> A Collection of Unfinished Stories > by LunaEclipsed15 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Hold Me Here Tonight (E) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Dagi?” Sonata shuffled into the living room of her and her sisters’ shabby apartment, holding a fuzzy blanket tightly around her shoulders and rubbing her worn out nose. Adagio turned around to face her youngest sister, taking in the sick girl’s disheveled appearance. Outside the wind howled and the three girls could barely afford rent, much less heating and AC. It was all they could do to keep the lights on, water running, and continue to put food on the table. It was no wonder Sonata had caught a cold. “What is it?” she asked, lowering her voice so as to not wake the middle sibling, who hated being woken up once she had already gone to bed. As the clock ticked past eleven, it was strange to see Sonata up. “I can’t sleep. It’s too cold,” the blue haired sirin said, her teeth chattering slightly as she pulled her blanket around herself tighter. She was wearing fleece pajama pants, a large fuzzy robe, and two pairs of socks and yet the cold still bit at her skin. Adagio sighed. After a few seconds of watching Sonata shiver, she called her over. > A Thousand Years (T) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset laid on her bed in Canterlot Castle, sobbing into her hooves. In front of her sat a picture. It was one from her wedding. She and Twilight were standing in a beautiful forest at Camp Everfree. Twilight’s pink princess dress shimmered in the light and Sunset’s icy blue gown fell around the two of them as she held the bookworm to her chest, their rings glinting in the light on their entwined hands. She looked up at it and more tears flowed from her eyes. The fur on her cheeks was tear stained and mattered. She lifted her wings and pulled them tighter around herself, trying her best to close herself off from the world. Sunset vaguely heard hoofsteps approaching her bedroom. The door was open after all. She just didn’t care anymore. It had been over a century since they left the human world after all her friends and wife’s death and she still couldn’t get over them. She didn’t forget. She would never forget. She cried almost everyday, missing them. The new princess of the sun barely convinced herself to raise and lower the sun every morning and evening, delegating most of her tasks to Princess Twilight. The elements of harmony connected Twilight and all her friends. They wouldn’t die, at least not for a very long time. Seeing them around broke Sunset’s heart more than it already was. They were all carbon copies of the girls she loved more than anything. Twilight wouldn’t lose them, but Sunset, she had lost everything. Her mom and aunt had died off almost half a century ago. Her wife and friends had all died relatively close to one another. She could barely recover and grieve one before the next one was gone too. Rarity, then Applejack, then Pinkie, then Rainbow, then Fluttershy, then Twilight. All dead within two years. Her mother-in-law and father-in-law, who had loved her like their own daughter and served as her parents when her mother lived in another world, gone. Her niece, daughter, and the rest of her in-laws were dead too. She had returned to her world only once, to be beside her daughter on her deathbed when old age finally caught up to her. “Sunset.” A familiar voice cut through her sobs. Sunset started crying harder. “Sunset, you didn’t show up to lower the sun.” The princess of the moon and friendship walked over, climbing beside her on the bed. Sunset didn’t respond. “You haven’t been you, not since you came home,” The princess said. “This isn't my home anymore. Twily was my home. Skyla was my home. My friends were my home. And now they’re all gone!” Sunset wailed. Princess Twilight scooted away a few inches. > I Don't Wanna Be Your Friend (I Wanna Kiss Your Lips) (E) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ooh la-la, somebody’s got a cruuushh!” Rainbow Dash clenched her fists at her side, trying to will the blush on her face to go away. She quickly turned away from the girl she had been looking at to face her bacon-haired friend. “I do not!” “You totally do!” Sunset bounced on her heels, smiling like an idiot. “You wouldn’t know love if it smacked you in the face!” Rainbow turned around to her open locker, beginning to dig around for her history textbook. “And who’s the only person in our friend group in a steady relationship?” Sunset leaned up against the locker next to Rainbow’s, holding her books to her chest. “Twilight,” was Rainbow’s blunt response. Sunset rolled her eyes. “So, when are you going to ask Applejack out?” “Never.” Rainbow stood up holding her book. “Really? Just tell her how you feel, what’s the worst that could happen?” Sunset cocked her head to the side. “She could hear me,” Rainbow grumbled. Sunset snickered. “Sometimes you just gotta go for it.” “Or I could just walk away from you and forget the whole interaction ever happened.” “That too.” The warning bell rang, signalling it was time for the girls to get to class. Rainbow and Sunset parted ways, Sunset smiling to herself while Rainbow blushed. She walked past Applejack with her head down, shuffling her feet as she tried to get past the farmgirl without the girl in question spotting her. She wasn’t quite sure why this crush was just now manifesting. Maybe it had always been there and she hadn’t noticed until just now, but it sure was strong. No matter how it happened, Rainbow tried her hardest to shove down her feelings and get to first period. *** Rarity set her tray down on the lunch table beside Pinkie’s. Twilight looked at her funny from her seat next to Sunset across the table. “Don’t you normally sit next to Applejack?” Twilight asked, picking up the water bottle of pink lemonade that technically was Sunset’s, although the redhead didn’t seem to mind. “Can I not sit somewhere different?” Rarity picked up her salad in one hand and package of dressing in the other. Across from her Fluttershy raised an eyebrow. “It’s just strange.” Twilight looked over at Rainbow, who was sitting across from Applejack and next to Pinkie Pie. Sunset looked up from her phone to glance between the two. She giggled. “What’s so funny darling?” Rarity asked, blushing. Sunset smiled cockily. “I think you already know.” With a wink she went back to her phone. Rarity looked over to Applejack and her blush intensified. “Oh, OH!” A smile spread out across Twilight’s face. Rarity looked back down to her lunch, trying to hide the embarrassed smile on her face. Twilight looked over at Sunset. They shared a knowing look, giggling. *** Rarity was the first to make her move. After classes that day, she walked up to Applejack, toying with her curls. “Heya Rares, what’s up?” The farmgirl turned around to face the fashionista from her locker. “Well, I was thinking… uh…” Rarity trailed off. Why didn’t you come up with a plan before you walked up to her! Stupid, stupid, stupid! Rarity mentally kicked herself. She looked from Applejack’s hat to the cowgirl boots on her feet. “MaybeIcouldhelpoutonthefarmthisafternoon?” Rarity suddenly blurted out. For a second both of them were quiet before Applejack began laughing. “You? Help out on tha farm? Are ya out of yer mind Rarity?” She raised an eyebrow at the fashionista. Rarity just blushed, not saying anything. As Applejack laughed, Rarity ran her fingers through her curls nervously. “Ah mean, ah suppose ya could, but ah can’t guarantee you’ll be any good at it.” “I just want to try new things…” Rarity said, almost a whisper. She tried to use her hair to hide her blush. > I've Never Written One Song About A Boy (E) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset was cleaning out her desk when she found an old cyan binder sitting at the bottom. She blew the dust off of it, revealing what was written on a white sheet of paper slid into the front pocket. Sunset Shimmer’s Lyric Book. Sunset laughed at her thirteen year old self’s handwriting. It was truly terrible. She thought back to when she made the notebook. She had found it next to a dumpster. It had a few sheets of paper in it, but most had been torn out. > My Past Makes Me Who I Am Today (T) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The house was dark. No, the closet was dark. Cozy looked up and could see all her mother's dresses hanging above her. She tried to focus on those, not the screams coming from just beyond the door. The three year old trembled. She knew she wasn’t safe. The knock on the door in the middle of the night was the first thing to scare her. Then her mother ripped her from the bed and shoved her into the closet. From there, she could hear every little thing happening in the little house. It was barely one room. It was all they could afford when they were kicked out by Cozy’s father and had to relocate to some small town on the ground. She thought it might be called Ponyville, that’s what the big stallion who sold them the cottage said. Cozy carefully and silently lowered herself down to the floor, resting on her stomach and drawing her front hooves as close to her body as she could. Her little wings flapped as tears escaped her amber eyes. The screams outside were getting louder, closer. She scooted back in the closet as far as she could. It wasn’t very big, but to a little filly like her it was giant. She huddled against the far right wall, as far away from the door as she could get. She closed her eyes, wanting to escape. She wanted to go back to Cloudsdale, back to her little daycare and back to her daddy. She pressed her hooves against her eyes in an attempt to stop the tears. There were hoofsteps approaching the closet door. Cozy shook with fear. She looked up and saw the doorknob turning. She tried to push herself against the wall farther but soon realized she was already as close as she could possibly be. The door began to creak open and Cozy realized the screams outside had stopped. > Puzzle Pieces (T) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cozy Glow walked the hallways of the School of Friendship, headed towards the counselors office. She had been sent there really for no reason she knew of. She was pulled out of Professor Fluttershy’s kindness class by Headmare Twilight, who told her to report to Counselor Starlight’s office. The whole way there, Cozy angrily mumbled to her herself. They probably figured out her plans, found the letters to Lord Tirek and were going to try and ‘reform’ her. When they found out it wasn’t going to work, they would expel her, or send her to Tartarus. Cozy wouldn’t let that happen. Not until her job was done. She reached the door, raising a hoof to knock on it. “Come on in!” Called a voice Cozy didn’t recognize. She opened the door and walked in, hooves touching the soft rug. She looked up, finding a pony sitting behind Counselor Starlight’s desk she didn’t recognise. She was a unicorn, probably the same age as Counselor Starlight. Her mane was red streaked through with yellow and her coat was an orangish golden color. Cozy Glow couldn’t see her cutie mark, but she could only assume it was a preppy as the rest of her. The unicorn leaned forward, resting her elbows on the desk and placed her chin in her hooves. “Hi Cozy,” said the mare. She smiled at her, and Cozy Glow wanted to vomit. “That’s Cozy Glow to you,” she shot back. “Where’s Counselor Starlight? I was supposed to see her.” Cozy looked around the office, seeing no sign of Counselor Starlight anywhere. “Well you see, Cozy Glow, I’m a very close friend of Headmare Twilight’s and she asked me to talk to you personally. So Starlight and I switched places for the day.” The mare’s smile was sickening. “Oh golly, that’s amazing! You know, they say strangers are just friends you haven’t met!” Hearing this mare was a friend of the Headmare’s made all of Cozy’s alarms go off. Might as well throw up her facade, just in case. The mare snorted. “Really, Cozy? You can’t fool me. I was like you once.” She lifted a nearby mug in her magic and took a drink. Cozy kept smiling innocently. “Whatever could you be talking about?” She blinked twice, looking up at the mare. The mare sighed. “Okay, maybe we got off on the wrong ha-err- hoof.” That was odd, Cozy thought. She could only imagine what she was going to say. “My name is Sunset Shimmer, and much like you, I’m a high school student. Second of my class, to be exact. The only pony ahead of me is my best friend.” She smiled as she talked about this ‘best friend’. “You? A schoolpony? I don’t believe it. You look older than Headmare Twilight.” Cozy looked Sunset Shimmer up and down. “Well, I am. But in my world, I’m only a teenager. Cozy Glow, do you know what parallel dimensions are?” Cozy shook her head. This was gonna get good. Sunset thought for a moment. “Well, a long long long time ago, ponies lived in harmony with these creatures called humans. Humans were no different than any other creature you go to school with, only they walked on two legs and used their hands to pick things up, almost exactly like Spike the Dragon. They didn’t have any magic, but they lived in harmony with ponies.” Cozy nodded, skeptical. This sounded like a wild fairy talel, not a real thing that happened. > Swimming and Sinking (M) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset’s mind was hazy. Her brain was already starting to block out what had just happened to her. She was trying to remember, but struggled to do so. She knew that someone had thrown a glass at the wall and it shattered. She thought that it might have been her. The glass had definitely cut her and her cheek was bleeding. She hadn’t bothered to clean it. She remembered yelling. She wasn’t sure if she was the one doing the yelling. Twilight had been there, and then she was gone. She had been mad when normally she was comforting. Sunset didn’t know when she would come back. She wasn’t quite sure she would be back. The thought hurt her, and she tried to block it out. She fell asleep to the sound of her own crying, blood mixing with tears. She dreamt of what started this all. It was Anon-a-Miss. The internet profile that had slandered her good reputation and made all her friends leave her. When the Princess of Friendship had found out how she had been treated, she got really mad. She screamed, yelled at, and criticized her friends. Then, she had taken Sunset back to her apartment and held her and let her cry. It had felt nice. She started coming through the portal a lot after Sunset confessed to having suicidal thoughts. She had ever found it in herself to forgive her friends and during winter break she hadn’t seen them for two weeks. Life moved on, but she didn’t. She went to school, she went home, she cried a few times over the course of the day, repeat. Twilight spent at very least a few hours with her every two or threes days, sometime smor often if she could manage it. It was just enough to keep them awake. Her dream became a nightmare as she was shown what she was pretty sure was the fight she had just had with Twilight. “I don’t wanna keep going,” sunset heard her own voice. It sounded pitiful. She was staring at the switched off TV blankly. “You have to, Sunny. I wish I could be here more, I really do. But that’s not a reason to hurt yourself.” Twilight wrapped her arms around Sunset. Sunset shoved them off her. “Who are you to tell me how to feel,” she snapped back, now more alert. “I wasn’t…” Twilight had a look on her face Sunset couldn’t quite place. Sunset reached for the glass of water on the table. She chucked it at Twilight. She didn’t know why she was so angry. Everything just hurt and she didn’t know why Twilight wasn’t helping like she normally did. Twilight sputtered, covered in water. She grabbed the glass and tossed it into Sunset’s lap. Sunset grabbed it back up and chuck it at the nearby wall. It shattered and a single piece of sharp glass flew past her and cut her cheek. Twilight gasped. “Sunset, you’re bleeding,” she said. Sunset just let out a low growl. “Sunset, please. We can work through this. You just need to calm down.” Twilight reached out for her and Sunset screamed, jerking away from Twilight. “Fine. Be that way. I’m leaving. Write to me when you’re ready to talk.” And then she left. Twilight walked out, leaving a wet spot on the couch and a hole in Sunset’s heart. Sunset startled awake. She felt terrible. Physically, emotionally, and mentally, everything hurt. Her cheek throbbed, her heart felt heavy, and her mind was filled with thoughts that scared her. She grabbed the cheap unicorn plush she kept on her bed. Twilight had won it for her in a claw game. It helped calm her down. She hugged it tightly to her chest, trying to slow her breathing. She started the exercise Twilight had taught her. Five things she could see. She looked around her apartment. The Christmas lights wrapped around her bed, her blankets were rumpled, her alarm clock showed the time as 2:16 am, her closet door was cracked, and there was a t-shirt laying on the floor of her loft. Four things she could feel: The tears on her cheeks, the pounding in her head, the pillow behind her, and the soft fur of her blush unicorn. Three things she could hear: the whirl of the fan on her desk below her, the soft hum of her refrigerator, and the ringing of her phone. Two things she could smell: Her own lemonberry shampoo and the cherry candle burning in her small living room still. One thing she could taste: the blood falling over her lips from where the blood had run down her cheek. It was crusted over and gross, but it was something to ground her nonetheless. Wait, the ringing of her phone? Sunset reached over to grab it. She didn’t recognize the number. Dumb telemarketer. She threw it down onto her bed before taking a deep breath, trying to remain calm and not get angry. It had been a month since Anon-a-Miss. A month since her life fell apart for the third time in her twenty years. Even if she looked like a teenager, she still had all those years she spent in Equestria inside of her, and all they seemed to do was hurt. She glanced over the railing of her loft to see her journal sitting on the ground. Hery eyes began to water up, but she pushed the tears away. She wasn’t going to cry again. Reasonably, Sunset knew she should go back to bed, but her mind was racing too fast. She had school the next day. > Untitled (E) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight Sparkle leaned up against her girlfriend’s locker, waiting for her. She was on her phone, scrolling through MyStable, checking the time every few seconds it seemed as the clock drew nearer to first period. “Where is she?” she asked the alabaster girl standing next to her. Rarity looked up from where she was brushing her hair while looking in the mirror inside her locker. “The princess is staying with her for a few days, maybe she’s skipping school to hang out with her,” Rarity responded. “This is Sunset we’re talking about. She missed school once in four years, and that was because she got a concussion from getting shoved in her locker and being claustrophobic.” Twilight looked up from her phone. Rarity shuddered at the memory of finding Sunset locked in her locker just two weeks after the Fall formal, the claustrophobic girl banging her head against the locker trying to get out. It had taken all five of them and the principles to get her to calm down and give them the combination and she had spent the afternoon in the ER and spent the following Friday at home. “Besides, she would text if she was skipping,” the purple girl added, checking the time again. Ten minutes to the first bell. Twilight looked to the side as the front doors of the school opened and Sunset walked in, her eyes on the ground as she was curled into herself. Twilight went running up to her, placing a hand onto her shoulder. She pocketed her phone and used her now free hand to lift her chin up so she could look Sunset in the eyes. Sunset’s normally bright turquoise eyes were a dull blue. Her hair was a mess and her clothes were all rumped up. “Sunny what happened?” Twilight asked her girlfriend, dropping her voice to the quiet, caring tone Sunset took on with her so often. “Nothing. I just overslept,” Sunset mumbled, bringing a hand up to rub at her eyes. Twilight shook her head. “If you say so…” she replied wearily. She took Sunset’s hand into hers and led her to her locker, for some reason hesitant to leave Sunset alone. She had seen Sunset tired, but this didn’t look like usual tiredness. “You don’t need to cart me around like a child,” Sunset said, but didn’t make Twilight stop holding her hand as she pulled out her books and put them into her backpack. She fumbled a little as she slid a folder full of homework into her bag. > Untitled Owl House AU (E) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- For reference: Sunset is Luz Twilight is Amity Celestia is Eda Luna is Lilith Spike is King Fluttershy is Willow Rainbow is Gus Rarity is Emira Shining Armor is Edric Minuette is Boscha Twinkleshine is Skara Cadence is Principal Bump Sunset had been at Hexside for three weeks now. > Untitled (E) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Flurry Heart’s favorite pastime was roller skating. She loved the feeling of flying free down hills and around corners. Twirling and skating backwards made her feel like she was the only person in the world. She had found a pair of vintage roller skates in her grandma’s attic one day. Well, vintage wasn’t really the right word. They had belonged to her Auntie Sunset, who had gotten into roller skating in her sophomore year of high school. They had been a hideous bright orange with red trim, but Flurry had painted them pink and blue with leather paint. She added some new shiny purple laces and bam! They were perfect. Now a fifteen year old Flurry Heart spent almost every afternoon skating up and down her street, trying new tricks and racing Lil’ Cheese on his skateboard and Luster Dawn on her bike. The attic of her grandma’s house held many old secrets. She had found leather jackets, adorable skirts, even a pair of hideous black and magenta boots. She had been able to paint over them with a combination of vinyl and fabric paint after days, turning them a light blue and baby pink color. Today though, she was digging through her Auntie Sunset and Aunt Twilight’s basement. In the corner of the room, there was a large chest. This chest in particular intrigued Flurry Heart. Inside it was filled with all sorts of things. There was a smashed device of some sort, a cute hair comb that was decorated to look like a stem of some vegetable, a pamphlet from a cruise ship, and even a microphone with the date 9/27/14 written on the handle in silver sharpie. But what was most interesting was the velvet bag at the bottom of the chest. It was purple, the signature color she found in all of her Aunt Twilight’s stuff. When she pulled it open, she found a necklace. A single circular pendant on a purple beaded chain. The charm itself was shiny, with the emblem of a purple six pointed star decorating the front. When Flurry touched it, she felt something course through her. She thought it was pretty enough that she set it aside and continued to look through all of her aunt’s old stuff. She didn’t find much of interest, just some books on various topics, old high school notebooks, and other random trinkets that didn’t mean much to Flurry. In the end, she only left the house that day with the purple necklace in her pocket. Back at her parents house, Flurry was in her room doing homework. It was a Sunday, and she had an essay due the following Tuesday that she had been putting off for the past week. Or at least, she was trying to. “So then, Pumpkin Cake was like ‘You should go to the Spring Fling with Pound Cake’ and I was like ‘Your brother? Eww’ and she was like, ‘he likes you’ and I was like ‘I’m going to ask out Big Sugar’ and she was like ‘he wants to go out with Star Dreams’ so really I have no idea who I want to go with!” Cozy Glow was laying on Flurry Heart’s bed upside down, head hanging off. Flurry gritted her teeth, fed up with her thirteen year old sister. “You know who I think you should go with?” “Who?!” “Ragamuffin Junior.” “Ewwwww…” Both girls went silent, and Flurry began typing again. “Did you find anything cool at Auntie’s?” Flurry pushed her chair away from her desk, slamming her laptop closed. “Please! Leave my room! I need to work!” “So you DID find something!” The sisters were interrupted by a knock at the front door. They heard their mother open it. “Oh hey Cheese! Come on in, Flurry’s in her room.” Flurry Heart rolled her eyes. If she failed, she was blaming Cozy Glow. Lil’ Cheese knocked on the open door as he entered. “Hey Cheese.” “Hi Cheesie!” Both girls greeted him. He slumped down into the purple bean bag under Flurry Heart’s window. “Wanna go to the park? I need to get out of the house,” Flurry asked Cheese, spinning around in her desk chair. “I just got here!” Lil’ Cheese laughed. Cozy glared. “Why don’t you ever invite me?” she whined. “Because you’re thirteen and still act like your seven,” Flurry replied nonchalantly. “I do not!” Cozy argued. “You kinda do,” Cheese said. Cozy crossed her arms over her chest. “Let’s go, Cheese,” Flurry said, grabbing her skates and leaving the room with Cheese following behind her. She stopped and held the door open. She pointed to the hallway, looking at Cozy. “What?!” She asked innocently. “Out. Now.” Flurry shook her hand pointing at the hall floor. Cozy huffed, climbing off the bed and leaving the room. Flurry shut the door behind her, walking down the stairs to find Cheese waiting by the front door. Flurry kicked off her tennis shoes and tied on her roller skates in the mudroom, leaving the house with Cheese and starting the walk down to the park at the end of the main road. “So, you went to your Aunt’s?” Cheese asked. “You heard that?” Flurry moved to skate backwards, skating in front of Lil’ Cheese and facing him. “Your sister is really loud,” he said with a laugh. Flurry rolled her eyes. “That she is…” Flurry looked off at the trees before remembering the original question. “Yeah, I went to look for old clothes and stuff from when they were my age. Didn’t find any of that, but I did find this.” Fluffy Heart pulled the purple necklace out of her pocket, showing it to Cheese. He looked at it for a moment before recognizing it. “Hey! That’s like the necklace my mom gave me! I turned it into a bracelet,” he exclaimed, holding out his wrist to show her the pink charm decorated with two blue balloons and one yellow one. The gems were the same size and had markings in the exact same place. “They look like they came from a set,” Flurry said, turning into the park. Cheese shook his head. “Mine is special. Mom says it’s magic.” “Magic?” Flurry asked, following the concrete path over to the swing set. “Yeah, watch this.” Cheese bent down and picked up a pile of small pebbles that were used as padding around the park. He tossed them into the air and the two watched as they exploded in sparks of pink, yellow, and blue. “Woah,” Flurry marveled. “I just saw it on her dresser and asked if I could have it because it was pretty. Mom said that she got it when she went to a camp in high school. She never mentioned that it exploded things per say, but she did say it had magical properties and to be careful. I found out it did that when my homework exploded when I dropped it one day.” Cheese motioned to the wood chips in pieces on the sidewalk and laughed at the memory. Flurry cringed, for a split second being reminded of the essay she needed to finish writing. “I wonder if mine does that!” Flurry fastened on the necklace around her neck and picked a small handful of wood chips. She tossed them into the air, letting out a dejected sigh as the landed back in the enclosure without showing any signs of explosions. > Spin The Bottle (M) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Okay girls, I say we give this a try.” Rainbow Dash was holding up an empty wine bottle in front of the ground, who was sprawled out around Twilight’s basement. “I dunno Dash, that seems kinda… weird... don’t cha think?” Sunset objected, not totally on board with Rainbow’s idea. “Come on Sunset! We like never do anything fun.” Rainbow gestured to the bottle then around at all the girls. “We literally fight other worldly monsters every other week.” Twilight looked up from where she was stroking Sunset’s hair, who was laying with her head in her girlfriend’s lap. “I’m sure it couldn’t hurt to play a fun game! I love games!” Pinkie cried from the small kitchenette in the Sparkle’s basement where she was holding a tray of freshly baked cookies. “Let’s take a vote,” Applejack spoke up, gesturing around the room. “Majority rules.” Sunset rolled her eyes, but all the girls agreed. “Okay, all in favor of playing spin the bottle?” Rainbow asked. Pinkie, Rainbow, and Applejack’s hands went up. After a moment, Fluttershy timidly raised her hand as well. “Well ah guess that settles it then.” Applejack said, taking a cookie from Pinkie’s tray as she passed. Sunset sat up. “Fine, if that’s what you want to do.” She leaned back against the couch cushion and moved to rest her head against Twilight’s shoulder instead. “So, what are the rules?” Twilight asked, looking from the empty wine bottle to Rainbow Dash and back. “You seriously don’t know how to play spin the bottle?” Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “Uh, I don’t either.” Sunset chimed in, looking up at Rainbow. “Okay so, you spin the bottle, and whoever it lands on you have to kiss.” Rainbow had a cocky smile on her face and Sunset and Twilight both began to blush. Fluttershy looked petrified, jumping back in the large reclining chair she was sitting in. Pinkie crash landed onto the couch cushion next to Sunset, two cookies shoved into her mouth. Rarity spoke up from the loveseat across the room. “This is why you shouldn’t vote for things you don’t know the rules of, darling.” Rarity was adjusting her makeup while looking into a compact, surprisingly paying attention to the conversation at hand. “Uh, can I retract my vote?” Fluttershy asked, her voice quiet. “Nope!” Was Pinkie’s response through a mouthful of cookies. > Your Scars Make You Beautiful (M) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Celestia descended the front steps of Canterlot High with her younger sister, she heard the revving of a motorcycle’s engine. Celestia jumped and Luna just giggled. “Such a scaredy cat sister, it’s only Chrys.” With all the students gone, Luna dropped her unapologetic and harsh persona. She pointed to the teal haired woman climbing off her motorcycle. Celestia rolled her eyes. “Must you always find a way to mock me?” she jabbed playfully, starting the walk over to her sedan. “Maybe.” Luna pressed a finger to her lips. She shouldered her bag, almost slipping into a jog as she walked over to Chrysalis. “Hey.” Her usually stoic expression was replaced with a beaming smile as she took the spare helmet from Chrysalis. “Hey yourself,” the teal-haired woman returned. “You scared Tia,” Luna said, placing her bag in the trunk of the motorcycle and sliding on her helmet. “She just hates motorcycles.” Chrys laughed, climbing onto the bike. Luna climbed on behind her, flipping down the visor on her helmet and wrapping her arms around Chrysalis’ waist. As they traveled towards Chrysalis’ house, Luna watched the trees and houses blow by through the visor of the helmet Chrys had reserved just for her. Luna hugged Chrysalis tighter out of some instinct as they wove in and out of traffic, driving towards the much higher end neighborhood where Chrysalis lived. > Untitled (M) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Sunset? You in here?” Twilight pushed open the door to the girls bathroom on the group floor of Crystal Prep in search for her girlfriend, who also happened to be her adopted sister. She heard a sniffle form the last stall. She could recognize that cry anywhere. “Sunny. It’s just me, you don’t have to hide.” Twilight shut the door behind her, walking into the bathroom. She leaned up against the row of sinks. “G-go away,” Sunset whispered. The stalls at Crystal Prep were more like small closets, enclosed on all sides with doors that went from top to bottom and locked. Twilight walked up to the last stall and placed her hand on the doorknob. “Sunset please. Nobody cares that you tripped, you’re being overdramatic.” Twilight tried to turn the knob, finding it locked. She slumped against the door. While walking to second period, Sunset had tripped over her own feet and fallen, her books falling everywhere. Sunset had gathered herself and run off with tears in her eyes as a few kids whispered, but nobody laughed or pointed or made a big deal of it at all. Twilight had tried to follow, but lost her by the time she got back down to the first floor. Sunset let out a small sob. Twilight heard the door unlock, but it didn’t open. She tried to turn it again, finding herself able to push the door open. Sunset was sitting on the closed toilet seat, crying into her hands. Twilight kneeled down in front of her, taking holds of her wrists and pulling her hands away from her face. Sunset winced at Twilight tugging on her still sensitive inner arms, but otherwise stayed quiet. “Sunny,” Twilight's voice almost came across as condescending. Sunset internally cringed. “I know, I know, I’m being stupid and I’m going to get detention for skipping class.” Sunset ran a shaking hand through her hair. “No, you won’t get detention for having a panic attack and needing to get away for a minute.” Twilight gently rubbed Sunset’s shoulder, trying to calm her down. “I just- before- back at Canterlot, everyone would have laughed and looked down on me and I-I just- I,” Sunset groaned, trying to figure out what was going on in her head. “You don’t need to explain yourself. It’s okay. Dean Cadance won’t send you to detention.” Sunset smoothed out her skirt, taking a deep breath. “I guess I should get to class,” > Twilight Learns (E) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Fireworks. Twilight jumped as a loud bang sounded outside. “What was that?!” she cried, jumping up and running to the window in Rarity’s room, where the girls were having a sleepover. “Ugh, can people not keep the fireworks to the Fourth of July? It’s the first!” Sunset exclaimed from where she was laying on the floor, painting her nails a teal color that matched her eyes. “It’s obnoxious, really,” the other Twilight said from where she was laying on Rarity’s bed. “What are fireworks?” Princess Twilight asked. She pressed her face to the glass, trying to get a look at the light display next door. “Wait, do you not have fireworks in Equestria?” Rainbow asked. Sunset shook her head. “No, we do the same thing with magic. They aren’t exactly fireworks. > Finally Safe To Fall (T) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adagio Dazzle was walking along the trail of a park that was fairly close to her apartment when she watched a flash of yellow and red fly by, accompanied by the sound of crying. Adagio spun around to see a figure retreat into the trees, going off the path. If she had to guess, she would say the girl was a teenager. Adagio contemplated her options for a moment. A: keep walking and forget about the girl, or B: follow her and see who she is and what’s wrong. On the one hand, Adagio wasn’t one to stop and help others with their problems if it didn’t directly benefit her, but on the other hand, this girl clearly looked distraught. There was something eerily familiar about her that intrigued Adagio, and soon she found her feet moving in the direction the girl had gone before her brain could catch up. Adagio picked up her pace as the cold bit at the little amount of skin that was exposed. It was nearly Christmas and the weather had turned from cold sleet and hail to soft powdery snow and temperatures below freezing only a few weeks ago. She had lost sight of the girl, but she knew she must be around somewhere. She couldn't have gone far. When the sound of broken sobs reached her ears, Adagio frantically began to search for the direction of the noise. She had to be close, and she was crying. Adagio didn’t like that idea, for some reason. But she was committed to this, she had to see it through and help this girl, for some reason she wasn’t really sure of. Adagio spotted a flash of color around a nearby tree and ran towards it. Her footsteps were almost silent in the snow as she searched for the girl she had seen. For a moment she thought that maybe her mind had made the whole thing up when she found her. A girl no older than seventeen had her back pressed up against a large oak tree, her fiery hair falling down around her. She wasn’t even wearing anything warm! Just a ripped leather jacket and a pair of ridiculously thin tights protected her against the cold weather. It was then that Adagio recognized her. She was the girl that had defeated her and her sisters. She was the one who had sang her heart out to rid them of their evil magic, she was the one who had saved them. She was Sunset Shimmer. Adagio kneeled down beside her. “Sunset?” she asked, not reaching out to touch her shaking shoulder for fear of Sunset running off again. Sunset jumped a little then lifted her head up and looked around, meeting eyes with Adagio. Her eyes were filled with tears, her hair was messy and there were tear tracks lining her face as the tears continued to drip down her cheeks. That didn’t stop her from glaring at Adagio. “What are you doing here?” She growled, scooting away from Adagio. Adagio smiled. “I’m not just going to leave you out here. You’re over three miles from the city, I doubt you live this far out.” Adagio leaned back and crossed her arms. Sunset lifted a shaking hand to her face, trying to wipe away her tears but only succeeded in making her already freezing hand colder. Adagio sighed at Sunset’s apprehensive look. “Look, I don’t have any magic anymore, you and your friends took it all away.” Sunset visibly cringed at the mention of her friends. “And you’re immune anyway, you have the magic of friendship, remember?” There was that look again, the cringing, hurt look that Adagio didn’t understand. “What do you want with me?” Sunset asked, confused. Adagio sighed again. “You’re clearly alone, you’re crying in the middle of the woods, and your clothing is less than warm for this weather. Come back to our apartment, we have a spare room you can sleep in until the storm blows over. It’s only going to get colder.” Adagio knew she couldn’t just leave Sunset out here. The girl’s lips were starting to turn blue along with her fingertips. Adagio stood up. She held out a hand, watching Sunset study her carefully before slowly sliding her cold hand into Adagio’s gloved one. Even through her glove she could feel Sunset’s freezing hand. She helped Sunset to her feet. She swayed for a moment, finding her balance. She had to be on the verge of contracting hypothermia. “So, you said our apartment, do you live with the other sirens?” Sunset asked as they walked, still trying to compose herself and stop her crying. Adagio nodded. “Yeah.” Adagio kept walking, leading the way for Sunset. She would occasionally look behind her to make sure Sunset was still following and hadn't run off. She was always just a few steps behind. She was shivering like crazy though. Adagio stopped after a few seconds of considering her new idea. Sunset had been staring at the ground and didn't notice Adagio had stopped walking. She bumped into the taller girl, stumbling back. Adagio slid off her coat, turning around. She reached out and draped it over Sunset’s shoulders. Sunset was confused for a moment before she carefully slid her arms into it. It was long enough that it almost reached her knees but it was warm enough to slow down her shivering. Adagio turned around, satisfied, and kept walking. “Why are you doing this for me? I took away your power, I left you with nothing, why are you being nice to me?” Sunset walked faster, catching up so now she was walking side by side with Adagio. “Because, I’m not totally mean. You were all alone out in a snowstorm that’s only going to get worse with nothing warm on and if I had left you out there you probably would have frozen to death. Stop questioning me, I’m not going to hurt you or try to mind control you.” Sunset went quiet as they continued walking to the Canterlot City Apartment Complex. It was pretty close to the trail that Adagio had been walking. She knew that Aria was on dinner duty, and they almost always had leftovers, so there would be plenty for Sunset to eat. She wondered how long Sunset had been walking. Canterlot High was really far away from here on foot, and Sunset didn’t have any of her school stuff with her, like she had run out of school and never returned. Sunset was silent the rest of the way, following Adagio. She didn’t know what to say. Adagio led them into the building, smiling at the doorman as they walked to the elevator. Adagio pressed the button for the fourth floor once Sunset was safely inside, leaned up against the back wall. Adagio joined her as they were taken up to the top floor. Adagio fished her keys out of her pocket, unlocking the door to apartment 412 as they approached it. She pulled Sunset inside, helped her take off Adagio’s coat and her boots as they stood in the entryway. They could smell Aria’s cooking coming from the kitchen. It smelled like tacos, go figure. If Sonata had any say that’s what they always had. Despite coming from a world full of ponies and other sentient animals, the three sirens had been in this world long enough to start eating meat. She wasn’t sure if Sunset did though, given she was a pony. “You eat meat?” Adagio asked Sunset as she picked off her own shoes. Sunset shook her head. “Only bird and fish. Nothing with hooves.” Sunset followed Adagio into the kitchen. “Well you’re in luck, Aria’s on a chicken craze. She always finds a way to work it in.” Adagio smiled. Sunset leaned against the doorframe and watched Aria’s back as she worked over a skillet of something. Sonata came running in, her blue ponytail bouncing. “Dagi! Oh my god, Sunset Shimmer! What is she doing here?” Sonata seemed confused, but not mad at seeing Sunset. Aria spun around to see their house guest. Adagio had disappeared into the apartment. Sunset hugged her leather jacket around herself tighter, not enjoying all the eyes on her. Aria studied her for a moment before she went back to her cooking. “Dagi?” Sonata asked again, looking around for her sister. Adagio walked back in, locking eyes with Sunset before the fiery haired girl averted her eyes to the floor. “What? Can’t a girl use the bathroom?” Adagio asked, but the wink she sent to Sunset said otherwise. Sunset was slightly worried by that, but didn’t let it bother her too much. “So, Sunset, was it? What brings you here?” Aria asked, watched Adagio pull four plates out of the cabinet out of the corner of her eyes. “Adagio found me… said I should spend the night,” Sunset bit at her lip, worried the other girls wouldn’t agree and kick her out. Sonata just smiled. “Yay!” Sunset was confused, she looked up, cyan eyes meeting purple. “What? I thought you guys would hate me? You know, after I took away your magic and all.” Sunset dragged her socked foot along the line between the carpet and hardwood floor that separated the kitchen from the hallway. Aria was setting out taco shells and toppings onto the table as Adagio was spooning ground beef and shredded chicken into two seperate bowls. “We don't hate you at all! In fact, we’ve wanted to thank you ever since the battle of the bands!” Adagio shot Sonata a look and Sonata quickly began setting the table. “Thank me? For what? I ruined your lives…” Sunset watched the three girls run around the kitchen, getting things ready to eat. “That’s where you’re wrong, Sunny!” Sonata may be a little airheaded, but she wasn’t totaly dumb, she could follow a conversation when she wanted to. Sunset felt her breath hitch at the old nickname. Adagio couldn’t help but notice Sunset’s face scrunch up everytime her friends were mentioned. She wondered what had happened, but didn’t press. The occasional shiver still racked Sunset’s body. Hopefully some warm food would help. Adagio beckoned Sunset over to the table and pulled out a chair for her. Sunset sat down, beginning to build herself some tacos along with the other three. Once they all had food on their plates and were eating, Adagio spoke up. “So I guess we owe you an explanation,” she said, looking across the round table at Sunset. Sunset nodded. “First of all, let us introduce ourselves. I’m Aria, this is Adagio-” she pointed at her orange haired sister “- and that’s Sonata.” She motioned at the blue haired girl across the table from her who was chowing down on her tacos, not paying attention to the other three. “I’m Sunset. Sunset Shimmer.” Sunset tried to smile, but it just came out faltered. She distracted herself by taking a bite of her chicken taco. The girls were quiet for a few moments as they ate. “So, you said that you wanted to thank me? For what?” Sunset looked at Adagio with a questioning look. “Well, at first, we hated you. We hated you and the Rainbooms so much.” Aria looked down at her plate as she spoke. Sunset blushed as a sad look passed over her face. “Understandable,” Sunset mumbled. “We hated the fact that we didn’t have our magic anymore. I mean, we finally had a taste of Equestrian magic and all of a sudden you and your friends ripped that away.” Adagio chimed in. She studied Sunset. There was that sad look again. She wondered what was going on. “But then we realized that you had given us everything we had ever wanted since being banished to this world,” Sonata said around a mouthful of food. Aria glared at her. “What do you mean?” Sunset asked, her eyebrows creasing together as she looked at Sonata. “Our hunger, silly.” Sonata giggled, not elaborating. Adagio rolled her eyes and spoke up again. “What she means is, without our magic, we weren’t hungry anymore. Without our gems we couldn’t feed on negative energy, and without that need for negative energy, we were never hungry anymore. In Equestria, we had plenty of energy to feed on, but here, it was sparse. Without that need, we’re finally satisfied after every meal. You really helped us Sunset. You and all your friends.” Adagio smiled at her, and Sunset realized that she liked seeing Adagio smile. “So you felt that you owed me one, so you’re letting my stay with you until the storm is over…?” Sunset inquired, piecing the picture together slowly. “I mean- yeah. Any sane person shouldn’t be out in that storm. Dagi was being an idiot when she walked out there.” Aria shot a mean look at her sister. “Well maybe if you hadn’t been being such a bit-” “GIRLS!!” Sonata interrupted before Adagio and Aria could say something they would regret. Sunset sunk back in her seat. “Chill out, we have a guest.” She pointed at Sunset, who was biting at her bottom lip in apprehension. Sonata took a bite angrily out of her taco. > Untitled AU (T) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Timeline- For this story, we need to establish an age difference within the universe. If you do not want to be spoiled for what’s to come, don’t read, although it should be pretty obvious. I’m going to assume that ponies mature much faster than humans. Let’s say that a pony reaches adulthood at about age thirteen or fourteen. A twelve year old pony is the same age as a 16 year old human. In the first Equestria Girls movie, we can assume that the girls are in their junior year, the beginning of it. We know this as the Holiday Comic takes place after Rainbow Rocks, meaning that RR must fall between the Fall Formal and Christmas. We know that Sunset had been in the human world for at least three years, as evident by the three pictures we see in the first movie and in My Past Is Not Today. Friendship Games must take place before the end of the school year, as we see Sci-Twi stressing over the last day of school in season 2 of the webseries. Legend of Everfree serves as the summer in between the two school years. FG has to be their junior year, as it takes place before Schedule Swap. In Holidays Unwrapped must take place the winter break of their senior year, with Spring Breakdown following. So all that to say that Sunset had been in the human world for three years at the beginning of the first movie. Now to Princess Twilight. Based on what Celestia says in the first movie, we can guess that Twilight didn’t know who Sunset was, meaning that she had already left Equestria before Twilight became Celestia’s student. We can say that at age two or three a pony is old enough to test for Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. We’ll say a pony also is old enough to get their cutie mark at about age three or four, based on the CMC and that most ponies their age already have their cutie marks. Twilight and Sunset look about the same age, but they clearly aren’t. Sunset has to be older, considering she studied with Celestia for a period of time before Twilight. Going off what we know about Sunset in the human world, she had been there for three to four years. I’ll be generous and say that she left Equestria when she was nine years old, the equivalent of a thirteen year old human. Shortly after she left, Twilight stepped up to study with Celestia. Based on what we see in the show, Twilight was maybe four or five when Celestia took her under her wing. If Sunset had been gone a little less than a year when Twilight became Celestia's student, that puts her at just four years old when Sunset leaves. If Sunset was nine when she left, there’s a five year difference between them. Now, we see that Twilight and Sunset appear the same age in EGQ, but for this story that doesn’t really matter, as the human world isn’t important. So this story takes place when Sunset is 12 in the pony world, the same age she would be in the first movie. If Twilight is five years younger, that makes her seven. We’ll say that a pony is fully grown at age seven or eight, but doesn’t finish mentally maturing until thirteen. This works much like the way humans are. Girls stop growing around thirteen or fourteen, with boys continuing to grow until adulthood. I’ll say that mares and stallions work the same way. To explain key events in this story, first I must talk about the Ancient Alicorn Civilization. This is very closely based on the theory The Brony Notion created in his talk about Flurry Heart. Once upon a time there was a race of alicorns. These alicorns lived in a civilization separate from Equestria, and mostly stayed uninvolved. That is until Discord began to take over. When Equestria went into distress, Celestia and Luna were sent to restore peace and order in Equestria. The mares controlled Discord, befriending him and helping guide him back onto the right path. But because of their interference, Equestria became dependent on the royal sisters. In this civilization, nopony is born an alicorn. Ponies are born either unicorns or pegasi, and gain their wings or horns when they get their cutie marks. Going off of this information, here is the timeline. Over 1000 years before season one- The Royal Sisters are sent to Equestria in order to restore peace among the ponies. The mares befriend Discord and Celestia forms a romantic bond with him. Luna finds comfort from her insecurities in him and they become very close friends. When Discord decides he wants to take over Equestria again, he has one last night with Celestia. You can guess what they did. Very soon after- the sisters are forced to use the elements of harmony on Discord and turn him to stone for one thousand years. Because of this, Luna slowly goes off the rails and becomes Nightmare Moon. Despite her best wishes Celestia is forced to use the elements once again against Luna and imprison her on the moon. A few days after that- Celestia discovers she is pregnant with Discord’s child. She places a freeze spell on the foal, to stop growth in order to wait for the right time for them to be born. 12 years before Nightmare Moon’s return- Celestia decides the time is right and a unicorn filly is born. Celestia hides her child from the world until she is old enough to understand the danger that is presented in being the heir to the royal throne. Celestia places a spell on her to prevent her from obtaining her wings, as she is related to the ponies of the alicorn civilization. Seven years before Nightmare Moon’s return- Twilight Sparkle is born. Sunset’s power begins to grow and become almost out of control. She eventually could become stronger than Celstia herself. Three years before Nightmare Moon’s return- Twilight becomes Celestia’s student. 2 days before Nightmare Moon’s return- Twilight is sent to Ponyville to make friends. Nightmare Moon’s return- Twilight and her friends use the elements to return Luna to her original form. Celestia hides Sunset from her sister, keeping her away from the castle at all costs to prevent Luna from becoming angry at her due to Sunset's existence. The story- This story takes place in between Luna being reformed and Discords reformation. One year after Nightmare Moon’s return: Discords reformation- the plot of the show is followed with the exception of Twilight becoming a princess. Prologue- Once upon a time, in a magical land called Equestria, a civilization of ponies fell to ruin.