver Spoon from her wonderful sleep, he cupped Kiwe’s muzzle between his hooves and looked into the surprised zony’s eyes. “I owe Aquelis a kiss, may I?”

Kiwe nodded once and Snickers brought his lips to Kiwe’s. Intending for a short peck, Snickers darted his tongue into Kiwe’s mouth and tilted his head so they were in a brief, but passionate, kiss. When their lips parted, Snickers panted and mewled, fighting to go back for more.

Kiwe pressed lightly to Snickers’s chest and pushed him back. “Brother, you have given your friend enough to think on, I believe you have a friend to check… on.”

Snickers blinked thrice and backed up, nodding. “Yeah, sorry, got carried away. I need a potion, thanks, I’m just gonna go and,” Snickers yelped when he tripped over Silver Spoon, waking her suddenly. Her head lifted quickly and struck something rock hard under Snickers, thankfully hidden due to the see-not spell.

“Ouch, why’d you step on me?” Silver asked, rubbing her ear that had bent wrongly. Snickers swallowed loudly and grinned lopsided. “Uh, just… uh, rushing and didn’t notice you. Gotta pee, ya know how it is.”

“Snickers,” Kiwe said, “do not rely on the potions too much, or they will lose effect faster. Meditate more, it will help.”

Snickers glared at Kiwe, who smirked and closed his eyes, returning to his meditative seating. Silver Spoon narrowed her eyes at Snickers and her ear popped back into place. “Did I just hit your penis with my head?”

Snickers swallowed so loudly, he thought it would echo. “M-maybe. I’m sorry!” He said quickly and cantered from Kiwe’s initial room with Silver following behind him.

“What did you talk about that made you so hard?” Silver asked casually. “Maybe I can help you? I mean to make it go away. Not like I wanna help you make it go away, but just get your mind off things.”

“I just gotta pee, that’ll help a lot. And, taking a potion will help, too.” Snickers answered without looking back as he rounded the turn into his own room. Laxxie was on the bed in some sunlight, laying with her eyes closed and a serene smile on her muzzle. Snickers went past her without a hello and to the bathroom.

He waited for Silver to enter before he closed the door. “I need to pee, that has to fix this,” he said standing over the squat toilet and waiting, relaxing, and waiting some more.

“Should I get you a potion? I’ll just get you one, since I can’t help.”

Snickers looked back and sighed as he felt the flow beginning. He relieved himself while Silver Spoon looked at the tiles under her hooves. “Silver,” Snickers said when he was done and stepped on the pedal to flush, “I know you’re not just after my body, and I appreciate that. I owe you a lot, for what you’ve done for me since we got to Canterlot, so I’m gonna think of a way to pay you back, okay?”

Silver met Snickers’s lime green eyes and nodded. “Yeah,” she said as she leaned closer. Snickers leaned in, too. “I’d like that, a lot.”

Their lips met and Snickers felt the problem reassert itself from beneath him as their tongues danced between them, fighting and eventually passing one another into the other’s mouth. Snickers shivered and his legs went wobbly, ending their kiss. Silver was blushing more than he’d ever seen and she was stifling a giggling.

“I never thought I’d make a colt get the wobbles,” she said between pants.

Snickers swallowed and looked between Silver and the hard rod only he could see, then focused and dispelled the spell, exposing himself to Silver. She gasped and stepped back, seeing it in all its mighty glory, then licked her lips.

Snickers wrapped his fetlocks at the medial ring and began moving them up and down while Silver watched, entranced. She stepped closer and raised a forehoof to touch it, waiting for Snickers’s permission. He nodded and her forehoof made contact, making her tail flag and her own knees weak.

Snickers gasped and shivered as arcs of lightning felt like they struck him. “I almost… if I was a little older,” he gasped as his senses returned.

“Can I… please you?” Silver asked, nervously.

Snickers gulped saliva down his throat as quickly and as loudly as he could. “Please, I need it, I need you.”

Silver Spoon licked her lips and started to lean closer to the mottled royal scepter held by both of them, her mouth opened and saliva began to pool around her tongue as she unsurely let it slowly exit her mouth like in the books she’d read… then there was a loud knocking on the door that terrified the foals.

Snickers quickly called a cool bath into the tub as he leapt in with Silver right behind him. The door opened and Diamond looked at her two herdmates in the tub, grinning too much to be normal.

Diamond hummed quickly. “Okay… can you hurry up with your bath? Cress wants to show us something in town.”

“We’re just taking a bath!” Both foals shouted in unison, leaning on the edge of the tub and grinning awkwardly.

“Right, make sure it’s a cold one,” Diamond said, rolling her eyes as she left and closed the door behind her.

“Yeah, this should be colder,” Silver said, sighing as the water cooled her heated nethers. Snickers nodded, relaxing as he let the water work its magic. “We should do this the next time we almost do something stupid, too.”

Snickers groaned and sank under the surface, blowing bubbles as he rose. “Just, get me that potion. I can't control myself without it.”

“...Okay,” Silver eventually agreed and got out of the tub.

“Silver,” Snickers said as she moved to the dryer. Silver looked back, sadly. Snickers smiled. “Thanks, even though we didn’t… that was still amazing. You have magic hooves,” he said and dunked under the water’s surface.

Silver looked at her hoof and slowly her sad expression turned into a smirk, which turned into a grin. She pronked once to the drier and laughed happily as the heated air did its job.

Egg Bearer

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Cress led the herd, and Kiwe, down several halls and to a squad of guards. Snapping to attention, the guards formed two ranks, flanked the group, and nodded to the thestral filly as she passed. Ponies of noble and lower birth moved to make a path for the guards and their charges.

Silver and Diamond began talking, wondering about where they were being led, while the colts focused on taking in the sights of Canterlot they hadn’t before. The building’s architecture, the colors, the brightness all seemed to wow both colts into utter silence as they appreciated the city beyond the shopping district.

Finally, they came to a halt, both columns of guards stopping behind Cress when she did, as though she were their commanding officer. Cress turned to face her fellows and gestured to a statue of Celestia, lying with three foals by her side, reading a book. The book was in a text none could read; none except Snickers.

The text shifted when he looked at it, as though it were trying to stay in Ponish, but it was in ancient Terran; clear as any other word he’d ever read on a monitor or display in his previous life. He chose to stay quiet, though, as the title simply read 'A Story'.

“This is a statue of Celestia. Isn’t it cool?” Cress asked. “The three foals represent the three tribes in their youth as Celestia guides them into the future.”

Diamond stepped between Kiwe and Snickers. “So, is that it? You just wanted to show us a statue?”

Cress shook her head. “No, I wanted to take Snickers there,” she pointed to a store that made Snickers’s ears stand at full attention.

He grinned and hopped in place. “Awesome!” He shouted and galloped through the guards and shopping ponies. He ran into the technology shop and noticed the steampunk design of what could count as a miniature version of a car. He stared at it as he passed and then he noticed a very scaled down model of the computer Twilight had in her basement.

“That’s a 1:150 scale model of what’s called a Turning Test Machine. A device created by Turning Test a few years ago that can run calculations on its own.” Snickers looked up to the unicorn salesmare that had just informed him of the device and smiled. “It’s nice to see such a young colt interested in technology. You are interested, right?”

Snickers nodded fervently. “Oh, yes, ma’am, I am. What’s the future look like for this computer technology?”

“Computer? Hm, I like the way that sounds… however, it does detract from the creator’s design. Oh, I’m Tele Vision, owner of Future Tech Museum, and you are?”

Snickers giggled into his forehoof. “Snickers, ma’am. And I’m all about technology. This isn’t much of a museum, though.”

Tele nodded. “We all have to start small. This is just a shop I’m renting on investor’s funds. Soon, I hope to have a warehouse in a major city that I can turn into a real museum, where I can show off technology from the recent past and potential far future. Did you know that in one-hundred years, everypony will have a flying cart that won’t need pegasi?”

While totally in agreement, Snickers didn’t want to change the future of Equestria too much, or alter this hopeful mare’s views on what could be. The introduction of alternating current was enough, for now, he believed. He had a brief thought of telling her how right she could be, but instead chose to distract himself. “What’s that?” He moved past Tele to a box with a screen on it. He held back another giggle when he saw what it was from the other side.

“That, young stallion, is my gift to the scientific community. I’ve named it after myself and it’s going to change the way we enjoy going to the theaters! It’s a portable movie theater, in a box. It's called the Tele Vision Portable Display Theater and Remote Viewer. You see, the movie is stored on these crystals and goes in here,” she demonstrated by placing a crystal shaped like a small rectangle into a small receptacle on top, then used her hoof to press a large button on the front.

The television screen glowed and seconds passed before Tele sighed and took the gem back with her magic. “It still needs some work, but when I get it working, it’ll be amazing.”

Snickers bit his lip, resisting the urge to offer to fix it, knowing he didn’t want to cause any damage to technology he didn’t understand, yet. “I bet it will change the world, Miss Vision. What about that?”

“That’s a camera that takes a picture and develops it right away. They are already out there, but this one is a prototype that can print the pictures in photorealistic, oil, and acrylic styles of paint, as well as traditional stillframe. The only thing stopping mass production is that, well,” she giggled shortly, “there aren’t any ponies interested in the technology, and it’s a bit cost prohibitive when it does go into market.

“Do you understand what that means, Snickers?”

Snickers nodded and moved around the stand displaying the camera. “What about portable communication devices? Do you have any of those?”

Tele’s eyes sparkled and she rushed away without Snickers, calling to him when she was out of sight. “Snickers, come over here, I’ll show you what’s on the horizon, past the simple telegraph using mares-code. This, future inventor, is the Long Range Telephonic Intrapony Communication Device.

“Using proprietary refracting gem technology, these devices will allow ponies across Equestria to communicate with one another instantly, doing away with middle-ponies that can read, intercept, miswrite, or read aloud personal telegraph letters,” she frowned for a second, then returned to a hopeful smile.

“Wow, if there’s two, can we try them?” Snickers asked. Tele squealed and placed a headset on Snickers while she turned away, swishing her tail in excitement. “Wait right here. When you hear a ringing, flip this switch,” she said and tapped on a single switch where a dial should have been. Snickers noted he’d have to suggest a way to specify callers, regardless of his own feelings on the matter of changing the future of telephony technology.

Snickers was pulled from his thoughts when the phone made a sound like a dinner chime being rung. He flipped the switch and, in near perfect clarity, heard Tele’s voice. “Hi, Snickers. I’m telephonically communicating with you from three yards away. Can you believe it?!” She shouted and was loud enough to be heard outside the headset.

Snickers grinned and nodded. “Yeah, it’s like you’re right next to me, but you’re actually far away. How much will this cost?”

“Hold on, I’ll be right back.” There was a clack and Snickers waited for Tele to return and use her magic to take the headset off of him. He flipped his ears once they were free of the confining device. “This will, hopefully, only cost about 500 bits per household. I see you’re surprised at the cost, but in the long run, the device will pay for itself.”

“Excuse me,” an earth pony mare asked from the site of another display, “what is this confounding device?”

Snickers met eyes with the excited mare and rushed to her side. “Yeah,” he asked, wondering what it was, too.

“Oh, that’s actually a portable memory recollection device. It’s fully functional, but testing has been a bit, well, testy. I don’t have it powered, for safety, but it fits on the back of a pony and can be used to help ponies with debilitating ailments recall certain events. However,” she raised a forehoof, “if used on a healthy pony, or other creature, it can cause events to be re-lived.

“That can be unnerving and, possibly, fatal, in one case. I don’t know the details, before you ask, but because of that, the device has been rendered unusable without the missing parts, which I don’t have. This is a loaned device from the Ministry of Equine Safety and isn’t available for sale, test, or even description, besides what I’ve already told you.

“I have a brochure here, if you’re interested in funding future research, though,” she gestured to several brochures and forms.

Snickers hummed and then shook his head. “No, I don’t think Mom or Mommy will let me invest in anything, yet. Besides, I could make everything in here on my… own,” he trailed off and looked at the kindly disbelieving mares. “Just kidding, I know this is way too advanced for me. I just… hope to be an inventor, someday.”

Tele comfortingly rubbed her forehoof through his mane. “And you can be, as long as you look to the future with bright eyes, and don’t let neighsayers hold you back or bring you down.”

Tele grinned as a new patron entered her museum and rushed to her. “Is this a camera shop?” The mare asked.

Tele sighed and stopped by her potential customer. “No, but I sell simple technology such as that in the back. The front here is actually a look into the future, our future,” she gestured nebulously into space, “and it’s brighter than the day’s sky.”

Snickers looked at the mare beside him and they shared a look. Snickers could see something wise in her eyes that he couldn’t place. “Son, this room is full of potential, but don’t expect a lot. This place hasn’t seen a technological revolution, ever. It’s like the whole world is stuck in time, never improving or advancing for some reason.

“Hope for the best, little guy, but don’t expect much that you don’t do yourself. Equestria is three-thousand years old and still uses stone-age technology.”

Snickers stepped back from the mare and looked her over. She was a slate red with auburn mane and tail. What she said was curious, but her mark was what caught his eye. “Your mark, is that a circuit?”

The mare smirked and nodded. “You’ve been reading in the Canterlot Library Electronics section, it seems. Stay there and read more, maybe you can be the one to bring change to this stagnant world.”

Snickers inhaled to say something else, but stopped when Tele ran past with the customer following. “This way to modern technology... and sales!”

Snickers watched the mares rush past, but when he looked at the mare he was talking to, he saw her walking to the exit. He was willing to give chase, ready to ask her more on her mark and what it meant, as well as what she was talking about, but he hesitated.

“Whatever, she was probably some inventor that got shot down a few times too many,” Snickers reasoned. “Well, what else does this place have?”

“Snickers?” Silver called from the doorway. “There you are. We were wondering if you were gonna be in here a while, or wanted some shaved ice with us?”

Snickers looked around and realized that he really could make everything in the museum; better than what he’d seen, in fact. He nodded to Silver, choosing to follow her out and resume his day.

“So, was that the big thing you had to show us?” Snickers asked Cress.

She nodded and shrugged her leathery wings. “I really thought that you’d all be interested in it, because of how you seemed so into science and technology.”

Snickers nodded. “I am, but I guess the others aren’t,” he sighed. “I wish you could know what I know, you’d appreciate the little things all the more if you did.”

Diamond nuzzled Snickers and moved to side with him. “If you want, I’ll go in with you and you can show me all about that… techno-stuff.”

Snickers shook his head. “If you sounded any more bored, I think you’d yawn as soon as we walked in.”

“Well, are there any parks around here we could play in?” Diamond asked, looking to Cress.

Cress nodded. “Sure, let’s get that ice and I’ll show you to a park I know about.”

The guards snapped to attention and followed Cress to a shaved ice stall where, once the foals were with their treats, they all got to climb onto a guard’s back to enjoy their desserts while Cress flew just ahead and guided them to the park.

Snickers smiled as he thought of playing and realized he couldn’t blame anypony for not sharing his interest in the future, because everypony with him was either younger than he was mentally, or on guard duty. His concerns, adult concerns, weren’t theirs; nor should they be his. He licked his shaved ice and looked at the ponies they passed, knowing they really were happy just as things were.

Blissful in their ignorance.

It was one of the few times Snickers had looked at ponies in a new light, and the light wasn’t very exciting. Nobles walked with their snouts up, foals were dressed primly and properly, and there was an air of refinement about everypony that just said what the mare in the shop had; they were happy being stagnant.

Taking solace with that, Snickers focused on the moment he was in and enjoyed his treat while beginning to talk with Silver Spoon about shops and stores they passed, market stalls that reminded them of being back home, in Ponyville, and they eventually included the others with plans of what to play when they got to the park.

Hours later, after returning to the castle and taking a short nap, the group split with the fillies heading into Kiwe's room, leaving the colts to themselves. Now, Snickers and Kiwe sat facing one another, Kiwe looking ashamed while Snickers smiled gently. “So,” Snickers started, “you’re gonna be a dad… how’s it feel?”

Kiwe shrugged and rubbed one of the few scars on his foreleg he’d had left that was blended into his stripe. “I… am scared. I was not prepared.”

Snickers snerked. “You came in her, like, a hundred times… what’d you think would happen?”

“Not this!” Kiwe shouted in reply, his face twisting to anger. “Had I known she was in heat, I would have spent time in the bathroom and…” he blushed brightly and looked away.

Snickers laughed. “Beat your meat? Naughty colt, you’re not supposed to say such things… can I,” he stopped mid-sentence, “help you in any way?” Snickers felt the struggle pass and appreciation flow through him, having narrowly avoided hitting on his close friend again.

“No, soon I will be meeting her again and we’ll talk about what to do. I long to hear her call me her Kiki again, as it makes me have such wonderful feelings. I do not wish to leave you or the girls… You’re my friends and you’re my brother from another mother.” He smiled again and met Snickers’s eyes. “You are a very important pony, and I look forward to experiencing your travels and trials with you and your herd.”

Snickers sighed and relaxed. “I can’t believe how I’m treated here, ya know? I mean, shit, I’m treated like a diamond egg worth a million bits. Every mare wants me, but is afraid of breaking me in any way.”

Kiwe quietly snorted. “I forgot you use such language and sound so crass… perhaps I should remove the stick from my ass,” Kiwe rhymed and joined Snickers in a good-natured laugh. “Yes, I can use such words, brother. While with Gul…” he went quiet for a moment, “...we spoke in such a way.”

Snickers began to grin. “Dirty talk? Do tell me more, I’m all ears,” he stated and focused his attention, and ears, on Kiwe. Kiwe waved him off, though. “Aww, I was hoping for some good, juicy, details.”

“I have no plans to share everything we did, but perhaps a little bit wouldn’t hurt,” Kiwe admitted and inhaled to speak, when the door to the apartment thudded from heavy knocks.

There was a clang from outside the door and the guards stiffened, tightening their grips on their weapons. “Open up, Kiki, or I’ll get the lawyers involved!”

Kiwe squeaked and crouched low, beginning to shake and tremble. “N-no, not again.”

A guard opened the door with another at the ready. The door had two heavy dents from where a stone bust of an earth pony he didn’t know had hit it, a golden-feathered, panther-backed gryphon tom standing at the threshold, glaring into the room as he searched for Kiwe.

“Get over here, you unicorn-zebra bastard!” the young male gryphon shouted, his and Snickers’s eyes meeting as the colt approached. “Who are you?”

“I’m Snickers, why’re you making a scene at my apartment?”

“I’m Gil, Gul’s brother. This is apartment 9; Kiki’s here, and he has to answer for this,” Gil announced to the apartment and reached to a bag slung under himself. He sat and cradled the bag, moving it to expose an egg as large as Snickers’s head, but golden and spotted with dark dots.

“Fuck me with a fourteen inch dildo,” Snickers groaned as he looked at the egg. “How long until it hatches?”

“Three months; that’s three months I have to carry this if that rutting… wait, what did you say?” Gil asked.

Snickers shrugged. “I have a large vocabulary I choose to ignore in favor of colorful words. Uh, sentence enhancers, if you will. Look, can I just get you to come back tomorrow, or something? It isn’t a good time for us.”

Gil growled like an upset lion. “This is as good a time as any, and if you try to get rid of me, I’ll have lawyers here in no time, with the potential of ending the trade agreements we came here to establish and ratify. Tell Kiki to get over here and father this egg, or I’ll have to--”

“I am here, I hold little fear. Should you try to--”

“Can it, zebra! If you don’t take this egg and keep it warm, I’ll finish what I started earlier.”

Kiwe gulped and looked at the egg held by the gryphon. “I… cannot keep it warm. I have no feathers and my magic is not designed for such a task. Should I sit on it I would shatter it. Should I lay with it, I will lose my ability to walk and may suffocate… I do not even know a pegasi to help with the task.”

Gil’s expression changed from frustrated anger to one of worry and borderline fear. “No, you have to take it! Find a way, use your potions; those can work, right?”

Kiwe shook his head. “No, potions aren’t meant to rush life without significant risk. What else do you have to help care for this little one?”

Gil gulped and stepped back from the door and the guards glaring at him. “No, I can’t and won’t be its guardian! Take it, so I don’t have to stay here with you ponies until it hatches.” Gil began to reach the egg to Kiwe, who shook his head. Snickers shook his head next, followed by a pegasus mare that Gil offered the egg to.

"No," Gil whined pitifully, "I wanna go home! I can't watch some stupid egg for my sister. This is all your fault," he pointed at Kiwe. “I wouldn't be here if you didn’t get so hurt.”

Kiwe shook his head. “No, you are the one who attacked me.”

"Why not just take it with you back to Gryphonia?" A guard nonchalantly asked, leaning on her spear.

Gil snarled. "Because, the egg must be kept with the father while the mother hunts and provides. I refuse to be a guardian to my sister's egg."

Snickers raised a foreleg. "Why not just take it back, like the lady asked? Have some adult watch it till it hatches, then?"

Gil snapped his beak and averted his eyes from the colt. "My sister is a noble, above me, and as such… I must do as she commands while under official orders. If you," he pointed to Kiwe, "won't take your child, I must care for it. At least, until it hatches.”

Diamond startled Kiwe and Snickers by clicking her tongue from just behind them. "So, just carry it back with you, what's the big deal?"

Gil met her eyes. "I am under orders to make sure the egg stays with its father."

There were a couple seconds of silence before all the foals realized what was implied and they all 'ohhh'd. "So, you're with us for the next three months, then?" Snickers asked, like it was expected. "Fuck me; welcome to the club. Not the herd," Snickers winked at Diamond and elbowed her.

Silver Spoon rushed into the group. "Who's trying to get into our herd? Ew, at least try it with a hen, not a cock."

Gil's feathers bristled, but Snickers moved between Silver and him. "Tom, Silver. A male gryphon is a tom. The gryphons with rooster heads can be called that, but it's an insult to call any of the other types of gryphons that word."

Silver bowed her head. "Sorry for that, sir. Like, I didn't mean to insult you."

"Like, oh my gosh, I'm such a dumb little pony, and I smell like hay, and I totally don't matter," Gil snarked and mocked Silver.

"That's it!" Silver shouted and stomped towards the gryphon, stopping only when Diamond bit and tugged her tail. "Let me at him! Guard, take the egg so I can throttle him!"

Snickers rolled his eyes and head. "Gil, c'mon in. Don't piss off the fillies or they may actually hurt you… This is Kiwe, as you know," Snickers said, "and these two are Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. Silver Spoon's the one who's trying to beat you up right now, and they're both in my herd."

"Dumb ponies and your herds. See how good having a herd turned out for you, huh, Kiki?" Gul practically spat. "Can you point me to the nearest buffet and can you, Kiki, take this egg in your oh so special magic so I can rest my talons?"

Snickers looked at Kiwe, Kiwe looked at Gil, then the egg, then Kiwe shook his head and stepped away, backing into a guard’s legs before he stopped. “I do not wish to hurt the egg, it was most recently laid.”

“So?” Gil asked. “You helped make it, you can help carry it.”

Kiwe was several feet away now, and began to duck under the stoic, but smirking, guard. “I do not wish any undue stress on the egg, Gil.”

Gil snarled and stepped closer to the mare, who narrowed her eyes and moved her spear slightly. Gil stopped in place, the respect he held for the guards being evident then. He stepped back and moved the egg to his carrier again. “Fine, I’ll carry your kid like the responsible adult I am,” he clacked his beak and turned to Snickers.

Silver Spoon was at Snickers’s left with Diamond beside her. Snickers motioned with his head to a doorway. “Buffet’s through there. Not much meat for you, though.”

“So, just because I’m mostly carnivorous doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy some other foods. Just keep that hay crap away from me. Grass, too, for that matter. You got soda?” Gil asked as he walked ahead of Snickers, into the dining room.

Snickers let him go ahead and waved Kiwe over to the herd. “Look, Kiwe, I don’t know how I feel about a gryphon with an egg joining us. We’re not exactly doing anything dangerous, but it’s not safe for an egg to be taken care of by foals.”

Silver nodded. “Exactly. They’re not like babies. They’re eggs! They crack and can scramble the chick inside.”

“What if it gets hot and it overheats?” Diamond asked. “What if we get teleported across the world and it’s the middle of the desert and we only have the egg to survive?”

Snickers cocked his head to the side. “That’s some crazy what if question. I think we’d manage just fine, if that did happen.”

Diamond glared past Silver to Snickers. “That had better not happen… I like normal days, since they’re so rare around you.” She stuck out her tongue and winked her eye, teasingly.

“Hey, don’t give me naughty ideas,” Snickers teased in reply.

Diamond blushed. “I didn’t mean it like that. It was a tease, you… butt.”

Snickers snickered. “Yeah, you’re a tease, alright.”

Silver nickered and stepped ahead of the other two. “Is anypony gonna ask Kiwe how he’s doing? Sheesh! Kiwe, like, how are you doing? All this drama’s gotta be getting to you, right?”

Huddling by the couch with his head under a sitting cushion, Kiwe lifted himself enough to mumble incomprehensibly.

“Well, he’s cracking…” Snickers looked between his fillies wearing a sly smirk, “ an egg. Huh, huh?!”

The pun earned him a sharp snap on his hind leg from Diamond and a stern look from Kiwe and Silver Spoon.

“Not funny,” Silver condemned. “This is really tough for him! Can’t you see that, Snickers?”

Snickers nodded. “Yeah, but it isn’t my kid. I’m here for you, Kiwe, but I’m not gonna go crazy over all this. I’ll help however I can, okay?”

Kiwe moved from under the cushion and sat up, slouching and sighing in defeat. “I do not know how to handle this. It is a lot to ponder and… I just don’t know what to say or do.”

Diamond left Snickers’s side to join Silver Spoon. Then, the fillies hugged Kiwe. “We’re here for you, Kiwe,” Silver said, “no matter what you choose, or what happens.”

Kiwe hugged them back with a soft hum. “Maybe this won’t be so bad. With the support of my friends, this feels like I can handle being a dad.”

Snickers’s eyes went between his fillies and the thought of being a dad warmed his heart for a moment, before he shook his head. No, I’m not ready to be a dad. Not then, not now. I’m still young and a foal, I don’t need to worry about that… I just have to keep this puberty in control.


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“There, your letter’s sent. Now, can we get back to our lives?” Filthy Rich asked his wife.

“Those awful foals, and my daughter, Diamond Tiara, throwing her lot in with that blank flank lowbrow, grass eating, hussy of a colt. I knew Silver Spoon had the lowest of standards, but my own daughter, being brought down to her level, for some cheap piece of flank?”

“Spoiled, dear, I think you’re overreacting a scosche,” Filthy Rich said while looking over his newspaper at his wife, reading glasses perched on the end of his muzzle.

Spoiled gaped at her husband for a second. “A scosche? A scosche?! We’re losing our daughter for some slutty colt that’s probably slept with half the castle, for all we know. You know, as well as I, his reputation. His being a prostituted out foal and, by his own claims, having sired at least one filly that he knows of.”

Filthy Rich sighed and lowered his paper. “Dearest, those are rumors. No foal can sire foals, you know this as well as I.”

“He’s five, it could happen! A little magic - awful stuff that - can make him breed with a mare. Sweet Celestia, if he breeds with my darling little filly,” Spoiled snorted, “why, I bet he already has tried. I can see him trying to take advantage of her, against her better judgement until the last second.”

Filthy Rich shook his head slightly. “I think you’re overreacting about all of this. Our daughter’s a good girl and knows better than to flag her tail for the first colt that catches her eye,” he lifted his paper again with a snap to bring it back to form. “Besides, I thought she was a lesbian.”

“I did, too, like all fillies her age tend towards. Then she comes home one day and says she likes this random colt as a ‘friend’, and two weeks later she’s off with him to Canterlot.” Spoiled whined and stomped her forehoof, petulantly. “Filthy, would you please be worried with me?”

Filthy Rich, without looking past his paper, spoke blandly. “Oh no, our poor girl. Whatever shall we do? Call the fire brigade, for her loins are burning up for this colt.”

“If you could be any more uncaring, I’d leave you and take half of your savings before I got to the door,” Spoiled snapped. Filthy lowered the paper enough to look over it again. Spoiled sat on her haunches and nibbled at her forehoof. “I can hardly imagine the debauchery they’re up to at this very moment.”

“Who’s a cutie? You are, yes you are! Why, I could just cuddle you all day.”

“I think it’s gonna be a boy, there need to be more boy gryphons. I think he’ll be like his daddy; tall, dark, and handsome... you know, for a bird.”

The fillies giggled as they looked at the egg, sitting up on a bundle of blankets and surrounded by pillows in Kiwe’s official room, a warming light held over the egg as it rested. Gil frowned on the soft bed while Kiwe lay opposite the fillies, smirking at their behavior. “Certainly you do not intend to fawn over an egg for long, do you?” Kiwe asked, amused.

“He’s going to hear us, and that matters.” Silver Spoon said, gently touching the egg with her fetlock.

Diamond nodded her pink head. “Yeah, when he hatches, he has to know who his aunties are.”

“Aunties,” Gil snapped his beak. “Are you all a herd family, or something weird like that?”

Silver Spoon partially sneered at the gryphon. “We already said yes, except Kiwe, he’s just a close friend.”

“Close, like you’re just trying to get pregnant with his baby, too?” Gil snarked.

Both fillies bristled at the accusation. “For your information,” Diamond snapped, “we’re saving ourselves for Snickers, thank you very much.”

“You’re not welcome,” Gil looked away from the fillies toward the door, where Laxxie and Snickers had just walked in. “And what’s that, some kind of golem? You know those are illegal where I’m from, right?”

“This is Laxxie, she’s a timberpony,” Snickers said, “and this is Gil, Laxxie. He’s a gryphon.”

Laxxie waved a wooden forehoof at Gil. “Hi.”

“Great, it can talk. What wonderful conversations I expect to have with it,” Gil said with a roll of his eyes. “Let’s talk about roots and vines.”

Snickers placed a hoof on Laxxie’s back and mentally implied for her to hold her comments, for now. “Laxxie is actually pretty good at talking. Maybe you’ll have something in common, if you hang out for a bit?”

Gil scoffed and turned his body away, showing the tuft of his tail to the colt and wooden filly.

Snickers ignored the cat-bird and moved toward the fillies. “So, what’s going on? I heard some babytalk.”

Silver sat tall and giggled, pawing at her necklace she’d recently put back on. “It was us! Diamond and me were just letting this little cutie know who his aunties are.”

“It’s us,” Diamond tittered and leaned onto her herd-sister, “and we’re gonna be the best aunties ever!”

The fillies bumped their hooves and then stood up and faced one another. “Bump, bump, sugarlump, rump!” They chanted and shared a giggle.

“What’s that look for?” Diamond asked Snickers as his cheeks puffed with his quiet laughter.

Kiwe was grinning at the fillies. “I think it is cute you have a chant. It is something I do not recall ever having wanted, though.”

Silver Spoon scoffed. “Like, whatever. You need one for yourselves, it really helps bonding between friends. And, like, we’re practically sisters now, thanks to our stallion,” she said while looking at Snickers.

Diamond bumped her rump against Silver’s. “Don’t be too pushy, Silver. I heard from a maid that stallions don’t like to be embarrassed; it makes them finish faster,” she said with a sly wink that wasn’t hidden from anypony in the room.

“Excuse me, I think I last long enough, so being embarrassed doesn’t really bother me that much.” Snickers admitted. Silver and Diamond looked at him and he lowered his head, slightly. “Well, let’s not chance it, okay?”

Both fillies nodded and rested back onto their bellies, returning their attention to the egg that was bringing such a new change to their lives.

A mail clerk checked the envelopes, as she did every day when they came across her desk before she sent them to one of the workers that dealt with them. She sighed when she noted another pink envelope with a familiar cutie mark denoting the sender. “Spoiled Milk, again,” she mumbled and set it in a short pile going to one of a dozen social workers.

Once the clerk was done, she picked up a stack of envelopes and delivered it, repeating the task for each of them until her duty was done, until the next day.

Seven ran his forehooves through his mane and swore he felt more of his lovely locks fall out from the stress of his job. He forced his wings from his sides to gently go through a flapping motion, to avoid strain, before he stood up and stretched his legs. “Why did I choose to do this with my talent? I could have been a school counselor,” he mumbled to himself.

“Because, you asked for an internship and did a good enough job,” a mare commented with a voice that rumbled like she’d been smoking for twice as many years than she actually had. “Here, another stack from Pen for you. She dropped them off on my desk,” the mare raised her foreleg, coughed roughly into her elbow, then hacked and swallowed something audibly down her throat, sending unwanted ripples through Seven’s gut. “I’m giving you my files on Ponyville’s most notorious mare, too.

“She’s a piece of work, writing us for every foal that sometimes sneezes too much near her little filly. Waste of our time, but my load’s gotten heavier with the increase of drug usage in Manehatten. Too many foals are starting to sell, or use.”

His mouth watering with saliva in preparation to vomit, Seven used his wing to casually flap the rank stench from the mare’s breath and take the file folder and envelopes from her. “Thanks, I’ll get right on these.”

“You should. Seems there’s one in there about our favorite find in the woods. He’s been causing a lot of havoc and I hear the mares upstairs are wondering why you haven’t gotten involved with it all.”

Seven scrunched his muzzle. “You mean Snickers? He’s just a colt, and aside from a couple letters, he’s doing fine, so I hear.”

“Have you checked your inbox by the south wall this week? It’s already full, sweet flanks. You’re falling behind.”

Seven set the paperwork down and stuck his tongue out at the mare as she waddled away. Seven flapped his wings several times to clear the area of her stink and flew over the cubicles to the inboxes, where he collected several tied bundles of letters and took them back to his desk in three trips. He looked at them all and felt his mane tingle.

“I’m going to go crazy if I can’t get these caught up soon.” Seven lamented, then shouted, “Why are there so many more foals than social workers in this dumb world?!”

There was a spattering of cheers and hoofclaps from around the office, then work went back to normal. With tired eyes, Seven began going over the letters, one by one.

“I’m ready to go home,” Snickers announced one night during supper. He said it casually between bites of fried fish, so it was a bit of a shock to everycreature at the table. Luna looked down at Snickers from her seat near him, as did Celestia, who was sitting across from him.

Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara stopped chewing and looked at one another, while Kiwe and Gil seemed a bit dismissive of the comment. “So,” Silver Spoon started, “you’re, like, okay with everypony there now?”

Snickers snorted derisively. “Buck no, but I miss my mom. Not Aquelis’s mom,” he said, looking at Celestia, who did her best to hide a hint of sorrow, “I mean Rarity. The mare that took me in when I needed a mom and helped me be a better pony… I mean, sure, those three fillies helped, too, but they can get cutie marks in dumb stuff, for all I care.”

“Now, Snickers,” Luna said, getting his attention. She felt proud that he didn’t flinch away anymore. “Over the past weeks you have been here, you have made it clear you’re a different pony than you were when you got here. You’ve come to terms with the foal inside of you, your herd is doing wonderfully, and your friendships are as strong as ever.

“Whatever has happened in your recent past should not affect who you are now, and if you are as strong as you have led us all to believe, then going back to Ponyville should offer no problems to the bonds you’ve forged.”

Snickers leaned down and used his lips to pick up a small bundle of hayfries. He munched while thinking of the ponies he’d left behind.

“Snickers,” Diamond Tiara spoke up. “Whatever you do, wherever you go, we’ll be with you all the way. You mean more to us than some stupid ponies that bucked you when you were down, right, Silver?”

Silver nodded fervently. “You’ve changed us for the better, into better ponies, Snickers. I know that whatever you’re going to go through, I’ll be there, with my herdsister, by your side all the way.”

Snickers swallowed and chuckled. “You make it sound like getting back to Ponyville’s gonna be some kind of adventure. Hmm, you know, I kinda wanna walk back, if that’s okay with all of you.”

The Princesses looked between one another, then to each foal, who was nodding in approval with Snickers’s thought.

“Well, I’m not okay with that,” Gil snapped from his seat, a plate of raw fish already being refilled by the server for the third time. “I’m not here to traipse around the world with my sister’s egg. I’m going to stay in Canterlot until it hatches, then take it home.”

“You go where the egg goes. The egg goes where Kiwe goes, and Kiwe’s going with us, right, bro?” Snickers asked and wrapped a foreleg around Kiwe’s withers.

Kiwe nodded. “Yes, family bonds are strong as steel. To these facts, even you must kneel.”

“If you weren’t protected by so many rules, I’d take you to the arena and we’d have it out,” Gil promised.

“But, as it is, young gryph,” Celestia intoned, quieting the young around the table, “the stakes are set and the path is laid. I cannot stop my… Snickers from leaving on a journey home, as I am not his mother and he is old enough to travel with his friends. Perhaps he will travel back here, someday, as well. For the moment, all I can do is have his luggage and items prepared for his trek and offer him my best wishes on his journey.”

Snickers sighed. “Again, this isn’t like I’m going across the country. I’m just going down the mountain on a train and walking from the base of the mountain to my hometown, a couple days straight that way,” he pointed at a wall.

Luna clapped a hoof to the table. “Huzzah! With such being said, let us drink and celebrate Our nephew’s returning home come the morrow!”

Snickers tried to tell Luna that he was planning to leave in a couple days, but she began calling servants over and began placing orders for a small but energetic celebration.

Before too long the main rooms were set up with buffet tables loaded with food. Ponies, gryphons, and minotaurs were filing into the apartment and Snickers stood at the base of the stairs with his fillies by his sides, greeting creatures as they came in who wished them well on their trip, voyage and marriage, clearly showing that most of the guests didn’t even know why they were there, except for free food and a reason to rub elbows with others.

“I don’t think they even know us, Snickers,” Silver whispered to Snickers while Diamond shook the talons of a gryphoness that just complimented her tiara as a fine accessory.

“I know, but look at how happy Auntie Luna is,” Snickers said, pointing to the dark mare talking jovially with a minotaur about the size of his horns compared to her own.

Snickers and Diamond greeted a minotaur mare that had breasts covered in a shirt that barely held together, catching all the foals attention. “How pregnant do you mares get?” Snickers blurted, bringing a bellowing laugh from the giant satyr.

“I like you, perhaps you’d like to suckle my milk in private?” She joked, laughing again when Silver and Diamond interposed themselves between their colt and her. “I like your fillies, keep them close. They would go to battle for you over my chest, they would go to battle for you over anything.”

The minotaur turned on her hooves and walked away, her breasts bouncing with each step. Silver and Diamond both swatted Snickers with the front of their hooves on his upper forelegs. “Ouch, what was that for?”

“<Stop watching her walk away, it’s disrespectful to us>, Snickers.” Silver said in accented English.

Diamond rubbed where she hit him. “I’m sorry, are you going to be okay?”

Snickers nodded, but rubbed his hidden bruises briefly. “Yeah, just stop doing that. You’re gonna really hurt me one of these days. Just, do something less hurting, okay?”

Both fillies’ ears drooped and then lowered their heads. “Sorry,” they said in unison.

Snickers wrapped a foreleg around each of them and pulled them close. There was a flash of light and Snickers kissed each filly on the cheek. “It’s fine. I just want a copy of that picture when it comes out,” he said to a short mare with a camera.

“Sure thing, I’ll get you a copy, all right.”

Snickers nodded and let the fillies go, then led them into the party. “C’mon, let’s have some fun. I’m gonna drink some normal wine and you make sure I don’t act too stupid, okay?”

The sunlight streamed through the trees in Sweet Apple Acres and three fillies ran through the trees with a single goal in mind. “Almost there, I can’t wait for this meeting of the Rainbow Dash Fanclub to start, I have so many things to talk about!”

Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes, as did Apple Bloom. “Like how awesome she is?”

“How ‘bout how she’s the best there ever was?”

“She’s the most daring?”

“Most st’pendous?”

“Bestest at everything, pony ever,” both fillies mocked Scootaloo.

Scootaloo just beamed. “Exactly! There’s nothing she ever does that can be less than awesome!”

Sweetie and Apple Bloom slowed to a trot and let Scootaloo go ahead. “Ya know, Ah don’t think that filly even thinks about what happened with Snickers, do you?”

Sweetie shook her head. “It’s like she doesn’t even remember my nephew… he wouldn’t even let me come to see him when Rarity went to Canterlot. He said he hates me, Apple Bloom. Nopony’s ever hated me, how am I supposed to just get over it, like Scootaloo said?”

“Well, that’s a bunch of hogwash. Don’t let somepony tell ya how ta feel! That’s what Applejack told me when I was hard on this whole Snickers thing. We did what the adults told us, and it went as wrong as oranges on an apple tree; all we can do is try to do right by him… if he ever comes back.”

Sweetie Belle sighed. “Yeah, if he ever comes back. I miss him, and he’s family, Apple Bloom. What was Rainbow Dash thinking when she told us all to lie to Snickers? I actually believed him when he said all that stuff about his past.”

Apple Bloom shrugged with a foreleg. “Well, Ah won’t say Ah believed everythin’ he said, but there was truth in what he said. Ah don’t know enough about doctor stuff, and bein’ a head doctor’s beyond me, but what I think Ah know is that what he said is true, but he might be hidin’ some of the truth behind some kinda game, like pretend’n.”

“Yeah, I’ve heard that before, from other ponies. I don’t know what’s true anymore; but I do know that Snickers needed us and we weren’t there for him. Don’t tell Scootaloo, but I don’t think I can ever trust Rainbow Dash ever again.”

Apple Bloom mimed zipping her lips. “Ah won’t tell a soul.”

Above them, flying between tree and tree, Rainbow Dash listened and felt guilty anger in her chest at what the fillies had said.

Returning Home

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The morning was warm, the sun was bright, and Snickers was with his friends in the palace living room. “Blueblood!” Silver and Diamond cheered when the stallion walked in, smiling contentedly.

Snickers perked up and his attention went to the stallion. “Daddy! I mean…” Snickers got up and ran to the stallion, barreling into him with a hug.

Blueblood chuckled and hugged Snickers back. “Ah, I presume Aquelis is still around?” he asked.

Snickers chuckled. “No, not much. I just like having you around. You’re like a daddy, so I’m calling you daddy.”

Silver and Diamond awe’d sweetly, and embraced in a side hug. “He’s gonna be such a good daddy,” Diamond said before she thought about it, then bit her lip gently when Silver nuzzled her.

“You’re so right, Diamond Tiara,” Silver said, quietly.

“So, my boy; I hear you’re leaving today, yes?” Blueblood asked, ruffling Snickers’s mane as the colt released the hug. “It’ll be sad to see you go, but I do have some good news.”

Snickers hopped in place. “What’s it? What’s the news? Oh, it’s not another ruler, is it?”

Blueblood laughed quietly. “On that, do you happen to know how long you sleep, then?”

“Where’s Luna? She needs to hit you with her wing for that one,” Snickers said in the best deadpan he could, then he broke into a grin. “Just kidding. So, what’s the good news? What is it? What is it?!”

“Oh, do stay calm, my boy. The news will please you quite a bit. In fact, it may please quite a few mares, if it works out well. You see,” Blueblood laid down to be eye level with Snickers, “I’ll be going to Ponyville soon, just to see Rarity and some of her friends to make amends and, perhaps, to meet the Apples in person.”

Snickers nuzzled the stallion. “I get it, but you better not be going there just to get your dick wet with my mom,” Snickers glared into the stallion’s face as Blueblood’s eyes widened.

Blueblood stammered. “Why… I’d never go so far as to… I mean, no, I mean…”

Snickers’s cheeks puffed, then he broke into giggles and had to sit down to hold his belly with one foreleg and cover his mouth with his other free forehoof. “I’m… I’m just foolin’, I know you’re not that kinda stallion. C’mon, let’s go play before I have to go!” Snickers hopped to his four hooves and pronked in place twice, stopping when Blueblood caught him in his magic.

“Sadly, I cannot play. As you can see, I’m dressed today, as I have to meet a very important pony soon. I simply came by to wish you well on your travel home and to tell you that I’ll see you soon. One more hug, though, would be fine,” Blueblood set Snickers down and was quickly hugged around his neck.

Snickers nuzzled the warm stallion and inhaled both Blueblood’s scent and an array of perfumes he was using, too. “Okay, I’ll see you later… have a good time with your VIP.”

“That, I shall do my best with. See you soon, Snickers and herd… oh, and friends; don’t think I’d forget about you all,” Blueblood waved to the grumpy gryphon and other foals in the room before he left. Snickers sighed dejectedly, then went to his room, quickly followed by his fillies, and began packing to leave.


Packing the last of his clothing, and some gathered items from across the apartment he liked, Snickers closed the chest he'd traveled with and locked it, for what little importance it had. The luggage was going to be directly delivered to Rarity's Boutique long before he and his friends arrived in Ponyville.

"So, all packed. Are we ready to go?" Snickers asked as two mares picked the chest up out of view while Kiwe's luggage was walked by the room.

Silver and Diamond giggled. "It'll be good to not have to hide in luggage this time."

Diamond tittered. "Actually, I was in Snickers's luggage and it smelled like him, so it wasn't that bad."

Silver shrugged from where she sat. "Well, Kiwe doesn't smell too bad, to be honest."

Kiwe smirked. "I shower and bathe as often as I need, at least I do not smell of sweaty knees."

"I bet Snickers's knees smell good when they're sweaty," Diamond said before she could stop herself. She covered her mouth and blushed a darker shade of pink while the others laughed.

"I bet you love everything about him, don't you, Diamond," Silver teased.

"Yeah, that's why you cuddle so close to me when we sleep together, right?" Snickers offered.

"Perhaps you are not as into mares as you say?" Kiwe asked.

Diamond pouted and looked at the floor, scuffing it lightly with her hoof. "I love Snickers, so what?"

Snickers gave Diamond a hug that she relished and returned gently with a deep inhale of Snickers's mane as it fell across her face. She smiled and hummed quietly enough for only Snickers to hear, to which he replied, "You smell nice, too."

The blush that had faded returned and turned DIamond's cheeks to a cherry red for a moment even after she was apart from the colt of her affections. "Whatever, you gals. Let's just get ready to go, already!"

Diamond turned and spun on her hind hoof, taking the lead out of the room, listening as the hooffalls of the others let her know she wasn't just power walking from the room alone. Once in the main room, the friends and herdmates stopped before Princesses Luna and Celestia. All except Snickers bowed, Gil having done so already while the foals were packing.

"Nephew, I hope your journey fares thee well. I have your saddlebags here, they contain an enchantment that permits them to hold more than they should, and they are already filled with food and what you will need to survive your journey, perilous as it may be."

Snickers sighed, loudly. "We're not going across the world, just into the town we can see from the window facing west! Why is everypony acting like I'm about to lead us into adventure?"

Luna stayed stoic for a few seconds, then giggled. "I jest! There's water in a jug for each of you in your gifted bags, and some alfalfa bars for snacks on your trek from the train station at the base of the Canterhorn to your destination. I offer you this advice; laugh like nopony is watching. Laughter can be the best medicine for you and others."

Luna bowed and stepped back for Celestia to speak, but instead the mare walked to Snickers and laid down, hugging him with her wings and pulling him close. Then she gave him the first kiss she'd wanted to give him since she'd met him. A gentle thing at the crown of his head. Snickers hugged her back and let his mind relax.

"I'll miss you, mommy," Aquelis whispered into Celestia's neck, barely audible over the mare's heavy breathing. It brought a sob from Celestia.

"I know you'll be in good hooves, my little star," she whispered breathily to her son just as Snickers was given full control again.

"Hey, we're in good hooves, I'll be safe, I promise," Snickers said, stepping back from Celestia and giving her an honest smile that warmed her heart.

“Nephew, I have news for you,” Luna stated. “I have been spoken to by your friend, Cress, and she has been given permission to travel to Ponyville with you, should you allow it. Something about a class project… should you disapprove I’ll have her sent away at once.”

Snickers looked to Silver, who shrugged indifferently, then to Diamond, who was frowning slightly and looking past Luna’s tail to see the filly hiding behind it. Diamond looked to Snickers and nodded once, then flipped her mane and turned to go to the bathroom. With a look, Silver followed and the two were on their own way, leaving Snickers and Kiwe before the princesses.

“Well, I’m not one for long goodbyes,” Celestia said, standing to her full height. She began casting a spell that washed over Snickers and Kiwe, then it was over. “There, you should be safe from any accidents for a while,” she smiled down to Snickers and then to Kiwe. “Although, you seem to enjoy trouble, young colt,” she said to Kiwe, who pouted.

Kiwe looked into Celestia’s eyes. “It is not what I intend to do, sometimes things just happen to you.”

With a nod, Celestia agreed and then turned to leave with Luna. “We shall exchange the sun and moon tonight in your honor, Nephew. Fare thee well on thy travels.”

Snickers briefly sighed, but nodded and gave Luna’s hind leg one last hug. “I’ll miss you, Auntie. I’ll see you in my dreams?”

Luna nodded once. “If I can access your dreams, I will be there when you need me.”

On that cryptic note, Luna followed Celestia from the apartment and draped a wing over her sister once they were in the hall. “Sister,” Celestia said, squeezing her eyes shut and facing the floor, “I cannot believe I’m letting him go again.”

Luna nuzzled Celestia and used her other wing’s pinions to stop tears from dripping to the floor. “They will be fine. I have my guards following them from a distance until they return home, and you cast your spell on them… protection from accidents? I am dubious as to that spell’s true meaning, Tia.”

Celestia snorted a snotty giggle and opened her eyes, wiping her nose quickly on a cloth she kept in her shoe. “No accidental pregnancies, Luna. I don’t want my little star, my Aquelis, to be a father before he’s ready.”

Luna tittered. “You think too little of him.”

Celestia scoffed and began walking with her head held high. “I give him enough credit, I give those fillies too much leeway. It will soon be fall estrus and I can already tell they’ll pressure him into sex, and I won’t have my little one having little ones before he’s ready. The spell will last until spring estrus; by then he should have a better understanding of what sex with a mare is truly like.”

Luna nodded. “A-ha, yes. Originally, he was… oh, what is the word you use now?”

“A colt cuddler, or gay works. This colt, though, Snickers, is completely at the whims of a mare’s desires. Should he not be ready, I won’t have him ruin his life before he’s ready to live it.”

Luna took her wing back and bumped her rump to Celestia’s. “He is indeed a gaye foal,” Luna chuckled. “You make it sound like all mares are bad for him? Are you being a protective mother, by chance?” Luna teased.

Celestia nodded. “It is a mother’s duty to make sure her foals are safe and grow up well adjusted and healthy. It’s doubly so for the mother of a colt… it’s even more important for me, because Prince Aequalis Solis Lunaeque is the rightful heir to the throne in my place, should I step down or abdicate.”

Luna scoffed. “And do you plan to do either?”

Celestia’s eyes hardened. “One never knows, sister.”

The following day, Rarity paced in her showroom, worrying and muttering to herself. “I can’t believe he chose to walk… all that dirt and mud, grime and dust… didn’t he think about the state of his coat and mane?” She muttered to herself. “And he wants it a secret that he's returning, as though royal guards bringing in his luggage, and his friends’ too, yesterday afternoon wasn’t suspicious enough.

“Now, he’s walking with his friends, Rarity. Friends and his herdmates. He’s not alone, so he won’t be attacked by vicious bandits or taken captive for a ransom I could never hope to pay… where is he?” She asked herself. “He was to arrive today, after all. At least,” she called the letter over to herself and took it out of the envelope to reread it, again.

“Yes, today. He was to take the train to the base of the Canterhorn, then walk the rest of the way. A single day’s walk for a group, and I trust they are prepared with camping gear, to make roughing it… less rough. Oh, my little prince, where are you?”

Snickers walked into view of Ponyville with his head held high and his anxiety higher. He scanned the sky for Rainbow, the roads ahead for anypony he knew and wanted to avoid, and jumped slightly when he felt a hoof on his back. “Snickers, you’re freaking out and, like, we don’t need you freaking out.” Silver said, placatingly.

Diamond nodded. “Yeah, you’re you. Nopony can mess with you, and everypony knows it. So, let’s just get to Rarity’s and take it easy, okay?”

Snickers looked behind him to Cress, Laxxie and Kiwe, talking between themselves, then he looked at Gil, grumpily holding the egg to his chest with a forelimb while walking on his other three. Snickers nodded. “Yeah, I gotta get over the jerk faced fuck wads in this town and focus on what matters; Mom and Twilight… we can go from there.”

“And Applejack,” Silver said, rubbing her side against Snickers to help calm him down. “You did say she was the best of the worst, right?”

Snickers nodded. “Yeah, but she’s probably licking that Rainbow, bitch.”

Diamond bumped her shoulder into Snickers’s. “Stop swearing, you’re cuter when you’re a good colt, not talking like a mare.”

Snickers snorted. “Whatever, let’s just… ugh,” he shortly groaned. “Why is this so hard? I can do whatever I want, I’m a prince, after all.”

Diamond took a turn at placating Snickers. “Because, we all agreed with the princesses that you won’t talk about your title. You can’t use it to get what you want, or it’ll make you look bad, especially to the nobles.”

Snickers glanced at Diamond in a way that made her giggle. “I know,” Diamond said quietly, slowly starting to walk with Snickers back to the town, “fuck the nobles, and all that,” she waved her forehoof. “But, that’s the way it is here, not back in your human world.”

Snickers humphed. “I was a tall boy, not a true human… and I still haven’t read any of these comics or books you all talk about, why is that?”

Diamond shrugged. “You haven’t asked, and I think the ponies in Ponyville just don’t have enough copies to go around. If you want, when we’re back, I can have my daddy order you the series.”

“Have you read them?” Snickers asked openly.

Both his fillies shook their heads and Silver spoke up first. “Like, no thanks. I had enough drama in my life. Adding reading colts’ books to it all would have just damaged my reputation. But, now… if you wanna read them together, I’ll make time for you.”

Diamond agreed and they led the group into Ponyville without any fanfare. Pinkie didn’t pop out of anything, Rainbow wasn’t overhead, and each of the ponies Snickers worried about seemed to be absent from the trail he took to Rarity’s Boutique. Finally, after nearly ten minutes of walking through the town and receiving several curious looks, and a couple knowing ones, he arrived at his destination.

“So, do I knock?” Snickers asked. Diamond rolled her eyes and pushed the door open, then Silver pushed Snickers gently from behind. “Okay, I’m going!” He stumbled into the boutique and was enveloped in Rarity’s magical aura.

“Oh, my little prince,” she cooed and kissed his cheeks, “I missed you so much. Let me look you over… oh, your legs are simply ghastly! All that traveling didn’t do you any favors, let me take that shirt off you and we can get you into something more comfortable.”

Snickers squealed when Rarity’s magic began to undress him and before he could complain, he was naked and beginning to blush.

“Wait here while I get you a replacement shirt I’d made for you. Same as this, as you like, only clean; as you shall be once… oh, hello, everypony! Silver, Diamond, you’re looking lovely as ever.”

“Thank you, Miss Rarity,” the fillies curtsied.

“Kiwe, you’re looking quite dapper. And who are these two, again?” Rarity asked.

“I’m Cress,” the bat pony introduced herself again. “This charming fluffball is Gil, he’s carrying Kiwe’s egg.”

Rarity raised an eyebrow. “I’d heard of this egg, but to see it all just puts so much more into perspective. So, can I get you anything, anypony?”

Every pony shook their heads while Gil seemed to be deeply interested in the clothing around the room, hanging from racks and sparkling with gems.

Rarity was about to ask Gil about his interest when there was a knock at the door.

“It’s open, come in,” Rarity said.

The door opened and Seven was standing at the threshold with a large mare behind him. “Hello, I’m Seven, and I’m from Foal Services.”