> The Shatter Realm > by keithsterling > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1 (Somnus and Aurora) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the last gasp of Crystal Empire forces under the Command of Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle beaten back to the Crystal City the combined forces of Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight loyal Crystal Army forces and Equestria Royal Army under the command of her older siblings lay siege on the City and the Crystal Palace. The snow squishes under horseshoe clad equines soldiers of Blueberry's loyal Crystal army forces charging north toward crystal city heading straight to the Crystal Palace. The valley echoes with the sound of combat small squads of the Equestria Royal army soldiers engaging the fanatic Flurry Heart Crystal Empire soldiers; the white snow is stained crimson red. As the blades of bladed weapons make contact with the unfortunate soldiers' pony flesh to feel the cold bite of steel before feeling nothing at all. The horseshoes both sides are wearing are stain with blood from this violent battle. The acidity taste of blood permeates the clean cold air blowing from west to east across the battlefield. The steely clank of steel on steel masks the screaming, the fighting, and the sounds of ponies in pain across this long expanse of snowfield leading up to the Crystal City's outskirts. Once in the city streets of Crystal City Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight loyal Crystal Army forces splits into three squads, two of the units engage more of the fanatic remnants Flurry Heart Crystal Empire soldiers stationed in the city. Why Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight squad's steamrolls through the streets of Crystal City to the delight of Crystal Ponies citizens. A teenage Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle face was etched in desperation by her inexperience at ruling the Crystal Empire and commanding the Crystal Empire army. It is highly evident as each engagement with the combined forces under the Royal Foals' command has ended with humiliating defeat, the once second most powerful army in the land. Are now shadows of its former glory, still a handful of small groups of fanatical troops continuing the fight not for victory, but for death? "This not my fault! None of it! It was those army commander hired by that half breed Alicorn Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight. Their horse-patty leadership caused defeat for my glorious Crystal Empire!" Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle said, growing maniacal shifting back and forth on all fours nervously. 'Oh poor little Princess pony, did your grand plan not bear fruit like you wanted? Boo-hoo, but I must give props to Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight, those soldiers where some of the finest warriors to serve the Crystal Empire army. It too bad the lack of Leaderships at the top dooms them to defeat. But still, I have one card to play, which will change the course of destiny for this planet.' A Unicorn mare thought walking out of the shadows was greenish-blue unicorn mare with cerulean colored mane and tail. She slowly walks up to a pedestal next to the thrones of the Crystal Empire. Sitting on the pedestal was a book of Alicorn magic spells; each spell was more powerful than the next. Only a very experience Alicorn can cast this level of magic to perform it requires precision mystic Energy Control that none of these Terran Alicorn have. Still, this billion-year-old disguised imperator, Alicorn mare, has plenty. She quickly flips through the magic book with her magic aura until she finds the spell. The book is written in the most ancient rune language that no Terran Alicorn has learned to read: Altered time spell Warning: Suppose the spell is incorrectly cast, or the user doesn't have required precision mystic energy control. In that case, this spell can permanently alter time. The altered time is, at best, a random event. What every timeline the spell chooses the knowledge of that timeline is giving to the previous timeline. The trade-off for this is an event that happens at an earlier timeline that will be reset or broken. The object will experience a physical change. Suppose an object has been held in the area between space and time. In that case, the rarest event will be drag into the new timeline with all the knowledge it had before it was sent to the site between space and time. In layman terms, the object will think it just their routine day and see no changes. The only trade-off for the object will be a physical change. Slowly, the magical energy begins to build inside the disguised imperator, Alicorn mare's spiral horn. Once the mystic power reaches its zenith, Adviser Rose Eventide raises her front hoofs in the air about to slam them onto the book to set it off. Went she is body check by fearful Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle not wanting to be punished and figures the spell was escape spell. She slams her front hoofs onto the book; the book begins to rumble and hiss out of control Mystic Energy. The book shoots into the air sending Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle flying into ceramic vases in one corner of the throne room break them on impact. In the air, the book sends out mystic shockwaves before bursting into flames. As the mystic shockwaves touch the walls of the Throne room, empty walls become large computer banks and huge holographic tactics table form in the center of the room. On the table a hologram of the battlefield forms showing the large Equestria Royal army's position and the position of the Crystal Empire army, the system estimates the Crystal Empire army is outnumbered 10 to 1. Only viable option activating Princess Amore AI system and Dome shield of the system. As the mystic shockwaves spread out from the Crystal palace into the city, Crystal pony citizens touch by the shockwaves is transformed into anthro Crystal pony with Minicomputer vambrace on their forearm. The moment the crystal heart is touch by mystic shockwaves, it shatters into pieces, before reforming into a hologram Crystal heart. A moment later, the magnificent head of very pale vermillion colored unicorn mare with a gradient of brilliant raspberry and moderate cobalt blue mane appears. "Princess Amore AI system activated, searching for system keys! Looking for Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight >>>key<< not found. Master Key one Princess Cadence Sparkle>>>key<<< Found key but faint-not found. Master Key two Prince Shining Armor Sparkle>>>key<<< found the key but heartbeat weak-not found. Princess Amore AI system will initiate Crystal Protection Protocol activate Dome shield. Crystal Protection protocol may be deactivated by inserting one of three system keys here at the crystal heart or manual at the throne room's main computer." The Princess Amore AI system said it begins to charge up the shield generator around the Crystal City. As the Crystal City's mystic shockwave continues to spread out across the snowfield, the battlefield remains unchanged because it was natural terrain. Once the waves touch all the Equestria Royal army's ponies, they transform into Anthro versions of themselves. The steel bladed weapons they fight with transform into beam weapons. The beam weapons generate a shield on itself that can cut through anything, except for higher energy shields or other beam weapons. Because the two shields repel each other went in close quarters, so fighting with beam weapons is a finesse skill, more than a brute force skill. Standing in the center of a large group of fanatic Crystal Empire troops was calm, gorgeous light blue half Alicorn/half unicorn mare with crimson red mane and tail tied in a ponytail. A six-foot-long pole arm with cleaver like ax rotates as high speed around her waist knocking away enemy soldiers that are too close to this Alicorn. She shoots into the air with her large light blue feathered bird wings and executes perfectly timed back flip. Once out of the back flip, the pole flies back into her hand. She slams blade into the ground, sending a pressure wave to knock enemy soldiers off their feet and to the ground in a heap. Her shapely 6ft 6in equine figure was attired in the Equestria royal army heavy combat body armor. On her head was a helmet with a crown-shaped crest on it. This half alicorn/half unicorn mare was Grand Princess of the Sun Aurora Silverlight, the current sitting Princess, and Equestria's co-ruler. "Hey, brother, how are you holding up!?" Aurora calls to the second figure a few feet away from her. Standing in the center of the second large group of fanatic Crystal Empire troops was calm half Alcorn/half unicorn stallion with crimson red mane and tail. He was dual wheeling two beam weapons a long and short sword. His movements were more fluid and precise, striking quickly and parry. The mare's actions were more refined and elegant due to the long reach of her beam halberd. The two Alicorns seem to be performing an elaborate dance routine that only the brother and sister team can pull off. His muscular 6ft 2in equine figure was attired in the Equestria royal army Special Forces combat body armor, and on his head was a helmet with a crown-shaped crest on it. This half alicorn/half unicorn stallion was Grand Prince of the Moon Somnus Silverlight, the current sitting Prince, and co-ruler of Equestria with his older sister Aurora. "Doing fine, sister!" Somnus answer as the two siblings end up back to back with the large group of fanatic Crystal Empire troops charging toward the two Alicorns. "What do you think, brother? Play some more? Or retreat?" Aurora asked "My, you like playing a lot, dear sister." Somnus reply "Well, writing royal policies and reports is not the most exciting thing in the ruling monarch's life. I must find my fun somehow?" Aurora answers as Somnus smiles. "I must agree with you, their sister. Our little sister should have made it to Crystal Palace by now. So what about tsunami wave, dear big sister." Somnus suggested as Aurora blushes a bit, it has been some time since he calls her dear big sister. With that, the two Alicorns open their large light blue feather bird wings and shoot into the sky once in the air they simultaneously back flip once parallel with each other. Aurora lands first, releasing a slow-moving but powerful pressure wave from a flat arch of her beam halberd. Soon Somnus lands he releasing fast-moving pressure wave that impacts with slower pressure wave supercharging it. The impact of the supercharged pressure wave throws soldiers about like rag dolls in front of them. Till pulse, energy fire is shot toward them force them to make a dead run off the battlefield. While returning pulse energy fire from their own custom pulse pistols. As the two siblings slip and slide across the icy battlefield heading towards natural stairs leading up to the bluff, the location of the Polar Star Assault base the Equestria Royal Army base of operation. Aurora unleashes a loud painful shriek as she badly twists her ankle went she step into a hole while they escape. "Brother!" Aurora calls reach her hand out toward Somnus, but he's too far ahead and doesn't hear her calling for help. Tears streak her cheeks because she knows her fate; they will kill her on sight ending the Crystal War. As desperation begins to set-in, a shadow appears over her, she looks up to see her brother standing over her. "Brother," Aurora said, relieved as he helps her to her feet and let her use him as a crutch. "You are the boss mare for the Royal family; I must protect you like I did for mother and auntie. That is my job, and you are my older sister. You are the only one left with mother and auntie gone." Somnus said confidently as Aurora shook her head from side to side, annoyed, but grateful. "Then you are a fool, brother! We are both dead now!" Aurora said bluntly as she kisses him on his cheek for coming back for her. Even those it was his worst idea now both rulers will be killed. Suddenly the sound of assault helicopters flying overhead can be heard. They begin laying down cover fire toward the Crystal Empire forces stop their forward progress toward the two rulers of Equestria. Soon several Equestria Royal army hover jeeps armed with pulse chain guns firing speed across the battlefield, passing the two rulers heading toward Crystal Empire forces. A moment later, a hover APC skids to a stop in front of Aurora and Somnus from the rear of vehicle four ponies attired in purple Special Force combat body armor of Somnus's night wings company quickly take up defensive positions around the two monarchs. Despite the very loud protest from his older sister about being carried aboard the APC like a helpless mare, Somnus manages to load Aurora aboard the vehicle. This allows the four soldiers outside to quickly reload aboard APC. Inside the vehicle sitting on the floor, Aurora noticed her brother's face grows chalky with delayed fear from all most losing his sister in this Crystal War. "Somnus, I appreciate what you did out their coming back for me. I know I don't make it easy on you being your older sister. But remember all is said and done we are still family. And right now that what we need because of this Crystal war." Aurora said, grateful and reassuring as Somnus wraps his arms around his sister in a loving embrace. "Thank you, big sister, could you shed your armor. So I can check your ankle for you," Somnus asked politely and reassured as Aurora shakes her head and press two buttons on her MCV, deactivating her armor and leaving her wearing her nano-suit. Somnus carefully eases his sister's boot off her smooth legs, even going slowly; the form-fitting boot puts pressure on her bad ankle. Causing her to clamp her teeth together with the pain. But once the boot was removed left revealed was a luxurious gracefully long rounded shaped light blue barefoot with light pink nail polish. He carefully and gently examines her ankle, ever place he touched she wince in pain. "As I can't say that it might not be broken, sister. Went we get back to the base, I am taking you straight to the base hospital so they can check your ankle." Somnus said firmly before Aurora can protest, Somnus ran his finger up her bare sole cause her to yelp. A moment later, a tear slowly runs down his cheek as he still worries about her. "All right, Somnus, you may take your big sister to the base hospital to get her ankle checked. But brother, you better hope it not too bad, because I expect that you will take care of me till I am better. And you know how demanding I am went I am lay-up." Aurora comments as Somnus wrap an ace bandage around his sister's foot and ankle to keep it stable till they reach the base. "You wouldn't be my big sister if you were not a huge pain in the tail," Somnus said, teasing as Somnus intentionally tickled the toes of his sister injured foot as she can't move her foot without it hurting more. The unprovoked assault on Aurora's sensitive toes stops a moment later allow her to exhale, and Somnus once again wraps his arms around his sister. What catches her by surprise is him whispering into her ear all his hidden emotions. Much like their auntie Luna, he doesn't tell anyone but his wife his feelings. This is the first time he opened up to her. "I might not tell you this very often or show you I do love my sister Aurora Sol Silverlight, we are the two sides of the same coin. I am the dark side, and you are the light side. Without the light side of my big sister, I would be lost in the eternal darkness of my night, unable to find a way out. Doomed to repeat what happen to our aunt a thousand years ago." Somnus said with fear in his voice as tears run down Aurora's cheeks. "You listen and listen well. You will never become like our aunt from a thousand years ago. That I promise, for if you did, I don't have the heart to send you away for a thousand years. That means you would have to kill me to take over Equestria, and like our mother, my dark side will be playing with your dark side." Aurora said, warning as she taps her gloved finger on his chest plate. Soon the APC stops, and the rear door opens outside the base hospital, and Somnus pick his sister up and carry her to the base hospital. > Chapter 2 (Blueberry) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight troops breaches the doors of the Crystal Palace's crystal throne room through the breached door. Grand Princess Blueberry can see a trembling Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle hiding behind her mother's throne like a small filly about to be punished by its mother. Suddenly a priority message is received through the helmet radio with a specific command "Retreat now." Without another word, the troops quickly retreat back to the outskirts of Crystal City. Just in time, the Crystal Protection Protocol activates the Dome shield forming the shield around the Crystal City. "Dammit! Why? Why? (Tears begin to stream down her cheeks) I was so close to finally ending this five years old war." Blueberry yells, devastated, sinking to her knees as she shed her white Seraphim combat body armor. Kneeling on the ground was a gorgeous light blue half Alicorn/half unicorn mare with crimson red mane and tail tied in a ponytail. Her 5ft 8in equine figure was attired in her light gray nano-suit with her black form-fitting boot upon bare light blue feet. This half alicorn/half unicorn mare was Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight. She was the deposed former ruling Princess for the Crystal Empire. Slowly a loyal Crystal Empire Soldier attired in the ice-blue (Very light bluish-green) standard combat body armor of the Crystal Empire army walks up to Grand Princess Blueberry and brings her to her feet. "Come your highness; their no more to be done here. We will get another chance to take back our home and free your Crystal Ponies. Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle, luck can't last forever." The soldier said, upset but remaining optimistic as to not unknowingly depress the Grand Princess. Slowly three large transport helicopters land after setting off four smoke grenades signaling for pick-up of the loyal Crystal Empire Soldiers to return to the Equestria Royal army Polar Star Assault Base. As the last soldier's boards the transport helicopter, and it liftoff, each helicopter's mood is melancholy. The soldiers want so much to blame the Grand Princess for the failure, but they can't find it in their hearts to do so. Despite her being trained to save lives as a Medic pony, she out there with them taking life. On several occasions, loyal Crystal Empire Soldiers have heard the Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight crying herself to sleep in her room. It is a heart-wrenching sound that comes from the mare supposed to be the embodiment of love and compassion. Knowing that fact, her loyal Crystal Empire Soldiers push that much harder to end this Crystal Wars, so their Grand Princess can return to what she suppose to do save lives and help the sick. "Captain! You have been staring at me for the longest time! Do you want to ask me out on a date or some thing? Or maybe you would like to see what the body of a daughter of a demigoddess look likes out of her nano-suit or even better out of her boots!" Blueberry said, pretending to be indignant, which caused the Captain blush and answer no. "I am so offended about this, Captain! All right, boys who would like to take me out on a date!?" Blueberry asked "We would!" A group of ten soldiers called closest to her. "How about seeing me naked?" Blueberry asked "Right here!" a group of twenty soldiers called. "How about see me barefooted?" Blueberry asked "The best for last right here!" a group of ten more soldiers called. "Well, I am sorry, boys! But I promise my father I wouldn't do anything like that till I am married mare. Besides, what would your wives and girlfriends say if I told them what you said?" Blueberry said with an alligator smile on her snout as all the soldiers face glazes with shock and behave themselves. "Beside Captain, I know why you were looking at me. I can reassure you that this Grand Princess of Love is mentally sound and fit. As you say, Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle luck can't last forever." Blueberry said hotly as she slams her fist against the helicopter's side that shakes the whole vehicle. "Your Highness! Please don't hit the side of the vehicle! I know you half Alicorn's have the same strength as a full Alicorn! This vehicle is very delicate! I would like to get back to the base in one piece! These soldiers are not the only one with a family back home!" The Pilot yells in a huff as Blueberry blush, and she places her gloved hands on her lap. 'Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight, youngest daughter of Princess Celestia Silverlight, the overall Equestria ruler with her little sister Princess Luna Silverlight. The best damn doctor in Equestria and the most compassionate. Under her rule, my home was a wonderful place to live and raise my foals. But now is forced into the carnage of war because of the ego of the disappeared Princess of Love Cadence Sparkle and Prince Shining Armor Sparkle daughter Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle. A horrible fate for one so compassionate who hands should be healing the sick and not hold a weapon on them.' the Captain thought as Blueberry eyes met his eyes again went he was staring at her again. "For the last time, Captain Garth Foster, please stop staring at me! I am perfectly fine; I am mentally sound and fit. For my mother's sake, you have been at my side since I started to rule the Crystal Empire, so you know my moods, and besides, you are the only one I have allowed to call me by my first name that not part of my family." Blueberry said, commanding and reminding as she smiled at her guard Captain. "I know, Blueberry, but still," Garth said as Blueberry whips her fingers toward him tells him to stop his thought right there. "Fine, Garth, if you are so worried about my mental fitness after debriefing, joins me in my room; we have much to discuss." Blueberry orders as all the soldiers in the aircraft hoot and holler with the guard Captain to come to the Grand Princess's room. Walking down the steel hallway of the underground portion of the Polar Star Assault base was a handsome-looking medium gray crystal pony stallion with gradient grayish-blue to bluish-gray mane and tail. He is walking to the Grand Princess's room at the base. His muscular 5ft 7in equine figure was attired in a Light gray nano-suit with black form-fitting boots. This crystal pony unicorn stallion was Captain Garth Foster, the guard captain for Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight and commander of 115th Crystal Empire infantry Company. He walks up to a door with a snowflake on front and presses a button on the wall; inside the room, the chimes ring. Sitting in front of her holo computer with her legs crossed, typing up her report for her older sister Aurora was Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight. She was wearing the upper half of her nano-suit as she has removed her black form-fitting boots, revealing her perfectly shaped and sized light blue bare feet with light pink nail polish. "Come in Garth!" Blueberry called as the door slides open at the same time, she pressed the enter key to send the report to her older sister Aurora and turn her chair toward the stallion standing in the hallway. "You want to see me, your highness?" Garth said politely and respectful as he gapes in stunned silence seeing his Grand Princess barefooted. Blueberry senses this and wiggles her toes of her crossed leg suggestively a few times till heated blush form on his snout, and he quickly looks away. "For my mother's sake, Garth! I wore light gold gladiator sandals barefooted most of the time went I was ruling the Crystal Empire with my gowns. It never bothered you then. But the moment I am barefooted, you blush and look away." Blueberry said, very annoyed as she whips her fingers toward him to stop right there and don't answer. "I know what you are going to say, Garth. I am the daughter of a demigoddess, and I am the perfect specimen of a unicorn mare. Their no doubt of that." Blueberry said, knowing as Garth watches his Grand Princess's hand slow rise in the air and begins to fold down her fingers, so only two fingers are shown her traditional gesture went she doesn't want an answer to her query. But Garth blinks with surprise went she reaches over to her holo keyboard with that hand and calls up something on her holo computer; she glances at it before return to Garth. "Now, for the real reason, I call you to my room, Garth," Blueberry said, resting her chin on top her hands in pondering manner as the mannerism sent a chill down his back. The last time he saw Blueberry's using that mannerism was went a Diplomat from Saddle Arabia was trying to take advantage of her naiveté as a young ruler. But Blueberry had the forethought for the months leading up to the meeting doing in-depth research into the politics of Saddle Arabia. So by the time the day of the appointment arrived, she knows just as much as the diplomat knew of the politics of Saddle Arabia. All the tricks the diplomat used was quickly defeated with that pondering look. "Do you dare try to lie to me, Garth! (Giving him a hard look) I sense that my troops aboard the helicopter wanted to blame me for the failure of not capturing Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle (slamming her barefoot on the ground leaving the impression of her foot on the ground in the tile). So tell me why Captain Foster that my troops didn't blame me?" Blueberry said assertively as the look scared Garth plenty. On the outside, Blueberry looks like your everyday unicorn mare, which usually is limited by their mystic reserves. But Blueberry being offspring of full Alicorn, has much more mystic resources at her disposal. "The truth Blueberry is that my men and I have on several occasions heard you crying yourself to sleep in your room. Its most heart-wrenching sound comes from you. You are the embodiment of love and compassion. That why we don't blame you for the failure; it pushes us to end this war quickly." Garth explains honestly as a single tear runs down Blueberry cheek and the ears on top her head droop. She raises her hand up and dismisses Garth from her room as the door slides closed; Blueberry dials two numbers on her holo-phone. The first head to spring to life was her brother Somnus, followed by her sister Aurora. "Somnus and Aurora, if you are not too busy, can you come to talk to me for a little while," Blueberry asked. "All right, Sure. I am not too busy. It will be a while for the computer to analyze the data of that high energy shield around the Crystal City and that Crystal Protection Protocol of the AI system." Aurora explains as she's rubs her chin with her gloved hand. "All right, it beats going over reports. I'll be there in a little while, little sister." Somnus comment as they hang up the holo-phone. Walking down the steel hallway of the underground portion of the Polar Star Assault base was Aurora and Somnus on their way to their little sister's room in the underground base's living area. "What do you think our little sister what to talk to us about, brother?" Aurora inquiry as Somnus sighs. "The group of four Night wings Special Forces soldiers I assign to 115th Crystal Empire infantry Company reported to me that the whole company was down after the failure to capture Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle. They wanted to blame our little sister for the failure, but they didn't have the heart. I don't know why?" Somnus explains as Aurora sighs. "That is easy answers brother because you are sound sleeper just like auntie. You don't hear our little sister crying yourself to sleep in her room. It is the most heart-wrenching sound to come out of our little sister. She no trained warrior like us. Mother and Auntie show us how to fight because we are the main thrones of Equestria. Our little sister is meant to be a healer and not a fighter." Aurora explains as Somnus sighs again. "As true as a statement that is sister, our little sister is just like us. She takes her duty as protector of mother's enduring dream of harmony very seriously, even those she meant to be a healer." Somnus comments as the blood drains from Aurora's face. "Our mother instilled in her foals that harmony is a fragile idea that must be protected for our ponies' subjects in Equestria. We are the hope, confidence, and compassion to maintain the balance of this fragile idea. Went." Somnus said as his sister raised her hand to stop him. "Went Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle turns her back on that idea of harmony and replaced it with ego. The balance was broken; because we are the Royal Foals of Princess Celestia Silverlight, it fell to us to rebalance the scales. This whole war has nothing to do with regaining the Crystal Empire; if need be, we can reestablish someplace else. This whole war is about rebalancing the scales, so darkness can't get a foothold in Equestria." Aurora explains as the two older siblings near their little sister's room. > Chapter 3 (Harmonia Strife) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In an abandoned part of the Crystal Palace, a five-foot-long spectrum colored, oblong energy bubble floats in mid-air. A moment later, it pops, and a beautiful light pink Alicorn mare with moderate violet, moderate rose, and pale gold streaked mane and tail drop to the tile floor with a thud. Her curvy 5ft 9in equine figure was attired in cardinal red (vivid red) slightly below the knee length gown. On her stellar pedicured, slender, gracefully rounded shaped light pink bare feet with a thin sheen of bright red toenail polish were light gold gladiator sandals with one-inch heels. Behind her horn was a gold tiara, and folded on her back were her light pink feathered bird wings. This Alicorn mare was Princess Cadence Sparkle, the cousin to the royal foals and ruling princess of the Crystal Empire and the mother to Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle and the adoptive niece of Princess Celestia Silverlight and Prince Justice Silverlight. Cadence shakes her head several times, trying to clear the cobwebs out of her mind and gape in stunned silence went five-fingered hand with a thin sheen of bright red nail polish rises toward her face. It stops a moment later went she thought to stop in her head. "It is me?" Cadence comment, a bit puzzled, but can't deny that the five-fingered hand is doing everything she tells it to do like her front hoof did. "EEP!" Cadence exclaims as she lifts her leg up, revealing stellar pedicured slender, gracefully rounded shaped light pink barefoot with a thin sheen of bright red toenail polish inside a light gold gladiator sandal with one-inch heels. 'What am I? What every am I? I am smoking hot.' Cadence thought with a little bit of pride as she looks at her new form of a two-legged pony in the highly reflected surface of the nearby Crystal wall. 'My shiny is going to love this,' Cadence thought, running her hand down her curvy figure. "Huh?" Cadence exclaims, noticing the blinking red light on her forearm through the crystal's reflective surface; she lifts her arm up and discovers a metal vambrace on her forearm. The blinking came from a small hole with a smaller curved piece of glass cover it. On instinct, she passes her hand over the piece of glass. A moment later, the magnificent head of very pale vermillion colored unicorn mare with a gradient of brilliant raspberry and moderate cobalt blue mane appears in front of her. "Mistress!" the holographic unicorn mare head said. Cadence gives the holographic unicorn head a withering stare. "Amore, what have I told you about calling me that!" Cadence said hotly as she had no idea why she replies like that toward the holographic mare's head. "Mother, the Crystal Protection protocol has been initiated, and the shield has been activated. The Crystal City is in lock-down, all military forces are mobilized." Amore explains as Cadence's eyes widen with alarm. "What!? Who initiated the Crystal Protection Protocol? Was it Shining Armor?" Cadence inquiry as Amore shakes her head no. "I have been unable to lock-in on father's system key. It was initiated by the combat computer in the throne room. As an emergency activation of me." Amore explains as Cadence gasps. "Amore! Activate all surveillance systems in the snowfields outside the city. If it was emergency activation, something is going on outside the city." Cadence orders as she makes her way to the main throne room of the Crystal Palace. "I am sorry, mother, but before receiving the emergency activation, the city experienced an electromagnetic pulse it fried all my circuits. I was able to activate the shield generators before those circuits went out." Amore explains sadly as Cadence sighs. "All right, Amore, go into your sleep mode. If your circuits are fried, that means your power core is not connected. You are running on back-up power. If that the case, all the solar generators will be feeding into the city's power grid, keeping the city running." Cadence orders as Princess Amore AI shut off to conserve power. As she emerges from the abandoned hallways of this unrepaired part of the Crystal Palace and into a large open area of the Palace. She is spotted by a Royal Palace security unit, which relays the intruder's sighting a modified mare to Internal Security. She quickly seized by the Black Opal Internal Security Unit, who stuns her with a taser. She is taking down to the Crystal Palace dungeon. Meanwhile, in the Crystal Throne room of the Palace, watching a teenage Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle pose in front of a full-length standing mirror like some kind of equine super-model was a gorgeous looking greenish-blue unicorn mare with cerulean blue mane and tail she was slightly older then Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle was. Her 5ft 10in physically fit equine figure was attired in a light gray pantsuit. On her greenish-blue bare feet were black pumps with one and one-half heels. This unicorn mare is Royal Advisor Rose Eventide, the royal advisor to Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle. "Excuse me, Lady Eventide, we captured a modified Alicorn. She somehow got into the Palace." The Black opal mare explains as Rose blinks with surprise. "Modified Alicorn? Can you describe, said Alicorn?" Rose inquiry looking at the mare in front of her. "She was curvy light pink with moderate violet/moderate rose with pale gold streaks mane and tail. I would say about 5ft 9in." The Black opal mare said as Rose gasps. "Were is that Alicorn?" Rose asked. "Unconscious in a holding cell, my lady." The Mare answers as smile forms on Rose's lips. "Please transfer the Alicorn to my special room, and as ordered, no one allowed to touch her. Till I am finished with her." Rose commanded as the mares shook their head and left the throne room. "Your highness, I have some personal business to take care of; call me if you need me," Rose said as Flurry Heart gesture her to leave. Slowly Princess Cadence Sparkle light purple eyes open. She finds herself in a dimly lit room clamped to a sturdy table in a spread eagle position. She can feel her wings being held tight together behind her back, and her magic is blocked. "So it is you, Princess Cadence Sparkle, Princess of love. That foolish teenage pony made that spell go wild. So that means those other two meddling Alicorns were pulled into this timeline as well. So the only question now went, will they awaken and where?" A mare voice said in the shadows. "How do you know my name, mare?" Cadence asks From the shadows steps a gorgeous midnight blue imperator Alicorn mare with rusty red mane and tail; soon, Cadence's eyes transfixed with horror upon seeing this mare. Her 6ft even athletic equine figure was attired in a gray space suit with knee-high boots on bare midnight blue feet and folded on her back were black bio-mechanical feathered bird wings. This imperator alicorn mare was Daimyo Harmonia Strife. "No! You're Harmonia! Please, any pony, save me from this monster! Shiny! Shiny! Where are you save me!?" Cadence screams as Harmonia walk up to the foot of the table. "Scream all you want, your highness, their silence spell on this room. So let get started." Harmonia comments as she snaps her fingers, causing Cadence's clothing to disappear, leaving her lying on the table nude. "What did you do to my clothes?" Cadence said her voice tightening as her faces turn redder than usual from the blush. "Now, your highness, how will I examine this unusual phenomenon that is your body?" Harmonia says, very curious as a chill ran down Cadence's back. "Do you know how I end up like this? Why, Harmonia?" Cadence inquiry as Harmonia just smiled. "Of course, I do your highness, and inexperience pony interfered with an Alicorn level spell," Harmonia explained as the blood drains from Cadence's face. "So let start from the top and work our way down to those stellar pedicured slenderly, gracefully rounded shaped light pink bare feet with that thin sheen of bright red toenail polish. I have a single test to try on them." Harmonia explained as the sensation of a spider crawling up Cadence's back was felt as Harmonia stared at her bare feet. With that, Harmonia set to examine her arms and hands to her shoulders. She stays for a long time on her head looks every detail of it. Out of spite, Cadence tried to bite Harmonia's hand went she got to close to her mouth and missed. Harmonia whispered into her ear, she will pay for that. Cadence didn't have long to wait for payback Harmonia roughly handled her bosom. Slapping each breast hard to cause the most pain in this sensitive part of a mare's body. As tears streaked Cadence's cheeks, Harmonia moved on, leaving red handprints on her chest from the blows. Cadence started to laugh as Harmonia ran both her hands down her hourglass-shaped equine flanks. Being a mare herself, Harmonia left Cadence's mare hood alone and move on to her leg and feet. Cadence's legs were well defined and muscular all the way down to ankles. Stress lines formed on Cadence's brow as Harmonia studied her stellar pedicured, slender, gracefully rounded shaped light pink bare feet with a thin sheen of bright red toenail polish. Cadence's skin begins to crawl; the frogs of her back hoofs went she had hoofs were sensitive but tolerable. But now, with soft flesh on the bottom of her feet, it could be ten times more sensitive than the frogs of her hoofs. Her eyes widen in alarm went she felt viscous liquid being squirted onto the soles of her light pink fleshy feet and Harmonia rubbing the viscous liquid into her flesh. "By all the mercy of my aunt's sun, don't tickle my feet!" Cadence shriek as she didn't feel the initial skittering of her fingers across her feet' oily soles. Slowly a smile begins to grows on her snout. In the next instance, Cadence's screamed with laughter as Harmonia tickles her light pink bare feet, clapped on the table with no mercy. As Cadence thought, her light pink fleshy feet' soft soles were much more ticklish than the rough texture of the frogs of her hoofs. Cadence begins to sniffle, not from the unrelenting tickle torture upon her trapped feet. But because her uncle Prince Justice Silverlight would love to tickle her light pink fleshy feet, if he was still alive. As Cadence losing consciousness, Harmonia snaps her fingers, dressing her in a shapeless dress that hit her at the top of her knees and leaves her light pink fleshy feet bare. "Poor little Princess of Love, what I did to you was just for fun. The Black Opal Internal Security and interrogation unit are much-much worse. Their no limit to the type of torture they will use on a helpless mare like you. Additionally, no part of your body is off-limits, if it can induce pain in you, they will use it." Harmonia said cruelly as another tear runs down her cheek this time of fear. As Daimyo Harmonia Strife resumed her disguise as Royal Advisor Rose Eventide, she steps out of her private room she met by two mares from the Black Opal Internal Security and interrogation unit waiting for her to finish with the Modified Alicorn mare. "All right, ladies, the modified alicorn mare is all yours, I learned nothing from her through my own interrogation. Plus, to help you, I dress her in a shapeless dress that hit her at the top of her knees, and I left her in her light pink fleshy bare feet. I know how much the Black Opal enjoys torturing the feet of a mare to make them talk." Rose said coldheartedly as she two mares went in to retrieve the unconscious Princess Cadence Sparkle, the princess of love, and transfer to Black Opal tower for the interrogation. > Chapter 4 (Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the Crystal Palace's throne room, standing in front of a bank of holo computers typing haphazardly on the holographic keyboard, was beautiful light magenta gray teenage Alicorn mare with a gradient of light cerise to grayish violet mane and tail. She looks over her shoulder and winks her light opal green colored eye toward a handsome stallion, one of her Royal crystal guards standing nearby. Her curvy 5ft 4in equine figure was attired in a black nano-suit, and over that, she wore a long black coat. On her bare Magenta's gray feet were black knee-high boots and on her head behind her horn with a plain gold crown. Folded on her back were her medium-sized light magenta, gray-colored feathered bird wings. This teenage Alicorn mare was Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle, the Crystal Empire's self- pointed ruler and only daughter of Princess Cadence Sparkle and Prince Shining Armor Sparkle. "Hey, stallion, would you like to remove the boots from your Princess's feet or how about unzipping her nano-suit revealing her curvy Alicorn mare figure." Flurry's heart said sultry as the crystal guard seems to become mesmerized with Flurry's heart voice. "What every my Princess wants." The Crystal guard said, hypnotized as he approached Flurry Heart. Suddenly he trips over his own feet, accidentally tackling Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle knock the crown off her head. A very light yellow magic aura forms around the clumsy crystal guard and floats him off of her. "You clumsy fool! How dare you touch the body of superior being!?" Flurry's heart said, self-righteously floating helpless guard in the air and flings him just as Rose enters the throne room. "Your highness, control yourself right this minute!" Rose bellowing ferociously as Flurry Heart charge right toward her. "Go right ahead, your highness, I'll take away all your friends. I'll leave the pathetic Alicorn here all alone. With no family or friends." Rose said cruelly as it causes Flurry Heart to back down and quickly dismissed everyone from the Throne room except Rose. "Rose, why are you so mean to me? You are the only true friend I have here." Flurry Heart said a little bit hurt as a condescending smile form on Rose snout went Flurry Heart turns her back and affected a friendly smile went Flurry Heart look back toward her. "Because I am your friend Flurry Heart," Rose said with false friendliness as she noticed something on Flurry Heart's face. "Flurry heart, are you using your mother's Crystal moisturizer?" Rose inquiry as Flurry Heart blushed and shook her head. "I am Rose; as a baby, I remember how beautiful my mother looked with crystal moisturizer on her skin. Her skin was so soft and glowing." Flurry Heart said a little bit embarrassed as Rose got up and close to Flurry Heart. "Fess up, Flurry Heart, show me your feet. I know you do just use it on your face only." Rosa said, knowing as Flurry Heart lifted off and was about to fly off. Went Rose whistles, and Flurry Heart looks back, she spotted the white book with a gold lock. She's frantically searching through her long coat and couldn't find her diary in any pockets. She quickly flew back to retrieve her diary from Rose. "Give back my diary, Rose! My mommy gave it to me before she disappear! Give it back to me! You have no right to take away my memories!" Flurry Heart said, her voice becoming high and hysterical with grief. "Here, your stinky old diary backs your highness," Rose said icily as she tosses the Flurry Heart's diary haphazardly to her. She catches it and runs off to her bedroom in Crystal Palace's living area, passing the grand bedroom of her parents, she quickens her pace so not to linger for too long in front of her parents' luxurious bedroom as tears streaks her cheeks from missing them. ~In Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle memories~ "Daddy, is mommy really dead?" A ten-year-old Flurry Heart asked her father, Prince Shining Armor, after watching the Royal Foals' death announcement from the Canterlot Grand Royal Palace on the holo-set in the Crystal Empire. "I don't know, Flurry Heart? But your cousins had to say something their bad ponies that wanted to take away your mommy's throne why she was gone. If they do, they will hurt your mommy's ponies in the Crystal Empire." Prince Shining Armor said as his daughter held a white diary in her arms. Many years later, a fourteen-year-old Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle tosses and turns in her bed in her bedroom nightmares have plagued her since she was a small filly. Her mother always came to reassure her that she was safe. After her mother disappeared, an energy being, she called her angel would appear before her. The angel was shaped like a stallion with wings, but she knew it was not her cousin Somnus or her father. But she always felt like her mother sent the angel to take care of her, and her mother knew him. "A bad nightmare again, Flurry heart?" The angel asked as he sat on her bed with her. "Yes, Angel." Flurry heart answer as small cloudy tentacles snuck under her blankets and tickled Flurry's heart bare feet under the sheets. "Angel, stop tickling my feet." Flurry heart said, remaining calm as the tentacles stop. "Your feet are just as ticklish as your mother's feet. Do you miss her Flurry heart?" The angel asked as Flurry's heart shook her head yes. "Don't give up hope that your mommy will return someday. Don't let yourself fall into despair, Flurry Heart." The angel said reassuringly as tentacles once again assault Flurry heart's bare feet under her sheets till she fell back to sleep. ~Back to the Present~ 'But I let it happen; the angel always told me my mommy would return. But as time went on, the angrier and sadder I got become my mommy never return. I started to curse this world; every pony had their mother with them, and I didn't. Why should every pony be happy with their mother went my gone! From that, I buried my true self, and went my father disappeared, it came to ahead. I attacked the one pony whose mother also disappeared, my cousin Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight. Losing my mother was greater than her losing her mother.' Flurry heart thought as she sat down in a chair beside her desk in her room as small cloudy tentacles started to wrap around her and make their way into her boots down to her feet. "No!" Flurry Heart exclaims, aggrieved as she breaks away from the small white cloudy tentacles started to wrap around her, everything she had done she has no right for her angel to protect her and runs off. "Well-well-well, so I did sense a light affinity Imperator Alicorn on this planet. But the question is who are you?" Black energy being asked as the white energy being transformed into a living constellation of alicorn stallion. "So a dark affinity Imperator Alicorn is here, kind of far from the Dark star sector. Do you not think mare or Harmonia?" Alicorn stallion comments as black energy transform into its own living constellation form a bit smaller than the stallion. "Huh? How do you know my name, stallion?" Harmonia said suspiciously as she tries to get a better attack angle on the much larger stallion, but the much larger stallion quickly takes it away from her. "Oh, I know a lot about you, Daimyo Harmonia Strife, ruler of Dark Star Sector. The bane of Imperator Alicorn Space banished many space cycles ago for allowing a planet she was to protect, destroy itself went she set off a war." The stallion said, knowing as he allows Harmonia to get a right angle of attack on him. At that moment, Harmonia charges toward the much larger stallion ready to kill him. As she will land a blow, the stallion quickly phases out, and she passes right through him before he phases back. "A Phases shift! No normal Imperator Alicorn can phase that quickly! Unless you are a member of the Infinity Star Sector Royal Family!" Harmonia exclaimed as the stallion opens gold color wings from his side. "NO!" Harmonia cries out in a voice raw with terror as the stallion force her back into her real body of Royal Advisor Rose Eventide with a single beam. ~In the room of Royal Advisor Rose Eventide~ "Empress Galaxy Cosmos, my all-mother, Supreme Creator being of Imperator Alicorn species. Unbelievably powerful and her royal family. Why is a royal family member here on Sol?" Rose said her voice breaks as she can't stop shaking from the encounter with the royal stallion in the psychic dimension. Meanwhile, in a dangerous area in the Psychic Dimension, a 6-foot long spectrum colored oblong energy bubble floats gently about with a second 6-foot long spectrum colored oblong energy bubble both bubble are occupied by two deep sleeping Terran Alicorn mares. The Royal Alicorn stallion constellation soon arrives in this dimension to protect these two special bubbles from the psychic dimension's hazards. As a psychic storm begins to form in the area, the royal alicorn stallion gathers the two bubbles, creates a deep cave out of the floating rock about the site, and takes the bubbles inside. Once it secures the two bubbles with mental-chains to the cave floor to keep it from floating away. The Royal Alicorn stallion constellation gently nudges with his nose the bubble containing a white with a hint of pink Alicorn mare with golden blonde mane and tail. Soon the spirit of that Alicorn mare form and Alicorn stallion lie down to allow the mare to hug it. "Greetings, beloved, I felt you nudge me. So I came. How are you?" The alicorn mare said sweetly as she padded barefooted up to the Alicorn stallion constellation and sat down on his front leg. "I miss you, Celestia, but better went you appear." The Royal Alicorn stallion said as Celestia reaches up and touches the horn with her hand as the only way to hear what he is saying. "I know I miss you too, Justice. But our time has not arrived to reawaking yet. Went it does, I'll be waiting for your return. Till then, may I see my husband, Alicorn?" Celestia asked as the Royal Alicorn stallion transforms into the spirit of Prince Justice Silverlight dress in his white Solar Guard uniform. "Greeting, my beloved Sun Princess, I do love this nightgown you are wearing." Justice comments as Celestia ran up to him and embrace him, even those wearing a thin fabric nightgown that doesn't leave anything to the imagination. But she doesn't care about it, it her husband, and he has seen her perfect figure many times nude why they have been married. ~In throne room of Crystal Palace~ In the throne room, a teenage angry Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle stands in front of the combat computer running simulated combat tactics scenarios through the system. The parameters set by her missing mother, Princess Cadence Sparkle, for tactics states that the current situation would result in mass casualties on both sides. The combat computer will not authorize those combat tactics to be used to result in mass casualties from the Crystal Empire army. At that same time, at the Polar Star Assault base, the Equestria Royal Army base of operation, the Grand Princess of the Sun Aurora Silverlight, runs simulated combat tactics through the combat computer at the base own personal parameters for battle tactics. Being an Alicorn that can see all angles, Aurora has run every possible scenario through the Combat Computer, even the distasteful one the mass casualties. If the mass casualties’ scenario happens, Aurora has called up all the resources from her little sister's 187th seraphim medical battalion in Canterlot. The 187th seraphim medical battalion has already set up huge surgical and trauma care hospitals in the rear near the Polar Star Assault base to treat the wounded quickly and send them to Canterlot Royal hospital or any hospital in Equestria for treatment. Standing on the edge looking into the valley as a light snowstorm kick-up was Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight. In her White seraphim combat body armor attached to her back were white metal wings with a removable jet propulsion system that allow her to fly like her older siblings. She has turned over command of 115th Crystal Empire infantry Company to Captain Garth Foster, her guard captain. As she must now command her 187th seraphim medical battalion for this coming battle with the Crystal Empire army and the Equestria Royal Army. "Remove all parameters and execute the battle plan!" Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle said cold, icy with no emotion as the Combat computer execute Flurry Hearts battle plan. The snowfield outside the Crystal City is lit up with energy weapon fire and echoes with explosions; the battlefield is awash with both sides' blood, bodies begin to pile up across the snowfield, turn the white snow to red. There are explosions, energy weapon fire, and fire-fights everywhere. As the fanatic Crystal Empire army force continue pushing their advantage, pushing Equestria Royal Army back to bluff, the location of the Polar Star Assault base the Equestria Royal Army base of operation. Suddenly, several large transport planes can be heard fly toward the battlefield from these planes' rear. Paratroopers jump landing behind the Crystal Empire army forces cutting off the Crystal Empire supply lines. Then from the rear of the Equestria Royal Army lines, several highly mobile units lay down covering fire allow hard-pressed Equestria Royal Army troops to retreat from the battlefield. The battle begins to turn against the Crystal Empire troops, many break ranks and run back to the Crystal City. Others quickly surrender to Equestria Royal Army and ask to join the loyal 115th Crystal Empire infantry Company under the command of Captain Garth Foster Blueberry's guard captain. > Chapter 5 (Crystal City) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking quickly down the street of the Angelinite Ward of the Crystal City on her way to a moderately sized estate in the ward carrying a small suitcase was drop-dead gorgeous shiny blue crystal unicorn mare with gradient orange, pink, light blue and green mane and tail. Her 5ft 11in sleekly muscular equine figure was attired in a white short-sleeve knit polo shirt and black classic straight jeans. On her flawless and unblemished, quite gorgeous crystal feet with rich magenta-colored toenail polish were gray flat sandals with a one-inch heel. This crystal unicorn mare was Lady Bonnie Starsong, the daughter of a minor noble mare in the Crystal Empire and Senior Royal Maid for Grand Prince of the Moon Somnus Silverlight. She was in the city and became trapped went the Crystal Protection Protocol and dome shield was initiated. "Mother!" Bonnie called as she walks into a well maintained small mansion home in the ward. "Yes," a crystal mare answers from top of the staircase. Standing on the staircase's top landing was stunning gorgeous shiny Savoy blue crystal older unicorn mare with gradient pale blue, mint green, and bright yellow mane and tail. Her 6ft even sleekly muscular equine figure was attired in an orange short-sleeve mid-knee length dress. On her splendid and impeccable, quite gorgeous crystal feet with ruby red-colored toenail polish were tan putty wedge sandals with one fourth-inch heel. This older crystal unicorn mare is Baroness Antoinette Starsong, a Crystal Empire minor noble mare and Bonnie's own mother. "Bonnie! I thought you had to catch a flight back to Canterlot?" Antoinette comments, a bit puzzled as she's saunter down the staircase to her mansion home's ground floor to talk to her daughter. "I was mother; all flights have been canceled out of the Crystal City went the Crystal Protection Protocol was initiated, and I became trap in Crystal City. I was finally released from the airport about two minutes ago. But as I was leaving, a small squad of Crystal Ponies in black standard combat body armor armed with modified pulse machine pistols five and standard pulse pistols walked into the airport." Bonnie explains as Antoinette's misty blue eyes widen in alarm with what her daughter said. "Did you say black body armor?" Antoinette asked as Bonnie shook her head. "Those ponies in black body armor are the Black obsidian secret police force; every single noble in the crystal city flatly turns down that request by Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle to form them. But it looks like she did it anyway without the approval of Crystal City Council." Antoinette said testily as her lips curl with disgust with Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle disregard for protocol. "Mother, what is the job of Black obsidian secret police force?" Bonnie inquiry as her mother sighs. "The reason all the nobility flatly turn down that request the group was going to be granted open power and freedom to conduct surveillance operations, engage in 'sting' operations, and seize evidence, search homes, and interrogate citizens without the slightest provocation or tangible evidence. Bullies with guns." Antoinette said spitefully as she slams her foot on the ground. "If that so mother, why activate them now?" Bonnie inquiry as Antoinette wonders why too. "Let fine out, Bonnie. I should still be able to access the Princess Amore AI matrix with my noble passkey." Antoinette said as the two mares make their way to her private office on the second floor of her mansion home to access the Princess Amore AI matrix. It takes only a few minutes to make it to Antoinette's private office on her mansion home's second floor. As the two mares push through the door, they walk into a medium-sized room painted in a blue-gray paint scheme with choice leather furniture strategically placed to give an air of professionalism with a moody vibe. Toward the office's back in front of a large window were a single antique black executive desk and leather executive chair. Antoinette quickly sits down in the leather executive chair behind the desk and begins typing on her holo keyboard of her holo computer. Soon the holographic head of Princess Amore AI spring to life in front of her. Soon the Princess Amore AI holographic eyes widen in alarm. "You’re Lady ship, the Black obsidian secret police are coming. Order 166 has been executed to terminate all the Crystal Empire Nobility and the purging of controlling power in the Crystal City. Please make your escape if at least one noble survives, you can rebuild the noble class went this crisis ends." Princess Amore AI said her voice becomes high and hysterical as Antoinette grabs her daughter's hand. She walks up to a bookcase and pulls on a single book opening a secret pass way to her mansion home's apple cider cellar. Antoinette quickly bars the door into the basement and walks up to a huge apple cider cask; she turns the spout on the barrel and pulls it open. In the deep apple cider cask, Antoinette instructs Bonnie to pull the hidden lever at the same time as her. Went she does two-door slide open, and the two mares enter a single 8x8 square room with one way magic portal and supplies. The single room is sparsely decorated with two wooden benches; Bonnie watches her mother walk behind a folding screen and undress. A moment later, her mother come out from behind the folding screen wearing an orange short-sleeve knit polo shirt and Wheatfield color beige jeans. She pap-pops barefooted over to one of the benches and sits down. She slides a black trouser sock onto her crystal foot with ruby red-colored toenail polish before slipping her foot into black bootie with one and three-fourths heel before zipping it up. She does the same with the other foot till she wearing both black booties. "Bonnie, please takes your sandals off quickly, dear, and put these on," Antoinette said, insisting as she floats her pair of black trouser socks and second pair of black booties that will fit her. Bonnie begins to remove her sandals and put the black trouser socks, black booties on her crystal feet with rich magenta-colored toenail polish. Her mother begins to pack two large high-quality backpacks with the supplies around the room. Went she done, she floats a knee-length winter jacket, fur hat, and bag to Bonnie. Once both mares are dress in the winter jacket and backpack, Antoinette passes her hand in front of the one-way magic portal. The portal opens, and a frigid breeze blows through the opening as a heavy snowstorm rages on the portal's other side. Quickly both mares don a pair of shooting glasses and enter the portal. Once through the portal, they step out into a snow-covered evergreen forest overlooking the shielded Crystal City. The two mares trek through the blinding snowstorm of this evergreen forest heading to the Crystal Empire and Equestria border. While they journey through blinding snowstorms, the pair gets turn around and head in the opposite direction of the Crystal Empire border and head straight toward the small outpost base for the Friendship Kingdom army. Hunker down in a large cave were two mares waiting out the storm around a small warming campfire and parked just inside the cave entrance covered by arctic white camo netting were two snowmobiles. These two mares were on a reconnaissance mission for the Friendship kingdom army checking the evergreen forest overlooking the shielded Crystal City went the snowstorm hit. The first mare was a gorgeous looking thistle purple unicorn mare with flax yellow mane and tail. Her physical fit 5ft 10in equine figure was attired in a dull gold-colored nano-suit with her dull gold-colored form-fitting boot upon bare thistle purple feet. This unicorn mare was Staff Sergeant Jewel Luster. The niece of the missing Lieutenant Colonel Emerald Luster disappeared after Prince Justice Silverlight's death and top-ranked sniper mare in the old Solar Guard Division under the command of the late Prince Justice Silverlight. The second mare was gorgeous looking light blue pegasi mare with vivid violet mane and tail. Her physically fit 5ft 10in equine figure was attired in a dull gold-colored nano-suit with her dull gold-colored form-fitting boot upon bare light blue feet. Folded on her back were her light blue feathered bird wings. This Pegasi mare was Staff Sergeant Carine Stormchaser, the daughter of the retired Captain Anita Stormchaser after the death of Prince Justice and top-ranked scout in the old Solar Guard Division under the command of the late Prince Justice Silverlight. "Do you think it was a good idea to take this reconnaissance mission for the Friendship kingdom army Jewel? Our mission is to keep an eye on Princess Twilight Sparkle and her Friendship assembly, who have come under suspicion of aiding Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle, her niece, and her Crystal Empire." Carine said, her voice edged with tension as the unicorn mare sighs. "Unfortunately, if we didn't take this reconnaissance mission for the Friendship kingdom army, it would blow our cover as Solar Guard deep-cover intelligence specialists," Jewel said as she jabbed a long stick into the fire, producing a burst of sparks. "Besides, I was assured by his highness that the Friendship Kingdom army small outpost base is still under surveillance by Major Anita Stormchaser." Jewel comments as Carine smiled broadly. "My mommy came out of retirement for this mission. I hope she will be all right; she getting on in age." Carine said her voice edged with tension as Jewel smiled. "She not the only one that came out of retirement for this mission my mom did to. Major Ruby Luster, she a master sniper from the old Solar Guard Division. If Major Stormchaser is just as good or better, then Captain Stormchaser. Those two old mares will be fine." Jewel comments with a very proud smile as Carine shook her head. Meanwhile, at the small outpost base for the Friendship Kingdom army, a 'Clydesdale' all-weather tracked vehicle drive onto the outpost base transporting fresh Friendship Kingdom infantry soldiers to replace one of the platoons at the outpost base. Among the replacement, soldiers is the new permanent operations officer for the outpost base Chief Warrant Officer Five Sapphire Brilliance, an older unicorn mare. Climbing out of the 'Clydesdale,' the all-weather tracked vehicle was a gorgeous looking pearly purple older unicorn mare with fern green mane and tail. Her toned 5ft 9in equine figure was attired the dull gold color nano-suit of the Friendship Kingdom military. On a pair of eleven and one-third inch, long pearly purple flawless and unblemished shaped bare feet were dull gold-colored form-fitting boots. This older unicorn mare is Chief Warrant Officer Five Sapphire Brilliance, the new permanent operations officer for the outpost base. "Huh?" Major Ruby Luster exclaims, looking through her custom sniper scope at the new older unicorn mare that arrived with the replacement soldiers. She is subtly making hand gestures with her gloved right hand; soon, Ruby figure out she's sending a message in the old Solar Guard hand signals. She quickly floats her book up with a pencil and writes the message down. "Switch to frequency 100.89." Ruby read off her book as she switches to that radiofrequency. "Who are you? And how do you know old Solar Guard hand signals?" Ruby's inquiry over the radio as the voice coming through the earpiece causes Ruby to gasp. "Hello, sister, sorry for disappearing for this long. But I needed to sort out my feelings after Lord Silverlight died. If you didn't know, I did love him very much. That the real reason I stayed loyal to him." The mare on the other end explains as a tear comes to Ruby's Storm Sea colored eyes. "Emerald?" Ruby exclaimed. "Yes, Colonel Emerald Luster- Solar Guard Deep Cover intelligence specialist and Senior Commander of the Royal Division of the Solar Guard under Lord Justice Silverlight's command. I know Major Anita Stormchaser is around here somewhere; it was the three of us that Justice would send on this kind of mission." Emerald comments as the voice of Anita Stormchaser come over the hidden earpiece. "You better pay-up Emerald, I won the bet. I knew you loved Lord Justice Silverlight and that the real reason you were loyal to him." Anita said, knowing as Emerald sighs softly into mic. "All right, ladies let stay on task; I know Princess Twilight Sparkle and her Friendship assembly have come under suspicion of aiding Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle, her niece, and her Crystal Empire in this Crystal War. I also know my niece Jewel Luster is on this mission and your daughter Carine Stormchaser. They are currently on a reconnaissance mission for the Friendship kingdom army, checking the evergreen forest overlooking the shielded Crystal City. Do they know the old Solar Guard code?" Emerald inquiry as she made her way to her Operations office in a small outpost base for the Friendship Kingdom army. "They do." Ruby and Anita said simultaneously. "Very good, I'll make contact with them went; they return to the base after the reconnaissance mission. Frequency 100.89 is a new frequency for this mission. Emerald out." Emerald said as she walked into the Operations office. Back in the large cave, Jewel and Carine continue to wait out the snowstorm; they blink with surprise as two more mares stumble and collapse in the cave entrance, exhausted and cold. Quickly Jewel and Carine drag the two mares in front of the fire to warm them up and gawk in disbelief went they begin to shine from the firelight. "By Celestia light, these two mares are crystal ponies. What are Crystal Ponies doing out here?" Jewel puzzled as Carine runs to the snowmobile and grabs warm blankets out of the survival kits to wrap the two mares up. Being crossed trained Solar Guard personnel in paramedics, Jewel and Carine each take one of the crystal mares and begin a quick medical assessment. Jewel and Carine explain to the crystal mares that they will remove their socks and boots to check their toes for frostbite. Jewel removes the older crystal mare shoes and socks; she carefully examines the older crystal mare's feet for frostbite signs and finds none. She squeezes each digit hard, causing the older crystal mare to wince, which means she still has feeling in her toes. She floats a pair of warm socks to herself and put them on older Crystal mare feet before putting their boots back on. "First off, who are you crystal mare?" Jewel inquiry to the older crystal unicorn mare. "My name is Baroness Antoinette Starsong, a minor noble mare in the Crystal Empire," Antoinette answers as the two looks toward the younger crystal mare. "My name Senior Royal maid Bonnie Starsong. I work for the Grand Prince of the Moon Somnus Silverlight." Bonnie answers as Jewel and Carine breathe catches in their throat. "You work for the Grand Prince! Then I guess that this older unicorn mare is your mother, Miss Starsong." Carine comment as Bonnie shook her head. "Next question, what are two Crystal unicorn mares doing out here?" Jewel inquiry to Antoinette, who sighs. "Trying to make it to Canterlot to speak with the Grand Princess of the Sun Aurora Silverlight and inform her that Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle has executed Order 166. The total purging of the Crystal Empire's nobility, allowing her full control of Crystal City." Antoinette said her voice breaks as Jewel and Carine gasps. The moment the snowstorm breaks, the four mares climb onto the snowmobiles, head straight to the Polar Star Assault base, the Equestria Royal Army base of operation, and location of the Grand Princess of the Sun Aurora Silverlight. Once at the Polar Star Assault base Baroness Antoinette Starsong informs the Grand Princess of the Sun Aurora Silverlight the situation in Crystal City and what that means. Sometime later, walking down the steel hallway of the underground portion of the Polar Star Assault base after being cleared by the medical battalion was drop-dead gorgeous shiny blue crystal unicorn mare with gradient orange, pink, light blue and green mane and tail on her way to Grand Prince’s room at the base. Her sleekly muscular 5ft 11in equine figure was attired in pale purple nano-suit with pale purple form-fitting boots. This crystal pony unicorn mare was Warrant Officer Bonnie Starsong, the newly appointed adjutant for Grand Prince of the Moon Somnus Silverlight and newest member of 41st Nightwing battalion. She walks up to a door with half moon symbol on the front and presses a button on the wall; inside the room, the chimes ring. Sitting in front of his holo computer going over all the Military intelligence reports was Grand Prince of the Moon Somnus Silverlight. He was wearing his own pale purple nano-suit with pale purple form-fitting boots. "Come in, Bonnie!" Somnus called as the door slides open; he turns his chair toward the unicorn mare standing in the hallway and does a slow, appraising glance of her attire. "You want to see me, your highness?" Bonnie said politely and respectfully as she salutes him, and he gestures her to come into the room. Once in the room, the door behind her slides closed behind her. "That pale purple nano-suit with pale purple form-fitting boots looks great on you, Bonnie," Somnus said, complimenting his Senior Royal maid and now his new adjutant as she refused to leave and head back to Canterlot with her Prince here. "I thank you, my prince, I mean commander," Bonnie said, correcting as Somnus chuckle into the back of his hand. "You will be the only one that can call me my Prince. I think it will be easier for you to remember, Bonnie." Somnus explains as he floats her holo clipboard and stylus and begins to dictate notes to her. > Chapter 6 (Crystal City 2) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Needless deaths! Needless destruction! The total purging of one group of ponies.' Justice thought watch the ponies in black body armor make quick work of the nobility as his cobalt blue eyes are haunted by inner pain, unable to intervene to stop the purging. Back in the Psychic Dimension, the two 6-foot long spectrums colored oblong energy bubbles remain anchored to the floor of the cave to keep them from floating away. Lying down between the two bubbles on the ground with his ears drooping was the despondent Royal Alicorn stallion constellation. A moment later, the spirit of dark blue Alicorn mare with jet black mane and tail form. The muscular figure of this dark blue Alicorn mare was attired in a vanilla-colored nightgown; she walked about the cave floor upon large dark blue bare feet. Soon the dark blue Alicorn mare spirit with a jet black mane and tail is joined by the white with a hint of pink Alicorn mare spirit with golden blonde mane and tail attired in a lemon-lime colored nightgown she walked about the cave floor upon large and plushy white with a hint of pink bare feet. The white with a hint of pink Alicorn mare spirit gives a startled gasp upon seeing the despondent Royal Alicorn stallion constellation. Soon her light magenta-colored eyes begin to fill with tears (being bonded to Alicorn stallion-like she is she can feel his emotions); she runs over to the first 6-foot long spectrum colored oblong energy bubble and begins to try to wake up her real sleeping body. "Tia! You can't force yourself to wake up! If you do, you will die, and Justice will have no reason to return! Look for yourself." The dark blue Alicorn mare called Celestia looks toward the Alicorn stallion, who face is etched in desperation with her spirit trying to wake up the real body. "Luna, I don't like seeing my dear Justice like that," Celestia said, hurt as she stops and watches the Alicorn stallion return to being depressed. "I know Tia, but the only reason that Justice has remained in this Psychic Dimension and not left is because he is protecting us. Once we are reawaken, he will leave to be reborn and come looking for both of us. But if you die, he will fade away and not return." Luna explains as Celestia walks back over to Luna. "Luna, do you know why he is like that?" Celestia inquiry as Luna shook her head "Huh?" Celestia exclaims, noticing a tear running down Luna's cheek. "Whatever is going on the planet, you are worried about my son Somnus, are you not Luna?" Celestia comments as Luna shook her head, and more tears begin running down her cheeks. "Black crystal magic is growing more powerful in the Crystal Empire; even those Somnus has a strong will. That much black crystal magic can negatively affect him. If anything should happen to his two sisters. The black crystal magic will infect him, and we will lose him to the darkness." Luna explains her voice breaks as tears stream down her cheeks. Meanwhile, in the underground command center of the Polar Star Assault base, the Equestria Royal Army base of operation, Grand Princess of the Sun Aurora Silverlight stands with her arms crossed attired in a satin sheen gold-colored nano-suit with her satin sheen gold-colored form-fitting boots upon bare light blue feet of her troops. She is trying to figure out a solution for the dilemma of the total purging of Crystal City nobility done by Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle. The underground command center with her is stunning gorgeous shiny Savoy blue crystal older unicorn mare with gradient pale blue, mint green, and bright yellow mane and tail. Her 6ft even sleekly muscular equine figure was attired in a light gray nano-suit of the Crystal Empire military. On her splendid and impeccable, quite gorgeous crystal feet with ruby red-colored toenail polish were black form-fitting boots. This older crystal mare was Baroness Antoinette Starsong, a Crystal Empire minor noble mare and appointed Captain of the 212th Crystal Empire Armored Cavalry. After the last battle with the Crystal Empire Forces, many soldiers who surrendered to the Equestria Royal Army were tankers crews press into service as infantry Company as Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle didn't know how to deploy the armored units into battle. Upon the arrival of Baroness Antoinette Starsong, she asked to fight for the Equestria Royal Army after delivering her message to the Grand Princess. That went the Grand Princess learn that Baroness Starsong is a tanker commander, and she quickly formed 212th Crystal Empire Armored Cavalry from the surrendered Crystal Empire troops. "With the total purging of the Crystal City nobility. This Crystal war could go on forever. Those nobles were the only group that would talk about surrendering and ending this war. Dammit!" Aurora said hotly, slam her fist into her open hand. "Dammit! Dammit! How could you kill those Crystal ponies' nobles like that Flurry's heart! Once again, my crystal ponies will suffer under a tyranny!" Blueberry said her voice brisk and business-like as Captain Garth Foster sits on Blueberry bed, his stomach knotting. "Those nobles were one chance we had to end this Crystal war, Now Flurry's heart destroyed it," Somnus said cool, calm, and collective as tears run down Warrant Officer Bonnie Starsong cheeks. Meanwhile, at the friendship Kingdom outpost base in the underground command center sitting behind the combat computer at the base was a beautiful purple Alicorn mare with dark sapphire blue, moderate purple, and brilliant rose streak mane and tail. Her 5ft 5in toned equine figure was attired in the dull gold nano-suit of the Friendship Kingdom Military. On her magnificent pair of slender ten and one-third inch, long light purple bare feet were forms-fitting boots. Folded on her back were her medium-sized purple feathered bird wings. This purple alicorn mare was Princess Twilight Sparkle, the ruler of the Friendship kingdom and commander of this small detachment of troops from the Friendship Kingdom. Tears streak her cheeks; she just received the video and report from the Polar Star Assault base, the Equestria Royal Army base of operation, about her niece Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle executed Order 166. The total purging of the Crystal Empire's nobility, allowing her full control of Crystal City. In a different part of the Friendship Kingdom outpost base, Colonel Emerald Luster cornered an attractive and elegant looking light gray unicorn mare with moderate indigo-colored corkscrew mane and tail. Her 5ft 7in slender equine figure was attired in the dull gold nano-suit of the Friendship Kingdom Military. Her superb pair of light gray (more toward the white spectrum) nine and one-sixth inch slender and elegant mare bare feet were dull gold form-fitting boots. This light gray unicorn mare was 1st Lieutenant Rarity Radiance, the Executive officer of this small detachment of troops from the Friendship Kingdom and dear friend of Prince Justice Silverlight. "How could you betray Justice like that, Miss Radiance! I thought you were his friend! Went his youngest daughter needed the friendship assembly, you turn your back on her and let Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle take the Empire! Now this total purging of the Crystal Empire's nobility by Flurry Heart! Its good thing Justice died went he did! Because your betrayal would have killed him for sure!" Emerald said, heartbroken as Rarity sinks to her knees, and tears stream down her cheeks. "Please, Emerald! I would never betray my friendship with Justice! I honestly didn't know that Flurry heart overthrew Justice's youngest foal and took over the Empire!" Rarity said her voice cracking as she brought her hands into a prayer gesture, before letting them drop to her sides discouraged. Back in the Crystal City, Justice's spirit continues to wander, trying to make sense of this senseless act wander into the Black Opal tower adjacent to the Black Obsidian secret police Headquarters. Both places would reek of Black crystal magic if Justice's spirit was not as powerful as it is, his spirit would have become corrupted by the black crystal magic that permeates both locations. Quickly Justice's spirit makes it way down several levels of the lower sections of this tower. Till it finds itself in sections with many metal doors with barred windows; as Justice's spirit explorers this area, it suddenly picks up a faint light crystal magic signal coming from this section. It locks on to the faint light crystal magic and follows it until it arrives at the metal door. It passes through the door and finds an unconscious beautiful light pink Alicorn mare with moderate violet, moderate rose, and pale gold streaked mane and tail clamped to a sturdy wooden chair. Her curvy equine figure is just covered with numerous wounds more than her natural Alicorn healing ability can keep up with. Justice can sense that Cadence's heart is beginning to slow; he quickly extends his small white cloudy tentacles and wraps them around her. The ends of the cloudy tentacles sink into Cadence's flesh, the moment he feels her heart inside her chest. Many smaller cloudy tentacles wrap around it. Using his unimaginable power, Justice sends a small amount of his power into Cadence's heart. This causes her natural Alicorn healing ability to become accelerated soon; all the wounds across her body heal at once. It soon restores her back to perfection as her heart begins to beat stronger. He unwraps the smaller cloudy tentacles from around her heart, but not before leaving a small amount of his own power inside her heart. This small amount of power willn't accelerate her natural Alicorn healing ability but keep her alive till she's hopefully found by some pony. "U-u-u-uncle?" Cadence says as her light purple eyes filled with tears upon seeing the spirit of Justice in front of her. As long as Justice keeps the small white cloudy tentacles wrap around his adopted niece, she can see, hear, and feel him. "Hello Cadie, I have missed speaking with you," Justice comments as Cadence beam fondly. "Are you alive, uncle?" Cadence inquiry "No, I am not Cadie, as long as I have these cloudy tentacles wrap around you. You can see me, hear me and feel me." Justice explains as a smile form on Cadence snout. "How is my daughter Flurry Heart? I hope you are watching her for me, uncle?" Cadence comments as butterflies begin to form in his stomach. "Flurry Heart is nineteen-year-old mare now, my dear Cadence. I do keep an eye on her like you ask me to." Justice answers as she rubs her snout against his cheek. "Thank you, uncle; you are wonderful stallion for doing that for me." Cadence answers as she continues rubbing her snout against his cheek. Meanwhile, back in Black Opal tower, two Black obsidian secret police officers watch through the barred window as the beautiful light pink modified alicorn mare rubs the side of her snout against empty air. The two Black obsidian secret police officers figure the Black Opal went a little bit too far and broke the mind of this modified alicorn mare. She is hallucinating now as they walk into the room and collects her for the next round of interrogation. "Uncle! Please, I am frightened! Please don't leave me!" Cadence cries out in a voice raw with terror before passing out from the shock of being tortured again to make her talk and tell the truth. "Cadence, please just survive! I promise I will find you again!" Justice said, heartbroken as he returns to the Psychic Dimension unable to intervene to stop the torture of his adopted niece Cadence by the Black Opal Internal Security and interrogation unit. > Chapter 7 (The Crystal City 3 and Friendship kingdom) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The evening two months earlier City Council building Crystal City emergency City Council meeting~ Storm out of the Crystal City council building after the emergency meeting was stunning gorgeous shiny Savoy blue crystal older unicorn mare with gradient pale blue, mint green, and bright yellow mane and tail. Her 6ft even sleekly muscular equine figure was attired in dark green three-fourths sleeves below the calf-length embellished evening gown. On her splendid and impeccable, gorgeous crystal feet with red, orange-colored toenail polish were black heeled sandals with two and one-fourth heels. This older unicorn crystal mare was Baroness Antoinette Starsong, a Crystal Empire minor noble mare and boss mare for the Starsong family. 'Dammit! Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle is really pushing the formation of the Black obsidian secret police force. So she can spy on every pony in the Crystal City. Our history has taught us to granted one group open power and freedom to do what they like is dangerous. We are not going to make the same mistake we did went she formed the Black Opal Internal Security and interrogation unit. I and several minor noble families and some upper noble families opposed forming the Black Opal Internal Security and interrogation unit. But she pushes it through.' Antoinette thought she climbed into the driver seat of a crystal-powered sports car to drive back to the Starsong estate in Angelinite Ward of the Crystal City. As she drives down the road from the Crystal City council building, she notices two crystal-powered black-outs windowed van following her for the pass few weeks; several boss mares from various noble families have been forced off the road and assaulted by the occupants of the vans. The Crystal City Police Department has taking reports from the boss mares of the incidences. Still, the Police Department is unable to make any arrests due to the interference of Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle. Besides, any officer that continues to investigate the incidences is either found dead or forced out of the police department. So this has caused many of the boss mares to carry a weapon with them for protection. As she reaches for forty-five automatic pistol in her purse sitting on the passenger seat, her vehicle is bumped from behind by one of the black-out windowed vans, almost causing her to lose control of the car. She quickly grabs hold of the steering wheel and watches her purse with her gun fall off the passenger seat well out of her reach. "Dammit!" Antoinette exclaims as her car is once again bumped from behind by the same van. She keeps her hands on the steering wheel, trying to maintain control of her vehicle as a light rose colored magic aura surrounds her crystal horn. Instead of trying to retrieve her automatic pistol from her purse on the floor of her car, she use it to unbuckle her sandals and toss them into the passenger seat with her feet free, she steps onto the gas pedal. Her sports car revved up, trying to make some distance between her and vans trying to force her off the road. Suddenly her rear window explodes, showering her with glass fragments. "What the hay! Are they shooting at me!?" Antoinette exclaims as she glances up at the rearview mirror and sees the muzzle flashes coming from the following van's passenger side. As a bullet whizzes by her ear on top of her head, she overcorrects, and her vehicle flip over and over. As the vehicle comes to rest, she finds herself hanging upside down in the driver's side seat. She quickly unbuckles her seat belt and drops to the roof of her car. She quickly crawls out the broken passenger side window and makes a run toward the closest dark alley. She hides behind a trash bin as one of the black-out windowed van drives up next to her car and unloads a full clip into the vehicle. A moment later, the vehicle burst into flames. If she was still inside it, she would have been killed. Soon the night is lit-up with red and blue lights from the Crystal City Fire Department and Crystal City Police Department; the fire makes quick work of putting out the vehicle fire. After checking out by the Crystal City paramedics and giving Police Department a report, Baroness Antoinette Starsong is taking back to her estate by a police officer. ~Back to present Friendship Kingdom Outpost base 1st lieutenant Rarity Radiance's quarters~ Tears streak the cheeks of an attractive and elegant looking light gray unicorn mare with moderate indigo blue colored corkscrew mane and tail. Her 5ft 7in slender equine figure was attired in the dull gold nano-suit of the Friendship Kingdom Military. Her superb pair of light gray (more toward the white spectrum) nine and one-sixth inch slender and elegant mare bare feet were dull gold form-fitting boots. This light gray unicorn mare was 1st Lieutenant Rarity Radiance, the Executive officer of this small detachment of troops from the Friendship Kingdom and dear friend of Prince Justice Silverlight. 'Justice, you must believe me I was outvoted by the rest of the friendship assembly. No, that a lie. I didn't want to push it. I sense something was quite off in Crystal City. I saw all the signs of something big was going to happen. But the friendship map never went off, I doubt my own sense. In doing so, I almost caused your youngest foal her life went Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle overthrew her.' Rarity thought as a feeling of a cold fist close over her's heart as she held a gold-framed photo of the Royal Foals giving to her by Prince Justice Silverlight last time she visited him in Canterlot went he was sick. 'You made it a point to have your foals call me Aunt Rarity, even those I was not related to the Royal family at all. But I enjoy every moment of it, with my own family away for most of the year I was alone. So to have the Royal foals call me Aunt Rarity relieved some of my loneliness. Went I received the report about Twilight's niece trying to kill my niece Blueberry even after surrendering the throne of love to her, I was red hot. I confronted her with the report of her niece trying to kill my niece. She looked at the report and said, "Why should you care." Being a lady, I left the throne room and drove up to Canterlot to check on my youngest niece.' Rarity thought as a tear splash on the glass photo she held in her hand. 'Went I arrived in Canterlot at the Grand Royal Palace, I felt the anger from my older niece and nephew toward me. My only concern at the time was my youngest niece; I went up to her bedroom on the second floor of the palace. I found her lying barefooted on top of her bed, shaken-up from the ordeal. I spend several hours with her talking to her about the ordeal. Even those her older siblings were angry at me, Blueberry was not; she was thankful I came to visit her. After hugging Blueberry, I told her I must speak to her older siblings about something. In the empty throne room of Grand Royal Palace, I faced the anger of her older siblings. Went they finished; I told them I know the friendship assembly failed them. Their no excuse for what happened. But if they can find it in their heart to forgive me, I'll be ok with that.' Rarity thought as she ran her fingers down the photo before kissing it. "If you can hear me up there, my dear Justice, your foals did forgive me for the failure. I would never betray our friendship like that." Rarity comments look through a small window in her room toward the sky. ~Back in Canterlot~ Walking down the white porcelain tile hallways of the Canterlot Grand Royal palace in Equestria's capital city was very lovely looking lavender-colored Alicorn/siren mare with sky blue mane and tail. Her 5ft 10in equine figure was attired in ivory white slightly below the knee length short-sleeve lace fit and flare dress. Her perfectly shaped lavender-colored bare feet with blue violet-colored toenail polish were silver wedge sandals with two and three-fourths inch heels. Behind her horn was the sun princess's original gold tiara that belongs to her Grandmother Princess Celestia Silverlight. Around her neck were a finely made gold and silver necklace with the sun and a half-moon symbol on it. This unicorn mare was Princess Alysia Ara Silverlight, the oldest daughter of the Grand Prince of the Moon Somnus Silverlight and Granddaughter of Princess Celestia Silverlight. She was on her way to the older part of the grand royal palace royal living area, the location of a door to an unoccupied and sealed bed-chamber to once belonged to her missing Grandmother Princess Celestia Silverlight. She reaches into her dress pocket and retrieves a copy of a small gold key with a stylized sun symbol on it. She inserts the gold key into the lock and unlocks the door before walking through the door into the room. She walks into a grand bed-chamber painted in pale yellow color that gives off energy and warmth. The room doesn't look unoccupied or sealed because Princess Alysia spends a full hour cleaning and dusting the place after finishing her royal court duties in the throne room with her mother, Princess Wave runner Silverlight the currently sitting Princess and ruler of Equestria. This room's dominating feature was the California king size bed with a white comforter with a quilted stylized sun symbol on it and the pillows to match. On either side of the bed were two dark wood nightstands with two suns shaped lamps on top. At the foot of the bed was a small bedroom bench. In the far wall of the bed-chamber was a large unlit fireplace with a large painted portrait of Alysia's grandparents. Princess Celestia and Prince Justice Silverlight the parents of the Royal foals. In front of the fireplace were two light gray upholstery and tufted accent chairs. Between the two accent chairs was a large pile of colorful pillows brought by Alysia's herself to sits on the floor in front of her grandparents' portrait. Along the opposite side was a long dark wood dresser and mirror, next to that was a dark wood 5-drawer chest. On a strong shelf were two busts of unicorn heads. On the first unicorn, the statue was her grandmother's gold tiara and collar. On the second unicorn, the figure was grandfather's gold crown. Seeing these three regal objects on display always caused Princess Alysia's to begin to weep, wishing her grandparents were here. From outside on the balcony, the pip-pops of a small water feature can be heard outside before adventuring deeper into her grandmother bed-chamber Alysia's reach down and slips her feet out of her wedge sandals. She's pap-pops over the marble tile floor of her grandparent's bed-chamber over to a pile of colorful pillows and sits down on top of the cushions and begins to talk to the painting. *************************************************************************************************************** In the Psychic Dimension, Princess Celestia Silverlight sits on the front leg of the Royal Alicorn stallion constellation laying on the ground lost in thought. The royal Alicorn stallion notices this and gently nudges Celestia's large and plushy white with a hint of pink crossed barefoot with his snout a few times. Went that doesn't work, he gently bounced her large and plushy foot on top of his snout, playfully getting her attention. "Huh?" Celestia exclaimed as the very tip of Justice's large tongue licked Celestia on her cheek, causing her to blush and giggle shyly. 'What are you thinking about, my love?' Justice asked telepathically as he gently rests his chin on her lap, and she kisses him on his snout; follow by caresses his cosmic dust mane with her hand. "Since being in this Psychic Dimension for how long I don't know. I have heard a voice in my head, a distressed voice. It started out as a filly voice, then a teenage mare voice. It broke my heart to hear it. The pony whose voice it belongs too was shunned by the general pony population for what reason I don't know. It hurt worse went it was filly voice; hearing the filly talking through tears broke my heart even more. You know me, my love. No pony, no matter what breed they are should be shunned like that." Celestia explains as Justice's licked Celestia on her cheek again. 'I know, Celestia, you were an exceptional ruler. You took the time to learn about that breed. You make sure to tell the general pony population that it was not right to shun any pony because they were different. Sometimes, that would cause trouble in the future, but that is why you have my Solar Guard and me. We would clean up your mess quickly and quietly without the general pony population knowing.' Justice said telepathically as he gently nuzzled her with his snout. 'But anyway, my love, do you know who the pony is?' Justice asked telepathically. "I don't. I was hoping you could help me with that, my love." Celestia asked as Justice shook his head no. 'Unfortunately, my love, I can't hear that voice like you. In the Psychic Dimension, only a pony with a very special connection to that pony can hear the voice. So who every that pony is has a connection to you, my dearest Sun Princess.' Justice explains telepathically as it makes Celestia even more saddened because she the only one that can hear that pony's voice. > Chapter 8 (The solar guard) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~The evening two weeks after the Crystal City purging small outpost base for the Friendship Kingdom army~ Slowly a lovely-looking lavender-colored Alicorn/siren mare with sky blue mane and tail makes her way to the Friendship Kingdom outpost base. Her 5ft 10in equine figure was attired in purple Special Forces combat body armor of the 41st Nightwing Battalion. Her perfectly shaped lavender-colored bare feet with blue violet-colored toenail polish were purple-colored form-fitting armored boots part of the nano-suit combat versatility systems. Adhere to her back (by special brackets) was a Colt commando pulse assault rifle and Special Force personal backpack. Around her waist was a utility belt holster with Special Forces custom pulse pistol and small satchel charge. On her head, over her horn, was purple colored Multi-optics helmet. This unicorn mare was 1st Lieutenant Alysia Ara Silverlight, the oldest daughter of the Grand Prince of the Moon Somnus Silverlight and 41st Nightwing battalion saboteur operative. 'No heat signals in any of the guard towers on all four corners.' Alysia thought as she scanned the towers with a thermo-imager in her helmet. "Friendship Kingdom outpost base, please respond code AAS 221," Alysia said into her build-in helmet radio. Suddenly six heat signatures begin to form in the outpost base, followed by four single heat signatures appear in each tower. "Solar Guard outpost base replying code SGC 02, Colonel Emerald Luster. AAS 221, please enter the outpost base. Royal Division of Solar Guard is now in control of the outpost base after it was abandoned by the Friendship Kingdom army." The mare voice said over the radio as Alysia approach the blast gates, it slowly opens. ~One month before deployment of the Equestria Royal Army to the Crystal Empire at the Special Operations Division building Grand Royal Palace~ Stand in the command office of Grand Prince of the Moon Somnus Silverlight were two mares. The first mare was a gorgeous looking thistle purple unicorn mare with flax yellow mane and tail. Her physical fit 5ft 10in equine figure was attired in the Gunmetal gray skirt uniform of the old Solar Guard Division. A pair of eleven-inch long thistle purple flawless and unblemished shaped bare feet sported a mare's size twelve black high heel pumps with three and one-half heels. On her head, behind her horn, was a black beret with gold sun and shield symbol on it. This unicorn mare was Captain Jewel Luster, the daughter of the retired Major Ruby Luster, after the death of Somnus's father and top-ranked sniper mare in the old Solar Guard Division under the command of Somnus's father, Prince Justice Silverlight. The second mare was gorgeous looking light blue pegasi mare with vivid violet mane and tail. Her physically fit 5ft 10in equine figure was attired in the Gunmetal gray skirt uniform of the old Solar Guard Division. On a pair of eleven inch long light blue flawless and unblemished shaped bare feet sported a mare's size twelve black high heel pumps with three and one-half heels. Folded on her back were her light blue feathered bird wings. On her head, between her ears, was a black beret with gold sun and shield symbol on it. This Pegasi mare was Captain Carine Stormchaser, the daughter of the retired Major Anita Stormchaser after the death of Somnus's father and top-ranked scout in the old Solar Guard Division under the command of Somnus's father, Prince Justice Silverlight. "You sent for us, your highness?" Both mares said simultaneously as they salute Prince Somnus, and before Somnus could speak, Jewel raises her hand up to stop him. "Before you say anything, your highness, we recognize you as the Grand Prince of the Moon. But that was not why we came; you are the son of my mother’s closest friend. Our undying loyalty belongs to Commander Justice Silverlight and no other. With that say your highness, we reserve the right to refuse anything you ask of us." Jewel said staunchly as Somnus's sighs and the ears on top his head droop. "I knew it was going to be difficult, even my own older sister, Grand Princess of the Sun Aurora Silverlight, has not fully earned the loyalty of the whole Royal Division of Solar Guard. But they are loyal to Equestria like my father was." Somnus said, knowing as he placed his elbows on his desk and rests his hands on his snout. "Will you both just hear me out? If you want to refuse what I ask, it will be devastating. But I will accept it." Somnus comments as he watches Jewel float two chairs in front of his desk and the two mares sit down and cross their legs. "Princess Twilight Sparkle and her Friendship assembly have come under suspicion of aiding Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle her niece and her Crystal Empire. They didn't act went Flurry Heart took the throne from Grand Princess of love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight, my little sister; it was a shock. The answer Princess Twilight gave was they didn't know it hurt. If we must call up the Friendship Kingdom army for this Crystal war, they're a good chance they will abandon their post. So we need two soldiers from Equestria Royal Army to keep their eyes on the Friendship Kingdom army. If I sent anyone from my 41st Nightwing Battalion, they would surely be spotted by the Friendship Kingdom. But the Royal Division of Solar Guard has largely been forgotten to the general public the Solar guard was disbanded went my father passed." Somnus explains as the two mares begin to speak in the Solar Guard code, a language his father taught to his Solar Guard soldiers. "All right, your highness, we will take the mission." Both mares said simultaneously as they salute Prince Somnus, surprising him that went he lay out the whole plan for them. ~A few hours later that same month before deployment of the Equestria Royal Army to the Crystal Empire at the Special Operations Division building Grand Royal Palace~ As it was getting later, Grand Prince of the Moon Somnus Silverlight was about to leave his office to head to the throne room went two more mares walk into the office. The first mare was a gorgeous looking orchid purple older unicorn mare with fern green mane and tail. Her athletic 5ft 11in equine figure was attired in the Gunmetal gray skirt uniform of the old Solar Guard Division. On a pair of eleven and one-sixth inch long orchid purple flawless and unblemished shaped bare feet sported a mare's size twelve and one-fifth black high heel pumps with three one-half heels. On her head, behind her horn, was a black beret with gold sun and shield symbol on it. This unicorn mare is Major Ruby Luster a master sniper mare in old Solar Guard Division under the command of Somnus's father, Prince Justice Silverlight. The second mare was appealing looking white older pegasi mare with Spanish blue mane and tail. Her physically fit 5ft 7in equine figure was attired in the Gunmetal gray skirt uniform of the old Solar Guard Division. A pair of ten-inch long white flawless and unblemished shaped bare feet sported a mare's size nine black high heel pumps with three and one-half heels. Folded on her back were her white feathered bird wings. On her head, between her ears, was a black beret with gold sun and shield symbol on it. This Pegasi mare is Major Anita Stormchaser, a master scout in the old Solar Guard Division under the command of Somnus's father, Prince Justice Silverlight. "Well, what are two most decorated Solar Guard mares doing here and members of my father's senior command staff, Major Luster and Major Stormchaser. Greetings, Ladies." Somnus said politely and respectfully as he bows two mares in front of him. This causes the two mares to shyly chuckle. "There no doubt you are Justice's son, your highness," Ruby said politely as the two older mares sat down in the chair in front of Somnus's desk. "I thank you, Lady Ruby and Lady Anita. But that still has not told me why you two have come to see me?" Somnus inquiry sitting back down in his chair. "We have come here to offer the services of two Master Solar Guard members. If not for your father, we mares that makeup Solar Guard unit. We would not be allowed to prove ourselves long ago. So we are permanently indebted to your father, your highness." Anita explains as Somnus gape in stunned silence with two masters offering their skills to the Equestria Royal Army. ~Back to present Solar Guard Outpost base command center~ Meanwhile, at the Solar Guard outpost base in the underground command center, sitting behind the base's combat computer was a gorgeous looking pearly purple older unicorn mare with fern green mane and tail. Her toned 5ft 9in equine figure was attired the gunmetal gray color nano-suit of the Royal Division of Solar Guard. On a pair of eleven and one-third inch, long pearly purple flawless and unblemished shaped bare feet were Gunmetal gray-colored form-fitting boots. This unicorn mare is Colonel Emerald Luster, the solar guard commanding officer for the new Solar Guard outpost base. She is soon joined by appealing looking white older pegasi mare with Spanish blue mane and tail. Her physically fit 5ft 7in equine figure was attired in the gunmetal gray color nano-suit of the Royal Division of Solar Guard. On a pair of ten-inch long white flawless and unblemished shaped bare feet were Gunmetal gray-colored form-fitting boots. Folded on her back were her white feathered bird wings. This Pegasi mare is Major Anita Stormchaser, the solar guard executive officer for the new Solar Guard outpost base. The command center's final mare was gorgeous looking orchid purple older unicorn mare with fern green mane and tail. Her athletic 5ft 11in equine figure was attired in the gunmetal gray color nano-suit of the Royal Division of Solar Guard. On a pair of eleven and one-sixth inch long orchid purple flawless and unblemished shaped bare feet were Gunmetal gray-colored form-fitting boots. This unicorn mare is Major Ruby Luster the Solar guard operations officer for the new Solar Guard outpost base. A moment later, a very lovely looking lavender-colored Alicorn/siren mare with sky blue mane and tail walks into the outpost base's command center. Her 5ft 10in equine figure was attired in purple nano-suit of the 41st Nightwing battalion. On her, perfectly shaped lavender-colored bare feet were purple colored form-fitting boots. This unicorn mare was 1st Lieutenant Alysia Ara Silverlight, the oldest daughter of the Grand Prince of the Moon Somnus Silverlight and 41st Nightwing battalion saboteur operative. "You three are from my grandfather's senior command staff of the Royal Division of Solar Guard. Went you say, Colonel Emerald Luster, it never registered that you are my Grandfather's Senior Commander." Alysia said, shocked as her face glazes with shock looking at the three senior commanders for her grandfather’s Royal Division of Solar Guard. "Your grandfather?" Emerald exclaims as she looked at her sister Ruby a bit puzzled. She was equally puzzled as Anita had a knowing smile on her snout that Emerald noticed. "Anita? Do you know who this young mare grandfather is?" Emerald asked, looking toward Anita. "Yes, this young mare in front of you is Princess Alysia Ara Silverlight, Justice's oldest granddaughter, and his son's oldest daughter," Anita explains as Ruby and Emerald gasp in shock. "You are Justice's Granddaughter?" Emerald exclaimed as a cold fist feeling closed over her heart, learning that Justice's son had foals of his own. "That is correct, Miss Pegasi, how do you know that?" Alysia inquiry as Anita chuckles softly into the back of her hand. "You probably don't remember me, your highness. You were still a baby went I visited you. I was fulfilling a promise I make to your grandfather to keep an eye on his family went he died. My name is Major Anita Stormchaser, your highness." Anita said politely as Alysia's face flushes with happiness. "Aunt Stormchaser!" Alysia exclaimed as runs up to Anita and hugs her. "Like your grandfather, your father insisted that you call me Auntie," Anita said as she returns Alysia's hugged and kisses her on her horn. "Colonel Luster, you report that the Friendship Kingdom army abandoned this outpost base. Is that right, Mam?" Alysia inquiry as she turns her attention towards Emerald. "Yes, your highness." Emerald reply "Went did it happen, Colonel? And went did you find out?" Alysia asked as the four mares sat down around the holographic tactical table in the command center. Meanwhile, above ground 'Palomino,' a light reconnaissance Equestria Royal Army helicopter comes in for a landing piloted by Grand Princess of the Sun Aurora Silverlight. Accompanying her was Grand Prince of the Moon Somnus Silverlight and Grand Princess of Love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight. The three rulers headed to the Friendship Kingdom outpost base after getting a report from an off-duty Equestria Royal Army reconnaissance team of a small Friendship Kingdom convoy heading back to the Friendship Kingdom vie a little-used road. "Staff Sergeant, where is the commanding officer for this post?" Blueberry inquiry as she spoke to Solar Guard staff sergeant mare who guided the helicopter in. "The Colonel is in the command center, talking to a 1st Lieutenant who arrived about an hour ago." Solar Guard Staff Sergeant Mare explains, pointing to the entry tunnel into the post's underground section. With that, the three rulers walk down the entry tunnel and head toward the Command Center of the outpost base. It takes only a few minutes to arrive at the command center; the two older rulers gasp upon see who in command of the outpost. "Colonel Emerald Luster!" The two older royal foals exclaimed. "Greeting your highnesses, it had been quite a long time. You probably already know this, but your father would be very proud that you two took over rule from your missing Mother and Aunt. I will guess that his third mare with you is Justice's youngest daughter Princess Blueberry Swirl Silverlight. You kind of look like your mother, Princess Celestia Silverlight." Emerald comment as she stood in front of Blueberry, who was a bit confused with this unicorn mare knowing all about her royal family. "I am unicorn, and who are you?" Blueberry inquiry as Emerald smiled. "I am Colonel Emerald Luster, your father's second in command of Royal Division of Solar Guard. These other two mares make up your father's senior command staff for the Solar Guard." Emerald explains as she's a gesture the three rulers to sit down around the holographic tactical table in the command center. "Went you three arrived, I was going to answer your daughter's two questions she asked me," Emerald explains as Alysia sits down next to her father, allowing her Aunt Aurora to take her seat at the holographic tactical table. "We believed the mass retreat of the Friendship Kingdom army happens sometime late last night. Went our small undercover Solar Guard squad was sleeping, we don't believe the small company of Friendship Kingdom military knew that the Solar Guard was posing as Mercenaries. Because Princess Twilight Sparkle paid off contract fully and told them their services were no longer needed." Emerald explains as the whole table gasped at once. "As for me, I found a message in my room tell me something was going to happen one of these nights. The message was from Miss Rarity Radiance, so I took a solo mission, so I will be away from the post that would take a few nights to complete." Emerald explains as she passed around the message from Miss Rarity Radiance so all could read it. > Chapter 9 (Awaken) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Dammit, we knew that Princess Twilight Sparkle and her Friendship Kingdom army would abandon their post," Aurora exclaimed furiously as the alarm sounds in the command center cause all the ponies in the command center to don the combat body armor and activate the main holographic view screen in the center. Suddenly the detection sensors around the outpost base sound an alarm causing the small Solar Guard squad to quickly deploy; within second several Pegasus elite scouts spread out across the battlefield looking for the reason for the alarm going off. A moment later, artillery shell arc overhead and strike the communications tower behind the post walls. Shards fly into the air as the tower is destroyed; a Pegasus scout quickly relays the Crystal army mobile artillery unit's coordinates just north of the post. Quickly five Solar Guard mare troopers man the single M119A3 howitzer, quickly one of the mares begin relays target coordinates from the Pegasus scout in the field to her artillery crew. Who quickly load the shell into the howitzer and start lining up target coordinates; a moment later, they fire. The Pegasus scout relays to the artillery crew that they were off by a few feet; they load the next shell and adjust target coordinates. They fire again; this time, the Crystal army mobile artillery unit crew quickly abandoned the unit as the projectile strikes the unit destroying it. With the threat neutralized, all the Pegasus elite scouts are recalled back to the post. In the command center, Colonel Emerald Luster begins to assess the communication tower's damage with the Solar Guard combat engineer's help on the roof of the command center. The Solar Guard combat engineer reports that the communication tower would take several hours to fully repair it. But she can get the tower partially functioning with limited sensor contact and no long-range communication. All communication is limited to build-in helmet radios and portable units. "Understood Corporal, set to work repairing the Con tower, Colonel Luster out," Emerald said vie her build-in helmet radio to the combat engineer on the roof. "Attention all personnel communication is limited to helmet radios and portable units. Sniper teams take a position in the four guard towers. This post is on orange alert until further notice." Emerald said over the PA systems inside the post. Quickly the limited Solar Guard personnel begin taking position around the base, trying to cover as much as possible. Meanwhile, in the Crystal Palace's Throne room, Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle and Royal Advisor Rose Eventide watch the video feed from a Crystal Empire army scout of the unauthorized attack on the Friendship Kingdom outpost base by a Crystal Empire mobile artillery unit. "The post didn't respond to the attack right away! Maybe what that recon bike scout say was true my Aunt Twilight and her friendship kingdom army abandoned the post." Flurry heart comments as she scratches her chin with her gloved hand a few times. "If whoever is in control of the post is small like I think they are, let take that post. If we can take that post, we could bring in materials much quicker from Equestria to help us." Flurry Heart explains as Rose's eyes narrowed with suspicion about attacking the post. 'It took only two shells to destroy the Mobile artillery unit; the first shot was off by few feet. The second shot hit the target; even the best artillery team takes at the most three shots to hit a mobile target.' Rose thought, watching the replay of the video feed went the mobile artillery unit was hit. At that same time, at the Royal Division of Solar Guard's main military base in Equestria, the Solar Guard Rapid Deployment force of two platoons begins to form; it will take 48 hours for the Rapid Deployment Force to deploy to the Crystal Empire. In the meantime, two squads of Solar Guard paratroopers in 'shire horse' troop transport plane speeds to Crystal Empire to reinforce the Solar Guard squad at the outpost base. Emerald receives constant clear reports from the elite scouts from 100 miles away and garbled, static reports from 300 miles away in the command center. Suddenly 300 miles away in the north, an elite scout spots Crystal Empire platoon heading straight to the outpost base. Before she can send a warning, an energy weapon is fired toward her forcing her to dodge the incoming fire. A moment later, her wing is hit, and she crash lands; she quickly gets to her feet and makes a dead run into a nearby light forest why being pursued by 'Arabian' hover military jeep from the Crystal Empire. At 200 miles point, sitting in tree branches was master scout Major Anita Stormchaser; she just finished her 200 miles patrol area and was about to head back to the base. Unlike the elite scout at a 300-mile point, Anita quickly shoots into a cloud bank she set up for an emergency. The Crystal Empire platoon passes just under her cloud bank, continuing on its way to post. She stays hidden in the cloud bank until the Crystal empire platoon's last pass under her position. Quickly Anita relays the message to the 100-mile point elite scout, who relays the post's message. Before the Crystal Empire platoon could arrive, Emerald put the post on red alert. The limited Solar Guard personnel quickly take up the best defensive position around the base and wait for the Crystal Empire Platoon's arrival. In the guard towers, Captain Jewel Luster and her mother, Major Ruby Luster, begin getting comfortable in their sniper nest; before initiating their Special Forces Combat body armor, both mares say a silent prayer. At the end of the silent prayer, both the shooters and rifles cloak to wait. Behind one of the wall sections, Captain Carine Stormchaser and two other solar guard mare troopers check their pulse assault rifle and grenade launcher a few times. All three mares’ stomachs flutter with anxiety because of this first real combat for this new generation of Solar Guard troopers. But like the old Solar Guard troopers, these mares are incredibly patients cool under fire. The mood in the post is heavy with tension as Colonel Emerald Luster, attired in her heavy combat body armor, walks from wall section to wall section calming the jittery nature of this new generation of Solar guard troopers. Suddenly a lookout spotted three crystal empire army recon bike heading toward the post. Emerald quickly orders the snipers in guard towers to track the recon bikes, why troopers in the wall section stay out of sight. The three recon bikes begin driving around the post, one cycle clockwise and two other bikes counter-clockwise shining a small spotlight through gun slits in the wall. Suddenly one of the recon bikes stops and reaches into a small metal box; he brings out a small canister. Ruby quickly identifies the small canister as a harmless smoke grenade. The rider tosses the smoke grenade into the base, and mares quickly activate their helmet gas mask. Purple smoke begins to billow from the canister inside the post. A moment later, another sniper in one of the other guard towers reports that one of the other recon bikes uses his radio. Soon the rest of the Crystal Empire Platoon arrives at the post. In that very second, the outpost base is lit up with energy weapon fire from the troops inside, catching the Crystal Empire platoon by surprise. The Crystal Empire platoon quickly became hard-pressed as the snipers took out the troop's heavy weapon soldiers with relative ease. As the sun slowly rose in the sky over the battlefield, the Crystal Empire platoon was finally able to get into a relatively good defensive position to return fire. But the quick attack by the post's defenders has neutralized the siege of the post by taking out the heavy weapon personnel. Meanwhile, in the Crystal City, rumors began to circulate that the Royal Division of Solar Guard thought disbanded went Prince Justice Silverlight passed, wasn't. This has to giving the Crystal ponies population of the Crystal City some hope of the crystal war ending. But they know the only way for the Crystal war to truly end is for Princess Celestia and Princess Luna Silverlight to return. If those two powerful Alicorns returned, it would give the Crystal ponies population the courage to take back their city from Princess Flurry Heart Sparkle. In the Psychic Dimension, the spirits of Princess Celestia Silverlight and Princess Luna Silverlight stand upon large bare feet in the cave with their energy bubbles. Suddenly the bodies inside the bubble begin to stir to life. The two Alicorn spirits sense their real bodies are trying to wake up from the deep sleep spell on them. Quickly Luna's spirit returns to her real body as a hole in the dimensional fabric begins to absorb her sleeping body bubble. Celestia's eyes are haunted by some inner anxiety watching her sleeping body bubble get adsorb by the hole; if her spirit doesn't return to her real body, it will never wake up. Suddenly Justice's spirit appears; she quickly hugs and kisses him and promptly returns to her real body. Justice's watches as the two holes close went both bubbles pass through them into the waking world. His anthro spirit form is soon joined by his simple Royal Alicorn stallion constellation form. "Are you ready, Lord Justice Silverlight spirit, to merge with your real Royal Alicorn stallion constellation form to be reborn?" The royal alicorn stallion constellation asked as Justice shook his head. "Are you ready, Royal Shogun Justice Silverlight, to merge with this anthro spirit and fulfill my promise to reunite with my Terran Alicorn wife?" Lord Justice Silverlight asked as royal alicorn stallion constellation shook his head. With that, the two spirits touch a hand to the frog of a hoof; in the next instance, their bright flash, the two spirits form one being. The constellation marking became even brighter across his black pelt body. His mane and tail become fuller as cosmic rays fill in the empty area of cosmic dust. His hoofs become burn red with bright giant stars. The spiral horn on top of his head grows a bit longer, increasing his eternal magic ability. With the increase in his eternal magic ability, the surrounding dimension begins to morph and change, crushing the nearby floating rocks to dust. Soon the large Royal Alicorn stallion constellation form begins to shrink and compress into a small star and shoot out of the Psychic Dimension into the awaking world of space. It begins to pulsate a powerful energy wave throughout space, attracting an Imperator Alicorn collection vessel. Aboard this vessel was everlasting and captivating light blue imperator alicorn mare with imperial red mane and tail, she locks onto the pulsating star directing the collection vessel toward it. Her perfect 6ft 12in equine figure was attired in a mineral green spacesuit, and on her perfect shaped light blue bare feet were mineral green form-fitting boots. On top of her head, behind her horn, was magnificent jewel-studded diadem. Why folded on her back were jeweled bio-mechanical gold metal bird wings. This Imperator Alicorn mare was Empress Galaxy Cosmos, the supreme creator of the Imperator Alicorn species and supreme ruler of all Imperator Alicorn Space. Galaxy makes her way down a line of vertical glass tubes filled with special chemicals; in each tube is single star from the star collection event. As she passes each star in the tubes, they blink once, reacting to her tremendous eternal magic ability, but soon stop. As she reaches the last glass tube, the star into that tube being to blink and continues to blink as she stands in front of the tube. "So, my little star, you want me to raise you?" Galaxy asked as the star blinks in response to her question. 'Great grandmother,' a stallion voice said telepathically in Galaxy's head as tears streak her cheeks as she rests the palm of her gloved hand against the glass. "Quickly take this star to the warrior's regeneration tube, stat!" Galaxy orders as the medical team quickly transfer the star from the collection tube to a small transport tube to take it to a regeneration tube. "Your Imperial Majesty, the star has been placed in the regeneration tube as you ordered." The medical mare explains to the Empress as she once again rests her hand on the glass. "May I ask why your imperial majesty?" The medical mare asked. "This star spoke to me and called me great grandmother. In the voice of my great-grandson Justice. If there any chance that this star is my great-grandson Justice. I'll finely learn what happen to my royal family on that mission to the M-class planet." Galaxy explains tears streak her cheek again. "Yes, your imperial majesty. But remember the special chemicals in the regeneration tube might block some of his memories." The medical mare explains as Galaxy shook her head a few times. "I know that doctor, but still, I'll have at least one of my royal families back with me. And I can help to restore some of his lost memories." Galaxy explains to the mare doctor. "We will transfer the regeneration tube to infinity palace medical deck for continuing to recover and reforming." The medical mare explains as she left to get the paperwork for transfer the tube to Infinity Palace going. 'Welcome home, my dear great-grandson Justice Silverlight. Your great grandmother Empress Galaxy Cosmos will take care of you now.' Galaxy said telepathically as the star blinked. > Chapter 10 (The return of the sun and the moon) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~A few months later in Space at the infinity palace on the Medical deck~ Lying on an imperator Alicorn stasis gelatin hospital bed in the Infinity Palace's medical control deck, a large Citadel class space station the main palace for the infinity star sector of Imperator Alicorn space. Was a gorgeous dark blue colored imperator alicorn stallion with crimson red mane and tail; since being removed from the regeneration tube fully reformed, he has remained unresponsive but breathing steadily. His athletic 6ft 5in equine figure was attired in a form-fitting recovering suit and folded on his back were gold bio-mechanical metal bird wings. This Imperator Alicorn stallion was Royal Shogun Justice Silverlight and the great-grandson of Empress Galaxy Cosmos. As we look about the hospital room sitting on a chair at the foot of the bed was stunning, looking dim gray-colored imperator Alicorn mare with orange, yellow mane and tail. Her 6ft 2in very physically fit equine figure was attired periwinkle colored spacesuit.On her dim gray bare feet were periwinkle colored form-fitting boots and folded on her back were silver bio-mechanical metal bird wings. This imperator, Alicorn mare, was Galactic Knight Erato Aureola and imperator Alicorn aerospace fighter pilot ace and commander of the Crown of light Aerospace fighter group aboard the 'IAS Stellar Eclipse' imperator Alicorn super carrier-class warship. The room with her was lovely looking Spanish gray-colored imperator alicorn mare with midnight black mane and tail. Her 6ft 2in athletic equine figure was attired in a deep pink colored spacesuit, and on her Spanish gray bare feet were deep pink colored form-fitting boots and folded on her back were silver bio-mechanical metal bird wings. This second imperator, Alicorn mare, was Galactic Knight Urania Corona, a squadron leader within the Crown of light Aerospace fighter group aboard the 'IAS Stellar Eclipse' imperator Alicorn super carrier-class warship. Lastly, the room was alluring, looking cool gray imperator Alicorn mare with red-orange mane and tail. Her 6ft 2in toned equine figure was attired in a peach-colored spacesuit, and on her cool gray bare feet were peach colored form-fitting boots and folded on her back were silver bio-mechanical metal bird wings. This third Imperator, Alicorn mare, was Galactic Knight Clio Quasar, the first officer aboard the 'IAS Stellar Eclipse' imperator Alicorn super carrier-class warship under the command of Royal Shogun Justice Silverlight. "Do you think he will remember us, Clio?" Erato inquiry as Clio blinks with surprise at the question. "The only way to know for sure is for Justice to regain consciousness and know who we are Erato." Clio comment as all three mares signs softly together. "Besides the three of us, have a strong connection to Justice. If nothing else." Urania comments, her voice constricted as she's clasp and unclasps her left hand. "Wonder no longer, my sweet mares, Erato, Clio, and Urania. Wait, I have four mares; where is my fourth mare? Calliope Spirals?" Justice inquiry slowly sits up and looks at the three mares in the room as their faces flush with happiness with Justice know who they are. "Galactic Knight Calliope Spirals is currently on a deep space reconnaissance mission for the Empress, my lord," Clio explains as Justice's face brightening with the news. "Sound like Calliope, that mare of mine is always off on a mission. Number one, what is the status of our baby?" Justice inquiry as Clio chuckles softly into the back of her gloved hand. "IAS Stellar Eclipse is fully functioning; I have kept our crew ship-shape." Clio answer as a smile forms on her snout. "Squadron leader Galactic Knight Urania Corona status?" Justice inquiries toward Urania as Erato's face flushing with indignation. "All ships are in perfect working condition, my lord," Urania answered as Justice Looks towards Erato. "Group leader Galactic Knight Erato Aureola, what is the status of all the fighter pilots aboard 'IAS Stellar Eclipse'?" Justice inquiry catching Erato by surprise with the question. "Huh? The status of all the fighter pilots aboard your super carrier is very high, my lord." Erato answered as she figures out he was asking Urania about the fighters only and not the pilots. "Very good, my dear mares, be ready, my Great grandmother, the Empress, should be arriving soon. An Imperator alicorn mare nurse just passes in front of my room on her way to check another patient." Justice comments as three mares look at each other. ~A week has only passed on the planet of Sol~ The battle between the Crystal Empire forces and Solar Guard defenders of the outpost base has gone on for one week now; the reinforcement from the Royal Division of Solar Guard's main military base in Equestria has put more pressure on the Crystal Empire forces. Forcing them to call in additional reinforcements from the Crystal City to deal with the support from the Royal Division of Solar Guard's main military base. The reinforcements from Equestria Royal Army has trickled in slowly as Princess Flurry heart Sparkle opened up a second front, causing the Equestria Royal army to split they forces to fight two battle at once. Request for reinforcements from the Friendship Kingdom has mostly been ignored by Princess Twilight Sparkle; the only one to respond to reinforce has been 1st Lieutenant Rarity Radiance. But she does not fights under the banner of Friendship Kingdom; she fighting under her own banner. From the battlements of a wall section of the outpost base, Colonel Emerald Luster lays down 90mm recoilless rifle fire from a portable launcher taking out huge chunks of earth battlements that the Crystal Empire army quickly erected to protect themselves from the defender's fire. But her munitions are getting dangerously low and along with the energy clips for the pulse energy weapon used by post defenders. As the energy clips reach depletion and shells begin to slow, exhaustion starts to creep into the post defenders. Suddenly from the northwestern sky, a flight of Solar Guard 'super warhorse' assault helicopters appear and lay down fire toward the Crystal Empire army force them to retreat as the heavy weapon personnel was taking out early. As the Crystal Empire Army flees back to the Crystal city battered and bruised. More good news comes over garbled, static communication lines that the second front has held, and Crystal Empire Army retreated from that front. As the Royal Division of Solar Guard reinforcements begins to arrive at the post-Colonel Emerald Luster and defenders of the outpost base, decide to take the opportunity to sleep. As the Solar Guard Personnel know what to do without having to be told. In her room at the officer's barracks, Colonel Emerald Luster lays on her bed, catch up on her sleep. Meanwhile, at the Grand Royal Palace in Canterlot, a royal security squad begins their patrol duties of the palace; each member of this squad is wearing satin sheen gold-colored light combat body armor and helmets armed with heavy pulse pistols and stun batons members of the Grand Princess of the sun Aurora Silverlight troops. In the older part of the royal living area, this squad meets up with the second squad wearing purple-colored light combat body armor and helmets with fin shaped crest armed with heavy pulse pistols and stun batons members of Grand Prince of the Moon Somnus Silverlight troops. Monitoring the security camera around the palace in the security room where three mares wearing ice-blue colored light combat body armor and helmets armed with heavy pulse pistols and stun batons members of the Grand Princess of love Blueberry Swirl Silverlight troops. A moment later, the two security cameras covering the unoccupied and sealed bed chambers of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna Silverlight blink off. In the rooms, two 6-foot long spectrums colored oblong energy bubble float above the beds. Soon there's a loud pop from the bubble two bodies dropped onto the mattress in each room. A moment later, a white with a hint of pink five-fingered hand with thick hoof-like fingernails touches the forehead of a breathtakingly beautiful white with a hint of pink alicorn mare with a messy golden blonde mane and tail. Her 6ft 5in perfect equine figure was attired in a lemon-lime colored nightgown with a slit that started from below her prefect hips running down her thigh. Revealing the stylized orange sun on her leg and ended just above the ankles of her large and plushy white with a hint of pink bare feet. Folded on her back was her white with a touch of pink large feathered bird wings. This white with a hint of pink alicorn mare was Princess Celestia Silverlight, the missing original Princess of the Sun. Meanwhile, in the other bedroom sitting up in her bed as tears streak her cheeks, was heavenly looking dark blue alicorn mare with a messy jet black mane and tail. Her 6ft 3in equine figure was attired in a vanilla-colored nightgown with a slit that started from below her hips run down her thigh, revealed a white crescent moon on a dark background ended just above the ankles of her large dark blue bare feet. Folded on her back were her dark blue large feathered bird wings. This dark blue alicorn mare was Princess Luna Silverlight, the missing original Princess of the night and dreams. As the two Alicorn mares swing their legs out from under their blankets and touch cold marble tiles with the exposed soft flesh on the bottom of their feet, they instinctively yank their feet up. "What in my light! What are those things?" Celestia exclaims as she looks at the end of her legs, revealing a pair of fairly large, long, full, thick, and plush white with a hint of pink bare feet with sexy deep sets arches, shapely not too long toes that are the perfect length for her unassuming Alicorn size feet with crystal clear nail polish. "Are they me? Preposterous, my hoofs are not that big!" Celestia said in a huff as her toes wiggled every time she thought about the action. Slowly the reality started to sink in, and Celestia pap-pops over the marble tiles floor over to the full-length standing mirror to look at her new form of a two-legged pony. 'Not bad at all, I am still breathtakingly beautiful white with a hint of pink alicorn mare with a messy golden blonde mane and tail.' Celestia thought as she saw a glint of gold on the fourth finger of her left hand in the mirror. 'Why, that my wedding ring. My beloved Justice put that ring on my finger. I promised went he's passed away I would remain faithful to him and wait for him to return that what I am going to do. It doesn't matter that I am a two-legged pony. My beloved Justice will love me even more.' Celestia thought again as she looks at her gold wedding ring on her finger. "EEP!" Luna exclaims as she looked at a pair of dark blue wonderfully shaped bare feet roughly the same size as Celestia's feet but a tad bit smaller with perfectly shaped five elegant toes painted with deep pink toenail polish. 'Those things are called feet; this must be some kind of dream. I must be trapped in the dream dimension. No way would pony have feet, we have hoofs.' Luna thought as she pinches herself hard on her cheek. "Ouch!" Luna screams, learning she's not dreaming. With that, Luna pap-pops over the marble tiles floor over to the full-length standing mirror to look at her new form of a two-legged pony. Soon a deafening shriek echoes throughout the palace hallways as Luna bursts into Celestia's bed-chamber wearing her vanilla-colored nightgown. In her panic, she tackles Celestia knock them head over heel well out of range of the security camera turn toward that location. As the two Alicorn mares come to rest in one corner of Celestia's bedroom. Slowly a smile begins to grows on her snout, and in the next instance, Celestia's screamed with laughter as the tip of Luna's tail tickles her large and plush white with a hint of pink bare feet as it whooshes back and forth. "Pleeheeaseee L-L-Luna, stahaaahaahaha! Bwahahahahahahaaa! Toooo muuuuch tihigigickling! Stop! Stop! Your tail moving!" Celestia screamed once again with laughter as Luna finally figure out what was going on and stop her tail from moving. "Are those soft soles of your white with a hint of pink fleshy feet that ticklish, sis?" Luna inquiry as Celestia's shot a frigid stare toward her sister. "Noooot my toes! Not my toohohohohohohohhohohos!" Luna squeaked, clawing at the smooth marble tiles floors of her sister bedroom, try to get away from her sister as Celestia gently wriggled her fingertips along the underside of each of Luna's perfectly shaped five elegant toes. "Sister, stop! You make your point! My dark blue fleshy feet are just as ticklish!" Luna screams as Celestia stops. "What is going on, Tia? Why are we two-legged ponies and not four-legged ponies?" Luna exclaimed as the two Alicorn mares sat on the floor in Celestia's bedroom, and the two sisters did a slow, appraising glance at each other new form. "But anyway, go back to your room and get dress; then when you finish, come back to my room, so we can both figure out what is going on around here," Celestia explains as Luna stood back up and heads back to her room to get dressed. A few minutes later, Luna returns to Celestia's bed-chamber wearing a well-made ivory-colored fit and flare dress. On her dark blue bare feet were silver heeled sandals with three and one fourth inch heel. On top of her head, behind her horn, were her black metal princess's regalia. She was carrying a stainless steel band that would fit on her forearm if she knew how to get it there. Looking at the same stainless steel band was Celestia. She was wearing a well-made lime green colored fit and flare dress. On her large and plush white with a hint of pink bare feet were gold heeled sandals with three and one fourth inch heel. On top of her head, behind her horn, were her gold princess's regalia. "Tia, what is this thing?" Luna inquires as Celestia looks at the band in Luna's hand. "It looks like a piece of armor called a Vambrace, I have one too. It's worn on the forearm, but this metal doesn't look strong enough to protect the user from anything." Celestia comments as she touches a glowing light on the vambrace with her hand. Celestia suddenly winces as a micro needle pokes her palm and gets a sample of her blood. "New user detected. Running DNA sequence for a new user. Affirmative, new user DNA program. Programming completed. The new user holds Minicomputer Vambrace or MCV above one of your forearms to activate all the systems." The computer voice in vambrace said as Celestia picks up the MCV and holds it above her forearm. A moment later, it locks itself on her forearm with all the systems working. After watching how her own sister activated the Minicomputer Vambrace, Luna follows the same sequence. Before long, the MCV was on her forearm. As the two sisters discuss their next move, they are seen by two earth ponies' anthros on the video surveillance system members of the Royal Palace security force. They are wearing ice-blue colored light combat body armor and helmets armed with heavy pulse pistols and stun batons. They make their way to the older part of the royal living area to investigate the intruders. As the security guards set foot in the older part of the palace hallway, the door to an unoccupied and sealed bed-chamber opens. From the bed-chamber doorsteps, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. Their eyes meet the eyes of the security guards. The guards glaze with shock upon seeing these two mares exiting the room. When Luna steps back, her heel bumps a stone pedestal with a ceramic vase on it. In slow motion, the vase falls and shatters into pieces. The panicked security guards open fire on the two mares, but all their shots miss their targets. "Luna, run! Let's get out of here! Something tells me we don't want to get hit by what they are shooting at us!" Celestia screams as the two sisters run as fast as they can. The guards report over the radio to the rest of the Royal Palace security forces of the contact with the unknown intruders coming their way. Both Celestia and Luna easily dodge the incoming energy weapon fire from the guards behind them. They run headlong down the hallways. Before long, they enter a large open area of the palace with even more security personnel armed with heavy pulse pistols and pulse shotguns behind makeshift barricades. They skid to a stop and turn on their heels, as these guards open fire. Forcing them to run back the other way as these security guards try to pin them down with heavy weapon fire. Soon police sirens echo through the streets of Canterlot as the Canterlot Military Police Department patrol vehicles speed to the incident at the palace, followed closely by a CMP Hostage Rescue team vehicle with its full complements of personnel armed and ready to go.