Equestria Elite

by Halfdemonpyro

First published

Celestia has a conversation.

A being from another part of the galaxy has come to Equus to ask of Celestia if her people are ready to be among the stars. After 120 years of planning, the answer may finally be 'yes'.

The Meeting of Kings

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"So, when will you be revealing to your charges, the true nature of their moon as a station?"

Celestia gave a deep sigh. It had been just over one thousand years since she converted their planet's small moon into an orbital station, and a mere 120 years since since humans had discovered their system, oddly through a small bit of armor from the old castle, found on a planet called Mars in human year 2280, and immediately, considered its existence a great secret held within the Federation. That the residents had believed that her "conflict" with Luna had ended with trapping her sister in the moon, was handy to preserving the peaceful way of life of the majority of the planet.

In reality Luna had been closely monitoring 'her' night sky when she came to realize a few things. It was NOT her sky, they only thing she actually had control over were a slew of highly reflective asteroids littering their system, a couple hundred comets on highly elliptical orbits, and oddly enough, the orbit of their moon, due to its VERY small size, the moon's proximity, a scant 3500km, the only thing making it appear large, and that they were NOT alone in being intelligent life capable of observing systems beyond their own. Were it not for Luna's timid nature, waiting to see what the political landscape of what she could see was like, a grave mistake might have been made as her first observed contactable ships were that of what they came to learn as Thargoids.

In a cave system known only to the two sisters, together they created a ship that would be able to make the trip to their moon, and carry enough supplies and ponies to create a base there capable of complete autonomy. It was a success, and the intense magical release of the Great Fight (really just a fancy light show, but the population never knew that) covered the launch of the craft. Luna was able to establish a base, and make contact with humans. These humans, from the Empire, helped build the moon into a hollowed out mega station, one of the largest. Only a small group of very privileged Federation Elite knew of the existence of this station, and as such some of the greatest technological breakthroughs of the 3200s happened here.

"It may be time. We have more highly skilled magic users now than ever before and their numbers are increasing exponentially, thanks to you we have access to some of the greatest ships available, and the 600 ponies we already have on station will be able to help those that choose to leave to adjust to life in space." She admits, after a pause. "Though, I doubt many in the population will want to leave. As far as they know, I control the sun, my sister moves the moon, and there are shiny lights in the night sky that even with the best telescopes look like nothing more than small dots, when in reality, I merely control the spin of the planet on its axis, and nearly any competent caster could move the moon if they knew the proper spellwork. *sigh* I very much doubt that this knowledge will be believed, let alone be met with volunteers."

"Indeed, and how you are so capable without and technology is something that still astounds me, and my fellow humans. However, maybe a planetary landing by one of our Corvettes would help persuade belief?" The dark skinned ambassador from the Sol system suggested. "Ahh, maybe that would send the wrong message... I believe one of my commanders brought an Orca class liner. A quick trip around your system would be enough to convince several, even the most stubborn of minds."

"That may work... How about this, you are here for fifteen days, correct? Do you see that small town in the distance?" Celestia asked.

"The quaint little village with the farm and very out of place castle made of crystal? Yes. Shall I have the Orca commander bring me there? "

"Yes, I need a day to gather some documentation and bring it to my protege, and hopefully soften the blow of what drastic changes are about to befall our planet. She and her close friends are exactly the type of people we need, so convincing them should be priority. Go ahead and lift orbital restrictions and flight paths for your commanders, let them be visible instead of being forced to approach Faust Station from the dark side to avoid being spotted. I will suggest to Twilight and Sunset that tomorrow will be a good evening to gaze upon Luna's moon, and when they come to question Us, I will answer."

"Very well. See you in three days, King Celestia" And with that, the ambassador leaves for his ship and makes a quiet and unnoticed exit from the planet's surface, leaving Celestia alone with her thoughts. She makes her way over to her desk and begins a letter that will change the lives of every last being on her planet.

Dear Twilight,
It's going to be lovely tomorrow evening, why dont you gather some friends and use that new telescope of yours. Make an evening gathering of it! You work so hard, take an evening off to be with your friends and enjoy my sister's moon.

Your friend, Celestia.

A Quick burst of flame and the letter is off. No doubt Spike will deliver it right to Twilight. Pinky will know from her explainable abilities that a space viewing party will need planning, and from there Sunset and Starlight will be invited along with the elements. From there a nice hill will be chosen, snacks consumed, and ships will be observed coming and going from Faust station. A well timed teleport will bring Luna and I to their location and we will tell them the truth, that we are not alone, that we are far more advanced than can be imagined, and that we have a visitor coming on the next evening to take us for a short trip off planet.

"Oh, I do hope there wont be much fainting..."