Starlight Glimmer Steals From a Bar

by Horndog

First published

Starlight Glimmer, feeling a bit bored and more than a bit pent up, visit's the local bar on a friday night. Her plans of simply finding some random stallion and taking him home are discarded when she has an Idea.

Friday afternoon.

All the paperwork has been done, the tests have been graded, almost all of her friends have left town for some reason or another, and Starlight is bored. And lonely. And in need of a good rut.

With no alternatives available, Starlight decides to head to Ponyville's only bar to see if she can pick up some random stallion for a one night stand.

That plan goes out the window when she sees the unused billiard table and gets an idea. After all, petty theft is sure to liven up her rather boring afternoon, it might even help her get her rocks off.

Especially since she didn't bring a bag with her.

Contains: anal, anal insertion, object stuffing, deep anal, anal orgasms, improvised sex toys, billiard balls finding their way into a different kind of pocket, public sex, semi-casual sex, group sex, magical ballsack enhancement, ridiculous (though painless) ball stretching, abdominal bulges and some mild inflation.

The second chapter is a rework of the first with some heavier fetishes (and some removed/changed). These are: somewhat extreme urethral insertion (both male and female), double anal, bladder and testicle stuffing (with bulges), knotting (it makes sense in context hopefully). Also, dubiously consensual magical reproductive tract alteration.

Butt Nopony Seems to Mind Too Much Cause She More Than Pays For Everything in the End.

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Starlight Glimmer, magical prodigy and schoolteacher, sighed. Classes normally got out at noon on Friday, but the whole school had gone to some museum in Canterlot, so classes had been cancelled today. Starlight had elected to stay behind on the pretense of getting caught up on grading, though she’d finished with that before ten. She groaned as the actual reason for staying behind announced itself once again, her sopping nethers quivering in need.

Back when Starlight was in charge of Our Town, she had gone months, even years between scratching her itch, never really having much of an itch to begin with, but ever since meeting Trixie and having that wonderful night in the rickety bed in the back of her wagon, an unquenchable need had been awoken in her. Even three days without having one of her holes plundered to the point of sweet release was enough to get her dripping in need, so this week and a half that Trixie had been gone was torture. Starlight huffed. She still couldn’t believe that Trixie had left with nothing more than ‘I need to go get something real quick, I should be back in two weeks.’ Normally it wouldn’t be so bad, but she still couldn’t find her dildo collection after the flowerpot incident and the Ponyville sex shop had been under renovation for the past month. She couldn’t even get herself off with magic like Trixie could, because it always faltered just as she was on the cusp of orgasm, leaving her unfulfilled and more bothered than before.

“Wait. Hold on. I could have just gone to the sex shop in Canterlot.” She groaned as she checked the time, the little clock on her bedside table telling her that the last train to Canterlot had left almost half an hour ago.

Pulling her soaked hoof out from between her legs, she contemplated her options. Twilight had hidden her dildo collection far more thoroughly after Starlight had poked fun at her for the dragon dildo, so she couldn’t just borrow one of them again. Spike was in the kitchen doing… something, so snagging an appropriately sized cucumber was off the menu. She’d already checked, and there was no part of the castle’s furniture that wasn’t sharp and unwieldy. The only one of the Elements left in town was Rarity, and she didn’t believe in dildos, though Starlight mused that when you could get dick just from fluttering your eyelashes at some cute stallion, dildos weren’t really needed. Feeling her options slipping through her hooves, she muttered to herself, “Am I really desperate enough to go hit up some random guy at a bar?” Glancing down at her hoof which was already rubbing frantically at her snatch again, she blinked. “Yeah, I probably am.”

Heaving herself off her bed, she trudged off to the bathroom to take a quick shower, hoping to clean the worst of the smell of desperation off herself. Forty-five minutes later, having gotten slightly distracted by the pulse setting on the showerhead, she dried herself off before starting the process of making herself presentable for a night on the town. With the open relationship that she had with Trixie, she’d certainly been with her fair share of stallions since moving to Ponyville, though it was always Trixie who brought them home after an evening at the bar. Apparently, ‘I’ll let you fuck my lesbian girlfriend up the butt while I suck on your balls’ is a very effective pickup line. While Trixie’s near obsession with shoving things up Starlight’s ass had been somewhat alarming at first, she’d grown to love the feeling of things rummaging around in her backdoor. Despite Trixie's best efforts, Starlight had never really gotten into the stretching aspect of anal. What really turned Starlight on more than she'd like to admit was the feeling of things going far deeper than they were meant to. With the near daily use it had gotten under Trixie's careful ministrations, her still tight ponut had loosened considerably from the impenetrable barrier it had been when she met Trixie to the soft, stretchy ring it was now. The same could not be said of Trixie's ruined ring, years and years of stretching it beyond its limits reducing it to a barely functional loop of sensitive flesh, not that it ever spent enough time empty to do any work.

Starlight cursed the disappearance of her toybox once again, though she especially missed her extra long string of anal beads. The mere memory of the thirty smooth orbs, each just over an inch across, almost caused her to invalidate the shower she’d just taken. Forcing herself to not think about the feeling of those slippery beads popping into her tight ring one by one, snaking deeper with every bead that slipped past her sensative rear entrance, pressing through into her- “No.” Starlight shook her head, trying desperately to cool her raging lust. “I need to focus, or I’m gonna miss my chance to actually get some relief.” The thought of actually getting a stallion to come home with her almost entirely killed the mood.

It wasn’t that she was nervous about talking to some random stallion with the goal of getting him to fuck her, or that the idea of bedding somepony without Trixie there to guide and direct things was intimidating, or that the mental image of all the potential stares she’d receive as she walked home with a stallion, her tail flagging high enough and his dick drooping low enough to let the whole world know what they were going to be doing when they got back to the castle, and then she’d bump into Twilight and the rest of the school on the way back, and while she was stuttering a flimsy excuse to Twilight, her traitorously winking clit would give enough of a show to her potential lay that his dick would slap against his stomach loudly enough to draw everyone’s eye, and then she’d be thrown out of the school for traumatizing the students, and then Trixie would-

Slamming back a glass of water, she swallowed the Clean-Out pill, staring resolutely into the mirror until she felt the telltale squirming in her guts, the oddly hollow feeling letting her know that all of her rear holes were completely clean for the next ten hours, provided that she didn’t eat anything or drink more than the pill could suppress.

“I’m going to do this. I’m going to go out there, find a willing partner, and we’re going to have a great time.” Nodding to her reflection, she strode out of the castle, brimming with confidence, at least until she had to ask a random pony on the street where the bar was, having never been before.

Gently opening the door, Starlight poked her head in, taking in the dim but not depressing lighting. Swallowing, she walked the rest of the way in, looking around at the homey knickknacks cluttering the walls, the single occupied booth out of five along the wall and the smattering of tables spread across the small bar’s main floor space. Glancing around to confirm her findings, she almost took a step back. All five ponies in the bar were male. Swallowing again, her mouth suddenly dry, she walked up to the bar, taking a seat on one of the surprisingly comfortable stools. Glancing at the bartender’s nametag, which cheerily identified the imposing hulk of a stallion as ‘Double Shot’, Starlight tried not to flinch as he stopped in front of her.

“What can I getcha?” His low, grumbly voice spooked her even though its tone was light and friendly.

Steeling her nerves, she looked him in the eyes, and finding only a cheerful warmth, she made up her mind. “I’ll have a glass of rum, with ice.” Her bravado vanished as he stared at her, unblinking, for several seconds. She was about to ask what was wrong when he suddenly turned, effortlessly filling her order with deft movements borne from decades of practice. She missed the show in its entirety though, her eyes locked to his massive balls, swinging gently in their leathery sack. His short-cropped tail did nothing to hide the low hanging fruit, barely even covering his tailhole as he worked. The few seconds that Double Shot was turned around stretched to eternity for Starlight in her lust addled state, her eyes taking in every detail of his prodigious balls, staring at them open mouthed as she watched them bounce and sway. She barely managed to tear her eyes away as he turned back around, wordlessly sliding her glass over to her. “Thanks,” she mumbled, picking up her glass in her magic and taking a sip.

Starlight blinked, looking into her suddenly empty glass. That was the best rum she’d ever had, including that hundred-and-fifty-bit bottle Trixie had bought her for her birthday (Starlight politely ignoring the fact that her own account balance had dropped the exact amount a week prior). Looking back up at the bartender, she blushed at his non-plussed gaze. “What brand is this?”

“It’s the house brand. I make it myself.” Starlight nodded appreciatively, holding out her glass hopefully. Double Shot wordlessly refilled it before trotting off to attend to a pair of stallions in one of the booths. While there, he leaned in to one of the patrons and asked in a low voice. “You know this mare, Quick?”

Quick Sort, a stallion well known for knowing something about everypony, nodded thoughtfully. “Yeah. That’s Trixie’s marefriend. A real good lay too. Teaches at that school they’ve got now. Real nice, if a bit high strung. I think she’s one of the ones that sorted out the third changeling invasion. Or was it the fourth. I don’t remember. Kinda surprised to see her here. Didn’t think she was one for bar browsing.”

The other stallion at the booth squinted at her for a moment. “Wait, isn’t that the mare you kept going on about cause she took your tiny knob up the ass?”

“Hey! My dick’s bigger than yours and you know it, but yeah. I think she’s anal-only, cause Pen got her ass too. Oh yeah, Double?” The bartender paused, having started to turn back to the bar as soon as the duo started bickering. “She was checking out your balls. Hard. Practically drooling from both ends, if you know what I mean.”

Double just shook his head before returning to the bar, wordlessly filling Starlight’s empty glass again. “What did you say your name was?”

Starlight looked up from her glass, cheeks lightly flushed. “It’s Starlight. Starlight Glimmer. Oh. And do you sell your rum? Like, by the bottle? This is the best rum I’ve ever had.”

Double shook his head. “Nope. Don’t make enough of it to just sell it.”

“That’s too bad. I guess I’ll just have to show up here more often then.” Starlight paused to take another drink, savoring the taste of her new favorite drink. “I think this is going to be my last drink, though do you mind if I hang around for a bit longer? I’m, uhh… waiting. For someone.”

Double Shot nodded. “Your tab is twenty-eight bits, and there’s billiards if you’re interested.” He watched as she fumbled a bit pulling the coins out of her bit-pouch before helpfully pointing towards the billiards tables tucked behind a half wall in the corner. “Darts too, though don’t poke too many holes in my wall.”

Shakily standing, surprised at just how hard just three glasses of rum was already hitting her, she figured that whatever she had drunk was a little higher proof than she was used to. What she didn’t account for was that the Clean-Out pill she had taken had completely cleaned her out, leaving whatever alcohol she drank to hit her fast and hard. Trotting over to towards the billiards table, she paused as she caught sight of the billiard balls, their shiny surfaces hearkening back to her missing anal beads in her lust, and now alcohol, addled mind.

Double Shot had been busy returning the favor, checking out this new mare’s ass as she walked away. It wasn’t as padded as his usual fair, he did prefer his mares a little heavier, but the padding that was there was in all the right places. He was about to return to his work, but she suddenly stopped, tail swishing, and winked, the pink depths of her marehood flashing for a brief moment, her outer lips quite wet. Glancing at the stool she had been using, he noted that he’d need to wipe it down sooner rather than later. Glancing back up around the room, he also noted that every single patron’s eye was locked on the display. Glancing back himself he watched as she started walking again, pausing briefly as she winked again, her tail still fanning her hind end as best it could. With a sigh, he hoped that she didn’t make too much of a mess.

Ducking behind the half wall, Starlight took a few deep breaths. She looked around the still almost empty bar, the post dinner rush not having started yet. Still all stallions, though she didn’t care about that anymore. She had a crazy idea, and it didn’t even cross her gradually fuzzing mind that it might have been a bad idea. Picking up a pool cue, she used it as an excuse for a lit horn as she cast a quick spell, though anypony paying attention would have heard the quiet moan as her ponut briefly glowed, leaving behind a telltale sheen as the ring of flesh and quite a bit of what lay behind it was magically lubricated. Quickly setting up a game, she began a ‘practice round’, lining up with the cue ball and letting loose. Unfortunately, her break wasn’t very good, none of the balls sinking in any of the pockets. Trotting around to the other side of the table, she lined up with one of the striped balls, though she hit a little too gently, the ball’s momentum running out just as it reached the edge. Frustrated, she lined up a different shot, groaning as this time the ball bounced off the wall to the left of the pocket. Lining up a third shot, she almost cried as this ball fell short too, her week of sexual frustration leading her to bump the ball with her magic just enough to sink it in the pocket.

Grinning in triumph, she quickly pulled the ball out of the pocket, hiding it under the table as she cast a couple of spells on it. Bringing the now cleaned and lubricated ball behind her, she pressed it to her waiting back door. Gasping as the cold object pressed against her rim, she bit her lip to hold back a heated moan as the pillowy ring of her ponut slowly spread, almost reaching its limit around the widest part of her improvised sex toy before the ball sank in, being pulled deeper by her muscled ring, the shiny surface of the ball disappearing as her tailhole closed behind it. Clenching her ass a couple more times to get used to the feeling, she took a couple of deep breaths, trying to ignore the feeling of her juices trickling down her hind leg. Picking the cue back up, she lined up another shot, frowning as her intended target missed the pocket entirely. Lining up the next shot, she jumped as she heard hoofsteps behind her.

“Honey, Sweetie, yer embarrassing yerself.” She looked up into the deep green eyes of the stallion, vaguely remembering him as one of the patrons sitting alone at one of the tables.

“I’m sorry. I know I’m not very good at pool.” Starlight glanced down, unconsciously tracing the muscles under his unremarkable brown coat.

“Yeah, you really aren't good. Also, you sunk the eight ball first, so you don’t even know the rules. That, and, uh…” he glanced back at the other patrons, as if to receive confirmation. Seeming to get what he was after, he turned back to her and shrugged. “yer terrible at hidin’ things.”

Starlight’s head whipped up, staring him in the eye. “Wait, what do you mean?”

“Honey, you were facing the other way when you lubed yerself up, and when you shoved the eight ball up her plot hole. The whole bar got a show.”

Glancing behind the stallion in a mild panic she watched as the rest of the patrons nodded. Looking back at the total stranger she sputtered, “I didn’t mean, I wasn’t, I’m sorry I, I don’t normally-”

“Relax Sugar. Ain’t none of us mind, and yer certainly not the first. Ol’ Shot knew what he was doin when he pointed you towards the pool table. Just none of us thought you were gonna shove it up your plot.”

“I did!”

“Shut it, Quick. Nopony cares what you think.”

Starlight shamefully looked back up into the piercing green gaze, wilting with every word she spoke. “I’m so sorry. I just came here cause I was lonely, but things spiraled out of control, and-”

“Hey. Nopony goes to a bar this early in the evenin’ to admire the floorboards. I think I can speak for all of us when I say that I came here for a piece of tail. And what a piece of tail you’ve got.”

Starlight looked around the bar, noticing the three rock hard pieces of stallion-meat in plain view, though if Double Shot was sporting an erection, it was hidden behind the bar. Glancing back at the stranger in front of her, she looked at the throbbing rod underneath his barrel, somehow unnoticed until then.

“Now, normally I’d just enjoy the show, but yer bad enough at pool that I’d go soft from boredom ‘tween each ball, so I figured I’d help.” When she hesitantly glanced towards the billiards table, then to the door, he chuckled. “You did come here to get laid, right? I know you didn’t come to play pool, so what do you say? I’m down for a simple dickin’, but me and the boys could help you pocket the rest of those balls first if you wanted.”

Starlight wanted to think rationally about this. Wanted to question letting four perfect strangers (though that one at the booth looked familiar) fuck her in a bar. She didn’t even know the stallion’s name, but the burning heat beneath her tail decided for her. “I want those balls up my ass.”

With a nod from the stranger, the three other patrons jumped up and trotted over, the one she almost recognized stopping at the bar to grab what looked like a salad bowl on the way. Starlight couldn’t help but stare at the three bobbing dicks as they walked over, her eyes rapidly glancing between them.

“Now, my name is Hog Tie, the red feller is Iron Bar, the Pegasus is Cirrus and the Unicorn is Quick Sort.”

Quick Sort nodded, setting the bowl on the floor next to the pool table. “We’ve met, actually. A few months ago.”

Starlight squinted at him. “I almost remember you. How do I know you?”

Quick chuckled. “Trixie invited me over and I fucked you up the ass-ouch! What was that for?”

Iron Bar just jabbed him in the ribs a second time. “Ignore my friend. He’s a moron.”

Starlight nodded, slightly overwhelmed and very turned on by the group of stallions surrounding her. Hog Tie, the unofficial leader of the group picked up the salad bowl. "Now, if you wouldn’t mind doing those handy spells on the rest of the balls and putting them in here, we can get started.”

Picking up each ball in turn, Starlight cast the spell to sterilize and lubricate each one before dumping them in the bucket. Starlight jumped as a sudden tongue dragged across her ponut as she finished the last ball, Cirrus having snuck behind her as she worked. “Huh. Tastes like strawberry.” Going in for another lick, he shoved his entire tongue inside until he licked the surface of the ball still sitting just past her clenching ring. “Yup. Strawberry.”

“Move over, I want a taste.” Quick Sort shoved the Pegasus aside, wasting no time in dragging his tongue up the length of her slit. “That’s good, but it doesn’t taste anything like strawberry.”

“No, her ass, you idiot.”

Diving back in, Quick shoved his tongue up her ass this time, swirling the slippery appendage around her ring for a couple of seconds before drawing back out with a smack of his lips. “Huh. You’re right. Bar, you gotta try this!”

Starlight shuddered, trying to pull herself back together after having her tailhole assaulted by two different tongues in a row, not to mention the long lick up her slit. As the third stallion stepped behind her, she braced herself for further violation, already fully at the mercy of the stallions surrounding her. Even braced, she wasn’t prepared for the stallion’s ridiculously long tongue to slip past her loosened ring, worm its way alongside the eight-ball in her rectum, curl behind it and pull the ball back out of her ass in one smooth motion, her muscled ring gaping for half a second before closing tight in shock.

Dumping the ball in the bowl with the others, Iron Bar grinned at her shocked expression, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at her.

“Show off.” Quick muttered as Hog Tie stepped behind her, eager for his taste of strawberry flavored donut.

After almost thirty seconds of tracing every wrinkle of her protruding ring, he stepped back to admire her rhythmically clenching tailhole, a brief hint of pink visible between every wink. “Now, you might want to lube yerself back up while yer still of a mind to do so, and then we can get started. I still see sixteen balls in the basket that we have to get inside this young mare, so come on boys, we got work to do!”

With barely a flicker of concentration her ponut had been relubed, along with significantly more of her intestinal tract, now that she knew she was going to get them all. Spreading her rear legs and dropping her chest to the floor, Starlight grinned. Things had turned out way better than she could have ever dreamed. “Fill me up. I want them all up my ass.”

With a whoop, the quartet of stallions eagerly grabbed a ball each, shoving and jostling to be the first to stick it in, though when Cirrus won, he took some time to admire the ass so brazenly presented to them. Starting at her cute little teats, barely more than gentle swells with a small bump for each nipple, he drew his gaze along her plump lips, the soaked skin a few shades darker than her coat color, though the liquid coating enhanced the contrast nicely. Tracing the wrinkles of her perineum upwards, his eyes came to rest on tonight’s prize, the dim lights of the bar reflecting off her wrinkled ring. Her ponut was puffier than most he’d seen, the loose wrinkles not quite meeting at the center, leaving a pencil wide gap, the slightly gaped pucker of her tailhole gently closing every time her clit danced out, the reflections rippling across her mini-donut sized entrance. Licking his lips, he brought the billiard ball up to her ass, gently pressing it in, watching in aw as her ponut resisted at first, sinking into her body before it began to stretch out, losing its wrinkles as the ball reached it’s widest point. Starlight groaned as he left it halfway in, her ponut constricting fruitlessly around it, unable to pull it in or push it out, her ring straining against this foreign sensation. After her bit sized clit winked out three times, he pushed it past the precipice, the muscles in her ponut quickly drawing the slick sphere the rest of the way inside, closing tight behind it momentarily before gaping back open again just wide enough to reveal the surface of the ball nestled in her.

Stepping aside, Cirrus let Iron Bar step up to bat, going to retrieve another ball from the bowl. Iron Bar was not nearly so gentle, taking a mere moment to firmly press the ball past her ring, Starlight crying out at the sudden sensation. Having done his job, Iron walked over to the bowl to retrieve another ball.

Giving Starlight no time to recover, Hog Tie stepped up, gently, but quickly shoving his ball in, though he took some time to massage her ponut with his hoof before he stepped back, allowing Quick to step in.

Starlight moaned in delight as Quick Sort used his magic to stretch her back door, kneading it for a few seconds before stretching it wide, simply dropping his ball in to join the others with a clack. Letting go of her ponut, he watched as it slapped against the surface of the sphere before pulling it in.

Seeing that it was his turn again, Cirrus once again gently pressed his ball against her loosening ring, though as soon as it made contact with the other balls in her rectum, he had to apply some extra force to move the entire line deeper into her rump.

Starlight moaned loudly at the movement. She could clearly feel the line of improvised anal beads nearing the end of her rectum, sitting just before the entrance to her most sensitive area, her colon.

Ever since Trixie had finally worn down her resistance and convinced her to try anal, she’d fallen in love with the exquisite stretching, rubbing feeling when an object got truly deep within her, it was only later that she found out that the odd but incredibly arousing sensation was actually coming from her colon, but since then no toy was truly satisfying unless it was working its way into her colon, and no dicking was complete unless it finished with the stallion’s flare stretching at least the entrance to her colon. While Trixie was practically a hair trigger when it came to stretching her ponut past its limit, Starlight didn’t care unless it was deep, which is why when Iron Bar stepped up and firmly shoved the cue ball up her ass, the action shoving the entire line deeper into her intestinal tract, that first ball working its way into her colon, she almost came then and there. Going wobbly, her clit firing in and out rapidly, she waved off Hog Tie. “Give me a moment. That was intense.” Panting, she slowly wound back down, her clit winking out less and less rapidly. These balls were a lot more intense than her anal beads, being a little over twice the diameter. Casting another quick spell, she subtly increased the elasticity of her colon, hoping that it would help her hold off her orgasm until she’d taken all the balls. “Okay, I’m ready.”

Nodding, Hog Tie placed his ball gently against her anus, applying gentle pressure until he felt the click of the balls tapping together. Pausing for a moment, he then applied a firm, yet steady pressure, sinking the ball in until his hoof met the ring of her ponut. Again, after taking a few seconds to rub her tailhole, he drew back.

Quick stepped back in and, with no warning, pulled her tailhole wide. Starlight moaned in desperation as she felt the train of balls begin to ease its way back out of her, the tightness of her colon pushing the train out despite her best effort. Thrusting her hips back, her silent plea was answered as he used his ball to push the line back in, not stopping until he’d pushed the entire line well beyond the desperately clenching rim of her asshole. Letting her ponut slam closed with a wet plat, he stepped aside. “This has got to be one of the hottest things I’ve ever done. I did not wake up today thinking that I’d be stuffing billiard balls up some needy mare’s ass before dinner.”

The others voiced their agreement, Cirrus punctuating his statement by driving his ball into her filled rectum, his small (some would say fillylike) hoof almost following it. Iron shoved his third ball in with just as much aplomb as usual, Starlight once again needing to call for a break to prevent herself from going over the edge before she was ready. On her cue, the process continued, ball after ball disappearing into her welcoming depths. As the thirteenth ball slid past her ring, a small part of the back of her mind noted that the line of balls snaking into her intestines was now deeper than anything had gone before. And she needed more. Fortunately, the gathering of stallions around her were happy to comply, quickly sinking the last three balls in her fleshy pocket, faster than she could handle. Just as she felt the last ball crest her sensitive ring, the first touched some new spot deep inside of her, and the tsunami of her building orgasm came crashing down, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she squeaked, shuddered and convulsed for a solid thirty seconds. The four stallions, for their part, whooped and hollered, overjoyed that they’d brought this shuddering mare to orgasm by doing nothing but shoving billiard balls up her ass. The cheering redoubled when it was discovered that you could see a small length of the line of balls through her tight stomach, four small swells clearly visible through her pale purple coat.

Giving her a moment, the four stallions wandered over to the bar, cheering once again as Double Shot announced, “Round on the house. That was a damn good show.”

After several minutes, Starlight managed to get her faculties under control enough to stumble over to the bar, earning a disapproving sigh from the bartender as she slid onto one of the stools. “So, who wants to fuck me first?”

The five stallions looked at each other briefly before turning back to the surprisingly horny mare. “You’re really up for another round already?” Cirrus asked, somewhat bewildered.

“What, you didn’t think I was gonna leave you guys bobbing, did you?” Starlight looked at their raging, erections, mildly perplexed.

After a brief pause, Cirrus spoke back up. “Well, usually when a mare cums that hard, it’s at least fifteen minutes before they aren’t too over-sensitive to fuck.”

Starlight frowned, shrugging. “I’ve never had that problem. Soon as I can get my legs under me, I’m ready to go again. Guess I never even thought about-”

“I’lldoit!” Quick Sort blurted. His excited bouncing died down when all eyes turned to him but returned in full force when Starlight nodded.

“Alright.” Casting a quick spell, the four bobbing dicks were now shiny with lube. “How did you want to do this?” Starlight meeped when Quick grabbed her hoof and drug her over to the table, guiding her so that her front end was supported while her back end hung off the edge of the table. “Alright. I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.” Flipping her tail up over her back, she looked at him with the best bedroom eyes she could muster. “Go ahead, stud.”

Placing his hooves on the table to either side of her, Quick took a second to line up with her sopping wet cunt, slowly but firmly pressing in. “Oooo. Wait, hold on. I can feel the pool balls inside you! Oh! If you could swap to your back real fast?” Pulling out, he got out of the way until Starlight rolled over before hopping right back up, though he paused to admire the four unmistakable lumps snaking across just below her sternum. Softly dragging a hoof over them in wonder, his dick slapped against his belly, clearly showing his thoughts on the subject. Placing his hoof back on the table, he lined his dick back up with her entrance and pressed in. “Ohh, Celestia. That’s good…” Pulling back out to the tip, he began slowly thrusting into her, only drawing back once he’d fully hilted, his balls slapping into her well used ponut.

“Hey, Miss? Do you mind if I use yer throat?” Hog Tie asked, looking hopefully at her.

Starlight shrugged, repositioning herself slightly so her head could dangle off the edge of the table, allowing him a straight shot down her throat. “Go ahead.” Starlight thanked the spell as the taste of strawberries flooded her mouth and thanked the dozens of ‘plus one’ dates she had with Trixie that allowed her to casually swallow over a foot of horsecock without even a hint of a gag reflex. As her lips met his sheath, she lit her horn, gently massaging the balls of both ponies fucking her. Then, figuring she might as well, her magic extended farther, massaging every pair of balls in the room.

Barely a minute passed before Quick announced that he was getting close. “Wait! Don’t cum in her! I don’t want sloppy seconds!” Iron cried. Reluctantly, Quick pulled from the warm inviting depths, resigning himself to jerking himself off in the cold air. He changed his tune when Starlight’s magical aura spread from his balls up his dick, enveloping the entire length in a tingling warmth. Seconds later his balls retracted, clenching tight to his body as he shot strand after strand of his sticky load across her belly and chest, the last couple of spurts dribbling down onto her teats.

Quick barely had time to collapse to the side, completely spent, before Iron Bar’s forehooves thumped against the table, the tip of his dick ramming home in one powerful thrust. “Huh. You really can feel them. You two should try this, it’s cool.” Pulling out, he stepped aside, giving clear access to Starlight’s sopping hind end.

Hog Tie paused in his thrusts, pulling out of her mouth with a sloppy pop, Starlight gasping for air, though never letting up on her ball massages. “I was about to blow down her throat, but I guess it’d be a shame to miss out on this opportunity.” At a grunt from the other Earth Pony, Tie waved him off. “I’m gonna pull out. No need to get yourself in a huff.” As his hooves slammed down on either side of her, Cirrus circled around to her other end.

“While you’re doing that, I’m gonna sample her throat. Do you mind?”

Starlight shook her head. “Not at all. Go right on ahead.” She replied, voice a little horse from the previous throat swabbing. Lining up their respective rods with her respective holes, both thrust in at the same time, though, true to his word, Hog Tie pulled out after only a few thrusts, his balls bouncing up and down as he painted his load across Starlight’s stomach, one of his shots flying up and hitting her chin, causing Cirrus to jump.

Stepping down, his softening dick retreating into his sheath as the magical aura disappeared from around his balls, he gestured to Iron Bar. “She’s all yours, partner. I gotta go sit down.”

Iron Bar wasted no time in hopping back up, slamming his dick home hard enough that his balls crashed against Starlight’s gaping asshole hard enough to make a loud phlop noise. Pulling back till his tip almost left her rippling insides, he thrust again and again, his swinging balls slapping against Starlight’s loose ponut with a rhythmic phlopping, Starlight’s eyes rolling into the back of her head with the sudden hard fucking. The texture of the billiard balls through the thin wall between her rectum and vagina and all the visual stimulation he’d received over the course of the past hour, not to mention the downright blissful ball massage meant that it was only a couple of minutes before he was teetering at the precipice of his own orgasm, his heavy balls dancing in his sack, ready to release his potent seed. With a grunt, he pulled out, Starlight’s expert magic job finishing him off in short order. Having the biggest balls of the quartet, (though Hog Tie’s dick eclipsed his in both length and girth) the streams of cum spraying out of his flexing urethra continued for far longer than Starlight thought possible, absolutely coating her stomach and teats with a veritable flood of hot spunk, the shininess of her now soaked stomach serving to further emphasize the bulges of the billiard balls lodged in her colon.

Pulling out of her throat as Iron Bar slumped into a nearby chair, Cirrus circled around to Starlight’s other end. She moaned openly in surprise as his tongue lapped against her ponut for a few seconds before worming its way inside, sawing in and out as he pressed firmly against the ball lying just beyond her ring. Pulling his tongue back out again, he admired her rear, hooves tracing along her cutie marks as his eyes traced the well-used wrinkles of her ponut and marehood. With a slap that caused her plot to jiggle, he stepped up, his diamond hard dick pressing against her folds as he leaned forward, catching her lips in a surprise kiss. Breaking the kiss with a giggle, Starlight shook her head. “You know, you’re supposed to do the romancing thing before you shove things up a girl’s ass, not the other way around.”

“It was worth a shot.”

Starlight giggled again as he went in for another kiss, though he was interrupted with an impatient shout. “Oh, just fuck her already!”

Kissing her anyway, he tried to ignore the taste of strawberry as he hilted her snatch in one thrust, both ponies groaning into the kiss at the sensation. Pulling away, he looked behind him at the offender, thrusting all the while as he snapped back, “Just cause your mug’s so ugly you couldn’t pay a prostitute to kiss you doesn’t mean that the rest of us can’t enjoy ourselves.”

“He’s got ya there, Iron.”

“Oh, shut up.”

Chuckling, Cirrus turned his attention back to the mare beneath him, tracing her cutie marks with his wingtips, though he carefully avoided the trails of spunk dripping down her sides. To Starlight’s dismay, he too didn’t last long in her clenching depths, pulling out unprompted after only a couple of minutes. Opening her mouth wide, she tried to catch his load in her mouth, though only a single strand landed on her tongue, the rest splattering against the rest of her face and into her hair, a single strand dripping down her still lit horn.

As Cirrus collapsed in his own chair, the magical light encompassing his spent balls winking out, Quick raised an eyebrow at her still lit horn. “Wait, what are you doing?”

Double Shot stepped out from behind the bar, much to the surprise of the four stallions who had completely forgotten about the existence of their silent observer. “That’d be me,” he said, gruffly. Five pairs of eyes locked onto his pendulous balls as they were visibly rolled and massaged in their leathery pouch, a very soft grunt escaping his lips as Starlight pulled down on his hefty orbs, stretching them a fair distance from his body before releasing them, watching as they bounced and swayed. Grabbing them again, she marveled at just how stretchy the wrinkled sack was, pulling them out behind him until the wrinkled skin lost its wrinkles, only eventually reaching the limits of the pliable skin, far past the end of his short-cropped tail. Pulling the two balls away from each other as far as they would go, she continued her not quite gentle massage, earning an almost groan like grunt from the bartender.

“Hoo-boy! You found yerself a keeper there, Shot! She likes yer balls almost as much as you do!” The rest of the boys joined in the congratulations, though they got distracted trying to make the crudest ball joke.

Starlight, meanwhile, was completely distracted by what the gruff bartender’s gonads could do. “These are incredible! How did you make them like this?” It wasn’t Double Shot that responded though.

“Ol’ Brass Balls over there doesn’t feel pain in his stones til there’s actual damage being done, so he likes to play with them. Remember that one time he wore his ball weights to work? That was priceless!” Starlight went back to ignoring them as they immediately jumped on when Cirrus left his buttplug in, causing another round of bickering.

Knowing she could go farther, she had Double emitting what almost passed for audible groans, his dick slipping out of his sheath at last as she pulled his balls forwards almost to his belly button. Ignoring the still flaccid horse flesh, she looked Double in the eye. “Do you mind if I make them stretchier?”

Double paused, biting his lip. After a moment, and another gentle tug, he gave her the go ahead.

A bright flash of Starlight’s horn caught the attention of the other stallions, their eyes following the trail of magic to Double’s already stretchy sack as his testes continued downwards. The room was silent, even Double Shot watching between his legs as his balls drooped lower and lower, finally stopping when they reached the floor. Stopping the flow of magic, Starlight brushed his sensitive stones across the polished floor for a few seconds, tracing her name in the dust before she let go, the balls springing up, bouncing gently off their resting point before settling where they were before Starlight had walked in. Reaching back, Double gripped around his own balls, pulling them down until they touched the floor again. Not happy, he slowly pulled them forwards until his ridiculously stretched sack was brushing the floor next to his front hoof. Letting go, the now bouncy orbs gently smacked off the bottom of his now rock-hard dick, jiggling and wobbling until they settled back into their undisturbed state.

“I could make them stretch farther if you want.”

Double shook his head. “Don’t know what I’d do with more.” Giving his backside a wiggle, he watched as his balls seemed to sway and rock a little bit more, bouncing a little higher than they did before.

The completely gobsmacked stallions watched as Double nodded, seeming to take his new reality with the same stoic grace that he took everything. Walking over to Starlight’s now well used hind end, he simply grunted, “Which hole?”

Starlight blinked, having not expected the question. Finally examining his cock, she noted that while it wasn’t very wide (not even the widest she’d taken that day), it was long. Far longer than anything she’d ever seen, let alone taken, the thin shaft ending in a mushroom-like permanent flare. The medial ring was as far down his turgid length as most dicks were long. The choice wasn’t hard to make. “I want that in my butt. I want it as deep in there as you can shove it. I want to feel it hit the bottom of my lungs.

Quick Sort looked at her ponut, a flash of one of the pool balls showing between every winking spasm of the suddenly active ring. “Should we take the pool balls out of you first?”

“No! Leave them in! Shove them deeper.

Seemingly a good enough answer for Double Shot, his forehooves thumped onto the table, his flared end pressing up against her slickened tailhole without warning. “Hold on!” A flash of magic and his rod was glistening with lube. “There. Go nice and slow, I want to feel it.” The tip of Double’s intimidating rod slipped past her ring with relative ease, only being slightly bigger than one of the pool balls. As he continued to press forward, Starlight threw her head back in shock, the pleasure of the stationary train of balls moving deeper into her untouched depths temporarily overwhelming her senses. The others watched with rapt fascination as the bulges of the pool balls moved, slinking in and out of view as they followed the path of her insides. “Yes. Yes! Deeper. I need them deeper.” Double’s glacial pace never changed, the line of balls slowly advancing through her colon with his flare just behind. Not pausing as his medial ring disappeared from sight, the textured head of his dick slipped into her colon less than an inch later, causing Starlight to moan unintelligibly, though most of her mumblings seemed affirmative. The desperate thrusting of her hips in an attempt to shove him deeper communicated her thoughts plenty clearly. Starlight’s breath hitched as Double’s sheathe bumped into her spasming ring, a second, separate bulge visible under the semen-soaked belly hair, his cock not following the curve of her intestines as obediently as the pool balls had. With a final shove, his hips met hers, balls slapping into her wiggling dock as her ponut inverted, forcefully shoved inside of her by his sheathe. All five bulges quivered, her violated tract quivering and constricting, her ponut locking him inside with an iron grip. Even as her juices splattered his lower half, he attempted to pull out, her guttural groans rising in volume as her ponut was pulled with him, stretching until the pink insides are revealed, firmly gripping the base of his long cock, her insides milking his entire length.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of bliss, Starlight came down from her orgasm, heart thumping in her chest as she glanced down at her stomach, taking a moment to understand what the additional bulge meant. “That’s the best orgasm I’ve ever had. Ever. I can’t stress how earth-shatteringly incredible that was.”

Double Shot just grunted, her ponut finally relaxing enough to let him slide out of her tailhole with a pop. Inspecting the gaping, quivering entrance, he grunted again, suddenly hilting her in one smooth motion. Starlight gasped, her sensitive flesh not quite ready for that kind of action. Pausing only briefly, he began to smoothly piston in and out of her hind end, pulling out until his flare tugged her ponut outwards and pushing in until his sheathe pushed it in. Starlight, no longer aroused enough to cum, just enjoyed the sensations for a minute, finally deciding that his pendulous balls needed some attention. Carefully grabbing them just before they slapped into her soaked dock again, she slowly pulled them away from her until Double grunted, not quite fully hilting as his balls reached their limit. Backing off just a bit, she held his orbs still, gently massaging them as his thrusting stretched and released his balls. Given more incentive to drive himself deeper, Double did just that, his hips forcefully slamming into her butt, a slapping sound accompanying the jiggling waves of her plump plot. Each time his impressive length was buried into her hot, velvet depths, an obscene bulge could be seen protruding from her lightly padded stomach, joining the four others just above it. After just a few more pumps and some words of encouragement from the mare he wasn’t balls deep in (his balls resting feet away from her), he finally came, the four watching stallions swearing later that they could see the bulges of his potent seed racing their way from his balls up his sack, the time between his flare swelling as deep in her as he could get it to the first shot of cum firing into her guts seeming to take longer than usual.

And he just kept cumming. Spurt after spurt of thick spunk emptied into her, his balls visibly clenching as his seed worked its way deeper, being forced past each ball as his wide flare prevented any of it from changing direction, Starlight watched in awe as the significantly larger bulge of his flare twitched and throbbed, before her attention was drawn to the shape of the train of billiard balls distending from her stomach as it began to soften, losing definition as her stomach began to swell. With fascination, she watched as the shapes disappeared entirely, replaced with a vague outline of her intestinal tract, the feeling of her insides being bathed in seed serving to prove to her disbelieving mind what her eyes were seeing. With the final shots of cum squeezing into her overstuffed guts, Double Shot pulled out, his wide flare temporarily stopping progress as it pulled on her unyielding anus, his flare, finally losing the battle as it shrank, slipping out of her rear with a pop.

Double gingerly stepped out of the way as seed poured freely from her tired ponut, coating her tail before making a puddle on the otherwise immaculate floor. Several seconds passed with the bar in complete silence, its patrons left in reverent awe as they knew they had witnessed, or took part in, an event. Wordlessly, the bartender returned to his duties, pulling a bucket and a mop out of a side closet. Starlight, seeing this, lit her horn brightly. Double watched as the worst of the mess was scraped out of her coat with her telekinesis, the large blob of cum floating into the closet before being dumped down the drain. With a light groan, she scooped the majority of the cum out of her insides, catching it as it flowed out of her tailhole, depositing that load down the drain as well. Sitting up, she picked up as much of the rest of the cum as she could with her telekinesis, disposing of it with a thought. Humming for a moment, she recalled the appropriate batch of spells, firing them off one after another as her coat, mane and tail were cleaned and scented, the floor was rendered spotless, her mane and tail were styled, her coat straightened, and finally her mouth was cleaned, removing the strawberry taste. Hopping off the table, her magic was directed to the stallions, the same cleaning, straightening and restyling applied to each in turn, finishing with Double Shot as he returned the mop and bucket, though he froze as she spent a little too long groping his spent balls. With a last glance around, she cleaned the wet trail from the bar stool she had used to the circle of drips around the pool table, cleaning and sanitizing the salad bowl and returning it to the bar top.

“Thank you, all of you. That was the most fun I’ve had in ages, and easily the best sex I’ve ever had. I’ll come back here more often, especially if I can get a repeat performance.” With a flick of her tail, giving them one last show of her puffy holes, Starlight Glimmer was gone.

It was minutes before anyone spoke, Quick Sort finally breaking the silence. “Did she ever put the pool balls back?”

Five pairs of eyes looked over to the corner, staring at the empty (though immaculate) pool table. After several seconds, a gruff voice sounded out. “I can order more.”

Nearly an hour later, as the sun began to set, a light blue mare snuck down the hall, stealthily approaching a door at the end. Flinging it wide, she boomed, “THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRIXIE HAS RETURNED! Several days earlier than expected as well.”

“Perfect. You can help me get these balls out of my ass.”

Finally looking into the room she had so dramatically entered, she saw Starlight squatted over a bucket, several billiard balls in her magical grasp as a stream of what looked like cum poured out of her butt.


Butt Nopony Seems to Mind Too Much Cause She At Least Tried to Give Them Back.

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Starlight Glimmer, magical prodigy and schoolteacher, sighed. Classes normally got out at noon on Friday, but the whole school had gone to some museum in Canterlot, so classes had been cancelled today. Starlight had elected to stay behind on the pretense of getting caught up on grading, though she’d finished with that before ten. She groaned as the actual reason for staying behind announced itself once again, her sopping nethers quivering in need.

Back when Starlight was in charge of Our Town, she had gone months, even years between scratching her itch, never really having much of an itch to begin with, but ever since meeting Trixie and having that wonderful night in the rickety bed in the back of her wagon, an unquenchable need had been awoken in her. Even three days without having one of her holes plundered to the point of sweet release was enough to get her dripping in need, so this week and a half that Trixie had been gone was torture. Starlight huffed. She still couldn’t believe that Trixie had left with nothing more than ‘I need to go get something real quick, I should be back in two weeks.’ Normally it wouldn’t be so bad, but she still couldn’t find her dildo collection after the flowerpot incident and the Ponyville sex shop had been under renovation for the past month. She couldn’t even get herself off with magic like Trixie could, because it always faltered just as she was on the cusp of orgasm, leaving her unfulfilled and more bothered than before.

“Wait. Hold on. I could have just gone to the sex shop in Canterlot.” She groaned as she checked the time, the little clock on her bedside table telling her that the last train to Canterlot had left almost half an hour ago.

Pulling her soaked hoof out from between her legs, she contemplated her options. Twilight had hidden her dildo collection far more thoroughly after Starlight had poked fun at her for the dragon dildo, so she couldn’t just borrow one of them again. Spike was in the kitchen doing… something, so snagging an appropriately sized carrot was off the menu. She’d already checked, and there was no part of the castle’s furniture that wasn’t sharp and unwieldy. The only one of the Elements left in town was Rarity, and everything the town size queen had was too big, though Starlight mused that when you could comfortably smuggle multiple watermelons, the smaller stuff wouldn’t do it anymore. Feeling her options slipping through her hooves, she muttered to herself, “Am I really desperate enough to go hit up some random guy at a bar?” Glancing down at her hoof which was already rubbing frantically at her snatch again, she blinked. “Yeah, I probably am.”

Heaving herself off her bed, she trudged off to the bathroom to take a quick shower, hoping to clean the worst of the smell of desperation off herself. Forty-five minutes later, having gotten slightly distracted by the jet setting on the showerhead, she dried herself off before starting the process of making herself presentable for a night on the town. With the open relationship that she had with Trixie, she’d certainly been with her fair share of stallions since moving to Ponyville, though it was always Trixie who brought them home after an evening at the bar. Apparently, ‘I’ll let you fuck my lesbian girlfriend in her peehole while I suck on your balls’ is a very effective pickup line. While Trixie’s near obsession with shoving things into Starlight’s bladder had been somewhat alarming at first, she’d grown to love the feeling of things rummaging around in her smallest hole. Not that her other holes hadn't seen their fair share of use, her ass getting far more attention than her poor vagina, ignored in favor of the more perverse pleasures of her other holes. With the near daily use it had gotten under Trixie's careful ministrations, her urethra had loosened considerably from the impenetrable barrier it had been when she met Trixie to the stretchy, accepting orifice it was now. The same could not be said of Trixie's poor urethra, years and years of stretching it beyond its limits reducing it to a yawning hole, barely hidden by her still surprisingly tight lips in her daily life.

Starlight cursed the disappearance of her toybox once again, though she missed her latest toy the most. The mere memory of the twenty smooth orbs, each just over an inch and a half across, almost caused her to invalidate the shower she’d just taken. Forcing herself to not think about the feeling of those slippery beads popping through the stretchy ring at the entrance of her bladder one by one, filling her well trained bladder so perfectly, the very noticeable bulge pressing against her- “No.” Starlight shook her head, trying desperately to cool her raging lust. “I need to focus, or I’m gonna miss my chance to actually get some relief.” The thought of actually getting a stallion to come home with her almost entirely killed the mood.

It wasn’t that she was nervous about talking to some random stallion with the goal of getting him to fuck her, or that the idea of bedding somepony without Trixie there to guide and direct things was intimidating, or that the mental image of all the potential stares she’d receive as she walked home with a stallion, her tail flagging high enough and his dick drooping low enough to let the whole world know what they were going to be doing when they got back to the castle, and then she’d bump into Twilight and the rest of the school on the way back, and while she was stuttering a flimsy excuse to Twilight, her traitorously winking clit would give enough of a show to her potential lay that his dick would slap against his stomach loudly enough to draw everyone’s eye, and then she’d be thrown out of the school for traumatizing the students, and then Trixie would-

Slamming back a glass of water, she swallowed the Clean-Out pill, staring resolutely into the mirror until she felt the telltale squirming in her guts, the oddly hollow feeling letting her know that every one of her rear holes was completely clean for the next ten hours, provided that she didn’t eat anything or drink more fluids than the pill could suppress.

“I’m going to do this. I’m going to go out there, find a willing partner, and we’re going to have a great time.” Nodding to her reflection, she strode out of the castle, brimming with confidence, at least until she had to ask a random pony on the street where the bar was, having never been before.

Gently opening the door, Starlight poked her head in, taking in the dim but not depressing lighting. Swallowing, she walked the rest of the way in, looking around at the homey knickknacks cluttering the walls, the single occupied booth out of five along the wall and the smattering of tables spread across the small bar’s main floor space. Glancing around to confirm her findings, she almost took a step back. All five ponies in the bar were male. Swallowing again, her mouth suddenly dry, she walked up to the bar, taking a seat on one of the surprisingly comfortable stools. Glancing at the bartender’s nametag, which cheerily identified the imposing hulk of a stallion as ‘Double Shot’, Starlight tried not to flinch as he stopped in front of her.

“What can I getcha?” His low, grumbly voice spooked her even though its tone was light and friendly.

Steeling her nerves, she looked him in the eyes, and finding only a cheerful warmth, she made up her mind. “I’ll have a glass of rum, with ice.” Her bravado vanished as he stared at her, unblinking, for several seconds. She was about to ask what was wrong when he suddenly turned, effortlessly filling her order with deft movements borne from decades of practice. She missed the show in its entirety though, her eyes locked to his massive balls, swinging gently in their leathery sack. His short-cropped tail did nothing to hide the low hanging fruit, barely even covering his tailhole as he worked. The few seconds that Double Shot was turned around stretched to eternity for Starlight in her lust addled state, her eyes taking in every detail of his prodigious balls, staring at them open mouthed as she watched them bounce and sway. She barely managed to tear her eyes away as he turned back around, wordlessly sliding her glass over to her. “Thanks,” she mumbled, picking up her glass in her magic and taking a sip.

Starlight blinked, looking into her suddenly empty glass. That was the best rum she’d ever had, including that hundred-and-fifty-bit bottle Trixie had bought her for her birthday (Starlight politely ignoring the fact that her own account balance had dropped the exact amount a week prior). Looking back up at the bartender, she blushed at his non-plussed gaze. “What brand is this?”

“It’s the house brand. I make it myself.” Starlight nodded appreciatively, holding out her glass hopefully. Double Shot wordlessly refilled it before trotting off to attend to a pair of stallions in one of the booths. While there, he leaned in to one of the patrons and asked in a low voice. “You know this mare, Quick?”

Quick Sort, a stallion well known for knowing something about everypony, nodded thoughtfully. “Yeah. That’s Trixie’s marefriend. A real experienced lay too. Teaches at that school they’ve got now. Real nice, if a bit high strung. I think she’s one of the ones that sorted out the third changeling invasion. Or was it the fourth. I don’t remember. Kinda surprised to see her here. Didn’t think she was one for bar browsing.”

The other stallion at the booth squinted at her for a moment. “Wait, isn’t that the mare you kept going on about cause she let you stuff her bladder with marbles?”

Double blinked, not expecting that.

“Hey! That was one of the hottest night’s I’ve ever had. Trixie even let me cum in her bladder. Oh yeah, Double?” The bartender paused, having started to turn back to the bar as soon as the duo started bickering. “She was checking out your balls. Hard. Practically drooling from both ends, if you know what I mean.”

Double just shook his head before returning to the bar, wordlessly filling Starlight’s empty glass again. “What did you say your name was?”

Starlight looked up from her glass, cheeks lightly flushed. “It’s Starlight. Starlight Glimmer. Oh. And do you sell your rum? Like, by the bottle? This is the best rum I’ve ever had.”

Double shook his head. “Nope. Don’t make enough of it to just sell it.”

“That’s too bad. I guess I’ll just have to show up here more often then.” Starlight paused to take another drink, savoring the taste of her new favorite drink. “I think this is going to be my last drink, though do you mind if I hang around for a bit longer? I’m, uhh… waiting. For someone.”

Double Shot nodded. “Your tab is twenty-eight bits, and there’s billiards if you’re interested.” He watched as she fumbled a bit pulling the coins out of her bit-pouch before helpfully pointing towards the billiards tables tucked behind a half wall in the corner. “Darts too, though don’t lose any.”

Shakily standing, surprised at just how hard just three glasses of rum was already hitting her, she figured that whatever she had drunk was a little higher proof than she was used to. What she didn’t account for was that the Clean-Out pill she had taken had completely cleaned her out, leaving whatever alcohol she drank to hit her fast and hard. Trotting over to towards the billiards table, she paused as she caught sight of the billiard balls, their shiny surfaces hearkening back to her missing string of beads in her lust, and now alcohol, addled mind.

Double Shot had been busy returning the favor, checking out this new mare’s ass as she walked away. It wasn’t as padded as his usual fair, he did prefer his mares a little heavier, but the padding that was there was in all the right places. He was about to return to his work, but she suddenly stopped, tail swishing, and winked, the pink depths of her marehood flashing for a brief moment, her outer lips quite wet. Glancing at the stool she had been using, he noted that he’d need to wipe it down sooner rather than later. Glancing back up around the room, he also noted that every single patron’s eye was locked on the display. Glancing back himself he watched as she started walking again, pausing briefly as she winked again, her tail still fanning her hind end as best it could. With a sigh, he hoped that she didn’t make too much of a mess.

Ducking behind the half wall, Starlight took a few deep breaths. She looked around the still almost empty bar, the post dinner rush not having started yet. Still all stallions, though she didn’t care about that anymore. She had a crazy idea, and it didn’t even cross her gradually fuzzing mind that it might have been a bad idea. Picking up a pool cue, she used it as an excuse for a lit horn as she cast a relatively intense spell, though anypony paying attention would have heard the quiet moan as there was a brief glow from between her nether lips, a quick wink revealing that her third hole was significantly looser than it was before. Quickly setting up a game, she began a ‘practice round’, lining up with the cue ball and letting loose. Unfortunately, her break wasn’t very good, none of the balls sinking in any of the pockets. Trotting around to the other side of the table, she lined up with one of the striped balls, though she hit a little too gently, the ball’s momentum running out just as it reached the edge. Frustrated, she lined up a different shot, groaning as this time the ball bounced off the wall to the left of the pocket. Lining up a third shot, she almost cried as this ball fell short too, her week of sexual frustration leading her to bump the ball with her magic just enough to sink it in the pocket.

Grinning in triumph, she quickly pulled the ball out of the pocket, hiding it under the table as she cast a couple of spells on it. Bringing the now cleaned and lubricated ball behind her, she pressed it to her waiting entrance, the elasticity charm she had cast hopefully making enough of a difference to allow the large sphere entrance. Gasping as the cold object pressed against her clit, she bit her lip to hold back a heated moan as her now looser urethra slowly spread, almost reaching its limit around the widest part of her improvised sex toy before the ball sank in. She couldn’t hold back a quiet groan as the black ball sunk past her deeper muscled ring, slipping through to nestle into her empty bladder. Picking the cue back up, she lined up another shot, frowning as her intended target missed the pocket entirely. Lining up the next shot, she jumped as she heard hoofsteps behind her.

“Honey, Sweetie, yer embarrassing yerself.” She looked up into the deep green eyes of the stallion, vaguely remembering him as one of the patrons sitting alone at one of the tables.

“I’m sorry. I know I’m not very good at pool.” Starlight glanced down, unconsciously tracing the muscles under his unremarkable brown coat.

“Yeah, you really aren't good. Also, you sunk the eight ball first, so you don’t even know the rules. That, and, uh…” he glanced back at the other patrons, as if to receive confirmation. Seeming to get what he was after, he turned back to her and shrugged. “yer terrible at hidin’ things.”

Starlight’s head whipped up, staring him in the eye. “Wait, what do you mean?”

“Honey, you were facing the other way when you did that spell, and when you shoved the eight ball in yer hole. The whole bar got a show.”

Glancing behind the stallion in a mild panic she watched as the rest of the patrons nodded. Looking back at the total stranger she sputtered, “I didn’t mean, I wasn’t, I’m sorry I, I don’t normally-”

“Relax Sugar. Ain’t none of us mind, and yer certainly not the first. Ol’ Shot knew what he was doin when he pointed you towards the pool table. Just none of us thought you were gonna shove it up your peehole.”

“I did!”

“Shut it, Quick. Nopony cares what you think.”

Starlight shamefully looked back up into the piercing green gaze, wilting with every word she spoke. “I’m so sorry. I just came here cause I was lonely, but things spiraled out of control, and-”

“Hey. Nopony goes to a bar this early in the evenin’ to admire the floorboards. I think I can speak for all of us when I say that I came here for a piece of tail. And what a kinky piece of tail you’ve got.”

Starlight looked around the bar, noticing the three rock hard pieces of stallion-meat in plain view, though if Double shot was sporting an erection, it was hidden behind the bar. Glancing back at the stranger in front of her, she looked at the throbbing rod underneath his barrel, somehow unnoticed until then.

“Now, normally I’d just enjoy the show, but yer bad enough at pool that I’d go soft from boredom ‘tween each ball, so I figured I’d help.” When she hesitantly glanced towards the billiards table, then to the door, he chuckled. “You did come here to get laid, right? I know you didn’t come to play pool, so what do you say? I’m down for a simple dickin’, but me and the boys could help you pocket the rest of those balls first if you wanted.”

Starlight wanted to think rationally about this. Wanted to question letting four perfect strangers (though that one at the booth looked familiar) fuck her in a bar. She didn’t even know the stallion’s name, but the burning heat beneath her tail decided for her. “I want those balls in my bladder.”

With a nod from the stranger, the three other patrons jumped up and trotted over, the one she almost recognized stopping at the bar to grab what looked like a salad bowl on the way. Starlight couldn’t help but stare at the three bobbing dicks as they walked over, her eyes rapidly glancing between them.

“Now, my name is Hog Tie, the red feller is Iron Bar, the Pegasus is Cirrus and the Unicorn is Quick Sort.”

Quick Sort nodded, setting the bowl on the floor next to the pool table. “We’ve met, actually. About a year ago.”

Starlight squinted at him. “I almost remember you. How do I know you?”

Quick chuckled. “Trixie invited me over and I stuffed you full of marbl-ouch! What was that for?”

Iron Bar just jabbed him in the ribs a second time. “Ignore my friend. He’s a moron.”

Starlight nodded, slightly overwhelmed and very turned on by the group of stallions surrounding her. Hog Tie, the unofficial leader of the group picked up the salad bowl. "Now, if you wouldn’t mind doing those handy spells on the rest of the balls and putting them in here, we can get started.”

Picking up each ball in turn, Starlight cast the spell to sterilize and lubricate each one before dumping them in the bucket. Starlight jumped as a sudden tongue dragged across her ponut as she finished the last ball, Cirrus having snuck behind her as she worked. “Huh. That’s looser than I thought it would be.” Going in for another lick, he shoved his entire tongue inside, thrashing around in her experienced rectum. “Yup. This ass has seen action.”

“Move over, I want to try.” Quick Sort shoved the Pegasus aside, wasting no time in dragging his tongue up the length of her slit, though he struggled to fit it into her tight vaginal depths. “That’s not loose. That’s the tightest pussy I’ve ever licked.”

“No, her ass, you idiot.”

Diving back in, Quick shoved his tongue up her ass this time, swirling the slippery appendage around her ring for a couple of seconds before drawing back out with a smack of his lips. “Huh. You’re right. Bar, you want a go at this?”

Starlight shuddered, trying to pull herself back together after having her tailhole assaulted by two different tongues in a row, not to mention the slight stretching her practically ignored pussy just received. As the third stallion stepped behind her, she braced herself for further violation, already fully at the mercy of the stallions surrounding her. Even braced, she wasn’t prepared for the stallion’s long but thin tongue to slip into her loosened urethra, worm its way through the ring of her sphincter and lick the surface of the ball in her bladder, her clit bouncing off his chin in surprise.

Pulling his rough tongue out of her now violated depths, Iron Bar grinned at her shocked expression, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at her.

“Show off.” Quick muttered as Hog Tie stepped behind her, eager to try the loose ponut, having missed Iron’s performance.

After almost thirty seconds of tracing every wrinkle of her protruding ring, he stepped back to admire her rhythmically clenching tailhole, a brief hint of pink visible between every wink, though his eyes were drawn to the target of what they’d been asked to do as another wink revealed it. “Now, you might want to lube yerself up a bit down there while yer still of a mind to do so, and then we can get started. I still see fifteen balls in the basket that we have to get inside this young mare, so come on boys, we got work to do!”

With barely a flicker of concentration Starlight magically lubricated her urethral tract, along with the walls of her bladder. Spreading her rear legs and dropping her chest to the floor, Starlight grinned. Things were going way better than she could have ever dreamed. “Fill me up. I want them all in my bladder. Every last one of them.”

With a whoop, the quartet of stallions eagerly grabbed a ball each, shoving and jostling to be the first to stick it in, though when Cirrus won, he took some time to admire the ass so brazenly presented to them. Starting at her cute little teats, barely more than gentle swells with a small bump for each nipple, he drew his gaze along her plump lips, the soaked skin a few shades darker than her coat color, though the liquid coating enhanced the contrast nicely. When she winked, he admired the view of both hidden holes, the looser one below the first. Tracing the wrinkles of her perineum upwards, his eyes came to rest on his favorite hole, the dim lights of the bar gently illuminating her wrinkled ring. Her ponut was puffier than most he’d seen, the loose wrinkles not quite meeting at the center, leaving a pencil wide gap, the slightly gaped pucker of her tailhole gently closing every time her clit danced out. Returning his gaze to tonight’s prize, he licked his lips. Bringing the lubricated ball up to her slit with his wing, he rubbed her clit gently with it, the tips of his feathers brushing against her outer lips as he did so. Pressing forwards, the ball pressed slid up to her vagina at first, though he quickly brought it back down to her preferred hole. Starlight moaned openly as the smooth and slippery surface of the billiard ball slowly made headway into her quivering depths. Just as the ball reached her sphincter, he stopped pushing, leaving it to rest in her stretched urethra. Starlight wiggled her hips, desperately trying to coax Cirrus into pushing it the rest of the way in, the pressure on the back side of her clit almost too intense. Finally relenting, Cirrus pressed the ball the rest of the way into her bladder to join the first with a near inaudible click.

Stepping aside, Cirrus let Iron Bar step up to bat, going to retrieve another ball from the bowl. Iron Bar was not nearly so gentle, taking a mere moment to firmly press the ball into her bladder, Starlight crying out at the sudden sensation. Having done his job, Iron walked over to the bowl to retrieve another ball.

Giving Starlight no time to recover, Hog Tie stepped up, gently, but quickly shoving his ball in, though he took some time to reach up and massage her ponut with his hoof before he stepped back, allowing Quick to step in.

Starlight moaned in delight as Quick sort used his magic to stretch her stretchy tunnel, kneading the length of it for a few seconds before stretching it wide, simply dropping his ball in to join the others with a clack. Letting go of her no longer tightest hole, he watched as the sphincter snapped shut, the rest of the tunnel closing shortly afterward.

Seeing that it was his turn again, Cirrus once again gently pressed his ball against her gradually loosening tunnel, though as soon as it made contact with the other balls in her bladder, he had to apply some extra force to make space for his contribution.

Starlight moaned loudly at the slight stretching. She could clearly feel the small collection of billiard balls stretching her bladder just slightly, though she knew that the best was yet to come.

Ever since Trixie had finally worn down her resistance and convinced her to try urethral, she’d fallen in love with the exquisite stretching, rubbing feeling of things in her bladder. The only thing that really compared to the feeling of a bunch of hard, unyielding objects in her bladder was the feeling of something plundering the deepest depths of her ass. While Trixie was practically a hair trigger when it came to stretching her ruined urethra past its limit, Starlight didn’t enjoy the sensation as much as she enjoyed stretching her bladder, which is why when Iron Bar stepped up and firmly shoved the cue ball in to join the others, the action giving her the first real stretch of the night, she almost came then and there. Going wobbly, her clit firing in and out rapidly, she waved off Hog Tie. “Give me a moment. That was intense.” Panting, she slowly wound back down, her clit winking out less and less rapidly. These balls were a lot more intense than her beads, being almost twice the diameter, filling her up that much more quickly. Casting another quick spell, she magically increased the elasticity of her bladder, hoping that it would allow her sensitive organ to hold all sixteen balls. “Okay, I’m ready.”

Nodding, Hog Tie placed his ball gently against her slightly gaping urethra, applying gentle pressure until he felt the click of the balls tapping together. Pausing for a moment, he then applied a firm, yet steady pressure, sinking the ball in until his hoof met her winking clit. Again, after taking a few seconds to rub her tailhole, he drew back.

Quick stepped back in and, with no warning, pulled her hole wide. Starlight moaned in desperation as she felt the clump of balls shift as they began to ease their way back out of her, the tightness of her bladder pushing them out despite her best effort. Thrusting her hips back, her silent plea was answered as he used his ball to push the escaping balls back in, not stopping until he’d pushed his ball well beyond the desperately clenching ring of her sphincter. Letting her canal slam closed with a wet plat, he stepped aside. “This has got to be one of the hottest things I’ve ever done. I did not wake up today thinking that I’d be stuffing billiard balls into some needy mare’s bladder before dinner.”

The others voiced their agreement, Cirrus punctuating his statement by driving his ball into her filled bladder, his small (some would say fillylike) hoof sliding into her urethra for a moment, following the ball in. He barely managed to pull it back out in time to get out of Iron's way. Iron shoved his third ball in with just as much aplomb as usual, Starlight once again needing to call for a break to prevent herself from going over the edge before she was ready. On her cue, the process continued, ball after ball disappearing into her welcoming depths. As the thirteenth ball slid into her, a small part of the back of her mind noted that the collection of balls in her bladder was stretching it farther than it had ever been stretched before. And she needed more. Fortunately, the gathering of stallions around her were happy to comply, quickly sinking the last three balls in her fleshy pocket, faster than she could handle. Just as she felt the last ball settle deep within her, the stretching sensation proved too much for her, and the tsunami of her building orgasm came crashing down, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as she squeaked, shuddered and convulsed for a solid thirty seconds. The four stallions, for their part, whooped and hollered, overjoyed that they’d brought this shuddering mare to orgasm by doing nothing but shoving billiard balls in her bladder. The cheering redoubled when it was discovered that you could see a distinct lumpy bulge where her bladder was, individual balls clearly visible through her pale purple coat.

Giving her a moment, the four stallions wandered over to the bar, cheering once again as Double Shot announced, “Round on the house. That was a damn good show.”

After several minutes, Starlight managed to get her faculties under control enough to stumble over to the bar, earning a disapproving sigh from the bartender as she slid onto one of the stools. “So, who wants to fuck me first?”

The five stallions looked at each other briefly before turning back to the surprisingly horny mare. “You’re really up for another round already?” Cirrus asked, somewhat bewildered.

“What, you didn’t think I was gonna leave you guys bobbing, did you?” Starlight looked at their raging, erections, mildly perplexed.

After a brief pause, Cirrus spoke back up. “Well, usually when a mare cums that hard, it’s at least fifteen minutes before they aren’t too over-sensitive to fuck.”

Starlight frowned, shrugging. “I’ve never had that problem. Soon as I can get my legs under me, I’m ready to go again. Guess I never even thought about-”

“I’lldoit!” Quick Sort blurted. His excited bouncing died down when all eyes turned to him but returned in full force when Starlight nodded.

“Alright.” Casting a quick spell, the four bobbing dicks were now shiny with lube. “How did you want to do this?” Starlight meeped when Quick grabbed her hoof and drug her over to the table, guiding her so that her front end was supported while her back end hung off the edge of the table. “Alright. I guess I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.” Flipping her tail up over her back, she looked at him with the best bedroom eyes she could muster. “Go ahead, stud.”

Placing his hooves on the table to either side of her, Quick took a second to line up with her sopping wet cunt, slowly but firmly pressing in. “Oooo. Wait, hold on. I can feel the pool balls inside you! Oh! That’s incredible” Pulling back out, he stretched her vaginal lips as wide as they would go, earning a grunt from the mare beneath him. Peering inside, he looked at the distinct lumps at the bottom of her tunnel. “…That’s hot.” As he was about to reenter, Hog Tie held out a hoof.

“Hey, Quick? Do you think if you got under her, we could get both holes at once?” Hog Tie asked, looking hopefully between them.

Starlight shrugged, repositioning herself slightly so that Quick could squeeze underneath. “I don’t see why not.” With some awkward shuffling, Quick Sort slid in underneath her, his cock pressing its way back into her tight depths. As Hog Tie effortlessly hilted in her ass, she lit her horn, gently massaging the balls of both ponies fucking her. Then, figuring she might as well, her magic extended farther, massaging every pair of balls in the room.

Only a few minutes passed with both ponies humping into her rear end like their lives depended on it before Quick announced that he was getting close. “Wait! Don’t cum in her! I don’t want sloppy seconds!” Iron cried. Reluctantly, Quick pulled from the warm inviting depths, resigning himself to jerking himself off in the cold air.

Hog tie paused his thrusting before he too pulled out. “Here, you can use her ass. I don’t mind. You mind, Honey?” When Starlight shook her head, Quick wriggled himself into a better position and sank into her soft ponut, barely hilting before his balls pulled tight, emptying their precious load somewhere it wasn’t meant to be. Several seconds and many strands of thick cum later, Quick pulled out, his flare exiting her tailhole with a plop, a dribble of cum almost following it before Hog Tie replugged her rectum and continued thrusting.

Quick barely had time squeeze out from under the mare he’d just filled, completely spent, before Iron Bar slid under, the tip of his dick ramming home in one powerful thrust. “Huh. You really can feel them. You two should try this, it’s cool.” Pulling out, he slid to the side, giving clear access to Starlight’s sopping hind end.

Hog Tie paused in his thrusts, pulling out of her ass with a sloppy pop. Simply lowering his hips, he squeezed his throbbing appendage into her tighter hole, frowning at the interesting texture created by the stash of billiard balls in her bladder. “Nah, it ain’t for me. I’ve always preferred this hole.” Pulling back out, he slammed to the hilt in her loose backdoor once more, balls slapping against her perineum with a smack.

“I’ll give it a try.” Stepping forward, Cirrus simply reared up and settled on Hog Tie’s back, thrusting in as he did. After a few tandem thrusts, he backed out, hopping off. “I gotta agree with you, Hog. That’s just not for me.”

“Suit yourselves.” Iron bar wasted no time in sliding back under the mare, slamming his dick home hard enough that his balls tapped against Hog Tie’s, making Quick giggle as he muttered something about touching balls to himself. Pulling back till his tip almost left her rippling insides, he thrust again and again, his swinging balls slapping against Hog Tie’s rather roughly until Hog Tie adjusted his rhythm to compensate, Starlight’s eyes rolling into the back of her head with the sudden hard fucking. The texture of the billiard balls through the thin wall between her rectum and vagina and all the visual stimulation he’d received over the course of the past hour, not to mention the downright blissful ball massage meant that it was only a couple of minutes before he was teetering at the precipice of his own orgasm, his heavy balls dancing in his sack, ready to release his potent seed. With a grunt, he bottomed out, his flare kissing the entrance to her womb as he painted her insides white. Having the biggest balls of the quartet, (though Hog Tie’s dick eclipsed his in both length and girth) the streams of cum spraying out of his flexing urethra continued for far longer than Starlight thought possible, absolutely coating her walls with a veritable flood of hot spunk, an almost noticeable bulge appearing just above the lumpy one in her bladder.

“C’mon man! That’s just rude. You insist on Quick finishing elsewhere, yet you just bust a nut in her like you haven’t got a care in the world!”

Extracting himself from under her, he looked at Starlight’s hind end, his cum dribbling out of her hole and being launched by her winking clit even as Hog Tie just kept pistoning in and out of her plot, a small trickle of cum leaking out to join the mess below it. “‘m sorry.”

Slipping under Starlight, Cirrus tried and failed to avoid the forming puddle, frowning as it mixed into his coat. “Ya just ruined it, dude!”

Pausing as he pulled almost all the way out, Hog Tie shrugged. “You could join me in her plot. We’ll both fit, right miss?”

Starlight bit her lip, looking down her stomach, before nodding. While she’d never taken two at once before, her favorite anal toy was about the same thickness as the two of them, so they’d theoretically fit. “Go ahead.”

Her toy collection had prepared her well; Cirrus’s iron rod sliding past her puffy ring after only a few moments of resistance, her dark purple ponut not quite straining to contain the two stallions as they hilted together. What she wasn’t prepared for was the sensation of only one of them drawing back before they began to pump into her depths in alternate thrusts. Starlight moaned whorishly as her ponut was pulled in two different directions with every thrust, her stretched ring sending the sensations directly to the pleasure center of her brain.

With the hole he’d been hammering suddenly tight, Hog Tie’s legendary endurance quickly ran out just as his cock tip pulled against Starlight’s ponut, his magically massaged balls pulling tight to his body as his head flared, giving Cirrus no warning as he dumped his load in with Quick’s. Cirrus muttered under his breath about how gay getting his dick cummed on was as the cumming stallion’s flare drug past his own, Hog’s rhythmically clenching balls resting against his every time they relaxed.

Just as Hog Tie’s orgasm came to an end, Cirrus’s muttering came to a halt as he himself came, his flare locking behind Hog Tie’s just before the stallion could pull out, ropes of cum splattering against the back side of Hog’s slowly softening flare. Starlight just moaned as two stallions flared in the depths of her rectum at the same time, stretching her insides exquisitely as they did.

When both stallions pulled out one after the other, Starlight’s well used tailhole didn’t even try to close, the soft ring drooping slightly as a small river of cum leaked out after them.

As the two stallions drug themselves off to the side, cum slicked erections dangling loosely beneath them, the magical light encompassing their balls winked out. Quick raised an eyebrow at her still lit horn. “Wait, what are you doing?”

Double Shot stepped out from behind the bar, much to the surprise of the four stallions who had completely forgotten about the existence of their silent observer. “That’d be me,” he said, gruffly. Five pairs of eyes locked onto his pendulous balls as they were visibly rolled and massaged in their leathery pouch, a very soft grunt escaping his lips as Starlight pulled down on his hefty orbs, stretching them a fair distance from his body before releasing them, watching as they bounced and swayed. Grabbing them again, she marveled at just how stretchy the wrinkled sack was, pulling them out behind him until the wrinkled skin lost its wrinkles, only eventually reaching the limits of the pliable skin, far past the end of his short-cropped tail. Pulling the two balls away from each other as far as they would go, she continued her not quite gentle massage, earning an almost groan like grunt from the bartender.

“Hoo-boy! You found yerself a keeper there, Shot! She likes yer balls almost as much as you do!” The rest of the boys joined in the congratulations, though they got distracted trying to make the crudest ball joke.

Starlight, meanwhile, was completely distracted by what the gruff bartender’s gonads could do. “These are incredible! How did you make them like this?” It wasn’t Double Shot that responded though.

“Ol’ Brass Balls over there doesn’t feel pain in his stones til there’s actual damage being done, so he likes to play with them. Remember that one time he wore his ball weights to work? That was priceless!” Starlight went back to ignoring them as they immediately jumped on when Cirrus left his buttplug in, causing another round of bickering.

Knowing she could go farther, she had Double emitting what almost passed for audible groans, his dick slipping out of his sheath at last as she pulled his balls forwards almost to his belly button. Eyes locking on the still flaccid horse flesh, Starlight had only one question. “Do you like sounding?”

Double paused, biting his lip. After a moment, he nodded. “I’ve put things in there before, and it felt good. Be careful though.”

Starlight nodded even as a small tendril of magic made its way down his limp shaft from his balls, tracing around the tip a few times before slowly sliding in.

As the tendril of magic slipped farther in, it had farther to slip in, Double’s shaft rapidly hardening with this new stimulation. As his turgid length reached its peak, Starlight stared in awe at the length of flesh, easily almost twice as long as Quick’s admittedly small pecker, though it wasn’t quite as wide as Hog Tie’s package. Covering the entirety of his throbbing stallionhood in her magic, she began to massage his length in slow, smooth strokes. Returning her attention to the hole at the tip, she continued to gently wriggle the tingling tendril deeper, a barely visible bulge making its way down his length. Reaching the base of his shaft, the magical probe continued, splitting in two as he let out a deep groan, his cock slapping his belly as his prostrate was massaged from the inside. Starlight finally stopped the magical invasion as the two probes reached their intended targets, Double’s balls now being massaged from both inside and out.

After almost a minute of surprisingly pleasurable stimulation, Double reopened his eyes. Walking over to the mare that started this mess, his hooves made a thunderous noise as they slammed down to either side of the suddenly small feeling mare. Magic still enveloping his shaft, Starlight looked up at the well-muscled stallion above her. “Which hole do you want?”

Not even pausing to deliberate, Double responded. “I want the bottom one.”

Quick Sort looked at her stomach, the bulge seeming to shift as Starlight’s insides quivered in anticipation. “Should we take the pool balls out of you first?”

“No! Leave them in! Stretch me more.

Seemingly a good enough answer for Double Shot, he pressed forward as soon as he felt himself lined up with the entrance. “Hold on!” A flash of magic and his rod was glistening with lube. “There. Go nice and slow, I want to feel it.” The tip of Double’s intimidating rod slipped down her urethra with surprising ease, though he was only slightly bigger than one of the pool balls. As he continued to press on, Starlight threw her head back in shock, the pleasure of her bladder stretching even farther as his tip popped past her sphincter temporarily overwhelming her senses. The others watched with rapt fascination as the bulges of the pool balls moved, jostling about as the new intruder pressed past them. “Yes. Yes! Deeper. I need more.” Double’s glacial pace never changed, his slickened shaft slowly advancing through her previously unfucked hole even as his head pushed the billiard balls out of the way. Not pausing as his medial ring disappeared from sight, the textured head of his dick finally pressed into the back of her bladder, causing Starlight to moan unintelligibly, though most of her mumblings seemed affirmative. The desperate thrusting of her hips in an attempt to shove him deeper communicated her thoughts plenty clearly. Starlight’s breath hitched as Double began to draw back out, the hard, ceramic balls clacking together in his wake. Starlight’s magic cut out as he pressed forward again, her voice cracking as she cried out in bliss, the clamping of her sensitive tunnel preventing him from moving as she reached her peak.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity of bliss, Starlight came down from her orgasm, heart thumping in her chest as she glanced down her stomach, taking a moment to admire the bulging of her bladder. “That’s the best orgasm I’ve ever had. Ever. I can’t stress how earth-shatteringly incredible that was.”

Double Shot just grunted, her tunnel finally relaxing enough to allow him to slide out of her urethra with a pop. Inspecting the gaping, quivering entrance, he grunted again, suddenly bottoming out in her bladder in one smooth motion. Starlight gasped, her sensitive flesh not quite ready for that kind of action. Pausing only briefly, he began to smoothly piston in and out of her most taboo hole, pulling out until his flare tugged on her sensitive sphincter and pushing in until his tip pressed against the back of her bladder. Starlight, as soon as she regained enough focus, lit her horn once again.

Double Shot paused, feeling the tendril of her magic quickly worm its way through the length of his tubes until she had once again filled him from cock tip to balls. The sensation went from arousing to alarming as her horn flashed, his dick, groin and balls enveloped in an uncomfortable pinching sensation.

As he was about to pull from her depths, Starlight grabbed his hind end in her magic, preventing him from pulling out. “Wait! I just wanted to give these back.”

Double hesitated, wondering what she meant until he felt it. The smooth surface of a suddenly huge billiard ball as it pressed against his tip in her magical grip. And his tip was stretching to accommodate it.

Double nickered nervously as Starlight pressed the ball no further, simply resting it against his tip. Eyes darting, Double wrestled with the conflicting emotions within him. One part of his brain argued that a mare he hardly knew cast a spell he didn’t know and wanted to shove a pool ball up his dick. The other part of his brain pointed out that sounds felt pretty good in there and her magic felt even better, so it would probably feel pretty good to trust this mare and let her do what would probably feel incredible. As he debated, Starlight continued to massage his tubes from tip to balls, though she focused on stretching more than stroking and she focused on his prostrate more than anything else. The seconds ticked by as he continued to think, Starlight simply continuing to stretch things, only pausing to make her urethra stretchier as well.

The four other stallions, completely confused, watched with concern as the two simply stood there, though they could have sworn that Double’s balls seemed to be moving on their own. Finally, after almost three minutes, Double nodded, Starlight beaming widely as he suddenly threw his head back and moaned. Four stallions were absolutely flabbergasted as an unmistakable bulge appeared from Starlight’s urethra, working its way down Double’s shaft until it disappeared into his groin, only to reappear as his left ball bulged and drooped, something heavy falling into it. As the billiard ball sank into the bartender’s ball, another one was on the way, dropping into his right nut this time. Over a surprisingly short time, all sixteen balls exited Starlight’s bladder, though Double’s now obscenely bulging balls ran out of room, the last billiard ball coming to a stop at the base of his shaft, looking an awful lot like an odd knot.

Pulling out of Starlight’s now heavily gaping urethra, he spent a moment staring at the magically enhanced hole, the dim bar lighting just bright enough to allow him to see down into the cavern of her empty bladder. Switching his gaze to his own urethra, he stared at the almost normal looking hole, the only evidence of what it had been through showing as a series of lumps in his balls and the bulge at the base of his cock. “Huh.”

With no more warning than that, he shoved his dick up her butt.

Starlight, unprepared, gasped as Double’s long cock slowly but surely slid into her rectum, aided by the generous helpings of lube left by the previous occupants. Bracing herself, she pushed back onto his cock, pushing him deeper into her needy hole. Gliding over his medial ring, her ponut bumped into the ball at the base of his shaft, stopping the procession into her guts. Starlight groaned as he pulled out, waiting for her ponut to close again before pressing back in. Starlight whined, his slow pace immensely frustrating, trying desperately to follow him back far enough to prevent him from just popping back out again, though the effort was fruitless, his tip escaping her clenching depths.

From the sidelines, four stallions exchanged whispers, eight eyes locked on Double’s swinging ballsack, probably because his sack contained more balls than normal.

“You think it hurts?”

“Nah. Gotta be magical or something.”

“How’s he supposed to get those out?”

“I am not doing it. That’s just weird. And I might hurt something, I’m not as gentle as I need to be.”

“I suppose Miss Glimmer could remove them.”

“Op. There he goes.”

Finally done punishing the mare under him for not bothering to ask permission, Double began hammering into her with long, fast strokes, practically pummeling her insides, though he still didn’t push his pseudo-knot into her just yet. Starlight, for her part, did her best to hold on, his sudden change of pace taking the mare by surprise. Also, to her further surprise, she was rapidly approaching her third orgasm of the night. After only a minute more, Starlight threw her head back in surprise, her ponut stretching suddenly as Double fully hilted, the billiard ball at the base of his shaft barging past her overstimulated ring without warning.

“Oh. That works.”

On the precipice of orgasm, Starlight was driven over the edge as lump after lump was forced past her well-used tailhole, the force of Double Shot’s own orgasm propelling the billiard balls deep within her, each cumshot adding to the train of balls rapidly making their way deeper into her colon, his wide flare preventing them from going anywhere else. As the last ball was ejected from his tip, he pulled back, his dick leaving her tailhole with a loud plop, the final few splatters of seed painting lines across her backside, several landing deep within her still gaping urethra.

Double gingerly stepped out of the way as seed poured freely all three holes, dribbling down her quivering legs before forming a puddle on the otherwise immaculate floor. Several seconds passed with the bar in complete silence, its patrons left in reverent awe as they knew they had witnessed, or took part in, an event. Wordlessly, the bartender glanced down between his legs before he returned to his duties, pulling a bucket and a mop out of a side closet. Starlight, regaining enough coherence to move, lit her horn brightly. Double watched as the worst of the mess was lifted from the floor with her telekinesis, the large blob of cum floating into the closet before being dumped down the drain. With a light groan, she scooped the majority of the cum out of her ass, catching it as it flowed out of her tailhole, depositing that load down the drain as well. Stepping down off the table, she pulled as much of the cum out of the fur on her backside and legs as she could with her telekinesis, disposing of it with a thought. Humming for a moment, she recalled the appropriate batch of spells, firing them off one after another as her coat, mane and tail were cleaned and scented, the floor was rendered spotless, her mane and tail were styled and her coat straightened. Glancing around, her magic was directed to the stallions, the same cleaning, straightening and restyling applied to each in turn, finishing with Double Shot as he returned the mop and bucket, though he froze as she spent a little too long groping his spent balls. With a last glance around, she cleaned the wet trail from the bar stool she had used to the circle of drips around the pool table, cleaning and sanitizing the salad bowl and returning it to the bar top.

“Thank you, all of you. That was the most fun I’ve had in ages, and easily the best sex I’ve ever had. I’ll come back here more often, especially if I can get a repeat performance.” With a flick of her tail, giving them one last show of all three of her slightly gaping holes, Starlight Glimmer was gone.

It was minutes before anyone spoke, Quick Sort finally breaking the silence. “Did she ever put the pool balls back?”

Five pairs of eyes looked over to the corner, staring at the empty (though immaculate) pool table. After several seconds, a gruff voice sounded out. “I can order more.”

Nearly an hour later, as the sun began to set, a light blue mare snuck down the hall, stealthily approaching a door at the end, excited to surprise her purple marefriend with her early return. Easing it open, she peeked in the room, seeing her marefriend apparently napping on the couch, facing away from her with her tail doing nothing to cover anything. While this would normally be quite the welcome sight to Trixie, even seeing all three of her marefriend’s slightly gaped and gently cum dribbling holes doing nothing to turn her off, the bucket of cum covered pool balls threw her for a loop. As her brain struggled to figure out why Starlight would have a stallion cum in a bucket of pool balls, Starlight’s head raised, looking back at her.

“Welcome home! You’ll never believe the day I just had.”