> Blizzard Filly > by Hades Shadow 92 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Blizzard Filly > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Blizzard Filly --- Winter had come to Ponyville, and it came in like a bull through a chinashop. The wind was blowing fiercely, snow flying across the land and sky like wisps of white breath. Most ponies would get inside and hunker down until the storm, but two stubborn farmers weren’t quite ready to call it quits.  “Mac! Is that all of them!?” Applejack yelled out over the storm.  “Eeyup!” Bic Macintosh said, his booming voice piercing the howls of the wind.  Both ponies had scarfs and stocking caps to fight the cold, but they had been out for a while and it was starting to become too much for them.  “The trees should be alright now! No point in us gettin’ frostbite out here! Let’s head to the house!” Applejack said, covering her eyes from the snow.  Big Mac nodded and started towards the house. Applejack was right behind him, until she heard something amongst the wind. A very soft voice, sobbing.  “Mac! You hear that!?” Applejack yelled to her older brother.  Big Mac turned to her with a look of confusion and stood still for a few seconds. He shook his head with a “Nnope”.   Applejack could swear she heard it, a small voice sobbing over the wind. She moved around a bit, listening in every direction. She eventually heard it again, in the direction of a large tree with a small opening in it.  She walked towards the tree and the sound became more clear. As she reached the tree, she could tell the noise was coming from below, inside the tree. She leaned down and looked into the small knook at the base of the tree. What she found shattered her heart.  A small pegasus filly, white as the snow with a light blue mane was sitting in the crevice. Her forelegs were wrapped around herself, her whole body trembling from the cold. When she looked at the doorway of her shelter, she gasped. Her eyes were like crystals, blue as the sky itself. Applejack couldn’t believe what she was seeing. What was a little filly doing out here alone in the cold? She was bound to catch her death out here. No time for questions darn it! “Mac! Run to the house and get a fire going! Tell Applebloom to get blankets from my room, and have Granny put some soup on!” Applejack yelled at her brother.  He was about to question when he saw the look of desperation and worry in her eyes. He immediately ran off into the snow, and Applejack turned back to the filly.  “Hey there Sugarcube? What’s a little filly like you doing out here?” Applejack said in a gentle voice.  The filly’s eyes started to tear up as she looked to the older pony, “I’m… cold.” She said in a voice that shivered with her body.  “Well of course you are darlin’. Come on, let’s get you out of the cold.” Applejack said, reaching out a hoof to the filly.  The filly reached out to her and wrapped her hoof around Applejack’s, letting her pull her closer. Applejack held the filly close to her chest, trying to help keep the filly warm. She wrapped her scarf around her and started moving towards the house. The wind kept pushing her, but her strength helped her push forward.  The house was now in sight, the snow battering her eyes as she moved through the icy fields. When she made it to the door, she pushed with her shoulder and the door flew open. She quickly turned and closed it, locking it for good measure.  “Applejack, what in tarnation is going on? Mac came in here and started a fire without even saying howdy then yells for Applebloom to get some blankets. I want an explanation missy.” Granny Smith said as she came out of the kitchen.  “No time Granny. She’s in bad shape.” Applejack said, bringing the filly to the fire.  Seeing the filly in her hooves, Granny moved beside her, “Who’s this little filly?”   “I found her in the orchard, she’s half froze Granny.” Applejack said holding the filly close to her chest to keep her warm.  “Well why didn’t ya say so in the first place!? I’ll get her some hot soup. Applebloom! Get those blankets down ‘ere on the double!” Granny Smith said, shouting up the stairs as she made her way back to the kitchen.  A few minutes later, Applebloom came down the stairs with a large bundle of blankets and saw Applejack with the filly near the fire. “What in tarnation!?” Applebloom said, dumping the blankets next to her sister.  Applejack took them and bundled the filly up, sitting by the fire. She was still shivering, but not as bad as when she first found her.  Granny Smith came back with a bowl of soup, hot and steaming, and sat down with her family.  “So, gonna tell us what in Celestia’s name is going on?” Granny asked.   “I found her out in the snow Granny. Hiding under a tree. I don’t know why. She was terrified, and freezing, I couldn’t rightly leave her out there.” Applejack said, holding the filly close to her.  “Well of course not. Poor little thing. What were you doing out there?” Granny asked, looking to the filly.  She gave no answer, shivering in the blanket, resting her head on Applejack’s chest. Granny tried to offer some soup but she just held onto Applejack. Applejack took the spoon in her hoof.  “Let me try Granny.” She said, holding the spoon to the filly.  “Hey Sugar cube, this’ll help ya get warm right quick. I bet you’re hungry.” Applejack said. The filly looked to the spoon, and then to Applejack, who smiled at her sweetly. The filly inched her way to the spoon and took a sip. Immediately her eyes widened and she sipped the rest of it quickly. Applejack chuckled and got another spoonful, the filly eating it just as quickly as she could.  “There ya see, that’s better. Want some more?” Applejack asked, holding the spoon still.  The filly nodded rapidly and inched closer to the spoon. After a minute or two, the bowl was empty and the filly was snuggled close to Applejack.  “Why would somepony leave a little filly like you out in the cold? It’s down right despicable.” Applejack said, petting the filly’s mane.  “They didn’t want me.” The filly answered in a tiny voice.  “What?” Applejack asked in confusion.  “Mom and Dad said if I couldn’t learn to fly, they would leave me. I wasn’t very good at flight school.” She said.  “That’s ridiculous. Cruel even. Just cause you aren’t the best flier doesn’t mean they should just abandon you. I have a good mind to give your parents a good buck.” Applejack said.  “You’re really nice Miss Applejack.” The filly said, snuggling closer.  “That’s mighty kind of you to say. What’s your name sugarcube?” Applejack asked.  “Aurora.” She answered. “That’s such a pretty name. Well Aurora, you’re safe now.” Applejack cooed.  They both sat there by the fire for the longest time. The rest of the family retired to their rooms for the night. They were so quiet that Applejack forgot that they were there to begin with. Everything just seemed so peaceful with Aurora and her. So serene.  Applejack wanted to keep the family warm forever. Holding the small filly made her feel like a mother. Something she had wanted for the longest time. If Aurora’s parents came by, she wouldn’t let them take her filly. And she’d give them a piece of her mind.  Soon though, the time came for the both of them to head to bed. Applejack took the extra blankets to wrap up the filly, keeping her close and warm. Setting down on the bed, she took off her signature hat and put it on her nightstand as she always did.  As the two got comfortable, Aurora spoke up, “Miss Applejack?” “Yes sugarcube?” Applejack answered.  “Will you be here when I wake up?” Aurora asked.  “Course I will sweetie. In the morning I’ll take you to the doctor for a check up. Then you can meet my friends.” Applejack said.  “Really?” Aurora said.  “Sure as sugar. You’ll love them. Pinkie will probably throw you a party. And Rainbow Dash can give you flying lessons. And Princess Twilight can help make you an official member of the Apple family.” Applejack said excitingly. “A family? So you’d be my new mama?” Aurora asked.  Applejack’s heart melted at those words, tears starting to form as she kissed the top of the filly’s head.  “I sure will sweetie. Now get some sleep. We got a big day tomorrow.” Applejack said sweetly.  Aurora gave a silent thank you as she fell asleep. Applejack didn’t close her eyes until she saw the steady rise and fall of her chest. As soon as the filly was sound asleep, Applejack relaxed and closed her eyes.    As Applejack awoke the next morning, something seemed off. She tried to reach for the filly at her side, but was unable to move. She opened her eyes to see that she was the one wrapped in a blanket. And there was no sign of Aurora.  She panicked and struggled to free herself from the blanket, falling over the side of the bed for her efforts. A loud thump rang out as she hit her head against a leg of the bed. Groaning, she rubbed her head, trying to get her bearings.  “Applejack, what’re you doing?” Granny Smith said, walking into the room.  “Granny! Where is she? What’s going on?” Applejack asked frantically.  “Calm down deary, who are y’all talking about?” Granny asked.  “Aurora! Where is she?” Applejack said in frustration.  Granny Smith just gave her a worried look, but also had a hint of confusion. It was then that Big Mac and Applebloom came in the doorway.  “Big Mac! Where is she? The filly we brought in last night?” Applejack said. Big Mac had that same look, not giving an answer.  “Applejack, you didn’t bring a filly in last night.” Applebloom said.  “What? Of course I did. I found her out in the storm, nearly froze to death inside a tree.” Applejack said.  “No Applejack. Big Mac brought you home after you nearly froze out there. He begged you to come back to the house, but you were too stubborn. Then you tripped and hit your head, and he carried you back here in the storm.” Granny Smith said solemnly.  Applejack couldn’t believe what she was hearing. This couldn’t be happening. She had to find Aurora. She promised she would be there when she woke up. She needed to find her.  So she ran. Ran right out of the house, and out into the snow. She went to the spot where she had found her filly. There was the tree, just where she knew it was. She looked inside and found an imprint in the show, just the size for a filly.  “She was real! I knew it! I’ll find you sugarcube” It was then that Applejack saw hoof prints leaving the tree. She followed them and they seemed to lead back into Ponyville. It was the only clue she had. And she would follow it to the end.    The hoofsteps lead her back into Ponyville square, as ponies of all races went about clearing the snow from the street. Applejack paid them no mind. She needed to find her filly.  “AJ!” A voice came from above her.  She looked up to see Rainbow Dash coming in for a landing next to her.  “What’re you doing out here with no winter gear. Trying to act tough? Not a great idea.” Rainbow said, eyeing her curiously.  “No time Rainbow! I need to find Aurora!” Applejack said, marching off in the direction of the hoofprints she had been following.  “Woah woah, easy there cowgirl. Who is Aurora?” Rainbow asked.  “A filly I found last night in the storm. I don’t know why, but I know she’s here in town. Y’all seen a tiny little pegasus filly? Snow white coat with a light blue mane? Crystal blue eyes?” Applejack asked.  Rainbow got a shocked look on her face, turning into a sad one as she spoke, “Yeah. She’s at Ponyville Hospital.”  Before Rainbow could continue, Applejack was off like a cannonball. The hospital. That was where she needed to be.  As she made her way through the front doors, she immediately ran to the receptionist’s desk. The mare behind the desk was taken aback by her sudden appearance, but quickly composed herself.  “Good morning Miss Applejack. What can I do for you?” The mare asked.  “I’m looking for a filly. Rainbow Dash said she was brought here.” Applejack said.  The mare looked shocked, “You mean the filly that was brought in last night? You know her?”  Last night? Applejack didn’t understand what was going on. She was with Aurora all night. How could she have been brought in last night?  She shook the thoughts out of her head, “Yes. I know her. Where is she? How is she?”  The mare gave her a solemn look, “She is in critical condition. She was suffering from frostbite and hyperthermia when she was brought in.”  Applejack’s eyes widened. That couldn’t be right.  “I wanna see her.” Applejack demanded. “I’m afraid I can only allow her family to visit.” The mare said.  “I AM HER FAMILY! NOW LET ME SEE HER!” Applejack yelled, tears stinging her eyes.  The mare flinched back at the outburst, a security guard coming over to see what was going on. The nurse waved him off and looked at Applejack.  “Alright. Since we have no identification of the patient, we cannot confirm who her parents are. So I will make an exception this time. Head down the right hall and go to Room 113.” The nurse said, giving Applejack a visitor’s pass. AJ took the pass in her teeth and ran for the room, as fast as her hooves could carry her. As the room came into view, a doctor came out of the door and saw her running.  “Applejack, no running in the hallways! Are you mad?” The doctor yelled.  Applejack ignored him and went into the room. And as her eyes fell upon its occupant, her heart broke.  There, lying in the bed, was Aurora, her legs wrapped in bandages, and her face half blackened by what she knew to be frostbite. She was breathing, but ever so slowly. The heart monitor she was hooked up to beeped slowly.  The doctor came up behind her, “Do you know this filly?”  Applejack took a moment before responding, “Yeah. Her name is Aurora.” She sniffled and looked to the doctor, “Will she be ok Doc?”  She asked the question, but the dread in her heart told her she already knew the answer.  The doctor sighed, “I’m sorry Applejack. But I’m afraid not. She has severe frostbite and her organs are starting to fail her. I’m surprised she’s lasted this long. But there is nothing I can do. I’m sorry.” Applejack teared up again, and looked to the filly once more. She took gentle quiet steps towards the filly and stood at her bedside.  “Hey sugarcube. Mommy is here. Like I promised. Please wake up. Please.” Applejack said, petting the filly’s mane.  “Mommy? What do you mean?” The doctor asked.  Suddenly, another figure appeared in the room, a tall midnight blue alicorn. The Princess of the Night stood there between Applejack and the doctor.  “We shall take it from here doctor. Leave us.” Luna said.  “Princess? What is the meaning of this? What is going on?” The doctor asked.  “I shall explain to you later. Now I ask again, leave us.” The Princess demanded. The doctor bowed and left the room, leaving the two mares inside. Applejack looked to the Princess of the Night in confusion, tears streaming down her face.  “I know this pains you Applejack. I am sorry.” Luna said.  “What do you mean Princess? Why are you here?” Applejack asked.  The Princess simply looked to the small filly, her expression unreadable.  “Do you know that dreams can often connect souls?” Luna asked.  “I don’t understand. What do dreams have to do with this?” Applejack asked.  “There are rare times where dreams can connect those who are near death, or are experiencing similar perilous situations. For example, two ponies suffering from extreme cold.” Luna explained.  Applejack’s eyes widened, and memories of the night before came flooding back. Finding Aurora in the tree, taking her back to the house, feeding her and snuggling by the fire. The moment they had right before she fell asleep.  “You mean… that was all a dream? All of it?” Applejack asked.  “Yes. It was. I witnessed it. T’was how I was able to find the filly. Unfortunately, I was too late to save her.” Luna said.  Applejack looked to the Princess, tears flowing even more as the reality of the situation sank in. She looked to Aurora once more, and held her bandaged hoof.  “There’s nothing that can be done?” Applejack asked.  “I’m afraid not my subject. She is too far gone. She is not long for this world.” Luna said, her voice low and apologetic.  Applejack broke into a loud sob, crying at the filly’s bedside, letting out all the emotions she had held onto for so long.  The Princess allowed her a moment before speaking again, “But there is a way to give both of you peace.”  Applejack looked to the Princess in confusion, not letting go of the filly’s hoof.  “I can bridge the two of you in a dreamscape, much like I did during the crisis of the Tantabus. You can speak with her one last time. If you wish.” Luna said.  Applejack looked back to the filly, a small smile showing through the tears. She gently stroked Aurora’s mane, watching her chest rise and fall.  “Princess. Please. I wanna say goodbye to my daughter.” Applejack asked.  Luna nodded and lit up her horn, Applejack’s head resting on the bed as she fell into a deep sleep. A magical tether appeared between Aurora’s head and Applejack’s, and the world faded to black.  Applejack awoke in her bed, much like she had that morning. But this time, when she opened her eyes, there was Aurora, sleeping peacefully, right where she left her. Tears came again, and she nuzzled her filly.  Aurora yawned and looked to see Applejack smiling at her, “Mama!” She hugged Applejack’s neck, burying her face in AJ’s chest, nuzzling her lovingly. They stayed in that bed, not moving for what seemed like hours. Applejack wished it would never end.  “Mama, I keep hearing this voice that says it’s time to go home. What does it mean?” Aurora asked.  Applejack’ heart felt heavy in her chest. If only she could have a little bit longer. But she knew what she needed to do.  “Come on sugarcube. I wanna show you something.” Applejack said, picking up the filly and putting her on her back.  She then left the room and the space turned into the apple orchard. She knew the exact spot she wanted. Right in the center of the orchard stood a tall apple tree. One she knew all too well.  “What is this place Mama?” Aurora asked.  “This here is a special place Aurora. My mama would take me here all the time when I was your age.” Applejack said.  “Wow really?” Aurora asked.  “Darn tootin’.” Applejack said.  They sat down under the large tree, Aurora now sitting next to Applejack. They looked up at the sky, the morning sun peaking over the horizon.  “The voices are back again. I don’t understand Mama.” Aurora said.  “It means that you have to go sweetie. Got some ponies who want to see ya.” Applejack said.  “But I want to stay with you.” Aurora cried as she clung to AJ’s hoof.  Applejack held the filly close, “I know sweetheart. I want nothing more than for you to stay. But you have to go. They’re waitin’.” Aurora looked at Applejack with the saddest eyes she had ever seen. It broke her heart. “Will I ever see you again?” Aurora asked.  Applejack broke into tears and hugged her tight, “Of course you will, silly filly. We’ll see each other again. I promise.”  “You mean it?” She asked. “I never tell a lie sugarcube. I’m telling you the honest truth. One day, we will see each other again. Until then, I need you to be brave. You’re an apple now remember?” Applejack said.  “Yeah. Ok Mama. I’ll be brave.” Aurora said.  Suddenly, the filly started to float into the air, her wings still at her sides as she ascended. Tears flowed more than ever, as she waved goodbye to her daughter.  “I love you Aurora.” Applejack said before the world faded away.  Twilight and her four friends arrived at the hospital and were directed to Room 113. When they arrived Princess Luna was standing by the door. She gave them a solemn look and gestured with a hoof to the room.  As the group of friends came inside, they all gasped at the scene.  There, cuddling the still form of a white pegasus filly, was their friend Applejack. The heart monitor was giving off a constant ring, telling them that they were too late.  But the strangest thing was, Applejack was smiling, and so was the filly.