by FIM Fiction

First published

An Anon story for of weird randomness and chaos, for those seeking a story with no direction.

This story is an abomination of madness , staring Anon in a very chaotic fashion as she does her best to ruin everyone's day, all across Equestria! Hope y'all enjoy it.

This story started out as a shitpost story, but it became something I put genuine effort into. However, a story that starts as a shitpost with no direction, doesn't become a masterpeice that easily. So this story before is a comedic mess of randomness. And the sequel is the vision in full splendor, so some details might seem very similar, despite having two very different vibes. But by the end of the day, I love to make comedy. So please enjoy whatever the hell this is.


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Adam Noah Oswald Naylor woke up. He preferred to be called Anon. That wasn't the point. The point was, he was in the woods, without any idea how he got there. "Well fudge, how'd you screw up this time?" he asked himself. Anon began to consider the prior day. "Pissed someone off. Some rando who said he could make me a mare." He looked at himself. He seemed to be some deformed mutant baby pony thing. With mare parts.

"Well fudge, he actually did it." she said. "Does this make me trans? Meh, I don't give a fudge." She looked around herself. She was in a dreary forest with rather frightening trees. On the bright side, there was a tree with rainbow apples on it.

"Wow. Not only are those too high for me, but if I eat one I'll get too high for me." She let out a laugh, a tightness growing in her chest. "So, here I am, middle of the woods, by a tree with trippy fruit that will most likely trip me up, and I'm a horse. Wonderful." Her breath quickened. "Have I lost my mind?! What the hell is going on!?"

"Hey, it's also getting dark! Wonderful!" she said, glaring. "And I just realized I'm a freaking MLP pony! So, Everfree woods! Because the stupid oversized village only has deadly woods!" Anon laid down on the mossy ground, fear gripping her heart. Tear's began to roll down her face. "Why am I crying? Ah frick. Child brain with adult mind, meaning child instinct, don't it? Which means if I'm mad or upset, imma start crying. FRICK!" she shouted, kicking a tree. She quickly covered herself mouth. It would be a bad idea to let Timberwolves know where she was.

Anon sighed and tried to get some sleep, her crying increasing from the uncomfortable cold. "Man, being a kid sucks balls."


Luna had just raised the moon. She took a moment to admire the stars. "Another wonderful night." she said to herself. She entered the dream realm and watched the dreams. It seemed so far that Equestria was sleeping well.

Except for one.

Luna drifted to the unpeaceful dreamer.

"AHHHH!!!!" She had to get away. Monsters. Monsters were everywhere. "Somepony! Anypony! Help me!!!" She ran through the Everfree Woods, monsters right on her tail. The moonlight of the night made the shadows higher.

He looked at herself running from the danger. He had to help had to save her. But before he could, another monster appeared. Too close. Far too close.

Luna appeared in front on the child, her horn glowing to blast the monsters. Instead, the monsters ran away. Luna smirked, before looking at the little girl. The child was in a sitting position, her eyes wide with fear. The little girl's eyes looked at Luna with horror.

Panic. Fear. Nightmare Moon Nightmare Moon "Nightmare Moon no not Nightmare Moon. Please nononononononono." She was scared. Terrified. Worst fear. Scariest creature. The walking Nightmare. "No I don't want to die." She broke down and sobbed. She fell to the earth, fear flowing through her. "No no no. I don't want the scarier please no." she whimpered.

Luna took a step back. The monsters came back and took a step forward. She noticed something tearing them up at the back. A darkness.

Dad. "Hello, sweety. Trying to run? Hiding behind your friends?"

Luna saw all the monsters ripped to shreds as the darkness move closer. "Don't come a step closer." she told the darkness.

The darkness stopped. Two silver glints formed. Slanted eyes. "Hiding behind your friend? Only one you've ever made. I bet she would be so tasty..."

Luna glared. She readied her magic, when a form of light struck the darkness.

Adam let out a roar as he tackled the shadows. "Frick off you cunt!" He shouted as the two went tumbling down into the recesses of the mind.

Luna saw that the darkness was gone. She turned her attention to the filly at her hooves. The girl was still crying. Luna concentrated her magic and reshaped herself. She became a filly of herself, with light blue hair. "I'm sorry for scaring you." she said gently.

Anon looked up. She finally was able to think clearly. "H-hi?" she said, looking up. Anon hated horror, but read it anyways. FIMFiction had many stories of Nightmare Moon that were scary as sin, so Anon really did have tons of nightmares of her. But now Luna looked pretty dang adorable

"Hello. I'm Luna, not Nightmare Moon." Being a number one fear for a mass celebration meant to strike fear was kinda bad for the protector of dreams. "Are you alright?"

Anon saw she had two ways to react. 1: Act like himself as an alien from an entirely different universe, or 2: act like a filly and gain knowledge about stuff. Or three, be her usual jackass self.

Anon cleared her throat, before getting to her hooves. "Luna? Who's that? Why are you nice now? Is it because I have a new nightmare to haunt me?" Anon tilted her head, her long hair getting in her face. She brushed it out of the way, frowning. 'Note to self, get a haircut.'

Luna sat down. "I am Princess Luna, Princess of the night."

Anon tilted her head. "Well I'm... Anon A. Miss." She mentally slapped her face. "But call me Anon. Please. I think I'm lost. Can you help me?" Anon also realized at this point that there must be multiple forest across Equestria, so it wasn't one hundred percent chance she was in the Everfree.

Luna gave a kind smile. "What does it look like around you?" she asked.

"I'm in the woods. I don't remember getting there. Can you help me? I'm scared." Anon wasn't lying when she said this. Her face began showing fear. "Oh goodness. I don't know how I got here! Ha. Haha. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Isn't that just HILARIOUS!?" Anon felt like she would break from all of this. Her little filly brain couldn't handle all the stress of the reality of what was happening. "So can you help me? HAHAHA!"

Luna considered taking a step back. But she didn't, and instead made a tea table with the dream. "Care for a cup?" she asked. Luna and Anon sat at the table. A tea kit appeared. Luna looked in her drink. It was blood. "Sorry, I don't drink blood."

Anon took deep breaths to calm down. She than drank her cup. It was then Anon remembered she hated tea, and so spat the tea out. "Bleh! I hate tea!" She stuck out her tongue and a rag appeared to wipe it. "What would you drink? Booze?" she asked.

Luna looked at her cup of blood. "How about some cocoa?" The continents of the cup disappeared, with a steaming brown liquid appearing. She lifted it with her magic and took a sip. "Now then, its gonna be alright. What's your surroundings?"

Anon took a sip of her drink. It was flavorless, but smelled of cocoa. She took another deep breath. "I'm in a forest. I think it may be the Everfree? I don't know. But if I'm in the Everfree then I'm likely to die. Or maybe I'll get lucky and survive. I can't seem to think strait." Anon paused to think. She realized she was crying. Anon wiped away her tears. "There's some sort of an odd apple tree near me. I'm afraid of what will happen if I eat an apple from it. They're rainbow colored. And as you can see, this is all a bit much for my young child mind."

Luna nodded. "I'll start a search as soon as I can."

"Don't leave!" Anon shouted, leaning forward and knocking over her cup. She then cleared her throat. "Sorry. Please don't leave me. At least, not until morning. You're the scariest thing ever! Well, second scariest. You'll scare away all the monsters!" Anon now realized that she probably sounded like an insane person.

Luna was concerned for the filly before her. She seemed... unstable. "Very well. I shall stay here. In the morning, I shall leave so that we may find you."

"Thank you." Anon replied. "Sooo...." she said, leaning forward slightly as Luna took a sip of her drink. "What does pony flesh taste like?" Anon let out a laugh as Luna spewed out her cocoa. "Ha! I knew that would happen!"

Luna gave a smile. "You are rather odd. We... Find your attitude enjoyable." The two giggled.

Anon gave a large grin. "Thank you!" she said cheerfully. 'If I'm gonna be stuck here as a pony, I might as well get use to this life. Or... I could have some fun!'


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Anon yawned. He looked around and smacked his lips. They felt funny. "That's odd... I don't remember deciding to go on a camping trip..." Anon got up. For some odd reason, his back hurt. "Suck it up, big guy." Anon waddled over to a tree and put his hands against it, realizing two things.

One: He was butt naked. Two: He had to go. Bad. "Meh. It's morning. I don't give a fudge." Anon did his business and realized something else. He was a she and she was a pony. With annoyingly long hair.

"Fudge. I was hoping yesterday was a drug infused fever dream. Either freak out and make this awkward for myself, or embrace it and suck it up." Anon tried to walk around on her hind two legs. She managed to do so for ten seconds, before her legs gave out and she did the splits.

"AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! GOOD MAMA RICE PUDDING AND CHEESE SPRINKLES!" Anon fell sideways, her legs still stuck it the splits. She also noticed in her pain multiple timberwolves running away.

Anon spent half an hour on the forest ground. The pain was too intense to even move her head. "Kill me." Anon whimpered. A timberwolf entered the clearing, growling as two others followed. "I didn't mean it, ya bums!" Anon knew how do what he- she called a "Demonic screech, a talent she picked up as a child to frighten classmates. She wondered if it would work on wolves. The leader walked up to Anon and bit her in the left foreleg, drawing blood. "Well that settles it. *ROOAAAAARRSCRRREEEECCCHH!!!*" The timberwolves reared back, before scampering off, whimpering. "Nailed it."

Anon managed to get up to her hind hooves again. She had no clue how to walk on four legs, one of her front ones were hurt, and her thighs were still aching from the splits. "Suck it up. Suck it up" she said as the pain in her back returned. Anon saw a piece of fabric on the ground. It was a light grey. She, very carefully, bent down and picked it up. After multiple attempts, Anon managed to tie her hair into a bun.

"Hey look at me. I'm Granny Smith!" Anon let out a laugh. She heard noise coming her way and prepared her voice for another screech.

"Oh my! What is this? A small foal, in the forest?" Entering the clearing was none other then Zecora. "What are you doing out here, young youth? No lies please. Only the truth."

Anon considered this. "Wellllllll... I'm an alien from another universe who may or may not know all of Equestria's future major catastrophes. Also, I'm not that small, am I?" Anon smiled at Zecora's confused face. She waddled over and climbed onto Zecora's back.

"What is this that you do!? Off my back! Shoo, shoo!" Zecora shouted, shocked.

"Shadup." Anon said back. "My leg was bittin by a wood wolf, I'm hungry, and possibly insane. Not sure about the last one. Get me to your house or hut or whatever." Anon sat on Zecora the same way a human rides a horse. She clung gently to Zecora's mane. "Onward, Noble steed! Or what ever we are!" Anon let out a giggle. Anon was always energetic, but now even more so, with the body of a child. "I'm sorry. I'm being rude, aren't I?"

Zecora let out a sigh and began walking. She noticed the filly winced with every step Zecora took. "At a child, I shouldn't get mad. After all, you don't know when you're acting bad."

"Do you think I'm nuts?" Anon asked. Zecora turned her head to look at Anon. "First impression. Do you think I'm nuts, or just weird?"

Zecora pondered this. "If you are crazy, I do not know. I thought your weirdness was just for show. But still I wonder this: Why is a foal in the forest?"

"Truthfully? I got no clue. I really don't. Heck, for all I know, I'm from another universe. And even that idea varies. That, or I'm nuts." Anon mulled over the thought for a few minutes. "Oh fudge."

"Oh fudge? What do you mean? Is there a danger I have not seen?" Zecora quickly asked, concern in her voice. She looked around and saw no danger.

"Kinda the opposite. I met Princess Luna in a dream. The real her. I also kinda convince her to start a search as soon as I woke up. So... Yeah, a guard may break into your house because I suspect the universe will say 'let's make life total crap' and send a racist guard."

"You are a very strange filly. Your thoughts are and are not silly." Zecora commented. "They hold sense, but largely with confusion at expense."

"Thank you! I think... Hold up, where in the time stream am I? Do ponies hide in their homes whenever you come to town, or are we past that?"

Zecora let out half of a heavy sigh. She stopped the sigh half way, because the sudden alteration of movement cause discomfort to the pony on her back. "The ponies are afraid of me. As to why, I can not see. I am pleased warmly, as you talk to me quite casually."

Zecora arrived at her house and entered. She then bent her knees so the filly could climb off easily. "Nice place you got here. Now I wonder what would happen if I touch Poison Joke. Would it explode from interacting with me?" Anon walked to the cauldron in the room. "And what's in here? Also, can we catch some rabbit later? I wanna see if I can eat meat." Anon almost fell ever, but managed to stay on her two legs. "I got four legs, but the front two are called arms. For a weird reason... Am I nuts?"

Zecora helped the child to her bed of furs. "Before I answer whether or not you are insane, might I please know of your name?"

"WELL! My full name is Adam Noah Oswald Naylor. But I prefer Anon. It's nice to meet you, Zecora."

Zecora smiled. She then gained a confused face. "Your name, I was given. This is true. But I never gave my name to you."

Anon blinked. "Uhhh... Did I mention I may be insane?"

The door burst open with a royal guard wielding a sword.
That was chapter @. Hang on to your boots the good stuff is coming

3, Racist and Hospital

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A Royal Guard burst into the room. He slammed against Zecora, knocking her against the wall. "Run child! I'll hold it off-"

"CALLED IT! MAJOR RACIST GUARD!" Anon sang. She grabbed a random bottle and managed to throw it. It hit the guard and bounced off. "Dang it, the glass is too tough."

The Guard tied up Zecora, putting a gag in her mouth as well. "Come child, we must leave to get you to safety. I will kill the beast!" He pulled out a sword, and was tackled by Anon.

"Not happening, ya dummy!" Anon tried to lift the sword away, but the pain from the splits decided to say SUFFER YOU SWINE. "OWW" Anon fell over and clenched her legs together. She threw another random bottle. This one broke.


Anon looked up at Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. "And then the bottle blew up, sending the guard out the window. He continued to be an angry racist, then more racist guards came in, I may have killed one, and Zecora needs medical attention." Anon gave a sweet expression. "Am I to be punished for hurting guards, or praised for my combat skills?"

Luna stared down at the foal standing on two legs. "We... Thou... Sister, assist me for whether she deserves praise or punishment."

Celestia looked at her sister in shock. "What!?"

Anon looked proud. "Wow! I left the princesses speechless!"

The mane six arrived. Rarity immediately levitated Anon over to her. Or, at least tried to."Oh my! That nasty creature didn't hurt you, did-"

"RACIST!!!" Anon screamed loudly at Rarity's face. She shocked Rarity to being dropped. "Oof." Applejack rushed over. Before she could even see if the child was hurt, she was also screamed at. "RACE! IST!"

Fluttershy arrived with Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Spike. "RACIST!" was screamed at Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. The child then hugged Twilight's leg. "Not racist, but quite smart." The child then hugged Spike. She was smaller then the young dragon. "Spikey Wikey. I'm sleepy now." And with that, the child fell asleep. Or rather passed out from leg pain.


Anon groaned as she woke up. She looked around the room. "Well fudge monkeys. I'm in a hospital room." Anon hopped out of the bed. She winced as a needle was pulled out in the process. "Uhh... I have no idea what that's for." Anon waddled on her two legs. "Let's see... I'm a child, probably was out of it when we came here... Hurt legs? Probably think I was raped or something. Self claim to insanity is also there." Anon walked over to look at her clipboard. "Weird language that I can't read. Well then. This seems like it's a stupid fimfiction story."

Anon rubbed her chin. "Hmm... Is there a god obsessed with fimfiction who did this? Maybe..." (Nah...) Anon walked to the window and climbed on the window sill. "Out I go?"

"What are you doing!?" Anon felt some weird force tug her back, making her fall the the ground, back of head hitting the ground.

"Ouch! You could have just levitated me!" Anon got to her feet 'Because gosh darn it I'll be as human as fricking possible' and glared at the nurse who entered.

"I..." A puzzled face formed on the nurse. Her horn glowed as she tried to lift Anon. Anon was lifted an inch, but no more. "What?"

"Wow. This is getting more and more mysterious by the moment. See ya!" Anon ran to the window and opened it. "WHOO-ACK!" Anon was tugged yet again. "Discord! I summon thee!" Anon said as she hit the ground.

Discord popped into existence, looked at Anon and frowned. "Nope, I'm out. You're on your own, Adam." He then disappeared.

"Well crap. Discord knows what's up, but won't help me up. So, real life situation here, but I don't care and will probably mess everything up." Anon spun on her feet to face the nurse. "YOU THERE! Confused yet?"

"I-" was all the nurse could say before Anon ran out of the room. She stood speechless for a few moments, before running after Anon.

"Hey Discord! I'm gonna cause more chaos then you and replace you!" Anon shouted as she ran down the hall. He ran by a confused and startled Fluttershy, and jumped over a very confused Twilight. "ANARCHY RAINS SUPREME! NOT SURE HOW IT RAINS THE STUFF, BUT IT DOES!" Anon then tripped, fell on her head, and passed out.

When she came to, she was in the hospital room. But with another nurse beside her. A boy with the cute nurse hat. "H-hello. Are you alright?" He sounded like a teen.

Anon thought about that question, taking a moment to consider her whole day so far. From dying, to appearing in this world as a girl and child, but still alive. "Yeah, and nah. Complicated. But hey, look on the bright side."

The teen tilted his head, looking somewhat concerned. "Don't you have a headache or anything?"

Anon grabbed his face and brought their foreheads together, before whispering "I cheated Death, and I will replace Discord, Luna, Celestia, and Twilight once she becomes a Hybrid." She let go and began laughing.

The teen looked to the door. "N-Nurse Redheart? C-could you come in here please?" he asked in a nervous voice.

Nurse Redheart entered the room. She wore a kind smile. "Hello-"

"So first off" Anon interrupted, shoving a hoof in Redheart's direction, "I will not be treated like a child. But chances are you are going to treat me like one, so it's pointless anyways. Okay, how did Bruce and Green survive their worlds again? Crud. I forgot. WELP!" Anon then fell back to the bed and pretended to sleep. She read the fimfiction stories on hospitals and they always seemed so boring to her.

"Hello?" Anon's eyes snapped open. She sat strait up and glared at Pinkie. "Hi! My name is-"

"Big pink and racist." Anon finished. "Ima point out every illogical thing about you, then Ima out do it. I'll be Pinkie two point oh. Woo! Frick you!"

A gasp came spread though the room. "Don't cuss!" Pinkie scolded.

"Discord! If you teleport me right now I'll pay you a favor!" Anon shouted, waving her hooves. A glow of orange formed around her. With a poof, she was gone. And reappeared several hundred feet in the air. In the dragon lands. "SHHHHIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!" Anon screamed as she fell. "Wait Discord is still in stone at this point. Isn't he?" Anon looked around. "What was I saying?" She looked down. "Oh yeah. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!"


Smolder let out a grunt as she threw a rock. She was incredibly bored, and kinda hungry.

"iiiiiiiiiiiit" Smoulder raised her head. She heard something. But she wasn't sure wha- THUMP.
#We have arrived to the good stuff.

4, DRAGON!!! And Luna

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"Augh..." Smolder raised her head from the ground with a groan. What was-" Smolder looked down at the cutest thing she ever laid eyes on. "What by the scorching flames is that!?" Smolder stared down at the small green animal. It was... fluffy. She grabbed a stick and poked it. It moved in response.

"Ugh..." the small green puffball groaned. Smolder took a step back. "Five more minutes, mom..."

"Uhh..." Smolder poked it again. It actually sounded a lot like a girl. And... Adorible. Smolder loved adorable things, as much as she hated to admit it. "What are you?" she asked it.

"Mph. I'm a pony now." Anon opened her eyes, groggily staring at the dragon. She blinked a couple of time, let out out a yawn, before her eyes shot wide open and she started having a coughing fit. "HOLY COW IT'S A DRAGGO!"

Smolder gave a smug grin at the pony's amazement. "Heck yeah I- wait, Draggo?"

"I'm gonna be eaten alive, aren't I?" Anon asked. "I knew running around irresponsibly would lead to my demise, but I didn't expect it this fast."

"Uhh..." Smolder raised an eyebrow in confusion. "Nah. You're part of my hoard now."

"Sweet!" Anon exclaimed. She got up, and fell over. "I can't walk. Carry me, master." she said, reaching up with her arms.

"Master?" Smolder asked as she picked up her new treasure. She slung the filly over her right shoulder, head over the back.

"Well you own me now, right? Like the virgin sacr- actually that never happens so never mind." Anon stuck out her tongue. "Is calling you master too weird? Or should I call you mistress, or something else?"

"What's the difference?" Smolder replied, slightly confused.

"Well, a master is for males. Mistress is for females." Anon answered.

"That's dumb. Just have master and be done with it." Smolder said. "I wonder if Garble would let me keep you in his hoard chamber until I find my own."

"Is he a red dragon?" Anon asked.


"I see him."

Smolder turned around to see her brother Garble flying over. She waved him over with her left claw.

"Hey sis!" Garble said as he landed. "What you got there?"

"I got a pony!" Smolder said, excited.

"Sweet! You planning on sharing?" Garble asked, licking his lips. Pony meat was pretty tasty!

"Heck no! She's my treasure!" Smoulder exclaimed, turning around and walking.

Garble walked up to her. "Your... treasure?" he asked in disbelief.

"Yup. My first hoard item." Smolder said proudly. "Claws off."

Garble scratched his head. "You're not gonna eat it?"

"Her." Smolder corrected. "And no. At least, not yet."

"Hey!" Anon hit Smoulder's back. "I think, and therefore I am. I breath. I'm alive, unlike crystals and gems!"

"I was just joking, pony." Smolder said, smacking Anon's rump in return. "I'd say don't hit me, but you're incredibly weak."

"Just because I'm part of your booty doesn't mean you can smack my booty." Anon said, flicking her tail so it would flick Smolder's nose. Garble poked Anon's nose, and drew his hand back as she tried to bit his hand.

"Are you sure you wanna keep it- her, I mean. You're gonna have to feed her, and I'm pretty sure ponies don't eat jems."

Smolder frowned. It would be alot of work to keep this thing. "Uhh... Pony, what do you eat?"

"Fruits, veggies, and nom noms." Anon answered, stretching her left arm towards Garble. She poked his nose.

"What's a nom nom?" Garble asked.

"Something tasty, like cake or steak."

"What's steak?" Smolder asked. She neared the other dragons.

"Roasted tofu slabs." Anon answered.

A large, brown dragon bent his head down towards Smolder. "Why do you have a pony?" he asked. Many smaller dragons came close to see the pony.

"She's my first hoard item!" Smolder exclaimed. She set Anon down. "You can look, but don't touch."

Anon looked at the crowd she gathered. She stood on her hind legs and gave a small wave. "Hi."

Garble raised a brow. "Aren't ponies suppose to walk on four legs?"

Anon gave a shrug. "I guess." She sat back down like a pony would.

The large brown dragon looked at Smolder. "What purpose do you have for keeping a living pony? They are useless and may as well be cooked."

At this, a dragon leapt at Anon, only to be flung back through the air by an orange glow. "Well for starters I got magic." Anon said. 'Swweeeeeet!'. "I also know how to grow gems." 'Hopefully. If FIMFiction stories are right.'

All the dragons stared wide eyed. "Did you just say you can grow jems?" Garble asked.

"Yup! So I'm gonna be a great... oh crap." Anon's legs splayed out in front of her like a human. "I'm a slave now." She held her head. "Aaaand I forgot about my head wound." Her head swam. "Good night." Everything went black and she fell unconscious.

Anon woke with a shudder. Darkness surrounded her. "Hello?" she asked shakily. A dragon, no, a demon, stood over her.

"GET TO WORK!" the beast roared. It brought down a whip. Anon let out a shriek, petrified as the whip lashed her. It stung, bringing deep cuts.

"Stop!" she cried out. The beast did not listen. "Please stop!" she sobbed. It whipped her again. "Somepony help me!"

"NOPONY CAN HELP YOU!" it roared.

"Good thing I ain't a pony then!" a voice called out. The beast turned to look and was kicked between the legs by Adam. It fell over, rolling in agony.

Anon looked in shock. She looked up at her savoir, and felt... weird. At times, when a human dreams, they can dream of many people and "be" an entire group, rather then themselves. But not ever aware of that until they wake up. Now...

"Hey, no time for deep thinking." Adam said, lightly slapping herself. Or was it still himself?

"Well then what time is it!?" Anon angrily shouted back. "We're slaves now!"

"Well I did kinda agree to- wait we? We're one and the same and frick I did the same thing." Adam sat down on a tree stump. Oddly, the darkness was now replaced with a minecraft plain biome. A brown robed villager HRMed nearby. "I guess we're kinda like these guys now." The villager disagreed with a grunt.

"How are we similar to a villager!? That's dumb!" Anon scolded, pointing a stick at him.

Adam pointed a minecraft stick at the villager. A village formed nearby. "They're useful and few people actually try to protect them unless they got good stuff. We know how to grow gems, so that's our trade item. And the only reason they have for keeping us alive."

"Yeah, well that's dumb. Are we gonna try to get home?" Anon asked.

Adam shrugged as the sky became night. "I dunno... In some stories they manage to send the person back. In others, the person stays and makes a life in Equestria." He moved off the stump and laid on the grass, staring at the stars. "But this isn't a story. It's real life. Trying to get home might rip a hole somewhere in this universe and kill a lot of innocent aliens. But this planet would never know." he mused. "The unconsidered consequence."

Anon looked down, dropping her stick. It became a minecraft potato. "I guess your right..."

Luna had finished helping many a dream. It was her duty. But she had trouble finding the foal. At last, she found the dream and entered. Luna searched for the dreamer, and was confounded when she couldn't tell if there were one or two dreamers. She searched the dream, and found the filly eating cake with an odd, blocky creature in brown robes. She landed. "Anon?"

"Sup?" Luna turned and saw an oddly thin, tall creature of her own height. It resembled an ape, but it's proportions were greatly off. It wore a white t-shirt, blue pants and white socks. The oddest thing was not it's green skin, but it's lack of eyes and a question mark over the face.

"Sup?" Luna echoed, confused. She looked at Anon and at the creature.

"We're both me." Anon said as the night changed to mc day. The sun was square. "I'm seeing out of my eyes."

"And I actually have a third person view." Adam said. "Not seeing out of my eyes but." He pointed upwards. "I'm seeing from up there. And from her eyes. It's very weird."

Luna frowned. "Indeed." She noticed that the filly had tear streaks on her face. "Art thou alright?" she asked, sitting beside the filly. Anon let out a sob before hugging Luna. This surprised the Alicorn, but even still, Luna returned the hug with her left wing. "What is wrong?"

"I'm a slave now!" Anon sobbed.

"What!?" Luna lifted Anon in her hooves. "Where art thou!?"

"It won't actually be that bad, being a slave." Adam said. He gained a glare from Luna.

"How dare you say such a thing!?" Luna scolded.

"Hey moon butt Nighmare, don't forget. The girl and me are the same mind, just split in two for the sake of a dream. Any attempt to reprimand me is just reprimanding her." Adam said.

Luna frowned. "Why are there two of you?"

Adam sat up. "Dunno. We may be insane. And would you look at the time? It's an odd bitey feeling in the arm o'clock!"he said, looking at his wrist. A watch with teeth nawed at him.

Anon frowned. "We're gonna wake up to a dragon trying to eat us, aren't we?"

"Where art thou!?" Luna said as the dream faded. "TELL ME!"

Anon punched her arm immediately, bopping someone's snout. "I ain't food, fool!" she said as she got to her hind legs. A dark grey dragon stood before her.

"You are to me." he growled. Before he could lunge, he heard a cry of a demon leave the pony's mouth.

"*ROOAAAAARRSCRRREEEECCCHH!!!*" Anon shrieked. The dragon jumped and hightailed it out of the cave.

"OH MY FLAME OH MY FLAME WHAT THE FIRELORD WAS THAT?" Anon turned to see Garble stumbling towards her, holding a torch. "What are you doing out in the hall?" Garble picked up Anon and threw her into an inner chamber. "There's a- I don't even know what's out there!"

"*Yawwn*" Smolder smacked her lips as she got off the small (large enough for her to sleep on) pile of treasure. "Something wrong, Gar Gar?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

"Something tried to steal your pony. But they ran off." Garble said. "Go back to sleep, I'll take care of it."

"Thanks." Smolder said groggily. She grabbed Anon and laid back on the pile. She cuddled Anon like she was a plushie. Garble couldn't help but let out a chuckle.

"Now I know why she likes cute stuff." he said, shaking his head.

"You know I'm awake, right 'Gar Gar'?" Anon asked, blinking cutesy at him.

"Uhh..." Garble sweated slightly. "That nickname... Only Smolder calls me that, okay?" He couldn't tell off Smolder's pony.

Anon squirmed out of Smolder's grasp. The young drake let out a noise of complaint, before snoring. "Got it. Mind if I watch the stars?"

Garble scratched the back of his head. "Most of the dragons don't think you can grow jems, and just wanna eat you. And if anything happened to you, Smolder would rip out my fangs."

"Well I did the demon shriek, and it worked well." Anon said, walking over to the cave entrance. Garble followed.

"There's no way you made that sound." Garble said.

Anon walked out of the cave entrance and took a deep breath. "Ahem. *ROOAAAAARRSCRRREEEECCCHH!!!*"

"Great gore!" Garble took a step back, his hand on his chest. "That is scary!"

Anon tucked her left arm in, and her right out. "Thank you." she said, bowing. "Also my injuries are making me exhausted, so I think I need a doctor or something." Anon said, blinking. "That, or I need way more sleep. Child vessel, ya know?" And with that, she passed out onto the floor, snoring happily.

5, Piggy

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Garble poked the filly's face. "Come on don't be dead don't be dead don't be dead."

"Who's dead?" Smolder asked from within the treasure chamber.

"No one!" Garble shouted, now shaking the pony.

Anon let out a yawn, before grunting. "W-h-y-a-r-e-y-o-u-s-h-a-k-i-n-g-m-e-?" she asked.

Garble let go. "Oh thank goodness you're alright!"

Smolder exited the chamber, letting out a yawn. "Hey Garble. What we doin today?"

"Me and my pals were gonna go lava surfing." Garble answered. "You should take care of your pony. See ya later sis." Garble flew out of the cave before Smolder could call him out on the filly's wound.

Smolder looked at Anon. "You got a name?" Anon stared blankly at the wall, wondering how many pearls a dragon could stuff in their mouth. "I can't just keep calling you Pony." Smolder said. Anon remained silent. "Uh... How does Emerald sound?" Silence. "You alright?"

Anon drew her legs towards her and rocked, like a human child. "No. I don't know if I'm insane or not. And if I am, then on what half? This as a reality? And my first place a fake?" She grew silent, her foal brain trying to process the past two days. Her usual chaotic asshole mind paired with the child's body that had certain needs definitely did not seem as much fun as she thought it would. Plus, that weird orange teleported her way out here, so she couldn't screw with the ponies.

Smolder sat down. "You had it rough, huh?" Silence. "Alright then. How does... Actually, I'll talk to the Elders about it." Smolder got up and stretched down her hand. "Come on Pony. You got gems to grow."

Anon grabbed the claw and was pulled up. She walked on her hind legs. "I don't feel quite ready for that yet.., Plus I'd need help picking out a good spot."

"An Elder could help with that..." Smolder rubbed her chin. "Climb on my back. We're seeing the Elders."

"Ride on your back?" Anon asked. "I uh... Have a problem with... heights."

"Oh sorry!" Smolder said. "I had no idea. Maybe we should go and walk."


Anon clung tightly to Smolder, keeping her eyes shut as tightly as possible. "I HATE HEIGHTS!"

"Too bad!" Smolder shouted back. Her pony was gripping so tightly that even if Smolder crashed she would still be hanging on. 'Huh. That's an idea.' "Hey! Wanna see me do a trick?"

"No?" Anon squeaked. She let out a shriek as Smolder dived. "AHHHHHHHH PULL UP PULL UP PULL UP YOU SALTY SEA MONKEY!"

"WOOO!!!" Smolder shifted her wings so she went in a tight and quick spiral as she fell. At the last moment, she opened her wings at an angle, letting her glide along the ground at incredible speed, dodging the rocks and boulders. She used the momentum to skim up the Great Lair, landing at a pretty large ledge where an Elder dragon sat, watching. She landed while walking, as if she wasn't even flying just a moment ago. "Wasn't that fun?"

Anon clung tight, before her limbs released like a rigged claw machine. She stared up into the sky, petrified like a statue.

"Oh blazing fires!" Smolder's claws went to the sides of her head in worry. "Did I just break her!?"

The Elder gave a chuckle. "Give her a second." he told Smolder, moving her claws off her head. He recognized the look on the pony's face.

Anon suddenly gasped, before letting out a mighty "WOO YEAH BIOSHKI! WOOOO! GOOD LAWD I CAN'T MOVE!"

"She's alright!" Smolder shouted, pumping her fist.

"Now that we have determined that, please tell me why you have an injured foal." the Elder dragon Obsidian said. An ironic name, as he was a brilliant white.

Anon rolled over and got on her hind hooves. She now walked properly, not waddling. "That was wicked awesome like a freaking roller coaster and I never wanna do that ever again my gawd darn life but your just gonna do it any way AND-" Anon stopped to gulp in air

"Shush." Smolder said. "This is my pony. She landed on me after dropping out of the sky." Obsidian raised a brow. "She won't tell me her name, so I decided I should ask the Elders to decide her name."

Obsidian scratched his chin with a single claw. "And why would we do that?" he asked as another Elder landed. Long Tooth, a dark green dragon.

"She says she can grow gems." Smolder said.

"I can farm rocks. I'm a rock farmer." Anon explained. 'Internet you better not let me down.'

A certain dragon landed, curious as to why so many Elders were gathering. "What's going on?" Ember asked. She looked at the pony. "A baby pony."

"Yup. If you try to eat me I will eat you from the inside." Anon said, giving a sweet smile.

Ember let out a laugh. "She's a fighter, that's for sure. Why is there a pony?"

"She's mine." Smolder said proudly. At this time, a few Elders and a group of teen dragons had gathered.

An Elder named Dagger scratched his rusty chin. "How about Piglet?"

"Piglet?" the other dragons (and pony) asked in confusion.

"Let me explain. The pony will not give her name. So Smolder asked the Elders to give her one. She is pudgy "Hey!" so Pig would work. But she is also a foal, with advanced speaking and walking skills, so Piglet seems suiting."

"Makes sense." Obsidian said with a shrug of his shoulders. He laid down, propping up his head with his claws. "But I wonder. How does one grow gems? Or farm rocks, as the pony says."

Anon sat down like a pony as the entire group stared at her. She remained silent for a few seconds as her mind went blank of all videos and stories on rock farming. "Give me a second I'm not dumb I'm just panicking."

The dragons waited as the pony sweated.

"I uh..." Anon took a deep breath, recalling every story when Pinkie explained to her friends how the rock farms functioned. "I'd need a cavern of crystals that stretch underground. I'd also need a lot of ground preferably flat above those caverns. Oh! And the caverns need magnetic iron."

"Why?" Longclaw asked. "How does that grow gems?"

"Th-the caverns of crystal and iron- I- The rocks would be rotated over the caverns in certain areas at certain times, soaking up energy or something. Plus magnetism and more stuff I don't understand."

"That you don't understand?" Ember asked, suspicious.

"Well do you understand how Alka root calms the stomach?" Anon snapped back.

"Good point." Ember responded.

"Another point to bring up," Obsidian said, "Is to get Piglet healed. With her young age she is fragile. And those wounds are bad. If she is not healed, she will die in a week."

"WHAT!?" Anon said, before fainting in a dramatic Rarity fashion of flinging herself over a rock.


6, A sneeze, a dream, and a hospital

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" You seem to be passing out a lot." Discord said, poking Anon on the nose.

"Yeah, and you're supposed to be in stone." Anon replied. She looked around. "Where am I?"

"Healing chambers, I think." Discord said with a grin. "I'd help you heal, but you're too much fun in this state. Thanks for breaking me out. But I'll wait until something happens near the statue first." Discord snapped his paw and disappeared.

Anon scratched her head as Smolder entered the healing chamber. "Hey Piglet." she said, sitting down. "You alright?"

"I'm just thinking, how did i actually get here?" Anon pondered. " I remember saying i wanted to leave, then - I- Ah AH AHCOO!" Anon disappeared with a burst of orange.

Smolder jumped to her feet. "Piglet!?"

Luna rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She searched her maps. She had to save Anon. She was but a child. "Come to think of it..." Anon was young. She was literally a foal at the age of walking and talking, yet she spoke with skill that shouldn't be possible for such a young child. "But she did make mention of being insan-" A burst of orange brought Anon right before her. "Anon!?"

"Ah- I- ACHOO!" Anon disappeared with the same burst of orange. It didn't project any light. Luna quickly scanned the magic in the area and was left confounded. According to her scan, nothing happened. No inflow of magic summoning, nor any outflow of teleportation. Not even a scent of ozone.

Nurse Redheart walked by a room. She noticed a flash of orange in the room and entered. She checked it and let out a gasp. It was the filly, with a heavy head injury. "Sweet Celestia!"

Twilight looked at the filly with great concern. "You said she just appeared here?" Twilight asked.

"Yes!" Nurse Redheart confirmed. "We've dressed her wounds, but she had a severe head injury! She might try to run, and we don't even know why!"

Twilight let out a hm. "I think I have a spell that could let us know what happened."

"Really?" Redheart asked.

"She'll start dreaming about the events and will talk out loud, along with doing small physical movements. From this we might get a better idea why she was out in the woods, and how she got that deep in them. In case she doesn't want to say, feeling embarrassed about getting lost." Twilight explained. "I just wonder... She talks like she's at least eight, and runs with impressive skill on two legs."

"But her physical form is undeniably two years." Redheart finished.

"I just need your permission first."

Nurse Redheart nodded. "Go ahead."

Anon looked around. Where- the door slammed open. An apartment formed. "Hi dad." Anon said lazily." A shadow of gnashing teeth turned towards him. It grunted. "I'm heading out. See ya in your grave." The scenery changed to a graveyard. The shadow let out a growl as it stood on a gravestone. "Good riddance."

Anon felt like something was wrong. But he wasn't sure what. He walked away from the grave into a bar. "I'd like some beer please. Thanks." Anon drank from the beer can. He laughed with some people. Their faces were smooth. Anon got up and bumped into someone. He said something rude to the guy.

"I can make you something else." the man said. "I can make you a mare."

"What do you mean you're gonna make me a mare?" Anon shot back, tossing the beer can over to a pile of giant beer cans. The bar blurred.

"I said I can. But you said I was gonna." the man said, grabbing Anon by the wrist. Anon could see the man was a blood red, with no eyes. Nor eye sockets. Just smoothness.

"Hey! Let go!" Anon shouted, struggling to break free. The man pulled the wrist upwards, suddenly pulling Anon through the air.

"I'LL MAKE YOU MY MARE!" the man screamed. Anon realized the man wore no clothes. He was blood red all over, his body looking like that of an old man.

"Let me go! I don't wanna be your mare!" Anon tried to pull away. Something grabbed his legs. He looked down and saw a white version of the red man. The white one wore sunglasses covering the eye place.

"Let go!" the white shouted to the red.

"You let go!" the red shouted in response. Anon slipped out of their grasps, dragged down by a shadow.

"That wasn't us." the two said.

Anon glared, before shrugging. He walked from the black void of a stretched out bar into the woods. He became a baby. "I'm lost in the woods." His eyes widened as he became a pony. And a girl. She instinctively tried to cover up her privates, before remembering ponies don't even wear clothing. "Maybe this isn't so bad." he said calmly, before screaming "Help me!" in fear.

"No." The shadow stood proudly. "Accept no one's help."

"Dad!? B-but I killed you! With my own haAHHH!" Anon turned and began running. She stopped as the moon broke apart and became a pony. The trees parted to let the moon leave the night sky. "NIGHTMARE MOON! AHHHH NO NO NO PLEASE NO!"

A zebra walked over and picked Anon up by the neck, like a cat with kittens. "Come with me, daughter."

"Daughter? Momma!" Anon suddenly said, hugging the zebra. They appeared in Zecora's hut. "Wait, Mom?"

An angel burst through the window. "I will slay the demon" it said.

"No! Don't hurt Zecora!" Anon shouted. The angel shoved Anon into a shelf of potions. He held a sword above the zebra, who changed into Zecora. "I said stop!" Anon said, throwing the pot in the middle of the room at the angel. It did nothing. Anon grunted and threw a beaker. It exploded into a ball of fire.

Anon was thrown from the fire through a hospital room and into a desert. "Oof!" She was suddenly grabbed roughly by the neck.

"You're mine!" a princess screamed at her. "My slave, my servant!"

"I don't want to be your slave!" Anon shouted. The princess frowned, and became Smolder.

"I'll keep you safe, Piggy." Smolder said, hugging Anon tightly. Anon began to turn into sand.

"Help me!" Anon cried, tears pouring from her eyes.

Smolder stood, unsure of what to do, and afraid. "How? HOW!?" she asked in panic, crying.

Anon was a hoof and a head, seemingly sinking at this point. She dispersed, her hoof disappearing last.

Anon sat strait up, panting heavily. It was night, she could see that from the stars outside the window. Anon ran her hooves through her mane, and discovered she was sweaty. She brought her hooves down her face and found she had been crying. "H-hello?" She got no response. Anon got out of bed and walked over to the window. There was a stool there. She opened the window. "...Pretty." The door opened. Anon turned her head and winched at the hall light.

"Hi. I didn't realize you were awake." Nurse Redheart said, quickly closing the door. "So... How are you?"

Anon set her arms on the windowsill, folding them. She set her head on her arms. "Like I told my story, but without anyone to here it... Pointless but relieving."

Twilight trotted over and sat down. "You wanna talk about it?"

"Nah..." Anon said. She sniffed. "What's that smell?"

"Not much. I've got a peanut butter-" Redheart had pulled out her sandwich, only for Anon to swipe it and begin shoving it in her mouth. "And jelly sandwich. Wow. When was the last time you ate?"

"I funno (I dunno)" Anon answered. She gulped down the sandwich. "Can I have some water?" Anon asked. "Wait, hang on. May I have some water please Miss Redheart?"

"Of course. I'll be right back." Redheart got up and left as Anon went back to looking at the night sky.

"Why do I have a nasty feeling that a major understanding has happened?" Anon said to herself. She was even more upset that Redheart didn't question how Anon knew her name.

7, More Hospital and more Smolder

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Anon bounced a ball of the wall. It bounced back to her. "Borrrrred! Why won't they let me go outside?"

Anon had been trying for hours to try to teleport again. But to no avail. She tried to sneeze again, but until she got her hooves on some pepper or sneezing powder, it wasn't happening. Plus, Anon tried another "Prison Break" and was sedated. And while drugs were fun, it wasn't a big enough dose to make her feel loopy. Just sorta sluggish. On the bright side, Anon was able to create a bouncy ball with her magic.

During this, Anon discovered her "magic" was orange. She tested some theories and found out it was simply orange. It was orange in darkness, but gave no glow. In intense light, it was the same shade of orange. No matter what the light conditions were, it was a single shade of orange. "Spoopy." Anon said, continuing to bounce her ball. Her aura when using magic was more of a burst of orange light, except it wasn't light. "And confusing."

The door opened. Anon fumbled with her ball, making it disappear. "****ing get out!" Anon shouted in a panic. An earth pony using magic was not something she needed anyone knowing, especially when the fandom gave too many possibilities of Twilight Science Dangers. Anon and Redheart stared at each other for a minute.

Anon gargled as her mouth was being washed with soup. "Now Miss Dirtymouth, what do we say?" Redheart firmly asked.

"**** the universe for making that reference across *GLARB*" Anon shouted. "Oh to be old again, here's to you Bruce! **** the *GLARB* *GLURB*" Anon was being held over a sink in a bathroom, a soup bar in her mouth. She spat out the soap water, only for more to be put in her mouth. "SURPRISE THE ENEMY! DIE FASTER." Anon poorly quoted The Doctor as she shoved the whole bar in her mouth and swallowed. "VICTORY IS *BAAARRRRRF*!"

Nurse Redheart stared in shock as the filly barfed up a large amount of soap and water, while screaming about victory. The filly then fell sat on her rump in a manner similar to Lyra, hindlegs out at forelegs at the sides. "I give." the filly said suddenly.

Redheart stared for a few moments, before shaking her head. "I'm sorry this had to happen, but-"

"Fillies and colts shouldn't be swearing, I know." Anon said, looking down. She then looked up. "But at least it wasn't a copied moment of the soap scene."


"I swear I'm not insane." Anon said, before running out the door. She tried another break, and failed. Again.

"Lunch tiiiime!" A bubbly voice rang out. Anon perked her head up from her bed. Pinkie bounced in with a nurse hat on her head. Her tail carried a lidded platter. "Hi! I'm-"

"Racist Pink Hair." Anon interrupted. "Now do something impossible so I can do it and replace your soul with a donut."

Pinkie gave an ashamed frowned. "What makes you think I'm ra-"

"She's an Evil Enchantress, but you never actually made conversation with her. She looked strange and so you shunned her. Now give me the food."

Pinkie's hair deflated slightly. "Okay." she said in a forced cheerful voice. She set the platter on Anon's table thingy that hospitals have on the beds. Her hair poofed back up. "You'll enjoy this! It's-"

"If it's all just a bunch of hay burgers, hay fries, and a hay shake, I'm stealing your soul and throwing it out the window with the food." Anon deadpanned. Pinkie's hoof left the lid. "Also my emotions are whack as of now because of the sedatives, I think. So I apologize." A sad Pinkie wasn't something Anon wanted to be the cause of.

Pinkie's hair went flat. "So... what do you want to eat?"

Anon frowned, got up, and walked over to Pinkie. She hugged the pink mare. "Sorry for making you sad. I just... I feel lost."

Pinkie hugged Anon back. "That's alright..." Pinkie paused. "Say, what is your name?"

"Uhhh... My master, or Mistress, named me Piglet." Anon answered.

"I'm sorry what?" Pinkie said, pulling away from Anon.

"I could go for a cupcake." Anon quickly said, doing her best to hide a grin. Her tail wagging was a give away at how much she enjoyed this chaos.

Pinkie's hair poofed back up. "I don't have one on me, but I can quickly grab one!" she said.

"Take me with you." Anon said, putting on a begging face and stretching her arms out.

"Sorry, but you need to stay and heal!" Pinkie said, patting Anon on the head. She suddenly disappeared, leaving a cloud in her shape.

Anon frowned. "Dang." A few minutes later, Pinkie returned with the rest of the Mane 6, Luna, and Nurse Redheart. Twilight stared at Anon with curiosity. Anon began to sweat slightly.

"Here's your cupcake, Piglet!" Pinkie said, giving Anon a cupcake.

Luna arched an eyebrow. "Thou told thine name was Anon A Miss."

"Uhhh" Anon had several ways to go about this. So of course, she went with the stupidest one simply to get a reaction. "That is my name, but my master slash mistress calls me Piglet."

The whole group looked at each other, with horror in their eyes. As for Anon? She couldn't hide her grin anymore and started laughing.

"You're crazy." Garble told his sister, yet again. "Unbelievably crazy."

Obsidian scratched his chin. "How do you know you will even find Piglet? And besides, there may be dragon hunters!"

Smolder frowned. "I'm not changing my mind, no matter what. Piglet is hurt, and teleported. She's in trouble, and I'm not gonna let my first ever piece of loot be hurt."

Dagger let out a laugh. "That's the spirit! Face danger head on in the name of greed! Let no one steal your treasure from you!" He reached behind his wings and pulled out a backpack. "It's packed with grown magical crystals. Eat only a one a day, you'll see why should you see battle. You leave at dawn, so get some rest."

"Whoa whoa whoa! Hang on though!" Garble interrupted. "It's almost Migration Day!"

"In another week." Dagger said. "And your sister has wings. She can fly far. Piglet has eyes as black as night, so it shouldn't be too hard to find her."

"Obsidian! Tell her this is craz- OOF!" Garble was punched in the side by Smolder.

"Calm down! If I don't make it back for Migration Day, I'll just meet you at the cave." Smolder said reassuringly.

Garble grumbled. "Fine, but you better not be weak."

"I don't plan to be." Smolder said. "It's getting dark. I should get some sleep."

Anon ran from the red man, screaming into the darkness, shadows clinging. "GET BACK HERE!" it screamed, it's voice like fire.

"STOP CHASING ME!" Anon screamed in return. She tripped, and couldn't get up. "HELP ME! SOMEPONY! HELP ME!"

Anon curled into a tight little ball, staring up at The Red Man in terror. Suddenly, he turned into a balloon and popped. Anon hesitantly rose to her hooves.

"Anon?" Luna stepped forward from the shadows. She stopped as Anon took a step back. "Please, I don't mean you any harm."

"Why is the only thing that can help me the creature I fear more than dad?" Anon whimpered. "Please, just wake me up." She begged.

Luna woefully nodded. "As you wish."


Anon awoke, crying and gasping. To her surprise, Pinkie was in the hospital bed next to her, hugging her from behind. Anon smiled, her child mind saying "We're safe. We can sleep." And so, Anon slept, with a Pinkie Edition bed pillow. Pink, fluffy, and smelled like cotton candy.
CHAPTER & is complete! I hope you all enjoyed that bit of madness.
I'm proud of this story.

8, Good Morning

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Anon woke with a start. She sat strait up, panting heavily. Pinkie stirred beside her. "*YAWWWWWWWWWN* Something wrong?" Pinkie asked, rubbing her eyes.

Anon stared around the room. "I swear I'm not crazy... Right?" Anon looked at her hooves, as if trying to find an answer in them. "I'm not..."

Pinkie gave Anon a gentle hug, rubbing her head. "Don't worry. You're just silly." She hugged tighter as she felt Anon crying. "Bad dream?"

"Yeah. It... it was bad." Anon said, tears gently rolling down her face. "I don't really know what keeps happening, but it feels like whiplash. I know too much, and that might be hurting me... Plus no one's gonna treat me like an adult, just a kid. I probably said certain stuff and misunderstand and GOD!" Anon gripped her head, tearing of frustration rushing down her face. "I'm sorry, this whole thing is not as fun as I thought it would be."

"... Would you like some steak, Miss Piggy?"

Anon looked up at Pinkie. She lowered her arms. "You have steak?" She asked in surprise.

"I got a big slab of tofu in the fridge at home, Miss Piggy. We can sneak out and get it." Pinkie said with a michevois grin. Anon stayed silent, staring in shock. "Uh- I mean if you want to that is-" It was Pinkie's turned to be shocked as Anon grabbed her by the face and pulled her close, noses and foreheads touching.

"That is the best bucking idea I have heard sense the idea of making potions with a Zebra." Anon said, staring into Pinkie's eyes. She let go. "Let's do this." she said with a sniff, wiping her nose.

"B-Heck yeah!" Pinkie said, giggling.

Anon lightly applauded at Pinkie's attempt at swearing in pony.

Smolder shouldered her pack, looking at the group of dragons watching her. Even the Dragon Lord himself was there. "Good luck." Garble wished to his sister.

"I don't need it." Smolder said.

"Oh yes you do." a strange looking dragon said. His body was brown, yet his face was grey. with a green arm and a red leg.

"Whatever." Smolder flapped her wings, hovering in the air. "See you all later, with my pony and with more treasure!" She took off in the direction of the Pony Lands.

Nurse Redheart approached the door to Anon's room. She saw through the door window that Anon and Pinkie were missing. Just as she was about to throw open the door, she saw Anon entering through an open window, Pinkie behind her. Redheart would have barged it and scolded them, except for one fact.

Anon was laughing, giggling. She had a ligament smile, the first real one she's had since she appeared in the hospital. She looked like she got away with taking a cookie from the jar. The sort of smile a child is suppose to have. Redheart shook her head with a chuckle. She would talk to Pinkie about what happened. Unless Pinkie made a Pinkie Promise not to tell.

Luna continued to check her maps and scrolls. Something was wrong with the filly. Or rather, something wrong was using her. An energy like that? She shook her head. For the sake of her subjects, Luna would get to the bottom of this.

Anon walked the halls of the hospital with Pinkie, chatting about generic things. Anon was forced to stay in the hospital for her own welfare, but she would break out eventually... That or she would walk out when she actually finished healing.

Nurse Redheart walked up to them. "Pinkie, may I have a moment of your time?"

"Of course!" Pinkie replied. "I'll be right back Miss Piggy." Pinkie told Anon. "Don't try to break out, kay?"

"Okay!" Anon said cheerfully, her tail wagging slightly. She walked off the vandalize some pictures with scribbled on mustaches. Redheart smiled, before turning to Pinkie.

"Pinkie, let's have a chat."

9, What happened at Pinkie's

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"Can I have a moment of your time?" Nurse Redheart asked Pinkie.

"Of course!" Pinkie replied. "I'll be right back Miss Piggy." Pinkie told Anon. "Don't try to break out, kay?"

"Okay!" Anon said cheerfully, her tail wagging slightly. Redheart smiled. Anon and Ditsy continued walking on.

"So, what you need me for?" Pinkie asked with a smile.

"Follow me." Nurse Redheart responded.

Pinkie sipped from a mug of chocolate milk while Redheart had a cup of coffee. "I'll cut right to the chase. I-"

"Chase? What chase? Is it a game of chase? Oh! Who are the players?" Pinkie said in her usual excited fashion. Redheart held up a hoof to silence her.

"What did you and Anon do?" Redheart asked.

"Oh!" Pinkie giggled. "We napped together last-"

"I saw you two sneak in this morning."

"Ohh... I..." Pinkie looked away, her ears flat. "Sorry." she whispered.

"I'm not mad." Redheart explained. "I just want to know what you did."

"Oh!" Pinkie said, relieved. "Wait, why aren't you mad?"

Redheart sipped from her mug. "Her smile." Pinkie looked slightly confused. "Anon has been rather stressed for the past days. She has suffered some trauma. She blames herself for the death of her father, who may have hurt her. She has been crying in her sleep, and was incredibly unstable. But just this morning alone I saw great improvement in her whole attitude." She looked Pinkie in the eye. "From just seeing her for a minute I could see her improvement. I want to know what you did."

"...Okay. But don't say anything until I finish. It went like this." Pinkie began.

Pinkie climbed down the rope. "Why did they put you on the third story?" Pinkie whispered, Anon practically sitting on her head as they climbed down.

"So it would be harder for me to escape. But that won't stop me. Nothing can!" Anon whispered back. "I am almighty!"

The two let out a giggle. They then came to the ground. "Come an Almighty! There is a steak you must vanquish."

"Yes! And it stands no chance!" Anon said, pumping her fist. "Now giddy up." she said, clambering onto Pinkie's back.

Pinkie went at a fast trot, reaching Sugar Cube Corner in no time. She would have gone faster, but then Anon would have fallen off. The two entered the building and quietly entered the kitchen. Anon sat at the table while Pinkie opened the fridge.

"So, what you wanna talk about?" Pinkie asked.


Pinkie put down a frying pan and began frying the slab of tofu. "Well, you seemed kinda stressed. We can't have a party right now, so talking might help."

Anon set her chin down on the table. "If I do, you'll just think I'm crazy... I don't want to go in the loony bin."

Pinkie remained silent for a moment. "I'll still listen."

Anon let out a sigh. "Good blimey, where do I begin?" She let out another sigh. "Okay. I'm going to tell you a secret. And it has to stay such, so Pinkie Promise."

"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." Pinkie said.

"So, yeah. Sorry I can't tell you what the secret is, but I can tell you what happened afterwards." Pinkie told Redheart.

"Okay." Anon gulped, raising her head. "I... I can use magic."

"So?" Pinkie asked.

"Not Earth Pony magic..." Anon looked at a mug from the cupboards. She held up her hoof. A orange glow surrounded it and it floated over to her outstretched hoof.

"Wooooooaah." Pinkie said in awe.

"I don't know why. I'm scared to even imagine how. And I'm afraid what might happen if the princesses find out. Would they blame my madness on this magic? I don't want it removed."

"I feel lost. I keep getting these strange nightmares. And I am starting to lose my grip on what's real or not." Anon let out a sob. "And my emotions are out of whack! I keep trying to focus on who I am. But my situation is impossible! I want to go home. But I don't know what will happen if I do."

Pinkie cut the steak in two. She set the pieces on plates and set them down. She motioned for Anon to continue.

"And then there's the fact that no one is gonna treat me like an adult! All they see is a kid who's been hurt by something, but refuses to say what it is! And then that just makes them think it's worse! I got so much information in my head, mixed with a child's brain capacity! My head literally should be split open from my brain size! Then the freaking fact I'm a girl! I'm kinda fine with that because what can I do against that? I'm not my original gender."

"Not your original gender?" Pinkie asked, taking a bite of her steak.

"Screw the logic of Fim Fiction!" Anon threw her hooves up. "From boy to girl, but nopony would ever believe me! Except you! But no one would ever believe you because they think your nothing but a silly idiot who bakes!"

Pinkie flinched at that. "What?" she asked, slightly hurt.

"But then again, this is early on. But even later, after you prove yourself- That's not the point. None of that is the point. There is no point. Life's a story, and I don't know mine." Anon slammed her hooves against the table. "And then there's the fact I'm basically a slave! Everyone would freak out about that, but HEY! I accept that fact and am rather eager to find my master and see if she's alright!" Anon said, exasperated.

Anon suddenly sneezed, and disappeared in a blast of orange. She reappeared in a darkness, seeing two beings shouting at each other.

"He's getting too strong! I need to kill him now!" The White Random said.

"He's got too much power. I need him to get weaker before-" The Red Random stopped and turned. "GET HIM!"

Anon sneezed again. She fell onto the table. Anon quickly moved back to her seat.

Anon began sobbing uncontrollably. Pinkie moved over and hugged Anon. "There there Piggy. There there." she said softly. For some odd reason, this felt wrong, like sompony else should be comforting. But she wouldn't let that get in the way. "Wanna play a board game?" she asked.

Anon sniffed, before grabbing her steak and taking a bite. "May I have some root beer?"

"Sure!" Pinkie replied.

Anon let out another sneeze, falling onto Lyra's bed. "OOF!" the two grunted. Lyra stared in shock as Anon sneezed again. Anon landed in an empty cauldron. She poked her head out and stared at a sleeping Zecora. She waved at the zebra. An orange staff formed and fell on Zecora's face. She sneezed again and saw a sleeping orange dragon. Smolder. Anon tried to withhold her next sneeze and failed.

Anon popped back into Sugar Cube Corner. She shook her head. "So... Games." she said, shaking her head.

Pinkie examined the huge amount of board games before her. There was Checkers, Chess, Snakes and Ladders, Sorry, Spoons, Go Fish, Uno, Parcheesi, Candy Land, and Clue. All the games were being played simultaneously. Anon was winning and also seemed to be suffering a sugar high and a sugar crash at the same time.

"Come on Piggy. You need to-"

"Thfats Miss Fwiggy to you!" Anon said in a slur, leaping to her hooves. She stared confused for a moment, before beltching, then tilting foreword and face planting.

"Sleep." Pinkie finished, giggling.

"So I put her in my bed, we napped, woke up and realized it was day, and made a mad dash back so we wouldn't be caught as you didn't want Miss Piggy breaking out." Pinkie finished.

Nurse Redheart nodded. "Thank you for telling me this Pinkie."


The two mares turned to see Anon squish her face against the window of the door. She held a look of betrayal. "I didn't tell her those parts!" Pinkie quickly exclaimed. Anon smiled, before her smushed face slid downwards.
CHAPTER ( COMPLETE! I hope you all enjoyed.

10, School and stuff

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Anon dragged a book bag down the hall of the hospital, walking backwards with the strap in her mouth. The others didn't seem to think much of it, assuming Anon was healed enough to go back to school.

Twilight walked down the hall, wanting to have a talk with the filly turned colt. She stopped and stared in confusion. "What are you doing, Anon?"

"You haven't introduced yourself Twilight! Now be- Oomph- Polite and intro-*grunt*." Anon grunted, continuing to drag the bag.

"Oh! Sorry. My name is Twilighang on a second." Twilight gave a confused look. "Why-"

"MANNERS!" Anon shouted, before continuing. "Good manners."

"Oh. Right." Twilight said awkwardly.

"What are you doing?" Spike asked, scratching his head.

"It's a school day, and a good excuse to bust out of here." Anon answered.

Spike blinked. "You want to go to school?" he asked in unbelief.

"Yeah I d- Spikey Wikey!" Anon said sweetly.

"Don't call me that." Spike responded.

"Help me you purple toad wart pimple tipped with vomit bucket. You can either choose that or Spikey Wikey." Anon said, now sitting on the book bag like it was a chair.


"Spikey Wikey and other cute malarkey it is." Anon said. "But be cuter then me and I will put mud on you. Now help me with my school stuff."

Spike looked at Twilight, who nodded. Spike let out a sigh. "Fine. But I'm not sticking around."

Anon smiled, hopping to her feet. "Onwards!" she said, leaning back slightly while marching briskly foreword, arms swinging in an over exaggerated manner.

Spike slung the book bag on himself like a back pack. The two walked out and started walking to the school. "I didn't actually think Twilight would make me do this!" Spike complained.

"I didn't think I could enchant anyone!" Anon said in response. "Because otherwise she would have given a verbal no!"

"Wait what?" Spike asked, shocked. "You did what!?"

"Shhhh" Anon said, suddenly up in Spike's face like Pinkie. "You ask too many questionsssszzzzzzahhhh." Anon was suddenly back in her original position. "Now what do you think of my cutie mark?"

Spike stared shocked for his moment as his mind attempted to figure out what Anon just did and how, before shrugging. "You don't have one." Spike answered.

Anon slowly turned her head down to her butt. "Hm. Welp. Okay cause that makes sense."

"What makes sense?" Spike asked.

"Only what doesn't." Anon responded with a shit eating grin.

Spike let out a groan. "Geez, I don't even want to try to understand." He rubbed his head. "What books do you even have in this bag?"

"The actual question is where I got the bag and books. The answer is magic." Anon answered, giving Spike a donut.

"Where'd you get this!?"

"Hey look we're here! Come on!" Anon said, walking towards the schoolhouse.

"I said I wasn't gonna stick arou-

Anon pronked out of the school house with Spike behind her. She somehow pulled off the pronking on two hooves.

"I can't believe I actually stuck around for the whole time." Spike groaned.

"Well I had nothing to say about myself, so you had to speak." Anon responded.

"Ugh. Whatever, I'm not sticking around next time. And especially not as a student."

"Hey shrimp!" a voice sang out.

Anon stopped mid-air, and ssslllllllooooooowwwlllyyyyyyy turned around, landing on her feet. "Yes Diamond Tiara of the Rich Family, who also-" Anon took a breath. "Yeah?"

Diamond Tiara stared for a moment before shaking her head. "So, I'm guessing you're new here, Blaaaank Flaaaank." she said in a slightly singing voice.

"Well yes but also yes and also yes. I was certain id have a cutie mark by now. I'm also a slave from elsewhere. but now I'm here for the learning. Any questions relating to pineapples?" Anon let out a laugh at the confused faces of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. She then walked up and hugged Diamond. "Poor thing. I feel sorry for you having your butt symbol and not remembering who you is." She ended the hug and walked off.

Spike followed. "So... What was that about?"

"If I told you, you would be completely confused and would just end up with a headache. Also, I'm pretty sure I would have been in foster care by now except for my magic telling folks no." Anon said, walking beside Spike. "Confused yet?"

"Not really." Spike answered. "I don't think you can... do whatever it is you think it is."

"I bet you a stick I can mind control slash manipulate minds." Anon challenged,

"Why a stick?" Spike asked.

"So when one of us loses we don't lose anything important." Anon answered.

"Makes sense." Spike answered. "There's Applejack. Go work your magic."

Anon walked up to Applejack, before bending her legs, setting her forehooves on her lower legs, and saying "Who's a good girl?" in an odd voice.

Applejack's ears perked up, her front bent down, with her tail wagging in the air. "I dunno!" she said excitedly, looking around.

"You are!" Anon answered, petting Applejack on the head. Applejack sat down with a rather smug expression, while the children nearby looked slightly sad. "You all are!" Anon said, throwing her arms upwards. The children smiled.

Anon went back on all fours while everypony went back to what they were doing. She picked up a stick and used it to close Spike's wide open mouth. "Here, have a stick. I'm never going to do that again." she was, visibly sweating. "That needs a mana pool equal to Twilight's."

Anon sneezed, and found herself falling from way up in the air, towards a lush forest. Beside her was Pinkie and Spike.

"WHAT IS GOING ON!?" Spike screamed in fear.


Anon sneezed again. Spike and Pinkie were gone, but Anon was still falling. "This is gonna hur-"

Zecora was collecting herbs, when she saw a familiar filly laying unconscious on the ground. "Oh my! What is this I see!?" She rushed over. "It's the silly filly! Dear child has hit her head! Oh please for the love of god, do not be dead!" Zecora quickly set the filly on her back and rushed for her hut.

Smolder flew hard and fast through the sky. She blinked as a dragon appeared, flying beside. The two said nothing as they flew, only acknowledged each other. The two studied each other. Smolder saw that the brown dragon had a leathery wing and a feathery wing. He didn't seem like he was harmful, but was annoying with how many faces he made behind her back.
!) Bonding time with Zecora is in the next chapter. I apologize in advance if it sucks. I'm not good at writing bonding moments.

11, Bonding With Zecora.

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Anon awoke with a groan. 'I have got to stop waking up like this.' Anon let out a yawn, opening her eyes. She saw she was in Zecora's hut. "Ehah." Anon frowned. "Uhja." 'Well dang. I seem to not be able to talk. That was pobably bound to happen sometime soon.'

Zecora noticed a stirring among her furs. She trotted over to her bed and pulled back the blankets. "Thank goodness you are awake! Why were you in these woods, for goodness sake?"

"..." Anon tried to talk, but no sound came out. Anon stared at her muzzle in anger. "Ehhhhh??!!!" Anon screamed, barely doing more then a super quiet sound. 'Gosh dang it! Why can't I talk!?'

"Oh my! It slipped my mind. But your injury seem to have made certain muscle to bind." Zecora quickly explained. "So please say no word. To do so would only hurt."

Anon's frowned deepened. 'So I can't make any puns... Dang. Well what the heck do I do now?'

Anon walked beside Zecora, watching as she picked herbs. She stood on two legs like she always did. Anon watched Zecora closely, and failed to notice the blue plant.

Zecora found all the sufficient plants and decided they should head back. After getting a closer look at Anon, she saw the filly was actually a baby. But that couldn't be right, could it?

Zecora frowned as she watched Anon blunder about. Anon now had a body the size of a mouse, with legs of 7 feet length. Her head was now the size of a watermelon. And she could only "speak" by doing her demonic shrieks. "It's the morning, I just awoke. But I see you have been in pony joke."

Anon shrugged, before running out the door. Zecora ran after her, only to stop downright shocked. For Anon was now doing some odd dance and shrieking in an almost musical like method. Zecora burst out laughing at how silly the sight was.

'Get stickbugged' Anon thought to herself

"I now that form gives you laughs, but now it is time to take a bath." Anon frowned at Zecora, hanging from the ceiling. She stuck her tongue out and shook her head no. "Please little filly. Time has ended for you to be silly." Anon moved so she was hanging over the bath, but didn't enter. Zecora let out a heavy sigh.

The past few days were interesting, to say the least. Anon had been fun to be around, as the ponies of Ponyville would always act weird when she came to town. "If you don't, you will smell. And in that form, it won't go well." Anon frowned, before shaking her head again. Zecora sighed and grabbed her staff. She poked one of Anon's legs. That was seemingly enough to make Anon fall in, head first.

Anon's long legs squirmed like a dying spider's as they slowly shrunk back to normal, giving the appearance of sinking. Anon poked her head out of the water as she returned to her filly form. Zecora smiled. "That was a late of fun! But still, I am glad that is done."

Anon leaned out of the bed, seeing Zecora sleeping on the ground. She rolled out of bed and walked over to Zecora. She snuggled up to the mare, letting out a content sigh. She soon drifted off to sleep.

The two dragons stared at each other from the fire. "So... who are you?" Smolder asked the dragon.

"Depends. Are we friends or simply allies?" the long, brown dragon asked.

Smolder thought about that. "Friends? You haven't tried to kill me in my sleep, you haven't taken my rations, and you have been helping me search for my pony." Smolder nodded. "Yeah. Friends. Name's Smolder." she said.

"My name is Discord. Pleasure meeting you."

Zecora awoke from her makeshift bed with a yawn. She was about to get up, when she noticed something was against her chest. She lifted her blanket slightly and saw Anon. Zecora smiled, and decided it wouldn't be a bad if she decided to sleep for a few more minutes. She closed her eyes, filly against her chest, blanket lowered just enough to see Anon's head poking out with it a third down Zecora's body.

"It seems you had a good night sleep!" Zecora commented as Anon sat on a stool. "This potion is complete. It should allow you to speak."

Anon took the cup from Zecora. She gulped down the potion. She made a "Bleh" face. Anon opened her and tried to speak. "Meh! Mwa! Mwa ma!" Anon slapped her hooves over her mouth as she stared at Zecora's shocked expression. 'Well that's embarras-' Anon's eyes widened as Zecora tightly hugged the small filly in front of her. For reason's Anon didn't understand, she felt tears come to her eyes. She clung tightly to Zecora, returning the hug. (Again, I apologize if this is cheesy and if it's not cheesy then I apologize for ruining the moment.)

Zecora walked Anon to the forest's edge. "I wish you luck on finding your Mistress, Anon. Though I am saddened that you will be gone."

Anon smiled. "Don't worry, Zecor-." Anon took a deep breath. 'Embrace this world. Except it.' "Don't worry Mom. I'll be back to visit you often. I just need to let Smolder know I'm alright. But first," Anon gave Zecora one last hug before walking towards town.
CHAPTER !! finished. I hope you all enjoyed that chapter. We will now go ahead into another chapter. Please let me know what you think in the comments below. Feedback is appreciated. And again I'm sorry if it's cheesy.

12, Cat got your tongue?

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Anon hid beneath a random bed. The ponies of the hospital were looking for her.

"Hello! Sorry to say this, but what ever you're hiding for, it's going to happen sooner then later." a female's voice spoke.

"Yeah... But I don't want it." Anon answered.

Carrot Top let out a sigh. She knew Miss Piggy, as Pinkie said to called her, was very unstable and easy to scare. So she had to be careful about what she said. "What you hiding from? Shots?"

"Going into foster care." Anon answered. "Got any advice?"

"No, not really. But why is foster care so bad?" asked Carrot Top.

"Weeeelllllllll.... Chances are the adults are stupid and think I was raped or something like that. So foster folks would be careful with me, blah blah blah and all that not good stuff." Anon answered.

"...Huh." Carrot Top said. "Please get out from beneath my bed. I don't mean to sound rude, but my leg's broke and I don't want you to accidently jostle the bed.

"Wait.... Hmm..." Anon crawled out from beneath the bed. Carrot Top raised an eyebrow, seeing the child's troubled expression.

"Are you alright?" Carrot Top asked, concerned.

"I'm gonna tell you a secret, okay Golden Harvest?"

"It's Carrot Top."

"I can do magic."

"Huh?" Carrot Top tilted her head. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I can hypnotise slash confuse people." Anon said, grinning, before trotting out of the room.

Carrot scratched her head in confusion. "What- oh. I get it." She let out a small chuckle.

Doctor Stable looked around the room. "Why has there been no physical check on Anon A Miss?" he asked. "She's been here for over a week. And beyond appearance, we have no notes on her physical wellbeing."

Nurse Redheart raised a hoof to object, only to lower it as she thought. "You're right. I'll get on it right away."

Anon stared up at the ceiling. "Well crap pies." she said to herself. "I was sure they wouldn't ever do that." Anon felt like the last of her honor was taken. "Welp, Ima just lay here and ponder on nothing."

Doctor First Aid studied the file in confusion. She then stared back at Nurse Redheart, who was just as puzzled as her. "Where... why...?" First Aid set the folder down. "There is something very wrong with her genitals. Her body is pony, except for that! It's of a whole other species!"

"Do you think it has anything to do with... her?" Redheart asked.

First Aid stayed silent. "...Maybe. But chances are that stripped witch has already set defenses in case her lair is attacked again."

Anon rubbed her chin. "What would it be like to be a cat?" she asked herself, before sneezing. A burst of orange filled the room as Nurse Redheart entered.

"Anon? What was that? Nurse Redheart asked. Anon stared blankly at a wall. "Anon, are you alright?" She asked slowly.

"Meow?" The filly answered, eyes now blue.

Two dragons stood in the woods, by a lake. Smolder let out a grunt as she angrily kicked a tree. It crashed to the ground. "GAH! HOW FREAKIN HARD CAN IT BE TO FIND ONE PONY!?!?" She picked up the tree and threw it into the lake. "I JUST WANT TO FIND MY PONY!" Smolder took a deep breath and blew fire out at the tree, lighting ablaze despite being wet. "I CAN'T TAKE IT ANY MORE!" She snapped towards Discord. "AND YOU! I OUTA-" She paused and gave an angrily confused look. "What are you even doing?"

Discord poured a cup of tea. "Please, have a seat."

"Where did you even get any of this?" Smolder snapped.

Discord sipped his tea. "That is not important. What's important is finding your pony. And for you to relax." Cracks formed on Discord's chest. "Hm. Just about show time. I must soon depart in a matter of days. Now sit."

Smolder sat on one of the chairs, mimicking Discord's sitting stance. She grabbed a tea cup and sipped. She quickly drained the cup. "Whoa! What is that?" she asked.

"Some kind of tea I stole from the queen of England." Discord answered. "Do you like it?"

"Yeah, actually. Thanks, Discord... I needed this." Smolder said with a grin.

"You certainly do!" Discord snapped, slamming his paw on the table. He stared at the paw. "Well, that complicates things. But that can wait until later. For now..." Discord gave a small smile. "We relax over a nice cup of tea."

"AHHHH WHY DOES THIS KEEP HAPPENING!!?" Anon screamed into the Desert air, landing onto a pile of clay pots and junk. "Uhg..." Anon rolled out of the wrecked belongings, before doing a self inspection. "Huh. I'm a cat now." Anon looked further, before giving a fist pump. "HECK YEAH! I'm a dude again."

Anon stood on two paws, and rummaged through the trash. "Score! A mirror." Anon set the hand mirror up so he could see himself. "Okay, I'm mostly black. Except for... Really?" Anon looked at his butt to see a white question mark. "Ugh. Okay, still got black eyes." Anon inspected his paws. Up to his front elbows his arms were white, like long gloves. "Wait..." Anon leaned forward to look at himself. "I'm a kitten. I'm a frikin kitten." Anon found a white bandana and put it on like a cloak. "Welp, I gotta control my sneezing." Anon said.

Anon stood in front of the mirror, Hood pulled over his head, barely showing his eyes. He set his hind paws on his hips. His legs were slightly spread. He thought he was in a heroic stance. "Looking good, and even more innocent. " Anon let out a cackle. "Now let's see what trouble I can get into."

13, Meow

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Anon decided to look around his surrounding. "Let's see..." he muttered to himself. "I'm in some weird Egypt town... I'm guessing this may or may not actually be in the pony show. Curse my butt for being too cheap to by all the disks to watch. Or the comics for that matter." Anon decided to walk towards what seemed to be a bar. he poked his head inside and saw something that made him give out a fansqueal.

Daring Do was currently in a bar fight. She ducked the punch of a stallion, causing him to hit another. She punched him in the jaw, before slamming bits on the counter. The bartender slid her a bottle of beer, which she slammed on the stallion's head. The bottle didn't break, but did knock him out. Daring Do swung the bottle against the head of another pony, knocking them out as the bottle broke. She ran to a table and flipped it over, knocking over several ponies. Daring Do took a swig from a bottle, frowning at discovering it to be juice, before grabbing a stool and knocking out another pony. She whacked the bottle of juice on a mare, knocking her out. Daring Do looked around and saw all her attackers were down for the count. "Sorry for the mess." she said sheepishly to the barman.

"Eh, worse has happened. Just pay the fine." the barman said with a shrug. "Oh, and don't touch the smooth plants. If you do, eat the fire."

"Sorry?" Daring Do asked as she set down a bag of bits.

"You'll know when it happens. Now beat it before they wake up." the barman responded.

Daring Do did just so, not wishing the rage of the drunkards who would wake up with a little more than a hangover. "My first barfight. Woo!" She smiled as she trotted away from the building towards the hotels, before letting out an "Ack!" as something landed on her back. "What the?"

"Howdy." Anon said simply, sitting on Daring Do's back.

Daring Do smiled. "Hello little kitty. You're sitting rather oddly on my back." She wondered for a moment where the cat dropped from.

"Yup." Anon said. He stretched out his body, being careful not to claw Daring Do's back. He then curled up on her back. "This is rather nice. You have a very comfy shirt."

Daring Do stared at the cat, before trying to shrug it off. It was persistent, and would only roll in the opposite direction. "You sure you want to stick with me? Things can get kinda dangerous."

Anon raised his head, gaining a thoughtful expression. "Do I stay safe in a Egypt like town, or do I go with Daring Do?" He gave a nod and laid his head back down.

"Oh. Okay." Daring Do was somewhat surprised that the cat actually answered. "Just to warn you, I'm going to travel into the jungle to find an artifact that belongs to an evil God beyond comprehension."

An orange hand appeared and gave a thumbs up. Daring Do and Anon stared at it in shock, before the hand disappeared.

"That was... weird." Daring Do said. She shook her head. "We better get going."

Daring Do swatted aside bushes and branches and leaves as she tromped through the jungle. She was chased by several animals that wanted nothing more than to eat her and Anon.

Anon swatted her rump. "HURRY HURRY HURRY HURRY!"

"Quit swatting my ass!" Daring growled as she ducked through the brush.

"Then move your ass faster!" Anon hissed back.

"The entrance to the temple should be here! Daring Do's eyes scanned the landscape, before she suddenly tripped on a root, tumbling down into a hole.

"AHHHH!!!" The two clung to each other as they slid down a tunnel. They landed onto a rough stone floor.

"Where are we?" Anon asked, rubbing his head.

"Hang on Mau." came the voice of Daring Do. There was a spark, then Daring Do was holding a lit torch.

"Why the heck did you name me Mau?" Anon asked.

Daring Do moved close to a wall. "We seem to be in a temple. I can barley make out the carvings." Daring Do peered closer. "It seems to be... Depicting some sort of odd creature. It's like a minotuar, just... weird."

"Minotuar, huh? Let me see." Anon walked over to the wall. "Pick me up." he said, patting Daring Do's leg.

"What?" Daring Do asked the cat.

"Up. Pick. Me. Up." Anon repeated. He then simply climbed up Daring Do, clambering on top of her pith helmet. he studied the wall and hissed. The wall depicted two minotaur monsters, one dressed in a revealing dress and the other covered in spikes. The female had vines choking a crowd of victims. "Oh HEEEELLLLLLLLLL NO!" He hopped down. "We ain't doing no mature hentia porn anime demon crap. Screw that, I'm-" Anon stopped, before looking around. "How do we get out?"

Daring Do looked at the cat, then at the wall. "Not good, huh?" She glanced at the ceiling where far up, a hole let sunlight through. Daring Do began to flap her wings, only to find she got no lift. "What!?" She flapped her wings harder, to no avail. "This can't be good."

"Oh look at this!" Anon exclaimed in an annoyed manner. "The other wall is crudely carved picture of ponies being gutted!"

"You find something?" Daring Do asked, walking over. "That can't be good."

"You're telling me! " Anon replied.

The two continued to inspect the room. They discovered a hall way. Besides the hole, there was no other way out. "Guess we have to keep going onward." Daring Do said.

Anon let out a sigh. "Okay... well, I suppose this is better than being stuck in a stuffy hospital."

Twilight looked worryingly though the door window as Anon hissed. "Doctor Stable, will she be alright?"

Stable Horse frowned, examining a clipboard. "I am not sure. Anon's- "

"Miss Piggy!" Pinkie said, poking him firmly on the snoot.

"Please don't do that again." Stable said. "The girl's mind might be like this from intense trauma. However, I believe it is something else."

"Like what?" Twilight asked.

"We did a scanning spell, and got very mixed results on from multiple attempts. I believe the stripped demon cursed-"

Twilight raised her hoof. "Curses are NOT real. And-" Twilight stopped as Spike let out a burp and a scroll. "*Gasp*! Pinkie, grab the others. We're needed in Canterlot immediately!"

"GET THAT DRAGON!" "DEMON!" "BEGONE, CHILD OF LUNA!" Smolder ran as fast as she could, trying to untie the rope from her wings without losing speed. She was careful and everything with how she talked to the ponies. No threats, no meat eating, none of that. But the moment she said she was Piggy's master...

"Yikes!" Smolder dodge a pitchfork. "What is wrong with these ponies!?" Slavery was nothing new to ponies, was it? Smolder grabbed a machete and started hacking at the rope. Finally, she opened her wings, bursting through the rest of the rope and taking flight.

Smolder flew a large distance away from the town. She looked over the land, before curling her fist in determination. "Wherever you are Piggy, I swear I will find you." She then scowled. "And then we'll beat up Discord for disappearing on m- Why are the clouds pink?"

Anon and Daring Do entered a massive chamber, filled with statues of stone. Some of ponies in moments of sinful pleasure, and other of ponies in terrible agony. There was a half pyramid of steps of gold against the far wall. On it were two thrones. On the left, from Daring Do's view, was one was of gold, with red velvet and many jewels embedded. On the right was one of obsidian with the top half of skulls on the arm rest.

Daring Do took a step into the chamber. The hall behind her began collapsing, and she rushed into the room.

A giggle and a growl filled the air. "We've been waiting for you~" a voice sang out seductively. "Ever~. So~. Eagerly~."

"Daring Do." a voice growled. "The Collector, and a massive nuisance. But at last, like so many others, you have arrived to meet your doom."

A pillar of light and a waterfall of smoke crashed against the thrones. Two minotaurs formed. One was a hulking figure of darkness, seemingly wearing a thick fur coat of shadows. His eyes glowed like embers. On the other throne was a lady dressed in elegant, silk dress. She had silver horns and gentle, beautiful green eyes. Her smile was just as cruel as her brother's.

Daring Do whipped out her journal and quickly scanned the pages. "I... I don't believe it." Daring Do said wide eyed. "Lascivia and Carnaticum! God and Goddess of Pleasure and Carnage! The Simblings of debauchery!" Daring Do's face paled as she looked between the statues. "I- uhh...." She turned around and tried running to the collapsed hallway, only for the statues to move and block her path. She quickly jumped back before they could touch her.

The two let out a single laugh. Daring Do collapsed as voices began to fill her mind. She grunted as she focused on her hooves, slowly silencing the whispers. Then, it stopped.

The two siblings were shocked that the effects had stopped completely on Daring Do. "Well then, Daring Do. It seems you are stronger than we supposed." Carnaticum said, rising to his feet. He and his sister walked down the steps towards Daring Do. They stopped as they heard a hiss.

"Oh! Hello little kitten~" Lascivia said. "Wait..." Lascivia pulled back as if she was bitten. "Carnaticum! The cat!"

Carnaticum let out a cruel laugh. "Why even bother hiding in such a form?" he said. "We can smell your strength."

Anon tried to keep his cool. Just looking at these two, he could feel how wicked, how cruel these two were. How much they could slaughter for fun. "Hello." he said coldly, whipping his tail.

"No need to be that way, old... friend. As we can not battle without tearing apart the land, let us send forth champions." Carnaticum and Lascivia snapped their fingers. The statues flew together into a hunkering creature of stone, beyond description. "Let us begin!"

Anon's eyes widened as the statue swung a fist at Daring Do. As she dodged, the statue blew up in a burst of orange.

The two siblings scowled at Anon. "You dare interfere with a challenge!?" Lascivia said angrily.

"If it is war that you wish, then let us begin!" Carnaticum shouted. Anon felt a chill up his spine.

Anon snorted. "I'll be honest, i have no idea what the heck is even happening. All i know is you ain't getting away with it." An orange hand formed and slapped them both. The two siblings pulled out weapons of darkness, before a MASSIVE hand formed before curling up into a fist and smashing them. Anon then proceeded to throw up, puddles of sweat around his paws.

Daring Do stared in shock as the hand disappeared. She stared in unbelief at the remains of the two entities of mass evil and power.

Anon walked over and helped Daring Do up. The two walked up to the thrones. Anon used his "Magic" to destroy the thrones. In their places were two items. One was a... Golden construct of a horse dick. The other was a crown of thorns made out of Safire for the vines and rubies as the sharps.

Daring Do picked up the items and put them into her bag. She flapped her wings and found she could fly again. "Come on. Lets get out of here." She felt a rumble, and the temple was lifted out of the ground. The statues started to crumble as chocolate rain landed on them. The ponies beneath began to stretch and move as they were freed from their prisons of stone.

The ponies of the desert town kept thanking Daring Do and her cat, to the point where Daring Do was just wanting to leave, not being used to folks actually praising her. Anon considered the name Mau, but decided over all it sucked balls.

Also he could now talk in his cat form. "So Daring." he said as the town continued the multi day celebration. "I do believe I know who you truly are."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Daring Do asked, barely able to hear Anon over the noise.

Anon grinned and decided to mess with her. "Daring Do, A. K. Yearling. The books are always so accurate, yes?"

"I-" Daring Do was unsure how to respond.

"It's only to be expected, after all. The homebody shy writer of a sister, and the reckless adventuress sister! However, is it the Yearlings or the Dos?" Anon asked, before letting out a sneeze.

Daring Do suddenly found herself out of town, with all her supplies plus food. She glanced around, before quickly running off. "That's enough adventure for today, thank you very much."

Anon blinked, before spitting out a rat from her mouth. "WOO! It worked!" she shouted. "I have no idea how I did any of that but dang I'm getting good at acting!" Anon tried to stand, and failed. "Wait a minute..." She was in a straight-jacket. "Aw heck."

14, More Hospital stuff

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"Hmmm" Anon sat on her haunches, thinking. Of what exactly? Let's find out.

"Why am I in a straight-jacket, and why was a rat in a hospital room?" Anon tried to wriggle out of the straight-jacket, and failed. She grabbed the rat with her mouth, and carefully stood up. She walked over the where the door would be and waited. Soon enough, the door opened and Anon slipped out, screaming "THE BRITISH ARE COMING THE BRITISH ARE COMING!" as she ran down the hall. She stopped, kicked open the door that held Screw Loose the dog lady, hopped onto her back, and rode down the hall. "YEEHAWW!"

Doctor Mindscape stared in shock, before pulling out a whistle. "We've got two trying to run!" he shouted.

Smolder grumbled as she marched towards camp. "Stupid Discord, where were you?" she growled as she entered the clearing. Her eyes widened as she saw a statue of Discord sitting on a log, smiling as he looked at a map. The statue started to fade into dust, the map falling on top of the pile. Smolder stood there with her eyes wide and her jaw open. "D-Discord? Listen pal, this isn't funny." She walked over and grabbed the map, clenching it in her fist. "Okay ha ha yeah it's actually funny. Come on out from wherever you're hiding." Only silence responded.

Smolder held back a tear, reminding herself that dragon's don't cry. "Screw it." she said to herself, before letting a tear fall. She unrolled the map. It showed many towns crossed out, with one circled. "Ponyville." Written over it was the word "Hospital".

Smolder gently rolled up the map. "I'll find Piggy. For the both of us," she said, carrying a restored confidence.

Twilight and her friends entered the hospital. "What in Celestia's sweet name is going on!?"

"It looks like a madhouse!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"IT IS THE MADHOUSE!" an old pony holding a chair shouted.

Fluttershy ducked as the chair flew over her head. "Oh my." she whispered.

"Hey doc! What's going on?" Spike called out.

"Miss Piggy." Stable Horse griminced. "Miss Piggy happened."

"What exactly happened though?" Applejack asked, before getting tackled.

"Miss Piggy let out every loonie we had. Twelve, but still enough to cause chaos." Mindscape answered.

"CATCH!" Anon threw a Daring Do book at the ceiling, somehow causing it to hit Rainbow Dash firmly on her left wing.

"AH!" Rainbow Dash fell over in pain, while the Secretary's desk caught fire for no reason.

Anon survied the chaos, before hopping onto Pinkie's head and screaming "I AM CHAOS! WOO-" Anon slipped from Pinkie's head and landed on her own. Her last thoughts were 'Am I head heavy or something?'.

Anon awoke in a hospital bed, broken hoofcuffs on her bed. "Ugh..." She rubbed her head as she sat up human style. "What happened?" she groaned.

Doctor Stable entered the room. He frowned seeing the broken hoofcuffs. He removed the hoofcuffs while levitating over a chair. He sat down beside the bed. "Hello Miss Piggy. How are you feeling today?" he asked warmly. He left the door open.

Anon stared at Stable Horse's head. "Uhh..." Anon could have sworn that Stable was an Earth pony. She shook her head. "I gotta admit, I feel a little bit everywhere."

"That must be rough." Stable replied. "Do you need an icepack?"

Anon stared. "You aren't weirded out by me what so ever, are you?"

"No. Is that bad?" Stable asked.

Anon rubbed her chin. "No, I guess not..." she said suspiciously. "But meh, if I can't weird you out then I must try harder."

Stable let out a barley noticeable chuckle. "I'm curious, why do you try to be so weird?"

Anon raised a hoof before letting it drop. "Am I insane?" she asked herself shakily.

"What's the matter?" Stable asked, concern lightly touching his voice.

"..." Anon took a breath. "I've- well-" Anon looked away. She shook her head. 'Do I say? Or do I not? If I try to explain I was once a human... Well, they already think I'm an insane child. I've read too many stories where admitting leads nowhere.'

Anon let out a sigh. "Can I go to my room? I think I've have enough weirdness for today.' she said, exhausted with herself.

Dr. Stable nodded. "Of course. A little filly like you needs her naps, after all."

Anon let out a yawn. "Yeah, that makes sense.


"AHH I'M UP!" Anon stared around the room, panting heavily.

"AHH YOU'RE UP!"Pinkie exclaimed, before falling off her chair. "Hey, nice hat! And I'm digging that floating monicle!"

Anon stared. "What? No, rewind. What did I miss? Cause a lot of things went nuts."

Pinkie gave a small smile. "Well, a few days ago you started acting like a cat? Then you seemed to have completely lost it before trying to overthrow the hospital." Pinkie scratched her head. "Are you sure you don't want to enter the adoptio-"

"I am sure." Anon snapped. "Sorry. I just need a nap." she apologized.

"It's alright..." Pinkie glanced around the dark room. "Bad things seem to keep happening to you. I think you need a vacation or something."

Anon sighed. "Maybe. But I'd need a guardian for that, and a legal one." Her ears flicked and she raised her head.

Pinkie raised her head, looking out the window. "Did I just see an orange dragon landing in the distance?"

Anon smiled. "I think my legal guardian has just arrived."

Chapter is !$ done.

15, Reunion

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Smolder landed softly on the ground, gripping her pack's straps tightly. This was the place. Or, it should be. Ponyville. She waited until dawn, not wanting to scare any of the ponies.

Smolder entered town, giving waves to the ponies. Some seemed ready to bolt, before simply continuing what they were doing. Smolder shook her head. She had to find Piglet. "Hi!"

"ACK!" Smolder leaped back, staring in shock at the pink pony. She looked around rapidly. "Where did you come from!?"

Pinkie Pie looked around as well. "I came from there!" she said, pointing beside herself. "Then I saw you and realized you were new because I know everypony in town but I've never seen you before which meant you were new-"

"Stop, stop." Smolder said, waving her claw. "That's enou-" Smolder paused. "Did you say you know everypony in town?"

"Yepperoni!" Pinkie said, rapidly nodding her head. "You have a friend you wanting to visit?"

"Yeah..." Smolder rubbed the back of her head. 'Alright, so they freak out if slavery is mentioned.' "I'm looking for a kid. Goes by Piglet." The pink pony's face instantly paled, a nervous smile on her face. In the very next second, her face was back to normal.

"Oh I know her." Pinkie said with a nod. "She's at the hospital. Hoooowever, it's not visiting hours. Which means neither of us can go see her yet. But hey, when the time arrives, I'll grab ya so we can both visit her!" Pinkie said. She then started bouncing away, lalala-ing. She bounced around a corner, before galloping away.

Smolder stood, unsure of what to do. "So... I guess I just wait..." Smolder decided she should explore the town. She still had some gems for snacks, and apparently they work as money for ponies.


Twilight and Spike hummed as they put away books. "You know, it's really nice that Ponyville has accepted Zecora." Twilight said, starting conversation.

"Yeah to an extent." Spike responded. A strange look from Twilight caused him to think. "I mean, yeah it's nice and good and all, but the townfolk are..." Spike rubbed his chin. "What's a good word for this? They're..." Spike rubbed his chin harder. "I don't wanna sound rude."

Twilight sighed. "I know what you mean. For a town that's so friendly, they aren't the most accepting of what they don-" Twilight stopped. "They accept what will obviously do harm to them and reject what might do harm to them... There is no nice word."

Suddenly, the door flew off the hinges. Pinkie rushed in. "TWIIILIIGHT!" she shouted. "I need your help!"

"My door!" Twilight exclaimed.

Pinkie rushed up to Twilight, grabbing her face and shoving their heads together. "Piggy's slaver is here!"

"What!?" Spike and Twilight asked in shock. "Let's fry him." Spike growled.

"We can't!" Pinkie said. Seeing the confused expressions, she continued. "We can't cause Master is a dragon! And a girl!" Pinkie suddenly pulled out a paper, crayon and a small table. "And she's got thick legs. Spike is already really strong but the thickness of this dragon means she's way stronger! AND SHE'S THRICE SPIKE'S HEIGHT! SHE'S THREE TIMES STRONGER TIMES TWO!"

"Well, we'll just grab the guards!" Twilight reasoned.

Pinkie let out a slow blink, the slight sound also slow. "This is Ponyville, Twilight."

"And?" Twilight asked. "Wait, this whole town has no guards!?"

Pinkie shook her head. "We never needed any. The Everfree monsters stay in the Everfree Forest."

Twilight sighed. "Alright, let's gather the others. Collected, we should be able to take the slaver down."

"Oh! And I'll gather everypony else!" Pinkie exclaimed.


Smolder walked towards the hospital, munching on a slice of apple pie. "Ponies are kinda nice!" she said to herself. An orange pony gave her a slice of pie, and she got a bandanna from a white pony. She paid, of course. And they gave her a sack of gold as change! So gems were really worth a lot.

Smolder walked towards the hospital, where a zebra was arguing with another pony. The pony fainted upon seeing Smolder. "So... What was that about?"

"The argument you just saw, or the reason she did fall?" Zecora responded.

"Both, I guess?"

"This mare tried to prevent me from seeing my child. When she saw you, her mind went wild." Zecora answered. "To visit my child is my task. Who do you vist, if I may ask?"

"Eh, I'm getting my pony out of the hospital. She should be all fixed up now, so I'm just gonna pay the fee and leave." Smolder said.

Zecora nodded. She and the orange dragon walked inside. The receptionist gave one look, nodded, and slumped over to the ground. "Huh. Now what?"

"Oh Hi miss scary lady!" Derpy said, waving. Her eyes widened as Zecora and Smolder faced her. "Oh! Hi miss scary ladies!" she corrected herself, waving once more. "Are you hear to see Miss Piggy?" she asked.

"Yes." the two answered. They glanced at each other, then back Derpy.

"Okay then! Follow me!" Derpy said, happily trotting to the hall. "She's right this way."


Anon tied together the bedsheets. She was still on the third floor, which she had discovered was the top floor. "Dappydeedappadoo, okeedokee Scoobydoo." She threw the bedsheets out the window.

"Hiya Miss Piggy!" Derpy said, opening the door. "Before ya leave, you have visitors!" She stepped aside, revealing Zecora and Smolder standing next to each other.

Anon rushed over, pulling the two in for a group hug. "Mom! Master!" she exclaimed.

"What's that you say!? You are a slave!?" Zecora asked in shock.

"I mean, she's more of a hoard item." Smolder said.

"Wow! That's a lot of angry ponies." Derpy said, looking out the window.

"Wait what?" Anon ran to the window, where a mob of Ponyville citizens were heading to the hospital. She looked at Smolder. "How many ponies did you tell you were my master!?"

"Hey, I made sure not to tell anyone that. Some pink pony with insane hair did act weirdly though." Smolder said.

"Well crud." Anon rubbed her chin. "Wait, I got an idea. Let's just fly away."

"I don't think I can carry you both. Im strong, but not that strong." Smolder explained.

Anon looked at Derpy. "Hey Derpy, can you help us leave?"

"But- aren't you not allowed to leave until a legal guardian actually-"

"I have my master from the dragon lands, which follows a slightly different lawbook, and my mother. Both by law are legal guardians." Anon quickly lied.

"Ohhh." Derpy said. "So, why do you need me?"

"Because those ponies outside are gonna do a very big bad, thinking they're doing a very big good. It's a lot of stressful things happening, and I just need a vacation away from all of it." Anon explained.

"Oh, I feel ya." Derpy said. "Okay! So if we're wanting to escape, we use the back window, I'll set you at the edge of town, and seeing how your dragon slave master needs someone to carry you, I'll invite my daughters to come as I can carry you and them. Which also means I can deliver my long distance packages and get a basically paid vacation!"

Anon stared. "How long have you been planning this?"

Derpy shrugged. "Ever sense I realized your cutie mark meant you were an embodiment of power and good, and you having a fragmented hold on reality, both mentally and physically." She grabbed Anon, gently placing her on her back. "Come on then! Time to run from the cops!"

"My butt mark means what!?"

The group quickly did as Derpy instructed, fleeing the hospital and arriving at the edge of town. Derpy quickly flew off to get her children.

"I do not know why we had to flee. So now that we have time, explain to me." Zecora said, having been set down by Smolder.

"Last time a bunch of ponies found out I owned a pony, they tried to kill me." Smolder said.

"[They would be right to.]" Zecora calmly responded in Swahili (Fun fact: Zecora actually speaks Swahili. I was also gonna have the text be Swahili, but Google Translate freaks out when trying to translate).

"That, and the authorities would take me away, which considering everything, they would be completely justified in doing that." Anon said. "Hey look, It's Derpy."

Derpy came flying back, hitched up to a wagon cart. "All aboard!" she said, landing.

"Why do you have this all prepared?" Anon asked, climbing into the wagon. Amethyst and Dinky sat inside, working on homework. There were several packages and cases of supplies, along with three stacks of homework. All in all, it was actually organized pretty well.

"Mom actually does this often." Amethyst explained. "Your permission slip was filled out, and the train actually leaves right about now, so by the time Cheerilee realizes you didn't leave by train, we'll be long gone."

"Sweet." Anon responded. Zecora clambered in with them.

"Hey Miss Dragon?" Derpy asked. "Can you help me pull the wagon?"

"Sure. Also my name is Smolder." Derpy helped Smolder into a harness. The wagon quickly rose into the sky.

"And away we go!" Dinky shouted as Amethyst shouted "And here we go!" The two looked at each other and let out a laugh.

Forgot That's how I ended chapters. *().

!% be donzo!

I suck at rhymes, unless it's Zecora talking. During then it comes as smooth a butter.

Also i'm hoping this is a lot more easy to follow, and more fun.
Please keep in mind that while I make this for the enjoyment of others, I also try to enjoy it myself.


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"Hey Mom? Are we smuggling criminals?" Dinky asked.

"No sweety, we're not." Derpy answered.

"Aww. I wanted to continue my knife throwing lessons." Dinky whined.

"I am thoroughly confused and frightened." Anon said.

"Oh! I didn't mean to scare you." Dinky said. "It's actually a fun hobby, and I have gloves to protect my hooves!"

Anon peeked out, before recoiling. "Oh gawd I hate heights." They were going pretty dang fast. "How strong is your mom!?"

"She can actually beat Applejack in a hoof wrestle." Amethyst answered.

An odd bump caused Anon to be tossed slightly. She winced, clenching her eyes. Slowly she opened them. "Huh. Usually at this point I get hit in the head." Suddenly, a rock came flying at Anon.

A purple glow caught the stone and tossed it outside. "None of that." Amethyst said. "Hey, why are you so small? Are you a dwarf?"

"...Explain." Anon responded.

"Uhh okay. You look like you're only three. But you also have way better speaking skills than my sister, who is five."

"Well I can talk but I don't write. I also can't read most things." Anon answered truthfully. "Learning too much also makes my head severely hurt, so I have to take things in doses." Anon scratched her head. "Actually, I think this is the first time in forever that I haven't had a headache."

"That... That is deeply concerning." Amethyst said. Dinky set down a folder. "What's that?"

"Miss Piggy's hospital records." Dinky said proudly. "I think she's doing alright." Dinky looked through the papers. "What's a hybrid?"

"That's two creatures having a child that's a mix of both parents."

"Ohh." Dinky turned to Anon. "So you're a hybrid of a pony and a human, huh?"

"Wait what?" Anon grabbed the folder and examined some of the photos. She then set the pictures aside, grabbed a water bottle, and proceeded to wash her eyeballs. She then set the bottle aside, closed her eyes, grabbed the pictures, and shoved them in her mouth. After chewing them into spitballs, she spat them out of the wagon. "Right, that is now forever scared into my memory."

Zecora used a towel to clean the water off of Anon. "How do you guys even know what humans are?" Anon asked.

"Lyra." the sisters answered simultaneously.

"She knows a lot about humans from some old book she found." Amethyst said.

"Mom delivers all sorts of other books that are usually-" Dinky shoved her hooves over her own mouth, shaking her head. She then removed them. "I'm not supposed to say."

"What, she delivers illegal things? What is she, a Pirate?" Anon joked. The two sisters gave uncomfortable stares. "Oh. That's actually super awesome!" Her eyes widen in joyful surprise, somewhat surprising the sisters.

"Yeah, it really is!" Dinky exclaimed. "She doesn't actually do anything illegal, but whenever she travels she usually steal from other pirates, making sure the items are delivered. She's like Daring Do but she's real!"

"Actually, Daring Do is real! I've met her before." Anon said. Ditsy's eyes widened. The two soon were lost in conversation, talking about the book character and the mailmare. Amethyst and Zecora watched the two bond with warm eyes.


Smolder found it difficult at first to fly in sync with someone else, but soon managed to get the hang of it. "So, do you do this often?" Smolder asked.

"Pretty often actually!" Derpy said. "So, how many slaves do you own?"

"Just the one." Smolder said. "And really, she's WAAAYY more of a pet. Cause a slave you have doing work and crap. Piglet is way to cute for me to just consider a slave."

"Oh thank Celestia." Derpy let out a sigh of relief.

'Huh. So pet gets a way better reaction then slave.' Smolder thought to herself. "Where are we going?"

"I- I thought you had a destination in mind." Derpy said.

Smolder shrugged, causing the wagon to shake. "Basically, I was gonna bring her back to the Dragon lands. Buuut she has a mom, who I think kinda hates me. So it's kinda up to them now."

"Oh! So you're giving her her freedom!" Derpy said happily.

"Of course not." Smolder said. "They simply get to choose where we go. We'll have some fun, Piglet get's some time with her mother, then I'm going reach the dragon lands with Piglet, and maybe her mom. I just gotta figure how to care for a pony first."

Derpy let out an awkward chuckle. "And what happens if her mom refuses?"

"I just take Piglet and go." Smolder said, raising an eyebrow. "Look, why are you acting so weird about this? Are they part of your pack or something?"

Derpy shook her head. "There is a LOT about pony cultural and society that you need to learn. First off, ponies don't own slaves unless they're really bad ponies."

"Sweet!" Smolder said.'

"No! Not sweet!" Derpy shouted. She groaned, rubbing her head. "Bubbly thoughts Derpy. Bubbly thoughts."



Night began to fall. "Come on, let's make camp." Derpy said. She and Smolder brought the wagon down, landing gently.

"Dinky, help me with the tent." Amethyst said, pulling out a large back.

Zecora got a fire going for dinner.

Anon sat, rubbing her head. "This... This is nice!" she said happily. She had no trace of a headache, her hair was kept back by the hat, her injuries were gone, and she felt the safest she ever had been. She laid down, and took a nap.

"Should we remove her hat?" Amethyst asked.

"Nah." Dinky said, giving up on trying to remove the monocle.


Chapter !^ is done!
Now is where I lost inspiration for a while.
Do to edits, the comments won't make the most amount of sense, but will still be taken into consideration.

17. Well Sh*t

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Anon poked Fim. "Hey. Hey you."

"What?" Fim growled.

"When you gonna add a new chapter?" Anon asked.

"When I figure out where I went wrong with it." Fim answered.

"Boo. I don wanna be unwrong. I just wanna be nuts and to have my nuts." Anon said, poking him again.

"Yeah well life sucks and so does this story." Fim said, turning to a computer.

"So why not reboot?" Anon asked. "Make me not depressed?"

Fim slammed his head into the keyboard. mnb "Because if I do, it becomes a brand new story, a different story. And I am too stubborn to let what was supposed to be my best tale just die."

"You rebooted Refurd." Anon grunted, crossing her arms.

Fim raised his head. "I turned it into an actual book and no one will publish it."

"Ouch..." Anon winced. "So... Can you just throw something together?"

"I'll throw this together so people know I'm not dead."

"Sounds good. Is it cannon?"


18, The good Sh*t

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Anon looked into the campfire. "HEY NARRATOR! JUST REBOOT OR SOMETHING!" She screamed into the heavens.

But the Author refused, for how could he give up on such a story, with heart and soul poured-

"Just continue from here with the reboot, with this like a dream or some crap. Please, I'm so bored of doing nothing!" Anon groaned, rolling on the ground. "I don't give a crud how different, anything would be better than this nothingess! Its been a year since your last update!"

The Author agreed. But first, he let the others be aware of the change, so they may see what beauty truly awaited this story.

"Thank God." Anon said. "I was about to jump in this fire to-" A boot popped out and kicked her in the ass. "Screw you" she said as she fell into the flames."

19, Hang on a moment, what?

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23 The HAng on this doesn't seem right.

Adam woke from his dream with a start. That was all so... strange. Talking ponies? Or something... Already, the details were fading. Anon stared out the window, watching the rain fall outside. "Yet another fantastic day." he grumbled. "Hey Ma!" he called out. "Are we busy today?" he asked, calling from the living couch.

"Planning on getting drunk today?" a cheerful voice came from the kitchen. "Or hanging out with your boyfriends?"

"Nah, I'm thinking about getting a gun and ending dad." Adam replied.

There was silence from the kitchen, before a soft response. "Were it that easy."

"What?" Adam stood up. "What do you mean-"

"Let's drop the subject, okay?" his mother replied.

Adam sighed, and nodded. He grabbed his coat and pulled it on, heading for the door. "I'll ask the pastor how to kill a demon, ya?"

"Adam Noah Oswald Naylor! I said drop it!" Adam's mother replied angrily. He simple walked out the door.

Anon. His name was Adam, but his friends would always call him Anon. Said it sounded better. More mysterious. He liked it too. Far better then "Amelia". But people would only use his full name if they were proper cross at him.

"Wait a minute. 'Boyfriends'?" Adam recalled how close all his friends acted around him. "Are they all gay for me?" he asked, scratching his head. "I mean, that sounds amazing but..." Adam pulled out his phone. "Text all, guys meet me at Joy's Bar."

Adam looked at the text and nodded, before clicking send. "No use beating around the bush." he said with a grin.

Adam walked to the bar, whistling as he went. He stared at the sign, before walking in. "Hey Mally!" he called out to the bar keep. "I've invited all my friends for a party. Have we the room?"

"Uhh... Okay, first off, call in advance for this kind of shit. Yeah. Yeah, we got room." Mally said, glancing around the mostly empty bar. "Spose it'll be good business. What's the occasion?" he asked. "Win the lottery?"

"Already won it baby!" Adam said, plopping down on a stool. "Spent it all on a dick."

"Who was that?" Mally asked.

"Me." Adam chuckled. Mally raised an eyebrow, and motioned for him to continue. "Well, I gained a working dick I had so much money. Bought me some boxers, everything a guy could need really."

"I don't really understand." Mally said. "But you've always paid your tab, so who am I to complain."

"Also the occasion is to see if my guypal will be my boyfriend!" Adam said, spinning in his chair.

"Oh, whose the lucky man?" Mally asked, setting down a root beer float for Adam.

"I have no idea!" Adam said, throwing his hands up with a giggle.

"Anon, you've got to be the weirdest man I know."

Adam nodded. "Good. For a second I was worried I was losing my touch."

The bar started filling up with several people, who sat down at the tables as Adam simply grinned. After they all sat down, Adam stood on the stool.

"I have but a single question, inspired from a statement my mother made." he explained, looking out at everyone. "So, raise your hand if you wouldn't mind dating me!"

Five hands shot into the air. A bodybuilder name Brad, a biker named Jimmy, a single dad dressed in a T shirt named Steve, their Forever DM Harry, and Mally. "Well that's interesting." Mally said, looking at his own hand in mild surprise.

"This is awkward..." Steve said. "Anon-"

"What do you guys think about poly relationship?" Adam asked, his grin even wider. "You can lower your hands."

"Well, I don't really think a single person could handle you, so I wouldn't be against it." Brad said, shrugging.

"Considering my options? Why not" Jimmy said, trying to hide a blush with a menu.

Harry rubbed his chin. "I guess we could try?" he said. "Honestly you're a real life bardic..." Harry scowled. "I've been DM for seven years. I should know DnD flirts."

"Fuck. Yes." Steve said, a massive grin on his own face.

Everyone in the bar turned to face Mally. Some people even poked their heads in from outside. He gave a chuckle. "I've gotten to know the drunk you, should be fun to discover the sober you." he said.

"Woo!" Adam said, throwing his hands into the air. The rest of his friends applauded. Adam started dancing on the stool before quickly falling off as the stool fell over. Mally caught him and set him down. "NOW LET'S GET WASTED!" he shouted. His friends cheered. "I'M RICH EVERYONE IN THE BUILDING IS GETTING DRUNK AND I'M PAYING EVERY CENT!" The entire bar broke into applause.

Steve sighed. "Well, looks like I'm the designated driver."

Don't worry, I am certain things will be corrected shortly!

20, As one door closes, a window gets smashed open.

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Anon awoke with a snort. "Huzzah wah? Huh?" She picked her head off her pillow, looking around. "Well that was a weird dream," she said with a frown. She stretched out her legs, giving a yawn. "A really weird dream."

Anon stepped out of her bed. It wasn't anything too fancy. Just some Wonderbolt blankets and a pillow of the Elements. Anon stepped over to her mirror to make sure she didn't bruise her face.

In the mirror stood a thin legged mare, a question mark shaped bruise on her face. Anon narrowed her eyes. "What the heck?" She growled, before heading to her dresser. An orange glow yanked out a suit, before an orange flash fitted it on Anon's wiry frame. A top hat and eyeglass materialized from thin air.

"Hey Mom! Have we got anything for bruises?" Anon called out, leaving her room. She entered a hall, before heading towards a large room, ordained with artifacts and trinkets from the ZebraLands. Zecora worked at a counter, making pancakes.

"Anon my sweet dear, you have nothing to fear!" Zecora said as she flipped a pancake. "A skin salve will make it disappear." She set the pancake on a plate. "Now I crave a hug, so come near."

Anon walked up and hugged Zecora tightly. "Thanks for the breakfast!" she said. "I think I'm gonna eat and run, I got errands that need to be done." Once, Anon might have laughed at the accidental rhyme, but overtime she learned that being raised by Zecora would make one's mind seek out the pattern in words.

"Yes, I remember, your meeting with the Divine." Zecora said, putting the pancake in a sandwich bag, along with a vial of salve. "I'm busy as well. See you at nine?"

"Yeah, sounds good." Anon said. She stuffed the pancake into her mane, before rushing to the door. "Love ya mom! Bye!"

"I love you too!" Zecora called out as the door slummed shut. "And I know not a single day goes by that that isn't true."

Anon trotted quickly down the pathway in her yard, checking the mailbox. She smirked as she inspected it. "Derpy, you pretty moron," she chuckled, an orange glow closing the mailbox. She trotted down the road towards Fluttershy. "Hey neighbor! I think Derpy gave you a package?" Fluttershy's door slowly creaked open. "Ah shi-"

A brown blur SLAMMED into Anon, sending her flying through the air. She let out a grunt as she landed in arms of Discord dressed as a footballer. Anon quickly put an orange bubble around her. "Discord, I'm not up for-" A violent shaking stopped her words. Discord began dribbling Anon across the ground, before kicking her towards the mailbox. Anon missed and was sent crashing through Fluttershy's window, landing into a plush green chair.

Outside, a crowd of Discords let out a gasp. "Oh you're in so much troouuuble!" Discord taunted Discord.

"Oh shut up," Discord responded. "You were as much a part of this as I was."

"Wait, he's right!" Discord said. He threw a bottle to the ground, shattering it. "Everyone? SCATTER!" The Discords started running every which way. Discord quickly ran inside, leaping onto Fluttershy's couch, a bead of sweat going down his face. Anon raised an eyebrow, and rolled her eyes as Discord shushed her.

Fluttershy trotted into the room, carrying a tray of sandwiches. "Discord, I made you a- Oh! Hello Anon. When did you get here?" Fluttershy asked, setting down the sandwiches.

Anon put her hooves together, before breathing deeply through her nose. "I'm still trying to figure that out myself."

Fluttershy frowned, before staring at Discord. "Honey, did you-"

"I DID NOTHING!" Discord shouted, his back straitening, before hunkering back down. "I mean why would I do something, I mean-"

While Discord rambled, Fluttershy glanced at Anon. "No, he's not the problem," Anon said with a dismissive wave.

Discord opened the door, tossing aside his football helmet. He sat down on a chair that wasn't previously there, looking across the room at the Discord on the couch. Couch Discord sweated profusely, his eyes darting rapidly around the room. Chair Discord continued to do nothing but stare. Couch Discord began fidgeting. Finally, Chair Discord spoke. "Son, are you gay?"

Chair Discord suddenly bolted off the couch, leaping out a different window. Discord let out a sigh. "I don't see why it's such a big deal. You love who you love!" Discord snapped his claws. In a burst of light, Fluttershy and Discord sat on the couch, with Anon sitting across in her green chair, and the windows repaired. "Now what seems to be the problem?"

Anon tapped her hooves together. "Do you remember the adventures we had?" she asked.

"Oh my, there were so many!" Discord said excitedly. "We personally killed a giant squid, wrestled a bear, and ate hotdogs on the moon!"

"We did literally none of those," Anon said with a frown.

"Oh sure we did!" Discord said, pulling out a photo album. "The author himself wrote-" He paused, looking at the blank pages with Discord's own little edits covering the emptiness. "My my, there seems to be a lot of pauses in this chapter." Discord set the book on the table. "Anon, where are the chapters?"

"That's the problem," Anon said, motioning to the book. "I woke up this morning, feeling A-okay. But then I wake up one morning and just somehow know everything that happened in the last twenty years! Every detail like it was yesterday!" Anon looked a little angry. "I think FIM Fiction skipped straight to the ending!"

"Really? This feels a lot more like an epilogue." Discord stuck his tongue out. "Yes, definitely an epilogue."

"But why?" Discord and Fluttershy jumped back as Anon whacked the book off the table. "Why would he put me through all that? Why would he do all that, and just end it!? I have all these memories, but not a single person got to witness anything beyond me breaking out of the goddamn hospital! I fucking fought Random and kicked his ass for crying out loud! I did all this, and he just decided to cut it all out!?"

Discord whimpered as he hid behind the couch. "Well, you could always ask him." Fluttershy suggested.

Anon nodded, getting up. "He lives in the vocational school now, right?" Fluttershy tilted her head. "Friendship school." Fluttershy nodded. "Good. I'm going to give him a piece of my mind!" Anon got up and stomped out the door. "Have a good day!" she said angrily as she closed the door softly.

"Hang on, this is backwards." Discord reached out and grabbed Fluttershy, tucking her behind the couch, while sitting on it himself. "Now this is lonely." He tossed himself behind the couch with Fluttershy. "Now this is awkward."

He reached out with a paw to lift himself and Fluttershy back out. She booped his snout. "Actually, I don't mind this. It's kinda snug." Fluttershy let out a giggle. "And away from prying eyes."

Discord blinked. "I think this might be a good time for a story transition!"

Jump Up Random popped up beside Anon, floating lazily through the air. "My my, somehumans in a rush," he said. "What's gotten you so hot and bothered, my dear sir?"

"FIM Fic skipped to the epilogue," Anon said, glancing at Random.

Random tilted his head, slowly rotating. "Is his attention really that important? Written or not, you still had a fulfilling lifestyle. And an even brighter future up ahead!" He floated in front of Anon. "But have you also considered you may just be boring?"

"Boring!? You know how insane my daily life was!" Anon said. "It was anything but boring!"

"Well, anytime an Author interacts with the story, it is bound to lead to some troubles for them." Random chuckled as he floated upside down. "Oh and by the way, seeing how your story is about to end, I figure I might go and find a new Anonymous to torment. Perhaps he will be cursed with the orange as well."

Anon gave Random a look. "That didn't end well for you last time. If this guy is anything like me, you're fucked!"

"Oh I know. But that's what makes it so exciting!" Random said, floating upwards. "Before I leave, I can simply say this. Perhaps the reason you're mad is not because of the author, but rather because you love the spotlight. Toodles!"

Anon opened her mouth to retort, before closing it. "Yeah, I guess you're right. But I still wanna know why." She watched as Random drifted out of sight. Anon continued on her way, moving through Ponyville at a trot. Eventually, she reached the School of Friendship.

She entered the halls, counting the janitor closets before arriving at one that didn't belong. "Bingo." Anon pushed open the door, opening to a library that would make Twilight weak at the knees. A deep red shag carpet covered the floor, whilst giant dusty bookshelves held all manner of tomes. "Geez, would it kill him to dust every now and then?"

Anon shook her head, and walked into the library. The place was built like a maze, with countless signs pointing the way out. Anon ignored these, and listened for the clicking. She walked slowly and quietly, sneaking her way through the rows of books. She slowed as she saw a faint glow from around a corner.

Anon slowly sneaked up and around the shelf, entering what could be described as a sort of clearing. In the center, wrapped in a massive fluffy blue blanket sat a white horse sitting at a desk. Before him was a computer, giving a slight hum. He seemed to be absorbed with the monitor, typing away.

"Are you leaving?" The horse stopped typing, hooves hovering over the keyboard. "I... Sorry, I'm just trying to wrap my head around a lot of things today," Anon said, looking away. "Because I know that personally, I was going to have a lot of adventures. But then i wake up one morning and just somehow know everything that happened in the last twenty years. And I know the readers didn't get to read any of it." She took a deep breath, feeling anger rising, and trying not to show it. "A-and I guess, at this moment, I'm just trying to understand what's happening here."

Anon stared at the back of the chair for a few moments. She saw the mouse on the screen move to save, and click. "You know, when the characters meet the Author, there are many ways it can go. They may view the author as nothing more than the narrator, or maybe an all powerful god. Perhaps as a crazy individual who is more observant than everyone believes." He turned his chair around. "To be honest, I feel more like a farmer redirecting the flow of the river to get good crops. There is a story, and I guide it until the harvest is ready. However, I don't think any of those metaphors really matter right now. "

"Yeah, probably not," Anon said, staring at FIM.

"You are right though. I am leaving, in a sense." FIM rubbed his chin. "This is the final chapter for me and you. Not to say the end of your life, but I wouldn't count on any more big adventures. This story has been going on for simply too long."

"This feels cheap." Anon said, sitting down. "Abrupt. Sudden. Janky. Why?"

FIM took a deep breath, before slowly exhaling. "Don't get me wrong, I love this story. I tried SO HARD to keep it alive. But all I was doing was making it worse." FIM moved his chair and motioned for Anon to look at the computer screen. "See that? Those are the deleted chapters. At this point, it wasn't even the same story. It just had the same elements, but in a way that didn't make sense."

"So why didn't you just reboot?" Anon asked. "Or cancel, and try again? Or I don't know, delete and make the story you wanted?"

"Because I loved this story too much. I couldn't just let it die. I could just delete it, never to be seen again. People found it funny!" FIM Fiction gave a large grin that quickly faltered. "But what I was doing was cruel, to both the story and the readers. Dragging it out and warping it beyond recognition. The last chapter; Your odd dream. That was an example of what it was becoming." FIM turned back to his monitor. "These scenes."

Anon squinted as he stacked several bottles on top of each other. It would be difficult enough, but the blur from the beer made his hands clumsy. With a grin, he set the final bottle up. "Success. The Pyramid of-" He froze, unable to come up with a beer pun for Egyptian buildings. "Beerza? No, that's just dumb."

Either way, it was pissing off Anon. "Welp. Looks like some jackoff thinks poly means open relationship." Anon said standing up. "Mally, help me beat up the guy," he said stumbling into the counter.

"Yeah, but I think that guy's the devil. Being serious here." Anon explained. Jimmy motioned for him to continue. "Alright, bottom line in my dad keeps meeting with this dude with no eyeballs. He's usually a lot paler, but I know that voice anywhere." The others pulled up chairs and sat down, listening. When Anon specifically said he was serious, that meant you should listen up. "This jerkwad thinks he's clever with his words, meaning-" Anon's eyes shot open. "Oh good golly he's after my mom."

"I thought it would be better for everyone if I just made an actual ending, no matter how janky." FIM explained. "It would be better than this."

"So, you're just giving up?" Anon asked.

"Eh, not quite." FIM pulled up a folder. "More of, the reboot is in the sequel! Because by the end of the day, I have all the ideas. They all existed here. I just need to put them into a proper story! Random, the Orange, you. They all are part of a tale I wish to tell." He opened a file. "You wanna see? Get a sneak peek before I leave?"

"I get to do that?" Anon asked, surprised. "What does even- How?"

FIM simply smiled, motioning to the screen.

Anon eagerly read everything, a grin growing across her face. "Okay, that's kinda sick." Her smile disappeared as she looked back at FIM. "How long until you-" She looked around, noticing she was now at the train station.

"Right now, actually," FIM Fiction said, holding a suitcase. The train seemed ready to leave. "An author can't really stay after the story ends.

"I think I'm gonna miss you," Anon said.

FIM Fiction walked over and hugged Anon tightly. "I know." FIM released the hug stepping onto the train. "But I got a good feeling we'll meet again someday."

Anon watched as the train left the station. She stood there for a few minutes, before slowly walking back towards town. Even though there weren't going to be any more adventures, she still could find some fun stuff to do. And with Twilight's fancy mirror, she had internet. Then she had tutoring with Princess Luna, and- "Ahh shit. I'm late for my lessons!" Anon took off galloping down the road, knowing that even though this story ended, she still had plenty to keep her entertained.
Chapter @) is complete.
I know this isn't the best ending there could be, but I just kept trying to beat a dead horse. For all those who enjoyed this story, I have made a conclusion. This had been a story I put my heart and soul into for years. But when there was a full year before updating again, I should have taken that as a sign.
But for those who still crave more of Anon, worry not. This is not the absolute end to his adventures. Merely a chapter.
I have had a blast, providing this story to the hundred who loved it. I made it for us. And I hope to see you all again real soon.
But for now, this is Chapter 20, THE END.