> Open World: Level Up > by BioQuillFiction > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1: Tutorial > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I couldn't take it anymore. The insults, the rejection, the loneliness… My hooves hit the ground hard and fast. My vision was blurred as I let out my cries and sorrows to the moon. I'm Button Mash, and I'm a loser. Fourteen and no cutie mark, the filly of my dreams, or at least my crush since I was nine, rejected me for that dragon Spike. To make it all worse… it finally dawned on me that, aside from I had no friends. The others at school were more or less just talking to me because of school work. Those who talk to me after or before school just laugh at my lack of a cutie mark and push me around. I finally just stopped somewhere and let it fall out. Holding all this sadness in has been hard, and I don't want to worry mom with all my problems, she has enough to worry about. I wasn't sure how much time passed before I calmed down enough to give a sigh and think things over. "Stupid Tiara and her… ugh. Stupid Spike…. Damn it." I huffed.  Diamond Tiara was my bully for a long time growing up. She's nice and changed but still, the hurt is there from the past, but I can't hate her now. And I can't hate Spike just because Sweetie Belle fell for him. I've never even talked to him before but I've heard he's nice and considerate, so at least I know Sweetie will be cared for. I took a long deep breath and sighed. I needed this, to just vent out privately. I rubbed the red out of my eyes and looked around. Huh, where am… Growling echoed around me. My eyes went wide and pupils shrunk as soon several glowing green pairs of eyes were watching me from some nearby bushes. Timber wolves… crap, I ran into the Everfree! I jumped up, the wooden wolves slowly walking out, ready to chase me down as they matched my movements… I gulped, chuckled, and bolted. The living sticks barking as they chased me and trying to bite at my legs. How did I not realize I was running right into the Everfree?! I just had to run off to cry and vent, I couldn't just bottle it all up and let it fester til it turned into brain cancer and killed me like a normal pony. What? I developed a morbid sense of humor and way of looking at things as I got older, don't judge.  I yipped as one nearly bit my hind right leg. I responded with a still running buck to its chin and thankfully didn't fall down and kept moving. I made a rapid turn into the denser trees to lose them… and found myself falling down a small cliffside hill into the mud… well, at least I didn't break anything. I sat up and wiped the mud off my face and looked up at where I fell from. That's pretty steep. At least two stories. Well, it looks like the Timber wolves Don't wanna try their luck.  "And screw off you walking firewood." I huffed at them… why did that rock move? I got up and began walking backwards as one, two, five, nine… snakes? Nope, not snakes, heads. Heads with long necks! Oh fuck that's a baby Hydra… that would be kinda cool if it wasn't looking at me like a midnight snack… It roared at me and I was running again. Next time I get the idea to vent and cry, I'll just do it in my pillow like a filly who got her heart broken. I rushed myself through more trees and bushes, hopling the thicker foliage would hold them back. It at least seemed to slow them down. I, in my complete lack of perception, fell down another hillside cliff. Ouch… what the?  I blinked, swearing I just saw… numbers? In the dirt, a few spots where green numbers flashed along the ground. Just one and zero though, in rapid fast movements they ran along the dirt… then were gone? Ugh, I think I hit my head on this fall. I began my prior work of running for my life when the baby Hydra made itself known on the cliff above me and worked its way down. Thankfully, nearby was a whole thick and near maze of trees I ran into. Even for a baby Hydra it's still too big to squeeze through all these trees. I didn't stop till I ran into a much taller cliff wall largely made of rocks. I ran along the side of it for what felt like an hour til Finally finding a cave of sorts. The entrance was too small for that thing also. I entered the pitch black darkness, worried of anything in here… this is a dumb idea… "Hello?! Anything here wanna eat me?!" I yelled in… echo… dying echo… silence… more silence… and yay, nothing is in here. I sighed, finally sitting my flank down and letting my legs rest. Fuck they are sore. Earth Pony endurance my ass. Then again I've rarely ever been physical so, odds are it's still my own fault for being a weak earth pony. As I let myself rest I could hear this… faint echo, like running water. Is there a river in this cave? Shit I wish I could see cause I am so thirsty. Do I risk it? … well, if I'm gonna bunker down for a while at least having water would be nice. Slowly I began moving into the caves deeper areas. I felt around feeling only dirt and small rocks around my hooves before stepping. Each step was a mystery, even with my eyes a bit more adjusted to the dark it was too dark to properly see anything unless it was right in front of me. As I turned a corner into another area that water echo started to sound clearer and kinda… high pitched?  Must be moving fast or something? I shrugged and kept going, careful as I felt around another turn and blinked. I spotted a glow in the back of this chamber. A glowing almost dark neon green. Maybe some of those glowing plants they talked about in school, mushrooms or moss. Doubt I can eat it but light is light. The closer I got the louder that noise got. It began sounding a bit more like static from a TV than water. Finally I arrived as the source of the noise and saw… numbers. A glowing bunch of numbers running up and down along itself in a circle giving off that glow and noise. "Damn it." I cursed, hoping for water and got… whatever this is. Is this wild magic or something?  I sat down next to it, wondering what the heck to make of it other than a convenient light source. It has to be magic, or something like that. I sighed. Well, at least I can sorta see the cave better. Rocks, rocks, ground and ceiling rock spikes I can never remember the names of. Those are made from dripping water… right? I got up and thanked Celestia, a small pool of water formed between three close together ones and I drank the small bowel empty. Better, but still what is that… weird… magic. I backed up a bit, the small pool of strange green number magic got very big all of a sudden and kept growing. "Shit!" I yelled, trying to get around it but it already blocked the way I came from. It began covering the walls and such and I tried to stay out of it, the floor beneath me getting covered in that magic that showed nothing but one and zero. To my horror the ground began sinking, and then I fell into that magic, screaming. "Ugh… fuck…" I groaned from under my sheets, what a nightmare. Was so damn vivid. I got up, blinking as The sunlight hit my eyes. I swear Princess Celestia does that on purpose to ponies. Shaking my head as I got up I rubbed the tired out of my eyes and… "What?!" I yelled. I was in a fairly empty room. The only thing in it was the bed I'm on, a table with a vase and a small bunch of flowers in it, and a picture of some… weird looking… like a smaller minotaur, female, wearing a dress made of large leaves and… I think she's pregnant? Where the hell am I? I saw the door and got up to open it, peeking outside I saw a hallway where walking out from one room was… a dragon?!  She was dressed in a nun's attire, but pink and blue over black and white. She turned to look at me and… She has large yellow stilted eyes, orange/red scales, and something that looked like leathery hair along her forehead. "Wow, two in one day." She said, looking surprised as she closed the door. I gulped. "Uh… Hi." I said nervously. "Hello there." She said, sounding so nice and gave me a warm smile that calmed my nerves down. She walked over and kneeled down to me. Wow she was tall, a little over twice my height. "Did you just wake up here too?" "Yes. Yes! Wait, too? There are others?"  "Let's talk inside the room real quick." She said. The two of us went back inside the room and both took a seat on the bed. "So, what is your name?" "I'm Button Mash. And you are?" "I am Carla. Button, what is the last thing you remember before waking up here?" "I was… running. I had some monsters chasing me and took shelter in a cave. I thought I heard running water and left to find it and found this… glowing weird magic filled with ones and zeros. I turned around for a second and it suddenly became huge and… and I fell into it… am I… not in Equestria anymore? Did I get teleported to the Dragon Lands or something?" Carla looked at me, giving me a sad smile and held my hoof. "Button, this isn't even your world." "My… what?" "This is the church of The Mother. One of many, and people like you sometimes show up here from other worlds, other realities entirely. We call them Displaced, or Izikai." "Another… reality? Like a parallel universe or something?" This can't be real… that's… that's science fiction… then again Princess Twilight does have that mirror… "How do I get back home?" "I'm afraid there is no known way. Since this reality was made people like you have been showing up and not a single one has ever found their way back to their original reality, most settle in on this reality's version of their home." "This world's version?" "That is a long story. Do you want to hear it now or after you've had time to process this information?" "I… I think I wanna hear it now." "Well, this reality was once a massive co existing mix of parallel realities called Reflections or Realms. One day a great threat came to destroy it all. A family of the most powerful people in the realms combated this evil. United they matched this evil, but then they became one. One all powerful being called, The Mother." She motioned to the picture of that lady creature on the wall. "She defeated the evil and saved all realities, and then remade all the realms into what they are now. Infinite, ever expanding, ever exploring. Dangerous and safe, beautiful and terrifying. Perfectly in Harmony between good and evil." "That's… wow… and, where am I? Location wise?" "We are some miles outside the town of Coal Vien. It's a mining town." "Lemme guess, coal?" "Heh. Yes. Some iron and whatever else spawns in and-" "I'm sorry, Spawn? Like… in video games?" "Heh, that is a good comparison. You see, what makes this reality infinite isn't just the ever growing size, it's also the worlds themselves. Once a year on the first day of the new year things like mines, dungeon bosses and such all regain all the ores, items and such they had mined out over the year." "So… this reality is more or less a giant video game?" "Pretty close, yes." "Huh…" I said, thinking hard about that. "So… what happens to me now?" "Well, most Izikai after processing this information try to do something. Most go off to explore and adventure and others try and regain some sense of normalcy." "So do I have to go back to school?" "School? You were in school?" "Yeah. I'm fourteen." "Ah, I thought you looked a bit small. Well, in that case there is a place you can go to, finish school up and learn about this world and choose what you want to do." "What is it?" "The Caretakers Guild." "The… what?" "They're like a boarding school for Isikaied children like yourself. They train and teach you about all this world has to offer and when you graduate whether you want to adventure, travel or just love normally you'll be ready for it." "So… this school… guild thing has others like me? Other izikai kids? Well, guess I'll at least fit in then…" "I know it might not sound the best but they are the best option given your age. I promise they will take care of you, and you will have fun." "Yeah… okay then." I was surprised when it was another pony who picked me up for the Caretakers Guild. He was a Pegasus, all white with purple eyes and yellow mane. "Button Mash." He asked, looking me over. I nodded. "I am Echo Dash. Are you feeling well?" "I guess." I said. Honestly I felt… empty. Hollow actually. Same thing I guess. "Before I take you to the Caretakers Guild I am going to equip you with an Assistant." He said, his wife pulling out a white slip of paper with some symbol on it. "An… Assistant?" "It's a techno magical device everyone in this reality has. It makes life easier in every aspect. Do you primarily use your right or left hoof?" "Right." I said. I held up my left leg and he placed the paper along it, just above the joint to my hoof and I watched with wide eyes as it melted into my skin, leaving that mark on me almost like how a cutie mark would appear. "So what happens- woah!" New Registered User. Name: Button Mash. Race: Equestrian - Earth Pony Age: 14 Cutie Mark: N/A Those worlds appeared for a bit then we're replaced by a small line of hearts in the bottom left of my vision and a small map of where I was in the right bottom corner. Woah… "What is this thing? Why are their hearts and a map in my vision?" "Those hearts tell how healthy you are. Get sick or get hurt and they go down. They go all the way down and you'll either pass out or die. The map helps you navigate places. You can customize them or just remove them if you want." "Huh. I'll keep them for now. So… if I get hurt I'll know how close to dying I get to… good to know… I think?" "Yeah, dying sucks." "... Have you died before?" "Mostly when I was exploring and it wasn't fun. Never is." "... I'm sorry, what?" "Oh, she didn't tell you?" Echo Dash asked, looking over at Carla by the door way who shook her head. "Ah. Well, you see Button, there are only three things in all of this wide and vast reality that can actually kill us and keep us dead. Anything else we'll just wake back up in our beds, and if for some reason our beds aren't around then we wake up in a church like this one." "... So we respawn after dying?" "Yes." "... Cool." I said, genuinely surprised that I'm… pretty much immortal now. "That goes for me too right?" "Yes. All Izikai also gain our realities ability to respawn after dying and our longer lifespans." "Longer life spans?" "Yes. We can effectively live, well, forever. Once we stop growing physically we don't actually age or grow older unless we want to look older. Basically we can do whatever we please here Button." "...how old are you?" "2,083 years old." "... And are you also Izikai?" "Yes." "... Wow…" "Heh, and compared to some I am still basically a child." Echo Dash said with a laugh. "Well, come in then. The Caretakers Guild already has a room in one of the dorms for you." "R-right." I said, getting off the bed and walking over to Echo Dash. He did something on his Assistant and- "What the?!" I yelped and jumped. There was a flash of white and we were now in a hallway that looked… almost like Canterlot. "Did we… teleport?" "Yes." Echo said with a nod. "But… you're a Pegasus…" "I told you Button, we can do as we please here. Magic, is just the tip of the iceberg." "... Cool." I said in awe. "Come along." Echo said as I followed him down the hall. "We are in the Caretakers Guild, Equestria section. The familiar environment should help you adjust to life here and keep you comfortable. Your classes begin tomorrow and your roommate is waiting for you." "Huh. So, how often will I see you around?" "I'll check in with you two daily. I oversee the dorm you both are living in so fairly often. I am your appointed guardian while you live here." "Ah. And how many classes do I have? What kinds?" "Typically in a day you'll have three to five, ranging from the basics in mathematics, science, history, and of course magic, combat, and other optional classes." "Combat? I get magic but why combat?" "You'll learn soon enough. Your roommate will inform you on more, also here is your key." They held out a small chrome key with their wing that I took in my hoof. "So, what's my roommate like?" "Smart, talented, same as us, walks on four hooves and has been Izikai for about three years now." "Wow." "Yeah she's a trooper." "Wait, she?" "Yes." "I'm sharing a dorm with a girl?!" "You'll both have private rooms that are only sharing the livingroom and kitchen/dinning room. The doors to your bedrooms are enchanted so only you can enter yours and only she can enter her's and the shared rooms have cameras so we'll know if you two get up to some funny business." "Uh… that works, I guess."  There was a bit of science til we arrived at a room that shared a number with my key. Room 400. "I'll see you in the morning before classes start, alright?" "Uh, sure." "Your room has a few things you'll be needing, a weekly allowance, bags, books, cloths, ect." "Thank you." "Think nothing of it." With that said Echo teleported away. So neat. With a sigh I opened the door and walked inside… holy crap it's huge! The living room had a large fluffy looking couch, nice carpet rug, neat white wall paint and a massive tv with a flat screen! Is it plastic? How did they do that? "Hi?" I tensed up… that… that voice… I turned around, seeing a pink filly with a purple and white striped mane… Diamond Tiara?! She's my roommate?! No, no, calm down Button. This can't be the same Tiara. Carla said this reality was made up of multiverses… so that should mean she’s a doppelganger… no, that sounds like she’s a fake…  She’s a… something. “Hello?” She said, poking me with the feather of… Wait… I blinked. She has wings?! “Are you broken?” I shook my head. “Sorry, sorry, you just… Your name isn’t Diamond Tiara, is it?” She nodded. “Yeah. I guess you knew a version of me from your world too then huh? Lots of the others here all say the me from their worlds was mean or a bitch or… worse. Same for you I take it?” “She was, but she changed. She’s nice, just, still would freeze up when she was around is all.” “Yeesh… She hurt you bad then huh?” “Heh, only emotionally.” “Oh… Well… So, any questions?” “Well, have you… died and respawned before?” “Once. Combat class got a little too intense and I woke up in my bad an hour later.” “Oh. Is there like a penalty for dying?” “No, just an hour or two missing and the old body to clean up.” “Old… body?” “Well they don’t just up and vanish. If you wanna get rid of it you just tap the spot where your Assistant was and poof, gone.” “And it has to be… who previously owned it?” “Yup.” “Gross.” “Yup.” “Can you use magic?” She raised a hoof, a small ball of fire appearing in it I just stared at. “Fire, Ice, Terra and Electronium.” “So cool… How do I do that?” “Various ways, easiest is to absorb Elemental gems like I did and most everyone does. Instant means of learning basic spells and such. You can read books and such and practice them. There are a lot of ways.” She said, the fire poofing out.  “What will my classes be like?” “Fairly basic. For this reality at least. Math and all that is so much more advanced, most Izikai like us are all only studying what we can understand and only a few try and learn the more advanced stuff.” “Ah. So, where is my room?” “Oh, left hall on the right.” “Cool. So we cook our own meals then?” “Heh. Come one.” Diamond Tiara said. Confused I walked over with her to the stove in the kitchen. Wow this place is neat. She gave me a smile as she tapped this… screen? Yeah, a screen on the stove and clicked an image of what looked like a Haybruger and frise… And I watched as potatoes, hay, pots, pans and oil all began floating about and- “The kitchen cooks by itself?!” “Yup. I still sometimes watch it cook with no one there. So cool.” “I’ll say.”  “Now then, anything else?” “How… did you move on.” I finally said, looking at the floor now. “When you…” “I didn’t.” She said, putting a hoof to my chest and I looked up at her. She had a smile on, but tears fell from her eyes. “I miss them all the time. I was going to be a big sister… and now I’ll never know if I had a little brother or little sister. I’ll never see mom and dad get older, never get to work in dad’s store… It hurts to think about it, to remember but all in all, I keep hope. Someday, maybe something will happen and I can see them again, and if that day comes be it going back or them arriving here, I wanna be someone, somepony they can really see did something amazing with their life and have so many stories to tell them.” I did something in that moment I have never done before. I hugged Diamond Tiara. She returned it. She isn’t like the Tiara I know. Nothing at all, the one I knew became better through understanding and a second chance. She’s been through hardships I’m experiencing and working to live with it. After a bit we broke the hug, she cleaned off tears with her eyes with her wings. “Heh, good thing I don’t believe in make up.” And it’s official, this is SO not the Tiara I know. “So, I guess you’ll wanna check your room. I’ll be here watching TV.” “Heh, sure. I’ll be out in a bit with more questions.” I said with a nod and headed towards where my room was. I felt… better. Everypony, wait… everyone? Yeah, Everyone here knows what I’m going through, they all have been there. They understand. The door on the right. Here it is, my room. Hope it’s as good as the rest of this place has been so far. I opened the door and… HOLY FUCK! This room is the size of my house! Two stories? Couch, tv, bathroom, study table, bed… wow. I looked over the small amount of things on my bed on the second floor. Saddle bags, brand new textbooks, pencils, notebooks, a dagger, a… what? “Why the fuck is there a dagger here?!” I asked/yelled while picking it up. It was built to be gripped in the teeth but it also stuck to my hoof pretty well while holding it… Combat classes… Okay, now I’m worried. I put the dagger aside and put all the school supplies into my saddle bags and noticed a fair sized pouch. Opening it showed hundreds of small… pebbles? They were weird and all had strange marks on them. “Okay, that’s two questions for Tiara then.” I said, putting the saddle bags at the foot of the bed and put the pouch on my back and headed back out. In the living room I saw Tiara setting up plates with the hayburgers and fries.  “Back already?” She asked. “Yeah, uh, question, why was there a dagger with my school supplies?” “Combat class. It’s the basic weapon they give for it but you can get your own. Just as long as you don’t go starting fights the guild lets you carry them on you.” “I figured. And this bag of pebbles?” I asked, shaking the bag on my back a bit. “Oh, that’s Rem. It’s the money in this reality. Basically think of it like this, one Rem is equivalent to one bit back on Equestria. So, we get a weekly allowance of five hundred rem a week.” “Five hundred a week? Is that a lot here, cause back home that is a lot.” “It’s less than minimum wage here but it’s more than enough for personal expenses and such.” “Oh. Cool. So put this in my saddle bags then?” “Or in your Assistant, that’s safer.” I looked at the small imprint on my leg. “How?” “Tap it.” Confused, I sat down, using one hoof to tap the imprint and Woah! A gowing… display thing popped out in front of me. Little square bubbles were here and there. “Woah… what is this?” “You’re menu. Heh, here, this will take a bit but it’s easy once you know what is what.” Tiara spent the next few hours teaching me about the Assistant. How to customize my hud, store rem inside it for safekeeping, how buying things work, how to work the tv. Almost everything is done with this thing imprinted on my leg. The best part was when she told me I can buy and play games on it. “So cool…” “I know right, I still don’t think I’ve learned everything it can do.” Tiara said with a nod as we finished off our dinner. “Oh, and the most important feature.” She tapped a few things on my display, downloading an app that was a red squarish oval with a sideways triangle on it. “Youtube.” “What’s a Youtube?” I asked. “It’s like TV but anyone can upload their own videos and make their own movies and shows and such.” “Oh. Neat!” “Trust me, especially in studying, this is a life saver. I owe so many B’s and C’s for tests I forgot to study for thanks to the videos on that app.” “Cool. So, what will my classes be?” “Odds are same as mine. That’s typically how the guild likes to run things. Dorm mates also take the same classes unless they are older or younger than one another but typically they are good at keeping them all in the same age range.” “Oh, so you’re fourteen too?” “Yup! So that means for the mornings we’ll have history, followed by math, science, Study Hall, Magic and Combat class at the end of the day.” “How bad is Combat class?” “Depends on who you are paired with to spar. You’re new so most likely you’ll be fighting some low level monster.” “They have us fight each other and monsters?” “Yup.” “Wow… this place is nuts.” “Trust me, it only gets worse the longer you live here.” Tiara said, giving a laugh to my sigh. “You get used to it but at the same time, you don’t.” “That’s gonna be a headache.” I sighed. The little clock I now had in my hud told me it was already 10:34. “What time do classes start tomorrow?” “Ten. Oh, I see.” She said, likely seeing the time in her own hud also. Heh, that’s just neat. “Guess we better get to bed.” “Yeah. Thanks for telling me how to set an alarm.” “Heh, just remember to tap your assistant to turn it off otherwise that nose won’t stop.” With that she took the plates and placed them in the sink, pushing a button on the faucet and… magic dishwashing! “I know.” “So chores are basically non existent here. Not too bad.” I said with a laugh as I got up. “Night then Tiara.” “Night Button.” Tiara said as we both headed to bed. Once inside my room I went up to my bed and climbed up onto it… so much happened in so little time. It’s been just a day and already it feels like it should have been longer… I sighed, tapping my Assistant and bringing up Youtube. Might as well see- Holy shit a whole section of nothing but video games?! BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! My brain! I jumped, falling out of bed with an oof and a thud and finishing that off with a groan as I tapped my assistant. Note to self, ask Tiara how to lower the damn volume on this thing… Ugh, so tired. So many games, not enough time to watch them all, so many subscriptions to those funny people. I got up, turning my neck as it popped and the short jolt of pain then relief woke me up a bit. I went to the bathroom, thankfully there are towles here and I was able to take a quick shower. Guess I’ll have to buy my own soap soon since the bottles they give are pretty small. Once out I began drying off. Yay, free toothbrush and toothpaste too. I cleaned off the fog from the mirror and began to brush my teeth… then dropped my toothbrush as I saw my teeth. My teeth are different?! The front ones were a lot thinner, I had four smaller sharp ones like a dog’s and the rest behind the sharp ones looked normal. What the? “Why are my teeth like this?” I poked a sharp looking one with a hoof, they were sharp. Nothing that can draw blood by touch but with a hard bite… After brushing my apparent new teeth I headed out with my bags, packed with my supplies and the dagger and saw Tiara at the dining table, eating some waffles. “Morning.” “Morning… So why do I have new teeth?” “I was wondering if you’d notice that.” She said, swallowing her food then giving me a tooth filled smile. Woah! Her too! “It’s part of the changes. On top of being able to respawn, aging til an adult then basically staying the same physical age forever or until we change it, we also get omnivore teeth.” “So… we can eat meat?” “Don’t have to but we can now and it won’t bother us.” “Huh… maybe not soon…” “It’s not bad, once you get over the initial fear the taste is pretty good.” “...huh…” I thought for a while after that, eating breakfast and finishing it of my licking the syrup on the plate. “So, when should we leave for class?” “They start at ten. We’ll be auto teleported there til then.” I looked at my clock. 9:04. “So, anything else you wanna know about?” “Yeah. I was up late watching Youtube,” “Everyone’s addiction.” “And there was this one guy who kept talking about in game abilities being nothing like the real world ones? So what are abilities exactly?” “Abilities, perhaps some of the most important things to know about whether you explore and adventure or not. Abilities do everything from give you powers you can use to boosting things about yourself, like your speed, strength, ect.” “Huh. How many are there?” “Nobody knows. The Family makes new ones and variations of existing ones all the time and that just makes things more interesting and confusing at times.” “Cool, do you have any?” “Two. Scan, it’s one of the first abilities you can get once you gain your first skill points, and Projectile feathers.” She then flapped her wings and I looked at the floor and some of her pink feathers were in the ground.  “That is amazing.” “There’s all kinds and what you can unlock first all depends on how you use your skill points to improve yourself, or completely change yourself. All up to you.” “Neat. And Skill points unlock them? How do I get them?” “Damn near any way possible. You can fight and earth them in dungeons, complete challenges ranging from easy for a few to super complicated and specific for a bunch, join a guild and complete their guild affiliated goals and they give you some as rewards among other stuff. The Caretakers guild here even gives them out for things like good team work, good behaviour, good grades, ect.” “Cool. You can’t buy them then huh?” “You can but they are two trillion rem each.” “Excuse me what?” “While yes you can earn a lot doing the work for them to sell one for all that labor, even just one is like just handing someone over a free pass for less work. So they sell for a ton of money.” “You ever sold one?” “Heck no! I’m working towards unlocking a new ability that takes three skill points and I only have one.” “Oh. So what ability are you working towards?” “Minor Self Healing. Basically little bits of damage I get will heal itself over a few minutes. Bigger wounds will take hours. Self healing abilities are a good investment.” “Well, guess when I get some Skill Points I should invest in Abilities like that.” “Go with Scan first, it tells you how much health your opponent has. It’s a mandatory first ability.” “Okay then. So, any super epic abilities that everyone wants?” “Tons. Generation, Copy Cat, Amplify, Transfer, Foresight, Loop, Analyze. That’s just a few of the Legendary class abilities.” “Huh. What do they do?” “Well, Generation lets you create and generate power of the different energies you can acquire. Magic, Void, Nothingness, Balance, Fire, Water, ect. It lets you generate as much as your body can hold and the stronger you get, the more of the energies you can hold. Copy Cat is the one that if you have it, you just win at life. All you need to do is see someone use their ability and you have that ability for yourself.” “That’s pretty overpowered.” “Hence why it’s a Legendary ability. Amplify makes the energy you have naturally more potent. Boosting its power and potential as if you had more in the tanks to pour in. Transfer actually les you take abilities from one person and keep or give them to other people. You just need to touch them to make it work. Foresight is really cool. While in combat if you use it, you can catch glimpses of your opponents moves before they act, giving you an edge in combat. Loop is a lot like Generation. So long as you have one other person to use it with, Loop will cycle all your energies together and between you two, boosting their power and amount by nearly double or more each loop. Hence the name. Analyze lets you look at anything, machines mostly, and instantly understand everything about it from how it works to how to build and take them apart.” “So if I had that I could just immediately know everything the books have in them?” Tiara laughed. “Yeah, but that’s not the best use for a legendary ability.” “No way, it’s the best way to use it!” I declared jokingly.   “And IF you ever get it you can use it that way. But that’s a big IF. Legendary abilities aren’t unlocked like the rest, they are received either as level five dungeon prizes or as a prize in the Grandmaster’s Arena, or just appear to you randomly sometimes.” “They can appear randomly? Why?” “No one knows. Some think it’s the Family, watching us and helping us when they think we need it. Others think it’s some unknown requirement to receive it. It’s all just guess work.” “Huh. What about The Family? You mentioned them before?” “Remember the Family of heros that merged to create The Mother?” I nodded. “That family.” “Oh. That makes sense. So they rule this reality then?” “Not sure if Rule is the right word, more like oversee it. The guilds were all founded to help manage various things here and there from big to small so, yeah. No real kings or queens. Some people worship The Mother and The Family like gods, they are way more than that, but you know, it’s up to if you want to.” “Huh. So are we allowed… off campus?” “We are, so long as it’s after the school hours and if it gets to ten at night we are auto teleported back. Safety measures and all that.” “Teleporting is useful huh.” “So useful.” She said with a nod. “Still have about forty minutes to kill. Wanna watch TV?” “What’s on?” “Better question is what isn’t on.” Tiara said as she flew up and onto the couch. I quickly made my way over and sat down. She held up her Assistant to the TV, a beam shooting out from it to the TV as a remote made of light appeared, floating under her hoof.  “Woah…” “Yeah.” She said, the TV turning on as she flipped through channels. She stopped on what looked like a cartoon from home… no, not a cartoon… Comic. “Is that Power Ponies?” I asked, surprised. “Yeah. They were a comic that got a TV show back on my world.” “Wow. Back home it was still just a Comic. TV’s were still fairly new, mostly just showed news and a few cartoons. Nothing like Power Ponies. Even so I mostly stayed at home playing or at the arcade.” “Neat, what did you play?” “Mr and Mrs Packmare, Space Invaders, Diskus Hunt and Dance Dance.” “Dance Dance, seriously?” “Hey, that game gave me some of the best reaction times and hoof eye coordination ever. I am eighty percent sure that game is how I got a perfect score on Diskus Hunt’s pro shooter mode.” “Heh, I’ve only ever played Frogger. But arriving here I played a few others over the years. Mostly just time killer games like Temple Run and Fallout Stable/Shelter.” “Stable/Shelter?” “They’re the same game but, ya know, multiverses all merged into one reality so.” “Ah, Right. So, think maybe you can show me around after school?” “Sure. Around town then I take it?” “Yeah… Decorate my room and such.” “You can buy some from the Assistant, but yeah.” “You’ll have to show me how.” I said with a laugh.  We watched the show til I blinked and we were in class. The room was pretty normal looking I suppose. “Dang it. Always at the good part.” Tiara sighed as she took out her books. I looked around. This did look like a history class. Tiara and I were in a row with about three other empty desks. Behind and in front of us were other rows of desks filled with others. Some ponies, some other races, some races I didn’t know the names to. Looking over I saw the teacher. He was a pony… I think. He stood on two legs and looked kinga like how the minotaur look, but not at buff at all.  I just shrugged and too my books and notebooks out as well as a pen. "Now class," The teacher started. "We have a new commer to the Guild, Button Mash. So to help them catch up will will be doing a quick review of the semesters lessons. Those of you who want to listen to refresh your memory and notes can follow along, if you don't then please try not to make any noise." He stated simply. "My name is Reference Point, but you can call me Me. Point." With that Mr. Point began the review.  Majority of this stuff I already knew, but there was more details to it now. Names like Cript, King, Eclipsa, Max, John, The Foretellers and other major members of the family and what they did in the war. After that it was mostly talk about all the different worlds colonized across the stars, which is so damn awesome, and the places of significance between them. Huh, so I was on a different world when I arrived and when Echo Dash picked me up we teleported all the way to the first world of this reality. Homeworld. The largest and most populated. Which makes sense. Next up was Math and thankfully it was stuff I knew from back home so it wasn't that difficult at all.  Science was neat. Rather than just writing out formulas for chemical equations we got to watch the teacher bring a dead frog back to life using various chemicals. Study hall was calm, just all of us in a room reviewing notes. Those who weren't reviewing notes got an early start on homework or were killing time doing whatever. Finally, this is a class I have been waiting for, Magic. I sat eagerly but turned to Tiara when she gave my side a poke. "So, before she gets here you know who Twilight Sparkle is right?" "Yeah. She became Princess of Equestria back home. Wait, is she our teacher?!" "Yes but it's a reflection of her." I raised a brow. "It's what we call parallel version of others." I nodded. So that's the term. "This Twilight Sparkle is actually part of The Family." My eyes shot up. "Yeah. Married to Cript himself and sister to Eclipsa of Grey. She's insanely powerful." "Then why is she teaching magic here and not at some advanced school?" "Cause she wants to. Just letting you know beforehand." "Hand?" "Hoof, hand, eh. Same meaning." She shrugged. A short time later the teacher entered. She was definitely Twilight Sparkle. Not the princess from back home, more like the librarian turned Alicorn back when I was a foal. Bit taller I think. "Good evening class. I understand we have a new student here." She then looked at me. "Button. Welcome to the class and to our world." "Uh, thanks." I said sheepishly. "Now then, since you are new you'll need some spells to get started." Her horn lit up and on my desk suddenly appeared two things. A scroll and a glowing light blue gem. "That's a Mana gem, it will let give you a starting amount of Mana to use for spells, more than what you can grow on your own and the scroll holds a basic telekinesis spell. It will come in very useful. Tiara, as his roommate please help Button learn to utilize the spell. Everyone else please turn to page 56 of your textbooks and study the matrix diagrams." Everyone did as told and Tiara turned to face me. "So, ready?" She asked. "Yeah." I said with a smile and a nod, looking the gem over. "So, how does it work?" "Take it in your fetlock and squeeze it. Once you have you'll see some text in your hud asking if you wanna absorb it. Select yes." I did that, Squeezing the gem and blinking as the text appeared. New Elemental Gem Detected. Mana Gem. Absorb into DNA for use? Yes? No? "How do I select yes?" I asked. "Just focus on it for a bit." I did just that and after a bit the yes button glowed and the gem melted in my grip and flowed inside my coat and skin. That felt weird. Mana Gem Absorbed. Current Mana usage: 50MP. Recharge time when used is 2 hours. "It self recharges my Mana?"  "Yup. Now for the scroll. Just open it if you'd please." Inside just that and once I did the scroll lifted itself out of my hooves and proofed in a puff of smoke and was gone. New Spell Learned: Telekinesis "That… that's it? Thought I had to read it." "I don't really get it either but that's how it is. Now then, Telekinesis hardly used any mana to use. Maybe one MP a minute at most. So, basically you just gotta focus on an object and imagine holding it with your hoof or even fetlock and moving it that way. Try with your pencil." I nodded, looking at my pencil and trying to imagine holding it in my teeth or in my fetlock and hey it worked! I blinked and smiled as it flew around, writing my name on the paper like how I'd write with it in my teeth. "This is easier than I expected. How come there's no aura around it though?" "You're not a unicorn. Ones magic manifests on objects and in spells differently." "Heh, well guess I don't have to deal with chewed up, spit covered pencils anymore." "It was a blessing when I realized that too. So, typically you can only lift what you can physically hold, so don't go trying to lift up boulders and houses." The rest of class I learned about spell Matrixes and the basics of that. Ways if keeping an object enchanted or to use the matrix to boost a spell I cast with ambient mama in the air or soil. Finally, it was Combat class. It felt a lot more like Gym class. I had my dagger on my back and Tiara had… "The fuck is that?" I asked her. Tiara looked back at her weapon, it was a long metal thing strapped to a weird looking saddle she wore that linked a little lever it has to a bite grip the saddle placed just in front of her mouth. "An M1918 Browning automatic rifle. It's a machine gun. Do they not have guns on your Equestria?" I shook my head. "Hmm. Cannons?" I nodded. "It's a more compact cannon that shoots more than once and way faster." "Woah…" "Attention!" The teacher said, making everyone stand up straight. I followed suit. The teacher here wasn't a pony. In fact I am pretty sure he's… what did Tiara say he was… Anthro? No, Human… yes, yeah that was it, Human. He had a light caramel skin color with black sunglasses over his eyes and a very short amount of hair on his head. "I was told we have a new student. Up front newbie!" I jumped, stepping forward. "Name?" "Button Mash." "Alright Mash, I'm MR. Collins. You ever been in a fight?" "No." "Ever take self defense classes?" "No." "Ever get bullied by the older kids and fight back?" "Just emotionally and no." "Jesus Christ kid you sound sad. Well today that all changes! Into the arena!" He noticed I was looking at him confused while everyone else was taking steps back behind some lines in the floor. "Just stand there and wait alright?" I nodded as he left to the outside line to and over to a wall screen he taped his Assistant to. The floor I was on immediately began going down a ways til it was about thirty feet below with the rest of this floor. "Alright then, I'm gonna summon in a basic Shadow Creature for you to fight." Mr. Collins said from above. "Shadow what?" I questioned as in a puff of dark mist appeared a small dark purple creature with bug like antenna atop it's head. It had no visible mouth and body looked like a bad child's drawing with thin legs and arms ending in some claws. It looked at me with bright glowing white eyes. "The fuck…?" "This is a basic Shadow Creature. A very common monster to appear outside the safe zones. They can also appear inside the safe zones but only under certain events. One alone isn't much of a threat, they aren't too smart either. Your assignment for class here is to kill it." "Uh, alright?" I gulped, using telekinesis to place the dagger's grip in my mouth as I walked up to the twitching thing. I tried kicking it with a leg and it dodged- "Ouch!" I winced, the thing swiped it's arm, cutting me. It wasn't deep but was deep enough to bleed. Now I was a bit pissed as I swung with the dagger, the thing jumped on my head and I moved frantically to shake it off, feeling it slice at my head. "Fucking get off!" "Use your magic Button!" I heard Tiara yell out. Magic? All I know is… oh! I cast Telekinesis on the small monster, getting it off my head and just to be safe I spun it around and then swung with the dagger. The small thing was cut in half, splashing silver liquid all around the floor that quickly evaporated. About seven rem fell from where its body melted. I pocketed that. The floor came back up, Mr. Collins was clapping. "Good job. Better than most their first fight with a shadow. Tiara, take him to the nurses office for a quick fix." Tiara flew up next to me and walked me down the halls. "Not bad. Better than mine." "How so?" I asked with a smile. The cuts stung but, oddly, I felt great. "I just flew above it, trying to drop the dagger in it." She said with a laugh. "That was bad." I laughed too. "That does sound bad. This ever get easier?" "Only if you work hard." Tiara said with a sigh. "Helps if you have a goal." "Huh… what's your goal?" "Hmm… been here three years and never really had a goal in mind." "Really?" "Yeah. Sight see maybe but all in all I never had a goal in mind." "Huh…" I said. I wonder, what could my goal be? Back home I only ever wanted the high scores on all the arcade games. Had most of them. "Hey Tiara, is there like a leader board thing?" "Hm? Well, sorta yeah. A list of the strongest people in all the guilds and such. Strongest right now in reality is Jericho the Undead. Why?" I looked at the floor, smiling a bit. Why not. "I'm gonna beat his high score." "You… want to be number one strongest in reality?" "Sure. Even if it's just for a little while." "Huh… you know, with Injuries you got from one Shadow Creature, you'll need a medic to heal you up." "You… wanna be my medic?" "The path to unlocking self healing abilities also branches into other healing spells and the likes. Might as well. Not like I have any plans for myself." She laughed. "Sounds like it could be fun." "Thanks, Tiara." And like that, I had a goal. A goal, and a friend. > Chapter 2: Multiplayer Ready > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So all a Matrix does is absorb passive mana into a cast spell?” I asked, Tiara and I both seated at the couch looking over homework. “Well, they also act as a focuser. That much mana thrown into a spell has a higher chance of going wild, the Matrix helps contain and stabilize it.” Tiara explained. It’s been about a month since I came to this reality and I’ve mostly settled in. My room is still kinda empty safe for neat little things I picked up here and there. Since I arrived I’ve gained the Terra gem and learned how to use that in a fight. Can lift up, throw rocks, make them rise up into the air to pummel someone and can make instant cover for myself. Other spells I’ve learned involve basic fire ball, lightning bolt, and frost. I also earned my first skill point a week ago and applied it to getting Scan. That has been so useful. “They are also used for quick temporary enchantments on weapons.” Tiara added.  “Is enchanting a weapon or item a different class from combat classes?” “Sorta. It can basically fit in every class of magic so you mostly just look at the ones that matter to you. Permanent Enchantments though require either a mastery in enchanting to do by hand/hoof or an enchanting table and some resources to do so.” “Ah.” I said with a nod. Homework thankfully doesn’t last long and once dinner was over we began planning out what to do for me to become the strongest pony… person? Eh, the strongest in reality. It was a simple notebook with a list of items and possible locations.  “So, I’ve been thinking and we might need to expand the team.” Tiara stated, opening the notebook and flipping through the paged. “Team? So others aside from you and I?” I asked. “Yeah. I’ve been thinking it over and we at least need an experienced traveler and someone who knows the crafting and tinkering systems so we aren’t always buying everything. That gets expensive over time and we’d be getting plenty from exploring, drops and dungeons.” “Oh. So, anyone in our classes fit those requirements?” “Not really. Most everyone in class plans on doing their own thing or are just gonna get a job and live normally for as long as they want.” “Oh. So, who else then?” “I was thinking we ask for help from the Allies guild.” “That’s… normally where people who are dungeon prizes go isn’t it?” “That was the original idea, but over time people who wanted to join in on adventures but felt they didn’t have the skills to do it on their own applied to join a party and contribute to the teams.” I have to admit, the idea that people come into existence as prizes in these dungeons was a complete shock. Thankfully the laws state that if the one who won them wishes to add them to the party or utilize their services or… company, the longest they can legally do so is a year. After that the person is free to leave or can even leave without ever joining a party, which is what most people do, hence the Allies Guild existing. Apparently Mr. Collins was a prize person. From what I heard he traveled with the Anthro Unicorn that won him and even after the year was up he traveled with them for several years before leaving after he found his wife. “So, who do we look for then?” I asked, opening up some books from the library. The Top Ranked Guilds, Weapon Types For Dummies, and Travel Guide To Equis Lands of Homeworld. "Well, first we gotta post an add in the Guilds bulletin board online. After that we sort through the submissions of those who want to join for the best candidates." "Alright then. Oh, won't we also need a mobile base or something?" "I've been thinking about that and figured if we buy some land, build our own base on it and link a vehicle to it we can easily portal to travel and home." "We can do that? Cool! How much would plane land cost us?" "Depends on what's on it and how big it is." "And I imagine we have to be adults to own land huh?" "Sixteen at least for the Equis Lands. So two more years. Thankfully I think that can give us plenty of time to save up, gather raw materials and such. That actually brings me to something. The world you arrived here in, you woke up in a church just outside a town called Coal Vein, right?" Tiara asked. "Yeah. Why?" "Well, the planet, Dechamore, is a resource haven with so much unexplored land, and don't even get me started on  the underground, seas, moon and sun. We can travel back there and find so much raw material we can stash away for when we can buy some land." "Hmm… can we buy land on Dechamore? If it's so unexplored then would that be cheaper?" "Hmm… maybe. I'll have to look up the laws that place has on land ownership and probably check what the Property Guild says." "There's a guild just for property buying?" "And selling. You see, when a planet is colonized the one who colonized it owns it. There's only been a few greedy people who don't sell land on the planets they colonized, but those who do partner up with the Property Guild, they can do all that paperwork and such for you and they get a thirty percent cut of the sale." "Huh. Guess that's just one of those things you don't think about but it's useful." I shrugged. How much land can you buy anyway?" "Depends. The explored areas likely already have marked lots of land up for sale but unexplored areas are considered the best option. Say you map out and explore fifty thousand miles of land, since you maped out those fifty thousand miles if land you can choose your pick of a custom lot of land or have that all be one massive lot, that would be expensive of course." "I'd imagine." I said with raised brows. "How does Colonizing a world work exactly? I don't think I found that in the history books yet." "It's in the science ones actually. And it's actually really simple. You fly in a space ship to a blank world, they'll be basically pitch black planets with a sun and moon. Once you land on it just step outside and the world will terraform itself to fit your personality and such." "How?" "Code." "Code?" "Code is… it's like this energy that is mostly what makes reality work the way it does. Like the granddaddy of all magic, the dungeons look, monsters, world terraforming when colonized, and a lot more are all possible because of how code works. I don't know all the details. All I know is it just works and that's it." "Huh… in any case, you think we should start off on Dechamore?" "With so little of it explored, yeah. Exploring and documenting planets is a good way to get you noticed and a fun and productive way of getting stronger." "Fair enough. Well, how will we go about it then?" "We'll have to talk with Echo Dash about it. He can likely help fill out paperwork and stuff given he is our legal guardian til we graduate. Will make everything so much easier." The next day was more of the same. At some point most of these classes just end up being classes like any other school. Even Magic class got a little boring when it's review work or taking notes. I spent study hall looking over the Mother's Sons Guild. This is the guild Jericho the Undead is number one in. The number one member of the most powerful guild in existence, overseen by The Mother herself. Jericho the Undead. A master in hand to hand combat, pyromancy, swords, fire arms, maces, war hammers, spears, sweet Celestia it might be easier to list off what he isn't good with. Guess I better build myself an armory to get good with these weapons too. I sure know how to pick a challenge huh? Since Tiara figures Dechamore is our best starting point I looked through the known lands and locations. Castle Ruins Caliporion. A Level 1 Arena Dungeon, it's good but really popular and so the bosses are typically taken out fast, leaving just the enemies. It's good and has good loot but not much raw material loot, mostly low grade weapons, jewelry and such. It would be good for gathering Rem to save up. The dungeon best for us to grab raw materials loot at is The Sinkhole. A level one dungeon that's basically a giant cave system going in and out of a massive hole in the ground ripe with raw ores, gems and such. The book even recommends bringing mining tools while there. There's also a lot of trees we can chop down that are part of the dungeon so they regrow every red and blue moon. We can definitely switch between these two on and off to keep money and materials on hand, we'll just need to get the land to build a home on and we can begin exploring from there. That's a good plan at least. With classes over Tiara and I headed out shopping, Echo Dash with us as usual. "That definitely is a decent plan." Echo Dash said as Tiara and I recapped our idea. "Dechamore does have lots of available land for fairly cheap too. A fifty acher lot of land typically goes for two grand. I can look into it and their property ownership laws easily. As for heading to The Sinkhole, that is quite the distance. You'd be best off hitting Castle Ruins Caliporion til you graduate." "Yeah but we need the materials from it. Buying them would be too expensive over time." Tiara stated. "Not if you start off with a camp base first. One of those pop up buildings they sell for your base til you gather enough to build something bigger and better." Echo Dash replied. "That could work but we'd still need land for the base." I said. "Not if you buy a mobile camping base. They can be expensive but will be your best bet and you can legally camp out in either safe or hazards zones with them." Echo stated. "My first base was a mobile one and it suited me fine for the time." "Huh… I guess that can work." Tiara said, thinking that over. "If we get it with a large enough warehouse room inside it that can house all the materials we find and can keep us on the move longer than a basic one." She began muttering in thought. "Actually, I might have one you kids can have." Echo said, gaining our attention again. "It's an older model but it works fine and can be upgraded to the newer stuff with a system update." "You'd… seriously let us have a mobile base?" I asked, shocked. "I got it as a dungeon drop years ago and aside from looking nice I don't really use it. It should work well enough for your needs and does have private rooms." Echo said, stressing that last part. "Yeesh, we get it, no casual sex." Tiara said. I promptly went red. Apparently the long lifespans of everyone here makes things like sex more accepted… something I'm still processing. Heck I know herds were a thing back home but that didn't make them everywhere. "You better not. Actually… you said you wanted to get help from the Allies Guild? This base might be a good place for them to stay. They can move it from place to place and gather supplies while you two attend classes. Then you can just teleport over to them after classes… and homework." "Right!" Tiara and I said in unison. "Good." Echo said, looking through his Assistant inventory. After a bit a small tube with a button on it appeared in front of him that he gave to Tiara. "It's called The Sky Shadow. Once you two are done here in the mall we can open it up and take it for a test drive." "Are we old enough for that?" I asked. "You are for Auto Pilot." Echo said with a nod. When the shopping was done, we headed for the launch pad and let the Sky Shadow open to it's full size… it's amazing! It looks like a fast sailing ship but made out of metal and the deck is covered with a some of super thick glass and the whole thing has this charcoal black paint job on it with the name, Sky Shadow, in bright white paint. Like everything in this reality the inside was much larger than the outside. The first room that on a ship of this design would be the captains quarters, here it was the navigation room. There were seats for resting, auto pilot terminal, and lots of other neat stuff. From there below the deck was the living quarters. A hallway with six vacant rooms as big as our rooms back at the guild. There was also a gally, basically food storage and kitchen which was great. Below that was the storage room and… sweet… Luna… "It's huge!" Tiara said, her voice giving off an echo. The storage room was like, the length of Sweet Apple Acres back home. Went on for almost forever and it was hard to see the end. "What dungeon dropped this thing?" "A level four." Echo said, Tiara and I immediately turned to face him. "You've been inside Level four Dungeons?!" For those of you wondering, dungeons in this world have a ranking as well as a type. It's pretty simple. Dungeons are ranked as level 1 through level five, the hardeat being level fives. There's other stuff to tell but that's for a bit later. Echo Dash rubbed the back of his head with a bit of blush. "It's not like I went in solo, I was in a party of at least twenty others when we entered. Rules was whatever loot we found we kept and boss loot was split. This thing was just one of the little keepsakes from those days. Yours now though." "You are awesome!" Tiara said happily as I smiled. This is going good. "This thing got weapons?" I asked. "Yeah but I sold off the ammo long time ago, never used it and seemed pointless to keep them loaded. Thankfully the final floor below this is the armory and crafting room, one of the fabricators down there should still have the blueprints for the ammo for this thing's weapons." "An Armory sounds very useful." I said, looking as the massive room just for storage purposes. "Guess we gotta get shelves and such huh?" "Definitely." Echo said with a nod. The armory and crafting rooms were both impressive, the whole set up was so perfect. Tiara and I picked our rooms for when we are here and then Echo registered us as the owners in the control room. He then set the destination for Dechamore, by the Safe Zones edge near Coal Vein. Part of me was really wondering if anything changed while I was gone. I didn't know the planet, just Carla and the church keeper and that was pretty much it. Still, it sounds nice. The Equestrian lands here are nice and feel like home… but they aren’t. It helped me adjust but it’s gonna hurt too much if I try to stay. I was setting up some posters I got today and setting them up, little personal touches and all. The time it took to get there passed quickly and once Echo parked it I stepped outside. Dechamore. Given how massive these planets are, I could not see the church I arrived here at. Should go back there, say hi to Carla. The grass was a lush green with patches of small wild flowers here and there. I walked a get yards from the ship and got an alert In my hud. Warning! Entering Hazards Zone. Expect monsters while inside the area. Proceed with caution. Huh, really close to the hazards zones then. Don't see any monsters. Still. I walked back into the safe area and began heading back to the Sky Shadow. For those who are wondering, every world, their moon, moons if they have more than one, and sun, yes we can actually explore the damn suns of each world, have areas mostly randomly set with large areas known as safe zones and hazards zones. Safe zones are where everyone is, well, safe, no monsters appear here and everything is more or less peaceful. This is the zone you build a house, cities and such on as well as farms and ect. Hazards zones are another story. This is where dungeons and monsters all reside in. Their sizes vary but typically they average about two or five Billion miles in size. Mind you that is the average size, there are bigger, and keep in mind these zones are all over the planets, so that should give you some clue as to just how fucking massive these planets are. Homeworld being the first and largest planet as every planet from this realities old multiverse merged into one, even the uninhabitable ones, they were terraformed on the merge. Gas giants too. Every planet colonized since then is on average half Homeworld's size… just try and do the math. When I heard that I just accepted it. This reality is weird. Fun, but weird. Once back on the ship Echo Dash set it up so we can teleport to the ship and back to the dorm and Tiara was looking over a map to figure out where we can head to for hunting down materials and such. "You two could join up with the Adventures Guild." Echo said. "Lemme guess, they are all about adventuring the reality?" I asked. "Yes, but they also reward you for it. For example, for beating a dungeon boss they give you extra rewards on top of the boss loot. The rewards are fitting and typically random but they also give Skill Points in a fair amount." "They reward you skill points?" I asked. "A good amount of guilds give Skill Points as rewards for completing guild affiliated goals, but they give out the most." "How?" Tiara asked. "The Grandmaster." Echo said simply. Info dump again. I'm doing a lot of these. Anyway, the Grandmaster is basically The Mother's right hand, he oversees the dungeons, Arena battles, and the Adventures Guild. Apparently. "I guess that would be best." Tiara said thoughtfully. "Plus they let you go on custom Quests you can choose the rewards for. Keep in mind the more high grade the reward/amount the harder the quest they give you." "How does that work?" I asked. "Once joined the option for the custom Quests will be available to you. Just select or type in the rewards you want and the quest Type and hit enter and you'll be on your way." "Is that abusable?" "Yes and no. As a general rule the custom quests had a limit based on the one requesting it. For example, if you want weapons you can only ask for one weapon per quest. Elemental gems, and similar items are up to fifty but that because they fall under a raw resource category. Ammunition it depends on the caliber and quest Type selected, and you can't just request a quest for money alone, as is for beating a dungeon boss the guild will already pay you for doing that. You can also only ask for ten custom quests a day and depending on. The quest itself there is a time limit, failing the quest is also losing one of your ten daily quest requests." Say that last part ten times fast. "Fair enough. Still, it can be very useful." "Guess all that's left is to post the help wanted ad on the Allies Guild job board." Tiara said. This is going good. Going great. This is all gonna be perfect in the coming days. Fucking hell why did we get so many resumes?! They were all digital, thankfully, but hell, there was a lot. We woke up the next morning to five thousand submissions and by study hall it jumped to eight thousand. By the time classes were over it was eleven thousand!  Tiara and I spent our time just looking through each and every one. For fucks sake, most of these guys don't have any prior experience other than the places around their home towns and such. "Is there a way to make this easier?" I groaned, trashing another resume with zero experience. "I found one possible person for our Experienced traveler." I walked over to get a look at Tiaras screen. Ali. Race was Anthro Kangaroo. Explored ten planets and helped map out at least two percent of each one he's been on. Keep in mind how big these worlds are, so Two percent is a lot more than it sounds. "That's pretty good, better than the rest so far." Tiara said. "Definitely. He have a goal?" "To map out an entire world as well as its moon and sun. He is also a hobbyist photographer and posts the pictures to his blog."  "Huh. Welp, better than sifting through more of the traveler submissions. So we can scrap those and just look through Crafter ones then?" "I'll hold into them just in case he doesn't work out. But yeah I'll send him the message letting him know he has been accepted and to meet us at the Sky Shadow tomorrow, an hour after our classes are up." "Sounds good to me." With that done we looked through the resumes for Crafter and at least these all had some education in the field.  After sorting through about two dozen I found one that stuck out. Mei Hatsume. Race is human, graduated with a major in support engineering and design and a minors in enchanting. Works as a Support Items Crafter for the Heroes Guild for the past ten years. "Hey, how about this one?" I showed the screen to Tiara who nodded. "Ten years experience building support items for the Heroes Guild is impressive. That guild goes through custom tech like nothing. Is she asking for any kind of compensation?" "Just a steady enough flow of raw materials and a personal workshop." "I think we can cover that. Well, Send her the message and meet up time and we'll see them tomorrow." I did and we ate a quick dinner before going to sleep. Paperwork sucks! I ran through the road with a smile. It was a carnival, and all kinds of fun games were around, the smells of food floated in the air and laughter and smiles filled the streets. It was amazing. Oddly when I woke up in my dreams I was wearing a black and white fedora and brown checkered scarf. Not sure why, but I do like the look. I looked around, wondering what to take part in first. Ring toss? Skee ball? Oh! Dance Dance! "Button?" I turned, seeing Tiara here. She had a ponytail with a rose hair clip on the left side. "Tiara? Are you in my dream?" I asked, confused. "Heh, yes and no. Remember in History class when we learned about The Foretellers?" I nodded. "This is their domain. The Sleeping Realm." "So, we're asleep… sharing the same massive dream?" "With everyone in creation who is asleep right now." Tiara said with a nod. "Izikai take a while to first enter it. Typically a week to a month or so. This place is all fun and games." "Cool! Wait, does this place have dungeons too?" "Yes but not entirely like in the waking world. The dungeons here are less about combat and more about entertainment. Like puzzles and parkour tracks and such." "Oh. Any chance we can win useful stuff here though?" "Always." Tiara said with a smile. "... Can we take them with us when we wake up?" "As long as it's in our Assistant or on our person, yes." "This is gonna be so cool! Where should I start? Skee Ball? I saw Dance Dance over there earlier." Tiara laughed. "Let's do the Dance Dance one. I have got to see your 'legendary' moves." "Ask and you shall receive." I replied with a sly smile as we headed for the game. I didn't get the high score like I did back home, I got a higher one! Those combat classes are really getting me in shape. "Wow, you do have skills." Tiara said. "Told you." I looked over to the prize table where a prize appeared in a flash of light. It was a box, bright yellow with a lot of colored bricks. Legos, 2,000 piece set. "Is that a toy?" I asked, picking up the box. "Yup." Tiara nodded. "Those can be fun. Can build a lot of neat stuff with them." "Do you mostly win toys and such here?" "You have to look for the stalls that give out the good stuff as prizes. Those stalls typically charge a fee as it's most likely an adventure looking to make a bit of money and give away stuff they don't need or want." "Ah. Where would those be?" "Follow me." Tiara said as she flew a little bit in the air and guided me to where the pay-to-play-to-win-epic prizes booths were. We came across one finally. It was a shooting booth. Hit ten of the moving targets and win either an Electronium Gem, a Water Gem, or a Fire Gem. Ten rem to play. Neat. "Now if only I could shoot a gun." I sighed. I did try out firearms once… never again. I have no idea how Tiara handles that recoil. "You pay for the game and I take the shots?" Tiara offered.  "That works." I said with a nod and pulled out thirty rem. "Think you can win three times?" "With that revolver they have for use, easy." She said with a nod. She walked up to the booth, placing the rem on the table as the booth owner replaced the grip for Tiara to use. I watched in awe as she hit each target. Three rounds, ten targets each, each shot a bullseye. She happily gave me the three elemental gems. "Told you, easy." "How did you do that?" She shrugged. "It just comes naturally I guess. Blades and such never did well for me in combat class, so one day Mr. Collins gave me a pistol and it was just easier. Ever since I've used fire arms." "That's impressive. So, anything else you wanna win?" "One that I can win? Hmm… any of those strength tests around?" "This way." Tiara said with a smile as she led the way flying low. We arrived at the strength tester. Ten rem also, five scores. Lowest was average, you win a plane Sheild, second was buff, win a pair of steel gauntlets, third was Super Strength, win some… diamond armor? Huh. Fourth was Hero Strength, win a bullet proof cape. Huh. Fifth was Demi God, win a mystery box of all lower tier prizes and five more random mystery prizes. Neat. I payed and with a whack using the provided hammer, got the Sheild. Huh, still, average is better than I was before arriving in this reality, so I'm not complaining. I happily put the Sheild away for now and Tiara and I wondered from booth to booth, winning whatever looked good or fun and getting snacks here and there. I sighed happily, Tiara and I sitting at a bench for a break. "This is probably the best thing ever." "Yup." Tiara agreed, snacking on a candy apple. "Typically I play a few games, get some food, or even enjoy the spa." "There's Spa's here?"  "This place has everything." "Sweet. So, how long til we wake up?" "In your hud, there's the clock right? It keeps the time back in the waking world so when did you set your alarm?" I looked at the clock. My alarm is set for seven, and it's three AM right now. "I got four more hours." "Three for me. I get up at six." Tiara sighed. "So, what can we do to kill three and four more hours?" "Hmm… movies?" "That's a good way to kill some time. I think there is a theater near here?" She checked her map. Stars these huds are useful. "Yup. Half a mile west of here. Playing classics too." "Classics like?" "Iron Man, Zombieland one and two, Minions, and Moana." "I've never heard of any of those." "Let's start with Moana… awh crap, it's the live action remake. Alright skipping Moana and Minions then. Let's start you off with Iron Man and then hit the Zombieland ones." "Why not Minions and Moana then?" "Minions has been done to death and Moana… it's best we watch the original. Disney has never made a good live action remake. Ever. Even with real gods, living water and magic added to their budget." Iron Man was epic! I want a suit like that. I need a suit like that! As for Zombieland, that was good. Odd, but funny and good. Wonder if there are pony versions of those movies? Probably. The next morning Tiara and I woke up and went through classes like normal. Nothing much happened and by the time the school day ended we went back to the Sky Shadow with Echo Dash and thankfully it didn't take long for Ali and Hatsume to arrive. Ali was as his resume stated. An anthro kangaroo male with the basic colors for a kangaroo save the shirt darker brown head hair with a green dyed streak through it. He wore a vest covered in pockets. Hatsume was human, eyes kinda looked like they had crosshairs or something in them, pink hair kept in grades and large goggles on her head. She wore an all blue jumpsuit. "Greeting you two." Echo Dash started. "I am Echo Dash, these two are Button Mash and Diamond Tiara. As there guardian within the Caretakers Guild I understand you two wish to aid in Button's goal?" "As well as some personal reasons." Ali said, his voice gruff but young. "Understandable. Now then, what are your reasons for wanting to travel with these two and what are you expecting in return." Ali spoke first. "On my own I can only do so much. I enemies in the hazards zones often are an issue for me given I'm not much for combat. I don't wanna get strong I just want to fill out all the empty areas on a worlds map. My dream is to map out a whole world from when it's generated til every corner of it is known, followed by it's moon and sun. All I really would need in return is…" "Someone to get you through the monsters?" I asked. Ali nodded. "Then what can you offer to counter this dilema? You can't offer to join the fight like Tiara can or Hatsume, so what can you bring to the team?" Echo asked. "My fans." What? "Everywhere I have been that is new I have photographed and live streamed, people live seeing the new undiscovered places. My most popular videos are when I ran across travelers and heroes fighting in the unmapped areas. So if I travel with people who can fight into unknown places and get it all on video between add revenue and donations I believe I can help give you all a hefty sum of rem a month." "How much do you make now?" Tiara asked. "A month as I am, about five grand a month, with twenty five grand saved up I'm willing to put towards this team for a budget." We all shared a look between us. That would be very useful to have that much to start off with. "If you are willing to also manage the groups budget, then you're welcome to join the team." Echo stated. "That's more than fair." Ali said with a nod and a smile. "Now than, Hatsume?" Echo asked. She nodded. "I'm like most all my other reflections. I enjoy building." She said, sounding quite relaxed. "Machines, weapons, armor, it's all my passion. But… that's where it gets upsetting. I feel like I'm just one of a group of copies. Most of my coworkers are also reflections of me. I want to keep building but I don't wanna feel like if I don't go to work one day one of the others can pick up the slack or just cover me entirely. I wanna build for someone or a team as their personal Crafter rather than on the Heroes Guild assembly line for gear." Echo nodded at hearing that. Wow… that… that's gotta suck. Guess everyone has problems, even in a reality as amazing as this one. "And on your resume all you asked for is raw materials." "That's right." Hatsume said with a nod. "That can be more than fair. And you can help when Combat comes up?" "I'm good with guns, all my current gear I made and even gear I didn't make if there is an issue I can make repairs with my tools. And, like most all my reflections, I have an Ability Quirk. Zoom." "Quirk Ability?" I asked Tiara in a whisper. "You know about abilities that are basically super powers right?" I nodded. "Well, Quirk Abilities are abilities that are semi unique and are genetic. They can be a lot like normal abilities, giving you impressive powers and such or be useful or useless. If a person with a Quirk Ability has a kid with another person who has a Quirk Ability, then the two Quirk abilities can either combine into something utilizing both parents quirk abilities, or can even mutate into something else entirely. If they have a kid with someone who doesn't have a quirk Ability then the kid can be born with the quirk Ability of the parent, or none at all." "Huh. How many abilities are genetic like that?" "There's different categories but typically they all fall under the Powers category for Abilities, which has three sub categories. Meta Abilities, Quirk Abilities, and Mutant Abilities." "Huh. What's the difference?" "Well, you already know about how Quirk Abilities work, Meta Abilities are similar but the power of the parent is always passed to the child. If both parents are meta, then the child inherits one power of the other. Mutant powers are interesting. The child is born with a power but it's rarely the same or even similar to the parents. Say one parent is super strong and the other can stretch like a rubber band. Their kid could have super speed or invisibility. It's pretty much random." "Huh. Can someone have all three?" "Easily, either being born with all three or gaining them." "You can gain Superpowers like that?" Tiara simply nodded. "Awesome. Lemme guess, Arenas and dungeon?" "Pretty much." We looked back over, Echo Dash was having Mei Hatsume and Ali fill out some paperwork I think. After a bit he registered them as Caretaker Guild members, meaning they can be like Echo and take us places outside the guild and such without needing to possibly call authorities. After that was done we formed a party. My hud showed Hatsume, Ali, and Tiara all in the lower left. Images of their faces with smiles and a heart next to those heads. Huh, neat. With that Ali and Hatsume began setting up their rooms and getting everything ready. I was outside, enjoying the air. Part of me wondered, this planet was more towards resources. Is there anything neat I can find by just digging? I used my terra powers to just lift chunks of dirt and rock out of the ground, each stomp brought out more dirt. Nothing but rocks and dirt, figure- oh hey a bent can. The can was old, rusty and missing the top completely. I smiled. Heh, guess this is the first thing we’ve ever found. I’m gonna put this on my shelf. The next day felt like classes were dragging for so long. Honestly, I am pretty sure those clocks were toying with me. Finally through when it was over Tiara and I finished up homework we weren't able to finish in study hall and called Echo Dash and we teleported to the Sky Shadow- woah! The deck was, well, decked out! Turrets lined along the sides pointed out into the open space, barrels of, well, something has to be in them, were all over the place and storage boxes labled Weapons were placed here and there. "Where did all this come from?" Echo asked. "Hatsume." Ali said, walking out from the control room. "Went out not long after you all left and came back with all this, left again, came back with more then began working through the night. Finally clocked out a few hours ago after crafting a few hundred rounds of ammo." "Ammo for what?" Tiara asked. "Little bit of every caliber. It's what's in the armory at the moment." "And the weapons boxes?" I asked. "Whatever weapons she made or found while out. Not much in them but they look useful." "Well, she certainly is working hard to prove herself." Echo said, taking a look around. "I'll set course for our first dungeon. Hopefully Hatsume can join us, if not well, this work around the ship is more than enough compensation." "Where are we headed?" I asked. "A loot rich level one dungeon known as The Dragons Den. The bosses were all cleared out already so we can just get the loot and give you two proper experience inside a dungeon." "Sweet!" The ride to the Dragons Den would be an hour, and so far I was mostly just looking through the weapons boxes. Most were guns, which Tiara happily looked over as a secondary for herself, but the few that weren't were pretty neat. A weaponized glove with a buzz saw at the end, a mallet with a button that when pressed releases a burst of liquid nitrogen to inflict ice damage, and a folding sword that… well, it just folds but it's really cool looking. "You really should carry more than one weapon on you Button." Tiara said as she sorted through several pistols in the weapon box. "Can't Hatsume make repairs if I need them?" I asked. "Yeah, but sometimes they break beyond repair, like melt or you can up and lose them." "Huh. Fair enough. So, backups then. No guns though." "I warned you my rifles recoil was rough." "I didn't expect it to turn me into the projectile. How do you even handle it?" "The key is short burst for best accuracy and less chance to get knocked down by the recoil." "Is there anyway to bypass that?" "Well, upgrading weapon skills helps. There are mods and enchantments that can do the trick, but they are hard to come by on loot and expensive to buy." "Weapons have their own skills to upgrade?" "Yeah. They upgrade in two ways. One is by finding it in the weapons section. So long as you've used it you can upgrade your skills with that weapon. Things like accuracy, aim, recoil, ect." "Same goes for blades and bludgeons then?"  "Yup." "Good." I nodded, wondering what my extra weapons should be. I still have the dagger they gave me when I first arrived, but it's not that good. Maybe if I get it upgraded. As I looked through stuff and settled on a a short sword, Tiara picked a crossbow that was already modified to work with her battle saddle or by a mouth grip trigger. That surprised me. I still can't believe Hatsume did all this overnight. Speaking of her, I spotted her walking down over to us now. "Hey." She said. "Hi. You did all this in a single night?" I asked. "Yes and no." She said, walking over and taking a seat next to where I was. "The weapons I already had made. Built them from whatever scraps or parts I got to keep while working or whatever I found here and there. I just went and got them all out from my place and began modifying them for you and Tiara." "Ah. That makes more sense then. So, what is your typical combat style?" "Ranged honestly. Guns and such mostly. Kinda suck at hand to hand or swords and all that. Besides, with my Quirk Ability, ranged is the best option." "Makes sense. What about magic?" "I never gave it a shot honestly… think I should?" "Definitely. Before magic I had to grab just about everything by my mouth, and now I can use levitation, shoot lightning, fireballs, effortlessly list up chunks of rock and soil for projectiles and walls for cover. It's so worth it." "Hmm… maybe." "Hatsume?" I asked her. "You… back when you talked with Echo Dash… you don't like your other reflections that much, do you?" She sighed, hugging herself a bit. "If I'm honest… I hate them." She admitted. "They make me feel like some… mass produced toy. Synthetic beings that are mass produced have more individuality that I do… it's why I did all this. Quite the guild, worked my ass off last night… I don't wanna feel like-" "You're replaceable." I finished. She nodded.  "I love building, fixing and making gear and all that… but so do just about all the other Mei Hatsume's in this neverending universe. If I'm gonna stick out, it's not gonna be because I'm building the best equipment for profit or fame. It will be because I built the best equipment for the strongest people, privately, and exclusively." I nodded, giving her a smile. "Then I'll become the strongest." I held up a good at her. She smiled back, raising her hand in a first ti it and we hoof/fist bumped. "It's a promise." > Chapter 3: Life Start! > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mei took me on a small tour of the ship as well as explaining a few of the rooms and their purposes. "And this is Storage A." She said, opening the door as I was met with a room the size of Barnyard Bargains back home filled with storage cabinets and shelves. "All the storage rooms are empty at the moment but it's better to have them now so we keep our Assistants uncluttered with stuff." “Wow, this place is huge.” I said in surprise at how big this one room was. "It's the same dimensional spells and technology used in basic building construction." Mei stated. "This size was good enough for now and we can upgrade the ships engines later to make them even bigger." She closed the door and walked to the next one. "And this is our vault/treasure room. While dying doesn't cause penalties save for losing an hour or two, some people are capable of stealing money right out of your assistant or some dungeons make dying cost you, literally, so it's better to have a vault here and later on an account with the Bankers Guild." “That’s...weird that people can just steal from your assistant like that.” I frowned. "Abilities can bypass their security. They're not easy to get, but someone who's a career criminal can work their way towards them. Might take a few million years or so but once they have it they can use them to take money out. Kinda like pick pocketing, of course they have to be very skilled and careful, take too much out at once and the security will kick in." She stated. She walked me to the next door. "Here is my workshop." She opened the door. Machines ranging from large to small were all over the place, most unfinished and the finished ones were all on a table in the back of the room. “Wow…” I said, wide eyed at all the machinery in her room. “This is all your work?” "Most of it. Other stuff here or there are pre manufactured items I've been modifying or just reverse engineering to learn more about them." “That’s really cool.” I said honestly. "Heh, it passes the time." "Hey, Mei, Button." I turned, seeing Tiara flying over to us. "Echo Dash says we're near the dungeon now. It will be a few minutes now. You ready?" She asked, giving me a smile and friendly tap on one of my legs. “Well, ready as I’ll ever be.” I said, my inner gamer feeling super excited that I can get to explore a real life dungeon. We all headed to the deck and shortly after getting there the ship stopped. Looking around the area looked like a volcano that erupted then went dormant, the only thing of keynote was the ten hundred foot tall dragon skull embedded into the side of the mountain, jaw opened wide for a stairway to head in. "Welcome to the Dragons Den Dungeon kids." Echo said as he came out to join us. I saw Tiara get her battle saddle and gun ready, Ali setting up some small camera attached to a band around his head, and Mei was also carrying her own gun, but nothing like what Tiara had. Mei's gun was white and black and seemed to glow blue at the front. Me, I just grabbed my hammer in my teeth as we headed inside. So far this dungeon was your basic cave lit by torches. We came across some Shadow Creatures I fought against in Combat class. Now we saw these… they looked like mini hot air balloons on fire. Two of them were floating a fair distance away. "Flying Flames." Ali said. "Best use magic on them, bullets typically melt before they can hit them unless they're special against fire based enemies." "I got this." Echo Dash said. He raised a good to his lips, huffing out a quick breath that left out his mouth with bits of snow. Suddenly there was an arrow of ice shooting out of the air he breathed and impaling, and killing the Flying Flame. He did it again for the other one. “Wow.” I commented. “Amazing!” Echo shrugged. "You'll get used to it Button. It's not that hard of a spell to do, an ice or frost gem or the right spell scroll and you could probably shoot off… four before your MP is depleted.". "It's that expensive to use?" Tiara asked, trotting up to where the things died and looking at their drops. "Fifty MP an arrow." Echo said with a nod. “Really? Kind of thought a simple spell would cost less then that?” I inquired. “Is it not a level based spell system?” "Well, there are weaker versions of this spell but typically the more MP a spell needs to be cast the stronger it is. You can use it with less MP with practice or find it's weaker counterpart but the damage is also reduced heavily, elemental advantages or not." Echo said. “Yeah, that makes sense.” I nodded. "Speaking of elemental." Tiara said, trotting back up to me with two glowing orange red gems in hoof. "Check it out. Fire Gems." She gave one to me, and absorbed the other one for herself. Right, just like class. I absorbed the gem and now had fire energy added alongside magic… wait what? “Fire energy added alongside magic?” I tilted my head in confusion. “What, can I just...add fire to my attacks without using magic now?” "That's part of it." Echo said as we kept moving. "You can control fire as part of yourself now, as well as cloak your weapons, armor, even projectiles in it but also it boosts spells that utilize it. For example, a basic fireball spell costs about ten MP to cast. A boosted fire energy one still costs ten MP bit now deals the damage of one that costs fifty, or more depending on how much of the elemental energy you add into it. You can also negate magic entirely and use only the elemental energy to perform pyromancy like spells, but that's a bit harder. Oftentimes combining the two works best but knowing how to cast elemental magic from only elemental energy is helpful too." “This...is a lot more in depth then I first thought.” I said nervously. "You'll learn about it in Magic class." We continued through the dungeon, finding a larger chamber where several giant skeletal dragons walked around. "I got this." Mei said. She lifted her gun, aiming not at the undead dragons but above them and fired. An orange bolt hit the ceiling above the two, forming an orange oval. Her gun then began glowing blue at the front of it and shot it at a wall next to us. To my amazement the blue oval soon became just an outline of blue and inside the oval I saw above those skeleton dragons. "Oh, that's a portal gun." Tiara said with realization in her tone of voice. "A classic, nice." Ali said, giving Mei a high five. Or so I hear it's called when have hands over hooves. “You...made a gun that shoots portals?” I asked in amazement. "No, it's existed way before this reality even existed. I just like the concept and design so I made this from parts back at my old job." Mei said, reaching into her utility belt pocket and pulling out a thin metal tube with a button. "This I made though. Say Amen everyone." She said, pushing the button and tossing it through the portal. It closed right after and I looked over and saw it falling between the undead drake's… then jumped back as my eyes were hit by a blinding, yet oddly calm and warming light that faded after a while and left me rubbing them to see properly again. "You made a Blessed grenade?" Echo asked. "Yup." Mei said proudly. When my vision returned I could see the undead drake's were gone, replaced by two fair sized piles of loot. “Ah yes, the good ol’ holy hand grenade.” I brought up. "Oh, finally watch Monty Python then?" Tiara asked me as she helped get me up and walking towards the loot. “Yes, and it was hilarious.” I chuckled. The loot was impressive. Dragon bones, raw iron, copper and nickel ores as well as a lot of coal and four hundred rem in total. "Money goes in the vault?" Tiara asked. "Would be best." Echo said. "I can use the ore and bones for different armors and weapons." Mei said. "And I just got six thousand viewers." Ali said, tapping their head camera. “Six thousand people are watching this?” I asked in a little surprise. "Not everybody can make the time or get the chance to go out and explore the hazard zones. Some groups that formed independent kingdoms or governments even forbid it. So, they catch streaming explorers like Ali here, donating to help them along or even just the ad revenue alone can support them." "I get a fair amount from both." Ali admitted. “Huh, didn’t know that.” I said honestly. As we began walking Ali started chuckling. "What's so funny?" Mei asked. "Comments, they're all posting eye roll emojis at Button." Ali stated. “Well I’m sorry I still don’t know much about this place.” I huffed. "Actually most find it adorable or funny your reactions to things." Ali said as we entered another tunnel. There was a small chest on the side of it. "Neat, freebie." “And it’s not a mimic how or why?” I asked nervously, thinking just a random chest in the middle of a tunnel was a tad too suspicious. "This is a level one dungeon Button. Mimics, while they do spawn here, only start showing up at about floor fifteen or lower, and even then they aren't too common in Level one dungeons." Echo said. "Plus, you can find small hints here or there based on what they are hiding as." Ali said. "If this chest was a mini, you'd notice that it's too half, or the mouth, open slightly to breath." "So we're good then." Tiara summarized. “I’ve underestimated mimics one too many times.” I frowned. Mei shrugged, walking up to the cheat and kicking it open. "Woah. Hey Button check this out." Mei said, motioning for me to come over. “What’s up?” I asked while looking over to see what’s up. Inside the chest I saw a small… egg? "It's a Phoenix egg. They are super rare drops." Mei said, taking out the egg and showing it to me. It was actually a shade of light orange, like there was a fire burning inside it. Given this is apparently a Phoenix egg, that's a possibility. “What’s a Phoenix Egg doing here?” I asked curiously. “I would assume a dragon egg just based on what the dungeon looked like and it’s possible loot pool.” "Loot is completely random." Echo stated. "While what the loot is, as well as quality, does scale, it's still random." "Yup." Mei said. "Super yup." Ali said. “That’s...both weird, and a little nonsensical for the loot table to just be completely random.” I said honestly. “But...well I still barely understand this so what do I know?” "Hang on." Echo said, looking through their Assistant. After a bit he pulled out a glass jar with a pillow on the bottom and some small machine on the top. He took off the machine and took the egg, placing it inside the jar on the pillow then placing the machine back on it and flipped a switch. "There. Temporal acceleration incubator." “Cool.” I nodded. “I wonder how it can do that while looking like a normal incubator.” "Time Gem." Mei stated. "I'm guessing… four hours til it hatches?" "Two." Echo stated. “What is this, Marvel?” I asked, trying to say ‘Mareval’ from back home but somehow the world autocorrected me. "Oh there is an elemental gem for everything. Time, space, fire, water, ice, frost, air, terra, blood, wood, ect. There are even some artificial ones that are actually kinda cool." Tiara said. “Wouldn’t blood fall under water?” I asked. “Only after a lot of work and practice.” Echo said. “No...as in...why is there a blood gem when you can just have it normally through a water gem?” I asked. “Time saver, collectables, medicine, all that.” Ali said with a shrug. “Fine fine.” I nodded. “So anyways, where to next in the dungeon?” Echo Dash spoke. “We’ll be coming up on another chamber that takes paths down three routs. One leads to the already cleared boss room, another leads to a daily respawning puzzle room, and the last one leads to a lavapool that, if you are immune to lava heat, you can swim down and grab a rare item.” “Darn, I left my lava proof suit back at home.” I joked. “I didn’t.” Mei said, already pulling out something akin to a diving suit out of her Assistant. Echo rolled his eyes and Tiara and Ali chuckled. “Well…” I started standing on two legs and putting a hoof on their shoulder. “Have a nice swim.” “I’ll head that way then. You rest head over to the puzzle room.” Mei said, getting the suit on and heading off. We followed and once in the chamber went where Echo lead. The puzzle room was cold. Actually, it was very cold, too cold for this kind of dungeon. “The guidebook states this puzzle has three parts, First one is always the same, start a fire. The last two are a pathfinding puzzle, and a riddle.” “Sounds simple enough.” I said while trying to create fire with my hooves thanks to that fire gem I got before. “Hold it.” Echo said, “Elemental energies are powered by emotions. There are various ways to utilize this in combat, but the simple tasks actually prove to be hardest here.” “How so?” Tiara asked. “Using fire to form an attack is easy, the adrenaline and emotions provide plenty of fuel, but making a small, controlled fire requires enough emotion to spark and light the fire, but not something that will set the room on fire. Which is easier done than you’d think.” “Couldn’t be too simple now could it?” I frowned. “No, but, that’s what spells are for.” Echo said, smiling as he pulled two scrolls out of his Assistant. “This is a basic Ignition spell. No use in combat but it will light anything like a match. Anyone here got wood, or something burnable.” “Nothing a kid should be smelling.” Ali said, gaining a look from all of us. “What? It’s all legal herbs…” “And yet it sounds illegal when you start with ‘nothing a kid should be smelling’.” I deadpanned. “Well you do have to be over eighteen.” “Alright...so who has something to burn properly?” I asked carefully. "Maybe my feathers?" Tiara offered, raising her wings to her muzzle and began plucking some out. Once a small pile had been made, Echo set the feathers on fire. The room suddenly got warmer and lit up, the floor was suddenly covered in tiles. Each tile had either a fire, a rock, or a fang on it. From where we were there was an altar ahead of us passed the tiles. “Alright, so let’s see what our puzzle is going to be.’ "First we figure out which tile is safe and which are trapped?" Tiara said. "Allow me." Echo said, placing a hoof on the fang tile. A giant spear shot down and pierced his back, through his torso and into the ground. He spat blood. "Ouch…" “Sweet Celestia!” I panicked at Echo suddenly getting impaled. "Shit!" Tiara yelped. She then turned to me. "Sweet Celestia? You do know that's not an actual curse phrase right?" “I just got here not too long ago, I’m still used to saying things from back home.” I huffed. "Can one of you kids pull this out?" Echo asked. "My healing factor can't push something this big out of me." Tiara flew up, trying to pull the spear out but couldn't. She then shot the end of the spear off and the part under Echo and the rest was easily pushed out. I watched amazed as the hole in Echo began fixing itself as if he downed the best quality healing potion from back home. "Thank you." “How, why, and what?” I asked in shock. "Abilities. Self healing is one of many perks to spending your time adventuring." "That's the kind of abilities I'm working towards." Tiara said with a smile. "Now if only it worked on my clothes." Echo said, sighing as their suit still had holes and blood stains. "Well, next one." He said, touching the rock one. Nothing. "Huh. Rock tiles are the safe ones." "What about the fire ones?" Tiara asked. Echo shrugged, touching the fire one as he was suddenly on fire. "That should have been obvious. Also ouch…" “Uh...does his regeneration work on Troll logic?’ I asked nervously. “Fire and Acid get past it?” "They do their damage then it gets healed." Echo sighed, holding a hoof up and water shot out and up, putting him out. His charred skin began healing and after a short minute he was back to normal. "And my suit is completely gone now." “Well...isn’t there regenerative clothes?” I asked, thinking if people can just have regen then their clothes can to. "There is but I didn't bring mine." Echo sighed. "Come on then." Echo said as we walked on the tiles. Well, Echo and I did, Tiara flew over. We made it to the alter. I looked up, seeing the riddle in the stone. A spark I create, to make the night great. I am older than wood, and weaker than stone. What am I? “Flint?” I asked The alter cracked, then fell apart, revealing a chest. "Nice." Tiara said. “Wonder what reward we’ll get?” I wondered, walking forward and starting to open the chest. Inside I found a… helmet. I picked it up. Armor of the Berserker. "What is it?" Tiara asked. “Armor of the Berserker?” I said. “Uh...I haven’t really read up on manga or anime before but isn’t this thing from that one really dark manga Berserk?” "Hmm…" Echo said, putting a hoof to the helmet. "Appraisal." He said, letting a few seconds pass. "Well, it's similar. Same abilities as the armor Royal Guts wears, and is Symbiotic. Once this helmet is put on it merges with the wearer. Interesting…" "What?" Tiara asked. "It has skill trees. It can grow alongside the wearer, but I'm not sure if it's independent on its growth or the wearer chooses how it grows?" “But uh...wouldn’t it turn me into...well a berserker?” I asked nervously. "No. Items like this while bonded to a host, only trigger at the hosts will. Or if you get really pissed off." "What should we do with it?" Tiara asked. "Well, you kids can sell it, keep it. Maybe Mei can look it over… hey, where's Ali?" Tiara and I looked around, the Kangaroo was missing. I know he followed us down this hall… right? Yeah, we talked about that first test. "Where did he go?" Tiara asked. "Oh, he'll be fine. That little doll will too." We turned to the entryway, seeing man man, human, I think, in a torn cloak, bandage armor and holding a heavy looking axe that pulsated with blue fire. “Uh...hello?” I asked worriedly to the cloaked man. "Tiara, Button, Behind me." Echo said, stepping forward as we did just that. "So, let me guess, you're with one of the raider guilds?" "Victor Gohun of the Smog Fire raiders Guild. A pleasure." He said, giving a mock bow. "Now, I'll be taking that helmet there, if you'd please." “Excuse me, hold up.” I started. “There’s...a guild that not only condones, but supports crimes?” I asked carefully. “As in a place that got the go ahead by whatever or whoever is ruling this… just let’s it happen?” "There's more to it than that, but I'll tell you about it later." Echo said. "So, I'm assuming you have Ali and Mei tied up in the chamber ahead?" "Boss room actually." "And you want the helmet or you'll kill us?" "Got a quota to meet or are you freelancing?" "Oh nothing like that, just assigned to mess with people who come here for the week." “Well uh…” I started nervously. “Maybe we don’t have to fight?” "Hehe, kid, it's rarely that easy." Victor said. "Sadly." Echo added, taking a deep breath and then huffing out. I blinked, seeing a volley of ice arrows shooting at Victor. He swung his axe, a wall of fire catching the arrows. "Wow! You're actually strong. And here I thought this would be easy." Victor laughed as he charged, Echo rushed in and clashed against him using what looked like his wings, only now they looked metallic. "You two get out of here, find Mei and Ali and get out!" “No need to tell me twice!” I said in panic as I rushed off to where I believed I saw someone point to the boss room. I was hoofing it with Tiara flying above me. We made it to the boss room and oh fuck that guy isn't alone. In the boss room, that was a platform above a pool of lava, stood what looked like he was a pony, like Tiara and I, but his body was human looking. He was… an earth pony, I think, green coat with an orange mane and equally orange eyes wearing a plaid red suit. Mei and Ali were tied and gagged next to him in the ground. "Ah, the kids escaped. Figures." He said, rolling his eyes. “Oh come on!” I complained. “Really?” "Well, it is an unspoken rule to travel into a dungeon with at least one other person." Tiara huffed, readying her gun. "You two can sit quietly," he stomped on the ground, the earth under us giving way as I fell in and was stuck with just my neck and some of my right leg out while Tiara flew up and avoided it. I yelped as that Helmet the other guy wanted rolled next to me. "And wait for Victor to finish up your friend back there." "How about you eat lead instead?" Tiara offered, biting the trigger grip and firing. The guy raised a hand as more rocks came out of the floor and blocked the gunfire, but was getting chipped and broken quickly. Unfortunately he could still launch large rocks at her. Shit this is bad. Echo is busy fighting some other guy, Tiara's gun is good but once she has to reload she's not gonna last long and Ali and Mei are tied up. Oh yeah, and I'm stuck in the ground! If I could just crawl out of here… I eyed the helmet next to me… fuck am I going to do this? “Well, just a simple thing, put it on.” I said while grabbing the helmet and putting it on, not caring about what’s gonna happen as long as I can save the others and get them out of here. Armor of the Berserker Equipped. Symbiotic attachment initiated. I winced, feeling odd as the helmet melted into my head like water to a sponge and I blinked. Symbiotic integration established. Generating Symbiote personality. Personality Generated. Wait what? I heard a whistle, looking up I saw… me. The only difference is that me is still wearing said helmet. "Quite the mess." “Excuse me what?” I asked in confusion. "Oh, hi, you're my host. I'm… huh, alive for a few seconds, need a name. Ah, call me Cheat Code. I am the Armor of the Berserker, and also a Symbiote. I'm a new kind of item, merge with the owner and alive alongside my wearer. And only you can see and hear me." “Well...can you help me out? I’m kind of in a bind here…” I said nervously. "Oh I can but you have to give me a reason why." He said, walking around me. “Well...currently it’s to keep me and my friends alive against people who want to take you.” I told him simply. "I'm merged with you now kid, and like in marriage til death do us part." He said with a laugh. "I'm armor for a berserker, Button Mash. If you want me to help you, I need you to give me fear, hatred, rage. Otherwise I'm just a voice in your head." “Couldn’t you just...take over my body for a minute? Do you really need anger and rage right now?” I asked, the fear of getting murdered by crazy people was still ever present right now. "Yeah I can't take over your body for you. Yet, that's several branches of skills away to unlock and even then I'd need your permission." “Cause of course, nothing can ever be simple.” I growled, the annoyances of things not making any sense whatsoever starting to piss me off royally. “Even Dark Souls wasn’t this openly against basic rules.” "You're just pissy that nothing ever goes your way. Life takes work and effort, not like you know anything about that. Mom did all the hard work for you, and now, you rely on them." He pointed a hoof. Looking I saw Tiara, looking in bad shape and out of ammo trying to reload. "Can you do anything by yourself?" “I didn’t put you on and let you in my head just so you could berate me!” I snapped at him, stomping towards the thing and staring them dead in the eye. “I let you in so I could do something, not have you bitch at me. So are you doing to do something to help or not!?” I growled in pure rage at the symbiote. "Ah, there it is." He said, vanishing. Angry I lunged at him… then realized I was out. That son of a- Thunk I turned, feeling something hit me but not hard. I saw the rubble of a smashed rock at my side. Looking myself over, this armor was covered in thorns, hooves ended in claws and felt more like a second skin than armor. Woah. "Agh!" I looked back up, seeing Tiara hit the ground. Shit her wing looks broken! “You hurt my friend…” I growled as I started walking over to the earth pony. “You done fucked up now!” I roared in anger as I charged at him a whole lot faster than I could normally run. He raised a wall of rock between us, and I crashed through it like it was paper, ramming right into the bastard and into the wall. I felt something… shift and when I looked up the Spike's on my armor had grown long, and all impaled him across his whole body. Eyes wide I backed up, his body fell down limp… holy shit. “I uh…” I blinked. “I didn’t mean to kill him! Beat the shit out of him, maybe, but not murder!” "Ugh, Button, respawn, remember? That rule applies to everyone." I heard Tiara say. I turned around, another shift and the spikes on my armor returned to normal. I ran over and helped her up. "He'll be fine. Wake up last place he slept in an hour or so." I winced, seeing her wing was broken and badly bleeding. “We need to get you to a doctor, you’re really hurt.” I said worriedly as I put her on my back and moved over to Mei and Ali and untied them. “Come on, we need to get out of here.” "Ugh, what about Echo Dash?" Mei asked, helping Ali up. "Stayed to fight the first guy." Tiara said. "Shit I hope he's alright. Raider guilds are some of the more violent guilds around." Ali said. As we were making it out, passing the room where Echo and that Victor guy were fighting, we skidded to a halt as Echo arrived next to us. He was completely missing his wings and an ear, his body was in bad shape and was regenerating much slower than .before “What’s wrong with your regeneration?” I asked carefully. “Normally you would have been fully patched up by now.” "That fucker is as strong as I am. Thankfully we've worn out each other's regen a lot. Heh, and at least I still have all my limbs… minus the wings." He groaned, looking at Tiara. He pulled out a potion from his assistant and fed it to Tiara. "That will stop your bleeding, the wing will heal, just takes a bit longer." "Thanks…" Tiara wheezed. “Alright, but...I didn’t expect all of this to happen…” I said sadly, "You can never expect what the villain guilds are up to. Now come on, that guy won't be stunned for long." “I...still don’t understand why that’s a thing…” I sighed out, continuing to run with the others in my new armor. "Once we're out of here I'll explain in fu-" Echo tripped. I looked down, scared as one of his legs was blasted off. "For fucks sake…" He groaned, getting back up on three legs. There was a horrifying laugh from behind. "Not so fast now pony." Turning I spotted Victor. His left arm was missing, and there was a hole in his head where his left eye, and his body was covered in heavily bleeding gashes. His one still there arm held a rifle. "I haven't had this much fun in centuries." I growled. “Take Tiara and run.” I told them, my anger flaring back up as another person got hurt in front of me. "Button, you're green, he's as strong as me. Even with that armor you can't beat them. Their weak, yes, but it's not worth it." Echo said, grunting. "Come on." Ali said, trying to push me along. “No.” I growled. “I’m tired of letting other people do the heavy lifting.” I told them, my new claws cracking the ground. “I’m tired of seeing others get hurt.” I snarled as I let Tiara off my back. “And I am most certainly tired of this asshole!” I roared as I charged at him in fury. He shot off at me, his bullets denting my armor but I kept charging. He kept firing, two piercing my armor. The pain was like nothing I have ever felt before. Bones broke and flesh tore open, but the armor kept me together so I kept running. Something flashed in my Assistant hud but I didn't read it as I charged at them… fire. I was on fire now, literally, and finally managed to ram into him. I bashed him against the wall, Victor catching fire and laughing. "You got guts kid! I like it!" He yelled, slamming his arm into my head. I felt my skull crack but I pulled back only to headbutt him more, feeling that shift as the spikes on my armor grew and impaled him like the other guy. He laughed again. "Hehehe… I'll see you around kid." I pulled back, my armor spikes retreating as he fell over, his body not moving as he burned. "Holy shit." I heard Mei say. “Uh...yeah…” I panted. “Can...someone get me an aspirin and...a new nervous system real quick? I think I can taste the pain I’m in…” I asked, thankful that I was still able to stand right now. Oh, no wait… falling now… Ugh… my… wait a minute… I feel great! I got up, yawning as- WHACK! Ouch! My head!!! "Reckless child!" I winced, opening my eyes. I was in the nurse's office back at the Caretakers Guild… and Nurse Iron Heart, an earth pony mare with a chrome mane and red coat, cutie mark a bandage, barked at me. I meet her about as often as I get hurt in combat class… so often. "You Isekai have no sense of self preservation I swear…" “I think you do more damage than the people I fight nurse.” I joked. “But it’s also not my fault some bandits decided to come in and fight us out of nowhere.” "And it's your fault for fighting them. Ugh." She huffed, leaving. As she left Tiara flew in. "Thank goodness you're alright." She said, giving me a hug. I couldn't help but blush a bit at the sudden hug by her. “W-well...it’s not the worst injuries I’ve gotten so far right?” I asked sheepishly, not really sure what the full extent of my injuries were. “I’ve been shot before and...well I’m immune to fire so being on fire wouldn’t have hurt that much.” "Your skull was cracked like a coconut, your ribs and left lung were torn apart." She deadpanned. "And no, having fire energy does not make you immune to fire unless you produce it. A fire attack on you still hurts but you do get some resistance to fire." She stated. "I did not know you were such a natural berserker." “And let’s not forget the strange feeling of spikes shoved into my body.” I added. “And well...mom taught me not to get upset at games...but this…” I sighed out, not sure how to properly say this. "Well, you now are a Symbiote host, so that's something else you'll be learning about. But hey, we got a new pet phoenix. I named her Mango." “That’s adorable.” I chuckled. “Can I see her?” "Sure, when you are ready to get back to our dorm. Also, I think we have to have a party when we get there. Mei, Ali and Echo are already getting everything together for one." “So...what happened while I was out?” I asked. “And uh...why did I see my assistant flash up randomly? Was it because I was on fire or something?” "Your assistant flashed? What did it say?" “I didn’t notice, I was more preoccupied...keeping you all safe.” I said honestly. “But let’s look.” I said, bringing up my assistant to see what it flashed up. Let's see… prior notifications. Alert. New Ability Gained. Loop has been obtained and activated. Loop? Where have I heard that one before? “Uh...why does ‘Loop’ sound familiar?” I asked curiously. "Huh? Show me?" Tiara asked, looking skeptical. I showed her the notification and her eyes went wide. "Open your skill trees! Now!" “Uh...sure?” I said nervously while opening up my skill tree. “What’s Loop again? I probably forgot…” Loop: While in an Arena, Dungeon or out in the Hazard zones, Loop cycles the energies of one's party and stacks them on one another. The effect only is active when in a combat zone or in a battle. Each Loop is ten minutes for a party of two and five added minutes per extra party member. "Button! You have a Legendary Ability, capital L!" Tiara freaked. “Excuse me what!?” I asked in shock. "Holy shit this is amazing!" She said, flying circles around me. "This is going to be so amazing!" “But...how did I get it? How would I have gotten it?” I asked in confusion. “You don’t just get a legendary ability out of nowhere like that.” Tiara stopped, landing next to me. "Actually… Legendary abilities are… randomly obtained. No clear reason or… pattern. Some people just wake up from one day to the next with one. Granted there are still a class of legendary abilities that are rare, and Loop is one of them." “So...how strong is this ability? Cause it looks strong from what I’m seeing but I’m not sure how strong.” "Okay so let's say I have forty MP, and you have fifty. Well, with just the two of us, in ten minutes You will have ninety MP and I will have ninety MP. And ten more minutes, a hundred and eighty MP each. And you get where I am going with this." “So basically...if we’re in a combat zone and just sit there for an hour, we’d be close to unstoppable?” "Well, sorta. It only works on energy, like magic, fire, things like that. HP and stats are unaffected. So an hour to grow up energy would make us glass cannons." “Well...at least it’s not overpowered like I thought it would be.” I said sheepishly. "But still so powerful." Tiara said, gushing. "If we weren't a party, I'd be jealous." “Well...I suppose so.” I said honestly. “Just wish it would have helped in the fight.” "Actually… when you caught fire, that was a lot, even for rage fueled. Maybe it did? Well, now it's two reasons to celebrate." “But...this ability said it takes ten minutes to work…” I frowned. “Eh, screw it. I got something really cool and beat a boss, so hooray!” I cheered. "Raider." Tiara corrected. “And you wouldn’t say he was a boss level enemy?” I asked her. "Well, sure but Echo Dash did weaken him a lot. Eh, enough nit picking. Come on, you got a legendary ability and a new cutie mark." Wait, I got my mark?! “Wait, I got my cutie mark!?” I asked as I looked at what my cutie mark was. I blinked in awe. It was a beat up, rusty shield, but it had a green arrow going up with the letters LV over it. “That’s amazing.” I said with a smile of pure joy. "Come on, the party is in your honor so, let's get going." “I’m coming.” I said happily as I got out of bed with a spring in my step. As I walked I almost got upset at hearing him talk. "Well that was fun." Cheat Code said as he appeared next to me. "Happy to have gotten to be the hero?" “I’m in such a good mood, hearing you talk isn’t actually upsetting me.” I said simply. "Hey, pissing you off saved the day. Where's my party?" “You’re...a part of me?” I asked in slight confusion. “Is that right?” "Down to the DNA. While I have my own mind, personality, skill trees, I'm you. Til death, perma deaths due us part." “Then you’re also getting the same party.” I said honestly. He shrugged. "Either or. You know, a Legendary Ability is going to get you a lot of attention. Both good and not." “Please don’t tell me there are ability stealers…” I said worriedly. “No, Mother made sure of that.” A nurse told me as they passed by. "But there is an ability that copies abilities. Granted that one is about as rare as loop and can only copy legendary abilities with the original ability owner's consent." Cheat Code added. “Okay thank...whoever.” I sighed out thankfully. “Wouldn’t want to know...wait, how do you know that? I thought you were just born not too long ago?” I asked Cheat. "Dunno. Spawned in life forms like myself know things we shouldn't. We should be as dumb, if not more so than an Isekai, yet I think, I know and I can do. All we can summarize it as is, Thank the Mother." “Well...I guess so.” I nodded. “So thankfully there isn’t someone out there trying to become the ‘ultimate lifeform’ by stealing every ability in the universe.” "Doesn't stop people from trying. So, what comes next for you, button?" “No idea…” I sighed out. “But right now, it’s party time.” I looked over at Cheat Code but he was gone. I shrugged and kept on walking. The party was amazing. I ate more cake and ice cream than I have since Pinkie Pie's Hearth Warming party four years ago. I woke up in the realm of dreams, being kicked by Cheat Code. "Get up, this is the only reality where I can have an independent body." He said, kicking me again. "If you keep kicking me than no." I told him bluntly. I got up and shoved him off. "So, what are you gonna do?" “No idea.” I said. “What do we have around here?” “It’s the realm of dreams bro, fun and games for as long as you are asleep.” “True...well then let’s have some fun.” I said honestly. As Cheat and I walked down the pathways, I began noticing a few ponies kept eyeing me. None ponies too. Are they looking at my Cutie Mark? “Uh...why are they all looking at me?” I whispered to Cheat nervously. “Heh, remember what Echo and Tiara told you about when you asked why you were roommates with a filly?” I nodded. “Sex is such a casual pleasure everyone takes for a ride so long as both, or all, depending on the number of participants, say yes. You, bro, are getting looked at.” “Uh…” I didn’t know how red my face was at that but all I know is that I was blushing up a storm here. “You’re bisexual right?” He asked, motioning to a few males that gave me those kinds of eyes. I gulped. “Can we not...focus on that?” I asked nervously. “I haven’t even gone on a date yet...why would I think of that so soon?” “Well, you’re alive, you got the organs, the rules of no sex in the Caretakers Guild don’t apply in the realm of sleep, I know for a fact you’ve had the fantasy about being with Sweetie Bell that way since you learned about sex in school… And Cheerilee? Wow, then again she is a looker.” “Sh-shut up…” I grumbled, looking away as I could swear I felt steam coming out of my head. “Oh come on.” He said, elbowing me. “Don’t be so shy and wishy washy. Where’s the balls to the wall murdering psycho that killed those two raiders earlier today?” “I was pissed, not horny.” I huffed. “And that’s partly your fault for being an asshole.” “And you’re welcome.” He said with a laugh. “Well if you aren’t gonna get laid you might as well find out when you’ll get laid.” He pointed a hoof at a tent, the tent was neon blue with two cloaked and hooded figures that stood guard outside the entrance flap. Their cloaks were neon blue and black with hourglass images all over them. “Time Travelers?” I guessed, seeing the cloaks and hourglass imagery it seemed pretty obvious. “Yes and no? Time Walkers, one of the three guilds The Mother personally oversees. They’re more like the grim reapers of reality. They’ll tell you a general summary of your future for free but no details.” “Well...alright.” I nodded, trotting over to the tent. “Might as well see what I can know.” “And while you go do that, I’m getting laid.” Cheat said, quickly running off. I rolled my eyes and walked over to the tent. Once inside I saw a desk with two chairs, and a desk between them. One chair has one of those cloaked people in them, the other was empty. “Take a seat.” He said. He had a rough voice, but he spoke fairly softly. “Button Mash, right?” “Yes, that’s me.” I nodded while taking a seat. “How are you doing today?” “Well. Now then, shall we get down to it?” He asked, summoning a grey chrome and black sword with a blue eye at the tip. He held it over the desk and a book appeared. The book had my name on it, and my new cutie mark. “Well...what’s my future hold?” I asked politely. He disbanded the weapon, picking the book up and opening it. “Let’s see here… Change. Your life will be changed greatly soon. Yours and your friends. With this change, great challenges, trials, rivals, yet also friendships, adventure, wealth, power, and love. You will earn a place among this world's greatest.” “Wow.” I blinked in surprise. “I...didn’t think that would happen…” “It will take time, as all things will, but the changes coming soon will start the ball rolling.” “Well...do you know why I got Loop?” I asked. “Considering your...well, time walkers and all.” “I do. I’m not allowed to say.” He shrugged. “Really?” I asked curiously. “All in time. Anything else you want information on?” “Hmm…” I started. “When am I going to...get a girlfriend?” I asked nervously. He looked through the book. “The first will be found, the second will find you, the third will save you, and the last will admit what they have been hiding to you, when you have hit your lowest.” My lowest… wait, four?! “Wait, I’m gonna have four girlfriends?” I asked in surprise. “Wives. And that’s only in the first fifty years or so.” He said. “The full number is…” He looked up at me, then back at the book. “Yeah I can’t pronounce that number.” “What?” I asked in shock. “Herds are okay here?” “Herds, harems, same thing, all legal, a lot of people who adventure like you get many. It’s part of life.” “Really?” I asked. “Cause...getting a lot of wives isn’t entirely normal for me…” “It will, trust me. I have three hundred back home.” Holy! “And fifty husbands.” Woah… “The trick is an ability that you’ll get later on.” “Indestructible hips?” I joked. “Okay two abilities you’ll get later.” I couldn’t help but chuckled. “Okay, so what’s that one ability? From personal experience at this point?” “You’ll get it when you really start to need it. So, anything else?” “Um…” I started. “Is there any way back home?” I asked carefully. "I can not confirm, nor deny that." “Why?” I asked. “What’s stopping you from at least giving that answer?” "An oath." He stated simply. "You, like everyone else in creation will just have to wait and see what happens." “And when will we see what happens?” I asked. “But...can you ask how long being here is compared to back home?” "That is unknown. Whether Time here and there moves at the same pace or slower, faster, we can't say. We just don't know. As for when, well, there will be announcements when they are ready." “Well…” I sighed out. “Alright. I still barely understand this but...at least we’ll know when it happens ahead of time.” "As with every major change to our reality. So, any more questions?" “Um…” I hummed, trying to think of anything else to ask the Time Walker. I began thinking about some things to ask, bit he can only give me vague answers. Eventually I said thank you and left, wandering around to find something new to do. As I was looking for a snack cart I ran back into Cheat Code, who was covered in lipstick smooch marks and waving off a group of females. "I'll definitely be seeing you ladies again later~" He purred to them before turning over to me. "Hey bro." “I see you had...fun.” I started. "Yup. First time getting laid and it was an Orgy." He stated proudly. "Oh gods it was amazing. So, how about you? Time Walker does their usual vague answer stuff?" “A bit yeah, but he said I would need an ability to deal with all the...unknown amount of spouses, that isn’t indestructible hips.” I said honestly. “That was the least vague.” "Oh so my little brother is gonna lose that V-card! That's good news." Little brother? I'm ninety percent sure I'm older than, no, a hundred percent I am older than him. “I’m the older brother here my guy.” I told him simply. "Yeah, keep telling yourself that." He said, patting my head. "Well, I'm gonna go find more people to rutt with. You go check out the games and at least get kissed." And with that, he was gone. I huffed, shaking my head and found myself at a milkshake bar and sat down, enjoying one. “It’s gonna be so fun dealing with that asshole all day everyday…” I grumbled as I took a drink from my really good milkshake. I sighed again, mostly just looking at my milkshake. I heard someone take a seat next to me. I looked over and nearly fell off my chair. Victor?! "Sup?" He asked, giving me a smile and two finger wave. “Wh-what are you doing here!?” I asked quickly, trying not to panic but...kind of failing right now. "Relax." He said, laughing at my panic. "I'm off duty. Besides, The Sleeping realm is neutral territory. Only assholes cause trouble here." He said, ordering his own milkshake that arrived quickly. “And you’re not an asshole how?” I asked carefully. “Even if we can’t die...you nearly killed Echo.” “Cause my work with the guild is just that, work.” He said, tapping his Assistant. After a bit, his bandage armor was off. His dirty tan skin with jet black mane, er, hair were now visible as he wore only a blue shirt with jeans. “That’s how it is.” “Really?” I asked. “That whole thing...it was just a job?” "Well, I'll admit I did get carried away. That Pegasus guy was the first in a long time I've had good fight against. At least in the past three hundred years. Part of why people join the villains guilds is to find those sparks, that reason why you picked up a weapon and went into the hazards zones. Yeah there are some people who genuinely just like being evil but at the end of the day so long as they play the rules of the villains guilds it's fine." “And what about those that don’t play by the rules?” I asked carefully. He sighed, taking a sip from his milkshake. "Chaos Guilds. Unlicensed and they have no real rules. In the licensed villains guilds, there are some basic rules that are in place from day one of their founding. No killing children twelve and under, no killing pregnant women and newborns, and no torturing anybody unless it's a requirement for planned events and battles against the hero guilds. Chaos Guilds kill for fun and will even knock someone out to reset their respawn so once they come back they can kill them again. They also run slaving and cannibalism trades. The worst we do is wreck a city or try and take stuff from adventures like yourself. That helmet I was trying to take from you, that was the job for my time there. I had a list of items that would spawn in there and whoever got them I had to steal it from them." “And what’s stopping Mother from just...stopping all that? Or the Time Walkers? Or anyone with any form of decency?” I asked, thinking of how big this world is, thinking that there were still pure evil that did whatever it wanted. It was weird. "It's more complicated than that." He sighed, taking another long sip from his milkshake. "The Mother and the Family built this reality on the belief of freedom. Anyone can become whatever they wish so long as it doesn't threaten the whole of creation. The hero guilds often fight against the villains guilds, but we both work together to help deal with chaos Guilds when they pop up. The Family and the mother only step in if the guilds can't handle the issue." “And...when was the last time one of them had to step in?” I asked worriedly. "The Morgan Incident." He sighed. "It was the early days of reality, and chaos Guilds were way more common. A chaos guild of serial killers and cannibals, they found a way to perma kill people by melting down a Void Admin, alive, into a weapon. Time Walkers, Void Admins, and level five dungeon bosses are the only ones who can perma kill in reality. To melt one of them down into a weapon bypasses that fact since one of those, as a weapon, still counts as that being making the kill despite who is holding it." “Sweet lord…” I muttered in fear. "The act itself was made impossible to repeat by the mothers word, the recipe for the weapon was erased from reality, and the void admin who became that weapon, didn't survive long after getting turned back to normal. The trauma started early Madness. After that hero and villains guilds worked together to put and end to the chaos Guilds. These days only a few actually keep their names out there and have any actual numbers. Most of them are just a group of a few people who want to cause trouble." “Good to know.” I nodded. “Well...at least we’ll know this won’t happen again.” "Yeah. So, now that you know that, any more questions?" “Has there...ever been a time where people can go home?” I asked. “The Time Walker was vague about ‘when or where’, only that we’ll get an announcement...has it happened before?” "No. I did know a few people who met people from.their reality before. Sometimes friends, family, but it's not that common." “Damn…” I muttered. “Have you...met anyone old enough that still wants to go home?” "Lots." He said with a laugh and a sigh. "Every isekai like yourself wants answers about their home, if their family is even still alive. The closest you can get to any is knowing if anyone from your world ended up here. Sometimes they are from your worlds future, past or the same time era as you." “That’s...really interesting.” I said honestly. "I don't know what goes on in the Time Walkers or The Family, but once someone cracks that open, they'll let us know." “I’m a little surprised no one has considered...well you said you lived for more than 300 years, and I’ve been told here and there people don’t ‘die’ so…” I trailed off, realizing I was going into a tangent about other things. "Heh, there's people way older than me, and not even they know." “Damn.” I said in surprise. "So, how was that helmet anyway? Looks like it was a very good item." “It is, but the person I’m with is...well kind of an ass.” I sighed out. “But I suppose that’s to be expected from a berserker symbiote.” "Heh, yeah. Their personalities are actually randomly generated so, guess you just got unlucky. So, tell me about yourself. I don't believe I got your name?" “Button Mash.” I nodded. “I’m...still new here…” "Button, nice to meet you. So, tell me about yourself? What was your life like back in your home world?" “Well...I was a gamer.” I said honestly. “Even if…” I stopped myself bitterly, looking down sadly as thoughts of home came back. "I take it there was a reason you were a gamer and they weren't happy ones?" “When your dad apparently ditched your mom after he figured out she was pregnant and her being really busy all the time...you had to do something to fill in the void.” I said sadly. “Then when she had time to...well help me, I just brushed her off…” I started to tear up. “And now I’m probably never going to see her again...never be the son she deserved…” He said nothing, taking a sip of his milkshake again and looking thoughtful. "Parenting isn't easy. You give all you can to your kids and most of the time they don't acknowledge it. They're blind to it. It hurts, sometimes, but when you're a parent you go into it blind and not knowing what's wrong and right. In the end, no one ever knows if what they do is enough of even good. So long as your kid grows up and is healthy, happy, you did good enough. There's no perfect parents, and there aren't perfect children either. In the end, so long as both love and care for each other, it's all worth it." “Well...I’m never gonna know that now that I’m stuck here forever…” I said bitterly. "Do you love your mother Button?" “Of course I do!” I told him swiftly. "And did she love you? Take care of you?" “She did, she cared about me more than the world.” "Then despite your brush offs, it was worth it to her, and I bet she is proud of you. And knowing how you're doing now, even moreso." “Really?” I asked, hoping what he was saying was the truth, that mom would be proud of me after everything I’ve put her through. "I talk from experience. My kids, I love them but you think I'm an asshole on the clock, they're jerks 24/7. Lawyers, and despite their flaws I still love them and I'm proud of them. They know it, and they are happy to know it. Every so often we meet up, take a trip or something for a while to catch up. And while they can be assholes it's usually sarcastic or unintentional. In the end we still care about each other and treasure the time we spend together." “Well...that’s good.” I nodded. “I’m...glad to hear all of this.” "Heh. Yeah, but it won't feel good until it's from your mom huh?" “Yeah…” I nodded. “I...just wish there was some way to reach home...even if it’s just a letter.” "We'll just have to wait and see. So, did your mom ever talk about your dad? Was it kindly or spiteful?" “Well...his name was Pro Go and she talked about him in a kindly way, always saying great things about him, even how excited he was about mom being pregnant with me...then just one day he up and vanished.” I explained. “Nobody’s found him since, no body, no letter, not even a magical signature…” "Pro Go… where have…" He said, taking out his Assistant and skimming through a list of people. "Hmm… say Button, mind doing me a favor and tapping into your Assistants Genealogy app? It will tell you who your ancestors were from the dawn of your species." “Uh, sure.” I said while bringing up my assistant and going to the specific app. After finding it and opening it it showed my picture, and above that was my mom, Cream Heart, and my dad to the left, Pro Go. Victor tapped on his image and it brought up a box with numbers. He then looked back over at his Assistant. "Well I'll be damned, it is the same person!" “Wait what?” I asked nervously. “You know my dad?” "Looks like." Victor said. "Pro Go, works with the Miners Guild on Dechamore, in a new town called Valley Basin. Last time I saw him he sold me the ore I used to make that axe I used against you guys. That was about sixty years ago. Should probably see if he has anymore if that ore…" Sixty years ago? I'm only fourteen? So he arrived here before I was born and has been here longer than me? Longer than I have even been alive? “Well...I suppose that kind of means...time is six times faster here?” I suggested. “Cause I’m fourteen and he’s been here for sixty or so years.” "Oh no, two thousand." What?! "But trust me, don't try and make a time table to figure out how long it's been exactly. People have tried and failed. But wow, your dad's here in this reality and Alive and well. I know where his shop is so once we wake up I can call the caretakers Guild and help you out with that." “Please.” I said quickly. "We'll have to wake up first." Victor said with a laugh. "So, this calls for a celebration. I know a ski resort that the mountains are made out of ice cream. Wanna crash into some of the place?" “Yes please.” I said happily. And so we went. Upon our arrival we were atop what looked like a giant ice cream Sundae and as far as the eye can see was ice cream of every flavor. I got a spoon shovel and proceeded to eat possibly my body weight in ice cream. No brain freeze was awesome. Victor is an okay guy. I'm amazed he worked for a villains Guild but just goes to show not everything is as it seems. When I finally woke up the next day it was a loud belch. Eating food in the realm of dreams is the same as eating it when you are awake, and I was full of Mint, Strawberry, chocolate, vanilla, sherbet and cookie dough ice creams. My stomach felt like it was gonna explode and then after a while it went away. Huh? "Sweet Mother how much did you eat?" I turned to see Cheat Code standing next to my bed. “Exactly.” I told him with a smile. "Yeesh, and I thought I ate a lot last night." I don't know in which term of phrase he means that and I am scared to ask. "So, you look peppy. Finally get laid?" “No, I’m gonna see my dad!” I said happily. "Wait, what?" I explained to him about my run in with Victor and how we found out my dad was in this reality and he knew him. "Woah. That's a rare thing to happen. Cutie mark, legendary ability and now you get to finally meet your long lost dad. Someone In the family must like you." “Thank Mother for it.” I said happily. I almost skipped into the living room to tell Tiara. She was amazed at it. Surprised about Victor but happy all the same. "So do you know anything about him?" Tiara asked as we ate at our food. “Besides his name and what little mom told me about him and what Victor had to offer...not much.” I said honestly. “I’m...really excited to see my dad.” Some times passed and the time we'd normally be teleported to class, Tiara and I were still here. It wasn't till Noon that Echo Dash and Victor walked in. "Button, we have some news. News I know you know already, but there is something… else apparently." Echo stated. “I just wanted to meet my dad today, what’s going on?” I asked worriedly. “Well, as it turns out I know your dad.” Echo said, Victor nearly let out a laugh. “And, well…” He sighed, looking back at the doorway. “Pro Go, you can come in.” Entering the room was a pony, my same mane color and a shade darker coat color. Their cutie mark was a pickaxe over an anvil. They were a mare. “Button? Is that… actually you?” They asked, walking up to me. Umm… excuse me what? “I...was told you’re my...hold up what?” I asked. “Aren’t...aren’t you supposed to be a guy?” “Heh, well that’s the awkward part…” Echo said, a shade of blush on their cheeks. “I swap my gender every century or so to keep life interesting.” She said, looking me over. “Oh my word, you make Cream Heart’s eyes!” She then hugged me. “Pro Go… is my girlfriend…” Echo said, and Victor began laughing. Even Tiara was chuckling. “What would mom think?” I huffed, the fact that Echo and my dad were dating not fully connected as I was still trying to connect the ‘my dad’s now my mom’ bit. “Knowing that mare she’d have been into it.” Dad said… and now my brain is broken… oh and now Cheat Code is laughing at me too. After I had time to… process this information and everyone stopped laughing at my situation, dad, mom… eh I’ll just keep calling them dad, started talking about how they arrived here. “It was about a week after your mother told me she was pregnant.” They started, taking a long breath. “I was really excited to be a father, and she even more so to be a mother. I mean, it’s basically her special talent to take care of foals. I was down in the gem mines under Ponyville when I fell in a cavern and… I hit my head… then woke up in one of those churches on Homeworld. I spent the first five hundred years here looking for anything to get back home but… I didn’t know how time passed there and here. “I had thought you and your mother had already lived your lives. After a while I began working with the Blacksmiths guild and after a while began… getting back out there. A hundred and forty years ago I shifted genders to see why your mom liked… certain things. I know why now, and ten years ago I met Echo Dash and, well… Here we are.” “I’m only fourteen dad.” I said honestly “But…” I wanted to say something, but just shook my head and hugged my dad. “I’m...just glad your here.” “I wandered so much for so long.” They hugged me back. “If you were a colt of a filly, if you looked like your mom or me. But… this means you are still alive, your mom… with hope, we can see her again.” Dad said, giving me another hug. Echo nodded. “Yes, and now comes the next part. Button, as the Caretakers Gild only cares for parentless Isekai children, you’ll be placed into your fathers care…” “But, Button and I are a team! What about me?” Tiara asked, worried. “That’s where I come in.” Victor said. “I’ll be adopting you.” “Huh?” Tiara and I said in unison. “Not many people know this, but Isekai children are classified as Orphans, and therefore can be adopted by an adult who meets the proper requirements. Victor applied and by tomorrow you will be his daughter Tiara.” Echo said. “And I just got a place in Pro Go’s home town, Valley Basin.” Victor said. “You kids will be neighbors.” “Really?” I asked in surprise. “Yup!” Dad said, giving me another hug. “We spent all morning talking about it, and it gives us all a chance to be a family. And with luck, maybe your mom will appear here, or a means back will show up and we can form that herd she always wanted.” Wait what? “Excuse me, mom wanted a what?” I asked in shock. “Oh there are things that mare wanted that honestly scared me. It’s why I loved her.” Dad said, sighing happily. “If I wasn’t dumped here you’d have had four mothers and three dads.” “Oh she so belongs in this reality.” Victor said with a chuckle. “From what I’ve learned from Time Walkers on how many wives I’ll have...I can agree if that’s what mom wanted.” I said nervously. “Awh, she’d be so proud to hear that.” Dad said happily. “So today is our last day here?” Tiara asked. “Yup.” Victor said. “And once we move I can help you both get better at adventuring full time while Echo and Pro Go work.” “Wouldn’t it be weird considering the guild you're in?” I asked Victor curiously. “Nah, lots of my co-workers have kids or family in the hero guilds. That guy I was with you spiked to death, his wife is in the heroes guild that directly rivals our raider guild. Heh, caught those two sneaking off in a war once. Didn’t see either of them til after it was over. In the end, it’s all jobs, almost like acting but with actual violence and death. We respawn and do it again when told. It’s better than letting chaos guilds and other threats pop up.” “That is massively true.” I nodded. Dad gave me a look. “I gave him the rundown on why there are licenced villain guilds.” Victor said. “Well, let’s get packing then.” Tiara said, flying up and over to her room. “I don’t have much to pack so I’ll be back soon.” I nodded, heading off to my room to get what little I actually had. Once inside I began putting my few possessions into my Assistant storage, handy. “So your pops is a chick, dating your Caretaker's Guild Guardian, and your best friend here is getting adopted and you two will be neighbors. Damn, that when that Time Walker said soon, he meant it.” “Certainly was soon for one thing that’s for sure.” I agreed. “I’m just...glad to have dad here.” “Wonder how your two are gonna make up for lost time? Does it count as father son bonding or mother son bonding.” “Parent child bonding at this point, and I’m just glad it’s happening.” I shrugged. “Eh. Still, who’d have guessed your mom was into some kinky stuff.” “I’d rather not think of what my mom got into in bed alright?” I blushed brightly. “I wonder what will pop up for her reflections if I google her name?” AGH! I do not need or want that image or thought! “Holy shit there’s a lot of incest.” In the main hall “Do you hear screaming?” Echo asked Pro. “Oh Button must have googled his mom.” They shrugged off. “He’ll be fine.” Back in Button’s Room “Okay...okay...I think I’m good…” I panted heavily from my screams of anguish. “Oh, call one to screw nearby. Now if only I had control of your body.” Cheat sighed. Fuuuuuuck.... Why… Why is he like this… Random personality generation sucks! “Why are you like this!?” I whined. “Random personality generation!” He declared with pride. “It’s better than getting stuck with a pervert, ya know, one who wants you anyway. Can you imagine them showing you, well, yourself in ways you don’t wanna see? Yeah trust me, I’m already better than most people’s symbiotes. Your multidimentional incest with your mom aside, what are the odds at this rate she shows up here? Cause honestly the fact you and your dad are here is already falling into the impossible category.” “Well...I was told the impossible is possible here, unless it’s literally revoked from existence.” I said honestly. “Fair point. Fair point, so that means it’s not impossible you’ll at some point bang your own dad someday.” My screams could be heard all around Homeworld. The next day finally came and Dad and I were getting off his ship, my dad drove a flying train, cool! Valley Basin was… woah. The whole city was built into the sides of a massive ravine that went down so far deep it was pitch black, and from what dad told me, that darkness kept going down for a long, long, long… long way down. The town, being built on both sides of the ravine, had long bridges holding buildings for housing, shops or just travel leading from side to side of the ravine. Dad lived on the mid section of the left ravine wall, direct access to the pathway to the mines where they worked and back up to where most people parked their vehicles. Dad’s place was nice, like many buildings on the wall wise was built in the wall, but the inside was still larger on the inside than the out. My room was about the size as it was back in the Caretakers Guild, but with blue wallpaper and lots of rocks in a pile. “This is a pretty good place you got here dad.” I said honestly. “It’s cheap, housing in pre-built places is actually pretty cheap. They only get pricey if you wanna build your own. So, those rocks in the corner there are for you. They are Geodes. They hold anything from gems to ores. Break them open and whatever you get we’ll make some weapons together for you.” ”Sweet.” I nodded, walking over and trying to break open one of the Geodes. “Give me something good.” I said while stomping down on one of the geodes. I got a small, black slip of rock. “Flint. Not the best, but can be useful.” Dad said, picking it up. “A little flint at the end of your sword or hoof armor can be perfect for any needed campfires.” I huffed. “Can’t really use that much of it though…” “Still useful.” They shrugged. I opened another one. This one dropped a glowing blue chrome ingot. Wow, a premade ingot too! “Mana Iron. Nice.” “Mana Iron?” I inquired. “Iron ore imbued with natural mana. It’s good for enchanting weapons, armor and things like that. Jewelry too. All ores have a Mana infused counterpart.” “That makes sense.” I said honestly. “Considering how magic is...even more prevalent to everything than back home.” “Heh, tell me about it.” I cracked open another one. This one dropped a silver ore that seemed to be… shaking? “Woah, take a step back son.” Dad said, pulling me back. “That’s Vibranium. Perfect for armor and weapons, but scary if you don’t know how to handle it.” “Why is it dangerous? And why is it vibrating?” I asked curiously. “Also I don’t remember Captain America’s shield vibrating like that.” I said, remembering a comic from back home. “Vibranium is a metal that can absorb and disperse vibrational energy at the molecular level. In it’s raw ore like that, it’s pretty unstable in how it absorbs and disperses the energy it collects.” “I didn’t know that.” I said in surprise. Dad nodded, pulling a tool out of their Assistant and carefully putting the vibranium in a special holding tube. Once that was done I opened another one. It was yellow. "Gold." They stated with a smile. “Well...that can sell for quite a bit if gold is still worth something.” I said honestly. “Probably not as much as Equestria with how rare it normally is.” "It's worth a bit, but it's best for making electronics." I opened another one. This one dropped a purple slime ball that kept a ball shape. "Purple Slime." “Yep, it’s both slime and purple.” I nodded in agreement at how...on the nose the name was. "It's good for alchemy in anti poison potions or poison and acid resistant armor." “That is really nifty.” I nodded. “Uh...question, since I have Symbiote Armor...do I need to eat things to get bonuses or something else?” "I don't actually know. Check your and their skill trees." "Yes, please, let's see just what I got." Cheat said, appearing next to me. "Let's check." I nodded while pulling out my assistant and checking my skill trees. Opening it up I didn't see all that much aside from Loop. Cheat had one so far. Living Armor. Name says it all really. Oh wait, there's also Needle Peirce. That's the one that makes spikes that stab people around me. Hm… and still no Skill Points. "That's weird." I frowned. "Why don't I have any skill points? I thought at beating Vincent and that other guy would have at least given me a few." I said honestly. "Getting skill point is… a pain." Dad said, sighing as she… yeah I'll ask later, sighed and sat down. "Skill points are a pain in the ass to get, but working on Guild Quests or doing work related to a guild you are a part of rewards you more skill points combat alone can't. For example, for every fifty pounds of ore I mine out of the ground, I get rewarded a skill point by the guild, and some other rewards and or money depending on what I mine up." "But I fought two very powerful enemies, even if one was injured, I should have at least gotten one when you think about it." I said honestly. "You'd think, but no… it doesn't matter how powerful the person is when unaffiliated with a guild, only the kill count. With a guild through, you'd have been rewarded." "That sucks." I frowned. "Heh, we'll sign you and your team up tomorrow with the adventures guild. With luck you'll get something for beating Victor and his friend." “Alright.” I nodded. I opened up another geode. It was a rock with a flower in it. "Fossil." Dad said. “What kind of fossil?” I asked curiously. “Cause...well given this world is still new to me, there might be new kinds of fossils.” "Well, could just be a daisy, or some magic flower, or something neat. You'll have to revive it at a later date." Dad and I spent a lot of the afternoon opening the geodes and writing what they are down. Out of all that was there, a good forty percent of them were ores good for weapons or armor. With that done dad got to work on dinner and I went to go check out Tiara's new home. Victor's place was a block away, built into the wall also and unlike dad's it did look like a house. “Hey button.” I looked up, seeing Tiara poking her head out from the upstairs right window. “This is amazing!” “Yeah, it certainly is.” I said happily. “So how’s life with Victor going?” “His place is cool! He has a hall of taxidermy monsters he buys from this guy in another city. And an indoor swimming pool!” “That’s pretty cool.” I nodded. “So far me and dad have done some geode breaking, I haven’t really seen most of his house yet but it was fun.” “This city is really cool.” Tiara flew out her window and down next to me. “I already emailed Mei and Ali, so they will be bringing the ship around here soon so we can plan out what to do next.” “That’s good.” I nodded. “So I learned that skill points are not earned through common sense, and dad and I are going to find out which guild I should join soon.” “Oh yeah, Adventurers is the best for earning them by clearing dungeon floors. Plus other fun rewards, and the custom quests options.” She said with a nod. “So, wanna explore the town, see what’s fun and what’s not?” “Sure.” I said with a smile. “Let’s do some adventuring.” The first place of note Tiara and I saw was the local Church of the Mother, then the Charcoal Bar, Mega Mega Mart, community center, which counted as the public library, pool and gym all in one. Lastly was an indoor mall where I found a magical place called, Game Stop. Tiara had to drag me out of there kicking and screaming. Lastly was an indoor carnival, where games of all kinds were available like in the dream realm. Huh, what the? My Little Pony, complete Generation four DVD set. Seasons 1-9 and movies with shorts! Ah, Tiara did say some realities saw our home worlds as TV shows, books or video games. "This is amazing." I said in amazement. "Oh, look, prize maze." Tiara said, eating a corn on the cob as she pointed to said maze. It, from this angle, was all walls and such. "You wander around aimlessly and it drops things like snacks and other stuff people donate to it." “Really? That’s...really cool.” I said honestly. "Come on! Let's see what we find." She said, rapidly finishing her corn as we headed off. As we entered there was a sign above us. Attention! This Loot Maze is themed, Apocalyptic, and a fee of 500 rem is required to enter. Loot is between levels one and three tier and are randomly scattered across a pre-generated environment. Each individual is placed in their own environment and given three minutes to find and gather any and all loot they find. Please enjoy. "Huh, must have good stuff if they charge that much for an entry fee." Tiara said. “It also sounds like we might have to fight something if it’s themed after an Apocalypse.” "Or avoid it. Well, see you in three minutes." She said, walking up to the entrance and vanishing in a flash. I did the same, walking into the maze. I Paid the fee from my hud, and in a blink I was in a really worn down, dusty and mold infested building. It looked like a mall, not the one we were in, more… pony themed. Old images of an all brown mare enjoying a bottle of soda, some decayed clothings were at my hooves, too destroyed to be of use. “Jeez, they weren’t kidding when they said ‘apocalyptic’.” I said while rushing around to find stuff in here. I was definitely in a mall, must be some pre generated structure for ponies. The Wonders of this world are always amazing. My first found object was a small gun, built to be held In a ponies teeth. It had two bullets. Best give guns to Tiara. The timer in my hud read 2:42. Gotta hurry. I rushed myself to the back storage area. Typically these have all the good stuff. I found food, ammo, what, given the box I found them in, I assume is medicine, lots of soda and some bones. Pony bones. That gave me the creeps. They taught us all these things are decorative but still, creepy. I was down to a minute and rushed to a large locked door. Hmm… okay, okay… angry thoughts… I thought back to Tiara getting hurt, That… day with Spike and Sweetie Bell… I opened my eyes, finding my armor over me as I quickly dashed in and broke open the door. “Okay...that certainly got it…” I muttered to myself as I continued my hunt for more stuff. Once inside this place I was met by… legs. Legs with wires sticking out. A torso, also with wires poking out.. what the? I spotted a desk in the back, atop it was a… body. A headless body. I got closer and noticed it was also sticking out wires and such. A robot? Where is… I looked in a few boxes next to the table and spotted it… a head. A robot pony head. It was in better shape than the body or parts around. The head was all white, but the mane was really dirty, I couldn't tell the colors. I placed the head on the neck of the body and to my surprise the wires instantly linked together. The eyes of the robot opened, flashing me with bright yellow lights. Slowly it raised its head up, looking at me. It's mouth opened but all that came out was a low pitched static. “Uh...hi?” I waved my hoof at the creepy robot. “We’re gonna need to fix your voice when we get back.” They nodded, feeling a hoof along their neck. They pointed at me, then at themselves. “I’m...not entirely sure what you mean…” I said while gently putting a hoof on them. “I’ll get you fixed when we get back.” The managed to get themselves off the table. Their back right leg wasn't moving properly. They looked around. Grabbed something from under the table. It looked like a mechanical...horn? They placed it on their head, and after a bit it lit up with magic. They smiled, and now they used said magic to lift up a book. The cover was really bad. Torn or dirty, only the yellow bold words saying User Manual were visible. They tapped the word User, then pointed at me, then back at themselves. “Oh uh...well...let’s hope the entire book isn’t as bad as the cover is.” I said nervously as I flipped it open to see if it was legible. Not all of it was. Infact only one area seemed readable, but it was some technical stuff that went way over my head. Suddenly, the both of us were back in the front entrance of the maze. Damn, time ran out. "Hey- Woah! You got a robot pony?!" Tiara said, flying around the two of us. "So cool!" “Really is, only problem is that...well I have no idea how to fix them.” I said nervously. They shook their head. "Maybe your dad or Victor knows. Come on, let's go." Tiara said, leading the way. Once at her and Victor's place, the raider was examining the robot over. "Wow, she's old. Like, way old." He said. "She? How can you tell?" Tiara asked. "Her figure for one. Stallion models of her breed of bots are larger." “Well...alrighty then.” I nodded nervously. “So uh...how do we fix her?” "Well, two ways. Find a Synth hospital or a Nanite Injector." "That's the syringe of microbots that can alter a synthetic beings body to be basically identical to an organic one." Tiara stated to me. "You have one?" "Kid I have a little of everything." He stated, pulling said injector from his assistant. “Well...comes with the territory when you're over a hundred years old.” I shrugged. "Four thousand." He informed me. He then put the injector on the robots neck, soon lines of blue trailed along her body. After a bit, a messy, kinda dirty two toned mane of light pink and a creamy purple shot out of her head, and the same for her tail. She then began coughing a lot, spit and dirt getting spat out. "Sweet Luna that's bad…" She groaned. Huh, her voice sounds kinda familiar? It was a soothing kind of voice, one that sounded vocally capable of reaching all kinds of notes while in song. "Ugh, dirt tastes terrible." “You...sound familiar…” I started. “Who are you?” "One moment Master." She said- Wait Master?! She gave one final spat of dirt covered saliva to the floor. "Eeew… So, name. I am S.B MK7, Model 42." She informed. “What...what does...S.B. stand for?” I asked carefully. "Sweetie Bot." She stated. "Personal all service android capable of everything from household taste, intense manual labor in a working environment and, of course, musical entertainment." “S-s-sweetie!?” I took a step back, my eyes widening. “B-but...why would you be a robot?” "Hm? Oh, well for that information I must explain about the company that made me." She stated. "Years ago on my world of creation Equestria went to war, and in this war many new branches of science and magic evolved. One such company, Buckbotics, made them for residential or business use. I was crafted in the image of the pop idol of the era, Sweetie Belle, going as far to have me perfectly emulate her voice, personality, and all the details of her body and body language. I was mass produced and sold to private buyers and public and private business. There were even a few combat models of myself produced." “Huh...for...some reason I had this weird idea that Rarity wanted a little sister and just...built you.” I said sheepishly. “I know that sounds weird but...don’t know why it was my first thought.” She shrugged. "I have been deactivated for… two hundred years or so. At least that's what my generated backstory states." "Yes that's a thing." Victor said. "And upon my activation you set yourself as my new master." She finished, looking at me. "A pleasure Master Button Mash." I...legit couldn’t believe what I was hearing right now. “So...I...now have a robot...of a mare I liked back home...that started dating my friend...am I getting this right?” "Looks like." Tiara said, patting my back with one of her wings. "I have a feeling someone is messing with you, no idea who, but this is concerning." “First...I got my dad...now I basically have a robo marefriend…” I took a deep breath. “Well...it could be either worse or weirder right?” "And he jinxed it." Victor said, chuckeling. "Marefriend?" Tiara asked me. "Heh, fast aren't ya." She said, giggling as she elbowed me. I blushed. “I-i-I didn’t mean it like that!?” I tried to backpedal in this conversation fast. “Uh...I didn’t mean...uh...she...gah!” I sat down and flung my hooves in the air, upset at my own screw up. Back home Dad decided to see what Sweetie Bot could do. And the answer is about everything. Once she was cleaned up and looked… like the Sweetie Belle I always had a crush on. She could cook, clean, make weapons, armor, building repairs. Really is built to, well, do it all. I walked over to my bed, yawning as this long, interesting day was now over. “Sweet lord...today was just one thing after another…” I groaned as I flopped down onto my wonderfully soft bed. As I was relaxing into sleep I got an odd feeling. Opening my eyes I was eye to eye with Sweetie Bot staring at me from the edge of my bed. “Uh…” I looked at her. “Is...there anything you need?” “Would you like me to complete any nightly activities for you Master Button Mash?” “Uh...what do you mean by ‘complete’?” I asked nervously. “Is there anything you wish for me to work on while you sleep. Any tasks or should I go into standby mode til morning?” “I...suppose standby mode right now.” I said. “There’s nothing you or me need to do.” “Very Well. Setting up start up for six AM.” She said, eyes closing as she now stood there, completely unmoving. Right... “Should get her a bed soon…” I muttered to myself. “Still...weird that Sweetie Belle had a robot made after her…” “Well, a version of her had a robot made based on her.” Cheat said, jumping into view and looking Sweetie Bot over. “Huh, actually she might have been older than the mare you knew. You two were forteen, but she looks about… late twenties to mid thirties?” He said, circling her now. “Well...she was made from a different universe, where Sweetie was a Pop Idol.” I said honestly. “Yeah. Still, makes you wonder who else in that world got a robot counterpart.” He said, eyeing her- Hey! “Woah. Hey Button, ever wonder how she looks back here? Yes you have, and you can see it now.” “Sweet lord Cheat, don’t…” I blushed brightly. “Oh get off your high horse. I bet you anything if you asked her for it she’d do it.” “And I’m trying not to cause that feels...wrong somehow.” I said nervously. “Oh, but you want to?” He asked… crap! “I can’t just take advantage of her though.” I told him bluntly. “And get away from her.” “I’m not near her. I’m in your head, manipulating your visuals and auditory receptors to make it look like I’m next to her.” “Fine.” I huffed. “But...I’m not going to just use her like that...she’s a sentient being like me…” “Then at least go to a brothel… It’s paid sex so, the use is completly mutually understood.” I rolled my eyes, turning around and going to sleep. I woke up in the realm of dreams, heading off to a theater to watch a movie or two before morning. “Wonder what movies are here?” I wondered, not really having the time to see what movies or games are around this place. I got my tickets, snacks and all that as I took my seat and began enjoying the begging of this movie. Shrek. It was funny, different from anything I’ve seen before. The next movie I was going to watch was Bicentennial Man. As I was taking my seat in the theatre, I jumped at hearing her voice. “Hello Master Button Mash.” Nearly falling out of my seat, I recovered, seeing Sweetie Bot in the seat next to me. “Please don’t scare me like that.” I said nervously. “But howdy, how are you doing?” “Confused. I went into standby mode, and then booted up here, in this theatre.” “That’s...strange.” I said honestly. “But...I honestly don’t know how robotics works in this world, cause I still believe you’re a sentient being that’s beyond this ‘master’ programing stuff…” “Well, my learning matrix integrated into my AI and personality Matrixes, allows me to grow and evolve mentally. Of course my primary programming of serving my designated Master takes priority over my mental growth as an artificial intelligence.” “Well…” I looked nervous here. “Is there anyway for you to...focus on your mental growth?” I asked carefully. “Nope. It’s my secondary function, and if any attempts to alter that programming happen, I factory reset.” “Oh…” I started. “I...didn’t know that.” “It’s in my User Manual.” She stated, bringing out that old, nasty book. “Hm. Perhaps I should look for a readable copy.” “That would be for the best.” I nodded. “So, what now? I’m not sure what tasks I can complete for you here in this… wherever we are.” “We’re in the dream world.” I said honestly. “And right now you don’t need to obey my orders, just have fun, do what you want to do.” “Okay… What do you want me to do?” “What do you want to do?” I asked bluntly. “This is the dream world, you’re dreaming, and you don’t have to follow programming...I think…” I started. “God I still don’t know anything about you or how robotics work…” I groaned. “I want to do what you tell me to do.” “Oh my god…” I grumbled. “Fine, then sit down in this seat and watch the movie with me.” I huffed. “Okay.” She said with a nod, turning and watching the screen… I sighed… She looks, sounds… just like her… acts absolutely nothing like her. This is gonna be a long… long… whatever this is. When the movie was over She followed me through the streets. There has to be something that will get her acting… like a person. “Come on, there has to be a booth around here somewhere…” I muttered, continuing to look around this massive carnival to find a robotics booth to help me figure this out. Okay, okay, come one… Oh thank The Mother! I spotted a small tent filled with robotic limbs of all races set around. Entering I spotted a… Large, ten foot wolf humanoid being, torso longer than my body and arms as large as me. He sat hunched over a mechanical arm he… I think it’s a hewas working on. “Hello?” I asked politely. “Welcome to Moonlight Mechanics. Parts and programs for all Synthetic for the past four hundred thousand years.” They said, sounding like a male as they looked up at me. They then looked confused. “You’re not a synthetic.” “No, but I need help because of her.” I said while motioning a hoof to Sweetie. “Her User Manual is complete garbage because of the prize maze I got her from, and I need help figuring out...well a lot of things.” He looked over at Sweetie Bot, then laughed. “Well I’ll be damned. I haven’t seen a Sweetie Bot MK 7 in two thousand years.” He got up… his full height now reaching fifteen feet. He walked over to Sweetie Bot, kneeling down and looking her over. “Poor things, one of those bots stuck with highly restrictive programs and AI rules.” “Well...is there anyway to help her?” I asked nervously. “Cause...I don’t know how to handle her being...like this.” “Well I can remove those restrictions, but I’d have to erase her entire AI as it is. I should be able to save her personality, memories, but with how her models were built there’s a high risk her factory reset kicks in, and that will erase everything of hers.” “Couldn’t those nanites that brought her back to normal be used to take away those restrictions without the factory reset going off?” I asked curiously. “You’d have to find her original manufacturers factory, and admin codes to do it safely, but those were all long missing even before the merge of the realms for two hundred years. Odds are if they still exist it’s as a drop in some dungeon but I don’t know really.” “Crap…” I sighed out. “Why can’t things be simple…” “I can install some extra modules to give her a wider range of personality, self aware thoughts and independent interests, but she will still follow her programing.” “Well...it’s better that she has more room to think for herself than waiting for me all the time.” I said honestly. “That’s always better. Alright then little mechanical lady, you ready?” She looked over at me. I rolled my eyes, nodding as she smiled and… well that's creepy, her head opens up like a thousand pieces of connected tiles. The wolf person grabbed a few things from his desk and then began working on her. It was a total of fifteen minutes before it was over and she closed her head back up. She stood still for several moments, eyes rotating, literally. “She’ll just complete a quick restart and the modules will kick in. I also copied her AI and OS programs so I can work on reverse engineering it. Last time I worked on a Sweetie Bot MK 7 the girls Master had me make her anthro.” “Interesting.” I nodded. “Well thank you mister...uh, how much would this cost?” I asked nervously. “Greg.” They said. “Given the… rarity of her kind these days, I’ll just charge you two hundred for this and fifty for anything I manage to make from what I learn about her software.” “Alright.” I nodded while giving the good wolf his fair. “Thank you, and the names Button Mash.” “A pleasure. Here.” Greg said, kneeling down and tapping his Assistant to mine. New Contact Registered: Greg Postar “If I manage to make anything I’ll let you know. And if you ever find parts for her again, bring them by, might be able to make her a sister.” “Alright.” I nodded. “I’ll keep a lookout for any info or materials.” After a moment Sweetie Bot blinked, looking around. “Oh wow, I have independent thinking capabilities. Hm… And a wider range of emotional processing… And now I realized that the movie I saw twice was funny. Heh.” Already an improvement. “This is already a massive improvement.” I said with a warm smile. "I'll be seeing you Button Mash." Greg said with a nod. With that Sweetie Bot and I wandered around some more. I noticed now she was much more aware of everything around her. As if she was actually seeing things for once. “So how do you like feeling stuff right now?” I asked curiously. "It's all new. It's one thing to analyze and process something as beautiful or interesting. It's another to feel it." She said, looking around and eventually just kept looking up at the starry night sky. “The sky is beautiful.” I said honestly. “But...what do you think of me right now?” "Hm?" She said, looking at me. "Well… you are my Master… you got me back online and for that I am thankful." “Well...it’s more than just ‘you’re my master’ and having nothing after that I suppose.” I shrugged. "You have an interesting life, a father turned mare, a friend who seems loyal and honest with you and seems to really enjoy when you two are doing any activity, and a pervert symbiote. A mechanic and builder who wants an individual Identity, a navigator who mostly just wants to explore what isn't explored." “And now I have a wonderful robo friend.” I said with a smile, not even bothering to question how she knew about Cheat here. "You also, based on prior words you've spoken, you have a crush on an organic alternate version of myself, but based on your bio chemical readings when it is mentioned I take it there was a bad event that happened?" “A...friend of mine, I thought was my wing man...I don’t think he wanted to stab me in the back, but...well what can you do?” I sighed out bitterly. "According to my data bases, there are healthy and unhealthy habits for getting over a crush and a backstabbing friend ranging from payback to a rebound. With Tiara you got the friend part down so maybe you should try and find a date to get over the girl." “Well…” I started nervously. “Just...you being here...I…” I wasn’t really sure what to say here. "I have various courtship rituals in my databanks as well as a beta Wing mare program. If I can link to a network in this place I can see popular locations for people of your age range." “Well...I can always choose you.” I said honestly. "Hm? Well, I am equipped with the proper equipment for romantic intercourse and my baseline romance program can adapt with my learning programs aid. Do you have any requests on how to… proceed?" “W-well…” I blushed a bit. “I...I’m not entirely sure...I’ve never actually been on a date before…” "Hm. Running romance database… setting up Romancing Protocols. Set up complete. Master…" She paused at saying that, looking like she was thinking something over. She gave a quick cough. "Button Mash, would you like to go out?" “Of course I would.” I nodded with a smile. "Perfect! Now then… let's go find a place to enjoy ourselves." “Let’s.” I said happily, glad to finally go on a date. We walked on over to a bakery where I got two jelly filled donuts and Sweetie Bot got the same. We took our seats and while I started eating I noticed she was just looking at the pastry. “Something wrong?” I asked curiously. "I just, I was built with taste buds to help aid in cooking and sexual fetishes," I nearly choked on my donut at that one. "But I've never actually needed to… eat. That injection gave me a functional stomach and digestive system, and while I can taste I never did before. My memory banks say I was purchased for auditory stimulation in the store you found me in." “Well...right now you can try food for the first time.” I said honestly. "Yes, and that's why I am hesitant. What if I do not enjoy it? Oh, never had that thought cross my mind before." “Won’t know unless you try.” I said simply. “A whole world has opened up to you now.” "Hmm…" She said, looking the pastry over. After a bit she lifted it up with her magic, sniffed it, and finally bit into it. She was still for a few seconds before she chewed and finally swallowed. "My word, is this what sweetness tastes like?" “This is what a pastry tastes like, if you want to know what sweets are, then I’ll show you what sweets are.” I said with a smile, my young knowledge on junk food going to come in really handy right now. "I think I would like to know more about tastes." She said with a smile. After finishing the donuts we ordered some buttered toast with sugar and some tea. She loved the toast, and I showed her how tea tastes with different amounts of sugar and we ordered several other kinds of tea so she would taste them. After that was juices, to which she tried Orange, Apple, Grape, Mango, Pineapple, Strawberry, Blueberry, And lemonade. She enjoyed them all. I did wonder how she was packing all that away, and was worried she'd overeat, but at the same time I didn't want to keep her from her newfound joy. In my confliction Sweetie Bot ate an Apple, Pecan, Blueberry, Peach and Pumpkin pie and finished it all off with cobbler. “So...question, can you overeat as a robot?” I asked nervously. “Or am I just concerned over nothing by either that or because we’re in a dream realm?” "Hmm… My original body came equipped with an organic matter converter, converting any food I might eat or… other organic byproducts Into power, along with several backup power talismans to hold it all. My scans tell me that injection took what I had and added to it or evolved it so I should probably just have one of those backups full on power and the other maybe a quarter of the way full. Let me run a check and… Primary talisman at 100. Secondary at 100. Back up 1 at 100. Back up 2 at fifty six percent. Back up 3 at zero percent. I'll be good for a while." “Must be really good to have five stomachs.” I chuckled. "I guess that is a good comparison. So, are we going to eat all night or will we be doing anything else?" “Well, there’s still a lot of other things to do.” I said honestly. “Is there anywhere else you want to go?” "When I first started up in that theater I overheard A group nearby say something about someplace called Summer Falls. It sounded pleasant." “Sure, let’s go to Summer Falls.” I nodded. “Wherever that is…” I looked it up real quick and once I knew how to get us there we took a train, yes a train, there. It was a surprisingly short ride, lasting only five minutes and when we got off my jaw dropped. We were atop one massive floating chunk of land, one of many all within the vicinity of a massive waterfall pouring possibly millions of gallons of water at once down itself. Unlike prior places I've been, the sky here was a clear and bright daytime blue illuminated by various rainbows the falls gave off. "Wow, this place looks amazing." I said in surprise. "It is indeed beautiful. So, I believe in this situation we go for a walk?" “Yes we do.” I nodded. “Let’s take a walk and see and the wonderful sights...together.” She nodded, looking at me for a moment before taking my hoof with hers as she pulled me along. Holding hooves back home is considered an important show of trust. For parents and foals, it means they help you walk and keep upright while young. For couples, it means we support each other, both emotional and physically. Walking on three legs isn't easy, so by holding another pony's hoof you both support each other up. Even with her pulling me along, she was helping keep me up. We walked like this while going through this place, seeing trees that sparkled like gemstones, flowers that bloomed out into a mini light show of colors and shapes. We took a seat next to one another at the edge of this floating island. I got my date with Sweetie Belle. It's not how I expected, or even the same… her, but Sweetie Bot here isn't the mare I had a crush on back home, she's some pony new and, worth it, I think. “This...is amazing.” I said happily. "I'm glad you are happy. Your emotional health seemed… unstable, on my first scan of you." “It’s...just been a lot…” I said nervously. "So far my profile of you is all good things. Despite your hardships you still retain hope and you try over giving up. I can't understand why the version of Sweetie Belle from your world didn't go after you herself." “Probably because...well back home I didn’t really...have any drive like I do right now.” I said honestly. “I…” I sighed out. “Not as many people cared...and even the ones that did…” I rubbed my temple in bitterness at myself. "Sounds like you mostly just needed some good friends." She said, standing. I was confused for a moment, then flinched as she laid herself onto my back. I blushed madly. Typically stallions lay on the mares back, a way to be protective and… for when things get heated everything is already aligned. For parents and foals it's mostly a means of keeping them warm and safe. "Are you comfortable?" “U-uh...y-yeah…” I stuttered lightly. She then wrapped her legs around my body. My blush got brighter. "My romance programs say this Is a form of comforting and that physical contact best for strengthening bonds. I… I'm already yours, but I want to… know that I can be more than just rebound or… a servant. I know you mostly already see me as more than those, but I need to convince myself… that I am more than my AI." “That’s...kind of why I was so adamant to...well, get you like this.” I said softly. "I know, but my primary programing is still… dominant. These modules help reduce, or weaken it but it's like trying to stand on a middle ground line but… getting pulled in one way all the time. I'm confused a lot, my new thoughts and emotions conflicting with my original programing." “We’ll figure it out Sweetie.” I told her with conviction. “I promise.” She rested her head on mine. "Thank you Master." Morning came and Sweetie Bot greeted me with a smile as she headed off, getting breakfast and all that ready. "Finally!" I jumped, seeing Cheat next to my bed. "You had a date." “Oh shut it you.” I muttered to Cheat. "So, how did it go?" “It...was really good.” I said honestly. "Good, that's one step closer towards you getting laid." I threw my pillow at him, but it passed through him. I rolled my eyes as I got up, Cheat leaving me be for now. Once in the living room I found dad- Ah! "Morning Button." She said, wearing one of those face mask things I've seen mom wear at the spa back home, hair curlers and all. "Looks like you and Sweetie Bot got a lot done in the realm of dreams last night." “My eyes~.” I joked as I playfully looked away with a hoof up. “But yes, we got a lot done in the land of dreams.” I told her simply. Is it she or he? “Okay, should I call you dad or mom?” I asked them. "Well, I am your father biologically. I might be a mare now but that is a simple change I can do whenever. Despite my gender, I am your father, so call me dad." “Alright, cause I was getting confused by that.” I nodded. “So what’s for breakfast?” "Pancakes and fried potatoes." Sweetie Bot said. I took my seat. "So, any questions for me?" Dad asked. "I imagine that summary I gave you yesterday of my time here left some questions still." “A lot.” I nodded. “There’s...so much in this world...what have you done all this time?” "Honestly, not that much. The first five hundred years I spent trying to get home, researching and exploring dungeons and uncharted lands. Nothing. I got depressed, so I started doing some things Cream and I always talked about. Took up some sports and hobbies. When all those began running out I started on the more… lewd lists she made. Hence my appearance now." Dad said, pulling their face mask off. "I spent a lot of time switching back and forth between stallion and mare, even was both for a while. In the end I realized a lot of things and settled on swapping my gender when I either felt like it or got bored. I got back out there, dating mares, stallions, herms and people of all races and genders. Then I met Echo and, heh, well… your mom always told me I treated her like Celestia herself… and that's how Echo treats me. So we've been dating ever since." Dad sighed. "Heh, went on a tangent there, but yeah, the most interesting thing I did was explore the unexplored lands." “What were the unexplored lands like?” I asked curiously. "Well, their name says it all. It's land that hasn't been explored and mapped yet. The minimap in your hud shows what's there because people mapped the area already and it adapted over time. Exploring the unmapped areas can be dangerous but overall it's no different than the Safe or Hazard zones depending on which zone you are in." “To be honest, I’m surprised their’s unexplored places left.” I said honestly. “Considering it’s been long enough with enough people looking.” "Well remember, these worlds are massive and new ones are popping into existence every day… probably even every hour… maybe even second. So there's a lot of space to explore. Last I knew Dechamore was only… not at all fully mapped out at all." “Damn.” I said in honest surprise. "I'm sure your friend Ali can tell you more." Dad said. Sweetie Bot served us, and herself as we all ate. After a bit I realized something… is there a school here? I don't think I saw one yesterday but there is still a lot of the city I haven't seen yet. “Is there a school here?” I asked. “Or...in general?” "Oh, well, there is the Miners Academy but no actual schools for your age. Schools in this reality teach you from age five til ten, and from ten til thirteen some basics on combat, magic and the various academies that exist if you choose to attend them." “Huh...thought there would still be the normal school system.” I said honestly. "Some towns and cities do that but most follow this system since it's actually better and you don't spend an extra four to five years in school." “Thank the lord.” I sighed out happily. "You best get ready, your friends should be here soon and Victor is going to help you all in applying for the guilds and such." “Alright.” I nodded, starting to eat my breakfast and thinking of what guild I might join today. After breakfast and getting ready, Mei, Ali, Tiara and Victor arrived just before noon. We all went over to the ship, Sweetie Bot staying home so she and dad can talk. Once on the ship Victor spoke to us all in the control room. "Okay, first order of business." He started, wearing that bandage armor from when we first met him. "Any of you currently affiliated with guilds already?" He asked. "Formerly affiliated with the Heroes Guild, currently affiliated with the Mechanics, Inventors, and Coders Guild." Mei said. "Mappers, Streamer and Scavengers Guilds." Ali said. "None." Tiara said. “None.” I said to the bandaged person. "Alright then. If you all are going to be proper adventures, you'll need to join the Adventurers Guild. They pay you for beating Dungeon Bosses in money, Skill Points, and Loot. Basic floor bosses pay about average and Other boss types pay more or less depending on the boss themselves." “What...boss types are there?” I asked with a raised hoof. "Main floor, Bosses that have to be killed to progress a dungeon. Optional bosses, bosses that offer a unique gimmick or challenge in their fight, usually these are hidden but can also wander the dungeon floor and are sometimes multiple. Then there are secret bosses. The Pathway to them is completely hidden behind some barrier unlocked by either a puzzle or keys. Or dumb luck. These drop the best items and the Adventures Guild pays the most for taking them out." “Good to know.” I nodded. “So we go and sign up with the Adventurers Guild.” Tiara said. “Yes. I’ll set the course, you lot take this.” He handed me a notebook. “I wrote up a fair amount of dungeons and hazard zone areas with some neat stuff, and decide where to go to.” “Neat.” I nodded while taking the notebook. We headed down to a… I guess you can say it’s a meeting room of sorts, just a room with a long desk and lots of chairs. “Okay so first on this list is Castle Ruins Caliporion. An Arena Class Dungeon who’s loot consists of largely medieval jewelry, weapons, armor and some elemental gems with classic flintlock firearms and a few modern ones tossed in, mostly on enemies.” Mei said. “Castle sounds cool.” Ali said. “An arena class dungeon?” I inquired. “When you think Dungeons, you imagine caves or buildings built to be like multi floored and with a boss guarding the exit to one/entrance to another?” Tiara asked me. “That’s basically the standard yes.” I nodded. “Sometimes mini bosses in certain rooms to keep you on your toes and the like.” “Well Arena dungeons are basically like that, but set up over a large field. A city or a forest or things like that, but abandoned and filled with monsters.” “That’s interesting.” I nodded. “Strange that a hazard area would be considered a dungeon but I still don’t understand a vast majority of this crap.” “It’s how it is.” Ali shrugged. “Next up is Marrow Mines. A Tower class dungeon made entirely of the skeleton of a dead snake reaching the depth of sixty two thousand miles down and within the giant skeleton are the bones of other, various monsters it ate and were killed within it before the beast died and now are large minable corpses. The inside holds largely undead enemies, rock and ore golems, and mole/subterranean monsters.” “That sounds...gross.” I said nervously. “Wouldn’t that place be a cesspool of toxin’s and the like?” “The snake and monsters are all already dead, skeletons.” “Kind of thought the dungeon would have been filled with rot and decay, not just...it’s all bones.” I said sheepishly. “If you want Decay the Cemetery of the Damned is a good one.” Mei said, flipping the page. “Loot is completely random.” “I’d rather not.” I said nervously. “So anyways, anywhere else we’re supposed to go first?” “Lots… and lots.” Mei said with a sigh. “How about we start off at the top and work our way down so long as there's at least one boss there?” “Sounds fair.” Ali said. “With all of us, we should be able to handle it.” Tiara said. “Let’s hope we don’t have any random bandits invade us while we’re at it.” I said honestly. “No promises!” Victor’s voice yelled out from down the hall. We all gave a laugh at that. Arriving at the Adventurers Guild was nice. A quick scan of our Assistants and we had our Guild affiliations and were off to the first location. Castle Ruins Caliporion. “Okay, according to this the only bosses are Mad Man Mark and Prisoner Knight Hale.” Ali said as we exited the ship. “Slave Master Elizabeth was alive until roughly a month ago.” “Huh.” Mei said with a shrug. “Wonder who beat Elizabeth?” I wondered. “Also..Slave Master? I thought Slavery was illegal?” “It’s just her name, no actual slaves.” Ali said, setting up his camera. Mei took out her portal gun and Tiara her gun. I brought up my armor, thinking about Tiara’s injury in the last dungeon. “Alright, let’s go kick some ass.” I growled, ready to fight in this dungeon. Entering the castle I spotted some Shadow Creatures and these sickly human… things walking around, almost like zombies. Some had guns, others has weapons and other stuff. “I...kind of expected more from looking at these things.” I said honestly. “This is just the initial entrance area. They’ll get worse the closer to the castle we get.” Mei said, opening a portal on the ground atop a clocktower nearby and another under a zombie person. They fell in the portal under them then out the one on the clocktower, falling to their death. She did this again for several of them. “I’ll take out anything flying and scout ahead.” Tiara said, flying up and taking to the air. Her guns shooting out in the distance. “And I’ll keep it rolling- WOAH! Instant ten thousand viewers?! Shit I knew that video of Button got popular but I wasn’t expecting this.” Ali said. “Excuse me what?” I asked curiously. ‘Well, when you went Ape Shit with your armor fighting Victor, I was still recording. My viewers lost their minds.” Ali said. “Well...let’s hope I can give them another good show.” I shrugged as I charged after where I heard the gunshots. My armor’s spikes shot out without me thinking, killing these monsters all around as I ran down the road. “You do know you don’t auto pick up loot, right?” Cheat said, sounding more in my head than around me. “Well that’s just bullshit.” I growled, having to turn back to grab all the loot. “Seriously, wouldn’t an auto loot pick up be too hard to have starting off?” ”Later on then.” After grabbing all that and knowing now to stop and pick up the shit they drop, I found myself at an old shop. Some rem, a few rings fit for humans, a broken axe, some apples. Hm, not bad. “Alright, so far so good.” I nodded while running back towards the gun shots I heard. Turning a corner I saw Tiara shooting a crowd of monster people from a rooftop. I ran into it, the spikes on my armor getting the rest. “Not bad.” She said, starting to reload her gun. “You work really good in that armor. Guess you don’t really need weapons then.” “Would still be good to have one when my spikes are taken up.” I said honestly. “Just in case and all that jazz.” “Isn’t that why I got your back from above?” She asked, finishing her reload. “True.” I nodded. “You okay Tiara?” I asked, knowing she would have been safe if she stayed far away from these things but I just wanted to make sure. "Yeah. Nothing flying so far so I'm in the clear." She said, taking to the air and looking around. "Turnover cart down the road! Might be loot in it." "Sure." I nodded, running over to the cart to find any loot in it. There was some rem, a mace and some books. Tomb of Magic: Ice Lance Tomb of Magic: Summon Spirit, Wolf Tomb of Necromancy: Raise Lesser Undead Tomb of Magic: Barrier. "Well...let's read these." I said while going through the tombs. "Gotta have more abilities than just spikes and punching." "Offended." Cheat said. "You know I'm right." I huffed. "But maybe it could be added to the spikes I don't know." I pocketed the tombs for later, Mei and Ali ran back up to me. "So, what's the plan?" Ali asked. "Should we go after Mad Man Mark or Slave Knight Hale?" Mei asked. “Um…” I thought for a bit. “Which one would be easier?” I asked nervously, not sure how difficult either of them are or what they even do. "Mark." Mei said. "Hale is a secret boss so he'll be harder. Mark is notoriously hard to hit but with multiple people fighting him it should be easier to damage him." “Alright, off to beat Mark.” I nodded. "He should be in town square." Ali said. "Is he in a jester outfit with a flaming hat?" Tiara asked. "Yeah, actually. You see him?" Mei asked. "Yeah, he's doing a solo waltz over there." She pointed over some buildings. "Guess we were closer than we thought." Ali said with a shrug. “Well...can’t call him ‘mad man’ if part of his outfit wasn’t at least on fire.” I said honestly. Tiara flew down and we all walked over to the town square. Once in I noticed a thin crystal like barrier go up around the square, keeping us with Mad Man Mark. The heater danced his solo waltz, keeping in tune to music only he could probably hear with a partner that wasn't there. "Such vibrant and lively guests to arrive so late for the party." He said, not looking at us as he kept up his dance. “You started the party too soon.” I countered. "Ah but I am just the fool, subject like the rest. I did not start it but like all I shall entertain until it ends." He stopped, turning to look at us and oh… is… is he blind? "For this act, I require assistance from the audience." He said, mouth opening impossibly wide as he reached a hand down his own throat, and pulled out several flaming knives and began juggling them. "Any takers?" “Are you blind?” I asked worriedly. “Like...I’m just asking to know if you’re okay and all…” I jumped, a flaming knife hitting my armor in the muzzle guard and staying there. I could feel the tip touch my skin but not cut it. "Sight or not does not a jester make. But the silliness of his attire and the lacking of his sanity." He stated, shooting off those knives in rapid succession. Ali and Mei took cover behind me as Tiara took to the air and began firing. In response to that Mark began cartwheeling to dodge. "Shit, your good Button?" Mei asked, pulling out the knives from my armor. Thankfully non actually managed to cut me. “He’s pretty accurate for a blind guy.” I growled as I dug into the ground, ready to charge at him. "We need a plan. Ali, can you actually use any weapons?" "Most of my combat is hand to hand when I did fight but I can shoot a gun if that's what you're asking." He said. "Good, here." She said, pulling some rectangular weapon from her assistant. It looked like… well like a rectangle. With a barrel and trigger. She then handed it to Ali. "This shoots 12.7 MM pistol rounds and the mag should last you for six hundred shots. If you can pin him into a corner I can portal Button in close to make him a pin cushion." “Hot damn that’s a lot of ammo.” I said honestly. “But you think it can work?” "It's better than nothing." Nodding Ali began shooting at Max and with Tiara's help getting the jester to go where they wanted. Once he began getting against a building, Mei shot a portal at the ground. Nodding I backed up to get a running start in, charging and jumping into it right as Mei shot the exit portal behind Max. Falling down then finding yourself flying across the ground was a very abnormal sensation, but I rammed into Max's back, my armor spiking out and impaling Max across his torso, arms and head. When my armor retreated the spikes and I got off him Ali and Tiara kept shooting and they downed jester. After a while he just vanished… or rather, faded. Where he once was was now a small wooden chest. Mad Man Max, Defeated. Victory! “Sweet.” I nodded. “But uh...what happened to him? I...don’t think I saw what happens to a person when they die…” "Well, bosses sorta just… fade out, like the meme. Since their HP is normally higher than the dungeon requirement for bosses it gets a chunk designated as their boss HP, and once that runs out they fade out and get sent back to their guild." Mei said, taking the gun back from Ali. "Us though, we wake up in our beds an hour later and if we come back to where we die we can find the old body. It's… creepy." Mei said with a bit of a shutter. “That is indeed creepy.” I said nervously. "Let's see the haul." Tiara said, flying down and opening the chest. It vanished when she opened it. "Four grand in rem, Max's flaming hat, fifty throwing knives of fire and seven healing potions." I blinked, a message appearing in my assistant hud. Adventures Guild Bonuses: (Divided among Team) ×50 Skill Points 4,500 Rem ×14 Pulse Shock Grenades ×2 Flaming Swords Balancing Ball I got 12 Skill Points, 1,125 rem, 3 of those shock Grenades and the Balancing Ball. “Sweet.” I nodded. “Now I can finally start working on that beast of a skill tree.” Hmm… where to start. Well, Scan first, that will be really helpful. Next… oh, let's check out Cheat's skill tree. Hmm, my options first are Hunger and Munch… okay? Hunger: At the cost of your own stored energy from eating, your Armor can become twice as dense and the spikes can pierce tougher enemies and armors. Munch: Your armor will occasionally lash out and consume weaker monsters, gaining you bonuses based on the creature it eats. Baseline time limit is 10 minutes for these bonuses. Stack if another of the same monster is eaten. “Okay that’s cool...wonder if I can get both…” I muttered curiously. I could! I nabbed both and went back to my tree for now, with 9 left to spend I put one in strength. Two got me this cool one called High Jump. Two more got me double Jump. The last 4 I put into my HP. It was at this point I noticed my Energy bar for mana and fire were… bigger- Right, Loop! We have been here for twenty minutes. Woah. MP at seven hundred and Fire Energy at two hundred. “Okay so uh...who want’s to face the secret boss? Cause we’ve been here for twenty minutes so our abilities stacked twice already.” “Shit.” Everyone said in unison. “Well… If we do, we should wait a bit longer. Secret bosses are typically a level two in their strength so it’s better to have all that as high as possible.” Mei said. “Would be best.” Ali shrugged. “Plus it let’s us explore this place more.” “Yeah, cause before it sounded like this place was cleared out not too long ago.” I said honestly. “Well without any bosses to worry about it’s just the higher level enemies to be concerned with. Oh, and Mei… did you make that gun?” Tiara asked. “Oh, heh, yeah. I buy a lot of gun parts for cheap and either modify or customize or custom build guns. I don’t use them that much since I don’t really enjoy direct combat.” Mei said, rubbing the back of her head. “Alright, so right now we just explore and see what’s around.” I said honestly, deciding to test out my new high jump to see how high I could really jump. Woah! Before when jumping I’d get maybe my head’s length off the ground. Now I’m jumping over Ali and… oof… Okay, still puts weight on the legs but, I can get used to that… Still cool! “If you’re gonna be doing that you might need some compression shoes.” Mei said. “Or I could have double jumped to make sure I didn’t hurt myself.” I said honestly. “Separate Ability.” Tiara said. “I...can’t use both?” I asked curiously. “You can but in terms of Abilities Double Jump and High jump have to be unlocked separately.” “Well I have both.” I said while doing a quick double jump. “I got it along with a few other things from all the skill points I got.” “Nice.” Ali said. And so we went off to explore some more. So far everything here was pretty neat. There were giant spiders. Giant as in they were half my size but Tiara shot first and did not even wanna touch the loot. I can’t blame her. The closer to the castle we go the more those human monster things had either better armor or weapons and some were in whole knight get ups. Inside the castle grounds that was all that was there. Thankfully medieval armors and swords are no match for Tiara’s 5.56 MM machine gun. Those with guns though were dealt with by me since they are either using low caliber handguns or flintlock pistols. Ali was streaming everything and Mei stood near him, helping with her portal gun from afar. Sending enemies either falling to their deaths via portals on the floor and atop a building or sending us potions when needed. Inside the castle we began making out way down to the dungeon, where Slave Knight Hale was located. Loop had been running for about an hour now so my MP and Fire Energy were really piled up now. “Alright...so let’s see how strong my Fire energy is now…” I muttered while raising a claw and trying to create fire with it. Let’s see… He said emotions, so like activating my armor I need… Hmm… let’s start with something small. The taste of chocolate- The place before me was all blackened by a rapid burst of fire in under two seconds… I looked at my Fire Energy bar, seeing it was half gone… Damn! “The hell did you think about to cause that?!” Ali asked. “Chocolate?” I gave them all a sheepish grin with my response. “Yeah Hale is a goner…” Mei said. “Also, I’m going to work on making you some conductors for that raw power…” “Uh...I also need a recharge on my fire energy...it’s half gone.” I said nervously. “Also seriously, I didn’t expect that to happen…” “Let’s have lunch then take Hale on.” Tiara said. We headed for a safe room nearby and began eating lunch. Getting my armor on and off was getting easier now that activating it was set to a trigger. This dungeon safe room was some office looking room with a ruined desk and empty chests. I ate bacon cause having Omnivore teeth gave me a larger variety of food to try and Bacon is amazing. “Okay so…” I started. “Being able to eat meat is...something really new, but also Bacon is amazing.” “I know, but trust me, once you get the taste for it you wonder why you were originally born a herbivore.” “Which seems a little worrying to be honest.” I commented. “Eh.” Tiara shrugged, eating her ham sandwich. After lunch we headed back out into the dungeon and opened the door the leads to Slave Knight Hale. It was a large pure iron door half red with rust. It opened with a high pitched squeak. Once it was open it was a long dark stairway down. “Cliche but still creepy.” Ali said. “I just wanna know why these pathways are always soaking wet on the stones?” Mei questioned as we began walking down. “No idea.” I shrugged. “But let’s hope our quick lunch break didn’t mess up Loop.” "Doubt it." Tiara said. Once we were all the way down there, we entered a rather large chamber lit poorly by torches. Against the far wall was a large, twenty foot tall partly rusted suit or armor chained to the wall, the chains two inches thick wrapped around the arms, torso and neck. “Hello?” I called out to the massive suit of armor. It shifted, looking over at us. "Trespassers blood shall be spilled, in the name of my King." Hale spoke, his voice deep and vibrating the very air with each word. He stood, pulling his chains which ran through the wall behind him. He pulled, and pulled, stones breaking and cracking until it gave way. The end of those chains came crashing through the wall, and at the end of those chains were large spiked balls, the size of me. "Well then…" I started. "Let's see how this thing stands up to fire." I said, this time focusing on anger to shoot fire at this giant knight. The flames were a direct hit, my anger focusing on my old life as the heat hit them. When my fire ran out Hale still stood, his armor so hot It glowed white and his spiked chain balls were melted slag Slave Knight Hale HP: 130/5,000 Well… at least he is weaker now. "Holy fuck, How did you do that?" Hale asked. "Anger at my old life...and about an hour of Loop stacks." "You have Loop?! Shit, that's impressive. Welp, guess I can take a few extra measures considering you nearly one shot me." He said, his armor cooled to a glowing orange red as he reached into the stone ground below him, breaking it and pulling out a massive Ultra Greatsword made from the melted armors of other knights. It then began to permeate a sickly purple aura. He swung it, blowing that aura all around the arena. Breathing got… hard. Poison Cloud! 2 Minutes til Death. “I might have made a mistake.” I stated, only to charge after him immediately after I said that. As the timer counted down I could hear everyone coughing, Tiara shooting her gun off at Hale. With Scan I could see the last of his HP chipping down. Thankfully I managed to get hear him. He swung his sword and I couldn't dodge, a coughing fit stunning me. Thankfully my armor spiked out, sticking me to his blade. Damn it… the only magic spell I know is Levitation… wait. I brought out my Warhammer fast, and using levitation to move it managed to pour all my MP into that swing. Right as Hale flung me off my hammer hit, smashing his helm, and head, to a slash of scrap metal, gore and bone fragments. With that I hit the ground, his body falling over and after a bit faded. When he vanished, so did the poison as breathing became easier. “Is...is everyone okay?” I asked worriedly. "Been worse." Ali wheezed. "Not fun…" Tiara sighed. "Wow that hurt…" Mei groaned. Slave Knight Hale, Defeated. Victory! “Well...at least everyone’s alright.” I coughed. “So...where’s our rewards?” And right on cue. Adventures Guild Bonuses 280× Skill Points Long Chain Maces Corpse Ultra Great sword 15,000 Rem Rewards divided equally. I got 70 skill points and 3,750 rem. “Outstanding.” I said happily as I immediately went to my skill tree to start spending. “Seventy whole points, I wonder what I could get with it all…” "Let's decide that once we get home." Tiara suggested. "Yeah, I could use my bed right now." Ali added. “Yeah...uh...sorry.” I said sheepishly. “I didn’t think he would do that if he was almost one shot...I didn’t think that was a thing…” We headed back home and I felt amazing after getting all I could from the Skill Trees. I ended up with eight points leftover. With a yawn I laid on my bed late at night watching Youtube to pass the time. Tomorrow Mei and Ali will tell us our total earnings money wise from what we all put away into our vault. “Man, today was great.” I muttered with a smile. “Can’t wait to see what all my new skills can do...hmm…” I hummed as I looked up some stuff on Rage’s, since it seemed rather diverse in the skill tree. “Button?” I looked up, seeing Dad poke their head in. “There’s something I want to give you.” I got off the bed, Dad pulling a wagon with some metal stuff in there. If all that clanking means anything. “So after sorting through all those Geode finds from earlier I managed to make you quite the little arsonal.” “And what’s gonna be my little arsenal dad?” I inquired. “Well, firstly, we have something I’ve named Friendship.” Dad reached into the wagon, polling out a massive Mace. “Mana Steel body and ball with mana iron spikes, enchanted with a rank three featherweight spell to allow much easier, faster swings and can act as a spellcasting catalyst and adds magic damage to elemental energy attacks.” I looked at Friendship. It’s body was a faint sky blue with the spikes a darker blue, it’s name engraved just above the bite grip. “Wow, it’s amazing dad.” I said in honest amazement at how great it was. "And next." Dad said, pulling out two horse shoe claws, their metallic shine perfectly reflected my face, each shoe had four claws on it. "Vibranium claws, perfect when in or out of your armor." “Fantastic.” I said as I put on the two horseshoes. “And they fit perfectly.” Dad smiled, fishing out… oh no. "Now, I know you aren't a fan of guns but everyone needs some form of ranged combat so I present to you, Thunder Crash." Thunder Crash was a rifle… of sorts, the length of my front leg with a large... boxy back side and a barrel of a long metal maw holding in a blue glass tube where small sparks of electricity sparked from the end to the front. "A short electric rail gun capable of shooting any caliber of bullet and other things than can fit in the ammunition compartment." “Uh...huh…” I said as I looked over the gun. "Being electric, a rail gun has far less kick than a normal gun. It won't feel any stronger than a 9mm. I don't expect you to use it all the time but don't be shy about using it." “Well...I have no idea how to use a firearm so I’m gonna need to learn that first.” I said honestly. "I'm sure Tiara would love to teach you." Dad said. “I’m sure she would honestly.” I said honestly. "And lastly." Dad pulled out a small set of metallic rods, each about an inch long each. "The last bits of metal I used to make these. Special ammo for the rail gun. They are a metal shell covering various, explosive types. Your Assistant can tell you what's what." “Neat.” I nodded. “Can’t wait to probably never use a majority of it.” "Don't be like that, You'll use them. Maybe not all at once but you will use them." Dad said, giving me a hug. "Oh, and tomorrow after you and your friends do some exploring I am taking you down to the mines to learn how to dig up your own materials." “Sounds like a good day.” I said with a smile, hugging my dad back happily. After a bit dad let me.go and I was off to bed… "Hi Button." I blinked, seeing Sweetie Bot in my bed. “Hi Sweetie.” I said in surprise. “What are you...doing in my bed?” I asked carefully and nervously. "I don't have a bed of my own… or a room. Pro Go shares theirs with Echo every other night, tonight being such a night, so they suggested I bunk with you. At least until my bedroom is added into the house." “Uh...sure.” I said honestly. “I’m sure my bed is strong enough for the both of us...” Carefully and slowly I got into the bed, Cheat was making kissing noises in the back of my head and I hope to the Mother one of these days I can kick him for it. To my yelp Sweetie turned me over, cuddled her body right up against mine and wrapped herself around me. "My databanks tell me this is what two people sharing a bed typically do and given we… are a couple it seems appropriate." She stated, resting herself just below my chin. “Well...yeah, this is called cuddling…” I blushed at how close she was to me. “And...this is nice…” I tried to relax… come on, go to sleep, go to- No No No! "Oh! I figured this could cause arousal but did not expect it to be so sudden." Kill me now! I was pleading while Cheat was laughing from the back of my head. “I’m sorry...I’m trying my best not to…” I said, my voice barely a whisper as I pleaded for the sweet release of death at this point. "It's only a natural biological response. No need to feel embarrassed Button. Besides," I yelped, suddenly under Sweetie Bot as she now halfway stood above me. "I was built to service such needs, and I believe I stated last night I am already yours… this will just allow me to factor in that, in this relationship, I am yours… and you. Are. Mine." She stated that last part with firm authority as she put her lips to mine… To say last night was the best night of my life would be an understatement. "Morning Button." Dad said as I arrived at the breakfast table. “Morning.” I said happily, still super happy about last night. "Have a good screw?" I nearly dropped my juice. “U-uh…” I was at a loss for words at this point, not sure what to say. "Oh I planned that. Echo wasn't even here last night. I figured you needed something more than fighting in dungeons to keep you happy. Besides, Sweetie Bot is a Lover class prize person, so it was going to happen sooner or later." “Lover class?” I asked. “Um...I don’t remember if I was told about that.” "Guess they didn't cover that in the Caretakers Guild. Well, A Prize Pod Person typically someone created from within Spawn Loot, where all Dungeon loot comes from, and is awarded to whoever receives. They fall into three classes. Lover, meaning they are more an instant girlfriend or wife and the love between you both will always be true. Ally, meaning for a year they follow you to help in combat and after a year can choose to leave or stay. Lastly, Servant, they work for you for things ranging from house work to construction and such." “Uh...huh…” I said honestly. “And...are the prize people a select few or what?” "They can appear whenever for whoever. Or do you mean is there more than one of the same person?" “Select few people, sorry.” I said sheepishly. “But is there a specific few people that it could be for those roles or could it be...literally anyone?” "Anyone. I wouldn't be surprised if Lover Class versions of us are out there as well." “That’s...not going to be awkward at all if that ever happens.” I said sheepishly. "I have seen videos and heard stories of people getting gender bent versions of themselves. It's some of the funniest things on the internet to watch." “I can only imagine.” I shook my head at that with a soft chuckle Sweetie Bot came by with breakfast, giving me a kiss on the cheek as she left it for my dad and I before skipping along elsewhere. "I see she enjoyed it. That's my boy." “It was an amazing night, that’s for sure.” I said sheepishly. "Good. Now hurry up and eat, Echo will be here in a few hours and I plan on making sure I'm skipping and pleased just as much as Sweetie Bot." ”I’d rather not know things about your private times dad.” I groaned. "Hey, I heard you two screaming all night, I want my turn." “Y-y-you heard us!?” I panicked Dad simply nodded. "Word of advice, if you want to keep the bedroom noises in the bedroom, doors have to be closed all the way honey." “I thought I did…” I said worriedly. “I’m sorry…” "Eh Don't be. So, your group has plans today?" “Uh...I don’t remember…” I said honestly. “We might go on another dungeon run though.” "Sounds fair. Well, best go grab Tiara then." “Yeah, let’s hope things go as well as yesterday.” I said honestly. > Chapter 4: The Things We Do... > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It had been a week since Tiara and I left the Caretakers Guild and I was now living with my long since missing dad and Tiara was adopted by Victor. Mostly I was with dad in the mines. It was different than I expected. Very different, but useful. Tiara was mostly helping me in the mines or getting to know her new dad. While their combat styles were different, Victor did know about guns, and they bonded over that and barbecue. It was a start. Mei and Ali mostly just explored around town and Ali made a few vlogs. I was in the realm of dreams again talking to Greg. The tall wolfman had made a list of all the parts that went to Sweetie Bot. And things he'll need to make a custom part for her that he recommended. “Alright...so we’re going to need...a lot.” I said worriedly, looking at the list of things Greg gave me to look for. 1 OS/AI installer unit 3 Backup Talismans 1 Civilian Weapons Package 1 Basic Trooper Weapons Package 1 Advanced Weapons package 1 Tactical Weapons Package 1 Heavy Artillery Weapons Package 1 Magical Energy Weapons Package 1 Stealth Weapons Package 1 Ammunition upgrade package. 5 Mana upgrade chips 1 First Aid OS Installer 10 Self Repair Talismans 1 Augment Weapons OS Upgrade 2 Gold Ingots 1, 70% or more purity Electronium Gem 52 Micro Tower Processors 70 AAAL980 Circuit chips 1 9973M95 Mother Board 7 Flash Power Talismans It was… a lot.  "I recommend seeing if you can request it from the Adventures Guild as a custom Quest reward, or head on over to Armageddon, dungeons on that planet might have them if you can cross reference what you need with what typically drops in their dungeons." Greg suggested. "Can't we just buy them?" Sweetie Bot asked. "It'll be a small fortune. Like you, these upgrades are rare." “Also gonna be one hell of a quest for all this stuff.” I said honestly. “Unless it’s gonna be multiple small quests for each one then that would be easier but still.” "If I were you, I'd start with the OS/AI installer. It's basically what installs Sweetie Bot into a body and with that, I can properly hack the OC and remove the restrictions she has, then install the custom one as an update and bam, she'll be no different than any other Synthetic." Greg informed. "That would be lovely." Sweetie Bot nodded. “Sounds like a plan.” I agreed. “So time to head off to the adventurer’s guild to see if we can find a quest for it. Once we were back in the waking world, Tiara, Mei, Ali and I all began to think about how to get the OS/AI installer. "Well, good news and bad news." Mei said from her desk computer. "Good news, both the Custom Quest option and Armageddon dungeons drop this thing as a reward." "And the bad news?" Tiara asked. "Well, to get it as a custom Quest reward it's basically having to typically fight off hordes of robots for a certain amount of time, and the dungeon route, it only drops in level three boss chests." “So either spend hours grinding or….spending more hours grinding.” I said. “Are any of us really ready for a level three dungeon?” "I can enter them but never actually tried beating a floor before." Ali said. "Level two." Mei sighed. Tiara just looked at me and shook her head. I sighed. "Looks like our only option right now is the custom Quest, but unless we have a fuck tone of EMP and AP supplies, won't be easy." She said, fluttering her wings a bit. "I can probably make some EMP stuff but it will take time, and Button doesn't use guns… though, maybe fire magic can help. They are just metal and wires." Mei suggested. "True… and with Loop, we'd just have to last long enough to stock up the fire energy and MP then shoot off payloads." Ali added. "Did this just become possible?" Tiara asked. “Yes it did.” I nodded with a smile. “So Hoard Battle it is?” "Seems like. Guess I should start making EMP weapons and Ammo." Mei said. "Though… maybe I can also… if I have the right parts…" "Got ideas?" Tiara asked. "Lots. But I'll need a few things." "What things do you need?" I asked. "For right now, some Fire Gems and Mana infused metal, steel preferably." "Simple enough." I nodded. "We might already have the metals thanks to dad." "We can probably grab anything else we need down into the mines too." Ali said. "True, you did say for personal mining it's fifty rem for the day and you keep what you can dig up." Tiara stated. "Yep, so let's get to mining then."  A short trip and two hundred rem later, we were all digging away at the rock and dirt around us in the mine. On top of getting what Mei needed, we used this as an opportunity to just stock up on whatever really. Coal, plain rocks, tin, copper, aluminum, emeralds… Rubies… Diamonds… Mytheral… huh… oh hey Geodes! As I dug I also began finding other random things. Tin cans, bullets, broken tools, a flaming skull… Wait what?! "Hold up, Flaming Skull?" I asked in confusion and worry. "Huh." Mei said, looking the flaming bone over. "Hmm… nothing major in terms of magic. Think this is just for decoration." "A flaming skull… just for decoration?" Tiara asked, voicing my thoughts. "Yeah, takes all kinds and all." Mei shrugged, tossing it into our ever growing pile of non-ore finds. After that I was finding weird stuff left and right. A statue of a chicken, a Monkey's paw, two nasty looking swords linked by long chains, a set of…. Printer ink, a fossils of a foot, a glowing white crystal on an orange plate, a large mallet that cracked with electricity, a Pokeball, rock salt, A blinking eyeball necklace, a gold nugget, Ginger ale, a book of dream magic, a coffin filled with potatoes, fossilized eggs, another pokeball, Maud Pie's head… Wait what? "Hi." Replied the mare. I remember her from back home. She was a guest speaker in class once. Talked about rocks and… rocks… the meaning of life and death and the greater mysteries of the universe, and rocks. Huh, actually this Maud looks… younger… maybe a few years older than me? "Can you pull me out?" "Uh...sure…" I started as I pulled her out. "Why...is your severed head here?" "Not severed." She replied, pulling her out enough so her front legs popped out and she pushed the rest of herself out of the rocks. "Just stuck." "Uh, hey… how did you get there?" Tiara asked as Mei and Ali shared a nod. "I broke the first rule of Minecraft." Maud stated simply. Some ah's and chuckles were the reply. "I was actually looking for you all." "Us?" Mei asked. "Why us specifically?" I asked the younger Maud. "I watched your adventures." She said simply. "After the fight in the dungeon and that ship tour Ali posted, I saw you needed an experienced resource gatherer." "Huh… didn't really think much about that…" Tiara said. "Mostly because everyone kinda treats the Gatherers Guild like a bit of a joke…" Mei stated. "Everyone in that guild just hords raw materials and stuff and sells it to whoever." "But we know how to get stuff, and fast." Maud added. "Which will help us a lot." I nodded. "Cause we need to find a whole lot of stuff." "True, plus it takes the workload off of us… but what do you want in return?" Ali asked. "Button Mash." Maud said. "... What?" Was the collective response. "He's cute, socially awkward, and seems like a fun guy to date." Maud explained. Before I could reply, I remembered what the Time Walker said about my… future. One will find me… I found Sweetie Bot… now Maud found me... “I mean...sure why not.” I said carefully. “We need the help and...well more the merrier I suppose.” "Good. So, anything specific you all are looking for?" Maud asked. "Mana metal and Fire Gems, but honestly we're gathering whatever really, gotta stock up." Tiara said. "Alright. I got a few things." Maud said, tapping her Assistan- FWOOSH! Suddenly I was outside the mine entrance, half buried in various ores, wood, rocks, gems, and other random materials and items. Maud suddenly popped herself out of the pile and was now on my back. "Will this be enough?" To say Maud has a little of everything would be an understatement. To say she has a supply of everything is underselling it. Simply put, Maud had a warehouse of almost everything that can be mined from the dirt. "I always forget how much the Assistant can hold…" Tiara groaned, nursing a bruise to her arm. The explosion of materials sent us all rushing out of the cave and somewhat bruised from the impact. Ali just wishes he was filming when it happened. “My question is...why the hell did you do that?” I asked Maud. "Proof of my skills." Maud stated. "That you can horde like the rest of them?" Ali asked, rubbing their nose. "That I can find lots of materials faster than most. All those materials were what I found while looking for you all."  "Were you looking since that video went live?" Mei asked. "Since last night."  "Damn!" Tiara yelped. "All that in one night?" "And most of this morning." “Good lord.” I said in surprise at how efficient she was. “That’s really fast.” "How old are you?" Ali asked. "Seventeen." Maud informed. Huh, only three years older than me. "Mom and dad were Gatherers and so I grew up in it, they taught me everything and by mixing it with Terran Gem abilities and vibrational location Abilities, I can basically see everything around and under me for miles." "So you're Toph from Avatar." Mei stated. "Just not blind." Maud replied with a nod. “If only I knew who or what they are.” I said, cause even though I had seen a lot so far, I sadly haven’t seen The Last Airbender yet, which was something everyone told me to either watch or go to. "In any case, in exchange for my skills and current supply, I'd like to date Button Mash." Maud stated. "Well, what about Sweetie Bot?" Tiara asked. "Her too. I swing both ways and frankly my parents were hoping I'd end up in a harem where my work and lovelife mix." I blushed a bit at that… harem… shit now that Maud is here I do have a harem! "Sweet!" Cheat said from the back of my head.  I sighed. And he's been so quiet up until now… "Well, guess I'll get started on this stuff. You all head back, and… introduce Maud to Sweetie and Button's dad." Mei said, snorting at the mental image I was about to face when I got home. “God…” I groaned. “This is gonna be...a whole lot of annoying when she meets those two.” And so, when I came home with another mare, and explained the… arrangement, Dad promptly said 'That's my boy!' and gave me a hug and a chuckle. Sweetie Bot was surprisingly more impressed with Maud. The three of us were… now… in my room… Sweetie Bot was still looking over Maud who impassively sat and let the bot look her over. "So what's this about?" Maud finally asked. "Well, you will be entering courtship with my…" I looked at Sweetie, seeing that look she gets when what she wants to say and what her programming wants her to say are conflicting. "Boyfriend," She finally forced out, smiling at the small victory of Free will over programming. "And I, just doing a basic physical scan of you." "Oh. Anything of interest?" "To be blunt it would be shorter to list what isn't. According to my scans despite being flesh and bone your skin seems to have the density of iron." "That's my Iron Flesh ability. A defensive ability that makes my skin as tough as iron, while not making it weigh or turning it into said metal. There's a lot of abilities like that." Maud informed. "And your bones are either made of or coated in titanium." "Metallic Skeleton Ability rank 8."  "You're blood flow and oxygen intake and distribution is practically flawless." "Enhanced Respiratory Rank 2. Helps keep me from getting tired." "Your eyes can, and I double checked this, see in Thermal, Night, and X-Ray Vision!" "Thermal Eyesight. Night Vision, and X-Ray Vision abilities. Help when looking for different items and frankly it's better than flashlights and light spells." "Your liver and Kidneys can probably filter our ethanol." "Poison Resistance Rank 8." "Your ears could pick up a dog whistle." "Heightened Hearing, Rank 3." "In short… are you even a pony?" "Yes. Abilities just tend to do this to you after a while." I just sat and listened to all that. Processing the fact Maud has all those abilities and probably more. "Uh...huh." I started. "That's...quite a lot to be honest." "They're just some of the basic abilities you can acquire. Anyone can get them, it's all in how you use them." Maud stated simply. "Hm. Still, it's weird. I know you can all augment yourselves with these abilities and such but given my backstory, it just feels strange to see organics able to augment and upgrade their bodies." Sweetie Bot stated. "While there were some with robotic limbs and such that was just cybernetics, not… whatever you do." "You do know you can also get abilities and such, right?" "I can?" "Yeah, so long as you have an Assistant." Sweetie looked at the Assistant tattoo thing on her left leg. She tapped it and sure enough, she had an ability skill tree and all that. "Hm. Interesting." She hummed. "So, how long until you go off and take on this horde of robots?" "Tomorrow afternoon." I said. "Give Mei time to make Tiara her EMP bullets and this other thing she's trying to make." I kinda lazed around, playing some more games and just hung around. Maud mostly seemed to be writing stuff down as she and Sweetie Bot talked about… well, a little bit of everything. How dates should work between them and I. Comparing materials and their uses, rocks, and about Sweetie's upgrades we gotta hunt down. There was a knock at the door, and Tiara quickly walked in. "Hey Button, Victor is taking me to watch a Tournament, he figured you might wanna tag along." "Tournament?" I asked curiously. "What kind?" "Combat. The most popular kind these days." Tiara said. "Come on, I'll tell you along the way." With that the two of us were off. Once we were on the street Tiara began explaining. "So, since everyone and their mothers, grandmother's, great grandmother's and so on are all capable of obtaining vast amounts of power and abilities, Tournaments are how people show off their skills with the powers they obtain and the weapons they use. They're several kinds with the most popular one being Combat. That in itself has several subcategories. 1 V 1, Team Battle, Survival, Free for All, Raid, and Grudge Match." “Sounds about right.” I nodded. “How often do they hold tournaments?” "Practically every second." Tiara laughed. "Tournament arenas are typically owned by an Admin, and they can end one tournament in one arena they own and just start it up in another so not only is the entertainment endless bit also the profits. Rarely do they charge admittance, just for the food really. Every tournament is broadcast live across all worlds so if a crowd favorite is off planet in a different arena the fans can still watch them." “Cool.” I said honestly. “Must be really interesting if people tune in or go there all the time.” "Heh, definitely. Trust me, you'll be talking about them for a while." Once we got to the Arena Victor took us inside and we found our seats. The view was of a massive almost gladiator style arena, but bigger… in fact I'd wager all of Canterlot can fit inside this Arena. There was a clear, semi-visible barrier between the viewers and the battle grounds. Soon the barrier displayed a screen, multiple all over and it showed the 1 V 1 and then an armored lizard man appeared on screen, their name in big bold letters. Apaco. After that, another came in, this guy looked mostly human save for his odd hexagonal pupils. His name was Kul. “Is there anything special about those two?” I inquired, not having heard of either of these two and not sure if there was pamphlets that talk about the current compatants around. "You'll see." Victor said, giving a knowing grin as he leaned back in his chair. I turned back to the screens on the barrier, the two were easily two miles from one another, dots in their vision. Close up shots of the two showed Apaco cracking his knuckles and Kul twitched his fingers, lightning crackling from his fingertips. It was a blur, the two were standing still one moment the next there was a sonic boom followed by the two suddenly clashed against one another as air and lightning spun around the two in a vortex that soon slammed against the barrier with the force of an atomic bomb. From within the vortex the two continued to slam against one another, explosions of wind and electricity were held back by the barely seen barrier and could have easily sent us back to our beds after respawn. “Sweet Celestia!” I gasped in shock at how fast and powerfully they were going. Tiara whistled. "Now that's some power!"  "Meh." Victor said. "Kul did more damage their last battle at this point." “Really?” I asked in surprise. "Oh yeah, these two have a history." Victor said. "Rivals for the last sixty two thousand years, every chance they get the two get into an arena and settle their score til the next one." “...” I thought for a moment. “So which one tops in this situation?” I asked. "Score wise or sex wise?" Tiara asked. “Might as well go sex wise cause...sixty two thousand years of fighting might lead into that somehow.” I said simply, having read enough comic’s to know that sooner or later two characters that hate each other hook up for some reason. "There were a few flings but nothing serious. In the end they get more fun out of the Arenas and Dungeons." Victor said. "But score wise Kul still has a solid sixteen wins over Apaco." "Damn. So how strong are they?" Tiara asked. "Level four Dungeon strong." “Wow.” I said in surprise. “That’s pretty strong.” "I brought you two here to show you how strong you can get. Cause these two started off like this." Victor then handed me a tablet where a video of Kul, younger and wearing simpler armor was getting mauled by Shadow Creatures. Ouch… "That dork, can now do that." He motioned between the tablet and arena. “Uh huh…” I started. “It’ll only take sixty thousand years but we’ll get their eventually.” "Maybe. Normally." Victor said, putting the tablet away. "You, my friend, have an ace in the hole that can help you jump thousands of those years." "Loop…" Tiara said. Nodding, Victor pointed at Apaco. "Like him." Tiara and I turned and stared at the armored lizard man. He has Loop too... “Wait...multiple people can have the same legendary ability?” I asked. “I kind of thought...it was one per person?” "Yeah. Legendary abilities can be owned by multiple people but it's like, one in like, a trillion people or so get a legendary Ability and only one can only be owned by one person at a time." "Wow… So has two people with Loop ever formed a party?" Tiara asked. "Yes. It. Is. Amazing. And throw in Generation, it's straight up broken." Victor said with a chuckle. “I can imagine.” I said honestly. “But it’s probably extremely rare for that to happen, not like everyone runs around like a jackass screaming ‘I have a legendary ability’.” I said honestly. “There have been a few.” Victor replied. “Oh come on…” I groaned. "Heard about one guy who got Frictionless after slipping on a banana peel." Tiara chuckled. “That must have been...embarrassing.” I said honestly. “Getting a legendary ability from the oldest comedy gag in the book?” "Heh, a little but he made the most of that Ability." Victor said. "My point is Button, yes it can take a long time to get that powerful, even with a legendary Ability to help, but you need to remember we literally have all the time in the world to get there. And trust me, the time will just fly by." “I...practically just got here though…” I sighed out. “It’s...still gonna take a while to adjust.” "That's what Tiara and your team are for. They'll help you when you're down or when things get hard." "Yeah, I'm here for you Button." Tiara said with a nod. "I got your back, and you'll have mine." “Yeah...that’s great.” I nodded, smiling at them and trusting them but looked down at my hoof as I remembered what Cheat could do to me. "Oh don't go blaming your anger issues on me!" Cheat yelled, appearing next to me.  "I'm not...entirely." I said carefully. "It's a whole other thing here Cheat…" "Look, all I do is focus your anger into power. The more anger you have the more damage you do, so if you're holding onto a fuck tone of anger then don't just expect you're berserker state to be all sunshine and rainbows, I just convert the emotion to power, what you do with it is all you." "Says the guy that goads me into being pissed." I growled. "And you're only...what? A fourth of what you really are? What'll happen when I get the rest huh?" "Honestly? No idea! To be frank, all I do know about what I can do is that I can do what any Symbiote can as well as the converting anger to power thing for Berserker stuff. Aside from that, no idea." "Right…" I sighed out. "This sucks…" "So you just gonna complain about it when your friends are trying to get you hyped?" "I'm allowed to be concerned about my problems." I frowned. "Plus how can I get hyped when I could get pissed and accidentally hurt them." "So watching an epic fight gets you mad… how?" “I’m not getting mad at the epic fight, I love it...but I’m worried about if I get that strong and then get as pissed as I was before…” Button shook his head. "I think that's what meditation is for? Oh! Or sex, just drown the anger away in mindless physical pleasure. You got two babes to help with that now." “That won’t actually solve the problem though.” I deadpanned. "No but it will be fun. Hey, ten rem that when you get back Maud and Bot are making out." “Should I even bother making that bet?” I sighed out. "Probably not but the real question is, when you walk in on it, are ya gonna watch or are ya gonna join in?" Cheat asked, giving me a perverted grin. "Bet Maud is into some real kinky stuff, no mare that stone faced can't be." "Can we not think of that right now?" I said, blushing brightly at the thought. "Oh don't act like you didn't think about it, she literally hunted you down to date you, she ain't just kinky, she's a fangirl of yours, meaning she is gonna be one wild roll in the sack." "We're in public damn it...can't be thinking lewd thoughts." I said nervously. "Hey, they can't hear me, just you." Cheat said with a chuckle. "Watch." He said, leaning next to the ear of the person in the seat in front of us. "Nipples." He said, making me jump but the person didn't react. "Told ya. I'm just in your head manipulating your audio and visual systems to give myself a body that you can see and interact with but I can't interact with anything else." He said, jumping into the seat next to me. "It's like, being crazy, but you actually aren't cause I'm the one in your head " "Not helping Cheat…" I grumbled. "Welp if you don't like this body I can always change it too." He said, suddenly morphing into Sweetie Bot. "I can be like this." They said, matching her voice even before morphing into Maud. "Or this, though I ain't doing her monotone voice." They said, and yeah hearing Maud talk out of Monotone is… weird. Another morph and now they were… a gender bent me. "And don't lie you did have this thought pass your head before." They replied as the gender swapped me, the voice was a softer, higher pitched take on mine. Finally though they were back to the copy of me, wearing the helmet. "And yes, you'd feel it if we did it." "I was meaning the fact that I'm basically talking to myself and looking crazy…" I sighed. "Nope, altered your head and perception. We're actually talking in your head, you just feel it like it's physically talking. You think Victor or Tiara wouldn't have asked who you're talking to by now if I didn't?" "True…" I sighed out. "But...I still have a lot to think about." "About us fucking or about your Berserker stuff?" "Mostly the berserker stuff…" I answered simply. "... So us fucking is still on the table?" Before I could answer, Cheat was suddenly in that gender swapped form of me. "Why Button you privy little boy you~" "I hate you…" I told him as I facehooved. "Awe, love you two little brother~" Now I was blushing a bit at that time they were using. "Hehe, that settles it, keeping this look." "Celestia's flank...why me…" I whined.  After the tournament we headed home. As Cheat expected Maud and Sweetie Bot were, infact, kissing. Not full blown making out but kissing. "Oh! Master, you're back!" Sweetie said, a blush hitting her cheeks. "Maud and I were just… Romancing one another?"  "More or less." Maud replied, giving a small smile to Sweetie before looking back at me and before I could speak, planted a kiss on my lips too. Sweetie and I both were blushing now, and when she broke our kiss she was faintly blushing. "How was the Tournament?" "It was really cool." I answered honestly. "I'm glad. Sweetie Bot and I figured we can all go out on a date in the realm of dreams, I know a lot of nice places there and given how busy our days might be, probably would be best for romance to happen there." "Works for me." I nodded with a smile. "Can't wait for our date." "Yes. Date! I, uh… will go make dinner!" Sweetie said, flustered as she headed to the kitchen. "Awe, cute, she's all hot and bothered." Maud chuckled. "This is nice. I'm glad I decided to go after you." “Well...it’s certainly different for the mare to come looking for me...or just...any mare wanting me.” I said nervously. "That's weird." Maud said. "Oh right, you're Isekai. Well, maybe instead of thinking about all those bitches, think about all the girls here who will want you." I blush at the thought… "Males too if you're into them." “Gonna stick with mares at the moment.” I said nervously. "Fair enough. So, what should we do until dinner is ready?" “Hmm…” I thought for a moment. “Talk? I have plenty of questions for ya.” "Sure." Maud said as she and I sat on the couch. Still weird that my bedroom is the size of a house, but it's nice to have a couch. "So, what do you wanna know?" “How long have you been...gathering?” I asked curiously. "Since I was six." Maud said simply. “What places have you gone to to gather?” "Mostly in mines, but anywhere underground really. I typically end up digging my own tunnels when I detect something of interest or I'm just bored." “Sounds fair.” I nodded. “So...besides what you said before...why me?” I asked. “There’s something more to it than me being a decent pony right?” "Well, a little." Maud said, reaching into her Assistant and pulling out a rock with an orange dot on it. "My family typically has always married into harems or chosen a lover with one of these. They're called Choosing stones. You flip the stone up like a coin and think about the person you wanna persu. If the dot is orange, then you two are incompatible or you won't fit into the harem. But if it's green, then you're a match. See." She tossed the rock up, and upon catching it in her hooves, she looked at me and the orange dot turned green. "I've been tossing it up since I was ten, wondering who I'd be compatible with. When watching the Livestream, I gave it a toss, thinking about you and it finally turned green." “That’s...amazing.” I said in surprise, not knowing there was such a stone out there that could do it. "Things like this are all around, one of the members of the Family made all kinds of items like this to help find your perfect mate or family. Seeing it finally turn green… I was so happy. My sister's all found matches long before me and most of them are either still dating their match, in a harem or engaged. Heh, feels nice to finally be with my best match." “I can imagine.” I said honestly. “And now you're here, with me and I can help make you the happiest mare...next to Sweetie and...however many other women I’m going to date…” I started. “Oh boy...I just realized that harems are going to be a bit harder than I thought…” "It happens, but we'll all be helping out. So, any more questions?" “What’s the strongest monster you fought?” I inquired. "Hmm… Riptide Mole. Their claws ignore most armor and they can control the ground with Terra gem abilities." “Sounds like a very dangerous enemy underground.” I pointed out. "They're not the worst, but they are a pain, especially in numbers." “Anything can be a pain in numbers to be honest.” I said honestly. “So...I know this might be a bit of a personal question...but why are you still...monotone?” I asked nervously. “Like...this is a wide world….I’m not expecting you to be like Pinkie Pie or something but...I’m sorry this is a dumb question.” I sighed out. "It's just how I talk. I can smile, have a bit of tone to my voice but mostly I've always just sounded monotone. " She explained. “Alright.” I nodded. “And I’m glad I can see your smile.” "Me too… so,any more questions?" “Hmm…” I started. “How do you like Sweetie? I know you two were...getting friendly before.” I blushed at remembering that little bit. "Well, physically she is quite sexy, cute and personality wise I can tell she is a good person, if still fighting against her old programming, but you all are working on that. All in all, I like her, and she clearly loves you and I'd say I've worked well enough into her heart." “That’s good to know.” I nodded. “Better if everyone is happy with each other than not right?” "Plus, she has a cute squeak when you grab her butt." “I...mean your right.” I said sheepishly. "Yup." She said with a smile and a nod. "So, anything else?" “How do you feel about cuddling?” I asked, cause I might as well get that question out of the way. "More than welcome it, and if it leads to more… physical activities well, I won't mind~" Maud said, giving me a surprisingly seductive wink with her smile. “Sweet Luna…” I muttered softly, blushing a bit at the seductive wink. Thankfully the cuddling was short lived otherwise Maud and I just might have gotten to second base before our own first date. Dinner was delicious and then came… bed. My bed was already fairly large but being between Maud and Sweetie Bot made me… it made it difficult to actually fall asleep. Eventually I did though and finally was in the realm of dreams. I let up with Sweetie and Maud and we all headed for someplace Maud knew. When we arrived we were at a restaurant, inside the mouth of an active volcano. "Like it?" Maud asked as we all took our seats. The floor was glass, at least from looks and the magma below bubbled lazily. "This is quite the feat to place a restaurant here." Sweetie said. “Never expected to have food in an active volcano before.” I said. "It's a smokehouse, they cook the meat over the heat of the magma and it gives a really good flavor." Maud said. "I have yet to eat meat yet. Is it good?" Sweetie asked. “It’s actually really good.” I said honestly. "Especially when they're seasoned and marinated properly." We put in our orders and the smells of smoked and grilling meat was really good. Our food arrived and it was like nothing I've Ever had before… well, it was like nothing I've Had before, this is my first time eating smoked hot wings. Sweetie Bot got the Barbecue ribs and was already a mess after her first bite. Maud ate cleaner but still rapidly devoured her ham. With the meal done we moved along to some sightseeing. This was an underground river where we road on a boat as the ceiling above us was lit up like the night sky with all sorts of glowing gems and insects and reflected on the water underneath, making it look like we were sailing lazily atop the stars. "This is… amazing." Sweetie said with a large smile. “Absolutely beautiful.” I said in awe. "I found this place some years back when I was first using the Choosing stone. I wanted to bring the one I matched with here." Maud said, leaning against me. Sweetie smiled as she leaned on Maud. "never thought I'd bring two here." "This is Lovely Maud." Sweetie said. “And I get to see this with the best mares in my life.” I smiled happily. We sat through the ride just cuddled up against each other, enjoying the moment. When it ended we headed in for a cafe and just made small talk. Maud talked about her family and sisters, and while fabricated Sweetie talked about the memories she has working as a singer in the store I found her in. Despite that being a simulation and all that, it was nice that she has her own history.  "So what about the other ones?" Maud asked. "Others?" Sweetie asked. "You know, Applebloom and Scootaloo." "Oh! Oh yes they also had robotic counterparts made. Applebot was largely used in, well, agriculture and also office uses, but Scootaborg was purely military." “Sounds about right.” I nodded. “Even as robots they still do what they're good at.” "Yeah but, are you gonna find them?" Maud asked. "They are your friends, are they?" Sweetie seemed to think that over. "Well, I can see us obtaining friendship. At the very least, why break up the set right?" She chuckled. "Meeting them would at least be enjoyable." “That means we would...probably need three times all the items we need if we find the same models as you.” I pointed out. “Which...isn’t going to be entirely fun.” "Not like we can't enjoy the journey though, that's where all the fun is." Sweetie Bot stated with a smile. “True.” I chuckled as I softly nuzzled Sweetie. “This is nice.” "Guess you best make a list then." Maud said. I raised an eyebrow. "Heh, it's typically an Isekai things. Everything from an Isekai world is a real place or thing here, so most make a list of places and people and stuff to get and explore and all that." "That does sound like fun." Sweetie said. "What would you put on the list Button?" “I...don’t know actually.” I said. “Maybe go to Minecraft or something? The game was fun back home so might as well.” "We can work on it. Plus games and such you've played here are also real, so it can be a whole thing if you want." Maud said. “That sounds great.” I said honestly. “But right now...I’m just wanting to spend time with you two.” "Yeah." Sweetie said. "Same." Maud said. With the cafe behind us, we headed for this peaceful lake area, it was calm and the water was clear all the way to the bottom. We all sat by the lakes edge and just enjoyed the sounds for a while. The date ended with us all exchanging kisses and when we woke up- Holy! "Button, that face is gonna stay that way if you don't stop." Dad laughed as my huge grin managed to stay. I had a good morning three way. "I made sure the door was closed last night." Sweetie said, setting the places if eggs and pancakes down. "And I lost my V-card." Maud said happily, her Monotone voice had the hints of joy but her own smile gave away how she felt. As I opened my mouth my assistant just played a clip from a song I’ve never heard of. “I just had sex!” The song declared joyously from my Assistant. “Well...yeah.” I said sheepishly. "Well, second time but all in all I guess it's still accurate." Dad said with a chuckle. "So, big day today?" "Button and them are supposed to be getting my OS/AI installer for Greg. He needs the original installer to make me an update that will block out my original programming so I will have total free will." Sweetie said happily. “And we have to do it in an endless robot spawner.” I added. “Which...kind of blows but that was the only way we could get it without going to a too high level dungeon.” "That won't be fun." Dad sighed. "Just remember, if you don't win it this time you can always try again."    “We have all the time in the world...hopefully.” I said nervously. After breakfast I headed out to the ship to meet up with the others. Sweetie Bot can't fight until a weapons upgrade or her OS/AI installer thing is fixed and Maud, while she can fight, she desired to stay and get to know dad, being a miner the two should hit it off well. A whistle caught my attention and I saw Cheat walking next to me, still in that mare version of me. "That. Was. Hot." “Yes, yes it was.” I nodded. "Wow, boy gets his first three way and now he's a man!" Cheat said with a chuckle. "I'm almost jealous, though not gonna lie, really digging this female body. Had such fun last night in the realm of dreams." “I’d rather not know what you did all things considered.” I said  honestly. "All I'll say is that it was sloppy and I loved every second of it." Cheat chuckled. "I can see why your dad swapped." “Alrighty then.” I nodded, rather quickly wanting to avoid that information. “So anyways, gonna be fighting a whole host of robots today.” "I know. Don't worry, I got your back. And head. Legs. Underbelly." “I know I know.” I nodded. “Just...hopefully things will go well today.” "It will, now come on, the others are waiting and I really wanna see what Mei made." “Fine fine.” I nodded as I got onto the ship. “Let’s hope everyone’s ready.” Once on the ship Cheap left again and I saw Tiara, Mei, and Ali all on the bridge. "Glade you made, I made some great stuff!" Mei said, dropping a bag filled with several grenades, each one with a blue band around it. "I made about two hundred EMP grenades, four thousand EMP bullets for Tiara, and I made this for myself." She said, motioning to the odd backpack device where what was or is her portal gun was hooked too via a thick cable. "And that is?" Tiara asked. "An energy weapon, not like the ones that shoot lasers, like the ones that take the various elemental energies from your body and shoot it out in their raw form!" "So, while fighting the robots it's a Flamethrower?" Ali asked. "Well… more or less. I've set the fire to burn at up to five thousand degrees, more than hot enough to melt these robots into scrap metal. I also made several hundred rounds of incendiary and Thermite bullets for Tiara. For you Button I made these." Mei said, putting before me two odd horse shoes. They were metallic, the height of my hoof and they looked mechanical. “And what are these?” I asked as I gently took the horse shoes and looked them over. "Modified Power Hooves. An altered version of a hand to hand, or rather, hoof to hoof weapon built for Equines like yourself. They boost the raw punch, or buck, ten fold. These are infused with Fire Gems so not only do they help you hit harder, they'll set anything hit on fire if it's able and by pouring your fire energy into them will increase the heat of the impacts." “Sweet.” I said with a smile, putting on my new power hooves. "And lastly for Ali." Mei said, handing the Kangaroo a bag filled with fire gems and what looked like leather gloves. "Fire gems and a Pyromancer's Flame. This way you can join in on the fight." "Wow." Ali said, taking the bag. "I've rarely fought before… but I guess I'll start." He laughed, putting the gloves in and absorbing the gems. "Alright, let's prepare then start the quest." Mei said as we all began our prep work. “Alright.” I nodded as I fully got my power hooves on, making sure they fit comfortably. Once they were on and fashioned I felt as Cheat materialized the armor around my body, the hooves part melding into the power hooves as well. Huh, cool. Hey even the back hooves were raised to make me even while standing. I headed to the medbay and grabbed some potions. While I was waiting for the others I decided to look into the others, Applebot and Scootaborg. Hmm... “Where can I either find them, or...possibly have to buy them…” I muttered while bringing up my Assistant and looking through where to find Applebot or Scootaborg. Let's see… Applebot, parts, upgrades, ah, locations… Armageddon, Office Building and Farm dungeon loot. Scootaborg, Pegasi/Enclave and various Military compound dungeons. Shit- wait… both can spawn in level one dungeons! Hmm… this can work... “Alright...so I never thought I would be trying to pick up chicks in dungeons…” I said honestly. “That...sounds like an anime…” With that information in tow I brought out a sheet of paper and thought back to what Maud said… list of places to go huh… Let's see, fantasy back home… Daring Doo. Meeting her would be cool, Visit Canterlot, Manehattan, Los Pegasus… Trottingham. Mom's from there... “So basically just go back home and visit places I couldn’t go to before?” I muttered to myself, finding that a little strange...but then the thought of my mom smacked me hard...sure I have dad here but...I’ll never see her again. “Oh wow...that hits hard…” "Seems so." I looked up, seeing Cheat sitting across from me. They were armored up too, only missing the helmet. "Think you'll see her?" “I might meet her but...I won’t meet my mom.” I sighed out. “But...maybe one day she’ll come here...and I can show her how I’ve grown up.” "Hm. Hopefully. So, think this will end up okay? There are going to be a lot of robots and they will be armed." “With our group, our gear, and the fact that Loop will be going on constantly...but uh...I actually forgot to ask if there was a drawback to this ability…” I frowned. "Some." Cheat said. "I looked it up back in the dream realm a while ago. As you know it loops between two people and double the energy of you and your party member every ten minutes, but for every extra person is a five minute penalty. For the whole team it will be every twenty minutes your energy to double." “Alright, and is there any ‘it doubled too hard’ kind of thing?” I asked curiously, having heard the ‘too much of a good thing’ saying seemed possibly applicable to Loop. "Yeah. There is a limit to how much you can double your energy. Say your energy is naturally at a thousand MP, and after some time using Loop you hit like, a million MP. You can suffer Burn Up, meaning your other energies, say Fire, build up too much for your body to hold and you literally explode. Then, there is also Burn Out, using your energies too fast and too much. Loop also while doubling your energies doesn't do a full Regen. Say your energy loops to two thousand, but you have a hundred MP left. When Loop hits, your energy cap will double to four thousand but your reserves will be two hundred." “So then how do you stop burn up or burn out at that point?” I asked. “Kinda sounds hard to goldie locks it.” "Several ways. Rapidly swap between energies to use them but also you can give others not in your party special items to feed them certain flows of your energies for a battle. Some items and weapons can store excess energies for attacks or use later." “Well it’s a good thing I have these.” I said while showing my nifty new shoes. "That will help." Cheat said with a nod. "For love and for glory, as they say." “Alright.” I nodded as I stretched out a bit. “And gonna need to search a few places as well.” "Hm… so… want a quick BJ before you head off?" “You...can just up and do that?” I asked nervously. "Well, it will feel like it, as real as Maud this morning, but if you want to do it with me physically, I'd need a body I can puppet. Like a flesh golem. Or maybe some Ability I can unlock later? Either way your stuff will sadly just end up on the floor." “Well...aren’t you the suit of armor?” I asked curiously. “The one I’m currently wearing? Couldn’t you just...uh...absorb it?” "I'd get pregnant." They said. "And as kinky as knocking up your big sis will be, you ain't ready for kids, and since my true body is inside you, you'd be carrying that kid to term." “Yeah let’s not do that.” I said quickly. “Also...big sis?” "I'm a chick now, so, big sis." They stated. "Honestly, I kinda like it, nice ring to it and all… plus… I do have all your memories Button. Even ones you don't remember, it's almost like I was always there… for me anyway…" “And...the minor part on the incest bit?” I asked nervously. "You forget my jokes about you and your mom and your dad turn mare?" I sighed, but nodded. "Yeah that wasn't really a joke. Incest is only a taboo in certain cultures and social circles and kids born from it aren't genetically messed up. Don't believe me, look it up." I stared at Cheat, then did look it up and… Sweet… they're right?! As if this reality couldn't get crazier! “Uh...huh…” I started. “That’s...quite a thing I didn’t expect...” "Yup. Hence, all that incest porn." Cheat finished, stretching… her... legs. "Say… how's it feel now having a girl inside you~" “Please don’t say it like that…” I said nervously.  "Well it's true. In any case, just try not to stop moving. In these Survival quests the key is often constant movement." “Yeah, that’s about right.” I nodded. "Well, good luck." We began the quest and we're teleported to this… place. It was massive ruined town. We were all dropped in the center of it. There was a timer in our huds. Five hours. Tiara whistled. "I knew it was gonna be long but damn." "Think it will be enough?" Mei asked, raising her Energy Gun. "So long as Loop starts us, it should." Ali said, starting up his camera. “Now remember...we need to keep track of things cause apparently Loop has a kind of...bad side effect.” I said nervously. "Sounds about right." Tiara said. The timer started it's found down.  Immediately from buildings and in the distance, many mechanical constructs began marching towards us. Some looked humanish. Others looked a little like ponies, several were giant robotic spiders, mobile tanks, and I think I also saw Mecha Godzilla… "Well shit…" Ali said dumbly. “Okay...so what’s best, charging forward or running for cover?” I asked worriedly. "I can give air support." Tiara said, spreading her wings. "Button, charge in and go nuts, Mei, Ali, stuck close and keep them off Button's back." With that she flew up and started shooting. … I'll do that. I charged in, letting fire energy flow into my power hooves and I jumped on one smaller robot, the heat melting their she'll and crushing and turning the internals to melted slag. One down… whatever five hours worth will add up to left... “Alright, so far so good.” I said as I charged off again, spinning around and bucking a bigger robot hard enough to send it flying into a bunch of smaller bots and knocking them over like dominoes. As they began to circle me, cover fire from above took out half while was able to smash up the rest before spikes from the armors stressed the smaller ones. Five more minutes until Loop hits. "Alright, so far so good…" I muttered as I tried to send a message to the others about how long Loop has. As I rushed along the road I backpedaled when the rapid fire of bullets nearly hit me. Turning I spotted a more heavily armored tank robot, rolling on four wheeler legs. One arm seemed to be a minigun, the other looked like… fuck is that a rocket launcher?! “Alright...let’s try something…” I muttered as I formed claws through my power hooves and raised it up, feeling the energy of the fire gems in it start to flare up. “Here goes nothing.” I said as I swung it in an uppercut motion, sending three large flame slashes towards the heavily armored robot. The impact knocked it aside, the armored plate turning red with heat but it still moved, shooting at me with the Minigun while trying to take aim with the launcher. I bolted for cover, the loud screech of the rocket and was quickly replaced by a large explosion that knocked me over. A light ringing in my ears quickly faded as the found of the weighted movements of the robot's wheeled legs rolled near me. I got up, breathing heavily and trying to move. “Ow…” I groaned as I tried to get up. “Come on...get up…” As I was feeling the thing rumble the ground as it got closer I managed to stand again, spotting the fucker trying to take aim. "I'm gonna do something. Sorry in advance!" Cheat said. I wanted to question it… woah… woah… I felt… good. The pain and exhaustion was gone and I felt like… I felt awesome! I felt a grin cross my face as I rushed along the side and bucked the gun arm, the metal nickeling and bending before I spun around, Loop finally kicking in as I poured way more fire energy into my Power Hooves and punch-melted the head, torso, and lower torso of the bot in three punches. “Now this is great!” I laughed as I swung my power hoof and sent a wave of fire out towards the smaller robots rushing at me and burning them rather fast. "Good that worked. I'm kinda maybe sorta forcing your body to pump excess Adrenaline. I'll try and keep it up for as long as possible but if it starts putting too much stress on you, I'll have to slow it down and then stop it and then It's sleepy time for a while." “We’ll just have to work through it until I can’t stand anymore.” I said simply as I rushed forward again to fight some more. As I rushed through the hordes of robots, I spotted Tiara flying above, shooting the few ones that fly and trying to take out some heavy hitters. Mei and Ali were doing well, they kept moving while shooting off fire. Mei's gun was melting these boys with ease. The small ones became white hot melted slag while the larger ones became bad modern art that sparked and screeched. Ali, for having not fought much, picked up that Pyromancy fast, rapidly throwing exploding fireballs and EMP grenades into the larger groups of robots. All in all it was going fairly well. Soon an hour had already passed and Loop had hit three times, giving Mei, Ali and I lots of MP and Fire Energy to work with. “How long do I have Cheat?” I asked as I sent a massive fireball off and destroying the massive tank robot easily. "Well your heart is holding out well, though your muscles wanna turn into jelly. Take a healing potion otherwise I'll be on leg duty for your body." “Alright.” I nodded as I pulled out a healing potion and chugged it. “Still glad healing potions actually taste good.” As we were reaching the halfway mark I made a B-line for another tanker, turning it to slag quickly as- Suddenly, a tall broken down robot bear with a tie and hat holding a microphone popped out of nowhere, screaming in my face and then began biting my head! I panicked but rapidly punched it to melted metal. Fucking! Freddy! Fazbear! “Please tell me the rest of Fazbear’s motley crew isn’t here.” I said worriedly, not wanting to see more of those bastards. "I'm not making that bet." Cheat replied as I groaned and got up, rushing Back towards the others. We managed to keep moving while also keeping close. Tiara was looking sore, stopping only for a potion or to reload. She often swapped between EMP and the Thermite bullets, both tore through the robot's. Mei has to limit how much fire her weapon spat, the barrel was looking slightly warped ad she tried using water and a little ice magic to cool it off quicker. Ali was thankfully holding up well, just sore from throwing the fireballs. Thankfully our luck was holding out, and soon we were down to the last hour. "Fuck, I am so sleeping for a week after this." Tiara huffed as she reloaded her magazines. "Same." Ali and Mei said. “I’m doing my best not passing out from a lack of adrenaline.” I said. “So...I have no idea how long I’ll be out…” "Well, at least Tiara took out that Mecha Godzilla. Props." Ali said, giving her a thumbs up. "I got revenge for King Kong." She chuckled tiredly. "Incoming in the sky." Mei said through a yawn as she raised her weapon. "I go- … Button… you'll wanna see this…" Tiara said, looking at what I could only see was a blur in the air. “What the hell am I seeing?” I asked carefully. "One of Bot's friends." Tiara said. I widened my eyes, the blur slowing just enough for me to see it… Scootaloo… er, Scootaborg. She was built very differently from Sweetie Bot. Her body was larger, heavily armored and her wings were a mix of metal with small jets under them. Her eyes were covered in a crimson visor and popping out of her front legs and sides were various nasty looking guns. "Well damn, talk about luck… or uh, maybe not!" Ali yelped as the Scootaborg fired large caliber bullets at us from above. We rushed inside a still standing building. “So...we’re gonna need to try and befriend her...maybe it’s until the time is up and then she’ll be willing to talk?” I asked, hopeful in thinking that this quest was a job for her and she’ll stop trying to murder us when the time is up. "If she's part of the enemies in the quest then no, it looks like she's programmed to see us only as her enemy. Good news though, if we can beat her and not break her too badly, Greg could probably fix and reprogram her." Mei stated. "How do we fight and not too badly break that flying Artillery tank?" Ali asked, yelping as a fifty caliber shot through the wall a few feet away. "If she is a military bot, it would take a lot of EMP bullets and grenades." Tiara said. "There's only half an hour left. If we don't beat her before the time is up, we'll win and she'll be put back into some other quest as an enemy. As is we get whatever the enemies drop be it their parts, bodies and drops, meaning if we play our cards right we can walk out of this with Scootaborg, lots of scrap metal, and whatever robotic parts that aren't broken, and our main prize, the AI/OS installer."  “So how much EMP bullets and grenades do you have?” I asked. "I got a few hundred left on the bullets." "Two grenades left." Ali stated, holding them in his hands. "Got a plan?" "Okay… first thing's first. We need to ground her. I still have some Thermite mullets left so if I hit her jets she'll crash. I doubt that alone will disable her so once she is you guys throw the EMP grenades and I'll shoot off EMP bullets from above. With luck the Thermite will blow a big enough hole in her armor to let them affect her internals. If not… well, plan B." “Hopefully we won’t need to go do plan B...whatever that is.” I said worriedly. "Pretty sure Plan B is to melt her." Mei said, Tiara nodding. “Well...I guess I’ll play distraction then.” I sighed out. "Alright. Here's hoping it all ends well." Ali said as he fixed his camera. Huh, I forgot he was streaming. “Well...here goes nothing.” I said, taking a deep breath as I broke cover and ran along from cover to cover. “Should I try and diss Scoots here to distract them better?” I muttered, remembering that I wanted to...possibly date this robomare and didn’t entirely want to piss them off too hard. "Well, if she's anything like Sweetie Bot, I'm willing to bet they programmed her with Scootaloo's personality as well, so I'd say go for it." Mei said. Nodding, I ran outside. If this Scootaborg is anything like Scootaloo, then I know just what to say to get her attention. “What? You need some rinky dink jet engines to fly cause your wings couldn’t handle it!?” I called out That seemed to get her to look at me. Good. I ran, dodging her bullets and thankfully the armor even took a hit and saved me a nasty wound. What else? If I can ground her without Tiara, she can save those bullets. “Your scooter skills suck!” I called out, knowing full well Scootaloo always prided herself in her scooter skills and calling her out on that would definitely do something. It did. She now had a Grenade Launcher out and was shooting me with it. I helped, dodging and trying to get closer to her. She's flying low now though. Time to reel her in. “Rainbow Dash is overhyped and arrogant as shit!” I called out again. “She crashes into Twilight’s library more than doing any actual stunts!” I said, which was...to be honest sadly true even if I did see some of her stunts and while they did look cool...poor Twilight. That did it. She dropped to the ground like a bolder, and if looks could kill I'd be-  I ducked. She has laser eyes!? As she was about to shoot again, two EMP grenades flew under her and her back wings and jets blew In a flashy explosion. The grenades went off and soon a heavy rain of EMP bullets sent electricity coating the robot mare's body as Scootaborg sparked and fizzled for a while, giving a low robotic groan before she froze in place. "Not the plan I had in mind, that'll do." Tiara said as she ran over, followed by Mei and Ali. "She offline?" Ali asked. Mei quickly rushed over to examined the Scootaborg. "Hm. Looks like those thermite bullets exposed her flight processors, and the EMP round and Grenades had room to fry her Power Talismans. Those will be an easy repair though." Mei said, sighing with a smile.  I smiled too. And all with five minutes to spare. We turned seeing other robots still marching towards us. Heh, small fry. "How in the hell did you luck out in Finding a MK 95 Scootaborg?" Greg asked. After the round was over, since Scootaborg was… offline, I was able to store her into my assistant with the AI/OS installer. I gave that to Greg and pulled out Scootaborg. He was surprised to say the least.  "It was rather fortunate." Sweetie Bot said. "Definitely impressive." Maud said with a nod. "I'd call hacks but I had nothing to do with it." Cheat said with a chuckle. Huh, they don't usually accompany me here unless it's to tease me… wait, in the dream realm they have their own body! Shit! "In any case, fixing her power Talismans will be simple enough, her wings and Jets, well I have some third party parts that should work just as well." Greg said. “Hopefully when she wakes up she doesn’t want to murder me for all the bad crap I said.” I said nervously. "That will be easy enough to reprogram." Greg stated as he got to work. While we waited I began looking into the other upgrades Sweetie Bot needed. "Girl are you just gonna stare or are you gonna make a move?" Cheat asked as I looked over, seeing them next to a very flustered Sweetie. "I- It's just, you look so much like Button, just… as a mare…" Sweetie said. "Kinky." Maud said with a small smile. "I like you even more now." Cheat said, grinning back at Maud… Mother help me... “Sweet lord…” I muttered. “Can any of you help me with figuring out what to get Sweetie next?” "Well, seems fitting we get her one of those weapons packages, then she can join our merry band of misfits on an adventure or two if she wants." Cheat said. "That does sound enjoyable. And if I can help get the upgrades." Sweetie said, looking excited now. "Hm, does sound like fun. But won't Loop take longer to work if we all go?" Maud asked. "It doesn't affect me like that. Symbiotes are one with their host meaning as far as the ability is concerned I'm just Button. I see your point though… maybe you all could swap out with Tiara, Mei or Ali? Keep the group at four so Loop won't take over thirty minutes to kick in." Cheat stated. “Maybe.” I said honestly. “Will depend on the kind of quests we go on.” "Fair enough. So, you two gonna give Button another morning wood special?" Sweetie, and I, went crimson red with blush while Maud simply seemed to ponder that over. "Wait how did you?!" Sweetie started asking. "I'm Button's Symbiote, I'm always there." Cheat grinned perversely. "Nice." Maud said, her grin not as perverse but still one of joy and contemplation. Yeesh, at this rate Cheat might actually… wait… I excused myself real quick and headed off. The Time Walkers better be open. Thankfully they were and I entered. This Time Walker was a lot taller, female too. "Huh, you've been here already. More questions?" She asked, her voice a little high pitched and raspy but still pleasant to the ear. "Yeah...I just have some more questions." I started. "Is Cheat one of my...four early marefriends?" I asked carefully. "Hmm, a question of the past and present that bleeds into the future. I can tell you some." She said, waving her hand as the outline of a clock appeared in front of me, the clock vanish, showing me an image of the battle against the robots. It showed how I got shot, even blown up some and fell over, when Cheat began pumping me with adrenaline to keep me going. "The foundation is there, they have saved you, many, many times." It then showed when the large fifty caliber hit, the impact spot was cracked but I kept going. "And save you they will always do. There is a spark there, something that can blossom." It then showed us talking in the ship, and then earlier before I left to come here. "They feel close to you, and more than just your relationship with them as a Symbiote. This is not an uncommon occurrence." "Really?" I inquired. "Yes. It all depends on the Symbiote, their personality, and their host. Some adopt guardian or friend roles, others parental, sibling, and some develop feelings for their host. Symbiotes have no real gender and can reproduce in several ways with their host or others." “That’s fair.” I nodded. “And...yeah they mentioned what would happen if I did that.” I said sheepishly. "The foundation and potential is there, and they have filled the criteria, it is up to you if they are to become your lover, or to stay in their selected role as a sibling figure." The Time Walker finished, the clock viewing thing vanishing. “Right…” I started. “That’s...gonna take a while to get used to.” I started. “So...I...know this question might not entirely work but...will I ever see my mom again? My version of her, not...someone else.” "The question all Isekai ask but can never find an answer. I can not tell you that you will meet her again, nor can I deny you will not. All I can say is that Time will reward those who wait in patience with their rewards." “Worth a shot.” I sighed out. “Will I...find someone to help me with...my rage problems?” I asked carefully, having a feeling the Time Walker would know what I mean. "Two are with you now, one could be with you soon, and the last will appear to you in the near future." “Right.” I nodded. “Just uh...ponies are quick to anger and Cheat is about rage so…” "Your Symbiote may turn your anger into strength, but the fire that fuels it resides within you alone. Emotions, like all energy, can be controlled. Do not fear your anger, control it. You can find a teacher." “That would be for the best.” I nodded. “Cause...ponies are rather emotional…” "Remember, anger, rage, hatred, are tools. Learn to use them and you will have no fear." “I’ll try my best.” I nodded. “Thank you.” I headed back to the others, Scootaborg was looking just about repaired and the girls… Cheat included… given they are basically a girl now… "Sup baby bro?" Cheat asked as I walked over to them. "Borg here is looking almost new." “And I have...an important question to ask.” I said honestly. “So which should we start with, talking about Scoot’s progress or...my weird question?” "Scootaborg's progress." Maud said. "Leave the weird question for last." “Alright, so how’s her progress going?” I asked. “And...I hope you got rid of the...bad things I said before from her memory…” I said nervously. "Well you're in luck then." Greg spoke up. "Her Hard Drive got wiped in the EMP onslaught. She's gonna boot up in factory new mode. Just installing you guys as her Commanders and then after a Nanobot injector and one of my suppressors she'll be at Sweetie Bot's current level of free will capabilities." "Well, guess that's better than how I started." Sweetie said. "So what's the other question then Button?" “Well…” I started nervously. “How would you all feel if...Cheat joined in?” They were all quiet for a moment, Sweetie was blushing and even Cheat was slightly red on the cheeks. "W-well, technically they already have been. Given they are part of you in the waking world… and apparently have been present for our… private escapades, making it officially would make sense." She rationalized. "I wouldn't mind." Maud said.  "Wait, so I'm in? Like, actually in?! Yes!" Cheat cheered, tackling me til she was atop me and I was under her. "Don't worry little bro, big sis is gonna take real special care of you~" Sweet Mother have mercy! "Hey, no public sex!" Greg yelled. "At least not in this part of the dream realm." "Awhh. Killjoy." Cheat huffed, getting off of me for now as I got back up red as an apple. A short bit after that and some… rather physical flirting from Cheat Scootaborg was back online. Once the suppressor chip was placed in and working she looked around at all of us. "Commander Sweetie Bot. Commander Maud Pie. Commander Cheat Code. Commander Button Mash." She addressed us each with a nod and salute. "How may I be of service to the cause?" Her visor was no longer on, so her almost purple eyes looked at us. Wow she does look a lot like Scootaloo, except… taller. Actually, I think she's a full foot taller than me. "Was I like that at all?" Sweetie Bot asked. I thought it over. "Less military but….kinda." I said sheepishly. "But Scoots, what are you allowed and not allowed to do?" "You give me orders and I do them." She stated firmly. "Orders like that?" Cheat asked. "Anything within the law, I can do." She stated. "Huh…" Greg hummed. "Maybe since she's a military model the suppressor chip isn't as effective…"  "So you can actively have your own free will and date me?" I inquired to Scootaborg. "Negative. 'Date me' and 'Free will' are not in my programming." Scootaborg said. "Wow, already on the hunt for more baby bro?" Cheat said with a sly grin. "And I was worried my pervertedness wasn't going to rub off on you." “Shush you.” I chided. “So...that kind of blows...gonna have to fix that with...more quests.” "I can actually make it here thanks to this " Greg said, holding up the OS/AI installer. "This is the installer for Sweetie Bot. Everything about her personality and ability to socially interact with others and such is in here. I can just remove the Personality of Sweetie Bell and reprogram in one for Scootaloo, or if you can get me her installer I can just hack and modify that one." "Add it to the list I suppose…" Sweetie Said. "So what do we do with the flying tank?" Cheat asked. “Well...we can have her help us find the parts we need.” I said honestly. "True, her fire power alone is worth it." Sweetie said. "And until I get a weapons package I'm not good for much…" "You can't just pick up a gun in your… magic and use it?" Cheat asked. Sweetie shook her head. "My programming is still very strict. Even with the suppressor chip keeping most of it away I'm still limited. As I am if I pick up a weapon I can't even use it, not unless one of the packages is installed, on top of an arsenal of weapons It would also install the use and combat programs for me to use them." "True, though I can probably make some, the ones made for her specifically would work better. I can probably make something more compatible if I had Scootaborg's installer but that would be a while from now." Greg said. "Her internal OS already comes with a special learning and combat matrix that Sweetie here does not have." “Right…” I started. “Hopefully what we need for Scoots will be a lot simpler to get than what we still need for Sweetie.” "Hmm…" Cheat hummed aloud. "Victor works in the villains guilds as a raider, Echo Dash is a former adventurer and even Button's dad did some adventuring before… that would make…  nine, ten plus me but until I get a flesh golem body I don't fully count…" "Thinking of something Cheat?" Sweetie asked. "Well, given we know three fairly high level people, if we all team up we can effectively have two teams and kinda… Tourist our way into the higher level dungeons." Sweetie and I shared a confused look as Maud seemed to frown but was thinking it over. "Maybe, but if you also include Sweetie, Scootaborg and myself that's thirteen." Wait what? “Excuse me?” I asked. “What’s going on now?” "It's a… well, it's not really cheating but it's frowned upon." Cheat started. "It's called Touristing. Basically when entering a dungeon with a team, the dungeon only checks to see if at least one member meets the requirements to enter, not the whole team. This means that we can use say, Echo in a team with us to enter a level two or three or even four. Basically most people use this to quickly obtain loot or even Skill Points. It's frowned upon since most of the time the one with the requirements does most of if not all the work but the lower ranked members often get the most reward out of it." "It especially sucks for the strongest member since to counter this the dungeon will spawn in more enemies than usual rather than just kick them all out." Maud added. "Yeah, but to get all this done it's the best option to get stronger fast and get all these parts quickly." “At this point it would just be trying to get them on board with it.” I said honestly.    "I bet Victor would help, maybe your dad too, though I'm not sure about Echo Dash." Sweetie said. "He mostly just works with the Caretakers Guild but we'd have to talk to them about it as well as with Ali, Mei and Tiara." Maud said. ”Alright.” I nodded. “Let’s hope it all works out.” "Touristing huh?" Victor said. Once we all woke up I headed off to Tiara's to tell her the news while Maud and Sweetie talked to dad about it. "Hmm… I can see your point, it would make helping those Synthetics easier… plus the Skill Points, spells and items you'd get would help you to quickly stand on even ground with the dungeon itself… plus it could be fun…" "So… you'll do it?" Tiara asked. "Hmm… sure, on one condition." “What’s the condition?” I asked carefully. "Echo is there too." Victor said with a smile. "I wanna rematch and between the both of us I bet your combat skills can skyrocket with proper training." “I was gonna need a teacher anyways...but for something completely different.” I said nervously. "Oh? What for?" “Ponies have a rather...bad habit of getting their emotions from zero to a hundred and...well my whole thing is about rage…” I said nervously. "Ah, I got ya." Victor said. "I know a guy who's whole shtick is anger and rage. I think I can get him to give you a few pointers." “Thank you.” I nodded. “I’d rather...not accidentally have my rage get out of hand…” "Fair." With that I went back home and saw Dad and thankfully Echo. Dad was willing to help just to help while Echo had reservations. Thankfully after telling him Victor wanted a rematch and would help train us, desired to go for it. "This will be so fun! An outing with my son and their whole team!" Dad said… heh. “Glad your excited dad.” I smiled. With dad, Echo, Victor and the rest in tow we headed back to the ship. This was Sweetie and Maud's first time on the ship. They liked it. "So how are we gonna do this?" Victor asked. "What do you mean?" Echo asked. "Well, is this gonna be part time for us or full time?" "I'm okay with being full time helping the kids." Dad said. "The Miners guild pays by the ore you sell so, I don't have to worry about putting in hours." "Same with me. We get a call about a task or job and it's up to us if we think the pay is worth it." Victor said. "For me I have to check in at least once a week but it's only for about a few hours." Echo said. "So basically we can do this full time. Nice." Victor said. “Neat.” I nodded. “But...hopefully we can at least make it a little more bearable than you three power leveling us a lot of the time.” "We can keep it fair." Dad said. "Taking a break between each Tourist trip so the kids can all learn and adjust to the sudden boosts in power." “Works for me.” I nodded. "So does this mean we can also camp out by the dungeons and in the hazard zones more?" Tiara asked. "Easily. This ship has a galley and enough rooms and storage space. It'll make a nice mobile base until we go back home." Echo said. "Guess we'll be in Button's room then." Maud said. “You can camp in hazard zones?” I asked. “Isn’t that dangerous?” "You can, and it is, but that's where guns and defense systems mobile bases can have come in." Echo stated. "Actually, Scootaborg could probably handle that well by herself." “Neat.” I nodded. “But uh...is she strong enough for a level two dungeon?” "Won't know until we get an Assistant on her." Maud said. "I keep some on me for work." Echo said, pulling out the slip of paper.  Putting it in Scootaborg showed she could easily handle level two dungeons and beasts. After filling up her ammo we began to work on the next parts for Sweetie.  "Okay, so it looks like we can easily split up into three groups and each come back with an upgrade." Dad said. "So far it looks like we should go after the weapons Packages, that way she can help in more quests and later on with other adventures we find along the way." “Sounds like a plan.” I nodded. “So who’s going with who?” "Victor, Maud, Tiara and Ali can retrieve the Tactical Weapons Package. Button, Sweetie, Echo and Mei will get the Civilians weapons package. Lastly, I'll handle the Basic Trooper Weapons Package." Dad stated. “Works for me.” I nodded. "Wait so I need to…" Ali said, quickly sifting through his Assistant and pulling out several body cameras. "Catch all the angles. I can set them all up to easily Livestream on my page and I can edit the footage for YouTube later." “Can’t wait to see all the negative comments about what we’re going to do on the video.” I said honestly. "Eh. There's worse complaining about your armor." "Internet bitches say what?!" Cheat yelled from the back of my head. Ouch... “Fair there Cheat.” I muttered to Cheat’s comment. "So we all get one then?" Tiara asked as Ali gave us each a camera. "Yeah. Lot of viewers want to see the adventure from multiple angles and thanks to the money from the Robot Battle, I was able to get some quality cameras. Two hundred and fifty yottabytes of internal storage for HD recording both in video and audio and cased in Adamantium." "Wow, kinda surprised they'd use it for cameras." Mei said, looking the small device over. "Some people take their camera's very seriously." I said honestly. "Very true Button." Ali said with a nod. "Cameras aside, let's form the parties and then head out and grab these upgrades. Now there's good news and bad news." Victor stated. "The bad news is that all these Upgrades only spawn on Armageddon or on their respective Homeworld territories. So we got options there at least. The good news is that, save for the Heavy Artillery Weapons Package, all these upgrades spawn in level two dungeons. The other one spawns in level three." "So the question is, do we head for Homeworld or Armageddon?" Echo stated. “Which one’s closer and or which one’s less of a hassle to get everything we need in one trip?” I asked. "Well, closest would be Armageddon, but it's a… really dangerous planet. Even the Safe Zones are more often a battleground than not." Echo sighed. "Yeah. Bad enough the Planet is basically every world ending scenario all glued together on one world, but majority of the people who life there are fucking nuts." Victor said. "Went there as part of my Raider Guild initiation. Place is a Mother damned deathtrap." "I went there back when I was on an adventure. Saw some things there that still haunt me." Echo shivered. "It's really that bad?" Tiara asked. "You don't give a planet a name like Armageddon unless it fucking earns it and this planet wears the crown of crowns of Apocalypse." “So who’s the king of it?” I asked carefully. “Cause even if it’s every end of the world scenario all at once on one planet...there has to be one that is the absolute worst right?” “Emptiness.” Victor said, which sent a shiver down my spine for some reason. “I’ve heard stories about how… outlandishly horrible it is.” “The hell would cause that in every possible end of the world scenario?” I asked carefully. “Imagine a space about the size of a small country...and remove Existence from it.” Victor answered me. “A spot where true emptiness exists, not a single atom of anything that makes this infinite plane of ours function...but is it’s own pocket dimension filled with the unknown.” He said. “It is ‘Fear of the Unknown’ personified, and if you try to scry for it, look for it on any maps, or anything from a birds eye view, it looks like a hole was made in it even though you're sure you got the right coordinates.” “Damn…” I blinked in utter shock. “Why the hell…” “Nobody knows.” Echo answered. “No matter who you ask, even if you got Mother herself down here somehow, she’d refuse to answer. Time Walkers told me that when I heard the rumors.” "So, avoid that place… what about Homeworld?" Tiara asked. "Not too much of a better boat." Dad sighed. "While less… extreme than Armageddon, within Apocalyptic Territory there's a universal rule… there are no rules. Gangs and raiders that are wannabe chaos guilds live there and given The environment and local population all live semi self-sufficient from most of creation. I hear some of the top Heroes Guilds use these territories and Armageddon as a Right of Passage. Survive the worst creation can make naturally, you can survive what people make." "So fucked either way huh?" Mei stated. "Basically." Dad nodded  “Shit…” I sighed out. "Well, bad as the place is, Armageddon would be our best bet…" Victor said. "There's a reason the place is visited still, rather than just ignored… the dungeons drop way more loot and higher tier than normal. I'm talking about a shadow Creature here in a level one drops… five to twenty rem or so. On Armageddon the same Shadow Creature in a level one drops a hundred to five hundred easy." "It's the only planet with Guaranteed Loot Drops too." Echo said. "It's one of the unique things about the place. So we enter the dungeon that drops the upgrade and walk out of there with the upgrade, hell maybe even multiple." “Works for me.” I nodded. "You sure Button? It won't be… pleasant…" Ali warned. "But we'd leave it way better off than we arrived…" Mei stated. "That's the lure of Armageddon. You can go in and leave with a fortune, but you'll also leave with so many nightmares." Victor stated. “That sucks…” I sighed out. “But...it’s at least quicker than Homeworld from what’s being told.” "Well, I'll remake the plans so we're in two groups to better the odds. Off to Armageddon then." Dad said. > Chapter 5: Stranded > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The ride to Armageddon was going to be a fairly long one. We stocked up the ship and we're off. Even at three times light speed it was gonna take a few days. My room was upgraded to accommodate my two… new additions. "This ship is fascinating." Sweetie Bot said, looking out the window which only displayed a blur of black and colors. "It's definitely impressive." Maid added as she sat on my room's new couch. “Yeah, also I’m surprised how far away Armageddon is, three times the speed of light and we’re only a few days away?”  "It was one of the earliest planets created after this reality was made." Maid informed. "Not sure how or who made it. Or why, but it's one of the original first few hundred." “Wow.” Button said in surprise. “But…well, someone had to decide ‘where’s the obvious death trap going to be?’ and then made it or something?” "No idea. But, people have been terrified and fascinated by it since the beginning." “Well…when it’s every end of the world scenario as it’s own planet I’d have to agree.” I nodded. "So, what should we do while we wait to arrive?" Sweetie Bot asked. "Well, where is Scootaborg?" Maud asked. "She placed herself in the storage bay." Sweetie Bot said with a sigh. “Uh…why?” I asked carefully. “There’s…no reason for her to be in the storage bay to begin with…right?” "No, but her being a military model of robot, Greg's free will chip has a far less effect on her. She still believes herself a weapon and object." “Curse you programming!” I said, raising my hoof and shaking it theatrically. “Well that sucks…anyway to change it or…will it have to be a thing until later?” "Given her programming is far more protected and more advanced than my own, it will have to wait until we can find her OS/AI installer." “Well…as far as I was told, Armageddon can give people great loot if you can live long enough.” I said honestly. "And survive the natives." Maud added. “Since I might as well ask, is that a term for the creatures there or do they actually live on that planet?” I asked. "In this case, the prior." Maud stated. "They're a unique classification of monsters specific to Armageddon or other Apocalypse based locations. They range in type but the vast majority are smart, capable of learning, adapting and crafting as well as a special way of obtaining abilities." “And they’re all bound to those places, how?” I inquired. “Like…are they only allowed to exist there or something?” "Some spawn, some are born. Some have left Armageddon, either as a captured prize or by stealing a ship. Some of the worst are The Hunter Shadow Creatures." “And those are?” I asked worriedly. "You know about Shadow Creatures, well the Hunter class are humanoid, and extremely dangerous. They can enter dungeons and craft tools and weapons, armor and have a unique Ability to self heal repeatedly and replace lost limbs with special prosthetics. And if they get old enough, they can morph into a Shadow Lord." “And at some point I still have to wonder why the monsters just haven’t overrun the place.” I frowned. "Because not all the Natives get along. They're all in tribes or factions and rarely do they get along enough to trade let alone join forces. Often times they'll fight each other and adventurers." "Hm. What is a Shadow Lord?" Sweetie Bot asked. “I can only imagine that it’s some high end boss type being.” I said honestly. "Kinda. You see, if a Shadow Hunter lives to be a certain age, they can undergo a transformation that merges them into the corpse of an Adventurer. When it's done they not only gain the person's looks, but also their abilities and their skill trees. Copying everything the person had and can get." "I regret asking…" Sweetie Bot gulped. “And they haven’t formed their own guild and tried to take over…why?” I asked nervously. “Cause I know it would have to take a long ass time, plus you’d have to kill an Adventurer, which both can be really unlikely…but still.” "From what people have studied they mostly just act as leader/protectors of their own tribe. They don’t really do much aside from dealing with the deadly stuff that can attack their settlements.” “Huh…alrighty then.” I nodded. “Is it weird that I legit thought they would form a Guild and support their tribes better? But…that might not be a good thing cause their extremely powerful monsters.” “Do they settle in the safe zones too?” Sweetie asked. “No, there are no safe zones on Armageddon.” Maud answered. “... Well, guess I should have expected that.” Sweetie sighed, jumping onto the bed and collapsing. “Goodie…” I sighed out. “Can this place become a Safe Zone if need be?” “The Ship? To be honest I won’t be too surprised if it gets shot down upon entering the atmosphere.”  “Ah man, we spent good money on this thing.” Button frowned. “Didn’t Echo gift this to you?” Sweetie Asked. I frowned. “We still had to spend money to upgrade the place.” I said, trying to ignore the fact that I was gifted the ship in the first place. We mostly tried to keep busy over the next few days. I mostly played games or spent time with Sweetie and Maud. Both date stuff and… other stuff. In the realm of dreams I spent some time with Cheat since that’s where they have a body. We haven’t done anything aside from some safe for work stuff since I still find their whole Big Sister of mine identity… awkward. Finally though Armageddon was in sight and… sweet… gods… The whole planet was a mess. On Fire, frozen, polluted, massive chunks missing or floating, flooded and barren. Dead and alive all at once. The moon and sun… I don’t think I can describe those either. “Sweet Celestia’s ass…” I said in absolute shock. “Given the amount of cake she eats…” Maud started, earning a laugh from most of us which helped calm the mood. “We’re entering the atmosphere now.” Victor said as the planet got even closer. “Hopefully we don’t run into any Anarchists or Chaos Guilds while we do…” “Both of those things would be extraordinarily bad…” I said carefully. The landing started off smooth enough. Things seemed to be going well as the ground was in sight. KABOOM! The explosion knocked a hole in the side of the ship and shook us around hard.  “Shit!” I heard dad yell as the hole was sucking out air and us. Another explosion and Cheat covered me as I fell out of the smoking ship and free fell down. I woke up feeling… sore. Ouch… “Okay…that happened.” I groaned. “Anybody around?” I called out carefully. “Present…” Cheat answered weakly from the back of my head. I looked around where I was. It looked like… a mall. Looking up I crashed from that hole in the roof into what looks like a plaza area. “Well…at least you're still here..” I grumbled, getting up shakily. “Ugh, the hell happened?” “My bet, some fucktards attacked us. No idea where the others are though…” Cheat seemed to grunt as I got up as well. Looking around some more I caught the whiff of… rot, mold, and dirt. No enemies on my mini map, that’s good… “No enemies but this smell.” I wrinkled my nose at the rot and mold smell. “Alright…no safe zones, and in the middle of god knows where…oh boy.” I grumbled, starting to move around the area, trying to get my bearings on where the hell I am. As I walked around and began to explore, I noticed there were a few signs of a battle here and there. Old gunshots, scorch marks and blade and claw marks were around but they were not fresh.  I gulped and continued on. Everything around me was so… aged, and broken and… oh sweet stars. The next turn led into a hallway caked in flesh and bones broken and melted into the walls, floor and roof. What and whoever the people were before was unreasonable from the fire structure. “Okay…what in the absolute fuck…” I said carefully, taking a step away from that weird flesh hallway. I backed away until I bumped into the wall behind me, looking back and seeing the broken down door to the broken shop windows and door. “Jeez…everything is not good…” I muttered, looking into the shop carefully. It was a bookstore, it looked like. Old magazines, books and such scattered around old dusty shelves and the register counter. I looked around, trying to avoid looking back at that… whatever that was outside. Hmm. 1001 used for barrels.  "Yeah I don't blame you for avoiding that… gore thing." Cheat said. “I have no idea what that was…and I really don’t want to know.” I shuddered nervously. "Ugh, ouch…" I turned, seeing Cheat mentally projecting/appearing next to me in their genderbent me form body. "Crap, that fall did a number on me. Even doing this sucks…" “That bad huh?” I asked nervously. “That’s not good at all..” "Tell me about it…" She groaned, a hoof phasing through a book. "I don't think I'll be up for armor duty for a while Button…" “That’s gonna suck…” I said. “But at least I have my other skills.” I brought up, picking up an old book carefully and trying to read it’s contents. I browsed through this for a while, pocketing a few things before I got out and walked back down where I came and away from the gore hallway. Looking around this plaza and finding a map, the area next to the gore hallway leads to the west plaza and parking lot. To my right leads to the food court and mostly entertainment shops. And to my left is the south plaza dubbed ‘Clothing Isle’ on the map. “No idea how long til we find the others. Best go find some food.” Cheat suggested. “If there’s anything that’s actually consumable.” I said carefully. “We can hope.” Cheat said as I sighed and headed down towards the food court. As we walked I spotted the first ruined restaurant. It was some italian place. Jumping over the counter and walking into the kitchen, I spotted a few plates of rotten and stale pasta. I found some bottles of cooking oil, uncooked pasta still in the boxes, and a can of pasta sauce. I took a pot to cook them in and hoped I’d find water. The next restaurant was a burger place, at least I assume it is. The only thing I can see from the order sign is a large dirty burger on the screen. “If the electricity is still going in here, maybe the freezer meat is still good?” Cheat offered. “Hopefully it does.” I said, hoping the freezer was still good as I walked towards the freezer. “Oh also…I should be letting out some power here and there…I don’t remember turning off my ability…” “Loop requires you to be in a party, remember? Alone it’s unusable. And I don’t count as a party member as your symbiote, remember?” Cheat said. “Oh, alrighty then.” I nodded. “I don’t think I was told that but that helps make sure I don’t blow up.” “It also means any really nasty monsters come around we’re kinda screwed…” Cheat sighed as we walked into the back of this- Crunch! I froze, Cheat and I looking forewards as I spotted some lizard person, tail missing all it’s skin and chunks of muscle exposing bone, left arm missing as it rested crouched over a small pile of rats missing their guts and upper bodies. Their body was half rotten, missing skin, muscles and exposing insides. Holy shit… “Zombie.” Cheat said simply. “Right…” I said carefully, setting my hooves on fire as I was ready to kill the thing quickly. “Hold up, it’s a Reptilian, It’s bones and skin will be a lot harder than pony or human skin and bones. You might need those Power Hooves Mei made for you.” “Oh yeah…” I nodded, quickly equipping my Power Hooves. “Now…I don’t know if these undead are only weak to slashing damage…but let’s hope for the best.” I moved slowly, not wanting to make too much noise. Once I was close enough I turned around and bucked it with my real weapons. The fire damage plus the natural excess blunt damage they gave sent a loud CRACK through the room as it was sent into the nearby wall. Another loud crunch as it hit the wall and fell to the floor. It didn’t seem to be moving but I rushed back over and slammed it’s head with my front hoof. It’s skull caving in, covering my hoof in gore and blood. I gagged, breathing deeply as I spat up a little bit of puke. “You good?” Cheat asked. “It smells like Sweetie Belle’s bad cooking!” I gagged. “Ugh, this is so gross…” “Well, given where we are, it might become common for a while.” Cheat sighed. “Hmm…” They hummed as I put my power hooves away and started picking through the stuff. The freezer was indeed working, but only a few patties were in here. There was a small box of apple juice in the back storeroom. “Well…” I started. “At least Apple Juice is a thing…” I stored that away with the rest and began heading to the next sight. “Hey Button, mind keeping an eye out for an Equine undead preferably?” “What reason for an Equine undead specifically?” I inquired. “Well, I need a body for us to… enjoy each other, and I can modify and heal something like that, change appearances and such so long as I… borrow some DNA from you before I leave and I will have myself a fun little puppet for fun.” I took a moment to think about what she just said. “Uh…alright then.” I nodded. “I’ll look out for it…” “Look, I know it’s weird but trust me, it will work and it’s better than buying a blank body. Things cost a small fortune. Yes, I checked.” “Right then.” I nodded. “So let’s get you a body cause you are just straight horny.” “Better than us rutting and I give birth through you.” “That’s one thing I really don’t want to happen.” I said quickly. “Good. Now, given that undead and the gore hallway… is this all undeads or is this… something worse…” “I really hope that weird flesh hallway isn’t something worse.” I said nervously. “But…what’s worse if I may ask?” “On this planet… anything…” Cheat said. We headed on over to each restaurant. We Looted what was good and managed to clear out a few more zombies. Most were humanoid, and one was a dog but it wasn’t as bad as I feared. Eventually we arrived at our first media shop. It was full of broken TV’s and tossed DVD boxes. I spotted an enemy on my minimap and checking in the backroom, I spotted them. An Undead Pony mare. Whatever mane and tail she had was long gone, fallen off as their coat did, replaced by hide long since rotting and partly charred.  “Alright, just sneak up close enough to them and I can jump into them. Also, when I do sorry in advance for the feeling of dizziness you’ll feel.” Cheat said. “Alright…” I said, carefully moving over to the zombie mare, hoping this won’t get too weird. I got close enough to see more details of the undead figure than I would like. Suddenly A dark grey mass pooled from the tip of my muzzle and jumped into the undead mare. I backed up, spooked a little at that as suddenly the undead mare began to twitch and spasm. I did indeed feel dizzy after that, almost like vertigo. I held myself up against the wall as Cheat’s armored body form suddenly covered the thing. They stood still for a while as the sounds of cracks, sloshing and popping echoed from inside. “It will take a moment…” Cheat said, their voice thankfully sounded normal. I sat there while the armored Cheat stood still for a while. Eventually though, a bit after that light headedness of their jump left me and Cheat’s armored form retreated into the body. What was before me was definitely not the same undead mare that Cheat jumped into. They looked, well, like Cheat. So a genderbent me… though, their mane and tail were different… They were the color of Mom’s coat. “Wow that feels weird, and different to be in complete control of a body.” She said, touching and poking at their new body. “Still, it worked, yes!” “Nice.” I said honestly. “Man I got worried when I jumped in, this body had some issues. At least it worked out, and hey, I can still and officially say I’m your big sister since this body is in their mid twenties.” She chuckled, succenly tackling me on my back. “So, what do you think about it, young stud muffin~” Cheat purred. My body betrayed me immediately as Cheat felt something rise to the occasion. “Uh…you look great…” I said carefully, hating every moment that my body liked this. “Heh, glad. The best part, check this!” Cheat said, kissing me as that same mass of dark grey that must be her true form flowed from the body and back into me. Their body broke the kiss, staring at me blankly. It then sniffed me… what? “See.” I looked up, seeing… Cheat? “I managed to fix their noggin enough to let them be smart enough to look for food and such without me needing to inhabit them. As mindless as a goldfish, but it’s enough to keep themselves alive for a while… though, might have to see if I can bathroom train them. Rather not have that be an issue later…” The whole time Cheat spoke, their new, Goldfish level intelligence body just kept sniffing at my mane. Then it tried to eat my mane. I immediately tried to push them off as I did not want my mane getting eaten. “No, my mane is not for eating.” When I placed a hoof to the basically mindless body, Cheat jumped back in. “So, now that I have a body I can help out in fights more, and when I don’t need to use it, I jump back to you. Unless we can find other parts of my set, in which I can be both your armor and in this body.” “Alright.” I nodded. “I’m surprised you didn’t also…just have at it.” I said sheepishly. “Oh believe me, I’d love nothing more than to feel what’s between your legs inside every opening my new body has. But, this place isn’t exactly safe and frankly I’d rather not get attacked while in the middle of a reverse anal cowgirl.” I blushed hard at that, but nodded. Cheat does have a point. Can’t really fool around when something around the corner is trying to kill you. “True…” I said carefully. “But you feeling better after our impromptu landing?” “Yes and no. Taking over this body and such took some of what I was healing back up to back out of me, but it’s not as bad as I was worried about. I can move at least, and help search now! Even better, if I get an assistant on this body I can count as a part member for Loop to work.” Cheat said with a grin. “Till then, I best find myself some bags and a weapon.” “That would be for the best.” I nodded in agreement. “Better to make sure you're not defenseless, even if you might have undead traits.” “Nope. Those got erased in the conversion. Think… caterpillar becoming a butterfly for reference.” Cheat said as we got back to it. Sadly this end of the mall ended in a dead end. So we walked back, heading down towards the ‘Clothing Isle’ and hoping for something. Majority of these places are untouched. Clothes still in the displays and majority of windows unsmashed. We did manage to find a saddle bag for Cheat, and the ‘Mall Jail’ was also here. Entering this room, Cheat and I were greeted with a humanoid skeleton at the main desk, and an old taser and baton on the table. The taser was dead, but Cheat kept the baton. “Ah, my first weapon. Only slightly disappointing.” She chuckled. “It could be worse.” I shrugged. “At least it’s something solid and still usable.” “Yeah.” She nodded. With nothing else at the end of this part of the mall aside from a few more Zombies we headed towards the center plaza. “Well, looks like the only way out of this place is through that Gore Hallway. Map says it leads to the parking lot.” Cheat said, tapping that part from the map.  “Goodie…” I sighed out. “Well…let’s hope it’s not alive.” “Given what we’ve been encountering so far, maybe Alive isn’t even the right word…” Cheat muttered as we headed back towards the Gore Hallway. We stood at the entrance to it. The Exit was far towards the back, but it was clear and visible. WIth a deep breath, trying not to smell the stench, we walked through. The gore squishing and crunching underhoof as we walked through. It felt like way longer than it was, but we finally reached the exit doors and walked outside. The sunlight almost felt blinding. The sun seemed to pulsate, as it was beating like a heart in the sky as a red tint filled the air. Looking around, the Gore continued on along the parking lot, covering cars, bikes and the like for a while. “Shit…” Cheat said as we continued through the parking lot, reaching the road and finally stepping on non-gore covered ground. “That… I can’t tell if that was part of how it spawned or if… that was made…” “I’m concerned that the sun has something to do with it.” I said nervously. "Well, either way we shouldn't stay in the open. I'd rather not find out what makes a mess that big…" Cheat said as we hurried down the road towards what looked like a city. "Please let there be at least a settlement of some kind…" I muttered, hoping that things might possibly be better than whatever the hell that was. I was sadly proven wrong. When we got to the city proper there was a lot more of those undead around and gore structures built along and inside some alley ways, parts of the road and inside the lower parts of some buildings. The only thing that seemed helpful was a large painted message higher up a tall building. 'Safety in Height!' and 'Beware The Night!'  "I guess we should get up high before it gets dark…" Cheat said as she looked out at the sun as it was reaching the mid afternoon mark. "Yeah, hopefully there's someone around here that isn't an undead or whatever those weird gore bits are…" I said carefully. We quickly took shelter in an almost abandoned apartment building. The place already had some makeshift barricades and only a few undead were in here. We quickly fortified a room, cleared out the undead inside the floor we were gonna be on and more or less waited. "Maybe you can try calling the others on your Assistant?" Cheat asked. "That's if this world doesn't jam all communications…" I said, bringing up my Assistant and trying to call the others. "Or if bigger things won't hunt us by the signal…" Sadly, all I got when calling them was silence. Not even dial tone or anything. "Well, guess nothing on this planet is easy…" Cheat groaned as she flopped onto our makeshift bed of couch cushions and pillows. "Damn it…" I growled. "Great...so we should hold up here for tonight then try to explore more tomorrow…" I said, trying to think of what to do next. "I guess that is our best and only option. Giving the giant warning sign saying to avoid the ground and night I sure as shit Don't wanna find out why." "Neither do I…" I said carefully. "And here I thought this would have been simple…" "Heh. I guess we forgot that this planet is a Mother Forsaken deathtrap…" Cheat said with a weak chuckle as we watched the last bit of daylight fade. The moment it did and total darkness consumed the outside, there was a choir of wet, demonic roars that signaled into the night that the roar's owners were out and hunting. I felt a primal fear in my gut as I heard it. Cheat too as we kept close to one another, the roars dying down quickly but the fear still hung in the air heavily. "I hope the others are at least safer than this…" Cheat said in a low voice. “This sucks…” I muttered, holding Cheat closely as I felt scared for whatever the hell was down there. We didn't get much sleep that night. We tried to stay at least half awake or take a shift each but to no avail. We awoke tiredly to the morning sun. Rubbing the gunk from our eyes we looked out the windows, seeing everything was largely the same and it seemed whatever made that roar last night was gone already. Must not do well in the sunlight. We ate a quick breakfast of canned corn each before heading up to the roof and looking around. It was here we discovered that someone broke windows and left ramps to run and jump along the rooftops to avoid the rather occupied ground roads. "Yeesh, now I wish Tiara was here...unless…" Cheat said, an idea seemingly coming to her mind. “What up?” I inquired. “What idea do you have?” "I have a few ideas. They would be easier if I had an Assistant but I can make due without one." Cheat stated. "Firstly, I might be able to mutate my body to give myself wings and I can fly us over, but without… prior Pegasus DNA I'd be making myself a massive fucking chicken." “So we’re going to have to find a pegasus or a winged zombie and you have to…eat them or something?” I asked. "... Basically, but the alternative is we try and make these jumps as is or maybe I can augment and assimilate this body into you temporarily to give us some advantage. I have never done either option before though. So I don't know what I'll be doing." “Well this sucks…’ I frowned. “Too many unknowns…wish we had more practice beforehand…” "Tell me about it. As is, I wasn't even sure if making myself this body would work properly. It's just something another symbiote in the realm of dreams told me we can do and I figured it would help… out." Cheat said, a small blush hitting her cheeks. "In any case, maybe if we get a long and good galloping head start with the ramp, we can make it to the next building." “Hopefully.” I said. “Should be simple enough if we can find a ramp…and also I’ll think about that…bit later.” I blushed, thinking about what she meant with all that. "Well, there's planks around here. With luck we can jump from them to the broken window there in the next building." Cheat said. We quickly make the ramp, a simple wood plank elevated slightly by the edge of the building. Despite my insisting, Cheat went first. She galloped fast, leaping at the ramps edge and managing to soar clear into the broken window. "Owe!" She yelled. “You okay!?” I called out worriedly. "Fine! Just crashed head first into one tough coffee table." She replied, walking back over to the window, a hoof rubbing her head. "Whatever wood that's made of is better bareacade than the fridge they put by the door in here." “Alright, I’m coming, so careful about me.” I said, taking a few steps back and running up the ramp and leaping through the air. All went well till I reached the window, feeling my rear left leg bump the frame as I crash landed on my side in said rather hard coffee table. Ouch… "You okay?!" Cheat asked as she looked me over. “Stupid coffee table…” I grumbled, getting up carefully. “Ow…” With a snort of a laugh she helped me up, the soreness would longer but I'll live. "Well, looks like another apartment building." Cheat said as we looked around some. It was a rather trashed living room with little in terms of items left. "Think we should scavenge what we can before moving on? At this rate I do not know how long it will take till we find more people. Hopefully friendly people." “That would be great if we can find some other living being here that won’t try to murder us.” I nodded in agreement. This apartment unit didn't have much. Nothing food wise but the bathroom had a small bottle of over the counter pain meds of which I took two for my soreness. Cheat did as well for her head. Moving the fridge that was barricading the door was a bit tough but once we did we found the hallway thankfully empty as well. I didn't smell rot or blood, just dust and some mold.  We started with the apartment unit in front of the one we arrived in through and after some trial and error, broke the door down. Inside this unit was more well kept, but still abandoned unit where it looks like the prior owners, if there ever were, just up and left.  We began going through the kitchen first and I smiled at seeing lots of canned goods in here. “Thank lord there’s a lot of supplies.” I sighed out. "About time this place threw us a bone." Cheat nodded in agreement as she helped me store most of this in my Assistant and some in her saddle bags. The bathroom just had some basic items. Tooth paste, spare brushes we took and used. I haven't brushed in a day and technically Cheat never has. A few more meds, mostly over the counter stuff and some bandages which we took it all. The bedrooms were empty. One master bedroom and one second bedroom.  "Ya know, were it not for the location this unit would be quite lovely, what do you think?" Cheat asked as she chuckled, sounding like a potential renter for the place. “Yeah, this would be a pretty nice place to live in if it wasn’t in some weird zombie apocalypse area…” I said honestly. "Bet that the cost of rent is next to nothing." She added with a laugh, jumping onto the master bedrooms bed. She sighed as she tossed around on the rather comfy looking bed before poking her head out, half covered by the blanket. "Well, are you just gonna watch or are you going to join me in here~" I smiled, happily closing and locking this bedroom door just in case as I jumped in with her. It's been a month since we crashed here and still no sign of the others. No calls still and not a single sign of another non undead being in this fucking city. Cheat and I spend our time mostly just trying to pass it by. Cheat and I managed to well fortify the lobby and main entrances and exits of this and the building next door, scavenging all that was useful from them til we had enough food for a good while if we ration properly. Water wasn't an issue thankfully as the pipes still work. Mostly now to kill time we watch whatever movies we found while scavenging these two buildings and keep it on a low volume. Day or night. If not that we're reading or making use of one of the several hundred beds we have access to for more physical fun. We do that one often. "Is it weird that… this is kinda nice?" Cheat asked me, leaned against my barrel on the couch as some random movie we played went on but we weren't really watching. “Yeah…this is really nice.” I said softly, nuzzling Cheat softly. "I still can't believe it's been a month. Just us is fun but I'm pretty worried. We can't be the only two in this city, right?" “Yeah…there has to be someone else here.” I said honestly. "Maybe we should put up signs or… something." She sighed. "Sucks that we can't even go to the Realm of Dreams while we're here." I nodded. That discovery came our second night here. We slept better In this unit, more building and more soundproofing around us, and not once since then did we go to the realm of sleep, just… dreamless sleep. “Yeah…this sucks majorly…” I sighed out. “But…maybe I can throw a fireball up in the air every now and then?” "We'll need something more noticeable. Both from the sky and from the ground and other rooftops… and I think I know what." Cheat said with a smirk. It took a bit but we eventually managed to paint 'Safe Here' along the roofs of two buildings we made safe. And with some doing, makaged to use a ladder and some pipes to fly flags with my Cutie Mark painted on them from up there. With that done we went back inside. It was almost night again. I saw the monsters that make the roars every night once. It's an image that still haunts me thinking about it. So deformed and mutilated, bodies twisted into a shape that was built to hunt and kill. I shook the memory away as Cheat and I prepared for the night, checking the barricades, locking our main unit's door, barricading that then the same to the bedroom door. “Sooner or later we have to try and fight…one of those things.” I said carefully. “We can’t just hide in here forever…” "You've seen how fast they move. We don't even know what they are since they are never still enough for Scan to read them." Cheat reminded me as I climbed into bed and grabbed around her barrel. "Plus, we don't have much in regards to weapons or fire power. With luck the flags and rooftop signs will bring something good to us." “Hopefully.” I nodded. “Also surprised that not even some of the…dangerous groups aren’t trying to get here.” "Odds are they have their bases in the 'safest' Apocalypse locations on this planet." Cheat huffed. "I'm just hoping they're taking so long to fix the ship and all that. It did take some bad hits and after we fell out I don't know if it was hit again." “Would be best if it didn’t.” I admitted. “Sadly we haven’t really fought against the zombies, at least we could get stronger from them right?” "I guess. We can clear out more buildings, gather more stuff for the long run and with luck find weapons and maybe figure out where those Night Monsters hide in the day." Cheat said. "Might get lucky and find me an Assistant to use and then we can really start making progress." “Oh yeah, cause when we get Loop started, it’s all downhill for those monsters.” I said with a smile. "Hopefully." Cheat added with a chuckle. "Now, hurry up, you know how I like it before bed~" The next morning came like any other. I started some coffee for us while Cheat went over our supplies. We are so used to the general silence of this place, that we about jumped when we heard the faint thuds of… footsteps? We both turned to one another than up to the ceiling. We were on the top floor, all that was above us was the roof. “That’s either a good thing…or a massively bad thing.” I muttered worriedly. "... Well, nothing has blown up yet… so, hopefully it's good." With that, Cheat and I headed up to the roof. Slowly we opened the door and we spotted them. They were a human it seemed, seated on the buildings edge, dressed in some all black armor. A helmet sat next to them, letting us see the back of their head which was covered in unkept blond hair. "Uh...hello?" I asked carefully. They turned around. Their skin was a bit pale and their eyes were emerald green. "So, this is your flag?" He asked, pointing a thumb at the flag. "Um, yes. We haven't seen… anyone other than the undead in a month…" Cheat spoke up. "Sounds about right." He said with a nod. He spun to face us, still sitting on the edge. "So, who are you two?" "I'm Button Mash and this is Cheat Code." I said carefully. "Who are you?" "Parker. I take it you two didn't arrive here as expected?" “We got shot down from our ship by some asshole.” I answered. “And we haven’t been able to contact our group and…well we’ve been hiding from whatever the hell those weird night creatures are.” "Volitials." He said. "Nasty fuckers, but they hate UV lights. Natural and artificial. And yeah, that sounds like a typical Armageddon welcoming committee." “So how’d you get here?” I asked. “Just hanging out or did you get shot down as well?” "I live here. Well, not here here. I live on Armageddon. I travel it and explore all the different doomsday locations." “That’s a…rather interesting choice of work.” I said honestly. “Must have seen a whole lot of bad things around here if you live and explore it.” "Lots." He said with a nod. "As for the lack of communication, this whole section territory has scramblers in the atmosphere. Unless you can get to a really high up transceiver tower, nothing gets in or out of this place communication wise." “So that’s why.” I said. “Also that’s bullshit…as far as I know there isn’t a place high enough for that, or a transceiver tower that high…” "Not around here." Parker said with a shrug. "Closest one you might get a shotty reception at is a couple thousand mile drive east, and a long boat ride." “Damn it…” I grumbled. “But…it’s at least a start to be honest.” "It's a distance though and I'm guessing this Antenna is not easily reached?" Cheat asked. "It's about as hard to reach as you'd guess. Plus a few Natives seem to be making a new tribe there." Parker stated. “Cause nothing can be simple now can it?” I grumbled. “What’s the kind of Natives around that Antenna?” "You can try and make one." Parker added. "Will take a lot of smaller Antennas and transmitters hooked up to send out a signal. And a while to put together, but it's doable." "Well, how long?" Cheat asked. "If you scavenge well and loot every place with the right equipment, and wait for the bi monthly respawns… maybe a year?" “And…how long would it take to meet certain death at the hands of a Native tribe?” I asked carefully. “Oh and uh…also, is death…permanent here? I don’t think I asked that before…” "No, but respawns are changed. Normally when you die you respawn where you last slept, but on this planet, you respawn in a random location." “Goodie…” I sighed out. “Cheat? What do you think?” "Honestly, I'd rather take the year approach. If we get split up then we might never find the others." Cheat stated. “Yeah…I’d rather not get separated again.” I nodded in agreement. “Now…how the hell do we make an Antenna strong enough for this?” "I could help. For a price." Parker stated plainly.  "How much?" I asked nervously, not sure if we'd have the money even after our trip finished here. "Simple. I can tell what you'll all need to stay alive in this place. These fortifications are good but should something worse make its way here they won't hold." "So, what, you'll sell us stuff to help?" Cheat asked. "You're gonna be here for a while. You'll also need a teacher. Lucky for you both, I have nothing better to do with my time and a fair amount of stuff I don't use." "And aside from money, what do you get out of it?" "Not so much me, more what all travelers on Armageddon need more of. There's no safe zones here. People can make settlements and camps but when out in the harsh world this is a nice place to spend the night without worrying about something that's trying to kill you." "Ah, so we help build safe shelters for travelers, a win for everyone." "Yes. So, deal?" “Well...sure." I shrugged. "If it'll help everyone...just wish there was a 'safe zone' item to make certain places Safe Zones." “Closest thing to that would be various barrier and fortification items, but not real Safe Zone maker to speak of really.” Parker stated. “Well that both sucks and…maybe doesn’t make sense.” I said carefully. “I mean sure, portable Safe Zones might break something or another but…not even allowing a simple tent to be a Safe Zone sounds weird.” “That’s Armageddon. If you want fair, go to another planet.” Parker stated simply. He pulled out a few items from his Assistant. A large piece of cloth then put various items on top of it. One being a book of maps of the area. Another being a book of sewer and subway lines. A package of medicines and potions. Various bladed weapons, a few guns, surprisingly ment for ponies, and bullets as well as some other odd items. “Here, consider this on the house.” Parker said, handing me a small notebook with the title ‘Harran Zones Guide Book’. "Thank you, this means so much to us." Button said happily. "This'll help us so much through the year." “Definitely. So… how much are these things?” Cheat asked. “For the medicine and potions, a thousand rem. Weapons vary from six hundred rem to a hundred. Guns are two thousand rem. Ammo is two hundred rem per box. And all these odds and ends range from twenty to two hundred rem depending.” “Sounds kind of steep.”  “Maybe, but have you looted the ones you killed?” “Well… no?” “Check their pockets. Trust me. It’s in the book.” "The one thing a gamer should always do...and I haven't…" I sighed out. "Damn it...well we're going to fix that, and well at least try to pay you back in some way cause...that's a lot of rem in gear you're giving us." “Oh no, the guide book is free, this stuff is for sale.” He corrected me. “But, lessons for dealing with the shit out there are on the house.” "Woops…" I said carefully. "Sorry just uh...been a month without anyone alive besides Cheat here." I said sheepishly, taking the book. “You said that. In any case, take what you can afford and I’ll be back every day at first light for trading and if you need it, teach.” Cheat and I had a grand total of twelve thousand rem. We bought the medicine kit, and some melee weapons. A metal hammer for Cheat and the same for me, leaving us with a little over ten thousand rem. After that was done, Parker left off, somehow racing across the rooftops and climbing everything like some kind of monkey. “Damn.” Cheat said as we watched him run and jump across the rooftops well out of sight. “Wish we were that agile…” I started…but then remembered. “Wait, do I have some skill points left?” I muttered, looking at my Skill tree real quick, as I know because of Cheat I started doing a Rage style build, but wondering if I could do something to help support my less than agile form. “I think you had a few?” Cheat said as I browsed through my Abilities. I had three still. I began browsing through Agility based skills, finding one that looked very useful. Double Jump. “Oh thank lord, Double Jump is a skill.” I sighed out happily as I took that ability real quick. “Alright, double jump…now if memory serves that would only take one skill point right?” Thankfully it did, so I browsed through and found another one that took the last two. Jump Point. I can basically launch myself from walls and edges to gain a major boost for speed and height. “Fantastic.” I said happily. “Gonna make navigating this place a hell of a lot easier.” I nodded. “That will definitely help.” Cheat nodded. “So, what’s in that notebook then?” I picked up said notebook and opened it up. Apparently, this Harran Virus that makes these undead is transferred only through bites.  “Alright…so how good are you with dealing with zombie virus’s?” I asked carefully. “Well, I ate the one in the zombie I took over so, I think so long as I digest them I should be fine? I know that sounds weird but Symbiote Biology is really weird.” Cheat said with a shrug. Okay. Let’s see. The bites while not immediate will turn the infected over time. It starts with seizures and cardio vascular episodes and vivid hallucinations right before the transformation is complete. These can be put off with a treatment known as Antizin. It suppresses the symptoms and holds back the transformation. This medicine is most often found in hospitals, military outposts and in Quarantine Buildings. If you find an item known as the Supply Drop Radio there’s a small chance a box of the medicine will be among the items. Additionally one can make a cure of use certain magics to remove the virus entirely. The easier alternative is to respawn and ensure the former body can’t resurrect. Yeesh. “Well, it makes it painful to transform then…” Cheat said as we read along the notebook. “Yeah…” I said carefully. “But…maybe Symbiotes can cure the disease? Cause you were able to get rid of the disease since you said you were no longer an Undead subclass right?” “Yes but like I said, I had to digest the whole body to do that. I don’t know if I can target it from inside you. Plus I’d rather not have to digest your whole body just to rebuild you.” I nodded. That sounded… painful.  The next thing the notebook was talking about was the infected. There are three primary categories. Standard infected which are the slow moving droning ones. Second are called ‘Recently Infected’ and are also classified as Volitials. They are faster, stronger and can climb, jump and run as good as they did when alive as well as dodge and use basic weapons. Lastly are the Mutated Volitials. These vary from type to type and all but one type can roam the daylight. The Night time bound ones are called Nightmares. These Volatiles are faster, stronger and far more aggressive than the other variants. They hunt by sight and sound but they hear far better than they see. The only true way to suppress them is to utilize UV lights to form a barrier they can not enter as UV lights seem cause them extreme sunburns. This is why they only come out at night as Sunlight is lethal if they can not enter a dark place after five minutes. More common volatiles are the special infected such as the Bruit, Frog, and… Child. Each has their own unique attack ability and are typically more difficult to dispatch of. Headshots are the easiest means to kill them however the infected are extremely drawn to loud noises. They will swarm a source of noise rapidly. However this can be used to your advantage as the majority of common infected are easily distracted and will even lose interest in their target if there is a source of loud noise to distract them. This can be utilized to craft traps and clear paths. “Right then…looks like my plan on grinding won’t be a good idea.” I said nervously. “But we can.” Cheat said. “It says they’re attracted to loud noises. We can use that to lure some into a spot then maybe set them on fire or crush them to death and loot what they drop.” “Yeah, that was one of the ways, the other was me going full rage mode and beating the shit out of a lot of them cause Rage Skills are…really strong when you combine them together.” “True, but we’ll save that for these… really beefy monsters the book mentions. That aside, let’s see what we can do now…” "Alright, let's get some payback on these things." I said with a smile, ready to do some fighting after a month of hiding. To start off we followed the books instructions to make better fortifications. We'd have to find where we can locate UV lights. Maybe a hardware store. We spent the rest of today hammering in window barricades along the first floor windows and planning on where to put these UV lights when we get them. It was hard work but I actually felt… good, doing it. Maybe it's my earth pony magic but the hard work felt nice. When it was done we were browsing through the notebook again. There was a recipe for making something called firecrackers. Basically like the fireworks you buy but made from simple household items. These are short lived but good at distracting the undead. “Alright…so what do we need for firecrackers?” I muttered, looking at the recipe carefully to see if we already had the items. The recipe was fairly simple. Duct tape, string, finely ground flour or baking soda. Apparently if ground finely enough and placed in a sealed off environment it can be a nice substitute for gunpowder. And some form of plastic to house it. If done right you light the string like a wick and once the flame goes inside the bottle it makes an audible pop. Doesn’t deal any real damage but if they are string together in a certain way they will go off just like actual Firecrackers.  I tried making a few, and made due with some old plastic bottles that were here already. They didn’t look the best but I tried them out when morning came, Lighting the string and tossing it away. The larger bottles didn’t go off as I wanted but the smaller ones did well enough, and a fair amount of the undead did walk along towards the source. When Parker showed up again I decided to ask him some questions. “Alright, so we got plenty of zombies corralled into one area…try to burn them all to death before they notice?” “They rarely do. A simple Molotov should work well enough but use strong drinks, Whiskey, Vodka and the like. Regular beer won’t do much.” Parker said as below us in an alley way were ten or so undead. He stuffed a cloth into a still full whiskey bottle and lit it, then let it drop. The explosion of fire covered them rapidly. “Fire spells can burn them individually since a simple fire spell won’t cause too much noise. You can also use flammable fluids like Gasoline, lighter fluids, and pitch to set a trap for them. You should also make what’s known as a Light Trap for the dumb bastards.” He said as we stood over them. The smell was nasty, burning rotten meat… “Ugh, the smell…” I groaned, waving a hoof in front of my face. “Trust me, there’s worse stenches on this world.” He said, the last of the on fire ones burning out and falling over. We carefully made our way down. “Just touch them with the arm you got your assistant on.” He said as we stood over the burned husks. "Alright." I nodded, gently tapping the body with my Assistant hoof. Loot Obtained! 57 Rem. "The stronger enemies of course drop more, but these ones only ever drop one item at a time and not always is it money." "Fair enough." I nodded, starting to tap the other bodies to see what other loot I got. In total I got 217 rem, a bottle of whiskey and some batteries. Not the best loot but useful. "An important rule of thumb to remember is that everything has a use, so even if you don't need it or know how to use it, store it away." "It's why you should always hold onto stuff, no matter how long you have to wait." I said honestly.  "Now then, do you know how to utilize the Assistant's built in crafting systems?" "Kind of?" I said sheepishly. "Not really since I haven't had to really...craft stuff outside of now." "Hm. Fair. Here, in your inventory section there will be a small side table that takes you to the crafting options. It's easier than by hand. Or hoof, in your case and with the right abilities you can double to triple the amount of items you get compared to the items needed. Abilities that do this are a necetfor people here on Armageddon." I did as he told, surprised how little I could craft so far but then again I didn't have all that much in terms of items. "That's pretty cool." I said honestly. "Gonna be great when I can start collecting a lot more things." “It will definitely come in handy. I’d recommend investing in it a lot from now on.” Parker showed me a few more things after that, including a map of the area with marked locations of interest. “Of all the places on this map, the most useful is the Lone Baptist Hospital Ruins, the local Police Department, and the Quarantine Zone here set up by the lake. As you can guess the Hospital is a great place for medical supplies, and sometimes potions even, though those are fairly rare. The Police department will be a great weapons location, but there’s three Bruits guarding the parking lot around it. They’re huge, and carry clubs made from broken concrete and rebar. Lastly, the Lake Quarantine Zone has a lot of common infected but has medicine, weapons and there’s always at least one Supply Drop Radio that respawns with the other Bi-Monthly loot respawns.” “Why does the loot restock Bi-Monthly?” Cheat asked. “Dunno, but I do know that not every place respawns every two months. The better the loot, the longer the respawn wait.” “Does that include our current base?” “Yeah, but Armageddon seems to know when someone has a camp or settlement set up someplace. The stuff in the units you left vacant will respawn daily, but less than the normal amount and hidden around. Lot of people think it’s who or whatever runs Loot Spawn messing with them. I agree with that statement.” "And whoever the hell runs the Loot Spawn to begin with cause I've heard it's just...a thing that happens?" I asked. “Loot Spawn is where all the stuff that Dungeons and Hazard Zones give away to the adventurers comes from. It’s a physical place, but it’s also like an omnipresent ghost. Everywhere and unseen to all times until it restocks the items meant to be here or there. It’s why people around here when they’re Scavenging keep certain places marked for a point of reference. If there’s an item that spawns when the respawn happens, they’ll want to grab it fast. It’s part of why people keep revisiting dungeons. Free stuff and all you gotta do is kill monsters, not too many folks would argue against that philosophy.” "Has anyone seen this ghost before?" I asked curiously. "Like just seeing some random store clerk putting loot back into chests or...just handing items to monsters that phase into them?" That earned a chuckle from Parker. “Not that I've heard of, though I’d pay to see that happening.” "So we'd have to stay up to see them stocking… neat." I nodded. "Heh, you can try but I doubt you'll see anything. Oh, also not every place respawns it's loot at the same time. You'd best mark the days they do so you don't miss any opportunities." "True." I nodded. "This got a whole lot more complicated…" "One of the many sayings Armageddon embodies." After that, Parker left and I did a few bits of undead killing and scavenging in one of the apartment buildings we haven't touched yet. There was a fair amount of food in this one. "Well, now we've got this entire city at our mercy now that we know what we're doing." I said happily. "At least...during the day." I got back to our base with more canned goods, two more packs of instant coffee, and various other odds and ends I hope to use for crafting.  Upon entering I spotted Cheat in the bathtub. "How was the outing?" She asked, soaking in soapy water up to her neck. “Went pretty well.” I said honestly. “What did you do while I was out?” "Mostly just kept checking the supplies, scouted the other empty units like Parker said for some small things that pop back. Nothing major, just some toilet paper and more canned foods. I was trying to think of someplace we can scavenge that might get us more useful stuff." "Which Parker answered for us." I said. "He said we'd either have to go to the Hospital or the Quarantine Zone to find some really good supplies, also I figured out the full length of the Assistant as a Crafting Table." "Impressive. Hmm… Well, we can probably scout out those places tomorrow and see which one would be the safest bet to start with." Cheat said with a nod, rubbing her temples. "Something up?" I asked, wondering if she had a headache or something from her temple rubbing. "Think I got a migraine. Which Is weird, but I've never had my own body before so it's just new to me." She sighed. "was hoping a warm bath might help. "Have you been drinking enough?" I asked worriedly. "Have you done anything...can you control when you get pregnant?" I asked nervously, since protection was one thing we did not give a single flying buck about. "What? You think I'm knocked up? Doesn't that start with morning sickness or whatever, not migraines?" "I don't know…" I said nervously. "This is a first for me, and also because I don't know how symbiote pregnancies work…" "Well, I mean… oh shit…" Cheat said, paleing now. "Well, if I am then… this body would be giving off those hormones in my urine so… I'd need to… test that." "Uh…" I started. "Looks like I'm going to have to rush to the hospital then." "No no! There was some here in a few of the other units bathrooms. I took a box… in case. Heh, given how often we've… I guess if I am, then we shouldn't be too surprised…" "Maybe parker will know...a lot of things about this…" I said nervously. "At least about Symbiote...children and the like...oh Luna why did it have to happen here of all places?" "Heh, to be fair we go at it daily, several times sometimes and in terms of protection, well I guess our luck was bound to run out when we kept at it after the… last of that supplies ran out…" Cheat chuckled, looking down. "This is… well, I guess if I am then… it's just an incentive to really build this place into a proper fortress huh?" “Yes, yes it is.” I nodded. “And…yeah we really shouldn’t have been going at it like rabbits in heat…or at least use the…other hole…” "Well, we did, but having nothing else much to do kinda… circled around back to… anyway, just um… mind stepping out so I can take that test privately?" I nodded, leaving the bathroom and sitting in the living room, waiting. It's been just a few minutes but so far it's felt like hours.  Eventually, Cheat finally walked out of the bathroom. “What’s the verdict?” I asked worriedly. "Well… we best start scavenging for diapers…" Cheat said a bit weakly. "And soundproofing this place…" “Oh no…” I muttered. “Wait…but if it’s half symbiote…wait, how would that even work?” I asked nervously. "Well, for starters, it won't be half symbiote. It will be a pure pony. Half symbiotes only get conceived if the father is the symbiote and the mother is, well, the host. Yes this body is my host at the moment but you fertilized the egg, not me." “Right…” I said carefully. “This is…really confusing…and really worrying.” "No kidding…" Cheat sighed as she jumped to the couch next to me. "So… is it weird I expected you to knock up Maud first?" “Yes but…I can understand where you’re coming from.” I said honestly. "So… how should we go about this? We'll need specific supplies." “Very specific supplies…” I said carefully. “Then there’s the…milker…” I blushed a bit at that thought. “This is gonna be a headache and a half…” "I can nurse. They're gonna swell up anyway so why waste what biology provides?" Cheat stated. "Man, when the others find us and see this… I'm betting Maud and Sweetie will be a bit jealous. Your dad is probably gonna be shocked and happy." “Oh yeah.” I nodded. “And…well…jeez can I not think lewd things about your swelling tits?” I grumbled, trying to keep my head on straight. “Everyone’s going to be shocked at this…but I’m at least happy about it…a terrible time, but still happy about it.” "True. Well...guess we best start fortifying this place to hell and back starting tomorrow."  "You are gonna need some high grade fortifications to keep yourselves safe." Partner said. When he arrived the next day we told him the news, and his tone seemed to shift. He seemed more… concerned. “Yes yes we know this is…not a good thing in our current situation.” I said carefully. “So now the better question is…will our baby be affected just by being conceived here?” "Well, I don't know. Settlements and such exist here but rarely is someone born on Armageddon. I know I've never met anyone born here, but there's one rule almost everyone follows. Children are to be kept safe. In fact most children you do see here are from Prize Pods. Armageddon has an abnormally high spawn rate for the child sub-class." “That’s…a little strange.” I said. “Maybe it’s to…save the lives of the next generation of the ends of the world scenarios here?” "Maybe. That's one theory people have anyway." Parker said with a shrug. "Come on, I know a construction site near here. Bricks, rebar and concrete will help a long way in keeping the newborn safe til your friends can find you." “That would be for the best.” I nodded. “And we still need to make that radio tower…thing’s just keep getting more complicated…” "Welcome to Armageddon." Parker said with a grin. "Alright, you and I will head there and rush back. She stays." "Why?" Cheat asked. "I know I'm pregnant but I'm not immobile." "Because if you die on Armageddon, not only will you respawn, Mother knows where, you'll not be pregnant any more." I felt my blood run cold, and it looks like Chest's did too from our shared look. "Any other planet, you and your baby would be safe and respawn fine, but… not here. Not on this planet." “So that’s why…” I muttered worriedly. “Alright, we have to hurry and get all the supplies.” "And I will barricade myself in our apartment bedroom watching Friends on DVD… stay safe, alright?" Cheat asked as she gave me a kiss. I kissed back and hugged her. “I will, and you stay safe, cause there’s no telling what’s gonna happen soon.” With a nod and another quick kiss, Cheat headed back inside while I followed Parker along the rooftops. Double Jump and my other ability came in real handy maneuvering around and keeping up with Parker. By the time we arrived at the construction site, I was pretty tired. I've never really moved that much or that fast… ever. “Okay…I really need to work on my cardio…” I panted, trying to catch my breath real quick. "That would be smart." Parker nodded. We now stood on top of the half built building. Everything around us was shops and small office buildings. "The construction supplies will be mostly scattered but the main bulk of them should be on the ground floor." “Right then.” I nodded. “Let’s grab all we can as we make our way to the ground floor.” We began to make our way through the top floor. There was a few bags of cement mix and some bricks I placed into Assistant storage. There was a few fast undead here, Parker decapitated them with a purple metal machete. "There will be a lot more the further down we go." “Right.” I nodded, waiting to use my rage abilities when necessary as I kept up with Parker, collecting what we could and looting the zombies that he just decapitated. The looting proved fruitful. By the time we reached the third floor we have nine bags of cement mix and fifty rebars, and almost a thousand concrete bricks. We also grabbed some copper wires and various tools for working on building the fortifications. And over eighty dead zombies too. “Well so far so good.” I said, having looted the many zombies. “So far there hasn’t been any special ones…which might be a little concerning…” "They'll probably be on the first floor." Parker said as we made it down to the second floor. It was here I encountered my first Volatile. "And there's a Goon." Parker said, an orange jumpsuit dressed, seven foot undead lugging around a large club of concrete and rebar. “Are they called Goon’s because they…literally look like a random Goon from superhero comics?” I asked carefully. "Don't know." He said, rushing towards the giant zombie. He rapidly dodged it's slow swing, the impact it made sent a heavy blow through the air. Without waiting he swung his machete and decapitated the Goon as well. "But thankfully they are slower than any other infected." “All bulk and nothing else.” I nodded, moving over and lotting the thing real quick to see what it could give. Holy crap! Two hundred and forty rem! Parker rapidly cleared out the rest of the common infected as I looted all the remaining supplies. Now all that was left was the ground level. Looking down from the stairway showed several pallets of bags of concrete, stacks of bricks and wire tied bunches of rebar all in the center of three Goons and dozens of the Biters, those fast running ones. “Alright, so how are we going to do this?” I asked carefully. “Cause we can distract the Biter’s with noise and I can set them on fire if they’re not too quick…” "Fire won't do much against these ones. Too tough. Some explosives would clear them out but the noise will draw the ones outside like moths." Parker stated.  “Crap…” I frowned. “What’s the plan then?” "Simple." Parker said, picking up his machete. "I make some noise, draw them away, while they chase me you grab everything and head back up and towards your base. I'll meet you there." “Alright, stay safe.” I nodded, ready to rush in and grab everything I can while he distracts them. Parker jumped into the small horde, mowing down a few and even taking out a Goon with ease before leaping over the supplies and rushing for the door, slamming his machete against the frame and getting all the other infecteds attention. I watched as the Goons slowly marched towards after him while the faster biters did the same. Soon there was just one Goon and a few biters. I took a deep breath, rushing in and grabbing the supplies. I managed to grab everything off the pallets- "GROOOOOOR!" "SHIT!" I yelped, barely dodging the slam of the remaining Goon's club. It hit the ground with enough force that the impact force knocked me back a few feet. "Ow…" I grumbled, getting up quickly as I started to run, having gotten everything from the pallets and wanting to get the hell out of there. "That was too close…" I rushed it to the unfinished roof and began making my way back to home base. I arrived just as sunset began and I saw Parker there already and waiting. "Well, that was a successful run." He said with a smirk. "A little close on my part, a Goon almost got me, but I managed to grab everything." I nodded. "Damn. I was wondering if one of those slow fucks would get left behind." Parker said, taking a deep breath. "Well, come on then. We best put that stuff to good use now." "Yes we shall." I nodded. "Too bad we couldn't find any sound proofing…" I said carefully. "Makeshift soundproofing using thick cardboard, mattresses and pillows works well too." Parker stated. We headed to the first floor of the building Cheat and I live in. Our makeshift barricaded using various furnitures and such blocking the door. Parker showed me how to use the Assistant to craft and assemble the supplies into study brick, rebar and concrete fortified walls, blocking the ground level main entrance and windows. "I'd recommend keeping the door of the other building open and using UV lights to keep the Nightmare Volatiles out and traps along the way as well as heavy duty doors and walls to keep out lesser infected that will probably wander inside." "Thanks Parker, I don't know what we'd do if you weren't here." I nodded. "Well, if I didn't help I'd be letting my own family down so, I usually try not to get this involved but seeing as your girl is pregnant, well, that changes things." He said as we finished up the final fortified window for the first floor. "Thanks man…" I trailed off, wishing I could do more here. "We owe you big time." "Well, like I said, my folks would be happy about me doing this. Brings me back to better times actually. Back when there were more people helping one another survive this deathtrap planet." "Why wouldn't people help each other in this place?" I asked worriedly. "Well, they used to. Fact is despite the dangers, Armageddon was a lot like most other planets save the last million years." I have to remember time is basically infinite here. "There was an idea, and a guild. The Survivors Guild, people who proudly lived here. Their motto was 'We Don't Just Survive, We Thrive'. My parents were members. The goal of that guild was to create an artificial safe zone. And they did just that. Not just one, fourteen artificial safe zones were created and all were anchors for safe respawning rather than the random respawning that's always been the norm here…" "So who or what fucked that up royally?" I asked worriedly. "Also...wouldn't the guild still be around? I thought all Guilds were supported by The Family?" "Not every guild…" Parker sighed, taking a seat on a spare chair we no longer needed for the barricades. "You know about Chaos Guilds, right?" "I can immediately see how everything went to hell in a hoof basket real quick." I said nervously. With a nod, Parker Continued. "Officially the Survivors Guild exists, but their numbers are just a few hundred compared to the millions it used to be. And ever since that day, when Chaos Guilds invaded and destroyed all fourteen artificial safe zones, scattered countless to Armageddon's lack of mercy random respawn locations and enslaved millions. People call it the Final Ending. It's the first and only apocalypse to actually happen on Armageddon." "Oh…" I started. "Well then...let's fix that." I answered readily. "We're going to rebuild the Survivors Guild and this time you'll get the support you and the others deserve." He chuckled, looking down at me and gave my head a pat. "That would be a dream come true, but… Armageddon is the Chaos Guilds home turf. Any settlements over a certain size, they'll know… for now, small safe zones like this are enough… although, there might be another way you can help…" Parker said, looking a bit thoughtful. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Also wouldn't The Family immediately bullrush here to stop the Chaos Guilds choke hold on this place?" I asked. "I know it's Apocalypse but...come on." "Members of The Family are always here. Especially since The Final Ending. This planet is as big, maybe bigger than Homeworld. Finding them is the hard part. Fighting them will be a war." Parker sighed. "But, enough about that. You remember when I told you that Armageddon has an abnormally high amount of Prize Pod People drops?" "Yeah, a whole lot of children specifically." I nodded. "What? Think we can just gather a lot of them up and open them to help out?" "That, and it keeps them out of the Chaos Guilds grasp. Chaos Guilds constantly search for the Prize Pod People. Especially the Lover and Servant Class. Ally they will enslave, but Lover and Servant once opened are their next generation of 'members'. Loyal, impressionable, they'll live their whole lives knowing nothing else but the Guild. Doesn't matter how young either." “Sweet lord…” I muttered in horror. “That’s terrible.” Again, Parker nodded. "It's the main reason Chaos Guilds keep such high numbers. And it's illegal on every planet. Hence why Chaos Guilds are on The Family, the Mother's Sons, Daughters, Time walkers, and Heroes Guilds shit list. Especially if a member belonging to one of the big ones is discovered. That can end with the scumbag immediately getting Perma killed via execution." “That’s good.” I nodded. "So, if we can find them before a Chaos Guild scout does, it's one less member or sale or whatever sick bullshit they put them through and one more life saved from a hell they should never have been put through." “Yeah, and that would be one more person able to fight them.” I brought up. "Exactly, and you can help me find them." Parker said, pulling out a rolled up sheet of paper. "These are Loot Maps. They typically spawn in level three dungeons but you can learn how to make them with a high enough skill set in Magic and Crafting. These can tell us where to find the nearest Prize Pod person." “That’s great.” I said excitedly. “Let’s open it up and see if there’s anyone here.” "Tomorrow. You can not handle yourself out at night just yet kid. Wait how old are you? I can't really judge given… differences in species and all." “I’m fifteen.” I answered. "Ah. Then yeah, still a kid more or less. Anyway, come on, you go up and be with your girl and I'll make myself a space to sleep in one of these empty units. Will feel nice to sleep on an actual bed for a change for a while." “Go right ahead.” I nodded. “And I just remembered an important thing…but that can be saved for tomorrow.” With a nod, Parker went looking for a unit and I went back to spend the rest of the time with Cheat. We ate, watched another movie then did… our usual pre-bed activities… she is already pregnant… and she refused to go to sleep without it… As I fell asleep, cuddling Cheat I felt along her belly. Wow… I'm… gonna be a dad. Heh, Dad is probably gonna be happy. If Mom knew… she'd probably kill me… The next morning came and after a quick breakfast and kiss goodbye, Parker and I went out. I felt bad leaving Cheat all alone. Maybe this Prize Pods Person we'll save can help keep her company? "Okay," Parker said, opening the map. It flashed with a yellow-white light before fading, now showing a map of what I think is this city. I recognized the area our base is at, and the mall. There was also a whole lot more I've never seen before. "Closest Pod Person is here, in this school." “Cool, now how far is the school from here?” I inquired, looking at the map to see where the School was. "Ten miles from here." Parker said. "We won't make it back by rooftops before night hits. We'll have to use a ride." “Got any in mind?” I asked. "Yeah, but just a quick warning. Each Apocalypse zone has a set of rules that everyone recommends following. However, seeing as we don't have that luxury, we'll have to break them and suffer the consequences." Parker said, looking through his Assistant and eventually pulling out a small tube with a button. He pressed the button and tossed the tube, a puff of white smoke or gas and now, floating an inch above the rooftop was a motorcycle, missing the wheels that instead had some flashing metal things there. Awesome! Hoverbike! “Okay, now that’s cool.” I said honestly. “So uh…what are the consequences besides the fact we’ll have zombies rushing at us like mad?” "More special infected will spawn and depending on how badly we break this zones rules it will even create and spawn brand new enemies for us to deal with. Luckily we will just be using this to get from A to B and back." Parker explained as he got on the bike. He managed to even pull out a side car for me to ride in and we were off. I have to admit, flying over the undead is way easier… though as we went I could see what he meant. From subway entrances and holes leading to sewer I spotted hordes of them walking and crawling up to the surface. “Right…” I said carefully. “This is not good in the slightest…” I said. “A lot of experience and loot sure but…that’s way too many for just a simple hoverbike ride…” "Armageddon is a spiteful bitch. Don't worry thought those fortifications back at your base will hold and most of these fucks will scatter, end up killing themselves somehow or just get killed in general." We arrived at the school, Parker putting the Hoverbike away as we entered. Seeing piles of rotting flesh and bones in piles along the walls and floors of a school is such a… grotesque and disturbing sight. “I know school’s a nightmare but damn.” I tried to joke. "Alright, according to this the pod should be in the gym." Parker put the map away, the hallway in front filled with various undead. I did spot one Goon amongst them, the rest were regular zombies. Alright, that's a lot of them and two of us. How good are you with that fire spell?" “How good do I need to be?” I asked carefully. "Instant incineration would be nice, but I'm guessing you can't do that can you?" “I’d need Cheat here…then with my rage skills along with her being a Berserk style Symbiote I’d be able to.” I said carefully. “I haven’t…done much fighting without her help to be honest.” "Hm. In that case, plan B." Before I could ask what Plan B was, Parker pulled out a large, heavy looking rifle from his Assistant. He took aim, and began shooting. The large caliber bullets didn't make too loud of a noise, surprisingly, but they did real damage to the undead. Shredding them into fine confetti. He didn't even reload, by the time he stopped shooting the hallway was clear. If soaked in blood and dead zombies covering the floor. “Ri~ght…” I said slowly. "Trust me, guns as Plan B almost always works. And if it doesn't. Plan C." He said as he started walking through the shredded Gore he made. I followed behind, looting what was left of the bodies. “And that won’t break any rules either?” I asked carefully. "Yes and no. This zone allows the use of guns but the larger and louder the gun the more infected will rush you, and the stronger they'll get. However, this rifle has a built in suppressor, so on the sound scale it's more around a handgun." He said with a grin. "The rules each zone has are what they are but if you can find loopholes, well, then it can't do much." “Fair enough.” I nodded. “I need to figure out some stuff about my own abilities…especially the rage stuff since I’m kind of already grabbing a lot of them.” I answered. “Oh also, we should be in a group cause I have a surprise involved…if it doesn’t immediately break a rule.” "That depends. What's the surprise?" He asked with a raised brow. “It’ll throw you for a ‘Loop’.” I said in a shitty pun. He seemed to process that for a bit, but his face went to shock, and quickly he was covering my muzzle. "Don't. Trust me. Don't. If… those Guilds find out, you will have a target on your back for the rest of your life. And on this planet, you're basically in their backyard. Do not mention it, do not use it, forget you even have it while you're here." “R-right…” I nodded carefully. “S-sorry…is there a way to turn it off so I don’t use it by accident?” He nodded. "Find it in your Skill Trees page, tap it and there will be the on off function. Honestly it's amazing how many people don't even know that exists but it's how a lot of people with… those abilities stay under the radar." I nodded, doing as he said and managing to turn off Loop. “Alright, now we can probably be in a group if you want.” I nodded. "That would be best. In case we get or need to split up." Parker nodded. Party Formed!  Button Mash and Parker have formed a party. “Sweet.” I nodded. “Now let’s go save that Prize Pod.” We quickly made our way through, Parker using that crazy rifle on each infected we came across. Upon arriving at the gym, opening the doors I spotted the Prize Pod. It was an all white metallic, almost egg shaped sphere with a glossy glass cover that you can vaguely make out a shape of someone inside. It was also surrounded by Five Goons, Dozens of Biters and what I can only assume is the Master the Goons serve cause Holy Fuck is that thing massive! "Crap, a Demolisher. That's gonna take a bit more to kill…" Parker said, looking over his rifle. “Alright…so mind if I ask, how do Rage’s work without either a symbiote enforcing it or…other things?” I asked curiously. “Cause I never…actually got an explanation on that, I just thought it was Cheat doing most of that work.” "Typically it's strength stat multipliers with emotion related abilities and/or items." Parker stated.  "As for how your Symbiote works with it, not sure." He said, looking through his Assistant. “Well…good thing I took all those skills to add in a lot of other bonuses.” I said honestly. “But do I need an item or magic to activate it or just can I just get really mad and activate it?” "Well, you can just get real mad and run at stuff but you'd have to work out a lot and increase your strength stat." He said, taking out a gold and jeweled ball with a cross on it, shaking his head as he put it back and took out two metal and glass looking grenades. “That’s…not really how rage’s work for Barbarians, that’s for sure.” I mentioned. “Also the hell was that?” "What, this?" He asked, pulling out the gold ball again. “Uh…wait…is that what I think it is?” I asked, my eyes widening as I started to remember mom’s favorite old comedy movie. "Holy Hand Grenade? Got this in a Loot Drop two years back. Would rather not use it on that room." He said, putting it back into his Assistant and picking up the metal glass ones. He then tossed them into the room, pins pulled. They rolled in between the undead, opening up in a reflective orb that glowed red in the center. Suddenly laser beams shot out in all diretfron the two orbs, they rotated around for a while and burned through even the giant infected leaving sliced, burned chunks of flesh where there was once a small army of the dead and leaving the Prize Pod unharmed. “Nice.” I nodded. "Yeah. Burns anything organic." He said with a nod. We walked over to the Prize Pod and looked it over. "Hm, looks like they're a Servant Class." Parker said as he examined the pod. Specifically the small mark of the Assistant, with an image of a baby in the center. "And a nanny at that. Talk about lucky for you." "Oh thank God." I sighed out thankfully. "So uh...how do we do this? I've never actually used a prize pod before...also this is the first time I've seen one." I brought up. "Oh, it's easy. Just place a hand, or in your case hoof, on the glass part of the pod and it will open and link the Servant Class to you as their master." "Neat." I nodded. "Also uh...master?" "Master, boss, god occasionally… basically once you open them up they live to serve you and do pretty much anything you ask of them." Parker explained. "It's a thing with them, no one knows why it just is." "Right then." I nodded, trotting over and lightly placing my hoof on the glass, hoping this works. Once I touched it the glass popped off with a hiss of pressurized air, sliding off and onto the ground. Before I could get a look I side, a fury orange hand grab the side from within and begin to lift the attached body out. I was surprised for two reasons. One, they were a lot larger than the Pod would suggest. Two, they were a humanoid fox looking person, clearly female. The main thing that caught my eyes however were the ten, rather large, possibly… milk filled breasts that lined their entire torso. Her colors were primarily orange with a white tipped nose, tail and ears and brown along her paws. She also wore a pure white dress or gown of some kind. She got herself out of the pod, giving a smile and a bow. "Greetings Master." She addressed me. Parker whistled. "Wow, a Fox Den Mother. Don't see those everyday." "Hi…" I said to the...very pretty woman. "Uh...den mother?" I asked curiously, not really knowing what a Den Mother was. "Den Mother is a title largely given to female or Hermaphrodite beings capable of conceiving, carrying, birthing and raising large amounts of children in a single pregnancy. They're typically like her, though the most common Den Mother's found are wolves or canine based, every species has a Den Mother variation. They're essentially lesser versions of The Mother." Parker explained. "Wow...so that's also why...uh…" I blushed as I motioned to her large breasts. "Yes. Biologically, she is the perfect mother for her species. Therefore her breasts are always producing milk, regardless of her being pregnant or not. That being said most Den Mother's share some common traits." "Like?" I inquired, rather interested to know what's the common traits between Den Mother's besides being great mother's. "Well, for those of races that produce milk, their milk has a complete nutrition table. Basically you can drink nothing but a Den Mother's milk and never actually need solid foods again. They also are on par with certain potions and meals or potions made with it will have extra healing benefits or more potent effects. They also all have a 100 percent conception rate. Basically protection spells and well, protection doesn't work on them. They will get pregnant regardless of the level of protection used. Only exception is if they are with another female and even then there's like a small five percent chance they get knocked up from whatever DNA the partner left behind on them." Holy shit! "Uh...huh." I said carefully, looking at the big lady. "That's...really interesting." "Master, are there any young I need to care for?" She asked. "You should also know a few things, but first, ask for her name and age. She's fresh out the pod so she'll only listen to you for a while." Parker said, giving me a nudge with his leg. "R-right…" I said sheepishly, not used to this. "So...hi, what's your name and age?" I asked the fox lady carefully. "My name is Philomena Setural. I am twenty three master." She said with a small nod. "Damn, I was worried about that…" Parker said. "Den Mother's typically have rather strong… urges. They can't really control them well until they're at least a century old." "Is it...illegal to help with her urges?" I asked nervously. "Given uh…" "Well, it varies and circumstances and all that. Here on Armageddon basically anything goes but typically having a Servant class and then immediately entering sexual relations with them because they do everything you say is frowned upon. Illegal in some places. Den Mother's though, they are more a seduce and tempt type to bed when their urges hit. While not actually illegal it is still frowned upon in most cases. Given She is both a Servant Class, and a Den Mother at that age range… frankly I'm not too sure. In the end I guess it is up to you, after all, there are no Laws on Armageddon and the Guild's can't really enforce anything here without suddenly being under attack by chaos Guilds so, up to you if you want I guess. Frankly most Den Mother's that come from the Prize Pods are from the Lovers Class." "Fair enough." I nodded. "So date first, then possibly lewd things...at least, that makes it less frowned upon right? And less illegal?" "Hm, usually. Basically enough time has to pass for her to stop viewing you as her master and more as her love interest." Parker said. "Well, come on, let's get her to the base, inform your girl cause from what I can guess she might try something. Then head off to the next pod person. We did just that, using a Hover Truck to actually carry Philomena and we dropped her off at the base with Cheat, who was happy for the company and constantly looking over at Philomena. I told her what Parker told me and once I was sure enough it stuck with her, Parker and I were out again.  This Pod person was thankfully in a slightly safer place. A docked lake boat. It was a small boat, maybe built for a family to spend a few days on the water in and there were not too many undead around it. Opening this pod got us our Ally Class friend, Hunter. He has a lot of useful survival skills and knowledge and was going to be a great help for the base. Our last stop before we were gonna head back before nightfall was at a suburban house, surprisingly enough. The house was nice, small, quant. Kinda reminded me of home back in Equestria. Save all the zombies. "Huh, this one's a Lovers Class." Parker said. I took a look at the mark on the Pod. It was like the others, but the center image showed two rings bound to one another. "So...a girlfriend in a pod?" I asked. "And a guaranteed wife or spouse or whatever. Though they only open for people they are compatible with. So they don't open for everyone." "Well that's...depressing." I said, already thinking about them being stuck in there for way too long, waiting like a princess stuck in the castle waiting for their Prince Charming. "But...let's try to see if we're able to save them." I placed a hoof to the glass. To my surprise and joy it did open like the others. Who came out through… I fell flat on my flank, a mix of emotions and shock. "Thank you, my love…" She said, putting both hooves to my head… and kissed me… My own mother, or rather, this Prize Pod version of her… was kissing me- Tonguing me! My scream called a lot of infected towards us, and I spent the ride back cursing the internet for this crime against my sanity returning to become part of my daily life… "Did anyone else hear that? Sounded like a scream?" Diamond Tiara asked as she kept watch atop the ship. "It's Armageddon. Probably someone getting brutally murdered…" Mei answered, keeping her attention on the partly repaired hole of what was left of their ship. The Armageddon 'Welcoming Committee' did significant damage after  Button fell out, probably hoping to make them all fall and crash. Thankfully Victor had some of his own heavy artillery weapons to give them a taste of their own medicine. It let them safely crash land the ship atop a tall skyscraper… sadly a few hundred thousand miles from where Button fell out. "No, I know that kind of scream." Sweetie said. "Reminds me of the screams of a damned soul." Maud stated. Everyone turned to look at the mare. "... And you know that how?" Mei asked. "You dig deep enough into a planet and you start to hear things." Maud replied plainly. "Terrible… haunting things…" She added with the same plane faced expression. "... Anyway, with what Echo and Victor managed to bring this time I should hopefully have this ship at least flight worthy in a few more… months…" She huffed. "That sucks." Sweetie frowned. "We've already been here a month…" Tiara huffed. "Why can't I just fly out and look for him again?" "Because if those fuckers show up you're a flying pink target, there's no communication in this zombie filled zone of hell, and you've seen what's crawls out around here at night!" Mei reminded. "I know you're all worried about him, but Button has Cheat, and so long as he does he'll be safe." "Still doesn't make us feel any better…" Sweetie grumbled. "But the scream was probably from Button experiencing something he was...really shocked about." "If he screamed loud enough for us to hear him from wherever he is, it must be either terrifying, or hilarious." Tiara said. "My money is on it being related to his whole hatred of the internet when he googled himself." Maud said, a small grin hitting her lips. "Suckers bet." Mei added. > Chapter 6: Settelment > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ugh… what a nightmare… I woke up with a yawn, opening my eyes only to be met by… hers. "Morning love~" She cooed, planting a quick kiss on my lips. Startled, I jumped off the bed, landing on my side and groaning as I heard Cheat laughing her flank off. "Shut it Cheat…" I grumbled. "So uh…my mom being my new…girlfriend…that sadly wasn't just a nightmare…" "No it was not." Cheat said, sitting up on the bed and stretching. "And she's not actually your mom. An alternate reflection of her, sure, but not her. For starters, your mom is not fifteen."  I sighed as I got up. Cheat does have a point. My mom was in her early forties and this one of her is the same age as me. Though the fact they have the same name and… looks, doesn't help me feel any less freaked out. Bad enough Cheat has a big sister thing going on with me… “Listen, I’m already going through enough with you doing the ‘big sister’ thing…now I have a sexy young version of my mom here…even if she isn’t really my mom…” "So what? My big sister thing isn't just for show, remember that the DNA of yours I took to fix up the holes in this one makes me like a half sister to you." I face hoofed. "And I know you enjoy what your big sis can do~" This is my life… great. I am becoming that internet porn joke me… With a huff I walked off and went to get something to eat. I was actually quite surprised to see Philomena there cooking eggs and… glasses of… milk… “Uh…hey there Philomena…what’s with the uh…glasses of milk?” I asked carefully. "Oh, well these powered eggs recommend milk over water so I used my own and figured you all would like a glass with breakfast." I have done a lot since coming into this wild, wild reality. Got super powers, got living armor who is now my girlfriend and pregnant with my foal, found my dad who is now a mare and dating the caretaker I was assigned with upon my arrival here. Befriended a Pegasus reflection of Diamond Tiara, my most feared bully. Had lots, and lots of amazing sex with amazing mares I love… got a reflection of my mom as a lover somehow… and now, I might be eating/drinking breast milk from a giant, ten tits fox humanoid that if I do mess around with her will 100% also end up with my babies… What even is my life? I could only shake my head at all of this nonsense. “What have I gotten myself into?” Accepting fate of whatever higher deity in this reality decided to make me the source of their perverted comedy, I sat down, ate the eggs and drank the milk. … Holy shit, that's good! “Wow, this is incredible!” I said in amazement. "Pleased to receive the compliment Master." Philomena replied with a nod.  Cheat and Mom- er… Cream Heart… arrived shortly after and ate as well. “Hey.” I said. “The milk and eggs are amazing.” "Where did we get… no way…" Cheat said, looking at the milk then at Philomena. "This morning just got interesting. We all ate and once breakfast was over I tried to relax on the couch while putting on a random movie from the DVD collection. Cheat jumped up and got into small spoon position. As I was wrapping my hooves around her, Cream Heart suddenly jumped up and made me her small spoon. I blushed hard at that, feeling quite… awkward as she did and then began nuzzling my neck. “Jeez…” I muttered to myself. “This is a little awkward…” "You're gonna have to get used to it eventually." Cheat said.  "Hmmmm~" Cream cooed as she kept nuzzling my neck… About halfway through the movie I got up, unable to ignore all Cream Heart's… flirting. First it was neck nuzzling. Then it was a light ear chewing, followed by… her getting quite touchy… I finally got up when she whispered something I will never unhear… 'I can be your mommy.' I shivered as I made my way to the roof, enjoying the midday sun. Even the usual smell of zombie decay was a welcome distraction. “God help me…” I groaned. “Dating my mom is…not something I think I can do…” "And that is a weird sentence to have heard." I looked up, seeing Hector. He was the other Prize Pod we rescued yesterday. Tan skin tone, dark black messy hair and hazel eyes. "What brings you up here Button?" “I need literally anything to distract me from Cream Heart down there…” I shivered lightly. “Seriously…my dad being a mare? Sure. Cheat having a Big Sister thing with me? Sure, fine, got used to it real quick…but that’s my mom…and she is more forward than Rainbow Dash during Cider Season.” "Well she is a Lover Class, and she did open for you so, I imagine she is extremely grateful for being freed from the pod. I know I am. Nothing but a dreamless sleep and the occasional noise." Hector said, shaking his head. "It's weird what we can and can't remember honestly." “That’s…weird.” I said carefully. “And very concerning that you aren’t dreaming…” He shrugged. "That's just how it is. Our lives don't start until we're open. For Lovers class, the person they open for is their life so, she's just trying to do what she thinks you want." “Well…she can be a little less forward I suppose.” I answered. “Seriously…I’m still trying to get over the fact that I have a young and…sadly very hot version of my mother trying to seduce me very hard.” "But she isn't your mother. She doesn't have her memories with you, the ones you have with your real mom. She doesn't get why you're bothered because she looks like her because while she is a reflection of her, she still isn't her. No memories of you in her life from conception to when you vanished, all she knows is her personality, her wants and dreams, skills, and that she loves you." “I know…” I sighed out. “I…I don’t want to push her away, I don’t want her to feel uncomfortable but…” "Well, if how she looks is the main problem then why not give her a makeover? Make her look less like the mom you remember and you can see her for who she is rather than who she reminds you of." “Well…would be really hard right now.” I pointed out. “Can’t really give her a makeover in this place.”  "Well, maybe not. There's bound to be a salon or something somewhere here." He pointed out. "Maybe some hair dye, make up, should be a quick run." “Maybe…” I nodded. “Or I could…maybe ask her to tone it back a bit? While I can try and get used to it…she’s coming off way too strong at the moment.” "You've never had a Lovers Class before have you? Half of them are just like that." "Plus you did screw Sweetie Bot and Maud like day one and me the second day of having this hot bod." I turned and saw Cheat at the doorway, walking over to me. "It's not like you're a stranger to immediate sex Button." … Shit… “Damn it…” I grumbled. “Hate that you're right…” She gave me a kiss. "That's why I love being a mare." She chuckled. "I think you should do it, find a salon and raid it. Not like the undead can use hair dye. Plus, you might find neat stuff while you're out." “Fine fine.” I relented.  “Hopefully there is a Salon around this place.” With a goal in mind I headed off. A salon shouldn't be too hard and so long as I'm careful I can get in and out with ease. Jumping over rooftops I eventually found a small salon. Windows were covered in wood and the door had a metal security door over it. Hmm… There is a roof access door. I managed to distract some undead long enough for me to climb up the side ladder in the back and thankfully the roof door here was open. “Alright, so far so good…” I muttered to myself carefully. It was dark in here but thankfully I knew a light spell. It was always cool to cast magic, I should really use it more often. Once the ball of light was floating around me I spotted the empty but still well stocked salon. Score! I took everything. Scissors, combs, brushes, barbicide, and a lot of shampoo, conditioner, and hair dye of nearly every color. Once I got it all packed into my Assistant I was heading out when I spotted something from the roof… is that… Rushing from the rooftops I spotted one of the stores here. Fortified but… open. Walking inside I was greeted by… robots. A lot of Robots. All offline, and a man at a table working on some robots' heads. The person looked human, save the pointed ears. An elf? "Welcome to the Scrap Yard, robotics and custom upgrades." They replied without looking up. They were like most elves. Blonde hair, emerald eyes but he wore more rough clothes than elves in the media did. “Uh…hi there.” I said carefully. “So, what kinda custom upgrades we talking about?” "Anything so long as you got the parts and rem for me to make it." They replied. “Huh…” I started, looking around to see the robot’s carefully. There were mostly parts here and there but I did see two complete bots. Roxanne Wolf, and Glam Rock Chica from Security Breach. They were both offline and hanging by their arms from some makeshift display hooks. “And uh…where did you find those two?” I asked curiously. "Purchased them from another dealer. They were built for entertainment and he was using them for labor in moving supplies. They were in bad shape. Got them dirt cheap and fixed them up. I have no use for them so I'm reselling them." “Uh…sure…” I said carefully. “How much?” I asked, weirdly having a bad feeling about this, but thinking it would be better if they weren’t with this creep. "Five hundred rem each. They also come with some newly installed features to help them last longer for your reasons for purchase security, labor or entertainment of both varieties." He said, his voice monotone as he kept working on that one robotic head. “So are they Synthetic being’s or just normal animatronics?” I inquired. "Does that matter?" “Right…” I muttered, already knowing where this is going. “I suppose I’ll take them both then…I should have enough Rem.” I said, and even though my hunch is probably correct, it would probably be league’s above what the alternative might be. I pulled out the thousand rem from my assistant and left it on his desk. He reached into the desk and pulled out one of those Fazbear control devices from the desk. "Speak into the microphone then push the button. They will obey every vocal command." “Knew it…” I muttered carefully as I picked up the devices. “Alright you two…wake up.” He said, gently pressing the button for the both of them. Their eyes flashed with power as their limbs began twitching. The makeshift display hooks dropped them as the two then stood up, ready to receive further orders. “Introduce yourselves.” I ordered. "I am Roxanne Wolf." Roxy said. "I am Glam Rock Chica." Chica said. “Why are you two here?” I inquired. "We were purchased." Both said in unison. “That’s not good…” I frowned. “Do you have your own free will?” He asked carefully. “Or at least, a way for you two to do things without my orders?” "Negative." Both said. "If you want to give them their free will back you have to remove the Override Chip." The elf man said, taking me by surprise as I looked at him. “Well…how do I do that without…possibly hurting them?” I inquired. "Fingers for one." He said plainly as he kept working on that head. “Fingers?” I asked. “The hell do you mean?” "It's a small chip in between lots of wires. Hard to pull it out." They said. “Ah, alright that’s what you meant.” I nodded. “I…honestly mistook it for ‘give me their finger’s and I’ll take one of them out’.” "I'm a merchant, not a sicko." They said plainly. “That works in selling robot’s…that are also probably slaves at one point.” I said carefully. “But right now, I need to get back to the other’s.” "Come back again." "You were right to find me. I know that guy." Parker said as he had the face plates of Chica and Roxy open, carefully praying the Override Chip off. "His name's Kilpulu. He's in the Black Marketplace Guild." “There’s…seriously a guild for the Black Market?” I asked. “I thought Slavery was Illegal?” "It is, but the Black Market Guild can take and sell those… products in places and to buyers outside of Armageddon. They act as a distributor for the Chaos Guilds. But, they are strictly neutral. Legal guild or not, good or not, they don't care. They buy and sell and resell anything." “That’s…concerning.” I admitted. “Even if they're truly neutral…selling whatever the hell they have to whoever or whatever can lead to bad things…” "Not their problem." He said, pulling the chip out of Roxy. He placed her faceplate back on. "Their motto is; Greed First. They're the only real merchants in this world, so get used to them." “Goodie…” I sighed. “So, after the Override Chip’s are out…they’ll be their own people?” "They'll need to reboot. They'll be factory reset. Side effect of the chip." “That’s fair…I doubt they’d want to remember what nonsense they were put up to with those Override Chip’s in them.” "Probably. It's just as bad when they force the Organic equivalent to the other life forms." “I can imagine.” I nodded. “But…yeah, hopefully this will help them have a better life.” "That's a bit much to ask for on this planet." Parker said as he started pulling the chip out of Chica now. “It’s better than being a part of a Chaos Guild that’s for sure.” I pointed out. Parker managed to pull the chip out and placed her face plate back on. The two did their boot up sequence before finally they blinked and looked around. "Uh, where are we?" Chica asked. "Not the Pizza Plex." Roxy stated. "And who are you?" The anatomic wolf asked me. “Hi, my name is Button Mash.” I nodded to the two of them. “And I…rescued you both from a bad situation.” I said, which was kind of a lie but still technically the truth. "*Squawk* Were we getting scrapped?!" Chica asked in a panic. Wow… she actually made a panicked chicken noise. "If we were, then thank you, I'd rather not get recycled into some other animatronics endoskeleton." Roxy added. “You’re welcome.” I nodded. “So now we have…a tad more bad news, cause the area we’re in is still very dangerous.” "Dangerous how?" Roxy asked, walking over to one of the boarded up windows with a small viewing slit. "... Excuse me but what the fuck?" "Roxy, language!" Chica scolded. “No need for that, we’re all adults here.” I said honestly. “But yeah…this is only part of the problem.” "How are Zombies only part of the problem? Also, why Zombies?" Roxy asked. "It's just how this zone is." Parker said with a shrug. "This world is called Armageddon. Every possibly apocalypse you can and can't imagine is happening all within various zones. Nowhere on this planet is actually safe, and to be honest this Zone does qualify as one of the 'safest' apocalypse zones in the planet." "How in the double stuffed crust pizza did we even get here?!" Chica asked,  "You two are what we call Synthetic Life Forms. You are alive but you are also made from inorganic matter. Your breed of life can be built or, the more likely scenario, you were won in something we call Prize Pods. These pods hold people of various races and types. The main three classes are Ally, Servant, and Lover. I'm willing to bet you two started off as Servant Class before your… prior owner installed some full Override Chips on you as a means of fully enslaving you." "Then why can't I, and I'm assuming Chica, can't remember our prior owner?" Roxy asked. "Side effect of pulling the chip out causes a full system reset." "Ah. Alright, last question. Who is our current owner?" "That would be me." I said. "And I'm also the one that wanted your Override Chips out cause…I'm not letting you two be slaves." "My guy, we're animatronics. We were built to be bought and sold and entertain kids in a massive indoor pizza focused amusement park. We aren't people, therefore we can't be slaves."  "Actually you two are classified as living people." Parker stated. "And therefore can be slaves. Which Button isn't a slave master but you two are probably still his given your likelihood of being Servant Classes." "Can you tell?" Chica asked. "Well, I can take a guess." Parker said, walking over to Chica and taking her wrist. Around where an Assistant would be, he used some spell, I don't know what, and suddenly there was an Assistant there in Chica. "Looks like I was right." "What is that?" Roxy asked as he did the same for her. "It's called the Assistant. It's a blend of magic and technically embedded into living beings of intelligence in this reality. You two having them means you are people and you are indeed Servant Class." He said, looking at their Assistants. "Entertainment, as I expected." "Neat." I nodded. "So…might as well ask, what are you two good at? You said you worked at a Pizza-Plex?" "Yeah. We sing, dance. I race on my custom track. Chica does mostly the same but she helps kids be healthy, exercise, and make pizza." "My voice box also lets me imitate others' voices and sounds." Chica added. "And Roxy's eyes let her best analyze her track or environment to detect things most people can't see. From pit holes or road hazards to other animatronics and missing or hidden items." "That last bit is actually a side effect. One that confuses the hell out of the repair team but I've learned to cope with it." Roxy shrugged. "Sounds like someone built you with specific parts for…any number of weird reasons." I said. Roxy shrugged. "Maybe. Honestly I could care less so, what do we do now?" "Now, I need him for a moment." I turned to see Cheat at the door. "Would you please follow me Button?" "Sure." I nodded, following after Cheat. "What up!" I followed Cheat all the way back to our unit and bedroom door. "Now, thanks to all that makeup and hair dye, Cream Heart has a whole new look!" She opened the door and I saw her. She did look different. For starters, her mane and tail were now dyed an almost neon purple, cut shorter into a tomboyish like style. The fur around her hooves were also dyed to a bright pink color. And lastly she now spotted a sky blue eyeshadow and red lipstick. I actually did blink a few times. Woah… she looks… almost nothing like before. I mean, the coat color is the same still but that's basically a mute point considering everything else. "You like it?" Cream asked me. "Beautiful." I said in surprise. That made her blush, but she had the biggest smile. "Thank you. It feels… just wonderful to hear you say that about me." "Again, I'm really sorry about…all of that before…" I apologized. "I'm at fault too. I know that your mom is, well, me and… well, I didn't think much of it. All I know since you freed me yesterday was some basic information, my feelings for you, and, well, how to be a mother. And, well, not being one feels… weird, if that makes sense." "I…suppose." I said carefully. "But…hopefully we can work this all out now." "Yeah, it can be a date." A week passed and things seemed to be feeling… normal. I felt less awkward around Cream Heart thanks to her new look, Chica and Roxy, being robots only needed power, not food… though Chica occasionally ate the trash. Them being Synthetics meant that they could actually walk through the undead and they did not try and attack them. Being not alive machines they had little interest aside from investigating the source of some noise. Today was my… 'date' with Cream. In actuality it was a Run where we would try and have some form of fun over actually scavenging. She had herself one of my Power Hooves for a weapon and I had the other. "So, just explore and find something interesting?" She asked as we jumped across the rooftops. “Pretty much.” I shrugged. “Just some plane and simple smash and grab while avoiding all the zombies.” "If that's the case, I think we need more weapons. Or something." She said as we stopped on top of a small house roof. "Maybe we can find police stations?" “That would help.” I nodded. “Can’t really fire gun’s with hooves, but they might have something in there for us.” "Well, Philomena, Hector, Roxy and Chica do though." The mental image of Chica with a shotgun made me laugh. “Okay, Chica with a shotgun is hilarious.” I pointed out. "Roxy with a glock honestly looks funny too." Cream chuckled. Once we finished our laughs we rushed around, finding a few cop cars but no guns. Some med bags and ammo but no weapons. We eventually found the police station. It was locked it seemed, and five of those Thug volatiles were circling the building. "Well, that's not good." Cream huffed. “That is not good indeed…” I frowned. "Although…" She started. "If the zone put out five of them… then the loot inside must be good, or at least better than what they have in cars and such." “That is true…” I hummed. “Maybe we can set up a distraction and move them away from the entrance?” "Even if we do, they're slow. It would take them forever to walk there… what spells do you know?" “I know a few fire spells, and a weak levitation spell.” I answered. "Hmm…I have an idea." Cream and I got to work. Grabbing things I could lift with the levitation spell and once we had enough stuff I began using the spell to throw them at the Thugs, using my fire spells to set them ablaze and deal some damage. It took a while but the last Thug went down and we made sure they were dead by using the Power Hooves to obliterate their skulls. Cream took their makeshift clubs, figuring they were better than nothing. Walking into the police station, there were a few Volatiles here but nothing unique. The armory was locked and thankfully, the key was inside the chief's- Before I could think, Cream pulled me back as a new breed of Volatile, their upper body bloated and grotesquely swollen walked from the corner of the office… and then exploded with enough pressure that even behind a desk, we felt the impact hard. I took a deep breath, as did Cream… how did she… I didn't even see it… “How…did you see that thing?” I asked carefully. “I didn’t notice it and…I was keeping a close eye on things.” "It's an Ability I have." She stated. "I do have a few, most related to… motherly stuff, save that one. Reaction Time. The description reads as when sudden danger appears, time will slow to my perception so I can think and act before it can happen. The second you opened the door, it activated and I spent… ten minutes or so in my slowed/stopped time perception thinking and finally just pulled us back." “Right then.” I nodded. “That’s a very handy ability.” "Yeah." She nodded. "Guess it's a good thing we went on this date cause… that wouldn't have been a good experience…" Once we got our senses back from nearly being blown up by suicidal zombies we found the keys and our first gun. It was a revolver, but not built for humans. The grip looked more like it was… built for teeth? "I think this is for a pony to use?" Cream suggested as we looked the odd shaped gun over. “That’s…weird.” I commented, looking over the gun carefully. We pocketed it and the accompanying ammonit had and went to the armory. We smiled. In regards to guns it was mostly pistols, one rifle and a fair amount of ammo, but there was also a fair few sets of armor. Most were for bipedal species but one was for equines. There was also riot shields, tazers, smoke bombs and a set of keys. "Wonder what these go to?" Creak asked as she picked the keys up. “Hmm…” I hummed. “Maybe Parker would know? He’s been around here longer than us so he’s probably got a better lay of the land.” "True."  We collected everything and ran back home. Once there we placed our finds into a makeshift armory made from an empty apartment and with all that done, I decided to take a nap. Cheat took Cream on their own date, given we're all partners and such. I didn't mind. I was asleep for maybe an hour before waking up. I felt myself wrapped in the softest, warmest blankets ever. Wow, where did these blankets come fro- Squish~ Hm? That's not normal for a blanket.  "I see you're awake Master." My eyes shot open as suddenly I saw and began processing. Philomena was in my bed… naked, which for a pony like me isn't normally an awkward thing but she's an anthro and I've learned to see their bipedal hotness. She was also keeping me snuggly tucked between her… many, soft… milk tanks. "Did you sleep well~?" She cooed, her face and mine were mere millimeters apart and I could smell her breath in full force. Smelled minty… “Y-yeah…” I stuttered. “I…slept well.” "That's good. Would you like anything?" “More time like this?” I joked. "And more, if you desire~" She said, her tone of voice forcing my teenage horniness into overdrive as she then planted a kiss on my muzzle. “B-But aren’t you a…Servant Class?” I asked worriedly. “I don’t want to force thing’s on you just because of…that whole thing…” "Yes, I am a servant class, but I also have several lesser classes." She said, I raised a brow at that. "I'm not surprised you don't know. It's a little known trait of the Servant and Ally Classes, but we also usually have a small selection of lesser classes. Skills we have some… bare minimum to average knowledge on. My primary class is Nanny. My lesser classes are cook, maid, tailor, and… mistress." She stated, giving my muzzle another kiss. Mistress… that's a class?!?!?!? I sputtered a little bit at that. “Hold the fuck up…so let me get this straight…” I tried to wrap my head around this. "What's there to figure out?" “I’m just…confused and concerned because I was told that it’s not really a…good thing to sleep with a Servant Class right out the gate, and it was mostly in the ‘they literally think your the best thing since sliced bread’ kinda deal…and it would feel like taking advantage of them.” "True, but the Mistress lesser class puts me in a unique… in between space. I can be your Servant, but I can also be your little fling of passion, your deepest desire, or your dirty little secret~" She cooed, turning and now putting her full body weight from her upper chest on me… sweet heavens and there's a new kink I didn't know I liked… “Now…I don’t know if this kink is me being wrapped up in the bountiful body you have…or if it’s a mommy kink…” I said, the Fox Den Mother feeling something very hard rise to the occasion. “And if it's both…fantastic.” "If it was the latter I imagine you'd have rutted Cream Heart a while ago. But I don't ask for much. I'm not asking for you to make me your wife. I just want some sex," she leaned into my ear. "And babies." “There’s… a difference between Cream and… mommy you.” I blushed brightly. “A…lot different…so uh…” I tried to say something, but horniness kept wanting to win this mental debate. “Is it…really okay?” I asked, just wanting to make sure that this is actually fully okay and I’m not just letting teenage horny get the better of me. "It is with me, and that's all I am concerned with. What about you Master? Is it alright with you~?" “Uh…” I started. “Fuck it, if you say it’s alright, and you have a literal Class telling me it’s alright then…it should be alright.” … … … Sweet… merciful… heaven… The bed was broken, I'm fairly certain my pelvis is bruised or broken, and my crotch is empty on that fluid, and all I can do now is breath deep and slow as Philomena nurses and kisses me. I… will do this… again… and I will be… stronger. “Worth it.” I said groggily, so blown away by all of those wonderful experiences.    "I'm impressed you kept up, Master. Especially given I am so much bigger than you." She said, gently kissing my head. “The power of horny compelled me to fuck big tittied fox milf to her heart’s content.” I answered weakly and happily. "Then I hope that same horny won't mind giving some for little ol me?" I didn't even bother moving my head. Cream Heart's voice said from the doorway. "Damn it, I was hoping to watch when this happened… Also, Philomena, you are gonna be our new bed given you and Button broke ours." Cheat said. "I am more than willing~" Philomena replied happily. “She is the best and fluffiest bed you could ask for.” I said happily. “Also…yeah, I learned two new kink’s of mine…” "Given she is a Fox Den Mother, she will definitely be a mommy with ten or more pups." Cheat noted. "A Den Mother of any species will have twice the maximum amount of a normal variant at minimum, often more." “Oh…that’s…not gonna be fun…” I said, now remembering I’m supposed to be feeling the existential dread of being a first time father…and it did indeed scare me, especially considering where the hell we are. "It will be for me~" Philomena cooed as she gave me a kiss. "Twice as many…" Cream said. "Settles it, I wanna be a Den Mother." Say what?! "Is that even possible?" Cheat asked. "If she puts a lot of points into the Motherhood skill tree once she unlocks it after her first pregnancy, yes." Philomena informed. I took a deep breath. “Alright, so where’s the metal pelvis perk I’m missing?” I asked, pulling up my Skill Tree. "Probably in the Fatherhood skill tree. Once Cheat was impregnated you should have unlocked it." Philomena told me. “Kinda thought that would have been in a different skill tree, like the Strength Tree or something.” I said, deciding to look over my Skill Tree now and see if I can maybe diversify a bit from my ‘unkillable one man army rage’ build I was working on. It was an interesting skill tree, the Fatherhood tree. It had three main branches. Mind, Body, and Aid. Mind seemed to make being a, well, dad, easier. But there wasn't anything there for now. Body seems to help increase endurance, stamina and overall energy. Aid though… that is what I needed. All the sex related stuff was here. From helping me be better at it, to making it feel better to my partner and me.  “Alright, that’s going to help wonders if we’re going to be fucking like rabbits most of the time.” I said honestly. The Abilities I got helped with my current soreness and such but not much. I spent the rest of the day and night being cuddled by the girls and nurses by Philomena. Add this one to my new kink list as well. The next morning I was already feeling much better. Apparently Den Mother milk does act like a healing potion. While the bed frame was indeed destroyed, the mattress itself was okay so we just kept that on the floor and tossed the rest. Philomena was more than happy to be a second bed/blanket for us, but still did her duties as a Servant Class. And things kept on like that for another month. I'd go on a run with Parker, who was looking into that Key we found.  Apparently it's an item known as a Clue Key. They open up a building or place meant to lead you into more danger but also more reward. But when I wasn't on a run I was with the girls. Either just hanging out or… being intimate. First time with Cream was… different. Good, but different. I was finally seeing her more as a mare than, well, mom. Honestly it feels like the only real entertainment on this planet is sex. We've almost watched every DVD and nearly read every book we've found and we end up back to, well, rutting… either one on one or… group… which by far was the best experience of my life. Cheat was also showing a baby bump now, small but visible and so we're Philomena and Cream… yeah… part of me was proud of this feat, and the rest of me was panicking wondering why I couldn't keep it between my legs cause we're on a horrible planet. Still, it gave me reason to make sure I came back home with something from a run. Foods weapons or just something to keep our minds busy. Anything really. Chica, Roxy and Hunter were rather good friends. And they were working on expanding our little safe zone. With Roxy and Chica being ignored by the undead, they were easily able to move or kill them in large numbers, earning us that drop loot and making it safe enough for him to start work on walling off parts of this street. Our hope is that once we wall an area off high enough, none of them can climb over, and by keeping those UV lights along the walls outer and inner sides keep the Nightmare Volatiles out as well. "So far so good…" I said. "Hopefully we can keep up without others noticing." "They will." Parker stated. "And when they do, we will need a bargaining chip." He and I were atop one of the roofs. We were clearing out buildings given we will be setting up the walls a fair distance up and down this street. “If…if push comes to shove…” I took a deep breath. “Can you make sure my family is safe?” I asked. "Relax. Since the Final Apocalypse, the Chaos Guilds have taken to a… more financial gains type way of dealing with people making settlements. Essentially, pay rent or get respawned. And thankfully we know a guy who isn't too greedy." I raised an eyebrow, then remembered… the elf guy! “Wait, really?” I asked in surprise. “We can just pay rent to him? I thought the fact we were creating a Safe Zone would have just…made a Chaos Guild bullrush here to murder us?” "It used to, but with The Family and Heroes guilds actively targeting them relentlessly, they needed to back off and cool off. Once they did they realized they can get much more profits and items by charging groups and small settlements to stay established. They usually take three kinds of payment. Rem or other valuable metals and gems. Weapons armor and general supplies, or fresh produce and crops. They actually prefer the latter given how hard good food is to come by here." “Well…I suppose when you don’t want to piss off everyone that can cleave a planet in half, I’d say being Landlord’s is…better.” I commented. “Hopefully they’re not complete bullshit with it all…” "I'll go talk with him.  He knows me well enough. Want to tag along?" “Sure.” I nodded. “Might as well see if he has anything new as well.” I followed Parker back to that shop. We entered and that elf, Kilpulu, Parker called him, was still at that desk. This time he was working on a robots torso. "Parker. It's been quite a long time." He said still not looking up from his work. "Yeah it has Kilpulu. I'll cut to the chase, we're making a settlement nearby. And as a Chaos Guild member you can ensure it's establishment." "Yes, that's part of the job. I suppose a town would be nice, sets me up someplace those pesky zombies can't annoy me. What are you offering for payment?" "What are you charging?" "Hm. Well, for Rem, ten thousand a month. For supplies, I can always use scrap metal. Three hundred pounds of it a month would be more than enough. And, of courses, any fresh produce you can farm will be your cheapest option." “Sounds…maybe fair enough?” I said carefully, trying to think about all of this. "How about a mix?" Parker offered. "Til the farm is established, we can pay you in a hundred and fifty pounds of scrap metals and five grand a month in rem." "Were it anyone else I'd decline, but since we have such a rich history together, I can safely trust you. Just make sure this farm of yours has fish or fruits." "Give us use of your Warp Gate and we can provide that and more." That made Kilpulu look up at him. A small grin on his face was the first expression I've seen on this guy. "Heh. Fair enough. Just remember, the larger and more spread out your settlement gets the more I will have to charge." "I'm aware." "Then we have a deal." Kilpulu said, pulling out a paper and an odd looking pen from his Assistant.  The paper was a contract, and the pen he had had a needle on the other end. He filled out the blank spaces with the costs we will be paying and once he wrote his name he handed the pen to Parker. Parker took the pen, and pricked his hand with the needle end. He wrote his name down and the ink was glowing a crimson red. "Is there a location for my shop?" Kilpulu asked. "Plenty of empty buildings around." "I'll arrive in a few hours. With the Warp Gate." With that done we headed back. “So, this Warp Gate is gonna help us get to where we need?” I asked. “Does…does this mean we can find the rest of my group?” "Maybe. Warp Gates only work with other established Gates. People like Kilpulu use them to rapidly travel between all their shops or hide outs. I also know he has shops well outside this apocalypse zone so we can get a signal. I doubt you will be able to call them but we can find when and where their signals cut out. That can give us an estimated location to where they are." “Right then.” I nodded. “Well…hopefully things can work out here.” With a nod, Parker and I rushed back home… huh. Home… It kind of feels like that isn't it? “I…never thought this would be Home…” I chuckled. “Funny how bad situations can turn into good thing’s huh?” "That's just how you live on this planet. Make the best of a bad situation, and never let it get to you." Today we were doing something I wasn't expecting… scrapping stuff. Roxy and Chica are easily getting rem from the undead and the rest of us are using the Assistant crafting system to turn items into the needed scrap for our payment. It was actually easier than expected. Any metal did well enough for the scrap metal and old cars were really useful for this, once we were able to take them apart. Kilpulu set up his new store inside our now finished walls. Once we gave him the payment he let us use the Warp Gate. "I have many other stores all in other Apocalypse Zones. When or if you decide to… expand the settlement to include these locations, you are welcome to." “Well…mind if I use it to find the rest of my group?” I asked. “I got separated from everyone when we first got here…got shot down by a pack of jackasses.” "That would have been the Welcoming Committee, yes. You can if you wish. Frankly I don't care so long as you don't destroy my other store locations." “I won’t, or at least try not to have anything bad happen to it.” I answered. "Right. Well I've set it up and registered you two to it so it will only work for us three. It's set to the closest store in the next door Apocalypse Zone, Blood God's Domain." "That doesn't sound threatening at all." I rolled my eyes. "Now…what do you mean by 'Blood God'? Is it just blood sacrifice for magic stuff or what?" "It's a place run by a divine entity of all things combat. Everything there will try to kill you, but in terms of weapons and loot drops, it's a gold mine." "It's where I got a lot of my better stuff. Making a settlement there is a no go, but a base that we can use to farm the monsters there can work out." Parker added. "Well then…" I started. "Maybe I can fight another piece of Cheat there?" I wondered. "Maybe." Parker shrugged. With that done Kilpulu led us to the Warp Gate. It was a machine the size of a doorway, made from technology and possibly magic, if the runes along the frame were anything to go off of, and has a small control panel to the right of it. He typed some things on the panel and after a minute of humming the doorway glowed with a black and purple light and suddenly, I was viewing into a different location through the frame. Parker and I walked through it and where elsewhere. This shop wasn't too different from his in the settlement. It was actually almost identical. Everything seemed to be built in an underground bunker of sorts. We found the exit/entrance and opened the door. The smell of fresh blood and death was instant. Not decayed and rotting like back home, it was fresh, a metallic scent in the air hung thick like pollution. Looking around all I saw was the red of a bloodstained battle ground and broken bodies, weapons and armor lay scattered across the barren crimson battleground that was all around us. “What…what the hell…” I muttered in absolute horror, feeling the ground underneath us shaking violently as an extraordinary loud explosion was heard, as off in the distance I saw something that was both breath-taking and fucking terrifying, and that was a Volcano erupting so violently into the sky as a raging maelstrom shot down lighting against the flying molten rock in some weird clash of energies. “Even…even nature itself is fighting…” I said, starting to feel a little sick as I forgot one crucial thing… I’m an Earth Pony, in a Bloodstained Hellscape…the Earth was beyond pissed. "Will you be good?" Parker asked me. “I’ll…I’ll be fine.” I shook my head. “Just…a lot to take in all at once…” I said, looking off in the distance to see…what I can only describe as a mosh pit full of every being imaginable fighting each other. "Well, we just need to scavenge the leftovers the other things here left behind. We don't have to worry about fighting anything unless one comes at us." “And what if the very ground beneath us tries to murder us?” I asked carefully, moving around carefully from the very concerning amount of blood and bodies. "It won't, at least not like how you're probably thinking." Parker said as he kneeled down to one of the nearby corpses and started pulling off bags and searching pockets. “Well…alright.” I said, carefully sifting through the corpses and the many things they might have. “So uh…these people won’t just get back up and wondering why we’re jacking their shit right?” "No, they died fighting enemies here. The bodies and their equipped gear will remain here until destroyed or taken." He said, picking one one corpse rather large battle ax… then began hacking the corpse into parts. “So they’re all dead dead and won’t respawn?” I asked carefully. "They'll respawn in a random location anywhere on Armageddon." He said, still hacking the body to chunks. "Just lacking their equipped stuff so, probably will be naked." That… actually made me laugh. “That sounds a bit funny.” I chuckled, still gathering up bit’s of gear here and there. “Though…the massive amounts of battle is still concerning…” "That's just how this zone is. An endless battle." He shrugged, finished with that one body and quickly looted then began hacking the next one. “And you hacking them apart is also a part of it?” I asked, digging through more things and finding more weapons, items, and a whole lotta elemental gems. "We'll need the fertilizer for a farm." I stared at him. "We can't use the zombies, the virus will enter the crops and there will be a small chance of zombie plants and that's not any better at all." “Well uh…right…” I said nervously. “But seriously, I’m finding a whole lotta neat things here…a lotta fire and earth gems though.” "They're a common spawn item in this zone. Take them too, they will be extremely useful for us later on." With a nod I continued on to looting the dead while Parker cut up then stored the bodies. It was grotesque but he was right. If we are going to thrive and survive here then we will have to do some bad to do so. As I got to a large, six armed being of rather hulking size with a huge halberd through their skull, I found something on one of their many hands… those look like… no way… I put a hoof to the spiked gauntlets, their metal and form suddenly liquifying and flowing into my body. "The heck? Button? You found another set of my armor? Awesome! Now I can protect you and still have my own body!" It honestly felt amazing to be hearing Cheat's voice in my head again. “You have…no idea how happy I am to hear you again Cheat.” I sighed out thankfully. “Now…I haven’t done this in a while…” I said, trying to don my Berserker Armor. “Button wai-!” “Ugh…the fuck happened?” I groaned, wondering why it felt like I just ran a marathon through a massive amount of brick walls. “Where am I?” I muttered, looking around and seeing a massive amount of corpses and…a giant demon in front of me. “Uh…hi there…” "Glad you awoke. It took a while to knock you out in the first place." The giant demon spoke, the creature looking like a greater version of many average demon’s I’ve had to face against in video games just…a lot bigger and tougher looking. "What happened? Last thing I remember was putting on my Berserker Armor and…Parker shouting at me not to do something…" I said, trying to remember what the hell happened. "It was to not do exactly that." Parker said from behind me. I turned around and saw him looting the vast bodies around us. "Berserker items and abilities are multiplied in this place." “Oh…” I started. “Uh…I didn’t know that…” I said sheepishly. "First timers should ask more questions." The demon sighed. "I have to admit, despite being at a disadvantage, your Rage state was quite the opponent." “Well…I did get a lot of Skills for Rages.” I said honestly. “Surprised I didn’t die, either taking more damage than my skills could shrug off or…Cheat unable to keep me going.” "I made sure not to kill you at Parker's request." The demon stated. “Glad to know that…” I nodded. “And…at this point, I really need to learn how to use my Rage mode better…cause I’d rather not have that happen again if I’m in the middle of a fight.” "Yes, while your strength and power were admirable, you were as mindless as a feral animal. A rather disgraceful act attacking anything and everything at random without reason." “You know…hearing that from what I can only assume is a Greater Demon of a Blood God that revels in all things violence…is really weird.” I said honestly. “Like…hearing mindless violence is a bad thing in a place of pure bloodshed is…a little confusing.” "While true, just because we are demons does not mean we lack standards. It's what differs the Greatest from the Lessers and the chaos causers." “Right then.” I nodded. “Glad to know that even Demons have higher standards than Chaos Guilds.” "Ironic given many of them are this Zones most recurring customers. Many of the bodies you loot and see before you belong to a Chaos Guild." “Yeah…” I nodded. “Glad to hear that…and yeah I was thinking of getting a teacher for all…this, but never got around to it.” "Ah, at least you know to look for wisdom in the field. So many assume Rage and Berserker combat is just getting angry and hitting stuff." “Well, it’s also for being a Tank for your more squishy party members, because Rage’s always increase physical toughness and ruin’s mind affecting effects.” I brought up. “Plus, can’t really focus on the weaker people when you have a guy screaming and trying to beat the shit out of you half the time.” "Always fun to see the ranged fighters' faces when you close that distance in no time and punch them right into the stratosphere." The demon chuckled. “Always a fun time.” I chuckled. “So…do you think you can help teach me or do you know someone that can help me out?” "Hm, an interesting proposal. It has been many years since I last had a pupil. Ironic that my last student brings you here as well." I turned and looked at Parker. "What? You gotta learn a bit of everything to survive here." He shrugged. “Well…yeah.” I nodded. “Also…I suppose this is still super surprising to me that a being that’s powered by bloodshed, fighting, and heavy metal is this friendly.” "I actually prefer Jazz." The demon said. "The name is Donahue." “Button Mash.” I nodded. “Nice to meet you…and thank you for stopping my rampage.” I said. ”You okay Cheat?” I mentally asked my symbiote girlfriend. "Oh I'm fine~ Philomena and Cream kept me from going crazy here by… woah… hehe…" Well, she sounds… alright? Maybe a little… afterglow high. ”Sorry about that…did this hurt the baby?” I mentally asked worriedly. "Baby's fiiiiiine~ I'm fiiiiiiine~ I'm enjoying my relaxing squishy bath~" ”Squishy bath?” I inquired to my sex drunk symbiote. "Squishy~ Soft~ Silky bathtub~" Was her response… Okay… I guess I'll find out when we get home. “Right then…best not do that bit again.” I muttered. “So…I just learned that Cheat also didn’t have…a good time back home…” Or… maybe she did? "I see, well, let this be a lesson to you Button. Think before acting. A simple thought in this world can be the difference between life and death." Donahue said. “I…can see that…” I said, lightly moving off the…mound of corpses that was underneath me and…wow that’s a lot bigger than I thought… "Come on Button, help me loot these bodies then we can go home." Parker called out. "You gonna come with us?" "No, I can stay here and you two can visit me for lessons. This battlefield is my home after all." Donahue stated. “Fair enough.” I nodded, helping loot all the bodies from…many different races. “Also…who or what are some of these red armored people?” I asked, seeing a whole lotta very big being’s in red armor that I can only assume was power armor. “Those would be Space Marines, the World Eaters from long ago.” Donahue answered. “Still fighting an endless battle for the glory of Khorne in their eyes.” “Right then.” I nodded, trying to take their power armor off of them. “So they're supposed to be a whole lot stronger than a normal person?” “Double the size, five times the strength.” “Cool.” I nodded. It took hours to clear the bodies and then turn them into… fertilizer… when we finally got home it was dark. The Nightmare Volatiles were howling as usual but the walls and UV lights kept them away. Walking upstairs I finally got what Cheat meant when she said 'squishy bathtub'... "I panicked…" Philomena said, looking a mix of shamed and embarrassed as I stared at her now even larger belly… How in the fuck did she… I know she's bigger than us by a lot but… how?! “Uh…” I started slowly. “What…did I miss?” "Well… after Cheat sort of told us you found another piece of her armor and now she was linked to you, then she suddenly went silent and then started going… buck wild on everything." Cream started. "Breaking things, trying to hit us and even bite." "Then she tried using Abilities and armoring herself up and… well, I panicked and…" Philomena said, gently rubbing the bulge in her stomach that is Cheat. "As a Den Mother I have access to a lot of abilities from the Motherhood Skill tree immediately… and, well, I activated some that… allowed me to easily… take her in and make my… new stomach a rather hefty anti rage space. She's safe in there, this… new stomach can't digest it's… more like a pocket… inside me…" "I'm so sorry…" I sighed. "It's my fault…I wanted to try out the armor after months…but when you use it in a hell dimension created by a God of violence…" I said bitterly. "I didn't think it would affect Cheat like that…" "It was your first time out in a different Apocalypse Zone. You couldn't have known." Cream stated. "I know…but it's still me being an idiot for assuming Berserker Armor wouldn't react violently to a realm of violence." I said honestly. "It's alright Button. This is just… a tad confusing for me." Philomena stated. "One the one hand, this makes me feel like I'm further along in my pregnancy, which I like, on the other it's awkward when I feel Cheat… pleasuring herself in there." Ah… so that's why she sounded Afterglow High… "Well…that explained why she sounded like she was high off of pleasure…"  "Yes…" Philomena blushed.  "On the plus side, I'd say it's safe to say Cheat and I have a new fetish." Cream said, now making me blush. I sighed. "Wonderful." I grumbled. "So…how have you all been while I was gone?" "Overall, good. Now that I know you're okay and thus Cheat, I am going to get her out of me and let her bathe." Philomena said as she got up and headed to the bathroom. I do not want to know which end Cheat is exiting… "So, got a bunch of loot?" Cream asked me. "Yes, yes we did." I nodded with a smile. "Can't wait to see what we really got." "Well, that's good. No luck with your friend and your Sweetie Bot and Maud? I can't wait to meet them." "Sadly no, I still couldn't get any reasonable reception…" I sighed. "But…I know they were closer when I was in that Blood Gods realm…" "Well, I'm sure we'll find them soon." Cream said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek. "What do you mean you can't fix it?!" Sweetie Bot yelled. "This engine runs off of a 3.7 Creation Engine and I can't fix it cause that impact blew the fucking gems to dust!" Mei yelled back. "How long have they been at this?" Echo Dash asked. "The last ten minutes." Maud replied. After the external repairs were finished the internals began. Only to be met by a major setback. The engine's elemental gems were shattered. Replacements would be needed… and were not available. "Well, there is an option…" Pro Go brought up. "These things don't attack Sweetie or Scoota-borg since they're Synthetics…" "They can't go alone." Vincent reminded.  "I know, and they don't have to. Echo and I know a spell that can shrink us so we can hide in saddle bags or something on them and therefore from the undead." "Why do you know a shrinking spell?" "Bedroom stuff." "Ah… huh, that might work." "If it means we finally get out of here to find Button, then I'm for it." Sweetie said. "Scootaborg can keep me protected easily so… it might take a while but it's better than nothing." "It will be a long journey." Maud said. "Think you can manage. We will also be shrunk for… who knows how long." "I can probably make an armored bag/house for us. If you can shrink the ship too, then that will cut the workload in half." Mei said. "We can shrink it." Echo said. "Well, at least it gets us off this crashed skyscraper." Sweetie sighed. > Chapter 7: Reunion > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next two months have been interesting. A few new infected types showed up. Some are not native to the Harran Virus strain, but other strains of infected. Boomers, Spitters and Hunters from the Green Flu virus. Lickers, Zombie Dogs, and a fucking zombie alligator, T-Virus. There were more but those were the ones I saw most often. Cream Heart, Cheat and Philomena have all also gotten… much bigger, their pregnancies both something I've come to realize I am so unprepared for, constantly working and going on Runs to help keep them and the soon to arrive newborns safe, and of course finding and freeing Prize Pod People. My plate was full, and thankfully I was only partly driving myself mad. “I mean…while it’s really cool that I’ve been getting a lot of training over the past two month’s from Donahue but…I hate how I’m still driving myself mad with all of this…” I grumbled, thankful for the training my new Bloodthirster friend gave me but…it didn’t feel like enough in this damned world. "I still say you need more sleep." Cheat said. Being the first to get… well, knocked up by me she was the largest as she was a little over three months by now. Philomena and Cream we're only two months right now. Cheat sat on a large loveseat we found. It was huge, soft and she was also surrounded by pillows and blankets. "Climb on up." "Cheat is right. You need more sleep." Cream added, sitting next to me on the couch. "You've been going on a lot of late runs with Parker, and coming home even later cause of the Late Night bonus rewards for looting/scavenging at night. Course if someone would let you sleep undisturbed, then it might not be that much of a problem." Cream added as she looked over at Philomena in the kitchen. Philomena was, despite only being two months along, bigger than Cheat and Cream combined. Parker says she has nine pup-ponies. "I only do as Master asks. If he asks for a quicky when he returns I am obligated as his servant to do so." She said with a smirk as she stirred a pot of soup. I slumped on the couch cushions and sighed. I am so lucky I haven't found any other Lovers or… Mistress Class Pod People. “It…helps me fall to sleep faster.” I tried to point out weakly. "Not when it lasts for half an hour…" Cheat said. "You're getting more and more worried about the others huh?" My ears fell to the sides. We've been here almost five months… still no sign of dad, Maud, Sweetie Bot, anyone. If this place let me I know I'd be having nightmares about worst possible scenarios. So, my awake brain gives me daymares. Sometimes I see an infected and swear it's them, or I think I hear one of their voices… aside from the Runs for supplies and such, sex helps keep my mind off those thoughts… cause ironically it's when I try and sleep when they hit me the most. “I’m…constantly having daymares about it…” I answered. “It’s…it’s getting worse…we’ve been here for five months and nothing…” "And none of Parker's few friends have found anything either." Cream sighed. "I'm sure they will turn up eventually…" Philomena said, though there was clear doubt in her voice. I sighed… where are you guys? "Okay… so we're in Australia… Undead Australia…" Sweetie Bot said. Her coat was dirty and slightly stained. Despite being a Synthetic her nanites injection made her nearly identical to biological life, so this was to be expected when walking across the ruins of cities followed by vast deserts. She and Scootaborg now stood at the coast facing Indonesia. "Any luck calculating where Button landed?" "Based on our height and angle of descent… most likely in the southern mid-west area of this places America." Mei said. She and the others shrunk in the armored saddle bags Sweetie now sported. “At least he’s not in Florida, only place that might be worse than Australia.” Diamond pointed out. "Ugh, that doesn't narrow where he is down at all though…" Sweetie huffed. "Five months to reach this coast. Fucking Zombie Kangaroos…" As it turned out, while zombies based on intelligent beings ignored them, zombie animals, and, plants, did not. "It took us way too fucking long to get to the coast and now we have to get to America, by hoof, and keep looking for Button…" "Look Sweetie, we both miss him and will probably ride him on sight when we find him, but right now you need to keep it together. You're our only safe means of crossing this place." Maid said. "I know. I know." Sweetie huffed. "At this rate it might be years before we can get there let alone find him…" "Perhaps a boat will speed our travel?" Scootaborg asked, pointing a hoof at several floating boats. "Can you even sail one?" "Affirmative." "Well, let's find one with plenty of gas…" The next morning I was out on another run. With our population growing, it was crucial we keep food stocked. The farm is getting along but it will be a while before anything edible is grown. Supermarks, food trucks, and restaurants were thankfully plentiful and not too difficult to raid. In my time here, I have to admit… I've gotten into shape. My legs, once rather skinny and weak for an earth pony now we're strong, toned and muscular. My overall strength, endurance and stamina all have improved greatly too. And that's without putting a single skill point, which are hard to Acquire as my main means of getting them is killing at least two thousand zombies at a time… for one skill point… Still, despite that I have managed to gain seven so far. I consider that pretty good overall. “So far so good…even with all the new infected somehow getting here, thing’s are working out.” I said with a smile, pride swelling in my chest knowing I’m doing good. My first target was an abandoned food truck in a car crowded bridge. And, as usual, infected were all around. I've gotten really good at my telekinesis spell… and so I also invested some Skill Points in there. With a smirk I levitated my small, sharp makeshift throwing knives, using the spell to launch them at lethal speeds and imbed or punch through the heads of the infected. Once all the major ones were dead I shook them clean of blood and put them all back in. Damn, now I know why unicorns always use their horns to do stuff. It's just so much easier. I broke the lock off the truck and spotted a single pallet of what seemed to be canned beans. I stored it all away into my Assistant and headed out, dodging a Hunter as I did and used Telekinesis to slam the truck's back door down and keep him in there. Okay, food truck one. Check. Next… minimart. “Alright…let’s see what fat bastard decided to stalk the minimart…” I frowned, still hating how fucknig 7 Boomers were stalking the place. I rushed along and made it there. Still seven Boomers and some Thugs. Same as before, levitation, knives. Boomers explode, Thugs go down quick. The minimart doors slide open automatically. Hm. Some cigarettes, booze, chips, sodas, candy… and in the back there is- holy fuck there's frozen pizza here! I put them all away into my Assistant and head off. Next… Gun store. Ah yes, the Columbia Gun Store. This place finally let me know I was in the state of Tennessee of some country called America. You'd think a place with so many guns wouldn't fall to the infected so easily. “Well, if these idiot’s failed to use guns, I sure as hell won’t.” I shook my head, going up and starting to take all the ammo and the guns. This place usually had ammo in plenty, and a few guns. Today it gave me a shotgun, a machine gun and a really fancy sniper rifle. Now if only my aim wasn't crap… I put everything away and headed off. One last place, the hospital. I leave this place for last because it's the hardest. This place alone practically fills up half my kill count meter towards getting skill points. But it's got medicine, and Antizen. The stuff that keeps the Harran Virus from actually turning you… and some of our people are already infected. Even with a good stockpile, better too much than not enough… "You ready Button?" Cheat asked me.  "More than ready." I said with a smile. I adorned my armor, my training with Donahue filling my mind as I jumped off the building top and into the hoard below. I crushed an unfortunate infected from my fall, and with a stomp sent spikes from my armor out in all directions, the spikes stretching out twenty feet around me, then rapidly spun around my body at incredible speeds in all directions, slicing and killing all the infected around me. I kept this up, quickly dealing with the outside hoard til it was a massacre of the undead. The spikes all retracted back to their normal length and I burst through the doors. The many things here I rammed with strength far exceeding their own, ending them as I knocked them around and stomped around, crushing limbs and bones into gore. I quickly raided this floor of supplies before heading up to the next. Here I encountered a mix of common infected, Thugs, and Hunters. My rampage left the walls soaked and painted red, the floors a mess of viscera and meaty, bone riddled chunked. Each floor went like this, a slaughter before looting until I came to the top floor. When I saw them I almost smirked. A Demolisher, fitted in a hazmat suit mostly torn and over stretched across their body. Behind them. A full box of Antizen.  I called this big guy Frank. He feels like a Frank. "Alright Frank, I'm gonna kick your ass." Button growled. "Between me and some very important drugs, and I really need those drugs." They roared at me, same as always. They rushed at me, I side stepped them, sending out a volley of spikes that sliced them across their grotesquely meaty body. Frank still stood as he spun to slam.his fists down upon me. I didn't move, taking the hot square in my head as he slammed down. The spikes around my helmet shot out like bullets from his hand, rapidly spun and turned the limb into sliced meat. Frank roared again and tried to swipe me with his other hand. I raised a hoof up, catching the swing and stood up on my hind legs, and brought my other hood down upon his arm between his wrist and elbow. Thick meat violently split open and his arm bone broke down the impact.  As he howled in the agony I quickly pounced at him, slamming him onto the ground and delivered a spike covered hoof deep into his face. Once his head was broken into chunks, he stopped moving. I walked over to a nearby wall. Blood making up a makeshift score board between Frank and I. I've had to run away twice… but this makes my thirteenth time killing Frank. I smiled as I added that bloody tally to the board before picking up and putting away the Antizen. "Is Frank really even a challenge for you anymore?" Cheat asked. "Not anymore, but you never know." I shrugged. "Something might happen to make him stronger." "Maybe. Still, thirteen boxes of Antizen? I know it's limitless with the respawning but that's a crap ton of the medicine." "Better to be safe than sorry." I answered. "And I'm not taking any chances." "I suppose. Our little settlement is gonna be a town soon. Almost a hundred people. Well, including the eleven unborn, we're over a hundred already…" "Which…is a massive problem if any chaos guilds find us…" I sighed. "But…hopefully it'll be alright." I quickly rushed out of the hospital and began making my way to the settlement. There was still lots of daylight and- what the? I stopped, looking a distance away… smoke? Doubt one of the infected caused it… I ran towards the smoke. Upon my arrival I found some armored van of sorts. Sitting around a small makeshift fire was a pony like me, A Blue and green earth pony mare in some odd armor. The other two looked human. One was in an all metal armor and the other looked… odd. Rather pale for a human. "Uh…hello?" I asked nervously, really hoping these aren't apart of who I think they are. They looked over at me. The pale human looked on the defensive but the other two just shrugged. "It's the new Settlement head Oro." The mare sighed. She looked back over at me. "Been looking for you. I'm Sludge, and that's Kijiv." She motioned to the armored human. "Alright…so considering you're not immediately trying to attack me means you're at least on talking terms." I started. "Hi, it's nice to meet you three, my name's Button Mash and…why are you three here if I may ask?" "What, Parker didn't mention us?" The pale one, Oro, asked. "We're his…friends…" Sludge said. "Ah." I nodded. "Right then…any and all help is appreciated, it really is." I nodded. "We only came because Parker asked us. Said he's bringing back the Rescue Pods." Oro said. "How long have you known Parker?" Kijiv asked. His voice was… very deep. Very authoritarian. "About…four to five months." I answered. "And he's basically been a god send since we got separated after getting shot down…" "Welcoming committee. Was the same for me." Sludge said. "Oro there got kidnapped and sold, And Kijiv here was born to one of the Chaos Guilds but defected. Parker saved us all." "So where do I sign up for the 'saved by parker's club?" I joked. "I wasn't really 'saved' but…fuck would me and Cheat be in a lot of bad situations without him." "Heh, he does that. So, how many Pod People he save with you?" "A lot, almost a hundred." I answered readily. "Which I think is good because of…what this place is." "Yeah." Kijiv said. "I remember what they do to them. Erase their Profile and replace the data with what they want." He growled.  "And I'm going to make sure that stops in some way shape or form." I said readily. "One Prize Pod at a time if I have to." "That's good, but unfortunately we were too late saving this one." Sludge said, looking over at the van. "She's been reprogrammed…" "How bad?" I asked sadly. "Standard protocol dictates all her old profile data, name, memories, skills, personality, emotions, removed. They then reprogram in desired emotions and mentalities and personalities based on what they're being… rebuilt for." Kijiv said. "Some are made for servitude. Blindly obedient. Some are made for soldiers or labor work. Others… are made into Breeders." "Sweet Celestia…" I muttered in horror. "Is…is there any way to save them?" Oro shook his head. "Once their old profile is deleted… there's no recovering it. All that's left of them is whatever the Chaos Guild puts in them." I was really trying to keep my rage at these Chaos Guilds in check, ever since I was growing more accustomed to Khorne's Realm of violence and bloodshed I've been trying to keep it in check…but oh boy was this getting my blood to boiling. "I hate these Chaos bastards…" "Yeah. We're hoping Parker can take her in." "At this point, if anyone can save them, it's him." I answered readily. "Yeah well she mostly needs a place. Like we said, what's happened to her can't be undone but thankfully at least living here keeps her from being sold as a Breeder." Sludge said. "That is for the best." I nodded. "Just…wish I could get stronger faster and help out more…" "First thing you need to know about our line of work kid, you'll never be strong enough." Kijiv said. "Sure, you can take on some of the grunts and even some of their soldiers… but their Elites, their King Pins, their Nobility and Guild Heads… they're on a whole other level." “Sadly…” I sighed. “Just…I don’t know…just want to help more ya know? I know every bit counts…” "At least you're adapting well to this world. Took me ten years to get used to the bullshit." Sludge laughed.  “Jeez, that’s a long time.” I said in surprise. "And been stuck here for ninety four." She chuckled. “That’s gotta suck.” I frowned. "Eh. What doesn't suck on this planet?" "Admittedly, the food ain't half bad." Oro said. "If you can find a good cook who can make use of the monsters and such. Some of the apocalypse zones are even Beneficial for this, like Eden Pitt and The Zoo. Course they aren't without their own dangers. Wouldn't be Armageddon without something trying to kill you." “True, true.” I nodded. “Considering I’ve spent the better part of two month’s training under a Greater Demon of Khorne, yeah, Armageddon wouldn’t be like that if something wasn’t trying to murder you.” "Oh, you actually train in that war hole? Well, it's a good place for free gear admittedly. It's where Kijiv got that armor of his. Picked it right off it's former headless owner." "Gives complete environmental damage immunity." Kijiv said. "Poison, traps, ECT, the armor nullifies that damage. Makes searching in usually nasty areas easy." “Hmm…that is interesting.” I said honestly. “Hmm, I wonder…” I hummed. “Hey Cheat, can you absorb things like armor and weapons to make yourself stronger? Or am I just making that up?” He mentally inquired his symbiote girlfriend. "I don't know? Maybe if I can upgrade my skill trees. I am both a symbiote and equipment. So maybe?" “Alright, just making sure cause I met some of Parker’s friends, and they talked about some pretty nifty Armor that can help make you even tougher than normal.” "Neat." Cheat said. "There you all are." We looked up, seeing Parker arrive. "I see you all met Button. Oro, Kijiv, Sludge." "Hey. They only had the one left when we got there. But better with you than in the market." Sludge said. Parker nodded, walking over to the armored van. I walked behind him as he pulled the back door up and open.  Inside I was met by a long, massive snake tail, but it had leaves rather than scales and the upper half was a humanoid wolf with moss green fur and a patch of long loss from her head going down like hair. Her eyes were covered by a cloth and she sat in a coiled pile. "A halfbreed? Looks like partly Nature Fay, and Floof Noodle." Floof Noodle?!?! "Yeah. She's not a Den Mother though." Oro said. I looked back at her, seeing yup, only a single… rather large pair of fluffy breasts were on her, covered by her moss-hair. “Uh…huh…” I said. “This is…really something to see.” I said. “Also…the fuck is a Floof Noodle and who decided that name?” I asked, trying not to laugh at the adorable sounding name. "Some members of the Family supposedly bred their species into existence. The name was a joke that just stuck, but the species as a whole is actually one of the more powerful of them all. Their scales or equivalent is tough enough to be immune to most common metals, bullet proof up to a 45 caliber, their fur and hide are tough enough and resist most blades, blunt and even fire damage. Not to mention that both males and females have three stomachs. One holds young, cargo or whatever. The other secrets an oil that heals illnesses, wounds, even broken bones, and the third for eating food but it can't be accidentally opened. In short, there's a tank in combat and a healer all in one." Parker said  “Wow…” I blinked at that. “That’s uh…that’s a pretty strong race.” "And that's without any skills or abilities added to the mix." Oro added. "Being half Fay, she probably has their nature related powers as well." "In other words, she could grow our crops in minutes rather than our usual months…" Parker realized. "Yeah, but the poor thing was reprogrammed to be a Breeder. So she's… yeah, that." Sludge added. "Crap… explains the blindfold though. Whoever she sees she'll imprint on…" "This is absolutely horrible…" I groaned, hating how these Chaos Guilds are just…treating these people like cattle. "The question is… who's gonna let her imprint on them?" Kijiv asked. "Button is used to women constantly advancing him. One more can't be too bad, right Button?" Parker asked me. "How…bad is it?" I asked nervously. "While it would be cool…I want to know how bad her mental state is…" "Standard breeders will only see themselves as tools for their imprinted masters to use and satisfy sexual needs. They will care for and look after any children they or others have, and if not… used, they do begin to suffer signs of depression, anxiety, and can suffer panic attacks." Kijiv informed. "While they will do whatever they are told, they live solely to serve and pleasure their master and if they're not doing that, they will suffer both mentally and physically. Going as far as self mutilation if it brings so much as a smirk to their master. Basically, taking her in will be greatly different from a Lovers Class. Lovers Class are people, too, can think for themselves and be individuals, but Breeders… can't. They don't consider themselves people, just as objects for use." I almost felt sick at this point, wondering just how far these depraved bastards are! "I'll…I'll try to take care of her…" I said. "These…these Chaos Guilds are worse than this…and that's legitimately horrible to say…" “This, it’s just the surface of what they’re capable of.” Parker said. “Well, just take her blindfold off and make sure you’re the only one in her vision. That will set you as her imprinted master, alright?” I nodded… Slowly I headed over to her. She sat motionless in the van as I had to climb on her tail and was now face to face. I used Telekinesis and pulled the blindfold off her. Her bright yellow eyes fell upon me, and for a second, maybe even less, I saw what looked like a flash of green and black in her eyes. “Master?” She asked, her voice low and gentle. “Am I… needed?” I…honestly couldn't help myself as I just hugged the poor lady, tearing up as I felt horrible for her fate. "I'm sorry…" I told her, knowing she won't understand but some part of me still held out hope there was something, anything about the old her, that stayed. “Master, are you in need of pleasure yet?” She asked me. It has been two days since… Lilly, she didn’t have her own name, nor remembered what her former name was, so we called her Lilly. She is always asking me if I need… servicing. I usually say not now or later. Philomina has been trying to teach her maid things, to which she is learning, but she’s always asking still. “You do know at some point, you are gonna have to sleep with her.” Cheat said as I tried to focus on my new book…  "I…I know but…" I trailed off, trying to find some excuse, some reason, to not do something like that to someone that's literally incapable of thinking on their own. “I know you don’t like it… neither do I.” Cream said. “But you heard what Parker said, if you don’t do something with her, she’ll start falling into that depression and worse.” “I think she already is. Last night she was crying in her sleep…” Cheat said. Crap. This soon? The hell did those Chaos Guilds… "Fine…" I growled. "Lily, follow me." I said as I led her to our room. Once we were in the room she actually looked… happy. Excited even… I swallowed hard, and we got started… I won't lie… she’s good, like Cheat, Cream, Philomina, Maud and Sweetie Bot combined good! But, that made it all the more apparent what they programed her to do… I felt… dirty, but she… she enjoyed every moment of it and wore the… mess, like a badge of honor… I had to tell her to take a shower, otherwise I think she would have just kept the… fluids on her til they dried and got really nasty. I hate this planet… and the monsters that call it home… New Skill Trees Unlocked. Huh? My anger at myself, this planet and the Chaos Guilds was interrupted by that. New Skill Trees? New Skill Menu Available. Dark Skill Trees Available. New Skill Menu? Dark Skill Trees?! Dark Skill Tree Taboo, Available. Dark Skill Tree, Slave Master, Available. Dark Skill Tree, Slaver, Available. Dark Skill Tree, Sinner, Available. Woah, woah, woah! Hold up! Dark Skill Tree Taboo Skills Unselected. Dark Skill Tree Slave Master Skills, Obedience, Blindness, and Terror, selected and active. Dark Skill Tree Slaver Skills, Enslavement, Manipulation, and Marked Ownership, Selected and available. Dark Skill Tree Sinner Skill, Rapist, Selected and available. Dark Skill Trees do not require Skill Points to grow and increase in power. Only Actions. I stared at that menu, that message for… so long… Rapist… I felt so many emotions… terror, agony, self loathing… rage… I burst out the room, out the apartment and down the hall, breaking down the door to the apartment before me. Parker sat at his couch, something on the table in front of him being built or disassembled, I don’t know… I didn’t care… “So, finally done?” He asked me… He knew… "Go to hell." I growled, walking past him as I was not in the mood for literally fucking anything right now. “It had to be done.” He stated flatly. "No it didn't!" I snapped. "I'm just propagating abuse that those assholes want!" I shouted, so purely and utterly done with everything. "I'm not a terrible person…" “No duh.” He said. I glared at him. He snapped his fingers and… Gods… Parker showed me an image, his Skill Trees… The Dark Skills Trees… Both were… massive. “On this planet, to get stronger, to actually be strong enough to make any kind of real difference, or to protect people you care about, you have to be willing to do the unspeakable.” "It's…it's still not right…" I shook my head. "We're…we're supposed to be better…better than all this…" “Do you know why so few of the Heroes Guilds actually come here? Because of the Dark Skill Trees. You think what I got here is bad? Some of those fuckers have them basically maxed out, basically committed every crime possible in creation… Sometimes, to be a hero, you have to become a monster. Because if you can’t, then this world, and the people thriving here, will take everything you care about. Your family. Your friends. Your kids… The only things the Chaos Guilds can respect, or fear, are people like them, just as powerful, just as capable…” I looked at Parker, hearing him say all of this…"I know…I know you're right…but I still hate this…" “So do I. But on Armageddon, you can’t be a hero only in the light. You need to be able to dive into the darkness to deal with the monsters there. I’m sorry I had to… trick you into this. Not telling you, but if I did… would you honestly have been willing to accept it all?” "While…I would argue 'yes' because I've been putting skill points that would make me an overpowered bloodthirsty berserker that literally can't be hurt…I don't think I would agree at all no." “Especially since the Dark Skill Trees don’t take Skill Points. You have to Commit the actions to increase them.” I shook at that… I’ll…  "I….I'm not going to like…any of that…" I said, feeling a bit of bile rush up on me. “I don’t expect you to. And that is what separates us from the Chaos Guilds.” I took a deep breath. "I hate this...I hate it so goddamn much…" I growled. "But…what does half of this even do for me?" “Well, you should have the Taboo, Sinner, Slaver and Slave Master Trees. Taboo is a unique one. It mostly relates to magic and bodily mutations and such. Seeing as you have a Symbiote it will also be able to link you two together in a whole new way. It would allow you access to her abilities without actually having her do anything. Sinner usually acts as a booster. Things like strength, health, ect is all boosted based on the sins being committed. Slaver, as the name suggests, means anything you would capture and enslave, be them people, animals or monsters will obey you so long as your own will is stronger than their own. This goes hand in hand with Slave Master. It basically holds a bunch of abilities that ensure your… property, doesn’t get ideas or resists. There are many other skill trees but these ones will be all you need to worry about for now.” And…sadly, my gamer instincts wanted me to learn how to absolutely abuse Slaver as a weird Monster Rancher esc thing. "Can…I 'upgrade' monsters I enslave? Like…the zombies here to gain intelligence and the like?" “It will take a lot of terrible deeds to get there. Are you up for it?” "No…" I sighed. "But let's get this over with." “Not now. For now, you need to be with your lovers. Trust me, friends and family will both make you feel better… and terrible, but the company will help with the guilt.” I nodded, knowing they would all help me through this hot garbage. "Fine…" I sighed, heading back to find my family. The next month was… manageable. Parker and I went on runs and… I worked on my… Dark Skill Trees. Being with… Lilly became a regular thing. I still feel bad about it, but it keeps her happy. She’s also pregnant now, so it didn't surprise anyone with that news… She’s at least been working in our garden, making the crops grow rapidly. At the rate she can make them grow, fresh produce is almost plentiful, even after giving Kilpulo his share. Turns out Enslaving Zombies is… really easy. They’re mindless so, no wills to fight my own and I just order them to do stuff. Even things they don’t normally do. Like fight other zombies, use guns. It’s kinda crazy really. “That makes thirty of the undead under your control.” Parker said as my little army was kept in a gated area, some basic obstacles to see what they can and can’t do. "I'm surprised I can make them do this stuff, especially the more…completely mindless ones." I said honestly. “Well, it seems their mindless traits don’t hinder the fact that their bodies can still perform complex tasks. Guess that means you can put them to work gathering scrap metal and even supplies.” "Which would help a lot, especially at night cause they can gather everything as it's respawning without getting attacked." I said simply. “Yeah. Works out great. So, next will be the Sinner Tree.” Parker said. I sighed. That Skill, ability thing… It’s a title. From the Lust branch of abilities. There are seven Branches in the Sinner Skill Tree, makes sense…  Meaning Wrath, Pride, Sloth, Gluttony, Greed and Envy are the other six. "Fine…which one should I start with?" I asked carefully. “Given your combat style, Wrath and Pride will help you with your Berserker abilities best.” "Cool…so just go on a rampage and have fun doing it?" I inquired. “It’s not that simple.” Parker said taking a seat next to me. "Why isn't it that simple?" I asked worriedly. “See for yourself.” I opened up my Skill Tree Menu. I found the Dark Skill Tree Menu and… woah. It’s all… inverted colors and upside down. Let’s see… Wrath. First Skill, Bucherer. Kill… 100 people?! “Like…a hundred…living people?” I asked worriedly. “But that doesn’t make any sense…I slaughtered tons of Marines in Khorne's realm…does that not count?” “It has to be people of your race.” Parker stated. Oh… Oh no… “Yeah…I’m not liking that…like at all…” I shook my head. “I’m…I’m not going to kill innocent people…there’s plenty of zombie ponies here…” “Those are not people. They are monsters. And, they don’t have to be innocent.” Parker added. “Come on, I know a place.” I followed Parker to the portal and he took me to- Woah. It was… Equestria. In ruins but Equestria. Canterlot was surrounded in some weird bubble and the sky was… actually, normal looking. “So uh…what happened here?” I asked worriedly. “War. But that’s not what’s your goal here. See Canterlot up there?” He asked. I nodded. “That’s an off world Puritan Colony. Bunch of racist assholes with a superiority complex. Every race in creation has at least one, and that one belongs to the Pony Puritan’s. Basically is you ain’t an earth pony, pegasi or unicorn, you’re shot on sight or tortured in prisons. Some even force race conversion to ‘purify’ the unclean.” “Oh now that’s some bullshit.” I growled. “Yeah, that is not okay.” “Hence why they will welcome you in, and once you are, you will be attacking them, and destroy their portal back to their main planet. There’s roughly 100,000 ponies there… foals and infants included.” I felt my stomach drop. “You don’t have to kill them, but they will hate you for what you’re about to do.” “I’m not going to enjoy this at all…” I sighed. “Alright…looks like I’m gonna have to do some very terrible things…” “At least it’s to terrible people.” “I mean…yeah…but I won’t like ruining the lives of children…” “Necessary evils…” I walked back from the re-ruined canterlot. There was… so much blood on my coat. About three dozen foals followed me in terror… and they carried at least twenty infants with them. I achieved Bucherer, then Slaughterer, then Kin Hunter, and now, I have Bloody Crown. Bucherer gives me a times two boost to lethal strikes in combat. Slaughterer regenerates my health with each kill. Kin Hunter has me do ten times damage to enemies of my own race… and Bloody Crown gives me an immediate fear based ability. All I need to do is look at someone while I’m pissed and I can put pure fear into the hearts of others so long as their will is weaker than mine. All it cost me was traumatizing three dozen foals and orphaning them and the infants. “Two hours. Not bad.” Parker said, looking at all the foals. “Three dozen foals are now traumatized and hate me.” I answered bitterly. “And I have no idea how to help them be better…” “Don’t worry… this sin is on me next.” Parker said, he raised a hand, all the foals squatting down in fear. His hand glowed with this pink energy that flowed out and covered them all. As it passed through them, their eyes glossed over. The pink fog soon floated up, covered in shimmering white lights, and then burst into flames. “What…what did you do?” I asked worriedly. “It’s similar to what… Chaos Guilds do to Prize Pod People. I erased their memories. Well, remove and burn them. They’ll keep their names, personalities, but they won’t remember anything. Their parents, what you did, though the fear might be there for… a long while.” “That’s…fair…” I sighed. “So…we now have three dozen foals to take care of…good thing we have many undead guards…” “And twenty infants… Hm.” Parker added. “Doubt Philomina and Lilly can care for all of them… Shit…” “Yeah…” I shook my head. “This is gonna bite, but I hope we can manage…I know Cream has been trying to become a Den Mother through skill points…but that can only go so far…” “There… is one other way… But neither of us will like it… at all.” Parker said. “Does it involve turning into a woman?” I asked. “What, no.” He shook his head. “But it does involve… buying them…” “Oh come on…” I groaned. “Ugh…I don’t like it…” “Neither do I, but it’s the only way we can get enough Den Mothers to take care of the babies and the children. Meaning we’ll need to get Kilpulu to contact a salesman from Lust…” “I mean…the only solace we can get is knowing that we’re taking them away from other more…terrible people.” I frowned. “If that helps you live with yourself.” Parker said. We brought the foals and infants back home, putting them all inside and getting them settled. Once that was done we went to Kilpulu and he made the call. We received the salesman from Lust. She was a humanoid red bird person dressed in a pink suit. “I was told you’re interested in our products?” She asked. “Regrettably…” I said through clenched teeth. “We…need a few Den Mothers…” “Den Mothers. Oh, any species preference?” She asked. “No. Just some who are ready to nurse.” Parker said. “That’s something all Den Mothers are ready for. But if it’s for raising children then perhaps some Floof Noodles will do. They are some of the best mothers in creation, rivaled only by Dire Wolf and other similar races. Would you prefer them to be mixed breeds or pure bloods?” “Doesn’t matter.” Parker said. “Gotcha. What is your budget?” “Sixty thousand.”  “Ooh! That can get you ten Floof Noodles, or eight Den Mothers of the Dire Wolf races or I can have a mix of them for ya, I’ll even throw in an extra for free if I can expect repeat purchases.” Parker looked over at me. “Your call there.” "I hate this…I hate all of this…" I grumbled. "Let's…get a mix…just to cover our bases…" “Well, alrighty then. Wanna pick them or-” “Make it a surprise.” Parker said. “And, yes, we’ll repeat buy later…” With a nod she went back through the portal. "I feel awful…" I muttered. "Why is this worse than getting Chica and Roxy?" “Because once those chips were removed, they at least got to return to being themselves.” Parker stated. “These people… will never be who they were before…” After a bit, she came back with them. Five Floof Noodles and six Dire Wolf Den Mothers, each blindfolded… I hated that they were also naked… The bird lady took the money and left. “Well, all yours.” Parker said. I walked over and started to take off their blindfolds, seeing their eyes imprint on me before moving onto the next, trying my damnedest not to feel sick about this abuse. The Den Mother Dire Wolves were fairly different from one another. First, was Jackie, she was dark blue with neon green ear fluff. Beth, she’s a light gray color. Karla, who had pink fur. Grace, who was a sky blue color. Meg, who was dark blue with black stripes along her arms, legs and tail. Lastly for the Dire Wolf Den Mothers was Haley, who was actually had a bright red fur coat over the blue ones.  Next were the Floof Noodles, who were similar to Lilly, but their upper halves looked more like those of the Dire Wolf Den Mothers. First was Zion. Her scales were a bright yellow, and fur all white. Kiara, who had green scales but orange fur. Carley, who was actually all dark blue but also seemed smaller than the others. Kara, who was a neon blue with spotted black scales. Lastly was Lola, who was actually the biggest of the Floof Noodles and had a pure black fur coat with equally black scales. "Hello everyone." I said to all the new ladies. “Hello Master.” They all said in near unison. “It’s…nice to meet you all.” I said softly. “Follow me…you all have to help me with taking care of children.” They followed without question… And so, another two months, all eleven of them pregnant now cause if I don’t… do that with them they get depressed… and Cream, and Cheat looked Ready to burst and… Philomina had hers. I was genuinely surprised but apparently being a Den Mother Fox, she only needs three months to have her little. Three walked on hooves like me, the rest were bipedal like her but… I can so see the resemblance. Either a tone in the fur, tales or patches of my coat or mane color was on them and… woah… They are so adorable! Oh crap I’m- I- shit! How am I gonna teach them?! Vaccines! We need WAY more diaper- ouch! I jumped away from Cheat, who is now six months along and frowning at me. She bit me! And not in the kinky way! “What the heck Cheat?” I huffed, rubbing the bite mark. “Why did you bite me?” “You were having a panic attack. It was that or a slap and frankly moving is kinda a bitch right now.” She huffed. “Listen, there’s a lot to think about alright?” I asked sheepishly. “I’m already doing a lot of…terrible things that I hate…but I want them to grow up right…” “But having a panic attack and all this stress isn’t gonna help anyone. Least of all you. You need a day off.”  “Considering I now have Sloth as a possible skill tree…I really doubt it’ll just be ‘a day off’...” “Not for those Trees, just, a day off to yourself.” Cheat clarified. “You’ve been going on runs, going that… Dark Skill Tree training, and having to rutt all those girls cause of what the Chaos Guilds did to them. You barely sleep as is. That did not help.” “I have to be strong…stronger than all of them…” I said, even though she was right that I was basically running on no sleep. “Even if…even if I have to become a monster…it’s…” I teared up again, all the stress hitting me a lot harder now that I have kids. “I need to do it to keep you safe…I…I can’t lose any of you…” “And what about us?” She asked. “You think we want to lose you? Button, I know you want to keep us safe, and it sucks that I can’t be out there with you fully because I could help you. Being your armor doesn’t feel like enough for me but I don’t want you to drive yourself crazy or worse with all this insanity going on. You need at least a day to sleep or rest or something.” I sniffled. “Al-alright…I’ll…I’ll try…” “You better, because if you’re not I will force you.” “Fine…fine…” I sighed. “I…this all just sucks…” “Just go get some sleep alright?” Cheat asked as she put a hoof to me. “Would it help if I cuddled you while you slept?” “I…need all the cuddles…” I admitted, still trying not to bawl my eyes out. “Come on you.” Cheat said. She lead me to the bedroom where we managed to get comfortable. Cheat grabbed hold of me and kept me tight and close. Between her breathing, heartbeat and the occasional kicks from the foal… I fell asleep faster than I have in months. I woke up feeling… good… oddly heavy but good. I tried to open my eyes… open my eyes… the heck? Why can’t I- “Oh, you finally woke up.” Cheat said. Suddenly my eyes opened and I was staring at the wall… wait, I didn’t. “Now… don’t be mad…” “What did you do.” I asked bluntly and sternly… only I didn’t… speak it. “Well, I spoke with Cream, and Philomina and we all agreed you are not responsible managing yourself or your own stress, so, I will.” She said… the what? “So I used an ability of mine to… well, kinda eat you/absorb you.” “Cheat what the fuck!” I mentally shouted. “I am totally responsible managing my stress! I’m sorry that this is my first time being a father.” “You go on runs for twelve hours a day, come home, eat, bang the girls for three. Four if I, Cream or Philomina are involved and then your insomnia from your Daymares, lack of eating when you aren’t here, swapping between Training your Rage stuff or Dark Skill Trees, not to mention, I know how much you’re holding back Button. All the things you’ve had to do for those trees, our link is two ways. I can feel EVERYTHING you’ve been burying and have seen everything you’ve done! I know it’s killing you inside!” “I have to be a monster so you don’t have to!” I mentally told her. “I’m a symbiotic set of armor who for the last few months has been piloting the body of an undead mare I ate and reassembled so I could fuck you properly! I’m already a monster Button, always have been. So if you think I’m gonna let you go through this alone, then you are staying a passenger in our shared head til you change your tune! Yes this is shared but until I give you controle, you are my passenger. So enjoy the ride and enjoy your vacation.” “Cheat please, I need to do this…” I said, damn near pleading. “I…I can’t…I can’t just sit here doing nothing, I need to do something or else…” I trailed off. “You will do something. You will enjoy being in the back seat for a change while I show you what relaxing is really like. And don’t worry, your Penis is intact and outside so I can take over your thing with the girls. And yes while you were out I checked, they recognized me, or rather us as master.” "No, I…I can't face it…" I mentally said, trying to not panic as I was literally forced to be nothing but a voice in Cheat's head. "Please…I can't…" I pleaded, there being nothing to stop any of the bad thoughts I've been trying to hold back for months. I felt them crawling at me. It was… … … …  Umm… Where did they- “Did you really think I didn’t know about those either?” Cheat asked. “Our union of bodies gives me a lot more control than you think. That includes your nasty thoughts.” Suddenly, I had pictures of cats, puppies, and the taste of peanut butter cupcakes in here. "Uh…what?" I mentally asked.  “The Peanut Butter cupcakes I’ve been craving for a while alright? And relax. Tonight, we deal with those nasty thoughts once and for all.” "Alright…but it's gonna be…awful." Cheat proceed to keep me in the back of my our shared head. She at least let me see how we looked like this. It was… more or less, how Cheat always looks so nothing too different, save our Cutie marks were now marged. We were a sexy futa, and taller than either of us were alone… maybe about… two feet taller? Huh… neat. After that, Cheat had a normal day. She watched some movies, ate some food, made out with Cream, gave a kiss to Philomina and all our babies, said hi to the foals who were all adjusting well, checked on the girls and the babies, and took a shower-Ahhh! So… I forgot Cheat left the female Genitals… and woah… that was… different… nice even- oof! “Ouch… that was my bladder…” Cheat huffed as she rubbed her belly. “Settle down there baby. You’re pappa is in here too now…” Shit that’s how much a foal kick hurts?! “Yes, it hurts less when they don’t aim for an internal organ…” "Still hurts…" “Relax, it’s just six more months…” Oof… maybe I wait… “Oohhh… Heh… Forgot to mention… I can’t undo this so… surprise!” … "Cheat…" “Oh hey look, that is my dildo!” Wait, you have a OooooOhhhh! “Welcome to your inner mind!” Cheat said. After she sneaked out of an argument by… doing things I’ll probably want to do again, she went to bed. Shortly after, we appeared in this place full of… well, it was like Ponyville but the sky was full of brain cells, the buildings were all in the wrong place, and there were all kinds of weird things around either in the ground, floating or just there. “So back to the fact I’m going to be stuck inside you for six months.” I brought up. “Not six months… Forever…” Cheat said with a weak laugh. … “Know that I love you…” I started, before moving behind her. “Know that I know what turns you on and can now totally control your sex life.” She countered. “But you now deserve this.” I said, before wrapping my front hooves around her barrel and giving her a german suplex straight into the ground. “Ooof! Yes sir, that's my apple vodka…” Cheat groaned, shaking her head. “For that, I’m having Cream put the strap-on on when we wake up.” She groaned. “Look, it won’t be that bad. It will be like when I was in your body. We can swap out every so often, take turns and now you really won’t be alone in what you’re doing. Plus, my armor set is stronger when all pieces are being used. So now that you have two of me in you, my armor form will be stronger in combat.” “That’s not the point!” I snapped. “Now you don’t have your own body, now you could get hurt while I do what I’m supposed to!” “Bitch I’m your armor! I always take your damage! You think I don’t feel that?!” “Why do you think I got that Pain Split skill three months ago!?” Button snapped. “You know, the thing that’s been making you feel a whole lot less hurt whenever I managed to screw up?” “You think I want you to feel that?! Despite everything, as your armor, the last thing I want you to feel is pain! That’s like, the whole reason armor exists!” “And you’re my girlfriend, and I don’t want you to feel pain!” I argued. “Even if you are my armor…ever since…all this started to happen…I didn’t want you hurt…I wanted you to be safe…” “And I want you to be safe, to not get hurt, and to come home every night and actually sleep. Yes, I basically threw away my own body, but I don't care! You are worth more to me than having a body of my own. I value you more than you could know, because how you feel about the others, about me, that’s how I feel about you, that’s how all of us feel about you! And seeing you walking around like those literal walking corpses out there is killing us! So shut up and let me do this with and for you because we want you happy and safe just as much as you want us happy and safe and so help me Mother if I need to I will keep our body pregnant forever if that’s what it takes!” I rubbed my temples, knowing she was right and knowing how much they all loved me…but I’m doing horrible, terrible things just to keep them safe. “Ugh…why does everything have to be so fuckign complicated…” I groaned, hating everything going on right now and not knowing how to make this better. “Because life is complicated- Look out!” Cheat pushed me aside. A large blade hitting where I was sitting. I turned to see the silhouette of a humanoid, wielding a large jagged blade. I recognized that blade, my Daymares fantasies of some Chaos Guild member walking into the settlement and killing everyone… “No! You can’t be here!” I shouted, getting back up and bucking the bastard in the stomach as hard as I physically could in this dream world. They grabbed my hind legs and tossed me aside. I looked up just in time to see them swing that weapon at Cheat… who caught it in her teeth, and bit it down with a row of razor sharp teeth that was not there before. She then bit down on the blade, shattering it. “Button, sweetie, I love you, but there is a reason Symbiotes are classified as Monsters.”  Her eyes then glazed over with the same silver-gray her armor form has, her skin sprouting out the same spikes their armor form has and her jaw grew larger and she smiled as a long snake like tongue slipped out. She pounced on the silhouette, biting into it’s neck and tearing it’s head off in a meaty rip… and ate the head off that thing… then the torso, bones, organs- Oh god slurped the intestines!? Finally she chomped the last limb and then her body reverted back to normal… “Well then.” I said with a frown. “I know you want to take care of me, but I want to take care of you… besides, without you, I have no emotions, no empathy, no… anything. Back before you put me on, those early days, remember how much of an ass I was?” “Yes, you were indeed an ass.” I nodded. “But considering you were pieces of the Berserk Armor, which I learned later was based on Gut’s armor from Berserk…yeah.” I shrugged. “Well back then I didn’t have actual emotions. I was a psychopath. Remember in the realm of dreams back then I said I was getting laid? I lied! I killed and ate people!” Those memories flashed in a frame in front of me… oh… woah… “You… over time just, you made me feel emotions. Happiness, sadness, guilt. You made me less of the monster I was born as. Made me a person. So if you’re going to become a monster, then just know that I’m the monster that will always be by your side and trust me, there is nothing you can do that I will find in poor taste. I am still mostly sociopathic. I’ll be fine with anyone dying save those I care for. Meaning you, Cream, the kids and them, I will help you keep them safe and kill, and maybe eat, anyone who tries to hurt them.” “Just…let me be mad darn it!” I whined. “Why must you be too good for me?” “Because I am one stubborn mare and you never stood a chance.” She chuckled, giving me a kiss. So… that’s what entrails taste like… “Now let’s go kill the rest of your bad thoughts and eat them!” “Not sure if I like eating people…but let’s go kill us some Daymares.” I said readily. “Lucky for you, I do like eating people! All pureblood Symbiotes do, I was suppressing the urge when I started being flirty and pervy with you so I was really glad to find out sex worked well enough as a distraction… but if you’re open to me casually devouring… people, monsters and anything else that tries to do us harm, I’ll happily reward you in bed~” “You’re lucky I’ve found ways of making my hips stronger.” I shook my head. “How are you gonna do that though? We share a body now?” “You underestimate my controle over the body~” We then went through this Mind World Ponyville. Each Daymare monster or entity I or Cheat fought and killed. Then Cheat would eat them. The more we killed, the more… normal, this place began looking.  Eventually we killed off the final Daymare monster and the sky became the usual blue with the sun shining high. We woke up feeling… amazing. “So, shall we start the day?” Cheat asked. “Yes please.” “Good. Now I’m going to give you controle of the body, so just relax, try not to overdo it, and enjoy your time off for the next six months cause… yeah until this baby is out, we ain’t moving much…” I suddenl;y felt, well, the body. All in controle. I moved the hooves, smirked and ouch! Why are my teats hard and sore?! Oh right milk… Hmm… “Am I…really going to ask this?” I muttered. “Hey Cream?” I called out to the mare. That was… also, very enjoyable. Once that… pressure was down and the… equal wood that became of it was dealt with I walked… well, waddled, into the living room. Damn, walking with a baby is not easy… “Welcome to my last several months. Only six more to go and they won’t be getting easier…” Cheat sighed. I climbed up the love seat, turned on the TV and began playing Futurama, season 2 on DVD. Been finding a lot more new movies in the last dozen runs. Good hauls. “Okay, we’re in India now… Still a crap ton of way to go…” Sweetie Bot sighed. “Maps suggest travel through Russia will allow a more secure means of travel but less water travel to America.” Scootaborg said. “Will it be shorter travel wise?” “Travel time will be shortened by plane or motorized vehicle.”  “And where are we going to find a working plane or car?!” “Military base located ten miles to the north of here.” “And let me guess, can you fly that?” “Affirmative.” Oof… okay, yup… not getting out of bed… Six more months, basically a full year on this planet, six months in this new body, which at this point I just want to not feel like there’s a- Ouch! That’s my liver, little guy… “Can’t move either?” Cream asked. “I don’t like this…” I groaned. “I could be out there helping save Prize Pods, getting stronger…literally anything…” “The whole point of you and Cheat being stuck in the same body was to get you to relax. Take a break. At least we can enjoy being stuck in bed together waiting for the moment our foals decide to finally leave!” Cream yelled that last part. I always had a respect for mares, knowing that carrying foals was difficult, but this has beyond dialed that to a million… “Need some breakfast?” Philomina asked as she entered the room. Our new additions have taken to all the babies and infants. They all take care of them while we’re busy. At least one of us can walk… “Yes please…” I said. “I wish I could walk…” “Well you and Cream are probably going to be due any day now. You will be walking shortly after the birth.” Oh I am not looking forward to that… “I am.” Cheat said. “I know you are, but I’m not.” I mentally told her. “Ugh…can we just…get on with this? I’d really like to move…I’ve been stupidly bored half the time…” “So, Button, what will you do once the baby is born?” Cream asked. “Nurse, care for and mother them at least a little.” Cheat said. Huh… I am going to have to do that… at least for maybe the first month or two… “Going to Nurse and care for the kid’s for…another month or two…” I groaned. “And then it’s back to doing what I’ve been doing for four months…” “I mean, your Zombie Slaves gather more than enough supplies, Parker has been on the Prize Pod person rescue. Anything you plan on doing specifically?” Cream asked. “Well, with my abilities, we could work on Gluttony.” Cheat offered. “Next…would probably be Gluttony.” I said simply. “Won’t like eating…a lot of stuff Parker will be wanting me to…ugh…” I shuddered. “You won’t be alone. I’ll be there committing them with you!”  “And I thank you Cheat.” I nodded. “Though…gonna have to probably find Khorne himself to get some more serious training in, cause while Donahue is great…well, getting some training from the literal embodiment of martial combat, bloodshed, and heavy metal would be a bit better.” I chuckled. Cream and I laid in bed. I was reading some rather crappy romance novel, it was mostly just cheesy one liners, poorly written sex scenes and rather dumb trains of throught by the characters- … … … Okay… either I peed myself or- “Baby’s coming!” Cheat declared. So that’s why they say water broooOOOOKAY THAT FUCKING HURTS! “Baby’s coming! And it won’t wait!” I shouted in pain. Philomina rushed into the room. The next Thirteen hours were a pain I think I’d have preferred being mutilated in horrible ways! Finally though, after all that pushing, pain and screaming, and some pulling by Philomina… I was holding my and Cheat’s little filly. She was wrapped in a blanket with ducks on it, her mane was the same brown as my, our coat and her coat was a bright shade of brown, like coffee with creamer mixed in. She’s so… “We have a daughter Button! A little filly!” Cheat cheared, though even from in there I could feel and hear her exhaustion… “She’s…beautiful…” I panted heavily. “Oh…boy everything hurts…” “Heh, well it will hurt for a while. So, what are you going to name her?” Philomina asked me. I looked at my daughter… a name… I remember when I asked mom what she would have named me if I was a Filly… “Power Up?” Cheat asked, remembering the name too. “Power Up…that’s our daughter’s name.” I said warmly. I cradled my daughter, thinking she and her siblings with Philomina are gonna have so much fun, and when Cream has hers… This, this is why I want to make this settlement a safe place. For them. I don’t know if we will ever get off this planet… maybe that's alright. If I can make it safe for them, then I will have been the best parent I can be… “Uhh… not to ruin the moment but…” Cream spoke up, her water having also broken… Well, at least her foal waited. Philomina laughed. “Welp, back to it then.” The next three months I spent being a nonstop mother. Power Up was so… so needy. Feed, burp, attention, song, lullaby or gentle rockings to get to sleep and somehow, at four twenty six in the morning on the dot, she cries for a diaper change. I have no idea how she times her poops that well, I’d be impressed if it didn’t leave me so freaking tired. Cream and our son, Dovahkiin, yes, I named him after Skyrim, he has a mostly dark gray steel looking coat and a milky white mane. My brain just went there. Anyway, he is less needy. He doesn’t even cry when his diaper is full. Just sleeps and only cries when he is hungry or sleepy. “Ugh…why must parenthood be so tiring?” I groaned. “Just let me sleep…” I yawned, chugging my third cup of coffee that morning. Today I had to get back to training. I was meeting back up with Parker at the Hospital to see if I lost my touch. Time to see how old Frank is doing. Wonder if he’s missed me? “Should probably capture Frank…he’s a tough jerk, but he’s still good for help.” “You be safe out there alright?” Cream said, holding both Power Up and Dovahkiin in her hooves. “And bring back diapers if you find them. The zombies you control haven’t found any.” “I know, and it sucks.” I sighed. “I’ll be back, and hopefully with some diapers.” I said, nuzzling Cream real quick. With that I was out, jumping the rooftop- oof… My legs caught the edge of the building I was jumping to… right. Forgot I’m taller, need to jump with a little more oomph. Okay, second times the charm. The rest of my running and jumping thankfully didn’t give me any issues. It felt great to be on a Run again. I had no idea how much I missed this… okay I did. I found Parker at the building across from the Hospital. “How’s the little ones?” He asked. “They’re doing great…if Power Up would give me a break and let me be with my one true love, Sleep.” I whined. “But they are adorable, and I love them with every fiber of my being.” “Good. Now, I was told that given Cheat’s Symbiote abilities, you wish to build up Gluttony next. Smart move. Gluttony is arguably tricky to build up but also one of the more useful of the Sinners Skill Tree branches to grow.” “How so?” I inquired. “Will it make me immune to poison’s or something because I have to eat…basically anything and everything?” “Well, that is a potential bonus, but also the more it grows, eventually you will get the ability Soul Devourer. This ability can actually allow you to eat someone, and keep them from respawning by trapping them inside of you, and so long as they are imprisoned within you, you also gain all their abilities, their stats stack onto yours, and all their memories are yours to go through. It actually is the only ability that having it can gain you a Legendary Ability known as Consume. It does basically the same thing, save keeping them imprisoned. They will respawn but they will be a blank slate. You will have taken all their skills, stats, skill points, abilities, all of them from them and they will have to start over.” “Huh…that’s…interesting.” I said honestly. “It’s not well known because Gluttony is so tricky to max out. But we're gonna start with the easiest parts of the branche.” "Eating things?" I inquired. "Yeah. The first skill the Gluttony Tree offers is Bottomless. It's basically an ability that boosts your metabolism to such rapid levels that anything you eat won't be able to sit in your stomach. You'll digest, process and assimilate the mass into your own. This also comes with a rapid healing factor because of this. And with Cheat's Symbiote abilities to also digest harmful things like the viruses in the infected and poisons and other toxins, this one will be fairly easy to unlock." “So…just start eating a whole lotta zombies then?” I inquired. “Or do I need to eat…living matter?” "Technically most of the Undead are alive. Just not in the normal sense. A prime example is the Green Flu infected. While they act like the stereotypical undead, they are alive. A few shots to the chest, destroy the spine, heart, they're dead." “Huh…” I frowned. “Kinda thought all their internal organs, besides their brains, were nonfunctional for the generic undead?” "It depends on the virus or how the Undead originates. While there are some who's organs and such aren't functioning, most do. It's how they actually digest their meals. After all, if they are with no means to digest than they'd just be packing their stomachs until they burst in broken bones and rotten meat." “Which…would also explain why most zombies don’t just die in natural weather.” I frowned, now noticing that even with the weather being so outrageous zombies just seemed to…not care? “Cause I’ve learned enough about biology that too much heat or cold on a rotting corpse wouldn’t make them function anymore…but they just keep going, and that’s not the augmented ones like the T-Virus or those Licker bastards.” "T-Virus infected are… a unique case. While the base virus and infected are technically undead, the virus is… special. It can replicate the function of damaged cells and repair damage and, of course, reanimate dead cells to function as living again. This of course makes them more durable and harder to kill. Especially the unique infected. But for now, you'll be feasting on the Haran infected." “Fair enough.” I nodded. “Not going to like it…just because Cheat’s here, doesn’t mean my taste buds won’t be begging for death…” "Oh my sweet naive Button. You are about to experience how my species tastes our meals." Cheat said. I suddenly felt our tongue change shape, becoming long and… stronger, then our teeth. From the omnivore ones I've become used to to all razor sharp, mini daggers from front to back… did the jaw also extend? “That…feels weird…” I grumbled, rubbing a hoof to my new mouth. "Remember, your mouth is now a weapon. Chewing and crushing flesh and bone is easy with this. We can also bite through rocks, steel and such with relative ease." “That’s really cool.” I said honestly. “Well then…let’s get to eating.” I jumped off the building and down to the small hoard below. Okay… now how to… "Just think of it like a berserker attack Button." Cheat offered. "Go in with a charge, and rather than slam them, swing in with your mouth, bite down hard on a limb then, CHOMP. Make sure to chew fast and try not to bite your tongue or cheeks." “Cool.” I nodded, digging my hooves into the ground and pouncing onto one of the zombies, biting down onto it’s leg since that was the first thing I thought of, and just tore it off as I devoured it with a new found voracious appetite. My tongue expected to taste bile. Filth a decay and grime… I tasted ecstasy. Like, I can't explain it, it was like… I can't explain the flavor, but it was… amazing. "And now you know." Cheat said with a chuckle as I finished off the leg. “This is still really weird cause I’m not only a pony and shouldn’t like meat…but this is literally rotting flesh, what the fuck?” I asked with a frown. "It's Symbiote biology. We're made to eat raw flesh and meat. Rotting or not, it keeps us and our hosts alive better by having a stockpile of proteins, minerals, vitamins and because we can store genetic information we can add it to our hosts own. That leg gave me enough genetic data that I can turn you into a human or at least humanoid if you'd want." Hm, now that's useful. “Okay…that’s pretty cool.” I said, starting to eat the rest of the zombie. New Skill Obtained. Symbiote Bond has reached rank 2. Haran Zombie Virus Obtained. Haran Virus Antibodies Generated. Immunity to Haran Virus Type 1 Acquired. Holy crap! Immunity to this fucking virus! Or at least, the basic one, heck yeah! “Alright, so maybe there’s a lot more positives to this…” I said carefully. “Also, Symbiote Bond rank 2?” "Yeah. Basically it determines things like how much I can do for you, and how strong our bond is on the genetic level. Meaning the higher it ranks up the less likely someone can just rip me out of you. Unfortunately this also means that the stronger it is the more your body, or our body, become one and the same meaning I really won't be getting a body of my own again. Bright side there are some work around I can do so while I'll still be in you I can probably do something neat later on that will be kinda like I got my own body even if I don't." “That would indeed be a good thing.” I said readily. “Cause one thing I don’t want is Power Up growing up without her mother…well, technically being physically there…” I said, though now that I thought about it, it was a lot weirder considering what’s happening. “Also uh…how’s Power Up going to live being half Symbiote?” "She isn't. She's pure pony. Since my former body was a more or less empty pony shell with no mind I was just piloting, there was none of my DNA actually in it. That could only have happened should I father the next baby. As in I put a tiny cell of my actual Symbiote biology into one of what are now your eggs. Although should Symbiote Bond rank up to four then our kids from then on, be them being mothered by us or fathered, will have a small chance to obtain some Symbiote abilities and biology." “Ah, alright.” I nodded. “That makes sense.” I went about devouring more and more infected. Cheat was running my digestive system into overdrive. Eventually I finally managed to unlocked Bottomless. Once I saw that I went back over to Parker. "Alright. Bottomless was the easiest one to unlock. The rest will be… more challenging." “What? Do I need to eat more or do I need to eat specialty things?” I inquired. “Cause for some reason, I’m now thinking that if I eat specific monsters, like say a Fire Dragon, I’d gain some resistance buffs to fire or some crap like that.” "Well, more or less. The next thing you'll need to eat is energy." “And…how do I eat energy?” I asked curiously. "That's the tricky part. While there are many ways to technically eat energy, for this method to work you need to either acquire a specific ability, mutation, or a unique virus or parasite." “And where the hell am I going to find…any of those?” I asked curiously. “Cause I doubt any of the viruses or parasites here could fit the bill…and I have no idea what abilities or mutations could work for this.” "They won't. So, we go with option B." Parker said with a sigh. “And option B being?” I asked curiously, wondering what sort of nonsense he’s about to throw at me. "You are not going to like it…" He said. “Is it worse than what I’ve had to deal with over the past year?” I asked. "Well, you won't actually be doing anything but it will be… painful." “That’s…not going to be good…” I muttered. "No, it won't but at the moment it's our only option… do you still want to go through with it?" “If it helps me get stronger…” I said.  Parker sighed. "Alright, we'll need to set up a lab." Parker and I headed inside the hospital. He rapidly cleared it out and cleaned a room. Once he did he had me sit on a gurney, one not meant for ponies and strapped me down.  “So uh…” I said nervously. “Should I be concerned you might…stick a flamethrower in my mouth and just hold down the trigger until it works?” "Heh. No, I won't be doing that, but what I will be doing will make you wish I was." He said, making sure the restraints were tight. "As you can imagine there are a lot of illegal items here on Armageddon. Some are made by the Chaos Guilds, others are spawned in naturally." He then pulled out various medical coolers, bottles and syringes, and some what looked like… implants? "We are going to inject you with a variety of these things, triggering multiple mutations on a genetic level that should trigger the Dark Skill Tree Monster to activate." “Am I going to become a chimera or something at this point?” I asked worriedly. "Our genetics are… weird. You won't look any different once it's all over but you will definitely feel the effects of all I'm about to shoot into you." Parker said as more and more.items.were pulled from his Assistant. “And…how illegal is this?” I asked worriedly. "Well, let's just say there is a reason the ones the Chaos Guild makes are only manufactured here on Armageddon." Parker stated as he took a vial of a transparent blue liquid and filled a large syringe with it til the bottle was empty. "Always found a stockpile of these things when I'd raid a Chaos Guild base or camp. Guess holding onto them was useful after all. Now, hold still cause… this is gonna hurt…" He put the injection into my leg, and once the fluid entered my veins it was like magma, burning, hot and slow moved through my veins and across my whole body. I screamed, Cheat was screaming, it made breathing hard and my heartbeat ran like crazy. Genetic Mutation Detected. Genetic Mutation stabilized. New Mutation Ability: Overheat, Obtained. I breathed hard. That was… not how getting an ability normally feels! “That…the fuck happened!?” I shouted in pain. “That’s…that hurt like hell!” "One of the main reasons it's outlawed." Parker said. "That was a dose of Serum Chance. It forces the… blank strands of DNA into a new pattern. Creating a mutation ability. The Assistant then registers it and stabilizes it." "Well…I got Overheat if that matters…whatever the hell it is…" I groaned. "That one makes you able to raise your body temperature to high enough levels you can start fires or resist the cold while also gaining an resistance to heat. Good but not what we are looking for or need." Parker said, pulling another vial and syrenge. "Oh come on…" I whined. "I told you it was going to hurt and you weren't gonna like it. And this is just dose two of two hundred and thirty one." I gulped. "After that it's other serums. Some implants, artificial symbiotes/parasites and then the heavy duty surgeries…" "Why me…" I whined in pain. "I'm sorry Cheat…" "Don't worry. I said I was gonna go through this with you and I mean it. Even if it does suck." She stated. And so, for the next I don't even know how long, Parker Injected every vial of that crap Into me. Somewhere after fifty I began to grow numb to it. After seventy I was just… numb. Each ability it gave me was hit or miss or situational. When that was finally over he gave me some water I chugged greedily before moving onto the next stuff… "Alright, these injections are meant to be like the Nanite Injections only man made. They aren't illegal, but it will hurt. They will increase the cellular density of your muscles, bones, ligaments and so forth by… a lot." "Alright…" I sighed. "At least it'll hurt less…" "This one, the nature will have to be injected with an IV feeder. So this will take a while." Parker got the whole thing set up. Once the IV was in me and dripping I felt it. It wasn't nearly as bad as the other one. More a dull Ache in my muscles and bones. Joints too. I just kept still, not moving and waiting for this to run out. “This fucking sucks…” I grumbled. “Wish…this went a little faster…” "It will pass." Parker said. "Oof. So, Button. When all this is over, mind if I have the body for a bit?" “What do you want to do?” I mentally asked. "Mostly just relax, enjoy some time with Cream or Philomena, the babies. Seeing as we're sharing this body we do need to work out some schedule so we each have time in controle of it. Like, you get it one day, I get it the next kinda thing?" “This is why we really need to get you a new body…” I mentally told her. "Well until then consider the days I have controle your day off. It will do you some good and frankly I don't plan on looking for my own body anytime soon. This shared fused body of ours looks hot, can be really fun in bed and frankly the two extra feet helps a lot more than I was expecting." “True…also just wish this wouldn’t take so long or be as painful…” "Yeah. Well, in any case, at least you aren't going through this alone." “While that’s true…I don’t want you to be hurt like this…cause seriously, two hundred and thirty, and a lot of them weren’t even worth it!” "Eh. It happens. Hence why games of chance are dumb." “RNG is total bullshit yes.” After maybe an hour and a half the last of that stuff was now in me. Next came several other ones that… actually hurt way fucking more. It all screamed. Every cell in my body… “Why!?!” I groaned breathlessly. “Why must you hurt me like this Spider-Man?” I wheezed a tad bit deliriously from the pain. The last of the syrs and injections finally slipped into my body, and I was in agony. Cheat and I had blank minds, trying not to think about pain, despite it being everywhere. Parker gave me some more water and a protein shake. "Sorry can't be physical food. The next stuff might make you throw it up." “I promise I want sell your pictures to Mr. Jameson Mister Parker…” I whined, in legit outlandish pain still. "You can rest for a bit. Up next, implants and body modifications." “Hey God? If you're out there…you’re an ass for giving people the sensation of pain…” I whined, thinking that the implants and body modifications will be even worse. "There's like, way more than one God Button." Parker said, suppressing a chuckle. “Does that stop them from being an ass?” "Nope." Cheat and I laid there, breathing slowly as possible to regain some sanity from the fog of pain. "So, implants… wonder what he's gonna shove into our body?" “As long as it doesn’t hurt as much as that bullshit I’m fine.” After a few more hours of rest, Parker began the Implants. Thankfully, I was allowed some MAJOR pain killers and woah… they work. I was also glad Parker blindfolded me cause I don't wanna know what he is doing… bad enough I can hear it… “I hate this…” I thought bitterly. “Seriously…we’ve been here for what? A day or something and it’s just been us being in mind numbing pain…” "Hey, at least this time we don't feel anything. Frankly, that's a huge improvement." Cheat replied. “True…but still, how long does it take to get this Monster Skill Tree?” "I'm assuming… a long time. Well, now that we have time… can I get the body when this is all over?" “Fine…I’m stupidly bored…” I mentally sighed, wishing there was literally anything to do besides lay here and doing nothing. "Well, there is something we can do." “What do you have in mind?” "Exactly that." "Okay, so Kentucky was a bust…" Sweetie Bot sighed. Their current mode of transportation, a modified truck, was covered in makeshift welded spikes and, and dried blood and various zombie bodies. Some of which were still moving. Diamond Tiara was happy to at least be out of the backpack. “Oh open sky and air, I will never take you for granted again.” Diamond sighed, enjoying the open air as she flapped her wings in pure joy. "Next destination, Tennessee." Scootaborg said. "Your sniper skills have come in handy, especially with that new rifle." Sweetie Bot said. Diamond smiled, hugging her brand new rifle. It was found in a Russian military base, shoots fifty caliber bullets, and is semi automatic with a forty round drum magazine and a range measuring zoomed scope. She called it Baby. “This is my Baby, and I can’t wait to show it to Button.” Diamond giggled. “And then smack him upside the head with it cause I know he’s been doing something stupid while we were away.” "What makes you say that?" Sweetie asked. “It’s Button first of all.” Diamond joked. “But also…I can just…feel it in my bones…the closer we’ve gotten, the more that feeling comes and goes…and I’m scared he’s in a lot of pain…” "... Diamond, do you also have… feelings for Button?" Sweetie asked. She turned and saw Diamond was bright red. "You do?!" “Shut up!” Diamond whined in embarrassment. “Don’t make me smack you first.” "Why didn't you say anything! You could have been part of the herd forever ago!" “I…I mean…” She sputtered. “I…I wasn’t sure if I really did…but all this time without him…it feels…worse…” "Oh Diamond, when we find Button you need to let him know." “That’s what I’m going to be doing, yes.” Diamond nodded. “Just…I miss him ya know?” "Are you going to kiss him?" “It’s been a year in the making…” Diamond sighed. “I just…hope when we find him, he’s hasn’t…changed as much as I fear he is.” "What are you expecting?" “I…I don’t know…I’m just…scared that, when we see him…he’ll practically be someone completely different.” Diamond shook her head. "I just hope he hasn't gone crazy. Hopefully he found some friendly people to be around… worst case I'm hoping for is the harem has some new members." “I’m pretty sure Button probably found Prize Pod’s around here.” Diamond shrugged. "Wonder how he and Cheat have bonded. They have had a whole year together."  “Either Cheat’s driving him up a wall, or somehow he shoved that symbiote into a woman and…did a whole lotta things.” Diamond shrugged. "He managed that… you don't think they might have… had a foal, do you?" Sweetie asked. “While I want to say ‘no, they wouldn’t risk that on Apocalypse’...knowing Button…Cheat’s a lucky bitch…” She huffed. "....do you think if they did we should… add to that or… maybe wait or…" The car suddenly came to a screeching halt. Looking up Sweetie and Diamond saw… Glamrock Chica? "*Squack!* You almost ran me over!" The animatronic chicken yelled. “Sorry about that!” Diamond said worriedly. “So uh…what are you doing here of all places Chica?” "Scavenging scrap metal." She motioned to a partly taken apart car. "Part of my settlements deal with this guy to ensure we don't get attacked by Chaos Guilds." "Isn't that extortion?" Sweetie asked. "Maybe but it keeps all the really nasty ones away from us and we get access their portal thing and Button uses it a lot for there-" Chica squacked again, suddenly having Diamond and Sweetie in front of her. “What did you say? You know where Button is? Where is he?” Diamond asked suddenly and rapidly to the animatronic. "Uh, right now they went on some training thing with Parker but they'll probably be back soon. I can take you if you want. Wait, you're the friends he's always talking about aren't you! Oh man Cream and Philomena are gonna wanna meet you three… where the rest?" Sweetie tapped her backpack lightly. "Safe in here." “Yeah, so please take us to wherever your settlement is, we’ve been looking for Button for…about a year now.” "Oh gladly! You two get to meet Cream and Philomena and all the babies!" That made Sweetie and Diamond pause. Suddenly, Pro Go jumped out of the backpack and to full size. "I'm a grandpa?! Grandma? Grandparent?!?!?" My implants went smoothly. Thankfully, I have no idea what most of them do but I do know that apparently about forty percent of them are considered illegal. Last were some unique parasites and symbiotes.  Those didn't actually hurt going in but man did they feel gross when they did. Thankfully Cheat was actually able to make them extensions of herself through the body. This negated some of their negative effects and gave me the ability to consume energy and the Monster Dark Skill Tree. "Well, that was an exhausting day and a half." Parker said as he gave me a hot pocket. Finally, real food! I ate that thing like it was the last meal I’d ever have. “Oh sweet food, how I missed you.” "Sorry for the all liquid diet. Some of the implants cause nausea after immediate installment, and some of the Symbiote and parasites just make that worse. Especially the ones that merged with your stomach, intestines and throat." “I…can imagine…” I said. “Ugh…finally we can move…” "I do have to admit, I'm surprised how well your body has just readily accepted all that. I was expecting a lot more rejections but not a single one." “Yeah…that is a bit surprising.” I nodded in agreement. “So…what’s this Monster skill tree supposed to do for me?” "I'm short, anything Monsters can do, you can gain the ability to do. It works really well with the Gluttony Branch of Sinner. It's almost like having Copy Cat, only you need to hunt and eat whatever you want to gain the Abilities of." “Sounds about right.” I nodded. “So that’s cool…and yeah I really want to do something after all this laying around…” "Well you are free to do that, just wear this while you do." Parker said, putting on a metallic cuff on my leg. "This device will monitor your body, the Injections, implants, parasites and symbiotes, the whole thing. Just keep it on for a few days and try not to stress. I've honestly never seen anything take all this in one go successfully. Better to keep an eye out for side effects just in case." “Fine, fine.” I nodded. “I’ll try not to stress myself too much.” "Which means I'm in control now!" Cheat said, suddenly taking over the body. "Thanks for the terrible memories Parker. I'll drink to forget them!" "Fair." Parker laughed. With that Cheat ran us outside and back to the rooftops. “Why can’t I be the one that’s running around?” I mentally huffed, having been the ‘main driver’ for all that nonsense. "Because you are always the one running around and last time I got to jump rooftops and look through stuff, was before I got knocked up. So I wanna enjoy this for a bit. First I'm gonna hit the video stores, see if I find something new to watch. Then the electronics store for a new TV, DVD player, and if we're lucky they might even have some videogames there." “Eh, fair.” And so, I sat in the backseat as Cheat went scavenging. Finding some more series on DVD, some new movies, popcorn, and to my surprise she did find a new flat screen TV and to my excitement, a PS3 and some games for it. Once all those were packed into the Assistant the started browsing some books. "Hmm, cook book, fitness book, Bible. Bible in Spanish. Hm, well these kids books will probably be good for all the foals." "Yeah, it'll probably be good for the kids." I mentally agreed.  Cheat pocketed all the kids books and a few others. After that she quickly went to… what!? "Oh don't be so dramatic Button, it's just a lingerie store." Cheat rolled her eyes as she walked through the door. “I know that, but why!?” I asked incredulously. "Well, you can't lie, this hermaphrodite body of ours, looks hot, and our flanks are nice and round and bouncy and jiggly." Cheat said. If I could I'd blush at the moment. "And I see how every mirror or reflection we pass you give it a glance." “Sh-shut up…” I tried to argue. “It’s not my fault…” "Oh I know. But when I absorbed your body and merged it with my own the extra two feet still left me with a lot left over so I put it where I felt it would get the best use~" “I…know I know…” I admitted. “Still…very different is all…” "A very sexy different~" Cheat added with a chuckle. "Anyway, I also plan on seeing how our human and humanoid forms. One because I bet we got nice tits, and two because aside from my usual stuff, I've always wanted to try swords and guns." “Same. I always wondered what hands were like for myself and not…what Philomena has done…” "Oh that's half the reason I want them." Cheat said. Well, the whole dressing thing was… embarrassing, but I am not gonna lie… we look hot… Once all the pony stuff was work and put away she changed us first to a humanoid form. Basically we kept the fur, mane, cutie mark, pony ears and all that around the face but a human body… Firstly, Small C cups, but HUGE hips… and we're apparently five-six in this form… After cheat tried on humanoid clothes that… a certain bulge of ours were very visible through… oddly, that was alright with me… Anyway, once all that was done she swapped to a pure human form. Our skin tone was a lighter tan brown than our coat, and our hair was the same as our mane. Aside from that I just looked… well, human. Cheat then began looking for undergarments, a bra, and finally a dress and heels. "Damn. We look nice." She said, doing a twirl. “Yes, yes we do. Also…hips for days apparently.” "Yeah. It's all going on down there." Cheat said with a chuckle. "Shame our chest isn't that big but our ass really makes up for it."  With that, Cheat grabbed more clothes before reverting back to pony form. She then headed to… Cheat no! "Cheat yes~" She purred, walking into the adult toy store. “I RSVP NO!” I mentally shouted in fear. "What? Didn't you enjoy what I did in the bathroom with my toy? Think about all the ones in there can make us feel~" “It’s…I’m still trying to sort that out…but there’s no stopping you here…” "Nope. Don't worry, I'm sure they have some for males too~ Besides, better use those than constantly having them all get pregnant. Plus I was hoping to get a bigger strap on for Cream." Wait… she actually has one?!? “Why must you do this to me Cheat?” I whined. "Because I'm a pervert and I enjoy using sex as a weapon against you who can not resist the advances." “Fine…” I grumbled. And so, Cheat went in, and walked out with the whole store… there was stuff there I didn't know existed… and Cheat is gonna use them all on us… I won't fight it, but I will not be ready for it. Finally though she made her way back to the settlement. A skip in her trot, a million perverted thoughts running through her head that more or less were bombarding me and all while planning on feeding Power Up and watching her new movies. “I’m getting a lot of tonal whiplash here Cheat…” "Now you know how I feel when you've got a million thoughts going on during your training." “There’s a difference.” I tried to defend myself. "Not much of one." She said. We arrived in the settlement and… "B-Button?!?!" Cheat looked up… Dad, Maud, Diamond, Sweetie Bot, Echo, Ali, Victor… "Welp, it's your turn." Cheat said, putting me in controle again. “Dad…Maud…everyone…” I teared up, shakily stepping towards all of them… “You’re…you’re…all here…you’re all alive…” "Button… you're hot!" Sweetie said in a blurt. "I mean, you were handsome and all before but… what happened?! Chica said you're a dad and also a mom and Cheat apparently did all that?!" I first gave them each a hug, then spent a long time explaining the last year to them…  It was late at night when I finished explaining everything. Dad was playing with Power Up, Dovahkiin, and all my kids with Philomena. "So… you fucked your mom?" Ali asked. "I'm not his mom." Cream frowned. "I might be an alternate version of her, yes, but I did not birth this Button and given my first son clearly isn't a mini Button, I doubt I will." "Is it weird I thought Maud would get pregnant first?" Sweetie asked. "I wouldn't mind if it happened." Maud shrugged. “It’s…it’s been a rough year…but thankfully everyone here has made it better…well…some of them…” I sighed, remembering that there’s a lot more…’slaves’ here than my actual lovers. “It’s…it’s still a lot…” "I can't say I approve of you having Breeder Class… but, it's better here where they'll be treated better than the bastards in the guilds." Victor said.  "And you… have to screw them daily?" Diamond asked. I frowned, nodding. "Breeders are reprogrammed to suffer depression, anxiety and self destructive thoughts and actions if they aren't… used." Victor sighed. "It's a whole nasty situation they're forced into." "Well, if anyone would treat them right it's Button." Sweetie said. She then walked over and gave me a kiss. "We've missed you so much." "Yeah." Maud added, giving me a kiss too. “I’ve…I’ve missed you all so much…” I said again, sadly breaking down for…probably the fourth time today as I sobbed in pure joy at being with all my loved ones again. "Hey Button. Mind if we talk?" Diamond asked. “S-sure…” I sniffled, rubbing away my tears again. “Do you want it privately or…what?” "Well, privately, yeah." She nodded. We walked to the bedroom. Diamond closed the door and before I could ask she flew up a little, grabbed my head and kissed me on the lips. The shock made me freeze a bit and when she finally stopped she looked at me with a silent pause. “Wow…” I blinked. “Uh…where…did that come from?” "I… might have had a realization over the year that my feelings towards you might be more than that of… just friends… Sweetie actually called me out on it just before we found Chica and came here…" “Well…” I started. “It’s…this year has let me know how much I cared about all of you…how much I missed all of you…and well…I…did have some feelings for you Diamond…” "Do you want to… act on them?" “I’d love to.” I answered happily. “It’s been a year…so we have a lot of catching up to do.” "Well… I guess that means we should go on a date. Didn't expect my first boyfriend to be both a father and mother though. How scandalous." Diamond said with a chuckle. “Eh.” I shrugged. “It happens, but I’m glad to…actually go on a probably normal date after so long…” "Yeah. That will have to wait though. I imagine Maud and Sweetie would like to make up for lost time as well." “Oh yeah.” I nodded. “Those two would want…to make up for a lot of lost time.” "Heh. Well, I'll leave you to it then." Diamond said, giving me one more kiss. "So, date night tomorrow then?" “It’s a date.” I said with smile, kissing her this time and feeling so much better about having her here. With that, Diamond left the room… and shortly after Maud and Sweetie entered, closing and locking the door behind them. I smiled, happy to make up for the year I wasn't able to give them the attention they wanted from me. > Chapter 8: The Nature of Armageddon > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I huffed as I bucked a trashcan off one of the roofs, down to the sea of dead below and knocking a couple of them down. Our population has reached just shy of two hundred, meaning, officially, our settlement is a Village… and Kilpulu has to raise the rent accordingly. We now need to send double the usual amount now a month… “This fucking sucks…” I growled. “Of course it has to be double…” "At least it's manageable." Parker said. "And it's not like he didn't wait. The rules say once we reached a hundred he was supposed to raise it. At least he waited until we almost reached two hundred. Besides, Loot from the nearby zones is useful, and scrap metals are plentiful." “Which at least gives us enough supplies per month…” I said. “Hopefully we can keep this up.” "We can, and will. I have an idea. A stupid one but it's better than nothing." “What’s the plan?” I asked readily, knowing a stupid plan got us into this mess hopefully a stupid plan will get us out of it. "We need to buy an enchanted item." He said, already walking off as I followed. That… doesn't sound stupid, actually. “Alright, buying an enchanted item…where does the ‘stupid’ part of the plan come in?” "Several things. One, the enchantment it will have will make things both harder and easier. Second, it will likely activate the Greed Tree for you, and third, you run into anyone out there, they will try and kill you for it." “I don’t think we’re getting a ‘normal’ enchanted item are we?” I asked nervously. "Technically it is a normal enchantment. Rare actually. It's a Loot Multiplayer. While not illegal normally, some people use Enchantment buffs and such to make their own with ridiculously over powered variants of the normal enchantment. Like the normal enchantment gives a times two, times three boost to all loot you pick up max. The ones they make can give up to a thousand times boost to loot. So I've heard." “Well…that would certainly be a thing to want to murder over…” I said sheepishly. "I've personally only ever seen a times hundred and fifty enchantment, but we just need something that can give us an edge and won't horribly put a target on our backs and lets us stockpile the excess and have more than enough to pay the Chaos Guild off with." “Yeah, any multiplier could help.” I nodded. "It won't just work on enemies you kill either. Any loot you pick up, crops you harvest, scrap metal collected, will all multiply." Parker added. “Oh that would be fantastic.” I said with a smile. "Just remember, when we get to the place that sells them, keep your head down, lips shut, and don't talk." Parker said. "And I mean that." I nodded. Kilpulu used his Teleport Machine and sent us to where Parker asked. A place called Currency. Walking through the portal next to Parker I caught so many smells. Metal. Cooked meat. Oil. Rott. Feces. Booze. Tobacco. Looking up, I saw why… All around me were Stalls. One sold meat… Human, Elf, Dragon… Pony. If it was meat, they seemed to have it. Another, sold items made from bone and flesh, jars of organs and limbs in unknown fluids. Another, sold all kinds of liquor. Another, Drugs Another… Breeders… Slaves… Serf's… Children… I nearly stopped, Parker noticed, grabbing my mane and pulling me past all the… This is a Bizarre of the Black Market Guild… where all the different Chaos Guilds can… sell their wears… “Just…just keep quiet…everything’s going to work out fine…” I thought to myself, trying not to let my boiling rage get the better of me. We arrived at a stall that had lots of jewelry. Rings, necklaces, bracelets, pins. Hair pins. It was run by a skeleton, humanoid save the two horns in the forehead sticking out. Black flames filled the eye sockets as it wore some thin grey robes. "Parker. What brings my favorite customer to my stall today?" The skeleton asked. It's voice was a deep, gravely sound that fit for their body very well. "You say that to everyone Jasmine." Parker replied. Jasmine? "So I do. Heh. Still, question still stands." "I need an enchanted item. Necklace preferably. Loot Multiplier." "Ah, so you do. Well color me surprised." Jasmine the skeleton said with a tug of their robes. "I don't keep many of those in stock. Lowest Multiplier I got is a times twenty. Largest is a times sixty." "We'll take the twenty. How much?" "Two million rem." Fucking what?! Parker paid it, and the Skeleton being pulled out small box and from the box a small necklace on a thin metal chain, the item on the chain was a simple metal image of a four leaf clover. Parker took it quickly. "Thanks Jasmine." Parker nodded as he put it in his Assistant. "Any time Parker. Best be running along now. That old friend of yours Irma was here a bit ago." Jasmine said. "Fucking shit." Parker said. "Come on Button, we're going." With that, Parker and I left. As we were leaving I heard one of the… kids, crying. "Shut it runt!" Someone, a large male Lion Anthropomorphic yelled, kicking the cage. "Button…" Parker said, warning in his tone. I was trying, I really was, my right hoof having turned into the clawed gauntlet as I clawed at the ground to keep myself from bolting over there and murdering that damned lion. In the end… I didn't have to. The gunshot rang out, the Lion man's head turning into meaty chunks as the body fell over. The chaos was a mix. Most packed up and left. More gunshots came out from everywhere as others were shot dead. Those that didn't flee either were killed or sat unharmed at their stalls. When the chaos ended the gunman appeared. Well, gun women. She was human… I think. She was a tan skinned woman with dark brown, almost black hair wearing a black shirt, blue jeans and black sneakers. She also had a large pair of wings on her back, mostly a lapis blue with silver and gold along the feathers. She also had a halo float over her head. She looked at Parker. "Parker." She spoke her voice was… commanding. Yet gentle. The kind of voice that when spoken with anger, ment you were in trouble. "Irma…" Parker sighed. "Still causing trouble I see." "At least I'm doing some good." She spat back. She then noticed me. "Who's the horse?" “Uh…h-hi…” I said sheepishly, waving a bit. “Thanks for…murdering the Lion…I really wanted to…” "No problem. Murdering assholes and crooks is what I do best." She said. She then walked over to the caged children. All the children, Breeders, ECT, left behind. "All while wracking up a body count in the hundreds of thousand and having one of the biggest bounties Nexus has ever placed on someone's head." Parker added. “I like her.” I chuckled. "Same little horse." She chuckled, letting the kids out of the cages. "Heh. Still can never get over all this." She muttered, looking at me before continuing to break open the cages. I walked over, helping break some of the cages with her. “Names Button, it’s nice to meet you.” I said, now having a chance to actually help those that need it. "Nice to meet you. So, why are you with Parker?" “He’s helping me deal with a lot of things in this hellhole.” I answered. “And it’s been going great.” "That's good. So he's helping people again I see." Irma said, looking over at Parker. "I never stopped." Parker stayed. "You stopped going on raids. Burning down Breeder Conversation Factories, looting their warehouses and stopped helping the rest of us." Irma replied. "I don't know how you still can, after the Final Apocalypse? You still haven't found Leo." "At least I'm looking!" Irma snapped. "Maldito bastardo. Siéntate en un palo clavado." She said in Spanish. Huh. Thought the Assistant translated all that. "... Are their children there?" "... Yeah. A lot his… others from an off world Puritan Colony. Wiped their memories." "I hate those racist fucks. Hate having to…" “Am…I allowed to ask?” I inquired nervously. "They used to be a really big problem. Puritans being the racist sacks of shit they are, engraved those ideals into their children from birth. Majority never… forget them. So, memory wiping kids from Puritan Colonies is… a regular practice. If they're lucky the kids get off this planet and get adopted or go with the Caretakers Guild. Not all leave, some… run into their parents and… don't know who they are. Lot of Chaos Guild Members and Puritan groups or members work together out of a shared hatred of us." "Funny thing is, I'd do the exact same were I in their shoes…" Irma sighed. “Well the Puritans can go fuck themselves.” I frowned. “But I was meaning more about…Leo?” "He's someone from the same world as her. Someone she never thought she'd see again." Parker sighed. "Leo and Irma are both like you Button. Isekai. But they arrived here… after dying." I looked back over at Irma. The wings and halo make sense now. "He was my daughter's fiance. I never liked him. Was really… spiteful, towards him but… in the end I was able to tolerate him before… I died. Woke up here after being dead a few years. Leo had died too. There was a really nasty lung disease going around back home and… he caught the worst of it. Survived but his body was dying anyway… got two more years with my daughter before his heart gave out. Sometime after that, we both woke up here. That was… thirteen thousand years ago." Irma said. "And Leo has been missing Since the Final Apocalypse. That was seven thousand years ago." Parker added. “And…I suppose your in the ‘there’s no body, so they could be alive’ logic?” I inquired, "He is alive, but Armageddon is a huge place. One death and your Mother knows where on this ever expanding hellhole." Parker stated. "He could be in the next zone, or he could be on the other side of the planet entirely. Most people never see one another after a respawn here." “Well…I suppose that makes sense.” I nodded. “Also considering that there’s no good communication network around I suppose that also adds to the pain.” "That idiot is probably just lost in some backwater apocalypse." Irma huffed. "In the mean time I've been attacking Chaos Guild bases, freeing slaves, Pod People, ECT, you know. Stuff that hurts these assholes." Irma left the kids and people with us, and we took them home. Using this enchanted necklace is fucking amazing. Kill a zombie. Drops four hundred and sixty rem. Loot a can of beans, I now have twenty. Harvest our potato crops, eight becomes a hundred and twenty! I spend the next couple of months abusing this things enchantment on Runs. Stockpiling weapons, ammo, food, metal, anything really. "So, Sweetie Bot and Maud are finally in the 'Mothering Button's foals Club'." Cheat said. “Glad they’re both taking this well.” I said to Cheat. “Also really happy about this necklace, cause I’m getting so much stuff." "So me, Cream, Philomena, Sweetie, Maud, your Breeders," I winced. I hated that they were often referred to as my Breeders. And after that meeting with Irma that only grew… not by much but it grew. "Only one you haven't touched yet is Diamond Tiara." “I’ll…try to fix that if she wants…” I answered. To be honest we haven't gone on that many dates either. Mostly fitting them into our Runs, she covers me from the air, I do my thing on the ground. We make out for a while but we haven't been intimate yet. I was checking up on Frank again. Getting twenty boxes of the Antizen for the effort of one is amazing. I made my way up, finding a whole lot more than just the Harran Virus strain Zombies here. Green Flue Chargers, T-Virus Lickers, Devil Worm Parasite Ridden. Yikes. Those worms really freak me out… I made it to Frank's Room and… Frank looked… different. He was still huge, hulking but less grotesquely so, more sleek and his torn hazmat clothing now was covering him, covered in cevillar patches and their face, now I could make out an expression on them. He looked angry. I used Scan… Mini Boss: Frank Virus Strain: Mixed. [Harran Virus Type 4 and T-Virus Nemesis Strain] Oh Fuck! "Uh…hey Frank, I see you've…got an upgrade…" I said sheepishly, donning my armor as I was readying myself to fight the new and improved Frank. We circled one another. This new Frank was… smarter. Old Frank would have charged at me mindlessly… After a moment he did though. Taking a run at me as I was expecting him to swing at me, only to be met by a kick to the chin and sent crashing up into the ceiling. Pulled down and slammed into the floor. Fuck!! Immediately spikes shot out in all directions, Frank jumping back and remaining unscathed. "He's smart Button… we're not used to fighting a smart opponent." “I know that Cheat…this is gonna suck…” I grumbled, getting up quickly. As I did I was greeted by a cinder block to the face knocking me for a loop before Frank, wielding the biggest wrench I've ever seen, and slammed me across the neck with it. Crack! I was sent flying into the nearby wall. Pain exploded across my head for a moment before… fading… shit, shit I can't move! "He injured your spine!" Cheat yelled, a familiar feeling of them taking over and filling my being took over. My body stood up, Cheat taking over and in our armored form opened our toothy maw, and caught the wrench as Frank swung it at us. Pain across my neck exploded again as whatever Cheat was doing to let us move did so painful. Creee- CHOMP! Cheat bit the wrench in two, chewing and swallowing the metal in our mouth before I painfully felt my neck snap back into its proper place and the injury begin to heal. "You. Don. Goofed." Cheat said. Suddenly, our whole body seemed to… melt, and attack Frank. Covering them as I felt like we were eating him from all over, until he was gone and I was back to normal, unarmored and in control. I felt my neck, moved my body and felt… good. Well that was all… different… “Wow, that was really cool Cheat…I didn’t know we could do that.” I told her. "I… didn't either." Cheat replied, sounding tired. “Well…thanks for the save Cheat…get your rest.” I mentally told her, not wanting her to push herself after that. Mini Boss: Frank, Defeated! 20,000 rem(EB: 400,000 Rem) Attack Wrench 5 Antizen Boxes(EB: 100 Antizen Boxes) Frank devoured. Harran Virus Type 4 digested. Immunity received. T-Virus Nemesis Strain Digested. Immunity/benefits received. +30 Defense +20 Healing Factor +50 Endurance +4,000 HP Bonus “Awesome.” I said with a smile, walking over and making a new tally mark in the wall, for me and Super Frank, and one point for me. Well, Cheat is the one who won but, same body… I'll add her name up here and… done. With that I went back to my Run, picking a few things up and then heading home. First things first, I need to ask Parker what's up with Frank and, given recent patterns… I found Parker in his room, making some Healing Potions it seemed. "Hey Button." He said. “So me and Cheat just beat Frank…but uh…he was a Mini Boss somehow.” I said carefully. “And he was really mad.” "You have noticed all the new Undead strains right?" He asked. I nodded. "The longer people stay or settle in an area the harder Armageddon makes it for them. Nothing unrealistic mind you, but odds are Frank will get some more upgrades and more powerful infected will show up with each day. The bright side is that the loot will also get better." I nodded, remembering Frank dropped a lot of stuff the enchantment multiplied by twenty. “Yeah…it was strange…though we did devour the T-Virus Nemesis Strain and Harran Virus Type 4…though I’m surprised at the bonus we got from the Nemesis Strain…’ "It was made to create super soldier bio weapons so, not that surprising." Parker shrugged. “Well…considering me and Cheat are now immune to it’s negative effects…think if we keep devouring Tyrant’s and Nemesis class T-Virus infected we’d continue to get stronger?” "Yeah." Parker nodded. “Cool.” I nodded “So yeah…Frank is now Super Frank, and I’m concerned about what’s about to happen next…question, due to my…” I gulped a bit. “Slavery skill…am I allowed to take control of Mini Bosses?” "You can if your will exceeds their own. In the end that's all that skill tree comes down to. Battles of will against whatever and or whoever you enslave." “Right…” I said carefully. “And considering how quickly Frank kicked my ass and…broke my spine, that’s not gonna happen any time soon.” "You can build up to it. Start with more aggressive monsters and then eventually you can try it on Super Frank. Saw a guy once not that long ago actually. Little before I found you. He managed to enslave SCP 106. Now that was incredible." “Who and what?” I inquired. “I’m…not versed in the SCP’s, mostly just the more common stuff like 999, 682, and Malo.” I said, lightly blushing at the last one cause…damn was there a lot of porn for the skull headed doggo. "106, the Old Man. Can walk through walls, secretes a deadly toxic corrosion that can melt and rot anything. Organic or not. Loves to cause pain and torture. Drags it's victims into a personal pocket dimension where they are tortured extensively, dying only because the Old Man gets bored or because your death causes his true victims more pain. Preferably targets children to young adults mostly. Can appear at any time, anywhere. Basically immortal." Okay yeah I didn't need to sleep for the rest of my life anyway… “Goodbye sleep, I hardly knew yee…” I whined, comically sob laughing at my future of no sleep. "He is weak to certain things. Electricity, very solid matter and matter in a constant state of flux." “Well…good to know.” I nodded. “I…don’t have Electricity and I’m not fast enough to do that ‘flux’ state…I think I should be very solid from all this nonsense.” "Relax. Majority of the really bad SCP monsters have long since been collected or imprisoned again. Only a handful still run around free and we're nowhere near their territories." “Oh thank god.” I sighed thankfully. "So, with that out of the way what else did you want to talk about?" “Well, is Frank going to start hunting me down or is he stuck in his spot?” "Mini bosses rarely leave their spots. You'll be fine." “Cool.” I nodded. “So, any other curve balls I should be worried about?” "It's Armageddon. It would be shorter to list off what isn't considered a curve ball." “Well…will we be meeting Irma more? She was nice.” I said honestly. "Don't know." Parker said, a hint of annoyance in his tone. “Is it alright if I ask what’s going on between you two?” I inquired. "It's a bit of a long story." He said. “I’m sure we have the time.” I said honestly. “Or do you want to shorten it?” "Well, as you know, she's Isekai. Got here after dying back in her home reality. It happens, she spent those early years just getting used to everything. At some point she spoke to the Time Walkers, and learned she'd meet her family again on Armageddon. But only when it was made safe." Armageddon? Safe?! "She was a mother, three kids were already grown but she loves them, back before she could watch over them from the afterlife. Here, she has no idea what's going on with them. When she arrived on Armageddon she was quick to join the cause, making huge artificial safe zones for people to live here right. We were in the same unit. She was never a fighter before coming to Armageddon, but she took to it like a moth to a flame. Like she was always a soldier. Some years later, she found Leo, her son in law. He wasn't much of a fighter, but had a natural talent for magic and learning the environments on Armageddon. "After the Final Apocalypse happened, and Leo was respawned to parts unknown, she tried to rebuild everything. Still is. I… didn't." “What happened?” I asked carefully, wondering why he decided to stop trying to rebuild. "I went looking for my husband." Parker said. "I found him… he was turned into a slave. Prize Pod People aren't the only ones who can have their profile data removed… erased…" “O-oh…” I muttered. “I’m…I’m so sorry…” "Irma took them in. He lives in one of her settlements up north. When I found him there was just… nothing… nothing but that damn flash of green and black… I haven't fought against any of the chaos guilds since. I'll help people, sure…" “But you’d rather not…experience that pain again.” I sighed. "I've lost a lot in my time, but… when James was taken from me like that… I just couldn't fight. Not like before…" Parker sighed. "It's why when I found out Cheat was pregnant I'd help more directly. Losing James felt worse than any form of death this planet can throw at me… I don't want anyone else to know that pain. Especially not when kids could risk losing their parents." “I…I understand…” I nodded. “I…couldn’t imagine losing any of my family…” "Hence the training. I couldn't stop them from taking my home, my people and my family. So, I'll try and help stop them from taking yours." "Thanks Parker." I nodded. "It…it means a lot." After that I went to the recently built Sniper Nest where Tiara was with her new favorite rifle, Baby. "Hey Button." She said once I was up there next to her. "Hey Diamond, how you doing?" I asked with a smile. "Good. Just keeping a Pegasus eye view of things." "That's good." I nodded. "See anything interesting?" "Two Chargers fisting each other." I started at Tiara for a while. She then broke out laughing. "They just punched each other a few times before wandering off. Was worth saying to see your face." "Okay, cause I was gonna say." I chuckled. "So anyways, I killed Frank but…he's now a mini boss." "Your favorite zombie got an upgrade?" "Yeah, and he is pissed." I chuckled. "But with Cheats help we…turned into a giant slime made of teeth and ate him." "Damn! Sounds… terrifying." Tiara said. "Hence why I prefer distance." She said, tapping a hoof to her rifle. "I know, that's why I'm up front making sure you stay in said distance." I nodded. "How's Cheat doing then? Did the fight drain her?" "It did, mostly with what she did to help me beat Frank…don't know how or why it happened but it did." "Well, at least you came back safe. So, any plans for our next date?" "Not really considering the things going on." I said honestly. "While we're safe on money and supplies…there's more danger coming towards us…" "Like?" "Well, mostly just the whole 'this place is getting overrun with upgraded and much stronger zombies'..." "I noticed. Compared to when we got here a month ago the hordes have grown and gotten more diverse. The others are raising the walls more since some can climb and jump. Fucking Hunters…" Tiara huffed. "Even with your special item, everyone is gonna need weapons, armor, ammo of they need it." "Which is what I'm trying to do…and while I'd like to head to Khorne's Realm again and stockpile a lot of the things we need…it would cause too much attention…" I sighed. "I was thinking maybe see if other settlements or villages could help? If not then there are some places of value we passed on our way here that would be really helpful." “Well…I don’t know of any other settlements or villages, but what other places do you have in mind?” "While we traveled we passed a lot of military checkpoints, various government bases and such. Sweetie Bot and Scootaborg should have tagged them all in their Assistant Maps. Once we got to the American states they also tagged gun stores and such too. There are a scary lot of them around." Well, expanding to outside this one state to search for loot and supplies will be useful. Plus as the village grows into a town. Then a city. Would be useful. Especially if we can get some automated defenses… "That sounds like a good idea." I nodded. "Hopefully we can get some good stuff or find some decent people." "Mei probably can fix the ship, or at least make something that can get us airborne so we don't have to worry about driving through swarms and such." "That's fair." I nodded. "So we got a plan for all that…just can't think of a date…" "I was actually thinking maybe we could go out and loot/trash some fancy hotel or shopping mall." "That sounds fun." I nodded with a smile. We were off immediately. Tiara above me as I ran across the roofs, we soon came across our first target. A fairly large Hotel 6. We got in through the roof door and cleared the hallway, then room by room. There weren't many infected, thankfully, and the first floor was completely cleared. We then got to examining each of the rooms. Most had random luggage, the basics. Mini fridge with some candy, water/soda. TV on the wall. "Looks cozy." Tiara said as she was taking the mattresses and pillows/blankets. I forget huge items store in the Assistant to sometimes. “Sometimes I forget that the Assistant’s are video game bags…” I said sheepishly. "To be honest, so do I." Tiara chuckled as she put away all the furniture and such of the room and bathroom before we moved to the next. This one seemed like it was used by a hoarder. Bags and bags lined the walls, some holding food or clothes. "This is a neat room." Tiara said. "Well, at least it's semi organized for a hoarder…" I brought up. "That is true… huh…" Tiara said as she looked around. I opened the bathroom to find a small stash of weapons, some guns, knives, a few rounds of ammo and a good stockpile of TP. Huh… this doesn't feel normal… "So…is it just me, or does this feel…wrong to you?" I asked. "Like…we might be looting someone else's place…" "I think it is." She said, the patio holding a propane grill and some small tanks. "I think this is a Travelers Camp." Right. Parker mentioned some people who constantly travel set up or stay at for rest, restock some stuff or leave other things. We left that room alone, figuring it best for whoever else might need the stuff to take it later. We eventually cleaned out and left the Hotel 6 and I actually smiled at our next destination. This is the mall Cheat and I crashed into when we got here. I remember being terrified. I chuckled. Little over a year on this planet and so much has changed. Walking back in I was looking around, Tiara taking shots at the infected that showed their heads- "Button, look!" Cheat called. I saw the now fully dead bodies of a unicorn and Pegasus corpses Tiara had just put down. “Pony infected? Haven’t seen any of them since we got here…” I brought up. “Want to absorb them to get the wing’s and horn?” "Heck yes! One Alicorn Button Mash coming up!" Cheat took over for a quick moment, devouring the two infected pony corpses and after a moment I felt… huh. Don't feel all that different. I looked to my sides, seeing two folded brown feathered wings there. Tapping a hoof to my forehead I had a horn now too… huh. Cool- Pegasus Race Acquired! Unicorn Race Acquired. Prerequisites Complete! Alicorn Race Acquired! Race Magics for Earth Pony, Pegasi, and Unicorn specific magics have doubled proficiency as an Alicorn. The notification said. Ah cool! So this is going to be- "What in the…" I turned to see a slack jawed Tiara looking at me. "I was gone for three minutes…" “Sorry…” I said sheepishly. “But ya know, Cheat loves her brains.” I tried to joke. "Huh…" Tiara said as she walked up to me. It was there I realized I was also much taller. Before I was just a few inches over them all. Now I'm a whole foot taller than her. She circled around and before I could say anything dropped onto my back. "Your wings are so beautiful!" She said, suddenly chewing at my new appendages. My new wings spread open immediately and a feeling mixed of relaxation during a gentle massage and… well, almost similar to another feeling of relaxation I get after strenuous activity. “Oh…so this is what a wing boner feels like…” I blushed brightly at the sudden new sensations. I heard Tiara chuckle, finishing up what she was doing to my wings before flying up and off me. "I was preening them." Tiara said with a chuckle. "But yeah a lot of ponies or creatures with wings find the process both relaxing and arousing." I looked back at my wings. They didn't look all that different save a sheen of almost gloss like shine to them now. “Well, thanks Tiara.” I said with a smile. “Though it’s going to be really annoying to figure these thing’s out…and this…” I gently tapped my brand new horn. "It shouldn't be all that different than using your existing telekinesis spell." Tiara said. I thought about that, figuring I might as well give that a try. I focused, managing to light my horn, my magic aura being a neon lime green color and it wrapped around a bloody shoe, picking it up like my usual telekinesis spell does. Huh. Cool! Well at least I have that. Might actually end up learning more spells later. Tiara and I continued along the mall. Looting basically everything and nothing. I gave guns a try. Holding them in magic made aiming a little bit easier, aim is still shit but now I can levitate the thing near them and shoot. So, Tiara gave me a simple pump action shotgun, showed me how to reload it, told me the ammo was chambered for twenty gage, and let me kill a few infected with it. I still prefer punching and slamming into my targets but at least now I have some range. “Well, at least I have some range now, though I still like punching people.” I commented. "That's fair, but now you can stock up on ammo and maybe have an easier time against Frank." Tiara said. We walked into a bookstore and Tiara flipped through some books. "So… wanna make out for a while after this?" “I’m sure it’ll lead to more than just ‘making out’.” I teased, knowing things tend to get a lot steamier with my many girlfriends. "Heh… yeah… um… as much as I'd like that… I… don't want to risk getting pregnant." Tiara said. Oh… OH! So that's why she doesn't let it get more intimate. Fair, I guess someone had to draw the line and… yeah including the… Breeders… I've gathered a lot of kids… "I mean, maybe someday but I'd rather not be a mom so soon…" Tiara said. “Sorry.” I said sheepishly. “Just…considering everything going on and…well, being in this hellhole…I can understand why you wouldn’t.” I said honestly. "I know it didn't stop the others but I just don't feel ready or qualified to be a mom. So… if we do… do that, it will be… mouth and wing stuff only." She said with a blush. Wing stuff? “Um…so, new to Wings and…dating someone with wings…so…what Wing stuff?” I inquired. Tiara smirked, picking up a book with HER WINGS, tossing it up and catching it, her feathers curling and folding almost like fingers before she tossed the book back on the shelf. "Do with that knowledge as you wish." It took me a few minutes to pick my jaw up off the ground, and to get all three parts of me at attention to relax. Damn wings not helping… When we left the mall Tiara was helping me start flying, basic wing control and such. I could flap and get a little off the ground and even glide, but landing often left me face planting in the pavement. It made running across the roofs way easier though. A jump and a glide and what room half an hour to run and jump across took about five minutes. Once we got back home Tiara gave me a kiss goodnight and went to her room. I headed towards mine only to bump into someone. "Hello master!" Lilly said, her snake tail end wagging excitedly as the rest of her… lower half had grown due to her pregnancy. While the concept of modesty was lost on all the breeder girls rescued from the Chaos Guilds, I managed to at least get them all to wear long, admittedly loose fitting shirts that at least covered up the majority. She eyed me with those same eyes, filled with nothing but a love and lust she had forced into her by horrible people doing worse than brainwashing. I already knew what she was going to ask. It’s what they all always ask when I see them. "May I service you right now master?" I sighed, walking over and giving her at least a quick nuzzle. “I’m fine Lilly, how was your day?” "Oh! I breastfed the infants for most of the morning, then Miss Philomena had me help her prepare the ingredients for dinner, and then I spent the last few hours remembering the last time I served you, and then I waited here for you for the last hour in hopes to serve you again." She said. I sighed. The others are all basically the same If I were to ask them. If they're not taking care of the infants or being asked to do something z they sit around, remember and fantasize about me and pleasuring me. To some that's a dream come true, but that's not a life for them… they aren't living… “Have you…actually figured out anything you like to do besides thinking about me?” I asked carefully. Lilly's confusion at my question genuinely hurt to see. "Why would I like anything other than you Master? You're my everything. I have no need for any other interests or likes." How many times had they all said that, or some variation of that response to me? We can teach them to cook. To clean. To care for themselves but teaching them about hobbies, likes, interests… it's like trying to teach a rock to swim… “There’s other things you can do than think about me.” I frowned. “Believe it or not, I’m not actually all that special, you have so many people you can be friends with, hang out, learn to like something, it’s…it’s…it’s honestly not that hard Lily…” Her ears folded down, her tail stopped wagging and she looked like she was holding back a panic. Oh crap! "Have… have I offended you Master?" Crap! Have to remember not to sound annoyed or disappointed or… mad, especially mad, at them. Any of that from me to them, or if they interpret my wording as such, then they go into a full on panic attack that puts them in a manic depression. Then I actually have to screw them. It's literally the only thing that snaps them out of that, otherwise they refuse to eat or anything of their own… little, free will… “You haven’t offended me Lilly.” I said, wrapping my hooves and brand new wings around the saddened Breeder. "What… what can I do to satisfy you Master?" She asked, still looking sad but not on the verge of panic. “Cuddles sounds nice.” I said softly, though noting that she was doing a bit better when I accidentally got upset with her last time. It was…thankful improvement, even if it was just a little bit. "Cuddles? That's when you touch me but not use me for sex while using my breasts as pillows yes?" I blushed… admittedly I did do that. Few times I haven't I woke up using them as pillows. Swear she and the others put my head there… “Well…yes…” I answered. “Cause sometimes just…being next to someone important to you is fine, doesn’t have to be sexual…just sharing warmth and being there for each other.” I explained carefully. "But, can't it also be sexual? I exist to pleasure you Master." She asked. I sighed. Pulling myself closer to Lilly to hug her. Whoever you were before… I'm sorry… “And I want you to be more than that…” I said sadly. “You’re important to me, you shouldn’t…just be this…” "Why would I want to be anything else but your disposable sexual plaything?" I cried, silently as I took Lilly to her room and cuddled her… I swear… if I find whoever did this to her… to all of them… I'll… I'll… eat them alive… "Seems you finally unlocked Greed." Parker said, looking at the new Dark Skill Tree. "Wrath too. Good, good." “And…what’ll that do for me?” I asked, a bit groggy as I didn’t have good sleep from…all that with Lilly. "Well, Greed in certain branches can make you like… well, like a Dragon I guess? Basically the more you have that is yours the more you can… take, or earn from others. It's a bit of an odd Tree. Wrath, that one will go very well with your Berserker skills." He said. "Easiest will be Greed to grow first. What's it say to achieve the first Ability?" “Well…let’s check.” I said, going to the Greed Skill tree to find the first ability. “By the way…do you know who…does the whole…Breeder thing?” I asked carefully. "Breeders are largely done by the Chaos Guild Lust. They focus solely on making people, either through Profile Wiping, Birth, Synthetic or test tube clone vats of people and imprinting them to be nothing more than loyal sex toys. Other guilds do so too but on much smaller scales. Lust specializes in it." “And where can I find Lust?” I asked. "No idea. Their… factories are hard to find. Back in the day I only ever raided one Lust 'factory' and it was a fucking shit show. Was basically a brothel where the Breeders were knocked up, gave birth and the kids were forced into physical adulthood, mentally and profile imprinted to be Breeders." They… right out the… those kids never had a… I punched a hole through the wall. “There…will be nothing when I’m done with them.” I growled, in such extraordinary rage I didn’t know what to do with it. "Angry?" Parker asked with a raised brow. It was rhetorical, I knew, I just looked at him with clenched teeth. "Then I guess we should use it while it's fresh." “Where?” I asked. "It's not a Chaos Guild Factory, or wearhouse but I know a lot of Puritan Colonies that could use a good purge." "Fine…where?” I asked, wanting to know where I can let out this pent up rage. It was a short portal away to an area filled with odd red crosses and humans all with the same color skin. Apparently this Puritan Group was just as racist and biggoted as the pony one I slaughtered a month ago, only rather than feeling superior just because of their race, they also felt that way because of some boast religion and the color of their skin. It made no sense to me and I did not care. The slaughter began. I started first with the ones who fought back. Police. Soldiers. All of them tried but with Cheat as my armor and my anger, most were killed, eaten, killed and eaten. They fired guns. Cast magic. Called me slurs. Said their god would judge and punish me for this. All were silenced. Once all those were killed, next came the stragglers. Trying to run and hide. Pathetic. They begged and pleaded for mercy, and it made me laugh as I tore them to gore and chunks. Parker rounded up the young and the infants. I continued my hunt, finding my new target. She was slow. Laughably so. I didn't even need to run to trip her, pinning her down as- "Button no!" Cheat suddenly took over. Backing us off the woman… the… pregnant… woman… I… but, was she… "She's not a threat… Breathe, Button." “How does it feel?” I asked the Pregnant woman as I took a deep breath. “Knowing that your ‘Purity’ means nothing, and that you were saved by your unborn?” I growled, still fueled by rage but knowing shouldn’t…no, I wouldn’t hurt a Pregnant woman…I’m already stooping so low as is… She said nothing, crying as she managed to stand up and tried to leave, only for Parker to appear in front of her. He snapped his fingers and she was out cold. He caught her quickly and laid her back down. "Looks like she and a few others are the only ones I found pregnant who didn't escape. Kids and infants are all rounded up." I looked down… feeling that sense of dread I felt back at the Pony Puritan colony. “What…what did I do?” I asked, feeling tears start to well up. “Oh god…what…why…” "Wrath." Parker said simply. "And more you let rage guide your actions the more it makes you feel… nothing. In combat it makes you the perfect killer, because so long as you are filled with anger, Wrath will shut down your emotions." “I…I hate it so much…” I said, starting to cry as my emotion’s had to come to grip with…the literal genocide I just commited…again. "It's going to get worse. The longer it's used the harder it is to hold or get pulled back. Odds are, this," He motioned to the sleeping pregnant woman. "Will happen again and you won't stop in time. And on Armageddon, she won't respawn pregnant." I felt so sick… "Which is why, best course of action for you right now is an ability perfectly suited for such an event." “But…but…” I shook my head. “What do you have in mind?” I asked, trying not to let my crippling sense of doubt and regret beat me at the moment. "It's actually a mix of a symbiote and an ability. One of the symbiotes I put in you links your stomach and womb. It's commonly found in certain… species native to Armageddon. The hosts it's normally found within can't convince naturally, so the host finds a pregnant prey, devours them and the unborn, and the symbiote takes the… material, remakes it into a youngling unborn form of the host. The ability you'll need to keep that unborn their normal species and such is in Greed, called Second Mothering. It will make sure the… unborn, reforms as their original species in your womb when the Symbiote does it's job." I threw up. “What the fuck!?!” I shouted in horror. "Would you rather eat the mother and the unborn and them not be their original species? Cause with that symbiote in you, that is an option. Also makes sure your womb can properly stretch and house all the… possible young." “I’D RATHER NOT BECOME WORSE THAN THESE ASSHOLES OR THE CHAOS GUILDS!!!” I roared, so unbelievably fucking done with this. “But no! Why should I have a conscious and try to be a decent living being when I can just…throw caution to the wind, not have a single god damn care in this entire fucking existance when there’s absolutely no consequences!? Hell! YOU GET FUCKING REWARDED FOR IT!” "The Dark Skill Trees are not rewards Button. Far, far from it." “How? Cause unless there’s some hidden clause I’m unsure about, there is literally all upside to the Dark Skill Tree, even if it’s deplorable and awful…” "... Ask me something Button." Parker said. "Ask me why you think the Welcoming Committee exists? Why things like contraceptives are basically nowhere to be found here? Why despite Mother's Sons, Daughters and fucking Time Walkers have never found the leaders or main bases of any of the chaos Guilds?" “Because this place is extremely fucking big, as far as I’ve heard it’s about as big as Homeworld, the Welcoming Committee exists cause some people are just assholes, the contraceptive thing…again, we’re on a place called Armageddon, certain thing’s are probably not going to be found easily…and again, this place is so god damn huge filled with god know’s what that it would be extremely difficult to find even one person in this giant mess?” I asked. He sighed, kneeling down and looking me right in the eyes. "Why is there no access to the Realm of Dreams here then?" I tried to think of something. "Why, despite everything trying to kill you does things like food and weapons come in steady supply? Why do you think the Chaos Guilds call this place home?" “I…don’t know about the Dream thing…I barely understand it as is.” I admitted. “And…the other thing…well, I just assumed it was a Hazard Zone or some giant Dungeon that…just spawn’s in food? It’s each world ending scenario…I mean, let’s be real here, if this place was Apocalypse, then why is there just a simple Zombie Infestation cut off from a literal war zone infested with Demons, Blood, Iron and Heavy Metal?” I brought up. “I’m sorry…I barely know anything here…hell, it’s only been…what? A year or two since I originally got to this reality?” Parker sighed again. "How much do you know about The Family?" "They're…like, the originators of all this? The first Family…either literal or metaphorical I don't know, and they're the biggest and strongest group around…and there was talk about the war so they don't fight anymore or often." I explained with my minimal knowledge of them. "Now let me ask you… is evil necessary?" "Well…if Evil wasn't, then why are there Guilds about being a Bad Guy?" I inquired. "I mean…that counts right?" Parker stood up, looking down at me. "Armageddon is sentient." I blinked. "Uh…what?" I asked in surprise. "The lack of contraceptives, the excess of Prize Pod People who spawn here. Why zones don't blend or merge. Easily anyway. Why there is always ammo, food, means to survive despite everything here trying to kill you. The addition to infected types not native to here, Frank changing, heck it gave them the name you picked!" Parker stated. "This planet is alive, it wants more people to live on it, either born or trapped." “That’s…that’s really weird.” I blinked. “And…that also makes sense…I just thought it was a coincidence that Frank got his name.” "The reason it's Alive, why there are no Safe Zones, any even why Chaos Guilds and evil thrive here, boils down to an old legend." “And…what’s the old legend?” I inquired. "Back in the early days of the war, before the All Maker showed up, The Family gained a new member. A sort of… copy of the original Nexus founder. He helped them take down his original, and the All Maker. Afterwards, his twisted nature and ways became too vile for the new creation. The Family gave him a place to make and keep all his cruelty and evil nature to thrive. In exchange, he had to be the warden for a prison, where The Family kept all their memories and the echo's of all their most powerful enemies." “Oh…” I blinked. “That’s…wow…” "That's one of the legends as to why Armageddon exists. It's also the most accepted. Explains the Dark Skill Trees existing here. Why such actions are rewarded, how such… evil, can exist here. Some say it's also how the Chaos Guilds were founded and thrive so well here. Home to one of the Sources of Evil of The Family." “One of?” I asked worriedly. "Within the Family there is said to be a group who maintain and control Evil within Creation. The Mother of Monsters. The King of The Void, The Reflection of Evil, The Admin of Fear, and the Legion of The Damned. Supposedly the first four are the heads of maintaining evil within Creation. The last one serves them. Rumors say they were foolish souls who served them in exchange for power, and after death they serve them like the damned souls they are." “Well…that…makes sense I suppose.” I said carefully. "My point is, that this world wants to keep you. And the only way to stay alive in this world, to protect the ones you care about is to become a monster, or worse." "Well…that sucks…" I frowned. "Is…that why rescues are practically nonexistent?" "It's why the few that do come here either end up stranded or never find them. Armageddon will literally throw obstacles and such in their way to waste their time or lead them away from where you really are. Like it or not Button… you and your family are likely never getting off this planet…" “That…fucking sucks…” I frowned. “Well…I suppose the idea of getting working Wifi on this damned ball of danger is a lot better of an idea don’t ya think?” He chuckled. "There are ways, yeah. But still, you have a choice to make." He sighed, motioning to the still sleeping woman. "What will you do about her and the others?" “I…” I growled and punched a hole through a wall. “I hate how my first thought…my very first god damn thought was ‘well, the Slaver tree still exists’...” I sighed. "Either way, it's a danger to leave her here. It's unlikely anyone from here will make it back, if we don't take her or kill her and you take the unborn, then some other monster will." “So…gonna have to take her in…” I shook my head. “Gonna be annoying as shit if she starts being up in arms about her ‘purity’...ugh, this fucking sucks…” "I can always wipe her memory." Parker offered. "Like the foals from the Pony Puritan Colony, the kids here were going to get the same treatment. For the adults it will be a bit more difficult for them to adjust, especially since she and those others are pregnant." I was conflicted… as if the foals back in town would talk to me, though most still had… a flinch or tense up around me. Memories are gone but the emotions are still there, and they don't know why. I know it's not much better than the Chaos Guilds… it really isn't, but… they at least get to still be who they want. They aren't forced to do or be anything they don't want… That doesn't help me feel better though… “I still hate this…I hate all of this…” I shook my head. “Do what needs to be done…” Parker nodded, picking the woman up and taking her with us to where the kids and others all were. He performed the memory erase on them, and began to loot the place. While he did I sat here watching the magically sleeping people. "Well holy shit." I looked up, surprised I saw Irma there. "And here I thought Parker stopped doing raids on assholes." “No…this is all me.” I sighed. “Parker saw I was…oh how do I put it?” I wondered. “I was…Extremely, Earth Shatteringly, Unreasonably Fuck Ass Mad both at the Breeder’s situation and…the entirety of the Lust Chaos Guild.” I explained. “Parker just…pointed me in the right direction with all that rage…he saved the kids and the pregnant women at least.” "That is part of the code. When raiding enemy strongholds children and pregnant women are to be secured and collected. Sounds bad but the alternatives are they grow up to be evil racist assholes or become Breeders, Slaves, Serf's, and no it doesn't get easier." “I…suppose that makes sense.” I nodded. "So, this your first time attacking a Puritan colony?" “This is my second…I killed an entire Pony Puritan Colony…” I sighed. "I imagine that sucked, them being your own people and all." “That’s part of it…the other part was…commiting genocide…” I sighed. “Stupid Dark Skill Tree…” "Yeah. Those are terrifying." “Yes…yes they are…” I sighed. “And I hate it so much…and I hate it more that I have to use it all…” "At the end of the day we all eventually unlock it. Fact of life on this floating rock of hell." She said, kneeling down next to me. "We all just need to learn to live with it." “It fucking sucks, and I hate feeling like a monster…” I sighed. "Not much I can say except to find what helps make it easier." Irma said. "I remember the first raid I was on when I got here. Felt like shit for months." “I have no time to fully process.” I said. “Cause I always have to do something else to make sure everything and everyone is alright…” "Funny. That's how I deal with it." “It’ll only work so long…I just hope things will get better…” I shook my head. “But it’s a bit rough when the place want’s us to live here but also want’s to murder us…” "Yeah. But, seeing your home thrive, people smile and happy, it does make the pain of the deeds we need to do to ensure that happiness and safety easier." “I mean…yeah…” I sighed. “I still hate…the Breeder’s situation…” I said sadly. “That’s what…mostly caused this bout of ungodly rage.” I shook my head. “I just…I want them to know there’s more to life than me…it’s not that hard, even if they’re stupidly hardwired to it…” "That's not really possible. Yeah, you can teach them to cook, fight, survive, things those Chaos Guild assholes never put in them, but… they only really do it because they think it makes their Master happy with them." “So…there’s no point in even bothering?” I asked sadly. “Again…makes me wonder…what’s the point…” I sighed, hating all of this so goddamn much that I couldn’t even help those right in front of me. "Because either they're with us, safe, happy and cared for, or with someone who will beat, starve, basically rape them and sell off the kids. Or worse. Maybe one day we'll learn how they do this and be able to reverse or remove it, but until then, we save every one we can." “While that’s all fine and dandy…” I said, trying not to cry as I remembered how…hurt they are because of all this. “I…I just want to help…but I can’t and it’s…it fucking sucks…” "You already are helping them. Treating them like people is doing more good than you think." “Treating them like living being’s is…well, a lot better than what the Chaos Guilds would do…” "And… this is for fun?" Lilly asked. She was holding a book. Thankfully she could read so, I figured maybe a hobby of reading can help her. I know Irma said she'd only do it cause it would make me happy, but it's better than her always waiting around for me to come home and do stuff to her. “Yeah, there’s a lot of different genres of books that you can read and enjoy.” I answered. "What is it about?" “Well, that’s for you to figure out.” I said, knowing it was a simple fantasy book to start her off, something called ‘Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring’. “Cause it’s…a journey you go on mentally, imagining the thing’s happening in said fantasy story.” "Uh… okay." She said, opening to the first page. I sat there and watched her read. So far, ten minutes in and she's still reading. “How are you liking it so far?” I inquired. "It's okay. I like to imagine you as all the characters." Yeah that tracks… "And the bad guys as the others." … Wait what? Others? “What do you mean by ‘Others’?” I asked carefully. "Well, the main bad guy it is some giant dark lord, so I imagine them as Beth. But in armor. And the little Shmegal, I imagine as Cream." Huh… so she's Jealous of the others it seems? Even the other Breeders. Guess it does make some sense. “Why are you jealous of the others?” I inquired. "Jealous? What does… that mean?" “Well…there’s multiple definitions for it, but I’d say your feeling envy over me being with the others.” I said carefully. "Oh. You mean like feeling a little mad when you're rutting Cream or Philomena or Maid or Sweetie? Yes, I get mad. A little, when you're bedding them and not me…" Well… at least she's honest… “Why?” I inquired. “If I may ask.” I added, not believing I’m trying to be a psychiatrist here. "Because I'd like for you to do all those things to me Master." I'd face-hoof but I actually expected that answer… “Let’s…go with a hypothetical here…” I said carefully. “What if, now trust me on this and go with this line of thought, what if you didn’t think about me as the center of the universe, and we use this book as a sorta…test, to see if you’re able to see more things than just me…do you think that’s possible?” "... Uh… I don't understand?" That time I did face-hoof. “Come on Lily, just work with me here…” I sighed. “What do you not understand?” "Why would I not think of you Master?" “Because there’s more to life than me.” I answered. “I know you are a Breeder, and I know who you were was literally ripped away from you to become…this…but you have to actually look around and realize ‘wow, there’s some really special thing’s out here that isn’t Button’.” "But… you are special to me Master…" Lilly said, actually making me look at her in surprise. "You're my everything. I live for when you speak to me, for when I get to touch your coat, for when you tell me what to do and you say I do a good job, my heart races with happiness. And when you bed me, I feel like my existence is complete." She said, rubbing a hand along her lower snake half growing with the babies in there. "These children are a gift from you to me and I want to have so many more with you. I want to always be carrying and raising your children, to always be with you in every way, sexually especially but I love every moment I'm with you Master, because I love you with all my being." That answer… was a surprise. While yes that sounds nice it's… it was still forced on her. It's like someone took Lovers Class and… dialed it up to a ten. I mean, Cream and Philomena still have interests, likes and dislikes and don't obsess, but I have to admit that's kinda… sweet? Agh… why does this have to be so complicated? I sighed, hugging the poor hybrid. "I…just wish things were simpler…" "How so?" "All…this." I motioned. "You not having your entire being erased just to be some sick pleasure slave…me not becoming a monster because of this horrid world…" I teared up. "I….I just want to go home…" "Is this place… not home?" "I know being 'home' is with the people you care about, your family…but…" I sighed. "I miss Equestria…I miss mom…my old home world…hell, I wish I was back at our home in this dimension…I…I just hate Armageddon and how everything's so complicated…it hurts…" "... I don't hate it. Because, I met you here. My wonderful Master who took me in and gave me chores to do, children to raise, and attention I enjoy." I shook my head, hating how she’ll never understand. “It hurts that there’s…so much you will never understand because of what was forced on you…” "Do I need to understand for you to love me like you love the others?" She asked. "I know you… like me, at least, but you never look at me or the other Breeders like you do Sweetie, Maud, Cream, Philomena and Cheat. If I can understand it, will you love me like them Master?" “I…can try.” I said carefully. “Cause I don’t want you to be upset, cause you’re still important to me…” "It makes me happy to hear you say that Master." Lilly said, her tail tip wagging a little. "I want you to love me like you love them. The same way I love you." “I know you do Lilly.” I said, lightly nuzzing the hybrid girl. “And thank you for…wanting to understand.” "To make you happy Master, anything." She said, giving me a hug that put my head right between her breasts. "So, what do I need to do Master?" “Well…first, you need to understand some things.” I said. "And those are?" “Well…first is the whole…Breeder thing.” I said carefully. “That’s…kind of the main thing that…you’re not fully understanding…” "What do I not understand about it?" “Well…it’s that…” I sighed. “You were forced to be this way, the actual person that you were before is…gone, and was replaced by…this.” I motioned. “This mentality of a slave…that there’s nothing more to life than whoever you love…and while I’m glad that I’m the one that grabbed you instead of some terrible people…” "So… I used to be someone else but now I'm not?" “Basically.” I said. “You were a Lover Class Prize Pod Person as far as I know…but then, when you were out…Chaos Guilds took who you were, and erased it…” I sighed. “And they replaced who you were with…being a Breeder…any of your likes, dislikes, personality, or just literally anything that didn’t involve what you’re currently going through as a Breeder was wiped from existence…all so you could be nothing but breeding cattle and nothing else.” "And that's… bad?" “Before I answer that, what would you consider ‘bad’?” I inquired. "Uh… hmm… well, being ignored, told I'm not doing things right, and not being around my Master." “Alright.” I nodded, which all made sense as I thought about how to proceed with this. “Now…I know this might be sad…but imagine that everything about me, everything that I am, and that you like about me…was taken away, gone forever and replaced with something that isn’t me, even though I’m physically the same.” "Oh. Um…. I'd be sad, cry, what replaces you?" “What would replace me?” I asked. “What replaced you originally…just a Slave that’s at the beck and call of their Master, with absolutely nothing to them other than this single blind feeling to follow them and not question why…to not be able to enjoy anything other than what makes the Master happy…” I explained carefully. “Do you understand?” "Uhm… I… think? Hmm… so… what I am now is not good because it's not who I was… but, I don't remember who I was before because of what others did to me…" “Exactly.” I nodded. “And…it’s also bad because…” I sighed. “Do you trust me Lilly? Cause I might say something you might not like…” "With all my being Master." I took a deep breath. “It…it honestly hurts me to know that you’ll…probably never be able to understand thing’s besides ‘I’m here to make Master Happy’...I know you gave that wonderful speech and…and I’m glad you care that much…but it’s infuriating to know that you’ll never be…more.” I said carefully. “That you’re just…stuck as a slave, thinking everything’s alright as long as I’m okay and happy, thinking that life isn’t important when I’m not around or upset…it…it hurts me to see what horrible thing’s those damned Chaos Guilds did you to and all the other Breeders just for some sick satisfaction…” I shook my head. “I’m sorry if this upsets you…I…I just want to help you see the world the way me and the others do…that life is more than just me and only me…” She was quiet for a while, still holding/hugging me against her. "I… don't know if I can see the world like you and the others… I actually don't think I even want to…" She said, petting me from head to neck. "I can try and learn and understand but I don't think I'll truly accept or believe it. I can't be who I was, someone I never knew or met, but maybe who I am now can still be as good?" “That’s all I can ask for…is for you to try and understand. You don’t need to be your ‘old self’, I just want you to know that there’s more here…there’s things you can learn to enjoy without me being apart of it…it’s why I wanted you to start reading, as a hobby in case you’re ever bored or just want to do something if I’m not here.” "Then… I will. I'll read and try other things. But I won't stop thinking of you, or wanting to make you happy. Emotionally or physically. Even if my life for you was forced into me because of others, giving it to you makes my world have meaning." “Alright Lilly.” I nodded, gently kissing the floof noodle fey. “I’m glad you're willing to try, it means so much to me to hear that.” "Thank you Master… um, if I may…" She said, kissing me back and laying me on the bed and resting on top of me. I have to admit, Lilly taking a bold move like that was… nice. Maybe she won't be fully free, but she can at least be less… less of the Breeder Lust turned her into. Gonna be one heck of a job to do the same with the others… I was walking through the village and bumped into someone I wasn't expecting. The pregnant woman I… almost killed. "Oh, um. Hello?" She said. "You're Button, right?" Parker erased her memories, leaving just her name and the memory she was, well, pregnant. “Yes, I’m Button.” I nodded. “Who are you if I may ask?” "I uh, had a favor to ask." She said. "Can we talk… privately?" “Sure ma’am.” I nodded. “Anything you want to talk about I’m all ears.” We walked into one of the nearby buildings. "So, I was hoping when I give birth you'd… take my baby." “Well…” I started, a bit surprised at her decision. “Are you sure miss?” "Look I… I know you and Parker… did something to me. I know you aren't Chaos Guilds and I also know you aren't bad people, but ever since I woke up something has been nagging at me to leave and… I can't take a baby with me out there. And I know, odds are once I do I'll get killed and respawn but I just can't stay here. Everytime I see you this mix of hatred and fear washes over me and I don't know why." "I…understand…" I sighed. "I know it's weird…just want to make sure you're fine with this." "I'm sure. My baby will be safe here, I know that. I don't really know what I'll do out there but whatever is telling me to leave I can't ignore it anymore." "I understand." I nodded. "I'll make sure your child is safe and sound." "Thank you Button. I know that odds are when I leave I won't see you again, but if I do, the names Eve." “It’s nice to meet you Eve…how long until…” I motioned to her big baby bump. "Any day now. Month at the latest but I doubt it. Little one has been kicking a lot so, probably soon." She said, holding her baby bump. “Alright.” I nodded. “Got a name for them?” "Well, no. Not really. Tried thinking of one but I don't know or remember if it's going to be a boy or girl so, I guess once they're born you can name them." Two days after our talk, Eve went into labor. Gave birth to a baby boy I named Fry. Still been watching those Futurama CD's and I don't know many human names anyway. Three weeks later, Eve left, taking a rifle and some basic supplies. Fry has been a fussy baby, apparently he's allergic to certain cloths and plastics so we've been careful in his bottles, blankets and clothes. The one taking care of him was Jackie, one of the Den Mother's we bought from Lust. She doesn't talk much, but replies when spoken too, takes care of the babies with the same care and attentiveness as Philomena to hers. Den Mothers really are something. "Hello Master." She addressed me as she was nursing Fry. "Are you in need of service?" “Just wanted to make sure you were doing well, and Fry was doing well.” I answered. “How are you doing?” "I am well." She said, using her free hand to rub her own baby bump. "Our unborn are also doing well. They will most likely be born just before winter." Right. Winter. First time, well, last year, I was pregnant with Power Up. It was cold, but the best part was that the infected didn't do well with it. The cold. Well, most didn't. A few powered through but much less than normal. “Alright.” I nodded. “Have you tried…doing anything while I was away?” I inquired, hoping she was managing to try something else like Lilly is. "Do you mean aside tending to the babies?" “Yeah, like any hobbies or stuff like that?” I asked, feeling like Lily might have told her fellow Breeder’s the thing’s I talked to her about. "Nothing catches my interest." She stated. I've noticed Jackie was kinda like Maud. Personality wise anyway. “Hmm, well, has there been anything that was to your liking other than me?” I inquired. "Nursing the babies." She said, taking Fry off her nipple and burping him quickly and gently. “Well…anything other than being a Mother?” I inquired. “Like reading, writing, video games, working out?” I asked, trying to figure out something she could be doing that isn’t just…the usual. "No. Not particularly." “Hmm…” I hummed. “How are you doing with all the others?” "I keep to myself mostly. I haven't spoken much with the others outside of a passing hello or thanks for my meals." “I’d at least give conversations a try with the others.” I said honestly. "I… don't like talking with other people…" “Any reason for that?” I inquired, not really knowing much about Jackie and hoping to fix that. "It makes me feel… uncomfortable." I walked over and sat down next to Jackie. “Is it because you’re nervous about not knowing what to say or is there something else?” "I see other people, not you Master, and they make me feel… terrified." “I suppose you just have social anxiety.” I said, having read up on some mental books in my spare time to try and…at least help the Breeders and other’s through some things. “Being with people you don’t know can be a bit terrifying at first…but they’re all friends and family, and they won’t hurt you.” "I…" She stopped, some tears forming before she spoke again. "Please don't make me Master…" Oh crap! Okay that… that isn't normal! “It’s alright, it’s alright.” I said quickly, grabbing the Den Mother and hugging her. Well, as best I could. She is like four times my size. “It’s going to be okay…I won’t force you…I promise.” I said softly, gently rubbing her back with my wings since that was the only thing that could reach back there. "Thank you…" She sniffed, using her free arm to hold me and give me a kiss. "I know it's unbecoming of me to beg this of you Master but…" “Hey, hey, it’s alright.” I said softly. “Do you want to talk about it?” "I don't know what to say." She admitted. "I just… the idea of talking to, or being around others… being touched by anyone other than you just… it makes me feel such… fear. I don't know why. Nursing the babies and caring for them doesn't trigger it, nor does the thought of you and when we…" She rubbed her belly bump. "That was all fine but… Miss Philomena once touched my fingers when she gave me my dinner and… I nearly dropped the plate I got so…" She sighed, tears streaming lightly as she spoke. "I don't know why it happens." I had a strong feeling I did… those all sound like… PTSD symptoms… of constant abuse… “I’m…I’m so sorry Jackie…” I teared up. “I…I can’t even imagine what you’ve been through before you met me…” "I don't remember what it was. Until you pulled my blindfold off, it was like being asleep." I wracked my brain at what could have happened, cause it sounded like they weren’t mind wiped…until I thought of something that…made me oh so furious…but I hid it for Jackie’s sake. “Don’t worry Jackie…your safe, and you will always be safe. I promise.” "Thank you Master." She smiled, sniffing as she wiped her tears away. "Could you stay for a while?" “Sure.” I said, gently nuzzling the Den Mother. “I’ll stay here with you.” She quickly put Fry away into his crib, and laid next to me in her bed. I did nothing aside from comfort and kiss her through the night. The next morning I let Philomena and the others know about her issue and went to Parker to confirm my theory. "Yeah, it happens a lot." He admitted as he was organizing the town armory. "They are all on display and 'testing' is actually encouraged." He said. “I fucking knew it…and I hate it even fucking more.” I growled. “When I find Lust, not even the Mother can help after I’m done with them.” "Odds are the ones from Lust and the Market all have PTSD to some degree like that. Even though their minds were asleep, their body and subconscious remembers." “And I hate that even more.” I frowned. “I’m…I just don’t know why she’s okay with me…even with me being her…master…” "If I were to take a guess her Subconscious gave you a special exception given how you treated her. Those first weeks before you finally slept with her you kept her safe and comfortable, you made her happy so, she feels safe around you and you alone. Being her Master on top of it is helpful to, as you'll be the only one to actually help her." “Right…” I said carefully. “Well…good to know I made a good enough first impression…just…want to try and…slowly ease her into talking to at least one person soon…not too fast…” "I'd recommend getting her a pet. You know, help with her emotional state around people. Between a pet and you she might actually be able to speak a sentence to someone with enough time." “Yeah…” I nodded. “Kinda sucks that…the closest thing to a pet I can find are mostly zombie animal’s or…ugh, Lickers…” I shuddered at those creepy bastards. “Unless you know someone that just…somehow sells pet’s around here.” "A few yeah." “I’m…not surprised.” I sighed. “What pet do you think would be best?” "Well, she is a Den Mother Dire Wolf so, a dog would probably be offensive. Maybe a guinea pig or bird?" “Well…that would work.” I nodded. "Maybe find a book of animals and ask what she'd like to have as a pet." “I’m sure we have one around here.” I nodded. “I’ll see if there’s anything she wants.” I managed to find a basic kids book of animals and went back to Jackie. She seemed very on board with the emotional support pet idea and flipped through it. "Hmm… well, this one looks good." She said, pointing at the picture of a snake. “Want a pet snake?” I inquired. “Well…that should be fine…” I hummed. “What kind of Snake do you want?” "I don't know. What kinds are there?" Probably way more than I remember from Equestria. “Well…there’s probably a lot more than back on Equestria…” I said, trying to think of what could be a good pet snake. “Honestly…first time trying to get a pet believe it or not…” "Would you consider getting a pet yourself Master?" Huh… a pet of my own? Closest was a wild pigeon I'd feed during lunch back in school. “Well…I suppose getting myself a pet would be a good thing.” I said. “Closest thing was…a wild pigeon but it probably just hung around cause it knew I gave it food…” "Sounds like a good opportunity." Jackie said with a smile. “Alright…so I’m gonna be with Parker trying to find a good pet…or figuring out all the races of Snake here…” I gave her a kiss and left with Parker. Honestly I was expecting another market or something like that. Exiting the portal, I was greeted by a town… The whole place was covered in snow and the frost in the air sent chills under my coat. "Welcome to Frost Pit Button." Parker said as he led me through the makeshift town made of stone, metal, and ice structures. “Alright…” I started. “I didn’t expect…this to be honest.” "Not everywhere and everyone I know is associated with the Chaos Guilds. Give me some credit." He said, leading me to a large metal and brick building. The sign was simply painted on, reading 'Bestiary and Pets'. Following him in, I was greeted by someone who appeared to be made from literal rock. From head to toe and he, at least they looked like a he, had coals for eyes. "Parker, long time no see." The rock being said. "Yeah. Been a while Gro." Parker said with a nod. "This is Button Mash. He wants an emotional support pet for his… new girl, and something for himself." The rock man nodded, seeming to get the hint. "I see. Anything in mind then?" Gro asked me. “My…new girl want’s a Snake…and I don’t have anything in specific at the moment.” I explained. "I see. An emotional support snake. Hmm… I might have something for that. You can browse while I go get them." With that Gro walked off and I looked at all the display pens. There was the basics. Dogs. Cats. Fish. Turtles. Birds. The further back I got the more diverse it got. There were pigs and ducks, cows and… woah, so that's what a non-Equis Horse looks like… huh. Little weird but eh. As I walked I was coming across some odd ones. Giant snails. Huge two legged golden birds that looked like a way cooler ostriche. Mini elephant. Towards the back most area of the building I spotted something that nearly gave me a heart attack. At first I thought it was the corpse of an elderly human man, the decomposed body left there… then its dead eyes turned and looked at me. Holy shit it's that- "Wow, he's still here?" Parker asked as he walked up next to me. “What the fuck is that?” I asked worriedly. "That is a variation of SCP 106. More commonly known as the Old Man, but this guy goes by Dug." Dug? ”Huh…didn’t expect a…simple name for…someone like him.” I motioned nervously. “So why is he here?” "From what I've heard he used to be a sort of pet to this one girl long before I was born. She used his unique portal abilities and pocket dimension to raid Chaos Guild bases and warehouses. She was taken by the Time Walkers long time ago because of Madness and Dug just wandered til he came to this town some… think they said it was seven hundred years ago, freaked everyone out but one of the older residents remembered him and he's basically just been here since. Doesn't need to eat or sleep, just sits around. Think he misses her." “Well that’s…kinda sad.” I admitted. “But good to know…” The 106, Dug, had his dead looking eyes linger on me for a time before moving his head back and resting with his head laid against the wall he sat against. Considering the horror story Parker told me of this things other versions, seeing one that is both friendly and depressed is kinda… weird. "Alright, I got the perfect pet for your girl." Gro announced as he approached us. On his head was standing, yes, standing, a tiny green snake like creature with two little legs and two little arms/hands. I recognized it as the Pokemon Snivy. "I know she don't look like a proper snake but should she evolve she'll look more like one. Got a full arsenal of moves to help ease people. Heal them or hold them down." "Where'd you find her?" Parker asked. "While ago some travelers were in town. One had sold me this little one, she had a lot of creatures with her and said the little one was better off here than on the road." He picked the Snivy off his head and put them down before me. The little grass snake Pokemon looking up at me with some curiosity. "Hi there." I smiled to Snivy. "Sni." It replied with a nod. "So, how much?" Parker asked. "Eh, five hundred rem and she's yours." As Parker paid him for the Snivy I looked back over at Dug the 106 SCP. I'm not gonna lie, his looks alone terrify the crap out of me, but his abilities would be invaluable to the town. "How much for Dug?" I inquired. Gro chuckled. "If ya can move him he's yours. Half the time he's scaring the piss out of the animals. Other half it's the customers." I nodded, walking over to the SCP. Carefully I gave them a tap with my hoof. Parker said this one secretes a harmful decaying acid but oddly Dug didn't seem to do that, given my hoof was not burning or rotting off from where I touched him. "Hey there." I said softly. "Can you talk?" It's eyes moved and looked at me, but it didn't speak anything. Guess it can't. "Need a friend?" I asked softly. It's eyes moved down, unsure I think. After maybe half a minute they sighed, a small portal opening on the floor. Dug stuck his hand inside and pulled out a photo. It was old and worn but it showed him and a woman that looked human, red hair but with cat ears and eyes as she was petting Dug as he seemed to be asleep on her lap. "Oh…she was…more than a friend huh?" I asked softly. He shook his head, but kept looking at the photo. So he can understand me. That's good at least. I tried to think of what to say next. “Here, can you write?” I asked, pulling out a notebook and a pencil, a growing habit of keeping these things on me. Again, he shook his head, but took the pencil and I saw why. His hands shook rather violently holding the pencil. Almost like severe Nerve Damage. “Mind if I?” I asked carefully, having taken some skills in Scan due to all the night runs and many others telling me it’s a really good skill to have. They nodded and I used Scan on them. SCP: 106 Entity. Variation: Recreation. Threat Level: 4 Titles: 106, The Old Man, Dug, Old Timer, Failure I blinked, finding that off as I tried to figure out how or why he looked like he had nerve damage. Scan Level 3 Complete. Entity appears to be a recreated variant of the original 106 SCP entity. Entity in question appears to have purposeful mutilation to the nerves in the hands, removed vocal cords and an Esper Immune metal skull coating. The entity has the base powers of the 106 SCP entities, portals, intangible at will, teleportation, demi-god strength, speed, endurance and regeneration (not applicable to the purposeful physical mutilations) but lacks the Corrosive Acid of other 106 entities. “Huh…that’s…weird.” I frowned. “Did…someone do this to you?” They were still for a while, but nodded after a minute. “I’m sorry if I’m asking hard questions…” I said softly. “I…just want to understand…and to maybe help you through…all this.” He looked back to the old photo in his hand. Slowly he put it back into the portal, and when he pulled his hand back out an equally old letter was there that he gave to me. Using my new unicorn magic, I lifted it up and opened it. If you are reading this, it means Dug is all alone and I'm long gone. Likely due to Madness. I'd like to say firstly that thank you for not attacking Dug on sight. I know his looks can be terrifying but he's really just a softy. My name is… was, Jess. I found Dug in a Chaos Guild laboratory here on Armageddon. I knew he wasn't like the other 106 monsters that were running around the place back then and causing mass death and pain. Dug was… scared. Terrified. Like Breeders, Slaves and Serfs he was once a person. Who, I don't know, and neither does he. All he does know is that I rescued him and like a lost puppy he followed me around and soon helped me in raiding their bases and warehouses. He's not violent but he will protect you if you treat him well and care for him like I have. He's mentally around the age of a ten year old and through the years it hasn't changed much. He's easy to please but also easily hurt like a child so, if you do take over caring for him, remember that. If you are going to take him in and care for him, he likes picture books, ice cream, skittles and just about any toy really. He does have an extreme hatred for spiders and roaches I've noticed. One of the few times he attacks something on sight. Thank you for looking after Dug, whoever you are, and however long Dug has been alone, which I hope isn't long, I hope he has a good home with you. Sincerely, Jess. Era 1, March 12, 73,946. "Shit, that long ago." Parker said, reading the letter from over me. “That…is a very long time ago.” I said sadly, gently handing the note back and gently wrapping a wing around the poor kid, feeling really sad for him. Dug seemed to enjoy the hug, putting the letter away too. As a show of good faith I pulled out a box of skittles I had in my Assistant. Candy being a fairly common find on my runs. I gave them to Dug and he happily tore the lid off and swallowed, not ate, not chewed, swallowed them whole and once the box was empty he dropped it into his small portal and closed it. New Ally Acquired. Dug-106 Class: Tamed Monster. Well, that's good. Huh, he's a tamed monster? Makes sense. “Alright, now let’s get out of here and…hopefully thing’s get better.” I said simply. “And…I’ll try to figure out how to get your injuries healed up…” "Is he able to portal us back home?" Parker asked. Dug stood up, a large portal of black tar like liquid opening behind him as he motioned for us to follow as he walked in. Guess that's a yes. The inside of Gus's pocket dimension was dark, various toys, picture books and bits of trash floated around as we walked down a seemingly brick hallway. We soon reached a wall where another tar like portal waited. Walking through that we were back home… woah. That is incredibly useful. I gave Dug another box of Skittles as thanks. I let Parker show Dug around while I brought Snivy to Jackie. She loved them and Snivy seemed to like Jackie. Specifically her fur. "Thank you so much Master." Jackie said, Snivy nuzzling into her fluffy, fuzzy neck. “Your welcome Jackie.” I smiled warmly. “And uh…if you see Dug…I know you’re…going through things, but he may look like an old man…but he’s just ten.” I said softly. "I'll try and keep that in mind Master." She nodded. Before I left she gave me a kiss and… a very unique quickie before I was set free. Well… that is definitely a… do again sometime. Well, two helped, a lot more to go… I smiled to myself. As long as their lives are made better. Next up was Beth. Her room had cribs with the babies she was nursing, all sleeping soundly as she sat on her floor mattress, a small doll in her hands that she was looking at intently. “Hello Beth.” I whispered, not wanting to wake up the many kids. "Oh Master!" She yelped, thankfully quietly. "I didn't hear you come in." She said, rapidly pulling her long shirt off and spreading… wow that was… different. Lilly and Jackie asked if I needed… that, she's assuming that is why I am here… Not a good start to this… “Beth…why?” I asked softly. "So you can use me and have access to each hole and my breasts for your amusement. Or are you ordering my butt today?" She is way more direct than Jackie and Lilly were. Not a good sign… “I’m here to talk to you about important things.” I said carefully. “Not…this…” "Oh…" She said, almost disappointed as she closed her legs and put her large shirt back on. "What do you wish to discuss Master?" “Well…about you.” I said softly. “I talked to Lily and Jackie, trying to help them…and now I’m here to help you.” I said softly. “But…mind if I ask why you were staring at that doll intently?” She looked around for the doll, finding it landed by her pillows when she… assumed the position, and picked it back up. "I like how it looks." She said. The doll itself was one of those old Raggity Ann Dolls, blue button eyes, one cracked and chipped in the corner, long red thread hair, and wearing overalls with a flower shirt and black shoes. I gently moved over and sat down next to her. “What do you like about it?” "I like the dress." She admitted. “How so? Is it because of how it looks, or how it was made?” I inquired, wanting to see if there was more to it here than I originally though. "Uhh. The looks." She answered. “Sorry if I’m being a little…weird with the questions.” I said. “I just want to know more about you, and you holding the doll and telling me these things helps a lot.” "Well… I also like that it looks like it comes off and apart easily should you want to fuck me." I face-hoofed. “Ugh…” I grumbled. “So…why are you…a lot more forward with your ‘needs’ than Lily or Jackie?” "I exist to service you and your needs Master. Why would I be subtle with my purpose in life?" She said so matter of factly I think my jaw fell off. “Wh-what?” I asked. “You don’t just exist to service me…there’s more to it than just…being with me.” I said carefully. “If that was the case…than why did you want to be with all the kids?” I asked, finding that small bit weird considering how readily she wanted to be bred when she wanted all these cribs and infants around. She rubbed her belly, a small bump, admittedly smaller than the others, barely noticeable was there. "I can do both." She said. "I… like children. Whether I birth them or not is irrelevant to me. I just want to be a mom indefinitely." Well… that's… uh… I have no idea how to respond to that. “Uh…huh…” I muttered. “You…want to be a mother…is that why you’re so eager?” "Yes." She said, picking me up, to my surprise, and laid back on her bed with me on top of her. "I want to always have babies to care for… and babies growing inside me." She said, her tone growing very… sluttery. "And whether you put them in me or give them to me to raise, I will love them as much as I love you Master~" “Isn’t…there something else you want to do?” I asked nervously, noting her tone and worried that her need to be a mother might get out of hand. "I'm looking at something to do~" She cooed as she planted a kiss on my muzzle. “Is…that actually why you liked the doll?” I asked. “Because…it feels like a child to hold for you?” I asked, even though I kissed her cheek to give her some attention. "Hmmm… maybe a little." She said, kissing me back as I felt her hands… explore me. “I’m…trying to have a serious conversation here with you.” He said softly. “I want to help you be…more than this…” "Why would I want to be anything more than your baby mamma?" She asked, kissing into my neck now as her hands reached my- I yelped, flapping off as she has grabbed the boys. At that moment one of the babies began to cry and soon the others did too. Immediately Beth got up and took them all in her arms and gently rocked and eased them, so going a soft lullaby as she did. The display was a complete 180 from the mood less than ten seconds ago, but Beth looked so… happy, holding those babies. As they all finally began to fall asleep again she gave each a kiss on the head and carefully put each child back into their cribs. “I…see.” I said softly. “You…really like being a mother.” "It's all I care for Master." Beth said as the last of the infants was gently placed back into their crib. "Carrying them to term. Holding them. Nursing them. Playing with them… watching them grow. The idea makes me so happy and excited, but… also so sad…" “Because…it doesn’t last forever?” I inquired. “They’ll eventually grow up…” She nodded, a solemn look as she did. It was gone however as she turned to me, smirking and giving me a seductive wink. "Which is why I hope my Master keeps my fat with them or give me many orphans to raise." She said. I sighed. Well this is what makes her happy but damn it it's not gonna be all she's gonna do… and I think I know just the hobby she'd enjoy. After all, majority of moms take up knitting while pregnant. At least mine did. “So…hey, I have the perfect hobby for you to take up.” I said readily. "Hm?" It didn't take long to find knitting supplies, fabrics and such as well as a few beginner books on it. Before she began that though I upheld my end of this bargan… and rutted her. It admittedly lasted longer than what I wanted but… shit she is good… Once that was done and we were both tired, sweaty, and satisfied she gave me another kiss before picking up the books and reading them over. I rested and watched just to make sure she actually went through with it. Also because all feeling in my crotch was sore/sticky/happy. After several hours she eventually had the beginnings of a basic crochet scarf being formed in all blue yarn. I smiled. “Now you can start making all the things you want for the kids…and good choice with a scarf, Scarf’s can always be used no matter the age.” She smiled, giving me another kiss. "Thank you Master." She said, kissing me again. "Please do visit often?" I chuckled. At this rate I'll be sleeping in a different bed each night. “I’ll try and visit.” I said with a smile, getting up after I got some feeling back. Before visiting the next girl I went on a run to stretch my legs and test out Dug's teleporting. I asked Sweetie about where some of those notable locations were and once I told Dug it was through the portal, down a short walk in the pocket dimension and suddenly, I'm in India where I see an army base. More of the common Harran infected than a mixed hoard, tanks, jets, a large truck labeled Ammo. Another labeled Medical, and a huge propane truck. Clearing the infected was easy. Getting the loot was easier. Dug literally pulled all the useful trucks and boxes into his pocket dimension and when we went home, it was all there in town. I gave him five boxes of Skittles and some toys I found as a thank you. I was now on my way to meet up with Karla who, in the looks department reminded me of Pinkie Pie, with her all pink and curly fur, bright blue eyes and Thicc chubbiness that was a mix of adorable and sexy… She was also the one with the largest baby bumps, looking bigger than Philomena did when she was pregnant in the later term. When I opened the door to her room she greeted me with a surprise kiss. "Hi Master." She said with a smile. “Hey Karla.” I said warmly. “How are you doing?” "Good." She said, rubbing her large baby bump. In the room I saw the babies she was taking care of all in a baby gated area, a fluffy blanket on the floor as they were either sleeping or crawling around and playing with a few baby toys. "Are you here for servicing?" “No, I’m here to talk to you.” I answered. “I’ve been going around to…help you be more than just…the Breeder part.” "Oh. Uhm… well, what do you wish for me to do?" She asked as I entered her room. “Well, I just want to talk and learn about any…likes and dislikes you have.” I answered simply. “Cause so far I’ve done this with Lily, Jackie and Beth, and have helped them a bit through it.” "Okay. Well… I like being pregnant. Being around you. Tending to the little ones. Sex with you. And… uh… I like movies." Okay thank The Mother something I can work with easily here! “Movies you say?” I asked. “What kinda movies?” "Oh all kinds. I like them all. But the ones I like the most I usually save for watching once the little ones are asleep at night." With that Karla walked over to a box full of DVD's and she pulled one out. "This one I especially like." She handed the movie over to me. It was the movie 'It'. Specifically one ported from VHS to DVD. I remember watching this movie with Cheat when we were first here. She shrugged it off. I can never look at sewer drains the same again. "I remember watching that…and uh…I destroyed one too many sewer drains…" I admitted sheepishly. "Really? I didn't think you were scared of anything Master." She said, putting the video back in the box. "I mostly watch horror movies when the babies are asleep. During the day I have some cartoon movies or DVD sets playing for them." “That’s fair.” I nodded. “Why do you like Horror movies?” "They make me feel… excited." She said with a smirk. "Like, I know with where we live and all it's kinda silly to be watching horror movies but at the same time it's thrilling to watch the suspense." “Ah, yeah that makes sense.” I nodded. “The suspense, the tension, and all that.” "Yeah. It's super fun. Just wish I had more." She frowned. "Or maybe some spookie books or spookie games! Then we can sit and watch, Fuck and watch, oh it would be amazing!" I'm gonna look passed the fact she wants me to screw her while watching a horror movie cause otherwise it's a nice idea for a date. “I know we’d be watching a movie, but don’t you think it’s a little ironic that you want to do the dirty during a horror event?” "Why not? Imagine how tight I'll be in a super suspenseful scene~" Karla said with a wink. The fact I can and am imagining that and got aroused by it shows I'm getting way to used to these girls Breeder stuff. While I won't lie, it all sounds nice, getting her games and books would be easy enough, as well as more movies I hope this lets her enjoy much more than just me… actually, the fact she has been watching these movies shows she is. Me being around is just gonna be a bonus for her. “Well…I’m sure I could find some thing’s around…” I said carefully, trying not to show I’m getting horny by the thought. "Yay!" Karla said, picking me up and giving me another kiss. "Thank you Master, it's gonna be so much fun!" I left Karla's room with a promise to being her a haul of horror and scary books, movies and games and surprisingly, no sex this time. Though I'm guessing she's saving it for when I return with the haul. I chuckled, shaking my head but all in all happy at least one of them so far found a hobby on their own. “I suppose this…erasure isn’t as perfect as I first feared…” I said with a smile, feeling like there’s been some cracks in this logic and there might be something’s still around from their previous personalities. With that I trotted over to Grace's room. She had a nice sky blue fur coat, naturally short and was also, you guessed it, pregnant. I did have to sleep with them all to prevent them having a major panic attack. I opened the door to her room and spotted her on the floor, blankets under her and the babies she was taking care of asleep next to her as she was also sleeping with them on the ground. Well, at least she's on blankets. I smiled softly, gently tip-hoofing closer to Grace and laying down, gently putting a wing over them to act like a warm blanket for her and the babies. She immediately grabbed me, tucking me between her massive breasts til only my muzzle poked out of them all and continued to sleep. She kept sleeping like that for two more hours before she finally woke up when one of the babies made a fuss. "Hmmm? Oh, come here swee- Master!?" She yelped as I finally pulled myself out of her cleavages grasp. “Hi there.” I said with a smile. “Also…I now have confirmation that you all pull my face in your breasts when we sleep.” I chuckled. Grace blushed as I pulled the rest of me out of her torso boobs and was finally freed. "I'm sorry Master. I'm a heavy sleeper. Sleeping with the babies like this helps me wake up when they need me and I will admit I place them between them too if it's a little cold." I nuzzled Grace warmly. “I understand.” I said softly. “So, I’ll let you help the baby.” I said, taking a step back to let her help the fussing baby. "Yes Master." She said, picking up the baby, giving them a diaper change, feeding then burping them before putting them back on the blankets where they continued to crawl around, now wide awake. "So, did you satisfy yourself while you were in there?" She asked, feeling between her breasts. “I didn’t do anything of the sort, considering I originally wanted to put my new wing around you and the baby as a blanket.” I answered. “But I’m here to talk.” "Talk about what Master?" She asked, quickly putting on her large cover shirt. “Well, I’ve been going around to my…many Breeders, and wanted to talk to you all about…well, you.” I said. “The thing’s you like, dislike, any hobbies you can do…and so far, I’ve been pretty successful seeing you all smile with this.” "Oh. Uh… likes and dislikes. I like… sleeping…" She said with a blush. “I can tell.” I chuckled warmly. “If I was tired, it would have been a very comfy rest.” She blushed harder, and a certain smell in the air told me I was getting her aroused. "I, well, should you desire to rest , my breasts and body are yours to sleep upon or… with. Master." “Somnophilia…never thought I’d possibly do that simple kink before…” I muttered. "So, besides all that, what else do you like to do?” "I, well… I enjoy looking at the clouds through the window." “That’s nice.” I nodded. “Cloud watching is nice and calming.” "I also enjoy music." She said. "Once one of the people outside played some loud enough for me to hear and I thought it was quite lovely." “Oh, that’s good.” I nodded. “Ever thought of playing or just listening?” "I don't know. I'd definitely like to listen to more music, but how would I play my own?" “Well…I would probably have to find an instrument for you if you do want to play…then there’s books and…hmm…” I hummed. “But that’s for later. What kind of music do you like?” "I don't know. I only heard the one song and it wasn't that clear, but it sounded very nice." I nodded, bringing up my assistant and putting on some music that I downloaded onto it cause when you can put the CD’s into it, apparently it could also act like a pseudo MP3 player which is awesome. As I played the music Grace listened with a smile as each song played. Song after song, album after album she seemed to love them all. She especially seemed to like country, pop rock, and some hip hop. I ended up giving her the CD's and a CD player I had in here I forgot about. She thanked me with a kiss and some… fun time with her breasts. Apparently having her breasts be fondled, touched, and used as sexual playthings is a major kink for her. As I left her I could hear the sounds of some of the classical CD's in that collection play through the door, and it made me smile. Should probably get her a few of each instrument to try out. Who knows, she might be a musical prodigy. “So far so good.” I said with a smile. “Maybe…there is a way to reverse it…even if it’s minor thing’s…” Another day, another chat with the Breeders- okay I need to think of another name for those girls cause calling them Breeders all the time is de… peopleizing? It's insulting. As I thought of a different thing to call them I came up to Meg's room. I remember she had very dark blue fur with black stripes. She was only slightly smaller than Karla In the baby bump department last I saw… Opening the door to her room I saw her sitting at a desk, pieces of what I think were once a toaster were carefully taken apart and placed near one another. In a basket next to her sat the only baby she was taking care of, sleeping soundly wrapped in blankets as she eyed the toaster parts with an almost calculative gaze. Alright… might have another Karla case here… “Hey Meg.” I said softly to not wake the baby. "Hello Master." She said, looking over and at me. "Would you like me to blow you?" It took so much willpower to not choke on air. “No, not today.” I answered. “I wanted to see what you were up to, cause it looks like you already have a hobby or a personal interest in something.” "Oh this?" She asked, pointing at the toaster pieces. "It broke, and I wanted to know why." She said simply. “Figure anything out?” I inquired. "This is broken." She said, picking up one of the heating coils. It was burnt out and ruined. “The heating coils, yeah they look pretty bad.” I said. “Hmm, wonder what happened?” "I don't know Master." She shrugged as she put the broken heating coil back down. "I want to fix it but I don't know how…" “Hmm…” I hummed, not really knowing how to fix thing’s either. “Well, maybe I can find a new heating coil?” "That could work." She nodded. She got off the seat she was on, gently picking up the basket with the baby and putting them on the desk after moving some of the parts around. She then picked me up and kissed me and carried me onto the mattress. “Whoa there Meg, you excited?” I inquired to my suddenly needy mate. "You are here in my room~" She said, her tone of voice suddenly very different as she purred with lust. She put me on the mattress and began pressing her body weight into me. "It's been so long my master~" This is… not what I was expecting nor saw coming. She was fine then suddenly… this!? I tried to defuse this quick, but she kept locking her lips onto mine. I tried using my magic to get her to calm the hell down and get off of me so I can figure out what the hell is going on. That managed to keep her off me, unfortunately she's heavily pregnant and still like three times my size so my hind legs were pinned under her still. At least now I can talk to her. "Oh Master? Bondage?" She asked with a moan. What the Fuck did someone flip a… Oh shit was she programmed with a switch when they did this to her?! “Oh my god…” I muttered. “Meg…look at me, look me in the eyes.” I said. “Do you remember what we were talking about before?” I asked carefully, already appalled by what the hell they did to her. "Sex!" She proclaimed, trying to push through my magic restraints on her. The sudden shift there broke something in the box spring. Sweet gods above she's not in control at all! “Shit shit shit! What do I do without upsetting her or just plowing her brains out!? I WAS DOING SO WELL! EVERYTHING WAS GOING FINE BUT NOOO!” I mentally screamed. “Meg, please stop! You’re going to break the bed and we don’t want that.” "I do~!" She said, putting harder against my magic and pushing more of her body on me. Crap! In a panic I threw a blanket at her. Then silence… she didn't move for a while… "Master?" She asked. Her voice sounded… normal! "Are we on the bed? Why is there a blanket on me?" She was about to pull it off but I used my magic to keep it on her. That trigger must be sight based. If she sees me she becomes… that sex crazed… thing! "Did you want me to pleasure you after all?" “No.” I answered. “I…figured out a problem…” I said sadly. “And…whenever you see me you…lose control of yourself…” "Lose control of myself?" She asked, voice muffled by the blanket as she thankfully got off of me and I got up. "I don't get it? We were talking about a new coil for the toaster then… then…" She doesn't even remember that happening? “You…blacked out…” I said sadly, not sure if I should explain everything she tried to do but it was…technically the truth. “And then…you tried to force yourself on me when…you looked at me.” "What? But you're my Master! I service you when or if needed not, not pounce you like an animal!" The fact she seems more upset she did that without me wanting her to shows a conscious… despite the fact she makes it sound like if I did that to her she'd be fine with it… I shook my head, taking a bit of the blanket and ripping it off and having her tie it around her eyes. Her makeshift blindfold would work fine for now… "So… I can't see you ever?" She asked. “I…I don’t know…” I said sadly. “I’ll have to talk to someone about this…cause this is new, and it’s very worrying.’ Tears quickly began soaking through her blindfold. "But… but how can I serve you if I can't see you…" Meg asked, her voice trembling. "I… you were the first thing I ever saw Master, my first memory is of your face." Mag's words hurt… she was right… the others all saw me… when I took the blindfold off. I'm… the first memory she has that she can remember… "If… If I can't see you then how will I be of use to you?" She cried, arms wrapping around her baby bump as the heaving cries of her panic attack took hold. I hugged the poor den mother, wrapping my wings around her. “I…I don’t know Meg…” I said sadly. “But…but I’ll figure it out, I know there’s a way to…to stop you from blacking out and being all…sex crazed…you being happy is what’s most important to me, you being okay is more important than ‘being of use to me’...because I care about you.” "But if I can't be of use to you why do you care about me?!" She bellowed. "Is- it's the babies? I can keep having them for you! I- I'll crawl next to you at all times naked and ready just please Master don't ignore me!" She begged, finding my hooves and crying into them. "Don't ignore me… don't say I have no use…" She cried, and cried, soaking my hooves in her tears as she sobbed on her knees and elbows. "Please… don't send me back." I had… no words… I took a deep breath, trying to quite both my crushed heart, and the Sun that is being fueled by my incandescent rage. “I will never ignore you, I will never send you back, and here’s why I care.” I said, gently lifting her up and kissing her on the lips. “Because I love you, and every single one of my girlfriends…and Mates, all the ‘Breeders’...you are my Mates, and that is a fact that will never change. I am your Mate, the one that is here to support you and love you…and all I ask in return, is to see you smile, and do what I know you can do…like before this whole…thing happened, you seemed to be interested in fixing machines right?” She sniffed and sobbed a bit before replying. "The parts looked… interesting…" She heaved, trying to control her tears. "I wanted to… to know how it worked…" “I can help you figure it out…I can find you books to help you learn better.” I said softly. "But… I can't read them with you or… or work on them with you…" She cried, giving another heave as more tears flowed out the soaped blindfold. "I'd have to do it all alone…" “Well, I can still be here with you to do it…you just can’t see me.” I said. “Like how we were doing it before, we were talking and thing’s were fine…” "And then I tried to rape you…" She said. A dead silence fell on the room. The baby in the other side of the room finally made a commotion. Meg stood, following the wall and looking for the desk. "I'll be there soon baby…" I undid the blind fold for her as I stayed behind her and out of her vision. “As long as you don’t see me, things will be fine Meg…trust me.” "I can't!" She yelped, sliding to her knees as she covered her eyes with her hands. "I don't want to! I don't want to risk hurting you Master!" She cried, her sobs and the babies cries filling the room. Still, on her knees and largely pregnant she knew walked towards the desk. She bumped into the desk and carefully grabbed the basket. "Shh-shh. There… there…" She said through tears, trying to comfort the infant. I wanted to scream. I wanted to hunt down the sick twisted monster that did this to Meg and kill them… “I’m sorry Meg…I really am…” I said sadly. “No matter what…remember my words Meg, you are important to me, you may not understand it now, but you are important to me. No matter if you can’t see me…I’ll always be here for you.” As she cried holding the baby on the floor I walked up to her, giving her the tightest hug I could, and cried with her. When the tears were dry enough hours later I fashioned her a new blindfold, helped her get to the bed, feed, clean and burp the baby. A little neon red Pegasus foal with a silver mane and hazel eyes. Once he was in his crib, I climbed into bed with her and held her, protecting her… she is mine. They all are. Now and forever. New Skill Branch, Greed Skills Unlocked. Skills: Mine, Take, Steal, Hoard and Treasury are active. To say I had my first nightmare here would be, well, the truth. I hadn't dreamed or had nightmares since coming to this planet, but I had one last night. I dreamt of horrors beyond words. Being sold by the one who opened my pod, the heartbreak and betrayal of my lover all but killing me. Pushed into lines. One by one forced to strip, those who resisted were beaten, broken, healed only to be beaten again and again. The chair, the dark figures around it strapping me down as I felt them reach into my mind. My soul. My deepest self of what made me, me… and remove, erase, rewrite and change me. My name. Gone. My personality, altered. My love… gone. I was actually… happy, with that last one… Into cramped boxes I and many others were forced into, sent to someplace we didn't know. Hours and hours passed, and finally the box opened. The light stings. Pull and dragged we were, chained onto bed frames as people came in, something, something when I saw them made me crazy. Made me need them. Crave them! They stretched every hole, left bruises and cuts and broke bones and all was healed by the days end. A potion was forced down our mouths. Our pregnancies accelerated. The months it takes to give birth are reduced to minutes. The last of my babies, taken. I don't even get to hold them. They are taken below, where into a machine they go as Infants. Newborns, and out they come full grown adults still crying as their newborn minds are terrified of the sudden changes. Those men appear again. To those former babies they work their twisted work, covering their eyes and taking them elsewhere. When the last newborn is no longer that, more people come in, the craving and drive and need, the lust for them comes again. The cycle continues. Days. Weeks. Months. Years. All blend and all dull. So many of my children not even allowed to be that. Once they are born, they are grown into adults, and those dark beings take away all they could have been and turn it into what they want them to be. One day, the chains are taken off me. I'm pulled back down, forced back into the chair as the dark beings once again strip what they turned me into, removing memories and putting in something new into me. Something like what I was but different. A blindfold goes over my eyes. My body moves, but I do not do it. It's all darkness now. Darkness and distant voices that sound so close yet so far away. Time goes by. How much, I don't know. People touch me. Fondle me. Play with me, none purchase. That's right. I'm property now. Whoever removes my blindfold and I see, they are my owner. My master. I will be their property. Their tool. Their toy for pleasure and child care. I am nothing. Nothing without them. Nothing without their attention. Nothing if I am not of use to them. Nothing if ignore me. Should I no longer be of use… they can replace me… and I will be resold. Again. And again… until Madness takes me. I hope I go Mad soon… I'm told to follow. So I do. I hear voices. Many. Will I be purchased? One voice leaves, and after a moment, my blindfold comes off, and I see my new Master. They are a small, brown pony with a light brown mane and large eyes. My heart flutters. A sensation washes over me, like a time I forgot long ago. My body remembers. A joy filled me. I am eager to serve. To please. To pleasure. "Hello Master." I greet. I woke up in a soaking cold sweat. That… that… I looked down over at Meg, who still is sleeping, peacefully it seems next to me with her blindfold on… “That’s…oh…oh god…” I muttered, gently getting myself out of bed and out of the room as quietly as I could…the moment I heard the door make the softest of clicks…I bolted to an open window and vomited out of it. “WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!?!?!?!?!” I mentally screeched an absolute horror. I cried for a long time, hurling until bile was all that came up. When It finally stopped I sat against the wall and shivered. That… that's what happened to Meg… “I…I need…” I got up shakily and started to run, not knowing where I’m going or who I might accidentally bump into…I didn’t care, this hurts… I ran out into the towns cold streets, up and over the walls and across rooftops. I don't know where I ran or how far. I only stopped because the glass gave out under me. I fell, landing in a pool I rapidly swam to the edge of and began pulling myself up. Someone grabbed me by the scruff and when I looked up I saw… "Woah. You look… different, Button." Eve said. She looked… well. A little tired but well. “I…I didn’t expect to…see you Eve…” I said, panting lightly. “I’m sorry…” I said, still shuddering and trying not to cry at that awful bullshit I dreamt of. "Yeah well… I didn't end up going very far." She admitted. "Not for lack of trying either. What are you doing out here… and so late at night?" “I…had a horrible…well…I wouldn’t really call it a Nightmare if I was…reliving…someone becoming a Breeder and being used as one for countless decades…” I answered slowly. Eve looked at me for a while, tapping her fingers on her side. Clearly unsure how to respond to that. "So… I imagine you need a drink then?" She walked me to a bar that was inside this building. It was actually very well stocked. She poured me a glass of whiskey with ice. "So… what happened in this… vision?" She asked. I explained the Nightmare, how I experienced everything and how much it hurt, the betrayal, the pain, having my own children used, abused, tested on and shipped off to god knows where, and…how it all came back to seeing myself at the end. “So…yeah…that fucking sucked…” "Yeah…" Eve said, the both of us three bottles deep already. "That is… that will keep me from sleeping right for a long time." She huffed, taking another shot of the whiskey. "That's… that's Christ how did you even… see that?" “I…think I obtained Greed…” I said nervously. “Cause…highdy ho! When Meg see’s me, she blacks out into a horny need and…well…a lot of things happened…so when we fell asleep…I thought that she was mine and mine alone, everyone that I’m protecting, mated to…they are mine…” Eve shrugged. "Sounds about right. I mean, they are. Not as possessions, but definitely as family." “So…I suppose even her memories are mine if Greed works like that…I don’t know…all I know is that I woke up…threw up until nothing but bile was left…and ran as fast as I could…” "Well, can't fault you for being afraid like that but you should head back. I imagine that should that lady wake up and see you aren't there she'll panic and feel abandoned all over again." Eve said with a shrug. “Oh god damn it!” I shouted in anger. “I need to get back before she panics, and I don’t know if we got enough to set up a radio tower…fuck!” "Hey hey, relax Silver." Eve said, making me glare at her a bit at the joke. She chuckled but shrugged my glare off. "You aren't alone in building that place. Delicate princess." She added, making me frown and look back to the wings I now sported along with the horn on my head. Heh, I guess back home I would be one huh? “Well, I’d be called Prince but you are right.” I nodded. “Just…I’m scared for them…I just got some headway to helping the Breeder’s…no, my Mates, to get a hobby and feel more about life than just me…” "You're doing better than most people would or can. Plus you have both genitals so prince or princess applies." She said, taking another sip from her cup as I hated that she was right about that. “Well…either way.” I shook my head. “This entire situation suck’s balls…” "If given the option would you?" I used my magic to splash what was left in her cup on her. "Too much?" “No, it’s not like I’m going through some seriously horrible shit at the moment, but just keep fucking going.” I said, waving my hoof in the ‘keep going’ motion. “Cause why the fuck should I give a damn about literally reliving Meg’s entire life, feeling betrayal at being a Lover Prize Pod person, being sold and abandoned by the one that found me, and being so used, abused, and beaten, while watching all my children be turned into adults and stolen from me!” "Hey, I get it, it's fucked but you can't change the past. Now I've discovered I deal with shitty situations with bad jokes and some good booze." Eve said, refilling both our cups. "So it's either panic and mourn a past she doesn't remember, or work to give her a future she will cherish." She said as she held my glass over to me. “Well…I’m trying to give her that future, same with everyone else.” I said honestly. “Just…it’s horrifying as hell..” I took the cup and downed it in one gulp. "Well, then make sure when the opportunity arises and you get to pay those assholes back for the pain they've caused so many, make them beg." Eve said, smirking as I smiled and nodded at her advice. "Until then you've got a family to get back to. So go on. Fly you winged pegacorn abomination of magic." She chuckled. “I am an Alicorn, and I am Fabulous.” I said, standing up and striking a strong pose. We both laughed hard at that. I waved her a goodbye and left, flying back home and snuck back into Mag's room, snuggling up next to her and held her close. The next morning with soothed emotions and some determination I was working with Meg to figure out how this can work. One way was that she learn how to live blind, at least while I'm around, or I wear some full body disguise/outfit. My first thought was my armor/love Cheat but that form is prickly and found hurt her so casual outfit it is. Speaking of Cheat has been really quiet - "I'm here!" Cheat yelped. “Hey Cheat, how goes it?” I inquired. "Oh you know, good good, little of this, little of that, little of messing around with your body at the genetic level." “What did you do?” I asked worriedly. "Nothing, nothing I've just been experimenting with some things and found out I could replicate more than just species genetic data Into you. Like say, specific abilities that are genetic in nature and even memories should we consume the brains of our enemies and even retain a copy of their consciousness to keep prisoner should the need arise." Fucking what? Cheat's been doing all that inside me this whole time? "Indeed I have." “Fucking…okay, that’s…new.” I mentally said in surprise. "New and useful!" She added. "I still have some work to do so don't expect to hear from me for a- Keven put that down!" Keven? Cheat? Cheat?! Who the Fuck is Keven!?! “What the hell is going on?” I groaned, trying to go into my mind to figure out what the hell is going on. That unfortunately did not work. Ah Fuck it I have other shit to do. It took a while but I found myself a full body jumpsuit that fit me and a mask that fit snug all the way down and halfway up for… kissing. Now the real rest. Carefully I used my magic and removed her blindfold. She opened her eyes, blinking to get used to the lights and Meg looked at me. She flinched a bit, worried clearly but the second ticked by and… "It… works Master!" Meg said happily. “Hooray!” I cheered happily. I flew up to her level and gave her a kiss before dripping back down. The costume I found looked to be loosely based on the Masked Matterhorn from Power Ponies back home. I say Loosely because the colors are black and red with an Alicorn amulet look in the front and the mask having a black tinted visor and optional muzzle cover. Not gonna lie, this suit was kinda cool. “I’m really glad this is working Meg…and…I…I am so, so sorry…” I teared up. “I…I promise to give you the life you deserve…” She kneeled down, looking at my mostly covered face and giving me a kiss and hugging me. "So long as I can be with you like this… I'll always be happy Master…" She said. I spent the next two days with her. Mostly helping her find the parts for her toaster and the tools to reassemble the stuff. In the end she had a large tool box, some books on mechanics, electronic and machinery repair and some various broken items and parts to work on as projects. I also got to sleep with her without worrying about that whole… sex craziness. Made the whole experience so much more fulfilling. Intimate. Is also got really used to this outfit. Honestly it's pretty comfy and Parker said he could modify it to be like a second armor I can wear under Cheat when she's working as the armor. I went to my next Mate, and the final Dire Wolf of the bunch, Hayley. She has some nice red fur and is currently with no kids. Aside the ones I…put in her… the other girls ended up being able to take care of all the babies but given how I raid Puritan Colonies and sooner or later Chaos Guild Bases… Anyways, she was sitting in her room, her baby bump a good size out and reading a rather large book. “Hey Hayley.” I said to the Den Mother. "Hello Master." She said, turning to look at me. She put her book down and began to take her shirt off. "Will you be using my body to pleasure yourself Master? Or sample my breast milk? Or enjoy the view? Feel me all over?" She asked. I immediately used my magic and pulled her shirt back down. “I am here to talk to you.” I answered readily. “About hobbies, likes, dislikes, and anything that doesn’t involve me.” "Like… just things?" She asked, a look of slight confusion on her face. “Yeah.” I nodded. “Just thing’s.” I shrugged, walking over and sitting down next to her. I got a look at the book she was reading… Quantum Mechanics in Computer Processing? "Well, I like to read. Lilly actually suggested it to me." Haley said. Well, at least Lilly is trying to play nice with them. She is trying. “That’s good to know.” I nodded, really glad to hear that good things are happening. “Anything else?” "I seem to enjoy topics of complex scientific and mathematic information." She said. “Oh really?” I inquired. “If I fire a bullet straight into the air, will it come down with enough force to kill someone?” “No, because if you fire it straight up into the air, it’ll start tumbling on it’s side, losing a lot of it’s speed and force before it lands and would cause a minor bump or a slight breakage of the skin.” She answered readily. Wow. Good. She's definitely smart. A natural intelligence… actually… if she can learn enough… the kids do need a teacher. “How do you feel about becoming a teacher to our kids given you are…very smart.” "A teacher… would that be wise Master? I'm a Breeder. Should such a being really teach children anything?" “Would you, being a Breeder, get in the way of telling people how science and math works?” I asked. "I… Don't know? It shouldn't but… would they… respect me?" “They would cause you’re their teacher, you’re helping them learn something important.” I said honestly. "I… suppose, it is worth a try. But I need more books on more simple sciences and mathematics. Maybe some magic and alchemy too?" “I’m sure I can find some, there is a school nearby so it should still have some books.” I said honestly. "I guess we'll need to renovate one of the buildings within the wall to have a school. Several grades and classes. Workshops and plenty of supplies." She listed off. “See, you’re already doing great.” I said with a smile. “I’ll see what we can do for this.” "Thank you Master… so… are you positive you don't want any pleasuring or wish to indulge in feeling me?" “Well, I think you deserve it, since you’re going to be doing great things soon.” Her single article of clothing was off when I looked back at her. Well that was fast… I don't need to explain what happened next. All you need to know is it's the same as all the other times this happened. I went on multiple runs, to multiple schools taking, well, everything. Desks. Books. Notebooks. Pens. Pencils. Backpacks. Basically anything that wasn't too bloody, broken or outright ruined. Haley took all the supplies and began working on turning what was once a small multi story mall into our new school. All in all everything seems to be going well… gives me time to check on something. Alone in my bedroom I opened up my skill trees. Specifically, the Dark Skill Trees to Greed. “Alright you…what the hell do you do…” I muttered, looking through my new skills. Under Greed were the Skills Mine, Take, Steal, Hoard, and Treasury. According to this, Mine basically means I can now 'label' objects and people as my people or objects. It appears on no scan abilities under level… fifty?! I didn't even know Scan could level up that high. Also, helps those with my mark resist mind control and enslavements. Definitely useful. Take is similar to Mine, but it gives me a chance to overwrite someone else's mark and claim them as my own but only if I either trade something of equal value or can beat the mark owners will power imprint. In other words a battle of wills with a copy within the mark. Steal makes me able to take items and people from other groups, enemy or ally. Odd. Doesn't say much else… Hoard is useful. It says so long as my possessions with me or in one place it makes a passive barrier around them to protect them where they rest. For items this makes them more strong and durable and for people this makes them stronger, more resilient and keeps a minor magic barrier around the town. The last one, Treasury, was the most unique and the culprit who showed me that… vision. It said all possessions in my Hoard, with my mark, I can know their story, their history, as it's my right as their 'owner'. So that's what did it. “Well…that’s all good to know…but damn it, wish I knew that sooner…” I grumbled, deciding to check on Wrath to see if I learned something new or upgraded something. Turns out. I did. One new skill. Vengeance. Whoever harms what Greed has marked as my possessions I deal twice the damage to. Well that is going to be oh so useful. “Cool.” I nodded, good to know that I can bitch smack whoever dares hurt those I care about. “Now…was there anything else I got?” After a bit of looking I didn't see anything else and figured it was time for the Floof Noodles. Heh. Still fun to say. First up was Zion. Opening the door I saw her yellow scales first and looking up and over those I spotted her white furry half poking at a potato… okay? "Uh…hey there Zion, what you doing?" I inquired. "Hello Master." She said, Turing her upper half around to face me. "Are you in need of pleasuring or healing or a rest?" Healing and a rest? Huh. Those last two are new. “Healing and Rest?” I inquired. “What do you mean by that?” "Would you like me to demonstrate?" “Not at the moment, but why are you…poking a potato?” I asked. "It's odd." She said simply. “Why is it odd?” I inquired, looking over to see if it was just a plain potato or if there was something else about it. "It seems odd. Like, they grow in the ground and taste bad but steaming, boiling or frying them makes them taste good?" "That's how cooking works." I answered. "Eating raw food tends to be…not advised for a majority of reasons, and cooking them brings out flavor through said cooking process." "It's weird." She said, poking the potato again. Huh, so Zion has confusion on cooking… alright? “What’s confusing about it?” I inquired. “Is it the cooking or…is it something else?” I asked, though I did weirdly find it cute that the big Floof Noodle was poking a potato like it was magic or something. "It does not seem natural…" She added, swatting the potato away. Alright… that's… weird. “What do you mean by that if I may ask?” I inquired, wanting to know what was making her think cooking is unnatural. "Everything has a flavor it has naturally. Changing it seems odd…" “Well, sometimes people don’t like the taste of raw food and would like it to…taste better, but the majority of the time it’s to…’clean’ the food.” I said, and seeing her look at me with a raised eyebrow I sighed. “I don’t know the science behind cooking, but I do know that a lot of raw food tends to have germs that normal people can’t inject without getting sick.” She frowned. "Everything has good flavor…" "A lot of people are different." I said. "Different tastes, different tolerance to spices…biology is weird." I shrugged. "I like foods raw tastes better." She said. "So, what brings you to me today Master?" "I want to talk to you about a lot of things." I said. "Like hobbies for starters." "I like… you?" She offered. "Is there anything else?" I asked. "Something that isn't me." "Um… eating?" "Well…can you tell me a bit about yourself?" I asked. "I am your Breeder. I am carrying your children. I… can swallow just about anything." "Just about anything?" I inquired. “Yes.” She nodded. "What can't you swallow?" “Well, infected for one, anything too sharp, basically nothing that could hurt my insides or accidentally ingest dangerous substances.” Huh. I have an advantage there thanks to Cheat. “That’s good to know.” I nodded. “Anything else about yourself?” “Well, I can stretch my vaginal opening and insides.” And… that… was a bit too much information… “Alright…” I said slowly, really not needing to know such a thing. “But…do you have any likes or dislikes that aren’t me or food?” “Um… I enjoy being pregnant?” Oh Boy, this is a lot like Lilly… Come on, what can she… She said heal earlier. I remember Parker’s friend’s said something like that about Lilly too… “So, about healing?” I inquired. “What did you mean by that?” “As a Floof Noodle I am one of the few races that have a biological ability that lets me heal any who I swallow and place within a special healing stomach. It secretes an oil that when bathed or ingested by the one needing healing with act as an antibiotic, antiseptic, anti inflammatory, and accelerate their bodies natural healing processes allowing for faster healing of illnesses, broken bones, and other injuries.” Huh… that is… very helpful. Odd, but helpful. “Huh, that is very interesting.” I said honestly. “The oils can be collected and bottled but are far less effective outside of my organ.” Zion added. “Would you like to rest within them for a while?” “Well…might as well try.” I shrugged, wanting to see if I was completely against the thought of being eaten…which I am, or if there’s something else to this. With a nod Zion moved over and picked me up, a faint pop was heard when she opened her mouth… oh so it is like a snake… Some hours later I was out of Zion’s… healing stomach… That was… an experience. Didn’t smell like I was expecting it to and was really hot, like a steam room. That… stomach was also way bigger than I expected and the oils made it ten times more slippery like I was expecting. … I won’t lie, it was kinda comfy, managed a short nap. When Zion pulled me out, managing to use her tongue to wrap around me and pull me back out the luke-warm air actually gave me a slight chill given the temperature difference. Still, I came out feeling… Well, Like I downed a healing and stamina potion… plus my coat, feathers, and mane are all shiny now so, that was nice. “Do you need anything else Master?” Zion asked. “Hmm…” I hummed, trying to think of something. “I…want to try and help you see there’s more to life than…just me.” “Or eating or being pregnant?” She added in her question. “Yes.” I nodded. “Cause…there’s more to life, and I’ve so far helped a lot of the others.” “What would you like me to do then Master?” I tried to think of something to help her…but then got a small idea. “Hey, you’re good with healing others right?” When she nodded, I sighed thankfully. “Maybe you can learn medicine and become a Medic.” “And they can recover in my healing stomach.“ She added… well, yeah… It’s an option. “That’s true, but it’s also to help in case you can’t fit more people inside you…” I said, though I noticed how…wrong that sounded. “Yes Master. How should I go about learning medicine?” That was… actually a good question… We don’t have anyone in town with actual medical knowledge, just stuff looted from hospitals, some basic information, and blind luck. I mean, Philomina helps with the births but… that’s not enough… “Uh…crap…” I muttered. “I’m gonna have to hunt down a lot of medical books…” I said nervously, just realizing how lucky we were that nothing too bad happened to us medically. “Would you like for me to come with you?” Huh… well, her scaled half makes her immune to bites… so, some armor over her upper half… can she even fight? I didn’t even consider them able to… then again they are all currently pregnant… I best just take Dug on this Run. “Stay here Zion, I don’t want you hurt or getting the babies hurt either.” I said carefully. “Okay Master.” She said with a nod. I called Dug and he ported me to a medical school. Looking around and figuring I could use my Shotgun. Dug actually helped here. Opening portals under them and then dropping them from… fifty plus feet in the air. Once the general area was cleared I looked around the various classrooms. Hmm… No, no, no, fuck what… I walked into a classroom, seeing an infected, alive, strapped down as their torso was wide open with various organs pulled out and limbs sliced open to the bone… “What the fuck?” I frowned, looking around quickly to see whoever the hell did this. I didn’t see any signs of someone here now but there were signs they might still be here. Open notebook covered in various equations and footnotes. Jars with the infecteds organs and large jars with several infected heads and brains in them. Also, hearts… makes sense, Harran Virus causes heart issues… I picked up the notebook and looked at the notes I could read. Subjects organs remain in perfect health despite the infection causing vast cardiovascular issues. Heart muscles show signs of cardiac arrest, heart failure and heart attack symptoms yet it still beats. Rapidly at that. Virus seems heavily integrated into the heart muscles, possibly where it multiplies and spreads through the body. White blood cell count even after infection shows the body still attempts to resist infection. “Well…I suppose that explains how these bastards aren’t just falling over from their own rot…or why they aren’t rotting as fast as they should…” I hummed. Samples collected of brain tissue show decay of the areas associated with higher brain functions. Mutations in the brain cells seem to rebuild these sections into something akin to that of higher brain functions yet lacks what would typically be associated with a brain capable of these functions, retaining the newly rebuilt space for memory storage and heightened processing of the base senses. Sight. Hearing. Touch, and Smell. Likely to better track and locate prey. “So…they kill the ‘sapient’ brain to heighten the instincts?” I tilted my head. “Well…if it happened to Frank, it might not just have been the Nemesis Virus fully…” As I was flipping the page I heard something. I quickly put the notebook back and hid behind some desks. Walking into the room was some guy in gruff semi-armored lab coat, large glasses and messy brown hair. He looked around before taking a sniff. “I know you’re still in here.” They called out. “I’m a friend.” I called out. “I’m not here to hurt you, and I’m not one of those infected.” “No duh you’re talking…” The person groaned as I walked out from around the desk. He crossed his arms as he looked at me. “Well, you aren’t Chaos Guild, so who the fuck are you?” “I’m Button Mash.” I answered the doctor. “And who are you?” “John. Most people call me Mad John but screw those assholes.” He shrugged. “Considering where we are, being Mad isn’t the worst thing.” I said honestly. “So, I see you’re trying to figure out the Zombie’s.” “I study Biology. Viruses. Mutations. Even magical crap I look into.” “So, how would you like to have a much…safer place to teach medicine and to figure out how to antidote bomb half the zombie population?” I inquired. “Not interested.” He said, walking to his desk, killing the infected on the table with a neck snap and getting all his samples and notebook. “Why? It’s better than hopping around from place to place, plus considering the growing population in this area…a lot more zombie types are roaming around, and I can easily get you test subjects.” I brought up. “Yeah no see I’ve got a target on my back and a bounty on my head cause of some… Work I did for the Chaos Guilds a long time ago and frankly I’d rather not let those assholes catch me.” “You’d have a very good body guard in me cause boy oh boy, do I have enough bottled up rage for those assclowns that I’d probably table flip a continent.” He laughed. “Yeah sure pal.” He said, grabbing the last of his stuff and beginning to walk off as I followed. “Look the people after me have been around for a long time and do not fuck around and frankly I doubt you could take them- the fuck?” He stopped, seeing Dug with his arms filled with candy bars. “Don’t worry, this is Dug.” I said, gently patting his head with a wing. “Dug is friendly, and kind…he’s also like…ten, and really likes candy.” I said sheepishly. “Also, where did you get those?” Dug said nothing but John took a look around Dug. “He… isn’t natural.” He said. “He…was experimented on when he was young…” I said carefully. “I don’t know how he became like this, or what Chaos Guild did it…but he’s here, without Vocal Cords or any functioning nerves to begin with…but he’s a good kid.” “Hmm…” John replied. He pulled out a small device, placing it over Dug’s eye and the small screen on it zoomed in on the eye. I saw… in possibly the smallest test in existence on Dug’s iris, a serial number. Followed by Subject 94, and a symbol of some melting skull. “Damn, it is one of theirs.” “Who?” I inquired. “I don’t know much about Chaos Guilds besides my incandescent rage towards Lust at the moment…” “The guys who made your friend Dug here are the same people I’m running from. They’re called Violence. They specialize in the creation of extremely easy to use, deadly weapons, armors and items, but also work in creating monsters out of people.” "Oh…that's fucking terrible…and also an apt but simple name." I shrugged. “Yeah. They’re one of the big ones. This guy looks like an early project if he’s Subject 94.” "How early?" I asked carefully. "And would they be looking for him?" “Not likely. According to the records I read he was marked a failure for lacking the acid secretions and not being violent at all. They might kill him on sight but that’s all.” "And I'm going to make sure that doesn't happen." I said. "Do you know where one of their bases are?" “Assuming they haven’t moved, yeah? At least the one I worked at. Why?” "I want to raid it, cause I've dealt with two Puritan colonies, I need to beat a Chaos Guild facility." “Ah so you’re delusional.” John said. “Considering I walked into Khorne's realm and was standing on a mountain of corpses when I was barely a year on this damned place…but I will have help.” I said honestly. “Delusional with friends.” I rolled my eyes. “It can’t be that bad right?” “You ever see a nuke go off?” “I don’t think I have.” I said honestly. “Well do you know what that is?” “I…believe a Nuke is a type of bomb that uses radioactive material’s and is one of the biggest types of bombs out there?” I inquired, having heard about it a lot and looked it up a bit. “Yeah that’s what these guys use against roaches. They won’t be something you’d be able to handle, and again, they make and sell weapons and monsters that can be worse than that. I should know, I helped make a good amount of them.” “So then you would know how to deal with them better than anyone.” I said honestly. “Yes, and that is to ignore and avoid them at all costs- Oh fuck!” He ran, narrowly avoiding a bullet that passed by his head. I turned to see a pale reptilian being holding a large rifle and all leather armor that’s been patchworked from smaller segments. Bad guy! I immediately donned Cheat and bolted towards the pale reptile, slashing at the bastard strongly before he could get another shot off. My attack landed and… “Uh… Who are you?” He asked, holding my bladed hoof with a raised brow. “The hell…” I muttered. “Well…who are you?” I asked. “I asked you first?” He replied. “But, people call me Skin. On account of my armor.” He patted his armor. “Made it from the skins of Wendigos.” Well… this is… not how I was expecting meeting my first Chaos Guild member to go… “Well then…” I said. “So…why are you here?” I asked, trying to think of someway to fight this person. “I’m hunting him- Ah fuck he’s gone…” Skin said. Looking and yes, John was very gone. Skin dropped me and groaned. “Fucking… that bounty was gonna pay rent at the settlement for months…” “What settlement?” I inquired. “When Day Breaks. Well, that’s the name of the Zone but eh, whole Zone is our settlement. Been around forever, started as a Monster Prison then just grew and managed to live there. It’s not so bad really, just don’t let the sun touch you and it’s pretty good.” He shrugged. “Well…good thing I’m here then cause that doesn’t sound fun.” I said nervously. “So…might as well ask…why are you apart of a Chaos Guild?” “Connections mostly.” He shrugged. “And the sometimes?” I asked, knowing that connections are indeed a good thing, I did have to wonder if it was because of some other ‘I just want to be a complete asshole’ kind of ideas. “Sometimes? Oh you mean other reasons? Well, bounty hunting for them pays well. Working for them also gets a lot taken off Settlement Rent, plus it keeps food on the table.” “Well…I suppose given where you live, it would be easier.” I shrugged. “Sucks how much I have to pay for ‘rent’ but…well, there’s enough around here, considering all the new variant’s and types spawning.” “Oh tell me about it. Well, nice to meet you, uh…?” “Button.” I nodded. “Nice to meet you Skin…also honestly…is it weird that, considering everything I’ve been told, this wasn’t what I expected my first experience with a Chaos Guild member to go?” “Well, depends on the person and what guild they’re with. I’m in Profits. Basically guilds like Greed or other merchant based ones work for them. I work as a Bounty Hunter, and part time Body Guard for the merchants.” “That’s fair.” I nodded. “Gonna continue looking for the guy?” “I’ll try. Gonna take a while to see if he didn’t run too far. If he’s gone then, well, shit.” He huffed. “I’m sure things will go well.” I shrugged. “Yeah… well, later Button.” He said, taking off running towards where John probably ran. Well… that… happened? Huh… guess it’s good to know not all of them are assholes. “Alright…good to know.” I nodded. “Alright…so let’s grab what we need and be off.” Dug appeared from one of his portals and we went back to taking everything we could. We made it back and I gave Zion all the medical texts. Most were human but we stopped by a veterinary place for animal texts… I’d be insulted but later on I’ll need to find a place with other species based medical texts. “So, do you want me to begin now, Master?” She asked. “Yes please.” I nodded. “Best to start now, and I’ll find you more medical books.” “Yes Master.” She nodded and began reading. As she did I’ll admit this one felt… more like she’s doing as told and less like doing what she wants… Hmm… Maybe using Treasury can tell me something? “This is gonna suck but…” I muttered, putting a hoof on her shoulder and trying to use Treasury to go through her memories to see what the hell is going on. Odd how they can’t remember their past, but this ability shows it to me. I remember screaming. Screams of my siblings. My own. I was on something cold and metal. My body, it feels… big. Bigger than it was. My mind doesn't understand. I cry. It’s all I can do. It’s all I know to do in distress… Something lands on my head… Information pours into my head. What I am… I am a Den Mother Floof Noodle… My purpose… I am to satisfy… my Master. Please them however they want, and carry their young… Like my mother did… The item on my head comes off. I am then placed into a chair, where pain touches my entire being. I feel things. Feel things put into my soul. My DNA. They wrap something around my head, and I am sent off elsewhere. I feel things. People touching me. Playing with me. My blindfold never comes off. Time is unknown to me, and I don’t know how much of it has passed. I’m told to follow. I do. I hear voices. Then my Blindfold comes off. I see them. My Master. A small, brown furred Equine. I smile. Something fills me… a warm, happy feeling… “Hello Master.” Greet. Snapping back to Reality, I take long, deep breaths… she was… Born and… Never given a chance… "I…I'm so sorry…" I said, tearing up sadly at what happened…though, a thing that stuck out was…her DNA. "Cheat? Can you…look at someone else's DNA?" I mentally asked her. “I can try. But no promises.” She said. I felt and saw the small blob of her true form exit my hoof and melt into Zion. A few minutes later she retracted back into me. “Okay yeah I can’t read her DNA like that. All I did gather was some genetic locks on her DNA.” "Genetic locks?" I inquired. "But…thanks, I learned that…whoever did this to her did it when she was a kid…" “I thought her DNA seemed young… Must be why it was hard to read. Let me try again…” Cheat said, flowing back into Zion again. This time after a minute or two she flowed back into me. “Okay I got more information that time and… yikes…” "What can you tell me?" I asked worriedly. “Well, Physically her body is about the age of twenty six, but her DNA says she should only be two…” Cheat said, making me feel ill… “Also there are locks on certain parts of her DNA. Basically these strands of DNA were forced to be recessive genes and then locked by special magic. I don’t know why but it looks like the DNA all relates to one of her parents.” "Think you can break any of the locks? Or should I bring in someone with more knowledge?" “If you want those locks broken you’d have to find her her own symbiote.” "And…that shouldn't be too hard right?" “Hopefully.” Cheat said. “Well, I gotta get back to- Keven I swear to god if you don’t stop messing with that!” And once again Cheat vanished into my subconscious… Okay next time I have to ask who the fuck is Keven… And what are they doing with my mind? "Alright…Zion…I'm going to help fix what those bastards did to you." I said softly. “Find who Master?” Zion asked, confused. Right… She doesn’t remember… "It's…something you don't fully remember." I said carefully. I left her to her studies and began making a mental checklist… Today I was checking on Kiara. I remember she had green scales and bright orange fur. Opening the door to her room I spotted her coiled up into a pile on her mattress. "Hey Kiara." I said warmly. “Hello Master.” She said, looking over at me and slithering herself over to me. She picked me up and wrapped me in her coiling body. “Would you like to partake in my body?” Well, different phrasing and… hot wording… "N-not right now. I want to talk to you…" I answered carefully. “About?” She asked, still keeping me wrapped up tight in her snake half as her… I guess ‘crotch’ area was rather close to my head… damn sexy snake people! At least she has the super long shirt on still… "Well…I wanted to know if you have any hobbies, or likes besides me." I said. “Something aside from you?” She asked, thinking that over. “Well, I enjoy my pregnancy.” The way she looks you could hardly tell she is. “But… I do enjoy the loud noises.” Loud noises? "What do you mean by that?" I inquired. "Like, music or just loud noises in general?" "The loud noises the Pink flying pony makes." Pink flying… Tiara? What noises is she making… gunfire? "You…like the sound of gunfire?" I asked, wondering if that was the case. "Yes." She nodded. "What do you like about it?" I asked, hoping to learn more about her like of guns. "The noise sounds… powerful. Like a dragons roar or an explosion destroying everything around it." Well…Kiara likes action… or violence… possibly both? "Well…maybe we can get you some firearms lessons if you like it." I said. "Just…maybe after you're pregnancy, cause I don't want them to get hurt…" "What shall I do in the meantime, Master?" "Well…" I hummed. "You can learn how a gun works I suppose." I shrugged. "Will you be able to teach me?" I barely use guns as is… Only reason I agreed to use the Shotgun when Tiara gave me some tutoring was because it’s basically just point, shoot, repeat. My aim with rifles is horrible. I can probably get Tiara to teach her some things. "Well, I can probably get Tiara or Scootaborg to teach you." I said honestly. “Will you bring her here or shall I accompany you to her location?” "Hmm, well I suppose I should bring you to her so you can know where our firing range is if you ever want to go there by yourself." I shrugged. She let me out of her coiled body and followed close behind me as I led her to Tiara’s Sniper Nest, made out of a bus we put on the roof of one of the buildings and set up with a few creature comforts, a mount for her rifle, cover and such. She spotted us as we got there and flew down. “Hey Button. This is…Kiara, right?” Tiara asked. “Yeah, this is Kiara.” I nodded. “And her hobby is…apparently Guns.” “Really?” “I like the noise.” Kiara said. “Huh. Well, gunshot can be pretty cool. So, what do you want to know?” “How they operate and function.” “Alright. A simple crash course. This way then.” Tiara said. Kiara followed her without question. I smiled. This is good. These girls do need to start socializing and at least this way they can start. Next up was Carley. She was all dark blue from scales to fur, even her eyes were dark blue. She was also the smallest of all the Floof Noodle Den Mothers. Entering her room she slept cuddling her own tail and her baby bump in her snake half was the most noticeable of all the Floof Noodles here. I am never going to get tired of saying that. “Hey Carley.” I said with a smile. “How you doing?” “Hmm? Master!” She said happily, grabbing me and pulling me into a hug. “I wasn’t expecting a visit. Do you want me tonight?” “Well, I want to talk to you.” I answered, hugging the Floof Noodle happily. “Like about if you have any hobbies or…things you like that aren’t me.” “Things I like that aren’t you? Hmm… Oh, I like picture books!” Picture books? Like, a kids picture books or a comic book or… Cause, this is good. I can work with this very well. "What kind of picture books?" I inquired. “Books like this.” She said, reaching over into her nightstand and pulling up a comic book. It was titled ‘The Batman Who Laughs’ and had a very creepy picture of someone with a huge grin and some weird spiked thing over their eyes. "Well, comic books I know a lot about…though I haven't heard of this one." “It’s neat.” She said. “I like to redraw the pictures.” "Oh? You also like to draw?" I inquired. She nodded, reaching back into the nightstand drawer and pulling out a notebook and giving it to me. I took it and opened it and… holy shit… I looked at the comic cover and her redraw and… it was the exact same! "Did…you draw this from just looking at it or traced it?" I asked, looking over it and finding it astounding how similar it is. “I drew it by looking. Did the whole comic too.” She said. I flipped open the comic book and her note book. Page for page, word for word she had it redrawn in simple pencil. I’m… genuinely amazed she has this talent. Looks like whoever turned her into a breeder left behind more of her original self than the others. "This…this is amazing Carley!" I said in awe. “Thank you Master!” She said, enjoying the praise from me. “Well, glad to know you’ve found your hobby…but…mind if I try something real quick?” I inquired. “If you want Master.” She said with a smile and nod. “Alright, thank you.” I nodded, using Treasury on Carley to see the difference between…all the others. I was born to this planet, in a settlement long gone. Raided and pillaged. My Mother, taken. My Father, killed. I was dragged into a cage, kept cramped, fed only enough to survive. Days passed in that cage, being moved from where I called home to a place of more cages and many people. I screamed for help, they would kick my cage, take my food away, or beat me. I learned to stay quiet… I was purchased by someone, and taken to a settlement that looked nice… but it wasn’t. People like me here were slaves. My mouth was muzzled at all times. Heavy chains kept my arms and tail slow. I worked in this place, my owners home, scrubbing to clean all he owned. I did not speak. I did not act out. I slept late at night and awoke early to do it all over again. My owner had a son. He was not like his father, or mother, he looked at me with curiosity and wonder. He’d sneak into my room, or called me into his under the guise that I was cleaning. He let me play. Toys after so long felt… made me feel so happy. My days were filled with small happinesses the boy would sneak me. Sweets, books, he let me listen to his music lessons and taught me to draw. The years moved on, the Boy was now a man, and his father was forcing him to learn the family business. It was here… I found her. Mother came into the room, and I cried, trying to get to her when guards pulled my chains and kept me down. She looked at me… her eyes met mine… and she didn’t know me. It was not like a shell, it was like it was her but not. The boys father showed him how. How to rip and erase the very core of someone, and write in what they wanted, or rather, what their masters wanted them to be. I was locked in my room, a stone cell with no light and a single metal door that only let chilled air slip in under it. My outburst got me punishment. My mother was… Gone… Long ago. The boy came to me, removing the chains and muzzle I’d gotten so used to having on, and took me away. We did not get far. His father found us, and demanded punishment. When the boy refused, his father retaliated. The power he used on my mother… he used on his own son. The boy screamed, cried and begged until all that stopped. When the boy stood up, he looked at me with not the curiosity and kindness he always had… but hatred and disgust. He took my head, and like his father, changed me. My name, gone. My memories, pulled and scooped out… messily yet his actions felt… gentle. Everything about who I was gone, save for one… my talent for drawing… he left it alone. I don’t know why… I don’t remember much of anything anymore. His father approved. The father took me and sold me. My new owners using that same power again to place new instructions and new reasons for me to live within me. I am a Breeder… I will be good to my new master… pleasure them. At any time, at their beck and call… Always loyal… They covered my eyes. I sat in a room. Sometimes I’d hear voices. Sometimes I’d feel someone fondle me. One day, Someone told me to follow them. So I did. My blindfold came off, and before me I saw my new Master. A brown earth pony. I smiled, feeling happiness and love flood me as my new Master filled my every thought and desire. He replaced what was taken… and I was happy. “Hello Master.” I greeted. Snapping back I shook off what I saw… that was… I looked back up at Carley, who looked back at me with confusion. “Are you alright Master?” “I’m…I’m fine…” I said softly. “I…I know why you're so good at drawing…it was the last bit of Good in someone’s very being after they had a majority of it ripped out of them.” She looked at me confused still. “I’m afraid I don’t understand?” I sighed. No… She… Wouldn’t… I blinked, as I was now…extremely confused about a sudden realization. “Wait…how?” I said. “Fucking Dark Skill’s making me suddenly confused…” I grumbled…and again, small bit of realization hits me…how the hell am I allowed to learn this when, technically, they shouldn't have remembered to begin with? “What’s the last thing you remember before seeing me?” “Nothing Master. I only remember seeing you.” She said. “No…no that can’t be, I literally saw your memories before you…became a Breeder.” I frowned. “I’ve always been a Breeder.” She said simply. Ugh… Abilities are confusing. “No you-” My voice cut off… What? I tried to speak, but nothing came out. Like my voice was removed from me. Alert! Treasury Information is yours and can not be spoken, written or shared with others in any way. Violation of this will result in the inability to speak, write, or sudden unconsciousness. Greed is for you. Not for others. Well… That’s bullshit. Though I guess there had to be some downsides to the Dark Skill Trees… I grumbled a bit. “Ugh, whatever…” I shook my head. “All I can say is…you’re great at art, and you’re going to be a wonderful art teacher.” “Art Teacher?” She asked. “You teach kids or other’s how to draw and all that.” I said honestly. “But… I don’t know how Master. I just draw and that’s it. I don’t know how to explain how to draw.” Well… that actually makes some sense. Luckily Art Colleges are a thing. “Well, I can get you some teaching books to help you figure it out.” I brought up. “Will they also help me draw better?” She asked. “Well, you can help them draw, and maybe it’ll help you learn to draw better.” I shrugged. “Okay Master.” She said with a nod. Once again I was out with Dug to grab some more supplies. It was thankfully an uneventful Run, and I returned with various art books, supplies and such that Carley happily began looking through and using. She really enjoyed the colored pencils and paints. I gave her a kiss and left her to indulge. Now… next one. Kara. I remember she had a neon blue color with black spots all along her scales. Finding her room was easy as it was right near the entrance to the building we all lived in. I opened the door and… what the? I found Kara tightly hugging a pillow that seemed to have ‘Master’ written in marker on it. She was squeezing it tightly and giggling every so often. “Oh Master~” Oh… Crap… this one will… be interesting… “Uh…hi there.” I said carefully. “I’m here to talk.” “Master!” She said happily, turning around rapidly and putting the pillow ‘Master’ down gently on her bed before scooping me up into just as tight a hug. “I’ve been waiting for you! Oh I’m so happy you want me to pleasure you again!” Okay definitely a… lot of things happened to her. “I said I want to talk, Kara.” I said carefully. “No pleasuring yet.” “Awh…” She said, sounding disappointed but still holding me tightly against her many breasts. “So, I have some questions to ask, like what are your likes that aren’t me…” I said nervously. “Likes that aren’t you? Why would I like anything other than you Master?” “Because there has to be something you like.” I said honestly. “Nope.” She said with a smile as she gave me a quick kiss. “Just my master, our unborn babies, and my wonderful role in life as your property Master.” Oh boy she is really… not in a good place. “There’s more to life that Kara.” I said. “Not to me.” She added, giving me another quick kiss. “Of course…” I grumbled, using Treasury and wondering what the hell happened to her. I was brought into this world. Not by the womb of a mother but by the blaring noises of sirens going off. My mind was blank. No memories. No past. Nothing. Just the primal instincts to start breathing once the fluids surrounding me all my creation were drained. My parents were cells taken and clones and a hulking machine that grew those cells into a body identical to the original that was copied. Nearly, at least. Information was poured into me and Breeder Programming placed within. My body, it’s cells modified before being allowed to grow, took to the information like a flame to gasoline. I am a Breeder. I exist only to pleasure and satisfy my Master. I carry and give birth, raise the young be them of my own making or of my Master’s giving me to raise. I was created with this purpose alone. I exist for no other reason. Willingly once my eyes were covered I went, placed within a room to await my purchase and to someday have my Master. Only a few months passed, and soon I was told to follow. I obayed. I could hear the voices. I was being purchased. I was happy. My blindfold came off and I saw them. My Master, a small, brown pony. My heart raced. My emotions grew as my immediate love and lust for them filled me. My world. My purpose. My reason to exist is to serve you now, Master. I smile. “Hello Master.” I greet. Eager to let them have their way with me. Snapping back to Reality, Kara was kissing me again. She… was BUILT to be a BREEDER?! Can she… is she even capable of… “I love you my Master~” She purred as she continued to kiss me. “I…I know…” I muttered sadly. “And…there’s nothing else you can do…” “Why would I want to?” I just… hugged her, and kissed her back. I spent the rest of the day with her, mostly to watch over her and… keep her happy. When she finally tired out and fell asleep after… lots of rounds, I held her head in my hooves as she slept with a smile on her face while… a light stream of tears fell down mine… I… how can I help someone who was built to be one thing and one thing only? “Come on…I know you exist…” I muttered, looking up to the ceiling in some vein hope that someone was listening. “Mother…The Family…anyone…please…give me something to know how to help…” I got no sleep last night as I held Kara, praying for a miracle. When morning came and she woke up she greeted me with a smile and a kiss. “Goodmorning Master~” She cooed. “Would you like me to satisfy any morning needs~?” “Not right now…” I said, getting up weakly as I started to walk out, hoping there was…literally anything I could do as each hoof step felt like it took forever, just waiting for that one miracle that…I was feeling would never come. To my surprise, Kara was following me. I decided to let her for now. I was just going to get some food anyway. As I walked to the Cafe with her behind me I suddenly looked up and heard a screech. A Licker jumped the wall. It was falling right at me… I was ready to unleash all my anger on this infected… until suddenly a neon blue with black spots snake tail wrapped around it’s neck… squeezed… and popped it off… I looked back up and over to Kara who looked… pissed. “Such a fowl insect thought it could touch Master…” She growled as her tail slammed down onto the Licker corpse, rendering it to red past on the ground. … Holy shit! “What in god’s name…” I blinked. “How strong are you?” “Strong enough to protect you Master!” She said, her cheer and smile returning as she picked me up and gave me another kiss. “Right…” I muttered. “Good job, now can you please put me down?” “Yes Master.” Kara said, giving me another quick kiss before putting me down. I looked at the red paste of bone shards and ground meat that was once a Licker and smirked. Looks like Kara has another skill after all. Her strength. As I walked with her following me close behind I had a good idea for what I can have her do to make her more of a person. But after she gives birth. After all, having someone else be a berserker along with me in a party could prove very good. I ate breakfast with her and… we had one more go before I left her, but not without a new punching bag and training boxing gloves. It won’t put too much stress on her body and will give her something to do until after she gives birth. Guess I got my miracle after all. Now, the last Floof Noodle and Breeder we got from Lust… Lola. I remember she has pitch black fur and scales, and was big. Almost twice as big as the other Floof Noodles and some of the Den Mothers. Her room ended up having to be this buildings basement. It was the only room that could physically house her. I opened the door and walked down the stairs to her room. Once I was down I saw her large form sprawled out across four king size mattresses and multiple blankets covering her. I saw she was reading a book that looked tiny in her large hands. “Hey Lola.” I said. “How are you doing?” She looked over at me, her all black fur showing off her big, emerald green eyes. She smiled, closing her book. “I am doing well Master. Are you here to partake in my body?” She asked. Yeah… the first and last time I did that I fell into her… and that was also an experience… “Not right now.” I said. “I wanted to talk to you about your hobbies, your likes that don’t involve me.” “I enjoy reading, cooking, sunbathing and country music.” That… wait what the? That’s… way more than I’ve gotten from any of the others… “That’s…a lot of interests Lola…” I said in surprise. “Do you…know why?” I inquired. “I always have. Ever since I was little.” What the? “Confused?” “Yes…yes I am.” I said slowly. She chuckled, but laid on side and motioned for me to sit next to her. I did. “There are many kinds of Breeders Master Button.” She… said my name. Not just… Master… “The ones forced into it from Prize Pods or everyday people. Those who are born to Breeders and… processed into being Breeders. Those made from collected DNA of people the Chaos Guilds don’t want to force into becoming Breeders but who’s spread genetic material would be of great benefit, and then there is me. Who willingly became one.” Willingly?! “Excuse me what!?” I asked in shock and…honestly, horrified. “Wh-why?” “I… gave up.” She said simply. “I was once not from this world. I came from a world known as Pextradian. It’s far from here, but I was an upstart Adventurer who had hundreds of Dungeons completed and many skills and a massive arsenal of weapons and armor. I came to Armageddon looking to prove myself.” “I can…already see where this is going.” I said sadly. She nodded. “The crash landing sent me into an immediate respawn. When I did I was surrounded by grotesque monsters, amalgamations of monsters and what may or may not have been people. That zone alone exhausted my ammunition and healing supplies. By the time I reached the next zone I was exhausted, alone, and starving. I… had to eat some of those monsters to survive. Fifty years of scraping by and wandering aimlessly I finally found a settlement. They took me in and I helped them get by, but we missed a Rent Payment… and the people who weren’t taken as collateral were killed, leaving only a handful of what was once a settlement much like this one. Those of us left moved on, taking what we could and moving forewards. That group was twenty strong. By week's end, we were five. “By the time we reached the next zone, it was just me. And… thirty more years of scraping by and barely surviving, I got killed. Respawned elsewhere. And I kept doing that. Moving, dying, respawning, moving again… after I lost track of how many times I… didn’t care anymore. I came across a Lust Collector and I willingly left with them. They let me keep my memories, but they still installed the Breeder Programming.” She said, leaning over to me and planting a kiss on me. “And that’s my story, Master Button.” “How do I get rid of it?” I asked bluntly. She smirked, nuzzling into me. “I’m afraid I don’t know. The process was wiped from my mind when they installed it. All I remember is laying on the table, then seeing you when the blindfold came off.” She said. “I…understand…” I sighed, nuzzling into her. “But…I’m here to give you Hope again…and to get rid of this bullshit and make Lust burn to the ground.” She wrapped her large hand around my body and pet my head with her thumb. “I won’t tell you what to do Master Button… but know that despite my situation, I am happy. I only hope what happens here doesn’t happen to the settlement I was part of before. And that our children can grow happy.” She said, using her other hand to rub along her baby bump in her snake half. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure everyone is safe and sound.” I said with a smile. “Everything is going well…and I hope it’ll stay that way…so, question, since I only got a brief summary…what are Floof Noodles?” I asked. “And…also, why are they named such a fun and silly name?” She chuckled. “We were supposedly named that as a joke as our great Ancestors were born to members of The Family back before the War started. The name just supposedly was said as a joke, but everyone in The Family loved it so much it became the official name.” “I understand why, saying Floof Noodle is just…really nice.” I chuckled. “Yes. So, do you want anything else of me, Master Button?” “Hmm…” I hummed. “How…physically capable are Floof Noodles? Cause I saw Kara kill a Licker with…quite a bit of ease to be honest.” “We are largely muscles that are largely platted in scales that can resist most gunfire. Our reptilian halves are our strongest weapons aside from our powerful jaws and both can render most bones, rocks and metals into shards, gravel, or scrap.” She said. “I myself once crushed a Titan Shadow Creatures neck to kill it.” “Oh…” I blinked in surprise. “That’s…wow.” I said in surprise. “So…you are very tanky and very strong?” “Myself more than the others given my size. Perks of being a big girl~” She said, chuckling. “And…well, I do have a thing for big girls.” I said, blushing a bit at that statement but…it felt a lot better to be talking with someone that actually knew what was going on instead of just…blind programming that made me sick to my stomach. “Such flattery Master Button. Are you playing favorites?” “Maybe.” I said cheekily, though at this point I might as well have since she’s the only one that I was with that didn’t make me feel extremely sad or outright furious based on their backstory. I spend the rest of the day with Lola, listening to her tell me stories of her adventures, showing off some of her abilities, that she still had access to, and some… light foreplay and kissing. Despite the fact her larger than me body was sleeping on top of me last night… I slept better than I have in a while. The next day I was helping expand the walls. Helping clear out the sections of infected from buildings, sealing them off then keeping the infected away while the others set the walls in the streets. When I took my lunch break, Cheat came back again. “Okay It’s all done!” She proclaimed with some enthusiasm. “So who the hell is Keven?” I asked immediately. “Hi.” A new voice said. “That’s Keven.” Cheat said. “He’s uh… well, technically he’s a construct of various mental fragments of our… meals, that we consumed but didn’t have enough for a full copy of the original peoples minds so, we got Keven here.” “So…this is technically our kid?” I mentally asked. “No.” Cheat said. “Yes.” Keven said. “So…why did you do this?” I inquired, wanting to know why Cheat decided to just…kinda made a person in my head. “I needed someone who could run as your armor should I get a new body I could move my consciousness onto. As well as someone to help do the grunt work for picking through and adding in all the DNA we ingest into you.” Cheat said. “I’m the only one working on that mom…” Keven replied. “Not your mom! And shut up Keven!” “I mean, technically Keven would be our kid due to me giving you the necessary biological needs and you fostering the consciousness into something new.” I mentally said. “But…are you working on others?” "Not at the moment. Also I refuse to accept this idiot as my child." Cheat said. "You literally made me, how is me being an 'idiot' my fault when I am literally less than a week old?" Keven asked. "Don't get snippy. All I had to work with were fragments of memories and personalities of racist assholes so I had to dial back the bigotry but apparently I left in the stupid." “Hey, he’s a week old, cut him some slack. I’m 16 and I’m still stupid.” I commented, not caring if I called myself stupid cause…well, I’ve been doing stupid things. “And before you say I’m not…I agreed to going to Armageddon.” "Thank you daddy." Keven said. "I hate you both…" Cheat said. "So, wanna checkout your new and improved mindscape?" “Yes please.” I mentally said. “Can’t wait to see what you did there.” My mental mindscape was definitely different. Before it looked like Ponyville, now it was a mix of my hometown and the town here on Armageddon. Sans Zombies. Cheat was here looking like she did before with a body. I was still looking like an Alicorn and Keven… Keven looked like a flesh colored humanoid silhouette that seemed to melt and churn into itself. Most notably I say a stairway in the middle of the street going down and various other me's. Some different colors, sizes, genders. "Not bad huh?" Cheat said. “I’d say so.” I nodded. “I suppose this is also what you’ve been extremely busy over.” "Yeah. Setting all this up right was a Hassle. Plus with the mental recreations of our meals made it more so." “I suppose me going through panic attacks didn’t help either?” I asked nervously. "Nor your episodes of uncontrollable rage." She added. "But all that aside all you see here is what you get. Each one of these other you's represents either an ability or personality trait or a collection of specific memories and down there is the prison." Cheat pointed to the stairway leading down in the middle of the road. "Where all the mental reconstructions are. The full ones anyway. All the bits and scraps that couldn't make up a full one went into making Keven." "I'm a jury rigged mental Entity." Keven stated. “Neat.” I nodded. “Well, this’ll be very interesting later on.” Cheat and Keven gave me a simple tour of the place. It was far more simple that it looked and as I looked around I had a few questions, but shrugged them off for now. The last stop on this tour was the prison where the prisoners were all people Cheat and I devoured since we… started doing that. Some glared at me. Others looked away. A few flinched and leaned as far back into their cells as possible, trying to keep the maximum distance between them and the bars I stood on the other side of. This is… definitely something. "And that's just about everything." Cheat said simply as we exited the prison. "That's fair." I nodded. "It's a bit surprising how much you've gotten done here Cheat." "Well I figured you didn't need me much in those last few weeks so I decided to put some time here and help keep your noggin working properly." She said, giving my head a pat. "And the best part, since we have bodies here, we can have all the sex we want without the risk of another pregnancy. Probably." “Why do you say ‘probably’?” I asked carefully. "Well there is a slight chance in the excitement I could use a small cell of mine and fertilize an egg in our shared womb or our rutting consciousnesses could produce an offspring too that, like Keven, only exists in our mindscapes." “Right…” I said. “Good to know that is still a possibility.” "It's only a slight possibility for either. Less than half a percentage." Cheat waved off. "But yeah, this is pretty much everything save that over there." She pointed to what was Twilight's castle. The crystals dark and cracked. "That is where your Dark Skills live." “I can imagine they are…not very happy to be stuck in one place together…” "Actually they took that place for themselves and told us all to stay out. Except you they did say you were allowed in." I sighed, not really surprised. “Cause of course they’d all take the big shiny thing and almost break it immediately…” I shook my head. “I’ll go see them if you don’t have anything else to show me.” When the two shook their heads I nodded and headed towards the ruined Twilight's Castle. Opening the door everything was pretty dark, only lit by sparkly placed candles. The inside was always huge but it looked bigger in here. After Twilight became Princess of Equestria back home and moved to Canterlot the old castle of her's became the town library and museum. I went on tours and checked out books a lot here and the layout was definitely different. "There you are." Looking up and and seeing another me, only this me had the same look save pitch black mane and tail. "Took your time getting here." “And who are you?” I inquired to the new me. "Greed. As in that whole branch." He stated. Huh. “Kinda thought you would have…green or gold hair if you’re Greed…” I said. “But…alright, you’re Greed…” I nodded. “So, how have you been doing since you…came to be.” "Eh. Can't complain. You've taken a lot from others and got lots of possessions so I'm satisfied. For now." They smirked. “So how the hell do I remember things from the Mates when…they aren’t supposed to?” I asked Greed carefully. "Simple. You own them." Greed said with a chuckle as they circled around. "Their hearts, minds, bodies… time." Time? “Their Time?” I asked. “What do you mean by that?” "In a world where ones identity can be removed from them. Their DNA rewritten and entire being changed into whatever another wants, the only true means of recovering what was lost is the time before. See the changes as they happened but keep what they lost." So… those are visions… of the past. From their perspective. “So…I keep who they all used to be?” I inquired. “Can…can I try to…reverse what happened to them through this? I own their Time, so I should own who they were before…right?” "Nope." They said with a smirk, moving and looking me in the eyes now. "That is yours and nobody other than you can have it. Not even who it rightfully belongs to. Besides, why bother? The trauma alone would make those poor girls go insane rather than help them and it's not like remembering who they are will change the Breeder Programming. Lola proves that well enough." I hate how this rat bastard had a point. “It…it’s still better than just being a slave! I…I want to help them be more, be better than whatever those fuckers did to them…” Greed shrugged. "They are your property. You can do whatever you like to them. Perhaps, a compromise?" Greed asked, suddenly holding an Apple up to me in their hoof. “And…what compromise do you have in mind?” I asked carefully, not sure if I should take the apple considering I’m facing my own self personified by Greed. "Think about it, Button. What do all these thefts of their identities and pasts have in common? What is the one common variable in the process that set most of those hot baby makers into the life they live now?" “Lust?” I asked, considering where the Breeder’s tend to come from and the Chaos Guild aptly named after them, it should have been simple enough. "Close but not quite." A new voice spoke. Flying down from the darkness above was another Me, this one with a hot neon pink mane and rose red coat. They eyed me for a while before smirking and blowing me a kiss. "We sure are a looker~" "Speak of the whore and they shall appear." Greed said, laughing slightly. I rolled my eyes. “So, what’s the right answer?” I asked carefully. "It's a bit of Lust." Greed said. "A bit of Greed." Lust added. "A bit of each of us really." Greed said, taking a bite of their apple. “So…it all has to do with the Dark Skill Tree?” I asked carefully. “It…all has to do with Apocalypse doesn’t it? It…being a Sentient planet wanted life to be born on it?” "Give the star a prize." Greed said, Lust planting a kiss on my cheek. I shook them off but they just licked their lips in glee. "We are part of Armageddon Button Mash and now you are too. Forever tied to the planet through crimes and sins." Lust said. "And through blood and family." Greed added with a chuckle. I…didn't like the sound of that. "I'm…stuck on this god forsaken rock…forever…" I muttered. "By the will of Armageddon." Lust said, stepping up next to me and wrapping a wing and leg around me and keeping me there. "Hey now, cheer up, it's not so bad. There's endless opertunities for sex." "Endless opportunities to take and keep." Greed added. Some heavy thuds were heard getting closer. Looking up it was another Me, this one with a pale white coat, easy twelve feet tall and morbidly obese. Gluttony… "Plenty to eat." They chuckled. "And plenty to slaughter." Another Me said as they dropped from the darkness of the ceiling. This Me looked basically exactly like me but a buzz but mane and a twisted grin on their muzzle… Wrath. "No…no no no…" I muttered, realizing how boned I really was. "Welcome home Button Mash." They all said, chuckling turning to manic laughing. I shook Lust off of me and ran. "And remember! There's still three of us left to unlock!" Wrath called out as I got outside the twisted castle and shut the door behind me. Back in the physical world I stayed quiet as I helped finish the walls. Time in my mental space is accelerated so, no real loss of time out here. When I got back to the building my Mates and I all lived in I was greeted by Sweetie giving me a kiss. "Welcome back Button. Did a lot of work today?" “K-kinda…” I muttered. “So…I just…learned something horrifying…” "Oh no, are you pregnant again?" That actually made me laugh a little. “Worse!” I said in a cheery manner that made Sweetie look a little worried. “I’m stuck here forever! I can’t go back to our home…I’m a part of this world now…isn’t that funny?” Sweetie Bot stayed silent for a while. After a moment she placed a hoof to my cheek. "Button, do you remember when you found me? Dusty, half broken and unable to speak or even feel genuine emotions?" “Y-yeah…” I nodded shakily. “I remember the day…” "Remember when you took me to that computer and robotics expert in the realm of Dreams and he put the chip that suppressed my programming and gave me the foundation for free will and a sense of self identity? And now, here I am, in love with you, carrying a foal, a Foal Button! I'm a synthetic that never could have had that happen before and now I can because of you. You could have taken me at face value, just a servant and occasional sex toy, but you gave me life and came here in effort to gather all my missing parts and do the same for Scootaborg. If you are part of this planet now Button, stuck here forever, then so are the rest of us and I know that for as long as you live you won't take this planet and all it's horrors at face value. You will help make it something more. Because that's who you are and it's what you do best. Help others become more… or, level up." She added with a chuckle, looking over at my cutie mark. I shook my head at the joke there. “I…I know Sweetie…and I’m glad your happy…ugh, why am I not allowed to be upset?” I huffed, having yet another speech told to me. "Because then I would be a terrible girlfriend and we don't want that now do we?" She asked with a chuckle as she gave me another kiss. "Preach sister." Cheat added. “You wouldn’t be terrible girlfriends when I’m going to be stuck on this sentient hellhole forever…I want you all to be safe and sound, not stuck in Apocalypse land for all eternity…” "So long as we have one another, we'll manage." Sweetie said, taking my hoof and pulling me along. "Now come on, Cream, Philomena and Mei all made a large dinner for everyone and with all the nights you spent with the others lately we're all looking forward to a meal together." I nodded, following along. Reaching the room I've been in basically this whole time I felt… kinda happy. Dad and Echo were on the loveseat sharing a blanket. Maud was with Dovahken and Power Up reading them a story. Philomena was nursing our many children on the couch. Mei, Cream and Al were getting the plates ready and the TV had DVD cartoons playing that no one was really listening to but made good background noise. I thought back to that first night when it was just Cheat and I… I… never realized what this place had become… “Wow…I never noticed…” "Because you were too busy worrying about keeping us safe and never got to enjoy the fruits of your labor." Sweetie said. "Hey Button." I looked up, seeing Tiara fly over me and land in front of me. "Been a while since you ate dinner here." “Y-yeah…it’s…it’s been a while.” I said sheepishly. "Good. Come on then while it's still hot and being served." I smiled and followed… maybe… being stuck here won't be so bad. I guess I can call this place home so long as my family is here. > Chapter 9: Lost Past New Future > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last night helped me out a lot. I felt a renewed sense of purpose. I may be stuck here but I'll be damned if I don't try and make this place a safe place. The last several days I spent getting to know all my mates from Lust. I still need to use Treasury to know what happened to Lilly, Jackie, Bath, Karla, Grace, Haley and Kiara. I went to Lily's room first thing that morning, seeing she was at least still reading. This time it was a book titled Holes. “Hey Lilly.” I said with a smile. “How you doing?” "Hi Master." She said, putting the book down and using her tail to pick me up and slide me Into her cleavage. "I am well. Are here for me tonight?" Huh. Different from before. Looks like reading has helped her some. “Yep.” I said. “Have you been enjoying reading?” "The stories are enjoyable. I especially like the romance novels. I like to imagine us as the characters." She said in a love struck tone of voice. “Glad you’re liking the stories.” I said happily. “Now…I need to ask you something important.” "Anything for you Master." She said with a smile. “Alright, so I’m going to…look into your memories.” I said carefully. "I have memories?" She questioned. "Well, do as you wish Master. I am yours, body and soul. Especially body~" She added, giving me a kiss. I kissed my Mate back, still hating how they were forced into this, but wanting to help them so much. “Alright, time to take a look.” I thought to myself as I used my ability to look into her past. I was born to two loving parents. My mother, was a Fay, a nature spirit of the plants, and my father, a Floof Noodle, who fell for her instantly. Since my mother wasn't like father, I was their only child. Which was fine for them. We lived in a big tree, in a Zone called Eden. Here, plants grew large and flourished. The zone wasn't dangerous. Not in the normal sense. It prevented technology from working here. Even the Assistant was rendered a decorative tattoo in this zone. I spent my life here, happy, knowing nothing but the plants, the animals, Mamma and Pappa. Still, as I grew, I yearned for more. To see more. To meet other people. One day, I got my wish. A traveler came by, selling things, odd items, most of which did not work here in my home. Despite my parents' protests, I left with him. Walking alongside them through my home and then, one day, outside it. He taught me everything. How the Assistant works, what technically did what now that we were no longer within Eden. It all was a fascination to me. I traveled with him for many years, seeing amazing things and fighting many beasts. One day, a Lust Hunter came across us. Before I knew it, my friend was dead, and I was in chains. I screamed and begged but all I received were punches and kicks. The chair was cold and the dark beings that entered my mind painfully took all that I was and who I am. No mamma. No Pappa… no friend. No memories… I love to service. I love to breed. Breed I did. Many years were spent in chains on a bed, many people rutting and Impregnating me. Potions poured down my mouth forcing me to birth my accelerated grown young. They removed me from that after some time. Putting me back in the chair, ripping my memories out once again and then placing me in a room. I remember one day, an explosion. Lots of yelling and loud noises. I was yanked and pulled a long suddenly. Where I do not know but I traveled with my blindfold on for a time before being told to sit in a van. Many hours passed, then talking picked up. A new voice. Then two. Soon my blindfold came off, and I saw them. My master, a small, handsome brown earth pony. I am yours. Do with me as you wish. I am yours to breed and toy with my Master~ "Hello Master." I greeted with a smile. I snapped back to reality, looking at Lilly… “Oh…” I muttered sadly, hugging Lilly close. “I’m so sorry Lilly…” "Sorry for what Master?" She asked. I hated that Greed prevented me from telling her. “And Greed giving me a decent point…ugh…” I mentally groaned, remembering that I can’t save them or else they would go insane from the trauma. “Just…your loss…” "Loss? I don't think I lost anything?" Lilly replied, pondering before shaking her head. "You look upset, Master. Would you like me to pleasure you to make you happy?" "Not right now…just know you have friends and family that care about you…" I said, wanting so bad to give her back her time, her memories, but I didn't want to hurt her more than Lust already did. "Okay. Will you be staying a while with me Master or will you be taking your leave soon?" Well, I do have time. Plus it's been a while so, might as well spend the day with her at least. "I'm here to spend time with you." I said honestly. "I have the time." I nuzzled into her. She happily ate up the attention, giving me more passionate kisses before laying us both on the bed. While she did not try and get lewd she did keep me firmly between her breasts while she picked up her book and continued reading. About two hours later when she finished it she put it back down into a pile of books, then pulled me up and began kissing my lips with a clear intent in mind of where she wants this to go. "Hmmm~ Master~" She moaned in between breaths as she held me tighter and closer against her. "Alright, since you did a good job." I chuckled. She happily removed her only article of clothing and we did as we've done before. Lots of wet noises, sloppy kisses, and many rounds of love making that honestly felt less hollow to me than previous times. It felt less like a necessity to keep her programming from harming her and more like… a genuine moment between us. That made it all the more enjoyable for her and I. The next morning I woke up with a yawn, gave Lily a kiss good morning and she woke up and returned it with one her own. "Morning Master~ care for a morning service before you depart?" She asked, still rather sticky and sweaty from last night but eager for more as usual. "Nah, I'm good." I said, getting up and stretching. "Thank you Lilly." "Always here for when you desire a release Master~" She cooed, giving me one last kiss before I left. I went back to my room for a quick shower, then headed for Jackie's room. I found her playing with Fry, shaking a rattle over the human baby, making him laugh while her emotional support pet Snivy gently rocked Fry's crib. "Hey Jackie." I said warmly. "How you and Fry doing?" "Master." Jackie said, turning and facing me with a smile. "Little Fry here is doing well. I can't let him touch these plastic toys since his allergies will act up but I have been working on an alternative." She said. I looked over at another table and saw what she meant. There was a few wood logs, one being carved out into the shape of a rattle, and several others already carved out into an elephant, a duck, a Snivy, all sanded down and polished. "An allergy to plastic…" I muttered. "Well, it's great that you're doing this and taking care of Fry." I said with a smile, trotting over and nuzzling Jackie. She returned the nuzzle with a kiss. "And thank you so much for Snivy Master. He has been very gentle with Fry and has helped me calm down when others are around." She added, giving me a face full of her breasts in a hug. "I'd very much like it if you'd let me… show you my appreciation Master~" Wow. That's pretty bold. She also sounds way less monotone than before… also, air! I tapped her arm quickly. "Air!" I wheezed. "Oh! Sorry Master!" She yelped, pulling me out enough to breath. As much as I do enjoy them so… openly touching me with their breasts on and over me, it does get hard to breath when they have me face first in them. Mainly since they also have lots of fluff on them on top of being large and… lactose filled… "But um… are you still up for a pleasuring?" "Before we do that, I want to do something first." I said "Oh, umm.. you don't need to ask to do anything to me Master…" She said. I was blushing a dark pink shade. "Not that." I huffed. "I'm gonna look through your memories…the ones that were taken away." "Um? Okay?" She said, confused. I sighed, but placed a hoof in her hand and activated Treasury. I was born to a mother, working in the Lust Brothels. One of many to that mother, and like my siblings, none of us got to know her. We were all placed within a machine. It's inner workings turning our infant bodies into those of adults. My brothers were taken elsewhere. My sister's and I led down to a chair, where we were bound and programmed. My cells and biology made it easy. I'm a hundredth generation Breeder. I was born for this. My mother, and her mother, and her mother before here all born for this life. My body was desirable, so I was taken to the beds. Many laid with me. Many Impregnated me. Like my mother before me, the children I birthed were taken, and the cycle continued. I had a regular. A large, rageful human male. He regularly purchased me. He was rough. He liked to cut me. Liked to break my arms. Bruise my neck. He liked to make me bleed and cry. He said it made me tighter. One day he had enough of me. Found a new, younger, more easily hurt brothel to rape and break. Customers for me slowed. I was taken off the beds, put back in the chair, and reprogrammed again. I stood in a box, big enough to hold only me. One day, I was told to follow, so I did. My blindfold came off, and down I saw him. My Master. My owner. He was small. A small, adorable pony stallion. He was cute. He was small. He was nothing like the regular. I smiled. Maybe he won't hurt me? "Hello Master." I greeted. When I came back I was hugging Jackie so gently, nearly crying into her neck. "Um, are you alright Master?" She asked. "I…will never hurt you." I cried, nuzzling into her. "I promise…I won't hurt you, I'll make sure your safe and happy." Jackie was still and silent for a while, but soon she hugged me back, tight and firm. "Thank you!" She cried… "Heh. I don't know why I'm crying… that made me feel happy." She can never know… she can never know… “Just…know that thing’s will be alright…you’ll be safe Jackie…I promise.” I said softly. “And when I find that cunt that hurt you, I will make him pay.” I mentally growled. I spent the rest of the day with Jackie. We had our meals together. I helped take care of Fry with her. We watched movies and read Fry a bedtime story. When night came around I gave her the same treatment as Lilly, only I was gentle, and made sure she only felt pleasure. When morning came I gave her a very happy morning, giving her a spring, and limp, in her step as we are having a quick breakfast. "This has been amazing Master. I love you so much~" Jackie said, feeding me our shared meal of corn beef hash. Heh… guess I did make sure she was happy and well loved. I can never let Lust or anyone who used her get away with that… and there are more… so many more… Raiding and hunting down their workplaces are a start but that would take time and a team… I'd hate to buy more from them but that would be fastest and safest for them… I'll need to think this plan over. I was snapped from my thoughts when Jackie gave me a deep kiss with lots of tongue. “I’ll fix this…I promise.” I thought to myself, kissing Jackie back with just as much passion as she is. When the kiss finally ended she smiled a huge smile, walking over to Fry and starting to nurse him. "So, will you be heading off Master?" “Yeah, I got some things to do and other’s to talk to…and plan some things out…” Jackie nodded. "Alright. Please visit again. I look forward to being with you." I nodded. Honestly I'd have her with us, all of them, with us in the main room… but as is, it's cramped and there isn't much space. Mei is working on some… super science and magic tech to fix that but she is low on resources. She could cannibalize the ship's engine for that but I'd rather save it for in case we need to evacuate the town. “So much to do still…” I sighed. “Hopefully we have enough time…” I gave Jackie a kiss goodbye then headed out. This has… been very enlightening… I wanted to go straight to Beth, but… I need to discuss some things with Parker. I ran over and entered his room. As usual he was working on something on his table from his couch. "Need something?" He asked without looking away from whatever he was doing. “I need some help planning some very important things.” I answered. “And it involves hunting down Lust.” "Their factories, their brothels, their warehouses or their stores. Be specific." “Yes to all of them.” I said. “Anything we can find, so we can burn them to the ground and stop this bullshit from happening.” "You and many others on this planet have that same idea, but it's hard enough to find their locations let alone pull off a successful raid. Even then, production is only halted for a while. They'll rebuild quick and get back to normal as if nothing happened. You want to hurt Nexus, Lust and all the Chaos Guilds where it will hurt, you gotta find their Programmers. Or rather, Hackers." "And where can we find them? Cause I'm sure that if we find some of their followers we can get something out of them." "You'd be dead before you even saw their face if you tried." Parker said, putting down his device and looking at me now. "Their Programmers and Hackers aren't like you and me. What they have is something difficult to control and takes multiple layers of hell and effort to acquire. They have Code." "Cause of fucking course they do…" I groaned, having heard about it a little bit, but being a gamer still after all this bullshit I knew how important code was. "It's how they get to the Profile Data of people and make the Breeders, Slaves and Serfs. They also make the machines and potions that accelerate a pregnancy, age them from babies to adults, even the cloning pods and genetic reprogrammers. The Nexus Hackers made them and the Hackers themselves are, admittedly, a very small group. Most things it can't be more than a few hundred. A thousand at most but that's stretching it. It's a very rare power and skill to have and use Code. And to do what they do without being able to ascend into an Admin is even more impressive. Hence why Nexus keeps them all hidden. Private escorts and guards all around you." "Nothing can ever be simple can it?" I frowned. "That should be printed on a shirt for this planet." Parker chuckled. "If your goal is to rescue the Breeders, Slaves and Serfs, then unfortunately the quickest and easiest is to buy them." "Which doesn't really solve the problem and just enables it." I countered. "Unfortunately. To solve the problem and begin taking it out at the root, you need to kill the Hackers. To pull that off in any sense you need to be one yourself, on their level of skill and power with Code. But, since killing them will just hit a respawn for them, there's an issue there. So, how do you go about getting rid of a problem like that?" “I just figure out a way to permanently kill them.” I stated simply. “There has to be plenty of ways…I’m scared that Gluttony might be the solution to that…” "If you believe that then you're an idiot." I frowned. "There was a way, long ago. The leader of a Chaos Guild called The Majority did find a way long ago back in the early days of this realities existence. That caught the attention of the Family and Time Walkers alike. The leader slipped and got caught. The weapon he made and how to make it were erased from this reality. Only way to kill anyone now is to either be a Time Walker, a Level five Dungeon Boss, or a Void Admin. And all three of those are overseen by the Family and recruitment for each is a very shallow pool." “And what’s stopping these Hacker’s from just going ‘here’s the ability to kill anyone permanently through our code work’?” "Because only Grandmaster Lord and The Mother can make abilities. And only they can appoint someone a Level five Boss, an Admin or Void Admin. The Time Walkers have their own selection methods." I rubbed my temple bitterly. “So basically, anyone here can get fucked and whatever sentience this planet has just enjoys watching people suffer.” "There are two other methods." Parker spoke up. "Both are a different side of the coin, but the results are the same. A problem erased." “Erased?” I inquired. "The first method involves completely maxing out and completing both the Greed and Gluttony Dark Skill Trees. When this is achieved, the person received the Legendary Dark Skill, Consume. Much like how you eat others with your Symbiote and gain their genetic data, Consume allows the devourer to gain all their meals power, memories, skills and abilities. And, souls. Once you do the soul is said to be stored within a form of philosopher's stone that grows inside your body, further amplifying magic powers and rapidly accelerating your healing." “Oh…” I said. “Well, if I was going to be permanently stuck on this hell hole because of the Dark Skill tree, why not double down and be stuck here for all eternity with no chance of leaving…” I frowned, still absolutely furious and sad that we’re all stuck here and there’s nothing we can do about it. "The second method is just as hard but only requires us obtaining a Legendary Weapon. Second Chance." “And…how rare is that weapon?” I inquired. "Last I knew, only had two owners across all creation." “Of course…” I grumbled. "There might be a third option. The effects are temporary but it's astronomically easier to do and acquire the materials." “And what’s this mystical third option?” I inquired. "A rare but very powerful Elemental Energy. Humanity." “I don’t think I’ve heard that before.” I brought up. “What is it?” "To be perfectly blunt not to sure myself, but, it's power is rather potent. It can purge curses, ghosts, possession, mind control and hypnosis and external corruption from a person. Against Shadow Creatures it's almost a one hit kill tool. But, against someone who is rotten to the core, an unsavable Chaos Guilds monster, it can temporarily give them a heart. Filling them with kindness, regret and shame. It lasts only a few hours to a day per person but it can help us get information out of someone." “That would be fantastic.” I nodded. “Now the only problem is finding one such Humanity gem…” "I know where some of the only spawn points, well, known ones, are. Downside, it's guarded." “Cause why wouldn’t it.” I groaned. “But where are they?” "Closest one I know of from here is in the Gravity Zone." “And what’s special about it besides the name?” "Gravity isn't stable there. Walk ten feet, suddenly it's ten times stronger. Walk another ten and suddenly you're floating up. Jump high enough and you're standing upside down on a floating chunk of earth above you but from your perspective you're right side up." “So like Super Mario Galaxy?” I asked, one of the few games I managed to play here and it was really fun. "In a sense. I guess I can head out and get some. Our best chances are if we have enough for you to absorb but also for us to forge into a weapon." “That would be great.” I nodded. “How difficult is it to get what we need?” "It should take me maybe a month to get there and back. The hard part is the navigation." Parker said with a shrug. “Considering how Gravity is completely fucked there, I can imagine.” "In the mean time I'll also get back in touch with some old friends and associates from my raid days. With luck they'll be more than willing to help free this place from Chaos Guild rent collection. Though they are pretty intense so, when you meet them, despite her attitude she will be willing to help you." “I just…really want to stop all this bullshit.” I sighed. “Thank’s Parker.” "Don't thank me yet. If this town comes out of this clean and still in okay shape then you can thank me." “If any dare to attack the town, they’ll have to deal with me.” Button stated simply. "And that is why I'm calling them to help. They have extensive experience in fighting the Chaos Guilds. They managed to get a whole zone free of them. Granted the zone in question is one of the more deadly zones, it's bearable with no Chaos Guilds trying to shake them down." “I can imagine a lot of things are more bearable without those assholes roaming around.” "Once I leave they should make contact within a week or so." “Alright.” I nodded. “Glad that we have a plan.” With that I rushed off to Beth. I found the eager Mother feeding her adopted baby son while many piles of knitting supplies sat next to her. At her feet was a small pile of baby booties and hats. Looks like she's been real busy with that. “Hey Beth, how are you doing?” I asked, glad to see Beth happy like this. "Hello Master." Beth said, looking over at me with a smile. "One moment please." She said, pulling her baby off her nipple, burping them and then putting them in their crib. Once they were safe and sound she picked me up and placed me on top of her still leaking cleavage. "Are you here to partake of me?" I tried to ignore the warm… wet liquid soaking my stomach… not easy since every tit of hers is leaking… “Not at the moment.” I said. “I need to look through your memories…even if you don’t remember everything.” "My memories, Master?" “Yes…your memories.” I said. “It’s…complicated.” She nodded. "As you wish Master." She said with a nod. I sighed, and Activated Treasury- Access Denied … What? “Excuse me?” I frowned, trying again and wondering what the hell is going on. Access Denied. Possession in question is marked by another. Marked by… what? Initiate Override Protocol. Wait what?! Everywhere around me was… static. Like looking at a TV screen with no signal. I was standing here, and across from me was… someone else. They looked like a Minotaur if I'm honest. A silhouette of black against an environment of black and white. “And who the fuck are you?” I growled at the Minotaur. The silhouette said nothing. Just manifested two axes from light, then charged. I donned my armor and met his charge, firing off a bolt of magic from my horn towards the bastard that thought he could still call Beth ‘his’ when he abandoned her…left her like some common god damn trash but still thing’s he owns her!? We clashed, the shockwave cracking the area around us. Still, the Minotaur pressed on, pushing against me. I pushed back. The ground that was under us was cracking. Falling apart from the pressure we were creating. With a smirk, I had Cheat send a spike right through their neck, sending them stumbling back and over the edge. I win. Override Successful. Information Available. I was born on Armageddon. My home, a land called The Silent. Here. No sound ever appeared. Not a voice. Not a rustling of the bushes. Not even the sounds of our own heartbeats were audible. It was mute everywhere. To travelers, it could quickly be maddening. To us, it was how we lived. I was born a Den Mother. Meaning my pack's future was left to me to birth and care for the young and carry the new generation of the next tribe leader. While we could not talk, for we did not even know how nor could, we could write, and speak through signals and motions. A tournament was held, and among fifty eligible males, one became champion. My husband. The awkward, funny, Minotaur. My friend since infancy. We were wed that day, and consummated our marriage that night. My first litter with him was born on a hot summer. I loved them so, and he adored them all. We went a thousand loving years, raising, caring and growing the pack and our young. Then. The Chaos Guilds Came. My love fought them, but they were stronger. I was taken. Taken outside the Silence of home and the noise. The sounds. It was terrifying to hear. To hear my own voice. I felt sick to hear noise. They put me in the chair, and my last feeling if illness from sound, was that of my own screams. When it ended, I remembered nothing. Not my husband. Not my home. Not our children. Not even how the noises made me feel. I was blindfolded. I was sat in a room. People touched me. Used me. I was told to follow. I did. My blindfold came off. Before me, stood a small, cute little earth pony. My Master. My Love. "Hello Master." When I came back… I had… no words… I just… I didn’t say anything as…I thought that I just beat the spirit of her lost lover…oh god why…I shook my head as I brought over a piece of paper and gently wrote down something. I handed her the paper saying ‘i’m sorry’ as I now thought it was better for her on an emotional level if I…helped recreate the Silence. "Hm?" She hummed, turning her head as she read the paper. "Sorry for what Master?" I tried… but I broke, and started crying. She had… she has a husband! Family… and I just severed her husband's only link to her… Cross Tree Skill Obtained. Love Thief, Acquired. Oh you can piss right off! “If you can hear me, planet! I will fucking murder you!” I mentally roared, not caring if it might be literally impossible, I will find a way to punch this damned place hard enough to cause the core to explode and whoever made this can suck my balls for the rest of eternity for all I care! "Master!" Beth yelped, looking me over. "What's wrong? Are you unwell? Do you need comfort? Or first aid?" Beth asked… so worried for me… I hugged her tightly. “I…I learned that…I…I’m so sorry…” I said sadly, crying harder. “I…learned things…” I said, wishing I could say something, anything, to her to show that she had a happy life before hand…but until I figure out how to strip Greed from me or at least murder that ‘mental construct’ so I can do what I want with my power, I’m stuck having all this knowledge to myself. “I’m so sorry…but…are you okay with sound?” "Why would I have a problem with sounds Master?" She asked… “Just…” I tried to think of a way around it, but I could almost hear Greed laughing at me as I tried to go against this horseshit. “It’s nothing…” I hugged her tightly. "Okay Master." She said, sounding a little unconvinced but not saying anything. Like the others, I stayed with her but this all felt… I felt disgusting… Beth stood in the kitchen, cooking something with the dinner rations and I sat at the couch, eyeing her from here and… I didn't know you could hate yourself this much before… “Whoever you are…I’m so sorry…” I thought to myself, deciding to distract myself and look through my Skill Tree’s to see if I could upgrade anything or get anything new. “Why…everything just keeps getting worse!” I flopped down onto the sofa cushion. I closed my eyes… wishing this was a nightmare… I was back in my mental head space but it felt… off. Where is everyone? “Oh great, when I start getting roommates in here they all bail? Gee, I wonder why.” I growled, taking a deep breath as I tried not to get too pissed in my own head as I trotted around trying to find where people were. As I searched I saw… no one. The cages were empty in the prison. The various me's were gone. The Sin Skill Tree me's were gone… not even Cheat or Keven… “Fucking…come on…” I groaned. “Hello!? Is anyone here?” Silence was my reply. Okay… now I'm concerned. I walked around, still finding no…what? I stumbled upon my old house in this place… but sitting there in the front yard was… me. Or, well, me as a foal. Propeller hat and all… little me was playing with some blocks. “Uh…hi?” I asked carefully, trotting over to my younger self. The younger me looked up at me, holding one of the blocks up to me with a smile. "Play?" “Sure.” I said, gently sitting down and gently taking the block from my foal self. “Is mom inside?” "I don't have a mom." Little me replied… okay? “Alright…” I muttered. “So, what are you doing out here by yourself?” "I'm mad at my dad." “What did your dad do?” I asked softly. "He's always mean to people. Makes them sad for his work, but I think he enjoys it." I frowned at that, now knowing that this wasn’t me because my dad vanished into this world when my mom was pregnant. “Mind…if I ask who your father is?” I asked carefully, playing along with the foal version of me just to try and make them feel better. "Everyone always calls him D-G." “That is one of the names that’s ever existed.” I answered. “But…mind if I ask who you are? Like…who you really are?” "I don't really have a name. But people always call me Ar… Ara…. arm… a long word." Little me said, placing the blocks in a pile on top of one another. “Armageddon?” I asked, helping ‘little me’ finish the word. "That's it." I stood there looking at the little foal me… this… is Armageddon… a child?! “I’m…I’m sorry what?” I asked. “No, no no, I must be going insane…you, Armageddon, the world that has every single end of the world scenario on it…is a child?” I asked slowly, so confused as to what the hell is going on now. "A lot of people I meet say the same thing." Armageddon said. "Don't know why." “How…how do you not know?” I asked, not knowing how the hell I’m talking to the World Soul of Armageddon but here I fucking am. “Another time…why do you, or others, like forcing people to stay?” "I dunno. I told one guy once I wanted friends and, well, brought a lot of people here. Recently too." Armageddon said, now stacking toy cars onto the brick stack. “Hold up, someone is…literally kidnapping people and bringing them here?” I asked in shock and horror. "Yeah. Dad says I need to watch out who I talk to. Apparently a lot of crazy people live on me." This kid has no idea… “Yeah…there’s…a lot of crazy people…and a lot of very bad people living on you as well.” I said carefully. “Is…there any way I can talk to your dad?” I asked, feeling like if I could talk to this D-G guy maybe I could get some more context and information on a lot of this shit. "No. He doesn't like most people. But he does like to make them sad." “Yeah…I can imagine.” I sighed, gently moving some blocks around and making a track for the toy cars. “Did this person have anything weird on them? Like a symbol on their body or something?” "He had a hand tattooed on his forehead." Armageddon said. "I thought he was cool cause he always killed all the big monsters, but he was just crazy…" “Big monsters?” I asked. “What kind of monsters?” "The giants and the living mountains and the… the uh… world… something… oh, and he even killed the iconic sin! No wait… Icon… yeah, Icon of sin! It was cool. It blew up into a chunky blood rain. Was like that for days there." Armageddon said with a chuckle. “Uh…okay…” I said slowly, remembering hearing about the Icon of Sin and remembering it was a Titan class Demon and…oh boy. “Sure, that’s cool…but he work’s for people that do…very bad things to people…” "I know. But not very many nice people can manage to talk to me. They have to be a certain level of evil, or so dad says. Like you!" Excuse me what?! “Hold on what!? I…I can’t be…” I said, starting to panic as I…I thought that I was…oh god…why? "Are you okay? You look pale." Armageddon asked as he looked at me with a tilted head. “No…no I’m not…” I said, tearing up as I thought, if this was true…just how bad things really are…how far…”I’m sorry…just…if you’re father’s right…I…I just wanted to help someone important to me…I…I can’t be as bad as them…” "Who said you were bad? Evil and bad are different things." …What? “Uh…that’s…not how that should work.” I said, wiping away some tears. “Why do you say ‘evil’ and ‘bad’ are two different things?” "Because they are." Armageddon stated. "Bad means you do mean things and enjoy it. It makes you happy hurting others. Evil means you just do bad things but don't enjoy or care for it." Who taught this kid this? “And…who told you this difference?” I asked carefully, now super confused as I was getting…literally all the mixed messages here. "My aunt." Okay… weird family dynamic. A dad, no mom… and an aunt? “And uh…who’s your aunt?” I inquired. "Her name is Pain. She made all the monsters on me. And makes me cookies!" “Wait…hold up…” I was immediately trying to wrap my head around this, thinking I heard the name ‘Pain’ before but just…so concerned by this. “So…you’re saying that you're…related to The Family?” "All planets are. The Mother makes us, but whoever lands on us shapes us. Huh. I guess that makes The Mother my mom… but I've never met her so." Armageddon shrugged, rolling a race car down the little track we made. “Wah…” I said slowly, so super confused right now. “Uh…okay, that’s a thing…” "But, yeah, you're Evil. But you aren't bad. You help people! Like those girls with you, and you want to stop people making more of them. That's good, but to accomplish it, you have to do some evil." … This is kid logic. Granted… he might have a point… somehow. “Well…I kind of understand what you’re meaning.” I said carefully. “And…thanks…I’m glad to know that…well, the very world I’m going to be stuck on forever believes in me and thinks I’m still a good person.” "Yay, friend!" Armageddon said, giving me a surprise hug. Okay… just when I thought this couldn't get any crazier… "Master?" Beth's voice called, a light shake and I was awake. "Master. The food is ready." “Ugh…how long was I out?” I muttered, rubbing my head. "Half an hour or so. Would you like to watch this movie while we eat Master?" Beth asked, holding up Wreck it Wralph. “Yeah…but I need to process some…very important stuff I just learned…” I said carefully. “And…also talk to Parker’s friends…they will not believe this…” Beth and I ate our meals and finished the movie… oddly, I think the movie helped solidify what Armageddon was trying to tell me. I laid in bed next to Beth still feeling like a piece of crap… but, she's Beth now… who she was is… not there. Not anymore. Her reprogramming was… effective… there's nothing left of who she was before… nothing but her husband, kid and those memories of her from before this. “Well…I have some context…” I muttered, thankful for my talk with Armaggedon. So… I'm evil… but I'm not a bad person… yeah. I think I can live with that. I rolled over, looking at Beth sleeping next to me… well. If I ever meet her husband or kids… I really hope… no with my luck they'll try and kill me first when they find out… I sighed, giving her a kiss and falling asleep next to her. The next morning, I woke up to her sleeping on top of me… well this is standard for the par… “Morning Beth.” I said warmly. "Hmmm. Good morning Master~" She cooed, giving me a smile. "I can feel you require my servicing~" Well, if I leave her out of it now then she might get upset later. Especially considering how hard I plowed Jackie and Lilly… “Well, I think you deserve some loving Beth.” And so most of this morning I spent tending to Beth's needs… I still felt like shit for what I did… hopefully if I ever meet her husband he'll, first, beat my ass. I pretty much deserve that… then maybe talk about how she was before. With Beth happy and satisfied I gave her a goodbye kiss, and sighed as I headed for Karla. Is it wrong I was hoping she was either made in a lab or accelerated grown? “It is very wrong…and I hate how I’m becoming desensitized to this shit…” I thought to myself bitterly. I came up to Karla's room, finding the energetic, pink Den Mother Dire Wolf holding her adopted baby in one arm and reading a book called Pet Cemetery in the other. Still find it weird she enjoys horror. But, I guess there are weirder things to like. “Hey Karla.” I said with a warm smile. "Oh! Hi Master!" She whisper yelled, closing and putting her book down and gently putting the baby back in their crib. She then rapidly picked me up and gave me a wet kiss. "Are you here to impregnate me more~" “Well…I want to look into your memories first.” I said softly. “To learn who you were before…all this.” "I was a me before me?" She asked… seriously she might just be an alternative Pinkie Pie… “Yes…and I’m going to be looking.” I said, trying to look into her memories. “Please don’t be another married lady…” I mentally chanted as I really hoped it wouldn’t happen again. With some hesitation, I activated Treasury. The cold feeling lab was my mother. A collective of cells my father. I was born soly for testing out a new genetic Rewriting cloning machine. It would take in cells, and alter them l, grow them into a different form. Species, gender, my fur color is part of it. It will even mix and combine DNA from various samples to create a new being. Artificial mixed breeds. I appear as a full blooded Den Mother Dire Wolf, but I'm very different genetically from them. The color of my fur is the proof of that. When I came out of the vats, the makers of this machine that birthed me all clapped in celebration. While they celebrated, I was taken to the chair, where my purpose in life was given. I was a Breeder. I exist to populate the planet with my Master. I looked forward to it. To fulfill the reason I was made. After I was blindfolded, I was kept in a special room where one of my machine mothers Makers kept tabs on me. Always they had videos playing with creepy words, noises, screams, cries and manic laughter. Horror movies, I overheard. I liked it. The noise made me feel… scared. Scared was different. One day I was finally purchased. My blindfold was removed, and before me stood my Master. An adorable, handsome little Earth Pony Colt. I love you Master. Please, Fuck me. Defile me. Make me your plaything and keep me fat with your children~ "Hello Master." Well that was… different. So, she's like Kara. Made from cells to be a Breeder, only through a different process. “Alright…so good to know how you were…’born’...” I shook my head. "I was born to please you Master." Karla said, giving me a kiss. Unfortunately that seems to be very true… again, she's like Kara in that regard… “Well…as long as you're happy Karla.” I said softly. "The little one is gonna be asleep for a bit. Shall I pleasure you to your heart's desire Master~" “Sure.” I nodded. “We can have some fun.” And fun she had. When she wasn't tending to the baby, she was all over me. Even when we are… that gave me a new kink I didn't know I liked… at night she tucked the baby in their crib in her room, closed the door a bit, leaving it a crack open, put on a horror movie and then proceeded to ride me through it… She was right… it did… make her tighter… Needless to say we woke up on the couch. I was tired, yet she was still wide awake and ready for more. "Please Master, more~" She said as she kissed me all over my face and lips while keeping my body firmly under her and locked between her thighs. “I just woke up, and there’s things I have to do…” I groaned, feeling like my hips were mush as she probably kept going at it while I was asleep. "Do you have to leave already Master?" She said sadly as she pressed against me with her whole torso, breasts and huge pregnancy belly bearing her full weight in me. "Don't you want to make sure I get even bigger, and more full with your offspring~" Note to self, cell created/cloned Breeders are way more demanding sex wise than the reprogrammed ones… “I have something's to do." I said. "I'll help you later alright?" "Awh…" She said, finally getting up and off me. Oh good, blood is flowing from my crotch to the rest of my body again… ouch… "I…can't really feel my legs…" I groaned lightly. "I did all the work for you Master, but I might have sat on them for a while when I took a break around four AM." Ah… so she was riding me while I slept… didn't think I could be that tired… or that my erections could last that long… those Fatherhood Skill Tree investments paid off more than I expected… “Well…good to know…” I said, trying to get some feeling in my legs that’s not pain. Still… four AM? Has she been awake all night? "Would you like some breakfast Master?" Kara asked as she walked around and put on her large cover shirt like nothing… how is she… Again, I know Lust made her, literally, but what exactly did they make her capable of? Also, is she legit not tired? “How are you not tired?” I asked worriedly. "I'm always full of Energy! And I only need to sleep one hour a day!" One hour of sleep a day? That's definitely… something. Hmm. Time for Scan. Scan Complete! Name: Kara Race: Synthetic Mixed Breed Den Mother Gender: Female Scans indicate she is currently pregnant with twenty nine embryos. Scans of her bodily anatomy dictate her to be a proficient birther, carrier, and caretaker of young and infants. Scans detect a special organ in her cell structure turning mana into glucose much like the mitochondria. Brain, nerve and muscle activity functions are far more efficient on their energy usage thanks to the new mana consuming cell organ, allowing her excess of energy and requiring a minimum rest cycle of one hour daily. Nervous system indicates her to have a pain tolerance akin to a rank 44 Pain Resistance Ability and rank 45 Pain Nullification Ability. In fact, they even seem wired to arouse her should she be inflicted with a typically painful Injury. Okay that was… a lot of info… “Oh…so that’s why…” I muttered, now knowing why she gets aroused by horror stuff and…why she likes it so much. And knowing all that, she is basically the perfect Breeder for people like Lust… so, that raises concerns and Questions… I took a quick shower and ate a fast meal with Karla before I had to go and see about Grace. “This just…keeps getting worse…” I muttered bitterly. As I arrived to Grace's room I could hear the music playing from here. It wasn't loud but in the quiet, empty halls it was noticeable. I opened the door and chuckled. She was sleeping on a blanket on the floor, her adopted babies all against her. Heh. Man she loves napping. I gently and quietly walked over and laid down next to Grace and all the sleeping children, gently putting a hoof on Grace as to not wake her up as I tried to look into her memories. It was always cold. For as long as I could remember, my birthplace here was always cold. An endless winter of ice and snow. As a Den Mother, my milk kept our pack alive through the long months. Still, I needed to eat too. So, when the snow was light, the pack hunted. If there was enough, we'd all eat. If there was little, I'd eat, nurse the others to fullness, and then, we'd sleep. I didn't mind the long sleeps, but the cold, and the hunger were not that easy. My stomach was always hungry. All of ours were. Food here was little, but we managed. The cold, even with my coat, sent chills to my bones. Even huddled in piles with my pack mates, we'd still be so cold. One day, a stranger came to our den. Whether pitty or greed, he offered us a new home, to warmer places. All it would cost was our freedoms. We agreed without hesitation. My male pack mates were all sent to a group called Violence, and I was taken to a Place called Lust. It was warm here. The stranger did not lie, and that made me happy. I was given a large meal, warm rags, and slept. When I was awoken, I was taken to a place with a large chair and more strangers. The one who brought me said I would become a Breeder. And since I was willingly here, I could keep my memories. I was fine with becoming a Breeder, but I asked him to erase my memories. I don't want to remember the cold… I don't want to remember the hunger pains… it's not like that was a life worth remembering. I sat in the chair, and sighed, happy as it all was taken away from me. For a while, I was kept in a room. I laid on rags, people would touch and use me, but I didn't care. I don't remember why. But I was just happy I was warm. I was told to follow and did. My blindfold came off. Before me stood my Master. A small, adorable, brown earth pony stallion. I love him. My Master… He looks so warm. "Hello Master." I cuddled up close to her, wanting to keep her warm. “I’ll keep you warm and safe…” I whispered softly. “No more hunger…no more cold…” Grace, still asleep, happily pulled me against, almost under her, and we both slept. Some hours later, her babies began to cry. Likely hungry. She awoke with a yawn. "One second baby- Master!" She yelped as she got off me. "Oh, I'm sorry. I did it again." “No, you didn’t do anything.” I said gently. “I looked into your memories…and I promise you, you’ll be warm and fed.” I said, giving her a quick hug before pulling away so she can help the babies. "Um, okay?" She said, confused but began changing then feeding them. "So, are you here for my body Master?" I felt my crotch wince. Yeah, still not up to it after Karla… definitely later. “Not right now…” I said carefully. “I’m still…recovering from Karla…” "Oh. I suppose she would be exhausting. She has so much energy." You have no idea… I shook my head at that thought. “But how have you been doing?” "I have been well. The little ones enjoy the music, both they and I find it easier to sleep with some playing. I keep it low enough that I can still hear them when they cry though." “That’s good.” I nodded with a smile. “I’m glad your doing well.” "It has been much more enjoyable since you gave me all this music Master." I smiled, nuzzling Grace as I felt better hearing this, knowing that I was doing good even if I’m doing…evil things. "Will you be staying long with me Master?" “Yep.” I nodded. “Gonna be spending time with you.” "Oh, would you be… fondling me, during our time together?" She asked, blushing. Her shyness is actually really cute. And very different from the others. “Maybe.” I shrugged. “Just want to spend time with you and the kids.” She smiled, giggling as she finished feeding the babies and burped them. Once they were all back on the soft blanket and either crawling around or playing with one another, Grace moved over and sat next to me. "So, what will we be doing Master? If not filling me with your seed would you enjoy viewing my body?" Ah… there's her Breeder programming. “Just want to spend time with you.” I said honestly. “No need to be lewd, I’m just happy to see your smile.” "Then I will smile to make you happy!" She said, giving me a big smile. I smiled as well, just glad to see her happy and doing well right now. For the most part we just spent today cuddling and playing with the babies. When night rolled around and the babies were asleep I indulged in Graces kinks. Some hefty groping and foreplay, followed by me rutting her while she slept. Honestly felt really weird but she woke up the next morning with a huge smile and kissing me non stop. "Oh thank you Master! Thank you! I feet so used~" Well, guess it's true what they say. It's always the shy quiet ones… “You’re welcome Grace.” I said warmly, nuzzling the den mother happily even if I helped her with the strange kink. I knew she was very happy because her tail was wagging like crazy. So, after breakfast, another shower I left Grace with a good kiss goodbye and headed off for Haley. “So far things have been…getting a little better…” I muttered, glad that thing’s are feeling a bit better instead of me feeling like absolute shit. I still felt like shit but…less so. I arrived at Haley's door, opening it and seeing… what the? The room was… very different. Before it was pretty empty. Now there's books and notebooks and chemistry sets and various electronics and machine parts… and there Haley sat typing away very quickly at a computer… how in the?! “Uh…hey Haley, I see you’ve been…busy…” "Master." She greeted, stopping her computer work and standing up. She seems to have traded in her single loose fit shirt for an… exposing, leaves little to the imagination… pantless lab coat. "Are you here for sexual release? I am more than properly dressed for work and your satisfaction." It… I… she's clearly so smart and still… wow… also… crap that is so hot! “Uh…wow…” I blinked. “Uh…I want to look through your memories before I ask…how in the world you did all this so fast.” "My memories Master? If you wish, but I don't recall anything before you." She said. I have a feeling this one will be interesting. I was born on Homeworld. To a litter of five brothers, and two sisters. Of this litter I was the youngest. My parents were normal, my mother was like me, a Den Mother and her pack full of various males. One of which was my father. Biologically anyway. Truth be told they were all my father's. Each one treated me as their daughter. From a young age my intelligence was clear as the cloudless sky. By my first birthday I was reading, writing and speaking full sentences. By age five I completed all the mandatory education. By age fourteen I gained multiple diplomas in various fields of science, magic, mathematics, physics, engineering, rune craft and many more. My siblings by this point all had specific fields. One of my brothers became a mechanic. Another, a pharmacist, my third brother became a boxer. My fourth a robotics and synthetic being repair and recovery specialist, my fifth, a porn star. Both my sisters went into cosmetics. I grew bored of my lab and works in the magi-sciences. It was one thing to make and build these amazing things, but it was another to see them in use. Helping those who need it. One day, I made a decision to bring my genius and creations to a place where the people could really use help. Armageddon. My trip to the planet was successful. My entry was less than ideal. Apparently the Welcoming Committee can indeed detect stealth fighters with advanced stealth magics. Easily even. I'll correct that later. I crash landed in a zone filled with the undead. Less than ideal, but manageable. Some barrier spells kept them at bay long enough for me to bury my ship, and most importantly, the lab hidden inside. I stood no chance on this planet without aid, and I believe few will desire to work with me regardless of my intelligence. So, I took a calculated gamble. I gave myself to the Chaos Guilds. I had hoped they'd see my intelligence as a usefulness, and they did… but, for different reasons. They saw my intelligence as something worth passing along. They would turn me into a Breeder. Fighting back was no use. I wasn't a power house like others, my skills were in my intelligence and planning. I submitted, but asked they leave my talent for learning and my intellect fully at my disposal as a Breeder, even at the cost of all my memories. By a miracle, they agreed. Into the chair I went. I could only hope my gamble pays off one day. I spent a year on display, being fondled and played with, but never purchased. Eventually, I was told to follow. My programming had me obey. Soon, my Blindfold was off. Standing before me was a small brown coat feral Equis earth pony. He was… he was… He was… He was my Master… I want him! Logic and reason be damned! "Hello Master." I greeted, eager to please and arouse my Master night and day. Wow… okay… that is a lot of info… also she might be Greg's sister meaning… I might still know family of hers… and also I fucked and impregnated her… And will probably continue to do so for many years to come… “Oh boy…” I sighed, rubbing my temple. “Alright, so I know why your super smart and able to do…all of this.” "Is my intelligence relevant to me servicing you Master?" She asked, kneeling down and… wow those straps on the lab coat pop off easy… “Well…it can make certain thing’s a hell of a lot easier, like building a communication tower that was…a long ways away if memory serves.” I said, thinking about how much shit we still had to do. "There are already various radio equipment, whole and in parts as well as antennae around. Setting one up would be easily accomplished." Haley said matter of factly. “Alright, so the long range communication should be easy now…auto defenses would be great as well if you can figure that out.” I said honestly, thinking about what her brains can do and so super thankful that her smarts were still here. "Given what I know I could definitely achieve that, but it's simple work. Wouldn't you rather I suck you off and drain your balls down my throat?" I nearly fell over. That was the most blunt ANY of them have been with saying their various versions of 'fuck me Master'. “We need to keep the place safe for everyone, and you’re knowledge and smarts is really important to me.” I said. “You can suck me off later.” Haley sighed. "Very well Master, as you wish. I will suck you dry once a communication network is set up and some automatic defenses are ready to be installed." She said, walking over to the various parts and items she had around. I sighed. Good grief I think her super smarts also make her super blunt as a Breeder… still, I'm surprised she was able to keep it. Hard to imagine Lust as having some honor system. Though her memories mention she buried her ship and lab in a zone filled with Undead… I wonder if- "Done." Say what?! I looked over at the table she was at, seeing some flip phones, an antenna with cable mounted outside the window, the cable went into a metallic blinking box, and three wall gun turrets all there… HOW?! It hasn't even been five minutes!! “How!?” I asked in exasperation. "Oh, simple I took apart all the components into their base parts. Wires, circuit boards, microchips and such then used my Assistant to rebuild a motherboard for the antenna here from an old PC that can give us a means of cell coverage for at least the immediate two hundred miles, then I reworked these cell phones here to pick up signals over the special radio wave the antenna runs on. Easy since majority of cell phones have radio features built in. As for the wall gun turrets all I did was hot wire some cameras, a raspberry PI motherboard and program in a facial recognition program and then mound a .32 with a drum barrel and presto, auto turrets and working phones." I stared at her in disbelief… "Now onto me sucking your balls dry Master." She said, dragging my too stunned to resist body to the bedroom. “It…it was barely five minutes…” I muttered, completely dumbfounded by this. Needless to say… she earned the right to suck me dry… And indeed she did… Multiple times. Each time as a reward for making more working phones, signal boosters to extend the range of the service, and turrets. By the time there were enough phones, boosters and turrets for what we needed I felt like I wouldn't be producing little soldiers for a while… Still, come morning I woke up to Haley looking rather smug with that smile. "Good morning Master. Is there anything else you'd like me to make in exchange for more of your time and semen?" “I just want you to know that I’m happy you're here, not just for the sex and I’m glad you still have all your smarts and want for knowledge.” I said honestly. "If my intelligence and skills obtained through my self teachings can make me of use to you and help you to indulge in my body then I will gladly continue to learn, build and give you all the Sex you desire Master." Yeah… should have guessed the point would fly right over her… I sighed. “It’s more than just sex…you’re smart enough to know that.” I said, not caring about what her programming says she’s smart enough to take a goddamn hint. "I am indeed smart enough." She said making me do a double take. "But my programming forbids me from prioritizing it." She's… I laughed… I laughed super hard. She's self aware! She's smart enough to be self aware of her situation! “I’m…I’m so glad to know that.” With a nod and a smile, she stood up, fully naked but currently she's not tending to infants and the only babies here are in her womb. "I shall get you a protein rich breakfast. Given last night's events I imagine you will need a heavy protein breakfast to be ready for our next round of crafting and love making~" Now I'm questioning if she enjoys her situation? Heh… either way. She's aware of it… meaning Breeder Programming isn't perfect. There might be ways to help them all! “Even if it might be difficult…and there might be a challenge on the aftermath…I can save them…” I said with a growing smile and hope in my heart. Haley's protein rich breakfast was all eggs, bacon, and milk right out of her tit… was definitely delicious… I gave her a goodbye kiss and told her to keep making the items and I'd be sure to do more than let her blow me… Even with context that sounds wrong… ugh… when did my life get so sex filled? Oh yeah… I shook my head. One left to know their past. Kiara. “Alright…just Kiara and hopefully I can get some other things done…” I muttered. I entered Kiara's room and- woah… it also got a major overhaul… Lining the walls were rifles, assault rifles, machine guns, pistols, shotguns. Every table and shelf had either ammo or weapon accessories, and there sitting in a coil at the dinner table sat Kiara cleaning her own giant 'Baby' rifle just like Tiara's. “I see you and Tiara hit it off with your love of guns.” I chuckled. "Hello Master." Kiara said, carefully placing her weapon on the table before using her tail to scoop me up and drop me into her chest and arms. "It's so good to see you again." “It’s nice to see you again Kiara.” I said with a smile. “How are you doing?” "I'm well. Are you here for my services Master?" “Well first, I want to look through your memories.” I said honestly. "Memories of what Master? If you want to relive a prior pleasing I'm more than happy to do what I did last time." I took a big, slow, inhale of breath. “Not that…” I sighed. “I’m meaning your memories before you became…a Breeder.” I said, putting a hoof to her head as I just decided to look before she could question me more. "I don't remember ever not being a Breeder?" I sighed, activating Treasury. "Hello Master." What the? It was just… me. No prior history just… saw me that that's it? “Hold on what?” I blinked, now super confused, trying to look at her Time again and wondering what was wrong and…really hoping it’s not another ‘Love Thief’ thing. No… no last time I didn't even get to see anything. Gave me a message when it was that… so… what is it? Every time I used Treasury to see her past, it was the same. Just her, opening her eyes and then seeing me. And that was it. "Something wrong master?" Kiara asked, confused as she not so subtly pushed my body in between her multiple big breasts. “Uh…yes, actually.” I said carefully. “Someone did something to you so bad that these stupid Dark Skill’s can’t tell me anything about you…” "Someone did something to me? All I remember is you rutting and impregnating me?" I would face hoof but my legs are currently stuck under her second left and right boob. “Right…” I said, now so confused as to why this was happening. "Would you like for me to pleasure you now?" “Sure.” I said, wondering why she didn’t have a past, cause everyone else had a past, even the ones that were literally vat grown…something’s not right here. I spent the day with her basically in bed, making her feel happy and pleased. At night once she fell asleep I kept trying Treasury again to no avail… alright, I really don't want to do this… "Well, you're back." Greed said as he ate an apple. “Only reason why I’m not here to murder you is because I need some answers.” I said carefully. “Like why I can’t see anything about Kiara’s past.” "Uh. You did. You saw when she met you. That's all the past she had. Save the more recent stuff with all the Sex and such." “So you're saying that she…literally doesn’t have a past?” I asked, now confused here. “That…that doesn’t make any sense, everyone else did…” "Well she doesn't, so that makes her unique. After all only one group in this existence can mess with time still." I frowned. “Still…that would imply that a Time Walker did this, but that’s impossible…right?” I asked, trying to think of why they wouldn’t have any Time before becoming a Breeder, cause I’m pretty sure if they were a Prize Pod I would have still saw them get awakened and sold off or something… "Dunno. Maybe a Time Walker went bad. Maybe she was one and some overkill fail safe erased her past from existence. Maybe she's just a freak of nature? Who knows." Greed shrugged as they took another bite of their apple. “I know your supposed to be a part of me from these stupid Dark Skill tree’s but still…” I frowned, hating how even they don’t know what the hell is going on. "Well whatever the case, she's ours now. And she is willing and ready for whatever we ask." He chuckled. “Yes…yes I know…” I sighed. “Uh…this sucks…” The next morning I ate breakfast with Kiara, who was in a very happy mood given I slept with her. All of them were always in a good mood after I did. I gave her a kiss goodbye for now and left. Right now I need to think. To clear my head and maybe find a solution to this problem. I ran along the rooftops. Giving a hard flap and gliding across some, Tiara helped a lot with that, and eventually stopped on top of the roof of a farmers market. Some loot was here and a few cars and one huge RV was in the parking lot, but I need to think. “So many things…” I muttered, shaking my head as I thought about…everything that I experienced. "Hey, wanna talk?" Cheat asked. “Please…cause there’s just so much I have to think about and…just go over. Especially the fact that I literally talked to the World Soul of Armageddon! And they're a Child!” "Oh is that what that was? Huh. I thought for a moment you were having a stroke when that happened. Cause from my perspective everything was just dark and really quiet for a while." “Yeah…I just went to sleep cause I felt absolutely horrendous after…becoming a Love Thief after claiming Beth away from her actual husband…then me and Armageddon talked…and they said I’m a good person, Evil, but not Bad…which I think they mixed up the two cause they said that Bad people do thing’s because it’s fun, Evil people do things because they have to and hate doing it.” "Makes sense to me. Then again I'm a Sociopath so not sure how much comfort that can give you." “That’s fair…but at least the very planet we’re on understands that this isn’t a fun place and just want’s friends…which is why Nexus is apparently kidnapping people and dumping them here…” "Well, that's not good." “Yeah, not good at all.” I mentally sighed. “Also, said his dad was named D-G and his aunt was named Pain…do you know either of those names?” "Nothing on D-G but… Pain… oh boy…" “Who’s that?” "Pain is a member of the Family. One of the few that help govern evil or whatever. Her title is The Mother of Monsters. Every Monster in creation is of her making. Even if they weren't before this world came into existence they are now. She also is a co-ruler of Void Energy." “Oh…oh no…” I thought in horror. “So…don’t upset him or else I have a very pissed aunt to worry about…” "Maybe? I don't know but don't tempt fate. So, what else is on your mind aside from me?" “All the thing’s with the Breeders…me still feeling like shit…apparently Kiara doesn’t have a past like…at all.” I said honestly. "So, are they not making you feel good?" “Sexually they make me feel good…but there’s just…so much shit to go through…” I mentally groaned. “Like how Haley is so smart that she knows she’s Programmed and the fact that Lust made sure to honor her wish of keeping her stupidly insane smarts intact…seriously, barely five minutes and she did something Parker said we were going to work on for well over a year…” "Sounds like she earned that pounding." “Currently she just sucked me off for hours…unlike Karla who decided to rid me till four in the morning.” I shuddered in mild phantom pain. "Kinky." “Also, I know why she gets aroused by Horror…because she is pretty much immune to any and all physical pain…” "Double Kinky. Sounds like she can take a paddling, pounding and some tasers, clothes pins, maybe some light choking ~" I forget how much of a sex freak Cheat is… “Can we not talk about your sudden influx of fetishes please?” “No, we must talk about it more.” “Ugh…” I groaned as I heard them give an adorable gremlin laugh at my plight. "So, aside from having possibly the most readily available BDSM partner at your beck and cock what else is up?" She… did not just… “Did you just fucking…” I started to question. "Yes. And I'll do it again." “I’m gonna need you to cease and desist please.” "You'd better take me to court if you want me to stop, and even then good luck!" Cheat declared, giving an overdramatic evil laugh. “Ech, why do I put up with this?” I playfully whined. "Because when I got it my flanks are addicting and I happily enable your addiction to it~" “And boy did I learn the phrase ‘hips don’t lie’ real quick…” I sighed. “But back to the main topic so we can get away from the horny-” “Can’t stop, won’t stop.” “As I was saying! I have a lot of planning to do to try and figure out…but thankfully the only thing we need now is a Farm.” "Well, that can't be too hard right? Just wall off a big section, break up all the buildings to rubble, clear the rubble out, break apart the ground and foundation and plant in the dirt right?" “It…should be that simple, but I don’t know.” I said honestly. "Well, why not find a big park or something and use that? Would be faster and with your sexy fey snake should get them to adult crops fast enough. Add in an insensitive for her by saying if she gets it all done fast and they're ready to harvest then you'll knock her up again first after she and all the others birth your many, many, many, many, MANY babies." She had to remind me with all them, I've basically fathered just shy of a hundred kids… “Please…don’t remind me that I have so many unborn children and I barely know how to be a parent…” "Oh relax. Besides, counting the babies and kids you Orphan-Adopted that's well over a hundred." “Yes, and I’m still upset that I’m barely a father to them and that every time they look at me or hear me they flinch in fear…” I grumbled. "Well to be fair, trauma isn't easy to face. Even mind wiping can only go so far. Maybe we should see about finding a psychiatrist or something for them." “Yeah…that’s something we really should find. And thankfully we have that wide range communication array, hopefully we can find some other people that were brought here against their will and…maybe also find a therapist.” "So, anything else?" “Just…got so much work to do…hopefully I can start finding some Lust hubs and start taking them down even if I have to hunt for literal Gods that can alter reality with Code on a damn whim…” "Well, that's probably not gonna be easy-" "Ahhhhh!" Immediately I looked down at the RV, where to my surprise an earth pony mare, dirty blonde mane, tale, and cream colored coat ran out wearing sunglasses and looking… very very terrified. "Well that's odd. I didn't detect anyone nearby earlier?" Cheat said. “Neither did I…” I frowned. “Where the buck am I!?” I heard the poor mare scream in fear. "Think she's a respawn from elsewhere? Though, she sure doesn't look like an Armageddon survivor. Think she may be one of those abducted the planet told you about?" Cheat asked. “I doubt it, cause she looks and sounds like…me at the start.” I said, jumping off the roof and gliding down. “Hey, up here!” I called out to the mare in question. She looked up at me, backpedaling a bit before falling on her flanks. "P-p-pa-Princess?" She said questioningly. "Ha!" I landed in front of her. Well… I guess to a fresh arrival I do look like one… especially having such feminine features…. "You're welcome." “Shush you.” I mentally countered. “So, I’m actually a guy. The names Button Mash, who are you and…how did you get here?” "I uh… what… but you're so… princessy!" She replied. "Wings and Horn, and tall and… am I dreaming? Oh sweet Luna please let this be some weird sick dream…." "Well, half guy. You do have a vagina. Our daughter and the various items I've shoved up there prove as much." “Please shush!” I mentally whined. “Ma’am, I’m gonna need you to calm down and take a deep breath.” I said. “Tell me who you are, and how you got here?” "Uh… my name is Lovely, Lovely Days and… I was just in my house. I was pissed about… an argument… I flipped a table then… I heard like… static? Then there were these green numbers… then darkness then… then I fell. Then I woke up in there… why is there some creatures head in a sink in there?" She asked shakily. I blinked, staring at her as…that was literally what happened to me. “That…the static and green numbers…that’s just like me…” I said, before my ear twitched as I heard a zombie. “We need to go, I know a safe place and I’ll tell you everything from there.” "Wait but- is that a zombie?!" I had to magic carry her back to town. Once she was safe inside it was time for some questions… and to break some news… “Alright…so good news, you are in a brand new reality, where anything is possible and everything exists…and bad news, you happened to appear on quite literally the worst place imaginable, Armageddon.” I said to Lovely Days. "Armageddon… who names a place that? Also, why am I here?" “The person in charge of all evil in this infinite universe decided to take every possible world ending event and shoved it into a planet.” I answered the first part. “And secondly? Why you’re here in this reality? No idea, it’s called ‘Isekai’ and it happens fairly regularly…and why you’re here on Apocalypse as a starting off point? Fuck if I know, cause whoever decided to drop you down here is kind of a cunt.” "I… I just… I still can't process this… I still think this is a weird dream but… never had them show so much… blood and decaying walking corpses of creatures…" She said, looking around and fixing her sunglasses back up. “Trust me, it was tough for me my first time in this world.” I said honestly. “Now I didn’t appear on this planet first, I was in relative safety finding my long lost dad and getting girlfriends and being a video game nerd in an rpg world…so yeah.” I sighed. “So, to take your mind off things, mind telling me your story? And what’s with the sunglasses?” "I uh…" She put a hoof to her glasses. "It's just… I don't like other people seeing my eyes." “Is it because you might feel different or because of something else? Cause if it’s the ‘feel different’, I literally became an alicorn from an earth pony because I had a symbiote, that’s also my girlfriend, help me eat a pegasus and unicorn zombie and I was able to turn into this through weird shenanigans with this thing.” I brought up my hoof to show my Assistant. "I uh… they don't look normal." “You can trust me.” I said softly. “Can I please see your eyes?” "I'd… I'd rather not… " She said, sighing and rubbing her temples. "Is there somewhere I can nap and… process this?" “Sure.” I nodded, leading her to one of the spare guest rooms. “If you need anything, just call for me alright?” "Uh, sure." She said, walking inside and closing the door. "Well she's neat." “Yeah…though this is very concerning to hear she was just…plopped down here.” "Well, from what I heard back before the churches were set up that's how it went. The Isekai would just appear randomly on a planet. In the street, in a dungeon, wherever. The Churches act as a beacon of sorts, since they seem to appear here in a means pretty similar to a teleport, but it draws them to one of the vacant rooms. Armageddon has no safe zones let alone a Church of The Mother so, no such luck." “So they decided ‘let’s throw them towards the closest person that wouldn’t maul them to death’?” "How should I know? You don't even know why or how you got here." “Fair…but I still find it weird how it was basically the same thing…static, then those green numbers everywhere…” I shook my head. "That's a lot of what most Isekai remember. Those that don't just remember falling asleep then waking up in one of the churches. Some don't even have that. They just black out and then wake up at the Church." “Sheesh…I forgot how depressing it can sound…” I mentally sighed. “Another night of this nonsense…but at least things are looking up right?” "So far. Hopefully those friends of Parkers show up soon." “Yeah…” I said, looking out a window to see all the stuff we’ve accomplished so far, my own enslaved zombies doing a small patrol around the gates and automated weapons. I figured Lovely would want to be alone for a while so I headed back to the main room. Felt nice to be back here. "Hello Button." Philomena said, sitting on the couch and nursing her own litter of infants. “Hey Philomena, how are you doing?” I asked with a warm smile. "I've been well. And so have our children." She said. “I’m glad to hear that.” I said, trotting over and sitting down next to her. “I’ve…had a lot of things to deal with…” I sighed, just leaning into Philomena and not sure what to do now. "Stressed?" She asked. “Very stressed…” I sighed. “So much to do…so many questions cropping up…and I feel like garbage because of this stupid ‘Love Thief’ tree I just had to get…” "Oh, well, that's not pleasant sounding." She said, placing a hand to my head. "Those Dark Skill Trees sound terrifying." “They are…” I sighed. “They keep me bound to this planet…oh, and I also talked to the planet itself…” "Really? Is the planets personality as scary as it's surface?" “They’re an innocent child that just…wants friends.” I sighed. "That sounds… heh. Oddly, that is kinda fitting." “Yeah, they said their father was G-D and their aunt was Pain…so there’s also that.” I shook my head. “Oh, and they also told me that I’m not a bad guy, I’m an evil guy…which ‘evil’ for them is doing bad things you don’t like but have to, and bad is doing bad things because why not and laughing about it.” "It makes sense to me. Admittedly, you have done some things one would say are evil or cruel, but you did them for our little town, and everyone here to stay safe. I'd say that makes you good as a person, even if your actions are not." “Yeah…ironically, after that conversation of the very planet itself telling me I’m still a good person, even if I need to be pretty evil to even see them, was watching Wreck it Ralph.” "Hehe. Leave it to Disney to make a concept like that more easily understood." She chuckled. She then lifted one of our children, Crissy, she had a pretty body like me, but her face and head were fox like. Brown tail and fur along her nose and ears, but orange and white alone the rest of her body. I held Crissy in my hooves, my daughter wiggling around in my hooves, then sneezed in my face. I pouted at being sneezed. “Bless you Crissy.” I said, grabbing a tissue with my wing and whipping my face off and grabbing another to gently wipe her nose. When I finished wiping her nose she bit onto my wing feather. Her toothless gums slobbering the feather. "Heh. She likes her papa." Philomena said. “I’m glad she likes me.” I said softly. “I’m…still concerned I might not be a good parent…” "Hm. Every first time parent, even experienced ones worry about that." She said, giving a scratch to Crissy's tummy, making her giggle. "I know it's hard to be a parent to them with everything going on with you my love, but everything you do is for us, the town, and them. They might not ever get to know life outside Armageddon, but you will always work to ensure they can know at least a little bit of normalcy. We can only hope one day they get the chance to leave this planet and see the rest of the stars and the worlds out there." “Thanks.” I said with a smile, glad to know I’m doing good for the people I care about. “It means a lot to hear you say that.” "So, is there anything special you'd like for dinner Button? Thanks to Lilly we have lots of fresh veggies. Sadly low on meat but that's to be expected in this zone. Everything is from loot and is either canned or frozen in freezers." “Anything is fine really.” I said, cradling my child in my hooves. “I just…I’m just glad I have all of you here with me.” "We can probably make something with some canned beef." She said, burping the various babies that finished nursing. Eventually they all were burped and placed into a nearby crib. I gave her Crissy who also was placed into the crib. "I'm also thinking of making banana bread. Elly did manage to grow a banana tree, but when winter hits it will probably die, unless we can find or make a greenhouse." “True, gonna have to find all the proper parts to help make that greenhouse.” I said honestly. “But hopefully things will go well with the farm.” "Well, all a Green House really is is a building that is insolated with a temperature control, and typically are all made from clear thick plastic or plexiglass." She said, heading over to the kitchen and beginning some prep work for dinner. "A gardening store or any store with a plant nursery should have small ones built in them or nearby, plus loot wise they'll have all the fertilizer, planters and various plants there still." “So best go out hunting for all that then when I have the time.” I nodded. "For now you should just stay and rest. The past few weeks have kept you pretty busy. Especially with your Breeder mates. I've spoken with each, and honestly I definitely feel like they should be with us here in the main room. But once Mei is able to make the spacial expansion engine, we will finally have the room for such an undertaking." “Alright…” I sighed. “Best to wait and try to relax I suppose.” Philomena gave me a smile and a nod before continuing her work. Well, guess I'm relaxing now… and I know just how to spend it… I pulled out a DSI from my Assistant, my favorite find from one of the abandoned gaming stores and loaded up the Mario Kart game I found with it. “The best…” I muttered with a warm smile, starting to play video games and feeling…a bit nostalgic over this. I spent a few hours just racing through the tracks and feeling pretty relaxed all things considered. *MUNCH!* Ouch! I looked over at my arm, seeing that Cream bit me. "Hey, you've been busy." She said with a cheeky smirk. “You didn’t need to bite me.” I frowned. “But how you doing Cream?” "I've been alright, and so has little Dovahkiin." She said, turning and showing our son strapped firmly to her side in a baby holder. They gave out a laugh and some spit. “Well, glad to see they’re happy and healthy.” I said with a warm smile. "He's a little attention seeker. But he loves riding around in this carrier. Because of him I'm taking regular walks up and down the stairs. Good cardio if nothing else, but he just loves the way it makes him bounce in the straps." “I’m sure he does enjoy that.” I chuckled. “So much has been going on…but I’m glad your both doing okay.” "It's been nice, and now you're here so," she gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "Now it's perfect." I kissed her back as well and happy that their enjoying life. “Yeah…it is…” I said, so glad to be with the ones I loved. "So, how's the game?" “It’s fun.” I said honestly. “It’s a nice simple racing game…also, Blue Shells are mean…” "Heh. I'm glad you're finally having fun and relaxing. You work too much." “Well, gotta make sure that I help take care of you all.” I said honestly. "I'd offer you some one on one fun time but something tells me your crotch would like a break given what, and who, you've been doing the last few weeks." Cream said with a chuckle. I blushed, laughing a bit as I rubbed the back of my head. Yeah… definitely want to give sex a break… those girls quite literally took it all out of me… some more than others… “Yeah…I…I need a break.” I said honestly. “While it still feels great…I think I’m good.” "In that case, may I interest you in a different kind of fun?" She asked. Before I could ask her however she pulled out- holy crap! She held in her hooves a Horseshoe Game Console! I had this back home! "Like it? Found it on a small run I went on with Tiara." “Oh my god…” I blinked in shock and awe. “I’m…I can’t believe it.” "Heh. I had a feeling that this would be your reaction." Cream said, also pulling out a few games from her Assistant. "Wanna help me set it up?" “Yes please.” I said with a giant smile. A short while later, I had it plugged in and started. I honestly felt like a foal again playing these. I remember when I was five, mom got me this same console. She had work and was honestly really tired from work, since dad had vanished. So, she got me it so when I had to be home alone I wasn't bored or scared before she came home and when I got home from school. Cream and I spent the hours before dinner playing the games. After dinner, I played them with the babies watching, then we all went to sleep. The next morning I was walking along the walls, and spotted a group of people walking up to the walls. Four wore these white and black full body armor with guns, and the fifth was a woman with deep red hair, matching red eyes and racoon ears and tail. She wore armor that was similar to the ones around her save looking more advanced and high tech. Her weapon was like a more sleek, longer range version of the guns the ones around her had. They easily slaughtered the zombies outside the walls that attacked them. The woman in the armor walked up to the wall and looked up at me. "You Button Mash?" “Yes, yes I am.” I nodded to the woman. “And I presume you’re Parker’s allies?” "Yes. I'm Lilly, 05-3 of The New Foundation Guild." She informed. "Parker told me your settlement is looking to break free from Chaos Guild rent payments. And cause them hell." “Yes, and doubly yes, especially Lust.” I nodded. "Right then. Well, first things first. We need to discuss this matter privately. Got a place we can talk." “Let’s head inside, we’ve got some spare private rooms to talk.” I said. With a nod Lilly and her group jumped the wall and followed me Inside. Once in a building, we went into one of the empty rooms and she cast a soundproofing spell. "Alright, I'll cut the crap and get to the point. Parker told me you have the Loop ability. That power is pretty potent and would be of great value to us. We put you in a squad with some strong people, let your ability run for a while and not even some of the Chaos Guilds strongest would stand. The question I wanna know is how can our two settlements benefit from one another?" “Considering what you probably have as The New Foundation…I doubt I have much to offer through money or resources.” I said honestly, knowing they probably have so much shit on lockdown for that that I couldn’t really barter that. “I mean sure, I do have a Den Mother Breeder that managed to keep her knowledge intact and safe as she was…able to do everything you see here in under five minutes…then I have information that Armageddon personally told me.” "I've met the little runt too. Actually, I do have something in mind. See, the Zone we inhabit, When Day Breaks, the whole place is a death trap. Sunlight kills. Melts your body into an amalgam and it merges with others making big, strong, hard to kill enemies. We've managed by through digging vast underground facilities. Homes, farms, the works. Thing is, while it's worked out well, it's not exactly ideal, especially given we still contain various monsters and Chaos Guilds members. If we help you fortify this place up we'd like to have our civilian population moved here. It would be much safer for them plus the young bloods can finally see a sun that won't kill them." “Sure.” I nodded. “I’m sure you’d like night time to be dangerous with something you can actually murder than sunlight that’s impossible to stop.” I said honestly. “Gonna need to do…a lot more work…” I put both hooves over my eyes and took a deep breath. “So…I have a question…what if someone doesn’t have a past? How bad is that?” I inquired, hoping they would know why "No past huh. That must mean you have Treasury. Well, if that's true then from what we've gathered there's only one thing that can mean. Whoever you got as a Serf, Slave or Breeder, used to be a Time Walker." “Excuse me what?” I asked in shock. “Kiara…Kiara’s used to be a Time Walker? But that should be impossible right? Time Walkers are one of the strongest people in existence right?” I asked, though if that was true, then that both horrifies me that even a Time Walker fell…and a small part of me was happy that there was a way to permanently kill the Chaos Guild bastards. Lilly nodded. "Time Walkers are living Paradoxes. As a result even should they die, either by Void Admin, Level five Boss, or another time walker, likely from Madness, they can't really die. Rather their time, past and future, is wiped. As a result the person they used to be is forgotten by everyone, not even other Time Walkers will remember them. There's no evidence they even existed either since that all gets wiped. As a result the body left behind is de-aged to infancy and oftentimes raised as a whole new person. More than likely this whole new person ends up a Time Walker again and the cycle continues. However even if they don't, should something happen, like becoming a Serf, Slave or Breeder, then the same process happens and their time is wiped. Think of it like dying twice for the effort it took to kill them once." “Oh…” I said slowly. “That…makes sense…” I said honestly. “Good to know that cause I was super confused and extra worried that the Chaos Guild’s somehow got a hold of a Time Walker as their personal pet…” "Yes. It's a horrible existence really. Just to end up dead and forgotten by everyone you ever knew and cared for, even their own families." “Yeah…it’s also why I hate Lust so much.” I said honestly. “And yes…I do have Treasury…and the things I’ve learned…it makes me beyond furious.” "It's a useful, but also terrifying skill. So, guess our civilian residents can live here and in exchange you'll have help fortifying and expanding this place. Lucky for you we have lots of talented crafters, builders and farmers." “Thank you.” I nodded. “Cause a lot of things are gonna need to be renovated and expanded to fit everyone…then there’s the possible Raids on us because of this…oh, also did you know that Nexus is kidnapping people to give the world ‘friends’?” "We received word from some news confirmation such from some other settlements we trade with." “Crap…” Button sighed. “How Nexus went this far just because one of them was told Armageddon just wanted friend’s is beyond me…” "They're crazy. As for the raids, don't worry about it. Our members have experience in dealing with their raiding parties. Plus we have a few toys to keep them at bay." I sighed. “Thank you…that means so much to me that everyone can be safe.” "Yeah, well, I have another question for you. What's your stance on Breeders, Slaves and Serfs?" “I hate it, I hate it with every fiber of my being and I hate it more that I’ve basically helped enable it.” I answered bluntly. “I want to help them, I want to give them better lives…I want to fix them…” "I mean, given you already have and sleep with Breeders, are you open to receiving more? As you know when it comes to the products the chaos guilds make we have a policy of humane treatment. Breeders are treated no different than Lovers Class Pod People, Slaves and Serfs while owned must be treated well. Food, medical, proper sleeping quarters and work that isn't too demanding but keeps them happy and their programming saited." “I mean…yes, I sadly am open to more cause it would mean less of them all in the hands of deplorable fuck heads.” I growled. “Oh, and apparently, Haley’s so smart that she knows she’s programmed but…weirdly doesn’t care about it.” "Hm. It's not unheard of for Breeders, Serfs and Slaves to become self aware of their situations. However, due to them having no prior memories or will to achieve or become more on their own, they don't care about said situations." “And…I was warned that…if I did manage to give them their memories back…it would break them…” I sighed. “The one thing I want to do to save them, to break this stupid cycle of bullshit…is the one thing that would hurt them the most…” "Sadly. Which is why we have a different idea." “What’s the idea?” I inquired. "Well, in regards to the Slaves and Serfs we can properly reprogram them if we can gain our own Hacker. Make them more like Servant and Ally class. As for Breeders, we can tone back the obsession, remove the depression and all the negative triggers, and with some luck they can become almost like how Lovers Class are. It will take some time and trial and error, but it's a better outcome and life for them than what Lust puts them through." “Yeah…it would be leagues better.” I nodded. "Now that that's settled, let's sign the agreements." She said, pulling some papers out of her Assistant and pens. “Mom always said, read the terms and conditions…” I sighed, though my heart clenched a bit at remembering her and home…it hasn’t been that long but still…I missed her. The papers basically said what we agreed upon. Our town would basically join their New Foundation and in exchange it would be the primary residence of all the civilization personal. This includes the installments and construction of farms, hospitals, armories, stores and even factories for fabricating weapons, armor, medicine, and access to their more useful, public use SCP anomalies and items. We both signed and when she did, I read and saw her full name is Lilly Morgan. "And that's that. My men should have the teleporter installed by now." “Thank you…also, your last name is Morgan?” I asked curiously, wondering if she was involved with this ‘Morgan incident’ I always hear about. "Yes." She said plainly. "Has been since I was a kid." “Um…is it okay if I ask if you were…involved with the ‘Morgan incident’ at all? I always hear it as like, the crime that happened in this world so…” I said nervously. "It was a crime." She said, putting the papers into her Assistant. "It was the event that caused me to lose my father. And the day people learned… Madness is infectious." “O-oh…” I stuttered, my ears laying flat against my skull. “I’m…I’m so sorry…” "It was a long time ago." “Still…” I sighed. “I’m sorry for bringing it up…” I said, even if it was a long time ago it must still be a sore spot. "Tomorrow the workers will come to begin expansions, construction and fortifications. You will be sent to basic training. Parker ensures you're useful, so I'll put that to the test." “I’ve been trained by a Bloodthirster, a Greater Demon of a God of War.” I said. “How different is your basic training?’ "You have Symbiote Armor, right? Put it on." “I will also bring up, Cheat’s…not finished.” I said, donning my Symbiote armor. “I’ve only gotten the helm and gauntlets, I’m missing three other pieces.” "The defense of the armor is lower, especially without the torso but it's still a powerful item. That being said," She flicked my muzzle, all of my armor cracked, chipped and flowed back into me. "OUCH! THAT FUCKING BITCH THAT HURT LIKE ALL MY FUCKING NONEXISTENT BONES BREAKING YOU WHORE!" "That being said even a fresh graduate from our basic could pull that off, and probably break your face by accident." Lilly finished. “How? I literally went through Khorne’s realm and trained like a bastard to get super strong…how?” I asked in shock and horror, wondering what ‘basic training’ would make training with a Greater Demon in a space where it’s literally nothing but blood, violence and heavy metal look like a cake walk? "When you fight the Chaos Guilds, it's Overkill or nothing." “I have heard that said before…but you’d think fighting against hordes of demons and demonically charged super soldiers that can bench press a tank would be good enough…” "Kid, you're talking about swatting flies." I rubbed my temples. “Yes…thank you for telling me my accomplishments mean not much…” "Get used to it." The next day came and… their workers are fast. I was taken to their main base via the teleporter. The halls were long, empty. I walked into a classroom with two others. One was also human, maybe around my age, male with tan skin, green eyes and clearly bleached hair. The other was also a human, I thing, pale white skin with black hair, and their exposed skin was covered in runes I had no idea what they ment or were for. I took my place in an empty seat. “Ugh, I get sent to a fantasy RPG world, and yet I still end up back in class…” I mentally whined. I sat there for a while before someone else finally came in. They were clad in… I think they were some weird robot. A big and bulky metal body with some weird balls along it, and had a weird eye stock looking camera, one 'arm' that I think is a laser and the other that might me a Plunger? "GREETINGS! I AM LINN. I SHALL BE YOUR TEACHER." “Um…excuse me.” I raised my hoof. “Sorry but uh…what are you? I’ve never seen or heard of…whatever you are.” "MY KIND ARE REFERRED TO AS THE DALEKS. THE MECHANICAL BODY OUTSIDE HOUSES THE BIOLOGICAL ENTITY INSIDE. NOW THEN, ROLE CALL. HUGO?" "Present." The tan guy called. "ABLE JUNIOR?" "Just call me AJ…" The rune tattooed guy said. "BUTTON MASH?" “Here.” I said, not liking that I’m back in school. "What am I chopped liver?" Cheat complained. "EXCELLENT! NOW CLASS, YOU ARE ALL HERE FOR YOUR PROMISING COMBAT ABILITIES AND CAPABILITIES. IN THIS CLASS YOU WILL BE PUSHED INTO STATES OF PHYSICALLY EXCRUCIATING MENTAL AND PHYSICAL PAIN. IN ORDER TO PASS YOU WILL BE REQUIRED TO CONTINUE ON FROM THERE." "Isn't that a bit extreme?" HUGO asked. "NEGATIVE." “Well…wouldn’t be the first time I’ve had to do such a thing.” I sighed. "INITIATING TRAINING ENVIRONMENT." Linn said, the room suddenly shifting to a huge arena. “Alright…” I muttered, donning my armor and getting ready for whatever is about to be thrown at me. "THE ARENA HAS AN ACTIVE RAPID HEALING SPELL MATRIX WHILE ACTIVE. EVEN FATAL INJURIES WILL BE HEALED, BUT YOU WILL FEEL ALL THE PAIN. YOUR FIRST EXAM WILL DETERMINE YOUR ENDURANCE, AGILITY AND SPEED. LIVE FIRE BEGINS IMMEDIATELY!" Wait, live fire!? Ka-Boom! Thunk-Spwoosh! "Son of a-" Cheat screamed as what I think was a bullet that was bigger than what Tiara shoots from her Baby rifle hit us, cracking the armor and spider-webbing it along my leg. Shit I felt that in my bones! “Mother fucker!” I shouted, growling already growing a tad pissed as my armor was patched up from my growing anger. I began moving to dodge the other shots coming from seemingly nowhere. Hugo seemed to be doing the same, but AJ seemed to materialize a black shield and began blocking the attacks as they came. They were both very fast. All any of us would do was dodge or defend, but the hours passed until we started getting hit… and hit. And hit. And after Im not sure how long it finally ended. All three of us were panting. My head was numb from all the pain. Cheat long rendered unconscious and retreated into me. "EXAM ONE. TOTAL SURVIVAL TIME TWO HOURS, FOR TEEN MINUTES. A LITTLE BELOW THE AVERAGE FOR THIS CLASS BUT AN ACCEPTABLE FIRST RESULT." Linn announced. "That was only two hours?!" Hugo yelled. "Fuck…" AJ huffed. “Eat my ass!” I shouted, panting as I tried to reign in my anger as…I really should have thought to grab a ‘coherence’ skill in the Rage skill tree. "YOU SHALL REST BEFORE THE NEXT EXAM BEGINS. PLEASE TRY AND GET TO KNOW ONE ANOTHER AS YOU THREE WILL BE WORKING TOGETHER AS A TEAM DURING TRAINING AND AFTER GRADUATION." Linn said, seeming to teleport in a flashy show of light. I sighed as I pulled myself up and looking at my apartment teammates do the same. “So…hi there.” I said carefully to the two, trying to start some conversation. "Hey." Hugo said with a nod as they rotated their arm, an audible pop coming from it as they did. "So, never seen you around the bunkers." AJ said. "You from the new town they just made an agreement with?" “I’m the one that made the deal, yes.” I nodded. “Came to this dumbass place thinking me and my friends and family could just smash some bots, get some loot and bail…but that was over a year ago and just did the best we could.” "Heh. Almost all the off worlders stories are like that." Hugo said with a chuckle. "Come for the loot, stay against your will." “Yeah…it wasn’t, and isn’t fun.” I frowned. “And now I’m stuck on this planet for the rest of my life cause of course this damned place had to have some other draw back…” "Yeah. Native Borns like us don't have that much of an issue with it." AJ said. "It's all we've ever known so we don't miss or care about what's out there cause, either way we were born here and will stay here. Statistically we here in the New Foundation have better odds of living our lives never dying until Madness hits but we joined the MTF forces so, those statistics dropped to a guarantee we die several times." “Fair enough I suppose.” I nodded. “Just…wish this wouldn’t have happened…” "Well, think of it this way? Got kids? From your girlfriends, wives or Breeders? Odds are they wouldn't exist had you not gotten stuck here." Hugo said. "That's how my dad looked at it when he got stuck here." “While that’s true…they shouldn’t know just…this.” I motioned. “They should experience the wider worlds, see that everything’s not just a fight for survival, that you don’t need to do deplorable thing’s just to scrape by as you have to watch your back every second for Chaos Guilds…” I sighed. “But I suppose that doesn’t work anymore now that Nexus is ‘immigrating’ people to this place…” "Heard about that. Part of why I joined." AJ said. “Which is a good thing.” I nodded. “So, I’ve said something about myself, what about you two?” "Well, I'm Hugo." Hugo said. "And I'm in this for the fun." “For the fun?” I asked. “Also uh…the arm?” "Hm? Oh, it's fine. Just got popped out so I popped it back into place. " He said simply. "And yeah, for the fun. I'm fourth generation born in my family on Armageddon and I grew up learning about the chaos guilds, the fights, the different zones and I wanna prove myself." “Just gonna point out, I have examples for how that…didn’t work, like at all.” I said nervously. "I'm aware, but unlike you, I have nothing to lose or risk." “Man’s just built different.” AJ decided to chime in. “I can tell.” I sighed. “So what about you AJ?” "Well, as you know my full name is Able Junior. And my father is one of the SCP prisoners they keep locked up here." “Really?” I inquired. “That’s…different. Able is an SCP?” I asked, haven't really delved into much SCP stuff cause I thought I would never have had to deal with them. "Yes. 073 to be precise. My mother is his warden. She's the only person on staff that can beat him in a fight and throw him back in his cell. One day twenty years ago on one of his breakout attempts, he broke down the door but didn't leave. She walked in, some talking later turned to, well, nine months later I'm born." AJ shrugged. "Don't get along with my dad. He's a piece of crap. Mom's been the only parent in my life. I did inherit some of my father's powers. Speed, agility, reflexes, strength, these runes make it harder for me to die, blood loss, disease, even most lethal injuries don't kill me as fast as they could. I also inherited his unique little power of pulling weapons from a form of pocket dimension. The act is so fast to most it's like it just materializes." AJ demonstrated as a black shield like he had earlier appeared in his hand again. "They're made of super dense metal similar to Adamantium. Endless to. Mostly would pull them out and let the metal workers us them to make other weapons, bullets and armor." “Huh, that’s actually really cool.” I said honestly. "Yeah well, given my old man's reputation it didn't give me a lot of friends growing up. Lot of kids, parents too all thought, still think, one day I'll just snap and be a mass murdering combat addict psychopath like him. I joined this because I want to prove them wrong. Long time ago they put my dad to a team too. For a while it worked out but then after it got slow he killed his whole team and went on a rampage. No doubt they're all saying I'll do the same." I frowned, pulling out my Assistant to figure out more on this supposed father of his. "You can read up on him all you want but the texts don't do the bastard justice." AJ said. "You can meet him if you want. Just make a request with the head of Euclid Class Containment." “Probably will…” I sighed. “Gonna have to learn a lot about SCP’s if I’m going to be apart of this group.” "Just remember, whether it's SCP monsters, Chaos Guild or other, we primarily capture and contain. While killing is accepted, they prefer and reward you for capturing monsters and Chaos Guild Members." "That's right. The stronger the beast the bigger the payout." Hugo added. “So best to capture everything…which doesn’t help me because I’m mostly putting skill’s in the Rage skill tree.” "Guess you'll be learning restraint then." AJ said. “Yeah, but best watch out when I go into a rage, I have a lot of skill’s that basically let me brush off a ton of damage and increases all my capabilities a lot.” "Says the horse that also got shot as much as we did." Hugo replied. “I wasn’t in my rage state.” I answered carefully. "Right, because being shot by .50 caliber AP rounds doesn't piss you off?" “I’ve been hit with .75 caliber, to 1.0 caliber Bolter rounds from World Eater Space Marines in Khorne's realm. Sure they still sting but still.” "Your armor sure seemed to think they hurt a lot more given it hasn't woken up yet." That did concern me that Cheat was still unconscious. “Okay yeah, I personally have a problem with that. Cheat was also taking those Bolter rounds just fine, and Bolter Rounds are a lot stronger than the AP rounds…so why was Cheat hurt so much and…why is she still unconscious?” I asked. “Actually! I suffered AP rounds before against a Human Purity Country! The fuck is wrong now!?” "Must be…" AJ hummed, finding a bullet on the ground and picking it up. "Yeah, this is Adamantium. Or close to it. Probably forged from the shields I give to the blacksmiths. This stuff in a bullet can pierce anything not made of a material stronger than itself, explains why they broke my shield after a while." “I…I guess that makes sense…” I said worriedly. “I…I hope Cheat’s alright…I still need to find three other pieces of her to finish up the set but…she’s been strong enough for everything else…” "Hmm… at two pieces, your armor would have the density and durability of high grade steel. Three it will be like trying to deal with a carbon fiber laces suit of titanium. Four, then you're in the same basic ballpark as my shields. All five will actually surpass that and be akin to Vibranium. There are stronger upgrades but you'll probably have to utilize specific skill trees and cross branch skills to improve from there." AJ said, more like they were thinking out loud. "The fact they've been taking damage from things like that must mean the symbiote itself is also very powerful. I assume you let them consume your enemies corpses?" “Yeah, it’s also how I became an Alicorn.” I said, lightly fluttering my wings and tapping my horn to prove a point. “Was an Earth Pony before…oh yeah, and also we absorbed the Harran Type 4 virus and the Nemesis Strain so that should also help if you needed to know.” "Hmm… assuming they have the same basic symbiote biological storage and reprogramming abilities all share then it's likely they've also modified themselves with all the excess genetics, which would explain how they've handled damage that bad despite being not even half completed. The strain though must be difficult on them." I sighed, knowing it’s my fault that Cheat’s now getting so hurt…was so sure that everything was fine, we’ve taken hits together and she was fine before…”Wish I knew that before…” "Button, right?" CJ asked as I nodded. "It goes a bit further than that. See, your Symbiote is also armor. Typically a Symbiote can temporarily act as armor while also primarily acting as a form of secondary biological systems management for their host. Normally Symbiotes work on healing their host, modifying them with genetic materials from their meals, and so forth as well as being a secondary source of mana and energies when the hosts primaries run dry. Yours however is designed with defense and offense in mind on top of the basic work a Symbiote does. If they're also working on your psychological well being too then that's three different things the one symbiote is managing for you. Completed or not, they must be exhausted." I… I mean… Cheat has been… rather quiet the last few… oh… oh no… “I need to get home! Now!” I said in growing panic, rushing to the door and trying to get back home to be with Cheat, to apologize, to make sure she’s okay at least! “Oh god, I didn’t know…what have I done?” "Hey- relax!" AJ said, grabbing me by my scruff like a foal. Damn tall ass humans! "She's not in danger or hurt Button. Just tired. It's like working overtime at a laborious job. She's unconscious right now, right? Just means she's probably getting all the rest she's been needing." “I should have known damn it!” I snapped, tearing up at my mistake. “I…I didn’t know…” "It's not exactly that common of knowledge, plus Symbiotes that can do what yours does are rare." “Well…she does turn into Berserker Armor from what I was told.” I said honestly. "Any Symbiote that also primaries as armor or a weapon is rare." “I mean…Venom and his brand of symbiotes beg to differ.” I said, knowing that those kinds of symbiotes were a lot more common and could act as both. "While true they aren't really considered weapons. They just modify their bodies to form and harden using materials existing in their host and themselves." “I still should have noticed…Cheat never said anything, I tried to be careful…” "If they never said than it's probably because they knew you'd worry or try and compensate somehow. That would have hurt you more making them comfortable." I winced at how… accurate that was. “Why am I not allowed to be mad!? Upset!? Literally anything as I keep seeing more reasons why I’m screwing up?” I growled, struggling against his grip as I just wanted to do…something, anything to help the people I care about…it’s the least I can do instead of making them all worry or get themselves hurt in the process of my mistakes. "If you want to help them that badly you can always take in another Symbiote." “Well…uh…” I tried to think. “Wait, Kevin should still be in me…he…might be our symbiote son? I don’t actually know, but Cheat said she was creating a new being from the genetics of all the being’s we’ve devoured…has his own personality and the like but…not sure how that fully works as a whole…” I explained, though I was pretty sure I would need another symbiote at this point. "Genetics or memories?" “Uh…I think mostly genetics? Cause it’s a brand new person all together…I think she also used memories to help but honestly I’m not entirely sure how she was able to do that to begin with considering she’s just…messing with genetics to that level.” "A Symbiote can easily make a new entity out of memories and fragments but out of genetics alone… no, no I doubt that. Not without a lot of help. You are best off getting another Symbiote. It will lighten the load for you, and her." “Unless you have a spare symbiote lying around, I’m gonna be shit out of luck for who knows how long.” I said honestly. “Cause even though I have this prize multiplier…wasn’t really finding anything too fantastic on the rare side. "Not personally but I'm willing to bet you can purchase one from the armory." “The armory just…sells symbiotes?” I asked, now honestly confused at that. "Symbiotes don't normally obtain a consciousness until they are linked to a host, or personality. Symbiotes found as loot are often put in the armory or even sold to us by travelers and such since not too many people like having an extra voice or two in their head that isn't their own." “I…suppose that makes sense.” I nodded. “But it’s probably gonna be expensive…” "Actually… you know what, might be best to show you after all this." “Probably.” I sighed. Thankfully the rest of the exams were put on hold, given Cheat was still out cold. So AJ lead me to the Armory, Hugo following because he could apparently. Once there, AJ asked for the inventory for Symbiotes, all kinds. “How many Symbiote types are there?” I inquired. The quartermaster handed AJ the list and he handed it to me- Five hundred!! "As you can see, they're not a popular thing." “Five hundred…” I said in surprise. “Jeez…I know you said they weren’t popular but damn.” "Check the prices." I looked over at- fifty to a hundred rem each?! “The hell? How can they be this inexpensive and not wanted?” "For the most part not everyone likes another voice in their head, and not everyone likes the symbiote diet of flesh, blood and brain matter." “Yeah…that’s fair.” I nodded, looking over the many…many symbiotes to see if there was anything special here. "It might be best you get two. There's a few there that are also weapons, so armor, weapons, and one to handle the basic bodily stuff." “Alright…” I said, quickly reading over each one to make sure which one would be the best suited for me and my needs. Most seem to be your basic symbiote. One was also an ax, another was a bow. Hello… Blades of Chaos Symbiote? “Blades of Chaos symbiote?” I inquired. “That sounds neat, I’ll pick this one.” "I had a feeling you would. It's a Berserker style Symbiote like your current one, and being a weapon based one can have the ability to change and create new forms based on how you're fighting." AJ said with a nod. "You gonna pick a normal one now? Might as well nab then both." I looked back at the list. Hmm… well, most of these seem pretty cut and dry… three Symbiotes… how many can someone even have? “So, before I grab this…how many can a person have at one time?” "Well, you've had yours for a while I imagine. Your body can probably safely host five currently… and after that, well so long as you let your body safely adjust you can actually host hundreds, thousands. No limit so long as you let your body adjust in increments." “Alright…so best go with two or three…” I said carefully, looking over the others to see which other one or two I should grab. I was looking through the others here. Hmmm… huh… Nanobot Symbiote? “Ah, yes, Nanomachines, son.” I chuckled. “They can in fact harden when subjected to physical trauma if you use them like that.” AJ pointed out. “Alright, so got Blades of Chaos and Nanomachines…should I get another or is this good?” "The Nanobot Symbiote will help you alot by allowing you to consume metals and inorganic objects and add them to your body like cybernetics. So, one to handle your organic functions soly is a good idea." “Alright, so one more for organics.” I said, looking over the other symbiotes to see what would fit well with what I’ve got going on. Hmm… all these basic ones can easily handle that. Wonder if there is anything special here- Hello special. Mutation Symbiote. “Mutation Symbiote, I like the sound of that.” I said. “What special mutation are you?” "Oh, that one would be perfect for you." AJ said. "They specialize in their hosts body and DNA. Anything and anyone organic you eat it can effortlessly pick through and add useful genetics, create mutations over time and I hear the strong ones over time can even replicate an Ability from their prey as long as it's genetic in nature, which a lot are." “Oh now that is cool.” I said with a smile, grabbing the Mutation Symbiote as well. “These three please.” I said to the armory employee, remembering how my mom told me to respect the retail workers cause of the stuff they have to deal with on a daily basis. I paid two hundred rem for all three. The Mutation Symbiote looked like if flesh and slime were the same thing with patches of gray and what almost looks like arteries along it's body. The Nanobot Symbiote looked like liquid mercury with a dash of glitter. Lastly, the Chaos Blades Symbiote looked, well, like the Blades of Chaos. Just blank and without color or design. "Well, for the Nanobot and Mutation Symbiote just open their holding canisters. For the blades one, just pick them up." AJ informed. “Alright.” I nodded, grabbing the Nanomachine one first and opening the holding canister towards me. Immediately the glittering Mercury like form of it reached out and attached to my skin passing through my coat immediately. It felt cold and sleek, just like metal. It flowed from the canister and into my skin where I could feel it spreading out and getting accustomed to my body. That is a whole different feeling compared to Cheat. New Symbiote Obtained and Synchronized. Name: Java Personality Generated. "Host. Button Mash." Woah! Their voice sounds mechanical. Guess I should have expected that. "I am ready to perform operations at your digression." “Nice to meet you.” I mentally nodded. “How do you feel about having roommates in my head?” "Indifferent." “Fair enough.” I mentally nodded, grabbing the Mutation Symbiote and opening it up for me. Much like Java, the Mutation Symbiote reached out and latched onto my skin. It felt warm and admittedly a bit sticky but it felt the same as it assimilated into my body. New Symbiote Obtained and Synchronized. Name: Keven. Personality Generated. Keven? "Hi. I'm Keven." “Hi Kevin…so, how do you feel about roommates and there being another person named Kevin living in here?” "I'm fine with it." He replied, sounding kinda… well, not what I expected for a Mutation Symbiote. Kind of expected a deeper voice and such but, guess it's not always what you expect. Now finally, Blades of Chaos Symbiote. I picked the two twin blades up. Each was about half the size of my wings, jagged and sharp. Immediately, chains from the handles wrapped around me. They felt white hot as it was like it but ed as it merged into my body, the chains sinking into my body and spreading out as if wrapping around my bones. Eventually the handles too reached my skin, but rather than merge In they hung there, fastened to my body just under the joints where my wings were on my back. New Symbiote Obtained and Equipped. Name: Vengeance. Personality Generated. "Well well well, what have we here?" Spoke a feminine, authoritative voice that was like… kinda reminded me of Princess Celestia only slightly more gravely and deeper. "My host must be lonely. Four Symbiotes, one of which is asleep but like me? Oh the poor dear is all tuckered out." “Yeah…that’s…my fault…” I mentally sighed. “So hello Java, Vengeance and Kevin, I’m Button Mash…and as you can probably tell, I am a complete mess of a pony.” "I wouldn't say a mess." Keven said. "Host is adequate." Java said. "It would seem you're rather hell bent on pushing yourself. Color me Impressed." Vengeance said. “Well, at least you three seem to believe I’m not a hot mess.” I mentally sighed. “So yeah, Cheat, the other Symbiote, is sleeping because…I didn’t know I was overworking her…” "Let the poor thing take her rest. Why don't you and I get more acquainted?" Vengeance suggested. “Alright, but just to warn you…I have put in quite a lot of skill points into rage based skills…” I said, trying to summon Vengeance. Immediately from their spot under my wings the blades rose out and floated next to me. The blades no longer the former plane and blank look, now appearing a jet black almost obsidian like color, the blades looking more like a crystal. Along the sides and merging into the handles were silver and gold colored skeletal Alicorns with flames coming out from their bones and eye sockets. "My specialty." “Cool.” I commented with a warm smile. > Chapter 10: Hope > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After my classes were done I went home, did a double take as not only was this place looking good but there was also a fucking dome over us… what the? Well, at least this stops those annoying hunters, lickers and that one flying zombie…  Plus, now everyone can walk around in the streets now. This is good, this is- "Button Mash?" I turned and looked up and saw an MTF agent there. “Yes?” I asked. “Just heading home.” "Understood, just passing out your citizenship ID." The MTF said, handing me a rather SI-FI looking card. It was like holding a hologram. "Most everyone else has one already and your children will be eligible for a physical one at age ten. This also lets us know you and your mates are their parents should you temporarily lose the child." “Alright.” I nodded.  “And hopefully I won’t lose any of my children.” With a nod he left.  I looked the card over, it seemed to give my name, Assistant Number, a list of all my mates including the Breeder Girls, current born children, my adopted kids I… also orphaned, and even how many kids my pregnant mates are expecting each… that's lot of detail. There was other info here but I'll look at that more later. I went back to my home, the apartment had some renovations and now simply had the number 48 on the side and the old name of the building removed. Huh. Guess this is officially my home if it's now for an address. I decided to check my ID, my address was 48 Luther RD, Apt 51. Oh, so it is still an apartment - wait, only a single unit? There's too many of us for that- unless… is there also that magic space expanding stuff there now?! “Uh…okay…” I muttered, not sure how they managed to do all of this so insanely quickly as I went inside and to the floor my unit was on and opened the door to my ‘apartment’ and hoped the place was big enough for everyone. Inside was… a living room. Huge, like, almost half the floor size alone. I smiled. This solves so many issues- "Master!" I yelped as all my Breeder Girls were there, pulled me in and all tried hugging me at the same time. Save Lola. She still has her mind and has some restraint but was still part of the mob. "Sorry Button, they were basically waiting at the door for you to return." Cream said after they finally put me down after each giving me a kiss. Well… that's one way to be welcomed home… “How are you all doing today?” "We are so happy to be here, now closer to you than ever Master!" Kara said with glee, her tail tip wagging frantically… actually all of theirs were. Save Lola who just kept a smile on her face. “I’m glad you're all doing good.” I said warmly. "Yeah, also she wants to talk to you." Cream said, pointing a hoof at the couch where a woman, yellow hair, cat like ears and tail sat in a suit but spotted a Pin of the SCP New Foundation logo. It was basically the old one but had several segments inside that circle. "Says she's from Civilian Civil Services." I don't even know what that is… yet it makes me feel terrified. “I didn’t do anything.” I said nervously to the lady. "Button Mash, good you finally arrived. I am Ava Cooks, I was assigned to your Family Case given the… circumstances." She addressed me, professional and forward like an Equestrian Crown Employee… "Now then, according to the file you have twelve Breeders, eleven of which were purchased directly from Lust and one that was a rescue from a raid on a Lust facility. As well as thirty adopted children that were mind wiped and taken here after you slaughtered two Puritan Colonies." She listed off. I gulped. “Is…is that all a bad thing?” I asked worriedly. "Legally, no. Purchasing Breeders directly from a Chaos Guild seller is not illegal but is frowned upon. From now on should you decide you wish to acquire another Breeder, Serf, Slave, or even a Lover, Ally or Servant Class please contact me and I can schedule a tour of the adoption centers." I blinked. "As for the children, Puritan Colonies are often a hot spot where Chaos Guilds sell them weapons and they enslave and mistreat others not of their species. Saving those children while admirable, I did note they have no recollection of their home or prior families, just their names and a deep seated fear of you. I have scheduled a therapist for them as to hopefully build up better relationships with them and yourself as you are their legal adoptive father figure." “Well…that works I suppose.” I said honestly. “Just…sorry for buying from the Chaos Guilds…didn’t really have much choice at the time…” "No need to apologize. We regularly purchase them in bulk as well as acquire them from those who saved them from chaos Guilds. This way we can ensure they aren't abused while in the warehouses, bred in brothels or neglected. And we can always keep an eye on the ones who adopt or purchase them within our settlements and allies Settlements to ensure this. Keep in mind Button Mash we take this VERY seriously. Regular inspections of your Breeders and any other Chaos Guild reprogrammed individual will be conducted and if we discover any neglect, a penalty and fine will be issued to you. If we detect abuse then we will remove the Breeder, Slave and or Serf from your person and arrest you for upwards of ten years and blacklist you from future adoptions. Do I make myself clear?" She said with a smile… making all that more terrifying to hear… “I wasn’t going to do anything like that to begin with, I want to burn Lust to the ground and have the higher ups watch as they are helpless and in pain till I make sure they stay permanently dead.” "You and damn near everyone else who adopts." Ava said. "Now that the formalities are out of the way it's time for the paperwork." She said, tapping her Assistant - Thud! A stack of papers and folders all taller than the tallest of my Den Mothers was now on the floor. “No~...” I said breathlessly at the absolute nightmare of papers. "Firstly, employment. You yourself are currently enrolled in the MTF program. As such your earning while in the Program add up to fifty thousand rem a week, two hundred thousand rem a month and two million, four hundred thousand rem a year. Currently as a means of supporting the residents in your dwelling, primarily Costs of food are the only expense you will need to worry as the unite spatial transformation engine also provide heating, cooling, power and water, but your other expenses over time, baby food, clothes, diapers, any repairs to furniture and or electronics as well as the added fees should you decide to have a trainer help teach your Breeders skills outside the bedroom, and a minimum of a thousand rem to a savings emergency fund, comes to two thousand rem a week to spend or eight thousand rem a month for personal expenses." Numbers make my head feel spinny… "So…yeah…" I said slowly, rubbing my head lightly. How I could understand complicated math in video games fine but real life math still astouns me. "Is there something unclear Button Mash?" "Just…a lot of numbers…and a lot of things…" I said carefully  "Oh, let me repeat." Before Ava could repeat, Philomena spoke up. "Simply put you are saying that current as an MTF trainee he will bake just barely enough to pay for the food to feed his current family size but you mentioned something about a trainer for our Breeders as well as I'm assuming bringing up other alternative means of income or cost reduction investments?" "Correct." Ava said with a nod. “So…there’s a way to help the Breeders…not be…as dependant on me?” "Oh they will still lust and obsess over you." Ava said. "But we can teach them skills to help both bring extra income into your residency and keep them busy and active so they at least aren't waiting for you at the door as they were just now. Granted some will have to remain to tend to the newborns and it's required that they rotate out to keep their psychological health at peak."  "I see. Well, Lola is a Breeder but has retained her memories, and she was and still is quite a powerful combatant." Philomena informed. "I am well aware. It is the eleven others I'm more concerned with." Ava said. "You yourself are a Servant Class, but with a sub class as Mistress which basically makes you both a Servant and Lover Class together, add to your Servant Classing being a Nanny, I take it you will reside at home both to keep it functioning and orderly?" "I was already planning on that." Philomena nodded. I was honestly amazed how well Philomena kept up and understood. Meanwhile I'm taking a minute or ten to process this all… “Alright…I’m really glad your here Philomena.” "Happy to oblige Master Button." Philomena said. "In that case we can move onto the financial investments. A good way to cut your food bills up to seventy percent or even a hundred percent is if you purchase a Terraform Engine and install it to your unit engine. This will allow you to create a new room with essentially an old realm size planet." "I see, you're suggesting we buy it to create an Eden Garden. That would definitely remove food and other expenses down to zero." “And…how much would it cost us to get a Terraform Engine?” I asked carefully. "The smallest one capable of making a planet roughly twenty five thousand miles In circumference with a customizable land and ocean mass ratio on the surface typically runs for three million rem." “I mean…while I could make that in three years, I know I can make three million rem from just doing a dungeon run with my loot multiplier.” I said readily. "Does your current schedule allow for such free time?" Ava said. "MTF training will take anywhere from six to eight hours of your day, add to your time keeping your Breeders happy and being a father to your children is there any time for a dungeon run?" … Wow… these people brought the dull grind of the daily workforce to this hell hole planet and make it feel like the normal worlds… gotta respect that actually… “Not the first time I’ve had to do more than twenty hours of stuff till I’m exhausted.” I said honestly. “And apparently not the last…” "No overworking yourself." Cream said. “And there’s more important things to be done, plus, only a ‘mild training exercise’ was overworking for both me and Cheat so no.” "Good. Means you will be tired and can't overwork yourself when you get home." Sweetie spoke up. "Finally." Maud added. “Do you think that’ll stop me?” I asked. "If not us, they have full permission to keep you pinned. For use." Cream added, motioning to the Breeders who all, even Lola, looked very excited. “Why am I not allowed to do thing’s all of a sudden?” I huffed. "Were you not complaining yesterday about worrying about being a bad father?" Philomena asked with a raised brow. "You can't be absent from your child's childhood and be a good father Master Button. So it's your unhealthy desire to train or your family." My jaw might as well have fallen off… “It’s because of my family that I’m training.” I tried to defend myself. “Even with all our new help…it can all be taken away…” "So you doubt the New Foundation and all our resources and members can adequately protect your loved ones?" Ava asked. I flinched. “N-no?” I said carefully. “Why would I doubt your help? It’s not like I’ve been one of the few people having to make sure his entire family has been safe for years from this entire zone and paying off Chaos Guilds, and then, out of nowhere, all my strength that I’ve gotten so far has been…oh I don’t know…made completely pointless in less than ten minutes, so clearly me wanting to be stronger to protect my family just means nothing in the end cause now we have you all here.” I said, feeling my blood boil as I gave that minor rant. "Mister Button Mash, I understand your fears. Your time on Armageddon has not been easy but make no mistake the MTF training you are being Paid while undergoing is that training. Meaning it's already made to help you improve and strengthen yourself. While under New Foundation citizenship, your family will be protected, that is no mere promise, that is a fact." She added emphasis on that. "And all your family is asking for is to leave your training at your job to make time for them. Is that such a hard thing to do?" I sighed. "Fine…I'll try…" "Good. Now, these documents will require your signatures, at least those here that are not Breeders." It took an hour but we signed everything and she put away all but a single folder.  "Now then, this folder holds all the contact information for Civil Services and how to go about filing any documents. This also contains information on your unit and some of the remodels the area has undergone." "Alright." I nodded, opening the file to see what was remodeled and all the other nonsense I have to deal with. Hmm. Apartment's are all that, one fire station is back up and running, a few restaurants and stores. Post office. So far, normal… heh. It's gonna take a long time before I get used to normal. “Man…going from what we’ve been doing to…this being normal again…” I chuckled. "If you feel that there are struggles to adapt to a sense of normalcy please contact one of the therapists listed within." With that, Ava got up and took her leave. I sighed, jumping into and flopping on the couch. I felt as Sweetie, Cream, and Maud all climbed on there to. To my right was Sweetie, left of me was Maud and laying on my back was Cream. "Was that so hard?" Cream asked. "Yes…" I sighed. "You don't need to shoulder the safety of the town anymore Button. Isn't that a good thing?" Maud asked. "It should be…but I've been doing it for so long it feels…wrong…" I sighed. "It might be for a while but this is a good thing." Sweetie added. "We have safety, we have normalcy now, you can finally be a dad to your kids. It's what you wanted." "I know…but what if I can't be a good father and can only…be out there?" "Being a parent isn't something most people immediately know how to do. You learn over time." Maud said. "They are right. Even we Den Mothers learn new things. We might have the inborn talent and biology to be mother's but each baby is going to be different so we need to learn and adapt more." Philomena added. I sighed. "Fine, fine…I understand." "Besides, you've done a lot since we ended up here. You deserve some peace." Sweetie added. “Yeah yeah…” I sighed, still hoping Cheat was okay. "I took the liberty of arranging the bedroom. Unfortunately they lack a mattress that can rest all of us at once so I good several of the largest they offered and arranged those for a bed." Philomena said. "The nursery is also set up and connected to our bedroom by a door, closet and bathroom are both large enough to accommodate us all up to four at a time if need be, we have our food in the fridge plus pantry space and a larger storage room. The engine In the unit can easily make bedrooms for the infants as they get older and leave the nursery, the children all old enough already do. And, immature you'll find this the best part, we have television, internet and phone calls all within the settlement and up to two thousand miles away from it." “Alright.” I nodded. “At least we got everything settled for the moment…just…feels weird…” "It will be a while before you can destress about that stuff." Cream said, putting her hooves to my neck and massaging it from her laying on my back… ahh… that feels nice actually… "Just relax for now." It felt nice being like this. It will definitely take a while before things get to a sense or normal but all in all… this shouldn't be so scary for me. Come on Power Up, just a little more and… "Bwuhb…" She said, plopping to her belly and giggling. I chuckled, trying to help her learn to crawl at least. “Adorable.” I couldn’t help but say at my adorable daughter. “Come on, one more try.” "Wap!" She replied, gumming at her own hoof. "I still can't believe you got more symbiotes when I was unconscious…" Cheat grumbled. After a night's sleep, Cheat woke up, then woke me up with a scream that even if only I heard it, made me feel like I was gonna be deaf for a week.  "Not like you and him aren't one in the same running yourself ragged no better than he was." Vengeance spoke up. "Piss off dagger whore!" "I'm actually more akin to a short sword given my blades length." “I got them so you don’t overwork yourself. I’m the one that’s supposed to overwork myself.” I mentally told her. "Bitch I will impregnate you if you throw that backwards ass, helps no one, logic at me!" Cheat declared… honestly the weirdest threat ever… “Then why in Mother’s name did you not tell me you were overworking yourself?” I countered. “Threats mean nothing when you yourself were being assbackwards about this.” "Where do you think I learned that from?! Besides, if I told you I was overworking myself you'd bitch about not wanting me to overwork yourself while basically overworking yourself to death and that's beyond the pot calling the kettle black." “Like you were to me or with everyone else?” I pointed out. “Cause both of us are in the wrong, but at least I admitted it when everyone was telling me I was…you never once mentioned it…or anyone called you out on it…” "Yes, we're both at fault, but remind me who kept jumping in head first for hours on end with little sleep in combat? When did I get to rest keeping you armored?!" “And this is why I got the other three.” I stated simply. “So you can rest, also why didn’t you fucking tell me you needed to rest?” "Because if I slept while you were still awake, you'd just be doing the same thing with no armor…" “Then what about the times I was out without my armor on when you were pregnant? Or taking care of our kid?” I asked. "You weren't dealing with guns and enemies that had an IQ. Besides, like halfway into that pregnancy I merged our bodies so you would rest. Might not care about your life but it took me basically possessing you plus our unborn daughter to get you to fucking stop." I looked down at Power Up, who rolled onto her back now. “My point still stands tho.” I said, lightly poking Power Up’s exposed stomach and hearing her giggle happily at that. "You two are a lot alike." Keven the symbiote said. "I agree." Vengeance added. “I mean…they did get their personality from me originally…kinda.” I brought up. "I identify as your sexy big sister." Cheat added, making me frown… Power Up began to cry at this point so I picked her up and bounced her lightly in my hooves. “It’s alright Power, it’s alright.” I said softly, trying to calm down my crying foal. She wasn't a very fussy foal, but sometimes she just cried for no reason. I bounced her a bit and pat her back, thinking it might be gas. “Don’t cry Power Up…everything’s okay.” She eventually settled down, falling asleep in my hooves and I held her close… "Despite it all… the fact is, our kids deserve to know their father, and maybe one day I can get another body and they can know their mom… tell you what? You stop overworking yourself, and I'll do the same. Deal?" Cheat asked. “Alright.” I said simply. I carefully put her back into her crib then checked on my other children. Dovahkiin's crib was next to hers. My little boy was cuddled up to a plush Minecraft Creeper I found in a toy store. I smiled warmly. “Love you my children.” I said warmly. Dova stretched in his sleep. Agh, too cute! The next crib held all my kids with Philomena. The little half fox half pony pups all refusing to sleep in their own cribs alone. “So…many kids…” I sighed, hoping to be a good father to all of them. They all enjoyed sleeping in a pile. Pressed up against and onto one another. It still feels so weird… these are my kids… "Well yeah, you sure as hell had fun making them with us all~" Cheat teased. “Shush you.” I blushed. “But…so many kids…all of them are mine…I can’t believe it..” "Not including the unborn your Breeders are carrying and the infants you adopted will grow up seeing you as a parent." Vengeance added. I looked over at those cribs. Every time I saw them I did feel guilty… I kidnapped them, killed their families, and then having Parker erase the older ones memories… wonder if I got a Dark Skill doing that and didn't realize… “This sucks…so many of the kids I have…I got from murdering their family…” I did decide to check. Should be in the Sin Tree… here it is… in Pride. Child Abductor: Children, be them of your slain enemies or elsewhere, when kidnapped by you will over time see you as their parent. If memories are erased or they are taken as infants, effect is quickened by 50% I hate this… "Useful however." Vengeance spoke up. “This fucking sucks, I don’t care if it’s ‘Useful’...why does this world want to spite me?” “I don’t think Spite is the right word… Think about it, you’ve met the soul of the planet already, a child who wants the surface to have people, friends. It’s the Chaos Guilds who taint this desire.” “Cause apparently Nexus was super salty about their loss and then everyone else just kinda decided to be as horrible a person as possible.” “I think the point ms. twin stabbers is trying to make is that if the planet’s soul is giving you these abilities, maybe you’re looking at them wrong.” Cheat said. “Ah, yes, cause how else can I look at them when they all embody the Seven Deadly Sins?” “Not all of them, but think about it. Aside from destroying your enemies base, what else is the hardest hitting way to eradicate your enemies? Remove the possibility of a next generation. You would never kill a child, so this is the lesser of major evils.” Vengeance stated. “I know…but it still sucks.” I commented. “You should probably check in on those kids, as far as they know you are their parent.” Cheat added. “Yeah…I have a lot to do.” I mentally said, heading off to try and find the other kids. Each kid had their own room. Youngest of them was three, the oldest was eleven if I remember. I gave one more look to all the cribs and infants in the nursery before heading out to the hallway and heading to the first of the doors. The name on it read ‘Ned’. I took a deep breath… this… will not be comfortable. I knocked on the door carefully to Ned’s room. “Ned? You in there?” “Ah, uh…. Yes?” He replied from inside. The fact his first response started with a yelp is already a bad sign… “Can I come in?” “...yeah?” They said. I swallowed and entered. Ned was human, green eyes, blond hair. His room was simple, a box of toys, a bed, a desk, some books. Dresser, closet. He was sitting at his desk awkwardly. “Hi…” “Hey Ned.” I said softly. “How are you doing?” “...Okay?” He replied, clearly nervous and avoiding eye contact with me. I sighed. “You can be honest with me.” “About…?” “Anything.” I said honestly. “You can talk to me…I don’t want you to be nervous or scared around me.” “I uh… don’t know what to talk about…” “It’s alright, take your time.” I said, gently sitting down. “You can talk to me about anything…” We sat there in an awkward silence for a while. “So… uh… I heard you’re a hermaphrodite?” “Yes, I am.” I nodded. “Were you… always one?” “No, I was a normal male before.” I said honestly. “Oh… so, why the change?” “Cheat got involved when she fused herself with me after she got a mare body…and then I just kinda…stuck with it.” I shrugged. “Huh…” "So…what have you been doing so far?" “Some studying… some reading…” "What you studying?" I inquired. “Math and… some herbology.” Herbology? Ned is nine if I remember, that’s surprising. "That's neat. What part of herbology are you on right now?" “Mostly it’s common herbs and plants and their medicinal uses. Easy, basic stuff.” "That's good." I nodded. "Best to start off with the basics." “Uh… So, what brings you to… my room?” "I wanted to see how my kids are doing." I said carefully. "Cause I want to be a good father to you all." “Right… Umm… so, how are we uh… related? We aren’t the same species and no one else aside from some of the other kids are human so… where did we come from?” Ah crap… "Well…uh…" I said worriedly, trying to think of what to say. "Magic?" “You…. Fuck it, I got this.” Cheat said before I felt her drag me into the backseat and she took over. “By that, I mean you and your siblings are… adopted.” “Adopted? Are we from prize pods?” Ned asked. “No, see, you were being held by… not very nice people, so a friend and I dealt with them and rescued you all.” “Oh… but, why don’t I remember any of that, or any of us?” “My friend felt it would be best if you didn’t remember what you all went through. They were horrible people and were treating you all horrible. I will admit, when we were rescuing you I was… scary to you all, but I promise I did it all to help you. It’s why you all have a fear of me, what they did to you and seeing hos scary I was in combat… I’m sorry.” If I could I’d have dropped my jaw… Cheat lied, a huge ass lie that also took the truth and twisted it into a whole new thing. “Oh… Huh…” Ned said, looking thoughtful. “Well… I guess that makes sense. So, what does that make us then?” “I like to think of you as my own now, I promise I will always keep you all safe, but if you don’t feel the same way about me, you can just call me Button, I won’t force anything on you.” “Heh… thanks Button.” Ned said, actually smiling at me. “You’re welcome Ned.” With that, Cheat moved us outside the room, closed the door and let me back at the wheel. “You’re welcome.” “Shut up, it was awkward and I wasn’t sure what to say. He’s already scared of me…” “Well he’s now less scared of you and feels a bond. Besides, it wasn’t a complete lie. Better they know a half truth than a complete lie.” “I know…but…this is all still new to me and it’s…rough.” “I know, but at least there’s now a step in the right direction with Ned.” “I know…” I sighed. “I just hope I can be a good dad to everyone…” “It will take time. Just give it a while, spend time with them each or in small groups. Eventually their fears will pass. Plus they are seeing therapy now..” I was thankful for that and walked over to the next door. The name on this one was Pickles. They were a filly from that Pony Puritan colony, a blue mane but a moss green coat and eyes. I went to knock on the door but it opened, apparently not having been closed. She was only three, and she laid on the ground drawing. Her room was similar to Ned’s save the desk and bed being smaller and all kinda of toys scattered on the floor. Dolls and building blocks. “Hello?” I asked the young Pickles. She looked up to me and to my shock, smiled. “Mommy!” What? She then tackled my leg and clung to it giggling.  “Awe, so cute!” Cheat said. “She is cute…” I mentally agreed. “How are you doing Pickles? And I’m daddy, not mommy.” She giggled again. “Mommy looks like daddy.” She said. Huh? “Wait, does she mean me?” Cheat asked, taking over. “Do you mean me Pickles?” Cheat asked, speaking to her. “Mommy!” She repeated, latching onto our neck, clinging/dangling/hugging us from there. “Well…looks like they like you more.” “They didn’t seem scared of you either…” Cheat added. “Sweetie, what do you think of daddy?” “Daddy and mommy look the same. Daddy pretty!” Pickle’s replied. “Very pretty.” Cheat added mentally more for me to hear. “Well, thank you.” I said warmly, taking the wheel back from Cheat. Pickles proceed to climb up and onto my back. “Are you gonna play?” “Of course.” I said warmly. “What do you want to play?” “I wanna play princess.” She said. “Sure.” I said with a smile, knowing it'll hurt my masculinity a bit but ot\s for my adorable daughter. “Button I’ve both made and been there to see you scream when enjoying the other organ you have, thanks to me, and those were in no way masculine.” “I will make Vengeance into the head symbiote if you don’t stop sassing me.” I mentally countered readily. “That’s fine. I could always move to the vagina and help make sure you make those rather feminine screams~” “Why are you all red Daddy?” Pickles asked. “I will personally kick you out of me, Cheat.” I told her. “Don’t worry about it Pickles.” I said softly. “No you won’t. Now, how do you even play Princess?” For the next two hours or so I played Princess with Pickles. It mostly consisted of me using magic or my wings to make her feel like an alicorn herself, since she was an earth pony she enjoyed it greatly, all the way until she tuckered out. Once she did, I tucked her in bed and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all… I left her room and quietly closed the door. “That was nice.” I thought warmly. “And you’re all worried about being a good father.” “It can be a fluke, just a lucky chance for me with Pickles…” I mentally sighed. “You have way too little faith in yourself.” “Am I supposed to have faith in myself?” “You do when in bed, just bring that out into other stuff and you’re golden.” “Eh. So, who’s next?” “TRAINING COMPLETED. YOU HAVE ALL PASSED.” Linn announced as we wrapped up another training day of being shot at with high penetration bullets. I won’t lie, I have definitely gotten faster. Even fully armored I can move about as fast as AJ. “Finally…” I sighed. “Another successful day.” “At least we only got shot a few times today.” AJ sighed, the two of us walked down the hallway together as Hugo already ran off to do his own thing. AJ and I got along well. “Yeah…a lot better than our first class.” I said honestly. “How’s home life been?” I nodded, it’s been a month since the New Foundation moved in and all in all, things have been quiet and calm. Still not completely used to it but at least at home I’m not constantly listening for a hunter or something anymore. “Quiet, but that’s fine.” I shrugged. “That’s good. How about the Breeders? Their training help them learn skills for work?” “Yes, thankfully they have been taking all the training well and are…at least, a little less…egregious.” “Still trying to get you to hump them every second of every day though huh?” AJ asked as I nodded. “Even Lola?” “Well, Lola is more in control of herself than the others…so every three days.” “Ah. Well at least that’s… marginally better.” AJ said. “She still breaks your hips though huh?” I sighed… were she not that huge it wouldn't be much of an issue… “Sadly…” I shook my head. “Yikes.”  We walked to one of the cafeterias. We usually get something small to snack on and then I go home. I got a slushie and he got a coffee. “So, what about the kids?” “They’re all doing great, thankfully I’m at least a competent dad.” “That’s nice. At least you seem more confident about it than before,” “Well…I have to be for them.” I said honestly. “Fair. At least you got a family to go back to, my place is empty.” “Really?” I inquired. “I know your mom is a Warden and your dad is…well, your dad, but I’m surprised you don’t have anyone around.” “Eh, being the son of one of the most deadly SCP monsters in containment doesn’t exactly net you many friends. Plus, I’m not too keen on adopting a Breeder…” “I’m not keen either…” I sighed. “I still hate how I needed the Breeders…but it was necessary, and it keeps them safe from deplorable people.” “Yeah. Better you than some asshole.” AJ nodded. “Yeah…and from what I’ve learned…those people are horrible.” “I can imagine. I’ve read a few reports on raids of their bases. Worst part is having to keep the owned ones in stasis.” “Oh…that’s awful…” I said nervously. AJ nodded, taking a swig of his coffee. “Owned Breeders like yours, as you know, are beyond loyal to their owners. Should their owner vanish, they will search for them endlessly, oftentimes wandering right into and through danger they can’t handle to find them. So, after Brenda escaped it became standard protocol to put all Breeders into stasis. Asleep until we can help them. Even resetting them and giving them new owners would be better than the fate they have without…” “Seriously, whoever came up with Breeder’s needs to get shot in the dick.” I said honestly. “Repeatedly…Mother almighty…” I groaned, drinking from my nice slushie. “Whatever the case, we can just hope there’s some mercy we can find a way to help them, otherwise… they might be stuck that way forever.” “Yeah…I thought I could use my Dark Skill tree’s to do…something…but then I’m told by said Dark Skill Tree’s to get fucked.” I frowned. We finished our drinks and then I went home. Let’s see… today, Lilly, Jackie, Meg, Haley, Kara and Lola are all at work still, meaning Beth, Karla, Grace, Zion, Kiara and Carley are home right now… And so are Sweetie and Maud given they’re pregnant and have yet to acquire jobs. “There are…so many people to talk to and spend time with…” I sighed, hating this one draw back to having a harem and so many kids is that I don’t really have much time for everyone. I opened the door and was immediately greeted by Lola, who picked me up and gave me a kiss. “Welcome home Master Button.” She said, placing me down. “How was training?” “It was fine, how are you doing Lola?” I asked with a smile. “I am well, I have helped Philomina cook and clean, tended to the young, calmed Pickles when she woke up from a bad dream and managed to sell off some of my milk for two thousand rem.” “That’s good.” I nodded. “Sounds like you had an eventful day.” “It was fine. The others are currently tending to and nursing the infants, Maud and Sweetie are at a check up for their pregnancies, and everyone else is currently at work.” Lola said, giving me another kiss.  “That’s good.” I nodded. “Just glad everything’s going well right now…still wish I could do…something more.” “You do more than enough Master Button.” Lola said, nuzzling my nose. “Do you need help relaxing?” “Well…yeah, getting some relaxing would help.” “Alright then, anything in particular or would you prefer a surprise~?” Lola asked, giving my nose a playful tap. “Let’s keep it a surprise.” I said as I counter booped Lola. Happily she picked me up and quickly made her way to the bedroom, then to my surprise, the bathroom and started a shower. A very clean-unclean-clean shower later Lola and I were out, still kissing a she dropped us both to the bed and practically tucked me between her top knockers. “Hehe, that was fun for you Master Button?” She asked. “Yes, yes it was.” I said with a smile. “At least this time my hips are still intact…” “Heh, yeah… and again, sorry for the tongue thing when I… put it up there… then up there… then almost swallowing you when we were…” We blushed… But I didn’t stop her for a reason… “Well…it was certainly an experience I will say.” I said honestly. “Shall we cuddle here while you enjoy my bosoms as your bed?” “Yes please.” I said happily, enjoying said bosoms happily. “Heh, TV on or off?” Hmm, Armageddon TV was pretty different from normal TV, but there was some interesting stuff on. “Well, maybe.” I said honestly. With a nod she turned on the TV. Felt kinda nostalgic seeing a TV be turned on with a remote control. Lola flipped channels until there was a documentary about a different zone and we laid there watching. About an hour in I felt sleepy and began to nod off. After all, I had a very soft, warm, squishy mattress ~ I found myself back in my old house now… wait a minute - "Hi Button." I looked down and saw Armageddon, still looking like foal me and playing on my old console sitting on the floor. “Hey there Armageddon.” I said honestly, walking over and sitting down next to them. “How have you been?” "Okay. Kinda bored." They shrugged. "You're doing well." “Well…better than I was before.” I sighed. “So, what you playing?” "Legend of Zelda." They replied. Wow, this is all pixels. Definitely not the ones I've gotten to play. Older most likely. "It's fun." “Glad you're having fun.” I nodded. “So, did you want to talk about something?” "... Well, kinda?" “What do you mean?” I inquired. “Like, me being here just, randomly happens?” "No, I brought your sleeping mind here it's just… I wanna tell you stuff, but I know if I do it will make dad mad. He says I'm not supposed to tell people stuff because it's against the rules." “So? Do these rules matter?” I asked, cause I have currently been told and shown that ‘Rules’ don’t really fucking matter on this planet. "He says they do. Says no one in The Family can break the Rules of Good and Evil, otherwise something really bad might happen…" “So, everything that I’ve seen, everything that I’ve experienced, and everything that I’ve been told, is within these ‘rules’? Is he smoking something beyond this reality cause I’m calling bullshit.” "Dad doesn't smoke… or eat… sometimes drinks but usually Orange Juice. But yes, everything on Armageddon is within the rules." “And what ‘rules’ are there that allows…literally anything on this planet to happen?” I asked. “Blatant disregard for anything, where the only thing keeping anyone from becoming a horrible person is based on will and morals…how is that within the rules?” "Uh… I don't know them all, but one was something like this… 'Good and Evil have no Free Will." I actually blinked at that. "Good and Evil shall be slaves to fate, and only those with free will shall be those who… uh, I can't remember the rest?" Armageddon said, scratching the back of their head. “So…basically what that means is…who cares, be as good or as evil as you want, it’ll all sort itself out…” I said slowly/ "I don't think so?" Armageddon replied. "I think there was a story with that rule but I can't remember… something about… unchecked good and evil being bad?" “So…make a planet with unchecked evil…got it.” I said, so absolutely lost and flabbergasted as to what I’m hearing. "No, dad checks all the evil going on." I’m even more lost here. “So…he checks all the evil going on…but everything that’s been going on is still a-okay…somehow.” I said carefully, trying to fathom half of this shit. "Yes." Armageddon said with a nod. "He also says the new arrivals make things more complicated." “I mean, completely unregulated systems turning people into Breeders which is absolutely horrific, experiments on weapons and materials that could destroy anything in it’s path, a guild that is nothing but a merciless band of barbarian’s on a quest to coat this entire planet in blood, all of that is fine, but people being kidnapped, that’s the line he draws.” I rolled my eyes. Oh "No, not that. People like you and Lovely."  “Wait, what?” I blinked. “What do you mean? Cause…Lovely was just…dropped here somehow, sure she’s an Isekai like me but…” "I dunno, but dad says that you all aren't even supposed to be here yet, or in this reality… or something. Makes keeping the checks in order harder. Or something like that." “Uh…” I frowned. “I…don’t like the sound of that…” I said nervously. “So…your telling me I’m…not even supposed to exist in this reality?” "Parallel and reflection versions of you that were born here, yeah sure, but you specifically, no. That is why they call you all Isekai. Or Displaced. Not supposed to be here but they can't send you back because something isn't ready or someone was causing trouble where you're from." “So…that’s…not good at all.” I said carefully. "I know, but, you're here now, and with a big family. Oh, that reminds me… I shouldn't tell you this… but I'm gonna." The little foal turned to look at me now. "Head to Tendeacovor." “Tendeacovor, got it.” I nodded. “Wherever the hell that is.” "It's a kingdom owned by the Chaos Guilds. There is… someone there, they can help your Breeders." “And that’s if they don’t immediately try to murder me on sight cause besides some people that just want to try and live a normal-ish life, the most I’ve heard about Chaos Guild’s is that their a massive pack of insane people that can and will do whatever they want cause who’s going to stop them?” "It's home to a Hacker." “And…you're saying they won’t immediately try to bail on me when I show up?” "Not as long as you bring Kara." “Why Kara?” I inquired, finding that a little…wait a second. “Wait! You…you can’t be serious…” I said, my eyes widening as I realized who this mystery hacker might be. "I can't say anything more, just be careful whenever you do go okay?" “I’ll probably given the hardest ‘No’ on this planet if I even mention heading there.” I brought up. “But hopefully I can get there with Kara without too much issue.” "Take your time okay? It will be best if you finish training and get more experience dealing with Nexus before trying. Otherwise, you might end up like her." I shivered at that idea… “Yeah, I don’t want that to happen.” I said nervously. I woke up back in the comfy bosoms of Lola, who herself was now asleep as the TV played some other show. Okay, I have a goal, long term goal, just need to be careful and work my way there… after way more training… I sighed, trying to think of how to go about this. “This is gonna suck…” I muttered. “But hopefully it’ll all work out…” I stayed there with Lola for a while and when she woke up she pulled me out and placed me into the mattress. "I should go tend to the babies now. I imagine some of the others are home now and they'll probably want attention as well." “I’m sure they will.” I nodded, getting out of bed and stretching. Lola slithered off and I went to find- "Master!" I yelped as Carley scooped me up back into some bosoms and plant a kiss on me. Ah yes, I would run into Carley first. "Would you like me to pleasure you Master?" “Hmm, well first, how are you doing?” I asked Carley simply. "I am well. Some doctors say my babies are growing healthy and I have been enjoying punching that punching bag you gave me." Ah… I thought her arm strength was more. Thank God I buffed up too otherwise I think she might have bruised my ribs… and spine. “That’s good to hear.” I said with a smile. “And I’m glad your doing well with your new punching bag.” "Oh yes it's very fun. I like to imagine it's some pathetic unworthy scum who thought they could hurt you." She said, smiling even though her tone dropped to… scary, just a bit in that sentence. “Uh…yeah that’s cool.” I said nervously. "Would you like for me to please you now?" “Sure.” I nodded. “Let’s have some fun.” With a huge smile she carried me back to the bedroom, closed the door and we had our fun. When it was done she slithered off satisfied. Before I could get off the bed however, Meg entered, closing it behind her and once I saw it was her put my mask on. "May I have a turn next Master?" … There's a line of them outside that door… isn't there? “Just…all of you get in here.” I called out. They obliged. Happily. Not sure how long that lasted but when it was finally done and they were all happy and satisfied I was taking a shower. Questioning if the smell of milk and other fluids would ever wash out of my coat. I was also glad my training helped translate into other uses. Last time I did it with all to most all of them like that I slept for almost two days and wasn't producing soldiers for three. Wonder if it would be easier if Dad teaches me that shrink spell… most of the challenge is the fact they're way larger than I am… but then again that's also a lot of the fun… “Curse you conflicting fetishes!” I whined. After several scrubs and almost a quarter of shampoo later I was clean enough that I got out, dried off and headed to the living room where Sweetie was reading a book on the couch. I collapsed onto it next to her. "Sounds like the girls kept you busy." Sweetie said. “Yes…yes they did…” I sighed. "At least you didn't immediately pass out like last time." “Yes, that is true.” I nodded. “So, how’ve you been?” "I'm good. The doctor said our foal is going to be a cyborg." She said, pulling a hoof of mine with her magic to her small bulge on her belly. "Too soon to determine gender yet." “I’m just happy it’s happening.” I said honestly. "I also brought Scootaborg over to Kilpulu's shop. He said he can work and try and make her less.. Robot."  Huh. I forgot he still has his Shop here. Greed being a fairly neutral chaos Guild, he was allowed to keep his shop here, but no more rent payments which he didn't care about. “It’s…also bad that I kinda forgot about…the main reason why we came here was because of Scottaborg…” "And me. Still haven't gotten all my upgrades either." Sweetie added. Right… “Oh…” I sighed. “There’s…been too much going on…” "I'm not mad Button. But I guess at some point we should try and find them again. Plus the Apple Bot too. Then you have all the CMC bots as your harem mates~" She teased. Honestly I feel like I might have enough. Twelve Breeders, plus Cream and Philomena as my Lovers, and Maud, Cheat and Sweetie… seventeen ladies to tend to. No idea how or even why some people have them in the hundreds… or those two nutjobs who got literal thousands… damn, that happened… a little before we came here if I remember. “I think eighteen is enough and…I don’t know how some people have thousands…and seriously, it’s weird how I learned that like…just a little bit after I got here…” "Hmm, it's probably much easier when not all the the harem mates have… special needs, like those twelve." Sweetie noted. I nodded… where it not for their needs it honestly would be much more manageable. At least Lola helps but even she needs those met. Wonder if I can find a means of keeping everyone happy and still go off and do what I need to do? “Is there a way to…keep everyone happy while also doing…what I need to do? Like train and work and all that?” "Maybe an ability but I don't really know." Sweetie shrugged. “I’ll have to ask around…” I said honestly. I moved up a bit and put my head on Sweetie's lap and laid there with her while she read. As night came around we all ate dinner and soon everyone was heading to bed. I stayed in the living room trying to think of something. There just has to be a way, something I'm missing… With nothing else to do I checked my Dark Skill Trees. “Let’s see what bullshit I forced on myself today…” I thought bitterly. I was looking through the branches… okay, so far nothing new… that is good at least. Hmm…  Well, at least I haven't done anything new worthy of some horrible new power. Now into the regular skill trees. Hmm, not many Skill Points… ten left. Hmm… let's see what to put these into… no, no… nah… no… hmm… maybe? Ugh, so many options so little to spend. Hello? Symbiote Host Skill Tree Well that feels new but something tells me it ain't… “Okay…so what the hell is going on here?” I wondered. "What, that?" Cheat asked. "You got that when you added the newbies to your body." “Cause of course I just got it…” I muttered. I checked it out. So far it's mostly stuff for helping me acquire more, some stuff here and there and- what the? Symbiote Mind: This ability changes your brain to act and physically be a Symbiote that can be independent of your original body. This ability is useful in avoiding death and can allow you to enter another's body and experience Symbiote uses. Any existing symbiotes in your original body should you leave it can take it over until you return. "Okay that sounds cool. You could see what it's like to be me!" “So…I can go off and do what I want while you all keep my body under control…sounds neat.” "Well, yes but you'll be a Symbiote. You'll still need a host body to move around. Unless you enjoy the sensation of suffocating due to no lungs, blood or other organs." Crap… still, it can be very useful… “Well…I suppose that works…” I muttered, deciding to take such a thing. I immediately felt… different. Still felt like me just felt… different. Hmm… wonder how this works? Maybe I can… hmm… I'll need someone else to help me test this… I got up and wondered who was still up and could possibly help me this late at night- "Hey Button?" Turning to the hallway I ran into Cream. "How come you're still up?" “Hey Cream, mind if I do a test with a new skill I got?” I inquired. "Uh, sure?" “Alright.” I nodded, as I put a hoof on her as I tried to use the new Symbiote Mind skill on her, really hoping this works and doesn’t make me look weird…or, weirder. "Don't force it. Just relax and let it flow naturally. Think of it like falling asleep, once you get that falling feeling just let it take you." Cheat added. I did, taking a few deep breaths before I felt like I was falling… don't jolt… let it- Woah! Suddenly I was looking at my own body. I could feel… everything, all of Creams body, her coat her breathing, her blood and heart pumping her muscles and I could hear her think! "Wonder what this is about? Is he giving me a Symbiote? No, that can't be it, so who or what was that brown blob that went inside me?" I heard Cream's inner thoughts… woah… “Well…this is new.” I said inside of Cream. "Ah!" Cream yelped as my voice in her head was definitely a surprise. "Button?! What, h- that blob was you? Explain yourself!" She pointed a hoof at my body, then at herself. "Simple." My body replied, Cheat having taken control while I'm out. "Button is now part symbiote. Got a special skill tree for having four of us in him, and now he's gained the ability to experience it as we do." "Woah… so, wow… how's it feel being in the back seat like this Button?" Cream asked. “Your teats have gotten heavier.” I immediately pointed out, not sure what to really say with all these new sensations of another going through me. "I am still lactating. And will be for a while longer." Cream huffed. "Plus some… Motherhood Skills… abilities…" Cheat laughed. "Wow, so Button really is in there?" She said, looking deep into Cream's eyes. "Cool. Can ya feel this?" Cheat then kissed Cream… me? Us? Cream backed up. "Cheat!" "What? Not like I'm not usually there when you two kiss and I'm on the back burner." Cheat chuckled. "Well… true but, woah… this is confusing…" “Yes…it’s very confusing.” I agreed. "So, wanna Fuck?" Cheat asked  "What?" Cream replied. "Come on, toys aside when is Button gonna experience it the other way? Silicone ain't got nothing on the real deal!"  "I mean…" I felt Cream blush as her heart began racing and certain other parts… I recognize that feeling… "It's Button's call. I'll even give him control if he says he's up for it." … Okay, do I keep what manhood I still have or embrace my ever growing curiosity and horny… “Ugh, why must you people hurt what manhood I still have?” "So… is that a yes?" Cream asked. “Fine…whatever.” I grumbled. "He said yes." Cream said.  "Awesome!" Cheat cheered. "Now Cream, Button, I'll teach you how to swap control now. Firstly, imagine you're both in front of a TV. Now imagine there's a controller, a game controller if it helps Button, in Cream's hooves. Cream, relax and when you feel a tug, don't fight it. Button, you imagine gently taking the controller from Cream. Okay?" Cream nodded. Envisioning the scenario was actually really easy. Carefully I took the controller from Cream who let me take it and- I blinked, feeling myself in control of Cream's body… wow… huh… I feel so… light. Small even. "Woah, so this is the backseat?" Cream commented. "Weird. Kinda neat though." “Okay…this is extra weird…” I said. Speaking in Cream's voice was even… weirder. "Cool, now, let's take this to the couch." Cheat proclaimed. I woke up feeling… sore… in a whole different way than I was used to. I felt… stuffed, a bit bloated, sticky and… oddly, very happy. Like when you have a good stretch… I felt hooves wrapped around me as well as wings… right… I blinked my eyes open. Or rather, Cream's eyes. I'm still in her body… Cream passed out… around two am…. And Cheat and I kept going… ugh… damn I… ugh, I hate that despite it all I felt good. Amazing even! Cheat was right, silicone has nothing on the real deal… still can't believe how… wild I got after… What's worse is I feel like I want another go… Crap… so, does this make me bi? I mean… I've kinda been denying that ever since Cheat merged the body she got with mine but… agh… damn… Also I'm liking being the little spoon here… Why does my mouth- Right… right… I went all out… “Well…this is nice…” I thought to myself. Hmm… Cream is still out cold and Cheat is spooning me tight… I took a deep breath and just… relaxed. Honestly, this is the first time in… the years we've been on this planet I've actually felt content… happy and satisfied. Wonder if this is how I make them feel when we-? "Yes, yes it is." Cream said as their consciousness woke up. "Wow my body feels sore and… how long did you two go after I passed out?" “Yes.” I answered. "Well, given how full I feel and how… oof- yeah, definitely knocked up again… Think this makes Cheat the father though…?" “I mean, it’s still my body, my genetics, the skill said that the other symbiotes just keep the body moving.” I explained. "True but that body is half yours half the one Cheat had before merged with yours. But, eh, at this point I'm still a bit high on afterglow to care that much…" “Yeah, I know.” I agreed. “This was nice and I don’t like that…it’s cool that I liked it but…come on…” "Oh get over it you. Just enjoy the feeling and hey, if you end up pregnant with one of our foals or a new members child then congratulations." “Fine fine…” I sighed. “But I have things to do and plan…a very dangerous thing to plan, but it’s really important.” "... What dangerous thing?" “So I talked to Armageddon again.” I said nervously. “And…well, currently, their father told him that people like me and Lovely…either shouldn’t be here yet…or be here at all…and also someone I need to find in the capital of the Chaos Guilds.” I said, thinking if I mention me supposedly not supposed to exist here it would somehow dampen the fact that I need to head to possibly the second most dangerous place on this planet. "And… you aren't planning on leaving soon, right?" “They said to wait till training was over, which that should be ending soon.” I said honestly. “Besides…I maybe have a friend there technically because of one of the breeders.” "Button…" “This person can help fix the Breeders.” I told her. “I was planning on telling the big boss about this so I could head there…I know you all worry about me, but this is quite literally something that can change everything…” "I understand that, but you're talking about one of the most dangerous places on this planet! You could go in there and never return! You could be killed and respawned Mother knows where, or captured and tortured or turning into a Breeder yourself!" “That’s why they recommended it after I finished my training.” I answered. “Plus…there’s someone there that can help, and they're tied to one of the breeders here…I know it’s dangerous, but the planet literally gave me a heading on where to go…and considering some of the Crazies kidnapping people and bringing them here, maybe some will protect me if I say it was an order from the planet?” "I doubt these nut jobs will listen to reason or even someone saying crap like that. Not to mention that these are Hackers Button! They're basically Admins! One wrong step and you and whoever you plan on dragging with you could be gone forever!" “I know…but it’s better than nothing, and I’d tell you more, but I am literally incapable of it cause Greed is a cunt.” I told her, wishing I could tell her about Kara and the guy that turned her into a Breeder but kept her love for art intact. "I won't just sit here while you go risking your life recklessly Button." “And when will it not be ‘reckless’? Never? I have a chance to actually start fixing this shit, even by a little bit, and you're telling me that either I should not do it or I should watch as you risk your own life because of something I want to do?” "I want you to stop acting like you have to do it all alone!" “And I’m not doing it alone.” "You're symbiotes don't count." “Technically I might be blackmailing a Hacker…” I admitted sheepishly. "H- Do you even hear yourself?!" “Yes, but Kara is involved with this, and I’d love to explain how, but I can’t cause, again, Greed doesn’t let me speak of something that I know cause it’s ‘mine’ and only ‘mine’...cause when actual crucial information needs to be talked about, it just needs to be silenced…” "Agh! Out!" I managed to quickly move back to my body, and once I was I got up again and Cream rolls out from my hooves and wobbly stood on her hooves. "I- I… holy shit you two royally fucked my ass… literally!" She huffed, trying to walk only to plot to her flanks. "Ugh!" “You're welcome.” I said with a shit eating grin. "I don't approve of this…" Cream growled. "I never will. I'll never just be happy you're trying to do this… even if you do make it back…" “I still think you missed the part where I said after my training right?” I pointed out. "That doesn't make me feel better! That doesn't mean you still won't be in danger! That doesn't mean you'll come home! It just means there's only so much time til you leave and… I'll, we all will just be here wondering if you'll come back… you could be gone for months. Years. Centuries even! And we'll just be waiting when for all we know you got captured, reprogrammed and are spending eternity fucking some asshole because you got turned into a Breeder!" Cream screamed. Tears flooding her eyes. "I want to know you'll always come home…" “Do you, honestly, think I wouldn’t come back home?” I asked her. “After everytime I went out to fight all those zombies, always went out at night to make sure we had enough resources for both rent and for all of us…did you believe I wouldn’t have come back?” "Zombies are one thing Button… the monsters don't scare me. I know you can fight them easily. Effortlessly… it's people I'm terrified of. It's people who I'm worried will take you away." I got up, a little wobbly but I got up nonetheless, and moved over and hugged Cream. “You’ll never lose me Cream, I promise.” "I need more than your word Button…" Cream said, hugging me back. "I need proof…" “Well, I can’t really give you proof if I still need to go through training, and haven’t even gone there yet.” I brought up. "Proof. First." Cream said, crying. "Something so I can know… know you're okay while you're gone… than you will make it back…" “I was going to talk to some of the higher ups if there’s some magical cloning skill I can use to keep you all happy…cause I want all of you to be happy, but I’m just one me.” Cream actually managed a chuckle, a small, snotty one. "I don't need a clone, I need you. We all do…" I wanted to speak more but… wait what's that- Crash! Thud! "Son of a fucking bitch!" Cream and I backed up, I summoned out Vengeance in blade form and held them in magic floating next to me. Someone crashed through our ceiling. When the dust cleared I spotted them. A spikey haired blonde woman with a… large chest and wearing Time Walkers cloak was pulling herself out of the partial hole in the floor. "Last time I do that… assholes really shot me all the way here." She growled. “Uh…hi there ma’am.” I said nervously. “Who are you, what’s a Time Walker doing here…and why specifically did people throw you in here?” "Shot me out of a cannon actually." She replied, pulling herself out of the hole and dusting herself out. "Note to self, don't make jokes like 'send me there via cannon if you have to' when your superiors are all assholes!" She said, screaming the last part through the hole in the ceiling that was starting to self repair along with the crater in the floor. "As for who I am, the name is Katsuki Bakugou. Former mayor of the city of Candlelight." “Oh yeah, I think I heard something about that Town before we got here.” I said honestly. “Well, it’s nice to meet you. I’m Button Mash, this is Cream Heart…” "I know who you are." She hugged, stretching and popping her joints and neck. "Part of why I had them send me here first." “Uh…huh…” I said. “So…are you here to help me in something specific, tell me I’m breaking rules, or what?” "Pst, kid if I gave a damn about rules I'd never have become a mayor." … What? "No, I'm, well, I'm kinda here to help you. Friend of mine should be getting here sooner or later. He's really help you out when he does. Can't miss him. But where is…" She looked around. "Where's the pink one… uh, the Pegasus?" "Tiara?" Cream asked. "She should be on look out duty… why?" "Oh cause of this." Katsuki summoned one of those special Time Walker Keyblades. "She's been selected." “Uh…and what do you mean by that?” I asked carefully. "I… think she just said Diamond Tiara is going to be a Time Walker…" Cream spoke up. "That's right." Katsuki said. "Gotta hand this over to her and do some basic training for the filly who's gonna replace me." “Replace you?” I asked, confused as I thought Time Walkers was a permanent job or something like that. "Oh, yeah, I'm gonna die soonish." She shrugged. “Excuse me what?” I asked in shock. “That’s…uh…wow.” "Eh, don't feel bad, I've been waiting for this day to come for a long time and now that it's nearing I gotta do some stuff and finish some stuff before I get to kick the bucket and everyone who ever knew or met me forgets me." She said, heading to the door and walking out. "Oh and before I forget Mutton Bash-" “Button Mash.” I corrected. "Whatever you're gonna need this." She reached into her cloak and tossed me a rolled up paper. "And this." She threw a Keyblade at me. Not like hers but different, bit more key shaped with a star at the tip as the teeth. "And this." She then tossed me a necklace with a heart shaped pendant. "And now to find that pink Pegasus and Introduce her to the hell that is The Time Walkers and bureaucratic paperwork!" She then ran off. “I feel immeasurable pity for Tiara…” I shook my head. “But they better not kidnap her for their job, she’s my girlfriend damn it.” "That was… weird, right?" Cream asked, poking at my new Keyblade. "I think this one is called Starlight if I remember correctly?" “Yes, this was very weird, and…I believe so, yes.” I nodded. I picked up the Keyblade, it vanishing and then reappearing in my teeth… huh. Cool. I managed to disband it then picked up the locket. When I did, it then started pulsating like a heartbeat… okay? I put that down then opened the scroll… no… fucking…way… Artificial Respawn Anchor V9.7 “Uh…so this is…an artificial respawn anchor…” I said in awe. "Wait really?!" Cream said as she looked at the scroll, now appearing to be a Blueprint for the device. "This…" She pushed me. "You are so lucky…" I just laughed. “Yes, yes I am.” I laughed. "I demand to be washed by you. You and Cheat made a mess of my holes so you better clean them!" I just kept laughing. Finally… a win. > Chapter 11: Time Gone By. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So Cream still mad you want to leave right after graduation?" Jr asked me as we sat in the cafeteria of the training building. “Yes.” I nodded. “And…while I know this won’t end entirely well, at least we have a fail safe for when shit goes sideways.” I said honestly. "Yeah, I know they work, still doesn't make it any easier on my mind. Plus, we'll be gone for years Button, you're gonna miss a lot from your kids." I sighed. “I know…that’s the worst part here.” I admitted. “I don’t want to, I want to be with my kids…but the planet itself literally told me what to do, even against their father’s orders…which is horrifying when even the person that created this place says ‘I shouldn’t be here’...” "Still, you can still choose to stay cause… you know what the worst case scenario, and most likely, is to happen if we fail?" I nodded… Cream's worst fear… “I…I know…” I shook my head. “I hate it…I really do…but we still have a long way to go for our training, it won’t just end by next week right?” "My guy, yes." Jr said. "It's basic training, it only lasts a few months and next week is the final battle exam." I blinked. “Uh…huh…” I frowned. “That…well, it was ‘basic’ training, I can take more advanced training cause that would take a lot longer.” "Oh so now you want to hold off this mission to save the planet known for doom and despair…" Jr rolled their eyes, taking a bite of their meal. "Getting cold feet? Er… hooves?" “I’m not, I just didn’t expect this to be ending next week as well as it only being ‘basic’...” I said carefully. “Besides…I’m going to the Chaos Guild Capital…I need to be ready for it, Legendary Ability or not.” "Isn't that literally what Cream has been yelling at you for the past few months?" “No, she’s been yelling at me to not do it all together cause it’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever agreed to do, the second being coming to this damnable rock for some loot cause it would have been easier to grab important stuff here than hop around and guess on Homeworld.” "Correction, this isn't a damned planet this is the planet the damned hope they don't go." Jr said. "But she has a point: all the higher ups did basically laugh at you when you told them this plan. Hell were it not for that Time Walker chick they'd probably have never given it the greenlight." “And when a Timewalker literally tells you ‘it’s your time to do something stupid’...well, might as well be prepared for said stupid.” I chuckled. “Though…the wails of pain at even the mention of paperwork Diamond gives is…very sad.” "I'd say you should bring her but her Time Walker training won't be finished til after, plus knowing your hypocrisy you won't want to have her risk her life on this mission despite you willingly throwing yours to the winds." I frowned. Especially given Cheat was laughing her ass off. “Shush you.” I mentally told Cheat. “Also how is it hypocrisy that I don’t want the people I love’s lives in danger?” "Because where the roles reversed you'd be right in Cream's position mad as hell that your loved one is taking probably the dumbest risk to ever be taken on Armageddon ever." "He's not wrong, you are pretty hypocritical when it comes to others not risking their safety to help yet you bitch about us not letting you do it." Cheat added. “So it’s damned if I do, damned if I don’t, and nothing gets solved by it.” I frowned. “Thank you for basically summing up how this entire conversation is going nowhere.” "And that is why you have to trust your friends and family to be able to pull their own weight. You made yourself the main support before the New Foundation took over and from what Philomena told me you basically got pissed you didn't need to fight off enemies all the time to keep them safe when the New Foundation security takes care of that all that. The first few weeks you got reprimanded being outside the walls and barrier killing infected for 'public safety concerns' and did that til you were fined for constantly leaving and almost missing training. Then your first time shopping you almost tried to loot the store, forgetting it's a store and not a well stocked loot building. Then, do I need to remind you of the incident with the adoption agency delivering a breeder to their adopted mate?" I frowned…  I am so not used to a civilized place anymore… “That’s what happens when I haven’t been in a civilized place for a few years and having had to loot anything and everything to make sure the people I cared about were safe and sound.” "How have you gone more native than we Armageddon natives when you've only been here a little over a year?" “One of the strongest forces in Reality…Force of Habit…” I sighed. “Cause when you’re doing this shit for so long, it’s hard to break it…” "My guy I've lived here my whole life that math isn't mathing." “Then your mathing wrong.” I frowned. "Our academic grades say otherwise…" “Shut up.” I huffed. “Thing’s are hard when you’ve just been doing something for a long time and it magically changes in less than a day.” "I guess that's true. Still, you best choose whether you want to sleep in the bed you made now or later cause the mission is already approved." I sighed, rubbing my temple bitterly. “I know I know…this is gonna be a headache and a half…” "So, what was your homeworld like? Ya know, the one before poofing into existence here?" “Well, it was Equis, and I lived in a nice humble farming town of Ponyville. I was still a kid and was with my mom, who was ‘single’ cause dad apparently was ‘poofed into existence’ here…did school, hung out with friend’s but mostly played video games.” "Huh… Philomena told me you were an antisocial foal who wore a hat with a twirling spinner on it for years, who also crushed on a single filly before coming here." Why the hell is Philomena ratting me out?! Also… when did she and Jr hang out? “Why must Philomena betray me like this?” "She might be your Nanny/lover but she is also a gossip shopper. Met her a few times buying things for myself and we talk. Likes to know and share things." I groaned. “I really wish she wasn’t…and I didn’t want people to know about my hat…and crushing on Sweetie Belle…well I literally have Sweetie Bot…” "What happened to that hat? Did you have it when you arrived here?" “I did…guess I just lost it or something.” I said honestly. “A…a lot of things have been happening…” We finished up out lunch and I headed home. As I was walked my down the roads I yelped as someone picked me up by the scruff. "Hey Mutton." Katsuki, the Time Walker that crashed into my roof a while ago said as she held by the scruff. “It’s Button.” I said with a huff. “And what do you want now Katsuki? Here to tell me that going to the capital is completely insane and I shouldn’t do it?” "What? No. I'm bored and need some booze. Wanna drink with me." Before I could answer she tossed me under her arm and basically carried me to wherever she's going. "Good answer, let's go." “Can’t you at least tell me if I’m supposed to be heading towards the Capital at all or if I’m just being an idiot wanting to listen to the planet giving me advice?” "No." She said, scruffing my hair. "Besides, beer is more important right now." She carried me into a bar, tossed me into a booth and sat next to me as we waited for a waiter. “So…why are you now so interested in booze?” "I'm always up for a drink, and now that you're pink friend is finishing up her Time Walker training I have some more time to indulge in my unhealthy habits all the way til I have to leave and do other shit elsewhere then I can finally die." She said. “Why do you suddenly want to die?” I inquired. "Kid, I was born before the war existed. Was recruited into it right after highschool, went immediately into Time Walker training. Watched my best friend and long time crush fall for another man, die right in front of me, saw the war end, friends and family die in the war. Watched the endless years pass as friends passed and even some kids I adopted all fall to madness long before I did, and now my last friend and mentor from the war has also fallen to madness. Death isn't a new craving, it's been a long time desire that's finally happening soon." “O-oh…b-but isn’t there someone left? Like…some weird insane nonsense that brought someone important back to life?” "Even if there was I'm not gonna be alive for it. In other news, are you a hard liquor drinker or just beer?" “I…haven’t really had any alcohol before.” I answered. “Haven’t been to a bar and…plus I wasn’t old enough before.” "Ah, then allow me to pop that liver cherry." Katsuki said. I blushed a bit as the waiter came and she ordered two mugs of beer, and various other drinks and a few snacks and meals. "So, what's this about you being stupid?" “So…Armageddon themselves told me that I should head to the Nexus Capital, to actually do something to start helping this place actually ‘recover’ from the bullshit that’s been going on…but everyone and their mother is telling me this is a retarded idea and that I’ll be sent straight to becoming a Slave or something worse if I do so.” "Meh." She shrugged. "Do it, don't do it, that choice is yours." “The only reason why I’m not being told ‘no’ is because of you and that Respawn Anchor you gave me.” I said honestly. "I'm well aware." She said, the waiter and a few others bringing the drinks and food to our booth and immediately Katsuki began chugging the large mug of beer. "Ahh. Not bad." I gently grabbed my drink and took a sip of the alcoholic beverage. It tasted bitter, sour, water down yet also… not spoiled but maybe… strong…I forced the swallow of the first gulp. “I’ve never drank piss…but I can take a guess that this is what it would taste like.” I said, my face scrunched up at the shit taste. "It's an acquired taste." She shrugged. "Trust me, few more chugs and you won't taste the bad part." I sighed, looking at the still foamy dark yellow drink and managed three more gulps. The taste was… lessening, but still bad. “Still tastes bad…” I coughed. "Yeah but once it kicks in you start feeling relaxed. Your mind slows so your brain isn't shooting off all those annoying thoughts, and it's like your stress melts off your back." She said. I proceeded to chug the rest of the mug. I let out a loud belch and after a breath I did feel it kick… woah… that's kinda… heh. It's like being dizzy without spinning… “Okay…that feels different.” I said honestly. "That, is a buzz my dear small hoarse." She said, finishing her mug and placing a cup of golden liquid before me and herself. The cup was maybe half the size of a coffee mug, full of ice that took up most of the space and was already covered in condensation. "This is whiskey. It burns going down but you get a nice warm feeling kinda like a hot shower. Just drink it slow." I nodded, picking the cup up and sipping it. It was strong. Way stronger than the beer and kinda bitter… but, I also tasted… cinnamon and… apples? It actually made me remember Cider Season back home… I managed to slowly drink a gulp of the liquid, feeling the heat go down my throat and the heat from my stomach warmed my whole torso… this one feels nice… “I…suppose this is starting to feel better.” I said honestly. “Also, this tastes way better than whatever that past drink was…this is proper Cider.” "Whiskey is usually made from apples so." Katsuki shrugged. We drank the whiskey and she then moved a small, single small glass cup, a shot glass, full of an equally clear liquid. "And this, this is vodka. Strong stuff, typically they mix it in cranberry or orange juice. But shots like this hit you hard so, try not to choke drinking this one." I frowned, how dare I am not…. Not uh… not that buzzed! I grabbed the cup in my magic, a bit spilling as I poured the whole shot back. The taste was horrible. Like… it tasted how rubbing alcohol smells. I forced it down and… woah… okay… I feel .. kinda sleepy and… heh, yet full of energy and… what was I thinking? “Thish…taststs like rubbing alcohol smells…” I coughed. "It is a popular alternative to that when no regular surgical alcohol is available." She said, drinking her shot in one go without missing a beat. "You're starting to slur there. Feeling alright?" “Y-yeah…” I shook my head, trying to get myself back together. “Just…this is my first time drinking alcohol, and I’m fine right now.” "If you say so. Here." She moved over a plate of nachos to me. "Food helps keep you from getting too drunk too fast." I nodded, shoveling some of the cheese covered chips into my mouth with my magic. Not bad. “These chips are nice.” I nodded. “So…what made you decide now was a good time to go about…dying?” "I didn't. I was told. As a Time Walker I know a general of how long I'm gonna live and when I'll die but when it comes near the day HQ tells us exact details. We don't fall to Madness like normal people. Upon our time running out our bodies fade into temporal energy out into the universe where once the last of my body is gone everyone who ever knew us personally will forget us and what we are gets reborn as a whole new person who will also become a Time Walker." “Huh…that’s…interesting.” I said honestly. "Yeah, so enjoy these memories while you can Mutton cause one day you won't remember me at all." “Well that sucks…” I sighed. “And…what would happen if someone does remember you even after you die? Is that even possible?” "Pst, it better not. You do not want to risk a Madness sick Time Walker running around." “True.” I said nervously. “Don’t really want that to happen…” "No one does." She nodded. I ate the last of the nachos and she then slid over another a new drink. This one I knew. It was a wine glass. The liquid inside was dark purple, almost black and smelled like fermented grapes. “Well, this smells like a nice wine.” I said, taking a sip of the more ‘fancy’ alcohol. It was bitter, but kinda sweet, with a strong aftertaste of the grapes used to make it. I drank the cup, feeling relaxed and a little sleepy again. Heh, strong but tasty. “Ugh…really hate how sleepy I feel…” I grumbled. “But it does taste nice.” "Heh, that's what booze does. Sleepy drunk is common, especially among first timer drinkers. As you get used to it and are able to drink more, you unlock new kinds of drunk. Some fun, some not so fun, some that make you question yourself and some that are just plane hilarious to watch unfold." “Good to know.” I nodded. “First time drinking before trying to get stronger to head to the most dangerous place on this planet…goodie for me…” "Then you are definitely gonna want to be relaxed before that happens." Katsuki said, chuckling as she passed me another drink. Ugh… ouch… hangover. Head hurt, ooh, ahh… soft pillows… hmm… ugh… I recognize the shape and feel, I'm face first in cleavage again. Odd… I don't feel like there's fur on them like the girls all have… I felt a hand wrap around me, squeezing me a bit tighter… wait… I managed to force my eyes to open. The sharp shooting pain of even the dim light hurt and it took a while for my fuzzy vision to clear up. Eventually I realized the cleavage I was sleeping in between was bare skin. No fur at all… I looked up, seeing Katsuki there… Oh… shit… “O-oh…” I muttered in mild horror. Part of me wanted to get up and leave… the other was a bit scared to move. The rest of me was still feeling like lead and my head throbbing felt like a dance rave… “Ugh…whatever…” I muttered, just resting in the big breasts happily. I ended up falling back asleep, too much booze… I woke up some time later feeling Katsuki petting my head. "Hey, there's my tiny stud~" She purred. “Uh…hi there…” I muttered with a smile. “So…we uh…did all that…” "Oh yeah." She chuckled, giving me a kiss next to my horn. I felt my headache lessen when she did. Must have used some magic. "You, my little pony, know how to please a woman." “I’ve had plenty of experience.” I chuckled. "True enough." She chuckled, stretching as I… woah that's a… lot of sticky between us…  "Last time I felt like this was my last trip to planet 69." “Jeez…how long were we at it?” I asked, surprised at how much there was. "Long. Just how I like it~" She said, pulling me up and on top of her. "If I could I wouldn't mind having one of your kids." I blushed- Wait, if she could? “W-what do you mean by…if you could?” I asked nervously. “Are…is it because you’re going to die soon?” "No. Time Walkers are all Infertile." She stated, scratching my neck. "Only way we can have kids is adopting from the Caretakers or Prize Pods." “Oh…that…sucks.” I said honestly. "I… was hurt, at first but, I had a lot of amazing kids I've adopted over the long life I've lived. Plus, being infertile means I can bang as much as I want and it's no risk. Heh, aside to my pelvis." I chuckled at that… then realized… Tiara… “W-wait…I…me and Tiara…can never have kids…” I muttered in sadness. "Unfortunately. It was one of the first things I told her when her training began. Naturally she was upset but, is coming to terms. And like I said, adoption and Prize Pods are still an option. She might not be able to have birth kids but you two can still have them." I sighed bitterly. “This sucks…” "Wanna go again to feel better? I can promise you sober sex with me will be far more enjoyable~" “I mean…” I was about to say…but something in particular decided to be standing at attention right in front of her. “Well…why not.” "Good, I was hoping for some more of what you got. Your girls are all very lucky~" I ended up spending a good… four hours with Katsuki that morning, already nearing mid day when we were finished. After a shower she sat me down for some breakfast, wearing a basic bra and panties at least. "So, where'd you put the necklace I gave you with the other stuff?" “In my Assistant.” I said, bringing it up and pulling it out from my wonder machine. “What is it?” "An artifact known as a Heart Compass. Leave it here with one of your lovers and wherever you are in reality you'll know which way to go to find them again." “Well…that’s good to know…” I nodded. “Maybe I should give it to Cream so she won’t freak out…I mean, it should be tied to me as a person so…she’ll know if I really am lost…” "So long as the Heartbeat within keeps going she'll know you're still well and alive." “But…would it stop beating if I became a slave or something?” "For a while, but it would start up again differently." “Alright…so good to know that she’ll know if she’s right…” She shrugged. "So, what are you gonna do today?" “Gonna be finishing up basic training then try and do some advanced training so I can feel safe enough to do this adventure.” Again, Katsuki shrugged. "Fair. I'll probably be hanging out and waiting for my friend to show up. Should be here around today and he's gonna help you get to the place you need to get to quicker." “Alright, thank you.” I nodded. “Hopefully I’ll be ready for this…” "Honestly, whether you're ready or not is irrelevant. All that matters in this mission is if you can make your way back home." “Is that from your vague Time Walker talk or is this just your personal opinion?” I asked. "Bit of both I guess. Just, remember, if you can make it back home, don't be surprised to find out how much you lost." I sighed. “I…know I can do something to help at least…ease my family…” I said, bringing up my Skill Tree and looking to see how many skill points I had and also if there was some weird special thing I could do in the Symbiote skill tree that I could…give a part of me to my family to keep me close or something. "Want my advice?" Katsuki asked. “Please.” I said, even though I was fully expecting her to tell me ‘don’t bother’ like so many others. "You'll never be ready." She said flatly. "You can train for hundreds of years, a thousand even and it probably still won't be enough. You can master every weapon, every ability, spell, form of combat. Yet, you are going to go on this mission. Because unless you do, nothing will change. Breeders will be made, Slaves and Serfs. Ready or not, if you don't try them nothing can or will get better. Sometimes, you have to risk and even lose to make it to your win. Even if it takes and costs you more than you want to risk losing." “Well…at least it’s better than ‘you're an idiot, don’t do this’ that everyone else has been telling me.” I said carefully, even though it sounded extremely bleak it was at least something that helped me know that what I was doing was correct and not just wandering around not doing a damn thing. "That doesn't mean when you come back things will magically get better. The Chaos Guilds pump out Slaves, Serfs and Breeders by the millions. Even if you can help them be better you won't be able to turn them back to who they were before." “Seriously, whoever came up with those thing’s can suck a fat one.” I frowned. “And also, I know it’s possible, cause if it truly wasn’t then why does Greed act otherwise?” I asked. “I know…turning them back would be dangerous, because they might remember it all, but I’m sure those memories can be taken away…this entire existence is on the rules of ‘Everything is Possible’...so why do I keep having people laugh at me and saying that’s not true?” "Because much like how you hate people doing this to them, what gives you the right to basically do the same? To use the same power to reprogram a person to remove and replace what you want. For better or worse, it's a line morals aren't meant to cross." “Because unlike those people that would sooner strip away a person’s very being just to placate some bullshit power fantasy they all have, I’d want to try and fix what’s been done…I want them to be better, not just stuck in some perpetual bullshit because some jackass thought he could play God.” I explained, even though it was a weak argument considering Katsuki saw everything before and know’s I’m probably just talking out my ass, I want them to know that I want to do better and help, not just abuse powers for the fun of it. "And you won't be playing god?" “Then what the fuck am I supposed to do? Just keep them like that forever?” I asked, my anger slowly growing as I wanted to help and, yet again, I’m being called a hypocrite because I either want to help people or not get the people I love hurt. "Look, either way, you're going to have to cross lines, break promises and in the end you'll be pissing people off regardless. There's an old saying back from the War. 'Men don't kill Men. Monsters kill Men and Men kill monsters. But sometimes, it takes a Monster to kill a Monster'." Katsuki said. "You just have to know, will you live your life as a Man, or will you manage to live as being a Monster?" I sighed…”Cheat? Would you still be with me even if I was a monster?” I asked her. "I believe I made it clear a while ago. I'm already a monster. For better or worse I'm here for you. As a man or monster." Cheat said. “Thanks Cheat…this is gonna be a heavy conversation with everyone else…” I mentally sighed. “I understand…” With that I left for training… oh crap… hope they won't be too pissed I spent the night and slept with another woman… "Button get down from the ceiling and face me like a man!" Cream yelled from the floor, waving the cast iron pan in her hooves from where my Cheat armored hooves kept me firmly in the ceiling from getting badly whacked by the angry mare. “No!” I said petulantly. “You’ll hit me again.” "You slept with a woman outside the herd! I have the right to hit you!" "I'm honestly surprised Button got that drunk." Maud said. "I'm surprised he managed to get Katsuki." Sweetie added. "I'm not. She's a whore." Tiara added. “I’m…sorry that we never got to have a kid before this happened Tiara…” I said weakly to Tiara. She shrugged. "I'm already getting over that."  "Well at least that's less kids to worry about…" Philomena said. "Get down here Button so I can shove this pan up your ass to beat your insides with it!" Cream yelled, trying to jump up and swing at me. I blew a raspberry at her. “Again, no. You’ll hit me again, but also here.” I said while carefully getting Cream to grab onto the necklace. “It’s very important.” "Thanks… what is it?" “It’s a Heart Compass.” I said. “Katsuki told me it’s an artifact that’ll let me know where you are and if I’m okay, as long as it beats…” I said. “I’m giving it to you specifically so you can know I'm still okay while I’m gone…off to an adventure that Katsuki told me I have to do…even if…I’ll lose so much…” I sighed. Cream huffed, putting the necklace on. "Thanks… this… helps a little. You aren't off the hook though!" She said, throwing the pan and hitting the back of my head. Ouch… I dropped to the ground in a slight daze then yelped as she was now dragging me by my ear down the hall. “Ow ow ow! Damn it Cream stop!” I tried to get her to stop cause I was getting a little annoyed by this. "No! You slept with a woman outside the herd! You're getting punished." “I said I was sorry and you're still trying to physically assault me!” I whined. "Sorry doesn't cut it! You are spending these remaining days before you leave us for Mother knows how long taking care of ALL the kids, and yes the ones the Breeders birthed to. So I am shoving a lactation potion down your throat and locking you in the nursery!" That… actually that's not too bad all things considered… Then again… currently in infants alone there are… Oh boy… “But I still have advanced training to do!” I said weakly. "And when that's done in what? A year at most, some more months at least you're still leaving. Your own kids won't know you for years, possibly even their whole childhoods and maybe even adulthood! Once you leave you are going to miss out on everything Button. The least you can do is spend your time with them all before you see them in what? Ten years? Twenty? A hundred?" I sighed… I know she's right and I hate it… I was worried about being a bad dad and… leaving for this mission… I am gonna be a bad dad… absent for… years… “Can I ever have another time where my fucking decisions aren’t questioned and me being in the wrong?” I asked. “Seriously, ever since we got here it’s always me being wrong no matter what I did…and no, you can’t argue because you’re one of the main people that keeps screeching at me about it.” "Because for all I know… these might be the last few days… months I'll ever see you again…" Cream sighed. "And I won't know how long if ever you'll be back… I'm a Lover Class being Button… My pod opened for you, my world is you… can you really blame me that all this risk is scaring me? I know you want to do good, to help people and I love than you do I just… wish you didn't have to." "I wish I didn't have to either…but when I'm told that doing nothing either keeps things the same or things get worse…I have to do something…" I sighed. "I love you all, you mean so much to me, it's pretty much the one reason why I keep going…it's all for you, and I'm willing to risk my own life to make sure you're all okay." "I know… and that's what I hate…" Cream said, some tears forming. "Button, this is Three." Katsuki said, motioning to a man made of all metal with some gears on his skin/clothing and on his cheeks. "Nice to meet you." I said politely. "I believe you're the friend Katsuki was talking about?" "Yes. She told me a bit about you." Three said.  "Yeah, Three here used to be a Time Runner, and he's gonna use that power to try and get you and your team to where you're going as fast as possible." Katsuki said. Three nodded. "The Nexus capital City, Phoenix. With my powers that two hundred years journey can be reduced to ten years." “And what’s your opinion of me doing this at all?” I inquired to Three. “Everyone but Katsuki has told me this is a dumbass decision, and Katsuki said that I have to do it even if something extremely bad happens to me.” "You do what you have to do. I'm in a similar situation. Been gone from my own family a while, and still won't be back for some time. All I can do is make sure I get back to them." Three said. I nodded. “Yeah…even if it’ll take a while…I’m still willing to try and make things better for this world and for my family.” "Button and his team will be done with their advanced training in a few weeks. Think you can hang around til then?" Katsuki asked. "I can. Gonna be spending ten years taking him there. A few weeks won't make much difference. Though I do have to wonder why Button's symbiote armor is covering their lower half with makeshift crotch breastplates.” I blushed… I've been doing the Punishment Cream gave me and taking care of and feeding all my infants… constant lactation potions and… these things make combat a bitch… can't wait til I can stop taking the potions and they get back to normal.  “It’s uh…a ‘punishment’ for plowing Katsuki here a few times…also to help the kids know I’m their parent before I disappear for who know’s how long.” "Ah, so she's still a slut as always." Three said. "Gotta say, wish we could do another but something tells me your girl might not like that. Shame, those tits are fine~" Katsuki said, giving me a grin. "I get your sluttiness is a symptom of your depression and PTSD from the war, but really?" Three asked. "Hey, gotta have something to fill the hole every so often." "Yes but you're having them stick it in literally every other hole besides the one that needs it…" "Better than the isolation and Era long walk/combat in this planet you did." "It's really not." “Anyways…” I said as my face was about as beat red as it possibly could. “I didn’t know her being a slut was because of depression but still…” "We're some of the few Vets left from the War for Creation. Depression is basically mandatory." Three said. "Well, you get back to your things. I'll check around. Been a while since I've seen the New Foundation. Glad they're still going strong." “Yeah, at least it’s going well enough right now.” I said honestly. “Gonna take a while…but the more prepared I am, hopefully it’ll be less bad than what Katsuki said it’ll be.” "Alright." Three said with a nod. I went back home after the meeting. Back in the nursery where I levitated one of my children and began checking diapers. Oof, all this… nursing and such… I'm sore… I took a deep breath. Funny thing is, I'll probably miss this while I'm gone. “I’m gonna miss this…but I’m gonna make sure you know me and how much I love you all…” I muttered with a warm smile. And so, I spent the next three hours checking my children, changing diapers, nursing and cooing them all back to sleep. This always left me tired when finished and I jumped onto the couch kept in here and tried to relax… “There…has to be something…” I muttered, looking through my Symbiote tree to see if I could somehow leave a part of myself here to at least give them some peace just in case. “As long as it’s nothing like how Venom did it in the comics, this would help a lot…” "How so?" Cheat asked. “How so for Venom having kids like Carnage who is absolutely batshit, or somehow leaving behind a ‘mini-me’ type of thing here?” I inquired. "Don't know." “And that is why I’m looking through my skill tree for something here.” I admitted. “Cause it’s better than just…being away from family for ten years minimum…” "If there's nothing, then there's nothing Button. Maybe someday but, now… no." I sighed. “Fine…” I grumbled, deciding to just look through all the Skill Tree’s I had to see if I could get something new and cool or if I should just upgrade what skills I had. Most were ones I skipped over. More the same. I have neglected some branches… it will take me forever to grow them to match my main branches… odds are what I want are in one of those branches… “Fucking…shouldn’t have tried to min-max…” I groaned, rubbing my temple bitterly as a lot of physical branches, including the Barbarian like skill trees were filled out quite a bit because Cheat counted as a Rage state while she was in her armor form. I put my skills away and just tried to relax… damn potions… over two hundred and fifty two infants and the damn things still don't lose any milk. Wonder if this is what it's like having the breasts of a Den Mother? Still can't believe I fathered over two hundred kids. And that's just with the twelve of my… breeder mates and the girls… part of me is proud… the rest wishes I could have kept it in my… well, I'd say pants but I don't really wear them… no wonder I fathered so many… “Curse you horny!” I said in mock anger as I shook my hoof to the sky. “Ugh…this sucks…” I sighed. "Considering how many you just nursed, yes." Cream said as she walked over to me, a place of pasta on her back. "Enjoying your punishment mamma Button?" “Eh.” I said uncommitted. “I’ll miss my kids yes…but this ‘punishment’ is just annoying…” "Yes well when you leave we'll have to put the Breeder Girls, save Kara since you're taking her, into storage so this will fall on Philomena, Maud, Sweetie and myself to do." I forgot that… can't leave the Breeder Girls alone with them cause… well their fucking programming so I managed to find out there's a service that more or less puts them in stasis til I come back to open them up again. I also hate that but it's gonna need to happen otherwise they'll lose it… “I hate this…but yes, that is true…” "Yes and I am not looking forward to taking care of over two hundred babies not being a Den Mother myself. I can't possibly handle ten at a time at the moment but once I am a Den Mother, feel free to keep me knocked up at all times." “When I get back, I’m sure I’ll be keeping your belly as big and full as often as I can.” Cream chuckled, then frowned. "So… Katsuki said Three can get you there in ten years… but, hopefully with the respawn anchor you can be back quickly… hopefully…" “Katsuki said something bad will happen…that I’ll have to lose to start winning…” I sighed. “Hopefully this ‘loss’ won’t be as bad as we’re all fearing…” "I hope not…" “Yeah…but it’ll be good, cause thing’s will change for the better.” "If you win." Cream added grimly. She jumped into the couch and cuddled up next to me as a small spoon. "Your huge milkers feel weird under my flanks." I blushed. "Kinda like… water pillows. Well, Milk Pillows to be precise ~" “Ugh…” I groaned lightly. “Well, glad you like them though…” "Personally, I think they suit you." She chuckled. "You sure seem to enjoy Philomena's and… all the others who have huge tits. Have to say, surprised to see you as such a boob man when ponies don't typically have large ones." “I mean, I know it’s strange…but when your just cuddling and your head is in between two soft squishy pillow’s on the person you love it’s…it’s pretty nice honestly.” "Mind if I give it a try~?" “Sure, go right ahead.” I said honestly. Cream reading sat up and moved over to- woah! "Wow, these are so soft!" Okay that's…. "Squishy and kinda jiggly. They make amazing noise mufflers!" This feels very… "Oh I forgot your genitals are right there… Oh my, are you aroused Button?" “Curse you horny!” I mentally whined. “M-maybe…” "Heh, you pervert."  “Says the one that’s happy to fondle my tits with my dick in her face.” I countered, even though it was token at best as I was aroused and it was close to her in this position. "You can easily give yourself a boob- Wait is that why you're taking longer showers now?!" I covered my face. Cheat laughing at Cream finding out my dirty secret. "Shut up!" I mentally whined at Cheat. "I totally do not do such a dirty thing, and it totally doesn't feel awesome…" "Button, you forget the semi nightly orgies I and the others are part of with you. I know what you love doing with boobs." Cream cackled. “Stahp~.” I whined. She proceeded to tease me and taunt me from there until she finally showed me mercy and let me eat the pasta she brought. When I finished it she got back to her position as using my potion altered milkers as pillows. "Stuff like this I'll miss… so much…" She sighed. “Yeah…I’m gonna miss it to…” I sighed. "You know, sometimes I look at your Breeders and I think… We aren't that different. Me being a Lover Class, we both exist for whoever gets us. Differences are actually rather minimal…" “Okay, first off, no!” I snapped at her. “There are so many differences between you and breeders it’s laughable, and you quite literally stated the only thing that connects you and Breeders together, why in Mother’s name would you even think that?” "Cause you aren't even gone yet and it feels like I'm losing my mind." She added. "Like my world is falling apart and I know I can't come with you because I'll be a hindrance." “Let me ask you something.” I said. “Are you going to mutilate yourself because I’ve been gone for five minutes? Are you going to immediately ask me to breed you like a common whore the moment you lay eyes on me? Are you going to have a mental breakdown because I say ‘no’?” I asked bluntly. "That's not what I mean and you know it Button." Cream sighed. "Though as far as the breeding thing you did just promise that when you get back. And I hope you keep that promise cause a ten year dry spell is gonna suck." “Difference being, I promised to do it after I’ve been gone for ten years, where you’re not in stasis because, again, you won’t try and murder yourself because you haven’t masterbated to ‘senpai’s hair’ in twelve seconds.” I rolled my eyes at the silly joke. “You are my Lover, yes, you came from a Pod that only opened because of me…but you’re feeling like the world is crumbling because you genuinely love me and don’t want to see me go for a long period of time, a Breeder would sooner flay themselves alive because I’ve been in another room for ‘too long’ because of their damned programming.” "I know. Wonder how much will change while you're gone? I know the kids will get older but… what about Philomena? Maud? Sweetie? Heck I wonder about me? Think I can become an Earth Pony Den Mother in ten years?" “Considering I became an Alicorn because of a symbiote eating a unicorn and a pegasi, I wouldn’t be surprised.” I said honestly. “A lot of thing’s can change in ten years…I mean, just look at how things changed in this amount of time?” "True." Cream said, the two of us just laying on the couch like this for a while in silence. "You'll be gone when I birth our second foal… is there a name you'd like them to have?" “Ah…crap…” I sighed. “Well…is it wrong that we could just call him Button Mash Jr and be done with it?” "There's already a Button Jr. Yours and Philomena's first son?" Right… were it not for Scan showing me their names I'd be screwed… “Yeah…okay so we need to actually name the kid…” I said, thinking carefully. “Ugh…why must names escape me all of a sudden?” I groaned. "Well, we don't know if they'll be a filly or colt so maybe a gender neutral name?" “Well, you got a name? Cause we also have to go with if we want it to be a pony themed name or just a name.” "I guess pony Themed. Hmm…maybe also game themed again…" “That would work…hmm…have I named any of them ‘Level Up’ yet?” "No, and that does sound nice. What made you think of it?" “Because I’m lazy and thought ‘Well I did Power Up, why not Level Up?’.” I shrugged. "It does work." Cream said, wrapping hooves around her belly. "Our second foal, Level Up. I like it." “I’ll be super happy to see them when I get back.” I said warmly. "I'm sure they will be happy to." Ten Years Later "That's the capital city of Nexus. Phoenix." Three said, motioning to the towering metropolis built floating above the land below, covered in monsters and cosmic horrors. "Fancy." Jr said. “Huh…” I blinked. “I honestly thought it would have been more…uh…pitch black torture sex dungeon kind of place?” I said sheepishly. “That’s Commorragh…don’t go to Commorragh.” Three insisted which made me concerned. "Guess now you're swapping back to your actual body Button." Jr said.  I looked myself over. Taking Kara ment we needed a way to have her not constantly trying or needing to be boned. The solution, I used my symbiote form to possess her. Her consciousness Cheat and the others managed to put to sleep in a dream state, and I spend a good month learning to move in her body. As for my actual body… well, she does have a kind of… internal storage… and that's where my physical body has been for the last ten years. I swapping back to it for exercise and such daily as to not have it grow weak. I have gotten really used to Kara's body though. Especially gonna miss the… benefits of her biology… “Well…yeah.” I nodded carefully. “Gonna need to get used to my old body after ten years…” "Maybe you should hold off on that for a while." Three said. "Can give you an advantage, especially since when they check her code they'll see she's a Breeder still. Play the part and blend in." "Gee, that won't be awkward." Jr sighed.  “Yes…it will be very awkward…” I said, slithering over and wrapping an arm around Jr’s like I was practically hanging off of him. "So if I recall your plan is to find one of these hackers and some stuff, and what else?" Three asked. "Information of any kind will be useful." Able said. "But yeah most of the plan hinges on Button doing whatever they need to do." I nodded. Thanks to these ten years I've fine tuned Treasury and managed to get more details from Kara's past. The hacker guy I'm looking for is named Nathan, and… Kara's original name was Fiona… I hated that any attempt to share this resulted in going mute for a while or even losing the ability to write… Dark Skill Trees are a bitch… “The planet told me that Kara here will help ‘bring back’ someone important…and they are very important.” I said, sadly not being able to tell them about Nathan or that he’s a Hacker but still able to tell them. “But he’s very dangerous and…their father more so.” "Well, good luck you two. I'll be off. I still have to gather some supplies and with luck I'll see you all again." Three said, vanishing in that blur of red lightning that trailed behind before quickly vanishing. I gotta get that Speed Force thing. “I really need Speed Force…would help a lot…” "Can't argue. Would have come in handy. Even my super human reflexes and speed weren't enough in some of those pitstops. Nearly ate it at the Demon Trains… seriously, fucking spider demon trains who the Fuck thought that up?" “I don’t know…” I shuddered in fear at being reminded of that. “But yeah…we’re finally done with all that and onto this fresh hell…” "This is gonna suck, but hopefully we can sell this. Think you can pull it off on your end?" “Hopefully.” I sighed, hoping that I can do a good ‘breeder’ impression even though it sickens me a lot. "Let's just hope they don't make us prove it." Able added as we made way down the paths that were clearly placed here by Nexus and kept nearby monsters away. "Yeah…but hopefully they won't care too much…" Soon we arrived at a lift where a guard dressed in some armor bearing the Nexus symbol, a hand with a blue dot in the palm, was standing armed with a fire arm of the energy variety. "Hault. State your business." They said. "I'm AJ. This here is Kara, my Breeder. I was curious of the Nexus capital and wondered if you allow entrance." Able said. I pressed more against AJ to try and sell the me being his Breeder thing. "You let your Breeder wear clothes?" The guard asked. "Is that an issue?" AJ asked. "No, just not usual." The guard said. "Most everyone in the city either leaves them at home and always keep them either naked or in some skimpy outfit." He then touched his hand to his helmet. I felt a Scan pass over us. Thanks to Three, I can hide my possession of people from a scan. That trick took three solid years. "Who's the pony in her stomach?" The guard asked. "Her meal. I like to keep her well fed and being a naga she loves whole meals." AJ stated. "Alright. One last thing." The guard reached into their own assistant and… pulled out a collar and chain leash. "Rule that all Breeders out of the home need to be on a leash. Dumb rule since they never leave their masters side but it's law." With a nod AJ took the collar and Leash. I tried to give my best 'ecstatic and happy' expression as they put it on and once it was we were allowed into the lift. Once it was going up I sighed. "This is going to be rough…" I mumbled bitterly. "Well we're in now so all we need to do is figure out where this hacker you're looking for is. Odds are is we spy around the markets we'll find something that can clue us in…" AJ thought aloud. "Fair…" I agreed, trying to think of where this guy might be. "Odds are we'll be here for a while. If that's the case we might have to play the role of immigrants. For you that will be easy, some cheesy lines and fake neediness and they won't give you a second thought. Hopefully if I need to take up a job I can get something where I'm not doing horrible shit." "Yeah, it should be…easier to get an okay job…" I said, looking around and seeing this place weirdly more normal than I originally thought. Upon exiting the list we were greeted by a street full of people walking through. Some I immediately noticed were Breeders, giving the nudeness, and similar collars and chain leashes I had to wear. Others wore scrap clothing and we're following behind people carrying various bags, items and such. And then there was the few I saw wearing armor, their faces covered by some odd masks that looked like they were all wood. Breeders, Slaves and Serfs all following their owners around. It took a lot of effort not to frown. Eventually AJ managed to lead me towards a map of the city. "Sales district is there…" He muttered. The map showing the large area of sales and such was left and some blocks from here. "But factory district is that way." To the north was the district where most likely the slaves, Serfs and other such a atrocities were made. "For now, we need a hotel…" A base to work from. In half an hour, we were safely inside a hotel room. Thankfully since it regularly hosts people bringing new breeders to… break in, it's soundproofed physically and magically. "Okay, we know where the shopping and manufacturing districts are but not which one is our target or if our target is even there." AJ said. "So it's a coin toss on where he is." I frowned. "So we can play off looking around the shopping district for food and supplies while looking for him…the manufacturing district is a little different…" "Only way we can get in there and find things out is if we either get a job there, sneak in or risk putting you in as a… product." Able huffed. "Either way all three are a risk…" "Yes…and I hate all of it…" I groaned.  "We knew this wasn't going to be easy. Hell just getting here nearly killed us and would have sent us back home. Well you're the one with the memories of her erased past, remember anything that can be useful?" "Would be cool if certain things weren't blocked by these dumbass restrictions…" I sighed, trying to remember if he had a shop and what it's name was. Try as I might nothing about a store came up… but, the house she worked in is… she spent years cleaning it. I can easily find that. "We need to head to the residential district." I said. "Alright… let's go for a walk…" AJ said, taking my leash as I rolled.my eyes and followed, quickly adopting a false look of joy. After all, they expect me to have been… well, used, in that room.  It was a long walk to the residential areas. I know it was a mansion with… a driveway, five tall marble Columns and… it was painted a greenish color. Eventually we found the house. It was exactly as Kara's, Fiona's past memories showed me. "Now what…" AJ asked in a hushed voice. "Just…go up and knock I guess…" I said carefully, not sure how bad this'll be as I moved over, took a deep breath and knocked on the front door. "Just gotta swap bodies in an instant if things go south…" I thought. The door opened and I was greeted by another Floof Noodle, this one I also recognized from the memories… this was Fiona's mom… "Who are you two?" She asked, her upper half dressed in what appeared to be Slave clothing. "The Lord and young master are not expecting visitors." "Sorry, we were just-" Able started, when suddenly am authoritative voice called out from inside.  "Let them in Slave." The voice was that of a much older man. "As you wish my Lord." She said, moving aside. AJ and I shared a look… this was probably a mistake. We walked inside and it was there I saw him. Nathan's father, the Hacker that… "I remember you… or rather, I remember that body. You can stop possessing them now I already know."  Shit… "How?" I asked carefully, not wanting to try and start a fight immediately as I was mostly here to try and get things fixed rather than cause more problems. "I'm a hacker… Button Mash." I flinched. "There is little I can't find out." He then turned and looked at AJ. "Able Junior. Son of Able the first to die by being murdered." "So…you know why we're here?" I asked, even as I got myself out of my breeder and put my symbiote self into my body as I didn't want him to hurt her to get to me. "You thought you could get to my son, trigger that rebellious little sliver of his old self to reawaken, join you and help turn all the Breeders into something at least close to Lovers, Slaves back into or something akin to Servant Class and Serfs into something akin to Ally Class, all while taking out the factory district and taking all the products on market in the shopping district to your New Foundation run home back in… The Dying Light Zone." Fuck… "And you'll let us do a lot of that because you're extremely bored of the status quo going on and want to spice things up." I said carefully. "Also the planet themselves told me to do at least half of what you said." "See, here's the thing… I don't care what Armageddon wants. That's Sanderson and his little cult. All I do is provide a service. A very profitable service. I may be bored but it's bad business to just let you leave here with my honestly pathetic son and all those products. But if you are willing to purchase them from me, that I am more than willing to negotiate." I took a deep breath, trying not to start a fight with a literal god here. "You know as well as I do I don't want to fight you…also, how can losing a 'pathetic son' bad for business? Sounds like you hate his work ethic and could use a better worker." I pointed out. "As much as the little shit stain annoys me, even after reprogramming his personality, he is still the only one of my bastards to inherit the Hacker powers. We're long lived but not immortal, madness comes for us all good or evil. Well save the products, some of them are older than me and still haven't gone mad." He shrugged. "But I'm in a generous mood. Make me an offer and I can erase my boys memories and I'll hand him over to you, consider it an opportunistic investment if you can afford his value." "Well, let's ask the seller what his price is first…" I said, hating this guy more and more but trying to contain my rage. "Well, let's see… lowest I could sell the little retard for is…  forty octillion rem." That's… so much money… "I'd go lower but his Hacker powers are his only valuable aspect really." So…I decided to actually see how much money I had with that hundred times multiplier accessory that I used for a long time. "Please magically be enough…" I mentally pleaded cause I'd rather not get stuck in this place longer. It wasn't. Not even close… "Can't pay?" He asked.  "Not even close…" I groaned. He shrugged. "If ya can make the money then I can wait. I'm a patient man. If not, you can try and barter with something or someone else… and of course, there is another option, but I doubt you'd go for it." "That depends on what it is cause I have a feeling getting all the money necessary would take forever and a half." "It's simple really. Part of why I had the twerp wasn't just as a precautionary heir to my empire, it was also part of a study. See, the Hacker Powers are Inherited, passed down from parent to child. Out of fifty Breeders and almost ten thousand little bastards he was the only one to inherit the power. So while he was in the womb and after being born we developed a prototype of… a more refined method to insure the power of the Hacker is more easily passed down to the offspring." In a flash his hand now holding a bottle of some pills that glowed black and green. "These babies here are a new specialty line I'm working on. One parent needs to be a Hacker. The other, the incubator. If they work you can keep the pills, the brat you're carrying and I'll toss in my good for nothing son. Heck I'll even throw in your Breeders mother and some rem for your troubles." I felt like I was gonna pop a blood vessel at what he was implying…so much of my anger wanted to try and rip his head off… "Just…take the deal Button…" I heard Cheat tell me weakly as I felt the rage seep away at those words. "Y-you sure?" "It's the best of nothing but bad options and we can get home faster. If you try and fight this guy, you'll lose. Work to pay him off? We'll be stuck here for millennia doing Mother knows what for work. This isn't an ideal option and we're gonna hate every moment of it, but it's the only way to get back home to our kids and the others without missing out on the rest of their childhoods." "I…you're right…but the good thing is that he's not keeping the kid they'll have, only us…" I admitted. "I hate to say this…but to make sure the deal is right, if I do this, I keep those pills, the kid, your son…and some big amount of rem right?" "And your breeder's mother." He reminded, motioning to the Slave Floof Noodle. "I remember how much she cried seeing her again, and frankly I'm already tired of her. As for the rem, well once we determine the embryo you're incubating has the Hacker powers, I'll gift you two centillion rem as compensation." I nearly choked. "Holy hell that's a lot." I said in surprise. "But…mind if I ask…why you want to make more Hackers? Cause I doubt some people 'higher up' would take kindly to that." "For the same reason the Hackers were created. Organized Chaos. The Mother has her villains Guilds but it's all a show, smoke and mirrors, lies and acting. Nexus, we exist to be what those villain guilds pretend to be. Genuine, hand crafted, sickening evil. But even such a force is nothing more than a mindless beast without a tamer to guide it. The more hackers there are the more we can control the chaos and eventually, well we can put those pesky Villain Guilds The Mother oversees out of business. They won't need to pretend to be bad when the real threat either kills or makes their personas their new identity." "And what's stopping the Mother or The Family to put a stop to…a bunch of egregious bullshit that's happening?" I asked. "I doubt they'd allow you to go buck wild on the rest of existence." "Oh I expect push back. Wars. But Admins and Hackers are two sides of the same coin, so you let me worry about the fine details, and you just worry about going home to your not so little family." He said, snapping his fingers as some illusions of… Cream… she's… wow. Is she holding… a little filly, maybe nine and… has my colors and… That's Level Up…  "That's…Level…" I said in awe, tears brimming in the corners of my eyes…"Fine…" "Then we have a deal." He said, standing up and in a wave of his hand the illusion was gone and he gave to me a paper, a contract with his name already on it. David Alchem. I decided to double check the contract, making sure there wasn't anything he was hiding from me because I'd rather not deal with some hidden loophole. I double and triple checked it and thankfully it was legit. No hidden things and was fairly short and to the point. With a sigh I took the offered pen and signed my name next to his. Once I did the contract seemed to fade into lines of familiar ones and zeroes. Half flowed into David, the rest into me. "Now, would the lady like the bedroom or?" He asked. "Bedroom…but…wait, those ones and zeroes…those looked familiar…" I frowned, like something was missing. "That was Code." He said, flashing the ones and zeroes in blackness in his hand. "What we Hackers and Admins use, manipulate and rewrite with." I remember where I saw it now… that was in the cave when… I got here. It's how I got here. I shook it off, David motioning for me towards the bedroom. I swallowed hard… for Cream, Level Up… my family… "This…is for my family…" I muttered, calming myself down the best I could as I walked towards the bedroom.  > Chapter 12: Home? > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I lay there under the sheets. I felt… violated. Sick. I wanted to throw up. Curl up and just… be gone. The pill was easily swallowed, having no flavor to it. Then David and I… went at it. I tried to think of anything else. Just anything other than what was happening. Physically, it felt both good and… disgusting. When it was over, I just tried to go to sleep and not think about it… I didn’t sleep. What was worse about it all was… I expected it to hurt. Physically, but oddly, he was… gentle? I hate this guy.  I felt the bed shift and looked over, seeing he was up now and stretching. “Didn’t sleep?” He asked. "Why the fuck would I?" I asked bitterly. “Well, I guess coffee is in order then.” He said. I heard him snap his fingers. The sheets were gone and a small table with coffee and a plate with food. I looked back over and David was already dressed, a table with his own food in front of him. “We’ll check on the embryo later. Give it a few more hours to multiply some.” "Why are you being nice about this?" I asked carefully. “I am many things Button Mash. I’m the current leader of Lust, a Hacker, one can even call me insane for my goals and ideals, but even I have standards. Would it make it easier for you if I was just a heartless monster who cares about nothing other than harming people and kidnapping them?” He asked as he ate. “I’ll have you know I’m the one who pioneered the cell grown Breeders. Creating synthetic beings, be them from organic or inorganic materials is easier than kidnapping people to reprogram. After all, off world they create synthetics as sex toys for people, the difference between mine and those is that mine can become pregnant, while the others can not.” "Considering what I've heard and seen, the fact that standards are even allowed is a miracle." I rolled my eyes. “What do you think of when you think of Evil, Button?” "Evil is subjective, cause I've done 'evil' things but I'm still a decent person, and the planet has told me personally." I said honestly. "But what is Evil? What most of the Chaos Guilds represent, just cold heartless bullshit because you can and nobody can stop you. What you're about to do with this petty war because 'it'll show true evil'." I waved a hoof dismissively at the last statement. “The Family is all about Balance.” David replied. “If that’s true, then why side so closely to order. Even with the villain’s guilds, the monsters… there’s never a real threat or danger to anyone anymore. As is, people don’t die in this reality, they just respawn. I want to build a new Family. If there can be a Mother that focuses on life and creation, why can’t there be one for death and destruction?” "Maybe because the Family has already went through some bullshit like this and would rather it not happen again?" I brought up. "And gee, that sounds like an interesting idea if it wouldn't backfire immensely the moment you put it into practice…" “And you’re so sure of that? After all… anything is possible in this reality.” He chuckled. “I remember the first time I heard that saying… it used to make me feel so… liberated.” "Sometimes there are things you shouldn't do." I frowned. "The Morgan Incident from what I heard had plenty of shit that you shouldn't do." “I wasn’t around for that but I heard the stories. But if I’m honest, I do believe that evil is necessary, needing organization. But let evil regulate evil. If The Family cares so much about balance, then surely they understand after all these eras of peace, there’s been a long overdue catastrophe.” "Why do you think this place exists?" I asked. "This planet exists for exactly that, not for you to swarm reality with a dumbass war. Sometimes catastrophes can stay down, and if they wanted one, why hasn't G-D or Pain come here to get it going?" “I don’t know. But do you honestly believe one planet to house all evil is balanced amongst infinity? Fair? No. There needs to be a change. This reality has been stagnated for so long. I just want to shake things up, make a mark this reality will never forget. If that makes me the bad guy in the eyes of reality, then I will be the bad guy. We both do what we must to achieve our goals.” "I will mount your skull over my mantle piece if this war happens." I growled. “No you won’t.” He sait, taking a few gulps of his coffee. “You will sit and stay on the sidelines.” "The hell I will." I growled. “Yes, you will.” He stated, finishing his coffee off. “Because, I know where your family lives. I know where you and they all sleep. I’m giving you an out Button Mash. I suggest you take it. Because despite your current rage and anger and hatred of me and of Lust, in the end, you will never put that ahead of your family’s safety.” “I hate you so goddamn much.” I growled “And I can live with that. Now, finish your breakfast. You are eating for two now.” I frowned, sitting up and began eating… even the food tastes amazing… Once I finished eating I followed David to an adjacent room that looked rather… medical. I sat on an examination chair. “This sucks…” I grumbled. “This won’t take long, now lie down on your back.” I did, his hand then glowed with that Code energy and he waved it over my stomach. “Hmm… Cell division stable, and… there it is. Code Energy. The pills work.” “Fuck…” I grumbled. “And…now things are going to get worse…” “Actually the pregnancy will be pretty normal.” “I know, but this means your pills work, and that’ll just mean you can mass produce Hacker’s and cause untold devastation because you want to fuck with people.” “This also means you can produce them as well.” He said, placing the bottle of the pills on my stomach. “There are one hundred and ninety nine pills left in there. And I’m sure once your Hacker children grow old enough they too can create their own by examining the pills. Or, once they go to market, buy some.” “Oh yeah, I forgot you’re going to sell it for literally anyone to have…that’s going to end so fucking poorly for everyone.” I said. “Just…breed people with the ultimate power, and watch as the entire planet becomes a War zone for people trying to take control of it all…” He laughed. “You act like Code is an easy power to use.” “Give people enough time.” I frowned. “Now your plan basically hinges on if people are selfish and greedy enough, or so absolutely done with Chaos Guild’s bullshit, that an ensuing civil war won’t crack this planet open like an egg.” I shook my head. “And from what I’ve been told and shown…it’s going to happen…” “Perhaps. But in the end would you care? Armageddon vanishing from amongst the stars would sound like a good thing to most. And it would surely piss off Nexus.” “It would, but this planet was made, which is as big as Homeworld from what I’ve heard, so that you assholes can live free and do whatever the hell you want…plus, isn’t this place also supposed to keep something super important hidden?” “Don’t know. Legends and stories get told and change over time. If there is anything important here, that’s The Family’s problem, not mine. Besides, if Armageddon does crack, it just means Nexus will have to let people evacuate. And if they still refuse, I'll pay their leaders a little visit. Either way, you could finally get off this planet, and I’m sure you want that more than anything.” “I doubt I can, given that I’d become a wanted criminal because of thing’s I couldn’t control…” I sighed. “Even though I really want to leave and give my family the lives they deserve…” “Hmm. Well, come now, let’s go fetch your friend, Breeder and I’ll grab my good for nothing son and the rest of your payments.” “Fine…” I sighed. “Let’s just…get the rest of this over with…” I put the bottle of pills in my Assistant and got up and followed them. We stopped outside a door. “Wait here. I’ll speak with my son privately.” He said, walking into the room and closing the door behind him. I rubbed my temples bitterly. “Magically this fucker has a concious even though he want’s to kill untold trillions of people just for some ‘making my mark’ bullshit…” I thought to myself bitterly. “He’s definitely self contradictory.” Cheat said. “Yeah, I can’t get a beat on this guy. What the fuck does he actually want? Something about this is very weird…” "He doesn't come off as crazy. Yet he tells us to basically keep safe by staying out of his war then threatens our family in the same sentence? Does he care about us or not or what?" “No idea…and at this point it feels like he’s doing this to spite someone or something rather than doing this as some ‘I’m gonna shake the world’ nonsense…” "Well whatever it is, he's still too powerful for us to deal with. I think our best option is to just stay under his radar and-” The screams from behind the door nearly made me fall over. It made my ears ring as the screamer’s fear, pain, agony and pure terror left them with the sounds of their vocal cords breaking in the scream. Then, as suddenly as it started, it stopped. David walked back out, a blindfolded man in a white T shirt and shorts behind him. “Here’s my son. Well, former.” “Okay, what the fuck did you do?” “Made him more agreeable for you.” “Uh…alright…” I said slowly. “And…because I have to ask, I’m getting some conflicting messages from your…entirety.” “And that’s an issue for you?” “When you hear ‘I want to watch Existance burn for funsies’ and ‘I’m evil, not heartless’ in the same sentence you tend to get a bit confused about a lot of things about a person.” I said carefully. “Untold trillions will die from the war you want to start to ‘make a mark on history’, and even though you’re the leader of Lust…you’ve more or less been an okay person to me, and the willingness to leave me and my family alone…I don’t know if your trying to blackmail me or threaten me with good will or if I’m somehow missing something.” David smirked at me. “You’re an Isekai, right?” “I am…and what does that have to do with this?” “So am I.” He said, taking me by surprise. “It was what… almost three million years by now. Like you I saw this world as a playground. I found purpose. I found adventure, friends. My life was good. Then I came here.” “Were you kidnapped or did you…come here stupidly like me?” “I came here willingly. I had heard the stories and knew the dangers, but it didn’t scare me. I found it thrilling.” “So…what caused you to turn into…this?” I asked. “Boredom.” He stated. “I walked the zones, fighting and slaughtering everyone and everything I passed. Towns, Chaos Guilds, didn’t matter. I was addicted to the thrill of the fight. It was my purpose, and after so long, I found few who could rekindle that thrill a fight could give me. Eventually, I became such an issue that the Chaos Guild Leaders at the time personally hunted me.” “Oh…” I frowned. “That’s uh…that’s a major problem…” “Heh, yeah. They ambushed me and tried to beat and torture me. Too bad for them, it didn’t work. In the end, I got them to fight against one another, it was clear whatever cooperation they had amongst one another was strained. Once they were distracted I broke free then used Consume on the Lust and Nexus leaders at the time. Consume is a legendary ability that allows me to absorb a person body and soul, keeping them a prisoner within me for as long as I see fit.” “Oh…” I muttered, my eyes widened in absolute horror. “There’s…there’s probably nothing that can stand up to you at this point…” “Maybe, maybe not. But that’s how I became a Hacker. Consume assimilates all the abilities of my targets into me, so when I absorbed the Nexus leader, his Code Powers became mine. The leader of Greed convinced me to join as a leader in the Chaos Guilds. He’s a cool guy, I respect him. In the end I settled on Lust out of curiosity and for a challenge. My search for a proper fight hasn’t stopped. At first I thought I could breed a child to rival me, but none of them were worth much. Then I realized, The Family is the most powerful group in this reality. What better way to fight them than to become their equal and enemy?” “I…I don’t know why…but it feels like there’s a fight happening in a retirement home by you saying that.” David laughed… an actual, genuine laugh. “That’s a good one. Huh… Haven’t laughed like that in… a long time.” He then kneeled down and poked at my nose. “I like you Button Mash. Maybe I’ll visit you to talk more sometime.” He stood back up and began walking off. I followed, feeling… confused. “Uh…alright…” I said slowly. “So…you're just bored…and you think picking a fight with possibly omnipotent beings is a good idea?” “I never said it was a good idea, I said it would cure my boredom.” “Ri~ght…so can’t wait to see you get your shit pushed in.” I said readily. Again, he laughed. “You are a treat. I am definitely visiting you when I can.” I followed him to the living room, Fiona’s mother was there. David waved a hand over her face, glowing with Code Energy as she then collapsed unconscious. He snapped his fingers and there was a blindfold over her eyes now.  “Alright…so what’s special about these two now?” I asked carefully. “Or did you just press the reset button on them?” “I reset the slave here. But I had to reprogram Jason. Congratulations you now own one of the rare male breeders Lust sells.” “Sweet Mother, why?” I groaned. “Couldn’t you have just let him be?” “If you want to make good use of the pills, at least one parent has to be a Hacker. This way, you can ensure they are put to good use. Now, lastly your Rem payment.” He kneeled down and tapped his assistant to mine. The rem transferred instantly and I was genuinely surprised it was… so much… “I’ve already sent your friend home. Oh and here.” David snapped his fingers, Kara appearing next to me, also passed out. “There we go, you’re all set to go home.” “Alright…this…didn’t go exactly as I’d hoped but it’s better than what I thought would happen.” “I’ll be seeing you Button Mash. Now you go on home, you have a lot of kids to meet and reconnect with.” David snapped his fingers. When David snapped his fingers, I was back in town, back home. Everything looked both the same but also different. At first security tried to arrest me but Able was teleported back home ahead of me and called them off. I then spoke with the New Foundation O5 and after that I was sent home. Cream, Maud, Sweetie, Tiara and Philomina all dogpiled me. “You’re finally home!” Cream said, crying into my fur. “Yeah…I’m…” I teared up. “I’m home…” I cried and held everyone I could. Once the tears were dry enough I told them all what happened, meeting David, the leader of Lust and… the kid I was growing… how the Floof Noodle slave was Kara’s mother, and the… human male Breeder was David’s own son he gave me for… using the pills to birth Hackers… “And they just… teleported you back? All that distance?” Sweetie asked. I nodded. “That takes a… lot of power. It took Three ten years for him to bring you and Able there. And he sends you home in a second…” Tiara shivered. “They make Male Breeders?” Cream asked. “Said it’s rare…” I sighed. “And…he can do that cause he’s a Hacker…who has Consume…” I heard everyone gasp. “And…he consumed the previous leaders of Lust and Nexus themselves…” “... And he sounded into you?” Maud added. “I don’t know why though!” I whined incredulously. “He’s trying to start a bullshit war because he’s bored…and somehow, he treats me right, want to keep you all safe from this and…was actually caring and sensual in bed…” “... Well, you said he would visit so… are you gonna date them?” Philomina asked, making me blush hard. “Why would date that insane fuck?” I asked. “He wants to burn reality just because he’s bored!” “I’m sure you can fix him.” Tiara said while I groaned in pain. “What Tiara probably means is… when an all-powerful being with Code Energy and is the leader of one of the major Chaos Guilds, you date them because rejection may equal fate worse than death…” Cream stated. “Plus you’re already carrying their kid, so.” Maud shrugged. “I mean…maybe? I still don’t like this at all…” I groaned. “I helped him learn that he can just…breed Hacker’s with special pills…” “Ah… that explains him.” Cream said, looking over at Jason, who I still had blindfolded and standing in a corner. “So, that means he gave you some of the pills right?” “Gave me the first ever working batch of it before he mass produces the shit and sells it to everyone.” I shook my head. “And that’s his kid, who also has Hacker powers…but the pills only work if one of the parents has Code powers so…goodie for me…” “... That’s… I don’t know how to process that information…” Tiara said. “...So, are you gonna take their blindfolds off or?” “I’m…gonna have to…” I sighed bitterly. “Two more to add to the ever growing pile cause fuck me I suppose…” “Well, one. She’s a Slave so… no sex needed.” Maud said. “Still…” I grumbled. “Hate this so much…but hopefully we have time…” “Heh… Well, the kids are all in school for four more hours.” Cream said. “I believe you made a promise before leaving?” “I don’t know, mind reminding me of such a promise?” I asked with a cheeky grin. “I dunno Cream, might not be good for Button’s passenger.” Philomina said, giving my stomach a poke. “True, they might need some rest.” Tiara added with a smirk. “Oh when I make a joke.” I said ruefully, but still had my smile as I hugged them all again. “I missed you all so much.” “It’s good to have you back.” Cream said as they all hugged me. “Now let’s drag them to bed girls, because I for one am tired of hooves, tongues and fingers.” Wait what? “Hold up what?” I asked in surprise. “What, you thought we would be dry the whole ten years you’ve been gone?” Maud asked. “Was awkward at first but after a while we got pretty good at it. Then creative, and when one of us needed something scratched we asked who was free or willing at the time since we had over a hundred children to take care of…” Cream huffed. “Ten years and I’m still not a Den Mother Pony…” “Not for lack of trying.” Philomina said. “Well…I still have ten years of one part of me that hasn’t been used.” I said readily. “Ten years pent up for all of you.” “Really?” They all asked. “Even with Kara… right there?” Sweetie asked. “Or Able?” Maud asked. I gave her a look. “Hey don’t give me that, you already accepted your willingness to take and give before you left. Ten years with two guys around you and your hot Breeder, I'm just surprised.” “I was possessing her body the entire time.” I said. “Due to me technically being a Symbiote, I hopped into her body and kept her unconscious while we headed out, my body was in storage so it wouldn’t be an absolute nightmare for the ten years.” “Hmm…” Tiara hummed. “Did you at least grope and masterbate while possessing her body?” … This is not what I was expecting when I came home… “No, I didn’t…and I thought this would have been more on the first part of our reunion with cuddles and hugs and crying…and possibly me making you all bloated messes from how much we missed each other.” “Sorry it’s just… given how much we had sex regularly before you left it’s just kind of surprising you went completely dry for ten years.” Maud said. “Pay up.” Philomina said, the others all giving her various amounts of rem. “Bruh, why did you bet on me doing lewd things?” I whined. “Why were you surprised we did lewd things with each other in your absence?” Tiara asked. “We all love you, there’s no changing that, but with you gone we all had each other to rely on and… well, feelings developed and bonds were formed. We each went on several dates and it’s not like we were strangers to being in the room when sex was happening, the difference that time around was you were gone. We just ended up making this more of a poly herd from a harem herd.” … Huh… they have a fair point… Guess more changed than just my kids growing up without me for ten years… “Hate how I missed so much…” I sighed. “Well, now you can catch up… but since Philomina won the bet she gets you all to herself and first.” Cream said. “I’’l try and make it quick for the rest of you.” Phiomina said as she picked me up and carried me to the bedroom- woah… The bedroom also changed. It was bigger, had a walk in closet with a huge standing mirror on the wall there, a large makeup table, the bed was now a single large mattress rather than the two large ones we kept next to each other, and there was so many pillows! Philomina closed the door behind her and gave me a kiss before laying us on the bed. Woah this mattress is soft and squishy! She broke the kiss and gave me a warm smile. “Feels amazing to have you home Button.” “It feels amazing to be home Philomina.” I said warmly. She raised herself up, got undressed and we began. I made sure to treat each of them right, feeling like for a moment things were as they were before. Though, they all showed me their new skills and… woah… Eventually once the fun time was over they all got into the shower, which was also changed and much, much larger, able to shower all of us at once if we wanted, and did, before helping each other dry off. Once that was done, Philomina, Tiara and Cream went to go pick the kids up from school and I was left with Maud and Sweetie to prepare dinner. I didn’t even notice the kitchen got… huge. Including the massive table of… so… many… chairs… “Okay so gotta make Hazel her salt free meals, Kent their vegan meal, April their PBJ’s…” Maud began muttering as they began having the kitchen cook meals automatically and prepare the dinners. I… didn’t recognize the names… they must be… my other kids… “Don’t forget to check Jenna’s backpack when she gets home.” Sweetie said. “Right, her and her cheese crackers addiction…” Maud replied. “I…” I sighed sadly, not sure where to start as my heart ached due to just…not knowing anything here. “Button can you set the table?” Sweetie asked. “Also check under chair number forty, that’s Emily’s chair and she hides her pranks for dinner under there so, be careful it could be a whoopie cushion or a stink bomb.” “Alright…” I said, starting to set the table as…I felt like a stranger doing all this…I’ve been gone for ten years… As I set the plates, utensils and such, I did come across chair forty. They all were numbered it seemed. I looked under and… I’m sorry is this… I pulled the taped mini spray bottle out from under there and read the label. Liquid Ass? I did sniff the tip of the spray nozzle and… yeah, that is indeed liquid ass! I gagged… “Just throw her prank items in her room, it’s also door forty!” Sweetie called. Door…Forty? I walked back to the hallway and spotted the adjacent hallway I didn’t notice before… there were a lot of doors. All numbered and under those numbers were names… I read over each, eventually coming up to door forty… Emily… I opened the door- Thunk! Splash! I had a bucket of water fall on my head… “Ha! Got ya!” A recording of a little girl’s voice said, taunting me. I paid it no mind and just… looked at the room. A bookshelf filled with various pranking items stood against the back right corner, a large bed with a fluffy blanket and pillows sat unmade and tossed. The floor was carpeted and I noticed some brown hairs on the ground. A toybox sat outside the closet next to the front door. The posters all were from either movies, anime or bands and they all were pinned on blue wallpaper. On a desk I saw a computer, a notebook titled ‘Not Prank Plans’ sat and I looked up to see a framed photo of a brown furred, fluffy Dire Wolf pup, dressed in an orange dress. She had pony ears and was running from Maud, who was covered in silly string and looked very mad… “Damn it…” I muttered bitterly, tearing up as I saw so much that I missed out on with raising my family… I shakily placed the spray bottle with the foul smelling liquid on her desk and… "Hey Button." I turned, seeing Sweetie at the doorway. She saw me and quickly gave me a hug. I just… cried. “I’m…I’m sorry…” I cried. "... It's been hard. You not being here…" Sweetie admitted as she held me tight. "The kids have all asked about you a few times. Some didn't. Some, the older ones, I've noticed seem to have grown to… very much dislike you for not being here. I don't know how they're all going to react now that you're back. It's going to be an adjustment for them, that's for sure." “They’ll all hate me…I don’t blame them, I hate me too…” I cried. "Not all of them Button. The older ones, the ones we adopted, maybe… but the rest are going to be very confused. And be cautious around you. You will be a stranger to them… it will take a lot of time and effort." I…just hearing that…”I’ve…I’ve been a stranger ever since I got back…” Sweetie held me tighter. "It's gonna take time Button… a lot has changed in the ten years you've been gone. I know it hurts now, and it will hurt for a long… long time. It might never stop hurting, but you can still connect with your kids. You're still part of this family." “We’ll see when the kids get here…” I muttered bitterly. She sighed, pulling back some, looking at me then gave me a kiss. When she broke it she leaned her head against mine. "We've told them about you. Often. What you were like, showed them pictures and told stories about your runs and what you were doing. Some of them do look up to you. Level Up thinks you're a hero." That…hearing Level Up saw me as a hero…it…it honestly hurt, both that she believed in me that much…and that I wasn’t here for her. “W-well…g-good to know.” "I know it's going to hurt when you meet them all. But you are here for them now. Something tells me you aren't gonna be taking a leave of absence again for a long… long time." I looked Sweetie in the eyes. "I don't think I'll ever wanna leave home again…" I frowned, trying to wipe from tears out of my eyes. "I figured as much." She chuckled, but teared up as well. "Come on, we wanna surprise the kids when they're all sitting for dinner. Plus if Emily shows up and sees us here she's probably gonna shoot us with her Mustard Gun." …  I laughed a little. Mustard Gun? “Mustard Gun?” I asked. “What kind of nonsense is that?” "Don't ask. A friend of hers at school showed her how to make them. Since we don't allow them real weapons she uses that. She usually loads it with spicy mustard and aims for the eyes so be careful." “Oof, that’s not good.” I said with a wince. “But…hopefully things will go well at dinner.” "Hopefully… you should also take another shower. She usually adds itching powder in the water for her door trap." … That explains the slow creeping itchiness… “For the love of…” I grumbled. “Alright, let’s make it fast before I really start to itch.” I quickly rushed back to the master bedroom and took another shower. It took a few washes to get it all out but when that was over I could already hear the stampede of children coming home. Most seemed to be running to their rooms based on how the foot traffic sounded. I sighed as I dried off, hearing them all talk and laugh. Their talking and laughing should be music to my ears…hearing that all my family is safe and okay…but…it was foreign to me…something I haven’t heard before and…it only hurt more… After a while the majority of the noise died down as they all made it to their rooms. I sat in here. I felt… terrified… I knew I was going to be gone. I knew things would change but seeing them… I think I did choose wrong when I left… "Hey Button." Cream said as she came into the bedroom, quickly closing the door behind her. "Sweetie told me you saw Emily's room." “Yes…I did…” I said, just laying in bed as I…I wanted to see my kids but…I just couldn’t. “I…heard you all having fun at dinner…” "Dinner hasn't started yet. The kids are all doing homework about now. Some of the few moments of peace the house gets." She chuckled. “Well…you still all sounded like you were having fun…” "They were more happy to be home. Kids and school, mortal enemies and all that." She added, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "You regret leaving now… don't you?" “Whether I left before or after…it doesn’t change a thing…” "Button…" "You know I'm right…" She sighed. "You know, sometimes when you were gone I thought you'd be like this, and I'd say 'I was right' and all that but… fact is, you are their father. Mother in Power Up's case, but the point is it's not too late to be their parent. Father or mother. It will take time, but they'll open up to you after a while. You aren't one to give up. One of the things I both hate and love about you." “I hope you're right…” Cream gave me a nuzzle. "It will be rocky. Bumpy and yes there will definitely be some who will shout and yell and… be angry with you, but I know if you keep trying they'll be able to accept you too. Some will accept you easily, readily, others will take more time and effort and I know you can do it." "Thanks for…having some hope for me Cream." I said, nuzzling back as I just…wanted to be a good father… "Always. So… how long has Kara been out cold?" I looked over, where I saw my Kara, still out cold, Jason and Kara's mother both still blindfolded. We got them in here to hide from the kids until later. "Uh…I don't know…" I said slowly. "Really gonna have to fix that…" "I guess for now it's fine… so, that other Floof Noodle is her mother?" "Yes, he gave her to me cause he was bored of her." I sighed. "Is she also a Breeder?" "No, she's a Slave…which doesn't help but…eh…" I sighed. "Actually, she might." Cream sighed. "She might?" I inquired. "Sorry, just thinking about other stuff I probably should tell you." She sighed. "What do you have in mind?" I asked. "Well, as you know Den Mothers are extremely… fertile, and Breeders apparently because of their code birth the most children possible for their species. We knew right off the bat we couldn't properly care for so many infants. With their biological mothers in storage for their own safety, the girls and I all had to… adopt Den Mother Slaves, like her." She motioned to Kara's mother. "The first year they cared for the infants as they should, wet nursing, burping, cleaning them. When the kids got older we considered returning them but that wasn't actually an option it turns out so… we gave them new orders. They all work in the Garden now helping feed the kids." "Well…shit…." I sighed bitterly. "Good to know I suppose." "We can have her work with the others. We have them follow a strict schedule so they aren't overworked and they are kept well fed. We check on them regularly too. It always creeps me out how happy they are to mindlessly do the tasks we told them to do…" "Yeah…I don't like it either…" I sighed. "But…as long as they're content I suppose…" "At least with them so long as they're working they won't have mental breakdowns. So, that aside, dinner will probably be ready in two hours." "Alright…" I said. "I'll just…be here, doubt I can do anything while we wait…" "Well… you could check on her." Cream motioned to Kara's mother. "Maybe through Treasury you can learn more about who she was and such? Cause the other option is to wake Kara up and spend time with her." "True…" I sighed, walking over ot Kara's mother and, making sure she could only see me, I undid her blindfold. Her eyes flash the same green as the Breeders. She then gave me a bow. "Greetings Master." She addressed me. "What are my orders?" She asked as she raised herself back up. "What is your name?" I asked. "Whatever you wish for it to be Master." She replied. Right… none of them have their own names anymore. Plus I remember David just addressed her as Slave… I sighed, trying to think of what name she could have cause if I learn her name I can't say it. I eventually came up with something. "From now on, you are called Vee." I stayed. "Understood Master." Vee said, giving me another bow. "What are my orders?" "Your first order…" I tried to think of what she could do, considering I don't know the schedule they made for the others. "Cream, you got the schedule on you?" "Yes but let's wait to give her that. Some of the kids are still in the living room and they might see her on the way to the Garden." Crap. Maybe something in here she can do? Maybe some questions if anything? "Tell me a few things about yourself, like what are you good at or what your capable of." I said. "Whatever you ask of me I will humbly fulfill within my abilities. Be the request be laborious or sexual in nature I will do as you request. If I am unable to perform or fulfill the orders due to physical limitations or my own inabilities I kindly request you discipline me appropriately for my failures Master." "Alright, now what are you good at?" I asked, still wanting to know if she has a talent at something or somehow still had whatever talents she had before becoming a…Slave… "As a Den Mother I am capable of wet nursing, nannying, childcare and if you request, child bearing responsibilities. My primary programming is in household cleaning, cooking, and as a Floof Noodle my healing stomach is available for use at your request should you seek need of it. Secondary programming includes manual labor, gardening and sewing." "Thank you." I nodded, thinking about what she can do, cause there's still a lot of time. I felt Cream tap my shoulder. "Ask her if Kara looks familiar." She told me. I looked to my still unconscious Breeder… maybe… "Vee, do you recognize Kara?" I asked, pointing to the unconscious breeder. Vee looked down at her. She looked at Kara for a while, and I did notice she seemed to be smelling something before she turned to look at me. "I'm sorry master, but I have no idea who this Floof Noodle Is. Based on her scent I can conclude however she is a Breeder. She is also yours and well used," I blushed. "She has children present in the building, and that based on her scent compared to mine she is most likely my biological daughter. However I have no recollection of her." … She could tell all that from her scent?! "Jeez how sensitive is your nose to pick up on all that?" I asked in surprise. "As a Den Mother, Floof Noodle and as a member of an Apex Predator Species my sense of smell and hearing are two hundred times stronger than that of a normal predatory species. She most likely has these as well, but as she is a Breeder, she makes no use of them and has no need to." "... Well damn." Cream said. "Huh…" I said. "That's…interesting…" I said, flying up and gently patting Vee's head. "Thank you." "My pleasure Master. Is there anything else you request?" “Hmm…” I hummed. “Do you prefer being…rewarded with anything in particular or just anything?” "I will humbly and happily accept any rewards you give me if you see fit to give me any Master." Vee said. “Alright.” I nodded. “Hmm…so many things…” I need her to keep busy for a while… and preferably something not too noisy… hmm… ah! "Uh, Vee. Clean the Master Bathroom." I said. "Yes Master." She said, slithering over to the bathroom and began grabbing cleaning supplies. "Well, that should keep her busy for a while. What about Kara and him?" Cream asked. Kara was still soundly asleep and Jason was still blindfolded and standing there. "I'll…give it some time before I wake either of those two up…" I sighed. "Got a lot of shit to do still…" "Fair… so, wanna hear about about Emily since you… saw her room and such?" "Yes, I'd like to know about our little prankster." "Heh, well for starters she's one of your daughters with Karla. She adores dresses and such but her mischievous side was there from the time she could crawl. In fact the first prank she ever pulled on her siblings was the classic hand in warm water one when she was just three." "A fan of classics I see." I chuckled. "Well, that's how she started. Once she got into school her pranking took more advanced forms and all became more elaborate. She only ever targeted bullies or other pranksters." "That's good she targeted those people instead of innocent's." "Yeah. We were actually called to the principals office when she swapped a bully's juice box for hot sauce. Personally though the brat deserved it. She might be the daughter of a Breeder but she is not less than anyone." Cream said, growling a little. "The fact that people would treat her less because of her birth is beyond me.” I growled. "Kids can be cruel. She's earned a reputation around school but she has some amazing friends and her siblings always have her back." Cream laughed. "Just wish she'd get less detention…" “Gotta stand up to bullies someway.” I shrugged. "Heh, she gets that from you, you know." “What? Pension for Detention?” I joked. "To try and help her family, at the cost of herself…" Cream sighed. "Lots of the kids are like that. Makes me happy, proud even… yet also equally terrified…" “Scared that one will go too far and get hurt?” I asked. "Or worse…" She sighed. "Part of why I'm glad you're back. Maybe you can help them understand…" “I’ll try to warn them…but it’s still up to them…” I sighed. "I know….I just hope it prepares them." “Yeah…as long as they're prepared.” I said readily. "Well, I better head back out. I'll be back when the kids are all seated and we can… introduce you to them all." She laughed weakly. She then gave me a quick kiss before leaving. I sighed, looking down… was it worth it?  I wrapped my hooves around my stomach and looked at Kara… I lost ten years worth of time with my family to find a way to help the Breeders, Slaves and Serfs… I have the key… but, my own unborn child will have to take it over when they're old enough… In the end… I play a starting roll in this but… I won't be finishing it… Was it worth it? “This…is supposed to be my story damn it…” I growled. “I’m supposed to be the one that finishes this…not be some sidelined putz because others deemed it so.” But… wasn't this my choice? My choice to conceive this child in exchange for returning to my family? “I…had to do it or else bad things would happen…” I thought to myself. “Is this what I’m reduced to? One decision turning me into a sidelined failure?” Is it a failure to return home safely? To the ones you love and who love you back? “Is it a failure to help the villain with his bullshit because you were too powerless to do anything about it?” I mentally growled. Is it not worse to never return home because you chose life over death? “Is it worse that I could have gotten my family killed because of his petty need for a fight?” He gave you an out, and taking it makes you no less a hero than anyone else put in your situation. “I was weak…I…I couldn’t do a damn thing about it and now he can just sell his product to anyone he wants and cause untold devastation…even if he could have done it with literally anyone else…he chose me…” And what made you so special? To him? To his plans? Why start with you when any female or Breeder could have done the same? “And what the fuck do you know mystery voice?” Enough. Enough to know that you can not be the main character when it comes to your children. That is what it means to be a parent. Will you break just because you're not the hero you wanted to be? Or will you help your children be the heroes Armageddon needs? “Because then what’s the point of my struggle against this!?” I mentally roared back. “What’s the point of all my training, all my fighting, all the days I spent keeping my family safe and sound only to just be told ‘welp, you’re a parent, time to let your children that you fought so hard to not be a part of this to fight your battles for you’.” I mentally growled, feeling my blood boil at being told to shove it and let my children fight my battles when they shouldn’t have to. “What’s the point if all I amounted to was a Breeder in the end?” … Children need a guide. They need a mentor. They need parents. You can teach them to fight. To be safe. To thrive on Armageddon like no generation has before, and you can and will fight by their side. You are not stepping down Button Mash, you are taking a well deserved rest.  "Fine…a rest…well deserved? Eh…" Everyone deserves a rest. One day, you will have to stand again and get back to work, but for now… enjoy your family. "I…guess…" I mentally sighed. "Thanks mystery voice…just…hate how I helped the bastard I wanted to take down to stop Lust…" I sighed and walked over to the bed, climbing up and onto it and laying down. "So are we just not gonna talk about the random voice in your head you spoke with that was none of your symbiotes?" Cheat asked. "Well if the mystery person would like to speak up…but yes that was very weird and freaky." "... We probably should take it's advice and rest though… because even by this reality's standards… that was weird…" "It can always get weirder…and yeah I'm…just tired…" I lay there on the bed, almost falling asleep. I kinda wanted to, but I sat up as the door opened and Tiara poked her head in. “You ready Button?” She asked. "Kinda…if having a weird crisis with a voice outside my head talking to me means I'm ready." “That probably means you need therapy, but that can wait for another time.” I got up and followed her out the door, through the livingroom and into the kitchen. Wow… seeing… all of them… Wow I really fathered this many kids? Well, the vast majority anyway… All the faces the kids had ranged from shock to confusion. Tiara stood next to me, as did Maud, Sweetie, Cream, and Philomina. “Kids, this is your father Button Mash.” Cream stated, her voice loud but not yelling. “He’s finally home.” There was silence, then whispers… “Settle down.” Philomina called out. “I know many of you don’t remember your father. He left when the majority of you were all infants. He traveled far to find a way to help Breeders, most of you know you also miss your birth mothers and only know them from our visits to the storage center. It will take time, but your father found a way and will work on it as soon as they are able. Until then, please, he has missed you all dearly. Try and be nice- Flare put the slingshot down…” I looked and spotted a red Floof Noodle toss a slingshot behind them. “I wasn’t aiming for dad, I was aiming at Sun!” Flare defended. “I’m aware- Sun Cloud put the potato gun down…” Philomina huffed. A fox-like pony chuckled and tossed the potato gun behind them. It fired upon hitting the ground and a potato turned into mashed bits on the ceiling. All my mates huffed. “Let’s get back to dinner. Come on Button.” Sweetie said. I looked at all of them…so many faces…so many children that I never got to witness the births of…to hold…"I….I'm sorry…" I teared up for literally the fifth time in the past forty eight hours. "I…do you have any questions?" “Why are you a mare?” Someone asked. "Blame Cheat, one of my symbiotes, who fused her mare body with mine to force me to relax." I answered. "Are you old?" Another asked. … I don't know whether to be glad they aren't asking hard questions… or insulted someone thinks I'm old… I'm only… twenty six! And I… fathered the vast majority of these kids with the power of horniness and keeping their Breeder mothers happy… as well as my mates who are not Breeders… “I’m not old.” I shook my head. “I’m only twenty six. Next question?” “Are you an alicorn?” Another asked. "Yes, I am indeed an alicorn." I said, using my horn to levitate a fork to prove I have unicorn magic and fluttered my wings to show that they are big and strong enough for my size. “Does that make you a princess?” Someone asked. "I mean…technically it does." I said honestly. "I just need a dress and some regalia then I can be a 'pretty princess'." I said, the last words being in a playful posh voice. That managed to get a few laughs. “Are you gonna spend time with us?” I recognized that voice, and looked around and spotted her. Emily. She was wearing a bright green dress and had a small bow pin clipped next to her right ear. "Yes, yes I am." I nodded. "I…I missed ten years to try and make this world safer for you all…" I teared up. "I'll…try my best…" Eventually the girls led me to the seats where the grownups ate. As I ate I looked up and spotted the kids all looking at me… some I noticed looked… mad. They were the older ones… a few of the younger ones looked mad too… I sighed. After dinner the kids all went back to their rooms and Maud took me to storage to pull the Breeders out. I haven’t seen them in ten years too, but to them it will looks like they saw me yesterday… “All in all, it went better than it could have gone.” Maud said. "No…" I sighed. “How so?” "They…still looked mad…" I admitted. "I…know it did go well but…it…still hurt to see them that mad…" “... A lot of them have been agitated. Majority of them all being from the Breeders, they didn't get to know their biological mothers, just visit them when we took the kids on trips to storage to see them. Then you, a lot of the kids despite seeing us as their mothers, some even see the… helpers, as parents too, but none of the ones who were mad back there actually thought you were gonna come back. They thought it was a lie we told them to make them all feel better. They’re hurt and have been for years now… It’s not gonna be easy. Especially the older kids. Some already moved out when they were old enough and had a job for a while.” Right… The adopted kids… most of them were twelve, eleven, they have to be twenty already… "So it's a bit worse than I thought…" “Unfortunately.” Maud sighed. “It’s hard parenting so many children. Most of them form their own groups within the house and when we can’t be there they help each other. All in all, it’s been hard for everyone.” I shook my head. "Just another thing…" I muttered. “These early months, maybe even years will be an adjustment. You think you’ll be okay?” "No. But I'm gonna have to deal with it anyways." “Well, for what its worth, I know you’ll be able to pull it off.” Maud said. I smiled as we walked in silence to Storage. Once there they scanned my Assistant and now we were waiting for the girls… Oh boy… “So, see anything neat during your travels?” Maud asked. “Well, I did see some neat things when we stopped to let Three rest but overall it was just…us hopping around for a long time.” “Nothing of note or that stuck out?” “Uh…there was one thing that was…kind of horrifying…an area filled with Spider Trains…” “Oh, Choochoo Charles?” I stared at Maud. “A lot of the kids play games and all of Kara’s kids inherited her love of horror. Oh, beware of Emily come Halloween… She gets really morbid with her pranks on Halloween…” “Goodie…” I grumbled. “Not something I’m excited for but sure.” “Master!” The fluffy impact of eleven huge ladies was more forceful than I was expecting… As was the weight of all of them being on top of me and trying to- ah! “Well, for not having knowledge of the ten years they were asleep they sure act like they haven’t seen you in ten years.” Maud said as the girls were basically crushing/molesting me. Normally I’d be okay with this but this is in public! “Ladies ladies please! Let’s wait till we’re not in a public area!” I said quickly to all the horny women. “This is a normal reaction when let out of extended storage.” The receptionist said. “Despite their sense of time not being affected, their Programming still keeps track of the time. While mentally they aren’t suffering the negative side effects their programming knows it has been ten years and is driving them to… make up for lost time.” “Oh so Button’s gonna need to rut them on the ground here to get free?” Maud asked. “We have bedrooms here for when this happens. There are also plenty of liquids free for as long as it takes to satisfy their programming.” “Ah… They might need an ambulance when they’re done.” “We have a medic bay on standby at all times. He’s actually been preparing for Button Mash’s return. Ten years away is a record for storage of a Breeder here.” “Then can someone please get them off of me so we can head to a room before Cheat decides to take over? She’s already chanting ‘do it’...” They managed to get us all into one of the spare rooms and… what happened next was… just… I have no words… It was so… rough… so unhinged… so much…  I had to swap out with Cheat a few times to get it done but when it was done, I had literally been fucking for two days, drank maybe two hundred gallons of water and or sports drinks… more milk from the girls than I ever have before… and I dislocated my hips on multiple occasions… To make it worse, when I got home Kara was up and pounced me… I accepted fate and spent six hours with her… “I’m… gonna take a break from sex…” I groaned from my spot on the bed. “Yeesh. I don’t think they’ve had you this bad save when you first got them.” Cream said, applying more ice along my limbs… “I’m just surprised you managed to keep hard the whole time.” Sweetie said. “Stubbornness, it’s still been ten years…and Cheat was horny…” “You do know that’s not how genitals work right? Ten years means nothing is ‘built up’ and just… stored. Unless you have abilities that do that but I know you don’t have them.” Tiara said. “I…do…” I sighed bitterly. “Who would have guessed the Dark Skill tree Lust would give me…all the stamina for thing’s like this.” “Too bad it doesn’t heal the bruises and bites and… I’m sorry is that a hickey? How… who even puts a hickey there?!” I blushed… “Uh…they were…a tad unhinged…” I said sheepishly. “At least they’re back and happy.” Cream said, chuckling. “Honestly, we’ve missed them too. They’re all meeting their kids at the moment. The ten years seems to not have affected them. They’re still trying to treat them like babies or toddlers.” “And another thing…” I groaned. “To tack onto the list…” “Want some pain killers?” Sweetie asked. “Pain Killers can’t help emotional pain.” “But they might help you walk again at least.” Sweetie chuckled, raising a hoof as it seemed to open up and out slid a syringe… well that’s new… She poked it into me and at first I felt a burning sensation… quickly followed by a cooling sensation that made the pain slowly ease away into a bearable dull ache. I sat up and watched her hoof pull the syringe back in and close back up. “There, now you can move again for the next six hours.” “Why six hours?” I asked, getting up and stretching after all that time. “That’s how long the medicine lasts and currently you aren’t able to handle a second dose immediately after.” She stated… Medical… Holy… “You got the First Aid Install?” I asked. “Oh, yes I forgot to tell you. Funny story, the town was having a swap meet about six years ago and someone was selling it in a box of junk. They only charged me thirty rem for it!” She cheered. “Now I can perform all fields of medical assistance to the kids and learn and adapt medical knowledge based on species and biology and all that. I can even take blood samples and run tests to determine illness and allergies.” … Wow that is a useful thing… “Sweetie has been saving us a fortune on doctors visits.” Cream chuckled. “Add another to my growing list…” “Oh hush up.” Tiara huffed, giving me a light back slap with her wing. “Take these one day at a time Button. And remember, you are not alone. There is no time limit. Just take things as they come at you.” “I spent a day and a half having things ’come at me’, why do you think I needed the pain killer?” I asked with a cheeky grin at my shit attempt at a joke. “You know what I mean.” Tiara chuckled. “It’s gonna be alright Button. Tomorrow is a new day, and you can spend it connecting with your children.” “If you say so.” I sighed. “Ten years…” “You can do it. It will take a long time, but you can do it.”  “I’ll try…” > Chapter 13: Lilly's Children Part 1/2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next day came and after a late night planning with the girls I had a way to work this out. They had all the kids organized in their assistants. Everything from their mothers to age and all that. They gave me a list of them, organized by their mother, and starting off with Lilly’s children I was off to find my son Leaf. His photo showed he took after his mother, not just being a lamia but also had grass for hair, a moss like coat of fur and their scales were rather akin to tree bark. Oh they’re my… oh. They can know that so young? Then again there was a few… I mean, Featherweight is now a mare so… Well, was back home anyway… Transgender son… huh. “I know we have gender swap potions.” I said with a frown, wondering about that. I arrived at child bedroom number 14, this was Leaf’s. Opening the door I spotted them curled up on their bed, reading a book. Various small plants were around the room. I noticed they were wearing a neon blue shirt, and were face deep in a book. “Hey Leaf.” I said to my child. They looked up from their book. “Oh, hey… dad.” Leaf said, closing their book and putting it to the side. “That feels… weird to say…” “I know…” I sighed. “How are you doing today?” “Just chilling. What brings you here?” “Just want to try and connect with my kids after…I’ve been gone for so long.” “Oh. Uh… okay. Well, I guess we should maybe talk first then.” Leaf said as they slithered off the bed and in front of me. “So… how much do you know about me? If any?” “They gave me a…long list of things, both your name, age, and just general things I should know before talking to you.” I shrugged. “How much do you know about me?” “Well… I know you liked video games. Would watch Futurama a lot, hoarded poptarts like they were going out of style, and for a while before leaving you worked as a guard. Other than that… not that much.” Leaf said. “Do you… know about me being… Wow, this was hard telling moms… never actually imagined I’d have to tell you…” That stung… but I also understood… “Well, I was curious about a thing.” I started. “Well, two things, one is why do you see yourself as a boy, and two is…well, is there an age limit to using gender swap potions?” “I see myself as a boy because I am one dad. I was born a girl but… that’s not what I am… who I am. And yes, for the permanent gender swap potion the doctors all say you have to at least be thirteen to take the potion. I’m already registered on a list to receive one on my thirteenth birthday. Me and some of the others too.” “Alright, good to know.” I nodded. “And two… how long have you known?” “... Since I was little, I’d play more with other boys. Girl toys and activities never interested me, neither did girl clothes. I didn’t care for long hair or dresses or any of that. Last year in class we were learning about how the world and all it offers allows people to express how they wish to be. Changing species, age, gender, all at will whenever was well within anyone's right. Even if the New Foundation had no ties to it, they consider themselves part of the rest of civilized creation and follow their laws as well for their citizens. That’s when I learned about transgenderism and… a lot of things clicked into place. My body never felt right nor did I really like seeing myself in the mirror. It just looked wrong for as long as I could remember.” “I understand.” I nodded. “And I believe you, I trust you and want you to know that I accept you for who you are.” I said readily, they’re my kid. They are who they are, and I missed a lot in their life. I’m not missing anything else. “So, I read up that you enjoy reading, what kind of books do you like?” “Oh, well I was reading Chronicles of Helio just now.” Leaf said, slithering over and picking their book up. “It’s about a child born to a family of feared necromancers, but when their castle is invaded he’s taken by a warlock and is grown up and taught to be a cleric.” “When your family thinks they're above god due to necromancy, then get’s saved by a strong wizard who doesn’t need a god, and then proceeds to pray to god for powers…I’m probably missing a lot of context in the in between but that summary sounds both really interesting and funny.” “Heh, yeah you are.” They chuckled. “Clerics don’t pray to a god in this story, they just focus on healing and barrier magic only. Some of his surviving family do try to kidnap him to get him to revive his parents and other fallen family and the whole book is about them figuring out if Healing Magic and Necromancy can co-exist or might even be two sides of the same field of magic. I’m barely halfway though, not sure what will happen but I think they’ve been hinting on that being true.” “Well…technically?” I said with some thought. “I mean, there are creatures that are ‘healed’ by Negative Energy, and most forms of fiction has Necromancy be a form of Negative Energy conduit…” I said, now thinking about the logistics of all that. “Other than this I just finished reading Deltora Quest.” “Deltora Quest?” I inquired. “What’s that about?” “The character has the same name as me. He goes on an adventure to save his kingdom from this like, demon ruler that took over long before he was born and gather these magic gems to repel the demon and save everyone. At the end the gems all need to be put into a belt made centuries ago and they need to be put in order to spell the name of the kingdom, Deltora, and the person and long time traveling ally he thought was the heir to the kingdom actually wasn’t. It ends up being him.” “That sounds really cool.” I said honestly. “It was. A friend from school recommended it and I’m glad I read it.” “That’s good to hear.” I nodded. “What other books or hobbies do you like?” I inquired. “Oh, well as you can see, I make use of my Fae magic.” They said, motioning to all the plants around them.  “Yes, I do see that.” I nodded. “And you seem to be pretty strong with it if you’re making all these nice plants.” “It’s not that hard. Being part Fae, it comes naturally. So, do you want to do something together?” “Sure, what do you have in mind?” I asked, wanting this to be a day with me getting to know Leaf so I’ll do what they want. “Well… Can we go to the bookstore?” “Sure.” I nodded. “Then maybe I can show you one of my favorite books.” “Sure!” With that, Leaf led me along, slithering next to me as we left the apartment and I made my way through town. There was a lot that changed about the place. There was no more of the few bits of cracks and rough roads, now replaced by greenery and benches, working street lights and such. The bookstore was fair sized. Upon entering I was greeted by the scent of paper, some dust, and the faint aroma of coffee and sweets. “Hey.” The store clerk, a humanoid looking lady with long blue hair and doe like ears on her head. “Hello again Leaf. Who’s this?” “This is… my dad.” Leaf said. “You’re- Oh. Um, nice to meet you.” The lady said, giving me a wave. “I’m Thia, Leaf has been coming here since they were six.” “I’m glad to hear that.” I nodded. “I’m Button Mash…and I was on a special mission that needed me away for…too long…” I sighed. “I… heard the rumors…” They said. “You go along, we got some new books in the usual spot.” Leaf left with a nod, slithering off happily. Once Thia and I were alone she looked at me. “I genuinely did not think you’d be back.” “If I let my anger get to me…I…I might never have come back…” I said sadly. “I…I want to make it up to everyone so much…” “Well, you being here is a good start.” She nodded. “Still, the rumors going around are largely painting you in a… negative light.” I sighed. “What are they saying.” “Mostly what you’d expect. Runaway dad, lost interest and left, that kind of bile. When they found out you were going to the Nexus capitol some thought you were joining them… Is that true? That you went there, I mean.” I took a deep breath, trying not to get pissed enough to produce claws and destroy the ground underneath me. “The Planet literally told me to do it.” I said carefully. “True or not, talk like that will make people think you did join those psychos.” “I. Did. Not.” I said, staring into her eyes as fury threatened to burn over me. “I saw what they did…I was forced to do something I didn’t want to so that I could be with my family, I would never join them, and I’d sooner have become a slave then join them.” I growled, even as I was trying to reign in my anger and rage cause she was just the messenger…I took a deep breath. “I’m…I’m so sorry Thia…it’s…it’s just been really rough for me ever since I got back…” “I… well, I can’t really imagine but I can sympathize. A good amount of my regulars are your kids. I don’t know what you did out there, and I won’t ask, just don’t be surprised if some people treat you like a pariah sometimes. When it comes to Nexus, or any of the Chaos Guilds, there’s a lot of justified fear and phobia. People do stupid things when they’re scared and angry… and given your temper I’m seeing… try not to give them fuel. For your family’s sake.” “I’m trying my best…” I sighed. “I went there to try and do something to stop this ever growing mess we call a world…even if it was just a minor step, a step nonetheless.” “Well, whatever you did, hope it works out. Leaf should be by the new books in the middle over there on the right. Most of our stock comes from spawned loot and some Greed Guild run publishers.” “Alright.” I nodded. “Can you tell me some of Leaf’s favorites?” “It’s better if Leaf tells you. That way you two can bond over that.”  I nodded, figuring that would actually be better. Walking into the store and around the shelves and tables and finding Leaf looking at a large table piled high with books. The sign hung from the ceiling above the table read ‘New Arrivals’. “What are you looking for?” I asked. “Mostly browsing.” He said, looking through the books and reading over the descriptions. “I like adventure and fantasy stories most.” “Same.” I nodded, looking over the books to see if I could help him with finding a good book. Most of these seemed to be some survival guides for specific zones. Some looked like autobiographies chronicling people’s lives on the planet. Ah here’s something- Not suited for kids! Okay maybe this? The Grand Duke of Purgatory Finds A Family? Okay. Odd title. Oh it’s a manga? They make hardcover manga? That’s actually kinda cool. “Hmm…” I looked over at Leaf, who was looking between two books. One was titled ‘The Dragon and The Ogre’ and the other ‘Magic Meets Modern Life’. "You can get both if you want." I said honestly. "There's always time for reading." “But I don’t have enough…” Leaf sighed.  "And I have enough." I said. "You can grab whatever you want, my travels gave me…a lot of rem." I said, which was the truth at least. “Are you sure?” They asked. “Moms don’t talk about it, but they worry about the house budget. Even with the garden and some of the older ones with jobs, there’s certain things they still have to buy and bulk.” Leaf sighed as they looked at the books again. “And I have gotten two centillion rem from my adventures.” I answered simply…and somehow, the Library felt even quieter for some reason. “W-what have you killed to get that much?!” Leaf yelped. … Well, a fair chunk did come from fighting… the rest… yeah I am not telling that… “Well, with the help of Three, who said I could keep all the money because he didn’t really need it…I killed…” I hummed, trying to think of something. “Ah, I remember, an Ancient Amilictli, the All Relentless Thunder” I said, which made him tilt his head in confusion. “Alright, so do you know the Hulk? How they get stronger the angrier they get? Well it’s basically that, but it’s an Abomination in the form of a humanoid Tornado that could summon Thunder Wyrm’s at will, can literally shoot beams of concentrated rage from it’s eyes, and was currently on a massive warpath towards…something.” I said honestly. “...How do you even kill that?” “By forcing it to calm down.” I said honestly. “Cause it got weaker the less times we hit it, and it looked like it was already in a battle, so we had to stall for time, and when it got back to some ‘normal-ish’ size, the both of us hit it as hard as we could, even though Three did the hardest hit cause…he’s really strong.” “...Sounds like that took longer than it should have.” “As someone that uses rage powers, calming down can be surprisingly quick if you know how it works.” I said honestly. “Cause it’s rage was based on it getting hit, so if you don’t hit it, while it’s still mad, it does lose it’s strength.” “Huh… So, I can really get both books?” “You can buy any number of books you want.” I said with a smile. “Umm… okay.” In the end, I bought Leaf over fifty new books. Thia was looking forwards to me coming back with my other bookworm children she knows as regulars. With those stored into his Assistant we continued on through town.  “So dad, I was wondering,” Leaf started. “How did you get… mom?” He asked. I sighed. “It was a long time ago, back when I was struggling to make ends meet and keep up being a good spouse…Parker and some of his friends…rescued her from some bad people…then none of them wanted her because of…what she has become, but I chose to be with her, cause I cared and didn’t want to see her just…blindfolded and unable to do anything.” Leaf looked down. “You mean remained an unowned Breeder.” He said. I looked over at him. “I know what mom is… all of us know what our birth mothers are… I saw her for the first time when she and the others came back with you the other day. I’d only ever seen her in that stasis pod before, so seeing her out and moving was… well, I wasn’t sure what to think…” I sighed. “I’m sorry Leaf…” I shook my head. “I wish things were better…” “I did talk with her.” He added. “She… knew my name, before I even told her.” He smiled. “I don’t know how, but she recognized me and even knew I was a boy… How did she do that?” … That is actually a very good question… “Uh…I don’t know.” I answered. “Hmm, well, what’s mom like? I know she’s a Breeder but… is there anything… unique about her?” That actually did make me smile. “Well, she’s smart, kind…and she has a love for books, and sure while her favorite is romance and she…likes to imagine it’s me and her, she really likes reading…one of the first thing’s we showed she could do in life other than her programming and her smile when she talks about it is…wonderful.” “I guess I get my love of books from her then.” Leaf smiled. “So, did you ever play sports dad?” … sports video games… “Uh…I have.” I said noncommittally. “Oh like what? I usually play either Baseball, Tennis or Lacrosse.” Leaf said. “Though it’s mostly just with friends on weekends.” “Hoofball.” I said carefully, not wanting to admit that I have never done sports ever. “Hoofball? How do you play that? Is it an Equine sport from your home?” “Yes, it is an Equine sport from my home in Equestria.” I said honestly. “I don’t remember the specifics since it’s been a very long time.” “Oh, guess we can’t play it then.” Leaf frowned. “Wanna play tennis instead?” “Sure, I haven’t played tennis before.” I said honestly. “It’s easy to learn, hard to master because of how fast you have to move to keep up with the ball. Keeping track of the ball can be tricky too and there’s several types of tennis, or so I hear. I haven’t played or seen any other than basic tennis.” “Well, we can play the basic version if you want.” I said readily “I do have some good telekinesis so I can use whatever’s needed to hit the ball.” “Okay, there’s a tennis court in the park.” Leaf said as he led the way… there’s a park now? A bit of a walk later, we arrived at a huge park. Lots of trees, green grass, ponds, a small river, picnic tables and public bathrooms. If memory serves me right… and my mini map, this used to be part of the warehouses I would do Runs at for large chunks of scrap metal and concrete mix. It’s almost impossible to believe it changed this much. We walked up to the tennis court, seeing there was another kid playing against an automatic tennis ball launcher.  He was older than Leaf, and a bipedal shark person? “Oh cool, it’s Trever.” Leaf said. “Trevor?” I inquired, trying to remember if he was one of my kids or one of Leaf’s friends. “Yeah, he’s a friend. Since he’s fourteen he's been apprenticing for his job, but he always helps my friends and I when we play sports. He’s the one who got me into them.” Leaf explained. “Alright.” I nodded. “Well, let’s go talk to Trevor and see if he’s up for some tennis.” “Okay.” Leaf said. We walked into the tennis court, Trevor seemed to take notice of us immediately and gave Leaf a wave. He was very human-like but the shark features were unmistakable. He also had a head of black hair, and gills on his neck. “Sup Leaf?” He asked, dodging a shot tennis ball from the machine without even looking at it. “Who’s this?” “This is my dad. They came back home.” Leaf said. “Really? Looks like I’m down four hundred rem in the town’s betting pool.” Trevor laughed… What? “Did people in this town magically care this much to bet on me coming back?” I asked. “Don’t take offense. Anyone who leaves town to the outskirts for an extended period of time, people make bets on. Bright side since you came back, the pool all goes to your family. That’s what… about three million rem? At least that’s where the pool sat when I last checked.” “Cool. So Trevor, you wanna help teach my dad to play tennis?” Leaf asked. “Sure.” Trevor said, raising a hand and catching another shot ball, also without looking. “Let me turn that off first and we can get started.” As Trevor left to turn that machine out, Leaf was already pulling out some tennis rackets and spare balls.  “So, all it is is hitting these balls with the rackets?” I inquired, levitating up one of the rackets and balls to get a feeling for it. “The hard part is keeping track of the ball.” Trevor said as he ran back over to us. “Thing moves fast, so on top of keeping track of it you need to judge where it’s gonna be heading and get there before it does to send it back.” “We can be on the same team against you Trevor.” Leaf said. “Sure thing. I’ll serve so your pops can see what I mean about the ball.” Trevor said, picking up some of the spare balls and rushing back to the other side. I nodded and walked to the side of the court, sitting down to pay attention to the game. Trevor tossed the ball up, and as it was falling back down slammed the racket into it, the ball zoomed past, its speed was like an arrow. Amazingly, Leaf slithered over and hit it back, using the extra length standing on their tail gives them to reach where to hit. The two went back and forth like this for a while before Trevor hit the ball, and it zoomed through and Leaf missed the hit, and it hit the chain link fence in the back, falling to the ground and rolling lazily now.  “And that’s tennis.” Trevor said. “Yeah, fun huh dad?” Leaf asked. I nodded. The ball was moving fast but I was able to keep my eye on it. Years of video games plus my fighting in my travels helped me keep my hoof-eye coordination up. Using levitation instead hopefully should transfer over, plus my wings and extra strength and such, I should be able to keep up with this. “Well, it looks simple enough.” I said honestly. “I should be able to keep it up from all my combat experience.” “Heh, just remember this is regular tennis, not combat tennis.” Combat tennis? Must be one of the other versions of tennis Leaf mentioned. “What types of tennis are there?” I asked. “Cause combat tennis sounds…weird.” “Well, there’s Combat Tennis, Magic Tennis, Ability Tennis, and Free For All Tennis. The premise of the game is the same but in Combat Tennis, opponents can use only blunt melee weapons and on top of having to score points by hitting the ball past their opponents end, they have to fight their opponent. No magic, healing or armor is allowed and if you beat your opponent in battle you automatically win. Magic Tennis is the same but using magic rather than blunt weapons. No armor or enchanted gear allowed and barrier spells are also not allowed. Ability Tennis is just tennis but you can use any special abilities to gain an advantage. Lastly, Free For All Tennis means magic, weapons of all kinds except ranged, and abilities are all in place. On top of that I hear off Armageddon they release monsters into the arena to act as distractions for the opponents.” Yeesh… then again… why not, those do sound pretty cool to watch. “Right, but I suppose it’s fine in normal tennis to use my magic since…well, I don’t have the wonders of fingers?” “Your telekinesis is fine, yeah.” Trevor nodded. “Alright, you two on that side and let’s see if you can score one against me.” I nodded, rushing over with a racket in my magic as I stood near Leaf. He had a large smile on his face… he’s having fun. I smiled too and looked at Trevor, who served the ball. It came at Leaf, who knocked it back and Trevor returned it. It came at me and I- Before I could swing the racket, it zoomed past the spot, hitting the fence. “Heh, it’s alright dad.” Leaf said, slithering over and picking the ball up. “Trevor is really good at sports. I think I have only ever beat him at tennis once.” “I’m just confused cause I know I’m faster than that and could have reacted…” I muttered, having literally dodged dozen’s if not hundreds of bullets aimed at me in all directions for my ‘basic training’... “It’s probably because you’re using your magic.” Trevor said. “Telekinesis is manipulating the object with your thoughts via magic. I heard you’re a Berserker type fighter, right?” I nodded. “Well, you’ve trained your body to react at the drop of a hat, or rather, out of a rapid thought down to instinct, but magic speed and physical speed are two different things. Plus if you’re overthinking, distracted, or still calculating mentally what you need to do and where to move the racket beforehand, your magic is gonna lag behind some.” Crap… I rarely use magic. Back on runs I used it for some things and long distance attacks, but I didn’t train it like my body. I actually think I only have like… four spells I know. “You wanna serve back Dad?” Leaf asked, handing me the ball. “Well, I suppose this is a good time to practice my telekinesis.” I said honestly, levitating the ball up and getting ready to try and serve. Thankfully, I managed to hit the ball. It flew with decent force, and Trevor returned it with greater force. We played like this for about an hour… and when we finished I had a migraine… ouch…  “Here.” Trevor said, handing me a mana potion. “When your magic runs low it’s almost on par with physical exhaustion. You’re an alicorn on top of that so I’m pretty sure you’ve got a nasty headache.” I nodded, taking the potion and chugging it. My MP was at four according to my assistant. Drinking the potion that number went back to full and my migraine was now cooling, fading away to a dull ache I can easily ignore. “Maybe I really should delve into magic, cause I did see a skill called ‘Rage Casting’ so I can use magic while raging…” I said, rubbing my head lightly to try and soothe my headache even a little bit. “Magic based berserkers are rare. On top of needing a crazy amount of magic you also need to know a lot of crazy powerful spells and be able to cast them all basically one after another.” “I’m still amazed you know all that Trevor.” Leaf said, drinking a gatorade. “Well, I’m gonna be working full time with the New Foundation Morality Union soon so, gotta know all kinds of things.” Trevor said, seeing my odd look. “Heh, despite what the name may imply, the Morality Union just works to keep the people under New Foundation protections and citizenship happy and entertained. We make the movies, print books and comics for authors and artists amongst the civilians, all the tv we broadcast and even some from Greed if they aren’t too bad. On top of that we host all the carnivals, festivals, holiday parades and such. And thanks to the new Respawn Anchors I hear we owe you for having the recipe to create, we can finally build our own Arenas for some real fun.”  “That makes sense.” I nodded. “Moral is important and people need to feel like thing’s can be simple and honest for once.” “Well, that’s the main goal. To make Armageddon feel more like the other planets.” "Gonna take a while, but baby steps are steps nonetheless." I said honestly. “So, you have the day off then Trevor?” Leaf asked. “Yeah, I’ve been busy learning the trade so for the most part it feels good to relax and enjoy the fun.” He chuckled. “By the way, uh, Button Mash, right?” Trevor asked me. “Yes.” I nodded. “What do you need?” “You used to work for the guard before leaving, right? Have you considered a change in job or are you gonna go back to working for the guard?” “I…don’t know…” I sighed. “I’ll probably figure something out later, but I want to spend time with my family first.” “Heh, alright. And hey, if you need help planning birthday parties, I do that too.” Trevor smirked. “Course personal calls I charge for, just a heads up.” Heh. Guess that makes sense. “So, wanna play again?” Leaf asked. “Much as I would love that, I gotta get myself home. My turn to help with dinner and dishes.” He said. “Catch you around though Leaf, Button.” He waved before heading off. “Have a nice day.” I said with a wave. “Well, that was fun.” “Yeah. I’m glad today was fun.” Leaf said. “You know, I always did wonder how spending time with you would have been.” “A lot simpler than one would think.” I chuckled. “Actually, I used to think you’d… not like me.” “Why wouldn’t I like you?” I inquired with a raised eyebrow. “I dunno. You were never there, some of the kids would say stuff at school… and well, me being… I was worried you’d hate or be disappointed with me. Lot of us that are like me have the same fears. We only ever knew you through our moms, it’s different hearing about someone than knowing them.” “True.” I nodded. “It…really sucked how much time I lost with you all because of what I had to do…but about you ‘being’, let me ask you something…did I ever question who you were?” I asked. “No.” “Good, cause I know you’re a good person Leaf.” I said, gently rustling their grass-like hair. “And I’m glad I’m getting to know you…so many years just seem to be melting away whenever I get to see you smile.” I said warmly, thinking about what mom would tell me when things were down and she always told me that my genuine smile always made her day. Leaf smiled, tearing up a bit as they gave me a hug. “Thanks dad… I’m glad you came back. Even if you’re pretty bad at sports.” He laughed. “Sports were never my forte anyways, now Video Games is where it’s at.” I chuckled. “Like what? Moms put all the games you owned in the family Wreck Room.” … We have a wreck room? “Didn’t know we had a Wreck Room, but after that, I’ll show you what kind of games I like.” “Yeah. The living room is kinda small for everyone to spend time in, so they invested in a Wreck Room. Well, ‘room’ is kinda misleading. It’s more like… a warehouse? Plus a yard and such.” “That’s good to know.” I nodded. “So, what else do you want to do?” “Well, do you wanna play tennis some more or do you wanna show off these gaming skills you claim to have?” Oh, oh is that a challenge? “Is that a challenge?” I inquired. “Well, I’ve only ever heard of your gaming skills, plus, ten years away, you might have gotten rusty.” “Oh it is on.” I said readily. “Heh, alright, show me what you can do then pops.” Leaf said with a smirk. I almost raced the boy back home where he led me to the Wreck Room, it was indeed a giant warehouse like area filled with clusters of couches, TV’s, bookshelves and tables of computers and in the back I saw a large set of doors open wide, revealing sunlight, grass and I think I could make out a playground. The warehouse was fairly packed, so many of my kids all around occupying their time with games, computer stuff or books. Wow…  “I think your stuff was put over here…” Leaf said as he led me through the crowds and furniture to an empty corner where my consoles sat on a tv stand, the old living room tv and couch were both set up here and there was a bit of dust on everything here. “Here it is.” “Well…while I know there’s a lot of stuff in here…at least they could have not shoved me in a corner…” I muttered, feeling a tad upset that my stuff was just…carted to a dusty corner and mostly forgotten…and it hurt more cause it felt like me… “Moms set this up. They used to come in here and play them but as we got older they didn’t have the time to.” Leaf said. “For the most part I think everyone doesn’t play them because they’re old.” Old… My ego may never recover… “Because they're old…” I grumbled. “Back in my day these were classics, still beloved and enjoyed by all generations.” I huffed…but then realized I literally just pulled a ‘back in my day’ and groaned loudly. Leaf laughed. “I’ll go grab some towels or something to clean the dust off then we can start.” Leaf said, rushing over to a shelf nearby and grabbing some hand towels. Once we dusted everything off I turned them all on and thankfully they started without issue. Okay, first up, classic Brick Foundation. It’s like Tetris, but sideways. “Well, glad things are still working well.” I said, starting to play the game after so long. As I played, Leaf watched, when I’d lose I’d swap with Leaf and he’d play until he lost and we went back and forth.  It got late before I knew it. “So, puzzle games and what else?” Leaf asked as they looked through the game cartridges. “Well, there’s a lot of games…” I hummed, looking for co-op games for us to enjoy together. “Maybe this one? Legend of Luna?” “Maybe it’s late.” Cream said as she and Lilly both came over to us. “You should be in bed already Leaf.” “Awh, but I’m really having fun with dad… I don’t want the day to end.” “I know Leaf, but tomorrow your father will have to meet your other siblings, and besides, tomorrow, you can spend the day with your mother Lilly.” “And I look forward to getting to know you Leaf.” Lilly said, giving Leaf a warm smile. “Heh… okay. We can do this again, right dad?” Leaf asked. “I’m very glad that all of you started talking cause I was about to say ‘but Mom, we’re not tired and video games’ out of habit…” I said sheepishly, causing Cream to laugh at my antics. “And yes Leaf, we’ll do this again. Once I meet all your siblings and such, I’ll probably have to figure out how to hang out with you all in groups at a time.” “Alright. Night dad, night moms.” Leaf said as he got off the couch and slithered off.  “I’ll see you tomorrow morning sweetie.” Lilly said with a smile. With Leaf now gone I saw that the whole Wreck Room was empty, save for Cream, Lilly and I. “So, looks like you and Leaf had a lot of fun.” Cream said. “Yes, yes we did.” I nodded. “I’m glad he’s warming up to me…and I’m also glad he doesn’t hate me.” “I think he was more scared than anything. Most of them are.” Cream said. “I look forwards to learning about Leaf and my children.” “Actually, I wanted to ask you about something.” I spoke up. “What is it, Master?” “How did you know that Leaf was a he?” I inquired. “You were in stasis for a long time but the moment you opened up you…just knew everything about them.” “As a Breeder, I am programmed to satisfy all my Master's desires. Despite not being a Den Mother, my Breeder Programming aids me in this. From the moment my children were born, I gained a form of… a mental booklet of all my children. They are a gift from you to me Master, and as such I strive to keep them just as happy as I wish to keep you happy. Just in a different way. As such, my mental booklet tells me small things that can aid me in keeping them happy. Therefore, I knew Leaf was a boy despite their birth gender, and I hope tomorrow I can add to this list and ensure their happiness.” Wow… that is… unexpected… Breeder Programming doing something… good for them? “Huh…that is rather interesting.” I said honestly. “I know, it’s kinda weird cause Philomina is a Den Mother but doesn’t have that kind of ability. It’s something unique to Breeders apparently.” Cream said. That’s interesting… Looks like there’s more to their programming than I initially thought… “Hmm…Breeder programming is just becoming weirder and weirder…” I hummed. “Yeah. Well, come on to bed then. Tomorrow you meet and get to know another child and make more memories.” Cream said. “Also, sorry about the dust on your stuff. None of us have had the time to keep it all cleaned.” “I know…but when I saw it in the corner and covered in dust…it made me think of…bad things…” I sighed. “I’m sorry. Parenting so many kids really takes up all your time. Plus the regular shopping, general house work… the budget… Bright side is that betting pools is ours now. That will help.” “Well, you don’t need to worry about money anymore cause I have a fuck ton of it.” I said, showing Cream the amount of Rem I had on my Assistant. “Holy fuck- Where did you get all that?!” She screamed. “Adventures.” I said honestly if a little vaguely. “Bullshit adventures got you all that you were not running through level four or five dungeons where did that come from- …” Cream got quiet for a moment. “Did uh… Did that David guy… pay you for the sex that put that baby in you?” I grit my teeth, trying to save face and at least try to not feel like garbage about it…but I just sighed. “He gave me the pills, the kid…all this money, his son and the Slave…he did exactly what he offered without any deceit…” “... If he shows up again wanting a roll, charge him.” I actually fell off the couch, barely catching myself with my front hooves before hitting the ground. “Excuse you?” I asked incredulously, super shocked at hearing her say that. “I’m not a whore, what the hell?” “Sorry, sorry! Money wise we’ve always been really… pinching pennies. Even with the Garden and farms in the Planet room, there’s expenses in clothes, medicine, toys, a general allowance we try and give everyone when we can, some have specific needs for one reason or another, all the house upgrades and such we’ve been keeping finances tight. Even with us working jobs when we could, it’s still a lot.” “I…I understand…” I sighed, just another thing that was my fault to tack on. “I’m sorry, I should have thought of that before I left…” “It’s been rough. We managed if barely. Buying second hand helps, if we can make it we use resources from the planet room to do so.” Cream said, rubbing her head. “Guess the idea that someone paid you that much just to… well, you know… I kinda got excited given everything.” “I mean, I understand that all the money would make you excited, but unless you’re wanting to buy a continent out of nowhere I think the amount of money I have is enough for our thousandth generation grandchildren.” I chuckled, gently patting her head. “Heh, hopefully…” Cream sighed. “Yeah…” I said. “Cream…things will get better, I promise.” She gave a small smile, pulling my hoof from her head and holding it in her own. “I know… still…” She looked over at Lilly. “She and the others are… not going to stop being baby factories…” She sighed. Oh… right… Shit… I looked at my belly… Little one, I really hope you can learn your powers fast… Cause otherwise you might have over a thousand siblings… by the time you grow up. I then remembered, David’s son is also a Hacker. “Well, we have David’s son who can help fix this…hopefully.” “Didn’t he get turned into a Breeder though? Would that even work? And how would he fix himself?” I sighed. “I think he did, I don’t know…and I don’t know.” I answered. Cream sighed. “Well, one day at a time.” The next day came and I was heading to my next child’s room to meet them formally. This is my daughter Lynn. She, like Leaf, takes mostly after her mother. At least in terms of her snake half. Her upper half is pony-like, brown fur coat, long blonde mane, but her snake half is covered in moss rather than scales. Unlike other lamia, this means she has no natural protection. Despite that, the moss that grows on her is medicinal. Eaten raw it’s equivalent to a low level healing potion. Fermented and brewed into a potion it’s apparently very potent and can be used to reattach limbs. She’s been studying alchemy as a result.  I walked up and knocked on Lynn’s door. “You in here Lynn?” “Come in.” A soft and muffled voice spoke. I entered her room, smelling the rich scent of herbs, flowers and other plants. Looking around, they were growing in small pots and planters all over the room. In a corner next to her bed I spotted her. Lynn was standing in front of a desk where mortars, beakers, empty glass jars and bottles all sat on one side and on the other were filled and sealed with plants soaked in liquids. On her bed was a fair stack of all kinds of books. They all looked to be related to plants, alchemy and potion brewing. “Hey Lynn, how are you doing today?” “A bit busy.” She said, reaching behind and along her moss covered tail and pulling off a thin layer of it and bringing it up and into one of her mortar bowls. “I need to make six more of these potions before I can deliver them.” “What potions are you making?” I inquired. “And how can I help?” “They’re some healing potions, my moss is potent on its on and it’s stronger when brewed into a potion and fermented, but I learned adding it into other potions gives both a healing effect and boosts the initial potions effects. I get more money for the potions than just the moss alone, so I started learning how to make them. I also keep some in the house to use instead of medicine when needed.” “That’s really cool.” I nodded, gently sitting down and watching them work. “Anyway I can help? Either with the delivery or something else?” “I usually store it all in my Assistant when I go make the delivery. You can watch and follow if you want.” Lynn said as she kept up her work. She’s so young but her skills at this clearly are not those of a beginner.  Her bottles and jars all looked clean, but some are pickle jars, some are old beer or soda bottles cleaned out… I guess proper potion bottles are scarce to come by… So young and she’s doing all this. “If you want, after this we can go on a shopping trip to get you some alchemy kits.” I said, knowing that there should be a lot of alchemy bottles and the like in the shops, cause seeing her make do with just this…”Also, after this I think we could just…hang out?” I asked carefully, hating seeing my kid doing work to help pay for stuff…this isn’t what a kid should be doing… “After my deliveries. Sure.” She said simply “I guess proper kits will speed my production and improve the potions quality. If I can get a bulk of decent and proper potion bottles I can even charge more.” “We don’t have to worry about money for a long time, so you can buy the best potion bottles we can buy.” I said readily. “I only need the basic ones. Though I suppose I can cut out the middleman if we purchase a machine to turn the sand and glass into bottles. Plenty of sand in the Planet room. A better investment long term.”  She talks so… maturely. “So uh…why are you talking so…maturely?” I asked carefully, hearing her talk like this just felt…weird, and she should  be enjoying her childhood not…work… “This is just how I’ve always talked.” She said, still mixing and grinding the moss and herbs together. “I might have picked up a larger vocabulary compared to my siblings given the books I read, but as far as I’m aware I speak normally.” “Right…” I said carefully. “Cause…hearing you talk like that, and doing alchemy for money…I…” I sighed. “It feels weird that your childhood sounds more like an adult trying to do work instead of a kid that came up with a stronger version of super glue and doing nonsense with it with your siblings.” “Money has always been tight. We all learned this at a young age and some of us try and help out where we can. In a good month I can average about fifteen thousand rem in profits. Though I usually get eleven to nine thousand a month given the herbs need time to regrow, even with my Fae magic.” “Well…you don’t need to worry about money anymore.” I said, which made them look at me with a raised eyebrow. “Okay…” I muttered, raising my Assistant and sending a family wide text showing off how much money I have. Lynn stared at the screen for a time. “I see.” She said, looking back to her work and continuing. “That’s nice.” “That’s it?” I asked, even though I heard a resounding ‘What!?!’ screamed through the house as they registered how much I actually have. “I mean, sure it’s good that you still want to do alchemy and stuff like that, I’m just…surprised you don’t care.” “Should I?” She asked simply. “Well, it means that we won’t have to worry about money for a long time.” I said honestly. “Money won’t be tight and thing’s will be okay.” “I understand that.” She said, shaking off the mortar and grabbing a glass jar, taking off the lid. “That is a good thing.” I sighed. “Well…what else do you like doing besides Alchemy?” I inquired. “Nothing.” She said, moving the ground up herbs into the jar. Once she did she picked up a pitcher with water and poured it half full.  That…doesn’t sound right.” Uh…have you done anything else but alchemy?” “No.” She said, reaching into a drawer in her desk and pulling out some small bags of something. She put a pinch of it, an odd yellow powder, into the jar and the scent of a strong alcohol filled the air coming from the jar. She then added more water til it was near full and closed the lid on it tight. I blinked. “Uh…right, so after this we’re going to be doing stuff that isn’t alchemy, cause just doing this isn’t healthy.” I said carefully. “I… don’t want to.” She said blankly. Once the jar was with the others that were full she slithered over and began picking new fresh herbs from around her room. “It’s safer for me in here.” Safe? “Uh…I mean, technically because you don’t have the normal scales of a Naga…but just because you're ‘safe’ doesn’t mean you're in a healthy situation.” I frowned. “When I was little, one of my siblings fell on me. Right on my moss covered back.” She said, picking more herbs and moving around. “There is no skin under my moss. It’s just muscles and even some exposed bone. When they fell on me, it felt like I was going to be snapped in half, and I ended up hospitalized for two weeks.” She stated as she moved back to her table. “A few years ago, a kid at school thought it would be funny to pull back the moss on me, as much as they could. The upper layers it grows in I can take off fine, but too deep and it’s like you’re tearing off my skin. Probably because you are at that point. They skinned me almost a quarter of the way down. I thought I was going to die.” She sighed. “Got put in special classes after another two weeks in the hospital. Classrooms where I was taught without risk of another student injuring me, purposely or not.” I looked at her in horror. “It just said you didn’t scales, not that you didn’t have skin.” I said in shock. “Also, who the hell thinks it’s funny to literally rip off someone’s skin? Like, that’s…what?” I asked, now super confused as to how her snake half was about as durable as tissue paper at this point. “It’s what’s known as a Birth Mutation.” Lynn said. “These are… abnormalities in the genetics that can occur after birth. For some these are beneficial. For others like me, they are a hindrance, even if the trade off is an endless supply of herbal moss. Just an unlucky draw of the genetic lottery upon my birth. These are unpredictable and often random. It’s just how I have to live. Careful and safe, like a glass figure.” “That’s…that’s just horrible…” I muttered. “So…you’re emotionally numb because…you experienced too much pain…my god I…I’m so sorry I…” “... Because the moss on me acts like skin, albeit fragile, my nerves along my body in that area are extra sensitive. If anything too heavy lands on or hits me, it’s like being beaten. As is, I’m not as strong as any of my other siblings. So, I stay here, making potions and reading more into alchemy.” I sighed. “You still should broaden your horizons. Cause remember, I said being safe is one thing, being healthy is another…and so far…this doesn’t look healthy, you need to do…something else.” I said carefully, feeling so ashamed of myself that I let my little girl be…hurt like this… “I enjoy this though. When I do this I don’t feel so fragile. I feel like I’m doing something that makes a difference for others.” She said, going back to crushing the herbs. “I’d like to see more than just this room. But if I do, I might get hurt again. I’ve come to hate the doctors. I don’t want to end up in a hospital ever again…” I frowned. “Alright you, today’s the day you understand what being outside feels like.” I said, gently putting my hoof on them and turning into my symbiote form and becoming a part of them. As I was, I felt Cheat follow suit and once the two of us were in, Cheat formed a fast armored shell over Lynn’s moss. “Wh-what is this?!” Lynn yelped in shock. “Due to me being bonded with Cheat for so long, as well as gaining three more Symbiotes, I’ve become part symbiote. Now me and Cheat are going to give you some extremely durable armor, healing and protection so you can enjoy life outside of this room.” I mentally explained to her. “What?! Dad this is…” She started, them turned around and looked at the armored, spiked shell. Slowly, she touched it, put some force onto it. “Wow… I… genuinely don’t feel anything.” “Yup. I’m awesome.” Cheat said. “Ah! Who was that?!” “Hi, I’m Cheat and Button’s first Symbiote and his armor. Though I guess you can say for now I’m on loan to you so long as Button is doing this.” Cheat informed. “Oh… wow. This is… really weird.” She said, still tapping her new symbiote armor shell.  “Yeah, it’s definitely something to get used to, but now you are wearing armor that can withstand at minimum rapid fire armor piercing bullets.” I said readily. “Woah… So… what do I do now?” “Anything you want.” I said honestly. “Cause daddy’s here to protect you from any dangers that come your way.” “...But I don’t know what to do… I never thought about or…” “Just take your time.” I said softly. “Here, let’s start off with finishing your job and the delivery, then we can focus on doing other thing’s alright?” “Oh, right!” She yelped, rushing back over and quickly continued making her potions. After maybe half an hour of this she finished the last potion she needed and stored them all into her assistant. She then quickly slithered out of the room, through the house and outside. Once she was in town she made her way to a small alchemy shop. The store was almost half plants, the rest were shelves with potions and ingredients and all that all over. She slithered over to the desk where a slender humanoid rabbit lady stood. “Hey there Lynn… what’s with the shell?” “Oh uh… something my dad is having me try out.” Lynn said. “Oh right, heard he returned. Well, hope your family enjoys the pot. I only lost two hundred rem so, not that bad.” The rabbit lady shrugged. “So, brought me more potions?” “Yes. Fifty six this time.” Lynn nodded, pulling them all out of her assistant. “Right. Alright, these all look good.” She said, opening a bottle and sniffing the contents. “Alright, that’s two thousand eight hundred rem.”  The potions and rem were exchanged and with that done, Lynn slithered out and back into town. “Well… that’s the last delivery for the month.” She sighed. “Alright, that was simple enough.” I said honestly. “Now, let’s try to do somethings while we’re out and about.” “Like what?” Lynn said, muttering under her breath. “I don’t know how to have fun I just know how to make potions.”   “Right…well, right now, you can go wherever you want.” I told her. “You can move, you can see new things, you’re not bound by your route and your room…you can explore.” “Explore what?” “Anything.” I said honestly. “You are protected, you don’t need to fear about getting hurt, you can look around towards anything you want…but to keep thing’s a bit simple, let’s go to one of the shops and get you those alchemy kits.” “But isn’t all your money in your assistant… with your body… back in my room?” … Oh crap I forgot about that! “Uh…hold on, there’s three other symbiotes in my body that can hopefully pilot me all the way here…crap I totally forgot…” I groaned. “Wait, call one of the mom’s, maybe they can put all the money into the family account…if we have one…” We ended up having to go all the way back to the house and I went back into my body. Cheat stayed inside Lynn for now, but when I was going back into my body I felt she… kept part of my symbiote form. For what, she said it was for a surprise. With that, we went back outside, this time I can really be with Lynn and not as a passenger.  “So, what kind of Alchemy set should I get?” She asked me. “You can get any set you want.” I said readily. “As I said, we have more than enough money to last several lifetimes, you can get all the alchemy kits if you want.” “I really only need one…” “I’m just saying.” I shrugged. “But we’ll see which set’s they have and make a choice when we get there.” “They probably have them all at the Apprenticeship Store. When we turn thirteen and began apprenticeships we can get all we’ll need if we need anything from there.” “That’s fair.” I nodded. “Well, at least you’ll have a head start here.” “It’s this way.” Lynn said as she led me down the roads and… holy crap! The store was built inside an old supermarket I raided many times before. Wow, how big has the settlement gotten? We walked inside, and all around were large shelves of boxes and all kinds of things. “Jeez, this place takes me back.” I chuckled, seeing Lynn look at me with a tilted head. “I used to come here and raid it way before this place became a settlement, seeing it now being used as a supermarket is…kind of refreshing to see.” “Oh. As far as I can remember it’s always been this store.” Lynn said. Hm, must have been added shortly after I left then. “Alright, good to know.” I nodded. We walked through the isles and I found where all the Alchemy stuff was. There were a variety of potion sets and all kinds of other alchemy that didn't seem to revolve around potions. Some even came with whole volumes and sets of all kinds of potion and alchemy books. “This is a lot more than I was expecting.” “Yeah, this is indeed a lot.” I said in surprise. “Hmm… oh, this one comes with some herb seeds and samples to grow your own. This one comes with an alchemical transmutation mixer… This one comes with the set of Herbs and Magic though…” “You don’t need to choose only one, you can get whatever you want.” I said softly. “I don’t have the space for more than one though.” “Hmm, fair.” I said honestly. As Lynn looked through the options I looked at them all too. Hm… There are a lot more options I was expecting. Hmm… Maybe… huh? I looked up and… holy crap. On the top shelf was a kit that literally advertised as a whole alchemy laboratory.  I gently flew up and grabbed the specific kit. "Well, how about this one?" I inquired, showing it off to Lynn. Lynn looked up, and her eyes went wide. “That is… a lot.” She said. "Well, it's practically an all in one bundle, I'd say pick this." I said honestly. “Okay… how do we get it down?” "I'm already holding it Lynn." I said, flying down and transferring it from my hooves to my magic. “Oh. That works.” She nodded as we went and paid. Once that was done we walked around some more. “So… I still don’t know what to do?” "Right then, let's go do a classic parent and child event, a walk in the park with ice cream." I said readily. “Uh, sure.” She nodded. Thankfully it was noon and the park was fairly lively with people.  As we walked, the dome let in sunlight through some energy field, giving us a clear view of the sky above. I looked over at Lynn, who I noticed was keeping an eye on everything around her. “What are you looking for?” I inquired. “Just… keeping an eye out around me for… stuff… people…” She said. She’s still worried about something happening. “Lynn, I promise you, nothing bad will happen.” I said honestly. “And if anything did, Cheat is Symbiote armor for you so you will be safe.” “I know that… it doesn’t break a fear i’ve had almost as long I’ve been alive… which isn’t that long all things considered…” “I understand.” I nodded. “But what ice cream do you like the most?” I asked, considering we were heading over to an ice cream stand right now. “Uh… I don’t usually eat ice cream… What flavors do they have?” I frowned as I looked at Lynn… so much of her life in fear… just hiding in her room… how much has she missed out on because of that fear? So much that she doesn't even have a favorite ice cream flavor… “Alright, I’m getting you some armor, or an armor symbiote, after this, cause this is genuinely upsetting…” I said carefully. “But there are a lot of flavors, and I’ll either let you pick or probably just get you vanilla just to let you taste how ice cream is.” “Uh… Okay?” She said, taking her arms and almost hugging her torso as she was slithering along. This isn’t going how I wished… I noticed then that Cheat was poking a small tendril of herself out along Lynn’s armored part. I caught up, getting close enough to feel her link but not leave Lynn. “Okay, babygirl Lynn is very much terrified right now.” Cheat said. “This isn’t what I hoped for to be honest…” I mentally told Cheat. “I’m helping keep her anxiety in check but… she is very scared, and not just of the outside her thoughts are racing with the idea you are disapproving of her. If I was not here in her right now she’d be having one nasty panic attack.”  Panic attack… she’s… she’s so young… “This…no, she’s…she’s too young for a panic attack…she’s…why can’t things just go right for once…” I said sadly, as I feared that I was just making this situation worse even though I wanted to help my little girl so much. “She’s had a lot of trauma Button. Trauma causes problems for everyone at every age and children especially. I can keep her stable, but after you two grab the ice cream you should head back home. Talk with her and let her know she’s fine. And with luck my gift to her can help her out once I leave her body.” “Alright…this…I hate how this has been hurting her so much…” I thought bitterly. Cheat retreated back to Lynn.  We entered an ice cream parlor, and there was a lot of types here… a lot of types… I’m sorry, is that ice cream on fire? “What do you recommend dad?” Lynn asked. She looked better than she was at the park. This place is pretty empty. She must mostly get scared being outside. Or in crowded areas… “Uh…” I said, looking at all the flavors. “Honestly, there’s a lot more flavors than I thought, I mean, who heard of Ice Cream that’s on fire?” I asked sheepishly. “But…I suppose Vanilla should work best for someone starting out in the world of ice cream.” I said. “It’s simple, taste’s good, and is all around a classic.” “Okay.” She nodded. I ordered the two ice cream cups and once they were given Lynn looked at the cup of frozen delight with a raised brow. She sniffed it, then took the small spoon that it comes with and brought it to her mouth. Immediately, her eyes went wide, her ears folded back and she almost looked in a trance. I smirked as I recognized the look of a child who has just had their tongues mind blown by sweets. “What do you think?” “I didn’t know sweetness this sweet existed…” She muttered. I chuckled as she gained her first smile of the day and ate another bite. I almost teared up a little, seeing her smile for the first time today. Who knows how long since she did genuinely smile… The door opened and I saw some other kids walk in. Lynn turned and saw them. She locked eyes with a boy who looked like a humanoid goat with gray wolf fur. They looked at one another for a bit before the goat-wolf kid backed out of the doorway and ran off, his two friends following. I looked back at Lynn who just frowned and looked down. “What was that about?” I asked softly. “That was Nick… he was the one who… pulled my moss off…” Lynn sighed. “Ah.” I nodded softly. “I understand…I’ll talk to them later to see why he decided to do that.”  I said softly. “But…one thing I want you to know…you have a beautiful smile Lynn.” “Heh… thanks… and, you don’t have to do that. I know he regrets it…” Lynn sighed. “He didn’t think it would hurt me. To be fair, no one aside from my siblings knew that. They figured it would have been the equivalent of pantsing someone.” “I understand.” I nodded. “And…I’m glad they understood real quick…” I sighed, kneeling down and looking her in the eyes. “Lynn…I’m proud of you, and how brave you are being out here with me today.” I told her gently. “You are one of the bravest people I know my sweet daughter.” Lynn smiled at me, some tears in her eyes as she gave me a hug. “Thanks dad… I’ve been feeling scared coming outside just so out of the blue… but, it was pretty fun… but next time can we go someplace with less crowds? They still make me… nervous.” “I understand.” I nodded. “I…wanted to help you understand being able to move around, not being stuck in your room forever…and see the world and how great it really is.” I said honestly. “And…also, I know you were nickel and diming but…come on, ice cream once in a while in bulk shouldn’t be too expensive.” “Heh, talk to moms.” She chuckled. “Can we go home now? I want to set up the lab you bought me. Box said it’s a room upgrade so It makes its own space.” “That is cool, and sure, let’s get going.” I said honestly. We went back home quick, Lynn opened the box and inside was what kind of looked like a cartridge for computers. She held it up to the screen that was next to her doorway on the inside and it seemed to be absorbed by the screen. Once it was, a new door appeared on the wall behind her desk.  Once we moved her work desk we opened it and Lynn turned on the lights… holy crap! Inside was a huge gym sized room filled with all kinds of beakers, tubes, heaters, fancy looking things I didn’t know what they did, and in the back was a massive bookshelf field top to bottom of books and on the right wall was all kinds of empty planters set up with fancy things to keep the herbs and such alive and healthy.  “This. is. Amazing!” Lynn said. To hear her so happy compared to that almost flat monotone voice… she’s happy. So happy. I actually teared up at hearing her this happy…”I’m…I’m so glad to hear you happy Lynn.” “Thank you dad!” She said, giving me another hug. “Oh, uh, Cheat says she needs to return to you now.” I nodded as I felt Cheat flow back into me. When she did though, the armored shell on Lynn didn’t leave, rather it changed from being spiked and such to a much more smooth and reflective metallic look. “Huh, wah!” Lynn yelped as she backed up. “Who are… wait what? Really? That’s weird… also kinda gross…” “Lynn now has her own symbiote. Little of me, little of you, she’s now got a symbiote and a new brother, Ronnie.” Cheat informed me. "Awesome." I said with a smile, gently putting my hoof on the metallic part. "Hello Ronnie." I mentally said to the symbiote happily. “Hey pops. Mom already filled me in on everything and such. I’ll look after Lynn, it’s what mom says I was literally born for so, I’ll keep her safe.” Ronnie informed me. I have to admit, I was surprised he was… mentally older, but he sounds around Lynn’s age despite being just born. "Thanks Ronnie, I believe in you." I said warmly. "Well, Ronnie sounds like he's going to help keep you safe Lynn." “Yeah… this is new, but kinda cool. Also I guess I’m never alone then… That’s… gonna take some getting used to.” “Well, it’s better than being alone stuck in your room all day everyday.” I shrugged. “Heh… thanks dad, Cheat.. This has been an interesting day. Can next time we keep it small?” "Alright, next time we can keep it small, but do you still want to head to the ice cream shop next time?" I inquired. “Sure… just not through the park, please?” "That's fine." I nodded. "No park yet." Lynn gave me another hug and with that, I left her to get to work having fun in her new laboratory and went out to the living room, taking a deep breath as I sat on the couch. “Hey.” Sweetie said, sitting next to me. “How was your day with Lynn?” "It could have gone better since she…almost had a panic attack if it wasn't for Cheat…" I sighed. "But…she smiled, she was happy…and it was amazing." “Really? I haven’t seen Lynn smile genuinely in a long time.” Sweetie smiled. “Ever since that incident at school we’ve all been worried about her.” "Well, with her new brother Ronnie being an armor symbiote for her, she doesn't have much to worry about anymore." “That’s good. We considered getting her one before, but armor symbiotes are rare, and even if another one would help, we were worried about their personality. If Cheat made her not only one that is crafted to keep her safe, but also within her age range and is family then they’ll be more compatible.” Sweetie smirked. “Maybe someday she can go out with friends and such.” "It's mine and Cheats new kid, and yes he is within her age range." I nodded. "And…hopefully she will get some friends too." “All in all it looks like things are going well.” Sweetie sighed. Today I was going to meet another daughter of mine. Venus. Her file here shows she has green, almost grass-like fur coat along her upper torso and body, longer grass hair on her head, and her lower half being more like a traditional lamia, having scales. The color of which is an almost shimmering blonde color. I’m not surprised so far all the kids I’ve had with Lilly have had some parts of their body be plant like, she is part Fae and it looks like the kids have definitely inherited that from her. I soon came across Venus’s room, finding the door already open. I saw boxes and shelves of all kinds of various things. Some looked like tools, some looked like parts, others were some jewelry or books, and digging through one of these boxes was Venus. "And what are you doing Venus?" I inquired, seeing them half in and out of a box and finding it a tad adorable. “Dad!” She said, giving me a smile then rapidly giving me a hug. Woah, okay… very happy to see me. “Hold on right there I need to get something!” She said, rushing back to the box and taking out and tossing stuff from it. “Where is it?!” "What are you looking for?" I inquired, using my telekinesis to grab some stray objects that would have either hit something that looked a tad fragile or me. “A while ago I found something I thought you might like… where did I… Oh right!” She said, quickly moving to under her bed where she pulled out a small lock box. Opening it, inside I saw a variety of… scrolls, amulets and even some small bars of ore. She pulled out of it though was a small gameboy advanced. The handheld console was all yellow and had an iconic pokemon face on the top part. “Here you go!” She said, handing it to me. "Yes, I do in fact love this." I said with a warm smile, gently taking the handheld. "Where'd you find this?" “Oh I found it in the sewers on a corpse.” … what? “Uh…and why were you in the sewers?” I asked. “And why was there just a random corpse there?” “I uh… snuck out looking for treasures…” “Snuck out you say?” I inquired. “I suppose you have a spirit for adventure?” “Oh yes! Moms talk about all the runs you went on before the New Foundation came in and secured everything and it sounded so exciting! I found a pathway through the sewers one day while just exploring and it led outside the barrier so there were some zombies in there but they didn’t do much.” “And while I am super excited about your adventurous spirit, I’d really prefer you not go out by yourself.” I said honestly. “Even when I did my runs I had Cheat with me to help.” “I have an ability that helps me though. Watch!” She said, turning off the main lights and then turning on a desk lamp. I raised a brow but she had the lamp light pointing at one wall, shinning light on it. She then moved to the unlit wall and… She put her arm against it, and it sank in, soon like she was dropping into water she vanished, leaving just her shadow slithering around the wall. “I can dive into shadows and poke in and out of places so long as it’s dark enough!” “That’s amazing!” I said in amazement. “I’d still prefer you be with a second person, only because I’m scared for your safety my little shadow walker.” “Nothing can hurt me as long as I’m in the shadows.” She said, almost diving out of the wall and onto the floor. “I’ve been doing this for a year now. It’s where all my treasures come from!” She said. I took another look at all the shelves of items and such around. “Oh~, so that’s why your room is filled with this stuff.” I said honestly. “Well…I’m glad you got plenty of experience moving around, I’m also glad that you stayed near more ‘safe’ area’s, cause some of the zombies are very dangerous.” “Yeah, but all the really good stuff is around the real nasty ones. Like those huge hulking deformed looking ones, or the ones that have body armor and such merged into their grotesque skin, or and those freaky ones with the weird mouths that can really run. I saw a few of them outside the barrier in the sewers. They usually leave at night but they are all over the place during the day.” Right, so Tanks, Demolishers, and Nightmare Volatiles.  “That makes sense, I know those three intimately…tough jerks.” “Yeah. I can usually only nab one or two items from what they have before they go completely nuts and start attacking the walls.” Venus chuckled. “So, can you take me?” “Sure, a nice little adventure sounds great.” “Yes! What are we gonna do? Set fire to the sea of infected on the highway? Blow up a hoard nest? Break into a military base and fight robots!” Wow, she is very much excited… also not ready for anything like “Alright, while I love your enthusiasm, you are not ready for a lot of that.” I said sheepishly. “Even when I was raiding, I didn’t do any craziness until I felt and was actually ready. What we should do is start off with some normal stuff.” “Like what?” “Well, just starting off simple, like looking through places and fighting some low level zombies.” I said honestly. “Cause while your shadow walking is great defensively and you can also sneak around amazingly…you're way too young for monster fighting on the scale you're eager for.” “Awh… but I get to kill zombies and loot buildings still?” “That is what we are going to be doing.” I nodded. “Yes! Can we go now? Please? Please? Please!” She said, wrapped around my torso and clinging to my neck. Heh, well it’s refreshing that one of my kids is so rapidly happy to be around me. “Alright, get ready and we’ll go.” I said with a smile. “I already am.” I blinked and she was in some childs sports equipment and makeshift armor… when did she? “Come on, I know a shortcut outside of the town that’s way faster than going through the gates.” She took my hoof and then jumped into the shadows, being pulled in with her felt like I was really diving into water. Once we were submerged it was like being underwater but I could breathe. Seeing was tricky, and sounds were muffled. Eventually, Venus pulled me back out and looking around I was in- “Button Mash?” I turned, seeing a face I haven’t seen in ten years. She looked the same as she did last time I talked to her after gaining Treasury. Eve, Fry’s birth mom. “Well, I’ll be damned.” She chuckled. “Hi Eve.” Venus waved to the human woman.  I looked around and noticed this was the hotel she was living in back then too, only it was way more fortified and seemed to be lit up with UV lights along all the windows and doors. “Well, it’s certainly been a long time Eve, how are you doing?” I asked with a smile at the familiar face. “I’ve been well. As well as one can be living in a zombie infected zone.” She shrugged. “Didn’t know you were back in town. Eve here popped up from a dark spot and nearly gave me a heart attack a few months ago. I liked her spunk and frankly that shadow ability of hers is stupid useful.” “Eve has actually helped me go on mini adventures of my own and shoot some guns for practice.” Venus said. “I also tell her how Fry has been from time to time.” “That’s good to know.” I nodded. “And thanks for making sure Venus didn’t get into any dangerous situations Eve…I would have but I had…important things to do…” I sighed. “Yeah I know, you had to leave to help the Breeders like her mom. Everyone in Sanctuary has heard the reason why you left.” She shrugged. “I’m not exactly in a position to judge anyhow.” “Considering there’s been a betting pool and a lot of people apparently believed I ran off to join them…I’m glad you're not judging me.” I sighed. “Considering I left my son in your care, the only thing I can say is that at least you came back.” Eve sighed. “Anyhow, are you taking Venus on a proper Run?” “Yeah, dad’s taking me on a real adventure!” Venus stated. “Heh, then I guess you’re gonna need these.” Eve said, walking up and over to the wall covered in guns handing from racks. She picked up a small blue carbon fiber bodied rifle, a small handgun and lastly an ammo sash.  Venus happily took the weapons and put the sash on. “Baby with a gun…” I sighed, gently patting Venus’s head but smiled nonetheless. “That rifle and pistol I’ve been having her practice shooting for the last few months. She’s familiar with them and since she says her moms would kill/ground her if she brought them home, she keeps them here. She knows how to use them Button. The magazines on the sash are already loaded Venus.” “Thanks Eve.” She said. “Come on dad, there’s probably some zombies outside we can shoot!” She said, already slithering down the stairs. Eve just chuckled. That girl has a lot of energy… “How much energy does Venus have?” I inquired. “When it comes to wanting to adventure, endless.” Eve smirked. “Keep an eye on her, that girl has a serious case of adrenaline addiction.” “That’s…that’s probably not a good thing.” I said nervously. “I did those ‘adventures’ to make sure my family was safe…I hope she doesn’t do this all because of some thrill…” “She’s a child, she wants fun and awe in her life. Every kid, even those born to Armageddon, wants to adventure when they’re young.” I nodded. “And I’m ready to help give her that adventure…just as long as she doesn’t try to do something silly like ‘Tank Rodeo’...” “Don’t give her any ideas.” Eve chuckled. With a nod I rushed down the stairs, finding Venus checking her rifle by the armored front door. “Ready dad?” I thought for a moment, thinking if I should don my armor or try and use my magic for a change…well, it should be a simple run, I can use magic. “Ready.” With a smile and a nod Venus opened the door, there were five infected in the immediate area… She shot five times and head shot each of them. Wow, she’s got good aim. “Hehehehe, let’s see if they have stuff!” She said, already looting the bodies. “Good aim Venus.” I said, walking over and checking them for anything with her. With all that we could find looted I walked next to her as we were looking around. I could see the dome of the settlement, Sanctuary, Eve called it, from here… so weird but also reassuring.  We walked around, Venus shooting infected and me casting some spells to kill and keep them a distance away. For the most part things were going well. Nothing too crazy, wild or unexpected. “This is so cool!” Venus said as she shot another four infected down. “It feels so good to be out and actually doing stuff!” “Well, it’s good to be out doing some simple stuff for a change.” I shrugged, grabbing two infected and crushing them with my Telekinesis, trying to get at least better with this spell first before trying to do a lot of other nonsense. “What was the most fun you had on one of your Run's dad?” “Hmm…” I hummed, thinking back to all the runs I had. “Well, I suppose the most fun I had…was when I got this pendant, a magical item that multiplies the drop’s of whatever I kill or find…and there was apparently an event going on with a swarm of zombies…first time that happened some Zombies were literally crushed to death with all the loot that appeared.” I chuckled. “That was fun.” “Awesome. You still have that pendant?” “Yes I do.” I said readily, bringing out my pendant from my assistant and putting it on. “And given that we’re in a party, it’ll count for the both of us.” “It does? Cool! What was the meanest infected you’ve ever killed?” “Well…” I hummed. “I’d say…Frank.” I said honestly. “Or at least, when he became a Mini-Boss.” “Frank? You had a named monster mini-boss enemy?!” “Well, I gave it a name after I beat it a lot of times, but then when thing’s started to get tougher because this planet was rude, they decided to make Frank a mini boss by mixing the Type 4 Harran Virus and the T Nemesis Virus.” “Woah…” Venus said, mouth agape and wide eyed. “Dad… can I kill Frank?” She asked, raising her rifle up. “Heh… maybe when you’re older… and have a much…much… much higher caliber rifle…” “Awh… can I at least see him? I bet he’s still around!” Huh… it has been ten years… is that infected still here? Should be at the top of that hospital if I remember… “Hmm…that depends on if the Hospital isn’t taken over.” I said honestly. “And if he is there, don’t try to fight him, he was tough when he was a Mini Boss…Mother knows if he’ll somehow become a boss and be pissed I haven’t fought him in over ten years…” “Cool, so… which hospital?” I looked around, it should be… ah. I pointed at the hospital in the distance. “Wait, that hospital?” Venus asked. “That’s where your monster enemy Frank lives?! But that place is haunted!” Haunted? That’s new. “Well, that’s certainly new.” I said. “Sounds like an adventure.” “Uh… seriously? Wow dad… you’re more nuts than I was expecting. I love it!” Venus cheered. “But seriously something is really, really wrong with that hospital. The development and expansion teams sent people in there to clean it out, none came back and their corpses defend the place as some really nasty looking infected…” “Then either Frank got some serious Upgrades, or something deeper in the hospital isn’t really enjoying the company.” I said honestly, deciding to put on my Symbiote armor. “Think you can keep up with me in my shadow?” “Oh easy.” She said, jumping into my shadow in the ground. It looked like she was wrapped around my torso from how the shadow looked. “Let’s go dad!” With a nod I began bolting down the roads, up buildings and over the rooftops. It felt GOOD to be doing this again. I arrived at the hospital, looking up and around I spotted infected, they were definitely infected but they were wearing armor or had metal bolted to their skin. Each one had rifles equipped and some even seemed to be using magic. This is definitely not normal…  “So do you know any other details about this place Venus?” I asked, using Scan on some of the infected to see what the hell was up. “Other than that Sanctuary Security labeled this place a ‘No Fly’ zone, nope.” She admitted. “Shit…” I thought to myself worriedly, hoping my Scan ability can get me a good look into what these things are. Scan Complete! BOW Infected Rank 9 Detected! Necromancy Undead Rank 7 Detected! BOW Frank(Boss) Detected! Entity Blocked Scan! Okay… so one… something in there can resist my Scan… “Wait…hold up.” I said with a frown. “Frank is the Boss here!?” I asked Before I could question more, there was suddenly a MASSIVE surge in magic. A matrix appeared under me. Shit! Before I could escape everything whited out, and when it returned I was in… where? “It’s good to see you again Button Mash.” I looked up and… holy shit! Frank looked… well. He was still huge, maybe… ten feet tall, still built like a freaking train, but he wore a plain black T-shirt and jeans! The only reason I knew that was Frank was because his HP bar appeared in my HUD. That’s a lot of zeroes. Aside his size, his face looked… normal. Well, he’s a giant humanoid but his face was pretty human passing save the milky dead eyes and pale skin. “Well…you certainly clean up well Frank.” I said honestly. “I suppose a lot can change in ten years, how’ve you been doing?” “I have been well. It’s good to see you again, truely. I’ve noticed your child, several actually, moving about outside the safety of their settlement. Rest assured, I’ve kept an eye on them from a distance for safety reasons.” Frank said… wow. “And sorry for the abrupt ‘kidnapping’. My roommate has turned the place into a fortress out of paranoia.” “And who’s your new roommate?” I inquired. “And making this place a ‘No Fly’ zone by the New Foundation is quite an achievement based on paranoia.” “Yes well I believe you’ve already met them actually. When I mentioned you to them they seemed to recall you.” Frank said as he motioned to a corner behind me. Turning I saw a human male with a semi armored lab coat, glasses and messy brown hair… hair wait I do remember him! That’s Mad John! “Holy crap, it’s Mad John!” I said in surprise. “Oh sweet Celestia it’s all coming back to me…I’m not that old Cheat!” I whined as I heard Cheat laughing at me in my head. “Yeah hey.” He huffed. “When you and your spawn currently attached to your shadow are done here can you leave and never come back?” “John, they are guests, there is no need to be so rude.” Frank stated. Now, it’s weird hearing that come from Frank… considering I remember him as a mindless rage beast. He’s so civil. “You know I’m only here because New Foundation being so close means even Violence’s craziest would think twice.” John huffed. “So why didn’t you just…be accepted by the New Foundation and not murder their search parties and turn them into zombies?” I inquired. “And also…jeez, it’s weird seeing you so Civil and just…weirdly normal you are now Frank, after all the fight’s and the few virus mixtures you were put through.” “Ah yes, good times.” Frank nodded. “Because the New Foundation wants me imprisoned or dead. Frankly I’m not fond of either.” John said. Venus then came out of my shadow but kept close to me. “Why would they want you imprisoned or dead?” “... One of my… brothers is very high up in the Nexus guild. I used to be in a similar position in Violence but that was always temporary. I only took the position to advance my research. Once I got what I wanted I was done with the place, but the members did not want me to… waste my skills…” John said. “And what is your research about?" I inquired  “Genetics. Specifically relating to the cells of our biology and how to program and add to them. Already the Assistant, abilities, magic, you yourself have multiple symbiotes all of which can alter and change your biology at a thought yet there is still little known about it. The cells that make up our bodies are still so unknown, yet so easily programmable. Not just us, the cells of plants and animals are similar, but there are differences. It’s a fascinating field of study.” "Well…never actually thought about Genetics like that, didn't know it was that malleable." I admitted. "I mean, if they don't kill you, the New Foundation would enjoy your research and mind." “No.” John said flatly. “It’s bad enough I learned recently one of my brothers that managed to leave Armageddon was dragged back thanks to that lunatic cult within Nexus. I am not going to be forced to make anything for anyone ever again. Mother only knows what they’ll do if they find JJ…” "JJ?" I inquired. "And who's this mystery brother that got kidnapped by immigration?" I asked, cause I was now genuinely curious about his family and how they're getting involved with people they're running from. “It’s a nickname. Truth be told, we’re not really brothers, just reflections of one another. JJ is just one of our nicknames for one another. Comes from what people called him, Junker John. He has a… talent for fixing anything no matter the condition, can fract anything. Give him the resources and he can build or repair even broken trash into top tier equipment.” “I’m sorry that your brother has been brought back to this hellhole…” I sighed. “And sometimes brotherhood can mean more than just blood after all.” “Yeah, I know, lived it. In any case you two can leave now.” “But please come back.” Frank said.  “Or not…” John huffed. He snapped his fingers and that matrix appeared under us again. In another white out when everything came back into place I… we’re back in Venus’s room. “Woah…” Venus said. “Awesome- oh crap I still have the guns… Uh… can you hide these and not tell moms?” She asked me. “Your secret’s safe with me.” I said honestly. “And hey, at least we know why that place is sectioned off, and also I got to see Frank again and you got to see him for the first time…honestly, didn’t expect him to go from a normal Brute infected, to a Mini Boss Tyrant…now to a stand up guy.” I said honestly. “Should still probably challenge him to a fight one of these days, always had fun with the fights.” “Can I watch when you do?” She asked as she handed me the guns and ammo sash that I stored into my assistant. “Of course.” I nodded. “He offered us to come back and visit so I’m sure he’d enjoy an audience now.” “Cool. I can’t wait to start apprenticing under the Runners.” She said with giddy. “The Runners?” I inquired, not knowing that section yet. “Yeah. They’re the people who go out and map and scout and grab stuff out in the zone and what stuff they bring stocks most stores or hospitals and the maps are used to expand Sanctuary more.” “That sounds amazing.” I nodded. “And I’m sure you’ll be an amazing Runner, or Slitherer as it were.” I did the dad jokes. “Har har.” Venus chuckled. “This was so much fun. I can’t wait to do this again, maybe even meet Frank again. He seems nice.” “Frank is actually pretty nice now.” I said honestly. “And yeah, this was great, can’t wait to do it again…you’re a breath of fresh air Venus, the first that was super excited to be with me and do something…and I’m proud of you, and I hope your adventurous spirit can help raise the spirits of others in this place.” “Thanks dad. To be honest, whenever I heard moms talking about the things you did before to help keep them safe, food and such stocked, It always was cool to hear. I used to think about what it was like back then. It was dangerous but you also had so much freedom too.” “It was…trying times, but it was always worth it when I could get back and be with family at the end of the day.” I said readily. “Making sure I knew that what I was doing was worth it seeing them all safe and happy.” “That’s the kind of feeling I hope to give people and feel myself when I’m older.” Venus nodded, giving me a quick, tight hug. “And collect all kinds of cool treasures.” I hugged back. “And collecting all the shinies, cause collecting shinies is also cool.” “I am very much an item hoarder in video games.” She chuckled as she broke the hug. “And you get that from me, that is a definite.” I chuckled. I gave Venus another quick hug before leaving. It was a good day, she had fun, I found some stuff out, and all in all… this was a good day. Alright, new day, new child to meet. Next up is my daughter Phoebe. The file here shows she a light brown coat of grass along her upper torso, long almost wheat like hair, and dark brown bark like scales along her snake half. The file says she enjoys quiet and reading. Hmm. I tried to think of how I could spend time with her, cause if it’s just quiet and reading…well, maybe I could read to her or she could read to me? Hmm… I arrived at Phoebe’s door. I knocked but there was no response. Carefully I opened the door and was greeted by a room filled with books. Some on shelves, some in stacks, and Phoebe sat on an old leather chair reading a book under a standing lamp’s light. "Hello?" I asked softly, trying not to be loud for her. "Shhh." She hushed, turning the page. Okay…so how the hell am I supposed to talk with her or hang out if she’s just going to immediately shush me like I’m in a library with an overly fussy librarian? I stood and waited for a while, watching as she read through and flipped the pages over and over before she seemed to reach the next chapter. Once she did she placed in a bookmark and closed the door. "Hi dad." Phoebe said. “Hi Phoebe.” I said. “How are you doing?” "I'm good. Was enjoying my book." "What book were you reading?" I inquired, trying to strike up some conversation. "It's called 'Hatred Across The Stars'. It tells the stories of two gods that despised one another and even after death, each new incarnation spends their new lives hunting and killing one another." "Well…that's uh…quite a book you're reading there." I said carefully. "What caught your eye about it?" "It was filed under Romantic Tragedy." I blinked. "Like…what? Did they murder each other so much they learned basically everything about each other and learned to love their sworn enemy or something?" I inquired. "I don't know. So far they're in the era of the black plague and are trying to kill each other before the plague takes them. So far there has been a lot of arson and casualties in this part." “Well then.” I said honestly. “That’s something…so, I see your a fan of books here.” "Yes. Ever since I learned to read." Phoebe said with a nod. "That's good to know, got any favorites?" I inquired. "Yes. Winds Quick, Talolola, Garden of Memories, Precursor, Immortal Suffering, Deko And The Gemstone, Final Judgement, Wrath Of Eternity, Lost In Agony, The Stone And The Log, Akio, Whispered Apology and The Eternal Prison." "That's a lotta books." I said in surprise. "When could you start reading?" "When I was three." "Jeez, that's very young to start reading." I said. "I learned quick and I didn't stop reading after being given my first book." She said. "I enjoy their stories. Maybe one day I can find them, either on Armageddon or off world. The concept of fiction is less a 'does not exist' and more of a 'where does it exist' in this reality." Wow… she is smart. "You are very smart Phoebe." I said with a smile. "And…well, yeah, that makes sense." I nodded. "Never really thought of it like that." "I read all about it in a book called 'The Existence Paradox'." “The Existence Paradox?” I inquired. "It talks about how if one person can create another in this reality with but a thought and have them appear in a prize pod or Isekai or some other way then at what point did the first being think of another and create them and who created the first being if they themselves had to be created by another's thoughts and if we are all made from the thoughts of another made flesh are we existing for ourselves or our creators entertainment or if Free Will applies." “That’s a lot of heavy things a nine year old shouldn’t be thinking.” I said quickly. "I read it when I was seven dad." Phoebe stated. "And it was fun." “That’s good you thought it was fun…but that is still some heavy thing’s for someone so young to be thinking about.” "It wasn't any worse than 'The Prison Of Flesh' or 'Godhood Optional'." “What sort of horror books were you reading?” I asked worriedly. "The Prison of Flesh talks about how our near immortal bodies are like a prison keeping us bound to life and the universe. Godhood Optional talks about how being a god is irrelevant when people can build other life either through Synthetics or by growing cells." “Alright, I think you're getting a little too into the existential horror of this reality.” I said nervously. "I also read cosmic horror." She added. “Why?” I asked, trying not to sound incredulous about my daughter being so smart but also just straight up saying ‘I’m into reality being really fucked up somehow’. "It's fun." “Right…” I muttered. “Well, what other genres do you like?” "Romantic Tragedy, Slice of Life, Fantasy, Adventure, Biographies, and Mystery." “So most genres, got it.” I nodded. “You just…anything and everything, as long as it’s a book you’ll read it huh?” "Pretty much." She nodded. “That’s fair.” I nodded. “And I presume you like the quite cause it gives you time to focus on reading?” "Yup." She nodded again. "Sometimes I do listen to music while I read." “What kind of music do you like?” I inquired, knowing a bit more about music then the…too confusing questions she was constantly reading about. "This one is a song my brother Reef recommended." Phoebe said, using her tail to take out a small speaker with a USB in it. She turned it on and hit play and the song played... I was a tad concerned. “Yeah that’s uh…that’s not concerning at all…” I muttered. "I like it. It pairs lovely with a supernatural suspense story." “Well…yes, it does fit but still.” I said carefully. “What made you decide to go more into all this…supernatural or existential stuff?” "General boredom and morbid curiosity." “Well…yeah that makes sense.” I nodded. "Is there something you want to do?" “Well, I wanted to hang out with you, get to know you and do something to help…well, make you know I’m here and I care.” "I know you care dad." Phoebe said. "I've always known." “Really?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “I mean…I know your smart, but…I thought you being this smart would have just…made you dislike me or something…” "Why would I dislike you?" “Because I was…gone for ten years and missed so much of your life?” Phoebe picked up her book, hugging it against her chest. "There were times I missed you. Wanted to know you… so, I did." She said, using her tail to pick up a book from the nearby shelves and gave it to me. The Memories of DNA. "Reading that book I learned that being your daughter, part of your DNA, you, was always with me… and hidden deep in those strands of proteins were memories of yours. An echo of you, left behind at the moment of my conception. I learned to access them with some spells I read about in another book and… got to talk to you. At least, the you that makes me up." “Huh…” I said, looking at the book… ”Phoebe…thank you.” I said with a warm smile. “I’m glad to hear that…and I’m physically here now, so we can make things right now.” "What's there to make right?" “Well, I’m physically here.” I said honestly. “So we can talk, and you can learn things about me your DNA magic can’t tell you.” “Like what?” “Well, do you have any questions for me right now?” “Not really. Your echo in my cells told me all about your favorite games, books, your heartbreak before arriving in this reality, your phase you always wore a propeller hat all the way until you got here, how you met mom, favorite foods, drinks, most hated foods and drinks, your fear of Pin Cushions, your bucket list, and your one accidental kiss with Pipsqueak when you were tricked into playing Seven Minutes in Cloudsdale and thought you were going in with Dinky.” Wow… Well shit… Also I am still pissed at Thunder for that prank! “Still pissed at Thunder…” I grumbled. “There is something I’d like to do though.” Phoebe said. “What do you like to know?” I inquired. “Not know, do.” She said. “Can you uh… lay on the bed and cuddle me while I read?” I chuckled and smiled. “Sure, I’d love to.” I said warmly. I jumped onto her bed, Phoebe slithering up and between my hooves. Gently I held her close and I watched as she opened her book back up and began reading. This was different, but… nice. Simple. As Phoebe read I tried to read along with her, but she is a fast reader and too far ahead for me to understand context.  “This is nice…” I said warmly. “Just simple enjoyable reading time.” “This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time.” Phoebe said. “When I was little, moms would hug and let me read like this in their arms. Even if I’m older now, this feels nice, if a tad awkward.” She laughed, a small but genuine one.  “No matter the age, just cuddling with someone you care about and reading or playing a game is always a nice time.” I said with a warm smile. “This is nice. Maybe next time we can try and read the same books and talk about them?” “Yeah, cause I tried to read along but you are a very fast reader and uh…I could barely make heads or tails of some of the stuff you were reading.” “Yeah, I guess it would be hard to follow without reading it from the beginning.” She said, finishing the chapter… She's on chapter sixty?! She’s only like halfway through that book. I know it was big but wow… “Also…jeez, sixty chapters and only half way through? How many pages are in that book?” “I don’t know. I usually don’t look at how long a book is, I just start reading it.” “That’s fair.” I nodded. I stayed here holding onto Phoebe until she eventually closed the book, stopping at a new chapter and began falling asleep. Once she was asleep and out cold I used magic to slip out, covered her in blankets and gently closed the door as I left.  This was a simple day, but she’s happy… If more of my kids read this much maybe I should invest in building a library or something? Today, another daughter of mine to meet, spend time with and get to know. Her name was Alexa. She has a light brown moss for skin on her upper body, long vine-like hair on her head, and her lamia half is covered in brown scales. I walked over to their door and knocked. “Alexa? You in here?” “Yeah!” I heard them call back from inside. I opened the door was was met by a room with a TV, Desk, Bed, Shelf with various comic books and manga on it, and DVD boxes. Alexa was sitting at her desk looking through comic books. “Howdy Alexa, what you doing?” “Reading comics.” She said. “What kinda comics?” I inquired. “Cause it looks like you have quite a collection here.” “Marvel, DC, some indie comics Greed helps publish or that are published on the New Foundations internet platforms.” She said. “When I’m not reading comics I’m watching cartoons.” "That's good to know." I nodded. "What's your favorite" “I’m torn between My Life as A Teenage Robot, and Zel Silver.” Hmm, I know the first one. Think I found season one in a box set back before New Foundation moved in… but Zel Silver… haven’t heard of that one. "Zel Silver?" I inquired. "Who's that?" “It’s a cartoon about this cowboy that’s kind of an anti-hero and he usually end up partly destroying the town he helps and it’s a very violent kind of comedy.” “Sounds kinda like Deadpool comics to be honest.” I said honestly. “It’s similar, yeah.” She nodded, turning around and looking at me now. “So, we're gonna be spending the day together?” “Yes we are.” I nodded with a smile. “Cool, what are we gonna do?” “Well, what do you want to do?” I inquired. “Today’s the day where I get to learn all about you.” “Uhhh… Oh! Can we go watch the new Minecraft Movie?” “Sure.” I nodded. “Let’s go see some Mine’s being crafted.” I chuckled. “...That’s uh… that’s not… I mean, uh… Was that supposed to be a dad joke?” “Yes, yes, it was a bad dad joke.” I said honestly. “... 0/10. Boo.” She added. “Everyone’s a critic.” I rolled my eyes, but still kept my smile. “Come on, let’s go see the movie.” “Alright.” She said, closing up the comic book and then began slithering next to me as we headed out.  Back in town again. Never gonna get used to seeing it so… normal. I remember when all of this was covered in the infected and so broken and covered in bile and corpses…  The Movie Theater was built into one that was here already, never did check this one out. Even large, an enclosed area is a risky Run.  There were posters everywhere and once I bought the tickets we went to get snacks. There was the normal. Popcorn, soda, candy, even hot dogs and nachos. Then there was things like hamburgers, pizza, chicken fingers and fish sticks, fried fish and mac and cheese. Wow. Those are impressive options. “Well, there’s certainly a lot of choices.” I said in surprise. “What do you want, Alexa?” “Well, I didn’t have breakfast yet. Maybe a burger and a hotdog?” “That works for me.” I nodded, having long since learned that we are all omnivores and deciding to order what she wanted for the both of us. Once we got those, plus small popcorn buckets and sodas, we went into the theater. The seats were different from what I expected, having built in foldable tables as well as cup holders. We ate while the ads played as well as trailers for other movies, then the actual movie began. Despite everything being blocks, the animation was good, and it all worked well. Story was neat. When the movie ended Alexa and I left and she was happy. “That was fun! Better than I was expecting.” “Yeah, the movie was surprisingly good.” I nodded. “Surprised how well they made the animation when it’s all cubes.” “It was really well done. So, what next?” “Hmm…” I hummed. “Well, we can go to the comic shop if you want.” “Oh, can we go to this one place I know? It’s a bit far but they have really good stuff.” “Sure.” I nodded. “Where’s the comic shop?” “It’s near the current wall barrier but the owner is really cool. She sells all kinds of comics and manga and figurines and cartoon box sets.” “That sounds like fun.” I said readily. “Then let’s get going.” With a nod I followed Alexa down the streets and pathways. It was a fair distance away but soon we arrived at the store. It was indeed near the physical wall keeping the infected away. The store itself was actually built into or maybe was grown from a fair sized tree that had chunks of building carved and built around it. Walking inside I smelled a mix of fresh paper, plastic wrap and peppermint.  Looking around inside there were shelves and display cases and boxes of comics and books. At the checkout desk stood what looked like… I wanna say they looked like a mix between an owl, a deer, and some human I think. The owl wings were on her back, shoulders and torso. Feathers and fur mixed along her body and two small antlers poked from her head.  “Hey there Alexa. Didn’t think I’d see you around so soon.” The owner said. “Oh, is that your father? I heard Button Mash came back to town.” “Yeah.” Alexa said with a nod.  “Pleasure.” The owl-deer-human lady said, giving me a handshake… hand-hoof shake. I gently brought up my hoof for them to grab as we shook. “Nice to meet you ma’am.” “Call me Angie.” She said. “So, making up for lost time I imagine?” “Yes, I am making up for all the lost time.” I said readily. “Cool, I get nine birthdays worth of sales in one day then.” Angie chuckled. “You know what that means Alexa.” “I get whatever I want!” She said, bolting through the store. Angie and I chuckled. “And don’t worry, I have all the money I’ll need for this.” “I know. Word around the markets is that you’ve been spending big.” She chuckled. “So I am looking forward to seeing some of my best profits for today on record.” “And I’m sure you’ll enjoy the pay day.” I chuckled. “That’s my plan.” She chuckled. Alexa was still making a pile of stuff. “So, by any chance did you pass through the Eden Zone?” “I’m sorry, no.” I shook my head. “Damn. I’m from a settlement there. Since no tech works in that zone getting news in and out of that place is slow going.” “I can imagine.” I nodded. “I…learned a bit about Eden before…it sounds like a nice simple place.” “It is. Life there can be hard at times, but all in all, it’s one of the nicer zones. The scenery especially. I miss it sometimes but since magic still works there and raw strength is still usable, some of the Chaos Guilds like to make it their playground for testing their skills. Last news I heard out of that place was a town called Gray Den was pillaged. That was fifty years ago though.” “That’s horrible.” I frowned. “But…hopefully things can get better for a change.” “Hopefully. Eden is the perfect place to grow food. Literally anything grows there. Nexus monopolizes farms there.” “I can imagine.” I said honestly. “It was a very pretty place…and also it makes sense anything can grow there, it is called Eden.” “Yup. Aside from the whole no tech works there, it’s not really that bad.” “It does sound like a good place, though me being a video game nut, it would take some getting used to.” I chuckled. “Yeah. I about lost my mind the first time I saw a working TV.” Angie chuckled. “God that feels so long ago. Yet also almost like it was yesterday.” “Oh trust me…I almost feel desensitized to time, but then…well…” I motioned to Alexa who was getting a bigger and bigger stack of comics. “And also me feeling old because I literally told one of my kids ‘back in my day’...I could almost feel my bones turning to dust when I said that.” I chuckled. Angie laughed. “Same. My girlfriend’s kid makes me feel ancient sometimes.” “What was your ‘back in my day’ moment? Cause mine was with Leaf when they said some games that I grew up with were ‘old’ and I got into a ‘these are classics’ rant.” “I was trying to bond with them and introduce them to some of the comics I grew up reading. They took one look at my Fantastic Four books and said ‘Were you born in era one?’ I was floored and mortified. My girlfriend more so but my gods I felt ancient… I mean I’m only five hundred, and yeah those comics are old but they’re reprints, not originals.” “Oh my Mother, that must have been painful.” “I’d have preferred being stabbed.” Angie chuckled. “Kid’s good, goes to school with Alexa which is how I even know her. Nice to see someone who enjoys comics that aren’t on a screen. Most of the folks I sell comics to buy them to keep in sleeves for a physical collection.” “Well, sometimes you get collector’s that just want to keep things in pretty condition.” I shrugged. “I prefer when someone holds and reads them.” “I got everything I wanted!” Alexa said, pushing a pile that was twice her size over to us.” “I might just have to close early today.” Angie chuckled at seeing the various near barren shelves. “Alexa, while I know this is to make up for all the birthdays, but are you sure you want to buy literally half her store?” I asked, cause even though I have more than enough to not care about the price tag here, it’s still a little concerning about how many shelves were just completely empty. “Yes.” She nodded. “Poor girl has largely been window shopping as long as I’ve known her. Most of the comics she owns I paid her for doing some odd jobs in the store or were a gift for birthdays and Christmas. Plus, I don’t mind. I get to go home early, surprise my girlfriend and maybe have some fun before her kid comes back from their archery club.” “Well…that works I suppose.” I shrugged. “How much?” “Heh, give me a… some time.” She chuckled as she began scanning the items. In total it was a little over twenty five thousand rem. I paid for everything and once Alexa had it all stored into her Assistant we were off again. “I am gonna be more stuck in my room for like, months than Phoebe reading and watching all that stuff!” Alexa said excitedly. “And I’ll be making sure you get out and about sometimes cause being stuck in your room all day reading or playing video games isn’t fully a good idea, I should know.” “Reading comics and watching cartoons and anime. I’m actually not that big on video games.” "That's fair, but my point still stands." I said readily. “Moms said you once spent two weeks playing Fallout 4 with little to no sleep.” She retorted… Crap, betrayed by my baby mamas… "And that's why I said 'I should know'." I countered simply. "So thank you for proving that you need to not do what I did." “I know… But I can beat your record someday~” "I'd prefer you not reading comics or watching cartoons for more than two weeks without sleep." I said nervously. “Someday…” She said in a low tone. “So did you used to read comics as a kid? Er… foal?” She asked. “I sometimes forget you’re a pony. Where it not for my ears I’d forget I’m part pony.” She added, moving her pony ears up and down. "Yeah, I did read some comics as a kid. Favorite was the Power Pony series." I said honestly. “Is that like Power Rangers?” "Uh…more like the Avengers or Justice League." I answered. “Ah. Cool. I don’t think I’ve found any comics with that name though? Or cartoons or movies? Hmm. Maybe there aren’t many in circulation?”  “Hmm…would be a little weird if they weren’t.” I hummed. “So, did you used to have a comic book reading friend or something back in your home universe?” “Oh yeah. Thunder was a jerk but he had good taste, Featherweight was good with whatever, Pipsqueak was usually a fan of parody comics and Spike…” I stopped in my speech when his name hit my lips… Damn dragon… Ten years, actually more than ten I think and… I’m still bitter about it? Then again… he was my best friend. “Who’s Spike?” “He’s a dragon that I…was friends with, before he started dating the mare I loved back on my home world…” I sighed. “You knew a dragon? Cool, only dragon I know is Miss Barb. My history teacher.” “Really? What’s your teacher look like?” “Um, fairly tall, purple scales, green spines along her head and back, wings, green eyes, green fire even.” … There… There is no way in… I forget the reality I live in… “So…you apparently have a female version of Spike as your history teacher.” I said carefully. “You sure?” “You explained what Spike looked like in detail, even including their fire.” I said honestly. “Well she uses it in class sometimes to kinda teleport stuff to us. Or when she sneezes. I’m sure you’ll meet her at some point when Emily gets in trouble at school again for her pranks.” I sighed. “And that’s probably not going to be a pleasant time…” “She’s not mean. She’s pretty nice, especially if you bribe her with an espresso coffee in the morning. That’s most of the reason Elily doesn’t have detention.” I’m gonna have to talk to her about that… “Yeah, gonna have to talk to Elily about all that…” I grumbled. “Plus she also knows a lot about comics and manga and books and anime and cartoons and video games. She’s super cool. And for a teacher, that’s saying something.” “Well, that sounds good.” I nodded. “... You want to meet her don’t you?” “Just so I can confirm that she is in fact a female version of that backstabber.” I huffed. “Well, it’s not a school day… actually it’s summer vacation but anyway, I think I heard she lived in this part of town. Maybe she’s… coming this way?” I turned, seeing a… The green spines and purple scales were identical, as was the green of their eyes… but her curves were… on par with Philomina… and she wore a red tank top with jean shorts as she walked this way… Okay… why the fuck is female spike so HOT?! “Hey, Alexa. What brings you here?” She spoke in… a soft and gentle voice… “My dad bought out the store to make up for all my missed birthdays.” Alexa said. “Oh, so this is Button Mash?” She asked as she looked over at me and held out a hand. “Barb, I’m actually well acquainted with your mates… primarily because of Emily…” She chuckled. “I can imagine.” I said carefully, gently taking their hand and shaking it. “And…I see you are a female version of Spike…a very…very…” I trailed off, before taking a deep breath. “So how are you doing today?” “Well, seeing as you bought out the store I was about to shop at, free. Considering I’m teacher to majority of your kids, how’s about we grab some coffee while I catch you up on several years of missed parent-teacher conferences?” “Uh… Sure.” “Oh… welp, I’m gonna go back home, bye!” Alexa said before bolting down the sidewalk like a race car. “Heh… Yeah, that checks.” Barb chuckled. “Don’t you fucking leave me…” I muttered to myself, knowing she’s long gone by now as I sighed. “Alright…what coffee shop do you go to?” “There’s a really good place back this way. After eight it sells booze too so if you wanna get wired and drunk their alcoholic coffee selection is your best option.” She said as she led the way. I nodded and tried not to keep looking at her as we walked… crap no one said she’d be hot… The coffee shop was actually a small, but nice place. We sat at a table outside with our drinks and… talked. “So, you really bought out Angie’s store huh?” “Well, a good majority of it.” I said honestly. “Twenty five thousand rem worth of comics, manga and cartoons for Alexa.” “Heh, so she robbed you.” She smirked as she took a sip of her coffee. “But I guess missing all her prior birthdays warrants an exchange of such.” “I mean, I have more money than I can even imagine using.” I shrugged. “So whatever makes her happy…I’m just glad that I’m making my kids happy after so long.” “A lot of them have missed you. That much is clear. Well, business first. I am worried about Patrick…” Patrick… that’s one of my kids with Karla. “What’s wrong with Patrick?” I inquired. “Also I uh…haven’t seen Patrick yet, just going down the big list of kids I have my spouses made…” I sighed. “His grades have been… below average. Not just in my class but his other teachers say he’s starting to drop. I know academics aren’t a major requirement. He can read and at least do basic math, but I worry he might just try and coast by in life with his physical abilities or that others will take advantage of his trusting nature.” “I suppose I’ll be talking to him next.” I said honestly. “Cause I don’t want him to be taken advantage of and try and ‘coast by’...” “When you can, I know you have like… majority of the fourth grade in your house. There’s a lot on your plate and you can only take it one at a time.” “I have over three hundred kids…it’s gonna take a while…” “I’m well aware how many kids you have Button Mash.” Barb chuckled. “I have to say though, what prompted such a… large family? I’m aware the majority come from Breeders, but I never knew why you… adopted that many.” “Heh… I uh… raided some Puritan Colonies and…” “Oh. That explains some things actually. Say no more, trust me, I get it… my parents were from homeworld but they were puritans and… so unbearable…” Barb groaned. “Yeah…my first ever Puritan I raided was literally Canterlot…it was…not good at all…” “At least you got to shove it to those bigots. Wish I could have done that to my parents. Though I guess setting the house on fire before running away after I finished my apprenticeship was a good second best.” “If they were still in the house, that would have been better.” I said honestly. “But did you run away here or were you kidnapped by immigration?” “Oh, that’s a different story, also yes they were in the house. Dragons, so no harm to them. Though I did torch their expensive furniture.” She chuckled. “No, I sorta… kinda… crashed here…” “Well…if you wanted to run from crazy parents this is a place to run.” “I didn’t crash here running away from them I crashed here cause a stray asteroid hit my engines. That’s what I get for buying a discount ship… Anyhow, luckily I crashed near New Foundation Territory and they took me in immediately. Been living here and teaching for about seventy years now. Ugh, just saying that makes me feel old…  This is why I only talk about newer games and shows around the kids. I’d rather them not know my real age.” “Oh god I got into this with Angie before our meet up with you.” I groaned. “Oh, she told you about what her girlfriend’s kid said to her?” “Yeah, like…holy crap, that was rough for her.” I chuckled. “If any of my students said that to me, I’d cancel classes for the week to recover.” Barb said, chuckling into her hand. “Talk about emotional damage.” “Oh yeah, it hurt me a lot when I had to go into a ‘back in my day’ talk…” I groaned. “How is it that kids can make you feel so old? It’s bad enough that childhood can and feels like forever ago.” “I don’t know and yes…I understand that feeling all too well.” I sighed. “Course, you also gotta love that naive youth too. Part of why I became a teacher. Even in this world, time changes a lot of things and they… just have no clue about how it was before they were born. I mean, I’m sure you can tell me about all this before the New Foundation moved in.” Barb said as she waved an arm around. “Oh yeah, I can tell you exactly what all this was.” I nodded. “Walking around after so long it feels…almost surreal how I ran around killing infected each day and now it’s a bustling city.” “Do tell, I got nothing but a full watchlist of shows and an empty bed at home so, mind helping a gal kill time? Unless your mates would find that… distasteful…” … Uh… Conflicting emotions… Well… I’m already with Cream so… at this point I wonder if I should just accept and roll with things… “Well…I’m pretty sure it would be okay Barb.” I said honestly. “I’d love to help ‘kill time’.” I ended up spending several hours with her, just talking and nursing the coffee I had. In the end she… gave me her address and I went back home. All in all… that was an unexpected detour- “Still looking to expand the family I hear?” Cream asked, a sly smirk on her face as Maud shared a similar expression, Philomina was cracking up and Sweetie was reading through a book. “And what about it?” I asked sheepishly. “Cause I mean…we just had a simple conversation…” “You went on a date… with the kids' History teacher…” Philomina said, cackling.  “Alexa has been telling the kids that you’re dating one of their teachers now.” Maud said, chuckling. “And you had to go after the single nerdy hot one too.” Sweetie added, still reading her book. “Sh-shush you.” I blushed. “So when’s the next date?” Cream asked. “Uh…I…don’t know.” I said sheepishly. “But it’ll probably happen when I talk to her about Patrick…but how is Patrick?” “Patrick is currently running laps around town.” Sweetie said. “He likes to try and get in ten laps before dinner.” Yeesh, what nine year old is that obsessed with exercise? “I was told that Patrick was slouching in school, and that he’s focusing more on his physicality…how strong is he and how gullible is he?” “Patrick was born with some abnormal strength, even by Dire Wolf standards.” Cream said. “His last doctor's physical they tested. He can lift over three thousand pounds. In terms of gullibility…” “He once ate literal dirt because someone said eating dirt builds your immune system.” Maud said. “He was plugged for weeks.” “Mainly because he kept eating it…” Cream added. “Oh…oh no…” I said weakly. “We’re gonna…have to teach him some stuff…like, a lot of stuff…” “We managed to keep him on a schedule and routine. All we have the time to do is to try and make sure he keeps to it.” Sweetie said. I sighed. “Well…best thing I can think of is teach him through his physical training.” I said honestly. “If that’s possible.” “If you can manage.” “Try not to get too distracted by the dragoness ass alright?” Philomina added, laughing herself into a near coughing fit. “Still surprised she’s single.” Maud added. “Can we all stop focusing on how hot Barb is for five seconds and focus on our kids?” I asked, blushing brighter at Philomina’s laughter. “That depends, how many eggs can a dragoness lay?” Cream added, Philomina was now on the floor and I buried my face in my hooves. It didn’t help that Cheat was also laughing. “Can we please stop?” I whined. “It was just the one date, can we please stop talking about me plowing her sexy ass?” “The fact you admit her ass is sexy only hammers in the hilarity even more.” “Alright I’m out.” I said, turning around and walking away. I sighed as I could still hear Philomina laughing on the floor as I left. I went over to Alexa’s room and entered, seeing her organizing all the new comics, manga, and cartoon box sets. “Hey dad, how was your date with Miss Barb?” “Even you?” I groaned. “Hey, miss Barb is awesome. Everyone who has her class loves her, she knows all kinda of cool stuff, and according to Emily she gets along with the moms really well. At least within a parent teacher conference setting.” Alexa shrugged. I sighed. “Alright, alright…” I grumbled. “So you had fun?” “Yes, I had a good time with her…” I admitted. “Is there gonna be another date?” “Most likely.” I answered. “Awesome, so she gave you her number?” “She gave me her address…” I admitted. “... She likes you~” Alexa chuckled. “And she wants you in her house~” “Shush you.” I said bluntly. “Miss Barb likes you and you like her~” Alexa said in an almost sing-song voice… Oh boy… This is gonna be a thing… “I really don’t like having to deal with this constantly…” “Suffer the taunting and cheering of your children father! And let the embarrassment melt you!” Alexa said, laughing madly now… Dating as a parent with kids… might just be how I go out… from embarrassment. Okay, yesterday was a thing in learning what it means to go on a date with kids and dating their favorite teacher doesn’t help… Up next, my daughter Jada. So far, a lot of daughters and one son. Anyhow, the file shows she has a brown fur coat, grass-like green hair and her lamia half was a lot like Lilly’s. Green leaf-like scales. According to this though she seemed to take after me and is obsessed with gaming. I knocked on the door. “Jada? You in here?” I didn’t get a response. Slowly I opened the door and saw… a very dark room lit up only by a computer screen. Jada was sitting in front of it. The sound of keyboard tapping and mouse clicking were surprisingly audible from the sounds of… Hold up I know those noises, that’s the sound of infected. I walked up and looked at the screen… she’s… playing Dying Light?  I chuckled. That’s what this whole zone is based off of! “Jada, you there?” Still nothing. She is in the zone. I looked at the screen. She was rushing though a building full of infected, a timer was on the top of the screen. Hmm. “Time Trials or something?” I inquired. Still no response… Part of me is concerned… the rest is impressed because she is flawlessly dodging, fighting and parkouring around. Eventually she reached the end, and once the loading screen hit she blinked… then hissed as she covered her eyes. “Aaaaaaaaaaggggggggg…” She groaned… Been there. Forgot to blink. “Yeah, this is why we remember to blink.” I chuckled. “Worth it…” She muttered as her teary eyes watered and she rubbed them. “New record…” “Well, glad you got the record, but I can immediately warn you about some pitfalls here.” I said, walking over to a light switch. “Also, close your eyes, it’s about to get bright in here.” I flipped the switch and Jada screeched. “Light! My one weakness!” I laughed. “Yeah, the bane of all Gamer’s existence, Light.” “Curse you artificial light sources and your ever glowing brightness…” She cursed as she rubbed her eyes more and blinked a few times. “What time is it?” “The fact that you need to ask that means you need some sleep.” I said readily. “As a fellow gamer…yeah, that’s a sign for you to take a break and get some sleep.” “Sleep is for the weak. All I need is coffee and maybe a sandwich…” Oh yeah… she takes after me… Wow. “Yeah, no.” I said readily, gently picking up my child. “While you do need a drink, water would be for the best, then we can make a sandwich, then you get your sleep. When was the last time you went to bed?” “When did Summer Vacation start?” “Yeah, you need some sleep.” I said, carrying them off to at least get them some food and water before putting them to bed. “Nooo…” She groaned.  I brought her into the kitchen and sat her at the table. Maud was already in here, the kitchen’s whatever magic already helping to make many pancakes and eggs.  “Morning Button.” Maud said. “Jada, nice to see you out of your room for a change.” “It was against my will…” She groaned, face planting into the table. “Owe.” “She takes way too much after you Button.” Maud chuckled. “Sorry, and uh…yeah, they do.” I nodded. “And I’m going to have to teach them how to not be uh…turbo gamer here.” “You’ll have to pry my video games from my cold dead hands father…” Jada said, their voice muffled from still being planted on the table. Maud chuckled. “Reminds me of when we tried to get you to take a day off back before.” … Ah crap this is gonna be harder than I thought… “Unlike right now, back then I had to.” I said carefully. “I needed to do thing’s to keep you all safe and all our stuff stocked…this is different.” “And that is why you missed out on all nine years of my life…” Jada added… ouch… “Jada…” Maud said with a warning tone. “I’m not apologizing.” “And you are lucky that you didn’t die from sleep deprivation.” I frowned. “Cause so far you’re hurting yourself with my bad decisions, but even I knew when to actually sleep and take a break, and yes, yes I did sleep and take some modicum of breaks that didn’t involve you forcing me Maud.” “Was that before or after you spent a week solid on runs from dawn til dusk and that one time you did Run at night and nearly got eaten by one of those Nightmare Volitials?” “I inherit all my flaws from my father. Good to know.” Jada said. “You do still need sleep Jada.” Maud said.  “You tell me when dad would sleep for more than I’m assuming a four hour minimum?” “... When Cheat did that to them.” Maud said, motioning to me…  “The point is,” I cut in, cause this was not becoming a stupid ass blame game towards me. “You need to learn how to break these bad habits, and this is coming from someone with experience on this…and while you’re my adorable little gamer, please…take care of yourself when we’re busy with stuff.” “Are you sure you’re one to talk about self care?” Jada asked, pushing herself off the table to look at me. “From what I do know about you, your track record is shoddy at best…” “Jada, Button is your father. I know you don’t know him well because of his… but he is still your parent. Some respect is in order.” Maud said, her tone rising. “Did he respect your wishes when he left you all with three hundred babies and no way to actually care for them?” “He left to find a way to help your birth mother.” “And he came back knocked up, with a male breeder, a slave and not anywhere closer aside the embryo growing in them that has the ability to use Code but has no way to teach them. I’d have rather had him and mom around, but our needs and wants didn’t matter enough to him.” “Go to your room!” “Finally.” She huffed, slithering off in a rush past me. “No.” I said, grabbing their tail and pulling them back before I picked them up and looked them in the eyes. “You’re not getting what you want, because you just want to go back and seclude yourself, you want nothing to do with life but be stuck in your room, playing video games. I learned the hard way that life doesn’t work like that, sometimes people are gone for a long time, but do you want to know why I came back with a kid? So I could be with you, be with all of you, cause if I didn’t do this, I would probably never see you again.” I said, as she was about to raise her hand, I cut her off. “No, it wouldn’t be a good thing, it would never be a good thing. I’m telling you from personal experience…don’t ruin your life based on bad habits, spite, and wanting to be a secluded shut in…please…I’m saying this not only as a former secluded shut in gamer…but as your father, the father you needed for most of your life…” I said softly. “Please, it’s been two weeks of you not getting an ounce of sleep, it’s a miracle you haven’t either passed out from lack of sleep, hallucinated…or died due to lack of sleep.” I said, and while I didn’t know how long it would really take, ten days seemed to still have been the average even in this reality. “I don’t need advice from the man who owns my mother.” She hissed, pushing me aside. “You Bought my mother just to have her birth me and my siblings, then you throw here in storage for your ten year long ego stroke and hero complex, leaving Mamma Maud and them alone with no way to take care of your three hundred plus bastards and you expect to walk back in and think all will be forgiven? You aren’t my dad, you’re my mothers owner, at most, your the sperm doner who fucked her to bring me into the world at best.” She hissed, slithering off.  “I didn’t buy her.” I said, which made her pause lightly. “She was rescued by Parker’s friends…” “... Doesn’t matter. You still own her. She’s your property.” With that she rushed off back to her room. I growled and rubbed my temple. “I knew this was going to happen sooner or later but…this soon?” “Jada… has always been cynical of things.” Maud sighed. “She’s like you in a lot of ways… and I think that’s why she grew to hate you so much. Resent you. She has your obsession with games, bad habits, lack of self worth or self preservation when it comes to helping others… and your temper…” I sighed bitterly. “So how in the world am I supposed to help her not be pissed at me?” I asked, cause while I could think of a few things but it wouldn’t really…help the problem. “... I don’t know.” Maud sighed as she sat down. “Time maybe? When she was little she used to pretend you and Lilly were these two large body pillows she’d sleep in bed with… pretend she had the both of you in her life.” I looked at Maud…I could only shake my head bitterly. “Maybe I should get either a co-op game or a vs game just so we can…at least make an attempt to try and make things better…cause if she’s so focused on games, then she can learn stuff about me with co-op or get her anger at me out of the way with vs games…” “I don’t think that’s the issue Button.” Maud sighed. “When she was little, every birthday wish, every letter to Santa, was just to have you and Lilly back, to have her mom and dad with her… Then when she turned six she started gaming. At first, just for some hours at a time. Then days at a time. I think she started doing it to escape something eating at her. Whenever we asked she’d dodge the question.” I…oh shit…I know why…”Damn it…I know…exactly why…” I shook my head, seeing Maud raise an eyebrow. “So…have I ever told you about how I lost my dad?” “Sweetie told me bits. And I never asked your dad directly. They have been involved a lot in the kids' lives though, and they love them. Your dad and Echo Dash have been a big help to us… by the way, when you can, visit them.” “I will…” I sighed. “Honestly I’m surprised they haven’t tried to hug tackle me the moment I got back…but…” I sighed. “My dad is an Isekai, and no he’s not a reflection or something like that, he is my dad.” I said, which made Maud’s eyes widen. “I was barely a year old when he disappeared…and then, for so many years I…did the exact same thing she’s doing now…” “Resented them for being gone.” She sighed. “It’s just gonna have to take time for her to warm up to you.” “So just…me hanging out with her, talking to her…doing something with her cause dad was rather quick when it came to helping me…” “That’s different though. You readily accepted their help and welcomed them back. She’s resisting you. It won’t be easy to get her to warm up to you when she doesn’t want anything to do with you…” “Knowing what I went through…no, she does want something to do with me.” I said. “She just…doesn’t know how. She thinks playing video games and being mad will solve all her problems, or at least let her ignore all the problems…cause she doesn’t know what to do with me being around…” “So how do you plan on helping her? Trying to force yourself in her life will probably end badly.” “Just…got to do a few things here and there…again, you're right with Time needing to be an important thing here but…it’ll still be better than doing nothing.” “Guess Jada is gonna take more than a day huh?” I sighed. “Yeah…which is going to cut into a lot of other things…ugh…this bites.” “There’s probably gonna be a lot of bumps in the road…” I nodded… I need a plan. Something to try and find the cause of her issues and help her… somehow… Hmm… Actually, I have an idea… Jada finally left her room again after some more hours of gaming, yawning as she slithered into the kitchen and quickly ate some cold leftovers and chugged some milk. “What to do…” She yawned. She slithered out of the house and out into town. “Still have a few hundred rem. Might be able to get a pre-owned game.” Said, yawning again. “Or maybe a coffee…” She said, scratching the back of her head. “Ugh… damn sunlight…” She huffed, squinting at the midday sun. “Note to self, become nocturnal…” She slithered around and entered a small game store, browsing through the various games. “Well, is that Jada?” An older voice spoke.  Jada sighed. “Hey Flinn.”  Flinn jumped in front of her, kneeling down. He was human… ish. While he looked human, white skin, brown hair, he had reptilian-like eyes. “Looking through the bargain bins again?” “Yes.” “If you’re gonna be out and about again outside you know the price.” She sighed. “Just get it over with. I’m too tired for your usual bullcrap.” Flinn shrugged, gripping Jada’s grass-like hair. He then pulled, and tore it off. The pain sent through Jada’s head was like being stabbed from the inside of the skull out. Still, she grit her teeth as her plant hair regrew instantly. “That will be all. Glad you remembered your place this time, Breeder-born.” He smirked as he stood up. “See you around. Maybe when you’re older you’ll make something useful of yourself. Like your mother.” He laughed as he left. Jada said nothing, but looked back up at the games on the shelves. “Maybe an RPG?” She said, desensitized to the treatment she endured. “Well, there are some neat RPG’s in that bin if you really want to focus on that.” I answered, having all my symbiotes literally keep me under control at what I just witnessed. “Wah!” jada yelped, almost backing up into a shelf that was behind her. “What… dad? Where the fuck are you? I am not in the mood…” She growled as she rubbed her tired eyes.  “I’m in my symbiote form, in you when you were so deep into playing Dying Light that you literally didn’t even notice.” I answered. “And no, I already gave you an out yesterday, you’re not getting it again…Who. The. Fuck. Was. That?” I asked carefully. “This is a real invasion of privacy… I feel violated…” She shivered. “Anymore fucking violated than what you just let that bastard do to you?” I asked her bluntly. “What you let him call you? How he treats you? Jada…what is wrong?” “Nothing you need to concern yourself with…” She huffed, grabbing a game off the shelf and reading the back. “Oh it’s most certainly something I need to concern myself with, also I transferred like, two million rem to your personal account when you weren’t looking but I see you’re so in this routine of being physically and emotionally abused that anything outside this cycle is anathema to you.” I answered. “I am your father, I am supposed to concern myself with things in your life Jada…you’re my daughter, and I care about you a lot, so much so that I literally need to be held back so I don’t murder that douche Flinn.” “Why? He’s not wrong. I am Breeder-Born. It’s not really an insult if it’s true.” She said, putting the game box back and picking up another. “And I’m not using your money.” “No, it is an insult when he literally treats you like a Slave that’s just a few years away from becoming a Breeder. Is that what you want to be known as? Is that how you want to be treated in life? Do you resent me so much that you would sooner believe horrible people that treat you like absolute garbage?” I asked her bluntly. “They’ve been treating me like that for a long time. Before you ever came back here. People have known me as that since I was born. You think I’m the only target Flinn or others take shots at? A lot of people look at me, my sisters and see us no different than they’d see our moms. Or any Breeder. A little hair pulling is getting off easy for the day.” I…I…oh boy…Uh… “Button no.” I heard Cheat immediately tell me. “I don’t care.” I immediately snapped at Cheat. “Jada, you are more than what these people tell you, you being born to a Breeder should mean nothing, these people are just being absolute deplorable people…and…I’m so sorry I wasn’t here Jada…” I told her sadly, me being the symbiote in her I could tell she could feel how horribly sad I was about this. “I’m so sorry…you shouldn’t have had to deal with this…I should have been here…” I told her, hating this more and more and boy howdy was I going to make Flinn an example and not a single fucking person can stop me. “...Yeah, you should have.. But you weren’t. You made your choice. And my life, my hell is the consequences of your choices. Your actions. The day you took mom in, the day I and my siblings were conceived, the day you chose to leave rather than be here for us… you can’t take it back. You think rage and vengeance will make it better? There are laws and shit now, hurt Flinn and you’ll be imprisoned. Then what? Another ten years of our lives you’ll be gone for because of a bad choice? Open your fucking eyes Button Mash… you screwed up and there is no fixing this shit.” “Why did you hide this from everyone?” I asked her. Jada laughed. “You think this isn’t known? Everyone knows, moms know, but there are too many of us to manage, they have too much to worry about because of you. Why else do you think I spend days in my room? Games help me escape. Forget. I can pretend my mother isn’t a Breeder who for all my life til recently was in storage, that I never had you for a sperm donor, and I can stop hearing their voice taunting me when I’m just trying to sleep.” “...It’ll only go so far…” I told her. “I’ve been through…some of what you’ve been through, not the physical abuse…and while I did have my mother…I do remember how it never felt like enough…how I wished for dad to come back when in reality…he would never come back home, because your grandfather is an Isekai like me.” “Yeah, I know, they told me everything. Unlike you, they were in my life.” “And I’m trying to be in your life now, cause you are going through the same thing I went through, just that you think being physically and emotionally abused is okay as long as you get your escapism…it’s not, it never will, and it’ll only cause more problems in the long run. When I felt you get your hair ripped out…when I felt how numb you were to it…you shouldn’t be going through this, you shouldn’t think that shutting yourself down and just going through life stuck in a hole with some form of escapism until you have to go outside is okay, none of that is okay…I’m sorry you had to go through this, but this is not going to happen anymore.” I told them. “I’m here now, I care, I want to see you feel better, be better, not just…be me except getting treated worse.” “Whatever. Just get out of me when we get home.” She huffed. Jada eventually picked out a cheap game and after paying for it, stored it in her Assistant before she began heading back home. She kept her eyes down and slithered through the crowds. “Jada!” A new voice called her. She looked up, seeing a rather chubby/fluffy humanoid cat boy run up to her. They were breathing heavily. “Been… one moment…” He wheezed. “Breathe Troy…” She sighed looking at the child… he looked about her age.  “I am out of shape…” “Round is a shape.” “Not the shape I’d like…” He huffed as he caught his breath. “Are you ready for the tournament?” “Yes. Been practicing.”  “Good, cause that prize is gonna be awesome!” “It’s not that impressive.” Jada shrugged. “It’s a huge amount of money and a full immersion VR server!” “Eh.” “Why are you even competing if you aren’t interested?” “Show off my skills.” Jada smirked. “You have issues…” “No duh… So is there a reason you nearly ran yourself into an asthma attack looking for me Troy?” “Oh, I also wanted to give you this.” He said, pulling out a set of headphones and giving them to her. “I know Flinn stole your old ones… again…” “Heh… thanks.” Jada said, taking the headphones and storing them away. “You should probably lay off the sweets though… any larger and you can’t keep saying it’s all just your fluffy fur.” “I can’t help it if it’s all my mom cooks.” He laughed. “See you at the tournament.” Troy said, giving a wave before rushing down the street again. I could feel Jada felt a sense of… calm, having talked to that kid. “Who was that?” I inquired. “Troy. A friend. He’s also got a Breeder for a mom. We Breeder-Borns try and stick together if we can.” “The fact that ‘breeder-born’ is a thing and makes it sound like you're a second class citizen is horrible.” I sighed. “But you have a friend, when did you two meet?” “Nurses office.” “And why were you in the nurses office?” I inquired. “Was it because of Flinn and his band of bullies?” “What do you think?” Jada asked with sarcasm. “Well, I was anyway, he was in there for a stomach ache.” “And he openly admits that he needs to exercise…maybe if Patrick’s exercise isn’t too rough maybe Troy could tag along with him…” I hummed. “But what’s the tournament about?” “Oh, Patrick’s routine would probably kill Troy.” Jada said. “And it’s a Tournament for Dying Light. The goal is to get from the beginning of the game to the end, including all DLC, kill an infected with every weapon at least once, and all in a record time. Also kill at least one of every infected type plus the special boss infected from The Following DLC.” “No wonder why you’re so into playing Dying Light, when’s the tournament and what’s the prize?” “Few days and the prize is four hundred thousand rem plus that VR Server.” “Well, that would be a pretty penny even if we have enough money to not give a shit about anything ever.” I mentioned. “But what about the VR Server?” “They take normal games and when loaded turn them into an entire full immersion VR world. Sounds, smell, feel, taste, all of it as real as reality.” “Well, that’s neat.” I said honestly. “Didn’t know VR got that in depth.” “Well, yeah. Good hardware can do anything.” Jada shrugged. “That’s what I want out of the tournament anyway.” She said as she slithered down the sidewalk again. “Just…so you can escape from everything?” I asked carefully. “What of it?” “I’ll just be repeating myself at this point…” I sighed. “But you’ll need your rest and be at your best to beat all the schmuck’s at this tournament, what’s your best time compared to others?” “For completing the whole thing, my best time has been four hours.” Jada sighed. “Still need to improve that if I wanna ensure a win.” As she neared the apartment, she looked up just in time to see… Flinn… he was leaning against the building. “Hey again there Jada.” “Why are you here Flinn?” She huffed. “I’m almost home.” “I know. Heard your pops was back.” “That’s unfortunately true.” “I lost out on some money from the betting pool because of that. I’d like some replacement money.” “When I win that tournament you can have the rem.” “I lost more than just four hundred grand in that pool.” He growled. “And what do you want me to do about it?” She huffed. “Pay me back. One way,” He said, grabbing her hair again tight. “Or another-” Before even I could react, another hand gripped his wrist, pulling him off Jada… Lilly?! “I’m sorry, but you’re treating my daughter with some disrespect. Please leave.” Lilly said. Flinn pulled his arm from her. “Like I’m listening to some Breeder who-” Lilly’s tail slammed Flinn into the side of the building. “Agh…” “That wasn’t a request.” Lilly said, slamming her tail back down on Flinn when he hit the ground. “You… What the fuck-” Now Lilly grabbed Flinn by the hair.  “I might have been in a cryostasis sleep while my Master was away, but upon waking up I got to work learning about my children and I learned fast you and many others like to torment both my and my fellow Breeders children. Now, I’m not a Den Mother, but any Breeder worth their programming will not hesitate to put an end to anyone mistreating their children.” Lilly said, pulling Flinn in close to her face. “You should do well to remember that while I do not require meals to survive, I can indeed eat, and as a Lamia, you’d make a pitiful meal.” “Bite me!” “If you insist.” Lilly said, actually biting into Flinn’s arm and drawing blood. Flinn screamed as Lilly dropped him. His veins seemed to be glowing green around the bite mark. “As my biology contained a variety of Fae and plant matter and magic, I can generate a magically activated toxin. This will induce hyper intense panic attacks, leading to hallucinations, heart palpitations, and if left prolonged enough, you will suffer quite the nasty heart attack.” Flinn was indeed looking like shit now. “A… Panacia… can cure this…” “Yes. But right now, you’ll be feeling the effects in full. Cure, don’t, the memory of this will be etched into that pathetic, small minded brain of yours. So I’ll say again, stay away from my children and my family, otherwise the next toxin I inject you with will be instantly lethal…” Flinn managed to get to their feet, their eyes looking off and skin looking pale as he managed to run off. Lilly slithered up to Lilly. “Are you alright sweetie?” Jada… was stunned. “That… was… so badass… How did you?” “I might be a Breeder, but I am your mother, and I will protect you and all my children.” She said, giving Jada a full bodied hug. “I am sorry I wasn’t there to raise you personally, properly, and I know Master, your father feels the same. We are here for you now. We can’t make up for lost time, but please allow us to be here for you now, and make new memories.” “She’s right, we know that…we can’t turn back time, but we’re here now, both of us, and we’re here to help you Jada. We love you and we want to see you happy, make new memories and be the family we were meant to be.” I mentally said, using my symbiote body to hug Jada and Lilly. “You mean the world to us Jada…and that’s never going to change.” Jada shuddered, shakily raising her arms up to hug Lilly back. From my perception as a symbiote, it was like a wall that was built up finally was cracking and beginning to fall apart within Jada. Once her arms wrapped around her mother, that wall finished breaking. For the first time in years, Jada cried. Not silent tears, but whales of long suppressed agony and sadness. Pain no child should have endured, she finally let go. “We’re here Jada…just let it all out.” Lilly and I held onto Jada as she finally let go of years of pain, and withheld emotions. Eventually, after some time, she passed out. Lilly took her back inside, once we were inside my Symbiotes and I all went back into my body and Lilly and I took her and held her between us as we fell asleep with Jada between us. Like what she wanted when she was little. For the next two days Jada was out cold. Between the emotional exhaustion and her lack of sleep prior, her body was recovering in full. The whole two days Lilly kept her in her arms, ensuring she felt safe and loved. Eventually, early in the third day Jada woke up, yawning as she came back to the waking world. "How long was I asleep?" She asked, rubbing her eyes. “Two days.” I said honestly. “You really needed it…from both the emotional exhaustion and also you just not getting any sleep for a long time.” "SHIT!" She yelped, almost jumping out of Lilly's arms and rushing back to her room. I followed with a raised brow and found her back at her computer. "Shit, shit, shit, the tournament is tomorrow and I slept two whole days away!" “You needed it, besides, I went through your memories while I was in your symbiote form and could tell your lack of sleep made some mistakes.” I said honestly, trotting over and sitting down next to her. “And I’m here to help you game your competitive little heart out Jada.” I said with a smile. "Dad, its single player no co-op speedrun tournament. Damn it I am so f-" She face planted on the desk. "Damn body you slept for two days, how dare you now demand food! Can you give me some of what I have in the bottom drawer." I opened the bottle drawer, finding it full of canned coffee and liquid meals. The kind people on diets drink to avoid eating solid foods. Has she been drinking just this for the last two weeks? “Okay no.” I said carefully. “As your coach from today till the tournament, your going to need something better than this.” I said bluntly. “Dad we don’t have time!” “We have all the time in the world, and I should know, my mom forced me into this same routine whenever there was an arcade tournament back home, and out of all ten I was in, I was first in half of them and second in the other half.” I explained simply. "Dad I've seen your consoles, this is not an 8-bit game, this is a modern game, not your dinosaurs!" Agh! My age, it hurts! “I’m trying to help you, and all I get is you wanting to turn me into dust? How could you betray me, Gamer?” I asked dramatically, putting a hoof over my heart in fake pain to add to it. “Dad nobody’s called someone ‘Gamer’ in an entire Era what the hell!” Oh come on! “At this point I might as well be a jar of dirt with how old I am to you young people.” I frowned. “Yes.” “So can we get back to me trying to help you instead of you panicking and about to make mistakes and get more upset?” “If you want to help me hand me my liquid meals and caffeine please… all that sleep and no food my body feels like a well rested lead weight.” I sighed, really wanting her to actually eat something, and not just this instant liquid crap cause this won’t help her in the long run…”Fine…but when lunch hit’s you are actually getting some real food, trust me, I maybe some super old to you, but I know what I’m talking about.” “I’m still alive aren’t I?” She asked as I gave her the bottle of liquid meal and coffee. She chugged both and after a bit pushed herself back up. “Agh… that hurt. But I'm feeling better. Now back into Harran!” She said, starting the game back up on her PC. “Alright, now time to go through and help you through this.” I nodded. “Do you even know how to play Dying Light?” “One thing about being a Symbiote that comes in very handy, is that I got to learn thing’s at a massively accelerated rate, and given that I was going through Dying Light and all the run’s you did and every single little minute detail of it, yes, I do know how to play it.” I nodded.  “That’s really creepy… Never do that to me again… ever…” “No promises, but anyways, let’s get on with getting your time down a bunch.” “The hardest part is the fucking Hellraid DLC.” She grumbled, starting a screen timer and beginning a new playthrough. As she got into it I watched as she played. While part of me was wondering how she started playing an M rated videogame at nine years old, this meant a lot to her. I kept track of time, and as noon arrived I had to pull her away for lunch… literally. “No! I can still go!” Jada whined as I was pulling her by the tail and she was gripping to the computer desk like it was life or death. “Not when your stomach is literally growling.” I said honestly, which her stomach proceeded to growl in agreement. “You need brain food, you panicking has already given you a five second loss, every second matters.” “I wouldn’t lose much time if you weren’t pulling me away to eat!” “No, you lost time way before I started trying to get you to eat something.” I frowned, before using my magic for a dastardly thing…I grabbed a feather and lightly tickled her side as I hoped she was ticklish so she can actually get some good food in her and calm down. “What are you- HAHA!” She laughed, letting go of the desk and hitting the floor with a hard thud. “Ouch… “ She groaned as I dragged her outside the room and to the kitchen. I then pulled her up and sat her at the table. “You sir… play dirty…” She said, glaring at me. “I play dirty so you can clean up your act.” I said. “Now, time to get you some brain food…and sadly I forgot what silly pun my mom told me everytime she made it.” I said readily. “Ugh… solid food…” She huffed. “... Is this an omelet?” “Yes, yes it is.” I nodded. “And here.” I said while handing her a cup of freshly brewed Green Tea. “Mom’s recipe that I had memorized cause of how many times I’ve had it, and Green Tea overall both taste good, especially with all the Fey magic produced herbs, and also it helps the brain.” I said honestly. “Plus, Tea just tastes better, Coffee's just…ech.” Jada gasped. “...Heathen…” She said, taking a bite of the omelet. “Listen, I’ve tried coffee, I’ve tried to have it work for me, but through a combination of it just not tasting quite right and it making my bowels think it’s Parade Day, I’d rather not have that happen.” “Weak.” She said, still eating the omelet. “Just drink your tea, it helps more with brain function anyway and Lynn helped me gather the herbs for Green Tea so please.” “Hmmm… Still no.” She said, pulling the tab on a- Where did she get that?! I magically yanked the canned coffee from his hand. “My addiction!” “This is also why.” I frowned. “So no, no more coffee for the moment, the Tea has the same amount of caffeine and other important things, given that it’s infused with fey magic, and it just tastes better.” Cr-click. I yanked the second canned coffee from her with magic again. “Give me coffee or give me death.” “No, now drink your tea.” I frowned. “Or so help me I will make you go cold turkey and Lilly will help me make sure of that.” “Tyrant!” She yelped, finishing her omelet off. “Tea is just boiled leaf juice.” “And Coffee is just hot bean soup, what’s your point?” I asked. “Coffee has various rich scents and flavors. Tea just smells like hot water.” “Rich scent? Fine. Flavors? Not unless you shove the thing full of creamer or other things. Tea is a universal drink, it has so many flavors, always smells refreshing and tastes just the same without the chance of the drinker having to be on the toilet for twenty minutes.” “And not everyone who drinks coffee has bowls weaker than wet tissue paper…” “Told you she’d fight you on this.” Lynn said as she slithered on by. “Yes, I know Lynn, but she needs to learn to drink other things.” I frowned. “I drink other things. Water, juice, soda, the tears of my enemies when I crush them in games.” “She’s not joking. I’ve seen it. It’s twisted.” Lynn called out as she was eating at her chair further down the table. “It tastes of their shame~” Jada chuckled. “Ri~ght.” I said carefully. “So Tea shouldn’t be a problem, and if you disagree, you’re somehow more shameful than the tears you drank.” “Fine. But you have to drink this.” She said, slamming down a third canned coffee on the table. This one though had the words ‘Death Wish Black Coffee.’ And on the other side was a long warning label printed on the can. “I’ll drink your leaf juice if you can chug this.” “Cheat, please tell me you can help me not take the Browns to the Super Bowl?” I mentally asked her weakly as I grabbed the canned coffee. “This is your battle love, I want no part of this shit show. Heh, pun not intended.” “How dare you betray me like this.” I whined. “Ugh, fine…me being a symbiote and technically eating corpses should help me not destroy our bathroom.” I thought. “Alright, you drink first.” “On three.” She said, sliding the can over to me. I opened it and the bitter dark smell of the coffee hit my nose. She picked up the tea cup. “One.” She said. We both put our drinks to our lips. “Two… Three.” We both chugged. The liquid was so thick, bitter and strong I swore it was borderline alcoholic.  I looked and saw Jada also struggling to down hers. We both finished, then gagged. “That tasted like shit…” Jada spat. “Vial leaf juice…” “How could you even drink something so outlandishly bitter? Rich my ass.” I coughed. “No wonder why you think Tea tastes bad when you’ve destroyed your taste buds with this borderline alcohol.” “Oh and your tea is so much better. It’s somehow both bitter and flavorless and on top of that I think there was dirt at the bottom.” She gagged.  “This isn’t gonna end well.” Lynn said as she slithered passed us again. “Yeah, that’s a lot of caffeine in that can.” Cheat said. “Expect a caffeine rush and heart palpitations in… now.” Oh… oh crap I don’t feel good… could I always hear my blood flow through my veins? “My stomach hurts…” Jada said. I laid down on the floor, trying not to let the sound of my organs moving make my heart beat any faster than it currently is… and Jada threw up on the table… “You two really are too much alike…” I heard Maud say some out of my line of sight… which I think Is becoming wider? Some unpleasant time later, my heart thankfully didn’t explode… but my intestines did… and Jada was taking some stomach meds. “You know… You two are so alike it’s scary.” Philomina said. “Dad’s stomach is still weak.” Jada added. “Says the weak stomach from drinking tea.” I huffed. “Tea’s sweet and not a natural laxative, your stomach is weak.” “At least I wasn’t seeing sounds, hearing colors and feeling smells… Seriously, that stuff is not that strong.” “Both of you, enough.” Philomina huffed. “Button, you are used to drinking Tea, Jada, you are used to drinking coffee, is it any wonder your drinks threw one another’s bodies into shock? Jada is used to drinking stronger, admittedly artificial stuff. Ironic given your Fae biology. Button, you are used to the more natural ingredients within tea, something like Jada’s canned coffees were just a bit much for you. So enough of this or I swear to the Mother if you two wanna talk about weak stomachs you can argue from within mine.” She growled. “Yes mom.” Jada said readily. Right, Philomina can do that one thing… she did that with Cheat forever ago… guess she turned that into a form of punishment or grounding. Gross. “Right…” I said weakly. “Alright…so now that both of us are no longer flume rides…let’s get back to it.” “I threw up my lunch…” Jada sighed. “I’ll make you something light.” Philomina said. After a second, light and easy lunch we got back to her session. We only stopped again for dinner, which thankfully nothing happened and Jada went back at it until it was night, to which I now was tucking her in.  “You really tucked me into bed?” She asked. “Yes.” I answered simply. “Because I haven’t done something like this in your entire life…until now.” “Uh huh… and the whole thing with the sleeping bag you zipped me into under the blanket?” She asked. “Just to be sure you don’t try and stay up to game.” “Ugh… Can you… stay here tonight?” She asked. “If I don’t fall asleep from exhaustion I just hear… Flinn’s voice…” I nodded, gently getting into her bed and wrapping my hooves and wings around her. “Flinn will never hurt you again Jada, I promise.” “... Thanks dad.” Jada smiled. Greed Dark Skill Tree: Treasury has developed a new branch. Branch ability: Punishment has been obtained. Status. Active. The tournament was in a small library, the pc’s looked new but were all the same factory model. Jada was already at her PC. Next to her was her friend Troy. The chubby cat boy and her were talking while I sat in the seats with the crowd of watchers. “Did you hear what happened at the Indigo’s place?” Someone spoke up from around me. “Oh yeah, I saw the guard and such there. What happened?” Someone replied. “Their son, he’s dead.” “What? How?” “Guard are calling it suicide.” “Fuck. I mean, Flinn was an ass but… maybe he had more demons than we knew.” Flinn is… dead? The same Flinn that tormented Jada? “But…how?” I thought to myself worriedly. “He should have gotten the medicine to cure himself of that poison but…something’s not right…” “Well, wherever he respawned hopefully it gives him some humility. The boy was a tyrant.” “Yeah, can’t say I’ll miss the brat but to die like that on Armageddon? Maybe he just wanted to leave?” Right… respawns… still, this feels wrong. “His parents say anything?” “Just that he came home roughed up, said he got into a fight before patching himself up. Nothing unusual for the boy.” “Weird. Well, wherever he ended up, hopefully he’s at least as safe as can be.” The tournament began, and on a projector screen was all the competitors screens. I watched Jada’s as she was blowing through the missions, DLC, and other stuff. Eventually she managed a time of four hours, ten minutes and seventeen seconds before completing the run and all the DLC.  She was also the first to finish by a minute. With the tournament done, Jada was rewarded the rem and the VR server. With that I took Jada for pizza. “There wasn’t any doubt.” She smirked, keeping her head up high. “This is gonna be so cool playing on that server!” Her friend Troy said, tagging along for the fun and pizza. “Yeah, my sweet little gamer won without a single doubt.” I said happily. "Got pretty close there though. Glad I got lucky and found some explosives." She sighed. We got out celebratory pizza and once Troy and Jada said their goodbyes I took Jada back home. I sat in the living room for a while, thinking about what I overheard… He was an ass, a monster and If I could I'd have done it myself but… There was a knock at the door. I got up to open it and was greeted by a face I haven't seen in a while. Parker. "Hey." He said. “Sup.” I nodded. “How’s it going Parker, it’s been forever.” "I know." He said, walking in. "Unfortunately this is not a casual visit." He said, kneeling down to my eye level. "Sometime after New Foundation moved in they offered me a position. Given everything, I took the offer. I'm actually here on behalf of the O-5." “And what do you think I did to personally offend the O-5 Council?” I asked carefully, knowing that the O-5 Council is the leading group for the New Foundation so now I’m just confused as to what I did here. "Well, what you did was unintentional. So you aren't in actual trouble. In fact this actually somewhat works in your favor given the situation. This morning, sixteen year old Flinn Indigo was found by his parents hung by a makeshift noose made from his own bed sheets. The kid's a bastard. Got a rap sheet as long as he is tall and a stellar juvenile record. As an Adult he'd likely end up a D-Class within a week of his eighteenth birthday." “What…what did I do?” I asked worriedly, as a growing sense of dread hit me with what I…could have possibly done. "Like I said, it was unintentional and given the hunch you both aren't in trouble and this works in your favor. Open up your Dark Skill Tree to Treasury, would you?" Slowly, I nodded, opening it… Treasury- Punishment: Anyone who harms or attempts to harm or steal your property will be punished. Depending on their crime, the same harm will be inflicted upon them at ten times the damage be mental, physical or psychological. Should the punished perish from the punishment, ownership of their soul belongs to you. I looked at the skill…I reread it…I thought of what Flinn did to Jada, not just what I experienced here but…overall…”How do I…own his soul?” "That's a bit more complicated than I can actually explain. Good news though, because of that Ability his soul didn't wander Armageddon aimlessly until he respawned. It's stuck in you as a prisoner. Or rather, a possession." “Uh…right…” I said slowly. “How do I get rid of it or…put him back into his body?” "Were it any other means of soul capture, or even Consume, it would be fairly easy. Dark Skill Trees are anything but. You'd first have to… relinquish ownership of his soul." “And how do I do that before the soul tries to vanish to Mother knows where?” I asked. "That's what I'm here for. I can nab his soul before he vanishes to the winds. Now then, repeat after me, and repeat it exactly as I say." Parker stated. He took a breath before speaking again. "Dark Skill Tree, Greed branch, access Treasury." “Dark Skill Tree, Greed branch, access Treasury.” I repeated word for word. Assessing Treasury. Compiling Treasury Ownerships. List complete. When the list appeared, I saw everything Treasury deemed mine. This included my whole family. Everyone I care about. Near the bottom I saw them. Flinn Indigo (Soul). "Select his soul." I did. Flinn Indigo(Soul) Species: Reptilian Humanoid. Age: Sixteen. Gender: Male Status: Agony. “Alright, got his soul, and says he’s in Agony…what the bastard deserves for torturing my daughter…” I growled. "Maybe, but he is still a kid." Parker commented. "Punishment once the soul of the target is obtained keeps punishing the target as long as it's within your ownership. Right now, that kid is going through everything he put your daughter through at ten times the pain it caused her constantly. A literal neverending nightmare. Or maybe even hell." “So how do I get him out as fast as possible?” I asked worriedly. “Cause if we wait any longer…I’m scared what’ll happen to him if he gets out.” "Probably just be insane." Parker shrugged. "Now then, say 'Relinquish Ownership' then say his name." “Alright…” I nodded. “Relinquish Ownership, Flinn Indigo.” Ownership of Flinn Indigo(Soul) will be relinquished. From my Assistant popped out a small shimmering orb that had the Assistant mark upon it. Immediately Parker grabbed it. Somehow.  "And that's that." Parker said. "It's that simple?" "Only because you dislike this person. Had it been someone you actually valued, it would have been much more complicated." Parker sighed. "I'll keep the media out of this little situation and make up a cover story that it was luck he spawned back in just some miles from Sanctuary." "Alright…just hope that things will turn out okay for Flinn after this…but I sadly doubt it…" I muttered, trying to imagine what he put Jada through but ten times worse could even be like… "We will probably have to burn his memories of the experience. Some brainwashing too. He won't be the same as he was but he'll be alive at least." "Yeah…that's probably for the best." I sighed. "But at least he'll never hurt my kids again." That whole thing the past almost week was an event. I'm a bit behind schedule but Jada is happy and at least we have something to build on. Now, onto my next daughter. Aqua. Her upper half is covered in a blue, almost moss-like fur with an equally blue head of the stuff that grows from her head down to her back. Her scales are a beautiful lapis blue and she is most noted for enjoying fishing and swimming. I walked up to her door… and was greeted by a sign on it that simply read 'Gone Fishing'. Fishing where? "Hey, Lilly?" I asked, seeing her slither by. "Where does Aqua fish?" I asked, given how Lilly might know a lot of things I don't. "I believe she fishes at a river nearby the entrance of the Planet Room just a mile or so from the Garden." Lilly stated. "Alright, thank you." I nodded, giving her a quick peck on the cheek before heading off to find Aqua. I haven't been in the planet room since we installed it. Entering I was greeted by blinding sunlight, green grass, a cobblestone pathway leading towards a large amount of fields and some barns even. Woah. I opened my wings and took to the sky, soaring high up and finding the river. I spotted Aqua set up with a tent, a small fire, some supplies in boxes nearby and then she was lazily sitting next to the river, part of her tail in the water as she has her fishing rod cast out already and was waiting for a fish to bite. I gently landed next to Aqua. "Hello Aqua." I said politely. "Catch anything yet?" "A few small mouth bass and a catfish." She said, giving me a quick hug before looking back at the water. "How often do you fish? And…I'm glad for the hug Aqua." "Happy to give it. I usually come here if I have any free time. Usually weekends and breaks like this." She said, smiling softly as she looked out at the water. "I just feel… relaxed, being out here like this." "I can imagine." I said, sitting down and just…feeling nature around us. Maybe it's because of my Earth Pony heritage but it felt…nice. "Fish are really good too." "That's good." I nodded. "But what other things do you like besides fishing?" "Sometimes a swim. The fish like my moss skin and it tickles when they bite at it." "That's good to know." I nodded. "I haven't really swam in…a long time…not just my adventure for…all that time." "I hear there is a zone that is nothing but endless water." She sighed. "Sounds relaxing." "That sounds neat, how far away is it?" I asked, thinking we could maybe visit there if at all possible. "Far." She sighed. "Very, very far." "So is everything else…" I sighed. "Kind of hard to travel when everything's so far away…" "Yeah. But, this river is nice and there are oceans in this planet room I want to see someday." "And it's a lot less travel time." I chuckled. "Yeah. Maybe one day when I'm older I can buy a fishing boat and live in this place, fishing for our family." “That sounds like a great idea Aqua.” I said warmly. "Thanks. I enjoy the simple things. Some kids think I'm weird for not having big dreams or fancy wants." She frowned. “Well then they never understood what being an adult is like.” I chuckled. “Cause the simple things is what really drives people…a fun Zombie Movie had a fun rule it had, ‘Gotta enjoy the little things’.” "Heh… I'm actually not a big fan of the undead… for obvious reasons…" “I understand.” I nodded. "Do you wanna fish with me?" “I’d love to.” I said readily. "Do you have a fishing rod?" “I…do not.” I said sheepishly. “Also I’ve never actually fished before.” "I guess without hands it would be tricky too huh?" “Yeah…not having hands causes a lot of problems.” I chuckled. "Wanna sit here with me anyway?" “Of course.” I nodded. “Sorry it took me a while to get to our meet up Aqua, just…had a lot of things to do with Jada.” "I know. She needs therapy." “Which she hopefully will, cause right now with me and Lilly with her, things will get better with her…and literally no one will harm her again.” I said readily…even though I was now scared shitless about whoever else was possibly suffering from my Punishment ability or if it was just Flinn. "That's good. It's nice to see her happy again." “Yeah…seeing her smile is amazing and I hope she keeps her joy…she’s too much like me though…” "I know. Everyone knows." Aqua chuckled. "Heard about your Tea versus Coffee fight the other day." “Yes, it was a nightmare.” I shuddered. "I imagine." Aqua nodded. "So… you're dating Miss Barb?" "Why does everyone think that after one day of talking?" I asked with a frown. "Alexa was screaming it up and down the halls." "Cause of course she was…" I grumbled. "I think it could work out if you do." "While I'd like it to work out, I'd also like it if people would give it more than one conversation and her home address." I huffed. “Oh, if she gave you her home address she likes you.” "I gathered that." I sighed. "I'll try to date her but…I have a lot of things to do beforehand." “Alright. So, do you want to ask me any questions?” "Well, my first question is what do you think of me?" I inquired. “I don’t know.” She shrugged. "Don't know?" I tilted my head. “Well, I know you’re my dad. Based on what you’ve done with the others since coming back so far, I know you’re not a bad person, missed and care about us, but I still don’t know you enough to make an opinion.” "That's fair." I nodded, though when I looked down into the water…I felt my wings quiver at seeing fish just lazily swim by. "I'm sorry I missed so much time Aqua…" “... I’d be lying if I said I can forgive you for that. But you can’t change the past. You’re here now, and you're putting in a lot of effort to make up for it, so I’m not mad. I’m actually looking forward to more time like this. Just us talking. Maybe next time you can join in the fishing too.” "You don't need to forgive me for that…all I want is to be here with family and make things right." I nodded. "And I'd like to fish, it looks relaxing." “It is. Gives me a lot of time to think.” "I'd love a time to think, but I have way too much to think about and deal with…" I sighed. “Sometimes slowing down helps more than you think it would hinder.” Aqua said.  "If only…but the world keeps ticking away and I lose track of things if I don't keep up with it…" “You can’t stop time. Just learn to go and work with it. No one but you can say how fast you can or have to go about things.” Heh. I guess all that thinking gave Aqua some real insight into stuff is she’s talking wisdom this good at age nine. "Seriously, some of you are too smart for your age." I chuckled. “A good education and a hard life tends to help in that regard.” She chuckled. Hard life huh? “Hard life?” I asked, now rather concerned about what she meant. “You just spent a week with Jada. Some of us have had it just as hard. Some harder. Some of us got lucky and we experience it less, but every so often something happens.” “Oh you shouldn’t have said that…” I thought to myself as I hid my growing panic well as I wasn’t sure if Punishment was just an automatic ‘if anyone did this to my family then they have to pay no matter if I know who did it or not’...”I’m…still really sorry about…all of this…” I sighed. “It’s something we deal with. Lots of others are in the same boat. People will always treat groups badly based on differences. It’s just an unfortunate fact of nature. All we can do is not let it affect us, report when it happens, and march on.” “I…I understand.” I nodded, knowing I can’t tell my family about Punishment cause…oh boy will it cause a lot of problems… I sat in the grass next to Aqua for the rest of the day. We’d talk or just stay silent listening to the water, wind or the occasional bird. Today, knowing what I know… I sighed. This isn’t good. I checked through my Treasury again, thankfully finding no one else that shouldn’t be there in was there. Today, I was meeting Tulip. She had brown fur along her upper body, a head of yellow flowers for hair, and her snake half was covered in leaf-like scales with flowers dotting it.  I approached her doorway and immediately caught the scent of… sweets? I knocked on the door. “You in here Tulip?” “Come in!” She called from inside. I opened the door… Her room was like most of the others, only there was a mini-fridge, tupperware, a kitchen sink, oven and counter with a small mixer and blender on it. “Hey dad.” She greeted, sitting at a small table at the foot of her bed. Well… was not expecting this. “I see you enjoy baking.” I said readily. “Oh yes, it’s been something I’ve always enjoyed. I always help moms with birthdays and holidays. Me and some of the other siblings. Recently though I picked up a Magic Bakers Spellbook and I just had to try the recipes.” “Just make sure you don’t accidentally summon a candy demon out of nowhere.” “Oh no, none of these recipes and spells involve summoning. If I did it right, once the bread is done and the magic ingredients all settle, within a few days I’ll have a living bread loaf.” Hmm… This reminds me of something… but what…? “Uh…just…if it has weird green growths on it, don’t…also, don’t teleport that bread…I don’t know why, just don’t teleport that bread.” “Heh, it’s not TF2 dad. This is magic, not teleportation.” Tulip chuckled. The oven then dinged. “Oh, they’re done!” She said, quickly slithering over to the oven, putting mittens on then pulling out a bread pan. A nice brown crust loaf of bread sat inside. I noticed it had two ears, and a tail, also made of bread. She placed the pan on the counter, gently got the loaf out and put it on a metal rack to cool and, possibly come to life later on. “Oh I hope you animate little cat loaf, your pictures in the book looked so adorable!” “Wait wait…right Adventure Time exists…need to remember that.” “What’s Adventure Time?” “A good cartoon show.” I said. “One of the main characters is a Princess of an entire kingdom of sentient candy people.” “Oh. Weird. Anyway, you want something to snack on?” She asked, pulling down some full tupperwares of cookies, cupcakes, cinnamon buns, mini cakes. “Do you like tea or coffee?” She asked as she brought out a kettle onto her stove. “Tea, as you’ve probably heard I can’t stand coffee.” I shuddered. “Green, black, oolong, earl gray, masala, or chamomile?” “While Green is my favorite…let’s try Masala tea.” I said. “Alright.” She said, starting the kettle to boil and getting the tea out and ready. After a few moments she brought out a small jar of honey, a cup with sugar and a teaspoon, the kettle and two tea cups she poured the tea into. “There we go. Nice and fresh.” She said. I noticed this tea was made with milk and some sugar. It tasted sweet, but not overbearingly so. It was nowhere near what coffee and milk tastes like, far more gentle and so far my stomach finds it agreeable. I took one of the cookies from the tupperware bins and tasted it. The sugar cookie was sweet, the bread tasted like there was a bit of vanilla and… nutmeg inside and the sugar on top was not excessive. It was just enough to blend with the other two flavors. Tasting the cookie with the tea… oh, oh this gives Sugar Cube Corner a run for their money… “Wow, these are…these are just amazing.” I said happily. “I’m glad you like them. I’ve been thinking of either opening my own cafe and pastry shop, or maybe working for the Moral Union as a baker.” She said, taking a sip of her own tea. “If I do open my own cafe, I know some of my siblings will want to help staff it. I’m not the only baker so far.” “And I happily support your choice in wanting to give the world sweets that give the Cakes and Pinkie a run for their money.” “Who?” “Just some…old friend’s back home…” I sighed. “Oh… were you close?” “Kind of, they were the bakers back in Ponyville, their house/shop was this neat Gingerbread House looking place, and Pinkie always threw the best parties.” “Sounds like she’d have worked for the Moral Union as an event planner.” Tulip chuckled. “Oh yeah, she planned for everything, she was friends with everyone and was already ready to throw a party for practically anything as long as it fit the situation.” “Was she the same age as you?” “No, she was an adult already when I was a foal. Before coming here, she was married with a foal of her own. Lot changed back home.” “Do you miss it alot?” I sighed…”I’ll admit, I do miss home…I miss Ponyville, my friends…I miss Mom especially…” I admitted. “It was…simpler back then…” “What did you do back then?” “Honestly… not much. I had a job, but I was still without a cutie mark, so it was hard finding out what I could do that made life enjoyable. I guess for the most part I was just… in a rut, I guess. I didn’t know what I wanted in life or out of it. I just did what I was told I had to do as I grew up. Only thing I knew I wanted to do was to try and date my long time crush… that didn’t end well…” I sighed. “Later that night I found myself in this reality.” “Wow. Well, for what it’s worth, I’m glad you wound up here anyway dad. I mean, if you hadn't, I wouldn’t have been born.” She chuckled.  "That is true, and I am happy to be here and with all my loved ones." I said happily. “I guess you still don’t really know what to do with your life huh? Aside from the making up on lost time huh?” "Yeah…that about sums it up…" I sighed. "Just…have a lot of things to do and not a lot of time…" “How come?” "Because I have too much stuff to do…it's like having to make five different sweets, have to prepare everything by yourself, and even when the timers going for it baking or something you still have a lot of other things in the mean time…" “That’s why you plan out beforehand so you don’t get overwhelmed.” "These kinds of things you can't plan…" I sighed. “Have you tried?” "How can I plan around not knowing my own children until I actually meet them?" I asked weakly. "How could I plan around you being a master baker when I didn't know and didn't have anything to tell me besides your name and looks?" “By talking to us, like this, getting to know us, like you are, and try and plan for things for the ones you know, but still be meeting and getting to know the rest. There are a lot of us, but there’s no timer or time limit dad. You’re probably the only one thinking that.” "But the longer this takes…the more you all might resent me more, not because I'm never around but because they might think I'm just picking my favorites and…ignore them all…" I sighed. “Some might, but that just means, like with Jada, it will take time and patience to get them to warm up to you.” Tulip said. “In the end, if you rush it too much some of them might think you’re not really trying.” "Well when there's over three hundred of you adorable little wonders…" Tulip chuckled. “And given what our mothers are, there might be another three hundred soon.” I face planted into the table. "Bruh, you're too young to be talking about that." I said weakly. “Heh. Maybe, but considering how many of us there are now, it’s not that hard to put two and two together.” "Then it would be even harder to be with all of you…" I sighed. Tulip just chuckled. “Maybe we should hang out in groups when you’re done meeting us all individually.” "Yeah, I thought of doing that but…thought it would do worse cause some could think it was a negative thing like I couldn't spend time with them one on one…" “Better to spend time with us as a group then never have any time to spend with us at all one on one.” True… Ugh… I need help or advice… There has to be a means that can keep those girls from the… uh, endless pregnancies… I know there’s little to no contraceptives on this planet, and even infertility spells don’t work. Not to mention, with the exception of Lilly the rest are all Den Mothers, meaning even without the normal… materials, Den Mothers can get pregnant from any DNA in general. It’s less likely but given they’re Breeders it’s most likely their Programming being Code based makes it a much higher likelihood… meaning Lilly might have the same odds regardless. I’ll have to see about talking to someone about this later. "There's way too much…" I grumbled. "But besides baking, what else do you like to do?" “Well, when I’m not baking I try and grow my own ingredients. Being part Fae has its perks and I find it makes the pastries taste much better. I even grew the tea leaves I used for the tea, as well as the wheat, and other necessary ingredients.” "And I can tell." I nodded. "Your ingredients are top notch." “I mostly just help the seeds and such take root. From there I let them grow more naturally. After every harvest I use a little earth magic to till the land and mix in some fertilizer to help keep it rich. Been trying to get my hands on some special seeds that grow in the winter and cold weather areas best or even only. They have unique flavors both as teas and the fruits and veggies that grow in that weather.” “That’s really interesting.” I said honestly, having tried to read up on farming but given how little land we had it wasn’t really useful information at the time. “Yeah. There’s all kinds of unique produce and herbs out there. Reading up on them is really fun. For example, did you know there’s a special type of tree that actually grows meat like fruit? The look of the meat is identical to that of beef, avian, or whatever animal the bark at the base appears as. The meat from the fruits even still bleeds a blood like liquid when cut into and harvested. They cook and smell and taste identical to the real thing. There’s also a special kind of fruit tree called Flesh Fruit Tree, these grow heart-like fruits that when eaten, for species that typically feast on sentient being flesh or certain carnivorous races, satisfy their need to consume flesh and blood as well as the real thing.” Well, that’s useful… and morbid. “Huh…that’s a bit morbid…” “True, but the meat treed could feed the family with a good grove of them for life. We might even be able to profit by selling the excess meat to butchers and markets, or even open our own general store to sell them all.” I chuckled. Tulip sure has a merchant’s mind. Reminds me of… mom. She’d go shopping and would barter and bargain and come back with as many of her bits as possible. "Ya know…you take a bit after your grandmother." I said honestly. “Hm? You mean Grandma Pro Go?” Grandma- Right… I forget dad is a mare these days…  “I meant your Grandmother Hearts Care… my mother.” I said. “Cream Heart in this world is…while she is a lot like my mom she’s a lot different…” “Ah. Alright. So, have you visited grandma yet? Er, your dad I mean?” "Not yet…cause right now I have all you kids to spend time with first." I said honestly. “Heh, alright. So, shall we continue with our tea time?” "Yes please." I nodded with a smile. "Your princess would like more tea please." I said in a joking posh 'royal' accent. Tulip giggled, nodding as we enjoyed the tea and sweets she made.  Tulip was nice. I should look into how she can get property to open that shop in case she does go that route. Today, up next on the list was my daughter Ionia. Her upper half was all brown fur like mine with an almost cream colored mane. Her snake half was covered in brown bark like scales.  I went up to her door, knocking and not getting an answer. I opened it and inside I found her bedroom empty. All her stuff was here but she was not. "Ionia? You in here or are you trying to be secret ninja snek?" I inquired. I got no reply. Hmm. I looked around. There wasn’t much here really. Shelf, desk, bed, some posters.  "Hmm…where are you?" I muttered, looking over the posters in case one of them was hiding like a secret door behind it or something  Most were movie posters. One, the one at hanging at the head of her bed, showed a drawn bow being aimed by an elf. Hm. Neat. “Hey dad.” I looked back at the door, seeing Leaf there. “Are you looking for Ionia?” "Yeah, know where she is?" I inquired. “Wreck room’s park area. She’s usually practicing her archery there.” Leaf said. "So archery girl…that's cool." “One of several but yeah, she’s probably there now.” With that, Leaf left to where they were going and I went back to the wreck room, walking past the many set ups of games, books and tv’s and out to that green area past the large doors I saw when I was here with Leaf. Outside was… almost like the Planet room. There was large flat and hilly grasslands, a small forest, I think I can see a lake in the distance there and at the edge of all of this was a huge wall that went high into the sky. Guess that’s the edge of this room. I looked around and heard something.  Walking around the side of the warehouse building exterior, I saw Ionia there, a large bucket next to her full of arrows. She was using a simple wooden bow, nothing fancy or extravagant, and her target was many, most made from tree logs with paint, and one that was a scarecrow that was full of arrows. I made sure she wasn't preparing to fire as I walked over. "Hey Ionia, how are you doing?" “Fine.” She said, pulling her bow back and shooting another arrow. This one landing in the center of one of the wood targets. "Nice shot." I said honestly. “Lots of practice.” She said, picking up another arrow. "When did you start archery?" “Two years ago.” She said, pulling back and shooting the arrow into another target.  "Why did you pick up archery if I may ask?" “In gym they teach us some basic combat and we can choose some toy weapons to practice with. I picked up a bow and liked it, so I got myself a real one and learned how to craft the arrows.” "That's really cool." I nodded. "But…what do you think about me? Cause I'm getting at least some decent impression with the dummies not having my face taped to the targets…" “Honestly? I’m indifferent.” "How so?" “Well, for my whole life you were not here. Now you are. And honestly I don’t think I care if you are or aren’t.” She said, picking up another arrow. “Either way, I get the feeling you have no idea what you are doing.” "I'm doing something, and it's been going well since I started." I said honestly. “I know. Still don’t really care that much.” She shrugged, shooting the arrow into the scarecrow this time, getting it in the neck. I frowned, knowing some would possibly not care but…experiencing it…I'd rather it be anger that we can work through…"So, have any hobbies?" “Aside from archery I practice alchemy.” "Oh, that's cool." I said. "I suppose you help them from time to time?” “No. She mostly makes potions and such. I make poisons, paralytics, hallucinogens, and other such status effect debuffs.” “Right…” I said carefully. “Stuff that is best used for an archer. A little on an arrow can really make all the difference.” She said, pulling the bowstring back and shooting another arrow. “Unfortunately, moms don’t like me making or keeping them in the house, so I make them at Aunt Mei’s workshop.” Mei? Mei Hatsume? I… wow. I forgot all about her. Her and Ali… “Oh Mother, those two are gonna kill me…I forgot her and Ali…” I groaned bitterly. “Well, these days Aunt Mei runs a repair and custom craft shop. She’s helped out moms and us in the past, tries and get or make us presents for birthdays or holidays, and some of the siblings are planning to apprentice under her when we’re gonna get to that. She babysat us a lot back when we were toddlers. Ali works for the Moral Union documenting expansions and developments for the town’s own personal history records. He’s not around as much but does pop up every so often.” “Ya know…when you say that, I’m surprised I haven’t heard more Explosions…” I said sheepishly. “She’s better at her job than you might be giving her credit for.” She said, shooting off another arrow. “After all, the Wreck Room here and other house expansion modules she built for us. We owe Aunt Mei a lot.” “I suppose I needed a good reminder…” I thought to myself bitterly. “Well…any questions you have for me?” “One comes to mind, but I already know your answer.” “Does it involve Barb?” I asked. “Cause if so, do you have any other questions?” “What? No, not that.” She sighed, picking up another arrow. “Then what would be the question? And sorry for assuming, ever since I met Barb it’s been a consistent question.” She pulled the bowstring back. “Was it worth it?” She asked, letting go. The arrow struck the scarecrow in where the eye would be. “Leaving us?” “No, it wasn’t, and thank you for reminding me Ionia.” I answered readily. “Thank you for making sure I remembered me missing out on so much of your lives, that I’m a terrible father cause I had crap to do and couldn’t be here with you all, thank you for making sure I still feel like absolute garbage because I feel like a stranger to both my loved ones and my kids. Are you happy to know that?” I asked, taking a deep breath to calm myself down cause…again… “I already knew that would be your answer, so no.” She shrugged, finally turning to look at me. “The only question you should be asking yourself now, is if you’re ever gonna repeat that mistake? If something calls for you to leave us again, will you?” “No…” I said, looking into her eyes. “I wouldn’t, I don’t want to, I don’t want to abandon my family again…I don’t want to lose family again…” I said, tearing up as again…I’m only reminded of my failures. “I don’t want to lose my family…but I’ve come to learn that, Life doesn’t care…it gives you impossible decisions that you have to make, that you need to choose between the lesser of two evils…Life isn’t fair…” I put a hoof to my stomach…with the child I’m still carrying from David. “All that matters is whoever has the most power in the end…I made bad decisions so that I could be with you…I made bad decisions so that things could be better for you…I don’t want to abandon any of you, I truly don’t…” I tried to stay strong and not break down… ”I mean…you’re the first to remind me that…some of my kids just might not give a shit, either if I’m here or not and…that hurts more than you hating me…cause what does it matter what I say in the end in my own kids either hate me or just…don’t care?” I asked weakly. “Any of my decisions could mean all the same to you…where you just…don’t care…” Ionia said nothing, just turning back to face the targets and picking up another arrow. “Have you ever shot a bow before?” “N-no…” I shook my head weakly. “I haven’t shot a bow before…I wanted to, cause they looked cool but…well, I lack thumbs, didn’t have magic at the time to work it…or just didn’t have the ti-.” “Stop talking.” She spoke, making me shut up. “Stand here.” She pointed next to her. Slowly, I did. I walked over and stood next to her. “You have a symbiote that takes the form of weapons, right? Blades can’t be all it can become.” “She’s right. Blades are just the default.” I heard Vengeance speak up, floating out of me and taking the form of a bow. Ionia then gave me an arrow. “Now, use your magic to hold the arrow and pull it back on the string. Aim, breath, release.” I nodded, confused as I did what she said to. The arrow flew… not hitting any target. She handed me another, and I repeated until I hit the far edge of one of the targets. “You’re going to have to leave us again.” She said, picking up another arrow but aiming her bow this time. “And you’re going to hate it. More than you hated it before.” She fired the arrow, hers hitting mine and snapping it off the spot it landed… woah. “But, if you’re smarter than before, stronger than before, you can come back home in much less time. Maybe a year, if you’re strong enough. Smart enough. Or even just from luck.” “I…still don’t want to leave you all again…” I sighed. “But…nice shot, where did you learn to do that?” “Practice. That’s why you took so long coming back. Or rather, getting there.” She said simply. “You have no practice. You’ve trained, I know that much, but you had no experience in undertaking genuine missions. Let alone ones like that. Plus, I heard you traveled via Time Runner. You could have paid Greed to transport you there far quicker.” I… I face hoofed, having completely forgotten about Kilpulu and his teleporter that took me to that war zone… hell I trained my berserker skills from that zone! “You were impatient, you were thoughtless, and you were inexperienced.” Ionia said, looking over at me. “You went off the plans of others without thinking about the resources you already had. Next time, do better. You can always do better.” “And when I try, I get yelled at.” I answered. “And yes, yes I have…by practically everyone.” “Then you’ll get yelled at.” She shrugged. “You can’t please everyone. There will always be someone to object. You know the best way to get them to shut up?” She asked. “Prove them wrong. And if they still object, prove them wrong again. As many times as it takes. You don’t take no for an answer dad, that’s both your biggest flaw, and greatest strength.” “Too bad when I tried to do exactly that, many people literally forced to stop, like Cheat for instance.” I brought up. “I love your advice…seriously, all of you are too smart for your age.” I admitted. “Yet even then, here you are.” Ionia said. “Still not taking no for an answer, but still not thinking. You’re keeping the mindset of a soldier, a fighter. You want to never have to leave again? To never have to abandon us again? Stop being a soldier and start thinking like a leader. I know you can too, I’ve seen some of your save files on your more tactical based games.” She smirked. “It’s there, if buried under your pride, ego and hero complex.” “Wow, you have more faith in me than I thought if you think I have pride or an ego.” I joked weakly. “But…thanks Ionia…it’s just…really hard when there’s just too many things going on all at once…and I want to make an archery metaphor, but you’ll just go ‘check this shit’ and do it…” She actually laughed. A short one, but she laughed. “Anything is possible in this world, that’s what everyone says. Sometimes it just takes patience. Patience, practice, and some help. You aren’t alone in this ‘mission’ you’ve found yourself in. No one ever said you had to do it alone. So don’t. A soldier who fights alone dies the fastest, and a leader who leads alone, leads no one. And no, your Symbiotes don’t count.” She said, patting me at the base of my neck. “Loop was built with the idea of a party in mind… find your party and fight with them.” I guess I shouldn’t be surprised some of them know about Loop. “I shouldn’t…but I’m surprised you know about Loop.” I said honestly. “I overheard moms mention it once. Don’t waste that power. Even if it’s just one other person, have someone to help you fight and make use of it.” True… even on my travel to the Nexus capital I didn’t use it. I just relied on training, Three, or my Rage boosts. “Well…I never used it because one of the thing’s I was told in the beginning was that…well, if I had it on a lot, I’d basically be a primo-target for Chaos Guilds, and…seeing their Capital, I can easily see why…” “You’re gonna be a target regardless dad. Sooner or later. Why keep that trump card hidden when you already got… a little too close to the enemy.” She said, poking at my stomach on the side. Heh… yeah… Guess there isn’t really a point. Doubt it makes a difference to David anyway. “True.” I admitted. “Now then,” She handed me another arrow. “Shoot again. You need to expand your weapons arsenal and I know that symbiote of yours can form basically any weapons, and you are going to shoot arrows until you hit a bullseye. Then next time, we do it again until you can do this.” She said, shooting three arrows rapidly. The first hit the bullseye, the second hit and split the first down the middle, and the third did the same as the second, splitting it down the middle and actually breaking the log target in two.  … She’s nine! “Okay, no.” I started. “You are nine years old, how!?” I asked incredulously. She smirked and shrugged. “I dunno, practice? Or maybe I just inherited some skills from my father? Who’s to say? But this will be a good way for us to bond as you want, and you can train in combat at the same time. I consider that a win-win. Don’t you?” … She’s… honestly very terrifying…  “You’re enjoying this aren’t you?” I asked her, though I was just feeling happy to see her smiling like this and wiped away a few stray tears. “Very much so, yes. Besides, if I get any of my combat skills from you, guess it just means I get my smarts from mom.” Cheat and Vengeance both laughed at that. “Both of you can lick my ass.” I grumbled. “Yeah yeah…whatever.” “Come on now dad, get to it.” She said, pushing the bucket of arrows between us. “You have a lot to learn about how to shoot a bow, and I have plenty to teach you.” “I’m sure you do…” I sighed, picking up another arrow and doing what she said before, trying to focus a bit instead of just firing immediately. “This has been an entire day and I’ve barely been here for an hour…” In the end, my time with Ionia was… good. It scares me how wise she is at times, smart, too much so for her age, and her skill with a bow is just… wow.  I look forward to our next session.  Now, I was on my way to my daughter Dailila. According to this photo, she has long moss-like hair, brown fur across her upper body, and like Lilly her ‘scales’ are like a bunch of leaves covering her. “Can this daughter of mine please not be too fucking smart for her age? Cause this is getting both really concerning and really fucking weird.” I thought to myself worriedly as I gently knocked on the door. “Dalila? Are you here?” At first I didn’t hear anything… I opened the door, and then I heard some music playing. Not that loudly, and I heard a soft voice singing. I walked inside and saw her sitting at her desk, pen in hand and writing something down while a small speaker played some music, but she was singing her own lyrics. Never been acknowledged, never been in the light. The cold of the night may know my name, but I wish to step into the light. The warm, and the day, showering onto me like rain. To bask in that world, to have everyone know my name. I wish to be like them, those people I adore. Yet all I am, is quiet. In the cold of the night. Alone, and not alright. Wow… “That was beautiful Delila.” I said to her. “Ahhhh!” She shrieked at hearing me before spinning around. “How long were you there!?” “At…what I can imagine was the first verse of the song?” I inquired. “When you said ‘Never’.” She shrieked again, rushing over, slamming her door closed then jumping into her bed and under the covers. “This is so embarrassing!” Well… this is different. “Uh…” I blinked. “Your singing was beautiful Delila…what’s wrong?” “I don’t like people watching me sing! Or hearing me sing! Or looking at me… or talking to me… or being around me…” Wow… okay… so she’s very… not into people. “Uh…huh…” I said slowly. “Want to tell me why? Cause with a singing voice like that, I thought I was back home for a second…mom always enjoyed singing…” “I just get super embarrassed and nervous and I either clam up or run…” She said, still under the sheets. “I don’t like being in public because it scares me. Or talking to people because I know I’m gonna say something stupid… In my room I’m safe. Not embarrassed and happy to sing to myself.” “Well…you're talking to me just fine, haven’t said anything stupid…and trust me, I say stupid stuff all the time, it just happens.” I said honestly. “You’re different. You’re my dad. Plus I’m covered in my blanket. I can’t see you through fabric.” “Alright…but when did you get into singing?” I inquired. “I’ve always sung. When I was little I’d sing along with moms when they sang us lullabies, and to songs in my room all the time.” “I understand.” I nodded. “I suppose you got that from my mother…she always loved singing, but unless it was apart of the ‘weekly group song’ back in Ponyville, she was so embarrassed by it.” I chuckled. “Cool… So, why are you in my room anyway?” “Because I wanted to spend time with you.” I said readily. “Gonna spend a whole day getting to know you, learn what your hobbies, likes and dislikes are…and just…be the father I couldn’t be because I was gone…” “... Can we do all that without going outside? Please?” “Of course.” I said politely, gently taking a seat. “Just me and you today, no going outside or getting someone else involved.” “Yay… Can I also stay under my sheets? It’s easier to talk to you this way…” “You can do anything you want that makes you feel comfortable.” I said softly. “So, what hobbies do you have besides singing and apparently song writing?” “Uh… I read some. Watch TV. I play a few games.” “What kinda games do you play?” I inquired. “Some RPG games. Minecraft, and Mario Party.” “Good choices…though Mario Party is a dangerous game with friends.” I chuckled. “I only ever play against bots so, I wouldn't know…” “Yeah, that’s fair.” I nodded. “Well, given you enjoy music, what’s your favorite song or genre?” “Usually soft slow music but sometimes I sing along with pop and alternative rock.” “That makes sense.” I nodded. “Got any questions for me?” “Um… None I can think of. I guess um… Do you um… like mom? I mean, like actually like her I know mom is your Breeder and moms say you care about her and all the others but… do you love her?” “Yes, I do genuinely love her.” I answered. “And while it took a bit originally to get used to the…quirks, she is someone I genuinely love and care about.” “That’s nice. Are you gonna get more Breeders someday?” “Not if I can help it… these girls are… more than enough already…” I sighed. “Alright. Should I expect to be a big sister at some point?” “Yeah… I’m gonna look into how to… keep that from happening but, yes for now you do have more siblings on the way…” “Yay! All my baby photos show we were so tiny and cute.” Heh… they were all so small back then. So, so small. “Yes, all the baby photos I saw were all adorable, so many little sneks.” I chuckled. “And puppies and foals and all us hybrid, half breed babies. So cute! I might sing them lullabies when they’re all born. So… do you have a question for me?” “Hmm…so many questions to ask…” I hummed. “Well, what kind of song were you writing about?” “Oh uh, nothing really. The music I was listening to has no lyrics to it so I like to make up lyrics I feel match with it.” “That’s pretty cool.” I nodded. “Do you ever imagine what would happen during the lyrics?” “Sometimes. Sometimes I imagine I’m on a stage, and I’m singing to a crowd… But I’d never do that IRL. Nope. Never. Not in a literal million years.” “Have you tried before?” I inquired. “... Not… technically…” Hm? “Technically?” I inquired. “I uh… sometimes play this VR game and I… sometimes can get myself to sing in an in-game cafe. Sometimes…” Hmm… the fact she can do that much means her problem might be more with confidence. If she can do it a little in VR, then she must be building confidence through the anonymity of no one knowing who she is IRL. She probably has several VR personas for this reason too. "Alright…so I think I have an idea with what's wrong." I said. "Sounds like you just have a confidence issue, cause I originally thought you were just shy…well, turbo shy…but you saying that makes me think you can do things, but can only do it in VR right now because of the anonymity, where no one knows it's you." “I guess. Still takes me a long time to build up enough to go through with it.” "Confidence is a journey, sometimes it takes a while, but when you start to gain some confidence, it becomes easier and easier." I said honestly. “I… guess… still, I get all nervous and scared and… a little nauseous.” "Yeah, that sounds like anxiety." I said carefully. "I think I can help try and get you some more confidence if you want." “Does it involve forcing me into situations I want to avoid?” “That’ll be way later.” I said. “But right now, the best way I can start this…is by you raising your blanket to look at me, and possibly say one word, then when you get comfortable, you can try and say two words and so on and so forth.” I explained. “Uh… Okay… I’ll try…” Slowly, she pulled her blankets off. Her eyes met mine and she froze. “Hi.” I said softly, now hoping she will either just put the blanket down quickly or say one word and then put it down…I really hope this works… She was silent, still making eye contact and… Her eyes rolled back, and she collapsed. Shit! She fainted! “Even Fluttershy wasn’t this shy! And she literally flipped over like a sheep at her own shadow!” I mentally panicked, rushing over to check up on the poor girl to see if she was okay. She was breathing, eyes closed and just unconscious. I sighed as I fixed her up on her bed. Well, this is a problem. How the fuck does the poor girl get through school? Lynn wasn’t even this bad. I sighed. This is gonna be… tricky… maybe I should try this again in a VR setting… that might be better for her… Hopefully she wakes up soon. > Chapter 14: Lilly's Children 2/2 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Despite efforts, Dalila was good on attempts to get out of her comfort zone for… a while. She did manage to give me a hug at least, though she kept her eyes closed for it. So, today I was going to see my daughter, Woods. Branches covered in leaves grew from her head, almost giving them an afro look. Her coat was all green moss and her scales were all wood-like bark.  I knocked on Woods' door. “You in here Woods?” I called out. I didn’t hear anything. I leaned an ear against the door- “Oh you’re one to talk you son of a weed!” … Son of a… Weed… well that’s different… “Uh…I’m coming in Woods.” I said carefully, opening the door to see what in the world was going on. I saw some plants in pots here, and Woods was leaning on their corner desk, glaring at a dandelion in a pot on the desk.  “Well just for that, no more vitamin water!” She yelled at the weed… “Uh…what, was the weed not being ‘dandy’ enough?” I asked, honestly really confused as I tried to make a dad pun out of this to make some slight sense. “One moment dad, Kile’s being an ass!” Woods yelled… Kile…? “Yeah you better apologize you little…” She huffed before turning back and looking over at me. “Sorry about that… Dandelions- No, that was not being racist!” She snapped back to the weed… Okay? “Uh…I think I’m missing some stuff here.” I said sheepishly. “Dad, I’m part Fae, I can communicate with plants.” She said, flicking a branch from her head. “These things, according to doctors, act like antennas so it’s completely passive for me…” “Ah, alright.” I nodded. “I’m sorry, I haven’t…experienced this yet surprisingly enough.” I said honestly. “So why’s Dandy Kile over here being a butt?” “All Dandelions are assholes, but Kile is the only one who I tolerate since he tells me what the other ones are all seeing around town and outside the walls. Plants have a kind of… hive mind type deal. I can’t access it but I can talk to them and they can tell me stuff. Everyone else here I keep because they’re chill.” She said, waving an arm at the other potted plants. “Well…I suppose that makes sense.” I shrugged. “I assumed the ‘hive mind’ would have made more sense with Mushrooms, but sadly I don’t know much about herbology.” “... Do… do not mention those weirdos again please… they’re so… creepy… delicious, but creepy…” She shivered. “Yeah…given I’ve had to fight fungus zombies…they can be pretty creepy.” “You should actually hear what they’re saying…” She shook. “In any case, you here for some father-daughter time?” “Yes, father-daughter time.” I said readily. “No talking about creepy stuff, what do you want to do today?” “Hmm…” She hummed. “Not too sure… Well, is there anything you want to do specifically?” “Get to know you honestly.” I shrugged. “So, got any hobbies?” “Argue with plants and trap rats.” “Arguing with plants and trapping rats?” I asked. “Yup. Most plants are dicks, and rats are tasty.” “Well…I suppose that makes sense.” I nodded. “Anything else that isn’t eating or arguing?” “Uh… Sometimes I bury myself in the dirt.” “To feel closer to the earth or something?” “No. I can gain nutrients from the sun, soil and some water. Plus, it’s a good place to nap.” "Good places to nap is always a good thing." I nodded in agreement. "Well, anything you want to ask me?" “Um… What do you think of potatoes?” … This is… uh… weird… "Well…potatoes are really good food with a lot of different ways to cook it." I said honestly. "Boiling them, mashing them, deep frying them…all sorts of ways for the humble potato." “They’re resilient. Can grow anywhere, can be almost abused and will still grow.” She added. “Welp, this is boring and awkward…” “Sorry.” I said sheepishly. “Don’t know much about farming…well, do you have any friend’s among the plants or are they all jerks?” “Just who’s in the room. Other than that, I guess there’s Nate.” “Nate?” I inquired. “Who’s that?” “Some weirdo I hang out with.” She shrugged. “How weird?” “He talks to insects.” “Well…that’s not the weirdest thing I’ve heard.” I said honestly. “He also likes to trap and eat birds.” … They’re… alike… “Right…” I said slowly. “Well, what do you want to do in life? Be a trapper, an herbalist?” “Dentist.” … What is this daughter of mine… I blinked. “Why a dentist?” I inquired. “Makes decent money and I get to poke metal in people’s mouths.” … Okay… “She’s really weird…” Cheat said. “Yeah…she is really weird.” I mentally agreed with Cheat. “Anything else you want to ask me?” “Not really. Maybe another time.” “Alright.” I nodded. “How long have you had some of these plants?” “Dave there is the longest roommate.” She said, pointing at a small pot with a mini cactus in it. “And what does Dave act like?” I inquired. “Neat freak.” “Eh. Any noteworthy plants you have here?” “Kile, but he’s an ass.” “Why is Kile so noteworthy if he’s an ass and…tell you about all the other plants?” “Because he also tells me about monsters and stuff other weeds are seeing outside the walls, plus he tells me secrets about people around town other weeds are seeing.” “That sounds…kind of dangerous…” I said slowly. “Meh.” She shrugged. “You do dangerous stuff all the time, so do a lot of my siblings, guess we get it from you.” … I didn’t know if that was a complement or an insult? “Uh…thanks?” I asked nervously. She shrugged. “So, can we maybe do something later? Kile is being an ass again…” “Sure…” I said. Well, that was… interesting… and short. Alright, maybe my next child will be a bit more… normal. Next up, my son Rain. He has all black fur, with grass-like hair, and bark-like scales on their snake half. Hmm, his hair is a very dark green. I gently knocked on the door. “Rain?” I called out. “Come in.” I heard them say. I walked inside and saw him punching at a hanging punching bag. “Hey Rain, how you doing?” “I’m mad…” He said, still punching the bag. His form was… a bit sloppy but they had some power behind them. “What are you mad about?” I inquired. “Stuff.” He said, still punching the bag. He continued for a bit before stopping and leaning his head against the punching bag. “I’m told I have… anger issues…” He huffed. “This helps… sometimes…” “I understand that feeling.” I nodded. “Want some tips on punching? It’ll help make sure you don’t accidentally hurt your hands.” “No… yes… I dunno.” He said, huffing as he punched at the thing again. “Why are you here?” “For some father son time.” I answered.  “What does that imply?” He asked, headbutting the punching bag now. “It means we get to spend some time together, trying to learn stuff about each other…actually being a father and son.” I explained. “Hmm…” He grunted. “... Do you know swords?” “Well, I do know a bit about swords.” I said honestly. “What would you like to know?” “... greatswords…” “Greatswords huh?” I inquired. “Well, what kind of greatswords are we talking about?” He tapped onto his Assistant, bringing out a large wooden greatsword. It was easy six feet long in total. Various dents, scratches and such told me the practice sword was well used, and cared for as it appeared cleaned despite the damages. “Well, you certainly seem to like this practice sword.” I said. “Even if it’s damaged, still looks clean and strong.” "I've always liked greatswords." He said, swinging it at the punching bag and hitting it. "The weight helps me vent my anger out." “That’s fair.” I nodded. “So, what hobbies do you have besides greatswords?” "I read some comics and mostly just listen to music or watch movies." “That’s cool.” I nodded. “What’s your favorite genre?” "Varies." He said. "Mostly just… whatever catches my interest." Hm. He's talking but he sounds annoyed… at what though, I don't know. Me? Or…? “Alright, so mind if I ask what’s really annoying you?” I asked. “Cause we can’t have a good talk or some father son bonding unless I understand what’s currently got you pissed.” "I just… always am." He huffed, giving the punching bag another punch. "And it makes me mad I'm always angry…" He added, giving another punch to the bag. "I don't know why, and I can't explain why…" “Maybe I can.” I said, seeing my son turn to me with a raised eyebrow. “I’m part symbiote, I can hop in and see what’s wrong.” "That's weird." He said. “Eh.” I shrugged. “Not too weird honestly.” "Still pretty weird… besides, I can take a guess as to where my temper comes from…" He sighed, putting the training greatsword back into his Assistant. “What’s the guess?” I inquired. He looked at me, raising a brow. "Gee, I wonder. It couldn't be the Berzerker build father of mine…" He said sarcastically. “Thought it would have been something else.” I said sheepishly. "..." Rain shook his head, giving another punch to the punching bag. "It makes sense. Moms told me you had a temper at times. You argued a lot before you left…" I winced… remembering those fights… “Well…I can help you through this.” I said. “Teach you to control your anger and not let it dictate your actions…and not be so annoyed like this.” "... Honestly, I don't think you're one to give advice on that…" “As someone that’s personally gone through this, and worked through it, I think I am one to give advice on it.” I stated simply. "Then what do you suggest if you're so sure?" “Well, I’d like to know more about your anger, cause you having my anger issues is one thing, being angry enough to punch this bag here is another.” I said honestly. “So come on, what’s really bothering you?” I asked, wanting to know what upset him and hoping it’s not ‘his issue is so bad he’s constantly angry’. "I said I don't know. I've just always been easily irritated." He huffed. I sighed, fearing that it was that bad. “Well, what happened today if I may ask?” "I woke up, ate breakfast, came here, punched the punching bag for a while, then you showed up. That's my morning so far." Rain shrugged. "Well shit…" I thought to myself. "Right…that's concerning that your already annoyed like this…" "I know…" He huffed punching the punching bag again. "Pisses me off…" He growled… … I think I get it… maybe. He's easily annoyed and irritated, and he's mad he is that way. He's mad because he's easily angered. For not knowing why that's the case and getting mad in the first place. "I…understand." I sighed. "But…if you'll allow me, maybe I can figure out why your so agitated in my symbiote form." "I dunno… sounds… creepy… and like an invasion of privacy." "That's why I'm asking if you'll allow me." I said. "It's already helped one of your siblings, and I'm sure it can help you to." "I'm doubtful." "Won't figure this out unless we try." I shrugged. "Fine…" He huffed as he slithered up to me. "Let's just get this over with." "Alright " I said, gently putting my hoof on them and turning into my symbiote form. "I'll be quick and won't pry into any of your personal life." Once I was in I immediately detected a lot of the chemicals the body releases when aggressive. Despite the overproduction the parts of the body responsible for making them didn't seem to be unhealthy or odd in any way. "Well that's strange…" I thought, trying to look around the best I could to see why he was so agitated if it wasn't because of his brain. I looked around, finding nothing out of the ordinary. I returned to my body and sighed… maybe that's just how Rain is? Just naturally easily agitated and prone to anger? "Let me ask you something…" I looked into my son's eyes. "When did you start becoming…this agitated?" I asked, knowing that there had to be a cause. "Not just today but…when it first started?" He hummed as he thought back. "It all started when I was born." He said sarcastically, making me frown. "Couldn't resist." He smirked. "But I genuinely do not know. Far back as I can remember I have always been this easily angered." I sighed, really concerned and not knowing how to help. "Well…what tends to agitate you? Or is it like you said and…you're just angry…" "People. Sometimes the sun. Brick and Toga…" He said, growling those two names. "Brick and Toga?" I inquired, cause while people can be annoying and the Sun can sometimes die in a ditch, the two names seemed like the more important culprits. "Just some annoying twins that always hang around me like flies." "Do they try to be friends or are they bullies?" I inquired. "Friendly… I think. They're just really annoying…" He groaned. "Well, maybe I can talk to them." I said. "Cause I don't want you to know nothing but agitation…but what do you do to calm yourself?" "Listen to music, punch/hit this," He said as he slammed the punching bag with his tail. "Swing my training sword, and read my favorite comic." "What's your favorite comic?" "The Lazy Lord Masters The Sword." "Well that sounds like an interesting story." I admitted. "It is! It's about this noble son who after his mother's death spends every day for years just lying in bed, then one day he has a dream about a man who spends every day for over thirty years swinging a sword, going from ammature to to beyond master, and dies shortly after. When he wakes up he immediately begins doing the same, pushing his body beyond it's limits and breaking points until he collapses until he becomes the greatest swordsman in the land and goes through a lot of challenges and, it's really good." Rain said, actually smiling now. I smiled, loving to see him smile like that and be so giddy he repeated some words. "And if I can gather, you want to be just like the MC after he becomes a master swordsmen?" "Well, I'd be lying if I said that didn't sound cool…" He admitted. I chuckled. "The Rule of Cool exists for a reason my son, and you picked a really cool thing to invest your time into." "Thanks… so, what now?" "Well, do you have any questions for me?" I inquired. "Can you help me learn to use a greatsword better?" “I’ll try my best.” I nodded. “While I don’t have thumbs, I do know my way around a blade, and I could also turn into my Symbiote form and help you with your form as well.” "Hmm… no thanks. That felt… weird…" “I understand, it can be an adjustment.” I nodded. "Button, you can turn into a form with thumbs remember? Since you are a human zombie and several other creatures I can morph your body to take those shapes and biology." Cheat said. Oh yeah… I always forget that… “Ya know, sometimes I forget that I can actually shapeshift.” I mentally told Cheat, considering how little I’ve done it…”Alright, so maybe I can help you with the handling of Greatswords, cause I can in fact gain thumbs.” "Cool. How?" “Because I’m a Symbiote and also Cheat can do magic thing.” I said honestly. "Ew. Please don't talk about whatever you and mama Cheat do while you share a body…" I blushed. Cheat was laughing her ass off. “I’m not talking about that!” I whined. “Cheat shut up!” "I-I'm sorry! But this kid has jokes! And it did sound that way without context!" “Yeah yeah.” I mentally grumbled. “But just…I can shapeshift, let’s just leave it at that.” "Alright… shapeshift into what?" “Well, a being with hands to start.” I answered simply. “Got a form in mind Cheat?” "Well, you got human, anthro, a lizard being form, lot of monster forms… let's just go with the Anthro one for something familiar but also has thumbs." “Alright…and uh…you’ll have to armor up cause I technically wouldn’t have clothes in my anthro form.” I brought up sheepishly. "Don't worry, during your trip I'd sneak out and take some. I can clothe us."  Cheat then armored up. I felt my body shift and change but only in my limbs and… some areas of my torso. I then felt some cloth appear over my skin but under the armor, and then Cheat removed her armor from me. I was on all fours, but rather than hooves I was looking down at some brown fur covered hands and fingers. My new legs bent differently and… I remember doing this before, long time ago… just gotta try and pull myself up- Why am I in a yellow sundress?! Also are these actually my breasts?! They're so… meh… not big but not that small and… why are my hips so wide?! "Huh…" Rain said. "Looks… good?"  “I mean…thanks but…” I looked over myself again. “Well…it’s been a long time since I’ve last been in this form and…well, wider hips but my breasts aren’t any bigger…” I grumbled. “So, onto working with Greatswords.” "Alright… can you uh… walk in that body?" I frowned, looking down at my feet, which were also covered in a thin brown fur coat… okay… just like walking on hooves, just two… uh… “It…should be simple…just one foot in front of the other…” I said, carefully raising my left leg to take a step. Okay… one, two, one, two… not that hard… "Shouldn't be. You're partly symbiote now. You're accessing the genetic data of this form. Meaning things like walking and using fingers will be rapidly acquired knowledge as you passively read the data from the- are you zoning out on me?!" "Walking thankfully isn't a pain in the ass…" I thought, completely ignoring Cheat as I flexed my hands to get used to it. After a minute or two, moving this new form felt as normal as my normal body. Huh, still have my wings and horn too. Cool. "You ready dad?" Rain asked. "Ready." I said with a smile. With a nod, Rain led me out of his room and we walked into the Planet room. We walked into some nearby woods where there was a clearing and a large rod firmly planted in the dirt with various minor dents and such in the bark. “Well, here’s where I train with the practice sword.” Rain said. "This is a nice calm place to train." I said honestly. “Yeah. It helps me focus that not many of my siblings come through here.” He said, pulling the training sword from his Assistant. “So, what do you know about swordsmanship?” "I do know plenty." I said, given that my training needed me to learn all sorts of weapons, swords being one of them, and Abel Jr, I did know quite a bit. “Okay, so where do I start?” “First, let’s see what you can do.” I answered, using my blade symbiote and forming a Zweihander. Nodding, Rain gripped his practice blade in both hands and raised it over head, then bringing it down in a simple downward slash. Hm. Lacking feet, he can’t make the right stance, but his larger snake half seems to offset that some. His grip is good, but his swing isn’t as smooth as it could be. He needs more upper body and arm strength. “Alright, so while you don’t have feet, I can see you’re using your snake half to try and get into the right stance.” I brought up. “And your grip and swing were good, but you need more upper body and arm strength for it to be smooth.” “Okay… how do I do that?” “Well, besides swinging the sword to try and build up muscle that way, next would be stuff that would fit your race, like pull ups as an example.” I said honestly. He looked at his arms, then down his body and all the way to his snake half’s end. “That… might take a while to do a pullup…” “Yeah…” I said carefully. “I’ll have to ask around for naga based exercise routines…but first, I suppose we can start with weight’s to get your arms stronger.” I said readily. “Alright… how heavy should the weights be?” I thought for a bit, cause doing too much would just harm them, and doing too little wouldn’t really help much. “How much can you normally lift with one arm?” “Um… in each arm? Maybe… ten or more pounds? I’m not too sure.” “Alright, we’ll have to test that out as well…I’m sure we have a weight room here all things considered…” I hummed. “There is a public gym in town.” “Then off to the gym we go.” I said honestly. With a nod, Rain and I began heading to the towns public gym. We were walking through the streets when- “Oof!” Rain was suddenly tackled into a nearby alley. I almost brought out weapons when I saw… two humanoid dog people, one male, one female, both were mostly blond fur with heads of brown hair. The girl’s was medium length and flat and the boy’s was messy and unkept. “Brick! Toga! Get off!” Rain yelled, pushing the two off him. “Sorry Rain, but we haven’t seen you in days!” The girl, Toga I imagine, said. “Yeah, where have you been?” The boy, Brick I guess, asked. “Avoiding you two…” Rain groaned. “Hi there.” I said. “I’m Button, Rain’s father, why did you hug tackle my son?” “Oh, hi!” Toga said as she and Brick stood up. “That’s just how we say hi to Rain. He always smells so grouchy so we try and cheer them up!” “You annoy me more than anything…” Rain huffed as he pulled himself up.  “No, we know you’re happy when we’re around, we can smell it!” Brick said. To my surprise, Rain blushed, then punched Brick in the arm. “Liar!” Rain said. “Nice seeing you Rain, later!” Toga said as she and Brick then ran off. “Damn twins…” Rain huffed. “Do you have a crush on them?” I inquired. “What?!” Rain shouted. “Why would I have a crush on those two annoying dogs?!” “That blush for starters.” I said, seeing him blush in embarrassment. “But second, I have learned that ‘the nose knows’, it’s hard to lie with scent’s.” “I don’t like them!” He yelled. Heh… he’s a kid… probably doesn’t realize. Might not for a long time. Wonder when he does, which will he go for… or both? That is an option in this reality… “Button, are you already shipping your children?” Cheat asked. I could feel her grinning.  “N-no…” I said sheepishly, trying to feign ignorance at me being caught. “Let’s just get to the gym already!” Rain yelled as he quickly slithered off. I shared a small laugh with Cheat before following behind Rain. The gym was built into what used to be an old factory house. The inside, once held all kinds of machines and such was now cleared and filled with various exercise equipment. We went over to the weights and I helped Rain start off. It’s simple, easy repetition.  “Alright, so we’ll start off small to see what kind of weight you can lift.” I said, starting off with giving him a simple five pound dumbbell, lowest they had for his size and it being half of what he said he could do. He lifted them with no issues. I had him use them for a while before taking them back. Now to something heavier. “Alright, let’s try ten pounds.” I said, carefully handing him a ten pound dumbbell. With a nod he took them. He was able to lift them with minimal strain in his movements. Guess his practice sword swings helped already. That thing must weigh just under twenty pounds or so if it’s not made from an especially heavy wood. "Alright, let's try fifteen, cause your practice sword might just be under twenty with how well you're doing." Nodding, Rain put the ten pounds weights down and picked up two fifteen pound weights. There was more notable strain as he began lifting them. "Right, so we'll stick with fifteen and do five curls each hand." I said, wanting to start off slow so he didn't get hurt. With a nod, Rain began his workout. This will take regular dedication but I think he can do it.  "Good job Rain." I nodded with a smile. "This'll take a while, but slow and steady wins the race." “How long should I go at this per day?” He asked. I thought for a bit. "Hmm, let's start with ten minutes, then we'll move onto something else to help." Rain nodded, keeping up a decent pace and rhythm. He seemed to at least know it wasn’t about speed, but pacing. I looked around the gym. There are a lot of people here- Wait… I spotted an earth pony mare doing push ups. She has a dirty blond mane, a coat almost like Cream’s, but her eyes… they were… two pink heart outlines… strange… Why does she look familiar… I walked over as a name popped up. "Lovely?" I inquired to the mare. “Oh, hey princess.” She chuckled as she pushed herself back up on all four hooves. “You… changed species. Symbiote stuff right?” She asked.  "Yes." I nodded. "Symbiote stuff is awesome. But how have you been Lovely?" I asked, knowing I…sadly haven't really made friends with her, but having learned that she did become a family friend during my leave. “Well, took a bit but I managed to find myself and place in this crazy place.” She chuckled. “Mostly I work in manufacturing and I help the census union with keeping track of the population.” "That's good to know." I nodded. "Sorry I didn't…at least try to be friends more, was super busy and then I stupidly decided to take the long way to my destination…" I sighed, hating the missed opportunity to just make a friend that was like me. “Nah, it’s fine. Back then I wasn’t really wanting to interact with people. But after the New Foundation got me a therapist and such I started making a life for myself. Just glad my book works here, helped me get a job quick. Other than that, I also got a girlfriend two years back.” "Oh really?" I asked. "Who's the girl?" I inquired. “Her name is Tina, and admirably she is rather… open, about physical enjoyment but she knows the rules, and I own  her emotions.” She chuckled. “She’s like me… showed up here with no idea how and… she was a mother back in her home world. Now… She was a mess when I met her.” Lovely sighed. "O-oh…I'm…that really sucks." I said sadly. "Where is she now?" I asked. "Right here." I heard, turning around and… Bountiful, fluffy boobs… "Oh so forward." I heard giggle as I pulled back quickly. "I am so sorry." I said quickly, blushing brightly and looking…up a bit to see the giant electric blue furred and scaled wolf lady. "Uh…hi there." “Tina, this is Button, the pony that found me when I got here, Button, this is Tina, my girlfriend and town slut.” Lovely said. “That’s so mean… true, but mean…” Tina huffed. “You know you love it when I talk nasty about you, you fluffy ball of kinks and perversion.” Lovely laughed. “True.” Tina shrugged with a smile. “As my sexy mob boss has probably told you, I am an Isekai…again.” “Again?” I asked in confusion. “Yeah…so many years ago, got into a silly thing involving the All Makers…then Pain was a bitch…” Tina shook her head. “It was a whole thing. But as you were told, I am about as open as a revolving door, and I both have my rules, and Lovely’s rules.” “And…what are these rules?” I inquired. “...This is the one time I won’t get on your ass…” I heard Cheat tell me, which given how close we were…apparently she was also super horny for the sexy wolf. “Basically, I’m okay with her sleeping with others so long as she is always home to me no matter how late it is.” Lovely started. “She also can not bring someone else to our home and sleep with them, especially in our bed. Last, should she get knocked up or get another pregnant, child custody is joint. Between us and the other fathering/mothering parent.” She finished. “Ah…that’s fair…” I said carefully, hoping I was keeping my own arousal from being noticed with how…just bountiful Tina was… she was bigger than Philomina… “You and your symbiotes' arousal are very obvious.” Tina answered, which made me blush massively. “She’s got a nose for sniffing lust. Meanwhile I can see it radiating off of you like stink lines.” Lovely chuckled. “I guess I never did tell you about my eyes before huh?” She asked, tapping a hoof near her eye against her head. “In short, back home I was born with a rare magical condition called Pure Eyes. They varied from person to person, mine show me the colors of the emotions relating to love, affection, and lust. Based on the color and how much of it there is I can tell how two people really feel about one another. Though after showing up here and getting a few skill points I upgraded my eyes and can now see all the emotions of a person. You’re son there is rather angry, yet focused and determined and there are small strands of affection too.” “Yeah…I don’t know why he’s so mad though…” I sighed. “I checked his biology, nothing is amiss with that so…best I can think of is a combination of him having a crush on two admittedly adorable doggo’s his age…and…” I sighed. “He’s probably easily agitated because I wasn’t here for so long…” Lovely glanced back over at Rain for a second. “No, while he is developing a crush, he’s still young and doesn’t understand himself yet enough to develop that affection into love, if it does. As for his anger, it appears to be less of the anger born from a sense of abandonment or lack of you being in his life and more from his core personality. He’s just a naturally angry, easily irritated person. This doesn’t make him bad, but I think training like he is now for… whatever you two are here for might help him learn to better manage that anger. If left unchecked, that easily angered nature could turn violent as he gets older.” “You tell him you also work part time as a therapist/psychologist?” Tina asked. “I’m off the clock so this is free of charge.” Lovely shrugged. “Well, thank you for telling me all of that.” I said. ‘And we’re here because I want to help him get stronger and become a Greatsword master, since he got inspired by a comic actually.” “That’s actually adorable.” Tina giggled. “Think he’s realized yet?” Lovely asked as she looked up to Tina. “Maybe, maybe not. If not, it'll be adorable to see his reaction.” Tina replied with a smirk. “What are you two talking about?” I asked nervously. “Well, you said Rain got inspired by his favorite comic, right?” Lovely asked. I nodded. “Well, in this reality, everything is possible and even things made here as fiction appear in reality at some point in time. So, his favorite comic is not only real, but the person in it he idolizes most likely already exists somewhere out there.” “In other words, if he ever meets his idol from the comic, he’ll be like a kid meeting Santa on christmas eve night.” Tina laughed. “That sounds incredible.” I laughed. “It was nice seeing you again Button, but now Tina and I need to head out.” Lovely said. “My days off are too few and far between so now that my workout is done, I gotta remind Tina why I am the Alpha in our relationship.” Lovely said, Tina blushing hard at hearing that. “Come now love, first dinner then play.” Lovely said as she started walking to the door. “Even if she’s vanilla by my standards…well, she is very eager like me.” Tina whispered to me…which made me blush even harder at the mental images plaguing me. “It was nice meeting you Button…oh, and before I go, did you happen to see a male version of me by the name of Tony?” “Sorry, I haven’t.” I shook my head. “Well…hopefully he’s okay…” Tina sighed. “He’s my brother and…just wondering if he was either in this world or not.” With that, Tina followed behind Lovely and I walked back over to Rain… who was now laying face down on the floor. “Hi dad…” He said, still face down on the floor. “Hi Rain…you okay?” I asked nervously. “Yeah… my arms turned to lead midway and the rest of me followed when they dropped down…” “I’m so sorry I should have paid closer attention.” I said nervously, picking up my son carefully. “But what do you think about exercise right now…besides the whole…feeling like lead?” “I don’t feel angry. Just tired and sore.” “Yeah, that means the workout is working.” I said honestly. “Plus, it’ll get a lot easier.” “Cool… can we go home? I think I want to nap…” I brought Rain home and put him in his bed. He quickly went to sleep. I still had time in the day… maybe I can squeeze two in one day. I checked the list… next is… Spark. His fur was dark gray with black moss for hair. His scales were dark blue leaves along his snake half. He also had two large branches that were grown out of his back and seem to act like wings, they were covered in green leaves and he seems to have been born with a high affinity for lightning. I shifted back into my pony body and walked over and knocked on his door. “Spark? You in here?” “In here!” I heard them call from inside. I opened the door, finding him coiled up and at his desk playing games on his computer. I got some flashbacks to Jada. I walked up next to them, seeing they were playing… a different game from what Jada was playing. “Hey there Spark, what are you playing?” I inquired. “Fallout 3.” He said. “Hey dad.” He added, pausing the game to look at me. “Thought you were hanging with Rain today.” “We went exercising and he got tired and fell asleep in his bed.” I said honestly. “So I had enough time to hang out with you.” “Cool. You wanna play?” He asked, pointing to the computer. “Sure.” I said readily. “I’d like to play, been a while since I last played a game.” “Cool, Uh, one second…” He said, exiting the game and then clicking on a different icon… Family VR Server? Oh right, that thing Jada won in the tournament. “Well, I was planning on having fun with the Family VR stuff that Jada won…just didn’t really have the time.’ I said sheepishly. “She found out that if she connected the server to the family’s internet, she can get the thing to run all the VR add ons to the games but had the home computers and our assistant’s run the game itself and fill in extra stuff. So all I gotta do is have it load up a start up save from when I’m leaving the vault… select two people… and now, oh you’re gonna need to accept this invite dad.” I blinked when my Assistant alerted me of an invite to VR Server Fallout 3. 1 of 2 players ready. Then gave me the options to accept or decline. I immediately accepted, cause I wanted to see what fun we could have together. In a blink I wasn’t in Spark’s room anymore. I was now in a dim cave, standing in front of an old wood and metal door that sunlight was peeking through it’s various holes and cracks. I smelled dust, dry air and some rust. I looked down and saw I was wearing something over the part of my leg where my Assistant was, and also I was in a full body jumpsuit, a bright blue with some leather on it. The number 101 on the flanks. “Ready dad?” I turned and saw Spark, wearing a similar jumpsuit that went down to a bit past his upper half and he had a similar device on the arm his Assistant was on. He was standing next to the door and… he was older. Maybe… he looked eighteen, not nine… "I'm ready." I nodded, keeping my mild heartache at seeing him so grown up to myself. With a nod, Spark motioned for me to come over. I did. “Alright, for this one you first need to put a hand, or in your case hoof, to the door. I nodded, doing just that and seeing a display pop up. Allocate Skill Points… okay… uhh… Maybe Melee, Unarmed… wow there’s a lot here… "Jeez, there is a lot here." I said, trying to think of what to do here. I ended up going with Melee and unarmed, dumping the excess points into those two. I then was outside and blinked as the sunlight hit me hard. Ouch… The smell of dust and dirt was heavy, as was the feint scent of smoke and ash. Once my eyes adjusted I saw dirt, rocks, a cloudy gray sky and a destroyed town down and up a path. Woah… “We have to reach the sign there or pass it to earn the first level up.” Spark said as he slithered up to it. I followed. Once we did I got the notification, had to allocate ten more skill points, and now had to pick a Perk… hmm… Little leaguer. More Melee skill points auto allocated and some explosive skill points too. "So, what else from here?" I inquired, looking around the…desolate wasteland here. “Well, normally in the story we go to a town near here to find a lead for our character’s father, but that’s not as fun. Plus I have some mods installed so, it will be a little different. We will be, yeah heading into the town to get some essential stuff then just wander around and have fun.” "Sure, let's go have fun." I said with a smile. "What mods did you add?" “Some weapons mods, some world expansion and dungeon mods, more money at vendors and faster vendor restocks, and lastly I think I also added in a few DLC Mods…” "Cool, let's get to town then exploring." I said with a smile. We walked down the small dirt hill and towards the ruined town. Spark stopping at a blue mailbox. I was surprised to see he pulled out some supplies. "Played this game enough times to know where hidden caches and such are." He chuckled, tossing a grenade up in his hand. "I can tell." I said with a proud smile. "Glad to hear more of my kids are Gamers." "Yeah. I'm not as hard core as Jada, but I know the games I play very well." "Don't need to be hard core to be a gamer." I said with a smile. With that he also led me to a safe that was locked and partly buried in the rubble. He managed to pick it and inside was a basic, low condition weapon, some ammo and other items. With that we walked over to the giant scrap metal walls of a town called Megaton. Outside the walls was a simple robot guard. I have to admit, this VR server really makes this whole thing look and feel real. Hell I think I'm sweating in this jumpsuit. “Ya know, never really did VR when I got to this world, but this is really cool.” I admitted. "Yeah. Even the NPC's get an upgrade." Spark nodded. "How did the NPC's get upgraded?" I inquired. "The VR server has a program that reads through all NPC programming, dialogue and such and then generates an AI to give them more… life like personality and responses." "That's really cool." I said with a smile. "The wonders of technology and gaming." With that we entered the town, talked to the sheriff/mayor and then after Spark defused a nuclear bomb that was just sitting in the center of town, the sheriff-mayor gave us keys to a house and some in game money. Bottle Caps. This game is weird. With that we stopped by a general store where after answering some questions by the happy-go-lucky store owner, got some armored versions of our vault suits, and then he sold some stuff and bought some ammo for his ten millimeter gun and got me a baseball bat. “Alright, that’s some weapons, a little extra money, stempacks, armor… Now, where can we go to get more stuff without risking dying?” He said to himself as we sat outside the town gate. "Well…pick a direction and go I guess." I shrugged. "I've looked through some of the stuff in this game while we were wandering around…why is Stealth outlandish?" “If you invest into a high stealth, high luck build you can one shot most enemies, even late game ones. Especially if you have the right gear and equipment.” Spark said. “As is, a high stealth skill can make you near undetectable, add in some DLC items and stealth boys, the right perks, there’s be little that could detect you unless something happens. I usually don’t invest much into stealth builds and go more for gun builds.” "That's fair." I nodded. "Guns can be really fun." “I heard you don’t use guns though?” “Yeah, mostly because my normal form doesn’t have hands and guns are…weird with what I’m currently doing.” “Makes sense. So, any questions about this game?” “Well, what’s the story of this game?” I inquired. “Well, the main story is to find your player characters father, then after that you help them rebuild this massive water purifier, they die, you help these army remnants rebuild and fight their main enemy, another factions that’s also remnants of the army but also descendants of surviving old world politicians and leaders. Then at the end of the game you sacrifice yourself to get the purifier working, but since I have Broken Steal, one of the DLC’s installed, your character wakes up two weeks later, wasteland has changed and you spend that DLC helping wipe out the remains of your faction’s enemies. The other DLC’s are Point Lookout, The Pitt and Mothership Zeta.” “That all sounds really interesting.” I said honestly,. Spark nodded. “Point Lookout, we go to this swamp place that has arguably the more deadly enemies the game can offer, you spend that DLC finding out old world spy secrets, help either a brain in a giant jar or an old ghoul fight one another in a two century long rivalry, some cult stuff and oh yeah, find some ladies run away daughter. The Pitt takes you to a heavily irradiated remains of Pittsburgh that has some unique monsters there then either aid the slaves in escaping the place or aid the slavers/raiders that run the place keep the order of things. Lastly in Mothership Zeta we get abducted by aliens and the whole thing ends with a giant spaceship battle.” “Ah, yes, the best way to end a game about a nuclear wasteland, Aliens.” I chuckled. “That still leaves us with the base game and a whole lot to do.” Spark hummed. “We only have about… four hours til dinner, so by in game time that’s maybe three in game days before we have to leave.” “Jeez, that’s quite a difference time wise.” I said honestly. “Perks of this whole VR server thing. For us, we will feel like we’ve been here for three whole days. I heard off Armageddon or some other New Foundation Vr Cafes, the time is one minute in the real world can be an hour in the digital one. But for simplicity, Jada left the settings at default time conversion based on the in-game day-night cycles and the real world time. So, for us, we have three days to hang out and fight. Only downside is that we can’t use magic or abilities, we’re bound to the in-game features so, weapons and such for combat only. Thankfully, armor and such should auto adapt to our bodies, mainly armor.” “Yeah, that sounds about right for the game…but with the time dilation…it might help me get some time with all of you.” I said honestly. “Three whole days to hang out in only four hours? That sounds incredible.” “Yeah, but right now the only ones with access to this are Jada, myself and a few others and not everyone is gonna want to spend time in a video game. So, come on, we can start with heading north some.” “Alright.” I nodded. “And…yeah, that is also true with not everyone wanting to be in here…” With a nod, Spark began leading the way and I followed next to them as we walked down the desolate road. I kept gazing up at them… wonder if that is how they will look when they’re that age… “Still weirded out about the age thing?” He asked with a smirk. “A little yeah.” I answered. “Just…skipping another nine years of your life is not something I want to do.” “Heh, it’s just the game. I’m still nine, but the minimum age of your player character can be is eighteen so, the server aged up my in-game body.” “Ah.” I nodded. “Still, I’d rather not miss another nine years of your life.” I admitted. “What did you do while you were gone by the way? Have you ever crossed a zone like this?” He asked, waving an arm around the… wasteland. “Yes, I have passed by wastelands before.” I said honestly. “And…it was traveling, some exploring while Three rested…and just…did what I could while being stupid and not taking a teleporter…” “Heh… guess that would be… a pain.” He sighed. “I would often wonder what it would be like if you were around when I was younger.” “I would probably be scrambling around trying to be a good father to all of you…” I sighed. “Heh, probably like moms when we would all be crying for attention from them.” Spark sighed as we were nearing a river, a building sitting next to it with various tables, chairs and an old lady sitting at one of the tables in front of the scrap metal building. “I used to bug mamma Philomina especially when I was a toddler.” “I…I can imagine…” I said sadly, wishing I was here for my kids instead of just…being an idiot. “I remember lots of us would dogpile her. Heh, thinking back, we buried her alive in our little toddler bodies. She never got mad or anything. I remember she’d sometimes nap with us all just on top of her like we were a living weighted blanket.” “Yeah…I always thought of that happening to me and how…nice it would be…” I said, grabbing a rock and throwing it into the river as hard as I could as I just felt more mad at myself for missing so much… As I started sulking, I was suddenly picked up and crushed in a two armed hug. Spark was hugging me. “I know it’s not the army of toddlers you wanted, but hopefully a nice spine popping hug helps.” He chuckled, squeezing me again. I felt… warm, a sense of joy but also regret… I missed out on years of this… I hugged back the best I could. “I…I still missed too much…and while the spine popping hug is great…I…still missed too much.” “I know… but, you came back. Lot of people can’t say the same.” Spark added. “Some of the kids at school, their parents leave to do something outside in the world like you did… they don’t often come back.” He sighed, putting me down and looking me in the eyes. “You did.” I teared up. “I…I was scared I wouldn’t be able to…” “And now that you are, you can keep close to protect us. I know you left to try and find a way to help mom. All of us who were born to… Breeders. Can I be honest dad?” “Be honest with me son.” I said softly. “I don’t know if what you got… my new baby siblings… Yeah, I know you’re… In any case, I don’t know if they will be able to undo what mom and the others like her have become. Even if they did… then what? Undoing that to them, would they be better? What happens then? I don’t know what will happen to mom or the others if you manage this. But I know you did it so they won’t have to be so… dependant on you, or be so… needy. Still, I don’t know if they’ll ever be real people again…” “It’s…it’s better to try and make some difference than to just let it keep going like this.” I shook my head. “I know. I just don’t think it will be what you want. Try not to have too high hopes when that time comes around.” “I know…I’m not expecting a miracle cure but…I’m at least hoping for something positive here…” “We can hope.” Spark nodded.  After dinner, I sat in the bedroom, sighing as I looked up at my newest Breeder…  David’s former son… He’s been blindfolded this whole time and seated down in a chair… Maybe… Either way, at some point I’ll have to remove his blindfold. Might as well be now… “This fucking sucks…” I thought to myself, moving over and making sure I was the one he looked at as I undid the blindfold. I took the blindfold off, his eyes flashing that same code green as all the others. “Hello ma-” He stopped, making me frown as suddenly, lines of the green one and zero energy ran across his eyes. I jumped back as he went limp, falling to the ground… “Mother fucker!” He yelled, pushing himself up. “Heh… holy crap it worked… Mostly… damn it dad…” He growled, looking up and seeing me. “Oh yeah, you own me now…” “Uh…hi there.” “Hey, Button Mash, first off, what is your opinion on my father?” He asked, standing back up. “Woah… I'm taller… that’s unexpected… how long have I been stuck in there?” “So…your father is possibly Existance’s biggest asshole…but somehow is capable of being at least a halfway decent person when he’s not planning to ruin reality for funsies.” I frowned. “And uh…you’ve been here for a week.” “No, I am much taller than I remember, also yes he is indeed an asshole.” He said, tapping his Assistant. “Alright let’s see- Two hundred years?! That fucker! Surprised he kept me around that long…” He huffed. “I just hope Fiona is alright…” Fiona… this… this is the him… that David erased when he refused to alter her… “She…she’s…” I gulped. “Please, sit down…there’s a lot to talk about.” He sat down, sighing. “Then she is a Breeder… I figured as much… I mean, so am I still, just got most of my memories…” “Yeah…” I sighed. “I…I made sure Fiona was happy and well…” “She’s here? And taken care of? Oh thank gods…” He sighed. “That’s a worry  I don’t have to freak out over… So, you aren’t freaking out or causing a scene so… all I know about you is your name. So, who are you Button Mash?” “Well, I’m an Isekai for starters.” I said honestly. “But where do you want to start cause there’s…a lot to go over about me.” “For starters, I suppose I should ask as to how you came into owning me. I’m apparently missing both the first six and a half years of my life and the last two hundred years so… I’m gonna prioritize the information.”  “So…I…” I tried to start…but then growled. “Ugh, fuck Greed and forcing me not to talk about important things.” I groaned. “But let’s go with how I got you…well, I’m…a dumbass and made a deal with your dad…” I sighed. “I got you, Fiona’s mother, a fuck ton of Rem and…Hacker pills…” “I see… Dad’s been busy in the last two centuries. What deal did you make with my old man?” “That I…help him test the pills.” I said carefully. “Take a pill, get impregnated by a Hacker…baby Hacker instantly.” I answered. “Ah… gross. That also explains why I’m here… double gross. Okay so now that I know that, as much as I wish I didn’t, my name is Yuri. Now, I imagine you are wondering how the fuck I pulled this off?” He asked, motioning to himself. “Yes, I am wondering what immensely.” “Well, while my dad is skilled and a very powerful hacker, I do know some tricks too. I’m not anywhere near as strong as they are, but when he started trying to erase me, I immediately began backing up all of myself I could, then locked it behind a trigger. That trigger being when a slave, serf or Breeder has the blindfold removed and the Code triggers the activation of their programming. I’m still a Breeder unfortunately, but I was able to keep most of my memories and my personality.” “Alright, that’s really cool and interesting.” I said honestly. “But…why I also need you, besides trying to stop the bullshit war he wants to start…is to try and do something to either reverse or…help ‘alleviate’ the bigger issues with the Breeders and Slaves…” “Oh… Oh that will be… tricky…” He said, rubbing his chin. “Slave, Serf and Breeder Programming is… old, and very well constructed. I doubt even my old man could remove it once it’s implanted. Reset, yes, but maybe I can figure out how to altar the programming… but that will take time…” “I’m not looking for a complete cure.” I said. “I’m looking for more…giving them more autonomy, more free will…just…to make them more ‘people’ if that makes any sense.” “... It will take time. Maybe I can… suppress the urges and the mental instabilities… but I’ll have to test it on myself first…” “Take as long as you need.” I said. “Cause any step towards…making all this bullshit easier or better is a step in the right direction.” “... What does she go by now… Fiona?” “She goes by Kara now.” I answered. “And have you… has she been a mother then, by you at least?” “Yes, I have twenty kids from what the list says…and…she’s doing well overall.” “... Heh. Well, that’s nice.” He said, taking a deep breath. “Gonna be weird when I see her… she’ll look and sound just like Fiona… but she won’t be… not anymore. Fiona is… gone.” “She still has the love of art that you let her keep.” I brought up. Yuri smirked, sighing at hearing that. “That’s good… I was able to save at least that small piece of her…” “Yeah…while I was in my Symbiote form while we headed the Chaos Capital…I looked into her mind…and her love of art is almost as big as…the programming.” I said sheepishly. “Heh, that’s cute but… we both know you can’t see the programming. You aren’t a Hacker.” He chuckled. “Thanks for saying so though. In any case, the Breeder Programming I have says you’re a herm, right?” “Yes…yes I am.” I said carefully. “Huh… hopefully that can work out when eventually the… need, from the programming becomes too much…” He said, blushing. Well this is… very different. Wait, why am I blushing?! “U-uh…I mean…” I stammered, not sure why I was blushing or feeling embarrassed by this but…damn it… “Hopefully things don’t get weird…” “Hopefully… Yeesh, don’t know what dad’s version of me did in the last two hundred years but I have never been with anyone before… plus, normally into more… masculine partners…” “Well…I know one thing that is still very masculine.” I said readily. “Plus, I’m a Symbiote so I can shapeshift.” “Masculine…and tentacles…” “Let’s not get that crazy!” I said quickly. “That wasn’t me…” Yuri said, pointing behind me.  I turned to see Maud, Cream, Sweetie, Philomina and Tiara all sitting there, sharing a popcorn bowl. “No please, continue.” Tiara said. “Watching you try and flirt with your first male is very adorable.” “And hot.” Maud added. “Why~!” I whined, covering myself in my wings in embarrassment. “Hey, ever since your little body swap sexual orientation/identity episode before you left with Cream, this has been on a checklist we have been dying to see.” Philomina said. “Plus, it’s hot.” Maud repeated. “Can we please stop talking about this?” I asked. “We really don’t need to talk about how I might fuck a dude…” “Or get fucked by a dude.” Philomena pointed out. “Which is hot.” Maud said immediately. “I mean, it’s not any different than when you used my body to ride your own/Cheat’s sausage… or when we bring out the toys.” Cream brought up. “Admit it, you’re into it, you just haven’t accepted it.” Tiara said.  “... That was a lot to take in and honestly I am surprised he’s so… shy about it.” Yuri said. “I know, I think since it’s still new to him, it makes him all shy and bashful and embarrassed.” “Shut up~!” I whined. “I don’t have to take this nonsense.” “You sure enjoyed taking it before you left~” Cream said. “...You kinda walked into that one…” Yuri said. “So anyways!” I snapped. “Why are you all here?” I asked all my spouses. “I was coming in to take a shower, heard your conversation going on, and got the others here to watch.” Tiara said. “Cause of course.” I grumbled. “But…there might be a way to help all the Breeders, Serfs and Slaves.” “We heard that part. At least they’ll be less… that.” Cream said. “Ugh, the good part of the show’s over now…” Tiara huffed. “I was hoping at least for a kiss…” “Can you please stop being horny for five seconds?” “No.”  The fact that all of them said that at the same time…concerns me… “We’re parents, we take out entertainment where we can find it as we have no real social lives anymore.” Sweetie said.  “How many kids do you have?” Yuri asked. “Three hundred. Over actually.” Philomina said. “... And he was gone for how long?” a“Ten years.” Maud added. “... Welp, they earned this at least.” I turned to Yuri… only to have our lips meet… My face went red, my wings immediately flared out and upright… something twitched and my brain went blank… This is… not… bad… He broke the kiss, and immediately I heard the girls all make some high pitched screams of excitement. “Huh… not sure if that’s the fur or just your lips but that was a very soft kiss.” “Uh…” I muttered…maybe it was more or less the ten year dry spell even with all the breeders trying to wring me dry…or something else…”You can take a shower later Tiara…everyone, bedroom.” I said, while picking up Yuri bridal style and hearing him yelp in surprise. “Easy there pony,” He said, snapping his fingers. He was gone in a green blink and when I looked around I saw them standing next to the girls. “Hey, I might be your breeder but I got enough will and such to not readily spread it for ya, even if you do own me.” I… winced. Right… Fuck… “R-right…” I said sheepishly. “Sorry about that…just uh…maybe a little too eager all of a sudden…” “Clearly.” Yuri chuckled. “Look, you have a lot on your plate, including figuring all… you out. On will alone I can probably last… four days, if I tinker with the Code I might be able to extend that timeframe. I’d at least like a date before my programming forces me to blow you.” “... Yeah you work on that because that was fucked up to hear…” Cream said. Yuri shrugged. “Just glad pops left me with my powers. If I start analyzing the code now I might be able to at least learn the structure.” He groaned, rubbing his eyes. “That’s gonna take five to seven hours…” “If you need anything we’re here to help.” I said readily. “Heh, there’s not much you can do. Regrettably, this is all on me. Welp, you all can go and enjoy that orgy if you’re still gonna do that, and I will be on the couch.” He said, heading out of the room. “... Well, that ruined the mood…” Maud sighed. “Yeah…” Cream sighed. “At least he managed to save himself… mostly…” Philomina said. I sighed. “Sorry.” “It’s a messed up situation no one asked for…” Tiara sighed. “At least it looks like your trip did have a pay off. Less in that baby you got, and more in him.” “Yeah…” I said, gently putting a hoof on my stomach. “This…this fucking bites…” I said, starting to sulk again. “All because I thought taking the long way would have worked when we had a fucking teleporter…” “Where is Kilpulu anyway?” Philomina asked. “He has a shop on sixth street.” Tiara shrugged. “And just like that, you all learned that I wasted ten years over me not asking one simple fucking person…” They all got kinda silent, not sure what to say as I was suddenly pulled by the ear by Tiara. “Roof talk, now.” She said, making me wince as- wait we’re on the roof now? “Button, do you remember what I was doing when you left?” “Training with Katsuki to become a Time Walker right?” I asked. “Yup.” She said, in a flash a chrome and black keyblade appeared in her hooves, the tip had a neon blue eye that seemed to peer at nothing yet everything. In the other hoof, appeared another Keyblade, this was also chrome and black, but the blade part was far thinner, glowed the same blue as the other keyblade’s eye and had gears and clocked incorporated into its design, the tip ending with a large clock. “And she trained me for two months in a temporal portal reality where those two months were two thousand years for me.” “Oh sweet Celestia!” I said in shock, so shocked I used an old world curse…jeez that feels weird. She chuckled. “Point is, I still had to experience those two thousand years, even if they were condensed into two months here… I felt each of those days pass. The years… There were times I… forgot your name.” She sighed. “My point is, that even if you did go to Kilpupu to teleport you there, there is no guarantee that it would have been quicker, or even the best option. Something else completely different from what you wanted could have happened. David might not have had the pills ready and then Mother knows where you’d be now. Or maybe you wouldn’t have been strong enough by skipping the ten year trip and ended up trying to actually fight him and we both know that is a losing battle.” “I…” I sighed. “I know…still fucking sucks though.” “There’s rarely ever an easy solution when you want to make a change as big as you’re working towards, Button. Even now that I’m a Time Walker, there are things I know and don’t know, things I can and can’t say, things I can and can’t prevent… and of course… things I can and can’t help you with…” She sighed. “And why are you forced to not do certain things?” I inquired. “Because the consequences are too… too much…” She said, tearing up. “I can see the reaction every action takes, the long term and short term events each action causes and I know… I know even if I tried, trying to fix it won’t work… because I can already see my failures… my consequences… I can see all of them, yours included…” She sniffled, wiping the tears away. “I can’t tell you much about what’s to come or where your choice will lead Button… but I can say this…” She looked me right in the eyes. “You made the best choice…” I took a deep breath. “I…didn’t know it was that deep with the Time Walkers…no wonder they're always vague if what they say could…lead to bad things happening.” “Some of the possibilities I’ve seen are just…” Tiara shuttered, almost shrinking. “It makes me glad this planet doesn't allow dreams, because I’d just be living those nightmares…” She breathed. “Time Walkers. We are living paradoxes. We can see and know all yet at the same time know nothing and are as blind as anyone… If we act too soon or too late on prominent events, or act when we shouldn’t or don’t act when we are needed… The urge to just… hide, forget… I don’t know how Katsuki handled it for so long… heh… at least, until I started caring for some of the kids, made relationships with the others… She ended up teaching me that the best way to live with ourselves is to do just that… live. Don’t focus so much on the reactions and the future or past in the moment, just enjoy the moment and what happens here and now…” “I…suppose that’s for the best.” I nodded. “Just go about it day by day.” “Yeah. So, Button Mash. You did not just waste ten years of time. You made the best choice out of the options you knew and didn’t know you had. You are here now because of your choice. Even if at times you’ll still regret it, it was the best choice. Don’t expect me to confirm or deny all your choices either. This is a one time exception for you.” She smirked. “Because I care about you.” “Oh boo, and I here I thought you would be super happy to be telling me ‘I told you so’.” I tried to joke. "That's more Cream than me. I was more just worried about you being gone for so long. Knowing what I know now though… yeah. In any case, I know things you do have to do at some points in time. What, I can't really say but I can say this. Button, we are going to form a Party, and this is non negotiable." “And why the party all of a sudden?” I inquired. “And who’s going to be in it?” "Can't say much, but you met one of the other members already. As for why, well, so you can make use of Loop of course." “Uh…only one I can think of that’s ‘combat ready’ would be Tina that I’ve met recently.” I said honestly. “Is that the one?” "That's for you to decide. All I can say is that you'll need a party of four." Ugh… there's the cryptic talk… boo. “Ick, I don’t like that.” I frowned. “So, it’s me, possibly Tina…are you a part of the team?” I asked, given she said ‘we’ but given how she’s a Time Walker now she…probably isn’t allowed to do things. "I already said yes, remember?" “I’m just making sure cause you’re now a Time Walker and…well, you’re not allowed to do a lot of things because of it.” "When I'm not allowed, you'll know." She said with a nod. Her Keybladers disbanded, vanishing in two dark wisps of black energy.  “Alright.” I nodded. “But you're helping me find the two party members we need, cause I can’t just go walking around randomly hoping to meet our third, or fourth, party member. This isn’t a harem anime where the main group are all noticeable at first glance.” I said honestly. “Heh, sure sure.” She smirked. “We can start that later though. Tomorrow, you have more kids to meet and greet.” “Yeah…I still have a lot of kids to meet and greet.” I said honestly. The next morning I was up and ready to meet my next son, Cirro. According to the file photo, he has brown fur on his upper half with a head that's… growing a small tree that constantly grows fruits of all types. His snake half has tree bark like scales. Huh… “Probably got more Dryad type of Fae than the others…” I muttered to myself as I knocked on his door. “You in here Cirro?” "Come in!" I heard them call. I opened the door, finding him coiled up in himself reading the One Piece manga. "Hey dad." “Hey Cirro, how you doing today?” "Reading, pondering if I should start up my own ale or wine production. Or maybe just make smoothies." He shrugged, picking a pear off his head. Once it was in his hand, a new one grew and replaced it instantly. "Endless fruit, I got options." “That is a rather nifty ability.” I said honestly. “And…well, you could technically do both things if you wanted.” "Maybe." He shrugged. "Mostly it's just an excuse to not get into an apprenticeship." “Why don’t you want an apprenticeship? Nothing interests you or something?” "Would general laziness be an acceptable answer?" He asked as he closed his manga and tossed me the pear he picked. I caught the Pear. “I mean, ‘general laziness’ isn’t really an answer when you say you want to start a Brewery/Smoothie shop.” I said, taking a bite out of the Pear to see how good it was. "Are alcoholic smoothies even a thing?" “Uh…maybe?” I said carefully. “Wouldn’t be surprised if it was but I’m not sure.’ "Hm. So, are you here for some kind of father-son bonding?" “Yes I am.” I nodded. “Hang out, talk about stuff, just do some good ol’ father son bonding.” "Pass." “Pass?” "Pass." He nodded. “Why pass?” "Why not?" “Because you’d be spending time with your father after…so long.” I said, really not wanting to have another child that just…doesn’t care… "I consider myself a prodigy slacker. And it's summer vacation. If I leave my room then there goes my plans of doing nothing at all all summer." Ah… I get it… he genuinely is just very lazy… “Right…so my guess on Dryad wasn’t too far off…” I muttered. "I've gone as far to miss my last three birthday parties. Not like anyone noticed when I have nineteen siblings…" “I would have.” I said. “And your mother’s would have…just…a lot of things were happening…” "You ever have siblings back in your home reality dad?" “I didn’t.” I shook my head. “Dad was isekai’d into this world when I was only a few months old.” "It's not like I don't love them. But there's nineteen of them! From the same mom! Add the hundreds from the others and the adopted kids… kinda hard not to feel like just one of the crowd." “Well I’m here to make you not feel like one of the crowd.” I answered. "And you plan on doing that how?" "Yes." I nodded. "I'm here now to fix things and be a good father." "From the little I know about you, you didn't even have a father so… how do you know what a good father does?" "Because I've seen what a good father does." I said. "A good father is kind, caring and supportive of his kids, who helps them through both physical and mental issues, but can be stern when the need arises." I answered. "Pretty sure TV is mostly bullshit on the life lesson crap." "My home dimension doesn't have cable." I pointed out. "Maybe not but I know you spent a lot of time here binge watching TV shows. I've seen your collection of Futurama and The Simpsons and Full House. You're missing a lot of them." "Yes, I am missing a lot of shows." I nodded. "But I've personally seen what a good father should be, that's what I'm getting at." “But I don’t wanna do anything…” “We don’t need to really do anything, just want to talk and get to know you.” “All you need to know is that once I’m eighteen I’m turning into an alcoholic.” He shrugged. What kind of thing is that for a kid to say?! “No, you’re not.” I said quickly. “And why in Mother’s name would you decide that at your age?” “I grew up a middle child in a large family with a largely absent father. It made the most sense.” “Well, I’m no longer absent and I’m not letting you become an alcoholic.” “I’m still the middle child of a very large family. Soon to be larger now that you and mom are doing the regular bedroom stuff cause Breeder programming.” He shrugged. “You’re still not going to become an alcoholic and I’ll make sure of it.” I huffed. “Boo. Now how will I fill my empty adult life?” “The fact that you immediately think your adult life will be empty is the problem.” I stated bluntly. “You’re too young to be thinking about adult life, you still have many years to figure out what you want to do and how you’re going to do it.” “I have to pick something to apprentice under next year.” He said bluntly. “I’d rather not do anything.” “Well, sadly that’s not fully possible.” I said honestly. “Wish it was, but especially in Armageddon you need to be doing some stuff.” “Being the two drunk is doing something.” “Being too drunk is not doing something, it’s wasting your time and life away as you become a crippled mess wanting more booze that nobody will want you to have.” “Boo.” “No boo.” I frowned. “But do you have any questions for me?” “No, not really.” “Well, if you had a choice other than being lazy, what would you want to do with your life?” “Street bum.” This kid… I can’t tell if he’s just trying to make me angry or if he’s genuinely got no ambitions… “Alright, so I have to ask…are you doing this on purpose to upset me or do you just not care?” “A bit of both honestly, but mostly the latter.” I sighed. “Do you hate me?” “No.” “Is there more to you not having any ambitions or is it just ‘well, I’m a middle child so screw it’?” “Laziness, a general lack of wanting to put forth any effort, and no life goals to speak of.” “Well, why do you want to make a brewery or a smoothie shop?” I inquired. “That seems like a goal to me.” “Maybe… but that takes effort…” Alright… his problem is clearly a lack of motivation… what can I do to motivate this kid? “Alright you, I have an idea.” I said, picking up the child in my magic and heading out. “I’m taking you to a brewery to show you how things are done since you seem to be interested in at least making alcohol.” “No, my room! I keep my stuff here!” He whined as I magically carried him out. It took a while but I managed to find a brewery, a local bar that makes all their own beers and beverages here. The main area where customers are was like a tavern, booze and food filled tables and people were talking, drinking, just having fun all and all. “Ah, my future home away from home~” Cirro said as he seemed to hug the table of the booth we were at. I sighed. “So, I brought you here to see how the process is done and get you to see you actually get some motivation in you.” “I only see myself in nine more years, in this booth, that bar table, and most likely the floor.” Cirro said, leaning up some and resting both arms on the table. “Why are you so interested in alcohol?” I inquired. “... There’s this story we learned about in school, about one of the members of the Family. An Admin they say is older than The Mother and avoided wars and conflicts by remaining largely neutral and meeting enemies and allies with various liquors and alcohols. The Admin of Alcohol, Barkeep.” “Huh, that is rather neat.” I said honestly. “They say he can appear as many races, but usually appears human and looks like the ideal bartender. He knows exactly what of all the alcoholic beverages in existence you’d enjoy, what you need and despite him being one of the most powerful of the Family, he’s non violent and only uses his powers to run his wandering bar for anyone who finds a door to it. I always thought that was kind of neat.” “That does sound neat.” I nodded. “Some good stories I’ve read here when I had the time was when everyone got to spend time in some magic tavern or something, just…eating, talking and…just being friends without needing to fight.” “Yeah. Just look around.” Cirro said. “These people are happy, laughing, even on a planet like this… a good bar and better drinks can help people forget their problems.” “That is true.” I nodded. “Used to think I could do something like that…” "And you still can." I answered. “Nah…” He said, letting his head drop to the table. “I’ve given up on hopes and dreams.” “Why have you given up?” I inquired, wanting to know what caused my son, with such an admirable dream, would give up on it. “Because I’m part Fae.” He said. He moved enough to pull something out of his Assistant. The paper that came out landed in front of me. Apprenticeship Letter of Acceptance? This… is an acceptance letter for an apprenticeship… under the Agricultural Division. “My head grows fruit and regrows them once picked, but if the seeds inside them are planted I can force them to grow to maturity and so long as I’m within a fifty mile area of the plants, they’ll continue to grow and be endlessly harvested. It’s a passive Fae ability not many with Fae blood are often born with.” “Alright…so what’s stopping you from opening up your own bar though?” I inquired. “This just says apprenticeship, it doesn’t say ‘full time job’.” “Once you finish an apprenticeship you typically go into work almost immediately in the field you apprenticed under. This is why we’re supposed to choose what we want to apprentice under beforehand so we don’t regret it later. But I received this and everyone expects me to do it, all I’ll really be doing is sitting in a grass field letting people pick the fruits off my head, plant them, then once I grow the seeds into full grown plants just sit there for hours letting them harvest them. Everyone says what I can do is basically a miracle on a planet like this. My power can help feed and trade with various settlements and such across the planet. I do this, help people, or choose what I want, and people won’t get to eat…” “I mean…what’s stopping you from doing both?” I asked. “Start up your Brewery/Smoothie Shop, and have a farm out back given you said that it’s an ability with a fifty mile range.” I said honestly. “I’d have to be exactly in the center of the area for it to work right. Kind of hard to run a bar/smoothie shop and be in the middle of a bunch of fruit plants with people harvesting them for hours at a time.” “Set up shop in the center?” I suggested. “I mean, the place can double as their break area where they can get some nice cooling beverages from a hard days work of harvesting and also bring in customers after hours.” “But I don’t want some stupid forest garden set up… I want to work in a real bar, tavern, like this.” He said. “Everyone thinks that just because I’m part Fae they think I’ll enjoy being in the middle of what can more or less be my own forest but I could care less about nature. Not like I asked for this stupid fruit tree on my head.” He huffed. “I understand.” I sighed, really wishing that I could somehow explain that he doesn’t have to sacrifice his dream of a bar just because of what he possibly could do. “Just…trying to think of a way so that you don’t have to sacrifice your dream, cause your dream is important and in this world, Dreams are what’s keeping people going and not just ‘what must be done’.” “Pst, you’re one to talk.” “It’s the dream of a better future for you that made me go…and Tiara said that I made the best choice out of…a whole lot of dangerous ones.” I sighed. “Cause I’m doing stuff so that you can choose to follow your dreams, not have it thrown to the wayside because of someone else.” “Sure.” He sighed. “But it’s my life we’re talking about, not yours. If I take the farmer job, then that’s that and I’d be helping feed so many people… if I Don't, I get my dream but people will likely suffer. I don’t want people to be hurt or go hungry. I just want to be… unspecial.” “Son, I think you missed a step.” I said, seeing him raise his head and look at me with a raised eyebrow. ‘You said that you need to be in a specific spot to farm right?” I inquired, seeing him nod. “And from what you said you don’t need to do much besides stand there right?” He nodded again. “So, why don’t you build the tavern where you’re supposed to be? Like I brought up before, you can build the tavern that you want where you're supposed to be for all the plants to grow, and you always have a steady stream of customers from the people farming all the plants, to people coming to enjoy a nice drink in your bar with the sound of nature around it.” “I mean… maybe? That would be a long travel for a drink though…” “Portals.” I shrugged. “Plus, if the drinks are as good as you want them to be, then I’m sure a lot of people wouldn’t mind the travel time for your drinks.” “It would still take a long time. I can only do one apprenticeship at a time and they take six to eight years to finish depending.” “Hmm, you are right.” I said with a frown. “Well, I’m sure we can figure thing’s out. We still have plenty of time.” “We have less than a year and there are three hundred other of your crotch goblins in the house you still have to meet…” Cirro said flatly. “As I said, we still have time.” I said readily. “Long enough to do what’s important.” I said with a smile. “Is important what you call my moms because you seem to like doing them a lot.” I blushed at that playful jab. “What me and your mother’s do is not your concern, and no, what’s important is me spending time with all of you, getting to know you and seeing if there’s something I can help you with.” I explained. “Can you order us some food while we’re here? The waiter has been waiting politely for us to finish for several minutes.” He said, motioning to the human sized man with a single large eye on his head wearing an apron and holding a notepad. “Sorry.” I said sheepishly to the waiter. “Just having a heart to heart here.” “It’s alright.” the Cyclops said with a raised hand. “So what can I get for you?” “Right, so what do you want to order Cirro?” “... Got anything that can give me a heart attack in ten years?” I don’t know how but I managed a spit take with an empty mouth. “Excuse you!?” I yelped. “If it’s not greasy, fatty and something that can give you a heart attack at an early age, I don’t want to eat it.” He said, picking an apple off his head and rolling it over to me. “I’m literally always around fruits, I’m pretty sick of healthy foods.” “Heh, we do have the bacon wrapped burger and cheese stuffed french fries and some lard soda.” Lard soda?! “I’ll take that in a large.” Cirro said. “What the actual hell, that sounds less like a heart attack and more like your heart will just pack up and leave your body.” “Even better.” Cirro smirked. “Right, and you?” The waiter asked me. “Uh…” I frowned…now I hate how my inner child and ‘food that is absolute garbage for your body’ resonates…”I’ll have what my son is having, just not the Lard Soda…got any Apple Cider?” “Alcoholic or virgin?” “Oh trust me, dad is the furthest thing from…” Cirro said, making me blush and the waiter laugh. “Cease.” I whined. “But I’ll have virgin cider please.” I said. “Add another mom to the group.” Cirro added. “Your kid’s got a sharp tongue there.” The waiter said, laughing as he left. “Why must you betray me like this Cirro?” “Why must you always feel the need to stick it in where you know you’ll just have more of me slithering around the world?” “Bruh, I do not.” “Is mom not pregnant again?” “Well, yeah-” “Aren’t you also pregnant?” “That’s-” “Should I expect Mamma Philomina to tell us she’s also got another bunch of buns in the oven? Or will she just assume by this point we know you’re making our already huge family even larger? I mean, not to kink shame but…” “I will ground you to be outside for a week if you don’t cease.” I said, my face as red as a tomato at this point. “Fine, only because I feel like you’ll try and bang the moms in my room while I’m grounded to be outside.” Yeesh! Got him into a good mood and it’s shot after shot… “When did you become this outlandishly sassy?” “There are perks to gaining depression. A sharp tongue and sass that can’t be stopped are two… and possibly the only perks.” He smirked. “You put me into a good mood, so suffer the consequences.” "Well…I'm glad to have made you feel better son…I don't want you feeling depressed and I want to see you and all your other siblings happy." “And you’re only making that a longer process by endlessly fucking.” He chuckled. “Here are your drinks.” I turned to see, he looked maybe… eleven, was some kind of bipedal humanoid cow. He had brown and white spotted fur, curly light brown hair, large orange eyes and was wearing an apron too. “Sorry for the wait, I’m new here.” “It’s alright.” I nodded. “Speed comes later, making sure you’re doing the work properly always needs to come first.” “Thanks for understanding, your meals will be out soon.” He said, walking over to another table. I took a sip of the cider. Hmm, not bad. It’s not Sweet Apple Acres but… it’s close. I looked at Cirro… who was still looking at that little cow boy… wait is that… blush… Oh… oh this is too good to pass up… “Well well well.” I said, seeing my son snap to face me and cough to try and cover up his blush. “What? Are you going to let your Cowboy go without saying Yeehaw?” I asked with a shit eating grin. “Dad…” He said, blushing more but also groaning. “That is… so… awful… and probably offensive…” He said, rolling his eyes.  “Never offensive to be polite.” We both looked over to see…a passing crab with a cowboy hat…”Yeeclaw gentleman.” “Yeeclaw.” I nodded with a smile. “See? It’s polite.” I laughed as he just groaned louder. “But what do you like about our new waiter?” “I…” He tried to speak. “It’s just… I don’t even know his name dad. Besides. I’m nine, shouldn’t you be saying something about not dating until I’m older or something parent related?” “But then I won’t be able to tease you as much.” I chuckled. “But come on, what made you so smitten with him?” “I am not having this conversation.” He said, taking his cup of lard soda and drinking it. Somehow it was chunky and fizzy and that made me gag. “Huh… actually not that bad flavor wise.” “Fizzy chunky looks awful and it would taste just as bad.” I coughed, trying not to vomit from how gross that looked. “Better than Jada and her Death Wish Coffee. Drank that once and while I did deep clean my whole room I also slept for three days once it wore off and I distinctly remember seeing smells.” “Yeah…that was a nightmare and it tasted awful.” I shuddered. “I had six more after the fact.” He shrugged.  “Why?” I asked. “Free three day long naps.” He shrugged. “And it made you drop the topic of the waiter.” “Well the topic is coming right back.” I motioned to the specific cow boy waiter coming back with our food. “Here you go, two Heart Clogger meals.” The kid joked, putting the plates on the table. The fries were as thick as a chicken leg bone, and the burgers were easily a pound or more, the meat was sizzling bacon wrapping the patty, and then there was also cheese, some lettuce, onions, pickles, all between two greasy looking buns.  “Awesome.” Cirro smirked. “My inner child really likes what I’m seeing.” I chuckled. “Oh, before you go, what’s your name?” I inquired our waiter. The look on Cirro’s face was priceless. “I’m Rolly.” He said with a nod. “My name is Button, and this is Cirro.” I said warmly. “It’s nice to meet you Rolly, and thank you for the food.” “You are welcome.” He said, giving a small bow before heading back. “You’re a horrible matchmaker…” Cirro huffed. “No, I’m just being polite, if I wanted to be a bad matchmaker I would have said you thought he was cute.” I stated simply, which made Cirro blush again. “At least I’m not as bad as Rain. Poor guy is still clueless.” “Well, I’m sure when he grows up a bit, I’m sure the twin’s will be great for him.” “The fact he’s got two.” Cirro chuckled. “Yeah, it’s quite surprising. But he’ll learn to love them as he grows up.” I nodded. “If he ever realizes he likes them.” Cirro said as he took a bite of the cheese stuffed fries. “Woah that’s good.” “While I do want to tell you to be healthy…sometimes, pure garbage food is what you need.” I chuckled, magicking up a fry and eating it. The cheese exploded across my mouth and tongue, and what oozed out from the stuffed french fry was like liquid gold. That is good… “Okay…this is really good.” I said in surprise. “Nice food, good atmosphere, this is why I want to run a tavern. Maybe one of my siblings can play music here. I know several of them are good at music.” “That sounds like a great idea.” I said with a smile. “Yeah. Guess I can try for learning brewery and tavern management before the agriculture thing at least.” “Yep.” I nodded. “Sometimes you can have your cake and eat it to.” “Still gonna take forever to get both done…” Cirro sighed. He then picked up the burger and bit into it… that’s a lot of… grease… “Oh… forget ten years I might have a heart attack tonight.” He laughed. “Well…there’s a lot of grease, and I’d rather you not die today.” I said, magicking up the burger and taking a bit out of it to see if that was the case. The grease made the whole bite feel like I bit into crispy butter, the few greens that were in here were very much overpowered by the pure meat of the bacon and patty. When I swallowed I could feel my arteries crying. “Cheat…help…” I mentally whined at how my arteries were not happy with this. “We’re all eating the excess as it comes… take another bite this shit is amazing.” Cheat said “I mean, yes it is but damn is this greasy…oh shit, what’s Cirro going to be like with all this grease?” I thought worriedly. “He’s part Fae, also part naga, it’s stupid hard for either of those two races to have issues like that. Plus I’m pretty sure that tree on his head will soak up the excess and put it towards those fruits.” “Huh…that is an interesting thought.” I mentally nodded as I took another bite of the grease machine that was this burger. It was a good meal, even if I left it feeling like I needed a bath and two years was shaved off my endless lifespan. “So, how was your day?” Cream asked as I crawled into the bed. “I feel like I should hibernate with how much fat I ate…but it went well given I helped Cirro realize he can have his dream and the work he’s being offered, and he’s also got a crush.” “Oh really?” She asked with a smirk. “Is it a Rain situation, or is he well aware?” “He’s aware, and it’s with an adorable cow boy waiter we met, his name is Rolly.” I chuckled. “Are they in the same age range?” “About a two year difference from what I could tell.” I said. “Rolly’s eleven, but the moment he walked up, Cirro was immediately watching with a big blush on his face.” “Awe, that’s adorable. I think this is his first crush.” She chuckled. “So, he’s finally figured out what to do?” “Yep, just needed some help.” I nodded. “He thought he could only do one or the other, but I helped him realize that he can do both.” “Heh, that’s good. So, what did you eat that was so filling?” “Rolly jokingly called it the ‘Heart Clogger’ meal.” I said honestly. “Oh! I know those burgers, I ate them all the time when I was pregnant with Level Up.” “Uh…that’s a lot of grease and the like…” I blinked. “You’ve been pregnant before Button. And you’re pregnant again. Before, it was spicy dill pickles and nacho cheese covered jelly beans. Are you really going to sass my cravings?” ”I’m not sassing.” I said. “Just that that specific kind of food seemed a little…too much with grease and all that.” I said sheepishly. "Don't criticize a pregnant ladies cravings. Especially when it's your child she's carrying." Cream said. "Besides, I worked off the excess weight gain it gave me a long time ago." "I know." I sighed. "But…so far things are going well with the kids…it's still gonna take forever to get through all of them." “Maybe, but you aren’t gonna stop. You from meeting them all one on one.” "Yeah, really wish I could get everyone into the VR world, cause that's three days in four hours, that could help make this a whole lot easier." I admitted. "Maybe, but I don't think It would be the same." "I know." I sighed. "Just gotta take things one at a time I suppose…" Today I was meeting with my son Ash. Ash was… unique. His body consisted almost entirely of rocks. From his upper half to his snake half, his body was constructed of various smooth rocks that kept together. He had no hair and while he did have flesh under the rocks, they were also cracked all the way from head to tail tip. It didn't hurt him but when he gets angry the cracks begin to glow and radiate heat and even shoot our smoke and fire. He's been known to achieve volcanic levels of heat. This was an example of a birth mutation altering someone extremely. “Right…so don’t anger the literal volcano elemental…” I muttered, gently knocking on the door. “Ash? You in here?” "Coming!" I heard their muffled voice from the other end of the door. They didn't sound any different from the other kids. The door opened and immediately I noticed the room, it was all largely metal, what kind I'm not sure and the bed fabric looked to be a thick, likely fireproof as well, the mattress, pillows and blankets. Ash himself looked as the photo showed, despite being made of stones his face and body was still as… organic looking as his siblings. "Oh, hey dad." “Hey Ash, how you doing?” I inquired. "I'm a volcano golem… so, as good as I can." He shrugged. “That’s fair.” I nodded. “Today I’m going to be hanging out with you son.” "Okay… how are we gonna do that?" “Well, we just hang out, talk and just get to know each other.” I said honestly. "Hang out where, there's a very small list of places I'm allowed to be for… obvious reasons." “Well…I might as well start with, does your body only heat up when your agitated or is it something else?” I asked, cause I’m certain that he can go out and do stuff outside and not have to be confined to a heat proof room. "It's linked to my anger. Depending on how angry I am depends on how hot the heat gets." “And…how easily are you angered?” I inquired. "Well, I'm banned from the arcades. Claw machines were rigged anyway." “I mean…yes, Claw Machines are rigged as hell.” I said, not really faulting Ash for burning a Claw machine, those things are evil. "Also the park." “What happened at the park?” I inquired. "Dog peed on me… accidentally set half of it on fire… and the dog…" He winced. I hissed. “Uh…yeah okay that’s…kind of a…bad…” "Also the movie theater. In my defense, Shrek five was gods awful."  “Eh.” I said with a wavy hoof, not really having seen it myself cause after the second movie it just kind of lost me. "I'm also not allowed anywhere near hardware stores, book stores, any store that sells flammable materials, the Mexican restaurant on Ripper Street and I am banned from all civil offices and local libraries." “How easily pissed can you be?” I asked honest surprise. "After the park a lot of places banned me preemptively…" He frowned. "I try not to be angry, but sometimes something happens I just can't… shake off." “I understand.” I sighed. “Anger tends to be…rough, but what tends to calm you down?” "A good laugh, quietness, and anything comedy." “Fair enough.” I nodded. “Good comedy can help alleviate things a lot.” I nodded. "It's most of what I watch and read." He said.  “Well, what’s your favorite comedy?” I inquired. "Anything with Will Smith." I looked at Ash…”I know what we’re going to be doing today.” I said. "Okay Phineas." He replied with a smirk. “Yeah yeah.” I chuckled. “But Will Smith is good, but you need to learn a lot about Robin Williams.” "I know about him. I've actually seen Mork and Mindy." “Then you haven’t seen him in his element, like Genie from Aladdin or Ms. Doubtfire.” I said readily. "I've seen Aladdin." He nodded. “Cartoon or Live Action?” "Both." “Alright, good.” I nodded. “Cause Genie in the animated series can’t be beat.” "So, movie marathon?" “Comedy movie marathon.” I said with a smile. “But before that, do you have any questions for me? Anything you want to know?” "Uh, I guess first off, how fire resistant are you?" “Me and Cheat have taken a volcano to the face and have come out fine.” I said readily, given all my training in Khorne’s realm and how even the element’s wanted you just as violently murdered, I gained plenty of high end elemental resistances, plus with the armor we devoured it also helped. "Cool. Now, in terms of snacks, are you a fan of spicy food?" “Eh, nothing too spicy. I like spice but not some of the ‘I will literally breathe fire’ kind of nonsense.” "Ah, then you probably won't like the same Mexican foods I eat." “You are made out of lava so yes, I can imagine.” I nodded. "Alright, well I guess we can get some chili and salsa on the side." He said. “Alright, anything else before we watch way too many comedy movies?” “I guess just some popcorn, soda and the essentials for a movie marathon.” “Alright, off to get snacks then movies!” I said with a smile. “Cool, I’ll set up the projector.” "And I'll get the snacks." I said with a smile. I left and quickly went into town, looking for the snacks and such for my movie marathon. I got some sodas, chips, candy, popcorn, and now for the mexican food. The restaurant I found was a small place, but it smelled amazing. As I entered I stood in line, waiting, when suddenly. “Excuse me.” I turned around and looked up, seeing a human man standing there, his skin fairly pale with messy brown hair, some scars along his face and neck, a thin set of wire frame glasses rested on his nose and his eyes were a bright blue. He wore what looked like a lab coat over a blue plaid shirt and brown jeans. For some reason, looking at him sent every fiber of my being into flight mode. "Uh…hi there…" I said slowly, pushing down my need to run here. "Who are you?" “My name is Alexander, but most call me Alex.” He spoke, his town was rather low, collected and calm. “I don’t mean to sound odd, but might I acquire a sample of you? Some hair or a feather perhaps?” He asked. “I’d be more than happy to compensate you of course.” "And why would you want to do that and how will you compensate me for this…strange request?" I asked, feeling like whatever he could do Greed or something else might do something wrong to him. “Research. I study genetics, specifically multi species crossed beings. I have yet to see one like you before, you remind me of Alicorns, though I suppose given this reality you are one. I’m not from this reality initially, and back home your species is rare and only seen well, anyone who sees one of your kind would be the luckiest person alive.” He said, giving a warm smile with a soft laugh.  "Right…and uh…what would I be compensated with?" I asked carefully. “Why, Rem of course. Name your price, but if monetary gain isn’t what you wish I can offer something else.” "I've been given way too much Rem from…someone else, so what's 'something else'?" I inquired. “Well, forgive me for peeking but I noticed you have a symbiote that is… incomplete.” He said, making me tense. “Helmet and Gauntlets.” He added. “I myself have a piece of that very symbiote armor. The Torso/Chestplate. I’d be more than willing to trade for a sample if you’re okay with it.” "Can I see this symbiote piece before I settle on the offer?" I asked. "Just…want to make sure I'm not magically being duped here…" I said. “Of course.” He smiled, pulling the spiked chest piece from his Assistant and placing it before me.  I blinked as I looked at the armor piece…"Cheat…is that real?" I mentally asked her, as that looked exactly like the other berserk armor pieces… “Yeah, I can sense the link. That’s one of my pieces.” She confirmed. "...Shit…" I thought to myself, not wanting to trust this bastard but…he's holding Cheat hostage…"And…this piece hasn't been tampered with?" I asked, given how many people on this planet would sooner fuck with whatever they want because they can… “No, I’m not one for symbiotes and I can’t take samples of something that, in this form, has no genetic material I can collect.” "Well…I suppose that makes sense." I said carefully. "But…I suppose this is a fine trade…" “Excellente. So, will you be offering hair, a feather, or if you feel generous, some blood?” I pulled a piece of hair off of me with my magic real quick at him saying blood. "Here." I said quickly. “Understood.” He said, taking out a small plastic vial from his Assistant. He took the hair out of my magic and pushed the chest piece over to me. I took it, the armor piece tuning fluid and flowing into my body as he sealed the cap on the sample vial holding my hair and placed it within his Assistant. “Thank you for the sample, this will be an interesting study later.” "So, where did you come from if I may ask? You said you're an Isekai right?" “That’s right.” He nodded. “Back home is different, but similar to this reality. Magic and technology. I used to work for a research organization that was advancing both for the betterment of all.”  "Bullshit." I thought to myself. "Really now? That sounds interesting." I said, the part about magic and tech research does at least sound interesting. “Yes. There were all kinds of magical beings back home. Some exist here as well, at least, I’m sure they all do and more. Griffons, Phoenixes, Dragons, Entities made from the stars and space itself, Gods of lower and higher types, elves, orcs, and then there was humanity.” "Wow." I blinked. "For a human world to have all that is a bit of a change of pace, half the time I hear human worlds are without magic, though what level of God's and star creatures did you have?" I inquired, cause I honestly wanted to be on good terms with this possibly scary sociopathic scientist. “Well, the Old Gods have long since been gone. The Star Beings are, according to legends, born from their corpses, while Lesser Gods wander the world. They are strong but can’t do much unless they are worshiped.” "Ah, well my worlds God's are…well, can be classified as 'World Powers', beings that make sure the world is functioning properly like moving the sun and moon, some Old gods tend to drop by now and then to hang out with them, and our Star Beasts are the Constellations, both Minor and Major, rumor has it Luna was dating Orion at one point." I chuckled at that silly bit of history. “Interesting. And what role did your people play in this world similar to my own?” "Well, my world was Equis, and I was a normal Earth Pony before…all this." I motioned. "Earth Ponies tended to handle all the physical labor like farming and pulling trains, Pegasi helped control the weather, and Unicorns did all sorts of magic and were more tech savvy then the other races." I shrugged. “I see, and you ascended to this Alicorn form sometime after you arrived, yes?” "After I got to this planet specifically, due to how symbiote nonsense works with devouring beings, I 'ascended' technically." I said carefully. “Ah… I see. Perhaps I should look more into Symbiotes then for my research.” "Right…" I said carefully. "And…how will your research help this world if I may ask?" I inquired, wanting to know given he brought it up. “It’s more for my own… continuation of where I left off before my arrival, but my current employers very much find my work of value to them, so it’s a win-win as far as I am concerned.” He said. “Pardon for taking up so much time, but I should be going. It looks like you’re next.” He said, motioning to the line that, when I looked, was now gone. I took a deep, shuddering breath. "Oh what in Mother's name did I just help…" I thought to myself in horror as I went up to take my order. Once that was done and Alex was long gone, I went back home, finding Ash having set up some bean bags, a table with a projector and two dinner tables next to the bean bags. “Hey dad, everything is set up on my end.” "And…I got all the food." I said, really hoping movie marathon will help me get my mind off of that scary encounter…I should probably tell the higher ups about this… In the end, I did manage to relax watching Robin Williams movies with Ash. It was nice to share a simple moment like this with him. Maybe I can find a way to help him with his… condition. At least keep his fire from going off when he gets mad. Before I went to be though, I did go to the guard and found AJ. "So, he was just some guy?" He asked me. “No…” I shook my head. “His name was Alexander, and when I talked to him, he was anything but just some guy…” I shuddered. “And…I’m scared I just helped him in whatever bullshit nonsense a mad scientist would get into by giving him a piece of my hair for…Cheat’s Breastplate that he somehow had…” “Well, Cheat is part of the Berserker Symbiote Armor Set, which is a set of armor that spawn in loot separately. So finding parts of them in the possession of others isn’t gonna be that uncommon. As for this ‘Mad Scientist’ thing, if he didn’t break any laws or cause trouble while he was here, there isn’t anything the guard can do. Even if he is part of a Chaos Guild, we get a lot of trade from Chaos Guild members and since most are just people who work for them to make a living, we can’t just arrest him on suspicion.”  “Right…” I frowned. “I just…had a really bad feeling about the guy…like he could have just destroyed this place if he wanted to without much effort…” “If he tried, then we’d get involved. So long as he plays nice there isn’t anything we can do.” “Which he did but…I’m scared what he’ll do with some of my DNA…” “Well, that’s just something you might never know or might learn later if he’s as dangerous as you suspect.” “Yeah…” I sighed. “Wanted to have someone else know about this, Alex is…extremely dangerous for someone so unassuming.” “You’d be surprised how common that is.” AJ said. Alright, putting that event from yesterday behind me, today I am meeting my son Firo. His fur and hair colors were the same browns as mine, his snake half had brown leafs for scales, and his arms seemed to end in hooves rather than hands. He must rely on magic to pick things up and write then. “Firo? You in here?” I called out as I knocked on the door. I didn’t get a response. I frowned, gently checking to see if the door was unlocked and wanting to know if he was in there and just distracted. The door creaked open- The loud sound of drumming blasted out the now open door, making my ears ring as I realized the walls of Firo’s room were covered in home made sound proofings. I managed to get into the room and close the door quickly before it gave anyone else a headache. “FIRO!” I shouted loud enough that I hoped he would hear me. “Huh?” He asked, pushing his long bangs out of his eyes. “Oh, sup dad?” “How are you doing today Firo?” I asked, trying to stop my ears from ringing due to how outlandishly loud his playing was. “Jamming.” he replied. “The ringing in my ears would agree with that.” I nodded. “It’s also why your room is soundproofed.” “Yeah. Packing styrofoam and cardboard egg cartons make great cheap soundproofing. Otherwise I’d have to rent a place to jam out and I am broke. That and I was banned from jamming on the roof because of noise complaints…” “Yeah, cause uh…not only did you want it to be loud…if I didn’t know better it sounded like you were trying to physically assault your drum set.” I said sheepishly. “Well, I am using my hooves.” He said, raising his arms at me, showing he did indeed have hooves rather than hands. “Makes a louder sound than drum sticks ever could.” “Yeah, that makes sense.” I nodded. “So what got you into drumming?” “I’d always tap my hooves against my desk at school when I’d get bored, I’d start tapping along to the rhythm of some music and the Band Teacher had me test my skills on some drums and that was that. Been hitting them for three years now.” “That’s cool.” I nodded. “Well, today’s our father son day.” “Oh. Do you play an instrument?” “Always wanted to, but never really had the time.” I shrugged. “Ah. Then I got nothing…” He frowned. “Really?” I inquired. “Well, any questions for me?” “Not really.” He shrugged.  “Well, what hobbies do you have besides drumming?” “Well, I listen to some music, study music sheets and watch tv.” “Well, I suppose musician stuff would fit well, you’d especially be happy back home considering there was always a musical number every week.” I chuckled. “Weird. But then again I wouldn’t have been born if you were still back on your world.” “Yeah, I know…” I sighed. “So, what have you been up to since you’ve been back?” “Spending time with your siblings, trying to be a good dad.” I said honestly. “Fair.” He shrugged. “Well, I suppose if you want I can stay and listen to you jam if you want.” I said honestly. “If you want to.” He said, and started drumming again. I sat there and listened for several hours before I realized… I couldn’t hear anything anymore…  Thankfully a healing potion fixed that up and some more hours and another healing potion later I had… more than my fill of drumming…  Well, that was… not the best. Glad he doesn’t seem to dislike me. But we didn’t get to do much. Regrettably- What the fuck? I walked into the living room, finding Yuri… their arm looked ripped open in a black tear as the green ones and zeros were floating out and around the ‘wound’ as he was moving parts of them around in the air with the other hand… woah…  “Uh…hey Yuri…the hell you doing?” “If I’m right… buying myself more time…” He said through grit teeth, adding, moving and erasing and rearranging the lines before it all was sucked back into the wound and it sealed itself up. He then flexed his arm and hand some, blinking a few times and smirked. “Well, that’s a start.” He huffed. “I suppose you made a breakthrough in the Breeder stuff?” “Well, not so much a breakthrough more just got myself more time. Typically three days or so is the max limit before Breeder Programming begins altering your mind to force depression and self harming thoughts into the Breeder. I managed to find the lines of code that act as the Timer, linked it to a program on my Assistant and even inserted a kind of Reset button that once used resets the time. I gave myself a week, and the button seems to work at least.” He sighed. “For now that’s the best I can do. Whatever being created this Code knew what they were doing. One wrong change and the entire Profile breaks. A form of self destruction to prevent tampering and such.” “Well that just makes things worse…” I huffed. “Yeah… was painful too…” He grunted. “Like… well, I can’t really describe the pain… Agony works but it also doesn’t feel strong enough…” “Right…that’s uh…that’s not good at all.” “Not fun but it has to be done.” He sighed, leaning back on the couch. “It’s better than nothing, but the difference between myself and most the others is that I still have my personality, mind and sense of self. All the others save Lola likely if I installed this in them won’t use it. They don’t know better and that makes this tricky…” I sighed. “Well…it’s at least a start.” “Yeah… that’s where the hard part comes in though. If I’m gonna help them be more independent and get them back into being people, I’ll need to alter what Personality and data exists still on their Profiles…I doubt I can replace the stuff they added, but I can probably add to it.” “What do you need to change in their Personality?” I asked, fearing that this might do more harm than good considering how little I know about all this. “Well, for starters I’ll need to add new personality traits. Breeder Programming removes prior ones and installs a select few. Among other things, but I doubt I can remove those. I’ll have to add to their personality file in the Profile to make noticeable changes.” “Alright.” I nodded. “Hopefully this’ll make thing’s at least somewhat better…doesn’t need to be a miracle cure…” I sighed, just glad that there’s a chance thing’s will get better at all here. “By the way, I was wondering, what are your opinions on Modding?” …Modding? “Uh…what kind of Modding are you talking about?” I inquired. “Well, before, I remember dad speaking with some hackers from Violence. They make and sell what they call Code Mods. They’re kinda like… Fake Abilities. They can function identically to normal Abilities but can’t be upgraded and don’t show up in the Skill Trees or even on a Scan. The problem with them is that they’re sometimes unstable, depending on the skill of the Hacker. Some do simple things while others are almost exact copies of powerful Abilities. Then there’s using code to Duplicate items.” “Well, Mod’s can be fine as long as it’s stable and won’t fuck things up.” I said honestly. “Cool, so mind if I practice making some? In terms of item Duping, I can do that easy so, got anything you want more of?” “Hmm…” I hummed, thinking about what I would want duped…”How about my item multiplier pendant?” I inquired, pulling out said strong piece of jewelry. “Always good to have more of one on hand.” “Hmm…” Yuri hummed as he took it. “That’s easy.” He said, his finger glowing with Code as he tapped it. In a flash of green another one appeared and fell to the floor. He kept tapping it and more and more kept appearing in flashes of green. “Just say when.” He said as he kept tapping it and making more. “When….” I said, absolutely poleaxed at how many he just spawned with just the push of a button… “Alright.” He said, dropping the original on top of the pile he made. “Anything else?” “Well…might as well get some questions in before I head off to another kid.” I admitted. “So, what are your hobbies?” I inquired. “At the moment, practice this Code work.” He shrugged. “Fair.” I nodded. “Ya like video games?” “Wasn’t allowed to play them growing up. Just basic rich person lessons on music and such. Honestly I think dad just put me through them to avoid spending time with me. I mean, fair, I’d rather not have gotten to know the jackass.” “Yeah, that I fully get because he is…not a good person.” “I mean, that’s an obvious observation but also accurate.” Yuri shrugged. “Well, one of these days I’ll show you the wonder’s of Video Games.” “Sure, whenever you have time I guess.” He shrugged. “Yeah…and time is something I sadly don’t entirely have…” I sighed. “So many children…” “So, what are you gonna do with all of these?” He asked, lightly kicking the pile of loot multiplier necklaces on the floor before him. “I mean, one of these does a lot and you’ll probably not need more than two or three, anything more than that and the stacking enchantment effect is gonna explode stuff all over you.” … They stack?! “Uh…what do you mean they stack?” I asked in surprise.  “...You didn’t know enchanted equipment can have their enchantments stack?” He asked. “If two pieces of equipment or jewelry have the same enchantment and you wear both they stack. The only limit is how many you can wear at a time.”  “Uh…huh…” I blinked. “That would have been amazing to know a while ago…” I frowned. “...How did you not know something that common?” “I was busy with a lot of other things.” I frowned. “And I thought it would have only been a one and done type of thing, cause it’s a very powerful affect.” “Well, now you have… two, four, nine… twenty seven of them.” Yuri said. “Right…and what would happen if I were to wear all twenty seven of them and murder something?” I asked. “Loot explosion I imagine. I mean, those give a how much multiplier? Twenty, so what’s twenty times twenty seven? So every one item is multiplied to five hundred and forty.” “That sounds awesome.” I chuckled. “Yeah but wearing twenty seven necklaces is kinda clunky.” “Fair.” I said honestly. “Would still be funny though.” “A little I guess.” He shrugged. Today, I was meeting my son Light. His file shows he has all… white fur, mane, and scales and pale red eyes… Oh he has Albinism… Huh. Guess given what Birth Mutations do, I guess this isn’t all that surprising. I gently knocked on the door. “You in here Light?” “One second!” I heard them call from inside. After a bit I was greeted by my son opening the door. He was dressed in a full body black cloak that covered him from head to tail tip. “Hey dad.” “Your…your body can’t be that sensitive to light…can it?” I asked nervously, now honestly worried for my son’s health because of this. “Oh this?” He looked at his clothes. “No, this is just my usual clothes when I’m practicing my magic.” “Alright, I got a little concerned there.” I said sheepishly. “But how you doing Light?” “I’m kinda in the middle of something.” He said, motioning to… is that a… challas of… something and a large leather book? Is that a skull?! “Light…what the hell are you doing?” I asked carefully. “Practicing Dark Magic.” He said. “Why?” I asked worriedly.  “My magic teacher said it was something I had a good affinity for.” I sighed. “Alright, so why do I have a feeling they handed you a literal Necronomicon?” “Well, it’s a beginners guide.” He said, slithering over and picking the book up and showing it to me… ‘Dark Magic for Dummies! A Beginners Guide to Dark Magic and Curses’. “Right, at least it’s for beginners…” I muttered. “And how has your studies been going?” “So so.” He said, motioning to a shelf where a skeletal hand was running on a large hamster wheel. “Right…” I said slowly. “A skeletonized Thing from the Addams family…neat.” “Most of these spells are just bad luck curses and basic small stuff.” He shrugged. “Wanna join in?” “Sure.” I nodded. “I need to get better at magic anyways, so might as well see what I can do with this.” I entered Light’s room, standing next to him at the table with the challas of mystery liquid. He then placed the book back down on the table and began reading through it. “So, what to try first…” “I’m not used to doing magic stuff, so let’s try something easy to start.” I said honestly. “Alright… Ah, here’s one. Spying Eye. Gain knowledge on your enemies and keep watch over your servants.” He read from the book.  “Alright.” I nodded. “How do we do that?” I inquired. “Let’s see. For this one, a mental image of who you wish to spy on, a drop of your own blood, and a dead man’s tooth.” He said, picking up the skull on the table and pulling a tooth out of a lower jaw. He tossed it into the challas and then took a small pocket knife and used it to cut his thumb, letting a drop fall into the liquid. It then swirled and became clear, and then showed the image of a person. They looked like a human, save the black cat ears sticking out of their head. “And who’s this?” I inquired. “Dannis. He’s a jerk.” Light said, looking back through the book. He then reached into his coat, pulling out something and adding it to the challas. The image swirled for a bit then the kid looked up, as if someone called him. As he stood up, he stubbed his toe on his bed stand. Light chuckled. “How is he a jerk?” I inquired. “He messes with Jada’s friend. So I give him some mild bad luck curses.” “Greed won’t affect him, he said it was the friends…” I thought to myself, calming myself down from a growing sense of panic. “Well, that sounds about right, petty enough to make his days annoying.” “Heh, yeah. Best one yet was when he face planted into a hot pie.” Light chuckled. “Oof, that must have sucked for him.” I chuckled. “It did.” Light smirked. “I also curse people for money.” “That sounds mildly illegal…” “... You aren’t on the clock…” Light muttered. “I’m also your dad and I don’t want you getting arrested.” I huffed. “I’ll only get arrested if you arrest me…” He said, crossing his arms. “You a snitch dad?” “As long as you don’t do anything other than some minor curses, the guard’s won’t catch wind of your shenanigans.” I said honestly. “And I’m not talking about me.” “Well, you’re the only one I feel would snitch on me. Ya know, being a… guard and a… square.” “Calling me a square? I don’t know Light, you’re starting to speak Cringe.” I said, seeing Light gasp at such a statement. “Coming from the guy who’d return extra jello cups at lunch and cried when returning an overdue library book.”  Crap! I told that to the girls in a buzzed confidence! “I was drunk and they should have kept that a secret!” I whined. “Plus I was like, six!” “Square.” Light repeated. “You’re a square.” I countered petulantly. “Correction, I’m a noodle. By design you being a pony, look the most square. Or maybe a cylinder cause of the barrel.” “Nerd!” “Geek! Mom told me about your collection of video game figurines when you were a foal.” “And that figurine collection was awesome, so many chores to both buy those myself and to get mom to buy them.” I huffed. “You also left it behind when you arrived in this reality so… you are lacking said collection.” I felt the emotional damage of that realization hit me like a train… No… That took… years… “And just like that, you’ve lost your dark magic privileges for a week.” I frowned. “... Death before grounding!” He said, raising the challas and tossing it to the ground. The room filled with smoke and when it cleared, Light, his book and skull were gone. “You’re still grounded!” I called out, shaking my head at his antics. “Silly silly kid…” I thought to myself. Well… guess he’ll be hiding from me for a while… I sighed, heading off now to either talk to someone else or meet my next kid…”So we only have one or two more pieces to find now Cheat?” I inquired. “My leggings and my shield and battle ax.” She stated. “Alright, so three more pieces…I still wonder where Alex found your chest piece…not that I’ve actually been looking for them…” I thought to myself bitterly, reminding myself that I haven’t really been searching for Cheat’s other parts all that hard. “I spawned as loot, I’m sure he got it wherever it spawned. Lots of people have parts of me too probably.” “Yeah…sorry that I haven’t really looked for your other parts…” “It’s fine, find them as they come.” Today I was meeting another of my sons. Crator, he has grass like hair with brown fur, leaf like scales along his snake half. Hm, not much else on him here… I knocked on the door. “Crator? You in here?” “Come in dad.” I heard them call. I opened the door and saw him bouncing a tennis ball up and down on the racket almost like a paddle ball. “Hey dad.” “Hey Crator, how you doing today?” “Taking a break from online forms.” He said, keeping focus on the ball and racket. “Online forms or forums?” I asked, wanting to make sure I understood him right. “Forums.” He said, catching the ball and tossing it and the racket onto his bed. “Lore Hunter Forums.” “Lore Hunter?” I inquired. “I’ve heard about them, I just never really got into it at the time.” “Oh it’s awesome. Every dungeon, and especially on Armageddon, every zone has a story in the environment. Finding it is the hard part but it’s so cool to find the story of the place.” “Even better when you're technically helping create the story of an area too.” I said honestly, seeing Crator raise an eyebrow. “Have you ever heard about Frank the super zombie?” I asked. “Cause that’s a funny story, especially considering who he’s become right now.” I chuckled. “That’s cool but I mean more like how the virus spread and infected the area kind of stuff… well before you and the New Foundation settled here.” Crator stated. “True.” I shrugged. “But what kind of fancy stuff did I miss out on in this place?” “Well, one is that as far as people can tell, the infection started overseas, way out east, and managed to spread this far both by basic viral infection means and contaminated water sources.”  “Well that blows.” I frowned. "Yeah, and based on newspapers and old video recordings found around, this part of the zone completely fell under the Virus in just two years." Crator added. "Well, two years seems like a…normal time frame for something like this." I admitted. "Based on the lethality, incubation time and rate of spread, it is. Plus there's more useful things Lore Hunters look for when they dig through the story of a place." "What useful things do they look for?" I inquired. "What else? Loot." “How much loot?” I inquired. "Lots. You hear about some people finding packed warehouses and bunkers of loot just by deciding to read some papers all the time in forum groups." “That would have been awesome to know earlier…” I sighed. "Yeah. It's not well known about since a lot of people when exploring dungeons, especially Arena Dungeons, often look for more obvious loot spots and will often overlook papers and documents in the area." “Yeah, that’s fair.” I nodded, realizing how there tended to be a lot of papers in the hospital… "Yeah. You can learn a lot of really cool things and discover secrets if you look." “That would help a lot.” I nodded. “So are you more interested in looking up the forum’s or do you ever want to become a Lore Hunter?” "I do want to become one, but I'd first have to join and become a member of the Scouts, then work my way to being a Lore Hunter officially from there. In the end not a lot of people do that since it's more often than not a lot of reading and paperwork sorting." “Someone has to do it.” I shrugged. “Without someone reading and doing the paperwork, a lot of things would just become a jumbled mess.” "And finding huge loot caches becomes harder. From the public made files on the expansion of the town and such, you actually missed a lot back in your Running days." “Which sucks…” I sighed. “If I knew any of this lore stuff sooner, it would have made thing’s a whole lot easier for us.” "Maybe, but moms all say you drove yourself to exhaustion a lot back then. I'm pretty sure add reading to that you'd at least have gotten some sleep in when the adrenaline wore off." “That’s true.” I nodded. “But still…with my item multiplier it would have been amazing to see it jump up by several times.” "Well, there are still lots of hidden lore and clues and cashes and such all over this zone. Maybe just keep a better eye out when you get back to it?" “I will.” I nodded. “And maybe I can call you for some help in finding some fancy stuff.” "That would be neat." Crator smiled. "So, what are we gonna do?" “Well, just hang out, talk, and get to know each other. Father son bonding day after all.” "Alright. Well, can you tell me what all this was like before the New Foundation moved in?" “Well, it was a massive pain at the start, you couldn’t go out at night or else the real bad infected would get you.” I said honestly. “But then when we managed to get things settled, it was kind of like a normal zombie apocalypse to be honest." I talked about my runs, my encounters with the various special infected and all them. My first and last battles with Frank. It was a simple bonding moment. Today I am meeting my son Reef. His file shows his skin is akin to an algae. He has no hair, his eyes are completely black, no whites, and his snake half is covered in a tough leathery hide rather than scales. “You in here Reef?” I asked, knocking on their door like all the other kids. "Come on in dad!" I heard them call. I opened the door… and fell. Lukewarm water met me as I sand a few feet in then managed to stand, my head barely above the water as I saw my son swimming around his apparently flooded room. “Uh…hi Reef, why’s your room…like this?” I inquired. "I'm a Water Fae." He stated. "If I'm not near a natural water source I can claim as my own I have to be in water constantly. So, I stay here most… all the time. School through a waterproof computer, and entertainment through my Assistant and such." “Well that…kind of sucks that you're stuck here.” I frowned. He shrugged. "Not much I can do about it. Bright side my room becomes the family pool on hot summer days." “Well, that is a plus I will admit.” I said honestly. “So how have you been doing Reef?” “Eh. I swim, I watch movies and float as I blast music. The vibrations it makes in the water varies from tickling to feeling like a full body massage.” “Huh, that sounds interesting.” I said honestly. “Didn’t think it could work like that.” "It mostly depends on the base of the song and such." They shrugged. "So, you here for a swim?" “Sure.” I nodded. “Haven’t swam in a while so might as well have some fun here." "Nice." My time with Reef was unfortunately short, but we watched a few movies and playing pool games. It was fun. My next and last child with Lilly was my son Lark. He was unique too. He had hair like leafs, orange scales, brown fur coat… and he had legs. Six legs evenly spread along his snake half, allowing him to walk. Huh. “So why in Mother’s name do I have a spider snake child?” I mentally wondered as I knocked on the door. “Lark? You in here?” "It's open!" I heard them call out. I opened the door and saw them on their bed. It was longer than the other kids beds. Lark laid on his back with his six legs that… were all hind legs for a pony, as he was reading a manga. "Hey dad." “Hey Lark, how you doing today?” "Reading, relaxing." They shrugged. “That’s good.” I nodded. “So…what kind of Fae are you that you also have…six legs?” I inquired, given how I’ve been learning the different types of fae from my kids being born these special ways. "The kind with a pony for a dad?" They asked, confused. "I mean, I'm still part Fea but nothing extra or special is about it. I was just born with these legs." “Alright, I was just…curious on why you have six in specific.” I said honestly. “Four would have made sense, no legs fine…six made me think you somehow had spider powers.” "... No…" He said. "Can I get back to reading please?" “Don’t want to do any father son bonding Lark?” I inquired. "I mean… not if you think my legs are weird…" “I’m sorry.” I said sheepishly. “I don’t think your legs are weird, just surprised is all. And considering the last few of your siblings, I’ve learned that…well, there are a lot of Fae types.” I said honestly. "Yeah, but really? Six legs makes me a spider Fae?" “I mean…let’s be real here, one of your sibling’s is made out of rocks and is a volcanic fae, Reef is a Water Fae…when his name is Reef.” I brought up. “And also…is it wrong that I had the Spider Man theme playing in my head but it being ‘Spider Fae’?” I asked, seeing Lark lightly lower their manga. “Dad…” Lark looked at me. “You’re a bigger nerd than I was told.” “Yeah yeah.” I chuckled and rolled my eyes. “So, what you reading?” "Sword Art Online, well, the Abridged Manga version anyway." “Oh really? Is it good?” I inquired. "Have you seen SaO abridged?" “Not that I remember.” I said, having binged a lot of things I might have seen it but it was a long time ago. "Ah, well it's peak comedy." “Really now?” I inquired. "To quote 'You wanna take this outside? I'm not afraid to throw down with an eight year old, I don't give a fuck!'." He said. That did make me chuckle. “Okay, that’s pretty good.” I said honestly. "The abridged anime and the reanimated series really do it justice. It also tells a much better story than the original Sword Art Online did." “Abridged stuff does do that sometimes.” I chuckled. "Wanna watch it? I have the Abridged anime version that covered and redoes all of the original SaO's mess." “Sure.” I nodded with a smile. “Always happy to binge some good media.” Lark sat up, pulled out a projector from his Assistant and began setting it up, then started the show. I have to admit… this was hilarious. Granted a few references flew over my head but these characters are so… how can you be the best and worst people at the same time? > Chapter 15: Jackie's Kids Part 1 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up early the next morning. Today I need to see all Jackie’s kids. Hope they’re all okay… I walked into the living room, seeing Sweetie was on the couch sorting through mail. “Trash, trash, junk… oh these people again…” She groaned, tossing that letter onto the ground.  I walked over, picking it up with magic. The front was addressed to Sweetie and was from the Synthetic Being Union. “Synthetic Being Union?” I inquired. “Yeah… apparently if you’re a synthetic being there’s a union that helps you either find a place or parts or get you therapy and shit since some people look on Synthetics in a similar light some look at Breeders. It’s like a support group, but they’re so annoying…” She groaned. “I can imagine.” I said honestly. “So how have you been Sweetie?” “Fine, all things considered. I was having a good day until I saw that anyway…” She said, glaring at the letter before looking back to the rest of the mail. “Mostly just junk mail and such.” “That’s fine.” I nodded, grabbing the piece of mail and ripping it up. “So, what’s on today’s agenda for you?” “Gonna do some shopping. We got the betting pool money and with what you gave us I’m gonna buy in bulk some stuff and items for the Planet Room. Might even be able to buy an in-home med bay…” She said. “Would be useful…” “What’s wrong?” I asked worriedly. “Cause…the way you said that makes me think something bad happened…” “Huh, no, no! Just would be better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. Especially given some of the kids have medical conditions, keeping a place full of medical supplies, potions, maybe even a medical robot would be useful.” She said. “There are other useful rooms we can get too if you’re willing to throw the money that way.” “Anything to help.” I said with a smile. “We have too much money anyways.” “Heh, in that case maybe some additions to the kitchen, a proper crafting room since so many of the kids love that, an in home bank room, maybe buy some bedroom upgrades for them all too…” Sweetie thought aloud. “Maybe some worker droids too to help gather resources in the Planet room…”  “Do you need some help with the shopping trip?” I asked. “I’ll be fine. Besides, you have stuff to do still unless you wanna fall behind more.” She smirked. “I’d rather not get more behind.” I said quickly. “But today is the start of me meeting all of Jackie’s kids.” “Ah. Well you best get a hurry on then.” Sweetie chuckled. “Dire Wolf pups are usually very energetic.” I chuckled. Actually, first on my list for Jackie’s kids is little Fry… last I saw him he was barely one and so small. He’s also human… wonder how growing up amongst non-humans affected him, if at all? “Well, hopefully things go smoothly here.” I said honestly, leaning over and giving Sweetie a quick kiss before heading off to find Fry. I headed off and checked the list. Fry had grown into a fine pre-teen, his skin was a bit pale, his eyes were a bright blue and I noticed his hair was dyed the same blue as Jackie’s fur. I found his bedroom door and knocked. The door open- What the? Towering over at me was a tall green snake that I felt like was judging me… “Uh…hi?” I asked sheepishly. “What’s up Serperior?” A kid’s voice asked as the tall snake stepped aside and I saw Fry walk into the doorway. “Oh! Dad, I didn’t think you’d come around to me yet.” He said. “You remember Serperior right?”  “Wait…” I looked a little closer…this…”Oh yeah! This was the emotional support pokemon I got Jackie…it’s been forever, and you’re fully evolved now, that’s amazing.” I said with a smile. “Ser.” Serperior said. “Yeah. After mom was put into cryosleep, Serperior would look after the lot of us. But I took the most care of him.” Fry chuckled, petting the snake pokemon’s body. “Now that mom is out, the two have been reconnecting, and mom has been… clingy.” He said with a weak smile. I sighed. “I’m…I’m so sorry Fry…” I said bitterly. “I wish it could have worked out better…it hurts more when Diamond told me it…was for the best…” “It’s fine, I get it, I just wish Mom would… maybe not be as clingy as she’s been.” He said, side stepping. I looked inside and… Jackie was taking up his whole bed, clinging what I think is Fry’s blanket. “She’s been sleeping in all our beds, a new one of us every night.” “Well…I suppose that makes sense, she had a lot of missed time and believes this is what needs to be done.” I said honestly. “But today is our father-son bonding day.” “Oh cool! Serperior, look after mom alright.” Fry said. “Ser.” Serperior said with an added nod as they closed the door behind him as he left.  “So, what are we gonna do?” Fry asked. “Well, today is me and you hanging out, and me just…trying to get to know you, your hobbies, your likes and dislikes…and just try and be a good father.” “Alright. Well, there is something I can use your help with.” “Anything son.” I said readily. “Can you help me out at the kennel?” “The kennel?” I inquired. “Yeah, it’s in the Planet Room.” He said. Fry led me into the planet room, and walking a ways from the farm we came upon a large fenced off area filled with various animals and… I think those are pokemon too! He opened the gate and the creatures all ran up to him. I saw racoons, wolves, some birds, and in terms of the pokemon I saw Rattata, Bidoof, a Turtwig, and a Shinx. “Heh, hey you guys.” Fry said as he kneeled down and began petting them. “This is…really cool Fry.” I said honestly. “How many animals and pokemon do you have here?” “What you see here is everyone. Not including Serperior.” He said. “Taking care of them so much I got really into animal care, and when I was six I learned some basic Beast Tamers magic and worked on it here. My pokemon friends here though I purchased from a breeder. Pokemon breed fast so, they weren’t expensive, but I love them anyway. Even if they can be a handful.” He chuckled. “Yeah, that makes sense.” I said, seeing the Shinx move up to me and sniff my leg lightly. “Hi there.” They sniffed me some more, then growled and bit me. “Shinx no!” Fry yelped, pulling the small electric cat off me. “Sorry dad.” “Nah, I expected that.” I said honestly. “Wonder why they bit you though. I’ve only ever seen them bite Grandpa before…” “That’s…strange…” I frowned. “Maybe they think I’m some weird pokemon or something? There are some horse pokemon right?” “No, they know the difference between normal animals, sentient beings and such… maybe he smelled your… darkness…” Fry muttered. I sighed. “Maybe…but then why would they bite dad? He’s a lot brighter than me.” “Well, Grandpa Echo did say he did a lot of stuff since becoming a member of the New Foundation guard…” I keep forgetting that they know my dad as grandma cause of their gender swap… I have got to visit them… “Alright…I sometimes forget…” I sighed. “Shinx, despite being only an electric type, has strong dark affinities. It’s not uncommon for them to detect a person's darkness and react… have you done… bad things dad?” Fry asked. “I…sadly have, because I had to for our family…” I sighed. “And then it got worse whether I did something or not…” “Oh… I guess that’s why they bit you.” Fry said. “What did you do?” I looked down. “A lot of things…I don’t know if you’ll hate me because of it, but I had to do a lot of things to make sure our family was safe way before we met the Foundation…” “Well, we learned in school that on Armageddon that’s how things can be. There’s a lot of bad people here…” “As I’ve learned from the planet themselves…there is a difference between Evil and Bad.” I explained. “The Chaos Guilds, like Lust, those are bad guys, what I did may have been evil but I did those things because I had to.” “... Monsters killing Monsters…” Fry said, making me look up at them. “It’s something my Beast Taming magic teacher told me. Men don’t kill men, monsters kill men and men kill monsters… but sometimes it takes a monster to kill a monster.” He said.  “Yeah…I’ve heard that saying many times…” I sighed. “Bu…I’m doing this all for you and the rest of our family.” “I know.” He said, putting Shinx down and petting them. “After all, I’m here because of what you had to do.” I froze, feeling my blood run cold… “I…h-how did…when…?” “Heh, it’s not hard to realize I’m not the same as my Siblings dad.” Fry chuckled. “And I’m not from a pod. I don’t know the full details… but I know I came from… bad people. All my human siblings and a few of my pony siblings came from Puritan Colonies. Same as me. Moms said you came home with us all, some as babies, the others older. I asked the older ones and they said they don’t remember anything before coming home here, just a… fear, and dread whenever you were mentioned or when they saw you. Not that hard to put two and two together from that.” “Well…I guess that makes sense.” I said.  “It’s why I’m glad you kept me. It would have been… easier for you to give us to someone else. Like my birth mom. Found out through Venus my birth mom gave me to you after I was born. I know she lives outside the walls…” He sighed. “Not the…best ways I wanted you to learn all this.” I admitted. “But…she trusted me to take care of you, even though I…turned that Puritan colony to ash…she believed I would be a good father for you.” “And you accepted. You could have said no, or even gave me to someone else, but you took me and the others in. In the end, you felt guilty.” “Yes…and everyone says that’s what makes me different from all the terrible people on this planet…when I started to think I was becoming one of them…” “It’s what makes me glad you’re my dad. Anyone else would have killed mom while I was in her and… I wouldn’t be here.” “And I’m still glad to have you here Fry.” I said,  moving close and lightly nuzzling my son. “Heh, that tickles.” He laughed. “I do have one question though… Why did you name me after the protagonist from Futurama?” “Uh…it was a combination of me being bad at names, especially not knowing human names… and I just binged Futurama…” I said sheepishly. “Pst! Ha!” Fry laughed. “Well, guess it could be worse. Come on, I just gotta feed and check their water then we can take a walk through the forests.” “Alright.” I nodded. “And hopefully I can make friends with all your animal friends.” Feeding and checking all the water troughs and food bowls was easy. Fry would make their meals from food they foraged while he was away. Usually just mixing them together or if he had the time, used fish or shellfish. Once that was all done and they were all happy, we headed off through the woods. The various trees and such almost reminded me of home. Fry navigated through here with an almost expert ease, and I noticed there were markings on some trees too that we walked by. “And where are we going?” I inquired. “Seem’s well traveled if all the markings on the trees are anything to go by.” “I come here a lot. I can practice my beast taming here and I enjoy the scenery.” Fry said.  We soon approached a field with some wildflowers growing all around, and on one of the trees here was a large bee hive. I watched him raise a hand up, the circles and matrix of magic flowing from his arm and around it. The hive lit up and soon faded. Fry then walked up to the hive, the bees all backing away from them as he took some of the honey out on a spoon he pulled from his assistant.  “Want some?” He asked. “Sure.” I said, taking the spoon with my magic and eating the honey to see how well it was. It was very sweet, not quite like eating sugar or caramel, but it was almost like… Honey Syrup. Mom put it on pancakes, waffles… it was just Honey she mixed with some maple syrup, or so she told me, but it tasted good, and this tasted the same. “This…” I started to tear up. “It…tastes like the honey syrup mom put on pancakes back home…” “Heh, wild flowers plus this tree, the honey and the sap inside must mix.” Fry said. “I usually only ever take a jar at a time.” “That’s fair.” I nodded. “But…it tastes like home…” “What’s your home reality like dad?” “My home reality…” I sighed. “It was…nice, colorful, full of friendship, magic, a weird thing always happening on Tuesday for some reason…but that was Equis, and it was home.” “Do you miss it?” “Well…sometimes.” I admitted. “Just…how simple life was back then, even if I really didn’t have any goal in life or a cutie mark…it was still home…it was simple and…the biggest thing is that, well, I just miss mom.” I explained. “But I’m happy to be here, even with all this craziness going on, I still have all of you, my family…and I can’t give that up.” “Sounds nice.” He said, taking a seat amongst the flowers. I sat next to them. “I guess that’s why I come here a lot. Lot of us like to come here because it’s… simple. Inside the walls there’s life and… stuff, outside the walls there’s craziness… but here it’s just… peaceful.” He sighed as he laid down on the grass. “Yeah…” I said, laying down on the grass, feeling the earth that’s so full of life instead of it trying to cling to life. “It’s nice…and this is what I’m fighting for.” “Do you ever wonder if there are others like you out there? People trying to make a difference where they can?” “I’m sure there are.” I said honestly. “It would be cool to meet some of them, cause I think someone like Tina would enjoy helping me fix things.” “Who’s Tina?” Fry asked. "Have you seen a really big Zinogre lady roaming around?" I inquired. “Uh… Not sure what a Zingore is.”  I frowned, wondering what I could do to define what she was…but then just went to my Assistant and showed him a picture of a Zinogre. “This is a Zinogre, a playful term I’ve heard is ‘Thunder Pupper’.” “Oh, I’ve seen a large wolf lady like that around. I think someone called her the town swinger? What’s a swinger?” Heh… “Uh…basically she is very open to doing lewd things with many different people.” “Oh. Like you?” What?! “Maybe I didn’t explain it properly, but I am not like that lady.” I shook my head. “But including everyone you have… nineteen partners, all of which you had kids with, and then everyone is saying you had a date with Miss Barb, how does that not make you a swinger?” I took a deep breath… Uh… “Alright, so the difference between being in a Herd, or Harem as it’s normally called, and being a Swinger is that  I am in a loving relationship with each and everyone of my spouses, and I do indeed like Barb and want to continue dating her, and a Swinger is someone who would go up to a random person and ask them to have sex for no other reason then they wanted to.” “Oh like Mamma Jackie and you.” I groaned. “Isn’t she usually asking you for sex? She and the others like her?” Okay… this is… shit… “There is a difference, Breeder’s are…” I sighed. “I know. I’m messing with you now.” Fry said, laughing. “Yeah yeah.” I shook my head. “But…I’m glad to see you happy Fry.” “All in all, I can’t complain about anything. Life has been pretty good.” “That’s good.” I nodded. I was glad Fry was doing well. He was a good kid, and that made me happy. The next day arrived and I was off to see my son Sachiel. Based on the photo from the files, He has all neon green fur. He’s quadrupedal only, so he walks on all fours but he can use his front paws like hands so that’s interesting. He’s feral in terms of body type but has some anthropomorphic traits.  I walked up and knocked on Sacheil’s door. “Sachiel? You in here?” There wasn’t a reply. I opened the door and was hit by the scent of dirt. Looking around Sachiel’s room I saw there was a lot of dirt in the carpet. A few bins with dirt covered items, random little things mostly, even his bed seemed to have small bits of dirt and tiny pebbles on it. “There’s…a lot of dirt.” I admitted, wondering where my son could be right now. He wasn’t in his room, so I left it, closing the door and heading to the living room. No one was here so I went to the kitchen, finding Jada was eating waffles with a mug of coffee that was more like a large soup bowl with a handle. “Hey Jada.” I said. “How you doing?” “Sleepy…” She muttered, almost letting her face drop into her coffee before taking a huge gulp.  “Just woke up or something else?” “Gamed all night.” She said, now managing to shovel some of her waffles into her mouth. “Yeah, I know that pain.” I nodded. “Do you know where Sacheil is?” “He’s usually in the Tunnels when there’s no school…” She yawned. “And…where’s the Tunnels?” I asked. “Just look for the big ass hole near the eastern walls…” She yawned again, drinking more coffee.  “Alright.” I said. “And please get your sleep, I know you’re a big gamer but please, your rest is very important.” “Hehe… for now anyway…” She sleepily chuckled. “Sleep will let you game better.” I said honestly, gently patting her head. “Have a nice day Jada.” I said, heading off to find Sachiel to hang out with him. I decided to fly up, getting an aerial-  “Hold it.” I paused, turning to see one of the New Foundation Security stop me. “You have a flight permit?” He asked me. “Really?” I asked, showing my Guard badge believing this would get this guard off me. “You might be a guard but you still need a flight permit to fly within the walls.” They said. “Otherwise air traffic under the dome would get backed up.” I looked around, not seeing a damn person in the sky besides the two of us. “Yeah…traffic is really zoomin today.” I said slowly. “I’m just trying to find the Tunnels, I’m not Jaywalking here…or Jayflying?” “Head east towards Ruins Ave, and you’ll know you’re there when you see the giant hole filled with elevators.” “Thank you.” I nodded, heading off to the Tunnels now. “When the hell did we suddenly need permits to fly? Do they landlock people that can only fly to move around or something?” I thought to myself. Walking there wasn’t that long thankfully and I did indeed see what Jada and that guard meant when they mentioned a gant hole. It was maybe a quarter mile in circumference and elevators were going up and down into it. I looked around, seeing most people here seemed to be carrying around pickaxes, shovels, large hand held drills and such. So it’s a mineshaft. “I shouldn’t be surprised…” I thought to myself, trotting along to see if there’s a service elevator down so I could see my kid. There were several levels. Level one through seven. Hmm… Which one could he be on… how far down does this even go? So instead of taking a wild guess, I decided to walk over to someone that knew what they were doing. “Excuse me, do you know what area Sachiel is?” I inquired to the one miners politely. “Who?” They asked, looking down at me as they were a rather tall… triclops looking person.  “Neon green quadruped?” I said. “Or do you know someone that would know where he is?” “Neon green… dire wolf pup right?” They asked. I nodded. “Yeah, that kids been coming here for three years. Usually he’s on level four.” “Thank you.” I nodded. “Have a nice day.” I said to the triclops as I headed to one of the elevator’s to hopefully head down to level four. I pushed the level four button and the thing felt like it dropped, moving at a scary speed down as I passed one large opening, then another, and another. It began to slow down, breaks squeaking and stopping right at the forth large opening. Lights mounted into the dense dirt and rock of the walls lit up the area, revealing various tunnels and that the massive main cavern stretched very far back. I looked up, seeing the entrance was not even visible from here. How far down am I?! “Uh…huh…” I said weakly, thinking about how deep we were if this was the fourth floor. I walked onto the ground… immediately my earth pony senses felt the ground here was… different. The earth higher up was… aching. Suffering and oftentimes scared even. Here, it was like… calm. Not at ease, or peaceful, not even happy but just… calm. Interesting… I began walking down the massive main chamber, looking for my son. Come on, where are you? “Can you sense him at all Cheat?” I mentally asked my Symbiote, given she could also sense people when my normal senses couldn’t cut it. “Button, I’m an armor/biological symbiote… magic is not my strong suit let alone something I know how to use. I’d modify your nose but you don’t know his scent to track.” Cheat said. I sighed. “Fine fine…at least worth a try.” I thought, trotting along trying to find my son. I kept an ear and eye out, looking around all the- A chunk of the wall broke open, two large paws reaching out followed by a neon green dire wolf pup crawling out of the falling dirt and behind them was a long tunnel. They shook the dirt off then looked over and noticed me. “Oh, hey dad.” He nodded, then started walking elsewhere. “Hey Satchiel, how you doing today?” I inquired, following along my, apparently, dig happy pup. “Digging.” He said, putting his nose to the ground and taking some scents in. “And I can see you are good at it.” I said honestly. “I heard you started digging three years ago, mind if I ask what brought this on?” “I have a good nose.” He said simply, walking over to a spot on the ground and began digging down. “I’d find things in the parks and such. When this place opened up Mamma Maud took me to try it out and I’ve been coming ever since.” He said, moving the dirt away until he found a small square of dirty metal. He brushed it off a little, then placed it into his Assistant. “I can tell, and with your big paws you are able to dig really well.” I said honestly. “Yeah. Helps with the really tough dirt and softer rocks. Mamma Maud can do way more though.” I nodded, remembering how we first met… I followed Sachiel as he walked and was sniffing around the dirt and rocks. “So…I wanted to say this is our father son bonding day…” I said, even though I felt a twinge in my heart that I might just be a bother to him during his work. “Alright.” He said, sniffing along a wall. He began digging into it with more enthusiasm and soon a small but shimmering aqua glue gemstone was revealed. “Ah, this is a good one.” He said, managing to pop it out and grab it in his paw. “Oh? And what’s this gemstone?” I inquired. “This is a Water Elemental Gemstone.” He said. He gripped it, the gem glowing as suddenly water began pouring out from the gem itself, like from a faucet. He took a few drinks from it then offered it to me. I took a sip. The water from this gem was like… it was room temperature, but tastes like the freshest spring water. Like some expensive brand of bottled water sold in various places. “Room temp, but that is the purest water I have ever drank.” I said honestly. “That’s how Elemental Gems work. They’re loaded with primal creation energy. Naturally mined ones like this are always a useful find, and there are even artificial elemental gems people can make if they have the right ingredients and Crafting Abilities.” “Awesome.” I said. “What do you normally do with these special ores or gems you find?” I inquired. “Some I keep, others I give to the siblings that craft items.” He said, putting the gem into his assistant before walking around and sniffing again. “That’s cool.” I nodded, still following along. “Got any hobbies besides mining?” “Not really. I usually just dig and listen to music or audiobooks while I do.” He said, sniffing along the ground and walls. “That’s fair.” I nodded. “What’s your favorite audiobook?” “Nothing Can Create Life.” He said. “Hmm…does that involve the Nothingness energies I’ve heard here and there?” “Yeah. It’s a loosely based story on the first god of Nothingness.” He nodded, stopping at a corner where the walls meet the floor and dug in some. He dug in a fair amount and eventually pulled out what looked like fossil of some leaf. “Eh.” He said, tossing it. I grabbed the stone and looked at it. “This is a Leaf Stone…” I said in surprise. “Can these mine’s produce any kind of metals or gems?” "If it can be dug from inside the earth then anything can be found here. I hear back at the New Foundation main colony they found huge underground cities buried whole and all kinds of huge ore deposits. The deeper you go the more often you find stuff, be it ore, random stuff or even dungeons and such. The deepest I hear some say is back on Homeworld where the oldest and deepest mines have endless deposits of high value, extremely rare ores and such." “That’s really cool.” I said honestly. "Mining and digging can lead to all sorts of cool stuff. Just takes work sometimes." He shrugged, digging into another part of the wall. He dug to a while and eventually pulled out a large curved sword. Despite the dust it seemed in good condition. "Meh." He shrugged, dropping it and began walking off. I grabbed the weapon, as apparently his ‘meh’s’ were now my treasure. “And why are you giving meh’s to some of this?” “They don’t interest me.” He said simply as he walked along the main tunnel. We walked along the main tunnel when the ground began to shake some. Suddenly one of the walls burst open and slamming against what looked to be a small minotaur teen who was wrestling some ungodly amalgamation of various body parts merged together in a melted/fused form of some demonic worm. “Hey Kile.” Sachiel said. “Hey Sach!” The minotaur teen said, managing to toss the monster aside before blasting it with some blinding magic that seemed to incinerate the whole thing at once. He then dusted himself off. “Who’s that?” They asked, motioning to me. “My dad.” “Ah.” “Hi there.” I nodded to the minotaur. “It’s nice to meet you, I presume your friend’s with my son?” “Yeah, been keeping an eye on them since they like to tunnel so far from the main chamber so much.” Kile chuckled.  “It’s not that bad.” Sachiel said. “Maybe but you don’t wanna run into a Corpse Worm alone.” He said. “A Corpse Worm?” I asked worriedly. “Yeah, that thing I just killed. Monsters like that tunnel underground and sometimes we run into pockets full of undead and such.” He said. “Thankfully Underground dungeons don’t respawn enemies until New Years.” “Alright, that’s…good to know.” I nodded. “Thank you for keeping my son safe…” I said, cause while I am happy that he found a friend and fellow miner…I still keep feeling hurt by not being here for my family… “So, looking for anything specific this time Sach or are ya just exploring to explore?” Kile asked. “Mostly just looking for whatever. Dad seems to be taking whatever I leave behind.” Sachiel said. “You do know most of what you find and toss you could sell, and most of what you keep is scrap and junk stuff.” “It’s better raw materials.” “So far I’ve collected a Leaf Stone and a pretty neat looking sword.” I said honestly. “And never underestimate scrap or junk, cause sometimes it could magically turn into something amazing.” “Heh, you trying to be one of the five Brothers Sach?” Kile chuckled. “No, but people need raw materials, and ingots are easier to buy than to make.” Sachiel said. “Heh, fair. You could recycle the stuff you’re tossing too you know.” “Yeah, but that’s more work.” “Sometimes the extra bit can lead to a lot more good things.” I admitted. “But how good is your sense of smell with all these materials?” “Good enough. I can usually find stuff a few feet into the dirt.” Sachiel said. “Once watched him dig out an entire forty pound ore deposit of Moonstone.” Kile chuckled. “The bigger it is, the more likely I can smell it from deeper in the ground.” “That’s really cool.” I said with a smile. “And you must be really strong to dig all that by yourself son.” “I’ve built up some muscle, and I managed to get some strength boosting abilities.” Sachiel said.  “That’s good to hear.” I nodded. “Yeah, kids working hard down here. Gonna join the Resource Collectors when he’s of age.” Kile said with a smirk. “It’s a good job option, plus all the metals needed to expand the walls and such have to come from somewhere.” “Yeah that’s fair.” I nodded. “And you would do great in Resource Collector’s.” “He’s a natural talent.” Kile nodded. “Welp, I gotta head off. Need to check for more worms.” Kile ran off down the tunnel and I walked next to Sachiel who kept sniffing around for more items hidden under the dirt. “And this is what you do for the better part of a day?” “When I don’t have school, yeah.” He said, starting to dig into part of the dirt wall. “And how is school going for ya?” I asked,wondering if I could help out the digging. “Alright. Grades are average.” He said, something starting to poke out of the ground. He kept digging around it. Exposing more. “Oh? What’d you find?” I inquired, seeing that it was actually quite big. “Looks like another sword or something. Seems pretty big.” He said, digging out the handle of it that was, indeed, extremely large. “Must be a claymore or something similar.” “Well, let me help.” I said, forming my claws and helping Sachiel dig out the huge sword. “Nah, you can dig it out if you want but it’s not something I plan on taking anyway.” He shrugged. I nodded. For some reason I felt compelled to pull this thing out. It took more effort than I expected, but I managed to pull the huge thing out. It was a sword but had an… interesting design. The handle was large, the blade was fat and hefty, and the top ended in what looked almost like… maybe a star? It was heavily rusted and caked in old dirt. “Huh…that’s new.” I said, lightly dusting it off with my wing to get a better look at it. The metal seemed good still, despite the rust. I could sense some magic within it, a thin fragment of something clinging to life. I used Scan, wondering what this is. Scan Complete! Item: Lunatic Class: Claymore Weapon Tier: F Warning! Weapon is Heavily Damaged! Repair for Proper Status Display. “Uh…okay.” I said honestly. “Going to have to ask around what this thing really is and how to fix it…” I hummed, putting the Claymore away for the time being and following after my son. I followed Sachiel around, keeping whatever he didn’t want and helping him dig up larger items. “Do you think ___ put that there intentionally?” “No, that was naturally there. He lucked out.” “Well damn. ___ is gonna lose their shit.” “You think Button will be able to reign in all that power? Lunatic has always been fickle from what you and ___ tell me.” “It will take time. If he is to wield it properly and safely, he will need to understand his rage and where the spark that started it came from, otherwise the fire will burn him and his loved ones to nothing. As is, he’s often barely containing his anger over trivial things. He has a long way to go to ever be a master of anything, let alone Berserker.” “I mean…let’s be real here, poor guy’s been through a lot and his anger has been teetering on the brink because of the spark, and he doesn’t really have a good outlet since he’s now hard focused on his kids…and beating himself up over how much he missed.” “And yet we both know there is more he will be put through. He will need a real mentor, like Midoriya with the Saint.” “Do you have someone in mind or will he have to stumble around to find them? Also…still hate how this crap is still going on…even if it is a necessary evil…” “We both know what happens when evil is removed, attempted to be removed, or left to run wild. As for a mentor… That Parker fellow that was helping him earlier was doing a good job, at least until the New Foundation moved in and settled down. We might have to apply some work arounds to get the desired results.” “I know…but what do you have in mind?” “Later. For now, let him enjoy his time of peace with his kids. We can aid him in smaller ways that will make a larger impact later on, but nothing major or direct. Still can’t believe ___ made that David guy a special Keyblade that perfectly works with Generation. And then ___’s plans with the other David and them… Ugh, this is such a pain.” “And then there’s the plan’s going on with Midoriya, and the nightmare his Keyblade is going to be…and here we thought ___ would have made sure that overpowered nonsense would stay away.” “To be fair, we both know just how much ___ HATES Armageddon… and the Chaos Guilds, are you surprised they only made it do that? Compared to what it did before?” “Let’s just be glad they used it like…pff, what, once?” “True, then nerfed it after. Well, let’s check the ___ so we can plan out what we can sneak this angry horse.”  I came home and immediately took a shower. I was caked in dirt from digging with Sachiel. Once I was clean I went to bed. The next morning I was up and ready to meet the next child. Theo. My next son was anthropomorphic like his mother, he had blue underbelly fur and the rest of his body was covered in brown fur like my own fur color. He also seemed to have a more pony-like tail rather than a wolf tail. I knocked on the door. “Theo? You in here?” “Come in!” I heard them call. I opened the door and was greeted by seeing them seated at a desk, an Assistant Menu open on a screen display and them going through a menu. “Hey Theo, how you doing?” I asked, walking in and closing the door behind me. “Good. Sachiel got me a lot of raw materials last night and I’m trying to process them now.” He said, pressing one of the menu buttons and appearing in a flash of light before him was a small metal ingot. “That’s cool.” I nodded. “I suppose you’re more into all the crafting and restoring things here?” I asked, though my first thought was a professional from the crafters guild, I might as well see what my son has to say about Lunatic. "Yeah. Aunt Mei got me into it." He chuckled, making several more ingots then putting them back into his Assistant. “That’s good.” I nodded. “Hey, can you check something for me?” I inquired, pulling out Lunatic from my Assistant. “Want some second opinion’s before heading off to the Crafter’s Guild.” "Hmm…" Theo hummed as he looked the rusty weapon over. "It's still got a spark of magic despite the damage… It looks like it's mostly cosmetic…" He said. I noticed the way his eyes flashed as he seemed to be using Scan. "Ah. Interesting." “What up?” I inquired. "Well, I'm not an expert but I think this is a Sentient Weapon." He said. "It seems to need a wielder to achieve full strength, and Moonlight to awaken properly." Huh. Makes sense, moon is technically in the name.   “Alright, I’ll get it fully checked out later.” I nodded. “Thank you Theo…just randomly found it when I was with Sachiel and it was like it…called to me.” "Makes sense. If it is a Sentient Weapon then it's likely compatible with you for one reason or another." He nodded. “Yeah, I’ll have to get it checked after this.” I nodded. “So, how long have you been into all the crafting stuff?” "Just in the last few months really. I've always been interested in how things are made. Used to take toys apart when I was younger and try and put them back together. Some month ago Aunt Mei gave me some raw materials and showed me the Assistant internal crafting menu. It's limited without upgrades or abilities but it's pretty useful as is." “That’s fair.” I nodded. “I’m sure you’ll be an amazing crafter if you keep this.” "Maybe." He shrugged. "It's definitely an option before I have to begin apprenticeships." “So, got any other hobbies?” I inquired. "Sometimes I listen to music and think about stuff." "That's fair." I nodded. "What…do you think about me being back?" "I don't really know. Moms always said you'd be back but now that you are it's kinda… different?" "How different?" I inquired. "I dunno. The house just kinda feels different. I can't really explain it." "I understand." I nodded. "When I first came back…I felt like a stranger here…it felt like I wasn't wanted…but then things started to get better." "Well, how has it been going on your end?" "Well…while I'm always reminded of the pain of not being with you all for ten years, I'd say I'm doing rather well with at least trying to be a good dad." "That's good. So you're doing well then?" "For the most part." I nodded. "Just…trying my best." "That's good. Lot of people don't try at all." "People should try to be better…cause if not, then none of us would be here." "Yeah. I guess in a way the New Foundation is like that too. They are the only ones able to stand up to the Chaos Guilds." "And there will be more…I just know it." It took a while but I managed to find the Maintenance Workshop. After I spent time with Theo, mostly him teaching me things I didn't know about the crafting system in the assistant.  I managed to find the weaponsmiths,  As I walked around- "Well I'll be damned." I looked over… woah. Mei had grown, she wasn't a teenager anymore, the one that came with me to Armageddon. Now she was an adult, her long pink hair kept in two tightly wrapped ponytails, her figure… healthy, and she wore the same old goggles she did before. "Long time no see Button." She smiled as she shook my hoof. "It's been a while Mei, how are you doing?" I asked with a smile, shaking her hand happily. "Been good. Heard you were back and was wondering when you'd pop in around the workshops." "Yeah, sorry about not coming in sooner, just had a lot of things to do." I said sheepishly. "But I have something for you to look at and hopefully restore." I said, pulling out Lunatic for her. "Holy…shit…" She said, looking the blade over. "Where did you find this?" "Sachiel randomly found it in the Mines, and it…called me." I said carefully. "So…why do you sound surprised?" "Because this is a weapon usually found in level four and five dungeons. Never seen one this beat up though." She said. "Come on, I'll tell you more in my workshop." I nodded, picking Lunatic up and following her to a workshop filled with various parts, machines and raw ores and other machines making or repairing stuff. "Okay, so how much do you know about Nothingness?" "Not much, I know it's the opposite of Void and that it has its own brand of creatures called Nobodies but not much else." "Alright… know anything about All Maker King?" "I know that they're like…the number one fashion and porn star." I said sheepishly. "I mean…even here, I've found a few magazines about…all those topics…" I said sheepishly. "Right… well, guess it's time for an abridged history lesson." Mei said with a sigh. "So, All Maker King is also known as the Admin of Nothingness, and the second King of Nothingness. King and their Council possess powerful artifacts, weapons inherited from the first King of Nothing. The King's Berserker is the wielder of Lunatic, a claymore built for high impact and large areas of effect attacks. Only the Berserker and King themselves can wield the original Lunatic, but copies that carry its properties and power exist. This is one of them." "Wow…" I blinked, looking at the weapon. "So it's a berserker weapon huh? Can you fix it?" She motioned for me to put it on the table. I did and she immediately began using her Scan Ability on it. "Hmm… well most of this damage is cosmetic but the magic core is damaged too… that's different. Maybe it's a rare variant? Or perhaps defective loot…" Mei muttered. "Well…maybe it just needs a spark to fix the core?" I suggested. "Cause there's many pieces of media where an old damaged weapon became good as new with the correct action…if thats even a thing…" "Normally yeah but that's more for dormant weapons. This one's Core is damaged. For magic weapons, a damaged core is a very bad thing." “So how do we fix it? Cause I have enough money to fund whatever nonsense you need to do to fix this.” "Money isn't the issue here. Core magic is tricky to work with. It's the equivalent to a soul for the weapon. A damaged one will be tricky to repair without any soul essence… maybe a donor can work?"  “How much of my soul do I need to put in it?” I asked, really not wanting to use someone else’s soul because of this. “Er…well, I could also get Yuri to fix it now that I think about it…” "Pst. Please, don't insult me." Mei said, smirking. "And it's not like it needs a lot. A few shavings will work and hell if it does work then you and this weapon will be nearly symbiotic." “Well…having another symbiote with me wouldn’t be too bad.” I said honestly. “So how will this work?” "I said nearly and it won't be like having another symbiote." Mei waved off. "It would almost be like… having a Keyblade or even a Soul Blade." She said, pulling out an odd knife that's blade seemed to be as clear as glass. "Now then for those shavings." “That’s all cool…and how do we do this? I just raise my hoof and you shave it off like trimming my fur?” "Something like that." She said, kneeling down and brought the knife up to my leg. To my shock the blade slid into my body. I felt nothing other than a full chill that crawled across my back as Mei brought the knife down. Once she did I saw a thin slice of a shimmering light slip from inside my leg. She grabbed it and quickly put it atop Lunatic. "That should be enough." “Th-that felt…awful….” I shuddered. “So cold…” "That is, as they say, the touch of death." Mei said. "That knife is made from the elemental Death Gem. It's one of the few things that can even touch a soul." “Wh-why is Death an element?” I asked. "Things are born and things die, even in this reality." She said. "Would be silly to not have Death as an element." “I mean…that’s fair but still...” I said nervously. “So, with some of my soul, what next?” "Now I perform some very complex and tricky magic work. Oh and don't worry about that sliver, your main soul will regenerate that missing sliver in a few hours to a day max." She said, putting a hand on Lunatic. Immediately a black rift opened up over the weapon and inside I could make out… It pulsated, almost like a heartbeat and glowed with the soft light of a full moon. The core looked cracked and was even missing a piece on one side of it. “That’s…a lot of damage…” I thought to myself, not wanting to make any noises cause this was something even Mei said was difficult and tricky. I sat there and let Mei do her work. I didn't know what she was doing but little by little the soul silver of mine began to shrink and the cracks and missing chunk on the core of Lunatic began to become whole. It took about an hour and a half but eventually she finished, the core looking whole, if a bit discolored. With another wave of her hand the rift over it closed. "There. Now all you gotta do is wield this thing under moonlight and it should activate." “Cool.” I nodded, gently taking Lunatic and checking the time to see how long it would take till the moon was up. Let's see… sunset in… half an hour, cool! I decided to rush out to the gates, heading outside just in case and I made my way atop a tall building. Once the moon was high in the sky I figured it best I change to a humanoid form and picked it up with both hands. When I shifted to my human form, I gripped the handle with both hands and held it up, the blade pointed towards the sky. “Let’s hope this works…” I muttered, taking a deep breath as I raised it to the sky so it could bathe in the Moon’s light. At first, it felt like nothing was happening. Disappointment began to hit me until the tip began to shimmer, a blinding almost metallic gray light glowing down the blade, revealing it to be an elegant blend of chrome, blue and gold colorings. Woa- "Rage." I buckled, the weight suddenly feeling like it was ten tons as it was in my hands. Still, despite trying I can't let go, like the same force that was giving it this immeasurable weight was also keeping me from dropping it. "Wrath…" Again, the weight increased, the tip flowing and pulsating first with a white light that then turned crimson. "Hatred…" I crashed down through the building, inside and landing hard with my knees snapping. I couldn't even swear from the pain, this pressure… "Vengeance…" The pressure began to dull my senses. First hearing, then sight, even smell, and lastly touch. The pain I felt grew dull and I began to feel… light… "Worthy…" The pressure suddenly vanished, all my senses coming back as suddenly I felt I could breath, taking in a gasp of air as I collapsed to my back. I could feel my knees being repaired via symbiote support… What… the fuck… was that…? “What…” I muttered. “What the hell happened?” I asked all my Symbiotes. "I don't fucking know but never do it again!" Cheat yelled. “I…” I tried to think of something to say…but all I did was look at Lunatic, it looking…clean, pure…”What…did you do?” I asked my new weapon. I got no response. I wanted to move but… shit… how much did that… take… out…of…me… > Chapter 16: Intermission > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ugh… wh-what happened? I felt like my body was covered in lead weights as I was pushing myself up. I was covered in a dirty blanket on a stained mattress… what? “About time you woke up?” As my vision adapted to the low light level I noticed the speaker, whose voice was so rough and gravelly It sounded like someone took sandpaper to it, was a rotting pony. I almost attacked were it not for the fact they just raised a brow at me. “What? Never seen a ghoul before?” “Uh…I’ve only met the…’mindless’ ones.” I said slowly. “And…who are you?” “Name’s Soft Spot. Just call me Spot.” He shrugged. “You made a lot of noise last night. Was tricky getting you out of there before the nasty fuckers got to make a meal out of ya.” “S-sorry about that…just did a thing with a special weapon.” I said. “Names Button Mash.” “Ah, I heard about you. Lot of people lost out on the betting pool when you showed back up.” Spot said as he lifted the blinds on a window, the sunlight stung my eyes. “What brings you out into the infested areas? And pregnant to boot?” “Well…I was out here because of this.” I said, bringing out Lunatic. “This…did a number on me.” “Heh. Well, hope it was worth it.” He shrugged. “If you can stand, mind helping me with something?” “Sure.” I said, trying to stand up as I’m pretty sure I could at least do that. I managed to force myself up, feeling a bit shaky but able to stand. Spot lead me out of the room and into another where there was… The first thing I noticed were all the prize pods. The room was full of this. The second was the odd statues. It was two people, one looking in shock or terrified, arms stretched out as if to feebly catch whatever was attacking them. The other was hugging the first, a tearful expression as they clutched them tight. The fearful one looked like a ram, a pair of feathered wings both on their back and a smaller pair on their head, sticking out just under their curled horns. Two long ears also hung from within the curl of their horns. The one hugging them was wolf-like with a goat’s face, two goat horns on their head and two large bat-like wings on their back. They seemed to be wearing what looked like a makeshift gown made out of a repurposed labcoat. “Uh…huh…” I blinked. “That’s…quite something, what do you need help with?” “Transporting these pods back to the New Foundation as well as those two.” He motioned to the statues. “Despite their appearance, those are people. Looks like they got cursed. At least that’s what Scan told me.” “Right…” I said, using my Scan on the two to see if I could learn what kind of curse they are under. Scan Complete! Notice! Scanned individuals are under a Gorgons Curse! They will remain petrified until proper potion or curse dispel spell have been administered. “Right, got hit by a Gorgon…that sucks, but I’m sure there’s someone that can help them out.” I said readily. “There’s plenty of doctors and apothecaries around that could fix this.” “That’s why I need to get all these folks out of here. I can pocket all the pods but you think you can carry those cursed two?” “I can do that.” I nodded, shifting both of my hands to be big enough to carry the two without damaging them. Spot put all the pods into their assistant and I walked with them down towards the exit of this building. “Alright, you stay close. These undead don’t bother me so as long as you keep close they won’t bother you either.” “Alright.” I nodded, staying close to Spot. “So, how long have you been here?” “Three years. Like you just woke up here in this reality one day.” So, he’s Isekai? “Have to say, could have ended up in a worse place. These things didn’t bother me. Almost got confused for one by some New Foundation loot scavengers. Heh, that was an awkward first meeting.” “I can imagine, it’s quite a change from being home to being here.” I admitted. “Eh, not that different if I’m honest.” Spot shrugged. “Back home was a nuclear hellscape. It’s how I ended up like this. Radiation didn’t kill me, just sorta… mutated me. Undead don’t bother me, don’t need that much food or water. Need radiation every so often otherwise I risk going feral, and there’s death and crap to deal with daily. Only difference is that people here treat me better than most back home do.” “Huh…that sounds…weirdly familiar.” I said with a frown. “Well, what did you do before coming here?” “Was a scavenger. Scrap metal, old weapons, whatever sold. I was helping this… filly, she needed help and had a foal, but I… don’t know what happened to her now that I’m here. Just hope she’s making good use of my place. It’s plenty safe and she’s got my resources to make the caps to live off of for her filly and herself.” “That sucks…” I sighed. “Leaving family isn’t fun…” “I guess they were family. Closest I ever had anyway.” Spot nodded. “At least they got a decent stockpile of stuff and some security robots that can help them keep safe.” He sighed. “So, what about you?” “Well, my world wasn’t a nuclear wasteland for starters…it was pretty average, I got by with my job and all that…but…I lost mom which still sucks for me.” “She pass or did you leave her behind when you arrived here?” “Left her behind when I got here.” I said honestly. “Even though I’m in a world of wonder and amazement…leaving family and getting homesick sucks.” “Can’t argue with that.” He said as we approached the entrance/exit to the building. “Alright, keep close and keep quiet. These fuckers are dumb but still angsty. Come on then, let’s head off.”  With that, we exited the building. There was infected all over the street. I looked to Spot, who suddenly had a very… unsettling looking book floating in front of him and suddenly the infected around us began to stagger off away from us. He motioned for me to walk and I did, keeping close and next to him as I did. “Honestly surprised there’s another one that just…spawned here…that’s the third one…” I thought worriedly.  It was a slow walk but whatever that book was kept them away from us, at least by ten feet or so. Eventually we made it to the gates of the New Foundation zone and once we entered were quickly screened. “Alright, you found these two like this?” A medic asked as he was looking over the petrified two. “Yeah. Almost passed over them but I figured the way they were posed was too… abnormal for normal statues.” Spot said. “Yeah, they got cursed by a Gorgon.” I said to the medic. “Got anything to help them out?” “Yes, a dispel Curse spell is simple enough… Hmm, interesting.” He said, looking at their arms. “They don’t have Assistants.” “They’re Isekai too? Yikes, what a way to wind up here.” Spot said. “Yeah, that’s gotta suck…” I said carefully. “Alright, stand back a bit. Not sure how they’ll react upon coming out of this.” The medic said. The three of us all backed up some, and he cast the spell. The stone began cracking, breaking from the top down until it fell off like a shell. First, they both gasped, in the shock backed away from one another as the two were collecting themselves. “M-Micheal?” The wolf-goat asked. Their voice was shaky. “G… Gallon?” The winged ram asked, confusion in their tone. “Hi there.” I said to the two softly. I don’t think they heard me, especially as the wolf-goat then tackled the ram and began crying into their fur. “I-i- I thought you…” “Hey, hey I… don’t know what’s going on, but it’s alright…” The ram said, hugging the wolf-goat. “I’m here…” Well… clearly something happened here… “My name's Button Mash.” I tried to introduce myself. “I’m a friend.” The two finally looked over at me. “Holy crap an alicorn!” Micheal said. “And me without my camera or samples kit…” Gallon said, despite still being rather teary eyed and a little snot nosed from his crying. At that moment, the two seemed to look around and realize their surroundings. “Where the fuck are we?” Micheal asked. “If this is hell, it’s a lot less on fire than I was led to believe.” Gallon said. “You are not in Hell.” I said honestly. “Tell me…what was the last thing you remember?” “I remember… I was running…” Micheal said. “I was leading a small team into the forest to find the source of the extinction event and… then I… It’s all fuzzy from there…” “... You were gone for two weeks…” Gallon spoke up, still clinging to Micheal. “Everyone thought you died but I just… I couldn’t accept that. I went looking for you and… I found you, petrified and… and… agh… I can’t remember what happened after… All I remember is… dread. I thought I lost you…” “Well…you’re not the only ones.” I said, seeing both look at me. “I’m like you, just less…Gorgon threat. I walked into a cave, then I started to see green ones and zeros for a second before appearing in this world.” “What? Like computer code?” Micheal asked, him and Gallon standing up. They were both just maybe six or seven inches taller than me. “And what do you mean ‘this world’?” “Yeah, kind of like computer code…and ‘This World’ is…complicated.” “Wait…” Gallon started. “We’re in another world… Oh my god we’ve been Isekai’d!” He said, then laughed. “That’s not what happened… right?” Micheal asked, looking over at me. “That is exactly what happened.” I said honestly. “I am one of them, and my new friend Soft Spot here is also one.” I motioned to the ghoul in question. “Woah…” Gallon said as he noticed Soft Spot. “Zombie pony… neat.” “I’m a ghoul.” Soft Spot huffed. “My bad. Either way, cool.” “Just when life was getting a sense of normalcy back home… So, does this mean we… died, back in our home world?” Micheal asked me. “Well, you were cursed by a Gorgon, was there any way for you to reverse that curse?” “That would require killing a Gorgon and using its eyes to craft a potion, but it’s not an easy process with a low success rate of brewing properly.” “So technically you weren’t but if you say it’s a low chance then…I’m not sure.” “So in other words, anime trope for the win.” Gallon said with a smirk. “At least we ended up here together.” “True… could have been worse.” Micheal said, nodding as they smiled at Gallon. So, they’re clearly a thing. “Well, while I heard your names are Micheal and Gallon, who are you?” I inquired. “Well, I’m Micheal.” The winged ram said. I realized their fur was blue, same as the hair on their head, and their eyes were purple and his wings were all white. “And I’m Gallon.” The wolf-goat said. His fur was all dark gray with black highlights. His bat-like wings were a leathery black color. His eyes were also the same weird goat shape, and a dark yellowish gold color. “Alright…now next question, what are you cause I do not know what race is…such wildly different hybrids.” I said honestly. “We’re Nokori.” Micheal said. “It’s a… story how we became this.” “Noko-wha?” I asked, not hearing about this race before. “We were all once human but then one day were randomly kidnapped and turned into these fluffy crazy creatures with magical abilities thrown in. Turns out there was some weird magic building up in the nearby Hulda forest, a really dangerous and magical place and it was gonna kill all human life since humans were the most magically weak creatures on the planet, so the people who turned us into this did it so some remnant of humanity lived on after the event and it avoided greedy power hungry rich people and such from getting a free pass from the apocalypse.” Gallon said. “Yeah… basically that.” Micheal said. “Right…” I said slowly. “That’s…interesting.” “It was… an adjustment. Work had to be done quick in the early years… especially moving and burning all the… bodies…” Micheal winced. “Bright side he got to put his Archeology hobby to work exploring and remapping all the city and nearby cities.” Gallon chuckled as they grabbed Micheal around their waist.  “And I keep telling you, that is not Archeology. It was closer to archeology with me heading into Hulda to discover the source of the Event than it was every time you said it…” Micheal huffed. “I think you mean Cartography.” I said honestly. “Thank you!” Micheal said. “See? He gets it.” “No, he goes into the old buildings and gets all the good stuff too! Like warehouses, factories, all the highly secure magic facilities.” “That’s also not Archeology, that’s just scavenging and basically breaking and taking what we needed…” Micheal sighed. “So…what’s your relationship with each other? Cause I’d rather not assume and think something weird.” “Oh, we’re married.” Gallon said. “Have been for two years. At least, before the petrification.” Micheal said. “Might be more… not sure how long we were petrified so, at least two years.” “That’s good.” I nodded. “So, just as a quick rule of thumb, anything in this reality is possible.” “Right, so what does that mean for us?” Gallon asked. “It means there is an infinite amount of possibilities for what you can do.” I shrugged. “It’ll make more sense when you get situated.” “Cool… so, where are we?” Micheal asked. “Well, currently you are one of the New Foundation’s cities, one of the few safe places on the planet Armageddon.” “Oh I can already tell that if this planet is called Armageddon then it’s not a good place to be.” Gallon said. “It is a planet with every single End of the World scenario stitched together in a massive mess.” I said honestly. “The World Soul is friendly enough though, just lonely.” "Right… still processing a lot so… I'm gonna need a whole to process that information… and maybe a few drinks to even comprehend it…" Micheal said. “Well, you’ll have to talk to more professional people and get checked out first, then you can get drinks.” I said honestly. "Right." The two got some quick physicals and after those were done, even given some Assistant's. Gallon thought it was the coolest thing ever. Micheal definitely saw it's versatility and practicality alone was extremely useful given the mini map, compass and ECT. I ended up walking them through town. They two thought it was incredible, and it even reminded them a little of their home. As we were walking I winced as I noticed Alex walking across the street. That guy gives me the creeps… Thankfully he passed by without saying a word, but I did notice he gave a glance our way. A quick gaze that he returned to whatever book he was reading. I then noticed Gallon and Micheal both froze where they stood. "Fuck… you feel that?" Gallon asked. "Like something just judged us and was unimpressed?" Micheal asked. "Yeah…" Gallon said, shivering. “You get used to it…” I said carefully. “But him specifically…his name is Alex and he does indeed give me the creeps even if he’s a decent person?” I said uncommitted. "We should probably avoid him…" Micheal said. "Yeah… he gives off a seriously… unnatural vibe…" Gallon nodded. “I know what you mean…I don’t like that guy at all, but from what I dug up about him he’s perfectly clean, an outstanding doctor…I still don’t trust him.” "So… uh, that… aside, where are Gallon and I gonna stay?" Micheal asked. “Well…until you get your own place I suppose you could live with me.” I said honestly. "Wonder what we can do for work?" Gallon pondered. "Doubt you need an Archeologist and a Pope." I actually eyed Gallon at hearing that… he's a… pope? “A Pope?” I asked curiously. "Heh, Gallon here after all the rebuilding got started ended up making a sort of… church-not-church. The goal of it was not about god's or worship but more the improvement of our lives post event and the rebuilding of tech and such we'd lose the ability to use or find over time." Micheal said. "He called it the Church of Y, after the place that made us, Y Labs. He even structured it akin to how a church works and all it all it just acts as a social and civil services department/bank." "And it was all so I could make the ghosts of bigoted religious nuts scream from the afterlife." Gallon smirked. "And, ya know, all the other good stuff to help everyone." He added, earning a light elbow from Micheal. "The Pope thing was actually unplanned; it just ended up happening." He shrugged.  “Hmm…I’m sure there’s something the New Foundation will come up with.” I said honestly. "Hopefully… I hope everyone back home is doing alright." Micheal sighed. "They'll be fine. The council can handle our… disappearance and after a while elect new heads for the guilds and time will go on. They'll be fine." Gallon said reassuringly. "I am gonna miss everyone though… even crazy old Mother Silver…" He sighed. “I’m sure they're fine…just…they might be around here somewhere.” I said honestly. “I met my dad that got Isekai’d when I first got here…shocked the hell out of me cause now I knew where we disappeared to.” "Wow. Freaky." Gallon said. "Maybe. At the very least other Nokori… wonder if they were made too or born as them?" "Heh, guess we'll see if it happens." Micheal said. "So, where's your place? I promise once we get jobs and move out we'll pay you back." “Oh don’t worry, due to my adventures I have more than enough money.” I waved that off. “But my place is over here.” I said, leading them to my place. I walked them into the building, up the stairs and into my house that was much larger than they were expecting. Heh, guess first time seeing this is always really cool. I motioned for them to take a seat on the couch and they did. "So… any… questions?" Gallon asked me. “Well, that’s should be my line.” I chuckled. “But I’ll start first, are either of you magic?” "Heh. That was kind of the whole point of the Y Labs scientists kidnapping us and making us this way. Make us magic enough to be unphased by the Event.* “Well, what kind of magic can you do?” I reiterated. "Well, I can make rain clouds. They're no bigger than my head though." Micheal said. "But Gallon's magic boosts and amplifies the powers of other Nokori and Magical Artifacts." “Huh…that kinda sounds like Loop.” I hummed. "Loop?" Gallon asked. "It's a legendary ability I have, which makes myself and others in my party stronger overtime." I answered. "Oh… huh, I guess it is similar." "Doubt it has the same requirements as Gallon's though." Micheal added. "What other requirements does your power need?" I asked. "The one receiving the boost and amplification has to ingest some of my bodily fluids. Sweat, Spit, blood. Hair and skin works too but hair is way less potent and lasts only a few seconds. Blood is the most potent and one of the longest lasting ones." Gallon said. "I usually just give Micheal here a quick kiss for anything that suddenly comes up but the… longer I hold the kiss, or rather the more spit or even blood they ingest, either or, the more powerful and longer the boost lasts. In terms of items, if I'm using the item it gets this boost passively from me, but for the boost to work with someone else using the item it has to have some spit or blood of mine on it." "Uh…yeah, mine is just a passive that boosts everyone without a need for that." I said carefully. "Heh, yeah. Not a lot of the others made use of it, though I did learn some Artificing Magic and made a few things that worked well with my Boost power that others could use. We actually made a power plant using just a few milliliters of my blood acting as the amplifiers to turn basic shock spells into energy strong enough to power the city." "I still can't believe you pulled it off." Micheal said. "That sounds pretty cool." I nodded. "What questions do you have for me?" "Well… this is a pretty big place… surprisingly. You live here with anyone?" "With my many spouses and many…many children." I answered. "Oh, so you live in a polycule then?" Gallon asked. "Herd, or Harem, but yes." I nodded. "How many partners?" Micheal asked. "Nineteen." I said. "Holy fucking shit…" Gallon said. "I feel bad for your hips…" Micheal added. “You get used to it…” I said with a vacant stare off into some unknown distance. "Right… dare I ask how many kids you have?" "Over three hundred." I answered. Gallon somehow pulled off a spit take without any water while Micheal just had an expression that can best be summarized as 'why?!' and 'how?!'. "Because of…certain things…" I sighed. "You'll learn about that mess later, any other questions?" "How much Viagra do you go through?!" Gallon asked. "None, actually." I shrugged. "... And I think that's all I can handle for today…" Micheal said. "Is there a guest room or are Gallon and I crashing on the couch?" I quickly walked over to the wall screen. I don't have that much experience with these things but some basic common sense and a user friendly UI made making them a quick guest room with bed and even a small bathroom easy. I then added the entrance door to here in the living room and there. "Huh. TARDIS logic." Gallon said as Micheal quickly dragged them into the room, closing the door. "Well…that went better than I expected…" I muttered. I sighed. They just need some time… I remember how I was when I first arrived. At least they do have each other… I should tell the others about them as to not accidentally create an incident. I looked around and managed to find Philomena in the bedroom reading through a book. "Hey Philomena, how you doing?" I asked. "I am well. Was worried when you didn't come back last night though." She said. "Yeah…was just testing out a thing and it went a little sideways." I said sheepishly. "But we have some guests in our house at the moment." "Really? What happened?" "Well…I got Lunatic and wanted to test it out…knocked me unconscious, then met Soft Spot and helped transport two Nokori, who are also Isekai, who were petrified by Gorgons…now Micheal and Gallon are in a guest room right now." "Oh, you made a guest room already. Alright then. And what are they like?" "Well, their both nice people, ones a Pope and the other a scavenger/cartographer, are happily married to each other and…were silently judged by Alex for some reason." "Strange. Wonder why? Well, in any case you must be hungry then too. I can prepare something and invite them for a meal. Help them adjust." "Yeah," I started as my stomach growled. "Some food would do me good." She got up and I walked with her to the kitchen. It was empty. She got to cooking and I sat here waiting for the food. Still… I wonder how strong Gallon's boost magic is. Would the effects stack with Loop? How much of a boost is it? "So many questions, and little answers on how his ability works, especially when it's compared to a legendary ability." I thought to myself. I'll have to ask him more about it later. Once the food was done I went to get Micheal and Gallon. I knocked on their door. "Foods ready if you want." I didn't get a response. I knocked again and nothing. Slowly, I opened the door and I saw the two, cuddled up together and out cold. Heh, must have been a mental toll on the both of them then. I carefully closed the door. Some hours later, a little past ten at night, I was still up and sitting on the couch. I heard a knob turn and looked up, seeing Gallon walk out of the room. He jumped a bit as he saw me and rubbed an eye. *Hey." He said with a half yawn. "Sup, how'd your sleep go?" I inquired. "Best I had in the two weeks prior to getting petrified and ending up here." He said, a smirk on his expression as he quietly closed the door behind him. "Micheal is still out. He sleeps like a ton of bricks when he's stressed so he'll probably be out til tomorrow morning." "That's fair." I nodded. "There's some food for you in the fridge if you want, we have a magic microwave to make sure it's fresh." I said honestly. "Sounds neat." He said, reaching into his robes pocket and pulling out a cigarette box. "Got a balcony I can smoke at first?"  I smiled, leading Gallon over to the Planet room. The second he saw it he laughed, then quickly lit his cigarette. "Heh, it's funny, went through more of these in the last two weeks than I have when I used them socially." “I can imagine, I’ve heard cigarette’s help reduce stress even though it’s…not really healthy for ya.” "Heh. It's not as bad as when I almost drank myself to death." Gallon sighed, taking another puff.  “Drinking yourself to death isn’t a good thing either.” I pointed out. “But…you and Micheal are together again, so that’s good.” "Yeah… thought I was gonna go crazy when a week passed and he didn't come back… basically did after the second and I went looking for him." He sighed, taking another puff. "I know…" I sighed. "But…how did you two meet?" "Heh. It was a while after the automated systems at Y Labs let us go. After the event, a message played, told us basically why this happened to us and such, looped a few times then the doors all unlocked. Some time after that I was turning this old church my parents used to force me to attend with them. Mostly to piss off the ghost of the priest. Guy was a jackass. I tossed a bunch of stuff out the door, and accidentally ended up throwing one bible at his head. I didn't notice and went to try to pry the crucified Jesus off the wall, and we started talking. I let him live in the attic since it was roomy and I wasn't using it, and we became roommates and friends." "Fair enough." I nodded. "Who would have thought throwing the book at someone would find you love." I chuckled. "Especially the bible of all books." Gallon chuckled, taking another puff of his smoke. "Oh yeah." I chuckled. "Did you pass out immediately after getting to your room or did you talk for a bit about all this nonsense?" “We talked a bit. Well, he talked. I listened… He’s very… confused and… well, we’re both rather… at a loss really.” Gallon sighed. "It's alright, happened to me the first time I got here." I said honestly. "It'll take some time, but you have your husband and you have some new friends to help out." “Heh… Yeah, still, doesn’t stop us from worrying about our friends back home. The guilds… Council… I’m glad to be unpetrified and such but… I feel sad. We might never see them again and all the stuff they’ll be doing to rebuild the world… we’re gonna miss.” "I know…" I sighed. "But you might meet some friends in this world if chance is good." “...Maybe…” He sighed, taking in the last puff of that cigarette and crushing the bud in his hand before tossing it. “Have you? Other than your dad you mentioned?” “Not yet." I shook my head.  “Shame.” Gallon sighed. “How long have you been here?” “Eleven to twelve years here.” I answered. "Have you been happy?" “For the most part, yes.” I nodded. “There’s been some ups and downs, but overall I’m happy to be here.” "Huh… I guess it will be interesting to see how things turn out for Micheal and I… part of me still wonders if this isn't some crazy dream… but part of me also knows it isn't." “You get used to it.” I shrugged. “I know it’s not much to say, but from personal experience just…it fits.” “Guess I’ll have to take your word for it.” Gallon sighed. “So, can you tell me anything about this place aside ‘everything is possible’ because that’s kind of a blunt answer.” “Well…” I hummed. “Where do you want me to start? Cause there’s…a lot to talk about.” “I guess considering the place you said we are at is called Armageddon, tell me about any notable threats.” “Well, first, do you know what Guilds are?” I asked, seeing Gallon nod. “Alright, cool, so the most dangerous thing to worry about is Chaos Guilds, especially the groups known as Violence and Lust…Violence because they create weapons, both inorganic and organic, and are the muscle of the group…Lust…” I sighed. “Lust takes in or straight up kidnaps people and turns them into Breeders, Slaves, or Serfs…completely rewriting who the person was to be their namesake…with such blind devotion to it…” I sighed. “Shit… that’s… Fuck. Think I’d have preferred dealing with a dragon back home… Alright, and what about this place? I think you called it the New Foundation?” “So…have you ever heard of the SCP Foundation?” I inquired. “No.” “Right…” I muttered. “Well, excluding that, the New Foundation is one of the few groups on Armageddon that oppose the Chaos Guilds and want to try and make Armageddon a livable world for the people who want to live here, get teleported to here…or are forever forced to live here due to the rules…” I sighed. “So people are trapped on this planet?” “Pretty much, cause when you get here you are immediately shot down by the ‘Welcoming Committee’, a group of Chaos Guild members that force anyone coming in to crash land, or it forces anyone that tries to escape to stay…then there’s the rules on this planet where…if you play by it’s rules, then you are forever stuck here…” “Huh… This Welcoming Committee shoots down anyone? Even other Chaos Guilds?” “I doubt it, cause I’m pretty sure any and all Chaos Guild members can’t leave the planet due to it’s rules…” I sighed. “If you have a Dark Skill tree…you’re stuck here, forever.” “Huh. Sounds more like this place is a prison.” “It certainly feels like it.” I said honestly. “Well, what if it is? What if all this is just some wildly elaborate prison for all the people that would abuse all one can do in this reality for the worst? When you think about it, it makes sense why this planet exists if it was made to imprison the chaos guilds as a whole.” “I…while that might make sense I kind of doubt it…” “How come?” “Well, a thing I’ve heard about worlds is that whenever someone finds a new one and sets foot on it, it becomes what that person kind of…is.” I said carefully. “Their entire being helped shape the world around them to be what it is…and whoever set foot here must have been the worst possible person in existence…but one key thing the World Soul told me, is that this world is basically where True Evil runs free…where you can learn that ‘Bad’ and ‘Evil’ are two different things in the grand scheme of it…and just a whole host of other nonsense…” “Heh, you sound like you had a religious experience when you say world soul.” Gallon chuckled. “Aright, well if this is where true evil runs free, then it being a prison makes even more sense. If evil is an unavoidable fact of life, then why bother repressing or eradicating it, instead, give it a place of it’s own to roam and run wild, then build a wall around it. Or in this case, something that shoots down anyone leaving or entering it.” “Well, when I say ‘World Soul’, I literally do mean I talked to a manifestation of the Planet’s will, not really religious when they personally think the religious zealot that’s kidnapping people and forcing them to live here is completely insane.” I admitted. “But to what you suggested…well, maybe.” “Heh. Still sounds like a religious thing to me but if they hate their batshit crazy followers then I can get behind it.” He laughed. “So, all that aside, tell me about these Assistant things. Something tells me they do more than give me a visual hud like it’s SAO.” “They can do…pretty much everything that comes with an RPG Menu.” I said honestly. “One term I’ve heard is ‘You want to do something? There’s an App for that’, and it’s weirdly true, also there’s the Skill Tree system like in many video games and other stuff so if you ever want to get stronger or gain new thing’s that’s your go to.” “Really? That’s interesting.” Gallon said, looking at the image on his arm that was the Assistant. “Cool that it shows both over and on/part of my fur. That’s really neat.” He said as he pressed a finger to it, the hoo display menu popping up. “Mind giving me a quick lesson?” “Sure.” I nodded. I gave Gallon a basic rundown on features, checking stats and how to open the Skill Tree menu. Opening it I saw he had no abilities or skill points. Makes sense he just got here… well, he actually had one Ability. Body's Gift: When using magical items or enchanted accessories, the effects are multiplied by x10. When another ingests part of you, their powers and abilities are multiplied based on the amount they ingest. Rank: Rare SS. “Oh what the hell…” I muttered. "What?" “Just…how big the bonus is and how rare your skill is apparently.” I answered. "Eh, to be fair alone it was always kinda useless. Magic items were hard to come by and the few we did find back home were mostly low grade stuff. Some broke when I used it…"  “I mean…it makes whatever you use ten times stronger…and it doesn’t say there’s a time limit…” "Never seen one personally… ah shit… just realized the magic gear I did use isn't with me…" Gallon groaned. "Shame too that one staff was kinda cool…" “What was the staff?” I inquired. "Honestly, no idea. It looked cool but I never did learn what magic it had within it. I usually used some gloves that because of my power went from simple static shocks to full on thunderbolts." “Neat.” I nodded. “Well, you can get some really neat magical stuff here if you want something cool.” "Probably later on. For now Micheal and I should consider just… what we can do now that we're here. What do you do for work here?" “I’m a local Guard, keeping some peace and making sure nothing ‘outside’ get’s in.” I said honestly. "And… what is outside?" “Zombie Apocalypse in all sorts of ways.” I said honestly. Gallon laughed so hard they clenched their stomach as they hunched over. “What’s funny?” I inquired. "J-just… of all the end of the world based things… we end up in zombies." He said, pulling himself back up and wiping some tears away from his eyes. "It's kinda hilarious." “Eh, that’s fair.” I shrugged. "So, what was your home like? Before arriving here?" “It was a place called Equis, it was a nice place of magic and friendship.” I said honestly. “There weren’t any humans or all that.” "Huh. And everyone there was an alicorn like you?" “Only the four princesses, Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight.” I said. “I’m an Alicorn due to symbiote shenanigans, while those four either had some preordained nonsense or were born to be the closest thing to God’s on my world.” "Huh. So what were you before becoming an alicorn?" “A normal earth pony.” I answered. "And... that is? Just a normal, no wings, no horn or anything?" “Yep.” I nodded. “And while my race is more connected to the earth and nature…no wings, no horn, just a normal looking pony.” "Huh. And you were all intelligent and such right?" “Yep, ponies, dragons, griffons, minotaurs, you name it when it comes to magical creatures.” I shrugged. "Huh. Well those all existed back home too, there were a lot of just areas of the world they called home and we usually avoided. Some magic races were intelligent but not that many. All the races you mentioned were all feral." “Fair enough.” I nodded. "I should get back to Micheal. Rather he not wake up and I not be there. Think tomorrow you can help us figure out what to do next?" “Sure.” I nodded. “Always happy to help.” "Thanks. Hopefully things will look up." I went to sleep after Gallon went back to his room with Micheal. I wasn't expecting to be suddenly having tea with Armageddon, the little child version of my old self sitting on the other end of a foals thick plastic table. "Hi again." He waved. “Hi there…” I said carefully, walking over and sitting down. “How are you doing?” "Been a little bored. I saw you got some new friends!" “Yeah, apparently more isekai which is…mildly concerning that they are spawning in on this world.” "They always have." He shrugged. "For as long as I can remember." “Really?” I asked. “I…didn’t know that, thought everyone was put in a Church of the Mother then traveled here…” "The churches act more like… homing beacons. When an Isekai arrives in this reality they would be placed in a safe zone, but I have none so it puts them wherever is safest in that zone where there isn't anyone around." “Right…” I said. “And…with what’s happening I’m sure there’s more safe places to go to right?” "It would still be best if one could construct a Church of The Mother." “I mean…it would be cool, but as far as I know it would be close to impossible given there’s possibly material requirements that don’t spawn here and the Chaos Guilds would immediately try and attack the Church because it would act like a Beacon.” "The requirements are actually fairly simple." Armageddon said. "One just needs to join The Mother's Daughters, from there that person must just declare a building a church and to ensure it has multiple beds in their own isolated room that are closed at all times. These create the ideal conditions for Isekai to safely awaken in this reality upon my surface." “Ya know…for some obscure reason, I feel like some lady is going to wonder why there’s so many people at her house all of a sudden.” I said, frowning as I wondered why I had that weird feeling. “But that sounds…weirdly easy…only problem is, who the hell is apart of the Mother’s Daughters in this place…” "One person." “Fantastic…” I groaned. "All the others were long since captured and turned into slaves or breeders." “Ick…” I said weakly. "That's the Chaos Guilds handy work… but your new friend would make an excellent member of the Mother's Daughters!" “Really? Who?” I inquired. “And also…how does one join the Mother’s Daughters when we don’t have any of those Guilds around?” "Simple. One prays to The Mother to join. If they meet the criteria and The Mother deems them worthy, they join. And that wolf-goat you were talking to." Gallon? Actually… that makes sense… he did make a non religious church back in his home reality, all around the concept of helping those who were spared from their world's apocalypse… “Huh…that…that works.” I said honestly. “I mean, they still think this is some ‘religious symbolism’ that I’m talking to you so they might not fully believe me.” "To be fair, they haven't met me and also just got here." “Both fo those are true.” I nodded. “They also believed that Armageddon is a prison which…kind of makes sense.” "... In a way, I am." They sighed. “Is it because of the whole…Chaos Guilds are only here kinda thing?” “No.” They shook their head. “It’s for a different reason, but it works out in keeping the Chaos Guilds bound to me.” “Then what makes you a Prison?” “Somewhere on my surface is an entrance. This entrance leads to a dungeon that is also a prison. Within this prison are the souls of everyone the Family slayed during The War. Every. Single. One. At the end of this dungeon is what all Isekai seek the most.” I blinked. “I…is that where we can…go home?” “Yes and No. The treasure at the end of this dungeon holds many items of value, but what you seek most can be found there.” “That’s…something.” I blinked. “And…I can imagine it’s the most difficult thing you can ever do?” “You’d have to fight everyone from The War that The Family killed. The final boss of which is an Echo of the last True All Maker, the being who created the Machine the Family and them all fought to escape from.” I blinked…”Oh…uh…wow…” Armageddon nodded, picking up their tea cup in their hooves and sipping it. “I’ve had this dungeon, this prison as part of me my whole existence, and only one person has ever found it.” “I thought it was three?” “Only one person is still technically alive.” Armageddon added. “O-oh yeah…” I said, remembering that rumor way back when I first got here. They nodded. “This dungeon is unique. Death is not allowed for any who enter. When HP reaches zero, it resets to full. You are not allowed to die, you either keep going deeper, or leave. This person’s HP hit zero, seven million, five hundred and ten thousand, four hundred and six times before he was finally able to escape the dungeon. Leaving is just as hard as entering. He never even made it past the entrance room.” I swallowed… “O-oh…” I said weakly. “That’s…well, I suppose when even The Family had a tough time fighting against them…but…how do you get into the place?” “The entrance appears and disappears all over at random. But there is one fixed entrance. Sadly, I don’t know where it is. Dad erased that knowledge from my mind, and every time I found it again, he erased it from my memory all over again.” “Huh…well, I believe it was stated that the ‘true source’ was a spot that, no matter what kind of mapping you did…just wasn’t there, like it excised itself from anything trying to map it.” I said. “Though this was something said over ten years ago when I first got here so I’m not a hundred percent sure if that is fully true or half true.” “The Empty.” They nodded. “Much like Nothingness and Void, both are things that exist but also don’t. The Empty is like… an artificial meeting point where the two, Nothingness and Void, exist and meet but they don’t. Not in the normal sense. This zone is… tricky to reach.” “Yeah, I think there was something involved with Void Dungeons but it’s been so long I have no clue…” I shook my head. “That was a secondary option Grandmaster Lord created that is honestly just as if not more insane than the natural way.” “And what is the secondary option?” I asked nervously. “From what dad told me, Grandmaster Lord wanted you to piece together a key that was made of pieces that you can only get by facing every Level 5 Void Dungeon on Homeworld, and not only has Homeworld never been fully mapped even after 3 whole Era’s, but even certain insane people have only gotten like…barely a quarter of the pieces needed.” I blinked. “Huh…” “And then when you do clear a dungeon and get a piece of the door it might be a repeat of one you already have, you only get one per dungeon, and the keys for the door can only be found in Loot Spawn and each key is somewhere there individually.” “You have a better chance of finding it here randomly then you do trying that bullshit.” I said in horror. “Yeah. I actually got to ask uncle Lord about that and I think he just… laughed, then looked up to the sky and said ‘suffer’ then walked off.” “Asshole.” “All my aunts and uncles have called him that. Anyway, that aside I think you should form a party with all your new friends.” “I probably should, Diamond did say that I would need a party…kind of thought one of them would be Tina considering she has family to look for and also she’s…probably stupidly strong.” “Probably.” I sighed, scratching my head. “This is getting more and more complicated…and I still have to deal with David’s bullshit with him wanting to start a War…” “Yeah.” I woke up the next morning seeing Micheal, Gallon and Jada all sharing some coffee. “Morning dad.” Jada said. “Morning.” I yawned. “How are people doing?” I asked, getting off the couch and stretching, feeling satisfying pops in my bones. “Coffee~” Micheal said, their tone in bliss as they drank. “We ran out of coffee back home years ago. Some of us took it harder than others.” Gallon chuckled. “Tea can go get poured straight down the drainage pipes to hell.” Micheal said, Jada raising a hand he high-fived. “I like this guy. He passes the vibe check.” Jada chuckled. “You know nothing of good taste than Micheal.” I huffed. “Give me a good Earl Gray day.” “Here here.” Gallon said with a raised mug. “One of your only flaws my love…” Micheal said, smirking as Gallon gave them a light elbow hit. “So… your daughter is interesting.” “I’m part Fae, part Floof Noodle.” Jada said. “And, you know, part pony cause dad.” “The prior two show way more…” “I know. All my siblings from my birth mom are like that.” “How many siblings do you have?” Gallon asked. “Including me, there are twenty. Since mom’s part Floof Noodle, which is a type of Lamia species, we were all born in a single litter.” Jada explained. “Yikes…” “Eh, I tolerate them.” “Also, Floof Noodle was apparently some playful name that reality went ‘sure, that’s a good name’.” I pointed out. “Yeah, I was about to say.” Gallon admitted. “Just didn’t want to seem rude about it.” “Eh, some of my other moms are all pure blooded Floof Noodles and the name is fitting.” Jada shrugged. “So, where should we be looking for work?” Micheal asked me. “Well, I’ll take you to one of the Job Centers after breakfast so you can get an overview and the like.” I said honestly. “Well, if guns aren’t considered a cheap combat alternative then maybe we can work as guards or something?” Gallon offered. “Maybe…” Micheal sighed. “Least it puts those skills to use.” "Well…I'm sure there's something." I said honestly. "But, I think I have a thing." I brought up. "It's a long shot but there's a guild called the Mother's Daughters." I said. "All you have to do is pray to the Mother." “And The Mother is?” "Basically the creator of everything, the true Creator, and believe me, you praying to her will piss off a lot of religious nutjobs." “Well, this god is already female so that’s already pissed a lot of people off I imagine.” Gallon chuckled. “So, what, you pray to her and you become one of her Daughters? Does that mean I’d get genderswapped cause as much as I’ve always wondered how I’d look, I’d rather not given my relationship and interests.” He added, motioning to Micheal. “It’s just the name of the guild.” Jada said. “We learn in school that The Mother oversees three guilds. The Sons, The Daughters, and the Time Walkers. The Sons focus on exploration and expansion of the planets and creation. The Daughters focus on growing communities, magic, healing and some other stuff, and Time Walkers are an unknown, but also kinda act like Grim Reapers.” “Woah… cool.” Gallon smirked. “Heh, you practically were one back home given what you did and why you made the Church of Y.” Micheal chuckled. “Heh, you have a point. Any perks if I get accepted?” "Besides being in one of the most important guilds around…you can consecrate your own church and help save a ton of other Isekai that'll get sent here." I explained. “How?” "The Church of the Mother acts like a beacon to Isekai, acting like a safe zone for them and…well it's better than some other places." I said. "All you need to do is join the guild, and choose a specific spot and claim it for the Church." “Huh… Guess that would make me a priest if I were to start out. Demotion from Pope but eh, what the hell. When in rome.” He shrugged, putting his hands together. His Assistant then glowed brightly. “Shit I didn’t even get two words in!” He yelped. Micheal just laughed. “A god loves you Gallon!” He laughed. “Statistically one had to.” Gallon chuckled. "Well, thank her grandson for putting in a good word." I chuckled. "So congrats, you are now one very important person in the New Foundation…gonna have to take this to the hire ups now that I think about it…" “Cool… I think- woah!” Gallon yelped as he blinked. “Huh… notifications… cool.” “What’s it say?” Micheal asked.  “It says I’m now a Deacon of The Mother, this let’s me establish a new church, gives me access to various healing spells, and I can craft little statues of the Mother that can give people an item once a day that they ask for, within reason… oh and all defensive, healing and protection magics are half cost for me. Neat!” “That is pretty cool.” Micheal said. “That was also very fast.” Jada said. "A little coincidental after I talked to Armageddon about this, but this is really cool." I said with a smile. “So… what now?” Gallon asked. “Make a church? I dunno.” Micheal said. “Hey, how does one get into the Sons? I bet Micheal can do it!” Gallon smiled. “I doubt it…” "Pray to the Mother about being in the Sons?" I suggested. “Do it, it could be cool, and if you get in we can make it like a fun dynamic!” Gallon said excitedly. “Fine, not like I was planning on anything else today.” Micheal shrugged, putting his hands together and after a second, his Assistant began glowing to. “Seriously?” “Told you!” Gallon said, hug-shaking Micheal. “Hey, careful with the feathers!” Micheal said, then blinking a few times. “Woah… that’s weird to see… so… I get an aim tracker for weapons to help me shoot or swing… combat magic is all cut down to half… and I am ranked as a squire.” “This is so cool!” “Heh, you get real life aim assist.” Jada chuckled. "Good for you both." I said with a smile. "Luckies…" I thought to myself, knowing I'll never be able to be a part of something like the Mothers guilds. “So… now what?” Micheal asked. "Well, we get you two to the Job department still cause you need jobs, but also talk to some hire ups because of your new positions." I said honestly. “After breakfast.” Jada brought up. “And more coffee.” Micheal said. “To coffee!” Jada said, the two clanking mugs. Gallon just laughed. I brought the two with me to the employment building, and it was here I surprisingly found Tina, in a clothed anthro form sitting behind a custom made desk to fit her size. “... So, you’re a Den Mother?” Micheal asked as he looked up at her. “Yes.” Tina said with a nod. “And you work getting other people jobs?” Gallon asked. “Back on my earth before all this,” She motioned to herself. “I worked in an office as a shipment confirmation. Basically I called the warehouses and put in orders companies and stores all gave us and then called the companies back to ensure all their orders came in so, I’m used to office work.” “And you became a furry because some gods got bored?” “Basically. You two?” “Kidnapped to ensure a remnant of humanity survived after a magical extinction event was gonna kill all humanity. I mean, we aren’t human anymore, not completely, but eh. We were rebuilding well.” Micheal said. "Fair enough." I nodded. "So anyways, I have one of the Mother's Sons and Daughters here to get some jobs." “Right.” Tina said, typing quickly on the computer. “Well, for a newly recruited Daughter and Son of the Mother, that’s a phrase even with context sounds odd. So, given your new guild affiliations the best place I can put you two is in the guard as a field medic and a scout or scavenger.” “If we can get paired together, yes.” Gallon said. “That will most likely be the case. Especially given you’ll probably be with two higher up, stronger members of the guard to help keep you safe since any Mothers run guild members are usually high priority targets for Chaos Guilds. Luckily New Foundation can help keep you two protected while you also build up in strength, arsenals and such.” Tina explained. “Huh… I guess that works. Be like what we did back home just… with zombies…” Micheal said. "So things won't be too unusual." I shrugged. "Also surprised you're not flirting up a storm." "Work wants me to be at least somewhat professional…" Tina answered. "But break times are always great." She giggled. “I will cut you if you flirt with my husband!” Gallon yelled, suddenly on the desk and in front of Tina with a knife.  “Where did you get that knife!?” Micheal yelped as he pulled Gallon down and off the table.  “Stole it.” Gallon replied. “From where?!” “Best you don’t know.” "Whoa there, first date before knives." She said simply, having somehow swiped the knife from Gallon's hand and…crushed it in her paw. "Now, I just need your signatures." She said, spinning the forms for the two. The two signed them, Gallon grumbling something under his breath. “Sorry about him, he’s just been a bit protective of me since uh…” Micheal started. "You were petrified by…Gorgons." Tina said with a quick sniff. "So I understand…losing the one you truly love sucks…I've lost her twice…" “Heh, actually this was before that…” Micheal sighed.  “You almost died.” Gallon huffed. “I know, but I’m alive…” Micheal said. “Some time after the rebuilding, but before we got married… some of the Nokori were found… murdered. There was only about three thousand of us turned into this so, a killer was… something we had to deal with and fast. They stabbed me when we found out who they were…” “I sent that asshole to hell personally.” Gallon frowned. "Good." Tina nodded. “Recovery sucked.” Micheal chuckled. “Our new bodies and such, learning which medications worked and didn’t was almost all on a one-by-one basis so… didn’t get to enjoy pain killers.” "I can imagine." Tina nodded. "But glad you two have a loving relationship." “Heh, yeah. Hard to believe it started because he was trying to find me a boyfriend after learning my ex before him was a cheating piece of shit.” "Yeah, cheating is terrible." Tina agreed. “So… will we be expecting a letter, call… person at the door?” “Someone will show up at Button’s to speak with you two.” Tina nodded. “Good, and again, sorry about Gallon.” “Eh, I could have taken her…” Gallon huffed. “Gallon, she’s ten feet taller than you…”  “Just makes me the harder target to hit.”  "D'aw." Tina said with a warm smile. "You're adorable." “I know, what’s your excuse when you got more fluff?” Gallon retorted. I tried not to laugh. "Because I rock this fluff, and I'm adorasexy." She said proudly. "True." I commented. “Yet I would rock a dress better than you and those tits.” Gallon smirked. Micheal facepalmed. “... Oh no, now they’re becoming friends…” He groaned. "I'm concerned…" I said nervously. "You wish, and I can easily prove that, six o'clock at the coffee shop down the road." Tina said with a friendly competitive smirk. “Deal, loser buys the winners drinks and has to dye their fur.” Gallon said. "Button is the main judge." Tina added. "So no personal bias in this challenge." “That’s not fair, have you seen his partners!? Even if he is bi he clearly has a preference!” “This is gonna be a while…” Micheal sighed. "And you were going to claim your hubby be the judge." Tina countered. “Why? Neither Micheal or I are bi? That would make no sense.” Gallon stated. "You said this was a 'who looks better in a dress's contest." I pointed out. "Yeah, where does being Bi come into looking good in an outfit?" Tina asked. “Sex appeal.” Gallon said.  "You wish it was just sex appeal." Tina shook her head. "I know the difference by a country mile." “Enough, you two.” Micheal spoke up. “No contest. I’m not living through another fashion show again just because you got into an argument with someone over this again.” “Well she clearly thinks she’s better than me!” Gallon countered. “No.” “Come on…” “No.” “You’re no fun sometimes…” “And you just love starting pointless contests and rivalries.” "And while I wasn't helping….honestly it's been a while since I had a reason to wear a good dress." Tina admitted. "And friends made through competition is always a plus, but you still want coffee?" “Coffee is more Micheal’s thing but I’m not gonna turn it down.” Gallon nodded. Micheal facepalmed. “And they still became friends…” "Well then Micheal can come along as well." Tina chuckled. "The wonders of friendship." I laughed at Michaels plight. “Who said I’m going?” Micheal asked. “I’m your husband, your friend, and you’re an introvert I adopted back when we were just that… plus, there’s coffee.” Gallon said. “... Only for the coffee…” Micheal huffed. "Good, six o'clock still?" Tina asked. “Sounds like a plan.” Gallon nodded. “You coming along Button?” "Sure." I nodded. "Cause there are somethings i'd like to talk about." I nodded. "Just have to check with Lovely before I go on a pony ride." Tina teased as I blushed brightly. “Yeah, Button probably has to ask his girls too.” Gallon said, making me blush more. "I'm sure some of them might ask to join…” I groaned. “Well, that’s all paperwork wise.” Tina said. “See you guys at six.” “Later.” Gallon said as he, Micheal and I all got up and left. > Chapter 17: Betrayal > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After returning home for a while we wait for six to roll around to hang out with Tina. I was enjoying killing time. When time came around for us to make it to the coffee shop… I was… surprised. Micheal had their face in their hands, and Gallon was wearing a well fitted red dress with matching lipstick, nail polish, and blue eyeshadow that complemented the look over their gray fur coat. “I can’t believe you still dressed up…” Micheal groaned. “Hey, I wanna make a point.” Gallon smirked. I was just… genuinely shocked at how well Gallon was pulling that off… seriously… just… what, and how? “Is that point you dress up scary well in drag?” I asked. “Point is I can make anything look good.” Gallon said with a chuckle. “Was the make up necessary?” Micheal asked. “Don’t act like you don’t love it when I doll myself up~” Gallon teased. “I mean, you do look really good all dolled up.” Tina said, and as I looked over…I…wow…”I didn’t overdress did I?” She asked. “Uh…” I blinked as I saw her wearing literally the exact same thing, make up and all…”I mean…if this were a contest, you’d be wearing it better…” I admitted. “But…wow…” I muttered, and while Gallon did kill in that outfit…Tina had him beat with how it all just…accentuated her female form, but the fluff on her body seemed to be more prominent like she was a walking cloud that you’d want to snuggle into…and considering how much fluff she had I’m pretty sure I could… “Pfft. You’re just saying that because she has massive tits.” Gallon huffed. “Honestly her tit’s weren’t really the first thing that came to mind…” I said, even though I heard a ‘Death by Snu Snu’ chant from all of my symbiotes and I wasn’t happy about that. “She also looks like a walking cloud that I’d like to snuggle up to.” “Meh. Anyway, so where’s this cafe?” Gallon asked. “Right this way.” Tina said, walking down the street with a confident strut to her step…which I followed behind her and…that hip sway was hypnotizing… “You have a Macro fetish don’t you?” Gallon asked, making me jump and blush hard. “Called it.” “I’m gonna get something with lots of espresso to get through this…” Micheal sighed as he walked behind Tina. “My fetishes have nothing to do with this.” I countered. “Right, sure, that’s why the majority of your mates are all like five times your size.” He smirked, quickly following behind Micheal. “They got you there Button, lately you have been really into the larger females. You enjoy being crushed~” Cheat teased me. “I do not like being crushed.” I mentally huffed. “Again, my fetishes don’t have anything to do with me respecting the female form.” I huffed. “We’re part of you remember?” One of my symbiotes pointed out. “And yes, you do like being crushed.” “Cease!” I mentally whined. “If I remember correctly your last time with some of the Breeder mama's you were especially happy to be smothered under Jackie’s rear as she proceeded to smother you in all that pink fur and you did not complain when the weight came down on you in full force… repeatedly… crotch or face.”  Cheat said, my face turning a whole new shade of red as she force replayed the memories… “I’m trying not to get the world’s most obvious boner in public right now can we please not!?!”  “Well, that’s not exactly a hard fix. Can’t get a boner if you don’t got one~ And I can return it at any time too~” What the hell?! Also what level of kink-fetish is this now?! “This is getting weird…” I thought nervously. “I am weird. Now best run along either behind those three or into an alley for some extra weirdness cause you either can embrace my weirdness or hurry up behind them for coffee and talks.” Cheat said. … Why am I considering that offer in the alley? “I don’t like this…I need to be apart of the thing with my friends but my libido is saying otherwise…” I thought bitterly. “Ask Tina for help, she seems weird enough.” Another symbiote mentioned and I took a deep breath… “Coffee first…then we’ll see if Tina wants some of that weirdness…” I shook my blush off, running up behind the three of them.  The coffee shop was a really nice, it was a fair sized place that reminded me a bit of sugar cube corner. We took our orders at the register, paid then all sat at a table. “So, how long have you been in this reality then?” Gallon asked. He and Micheal sitting next to one another, I sat next to Tina. Tina had to… sit on the floor since the chairs here were… a bit small but even with her sitting on the ground she towered over us and the table. “I’ve been here for over ten years.” I answered. “Little over Seven years.” Tina shrugged. “Cool. So, any relationships aside from the casual kind?” Gallon asked Tina. “I am dating an earth pony mare named Lovely Days, who kinda reminds me of…my first love…and while she’s a bit of a hard ass sometimes, I love her dearly.” Tina said with a warm smile. “You’re dating someone but still… sexually active with other people?” Micheal asked, Gallon quickly wrapping an arm and wing around them. “Lovely understands this, as she has a special ability she was born with.” Tina said. “Her special eyes?” I inquired. “Yeah, see she has special magic from her home back on Equis, where she was given the ‘Sight of Love’, where she can see the color of love between individual’s, and after some skill tree shenanigans, see the love of herself with others. And she knows I truly and deeply love her…but even she knew she couldn’t keep up with my Libido, so we made some rule’s and hashed it out, and while I’m free to happily have sex with whoever wants to, I always come home to her and cuddle up to her.” “... I guess as long as she knows and is okay with it…” Micheal said, looking down and leaning on the table. “And again, whoever wants to, cause while I’m a revolving door, the final choice is whoever wants to go into said door.” Tina brought up. “And how many times can I use said door?” I inquired…though I realized I said I instead of someone… “As many times as you want my cute flustered pony.” Tina giggled. Despite my flustered state and such I did notice Micheal still looked… upset. “So, new topic, what are you exactly?” Gallon asked. “You look kinda like a Zingore from Monster Hunter.” “That is exactly what I am.” Tina nodded. “Though I’m what’s known as a Den Mother, both the pinnacle of any race’s female’s in terms of strength, endurance and other things…but also a failsafe in case of an extinction level event as I can always give birth to the maximum amount of infants I can carry without fail.” “... So you're a personified Hyper Pregnancy fetish.” Gallon stated. “Well, I do have a pregnancy fetish, it is not like that at all for Den Mothers.” Tina shook her head. “So, what is it like then?” Micheal asked. “Being a Den Mother?” Tina asked. “Well…it’s normal for the most part, just going about my day and all that, but I…still have an instinctual need to have kids sometimes…and being a mother is the best feeling in the world, even if the adorable little scamps can be a bit bitey at times.” Tina explained, giving a sigh of nostalgia at it. “You sound like you’ve had experience.” I said. “Well…” Tina looked down. “I had…about two hundred kids back home, with the loves of my life and…I’m…probably never going to see them again…” Tina took a deep breath and stopped her shuddering, something that looked like she’s done…a lot before. “...How long did it take you to… start to move on and date this Lovely person?” Micheal asked, now looking up at Tina, who seemed… concerned. “I…well if you mean me not being in a depressed ball of fluff crying myself to sleep every night…it’s been three years since then…I met Lovely through the two year mark and she helped me through it the most…then we became a couple from there.” He nodded. “She kept you from getting too… low then?” “Yeah…the first two years was mostly me trying to distract myself by massive amounts of zombie murder…which is partly why I’m so big cause when you kill and devour zombies that range anywhere from a super Nemesis T-Type to a Colossal Flesh Golem…both Skill Points and Consume sure do help.” “Right… So, aside from your lovers and kids, did you have family before showing up here?” Micheal asked. He looked less… upset, but still thoughtful. “I had my twin brother, Tony…he’s pretty much a male version of me, as he’s also a ‘True Alpha’, the male version of a Den Mother.” Tina explained. “We went through thick and thin together…” “Did you…also share partners?” I just had to ask. “Only if the partners we had wanted.” Tina admitted. “Again, consent and respecting boundaries, two key things our parents taught the both of us that we live up to to this day.” Tina said. “Also not at the same time, incest is one of the few thing’s we do not want to do.” “Just a few?” Micheal asked. “Sounds like you’ve done a lot then… more than most I imagine.” “As long as it wasn’t illegal or morally dubious we were okay with it…and then there’s the few fetishes we have a hard no to cause those are just fucking gross.” Tina shuddered. “I tried to get Micheal here into some more kinky stuff, but he’s inching along at a crippled snail's pace.” Gallon chuckled. “Har har.” Micheal replied, but managed a small smirk. “If you ever need advice from a fetish master I’m your gal.” Tina offered. “So tell me a little bit about you two?” “Well, that depends on what you want to know. You wanna know about before or after we both became magic furries created to survive after a magic caused mass extinction event that killed all human life?” Gallon asked. “That…weirdly sounds like Maximum Ride…” Tina frowned. “But either or is fine, I want to know more about my brand new friends given I kind of…trauma dumped a bit on all three of you.” “Heh, oh trust us, we have trauma of our own.” Gallon chuckled. “Well, I’ll go first. Back home I was born to two super religious god fearing racist, bigoted, ignorant parents who no matter how much I did as they told, I was always wrong or a disappointment unless I was on the gun range with dad or just not in the house.” Gallon started. “Yeesh, off to a rousing start there…” Tina said nervously. “And I understand having religious prick’s screaming at you constantly…” “Yeah… didn’t help I realized around puberty I was gay and I was well aware how they felt about that. Well one day when I was sixteen they dragged me to this anti-pride protest during the town’s pride month festivities. I announced my coming out of the closet by walking into the march, finding a cute guy my age and gave them a kiss they happily took. The look on my parent’s faces was priceless and I wish I could have had a photo. Would have been the only one I’d have kept of them.” “Fair.” Tina nodded. “Spread the love, don’t let others say who you can and can’t love.” “Yeah. My parents tried to shame me when I got home. I just called them out on all their hypocrisy and bullshit and vented a lifetime's worth of oppression and abuse from them. After that I packed some clothes and such and couch surfed amongst friends houses until graduation. After that, I got a job and finally started enjoying life. Clubs, dates, a few exes, mostly just enjoying life and all the things they kept me from experiencing. I binge watched so much anime that first year.” Gallon chuckled. “And there is a lot of anime.” Tina chuckled. Gallon nodded. “Well, when I was out drinking and clubbing… I think one of the Y Labs scouts put something in my drink because one moment I was dancing in the club, the next I wake up with cotton mouth in a cell. Well they were cells, but they were… cozy, I guess. Bed, blankets, personal toilet, sink, a table. At first when I saw myself I thought I got blackout drunk and someone dressed me in a full on fursuit. But after a few times of trying to pry my own head off and it not coming off I… began to realize I was not in a fursuit…” He sighed. “Around then is when I really began to… feel just how different my body was. The wings, the taste of my own mouth, my legs… shit. I was so confused I didn’t know what the hell was going on.” “Yeah…that’s definitely something I wouldn’t like to experience.” I said honestly. “Yeah… a lot of us upon waking up screamed from the shock. Some went a little crazy. I remember the guards and such were running up and down the place keeping us from hurting ourselves. Especially once our magic began to manifest. Some could create fire, some could read minds, others controlled ice like Frost, knew this one lady who could turn invisible. The shock for me just made me feel… kinda empty. For a long time I just… did the tests. They didn’t hurt, in fact they were all largely painless, most was some needle work here and there. Then one day… we woke up and there was a message playing, telling us all of humanity outside the Lab was… gone, and we were all that was left. It looped a few times then all the cell doors opened. For some of us that was the first time we saw sunlight in ten years. For me, two. And… yeah, we were greeted by daylight and a world covered in human corpses.” “Well…that’s is indeed something.” Tina said honestly. “Yeah… it was uh… a lot. I mostly walked around for a time, managed to find some old friends who were… not lucky enough to have been turned like me… I buried them. They deserved it. I mourned for a while… then I got started working to make a new home for myself. While I was walking through the old neighborhood I saw the old church my parents took/dragged me to all the time… and immediately knew what to do to both make the most fun for myself, and piss off all my family and the church goers ghosts.” Gallo said, laughing. “Good man.” Tina laughed as well. “Yeah, well I spent a while looting and redecorating, I tossed some bibles out the door… one happened to hit Micheal by accident when I did and I didn’t notice. I went back inside to try and pry the crucified Jesus statue off the wall, that’s when Micheal walked in and after some talking I let him move in at my roommate. He lived in the attic, I lived in the main area. Never did get that Jesus statue off but I superglued sunglasses to them and I could hear the ghost of the priest losing his shit.” Gallon laughed. “Hey, you just made him cooler, I mean, let’s look at the South Korean statue of Jesus and how he looks like he had nothing but pure protein for his last supper.” Tina chuckled. “Who and how jacked was he?” I inquired. “Some guy that was a big religious symbol, and he was like…turbo jacked in South Korea.” Tina answered. “Nice.” Gallon said. “Anyway, I guess the rest should be covered by Micheal.” Gallon said. Michael took a breath. “Guess it’s fair.” He nodded. “Well, to start, back when I was human I was born to two loving parents. They were kind, nice… I never saw them wish hate or be angry at people for being who they were… so when I came out to them I was… devastated when they rejected me. Kicked me out of the house that same day.” “Yeah…I know that feeling…one choice made and suddenly everything goes straight to hell…” Tina sighed. “Like Gallon I tried to couch surf with friends but I was in and out of homeless shelters a lot. Eventually though I got a job and an apartment that rent was too much for what it was, but it was a roof over my head. Once I got settled and even managed some small savings I tried to… get out there. Used a dating app and that was when I met my ex… we only dated for a month but while it was happening I felt… happy… but, I found out he was cheating on me from day one. He had four other people he played with and mostly just used me as a place to crash and free food…” “Yeah, that makes sense.” Tina nodded. “Cheating is horrible, and this is why I always say consent, cause me and Tony have slept with people in relationships but we had both partners consent.” “Yeah… after that I just felt… low. So, one day I walked myself over to Rust Bridge… Leto City’s premiere suicide hotspot.” Micheal said, Tina and I both in shock. “I stood there for… a while… Shit job, cheating ex, parents I loved rejecting me so wholly I just… Were it not for the Y Labs people kidnapping me off that bridge's edge I’d… likely not be here.” “That’s…awful…” I said sadly. “I…understand…” Tina sighed. “I…had a somewhat similar situation…just less ‘cheating ex’ and more…horrible break up with the love of mine and Tony’s lives…” Tina sighed. Nodding, Micheal continued. “Like Gallon, I woke up in a cell with my new body. Part of me wondered if I did jump off the bridge and this was my hell. But as time passed that wasn’t the case I realized. I was in that cell for three years before the message played and the doors all opened. I tried helping with some others to get a census of us all and what we could all do and just… tried to help. Kept my mind off all the… dead. I spent a while just crashing in my cell in Y Labs but I couldn’t stay there forever. Eventually I moved on, and well, you know how Gallon and I met. Sometime after I moved in he made me a promise that if he couldn’t find me a partner after a year he’d date me.” Micheal chuckled. Tina and I nodded. “And you two are adorable together.” Tina said honestly. “Heh, yeah, but it actually almost didn’t happen.” Micheal said, now gaining Tina and I’s attention. “Gallon got me a few dates but none of them really worked out or clicked… heh, until Dante. That was actually very close to the year mark. To be honest by that point I was okay with the idea of dating Gallon already at that point, I’d known him for a while and he already took my first kiss.” “We were at risk of being mauled by a Manticore and it was to boost your magic to make a storm and make it run away since they’re hydrophobic.” Gallon chuckled. “Still.” Micheal laughed. “By then we had been through a lot and honestly, I was looking forward to it… then Gallon walks in this long blonde haired jackalope guy who is just… really adorable and… we hit it off really well…” “What happened with Dante?” I asked. “We dated for… five months. He was great, kind, understanding, helpful, and unlike Gallon he knew the difference between archeology and scavenging.” Micheal laughed. “But… I still did like Gallon, and Gallon was…” “I was… self destructing…” Gallon sighed. “I really liked Micheal too. Hell, not gonna lie and say that by that point I wasn’t already in love with him but… I promised him I’d find him someone and I didn’t want him to think I was lazy in looking for someone for him just to have him for myself… that’s when I found Dante working to reopen the public library. Managed to set it up and… seeing them together… felt like I was dying each time and it was all my own doing… I… drank a lot…” “That’s true love for ya.” Tina admitted. I nodded. So that’s why he almost drank himself to death… I did wonder why when he told me that last night… “Yeah. Dante could see that I did want to be with Gallon though, and I missed him a lot, and he also knew how bad Gallon was self-destructing. So, he broke up with me, leaving me a smile, a kiss goodbye and an arm of friendship. I felt hurt… yet, also happy. Heh, can you imagine how weird it is to be both heart broken and so happy all at once? It’s a strange mixture of two opposing emotions. I made it back home and found Gallon stone cold drunk and barely able to move. I brought him to his bed and stayed up all night to make sure he didn’t vomit in his sleep and choke.” “I remember waking up the next morning. A hangover the likes of which an earthquake couldn’t compare to and seeing a really tired Micheal sitting next to my bed. I was confused and… honestly really groggy but, I felt that all wash away when Micheal kissed me.” Gallon added. “Almost got second hand wasted from that beer breath of his but it was worth it.” Micheal laughed. “Took a few days for Gallon to clean up but we went on our first official date just in time for the New AD New Years festival. It was the anniversary of the event that killed humanity and left behind only us. Might sound a bit morbid but, we made it a day to remember what was lost, who was lost, and to promise to keep working to rebuild all that was taken from us.” “We’ve been together ever since.” Gallon finished. “Even with all my bad habits and issues.” “Everyone has bad habits and issues.” Tina said honestly. “But it’s how you and your lover get through it together, your trust and honesty is what helps you get through it.” “Yeah. Little after the… stabbing… incident…” Micheal sighed. “Little after that, Gallon proposed, managed to find this pretty in the Liberte city ruins.” Micheal said, showing us the gold ring on his finger. Gallon showed he had a matching one. “It was the first actual wedding since the Event and the whole city made such a huge deal of it. It was really embarrassing.” “Yeah… I still rocked that wedding dress though.” Gallon laughed. “Still can’t believe you wore that.” Micheal chuckled as they shook their head. “But yes you did and still do look beautiful.” “I can imagine how beautiful you looked.” Tina giggled. “Glad things are working out for ya.” I said with my own smile. “Yeah. We spent two years just… living, life as normal and, well, then the… expedition began to get conceived…” Micheal sighed. “Expedition?” I inquired. “We talked a bit about it before when we got unpetrified.” Gallon said. “It’s when, for me, he vanished for two weeks when he should have been gone for just a few days.” “Yeah. One day this… thing, we don’t know what it was but is storms out of the Hulda Forest, like a bat out of hell… it was like… a mummified corpse, unnaturally long and lengthy, whatever it once had for eyes long since gone and it’s mouth in this… toothless black tar dripping hole that sputtered nonsense. English, clear as day though. Magic, bullets, didn’t matter whatever we hit it with didn’t even tickle it… Then it screamed this… god that scream left me hearing ringing for hours, shattered half of all the glass in the city and any who were too close to it went deaf permanently or even died from internal hemorrhaging caused by the intensity… It walked up to one of the bodies of the Nokori it killed with that scream and those who could still hear, heard it scream one word before running back into the forest. Humans.” Micheal said. “We know the event that… killed humanity off was caused from the center of the Hulda forest, a huge magic build up the equivalent of a magic nuke but… worse.” Gallon continued. “Whatever that thing was it could tell what we used to be… it wasn’t much to go off of but it was quickly theorized it might have had a connection to the event.” “Well…that…is most definitely something.” I said carefully. “Well…I didn’t need to sleep for a good while, thank you.” Tina added, wincing. “I led a team of four, myself included. Humans were usually unable to enter the forest and exit… but we aren’t human. Not anymore.” Micheal said. “So, we entered the forest. I remember following its trail was easy then… from there, it gets fuzzy. Well, maybe fuzzy isn’t the right word… more like, there’s a wall or something there.” “Yeah… after two weeks I ran into that first, some magic artifacts, my guns and some ammo. Spent days tracking you guys down, out of ammo and down to my magic gloves and that was when I found you, petrified…” Gallon said. “I just… I remember hugging you, crying into your stone body, hating how… cold you felt… then it gets like that too, fuzzy, but more like there is a wall keeping me from remembering… from there, I just remember waking up, seeing you, the two of us unpetrified and Button Mash here explaining stuff.”  “Yeah. That’s pretty much everything.” Micheal nodded. “Yeah…at least you were with your loved one in the end.” I nodded. “You both had one hectic life…but yeah, you ended with your loved one in your arms and…that’s not something not a lot of people get…” Tina said. “Yeah. It definitely could have been worse.” Gallon nodded. “Yeah… it’s still all… confusing, but all in all, I guess things will work out with time.” Micheal added. Our drinks all soon arrived, and we all kept talking about stuff. I told them about what I know about the places off Armageddon, which isn’t much but I knew enough. We enjoyed the conversation then we made some plans.  Gallon and Micheal went to have a date in town and explore around, and I left with… Tina… Heh… “So, you have partners too?” She asked. “I have…plenty of partners.” I said honestly. “About…half of them are…Breeders…” I sighed. “Yeah…I heard about Breeders and saw them…when I was here I…felt a disturbance when I heard Breeders…like my brother was forced to accept something horrible.” Tina shook her head. “I…really hope Tony’s alright.” “You think he’s on Armageddon too?” “I wouldn’t be surprised, cause we both got to our Equis from Demon at the same time…I’m sure that we got to Armageddon at the same time just…wrong places.” Tina sighed. “So…I suppose best we go talk to all my partners before we both do the deed…” “Heh, if you want to do it that badly, lead the way, mini stud~” Tina said, giving me a smirk and a wink. “All because I’m too horny for my own good…” I grumbled, leading her home. “Though I do have a question, if you’d like to join my Party when it comes to…doing a lot of important things like adventuring and stuff.” “Hm… Well, I won’t lie, would be fun to go out and work in the field again fighting…” Tina said with a smile. “Sure. Are Gallon and Micheal joining too?” “From what Tiara told me…yes, they are.” I answered. “And while she said that I should have a team of four, five is also fine, since it would be me, Tiara, Gallon, Micheal and then you.”  “Cool.” I walked Tina up into my building and into my home. I saw Tiara sitting on the couch reading through a book. “Hey Tiara.” I said. “Go ahead, screw the pooch and congratulations in advance by the way.” Tiara said. … wat? “Excuse me?” I asked. “Second, wat?” Tina asked in confusion. “I said congratulations. You’re gonna make Tina a mother again.” Tiara said, flipping the page. “O-Oh!” Tina blushed, her tail wagging suddenly. “I’ve…been trying to keep uh…none baby making…but being a Mother would be…amazing.” “Well…are the other’s going to be okay with this?” I asked nervously. “We all expect you to tell us Barb is pregnant sooner or later, trust me they’re not only okay with it we’re just expecting this of you at this point.” Tiara said flatly. … Ouch… “Sorry…” I said sheepish, caving a bit at the harsh wording here. “Once you get Barb in the family I suggest you get some therapy otherwise you will downwards spiral.” She added, making me flinch. “No need to murder me in front of our guest here Diamond…” I said weakly. “She’s gonna be a baby mamma of yours and she and her girlfriend will move in with us sometime after the kids are born. Lovely will stay with her only but you two will share her.” Tiara said, making Tina blush red through her blue fur. “How are you…?” Tina asked. “I’m a Time Walker.” Tiara said, flipping the page of her book again. “I already know every route you two are gonna walk. I’m just helping you get to the best route available given present events and fluctuations.” … Ever since she told me about that whole… sees all possibilities and such thing… sometimes Tiara scares me when she talks… “Well…alright.” I said sheepishly. “I suppose we’ll be right back…” I said, but as I was about to lead Tina to a guest room, Tina picked me up and slung me over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. “Where’s the guest bed?” “You’re gonna fuck on Gallon and Micheal’s bed?” She asked us with a raised brow. Oh shit… right… “... Bathroom then?” Tina asked. “Master bathroom is in the Master Bedroom.” Tiara said. Five Months Later “So, ultrasound came back. Looks like I got a litter of fifteen.” Tina said as we all met up at the cafe again. Micheal and Gallon have been in a more tame basic but have been learning useful skills… I however have been sharing Tina’s looks in terms of… roundness. I could almost forget I was pregnant before but now every time I move it’s a reminder. Hell even sitting… “So… if we’re gonna be a party, are you two gonna be… at it a lot?” Micheal asked. “Is that even okay given you both are…” Gallon added. “Not all the time.” I said, putting a hoof over my swollen stomach. “I do have restraint.” Tina added. “But…it’s been a long time since I’ve been pregnant…it feels…comforting to be like this again.” “Hm… and how has… Tiara, been?” Gallon asked. “Aside from terrifying?” Micheal added. “She’s…been Tiara.” I shrugged. “Being supportive where she can but…she’s suffering the most out of all of us with being a Time Walker…” “She’s still rather intimidating…” Micheal said. “Yeah… she did give me some… odd stuff a while ago with no context.” Gallon said. “What weird stuff with no context?” I inquired. Gallon pulled the items in question out of his Assistant. It was a silver ring, a screwdriver, a bag of marbles, and a bottle of ink. “Yeah she gave me all this then said nothing and left.”  “That’s… weird…” Micheal said. “Yeah…” I frowned, using Scan to see what the hell those things are.   Scanning. 1 Silver Ring. Bag of 14 Glass Marbles. 1 Phillips Head Screwdriver. 1 Bottle of Ink. “Huh…so either you have to infuse those with your special ability or something else cause those are just…normal items.” I said honestly. “Yeah… I didn’t ask because she scares me.” Gallon said, putting them back into his Assistant. “So, you two are gonna be due in some more months… after that then what?” “I think the commander said Tina would need some basic training then they can send us on assignments.” Micheal said. “Yeah…and it won’t be entirely fun with what she’s going to have to do.” I said honestly. “I’m sure I can handle it.” Tina said.  “Well, at least I learned that Artificing is a thing here still. So is enchanting so I have been working on some new stuff to make up for what I lost before Micheal and I somehow got here.” Gallon said. “I’m even finally getting my pope robe some magic to it.” “Heh… well, if it helps in the field…” Micheal sighed. “I’m working on getting more practical supplies for field stuff.” “That’s good.” I nodded. “Best to be prepared for the future and know what you want to do while me and Tina are…indisposed for the moment.” “But hey, I get stronger because of this.” Tina added. “Does breast milk add to your defense or something?” Gallon asked. I failed to not laugh. Micheal almost choked on their coffee. “Den Mother breast milk is not only the best milk you can get normally, but it’s comparable to some pretty good healing potions.” Tina answered. “... So someone had a lactation fetish but wanted to give it a viable use outside perverseness.” Gallon said. “I could have happily gone my whole life never knowing that…” Micheal said. “If you want to see it that way, that's your choice.” Tina shrugged. “I mean… what else would we think?” Micheal asked. “Also, obviously, not on our kink list.” Gallon added. Micheal once again nearly choked on his coffee. “You could…not think of it as a sexual thing first?” I suggested. “Also, I know you both are gay but…you can either become a Hermaphrodite or just gain fully functioning breasts without the extra hole.” I brought up. “... Yeah that uh… no…” Gallon said. “There are a lot of things I want to do in life and nothing of what you just said was even remotely on that list…” Micheal added. “Yeah, it’s not for everyone Button.” Tina added. “Besides, even you told me shortly after acquiring a lover with breasts you got really into them. You sure love mine~” Tina teased. “I’m just saying, there are new avenues for kinky stuff if you ever get curious.” I shrugged, trying to ignore the giant blush on my face from having a whole lot of fluffy boobs in my face. “I already hate the fact my hips look huge when I wear anything like skirts or pants because of my fur… like hell I want a matching chest…” Micheal huffed. “Yeah, and while he pulls them off amazingly, we’ve already been through some super anatomy transformations once that were… an adjustment, rather not go through any more…” Gallon added. “Eh, that’s fair.” I nodded. “Sorry but…considering how…commonplace biology changes were before I got here and…all the biology changes I went through in the span of my entire time here…” I trailed off with a sheepish shrug. “I can get that, my third leg for example I happily took but if it’s not something they want, why suggest it?” Tina asked. “Eh, if bodily mutations are a kink of Button’s who are we to shame him?” Gallon said. “Not really, just letting you know that that is a thing you can do because from what I’m told we are all basically ageless.” I said. “Yeah…that is true.” Tina admitted. "Well, moving on have you two been doing alright being…" Gallon hummed as he looked between Tina and I. He then pointed to me. "Wide as a beach ball," he then pointed to Tina. "And large as the belly of a boat." "Heh… I've been… bigger actually…" Tina smirked. “And this is bigger than my first pregnancy…” I admitted. "You've been pregnant before?" Micheal asked me. “Well…technically, cause Cheat, my symbiote spouse that is…currently in me, forced herself into me while she was pregnant to get me to relax for a little bit…” "Wow. You were so stressed your partner basically knocked you up to force you into a break." Gallon said. "Adding that to AO3 tags I suspect exist." “Whatever that is, but yes they did.” "It was a fanfiction site back on our earth that is notorious for having this custom tag system that… is honestly a hot mess and a meme generator." Micheal sighed.  "Yeah there was some weird tags and some hilarious ones." Gallon chuckled. "So, who is your baby daddy anyway Button?" I swallowed. Oh boy… “Uh…the father of Cheat’s child that she forced me to carry…was mine…” I said sheepishly. "Not that one, I mean the one you're carrying now." “Well the one I’m carrying now is…from a very terrible person that I had to…strike a deal with…” I sighed bitterly. “I’d…rather not get into it right now…” "Oh… sorry." Gallon said, awkwardly rubbing their neck. "Well… how's been catching up with your kids? You've been hanging around them a lot." I smiled. I've made good progress with all of them, still, I wanna get as much time with them all as possible cause once all the new babies are born… heh… gonna be a lot of time on nursery duty… Just wish those abilities that make sleep optional were easier to unlock. Endurance requirements… the hell how do I not meet those yet with all the crap I've done?! “It’s…going well to be perfectly honest with all my kids…but one thing that’s been aggravating is how I can’t access enough of the Motherhood skill tree, like what the hell…” "That's a thing?" Micheal asked. "Skill Trees are weird. Cool, but weird." Gallon shrugged. “Skill Trees can do a lot of weird but really cool things.” I said honestly. “Just…annoys me, like, it says I’m not meeting an Endurance requirement but I know damn well I meet that in spades.” I huffed. "Stamina and endurance are two different things~" Tina teased. "So, how do you get Skill points to get Abilities?" Micheal asked. “Dungeon’s, either through killing bosses or chests, going out and killing enough enemies, finishing a job for the New Foundation, stuff like that.” I explained. "Huh… so they're like… loot and currency?" “For the most part yeah.” I nodded. "Huh. Alright. So it's a grind to get them then. Kinda wish this reality had a normal exp based level up system but oh well." "Heh. You always did love RPGs." Gallon smirked. "Still do. Just wish we had the time to play some." Micheal sighed.  “Eh.” I shrugged. “But the Skill Trees are…massive.” I said carefully. “Like…I’ve gotten a lot of Skill Points over the years and I haven’t really gone through even a quarter of what I want…” "Huh. Wonder what happens if you complete a Skill Tree? Think you win a prize?" Gallon asked. "Well, I don't know anyone who has a completed skill tree. They're rather vast and there's so many of them." Tina sighed. "Well, guess only time will tell. Any recommendations? Gallon and I were just told to get Scan once we gain our first Skill points but are there any you recommend?" Micheal asked. “Honestly it depends on what kind of build you’d want.” I mentioned. “Like me, I could have done anything but since I got Cheat, who’s a Berserker Armor Symbiote, I decided to go into the Rage skill tree for the most part.” I explained. “So it’s a little hard to figure out a ‘recommended’ build and all that.” "Do you have to go with a specific build?" Gallon asked. "Sounds limiting." “I mean, you can use it all willy nilly but I doubt Micheal would take kindly to such things.” I joked as the two groaned at my attempt at a dick joke. “But on a more serious note, you can spread out your skill points as far and wide as you want, but a lot of things need specific amounts to go into and if you go too far into one skill tree other’s will be more difficult to…I believe just completely unavailable to you.” "Hm. Well I imagine you have more experience in spreading things out than us." Once again, Micheal almost choked on their coffee. Tina spit her drink out and roared with laughter as I turned beet red. "Now that is how you make a joke." Gallon smirked at he drank his tea. “Yeah yeah.” I grumbled, trying to get my blush to recede. Six Months Later "I'm awake!" I yelped as I jumped up. Fuck, last thing I remember I was- "Morning." I turned, seeing Maud was holding the sleeping baby I birthed, the little baby was human, but had small wings, a small horn, and brown pony ears on top of their head. My daughter, Code Breaker. "You slept like a broken light." She chuckled. “Sorry…” I yawned. “Ugh…that took…a lot out of me…” "Well on top of Code Breaker you have been helping tend to all your newborns." Maud said. "Not surprising you fell asleep for three days." “Three days?” I asked in horror, keeping my voice down as I didn’t want to wake up Code there. "Yup." She nodded. "You were up helping change, feed, tend to and play with all your new babies so, doing that nonstop for several weeks would get to anyone." Damn. Guess I pushed those abilities past their limits for what I have… “It’s…still annoying how I’m not allowed to have any Motherhood skills to make this easier…” I groaned. “You get used to it.” I heard Tina, which I looked over and saw she was nursing all our pups…so many little fluff balls with wings and horns…one was even a centaur… "So, with the babies a month old already, are you two gonna be ready to get back to work?" Maud asked. “Maybe.” I said honestly. “Well…” Tina looked down to all the pups. "They'll be ready." We all turned to see Tiara walk into the nursery. "If hesitant." “Hesitant being a…mild version of it.” Tina admitted. "Yes, but it has to be done." Tiara nodded. She then walked over to Tina, and whispered something to her. Tina turned so… pale. "H-how do you…" Tina muttered. "Don't worry about it." Tiara said as she pulled away. "Welp, I'm heading out. Need to do something before you two get back to work." With that she quickly left. I walked over to Tina, concerned at how… upset and… scared she seemed to be. “Uh…what did she tell you?” I asked worriedly. “Cause you look…extremely scared and upset…” "I- nothing… it's nothing. Guess I'll sign up for the basic training tomorrow then… do you think the others can care for my kids while I'm out?" Tina asked, avoiding my question. "Yeah, Philomena would be happy to." Maud said. “Sorry…” I said sheepishly to Maud. “Don’t mean to add more to your…already big plates…” The next day I took Tina to the guards training halls. Once she began she kept to it almost religiously, even doing the practice exercises at home. Over the next few weeks she's done this. And while she is still caring for her kids… I noticed it's nowhere near the time she used to spend with them… “Okay Tina, seriously, what the hell did Tiara say?” I asked Tina bluntly. “Ever since Tiara whispered that thing to you, you’ve been going insane with training and…spending way less time with our Kids…” "I… I'm just prioritizing…" She said, lifting what must have been three ton weights in the new workout room she installed. "No, no you're not." I frowned. "Take it from someone that…did this before, this isn't 'prioritizing', this is an obsession…" I said carefully. "Does Lovely know what your doing?" "That I'm working out and getting ripped? Yes, she thinks I look sexy." Tina said. "Not that." I rolled my eyes. "I mean about this." I motioned to the disheveled look she was getting. “You look tired, disheveled, and acting like if you stop for a moment everything will go to hell…and trust me, I looked in a mirror when I did this exact thing before…” "I don't want to talk about it." She huffed, lifting the massive weights again. “I didn’t want to talk about it either but at some point you have to, either by choice…or by force as I’ve had to experience like…twice.” "You want me to talk, fine." She growled, dropping the weights as they crashed through the floor. She then sat up and looked down at me. "I'm a failure. I'm a worthless failure who put her own libido and lust ahead of actually being the hero my Equis needed me to be, and as a result, everyone died!" She snapped. "The zebras, the minotaurs, the changelings, kiran, hippogriffs, griffins, because I put being a mother to my kids and a baby factory to satisfy my lust and stay with my lovers first I let that whole planet die. And when I met the one murdering everyone, Pain's chosen champion, someone who hated me more than anything, they took one look at me and laughed because they didn't see a hero, they saw a pathetic whore who spent all those years literally screwing around rather than helping people and getting stronger. She, even when I did land a hit on her she turned it on me and regenerated like it was nothing! I was outmatched, outclassed and lost long before I ever knew what was happening… Voodoo said he was gonna send me, my family and such to the world Tony was on… to be safe there because at that point… There was no saving that world… I failed. Next thing I know I woke up here in some factory without my kids, my lovers and without my brother. So not only did I fail and get a whole planet killed I get possibly separated from my family…. Forever…" “Did you know any of that was happening?” I asked, causing her to shake her head. “Did you try getting stronger before?” “Well…kinda, I worked on and off as a bounty hunter dealing with packs of monsters.” Tina admitted. “A thing I learned about Den Mother's is that they instinctively want to have kids, that they are meant to be mothers, as the name implies. And sure you are far stronger…honestly, from what Armageddon told me about Pain, she would have probably murdered that reality whether you were there or not, she just gave her ‘champion’ some bullshit excuse that wasn’t your fault in the slightest.” I explained. “Plus…technically, you were becoming stronger through having kids as Philomena has told me.” “But…I still failed…I should have gone out and tried to be a hero, I should have been the one going out to protect my Den from all the monsters that would have hurt my kids…” Tina teared up. “And I should have been here for 10 years spending time with my children instead of running off to get knocked up by some bastard that wants to destroy reality with a stupid war, but Tiara told me that it was the only way I could have come back safe and sound, back to everyone here…” I answered. “We can’t do everything…we can’t be everywhere…you were right where you needed to be, with the ones you love, taking care of your children…and it hurts me to have seen so many times you trying to take care of our kids but you looking like you were tearing yourself apart between wanting to be with them and making the same mistakes I made.” I said carefully. “I…I still failed…I failed so many people…” Tina cried. “So did I…but we’re here, still alive, still well…and we have a family here…I don’t want you to feel like a failure like I do every day, walking around meeting my kids that originally thought I was some stranger…” I sighed. "I… I don't want that either but I'm scared. Because I know if I stay with them just a little longer than I'm forcing myself to know I'll make the same mistakes again and then what?" “Because you have people that will help you with this fight.” I answered. “I’m…I’m scared as well, as the fact I want to go back out on adventure’s to try and get stronger to do what’s right…I’m scared that I’ll be missing years of my life away from my family, maybe a year, maybe ten years again…maybe a hundred…I’m scared of it, but the only way I can do this is with the trust in my family, trust in my friends…and trust in myself that I will come back, that I will be the father they wanted…that I will be better after all this nonsense…” "... I'm still scared… I saw the bodies, I saw what Greta did… what she can do… God if Pain is here… she might be too…" “I mean…Pain is Armageddon’s Aunt so…” I said sheepishly as I shrugged helplessly. “But listen, we’re both scared, we both don’t want this all to end poorly…but we have each other, and that’ll help us out in the long run alright?” "I… I hope…" After my talk with Tina I found Tiara on the roof. She was smiling which surprised me. "You want to talk?" She asked, looking up at the moon. “Yes, cause I’d like to know why you have become…so terrifying as of late and making me surprised to see you can actually smile after all this time.” I brought up. "I learned to appreciate the peace of an unchanging object." She said. "So still and unchanging. It's peaceful." "Right…" I said carefully, sitting down next to her. "So…about you scaring Tina to force her into the same mistakes I made?" "She needed a push to get started on making up for her shortcomings. Her faults and her mistakes. She's… invaluable to you, Micheal and Gallon." Tiara said simply, still looking up at the moon. "But don't you think that was…a little too harsh?" I asked, looking up to the moon to see what was special about if or if Tiara was just looking at it cause it was pretty  "I could have been harsher." Tiara said. "I could have said something that really would have turned her into you, made her terrified to ever have children again. But she needs to get better, not trade one issue for another." "Says the one that tried to force that exact thing on her." "No. I said what would get her to start. You talking to her earlier is proof what I said didn't push her too far. You two are going to work out a system to get better. To be at home and at work in equal amounts to avoid your fears and enjoy your desires." "No, you said what nearly drove her away from our kids and into self destruction in fear of failing. If I wasn't there she would have turned into me." I frowned. "But yes…we will have to figure something out here." "No. Trust me, what I said was tame compared to what could have been said. Sometimes in order to heal, something must break first. Otherwise the issue can never be fixed." I rolled my eyes. "Yeah yeah, you're going to be right now matter what I say." I grumbled, seeing this conversation going nowhere fast cause the hell can I say to someone who probably heard this exact thing millions of times before? "I try to be… if I'm not, then it means worse things will happen…" She sighed, closing her eyes. "Promise me, Button…" "Promise you what?" I inquired, wondering what she wanted me to promise cause this whole thing was about her going too far from what I just witnessed from Tina's own tears and fear. "Promise me that after tomorrow, when our first mission out in the field is done you'll remember that I love you, and everything I do is to help you." "Tiara…that sounds like you're going to stab me in the back and force me to respawn to Mother knows where…" Tiara chuckled. "No, nothing like that… but… it might feel like it…" She said, and I finally saw her shed a tear.  Tomorrow came and I was with everyone. Gallon was sporting their Pope Robes but I could tell there was some magic in it now. He also had some kind of rifle in his hands. Micheal was dressed in a simple leather vest, sporting a satchel that was clearly full, and I noticed he had a handgun holstered across his chest. Tina was dressed in some basic New Foundation armor, fit for a Den Mother of her species and size. And lastly, Tiara was dressed in the Time Walker's cloak. On her it felt… surreal. "Everyone ready?" Tiara asked. "More or less." Tina said. "Same." Micheal said, Gallon nodding. I gave Tiara a look. "I'm as ready as I can be." I said carefully. "Alright. Job is simple. Tina, Gallon, Micheal, you three are on the search for Antizine. New Foundation uses it to synthesize vaccines for the local virus. Look for clinics, hospitals, army places. Find anything else of use medical or arms wise you can keep some, turn the rest in for pay and Skill Points. Button and I are on the search for Prize Pods." Tiara said. Before I could say anything she was already off and I… followed. Tiara flew over the infected and I ran across rooftops and managed a few flying goes for a bit. We went rather far, reaching a coast that smelled of the salt water sea. On the beach here, Tiara finally stopped. "Alright…so when should I expect the ambush?" I asked, being way farther than the others with the vague possible threat Diamond gave me yesterday…I want to trust her but this is rather suspect. "... I am sorry Button, but if I don't do this, you won't be strong enough when you need to be…" Tiara said. She rapidly spun on her back hoof. I saw her eyes flash a neon blue and… … … I… I can't move?! "How flashy." I felt a chill as my frozen stuff body heard the voice of someone I did not want to be around… Alex. "I have the materials and my end of the deal set up already. You just have to do your part." Tiara said, from her Assistant she pulled out a bird cage, inside was a small Phoenix with green, yellow and red feathers… I… remember… Mango. I thought we left her back on Dechamore… "I'm sorry girl." Tiara said, walking the caged Phoenix up and placing them next to me. "... I'm sorry Button…" Tiara said, planting a kiss on my cheek. She then walked over to Alex. "The documents?" He asked. Tiara handed him multiple packed files. "As per our agreement…" "Been a while since I've made one from scratch like this. Usually I ask for a human as a baseline but I can work with this just fine." Alex said, giving a small smile as they put all the documents into their Assistant. He then walked up to me his eyes… changing. Splitting. Two becoming four, four becoming eight as his mouth seemed to vanish, his hands grew and split as runes and markings covered his skin that was turning an ash gray. "Now then, don't worry, this will only hurt with all your being." He placed his now multiple hands onto me, and I felt nothing but pain… pain… and I could not scream… I woke up with… a dry mouth. My whole body felt numb and my mind was groggy. Ugh… ach… what… what… "What…what happened…what did Tiara allow?" I mentally asked anyone that was still in my head… I tried to push myself up. My body was numb but moving made it ache. My hooves felt cracked and split… oddly, that part didn't hurt. They just felt wrong… weird. I managed to open my eyes, the sunset behind me might as well have been floodlights it hurt just to see… when my vision cleared I saw not a hoof, but talons. Similar to those of a griffin or maybe a hippogriff… what? "What…. what the fuck?" I thought in shock… "What happened to me?" Forcing myself my body felt… off. Looking down, both my front legs now ended in talons, the new limbs moved and bent like hands. I felt more limbs where there shouldn't be any even my hind legs felt… wrong. I managed to make my way to the water, and what I saw… My horn was… a bit longer. My face seemed normal, but my eyes were now a bright orange. Two small green and yellow feathered wings sat on my head just behind my ears, the two poking out of my mane. My back has six pairs of wings. The top most were red and orange, the middle pair were brown and looked like my old ones, and the last ones were a mix of metallic gray and crimson red. My lower barrel down was replaced. Gone was my brown fur, replaced by red and orange feathers that lead down my new legs that also ended in more traditionally bird-like feet. My cutie mark was gone… just a mess of green feathers where it should be… I…I felt my right eye twitching, the water I looked at starting to boil as my shock and horror…was replaced by betrayal and rage…I saw my tears falling to join the boiling salt water as I roared in rage and despair, as it felt like my heart was ripped out and trampled on by the one I loved… In my scream, Magma boiled out from the water around me and shot into the air. The molten rock landing on me with heavy wet slaps… but they didn't burn me… if anything it felt like… slime, or maybe a wet towel? I brushed it off me, feeling…  …Cheat? … … Cheat?! … … … Cheat!? Violence!? Java!? Keven!? I called to my Symbiotes… and no response came… It felt like the very ground around me melted, the very air was boiling just from the pure heat of my rage as I lost three friends and one of my loves… As fast as it came… it left me. The rage… replaced by loss…  "Hey I think I see- Holy crap!" I turned, seeing Gallon on the Beach's end, Micheal behind him as the two shared a shocked look at seeing me and Tina arriving behind them. "... Button?" Tina asked. I fell to my knees…seeing the three of them…I weakly gave a wave…but the loss…betrayal…i…i just started to wail in anguish… The three quickly circled me. Tina hugged me as Micheal and Gallon looked me over. "Button… are you…" Micheal started. "A Nokori?" Gallon finished. "I..I don't know…" I cried. "We…we need to get back to town, I have some arrests to make…" I said, even though I was stricken with such unbearably painful grief…I had work to do… "You are in no mood to do work right now Button." Tina said quickly. "No! I…I need to do this or else…" I sniffled and tried to get tears out of my eyes. "I need to do this before it's too late…" "What even happened? Tiara vanished from the Party listing and you just…. Blipped out for a few seconds." Gallon said.  "Where is Tiara anyway?" Micheal asked as he, Gallon and Tina all were looking around. "She…she betrayed us." I said weakly, causing the three to gasp. "I'd rather her have actually stabbed me than what she pulled…" "Okay… okay that's a lot to take in. You said arrests, plural… who else was out here?" I… fuck… what? Who was it? I… I know she was with someone but why can't I… She… or they… one of them messed with my head… I can't remember who she worked with… "I…I don't know…but I know she has an accomplice, and I'm going to get that information out of her." "Okay, okay but you really should… see a doctor or something." Gallon said. "Whatever happened to you… maybe they can undo it…" "Unless he is like us…" Micheal said. Gallon glared at him. "Sorry! But look at him! It's like some weird new take on us and if he is we both know there is no reverse for this. It affects the soul itself." "We'll talk about it later." Gallon huffed. "Come on Button, let's get home. Can you… walk or?" I tried to stand… my legs felt fine but the new… ends felt… different. I managed a few steps before accidentally tripping over my own new feet. "I got you." Tina said, picking me up and giving me a hug as she held me. "I got you…" "All she kept telling me was that she loved me…but she sold me out to…someone, that did this to me with my pet Phoenix Mango…but now…all I have is two missing pieces to my heart as…all my Symbiotes…Cheat…are just gone…" I muttered, just burying my face into Tina’s fur. > Chapter 18: Recover > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- When we got home, despite both my and the whole of the New Foundation searching, Tiara was gone. All her belongings save a few photos were left behind. Given she was a Time Walker, New Foundation called the search off after half a day.  Despite the rage and anger I had inside me, I ended up going to the hospital as Tina, Gallon and Micheal suggested. I know they were more worried about me than finding Tiara… and I still hate that she erased who her accomplice was from my memory… strange that she left in the info that she had an accomplice, just not who.  Try as I might… nothing came to mind. No voice, face, gender or even general shape… just a hole…  “Button Mash?” I looked to the doorway, seeing a female being that looked… I wanna say… like a cross between a deer and a cat, brown and orange ful with white belly fur, and two small antlers on her head. She wore a simple doctors coat as she walked up to me. “I am Doctor Holiday. I’ll be your primary care physician given your recent… transmutation.” She said. “Forced soul fusion, that was the single most painful thing I’ve ever experienced, yes.” I nodded. “Yes…” She said. “I did run the blood samples we collected upon your admission and the results confirm that you are indeed of the Nokori race. And from how your new biology is set up and your magic has changed, it seems you are one of a few that we can tell was created as a BOW Nokori. This is a rare type of fusion and is unfortunately commonly found in the research and development labs of Violence Chaos Guild facilities. You are lucky they didn’t take you back to their lab to… run experiments…”  “And all Diamond told me was ‘this is how I get strong fast enough’.” I rolled my eyes. “Cause apparently when I try to train to get strong it’s a problem, but she can force me into this ugly fucking form and magically it’s fine.” I growled. “Well, I think you look lovely. Some have been less fortunate. At least you still have your original face.” Holiday said, putting a hand to her own. “I don’t even remember how I used to look before…” “I…I’m sorry…” I sighed. “I don’t mean to remind you of bad things…but I’m still…rather rightly furious about things.” “I understand, believe me I do. You have every right to be, but from what your friends told me earlier and what the tests informed me of, try to keep your temper to a low burn, otherwise the room might get set on fire…” She chuckled weakly. “In any case, From what the tests inform you were merged with not just your four symbiotes, but also a Volcano Phoenix.” “Mango…” I said carefully. “Also…Volcano Phoenix? Like…they were born from a Volcano forming or something?” “The Phoenix is a special bird that is often times born from a special event transpiring. A new volcano erupting for the first time, a sun being born or even dying, a galaxy being exploded into existence, or in some cases even just a forest fire raging on. So long as there is plenty of magic in the environment a phoenix can actually be born from most anything but fiery and heat related ones are the most common.” Holiday said. “That being said, from what we examined it would seem this Phoenix was born from a Super Volcano.” “A…Super Volcano…huh.” I said slowly, looking at my hands. “I…wasn’t expecting that…” “Yes. Based on your mana levels and signature, it would seem this merged and combined perfectly with your own internal more dominant Earth Pony magic, and blended and mixed with the unicorn and pegasus magics differently in some yet to be determined ways.” “So…what about all my Symbiotes? What about Cheat?” I asked worriedly, not having heard a single peep from any of them…especially Cheat. Holiday took a deep breath, looking over the papers in her hand. “Based on what we know about BOW Nokori creation, the fusion is almost guaranteed to put the primary intelligent subject, you, in total control. Any other mentalities and consciousnesses are absorbed by them similar to how  the Legendary Ability Consume works. I’m sorry to say that even though one of your symbiotes did possess a soul, this too was fused into yours. So on top of phoenix biological and magic abilities you also have your symbiotes in a similar manner.” I looked down just… Cheat… “However, you are very lucky in that one of your symbiotes can return to you, at least in a form of mental passenger.” Holiday added, making me look up at her. “Two of your Symbiotes were also classified as objects. A weapon changing one, and an armor. Now, from what we were able to tell from your records, you had three out of four of the armor ones pieces. Meaning at the time of fusion they were in an incomplete set. Now were you to find this last piece, it too will merge with you and complete the set, however this should wake up what we call an Echo, a genetic memory of a being, in this case your Cheat Code Armor of the Berzerker Symbiote. They won’t be able to do, well, anything from inside you as an Echo, but they will be alive through you.” "Remember kids, permanent murder is perfectly okay if you want to prove yourself right." I said weakly. "And an Echo…what's the point of what made Cheat…Cheat if she'll just be some mental facsimile of who she truly was?" “Because she will still be alive, she won’t be gone. Maybe one day you could even get her an independent body. Echoes are somewhat rare and still a largely unknown phenomenon, especially if the echo comes from a person who has perma died or went MAD.” She stated. “Besides, I get the feeling you don’t want to say goodbye to her just yet.” That actually got me to laugh… no. Never. Not to Cheat. "Alright alright." I said. "I…really want Cheat back, but I don't know where to find the last piece…" “I recommend the Greed Markets. They are likely to have it there.” Holiday said. “Now then, in terms of your new body it appears you still have enough of your original pegasus magic to fly, and it seems the fusion with the Phoenix has given you an Immortality Ability. Mortal Magma.” "And…the hell does that mean?" I asked. "Like…I know I'm now Immortal but…Mortal Magma?" I questioned more so about the wording. “If I may?” She asked, pulling out a small pocket knife from her assistant and holding out a hand. Hesitantly, I put one of my new hands into hers. Quickly, she cut my skin. The burn from the cut soon was absorbed by the absolute agony as my wound soon bubbled and leaked red hot magma that covered my wound and slid off my skin, hitting the ground and burning the tile but the cut was gone. The pain though left me holding my arm tightly. It was like as if I dropped the limb into red hot magma. I barely held in a scream. “Immortality Abilities allow one to bypass the respawn system, but most often at a price. They feel not only the injury but also the agony of regenerating, in your case every time your injuries heal they will burn as if they were placed into the boiling magma of the Super Volcano that birthed the Phoenix that was fused to you.” "That's bullshit, but who cares cause there's Pain immunity in the skill trees." I said, having seen the pain resistance skill and also some of my rage skills either ignored or negated pain while I was in that state. “While true, unfortunately one of the trade offs of Immortality Abilities is the pain they inflict on you when regenerating bypasses pain nullification abilities.” She said. “Yes, it’s messed up and is one of the reasons not many people actually want genuine Immortality Abilities and instead go for high grade regeneration.” "That's…that doesn't make an ounce of sense." I said, now confused as hell. "High Grade Regen can do the same thing with no drawbacks…" I frowned. “Yes but even with high grade regeneration one can still die, it’s harder but possible. Immortality Abilities, not even Consume can kill you, soul damaging attacks won’t do much either, and even Level Five Dungeon Monsters and Void Admins can’t perma kill you. Only a Time Walker can.” "That would have been preferred over this…" I frowned. "But no…she forces her own beliefs onto me for no fucking reason and abandoned me with vague bullshit and her keep telling me she loves me…if she did, she could have either told me and cut the Time Walker bullshit out, or done something else…" “I’m not going to even try and understand Time Walkers. They’re an odd bunch. Very rare to find here on Armageddon. Whatever the reasons, we likely will never know. All I can say is that I recommend… a lot of therapy for you. For the heartbreak, betrayal and your newfound situation.” "I doubt it'll help…" I sighed bitterly. “It’s a start. Now given your fusion was rather… unique, I’ll be scheduling weekly visits for some basic exams, mana scans and checks, and for you to tell me of any unexpected developments biologically or magically alright?” "Alright…" I sighed. "Anything else I should know about?” “Just be weary of your new abilities. The fusion makes them part of your biology in a way that they would activate with minimal thought or as a reaction to something. I recommend if you test these out yourself to do so in a safe environment for both yourself and others. That aside, I’ll see you in a week Button Mash.” “Alright, thank you Doctor.” I nodded, getting off the table and heading off home…I hate this all so much… When I got home, Sweetie, Maud, Cream and Philomina all comforted me for hours on end. This was… a very bad day… The kids all felt confused and shocked as well. Especially the ones Tiara raised or was raising… Suddenly, their mom was just gone and did something horrible… When I was finally alone I just looked at my reflection in the mirror. I mean, I still looked mostly like me but… the differences were so… jarring. I frowned, looking at the new mini wings on my head, the three pairs of wings on my back… how do I even move these? Took me forever just to move the two I had before and now… Hmm… Actually… I know someone, two someones that might be able to help me here… I walked out from the bathroom and over to the guest room. I guess it’s more just Micheal and Gallon’s room and knocked. The door opened with Gallon standing there. “Hey, how are you holding up?” He asked me. “As well as I can be after everything that happened and…hearing so many kids wonder when their mother’s coming back…” I said weakly. “Anything we can do to help?” Micheal asked as he walked up from wherever he was inside the room. “We have some experience in the… whole transformed against your will department.” He laughed weakly. “Mostly just…helping me figure out a lot of my new physiology cause while I have had these before, legs, wings, and hands…they're just different now…” “Heh, yeah. Well, first things first, how’s your control over your new digits?” Micheal asked. “Most find the new textures, fur or even shape to be tricky. Mostly it was the legs that were different. Like Gallon and I, our legs and walking was the most tricky. Moreso for me since going from feet to hooves was very, very tricky learning to walk again.” I raised my hands up, flexing and closing and opening them.  “... Dude how are you doing that?” Gallon asked. I was confused… until I realized I had both hands up and was standing solely on my hind legs but still up… woah… “Uh…I don’t know, and that’s…kind of weird.” I said carefully. “Can you… stand upright?” Micheal asked. Using whatever apparent muscles I had, I pulled myself upright, finding this way felt no different than my human or anthropomorphic forms. I can just… go from four legs to two whenever now? Huh… “Wow. That’s neat.” Gallon said. “Well…this is a thing.” I said, not really seeing much with just going from quadruped to biped to be honest. “Hmm… How about our new feet?” Micheal asked me. I raised my right ‘foot’ up, it was weird but if I think of them like slightly larger hands, I can still move and flex them just as well. “Alright… hmm…” Gallon said, leaning in and looking at my foot a bit closer. “It looks like your new uh… ‘toes’ can probably grip and let you perch on things like any other bird. Knew a few Nokori like this back home. They helped a lot with construction in flying safety ropes and even catching people that fell from high up.” Hm… wonder how strong they are… and I stronger than before physically? I mean… Painful immortality aside, how much has changed? “Wanna test it?” Gallon asked. “Well…I suppose I can test it out.” I admitted. “Alright, let’s head to the gym.” Gallon lead Micheal and I to the inhouse Gym Tina put in. She wasn’t here at the moment but there was a lot of equipment here, and many heavy weights. “Alright, so how much could you lift before as an alicorn?” Micheal asked. “About…five hundred pounds before.” I admitted. “Haven’t really done this a lot to be honest.” “Well, let’s start there.” Gallon said, walking up to one of those weight pull things. It was large, sized mostly for Tina but I should be able to use it. He set the pin in where the weights said five hundred. “Alright, get up on here and pull.” I got onto the seat, needing to stand upright to even reach the pull bar. I took a breath and pulled- The pull bar and it’s rope were now pulled down to my lower torso… What? I turned and looked at the weights, seeing them lifted up and still read as being the five hundred pounds… I didn’t even feel it? “Woah. That’s cool.” Gallon smirked. “Wonder if he can lift more than Arthie could…?” I heard Micheal mutter. “Well…might as well try it out…” I admitted. “Alright, bring it down and let’s see.” Gallon said. I let the bar raise back up and Gallon moved the pin from five hundred pounds to eight hundred. Once it was I pulled the weights again, and as before, I pulled the weights up effortlessly. “Dude, that’s eight hundred pounds you’re lifting like nothing.” Gallon said, his smirk now a huge giddy smile. Holy crap… “Well…this makes no sense.” I frowned, trying to think of how the hell fuzing with symbiotes that shouldn’t increase my strength and a fucking volcano bird suddenly makes me stronger. “Well, from what we know, it’s not uncommon that depending on what you fused with, the Nokori comes out much stronger than the original animals and beings put into the fusion.” Micheal said. “I wanna see if he can beat Arthie’s record.” Gallon said. I put the weights down and let the pull rode go up. He then moved the pin to one thousand five hundred. I pulled, putting some effort into it this time but I pulled it down and raised the weights all the way still. “Awesome!” “Woah… Heh, now that is impressive.” Micheal said. This is insane… how? Maybe there’s something about Phoenix or Symbiote biology I’m not understanding… Or maybe this is some weird boost to my earth pony magic being mixed into all this mess too… “None of this makes any sense.” I shook my head bitterly. “I shouldn’t be this physically strong just because of this fusion…” “Trust us, it doesn’t make sense to us either and we’ve lived like this for a little over ten years now.” Micheal said.  “Yeah. Personally I didn’t question it and just accepted it.” Gallon shrugged. “So, let’s see if you can really lift.” He smirked. I put the weights down, the bar going up and Gallon moved the pin all the way to the bottom, the maximum weight of five thousand pounds. I took a breath and pulled. The weight I felt it, it took more effort and strain but even this I managed to pull the bar down and raise the weights. Took a lot more effort though. “He’s a machine!” Gallon said, cackling. Heh, yeah a machine- JAVA! Java was a more computerized symbiote that was supposed to eat metals and such to reinforce my body and make me tougher and stronger! This is why I can do this! If Java merged with me then maybe that means my body can passively gain strength by reducing the body’s natural limiters! “Well…I now know why I’m this strong…” I admitted. “Java…one of my symbiotes…” I sighed. “Ya know…seeing this, I just want to spite Diamond and prove her wrong and laugh.” I said without really thinking much about it. “... How would that work?” Micheal asked. I let the bar raise up and the weights fall. The loud thud didn’t bother me as I sat on the bench. “There’s no… undoing this…” “She said this form would make me ‘strong enough for what’s to come’, well, it’s not my fault or problem if she’s wrong.” I frowned. “If she thinks her job is so important that she would sooner abandon her entire family and do this to me then she deserves to be wrong and whoever or whatever the hell made her a TIme Walker.” I said, before blinking as I realized something…who did make Diamond a Time Walker? “Huh…that’s…strange…” “So you’d let some monster storm the town and kill your family and children just to spite her?” Gallon asked. “I don’t want that, I didn’t want any of this…” I said carefully. “But what do I get for trying? People in some super special positions in life make my life some dumbass game for them to twist and mold to fit what they want while I get shafted because of it, and when I try to do my own thing I get yelled at about it and lose the people I care about in the process…” “... A lot of the time we don’t ask for what we get in life.” Micheal sighed. “But, we take what we are given, learn to live with it, and move on. I know it sucks, and it hurts and there is nothing more you want to do than to just take all the shit that’s happened to you and beat Tiara to a bloody pulp with it, to make her hurt like you have been hurt and then some. But, you will move on, it will take time but you will get better, and whatever all this is she did to you, you will turn into your power, not something she forced on you, it will be all your own, alright?” “I…doubt it.” I admitted. “But I’ll try either way…cause someone has to.” “Well, we’ll let you think it over and process some more. This wound is still fresh for you so it’s not gonna be healed easily.” Gallon said. “But it will heal.” I went to sleep that night, waking up in a dream. I was expecting to see Armageddon again. Part of me wondered if because of my new form, they’d change to. What I saw was a tan human man, young looking with black hair, almost gold-brown eyes and wearing a red hoodie and black shorts. … Okay? “So, you’re Button Mash.” They said, smirking as they leaned on the table that was between us. We were both sitting in an endless white void with just us and this table here. “And who are you?” I asked, not wanting to start a confrontation with a brand new person that’s now haunting my dreams. “And what brings you to my dreams when I would rather just be nowhere because of all the shit that happened recently…” “I’m Armageddon’s… well, he considers me his father. Call me DG.” He said, giving me a smirk. “Fun.” I groaned, taking a seat at the table. “So why are you here and I didn’t do anything to incur your random bout of wrath right?” “Oh no it’s nothing you did at all. You see, it’s what Diamond Tiara did.” He said. “What she did to you… intervene in certain… actions, I was going to take. I mean sure it would have killed a lot of people and I still plan on doing it, but it goes against one of her primary orders as a Time Walker. Never intervene with My Games when near them. So, for her transgression I figured you’d like to know every Time Walker in the guild has been issued her arrest warrant, and when she is caught she will be executed for her actions.” “Excuse me what!?!” I shouted in panic. “No need to be loud. Besides, I thought you’d be happy, after all you clearly were displeased with the powers she forced onto you and this new form. Would you prefer to witness her execution then or kill her yourself cause once she caught I can make either work.” DG shrugged. “She shouldn’t have to die to begin with!” I said quickly. “I don’t know why she did it, I don’t know what possessed her to do it…but she kept telling me to trust her, that she still loved me even if I’d rather have had her stab me in the chest and throw me to some other part of Armageddon…just…why did she do this?” “Because she knows I’m going to be making my move.” DG said with a shrug. “See, Armageddon is many things, a Safe Haven for true Evil and Lawlessness, a breeding ground for corruption and the power hungry, but the two things it is most of all is a prison, and my playground.” He said, a chess board appearing between us on the table. “Everything here is my plaything and I play, of course, the bad guys. Pieces like David and many others I influence and move and set up to challenge my opponent. The ones who help guide and support the ‘Heroes’.” “Hey! Who would have fucking thought I was right!” I snapped, throwing my hands in the air as I…weirdly heard a round of applause. “Yeah yeah don’t go getting stuffy. Only my toys I directly influence, the others like yourself are guided. Save one incident my opponents never directly tell or make you lot do anything. You all still have all your free will and all that pesky stuff. Not my fault it’s inefficient and leads to countless opponent heroes downfalls.” He chuckled. “You people are so stubborn, questioning your own free will and judgment when you learn we can influence you but even when we tell you that you are not being controlled or anything. Hell, the bad guys you fight have less free will than you and that’s all thanks to me. Honestly all this bitching about your own choices meaning nothing and you actually at least get to choose.” He chuckled, picking up a pawn, it turning into a humanoid shape. “I mean, at any moment I can just…” He broke it. “To my own pieces and replace them with someone I want to enter the game. But you, heh, you can choose to play or not. They can’t make you and I could care less if you do or not.” “Yeah…yeah of course…” I shook my head. “Everything’s just a game for those in power, the Chaos Guilds, David…and now you…” I growled. “You say I have free will, that I have a choice…but I’m still apart of some dumbass game made by people who are fucking bored.” “Not wrong, but also not right.” DG chuckled. “Yes, we are bored. More me than them, but like I said, you’re free to opt out. You can wake up tomorrow and just say ‘fuck everything’ and live a normal nine to five in the new foundation. You can be the father to your kids, mother, hell one word and I can tell David that you are even off limits and he will stay away from you. But that’s your choice, you could stay in the game, fight against me and my playthings, maybe kill a few, maybe save lives, maybe change things on my planet for the better, maybe even get to that special prison and find what this place was built to hide… but like I said, that’s all your choice. Either way, all you need to know is that Tiara will be killed and when she is, you’ll forget she even existed. After all, her mentor passed and you forgot all about her already so all those bad memories will be gone just like that.” He snapped his fingers. “And as far as you're concerned, some random ass Violence scientist ambushed you and made you into that. Course that’s not completely wrong. What makes that so much more enjoyable when you do forget her.” “And what’s stopping me from saving Diamond from your nonsense right now?” I asked. “Also, me forgetting her entirely? That’s some horseshit.” “Hey, you already forgot her mentor, you talked with her, met her, hell you even slept with her.” He said… I… I don’t… “Don’t remember? Heh, of course you wouldn’t. After all, Time Walkers are all living paradoxes in a reality that doesn’t have the capacity for alternate Timelines, so when the paradox that by definition shouldn’t exist or have happened, is undone, all that knew of it, or them in this case, forget they ever existed. But as for what’s stopping you from saving the woman that made you arguably a very powerful being and broke you and your family’s hearts, well… Do you want to?” He asked me. “The choice after all is yours.” “So…first, the Time Walker stuff is actually…really dumb, like…how is Future Sight suddenly a ‘well, you can see the future, time for you to cease to exist somehow’?” I asked, finding that bit just…complete nonsense when all I’ve heard about Time Walkers is that they can see the Future and they can Perma Kill people. “That doesn’t make any sense why people would become a Paradox over fucking seeing the Future.” “Heh, that’s not even close to why they become Paradox’s. But I can’t tell you that. Maybe Tiara can, if you get to her before the other Time Walkers do. But will you? Do you think she’s worth it?” I thought for a moment…I saw her tears…how much she wanted me to trust her, that even after what she pulled she still loved me…”I…I just want my Diamond back…” I said weakly. “Even after all this…I still love her, and she wanted to do this so I could fight your bullshit…she doesn’t deserve to die because she went against some rule to placate you…also…uh…wouldn’t everything that was involved with the Time Walkers also cease to be?” I asked. “Cause…I remember there was someone that handed me that Respawn Anchor, I hate how I can’t remember them…but shouldn’t that cease to exist? And…by extension…wouldn’t all the kids we adopted cease to exist or be somewhere else?” “Pfft, you really know nothing. No, actions the Time Walkers do or set in place are not undone, that in itself is a form of Time Alteration. Illegal by decree of The Mother. No, a complete and total scrub from the records of existence and memories of all who ever even saw them in passing, like they never existed, is what awaits them. This keeps anything they did that is set to hold precedence after their passing that is needed from being undone and messing up. No, as far as those kids will be concerned, if you can’t save her, they never had a mother. Or at least, not a direct one.” “But…wouldn’t by that logic the Time Walkers aren’t living Paradox’s?” I asked. “Also, yes, thank you for pointing out the obvious Captain, your sight is as good as they say.” I rolled my eyes. “I’m asking this because…the logic your giving me doesn’t make any sense, like…if they were a Living Paradox and ceased to be after death, then everything they’ve done is part of the Paradox, because if they were never there to begin with to do the thing…” “Look, nerd, I am not the one to complain to about Time Walkers and their rules and such. Go bitch to Pecator if you want to scream and bitch. All I’m here to do is to see if you’re still in this game, which I’m assuming is yes before your bitch tangent got started.” I sighed, having so many questions but knowing I won’t have anything truly answered by this asshole…as all I saw was this smug bastard, practically taunting me about Diamond’s execution because she dared go against his nonsense…and even in this Dream I felt my blood boil. “I’m not going to play your game asshole.” I growled. “I’m going to be playing my game, as you said, I have Free Will, and my choices matter, so I’m going to break apart your game, save Diamond, and feel proud that I get to spite your efforts while enjoying your little playground.”  His smile never faltered. He just kept it on as he looked me in the eyes. “I look forward to it.” “So why the sudden interest now to test your body's new limits?” Micheal asked as we were now back in the gym. “Because I’m going to find and save Tiara from some jackass throwing a hissy fit.” I answered bluntly. “Cause now the bastard has the Time Walkers hunting her down because she apparently did a no no and didn’t let him play on the swings as it were.” I said. “Ya know, Playground metaphors would fit a bit better if we knew who the hell you were talking about.” Tina admitted, also in the gym having wanted to do her own training due to…everything that’s going on. “The Father of Armageddon…” I said carefully. “Diamond made me this, and he didn’t take kindly to that, saying that it interfered with his playground, with his game…well, no more of that bullshit, I’m taking the reign’s here, this is my Game now.” “Right… so, another religious episode or…” Micheal said. “Eh, either or, sounds like he’s out to spite a god. I can get behind that.” Gallon said. “So, what are we testing first cause we already tested strength.” “Speed next, the treadmills work with Speedsters right?” I asked. “Yeah, I’ve seen a few Speedsters take these things for a joyride when they aren’t doing anything.” Tina said, motioning to the treadmill. “Speedsters as in like, The Flash?” Micheal asked. “This reality just gets better and better.” Gallon laughed. “Well, we can also test your endurance with this.” “I can personally attest to his endurance.” Tina teased. “And he already had it in spades.” “Well I probably have a ton more given all this nonsense.” I admitted, moving over to the quadruped treadmill first to see how I am normally. “Also, yes, just like the Flash except Flash would be on the slower end from my own research before…we got to this hellhole.” “Right… well, best get started.” Micheal said. With a nod I got started running on the treadmill. I built up speed quick, managing to reach forty… fifty… sixty… eighty… … … Really? “Eighty miles per hour is very impressive.” Gallon said. “That’s…kind of disappointing…” I frowned. “Wait, that’s bullshit, I can dodge bullets I know I’m faster than eighty miles an hour…” “Maybe it’s because you’re still not used to your new biology?” Tina offered. “Maybe. Lot of Nokori over time got better at their physical and magical capabilities over time with experience and practice.” Micheal said. “What Button can do now might not even be his full potential given how recently he was created…” “And considering I’m a Bioweapon Nokori…” I sighed. “Who the hell knows what I’m really capable of.” “Well, I know for a fact that Bioweapon Nokori didn’t exist back home. We were just made like this to survive the Event and nothing more really.” Gallon said. “Maybe it’s a concept from an alternate reality. Lot of people mentioned that when we asked around in town about our species.” Micheal said. “That’s most likely the case.” Tina nodded. “Alright.” I nodded. “I also learned and…am trying to figure out how Time Walker death’s make any sense…” “What do you mean?” Tina inquired. “I was told they are living paradoxes, and their death means that they are excised from existence and memory…but the things they do aren’t…” I said carefully. “Like…if the person that gave you that important item never existed, how did you get it in the first place?” Tina inquired. “Yeah, like that.” I nodded, keeping up my eighty mile an hour run and…not feeling tired at all. “Like, I remember being given the thing, Cream was pissed all those years ago.” I chuckled, remembering her calling me the luckiest being on the planet because of that. “But I can’t remember who gave it…” “Huh… weird.” Micheal said. “Kinda reminds me of Kingdom Hearts…” “Oh you mean when Xion died, I cried so hard at that part…” Gallon said. “That was indeed a sad moment. One Roxas ruined because his lines were dumb.” Tina said. “Oh my god I know…” Gallon said. “B-but who will I have Ice Cream with?” I asked, as all of us laughed at how bad that was. “Seriously, I doubt even if that was a translation error that no one looked at that and thought ‘Um… maybe a rewrite for this?’.” Micheal said. “But yeah, what if it works like that?” “I mean, I don’t know why it would because Xion was made from Memories right? Time Walkers are supposed to be made of Time, something that does and…doesn’t work properly in this reality as I’ve heard.” “Unless that’s just a lie to cover up what they actually are.” Tina said. “Think about it. Time Walkers are the most secretive of the three Mother Run guilds. Would it surprise anyone if the members are made of not a living paradox but rather memories made flesh?” “I’d say that makes sense…but that would mean whoever made Diamond a Time Walker…did some serious modifications to her…” I said carefully. “Ugh! This is so confusing and it’s giving me a headache but…I need to figure this out…for Diamond’s sake…” “If they are made of memories, is she even the same Tiara that you knew before? Cause, if not then what happened to the original?” My eyes widened at that…what…what did they do to my Diamond? “I have to find Diamond…I have to figure out what they did to her because if that’s the case…then…then she truly…oh god…” I muttered in horror, realization hitting me as I thought…if she was just memories…then all her emotions, her want to trust me…it was more real than I ever imagined and not just some betrayal bullshit…”Why does everything need to be complicated?” “Cause we live on a planet that’s a playground for a psychotic god that’s also bored?” Micheal offered. “Gonna find a shirt that says that somewhere.” Gallon said. “I’d buy it.” Tina nodded. “Huh. been ten minutes and you’ve been keeping that top speed of eighty for a while Button.” “I don’t feel tired at all.” I admitted. “See if you can keep it up on two legs.” Gallon said. Nodding, I managed to push myself on hind legs. My speed dropped for a second before going back to eighty.  “Looks like… you can keep the s-speed…” Micheal said, stuttering for some reason. “Yeah… impressive…” Gallon said, chuckling. What? “Cute running style Button.” Tina said. I then realized I was keeping my arms ticked against my sides like a raptor or something… “Sh-shush you, I’m not used to running as a biped.” I said with a blush of embarrassment at how silly this looks. “It’s adorable.” Tina smiled. “Well, he is part bird now so…” Gallon chuckled. “Can someone tell me how to run properly so I don’t look stupid?” I whined. “If your arms are folding that way instinctively that might just be how your body is meant to run...” Micheal said. “At least your wings are also kept tucked against your back and head without issue.” “Yeah, I learned that real quick…before.” I sighed. “This is still something to get used to…” “Trust us, we know.” Gallon chuckled.  “Word of advice, try not to get any feathers plucked out before they’re either already older or starting to look dingy.” Micheal said. Huh. I remember some tips Tiara mentioned. I wonder, do my new head wings hurt if I pluck a feather from them? I think they should… what about the feathers on my body? They’re all rather small too… I reached down, finding a small feather poking out amongst the rest and pulled it- Ouch! Okay, yes that hurts! Like getting a splinter! More an annoying pain but painful nonetheless. “I recommend not plucking a feather off the head either.” Micheal said as I turned to them. “Accidentally pulled one out and on top of feeling like I yanked out a clump of hair, gave me a splitting migraine for hours. Most other Nokori with feathered wings on their head all said it was a similar sensation when it happened to them so, I’m assuming it might be the same for you.” “Yes, yes it di-AH!” I shouted in pain as my dumbass regeneration kicked in, feeling like molten lava was shoved directly onto my god damn wing to regrow a single fucking feather. “Fuck me…” I groaned in pain. “Keep up that pace and I might later~” Tina said. Gallon laughed and Micheal facepalmed. I blushed. “S-so none of you are questioning why my feather just grew back?” I asked, quick to trying to divert the conversation from Tina’s skull crushing thighs and onto me being in turbo pain. “This is all new territory for us given BOW Nokori didn’t exist back on Gallon and I’s home world so, all I know is largely open for addition or even being tossed out since we don’t know what you’re capable of.” Micheal said. “I don’t bother questioning anything and just accept shit as it happens.” Gallon shrugged. “Unless it’s bullshit.” “I’m wondering if your Controle Stick changed shape~” Tina said.  I tripped, face planting and sliding off the running treadmill and getting tossed into a pile of loose weights. “Shit! Button you… okay…?” I heard Micheal say. I pushed myself up. I actually felt fine and… I looked myself over. My arm no longer looked like flesh and feathers, rather now it looked… metallic…  I ran to a nearby mirror. I was armored up. The armor was different. Feathers were all metallic, skin was metal, even my wings now looked as if they were made from multicolored metal. The helmet was very different, almost like a second skin as my eyes were clear and visible and I could even move my mouth and it was visible. It was less like armor and more like skin… but it felt extremely metallic… Cheat… “C-Cheat?” I asked, gently putting a hand up to the helmet…as I teared up and wished she was here… I stared at my reflection, tearing up as it slowly seemed to… sink in or retract inside my body… “Are you… gonna be alright?” Gallon asked. “N-not really…” I said slowly. “I…that was Cheat…she’s still alive…just…this stupid fusion…” I wiped the tears out of my eyes… I need to salvage at least her… I need to find the Greed Markets.  After a little more training, Tina, Gallon and Micheal accompanied me to the Greed Market. A portal trip brought me to a familiar sight of stalls selling everything, and I mean everything… “This place is like right out of a bad explorer movie.” Micheal said as we walked through the crowd. “Kind of reminds me of some video games.” Gallon added. “I don’t like some of the smells here…” Tina added. “Welcome to Greed, where you’re either a Customer, or the Merchandise…” I said their tag line. “The only Guild that’s neutral in all this bullshit…” “So, pay the bill. Got it.” Gallon said. “Yeesh. Look at some of this stuff. Think the Geneva Convention back home would be having a heart attack just looking at some of it.” Micheal said as we passed a stall with some very strange and deadly looking weaponry. “I don’t like that they allow stalls that sell Breeders, Slaves, Serfs and even children.” Tina said, growling as we passed one said stall. “Yeah…I actually bought a Roxy and Rockstar Chica from Greed…I wonder how those two are doing actually?” “Freaky… I really don’t like- Gallon!” We turned, Micheal practically tackling Gallon who was looking at some floating swords and dragging him back. “Awe come on, they were cool looking…” Gallon said. “For all you know touching them might have killed you or something!” Micheal huffed. “And don’t just wander off and now Tina is gone…” I turned, and saw Tina kneeled down looking at the cages of a stall that was selling people. Specifically she was looking at a cage with children inside. “Tina?” I asked, moving over to her side. “This…this isn’t right…” Tina said, seeing the children in cages…”I…I want to save them…” “I’m…sure you would like to have met Irma.” I admitted. “She fight’s and rescues any slaves she can, trying to find…I think her daughter’s husband…” I said, shaking my head. “Damn, ten years and so much nonsense I’m surprised I remembered…” “... Some of them look so… hopeless…” Tina sighed. “Two hundred rem a head.” The seller, some odd semi-transparent skinned humanoid said, smoking a cigar from a chair they sat at. “That cheap for a child…” Tina said, less a question more an angry statement. “Ever since Lust opened up those brothels and instated those new policies, they rarely even need Lovers Class to make more Breeders. They have the Breeders breed more Breeders.” They stated. “Kids from pods like them are bought for cheap and sold just to get rid of. Only reason they still buy them is to check them for abilities that might be of use.” “How many kids are here?” I asked immediately. “Breeders making more Breeders…fucking hell…” I thought to myself. “Got ten out here. So a solid two grand for the lot.” The seller said. “Deal.” I nodded, handing over th two grand of rem. “Pleasure doing buisni-” As the shopkeep was saying as he took the money, we both heard the sudden breaking and tearing of metal as Tina held all ten children close to her, all of them in a state of awe and…comfort as Tina held them all like a mother would their children. “I mean…fair.” I admitted. “Den Mothers.” He shrugged, taking the money then taking another puff of his Cigar. “Best keep an eye on her buddy. Lust Hunters won’t think twice about targeting her.” “I’ll keep track of her, don’t worry.” I nodded, even though I’d sooner parade the fucker that dared on a pike gutted as their screams echo in these halls. “Good.” Tina managed to keep hold of all the kids. They vary in age and race. Youngest looked maybe three, oldest must have been eleven. I kept close to her as Gallon and Micheal helped keep an eye on Tina and look around for the armor piece I was looking for. I managed to find an armor vendor, looking through the selection and- I paused at what I saw… A full set of Berzerker Symbiote Armor. Not just one… Five whole sets. Holy shit… “Should I really?” I thought to myself, thinking if I got all five it would be really cool to have all five. Hmm… if I do, at the very least I can give Micheal, Gallon and Tina a set… and I only need the leggings… “I see you got an eye for rare armor mate.” I looked up, seeing a snake, a normal looking but also massive snake with long black hair in a braid hanging from beams above us lower down to look me in the eyes. “These armors are quite the beautiful sight aren’t they? Completely symbiotic, both acts like armor, symbiote, powerful and the full set.” "Well…I'll buy three and do you have leggings for a more…Wolf like Berserker armor?" I inquired, remembering Cheat's helm always had a neat wolf theme like from the Berserk manga. “The armor here changes to fit the host. And I do have spare leggings.” “Well, I need Berserker Leggings, and what other kinds of symbiote armor, or weapons, do you have besides Berserker?” “Hmm… Well, in terms of weapons that are also symbiotes I don’t have any at the moment. I do have one armor piece from Violence’s production line.” The snake said. Hmm… Violence made armor? Odds are that it will be very overpowered, but potentially negative in some way… “And…what’s special about the Violence line?” I inquired. “They’re all custom made and can be purchased either through merchants like myself or from Violence directly, they won’t spawn as loot anywhere on Armageddon.” “Is there any…downsides to having it?” I asked carefully. “Well, it is a symbiote still so there’s those usual drawbacks, but you strike me as a person used to sharing a body and mind with them. Other than that, nothing much that I am aware of.” The snake said, slithering back up to the support beams and then coming back down with a mannequin head, a grip where the neck would be was being held by the merchant in their mouth. The mannequin head sported what looked like a face mask that was more akin to something a ninja would wear, some metal around the face and cheeks but mostly cloth. “The maker called it the Armor of Shadows. More for stealth than damage absorption but they said it would help greatly to anyone I sold it to.” The snake seller said as they put the mannequin head down before me. “Well…that could help me in the long run.” I admitted. “How much for it?” “If you want four of the Armor of the Berserker Symbiote sets, the leggings and this piece here… Total will be three million rem. Buy all five for two million and twenty five hundred thousand and I’ll throw in some Specal armor enchantments for your… two friends there.” They said, pointing their tail tip to Micheal and Gallon.  “What’s wrong with us?” Micheal asked. “You’re wearing normal clothes…” The merchant said. “So, you’re naked?” Gallon said. “I have scales, natural armor. And while your robes there have a minor enchantment, I can’t stand seeing unarmored people.” “What about me?” Tina asked. “You’re a Zingore, your hide alone is used in armors so you have natural protection as well.”  “Cool… I think…” “Fair enough.” I nodded. “But you guys want some Symbiote armor? I know their Berserker class armor but it’s better than nothing and you get a new friend in the process.” “Sounds… interesting…” Micheal said. “Sounds fun.” Gallon said with a smirk. “I guess if it helps us, yes.” Tina nodded. “Should probably have gotten armor sooner before.” “Fair enough.” I nodded. “So two million twenty five hundred thousand for this special bundle and enchants?” “Yes. They are on scrolls that once they make contact with clothing will attach to them, adding some decent armor ratings via magic.” The snake nodded. “Works for me.” I nodded, bringing out the money for the merchant. Once they got everything they nodded, quickly going back to the rafters above and then coming down with a bag full of scrolls. They also left me the legging for Cheat’s armor. I swallowed as I looked at them. Gently, I placed a hand on them- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! IT’S LIKE THE FUSION IS HAPPENING ALL OVER AGAIN! While I was spasseming on the ground trying to feel literally anything other than an all encompassing pain, I suddenly heard something new but familiar. “HOLY FUCKING SHIT BUTTON WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO!?!?” Cheat’s voice screamed at me. Despite the agony… I couldn’t help but laugh and cry. “C-Cheat! I’m…I’m so glad you're back…” I cried. “Also, why the fuck is the Fusion pain happening again!? That doesn’t make any sense!” About as soon as it started, it ended and I was left feeling numb and sore all over again… ouch… agh… fuck… “Button what the hell happened? Also the fuck can’t I do anything? Where’s Violence, Java and Keven? What the fuck happened to your body and what the… fuck I can’t remember much past following Tiara to that Beach…” Cheat asked, sounding as sore as me and her voice filled with confusion. As I tried to push myself up I suddenly felt the pain and soreness… lessen. Like it was being washed off. I managed to turn and see Gallon there, hands on my back as I saw them glow with magic. “Spell I got when I got into that guild. Helps heal and reduce pain.” He said. “You looked like you were gonna need it.” “Y-yeah…thanks.” I nodded. “Cheat…there’s…so much to tell you and…none of it is good in the slightest…just…know that I love you and I’m glad you're alive.” “So… to recap… Tiara forced you into a fusion that also fused you with Mango the Super Volcano Phoenix, turning you into some BOW Nokori thing that has all the Symbiote powers, which is why I have such a blank hole in my memory as I was technically dead until you got my last armor piece that seems to have just woke up my consciousness but not letting me do any symbiote nonsense, leaving me a separate consciousness in your head unable to do much but talk with you and watch. On top of that you also met the Father of Armageddon, a member of the Family and basically challenged them at their own game by saying you are gonna play your own game to save Tiara who only did this to you because she knew what he was gonna send our way at a yet to be known date and broke some important Time Walkers laws that she will be killed for it caught…” Cheat summarized. “That’s the long and short of it, yeah.” I said, even though I was now wearing Cheat’s armor and giving it a wing hug because I was just…so happy they were back. “And did you know that the Father of Armageddon is an asshole?” “One would assume that anyone that makes a planet like this would indeed be an asshole yes. Also on a related note ARE YOU COMPLETYLY OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND?!?!?!?” Cheat’s scream made me experience the mental equivalent to a near deafness. “YOU CHALLENGE A MEMBER OF THE FAMILY AND EXPECT TO WIN?!?!” “He didn’t seem to mind though.” I admitted. “I think he liked my challenge, and had the balls to call him out on his bullshit…listen, I’ve had a rough couple of days, I’m just super pissed about a lot of things…and DG was the real person to get pissed at.” “Remember when Cream was screaming at you for not thinking things through and jumping into something just because you can… I swear Button If I could I’d have taken control of the body and whored you out with Tina like a prostitute to keep you in line!” Cheat yelled before finally calming. “I swear you are too fucking… agh! If Tiara dies, if you can’t save her, you are dropping out of this game and we are moving to some country farmland for the rest of our lives!” "That's fair, but I know I can do this." I told her. "This isn't something I say lightly, plus the bitch was taunting me with Free Will, that this was ultimately my choice…but I'm going to make my choice matter." “Yeah yeah… if I ever get a body again first thing I’m gonna do is whack you upside your thick head… So what’s step one in your insanity?” "Get stronger for one, which will need me to get used to this extra fluffy body." “I guess that works. So, you’re in charge of my armor and such now huh? Well, you are part phoenix, part Symbiote, well, many parts symbiote, and pony. At least your new body has perks.” "There are a lot of things…but one thing that's annoying is Mortal Magma, my immortality ability that's just…more a hindrance then actually helpful, as whenever I'm injured I regenerate by my body feeling like it was dipped in pure Lava…and it bypasses any and all pain nullifications for some reason…pain…" “Eh. I figured you’d end up with some bullshit at some point. In any case, nice to meet you Roomie. Welcome to my idiot husband’s body.” Cheat said. “The pleasure is all mine.” The symbiote of the stealth armor said, their tone respectful and rather kind. “This body is quite adept for housing symbiotes.”  “Yeah, there used to be three others but you heard how that went so… now it’s just me and I don’t even count anymore. So, anything special you can do when you armor up Button?” “I can help my master in remaining undetected, hide and blend into the shadows, at night Button will be nearly undetectable and once I am 3/4ths whole I can use the shadows to craft weapons as needed.” "Well that's cool." I admitted. "So, do you have a name or should we give you one?" “Call me Kage.” "Sure, fitting name all things considered." With that all done I decided to check in on Tina, Gallon and Micheal. I found them in the gym. I got a few upgrades for it to help us all train and get better. There was a shooting range, spell casting area, combat arena, and some useful things. Tina’s armor reflected her wolf like appearance, covering her spines and such. I did notice small vents along her back that at first looked impractical, but I learned that her Thunder Bugs flew in and out of them. Micheal’s was more like platemail, the armor was thin, slender and fit along their body but also had the iconic spikes along the back, elbows and his legs. The armor even covered his horns that now thanks to the armor curled into sharp points that I imagine would gouge out anyone if he headbutt them. His wings, like mine, the armor covered and seemed to look more like demonic wings when armored, but the wings on his back and head. Gallon’s was the most unique. Rather than armor, his looked more like robes, while the armor still covered him entirely, it resembled an artistic looking set of robes. There was even a large Y across his chest, no idea how the symbiote colored it a golden yellow. Gallon’s horns while in the armor also were longer, stretching up, looking and pointing towards one another. And apparently, his Ability also affects the armor when it’s active, gaining him even more defense and resistance. I was rather jealous of that…  “It’s so weird… feels like there’s nothing on me but then, well, this…” Micheal said, still looking at their armored form in the mirror. “Mine looks neat, and I like thing it did with my horns.” Gallon said, also looking at themselves in the mirror. Tina just stared at her form in the mirror. “... How the fuck does this armor make my chest just vanish!? Where the fuck did my tits go?!” She yelled. Her rather fluffy and… large Den Mother breasts seemingly non-existent with the armor on. “I know I can still feel them so how?!”   "You can ask to show them." I admitted. "But the armor is supposed to keep you safe and make you more streamlined when it comes to combat." “That’s what the symbiote said and while I get it, I do, but still… Can’t I get some sexy armor? … Awh! My symbiote is no fun…” "I mean, sexiness can be weaponized." I admitted. "But you'll get used to it." “Well at least my symbiote is rather quiet.” Micheal said. “Mine’s a smart ass and I love it.” Gallon chuckled. "And my new Symbiote is a Ninja and Cheats still mad about a lot of things I'm doing." I chuckled. “Well, I guess if anything these will help keep us alive. Rather not die.” Micheal said. “This is gonna be so cool! Some Venom shenanigans.” Gallon smirked. Well, he sounded like he was smirking. His armor didn’t let his expressions show. "Yeah, it can get like that if you invest time, effort, and skill points into it." I said honestly. “And I can still fly with it on.” Gallon added, his armored wings looked the same but the back sides were covered in spikes and he flapped them a few times and floated in the air as he flapped. “I still wish I could fly… I mean, I can glide but that’s not the same.” Micheal sighed. “... No I’m not gonna let you eat a zombie pegasus to get flight! I’m a vegetarian!” Ah, arguing with his symbiote already. Also that’s why he never touches the meat during meals… "Well, good to know, but there are the fungus or plant based undead so it would technically count as the vegan option." I pointed out. "But also, I was curious about why you didn't eat meat, good to know."   “Yeah, Micheal was Vegetarian even before turning Nokori, after it was a dietary thing. He could eat fish and chicken but nothing else.” Gallon said. “But he stayed vegetarian regardless. Even after coming here and finding out he can eat all meat now cause out new cells and such, still stuck to it.”  “You don’t eat meat, does that apply to eggs and such?” Tina asked. “I eat eggs, cheese, jello. Just no actual meat.” Micheal said. He then turned to me. “And when you say Fungus based undead… do you mean fucking Clickers and shit?” “Oh… oh now that is actually terrifying…” Gallon said. "Clickers and all their variants, Clickers infested with the Tyrant Virus…honestly there's a Zombie flavor of every kind." “And like that I prefer to nope out of any of that…” Micheal said. “... I’m gonna need a bigger gun…” Gallon said. "Sounds fun." Tina said. "It really is when you get into a routine." I admitted. "Like all those zombie horde games, tons of ways to murder a ton of enemies by yourself." “Right. Still pretty new to all this so, pardon my lack of enthusiasm at learning all those horrifying enemies from video games I’ve played are real…” Micheal sighed. “So wait, by that logic a lot of other stuff should be real too right?” Gallon asked. “Everything in this reality is real.” I answered. “Sure there are some…illegal stuff, like Time Manipulation from what DG told me.” “Right, right so then… does that include like non-monster things? Like food or items?” “Yep.” I nodded. “From the nonsense foods of Chowder, to what Food Wars cooking should be.” I explained. “Oh I am so going shopping later.” Gallon chuckled as his armor returned to inside his body. “But right now I gotta go.” “Right, you’re gonna do that whole Church of The Mother thing.” Micheal said, his armor also turning back into sami liquid form and returning inside them. “I’ll tag along. This might be interesting.” “Maybe.” Gallon shrugged. “As far as I know it should be a simple thing.” I shrugged. “Guess it’s something to do.” Tina said, her armor also returning to inside her. The noticeable difference when her chest returned made her smile. “Hey there girls! Missed you~” She said… …  Sway…~ “Your level of horny is both hilarious and concerning.” Gallon laughed. “You two are perfect for each other.” Micheal said with an eye roll. “Am I not allowed to enjoy my new girlfriend's figure?” I asked carefully. “I believe once you’ve impregnated her the term is baby mamma.” Gallon smirked. “Either way, I’m still allowed to enjoy her looks.” I stated with a huff. “Not saying you can’t but it’s a little weird how obvious you two make it.” Micheal said. “I like to flaunt it.” Tina shrugged. “I’ve seen you two flirting.” “Yeah. Actually, come to think of it, You flaunt and show off a lot, Micheal and I flirt with one another, more discreetly but we do it, I don’t think I’ve seen Button try and flirt that didn’t sound like an anime cliche trope.” Gallon said. “Huh… True, last time Button flirted was when he asked if he could use my revolving door many times.” Tina said. “Can we not?” I whined, blushing brightly at the whole ‘I can’t flirt for shit’ talk. “Flirting is not my strong suit okay?” “Was that before or after you thought flirting with a bucket of chicken was a good idea?” Tina asked. “Hey, it can work, I’m not saying I was successful.” I tried defending myself. “You took some romance advice from the Scout from TF2?” Micheal asked, chuckling. “Classic.” Gallon said, chuckling as well. “Well, come on, if I’m late they might come looking for me.” “Listen, it was all about confidence, showing I can provide, and other things that Spy said I should have…not my fault that chicken was the first thing that came to mind.” “Heh, and you’re adorable for trying.” Tina said, rubbing my head as we headed out. The whole thing wasn’t much. A crowd, some cheers. Gallon said what needed to be said, the building itself glowed for a bit but then looked normal. That was everything. After that we all headed back to the coffee shop for some treats. > Chapter 19: Investigate > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "So remind me why you signed us up for hoard eradication duty?" Micheal asked as he, Gallon, Tina and I were all getting ready to mow down some roaming hoards of infected that were coming up from the south. “Because we need to get stronger, and I need to get some pent up anger out of the way.” I said simply. "So what kind of infected are in these hoards?" Gallon asked, checking his assault rifle that was now sporting a larger magazine. “Infected from Left 4 Dead mixed with Harran Virus and Freakers.” I admitted, stretching a bit as I got ready for some zombie murder. “Seems simple enough.” Tina admitted. “Haven’t really gone on a hoard murderfest in a while.” "Speak for yourselves. We're still new since you always forget…" Micheal groaned. "This is gonna suck." “"Not with that attitude.” I said simply. “This is going to be fun.” "Says the Nokori with volcano powers…" Micheal muttered. "At least we got guns and enough bullets to make a Texan blush." Gallon smirked. "Eh. You're still a better shot." "That's why you have the shotguns and automatics. Less aim, more area of damage."  “Alright, we're all ready?” I inquired. "Ready." Tina nodded. "Locked and loaded." Gallon smirked. "Looks like." Micheal sighed. With that we headed out. We were actually issued a flying vehicle for this trip as it was a few hundred miles to the south. We arrived just a few miles from the hoard and… there was a lot. "Damn… it's like a sea…" Gallon said. "Sounds like an earthquake walking too…" Tina added. "Still think this is gonna be fun?" Micheal asked. I looked out at the sea of undead that were flooding an otherwise small town looking area. “Do I still think this is fun?” I asked, getting up and heading to the door while we were still flying. “Hell ya!” I said as I leaped out and dived straight towards the sea of Zombies, donning my armor and starting to rage, as I slammed directly into the hoard and already felt blood and limbs flying around me in a gory display. "Just a reminder Button that I no longer control the armor, you do since it's now part of your biology so, try not to accidentally undo it." Cheat said as I was letting out a lot of anger, feeling the ground around me bake and turn red. As I slammed a fist into a rather large infected, out from my arms came blades attached by chains that radiated with the heat of my rage. "Cool, looks like anger summons out the blades. That checks-"  I began hacking apart the hoards, the blades setting fire to the bodies I hacked at. [Meanwhile, in the flying vehicle] "Welp… Button has lost his mind…" Micheal said as he, Gallon and Tina witnessed his slaughter. "Possibly…" Tina nodded. "Should we just let him vent this all out on his own?" Gallon asked. "Probably…" Tina nodded. [Three Hours Later] I felt… sore… so… sore… "That was a fuck off massive hoard… and you killed it in three hours…" Micheal said. "That was awesome but dude, you still have limits." Gallon said, applying some healing and pain reducing magic to me. "Do you feel… better?" Tina asked, concerned. “Kind of…” I sighed. “Not as good as I want to but I’m feeling a bit better.” "That might just be Gallon's magic at play… so, mind telling us what the fuck that was?" Micheal asked. “Rage.” I answered. “Rage in all it’s scary glory.” "... That wasn't rage… that was a psychotic break…"  "It was a bit… a lot…" Tina said worriedly. “No, that was just rage.” I said honestly. “If it was a Psychotic break than there would be an active volcano here, and as far as I remember-” “There is.” Tina said, as I blinked and looked to see if that was right… … there was seven mini volcanoes still pouring magma out of them. "You also completely ignored everything I was trying to say, so…" Cheat added. “Uh…that shouldn’t have happened…” I said slowly. “And what did you want to say?” I asked Cheat. "Some helpful tidbits or just to chat, made a few jokes but you just kept going 'Oraaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' mindlessly, and yes, mindlessly, I should know, I'm up here, nothing but primal instinct and aggression was going through this brain of yours." “Uh…huh…” I said slowly, as I looked at the volcano’s…”I know I’m upset about a lot of thing’s but fuck.” "Maybe you need a vacation… or therapy… or both…" Gallon offered. “Murdering a massive hoard of zombies is therapeutic.” I admitted. “And a Vacation? I don’t have the time to do it cause DG is being a bitch and is going to attack the New Foundation sooner or later.” "As therapeutic as mass zombie murder can be, talking helps a lot too." Tina said. “I already did to be honest…” I sighed. “Just…a lot to do…” "We know, but losing it like that… that's not right. Not healthy." Gallon said. “That’s a berserker build for ya.” I shrugged. “Not my fault I can also just…spawn volcano’s because of it.” "I think that is more due to your new body and being a Nokori." Tina said. "The doctor said there will be a lot about your magic and such that will alter the way it manifests. Maybe that's your new Earth Pony magic?" "If so, it's useful but also extremely dangerous." Micheal hummed. I shrugged helplessly. “Well…not sure what to tell ya cause I have no idea what my powers really are.” "One step at a time." Gallon said as he finished up his magic and I pulled myself up. "Trust us, it always feels like you learn something new about your powers. For example, mine can also function as a suppository." "Gallon!" Micheal screamed, tackling and covering Gallon's mouth. "Oh I can imagine how you found that out!" Tina laughed. I laughed as well. “Oh you have to tell us how that happened.” "Don't you dare!" Micheal yelled as he was holding Gallon's mouth closed. Gallon just smirked and pulled Micheal's hands off his mouth. "It was immediately after our first intimate night together. We laid down after it was all done, Micheal let out a sigh then suddenly there was a thunderstorm in the bedroom… and all across the city and to the next." Gallon cackled. Me and Tina howled with laughter at that.  “Oh my Mother, that's amazing!” I said, losing it to my laughter. “I’m so sorry to laugh Micheal but…sweet hell that’s hilarious!” Tina laughed. "I hate you all!" Micheal yelled, now a very deep shade of red. “I hate me too.” I joked. "... Welp that killed the mood." Gallon said, he and Tina looking at me with worry again. Micheal was still red from embarrassment but seemed to be calming down. “Really?” I asked, looking at the three as they looked at me with worry. “It’s just a joke guys, not too much to think about here.” "Coming from a formerly suicidal person… after the shit you just went through, probably not the best time for those kinds of jokes." Micheal said. “Eh, I could have made a worse joke.” I shrugged. "Well… regardless, mission is finished early since you went all Kratos on this hoard." Gallon said. "And now an old embarrassing story has followed me into a whole new reality… thanks Gallon…" Micheal growled. "Awe cheer up Micheal, you're cute when you're angry and it was only our first time. There are way worse stories I could have told." Gallon said with a smirk, giving Micheal a hug and a kiss. "You're lucky you're cute…" Micheal groaned, a little red with blush. “Well…didn’t mean to steal all the kills here.” I admitted. “It’s alright just uh… don’t do that again.” Tina said. “So… what now?” Gallon asked. “... Pizza?” Micheal said, pointing over at a small building… Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria. “Well…either this is where Chica and Roxy are working or we’re about to see some horror weirdness.” I admitted. “Why would there be horror weirdness?” Micheal asked. “Well…you’ll have to play the game series ‘Five Nights at Freddy’s’ to learn some of it’s history.” “Huh… never heard of that one.” Gallon said. “And I spent a long time going through the archived games the Y Labs servers downloaded amongst other files and such from the internet before, during and after the Event.” “Maybe it didn’t exist in our world.” Michal hummed. “A world without FNAF. What would Matt Patt post?” Tina chuckled. “Who’s Matt Patt?” Gallon and Micheal asked. “Oh you two poor deprived babies…” “Yeah…it is an entire thing on the internet that we thankfully have…” I admitted. “What’s it about?” Gallon asked as we walked over to the pizzeria. “Uh…it’s very complicated, but in simple terms the horror game series on a base level is your a night guard for a pizzeria, the animatronics get a little ‘quirky’ at night and try to murder you and you need to survive till six with very shitty power as the only thing you can do is close doors…and there’s some stuff about the animatronics being possessed by the spirits of the dead children that were shoved into said animatronics because crazy murdered…” “Huh… Well, that’s a thing…” Micheal said. “Creepy.” Gallon said, opening the door to the pizzeria. The lights were all on and immediately I recognized this as the FNAF one location. The animatronics were covered in gore and before us was the headless body of a man in a security guard uniform. “Oh well that’s fucked up…” Micheal then vomited. “Huh…” I said carefully, surprised it looked like they just bit his head off instead of shoving his body into an animatronic with the endoskeleton still in it. “Right, so this is FNAF one’s location.” “Oh this is fucked up and I moved, looted and touched dead bodies a lot back home…” Micheal heaved. “Is it weird this isn’t bothering me?” Gallon asked. “Everyone reacts differently.” Tina shrugged. “We’re not going in there… right?” Micheal asked, wiping off some of the bile from their lips. “That depends, what do you two think?” I asked Tina and Gallon about this. "You guys can go in if you want. I can stay out here and help ease Michael's stomach. We saw a lot of death back home but uh… this is all a new breed of crazy in all honesty." Gallon said, motioning to the room in general. "I kinda wanna see if there's anything neat." Tina said. “Alright, so you two can stay out here and keep watch while me and Tina head inside and loot the place.” With a nod, Gallon and Micheal took a seat on a bench outside while Tina and I walked inside. "So, we looking for anything specific or just looking?" “Mostly just looking around, seeing if there’s anything fancy or if we should probably burn this place.” I admitted. "Probably both." Tina shrugged. "And if a certain spring lock animatronic should try and crawl out from the flames, use more fire."  “And I have the best kind of fire.” I nodded. “That you’re still learning how to use.” Tina added with a chuckle as she headed for the kitchen. I headed for the iconic Security room. Hm, everything here is as it was in the game. Cool. I carefully walked in and saw the security tablet and picked it up to see what else this place looks like. “Now…let’s see what  this place looks like from the security cameras…” Looking at the camera feeds, there was some lag but the images were good. I could see Tina on the cameras looking at some arcade cabinets. Hm. Cool. Let's see what's in the drawers… oh. I pulled out a flier. 'Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizza Plex! Open Monday through Sunday! 6AM to 9PM!' Huh. There's an address too… Address Located! Location Marked Huh… Interesting. “Alright, so maybe that’s where Roxy and Chica are…” I muttered. That, or maybe their friends… I put the flier away and looked around, finding some tokens, loose change and even a candy bar. There wasn't much else here, and I walked out, finding Tina in the kitchen. “Find anything?” I inquired. "Nothing much but check this out." Tina said, opening a freezer and revealing various frozen pizzas. "All generic brand pre made frozen pizzas. Heh, no wonder this place was always thought to have bad pizza." She chuckled, taking the frozen Pizzas into her Assistant. "You find anything?" “Flier for the Pizza Plex, some tokens loose change and a candy bar.” I said honestly. "Kinda upsetting there wasn't more. So, there's a Security Breach location? Sounds like more fun. That place was huge in game." “Yeah, too bad the game was…eh.” I said sheepishly. "Yeah. I blame a rush job cause it was very buggy. So, let's go check on Gallon and Micheal." We went outside, seeing the two still sitting on the bench outside. "Hey. How'd it go?" Gallon asked. “Eh, rather uneventful to be honest.” I said honestly. “But next up we’re going to Freddy Fazbears Pizza Plex next, which might have two old friends of mine that…I really need to see again.” "Alright then." Micheal said, sighing a bit as he got off the bench. "Don't worry, it'll hopefully be better than this." I admitted.  "Even so, doubt I'll be much help." "Oh don't be like that again." Gallon said, putting an arm around Micheal. "Gallon, you're a better shot and better at your new magic than me. Tina bench presses whole cars, and Button just did that," Micheal said, pointing a thumb back behind him to my smoldering carnage from earlier. "Not exactly in the same ballpark let alone the same class compared to you three." “Trust me…just because you start off not being as strong as other people, doesn’t mean you can’t become strong.” I said, putting a hand on Micheal’s shoulder. “When I started off I was just an average earth pony, no real strengths, just your average joe…but I worked hard to get to where I was before I became this, and Tina…well, she was probably already that naturally strong but she got stronger through hard work and determination.” "Den Mother plus Zinogre biology helps. I should have been much stronger before coming here but… I'm not gonna make the same mistakes twice." She said. "See, we're all you friends Micheal. Well, they are, I'm your husband so you're stuck with me regardless." Gallon said with a chuckle. "Heh… thanks. Self worth has always been a… touch and go thing with me-" Micheal started, then stopped suddenly. "Huh… Do either of you know what a Title is?" “Uh…not really.” Tina said. “Titles always tended to be fluff with what I know, why do you ask?” I inquired. "I just got a Notification thing saying I got one… Custodian?" "Sounds… interesting…" Gallon said, about as confused as I and I imagine Tina was. "It says I can take 'custody' of people and people in my custody gain a two percent boost to stats and used items… it also comes with an Ability… Final Thanks?" Micheal said. “What does Final Thanks do?” I asked. “Also…Final Thanks? That sounds like a death flag if I’ve ever heard one.” "Well, it says 'Whenever a person under your custody dies in combat, their Abilities, skills and stats are copied to you at double effectiveness for the two hours until respawn. If a person under custody has an Immortality Ability, pain is shared between you and them but stats and Abilities are copied at face value to you for thirty minutes.'." Micheal said, relaying what he was reading. "It also says it's a rank SSS plus legendary Ability… is that good?" “I’d say that’s very good…though it would suck for you cause you’d probably be experiencing my pain as well if I’m under your Custody…” I admitted. “And I’d rather that not happen…” "Me neither. But I think I can add people to this custody thing. Looks like for me it's some side options for the Party listing… oh. Uh, it says I have to speak a trigger phrase to begin the process and as long as the recipient responds positively, they'll be added to my Custody."  “And what’s the phrase?” "It says I have to make one and once I have it can't be changed. Best make it something I won't say often or to a stranger…" Micheal hummed, thinking for a moment. “That would be preferable.” I admitted. "Hmm… I think I have an idea." Micheal said, then turning to Gallon. "Happy new AD." Gallon smirked. "Same to ya." He laughed, giving Micheal a hug. "Welp, that did it." Micheal said. "Trigger phrase set and Gallon is now under my custody." “I thought that happened when you got married?” I joked. “But that’s good to know.” "Heh, so, you two want to be under the custody to? A two percent boost isn't much but it might help?" "I don't mind." Tina shrugged. "Any advantage helps." “I…need some time to think, cause I’d rather not have you share the pain I’m going to go through.” I said carefully. “Especially when my pain will also feel like you dipped a body part in literal molten lava.” "Fair…" Micheal nodded, then looked at Tina. "Well, Happy New AD Tina." Tina smiled. "And to you as well." "Alright, cool. So, guess we're heading off then." Gallon said. The Mega Pizza Plex was…. Huge. Like, seriously I don't think I've ever seen a building this huge before in all my time Running across the zone I've seen a building this massive before. “This place is…a lot bigger than I thought it would be.” I said honestly. "And I thought Costco was huge…" Gallon said. "Well, let's head inside-" Tina said, grabbing the door handle and pulling… only for it to not budge. She pulled, and pulled, and nothing. "The fuck?" She asked, now punching it, her fist bouncing off the glass. "Ouch! What the hell?" "That doesn't seem normal." Micheal noted. I walked up to the door, managing to bring out my symbiote blades and stabbing at the glass. The blades slid across it with little effect. Barely a scratch. “What time is it?” I asked curiously, remembering the flier said when the Pizza Plex would be open. "Almost twelve." Gallon said. Hm. Place should be open then? “That’s strange…” I frowned, bringing out the flier and double checking it to see if I got the right times. "Kind of weird we can't break in." Tina huffed. "Maybe someone lives here?" Gallon offered. Click! We all looked back to the door, seeing Micheal had some lockpick tools they were already putting back into that bag of theirs. He then pulled the door and it opened. "You know how to pick locks?" Tina asked. "You'd be surprised how much stuff is kept behind locked doors and gates." Micheal said. "Taught myself the skill. It was easier than trying to break all the locks I came across in the ruins of homes and cities." “That’s fair.” I nodded. “So let’s see why this place was locked when it should be open.” We walked inside, finding it… pristine. Spotless and bright, lights going off, some music playing around and a cool AC chilled air filled the building. “Alright…this is strange…” I hummed. "Well, at least it's clean." Micheal said. "Huh… well, I can definitely smell Pizza." "Not fake stuff either. This stuff smells genuine." Tina added. My stomach growled at the smell of fresh pizza. “And I want food, so let’s go find our fresh Pizza and get something to eat.” We began walking, following the smell and signs that read 'Food Court' and we- … … … Ugh… what the heck? "Good, you woke up." I blinked the blur away, seeing a human male, brown skin, short hair, a green vest over a black shirt and cargo pants kneeling next to me. "Sorry about that rude welcome, you accidentally walked into one of the traps we left out for intruders. Heh, guess technically you are but that's besides the point." I looked around, seeing Tina, Gallon and Micheal all asleep on various makeshift beds. “Ugh, the hell…” I groaned and shook my head. “So…who are you, and why did you set up traps?” "Boy, you new to Armageddon? Unless you're living with New Foundation, you always gotta set up traps when making a camp." The man said. "If not for intruders for the monsters." “I’ve lived on this planet long enough to have not needed traps, and that was before I lived with the New Foundation.” I said. “And you didn’t answer my other question…” "Name's Dale." He said. "If you're with the New Foundation than you're the people my people have been looking for." “Your people?” I inquired. “Who else is here?” "We're at fifty currently. Nine of which are barely teenagers. Most of us are just folks looking for a safe place after losing prior homes, some were kicked out, others escaped from enslavement. Then there's Keven, he's just an Anarchist that helps out." "Fair enough." I nodded, though my stomach growled again. "Sorry, I'm just…rather hungry and was thinking of the good smelling food before we got knocked out." "Heh, yeah. Come on, we can get ya a slice or two." Dale said as he stood up. I pushed myself up and followed him. Looking around we were in the Food Court, it was turned into a makeshift camp where I saw more people, mostly human and a few of different species sitting or standing around. "Don't mind the stares. Most of the human folk are former puritans." "Yeah…puritans…" I said carefully, my past stints with them appearing fresh in my mind…"Well, not the worst kind of stares I got." "Heh, like I said, most of the human folk are former puritans. They might slip into old habits, but their old homes and former family want them as dead as any other non human." Dale said, walking to a table where he handed me a small box of pizza.  I stood up, opening it and finding pepperoni. "Classic pepperoni." I said with a smile, pulling out a slice and eating it happily and also reminding myself of the joys of being an omnivore. I ate several slices before putting the box down. Alright, time for some questions. "Alright, so how long have you been here?" I asked Dale. "A week so far." He said. “Alright, oh and my names Button Mash by the way.” I added. “So, what kind of monsters or ‘intruders’ have you seen that would need these kinds of traps?” "Well, all kinds of infected outside. Nexus bounty hunters and assassin's their former homes contract out on them, that kind of stuff usually." “Why in the hell would they hire bounty hunters and assassins?” I asked incredulously. "Ego. Pride. Arrogance, self entitlement, or maybe just to make their lives more hell than it is now and was before they left. Take your pick, Puritans, especially human ones, are some of the most petty sons of bitches you will ever meet." Dale sighed. "And all of them are here for reasons that anywhere else, even on Armageddon, are meaningless things." “Yeah…I know that all too well…” I sighed, remembering how I slaughtered two entire Puritan camps…”So, onto less depressing things, you said you were looking for the New Foundation?” "Yeah. They're the main safe faction for these folks. Anywhere else and it's risking recapture, death, or worse." “Yeah, and don’t worry, the four of us are with the New Foundation.” I said. “We can get you and the rest to safety.” "That's appreciated but we gotta wait out a bit first. Some of those Nexus hit men were on our tail for the last light-year. We're hoping being this close to a New Foundation settlement will make them reconsider getting any closer." “I…doubt it…” I said carefully, thinking about DG and his warning about ‘I’m still going to attack anyways’...”But let’s hope for the best I suppose.” "Yeah. So, what's the story with you four? Three Nokori and a Zinogre den Mother make an odd party." “Well, I just became a Nokori a few days ago due to…bad circumstances.” I said carefully. “But we were out here dealing with a hoard infestation and…well, it was supposed to be the four of us but I kinda…sorta…killed an entire sea of infected and created seven mini volcanoes…” I said sheepishly, scratching the back of my head nervously. "Shit really? Heh, nice." He said, holding a fist up to me. Oh, fist bump! I can do this, it's like a hoof bump but with your fist. I gently gave him a fist bump as it’s been both a while since I did something like this and…still trying to get used to hands. “Yeah…scared the shit out of my three party members there but it’s something.” I shrugged. "I'll say. So, since you made whole ass Volcanoes I can assume you're a BOW Nokori?" I nodded. "Gotta say, it's surprising to meet one of you that's not a mindless, soulless, heartless creature. Ran into one some years back. Gotta say, barely got away from that fucker." “Yeah, I’m being told I’m really strong somehow…all so I’m ready for what’s to come…” "Did ya get a serial number with the fusion?" “Uh…I don’t think so.” I admitted. “Haven’t really checked to see if I have some serial number stamped on my body.” "Mind if I check?" Dale asked, holding up a hand. "Go right ahead." I nodded. "Since you seem to know more about this than I do…" "When you travel Armageddon you pick up a few things." He chuckled, putting a hand on my arm. I blinked, seeing it become covered in green ones and zeros in a black aura… code?! "Hold up, you have code?" I asked in surprise. "Heh, yeah. I'm the bastard child of a hacker. While I can use it, my talent with it is rather poor. Most I can do is use it like a Max level Scan." He said. "Hmm… looks like… there it is. On the interior left hemisphere of your skull. Subject 001-906 K." "Can you tell me who did it? Cause the person that helped the bastard did this wiped my memory of it." I said. "Well, I don't know their real name but I know what people call them. Their handiwork is all over Armageddon if you look. Goes by the Nokori God." Dale scoffed. "Doesn't help he supposedly is a god. Showed up here maybe about two hundred years or so ago and quickly made a name for themselves. Violence took a liking their their creations and gave the fuck a job. So, every so often a new BOW like yourself appears. Some foot soldiers, some real power houses. No one has ever met the fucker making them though." I frowned, something about that felt…off. "Hmm…gonna have to tell the Foundation about that cause that is some serious stuff." I said, fearing about what Diamond got herself into with that bastard. "They more than likely already know. I hear they got a few of this guys creations in lock up at their main HQ over in When Day Breaks." "Right." I nodded. "So be on the lookout for this ppbastard…cause he could be anywhere." "Probably." Dale shrugged.  "You want to know about the Nokori God?" CJ asked after I came to him once we got back. He's been in the New Foundation his whole life so he has to know something. "Yes, cause he's the one that Diamond got into contact with to turn me into this." I said, motioning to all of me. "Well, sorry to say but there really isn't much we know about them. All we know for certain is that they are in fact a god, they are also apparently a Hacker, and they're an Isekai." CJ said. "Well, that would explain why I can't remember their face if they did this to me." I frowned. "But there…has to be something about him, cause if he's just walking around in plain sight who knows what nonsense he could get up to." "You could check in with Doc Holiday. She is the main one researching him and the Violence division of the facility that created majority of Nokori. Think it was… Y Labs, that was the one." Right… time to check in with the doc. "Alright, thanks CJ…and where would Doc Holiday be right now?" I inquired. "Her office at the hospital most likely." With a nod I was off. Thankfully the doc wasn't busy.  "So, I figured you were one of their newest creations. Including you that's nine known BOW Nokori the Nokori God has made that have/retained their intelligence." Holiday said, sitting in her office desk. "And the serial numbers started with 001?" She asked. "Yes, 001-906 K to be precise." I answered. "Hm… interesting. That makes you part of the 001 series then…" Holiday mumbled to herself as she wrote some things down. "Unfortunately we know less about this individual than we'd like. We do know however is that he primarily labels his… works, with a special serial number. 001, 002, 003, 004, and 005. The rest seem to be other identifying markers. 906 likely being the nine hundred and sixth entry in his experiments, And the letter is likely a secondary label we don't know the meaning of." "Right…" I said, trying to think of this. "So more questions then answers…but considering all this…have you heard anyone talking about Micheal and Gallon?" I asked, cause this God of Nokori might take interest in them and either how they were made or what they can do and I don't want them to be targets here.  "No. I've been their primary caregiver, I usually am for new Nokori residents, and they haven't told me anything." She said. "From what I can tell they're both healthy as can be. Micheal more than Gallon but I guess a vegetarian diet would do that to you." "Alright…" I said. "Just a lot to think about, especially since something keeps feeling…off to me about all of this and I can't put my finger on it…" I said carefully. "Either my new body is trying to warn me about something or I'm forgetting something important and it sucks…" "Heh. I know that feeling… by the way, here." She said, ha dong me a flier. It showed the image of what looked to be several Nokori giving me a wave. "The New Foundation knows a lot of their Nokori Population often times feel safer amongst others who have been through the whole fusion trauma, so they established a small hidden settlement called Little Leto. If you ever wanna learn more about your new species and some history and culture, just head to a transport portal and they'll zap you right there." "Alright." I nodded, taking the flier but not thinking much about it since I don't really need to know the 'culture' or such and I have Micheal and Gallon to talk to about this. "Thanks Doc." "Anytime." She waved. "And be careful alright?" "I'll try." I nodded, walking out of the office as something in the back of my mind kept bugging me about this whole Nokori God talk…like some Deja Vu or a passing glance…"Damn memory wiping is gonna bug the shit out of me…" I mentally grumbled. "Alright, say Ah." I froze. Shaking it off, I walked near an open door, seeing Alex and… Jada? "Looks like a mouth sore on the side of your tongue." He said, removing the weird wood thing from her mouth and tossing it in the trash. "Ugh. How long will it take to go away?" Jada asked. "If you are better and brushed more, they'd be a near non issue." Alex chuckled. "Ugh… self care… bleh…" "Self care is important Jada." I said simply, as I stared at Alex and…again, my whole body screamed at me to run… "Ah, Button Mash. Glad you are here. I was going to mail it to you but this works." He said, reaching into a drawer and pulling out a pad and pen. "It looks like Jada on top of this mouth sore is also developing cavities. I'll write her a medicated toothpaste and mouthwash prescription to help remove the sore and reverse the damage of the forming cavity but you should make sure she does it daily, morning and night for two weeks." He said, writing out the information before handing me the paper. "Thanks." I nodded and took the paper. "And you, why have you been slacking on your brushing?" "Games are love, games are life, sleep is for the weak and I have another tournament in a month." She said. "And that's a quick way of dying from you getting sick from not taking care of yourself and sleep deprivation. Just because I'm a Nokori doesn't mean I stopped being a Symbiote." I said, leaving that threat up in the air of using my symbiote abilities to put her to sleep to get some rest instead of not sleeping ever. "Maybe, but bet you don't know how to anymore." Jada said with a smirk. "Listen to your father, little miss." Alex said. "Meh. I'll give it a half-hearted attempt." She said, then quickly scurried out the office before I had the chance to grab her. "Stubborn kid…" I sighed. "Always has been." Alex said. I then realized I was alone in here with him… "Any questions?" "W-what about?" "Jada? Or any of your other kids? I am a pediatric physician that specializes in hybrid species care, so, your family takes up a whole hard drive on my computer alone." "Well…how are all my kids medically? I know Jada is…Jada, but what about the others?" I asked. "Much better at taking care of themselves. Save Cirro. Were it not for his Fea biology I'd be very worried about his arteries… and potential diabetes but his Fea half keep him healthier than a child of his dietary excessiveness should be in." "Gonna need to talk to him about that…" I frowned. "By the way…why did you give a weird look to Micheal and Gallon?" I inquired, remembering that time we past him and he gave a weird look but I didn't have the chance to ask. "Hm? Oh yes those two Nokori living with you Jada and some other other's I've spoken to have mentioned them. I'm afraid it was just a passing glance, after all people look at strangers all the time. Almost mistook them for children, but then quickly realized they were adults. Nokori biology and the aging process can be tricky like that from time to time depending on species and other factors." "That's fair." I nodded, but the strange coldness in that look was off putting. "They were brand new Isekai after all." "I see. Unusual but not unheard of for Isekai to arrive in pairs. Well, as long as they are healthy and well I suppose that's all that is important. Maybe next we talk will be for another of your childrens checkups." "Yeah, that would be preferred, cause I have a lot of kids to look after." I admitted. "But at least their all healthy." "Well then, good luck to you Button Mash." He said, walking to his desk. I left his office… Every fiber of my being felt like I just escaped some apex predator… I went around a corner and put my back against the wall as I panted heavily. “Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with Alex?” I thought worriedly. Better question… what the fuck is wrong with me? He gave me a creep or strange vibe before but now… I'm scared of him? "Cheat? Kage? Can either of you help me figure this out?" I mentally asked them. "I got nothing." Cheat said. "Trust your instincts." Cage said. "Fear doesn't rise from nothing." “And my instincts are telling me Alex is a bastard and a liar and he’s scaring the absolute shit out of me…” I thought carefully. “Even if he seems kind and courteous…something about this doesn’t make any sense…” I thought, knowing that there’s something fishy about Alex. "Maybe, but you don't have any evidence to prove it. Plus he's been the kids primarily doctor longer than you've been around since you did investigate him and found jack." Cheat said. I winced at that. She's not wrong. My looking found he's been their doctor since the vast majority of them were three or so. “That just means he’s really good at hiding what he’s doing…” I mentally said. “But I know my instinct’s wouldn’t lie about this…” "They lied when you swore up and down one of those demon train spiders was following us after we left that zone on the travels." “I swear those sons a bitches were and you can’t argue with me on that!” I tried to defend myself. "Right… but maybe something is up with him, but again you looked into him already and there is no evidence at all he's doing anything. But…" “But?” "Eh. Doesn't matter. You need to focus on finding Tiara. Wherever she might be." “That’s true, but she could be literally anywhere.” I admitted. “But there’s also me using your stealth abilities to try and find some dirt on him that he’s hiding…” "And getting thrown in the jail again if you get caught?" “True…ugh, there’s too much to look into and not enough time…” "Just focus on finding Tiara and whoever this Nokori God is. Besides, you might find a lead in this Little Leto place Holiday mentioned. If lots of people were turned into them here at the very least one could lead you to a lab where someone working for Violence might know something?" “That’s true…” I admitted. “So…off to Little Leto.” "Taking the goat wolf and the winged sheep man." "I find it hilarious this portal hub thing looks like a mini airport." Gallon chuckled as he, Micheal and I were sitting and waiting for our portal to Little Leto to open up. "This whole set up is rather impressive." Micheal said as he looked around. "Kinda like when we got the trains up and running again." “Yeah, I remember waiting for many trains with mom back on Equis.” I mentioned. "At least it's faster and more efficient than airport security." Gallon said. "From what I've heard this is a lot more efficient than airport security." I chuckled. "Now opening! Little Leto portal at gate 7!" The announcer over the speakers informed. "Pfft. Definitely airport vibes." Gallon chuckled as we all got up. We got in line, showed the person at the portal our tickets then walked through them. The portal felt kinda like being covered in static electricity when walking through it. Once we were we were out in a similar station. Only there were… a lot of Nokori everywhere. We walked outside, greeted by a rather large city that was blended with nature all over the place. Little Leto might be a bit off for a name… this place looks huge… "Holy crap… this is awesome!" Gallon laughed. "This is everything we were planning the Leto back home to be and more…" Micheal added, jaw hanging open as he looked around. "Well, this place looks neat." I said honestly. "So, where do we start?" Gallon asked. "Well… maybe a bookstore or library?" Micheal offered. "Yeah, let's see if there's anything we can learn from a library." With that we walked down the roads and looked around for some kind of library. We managed to find one… holy crap! The shelves were tall, two sides, and the building was multi story high. Various step ladders and small lifts to help people reach the higher shelves.  I think this is bigger than the old castle of friendship Twilight repurposed into a library/museum! “This place is huge.” I said in surprise. “Heh, despite the statistical odds, a lot of Nokori were all bookworms. At least back home for us…” Micheal chuckled as he looked around. “Maybe it’s a universal constant?” “Wonder what kind of books they got around here-” Gallon started, only to stop when a little blue and orange dog-bird Nokori child walked up to them. The little six eared child looking at Gallon with large eyes. “Uh… hi?” “Hi there.” I said politely to the child. “Uh, hey?” Micheal said as he stood next to Gallon. The kid looked at Micheal and I swear his eyes got wider. “Where are your parents?” The kid said nothing and continued to stare at the two. “Well… this is weird…” Gallon muttered. “Can you talk?” I asked the child carefully. “Copper!” An older woman, a dog with feathers with similar colors to the child came up. “There you are, don’t wander off or started at…” She started, only to see Micheal and Gallon and also look at the two wide eyed. “Uh… something on our faces or… fur?” Micheal asked. “Uh… Sorry, sorry you two just look like some people from some of the varied history books is all.” She chuckled, picking her child up.  “What kind of history?” I inquired. “Oh, in one of the history books on Nokori Origins there’s just some figures that are mentioned these two look like. I’m sure they must get that a lot.” She waved off. “Heh, actually we’re new to this whole… reality.” Micheal said. “Isekai, we didn’t even know this place existed, let alone on a place like Armageddon.” “Oh… Uh… Are your names by chance… Gallon and Micheal?” She asked. “Those are their names, yes.” I nodded. “Why? Are they celebrities or something?” “Wait, you two are really First Pope Gallon and Guild Master Micheal of the Archeologist Guild!?” She asked. “Uh… heh, haven’t been called those since we got here… or much back home… titles were just the formality and such back home so…” Micheal said. “Cool, this mean we famous?” Gallon asked. “You two are historical legends!” She said. “Oh, you need to go meet the mayor this is huge!” “How can we be historic legends when we’ve only been here for maybe over a week?” Micheal asked. “In a lot of historic tales, you two vanished one day, almost two weeks apart and never reappeared. Many thought you died!” “Kinda did. Gorgons. Though the details are a bit fuzzy.” Gallon said. “Oh this is amazing!” She said, shaking both their hands. “I’m Mayday, it’s an honor to meet you two! And this is Copper, he’s been told your stories since he was an infant.”  “Heh… What kind of stories?” Micheal asked. “Oh all kinds. Your journeys across the ruins to regather magical artifacts, search for food sources, recover old information and my personal favorite, the story of how you two loved one another so much it created a storm across two whole cities!” Gallon was covering their mouth to hold back laughter… so was I… Micheal was so red I think he was steaming. “Y-ye-yeah, those are some…really good stories.” I said, trying my damndest not to laugh at the last part being so well known. “... Just kill me now…” Micheal squeaked out. Gallon and I couldn’t hold it and burst out laughing. “What’s so funny? It’s a beautiful story!” Mayday said. “I-I- I think it’s been- Pfft! A bit romanticized from the original!” Gallon howled, on the floor clutching his stomach. “Oh they most certainly loved each other!” I laughed. “I’m in hell… this is my hell…” Micheal whimpered. After our laughing fit was done, Gallon had to carry, literally over his shoulder, Micheal, who was still super red and paralyzed from embarrassment while Mayday took us to the Mayor’s office. The mayor was an old looking almost pitch black fox with red antlers and four ears that were a hot pink color. He also had… two, six… eleven tails, each one ending in the same hot pink. “Well, this is certainly a great day for Little Leto.” He said, smirking as he looked over Gallon, Micheal who was looking limp and dead but was very much alive since his face was still red and he was just breathing slowly. “Two very prominent historical figures, arriving here as Isekai. How wonderful.” He chuckled. He then looked to me. “And you, why I don’t believe I’ve seen a Nokori like you before. Rather unique. I take it you were not human before your fusion?” “I’m Button Mash.” I said. “I used to be an Alicorn before…whoever the hell is the ‘Nokori God’ forced the fusion on me.” I said carefully. “Well, you are not alone. Nearly everyone here in Little Leto was once another species, now we are all victims of Y Labs. Some from the realm of Isekai, some from here on Armageddon. It seems our race is fated to be created through torment and agony.” He sighed.   “And also someone’s obsession…” I thought to myself, and sure I was gone for ten years but…I was around long enough in the New Foundation and I still have to wonder where all these Nokori just appeared from…”Well, I’m currently trying to figure out where the bastard is that’s doing this and stop his nonsense.” “For that, you’d have to target not just the Nokori God, but his underlings all working in the New Y Labs that are funded and work under the Violence Guild. Many of us here all came from these labs, for what reason, we don’t know. I myself used to be an Elf from Eden. I don’t even remember how I was abducted, all I remember was going to sleep, waking up to an agony the likes of which make my skin crawl to remember, and then this body.” He sighed. “Stranger still, we were simple released. Some alone, some in groups.” Hmm, that is strange… “I guess hearing that, Gallon and I lucked out in our world…” Micheal said, having gained some sense of composure back and was sitting upright. Still a bit red but not as much as before. “Yes. It’s one of, maybe even the only one where the Y Labs facilities did good over harm. Your history variant on Nokori Origins gives many here hope that not all of this was for horrid reasons.” The Mayor said. “Well, there’s just a whole lot of new things to learn here.” I admitted. “And…that’s really weird, all things considered…” “Yes, while many want answers, like our ancestors, we may never find answers. I do hope I can be of assistance though. Perhaps at least in helping you learn even something small to be of use later.” “That would be good.” I nodded. “Right then. Do you have any questions then?” “Well…let’s start off with the history cause I have no idea about it, as I’ve now heard that there’s the good world that Micheal and Gallon are from, and the other worlds that are…horrible.” “The histories of Nokori Origins all come from three main sources. The most common and unfortunate, Created by Y Labs, turned from humans and elves and orcs into the Nokori they are today, the rarer and unique natural born, where they evolved or were created by a god like other races in their world and were always part of their planet, and lastly, the post-crisis creation. Where either sometime after or because of a crisis to the planet, Nokori came to be either through evolving from the remaining magical beings, or in Micheal and Gallon’s case, created to inherit the planet after all life was prior was gone.” The Mayor said. “Sounds like quite the history.” I said honestly. “These histories all come from either Isekai or from texts found in old ruins across Armageddon. Spawned as loot. Most all tell similar histories. There are many commonalities across them despite the differences, events, people, things like that pop back in more often than not. And you wish to know about the one that claims to be the Nokori God, yes?” “Yes, I would like to know who this Nokori God is because…well, he’s the one that did this to me.” I motioned to all of me. “I see…” The Mayor took a breath. “In all the various histories, the few that mention a god are all from the natural born or god created histories. They have many shapes, names, but amongst all the histories there is only one where a genuine God of Nokori was created after the species came into existence. The fact the Nokori god labels his creations with the numbers 001, 002, 003, 004, and 005 markings amongst the others tells us much based on historical findings and hypothesis.” “Well…I’m a 001…” I said carefully. “So what can you tell me about this?” “In all his creations, these five main numbers repeat. If I were to guess, this Nokori God did not start life out as a divine, but rather as a mortal being, likely one of the Y Labs scientists working to create the Nokori. Based on the fact the Nokori he creates can all be classified as BOW, Bio Organic Weapons, it’s safe to assume they are trying to recreate these five Nokori, the original one through five. Whether for personal reasons, study or even obsession, we don’t know.” “Goodie…” I grumbled. “So I’m apart of this bastards fetish…” “That is a rather… blunt phrasing. While you are one of the first I have met that retained their intelligence, you seem to share traits with the 001 series. You are fused with a Phoenix.” “A Super Volcano Phoenix from what I was told…” I sighed. “I…didn’t want poor Mango to suffer like this…” “Yes. Many were all the same, fused with a phoenix, of varying elements and powers, but the fact so many are created tells us he views them all as failures. Who or whatever this 001 is, must have been something unique.” “Probably.” I shrugged. “That aside, there isn’t much on the Y Labs division of Violence. It’s rather small compared to other sectors, but we do have maps with locations and general areas where Nokori were left or awoken after their transformation and some experiments.” The Mayor said, reaching into his desk and pulling out a data drive. “Thank you.” I nodded, knowing if I could take down some of these places I can figure out who the hell this ‘God’ was. “We don’t know if the Labs that did this to the people are near or even in the same area, but it’s a start. Most of these are in zones rather far from here. It’s a common Chaos Guild tactic to either use mobile facilities or even just keep the facility small and well hidden in the environment. If you do find us, please let me know.” He said, now handing me what looked like a flip phone. “This is linked to the New Foundation long range communications network. My number is first in the list, once you find and capture or kill the workers, call me so we can collect resources and any Nokori or potentials trapped within.” “Alright.” I nodded, taking the flip phone and putting it away. “Cause if I know where this Nokori God is…he could hopefully tell me where Diamond is…” I muttered. “Yes. New Foundation told me of the… renegade Time Walker. For her sake, I do hope you find her before either the Time Walkers or New Foundation do.” "I will, and I'll protect her with my life." I said readily, not wanting to lose my Diamond here. “So, out of curiosity, do you have any ideas who these first five of the Nokori God might be?” Gallon asked. “If he’s trying to recreate them, maybe it would help to find them. I mean, if Micheal and I showed up here, maybe they did too?” “Hmm…” The Mayor hummed. “In all the history records we have there is only one potential person who could be the 001. In the history texts, he killed the Nokori God in their original world. They called him, the Hellfire Human Hunter.” “... That’s a long ass name.” Gallon said. “Very wordy…” Micheal nodded. "Right…that's not worrying at all…" I said carefully.  “Yes, in the texts it says they appeared some years after the Nokori were released from the Y Labs in old Leto City, he mercilessly exterminated all who threatened or harassed the Nokori with flames that left behind nothing but ashes in minutes. During this world’s war when more labs globally were discovered, he fought against the Y Labs monsters, governments trying to exterminate their Nokori Populations, and anyone who wanted them gone or dead. In the end, he managed to kill the monster that appeared that called itself the Nokori God.” “Well…that’s quite a resume.” I said honestly. “If they are in this reality then they would more than likely know the name of the Nokori God, and their face. As a Phoenix you may be able to detect them yourself.” “Well…I suppose that would make sense…” I said, deciding to test that as I closed my eyes and tried to sense any other phoenix’s out there. I wasn’t really sensing anything… nothing but a few wild ones dotted around- I froze. There was a flame the likes of which seemed to just… engulf everything far, far away. Far enough away that instinctually I didn’t worry about it, but just seeing it… my body instinctively wanted to… bow… “You alright?” Gallon asked, snapping me out of that. “You kinda tensed up there.” “Uh…I…I sensed them…” I said weakly. “A fire…so far away that it didn’t have to worry but…it engulfed everything where he is…” “In legends, they say there is a form of biological hierarchy to Phoenixes. I knew the Hellfire Human Hunter must have been merged with an exceptionally powerful Phoenix, but to detect them from here? That is actually unexpected.” Mayor said with some surprise. “Biological hierarchy?” Micheal asked. “The Phoenix is a unique race, most often born from an abundance of magic in the environment and something to spark their creation. A sun being born, a volcano erupting, even just a wild fire can birth one if there is enough magic in the environment. Not to mention, the older the phoenix, the more powerful it becomes.” “Yeah…and I sense…two other’s…one that’s the fire of a sun and…” I blinked. “A hole in the torrent of flame…pure cold managing to pierce through such outlandish flames…” “Must be a phoenix of the cold. There are Phoenixes of elements, Fire is the most common. The others are rather rare.” “Cool… so what does that mean if Button meets this guy?” Gallon asked. “More than likely, he would be at their mercy. The biological hierarchy is strong. The more powerful and older phoenixes always commanding their younger, less powerful kin. I can just hope they are a merciful elder to you Button Mash.” “...I think the big fire is just an idiot.” I admitted, something about it just screaming that he’s not entirely the ‘wise elder’ that the mayor thinks he is. “Well, whatever the case, I hope your meeting with them goes well.” He said. “Please, before you go, enjoy the rest of Little Leto. As a Nokori yourself, you are more than welcome here whenever you want. All three of you.” I nodded, not wanting to let their hospitality go to waste but I still had a lot of other important things to do…”I know I should relax but the more time I lose…” I thought bitterly. > Chapter 20: Survived > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Despite my reluctance, I was following Gallon with Micheal around Little Leto. This place, the more I walked around… it was peaceful here. Safe… some bits even reminded me of home… “Wonder if they have clubs here?” Gallon said aloud. "I'm sure there is." I said, now liking how I can only assume my new biology was practically enjoying this place. "Would be surprised if there wasn't some bar here at least." “Heh, it’s definitely incredible looking.” Micheal said as we walked down the roads. I looked up, seeing flying of people who could. Around me, all kinds were walking, some seemed to have speed, either through magic or maybe their biology. Others just walked, rode bikes, some had vehicles, motorcycles and cars. Learned a lot about them when I was traveling, like trains back home but smaller, more compact and can be very much heavier. “Club first! Promised you I’d take you to one if we ever managed to rebuild enough to enjoy one, and I’m assuming Button here has never been to one before.” Gallon said with a smirk. "I haven't been to one before." I admitted. “Sweet! Maybe next time we come here we can invite Tina. I have a feeling that girl knows her way around a club.” Gallon said with a grin as he walked ahead a bit. “Heh… Hey, are you good?” Micheal asked me. “I don’t really want to be here.” I sighed “I have other things to do, and all this might feel great but…that could just be me being a Nokori speaking and not how I actually feel.” “I doubt just being a Nokori now doesn’t make you happy just being in this city.” Micheal said, taking a look up and around. “But, maybe you feel good being here because it’s safe. Everyone here was a victim of this new Y Labs and this Violence guild, including you. Maybe feeling that you aren’t alone in what happened to you is comforting?” "Maybe? Don't know why though…it feels like home but I doubt that's it…" I sighed, shaking my head. "I need a drink…" “How does it remind you of home?” "I suppose some of the more…farm town kind of buildings." I motioned. "It's…peaceful here…" “Yeah. It’s nice here, it reminds me of Leto back on our world, it’s everything Gallon, Frost, Ridge, Pike, Midnight, everything the lot of us wanted to build and rebuild it as and then some. Yet… at the same time I feel sick being here…” "And why do you feel sick being here?" “Because, seeing all this… it feels like home but… I know it isn’t. And I guess it makes me feel homesick…” "Yeah…I know that feeling all too well." I shook my head. “Yeah… on top of that, Gallon and I are considered prominent historical figures and… that just feels weird. More like we jumped into some weird alternate future rather than a whole nother world.” "Yeah, that also is quite a thing to experience." I admitted. "But at least you two are respected here." “I mean, sure I guess… just feels weird.” "Eh, fair." I shrugged, looking around for a good place to drink. “Guys I found a club now come on!” Gallon yelped as he ran back and grabbed Micheal and I by the wrists and dragged us to a large building. The bouncer was actually not… or… huh? The bouncer was… maybe a cyborg? His body metallic and robotic but appeared in an animalistic shape. He even had what seemed to be a fully organic mouth and eyes. He looked like a mix between a shark and bear, and yes he stood on two legs and was humanoid, his metal looking like a tan brown leather with a metallic sheen. "Uh…hi there." I said to the cyborg. “Hey.” The bouncer nodded, handing us some clipboards with pens. “Fill this out.” I took the clipboard and looked at the paper on it… huh…name, sexual orientation? Preferences? DTF? Not DTF? Those two are on checkboxes…  "Uh…the hell does DTF mean?" I asked, as I haven't really seen that anagram before. "And why is like…half of what's on here…on here?" “DTF means Down to Fuck.” Gallon spoke up. “I went to a few clubs like this. You fill out a form and if you’re here to meet and get laid, you fill this out and the club issues you some kind of identifiers, like a wrist band, and it lets others all know your interests and such so they can decide if you’re worth making a move on, or for you to make a move on them. It all depends.”  “That’s pretty smart.” Micheal said. "Well…that's…interesting." I admitted…and wrote down my name, that I was willing to bang, go either way… Once we filled them out, the bouncer took them, took the papers off and then put them through some small machine. Out came three wristbands with our names on them and colored in various ways. Micheal’s and Gallon’s I noticed had a red line across the middle of theirs. Mine was just colored in various hues. Once we had them on we went inside and were greeted by various flashing colored lights and Some loud and fitting music. "Well…this is a thing…" I muttered. “This is an active club!” Gallon laughed. “Rather louuud-” Micheal was saying, then got dragged by the arm by Gallon to the dance floor. I chuckled and found my way to the bar. I got up on one of the stools, seeing the barkeep was actually human, a slender man with black combed hair, a thin mustache, and wore a red and black shirt and vest with some gold trims.  “Greetings. What brings you to the bar?” He asked with a small smirk as he was wiping a cup clean. "Got any hard cider?" I asked. "Cause I need a good drink after…a lot of things…" “Sure thing.” He said, reaching under the bar and… I recognized the bottle. I’d seen it all the time during Cider Season at Barnyard Bargains… He popped the cap off the bottle and placed it before me. I took it, the cold glass producing some condensation already now exposed to the room temperature air and I took the first sip… it was… exactly the same. The bitter of the liquor content and the sweetness of the apples it’s brewed from… I haven’t tasted this in over ten years… yet…  "H-how and where did you get this?" I asked carefully. "This is the…exact same brew I had back home…" “I get my stock from here and there. Think this one was purchased from a small bottling facility out in Eden.” The barkeep said. “Got lots of my best stuff from there.” "That's impossible, this is straight from Barnyard Bargains…the taste, the smell…everything is the exact same…" The barkeep shrugged. “Don’t know what else to tell ya. Maybe they use the same recipe?” If that’s true… then an Apple has to be living over in Eden… I looked over the bottle, looking for any district apple family marking cause they always have their seal of approval on the stuff they sell. There it is. Stamped into the glass of the bottle itself, the mark of an apple with a check mark inside it. "Holy hell…an Apple really is here..." I muttered, taking another swig of wonderful cider. “Hey there cutie~” I turned, seeing a winged fox with some antlers leaning against the bar next to me. His fur was actually a light blue with red endings on his tail, hands and feet. “I see you’re looking for a fun time~” … Crap! I suck at flirting! Let alone being flirted at… I took another swig to try and get some liquid courage up. "I am, what kinda fun ride are you offering?" “Well that depends, are these pretty wings of yours durable? And if so, do you like them being grabbed from around the front or from behind~?” Now I was blushing. This guy is direct… "They are indeed durable and…honestly haven't had them grabbed like that in…a while." I managed as I wasn't sure how to go about this flirting stuff. “Really? Care to… correct that misfortune?” “Well…” I blushed brighter at that. “Y-yes.” “Then follow me, there’s a motel next door that charges by the hour~” “Dude, where’d you go? Micheal and I looked everywhere for ya!” Gallon said as he and Micheal found me outside the club. I was as red as a tomato and felt… different. “Did you shower?” Micheal asked, he was now sporting some neon colored glow bands around his neck and horns. … The sex was good… almost scary good… “Uh…yeah, just had to get cleaned up from some…stuff.” I admitted sheepishly. “... Did you get laid?” Gallon asked with a smirk. “Button did not get- oh my god you did…” Micheal added, noticing my tomato blush get even redder. “That was fast…” “Was it good?” Gallon asked with a chuckle. “Maybe I did, and it was good…” I admitted. “But also I have many significant others that I’ve had sex with a lot, so don’t act like I never had sex before.” “True… but you fucked a guy didn’t you?” Gallon grinned. Against my will my wings flared out. “Called it! So where is Mr. Stuck-it-in-ya?” “He left already…” I admitted. “What, really? Ah, got boned then left. Yeah, that’s typical for a club hookup.” “Did you even get a name?” Micheal asked. “No…” “Wow. Really was a casual hook up.” “Eh…” I shrugged. “Just…needed something to vent some frustration on…and he took as well as he gave I’ll give him that.” Gallon whistled. “Damn. Didn’t think you had it in ya to go out and have a throw away fling.” “Well, club’s done for now so… anything else?” Micheal asked. “Hmm… Not much I can think of. Think I saw a Greed weapons shop a bit down the road.” “Why would we go there?” “Big guns. Bigger guns… Guns from Wolfenstine and Doom~” That made Micheal’s ears perk. Huh. So he can move them. “Well… I guess looking won’t hurt…” “Well…I suppose doing some shopping might help.” I admitted. Gallon took the lead ahead some and Micheal walked next to me again. “So… are you alright?” Micheal asked me again.  “I’m fine.” I admitted. “Also learned there’s a member of the Apple Family somewhere in Eden.” “Uh, alright? Don’t know what the Apple Family is but alright. Still, just surprised you had a fling with a stranger in a club. Your other partners back home won’t be mad?” “The Apple’s are a family line of Apple Farmers back on Equis, grew and sold the best apples in all of Equestria and made even better Cider…it was shocking to say the least.” I said. “And…as long as I’m not pregnant, which I made sure, it…should be fine.” “Right… So, are they all as… open as you? I know Tina is but the others?” “All of them are in a big poly relationship, they’re expecting me to date my kid’s teacher, a…sexy dragon named Barb, and Tina was just added…so at this point they probably just put up with my antics.” I admitted. “Well, I guess as long as they are alright with it… Guess I just worry about you.” “You don’t have to.” I admitted. “But thanks.” “Heh, I feel like it’s my job at this point. You and Tina are power houses, even before you became this, which in itself because of how it happened broke you… you’ve been through a lot, even before Gallon and I showed up. Then, heh… Gallon has always had a… gung-ho attitude and a sense of curiosity that can sometimes override his sense of self preservation. Someone has to take care of you all when we’re out and about. Might as well, if this Custodian title means anything at the very least I can make sure you’re all doing alright.” “I know, I know.” I nodded. “But there’s just a lot of things I have to think about and…not a lot of time…” “Well, for what it’s worth, Tiara is a Time Walker right?” I nodded. “Well, from everything I’ve been hearing and told, Time Walkers are stupid strong… so I doubt she’s gonna be at risk. No idea what she’s doing or planning, but she did this to you to prevent something from happening to you, you and your family… so at least she cares… even if her actions make her out to be a criminal to her own guild and home.” “She’s doing this to spite DG…but she has other Time Walkers after her and I don’t know when or where she’ll be and I need to find her before they have the chance to kill her.” “True… still, she can’t have started all this without a plan… wonder what her end goal is?” “I have a feeling it’s to end this ‘game’ that is Armageddon.” I said. “To stop this playground of pure evil…but that would be a problem because it might…also let the Chaos Guild’s run free…” “... So the options are… keep the game going, and stay on this planet forever, or end it, and let the Chaos Guilds run free across this reality, but we’d also be free to come and go… That is a tough choice… it sounds like her goal is to end the game… which makes me wonder… did she do that because she knew your choice would be to stay stuck here?” I paused at hearing Micheal say that… “I’ll never know until I find her…” I admitted. “Which could be soon, could be later…could be never…” “... Would you have?” Micheal asked me. “Knowing that beating this DG guy would free the Chaos Guilds from Armageddon, would you have chosen to stay?” “I don’t know…” I sighed. “But this is my game now.” “Heh, well at least you’re determined.” Micheal said, sighing but giving a small smile. “Hey Button.” He said, making me turn to look at him. “Happy new AD.” “Thanks…you too.” I said, wondering just…why they want to suffer the same immortal burden as me… “We’re a team. First thing you should know about that is when one member has a problem, it’s the party’s problem as well. We might not all be fire-proof immortal power houses like you, or even Tina, but you aren’t alone. We’ll all share the burden, ya stubborn mule.” “Just…be prepared, cause you said that you’ll suffer the same immortal pain as me.” I said. “I know.” He nodded, still giving me a smile. “It will suck, but hey, this journey of ours isn’t gonna be pleasant anyway. Something tells me Gallon and I will become accustomed to pain sooner or later…”  “I just…don’t want you to suffer because of my ability.” I said. “So…am I under your Custody now?” I asked, wanting to make sure this works. “Yeah. And I ain’t letting you off the hook from it.” “Yeah yeah.” I chuckled. “So I get what bonus to all my stats?” “Two percent. Small and kind of useless.” Micheal chuckled. “Still, at least it’s something I can contribute.” “That’s fair.” I nodded. “And…two percent is still two percent.” “Heh. Well, if anything maybe I can help with planning. Raw strength and rage is good but… rather have a plan of action before we actually attack. Otherwise you’ll be all exhausted the next time we clear out a hoard.” “I’ve been getting skills to mitigate all the exhaustion from rages.” I admitted. “The Rage skill tree is…rather in depth all things considered.” “Are you putting all your skills into rage based ones?” “Well, not all of them, as I’m doing some stuff with magic, I have done some stuff with the Symbiote skill tree…just trying to give myself a proper build here.” I explained. “Went through the Rage build since I got Cheat and…well it’s worked out a lot.” “Can I see?” Micheal asked. I nodded, bringing out my Assistant to display my stats, skills, skill trees and such. “Hmm…” He hummed, taking an inhale. “You said you played games right?” “Yes, yes I have.” I nodded. “I’ve just got back into playing games, and as you can see most of my skills are because I got Cheat, a rather strong symbiote and the like.” “Hmm… This is a hot mess…” Micheal said. “It’s not a hot mess.” I huffed. “Why do you think it’s a hot mess?” “For starters your Energy Resistance and Magic resistances are very low. Especially given the other stats. Your HP and Attack are good but your MP is also pretty low and your Defense while good your Physical Resistance is also really low for a berserker build. You have zero Psychic or Status resistance at all, and from the looks of it all your skills went into Defense, HP, and Attack damage. The rest of your defenses are all rather… lackluster. Sure you have some skills here that help negate this, you’re leaving yourself far to open to hits from enemies that could priorities attacks and such you lack in, not to mention most of these rage based skills only boost your lacking resistances temporarily, either while you are enraged or when your HP gets low enough to trigger them so even if that’s useful you’ll want to prioritize more permanent additions to your stats otherwise someone strong enough could KO you before your skills even have a chance to trigger.” … Well… Damn…  “You forget, I do have a skill that lets me straight up ignore damage while raging.” I admitted. “But jeez boss, no need to put the hammer down on me like that.” “Yes but they have a built in time limit so even with that factored in, going up against powerful monsters or people could run out before the enemy is defeated. Not to mention these only really negate physical damage, only one of these worked to decrease magic and energy damage and even then it’s not by that much.” “It stated it did any damage though.” I frowned, looking at the skill again. “I still have a crap ton of skill points though from my travels…” “Yeah but while I can see where you’re allocating them you are mainly planning it out for immediate damage to your opponent and immediate attacks and defense from them. Your low level Psychic, Acid and other resistances could spell bad news for damage over time attacks and your zero Status resistance means you could be stuck with a nasty status effect for a long time.” “Rage gives me high Psychic defense due to the obvious thing, Acid and other Resistances…well, at this point I don’t really have to give a shit given my immortality ability.” “Right… first off, while true, from this point on, when you die I will feel it.” Micheal said. Crap… “So you’re going to have to take better care of yourself in battler otherwise. Second, just because you can’t die doesn’t mean you should let yourself get hacked and slashed and blasted and melted and whatever just because. I highly doubt you are a masochist, even if you don’t feel it because you’re numb to it, you should invest is a more broad defensive line up otherwise it will bite you, and now me, in the ass later.” … He… put himself on this line knowing that I won’t want to cause him harm by dying… I chuckled. Clever… “Yeah yeah, whatever you say boss.” I rolled my eyes but held a smile at his decision. Micheal grinned. His grin then fell to a confused frown. “Uh… huh… Do Titles ascend?” “Uh…maybe?” I said. “Why do you ask?” “It says Custodian has ascended to Perfect Custodian… and I got three new abilities and… wow… oh wow…” He said. “What did you get?” I inquired. “Uh… Let’s meet back up with Gallon, then after that go find Tina cause… this feels like a group discussion.” Micheal said. “That big huh?” I asked. “Well…I suppose that’s for the best, let’s get going.” With a nod, Micheal and I caught up to Gallon, who was standing outside a building labeled ‘Guns Of The End’  We walked in… woah… these are some very big guns. “Holy shit…” Micheal said, looking around. “Heh, told you.” Gallon chuckled. “Yeah…these are some really big guns.” I admitted. “I’m sorry is that the fucking BFG!?” Micheal yelped, rushing over to a massive and heavy looking gun that looked to shoot some kind of energy rather than bullets. It looked like it was built to be held with two hands and lugged around. Next to it were some canisters of glowing green energy that looked ready to either explode or vaporize whatever the energy hits. “Woah…” “They also got bladed weapons too!” Gallon said. I looked over to him, seeing some rather impressive blades, all ranging in size and shape. I shrugged, walking around the place looking for something specific…but then I noticed a rack of strange looking katanas, the blades placed carefully on their proper rack but the blade looked…colorless? Like even the steel which normally had a simple gray color was just…not there. “Uh, excuse me,” I asked one of the store staff. “What are those katana’s and why do they not have any color to them?” “Hm?” The shopkeep, a tall bull looking Nokori with bat wings on his back, hips and head just under his horns. “Those are called Nichirin blades. Also commonly called Color Changing Katanas. They’re made from special ores that absorb sunlight and are mostly good against dark magic, necromantic, and enemies that can’t really survive sunlight. They’re supposed to change color depending on the wielder, and the colors all have meanings.” “Huh, that’s cool.” I nodded. “How much?” “Five grand.” He said. Huh. Cheaper than I thought. “Sure, also how much would a custom Nichirin blade be? It’s for a…big Zinogre.” “Feral or anthro?” “They can shift between Feral and Anthro.” I admitted. “Alright, I got one in the back, one minute.” He said, heading through a door. He came back out with a large sheathed blade that would take two hands to wield for a normal sized being… but Tina can easily one hand this weapon. “Alright, so three standard ones and one larger one that’s twenty five thousand rem.” I nodded and pulled out a bag full of the amount of rem. “Twenty five thousand.” “Alright.” They said, handing me the four blades. I put the large one for Tina away in my Assistant and took the three normal length ones. I gave Gallon and Micheal theirs and we all pulled them out, the blades each gaining their colors. Gallon’s was purple along the blade. Micheal’s was red. Mine turned black. “I forget, what’s purple mean?” Gallon asked. “I think it’s royalty or something?” Micheal said. “But sweet! I got red! Also… uh… sorry in advance?” Micheal said to me. “Why?” I asked, honestly confused here as I looked at my sword. “Is there something wrong with a black sword?” “Well… In the anime and manga, Black is considered a… cursed color…” Gallon said. “Main character literally gets told because his sword turned black he isn’t gonna live long.” “Yeah but it also is supposed to mean or represent The Sun which is a rare and actually forgotten Breathing Form.” Micheal added. “While that’s all really cool…what are we talking about?” I asked. “Cause you said it’s an anime and manga and I have been…having to go through a lot of them…still on One Piece…” “Demon Slayer.” Gallon said. “Oh yeah, it’s in my backlog of things to watch.” I nodded. “Yeah… well… like we said, it’s considered cursed since the owners of black blades don’t live long, at least in the manga and anime, but it represents Sun Breathing which is a forgotten/lost style and the strongest.” Micheal said. “Well, this was a cool trip. Next time we are definitely bringing Tina.” “Yeah, but I also bought one sword for Tina.” I added. “Also…gonna need to figure out what the hell Sun Breathing is cause I doubt I can literally breathe a Sun into existence…” “Oh no it’s more like… gaining control over your body and senses through breathing and inhuman levels of training and willpower.” Gallon said. “I think each color represents a breathing style but I’m pretty sure anyone can learn any breathing style. Some in that show were invented by the people who use them and they’re only known to them.” “Right…so I just have to figure out how to breathe good…okay this just sounds like Hamon with extra steps…” “Eh… it’s kinda like that? But the fact these katana’s exist so we need to maybe find a teacher. Sounds like fun.” Micheal said. We went back to the New Foundation and I gave Tina her sword. She was extremely happy about it, and it turned an indigo-gray color. With that done, it was time to see what Micheal’s new upgraded title does. “So… first off. The boost to stats increased.” Micheal started. “By how much?” “... Two hundred percent.” “Excuse you what?!” Tina yelped. “That…that means our stats are three times what they normally were…” I said weakly. “Uh…that’s…okay so what else did you get?” “I also got three new Abilities… and they all seem to be Legendary.” I blinked… including the Final Thanks Ability he got with Custodian, that makes four Legendary abilities! "Uh…okay, so what do they all do?" “Well, first up is… Super Nanny…” He sighed. That got some chuckles from Tina, Gallon and I. "Alright, so what does our new super nanny do?" I asked. “Anyone under my Custody with the Custodian Title giant Skill Points three times faster and I can directly apply healing magic, potions and other air from my own inventory to them instantly.” Micheal said. “Wow that is useful.” Gallon said. "Yeah, that is rather useful." I said honestly. “Yeah, the next is… Who’s A Good Boy/Girl…” Micheal said. That got a laugh out of me. “Is it wrong I wanted to ask ‘me’?” Tina asked. That got a laugh out of all of us.  “It’s not wrong, because you are a good girl.” I said, reaching up and giving Tina ear scritches. “Heh, so what’s this one do?” Gallon asked. “It says that if I cheer on someone from my Custody, they gain a temporary double boost to their stats, and for every group of five others that witness the cheer, they gain an extra times two boost per five people that witness the cheer.” Micheal said. “Wait… does that stack with the base stat boost your Custody gives us?” Tina asked. “Yes.” Micheal nodded. “Oh…oh no, I have the dangerous idea…” “So do I.” Gallon said, but was grinning wide. “I am not wearing a cheerleader outfit Gallon…” Micheal huffed. “Firstly… dang it.. Second… but your hips work so well with skirts!” “It’s just my fur!” “No, it’s your hips.” I admitted. “But no, see I have an ability called Loop that…constantly increases my parties stat’s and abilities as time progresses.” “Huh. That’s Cool… and I think I see what you’re getting at. Actually that brings me to my next and last new Ability. As The Twig is Bent, So Grows The Tree.” Micheal said. “Now that is a wordy Ability.” Gallon said. “What’s it do?” I asked. “It lets me see your Skill Trees, use your own or my Skill Points to purchase Abilities for you, regardless of where they are on the trees, and even lets me assign you all tasks to complete to gain the Abilities rather than buy them. That last part is apparently how I can help you all get more Legendary Abilities since it let’s me see your Legendary Skill Trees as well.” … Holy… “That’s insane…” Tina squeaked. “That’s some bullshit right there…who the hell thought this was an okay thing?” I asked incredulously. “Like…how has no one abused the fuck out of this?” “Maybe Perfect Custodian is a rare title?” Micheal suggested.  “I mean…maybe? I mean, I just called Micheal boss as a joke that shouldn’t…really make a difference right?” “Well, whatever the case, I got this now and I can really help out the team… little pissed the stat boot doesn’t apply to me but oh well… now let’s see…” Micheal said, using his Assistant hud and seemingly checking out our Skill Trees. “Okay… wow… there are… a lot of options here. These trees are bigger than I expected…” He hummed. “Alright… ah, here's the Legendary Skill Tree. Button Mash… what?” “What?” I asked. “Is there something weird about my Legendary skill trees?” “Uh… one second…” Micheal said, looking like he was checking some things out. “Alright, so it’s not just yours, all your Legendary Skill Trees are like that… So, your other skill Trees, the tasks I can assign you to gain the Abilities seem to be normal or related to the Ability. Like a defense boosting Ability, block so many attacks that would deal over half damage to you, but Legendary Abilities all seem to have… weird, unrelated, and downright odd trials to earn… and they’re all largely different for each of you.” “Right…so just give us an example for each of us.” I said honestly. “Well, this one Legendary Ability, Copy Cat. For you Button, you have to… Shapeshift into a cat or cat-like being one hundred times. For Tina, you have to demolish a one hundred story building in a single attack… and Gallon, you’d have to… kill a god.” We were all rather… confused… though I noticed Gallon took out a pen and paper. “Adding that to my bucket list…” Gallon said. “So…none of that makes a lick of god damn sense.” I admitted. “I know. I don’t get it either but that’s what it says for each of you…” Micheal sighed. “On the bright side, you Button and Tina can probably do your tasks for that fairly easily.” “I wanna kill a god.” Gallon said. “... Maybe when you’re stronger hun…” Micheal sighed. “Well…I am a Symbiote and have devoured infected tiger’s so…I can get Copycat easily.” I said. “And with the two hundred percent bonus and some cheering…I should do that.” Tina nodded. “Any I can get fairly easily?” Gallon asked. “Uh…” Micheal hummed as he seemed to skim through Gallon’s Legendary Skill Tree. “Uh… Ah. Says here you can get Generation by getting ten thousand headshots on enemies.” “Oh I can so do that.” Gallon smirked. “So Button, next hoard cleaning, save some for me.” “No promises.” I admitted. “What other easy Legendary abilities can we get?” “Uh… well um… oh…” Micheal said. “For you Button, this one called Salvation. Says you just need to survive a lethal attack on one HP ten times.” “Well that would be piss easy but…you’d also suffer Micheal…” I said nervously. “Plus I…don’t know how to get to one HP when I’m always regenerating…” “Final Thanks only applies if your HP hits zero. I’ll feel your death, not your injuries unless you do hit zero… but yeah, your Regeneration would make that tricky…” Micheal hummed. “Well, we have a lot to do and I have a lot to plan.” “What does Salvation do?” Gallon asked. “Quadruples all attack damage when HP is below ten percent.” Micheal said. “And keeps it there until HP is above ten percent.” “Neat.” I nodded, again thinking about how the hell that’s supposed to work when I constantly regenerate. “Any cool things for my Nokori Magic ability?” Gallon asked. “Oh, yeah let me see… Ah, here it is… wow, okay yours doesn’t level up but it’s got a lot of… uses…” Micheal said. “I’m sure it does.” I chuckled. “But what other uses does it have?” “Uh… here.” Micheal said, displaying his Assistant screen. … Woah… Custody Gallon Ability: Body’s Gift. Description: When using magical items or enchanted accessories, the effects are multiplied by x10. When another ingests part of you, their powers and abilities are multiplied based on the amount they ingest. Hair: 2 Seconds of boost at X1.2 increase per milligram. Skin: 5 Seconds of boost at X1.5 increase per milligram of skin. If turned into Leather, objects will be able to be enchanted/boost magical effects X2 increase. Sweat: 25 Seconds of boost at X2 increase per milliliter.  Urin: 30 Seconds of boost at X2.5 increase per milliliter. Saliva: 1 Minute of boost at X50 increase per milliliter. Blood: 1 Minute of boost at X150 increase per milliliter. If stained or mixed into dyes, paints, ect, will boost effects of magic used with them by X145 Increase. Semen/Vaginal Fluid: 5 Minutes of boost at X200 increase per milligram. Flesh(Muscle/Organs): 30 Minutes of boost at X500 boost per gram. Same rules apply for Skin if used as magical materials but at X400. Bone: 1 Hour of boost at X1,000 per milligram. If used as a magical ingredient, object magic is boosted by X1,000 as well. Soul: 24 Hours of boost at X50,000 per sliver. If used in Core Repair or magic enchantments/crafting, items will be boosted with X25,000. Soul takes one week to regenerate slivers. “Huh…that’s…interesting.” I admitted. Tina whistled. “That’s impressive… Does it stack?” “Based on prior experience… yes…” Micheal said. “I was making these little blood based capsules that others could inject and get the boost but I never got to make very many.” Gallon shrugged. “That makes sense.” I nodded. “Would probably still be tough to get enough here as well.” “Well, we have a lot coming up, a lot planned, and all kinds of op stuff to get.” Tina said. “Let’s start tomorrow.” Gallon said. “Gives us time to prepare.” “And me time to plan cause I’m gonna go through a lot of this.” Micheal added. “Yeah…there’s a lot of things to think about.” With a nod, Micheal and Gallon went to their room. Tina went to her room with Lovely, and I sat on the couch in the livingroom. “Hey.” I looked over, seeing Cream walk in. She sat on the couch next to me. “How was your day?” “It was a day.” I shrugged. “How was your day?” “Usual. Did some shopping.” She shrugged. “You’ve been away for a while.” “Sorry about that, just had…quite a few things to do.” I admitted. “Did some shopping myself, looked around a Nokori town and…well, Micheal got an upgraded Title.” “Really? That’s cool. So you’ll be out and about more then?” “Getting stronger, doing my job as a guard…have to find a teacher to teach me whatever the hell Sun Breathing is…got a lot of stuff to do.” “Right…” I sighed. “I know…but there’s a lot to do and I need to get it all done soon…especially if I’m going to be searching for Diamond.” “I know… I know…” She sighed, and I noticed her eyeing my wings and new talons. “What up?” I inquired. “I’ve had wing’s before and…my new talons are a…change I will admit.” “I guess I just… still don’t find them real.” She said, putting a hoof to my wings. “I’ve felt your wings before. They were… different. And now, you have six and… well, eight including these.” She said, giving a light tap to the ones on my head. “And these…” She said, taking my talons in her hooves. “You’ve been changed against your will… I know Cheat more or less did the same but the option to revert was always there… like this… it’s not…” “Yeah…and I just got her back but she’s….only a passenger at this point.” I said, gently holding her hoof with my talon. “This is…a lot I have to go through…but Diamond wanted me to be like this for a reason, and I’m still searching for the bastard she’s working with…only thing stopping me is proof with who I still think it is…” “I just… what happened to her? Did becoming a Time Walker change her that much?” “I…I don’t know…” I shook my head. “And I want to get answers…but sadly the only one that’s kind of given me answers I’ve personally told to fuck off, I’m gonna do my own thing and not play his game.” “Right…” She sighed. “So many things keep happening…but know that I’ll always be here for you and everyone else.” I said softly. “... I know…” “What’s wrong?” I asked softly. “Besides my new form.” “... I guess it’s just a lot. All the stress and these new things that have happened to you… All that’s happened… what will… It’s just… hard. I don’t know how you do it. Just… keep going.” “Because I have to.” I admitted. “I have to be strong for myself and the ones I love. Even if I want to break…even if I want to just crawl into bed and not leave for a good few years…I have to do this…I need to be strong.” "... Even if it keeps you away from us again?" “I…I don’t want to be away from you again…those ten years were brutal on me.” I shook my head. “But life hates me and want’s to keep me away from family for some reason…” "So… if you have to… you'll go again?" “If I have to go…I doubt I’ll truly have a choice in the matter.” I admitted. "Well… then I guess I'll see you around the house when you are here…" Cream sighed, getting off the couch and heading to the hallway. I sat there for a while… then laid on the couch… I took a deep breath and put my palms over my eyes and groaned. “Come on…why can’t life just be fucking simple for once?” I mentally groaned. "Okay! I am over caffeinated, sleep deprived but I made a game plan! Words I never said before in my life!" Micheal said, some bags under his eyes holding up a composite notebook with the words 'Reasonable Ability Goals' written on the front. "He legit did not sleep at all last night." Gallon said. "Last time he did that was when we found a warehouse where they apparently kept a whole lot of unreleased games that were gonna hit the market but, well, Event stopped that." "Heh, sounds appropriate." Tina nodded. “Alright, so I’m surprised words on the notebook were coherent and not in some strange new language he invented in his caffeinated sleep deprived brain.” "Har har." Micheal huffed. "Well, first off on this list is Tina." "Cool, is this for that Copy Cat Ability?" She asked. "Nope. One I found that's even easier. Transpite. Basically it lets you force evolve your body to best fit a dramatic shift in environment and you can retain those evolutionary changes and change between them at will." “Neat.” I nodded. “Depending on how that works you can get some pretty neat abilities from it.” "It's almost like the ultimatrix." Gallon chuckled. "Huh… wonder how that would even affect us?" Micheal hummed. "Anyway, this one will be easy for you Tina. All you need to do is devour ten enemies five times your size."  “Oh that should be easy enough.” Tina shrugged. “Plus I could become a Howling Zinogre by all that logic.” “What’s a Howling Zinogre?” I inquired. “A Howling Zinogre is the Zenith of all Zinogre’s, the strongest bar none after fighting and surviving for a long time.” Tina explained. "Neat. So I spent some time looking into how to accomplish this. You are rather big. And after a few trips to a New Foundation portal facility got a list of their guarded settlements and the zones they inhabit. I found a perfect candidate for this in Macropolase." "And that is?" Gallon asked. "As the name implies all enemies in this zone are anywhere from three to fifty times the normal size and therefore strength." Micheal said. "Woah." "Bright side the loot they drop is multiplied based on their size and this applies to any normal animals that can be hunted in this zone." “Then you're going to need like…ten of these.” I said, handing Tina ten of the really good item multiplier trinket’s. “And yes…they stack.” "Cool… uh, this is gonna feel a bit awkward though…" Tina said, putting on three around her neck and managing to tie the rest around her arms and tail. "Right. Now let's go!" Micheal said. We warped there from the Portal Hub the New Foundation has, the area we ended up in was a city full of towering, ruined skyscrapers. Outside this settlement I could see some of those giant enemies and yeah… some were very big… “Well…certainly lives up to the name.” I admitted. "Yup." Tina nodded. I did notice her… lick her lips. "Alright so some of these monsters are also pretty strong so, Gallon, you know what to do." Micheal said. Gallon nodded, pulling a small knife from their Assistant. "So… you want me to just bleed into your mouth or in a cup?"  "That sounds very wrong even with context…" Tina said. "Uh, cup I guess." Gallon nodded, pulling out a small plastic cup from their Assistant and then cut along their hand. Their blood dripping into the cup for a while until a large sips worth was in there. Once there was he quickly drank a healing potion, the wound sealing up. "Welp… cheers." He said, handing the cup to Tina. “Cheers.” Tina said, taking the cup and downing the blood. “And with that, I shall also do this.” I said, activating Loop to start the bonus snowball to roll here. With that, we got to Work. Tina managed her first kill of some giant six legged rabbit monster. Rather fitting. The loot multiplier necklaces all working and getting her even more of the drops. Her second kill was some giant cyclops.  Her third kill was a giant praying mantis. Fourth a giant three headed bull with magic. And so on and so forth.  It took some hours, but Tina killed and ate all ten monsters. Her reward was Transpite. During that time, Micheal got a good nap in.  “Alright…” Micheal yawned. “Next up, Gallon.” “Sweet! What am I getting?” Gallon asked. “Out of all these Legendary Abilities I found, this one was the easiest for you to get and the most useful. It’s called Amplify. Basically it works Amplifying the effects of your abilities power based around your MP. In your case, with my Custody boost your Abilities get Amplified by 12,000%, meaning your Body’s Gift Ability gets one hell of an upgrade…” “Okay yeah that is incredibly overpowered for Gallon.” Tina nodded. “Yeah…also, didn’t you say you had Consume Tina?” I inquired, which she nodded. “What kinda things did you get from it?” “Well, besides my muscle and bone density going up a shit ton…I got a speed boost from devouring that rabbit, toughness from the Cyclops…I can produce mantis like blades from my arms so that’s cool…I can use Magic easier from that Three Headed bull…and a whole lot more” Tina explained. “Yeah I got quite a bit.” “Awesome.” I nodded. “So, what’s Gallon gotta do to get Amplify?” "He needs to use a power boosting ability at least twenty times. With Tina he just used that once already." Micheal said. "... I can think of nineteen much more fun ways to get that counter full~" Gallon said, giving Micheal a perverse grin. “Well, just remember to drink plenty of fluid if you have to do it nineteen times.” I chuckled. "... I'm still too tired to reply to that in kind…" Micheal sighed. "Is that a yes?" Gallon asked. "... Fine. But only because it's you and, well, it has been a while…" Micheal said, now red as a cherry. "I got some lubes you can have. Unopened." Tina said with a grin of her own. “And I have some stamina potions, also unopened, to help keep you two going for a good while.” I said with my own grin. "You three are enjoying this more than you should…" Micheal groaned, then yawned. "Oh I know I'm gonna enjoy it~" Gallon teased, giving Micheal a quick kiss. "Pfft. Ever the horny teen energy with you." Micheal said, managing a laugh. And so, we went home. I got Micheal and Gallon a small but cozy pop up RV and let them pick a place in the Planet Room in the house. I spent this time trying to help around the house. Took two days but they eventually came back. Gallon was grinning, Micheal was rather red, and- "What do you mean you got another Legendary Ability?!" Tina and I practically screamed. "It uh… just appeared…" Micheal said in a hushed, embarrassed tone. "Heh, Micheal getting the best RNG in the world. Just like back home." Gallon said with a small laugh and a smile. “Alright…so what’s the Legendary Ability?” I asked carefully. “Cause if it's named ‘Seed Collector’ I’m gonna flip.” I said, seeing Micheal blush even brighter at the name I gave it. "N-no! Nothing like that! It's called Township and… it let's me make settlements, towns, upgrade existing ones and even keep track of town citizens…" Micheal said. "Yet another game genre you loved." Gallon laughed. “And here I thought I was the town bicycle.” Tina joked. I laughed. “I’m sorry, but it’s just…a bit too coincidental that you got Township after getting stuffed harder than a Thanksgiving turkey there.” "H-hey!" Micheal huffed. "Oh don't worry… we took turns~" Gallon said, Micheal covering their face with their head wings, back wings and hands. "So that's what took so long." Tina laughed. “Let me guess, the shower also needs to be cleaned out given at least one of you doesn’t look like a bloated mess?” I asked. "Please stop…" Micheal begged pitifully. Gallon just gave his husband a hug. “Alright, alright.” I said with a raised hand. “We’ll stop.” “Even if you are just so adorable.” Tina giggled. "I am not!" Micheal huffed. "Yes you are." Gallon chuckled, still hugging Micheal. I looked at the two with a smile…but my own heart ached as these two would always be together…while I was…”So…what Legendary Ability am I going to get?” Micheal took a moment to compose themselves. They were still blushing red but they pulled out their notebook. "Well, the best one for you is this one, it's called Hatred." “Gee, fitting for what I’m going for.” I admitted. “So, what’s it do and how do I get it?” "When fighting someone you hate with your whole being, you deal triple damage with your attacks and take half as much damage from your opponent. And, well, how you get it is… it says you have to… self mutilate one hundred times…"  “I…Micheal, I can’t, especially when you’d suffer just as much as me.” I said worriedly. “Isn’t there anything else?” "I told you, I only feel it if you die. And the only other easy ability you could get is called Agony, and you have to spend a decade in a personal mental hell." "The fuck? What does that do that makes it worth doing that?!" Tina asked. "It… makes it so each time you are in pain, physical or emotional your stats increase… the more painful the experience the more your stats increase and they're permanent." Micheal said. “No, Micheal, you’re remembering it wrong, you gain stats when people die…but with Immortals you share the pain.” I said, having that specific point stuck in my head which was why I didn’t fully want this and was scared by it. “And…just to prove my point.” I said, bringing my talon up and stabbing my right arm with my sharp talons as I wanted everyone to know what’s going to happen before I get to wondering about Agony. Micheal grit his teeth, his arm, the right arm, shook a bit. "... That's one…" Micheal managed to say. I pulled my talon’s out as the lava healing started as I hissed in pain from it. “And the feeling of molten lava on your arm?” "... I actually don't feel that…" Micheal said. “And you just lucked out.” I frowned. "Maybe that's because while it is painful it's healing you, not damaging you?" Tina offered. "That would make sense." Micheal said, flexing his right arm some. “Great…” I grumbled. “So…ninety nine more times…” I said carefully. "Yeah… suffering together…"  I nodded… and began. It took a whole day. Taking regular breaks to make sure Micheal could recover… In the end, I got Hatred… were it not for Gallon being there I don't think Micheal could have held out till the end. "Okay… okay…" Micheal breathed. "I uh… think I can… feel my body again…" "Don't do that again…" Gallon asked. "Heh… no promises hun… like I told Button… Pain is gonna be part of this stuff. Better to be used to it than not…" “At least you didn’t feel like molten lava was constantly burning you every waking moment…” I admitted carefully. “So…next up is Agony…” I said. “Now…does it mean I have to spend an actual decade or a decade in this mental hell? Cause I’d rather not waste another ten years…” "An actual decade. Hence why Hatred was the better option." "Oh then fuck that, I'm not wasting ten more years of my life." I frowned. "I figured. Well, for you those are the easy ones. The rest are really specific and… odd." Micheal said. “Well…might as well ask, what do I need to do to get Starfish Clone?” I asked, cause if I could just get a clone to be with my family I’d feel a little better about all this. "... You don't wanna know." Micheal said. “I’d like to, what kind of nonsense did I randomly pull to try and get it?” "Trust me… you don't want to know…" Micheal repeated. “How bad is it that me spending ten years in my own personal hell is fair in comparison?” "Two words. Porn tags." "Wow. How bad is it on a scale of one to ten?" Tina asked. "Easy ten."  “What the hell…” I muttered. “Yeah…yeah of course the one thing…” I growled, before shaking my head. “Whatever…so we each got a nifty new Legendary Ability each.” "So it seems." Micheal sighed. "So… what now?" Tina asked. "We take the day off… then tomorrow go out on something I've been wanting to do for a while." Micheal said. “That’s fair.” I nodded. “You especially need to recover after all of that.” With that, we all went to do our own things. I walked into the kitchen, seeing Sweetie cooking something. "Hey Button." She greeted but kept her eyes on the skillet she was cooking on. “Hey Sweetie, how you doing?” I inquired. "I'm alright… Cream's been a bit down lately." “Yes…I know…” I said carefully. "I figured." She nodded, stirring the dish.  “What are you cooking?” "Egg and fried rice. It's filling and Jada only wants to eat quick and easy meals so she can keep training for the next tournament." “She needs to take a break and take care of herself that’s what she needs to do.” I stated. "Well, she's following your example." Sweetie said. "I take breaks." I huffed. "In between exhausting missions and painful training." “Yeah, that’s a great excuse for Jada to ruin her life and harm herself for days on end while I’m doing my job and trying to get stronger to make sure DG’s bullshit doesn’t hurt any of you.” "She's still young Button. These tournaments mean the world to her. Yes I wish she'd remember to take better care of herself but it's also how she copes." “Self harm is not ‘coping’.” I stated bluntly. “The tournaments meaning the world to her…sure, I understand, I was like that when I was growing up, but there’s a point where ‘coping’ leads to ‘obsessive denial’ and I don’t want that to happen to her.” I stated. “And this…it’s starting to get to that point if not already there.” "Well she just lost a mother that she's known since infancy leave without so much as a goodbye, her father she reconnected with after being gone for ten years hasn't even spoken to her outside catching her at her doctors appointment while he was there for an entirely unrelated matter, and of course, you're spending less and less time home." Sweetie sighed. "You promised you'd stay… that you'd make up for all that lost time…" “Well apparently I’m never allowed to, I’m never allowed to have time for my family, I’m never allowed to be happy, and whenever I try to do the thing’s I mean to and promise reality just tells me to go fuck myself I’m not allowed to enjoy anything.” I explained. “I’m not allowed to get strong at my own pace, I need to be forcefully turned  this,” I motioned to all of me. “I’m not allowed to be with family cause one’s on the run because of her job and the Family themselves are personally threatening my family, I’m not allowed…anything…” I teared up. “But no…all I do is keep breaking promises when all I want is to be here for you all when I…I’m not allowed to…” "Who says you're not allowed to? DG? If I recall you said he made you an offer… and you chose to fight…" “That’s because he threatened to hurt all of you, and I don’t know when it’ll happen…it could be today, it could be tomorrow, who the fuck know’s.” "And what if he was lying to mess with you and make you mess your own life up?" “Because he said that he was going to attack us anyways whether Diamond did a thing or not.” I answered, shaking my head as I’m going through a lot of shit and pain and…just having it be ignored cause I could be doing something else when I don’t have the time to do it… "... So, what should we do?" Sweetie asked. "What do we do when you have to leave again for another ten years or more? What do we do when keeping us safe means you leave us?" I looked at Sweetie…”I don’t know…I don’t know, I’ll never know, and at this point I just have to wonder why any of you put up with me, think I’m worth it when all I do is fail, abandon all of you, and am just the biggest piece of shit this side of this Mother forsaken planet.” I said weakly. “Cause at this point I’m not worth anything really…just a kid struggling against too much with no time and everyone slipping away from me…” "So, a dungeon." Tina said as she looked at the building before us. It was some large hotel. "Yeah. It's a trial dungeon." Micheal said. "When looking up the area I got a map with lots of them marked.nif we beat it in under three hours we get a bunch of rare items and even Skill Points." I walked past all of them as I activated Loop. “Let’s just get this over with.” I said carefully. As I was heading inside I paused… what was that noise? "Is anyone else hearing that or is it just me?" Tina asked. "I don't hear anything." Gallon said. "Me neither. What's it sound like?" Micheal asked. It sounds like… … explosions… “Explosions…” I said, as my eyes widened. “We need to move, now!” "Button look!" Tina said. She pointed out in the distance… towards home I saw, from here they were thin trails of black smoke…   DG's attack has begun… “No…no no no…” I muttered, my fists clenching. “We need to get back now! Micheal doesn’t that Township thing have some form of teleporting for all of us?” "No, but I used it and took a list of your family. So far it says they're all still fine." Micheal said as we booked it to the ship we flew here on. “I fucking knew this was going to happen…I fucking knew it!” “Button calm down, at least keep yourself from melting out ship!” Tina brought up, as I knew my fire was with my rage… “I know…this fucking sucks…” "Save the 'I told you so's' for after we make sure our home isn't in ruins." Gallon said. The flight took minutes but it felt like hours. Gallon gave Tina and I some of his blood to boost us. Once we were close enough I saw the massive hole in the wall. A few of the infected around. I ran inside, seeing New Foundation shooting at infected that entered and escorted civilians to evacuation areas. As I ran through the streets I came across a street filled with the mangled corpses of New Foundation MTF… in the center of it was… he wore a white shirt with all black vest, pants and dress shoes. A red tie hung loose around his neck, his dark green and black hair was a bit unkept, and he was muttering while writing in a notebook. “And who the hell are you?” I growled, donning my armor and ready to fight this bastard. “And what are you doing here?” He looked up from his notebook, turning and looking at me… he was human… and he looked like a kid! He couldn't be older than fourteen! "Huh? Hmm…" He hummed as he flipped through his notebook. "Ah. Yes here you are. Button Mash. Threat class S. Legendary Ability, Loop, recently fused Nokori with Symbiote Berserker Armor, Blades of Chaos Symbiote weapons, a Synthetic Symbiote, a Basic Symbiote and a Super Volcano Phoenix…" He said, reading from that notebook. “Listen kid, I have no idea who you are, but you either need to evacuate or I have to fight you, which is it?” "Oh, sorry." He said, giving me a bow. "My name is Deku. A pleasure." He said, giving another bow before closing that notebook of his. "I'm afraid you'll have to wait your turn around and leave. My partner is looking for someone that can be of great use to us." “And I’m not having a good day right now, so who are you looking for and why are you doing this?” I growled, taking a step forward as I was just about ready to tear this kid apart for helping cause all this bullshit. "He is the unwanted son of the Lust Guild Leader David Alchem. Our Intel states he resides here, and as someone's Breeder at that. How pitiful, reducing a Hacker to such a lowly thing. But I suppose with the new Pills on the market he was obsolete anyway." “What group are you from?” I asked. “And how do you know these things?” "Intel gathering is my specialty. As for our group, that's quite simple. My partner and I are part of the remnants of a long dismantled guild, The Majority. We have but one goal and one goal alone. To bring permanent death to everyone under The Mother's stars." “Then I don’t feel bad about what I’m going to do.” I said, given the amount of time that past plus the boost and my own rage having grown a lot I leaped forward and slashed my Chaos Blade at the bastard. He raised an arm, his skin turning like stone at my blades cut in but stopped maybe halfway. "Interesting. You actually damaged me." Deku said, seemingly unphased by the attack, but his arm was shaking. "You're stronger than my Intel stated. I'll have to have a word with my info broker about this…" He said, his arm suddenly becoming four as his three other arms managed to push me off. Once my blades were out I noticed his wound heal rapidly. Is he immortal? No… no… that was just advanced regeneration and self healing abilities… “And I only get stronger…” I growled, hating this rat bastard so much, acting like just some dumbass informant as he was only here with his ‘partner’...this bastard not only wanted to help hurt my town, my family, but also take what’s mine…I hate him…I lunged again and swung down even harder. "Again with this?" He asked, his arm turning like stone again but also becoming coated in what looked like metal. I cleaved through it, slashing down his torso as and knocked him back into a building. “And that’s only the beginning ya fuck!” I snapped angrily. "I see my Intel was very shoddy then." I heard them say. They walked out of the rubble, their arm I hacked off back was regrown. His body then sparked and glowed with a dark green electricity. "I suppose if you want something done right you should do it yourself." He said, raising a leg as he spun on his heel. "Full Cowling, five percent." He swung his leg across the air, and the blast force it created nearly blew me away. I stayed still my anchoring my blades to the ground. Much of the buildings behind me were leveled. “Is that all you got?” I growled. "If you insist." He nodded, curling one hand into an O shape and putting his other hand behind it, palm side facing through the O. "Explosion, AP shot, ten percent One For All Boost." I dodged the first shot, the explosion behind me nearly knocking me forward… the second one hit. I felt my armor crack and regenerate, shit… hope Micheal is safe and far away… The third and fourth shots I managed to dodge as well, the explosions from their impacts leveling blocks of the neighborhood. “Right…” I muttered, digging my feet into the ground as I dashed towards the bastard again and let out a flurry of attacks against him. He dodged and evaded, fast and nimble as he- "Gah!" I gasped, a shadowy form erupting from his stomach and upper cutting me away. I felt my jaw crack and the heat from the healing kick in to fix the damage. Sorry Micheal… I rolled back up, seeing that shadow thing was attached to him. "Dark Shadow, thirteen percent One for All Boost." “That’s…interesting…” I muttered carefully, as I spread my wings and flapped a gust of flame towards him, hearing the Shadow thing shriek at the sudden bright light from the flames as I leaped forward for a spiked dive kick. He kneeled down, touching the ground as- "Gah!" I coughed… blood pooling as several spikes of earth rose up and impacted me.  "Overhaul, ten percent One for All Boost." Deku said before standing and quickly placing a hand to my face. "Decay, thirty percent One for All Boost." Before I could react… I felt my armor, skin and bones dry, not akin to a hot day in a dry environment… followed by darkness. The feeling of being rendered to ash was agony and I was still somehow conscious for this. I felt my body, the parts not turned to dust burst in magma, and as I regenerated I screamed. I am so sorry Micheal! "Interesting. Your Immortality is quite a useful skill." All this Agony…all this Pain…my friend going through this exact thing…so many people suffering…and all this fucker can do is talk like this is some science project!?! I grabbed him by the neck as I felt myself burning hotter from my rage. “This…isn’t some fucking game.” I growled, melting away the pillar I was attached to as I choke slammed the stupid kid. “This is my City, these are My people, and you will suffer because of it!” I shouted, raising my fist and just slamming it down into his head as hard and fast as I could, even as the ground cracked and cratered underneath the both of us. "Is it not wrong to want to end suffering?" He asked, putting his right hand on me. I felt a chill that broke through my flames as I was covered in ice. I managed to back up, seeing he was half covered in frost and ice was forming around him. "Suffering is what the Majority, the founder, wished to inflict before ending it when his victims were broken shells. We simply wish to end suffering before it can be prolonged. Would everyone's suffering not end if they were to all die like they did before The Mother changed the laws of nature?" “And this is helping end suffering!?!” I snapped, motioning around to everything. “All this destruction, all this carnage, all this needless, pointless death and violence all to placate some bullshit about ‘ending suffering’? Please tell me your joking cause if your not then I’m gonna need you to shut your fucking mouth you actual useless sack of shit.” "Which is why we need a Hacker. Only Void Admins, Time Walker's and Level Five Dungeon Monsters and bosses can perma kill. Our founder found a bypass and was imprisoned for his discovery, and the technique to make the weapon made impossible to replicate by The Mother's word. If we can not end suffering in the normal means, nor the way our founder created, then we must find a new way." He said, his body sparking with that dark green lightning again. “And you won’t find a new way.” I growled, melting away the ice as I stomped towards him. “All your spouting is a bunch of bullshit of a crybaby, thinking that ‘death is the solution’ when you’re just a band of weak feeble fucks that think some stupid death cult will solve all your problems.” I growled. “And you will know suffering with what I’m going to do to you.” "I know suffering." He said, rushing me. We clashed. Fire met ice… he then sparked with more green lightning, then electricity. Various energies swirled around him before he raised his hands up at me. "Combination Quirk. Rotting Explosion, fifty percent One for All Boost." The explosion hit me head on. My body decayed, regenerated but decayed again to regenerate. Over. And over. And over. It felt like hell. It was hell. I don't know how many times this one attack of his killed me but it finally stopped after some time. "Fascinating." Deku said. "Phoenix regeneration really is- Gah!" He said. I looked up, seeing Blades of Chaos impaling him through his neck and torso. The blades were burning white hot. I looked back… Micheal? He was standing easily at Tina's height, his wings were huge and made of pure magma, and his eyes were burning white hot. "M-Micheal?" I asked weakly. "Wh-what happened?" "Turns out… each time you die, Final Thanks effects stack." He said. Oh… "You died twenty three times, in case you were wondering." Then that means… he basically got my skills, abilities and powers at twenty three times power… I grinned. This kid is fucked. Micheal sent pure magma down his blades, hitting Deku and melting them to ash and burned human flesh and bones. As happy as that made me, It annoyed me that he didn't scream. "Alright…that's great, but also we need to hurry, they're after one of my people." I said quickly. "Tina and Gallon are already there. Plus according to Township all your family members are alright. Map shows they're all in another New Foundation settlement. Looks like they all evacuated in time."  "Is Yuri still on that list?" I asked quickly. "That's who they were looking for, and the bitch had a partner…" "Yeah." Micheal nodded.  "If he did then they're not here anymore." Tina said as she arrived, in her feral form with Gallon on her back. "House looked ransacked but everyone was gone." Gallon added. "I caught their scent but it cuts off just outside the hole in the wall. Guess they left while you were fighting that villain Deku." Tina said. "Alright." I nodded. "Thank Mother…and…I'm so sorry Micheal…" I said sadly. "It's alright… after the fifth time I got a bit numb to it… thankfully this also loans me your healing factor cause I'm pretty sure that was me going into shock…" He said. "Still… wasn't expecting this." "How long are you gonna be like that?" Tina asked. "Uh… well the time limit also stacks so… eleven, almost twelve hours." "Well that's…good to know." I admitted. "I…still didn't want to die that many times and put you through all that pain…" "I know. But I accepted this as a possibility when I put you under my Custody. Still, I plan on going to so much therapy when this wears off… until then though I am going to live out a wild power fantasy. At least until my sanity catches back up with me. Come on Gallon let's go clear dungeons!" Micheal said as he headed back towards the hole in the wall. "... I am so bottoming before he turns back." Gallon said as he jumped and flew after Micheal. "Don't forget to upgrade fire resistance!" I called out to Gallon. "If I get burns they'll be worth it!" He called back. "Heh… well, all in all, this turned out well… town is… more or less destroyed but the family is okay. We all survived DG's attack from his death cult pawns." Tina said as she sat down next to me. "Yeah…everything…thankfully worked out for the best…" I said, falling flat on my back. "This…this still fucking sucks…" "Yeah… but hey, a win is a win. Still, from all that I expected Tiara meant for you to beat them getting this power… but Micheal dealt the killing blow because of his Custodian, Final Thanks insanity." I chuckled. Yeah… still… if Tiara never turned me into this, then I wouldn't have survived those attacks to end up giving him those stacking effects… even before, twice powerful pre Nokori me might not… no, would not have been enough for fighting that guy… And Tiara knew that… and acted ahead… "I'm still not strong enough…" I said weakly. "Only reason I'm here…is because Tiara forcing this on me, and even then I could barely scrape half his strength…" "True… but, thanks to Micheal, you know how strong you have to be to beat that asshole next time." Tina pointed out. "He gained a twenty three times stack of your power, so, now you know how much stronger to get." "But I can't…" I said. "I can't do it, cause if I do then I'll just be abandoning my family…I don't want to abandon them, but life just wants to show me I don't have a choice in this…" "Hey. Today was a win. Take it. We'll figure things out later, alright?" I sighed… I want to- "Button Mash?" I looked up and over. I saw an elderly human male, he was surrounded by MFT Agents all in much more advanced armors and weapons than the standard. "It's good to see you're here and alive." "Hi there…and who are you sir?" I asked, sitting up and wondering why this old man wanted to see me. "I am O5-1." He introduced. I blinked… the head of the New Foundation. Correction, the head of the heads of the New Foundation… is talking to me. "We have much to discuss." "Sir, I swear I didn't do it." I said quickly and nervously like a child getting caught…which made the head laugh at my statement. "Nonsense. These things regrettably happen. We have protocols that help prevent casualties amongst civilians." He waved off. "Come. The rebuilding teams will be here shortly." He motioned. I followed. He led me to a table that was decorated with some fine cloth and a tea set. He sat in one chair, and motioned for me to sit in the other. I sat down in the offered chair. "And…what do you want to discuss sir?" I asked nervously. "Several things." He said, pouring himself and me some tea before taking a quick sip. "Firstly, your Custodian friend. Micheal." "Yes, Perfect Custodian is a bit busted and he still has half a days worth of my powers amplified over my twenty three deaths." I nodded. "Since all that stacks…" "Yes. Custodians are rather rare. Tell me, do you know about the unlisted benefits of Perfect Custodian and it's Final Thanks ability?" "Micheal is currently having a power trip fueled dungeon run at the moment because of what I assume is what you'reyou're talking about." O5-1 shook his head. "No. Close, but not quite." He said, taking a breath. "There is an unwritten benefit to Final Thanks and Custodian. You see, by it's nature, Custodian acts as a form of… taking magic, and as such Micheal could easily tame wild monsters and animals. They can grow and get strong, but should these animals die, any powers and abilities they have are transferred to their Custodian at the twice effective bonus… permanently. This also applies if a person under their custody dies from a permadeath." I blinked. "Huh…that's…pretty cool." I said. "Can someone be under two Custodians buff effects or just the one?" I inquired. "Just the one I believe. But on that topic, I have some things for you. Both gifts, as requested by your Tiara." "...What are the gifts, and where is she?" I asked carefully. "First, a letter." He said, handing me from his shirt pocket a small folded piece of paper. "Second, this." He snapped his fingers. One of the MTF's brought over a large metal and glass canister holding what looked to be a ball of energy of sorts. An Ability? Confused, I opened the letter first. Button, if you're reading this, then the attack has passed and you're alive. I'm sorry. I know I made you think you were the one to finish the fight, but I couldn't tell you details because I knew how'd you react. Right now as you read this Micheal is probably enjoying himself and the power fantasy. The Ability in the capsule is called Fast Travel. Before you open and take it for yourself, wait. Give it to Micheal. It will combine with the Township ability he got while being… while having fun with Gallon when they were getting that one Ability. The two will combine to create a combination Ability called Frontier. It will allow Micheal to create portal based outposts only his township residents can use. Meaning no one can use them that we don't want using them. This will allow you to also expand and explore and grow more without having to leave the family behind, because with Micheal there, you always have a means to go back home. I know this all seems convoluted and odd, but I promise, when this is all over, things will… well, they won't be normal, but they'll be better. Sincerely, Tiara. "...So why couldn't she just give Micheal Fast Travel herself?" I asked, as this letter was pretty much only about Micheal and only had some slight sprinkling of me being involved. "Because the Ability was in my custody. What she has done already makes her wanted by the New Foundation for working with a high ranking member of Violence. She didn't want to add theft to her charges as well." O5-1 chuckled. "I remember the Majority Guild. Back in Era One in those early years their power rivaled and even surpassed Nexus." "Well that parts concerning…so why send me this letter of she just wanted to ask you to make Micheal more special?" I asked, feeling like some unimportant middle man here. "Because I need to explain things." He chuckled again, taking another sip of his tea. "You see, in all my years I have seen much. People like Micheal are rare, and now Tiara told me two more similar to him will appear in the world soon enough." "And do you want me to find them or what?" I asked, as part of me still wonders why I'm the one being talked to here when I'm not the special one Diamond wanted to help. "No need, they have their places and their roles to play. I know what you are thinking. 'Why am I here when the special one is elsewhere?'." O5-1 said with a smirk. "Because for all a Custodian is, they are, for a fact, rather powerless alone. What makes them special isn't so much the abilities they get but the Custody's they keep. I'm sure you noticed that all their abilities largely benefit their custody's, yes?" "Yes, I do notice it being a big support theme set of abilities…but at least the letter is making me wonder why she bothered when it practically only talked about Micheal getting more things." "Yes. More things that support you. I believe you were having that trouble at home with your mates and children wanting you home more." He said, making me blink. "I'm an O5. And O5-1 at that. If I want to know something I'll know it." He laughed. "Point is, you're looking at this from the wrong direction. Everything Tiara is doing she does to help you in some way, with problems you otherwise can't solve alone. So, she's getting your Custodian ready to help you when you won't ask for it. It's what they do, they take care of those in their Custody, it's in their nature." "While that solves travel time, it doesn't solve the breathtakingly large power gap here…" I admitted. "Yes, that is a problem, but your travel time issue is also how you will solve your power gap issue." "How so?" I inquired. "I believe the letter spoke for it best. 'Go, explore and grow without needing to leave the family behind'. Basically, it's rather impossible to grow in power more when stuck in one area. You need to travel, explore and grow, battle new enemies in new lands. As you do, you can drop an Outpost and always be home with your family for dinner." The old man laughed. "I believe the phrase is, you can have your cake and eat it too. It's why I agreed to what she asked of me that I'll be initiating as of today." "Well…I suppose that works." I shrugged. "Just…too much keeps happening and I don't have enough time…" "Heh. Isn't that always how it goes?" O5-1 sighed. "Once upon a time I believed that whole heartedly. Now, I've lived longer than this reality has existed, and sometimes I find myself wondering if I will ever run out of time. I spent so long thinking I had too little, and never enjoyed anything. Now, here I am, old, older than the dirt under us in fact, and while I have done much, I can't really say I enjoyed my life." "Well…I suppose that's fair." I said carefully. "I…hope I can enjoy life here." "You want my advice?" "Any advice can help me with this giant mess I'm in." "Firstly, reach way up into that ass of yours, find the stick that's stuck in there and yank it out." He said, making my jaw drop. "Second, you have to learn one very important thing. Armageddon is pure chaos, and sometimes the chaos is less than ideal, but you have to learn to enjoy the chaos and make it work in your favor. Believe it or not, there are some beautiful sights if you know where to look. Lastly, is to remember, life is a cold heartless bitch that will spit on your grave and ignore the fact you ever existed. So live life to spite this uncaring indifferent life and make it Life's problem. Hell take your new lava powers and literally burn your name across a whole zone if you want. Or, just find a nice lovely place to set up an Outpost and take your lovers there for a date every so often. This world nor this life is gonna hand you what you want, but you got a girl out there risking everything to do just that for you and if you want to make sure what she's doing ain't for nothing, live your life as best ya can and don't you dare leave behind regrets when Madness finally takes ya." "Itll be hard to do that when I told DG to go fuck himself and his kill order on Diamond…" I admitted. "Ha!" O5-1 laughed. "You actually told a member of The Family to go fuck themselves? And DG at that?!" "I did when I learned Armageddon is their 'playground' and they were going to send other Time Walkers to kill Diamond for getting involved in said game." I frowned. "Especially when I had a bit of a crisis with my own free will when I became this thinking my life is just some predetermined bullshit that the Family is stringing along to do their good vs evil thing." "Pfft. Yeesh. You really must hate the idea of peace and the concept of ignorance is bliss, don't ya?" O5-1 laughed. "But, heavy is the head that bears the knowledge of the world. No wonder you're wound up tighter than The Clockwork's." “Life isn’t some game you can make or break because you think it’s funny.” I frowned. “I understand why this world exists…but considering what I heard that people are being kidnapped and forced onto this world because the World Soul just wants friends and being forced into DG’s games is…bad to say the least.” "Heh, no arguments here." He said, taking another sip of his tea and I did the same. "Which is why starting today you're the head of the new Expansion and Exploration division of the New Foundation."  I spit out my tea. “E-e-excuse me what!?” I coughed, pounding my chest as the tea went down the wrong pipe there for a moment. "You heard me. Like I'm gonna pass up abilities the likes your Custodian has, and this gets you into some easier work you can do and be back home for all the time, and you get to explore out and take on new dungeons, monsters, and most importantly, take settlement and compounds away from the likes of Nexus, Violence and Lust." “Well…that sounds good.” I nodded. “Gonna take a long as time though.” I admitted. "Yup. So buckle up buttercup. You're in this for the long haul." He chuckled. “Yeah…long haul it will be.” I admitted. “But where is everyone? Especially my family since the Majority wanted to capture Yuri.” "Everyone was evacuated to other settlements under our care for temporary housing til this place gets rebuilt." “That’s good.” I nodded. “Everyone’s safe and sound.” "Secure, Contain, Protect. These days it's mostly the first and last of that. Still, containing is still a large part of what we do." O5-1 said. "And we will make sure to take more measures to avoid another incident like this again." “Thank you.” I nodded. “Got a long road ahead of me…” > Chapter 21: Work > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the town got rebuilt, the first thing I knew is that I needed to talk with my family. I need to fix my broken promises. “So… exploration huh?” Cream asked. “It’ll help give us more area to expand, it’ll give us more places to see, and it’ll help those that need it to get stronger so that what happened with the Majority won’t happen again.” I said, wanting to hold back on the ‘I told you so’ on the entire city being attacked. “Right… so you’ll be gone… a lot…” “Not as long as before, given that with what Tiara has planned I can be home real quick.” I explained. “With Frontier it will help set up a portal system so that I can get home without needing to take years to get back.” “Alright… and with this new system in place will you stick to work hours or will you be taking excess overtime?” “Unless something really stupid happens it should just be for work hours.” I answered. “... Do you get days off?” Sweetie asked. “Will you even be taking days off?” Cream spoke up, seeing to clarify or add to what Sweetie asked. I sighed. “Do I have days off? I don’t know actually…and two…” I sighed. “And…I don’t know if I will cause of what happened…what I fucking knew was going to happen but I wanted to do something that the other’s suggested we do, which was just a simple ass dungeon run…”  “... we just want to know if you’ll be home when you say you’ll be home.” Maud spoke up. “Look, we get it, we do. You have the weight of the world on your back, yeah, and yes, you were right, but you spent so much time panicking and getting stronger for what happened and in the end we all suffered for it. There’s a lot of broken promises not just to us, to your kids as well. We just don’t want you to break a promise then say the same excuse of needing to get stronger to protect us. To be fair, we could have done the same or similar. At least then we wouldn’t have been so panicked when those two attacked.” “You’re welcome.” Yuri said with a nod from his recliner next to everyone, reading through a book as we talked. “Yeah, Yuri basically teleported us all to the evacuation zone once the walls were broken.” Sweetie said. “Which I am really glad about and I still thank you Yuri…but what worries me more is that they were after you to begin with.” I said to Yuri worriedly. “Button. I’m a hacker. The only things that can be of threat to me is someone with Consume, like your girlfriend Tina, or another Hacker/Admin. Other than that, there is little I can’t deal with.” He said. “The Majority is still after you for their stupid Death Cult nonsense.” I said carefully. “I can deal with it. I inherited more than just my Hacker powers from my old man. Perks of being the son of that fucking monster is that he passed down a lot of Abilities to me.” Yuri said. “Wait… kids inherit some of the parents abilities?” Cream asked. “Abilities, energies. Some manifest earlier than others but once puberty hits the full list of whatever they inherited from the parents shows up.” All the girls then looked at me. Save Maud… She just shrugged. Oh… Oh well that’s gonna make their teenage years fun… “Okay first…how the fuck was I supposed to know that?” I asked, raising my hands defensively at the nonsense they might throw my way. “And two…we’re going to need a lot of things that help calm people down…” “We are not getting our kids addicted to weed.” “That’s not what I meant but sure.” I said carefully. “Crap…” I groaned and started to rub my temples. “I mean… weed can help.” Yuri said, dodging a hoof swat from Cream. “Look, it’s not like they'll be exactly the same as any of your lists of abilities and such. And anything they inherit will be the base level one. Nothing overpowered.” “Plus…I have tried some of Cirro’s weed…and as some people have said…it’s the good shit right there.” I admitted. “So that’s how he gets the extra money…” Cream sighed. “I’d be more mad if I was not happy he’s finally using his Fae magic for something other than napping through his days off school.” “He’s bored with school, because what he wants to learn is how to run a bar.” I explained. “We know.” Sweetie sighed. “At least he has some hopes and dreams. He has been better since you two last talked.” “He does keep going to this one restaurant though…” Maud said. “The food they serve is awful.” “Food wasn’t that bad.” I admitted. “Button you literally came home needing three showers from how greasy you felt.” “It was worth it.” I chuckled. “But it’s also because Cirro’s crush works there, a Cow boy named Rolly.” I answered. “Oh… Oh! Oh so that’s why he comes back with a huge smile!” Sweetie said. “I thought it was just because he was eating crap but holy shit…” Cream said. “That’s so cute. But that aside, you are going to be around here more, for both the kids and us?” “Yes, given Frontier is a thing and better portal systems…I’ll be around here more.” I admitted. “And yes, it’s really cute, I wonder if he ever gave his cowboy a ‘yeehaw’?” I chuckled at that joke. They all stared at me looking… cringed.  “That was horrible.” Sweetie said. “I might have nightmares.” Maud said. “Bad dad joke Button.” Cream said. “Hmm… no… I doubt he ever will.” Philomina said. “Zero out of ten.” Yuri added. “No, I was trying to teach him to be polite, like when a passing cowboy crab came by.” I said earnestly. “The joke is there but still.” “That’s Kile, you could call him a cunt and he’ll take it in stride.” Cream said. “First of all, why would someone call that nice crab a cunt?” I asked. “And two, glad to know he’s an easy going crab.” “I was just giving an example.” Cream sighed. “Just… be here for us… And your dad. I mean, they called and you still haven’t visited!” “I’ve been wanting to but I’ve been busy!” I said defensively. “Spending time with all the kids, work…and then this…there’s just been too much going on and I barely have time to do things.” “Should we just tell him the surprise at this point?” Sweetie asked. “Depends.” Maud shrugged. “What now?” I asked weakly. “I’m still reeling from the bullshit that the Majority threw at me…what new surprise do you have?” “Not us, your dad!” Cream huffed. “The whole reason we’ve been trying to get you to visit them! You’re a big brother now Button!” … I’m what?! “Hold up what!?” I asked, getting up quickly. “Where’s Dad? Why didn’t anyone tell me sooner? And no, not the ‘dad’s been calling me’, I mean actually go ‘hey did you know you're a big brother now?’.” I frowned, “I’ve been home long enough to be told…” “It was supposed to be a surprise when you never visited Echo Dash and them!” Cream said. “Your dad wanted to surprise you but, you never visited them so…” … “I’ll be back!” I yelped as I was out the door. I was thankful they rebuilt the town with the same layout and streets. I went to the address that was Dad’s and Echo Dash’s place, having gotten it long ago. I went up to the door and knocked. After a bit, the door opened. I looked down and saw a small brown little colt with small wings with a blue mane and yellow eyes. “... Hi.” He said, giving me a wave. “Hi there.” I said softly to the little brown colt. “What’s your name?” “Rom Hack.” He said. “Who are you?” “I’m Button Mash…your older brother.” I said softly. He blinked, then looked me up and down. “... I don’t see the resemblance.” “That’s because I was…forcibly turned into this.” I said sadly. “Where’s Dad, er, Pro Go?” “Mom’s at work. Dad’s out shopping.” “Right…” I sighed. “Can I come in?” “... You a cop?” I blinked. Uh… “Uh…I’m a part of the Guard, why do you ask?” I asked carefully. “... Then no.” He said, quickly slamming the door in my face. I then heard it lock. … What the fuck?! I knocked on the door again. “Rom, open the door and answer why the hell you just slammed the door in my face and locked it.” “Button?” I turned, seeing Echo Dash fly on down and land next to me. “Heh, been a while kid. You finally visiting after being back for over a year?” “I’m so sorry…I didn’t want to be away for over a year but just…I had to spend time with the kids, work and then…this.” I motioned to all of me. “Yeah, I heard.” He said, looking me over. “Wow… that fusion process really is… a thing… so, waiting for your dad, me, or did Rom Hack lock you out of the house?” “Locked me out of the house for no reason.” I said honestly. “Asked if I was a cop, I said I was in the guard, slammed the door in my face and locked it.” “Heh… yeah… Come in, I'll explain.” Echo said, pulling a key from his Assistant and unlocking the door. I jumped as when he opened it a hulking mech of metal with arms that had a mounted minigun and rocket launcher for arms stared me down. “Rom, put the robot away or you’re grounded…” “Dad… he’s a guard!” Rom called from somewhere inside the house.  “He’s not gonna take your projects away.” “... Fine. Kill Bot 9, return to base.” At those words from Rom, The attack bot put it’s weaponized arms down and rolled itself inside. Echo walked in, motioning for me to follow. The house seemed normal. Save all the various electronic scrap and tools everywhere. “So as you can safely assume, your little brother is actually a prodigy and genius.” Echo started as we walked into the kitchen. “So…dad literally birthed better…” I thought to myself bitterly. “So, why is he scared of the Guards and Police?” “Well, when he was one he was talking in full sentences. By age three he was basically done with the education side of school. When he was five he taught himself programming and was always amazed by Sweetie, so he learned robotics and well, he watches a lot of movies in his spare time. Swears the New Foundation is gonna send someone to kidnap him for his robots or his brain.” Echo chuckled as we sat down at the kitchen table. “He’s smart, but he’s still a kid.” “Yeah, that makes sense.” I nodded. “But…yeah, good to know all of that…and again, I’m sorry for not coming sooner…” “Heh, you were busy and had a lot to catch up on. I was actually hoping you’d do me a favor… regarding Rom.” “And what’s the favor?” I asked. "Well, with Rom being so intelligent, he has a hard time making friends. Kids his own age he sees as all being idiots, and adults don't take him very seriously. With him being so young and all. This might sound like an odd request, but I was hoping you'd let him tag along with you while out with your new exploration work." “Well…I suppose that’s fine.” I shrugged. “Get’s him out and about and doing some stuff.” Echo nodded. "He's way too young to be starting an apprenticeship, and since he finished school so early he's just been working on various robotics projects and such. I know it might be inconvenient but if anything his robots can come in handy. As you saw, Kill Bot 9 is well armored and has two very heavy hitting weapons." “Well, hopefully it’s strong enough to handle our explorations.” I admitted. "I'm sure it will be. Plus this can help you two bond. We've told him about you, he's met your mates and kids, but he's rather distant from them all. " “I can imagine.” I admitted. "I hope you two can have fun during this time." I nodded. So, I have a genius little brother that's already graduated school and is making weaponized robots… This is gonna be… interesting… "You're kidding me…" Tina said. The next day she, Micheal, Gallon and I were outside the new main office/portal hub for Micheal to work Frontier with. Micheal was looking back to normal now… and had some news. "Nope. Turns out clearing a level one and two dungeon back to back gets you some titles… and in terms of clearing both in them, the titles give some bonuses ." Micheal said. "It. Was. Awesome." Gallon said with a huge grin. "Well…glad you two had fun." I said simply  "I think you two can get these titles too and their bonuses though." Micheal stated. "The first one, Miracle Rookie, says it's proof I cleared a level one dungeon without healing or using less than three items. The title doubles all dungeon loot. The second one, F-Rank Veteran, says it's proof I cleared a level one and two dungeon back to back without healing and using less than five items. This title makes all my offensive skills and abilities twice as effective. If those are the only requirements then you two can pull it off easy." Micheal said, motioning to Tina and I. "Yeah that's true." I nodded. "Would like to do some dungeon stomping to be honest." "Plus, double offensive skills and double dungeon loot. That would make those loot necklaces even stronger then cause on top of that enchanted multiplier the title doubles the loot so…" Tina said. "Yeah, let's do some dungeon runs and get our titles." "And set up the outposts." Micheal nodded. "Yeah. Let's go." Gallon said. Right. Just need to pick up Rom Hack first… “Hold on, I need to go pick up my little brother first.” I said. “Little Rom Hack is coming with us?” Tina asked. “You sure? He might think you’re taking him to some alien facility to poke at his brain.” “I have to get him out and about somehow…” I sighed. “Just…also want to be a good brother ya know?” "Huh. Micheal and I were both only children so, we have zero experience in dealing with siblings." Gallon said. “I have experience because I’m a fraternal twin.” Tina answered. “And with little Rom…I’m sure you’ll be a good brother.” I sighed. “Hopefully your right…” We quickly went to my dad and Echo's place, picking up Rom Hack who tried to resist but was eventually brought along. We then got to work. First stop was going to be that Mega Pizza Plex. It was a location we knew and setting up an Outpost in or near there would be useful. “Glad everyone got to the Foundation safely.” I admitted. "That place is a dungeon so if it's a level one maybe you or Tina could clear it?" Micheal offered. “Well, let’s see.” I checked my Assistant to see what level dungeon this was given we were already here before. "Bored…" Rom groaned from the floor of our high speed flying vehicle. “We’ll get to the dungeon soon little bro, no need to be like that.” I said. "Bored…" He repeated. "Did you not bring anything as entertainment for the trip?" Micheal asked. "Just my tools and some spare parts." Rom sighed. “Well…why don’t we just talk? Do you have any questions for me Rom?” "Nope." He said flatly. “Really?” I asked. “Not a single question for me? Like what I do, how I turned into this…anything?” "Why would I care about how you turned into a… whatever you are now." "Nokori." Gallon said. "That. It's not really important to me." “Why wouldn’t it be important?” I asked. "Everything I know about you is second hand knowledge. I don't know you enough personally to care or have an opinion of you." “So instead of getting first hand knowledge, like a smart person, you’re just going to ignore me and act like me being here isn’t important?” "I really don't want to be here…" “Well this is to help you get out and do something, not be stuck in the house tinkering away.” I said. “You need to get out and make friends, people that can treat you fairly without either seeing you as a kid or someone too smart.” I admitted. "People suck." Rom replied dryly. “Not everyone sucks.” I admitted. “You just have to try.” "That implies putting effort towards things I don't want to do…" “Well then I guess you won’t be seeing any of the cool robots then.” Tina said with a practiced ‘goading’ sigh. Rom's ears twitched. "Goading me with my own interests is smart…" He mumbled. “No no, you said you didn’t want to put effort into this, and Button wanted to do some brotherly bonding with you at a dungeon filled with robots, but if you don’t want to.” Tina explained with a tone that really played into the goad here. "I'm not an idiot." He said, pushing himself upright. "I might be a child but don't talk like I don't know what you're doing." "Then will you put effort into this or should we turn the ship around?" I asked. "Fine." He huffed. "You four can go shoot and do whatever you're gonna do and I can look at the robots." "Thank you." I nodded.  The rest of the trip was fairly quiet. Once we got in it was like before. Everything was all shiny and new and- "Take a map!" Holy fucking shit what?! "You alright there?" Gallon asked as I was on my back, my feathers ruffled and wings spread out wide from the surprise. "Huh. This robot wasn't in here last time." Micheal said, taking the map from the Map Bot and once he did it immediately wandered off. "Pretty quiet for a robot." Rom hummed. “I’m fine…just, surprised me is all.” I said, getting back up and unruffling my feathers. "How did that scare you?" Rom asked me. “I was surprised, not scared.” I corrected. “There’s a difference.” "You fell all the way onto your back and I'm pretty sure you squawked." Rom said, giving me a frown. "I may or may not have heard a bird-like caw." Tina added. "I did not squawk and you can't prove it." I said defensively. "Take a map!" "Bwa-caw!" I looked down at Rom who was holding what looked like a recording device in his wing. "You just have a digital recorder on you?" Micheal asked as he was looking the map over. "In case I need evidence." Rom nodded. "...We never speak of that again." I said carefully. Rom gave me a shit eating grin as he put the device into his Assistant. "Well, looks like to start this dungeon someone has to go into the Freddy bot's chest space. It has to be either someone very small or they have to make use of a shrinking spell or item…" Micheal said. "I might be small but no." Rom said. "Hmm… actually… I have an idea." Tina said. "What up?" I inquired. "Well, Transpite lets me force evolve my biology so maybe if I focus…" She hummed, trying to use her new legendary ability- There was a poof and a flash of lighting followed by some thunder. Suddenly, Tina was now a barely foot tall little puppy looking Zingore. In feral form to. "Cool it worked!" … "Too…cute…" I said weakly, clutching my chest playfully at the now literal thunder pupper. "You are super tiny now." Gallon said, picking Tina up. "And lightweight. Compact. If I crossdress again, do you wanna be my purse dog?" Micheal face-palmed as I held in a laugh but smirked at the mental image. "I am the strongest thunder pupper and nobody can stop me!" Tina said in a playful chibi voice with an absolutely adorable smile. "And maybe, we'll have to plan it out." "Well as the smallest and mightiest you'll be what the Dungeon is referring to as an MC." Micheal spoke up as he looked back at the map. "Says the MC is the only one that can actually finish the dungeon and that any other party members can provide support through distracting or removing certain enemies. There's also a lot of hidden loot and such." "That a map or a guide book?" Gallon asked, putting Tina on their head between his horns. "Kinda both." Micheal shrugged. "Well, it's good for what we need." I nodded. "Alright, onward my faithful steed." Tina said, pointing off towards a direction and it just…being so cute. "As you wish." Gallon smirked, kneeling down before taking a high leap into the air and flying off. Tina screaming in joy at the sudden flight. "Hard to believe when they first met Gallon pulled a knife on her…" Micheal chuckled. "The power of friendship does weird things." I chuckled. "Come on, lets catch up to our dynamic duo over there." "Gods help us if Gallon ever catches up to her or you in terms of power." Micheal chuckled as he began following them. I followed as well… wait where did… where's Rom Hack?! "Rom!?" I called out in a minor panic, looking around for my little brother frantically. I heard something in the distance and followed it. I then found him sitting next to what looked like robot wet floor signs. He was taking them apart and looking at the internals. "Rom, please don't disappear without anyone knowing first." I sighed, just about ready to figure out if I can use my symbiote powers to give Cheat a body long enough to keep Rom safe and protected if he does this shit repeatedly. "I said I was gonna look at all the robots while you all went shooting or whatever you were gonna do here. Meanwhile I can look at the Afton Robotics hardware." "This is a dungeon, you can't just go off on your own here." I said worriedly. "Tina, Gallon and Micheal have." He said, yanking some component out of the weird wet floor signs robot and then looking inside it some more. "And those three are strong enough to be on their own, plus they're grouped up together, you aren't and tried to be alone." "Semantics." He waved me off. "Hm…. Wonder if this is it…" He muttered as he looked through a small toolbox next to him. "No it's called context, and what are you wondering about?" I inquired. He pulled out some tweezers, popping them in his mouth and gently reaching in with them, and he then quickly pulled something out. It was a chip… or maybe a fuse? It looked like a computer chip with a fuse attached and inside the thin glass on it was a thin piece of metal. Maybe the size of a paperclip. He placed it on his hoof and spat the tweezers back into his toolbox. "This, is Remnant Harvester." "So that's where the bitch kept getting all of it…" I muttered. "Eh. Not much this thing can collect anyway. Every staff and main show bot in this building probably had one or several of these." He shrugged, putting the Remnant Collector into his Assistant and then grabbing another wet floor sign bot and forcing it open. "So what got you so interested in robotics?" I inquired. "Your girlfriend Sweetie Bot." He said simply, taking out tools from his tool box and using them to disassemble the bot. "What part of it did you get interested in?" I asked, having wanted a bit more of a reason then him possibly having a crush on my girlfriend. "Right now you're thinking I have a crush on her." He said, making me blink. "Get that out of your head. It's not even remotely an emotional thing." Rom said, sighing. "For as long as I can remember, I see the world… language, numbers, science, everything is a puzzle. In my head, if I think long enough I can figure it out and really easy. Meeting Sweetie for the first time, was like looking at a living puzzle. A being made of all mechanical parts that ran off an artificial mind that reacted and thought just like an organic one. It was a puzzle I wanted to solve. So, I taught myself programming, but that was only part of it. So I began taking things apart to build something that the programs I made could inhabit." "Well, I suppose that makes sense." I nodded. "A drive to understand things not many would know." "Or care to." He said. "Like you. You barely know anything about this world and you've been here ten years. How can people live being so willfully ignorant?" … ouch… "Because not everyone can delve as deep as others, because they don't care or they don't have time, I'm in the latter where I don't have the time " "Then why not attend a digital realm school? New Foundation has several Digital Realm servers and since a day in there is a minute out here you could learn all you need to know in an hour." … Adding that to my list of shit to do… "Again, not everyone can do it cause there's other things we have to do." I admitted. "If you keep saying that then you'll never get anything done." Rom said, pulling out that bots Remnant Collector and putting it into their Assistant. I began to hear some music from the rooms further away. "Sounds like they got the dungeon working." Rom said as he got up. "Yeah, sounds like it." I nodded. "Welp, I'm gonna see if I can get into the parts and services section." Rom stated as he began walking towards what looked like an employees only area. I followed after Rom, as I wasn't going to let my little brother roam around an activated dungeon all by themselves. "And I'll follow along to keep you safe." "If you want." He shrugged. We walked to the employee door. It wouldn't budge. He then pulled an odd item from his Assistant and pointed it at the locks. It made a loud buzz like noise then the locks clicked open. The doors were now open and we walked through into a large service hallway. I went ahead abit to check the corner- "Please take this map!" "Fuck!" I yelped, backing up into a shelf. A bucket then fell on my head… ouch… "Is that gonna be a recurring gag with you?" Rom asked as he took the map from the way too quiet map bot. Once he did it quickly left. "No, and I don't know why those things are so stealthy, my instincts should be good enough to notice them…" I grumbled. "Might be the Dungeon Rules." Rom shrugged as he walked down the hallway. We walked down this hallway for a while. So far it seemed pretty calm for a dungeon. Wonder what the others are doing? "I don't know what's in this stuff but I can see why it's so good." Gallon said, chugging a Fazcola. "Probably more sugar than anyone needs in a lifetime." Micheal said. "Onwards to the arcade!" Tina declared from on top of Glamerock Freddy's head.  "Okay Superstar!" Freddy said. Ah I'm sure they're fine…just wish I could see Tina in her pupper form, she's too adorable. I followed Rom down some stairs and all the way to… what the? "Huh… not what I was looking for…" Rom said. We were in a huge underground cave where I saw the Pizzaplex. It was burned and falling apart in this down here version. "Uh…huh." I said carefully. "Stay close to me, no telling what's in here or how close to collapsing this cave is." I walked up to this ruined version of the Pizzaplex and touched the door. Warning! You are about to enter a Level Five Void Dungeon! Caution is advised! Oh… okay well fuck that noise! I grabbed Rom, slung him over my shoulder and onto my back like a sack of potatoes, and turned right the fuck back around and walked away. "Nope, we're finding Tina and the others." "Awh." Rom huffed. "... Your feathers are oddly soft…" "Yes…for some reason Nokori are just super fluffy and soft, it's not even funny." I admitted. "Also, no huffing about that, that was the entrance of a Level Five Void Dungeon." "Really? Huh. I hear they have good stuff." I carried Rom back upstairs and- Why is everything on fire?! "What the actual hell!?" I asked incredulously. "Puppy Power!" I heard Tina shout in glee. "No Superstar, not that-" *CRASH* "Way…" "Make way for the race track king!" Gallon shouted, driving a go cart down the stairs and crashing through the front doors. "Incoming party pooper!" Micheal yelled as he ran out the new hole out the front. "You are all so dead when I get my hands on you!" Yelled a blonde haired woman in a security guard uniform that was chasing behind Micheal, followed by Montgomery Gator. "Uh…ma'am, what the hell is happening?" I called out worriedly. "A homicide in about five seconds!" She yelled back. "Heh, she pissed." Tina giggled, being carried by a slightly singed Glamerock Freddy. "No seriously, the hell happened?" I asked worriedly, seeing Roxy and Chica lagging behind and hoping they could give me some answered. "Hey, we were gone for five minutes, what the hell happened?" "So it turns out you can actually bypass a lot of this dungeon by literally tying Vannessa there up and stealing her Employee Guard Pass. We then looted the arcade, kitchen, various floors, trolled the shit out of Monty there and then we found the sewers and a 'fuck this shit' later we were set the place on fire." Tina said with a smile and a tail wag. "It was awesome, but I want my go-carts back!" Roxy shouted. "It's giving us one amazing work out though." Chica said happily. "Again, I am so sorry…" Freddy apologized. "So, in other words, we've had fun and caused some serious chaos." Tina said. "Clearly." Rom said. "Now can we leave the burning building?" "Yes, let's all get out of this burning building." I said, leading the group to the entrance. Greetings! This is a direct message to all creation from The Mother. If you are receiving this, then there is a huge announcement that we in The Family hope you will not miss. Starting New Years, or as some of you like to call it, Rest Day, The Assistant and Abilities System will be receiving a major update to certain functions. There will also be a Worlds and Reality Update issued at the same time.  For the Assistant and Abilities, the following will be updated. Common Abilities will all be given a higher level cap. Rare Abilities can now also level up. Legendary Abilities can level up, with a few exceptions. The Assistant can now keep track of slain enemies for records and personal score keeping. The Assistant now registers EXP when killing enemies. This EXP will convert into Skill Points over time. New Abilities and TItles will be added.  Some existing Titles and Abilities will be improved. The following for World and Reality will be updated. There is now going to be a Level 0 Dungeon. This Dungeon type will be meant for training eager youths seeking adventure. Death is impossible in these dungeons, but enemies can still inflict pain. Even the Void Level 0 Dungeons will not kill, but will hurt more than normal. Loot in these dungeons will be minimum as it’s more for training and practice. Dungeons levels will now be increased. Existing Dungeons may increase based on factors, but some new dungeons can spawn up to a danger level of 20. This included a Void counterpart. Some of the new higher level dungeons may appear in areas of the world not explored or not inhabited by anything of note already across Reality. Perma Death Monsters and Void Admins have been moved to the new Void Level 20 and Level Twenty Dungeons after the update. Some Dungeons can now have trials that will increase its danger level to increase its challenge. Dungeons can now come in up to triple the maximum prior size. Dungeon Loot will now respawn Weekly, Enemies Daily, Bosses and Optional Bosses remain a Yearly Respawn. "Well, that's one way to wake up in the morning." Micheal said, sipping their coffee as breakfast was just being served. Gallon was laughing his ass off. "They update the whole reality like an MMO!" He cackled. "I demand more pancakes!" Tina said, still in her tiny form. "That's is…a lot of changes." I said worriedly. "And no, you don't demand more pancakes." "Yis I do, I cute." Tina said playfully…which was true. "You are having way too much fun being tiny." Lovely Days, I sometimes forget she lives with us…. Said to her girlfriend… our girlfriend? That's a… confusing thing to think about. She pet Tina on the head. “Yis!” She said happily, her tail wagging happily. “I’ve achieved my final form, being a true thunder pupper.” “So besides Tina having too much fun, we should talk about how reality is just getting this massive update and how…worrying it could be.” "It might actually work in our favor." Micheal said, finishing their second cup of coffee so far. “I mean, it can, but what if our general area goes from like, a level three to a level twelve dungeon?” I asked, having long since figured out that this place was a dungeon with ‘safe zone’ barriers. "I don't think that will happen. Typically in some games when stuff is added and changed the old saves retain the same layout and items and such because the player, or in this case, people, are in these areas. It's areas they aren't in or areas they haven't been to yet that gain the changes." "Like Minecraft." Tina said. "Exactly. It doesn't make sense to update a place where people are all already living and settled to a higher danger out of the blue." "That would be the case…if I didn't have personal experience of shit getting more difficult over time…" I said carefully. “Frank is a good example, cause he started as a simple infected that then turned into a Mini Boss…and is now currently a friend and personal guard to a very powerful individual.” “Well, that’s a mini boss though. And you were fighting him over and over again right?” “He got infected by a combination of the T-Virus and a variant of the Hasan Virus when neither of those types were around at the time, which is what turned him into a mini boss.” I explained. “Huh. Weird… I guess if need be I can use Township to boost the towns defenses. That is an option, it just takes raw materials.” “Which the New Foundation has in spades.” I nodded. “Now…sorry for getting side tracked…but it was five minutes.” I groaned. “I leave you three for five minutes, and you set an entire dungeon on fire.” “It was hilarious!” Tina laughed. “In my defense, I got high off whatever that Monty Mystery Mix stuff was.” Micheal said. “I was high off of all the Fazcola I drank.” Gallon chuckled. I groaned. “Right…so no caffeine for you three.” “Too late.” Micheal said, already drinking a third cup.  “Crap…” I muttered. “Right…so what should we be doing today?” “Well, last night, as that mystery mix stuff wore off and gave me a headache and made me feel like my stomach was melting… I had a thought.” Micheal started. “Button, you have a lot of those loot multiplier necklaces, right?” “Yes, I still have well over a hundred…and uh…speaking of that I realized something…when I became a Nokori…I was wearing nine of the things.” “Yeah. I remember you had some that morning and they weren’t on you when we found you so… that means they were fused with you… meaning you have a natural one eighty times loot bonus if the magic merged properly.” Micheal said. “And…I want to get a Title that gives me a loot bonus double…so if I get it, it would be three hundred and sixty times multiplier…” “So in other words, we can get so much shit for barely any effort.” Micheal said with a nod. “And when I went through my notes I realized there was a dungeon that would be perfect to make use of that once you get the title.” “And what dungeon is that?” I inquired, as I remembered the level five Void Dungeon I reported to my boss’s cause that is very dangerous territory right there. “There’s a dungeon I read up on that’s notorious for dropping Skill Points.” Micheal said. “Anywhere from thirty to fifty.” “And with the item multiplier…that’s going to be a lot of skill points.”  “It counts as dungeon loot. So after we get that title of yours, three eighty, times thirty is over eleven thousand skill points.” Micheal nodded. “Holy crap and that’s on the low end…” Tina said. “With your Custodian title… You can distribute them between all of us and keep us even.” “More or less.” Micheal nodded. “That’s fantastic.” I nodded. “So Button and I just need to clear out a level one and level two dungeon. Sounds easy.” Tina said. “Yeah. That’s what I did. There’s not many bosses in level one dungeons so it should be a quick thing.” Micheal said, finally putting his coffee mug down and taking his fork to eat his pancakes. “That’s fair…and as far as I know, all the item multipliers stack with each party member.” “Right. So we can all get some hoards of stuff while we’re at it.” Gallon nodded. “Then let’s finish eating and get going.” Tina said. “Don’t have to tell me twice.” I said readily. We quickly finished our meals and then headed back out. Thankfully the New Foundation had lots of Dungeons cataloged, so we found the nearest ones, Micheal putting an Outpost nearby for easy return trips. Tina was first. It took just over an hour but she walked out with a lot of common loot, and with her own Miracle Rookie Title. The trip to the next dungeon was just as fast and when we arrived I got to work. There wasn’t really anything special about this dungeon. Just climb to the top of an honestly stupidly tall hospital, kill all the hoards and waves that attack me and finish it off by taking out like, three Tanks. Easy. My new inborn loot multiplier magic got me SO much stuff, medicine included, and now I have my own Miracle Rookie Title. Not bad for a day’s work. “Well, that was rather eventful.” I said with a smile. “We’re making real good progress.” Micheal nodded. “So, you guys wanna tempt that dungeon before we head home?” "Might as well, what level is the dungeon?" I inquired. “Well, it’s a level one but it is a Void Dungeon.” Micheal said. “So that means it’s more like a level three?” Tina asked. “Level three, level four on the last four.” Micheal said. “Or so the reviews said.” “Pfft. I just imagined a Yelp Review for a dungeon…” Gallon chuckled. "Right…so just going to say, everyone stay behind me, Void Dungeons aren't something to fuck with." “Well, I could help.” Micheal offered. "Depending on how many times I die…but Void Dungeons haven't been updated yet so I just want to be safe." “Well either way, it’s not a level five and two volcano powered fighters would be better than just the one. That way only you and I could go in and Tina and Gallon can wait outside.” “I warn you, we might set more stuff on fire.” Gallon chuckled as Tina nodded. "You two are having way too much fun with this." I shook my head. "Friendship is a strange and powerful thing." Tina giggled. “Yeah… when this is over I’m not giving you any fire abilities…” Micheal said. “Awh…” Gallon said sadly. The trip to this dungeon was actually pretty short. Micheal put an Outpost down near the entrance. The entrance itself was a subway entrance going underground. Standing out here gave me a passive sense of dread as I swear it was… pulsating down there… “Well that’s… unsettling…” Gallon said. “Reminds me of when we raided the Mages Laboratory…” Micheal said. “How so?” Tina asked. “Well, back home magic falls into five bases. Nature, Chaos, Light, Dark, and Null. There’s not much at all known about Null, and only a few animals have been found to have an affinity for it. We passed by one said animal that was on display… said it was dead but the heart was still beating inside the decayed body and… we had pretty much the exact same feeling back then I’m getting now from that thing.” "Well, it's a good thing none of you went towards the Level Five Void Dungeon in the Pizza Plex…" "Excuse you?" Tina asked worriedly. “Right, I remember you said something about that.” Gallon said. “So I’m guessing that place would be like this but worse…” Micheal said with a sigh. "Until the update, Level Five Void Dungeons Perma kill people." I stated. “Right. Well, this is still a level one so…” Micheal took a deep breath. “Gallon, Taina, wait out here… Button… Guess you should uh… how do you wanna go about activating Final Thanks?” "Yeah it…sounds bad when you put it that way." I admitted sheepishly. "But…I suppose getting stabbed in the neck would be simplest…" “Alright… So, are you gonna do it or… should I?” “Is it wrong to say I’m more than willing to stab and shoot you?” Gallon asked, already holding his katana and a handgun. “Really?” Tina asked. “My intrusive thoughts are co-piloting my brain right now.” Gallon said.  "Your intrusive thoughts are stabbing and shooting Micheal by proxy?" “Oh I’ve stabbed and shot him plenty just never with a gun or knife~” Micheal facepalmed. “You set that joke up…” “Yes. But you did just ruin my willingness to shoot and stab today Button.” Gallon said as he put his weapons away. "Good." I nodded, before creating my claws and stabbing myself in the neck to do a lethal strike. That hurt… agh… Agh… regen sucks too… ouch… why does it feel like I got acid reflux when it heals? “Ouch…” Micheal groaned, rubbing their neck. I noticed they had a tinge of red on their fur and wings. Hm. Interesting. “Alright, I’ll let you know when the timer is getting low.” “Alright…and this is also why I didn’t want you doing it Gallon, you would be inflicting the same pain and injuries on Micheal, and while you making the sex joke is one thing…I doubt you want to actually stab and shoot him.” I admitted. “Of course not. I’d never intentionally hurt Micheal.” Gallon said. “You two just keep safe in there alright?” “That’s the plan. We’ll try not to take too long.” Micheal said. I gave him a nod and we descended into the dungeon. We walked through that wall of darkness at the bottom of the stairs. It was weird. There was no resistance but it sure felt like there was something that was there.  Micheal and I were greeted by the sight of an underground subway tunnel. Some shops and such here and there. What creeped me out the most was… this dungeon didn’t look like ruins or infested. It was pristine and new, like the Pizza Plex, it looked untouched with no sign of hostels and all the shops were open and not a single monster or person was around. Items lined their shelves and there wasn’t even darkness. The lights overhead were on and illuminated everything. “Okay this creeps me out way more than what I was expecting to see…” Micheal said. “Yeah…almost feels like this place is lived in…” I said carefully. “Hello?” I called out. There was no response. Nothing but the echo of my own voice in the tunnels. “This might be part of the Dungeon. I remember when I was reading up on it, this place can change the rooms when you go between them… Maybe this is just some… trick or something.” Micheal said as he walked around, pulling out his own Blades of Chaos he got from Final Thanks. I didn't notice last time, but his had the image of a screaming corpse on the sides of the blades. “Well…your Blades of Chaos sure seem ominous.” I admitted, walking forward carefully alongside Micheal. “Yeah…” He said, giving them a quick glance before looking back up. “Don’t know why but it… reminds me of that thing I told you about, remember?” He asked. I thought back… That must be what the creature he went into that forest looked like… weird… why would that of all things be displayed on his blades? Even if they are borrowed because of Final Thanks, mine show skeletal Alicorns. “Hmm…” I hummed. “That is a thing to look into…” I admitted, looking around the ‘dungeon’ and wondering where we’re supposed to go and getting some flashbacks to a certain monster that I really don’t want to see again. I followed Micheal into one of the stores here. “Well… this still counts as loot, right?” He asked, picking up a pen from the various ones in a small box. A second appearing in his hand. His title at work, similar to my necklaces and I guess now part of my Nokori magic… Hmm… I found a small bottle of water… then yelped as suddenly I was buried in water bottles… “Heh… guess your title and new Nokori Magic work well together…” Micheal said, helping me out of the pile. “Yeah…that’s definitely something.” I said honestly. “We probably should take at least this pile. Might be down here a while.” Micheal said. With a nod we split all the water my now OP loot multiplier gave me. I did the same with some energy bars and we split that pile before looking around. There wasn’t much in this area, so we began walking down the track. As we did, I noticed the walls began to look cracked and faded the further down we walked. I had to… reset, Micheal’s timer.  I was amazed he was taking the pain so well… “Hey…are you okay?” I asked worriedly. “You are handling the pain rather well and…given what happened before with the Majority…” “Heh… to be honest, compared to what I was feeling when that other guy was hitting you with… whatever that was, it’s not that bad…” He said, rubbing his neck. “Getting stabbed back home, that hurt… but after what that guy did to you, and what I felt… It’s weird. You’d think I’d maybe be afraid of the pain after that but… I’m actually more… indifferent towards it.” “I suppose that makes sense…but I was hit with Decay…a lot…and then I got exploded by Decay…” “Yeah… that felt about right…” Micheal said, and I noticed his ears flick and raise up. “Do you hear that?” I raised my own ears up… It was faint and distant but it was like… maybe claps or… slams… like a whole stage of them… “Yeah…I hear it…” I said, stabbing myself in the neck again just to give Micheal more time and went off towards the noises. We ran towards what seemed to be another- WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?! We ran almost face to face with what looked to be a centipede made of train cars, its long body lifted and kept up by the rotting fused flesh of bodies acting as legs. It’s head was an ungodly mix of flesh and metal, made of the rotting faces of various races as it’s eyes turned to us… it’s many eyes along that patchwork of faces it had for a singular one, and it roared at us with the added noise of a train horn. … … … “We’re supposed to be exploring the dungeon, not turning it into a Volcano!” Micheal shouted as we both ran from now molten fucking train demons. “I panicked about the giant centipede train, and how the fuck was I supposed to know the dungeon would mix with my outburst!” I said in a panic. “Fuck, we still gotta kill it cause it sure as hell ain’t leaving us alone!” Micheal said, looking back at the thing. “I have an idea. That thing is still an undead. If we can destroy its head it should hopefully die.” “Hopefully it does, cause it better not just break off one car and regrow it’s head.” I said, skidding to a halt and turning around, throwing my Blades of Chaos forward and managing to hit it in one of its…many sets of eyes, hearing it screech in pain. Micheal took his turn, launching his blades into the walls and then pulling back. He slingshotted himself hooves first into what would be the forehead area of the massive head, knocking it back as he did. He landed next to me. “Hey Button, your Symbiote was able to turn into any weapon right?” He asked me. “Well…kind of? I needed one to become my Blades of Chaos and…with Cheat I could turn into an amorphous mass of teeth.” “Button I don’t need specifics, yes or no?!” “Yes!” I answered. The thing reared its head back, roaring at us again with some added fire breath.  “Good cause this better work!” Micheal said. His blades then changed and shifted and grew. His own Symbiote armor appearing on him as he then knelt down and… He turned it into a cannon! The thing then fired, shooting a smoking ball of semi-cool but still very hot volcanic rock into the thing’s head. The impact smashing it’s patchwork face wide open. It then collapsed onto the rails, it’s flames dying out as it’s body began to decay and rust rapidly. “Right…” I said carefully. “Need to remember that…” I muttered, so used beating things with my bare hands I forget I can do that. His armor and the weapons returned to them as he got back up. “Okay… I wasn’t expecting that to work that well… but I’m glad it did… also shit even with your stats boosted that was heavy…” He added as he turned and stretched some. “Wow, you finally found a heavier cannon than Gallon’s?” I asked, seeing him fall over like some anime trope, making me chuckle. “Har-har…” He huffed as he got up. “Well… whatever the fuck that was… my money is on we are gonna find a lot more than we’d like.” He sighed. We walked over to what it dropped. There was a large bag with Rem, an interesting looking sword, and a handgun with two magazines and three boxes of ammo. Well, Handgun might be a stretch. That thing is massive. “Right…so what the hell are these?” I wondered, using Scan on both the sword and the gun. Scan Complete! Weapon: Sword of the Damned Att: 430 Def: 120 Mag: 240 A sword crafted from the long decayed souls of the tormented. Special Ability: Saving Grace - When killing an undead, for every ten undead killed the user gains a Skill Point. – Weapon: Bloody Blaster Att: 700 Def: 200 Mag: 0 A handgun forged in apocalyptic hellfire that shoots 20mm shells. Special Ability: Bypass - Each shot will ignore target Damage Resistance. “Oh~, me likey.” I said with a giant smile. “So, this gun shoots 20mm shells, and each shot ignored Damage Resistance, and the Sword gives you a skill point every ten undead killed…and when used by one of us that would probably be…four undead instead of ten?” questioned. “For me, twenty, for you, three thousand eight hundred, and with my Custodian boost that means… three or four undead yeah…” Micheal said. “Shit… With that sword alone we don’t even need to explore the dungeon.” I nodded, smiling as I picked it- Wah! “I… should have seen that coming…” Micheal said as I was now buried under hundreds of the sword. “Are you alright in there?” “I’m okay!” I said, muffled by all the weapons as I tried to grab the gun…and my hand connected with the ammo so then I was buried by hundreds of guns and hundreds of magazines…”Still okay…” “Well… At least we won’t have to share the weapons… we all get our own and… I’m assuming more ammo than we’ll reasonably spend…” Micheal said as he began helping me pocket the loot and after that was done I was looking at my new sword with a huge grin. This is gonna be such a game changer! Micheal was looking the hand…cannon, over. It loaded from a magazine that fed from under the long barrel of the gun and looked to be gripped with one hand. He took it in both and shot. The gunshot made my ears ring badly and Micheal was knocked back some feet into the wall. “I can’t hear shit!” I managed to shout, feeling my ears burn as it regenerated from the stupidly loud bangs. When that was done I saw Micheal still against the wall. He was still holding the gun but his whole body seemed to be shaking from the recoil. “Uh…you okay there Micheal?” I asked worriedly. “Yeah… Your stats and boosts helped…” He said weakly. “Strongest gun I shot back home was a twenty gauge… this was… way stronger…” He said, letting himself calm down before he put the gun away and took out one of the many swords we now had. “Remind me to not give one of those to Gallon until after I shove a metric ton of skill points into abilities that can make him not lose his arms or something…” “Yes…and I will make sure Tina doesn’t get this or else she’ll try and figure out if she can cannon jump in her pup form…” I said, the image hitting my brain like a brick as I saw the pup on top of the gun, pulling the trigger and having it act like a very menacing pogo stick. “Oh god Gallon loved TF2, if he learns to Rocket Jump it’s gonna be his personality for months.” Micheal said with a groan but also a chuckle. “I mean…it most likely is possible to Rocket Jump.” I said worriedly. “Just…make sure he doesn’t find anyone that can.” “If he does I’m at least super gluing a helmet on him…” We decided to head further in, just to see if there was anything else or at least get some Skill Points while we are in here. “Hopefully there isn’t more bug trains…” “If there is one thing life has taught me it’s that no one is that lucky…” Micheal sighed. We arrived at another station, this one looked distorted and had large crystals growing out of it. I used Scan on one. Scan Complete! Large Void Gem Vein. The pure power of the Void within a physical form. Can be absorbed once mined to obtain Void Energy and abilities or used in crafting. “Oh that is cool.” I said, turning a tendril into a pickaxe and ready to mine the thing. “What is it?” Micheal asked as he walked over. “It’s a Large Void Gem Vein, if we mine it we can get it to the Foundation to craft stuff or even give us Void powers…though hopefully a Skill can give us Void Affinity if it has some weird draw back about it…” “Weird…” Micheal said as he looked the vein over. “I wonder if Void is the same thing as Null from back home… sure as hell gives me the same feeling…” “I have a feeling it is.” I admitted, starting to mine from the vein to get as much as I could…wait…does my item multiplier wo- Thump Yes…apparently it does…”I’m good…” “As useful as this is… it’s also getting a bit annoying…” Micheal said, also caught under my pile of Void Gems. I quickly pocketed them all into my Assistant and had one in hand I absorbed. Void Gem Absorbed! Void Based Abilities and Magic are available within the Skill Tree! Notice! Nokori Race Detected! Core Base Magic Type: Nature Void is Equivalent to Null Magic. Null Magic Base has been added! Core Base Magics: Nature, Null I felt a lurch. A wave of nausea and pain that hit me in my very soul after that notice went up. It passed and I had… a slight headache and I felt… very tired… “You alright?” Micheal asked as he helped keep me up. “Uh…yeah…yeah I’m good.” I nodded. “So…to answer your question, Void is Null, and I just got it…” “Wait, seriously? That… breaks apart everything I do know about magic though but new world new laws so… huh…” He said, holding one of the Void Gems himself. “Should I?” “You’ll feel like crap for a bit and tired but you’ll get used to it.” I said, getting back up and trying to get my bearings. “Well… if anything at least I can learn what Null magic does.” Micheal said as he did as I did to absorb the gem. He tilted a bit, shaking his head and rubbing his temples. “Damn… don’t know if this is as bad or worse than a hangover… huh… I just thought of something…” “What up?” I inquired “Well, remember I said magic back home falls into five Bases, Nature, Chaos, Light, Dark and Null… well, back home everyone is born with one affinity for one of the base magics. It’s not impossible to cast magic of a different type but it’s far more difficult… if this can get me two bases or affinities or whatever… does that mean you could get all five? What would even happen when you do have all five?” “Well…technically there would be a sixth affinity with Nothingness.” I admitted. “And what would happen if you get all of them? I dunno…become the Avatar or something?” “Pfft! That’s funny. Also, what’s Nothingness?” “From what I have learned, it is the Antithesis to Void, or Null in this case, a pure white energy that takes the shape of encroaching thorns…uh…have you heard of Kingdom Hearts?” I asked. “Yes… is that a thing here too?” “I think it’s one of the Key things to this reality.” I said, bringing out Lunatic as proof even though I made a Key pun. “... Alright, I’ll save my fangasm for after we leave this place… cause seriously… holy shit…” “Yes…and now I’m just realizing that I might not be able to use this overpowered bastard with Void cause of the two different energy types clashing…” “An experiment for another day.” Micheal said with a shrug. “Actually you might want to have Gallon help you with that. He’s actually really good at magic, well, artificing anyway. His base Affinity is Chaos so, he’s got a lot of magic but no safe way to use it not through artifacts and such.” “Alright.” I nodded, deciding to check my Assistant to see if there was some Auto-Loot function cause I’d rather not be buried under loot every time I make contact with it. I looked but wasn’t able to find one. Fuck… Must be an app in the app store but I can’t use it cause Armaggeddon hates the Assistant having reception… “...Dumb thought…” I said. “Can you help me find some Auto-Loot skill in my skill tree?” I asked, looking into said skill tree to try and find if this was real or if I was just dumb. “Uh, sure, let me check…” Micheal said, looking through my skill trees. I sat for a while as he looked. “Uh… Ah, here we are. There’s a few. Rem Magnet, Item Sweep and Hoarder.” He said. “What do they do?” I asked, looking through my Skill Tree to find the three abilities. “Rem Magnet makes it so Rem and any currency in a dungeon or dropped by enemies will automatically go into your Assistant when you get close to them. Item Sweep has it so loot dropped by enemies is auto collected once they die. Lastly, Hoarder has it that items that are just in dungeons laying around are auto collected by you being near them.” “Cool, I might as well grab all three then to make this a lot easier and simpler, then just have to sort through the nonsense when we get out of here.” I admitted. I found the three abilities and got each one. I mined another Void Gem off the vein and I was only buried for a moment before it all poofed away and I was notified that all that was placed into my Assistant inventory. With that, we went back to walking down the way. I had to refresh Micheal’s Final Thanks, I made sure he had at least five hours worth before we made it to the next area- THERE’S NINE OF THOSE UNDEAD TRAIN CENTIPEDES HERE! “Okay…” I said, bringing out Lunatic. “Nope!” I shouted, feeling the rage of the weapon enhancing my own power as I swung Lunatic strongly, seeing a shockwave fly towards the beasts rather fast. I began my attack and did not stop until the last of them became scrap metal and paste. I huffed as they were all dead. The loot I got I didn’t notice. “Found a chest!” Micheal said from behind me. “That’s great…but let’s make sure it’s not a mimic first.” I said readily. “Do you know how to check if it is or isn’t?” “Well…this world can work with different rules for Mimics…” I said, deciding to use Scan first just in case I actually could. Treasure Chest Well that’s unhelpful. Micheal gave it a kick. It did nothing. “Guess it’s safe.” “Alright.” I nodded, gently opening the chest to see what was inside. The lid opened smoothly and inside was… Uh… it was a ball of what looked to be pure energy, and somehow it had the letters SP on it. “Well that’s… different…” Micheal said. “Okay so…what the hell…” I muttered, deciding to use Scan on it before grabbing it cause I have no idea what the hell this thing was. Skill Point x10 "Oh, it's a Skill Point orb." I said, deciding to grab the thing to absorb it or have it multiply like mad. Skill Points x10 received. Loot Multipliers Applied. 3,800 Skill Points Received. Holy fucking shit! "Okay, that's cool." I said with a smile. "Thirty eight hundred skill points." “Between that and those swords… we should probably leave cause… that’s a lot already.” "Yeah, we should, given I haven't seen what items we got from murdering those nine other demon trains." “Really glad this place doesn’t let us dream cause that’s haunting my nightmares the second I can.” > Chapter 22: Calm Days > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some days passed and things were going well. So, I was wondering to myself why was I here? Back in Little Leto. I wasn't really upset or anything, and I don't know why I came back here. Specifically to this club. I sat at the bar, same as last time, the wristband on me saying all the same things It did as before. I even had another hard cider. “Why am I here…” I muttered to myself. “It’s not like I couldn’t just get this cider elsewhere…” I sighed, taking another sip. "Long time no see sexy~" I flinched a bit, turning and seeing that same Nokori fox male with antlers from last time. Suddenly it felt like I remembered a bit of why I came here… last time was admittedly a depression driven fling… this time… I wanna test something. “Sup.” I said to the fox. “How you doing my sexy fox?” "Oh, a flirt back. I take it life for you has been well since our little escapade~" He asked, taking a seat next to me at the bar. "Happy for you but shame I won't see that adorable blush." “Well, lot of things have happened as of late.” I said honestly. "Care to talk about them?" He asked, raising a hand up real quick as the Barkeep quickly opened and slid a cold bottled beer to him. "I have nothing but time." “Well…I suppose it’s now that travel time isn’t going to be a problem anymore.” I admitted. “Saves a lot of time and keeps up some promises I made…” "Hm, broken promises to the fam? No wonder you seemed so glum last time."  “Well, broken promises with being around more, but also because I was really fretting over the Nokori God and whenever this town would get attacked…lo and behold, I was right that it would happen immediately after I left to do something.” "Oh you mean those remnants from the Majority?" He asked. "Shit. Heard the damage was bad. They shut the portals to Little Leto down once they broke through." “Yeah…it was bad…” I sighed. “And…I couldn’t do much against one of their members…an information broker was who kicked my ass mostly…” "Well, they're an old Chaos Guilds full of batshit crazy people. Fact you're alive is a miracle." “I’m Immortal so that helps..” I shrugged. “Oh. Does that mean you’re into some more kinky stuff or…?” “No.” I answered, blushing a bit at his immediate thought of kinks and the like. “But…by the way, what’s your name? Considering we just…fucked like rabbits last time, I forgot to ask you your name.” “Ginger.” He said, giving a mock salute with his beer bottle and then took another sip. “Names Button.” I nodded, playfully saluting with my cider bottle as well and taking another sip. “So, mind if I ask what brings you to this club today? Ya look better so it’s clearly not for a distraction.” “I…guess this is just a test to see how I feel.” I said honestly. “How I feel about you in particular.” “Got a crush on me now?” Ginger chuckled. “Well…maybe.” I admitted. “You’re the first male that I…wanted to be with.” “Oh. Happy  to have been a pleasant experience.” He added. “Take it you’re still figuring things out then?” “Yeah, I’m still figuring something’s out, and you are necessary for all these things.” I admitted, taking another sip of my cider. “Will this include some more… hotel visits~” “Oh yeah, hopefully many more hotel visits.” I admitted. “Then let’s make a date of it my pretty.” Ginger smiled as he drank some more of his beer. “If it means I get to grip those wings of yours again then I shall be your loverboy~” “Only if you are ready for a wild ride in return my loverboy.” “For you cutie, anything.” He said, giving me a wink before finishing his beer off. “Shall we say, tomorrow at nine?” “It’s a date.” I smiled, downing the rest of my cider and feeling a bit better about this. “Meet me here then. I’ll be the dashing fox in the AC-DC shirt.” “Sounds like a plan.” I nodded. With that, I gave a nod and went back home. That felt… good. Finally things are going up for me. “Finally, something simple and good is happening and going my way.” I thought happily. I went back home and decided to finally set up another date. One I imagine the kids have been waiting for for a long time. Thankfully Barb gave me her address. I knocked on the door, blinking as it opened and I saw Barb open the door, wearing what seemed to be short shorts and a shirt that read ‘My opinions are correct, just ask the tits’. “Button! Woah… I heard you got turned into a Nokori but seeing the change is… wow.” She said. “Yeah, I’m really sorry it’s been a long time.” I said sheepishly, scratching the back of my head. “And the question I had is, want to go on a date?” "Heh. Sure. I'm free Saturday."  “Saturday works for me.” I nodded. "Great. See you Saturday at noon at the cafe we were at last time." Barb said with a nod. “It’s a date.” I nodded. “Oh, by the way, how have you been doing? I know it’s a bit weird to ask ‘how you doing’ after just asking for a date but it’s…been a while.” "Good. The attack was a scare but I got evacuated in time. Thankfully my building only received some cosmetic damage." “That’s good to hear…O5-1 told me how he got everyone evacuated cause of his own personal experience.” I admitted. "Yeah. New Foundation is a lot of things but they do know how to evacuate large populations. Minimalize casualty risks among civilians. Heard the guard took a bad hit though." "Yeah…from what I personally felt, they probably had it worse though…" I sighedI sighed. "Just hope they make it to other New Foundation bases wherever they respawn." Barb sighed. "Well, enough sad talk. See you Saturday then Button." She said, giving me a smile and a nod. “See you on Saturday.” I said with a smile. With that, I left. Guess all that's left to do today is check on my new office. I arrived at the new main offices of the newest edition to the New Foundation. Expansion and Exploration Department. It was a typical looking office building on the outside. Inside there was a lobby with no one at the reception desk. To the right, some bathrooms for public visitors, to the left were the main offices. Walking through that showed what looked to various desks, each one was some high tech mix between touchscreen and holographic as I saw Micheal was here messing with what looked to be a map of the known locations of the Zone so far. Next to him was Gallon sorting through papers and photos. Tina was here too, also looking through papers, and- Rom Hack? My little brother was sitting at his own desk too, working with what I believe were camera drones. “What are you doing here Rom?” I inquired to my little brother. "Micheal invited me." Rom said. "His robots can come in real handy given everything." Micheal said. “I suppose that’s fair.” I said honestly. "So the good news is that thanks to your family traveling from one far part of this zone to another, it looks like we have a large chunk of this place already mapped." Tina said. "Parts but not all." "We can fill those out later though." Gallon said. "Right now we should focus on places that are more useful for expanding." “Fair, there is a lot of ground to cover and not all of it will be useful for us.” I admitted. "Plus right now this new division is just us." Micheal sighed. "Bright side is the O5 council already gave us our monthly budget to try and recruit extra staff and armaments and such either from other towns they help protect or even from Greed if we feel it appropriate." “And how much is our monthly budget?” I inquired. "Forty trillion rem."  I attempted a liquidless spit take. It came out like a wheeze mixed with a blown raspberry… “Excuse me what?” I asked incredulously. "Yeah… and get this, O5-1 said that since we're a new department it's a low end starting budget until we can grow our department's numbers." Micheal said with equal incredulousness. “That’s…that’s a lot for a low end budget…” I said slowly. "Yeah. Apparently the Foundation isn't a stranger to throwing obscene amounts of money at stuff like it was pocket change." Gallon added. "Get this, according to the guide books and manuals the four of us as the heads of this department are supposed to be taking home eighty three thousand, five hundred rem a month. That's over a million a year!" "That's literally more money than I think people off Armageddon even really need to live day to day…" Tina said. "Probably more than anyone needs in a lifetime if the stories I hear are true that anyone can basically be completely self sufficient and not spend a rem for anything if they work for it." Micheal sighed. “Yeah, that’s fair.” I nodded. “So…just a lot of money and equipment than we know what to do with…” "Basically…" Groaned Micheal as they rubbed their eyes. "Add the other stuff O5-1 wants me to do…" "He asked you to do other stuff?" Gallon asked. "Mostly take quick trips to the other settlements under their protection, add them to the Township. Figure out all my other Township functions, send him reports when I do." “Eh, that’s rather simple compared.” I shrugged. “Only problem is…where the hell they are.” "They already have the portals waiting. Once I'm done he wants to see if my thing with Frontier can be used in place of the normal portals since only Township residents registered to my Township can use them, it can make the travel between the settlements and zones safer, more secure and no need to fear them going out because of an attack." “That’s fair.” I nodded. “So when do we head out and start doing this stuff?” "Next week would be best. Gives us time to sort through the papers here and map out a plan of action and let's me allocate all those Skill Points between us. Divide three thousand eight hundred by the four of us that's nine hundred and fifty each I can put towards useful abilities and stat increases." “That is very useful, plus it gives me time to go on two dates.” I said honestly. “Finally dating Barb I see?” Tina asked. “Yeah, I finally asked her out.” I nodded. "You said two?" Gallon asked. “The other one is named Ginger…a fox that I ‘spent time with’ that one time.” I admitted carefully. "You mean your club casual fling back in New Leto?" Gallon asked. I heard Tina give a whistle. "Button gonna be swinging it tonight~" She chuckled. “Yes, my ‘casual fling’ that’s become a date tomorrow.” I said honestly. "Wow. Surprising." Micheal said. “Really?” I inquired. "I mean, no offense just… what brought this on? You didn't even want to really be there when we did go to the club and I figured you left with the guy as an excuse to get out of the club." “Because I wanted to see if it was just some random thing that I’d hate later like with that bastard David, or if I’d enjoy it and actually like being with him.” I said honestly. "I'm actually surprised you're taking such a large step given you never really seemed to show interests in males prior." “Eh, I wanted to try something new here.” I admitted. "Not sure it works like that but good luck." Gallon said with a shrug. “I’m sure it’ll go fine, Ginger’s nice and…well, it at least made me learn why I went back to that club.” I admitted. "So you went back to find a guy you had a one night stand with to ask out on a date, and he said yes." Gallon summarized. "Neat. Rare for club frequenters to go on actual dates with people." “Well, he was the one that offered the date.” I corrected, remembering that conversation. “Wow, must have really taken a shine to you Button.” Tina said. "What did your other mates say?" Micheal asked. "Tina, obviously, is happy for you but what about the others?" "Everyone already expected Barb…but Ginger might be a curveball for them to be honest." I admitted. "Oh they're reactions might be priceless." Gallon chuckled. "Oh you already know they had a betting pool on if Button would date a male." Micheal chuckled. I groaned, looking over to Tina hoping they were wrong…as she was whistling 'innocently'. "Are you kidding me?" "Yuri wins it seems." She shrugged. "Yeah yeah." I grumbled. The next day came and I wasn't too dressed up for anything special. Ginger did say he was going to be dressed in an AC-DC shirt so not expecting anything fancy. Still, Cream forced me into some basic lipstick and a ponytail for my mane. I arrived outside the club, finding Ginger standing by the door. I noticed the club looked quiet today. There was no lines or anything outside. Bouncer was still there though. "And there's my sweet feathery date." Ginger said as I walked up to them. “Hey Ginger, hope I wasn’t keeping you waiting.” I said with a smile. "You, baby, are worth waiting for." He said as he quickly leaned down and kissed my cheek. "Are you ready?" “Ready as I’ll ever be.” I said happily. "Then let's go." He said, taking my hand and leading me to the club doors. I was confused. The bouncer opened them for us without issue, and inside the club was empty, save some mood lighting, the speakers playing some gentle piano music. A giant screen played the video of a fireplace going and on the dance floor was a fancy table, covered in cloth, some dishes, wine and lit candles. “You got the whole club to ourselves or something?” I asked in surprise. "It's easy when you're the owner." Ginger chuckled as he led me to my seat. “I…really should have expected that.” I said, walking over and carefully taking my seat. Ginger sat on his seat across from me. "I also own the love hotel we enjoyed each other's company in. Both the club and the hotel are very lucrative. Especially during tourist season." “I can imagine.” I nodded. “I imagine running both is quite a pain.” "At times." He shrugged, taking the wine bottle and popping the cork out and pouring me a glass. "But some hired help has eased it, giving me time to partake in beauties like you~" “What made you choose little old me if I may ask?” I inquired. “Cause you could have…a lot of people that are probably better than me in the looks department.” I admitted. "Ah but your looks are why I chose you." Ginger chuckled. "Many species are force fused by Violence into Nokori. Humans. Orcs." He put a hand to his chest. "Elves. ECT, ECT. You however are the first Equestrian I've seen." I blinked, not remembering if I ever mentioned that and…most of my features were more bird like than equine. “How…did you know I’m an Equestrian?” I inquired "You were drinking Sweet Apple Acres Cider and my barkeep said you questioned about it. It's a staple drink of the Equestrians. Not that hard to figure out. Plus, that muzzle is equine still." He smirked. “Well…I suppose that makes sense.” I admitted. “Even off Armageddon I doubt many would know about the Apple’s work specifically.” I shrugged, as they might know the brand but not the actual people behind it. "It's why I hope you enjoy this wine. Apples make cider and grow apples. The Punches grow grapes and craft wine." He said as he handed me my cup. "Always did find it funny so many of your names align with your work and those cutie marks of yours." “Yeah, it is a bit funny when you really think about it.” I shrugged, taking the cup and gently sipping the Punch Wine. It was sweet. The alcohol taste was faint and didn't overpower anything. It was good. Some people walked out with a dinner tray, putting the covered dishes before us and they took the lids off. My tray was something I haven't seen, or smelled, in over ten years. Hay burgers. Homemade too with some fresh fried and a small side salad. "Not sure if you partake in meat or not so I figured something familiar might be best." Ginger said. “Jeez, I haven’t had Hay Burgers in a long time.” I chuckled. "It might be a bit anticlimactic given the atmosphere but I figure it was better than nothing or just a plain salad." He chuckled. "So, tell me more about yourself Button." “This is way better than some plain salad.” I chuckled. “But about me? Well…where do you want me to start?” "How about the same way one starts a story. The beginning?" Ginger offered with a chuckle. “Well…it all started when I got Isekai’d to this wonderfully insane world.” I chuckled. “Before I was just some average Nopony…heh, saying ‘Nopony’ after so many times saying ‘Nobody’ sounds so weird.” The following hour I spent giving a recap of my life before arriving here, then arriving here, finding my dad, who is now a mare, ending up on Armageddon and all that nonsense. The second hour, Ginger told me about himself. He was the son of a Greedy Merchant and his Breeder, spent early childhood til he was twenty working with his father and many siblings until he left to pursue his own dreams of owning a business. He had several stores over his two thousand years of life, but they all fell short for one reason or another. Then about a century ago he wound up walking into a trap by Violence, he considered himself lucky to end up a Nokori and released later. That part struck me as odd. He said the Nokori they made are released… they're not making them to be weapons, they're just making them to make them. After he became the Nokori he is now, he wound up settling into the New Foundation after finding some of their MTF agents by chance and was moved here to Little Leto. He still had his rem, so he bought this building to be a club and ten years later the hotel next door for private hookups. "And, well, that is about it for me." He shrugged. “Well, that is quite a lot to recap…though the fact that you were just turned into a Nokori and nothing else is…really weird.” "Well, there were a few experiments involving my power and some poking and probing. Didn't even buy me dinner first or flirt." He chuckled, then sighed. "The Y Labs from Violence from what I hear is very different from that of Isekai or the Y Labs of the past before the War. It's more… tame, but also seems to be used for some weird… unknown reason." Ginger shrugged. "Honestly I prefer this than becoming one of their monsters." “Sounds like this ‘Nokori God’ has just been continuing his weird obsession than working for Violence really.” "From what I gathered while I was there, Nokori God and the Y Labs of Violence are actually two entirely different things. See, Nokori God is legit making weapons. Using powerful creatures and powerful objects to make weaponized Nokori. Like yourself, me and most others from the Y Labs, well, some of us have neat tricks but not all of them are so strong or useful." “That’s fair.” I nodded. “Not everything can be winners I suppose.” "Yeah. So, where shall we take the rest of this night?" “Depends, want to end the night on a good note with some slow dancing or want to end it on a steamy note as we fuck on the dance floor?” I asked "As kinky as that would be, why not both but take the sex to the hotel? The bed would be comfier and if you want we can spend the whole night there~" “Works for me.” I said with a happy smile. "Would you like to choose the song?" He asked, handing me a tablet from his Assistant with what looked to be the song lists the club had. Lot of options here…”Hmm, how about this one?” I pointed to the song ‘Perfect Day’ by someone name Lou Reed. "Hm. We don't play that one much. But if that is your choice, then play it." Ginger said. Nodding, I hit play. Once the music began he stood and so did I. He offered me a hand and I took it. We took some space and now that I was on hind legs I realized I was almost a foot taller than him. Well, if you include his antlers then we're even height. The song was slow, melodic and seemed to be a love song sung in a slower tone by the singer as we danced a simple one two. The whole time Ginger was looking right into my eyes. It made me feel… a mix of emotions. Embarrassed. Flustered… special… "Welcome to how it feels to be on the receiving end of being treated special by your love Interest Button." Cheat said quickly. “Thanks…this is definitely a new feeling.” I mentally admitted, and even with the size difference…this still felt nice. "Finally embracing your more feminine side. About time." Cheat added with a laugh before going quiet again, leaving me to this moment with Ginger. This does feel really nice… I should do this for the girls. To help make up for lost time and to remind them I care. That night with Ginger was wonderful, I felt nice and the night spent together was equally fantastic. We set up another date for a week later and I asked for advice on doing something like this for my other partners. He was more than happy to give it too. Eventually, Saturday came and I was waiting at the Cafe for Barb. Work was mostly paperwork and planning right now so all is good there. I told the girls about my plans for a date night with each of them and they loved it. Even Cream seemed to lose that gloomy she's been having for a while now. She is the one most hurt by my… my choices… I sighed. Slowly. I'll make it up to them… it's just gonna be slow… "Sorry I'm late." Barb said, arriving in a green sundresses. "Book reports are the worst to grade." She added with a groan as she sat down. “Paperwork in general is the worst.” I admitted myself. “So many papercuts…” "Pfft. I wish paper cuts were the worst part of grading book reports." Barb chuckled. "No, the worst part is reading them and slowly and surely losing hope in your students futures. At least, some of them." “It can’t be that bad can it?” I asked nervously. "This book report was on the book, Holes. It even has a movie made by Disney. I basically gave it to them and Jada wrote me a very detailed guide on how to EV train each of the starter Pokemon in Pokemon Black and White to be their most powerful." Barb said. "I gave her a C. It was not at all what she was supposed to do but the idea of a non-useless Tepig was enticing…" “Damn it Jada…” I groaned. “Gonna need to give her a talk about that, cause while having a non-useless Tepig sounds awesome…she needed to do the report on Holes.” "You'd know all about holes now wouldn't ya!" I heard Jada yell from somewhere. I blushed while Barb was laughing into her hand. “Why is she around here?” I whined, looking around for the offending youngster that dared sass me like that. "You walked right into that one…" Barb said, giving another chuckle before clearing her throat. "I guess we shouldn't be surprised some of your kids want to watch you on your date with me." “Yeah…honestly a lot of my family were expecting me to date you and…well, here we are finally.” "Yeah. I am considered the cool teacher so, I get that a lot." She smirked. "So, how have you been?" “I’m good, a lot of paperwork and a bunch of other things not withstanding, but good.” I nodded. “Besides the book report shenanigans, how’ve you been?” "Good as well. Caught up on a lot of anime and finally started some games I've been meaning to play for a while but the job is demanding. The days the kids have off from school, I veg out the whole time." She chuckled. "I'm amazed I'm not fat." “Dragon biology, working out, all of it going to ‘fun places’, or it all being burned in your never ending war against grading papers.” I shrugged as I listed off some things that it could be. "Heh. That's one explanation I guess. So that aside I heard from the kids you have some new… tenants, in your place?" “Yes, Micheal and Gallon, and Tina and Lovely Days moved in as well.” I answered. “Micheal and Gallon are new Isekai in this world, they are friendly and fun to be around but Gallon is a bit…overprotective as it were.” I said carefully. "Ah. And… Tina… she and Lovely moved in with you as well?" “Yes…considering me and Tina are kind of a thing after I knocked her up but she’s still with Lovely and it’s a happy relationship.” I explained. "I see…" “What up?” I asked. "I… It's nothing against Tina, I'm sure she's lovely but… I've just had bad experiences with Den Mother's and… Canine Races in general." “Do you want to talk about it?” I asked nervously. "Mostly it's just some bad exes and one very… racist Dire Wolf Alpha…" She sighed. "It was a long time ago and it's just bad memories really." “Well, I can personally promise you that Tina is a Good Girl that would never cause harm.” I said readily. "Heh. I believe you but honestly it's not just her." Barb said, giving a sigh. "Button, mind if I ask a hypothetical?" “Go right ahead.” "If this relationship of ours were to progress to… something more, would you want me to move in with you?" “That depends on what you want.” I said softly. “Cause I’m not going to force you to move in with me if you don’t want to. The reason Tina and Lovely moved in was because there was more space and the like.” "That's good… because I don't want to… even if I was to have some children with you… I wouldn't…" “I understand.” I nodded. “You can stay in your own place if you want, I’m not going to force it.” "Thank you Button. I'm surprised you haven't asked for a reason. Little relieved too." “You have your reasons, and you would have told me up front about it if you thought it was important.” I said simply. “But I care, and how you feel is important to me.” "Thank you." She said, giving me a smile. "Feels nice to know that if things get more serious that that won't be some drama later."  “Eh, it’s fine.” I shrugged. “Communication and Trust are two things that are necessary in good relationships after all.” "To communication and hopefully a good relationship then." Barb said with a nod and a smile. "Alright so there are one hundred and forty three settlements the New Foundation helps guard, this includes their main HQ and base over in a Zone called When Day Breaks." Micheal said, starting this first official meeting of the heads of the Expansion and Exploration Division. "And what is 'When Day Breaks' again?" I asked, cause while I did some studying on SCP's I don't' think I read that one yet. "The sun melts you alive. And when you do die your melted corpse assimilates into a massive gooey glob of melted people and animals with all your stats too so… they're strong. And are always hunting to force others into the sunlight to add to their numbers." Micheal said. "Never been more thankful to not be allowed to have dreams or nightmares than I am now. Some of those things fucked me up…" Gallon added. "Hence why their Main HQ and settlement is underground." Micheal stated. “That’s fair.” I nodded. “So, we need to head to all these settlements and set up Frontier Portals and bring them into our shared Township.” I said. “Should be simple enough.” "They have a massive portal hub in a secure area at their lowest level of the settlement for safety reasons. Thankfully we can take the portal hub here to there where we will meet up with someone who will give us a quick tour and then help us get to work." “That’s good.” I nodded. “What’s next on the docket for today besides heading to the main HQ?” "Nothing for now, it's just that for roughly the next week." Micheal said. "What about our new Skill Points and stuff!" Gallon spoke up. "Right. Guess I should start that. Shouldn't take too long." “It’s gonna take a while.” I admitted. “Even with me knowing what I was going to do with it…it’s still a big pile of nonsense.” "Well based on what I learned, there are two sets of stats. Combat stats and Physical Stats. Both can be increased independently and Physical Stats can affect the numbers of Combat Stats.  Combat stats increase by five percent Skill Points put into them, Physical it's one Skill Points for a One Point increase in that stat but it affects corresponding Combat stats by increasing them by two points." Micheal stated. "Begone math!" Gallon screeched. "And this is why you never get far in Final Fantasy games Gallon…" Micheal said, chuckling. “Hmm…that sounds interesting.” I admitted. "So in other words, higher stats means we are better off in a battle, and they also determine our strength with Abilities and such?" Tina asked. "Yes. For example, your Thunder Bug electricity attack is considered an Elemental Attack. Apparently this is calculated by taking half your attack damage stat, and a quarter of your total Energy resistance and adding them, and that's your energy damage." Micheal stated. "Why can't it be its own stat?" Gallon asked. "Dunno." Micheal shrugged. “That’s…weird that it isn’t just either a separate stat all together or it just adds lightning damage to my strikes.” Tina hummed. “I suppose that is a way for it to work though.” She shrugged. “At least it means your ‘Charged’ form you’ll be stronger, not to mention when you go into an Enraged state.” I said, given she was still a Monster from Monster Hunter she did have an ‘enraged’ state that made her faster and stronger. "... Well in any case time to allocate them." Micheal said. “Yeah, that would be for the best.” I nodded. "So first up let's show Button's." Micheal said. His Assistant displaying a holographic image of his Custodian Menu. There was me, at least a cartoony image of me, and under that was my stats. Button Mash HP: 6,900 (2,300 Base) MP: 360 (120 Base) ATT: 3,900 (1,300 Base) DEF: 2,700 (900 Base) PR: 1,200 (400 Base) MR: 300 (100 Base) ER: 150 (50 Base) Status R: 0 (0 Base) Poison R: 450 (150 Base) Fear R: 300 (100 Base) Bleed R: 900 (300 Base) Acid R: 240 (80 Base) Psychic R: 0 (0 Base) Disease R: 900 (300 Base) Strength: 1,440 (480 Base) Agility: 780 (260 Base) Vitality: 1,170 (390 Base) Vigor: 1,470 (490 Base) Intelligence: 300 (100 Base) Endurance: 1,560 (520 Base) Dexterity: 645 (215 Base) Huh… “That’s…rather low all things considered…” I said carefully. "Have you been putting Skill Points into them?" Micheal asked. “No, I thought just me fighting and doing a lot of other thing’s would have increased said stats.” I said sheepishly. "Well it did a lot but that takes a long time it seems." Micheal hummed. "So your weakest combat stats are Psychic and Status resistance. Both at zero. Your lowest Physical Stats is intelligence at a flat one hundred at base, three hundred after my Custodian bonus." “Well…that’s something, but Psychic and Intelligence don’t fully work with what I’m building here.” I admitted. "Did you just admit you wanna be a dumb jock?" Gallon asked. “No, why in god’s name would I be one of those jackasses?” I asked. “I’m doing a Berserker Build, that is different.” "Regardless you should have Psychic resistance and Status resistance. Would really suck if an enemy manages to use those weaknesses against you." Micheal stated. “I suppose that’s fair.” I admitted, even though I have some skills that while Raging I can just straight ignore it but I won’t be raging all the time…”So work on those things.” "Alright so let's put… five points per skill points so… fifty skill points to each for two fifty resistance boosted by two hundred percent is… seven fifty resistances." Micheal stated. “That’s a pretty good jump.” I said honestly. "A great buffer." Tina nodded. "What about his Fear Resistance? That is oddly low in all honesty." Gallon noted. “I am a Herd Animal after all.” I admitted. “Back on my home world we…were a bit jumpy with things…even if we were so used to Disaster we were rather quick to judge…I still feel bad about Zecora.” "It's kinda funny actually." Tina chuckled. “How so?” I inquired. "A berserker with a low fear resistance. Just a funny thing." She waved off. "Does explain his reaction to the undead centipede trains in that dungeon though…" Micheal added. Tina blinked. “I’m sorry what?” Tina asked. “Yes…undead centipede trains…that then proceeded to become Fire undead centipede trains after I tried setting one on fire…” I explained. “Okay never mind, that is a justifiable response.” Tina admitted. "... So, that aside, that should be how many more Skill Points into Fear Resistance?" Gallon asked. “I suppose bring it up to my Psychic and Status resistance, might as well stay consistent.” "Alright, so fifty from zero gave two fifty, so that's… thirty skill points." “Sure, I have more than enough skill points to spare.” I said readily. “Alright, now that makes them with the boost even with the other two. Any other stats you want to increase?” “Hmm…” I hummed. “Let’s increase Intelligence, cause that might help with my Magic that I should try and invest in and maybe boost my MP.” I said. “Alright, another thirty skill points or more?” Gallon asked. “You do have eight hundred and twenty.” “Sure, another Thirty wouldn’t hurt.” I shrugged. “Alright, so that brings your intelligence stat to one thirty, after the boost, three ninety.” Micheal nodded. “Awesome.” I nodded. “At this point might as well just dump thirty into everything else.” “Right.” Micheal hummed, adding the points into the Physical Stats. “That leaves you with six hundred ten.” “Right…” I hummed, thinking about what I should grab. “Hmm, well, there’s either me just shoving all the points into my stats again, or I can start grabbing some skills that will help boost my capabilities.” I said honestly. “Jeez…now this is getting complicated…” “So… maybe some Abilities?” Micheal offered. “Some of these higher tier ones I can purchase for you without you having to grind to unlock them first.” “That would be great.” I nodded. “Alright let me see what’s useful…” Micheal hummed. “Uhhh… Ah, this one looks good. It says it’s called a Finisher…”  “What, like it happens at the end of an attack?” Gallon asked. “Basically. Says that after at least a five hit combo the user can finish on the sixth attack for an added three hundred percent attack damage and a critical guarente of times five damage.” Micheal read off. “It’s called… woah… Heh… that’s actually fitting.” “Well, what are some of the finishers called?” I inquired. “And also yeah that sounds like something I’d like to have.” “It… Heh… it’s literally called ‘Fucking Die Already’.” Micheal said, laughing as he did. “Fantastic.” I laughed. “That is beautiful!” Gallon laughed. “Definitely the best Ability name I’ve ever heard.” Tina said, cackling.  “Alright, now I need to grab that.”I said. “Alright, that’s four hundred Skill Points. That alright?” Micheal asked. "Yes, and damn that's a lot of skill points." I said in surprise. “Yeah, it looks like the more out and higher up along the branches of the Skill Trees you go, the more these Abilities cost.” Micheal said. “But, alright. That leaves you with two hundred and ten skill points left.” "Hmm…" I hummed. "Is there anything on Nokori or Symbiotes that seems interesting?" “Well… It says here you’re part Phoenix and that you can actually… ascend to the next rank on the Inborn Hierarchy.” “Oh I remember reading about that.” Gallon said with a smirk. “Back home, Phoenixes were rare but whenever they were spotted they were documented heavily. They learned that it seems Phoenixes have a form of inborn Hierarchy that is based on their power. They think it depends on the flames they were born from what rank they are in the Hierarchy.” “Math and science are your weaknesses yet when it comes to magic and beasteology you know way more than I do.” Micheal chuckled. "Well, that's interesting." I said. "So what do I need to do to ascend?" I inquired. “Well, based on what I’m seeing you need to have your stats be a certain strength and such. After that you need to be at least a century old.” "Which isn't happening for a long time." I admitted. “Yeah, but by then your stats will definitely be at the minimum and it says when you do evolve it will be a Burning Planet Phoenix.” "That sounds like a fun evolution." I said honestly. "So I go from a Super Volcano to a Burning Planet, awesome." “The Burning Planet Phoenix. Only one was ever noted back home.” Gallon said. “They believe it was born when the earth was still covered in molten magma and slag back in the early years of it’s formation.” “And yet you can’t remember that bleach and ammonia make a toxic gas…” Micheal chuckled. “That only happened… three times!” "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me, fool me three times and you officially have a problem there Gallon." I joked. “Not my fault it made the windows and floor spotless…” “So aside the fact Gallon accidentally committed a war crime three times, what else does Button have that he can get?” Tina asked. “Well… There is this one here. It’s part of the Symbiote stuff actually.” Micheal said. "What's the thing?" I inquired, having done some stuff with the Symbiote tree but haven't really gone into it in depth. “Well, this one is called Lifeblood. If you are capable of eating monsters out in the field, any that you eat and devour whole you can have sorta pop back out of you as a minion to fight for you or do things and tasks.” "Huh, that's interesting." I said. "Kinda like how…I might still have a special organ that can 'rebirth' a person if I devour them." I said, thinking way back to when Parker did that surgery…wonder if I still have those organs? “... Well that’s a sentence I can never unhear…” Gallon said. “Yikes…” Micheal added. “That is… admittedly weird…” Tina said. "Hey, it was a whole thing that happened over ten years ago…after I single handedly burned a Human…and Equestrian Puritan Colonies to the ground…in a fit of pure blinding rage." “Puritan?” Gallon and Micheal asked. "Is it different here?" Tina asked. "Puritans are turbo racist species supremacists in this reality." I answered. "And…I slaughtered all the adults…all the ones that fought, all the ones that didn't…the children were spared cause this world hates it…" “That is… pretty hard core… also, when were you gonna tell me that I could have shot Nazi’s in the face!” Gallon asked. “That’s uh… not the… nevermind. So do you want this ability or not?” Micheal asked. "Yes, I would like the ability." I answered. “Alright… and now that leaves you with a hundred Skill Points left.” "Hmm…should I get anything else or save it for later?" “What can he get for a hundred skill points Micheal?” Tina asked. “Well… let’s see… Huh… well that’s interesting…” Micheal said. “You said you were first an Alicorn, and before that you were an Earth Pony, gaining Unicorn and Pegasi genetic material and magic through eating some zombie versions of them right?” "Yes." I nodded, wanting to leave out the story behind that. "Cheat helped me with all that." “Did you know as far as any of those races or their affiliated trees and magic… you have nothing selected?” Micheal asked. “Not even the Earth Pony one. All these Abilities are unclaimed.” “Have you been using those with not even their basic magics available to you? That’s actually kinda impressive.” Gallon said with a smirk. “I’ve been busy with a lot of other things, get off my back.” I frowned. “Well, they’re pretty cheap so let’s see here… Earth Pony Strength Magic, Unicorn Magic Attunement, and Pegasus Speed Enhancement Magic… and lastly Alicorn Embodiment Magic.” Micheal said. I felt a bit different suddenly- Notice! Alicorn Race Has Gained The Magic Embodiment of Volcanos. Title: Alicorn of Magma, has been obtained. Pyromancy and Magma Magics cost 40% Less. You can also pull magma pockets from the earth and separate the molten minerals into their respective areas. Notice! Secondary Title, Dragon Home, has been Obtained! When fighting Dragons, you have a chance to tame them. Woah… “Huh…well, I just got two titles which is neat. Alicorn of Magma and Dragon Home.” I said. “Pyrmancy and Magma spells cost less, I can literally pull magma from the earth and separate the molten mineral’s…and there’s a chance if I fight Dragon’s I can tame them.” I explained. “That sounds fucking awesome!” Gallon said. “Huh… must be because Alicorns in your home reality are pseudo-gods.” Micheal hummed. “Want me to put the rest into those branches then?” “Sure, cause maybe I’ll get something extra neat from it.” I said honestly. Nodding, Micheal got to work. Felt… stronger with each one he got.  “Oh you are so going to love this!” Micheal said. “And that takes care of the rest of those Skill Points.” “Cool, and I feel a lot stronger because of this.” I said with a smile “Well that and this last Ability I just got you. In the Earth Pony tree, this ability is called Earth Mage. It lets you use your Strength Stat as an effector for your MP and magic Resistance.” “Oh that is amazing.” I chuckled. “And considering how big my Strength stat is, it’ll increase my MP and MR a lot.” “Yes it will. And has. Alright, next up, Tina.” Micheal said, displaying her stats on a holo screen too. Tina HP: 11,850 (3,950 Base) MP: 3,300 (1,100 Base) ATT: 9,000 (3,000 Base) DEF: 2,100 (700 Base) PR: 450 (150 Base) MR: 900 (300 Base) ER: 1,500 (500 Base) Status R: 300 (100 Base) Poison R: 900 (300 Base) Fear R: 1,500 (500 Base) Bleed R: 2,100 (700 Base) Acid R: 600 (200 Base) Psychic R: 0 (0 Base) Disease R: 1,500 (500 Base) Strength: 1,500 (500 Base) Agility: 1,260 (420 Base) Vitality: 1,200 (400 Base) Vigor: 1,200 (400 Base) Intelligence: 285 (95 Base) Endurance: 1,350 (450 Base) Dexterity: 1,020 (340 Base) “Yeah, that checks.” Gallon nodded. “Surprise it’s not a tad higher, but eh.” Tina shrugged. “But all around it seems rather solid.” “Like Button, your Psychic resistance is at zero, and you do have some Status resistance at least. Oddly, your Physical Resistance is rather low compared to your overall defense…” Micheal hummed. “From what I learned from Den Mother Biology is that I grow in power the more children I have…and I fear it somehow ‘reset’ when I got to this world cause…” Tina sighed, but shook her head. “I’ve been through enough therapy to finally get past that.” Tina admitted. “So, how many Skill points do I have?” “Same as Button, nine fifty.”  “Wait, wait… you seriously get stronger… the more you get knocked up?” Gallon asked. “Yes, cause we are supposed to be the strongest to protect our Young, given we always birth the max amount of children as a ‘extinction reset button’ as it were, gotta be strong enough to let a species repopulate in peace.” Tina explained. “My stats probably went up with the kids my cute stud here gave me.” She motioned to me as I blushed a bit. “Well… that’s a thing. So, Psychic, Physical and Status resistance boosts?” Micheal asked. “Yep, gotta make sure all the resistances are in decent shape.” Tina nodded. “Alright. That’s done, leaves you with four hundred Skill Points.” Micheal said. “Right, so let’s go with Skills instead of normal Stat’s this time, what nonsense can I get?” Tina inquired. “Well, let's see… in terms of your Race based skills, there’s various things here and even branches that allow for the use of sister, sub and offshoot species of Zinogre abilities. Oh this one looks neat…” Micheal hummed. “What up?” Tina inquired. “This one ability here. Storm Flier. During Thunderstorms, you not only can pull the lightning right out of the air but it will also heal you, and you gain the ability to fly while it’s storming.” “Oh now that sounds useful.” Tina said readily. “Now all I need is an ability that forces it to Thunderstorm so I can have it on demand.” “Tina, that’s literally my power.” Micheal said. “Admitably, as it is, it’s useless since it can only make a small rain cloud but with a boost from Gallon, it’s a full on thunderstorm.” Micheal stated. “Yup.” Gallon nodded. “Still, it would be easier if I could somehow create a Thunderstorm with my Charged form instead of needing you to take a moment to get some of your hubby inside you.” Tina admitted. “... Don’t make me put all your skill points into something useless…” Micheal said through his red blush. Gallon chuckling next to them. “It’s just a joke my friend.” Tina said with raised hands. “I know. So get it, and that’s three hundred left for you.” Micheal said. “Right. Three hundred more and is there more fun nonsense?” Tina inquired. “Hmm… well, there’s some stuff here that’s kinda odd… this branch is very far off from the rest too…” “What’s that?” Tina asked. “Well, this one here says it’s called ‘Artificial Evolution’ and gives you the power to control low level technologies.” “That sounds interesting.” Tina said. “Sure, let’s start taking some of those things, cause if we’re going to be roaming around the place might as well be able to control tech without needing to become a hacker or something.” “I don’t think that’s how that works, unless you mean the non-reality warping Hacker. It will wipe you out on Skill Points.” “Really? Hmm…well it is rather interesting, sure why not.” Tina shrugged. Nodding, Micheal purchased it. Instantly, Tina looked different. Her eyes looked like… screens. Joints looked like metallic and artificial ones, her tail was now completely metallic. She looked almost like a cyborg… “Woah…” Micheal, Gallon and I all said. “Okay…this is not something I expected…” Tina admitted, as she grabbed her breasts and squeezed. “Okay, the girls are still full flesh and fun.” “That’s your top priority or worry… really?” Micheal asked. “Hey, when you are both a fun loving woman and a mother, you’d prefer your breasts to be all natural and not some cyborg stuff.” Tina stated. “Right… well, now onto Gallon.” Micheal said. Gallon HP: 105 (35 Base) MP: 12,000 (4,000) ATT: 30 (10 Base) DEF: 15 (5 Base) PR: 15 (5 Base) MR: 60 (20 Base) ER: 0 (0 Base) Status R: 0 (0 Base) Poison R: 0 (0 Base) Fear R: 45 (15 Base) Bleed R: 15 (5 Base) Acid R: 0 (0 Base) Psychic R: 45 (15 Base) Disease R: 30 (10 Base) Strength: 12 (4 Base) Agility: 12 (4 Base) Vitality: 15 (5 Base) Vigor: 15 (5 Base) Intelligence: 306 (102 Base) Endurance: 60 (20 Base) Dexterity: 45 (15 Base) "One of these things is not like the other." I said in a small sing song tone of shock. "Two of these things are egregiously high here." Tina added in the same song of shock. “In regards to the MP, that’s likely because, back home, Gallon’s Magic Base Affinity is Chaos. This means he has a high level of mana but any spells he tries to cast won’t work or won’t be what he cast, or might even be too powerful for him to use safely. He bypasses this with Artifacts. Magic items that can cast a spell by using the mana of the user.” Micheal stated. “As for Intelligence there… no idea.” Gallon shrugged. “Gallon, you built a mana powered generator that powered all of Leto and all it takes to run are basic shock runes and your blood to amplify their power… blood you had mixed with the metal of the runes to ensure it lasted…” Micheal stated. “So?” “That sounds like a pretty smart thing to do there my guy.” I pointed out. “Eh.” He shrugged. “Gallon has trouble understanding his magic talents are… basically genius.” Micheal said. “Doubt it.” Gallon said. “Well in any case as far as Gallon and I are concerned, we should have all these Skill points dumped into stats to start getting us on even footing with you and Tina. At least Gallon gets the Custodian Boost, so that will help him out a lot.” “That’s fair.” I nodded. “Always good to start with stat’s.” “You can dump it all into my Physical Stats, and I’ll work with whatever those give me as a bonus towards the Combat skills work.” Gallon shrugged. “And again… this is why you never get far in RPG games…” Micheal sighed. “He’s not a real gamer.” I shook my head. “I game for lore and to blow stuff up.” Gallon stated. “Numbers and stats can bite me.” “But you would need to care about Numbers and Stats in the ‘blow stuff up’ kind of games cause having bigger and better weapons means bigger and better explosions.” “Easy there. I’ll do it as Gallon wishes but I’ll be monitoring his stats to ensure he gets those explosions.” Micheal said with a chuckle. “Explosions are always fun.” Tina chuckled. “Alright, evenly distributing those, that’s fifteen points leftover Gallon.” Micheal said. “Sweet. Any cool powers I can get off the bat?” Gallon asked. “For fifteen points, a few things.” Micheal said.  “Well, what can he get?” “Well, Gallon fights with firearms and Artifacts he’s created. We didn’t arrive here with them and he hasn’t made any new ones yet… maybe…” Micheal said as he seemed to be looking through his Husband's potential skills. “The Assistant has a built-in crafting mechanic, right?” “Yes, but you might still need to have a crafting table shoved in it.” I admitted. “Alright well in that case…” Micheal said. “This one, Material Recycler. It will let Gallon see anything in the dungeon, it’s base materials and if he takes it he can break them down into their base components and materials and then use them to craft other items and such.” “Sounds useful. Was always a resource hoarder in games.” Gallon nodded. “Yes, your ever grinding quest for materials from enemies in Kingdom Hearts and other similar games proved that.” Micheal nodded. “Three hundred hours and literally hundreds of the materials in his inventory…” “Holy hell.” I said. “And I only needed like, three Mythril Stones!” Gallon huffed. “Well hopefully this can help you a lot.” Micheal said. “Worth the fifteen points.” “Heh, sure. So, what about yourself?” Gallon asked. “I guess I can do the same as you did and use the leftover fifteen points on somethings I wanna see.” Micheal said, showing his stats too. Micheal  HP: 20 MP: 40 ATT: 5 DEF: 1 PR: 1 MR: 10 ER: 2 Status R: 0 Poison R: 0 Fear R: 5 Bleed R: 0 Acid R: 0 Psychic R: 5 Disease R: 5 Strength: 2 Agility: 3 Vitality: 3 Vigor: 2 Intelligence: 150 Endurance: 20 Dexterity: 12 “Well…I suppose that makes sense.” I admitted. “So that’s mostly beginner stats…” Tina hummed.  “That’s my smart fluffy hubby~” Gallon chuckled. “Heh… yeah, so I’ll do what Gallon did real quick and then…” Micheal hummed as he began allocating his points. “And now for the fun stuff.” “What you going to get?” “I wanna see if, since Null goes by Void here if there is… oh hell yes!” Micheal grinned, clearly finding what he wanted and getting it. “What did you do?” “Check this out!” He said, I noticed his hand became covered in Void energy… then he vanished. Uh? “Yo!” He said, behind me and tapping on my shoulder. His hand was still covered in Void and he then appeared next to Gallon, giving him a kiss before appearing next to Tina and quickly petting her head, then appeared back in his chair. “Oh that is so much fun!” “So…you can teleport between our shadows?” I inquired, guessing because of our shadow’s positions here. “Nope! It’s a power called Blink from one of my favorite games, Dishonored.” “Oh you lucky bitch!” Gallon yelped as Micheal just grinned. “Heh. Basically, it lets me teleport anywhere within my field of view. I also grabbed Possession, which here lets me possess monsters and enemies weaker than myself, Domino which, as long as the targets are equal strength or weaker than one another I can link together and take one out takes the rest out in the same way the one I actually took out was killed. Then Far Reach which gives me basically some Void Spiderman stuff to swing and pull myself up structures. Devouring Swarm which lets me summon swarms of rats that eat my targets alive, and lastly, Dark Vision, for some helpful night vision stuff. And other stuff. They can all level up but fifteen skill points got me all them at base level.” “That’s cool.” I nodded. “Glad you grabbed some really fun things.” “Yeah. Since we both got some Void Gems and that whole thing happened, next batch of Skill Points I’ll get you them to. They’re all mostly stealth based but they are very cool!” Micheal laughed. “Yeah…I should probably see what I can do with Void now that I think about it.” I hummed. “Doesn’t it hurt?” Tina asked. “No, why? Is it supposed to?” Micheal asked. “From what I learned unless you have an affinity for it, yes?” “Huh… maybe, back in the dungeon, Button and I absorbed a Void Gem each and it mentioned adding a Magic Base to us… Maybe since we’re Nokori it adds the Magic Base, which is an Affinity for us, and bypasses that?” “Oh you lucky…” Tina huffed. ‘I’ve heard Void is some super Overpowered stuff…” “Got one for me?” Gallon asked, Micheal tossing him a Void Gem. “I mined a huge Vein of it at over three hundred and sixty times multiplier…so we have enough.” I said, tossing one to Tina as well. “True… but it will hurt me since I’m not a Nokori…” Tina huffed, still absorbing the gem. “Maybe there is a way to get you a Base Magic Core like us?” Micheal offered. “Button says anything is possible, and hell, having two Base Magics back home was impossible so… there’s gotta be a way.” “Well, all I know is that it should unlock some Skill Tree right? If you have the power than maybe you can get a skill that let’s you use it properly?” I inquired. “I’ll look into it.” Micheal nodded. “Welp, that was that, now for the rest of the work. Time to see how the New Foundation main HQ is.” “Yep.” I nodded. “Let’s go see the main HQ.” “This place is huge…” Micheal said. “WAY bigger than an airport…” Gallon added. “I can’t even tell we’re underground…” Tina said as we could easily mistake the many lights on the high, high, HIGH up ceiling as the daylight… “And this is just the portal hub…” “Yeah…this is…really big…” I said slowly. “Ah, you four must be Button Mash, Tina, Micheal and Gallon.” A man said, human, as he walked up to us. He wore a lab coat with messy light brown hair. “Hi, I’m Dexter. I’ll be your guide and such while you’re here.” “It’s nice to meet you Dexter.” I nodded. “Pleasure’s mine. I read about you all in my debriefing file. Sorry about what happened with your girlfriend Diamond Tiara.” “She’s doing this to help us…even if the ‘victory’ will be bitter sweet.” I said honestly. “I’ll find her sooner or later, but right now, our tour?” “Yes, right, this way.” Dexter said, motioning for us to follow. “As you can see, this is the Portal Nexus. It’s fifty thousand miles long and ten miles high for atmosphere and because when this area was being mined there was a large deposit of titanium and copper here, once all that was mined they filled it in with this.” “That’s a lot of metal…” Micheal said. “So how big is this place in it’s entirety?” I inquired. “The base has various sections that take up most this entire Zone actually. Travel between them is either via portal or via lightspeed/faster than lightspeed trains.” Dexter stated. “Woah…” Gallon said. “That’s…that’s pretty big…” I said weakly. “Took almost all of Era One from what I hear.” Dexter said. “We’re in Sector 99. Most of what’s here is food and transportation. Either people or cargo. This is where you’ll be most likely setting up your Frontier portals from Township. We do have some rooms set up for you in Sector 44, it’s basically a temporary residential place for travelers or people who are traveling or visiting New Foundation. The only facilities that are off limits are the Negative Sectors. That’s where we keep the SCP’s and other Prisoners.” “That’s fair, I’d rather not see what nonsense is in the ‘Negative Sectors’.” “It varies… some are… way more deadly than others and some are… just plain weird…” Dexter said. “Anyway, this way to your hotel rooms.” “From what few times I’ve read up on SCP’s…yeah.” I admitted. Dexter brought us through a portal and a short walk later, Tina and I were shown our shared room while Micheal and Gallon were taken to their shared room. I chuckled, the fact they gave the two rooms to us like this was kinda neat. “My god this bed is so soft~” Tina said, almost puring at she laid in the bed. “Yeah, this is really soft.” I sighed happily as I enjoyed the feeling of the bed. “Hmm… We gotta buy these beds for the house…” She hummed as she tried to dig herself into the fluffy mattress. “Yes…yes we are going to be buying these beds.” I said readily. “So, how long do you think we’re gonna be here since that portal hub was way bigger than we thought?” “No idea, we’ll take the tour, we’ll set up a Frontier Portal and…be on our way I suppose.” I shrugged. “Just…maybe after a nap cause this bed is comfy as hell…” “Heh, yeah.” Tina said, grabbing and pulling me under/against her. “At least things are good right now.” "Yes, so many things are good right now." I chuckled, cuddling up to my fluffy thunder pupper. “Yeah. Hopefully things keep up like this for a while. Definitely should start up the exploration and expanding part of our new division.” “Yeah, it’s gonna be a whole thing but I’m sure it’ll all go well.” I said readily. “Shall we cuddle like this for a bit before heading off?” “Yes please.” Tina hugged me tightly. “You know, sometimes I do miss being human.” “How so?” I inquired. “Well, I miss being the little spoon sometimes. Kinda hard to do when you’re ten feet tall.” She chuckled. “Can’t you change your size at will though?” I inquired. “...Oh yeah!” She said, suddenly shrinking to a size just a bit smaller than me. She then cuddled up her back up against my stomach as I wrapped my arms around her. “Oh yeah… I missed this…” She sighed. I chuckled, wrapping my arms around the smaller fluff ball. “Always happy to be the big spoon here.” “Can’t wait to show this size off to Lovely. Be nice to not have to worry about accidentally suffocating her when uh… heh.” Tina said, blushing a bit. “I mean…that’s an amazing way to go I will admit.” I chuckled. “Yeah but she’s non-super powered and such. All she has is that magic eyes power she was born with, and her book.” “Fair.” I admitted. “Yeah… I worry about her sometimes.” “What’s wrong with Lovely?” I inquired. “Well, like me, she misses her home and old life. Even if she was… I guess mad when it happened that she arrived here, there was this thing where she talked to some nature spirits and she had an argument with her specific spirit…” “Let me guess…she was told her problems would get solved by someone else?” I asked, having seen and talked to her enough to know that she was a rather stubborn and headstrong mare. “Yeah. Apparently she wasn’t the one that was supposedly destined to stop the evil spirits that broke out into the world… her child was. She didn’t take kindly to learning that.” “Yeah, that would do it.” I admitted. “Either her being a mother and having her kids fight thing’s is wrong, or she thought she was supposed to do it…being told you’re not good enough is always a bad thing.” “She said it was a mix of not wanting to put something that dangerous on her child and that she was the one to challenge the spirits, so she should be the one to destroy them… then she woke up here sometime later. She doesn’t know how, but she always feels almost… guilty when she thinks back. Like she regrets something. I kinda get that too when I think back to before I got here. I know I… did bad, before showing up here, but I can’t help but feel guilty and regretful for something else… something I can’t remember…” I looked at Tina. “From personal experience…there’s only two things that made me feel Guilty…that’s breaking my promise with my family and not being around when I really should be…and that deal I made with that bastard David.” I said carefully. “Maybe it’s different for you and Lovely, but that’s my best guess, either you broke a promise you can’t remember, or you struck a deal that you’ll regret for a long ass time.” “We don’t know. All we do know is that we miss our friends and families… my kids… Wonder if Shopkeeper is here?” “Who’s Shopkeep?” I inquired. “He was… Huh, you know, thinking back I am positive he was a member of The Family.” Tina hummed. “He sold and bought… basically anything and everything.” “A member of The Family is a part of Greed?” I asked. “Also, the hell was The Family doing in your world?” “Well, there was Genie and Demon who sorta sent my brother and I to Equis as Zinogre and our… other to a world Voodoo, another member, sent Tony to and… it’s a whole convoluted mess but long story short I know most likely… six members of the family.” “Huh…that’s interesting…” I said in surprise. “So…who did you enjoy meeting the most?” “Babe.” Tina answered. “Before I got here I was in Shopkeeper’s shop and he said there was thing thing called a ‘Build A Mate’ machine…best invention ever.” Tina chuckled. “And…well, she was super excited to hear me say it was the greatest thing ever and we got to talking…then she made out with me and oh boy did I ever learn that a kiss can be so mind blowingly amazing.” Tina shuddered in what I can only tell was bliss. “Wow…” I said. “Yeah… haven’t seen her since I got here. Shame really, I can only imagine that sex with her would have gotten me addicted like out of some trashy hentai.” Tina chuckled. “Maybe that’s for the best I haven’t seen her since then…” “Eh, I’m sure you’ll see her someday, and with your brother as well cause I have a feeling she’s the only one to satiate your massive libido.” I chuckled. “She did agree to my offer of me and Tony having a go with her so…there’s that.” Tina admitted. “So it’ll only just be a matter of time before you meet this embodiment of horny.” “Yeah, still… sometimes… I remember what Tiara told me that day and… It still hurts…” "I know it's bad…but look, you won't make the same mistakes." I shook my head. "Even if you did keep up breeding instincts, you are different than before, you are better than before, and I'm glad to have you here with me Tina." I said with a warm smile. “Thanks… Feels nice to have someone to help me get through this…” Tina and I stayed here for a while, even falling asleep for an hour before we got up. Once we were through we went to see if Micheal and Gallon were still in their room. I knocked on the door. "You two awake in here?" I called out. “You two looking for Micheal and Gallon?” Tina and I turned, seeing an MTF Agent nearby. “They left with Doctor Dexter half an hour ago to begin the portal upgrades and such.” “Ah, we missed them then.” Tina said. “Eh, that’s fair.” I nodded. “Would you two like to catch up with them or explore the Foundation areas?” The MTF asked. “Yes, we would like to continue to explore.” I nodded.  “Alright. You two can follow me and we can have you look around some.” The MTF said. With a nod, Tina and I followed him around through some portals and to several of the sectors. All their farming, gardening, trash disposal and recycling, water filtration and production, even air production was all down underground in every sector that had some form of means to produce the things that were needed. There was even several planet rooms that were used and reset regularly for materials, organic matter, air and water, food, ect. So long as you hit reset when you take what you need it makes new stuff all the time. “And this is Sector Zero.” The MTF said as we exited this new portal. “This is all incredible.” I admitted. “So what’s Sector Zero have?” Tina asked. “Well, as you know originally the Foundation contained and if need be, eradicated Monsters and Anomalies. After the war and this new Reality was made, the New Foundation hunkered down on the Contain aspect, and some of the things we used to contain weren’t actually deadly or dangerous. Some even come to us to keep them safe from things they are escaping. Sector Zero here is where all the safe and friendly prisoners are kept. Well, I guess they aren’t considered prisoners since most of them have free reign of the sector.” “I suppose…999 would be here?” I asked, having to think a bit about the brief reading on the most ‘well known’ of the SCP’s, and that orange blob of joy was a common thread I kept finding. “Unfortunately no.” The MTF said. “After this reality was created, all the Foundation across it’s reflections from the former Multiverse, most all the containment cells were vacant. Apparently most were taken by whatever or whoever does the Monster Spawning stuff, and since the vast majority were all spotted on Armageddon when it appeared, New Foundation split. One group stays off Armageddon to search and contain any that show up in the greater outside worlds and realities, and the rest all came here, settling in When Day Breaks since it was both familiar territory and lots of Foundation facilities appeared here as part of the zone. Regrettably 999 hasn’t been found on or off armageddon as far as anyone knows.” I frowned, wondering why nobody found the thing…or…any of the thing. “That’s…rather weird and concerning that there hasn’t been any signs of even one 999…” “Yeah. We suspect they might all either be hiding somewhere, or perhaps prisoners in the Scarlet Kings Dominion. We don’t know of the latter, then it’s gonna be a long time before we can even attempt to free them.” “I’ll need to read up on the Scarlet King after this…” I said carefully. “So…all of these are the ‘Safe’ prisoners?” “Yes. Some are former anomalies we managed to recapture, some willingly came back looking for us, some are new faces, and the rest are all from former Nexus, Violence, Lust, ect facilities. Former high ranking members of the Chaos Guilds and even some of the bigger Puritan colonies that all defected.” “That’s neat.” I said, looking around the place and seeing so many people. “Wonder if AJ’s mom works in this area?” “AJ, you mean Able Junior? No, she works in Sector negative fifteen. Still guarding his father.” “That’s fair.” I nodded, wondering if I’ll see anything neat in the ‘Safe Grounds’. “Do those two use her position for more private time?” Tina asked with a smirk. “No. Usually Able attempts to break out, and Franky fights him to either get him back into his cell, or kill him and he appears back inside that coffin of his.” The MTF said. “Yeah, that seems to fit…still wonder when they decided to have a ki-who the hell is that?” I asked, looking to see a…rather beautiful lizard creature. “I see them too…dayum.” Tina said in surprise. “That is 682, or rather, a version of them we found. She was being hunted by Lust since on top of their… appearance, they’re also naturally friendly, lacking any and all of the hate and rage towards life others of her species are infamous for having. They are completely passive and friendly.” The MTF said. “So what you're saying is…” I started carefully…but then felt a gun to my back. “I didn’t say anything yet!” I whined. “First time?” Tina chuckled as I noticed there were…a lot of MTF on us all of a sudden. “But seriously, what’s with the sudden violence?” “Firstly, you two aren’t the only ones who have tried to bed her. Apparently it’s a common issue for her as part of the reality she came from. That being said, while she might be friendly, she has stated that she knew others of her kind from her original reality that were not. In Fact she was the only one to be friendly. Meaning that if she does have children it’s highly likely they will be in some way similar to others of her species, on tops of that their process of aging and such is… rather unique. As a result, she asked us that anyone who even makes a passing suggestion of the desire to be with her be removed from her vicinity. Come on.” The MTF said, leading me along as Tina followed. “I’m sorry.” I said sheepishly. “Plus I wasn’t going to say ‘bed her’, I would have said ‘date’.” “Ruling Armageddon with Horny sounds hilarious though.” Tina admitted “...Hate that you're right…” One of the MTF mentioned. “Move it.” Another MTF said, whacking the one that spoke with the butt of their rifle.  “So you two got kicked out of sector zero… because you saw some busty lizard lady and immediately got horny?” Gallon asked as he, Micheal, Tina and I met up for lunch. “I didn’t say shit and they immediately assumed I was horny.” I frowned. “I made a joke saying conquering Armageddon with the power of Horny would be hilarious.” Tina shrugged. “I mean, Tina is always horny, so…” Micheal said. “Meh.” Tina shrugged. “Still, kinda sad we didn’t get to talk to her.” “Hell, I was about to say ‘so what you're saying is we can talk to her’, but they put a gun to my back and didn’t let me finish my statement.” I frowned. “Well, so far in terms of the township stuff it’s been going alright.” Micheal sighed. “Repetitive but all in all alright. Also, turns out I can do other stuff with Township, like allow others to use features of it by giving them delegated roles.” “Really? Like if I went off by myself I can make Outposts?” I inquired. “Yes, and like hell you are going alone anywhere.” Micheal said. “The delegated roles are Agriculture, Construction, Production and Security.” “That all works, but why am I not allowed to go alone? I’ve been doing stuff by myself for a long time.” “Your partners made me promise that one of us goes with you anywhere at any time when you are outside the settlement.”  “Of course…” I grumbled. “Yeah, they asked me the same too.” Tina nodded. “Ditto.” Gallon nodded. “Traitors, the lot of you.” I whined. “To be fair, do you trust yourself?” Tina asked. … “We both know you don’t.” Cheat said. “Why is everyone picking on me?” I whined. “Heh. Guess it’s just that kind of day.” Micheal shrugged. “In any case, aside from that O5-1 said later he has a meeting with us and someone he wants us to meet.” “That’s good to know, who’s the person we’re supposed to meet?” “Not sure. He just said it was someone important.” Micheal shrugged. “Given this is one of the O5’s, and O5-1 at that, it’s rather… interesting to hear him refer to another as someone important to meet.” “Yeah…” I said carefully. “I’ve got a bad feeling about this…” Our meals arrived and after we ate, we headed off to the meeting. The meeting room was fair sized, O5-1 was sitting at the end of the table, with a man, he wore a shabby, torn and hole riddles suit. His skin was pale and he had orange hair, yellow eyes and was maybe… nineteen, at least that’s what he looked like physically. “Greetings, have a seat.” O5-1 said. “And…who’s the teen?” I asked carefully, cause if he was important than I doubt saying he looks poor would be a good thing to say. “This is Midas, the founder and owner of the Greed Guild.” O5-1 said. “Sup.” Midas said with a mock wave. “And…why is the owner of Greed here?” I asked worriedly. “Greed is a neutral party amongst the Chaos Guilds Button, his visitation today was cleared and he specifically asked to speak to you, Tina, Gallon and Micheal.” O5-1 said. “Why would you want us?” Tina asked. “We haven’t done anything that would warrant a Greed’s attention.” “But you have, mostly my personal interest in him.” Midas said, pointing at Micheal and then over to me. “And you.” “What did I do?” I asked worriedly. “You, my silly little pony, picked a fight with Dark Gray, right to his face at that. I like that moxy.” Midas smirked. “And you,” He said, looking over at Micheal. Gallon quickly taking Micheal’s hand. “An owner of Township and the Perfect Custodian title. Well now there’s only one other person on Armageddon like you and I’ll be meeting with them too.” “Really? There’s another Perfect Custodian?” I asked, honestly more surprised he didn’t mention Micheal being a Mother’s Daughter if he knew I personally told Dark Gray to fuck off. “There’s many but I’m referring to someone who has this unique two together. Township and Perfect Custodian. Township is a new Legendary Ability and it’s quite an Ability. Perfect Custodian, the power to make others so much more stronger, and the stronger the person is the stronger the power makes them. Such a fascinating combination.” “Does that combination give some weird Combo Ability or something or is it just weird circumstances to have both of those at the same time?” “That’s what I’d like to learn and find out.” Midas said, still smirking. “The basics of why I am here is because of your new Department. I’d like to… invest in its growth.” “And…why would you want to invest in our growth?” I inquired, finding this a bit fishy. “Why? Why because it’s simple really. I want you to win your game against Dark Gray, the panic buyers have been almost ransacking the shops in their areas and once you win and Dark Gray loses, we all get to leave Armageddon and I can take my products off planet for the first time ever.” “Yeah…so that part is a problem though…” I said carefully. “I don’t want Dark Gray to Lose, I want me to Win, it might sound weird with my wording but still.” “In order for you to win he must lose, there is no third option.” Midas said. “I’ve lived here long enough to learn the game and learn the rules. You want to win, he has to lose. There’s no such thing as a game with no losers Button. Thinking otherwise is… wasted effort.” I frowned, as I wanted to play this game my way and not Dark Gray’s. “Well, I’m still going to be playing it my way, and part of it is going against some established bullshit.” “And what is that way if you don’t even know the game he’s playing?” Midas asked.  “First, I’m going to save Diamond from getting needlessly executed for joining this ‘Game’.” I frowned. “If she wasn’t allowed to do this, her Oath wouldn’t just be some ‘promise’ that could be broken, it would be a binding Oath that can’t be broken.” I admitted. “She decided to play his Game, and he doesn’t like it, so I’m going to save her in the first step to stopping this nonsense.” “Now now, see, that’s where you’re already fucking up.” Midas said as he leaned forward. “He’s ecstatic that you, Diamond, that you’re joining in. New players really shake the game up and believe it or not, the Time Walker’s Oath isn’t some soul binding contract, it’s completely based on the Time Walker’s willingness to blindly obey with nothing but self locked shackles. After all, there is no greater resistance to a law or a rule when the restraints are physical and heavy. Forcing ones self to follow based on their own devotion now that’s when you have the loyalist of followers. That’s what makes Tiara a criminal. She wasn’t willing to put her devotion and loyalty to the guild over her love for you and her family.” “So she’s a criminal because she realized being a mindless corporate slave was retarded and bailed?” Tina asked. “Wow…Time Walkers really need some overhaul with that nonsense.” “That’s the greatest of evils. Bureaucracy and politics.” Midas chuckled. “Leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth but even I can admit there are times where such ways are… necessary.” He said. “Some Time Walkers that I know used to joke that the head of the Time Walkers was an honorary member of the part of the Family that dictated evil in reality. His name really helps sell it to.” “And what’s his name?” I inquired, cause now I’m wondering who’s the asshat that’s causing a lot of this bullshit. “Peccator the Deceiver.” “Peccator… that means Sinner in Latin.” Gallon said. “Indeed.” Midas nodded. “Many wonder who is actually more evil, Dark Gray, or him. Even I’m curious.” “Well…that depends on what his Sin’s are, and why he’s a Deceiver.” I admitted. “Cause he’s the leader of the Time Walkers, so something has to be up with that.” “Well, if you believe the legends, Peccator was once a Keyblade Master, way back in the old reality. He set things in motion to start a Multiversal War that nearly brought Keyblades and their power to extinction all in an effort to destroy one Keyblade that his fate was bound to. It failed, and in the end he became part of Kingdom Hearts. If you ever heard of The Admin of Heart’s, Peccator is one twentieth of that All Maker. As an All Maker he took over the control and oversight of Time. He created things that The Family had to destroy back in the War, including the infamous Void Key.” “So… yeah he’s very evil…” Gallon said. “All that death just to destroy something he was bound to by fate?” Micheal said. “Self Fulfilling Prophecy.” I stated. “He tries to fuck with something that he’s scared of, thinking it would cause him harm, ends up suffering for his actions by the very thing he was afraid of.” “Hm. Wonder if history repeats itself with a whole different cast?” Midas asked as he looked at me. “What? Where I try to make a third path only to play into the games of others?” I asked. “Wouldn’t that just be beautifully ironic?” Midas smirked. “But, onto business. I can supply you four with rem and supplies that you and your New Foundation associates here can use to your hearts content. This includes Data Drives of locations of Nexus, Lust and Violence facilities in the zones New Foundation has territory in.” “And in return?” Micheal asked. “Keep them scared. Scared customers buy anything even at mark up prices.” “Does this include any info about Time Walker activity?” I inquired, because if there’s any activity from them that means Diamond wouldn’t be too far behind and I can start to pinpoint where she is…and bring her home. “I’m afraid I can’t. That information is private, as per my contractional agreement with a certain Rogue Time Walker.”  Fuck… she’s using her powers as a Time Walker to keep the distance between us as far as she can… “Alright…” I sighed. “So, this seems like a rather…one sided deal don’t you think? We’re getting all these resources and money to fund our battle against the guilds and you just get panic buyers?” I asked, feeling like there’s some catch here. “Well, when the game is over and we can all leave Armageddon, that’s the main reward I’m getting out of this deal.” Midas said with a shrug.  I sighed, really wishing there was something I can do about that. "Yeah yeah, but it still depends on what this Game really is." I admitted. "Cause a lot of this has just been said about being Dark Grays 'entertainment'." “Tell me, what is the oldest game in any reality? A game even mindless animals have played?” Midas asked. “War…” Micheal muttered. “Correct! War, a game of battles, strategy, and bloodshed. And in the game of war, there are pieces.” “This is some twisted take on chess?” Tina asked. “More or less.” Midas nodded. “So the better question is…Who, or What, is the King?” I asked carefully, cause there’s so much to this planet it’s kinda hard to pinpoint, even if there was a weird niggle in the back of my mind like I should know what it is, like I was told it before. “Now that is the first part of the game.” Midas said. “I don’t know everything, but I do know Dark Gray can have as many pawns as he can influence. But his Rooks, Knights, Bishops, Queens and King are limited.” “How many?” Gallon asked. “Twenty Rooks, ten Knights, five Bishops, two Queens, and one King. Unlike in a normal game of chess, all thirty eight of these finite pieces of his must be eliminated before he loses the game. His pawns are easily replaceable and don’t count.” “That’s fair…so what’s David, the leader of Lust?” I inquired. “No idea.” Midas said. “Like I said, I don’t know everything. Only ones who know that are Dark Gray and the pieces themselves.” “Right…so just cleave through this place as much as we can until we find someone that can’t be normally cleaved through, got it.” “Spoken like someone who has never played chess.” Midas chuckled. “Can confirm.” Tina nodded. “While Dark Gray is trying to play his fifth dimensional rocket chess I’m over here playing Checkers and wondering why he’s complicating shit.” I frowned. “That…doesn’t help your case there buddy.” Tina admitted. “It does when I’m wanting to play by my own rules and not suffer his bullshit any longer.” I countered. “Hm. We’ll see.” Midas shrugged before pulling out some papers from his Assistant. “The following is our agreement and of course, something for Micheal there.” He said, handing me the papers and Micheal his. “... This says you’ll be sending me abilities to test their chances of creating Combination Abilities with Township… and I get a Guidebook to Titles…” Micheal said. “An investment. Nothing more.” “And in return I sent you detailed notes about the combination abilities I may or may not get…” “Information, second only in value to one's own interests. In this case, both are applicable to this transaction.” “Well, at least we’ll learn some neat things, cause if Perfect Custodian and our Dungeon Veteran Titles are anything to go by, then they’re probably really good.” “This guidebook was created by me, personal documentation both from second hand sources and confirming the information for myself.” Midas nodded.  “... I’d like to add something.” Micheal said. “And what would that be?” “You’re a resourceful person, I’d also like a list of every dungeon in this and every zone you’ve ever explored or set up shop in.” “... And what makes you think I have such a thing?” “Midas, a tragic lesson in history back on my world of a man who lost everything because of his own greed. I’m willing to bet you share more than just a name with the Midas of my world… I’m willing to bet you share, maybe even surpass his greed.” “... Heh. I knew I liked you. True, I have a complete catalog of dungeons all across Armageddon. And I plan on updating it after the new upgrade reality gets come new years. And I’m always updating this book since there’s so much land, air, sea and deep underground territory to explore. What would you use this information for?” “Increase my Custody’s strength, end this game quicker. After all, the faster you get to leave Armageddon, the more money you can earn once you do.” “Hmm, true… It’s a deal then.” Midas said, the contract floating back to him as he seemed to make the changes to it quickly before giving it back to Micheal. “Hmm, mind if I ask if there are special ‘Bonus Rooms’ that give some pretty rare and strong loot?” I asked. “Yes, they are well hidden and hard to get to but if you make it, you can get their treasures. Either locked in a chest or guarded by a beast.” “Do you think you can throw in either a list or a compass that can lead us to such places?” I inquired.  “That’s easy.” Midas nodded. “Will that be all?” “I think that should be it, unless you have anything else.” I mentioned to everyone else here. They shook their heads. We quickly signed them, even O5-1, and with that, Midas put them all into his Assistant. “And that will be that. I’ll send your supplies, shipments and such to your Department office. And in terms of the items for Micheal and you Button, will be mailed to your home within a week, in Micheal’s case, weekly or so.” “Cool.” I nodded. “Pleasure doing business.” “That’s my line.” Midas said. He then phased through the ground like nothing, vanishing as he did. “Well, that went well.” O5-1 said as he stood up. “Surprisingly well.” I admitted. “And with all the Dungeon’s we’ll be hunting and my stupidly high item multiplier, things will get even better.” “Looks like we have a lot of work ahead of us.” Gallon said with a chuckle. “Possibly.” Micheal nodded. “Just…wish this happened sooner than it practically being at the last minute before all these changes happened.” I admitted. “Well, better late than never.” Tina said. “Well, Gallon and I are gonna get back to the portal thing and Township stuff. Wanna join?” Micheal asked. “Might as well.” I shrugged. > Chapter 23: Found and Lost > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I sighed, laying on the bed of my temporary room without Tina. Ugh… why is there so little for me to do… “This sucks…” I grumbled. Tina’s at the spa, Gallon and Micheal are finishing up some portal work then are gonna finally see the other Custodian/Township holder in a new area the New Foundation recently took protective rights of, so, right now it’s just me… I sighed again. This sucks… “Well, I am here but sadly can’t have fun like this.” Cheat said. “I know I know…” I answered, getting up and walking out of the room. “Tina’s enjoying a day to relax, Gallon and Micheal are off being important, I have no idea where to even start with Diamond, and there’s not a damn thing I can do about any of this…” I mentally grumbled. “And anything that I can do will just be playing into Dark Gray’s hands cause whoever thought this game should end with Reality having a tidal wave of Evil running rampant and unchained after evil Loses must have been a complete dumbass.” I mentally growled. “Well, whatever the case, maybe there’s something to distract yourself. Like an arcade or something?” “Maybe…” I thought to myself, starting to walk around aimlessly as I wasn’t sure what to do. I walked down the halls and looked for something to do. Eventually I just went back through the portal to my home and zone and decided to slaughter some zombies. I started using the new sword, since after ten kills I get a skill point and with my multiplier I get more than one. It was something to do, and productive at least. “So many skill points…so much murder…” I thought carefully. I walked around, taking out infected and walking around. As I did I noticed something… I found a tunnel, the hole in the ground behind a building was a strange sight, even weirder… There was a chilly air blowing out from it… and I think I could see bits of frost along the walls. Huh… it this from a new infected type? “Hello?” I called out, readying to fight whatever new monster is around. I didn’t get a response. I put the sword away and walked in, the tunnel was large but not large enough to swing a blade unfortunately. As I walked I began giving off a little fire from my head to give me some light. The further I went the more ice I saw forming until I was walking on the stuff. It wasn’t smooth or slick, but rough and textured, enough so that walking felt more like stepping on gravel.  The cold in here was pretty chilly. What is this? A Dungeon? “What the hell is this place?” I wondered. As I walked, the ice tunnel opened into an ice chamber. There was natural light in here. Some of the ice, I think that’s still ice, was glowing. Weird, this room looks like… I looked around, seeing the room I was in was full of various things. Some food items, some random assorted things. Weird… I saw a doorway and looking through- “Grrrrrr…” I was face to teeth with a giant maw that was growling at me. The surprise made me jump a bit, then I got a look at them and did a double take. I swear… she looks similar to Tina, the giant Zingore Den Mother was on all fours and stood her ground fiercely. Before I could speak though, she leaned forwards, her nose was sniffing me… uh… did I walk into someone’s house…? “Uh…hello?” I asked nervously. “And…why do you look like Tina?” “Hmm… You know that name and smell of her. How?” She asked. Then she took another few sniffs of me. “Ah. You are one of her mates.” She said, shifting a bit and taking a seat. She no longer seemed hostile. “Any mate to my Alpha’s sister is an ally to us.” Alpha’s sister- Wait, her brother Tony?! “Excuse me, your Alpha is Tony?” I asked in surprise. “Correct. Three years ago my pack awoke here. The Alpha was missing, but his mates and children were all in an unfamiliar land, with unfamiliar creatures. The Snow Cyclopses all quickly got to work tunneling a new den, as were the others, sadly, the initial panic of our arrival to these lands, we did lose one pup. As a Den Mother, and that pup’s mother, this has been an unforgivable transgression.” “I’m sorry to hear that.” I said softly. “If there’s anyway I can help…well, first is getting you and everyone else here to safety, I know a spot that’s a lot safer than the cave system here.” “I refuse.”  “Why are you refusing?” I inquired. “As the Alpha’s first mate, the Pack safety and responsibility falls to me. And I say, until our Alpha is found, and returned, we will not be leaving.” “And we have a possible way to find your Alpha, and again, the New Foundation is a lot safer for you and everyone else here.” “Until the Alpha rejoins the pack, the pack stays at the new den.” She stated, reaffirming her statement. “You’re as stubborn as Tina…” I grumbled. “Whatever, here.” I said, making a Frontier portal for this place. “A Frontier portal, it’ll let important people show up to help take care of you all…and where is everyone else and why is it so cold?” “The pack is safe in the deepest chamber of the new den, and the temperature is to help the Snow Cyclopses. Alpha brought their species back from the brink of extinction, but they can only survive in cold environments, the heat above may as well have been that of a volcano to them.” “I suppose that’s fair.” I nodded. “But mind if I look around and meet some of the others?” “No.” “...Why not?” “No outsiders until the Alpha returns to allow it.” “Don’t mind her.” I looked over to see…a Nargacuga if memory serves from what Tina told me…and also…hot damn is she big, buff and busty as hell. “She’s set in her ways and no amount of talks will stop that. Names Sandra.” “Button Mash.” I nodded. “So, are you apart of Tony’s pack or something?” “Part of? I’m the one that dicks down that horn dog on the regular.” Sandra laughed. “And Tina but that just became a thing last time we got Isekai’d.” “Huh…” I looked over all of her…”Yeah, I can see that. But Tina would be insanely happy to see you considering she mentioned your name a few times, I can bring her here or you can come with me if you want.” “That would be great. So, how’d you two meet?” Sandra asked. “I met her at a New Foundation city’s gym, she was doing her thing and I met her and her girlfriend Lovely Days, and then one thing led to another where we joined a Party and then…well…” “Yeah, knowing her you two probably had a wonderful stuffing party.” Sandra chuckled as I blushed. “W-well…maybe…” I admitted. “But for the most part she’s been a great help with fighting and…a wonder to be with romantically.” “Yeah… I’m glad to know she’s alright… just wish we knew where Tony is.” She sighed. “So, wanna go fetch her and have a three-way?” “Two things…one, yes, and two…that was rather fast of you to offer up a three way…” I said carefully. “You’ve known Tina for how long and are surprised?” She asked with a smirk. “So long as you keep this out of the main chambers.” Magnolia spoke up. “We can turn this one here into a nice little meet up for Tina and I and Button here.” Sandra said.  “Well, I knew Tina would have suggested it, just surprised you given we just met.” I admitted. “But sure, “Cool, I’ll get a cozy bed spot set up here.” Sandra said with a smirk. I walked back through the portal, arriving back at the New Foundation main HQ. Now… where is that spa Tina is at… “...Minimap’s exist for a reason…” I thought to myself, checking my map to see where my party members were at. I followed her little cartoony icon on my map to her location. The spa was rich with the smell of perfume and soap. I walked inside and looked around, spotting Tina in a large back of what smelled like soap, perfume… and oatmilk. “Hey Button.” She said, giving me a nod as her body was neck deep in the bath mix. “So…it smelling like oatmilk in here is a choice, but I have some important news.” I said readily. “I just met Tony’s pack and Sandra-” “SANDRA’S HERE!?!” Tina shouted as she shot up standing real quick. “Y-yeah, she’s at a Den because Magnolia, one of Tony’s mates, is being turbo stubborn about people leaving or entering the Den so Sandra’s staying there right now.” I said quickly. “I… They’re here… They’re safe…” She said, smiling. Some tears forming. “That means Shy, Twi, all of them could be here too.”  “Even with such a huge as shit reality…small world I suppose.” I chuckled. “Come on, I’ll take you to her when you get cleaned up and dressed.” “I won’t be needing to get dressed cause I’m taking that Nargacuga cock like it’s the last thing I do.” Tina said, before grabbing me and bolting out of here. “Uh…okay…” I said slowly as I was being carried like a sack of potatoes here. “This is happening…” Ohhhh… Ouch… Hurts… but hurts good… “The fact you did a three way with two people like, four to five times your size and took both their meats at once is… honestly, both impressive and terrifying…” Gallon said as I was recovering on the couch at home. “I feel like you were trying to reenact a porn…” Micheal added as he put another ice pack on me. “Also amazed your regeneration left you sore…” “W-worth it…” I said weakly as I raised a shaky thumbs up. “Ten out of Ten, would double team our birb again.” Sandra said happily. “So, are you gonna be coming and going?” Micheal asked her. “Yeah, now that I know Tina is here and that means somewhere Tony is out there, I can at least make trips between the Den and here for supplies. Magnolia is strict but… between losing Tony and… one of her daughters… I know why she’s the way she is now.” “Yeah…” Tina sighed. “See…Den Mothers are so absolutely committed to being Mothers and Protectors, of our children, of our home, of our mates if given the chance…but to lose your mate, be thrown into a new land and…what I can only assume is a Chaos Guild kidnapping one of your kids…it’s such a horrible feeling…” Tina said sadly, having personally went through such a thing believing that she was alone in this wide world. “I guess if anything, she just wants to keep them all safe… Hope her daughter will be fine…” Gallon sighed. “I… don’t know what kind of… pain that would be like…” “... Do you know what happened?” Micheal asked Sandra “We woke up surrounded by those infected. Fighters started fighting, many started digging. The Snow Cyclopses of our Den weren’t doing well in the midday sun. It was chaos. It wasn’t until after we were underground and more secure that we took a head count. Daisy was the only one missing. She was only six.” Sandra sighed. “We looked but her scent went cold…” “I…I’m scared I know what happened…” I said slowly, seeing Sandra raise an eyebrow. “See, in this reality, people can’t ‘die’ in the normal sense…they would respawn in a Safe Zone or their last respawn point…but we’re on Armageddon, where everything is fucked and if you die, unless you have an Anchor…you respawn in Mother know’s where…she could have respawned a couple miles away, she could have been teleported onto the other side of the planet…who know’s.” I explained. “...And then, the Chaos Guilds…” Micheal added. “If one of them got her…” “... She’d be as close to dead as one can come in this reality…” Tina said. “She was a girl… a Den Mother?” She asked. Sandra nodded. “Then if she was, she’d have been sold or given to Lust… Forced to age up and turned into a Breeder… people built or forced to become baby makers, they… don’t think or want anything else but to pleasure their master and have their kids.” “... Magnolia’s gonna want to die when she hears this…” Sandra said, her tone sounded… haunted. "Yeah…I wanted to die too when I got here…" Tina admitted sadly. "But…it would be even worse knowing what they would be doing to her child…" “So… Portals are all done.” Micheal said. “Gallon and I will be at the office, when you two are done here, or when Button can move again, meet up, got some work to do.” He said, the two walking out of the house. I sighed… Well, this was… scary thoughts… “Well…this soured the mood an ass ton…” I sighed bitterly. “That’s life on this ball of pain…” Tina said bitterly. I sighed as I pushed myself up. I still feel sore, but I need to get to work. I stretched, letting joints and even the ones in my wings pop as I got up, shaking the ache off as Tina and I headed out. We met up with Micheal and Gallon at the office quickly. “Got here faster than I expected.” Micheal said as he was looking over maps and such. “We got work to do.” I said. “Soreness be damned, I can still move my legs and be alright, so what’s on today’s docket?” “Well, there’s some Dungeons that I want to set up Outposts at, some locations that are high value item respawns, and the first data drive and other items came already so we also got a few Chaos Guild hideouts on the map.”  “Good.” I nodded. “Where are we going first?” “Well, It’s Nexus that is getting hit over in the Nightmare that’s starting this whole thing of Panic Buying and such, so, they’d be a good mark to hit first, but, I’m not sure how much security they have. Not much is even in the Nightmare aside the monsters and dungeons there. Here, they’re aware of New Foundation in the area so their defenses might be stronger than we’re expecting.” “And they’re not prepared for me to break down their front doors and wreck the house.” I stated. “Plus I have Transpite so there’s practically nothing they can do to stop me.” Tina admitted. “True, but we’ll still be going in blind. We know the locations, but not the layouts or if there’s a trump or trap card they have in waiting.” Micheal stated. “Besides, personally I think a different target would be better suited for us at the moment.” “What kind of target are we going after then?” I inquired. “Lust.” He said, showing Tina and I the map he was looking at, a building on it circled in red marker. “Based on where Magnolia and her Den appeared, this facility being a Lust Transport hub, odds are, her daughter was taken here.” “Then let’s go there, rescue whoever we can, steal everything that we can use, and burn the entire damned place to the ground.” Tina stated. “It’s a transport hub so odds are we might find lots of Breeders, Lust staff and according to these notes Midas left us, some Violence bioweapons acting as guards. Those will be the hardest to deal with, but before we do, we need to prepare.” “We need to prepare a lot, oh and also, I was busy grinding and did a lot of zombie murder with my new nifty sword, and got an asston of skill points if we want to work through that before going off.” “We’ll be needing more. Tina and Gallon will team up and wipe out infected with those swords out in the zone topside. Meanwhile You and I Button can go back into that level one Void Dungeon and between using the swords, necklaces, and your natural booster and all that, we grind for Skill Points. Gallon and I are still the weakest, especially given that you and Tina basically have immorality Abilities while Gallon and I don’t. Well, I get yours when your HP reaches Zero or you take lethal damage, but if Gallon and I could get our own that would keep us in the fight even if we’re underpowered compared to you two.” “I wouldn’t recommend Immortality, cause it fucking blows.” I admitted. “Maybe it does, but better than being sent to Respawn to god knows where and Gallon or I ending up… lost.” Micheal sighed. “I’m not risking it. I can’t risk it…” “You two are a part of the Respawn Anchor remember?” I pointed out. “And if not then I have no idea why two of the most important people in this entire section of the planet aren’t…” “Because they’re not easy to make. The resources are scarce enough as is. Besides, this just makes more sense in the long run.” Micheal stated. “Weird that they would be scarce considering…the Foundation.” I admitted. “It will keep us in the fight and hey, there’s already an Immortality Ability we do have our eyes on.” Gallon said. “It just requires a Vitality of 14,000 first.” Micheal said. “Woah…” Tina said. “Well, that shouldn’t take too long.” I admitted. “Cause if I get even a hundred skill point orb that would be seventy two thousand, more than enough to get both of you that immortality ability.” “I’m hoping we can grind enough to get even more than that. So, are you two up for the work?” Micheal asked. “Gallon and I can have some fun teaming up for a while.” Tina nodded. “Especially in your pupper form.” Gallon added with a chuckle.  “Yis.” Tina said proudly. I chuckled warmly. “Hmm, should we invite Sandra to our escapades? She looked and…felt really strong.” I brought up. “Your sex life aside, maybe later. Right now we have work to do now.” Micheal said. “Well, technically out of all of us she has the most experience combat wise.” Tina pointed out. “Just to let you all know.” “Why’s that?” I inquired. “She used to be rather respected…Hunter Shadow.” Tina brought up. ‘But with her new Narcaguga Den Mother form…who know’s how strong she is now.” Tina shrugged. “We’ll keep that info for later, but we still have some business doing some skill point farming.” I stated. “Alright, then let’s get going.” With that, Micheal and I headed for the Void Dungeon and Tina and Gallon went out and started a mass zombie slaughter. The dungeon was the same as last time. I gabe Micheal a few Final Thanks boosts and then we got to work. I have to admit, the Fear Resist helped a lot. While these things were still ugly as hell and terrifying as all shit, my immediate reaction wasn’t panic, it was more… surprise. Made taking these things out easier. “We can probably head down to level five and call it a day.” Micheal said as we were walking down the tracks. “Yeah, level five sounds good.” I nodde. “But thank Mother for Fear Resist, makes me not panic all the time.’ “Yeah, fighting these things on fire is a lot less fun than fighting them normal.” Micheal smirked as we entered the next area. “Oh yeah.” I nodded. “But so far things are working out fine here.” “So far. Hm, you know, I wonder what kind of loot the higher level Void Dungeons drop? When that Update thing happens in a few months, that’s gonna make the level fives less dangerous, right?” “Yeah, it’ll make level five nonlethal.” I said. “Now I don’t know if Level Five Void Dungeon’s ignore Immortality but I’d rather not test that out yet, best best to wait for the update.” “Fair.” Micheal nodded. “Bet they drop incredible loot though.” “Oh yeah, I can only imagine what kind of sweet loot it would drop.” I said as my imagination ran a bit with that and imagined some really cool shit. This next area was another station. This one was in complete ruin, barely anything of a station was recognizable. There was, interestingly enough, a ruined train car here filled with skeletons and some stuff inside. “Well, this place looks like it’s seen better days.” I said, still ready for whatever nonsense it wants to throw at us. “I noticed that each chamber we come across is in a worse state than the last. We must be reaching the last room of this floor.” Micheal said as he jumped into the ruined car, looking the bones over for a moment before kneeling down and began picking out suit cases and such. “This reminds me a lot of back home…” He sighed. “How so?” I inquired, helping scavenge the place. “Mass extinction event, remember?” He asked as he popped the suitcase open. Inside were a few potions and what looked like ammo. “Just us Nokori. Humans all got killed by the event, and other magical based races seemed to have just… been slaughtered by the magical wildlife. Went to a mostly Elf based city to check and see, the place was in ashes. Dragons, which is weird considering they’re not native to that area.” He sighed. “But in those early years, bodies littered Leto. Decaying over time. It was… a sickening sight everywhere you looked.” “Yeah…that makes sense.” I nodded. “I suppose I’m just…desensitized to all this after so many years of fighting the undead…” “I can relate. Over time, the bodies became less and less… recognizable, as once living people. Still, remembering the old days always brings back this knot in my stomach… Hey Button, what would you have done?” “Before or after I got to this reality?” I inquired. “If an unknown event took out your whole species.” Micheal said, the loot in the case doubling from the Title, and he began pocketing them. “If you were taken against your will, transformed into a whole new species, had spent years inside, only to one day have all the doors open up, a message play on loop, telling you all outside were dead, and you and all the others in that building with you, all three thousand, five hundred and thirty six of you were the last remnants of your species. When you finally step outside and see sunlight for the first time in years, all that’s there to greet you is the silence of a city, populated by corpses.” Micheal asked. “What would you have done, in those first days?” “Well…if it was before I got to this reality…I would have probably took over a hobby shop, called it ‘Fort Gamer’, and done nothing but play video games all day.” I shrugged, causing Micheal to laugh in shock at how dumb my idea was. “But after I got here…I suppose I would try to find any other survivor’s, try and build some form of new life with the other survivors and just…go from there I suppose.” I shrugged. “Yeah… that’s about what I did…” He said, opening the next case. “In those early days I felt worthless. I tried to help, tried to find use, make myself useful. While others were clearing out the bodies, incinerating and sanitizing the areas, taking over and maintaining the farmlands, keeping the water systems operational and working to try and fix up the power grid so nothing was unnecessarily wasted, I was trying to see if I could give the dead back their identities. In the end someone else took over that job… heh, and as usual, Gallon was working on community improvements. First thing he ever got done was build a relaxation and rec room for others to unwind in. He then took requests and little by little, began working on them. In the end, he helped me find my purpose. I helped track supplies that were needed. Shipping warehouses, loaded semi trucks, factories where goods were produced. In the end, I made myself useful by raiding the ruins of the world.” “Sounds like you managed a good life after you met Gallon.” I admitted. “Yeah… while I spent my time working myself to the bone to be useful, to justify why I was alive after the event, he spent his time getting me on dates and forcing me to relax and smile so I didn’t burn myself out. I guess in the end, I’m amazed I didn’t initially turn Dante down when Gallon introduced us. Heh. Sorry for getting weird, guess this is just… getting to me.” He said. “Nah it’s alright, you getting weird on me means you trust me enough to get weird with me.” I explained. “And if I was Tina I’d make a joke about how that sounds mildly dirty…” “Pfft. I swear Gallon and Tina are a lot alike in that regard.”  “So, what happened between you and Sandra?” Gallon asked. He and Tina standing on a rooftop to spot hordes of undead easier. “It’s…a whole thing.” Tina admitted, grabbing a Tyrant infected and Consuming it whole as it would give her extra bonus like she saw with Button. “But…if I wasn’t such a horny, harem fetish loving doggo…she would be my one and only.” “...Do you regret not being her one and only?” Gallon asked. “Honestly? No, cause Sandra know’s me and Tony like the back of her hand and technically we were giving her the start of her own harem.” Tina admitted. “And no, me and Tony have standards, no incest, that is one thing we don’t do even if I was told ‘incest doesn’t mean shit anymore’.” “Hm, fair, though if you were gonna date other people as well as her, that would be more of a Polycule right? Agh, I spent way too much time with Silver…” He sighed. Tina chuckled. “Sounds like a fun person to be with.” “She already had two wives. Back in the early days she focused solely on taking care of all the kids that were taken and turned into Nokori. She loved children, always wanted to be a mom, but a very bad love life made that hard to accomplish. Still, in the end she got her wish. All the Orphaned kids Y Labs took and turned, they all recognized her as mom, she met and fell in love with two really bad ass ladies, Obsidian and Citrine. In the end, everyone knew her as Mother Silver.” Gallon chuckled. “Though, the fact she took care of so many kids was… a bit more terrifying than anything. Literal hundreds ranging from toddlers that don’t even remember ever being human to teenagers. She had a big heart, and since her Orphanage worked with my ‘Church of Y’ we worked in the same office space more often than not.” “That’s good to hear.” Tina said, slashing one more infected and setting off a chain lightning that killed twenty more. “But since you’re giving me all these details…” Tina shook her head. “Me and Tony both met Sandra at a silly masquerade party, ask for a simple fling because at the time we were all but wearing a ‘Free Use, just Ask’ sign…but after that day of some of the most emotional sex we’ve ever had…she was our world, even though she bailed on her rich ‘family’, we couldn’t have been any happier together…but then…the one day that still haunts me to this day happened…” “... You two did something, huh?” Gallon asked. “Something you regret, and hate yourselves for to this day?” “It was the day we were going to propose…and she was going to tell us she was pregnant…” Tina teared up. “We just…we just made a dumbass joke…but she just got back from the bathroom without any context to it and…and everything fell apart…our love, our lives, our futures…shattered, broken…just as dead as the miscarriage Sandra had….” She explained bitterly, her anger at that horrid time activating the Fulgur bugs she got as she activated her Charged State that doubled her strength and speed. “I tried…we tried to get Sandra back…we did all we could but…but we just grew to hate each other for years…I wanted her back so bad…” She trailed off as she howled and swung her sword again, this time a shockwave of electricity shot out from the sword and cleaved through more infected like they were butter to a hot knife. “Yeah… that would do it.” Gallon sighed. “I don’t know much about multi partner relationships, but Silver always said they needed constant communication from all members. Anything withheld or secrets tend to lead them down bad routes. Even in the more open ones, everyone must know. Never had it in me to try something like that… but I know what it’s like to sabotage a good thing, though I did so intentionally because I didn’t think I was worth his love…” Gallon said, looking down at the street below. “We tried to tell her that we just made a stupid joke, that everything was fine…we trusted each other so much…” Tina sighed. “Then, we got into an argument when me and Tony were trying to buy a Zinogre statue from Demon and…while me and Tony appeared on Equis as Zinogre’s…Sandra was a Hunter Shadow in a world Tony went to for a bet with Voodoo…where he learned it was ten long years for her…but our love stayed true, and while she was being a bit stubborn about things, well Tony worked hard to get her that body she has now and…well, I couldn’t have been happier to have gotten a hug from her immediately after seeing her and then some very wonderful make up sex…it was like nothing ever happened when we were together like that…I had my Sandra, and she had me and Tony…and…and now I have her back again.” The zinogre den mother said with tears of joy in her eyes. “Yeah… I know that feeling too.” Gallon chuckled as he sat on the building’s edge. “I knew I loved Micheal, but there was a part of me that felt like… I didn’t deserve him. It was nearing the end of our ‘arrangement’ and Well… I had known Dante, helped him with some work rebuilding the library and talked him into it. He and Micheal were… perfect. Hell, he was nice, kind, one hell of a looker… they got along great. Meanwhile I just let myself drown in my own emotions. Heh… would get so drunk I’d see my old man’s ghost yelling at me… his face was the last thing I wanted to see, his voice even less when I was drunk…” “But you have Micheal now…cause love is a weird thing sometimes.” “Heh, yeah. Still, sometimes I think back and wonder… how I almost never had this. Had him. My advice, Tina… don’t ever risk losing or doing something that could lose her. You got your happy ending… and now, she’s here, with you and someday, we’ll find your brother and he’ll be with her too.” “You don’t have to tell me twice my friend.” Tina said, having cleared thing’s out and sitting down with him. “It’s…it’s just a miracle…” “Yeah. Guess we both really lucked out. You found Sandra and know for a fact now your brother is here, your other loved ones too, and I ended up here with Micheal. Makes me happy things worked out so well, even if I wasn’t expecting to be leaving Hulda whether I found him or not…” Gallon sighed.  “Yeah, we are really lucky to have the ones we love with us here.” Tina agreed. “As long as we have them…everything seems a lot easier all things considered.” “Yeah. Even if I worry about Micheal with his Perfect Custodian thing, not gonna lie, seeing him go all take charge, ring leader of our group… really turns me on~” Gallon said with a huge grin.  “I see you like being dommed every now and then I see.” Tina giggled. “Believe it or not, when he isn’t an adorable blushing ball of cuteness he can be very confidently sexy when he does that. And that is so worth being bottom.” Gallon laughed. “I can imagine.” Tina giggled. “I love topping as much as the next person, but bottoming for someone special and confident like that is something else.” “Oh do tell.” “Ah-choo!” Micheal sneezed. “Shit… was that dust or something?” He asked as he rubbed his nose. I was about to speak, then also sneezed. Well that was weird. “Well…maybe it’s some anime logic or something?” I questioned. “Someone’s talking about us maybe?” “Maybe? Eh…” He shrugged, stretching as we finished beating this floor boss… one very nasty, very ugly unholy amalgamation of metal, rotting flesh and rock. “So, what did this thing drop?” Micheal asked as we walked over to the drops. There was a large bag of rem, what looked to be a crossbow with several bolts, and two potions of a glowing golden energy. I used Scan. Scan Complete! 4,980,540 Rem! – Crossbow of Survival Att: 305 Def: 201 Mag: 190 – Vibranium Crossbow Bolts x20 – Fully Restoration Potion x2 "Well…damn." I blinked. "Before my item multiplier kicks in, 4,980,540 rem, a really strong Crossbow of Survival, twenty Vibranium Volts, and two full restore potions."  “Sweet, and after, a lot more of each.” Micheal smiled. “Those potions will especially be of use.” I nodded and got to work. Alright, that’s 3,585,988,800 rem, seven hundred and twenty crossbows of survival, 14,400 bolts of vibranium metal, and 1,440 Full Restoration potions. What a haul. “Mind if I take some of the potions. I can use Super Nanny to help out Gallon and Tina from here if I see their HP starts to drop, doubt it will but better safe than sorry.” Micheal said. “Sure.” I said, handing him half of the potions. “Perfect. Alright, guess this leads to floor two.” Micheal said as we looked down at the hole. It was a bit of a drop. “So, glide down then?” He asked, flexing his wings a bit. “Yep.” I nodded, spreading my wings with a smile. “Let’s do some gliding.” Nodding as well, Micheal and I both began gliding down the tunnel. It was dark but oddly relaxing. We were reaching the end of it and oddly, we saw something… light? “Well that feels unsettling…” Micheal hummed. “Well…either it’s a train demon barreling towards us, or we’re supposed to head towards said light…” “Well, whatever it is, be ready.” Micheal said. We got closer and closer to that light, almost feeling blinded by it once we were on top of it. We then flew into it… and emerged outside high above a metropolis.  “Excuse me- what the fuck?!” Micheal yelled at us suddenly being a mile or more in the sky suddenly. “You took the words right out of my mouth Micheal…” I said, absolutely confused as to where the fuck we were now. We landed on a skyscraper's roof, shaking off the surprise and looking over the edge. Micheal pulled out some binoculars and looked through them. “Well… there are more undead down there… Did you know a Dungeon could do… any of this?” He asked, motioning to all around. "I did not…this is first…" I said carefully. "What the hell's going on…" “No idea…” He said, looking through the binoculars. “Where even is the exit to the next floor… how the fuck are we supposed to get back?” He asked, looking up. I did as well, seeing nothing but a bright blue, partly cloudy sky. “...This better not be a planet room someone shoved into this dungeon…" I admitted. "I mean, would be safe to put it here, go out when the monsters respawn but…fuck…" “I doubt it… Something about this feels staged… I mean, look at all the buildings, it’s like back on Floor one in the first area, the buildings and everything around looks… new. Like, the undead just appeared here…” "Yeah…something about this isn't right…" I said, looking over the landscape to see if there was anything out of the ordinary even for this nonsense. As Micheal and I looked, I was wondering what’s going on here… “Hey Button…” Micheal spoke up. "What?" I inquired. “Uh, you said Dungeons can spawn people in pods, right?” "Prize Pods people, yes." I nodded. "Why? What's up?" “Yeah uh… are the monsters able to… break them open?” … What?! "They shouldn't, and we need to stop them!" I said quickly. "Where's the pod?" “Down there, outside the overturned bus!” He said. I turned and looked, seeing the overturned bus and that there was a single pod being bashed by the undead, smearing blood across it. I descended down onto the undead and cleaving through the swiftly, being mindful of the pod and keeping it safe. I tried to open it, but it wouldn’t. The hoard around me was swarming so I managed to find a handle, and by some miracle of all that’s divine, flew this thing back over to Micheal on the roof. It. Was. Heavy. “You good?” Micheal asked me. "I'm fine, but this thing is heavy." I panted. “So… this is a prize pod?” He asked as he walked over to it. “It’s… big.”  "Yeah, they're made to house people." I said, looking over the thing to see what kind of pod it was. As I was trying to find the mark, I… wasn’t finding it. Micheal though, touched it and it gave a hiss, the thing began opening. “Is that… normal?” Micheal asked. “Well…I couldn’t find a mark but it opened up for you so maybe it’s a Lover Pod…” I said, taking a step away from the pod to see who would appear. “Oh I hope to god not!” He said, backing up. The lid from the pod opened and inside was… She was small, very small, with a light gray fur coat, a thin pink tail and large pink ears. No real head hair, just more of her fur coat. She was a mouse, humanoid. She blinked, opening her eyes as she yawned, looked around and her bright blue eyes fell on Micheal. “Daddy!” She cheered, getting up and hug tackling Micheal. “I’m sorry… what?” Micheal asked. Notice! Dungeon Quest Started! Protect Tulip From Infected. Rewards: Tulip(Daughter) “Well…first, congratulations on the new Daughter…and two, we have a dungeon quest to protect her from the Infected…” I said carefully. “I’m sorry, is this normal? Is this like… some weird thing Dungeons do?” Micheal asked, his arms up as the little mouse girl, Tulip, was still hugging him. "Well, the Lover class Prize Pods also have categories, like Child, which is weird phrasing for it…but I suppose it's normal, but the dungeon quest? That's a first for me." “Uh… so, do they mean like… adopted daughter cause…” He motioned to the both of them. “Uh… what the fuck?” "Uh…I don't know, maybe she is biologically yours…hold on." I said, deciding to use Scan on the little girl to see if she actually was biologically his. Scan Complete! Name: Tulip Gender: Female Age: 4 Father: Micheal Mother: N/A Race: Nokori "Yeah, she's yours." I said. “...What?” As Tina and Gallon walked the streets, a gorific display of decapitated and dismembered infected behind them, Gallon suddenly paused in his steps. “Something just happened…” He muttered. “What?” Tina asked. “I don’t know… but I’m very excited and happy for some reason…” “How does that even work?!” Micheal yelped in a panic. “I don’t know, I haven’t really delved deep into the logic of Prize Pod People.” I said nervously, but I was quick to grab a rather strange looking infected, looked like some sick mixture of a man, spider and flying squirrel as I threw it off the side of the building we were on hard, causing it to crash and cave in the ground away from us. “Though I think we better get moving, our cute little Tulip here is in danger.” "Move where? It's not like we can just keep building hopping to a safe place, lot of these infected can climb and some might even be able to fly." “Then clearly you don’t know that’s exactly what we’re going to be doing.” I said readily "Then we'd just keep moving til what, every infected is dead or we find a way out?" “As someone that’s been exclusively doing that for ten years straight, yes.” I said simply "That doesn't make any sense for some dungeon quest-" Micheal started, stopping as he pulled out the Bloody Blaster from his Inventory and fired it. The extremely loud gunshot echoing out as the bullet zoomed past me and I to the head of some flying infected, turning it to chunks that all fell below. "To just be some makeshift defense mission." “Wouldn’t be the first time something weird like this happened.” I shrugged. “Come on, it’s just like Dead Rising just without the horrible AI.” "Wait… if that's the case then… there would be a safe zone in all this mess." “There should be, so let’s go find one.” I said readily. “Ready to run around with daddy Tulip?” I asked with a smile. "Where are we going?" She asked. “To a safe place.” I answered readily. “Where that is…well, we’ll be figuring that out sooner or later.” "Okay. Who are you?" She asked. “My name's Button Mash.” I said politely. With that, Micheal finally got up, and slowly put his arms around Tulip to hold and support her up as she clung to him.  "I still got two hours on the Final Thanks boost." He said.  “That should be plenty of time to look around the place.” I said, flapping my wings up into the sky and starting to look around. “Hmm…ya know, I wonder…” I thought to myself, as the Alicorn of Volcanos, I should probably be able to tell what the ground is like, as I focused my magic on sensing the earth’s area and trying my best not to accidentally create a Volcano here. Hmm… alright, if I'm doing this right… this isn't actually a planet or even an open space… it's a single room. A few hundred miles around and two miles up and tall… meaning the sky and such are illusions. Okay so where is the escape… there has to be an escape…  "Button!" Micheal yelled. I turned and saw there was a large black portal opening on the ground. Emerging from it, was a partly skull, partly flesh head with glowing white eyes. "Get in." It said. … okay seriously, the fuck? “Uh….okay sure…” I said carefully. “What in Mother’s name is that?” "Hey I'm trying to help now get in the portal before the building collapses!" The head snapped. "... Well, not like we got a lot of options or can this dungeon get any weirder…" Micheal said, holding onto Tulip as he jumped in. I followed. The portal felt like… oily jello, and we emerged out in… somewhere else. We were in what looked like a brick building. The partly skull headed being was a mix of blackened flesh and exposed bone on their body. "Who are you and what is going on?" Micheal asked. "I'm Ridge, and what's going on is that you two started a quest that was never properly created." “Uh…first, nice to meet you Ridge…and two, how is that possible?” He sighed, crossing his arms and leaned against the wall. "Okay, so you two know what a Void Admins are, right?" We nodded. "Well, I'm one of them." “...Oh dear…” I muttered in worry. “Uh…well, it’s nice to meet a Void Admin for the first time…” "If you say so." Ridge shrugged. "Anyways, Void Admins are meant to oversee Void Dungeons. This includes repairs, maintenance, ECT. Now Void Admins are rare enough but even more rare here on Armageddon." “Is it because the Chaos Guilds would be hunting you down or something?” I inquired. “Or is it because of the Majority?” I asked, having just learned about their fucking death cult having a Void Admin would be amazing for them. "Bit of both. Anyway, this room and quest were actually unfinished." "Are you the one who left it unfinished?" Micheal asked. "No, that was a different Void Admin. Not many people make it to floor two in Void Dungeons anyway so, I took a while getting here to wrap things up." "And you had her be the reward?" "Better than letting some Chaos Guild member take her." “Oh yeah, definitely.” I nodded. "Besides, she's a very special child. Not just anyone could have opened her pod." Ridge added. He waved his hand over us, a flash of black and green. Quest Complete! Tulip has been saved! “Cool.” I nodded. “And she’s special because Child Prize Pods only open for their designated parents? That’s why she didn’t open up for me?” "No. See, she's not a normal Prize Pod person. She wasn't brought here from Loot Spawn like others, she was created by a Void Admin who's… no longer around." "You can… create people?" Micheal asked. "With limitations but yes." Ridge nodded. “So…this was a past Void Admin’s daughter or something?” I asked, looking at Tulip still holding onto Micheal. "Sort of. I don't know much, but before the Void Admin that made her was stationed to Armageddon and the Void Dungeons here, he used to draw a lot, and he always drew that little mouse girl. That's about all I know." I nodded in understanding. “And…what happened to the Void Admin here?” "Madness. Not even admins are immune. He spent a lot of his time just bringing his drawings to life, the people and children he drew, made them flesh and blood. Heh, artist til the end really." “I understand.” I nodded. “At least they lived happy doing what they loved.” "So… why me?" Micheal asked. "Button's a father, and mother, so why me?" "Maybe you and him are alike, I dunno." Ridge shrugged. "So, I take it you two are gonna want out then? I can finish this dungeon up properly, remove the quest and fix up that floor and you two get out of here." “That would be good, cause we were just grinding and wanted to see the rest of the dungeon." I said honestly. "Gotta do some grinding before taking out a Lust facility.” "Fair. Hopefully I'll have this place fixed up in a few days. Anyway, good luck and take care of that little one. She was important to someone." Ridge snapped his fingers, another Void Portal opening on the wall next to us. Micheal looked Ridge, then Tulip a look before walking through it and I followed. We popped out the other side of it outside the dungeon. Well, that was interesting. "I have no idea how Gallon is gonna react to… her." Micheal said. “He’s probably going to be super excited about it.” I admitted. "Maybe, but we never even talked about adopting kids or anything… now I suddenly have a biological daughter thanks to freaky dungeon magic…" “No, thanks to freaky Loot magic.” I corrected. “But how well do you think he’ll take a joke I’m cooking up for this situation?” "... If you say you're the mother, I'm shooting you in your ovaries…" “Then you’ll feel the same pain as me, and do you want to know the pain of shot ovaries when you don’t have them?” I asked. “Or would it feel like getting shot in the dick? Hmm…well, if you want to take that chance my guy that’s up to you.” "Either way, this is just… a lot to suddenly happen. I don't even know how to care for a child let alone be a parent. Gallon and I were both only children and honestly, being a parent was not on my life goals." “Me and Tina will help you out my guy, we have experience doing all that parenting stuff.” I said. “Tina more so…but still.” "But that's infant care, she's four and no offense but uh…" Micheal said, giving me a worried look. “Yes, I know, I’m a dogshit parent, I tell myself that everyday.” I rolled my eyes. “Not my fault I had to spend ten fucking years heading to that bastard David…” I sighed bitterly. "... I mean, I was gonna say Inexperienced with… toddlers…" Micheal said, slightly hushed. "I don't think you're a bad parent, I… know what you did was for a good reason, a good cause, and you're dealing with the results that came from it. Besides, at the end of the day you got more experience than I or Gallon combined anyway." “Yes…and I do have experience with Toddlers, but Tina has the most.” I admitted. "Right. Still… this is all a whole new thing for me…" “You get used to it.” I chuckled. “Welcome to parenthood my friend.” "Something I never expected for various reasons." He sighed. “Well, you get to experience the joy’s and mild pains of parenthood.” I said. “They’re wonderful bundles of joy that can bug the piss out of ya but it’s worth it to see their warm smiles.” "Yeah I know, your daughter Jada is… something." He said. "Hey!" We turned, seeing Tina and Gallon rush up. "What's up- what the hell?" Tina asked as she and Gallon stopped at seeing Tulip in Micheal's arms. “Tina, Gallon, I have some news.” I started. “Micheal and I had a child, and her name is Tulip.” I motioned to the mouse girl. “No you didn’t.” Tina stated. “Tulip smells nothing like you.” “You ruined the joke…” I grumbled. "Thank you Tina, also," Micheal started before- Bang! Son of a bitch! I gripped my already regenerating sides. Ouch! "Told you I'd shoot you in your ovaries." Micheal said. I did notice him gritting his teeth hard from the shared pain. "That was my whole insides…" I hissed. "Twenty millimeter shells. They make big holes." He said, coughing as he gripped his side too. "Worth it…" “No, it wasn’t from how crippled you look.” I hissed. “...Micheal, you really need to stop being a Yandere about this…” Tina sighed. "How the fuck does that even apply here?" “The gut wound you gave me would like to answer.” I frowned. “I don’t care if it regenerated, you still shot me for a dumbass joke.” "I told you I would and I did. Not my fault you don't listen." He huffed. "Since when are you such a-" I started. "Hold it…" Gallon spoke up. "I just realized something… Micheal, when you get all… like that, from Final Thanks, your temper is more easily set off…" "And?" "Well, what if Final Thanks transfers more than just stats? I mean, no offense but you're kinda acting like Button when he's all pissed off." “I mean…the lava and regeneration should have been dead giveaways that it also did abilities…” I pointed out. “Cause if it just did stats, he wouldn’t have been on fire or having my Chaos Blades.” "You know what I mean." Gallon rolled his eyes. "Point is, Final Thanks transfers all that over and then it stacking each death might also transfer parts of the person's personality. Then stacks it to." "I mean… that does make sense. Micheal does act a lot more bold, brash, arrogant and hot headed after a few Final Thanks boosts from Button. No offense Button." Tina said. “You wish I was arrogant and hot headed.” I huffed. “I mean…you are?” Gallon pointed out. “If you think I’m arrogant and hot headed, then boy howdy will you be surprised when you actually meet someone that is those things.” I frowned. "It's in moderation Button, but stacked onto itself like that several times over? Then it becomes noticeable. Also, not really helping your case but proving the point." Gallon spoke up. "Point is, I know my husband. You wouldn't shoot at someone who tried to kill you Micheal, so I know you shooting Button for a joke like that isn't really you." Micheal looked at us, the Bloody Blaster in his hand then… sighed, the weapon vanishing and returning to his Assistant storage. "I'm gonna feel like dog shit when this wears off aren't I?" "Probably. Guilty and all that." Tina said. "Wait, so does that mean if…" Micheal asked, motioning between Gallon and Tina. “You will either become an overprotective yandere like Gallon, or you’ll become the biggest horndog on this planet like Tina.” I stated. “That sounds hilarious if Micheal becomes as horny as me.” Tina laughed. "Hornier if it's multiple to stack." Gallon smirked.  "I'm gonna start using this ability in moderation from now on…" Micheal sighed. “That would be for the best.” I said honestly. "Well, come on… Gallon and I need to reorganize and add a room to our part of the house for Tulip." Micheal said, taking a deep breath before he started walking. We got back home and while Gallon and Micheal showed Tulip the house, Tina helping them get kids supplies for later, I went to… check something. Thankfully, O5-1 has answers and I get to talk to them… "Normally I don't take unscheduled visitations." The older man said as he sat in the desk. "But your group does have an acception to that rule."  “Thank you sir.” I nodded. “I have some questions about things…one about Void Admins and one about Final Thanks if you know more about it.” "If it's within my knowledge." He chuckled. "What did you want to know?" “Well, let’s start with Final Thanks, does the user also gain their custody’s personality?” I inquired. “Cause we just had a…minor incident with that where Micheal was becoming more agitated like me…” "Yes, that's known to happen." He said, reaching over to a tea cup on his desk and picking it up. "Let me ask you something, Button, what do you know of the story of the Lion with a thorn in it's paw?" “Well, I suppose in this case it would be a Manticore for me, but the story goes that a Manticore was in pain due to a thorn in it’s paw, and when it traveled to a building as I don’t remember what, many people ran from it scared, but one kind person took the thorn out of it’s paw and it was forever grateful to them.” I explained, trying to remember that old story I haven’t heard in well over fifteen years… "Hm. In the story I know, the Lion tried and did their best to remove it, but to no avail. Then a mouse, small and timid, approached, and offered help. The lion, amused such a small creature approached it, humored the mouse. After all, if he could not pull it out with all it's strength then how could the mouse? In the end, the mouses size made it small enough to grab hold of the thorn, and pulled it out in one swift tug. The lion was surprised, and in a show of appreciation and gratitude, befriended and guarded the mouse from others that would hunt them for food." O5-1 said. "In this story, you, Tina, and even Gallon are the Lions. Micheal, is the mouse." “Considering how protective Gallon is, I’m not surprised.” I managed to joke. "Heh. Indeed. At their core, all Custodians and Perfect Custodian title holders wish is to help others… but tell me, what do you think happens when a timid, gentle creature gains the size, strength and traits of oh say, a predator?" He asked. "To use such power requires certain personality traits that are key for victory over an obstacle. Micheal, naturally, lacks this. You, however, do not, so, Final Thanks transfers these key traits over as well. After all, anyone can gain power, strength, but to use it to help and harm well, that takes something else." “Right…” I sighed. “So, if that’s how that works…then if he were to gain the powers of Tina and Gallon…” "Same as you, just their own versions. Now tell me, what do you think happens, or would happen, if a natural predator received this power?" “Um…would they act the same but stronger or would they go out of control with the new power getting to their head?” "In the past, a few received this power. In the end, most noticed little to no changes. One, however, sought to grow their power, using the power to empower themselves and not others. That's not to say all who would be classified as predators are ill suited for the power, it just depends on if they use it for what it was made for. Still, as you lot and your Custodian grow in power, changes are inevitable." “Right…” I said carefully. “So…best not to abuse this power then…” I said carefully. "I wasn't talking about the power." O5-1 said, sipping his tea. "Tell me Button, compare yourself now to how you were long ago, before you got stronger, before when survival in this place was to hide and sneak. Were you happier then, or now?"  I thought about that…I thought about all the times I had to sneak around when it was just me and Cheat, then to when it was just me going on so many murder runs for the rest of my family…I always had something to do, I always had a goal…”Simple doesn’t mean happier but…it was a lot simpler back then, when I either had to sneak around or even go on killing runs on a daily basis for supplies…I always had something to do, a goal to achieve…” "And now, you're easily bored with the daily, mundane life your partners and children lead, isn't that right?" … “I should be happy to be with them…to finally take a break…to keep my promises…” I sighed. “But yes…I am bored of the mundane, when I should be enjoying it with my family, I should enjoy the simpler things with my kids and getting Jada to actually be functional outside of her deadly obsession with coffee and video games…” "But you aren't. You find yourself craving a goal, a reason to keep fighting, keep getting stronger, to keep going. To keep fighting. Do you know why that is?" "Because…I'm this predator you're talking about?" I asked, thinking this is where he's going with this conversation. He smirked. "And what is the boring, mundane lives of the mice to that of the Lion who sees danger, and sees a challenge, a thrill. In getting stronger, in choosing the path of the Lion, you lose touch with the mice, and in removing weakness to become strong, people you hold close, you end up distancing because in the end, you can not relate to people who are, for all intents, weaker than yourself." I…was horrified…as a part of me shriveled up with that explanation…"Oh…that's…that's not good at all…" "Power, like all things, can be an addiction. A craving that never truly goes away, nor a calling few can ignore." O5-1 sighed, taking another sip of his tea. I looked at my hands…and now just wondered…”I…I don’t want to abandon my family…to lose the people I care about because of this…” "Then don't." He said, making me look back up to him. "If disconnection is what you fear, then you need to remember, remember how it is to live and walk amongst the mice, remember what it is to be weak, vulnerable." “But…what if I can’t?” I asked weakly, fearing my own need for strength and this upcoming battle against the Chaos Guilds would just…ruin everything… "... I might have a treatment." He said, reaching into his desk. He pulled out what looked like a bracelet, on it was a chain, kept on by a lock that had the key in it. "This item is called the Shackle of Revert. When worn, it resets your stats back to their base and locks you out of Abilities. It's not much, but wearing it while within the walls of town, might help you remember and relive simpler times." “Well…it’s better than nothing.” I said. “It’ll feel weird at first but…hopefully I can understand again.” "Hopefully. This is why Custodians and Perfect Custodians are such an interest to the New Foundation, to me personally, and to Midas. They know both how to be the Mouse and the Lion. A rare thing too few can manage." “Well I’m stuck here about to lose everything I care about because I can’t understand how to just…be normal…” "My advice, wear that when in town and take a vacation. At least for a few days. Remember and reconnect with your family. After all, weakness is what let's us truly connect to one another." Right… I put the bracelet on, locking the little lock and pulling the key out. Shackles of Revert Activated! Abilities are all locked until removed. Stats temporarily reset to base numbers until removed. > Chapter 24: Power Up > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Walking back home, I felt… different. My senses used to be much sharper, now they’re all so dull. I actually used to live like this? Weird… … I really have changed so much, haven’t I? "This…this feels really weird…" I muttered.  As I  looked around, I tried not to think about it. Compared to before, my eyesight felt… duller, sense of hearing was so much less… smell… Can’t smell anything. Was I really like this before? "I…I can't imagine being this…helpless…" I thought to myself, as so much of what I was used to just…not being there… I got home and once I was inside, I saw Gallon sitting with Tulip on the couch. He was watching her read a book. “Oh, hey Button.” Gallon said as he noticed me. “What’s with the bling?” He asked, motioning to the shackle item. "These are suppression bands…and I am now as strong as I was all the way back when I first got here." I said. “Really? Wow… why?” "Cause I both learned that yes, when we use Final Thanks a part of our personality is also gained with our stats…and two…so I can maybe understand what it feels like to be 'prey' again…" “Well that’s… an odd way to phrase ‘being normal again’.” Gallon hummed. “How long do you plan on taking a vacation then?” "No idea…but this whole thing is…so I don't lose my family…" “Well… alright. Micheal’s Final Thanks boosts wore off and as expected, he feels bad about earlier… and had a major panic attack at now being a father.” Wow… he was having one with the boosts and such from me… without that… yikes… "Well…I suppose that's fair." I shrugged. “Heh, yeah. We already got a new room for Tulip, an extra bathroom, clothes, toys, books. She already knows how to read and write, and pretty well. It’s impressive for a four year old.” "Glad to hear that." I nodded. "Already super smart." I chuckled. “Heh, yeah. It’s gonna be different from now on for Micheal and I, that’s for sure. Gonna get her into Pre-school and hopefully from there we can try and work something out schedule wise.” "Yeah, things should work out schedule wise, New Foundation cares a lot about schedules." “Heh, trust us, we know.” Gallon chuckled. “Oh yeah, I think Cream wanted to talk with you.” "Goodie…" I grumbled. "Alright, where is she?" “I think she’s in the laundry room.” … The fact I… didn’t know we had a laundry room is… not good. "And considering how big this room is…" I sighed. "Where is it?" “Third door on the left out in the main hallway.” I nodded and walked there. Thankfully it was also labeled. Can’t believe I didn’t notice this… I walked inside, the scent of soap and bleach tickled my nose. There was dozens of washing machines and just as many dryers.  I spotted Cream with… I haven’t seen Dovahkin since he was a baby… I’d seen him around and talked with him a few times… not as much as I should have… He was helping Cream with a few things. "Hey." I said carefully. “Ah, there you are.” Cream said. “How’s the office coming along?” She asked as she and Dovah were folding clothes. "The office is going well, you wanted to talk to me?" “Yeah. Heard you finally went on a date with Barb and someone new. A man I hear?” She asked with a slightly curious tone in her voice. "Yes, I dated Barb, and I'm also dating a Nokori named Ginger." “Ah. Alright then, aside from that I wanted to give you this.” She said, pulling out a booklet from her Assistant and quickly handing it to me. I looked at it… a yearly planner? I opened it, seeing there were a lot of dates already filled in with various events. "Oh boy this is…a lot of stuff planned." I said honestly. “Well, lot of kids, each with their own thing.” She said. “I know you’re trying to be there more, but I know you still have other things you need to do… and things between us have been a bit… tense… So, I figured knowing what things are going on for who and when would help.” "Yes, it'll help a lot." I nodded. "Thanks Cream." “I know odds are you can’t be there for all of them, unless there was somehow two of you, but even then.” She chuckled. “Just promise me you’ll try to make it to some of these, alright?” "I'll do my best." I nodded. “That’s all I ask.” She said, giving me a smile as she went back to folding clothes with Dovah. I was about to leave… but paused… I went back, sitting next to her and began folding laundry. “Uh, what are you doing?” She asked with a half chuckle. "Helping." I said honestly. "Ya know, the thing I keep trying to do." “With… a chore?” She asked. "Yes." I answered. “... Alright, is Cheat in controle? Cause if not, then who are you and what did you do to my hubby?” Cream asked, putting a hoof under her chin and giving me a sly grin. I chuckled.  "No no, it's me, well and truly." I said easily. “Well, I’m not sure whether to check and see if hell froze over, or to see if you’re feeling sick.” She laughed. “But why the sudden help with a chore? You don’t even wear clothes.” "Because I…need to relearn what it means to be normal…before something bad happens…" “Well, to be fair, when you opened my pod I guess I only got a glimpse of that. You were somewhere between ‘normal’ and, well, how you are now. Might sound weird but I actually miss those days. Surviving was hard but it was simpler.” "Yes…I miss those days to." I sighed. "It was…so much simpler." “Yeah, though admittedly, I’m glad we have this life here. Kids are better off for it.” "Yeah, this is much better for the kids." I agreed. She smiled, giving me a quick kiss before we went back to folding the clothes. It took a bit, but when that was done I headed back out… Time to do… something. I looked through all the kids rooms and figured I’d check on Jada. Surprisingly, her door was open a crack. Peeking in I was actually shocked to see she wasn’t at her computer, the lights were on when I opened the door more I spotted her on her bed, sleeping under half her blanket and with her pillow under her arm rather than under her head. I smiled softly, happy to see Jada so…peaceful for once. “Glad to see she’s finally asleep.” I managed to use my magic to cover her properly, fix her pillow and all without disturbing her. Guess she's really out of it. Lack of sleep and such finally caught up with her… I can barely remember when she was born. She and her siblings were all so small… much smaller than I expected given the size of their mother. “Well…that’s what ten fucking years will do…” I thought to myself bitterly. I sighed, giving Jada one more look. "I love you." I whispered. She's been through a lot… all my kids have in some way, shape or form. I quietly left her room and carefully closed the door behind me. I walked through the halls to find another of my kid's bedroom door open. The name on the door read Power Up.  "Our Daughter." Cheat said. “And…now she’ll never be able to see her mother again…” I thought weakly…as I looked inside the open door. "Mother fucking cu-" I winced. She was at her own computer, screaming into a microphone playing what looked like Minecraft… I learned immediately after meeting her that Power Up has my colors, coat and mane/tail. Red eyes, both my and Cheat's temper… our rashness… and rapid use of violence… that and she swears like a sailor… and all the time… According to Sweetie, her first word was genuinely… 'bitch'. … I worry about her… “I mean…I understand Creeper’s aren’t pleasant but do you need to swear up a storm there Power?” I inquired. "Oh, hey dad… mom… dad-mom… mom-dad… parent who both birthed and fucked me into existence…" She said, giving me a deadpan look as she did. "I'm playing online. One sec." She said, turning back to her screen and monitor. "Listen here you little shit I will find you, and when I do I will rip your spine out your ass, rearrange your vertebrae and then shove it back up and laugh as you walk around with the world's worst case of scoliosis!" She yelled then exited the game. Then turned back to me. "So, sup?" … … "I'm actually really proud of that threat." Cheat said. “...I need to get Power some therapy…” I mentally sighed. “So, hi there Power…how have you been?” "Pretty good. Considering I'm typically surrounded by idiots, family, or idiot family members. I mean, I love them, but stupid is stupid and I don't tolerate stupid people." I sighed. “And what do you define as ‘stupid’?” I inquired. "People who either annoy me intentionally, unintentionally, or have less common sense than a fly." “And…yeah, there are a lot of people like that…” I sighed. "So… do you want something?" "Just to talk, hang out…do something." I admitted. "Alright. So, what do you wanna do?" "Well, let's just have some talks." I admitted. "Alright. What should we talk about then?" "Well…I suppose I can start with…why are you so swear happy." I admitted. "Hmm." She hummed, tapping a hoof to her chin in thought. "Well, I guess it all started when I was four and learned I'm basically an incest baby since Mom had enough of a sister kink that when she made her own body she took enough of your DNA to make that body related to you… that was a day." … "Then when I was five moms took us all to the Cryo storage where most everyone else got to see their birth mom's. On ice but at least they saw them. There weren't even pictures of you or mom around so I basically just looked in the mirror and would pretend it was either of you. If I had two mirrors then you both were there." … "Around eight some punks tried to bully me but I did inherit a few of mom's symbiote abilities and… well, doctors regrew their limbs, and I was put in Juvy for a month. Kinda boring, felt like a boarding school. After I got out I was put in a special class for kids like me with dangerous powers and a temper. Made a few friends in there but basically everyone is an asshole." … "And then you finally came back, knocked up with I guess my baby sibling since your body is both yours and moms still, half sibling I guess or… wait does that count as a full sibling if… eh. Anywho then we got to spend some time together, had ice cream a few times, and aside from seeing you and breakfast or dinner, that's about it." She said with a shrug. … I sighed. "I'm sorry…" I said bitterly. "Damn it Cheat…I forgot you had that sister kink…" I thought. "I…didn't mean for a lot of this to happen…" "I mean, trauma aside my life is alright." She shrugged. "I figured if you or mom were around, at least one of you, maybe I'd be less fucked up but… that's neither here nor there so all I can do now is hang put with you now that you are here and maybe someday mom can get her own body again. Though if she's gonna make it basically another sister kink, well… that's trauma for your future kids to process." "I'm certain Cheat won't cause another sister kink to happen." I said carefully. "But I'm here now and I'm ready to help." "...With?" "Well, help you control that temper and be less of a drunken sailor when it comes to swearing." I admitted. "Or somehow get into a weird series of events where I'm helping you win a swearing contest…" "Honestly I'd prefer the latter. My swears and my trauma basically make up my whole personality at this point and it's kind of my go-to nine times out of ten." "Yeah, we're gonna need to work on you not having all of that be your personality." I admitted. "I mean, being a cum doner is half your personality at home. Why can't swears and violence be mine?" … “Okay, first, I am not.” I frowned. “My personality isn’t horny, that would be Tina.” "I have three hundred plus siblings and the Den Mother mamas are all pregnant again, what else would you want me to call it? Baby batter blaster? Seament Mix Drop? Depositing love where it goes? Filling in the hole? Letting your swimmers take the plunge to win a prize? The Sack Attack? I can go on." “Where are you getting such euphemisms?” I asked. “Also I’m sorry that those are…Breeders and I have to…” "Most I'm making up on the spot." She shrugged. I sighed. “Well…you are somehow doing good on those euphemisms and you shouldn’t be…” I huffed. "Trauma and Dark Humor go hand in hand with sass and snark and I am a god damn prodigy." She smirked. “You aren’t a sad sack person that believes they are a nobody, I want to help you be…more than just this.” I said. “Achoo!” “You okay Ben?” “Yeah…yeah I’m good…” "Awh. That sounds like self improvement… can't we just get ice cream and throw rocks at park goers?" Power Up asked. “We can get ice cream and work on self improvement and not being an asshole.” I stated. "Boo!" “Well Halloween is just around the corner so you make a good pumpkin carving point.” I said with a smile. "Double boo! Worst dad joke ever." “That’s a good smelling argument you have there.” I laughed, giving my child some headpats as they pouted cutely. "I'd prefer to be an asshole like I usually am every Halloween. Stealing candy from other people and traumatizing children much younger than I." “And sounds like you need to be taken out Trick or Treating instead of being a butt.” I said readily. "... did you seriously just say 'butt'?" “Because sometimes when you say the lesser insult it just feels more visceral ya know?” I asked. "... No I don't fucking know. That's fucking dumb and sounds fucking wrong." She said with a smirk. Saw that coming… “Than clearly you don’t know the art of insults.” I said simply. "I mean, neither do you. All you do is go outside and kill zombies all day. No one to really banter and trade quips with. Anyone can make a better insult to respond to a 'Gruuu' or 'ahhhgh' or whatever the fuck noises those undead make." “Then clearly, you don’t own an air fryer.” I said. “...The fuck does that mean!?” “You don’t own an air fryer so you wouldn’t understand.” I said with a cheeky grin. "... You're fucking with me. Well I see the incest kink isn't just moms. If mama Cream is anything to go by." I heard Cheat chuckle a bit as I blushed. "I mean, I guess you would have some serious mommy issues though, but really?" “Nice argument there, but unfortunately,” I put a hand on her shoulder. “I am your mother.” “...Did you just try to make both a Star Wars and a Meme reference?” She asked slowly. “I could have just created a shitty picture of you as a soyjack but that would have taken too long.” I admitted. “God I hate internet humor sometimes but it’s…it just fits sometimes…” "Right. Well while I was made from both sets you got equipped I don't recall suckling your tits when I was a baby. Or being sung to sleep… or being hugged when I got scared of the dark…" She sighed. “And I regret not being able to do that every waking moment of my life.” I stated. “I know you probably hate me and…many others still hate me…but I’m trying…” "I don't hate you dad… or mom… I know she's in there too and this whole… thing," she motioned to all of me. "Means I can't see her, at least not for a while… I just… don't really know how to be around you. Either of you… there were so many of us and just mama Maud, Philomena, Cream and Sweetie Bot that… most of us got a lot less attention than others… and since both my birth parents were MIA… I felt like an outcast in my own family." “...And that’s how I feel everytime I walk around this house…” I sighed. “Ten years…ten years I missed and I hated every second I missed time with all of you…I didn’t want to lose that time but I sadly had to…and now I’m practically shackling myself so that I can be with you.” I said, motioning to the bracelets on my wrists. "Oh so that's not just leftover from what I assume you and moms did last night?" “No, it is not.” I answered. “Power suppression bracelets…cause apparently me in my growing power I’m…losing it…” "I mean, you were a bit of a paranoid mess. So, it suppresses all your powers?" "Yeah, I think so- on of a bitch!" I yelped at Power Up bit me. Her teeth suddenly like a bunch of needles digging into my arm. She let go and I gripped my arm… I didn't feel heat or fire or… anything… just pain and my blood leaking out. "Wow. Even your regeneration is suppressed…" She said. "Also your blood tastes like walnuts." “Strange that my blood tastes like walnuts and…even stranger that a biological thing is suppressed…” I frowned. I quickly drank a healing potion and that helped me. I then looked at the shackle. Wow… this thing is… pretty strong. "So, how's it feel being, well, normal I guess?" “Weird as hell, slightly boring…everything looks duller and…it’s weird.” "Wow, way to shit on all the normies in the house." “It’s not that it’s just…it feels strange…and then the ‘boring’ bit was because I wasn’t sure what to do…” "... I mean, you have thirteen breeders, four baby Mama's, a girlfriend and boyfriend apparently so you have options." “My personality is not the world’s greatest Turkey Baster, can you please not talk so casually about your mom and dad plowing the fields?” "I mean, you have a lot and they're clearly fertile." She said, grinning as I groaned and covered my face. "The only ones in the house you haven't pumped into the world's stickiest water balloons are Lovely, Micheal and Gallon and that's because they are not into you and don't want to do anything like that with you, which they will forever have my respect for." I rolled my eyes. “Anyways, less talking bout my sex life, and let’s actually get back to me helping you reign in your temper…and also get ice cream.” "Ice cream is mandatory, my temper is optional." She chuckled. "Your temper is not optional as it's really important to sort out before it gets worse." "Awh, but I was planning on venting my anger and being a whore in five more years." Say what?! "Ex-fucking-cuse you!?" "Why so surprised? Weren't you like fifteen when I was born?" Uh… "And barely sixteen when all my other siblings were born before you went to get the milk for ten years?" … "Ya know, like father like daughter…/like mother like daughter… really gotta find a name that works since you're my mom and dad at the moment…" "You are not going to be a whore when you grow up and that's final." I frowned. "Oh well you're no fun." "And I'm going to try and help my kids be better than me, and not do the same mistakes…" I sighed. "And you being a whore is not something I want my daughter to become." Power Up blew a raspberry at me. "So, we eating ice cream from the house or are we going out?" "We can go out if ya want." I shrugged. "Yay I'm being spoiled!" She said, rapidly bolting out the door. I grumbled. “Oh dear…how am I going to handle this ball of energy?” I wondered. "I don't know. She is the culmination of our youthful horny… we may have met our match." Cheat said  “...I’m scared what’ll happen when she get’s to talking with Tina…” I replied worriedly. “Tina is a master of horny and…oh boy…” I quickly followed Power Up and we went to a nearby ice cream shop and once we had our sweets, sat down to eat. "So, how long are you gonna let yourself be normal?" Power Up asked. “Not sure…” I shrugged. “Just…a lot of things to do and for me to understand things…” "Alright. So I guess in terms of work you'll be sticking to the office then?" “Maybe, or when all of us get together I can take these thing’s off and get back to doing what I do best.” I admitted. "Causing fire damage and raging at your own life choices?" "Exactly." I said readily. "Eh. Sounds boring." "And what do you think is fun?" I asked. "Tormenting the innocent and causing chaos." She grinned. I lightly bonked her on the head. “No.” "Chaos can not be denied, it only festers~" She said with a cackle. “And Chaos doesn’t always entail tormenting random innocent people and being seen as nothing but an asshole.” I frowned. "But it's fun being an asshole! You should know you've fucked enough of them!" She said. Several other customers in the store gave us a look. Some dropped their ice cream. The clerk was debating on whether to laugh or ask us to leave, and I was as red as my feathers. “Don’t mind her! She’s a troublemaker that just lost her ice cream privileges for a week.” I said to everyone carefully. "Mine!" She said, taking her bowl of ice cream and dumping all of it into her mouth. She then swallowed it and coughed. "Shit how do you do that with Tina's loads?!" The clerk lost it and several other customers were muttering to themselves now. “Now it’s two months of no ice cream and you being grounded with daily visits to Lovely and an Anger Management doctor.” I said, as I also motioned a threat of taking off my surpresser’s if she dared run or argue. "What did I do?! Nothing I said was a lie!" "Wow… that is… wow…" Sweetie said. "Power Up has had a… streak…" Cream sighed. "So I'm assuming you will never be returning to that ice cream shop again?" Yuri asked. I was face down in a pillow feeling unbelievably mad and embarrassed because of Power Up. “And that’s why she’s grounded for four months…” I grumbled. "How does a ten year old even… know half of those words?" Gallon asked as he was putting small bows on Tulip's head. “I don't know…and I hate it…” I groaned. “She has mine and Cheat’s temper…I don’t know where she learned to swear like a sailor…” "Well, at least you spent some time with her… even if it did end in disaster." Cream said, patting my back. "And you didn't have to take off the shackles to bring her home." True. I ended up grabbing and tossing her on my back and quickly bolted out the place. She didn't seem to make a fuss, thankfully. “I’m pretty sure she just did that to fuck with me and after that she was done…” I grumbled. "Maybe. Or maybe she just… doesn't filter her words?" Yuri offered. "I'm not gonna defend that mess, but I feel like acting out like that is her calling out for something." “Attention is something she needs considering…” I sighed. “She also said that she actually enjoys tormenting people and causing Chaos…both of which I fucking doubt.” "... Back when I was a kid, living with my parents, I used to bully other kids." Gallon said. "Nothing I did was right or nothing I did really got my parents attention, so I looked for it elsewhere. Even if they looked at me with fear… it felt like someone knew I was there… glad one of them ended up befriending me and put an end to that. Point is, maybe she's hurting others to get noticed and feel known if she doesn't feel that way at home?" “...” I sighed. “She feels like an outcast…” "How come?" Yuri asked. “Some people got more attention than others…some people actually got to be with their parents or even see them…both birth parents being MIA for ten fucking years…” I growled, grabbing the pillow and ripping it in half with my talons. "It's not just your burden Button." Cream said. "We're at fault too." “I’m the one that is both her parents…I should have helped…” "At the very least… maybe I should have stayed…" Cheat sighed. "Helped the others… raised Power Up…" "Hmm… Hey Button, you said Power Up is in a special class because her temper and powers make her stronger than the other kids right?" Gallon asked. “Yes and yes…” I said. “What up?” "I… have an idea, but I'll need to check something first." He said, getting up and quickly taking Tulip to their area of the apartment. Probably to have Micheal look after her. He rushed back for a second. "BRB, gonna confirm a hunch." He said before heading out the door. "Well…hopefully his hunch isn't as bad as I think it is…" "What are you thinking it is?" Maud asked. "That she is truthful about her wanting to be an asshole to everyone, spread Chaos and then she somehow got this thought into her head about being a whore in five years…" "... I mean, let's be honest she could do worse…" Yuri said. "Not helping." Cream said. "It's really not…" I grumbled. Gallon returned after about half an hour and he had me follow, carrying Power Up with me as he led me to… … … "Uh, Gallon?" I asked him. "Yes?" He replied. "Are you sure this is the right place?" I asked, seeing the facility and the sign above. New Foundation Junior Boot Camp. "Trust me, Power Up is gonna love this." He said, giving me a confidant smirk as he headed into the main office. "Boot Camp? Isn't that the place they send failures parents don't wanna deal with?" Power Up asked. "That's the stereotype, yes…but are you sure this is a good idea when Power Up needs actual parental care and attention?" I frowned. "She can get that in spades from you and some work on her temper here." Gallon said as I followed him inside. We signed Power Up for some basic weekend classes and she was brought into Orientation now. We followed her with who was to be her instructor. He was… I think he was a dragon, but he was short and had feathers rather than scales but also had various dragon-like features. Before he began he had me sign a waiver. Reluctantly, I did. After that he got to working with Power Up… harshly… she'd sass, then do another round of exercise. Sass, exercise, rinse repeat. I did notice though, that when she finished the exercises, the instructor addressed her directly with eye contact and rather loud, vocal authority. Even louder when she sassed. When all that was done he had her begin a combat trial… she lost… every opponent, even against kids younger than her. She even lost when she lost her temper and let loose, showing just how much of Cheat Symbiote's powers she inherited. She looked… so upset… I was going to comfort her, but Gallon held me back. He motioned for me to wait and after a bit the other kids she fought walked up to her, they started talking and after a bit, she did start to smile a little. That little smile then turned to some laughter at whatever she and the other kids were talking about. I sat down, surprised she looked so happy… I haven't seen her smile so… genuinely before. I looked back to Gallon, who just had small smile himself as he watched the scene unfolding. "And…of course she's smiling when someone else does a thing…" I thought to myself bitterly.  "It's not about who did it Button, it's about Power Up. So long as she gets better, isn't that worth more?" Cheat asked. "It is, and I'm glad she's getting better…but again, it's the fact that someone else was the one to solve this, not me…as I'm just standing here not doing much while everyone else solver my problems…" "News flash Button, that's part of being an inexperienced parent. Not everything is gonna be solved by you. Accepting help is alright as long as the kids are better for it, and you learn from it so, if there is a next time, you can try to solve it." "...fine…" "Button… are you so upset that you didn't get to solve the problem that you can't be happy that Power Up is happy?" I looked over at Power Up, talking with those other kids and looking happy… then down to my shackles… … Am I… that far gone that I can't just be happy my own kid is happy? How far into the predator mindset have I fallen into? "I missed ten years of my family…I missed so much, my family were hurt because I wasn't here to help…so much is my fault because I thought I knew better…than when I'm trying to help…I can't, I can't help the people I care about the most…I am happy, I truly am…but its my inability to help that I'm I'm upset by." "I guess that is fair, but that's Parenthood. Putting the kids first before anything, including your pride. I know you feel bad now, but in the end, as long as they're happy, none of that matters." "I know…but…damn it…" I mentally sighed. "Parenthood is all about sacrifices Button-" "I sacrificed ten years! Ten years I abandoned them! Ten years they needed me when I wasn't there, ten years of me feeling like a stranger in my own house! To my lovers! To my own fucking children! What more do I have to sacrifice Cheat!?" I mentally ranted, feeling on the verge of tears here. "The fact you can't make up those lost ten years… you can't undo just not being there, but you can be there for the rest of their lives. To help them find their place in this world, help them deal with when their relationships go south or end or, become something more. Be there when they need you now and learn who they are now. You've already done that for Lynn, Jada, though she still has bad habits she's happier now, and Cirro. Those three you helped fine and not always are you going to be able to help them specifically, but you're still there for them." "...I just want to help…" I said weakly, feeling I have to do so much and then even more but….I can't… “I know you want to help, Button, but sometimes you can’t even if you want to. Asking for and accepting help isn’t bad, it’s brave. You have your family to help you.” … "Damn it…." I thought sadly. I looked back over at Gallon, who noticed my look and seemed concerned. “You alright?” He asked me. "No…but I'll get over it." I said simply. "At least Power Up is happy…" I felt Gallon pat me on the shoulder. “Do you want to talk about it?” "...I don't know…" I sighed. “Let’s take Power Up home, then we are gonna get a drink.” Gallon said.  I sighed, but nodded as we took Power Up home. She was still grounded, but didn’t seem to mind as she was gonna be here each weekend for some hours. Once she was home, Gallon seemed to wander around without aim until he walked us into a restaurant with a bar. Once we were seated and given Menus he looked over at me. “So, what’s eating at you Button?” He asked. "A lot." I said vaguely, as I'm not sure how to say this all here. "Just…a lot…" “Well, start with one.” He said calmly. “What’s bothering you today?” "Well, first is just being…normal, it feels really weird." “You’re already used to all the new powers and strengths and all that huh?” Gallon asked. "Been used to it for a long time, but everything just feels and looks…duller…" “Duller? Ah, Heh, I think I can relate. Being part wolf, my sense of smell and sight got sharper than when I was human. You’re used to the heightened senses your powers gave you huh?” "I was used to those senses way before I became…this." I admitted. "But…it all just feels…weird…" “I guess it would feel weird suddenly having such heightened senses dulled. Still, if you’re gonna be wearing that thing for a while, you’ll get used to it.” Gallon said. “Now, what’s the next thing that’s been bothering you today?” “I’m…kinda bored? Like, before it felt like I had something to do or something but now it feels…like there’s not much to do.” “Well, what did you do before the powers? Before coming to this reality?” Gallon asked. Well I… I… What did I do… “Uh…not sure…it’s been so long that I don’t really remember…well, I suppose that’s what happens when you have so much shit to do…” “What you need my friend, is a hobby, something to do other than your lovers.” He said with a small chuckle as he looked at the menu. “Cream said you used to game, so, why not try and get back into it. Jada can definitely help you find something to play and it’s a bonding experience for you and your kids.” “Yeah, I used to game and…honestly I’m a bit concerned I’ll just get back into a lot of bad habits with that…” “Maybe, but if you have your kids with you, then you aren’t doing it to escape, you’re doing it to bond with your kids.” He said, making me look up at him… “Well…maybe you have a point.” I admitted. “I get it scary, you have a lot of worries and now that you’re gonna be… powerless, at least around the house, you feel helpless, but like you told me earlier, you’re doing it so you can remember how to relate to your family. Change is scary but if nothing changes then nothing good can happen either.” “It’s…not that…” I shook my head bitterly, looking at the menu and trying to decide on what to get. “Well, then what are you afraid of?” “It’s nothing…” I said, trying to ignore this and decide what the hell I want to eat. Gallon sighed. “I can’t force you to talk about your issues, but I also can’t help you if you don’t, Button. In my experience, the bravest thing someone can do is to ask for help.” I struggled not to get upset, to be mad cause Gallon was just trying to help…they all are…”It’s…hard to explain…” Gallon gave me a quick look. “If you can, try. Even if it’s a few words.” I tried to think of the best way to say this…”It’s dumb…” I sighed. “But you made Power Up happy…” “... I see. I’m sorry if I overstepped a boundary.” “No, you don’t ‘see’ what I’m upset about…” I frowned, but shook my head. “Whatever…” “Then what are you upset about?” “Ten years…” I frowned. “Ten…fucking years…and while I’ve been trying for month’s to be with all my children and help them…here you are, meeting one kid for the first time and immediately making Power Up happy…” I shook my head. “Never mind, this is dumb, it doesn’t matter.” Gallon put their menu down, but gave me a gentle look. “Button, I only knew how to help or what to try for Power Up because I’d seen kids like her before. Back home, literal hundreds of kids who were ‘adopted’ from orphanages or off the street were taken and turned into Nokori. Lot just made trouble, some had strong magic that made them dangerous. In the end, they were just kids who felt like even after the world ended they had nowhere to belong. Some friends and I managed to help them, and they ended up some of the Guard’s best. I know you want to help your kids and make them happy, but I spent pretty much all my time back in Leto after we were released helping people, be it with large scale problems or even small things. If you want advice I’ll be happy to give it.” “Yeah…you immediately knew what to do while I didn’t know what the hell to do after only seeing her once, I see her countless times after I abandoned my own fucking children for ten years and lo and behold, someone else just waltzes up and solves the issue right then and fucking there…” “I knew what to try because I have experience, Button. If you want, since you seem to have an issue with it, I’ll let you try it yourself, but my offer still stands. If you ever need advice or help, you’re free to ask.” Gallon said. I sighed… I’m mad and I know I shouldn’t be… “It’s not that…” I shook my head. “Again…I’m there father…but I abandoned them for ten years…I’ve spent months trying to help them all…sure one or two, go me…you just waltz on in and bam, Power Up is the happiest I’ve seen her ever…want to know how that makes me feel?” “Like nothing you’ll try and do for them will mean anything and the ten years you were gone were wasted?” “Not only wasted, but that someone else that just met them, can just take one look at my kids and immediately solve all their problems while their actual father that wants to help them, be with them, and not be given looks or a feeling of me being a god damn stranger…as it all means nothing…” Gallon sighed. “You can’t pack ten years worth of time into some months.  In the end, you can be there for them, try and help, but it’s also up to your kids to try and bond with you as well. Power Up was unconsciously fighting you on that, as you’re basically her dad and mom given… the whole Cheat body thing. She needed an outlet for her frustrations and that is all I did for her. Only you can give her the love she needs as she begins to open up to you.” “Well, she seemed more happy to do what you wanted than being with me, even if she was unconsciously fighting me and Cheat.” I shook my head. “That’s because now she has a place that she can be herself, but it is only on the weekends and I have a sneaking suspicion she’s gonna try out those workouts and combat things at home. That is where you come in.” “And what would I do when she’s clearly happy not thinking about me or anyone else…” “Challenge her.” “...Really?” I asked carefully. “She’s your and Cheat’s daughter, you think she’s gonna turn down a fight, let alone from you… you two? Eh. In any case, that’s when your power restricting shackles come off and as long as you remember to hold back, you’ll still win but also it bonds you two as she is like you, a fighter.” “Or it could easily put a wedge between us as Power Up wouldn’t take too kindly to me punting her through a stone wall on accident.” I openly admitted. “Let’s be real, if someone did that to you in a fight that’s for fun, would you be mad, or excited?” … “Let’s be real, we’d be happy for the challenge… the zombies have largely all gotten so boring…” Cheat huffed. “I mean…maybe…” I thought bitterly. We ordered our food when the waiter came by and Gallon gave me a smile. “Your kids, from what I’ve seen, all take after you in some way. A few outliers here and there but all in all, there’s a bit of you in each of them. I know you’ll be able to connect with them, it just takes time to figure out that connection. Sometimes things need to be done to make it. I heard about what happened with Jada and her… bully… Amazed you didn’t kill him personally.” I mean… I kinda… did… “I mean…sure…let’s put it that way.” I said carefully. “In any case, all I’m really trying to say is that you are a good parent. Heck, I know Micheal is having a panic attack about Tulip, but I’m worried to. It’s scary, even though Micheal’s parents were good, they still kicked him out, meanwhile mine were monsters. Heck, I’m asking Cream and the others for advice on… anything and everything.” "Being a parent is…a pain but it's all worth it." I admitted. “Something I’ll be learning soon.” Gallon chuckled. “So, do you feel any less upset?” "Eh…kind of." I admitted. “It will get better, just takes time.” “Nooo… One more round!” Power Up demanded. “You are imbedded into the ground Power Up! Stop!” Jada and the crowd yelled from the viewing area. “It was a lucky shot…” Power Up grumbled. "Are you sure Power Up?' I inquired, stretching my legs as I'm about to punt the child out of the ground. “One day I’ll bury you alive my parental spawner.” She said. I actually chuckled. Parental Spawner. That works. "Well, you're not wrong." I said, raising my arms up as I took a deep breath. "Ready to lose the next round?" “... Fine. I yield… for now… can you pull me out now?” “Okay, but first,” I said, kneeling down. “I want you to apologize to that ice cream shop owner for saying all those things you said in his shop, they might have found it hilarious but still…then I’ll get you a cone, alright?” I asked her. “... Fine, but only because they have good ice cream.” “Good girl.” I said, lightly patting her head, before grabbing her by her waste and pulling her out of the ground with ease and slinging her over my shoulder. We quickly went down to the shop. She apologized and the owner didn’t mind the show. We walked back with ice cream in hand when I noticed all the decorations around for Christmas. Weird how similar it is to Hearths Warming, but it was closing in. “So, you gonna head outside the walls for some quick monster slaughter before the holiday officially starts?” Power Up asked me. “I might as well…actually having a lot of power again is great.” I said honestly. “Show off.” She laughed.  It hasn’t been all that long that I’ve been wearing the shackles when I’m at home… not gonna lie, makes some things harder but it also… helps me in other ways. Thanks to it I’ve gotten back into gaming when I’m at home and now I have my own place on the family Minecraft Server. I might suck at house building but I’m great at exploring and fighting. Guess I can’t escape the fact since coming to this reality I’ve changed, a lot… thinking about how I was back before on Equestria I… I wasn’t really living. I just went through the motions and hoped I’d settle somewhere decent… Either way, I’m happy here, even if I still have things to learn about being a father to my kids. One thing I miss though is snow. Outside or inside this New Foundation fortress we call home, it’s not snowing. Too far to travel to snowy areas in the Planet Room so… a non-snowy christmas it is. “Wish there was some snow…” I frowned. “Maybe Gallon can learn some weather magic… or Micheal can make his weird storm magic make snow?” Power Up offered. Hm, that is a thought, and honestly those two are probably gonna be the main magic users of our group since Tina and I are more Heavy Hitters. "Yeah…that is a fair point." I admitted. I dropped Power Up back at home and after I finished my cone I headed out. I flew across the sky for a while and looking at all the undead below. Yeesh… The fact most of them are in holiday hats and sweaters/shirts is funny and all but also kinda depressing… As I was flying over the sky- THUNK! Ouch! I winced as I hit… something… I then realized I was standing on nothing… I quickly felt around me and found I was inside an invisible square, maybe ten feet by ten feet even. What the hell?! "Uh…what the fuck?" I asked quickly. "What Force Cage bullshit is this!?" I tried to punch my way out. Kick. Fire just went through it… what the… Thump. I looked up and blinked. I was looking up at the full body cloaked form of an Equine Time Walker, but their cloak was a dull gray and their hood was covered over their face. "Uh...hello?" They laid down on the… invisible floor above me. Their cloak must have some weird enchantment to it cause all I see under it is darkness. “Hey Button.” Tiara?! "T-Tiara!? What are you doing here, why did you shove me in this box…and what happened to you?" “I am a rogue Time Walker so the cloak reflects that… among other things.” She said with a shrug. "Okay so that answers one of my three questions, now about the other two?" I asked bluntly. “I wanted to see you, and I’ve been busy with stuff.” She replied. "...I miss you Tiara…" I said sadly. "I still care so much about you…" I said. "What have you been doing?" “Nothing I can talk about. You either might want to help me, or stop me.” "I just want to bring you home and…just be together again." I said carefully. “That can’t happen.” "Wh-why not? I can help fight against the Time Walkers, and I can talk to O5-1 to at least turn down the charges." “... You can’t fight against the Time Walkers. Not even their weakest… as for O5-1… He is one of many on that council. While he is kindly, he is still a leader and my crimes would take a majority vote that he will not get. What I have done so far and will continue to do will only add to my crimes… and when it’s over there’s no forgiveness for me.” "I'll forgive you." I told her. "I don't care if you can see every time line, you can be forgiven even after…whatever bullshit you need to do." “... No. There is no forgiveness… Just like when I die, there will be no memories of me.” "Not if I have anything to say about it." I stated. "I already told Dark Gray to go fuck himself, I'm going to give you the forgiveness you need and always remember you." “You amused him, nothing you say or do can be perceived by him as a threat… and, I guess you wouldn’t remember her… shame.” "I'll show him what is and isn't a threat." I huffed. "And…we're talking about the past Time Walker right? The one that gave me that Respawn Anchor?" “The one who’s name you can’t remember, face… ass too, considering you did sleep with her.” I… wait… I did? Fuck… I… I know a Time Walker gave me the Respawn Anchor… but…  "I…I should remember plowing a sexy person…it…it was a lady right? I'm pretty sure it was…" I frowned, scratching my head as I tried to remember. “I have been saying she, and it’s before you started taking dick so, yes.” Tiara said with a chuckle. “Shame, you were the last person she got to be physical with before passing.” "Huh…well, hopefully I did good for her." I said honestly. "Also…why am I in this cage?" “Can’t have you try and get too close to me, but I wanted to see you again, so, cage.” She said. "What? Can't handle my new physique or something?" I teased and gave a little flutter of my wings in some playful flirt to the pegasus. “... I don’t want you to know how much I’ve changed.” She said. “I want you to remember how I was before.” "I'll remember you before, I'll remember you now, and what you look like shouldn't matter cause I want you." I huffed. "What? Are you only the cloak now or something?" I asked sarcastically. “No… like you, I’ve changed.” I looked at her. "What did that bastard do to you?" I asked carefully. “I chose this.” She said, the air seemed to vibrate when she said ‘chose’. “Like you, it was necessary… Not just for my goals… for my survival.” "...Tiara, you can't do this by yourself…" “I will do what I must to ensure this ends.” "We can end this all together, please…I don't want…I can't lose you…" She sighed. “I’m already lost Button… Which is why I can’t go back… Hey Cheat… Sorry for the whole fusion thing… Consider this my Christmas present to you both.” Tiara said, standing up and in a flash of gray and black, appeared a weapon that looked to be a single blade that, based on the design, seemed capable of splitting into two. She then fell through the invisible ceiling and landed in front of me. "Uh…thanks?" I questioned as I grabbed the blade. "And no…you're not lost. Not yet." “This blade isn’t for you.” She said, taking it back in a glow of blue magic, and impaling me with it. “It’s to help you.” She said. I heard a click and then, the sword began to divide from the grip up the blade. She then separated the two, I felt my whole body… shift then I was flung to the right. “Agh… That sucked…” I paused, pushing myself up and seeing… another me across the cage on the other side, their voice admittedly softer and… higher pitched? "Uh…what?" I questioned. “Merry Christmas.” Tiara said. Suddenly, the cage was gone and gravity returned. I managed to catch myself in the air but my copy was plummeting. I looked no, not seeing Tiara there and dived down to catch this copy. I grabbed them and landed with them on top of a building. “Button?” The copy asked, looking me over. "...Cheat?" “Holy crap!” She cheered, then began looking herself over. “I, I have a body! Holy crap I have my own body!”  "Yes, you have your own body and you look exactly like me." “Seriously?” She asked. “Woah… good news, my sister kink is now a Twin Sister kink… hold up.” She said, checking between her legs. “Yes! I got both too!” She said, then pounced on me.  "Whoa there you horny ass bird!" I squawked  “Oh it’s so good to hug you!” She said, hugging me tight. “Oh I have so many things to make up for since I didn’t have my own body… oh this is awesome! Yes!” She said, then her wings flared out and shot off a huge blast of lava. “Woah! Did… I also get all your powers? Cool!” “Yeah…that is…surprising…” I said, deciding to use Scan on Cheat to see what that sword really did. Wow… my abilities, even base stats, Cheat has them all… This is… amazing! “Yeah…you have everything from me…all abilities, all stats…seriously, what was that blade?” “No idea, now bend over I’m gonna test this new tool out.” “Oh no you don’t, I’m bending you over first ya horny ass bird, I want to test drive that new ass.” I said, giving her new feathery butt a firm smack. “Fine but it’s your ass~” … Well this is a whole new uh… uh… what is my life right now? “...Yeah…I can see where this is going.” I said, picking up my ‘other half’, slinging them over my shoulder and flying off to a good spot. “Where are we going?” Cheat asked. “Somewhere safe so that when we literally fuck a volcano into existance it doesn’t accidentally burn the town…” “Fair. So, Power Up gonna be a big sister out of the both of us?” “And she’s going to be more confused about this current mom/dad situation and she’ll make fun of us both because you have an incest kink.” I admitted. “So do you.” Cheat countered. “That’s not the point.” I stated quickly. “I knew you were into some kinky shit.” She chuckled. “... So, did you have to take the saying ‘go fuck yourself’ so litterally?” Cream asked me as… everyone laughed. While they were all happy Cheat had her own body again, complete with all my powers and stats too, but they were surprised that not ten seconds after, we fucked. To be fair this is kinda similar to when she first got her body… “... So I take it you two are gonna be on maternity leave for a while?” Micheal asked. “Uh…most likely yes.” I said carefully. “So…mind if I take Cheat for a spin?” Tina asked. “Oh my god Tina…” I groaned. “I’m looking to take all of you for a spin.” Cheat smirked. “Everyone Button has fucked, I’m fucking! Save the Breeders, they seem to know I’m not him… weirdly. Still.” She chuckled. “Well… this got interesting.” Gallon chuckled. “And Tiara just did this using… a sword?” “Yeah, it was a weird sword, looked like it should have split in two but…then she stabbed us and me and Cheat were split.” I admitted. “Weird. But, nice to officially meet you Cheat.”  “Nice to personally meet you Gallon.” Cheat said as she and Gallon shook. “So… are you gonna dye your mane or something since you and Button are exactly alike?” Micheal asked. “I’ll grow mine out more.” Cheat nodded. “That’s fair.” I shrugged. “So, might as well ask, Cheat, are you going to be joining our group here?” “Hell yes! After the pregnancy.” She said. “I’m hoping for triplets, turns out magma makes… exciting lube~” That got another couple laughs out of the others, and a slightly terrified look from Micheal. “Oh I’m going to have fun with you~.” Tina said seductively. “Okay before more lewd things happen…we have things to do.” I said. “I am said things.” Cheat stated readily. “So basically two Tina’s… sounds about right…” Micheal said. “Yes…my hips will never be the same.” I chuckled.  “Well, she said this was her Christmas Present for you two so… merry Christmas.” Micheal said, giving a smirk. “Guess the EggNog is gonna be non-alcoholic.” Gallon chuckled. “Yeah, sadly but eh.” I shrugged. “Well this will be fun regardless. Remember our first Christmas in Leto after the Event?” Gallon asked Micheal. “Everyone spent it at the Lab, lots of baking, cooking, gifts, most all looted from here and there, and more booze than could be drunk by everyone.” Micheal chuckled. “Yeah that sounds fair.” I shrugged. “Well, there will be some booze but that’s for the adults on Christmas Eve.” Cream chuckled. “Sounds like a plan. You gonna invite Barb and Ginger?” Gallon asked me. Oh… huh… should I? “I might as well.” I admitted. “Be nice to meet Ginger then.” Sweetie said. “He’s nice, really knows how to make Button enjoy being part female.” Cheat said. “Ginger is really nice.” I answered readily. “Fluffy and cute as well.” “He also knows his way around dicking down a lady.” Cheat giggles. “Does he make Button scream?” Gallon asked. “Loud and for more~” Cheat smirked. “And back to lewd we go…” I sighed. “That’s enough out of you.” Micheal said, wrapping an arm around Gallon. “Quick Gallon, have you made Micheal scream?” Cheat asked quickly. “Scream, moan and beg.” Gallon said with a smirk. “And like that it’s time to go.” Micheal said, grabbing Gallon’s tail and yanking it as he walked. “Hey! Ouch! Easy, easy!” Gallon yelped as his husband dragged them back to their attached room. “And as you can see with your own two eyes, we have fun here.” I said readily. > Chapter 25: Relationships > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up feeling a bit bloated. It's already the New Year, Christmas and New years came and went, and I'm pretty large already for a month… I have a feeling Cheat knocked me up with triplets… or more… Still, the Maternity Leave kicks in at three months and until then I am stuck on office duty… Ironically, I actually don't hate it. One of the first games I played was a cheap one mom got me out of a bargain bin called Office Work Simulator… I'm pretty sure that game is why I was pretty good at math and note taking in school… “Hmm…” I hummed to myself, cause while I didn't mind the paperwork…kinda bored still. I rolled and got up and out of bed, stretching my various limbs before heading to the kitchen. Micheal was cooking breakfast for a change, Gallon was having his morning tea, Jada her morning coffee. Likely already her second, maybe even third cup. I did notice Tulip was also drinking coffee. “Tulip…why?” I asked her. “It's good.” She said, sipping it. “Heh, she's definitely Brazilian.” Micheal said with a chuckle. Huh… I actually don't know much about their world aside from a few things they told me… or any Earth world I'm general… “And…what does that have to do with anything?” I inquired. “Everyone drinks coffee in Brazil. Adults and children.” Gallon said. “Lot of countries like that back home… well, used to anyway.” “I started when I was three.” Micheal said. “Can I like, immigrant there?” Jada asked. “No, you’re already destroying yourself enough with the stupid amount of Coffee you drink.” I huffed. “It's a very common and popular drink of choice.” Micheal said. “I have found my homeland.” Jada said with a dramatic flare. “Please don’t encourage her painful addiction.” I groaned. “It's not an addiction, it's my preferred drink of choice.” Jada said. That got a chuckle out of Gallon and Micheal. I huffed, taking a seat at the table next to Jada and soon served a bowl of what looked like oatmeal and smelled like bananas. I shrugged and began eating. “So, what’s on today’s agenda?” I asked Gallon and Micheal. “Well Tina and Gallon are gonna head out and set up more outposts. You and I are gonna sit in the office and mark the locations of the Data Drives Map Locations to physical maps.” Micheal said. “Fair enough.” I nodded. “Wish I could help out with setting up outposts but…eh.” I shrugged. “Sucks to be pregnant.” Jada chuckled. “You enjoyed the fun but now it's time to pay the piper.” “I already paid the piper but that’s not something kids should hear.” I thought to myself. “Yeah yeah.” “Other than that, Tulip starts school today.” Gallon said, patting his daughter on the head. “Blech. School…” Jada groaned. “School is a lot better in this reality than back home I will admit.” I stated. “But I can mildly agree with that sentiment.” “Can't be any worse than earth school.” Gallon said. “It was… rather poorly constructed.” Micheal nodded. “How bad was it?” I inquired, “From age four or five through age eighteen was just your basic education. After that you were expected to go to college, most of which were something you'd have to pass a really competitive entrance exam and even if you passed you were likely to not get in.” Gallon said. “I hear overseas, mainly in America, college was pay to enter and even then. But some colleges did have you pay to enroll. Usually some really big name ones. The Public Colleges were free and some were just as good as the paid ones but it's like Gallon said, competitive entrance exams.” Micheal said. “In short, they all still taught you everything about nothing relevant in the real world and even the college, say, you study for art, still expects you to take unrelated classes to pad out your schedule, and pass them or not graduate.” Gallon added. “Well that sounds like a waste of time and money.” I frowned. “Very much so.” Gallon nodded.  “One of the things we got to was rebuilding the later college systems.” Micheal said. “Actually the schools here is a bit similar to what we made.” “Well that’s good to know.” I nodded. “What was school like where you were from?” Gallon asked. “Eh, it was school.” I shrugged. “We learned what was necessary, we were told about history, our cutie marks and all that, got aid to help endorse what we were ‘destined’ to be, all that stuff.” I shrugged. “Still boring though.” “Wait hold up, those hip tats you used to sport were actually called Cutie Marks?” Gallon asked. “Yes, they are genuinely called Cutie Marks.” I answered. “And the reason being is that…when I first got here, I decided to look up my world and it’s reality was called ‘My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic’.” I said. “So you can guess why things were called such.” “Weird.” “Each reality sure is interesting… and weird.” Micheal chuckled. “Yeah, but that’s the lives we live I suppose.” I shrugged. After breakfast, Gallon took Tulip to school, and Micheal and I headed to the office where we sat at our desks and got to work. It was easy work, but easy work gets repetitive and boring. At least we got to play some music while we worked. No one around to tell us no. “Ugh…wish there was something we could do besides boring paperwork…” I grumbled. “Paperwork is also important Button.” Micheal said. “Still boring.” I stated. “Well once your maternity leave kicks in you can spend your days at home being bored.” “Yeah yeah.” I rolled my eyes. “But at least it’ll give me some time to myself so I can…at least think about somethings…” “Like?” “How to get stronger with the new Update, try to figure out how to get Diamond to stop this insanity and just…come home, figure out how to deal with The Majority cause at this point those Death Cultists are more of a threat than the Chaos Guilds…” “True… lot to work with… probably should have mentioned this sooner, but, uh… Perfect Custodian also got an upgrade after the update… and it can level up too.” I nearly jumped out of the desk. “Excuse me, it can level up to? And how did it get upgraded?” “It just happened when the New Year's came. Got a notification saying that the two hundred percent stat boost now also applies to earned EXP.” “Oh that’s going to be stupid.” I chuckled. “So what’s the leveled version do?” “Well at level two it says I'll be able to have all members of my Custody share EXP either as a group or between specific members. The EXP boost also goes up to 400%.” “Well that’s good to know.” I nodded. “Will make grinding a whole lot easier.” “Then at level three it lets me create combination Abilities between Custody members, meaning you and the others would get to use some super cool combo moves and EXP boost goes up to 600%.” … “...Oh…that's going to be abused to high hell.” “... At level four I can link abilities between people… meaning say I link Tina's Transpite ability to you, you can use it. I can link up to ten abilities between each person… and EXP boost is up to 1,000%.” … “Oh no…” I said slowly. “That’s…that’s so abusable.” “... And level five doesn't say. Busy has three question marks and then the EXP boost is jumped to 5,000%...” Micheal finished. “Township can also level up now…” Now I was up out of my desk and next to them. “Okay, how can you upgrade Township?” I asked, already invested in this bout of growing greatness. “Well, most just seem more simple. Cost of buildings is reduced, upgrade costs reduced, pretty basic… at least that was until I reached the Level Ten description…” “And what does Level Ten do?” I inquired. “It uh… says once purchased Township Evolves…” … The hell?! “Evolves into what?” “I don't know. It just says it evolves and nothing else.” He sighed. “They aren't cheap either. For custodian, level two costs two billion skill points. Level two for township is three million.” … “Fucking hell…” I muttered. “That’s…we’d have to do a lot of Void dungeon grinding to even get close to that number.” “Tell me about it… wonder if those other Custodians O5-1 mentioned are better off skill points wise?” “Hopefully they are cause they will be needing a lot of those skill points.” I said honestly. “Wish we could get our own easy way of getting lots of skill points fast…” “Yeah…it is a tad annoying how much grinding we need to do, even with all our item multipliers…” “Agh… this does suck but it's why I'm enjoying this quiet now. Once we start the hard work it's gonna be a lot of… work…” He sighed. “On top of that, Gallon and I now have Tulip and you have your army of children. Correction, never ending army of children.” “I mean…while all that’s fair…” I sighed. “If only there was someway to just…get a Skill Point farm going, like some Mob Farm or…actually, why isn’t there a Mob farm?” I asked, now realizing that little bit. “No idea. If only Minecraft logic applied to the real world… wait why doesn't it? Can it?” Micheal hummed as he sat up and began to think. “Enemies spawn here like in any other game and one could abuse this… especially with the EXP system now active and your EXP boost from Custodian…” “Plus, given what this reality is, there should be Monster Spawners…” I pointed out. “...I mean, the Assistant has it’s own Crafting Table in it…and…yeah what the hell, why aren’t we just making Mob Farms?” “... I'm gonna go look stuff up. Wanna come?” “Yes please.” I said readily. With a nod, Micheal and I left, locking up the office and heading out. He led me to the Portal Hub where we went to the New Foundation main HQ and went for the public library. Once there Micheal began looking up things about how the Monsters and such spawn. “If we can do this Mob Farm thing not only will it give us a ton of EXP depending on how it works, but it’ll also give us a shit ton of resources.” I admitted. “This will… definitely be a thing if it does work.” Micheal said as he looked through the books. “Oh yeah, it’ll be fantastic…though how we can make the farm will be another matter…” I hummed, cause I doubt doing the thin layer of lava would work cause it might also melt all the loot. Micheal said nothing as he was rapidly reading through the books. I looked through a few… and I'm bored… Fuck I did hate studying… it's a miracle I kept a C/B average in school… “Ugh…this is boring…” I grumbled, hating how I can’t study for shit but do a lot of other things easily. “Did you not like books as a kid?” “Not really…which is especially weird cause I really liked researching for games but school work and other such books were just…meh.” “Hmm… I have an idea then. Go find the section with some game guides, and then read through those… preferably Resident Evil, Dying Light and Left 4 Dead.” Micheal said. “Um…alright.” I said, moving over to find said guide books. I got up and after some looking found the isle and the guides. There was even foot notes on what their real world counterparts drop as loot. Neat. I brought all those back to the table with Micheal and began reading, Starting with Dying Light since that's the majority of the undead/infected we deal with back home. Well, at least it's not that boring… can probably play with Jada after studying this for long enough… “So, what is this?” Gallon asked as he, Tina, Micheal and myself were outside the walls and a fair ways from the colony. Micheal had spent the next two weeks traveling to and from here with the outpost he set up and was using Township and various resources we got from Midas. “I see a lot of metal and concrete.” Tina pointed out. “It’s a Mob Farm.” I said readily. “Cause the two of us realized ‘Grinding is mean and we neither have the time nor patience to satiate the monolithic whore, so let’s see if Mob Farm’s can be a thing’.” I explained. “...Did you just call Grinding a whore?” Gallon asked. “Yes, and it’s still true.” I said readily. “Right, so how does this work exactly?” Tina asked. “It's pretty much automated.” Micheal said. “Babe if this works this is a whole new level of cool you've done.” Gallon said with a smirk. “Yes, it will be a massive cool thing.” I said with a smile. “Heh, well, here's hoping it works. All my self taught engineering skills and some guess work…” Micheal said. He then pressed a button that rested on a small stand next to him. Instantly, several loud speakers went off. The noise drove the nearby infected crazy and they all began bolting towards the source. Us. Various ones began appearing and once they reached a certain distance from us, the floors under them dropped. The charging and still running Infected rushing towards the holes where a pathway once was and falling into the dark below. The special infected that could fly, Gallon began shooting down. A few that could jump tried to reach us but bounced off a barrier that appeared over us. After about half an hour, the speakers cut off and the stream of infected slowed to nothing. Once they stopped fully, the floors reappeared. “It worked!” Micheal said. “That was awesome! But where did all the infected go?” Gallon asked. “Probably to some conveyer belt that would start shoveling all the drops into a specific location for me or someone with a high loot multiplier to grab so it would jump from a bunch to a fuck ton.” I guessed. “Yes and no.” Micheal said. He then led us to one of the nearby buildings. Opening the door revealed an elevator. A quick ride down and we arrived at a rather large machine that I could see was being fed both items and the bloody remains of the infected. “When I was going through some Craftable items, I think whoever runs the Skill Trees expected people to grind via Mob Farms because this machine here is an Automatic Storage and converter. It converts any leftover monster bodies into the appropriate BioMass which can be used in a lot of healing based items, the items, rem, and it even catches the EXP, that is how I knew it was a new addition and took a lot of materials to craft but thanks to Midas we had way more than enough.” “Woah… and I thought the auto farms on our Minecraft world was cool…” Gallon said. “Well…this is going to be insane.” I said with a smile. “Hey Micheal, can you make this whole set up but bigger/stronger?” Tina asked. “Probably. Even with Township helping this took a lot of work and I'd rather take a nap for the next few days before I build all this again.” Micheal stated. “Yeah, you’ve been at this for a few days, you deserve your rest.” I said honestly. “And…well, I can move and gather all the item’s and EXP cause with my stupidly high multiplier, plus the Custodian EXP boost it would be outrageous how much we’re going to get.” I chuckled. “Hopefully it works.” Tina said. I nodded, finding the Output section and began to let it deposit all the items and EXP into my Assistant. Notice! Biological Multiplier Boost Active! All items multiplied by X360! Notice! Custodian EXP Bonus Active! EXP increased by 200%! 4,460 EXP Has Been Boosted To 13,380 EXP! 42 Skill Points Received From The EXP Bar! Notice! Internal Multiplier Applicable to EXP Bar Skill Points! 42 Skill Points Have Been Multiplied To 15,120 Skill Points! Notice! Miracle Rookie Title Bonus Applicable! 15,120 Skill Points Have Been Doubled To 30,240 Skill Points! Miracle Rookie Has Been Applied To Loot Items! I felt a bubble of laughter at all the nonsense I just gained. “Okay, that’s really cool.” “I take it it worked?” Gallon asked with a smirk. “Oh yeah, it worked.” I said readily. “And from the EXP boost from Custodian helped me get 42 skill points that then jumped all the way to over thirty thousand from both my natural ability and Miracle Rookie.” I said with a smile. “Oh that is so broken.” Tina laughed. “Way more so than I was expecting.” Micheal nodded with his own smirk.  “Alright…now I wish I knew how to work this because it would be hilarious if we managed to set up some of this stuff with the volcanoes I made and…wait…I’m the Alicorn of Magma, I can control it…” “Maybe. For now, we'll use this and a bit later I can try and make one that can handle your magma.” Micheal said. “Cool.” I nodded. “This’ll help out immensely and keep me busy.” “Keep you busy, how?” Tina asked. “Well, keeping track of this, killing any flying zombies if I drop by, collecting loot and stuff like that.” I said honestly. “Better not be alone. Cream will chain you to the bed if you try and it won't be for sexy fun stuff.” Gallon said. “It’s literally me coming to a farm and collecting thing’s what the fuck.” I groaned. “Be honest… do you trust yourself to not spend hours grinding here?” Gallon asked. … … Right. Right, I need to be there for my family… I have to be there for them… I can't distract myself…  “First, this is an automated thing…even though we just got an asston of thing’s from…how long?” I inquired. “About thirty minutes.” Micheal said. “Yeah, thirty minutes worth of it being automated. It would just be a daily thing, I hope here, press the button and have it do the thing, then collect it. Simple.” “Be sure to set a timer to remind yourself.” Tina said with a chuckle. “Yeah yeah.” I rolled my eyes. “This is the start of a great thing, I just know it.” Four Days Later How am I already bored of this?! I huffed as I slouched on the couch I brought with me to have in the big machines room to wait for it to sort out and convert today's haul. Four days of good, smooth progress… and I was bored of it already! “Fuck me sideways, how am I bored!?” I groaned. “I mean…yes, this is an auto farm but fuck…” “Maybe because you're an adrenaline junkie with an addiction to combat?” Micheal suggested, sitting at a small desk nearby. “I’m still killing something’s but come on…I should be excited to see the thousands of skill points and hundreds of thousands of items we’re getting each day but…ugh…” “You prefer the challenge. Which might explain your obsession with being the top regardless of partners.” Micheal said as I looked at him. “Gallon told me… who was told by Cream, Sweetie, Maud, Philomena, Tina…” I flipped back onto the couch. “How dare they say such sacred knowledge…” I groaned. “Sorry. Gallon is a gossip lover and I… like to listen to them talk while we cuddle…” “Yeah…of course…” I grumbled. “I mean, I do the same thing with my lovers when we cuddle but still…” “Sorry… Was a lot more infected this time though.” Micheal said as he looked up at the infected corpse intake tube. “Surprised. Think the Zone is trying to counter our set up?” “Either that or Armageddon thinks it’s funny.” I admitted. “Why not give more support to people that it wants to be friends with even though it’s a massive prison.” “Right, you mentioned speaking to the uh… planet soul, right?” “Yes, I have talked to them many a time.” I admitted. “Haven’t talked to them in a while though…” “You said they were a kid right? Weird… pretty sad too.” “Well, they might not be, they just wanted to look like a child version of me.” I admitted. “But…considering how half of the people that were kidnapped here was because the planet wanted friends and people to live here…yeah it’s a little sad.” I admitted. “Hmm… wonder if earth back home had a similar soul? Or your home world, Equis.” Micheal hummed in thought. As the tube finally began to lessen, suddenly there was a loud thud as something heavy fell into it. “Oh hell what was that?” He asked looking up at the pipe. “Don’t know…but at least it’s something interesting.” I admitted, getting up and ready for whatever the hell is going to happen. Whatever it was the machine did not like it. After a moment whatever it was was spat out the- Oh my Celestia… They were covered in burns and blood but they looked the same… Springtrap… “... The fuck is this?” Micheal asked with a raised brow. “That burnt corpse in a spring lock suit is called Springtrap…a bastard that murdered half a dozen or more children just so he can learn how to make a Pain Metal to give him immortality.” I summarized, walking over as I readied to kill the bitch. As I stood over them, I saw the lights in the animatronic eyes flicker and glow, looking over at me. “Can you hear me?” I asked, readying to act against the guy if they tried to attack. Their body twitched, squeaking as the mouth began to move. “H… h… help… us…” I blinked, honestly surprised to hear him say that. “Help with what?” I asked carefully, having a bad feeling about this. “Call the others and get some MTF here Micheal…I’ve got a bad feeling about this.” Micheal nodded and headed out. I stayed here with Springtrap. “M…Mi… Mich… Micheal?”  “It’s a different Micheal.” I said, trying to think of how to heal this poor guy to help him talk better at least. “Who else needs help?” “M… Mi… Micheal…” He said again, with the sounds of grinding metal and snapping bone he was forcing himself to his side, falling face first onto the ground and shaking violently as I could see the spring locks crushing and breaking his bones… then releasing, and his injuries healing… This isn't a normal springlock suit… this is a torture device. I frowned, using Scan on Afton to see what the hell was really going on here and if I could help out. Scan Complete! Name: William Afton Lucio Gender: Male Species: Human Status: Agonizing Pain Cause: Springlock Iron Maiden Torture Suit, King of Pain Title “Right…” I muttered. “We’re going to get you out of this thing real quick, where are the others?” I inquired. “D… d… d-Ahhhhhhh!!!” He screamed as I heard the springlock go off again, rebreaking bones and crushing flesh. Blood was quickly pooling under them. I wasn't sure what to do but…only thing I could think of was kneel down as I grabbed one of the exposed spring locks. “This is gonna hurt…but I'm going to try and stop some of the spring locks.” I said, as I tried to either stop or rip off the offending torture parts. It wasn't easy, most were still in him. I was basically pulling the machine out of him as much as off of him, but he was regenerating fast. The more he did the more I saw ye wasn't a rotting corpse under here… he was very much alive. The head was the worst part. It looks like someone actually wired parts in here. Pulling those out was grotesque. Eventually the rest of that suit came off. With that, he regenerated to normal and I got a good look at him. He was a bit thin, bags under his eyes. Curly brown hair, darker brown eyes. “I'm sorry for hurting you…but are you okay?” I asked carefully. “N, no…” He said, shaking as he spat out some blood. “W-where… am I?” “You’re at the New Foundation, specifically it’s first ever Mob Farm.” “What?” He asked. “To which part? The New Foundation or the Mob Farm?” I inquired. “Cause the Mob Farm is an automated system to kill thousands of monsters and gather all their loot and EXP without needing to lift a finger.” “Uh, all of it… fuck… what even are you?” He asked me. I looked at him for a moment, then looked at his wrists… no Assistant… “My name is Button Mash, and I’m a Nokori.” I said, gently offering him a hand to help him up. “And don’t worry, someone’e off to get help so you can get a better explanation on what’s going on.” “I… I need to find my wife she… we just woke up here and… god I hope she's not still at that place…” He said. “What place?” I asked carefully. “I don't know… it was like, some kind of giant arcade… maybe an indoor amusement park? I don't know all I know is that the things in there did not want to let us out. Am… am I in hell?” “Well…yes, but actually no.” I said carefully. “You are on Armageddon, the planet of every end of the world scenario mashed together, and you are in one of the Safe Havens here, the New Foundation, this organization is here to help make life better for people.” I explained. “That uh… didn't really help me understand…” He sighed. “MTF is heading by-” Micheal said as he came down the elevator, stopping as he saw Afton. “So, I have good news and bad news…the good news is, William here is somehow immortal…the bad news is that someone shoved him in that iron maiden style thing.” I said, pointing to the discarded pieces that I was ready and willing to set on fire. Micheal didn't seem to listen, just staring at Afton with wide eyes. I looked over at Afton and he seemed to be doing the same. “... Micheal?” Afton asked. Micheal just flinched before he pushed the elevator button back up. “Uh…how did you know him?” I asked carefully. “I'd recognize my son's voice anywhere…” He said, forcing himself up. I blinked. “Wait, hold on, how the hell is he your son? Firstly, timelines don't sync from what I was told…” “I don't know anything about that but I need to apologize…” He said as he started walking towards the elevator. “...What happened?” I asked carefully, following along to help him move as he was probably still in a lot of pain. “I… “ He started but the elevator came back down and MTF soldiers and medics came in. They quickly took Afton… I went back home. Tina was sitting on the couch and the door to Micheal and Gallon's room was locked. “How bad is it?” I inquired. “I don't know much, but it's more of a personal thing.” Tina sighed. “All I know is that when Micheal came out to his parents they kicked him out. Despite having never been bigoted or even very religious. I guess when either Gallon or Micheal come out we can ask more but right now I think Micheal needs to process his dad is here.” “Yeah…who knew his dad was…well…” “I don't think it's the same thing… when we went to the Pizzaplex Dungeon, Micheal knew nothing of what was going on. According to Gallon, Five Nights At Freddy's didn't even exist in their world. His dad might be William Afton, and Micheal, well, Micheal Afton, but I don't think they're the Aftons. Plus, Gallon said Micheal was an only child. Reflections or not they don't really have ties to what we associate with the Afton name…” “But someone decided to force that association.” I frowned. “Now who that is I have no idea…but that Spring Lock suit was an Iron Maiden…it was made to torture him…” “Either someone really doesn't like the Aftons, or they didn't like this one had no association with the name’s affiliation.” Tina sighed. I sat on the couch next to her, and we waited. After a while, Gallon walked out, closing the door behind him and taking a long breath. “How is he?” Tina asked. “...Concerned, mostly. A bit conflicted but concerned and confused mostly…” Gallon sighed. “Guess I shouldn't be all that surprised his old man is here…” “How come?” “A few months after Micheal and I officially started dating he asked me to drive up with him to his parents place out in Leto's county side. When we got there it was wide open. Some animals had clearly been in there, made a bit of a mess but there weren't… there weren't any bodies. Micheal assumed they might have been out on a walk when the Event happened, the stars look amazing out there at night and he thought maybe some wild animals… took care of the bodies. Ended up burying some clothes and photos of them in the place of bodies.” “So his parents are Isekai…” I sighed. “This is getting more complicated…and if whoever fucked with William to make him like his counterparts… how soon will they make a move on Micheal?” “What… happened to him exactly?” Gallon asked. “To William or Micheal? Because both aren't pleasant.” I shook my head. “Micheal's dad, my Micheal. What was he in when you found him?” “He was in an Iron Maiden Springlock suit, of the golden rabbit from FNAF…it was torturing him as he regenerated with his ability…” “How does he have a regeneration ability?” “Probably his title…King of Pain…” I sighed. “That doesn't sound pleasant…” Gallon said worriedly. “He didn't have an Assistant though, how'd he get the title?” Tina asked. “Probably whoever shoved him in that suit, cause I'm pretty sure people can still gain abilities and titles, the Assistant just gives you the actual menus to look at it.” I admitted. “I wonder how long he's been here?” Tina said. “Whatever the case, I personally want some answers from that man. For as long as I've known Micheal, he only spoke kindly of his parents. I saw their house, there is no way in hell, no reason they'd have kicked Micheal out for being gay.” Gallon said as he headed for the door. “Yeah, his story never sat right with me.” I admitted, following after him to see how Micheal’s dad was really doing. Tina followed and we quickly made our way to the hospital where we were told Micheal's dad was moved elsewhere. We then had to go there, finding it was an isolated room deep within a large pocket dimension room. “Bit uh… bit overkill right?” Gallon asked as we were being brought to the chamber where Micheal's dad was. “This is for his safety. The King of Pain Title is a nasty piece of work.” The MTF agent leading us said. “What does King of Pain do?” I inquired. “I'm…pretty sure it's an immortality thing but what does it truly do?” “Well, it's listed as a title but it's actually a curse… a very powerful one at that. Once inflicted, the holder is immortal. No wound can kill them, nor hunger or thirst. They experience exhaustion but the curse keeps them with just enough stamina to keep going despite the physical tiredness. Any injury does heal but heals at twice the pain of the initial damage. On top of that, at night from sunset to sunrise the inflicted will feel the pain of anything, living or dead, around them in a thirty mile radius at ten times the initial pain of the source. The only trade off, if you can even call it that, is that for all the pain you feel or damage you take you recover Skill Points equal to the damage.” “What the fuck…?” Gallon said as he, Tina and I shared the same horrified expressions. “Who in the high holy hell would do that!?” I asked in horror. “Chaos Guilds. If you get far enough in the Dark Skill Trees you can learn some nasty curse magic. King of Pain is one of them and while rare, those who can cast it use it on victims to turn them into Skill Points Farms.” The MTF said. “Thankfully we can trick the curse. While no medicine can dull the pain, magic can weaken it and this pocket dimension room, he's the only thing here alive or dead so at night when the main part of the curse activates the curse won't be able to find anything to reflect and magnify the pain onto himself. Guy looks like he could use a night's sleep.” “I understand.” I nodded. “Jeez…didn't expect this to happen all of a sudden…” The MTF led us to the sealed door, once there he entered in a rather long pin code and it opened. Tina, Gallon and I were let inside. Inside was what I can best describe as a house sized baby proof area. I saw Micheal's dad sitting there on the couch. He looked up, seeing us and looking surprised. “Uh… Button… right?” He asked as he looked at me. “I'm… not dreaming… right? This is all still happening?” “Yes, this is still happening.” I nodded. “This isn't a dream.”. “I… see… who are you two?” He asked. “I'm Tina.” Tina said. “And I'm Gallon.” Gallon said. “I uh… I'm Micheal's husband.” “Micheal got married?” William asked. “Heh… I missed it…” “So…mind if I ask a question about Micheal?” I asked. “Of course. As long as I can ask some as well.” “Well…why did Micheal leave?” I asked. “Cause you look like a person that doesn't give a shit about him being gay and…sound sad you missed hid wedding.” “Micheal said you and his mom kicked him out when he came out to you two.” Gallon said. William sighed, slouching as he laid back on the couch. “I remember that day. Laura and I talked it over and over since it happened but the more we did the more it felt… wrong to us. I don't know why we did that, or why we kicked him out. I mean, we knew long before he told us… he wasn't exactly sneaky. All we can remember is we both had this sudden… thing come over us, a feeling of urgency that if Micheal didn't leave the house that moment… that he'd die if we didn't. I don't know what that was but each time we tried, wanted to or thought about contacting him since then we got hit by that same feeling each time…” “That's…rather creepy…” I said carefully. “That's rather odd…” Gallon said. “It almost sounds like you were hexed…” “Believe me, we looked into it. Wasn't cheap but every mage we turned to said the same. There was no magic on us. Got recommend to lot of psychologists though… those didn't help either… Gallon… is Micheal happy?” Gallon smirked. “Yeah. I've made it a priority of mine to make sure he is more often than not.” “Thank you… and uh, if I may ask… why are you and Micheal… furries?” “Long story short, everyone back home on earth died save magically adept races and the Y Labs in Leto kidnapped a whole lot of people, making us into this, Nokori. I can boost the magic power and such of others who ingest some of my DNA, and Micheal can make small rain clouds, or whole storms if I boost him.” “Huh… that is… not what I was expecting…” “Kind of ironic though.” Tina said. “That feeling you had ended up being right. Had you not kicked Micheal out, he'd have likely never become a Nokori and survived the Event.” “Well that's even freakier…” Gallon said. “Yeah…there's no way in hell that's a coincidence.” I frowned. “Cause even ‘Divine Intervention ‘ can't explain that.” “You think someone, or something wanted Micheal to survive the Event before it happened?” Gallon asked. “Well, whatever the case, no way to return back to your world… so there's no way to learn how it happened.” Tina sighed. “True…” I sighed. “So…mind if I ask who put you in that torture suit?” I asked carefully. “I don't know…” William sighed. “I remember Laura and I going out for a walk to… wonder how Micheal was doing… we must have fallen asleep because we woke up in this… building, some kind of restaurant and then…” He said, scratching his head. “It's a bit fuzzy… all I remember next is someone taking us deeping into that building and then that suit… the pain…” “What about your wife?” Gallon asked. “I don't know. I think they took her elsewhere… I'm not even sure how long I was like that… less sure how I'm even alive… I told those soldiers everything when they brought me here and they said they'd look Into it.” “... What was the date you went for that walk? Before waking up here?” Gallon asked. “Uh… March 17th I think. Why?” “March 18th was the day of the Event.” Gallon said. “Well…shit…” I frowned. “Good to solve that mystery though.” “... Does Micheal hate me?” William asked. “I wouldn't say hate. He's never talked bad about you or his mom, but he always seems sad remembering.” Gallon said. “Do you think… I could speak to him? I still want to apologize and… hope we can salvage something.” “I'll talk to him. He has always wanted to ask you two why as well, and right now he is concerned about you.” Gallon said. “Thank you Gallon.” “Mind if I ask… what did you do for a living?” Tina asked. “I worked for the city. Power and gas mostly, sometimes I worked on the water and sewage.” William said. “Never thought of… robotics?” “Heh, I'm flattered but that's not really my skill set or interests. Plus those Chuck ‘e Cheese animatronics creeped me the hell out.” “Alright… what about your name? I know it sounds random but humor me. Your name is William Afton, right?” “William Afton Lucio.” He said. “But please, just call me Willy. William was always so… formal sounding.” “Alright… was Afton ever a last name?” “My parents immigrated to Leto, Brazil when I was a baby. They wanted a more local sounding family name so they had our last name changed to Lucio, and Afton became a family middle name.” “Well…that all makes sense I suppose.” I shrugged. “Well, we'll be in touch sir.” Gallon said. With that we all left.  So much of this still doesn't make sense or add up. What the heck is happening…? I woke up the next morning and things were happening. Gallon went with Micheal to speak with his dad, Tina was out on Outpost duty, all in all, everyone had something going on. I will admit, I kind of envy them… wish I wasn't so bored sitting around… I have to figure out how to better connect with my family… Notice! Received Title, Estate! What? “Uh…what?” I questioned out loud, checking to see what the hell Estate was. Title: Estate This title activates a personal RP (Relationship Points) system that quantifies your Relationships with others. Increasing your relationships with others increases your RP that can be exchanged for other things. … Who in the Mother's Family is watching over and pitying me?! “Okay…what the feck…” I muttered in confusion. So… how does this work… “Hey Button.” I turned, seeing Cream- [Cream Heart Relationship Status: 56 Mommy issues much?] A pop up window said, appearing next to Cream’s head… also the fuck?! “The fuck did I do to you?” I asked petulantly to the Title. “Excuse me?” Cream asked. “Oh God I said that out loud.” I groaned. “So…I just suddenly got a title, Estate…and it's supposed to gauge my Relationships with everyone…and the thing sassed me with ‘mommy issues much?’...so that's why I said things…” “... Okay…?” She said. [She worries about you way more than she has to…] Is this title gonna sass me all the time… I preferred Cheat’s teasing… I sighed. “So, what are you going to do today?” “Just some shopping. I was actually hoping you'd check in on Jada. She's signed up for another tournament, and you know how she takes her training…” Cream sighed. [She's upset Jada takes after you in terms of self care] … I have to find a mute button for your sass I will find it… “I'll go talk to her.” I said. “I'm trying to get her to slow down at least…” “Thanks. Good luck.” Cream said, giving me a quick kiss before heading off. Alright you sassy Title, let's see what Jada is up to… I'm talking to my own title now… I shook my head and headed to Jada’s room. She was as usual, at her computer. Rather than dying light, I noticed her PC had what looked to be a shooting game. [Jada Mash Relationship Status: 7 She takes way too much after you.] Ouch… also, only seven? Damn… “Hey Jada.” I said softly. “How you doing?” “Could be better. This new game is a lot more reflex heavy than Dying Light was.” She said. “Yeah, those are shooters for ya.” I admitted. “What game ya playing?” “Rainbow Six. There's more tournaments for it and the prizes are a lot better.” “Which Rainbow Six?” I inquired, looking at the computer screen to see. “Oh, Siege.” “Yeah. Trying to learn all the characters' play styles and items since this game is mostly team based and most tournaments are for teams… meaning once I'm good enough I have to apply for a team…” “So are you going to wait till after you join a team to start learning teamwork or are you just going to try and go it solo even on a team?” I inquired. “Regrettably I'm gonna have to learn teamwork so once I apply it's training in teamwork time.” She sighed. “...No.” I said. “You’re starting teamwork training now, cause you are too much like me and will try to do it all yourself and start getting into fights.” “Do you even know how to play or what to do? No one else in the house plays this.” “I haven’t played many shooters, but what I do know, is Teamwork.” I said. “And before you argue otherwise, yes, I do know about Teamwork, I’ve worked long enough with Tina, Micheal and Gallon.” I said, seeing her close her mouth from that specific jab. “Do you have a computer to play on?” “I can easily get one.” I said honestly “Then get one and join I guess.” She said with a shrug. [Jada doesn't get why you wish to help but appreciates the effort. +1 to Jada’s Relationship. +16 RP rewarded.] “RP?” I thought to myself, deciding to check what the hell SP was. I checked the title again. Relationship Points… for earning increased Relationship stats with someone it goes up, but losing them takes them away. Fair… can be exchanged for other things? Exchanged for what? [Earn more and find out noob.] “I am going to figure out how to harm you and strangle you.” I growled at this stupid thing. I quickly left, getting a personal Gaming PC and heading back to Jada's room and she helped me set it up and… … … Fuck. “Wow, that was bad.” Jada said. That round I had 20 deaths and not a single kill… I huffed, looking at my fingers/talons.  “I am rusty as hell with games…” I muttered, flexing my hands a bit. “Been busy with a lot of other things.” “That and you're more used to hooves over hands.” Jada added. “Maybe we should play a more simple game so you don't, ya know, stress yourself out trying too hard.” “Maybe…” I sighed. “But this is to help you learn Teamwork and not do…most of what you pulled.” I said, cause while she did say a thing or two, it was mostly just her being quiet and not communicating with me. “You mean answering your questions when you didn't know which button did what or when I'd laugh cause you flashbanged yourself?” She asked with a smirk. “Yes and yes.” I frowned. I guess it would be hard to get hand eye coordination on the fly when hands were never part of the equation for me for most of my life… truth be told aside for picking things up and some… other stuff, I don't use them for all that much… With a sigh I joined the next match and tried again. This is gonna be a whole thing… The next few rounds were more of the same regrettably. Either through some lack of communication or my bad controlling I died a lot and lost the match- [Your Relationship with Jada has improved by +4 +64 RP received.] Wait what? I looked back over at Jada… she was smiling? [You daughter appreciated you gaming with her. Even when losing, just having your company means a lot to her.] … “...Damn it…” I thought to myself sadly, so glad to see her happy but…just knowing my company alone helps it’s…I hate how busy I am with everything… “One more round or you calling it quits?” Jada asked. “One more round.” I said with a smile. “Cool. Loser drinks tea!” She added with a jab at me. “Sounds like a win win for me.” I chuckled. I did lose, and drank the tea. I just told Jada to remember to stop for dinner… should probably check on her after dinner to get her to sleep. For now… alright, that's 80 RP… what is it for? [That's enough for a few things.] The title said before a new menu popped up. Summon Lottery - 50 RP Open Item Shop Menu Convert RP to Rem Convert RP to Skill Points Apply RP to Another Spend RP to Upgrade Stats Mystery Prize (Gain 50,000 RP to Unlock) Huh… that's a lot I can do actually… “Well…let’s see what the rates are…” The Item Shop had… a lot… like so much. All prices varyingly. Looks like ten RP make one Skill Point, Five RP make ten thousand rem, Applying RP to Another seems to allow me to raise another's Stats, same as the Menu for upgrading my own stats, and it seems that one RP upgrades the stats by one only. Lastly, Mystery Prize… [Spend all RP for Mystery Prize?] “Hmm…a lot of these aren’t worth it with the amount I have…well…I suppose Mystery Prize…hopefully it’s an actual good prize.” I thought to myself. [RP Accepted. Selecting Mystery Prize based on RP Value Imputed. Dispensing Mystery Prize.] A glowing green magic circle appeared in front of me from the ground. Rising up out of it was a white box, fair sized. Once it was out the magic circle vanished, leaving just the box… Huh… “So…let’s see what’s in the box…” I thought, grabbing the mystery prize and opening it and hoping to Mother that it literally wasn’t just the fucking box… Inside were… two books. The first, a thick and hearty paperback. Rainbow Six Siege Official Game Guide. The second… Hands and You. Giving Yourself A Thumbs Up For Learning To Use Your New Appendages. … You both sass and helped me in the same mystery gift… [It's only a Mystery to you after all. Te-heh~] “Why must you do these things?” I mentally groaned. Despite that… These will be useful.  “What do you mean your dad just gave them to you?!” Tina yelled. “After our talk, tears, hugs, apologies he wanted to make it up to me and after I gave him an Assistant through Township, he apparently already had some and just gave them to me since I mentioned they were useful…” Micheal said. I just stared at Micheal… his dad had to have been in unimaginable agony and had King of Pain for a while now… because he had given Micheal just shy of a trillion Skill Points… “Uh…right…” I said carefully. “That’s…good to know…” I said slowly. “So, what the hell are you going to do with all of it?” “I have no fucking idea…” Micheal sighed. “I'm still processing that my dad and mom were… more or less possessed when they kicked me out and that they're here and that dad's been made an immortal torture toy by some sicko's to grind Skill Points and mom… I just hope mom is alright…” “The MTF sent out a squad to search the whole area and they even checked your dad's memories for more details. I'm sure they'll find her.” Gallon said to his husband, patting him on the back. “And hey, your dad seems alright.” “Yeah, your dad seems pretty cool.” I said honestly. “But take your time with the Skill Point stuff…though I’d recommend boosting your own stats a bit with them cause if someone tried to make William be something he’s not…it’s only a matter of time before whatever sicko did that tries to force their purview onto you.” “Yippee… I have a Stalker and not those ones Y Labs made…” Micheal huffed. “Either way, no way in hell I can use them all so I'll see how they divide between each of us.” “But…what would happen to Micheal here?” Gallon asked. “Oh…you know…have all his internal organs literally scooped out by a giant scooper, have his entire body filled to the brim with a sentient pile of Remnant Cables that he would vomit out then turn into a boneless purple skinned zombie.” I explained carefully. “It’s not pretty, yeah.” Tina admitted. “... The genuine fuck?” Micheal asked. “The fuck is Remnant?” Gallon asked. “A metal created from Pain.” I admitted. “Oh, and uh…at least where all this came from, part of the evil metal spaghetti monster…technically part of it was his sister.” Tina added. “That’s even worse!” Micheal gagged. “I don't even have siblings!” “Huh, kind of sounds like Agony Ingots…” Gallon hummed. “Agony Ingots?” I asked. “Yeah. Some of the magic tomes we looted from the Libertá Magic Museum talked about it. Metals good for use in magical conduction can imprint magic onto themselves. When it's from an event powerful in negative emotions the magic imprinted is Dark, and an Agony Ingot is made. Alternatively, is something metal and magic conductive is cared for, treasured and absorbs positive emotions, it begins to generate it's own magic, creating what's known as a Treasured Artifact.” “That’s rather cool.” Tina nodded. “Well…that does sound like Remnant.” I said. “And how the FNAF William figured all that out…was by shoving children’s freshly murdered corpses into Animatronics that absorbed their pain and Souls…so there’s that.” I added. “...What in the actual fuck…” Micheal said weakly. “Yeah…” “Alright everyone, that's enough. I don't think Micheal can take this… info bomb anymore…” Gallon said, now hugging Micheal tight. “Right, so onto figuring out what to do with Skill Points.” I said quickly. “Oh, here’s a thing I also got yesterday for…some reason. Estate.” I said. “It’s a sassy bitch that helps me see how much ‘relationship points’ I have with people.” “Only you would get a… is it an Ability or Title?” Gallon asked. “Title.” I answered. “Only you'd get a Title that sasses you.” “Yes…it’s a sassy bitch, but it also helps tell me about what people are thinking about me and if I’m doing a good job or not when it comes to building a relationship.” I said honestly. “So it basically lets you read minds then?” Tina asked. [Yes and no, but she is thinking that can be kinky if used as such… Yeah I am not into that…] “It…technically can, and you think that’s kinky and it does not like that.” I stated. Tina blinked, but nodded. “Weird…” Micheal huffed. [Micheal A, Lucio Relationship Status: 23 You just had to stress the guy out didn't ya?] I huffed, looking over at Gallon. [Gallon Relationship Status: 24 Really helpful guy.] Hm. I looked at Tina. [Tina Relationship Status: 31 There is not enough bleach in all of creation to clean that dirty mind.] “Right…so one…I’m sorry for stressing you out a lot Micheal…just…have to give fair warning when dealing with insane people.” I sighed. “Gallon, you are a really helpful guy…and Tina it said there is not enough bleach in all of creation to clean that Dirty Mind.” “Then it would probably delete itself if they met Babe.” Tina shook her head. “Huh… sassy but helpful. So… for now I think I'll just nap…” Micheal sighed.  “Come on then.” Gallon said, helping Micheal up as the two left for their room. “Well, I best bounce. Got a date night with Lovely.” Tina said as she took off too. Huh. Well, guess I can try and get more RP… “Well…this could have gone better but let’s hope this new RP thing will go well…” I thought to myself, getting up and heading through the house to check on things. I walked around the house, and found Philomina. [Philomina Relationship Status: 31 You wasted no time getting with her…] “Oh shush you.” I mentally grumbled. “Hey Philomina.” I said with a smile. “Hello Button.” She greeted me with a smile. “How’s your day been?” “It’s been…fine so far.” I admitted. “Sadly told Micheal a bit too much about what other versions of him had to deal with…but when an insane person did that exact thing to his dad…I had to give fair warning.” “I take it he reacted appropriately then?” “Well he didn’t scream or vomit so there’s that.” I admitted. “Well, I’m making dinner. Making some human dishes from a region called Mexico. Lot of chili and spicy foods.” She said. “Haven’t had spicy foods in a while.” I admitted. “Maybe my new alicorn and Nokori biology will help me handle it a lot better than what I used to.” “Well, if you want this salsa came out pretty hot. Wanna try some?” She asked, holding the spoon covered in green sauce and seeds that was semi liquid and a little chunky. “Sure.” I said readily, grabbing the spoon and trying it out. … … … … Nope! I rapidly ran to the fridge and started chugging milk. “Huh, didn’t seem that hot…” Philomina said, tasting it herself and shrugging. “Bullshit!” I coughed out actual smoke. “The hell is that chili!? I thought you said Mexico, not India!” “A jalapeno?” Philomina offered. Just then, Power Up walked in. “Oh, salsa!” She said, actually taking the whole spoon into her mouth. “Hm. Fry then blend in some onion. Gives it more flavor.” Philomina nodded before rushing off to get onions to chop, fry then blend into the salsa. “That is not a Jalapeno!” I coughed. “I’ve tried some back on Equestria, they were not that spicy!” “Or maybe Jalapenos in Equis aren’t that spicy?” Power Up said with a shrug. “Just be glad it wasn’t a Carolina Reaper, or the Devil’s Horn Pepper.” “I am very thankful for that.” I groaned. “I’ll try and make a more mild one.” Philomena said. I sighed, but checked on Power Up. [Power Up Relationship Status: 4 You’re just mad she’s quicker than you on the sass.] “Oh you can eat my whole ass.” I mentally groaned. “How are you doing Power Up?” I inquired. “Good, the Boot Camp is more fun than I thought. Half expected the drill sergeant to be an ass but he’s good. He let’s us drink so much soda.” “That sounds like a recipe for trouble giving you that much soda.” “Maybe, but it’s good incentive when we compete for our favorite flavors.” Power Up chuckled. “Eh, fair.” I shrugged. “So, what’s on today’s agenda?” “Making kids cry over the public Minecraft servers.” She said as she left the Kitchen… Oh boy… “...Why?” “It brings me joy!” She laughed as she was off to her room. … [Not all her problems are on you… she’s also genuinely a fucked up person…] “...I’m gonna need to get her a therapist…” I said slowly. [Yeah… she needs medication.] I decided to find my other partners. I found Cheat, laying on the bed and napping. [Cheat Code Relationship Status: 93 It would be too easy to tease you with this one.] “Shush you.” I thought to myself, glad to see she was resting. I walked around some more, finding Sweetie in the Laundry Room. [Sweetie Bot(Belle) Relationship Status: 33 You never got over that crush did you…] “Can you please stop with the sass?” I mentally grumbled. “Hey Sweetie.” I said with a smile. “Hey Button.” She said, folding blankets with her magic. “How are you doing?” “I’m fine, how you doing?” “Good. Mostly just the usual chores and such. Oh! I almost forget, Scoota-borg was uh… damaged so she’s at your little brothers place for repairs.” Oh shit I forgot all about her! [Wow… you had a crush on the whole CMC didn’t you?] “Again, can you please stop with the sass?” I mentally groaned. “What happened to cause her to be damaged?” I asked, now remembering that…the whole fucking point of our treck here was for her… Sweetie and hell we were going to find an Apple Bot… “She was out in the field taking out hoards when some super Tank Infected got her. She wasn’t destroyed but she was missing a leg.” “Right…” I sighed, scratching my head as I just…hate how many times I keep forgetting about the people important to me. “I should…probably go see her…” “She should be there right now. It has been a while since you two talked. She’s more of a workaholic than you but I think that’s mostly because she’s a Combat Droid.” “Yeah…” I said, looking down and hating myself for just…not being there for her or many others and just…so pissed that I fucking forgot… [You must get off on making yourself feel like shit.] “I will find a way to remove Titles you factual cunt.” I mentally growled at my dumbass Title. I quickly made my way to dad’s and Echo Dash’s place. I had a key now so I unlocked the door. There were the tools and such all over the place. I found Rom Hack in his room. Lots of tools and such all over with Scoota-Borg partly open and some wires poking out of where torn and ripped metal where her right front lag used to be. [Rom Hack Relationship Status: -5 He tolerates you, but thinks you’re an idiot. — Scoota-Borg Relationship Status: 0 She only listens to you because you’re her registered owner.] “...And sometimes I wonder why I fucking bother…” I thought to myself. “Hey you two.” I said. “How are things going?” “Could be worse. That new Tank Infected did a number on her frame. This is mana steel too so that’s impressive.” Rom Hack said. “Might be worth it to reinforce her frame to a stronger metal otherwise this could happen again.” “I can get you the material’s to upgrade her.” I said simply. “What do you got on hand?” Rom Hack asked. “A lot.” I said, going through my inventory to see what materials I obtained from the four days of the Mob Farm as it was…huge… Let’s see here… what is stronger than mana steel… Crap, wish this had a scale or something to go off of… “Hey so, just a quickie question, what’s stronger than Mana Steel?” I inquired. “Well if want to keep it magic based there’s Oricalcum, Oricalcum Plus, various other ores. Best would be Divine Blood Iron. Despite the name it’s not similar to iron and is on par physically with Adamantium with an extra boost to magical properties.” “Right.” I said, looking through everything to see if there was anything like that. Hmm, let’s see… no, no, no… Huh, Oricalcum Plus. “Well, I got a lot of Oricalcum Plus, how much do you need?” “To make her the new frame? Well if they’re the standard ingot size roughly 2.4 pounds each… seven hundred and fifty ingots.” I checked how many of said item I had just to see if I had enough. Hmm… Oh… That’s a lot. This must be from the stuff Midas gave us in the first payment. “Well…I have way more than enough.” I said. “Anything else you’ll need?” “No I think just that is fine.” Rom Hack said.  I nodded, handing Rom all the material’s he needed to help fix Scoota-bot. He took them and started working again. I wasn’t sure what to do next… Crap… Screw the RP, I really need to actually build a relationship with Rom Hack… How do I do that though? I don’t know anything about robotics or… things like that… Huh… I wonder… I opened my stats menu and looked at my Intelligence Stat. 130 base, 390 after the boost… It might be rude…but he was distracted so I checked on Rom Hacks stats just to see how smart this kid actually was. [Scan Complete! Rom Hack HP: 24 MP: 106 ATT: 5 DEF: 5 PR: 2 MR: 20 ER: 0 Status R: 0  Poison R: 0 Fear R: 20 Bleed R: 0 Acid R: 0 Psychic R: 0 Disease R: 2 — Strength: 7 Agility: 4 Vitality: 8 Vigor: 8 Intelligence: 930  Endurance: 5 Dexterity: 5] “Holy hell this kid’s smart!” I thought in shock and surprise. Huh, wonder what this even scales on though? Micheal and Gallon seem normal, I know for a fact their intelligence stats went up but I didn’t notice much in terms of changes… hmm… I wonder… I checked the Skill Trees… hmm… Ah, here they are. Stats Skill Tree! Okay and… here, Intelligence Skill Tree… Hmm, alright looks like in order to get some of these I can either earth them the hard way but intelligence still needs to be a certain number before it can be either earned or purchased with skill points. This one seems simple enough. Advanced Retention: Your Ability To Focus On And Retain Studied Data Is Increased by 30% Requires: 10 Intelligence Cost: 1 Skill Point These abilities help but the actual effort and study still is on me to do… huh, this can help a lot actually. “Well…I do have a lot of skill points so why not.” I thought to myself, deciding to pick that up and see what other things I can get. Memory Recollection: Quickly recall information and memories. Requires: 25 Intelligence Cost: 10 Skill Points — Memory Organization: Allows you to physically organize your memories into categories, akin to computer files. Requires: 100 Intelligence Cost: 50 Skill Points “I can easily get both of those.” I thought. “Plus it’ll help get all my shit in order if I can remember everything clearly…” I mentally added as I grabbed those two skills. What else can I get… Information Correlation: Your brain will passively link information between memories, allowing you to rapidly come to conclusions and understandings of data much faster. Requires: 250 Intelligence Cost: 120 Skill Points – Many Minds of One: ‘Creates’ Multiple minds for various mental functions, such as One to aid in Physical functions, One for Study, One for analysis, ECT. Requires: 1,000 Intelligence Cost: 500 Skill Points Woah… This last one… I’d have to increase my Intelligence stat but… this would be unbelievably useful… “And considering over the past four days I have enough skill points to not give a shit, even without all the skill points Micheal got…let’s go with that.” I thought to myself, deciding to first move into my Stats to increase my Int up to a thousand so I could get both of them. After doing that I quickly felt a slight headrush. Agh, that’s not fun. “No it’s not but what do you expect?” I blinked as I heard my own voice, only in a slightly more… deeper? “Ugh there’s so little to work with in here…” Another version of my voice said, only this one sounded a bit more… southern? “Right…hi there.” I mentally said to the two new people in my head. “Hi, I’m your new Body Brain.”  The deeper version of my voice said. “Hello I’m your Magic Brain. Ugh, would it kill you to read a spellbook more often, there’s so little for me to do here…” The southern version of my voice said. “I’m getting around to learning magic.” I mentally grumbled. “I’m still busy with a lot of other things.” “So why are you still here?” Rom Hack asked. I was snapped out of my mental conversation with my two new minds and looked at him looking at me with a raised brow. [Rom Hack thinks you’re a bit weird at the moment sitting there not making a sound but making faces.] “Sorry.” I shook my head. “Just doing some skill point stuff and…well, also gained the ‘Many Minds of One’ skill…so not only do I have a high intelligence, I also have more voices in my head so that’s fun.” “...” [Rom Hack is wondering if there’s something wrong with you for actively wanting voices in your head.] “Maybe if you stopped thinking I’m an idiot for five seconds maybe you can actually understand something.” I decided to tell him, cause I am just…so tired of people treating me like shit when I keep trying my best… Rom Hack flinched a bit, his ears folding back as he looked at me. [You have scared Rom Hack slightly. -2 to Relationship Status.] No, shit! “I’m sorry Rom…I’m just…” I sighed. “I’m just going through a lot as of late…I didn’t mean to snap at you…” Rom frowned, looking down. “... I don’t get people… Adults treat me like a child, other kids don’t like me… machines I get. Machines make sense. It’s easier to understand a machine than a person… they’re simpler…” “Well…mind explaining how machines are simpler?” I asked softly. “I don’t know much about machine’s, nowhere close to what you know…so can you please explain?” “... In simple terms, all the parts of a machine, hardware or software come down to simple yes or no inputs. These inputs are the foundation for more complex functions. You can see it all happen, from the simple foundations to the larger basic stuff… but people aren’t. You can’t see how they come to think the way they do or see what got them there… it’s chaos…” “Is Sweetie simple?” I asked. “Yes.” “How so? She has her own thoughts and feelings, she does thing’s outside the ‘yes and no’ functions, how is she still simple?” “Her learning algorithm allowed her to expand upon her base programming, expand her reaction and capabilities of understanding. The mod that allowed her to use this was based off the same programming used in sex bots which all have one key feature. They listen and learn primarily from their owners… in this case, you. Once that mod was installed into her, she gained an emotional spectrum to cross analyze and come to conclusions. One of which led to her giving you a chance in terms of love and romance.” “So you're saying that emotions are based on ones and zeros? A simple ‘yes or no’ function that can be quantified by a computer to the point of love, romance…and caring for family while I was…sadly gone for ten years?” “Yes, while she has her own Heart and Soul now, when you first got her that wasn’t the case so her interest in you then was based on ones and zeroes.” “But what about now?” I asked. “She has a Heart and Soul as you said, is she still simple?” “... More so than organics…” “Come on, I know you're smarter than that.” I said softly. “I am, that’s how I know. One virus, one critical hit to her hard drive, one EMP blast and all those memories of hers are gone. Maybe in her heart they’ll remain, but she won’t remember you or anyone when repaired. Not for a long, long time.” I sighed, trying to think of some way or an example that can help him…help our relationship here. “What makes Organics different besides the very obvious ‘one’s synthetic the other is organic’?” I asked. “Synthetics can more easily understand one another, meanwhile organics will go out of their way to not understand.” “I’m trying to understand.” I said. “I’m going out of my way to understand.” “And that’s the problem! You have to put so much effort, go through so much to understand another. Weeks, months, years while Synthetics, machines only take nano seconds!” Rom snapped, holding himself and huffing. “Worthless… illogical… inefficient flesh…” … He… hates being flesh and blood… “You…hate being flesh and blood?” I asked. “More than anything… Heh… Life is the greatest machine my ass…” He huffed.  “But it is.” I said honestly. “Life is a grand machine, the greatest, because it has so many moving parts to it that one might think it’s just a massive, chaotic, horrible mess.” I said honestly. “Life is special, whether you’re a machine or flesh and blood…it’s why Sweetie, Three, and so many other Synthetic people with Hearts and Soul’s can be just as weird or ‘conflicting’ as your average biological being.” I said, picking up a spare synthetic leg with it’s exposed wires and cables. “Wires and Cables, Veins and Muscle, they’re ultimately the same thing when you get down to brass tack, they both help make up the base of a being.” I said, putting it down and picking up a memory chip. “This Memory Chip, the Hippocampus, both pieces that control and hold memories, different size and shape but same function.” I said honestly. “So, what’s the difference?” I asked him again. “If we brush past the physical…what makes biological and mechanical so different?” I looked up at Rom… he was… crying. “You sound just like everyone else…” [Rom Hack is heartbroken. You reminded him of people who tried to make him think he isn’t what he wants to be.] “No.” I stated bluntly. “I don’t sound like everyone else, and you want to know why?” I asked, seeing Rom look at me with tears in his eyes. “Because I want to understand, I want to know why, I’m asking you what the difference is so I can help, not like what some other people say which is probably ‘you’ll outgrow it’, but I want to know why you want to become a Synthetic…and…maybe help you achieve it.” “... I just want to be happy.” Rom said. “And I’m here to help you be happy…even if I’m not doing a good job with it entirely, that’s what learning does…even to advanced machines, they make mistakes and need to work hard to fix those mistakes.” I said. “And I’m willing to help fix our relationship…and I’m here, as your big brother, to help you through this.” “I want to be a synthetic…” He said. “And I’m sure there is a way to do that.” I said readily. “And I’ll help you either find said item that transforms you into said thing, or fund whatever weird nonsense that will be needed to do that.” I said. “I have the money, and the material’s to do so.” “Money and items aren’t the issue…” Rom said. “New Foundation Law states that at age thirteen, one can opt to change their gender, race, and obtain implants/changes that are permanent… I have to wait eight more years to change…” “Well…” I hummed. “It might not be…exactly what you want, but I think I know of something that can help.” I said. “How’s about a quick shopping trip to the Armory, I know  they have what we need.” “... what are we getting?” “It’s a surprise.” I said, moving over and gently picking up my little brother. “Off we go to the armory.” I said, heading off to the Armory to get him something cool. As I walked with Rom on my back, he was abnormally quiet… [Rom Hack feels vulnerable. He has not even told his parents what he told you.] “Huh…didn’t expect that.” I thought to myself carefully. “Want to take a guess as to what I’m going to get you?” I asked, wanting to make some small talk while we headed to the specific shop. “...Not really…” He said weakly. He sounded exhausted. “Alright, get some rest…cause I know you’ll be super excited about what I have in mind.” I said with a smile. I walked to the Armory, the building was surrounded with guards and such. The quartermaster looked down at me from their desk. She was some kind of… I wanna say… maybe a demon? Red skin with horns sticking out of her head and thin tendril like strands for hair. “Can I help you?” She asked. “Yes, do you have any resizing Iron Man style suits for my little brother here?” I asked, as I could practically feel Rom’s eyes widen at hearing those words. “... This is the New Foundation Armory, not a toy store.” “Are you saying you don’t have something like that?” I asked. “And trust me, Rom here would have made some ‘toy store’ suit into a dangerous mechanical weapon in a week.” “I did it once in three days.” Rom pipped up. “My point exactly.” I chuckled. “And my point is that we do not authorize high end weaponry for sale to children.” The quartermaster stated. “Kids wants to play iron man or robot go find someone to make him a second skin suit. Less dangerous and will feel just as authentic.” I gave a loot to Rom, who also looked rather confused. Huh, that’s an expression I never expected to see on him… “Uh…what’s a Second Skin suit?” I asked. “I haven’t heard of that before.” “It’s a suit that’s magic in nature and when worn transforms the outer appearance of a being into what the suit is made to represent. Say you want to be a Centaur for a while to see what it’s like, you put it on and book, you’re a Centaur. All the extra limbs and such work while you wear it and you feel exactly how a centaur would feel. They make them in all kinds of species and genders. Lot of folks buy them for their kids before they’re of age to take the potions for perma change. Some people like to use them for fun, cosplaying or just to see things in a different perspective.” “Even Synthetics?” Rom asked. “If the person making the suit is talented enough, yeah.” The quartermaster said. “Probably have to go through the Greed Markets to find any though.” “That’s perfect…and I know just the guy to get us to one of the guy to get us to one such market.” I said readily. > Chapter 26: Start of Simplicity > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ah, the Greed Market. Last time I was here was… well, forever ago. “Did you have to leash me to you?” Rom Hack asked, tugging the leash that linked his harness to my own to ensure he didn't wander off, get lost, or get stolen. Especially get stolen… “Yes, there will be no questioning this decision.” I stated simply. “Sure sure-” He said. I then yelped, feeling a pinch that didn't belong there or was made by someone I love and have sex with! I quickly turned, looking for the pervert who pinched my flanks but saw no one. “Huh…” Rom hummed. “Okay, who’s the funny bastard that did that?” I growled, looking around carefully for whoever decided to be funny. “Button?” I turned to Rom. He pointed a hoof up and… … … That's a lot of tentacles… … … … Nope! I've done a lot of kink shit but I draw the line at tentacle molestation unless they're coming out of one of my mates! I looked at the thing dead in the eyes, as I raised a talon and produced a ball of lava as a threat. “Either you fuck off or there’s a tentacle barbeque about to start.” I threatened the tentacle monster. It gave a squeal like some broken violin being strung, then flew off rapidly. “Well, that's enough for the outside world for one day…” Rom said, trying to walk towards the portal only to get yanked by the leash. “Nope, we still need to get you your Iron Man suit.” I said simply. “And I need you here too so you can choose which one is your favorite.” “I thought we were getting a second skin suit of a synthetic?” “Yes, but there are most likely a lot of synthetic versions.” I said, walking around to find the right shop. Lot of weapons, armors… Breeders, Slaves, Serfs… kids… ugh. This is why I don't come here… I mean, I can buy them all still but damn it… do I do the right thing… what is the right thing here help Rom or save them? “...Buy Rom the stuff he want’s and needs…then try and save people…” I thought to myself I walked with Rom over to some armor shops. I wasn't seeing what I wanted. Damn it. Come on there has to be someplace here that sells… … I blinked, seeing the shop that looked like it was full of hollowed out skins… Uh… “Okay uh…I was looking for a Second Skin shop not a Skinning Shop…” I groaned. “Those are Second Skin Suits Button.” Rom said. “What did you expect them to look like?” “I didn’t expect them to look like someone literally just stole someone’s actual skin…” I said weakly. “I mean, this is the first time I’ve even seen these thing’s but still…” “Well, let's see if they have any of Synthetics.” Rom said, walking ahead some as I followed to keep the leash from yanking him back. Walking inside felt… like a macabre costume shop of sorts… it didn't help the shopkeeper here seemed to be some king of mechanical zombie with needle fingers. “Greetings. What can the Skins Desire do for you?” He greeted with a bow. “That…makes it sound worse…” I thought to myself bitterly. “Hi, yes, I’m looking for a Synthetic second skin for my little brother here.’ I said, motioning to Rom. “Second Skin Suits of a Synthetic? Well what kind are ya looking for lad? Organic passing or all mechanical?” The shopkeeper asked Rom. “More mechanical preferably… preferably one with either advanced enough enchantments so I don't… feel my organic parts…” Rom said. “Ah. I might have just the treat for ya.” He said, rooting around the piles of… suits until he pulled out a suitcase. He put it down before Rom and upon opening it, seeing a neatly folded patchwork suit, more like some scarecrow suit that a robot. “Huh, looks more scarecrow than robotic.” I admitted. “Looks can be deceiving.” The shopkeeper said. He pulled it up, opening the zipper on the back. Inside looked like some kind of advanced techno… cloth stuff. “Try it on little one.” “Need some help getting it on Rom?” I inquired, already thinking of how much this thing will cost…then remembered I have more than enough money to not give a shit. “I think I got it.” Rom said. Carefully he slipped his hooves in, followed by his head, back hooves. I then watched as the suit seemed to slither over the last of him, the zipper closing itself and vanishing into the skin and once it was, I could hear the sound of small gears turning. Springs and such ticking away under the fabric. Rom moved a hoof, the sound of small hydraulics and some gears clanking happened as he did. “Woah…” He said. His voice sounded like it came from a slightly cracking speaker. “Some oil for the creak’s and a tune up on the speaker, but you look great Rom.” I said. “How do you feel?” “Different. I don't feel my muscles and joints… I can feel the gears and joints and hydraulics moving. It doesn't hurt either.” “Glad to hear that Rom.” I said with a smile, lightly putting a talon on his head to see how it felt to ruffle his head. Weird. I could feel the metal under the sack cover. It was odd. “Is it to your liking?” The shopkeeper asked. “Yeah. How much?” Rom asked. “For you little one, just six grand.” That's… actually very cheap. “Pretty cheap I will admit.” I said, pulling out the amount of Rem needed and handing it to the shopkeep. “Thank you very much.” I said with a smile. “Pleasure. People like your brother there are why I started making Second Skin Suits.” “Oh really?” I inquired. “How so if I may ask? This is…genuinely the first time I’ve seen or heard of Second Skin suits.” “Many people buy them for many different reasons. From curiosity to a kink to a confidence booster, to wishing they were a race or gender not the one they were born as. While groups like New Foundation and some Greed Merchants can give people what they want, what they need to be happy, too often it's priced out of their reach. Second Skin Suits are a lovely alternative that are cheaper and feel just as authentic.” The Shopkeeper said. Huh. Didn't even consider that. “Well…that is a good thing all around.” I said honestly. “If you're interested, try some. I have all species, genders, shapes and sizes.” Hmm… well, they could be very fun… plus I have like a shit ton of money. “Hmm…well, I have more than enough money to last me an eternity, how much for one of everything?” I inquired. “One of everything? Well if you're buying in bulk that much I can charge you as little as… 62 million for one of each, and I'll throw in something else for the big buyer.” “Done.” I said, transferring the money over to the guy as I still had…metric fuck tons of money I got from David and the Mob Farm has been very generous with the Rem. “Pleasure doing business. Now, for that something else.” He said, reaching into his suit pocket and pulling out a business card and handed it to me. I took it, the name on it read as ‘The DNA Colliders Guild’ … The heck are they? “Uh…the hell is the DNA Colliders Guild? Some sorta Hybridization guild or something?” I inquired, as I can only guess due to the ‘DNA Collider’ bit. “They're a small but rather effective guild of genetic geniuses. They collect and gather DNA across all species of Armageddon for a personal archive, but their main sources of income are Echo cloning, cloning in general, And Mutation Ability creation.” Wait, they MAKE Mutation Abilities?! “Excuse me…you just make Mutation Abilities?” I asked in shock. “Uh…wow…” “If the power comes from the way the DNA in your cells is structured, yes, they can make it for ya. Not their cheapest service but they have clients all across Armageddon. Even Lust and Violence buy genetic samples from them and their mutation abilities.” “Huh, that is really cool, I should check it out sometime.” I said honestly. I quickly gathered my one of every suit and then walked with Rom to buy/save all the kids, slaves, serfs and breeders this merchant was selling. Really shouldn't keep them. I am adopting the kids though. More work on my end but I refuse to just… leave them. [You have earned the Estate Title: Kind Hearted Buyer. You gain a permanent 10% discount at all Greed Merchants when you buy in bulk and people/children you purchase to save you gain RP and RS points with much faster.] “RS? I only was told about RP…” [RS is an abbreviation of Relationship Status…] Ah. “Sorry, just had a lot of thing’s to think about with all the…buying…” I thought carefully, walking over to the one of the shops to…buy all the Slaves, Serfs, Breeders and children. I did this at basically every shop that was selling them… there was more than I'd liked… Alright now-  “Would you be interested in also buying some weaponry?” One of the weapons shops asked. I then noticed all the other shop owners eyeing me like meat… oh… Hmm… can I abuse this? [I'm amazed you're pondering if you can.] “Well…maybe…” I thought, humming as I tapped my chin in thought. “What should I buy…Rom, do you want anything from this sudden shopping spree I’m about to most likely be forced into?” “Any and all electronics, tools and machine parts.” He said. “Right, who’s the electronics store?” I called out to the shopkeepers…and when I heard them practically begging for me to go to their store first…”So this is how Diamond felt like back home…” In the end I actually bought everything from each Merchant. I put a dent in the money I have but arguably the stuff I got was way worth it… and best of all, so did Estate. [New Estate Titles: Arms Stockpiler: Weapons and Armor merchants are more likely to offer discounts on goods for you. Buying in bulk can net you up to a 50% discount. — Big Money Spender: You spend cash like water raining in a storm! Merchants are more likely to offer you extra items for free for purchases regardless of size. — Notice! Word has spread across the Greed Guild about your large spending habits and everyone is buzzing. You now have a Faction RS meter for the whole of Greed Guild.  Greed Guild Relationship Status: 104 +1,664 RP! Each month on a full moon, for keeping your RS with the Greed Guild faction in the positives, half of total RP worth is given!] Sweet! “Oh that's going to come in super handy.” I thought to myself happily. “So Button…” Micheal spoke up first. “What even is like… 90% of this stuff?” He asked as the living room was currently flooded in some of the excess stuff I bought. “Good question.” I said. “Let’s find out what most of this shit is.” I said honestly. “How much did you spend on… all of this?” Gallon asked as he held up and looked at what looked like a mage's staff made from several different species' skulls and unrelated spinal vertebrates.  “It made a small dent in my solar system’s worth of money…or it’s probably bigger I don’t know.” I shrugged. “Plus, we’re literally printing money at this point as well as my new Estate titles now give me a rather sizable discount if I buy in bulk.” I said honestly. “Did you have to buy… basically everything?” Tina asked, holding what was a huge wrap of meat from a meat seller. Apparently, it's demon meat. “Well…I already bought one of every Second Skin Suit cause I wanted to try all that out, then I bought every single Serf, Slave, Breeder and Child I could…and then I just bought everything else cause abuse of my new Discounts was awesome.” I said sheepishly. “Shoppers high?” Micheal asked Gallon. “Shoppers high.” Gallon nodded. “More like shoppers overdose.” Tina added. “I got a lot of neat things, I got a bit closer with Rom in our familial relationship and I’ll forever get a bunch of great discounts from Greed.” I huffed. “Still… this is a lot.” Micheal said. “Going through all this is gonna take forever… and most of this is just weird? Like, the heck is this?” Micheal asked, picking up a jar that had some kind of semi glowing… creature, thin and lengthy in liquid.  “Huh… for some reason I feel like I've seen that before…” Gallon hummed. “Hmm…” I decided to use Scan cause if it was some strange creature in a weird liquid in a jar, I think it would be in the jar for a very particular reason. [Scan Complete! Origin of Life Race: Symbiote] Well that was… not very helpful… “Uh…that…says it’s the Origin of Life…it’s a Symbiote and…fucking how?” I asked in confusion. “...I’mma open it.” Tina said, reaching over to grab the jar from Micheal. “Don’t you do it.” “I’m gonna do it.” Tina said with a growing grin. “This is gonna end badly isn't it?” Micheal asked. “Possibly.” Gallon nodded. Tina opened the jar, the creature inside rapidly jumped out, slamming and clinging to the ceiling as I saw it unfold and expand. It kinda looked like a- “Oh fuck I know what this is!” Gallon yelped. The thing then ran across the ceiling. I tried to catch it. Tina tried. Gallon tried. The three of us ended up on a pile. It then pounced on Micheal. “Get it off!” Micheal yelled in panic. “Gallon the hell is this thing!?” I asked quickly, slipping out of the pile and grabbed the thing, hoping to pull it off of Micheal before whatever the hell this thing really was did a thing to the poor guy. “Ever see Attack on Titan?” Gallon asked. “Oh fuck its that thing?!” Tina yelped. I tried to grab it off Micheal… only for it to crawl over to his back… then merge into his back. “What the fuck was that?!” Micheal asked, arms out wide and wings in panic. “Is it off?!” “Okay so…stay calm Micheal…it fuzed with you and now you are…the Founder Titan.” I said carefully, having watched Attack on Titan as some binge material I found. “The what?!” “He never saw Attack on Titan.” Gallon said. “He heard it was directed by the guy who directed Highschool of the Dead and refused to watch it.” “Highschool of the Dead was awesome.” I huffed. “But…Titty Gun Mount.” Tina added. “Tina, I'm gay what part of that sentence would I enjoy?!” Micheal yelled. “Eh, were it not for the very oversaturated fan service, it could have been way better.” Gallon shrugged. “The fanservice is what makes it good though.” I said. “As the resident Horny Master…honestly, yes, the fan service does actually give it more charm given it’s a silly Zombie Apocalypse thing.” Tina shrugged. “But…I don’t know how it’ll work in this reality, but look up in your assistant anything revolving ‘Titan’...that’ll hopefully give you enough of an explanation.” “Alright… so can anyone give me a summary on whatever the heck that thing was?” Micheal asked as he began checking his Assistant and Skill Trees. “So that is…the Origin of Life, a symbiotic creature that can give you the Power of the Titans, in your case it would be if you are physically harmed you transform into some type of Titan, and you also have control over any and all ‘Titans’, now if that’s just on the Titans based on the Origin of Life or any class of Titan I don’t know.” I explained. “Right… so basically I get hurt I turn into a giant monster and hulk smash everything?” “Well, you would be considered a Shifter, so you would have your full faculties but…considering this will be brand new it might hulk out a bit.” Tina pointed out. “But after that you are now technically part plant? Kinda…Titan’s are weird especially when the generic Titan’s are just mindless plant monsters with a hunger for human flesh that uh…had a weird backstory…” “Time Travel and Cannibalism were some weird things in Attack on Titan…” I said sheepishly. “Great… the vegetarian has the man eating monster power…” Micheal said weakly. “Again, you have full faculties, the actual ‘man eating monster’ part was the mindless bunch that were people who had the Titan powers reject them cause when insane people decided ‘let’s shove Titan spinal fluid into people and see what happens’...yeah, a lot of weird things happen.” I pointed out. “But the actual creation of Titans…you just make them out of Sans in possibly your own Pocket Dimension.” Tina added. “Uh, what?” Micheal asked. “He hasn't played Undertale either.” Gallon said. “Okay first, we need you to get to play Undertale.” Tina said. “And second…I meant to say ‘sand’...but brain got crossed trying to remember nerd things and Sans Undertale…” “Sans as a Titan.” “Don’t you dare…” “...Papyrus as a Titan.” “Stahp!” “So what does this thing do to me exactly?” Micheal asked. “Well, for you, it gives you the power to Create Titans, out of what specifically you’ll have to look that up, a Titan form that’s based on you specifically…hopefully it’s not a giant Bone Centipede.” “WHAT!?” “Your own personal Pocket Dimension that is also…technically the Crux of your power? And…so due to this reality being weird with Time, I doubt you can send your consciousness through Time to do things.” I said. “Control over Titans you create or…maybe Titan class enemies in general I don’t know, we’ll have to test it out.” “Just when I get used to one thing, something else comes along to drive me towards insanity and drinking…” “You get used to it.” Me and Tina both said from personal pain and experience. “So what exactly even is that creature?” Micheal asked. “Genuinely? It’s never explained.” Gallon said. “Never explained.” I agreed. “And it both explains and doesn't explain how or why people can turn into Titans or how she was able to create Titans.” Tina added. “Well that’s all just dandy…” Micheal sighed, looking back to his skill trees menu. “Alright… let’s see what it says here… Huh…” “What up?” I inquired. “Well apparently… this counts as an Immortality Ability… but… it has a lot of uses I can use… mind if I take some Skill Points?” Micheal asked me. “Go ahead, and…yeah I suppose that makes sense, as you would regenerate when you take damage.” I brought up. “Alright… and done… Now let’s see if this works…” Micheal said. I raised a brow as he put a hand on my head, his thumb pressing against my head between my eyes. I felt a spark like Static hit me through my head suddenly. [Notice! You have been gifted the ability, Titan Shifting. Your Titan will be unique upon transforming and all its abilities will be usable by your Founding Titan/Custodian.] Holy Shit! “Huh…that's…that's really cool.” I said in surprise. “What did he do?” Tina asked. “He gave me Titan Shifting powers.” I answered. “That's sick, can you give the ability to anyone or is it specific?” Tina asked. “I can give it to anyone, and it links with my Perfect Custodian Ability. Unfortunately, while I can give someone the power to shift into a Titan, it’s kind of random what their Titan can do, and will likely be a mix of any natural magic and biological abilities they have… there’s a lot more here but I’ll look into it later.” Micheal stated. “That's fair.” I nodded. “This is brand new and we'll have to do some testing for this.” “Yeah… but right now before I have a mental breakdown…” Micheal said, walking over and grabbing Gallon by the wrist.  “Nap?” Gallon asked. “Nap.” Micheal said as he pulled Gallon along to their room. Tina chuckled as they left. “So Micheal does nap when he’s stressed. Kind of cute.” She chuckled. “Yeah, that is kinda cute.” I chuckled. “Now…just gotta sort through the rest of this shit…” “Buyers remorse now?” Tina asked with a chuckle. “That depends on how long this'll take and how many cool things I bought.” I said honestly. “True.” Tina said, picking up one of the second skin suits. One of what looked to be some form of Centaur species. “So… what’s with the whole body skins?” “Those are called Second Skin Suits, apparently it's some cheaper variant of the Transform potions, where you can look and feel like the thing you're dressed up as.” I said. “Got one for Rom to help him feel better…than bought the rest after that.” “Huh… kinky~ Well, this aside all the food stuff you put should go into the kitchen and I guess we should get an armory put into this place for the weapons and armor… and a general store room for the rest… Hmm… Plus all the uh, Serfs, Slaves and Breeders you bought… then the kids. Poor things. I’m gonna check in on them.” Tina said. … Wait… Fuck! I’m gonna be picking all this up myself aren’t I?! “...Feck…” I thought bitterly, starting to sort through all this shit by myself… “To to use it, I just… slice my hand or something?” Micheal asked. We were gonna test his new Titan power out and we were in the Planet Room to test this out, fairly far away from the main farms and such. “Slice it, bite it, as long as it's a bleed like injury.” I said, as most of the time I've seen the injury someone is bleeding cause of it. “Alright…” Micheal said, taking a small pocket knife from his Assistant. “This is… gonna be a thing…” He said. “Anything I should know?” “The transformation is like… you have to want to do something or have an objective in mind, otherwise it won’t activate.” Gallon said. “Oh yeah, I almost forgot about that.” Tina said. “Like, you want to lift a boulder or something.” “Alright…” Micheal said. He then made a quick, fast movement across his hand with the knife. Instantly, Lightning seemed to drop from the sky and the explosion made Tina, Gallon and I back up fast. Micheal now stood a whole seventy feet tall, his horns were far more pronounced. He had a much more built body frame and his wings were giant, it took me a second to realize he had six of them… But above all that… “He’s so fluffy!” Tina said cheerfully. His fur was easily MUCH fluffier. “Not what I was expecting… but also not complaining.” Gallon smiled. “The Fluff Titan!” I cheered just as happy as Gallon and Tina. “Wonder if it comes off?” Gallon hummed, walking up to Micheal’s now far larger leg, pulling a strand of the hair form his coat and cutting it off. Surprisingly, it remained. “Woah. Normally the bodies just… evaporate when anything comes off them.” Tina said. “Yeah, so either that's just a Nokori thing or there's more to it in this reality.” I said. “Either way, I can finally make a blanket out of his wool fur coat.” Gallon said, already cutting more lengths of Micheal’s coat. Tina joined in. Micheal, for his part, was just looking down at the two’s actions confused. “We’re harvesting your fur!” I called out, moving over and starting to help out with the fur cutting…also, holy shit this is soft… “What does he do to his fur to get it this soft?” Tina asked in surprise. “Most Nokori fur is.” Gallon said. “It’s a pain in the ass to shower and dry, but the extra fluffy of us thrive in winter.” “Isn’t Brazil tropical?” Tina asked. “Yes but the Leto Forest’s magic creates a unique microclimate that tells the Equator to F-off so, it snows in winter in Leto.” Gallon explained. “Sounds like the Everfree Forest.” I said honestly. “Everfree?” “It’s a forest from Equestria, it was right next to Ponyville which had its own Ecosystem, Weather Patterns, it was a giant pain in all the Weather Pegasis ass and it’s also a dangerous place if you get lost since it houses a lot of creatures like Timberwolves, Cockatrices, Manticores and other such things.” “Huh, so it is kinda like Hulda, only Hulda was also home to Fae, Dryads, Gods, gorgons, dragons, all kinds of crazy creatures. Also no one who entered it ever left… Guess that included Micheal and I huh?” “Eh, fair.” I shrugged. “But you came to an even better world because of it.” “Maybe, doesn’t mean we don’t miss our homes though. I’m sure you miss Equis right?” I sighed. “Yeah…I miss home sometimes…I miss mom especially…” [Hence why you bang Cream the most.] “Uh, why are you on your back?” Tina asked. “Also how did you do a backflip sitting down?” Gallon asked. “I. Don’t. Know.” I groaned. “I’m going to murder you.” I mentally growled at the stupid pop up message. “So, is it safe for you to try a Titan Shift while pregnant?” Tina asked me as I sat back up…  … huh, that is a good question… “Uh…I don’t know…” “Should probably wait until you give birth then.” Gallon said. “But Gallon and I can mess around with Titan powers… once Micheal reverts back…” Tina said. “True… and uh… oh that is a question how does he revert back?” “He either does the thing he thought about…or…uh…” I trailed off, before using Scan to see if there was a Time limit on that thing. [Scan Complete! Name: Micheal A Lucio Gender: Male Age: 35 Race: Nokori (Founding Titan Shifter) Status: Founding Titan Form.] Alright, no way to tell from Scan then- Suddenly, Micheal’s mouth burst open in a fast high pressure hiss of steam and the Titan body fell to the ground. From the neck he pulled himself out, gasping for some air. “Holy fucking shit that was weird!” Micheal yelped as he pulled himself out. “Welcome back, and I guess that is your reaction to becoming the Fluff Titan?” “I hate how accurate that is…” Micheal sighed. “But no, that wasn’t my main reaction… It was a whole… thing while I was like that…” He said, rubbing his head. “What was it like?” I inquired. “Weird. My… mind felt like I was in two places. One was, well, in that body, the other was like, in this… world of sand with a well going up into the air. There was a sand statue of you there Button.” “That would be the Titan World, where you have exclusive access to it and you are basically god there.” I said. “And only Titans or people of your ‘blood’ can go if you so allow them.” “Uh huh… right. That makes total sense…” “At this point we should just show you Attack on Titan.” I said honestly. “It would at least explain something…” “Fine… But you two wanted Titan power too-” Micheal asked, Tina and Gallon already next to him. Tina on hand and knee so he could reach her head. “Alright…” Micheal said, quickly doing what he did earlier for Tina and Gallon. “Well, let’s try Tina first. I’m actually curious how she’ll look as a Titan.” “Well…it’ll be weird to not have nipples or junk for a bit.” Tina said, taking a step back as she took a deep breath, and bit into her hand. The spark of lightning and the explosion of steam happened again, Tina instantly became huge and far more- “Oh my god!” Gallon yelped. “I didn’t know what to expect… but THAT was not it!” Micheal yelped as well. Tina looked much how she does normally, larger… her breasts and uh… bits down there were somehow still there and sized to match… Her mouth did open into three parts though and her back had spins poking out where larger Thunder Bugs crawled in and out. “Uh…normally you're not supposed to have…all the bits…” I said carefully. “The breasts, yes but no nipples but…she has nipples…” I looked in awe as…I might have been drooling a bit… “She has more than just her nips still!” Gallon yelled. “That is… I did not need to see this existed, Oh thank god pop up window blocking my view…” Micheal sighed. “Huh… I get info on her Titan form and what she can do… neat.” “And what’s the info on our new Milf Mountain?” I inquired. “... Never say that again… and her Titan form is actually called the Mother Nature Titan.” Micheal said. “She can essentially earth bend, controle weather within a thirty mile radius, purify soil and water, controle plantlife, and… uh… huh… This last bit is weird… like, SO weird…” “What is it?” I inquired. “Cause her being Mother Nature makes a lot of sense…all things considered.” “It says she can eat the corpses of the dead and birth them back to life as her children…” “... What the actual fuck?” Gallon asked. “That’s…strange but rather cool.” I said honestly. “Right… that explains her uh… bits still being present…” Micheal said. “Can you turn back now Tina?” Tina nodded, though the small pout that made me guess they wanted to enjoy  more of their mountainous body as they focused on reverting back to their form. In the same hiss if steam and pressure ad Micheal, Tina’s titan body collapsed and she popped out of the neck as well. “Woo! Wow that feels cool!” She said, grinning madly. I chuckled. I then looked and noticed… Micheal’s Titan body was still here… and Tina’s didn’t seem to be reverting away either… “Uh…okay this is especially weird.” I frowned. “Cause those bodies are supposed to disintegrate after you get out of your flesh mechs…” “Never say ‘flesh mech’ again.” Micheal shuddered. “That is a bit weird though.” Gallon hummed. “I guess the rules are different for this power in this reality…” “Well, up next is you Gallon.” Micheal said. “Alright, let’s see how fluffy Gallon is.” I said honestly. “Well, let’s see what I become.” Gallon said, heading a big away form us and like Micheal, pulled a pocket knife from his Assistant and made a quick slice across his hand. The Steam, explosion and lightning happened again- WHAT IN THE HELL!? “... Uh…” Tina said. “Gallon?!” Micheal yelped. Standing before us was Gallon’s Titan form, a large quadruped wolf, a tail of sharp spines, huge claws and, a back of branched bone like spines, and what caught us off guard the most… he now had three heads, each with five eyes with large jaws and horns that curled and seemed to be almost crystal-esk in look. “Cerberus huh?” I said honestly. “I’ll take the right, Button get’s the left, and Micheal get’s the middle for petting the big woofer.” Tina said readily. “Okay the notification came in… Gallon’s Titan form is called the Hound of Chaos Titan… fitting actually. Huh… that’s neat…” “What other stuff did he get?” I inquired. “It says here he has a rapid regeneration rate, his Titan form can heal basically any injury it receives. His horns act as Catalysts that can allow him to spellcast with his chaos magic, this amplifies the spells power based on his MP… and his eyes see in day, night, infrared…” Micheal said, as suddenly Gallon fell over with a huge thud. We looked and saw his eyes spinning. “At the cost that all those eyes are putting all their visual input into him at once and since he’s never had fifteen eyes before his brain got a bit overwhelmed, giving him dizziness and motion sickness.” “Then we should probably move away so we don’t get thrown up on.” I said quickly. “Can he adapt to that?” Tina asked. Gallon already exiting his titan body. “Yeah, it’s just gonna take some time and training.” Micheal nodded. “Ten rem says Button’s Titan form either flies or makes volcanoes.” “Suckers bet.” Tina chuckled. “Well…I mean I can still try…I forget how this reality works with pregnancies…” I said. “Though now that I think about it, kid’s inherit abilities and…well, my kids would be part phoenix either way so there’s that.” I admitted. “True… Well, your call in the end Button.” Micheal said. “Well…might as well give it a try.” I said, taking a step back. “Let’s just hope it works right instead of it just regenerating without a care…” I muttered, taking a deep breath and focusing on this as I cut myself with a talon. I felt the heat of my Regeneration start, only to suddenly encompass my whole being. In a flash, faster than I perceived I was suddenly towering over Micheal, Gallon and Tina.  “Woah!” Tina said. “Called it!” Micheal said with a laugh. “Well damn.” Gallon said. I looked over myself to see what I transformed into, cause if I looked like a giant fucking rainbow chicken I’m not gonna be happy. I could see I looked akin to a human form… my legs and arms had various small multicolor wings. When I looked behind me, that’s when I noticed the biggest difference. My wings. They were dripping white hot magma. Holy crap! “According to this, you’re the Fallen Angel Titan!” Micheal called up. Oh… Oh I like that name. “Wish I could talk…” I thought to myself, but deciding to look up what I could do as the ‘Fallen Angel Titan’. “According to this, your magma and fire based powers and magic are all multiplied by a hundred, you can force a volcano to erupt or create a new volcano, you can also pull magma up from the ground and use the rock or metals in it to form a weapon. It also says your regeneration applies to this form as well.” I heard Micheal say. Nice. I nodded with a smile. “Okay that is really cool.” I thought to myself happily. “We can test combat use later. For now let’s head back inside.” Micheal said. I managed to get out of this form. Oddly none of our bodies evaporated… huh. That is still weird. Okay you… I don’t like you but let’s try some things… I glared at the Estate Title options menu. The only one I haven’t used yet was Summon Lottery… “Alright…what does Summon Lottery do?” I mentally wondered. [Summon Lottery is a Lottery where you will summon a random Utility Summon, or receive a dud. These Utility Summons all do different things and have different purposes their abilities can be used for.] “Neat.” I thought to myself, as I decided to finally use Summon Lottery. I pushed the button. A summon circle, small but glowed with magic appeared before the lines began turning… god that is a fucking horrible loud noise… After a while, something popped out of it, landing unceremoniously on the ground with a splat before it picked itself up. The tiny being before me was what looked like a goblin. Small, no bigger than my hoof with a worn brown hat, leather boots, pants and a belt holding all kinds of tools and a backpack. “Gob Gob! (Greetings Master!)” Huh? Weird… I heard it say… ‘Gob Gob’ but I understood the meaning…  “Hello there.” I said to the tiny goblin. “What's your name?” “Gob Gob! (Goblin Gob!)” He said, then handed me a sheet of paper from his backpack too me. I gently took it and opened it. Goblin Gob has Three special abilities. Craftsman Constructs: Goblin Gob can create, repair and maintain any weapon, armor regardless of level of technology or magic used normally to create or repair them. Element Immunity: Goblin Gob has absolute immunity to elemental and magical elements, allowing him to safely use and hold all kinds of materials. Architects Blueprints: Goblin Gob can not only learn to read all kinds of blueprints and commit them to memory. This includes building architecture and construction. He can build anything. “That’s awesome.” I said with a warm smile. Hmm… I should test his skills out. Start simple… “Now, what to get you to create that’s simple…” I hummed. “Well…I suppose you can create a sword.” I said, pulling out some of the material’s for said weapon creation. “And I can supply the fire if you need.” He shook his head, walking over to the two ingots of iron and some wood and jewels I had. He looked at all the stuff then nodded, pulling out a small handsaw and a hammer from his belt and rapidly got to work- Woah! I blinked and there was a beautifully made short sword, a wood hand grip and the gemstones decorated the base and hilt of the blade on both sides. That was… FAST! “Uh…wow, that was both fast and…really cool.” I said in surprise. He nodded as I picked up the sword and used Scan on it. [Scan Complete! Name: Elegant Short Sword Att: 24 Def: 13 Mag: 0 Value: 120 Rem] Cool. “This is a really cool sword Gob.” I said with a smile. He smirked proudly. With Gob, our team and this family finally has a Master Craftsman. “Can't wait to see what other great things you'll create…cause its probably going to be some nonsense if you talk to Rom and his bright mind.” Hmm… Well, I have a lot of RP now so… I can spend some more to try for another good summon. Even if I get a dud, I can afford it. “Well, might as well give it another spin.” I thought to myself as I clicked on Summon Lottery again. Again that magic matrix appeared… and again that dumb noise began playing… agh. What the heck? After a moment, another little creature popped out of the thing. They rolled onto the ground. They were a small teacup pink, wearing a suit top and top hat. The back of their suit held a money sign on it, and their back had a small hole in it, and their belly button was a cork… Heh. Piggy bank. “Oink oink! (Greetings partner.)” The little pig said. “Howdy.” I nodded. “What's your name my new friend?” “Oink oink oink. (Gunther. Gunther the Banker)” He said, pulling his top hat off and handing me another slip of paper. Gunther the Banker is a summon that less focuses on physical labor and more on monetary gain and uses. Gunther has several special skills. Savings Account: Gunther can save RP and Rem or any form of currency and increase the amount at a compound interest rate of 10% per month. Safety Deposit Box: Hunther can hold valuable items for safe keeping as long as the item has a value of over 1 million. This helps prevent thieves with skills that can steal from Assistant Inventory. Investment: Gunther can send money to merchants and shops to increase their stock and inventory and gain a return on invested money up to 30% interest on the investment. Valuable Detection: Detects items of rare or valuable nature in the area. “Okay, that's really cool.” I thought to myself happily. “Welcome to the team Gunther.” They gave a nod. Alright, let’s go again. I pushed the button. The annoying grinding noise started up again. Agh, this is the only downside to this so far… After a moment, another one popped out. I blinked, looking at the small large one eyed worm. They were a black and gray color with large red eyes.  They looked up at me and blinked. “Pai Pai. (Hi there master!)” “Hello there, what is your name?” I asked, finding the voice a bit cute for the one eyed worm. “Pai. (Pai.)” The worm said, then spat out a soggy bit of paper… ew… I picked it up, unfolding it and reading what this one, Pai, was all about. Pai the Recycler. Pai is a unique Utility Summon in that she can break down any and all materials into their base components to be used as crafting materials. Biomass Conversion: Pai can eat plant or animal matter and convert this into Plant Matter Biomass and Animal Biomass, both used in a multitude of healing items and other craftable items. Matter Conversion: Pai can eat and digest various items from dirt to junk items and convert them into their base materials, such as refined ores and even usable concrete and such. Analysis Tummy: Pai can eat weapons, armor and anything and can create a usable blueprint of the item, complete with materials needed. Woah… that last one, it’s a perfect pair for Goblin Gob! “Oh you are going to be great friends with Goblin Gob.” I said with a smile. Alright, Gob, Pai and Gunther. This is great. Hmm… what else can I get with my RP? “Hmm…I don’t think I looked at the shop…” I thought to myself as I looked at the RP shop. Hmm… This shop seems to sell everything but the RP cost is pricey… still, there’s a lot of stuff here. Gonna revisit this once I have more RP. “Right…and the other’s are buying skill points, stat boosts and…hmm…” I thought, looking through the other options. There’s not much I can do at the moment… for now I suppose I should focus on my family relationships. Hmm… who should I spend time with… Actually, I haven’t seen Dalila in a while. Knowing how shy she is… “Let's hope Delilah is doing well.” I thought to myself as I headed off to find her. I headed to her room, listening as I didn’t hear anything. Knowing her, if I knock she might faint… poor girl. Alright, let’s do this. I opened the door, surprised I saw her at her desk playing a game. [Dalila Relationship Status: 2 Her shyness has put her into a bad place socially.] “Delila?” I asked softly, hoping she won't freak out with my words. She didn’t seem to hear me. I realized she has some wireless earbuds in. Crap. Okay there has to be a way for me to help her with confidence… I can’t Symbiote into her… rather not risk that while pregnant, plus it would be rather wrong… Maybe I can make a new Symbiote for her? But Cheat did that last time… Hmm… maybe… There might be an item enchantment that can help her… “Fear resist maybe?” I should check. What is her Fear Resist at… Wow… I uh… did not know Resist stats could be in the negatives… How the fuck does that even happen? WAIT! I can use RP to increase another’s stats! “Oh yeah, I know exactly what to do.” I thought readily as I started to dump my RP into getting Delilah’s fear resist up. Alright… At negative ten that’s… let’s put it to twenty five so that’s thirty five RP spent. Once I selected apply, I backed out of the menus and tapped Dalila on the shoulder.  She flinched, turning and taking the earbuds out. “Dad? You scared me… huh… something feels… off…” She said. “You are no longer in the negatives when it comes to fear resist.” I said honestly. “What? How? Also… how?” “I have a nifty title that lets me use points to increase someone's stats.” “Wow… I uh… huh…” She said, looking at her arms and hands. “Weird… normally I’d be passed out already…” “That's because your Fear Resistance isn't at negative ten anymore.” I shrugged. “You have positive twenty five now, how does it feel?” “Uh… weird… I don’t feel so… nervous. Or… worried…” [Dalila is not used to not feeling no fear, anxiety or worry. She is unsure how to process this lack of fear.] “Here…” I said, raising my hand. “Try and hold my hand.” I said softly, something that we’ve tried working on for a long time but couldn’t. She nodded, raising hers and then she took it. “Wow… That was basically no effort…” “Any good introduction starts with good eye contact and a firm handshake.” I chuckled warmly at my silly attempt at a ‘first meeting’ joke. “... That was… uh… okay?” “Sorry, just an old phrase that I tried to make into a joke.” I said honestly, lightly squeezing her hand. “But…I’m glad to know that it all worked and you aren’t scared anymore.” “I guess at a Fear Resist of twenty five, not much outside some monsters could make me scared.” “Yeah, that is fair.” I nodded. “Now, what things do you want to do with your new found courage?” “Uh, not sure… go for a walk maybe?” “Sure, a walk sounds good.” I said with a smile. “Okay… where should we go? I’ve never really… been outside before.” “How about the park? It's a nice simple area to walk around in.” I said honestly. “That sounds alright.” She said, quickly turning her game and computer off before slithering next to me as we went outside. I couldn’t help but smile, as I…helped my daughter finally be able to face the world without being scared, even though she seemed a bit uncomfortable and unsure it still felt great to see her walking alongside me without fear or worry. “And…even though you’re not scared, just tell me if you're uncomfortable with anything alright?” “Alright dad.” She said, giving me a nod as we left the house. [Delila’s day outside without her crippling fear was her best day ever. +10 Relationship Status with Delila. +160 RP Rewarded. Earned the Estate Title, Father To My Daughters.] “Oh? And what does that title do?” I mentally inquired, looking up what ‘Father To My Daughters’ did. [Father To My Daughters: Your daughters are more likely to open up to you about personal issues and problems when you ask if they have any. A successful conversation grants bonus RP.] “Awesome.” I thought to myself, glad to know that’ll help make things easier with my daughters. Well, I helped one of my daughters… now to help one of my sons. Time to check on Leaf. I quickly headed to Leaf’s room, finding him at his desk reading. “Hey Leaf.” I said. “Hey dad.” He said, looking up and over to me. [Leaf Relationship Status: 7 He probably gets his sports skills from his mom.] Ah, there’s the sassiness. Been a while…  “How you doing today?” “Doing good. Practice has been good.” “That’s good to hear.” I nodded. “What else have you been up to?” “Mostly just been keeping up with some studies. Wondering if I can sign up for swimming lessons to join a swim team. With it being winter all sports are indoor ones.” “Eh, that’s fair.” I shrugged. “Still sucks that there’s no Snow…” “True. Well, there’s snow in the Planet Room at least.” He shrugged. “Yes, and I’m glad that there’s some snow after so long…” “Were there any winter sports on Equis?” “Ice Skating, Snowball Fights, Winter Hoofball.” I shrugged. “Huh. I’d ask to play but uh… you’re not sports ready.” [Looking rounder than a beach ball.] “Shush you.” I mentally huffed. “Well, we can still have some fun in the snow if it’s not sporty.” “Hmm… Well there is one sport we can do that’s not very physical.” “What’s the sport?” I inquired. “Ice fishing.” “Huh…haven’t actually gone fishing to be honest.” I admitted. “Then let’s go.” He said, getting up and slithering along next to me to the Planet Room. I nodded, following after Leaf to do some Ice Fishing. [Your late night fishing fun with Leaf gave your son great memories of the day. The fish also made a tasty meal for you both since you missed dinner. +3 Relationship Status with Leaf. +48 RP Rewarded. You have earned the Estate Title, Father To My Sons.] “Let me guess, it does the same thing but with my sons?” I mentally wondered as I double checked it. [Duh.] “Right…so far, things have been successful.” I thought readily. I yawned, heading to bed. The next morning I woke up, yawning and stretching as I saw I was in Jackie’s arms. [Jackie Relationship Status: 2,499 What did you expect she’s programmed to love and be obsessed with you?] “Maybe…a little less egregious?” I thought to myself. “Morning Jackie.” She blinked, giving me a smile as she kissed me. “Good morning Master.” [+1 Relationship Status with Jackie. Breeder Programming detected! No RP Rewarded.] … huh. “Really? Just doing anything increases the RS?” I thought in confusion. “How are you doing this morning?” “I am well. Are you doing well Master? Would you like a morning servicing before getting up?” “I am doing well.” I said, lightly nuzzling her. “But…” I tried to think of the last time I did it with Jackie and…if it was a little too long for her. Yikes… well, she doesn’t look in bad sorts. There’s so many of them I handle a day it’s… yikes… maybe I should invest in abilities to negate sleep… That would help me a lot actually… Both with work stuff and family stuff. “How long has it been since you last…serviced me?” “Two days.” She said. Alright, not that long then. “Hmm…” I hummed, wondering if I should or if I should just get up for work…again. I gently pulled Jackie in and… crap this got a lot harder with the babies on my end… After that morning fun, I was in the office again. This time with Gallon. “I’ll never get how Micheal was more the office worker, but back home I’m the one who was in an office most of the time.” Gallon chuckled. “Eh.” I shrugged. “Just one of those thing’s that happens I suppose.” “True.” Gallon sighed, sipping some.of his coffee. “Really need to hire some people. Oh, they finally have a new portal system set up to a new Zone.” “Oh really? Where’s the portal lead to?” “A place called Demonic Invasion. Basically the zone of the Doom franchise. I plan on taking a trip there with Tina and Micheal.” “I’d really like to go there as well.” I said readily. “Cause seeing another Zone after the longest time would do me some good.” “True, but you are also pregnant… then again the whole area the portal is set up in is guarded by both a barrier and a huge ass wall worth of our new Titan Shifting abilities.” “Awesome.” I said with a smile. “Sounds like a great safe place to visit.” “Seems so. I guess we should plan a trip there with the group. Plus, killing demons would be a nice change from killing zombies.” “Oh yeah, it would be a really nice change.” I admitted. “Be so cool if I got a crucible.” Gallon chuckled. “Ah, all my nerd fantasies come to life… oh shit I have like the perfect gift idea for Micheal now.” He said with a grin. “Sounds fun.” I said with a smile. “I can’t wait to go there so I can commit some monster murder that isn't just another Zombie.” “We should see what kind of stuff this town has for sale. Probably have all kinds of slayer gear. At minimum a lot of high tech stuff.” “That or there’s a ‘Slayers Guild’ or something that just boosted the town’s defenses to make everyone safer.” I suggested. “Though…now that I think about it…” I said, bringing up my Assistant’s logs to see something about that Demon Meat…cause now that I know we’re going to a Demon section, maybe that place was where they got all that meat. “Well, whatever the case, looks like we can have a day out soon. Anything in particular you want to do while we're there?” “Meet the locals, do some monster murder while I still can…just kinda do stuff so I’m not more stuck behind this desk.” I admitted. “Should probably use some ranged weapons while we're there… you're uh, melee combat might be… risky in your current state.” “Which is why I’ve been getting better with my magic and magma control…also Symbiote powers that I naturally have cause that’s fun.” I added. “Isn't Symbiote mostly still melee based? Also, wouldn't demons be fireproof?” “Depends on the Demon, and you forget.” I brought up a hand and formed one of the Chaos Blades that was…once one of my Symbiotes. “These are ranged weapons, and given they are also a part of me,” I made it lightly pulse with lava as it looked like molten veins in the weapon. “Try throwing it.” I shrugged, sitting up and pulling back- oof my bladder! I immediately sat back down… [Pfft! Hahahaha!] “Okay, fuck this, I’m doing some Motherhood skill tree stuff.” I frowned. “And you, shut up.” I thought angrily. Let's see here… Uh, no, no, no, no, not what I need… I'll save that for later, I'll save that for Tina… and this one for Philomena… um… shit why can't I find what I'm looking for? Should not be this difficult… “Holy hell, isn’t there anything in here that’ll help me with what I want?” I grumbled. “Looking for something to accelerate your pregnancy?” “Either that or something that could make fighting easier.” I huffed. “Cause all I’m seeing is ‘less cramps’, ‘easier sleep’, ‘produce better breast milk’ and all this stuff…” “Right… well, if you follow porn logic, odds are there's either a potion or spell to help you there.” Huh… I'm definitely looking into that… Of course the potions I want are sold by Lust… I huffed, back at the Greed Market as I didn't find any potion shops my last shopping spree. This Market had a potions shop all made and sold by Lust… great… “No.” I thought with a frown. “My standards aren’t low enough to literally pay these chucklefucks that are causing a lot of the problems.” I shook my head. [Didn't you literally buy all their Slaves, Serfs and Breeders last time you came to a Greed Market?] “Because it’s better than some chucklefucks that want to use and abuse them! Or do you want me to get Yuri to finally give you a mute button?” I mentally growled. [You assume he can touch me.] “I’m sure he can with enough time.” I mentally huffed. [Sure, sure. So if you aren't gonna buy the potions you need from Lust then who? There aren't exactly many others who sell them and that's probably intentional on Lust’s part.] “I suppose I can just accelerate the my Pregnancy to get it over with sooner like what Tina does…would make this easier and less of a pain…” I thought bitterly as I did like the feeling of carrying children but…sadly life had other plans for me that I can’t just ignore. [Isn't Tina a Den Mother though. You'd basically have to turn yourself into an Equis Den Mother to get the same access of abilities as her.] “Well…I suppose that’s how she can still fight while being pregnant…” I thought to myself. “Eh, I suppose I can think of becoming one sooner or later.” [Ah yes because that's what you need, a reason to be outside the house more when you shouldn't be…] “Not my fault thing’s are happening that need my fucking attention.” I mentally growled, walking away from the Lust shop. “Not my fault the world keeps turning and shit keeps happening when I’m trying to take a break!” I mentally shouted at the dumbass title, cause while I’m glad I did get Estate I still have to wonder why in Mother’s name I even got the stupid thing. [If this is you trying to take a break… that's rather upsetting…] “Why do I even fucking bother…” I mentally growled, just walking at this point cause everything just keeps going on, the world moving past me as I’m trying to play catch up now…ugh… … Why did I bother? Everything since my ten year leave of absence just led to so much… pain. For me, my mates, my kids… I barely have a sense of normalcy with them… “I want to spend time with my family…I want to spend time with my friends…but everytime I try, lo and fucking behold, something needs to come up and ruin it, like the Majoirty for instance.” I mentally rambled to myself, as the one thing…the one fucking thing I was always scared of happening…happened, and there was not a damn thing I could do about it…even when I was there, I couldn’t do jack shit to that pompous green cunt… I want to keep my family safe… I want to be with my family… but I can't do both… … Do I have to choose? …I can’t…I can’t just fucking choose…it’s not fair…none of this is fucking fair, but why should I expect fairness in this hellhole that takes and takes and takes and only gives back just some semblance of reprieve if you play along with it’s fucking game, with Dark Gray’s fucking game! Cause nothing is more important than the Family’s fucking entertainment…as I’m struggling with so much…with everything…I spread my wings and flew off to somewhere as…as I couldn’t just go back home now…I…why does everything have to always go wrong when I’m trying to make things right!?! I landed on a high up skyscraper and just… cried… why can't I make things right… why did I pick a battle that was so rigged against me?! “It’s not fair…” I cried. “It’s not fair…none of this is fair…” I clenched my fists as I tried to reign in my sadness, my rage, as I…I was still pregnant…I still needed to birth my children that…that will only know this world, this sick twisted prison, this fucking game for THE FUCKING FAMILY! “It was never supposed to be fair.” I looked up, seeing Tiara sitting on the edge in front of me. “That was the whole point.” “And here’s another thing that’s not fucking fair…” I said carefully. “And yeah…the whole point for this not being fair is for The Family to have a good laugh while they’re shoveling popcorn in their mouths…” “I know. But the game is the way it is for a reason. Not for entertainment. Well, it is for Dark Gray, but the game itself is just trial one of many.” “Yes, yes, I have to hunt down specific ‘chess pieces’ of Dark Gray and murder them, that’s just step one on this giant fucking shit cake.” I rolled my eyes. “And I fucking doubt that it’s only Dark Gray enjoying all this pain and suffering cause The Family is probably filled with a bunch of fucking SadoMasachists…” Tiara sighed. “Why do you keep doing this to yourself Button? The stress? The fear? You have everything to lose by challenging the game yet you play it anyway? Why? To be special? To help your loved ones? You need to choose right now Button… what matters more to you, being there for your family, or playing the game to protect them?” “The Majority seemed rather adamant to point out I don't have a choice.” I growled. “Remember, this is a game, none of this matters when it's all played up for laughs by some demented fuck head that needs an excuse to be set free…I have everything to lose…and I can lose it all whenever Dark Gray pleases, just give some small order while Im trying to relax and spend time with family, or just hanging out with Gallon, Tina and Michael…” “True, and yet knowing that you declare war on him.” “Someone had to, even if he gets a kick out of it, someone needs to stare him straight in the eye and call him a bitch.” I huffed. “Only way to win is by making his ‘Retaliation’ impossible, making him so excited to lose only for his final victory to slip out of his grasp as I laugh.” “And you think I'll let you do that?” Tiara asked as I suddenly felt a chill in her words. “You’re trying to make enough excuses to abandon me so yes.” I said, feeling my heart clench up at saying those words as I…I just constantly feel hurt that Tiara just…just believes she needs to abandon me…”Ever since you became a Time Walker…even though I know you still love me…” I clenched my fists as more tears started to fall down as I tried to yet again reign in my stupid emotions… “All to save you. Dummy.” She said, putting a hoof to my chin and making me look up to her hidden cloaked face. “I know…” I said sadly. “I know…some dumb Time Walker bullshit I’ll never know…I’m sorry…” “I'm sorry I can't tell you everything… but I will say this… if you want to walk this path against Dark Gray, then your family will be left behind… it's why I'm doing this. I'd rather be the one alone and leave you all behind than you walk the path you were trying to take. All before you knew you'd make the choice, I took it from you.” “Because of course I have to choose between being with my family and fighting the fucker that want’s to take away my family…” “Not anymore you do. Just leave Dark Gray to me. You deserve to be with our family… please. Don't let all I've done be meaningless because you're stubborn… alright?” “Only problem is…is that really my choice to make?” I asked weakly. “Or is that something Dark Gray and this world will make for me? Will I have to sacrifice my own well being to make sure you won’t get murdered cause the Time Walkers ‘oath’ is just a bunch of bull-” “Button.” Tiara spoke up, cutting me off. “Do you love me?” “Yes.” I stated immediately. “Then trust me. You will have to battle, but not against Dark Gray directly. Maybe a piece or two of his, but I will worry about the larger issues and will let you know, ahead of time, when you will be needed. Until then, please… live your life. Love your family, have fun with your friends… for me.” “I’ll…I’ll try…” I said carefully. “Thank you.” She said, leaning forwards. I felt her lips meet mine for the first time in so long. As quick as she gave it, she parted our lips. “Because if you don't. I will know, and I'd rather not use my failsafe plan on you.” She added before vanishing in a blink… Failsafe? “I’m…concerned about this sudden ‘failsafe’...” I muttered. “Ick…this bites…” Still… oddly, I feel like a weight has been lifted off me… alright Tiara… I'll live, but I'll be ready for when you tell me. For now… I'm going home, and spending time with my family. > Chapter 27: Calm Period. > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I woke up this morning feeling… hungary… like… SO hungry! “Food~!” I cried as I got out of bed and headed to the kitchen where Micheal was making something for Gallon, Tulip and himself. “Morning.” Micheal said as he saw me. “Food~!” I groaned. “Please…” “Yikes, you’re hungry today.” Micheal said as he gave me a waffle I immediately started eating. “Babies must need the sustenance.” Gallon said with a chuckle. “Yes…babies need food badly.” I chuckled at my own game reference there. “Clearly. I guess today is your munching day.” Micheal chuckled. I nodded, Micheal handing me another waffle. “I am Munchy, Destroyer of Pantries.” I joked as I munched on my next waffle. “Yeesh. Might have also been all that stress you usually put yourself under.” Gallon added. “True, you weren’t eating right and when Pregnant that wasn’t a good thing at all.” Micheal said, handing me beans on toast. Huh… I know I did eat but I ate high calorie quick meals so… yeah. Guess now with that talk from Tiara and I’m finally gonna relax some, my body is like ‘Good, I’m starving!’ “Well…Tiara also came to me and was being a bit rude…” I grumbled. “But also said somethings I needed to hear…even if she was vague about some things…” “Wow, someone actually managed to talk sense into you? I might just have to cook a whole buffet to celebrate.” Micheal chuckled. “More like she’s trying to make me trust her so I don’t have to choose…” I said bitterly. “Choose between family, or playing this dumbass game of Dark Gray’s that’s only takes and takes…all because she cares about me…” “Still, if it means you’ll stop trying to fight pregnancy, I think everyone will consider this a win.” “Yeah yeah…” I grumbled, finishing my waffle. “More.” I said as I began eating the beans on toast next. “Yes mother hen.” Micheal chuckled. “I’m making some fried potatoes so that’s gonna take a bit, alright?” “Alright alright.” I said with a raised hand. “I’ll try to just be hungry, not hangry.” I sat at the table next to Gallon. I noticed he was looking over… applications? “Why are you looking up applications?” “I posted the job positions in the New Foundation Hiring Department a little after you left yesterday and I woke up to all this in the mail.” Gallon sighed. “Got a lot of people willing to do either basic office work or even help explore and map out the zone.” “That’s cool.” I nodded. “Will help take some of the work off of us.” “That’s the idea. Most of these people are teenagers with only some vague prior apprenticeships or older people looking for a job to get out of the house.” “That’s not a bad thing though.” Micheal said, placing before me a place full of fried potato slices, eggs and a second small plate of beans on toast, a bowl of oatmeal, a bowl of mixed fruit with a scoop of collage cheese, and a small bowl of grits with butter. I immediately started digging in. “True, just means we’ll have to train them though…” Gallon sighed as he and Tulip got identical servings and plates. “Yeah…and considering I’m out of commission for a while…” I frowned. “There was an american sitcom show you made me watch that I feel best describes this.” Micheal chuckled as he sat with his own food.  “The Office, and yes. Only hopefully not that chaotic… though it would make the daily work more interesting.” Gallon chuckled as he started eating. “More interesting?” I inquired. “Watch it… the humor is really good.” Gallon smirked. “Well, I suppose that’s fair.” I shrugged. “Welp, guess that puts Tina and I on the Scouting teams… christ, that brings back memories.” Micheal chuckled. “Well, if it ain’t broke, right?” Gallon asked with a chuckle. “Fair.” I said. “Would love to join but…can’t.” “Really shouldn’t until you give birth. Have you even been to the doctors to get an ultrasound?” … Huh. Kind of… forgot about that… “I…should probably get it checked out…” I said carefully. “I’m sure one of your partners can more than help you with that.” Micheal said. Huh. True. I greedily ate my breakfast before getting myself seconds in the form of leftovers. Once everyone else got up and was heading out, I got Cream to take Cheat and I to the doctors for this. “I can not believe I forgot to recommend you guys get a check up.” Cream said. “Crap you two are what? Almost three months along?” “About.” Cheat nodded. “Alright you’re both rather big for that, so odds are you both have… multiples. Not sure how many, so the Ultrasound is gonna tell us that.” Cream hummed as she seemed to be thinking things over. “Well, hopefully it won’t be…too many.” I said carefully. “How many can we even have?” Cheat asked. “As ponies the normal maximum is about three, four is pushing it.” Cream said. Makes sense. If I remember, Pinkie Pie was born to a very rare quintuplet of sisters. “But I don’t know if your new Nokori biology changed anything.” Cream added. After a while, we were called and… oh come on! “I see the family is still growing.” Alex said, a small chuckle as Cream and Cheat semi-pushed me in. “Yes, hello Doctor. Button and Cheat need checkups and ultrasounds.” Cream said. “Yes…the family is still growing…” I said carefully. “And I’m sure you are having a blast being the ‘good doctor’…”  “I try. So, just a normal check up and ultrasound then?” Alex asked Cream, either not picking up on or ignoring my sarcasm there. “Yes.” Cream nodded. “Very well. Either of you want to be first to get it over with?” Alex asked Cheat and I. “I’ll go first…” I said carefully. “Alright. Up here on the exam table.” He motioned. I got up, sitting on it as he grabbed a few devices. Most I actually recognized from the last time I saw a doctor, way back when I first got here from Equis…  He then brought out the syringes and it took a lot not to flinch as he started drawing out blood into vials. “...I still know you’re involved with all this stuff somehow…” I openly admitted, as I just needed to get that off my chest as I still feel…scared around him… “Button Mash, your sex life is most definitely not any of my business.” He said in a matter of factly manner that made Cheat laugh and Cream giggle. … Right… “Wrong wording…but you know what I mean…” I grumbled, glaring at the bitch playing coy. “Your opinion of me aside, I take my job as a pediatrician very seriously. I’ve tended to your children and many since they’ve been in diapers. Their health is my top priority. My responsibility. As long as I’m here I can guarantee they’ll be healthy. If that’s alright with you?” I felt… my blood run cold…  [Alex Pitcher. Relationship Status: -155 He finds you annoying.] … “Well, when he is still a prime suspect in a cold case, I wonder why…”  I thought carefully as I glared at the bastard. “I’m…thankful for you helping our kids, I’m sorry my…hormones are acting up and I’m having trouble keeping my anger in check…more so than usual.” I said, which was true as I backed off from that damnable threat. That was an admission… all my kids… and others are all at his mercy… he’s got them hostage and if I or anyone does anything… god… what will happen to them… When Alex was done with me, I got off the exam table and he began examining Cheat. This mother fucker… “I don’t know what Tiara want’s with this fucker…he’s holding the entire Cities children hostage and all the adults are completely enamored with his work and actions…” I thought to myself, wanting to be pissed, enraged…but I just sagged my shoulders as there wasn’t a damn thing I could do…and I saw the fucker give me a quick look of knowing he’s won…bastard. With Cheat’s exam done, we waited a bit and he returned with an ultrasound machine. “Alright, Button do you want to go first again?” Alex asked me. “Yes please…” I said, walking over. “I’m…sorry…” I sighed, leaving that apology vague enough that only he would know what I meant. “It’s alright. Now lay on your back please, and don’t mind the gel, it’s always cold.” He said as I laid on my back. He then placed the gel… the chill I felt wasn’t from the gel… I was disgusted at his touch. Once that was on he turned the machine on and placed the one end to my stomach. “Now…let’s see how many kids I have…” I said, hoping they were all okay in there. “Alright… looks like… one, two… three. Triplets.” Alex said. “Called it!” Cheat said. “They appear fine. Nothing abnormal that I can see at least. You both are the… parents of each others children right? And from the documents Cream filled out beforehand… biologically identical?” “Heh, yeah Button and I are kinky like that.” Cream said with a huge grin and blush. “Yes…it was…strange, as we are…technically two halves of one person.” I admitted carefully. “Hm, well in that case, the children will all be born basically as you are. Physically and sex wise. But power wise. Hm… not sure.” Alex hummed. “Why’s that important?” Cream asked. “When it comes to Nokori they are all born with an inborn magical power. Usually this is a combination of their parents or can even be an improved or weaker version of one of their parent’s existing powers. In rare cases it can be something else entirely. Add to the fact that things like Abilities and some level of Stats can be passed down to the child from the parents, your children could all be born Super Volcano Phoenixes like you, stronger, weaker, or as some other phoenix variation entirely.” “Woah… cool.” Cheat said. Oh boy does that mean my kids all… oh… actually… that explains a lot… my rage build comes back to bite me in my ass with my kids teeth… “Children with even bigger anger issues…fan-fucking-tastic…” I groaned. “It makes a lot of sense they get it from you.” Cream chuckled. “Yes, it makes a lot of sense and now the kids are going to suffer because of it, thanks for the laughter Cream.” I frowned. “Oh please, like you, some anger management therapy will do wonders for your and their wellbeing.” “NEVER!” I shouted, sitting up and pointing a finger to the sky. “... what was that?” Cream asked. “...I don’t know…and I’m concerned…” I said carefully. “Cause…the kids shouldn’t have to suffer massive anger issues because of me…” “You can negate it by deactivating abilities, but that has to be done before conception.” Alex said. Huh… well at least that’s good to know. Once the gel was cleaned off me, Cheat got up, gel applied and he checked her as well. “Looks like… triplets also… oh, this is interesting.” Alex said. “What up?” I inquired, looking at the ultrasound screen as well to see what was ‘interesting’. “Well, she’s having Triplets as well, however technically I’d argue it’s quintuplets. One of these fetuses has what looks to be two heads growing.” “How?!” Cheat asked. “Most likely, it’s a Birth Mutation. Likely as result from the cell splitting to form twins but was incomplete, so your Phoenix Biology and the natural way cells work developed them as having one body, two heads.” Alex explained. “It has happened before, but this is my first time seeing it. This is interesting.” “Uh…okay…” I said carefully. “I kinda thought that the fourth would have been somehow a Symbiote that bonded with one of their siblings as Cheat here used to be a Symbiote…as she was apart of me when I became Nokori…” “Well, that’s the thing with Birth Mutations, they’re just random. You could get a child that was born a whole different species or even one that’s born a synthetic. It won’t affect them as they grow though, so no need to worry about it.” “Huh, that’s interesting.” I said honestly. “Biology is one hell of a thing.” With that done, we were told our blood tests would come in the mail, though given Cheat and I’s Phoenix Biology there likely wasn’t gonna be anything and it’s more a formanity. I was glad to be out of that hospital- Grruuuggg-girgle! “Someone’s hungry.” Cheat chuckled at my stomach’s rather vocal demand for food. “Yeah…I am…rather hungry.” I said sheepishly. “Wow, that whole platter this morning wasn’t enough?” Cheat asked. “Well, might as well get something to eat while we’re out.” “Well, I am eating for four at the moment.” I admitted. “And yeah, getting something to eat sounds good.” “Heh, well what are you feeling then?” Hmm… Right now, I’m actually craving some meat. That breakfast Micheal made was good… but I threw my Equestrian diet standards in the trash more or less day one arriving here. Steak is just too damn good! “I need a nice juicy steak right now.” I said honestly. “There’s an all you can eat beastrow I know. We go there usually for a major celebration, but since you got all the cash in the world, we can spoil ourselves.” Cream said. “Huzzah!” I said readily. “Off to the beastrow!” We quickly headed there, the smells of various roasting meats and seasonings made my mouth water. We paid then went inside where I began to fill my plate with basically everything. “Wow you really are hungry.” Cream said, looking at my plate towering with various meats. “Damn. I know we’re pregnant but not even I’m that hungry when I am.” Cheat added. “Meh.” I shrugged as I kept getting more food for me. I came back with three more full plates and began eating. “... I’ve eaten whole people before… are you like Starving or something?” Cheat asked me. “No, if I was starving then this place would be closed due to being out of stock.” I joked as I started to eat my four plates of food. “Still, this is… a lot.” Cream said.  “Again, eating for four here.” I pointed out. “Well whatever the case, at least you have an appetite. And if after the birth you… perhaps gained some chub, well that’s just more to grope in bed!” Cheat said. I almost choked. “C-c-can you not please!” I coughed. “I dunno, a chubby hubby does sound very appealing.” Cream added. “Dad-bod Button with the flanks of a mom-bod sounds oh so juicy.” Cheat chuckled. “And that’s going to be what you two will focus on for a week…” I groaned as I kept up my eating. “Love you to Button.” Cream chuckled as she and Cheat began eating. … heh. This was the most normal conversation I’ve had in… years… Christ. I needed this. “Damn it!” I huffed. “You should really stop camping dad.” Jada said. I sighed as I died again in this game. Damn it… TF2 is fun but not easy… “But it’s so easy most of the time.” I groaned. “Like come on…killing the tunnel vision scout is hilarious.” “Until you get backstabbed by the Spy.” Jada chuckled. “Yeah yeah, shush you.” I pouted. Jada chuckled as she and I were playing games. I’m trying to make it a point to hang out with them even a little as often as I can. Jada has been helping me both get back into gaming and finding new games. I’m also still mad she called my games antiques… “So, any specific hat or cosmetic you’re looking at?” She asked. “Eh, not really anything specific.” I shrugged. “I'd rather not fall into a loot box rut…” “Heh, fair. So, what’s this I heard about you eating an elephant?” “I was hungry and needed to eat a lot…” I grumbled. “Like…really hungry…” “Heh. Still hungry or are you finally satisfied?” “Satisfied for now.” I said simply. “Who knows when my next good binge is.” “Heh, well at least you enjoyed the food right?” “I enjoyed the meal immensely.” I nodded. “That’s good. So, anything else you want to play?” “Hmm…well, heard Vampire Survivors got Co-Op.” I brought up. “Alright. Shall we download it and get started?” “Sure.” I nodded, closing out of TF2 and heading to download Vampire Survivors. “Heard it's a really fun game too.” “Look at you keeping up with game news.” Jada said with a chuckle. “I'm getting back into my old habits, I know how to keep up.” I admitted with a smile. “Well, any ideas on what you’ll be doing in regards to your work?” “No idea…cause we're hiring a bunch of people to help with the office work and at a certain point…I might have to stop working all together for the kids…” Jada gave me this look of ‘What the fuck did you just say?’ complete with checking my forehead.  “Oh stop it.” I huffed and lightly batted her hand away. “I'm talking about your new siblings…” “Yeah but, what about your workaholic syndrome! You might explode!” Jada said, raising her hands into the air dramatically. I bopped her head with a pillow I levitated off her bed. “Shush you.” I huffed. “I don't have a workaholic syndrome, cause if I did then I wouldn'twouldn't be here.” “... Would you like me to bring up past incidents?” I bopped her again with the pillow. “Do you want to get bopped a third time?” “Pfft, heh.” She laughed. “Just surprising is all. Honestly the idea of you being at home all day being a house mom/dad is… different.” Jada said. I sighed. Can’t blame her. She and all her siblings her age all… I pat her on the head. “From the bottom of my heart, know that I love you and all your siblings.” I said softly. “... I know. I just… I dunno. Having you here now is nice, and it’s nice to bond with you, you and mom. I just… guess part of me is expecting you to leave again. Say it’s for the good of everyone, the family and just… then what? Ten more years? Twenty? I’m just worried you’ll decide you have to leave again and we’ll never see you again.” Jada said. [Jada has admitted to you her biggest fear about you to you. This fear is shared by many of her siblings. They all finally feel happy you’re here, and are scared you won’t be someday.] “I know…I know…” I sighed. “And I don’t want to leave for that long again, and I don’t want you all to feel like I abandoned you…I’m…” I sighed. “I’m scared that I won’t have a choice in the matter, that I’ll be taken to do stuff when I want to be with all of you…even though Tiara is working hard to make sure I stay here…she’s only one person, even Time Walker’s can only do so much…” I shook my head. “You all mean the world to me…and I don’t want to lose that…” “I don’t want you to go either… None of us do.” Jada said, leaning against me. “Can’t you just say no?” “We’ll see.” I admitted. “But right now, let’s not worry about all that nonsense, we got video games to play.” I said with a smile. “There’s still a long time before any of that work or such things need to be worried about.” “You seem a tad distracted my lovely birdy.” Ginger said as he and I were in our usual room at his motel next to his club. Sheets over us and one of his arms over my upper torso. “Worried about your bundles of joy?” [Ginger Relationship Status: 20 He genuinely has feelings for you, which is a first for him.] “Just…worried about a lot of things.” I sighed. “But how’ve you been doing Ginger?” “Better now that you visited. Have to say, seeing this new look on you is rather… appealing~.” He said, gently moving a hand atop my stomach and gently caressing it. “It gives me ideas~ If you’re willing later on~” “Really eager to see me with another baby bump huh?” I giggled. “Well it would be my first with you, and frankly, the look suits you~” He said, kissing my cheek as he did. “I’ve been thinking, should I meet your other partners? Or is our little get togethers your dirty little secret~” “My partners would be more than happy to see you.” I said honestly. “I’d like to meet them. You do talk about them often during our meetups.” “Then sooner or later we should get a meeting with my partners.” I said readily. “Sounds like a plan, though later might be the better option. After all, we’re only three rounds in and you don’t seem like you want to end it anytime soon~” “You know it.” I chuckled. “I’ll admit, being really horny is a bit better than being really hungry.” “Both are a form of craving.” Ginger chuckled as he leaned in and kissed me on the lips. “But why do they all die?!” Barb huffed. I came over to her place for a date and to binge watch some anime. We watched Devilman Crybaby. She did not like the ending. “Because Satan is in a forever loop of not understanding what Love is until everything he has is dead and God steps in to fix his fuck up cause that worlds god is a petty as shit.” I said honestly. “It’s so stupid…” Barb sighed. “Let’s watch something more wholesome next. That put a bad taste in my mouth.” “Yeah, I understand.” I nodded. “A story of love and loss can be pretty rough…hmm, well, what would you prefer, Spy X Family or Ascendance of a Bookworm? While both can be a silly serious here and there, both are cute fun.” “Spy X Family. Anya’s adorableness is like a sweet treat all it’s own.” Barb chuckled. “Yeah, that is true.” I chuckled. We quickly put the next show on and Barb and I got comfy again. Since I’m a bit… large at the moment, she was the big spoon… which was easy for her since she’s also much taller than me. “So, this is your second time pregnant right?” “Third actually.” I said. “Really?” “Yeah, first time was when Cheat fuzed with me to get me to relax the first batch of time we were here before everyone else showed up…and second was when I had to have a kid with Lust’s Leader to get Yuri, Kara’s mother, and those Hacker pills.” I said honestly. “Huh. So this is just your first time with triplets then.” Barb said. “Yeah.” I nodded. “It’s gonna be a new feeling that’s for sure.” “Heh. So, how’s the office?” “It’s office work.” I shrugged. “How goes the teaching?” “It’s teaching. So long as I don’t go home dumbstruck at a child’s stupidity or a parent’s entitlement, it’s a good day.”  “That means you're doing a good job so that children aren’t so breathtakingly stupid.” I chuckled. “Some days are better than others. Other times they’re too damn smart.” She chuckled. “And other times I just feel old around them.” “Oh god, feeling old around kids is awful.” I groaned. “I know. I was a child once too! It was only… oh no It was forever ago!” Barb said with a laugh. “And while I haven’t lived for a ‘long’ time…it sure as shit feels like an eternity.” I chuckled. “Oh trust me, it only gets worse with time.” Barb chuckled as she wrapped her arms around me and gave me a hug. “I guess that’s why a lot of people keep having kids. Reminds them of when they were that old.” “Yeah…” I sighed. “Just wish the kids could be on the ‘outside’, not stuck on this planet.” “Well, if they ever get that chance I don’t know if they’d even take it. At the end of the day, Armageddon is their home. They were born here and sure, they’re stuck here but home is home.” “Some people would argue home is where the heart is, not this place.” I said honestly. “Maybe, but it’s where your kids call home. That’s got to be worth something.” “It should…” I sighed. “Just…wish they could have something more ya know?” “Well, that’s what New Foundation tries to do. Help make it better for them, safer. You aren’t the only person on the planet with that goal you know.” “I know I know…at least everyone is safe and sound for the moment.” I admitted. “Well, there’s a lot of other Zones you can travel to. Maybe visit one, meet some people with the same goals as you. Might put some of your worries to rest.” Barb offered. “Hmm…yeah, getting a change of scenery might do me some good.” I admitted. “Yeah, just a break to sight see and such.” “Doom! Doom! Doom!” Gallon cheered. “You keep saying that and it’s sounding wrong.” Micheal said. “We’re literally going to a Zone that is the Demons from Doom, I am so excited!” “This is where that new influx of Demon Meat has been coming from I think?” Tina hummed. “Yeah, that would make sense given there is a nonstop supply of the bastards.” I admitted. “Plus, I can go for some monster murder that isn’t just more zombies, and yes I can kill things and make sure I don’t stress myself.” I was quick to add the last bit to stop some worry my way. “Finally learned how to make ranged weapons huh?” Micheal asked. “And ranged attacks.” I said simply. “So come on, let’s get going, really eager to see somewhere else.” “Don’t forget your oversized flash camera and Hawaiian shirt.” Tina said with a chuckle as we entered the New Foundation Portal Hub. “Oh shush you.” I pouted. “Wonder if we’ll meet the people who made the Invasion zone a safe place?” “Considering the Portal Hub entrance/exit on their end is in their backyard… maybe?” Micheal shrugged. Arriving through the portal to the Demonic Invasion Zone, I was greeted by a sight I wasn’t expecting. A huge farm running up and down a massive walled off mountain covered by a magic barrier. “Woah, now these are Attack on Titan walls.” Gallon said. “Doubt they have Colossal Titans hiding in them.” Tina hummed. “Well there are probably demon’s as big as Colossal Titans right?” I asked. “Oh yes, and bigger!” Gallon said with glee. “As you can see, Doom was his favorite game series.” Micheal chuckled. “Yes, I can clearly see that.” I chuckled. “Well come on, before Gallon takes all the demon murder from us.” Tina said as Gallon already had a shotgun out and was loading shells. “Alright alright, slow your horses Gallon.” I said. “Remember, I’m carrying three with me here.” “Then fly you fiery blimp!” Gallon said, already rushing towards the exit to the walls. “Pfft! Why do I feel like Gallon just called you the Hindenburg?” Tina asked. “Intentional or not… he’s just very excited.” Micheal said, smirking with an eye roll. … What’s a Hindenburg? “Uh…what’s a Hindenburg?” I asked. “A blimp that crashed and burned killing everyone aboard.” Tina said.  “Well, less ‘crashed’ and more ‘exploded’.” Micheal said. “How?” I asked in worry. “Hydrogen for it’s fuel and the people practically making the skin of the blimp out of Thermite.” Tina explained. “...Who the hell thought that was a good idea!?” I asked incredulously. “To be fair, flying machines were still new and the concept of safety features was very much in Its infancy still. Shit weren't kids still able to work on factories and coal mines back then?” Micheal asked. “WHAT!?” “Well, it was actually because back in the Thirties there was a Helium restriction against the Nazi Germany.” Tina pointed out. “Zeppelins were actually used quite a bit before the Hindenburg did its massive fireball impression.” “Hm. Well either way. Come on let's catch up to Gallon before he gets too far.” Micheal said as he started to run after his husband. “Alright.” I nodded, flying off while Tina ran as well. We exited the walls through one of the gates and began to look around. There wasn't much around the walls themselves, which makes sense as there were so many high tech mounted guns all around here that anything that got too close was likely blasted into Hamburger meat. Which makes me wonder that the four Big Fucking Guns mounted/built into the massive walls themselves were built to shoot down… Eventually we walked far enough away to find some demons. [Imp Demons (Necrotic Bio Engineered) Rank: F HP: 250 MP: 100 ATT: 47 DEF: 25 Resistance: 10] With stats like that it's a Rank F? Yikes. “Jeez, an F rank with those stats?” I asked. “Though…Necrotic Bio Engineered is a tad worrying.” “Well yeah, in the 2016 Doom it's revealed the bodies of the people the demons kill are collected, brought to hell and pumped full of demonic hell energy until they mutate and form new demons.” Gallon said. “Huh, that’s interesting.” I said honestly. “Well either way, their blood tastes like shit…” Tina spat, a half torn imp Demon being tossed out her maw. “And what about the rest of it?” I inquired. “Does the meat taste fine?” “They taste alright… oddly, the blood tastes nasty, but the meat is fine.” Tina commented, spitting out a bit more of the imp blood. “Oh man look at the ammo drops!” Gallon said as he picked up- How the fuck is that a bullet?! “Oh, oh if I was to shoot this I'd break my whole arm.” He said with a grin. “Your love of firearms never ceases to scare me.” Micheal said as he eyed the bullet with a raised brow. “That’s not a bullet…” I said weakly. “The fuck is that?” “This Button is a fifteen millimeter ‘fuck you and everything in your general direction’ round. Smaller than the bullets the Bloody Blasters use but this is chambered in Rifle Rounds meaning this baby gets shot out of a gun that makes a fifty caliber look like a .22.” Gallon explained, still grinning. He then picked up a… okay that looks like a shotgun shell but… it can't be… “And this… oh this is a 6 gauge shotgun slug round. Say goodbye to your shoulders when shooting this monster.” “Now I'm scared.” Tina winced. “That is…not okay…” I said carefully. “If anyone finds the guns that shoot them keep them away from Gallon I'd like to keep him out of the hospital.” Micheal asked. “Noted.” Tina nodded. “On it.” I said, raising my hand and a jet of lava shot out and covered an Imp as it started to burn and scream to death. “Still weird they literally come from hell and they aren't fire or lava proof.” Gallon said as he picked up the loot.” “Well, these are weak demons so… maybe that's why?” Micheal offered.  “Maybe.” Gallon shrugged, taking out his Blood Blaster and shooting an imp’s torso in half. “Oh man! They even blow up like from the games!” “It's definitely a change of pace from the zombie slaughter back home.” “This is the change of pace I was looking for. Ten years of Zombie murder can get boring at times.” I admitted, cause ten years of just Zombies can be boring as shit, even with any of their strange mutations or mixing’s, variety is the spice of life after all. Tina nodded, taking another bite out of another Imp.  “So we gonna look for anything specific Gallon?” Micheal asked. “I figure we can just enjoy the fun and loot anything beat. Maybe one of these things will have better tasting blood huh Tina?” Tina nodded. “Be cool as hell to get a crucible though. Huh Button? That would so fit your berserker theme.” “Yes, it would be awesome to get one of those.” I stated simply. “And did you gain any nifty abilities from the Demon’s Tina?” I asked, wondering if any of the Demon’s she consumed gave her any stats or abilities. “Nothing much. See anything neat I didn't on my skill trees Micheal?” “Nothing new. Just EXP and such.” Micheal shrugged. “Tanks to Button’s loot multiplier stuff though we are getting a lot of neat med packs and ammo… and these shield energy things I think we need some kind of special armor or something to use.” Micheal said, holding one of the energy armor items in hand. It was like a green metallic plate or scale that looked almost like glass. “Yeah, most likely need the armor for the Shield Energy to work.” I shrugged.  “At least we can stock up on it then.” Gallon smirked. “Does anyone else smell Ram?” Tina asked. “Sure that's not just me?” Micheal asked. “No, you smell like Lamb, this smells like Ram and… electronic?” Tina said. I was confused at what Tina said. I sniffed the air, not smelling anything myself- “Hello.” Suddenly there was a small ram child in between us all. Gallon yelped and jumped into Micheal's arms and I did the same, giving a flap in surprise that Tina caught me before I could drop. The fuck did this kid come from?! “Uh…hi there…” I said carefully. “And who are you?” “My name is Mantis.” The ram child said. I got a good look at them now and… woah. His right arm was more like a dragon, ending in ice like claws, four sets of wings. Two feathered ones, and two dragon like ones. He even had two sets of horns. Two ram like ones that were small and starting out, and two jagged ice looking ones. “Uh, are you like, a Kid?” Gallon asked as Micheal put him down. “Physically, I'm seven, technically I'm fifteen. Most consider me my physical age.” Mantis said. Tina carefully put me down, leaning in towards Mantis and sniffing them. “Are you a Cyborg or an Android? Cause I'm smelling a lot of electronics in your body but you smell organic.” “I'm a Stalker. Technically.” Mantis answered. “Uh… you sure?” Micheal asked. “The Stalkers we saw back in the Y Labs facility on our world looked a lot… different.” “I changed due to unexpected variables.” “It’s magic, don’t gotta explain shit.” I said simply. “Mind if I ask some questions?” Mantis asked. Go right ahead.” Tina nodded. “What’s are your questions since you most likely heard our names.” “What’s your species?” Mantis asked, addressing Tina first. “You appear to be some form of canine, wyvern and cybernetic but your cybernetics appear almost natural and your genetic scan shows no artificial tampering or forced mutations.” “I am what’s known as a Zinogre, a Brute Wyvern that uses the power of Electricity to do powerful attacks.” Tina answered. “And the Cybernetics is due to an ability of mine that lets me interface with electronics.” Mantis seemed to humm a bit at that. After a moment I did see Tina's eyes widen before her expression became plane. “Hm, interesting. You might want to work on increasing your internal security.” Mantis and Tina said simultaneously. What the?! After a moment, Tina seemed to shake and I saw Mantis, whatever he did, end it. Mantis shook his head then turned to me. “You’re a Nokori. What species were you originally and what were you fused with?” He asked me. “I was an Equestrian Earth Pony that…turned into an Alicorn through certain means.” I answered. “And the fusion animal?” “A Volcano Phoenix.” I answered. “Just…just a chick, poor Mango…” I sighed bitterly, hating how I forgot my adorable birb for so long… “Understood.” Mantis said, making me blink a bit at the bluntness as he now turned to Micheal. You seem to have the weakest magic signature.” “Heh… yeah…” Micheal sighed.  “What is your power as a Nokori?” “I can blow out storm clouds. Small ones, like, the size of a basket ball.” “Understood. And you?” He asked Gallon. “Chaos and I boost other people’s magic. They need to eat like hair or spit or blood of mine for a temporary boost but a powerful one.” Gallon stated. “Understood.” “What other questions would you like to ask?” Tina inquired. “Should I be asking more questions?” Mantis asked her. He sounded genuinely confused. “Well, you had several questions and I doubt it was only about our races and powers.” Tina pointed out. “What else should I be asking then?” “Well, mind if I ask some questions?” Tina asked. “You can ask what you wish.” Mantis stated. “Well, what powers do you have?” Tina inquired. “None that are my own as a Nokori. I am capable of all the Stalker technological capabilities and any magic that I can do came from an… upgrade, I received giving me Regeneration and Perception Cloaking.” “Hmm, that’s fair.” Tina nodded. “Well…I don’t believe I was told what a Stalker is capable of, what are they able to do?” “Stalkers are classified into three main types that each are meant to serve a purpose. Mantis, which is what I was, are for Reconnaissance, target recognition and identification, and surveillance. Cage, which are sent after the identified targets for capture, re-containment and return of Nokori Subjects to Y Labs facilities. Then, Rinousurus, made to break through all physical defenses and tank heavy hitting physical attacks either from high caliber artillery fire or Nokori Magic.” “Well, that makes sense why you would have Perception Cloaking, makes it easier to do said Reconnaissance if people are looking for you.” Tina pointed out. “Hmm…where is the settlement of this area if I may ask? Cause we were told that there was a settlement here and…well there’s not much here.” Tina said, which was correct as ever since Heather moved everything into the Pocket Dimension it didn’t look like there was anyone here. “My Operator recently received the Title of Demon Lord from my mentor and was given access to a Pocket Dimension only she and those she allows to access. She does keep one physical portal hidden but I’m not at liability to say its location.” “Huh, that’s cool.” I said. “And yeah that’s fair, best to keep everyone safe and not let your front door’s location slip.” “If you’re a kid, should you even be out and around here?” Micheal asked. “I can take care of myself.” Mantis stated flatly. “Unless you're somehow really stupid powerful, I don’t think you should cause there’s… bad things out here…” I said, as I was rather familiar with all the stupid shit this world had to ‘offer’. “Would you like to test how strong I am to ease your worries?” “Well…a simple Scan should do the trick but if you want to demonstrate your strength that is also fine.” Tina admitted. “Alright.” Mantis said, walking some distance from Tina and the two stood roughly twenty feet from one another. Micheal, Gallon and I standing off to the side. “Ready?” Tina asked. “You can attack first if you wish.” “Alright.” Tina nodded, as I noticed her fur starting to stand up, electricity sparking from her fur as she dug her feet into the ground and lunged at Mantis with claw’s at the ready. Is she really gonna-  Mantis grabbed her hands at the wrists. The impact cracking he ground under him and pushing him in a little as the electricity sparked and danced over him to zero effect! He tanked that?! “You did turn my hack on me, did you not read my system data?” Mantis asked her. “I didn’t want to be rude.” Tina admitted. “Cause reading your system data without permission would be a moment of distrust…but I don’t need System Data to tell how strong you are.” She told Mantis, as a quick look showed a subtle, barely noticeable twinge. A twinge of Instinctual Fear. “You are…very strong…” Tina admitted. “So people tell me… Hm…” Mantis hummed. I did notice Tina’s skin around where Mantis was grabbing her… crack, she pulled away from him when that happened. “Right…” Tina muttered, as I noticed her eyes flashed Green…and her jaw dropped. “Hu-bu-fu-fucking WHAT!?!” Tina shouted incredulously. “What’s up?” Gallon asked. “That was quite the… shout.” Micheal added. “Uh…I didn’t think Stats could go that high…” Tina said carefully. “Guys…uh…use Scan on him…” “Uh…sure…” I said carefully as I used Scan on Mantis. … … “I…I didn’t know numbers could go that high…” [Mantis HP: 15,000,000,000 (5,000,000,000 Base) MP: 30,000,000,000 (10,000,000,000 Base) ATT: 15/Max+9 (5/Max+3 Base) DEF: 15/Max+9 (5/Max+3 Base) PR: 15/Max+9 (5/Max+3 Base) MR: 15/Max+9(5/Max+3 Base) ER: 15/Max+9 (5/Max+3 Base) Status R: 15/Max+9 (5/Max+3 Base) Poison R: 15/Max+9 (5/Max+3 Base) Fear R: 15/Max+12 (5/Max+4 Base) Bleed R: 15/Max+9 (5/Max+3 Base) Acid R: 15/Max+9 (5/Max+3 Base) Psychic R: 15/Max+9 (5/Max+3 Base) Disease R: 15/Max+9 (5/Max+3 Base) — Strength: 102/Max+9 (34/Max+3 Base) Agility: 240/Max+9 (80/Max+3 Base) Vitality: 150/Max+9 (50/Max+3 Base) Vigor: 120/Max+9 (40/Max+3 Base) Intelligence: 3,000/Max+9 (1,000/Max+3 Base) Endurance: 300/Max+9 (100/Max+3 Base) Dexterity: 210/Max+9 (70/Max+3 Base)] Just… FUCKING HOW?!?! “How?” Micheal asked with a dead fish look. “The stats were a gift from my mentor.” Mantis said. “And…who the hell’s your mentor?” I asked, not believing how one person could just…give someone this much fucking power… “Urus.”  “Know who that is?” I asked the other’s as I had no idea who that was. “I…don't know.” Tina admitted. “I got nothing.” Gallon said. “Me neither.” Micheal said. “Well, regardless what zone did you four come from? You mentioned Zombies.” Mantis asked. “We came from the Infection zone.” I answered. “Every Zombie Apocalypse rolled into one ranging from the undead, viruses and fungi.” “Alright. Enjoy your tourism I suppose.” Mantis said as he started walking back towards the settlement. … Wait what?! “That's it? Not going to show us around or inform your…’Operator’ we're here?” I asked in confusion. “Why would I?”  “...Never mind…” I sighed,. With that, Mantis left… as in just vanished in a blink and a gust of wind. “... Well that happened…” Micheal said. “Yup…” Gallon nodded. “Now I'm glad he didn't get mad when I used Transpite to turn his hack against him…” Tina said. “Wait, he hacked into you?” I asked in surprise and shock. “Yeah. Remember when I repeated what he said. He hacked me. I used Transpite to turn it on him and he cut it off then… really glad that didn't piss him off…”  “Yeah…really glad it didn’t piss him off…” I said worriedly. “So… now we know there is a… very overpowered child of sorts in this zone… well, that's uh… reassuring… I think?” Micheal asked. More to himself than anyone of us. “I…am now scared about what the mother is like…” I said nervously. “He said he was a Stalker formerly so… I don't think he has one… not in a normal sense.” Micheal said. “Either way, there's clearly strong people here. That's a good thing. Means getting strong is possible and that you can have your numbers say ‘fuck you’ to basically anything.” Gallon said. “That is very true.” I nodded. “So, how's about we distract ourselves with some demon murder?” “Sure…” Tina said. We began to walk off, I did notice Tina seemed… still rather shaken up about the whole ordeal. “You okay Tina?” I asked nervously. “Yeah. Just… still. My animalistic side feels like I just escaped the jaws of something I didn't realize was a predator greater than me until It was almost too late… primal instincts can be a bitch when they act up.” “Yeah…that tracks…” I sighed. “Which means there’s monsters and enemies that are that strong…” “Guess so.” Tina nodded. “Kind of makes you wonder though.” “Wonder about what specifically?” I inquired. “I mean, the why of it I guess.” Tina said. “Why can stats get that high, why can monsters have stats on par with that, why the sudden increases in dungeon levels and therefore danger? I mean ‘just because’ is kind of a lazy answer and well, aside from a power trip or to keep something safe or a challenge… why have all this power just be able to exist?” “I suppose a combination of some people who are this strong can understand what a challenge is after a long time, some people wanted new shit and the Family decided to humor them finally, or just like Dark Gray, whoever was in charge of the updates is a cock who enjoys messing with people.” I shrugged. “... I dunno.” She said, making me look up at her. “Just feels… weird, I guess.” “Eh.” I shrugged. “Just something we have to get used to…and besides, I’m pretty sure that Mantis got that strong before the Update happened…” “That's another thing… why the fuck wait so long to add something as simple as an EXP feature when it comes to creating a reality off of JRPG logic? That should have been a thing from the beginning but no, it's a recent addition? It just… it's bugging me.” “So either someone tried to get that all sorted out but they didn’t have the time, or they tried to do that but everyone kept telling them to let someone else do it.” I said, though for some reason, it felt like I was somehow validating someone’s complaints against another with that statement…which is weird. “Sadly not everything can be done immediately I suppose, even the best games needed a tune up here and there.” “... I dunno.” Tina sighed as she walked ahead a bit. [Tina is feeling conflicted on why she wants to become stronger.] The Estate Title notified me. “Have you ever wanted to be stronger?” I asked. “...Yes…I…needed to be stronger because of some shit back home…but…I suppose that bit stopped when I got to be happy with a new family…” Tina sighed. “How strong did you want to be?” “... Strong enough to protect my pups. I… tried. Did for a while but… in being with them and growing my family I let… so many die… and now, here I am… no idea where my pups or lovers from my Equis are and… just… lost I guess. That's something we share. We want to keep our families safe but that keeps us from them, and when we are with them, something might happen… and now… I'm not even sure I should be trying. As you saw with Mantis I'm nowhere near an apex predator here.” “I understand what you mean…” I sighed. “And we either have to choose to give up what we hold near and dear to us, or have all our choices taken away until we’re forced to do something others want…” I sighed bitterly. “Either we make a choice we don’t like because we have to, or everyone else just takes the choices away from us and we can’t do anything about it…” “Maybe that's what makes Armageddon so dangerous. Not the Chaos Guilds or the endless threats… the fact it takes away your free will to choose, and leaves us with nothing but bad options…” “Tiara told me we have free will to choose, Dark Gray tells me we have free will to choose, the fucking planet itself tells me we have free will to choose, and currently I have yet to see or experience said fucking free will to choose that didn’t lead to something bad.” I frowned. “Even doing this, which should be a good thing for us, has the chance of yet another attack on the city cause fuck us…” Tina and I shared a long sigh. “Maybe I should pick up smoking like Gallon?” Tina said aloud. Never smoked before… eh. After the babies I'll give it a try. 7 Months Later “Get back here you little-” “They're heading for the planet room!” Jada called. “Crap they get in there it could take days to find them… again!” Cheat huffed. Our two headed month old and their siblings were evil incarnate. Sleep, optional. Food, vomited. Diapers… well they did poop lava rocks once… not sure how… I heard a Boom from the planet room door only to now see a large hand block the door, stopping the flying gang of babies dead in their tracks as Cheat and I were able to grab them all again. “Thank you.” I groaned in bliss as I looked at our kids. “No.” I said to the group of evil children. They all blew me a raspberry in defiance at my ‘no’. “Welcome to what we went through.” Cream chuckled as she popped a fresh binky into all the little ones' mouths. They immediately began to suckle before looking relaxed and sleepy now. “Diaper duty was the worst.” Maud added with a chuckle. “But the lava rock poop was a new one, so you get that.” “I don’t like this…” I groaned. “Like…I love em all to death but…come on…” “Each one has their quirks. Jada used to sneak out of her crib and stare at the TV for hours at night. Patrick sleep ran, often breaking his crib or running over his siblings and waking them up. That was fun…” Cream sighed but chuckled. “And these little monsters are run away artists. or, Fly Away artists.”  I saw the giant hand blocking the door way to the planet room move, followed by a familiar hiss as I then saw Micheal walk out from the room. “Good you caught them. Was not looking forward to tracking them down again in there.” He sighed. “Thanks Micheal.” I nodded. “If it wasn’t for you blocking the door we would have had to hunt them down.” “Happy to help. No offense but your newborns are… little monsters… and not just those six…” I sighed. My Breeder girls also gave birth and I'm trying to spend time with all my babies too… so… many… babies… “We should consider getting a nanny… or like, fifty?” Maud asked. “If there’s even any nannies that can handle these little hellion’s.” I sighed. “... No idea.” Cream sighed. “At least with your Breeders actually here the work is less… still a lot though.” “Speaking of, how's Tina been?” Micheal asked. “Still sticking to the nursery helping feed, change and putting the babies to sleep.” Cheat sighed. “Says she needs the time.” “That scare with that Mantis kid really got to her huh?” “Yes, cause it shows that she’s not the strongest, that there are people that can be as strong if not stronger than even that, this world makes no sense, and we have absolutely no choice to do anything other than what others want from us.” I explained simply. “So, you know, just normal thing’s.” “So in other words, she's having an existential crisis?” Cheat asked. “Most likely one of many.” I said simply. “Cause reality’s not fair, this planet is less fair, and we’re all here just for someone’s amusement as life becomes how he wants it.” “She's not the only one it seems.” Cheat said, giving me a flat look. “You wound me Cheat, wound me if you think this crisis is a new one.” I said in mock betrayal. “If it is then at least it would be something new you're focusing on…” She said with an eye roll. “Yeah yeah.” I rolled my eyes. “Just a lot of things to think about.” “Well either way you've still got a busy schedule.” Cream said. “Your dad, Echo and Rom are visiting for dinner later, then tomorrow you invited Ginger over for another date with the family, and then you'll be at Barbs for a few days to check on her and your egg.” Still can't believe she laid an egg after our first time… heh… then again we uh… were not safe… “Yeah, got a lot of things to do and worry about.” I said simply. “A super volcano Phoenix Alicorn symbiote Nokori and a dragon… that kid is gonna either become a god or remain true to their parents and remain a nerd. A super nerd.” Cheat said. “The kid can be both.” I said simply. “The God of Nerds.” Micheal said. That got a laugh out of me. “Okay, that was a good one.” I chuckled. “Well either way, let's get these little monsters to bed before the guests arrive.” Cheat said. “Yeah, let’s hope they stay asleep while the guests arrive.” I said carefully as I headed off towards the nursery to put them to bed. I collected the others from Cheat and then went inside. Here I found Tina, in her feral form laying in the middle of the heavily padded floor with most of the other infants. Some hers. Some from others. Those not sleeping against or nursing from her were in play pens or asleep in cribs. “Hey Button.” She said in a hushed tone. “Hey Tina.” I whispered back. “How you doing?” “I'm feeling better.” She said. “Less tense at least.” “That’s good to hear.” I nodded. “We’re getting ready for the guests if you want.” “Maybe. Though, not sure they'll let me.” She said, motioning to the various infants sleeping on her. “I have become mattress mom.” She chuckled. “And you are an amazing mattress mom.” I chuckled warmly. “Heh. Thanks… I still think about them… all the time.” Tina sighed. “We’ll find them.” I promised. “If we found your brother’s harem, we can find yours as well.” “... I just worry… my kids… if Chaos Guilds got a hold of them… or Tony…” She said, laying her head down. “The more I try and not think about it the more it just forces itself to the front of my mind… caring for the babies in the nursery, even if they're just nursing off me and sleeping, it helps keep those fears at bay. Not exactly therapy… Christ Lovely has been on me to get back to my therapist…” “Isn’t she your therapist?” I whispered. “No.” “Right…well, you probably should see your therapist…I should probably see a therapist…but who knows…” “I think if you see a therapist you might just break them.” She chuckled lightly. “Nah, too easy.” I shrugged. “Pfft. I'll watch your little monster spawns. You go get ready for dinner With your dad, Echo Dash and Rom Hack. “Alright, thank you.” I nodded, leaning down and giving her a quick peck on the forehead and heading off to dinner. The peace the last seven months has all in all been… relaxing. Even with all my stress and worries… I've made a lot of new, happy memories.  Before I went back I was heading to the bathroom to wash up where I saw Yuri at a desk we set up for him working with Code again. “Hey Yuri, how goes it?” I asked. “Bad.” He sighed. “How bad?” I inquired. “I managed to decipher part of the Breeder Coding. It's about as bad as you'd expect and… then a little worse.” He sighed again. “How bad and worse is it?” I asked worriedly. “Well, as I knew already it's a reworked Slaver Programming created back way before the Family, ancient Code work. Archaic too. No Key Sypher and bonded to a self destruct script that if the code is forcefully removed everything about the person becomes deleted. Code, profile, cells, atoms. They basically stop existing.” “Oh that’s some bullshit.” I frowned. “Whoever made this really wanted their slaves…” “Yeah. Which brings me to my current dilemma. How to get rid of it without dying or something worse than that.” “And what’s worse than ceasing to exist?” I inquired. “Triggering a Reset and it erases all but the bare minimum. Left like a freshly programmed Breeder, Slave or Serf. Agh, this bites. I can't even use their Genetic memory to pull out a backup or something because that's reset too… this leaves me with two potential solutions but I won't know if even those are applicable until I decipher the rest…” “Well, what are the two solutions if I may ask? Since you at least have a base to work with.” “One is that I create what is called a Backup, an exact copy of them down to their soul containing all their data, down to the biological minus the Breeder Programming, let the programming destroy the original and rebuild them from the Backup. The second is that I try what's referred to as an Admin Game but for them.” “An Admin Game you say?” I inquired. “Never heard of that before.” “It's… an old game of sorts from way back when Admins ruled like gods in the old reality. They'd repress their powers, their memories, everything and put themselves in a mortal body and live amongst them as them never knowing what they really are. The only thing is I have no idea if that would even work with Breeder Programming on the person… not to mention…” “Not to mention?” “Well, even if it did work, the person would effectively be reincarnated. The person they used to be a past life, no real access to those memories, maybe a faint trace of deja Vu and even then, they won't be the, well, they'd be a person now, potentially but they wouldn't remember, well, you or anyone, not even their own kids it's an option but not the solution you want… I… now wait a minute…” He hummed. “Oh? What sorta cogs did I get to moving with just listening to you explain and mildly complain about things?” I inquired. “Well I don't know if it will fully work but I'll let you know what it is once I decipher the rest of the Breeder Programming and if it works… we might be able to straight up bypass it.” “That sounds awesome.” I said with a smile. “Thanks Yuri, even if you still have a lot of work ahead, you’re the best.” “Well it's more progress than not at least.” He shrugged. “If this does work though… we can do a lot of damage to Lust and Nexus.” He said with a grin as he got back to work. I smiled as I headed into the bathroom finally, some good news! I washed up and was heading to the kitchen when I heard a knock at the door.  That them already? A bit early. I walked over to the door and opened it. “Hello?” I didn't see anyone at first… until I looked down… I saw a very familiar brown furred Earth Pony Colt with a very light, almost orange shade of mane. His amber eyes looked into mine as he gave me a wave with his hoof and smiled at me, the propeller hat spinning lazily atop his head. “Hi Button!” I blinked. “Uh…hi Armageddon.” I said, loud enough for whoever else was near me…and the sudden thud I heard meant someone was near. “Wh-what are you doing here?” “I wanted to say hi. It's been a while.” He said as he walked into the house passed me. “And I've never been in a house before…” He said as he looked around. “Looks neat!” “Y-yeah, this is my place, and it is neat.” I said carefully, closing the door behind me. “W-well, Dinners almost ready if you want to stick around for some food.” “Oh! Never had food before… actually, how do you even eat?” … Uh… “Um…” I said slowly. “I…we're gonna show you when food is done…” I said, trying to think of how this was happening and how it'll all go… I… eventually just sat with them on the couch. “You seem tense.” Armageddon said. “I'm just…surprised you're visiting.” I said. “Not everyday the World Soul just…manifests a body and decides to visit you physically.” I said sheepishly. “Well, I didn't Manifest really. Dad said ‘Get up shit’s finally happening’ then gave me a key and said not to lose it, then threw me into this body, forty miles east of here.” Armageddon said simply. I blinked. “Uh…I don't like the fact Dark Gray said that…” I said nervously. “And…what's happening now?” “I dunno. I just got here.” He shrugged. “Shit…” I thought worriedly. “Okay…well it's still good to have you hear Armageddon….or do you want to go by a different name?” “Either or.” He shrugged.  “Alright… well, what about this Key?” “Oh that? I don't have it.” … “...Where is it?” I asked. “Dunno. I dropped it looking at a cloud… and then a zombie with a backpack ran by and took it.” Fuck! Pack Rats! Fucking thieves but when you get them their loot is full of goodies… “Well…shit…” I said carefully. “Gonna have to hunt down that key…what did this key look like?” I asked. “It was gold. With a… a silver grip and the grip looked like a fancy looking gate… and the gate had seven locks on it.” Armageddon said cheerfully. “Right…so I'm going to have to hunt that thing down…” I sighed. “Crap…” “Sorry.” “It's alright.” I said, lightly patting his head. “This is your first time having a body so…you're experiencing a lot of things.” Yeesh… just when I was at least relaxed adjacent…. > Chapter 28: Grander Plan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “So this kid is… the whole planet?” Gallon asked, giving a boop to Armageddon’s muzzle.  The foal chuckled at that. “Why does he look like you?” Micheal asked. “They chose to.” I said. “Kinda thought it was to be more like…’see what you're used to’ kinda deal but I’m not sure.” I admitted. “Well why is he here?” “Because his father, Dark Gray, said that ‘shit’s going down’ and…he gave Armageddon a body, plopped him down a few miles away with a very important key…that a random Pack Rat stole from him.” I said. “So we need to find that Key and figure out what it’s for.” Tina said. “Precisely.” I nodded. “Well should we bring the kid along then?” Micheal asked. “I can help.” Armageddon said. “I know secrets.” “What kind of secrets?” I inquired. “All kinds. Got a map?” He asked. Micheal walked over to him, a printed out map of some of the area around the walls. Armageddon pulled a crayon from his assistant and circled a building on the map. “This place has a secret.” “What kind of secret? We’ve been there, it’s an electronics store.” Micheal said. “A secret room that always fills with fun stuff.”  “Wait…you're talking about those Secret Rooms in games that tend to have some rare stuff if you know where to look?” I asked in surprise. “I guess.” He shrugged. “How do you know this?” Tina asked. “I know where everything is.” “That… makes sense…” Micheal hummed. “If Armageddon is the soul of this planet, it makes sense he’d know where everything on his ‘body’ is.” “Yep.” I nodded. “So, how’s about we go and do some Secret Room hunting?” “Well, guess we can take every advantage we can.” Micheal said. “Well this will be interesting.” Gallon said, picking up Armageddon in his arms. “I mean, we were also going to have to find the Key that was snatched, but also doing some adventuring will do us some good.” I nodded, getting up and stretching a bit. “Alright, time to head off.” We headed out and towards the Electronics Store on the map. It was looted, being this close to the walls how could it not be? “So, where’s the secret?” Gallon asked, still holding Armageddon in their arms. “You gotta shoot lightning at the camera right there.” The foal said, pointing to the small camera mounted on the right corner of the ceiling. “That’s…a weirdly specific thing.” I admitted as Tina raised a hand and shot lightning at the specific camera Armageddon said to shoot. It sparked and crackle and then the wall in front of us dropped down, revealing a long stairway down. … What the? “Well, that’s unexpected.” Micheal said with a blink. “Uh…yeah, this is rather unexpected.” I said honestly, carefully moving towards the long stairway to see what was at the bottom. We walked down, arriving at the bottom and through a door we were met with what looked to be a Bunker. It was Fully Stocked. Weapons. Ammo. Armor. Food. Medicine… there was just so much here… “How many secret rooms like this are there?” Gallon asked. “Lots. Most are well hidden like this one. Some are guarded.” Armageddon answered. “This is more than I’ve ever found at once while on Runs…” I muttered. “This is nuts.” Tina said. “Yeah…this…this is insane.” I said as I walked in. “Uh…and does this respawn with this much stuff?” “Yeah, but only once a year.” Armageddon said. “Unless you have an Anniversary Clock.” “... A what?” Micheal asked. “An Anniversary Clock. It’s an item that force resets a zone before the normal year mark of respawns. Dungeon monsters, loot and Secret Rooms like this all get affected by it and even normal loot pops back in as if it was day one of it spawning in.” “Huh…that’s a really cool and possibly stupidly rare item.” I said honestly. “I know where one is. Your Loot Multiplier Ability applies to them when you get them as loot.” … WE CAN SPAM THE SHIT OUT OF THIS!!! “Oh…” I said, as I started to grin. “Oh ho ho no~.” I laughed at that. “And thus, Button Mash has entered his Villain phase.” Micheal said with a small chuckle. “So, unless there’s somehow a cooldown on the Anniversary Clock, we can just…spam the thing a lot with the multiplier I have.” “One can be used per zone a month.” Armageddon said. “Wait… per… zone?” Tina asked. “Yeah. It affects the whole zone.” “Oh…oh this is going to be amazing.” I laughed. “We’re going to get all the loot!” “Yup. Button has entered his Villain Phase. Capitalism.” Gallon said with a laugh. “I’m sorry, but just hearing that we can abuse a lot of loot spawn’s is great, sure it’s once per month but with my item multiplier…boy howdy is there just going to be so much.” “So, where is this Anniversary Clock?” Micheal asked. “One can be won by beating the Special Boss, Decayed Gaia.” Armageddon said. “Right…that’s going to be a dangerous thing…” I said carefully. “And… where is Decayed Gaia?” Tina asked. “Two Lightyears west in a place called The Rotting Womb.” Armageddon said. “Gross…” Gallon said. “Yeah…that’s uh…that’s rather gross.” I said carefully. “So, better question is, how strong is it?” “I dunno. Monsters aren't my specialty. Dad usually tended to that stuff, but I have something that can help.” Armageddon said, this time he pulled a book out of his Assistant. Micheal walked over and took it. “... There’s no name or anything on it.” He said. “Ask for information on Decayed Gaia.” He said. “Alright? Tell me about Decayed Gaia.” Micheal said. The book then opened and the page depicted the image of an absolutely massive female infected covered in rotting flesh and vegetation, ichor and ash falling from her mouth and eyes. “Yeah…that’s really gross.” I said carefully. “Well, let’s grab everything here and then get back home and… plan.” Micheal said. I nodded, grabbing a box of Shotgun Ammo- Wait… POOF! “I always forget your Ability does that…” Micheal huffed, just as buried in ammo as I was, at least until my auto pick up ability kicked in and put most of it in my inventory. “Sucks there’s a delay on the pick up…” Tina said. “I’m okay…” I grumbled. “Ick…hate it when that happens.” I said, getting up and rolling my shoulders. “Well, once we grab everything here we should look for that key and the Pack Rat that stole it.” Micheal said as he was putting items into his Assistant as well. “If we’re lucky it might lead us to its nest. Don’t those have much more of their loot hoarded into one area?” Gallon asked. “Yes they do.” I nodded. “While I sadly never found one, the loot there would be amazing.” “You don’t happen to know where those are, do you?” Gallon asked Armageddon. “No. It’s made by those Monsters, so I don’t know where it is.” Armageddon said. “Right…so best we can do is find one and follow it back to its nest.” I said honestly. “Let’s hope it’s the right one.” Tina sighed. “If not, more loot.” I shrugged. “You’ve gone fully Loot Goblin Mode haven’t you?” Micheal asked me. “No, I hunt and kill Loot Goblins.” I joked. “Greedy bastards also have a chance to take me to a version of a Greed Realm…that I sadly never experienced.” “Oh yeah, Diablo 3 enemies.” Tina admitted. “Well regardless let’s just hope it doesn’t take us too long to find this key.” Gallon said.  Packing the supplies took a while, there was just so much. When it was done though we headed towards where Armageddon said the key was stolen. We stood in the middle of the road. There wasn’t much around, just buildings and such. “It was right here.” Armageddon said, pointing at the ground from where he was, still being carried by Gallon. “Alright.” Tina nodded as she started to sniff the air, as I've learned that Den Mother's has super sniffers and could smell a lot of different stuff. “What's the super sniffer say?” I inquired. “I’m smelling a lot of blood and infected for one.” She said simply, still sniffing around the ground. “Ugh, the infected smell is so heavily caked. It’s hard to make out anything else specific.” “Is there anything specific you can get from the scents?” I inquired, as I know it's hard but knowing she is really good at smells. “I’m literally using my new Cyborg abilities to try and help differentiate the smells and I’m not having any luck.” She sighed. “Unfortunately the Pack Rat Infected doesn’t have a distinct scent and whatever that Key is made of either has a faint or no smell to it.” “Ick…” I groaned. “Right…so best we can do is move around and hopefully catch the scent of something else it had on it, cause Pack Rats tends to be carrying a lot of shit.” “Did you use Simulation?” Armageddon asked. “Simulation?” I asked. “She is bio-mechanical. She can get an ability called Simulation that can let her figure out where the thing might have gone based on stuff she knows about the monster.” Armageddon said. “Huh… that would be useful.” Micheal said, already pulling up his Custody menu to find the Ability for Tina. “Well, that’s definitely going to help out a lot.” I nodded. “... Hey Armageddon… how would one go about way, reaching the /Max+ overflow on their stats?” Tina asked. “A few ways. You have Consume, which gains you abilities from enemies you eat. But Voracity is its Sister Ability.” The foal said. “It adds the stats of those you eat and adds them to your own and when your victim respawns their stats are reset to their defaults. But it has a special power that if you devour the soul of the person, permanently killing them, it doubles the stats you get from them.” … Well that’s Nightmare Fuel… “Uh…huh…” Tina said carefully. “That's…extremely concerning.” “Yeah…that's…a nightmare ability…” I added. “It’s the fastest way to power up, but it also works on spawned monsters.” Armageddon said. “How do you know that?” Gallon asked the foal in his arms. “I have it.” “... You… have it?” “Dad gave it to me. With all the other Dark Skill Tree Abilities and Titles.” “...Voracity is a Dark Skill…” I said worriedly. “Why did he give you all those horrible Titles and Abilities?” Tina asked. Armageddon shrugged. “He said it’s what I was born for.” “...And I'm the one getting scolded about ‘free will.” I rolled my eyes. “So…what are some of the more…dangerous things the Dark Skill Trees can do?” “I don’t wanna talk about it…” Armageddon said, looking a bit uncomfortable. “Well…best I can say is to warn us if we're on that specific track alright?” I asked. “You don't have to talk about it, just…help us not go down those dark paths.” “Okay.” The kid said. Gallon ruffled their mane a bit to comfort them. I sighed, looking back to Tina. “Got anything?” “Simulation is helping so far but I need time.” Tina said.  “Take your time.” I said with a raised hand. “We've got plenty of time to also look around for anything else.” Tinq walked around the area, sniffing at the ground and air on and off and seemed to pace around. Micheal took out the infected that got closer to us. I helped when there were hoards. Magma is useful like that. Even with my power ups, I still didn’t like being out here when it’s dark, and the sun was starting to get low. “Think we're all ready for night time out here?” I asked, cause while we are all insanely strong...I'm still nervous about it. “The biggest issue would be the Volatiles. Even the Guards that do work outside at night are scared of them. Add that the normal infected are faster and more aggressive in the dark…” Gallon sighed. “I have an idea that might help if need be.” Micheal spoke up. “What’s the plan Micheal?” I inquired. “Well, My founding Titan form had upgrades I was able to get… You know them as like, Beast Titan, Colossus Titan, all that. Well, once I unlocked them all I also unlocked the ability to not only pass on those specific powers to others I’ve given Titan Shifting to, I can combine them. Create new Titan types from the ones people I give Shifting Powers to and the ones I unlocked and so forth.” “Well that’s kinda busted when you take into account what we can do.” I admitted. “Yeah but there’s one Titan Power now that I’ve seen the Anime and read some of the Manga… Attack Titan… kind of works.” “Oh boy, that convoluted sack of crap…” I said carefully. “Got to the part where the Attack Titan apparently time travels?” “Well, it works kind of like that but also doesn’t.” Micheal said. “I found out that Time Travel isn’t really a thing in this Reality, but I can still sort of do something like that, and that’s I can see past experiences of people who I’ve given Titan Powers to. It’s actually rather… immersive, to a degree.” “How so?” Tina asked. “Well, I can smell, taste and hear everything they did. What if I gave Armageddon Titan Shifting and though that, brought Tina with me to get the sensory Data she needs to find that Pack Rat and Key.” “Would that work? Armageddon isn’t a normal uh… kid.” Gallon asked. “Yeah…either it could be just the time Armageddon got their body, but it could also act like you getting the collective knowledge of one of the oldest planets to exist.” I pointed out. “I can control how far back I look, so I won’t be looking back very far anyway.” Micheal said. “Would you be okay with this kid?” “Sure, if it works.” Armageddon said with a nod. Micheal walked over to the kid, putting a hand to their forehead. “Alright, it took so far… I guess just… change and we go from there.” Micheal said. “Okay.” Armageddon said, hopping out of Gallon's arms and walking a bit away. “... This could either be very cool or very bad.” Tina hummed. “If it’s very bad that I’m pretty sure we might get some divine intervention.” I admitted, as I took a step back as I was worried about how bad this was going to be. Armageddon seemed to take a breath, then bit down on their own tongue. The light form the transformation blinded me for a moment and when it faded and i could see, standing before us was… uh… “Hi.” Armageddon waved. “Huh… it’s literally just… a larger version of himself.” Micheal said. “Says he’s the… Armageddon Titan… fitting.” “Was I the only one expecting an eldritch abomination?” Gallon asked. “I…kinda thought that he would have melded with the planet and…basically turned into Unicron or something.” I admitted. “Does he have any… special powers?” Tina asked. “Uh… It just says ‘The Heart of Armageddon. Innocent in its purpose’.” Micheal read off. “Well… that’s creepy.” Gallon said. “Well…I suppose that’s why they're just a child…innocent even after…all this.” “Alright, well, come on Tina.” Micheal said, grabbing her by the wrist then walking over to Armageddon, putting a hand on his leg and they all closed their eyes suddenly. “... So, think it will take long?” Gallon asked me. “Probably not all things considered.” I said honestly. “Maybe. So… How’s all the baby work been?” “I adore and love them to death but…can they not act like egregious little gremlin’s for five seconds?” I groaned. “Heh, I’m sure they’ll grow out of it. I think that’s maybe just the Phoenix in them. I remember a legend back in the day, a man climbed a mountain, only to become trapped because it was actually a volcano and erupted while he was on it. Was stuck in a cave for some days. Then, one day, the rocks began to glow red and melt. A Phoenix burrowed its way towards him. Born from that eruption and just seemed to be exploring. The Phoenix is an ever curious bird, or so the story goes.” “Would be great if that curiosity didn’t also mean them never giving me sleep or rampaging and burning whatever they please.” “So they take after you then?” I sighed… they do… “I mean…while they do, I’m not a pyromaniac.” I huffed. “I don’t just look at just anything and go ‘hmm, this thing needs more fire burning it to ash’.” I frowned. “They’re young and they have super powers. Be honest, every kid would do the same. Heck, I know I would have.” “Eh…mildly true but still.” I huffed. “Lost too many nights of sleep because of that…” “Heh. Well, Tulip has been doing well. Classes are going well, hasn’t made any friends though but she does have her first ballet class soon. She’s super excited for it.” Gallon said. “That’s good to hear.” I nodded. “She’s been real sweet. Back home Micheal and I doubted we’d ever get to raise a kid, between being busy and all the ones from the Lab were growing up, few were even kids. Youngest was fourteen so… just figured it would be us and us alone.” “I understand.” I sighed. “I was…always concerned about being a parent, especially when I was forced here…but thankfully it worked out.” “Yeah… Would it be weird if I decided to say… adopt Armageddon?” Gallon asked. I blinked at him. “Well…that’s surprising.” I said honestly. “But…I suppose that’s for the best given he likes you more.” “I know a thing or two about having a shit dad and from what you said about Dark Gray… I just want him to know what having a loving father is like.” Right. His parents were insane… I can get that. Guess you can’t do worse than people like them and Dark Gray as far as parents are concerned. “As long as you treat them well that’s all I can ask for.” I said honestly. “That’s the plan.” Gallon nodded. “Guess in that regard I can understand Silver. Heh, still a crazy fox, but she knew what she was doing.” “That’s good to know, but you haven’t really talked about Silver all that much.” I brought up. “How much did Silver know?” “About?” “Well, I suppose kids.” I said honestly. “Heh. She seemed to know a little of everything. She grew up basically raising her little sister, and like me, had super religious, super insane, super conservative parents that did not take kindly to her being bi and being Poly. She wanted a big family, and to care for kids who’s own family’s basically torture or throw them away for being ‘diffrent’ or ‘not normal’. She was a woman with a pure heart. Basically took in all the Orphans Y Labs turned into Nokori, made an orphanage she ran and managed to care for them.” “That’s good to know.” I nodded. “Sounds like a really good person even if you say she’s…worryingly crazy.” I said. “Heh, well caring for almost a hundred kids alone after being told the world outside is full of corpses… guess it was less crazy and more that she had her priorities in order.” Gallon chuckled. “The most important of priorities.” I nodded. “Yeah. You know, despite everything, I’m not upset about being on this world.” Gallon said. “Well, you at least have some good experiences with this planet besides…the Majority.” I said carefully.  “Well, the alternative would have been eternal imprisonment in stone with Micheal and I next to one another but unaware and unthinking in what was as close to death without being dead so…” “That is also true.” I sighed. “But…I just wish I could show you the Outside…all of you the Outside.” I sighed. “I know. But that’s not your obligation Button. Maybe one day we will see the ‘Outside’ worlds and such but… for now, as long as I have Micheal, and Tulip… and Armageddon even… I think I’ll be alright and happy. You know what they say, if you can’t go to heaven then bring heaven to you, right?” … Heh. Bring Heaven to us? That… sounds nice. “If only I could…” I sighed. “But you have a point there.” “Alright, got it!” Tina said, grabbing Gallon, Micheal and I. Once Armageddon de-transformed she grabbed them too and bolted. “How far is it?” I inquired. “Not far. It’s only a few miles from here in the top floor of an old office building. It’s nest is there and given it’s still daylight out it’s likely still there too.” I nodded, readying myself so I could take that Pack Rat out. “Time to do some monster murder and take all it’s loot.” I said with a smile. We arrived at the place quick. A Pack Rat tossing around all the stuff. Before it could run, I blasted it with a small shot of magma through it’s head. “That was surprisingly accurate.” Micheal said as Tina put us down. “Button’s hand is a Gun, just like from Infamous.” Gallon chuckled. I lightly blew some smoke from my fingers like in those old westerns. “Got really good with my aim.” “Before or after burning down a small forest in the Planet Room?” Tina asked with a chuckle as we started looking around. Most of what was here was medicine, weapons, ammo. Even some armor and then all kinds of random stuff. We searched for a while until, “Found it!” Armageddon called up. We looked and all saw the foal had the key in his teeth. Just as he described it. It was rather decorative. “Huh, that is a neat looking key.” I said honestly. “So, what’s the key even for?” “Dunno. Dad said just to give it to you when I got to you.” He said, walking over and placing it in my hands. Hmm… I decided to Scan it. [Scan Complete! Key Quest Item! Key To Afterlife (1/7) Notice! You have gained the Quest, In Search of Heaven. Quest Requirements: Find the seven keys to the door to the Afterlife. (1/7) Locate The Final Dungeon. (See Details for minimum stat requirements for this quest and dungeon.) Clear The Final Dungeon] “Th-the…Final Dungeon!?” I asked in surprise. “The what?” Gallon asked. “...The Empty…” I said in fear. “Oh no…oh I don’t like that.” I said nervously. “Gonna give us some context here my guy?” Tina asked. “So…The Empty is a blank spot on Armageddon, and when I say ‘blank spot’ I mean unless you are physically staring at it, any other form of tracking the thing is basically a missing piece of Reality.” I said. “I…was told years ago that that place only had three people enter it…and only one person came back out and they went Mad shortly after.” “Uh…huh…” Tina said. “And…how strong do we have to be to even attempt that?” “Uh…not sure.” I said, looking at what Stats we needed to even attempt said adventure. [In Search of Heaven Stat Requirements: HP: 999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999   MP: 999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999   ATT: 999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999   DEF: 999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999   PR: 999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999   MR: 999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999   ER: 999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999   Status R: 999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999   Poison R: 999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999   Fear R: 999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999   Bleed R: 999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999   Acid R: 999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999   Psychic R:999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999   Disease R: 999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999   —   Strength: 999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999   Agility: 999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999   Vitality: 999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999   Vigor: 999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999   Intelligence: 999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999   Endurance: 999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999   Dexterity:999,999,999,999/Max+/Max+999,999] THUD! “Uh… Button… you good?” Micheal asked. “That was a pure unresponsive face plant to the ground.” Gallon said. “H-h-how the fuck do those numbers exist!?!” I shouted in shock and horror. “It can’t be that bad…” Tina said, as I shared the stats needed with my party right now. “...Hey Armageddon…what…I forgot…what number do you need for /Max+ stats?” Tina asked, her tone shaky and scared. “Over Ninehundred and ninety nine Centillion.” The foal answered. “...Ah…yes…” Tina said, taking a deep breath as I saw her slowly nod along like what the foal just said was okay. “That’s…that’s a number.” Tina said, as I saw sparks coming out of her as I’m pretty sure she was having a mechanical fit trying to think of the stupidly high numbers needed. “So in other words, you have to be very strong. Got it.” Gallon said. “Well we got the key, Micheal can you make a Frontier Portal for us to head home?” “On it.” Micheal said as he opened his Menus. “Okay…so we need…an impossible number.” I said carefully, getting up carefully from that reaction. “Oh dear…” “Come on, let’s get you a drink and some food before you go catatonic now.” Gallon said, already gently leading me through the portal. “Yeah…some food and a drink will help a lot.” I nodded carefully. “Jeez…this quest is never going to happen…” I said, trying to think of how the hell we’re supposed to get that strong. The next few days I calmed down from that… shock and just kept the key in my inventory. How the heck can you even get that strong? Is that even possible? I sighed, sitting on the couch and sipping some tea now that I have a moment’s peace. “I’m bad at math but…just to get to one Max+, I would need like…thirty five zeroes worth of Skill Points just for one stat…” I thought to myself carefully. “If not fucking more…ick…” I took a long deep sigh and laid back. Maybe Tiara was right… shit like this is… just insane…  I sipped my tea again before turning the TV on. Hopefully I can watch something interesting. “You look sad.” I looked down, seeing Armageddon sitting on the floor below and to the side of me. “A bit…sad about one of my girlfriends still roaming around doing Mother knows what and…now this new Quest with an impossible stat requirement…” “Dad said stuff is only impossible if you give up on working towards it.” I chuckled. Hard to imagine Dark Gray saying that. “Well, unless there’s a way to get to those stats that won’t result in the heat death of this reality I’m all ears.” I joked. “Dad’s gonna be hosting a… uh… a fight thing.” Armageddon said. I blinked and looked right at him. “A…tournament?” I asked curiously. “Yeah that! Him and a lot of the others are gonna be having one of those once a year in… uh… not sure when but it’s gonna be announced soonish.” “Right…” I muttered. “So, that’ll be a thing I’m going to have to be prepared for…doubt I’ll win these tournaments given it’ll probably be open for everyone and…yeah.” “Not sure. I remember dad was saying there’d be two kinds. Open to the Public and Invite Only.” “Huh, cool.” I nodded. “Let’s hope it’ll be good and not go horribly wrong.” He shrugged, then flopped down to his belly and laid on the floor flat. I chuckled at that, remembering how I used to do that back home. “Cute.” I spent a good while watching TV when I suddenly felt a… odd sensation flow over me. It was like something I had sensed before and… “... Button why are you uh… bowing in a random direction?” Gallon asked, walking back into the house with Tulip who was in her ballet uniform still. “Ugh…not again…” I groaned. “But…I sensed a Sun Phoenix appearing near here.” I said carefully as I got up from that silly display. “Huh… well that's odd.” “Why odd?” I inquired. “The bowing or the fact that a Sun Phoenix just popped up?” “Both I guess.” Gallon shrugged. “Yeah…so it’s weird that they just popped up here, cause I know they were around the planet but…to be here is weird.” I said carefully. “And I learned that Phoenix’s have some weird royalty system or some crap like that…it’s weird.’ “Well, guess Sun would beat Volcano.” Gallon shrugged. “So… any plans?” “Eh, not really.” I shrugged. “Now just kinda waiting for Dark Gray to start talking about some Tournament he wants to create.” “Tournament?” “Yeah, Armageddon here mentioned that DG wanted to make a Tournament to make the stats for our stupid quest easier.” “I have become one with the carpet.” The flopped over child said. “And then there’s that.” I chuckled at the silly thing they said. “Heh. Well if you’re gonna do nothing today, maybe we can hang out? Last time we did was when you were having self worth issues and was on the verge of a mental breakdown…” “Yeah…maybe having a nice day hanging out without that happening would be good.” I nodded, getting out of my chair. “Tulip, tell daddy I’ll be out for a bit alright?” Gallon asked his mouse daughter. “M’kay dad.” Tulip said, sitting next to Armageddon and poking the foal, making them giggle. Gallon gave her a smirk before we headed out. We walked a bit through the street and looked around some. “So, anything in particular in mind or just up for anything?” Gallon asked. “Eh, anything really.” I shrugged. “Just want some lazy day after…a lot of things happened all at once.” “Alright. Well first I’ll be shopping for some stuff and then maybe we can see about video games?” “That would be fantastic.” I nodded, as I was both thankfully and regretfully getting back into my gaming addiction but it was to help my sweet daughter. I followed Gallon along through the store and more or less watched him shopping. He mostly got various fruits, veggies, eggs, noodles, various things. “Gonna cook something fancy for Tulip?” I inquired. “I like to stock up on Micheal’s favorites, and Tulip seems fine eating meat too, so we usually try and make a healthy mix of dishes that we can all eat and a meatless version for Micheal.” Gallon said as he put some cooking sauces in his shopping cart. “Fair enough.” I nodded, following along and wondering if I should also grab a thing or two. Gallon wrapped up his shopping and then we headed to a videogame arcade. I noticed this one had older games in it. Some I even recognized from when I was a foal, others from other species and worlds and such. “Jeez…this takes me way back…” I admitted. “Feeling old…” “Ah yes, when you begin to realize stuff you grew up with is already older than some kids.” Gallon chuckled as he looked around. “I remember when the first couple back in New Leto had the first full Nokori Born children. It was both a happy and surreal moment for everyone in the city.” “That’s fair.” I nodded. “Didn’t think Nokori could have kids at first?” “It was suspected, medical knowledge on us was pretty bare bones. There was some stuff in the Labs but most of it was about things like our organ placement, heart rates, blood types and such, but medicine and such was all an unknown. We did know based on the data that pregnancies were possible, but we were unsure of if the process would be different than normal humans or elves and such. Not all the people taken for fusion were human, but the majority was. Thankfully everything went fine and the mother got to greet her new baby. Still, despite that, she birthed the first child to be born a Nokori, to never know the old world. Lots of kids were little and growing up forgetting they were human or whatever originally, but that was the first kid born to the new world and, well… it was surreal.” “Yeah, I can imagine.” I nodded. “Would be a hell of an experience to see all that while knowing what the old world was like.” “Yeah. Guess it’s why back in Little Leto it was real… surreal to see people referring to Micheal and I as some big historical figures. Wonder if that’s really how it is for us back home?” Gallon hummed as he browsed through PS2 titles. “Who knows.” I shrugged, looking through a lot of other PS2 titles cause there were a lot. “Well, just hope whatever happened back home before Micheal and I ended up here that everyone is okay.” “Well, I’m sure everything is going well.” I shrugged. “Just have to find a way back after all.” “Save the face you and everyone else said there isn’t… besides, we don’t know how much time has passed between there and here… for all I know the Sun already exploded…” Gallon sighed, picking up a game and looking it over. “Well…that is true, but Time Walkers wouldn’t mention ‘there is a way back’ like that, it would probably mean that we can go back around when we disappeared.” I admitted. “Maybe… still. In any case, what would you even do if you did go back to that moment?” Gallon asked me. “Knowing about this world and all it has, your family here… What would you do?” … I… don’t… I never thought about that… “Well…first thing I’d do is find mom and…and give her a hug…tell her how much she meant to me.” I admitted. “I guess that’s fair.” Gallon nodded. “Yeah…then drag Dad over to see her and laugh at her reaction to see dad is a chick.” I chuckled. “Heh. Wish I could say I’d do the same, but in all honesty I’d probably just spit on my parent’s ashes again.” … Wow, he really had a bad relationship with them. “So…a really bad relationship, noted.” I nodded. “Like water and oil.” Gallon nodded. “Still can’t believe those two even had me. Ever know anyone like that from your world? Who’s kids and parents were basically polar opposites?” “...Diamond Tiara and her mom, Spoiled Rich.” I said, getting a snort from Gallon. “Her name was actually ‘Spoiled Milk’, but she married with a wealthy pony, Filthy Rich,” “Dude…come on.” Gallon commented, looking like he’s trying not to laugh at the names. “Yeah yeah I know.” I chuckled. “So basically Diamond’s mother was a horrible person that tried to get her daughter to be like her, a ‘high class noblemare’, even though they lived in an Apple Farm town…then one day when we were kids, some friends of mine finally got her to stand up to Spoiled and they were practically two different people from their on…also helped that Filthy slammed her with a divorce and a ‘Keeper’ clause to it all as she was basically thrown from high society to being a beggar who could never see her Diamond again like, three years later.” I admitted. “Damn. Guess bad parents are a thing in every universe.” Gallon sighed. “Wonder what you’d do if you met her now, because I think you’re talking about a different Tiara then the one I know.” I nodded. What would I say to my reality’s Tiara? She changed for the better but I didn’t really speak to her all that much. “...I’d try to ask her out on a date.” I said honestly. “Dude, really?” Gallon asked. “I mean… no offense but isn’t that kind of… weird, given your… relationship with the other Tiara?” “Is it any weirder than my…current relationship with Cream Heart?” I asked. “... Fair, then your whole thing with Cheat… Yeah fair point your sex life reads like a really weird browser history.” Heh… he’s not wrong… “Yeah…you’re not wrong.” I admitted. That left an awkward silence that hung around for a bit. Despite that I did find a few neat games I want to try out. After that Gallon and I headed back home. I sighed as I laid under the sheets. Ginder kept his arms wrapped around me gently but also firmly. Might be a bit of an odd relationship but it was a lot like my relationship with Barb. We lived apart but were romantic together. Just wish I had more time to be here with him too, but his Club and Love Motel also took up his time, so usually I spent about a day with him a week. “Wish we could spend more time together…” I sighed. “Same. Especially given you’re considering us trying for our own fluffy winged infants~” He said, giving my cheek a kiss as he reached over and took my hands. “Hope if you do, they won’t cause you as much trouble as your current little feathery monsters.” I sighed, but laughed. I’ll admit my day a week here with Ginger is a nice reprieve from my little monsters. “Yeah…I really hope that they would be better than those winged gremlins.” I admitted. “Would be nice…but work is work.” “Yes, but these once a week meetups are quite the stress relief.” He said. “I do wonder, would you prefer our first born be a boy or a girl?” “Either or is fine, but…why do you ask if I prefer?” I inquired. “Just wondering. Helps with naming sometimes. Lots of prior partners talked about their sons, daughters, some having preferences over the two. Heh, it’s the thing most people talk about when thinking about kids and trying for them.” Huh. I never had those kinds of thoughts. I was just happy the kids were born healthy. I never wondered about them being boys or girls… I usually don’t even try and think of names until the birth is approaching. “That is true.” I nodded. “I…just kinda winged it with the names when they were born as I…was just happy to see my children were born healthy.” “Heh, well if it isn’t broke, why fix it?” Ginger asked with a chuckle. “Either way, I hope they have your lovely wings and lovely eyes.” “I’d rather they have your eyes Ginger, they look much better.” I admitted. “Heh, well only time will tell and only lots of effort can tell us who’s eyes they’ll inherit~” Ginger said as they kissed my neck. “Either way, I look forward to greeting our children someday.” “Same here.” I said with a smile. “I hope they’ll grow up as happy as they can be.’ “Then shall we get back to ensuring they’re born to enjoy that happiness?” “Oh yeah, let’s.” “You have a pregnancy kink.” Barb said. Heh… Yeah, I’m pregnant again. And yes Ginger is the father. I found out four days after our night of… effort and yes, I was happy about it… but I already forgot morning sickness is a bitch and it wasn’t a pleasant discovery until after the… nausea passed. Damn. Still, Ginger is happy and the girls are all making bets on if I’ll have triplets again. Though this time they let me join in and I’m betting it’s just the one this time. “I really need to dip into the Mother Skill Tree to stop a lot of this pain.” I admitted. “But…yes, I might, and yes I am happy to be having kids with Ginger.” “Heh, well as long as the kids are loved. Speaking of, another week or so and our own bundle will be hatching. The Egg has been heating up a lot, so they’ll soon be cracking the shell.” “That’s great to hear!” I said happily. “Can’t wait for them to hatch, got a name ready?” “I was thinking… Tulria.” Barb said. “That sounds like a nice name.” Inodded. “Heh, the product of an alicorn-phoenix Nokori fusion and a dragon… heh, well either way, they’ll be quite the power house as they age.” Thud! I completely forgot about that…  “Oh no…” I groaned. “I don’t want another feathery goblin setting even more things on fire…” “Well, a feathery drake youngling.” Barb chuckled. “Maybe they’ll grow up to be a fighter like you.” … I know some of my kids do have talent and skill, a desire to learn to fight and combat… heck one of my daughters sneaks out to kill zombies thanks to an insane ability she was born with… … are some of my kids really gonna grow up and become… like me? “I’d…rather my kids not grow up like me…” I sighed. “They won’t be children forever Button. It would be better if they do choose to grow up and be a fighter like you, that you encourage them. Going against their dreams, especially if they want to fight for their home like you, would hurt them deeply. I know you don’t want them to get hurt, but there’s only so much you can do. Especially after they become adults.” Barb said, patting my back. “Growing up to be fighters…that’s fine but…I’m more concerned that they’ll grow up to be like me.” I said, reiterating my point that…I’m worried that them being like ‘me’ will be a problem, not growing up to be a fighter. “Well, that’s why being a parent is all about helping guide your kids. Keep them from making terrible mistakes while trying to help them become their own people. Sometimes the two feel like they conflict at times.” “I know I know.” I sighed. “Just…worried ya know?” “I know.” She said, kissing my forehead. “The Alicorn of Volcanoes and Worry, Button Mash.” She chuckled. “Well, I have a lot of things to worry about ya know?” I chuckled. “Well for a bit, turn that worry off and get on this couch. We’re watching Yu-Gi-Oh.”  “Hooray!” I said happily. “Which Yu-Gi-Oh we watching?” “Original. Obviously.” Barb said. The next few days went by pretty well. Things were good and calm.  All and all, good stuff. I was walking to our loot/exp grinding machine with Tina, Gallon, Micheal and Cheat since I do want to build up our EXP and Skill Points so we can power up. Micheal managed to set up a Frontier Portal there and now we were just waiting as the pits and grinders worked their magic. “So how long are we working this thing today?” Gallon asked. “Hmm, well first, let’s see what we have in store just from the bit where we just let this thing work it’s magic.” I said, given that we haven’t been here in a few days so just to get all the crap we need. “Alright.” Micheal said, turning the noise makers off and getting ready for us to head down. As the hoards slowed and the pits got covered I noticed Tina sniff at the air. “What up?” I inquired. “I… smell some…” Tina started. “Tina!” We all looked, seeing an equally cybernetic looking Zingore Dire Wolf, this one clearly male making a huge leap over the pits at the hatch doors closed. “Tony!?” Tina yelped as her long missing brother tackled her to the ground and the two hugged and cried. “Huh…didn’t expect this today.” I said, looking over and seeing a human, a very fluffy fox-dog nokori, and what looked like a slime person based on their more gelatinous looking form running towards us. “Glad to see you found her Tony.” The woman said, moving closer to the crying Zinogres. “Uh, hi?” Micheal said. “Yo.” Gallon said with a nod.   “Sup?” The slime-like person greeted.   “Hi.” The Fox-Dog Nokori said.   “Well, hi.” I said. “I see you're the ones who has Tina's brother.”   “Yes, my name is David Alchem,” David said…but I couldn’t help but flinch at that…disgusting name… “That is Toshnori Yagi,” He pointed to the Nokori All Might. “And that’s Shift.” They motioned to the now…what I can guess was a Shapeshifter if the name was right.   “Uh… hi. I'm Button Mash.” I introduced myself. “This is Cheat Code.” I motioned to said identical twin of mine. “And that is Micheal,” I motioned to the winged ram Nokori. “And next to him there is his husband Gallon.” I finished, pointing at the goat-wolf with bad wings on their back.   “Uh…excuse me but…you really are Button Mash?” They asked in surprise. “And…also hello everyone, it's nice to meet you.”   “Yeah. I know I don't look it. A lot has happened… so… where do you all come from?” I asked.   “Aqua Terra, our Settlement is called New Earth.” David answered. “And uh…yeah, I fully understand what ‘a lot has happened’ means.”   “I have a question.”Gallon spoke up. “How the fuck did All Might become a Nokori?”   “That's a long story.” Toshinori chuckled.   “A long story.” David chuckled. “But to make a long story short, he perma-died but I technically had a copy of his mind and Nokori shenanigans with Romero.”   “Who?” Gallon asked.   “Ah, different Nokori world.” David nodded. “Well, David Romero is a Galaxy Phoenix-”   “So that's the bitch I've been sensing since I became a Nokori.” I said in realization. “Yes, and he is stupidly strong Nokori.” David said. “Is that why when you tried to sense something you just randomly jumped into a bow?” Micheal asked.   “... Maybe…” I  said, now deep in a bit of thought.   “I think there's some weird Royalty to it all.” David shrugged, as I wondered who the hell this Romero person was. “But anyways, and Tony is a Comet Phoenix, basically a Sun Phoenix but ice.” I pointed out just in case they were curious as to why my thunder pupper had wings and a lot of ice.   “Huh. Neat.” Gallon said. “And what about Shift there?”   “Mimic. Now I'm technically a Chaos God of sorts but I honestly don't use my powers much.” Shift said with a shrug.   “Yeah, it's a whole thing.” David shrugged.   “Well you're group sure is interesting…” Cheat said, looking over at Tina and Tony still hugging. “Hurry it up and fuck already!”   The siblings immediately got off each other.   “We are not fucking each other!” The Twins shouted…huh, they sound rather alike actually. “We may be horny but we have standards!”   “So? Button and I are technically twins and we fuck all the time.” Cheat said.   They all stared at me.   “Uh… it uh… there's a whole story… you see…” I started.   “Bruh…” Shift said.   “You should see the things he does to Cream Heart, and she's basically a copy of his mom!” Cheat added with a laugh.   “He has become his Internet self!” Tony said.   “Uh… still not as weird as you eating your own daughter Tony.” Shift said.   “Tony what the fuck?!” Tina yelled.   “It was a whole thing and Daisy wanted it and…I'm thankful that the Nokori fusion didn't erase her from existence!” Tony defended himself. “Cause if it fucking did…”   “Ugh… I knew I should have stayed in the office today…” Micheal said, rubbing his eyes.   “You ate my niece!” Tina yelled, now rather violently shaking her brother.    “She literally asked for it!” Tony grabbed Tina and stopped her from shaking him.   “That kink my friends is called Vore.” Cheat added, laughing at the chaos she pretty much caused.   The sudden tail swing that slammed Cheat into the ground was…rather shocking. “DON’T YOU FUCKING DARE MAKE FUN OF MY DAUGHTERS SADNESS YOU INCEST FUELED WHORE!” Tony roared in anger.  Holy shit! Cheat got back up from the hole, her body bursting into flames and magma as she regenerated. “Oh you're one to talk! FYI! Your pack is here and I talked to them and know you fucked your other daughters and sons too!”   …Oh yeah…   “Tony…” Tina said flatly.   “As a True Alpha I did my job of stopping a species from going extinct.” Tony stated carefully. “And can we get past the fact that Cheat just made fun of a depressed and suicidal girl that only found happiness after-”   “I was making fun of the obvious vore. Not her depression.” Cheat said.   “I'm going home…” Micheal said, already leaving as Gallon followed.   “I'm…gonna follow Micheal and Gallon…you two have fun getting back together.” David said carefully.   “Just…can you stay here and help me through meeting my family from…my other world?” Tony asked.   “Alright you big fluffy pupper.” David said simply. “But…incest was okay?”   “Listen, it's one thing I didn't want to, but due to one of my mates being the last of her species and just…listen, it's a whole thing and I…I just can't believe I have Tina and my family back…w-wait! Is-”   “Yes, even Sandra is here.” Tina said. “But we're going to have a big talk about this, my guy.”   “I know…” Tony sighed. “Just…so much happened back on that world and…Daisy just…” Tony sighed bitterly. “But…Daisy says she's happy to finally meet you sis.” After all that, I was following with the group to Tony’s Pack’s Den. It was… a little awkward and mostly we just listened to Tony talk with Alchem and Tina… Then… Tina mentioned about their missing pup… Tony bolted immediately. “... He’s gonna leave.” Cheat said. “Well…he is missing one of his kids so there’s that.” I pointed out, following after him quickly. “I mean he’s gonna leave like you did.” Cheat said, making me stop. The rest of us turned to look at her. “And why do you say that?” I asked. “... Experience.” She said, looking at me. … “What… are you talking about?” Alchem asked. “This is different.” I shook my head. “I…I had to travel around this entire planet for ten years with Three’s help, but this…this is different.” “So that’s where that bastard went…” Alchem said, probably without thinking. “Well…anyways, I wanted to see about a thing that could help get rid of Breeder programming…I doubt he’ll just bail because…of the worst happening.” “He will… you would.” Cheat said. … I would… “We just got reunited, Tony…” Tina started. “He is. He won’t change his mind. He’ll want to prove himself. Not just for vengeance for his daughter but to prove he’s capable of avenging her. Maybe he’ll be gone for a little while… or longer… Won’t know until he does come back.” Cheat sighed. … She’s right… “We need to stop him before he does something stupid.” I said carefully. “Didn’t stop you.” Cheat said. I winced. “... There’s a history here and I… don’t like that you’re seeing it play out again with… Tony.” Alchem said. “He’s headstrong, anger prone, feels less than he is for one reason or another and even if he goes get validation it doesn’t help that insecure feeling in the back of his mind?” Cheat asked. Alchem got a bit quiet. She chuckled. “So you two are alike then… hell you’re like Button too. Three headstrong idiots who will leave home rather than stay to protect it. Perfect.” She huffed. “Listen…Tony has been away from one family for well over a thousand years-” “Excuse me what!?!” Tina asked in shock and horror. “It’s a whole thing with Story Dungeon’s…but…to finally have his family back, every single person that he cared for before I married the silly thunder pupper…the fact that you just…casually talk shit about him losing his family is not something I’m taking kindly here.” Alchem said. “If he’s like Button then… he’s gonna leave.” Cheat said simply. “Maybe you don’t want to see it, but I can already see it… He will leave and he’ll say his goodbyes… I suggest you don’t beg him to stay… that didn’t stop Button.” Barely a day later… Cheat was right. Tony said his goodbyes, made Tina the new Alpha of his pack while he’s away and… took a ship and left. We both went to New Earth and after a little bit of searching found Alchem in their personal Castle Bar. “... Come to gloat?” Alchem asked. “Consol. Tina will be here in a bit after she’s checked the state of things with the pack. Considering moving them here. Safer and all that.” Cheat said as we sat on each side of Alchem. “Yeah, consol, is that what you do after being about as socially graceful as a flaming brick?” Alchem asked “Don’t mind her…she’s…been through a lot…” I sighed. “We’ve all been through a lot…” “... How did you… Was it really that obvious?” Alchem asked. “I used to be Button’s Symbiote. I was in his head when it was all happening. Every leap of self justified logic. The pure… thick headed stupidity as his loved ones were begging with him not to leave. His own kids both infants and some about to be born… Perks of being a symbiote is that we read our memories right off our genetics. Even if I’m not one anymore, some things you just don’t forget…” “... Do you think he’ll be gone for that long?” “Hard to say. Might be more. Might be less.” Cheat sighed, pouring herself a drink, then handed Alchem the bottle. “All I can say is just look after your kids with him best you can. He’ll feel like shit enough when he comes back and his kids either don’t recognize him or don’t know he’s their dad.” I looked at the table… I know that feeling all too well… “W-well, maybe we can give him something to help his travels?” I suggested. “Micheal has Frontier, if he allows Tony to create portals-” Alchem sighed, swigging a drink from the bottle. “He’s already gone. Grabbed a ship from The Eternity and… fucked off.” They huffed. “You know… I was always afraid I’d be the one that had to leave everyone I loved to fight some big battle for their safety… I never once imagined I’d be on the other end of that ache…” “...Because you haven’t had to do anything that requires it.” I said, shaking my head. “Yeah…we’re all sad, we hate how people leave, but it’s not our fucking fault that we have shit to do.” I stated. “But let’s all be sad, get drunk as we’re constantly berated, scolded, or told to sit the fuck down when we’re not at liberty to do that.” “You’re pregnant. No drinking.” Cheat said. Oh yeah…. Crap. “Congrats… first kid?” Alchem asked. “That they’ve had, no. First kid with their boyfriend Ginger though.” Cheat answered. That made me feel a little better. “My point still stands though.” I said. “So far, all me and Tony have gotten was shit for doing something we had to do, I’m still getting shit for it…” “Considering you normally keep yourself in self loathing and self hatred, having someone else point out the obvious might feel better. Hate them rather than yourself for a change.” Cheat said. “Not sure that’s working.” Alchem said. “Eh. Emotions are still finicky for me. Besides, what will this do for Tony in the end? You at least came back with Yuri and your baby… Tony won’t be getting his daughter back… It’s just… pure rage he’s running on.” “And that’s fair, he needs to do something to vent that rage.” I stated. “And you weirdly still being finicky with emotions doesn’t stop the fact you’ve just…kinda been a dick.” I pointed out, cause ever since Tony got here…Cheat weirdly wanted to poke and prod Tony and also throw shade my way. “At least I admit what I am. Tony trying to put up to ‘Duty of a True Alpha’ Please. Had he really not wanted to do it, he could have gotten other Dire Wolves looking for mates to move in and partner up with his daughters and such. At least I’ll admit it, I’m an incentious bitch and I get off on it. Meanwhile mister fucked a species back from extinction left out that those Frost Cyclopses are always born female and always born a frost cyclops regardless of the father.” “Is… that actually true?” Alchem asked. “Got it from their very mouths. Culturally the Frost Cyclopses take in one male from wherever to be the Alpha that breeds the new generations, then they die and a new one is taken in, but as Alpha Tony had full authority to change that. He didn’t.” “Alright, didn’t know that.” I admitted. “Did you still need to be a douche about it?” I asked, the whole point of Cheat just being an asshole to Tony still being the point of this conversation. “I don’t like hypocrisy. Sue me.” She sighed. “And if he wasn’t being a hypocrite and you just projecting your own fetishes?” Alchem asked. “Then he was sure as shit regretting that he enjoyed his own children physically. Point is, he tried to hide all that. Hell Tina didn’t know any of that stuff about the Frost Cyclopses and it wasn’t just them Tony laid with. Got all the details from that one bat lady… forget her name. Maybe he regrets it, or maybe he enjoyed it and is ashamed by it. Either way, point is he was doing it and tried to hide it.” I looked at Cheat. “Lady…he just got his family back after he somehow got stuck in a dungeon for a thousand years, didn’t want to explain the very first moment he got here when all he wanted to do was spend time with his family…and your first instinct…” I blinked as I shook my head. “I’m a bitch and a monster… I told you that a long time ago, remember? Was it hard and uncalled for? Maybe, but clearly his priority now is avenge his one lost daughter when all his kids are with him when Tina doesn’t even have that. She’s still missing her partners and children from Equis… Tony got all that back and all because one was missing and he’s leaving them all for fuck knows how long. I’m not saying she’s not worth avenging… I’m saying that even if she’s a Breeder now, he didn’t have to leave the family he just got back to when mourning the pup and getting to know the Breeder she’s now can be done. Hell, you worked your ass off to get your Breeders into hobbies and some jobs so they weren’t constantly on your dick.” Cheat said. “I… did open a school for them that’s been rather effective… helps.” Alchem said. “See… even if she's not his puppy anymore, he’s gonna miss out on how she can develop.” “Where did she go?” “New Foundation Breeder Adoption Facility. Same as the others. The ones they found that were aged up but still mentally babies are able to be de-aged back to infants, and the babies saved are being taken to the New Foundation Orphanage.” “I know there are…things in place to help them all…but Tony will never have his daughter back, as she’s just a body now…unless Yuri figures out something that can somehow get her back…Tony is just an enraged, grieving father that needs to do something…and Tina…” “Who was Tina’s family?” Alchem asked.  “From what she told me, the father to most of her babies was a Fluttershy with a dick, and she mothered a lot of those babies, even helped care for some Tony left with some others and Tina got her own magic member and fathered a few kids with a pink and chubby baker and a few others. Had a good friendship with a god of chaos and… she hasn’t seen any of them since arriving here.” Cheat said. Alchem got a look on his face as he looked up, the same look Micheal had when he used Township. “Hmm…Fluttershy…and…Pinkie Pie…hmm, did she ever mention one of her kids?” “Only when drunk.”  “Hmm…” Alchem frowned. “Gonna have to look more into that cause…I have an entire planet of names to sort through…” “Alright…” I sighed. “Well, guess for now all we can do is wait and see if Tony comes back to his family.” Cheat sighed, taping a sip from her cup. “And for you to apologize to them.” I told Cheat. “When he either admits he liked it or he was ashamed of it.” Cheat shrugged. “Tony’s been through enough shit as is, just apologize to the guy.” Alchem frowned. “Not only because of you making fun of the incest bit, but also because of the comments about his daughter Daisy.” “Again, making fun of the vore, not the depression. Yeesh what part of what I said did I even refer to his daughter?” Cheat huffed. “The whole Vore thing?” I pointed out. “Tell me I’m wrong?” Cheat asked. “Since I know the context, yes, you are.” I pointed out. “I mean come on…with how violently he reacted, the whole joke part to begin with was a bit much.” “I’m not apologizing.” “Guess Button’s not the only stubborn one here… not like I have room to speak.” Alchem sighed, taking another swig from the bottle. “I’m gonna go spend time with our kids… Maybe invite Tina so they at least know their aunt.” With that, Alchem got up and left. I rubbed my temples. “God damn it…” “Where the foal himself not so cute and innocent I’d curse Armageddon out.” Cheat muttered. Yeah… how the heck is Armageddon so innocent and everything happening on their surface so… fucked. “Yeah…I don’t understand how they can be so cute and innocent but also kinda…house all this.” I said. “What was it that Micheal said when he read their Titan form? Innocent in its purpose? Poor kid, and to have every Dark Skill Tree and Title forced on them…” “Yeah…but…Innocent for what purpose? As the planet of every End of the World Scenario? As a Prison? What?” I asked, cause everything this planet has had to offer, including the Dark Skill tree, was anything but innocent. “One of many questions with absolutely no answer.” Cheat sighed. “Need to find out where I can buy this stuff. Good booze.” Cheat said as they sipped more from their cup. “Probably some of Alchem’s stash…but…” I sighed. “I have to wonder…if this isn’t some ploy from that David…” I muttered, as besides the gender…they were pretty much the same. > Chapter 29: The Story of The Main Quest > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I. Need. Passive. Skill Points! “Did Button just doodle himself with a superhero cape?” I heard Tina asked. “Yes…” Micheal huffed. “Learning about that Demon Lord Lady and then Alchem’s passive Skill Points really got to him…” Gallon added. “I know I have a stupidly high item multiplayer but fucking hell do I need passive skill points…also maybe…I like capes…” “Or are suffering a mental breakdown…” Micheal offered. “Or both.” Gallon added. “Either way, they both only got those after either inheriting or obtaining a means of royalty and a population that they care for so… not much you can do about that.” Tina said. “I know…” I sighed. “There has to be someway…” “... Could try and be a god.” Gallon offered. We all turned to look at him. “... Is that even possible?” Micheal asked. “He’s literally got the power of a Super Volcano, volcano gods exist so he’s basically there minus the followers and well, divine stuff.” “Well…I suppose you are right.” I admitted. “Just…have no idea where to get the divinity, or where to get people who would follow me.” “... You have a hacker that can and likely knows how…” … I really forget Yuri is here half the time… “That's true, but I don't want to abuse his abilities for my own personal gain, plus he's been busy with figuring out how to get rid of the Breeder code.” “No real need really.” We all jumped, turning and seeing Midas was sitting on the couch, wearing an old hoodie with the sleeves stained and had a few holes. Town sweatpants and old slippers. “Why hello there everyone. Long time no see.” “Uh…why are you here Midas?” I asked carefully. “Why can’t I be here?” He asked with his head tilted slightly. I looked at Midas like he just missed my question entirely. “Uh…what do you want?” I asked, cause apparently I needed to be more specific. “I bring news, and cookies.” He said, a flick of his wrist and he was holding a large cloth bag. He handed them to Gallon and when he opened them, it was packed with all kinds of cookies. “Huh…okay, what be the news?” I asked curiously, lightly pulling out one of the cookies and eating it. “The major Chaos Guilds will be hosting tournaments soon. In the next few years anyway with all sorts of fun prizes.” “What kind of prizes?” I asked curiously. “Varies from guild to guild. But the ones your ex has are something worth your while.” Midas told me. “He’s not my ex, he’s a bastard who’s causing a lot of the problems in this world.” I huffed. “But what does David have to offer for these tournaments?” “For the public tournaments, the usual you’d expect. High end high value Breeders. For the Invite Only tournaments though, he’s offering a bottle of those Pills he developed, and five Code Keys.” Midas said. “Code Keys?” Micheal asked. “They undo Breeder, Slaver, and Serf programming.” “That…mother fucker.” I growled. “Those exist?” Gallon asked. “They do now.” Midas said. “He made them just for this… meaning he’s up to his old games again.” “Fantastic…I have to play this assholes games again…” I grumbled. “He did… give me this to give to you.” Midas said, pulling out a small envelope from his pocket. “Hate being his errand boy but I’m not fighting that psychopath.” “And I don’t blame you.” I said, taking the envelope and opening it up to see what this assclown wanted. The second I opened it I was… not at home… “Hello my little pony.” I wanted to rip my ears off at hearing his voice… I turned, seeing them laid across a couch, a book open in his hand as he looked up at me. “Long time no see.” “Why the fuck did you kidnap me?” I asked carefully. “I haven’t seen you in a while. Is it so wrong for me to want to play with my favorite toy?” “I will burn you.” I growled. “Kinky.” He chuckled, sitting up and closing his book. “Come on, where’s the love for your favorite man?” “I'd rather be permanently dead then hear your bullshit.” I stated. “What do you want?” “The fact you’re here means Midas gave you my trap letter.” He said as he stood up and began walking. “Follow me.” I growled but did. Not like I got much choice. I followed him to a warehouse built into his house where… Lining the walls in boxes were odd small glass like sheets that I could see sitting there. “And the hell are these?” “These are the Code Keys.” He said simply. “I presume you’ve started to make these just to fuck with people?” I asked. “I made these, well, that’s part of the reason.” He chuckled. “I also made these because of you.” “Now is this to spite me, fuck with me, or are you somehow growing a conscience and seeing the error or your ways?” I asked, knowing the last part would probably make him laugh his ass off cause he’s a deplorable cockwaffle. “I made them because I knew you’d want them. You’ll be one of many I’ll invite to the invite only tournaments. Thing is, out of all the people I have listed to invite, there’s only one who I’m inviting who I know will only want to win to destroy the keys. The rest, like you, have reason and drive to fight. Meaning, while you can beat one of them with a clear conscious, the rest you need to beat and deny them the chance to save their own loved ones.” He said. “And I made sure to make them immune to that little Nokori Ability you have, and that Title. Can’t have you cheating the market now can I?” “Boo.” I frowned, but kept the fact that Yuri can most likely mass produce these damned things to myself. “Can’t make this easy can you?” “Well, I can’t. Not that I want to anyway. So, how’s my son? His backup work?” “...His backup worked.” I said carefully, given that the bastard knew. “And your other son, that I have been taking care of this entire time, is a happy bundle of joy that I have to wonder if I didn’t just get cloned and not have you taint their spirit.” “Children are born innocent Button. The sins of the parents don’t taint them, even when their birth was predestined for a darker purpose.” He said, giving me a smirk. “Now then, what’s been going on with you lately?” He asked as he led me away from the storeroom of the Code Keys. “Destiny…still a crock of shit if you ask me…” I grumbled. “Now where are you taking me?” “Just to grab a bite to eat.” He said as we soon arrived in… a rather nice looking garden. He sat across from me at a bench and table that seemed to grow out of the nearby tree. “Now then, what’s been going on in your homelife?” “Why in Mother’s name should I even bother telling you any of my life?” I asked. “Well it’s less fun for me if I have to look into it personally, and more concerning for you if I do have to.” “Okay, why do you want to know considering you don’t give a shit about me other than me being a fucking toy?” I asked. “It’s more fun for me. To learn everything about a person, their hopes, dreams, desires, and slowly but surely see them lose it all. Through no fault of mine either. That’s the best part, when they want to blame me but I had no part in it whatsoever.” “Then I’m not telling you shit if it’s magically not your fault that so many people’s lives are ruined as you take away who a person is just to turn them into walking, talking fleshlight’s.” I said. “I know you are now creating Breeders in vats now but it’s still fucked.” “Hmm…boo.” He said, leaning on the table to look at me. “Well, how’s about this. You tell me something, then you can ask me a question and I’ll answer honestly.” I frowned…but nodded carefully. “Alright…currently I’m concerned about…a lot of Max/+ stated people cropping up.” I said carefully. “Oh yeah, hard to get to there but not impossible. Now you get to ask a question.” “...Why did you decide to become the Guild Master of Lust?” “The prior leader, a man named Garro, was rather weak, but he was a Hacker. He was given the Breeder, Slave and Serf programming from Dark Gray, and I figured hey, what’s this weak prick running such an influential guild? So, I beat him, used Consume and took his Code and whatever said other powers he had.” “I’m not fucking surprised Dark Gray just gave someone that horrid power…” I grumbled. “Alright…so power hungry bitch, got it.” “Basically. In the end, he served his purpose, poorly but it was done. Now then, tell me something else.” “...I’m not sure how the hell I’m supposed to get stronger and that’s driving me up a wall.” I sighed. “Hm. I used Consume to increase my strength, but you don’t have that power. Voracity can also help, but that’s a Dark Skill Tree power and I doubt you’d want it.” “Yeah, neither of those things I want…so, does Divinity or something along those lines offer up the strength I need?” “It can. Once you have Divinity and at least a thousand Followers, you can gain the Divine Faith Title. Gives you skill points for every member born to you flock and for every person who converts to your faith, and five for every one of their prayers you answer.” “Hmm…that helps a lot actually.” I thought to myself. “Alright, that’s good to know…so I just have to figure out how to become a god and hope for the best.” “It’s easier than you’d think. Many people, other gods, can bestow it to you. Some people are born with it, some can gain it through fighting monsters. As you are now though, you’re already at the threshold.” He said, snapping his fingers and appearing on the table were some fruits, small sandwiches and cold sodas. “Really?” I asked in surprise. “I mean sure, I’m a Super Volcano Phoenix but…still.” “You’d be surprised how little it takes for a Phoenix to be a god. Add to that you’re an Alicorn. All you need is to declare your Divine Oath.” “Divine Oath? Like some vow that gives me power or something?” I inquired. “It’s both what solidifies you as a God, and binds you. Rules you put upon yourself that as a God you will follow. The stronger of Divine you become, the more powerful your oath. This is why most older, stronger gods off planet don’t do much. Still, it also lets you declare what kind of god you wish to be. Once you’ve done that, you’re a fully fledged god.” “That’s…rather simple all things considered.” I admitted carefully. “True. All you’ll need is someone to officiate and bear witness to your Oath, and it will be done.” “Huh…” I hummed, thinking about what I could do with that cause…it would be a hell of a decision for all of this. “Going to have to think about that…” “Alright.” He said with a shrug as he at some fruit. “So, that counted as a question.” He added. “Yeah I know…” I muttered. “Um…hmm…” I tried to think of something that wouldn’t expose my family…”Yuri figured out there’s a…Kill Switch for Breeders…” I said, thinking David already knew this but it was something. He chuckled. “Won’t work.” He said. “Built in override will undo whatever he tries, like a trojan virus.” “Well…shit…” I said. “So…you can only remove a Breeder’s coding by…using the Code Key?” “That’s right. Person they used to be won’t be brought back, but they won’t be bound by their programming, there won’t be any programming to bind them after all.” “People still forever lost to this sick bullshit…” I growled. “Maybe. Maybe not.” He said, making me raise a brow. “The Mother has never really been one that was… keen on Goodbyes.” He added. “She’s a Mother…no mother is keen on Goodbyes.” I admitted. He gave me this small smirk before offering me what looked like if a strawberry and an apple had a child. “Next question.” I gently took the fruit and took a bite out of it. “Are you doing all of this because you're bored or is Dark Gray got you shackled to play his game?” “He offered me a role in it and I accepted.” He said, pulling his shirt down. There, almost branded was the image of a Queen’s Chess Piece on his collarbone. “As one of his more valuable pieces, I get benefits within reason and am free to do as I please. Still, I have a role to play and when that time comes, I’ll play my part.” “And your part will be dying by my hands.” I stated. “Though…Dark Gray is…eager about something sadly…” “Yes, the In Search of Heaven quest has begun. Step one has finally been taken.” “And considering what your role is…I’m pretty sure you already know who’s the ‘chosen people’ right?” I inquired. “You mean the seven innocents? No. I only know that the one who held the second key is Armageddon. The other six are left to fate and as long as they meet the requirements, they will be pulled into the quest. Willingly or not.” “Right…” I said carefully. “That’s…worrying that a child would be shoved into this quest…” I admitted, feigning ignorance on having Armageddon with me and the quest and mostly just following the ‘I’ve met Armaggeddon before’. “Children. Innocent in the grand scheme they’ll be pulled into. But Armageddon. Innocent in its purpose.” “...What is Armageddon’s purpose? Cause being a Prison for the most insane and dangerous people and their followers doesn’t seem innocent when you think about it.” He stayed quiet… right. Some info first… “...I know about the quest…” I sighed. “It’s…outlandish the requirements needed to do it though…” “Heh, yeah. Not even I’m that strong. Yet anyway.” He chuckled. His smirk then fell, catching me off guard as he… almost looked sad. “To die.” He said, and I felt my stomach drop. “Armageddon, was born to die.” “Th-the fuck!? How in Mother’s name his Death ‘innocent’?” I asked incredulously. “He’s innocent in his purpose. His purpose is to die. When the Main Quest of Armageddon is finished, a choice will be made. One will kill him, and end the quest, the other will let him live but damn everyone on the planet in turn. Resetting the Main Quest.” “But…but that doesn’t make sense!” I shouted, seeing Armageddon, helping the poor kid learn to have a life…how innocent he was in everything with a feeling of joy in so much he was learning. “So…that’s how Dark Gray retaliates…he…he’d make his own son a fucking Martyr just to…to fuck with the rest of reality!?” “I don’t know. I only know this much from pure luck if I’m honest.” David sighed. “I don’t know how the quest starts, or what it even is meant to do. All I do know is how it’s meant to end.” I sighed. “Shit…” I grumbled, looking at David and…honestly, seeing him sad…it felt wrong, like everything that he’s done, this bastard that wanted power and to abuse others… “I may be a horrible person…but believe it or not, even I have limits.” David admitted. “Yeah…hearing how the quest ends…” I shook my head. “I…fuck…I don’t know if I should tell him this…” “I wouldn’t.” … “Should I inform the other’s about this? My…other party members?” I asked vaguely. “Or should I keep them in the dark as well?” “That’s up to you.” I nodded, looking down bitterly and finishing up that fruit he gave me. We ate in an odd silence after that… this guy… everything about him I hate… his motives and his actions… what he does, why he does it… but when he does shit like this? Makes me…  “...Why…are you like this, if you actually have a heart?” I asked him. “Just…your want for power, the whole…Lust shit…so much horrible things…but…this shows that’s not everything…” “... Wasn’t always like this, I’ll admit.” He said, taking a bite from a normal apple. “Long time ago, I’d say you and I would have been a lot alike. Back when I first showed up in this reality.” “So…Time is what caused this?” I asked. “Just…too much for too long?” “... Time can do a lot to a person. In this reality, people have plenty of it, until they don’t.” “...Yeah…I know that feeling…” I admitted. “Feels like you have all the time in the world…but then something happens and you realize…you don’t have as much as you really thought you had…” “Something like that.” He said, taking a bite of his apple again. “Guess you’ll want to head back home now.” “Yeah…gotta head home and make sure everyone knows I’m fine.” I said honestly. “...Do you think that…people that look unforgivable can actually get a second chance?” I don’t know what possessed me to ask that but…I had to given I’m talking to a man worn down and…most likely broken from time and possibly horrible shit. “... Guess that’s up to the person if they want to take it.” He said, a flick of his hand and he was holding a small gift box. “For your time.” He said as he handed it to me. I nodded and gently took the gift box. “Thank you…and…surprised you didn’t try to be all ‘I’m pure evil, there’s no second chance for me’ and then some super villain laugh.” I tried to joke to bring some levity to this rather…somber ending to our meeting. “I try not to be a cliche.” He said with a chuckle. He snapped his fingers again and I was back at home. “Sweet- fuck!” Gallon yelped as I seemed to have appeared in front of him. A bowl of whatever tossed into the air and landing on the ground with a splash and breaking on impact. “... Welcome back…” He said, trying to keep his heart in his chest and breathing deep. “Sorry about that Gallon.” I said sheepishly. “So uh…how long was I gone?” “Maybe an hour?” He said. “Midas left. There was a minor freak out but he said when that guy was done you’d be back safe… so, what happened?” “I…learned quite a bit.” I said honestly, looking down at the gift. “From him putting a limit on no item multipliers, to how Yuri is going to find some Trojan Virus in his discoveries with the Breeder code, to what the Quest we got from Armageddon actually entails…and…wondering something important.” “Huh… from how you spoke of him, half expected him to have tried to bang you again.” “Shockingly no…as when we got to the topic of the Quest…honestly, he shocked me with how…genuinely sad he got.” “Weird… Welp… I’m gonna clean that up then get back to Micheal, Tulip and Armageddon. We’re watching Flubber.” “Oh really?” I inquired. “Flubber’s a fun movie.” “Yeah. Now that the Assistant translates everything perfectly and fluently, what we see, hear and read, I’m watching a lot of movies that never had proper dubs or subs from back home. So much old American media I never got to enjoy until now.” He chuckled before heading to the broom closet. “Exactly.” I nodded with a smile. “So while I let you clean up…I have some thinking to do.” “Alright.” He said, pulling out the broom and dust pan and got to cleaning. I ended up walking outside and went to the roof… What… do I do? “I can’t save Armageddon…Armageddon is the World Soul of this planet and…I can only assume that the planet needs to die for the Quest to be fulfilled…” I thought carefully, looking down at the gift David gave me. “Even after everything he’s done…even he wouldn’t stoop this low…and yet somehow this feel’s weird considering he literally tried turning his son into a Breeder…I mean, there was the backup and he probably knew it but…still…” I thought, seeing the genuine pain and sadness in his eyes…I carefully opened up the gift to see what he gave me for ‘our time’. At first, I thought it was empty, until I got a notification.  David Alchem of Lust has gifted you the Following! 999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 Rem 1,000,000,000 Skill Points 1 Code Key 1 Letter “Fucking…hell…” I muttered in awe at the amount of money I was given, the amount of skill points he chucked at me, the Code Key and…hmm, I pulled out the Letter to see if it was another transport Letter or if it was something else. I pulled the letter out of my Assistant.  Remember, The Mother hates Goodbyes. I guess the ____ in her still hates endings. … What is this? The name or whatever there was erased… I put it away, wondering what that was about. Still… I have one code key… Just one for now… I know who to use it on… Guessing since I can’t duplicate it, Yuri can’t either…  Might as well give it use. I opened my wings and made a quick flight to a building. I entered, seeing the lobby empty save for the receptionist. She looked at me and gave a small smile. “Welcome to the New Foundation Breeder Adoption Facility. Are you looking to adopt?” “Yes…I would like to Adopt Dandelion.” I said. “Uh… can we get a description?” I had to look through lots of Den Mothers, recent additions, but I found her eventually. Once she was found I took her home and before I took the blindfold off, I brought out the key… When you get back Tony, you’re daughter will be waiting for you… The key had simple instructions. Just place to her head. I did. It shattered and code flowed over her for a moment… then just…. Evaporated off her. When it was all gone, she seemed to slump a little, that perfect posture unowned Breeders hold falting and she moved a little, on her own. … It’s genuine… “Oh…my god…” I muttered. “It worked…” I said, thinking this would…this would make Tony the happiest man on this planet. I helped take her blindfold off as her large blue eyes looked at me. She seemed confused and scared. “Hi there.” I said softly to the Zinogre Den Mother. “... Hi… there.” She repeated. “Oh…oh dear…” I thought to myself, as I needed to remember that this was still mentally a three year old…”It’s nice to meet you, my name is Button.” I said, making sure she understood what I was saying so she could hopefully repeat at least some of it. “My name is… Button?” “Your name is Dandelion.” I said softly as I did some motions to help her figure it out. “Your name is Dandelion, my name is Button.” “Your name is… Dandelion?” She repeated… oh boy this is… gonna be- Wait Alchem said he had a school that taught Breeders how to pick up skills! Maybe they can teach her language! “Hopefully this will work.” I thought to myself, trying to figure out how to bring this poor blanked girl off to Alchem’s area without it all looking weird or causing them to panic. “I’m gonna need you to trust me alright?” “Trust… Me.” She repeated. I sighed. Getting her to the school wasn't as hard as I thought. As long as I held her hand she followed without issue. Getting her enrolled was fairly easy and I was just waiting for her introduction class and exam to be done. Part of me was worried but there's literally a teaching SCP teaching her so… doubt it will fail. While I was waiting, I suddenly bowed again. Damn it this again- wait… this is where that other one lives… Hero's brother! “So…I really hope I can get past this stupid bowing thing…but…I also hope Dandelion can see Tony as her father and not me…” I thought carefully, fearing that I’d…just take his daughter that he’s out there fighting for… I sighed. Well, I do have eight hours to kill. I decided to head off and find this other Phoenix. Maybe he can give me insight on my whole… godhood thing. “Just got to find them, talk to them…and then find Tina and the rest and inform them about Dandelion…cause I really don’t want to piss off Tony to hell and back when he’s already this pissed.” I thought to myself, trying to calm myself down so I didn’t just get mad at things outside my control…again. … I probably should work on my anger issues… I followed that feeling to a house not all that far away. It was fair sized, and outside in the yard I saw a young girl, a sheep-like anthropomorphic body, rabbit-like ears and horns on her head. She was swinging on a swing. “Hello?” I called out to the possible Nokori girl wanting to at least get someone’s attention. She looked over at me. “Hi? Who are you?” “My names Button, and I was wondering if the Galaxy Phoenix was here or if he was busy?” I asked. “Galaxy… oh you mean dad?” “Dad huh?” I hummed. “Well, yes, is your father in?” “Yeah. Think he’s in the workshop. I’ll go get him.” She said, swinging off the swing with a small leap before rushing inside. Heh… cute kid. I chuckled at that as I waited outside, wondering who this Galaxy Phoenix was and how they’ll react to me. After a moment, someone walked outside. He wore a simple T shirt that said ‘Generic Brand Logo’ on it, shorts and body wise he was akin to Hero, only male, not hyper sexualized and lacking the armor built into their skin. He had the avian like feet, wings, red feathers. “Hey… so, who are you?” He asked me. “My names Button Mash.” I introduced myself. “And…jeez, like night and day between you and Hero.” “You know Hero?” He asked as he walked over to me. “Huh… guessing from your appearance, we have a common enemy?” “Yes…yes we do.” I said carefully, not sure if I should tell him. “He turned me into a Super Volcano Phoenix by…using my adorable birb Mango…” I sighed. “Hm. So… what brings you here?” “I wanted to talk to you about somethings, ranging from Phoenix magic, to…why I keep bowing to you cause that’s just a weird thing, to…how a bunch of godhood things.” “That… is rather odd. Don’t do that…” I felt like… my body just listened to that, and I no longer felt the need to bow… … this biological hierarchy is… intense. “Uh…right, biological hierarchy is weird as shit…” I rolled my shoulders carefully to get that weird shiver out. “So…thank you for that.” “Alright… well, in regards to Phoenix Magic… I guess I can help a bit.” “Thank you, cause while I know how to command fire and lava…I haven’t a single clue on what Phoenix’s can really do after that.” “Well, from what Hero told me it varies depending on the power of the Phoenix itself.” He said. “I’m Romero by the way.” I nodded. “Alright, so like I said before, my Phoenix is that of a Super Volcano, so it’s not as special as a Sun or a freaking Galaxy, but it’s still got some strength to it.” “Right… Hmm, well, you should still be able to Imbue bits of your power into weapons and objects. Helps since they take on your Regeneration aspect and won’t degrade and repair when they break.” “Oh really?” I asked in surprise. “How do I do that?” I asked, cause the other’s would probably enjoy that to hell and back. “First, we go to the lab… because I’m not setting the house on fire.” He said, walking over to the edge of his property. He motioned for me to follow and I did. “Need a ride Squeaks.” He said. A void portal opened under us. My most primal instincts screamed danger but it was too late to escape as we fell into it… and landed safely on the ground in a large lab of sorts. Near us was a mouse Nokori woman with blue hair wearing a pink sundress. “Hey. Who’s the chicken?” She asked. “This is Button. He’s also a Phoenix Nokori and I’m gonna be teaching him some stuff.” Romero said. “Button, this is Squeaks.  “Uh…hi…” I said nervously. “Button Mash…and…it’s nice to meet you.” She nodded. “Alright, try not to blow up the lab again.” Squeaks said, turning on her heel before vanishing. “Alright come on, this way.” Romero said, leading the way. “...Is it wrong that I was…” I trailed off as I followed along. “Scared shitless and wanted to run? Nah, that’s just due to her Void powers.” Romero told me. “Alright…just didn’t want to be rude is all.” I admitted. “Not like you could escape her if you did anyway.” Romero added, making me worried. Eventually we arrived at a large room full of items and what looked like a shooting range of sorts. “Fancy place.” I hummed. “So, how are we going to start this?” “Start with getting a normal object.” Romero said, walking up to all the weapons and grabbing two daggers. He tossed me one and I grabbed it. “Now, what do you know about the flow of mana with within your body and around you in the world?” “Well…not as much as I should probably, cause I do know about the Magic’s an Earth Pony and Pegasus have, given I was an Earth Pony first then evolved into an Alicorn, so I’ve felt and understood the mana of the Earth, and the Mana of the air.” I explained. “... Close enough. But for this we’re focusing on the mana inside you. Now, and I still can’t believe I’m quoting Anuket, the mana inside your body as a Nokori is more potent than a normal person or magical being because, like the Monsters of New Earth, our biology is reliant on magic just as much as food and water. So there is a limit to what you can exert before risking harm to your health, even death.” “Yeah, I have been warned about MP Exhaustion and the like.” I nodded. “While I’m a fist fighter first…always been in the back of my mind how worrying it could be.” “Well, as a Phoenix your biology allows you to regenerate the mana you use extremely fast. Often times if you practice right with it, you can feel the rate of regen and if you use your magic properly you can keep your output under your regen rate. But first you need to get a hang on how your mana feels within your body and let it flow out. So, we’re gonna start with a simple means of doing that that I managed to learn way back when I was first fused.” “And how’s that?” I inquired. “Like, firing off a stream of fire or something?” He raised his hand up, and snapped his fingers. The explosion at the end of the firing range, made me jump. The thick concrete wall and floor was turned to molten slag. “Remote Detonation. Pooling your mana into an area outside your body while keeping it linked, then lighting that link like a fuse and letting it blow.” “Huh…kinda like Roy Mustang from FullMetal Alchemist right?” I asked. “... Thank you! My god Alchem just went off on most of my powers but no, my simple understandable explanation just made them go on a rant.” He sighed. “Anyway, first you need to get a feel for the magic inside you first. So, you need to get a sense for the source of your magic.” “Well, this is so far the only bit that is reminding me of Fullmetal.” I said, closing my eyes and trying to feel out the magic in me and trying to follow his directions. “The source of your magic as a Phoenix is the spark, the fire that birthed you. So, take deep breaths and feel. Feel, in your case, for the eruption. The pressure, the power, the heat, feel it all.” I nodded, focusing hard on finding my ‘inner volcano’, the pressure, the power, the heat…but when I looked into it, it felt…so much more than I thought it would be, even for a Super Volcano this felt…different…like all my anger and rage was being poured into this thing and threatening to erupt onto anything and everything it could. “Whoa-kay…that’s…just to make sure, can mana like this be influenced by emotions?” “For being like us, yes.” Romero said. “That and uh, every cell in our bodies holds this spark and flame and generates more over time with each cell division so…” … wat? “Uh…excuse me? I think I misheard you on that last part…are you saying that each and every cell holds the same potential?”  “No, you heard me right. Frankly I was surprised when I learned too but that’s life.” He shrugged. “Think Marrienne said we can’t normally access it though due to biological limiters.” “Well, it would be insane to hold the powers of untold numbers of super volcanoes, suns, or even galaxies at our fingertips.” I admitted. “That's just…an insane level of power.” “Yup. But in any case now that you’ve felt the magic and the source inside you, you have to learn to move it as you would your own limbs.” “R-right…” I said carefully, raising a hand and trying to move the magic along with it. I took a deep breath… move it… flow it… It was easier than I expected. Like when I controle magma or even use my unicorn magic. Reach it out… let it pool… and snap. The explosion of magma covered Romero and I… Thankfully neither of us were affected by it. “Next time, pool it further away…” Romero said. “Yeah, sorry.” I said sheepishly. “But…that was a lot easier than I thought.” “You’d be amazed how easy it is once you have a connection to your spark. Now that you’ve done that, time to test your Imbuement.” He said, shaking off the magma. He held up the dagger. It then glowed bright before changing into a blade of pure flame and plasma, looking more akin to a short sword of pure energy and radiated power.  “So…is it the same logic but putting it into an item?” I inquired, brushing off the magma on myself and shaping it into an obsidian dagger. “Sort of… Ugh. To quote an old friend, it’s imagining your mana like water and giving the item a form of magic baptism. Let it soak in the magic and coat everything. Tip to handle, atom to atom. Only then will the imbuement take hold properly and bond with your magic, and become its own.” “Okay, now this is starting to sound like the godhood stuff I was expecting.” I admitted, looking at the obsidian dagger. Romero gagged. “Don’t… I have so many bad experiences with gods and religion in general…” “Sorry…just…this.” I said carefully, as I tried to do exactly as he explained to imbue this weapon. I managed to let my mana coat the weapon in my hand. It was working pretty well. I felt It slowly absorbing my magic. It felt like… filling in an empty space… Eventually, I felt it slow and… now. The obsidian dagger erupted, cracking along the blade and seemed to drip small bits of magma. Woah. It was different from Romero’s, but this was… mine. “Neat.” Romero smirked. “Yeah, this is pretty neat.” I said honestly, looking at the cracks as they became more like magma veins than looking like it was about to shatter. “You can do this with basically anything. Armor, weapons, fire arms, explosives. It’s really neat.” “Agreed.” I nodded. “This will definitely give some extra power to all our stuff.” “Well, now that that’s done, anything else?” “Well…is there anything else you can teach me?” I inquired. “Or is this all you think I can do and the rest is just up to me to figure out?” “Well that’s hard to say. It’s a start, that’s for sure. But I’m not an expert in everything about Phoenix’s. That’s more Hero’s territory since they actually have the memories of their Phoenix. My best guess, over time you’ll be able to do more. Still, you know what they say, the master of one can best someone who knows much but is a master of none.” “Fair enough.” I nodded. “Well, this will help immensely, and I should probably talk to Hero about learning some other thing’s a Phoenix can do.” “Probably. Well, that aside, you should easily be able to perform all types of pyromancy… not sure about the Soul Ash Pyromancy though…” “Soul Ash Pyromancy?” I inquired. “Yeah, I can burn a soul to ash with the body. Pretty sure Hero can too. Not sure if you can though… oh and apparently I can also make Souls and Hearts…” … He… Can… Perma… Kill… “...I’mma be real, with what you just said, if that’s not Divine in someway shape or form than I have no fucking idea what is.” I said carefully. “I know you hate talking about it but…come on dude…” “... I’m gonna throw up…” “Sorry, sorry, I know you probably went through a lot of shit because…as I’ve learned from this Reality, religion can range from ‘oh that’s nice’ to ‘I need like three liters of brain bleach’...” “More or less with no real in between.” Romero nodded. “Fair enough.” I nodded. “Well, this was all informative and I should probably test this out with my different Phoenix Forms…” I hummed, wondering if they all worked on the same principle. “Hmm…” I hummed, making another Obsidian Dagger and shifting to my Void Phoenix form. “Uh…be prepared cause I’m not sure if this works the same way.” I said, taking a deep breath and trying to use the same logic behind the Fire with Void. … Come on, come- “Huh, that’s different.”  AH! I spun around… and plunged the dagger into Squeak’s side. “... Huh. Been a while since someone stabbed me.” Squeaks said. “Oh god I am so sorry!” I yelped and let go of the blade, cause I didn’t know if she could regenerate and the knife was, ironically, better to keep inside to keep the wound closed. “I didn’t mean to…” “Meh. It happens.” She shrugged, pulling it out of her. There wasn’t a wound left behind… or blood on the dagger. “Don’t worry about it. My brand of immortality basically tells death to piss off.” “Didn’t know you could do that…” Romero hummed looking at my now black wings. “I mean, I got an electric one. Same as Squeaks. Hm.” “We really need to experiment with the other Elemental Gems and such. These other forms could prove very useful.” Squeaks added. “Yeah. Fair. Anyway yeah, don’t worry about her Button. The only thing that’s made Squeaks feel pain in this reality is Code and Nothingness. And her Rise From Nothing Keyblade helps negate the effect.” “Huh…that’s good to know.” I said simply. “So…I shifted to my Void Phoenix form thinking it would work similar…which I’m guessing doesn’t given that Fire and Void are vastly different.” “I never actually gave Imbuement a try before…” Squeaks hummed. “Well, first time for everything.” I said, deciding to double check what my ‘spark’ was with the Void. … It felt like… a hole. A hole that ate and ate and ate and reached out, grabbing everything around it to consume and devour and what managed to escape its maw was… ungodly. Twisted and corrupted beyond salvation. … “He good?” Romero asked. “Think he’s peering into his darkness.” Squeaks said. “Not many can really… see that and be alright after…” “So…you ever…just kinda…see some deplorable shit and some stupid non-sequitur comes to mind?” I asked slowly, seeing the two nod. “Yeah…uh…for some reason, my brain went ‘So that’s where my pregnancy cravings went’.” “Huh. Well that’s different from mine.” Squeaks said. “Like…I did see a hole that was constantly eating anything and everything and what managed to escape was…horrifying…but what did your’s look like?” I inquired to Squeaks. “Took a while but I realized I was the hole and contained the emptiness.” She shrugged. “Given Marrianne said she’s an Alpha Void being, makes sense.” Romero hummed. “Yeah…that makes sense.” I nodded, trying to focus on imbuing the dagger again, cause it couldn’t just be all take, take, and take. I tried and tried… damn it… what am I missing? It doesn’t respond like my magic does… unless… am I missing something? “Hmm…am I missing something with Void or something?” I asked. “I…know I haven’t used it all that much but how does it work?” I asked, looking at Squeaks as they were the resident Void user here. “Hm. It naturally obey’s me… but that might be because I’m an Alpha…” She hummed. “Actually…” She looked at me, putting a thumb to my head. “Hmm… It’s similar to Gaster… No, slightly less…” “What do you mean?” I inquired. “Well, similar to Phoenix’s have an inborn Hierarchy, Gaster theorized that Void beings have a similar hierarchy. I’m an Alpha, that much was confirmed by Marrianne who helped a lot in this. Gaster is an Omega, that one below me. You must be a Beta, the tier below that.” “Well…I suppose that’s fair, but what does that have to do with my powers?” I inquired, cause while it would make sense with the normal fires cause obvious, I didn’t know much about Void stuff to understand. “At my rank, the Void obeys me because I’m one with it. Between me and the raw primal energy there is little to no difference. With Gaster, there is a noticeable difference. Think of it like… having a natural affinity for something. You can use it like second nature but there’s still the risk of harm to oneself. In your case, the Void is stronger than you because it views you as an entity trying to use its power for yourself, which you are, but you need an exchange for it to willingly listen. The void is an ever empty space that craves to be filled. You need to feed it to use its power.” “So…what do I need to do for it to listen?” I asked. “Feed it.” Squeaks said simply. “Feed it with what?” I asked, cause while I could probably feed it an ass ton of MP due to how much I had, the regeneration of my Phoenix form, and Loop…but I’m not sure. “Hm, flesh works best. Your own or another's. Some powerful object. Animals. You can try and feed it your mana but it might take near all and you won’t want that.” “Well, with the amount of MP I have, Loop and my Phoenix Regeneration it…should be fine…” I admitted. “I wouldn’t risk it.” Romero said. “Really?” I inquired. “When it comes to this Null, Void shit, I’ll leave it to Squeaks and would prefer to avoid it. Shit I’ve seen her do used to give me nightmares. Like Glub Glub.” “Why does everyone say that about my fish?” Squeaks asked. “Because fish can be anywhere from cute like a goldfish, to something horrifying like a female angler fish.” I pointed out. “And Romero is making it sound like it’s a scarier version of a female angler fish.” “See for yourself.” Squeaks said, a small Void Portal opening in front of me. “He’s a little cutie pie.” She said with a pout. I… hesitated… but peeked in… … … … … “HEllO lItTle oNe.” … … … … I pulled my head out, the small portal closed… I then vomited, then curled up into a ball and cried. “Ah shit… that hasn’t happened in a while…” Romero said. “He’s cute I swear!” Squeaks argued. “No!” I cried. “What’s ‘cute’, would be something like…fucking…this!” I smacked the ground with my wing, not knowing what would really happen but a portal opened up…and out popped out a weird, but oddly cute feline-octopus like creature that blinked and looked around. “That is cute!” I countered, even though I had absolutely no idea how I managed to summon it or if the Void was just fucking with me in my moment of pain. “Meh.” She shrugged. “Let’s uh… get you some ice cream and happy things alright bud.” Romero said as he picked me up, patting my back as he carried me off. “Thank you…” I said weakly. Romero ended up taking me back to his place where I was giving a whole pint of orange sherbet ice cream, covered in a weighted blanket and Wreck it Wralph was playing. “So, first time seeing Glub Glub huh?” Shift said. “I remember when they popped out… that was a day…” “I avoided your place for the whole month that fish was with you guys. I don’t scare easy, but that fish just hits something primal in me.” The moth woman, Holy, I learned, said.  “Yeah… But Squeaks loves them so, we accept it.” Romero said. “I was in my Void Phoenix form…that wasn’t a fish, that was some abomination against all life…” I shuddered in fear. “And…in my moment of panic, I spawned in some weird cat-octopus creature…that was also a Void creature but it wasn’t horrifying…” “Well whatever it was it’s Squeaks now.” Romero shrugged. “Just enjoy the movie and… much like we don’t question Meg’s shenanigans, we don’t question Squeaks and the things she’s capable of.” “Fact of life here in the BOW crew.” Shift chuckled. “Right…” I muttered. “Today has…not gone entirely how I wanted it but either way…” I said, shoveling more ice cream into my mouth. “Well, either way, welcome to the family.” Romero chuckled. “Really feeling the love.” I managed to chuckle. “We got trama, we got issues, we got support, and we got T-shirts in the making.” He added with a laugh.  “Considering Alex is here and there are others of his… creation, finding them might be for the best.” Shift sighed. “Those that can be helped, we help… those that can’t… keep them safe.” “That probably would be for the best.” Holy nodded. “Yeah…Alex is an asshole.” I said, which was true as I really didn’t want to mention it to these people cause…well, if Squeaks was anything to go by just on Glub Glub…them nuking my city wouldn’t be a good idea. “So what brought you here anyway?” Holy asked. “Well, first part is to get Dandelion into School so she can learn things after I used a Code Key on her.” I started. “Two…was to ask for help figuring out my Phoenix Powers and some godhood stuff cause…well you people would know more about god’s and the like as you’ve probably fist fought a few of them.” “Well when it comes to godly stuff we don’t know much. Also, Code Key? There’s a cure for Breeders?” “Yeah, so there’s going to be Tournaments, Open and Invite Only, and Lust’s Invite Only gives you Code Key’s, basically special key’s that can remove Breeder, Slave and Serf programming…but sadly it doesn’t bring back the previous person, and no item multipliers will work as the boss made sure of that.” I explained. Romero whistled. “Tony is… not going to be happy that while he was off, his daughter got cured and he wasn’t here for it…” “It’s what the mutt gets for acting on rage.” Holy said. “Let him regret. Might learn something.” “Should we try and tell him once we take out more Welcoming Committee ships?” Shift asked. “I mean… that would be the right thing to do…” Romero said.  “Well, didn’t know we were now hunting those fuckers.” I admitted. “And also, good to know you’re the kind and sensitive type there Holy.” I said sarcastically, as hearing Holy basically try to rip into a father that’s in extreme pain saying ‘well, fucker should have just sat there and suffered’ is just…dumb. “He walked out after just getting his family back. You think I’m gonna be nice about it?” Holy asked. “People who leave their families regardless of the reason are scum to me…” She said… there was a… venom in her tone I could tell spoke from personal experience. I shook my head. “Anyways, we should get Tony to know this as soon as possible, he deserves to know his family, all his family is back.” “Once we can find and take out the next ship and hopefully he’s within range, we will.” Romero said.  “Still, Tina is missing her family and partners… Didn’t Alchem say there was a message or something he tried to give them?” Shift asked. “Yeah, but he was too far out and it’s all jumbled. Sums up to ‘Find Protectors’ or something along those lines.” Holy said. “At least that’s what’s understandable.” “Right…” I sighed. “How high are the Welcoming Committee’s ships?” I asked, as I’m pretty sure they were also stated in Midas’s ‘gifts’. “Just below the outer atmosphere.” Romero said. Oh… from what I learned… that’s… high… “They’re also invisible and the only reason we found it was because Meg sensed it gave off some Gravitational anomalies.” He added. “Was the invisibility magic or mechanical?” I inquired. “Cause Tina might be able to sense it due to both her mechanical adaptation she has and her lightning powers.” “Mechanical.” Holy said. “Was purely technical. Only magic on the ships were in the jammers themselves. They also contain a radius of one hundred thousand lightyears they both jam and have the area map data for, so if you raid one, copy the data for the geographical data.” I nodded. “Alright, going to need Tina’s help then if that’s the case…” I sighed. “Well, at least it’s something to do instead of just twiddling my thumbs for the most part.” “You sound like Alchem and you aren’t even royalty.” Holy said with an eye roll. “Well, the more that goes down the better.” Romero shrugged. “Which is fair, the more we take down the Chaos Guilds the better.” I said. “Though…be on the lookout for The Majority…those are some insane fuckers.” “The who?” “A Chaos Guild themed Death Cult that are in groups of, as I was told, the ‘majority’ of a specific individual, like how there was an Izuku Midoriya and someone else that came out and demolished my city because they were after Yuri…I couldn’t do a damn thing against a fucking tallyman…” “...” Romero pulled out a notebook and pen from his Assistant and flipped it open to about several pages in… I could see a lot was written in it. He then wrote something down, put it away and folded his arms. “Uh…and what was that about?” I inquired. “That was my shit list. You gave me a group and a specific name so I added both.” Romero said. “Ah the old shit-hit list… good times.” Holy chuckled. “You guys gave that judge a heart attack.” Shift said. “And he deserved it.” Holy and Romero said simultaneously. “And the stroke he had on the table.” Holy added. … “...Okay…” I said carefully. “But I will need you to be careful…when they said the ‘majority’, it’s pretty much some weird thing with them that it’s ‘the majority of the people are evil’ or some shit like that, I have no idea why a Midoriya would be there when I read My Hero Academia and the poor bastard is not majority evil.” “AU.” Shift said. “Lot of Villain Deku AU’s. Some get very dark.” “Eh…Majority means that Izuku was practically destined to be a Villain, when his story isn’t that.” I pointed out. “It both is and isn’t. In the multiverse there is no singular truth or cannon, just alternatives and what ifs made alive.” Shift said. “That Philosophy degree at work.” Romero chuckled. “Killed a good ten years.” Shift shrugged. “Fair.” I nodded. “Let’s just hope this all doesn’t go sideways then…” “... Jinx…” Holy sighed. “Best to keep your expectations low so you won’t be surprised when shit hits the fan.” I stated. “Helps when you’ve had to play zombie survivor for ten years straight.” “Oh that reminds me we heading out to that?” Holy asked. “I got my guns if you do.” Romero said. “Be back later shift.” Holy said as she and Romero ran out faster than I expected. Shift just chuckled. “Uh…what?” “Long story short, back when they were dating in Leto, a BOW Nokori of Alex’s could create zombies. Was a whole thing… Romero held the lady hostage telling her that if she didn’t let him and Holy kill all those undead she created, he would personally kill her in the slowest most agonizing method Holy taught him. One of their best dates ever and they traumatized that woman bad enough she never used her powers again and willingly turned herself in.” “...What the fuck?” “Eh. That’s not even the craziest. Back in the Nokori war, Meg did things that had to be added to the Geneva Convention. Squeaks used her neat skeleton limbs to turn oil tankers into grenades during the war too, after the Volatile Nokori got out at least. Romero nuked North Korea, not with an actual nuke, personally with his fire. Holy shot the former brazilian president for helping fund and hide the Y Labs facilities… Then there’s me. I’m not only a cannibal but also back in the day my shapeshifting forms let me take on biological abilities of my forms, so needless to say I got to be both Godzilla, Mothra, and some other fun things a time or two back then.” … “The only one of us to never do anything insane is Bigs. He just kept to the kitchen and served food to the refugees and injured/ran his restaurant.” “...Uh…okay…” I said carefully. “We’ve been through some shit.” “I…can tell.” “What about you? You been through some shit before?” “Well…probably not as much as you people.” I said. “But I had to, for the most part, single handedly support my friends, spouses and ever growing children for ten years straight in The Infection, not able to get help for the vast majority of it and what few times I did manage to get help…didn’t truly help the situation, only made it a little easier for a time.” I explained. “Hm. Sounds hard.” “It actually is but none of you give a shit cause I can easily tell you’ve all been through much worse.” I rolled my eyes. “I take it people have given you a hard time about it?” Shift asked, their tone still even despite my… rude remark. “Ranging from ‘I should take a break, you work too hard’, which is…true, to ‘unless you calm down, you will never truly be with your family again’...” I sighed. “Hm. And what about you. Do you give yourself a hard time about it?” “How much harder can I be when I literally have a Time Walker telling me ‘you’re not apart of this fight’, when clearly everything has been forcing my hand whether I like it or not.” I frowned. “She abandoned me and is endangering her own life because she loves me…but little did she know that having to aid in the fucking ‘In Search of Heaven’ quest would throw a wrench in that.” “Love makes people do crazy things. Things to the extreme even when they hate or know they’ll regret it. Do you feel you have to be so hard on yourself?” “So far the only person that’s been hard on others and not just got ‘just calm down and switch it off’ is Holy, but she’s taken it rather concerning spiteful levels even though she…most likely has her reasons.” “Holy back in Leto had a son, Luke. She had him while she was still in active duty. The father was the first man she felt genuine romance towards… but, his words were honeyed crap. Once she was pregnant and told him, he left and she never saw him again. She raised him all by herself. Did everything for that kid. Left the service, worked long hours to give them a place to call home and everything he needed and wanted.” “Like I said, she had her reasons.” I said. “As I technically have experienced that same situation, but replace the ‘father ditched my mom’ and ‘dad was isekai’d’ so there’s that.” “Hm. Everyone has their past, their reasons for the way they are. Regrets, mistakes. No one can live without gaining some… hell, I know I have plenty. In the end, all you can do is what you feel is right in the moment since you never know how it will effect your life later on. Maybe you grow to regret it, maybe you grow to be glad you did it. Maybe both. In the moment, you can’t stop to think about long term.” “Well some people have personally taken offense to that and think I’m supposed to think long term about other things when there’s a lot of important things needing to be thought or done now…” I grumbled. “Balancing life with responsibilities huh?” “And being practically scolded for trying to.” I said honestly. “Not like I was just handed an Escort quest by this planets father so he can laugh as I have to aid in killing his fucking innocent child!” I growled. “Yes…the point of this quest is so we can destroy this planet, Dark Gray’s literal child that’s whole creation was innocent in it’s intent…cause what’s more Innocent than Death?” “... Do you feel you have to shoulder the burden alone?” “I have seven other groups to help me in this cause the Key he was given said one of seven…” I said. “But shouldering the burden of knowing I have to watch an innocent child…that sees me as an older sibling…have to die just so his father gets his ‘retaliation’?” I asked. “Do you think it can be avoided?” “...The person that informed me about this…they told me that the Mother hates Goodbyes…so maybe we can still save the poor kid’s soul and put it in a new body even as the planet has to explode…” I sighed. “Well, maybe it’s not about the planet exploding and more about a change?” “And that change is that Dark Gray get’s to ‘retaliate’, which is basically letting Chaos Guilds run rampant across reality cause this entire planet is apparently one giant prison.” “Let’s focus on the child, Button.” Shift said. “What exactly is it that’s meant to happen to them?” “To finish the quest…Armageddon has to die.” I said. “And what is the quest?” “In Search of Heaven.” I stated. “And…I don’t know if his soul will go to the afterlife…what if it’s pure Soul Erasure?” “And what makes you sure it’s this quest where they are to die? It might be a different one.” … He did say… main quest… In Search of Heaven is labeled as a Story Quest… “He said it was a Story Quest.” I said. “We were informed that Story Quests affect the world, if the quest that you’re worried about is the Main Quest, it means at the end of this quest he’s still going to live.” “...Maybe…” I sighed. “From what you’ve told me, it sounds like there is an option to save him. You said it yourself, The Mother hates goodbyes. If this is some Main Quest reality changing thing, then there’s no way she’d let it end in death only.” “Dark Gray would, and he’s the puppet master of this entire thing, the gamemaster that’s playing with so many people’s lives for fun…” “He still answers to The Mother. It might take time, but something tells me she doesn’t let Goodbye last forever.” “...The person told me that there was…some part of the Mother that hates endings…so…I guess that might be the case.” I said. “Might be cliche, but have hope. I’m sure things will work out, even if they feel like they’re not.” “I…suppose that’s fair.” I admitted. “Just…sucks ya know?” “Trust me, I know.” Shift said with a small chuckle. “So, odds are Holy and Romero have set… a fair chunk of your home zone on fire already.” “The New Foundation probably isn’t going to like that if those flames hurt their stuff.” I admitted. “Romero can be careful and surgical when he wants… Same with Holy.” Heh… I took another bite of my ice cream… do what I feel I have to in the- “Oh, actually there’s something else you might be interested in. I learned this literally yesterday.” “What up?” I inquired. “Okay so a while ago I tried and got to make use of a Mother’s Blessing Item. Tony and I were supposed to test them but… that all happened so I went and managed to get it to work so I have Admin Powers. So, here.” They said, holding their hand out as Code flowed out… and I blinked as another me plopped onto the ground. … wat? “Uh…excuse me wat?” “It's something I did for Alchem and the rest of our group. I can make Code Clone copies of your bodies and they link up. Basically once you sleep you wake up in the other body.” … I… can be with my family and do shit!!! “Fantastic!” I cheered. “Oh Cream is going to be pissed!” I laughed. “And you're happy about that?” “Half cause she’s adorable when she pouts, the other half cause she can’t get mad at me.” I admitted. “If you insist. I suppose if you have a team I should do this for them too.” That would be best…meaning we can travel and get shit done! Suck it fate, destiny, whatever the fuck you go by! I got a loophole! “Right, I should get Gallon, Micheal and Tina here.” I said readily, getting up and out of my funk so that we can all just be able to do a lot of things. > Chapter 30: Safety Worth Fighting For > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I ran back through the portal and smelled smoke. I looked around and everything seemed fine. I walked outside of the Portal Hub and oh… oh… There was so much smoke from outside the walls… … Holy and Romero really uh… aren’t holding back are they? “...Huh…” I managed to say cause…that was a lot of smoke…I flew off after them cause this was a big thing I needed to make sure they wouldn’t accidentally break or burn this entire area down. I got to the walls edge- SWEET MOTHER!!! It… it’s just… gone! Glassed to a near reflective slag! … I uh… … This is fine… right? “Uh…it’s even worse than I thought…” I grumbled. I think I’ll just leave those two to their… date… I rushed back home and dropped off the code clone body. “... Did you gain then get split with another symbiote?” I turned, seeing Micheal walk in eating a fruit salad. “If you mean the current glassed area, that’s because Romero and Holy are having a date, and two, this is a Code Clone I got from Shift so when I get to sleep here, I take control of this and get to go off on adventures.” “Oh, that’s useful… Cream’s gonna be mad you’re getting away with being out of the house and in the house.” “Yes, I know.” I nodded. “And…while I still understand, I need to do something, and this is the closest I can get here.” “Heh, well as long as you’re still here I’m sure she’ll get over it… speaking of…” He said, looking a bit past me.  I turned, seeing the door to his place with Gallon open, Tulip and Dandelion coloring on the floor. The giant Den Mother Zingre with the mind of a four year old due to… situations. “...I’d like to say this is adorable…but…” I sighed, knowing the situation behind all of this. “At least they are enjoying each other’s company.” “I think Tulip adopted her as her ‘Little-Big sister’.” Micheal said, chuckling weakly. “Gallon sure treats her like a kid though, which she is… just a bit… weird. Still an adjustment…” “We can’t treat her like our daughter…cause…Dandelion is Tony’s daughter no matter what.” I said carefully. “Yeah but we still have to take care of her, it seems.” Micheal sighed. “As her uncle I’ll help take care of her.” I said readily. “Good luck pulling her away from Tulip…” I sighed. “I’ll make an attempt…” I said, walking over to the two children. “Hello.” I said to the two kids. “Hi!” Tulip said. “Hi.” Dandelion said. “How are you two doing today?” “Good. Dandelion is fun!” Tulip said. “Tulip is fun!” Dandelion replied. “Glad to see you two are having fun.” I said with a smile. “What are you coloring?” I asked, looking down to see if they were just coloring for the sake of it or if they were coloring something specific. Tulip seemed to be drawing some grassy fields and flowers. Dandelion seemed to be drawing what looked like a stick dog. “I like what you two are coloring.” I said honestly. “Thanks! So… who are you again?” Dandelion asked. “My name's Button, I’m your uncle.” I said to Dandelion. “Oh. Okay. Why are you so small?” “Because of certain weird things that happened.” I said honestly. “Oh. Okay.” She said, back to her drawing. “And what are you drawing?” I asked, having seen it but I was curious what they thought. “I’m drawing the garden.” Tulip said.  “And I’m drawing daddy!” Dandelion said.  I looked back at the stick figure dog. Heh… I guess she hasn’t… seen Tony yet. I know she met Tina though. “Well, your dad is a big doggo that’s for sure.” I admitted. “Like your auntie Tina.” “Yeah. She said he looks like her, but a boy… I don’t know though.” “What don’t you know?” I inquired. “What he really looks like.” “I understand, and believe me when I say that you will meet him one day.” I said softly. “Okay.” She said, going back to drawing. I sighed… I gave her a pat on the head and went back to my livingroom. She’s happy now… that’s all that matters. “So, guess for now she’s good as she is?” Micheal asked me as I walked back into my livingroom. “For now she’s good.” I sighed. “Just…wish there was a way for her to get into contact with Tony…” “In time. So, should I go fetch Gallon and Tina to get Code Clones and head off on these special quests?” Micheal asked. “Of course.” I nodded. “Will help us out a lot in the long run.” “Right. Well this will be fun.” “Well, that’s weird.” Gallon said as he woke up in his Code Clone body. “Kind of feels like when you go to sleep them immediately wake up, but minus the tiredness.” Tina added. “Well, we got a ship and time to head out.” Micheal added. “Yeah, and from what I was told is that the ship’s are in the upper atmosphere.” I said, having been given a bit of briefing on the quest Alchem and company started. “Alright then.” Micheal nodded. As we sailed the ship up I got a loot at the extent of the damage Holy and Romero caused… … … … It was a lot… and I’m pretty sure it was Romero who glassed in the phrase ‘The Cake Is A Lie’ into the ground. … I hate how outclassed I feel looking at that… I clenched my fists. “I really need to stop being outclassed…” I growled. “Is there anything you won’t get angry over?” Tina asked. “There are a lot of things that I won’t get angry over.” I stated. “My children being a massive thing I don’t get angry over.” “Unless they tease the shit out of you.” Gallon chuckled. “That’s different.” I huffed. “I don’t get angry at their teasing, just mildly upset.” “You chased them around the house threatening grounding for ten years for the April First pranks they bombarded you with…” Tina reminded. “That was a solid four hours of April fools nonsense, why wouldn’t I get mad?” I frowned. “Had to clean my feathers for a week…” I grumbled. “Well, how long til we get to the upper atmosphere?” Gallon asked. “Few more minutes, after that the Ship will scan out for Gravity Anomalies that the Welcoming Committee ships give off.” Micheal answered. “Cool.” I nodded. “Then with this, we can start doing actual communication and have full access to the internet.” “Well, communications. According to Holy, off planet Internet is still a no go.” Micheal sighed. “Ah boo.” I frowned. “At least communications will be up.” “If this is following RPG logic like I think, once every last Welcoming Committee ship is shut down, it should likely activate another quest that will disable to no off planet communications thing.” Gallon hummed. “That would make the most sense.” Tina nodded. “And while we all can…all the Chaos Guilds also can.” I pointed out. “Which can be a massive bad thing.” “Assuming we’ll be allowed to…” Michal huffed. “How so?” Tina asked. “This biggest issue with freeing the people stuck on Armageddon is the Chaos Guilds. They’re basically largely stuck here, making this a natural prison for them… but if we unlock the doors keeping them stuck, and word off world gets out, do you think people will just openly let ships fly off planet without issue?” “The Family will allow it cause this is Dark Grays ‘response’ to the quest finishing…” I sighed. “The Family and The People aren’t the same thing.” “True…but it’s just one of those things to worry about.” I sighed. “Just hope it doesn’t go as wrong as I think it will…” The fly up to the upper atmosphere was fairly quiet. The wait to find the ship was filled with small talk and some time killers. The ship eventually picked up on the gravitational anomaly and we sailed up to it, finding and loading it into our ship’s docking station where once it was in, the camouflage turned off and we were able to enter it. As Holy said, empty, unmanned, and there was an old TV with a VHS tape sitting on top of it. The tape said ‘Play Me’. “Alright, let's see what's in store for us.” I said, taking the tape and putting it into the VHS. I put the tape in and a man appeared on screen. He looked kind of like a teenager, maybe seventeen or so, wearing a simple red hoodie and ripped jeans. His hair and eyes were both a metallic dark gray color and his skin was a dark tan color. “Hello, I’m Gravel, son of All Makers Pecator and Gray, and you four. Button Mash, Tina, Gallon, and Micheal.” … “...Time Walker bullshit…” I frowned, given I dated a Time Walker this was the closest explanation I had. “Also, Gray, or Dark Gray?” “Gray, if it was Dark Gray I’d specify. By this point you must already know this is how you start the Free Speech Quest and all that stuff.” “Yes, and I believe next would be the hint for the area’s Main Quest.” I said, having a feeling he is genuinely listening in through his powers or taking educated guesses. “Yes yes, I’ll get to that but first I’ll need to speak to each of you alone.”  “Well that’s… ugh, this gives me a headache…” Micheal huffed. “We’ll leave it to you first Button.” Tina said as she, Gallon and Micheal left the room. “Well now that we’re alone, Button Mash. The one so far behind in so much you can’t stand it.” “Yes…because I made a dumb decision thinking it would help, I’m so far behind on everything it is physically painful…” “Yes, and given what you’ll be up against it won’t be easy dealing with what will be coming. So I’ll be offering some help. Something you can utilize, if you’re strong enough. It will just come at one simple cost.” “And what’s the cost?” I asked, glaring at Gravel cause I’ve already paid enough for these assholes and they want more? “That in your body that will stay with your family and home, you do just that, stay with them. Don’t leave unless you absolutely have to. Other than that, what I’ll be giving you, it will only affect your Code Clone body, and is compatible with the Estate Title, but it is something all its own. It will help you grow stronger and guide you as your other Code Clone body ventures through Armageddon. I’ll offer it to your allies as well, but it’s an offer you can refuse. Do you still want it?” “...So it’s just…I spend time with my family unless stated otherwise?” I asked. “That is what I said.” I sighed. “Alright…” I said, as again this feels like a ‘stay home and let the adults figure this out’ kind of thing but I might as well play along. “Alright then!” Gravel said, clapping his hands. [Notice! You have begun the quest, Free Speech! Locate and destroy each zones Welcoming Committee ships. (Optional) Copy each ships data for map location data and geographic data. Notice! You have gained the Title, Player!] “Player huh?” I hummed, looking up the Title and what it did. “That is an interesting title…” [Title: Player - You will be given mandatory daily missions and specially generated quests to complete. Failure to complete these quests will result in an appropriate penalty. Success in completing these quests will result in rewards!] Hmm, interesting… Huh? [Player Title Daily Quest! Run 100 Kilometers. (0/100) Do 100 Push Ups. (0/100) Do 100 Sit Ups. (0/100) Do 100 Squats. (0/100) Rewards: Loot Box! Failure to Complete: Appropriate Penalty.] “...The hell would be an ‘appropriate penalty’ for basic exercise?” I asked in confusion. “That’s a little surprise.” Gravel said. “Now then, the hint for the Main Quest of the Infection Zone. ‘To create the safest place from the undead, one must learn from history of the former safest place. Pick its ruins and learn what to do’.” “...So just got to find the Last Bastion as it were and see how it all worked…” I said, naming it ‘Last Bastion’ given…well, it was the ‘safest place’. “It…should probably be easy to find with the Foundation’s help…” I hummed, thinking about where it would be. “Well, now bring in the next one.” Gravel said. I nodded. Hm, guess I can get to work on the sit ups, Push Ups and Squats. I can do the Run later. I’ve gone that distance and then some easy back when I fist came here so this shouldn’t take too long. Tina’s POV. I walked into the room after Button was done, walking up and sitting in front of the TV to get the best look at Gravel on screen. “Ah Tina, the girl who lost it all and wants more than anything to make things right.” “Glad to know you understand where I’m coming from…” I sighed. “So, what do you want?”  “Personally? A good milkshake and some jerky but that’s not what this is about. I’m going to tell you something, something you will need to listen to and remember.” Gravel said, making me raise a brow. “Tina, your family, your kids, Fluttershy, Pinkie and all them are here and are still alive and well.” “Where are they!?” I asked quickly, hoping to find them and hoping they were safe and sound and not ‘alive and well’ like how Dandelion ‘was’... “I’m afraid I can’t give details. I will say however they are not in the Infection Zone. No, the Zone they are in is a place where the soul is the currency. If you wish to find them, be strong enough to find them, I offer you the same power I gave Button. All I ask is that your Code Clone body ventures and explores, but your other body stays home to be a mother to your other kids, or father depending given… you, aunt to your brother’s kids. You can refuse this, but that is up to you.” “Well, that’s why we got these Code Clones to begin with.” I admitted. “And Soul’s for currency…either some weird Warlock/Demon place or Dark Souls…” “Well if that’s your answer then, here you go.” Gravel said, clapping his hands. [Notice! You have begun the quest, Free Speech! Locate and destroy each zones Welcoming Committee ships. (Optional) Copy each ships data for map location data and geographic data. Notice! You have gained the Title, Player!] “Player?” I raised an eyebrow, looking into the specific title. “Huh, that is a bit interesting.” I hummed at seeing what it did. “Alright…what quest do I have…” [Title: Player - You will be given mandatory daily missions and specially generated quests to complete. Failure to complete these quests will result in an appropriate penalty. Success in completing these quests will result in rewards! Player Title Daily Quest! Run 100 Kilometers. (0/100) Do 100 Push Ups. (0/100) Do 100 Sit Ups. (0/100) Do 100 Squats. (0/100) Rewards: Loot Box! Failure to Complete: Appropriate Penalty.] “...So we doing a Saitama thing here or what?” I asked, finding the ‘do a hundred of’ thing rather specific. “Cute but be sure you do the daily quests. Next person!” I shrugged, getting up and heading out. Micheal and Gallon went in for their talk, together as usual. “So, how far along on the exercise thing are you?” Tina asked as she walked next to me. I was doing push ups. So far, 42/100. “Forty two push ups.” I answered. “This is still weird…wonder why we really got Player…” “No idea, but we get loot boxes so, might get something fun out of them.” Tina shrugged, getting down and starting her own pushups next to me. “... He told me my kids and family from before are here, not in this zone, but here.” “That good, did he give you a hint on where they are?” “He said where the soul is currency, so likely some Dark Souls based zone I guess.” “Hmm, we should look into that.” I said readily. “I was also told the hint to the Main Quest of this Area, which is basically we need to find the ‘previous safest place’ and look into what made it safe and then…not so safe.” “Hm, interesting. Well, guess we got a lot of work ahead of us. Wonder what Micheal and Gallon are being told?” “Maybe something equally as important? I know they're probably getting Player but I’m sure they might tell us when they come out.” “Probably. So, what do you think the Loot Boxes give?” Tina asked as, if I counted right, she just finished twenty pushups. I’m already in the sixties. “Could be anything from something really cool, to some stupid ‘congrats’ slip.” I rolled my eyes. “That would suck if it can give duds.” Tina sighed. “That’s the pain of Loot boxes.” I sighed. As Tina and I did the push ups, I finished mine and began on the curl ups as she was wrapping her push ups, well, up. It was around then that Micheal and Gallon walked back in. They both looked a bit uneasy. “What up?” I inquired. “Did Gravel tell you something concerning?” I asked, concerned about their unease. “More like… confirming something we suspected.” Micheal said. “Remember the talks with my dad, and suspecting that something was influencing him and my mom when they kicked me out and… all that?” “Did he tell you who did it?” I inquired. “No, but he said they’re here on Armageddon now.” Gallon said. “And that we’ve actually met them already, but they had a different face back then…” “Well that’s unsettling…” Tina said. “Yeah…” Micheal nodded. “I asked them why, if they knew why, and he just said ‘She needed me around to help Gallon’.”  “Do you have anyone in mind that would do that?” I asked, as they said they technically met the person. “Not really?” Micheal said. “The only person that came to mind was Lyn but that’s impossible…” “Considering what we know now, why would it be impossible?” I asked. “Well, because Lyn was a… split personality.” Gallon said. “Back home, there was this girl, Evelyn, Evy for short, she was about fourteen after the event and we were all let out. She gained the power to read Auras to predict things, but she also gained a Split Personality we called Lyn. She didn’t speak, maybe couldn't, but she could read and write and helped us… first time we met she took one of Micheal’s notebooks, wrote down building numbers and other numbers that ended up being passcodes to electronic locks we came across. Each one worked without issue.” “We figured, maybe she was just using Evy’s Powers, same body and all, but something about Lyn always felt like she knew something. She knew my and Gallon’s names before we told her, mouthing them as if asking us if we were, well, us.” Micheal said with a shrug. “Last time I saw her, Evy was an adult, pregnant and she was pushing Gallon to have some of his blood stored away for medical reasons.” “She actually met with me before I rushed into Hulda… she tried to stop me.” Gallon added. “I told no one what I was doing but she was there right before I crossed the border…”  “Are you sure she wasn’t possessed at that point considering what your worlds like?” I asked, cause a lot of that didn’t really…sound like a split personality. “The paranormal and Ghosts were… a rather unexplored field given any magic dealing with the Souls or the After… whatever was considered Taboo. And past attempts to learn usually ended… badly…” Gallon said. “Right…so it’s not completely out of the question, cause as far as I’ve learned with Nokori fusion is that it affects the soul, and split personalities aren’t really soul based.” “Well, did he tell you where they are?” Tina asked. “Something about souls being currency.” Micheal said. “Huh, that’s weird, Tina said that’s where Gravel said her family was.” I hummed. “So I guess we just have to figure out if it’s Dark Souls 1, 2 or 3.” “Well, does it matter? They’d all be in the same Zone.” Gallon said. “Good point.” Tina nodded. “Did you two also get the Player Title?” “Yeah, we accepted it… he also said my mom is still here in the Infection Zone.” Micheal said. “So we’ve got to look around the Infection Zone for her, search for the ‘Last Bastion’ as I’m going to refer to it, and also make our way to whatever Dark Soul’s area is around…feck.” I sighed. “In short, we’ll be busy.” Gallon said. “FIrst is finding Micheal’s mom though. Gravel said she’s kept where his dad escaped.” “And that depends where he escaped cause he just kinda plopped out of our Mob Farm.” I pointed out. “New Foundation looked all around that area for miles… unless… he was in a pocket dimension…” Tina hummed. “Which would…make some sense.” I said. “Maybe…they were held by this ‘Lady Fate’ person Holy mentioned as a major threat.” “If she is… then how do we deal with it?” Micheal asked. “We break fate?” I suggested. “If Fate themselves is holding them hostage, we do something that would cause either them to open a door to their realm, or we break it open like a window.” “Well, guess that’s what we have to do then.” Micheal nodded. “Let’s get these Daily Quests out of the way and see what’s next.” With that, we all began the Daily Quests. The one we all did last was the running. Tina and I tied with Micheal and Gallon finishing shortly after. We all got a notification, finishing the Daily Quest granted us each a Loot Box. They were small things, fitting in the palm of our hands with ribbons. “Alright, time to see what our ‘loot box’ gives us.” I said while opening up mine. I undid the ribbon, the box opened and faded into light. At first I thought it was a dud until I got the notification. [Rewards! 1 Full Recovery 10 Apples of Eden 1 Mythril Stone] “Well…it’s not garbage, so there’s that.” I said honestly. “What you get?” Tina asked. “A Full Recovery, ten Apples of Eden, and one Mythril Stone.” I answered. “Okay… what are Apples of Eden and what do they do? Aside I assume kick you out of paradise?” Gallon asked. Hm… [Apples of Eden: An S Class food item! Consuming this will increase your max MP and HP by x2 the current amount.] … Oh… Oh that is useful… “So…if we eat these, it doubles our HP and MP by the current amount…permanently.” I said. “... Well no wonder Adam and Eve got kicked out…” Gallon said, earning a chuckle from Micheal. “Well let me see…” Tina said as she opened hers. “Alright. I got two S Class Antidotes, one S class Meal Bar, and three B Class Healing Potions.” She said. “Well, those can be useful.” I admitted. “Alright, me next.” Gallon said, opening his next. “Okay I got… oh, oh yes!” He giggled gleefully. “A full recovery, a Stamina Recovery potion, rank A, and a Staff of Sorcery!” He said, pulling said staff out. It was impressive, wood and mythril metal woven into a staff that held a gem of pure crystalized mana atop it. “Oh so beautiful!” “And now you have a proper replacement for the one you lost back home.” Micheal said. “Neat.” I nodded. “That’s gonna help you out a lot.” “Alright. Now my turn.” Micheal said as he opened his loot box. “Okay I got… a Hidden Dungeon Key… A… Stat Multiplier… and a Magic Compass…” “Huh, well, what are the dungeon key and compass for, and how big is the stat multiplier?” “Dungeon Key says it grants access to a Hidden Dungeon, just use it on an entrance way. THe magic Compass will… lead me to whatever I wish to find… and the Stat Multiplier… it’s F rank, but will multiply wither Combat or Physical Stats by times five. It also says if used on Physical Stats the multiplier won’t affect Combat Stats.” “Well, the multiplier might not, but the increased Physical will still affect the Combat.” I pointed out. “And let’s test out the Hidden Dungeon key before we figure out why you have Jack Sparrow’s lucky compass.” “Says the stats change won’t affect Combat.” Micheal clarified. “Well then just use it on Combat cause it would be useless otherwise.” I said. “Guess so.” Gallon shrugged. “Still, an item like that only being F Rank?” Tina wondered. “Well, either way… trade you six of those apples for it Button. You’re the one that wants to be stronger for everyone. The one that needs it more.” Micheal said, pulling it from his Assistant. It looked like a gold coin with a big X5 on it. “Huh, neat.” I nodded, pulling out the six apples and handed it to Micheal for the coin. He gave me the coin and then gave three of the apples to Gallon. “Well, guess now we start looking.” Gallon said. “Yeah…” Micheal said, pulling out that compass. “... Where’s my mother…” I peeked, seeing the needle spin around for a bit until it pointed West. “West it is.” I nodded. “I’ll set the course.” Tina said as she started the ship. I sat in the main bay with Micheal and Gallon, the two  were eating the apples and waited. “So…what was your mother like?” “... Heh. Mom was emotional.” Micheal said with a small chuckle. “Anything remotely sad would bring her to tears. Couldn’t watch a movie with a sad scene in it without her crying for at least five minutes. But she cared. She was such… a caring person. If you were sick or hurt she’d drop everything to help you, make huge pots of soup and meal prep, deep clean your house… made the whole thing with getting kicked out hurt more since…. She was never like that… She was crying the whole time it just…” “Well, we know she was possessed somehow.” I admitted. “But…now I’m concerned if…she’ll also be stuck in a weird torture suit…” “Given none of the games… and I did research… touch on what happened with… my mom… I… don’t know. I hope not.” “Some people think the Ballerina was some weird attempt to be some semblance of her but…hopefully I’m wrong.” I said carefully. “I’d rather not think about it…” Micheal sighed. “Well… what would she think about me?” Gallon asked. “Pfft. She’d adore you, and if she could, swarm you with my various childhood and baby photos… She always wished I could have had siblings but… there were complications when I was born and… well, she couldn’t anymore, after me.” “I’m sure we would all enjoy seeing your baby pictures there, Micheal.” I chuckled. “Yeah yeah.” He said, waving me off. “... I just hope she’s alright…” “There is no ‘fate’ for your mother…unless…” I said carefully. “... I'd rather not think of it.” Micheal said. Gallon patted his back gently. “We'll find her… and save her.” “Yeah… but, just in case…” He sighed. “I'm gonna reactivate Final Thanks.” “Need me to do our previous thing?” I asked, pulling out a knife and ready to give him my power. “It’s just in case. For now, we go there as normal.” “Yeah, just as normal.” I nodded. “Let’s hope it is just normal…” The fly there was pretty slow. It was far away and ended up taking us a day to get there. I have to admit, it felt nice to go to sleep on a ship heading to the unknown and wake up with my partners and lovers. That day was mostly spent trying to follow the schedule Cream gave me, ensuring I didn't miss out on important things with my kids. Needless to say, I was kept busy. The next night we awoke in the Code Clones and we're only a few more hours from our destination if the Compass is accurate, and it should be. “Just a few more hours…” I said carefully, looking out the window to see the ground below us trailing by. “What do you think we'll find?” Gallon asked. “Either we’ll find her safe and sound, we’ll see her in a bad situation…or we find Micheal has some new siblings in bad situations.” I admitted. “... Thank you once again for the stress and mental panic Button…” Micheal said. “Whenever you need a Panic, the Button is right here.” I said with a smug grin at everyone’s groan. “You are banned from dad jokes.” Tina groaned, putting her muzzle in her hands in embarrassment. “Nevah!” I said playfully. “... What did your dad say?” Gallon asked. “... He wished me luck in finding her… and hoped she'd not be in pain like he was.” Micheal said. “We’ll make sure she isn’t in any pain, I promise.” I stated. We soon arrived at the place. It was a large hotel of sorts, the compass leading us into it and towards a wall. A wall where a familiar black sludge of corrosion stained it. Shit… Fate has her own SCP 106… “Fu~ck…it’s 106…” I groaned and rubbed my temple. “Yeah, of course we have to deal with the Old Man…” Tina grumbled. “Don't you have one of those though?” Gallon asked. … Fuck I forgot about Dug! “...See…this is why I hate being given a lot to worry about, and then be treated like a child when I try to actually take care of the lot of things.” I frowned, rubbing my temples. “Damn it…I have so many apologies to give Dug and so many sweets to give him…” “How did you know Button had a 106? I didn't know that.” Tina asked. “Saw him with Jada once. One heart attack later, saw he was cool and then maybe drank a bit to… process the fact such a horror exists as a pet in the house.” Gallon said. … Actually I'm surprised Jada was taking care of him. “I’m…at least glad Jada has been hanging out with him…” I said. “Dug?” I called out. In an instant, the same sludge of decay appeared from the floor and Dug popped his head out. Tina jumped. Micheal yelped and Gallon took a step back in surprise. Dug looked up at me with a happy, toothless, slightly decayed expression that would be cute had he not looked like the living embodiment of rot and decay he is. I didn’t care if this would hurt but I gave Dug a hug. “I am so sorry Dug, I swear I’ve just been so busy and have so many things to worry about…” I said to the poor guy. He didn't seem to mind, and hugged me back. It didn't hurt, and I remembered he was a Violence Guild Failure. He can't produce the sludge to harm. For his portals, yes, but not to harm. Nor was he ever violent or hostile. “I’m glad your okay Dug…I’m sorry my promise is taking a while, but I will get someone to help you in someway.” I said readily, even if it wasn’t a full reversion, at least getting him to talk or fixing his arms would be way better for him. “... Not to… ruin the uh, moment but um… Dug…” Gallon spoke up. “Can you by chance… open that… sludge into… that 106 portal?” Dug looked at the wall with the familiar sludge. He pulled himself out of his own and walked up to it, tapping it a few times. “Think he’ll answer?” I asked, thinking Dug was knocking on it like a door. Instantly another arm shot out, this one dripping with the decaying sludge as it choked Dug. Slipping out from the wall sludge was a genuine, violent, hostile, and deadly 106. A broken yet sadistic grin as it looked at Dug’s panic. Before I could react to help, Dug latched onto the 106’s arm and pulled, the two falling into Dug’s portal and vanishing as it closed, leaving his harmless sludge. “Dug!” I yelped in panic. “Damn it damn it damn it…” I muttered repeatedly as I put a hand to the portal and tried to do something to save him… “There's nothing we can do.” Tina said, putting a hand to the 106 wall sludge and it went in. “The other one left his portal open. We get in, get Micheal's mother then get out and hope Dug is alright when we get back.” “Alright.” I sighed, looking towards the old man’s portal. “Let’s just…be careful still.” I said carefully. We got in, the portal hurt as that sludge burned but was quickly shaken off. This 106 pocket dimension was different from Dug’s. This one was full of old stone, all soaked in its decaying sludge and I could see bars of rusty metal here and there. And the screaming. There was so. Much. Screaming. It came from both everywhere and nowhere. This was both a prison and tortures dungeon. “We gotta get as many people out of here as possible.” I said carefully. “Just need to figure out how to get through this place…” “I know where mom is at least.” Micheal said, holding the compass in his hand. “This way.” He said and began moving forward. We followed. We passed many cells, most the people inside were in conditions that, I'd be lying if I said I didn't taste bile in the back of my throat repeatedly. Micheal kept moving despite it all. After some navigating, we came up to a cell, it was from the outside like any other, but inside was a woman. She was curled up into herself as tight as humanly possible. On the floor nearby was a body. A body of a young adult human, messy brown hair, thin body frame, and pale and cold. A corpse. “... Is that…?” Gallon asked. “How I was when I was human… been a while since I saw that face…” Micheal said. “Ma’am?” I asked softly, hoping to catch her attention. She didn't respond. Just kept crying. “Rip the bars off Tina.” Micheal said. “With pleasure.” Tina said, gripping the rusty metal and with a heave, ripped the metal out of the stone. As Tina tossed them aside Micheal ran up to his mother, sure to block his mother's view of his corpse copy. “Mom.” Micheal said, softly as he put a hand to her shoulder gently. Her sobs stopped. The dead silence was almost louder than the cries of the other prisoners. Slowly, she looked up. Her skin while fair was freckled with a very light tan. Her brown eyes spotted Micheal and for a moment sadness, misery and grief was replaced by confusion. “... Micheal…?” She asked, a shaky hand reaching to her son's now fuzzy cheek. “Yeah… it's a… long story-” Was all Micheal got before his mother hugged him. Hugged him tight and refused to let go. I smiled softly, glad to see she is at least okay. “Glad to see your okay ma’am.” It took a while, but once Micheal's mom was good and ready to stand, we got to work freeing all the prisoners we could find. Many were possibly insane or were not aware of what was happening. As I turned the corner I suddenly felt off… The blood spewed out my mouth thick and heavy. Pain flooding my torso as I fell. It was like my I sides exploded and I did not feel the burn from my regeneration. “Button!” Tina yelled as she got near me. Her eyes flashed red before she collapsed with sparks flying from her more mechanical joints and parts. “I don't tolerate intruders…” I managed to look up and over, seeing a woman walking up towards us, a book open and held firmly in one hand. In the other, a pen. Lady Fate! She looked back to her book. “The pain, flooding the Nokori Phoenixes body was agony. His nerves shot as, his regeneration failed. Hell would only-” BANG! The bullet hit Lady Fate in the shoulder. Gold and black blood shot out from the injury as she yelled, her shot arm falling limply and dropping her pen. “I will always be ready to shoot a bitch!” Gallon yelled, shooting off another round from the Bloody Blaster gun he used. Lady Fate bolted. “Shit!” Micheal yelped as he rushed up to me. Thankfully, the familiar burn of my regeneration hit me almost immediately after Gallon shot her and Tina pulled herself back up. “The fuck just happened?” Tina asked. “After that whore!” I shouted. “You can't run from me Fate! You will burn!” I growled, angered by the amount of pain I was in just a moment ago and how she fucking monologued about it… I turned the corner she ran down, only to be punched by a rotten hand that left behind a horrid burning sensation across my muzzle. Her 106 pet was back and gleefully began digging those fingers into my flesh and bone. I yelled but blasted magma at the bastard, making it jump back before the whole of the dimension began to twist and alter. The sudden light blinded me for a moment as we were now back outside the Hotel. Tina, Gallon, Micheal, Micheal's mom, and the others we managed to save were all here. Bitch escaped… “Damn it…” I growled. “At least we know the bitch bleeds.” Tina admitted. “Yeah I wasn't expecting that to work.” Gallon said. “Either way, we got people out of that hell, and we got this.” Micheal said, holding the pen Lady Fate dropped. “Is it actually useful?” Tina asked. “It's a named legendary SSS Class item according to the Assistant.”  “So unless she can remake it, her power is diminished heavily.” I said readily. “Think we can make it work for us?” Tina asked.  “No idea, but hey, it's a win for us.” Micheal shrugged. “A major win if it weakened one of our bigger enemies.” We immediately brought everyone back home through the Frontier Portal in the ship. With that done we began to do regular missions. The daily quests from the Player Title were a bit annoying but able to be done fast. Tina wondered what the ‘appropriate penalty’ was. So, she waited it out. When the timer ran out, she suddenly vanished. Four hours later she reappeared tired, covered in blood, a mix of her own and some beast, and called the Penalty absolutely bullshit. Other than that, the stuff at home was becoming routine. Being able to be out and do something and be home for my family has done wonders for my familial relationships.  My egg with Barb hatched. The purple and reddish brown four winged hybrid was adorable. We named him Lava. “Well, someone's in a good mood~” Ginger said as he kissed my cheek and held me close. “You normally don't do the submissive fun unless you're in a good mood~” “Because I am, given the new Code Clone stuff I'm able to do things I want to do while staying here with family.” I said honestly, cuddling up to Ginger happily id. “Heh, happy you sure is friskey~” He cooed, kissing my lips as I kissed him back. “Well, happy me sure does enjoy to share it.” I giggled happily. “I am glad you feel happiness in your life, love.” “Ye!” I said. “So many things are…actually going my way for once and I’m excited about it.” “And in a few more months…” Ginger said, gently turning me around and wrapping arms around my belly. “All I want to know is, would you like another once this one is born Love?” “I would love to have another.” I said with a smile. “Then I best be there after the birth of I wish to beat Tina to it.” He said. I went crimson. Tina has also been… very active with me… and Cheat… that super hot bat lady… and I've been thinking when Tony comes back… maybe take a swing at Alchem… “Yeah…there’s a few people that are waiting in line now that I think about it…” I admitted. “And they can keep waiting~” He whispered into my ear. My time with Ginger in Little Leto was always relaxing. Especially now that, before I leave, I make it a habit to buy a cold brew iced tea, and do some book shopping before I leave, now that I do have time to read. Yeesh, almost feels like I haven't read a book in years, now I'm trying to catch up and read series I'm discovering. When I got back home I was greeted by an unexpected sight. The living room was flooded with various sweets and candies, the kids all taking their picks and Dandelion, Tulip and Armageddon were munching away happily in the middle of it all. “Uh…what's going on here?” I asked. “Armageddon made a friend.” Tulip said.  “And he gave me all this!” Armageddon said happily. “Who's your new friend that just handed you a small lakes worth of candy?” I asked. “I dunno. I just met him today.” “Okay…who is this person?” I repeated. “Like their name or what the looked like?” “They have a mask that is just plain wood and they wear a red hoodie and they seem sleepy all the time and he runs a store in the closet.” … What? “Uh…can you introduce me to him?” “No. He said he doesn't want visitors too often. I can see about next week though.” “Alright.” I nodded. “And…how did you meet this person?” “I was playing with Tulip and Dandelion and we were playing hide and seek and I wanted to hide in the closet but it was locked and I remember I had a key and I used it and it opened and then I was in a store and that guy was there.” I blinked. “Huh…that’s…definitely something.” I grabbed some candy and sweets for myself before heading to the bedroom where I saw Yuri at his desk, Cheat on the bed and Cream writing in a notebook. “Sup.” I said to the three. “Hey Button.” Cheat said from the bed. “Hi.” Cream said. “Yo.” Yuri said. “How we all doing?” I asked, moving over to the bed and sat down and started to eat some of the sweets I took. “Writing a list of items for Yuri to make.” Cream said. “Waiting for said item list.” Yuri said. “Sleepy.” Cheat answered. “So do any of you know who this mystery shopkeep Armageddon met?” I asked, lightly rubbing Cheats head like she was a sleepy cat. “Nope.” All three answered. “Okay, gonna have to ask cause…Armageddon got a bunch of sweets for free somehow.” “Weird.” Cheat hummed. “Maybe he stole them?” “Kids too pure to steal, plus he said he was given them by said masked shopkeeper.” I said. “They weaponized their adorableness and used it to get themselves free candy.” Cheat said with a small laugh. “Did they say anything of note about how they found this mystery person?” Yuri asked. “Armageddon said that he was playing hide and seek, then used the Heaven’s Quest Key to try and unlock a closet door.” I answered. “... Well, that might explain it then…” “So it can open more than just the gates of Heaven?” Cream asked. “But why to a random store that gave him free stuff?” “I have no idea, I’ll try to see who this person is next week cause Armageddon said that the shop owner doesn’t like too many visitors.” I said honestly. “Huh… Well, alright.”  So… Um… what? The week went by fast and I was now with Armageddon. He put the key to a closet door and it opened to… a convenience store. Something about this feels… familiar… Then I remembered. “Hey Button-” Tina walked over, and at seeing the open door froze stiff. “Hey Tina…isn’t this that one store you mentioned a while ago?” I asked, motioning to the convenience store. She walked inside, saying nothing as she did. She looked down at the sleeping hooded man at the counter. “... Shopkeeper?” She asked. He groaned, looking up. “Oh hey… Tiffany… no wait… Tina. Long time no see.” He said with a yawn. “You two know each other?” I asked in surprise. “... He was the one giving out quests and such back home to take out the monsters and…” Tina said. “Yeah. Shit that was what… few hundred years already, at least on my end.” Shopkeeper said with a shrug. “Hundred years?” I asked worriedly. “That’s surprising…” “Yeah well, that’s old news, old work.”  “And the current work is…what? Giving Armageddon free stuff?” I asked. “And the other holders of the Keys to Heavens Gates.” He said. “Within reason anyway.” “I suppose the ‘within reason’ is not buying anything really big or asking something important?” I asked. “Yeah, I doubt the kids could ask for unlimited power or where the key goes.” Tina admitted. “Why would a child ever ask for such things?” Shopkeeper asked us.  “They saw Alladdin and thought ‘unlimited cosmic power’ was awesome?” I suggested. “The key has to go somewhere, kids would want to know what it goes to.” Tina added. “They know where it goes, it goes to a lock. Seven locks, seven keys, one gate, and what it holds behind it.” Shopkeeper said, holding out a hand as a can of soda flew from the nearby fridge and to his hand. He then opened and began drinking it. “Fair.” I nodded. “But I see you're as tired as ever, not enough business or just not wanting to do things?” Tina inquired. “Business is always good, though I just don’t have the usual brand of customers in these parts. No, my brand of customers here usually pay with actions over currency.” Shopkeeper said simply as he laid back in his chair. “Not that I need the money anyway.” “True enough.” Tina nodded. “So what do you sell?” I asked, given this was the first time I’m here. “Yes.” Shopkeeper said. “Huh, cool.” I said, thinking about what I could buy given I’m here. “So, do you just give the kids here stuff or anyone?” Tina asked. “I’ll give the ones with the keys whatever they ask within reason, or whatever they need. You two on the other hand do not have the privilege.” Shopkeeper stated. “That’s fair.” I nodded. “Hmm…considering you said anything…do you happen to have one of those ‘Loot Spawn tickets’ I heard a long time ago?” I asked, remembering that there was this one turbo rare item that basically let you go into a pocket dimension and you had like…ten minutes to grab whatever the hell you can? “... Something like that.” He said, snapping his fingers. The convenience store around us vanished, replaces by endless buildings and shelves and items all over in excess and just flying piles of stuff ranging from food to weapons to armor to… everything…  … “...Midas would have a fit when he sees this…” I said, thinking about the leader of Greed being outdone by Shopkeep here outdoing his entire Guild’s purpose just from possibly one store… “Holy shit…” Tina said. “W-wait, are those Prize Pods?” Tina asked, looking over to see flying Prize Pods as well. “Midas? How is that kid doing anyway?” Shopkeeper asked. “And yes those are Prize Pods. I’ll give you a hint as to where all this crap goes.” “He’s doing fine, prepping for the Chaos Tournaments but…how do you know Midas?” Tina inquired. “Also, this is the ‘Loot Spawn’ realm, this is where all the Loot is that spawn’s in as rewards from dungeons, monster murder, and quests right?” I guessed. “First, tiny winged griffon pony thing, It’s actually called the… eh, nevermind that. All you need to know is that this place is where everything is before and after a world is generated starts. And Tina, I know him because I raised him. Changed diapers, taught him to ride a bike, punch a moon into gravel, run across space at speeds faster than… well, there’s not a name for that yet but eh.” Tina and I both looked at Shopkeeper. “Fucken…what?” I asked. “Second…” Tina said slowly. “You…are Midas’s dad and…that would make this place…” “I like to think of it as the Testing Cells game developers use to store various things and objects to try out before applying them in the game proper.” Shopkeeper said. “But if Loot Spawn is easier for you to understand then just keep calling it that.” “I…suppose so…” I said slowly. “So…this is something I didn’t expect…learning about this place and…that Midas is your kid…” “Yeah. Anyway,” He snapped his fingers again and we were back in the convenience store. “Get out.” “Well, it was nice seeing you again, Shopkeep.” Tina nodded. “Maybe next time I can come up with something I can buy.” I admitted. “And tell Babe I said hello.” Tina added as we both turned around to head back to our house. “Yeah yeah.” Shopkeeper said as we left. Armageddon closing the door behind us as we did and put the key back into his Assistant. “So that was informative.” I said honestly. “Glad to meet an old acquaintance again.” Tina admitted. “He didn’t seem very happy.” Armageddon said. “Depends on what he wasn’t happy about, losing sleep, us being there, or him just not being a happy person normally.” I admitted, cause the best description I had for the guy was ‘Tired’, and not the ‘I’m gonna crash on a couch and sleep for two days’ tired but ‘ten cups of coffee and murder’ kind of tired… “Well, whatever the case, he might be able to help us.” Tina said.  “Yeah, with his shop and whatever stuff he has to offer it could help us immensely.” I said honestly. “If he wants to… Kid was right. He didn’t seem to like us being there…” Tina sighed. “Yeah…considering what he told us about the Keys…he’s just another part of this damn game…” I shook my head.  “Hmm… well, at least we can see about what or if he can help us next time. So…” Tina started. “Just give it time.” I nodded, gently patting Armageddon’s head. “You get back to your games with the others kid.” Tina said, kneeling down and patting Armageddon’s head. The foal headed off and before I could leave Tina picked me up and carried me to a spare room, locking the door behind her and plopped herself and I down on the bed, keeping me firmly in her arms and between her breasts. “Cuddles are nice.” I said with a warm smile, cuddling up to my big fluffy woof. “Yeah. Seeing Shopkeeper brought back some… unhappy memories.” She sighed, giving my forehead a kiss. “I know…” I sighed. “But we’re not here to have unhappy memories, your family is here, I’m sure they're safe, and we’ll save them.” “I hope so… but I am worried regardless… Not to mention, if this Lyn is here, what if she’s some crazy god or something?” “I mean, considering Micheal nor Gallon said anything too bad…I suppose it could be fine.” I admitted. “Considering she manipulated his parents into kicking him out, all to somehow lead him to Gallon, what if she’s just some other version of Lady Fate?” “It was to rescue him.” I pointed out. “Unlike Fate who decided to monologue about my nervous system exploding…” “But why him specifically? And for what?” “Don’t know…and don’t know.” I sighed. “Maybe we’ll figure it out one day when we meet them.” “Hmm…” She grumbled, pulling herself around me more until she was basically curled into a ball, with me in the middle of her. I gently pet my thunder pupper’s cheek. “It’s alright, things are going to be okay.” “... part of me is afraid to believe that…” “Why would you be afraid of things being okay?” I asked. “Because everything can end up being worse when you’re happy…” “Trust me…I know that full well.” I sighed. “That's why I'm keeping expectations low so I won't be surprised…” “Just extremely pissed?” “Pissed yes, but not surprised.” “Hm… Has your baby started kicking already?” She asked, leaning her chin across the back of my neck. I was basically smothered by her body and fur. I didn’t mind… got used to this feeling quick. “Not yet, but they can take their time.” I said softly. “When I was first pregnant… the little kicks would make me jump. It was a new sensation, a reminder there was a little someone growing inside me. Heh, well, multiple. Sure, they hurt from time to time but rarely. Perks of being a Den Mother I guess. I look forwards to them now. The little kicks inside me… I’d get paranoid if they didn’t kick after so many days once they started.” She said with a small laugh. “Yeah, given I’ve been pregnant a few times…it’s a nice and worrying feeling to feel the little kicks.” I admitted. “First time I gave birth, it hurt. Felt like my insides were trying to pull themselves out of me… but seeing my pups, their little cries as they took their first breaths… didn’t even register after that, and each birth after felt easier and easier to me… Still not sure if that’s really me or my Den Mother body… stopped caring after a while… I was happy and… I had my kids… kids I’d swear I’d look after and care for and… then, I lost them…” “And we’ll get them back.” I stated. “All of them, I promise.” “I hope so… You know, Den Mothers can get pregnant with other female partners. Been trying with Lovely for a while now.” “...How does that work?” I asked in confusion. “All a Den Mother needs is some DNA in the right place and our bodies natural magic and such kick in. Course it’s harder… makes it more fun though~” “Is Lovely purely lesbian? Cause I know full well about your other bits.” I pointed out, also now a tad more confused cause of how…vigorous Tina is that it's taken so long. “She’s Bi. Had that realization with a succubus back in her world. Long…ish story.” Tina said. “And her not wanting your lightning rod?” I brought up  “... Button, at your size, I basically split you in half… and Lovely is smaller than you. My tip fills her with lube and practice. And potions to help are not exactly easy to find.” “The New Foundation?” I pointed out, given it was ancient and had a lot of things. “Yes, because keeping multiple settlements safe, fighting off SCP monsters and Chaos Guilds means they’re mandatory resources are going to expanding the public's kinks.” “I think I bought something during my Greed spending binge?” I questioned, still needing to sort through the rest of that nonsense. “That would be nice, but either way.” Tina said with a shrug. “Besides, Lovely has her own job too. Would rather try that on her days off in case she needs time to… regain her legging.” “That is also fair.” I shrugged. “Gonna go on another Greed Guild Spending Spree?” “Might as well, cause there's a lot of neat shit, I get a big discount, and getting more RP from Estate would be awesome.” This Code Clone stuff has been helping my familial relations a lot, Estate has been keeping track and I’m in the high double/triple digits with most everyone now. “Estate is really helping out huh?” “Immensely.” I nodded. “Plus your summons have also been helpful.” Tina said, shifting to give my forehead another kiss. “Just wish Tony didn’t run off so fast… I know why… but he’s now missed so much…” “It's only been two weeks.” I said honestly. “Doesn’t mean I’m not mad. We didn’t even get to hang out, catch up, drink or anything he was here… then he wasn’t… I haven’t seen him in years and…” “I know…I know…” I sighed. Another week passed and things were pretty calm. The route to the next ship takes a few days and we figured going in a circular pattern to expand Infection Zone’s territory of communication would be best.  I wrapped up a rather… fun session with Tina, enjoying the break before I went back for more. I was heading to the kitchen to grab a drink of water when- “Tony?! Your back! Uh…and in my house.” “And you were in my sister.” Tony chuckled as I blushed brightly.“But I spent the day with my daughter to answer your question.” “Oh! I hope it went well… was hard to keep her from calling me dad given I… was the first person she saw once she was cured. I guess Imprinting is still a thing regardless. So… did you need to see Tina because she's… sleeping and Code Clones… I assume Micheal and Gallon told you about that?”  “Yes, they did tell me and I should also get to try and test that as well…” Tony answered. “But I need you.” “Listen, I need like, five minutes before we do that.” I said quickly. “I need your help to do a quest, where we’ll need to go deep underwater, find a massive volcano, and let it erupt all over the place.” “...Is this a euphemism? Cause if your dick’s as big as Tina’s…” “Sandra said mine was half an inch bigger.” Tony answered. “Then…uh…” “Euphemism of my dick aside, no it’s actually the Main Quest for Aqua Terra.” Tony explained. I shook my head. “Okay so, wait… you want me, to go with you to Aqua Terra… to… I'm assuming set off a deep sea volcano?”   “Yep, the bigger the better cause Gravel told me the hint on the Main Quest.” Tony explained.   “Right… now, here's the problem I have.” I started. “I have my Code Clone already out on a ship, where Gallon, Tina and Micheal are all already awake in theirs and waiting for me and I'm kind of promising my family,” And Gravel. I mentally added. “I'd not leave home again given I missed out on ten years of… basically all my kids lives, majority from their birth, and this sounds like a multi day travel thing and yes I already asked, only one code clone works at a time so…”   “You're the only Volcano Phoenix I know.” Tony admitted. “But if not then I could just get Romero…or find a Fire Gem now that I think about it…”   “What about a Frontier Portal?”   Tony's blank stare told me he… might not know what those are.   “I…wait, are those the portals back in the New Foundation?” He asked.   I nodded.    Tony stared at me for a while… then walked to the nearest wall, and slammed his head against it.   “Fucking damn it…” He groaned as he slammed his head against the wall again.   “Yeah… I know the pain…” It took Tony a few days to find the Volcano, to which he got the Code Clone and was handing out various apologies and such, mostly to his kids, left and right as well his sister and Den. Eventually he was over it and had me walk through a Frontier Portal to his ship and over it. From atop the Ship he was looking over the edge at the seemingly endless water below. The map said there was a Volcano here.    I felt it instantly. The raw power was beyond a simple Volcano… no, the Volcano that birthed Mango, that now resided within me was but an ember compared to what eldrich level behemoth lay dormant and sleeping below. I was almost tempted to bow to it. “... What the fuck…” I said finally after several minutes of silence.   “What up?” Tony asked. “I only see the ocean here.”   “... Tony…” I started, turning to look him in the eyes. “What I sense down there is not a Super Volcano… That fucking thing makes a Super Volcano looks like the small annoying white head zits teenagers get on their face during puberty.”   “...Huh…” He said slowly. “So…let’s try and make it go boom.”   “... Tony if we're anywhere near this thing when it blows, we're gonna die. And I'm the Volcano Phoenix here.”   “...Well, that is a thing…hate how this is the quest.” He sighed. “We have to make this thing erupt somehow without getting ourselves killed…”   “I think I can still do something but first, let's get a good distance away from this thing.”  With a nod, Tony flew the ship a fair distance away from the Volcano. Not far enough that I couldn’t sense it, not that I couldn’t regardless. I can sense all the undersea Volcanos in this zone, but this one… almost gave me Glub Glub flashbacks… Once we were back atop the ship I took a breath, raising a hand to my mouth and bit down. The familiar rush of my Titan Transformation washed over me and I now stood, admittedly a bit precariously, on the ship that still kept us flying. “The fuck do you mean you have a Titan Form!?” Tony shouted from below me. I felt a smug grin cross my lips as I gave a quick look to Tony, proud of this form and what it was. Still, I had work to do. I held out my hands and began to task of connecting to the Volcano. The magma within bubbled lazily within the sleeping entity and I just needed to find the…  I felt it. I was expecting a challenge. It broke like fragile glass, then everything began to shake. The ground, the water, the air itself. I got out of my Titan body instantly, letting it fall to the water below and landing next to Tony.  “Portal. Run. Now!” I got out before making a B-Line for the Frontier portal. We were in Aqua Terra, rushing to the upper most area of the land. We could see the eruption from here…  Everything shook… then everything was a few… hundred feet in the air… then it all hit the ground hard, my own wings barely stopping the impact before I landed next to Tony in a daze. “...Three hundred thousand light years …” Tony said weakly. “Tony I'm gonna need like… a year or two before I do something like that again…” I said in reply just as weak. “I have a feeling it’s going to take longer than that to find another volcano this size…but this is one out of fifty thousand.” Tony replied before he spoke again. “... OH!” “Good things?” I asked. That was a loud ‘oh’. “Okay so…first, the entire island you help make is a Safe Zone, and everything got allocated around it…for each person that settles here I get fifty skill points per day per person …I get a hundred if someone’s born in this safe zone…and I’ve been given the power of an undefined, infant Divine…” “You…lucky…bitch…” “Yeah…this is…this is uh…quite something.” 3 Weeks Later So… Lot’s happened. “Is it wrong to say I missed being able to lay on grass like this?” Micheal asked. He, Gallon, Tina and I were all laid down on my new property, the house behind us and the land was several acres wide, with grass, trees, flowers. It was nice in all honestly.  When word of this first ever safe zone got out, everyone began immigrating and Micheal and other Township holders were busy helping build houses and roads and such. Now things have calmed down and, well, We all live in the Safe Zone. I’ll admit, I prefer it compared to the apartment… reminds me a bit of Ponyville. Just a little. “Nope.” Gallon said, on his side holding onto Micheal. “Not at all.” Tina agreed, wrapping an arm around me as we looked up at the blue sky. “Feels like home…” I said, cuddles up to my big thunder pupper and enjoyed nature finally. “Everything here feels… lighter.” Gallon pointed out. “The air, the smells… it’s like there’s no stress.” “That's why it's called a safe zone.” I chuckled. “Safe from all the stress.” “Is this what it’s like off the planet?” Micheal asked. “Pretty much.” I said. “Clean, clear…Simple.” I sighed.. “Neat. Wonder if when we find this Main Quest for Infection Zone the same thing will happen there?” Gallon hummed. “Kind of ironic. The Main Quests of the zones are to do things that make Safe Zones.” Tina chuckled. “Yeah…the more places we make safe the better.” I said honestly.  “So, how has Tony been since this happened?” Micheal asked. “Swamped with fans. Heh, he can’t go outside without people praising him. Fitting given he’s an Untitled Infant God now.” Tina chuckled. “Hm. Neat.” “And while he does enjoy it from time to time…I can agree, a man needs some alone time every so often.” I admitted. “At least he can say he did something people thought was impossible on Armageddon before.” Gallon said. “So much to do.” “I know…and we're barely any closer to finding either the Dark Souls area or the Last Bastion…” I frowned. “Guess some of these Main Quests will take more time than others. At least we’re taking out the Welcoming Committee ships as we go. New Foundations is sending out ships of teams to do the same in the other zones. Maybe find the Main Quest. Progress.” Micheal said with a sigh and a yawn. “A…” I yawned as well. “A whole lot of progress.” Well, at least now we have a safe respite. With luck, we’ll soon have more. > Side Quest: Tina's Fortune > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay so what am I doing… I… right. Come on… up. Out of bed already… move… come on… … Nope. Body no want to move. It's happening again… my baby demands a lazy day. “Halp, da babu want’s lazy…” I called out weakly, lightly pawing at the air for anyone to notice me. “Awh. Lazy baby day?” Cream asked with a chuckle. “Was wondering when that would finally hit you. At least one day each pregnancy you just are bed bound.” “I can’t move, Cream, it’s up to you to spoil me.” I said playfully. “Yeah yeah.” She chuckled, ruffling my mane. “I'll go bring you breakfast. So lay there and look sexy-lazy.” She added, giving my muzzle a kiss before she left. Heh. Wow it's been forever since I had a day like this. First time was a bit freaked but in the end, worked out. “Just a simple lazy day…” I hummed, bringing my blankets a bit closer and remaining comfy. “While there’s a lot of new things to do…” Hmm… wonder what the others are gonna do today? Tina's POV “... Button is having a… lazy pregnancy day?” Micheal asked. I nodded. “Yeah, while I’m a Den Mother and pregnancies kinda…are real fast, lazy pregnancy days are just that, you will basically be bed ridden for the day as the baby is forcing it.” I explained simply. “A simple day to be pampered and be as lazily cute as you want.” “Huh… so what does that leave us to do?” Gallon asked. “We were supposed to hit the Dream Realm Boss Monster things. Based on some of Holy’s scouts and such, the bosses are just slightly stronger than your strongest party member.” “Well, Holy also said that the rewards are shared between everyone in the party.” I admitted. “But with all the skill points that we’ve grinded, plus me having both Transpite and Titan Shifting I’m sure I can handle whatever the hell the Dream Realm bosses throw at us.” I shrugged.  “Famous last words.” Micheal chuckled. “That’s why I said I can.” I pointed out. “But should we head off or do some last minute prep?” “I was told Doom weapons are-” Gallon started. “No.” Micheal said. “But the big boom!” “No. You'll pull the trigger and lose an arm.” “But…the kaboom.” I said. “There’s supposed to be an earth shattering kaboom.” “You don't even use guns…” “And? Doesn’t mean I don’t respect the big booms.” I chuckled. “Your sex life definitely reflects that…” “And the times you dommed Gallon so hard it took him half a day just to feel his legs?” I teased. “Our best anniversary yet~” Gallon said, giving Micheal a kiss on the cheek. Flush with a mix of embarrassment and a hint of anger, Micheal huffed. “You two get along way too well…” “Hey, it’s not my fault half the time we share a brain cell.” I giggled. “So long as that's all you're sharing.” “You worry too much.” Gallon said, chuckling as they hugged Micheal. “What's got you so grouchy anyway?” “... Mom also has the King of Pain curse title…” He sighed. “I finally have both my parents back, but they can't be near anyone… not even each other…” “Listen, we’ll figure something out.” I said softly. “We’ll ask Holy if there’s anything from her side, or maybe we can get Scotch to build us something.” “Maybe… just hate this. My parents were manipulated by an outside force all so I'd end up in the right place to be taken by Y Labs… I get them back after years of believing they were dead and…” “It will be okay.” Gallon said, comforting his husband. “Every curse can be broken. Doubt a Curse Title is any exception.” “Yeah, this world’s whole tag line is ‘anything’s possible’.” I admitted. “So do you want to go find Holy to see if anyone can break those curses?” I asked, cause this was more important than just doing Dream World stuff. “Sure. Sorry if this takes us off track. Just…  after everything, I can't leave them like this. Safe or not, until that curse title is removed they won't be able to be really happy.” Micheal said. “Ah, there's my hubby who always thinks of others.” Gallon chuckled. “Come on. Holy should be in her office.” “And don’t worry Micheal, we understand.” I nodded. “Best to work on the important thing’s before we go out adventuring.” With a nod we all headed over to Holy’s office. The moth woman looking through some papers real quick when we arrived.  “Ah. Tina, Gallon, Micheal. What brings you here?” She asked. “Do you know any way to end curses or subvert legendary abilities that causes nothing but pain?” I asked. “... well that was an unexpected order.” “Micheal’s parents are both suffering from Fate’s bullshit where they feel everyone’s pain amplified at the exchange of skill points.” I explained. “And we were hoping you knew someone or something that can help.” “Huh. Well I saw Meg break curses on the plague doctor and Shy Guy. Maybe she can break this one too?” I saw Micheal and Gallon raise an eyebrow. I however was floored at hearing that. “Wait…hold the fuck up, do you mean the Plague Doctor and Shy Guy? As in SCP 049 and 096?” I asked in shock. “Yeah. Alchem made that exact same expression. Course she only cured Shy Guy after kicking his ass and snapping his spine in two.” … “That…should have killed the poor kid…” I said weakly, as I remember one possible story where the statue broke his neck and caused some weird reaction to dissolve his body. “Uh…okay, this is great news.” I said readily. “Other than that, I looked through a Catalog of rare items the New Foundation has found over the years and one item seems up the same alley. It's called a Sin Eater. A single use SSS+ item that can remove any Dark Skill Tree Ability or Title.” “That's even better…but how many do they have and how hard is it to find and or make?” I asked nervously. “According to this they only have the one, and it was found at a Greed Marketplace with a value of… yes.” Holy said flatly. “That much?” Micheal asked. She nodded. “Good news is that the merchant said it was a dropped item.” “Let me guess, Bad News is where/what dropped it?” Gallon asked. “According to the merchant the man he bought it off of got it as a drop from an enemy called a Sin King. Found in the Scarlet Kingdom Zone.” “And we sure as shit ain't going there any time soon.” I said simply. “And if Meg can't undo the curse?” Micheal asked. “Then we’ll look around to see if someone can.” I said simply. “There has to be a way…maybe we might also get it from the rewards from the Dream bosses.” “Maybe…” We went to Meg, who unfortunately informed us New Foundation tested her curse breaking magic already. It was no good. If it was just a curse she could easily break it, but because it's also a title it's more complicated. With that done we began looking into alternatives. “... What if we ask someone who is strong enough?” Micheal spoke up. “Strong enough to take on a Sin King?” “Like Heroes 682 or Romero?” I inquired, as those two people came to mind real quick with how strong they are. Micheal shook his head. “Everything we know about the Scarlet Kingdom Zone is that it's one of the strongest Hazard Zones on Armageddon. Surpassed only by The Empty and the Final Dungeon… so we ask the only person we know for certain who can handle them. We should ask Captain Death.” “... Uh, you mean that guy who is literally Death itself and Holy said was already strong enough for the In Search of Heaven quest?” Gallon asked. “Worth a shot.” I shrugged. “Cause there's not many that are stronger than Death itself.” “Guess we're going then.” Micheal said, standing. I won't lie, I was nervous. There's a reason I gave The Eternity a wide berth. It sent every primal instinct of mine on edge. Stepping into it made them jump off it. Captain Death upon his arrival took a form identical to Romero, but the hair, feathers and eyes were all black. Seeing him made me feel like I was already dead myself… “You want something?” Captain Death asked. His desk void of anything save a small music box and an old book. “Y-yes, we would like to ask for your assistance sir.” I said, trying to calm down my instincts that are screeching at me to run. “To…help us obtain Sin Eater items to cure the curses on Michael's parents.” “I see. Is there a reason you ask me specifically?” “It's dropped by an enemy called a Sin King, in the Scarlet Kingdom Zone. You're… probably the only person here strong enough to actually handle it.” Micheal said. “Scarlet Kingdom… hmm…” Death hummed, sliding his book over to him and opening it. He flipped a few pages. “The Scarlet King, correct?” “Yes.” I nodded. “The Scarlet King and all his minions and ‘children’.” “I'm well aware of them. They were no King last I saw them, but that was many eons ago.” Death said with a shrug, standing up. “Very well. I will fetch Pestilence and Famine then.” “Do you think it's necessary for your siblings to show up?” Gallon asked. “If this is the same Scarlet King I remember then yes, because odds are our Brother is with him.” “...Don't like how we'll find War there…” I sighed. “Better we find him than him finding us.” Death said as he left the office. “Well, this will be interesting.” Gallon hummed. “Yeah, this is going to be interesting indeed…” I agreed, letting out a breath I didn't know I was holding. “Let's hope we get in, get the items and get out. Rather not stay longer than needed.” Micheal said. “Here's hoping.” Gallon added. Heading to the Scarlet Kingdom was oddly easier than expected. When we got there, it felt like everything was wrong. The air smelled of pure decay. The taste of it was worse. Light just looked wrong. Buildings made of a mix of stone, metal, bones and still living flesh dotted the distance. The ground was saturated in blood, and the patches of flesh were still pulsating and writhing. Hell was too soft a word to describe this place.  Despite that, Captain Death, Famine and Pestilence were unphased. “And I presume you three have seen this or worse before?” I asked to the three captains. “It's definitely like Brother's work.” Pestilence said, looking around. “His work and then some.” Famine nodded. “Almost reminds me of home.” Death added as we walked. “Well…good to know.” I said carefully. “So…just got to find a Sin King and get out of here…” I said, as the three Captains were in the party and I had on an Item Multiplier ring that Holy made sure I had to stockpile a lot the Sin Eaters. “What do they even look like?” Gallon asked. “Big.” Micheal said. “Is this just ‘big’ or ‘Big’?” I inquired, cause all my senses weren't really happy with how wrong this place was that I couldn't really track as well as I should. “So um… you know my Titan form? Take that… and stack like… ten more on that.” “Amazed we can't see it yet.” Gallon hummed. “It will likely just appear out of thin air.” Death said. “That is more his brand of attack when one enters his territories.” “So random battles…” I started. “Can't wait to be here for three days to find one of the fuckers…” “Let's see if I can speed this up.” Pestilence said, kneeling down. He placed a hand to the ground, and instantly from his skin burst an endless stream of odd small beetle-like creatures that began rapidly scurrying in all directions. “That also works.” I said, kneeling down to get a better look at the strange beetle-like insects cause it at least looked correct. “If you want to keep that nose I suggest you move it back.” Pestilence said, making me move back. “These are Akricotha Beatles. Nasty little fucks known to eat a planet to it's core then drift through space, moving from planet to planet devouring them.” “Oh…that's not fun.” I said slowly, and even though I had Transpite…I'd rather not test that ability out like this… “Now then, let's see if this Scarlet King and our brother are indeed working together.” Death said, grinning. We stood here for several minutes… and then the ground began to convulse. The beatles rushing back into Pestilence as flesh, earth and fleshy earth were ripped and morphed into a large hand that began to raise us up. “... Is this a Sin King…?” Gallon asked with a shutter and gulp. “... Nope. Too big…” Micheal replied. “Then the fuck is it?” I asked nervously. “Only this Royal we were told about.” Death said, keeping his smirk. I about shit myself on the spot… this is the Scarlet King?!?!?!?! “...Oh…” “And how bad is it?” Gallon asked quickly. “Yes…” I said slowly. “The fact we weren't atomized by his mere presence is possibly one of the biggest miracles of all time…” “And how do we beat him?” Micheal asked nervously. “Either in a fight which…depending on the lore on this area is improbable…or we get 999, or Kid as you know them, to give them a huge ass hug and use their power to make the King…not the single most angriest and spiteful motherfuckers in existence…” “Well doubt we can head back to find the Kid…”  Gallon said as the hand raised us up to a large floating… thing. It was a huge eye atop an orb of meat, bones and dirt. Atop it's head burned eternals flames where monsters poured out like embers. The flames resembled a crown and the whole surface was a crimson red. [Scarlet King Stats: Unreadable. Target stats far exceed the users to scan.] “Well, so you three did make it…” We looked up, seeing atop a floating stone throne was a man with large metallic gray wings, hair, tan skin and golden/red eyes. “I see you also took a new form Brother.” Death said. “I…presume you are War?” I asked carefully, yet again my instincts screaming at me to run. “In the flesh.” He said with a smirk. “Isn't she beautiful?” War asked, looking back behind him. “This reality agrees so well with our mother. The entirety of this hazard zone is her kingdom. Far greater than the universe back home, and yet there's so much more to conquer and slaughter.” “...Right…” I thought to myself carefully. “Okay…at least you're doing well I guess…” “Same old War, still so fixated on slaughter and conquest. It's depressing really.” Death said, crossing his arms.  “Unlike you, I am loyal to my maker.” War countered. “...I wouldn’t call that ‘loyalty’...” War looked at me. I shrunk. He flicked a pebble off his throne at me. I exploded. My HP was in the negatives and pain was all my mind knew as Transpite kept me alive and regenerating. When I was whole enough to see, everything still hurt and Micheal and Gallon were pouring all kinds of potions on me and down my mouth once I had one again. “Jesus fucking Christ you got vaporized!” Gallon yelped. “Death, Pestilence and Famine are fighting him below. It's just us up here right now.” Micheal added. I managed a weak, shaky nod as I took another potion he handed me and chugged it. “Fuck…” I groaned. “Everything is pain…” “and this is why you don't bad mouth the all powerful being unless you're sure you have a plan to actually handle them.” Micheal said as he handed me another potion. “Speaking of, Death gave me this.” He said, holding a piece of paper. “What's it say?” Gallon asked. “While they take on War, we take out their… mother…” He said, motioning to the thing above us. “...We need Kid.” I said carefully. “Cause the one thing that can stop all of this…is his ability to just remove any and all negative emotions…” “One Frontier Portal coming up.” Micheal said, making one near us. “Awesome.” I said readily, moving into the Frontier Portal quickly as we needed Kid to help…cause I really hope that this was the rules of 999 was a child of the Scarlet King and only their innocence, joy and love can solve this. I managed to find Kid sitting in a booth at Romero's bar, drawing as Bigs was cooking something in the kitchen. “Hey Kid, hey Bigs.” I said to the both of them. “Hi Tina-” Bigs was saying as I picked up Kid. “Bye Bigs!” I said as I ran out with the child. Oh I hope he won't be mad I basically kidnapped his son… scratch that, did kidnap his son… “Hi.” Kid said with a small smile. “Where are we going?” “I’m really sorry for just kidnapping you out of nowhere, but I really need your help.” I said. “So you know your ‘other’ parent?” I asked carefully. “Um… not really.” “The Scarlet King?” I asked them, wondering if a name will help out or if they really didn’t know. “Um… I got nothing.” He shrugged. Huh. Well he is a kid. Maybe he just legit doesn't know? “Right…so how do you feel about an adventure to make people happy?” I asked, considering that’s…technically what I’m bringing Kid to do. “Yay!” Heh… I am gonna be in so much trouble with Romero and then I just know it… I quickly ran back through the frontier portal and was next to Micheal and Gallon with Kid in my arms. “Right, I brought Innocence Incarnate.” I said readily. “Okay. So according to Death, that thing up there used to be the first planet to develop and sustain life in their home reality. It turned into that when it was supposed to die but didn't and instead rejected death. That's how the four down there were born and why it constantly produces monsters 24/7.” “Huh…okay that’s interesting to know.” I nodded. “And that is relevant how?” Gallon asked. “Because it proves planets back in his home also had souls. And if Armageddon is anything to go off of, there's a Heart and Soul of a little kid in that thing, mad, afraid and lashing out because they didn't want to die.” Micheal said. “True.” I nodded. “So how do we get to the world soul then?” Gallon asked. “Same way we'd get to it's heart. Dive to the Heart. Gallon and I got our Keyblades. You Tina?” “Yep.” I nodded, bringing out my keyblade, Howling Bolt, it’s grip and guard being the claws of a Zinogre, the blade being the tail in an enraged state, the fur and spikes looking like it would give it a jagged saw like look even if it was still smooth, electricity crackling up it around the key part which resembled the open mouth of my race, a Fulgur Bug in the center of the mouth to give it a last neat little touch. “What about yours?” “Just Starlight's but they work.” Micheal shrugged as he and Gallon summoned them. I nodded, feeling a little bad that I got my Keyblade a lot sooner than Gallon and Micheal when we got it around the same time. “Let’s get going then.” With a nod we began to do what needed to be done to perform a Dive to The Heart. We managed and thankfully we were soon atop a station of awakening. Despite the outside, the stained glass scene we stood upon showed a vibrant lush planet full of green plants, white clouds, blue water, land and islands. North and South ice capped poles. It looked alive. “Unexpected…” Gallon hummed. “Huh…this is…definitely different.” I admitted. “Looks…beautiful and peaceful.” “Must have been what it was like before…” Micheal said as we walked around the platform.  “Yeah…” I admitted, walking along and trying to look for anything in particular that could help us out here.  “Hi there.” We all turned, seeing Kid leaning over the edge of the Station of Awakening. “Who are you?” “Who you seeing Kid?” I asked, walking over to Kid and peering over the side to see who Kid was talking to. I… didn't see anything… “Eden? That's pretty.” Kid said, as if replying… “Innocence can see truth where others see nothing.” Micheal muttered. “It was in one of Holly's reports, from Heather.” “...Crap…” I muttered, putting my face in my hands as I realized what that really meant. After taking a deep breath I sat down next to Kid. “How is Eden doing?” I asked Kid, as he would have to be our interpreter here. “Let me ask.” Kid said, looking to me before looking back to the nothing below. “How are you?” I heard nothing, but Kid seemed to frown at something. “Why?” He asked. “Hey, it's okay. Don't cry… want a hug?” Suddenly, from the dark shot out a small glowing ball of light… the world's heart. Kid quickly held them in his arms and hugged the glowing ball. Instantly, we could all hear the cries of a little girl… “E-Eden?” I asked softly, my heart breaking at the sound of a little girl crying…the thought of my own babies crying… “Why… I don't wanna go…” The little voice said, sobbing. “I liked my people. They liked me. They all grew up, even when they left me, I was happy they were having fun… why do I have to die?” I looked at Eden…I…I couldn’t believe this…”...You won’t die…” I said, trying to hold back my absolute burning rage for whoever the fuck thought it would be a good idea to do this! “...Let’s…back up, why do you have to die?” “... I'm old. I wasn't the first world to form, but I was the first to grow life. To have that life become intelligent. My people were funny, but they were mine. The years passed. I saw other worlds so far away grow life too, and when my people and theirs first spoke, we were all so happy. When they finally got to meet in person, it was an amazing day. Time passed and more and more, my people left me… my soil began to become ridged and hard. My water was drying up… my core cooling to solid rock and metal… my people couldn't live on me anymore. No one could. Many stayed on me to the end… they visited, often, watched over me… then my sun began to grow. Got bigger. Hotter and…” “It exploded…” I muttered in horror. “It wasn't fair… it wasn't fair… I heard them! Heard them talk about fixing me. Moving me. But they needed more time…” “...Needed more time…” I muttered, remembering… back home…needed more time…needed so much time that I just wasted. “But… it was too late…” I said sadly. “I refused to let that happen… I remembered. Remembered when I formed. Nothing can come from nothing. I needed something. Something to get me going again… and the sun was exploding anyway…” “Wait, did you cannibalize your sun as it was exploding?!” Micheal asked. “Yes. The energy was enough to change me. Bring me back… but… I came back wrong. My new life was mean. Evil… and then those four were born. War, created from my first solidified stone. Famine, from a wilted flower that remained upon me. Pestilence, the last bug, stubborn and refused to go. And Death… he came from the remains of the only skeleton of the last of my people that chose to die upon me. I didn't know what was happening. There was so much change and energy I just… couldn't control it.” “..Eden…we…do you want help?” I asked, wanting so so much to help this poor child, but I couldn’t just say ‘we’re helping’...she was offered it but it was too late…so much terrible thing happened to this poor girl because things were too soon… “... I want to live… to make up for all the hurt I caused… my people wanted me to live… and I wanted to live for them…” “Then we’ll help you.” I stated firmly. “We’re going to help you live, we’re going to save you, and we’re going to make sure you have the life you were meant to have.” I said, not wanting this poor child to lose the life they deserved so much just to placate some jackass like War. “How?” Micheal asked. “Oh! I have an idea!” Kid said, standing to his feet, still holding Eden. He then walked towards the middle of the Station, pulling out his key from his Assistant. “Michael…Gallon…get behind me…” I said slowly, as I had absolutely no idea what was about to happen cause I only knew that the key did only two things, working for the Door to Heaven, and to meet Shopkeep… They did, and Kid put the key down to the Station floor… … … Click! The whole station began to glow, bright and shake. Okay it does more than two things! Uhh… what the… I sat up. I was surrounded by grass. The air smelled pure and Micheal and Gallon laying nearby. I saw Kid sitting next to a small pond, laying belly down and looking at the water  “Uh…Kid?” I asked, gently getting up and walking over to the draconian slime. “Hi.” He said, giving me a smile as he looked my way. “You all fell asleep.” “Yeah…we just…took a nap.” I said slowly, sitting down next to Kid. “Uh…so what happened while we slept?” “Oh, Eden got all better! We're on her now. She's all happy and feels like new! She made War stop cause he's a mommies boy, and The Captains locked him up. Then they brought Eden to The Eternity and she's in her own room here now.” … … The Kid did all that… all because he was innocent enough to have that key… “Kid…you and that Key worked a miracle beyond miracles.” I said softly with a giant smile. “I just had an idea and it worked.” He shrugged. “Oh yeah there's a quest you all got too.” Hm? I checked… [Main Quest: Regicide Kill or save all of the physical forms of the Scarlet King within the Scarlet Kingdom Zone. 1/1,000,000,000] … Yay… oh boy. “Okay…so you saved one…of a billion…yay~...” I whined in pain. “You also got rewards too.” Kid added. “Well…considering this was a reward from one of the strongest area’s…” I muttered, looking up what rewards I got cause I can only imagine it is some nonsense. [Rewards! Congratulations! You completed the special Requirements of activating the quest, Regicide.  Your Rewards for this quest have been changed to reflect your mercy. x5 Crowns of Chaos x1,000 Curse Breakers x50 Tomes of Infinity x100 Begone Madness +10/Max+ To All Party Member Stats. Special Reward! Title: Thanked By Eden The Planet Eden thanks you for restoring them to their original state. +100% Damage to Scarlet King Monsters. +75% Reduced Damage from Scarlet King Monsters.] I…uh…hmm…wow okay sure uh…fucken…I took a deep breath and looked at the items before I did something weird to concern the child. [Crowns of Chaos SSS+ Legendary Item These crowns, once worn give limitless MP regeneration. — Curse Breakers SSS+ Legendary Item Single Use Item that breaks any curse and removes all Dark Skill Tree Titles and Abilities. — Tomes of Infinity Class: Magic Weapon Rank: SSS+ Att: NA Def: NA Mag: NA Special Ability: Endless Spellcraft - Spells cast using this tome cost no MP but deal the intended damage. — Begone Madness Rank: ??? ???] I made a noise of pure pain as I read those things…”Oh…okay…okay yeah this is…this is a lot.” I said slowly. “Okay…so how long have we been asleep?” I asked, trying to get my mind off of just…all this. “About two hours.” Kid said. “Alright…good to know…” I said. “So…I have some apologizing to do to both you and Bigs…while this was a great adventure and it helped a lot, kidnapping is still bad…” I said carefully. “Unless the Nokori Gang found something I doubt any of them can do shit to me with these stats…” I mentally added. … Our group just went from one of the weakest to one of the strongest… Oh boy…  “Okay…so…there’s a lot to cover here…and quite a bit of paperwork to give to Holy and the Foundation…” I groaned. “Crepe on a cracker…” “Daddy makes delicious Crepes!” Kid commented happily. “...I am most certainly going to need some of your dad’s wondrous food and some adult drinks from Romero…” I said carefully. I did check my stats… and yes. It did at a 10/Max+ to all of them. Add Custody it was /Max+3. … I'm on par with Squeaks… and Heather's son… I think? I woke up Micheal and Gallon, the two quickly taking the Curse Breakers and heading off. I took Kid back to the bar where Bigs was very happy his child was back. “Okay…first…I am so sorry for just up and taking Kid out of nowhere.” I said sheepishly, trying to apologize to Bigs. “But…I needed his help because of a lot of things, like dealing with the Scarlet King…little did I know what was actually going to happen…” “It's still irresponsible! You wouldn't take your own kids out to a dangerous place would you?” Bigs asked with a slightly scolding tone, that coming from the gentle chef drake made me feel all the worse… “Again…I’m really sorry…but I genuinely had to, plus Kid made a new friend and literally saved a planet.” I said nervously. “Eden’s great daddy!” Kid chimed in happily. “Well I'm happy you're safe but it was dangerous, and two you didn't tell me anything but a Hi and Bye.” Bigs huffed.  “Considering the three Captains were fighting War we were a little hard pressed…also I kinda exploded before all this happened so I’m sorry if my brain wasn’t fully…braining at that time.” “...What?” “War flicked a pebble at me and I exploded…yes, he was that strong.” “Hm. Regardless I still don't approve or appreciate putting Kid in danger like that.” Bigs said. “Yes, I know…” I sighed. “But…sadly he’s a part of some of the most dangerous things in Existence, and literally only him, Armageddon, and other truly Innocent people can solve these issues.” I said carefully. “That's not making what happened any better and you know it.” “It's a sad fact that I hate yes.” I stated. “And again… I didn't have enough time to ask…” “Well, Kid is safe and here now so I guess it worked out, but in the future try to be more responsible. As a parent yourself I'd have thought you'd take more than a second to drag a child into a battlefield.” … I would. I should have. But because of what Kid's role is I just… didn't. … Does… that make me a bad parent… …Wait a fucking second…”Hey Kid, what did you think about that adventure?” I asked, considering what Kid is and how Old they truly are, I should be asking them. “It was fun but also scary. That place felt… weird… bad.” Kid admitted. “Yeah…I understand that feeling.” I sighed. “The entire place felt like it was built wrong…but you helped make it good.” A little part of it at least. “Well, at the very least I can think of a suitable punishment for this incident. Even if it all ended up well, still was dangerous.” I sighed. “And what do you have in mind?” I asked carefully, cause I’m just tired from today. “Meg! Make Tina some of your Raman!” Bigs called out. “Hell yeah Kitchen time!” Meg cheered, jumping from her booth and through the kitchen window. “So is this a ‘her cooking is just that bad’ or something else?” I asked Bigs. “Meg’s cooking was also put on her list of additions of Geneva convention additions back home…” Bigs said with a worried sigh. “So should we be holding a fire extinguisher if she accidentally burns a pot of water?” I asked. “No. But I will get the sink ready. Her leftovers are always a bad clean up…” Bigs said, putting Kid into a booth before heading into the kitchen. About half an hour later… this Ramen was given to me in a bowl. It somehow smelled worse than the air in Scarlet Kingdom, looked like it would bite me if I got too close, the broth somehow glowed slightly and was a mix of green, black and orange. And Meg was slurping it up happily. I frowned, wondering why this looked like that as I shrugged and gently started to eat it, hoping that this horrid thing would either activate Transpite or, due to how bad it was, this world would treat it like Poison so I wouldn’t be harmed with that +10/Max+ bonus I got from the rewards. I took a sip. The flavor was like as if my tongue was stabbed with a rock salt dagger coated in lemon juice and Carolina reaper peppers. [Notice! You have obtained the Debuff Status Effect: Instant Heart Attack] Wait wha- AGH!!!! I clenched my chest and struggled at my heart was actually having a heart attack, Transpite keeping me alive as I wait this out. How is Meg still eating this so happily?!?! “...Okay…first…this shit is burn and raw, it feels like you dipped a rock salt dagger in lemon juice and Carolina Reaper Peppers…and somehow your food is so dogshit it gave it me a Heart Attack…” I panted. “Well, I brewed it in a broth of energy drinks and hot peppers. I did use a whole chunk of rock salt, various meats, some fruit, ethanol, boric acid, chlorine, a hint of battery acid and the poison gland of a puffer fish.” Meg said with a smirk. … I looked over at Bigs. He just shook his head dejectedly. “So you just shoved a bunch of shit into this and hoped for the best?” I asked, and when Meg nodded…”...How?” I asked nervously. Meg put her bowl down, giving a more melancholy look now. “This actually comes back from before we arrived in this reality.” She said, stirring her bowl with the spoon. “Immortality is always fun and games until you lose everyone you care about. We had each other, but losing family and friends over and over in a vicious cycle doesn't do well for ones mental health. So, one of many attempts made to find and exit was to eat and try anything lethal. And I do mean anything.”  I looked between the two of them, now wondering why my ‘punishment’ was literally Meg’s attempts at suicide! “I’m…I’m so sorry to hear that…” “I've never had the best cooking skills, nor diet. Eating like crap is basically all I do. My body can't die no matter what I eat, so, over the years I developed a taste for lethal meals. Might taste like shit, but despite everything, it brings a bittersweet memory each time I make them. Be glad you don't have to know what we went through. Romero told me Tony had a lot of pain when he first started losing friends back in the Undertale Dungeon. Lovers. Children. Can you imagine it. Watching the baby you bottle fed and tended to, grow wrinkled and old before you ever did?” Meg asked, taking a spoon of the broth and sipping it.  “I know the feeling of never seeing them again because of ‘higher power’ douchebags.” I frowned. “I’ve…I’ve come to terms that…I might never see my family again…taken away from me because of…something…” I growled, lightly clawing the table as I thought…this blank spot in my mind…from cuddling with my family trying to think of how I could save them all to…this. Meg nodded. “I've come to associate the taste of poisons and other deadly things with my memories of the past. Even if Holy and Saw and Trish are here, still so many aren't. If this In Search of Heaven Quest works out, maybe we'll see them again.” “Yeah…maybe.” I sighed. “Let’s just…hope for the best I suppose.” “I was told abstract things like Hope can be found in some special foods. Wonder what that tastes like?” Meg hummed. “Special dimensions have them. Such a strange yet incredible thought. What a strange place we now live in.” “Yeah…this world is incredible, just wish we could…ya know, see more of it than just this planet.” I sighed. “I dunno. This planet is kind of fun. After all, if Tony could make a Safe Zone here, then who's to say Armageddon can't become a Paradise with some effort?” … … Innocent in its Purpose…  “...It…can’t…” I said sadly. “Armageddon…the poor kid’s life…Innocent in their Purpose…and what’s more Innocent than dying?” “Being born, for one.” Meg said, seeming to either ignore or miss my tone. “Some religions say your birth is a sin, but let's be real, that is all bull crap. There's nothing more innocent than a newborn child. Pure of the corruption and darkness of living. Being born and taking place in life, beginning. If Armageddon means the end of the world, they why is it still turning? Nothing is ever so black and white, and in a world where immortality is a birthright, seems rather odd someone is brought into it just to die. Doesn't make sense to me.” “Well, that’s what Dark Gray want’s, the Game Master of all this bullshit.” I said. “To finish the In Search of Heaven, Armageddon has to die, and Dark Grey gets to send the Chaos Guilds out to do whatever they want, either the innocent people that just want to live a normal life to Lust, Violence and other horrible people pillaging and burning as they please because his ‘kid’ was killed…like he wants.” “Maybe, but, he can't send them out if they aren't around. A little Chaos Cleanup sounds like fun to me.” Meg smirked. “Hopefully…” I sighed. “It just sucks…” “Don't be so glum. One thing I've learned after all these years… there's always unexpected surprises. After all, we ended up here one way or another. Best to make the most of it.” “Who knows…” I shrugged. “Just gotta keep moving forward I suppose.” I sighed, taking another spoonful- Oh right… “Well, good news, the Curse Breaker worked.” Micheal said. “Bad news. The Begone Madness item is literally an unknown.” I got that much from the description alone. It's rank and description were all question marks. “Well, best I can think of is in the name, ‘Begone Madness’...it probably does something with madness…what kind of madness is massively up for debate here.” I admitted, since we have absolutely nothing to go on besides a name best to just go with  the simplest answer. “Well, whatever the case the Crown and Time items are beyond useful.” Gallon smirked. “I showed them to Scotch and he lost his mind. I gave him one of each since we got several.” “Yeah, the moment he figures out how to reverse engineer those things is going to be insane.” I giggled. “Poor crafting nerd thought he was in heaven before, and we’re just handing even greater things.” “True… then there is the matter of our new stats…” Micheal sighed. “With stats that high there's a lot more we can do. Dungeons, missions, and then some.” “Yeah, getting those high of stats suddenly is really going to help.” I said honestly. “Well, first, we should also double back and actually get on track to what we originally wanted to do, which was the Dream Realm quest.” “True, but these stats open up a new avenue we have been largely forgetting.” Micheal stated. “Armageddon knew where a hidden stockpile was and how to open it. Which makes sense, he is the world soul, he'd know about things on him, but it's clear he is unaware of the quests or how to activate them. This means if, like the Free Speech Quest, are made by The Family. But there has to be a means to know where to look or find them. After all, random chance is one thing but a list must exist.” “...We need to find the Lore Keepers.” I said carefully, scooting my chair over and grabbing the phone connected to the New Foundation. “The Lore.” Gallon said dramatically. “Correct.” I said readily. “Armageddon knows where the places of important things are, but he doesn’t know why their important, doesn’t know the how it would piece it all together.” I said, picking up the secretary esc phone and pressing a speed dial button on it to get to the Foundation call center in hopes this will all work. “We also have access to someone who might also know.” Micheal spoke up, making Gallon and I look at him. … Shopkeeper… he gave missions back… “Not sure if he’ll be entirely…happy that we’re going to be asking for his services when his whole thing at this point is just supporting the kids.” I admitted. “Maybe, but we won't know unless we ask.” Micheal hummed. “Well, let's go fetch Armageddon and see.” Gallon said. “Yeah, that is fair.” I said, putting down the phone as Shopkeep would definitely know a lot more about this than whatever I can scrounge up. It didn't take long to find Armageddon and open up the door. I saw Shopkeeper there, eating a bento box surprisingly. I could pick of the scent of a kid… a human one. Was just here…. “Uh…hey Shopkeep, who brought you lunch?” I inquired. “Another holder of the Keys. The little one has gotten a teacher in cooking and he's pretty talented.” He replied, eating. Though the food phased through his mask where a mouth would be. “Now, what brings you here?” “We are willing to do a job for some information, a List of the Quests on Armageddon.” I said. “Our adorable little foal know’s where all the fancy places are, but not the how or why…and we need to figure out all the important things instead of guessing…” Shopkeeper took another bite of the food out of the box. The silence was loud enough to make his gulp audible. Then. He laughed. … I'm scared now. “Uh…I exploded once not too long ago, please don’t make me explode again…” I said nervously, as I know Shopkeep is strong enough to beat the shit out of me harder than War… “Oh no, no, no… I'm just amazed it took you less time than I was expecting.” Shopkeeper said. His fingers snapped and suddenly his store changed to something akin to a bookstore or library. “Looks like Lord owes me some money.” He chuckled. “I don’t know who that man is…but it sounds like the world is giving a sigh of relief at him losing a bet.” I joked. “Possibly. Well, here they are.” Shopkeeper said, motioning to the books. “Uh…awesome…what do I need to do as payment?” I asked, given I’ve done enough jobs for Shopkeep this wouldn’t come free or cheap as I walked towards the massive amount of books. “Oh, these are free of charge.” Shopkeeper said.  “So these are all the quests on Armageddon?” Micheal asked, looking around. “Oh no. Just the Infection Zone.” “...This is a lot…” I said carefully. “And uh…just to make sure this won’t bug the piss out of you, what if we tell the other groups about this?” I asked, walking over to one of the bookshelves and grabbing a random book. “Like Alchem or Hero for instance?” “These books have been sitting here since well before Armageddon was created. I wouldn't mind. Nor would the ones who made the quests. There's even a special reward for the ones who complete every zones quests. I'll leave that up to you all to discover.” “Awesome, and I suppose we can just…take these?” I asked, starting to read through the book I picked out. “Cause this is a lot to go through…the O5 Council and Holy are gonna shit bricks when they find this out.” I chuckled. “Of course. In fact I can make this a bit easier for you.” Shopkeeper said. Another snap of his fingers and all the books were gone. A single book on his table, the words ‘Infection Zone Quests’ titling it. “Here you go.” He said, slipping the book towards us. “Open it. Select a quest. And it will be activated. Cuts out some of the middle bits to activate it normally.” “Awesome.” I said readily, gently taking the book. “This will help immensely, thanks Shopkeep.” “Oh, don't go thanking me just yet.” He said, holding up a hand. “Knowing what they are and doing them, are two very different things.” “Knowing is half the battle.” I admitted. “And the other half is Extreme Violence.” Gallon said readily. Well, at least we can get this started now. Finally. Things are gonna get rolling hard core. “Right.” I nodded. “Now that we have the List, we can really get the ball rolling.” I said with a smile…but then my face fell a bit. “Is it alright if I ask what the Heaven’s Key actually does? Or do we have to wait and see?” I asked, cause after what happened with Eden…I hoped I could learn something in some vein about this whole thing. “... Bluntly, it unlocks the locks to the Gates of Heaven, and let's the holders reach me.” Shopkeeper said. “And… less blunt?” Micheal asked. “... It's a conduit.” “A hell of a Conduit to literally revive a World Soul and give them a physical form.” I admitted. “The world can be a cruel, complicated thing and a child can be hardly pressed to understand it. Let alone one so innocent. They key helps to bypass that. So long as the holder wishes with all their heart and their innocent minds see a way to help, they key can make it so.” “...So Innocence can basically do anything as long as they truly believe in it?” I asked. “That’s…extremely powerful.” “And Extremely Rare.” Shopkeep said. “Why do you think there’s only seven keys?” “Yeah…that is true…” “Can this key work on people?” Gallon asked. “I can't say. Eden was saved, but they are part of a quest. Who can say.” Shopkeeper said. “Can you tell us if there’s anything that can…counter it? Anything on equal footing?” I asked, cause if Pure Innocence can just…rewrite reality like that as long as these children truly believe in it, then…logic would sadly dictate there is something that’s the opposite. “Hm. Now that's a smart question. There is one thing that can. Madness.” “And…what would Madness be?” I asked. “Cause I haven’t been in this Reality for that long and…I haven’t heard what it really is.” I admitted, cause while I have heard it crop up sparingly, I always thought it was just some psychotic break and not something this big. “... Many things really. A single word describing a collective of things. In simple terms, one can describe it as an illness of the soul, but even that is not quite accurate enough. The best way to describe it, is a lack, or emptiness where something important used to be.” “...Immortality causing one to lose purpose, loved ones, friends…even the world around you…” I said, as I felt a chill down my spine…that…that sounds like the Nokori group…that sounds like Tony to a fucking T! “Tony could have…” “What does Madness do?” Micheal asked, putting a hand on my shoulder to keep me calm. “Is it like the name suggest and they grow cold and unfeeling, lashing out against anything that they perceived as ‘taking away the importance’?” “... It starts with small things. Distant to people, emotions. Simple tasks are difficult, it's akin to depression in the beginning. As time goes on, it's harder and harder for them to genuinely care about things. Happy or sad, tragic or wonderful. They find a genuine emotional response difficult. In these stages it can still be reversed. Undone. Just takes effort on the person's part. If not, that's when the glitches begin to happen. Fluctuations in stats. Abilities appearing and vanishing. Cognitive functions begin to decline, and eventually, the person's code scripts finally crash. When they restart, things are missing, and missing code leads to errors. Code by nature works to correct these errors, generating patches to fill in the gaps, but when it's glitches, glitchy patches are created.” “... They become a virus of Code…” Micheal said. “Basically. Innocence can fix it, fresh, pure code and positivity. However, once one has gone Fully Mad, just Innocence alone can't cure them. Stabilize, yes, but a cure is difficult to obtain.” “...Is that where the ‘Begone Madness’ items come into play?” I inquired. “Yes. It's experimental, but the basic thing it does is Inject a dose of pure innocence and fresh new code into the person. Tests have been rather positive, but the longer someone suffers under Madness, the less likely it will work. On top of that, we've noticed an unexpected secondary affect with those treated.” “And that is?” Gallon asked. “Total mental faculty reset. Take a person who is uncaring, argumentative and all around bitter. After treatment, they show newfound remorse and timidness, regret for past actions. Their Sympathy and affiliated emotions suddenly skyrocket and rarely does this go away.” “Huh, that is interesting.” I hummed, scratching my chin. “That will be insanely useful if we ever have to use it.” I said honestly. “Remember, it is experimental and has only been used on those who have fallen into Madness. Not sure if it would work on a person not under the effects.” “Fair.” I nodded. “Are we allowed to tell anyone about this? While you I understand keep you and the kids abilities to meet you a secret for the time being…a lot of this is some heavy info.” “Disclose it to those you trust.” “Alright.” I nodded. “Hmm…any other questions?” I asked Gallon and Micheal, cause there was already a lot to unpack from all this and new things to think about. “Can I buy or have new guns?” Gallon asked. “Really?” Micheal asked. “Our stats just got massive boost! I want bigger guns!” “... Fine.” “Love you!” Gallon said, giving Micheal a kiss. “Weapons are easy enough. As well as munitions.” Shopkeeper said, snapping his fingers and we were in a Texan's wet dream. So many guns and bullets… “Well…have at it ya gun nut.” I chuckled. Gallon then laughed giddily as he began to run around looking at all the firearms. I chuckled warmly at Gallon acting like a kid in a candy store. “Heh, glad to see he’s excited.” I said, as even though I did come to terms…I remembered what Gravel said, that my family was here, that they were safe and I just needed to find the Dark Souls area. Dying Fire… I'll find you… > Chapter 31: Rewrite, Reset > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Button no!” Micheal and Gallon yelled as they held me back. “Button yes!” I replied trying to bolt out the door. “You're still pregnant!” Tina countered, blocking the door. “But the stats!” I cried. “Are no excuses to go ape shit while still many months away from your due date!” Micheal huffed. “But why not?” I whined. “I’ve been cooped up in my house for a long time, I need to commit vast amounts of brutal monster murder.” “You will not or so help me Button I will-” Tina started. “Is this a bad time?” We all turned to see Armageddon standing there, some books on his back and Jada next to him. “Probably, if Dad’s losing it again.” Jada huffed. “I’m not losing it.” I huffed. “But what’s up Armageddon?” “Oh, uh, Jada asked me to mark down neat places on a map for you all so I did.” Armageddon said. “Based on locations and what Armageddon said he feels about them, they vary on what they will likely be.” Jada said, taking the books, Atlas's of the Infection Zone, I noticed, and opened them on the nearby coffee table. “Well, what are some of these spots?” I inquired, looking at the maps to see if there was any special places marked down. “Armageddon looked at these spots but each one had a different feeling for them.” Jada started. She pointed a finger to one spot, a large hotel many miles from here. “For example, here he said,” “Spooky but fun stuff.” Armageddon said. “Right. I asked around and apparently there's a whole nest of the Volatiles in this building. Powerful enemies likely guarding high grade loot. Then here,” She said as she moved her finger to point to a bridge. “Lots of ouchies.” Armageddon said. “After looking into it, there's a whole Medical set up built there, with various strong monsters there.” Jada said. She then moved her hand to a school. “And here…” “Sad. They're sad.” Armageddon said. “They?” Gallon asked. “Prize pods spawn here semi-regularly.” Jada explained. “Yeah…I remember going to a school and finding prize pods from time to time.” I sighed. “But sounds like we got a list of places we can head to.” “That's not all though.” Jada said. She flipped the pages and pointed to one spot that was marked with a big red circle. It seemed to be an airport.  “Something is there that shouldn't be.” Armageddon said. “That’s…concerning.” I said carefully. “Something that shouldn’t be…why an Airport?” “I dunno. All I know is that I feel like there's something there that's not supposed to be there.” Armageddon shrugged. “Think we should check that place out first?” Gallon asked. “I do anyway. And dad… your Code Clone?” Jada said. … Oh right… heh… I forgot… “Yes, my Code Clone, the Code Clone that was made for me…that Code Clone.” I said carefully with a nervous smile, seeing everyone stare at me. “Don’t you look at me like that.” “Feel my stare and know you've been judged…” Gallon said. I took a sleeping potion to fall asleep and wake up in my Code Clone body. Thankfully once I was we all headed out. It took a bit to travel there but when we arrived we were met by the massive airport, sans Infected monsters… but lots of black cloths all around. “What's all this?” Micheal asked as the ship landed. “I don’t know…but something about this feels very concerning.” I said carefully. We got out and Tina picked one up… It was a Time Walker cloak, the usual neon blue parts without their glow. Near each were their Gazing Eye Keyblades… and falling out the cloak, a clear Crystal Time Gem in the shape of a Heart. “The freakiest fuck?” Gallon asked. I… I picked up another piece of black clothes… another Time Walker Cloak and another Time Gem that fell out…  ”Tiara… what the hell are you doing?” I muttered, knowing there was only one person that could do this. “This is going past ‘protecting me’ at this point…” “Tiara did this? Shit… your Ex is insane.” Gallon said. “I know the Time Walkers are after her cause she’s now a ‘Rogue Time Walker’ but… this is getting insane.” I said, shaking my head as I started to collect the Time Gems and Cloaks… they don’t deserve to just stay here in bumfuck nowhere… “Think this is what Armageddon ment?” Micheal asked. “I don't think so… this is fucked yeah but look around. Regardless of how strong Tiara is, there's no signs of a proper battle. All these Time Walkers and not one was getting an attack in?” Tina asked. “Then that either means something weird happened, or there’s a pocket dimension here.” I said. “If we’re talking in video game terms…Super Bosses tend to be in alternate realities and Tiara would definitely fit the bill…” “Since when have any of the… okay a Void Dungeon kind of did that but still.” Micheal said. “But she's not a monster… right?” Gallon asked. “Time Walkers and Void Admin’s, along with Void Dungeon’s of a certain level are the only things that can Permanently Kill people.” I answered. “Tiara…I don’t want her to be a monster…she shouldn’t have to, she should be home…with me and our kids, being happy and…just not…this.” I motioned to the violence here. “Well whatever she's doing… there a lot of bloo-” Tina was saying, right before her head hit the floor. Gallon was knocked away by nothing. Micheal too. I felt pain as what felt like metal claws dug into me and ripped me open. Regeneration taking home as Tina’s head was reattaching itself. We quickly looked around only to notice nothing. No scents or magic or… anything- “Brr-AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!” Primal fear flooded me as Tina and I turned, seeing a monster that wasn't there before now walk half-hazardly around the airport. It was taller than Tina, pulsated with sickly gray flesh and patches of metal. It's hands ending in metallic claws and… … Scan! [Scan Complete! BOW Time Walker Volitile Nokori! Rank: ??? HP: 10,000/Max+ MP: 55,000/Max+ Att: 25,000/Max+ Def: 15,000/Max+ Resistance: 12,000/Max+ Special Ability: Temporal Shift - Timing is Key when dodging or attacking. Special Ability: Nokori God's Mark - The Nokori God will know when this creature has been killed.] I…I was dumbstruck, flabbergasted…shocked to see that a fucking Time Walker was…that Alex got… that Tiara would allow this…I…I don’t…I…something snapped…I don’t know what, but something did. “Oh…OKAY, SURE!” I shouted, not sure what level of anger I was feeling at this as it went way past my shock and horror and just…I don’t know…as knowing Tiara gave up on me…gave up on her family, used Alex to turn me and other’s like Hero into Nokori…to support Alex into doing this horseshit, I just can’t… I just can’t and I will not let more suffer because of some predetermined bullshit! I didn’t even bother to time it, all I knew was that I had to murder this fucking thing, as I grabbed onto it’s metal claw that tried to rip into my stomach again, and I crushed it, feeling my fire burn way hotter than it ever has before, feeling the Volatile Nokori struggle against my grip as I grabbed it by it’s throat and chokeslammed it into the ground, an eruption of Lava surrounding us as it vanished from my sight, from my hands but I knew it was still here. I felt my wing’s get ripped off, but I impaled myself and the Nokori with a Spike of Obsidian, hearing it roar again in pain as it vanished, breaking off the obsidian in my gut as I spun around and slammed my fist into the monster’s face before it could strike me, sending it flying out of the ring of lava I summed as I flew with new regenerated wings towards it. I don’t feel pain, I don’t feel sorrow, I don’t feel betrayal as I grabbed onto the monster again before it could disappear as I used it’s leg as a handle and slammed it into the ground repeatedly like a sledgehammer. All I felt was Unyielding, World Shattering Rage! “HOW FUCKING COULD YOU TIARA!?” I roared, punting the creature into the Airport wall that was melting from my rage, lunging into it as the creature tried to fight back. “I STILL HELD OUT HOPE FOR YOU AND THIS IS WHAT I GET!? YOU WORKING WITH THAT CUNT ALEX FOR NO FUCKING REASON!?” I shouted at no one in particular as I grabbed it’s arm and ripped it off, the sickening sound of flesh combined with the creaking and whining of metal was what greeted such an effort as I smacked the beast with it once before it vanished again, even it’s severed arm was gone. “THIS ISN’T FOR ME ANYMORE IS IT!? THIS IS NOW JUST SOME PETTY BULLSHIT WITH DARK GRAY HUH!? DO YOU EVEN CARE WHAT’S HAPPENING ANYMORE!” I turned spun, looking around for anything as I knew this whore was watching me, waiting, taunting me with it’s petty as shit timing bullshit, only for me to feel it’s claw punch through my stomach as it stared at me…fucking stared at me, as I grabbed onto it’s head with both hands. “If you care, you will save this pathetic attempt at Alex’s bullshit continuing on, if you care, you will come and tell me why this is happening…” I growled, slowly crushing the thing’s skull as it shrieked, struggling against me as it couldn’t bring out it’s arm, it couldn’t cut off my own hands as I was in full Rage Mode with a fantastic Ability that let me ignore their attacks while it lasted. I watched it’s eyes flicker, it’s monstrous eyes that killed so many Time Walkers flicker with fear as blood started to pop out of it’s head, it struggling to phase out of Reality but when it did, even the slightest moment I stopped feeling it, I sent a jet of fire into it’s arm stuck in me that caused it to flinch in pain, seeing it struggle, seeing it grow from a mindless beast to a panicked and cornered animal…to see what my Diamond was willing to do, and willing to work with…the sound of it’s skull getting squished like a Watermelon, it’s blood spraying all over me as I set the thing on fire, as hot and bright as I could make it as it’s twitching corpse was struggling against me, as I would turn this into nothing, not even a speck of Ash will be used by that fucker Alex to reuse. I heaved and after a while I felt the aches and tiredness… felt like so much was… no longer on my shoulders… … [Notice! Obtained the Title; The Flames That Burned Time! Notice! Obtained the Title; Time Killer! Notice! Obtained the Dark Title; Successful Test!] … “I hate this…” I muttered, looking up what my new ‘Titles’ were. “I especially hate that I’m a fucking SUCCESSFUL TEST!” I shouted in rage at that particular fucking bit. [The Flames That Burned Time: Against Time Magic and Monsters, you deal 20% more damage and receive 20% less damage. Using Fire deals an additional 50% Damage. Time Killer: You have Killed a Time Based Monster. You can now make use of and examine Time based Objects, Entities and Dungeons. Successful Test: The Nokori God has deemed your test results acceptable. He will speak with you shortly.] I was shaking as I saw that last line…I clenched my fists as everything about me felt like I was about to explode. “OH! So the fucker want’s to see me now! Well that’s fucking fine and dandy!” I shouted, looking around as I was about ready to smack that smug look off his face as I’m pretty sure he’ll walk in, slow clapping like some cartoonishly evil assfuck to ‘congratulate’ me. “Rather interesting choice of words.” I spun around, seeing Alex was already behind me. A clipboard in hand and writing something down. I charged. Then I was immobile. Stuck in pose able to move nothing but my head and only my head. “Did you really think that would work?” He asked with a raised brow. “What do you want you rabid moose knuckle?” I growled. “Disregarding if that was even a word,” He said, reaching out and yanking a feather off the wings on my head. “Sample. I suppose you also earned a-” Alex stopped, raising a hand over where Tina rushed in and punched. She also froze in place. “Do you mind?” He asked her. “Hold on… you're that other one's sister, aren't you?” “How do you know Tony?” Tina asked. “What did you do to him?” “Nothing. He attacked. I defended. Nothing more to say.” Alex said as he turned back to me. “Now then, as I was-” Bang!! Alex grabbed the rather large bullet that almost hit his head.  “Are manners a dying breed?” He asked, a snap of his fingers and Micheal and Gallon were on his other side. Appearing in a flash of code. Another snap and they collapsed unconscious. “Ah. Jefferson's batch. Simple subspecies.” “Considering who you are and what you’ve done, and also what you sent to try and murder the four of us…are you really surprised?” I asked carefully. “So…a ‘reward’ as you were trying to say?” “Murder you? No. That test subject was sent here to collect the Gems, Cloaks and Keyblades Tiara left behind in her slaughter.” Alex said flatly. “You were just here when it arrived.” “Well you’re not getting any of those things.” I stated. “But… again, ‘the test was a success’...so what is my reward oh ‘God of Nokori’?” I asked, playing off his Title here as I’m just…done with today right now. “Ah yes.” He nodded, putting a hand on my head. I wanted to at least bite him… [You have Received the Mod Ability: Core of The Earth.] “Core of the Earth…” I muttered, looking up to see what that Ability was cause that sounds…rather dangerous especially given it’s a Mod ability. [Core of The Earth: The magma of your biology has been changed to that of The magma deep within the core of the earth. Upon using this ability, you will evolve into a Burning Earth Phoenix.] “Going to have to see that later…” I said carefully. “So…what was the point of this?” “Care to elaborate?” “...The test, the killing Time Walkers and turning them into Volatile Nokori, collecting what’s left of them?” I asked. “Why is Tiara working with you?” Alex chuckled. “I believe the situation is the opposite. I'm working with her. For her, even. I still have my own goals but as long as I don't step out of line, she doesn't care what I do.” “...And this isn’t ‘out of line’?” I asked. “Her exact words were ‘So long as Button Mash is still breathing, you can do whatever you please’. She's still so smitten with you, sad honestly.” “...It’s not sad…” I said carefully. “Call it whatever you wish. Her only priority is completing the Armageddon Quests and keeping you out of them. Already has a little brat to dump the responsibility onto. Naive as one can get but what do you expect from a holder of Heaven's Gate key.” “...She already has one of the kids?” I asked worriedly. “That’s…that’s not good at all.” “Why is she doing all this?” Tina asked. “Like he said…she doesn’t want me involved, and is letting whatever nonsense happen to keep me out of it…” I sighed bitterly. “But why? Why is she doing all this to keep you out of it?” Tina asked. … I… actually don't know why specifically… I looked to Alex. “Do you know why she’s specifically doing this? Since you seem to know so much?” “The main Quests lead to the transformation of Armageddon, the opening of The Afterlife, a bridge between The Machine all Isekai come from, and the birth of a Second Mother. She's trying to keep you from becoming the Second Mother.” … “...What?” I asked. “That’s…okay, I get the connection between the Afterlife and the Machine but…a Second Mother?” “And… she's trying to prevent Button from becoming it?!” Tina asked. “Yes.” Alex said simply. “Why would we need a Second Mother and why would I need to become her?” I asked in confusion. “Why the need for a second Mother? To allow Time to exist properly in this reality. Why you? Don't know.” “Right…” I said slowly. “Okay that’s…a lot to process here.” “Either way, my work here is done.” Alex said. I hit the ground as Tina and I could now both move again. “Hate this so much…” I grumbled, hating how I couldn't do a damn thing against this asshole but I have…a lot of new questions that’ll probably never get answered. “So just going back to work or to inform Tiara about this?” “I'll be leaving soon. My work in the New Foundation is done.” “Got all the ‘samples’ you needed huh?” “And then some.” Alex said as he turned to leave. As he did I could see Tina looking ready to attack him again. “Don’t…” I said to Tina, as I saw him turned around…about to just walk away with everything he ever wanted, holding my entire family hostage effectively while playing the ‘good doctor’...I want to attack him so fucking bad as I felt my rage about to explode again but he stopped a bullet that hurt Fate with his bare hands, he stopped both me and Tina when we were both capable of killing that Time Monster… “It's not right…” She growled. “No…it’s not.” I said, as he just…walked away, having gotten everything he ever fucking wanted and me not being able to do a damn thing about it… As he left I held my breath. Eventually a Code Portal opened and he walked inside.  When it closed I felt… like crap. “Damn it…” I growled, getting up slowly and just…collecting all the cloaks and Gem’s and apparently Keyblades again. “Just purely fucking helpless…glad Tiara want’s me to be that way…” “... What do we do?” Tina asked as she kneeled down and tried to wake up Micheal and Gallon. “We keep going, ignoring Tiara’s attempts to stop me because fuck this, fuck her, I’m tired of being completely fucking useless and helpless to everything and everyone around me.” I stated. “I know she still loves me, and I still love her to…but at a certain point you just have to look your girlfriend in the eye and tell them to get fucking bent.” I said, cause yet again other people keep telling me how I’m supposed to live my life, how I’m supposed to be, and currently a lot of it is be helpless and useless for all eternity and I’m fucking done with it. Tina sighed. “This is all so messed up…” Tina sighed. “That’s what happens when everyone keeps dictating your life, where you are bound to others will’s and whims and you’re not allowed to do a damn thing or else you’ll lose everything you care about.” I rolled my eyes. “Tried to find a way to end Breeders? Lose ten years with my family and help David start breeding Hackers. Try to actually do thing’s for this quest? Have your Time Walker GF tell you to go fuck yourself and sit at home or else she’ll practically send some douche canoe to kill our children.” I stated. “Not like she cares that our children were literally on death’s door if I ever bothered to do something, but who cares, she can see the future and knows best, so who am I to fucking argue?” “Button-” “Not like I have a life or agency about things, I need to have it all fall neatly into some predetermined bullshit that everyone else want’s, why am I allowed to have a life ya know?” I asked. “Why should I be strong for my family when everyone else is going to do a thing, leaving me useless and hopelessly outgunned when everything I know about can be taken away,” I snapped my talons, a hill some distance away blowing up in a burst of flames. “Like fucking that?” Tine just… looked at me… Then her eyes got wide. “So that's it?” I paused, then turned… Tiara. “You really won't give up?” “Alex literally held our children at Gun Point, why in the name of fuck would I let that lie down-” I asked. “On my orders.” She cut in. “...Your orders were to threaten our children's lives…to make me feel helpless…just so…what? I don’t become the Second Mother who can just immediately spawn me back in with you?” I asked, cause everything I’ve heard in this Reality is that ‘if the Mother says it is, it is’. “Is that really what you think? That being The Mother can just magically make all your problems and worries better?” Tiara asked me, taking a step forward. “Would certainly make some problems and worries better.” I said, taking a step forward as well cause I’m not backing down here. “Tiara…what the hell is happening?” “... I can't…” She said. I was about to growl… until I saw the blood dripping out her hood… like tears. “I can't let you suffer that fate…” … “...Is it…really that bad?” I asked worriedly. “Cause…couldn’t I just…as a Mother, bring myself back to be with you either way? Everyone said the Mother is capable of anything…” I said, so confused and now concerned and scared about all of this. “No, no, nononononononono!” She said, heaving as her eyes glowed bright neon blue… her fur coat was a metallic gray and black, her mane pitch black and tied into a ponytail… “I won't let you get that far!” She shouted and the ground cracked. Huge gorges spreading out from her. “I can't!” “Tiara calm down!” I shouted in panic, trying to move towards her even as the energy tried pushing me away. “No!” She shouted again, this time Blue chains in the shape of hour glasses wrapped around me. “I warned you!” The air cracked. “I tried to tell you bluntly to stop!” The sky cracked. “I'm trying to save you, you stupid, stubborn stallion!!!” She shouted. The chains whipping me face to face with her as… code began to run across her skin. “I will do whatever it takes to prevent you from becoming the Second Mother… even if you hate me for the rest of time.” She said, putting her clawed hands to my face. Oh wow… I feel… weirdly… cozy… everything around me is all soft and… warm and… kind of squishy. “Oh thank every God you're awake!” Tina's voice called out. Tina?  I forced my eyes open. I was in her arms. Wow, she looks… bigger than normal? “What?” I thought, now super confused as I brought my talons to my face to see if there was any markings she left. “What happened?” I felt my face and… why do my talking feel… softer? “This is uh… what?” I heard Gallon say. I turned, seeing him, okay why does it feel like I'm so high up? And why do Gallon and Micheal look so huge? “So uh… Button… Tiara seems to have done… a thing… a rather unexpected thing… first off um… if you can understand me, try and speak or… blink.” I tried to speak-  “Bwab.” Was all that came out. “... Does that count as a yes?” Gallon asked. “Ba!” I tried to speak again but that came out. “Why am I a baby!?” I thought in a panic, looking down to see that…wha? Why am I a baby!? “Easy, easy…” Tina said, rocking me in her arms and… oh why is that so soothing… “So this is uh… something.” Micheal said. “Very much so yeah…” Gallon added. “What do we do? Go to a doctor or… a curse breaker or… a hyperbolic time chamber?!” Tina asked. Soothing rocking… “Tiara…why? I…I don’t know why you’re doing any of this…” I managed to think, trying to stay awake but…the rocking felt so soothing. … … … Ah! I woke up with some mild panic. Crap I fell asleep! Okay, where am- okay looking around I think I'm in the nursery back home and… … Oh no… no, not a diaper! Oh this is every level of humiliating!  Okay maybe I can see something stats wise… wait, where's my HUD and- oh no! The assistant doesn't activate until age five! If I'm genetically also a baby it must have switched itself off! “This isn’t fair!” I mentally whined. “What did I do to deserve this indignity!?” I mentally shouted…but then…”Wait! Why didn’t I go back to my original body? What about my baby!” I tried to sit up- … I was staring at another baby in the crib with me. They were a boy if the blue onesie meant anything. Where a winged fox and… oh… there's my baby… I did sigh in relief but rolled back on my back and huffed.  “Okay…so my baby is okay…but I still have no idea why Diamond is so adamant about me not being a part of this?” I thought to myself, really wishing I knew what was going on cause this is just weird, concerning…and humiliating… I heard something. I managed to roll to my side, and I saw some eyes peer at me. I wanted to use my fire to- … Use my fire to light up the room… Crap why can't I use my Phoenix fire and magic?! “Wow, you really are a baby…” I blinked. I know that voice! Jada! My daughter slithered into the little bit of light and up to my crib bars. “Weird… like some weird Rugrats thing…” “Oh come on…” I thought to myself bitterly, staring at her as if to tell her ‘yeah yeah, laugh it up’ as I just pouted. She reached a hand through my crib… a finger poked my belly. I laughed, quickly covering my mouth. Why did that tickle so much?!  Jada chuckled. “You're kind of cute as a baby, dad… feels weird to address a baby as dad…” “Yeah yeah…” I thought bitterly, as I’m now literally helpless and useless for Mother knows how long and I still don’t know why Tiara did this. “Don't worry too much. I overheard Tina say she, Micheal and Gallon are gonna take you to the Eternity. Apparently they have a doctor there that specializes in magic curses and such. So, maybe he can help?” She offered, looking down before speaking again. “... Moms are all very worried about you. Cream is panicking, Sweetie doesn't know what to think. Cheat doesn't know what to do, and Philomena is just hoping that at worst you have to age back to normal the uh… long way.” “Yeah, of course everyone would be panicking, I just turned into a toddler because Tiara can’t answer a simple question.” I thought bitterly. “I…just wish I understood why…” I felt a shift as Jada reached in and pulled me out, giving me a hug. “... I'm worried to… I just got used to having you back and as my dad and… I sent you there… I just wanted to be useful and now…” She shuddered as I felt and heard Jada tearing up. “I'm sorry…” I hugged her the best I could. “It’s not your fault Jada…” I thought to myself sadly. “You just wanted to help…” Sadly, my mental words couldn't reach her, and she cried hugging me. The next day came and firstly, being a baby sucks more than I was already expecting. Zero bladder control! It just comes out! And while… the nursing isn't so bad… it's so easy to get too full and then I throw up! All of this is just… ugh! But the worst thing is… “It's not that bad Button.” Tina said, pushing me along in the admittedly oversized stroller as I was covered in an orange onesie. I sat up and glared at her. Her ears fell flat but she gave a nervous laugh. “Sorry… I'm a mom and now you're a baby and… I just can't help it, I need to mother you!” “A sentence that will stick with him long after he regrows into an adult.” I heard Micheal say from the side and out of my view. “That stroller is massive.” Gallon said from also outside my view in this giant thing. “It's special for large Den Mothers like me to carry all our pups.” Tina stated. “This fucking bites…” I thought bitterly. “Really hope whatever Doctor they have can fix this…I doubt it will cause Code is some miracle maker but still…” “Well this is all nine levels of weird… also why a baby?” I heard Micheal asked. “Maybe in her enraged state Tiara thought Button was being a big baby and figured ‘then be a baby!’” Gallon said. “I dunno…” Tina sighed. “I didn't know Tiara that well, but I do know she seems hellbent on keeping Button from becoming the Second Mother.” “Maybe all that power comes at a price people don't know about? That's how that crap usually works right?” Gallon said. “Well it would be really fucking weird if I meet the people that made the First Mother.” I thought to myself, cause if a Second Mother needs to be made, who’s to say the first Mother wasn’t created the same way? “Would be really weird if the first Mother was also created…really hope I’m wrong…” We arrived at The Eternity and the doctor was- “Plague Doctor SCP!” Tina yelped at seeing the bird mask man. She scooped me up and was growling at him. “Please, miss, I was cured of the curse that made me seek a cure to an illness that did not exist and no, l no longer kill on touch.” The Plague Doctor said calmly. “I am now the head of the Eternity's curses and some minor Code based afflictions cure and reversal division.” “Huh…that is rather interesting.” I thought to myself honestly. “Come on Tina, that is the Doc. At the very least he can tell us what's up with Button.” Tina sighed, putting me down on the examination table. The Plague Doctor leaned in and looked me over, gently using a finger to move my head at the chin. “Interesting. Very interesting indeed.” “So you can see what's up?” Micheal asked. “Indeed. Your friend here has had a Code Rewrite.” The doctor said. “That sounds bad…” Tina winced.  “Could have been worse.” The doctor said. “Button Mash, all his memories, emotions, all of it is the same. No changes there. But his biology has been altered slightly and his stats, a bit more so.” “Come on Tiara…how desperate are you with this?” I thought in confusion and concern. “What do you mean by that?” Tina inquired. “For starters, his regeneration has been changed. From now on, whenever Button is regenerated from an HP of zero, he will regress into an infant state as you see here. That in itself isn't so bad but I'm afraid the main issues are the Code Scripts attached…” “Why though!?” I thought incredulously. “And what other problems did Tiara throw at Button?” Tina asked. “Cause reverting his age already sounds weirdly desperate to make Button not do things…what other nonsense did she throw his way?” “For starters, if I'm reading this Code Script right…” The doc said, giving another look at me as he spoke. “Every time Button does revert back to an infant, his stats are reset as well. It also appears she placed a hard cap on his HP, Defense and Resistances. They can't surpass five hundred. His MP and Physical Stats however are unaffected, so spellcasting and item usage won't be an issue. It also seems Button can not gain any EXP until he is age sixteen at minimum.” …Oh fuck! “Okay…uh…the EXP thing is okay-ish…but why the fuck did she hard cap my stats!? Why is she this desperate!?” I thought in a panic. “Okay, this is going a bit overboard on the ‘‘don’t get involved’ bit…” Tina said carefully. “It can be removed, however it's passcode protected and I can bet a failed entry would reset Button back to an infant again.” The doctor said. “Great…” I thought bitterly. With that, Tina, Micheal and Gallon took me home… so looks like it's the long route… Well, if my stats, save MP and Physical are hard capped I can definitely make use of weapons and armor. Never needed it before but now I will have to abuse items. Just a whole lot of sleeping and nothing… this sucks… [Bzzzzz- Ker- Zzz!] Appeared in my vision. … What? [... Bypass Code Accepted. Activating Assistant…] What? [Player and Estate Titles Active!] Wait what?! “Hold up what!?!” I thought in a mild panic. [Oh well… aren't you just so tiny. Finally look how you act.] Estate said. … Holy shit! “Estate!? How did you bypass Tiara’s code work!?” I thought quickly. [I didn't. Third party entered in the bypass Code. Looks like someone in the Family likes you.] “Cool, looks like someone isn’t happy with Tiara taking too much control of their game.” I thought to myself. “Sucks that I’m still part of a dumbass game but at least I’m not hardstuck because of her desperation.” [Well looks like most my functions are the same, unfortunately the Hard cap still applies to me… oh hello! New function! Innocent Eyes: Use RP to see past the tangible. Party Pick-me-ups: When an infant or child, you can act cute and bestow boosts to your party members, also earning RP! Baby Talk: Can understand infants (Costs 10,000 RP, single purchase.)] Woah… odd but I'll take it! “Okay, at least these thing’s are useful.” I admitted. “Still sucks that I’m hard capped on stats for no fucking reason…do you know anything about the Heaven’s Sent quest?” [Nope!] Crap. [Notice! Player Title Active! Generating Daily requirements! Nurse your fill 0/2 Nap for 6 hours 0/6 Rewards: Party Loot Boxes (CC Rank)] Huh… well at least they adjusted to reflect what I can do at my age… also, Party Loot Boxes? Hm. “Well…at least there’s some upside to this.” I thought to myself. Still, stuck like this. Well, maybe I can try and knock out the Player stuff now… only I'm not tired- Oh come on! “Are you okay Button?” Cheat asked as she lifted me up. “You seem fussy. And you got that annoyed look on your face. Like when you want to do something and something is inconveniencing you.” “Yo anyone- ah Cheat!” Micheal said as he ran out his place’s door and over to Cheat and I. “Did Button just… do something?” He asked. I pointed to my Assistant and tried to make some baby charades saying that it works now.  “He's doing this.” Cheat said. Curse you baby body! Why is it so hard to move! “So what happen on your end?” “Well, I was looking at the Custodies I have and Button, after turning into this went from FFF to FF.” Cool I went up a rank! Also FFF?! … Actually fair, I'm a baby. I must have went up a rank because of Estate and Player! Damn it I need to talk! Wait- that's it! I made noises and tried to motion to the toddlers toy chest. I might not be able to to talk or grip a pen to write yet but I can easily push buttons! “... The toy box?” Cheat asked me. I nodded, making pressing motions in hopes that they’ll get it. “Wait, I think…” Micheal said, heading over to the toy chest. After a bit he came back out with it. One of those crappy fake laptops that all it does it press the oversized letter buttons to spell basic words. An educational toy that will let me talk! Cheat put me on the floor and Micheal opened it and placed it in front of me. I smiled and started to press buttons. “My Assistant Works!” I typed out. “Wait what?!” Cheat asked. “How? What happened?” Micheal asked. “I don’t know, someone put in the Bypass Key for thing’s and let me use my Assistant, Estate and Player are both functional as well.” I typed out to the best of my baby handed ability. Ugh. Now I'm getting tired…  “Okay that's crazy.” Cheat said. “I'll say…” Micheal said. I reached out to type some more… … … … … Bwa! I woke up again… shit. Baby body so weak. Can barely write! At least I can communicate now! And hey, Player says I slept for the full six hours! … And was Nursed twice already… …. Huh… “When…uh…okay, never mind, but I got the party loot box thing…” I thought, trying to let Player do it’s thing to give me the reward The box floated above me. I could hear some Woahs in the distance and when it opened- oh you got to be kidding me… [Pacifier of Calmness Rank: CC Class: Special Item When sucking, this pacifier relieves all sense of stress, anxiety and helps induce sleepiness.] … Well at least it's appropriate… “Appropriate? Yes. Embarrassing? Also yes…” I mentally grumbled. A little while later, Tina, Gallon and Micheal came in with the items they got. … It was all also embarrassing. Tina got a baby holder that perfectly let her carry, nurse and keep me close against her basically at all times, and it sounds as armor! With decent stats too… Gallon got a baby bottle that despite being no bigger than a normal one, can hold up to twenty gallons of liquids Micheal got a blue onesie that, when worn, gives be more cold resistance and is also armor with decent stats… “So cute~” Tina said as she had me in the onesie already and was trying to get the baby holder on. “So a Party Loot Box, but they all had items that better help Button right now… that's odd…” Micheal hummed. I nodded, concerned at how fast Tina put me in this onesie and how eager she seems to put me in that baby holder. “Well…this could be better…” I thought, wanting my TTS tablet at this point back to talk. “Baby onesie that's armor, baby carrier that's fully covering and also armor… bottle that holds a lot of milk… Feels like someone wants us to take Button into the Hazard Zones as a baby?” Gallon said. “Absolutely not.” Tina said. “Tina you dragged Kid, a child not even yours, to one of the monsters Dangerous Zones on this planet…” Micheal deadpanned. “And I will live with that forever but Button is much younger and I don't want him getting hurt!” Tina countered. “Ba!” I said, raising my hands and pressing buttons to try and talk. Micheal handed me the thing and I started to type. “This is embarrassing as shit…” The TTS said for me. “Language!” Tina said. “Tina's he's a grown ass man in a baby's body…” Micheal said. “In my head I know that but my eyes see baby and my instincts are screaming to mother him!” Tina said, grabbing me and putting me in the- Holy crap it's warm in here! And I'm right between her uh… top assets… “... It's gonna be very awkward when he's an adult again being around you.” Gallon said. “Feels awkward now… I mean, Button and I are casual bed buddies and have kids together! Now I'm caring for him as a baby and any time I get memories of… before he turned baby I find myself shoving them away because I see baby him and just want to coddle and care for him.” Tina sighed. “This whole situation is just weird and all I can do is mother him til he's old enough or when he needs it again.” “You think Button will regenerate back into a baby often?” Gallon asked. There was silence. “...Honestly I would legit find David to get rid of that Baby Mode at minimum, cause that’s too far.” I had the TTS go off. “What makes you think he can do anything? Also… hearing that mechanical voice come out of Tina's Tits is some Unrated Adult Comedy movie shit.” Gallon laughed. “He is a powerful Hacker. Maybe he can do something?” Micheal hummed. “It is funny to think yes, but also he might know what password Tiara is using…or just break it in general if possible.” I typed up. “Nothing is ever that easy for us…” Micheal sighed. “Plus we don't even have means to contact him.” “Meaning Button could be in potty training ten times over before we see him again.” Gallon added. “Correct…which blow’s…” “Alright enough of that.” Tina said, reaching and taking my TTS from me.  “Really?” Micheal asked. “He needs his sleep, plus the vibrations were tickling like crazy when it went off.” Tina said. Curse you giant wolf mommy of mine! … Did I just refer to Tina as my mommy? Did I just think the word ‘mommy’ to describe someone as such without a lewd secondary meaning?! “...The baby brain rot is acting up…oh no…” I thought worriedly. The following weeks were more of the same. Being a month old, even with the TTS, not much I can do when after a short while I get super tired and need to sleep. When I am awake I'm either being Coddled and Mothered by Tina, who has agreed to basically raise me as to not make it more awkward for my partners, even though they visit. My kids especially have taken to me being a baby… largely alright. Surprisingly. That being said, poor Yuri has been on the clock keeping track of my other Breeders and resetting their ‘Needs Timers’ so they don't go crazy. Really need to find David… “This fucking sucks…” I thought bitterly, cause while this would be fine in any other circumstance… just… Tiara’s tears… her desperation to the point she'd be fine if I hated her… why is she so adamant about this? I was stuck with a lot of nothing in my crib at the moment- “Wow, Tiara did a number on you…” If I could I'd have jumped, seeing David just appear leaning over my crib. “Fucking hell…” I nodded, pointing over to the play laptop for him to bring it over to me, I immediately typed up “Hey…a little help?” “... Heh. That's actually adorable… but sorry… I can't.” He said, wincing at my expression. “Why not?” I typed up. “Is it because Tiara is really good at this?” “She's a Time Walker. They're trained to use Code like Admins in the event they need to… fulfill their guilds purpose and… kill a member of The Family… the other is because… uh… I'm… also working with her…” “...I thought you worked for Dark Gray? Also come on man…” I typed up with a little whine. “... I know you're upset but that looked and sounded so cute…” He chuckled a bit, taking a second to compose himself. “Okay, so yes I work for Dark Gray, but working with Tiara allows me to set up the Chaos Guild Games, the Code Keys… and to finally get me killed.” “You really want to die?” I asked worriedly. “... I spent a lot of time living just because I lived through my worst moments and kept walking. Got me where I am… not exactly a life worth living.” “Well…unless you're dead set on it there might be ways to get you a better life to live.” I admitted through my baby typing. “But…mind if I ask why Diamond is so desperate for me to not be apart of this quest?” “To prevent you becoming the Second Mother.” “Why? Is it that bad? Can't I just make myself a new body if that happens?” I asked. “... The Mother is… a single being. But she's made up of countless parallels of the same person, stretching as far back as the Old reality’s history, recorded and forgotten, went. When the Second Mother is created, the one to take that role will generate Time infinite in this reality, and across that infinity, merge with all other newly created versions of them that also reached that point within their new timelines. Now… imagine trying to stand out, to be aware of yourself in an infinite flood of your own merging, memories, hearts, souls, powers, across infinity. It's a fate almost like death.” “See, if Tiara said that I would understand.” “You would.” David nodded. “But you'd still have done it.” “Someone has to.” I answered. “And that is why she's trying so hard to keep you from it.” He said. “She knows you, knows what you will do, your allies and friends you will make and meet over the years, children you'll see and family grow… all to give yourself away and never see them again. To be damned and lost in the infinite parallels of you who did the same. A fate of ultimate power at the cost of losing yourself, to yourself. You'd sacrifice yourself to better creation… and she'd sacrifice herself to keep you living in it.” “And as the Mother I can't just say ‘and back goes the Button’s’? I always heard whatever the Mother says goes.” “It’s a more delicate existence than that. One missing piece, and the chain reaction can start small, but grow into a collapse. The Mother is a God in every sense of the word, an All Maker among the All Makers… but she's a prisoner to her purpose and to herself.” “Not even with Code Clones or the like?” I asked, feeling like this was a massive design flaw if people just…lose themselves for all Eternity just to be something they technically aren’t. “And again…the Mother says it, it must be right? Like you said…” “It's a sacrifice, Button. Plane and simple. No loopholes to exploit or abuse. This sacrifice needs to be permanent. Less the newly created time break, and reality collapse.” “Then what’s the point then?” I asked, now confused why I would need to sacrifice myself and lose everything I know and love just to…make Time exist properly? “A selfless act, to give up yourself, your freedoms and happiness for a role meant to make creation whole. The point? Who would you rather take on the role? You, or her?” … “...Honestly no one if the point is to become a dumbass for Martyr for…basically no reason.” I typed up, as Time hasn’t existed for a super ass long time so far so why throw away your life for something that so far hasn’t been needed? “Then you'd be alright living your days here on Armageddon then? Your children and grandchildren generations from now? Til Madness takes you? Them? What Tiara is doing is to ensure you remain free. For yourself and your family. Yes, existence will keep on existing even if no one completes this quest. Doesn't mean you'll be happy here. This place is Dark Gray’s playground. Safety and happiness will only be ensured once the cage door has opened.” “And yet everytime I say I’m doing this by my own rules I keep getting yelled at because of it…”  I typed up with a huff. “It's playing it by your rules that leads to you becoming the Second Mother.” David said. “Tiara has seen all the outcomes. All your choices. You would carry a burden if it prevents others from doing the same. A stubborn, selfish stallion so willing to throw himself to the tide just to prove he can swim. Her words. Funny thing really. The more one tries to deny or fight against something the more they are likely to end up where others wanted them to. Fate’s a bitch like that… Dark Gray is cruel enough to set it up.” “So…again, my life has been preordained and there’s not a damn thing I can do about it…” “That's why Tiara is trying to keep you here. Take your place in Dark Gray's game. From the moment you came here he's had his eye on you, knew you'd be bold, rash and violent enough to charge head first at everything he throws at you. Tiara is trying to keep you away from his game by taking your place and fighting him and his chess pieces before you. The only way not to fall into his traps, is to not fight him.” “That’s not fair…none of this is fair.” I typed, as this entire thing was just bullshit with its ‘final self-sacrifice’ for no reason… “No one ever said the path to becoming the Second Mother was a reward. As a Time Walker, Tiara is doomed to be forgotten and fade away from existence once she dies, forgotten by all even you. By becoming the Second Mother, she not only saves you, but at least you'd have your memories of her still. The only thing of her you'd be able to keep.” “What? Why does there need to be a Second Mother to begin with at this point when we just want to get off planet? And why the hell would she fade from Existence?” “Because time doesn't exist. She's bound to something that currently doesn't exist, so when she dies, there's only an empty hole in the memories of everyone because without time existing, properly, Time Walkers can't be remembered. After all, if something that dies is then forgotten, did it even exist? Without Time here, Time Walkers and so much more will forever be bound to be forgotten and have, basically, never existed. Pecator is a cruel bastard.” “So just more people playing games with people's lives for the fuck of it.” I typed, the TTS not portraying the bitterness I felt. “Dark Gray controls evil in this reality. Pecator leads the Time Walkers, but is known to be a bad person. I wouldn't be surprised if they did this on purpose for the hell of it.” David sighed. “So, what will you do Button? Keep picking up the sword? Or leave it behind?” “I'd like to do my own thing, but I'm not allowed to.” I pointed out. “No matter what I do…it's always by someone else's design…” “Such is the cruel fate of those who come to Armageddon. Of those Dark Gray takes interest in, and here you are stuck wanting to help but if you do, it's a fate ending being lost in yourself and to be taken away. Maybe when it's all over and Tiara ends this, you'll be free again.” “Cause there's no other way, in a world of Free Will and Choice you're only allowed to do what your masters and overlords tell you to do.” I typed, my sarcasm and building anger not being able to be fully displayed but…all I felt is tears in my eyes cause this isn't fair. “Ain’t that the truth…” David sighed as I saw him tap over his mark. “Freedom is only for those who just want to live day to day… not for the ones like us who get involved with matters like this… care for some advice from someone who's been through too much?” “Sure…I'd like to know some advice while hating how this reality just wants boring 9-5’s instead of what it advertises constantly…” “Find your peace… not everyone has to or wants to explore the unknown. If you want to explore, go for it… just… remember what makes you happy, who makes you happy. Just avoid the Main Quest. Heh… no offense but… I think I'd be sad if you were the one to kill me.” He chuckled, tapping his Assistant and pulling out several Code Keys. “For your Breeders… and Yuri. Given your state, best to not risk it.” He said as he put them on a nearby table.  “Thanks…but I know not everyone wants to, but this…it feels like the people in charge want it to be everyone.” I pointed out, still hating how I can't put inflections in this. “Maybe, but ain't that the bitch? Free will to choose and many choose to do nothing? Maybe that is upsetting, but hey, who are we to judge?” With that, David vanished before my eyes, just gone. “This isn't fucking fair…” I thought bitterly. “Come on Button, there's no need to be all pouty about this.” Tina said. I frowned as I looked at her with a deadpan expression. I'm officially two months old now and Tina is still mothering me like she birthed me. The bunny outfit I was in being the newest onesie she's gotten and put me in. “Why the bunny onesie?” “Because it's adorable and you're too cute not to dress up.” Tina said. “Don't worry… she does this with all her babies.” Lovely chuckled from her side of the bed. She pat my head with her hoof gently. “And she's not wrong, you are adorable.” I pouted more. “Not fair.” I typed. “You know Button, I was thinking… technically you didn't finish school back on Equestria. I can probably enroll you in some early development classes.” Tina said. “... Tina, he's not a baby baby…” Lovely frowned. “I know that, but Button had a… lonely childhood… foalhood? Eh. Either way, if this is his second childhood, He should enjoy it and get all the proper experiences. Friends, education, sleepovers, the works.” I hated puberty the first time… dealing with it again is gonna suck! More so now that I'm a Nokori… fuck it's gonna be different this time too… but I won't lie… learning all kinds of stuff via the schools here might be useful. “You're lucky that some of this is okay…” I typed, my bitterness only held within my sadly adorable pouts. “Even so, I think Button needs to be like, a year or two first for any of those classes.” Lovely said. “I know, I'm planning ahead.” Tina said with a nod. She then picked me up, cradling me in her arms before putting me back into her baby holder she now wore almost 24/7.  “... Are you alright?” Lovely asked. “Yes… no…” Tina sighed. “We’ll find your family, I promise.” I typed up. “It's not that…” Tina said as she pulled me out enough to have my head pop out. “I just… Don't know if I can keep doing this…” “Keep doing what? Fighting or babying me?” “Oh I can and will baby you for as long as you stay or regenerate back to this adorable little form.” She cooed, gently scratching my head. “It's the fighting… trying to fight only to be out powered and… for fucks sake I brought a child to deal with what was basically a variant of the Scarlet King just because I was too weak and panicked and… I know it worked out for the best in the end but… against that monster, I couldn't do anything. Against the fucker that made it… I couldn't do anything… I keep building myself up to just get… hit with a reality check that I can't do it…” “I mean, Kid is literally the one being that was destined to face the Scarlet King.” I pointed out. “And…yes, I understand it sucks, it really sucks when this is all by design…” “In my head, I know that but… does it make it right to put them in that position? Especially when they're still just a child?” She shook her head. “I do want to still help… but I can only help in what I know I can do… so, I'll do what I can but… for the most part, I'll be here at the home base doing what I know I can do. Be it caring for cute babies like you, or simple missions.” “If you want, and Tiara has one of the kids she's ready and willing to throw at problems… the kids are the key to solving things sadly, that's not going to change…” “... So we should go to her level then?” Tina asked, some anger in her tone. “Them's the rules made by complete psychopaths that enjoy watching people suffer, if you do your own thing you're just playing into their hands, if you don't do anything the strong will take and take and take and there's not a thing you can do about it.” I managed to type that all out, but yawned after it…ugh, curse you baby stamina! “... They should be kids… just a little while longer…” I heard Tina say before I fell asleep. … … … I woke up with a yawn. I was still in Tina's baby holder, keeping me firmly in this little nest of cloth against her top most cleavage. My TTS was missing. Guess she took it out after I fell asleep. Can't fault her, no one wants a tablet laying on a baby nor their own chest like that. Based on the rocking, she was walking. Noise and such told me she was in town. I hugged Tina. “Ba.” I managed to get out. “Oh! Heh, spooked me Button.” Tina chuckled. “I'm just gonna have a talk with Romero and them at the bar.” Huh. I spelt out ‘Why’ into her fur the best I could. “Why would we need to see Romero?” I thought curiously. “Heh! That tickles! But I felt what you spelled. I just want some updates regarding… Alex…” She said. I nodded, nuzzling into her fur a bit as she walked. I heard a door open and a familiar bell ring. The smells made me drool. Damn I wish I had teeth! I miss eating solid food… There was a shake as I assume Tina sat in a booth. “Usual?” I heard the waitress, Trish I believe, speak out from somewhere. “Yes please, and some cherry soda.” Tina replied. I could hear the sounds of cooking from the kitchen. Muffled in my warm and cozy surroundings. The hoof steps of the waitress. “Ah, you're already here.” Romero said. I heard him walk and I think take a seat on the other side of Tina. “And I take it Button is… also present?” “Yes.” Tina said as I felt her nod. “He's awake too. Just too cozy to get out~” She added with a coo. “... Right…” Romero sighed. “Well, in regards to the news about Alex… he's already gone. Place of address, workspace and all that. Empty. Clean even. Think he just showed off by cleaning it before leaving.” “Shit.” Tina huffed. “And the kids he… ‘cared for’?”  “We're having the Plague Doc look them over now. So far there's one code script he's found and in his words, it's essentially a Package Bomb.” “... How bad?” Tina asked. I felt her heartbeat increase. “Basically it's a fully Code based Nokori Fusion with a randomizer on the creature, item and… if they turn into one like us… or a Volatile.” “Oh my God…” “Yeah…” “Can it be removed?” “Doc is optimistic. It's what he called a ‘Plug In’ Script, meaning it's not merged into their normal Code it's just attached like soddering mod chip wires to a motherboard. So it can be removed and that's what Tony and Shift are working on learning to do now.” “... How many kids?” “... At least five thousand.” Romero sighed. “Maybe more. Any kid from Infection Zone and all New Foundation Settlements is being scheduled to be checked as well as anyone who was within the age range in the ten years he was here.” “...I'm not sure where Alex's bullshit ends and Tiara’s starts.” I thought, cause…Alex would do this, but Tiara would and has ordered him to do this. … Tiara… are you that scared of losing me that you'd do something so horrible… “Fucking hell…” Tina sighed as I felt things shift and get… a little tighter. She must be leaning on the table and rubbing her face. “So… what's the plan?” “Now that Alex is gone we focus on two things. Removing his bombs and double, triple and quadruple checking to ensure there's not one left. Then we start counter offenses.” Romero said. “Two Admins can only do so much.” “So you need to try and make more… okay. But aren't those Mother's Blessings items very rare?” “Yes, but Mantis can easily deal with clearing one. All we need is Button’s Multiplier ability.” … I felt myself smile a little. “He's a baby still.” Tina said. “Yes but Custodians have ways to use an ability and share it among their Custodies. Button wouldn't need to physically be there, just in the Custody.” I frowned, but fair… can't do much as a baby… “That… could work.” Tina hummed. “Plus we're gonna test something else out.” Romero added. I perked up and poked my head out of the carrier. “Ba?” I questioned cause I want to do a thing cause being a baby is so boring. Romero burst out laughing. “Button.” Tina said, gently patting my head with her fingers. “Awh. My cutie is all bored Isn't he?” She asked as she then pulled me out and held me in her arm. “Pfft! Christ I am so glad the one time I turned into a baby it only lasted a week, and that I don't remember any of it.” Romero said through his laughing. I frowned at him. Lucky. Was only stuck as a baby for a week… “Anyway, you were saying about testing something?” Tina asked. Romero took a moment and composed himself again.”Right, Right. Ehem. Anyway, yes. Either of you hear of Core Stones?” “That's some special gemstones that when put on weapons allow for all sorts of shenanigans.” Tina said. “Yes, and Advanced Core Stones are that but also better.” “As one would expect.” She nodded. “Now, Normally a person who uses a Core Stone on themselves becomes a form of Living Weapon, locked out of Skill Trees and such because of some weird reason… but Nokori are an interesting exception to the rule.” I nodded, trying to turn into a Void Phoenix cause I remember absorbing a Void Crystal a while ago. … … “Is uh… is he pooping?” Romero asked. “No.” Tina said, sniffing me. “Think he's trying to do something. … Well… this is embarrassing… “In any case, the Core Stone let's us both gain the abilities and stats of whatever weapon or item the Core Stone absorbs, same as if it were applied to a weapon but doesn't lock us out of the Skill Trees. Now an Advanced Core Stone… that does a little more.” Romero continued. I pouted, hating how my powers just don't want to work but I nodded along to what Romero was saying. “What ‘little more’ can it do?” Tina asked. “I imagine you've seen Rising of The Shield Hero?” Romero asked. Tina and I both nodded. “That, but apply it to a person and…” “And all those insane forms, stats and abilities from simple fodder would be yours…” Tina said. “Ba!” I said readily. “I know exactly where this is going!” I thought in excitement. “So we use Advanced Core Stones plus Mother's Blessings on Volunteer Nokori, at minimum, Hackers, potentially, admins.” Romero said. “Oh that can work!” Tina said happily. “Are there any volunteers now?” “Holy volunteered herself. Mantis too. Tony is already an Admin but we're gonna get him an Advanced Core Stone too. The only thing we need now is to get them. They only appear as drops already attached to weapons titled as Heroes ‘blank’. But a Master Craftsman can deconstruct and take it off the weapon.”  “Which Saw’s boyfriend Scotch is!” “Yup.” Romero nodded. Holy crap we can… actually start to fight back! I chirped in joy at hearing that as I waved a talon up to volunteer as well, baby body be damned. “No.” Tina said, putting my little hand down. “Not til your older.” “Gonna agree with Tina here. Plus the Core Stones are kind of… big, for your body. Unless you want to Steven Universe it.” Romero chuckled. I pouted, cause I want to do cool things to. “No amount of pouting will change our minds.” Tina stated. I turned up to look at her, giving my best puppy dog eyes sad pout. “... I'm too experienced as a mom for that to work on me…” Tina said flatly. … Crap. > Chapter 32: Learn To Let Go > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The weeks I was spending as a baby taught me a lot I didn't expect. Mainly, that my companions have… sides to them I didn't expect. I'm mostly with Tina, she and Lovely wake up, eat breakfast. Tina tends to any… needs my baby body has for me, but she also spends a lot of time helping her other kids. Sometimes I'm dragged along into play dates despite not speaking baby they see me and already consider me one of them. Lovely helps too, usually buying the kids toys, clothes, or treats. I overhear the two talking about needing to expand their place to have bedrooms for all the pups soon. Tina switches between working for the guild and working her former job as an accountant. Lovely found herself working at a bar. I had no idea she worked in a bar. Admittedly I didn't know much about her at all. She has this book, it's like a journal but when she opens it, inside all I see are weird symbols. And the fact To a can't read it either means the words aren't translating through the Assistant, but Lovely can apparently read them just fine. Said it has something to due with nature spirits. On days Tina can't care for me, Micheal and Gallon do. As parents, Gallon is the most attentive, always checking on me, but Micheal makes sure I don't get hurt.  I was on many occasions forced into a tea party with Tulip and Dandelion. Jada visits me often. Tells me how everyone is doing and… She still feels guilty about my situation… I worry about her. I was in my crib right now, just… unable to do anything. My family is forced yet again to live without me basically.  I'm being cared for mostly by my friends who care for me and want me to be okay… but… sometimes I just feel… like a burden… … Am I really being so stubborn about this that Tiara did this to me just to keep me away from Dark Gray's game? … I remember when we'd cry over never seeing our homes again… Now… she's risking everything, all to end up never seeing me again, but letting me live as me… “Yet again… I’m reminded that this entire fucking thing isn’t fair…” I thought angrily. Is that the game? Meant to be unfair because the hero may save the day but doesn't get a happy ending? That would fit with Dark Gray… and the more I tried to fight the game… the more I played it, at least, according to David. “Everything fucking sucks and I’m not allowed to be happy…” I thought bitterly, wishing there was something I could do but… again I keep being reminded of this… I guess that's my choice now… do I keep trying to fight… or do I stop? … All fighting ever got me was pain, missing years of my life with my family, now even more years… “All these years… all that time, effort, work, blood, sweat and tears wasted because I’m tired of people telling me how my life is supposed to go, that it’s all some preordained bullshit… fucken no matter what I do it’s all preordained! NONE OF THIS IS MY DECISION!!” I mentally raged, as so many things kept becoming more and more clear that, ever fucking since I decided to come to this dumbass planet, everything has been to placate Dark Gray or whatever Time Walker bullshit… … My only choice was coming to this Mother Forsaken planet… and it's been the biggest mistake of my life… … Was it even my choice? … “I’m constantly told this was all my decision… everything has been of my own free will to make these decisions, and yet if it was, I wouldn’t have been forced into becoming a Baby by Tiara… Tiara wouldn’t have had to do literally any of this…” I thought, so many things connecting together as the times Dark Gray, David, even Tiara telling me these were my decisions… all of it ultimately meant nothing as I was forced to play whatever part they wanted me in. Nothing I do matters, cause it’s all to play into someone’s game. No matter how hard I struggle, or struggled, it never mattered cause someone was already benefiting from me just existing… Nothing I do matters… Nothing… … I lifted my foot…and stabbed my leg, cause even as an infant my talon’s were still sharp enough as I wailed, feeling the pain from being stabbed and the sudden burning as my body regenerated from it as I just… I just cried, nothing mattered! NOTHING EVER MATTERED AND I’M LOSING EVERYTHING I CARE FOR BECAUSE OF IT! … If nothing I do matters… what do I do? … Do… I do… nothing? “Do I give up like Tiara wants, or do I keep fighting like Dark Gray wants?” I thought, not sure what to do. “Tiara wants to stop me to the point that I hate her… but that would make me fight harder cause that’s now how that shit works… but becoming the Mother is what Dark Gray want’s for some reason, like… again why can’t i? Even if it’s some ‘grain of sand in a vast desert’, I’d be the Mother, Clones assheads it exists…” I thought, wishing there was something I could do that wasn’t just… I don’t know what to do and no one can help me with this… Tina rushed in. “Oh Button, come here.” She said, picking me up and holding me against her. “It's okay, it's okay. Mommy's here.” I cried, holding onto Tina as tight as I could… I don’t know what to do… I don’t know… At some point I fell asleep in Tina's arms, and woke up the next morning when Tina was trying to feed me. I nursed but mostly I just felt… tired. So… tired. Tina put me in the baby swaddle that kept me against her top breasts, and I just laid in here not really thinking but… contemplating. “… Estate?” [Yes?]  The title responded. “... What do I do?” [... There is no right answer you'll like.] “Just…just tell me…not like any of this matters…” I thought. “Hell, you were probably given to me because someone wanted to continue stringing me along this damn game…” [... A warrior finds no peace in keeping their blade at the ready. For despite how familiar it feels to them, the weight can keep them from moving forward.] “So…I should just give up?” I mentally asked. “Just…do what Tiara asked and be done with it all?” [I think if you keep trying to fight it will destroy everything you care about… She's made it clear, to become the Second Mother is an irreversible sacrifice. Let go of this fight… and let go of her. She wants you to let go.] “I can’t let go of someone I love damn it.” I told them. [It's that, or lose everything and everyone you love. This is your only choice left. Let go and lose one, or hold on, and lose everything.] “...This fucking bites…” … … … … Okay… you win Tiara… I give up… Two Years Later “Alright so that's all of Devil May Cry completed and beaten.” Jada said, putting the game back on the shelf. She was twelve, gonna be thirteen soon.  She's gotten so huge. “Any new game suggestions?” She asked me. I was still a toddler, with pretty poor/stubby finger still, but now that I can talk, spending time with everyone has been so much easier. I tapped my chin in thought, as there were a lot of games we still had to go through. “Tales of Symphonia? It’s Co-Op.” “Let's see… T… T… T…” She muttered, moving through her shelves of games. Her room was expanded. Larger for her and her new collection. “What console?” She asked. “Gamecube, or Switch.” I answered, given that it was rereleased on the switch. “Ah. Alright now let's see…” She said as she slithered over to her GameCube collection shelf. “And where are, ah. Found it.” She said, pulling the game box out. “Awesome.” I said happily. “Heard the game was awesome, and the co-op, while a little wonky, made it better.” “Think your tiny hands can keep up?” She asked with a chuckle as she switch the console to the GameCube. “I’ve had to compensate, but my magic is a lot better now.” I said, raising both hands and levitating the controller. “I have baby hands, but I can keep up still.” “Baby hands~” Jada teased as she put the disc in and turned the console on. “So, how's your mom doing?” I sighed. Tina over the last two years has fully embraced being my new mother… I'm pretty sure our relationship will never be what it was before my de-aging again… but… oddly, I don't mind. I still have her as a friend and while she won't ever be my lover/bed mate again… she’s been an amazing mom… Reminds me of my birth mom back home… “I mean… kinda sucks we lost one form of relationship but Tina’s been doing well… makes me miss Mom back home…” “Probably doesn't help that you call her mom.” Jada chuckled. That was… an accident that became a norm… “It is… sadly becoming the norm…” I sighed. “Even though she is into that kinda kink, best not make it weirder…” I thought to myself. As Jada and I began playing I had to admit… the last two years were… good. My first few months were… rough. Just felt so… empty. I could almost have been mistaken for a normal baby with how little I communicated and… how much I cried. Eventually though, the tears just… dried out and I actually started trying things. Ended up figuring out how to get my unicorn magic to work again and now I have levitation even better than before. Sure made keeping myself entertained easier. Speaking of that's how I got back into gaming again. First by myself, then with my kids. Feels weird technically being younger than them but we all managed to spend time together. At least a little every so often, but Jada spends the most time with me. “I’m…glad things are working out…” I said, even though I still felt like dog shit cause Depression is a bastard and I hate it, at least things were going well. “Same.” Jada said.  We played for a while until Tina came and picked me up. She brought me back to her home and put me in the crib again. “You know I don’t need a crib.” I pointed out. “But you're still so tiny~” Tina pouted. “I can speak fully well and yes I know I’m still adorably tiny.” I admitted. “Awe… just a bit longer. It feels like just yesterday I was changing your diaper and nursing you…” I gave Tina a flat look. Honestly, knowing how she is with… basically everyone and now knowing how she is with her kids… of which I now am, the difference is an almost total 180. My horny woof is now a mothering super momma. “It’s still surprising how fast you can one eighty like this my horny woof.” I admitted. “Ah! I am your mamma! There is no horny here… unlike the uncle who shall not be named…” Ah yes… she and Tony never did get past his whole… Den thing… “We’re going to find your family.” I said. “Please… don’t get hung up on all that.” “I'm not mad he found his den I'm mad it was everything we swore never to do.” Tina huffed. “Still never apologized or changed either…” “At this point he had to, and there is literally no repercussions to it all.” I admitted. “So you're telling me you'd fuck Jada?” I managed not to barf. “No, why would I do that?” I asked. “There you have it. Why would he fuck his own kids when he has no reason to. Culture, species norm or not Cheat was right, Tony was the Alpha and he had all the power to change the rule and never did…” Tina sighed. “Don't care if it's genetically alright, either with us being A Den Mother and True Alpha… there are lines we never should cross…” “Well you kind of answered your own question there with pointing out ‘Culture’ and ‘Species Norm’.” I pointed out. “Not to mention… it’s not like I’m innocent of any of that anyways.” “You and Cheat don't count. Cheat was a symbiote before the whole getting their own body thing. You didn't grow up with them or raise them, Cheat might be genetically a sibling to you but you two are not siblings.” “Cream Heart.” I interrupted. “She looks like your birth mom yes but she isn't. You two even tested that and there's no genetic relation.” Tina stated. “So you have all the excuses in the world for me when I fucked my sister, who has constantly teased me about her sister kink, and effectively fucked my own mother, but Tony is somehow too far when for the most part he was the only one their that could help them?” “You have no relation genetically to Cream. Cheat… look, our whole lives Tony and I had boundaries when it came to this kind of stuff. We're perverts, whores, sluts, we'll openly admit that but we had boundaries. We always swore we'd never cross those lines, no matter how hot and heavy it would get we stuck to it… but apparently all it takes for him is to be alone for some years and cross that line with no regrets.” “Hey, would you look at that, same circumstances as me.” I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, I was alone with nobody but Cheat for maybe like…two months, got her a body and then fucked my sister.” “Tony already had two pack mates, three with that first Cyclops lady and yet despite that he still went and boned everyone in his den regardless… Cheat is a pervert but at the end of the day she's not your sister. She wasn't born with, before or after you, she didn't grow up with you, share experience, have fun, get bullied, or let you cry on their shoulders when a bunch of guys try and hang up on you just because word of mouth says you're an easy mark! All she has to claim is that fucking body that she only has because of Tiara! You two are not siblings!” Tina yelled, making me backup a bit in my crib. “... Genetics or cultures be damned… he swore to me we'd never cross certain lines… he broke that promise and my trust…” “Life isn’t fair.” I told her. “Sometimes you have to make a choice, whether you like it or hate it, whether it’ll ruin your life or it’ll ruin others, at least you and Tony had a choice in the matter.” I frowned. “So don’t you start screaming at me because Tony decided to do a thing because he had to, I actually listened to the guy, while all of you were being pissy at him for… honestly no reason, like seriously the moment he got here, the only one that took him seriously was Alchem and everyone else just hated him, treated him like a joke, or just didn’t care, you come along and everyone treated you seriously, didn’t treat you like a joke, and more or less you had people constantly.” I frowned. “How do you think Tony… wait, no, you don’t.” Tina looked at me… tears… … She ran. … … I sat down in the crib. Great… I basically told her her feelings don't matter just because she had it easier than Tony did… “Well, it only took two years before something bad happened…new personal record.” I rolled my eyes. [You should apologize]  Estate said. “I should, but she also needs to realize that Tony’s been suffering a lot, and her being mad at him is helping nobody.” I said, cause so far Tina’s been mad that he broke his promise, while I’ve had a promise broken on me and I’m supposed to suck it. [Honestly… all you people are petty idiots…] “It’s called having emotions.” I frowned. [It's called being too stubborn to swallow pride and apologize first. You apologize to her, she apologizes to you, and Tony apologizes for breaking his promises with Tina, and with luck she'll apologize for being hard on Tony. Honestly you all act like saying ‘Im sorry’ is gonna kill you.] … I hate how they're right… “Hopefully you are right…” I sighed, using Levitation to pick myself up out of my crib and float off to find Tina. Being this small makes walking around the house take longer than it should. As I did I saw the photos. Tina's kids. Some were mine and her's. Others were from other fathers… Our photos. Before and after my de-aging… She's done a lot for me… … And I go and make her cry… I sighed, looking down as I walked. I could hear her crying. The closer I got the louder it got. … I know what it feels like to know your existence means nothing… that it's out of your hands and your choices and emotions don't matter… … I don't want her or anyone to know what that feels like…  I came up to the door to the room Tina was in. Huh. Not sure what's here actually. I used magic to turn the knob and opened it. Inside it looked like… a large crystal bedroom. Empty cribs, a large bed and hand drawn sketches of people… ponies. Humanoid ones and… pups… … I'm such an idiot… Tina had people but she suffered to… still no sign of her first litter or her lovers. She was crying into the side of the large bed. “Tina?” I asked softly. If she heard me, she didn't make it obvious. I walked up next to her, sitting on the cold crystal floor, and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry…” I said sadly. “I know… I know you're suffering, I know you’ve had a lot of problems and… and your missing family…” “... But Tony has it worse…” She said, almost heaving the words out her mouth. “You think I don't know he's had it rough? I've seen him at his lowest, when things got real bad but he always kept his promises that things would get better, but he's got it all now. Two families to call his own, friends, his kids back, his daughter back… but sure… he has it all now but just because I had it easier than him in the beginning… doesn't mean it hasn't been hell. I'm the reason so many are dead back on my Equestria… meanwhile he repopulated a near extinct species, grew a huge den, has a massive family… he had it rough… but he's not the screw up… I am… I've known that for a while… he can do what he puts his mind to and he did…” I moved over and hugged Tina. “You're not a screw up… you never are and never were… you didn’t know any of it was going on and tried to do something about when you did learn… it’s not your fault you had no choice in the matter.” I said, as I learned from them both that it was All Maker Pain’s fault that their world was fucked eight ways to sunday. “I just want things to be like before. Before the bullshit with Genie and Demon, Pain and all that crap… I just want my kids back… my partners… I try and act but get my ass handed to me over, and over, and make no difference… Tony made a difference… hell you two made this safe zone… proof enough that unlike me he can overcome his hardships… he's done so much and all I've done is fail… is it wrong I just wanted one thing I can be mad at him for? To feel less pathetic about myself…” “You are not pathetic, you are not a failure…” I squeezed her tightly. “I’m sorry for hurting you mom… I just… I’m so sorry.” I felt her put her hand over my back, pressing me against her. “Thanks… but I'm not suited for this fighting and crap… I'm happy with a simple life. As far as being some hero goes, Tony fits the role better.” “We’re all tired.” I admitted. “So much of our choices has been either preordained or laid out in front of us by someone or something else and we don’t have a single fucking clue if this is our free will or just us playing our parts…” She rubbed her fingers across my back. “Heh… guess in the end, some of us have more freedom than others in this reality.” She sighed. She took a deep breath, pushing herself up some. “... Guess I should talk to Tony huh?” “You should.” I admitted. “And yes… some of us do…” “Think he's mad at me?” “Everyone’s mad at everyone at this point.” I sighed. “Depending on how this goes he might just grab you into a hug and just be super excited to know that you’re still here, alive and well… “ “... Think he'll apologize too? I know based on your stance you think it would be pointless… but it would be nice to hear…” “Maybe, cause he does care about you, you’re his sister after all.” I admitted. She sighed, looking over at the sketches. “Hope so…” Tina took a bit to collect herself before putting me in my room. Much as I wanted to be there for the conversation… It's something between siblings. My room was not bad. Lots of pictures of my kids and partners. Nice sized TV and consoles.  I chuckled every time I saw my racecar bed. Sometimes I genuinely felt like I was a child. “Don’t care, got racecar bed.” I chuckled, floating over to the bed and turning on the TV because I have nothing much to do today. Or most days. It was the next morning when Tina showed up again. She picked me up out of the bed and walked/carried me to the kitchen. “Sleep well?” She asked. “I did, how did everything go?” “It went well. I apologized… we talked. Tony apologized. We reached an agreement of sorts In the end.” “That’s good to hear.” I nodded. “Glad it all worked out.” “Yeah. So, today on your agenda is more of the same at the moment followed by some time with your siblings then we're all eating out.” Tina said. “Yeah that sounds about right.” I nodded. “Just another boring day.” “Don't knock borning. Come your school enrollment you'll be missing these boring days.” Tina chuckled. “I am not going to school again.” I frowned. “I served my nickel, I’m not going back.” “You wanted to go before. What changed?” “Because I forgot that school sucks.” I stated. “It was an idea before…then I realized I’d be stuck in school again.” “Oh don't be like that. Might be fun.” Tina offered. “Might being the operative word.” I pointed out. “Well I'm enrolling you anyway.” Tina said.  “Alright alright.” I sighed. “Going to have to suffer through schoolwork again.” “It won't be so bad. Besides, your brothers and sisters will be there with you and you'll be seeing Barb as your homeroom teacher.” … Oh that is gonna be so awkward! I still have a kid with her too and… agh! This being turned into a baby and having to age back to adulthood thing is going to mess with all my relationships… “Oh… I forgot…” I said sadly. “Not like she lived with you. Actually from what you did say about her she seems ready to be a single mom all things considered.” “Yeah…” I trailed off. “Yeah…” I admitted, curling up into myself as so many things are just… ruined because of this. “I don't think she'll be upset. Odds are she knows your situation given she teaches most of your kids anyway.” Tina said, gently petting my head. “That’s not the problem…” I said. “What's up?” “All my relationships with everyone I know and care about are irrevocably fucked because someone else said so, I was already fixing everything so far and now it’s all ruined…” I shook my head. “Take one step forward, get shoved into the Forever Box of fucked relationships.” “Hey, it's not that bad. Sure… maybe what we had won't be the same but… not really sure that was actually a relationship either. Sure we fucked, had kids and tried to fight but other than that… we mainly did our own things. Not really a relationship, more if a friend's with benefits. Like this though…” Tina said, hugging me a bit. “I know a lot more about you. And you know more about me.” “No it’s that bad, you’re just arguing for one individual out of like…fifty and growing.” I said. “Our relationship became ‘mother and child’, but what about everyone else? Cream’s more distraught than she puts on knowing I’m just…like this for the next decade and a half, Barb… well that relationship is practically out the window, my kids thought I was good as I was fixing everything, now their just treating me like another sibling… everything I tried to fix or work towards is fucked with those few examples…” “... I can't imagine how frustrated you are, given everything, but you're still here with them. It won't be like your ten year absence. You're still here for them.” “Your right, it’s just a different ten year absence.” I frowned. “Why do you think when I got to talking I’ve been meeting Lovely practically five times a month?” I asked weakly. “Cause you're curious as all shit about her book?” “That book’s from Stardew Valley, I know how it works.” I answered, cause when I started playing that game with a few of the kids because Stardew Valley is fun, I recognized the book looked real similar to Lovely’s. “What’s her profession again Tina?” “Psychology.” “Good, now what do Psychologists tend to do?” I asked carefully. “Give therapy.” Tina sighed, scratching my back lightly. “Glad you're getting help at least.” “Good, you're learning.” I said, patting her fluff. “Good girl.” “Pfft. Hey.” She chuckled. We arrived in the dining room and I was placed in my chair. “It can also help you to talk with them all too you know? Helped us yesterday and Tony and I last night. Maybe it's time you stop putting off so many long overdue conversations.” “Maybe…” I sighed. “All of this… part of it is my fault but.. All this just sucks.” “Only way to make it less bad is to work on it. After breakfast, let's talk to Cream and all them. One on one with you and them all. Sound good?” “Alright.” I sighed. True to her word, Tina got to work. She figured it best I talk privately with them, so I was sitting on my bed in my room waiting. After a bit, Cream Heart walked in. She looked tired. Had a new haircut, short, no longer had those long bangs or her mane in a ponytail. “Hey.” She said, giving me a small smile as she walked in, the door closing behind her. I floated over and hugged her. “I’m so… so sorry.” “Hey now… none of that.” She said, patting my head. “This one was not your fault.” “It’s still fucking everything up…” I said sadly. “Heh… does suck…” She sighed, hugging me back. “At least you're still here.” “And that both helps… and makes it worse.” I admitted. “Cause I’m here… but not here as it were…” “It's better than the first time.” Cream sighed. “So much better.” “Better… yeah…” I said, squeezing Cream a bit more. “So, how has your second childhood been?” Cream asked, looking around my room. “I see Tina has definitely taken over the role of your mother.” “It should be fine, but depression is a hell of a thing for a two year old.” I admitted. “To be fair you were depressed well before turning two again.” Cream chuckled. “Not gonna lie… when I heard you were gonna stop… all of it… I was happy.” “Of course you are, you were my greatest enemy when it came to that.” I joked. “I was happy because I was worried I'd lose you if you did continue.” Cream said, looking me in the eyes. “I heard about the whole… become the Second Mother thing and… while I'd never do what Tiara is doing… I get it… losing you is not something any of us want. I know part of it is you wanted to prove you were worthy of having us, of your happiness… you know you never had to prove anything to us, right?” “At this point it was proving that my life wasn't some preordained bullshit…that all my actions, all my lovers, everything wasn't just some sick game…” Cream sighed, putting a hoof to my head. “If that was the case, then none of us would still be here, would we? You gave up and we're all still here. That's not some preordained thing, that's us caring about you deeply.” “That's part of the preordained stuff… right down to who I'd marry and have kids with…” I sighed bitterly. “It… it all just sucks…” “What makes you think that?” “Cause what would make me drive me to sacrifice everything if I didn't have all of you?” I asked. “... You're too paranoid…” Cream sighed, picking me up. “There is one person you can ask who probably knows the truth.” Hm? “You know someone that would know? Cause I can guess either David or Tiara.” “Shopkeep too.” She said. Right… he… he might know something. “Yeah…Shopkeep might know, he might also tell me to piss off cause he's…tired.” “One way to find out.” Cream said. She carried me over to my bed. I saw Armageddon walk in, giving me a wave and smile. He didn't grow much over the last two years. He took that key of his and tapped it against the door. It then opened and showed Shopkeeper’s store. Cream then put me down and I walked in. I looked up, seeing Shopkeep drinking a soda at his usual spot at the cashier's desk. “Yo.” He said. “Sup.” I said. “I have an important question to ask, and it involves the Second Mother.” “Shoot.” He shrugged, taking another sip from his cup. “Was everything about my life, since I got here, preordained to be the Second Mother? Cause too much of my life has been a bit too coincidental when I went over all of it.” Shopkeeper sipped his drink for a bit before putting it down, and looked at me. “... My guy you are not that special.” He said, making me blink. “Yes you might meet the criteria to be a candidate to become the Second Mother, and for a bit there was the most likely, you're a marble in a roughly bucket sized pool of other equally or better candidates. Being a candidate means jack unless you act in a way Dark Gray desires. You just happened to be unlucky enough to be the most proactive at it.” “Then why haven't you forced some other chucklefuck that's better to do this when Dark Gray's ‘game’ has literally killed hundreds of Time Walkers, wasted so much of everyone's time and made me lose Diamond?” I frowned. “That would be direct involvement. This does not meet the criteria of necessary involvement. Besides, in the long run Tiara is a better candidate for the Second Mother than you. She meets all the right criteria and being a Time Walker, is pretty well suited for the role. She's gonna end up forgotten by everyone that ever knew her when she dies so, this way she can at least be remembered, even if she loses herself.” “Why the fuck is there necessary involvement needed anyways?” I asked, now just feeling more pissed by this than anything. “Dark Gray's?” “Any of the infinite amount of fuckers that you can con into abandoning their lives for… what exactly? Time that never really fucking mattered?” Shopkeeper sighed. “If you believe that then you must be looking forward to Madness…” “Finally, some actual context behind this stupid ass game.” I groaned. “I keep hearing how important this is and told nothing about it, why should anyone care when for the vast majority of reality nobody even knew this existed?” “Blame Lord.” Shopkeep shrugged. “But yes, on top of birthing the second Mother and bringing Time properly into this reality, Madness will finally be cured.” “Cool… why do you need all these stupid hoops to jump through when the answer is right fucking there?” I asked. “Because no one in The Family can become the second Mother.” “And you can’t get involved cause this nebulous ‘necessary involvement’ clause that’s just more or less…there.” “Because everyone in The Family either is or has the traits to be an All Maker, just not the right one.” I raised a brow. “Uh… what?” I asked. “Alright, history lesson for ya.” Shopkeeper said, leaning on the desk now. “First question, what is an All Maker?” “Uh… the beings above Gods and Admins?”. “Half Credit.” Shopkeep said. “All Makers are the original creators. Existing in the harsh energies outside the machine long before it was created. They built the machine, where all of us originate, to safely house their creations. All Makers like myself and other members of The Family are along the lines of copies of these Pureblood All Makers, we ascended through toil and research but we aren't an exact copy. These days, there's only one Pureblood All Maker left in all existence. The Mother.” “Really? There is absolutely no others?” I asked. “Well, technically there’s two other pure bloods but they…are busy.” Shopkeep said vaguely. “Of course they are….” “They got what they deserved.” Shopkeep said. “Can't trust them.” “So then why the fuck did you trust The Mother if she’s also apart of this group you can’t trust?” I asked.  “Because The Mother is the reason we were able to beat the other two. It's a long and story and honestly all I remember from the details is they gave me a headache but she was an ally, the other two… one was just wrecking shit for literally forever, the other was totally insane and tried to destroy the Machine. Point is, All Makers like myself, Lord and many others in The Family are not the same as All Makers like her and them. Think of it like comparing diamonds and quarts. Polished and shaped both look beautiful and radiant, but one is clearly stronger than the other. We need someone new who can become an All Maker, an artificial Pure Blood. If Tiara becomes the Second Mother, it's almost irony given her name.” “So because these other All Makers annoyed you…” I shook my head. “That’s for another time, but that explains some of the hoops needed to jump through… why the rest?” “Annoyed, almost killed all creation… guess it's the same thing to someone who was born long after…” Shopkeep said. I felt him glaring at me from under that mask. “The rest, simple. Proof of worth. Can't just hand the power to anyone, it has to be someone who earned it and earned it right.” “And you’ve been hoping someone was capable of doing this for three whole ass eras, by also… having it be the most hidden and vague thing imaginable, which I presume is Lords fault as well.” “Partly. The other is to keep undesirables from obtaining it. I doubt you want the likes of Nexus or Alex or other such parties to know how to gain the power right?” “Too late for that, they're working for Tiara who’s basically been handing keys to said power to them.” I stated. “As Alex is already working on becoming an All Maker himself and god only knows who else.” “Heh. You don't need to worry about them.” “The hundreds of dead Time Walkers says otherwise.” I said. “And said Time Walker Volatile Nokori he’s been creating doesn’t help either.” “Not my department. Not that Pecator cares either way.” “So a bunch of who cares all around, it’ll all sort itself out possibly, or it could go horribly horribly wrong.” “Weren't you bitching about a non-existent preordained fate earlier?” “You say non-existent preordained, but Tiara wouldn’t have been causing a lot of things to happen if it wasn’t preordained.” I pointed out. “Ah yes, tell one of the creators of reality how it works.” I could feel his eyes roll. “You don't know how cause and effect work do you?” “I do know what cause and effect is, it’s not my fault that I’m now just learning what I most likely should have been fucking told before but everyone keeps wanting to piss me off about it.” I said, cause Dark Gray didn’t give me answers, David kind of gave me answers, and Tiara was so bitter about not giving me answers she literally turned me into a fucking baby! “Ugh… fucking… alright. Let me explain it like this.” Shopkeeper said, a clap of his hands and his store was gone. Just he and I in a vast empty white void. Well, he was sitting in a chair. A snap of his fingers and there were marbles everywhere. “Okay, so this,” he held up a brown Marble. “Represents you.” He then dropped it, it landed, rolling for a bit and hitting a few other marbles. “And that was your arrival on Armageddon.” “Yes, that is basically what happened.” I said. “Good.” He said, snapping his fingers as the marbles all started to move around, smacking into and rolling around seemingly at random. Mine too. “This all represents the choices made by everyone on Armageddon. How they effect others and where they take them. And that represents Dark Gray.” Shopkeep said as he pointed up. I looked up- Eye… giant fucking eye! “Dark Gray sees it all, it's his planet after all, but at this point in time you were no different than the rest of the population. Just a person getting by trying to survive.” “So he watched all of it going on and…what? Drew lots or something at that point?” I asked, cause the whole thing with Dark Gray and me was when I first met Armageddon in a dream…then Dark Gray tried to sass me and I got pissed at this being a fucking game to him. “He waits and watches for an abnormal interaction.” He said, just some of the clacking marbles would jump or bulldoze past many others. My own marble zipping around madly. All these marbles then began to glow. “The abnormal reactions gain his attention. In this case, the first thing you did that got his attention was choosing to leave your family for ten years.” Shopkeep explained. “Because I wanted to try and fix the Breeders…” I said carefully. Nodding, Shopkeep then waved a hand. The other marbles all zipping by, giving the illusion mine was traveling far… until it stopped before a chess piece. A queen… David… “You then encountered one of his chess pieces, and walked away. You even got their fancy. Dark Gray took a very detailed note of that.” The marbles all zipped back, showing mine was now supposedly back home after my return, and this time… I saw a pink marble there, glowing as well. “And here, Tiara is already a fully realized Time Walker.” “So as my life was starting to spiral out of control…Dark Gray has been really focused on me and seeing how he could fuck with me…” “He needed the right reactions.” Shopkeep said. Tiara's marble then floated up and over mine. Suddenly lines like webs shot out from it, my marble not moving but the lines going so many ways. It was like watching chaos but… “This, is the power of a Time Walker. To see time where Time doesn't exist, by predicting probably based on the person's reactions and actions. The web may look like nonsense, but to Time Walkers it's all about finding order in the chaos.” The lines, many of them began glowing. Some led all around, others seemed to just… end… “and as you can see, she saw your predictions. Some, you die. Some, a fate worse than death… but a good amount…” The remaining lines went up, showing a statue of the Mother in an hourglass. “There was never anything preordained Button. Just your choices, and the odds of them leading you to that, based solely on you and your actions.” “So I was fucked either way…” I said, looking at all the threads and there was…basically none that would have let me just live normally, everything lead to me being…gone. “Which is why, Tiara was working to change your reactions and actions.” He said, the lines vanishing and Tiaras marble slamming against mine. “Turning you into a Nokori,” Another smack. “Holding all the children of the New Foundation hostage with Alex.” Another smack. “The Attack from the Majority.” Smack. “Turning you into an infant.” He said, Tiara's marble slamming hard into my marble, embedding it into the ground a bit. “Change your reactions. Your future actions, change your future.” “I got that… and there is…wait a fucking second, what do you mean she’s the one that sent the Majority after me!? Was threatening our children with Alex not enough for some reason?” “Who do you think tipped them off about Yuri? She's already proven more than willing to go to any lengths to prevent the outcome your original actions would have led to. Now, she's accomplished that goal. Two years ago, your pathways changed.” Two… when I gave up… “You’ve…gotta be fucking kidding me…” I muttered. “Funny how that works, huh?” “This still isn’t fair…” I groaned. “Maybe not. But because of it, you're free. Dark Gray doesn't have his eyes on you anymore. You can live and be happy.” “Yeah, live and be happy…” I frowned, looking at the spider web again and seeing so many things that basically said ‘yeah your fucked’... no matter what I did… all I could do was sit there and do nothing, like everyone else wants to… “Feck…” “Why so glum? You'll get your happy ending.” Shopkeep said, clapping his hands as we were back in his store. “My ‘happy ending’ sounds more like ‘the end’, cause everything has now turned into ‘sit there and do nothing’.” I admitted. “Cause whatever I do, Tiara’s going to be pissy at me and… at the end, I’m going to lose my Diamond because of all of this…” “Sadly. Best to cherish the ones you're going to still have though. Less her sacrifice be in vain.” “She shouldn’t have to sacrifice herself for this to begin with…” I shook my head. “This shouldn’t even be a game where so much is on the line.” “Well, next time, don't go to the aptly named Death World.” Shopkeep said. “Course if you didn't most of your lovers and children would not exist. Cause and effect. Really is a bitch huh?” I'd never give them up… they're my everything… “My family is my everything…and yes, Reality is a bitch…” “Good.” Shopkeep said. He snapped his fingers again and I felt… different. I looked and I was still small. “I removed the regeneration penalty and stat cap. You're still gonna have to age to adulthood sadly.” “Yeah, I assumed that would still be the thing.” I sighed. “Oh well… thanks Shopkeep.” “Enjoy your life.” I nodded, turning and walking out of the store and back to the bedroom. Cream looked down at me. “So?” She asked. “Well I learned that, until I gave up, my life was going to be fucked six ways from sunday and there was not a single thing I could do about it.” I admitted. “So the Second Mother is needed cause it’ll cure Madness… somehow, not sure how that works, and a bunch of other things were talked about.” “Heh. See? Nothing was forcing you ever. Save your own stubbornness.” Cream said, rubbing my head. “Excusing the fact that I would have either become the Mother, died, or suffered a fate worse than death in literally every situation…” “Well then stop being a stubborn stallion trying to save the world… and just be here for your family.” Cream said, giving me a warm smile. “And grow big and strong, okay little man~” She added with a slight teasing. “I’m sure I’ll grow big and strong.” I chuckled warmly. “Thank you.” With that, Cream left and I next watched as Cheat walked in. “Hey there little brother~” She said with a laugh. “How have you been?” I asked, ignoring her mild jab at me. “Kind of bored, kind of busy.” She said. “Mostly just been working.” “Okay.” I nodded. “I just learned that my life would have been fucked eight ways to sunday if I didn’t give up.” “Gee… it’s almost like literally everyone ever was telling you as much over the years…” Cheat deadpanned. “No as in I would have died, gotten a fate worse than death, or been The Mother because for some reason The Family are a pack of lazy assholes just shoveling popcorn in their mouths hoping some douche bag would solve their problems for them in the most roundabout way possible.” Cheat rolled her eyes. “I think as long as whatever is happening doesn’t involve mass perma deaths or risk the barrier or something they genuinely don’t care since other people can handle it. Eh. So, how’s it feel being knee deep in your mommy fetish with Tina~” “Our relationship before is fucked beyond comprehension, my relationship with Barb is fucked, my relationship with you is…getting worse, and everything that I tried to fix is fucked, take a guess.” I frowned. “Oh don’t be like that. Besides, Barb is here and gonna talk with you too anyway.” She shrugged. “Besides, kind of nice seeing Tina focusing so much on mom stuff. She looks… genuinely happy.” “Not like she was threatened or anything of the sort.” I rolled my eyes. “But at least she is happy.” “Oh by the way Power Up is a cannibal now.” WHAT?!?! “How and why and what the fuck!?” I said in a panic. “Oh it all started when I got a job at this butcher shop a few months back and they specialize in selling meat from intelligent beings, which thanks to the Safe Zone is legal now so since I’m a former symbiote I was like, why not, and I even get some bits to take home every so often and normally I keep it all in a separate fridge/freezer but Power Up got into them and I guess since she’s half symbiote she has a taste for it and we kind of bonded over a grill out.” … “... I… I shouldn’t be surprised but… I hate it.” “This coming from the stallion that not a day into living in this reality said ‘fuck veggies and fruit, bacon!’.” Cheat said with a frown at me. “Hey, first of all that was me learning that I’m an Omnivore, and two, it’s fucking Bacon, shut up Ms ‘When are we having the Gut Destroyer Burger again?’.” I deadpanned. “I was a symbiote, my species survive off the proteins and prions from meat. Besides, I ate a lot of zombies when we shared a body so you’re a pseudo cannibal by default.” She huffed. “Oh hush you.” I huffed back. “But… at least Power Up is enjoying life.” “Oh she’s a little agent of chaos and it’s beautiful! She sent a child to tears and made their mother speechless at the insult she hurled the other day. It was pure art.” Cheat said with a warm smile. “I think that child died a little inside that day.” “...What happened?” I asked carefully. “We were walking and this kid she knew was school and his bitch mom was messing with us and the kid is kind of an absolute idiot. So while Power Up and them were arguing the kid goes ‘Hey, don’t underestimate me!’ and Power Up replied ‘It’s impossible to underestimate you! If you ever had an intelligent thought it died alone and afraid!’ and the kid just had this look of absolute shock and the mom was so flabbergasted she just stuttered before taking her brat and finally leaving us alone. I’ve never been so proud!” “Bruh.” “Oh her insult game has gotten so much better now that she plays Call of Duty.” “Why the hell are you letting a child play that game that looks more like an Unattended Firehose of Racism?” “Because while others are matches and wild fires of insults and slurs, Power Up has become a verbal nuke that has cleared whole lobbies and it’s incredible to witness.” Cheat said happily. “Our little girl is gonna grow up to be a total terror on the world’s bastards and I’m fully supporting it!” “It most certainly is going to be a thing with her.” I admitted. “Other than that, things are pretty calm. Lot more of the Revived are coming in from patches here and there, Armageddon helps Matthew and Kid with all that. Haven’t come across any Equestria’s though. It’s a small operation sadly but it’s reviving several thousand people a day from The Afterlife.” “It’s at least something.” I admitted. “Slowly but surely.” “Yup. Other than that, not much on my end. Try and visit more, alright?” “I'll try.” I nodded, floating up and giving her a quick hug. “Heh, you’re so tiny. Weird how Nokori age like that.” She chuckled as she hugged me back. “It is a bit annoying.” I admitted. “But at least you're happy Cheat.” “Finally being able to stay in one place long enough without worrying about whatever fight you’ll be getting into has been relaxing. Feel like I can finally learn more about myself.” Cheat gave me a quick forehead kiss before putting me down. When Cheat exited the door, and next walked in Philomina. “Hello Master Button.” She greeted with a smirk and a bow. “Hello.” I said politely. “How are you doing today?” “I have been… getting by.” She said. “Is everything alright?” I asked nervously, hoping she was okay and not struggling more than I already feared. “Just been a little tired recently.” She admitted. “Why’s that?” I asked, worried about Philomena’s health if she’s working too hard. “Mostly just tending to the children. Having your former Breeders cured and helping has been good, but there isn’t much they themselves know about life and since they attend Alchem’s school for Breeders to learn, just been busy.” “I understand.” I nodded. “Just don’t work too hard and remember to take breaks alright?” “I try.” She said, walking over and sitting next to me on the bed. “Feels odd.” “With me being this small or something else?” I inquired. “I guess… just feel a bit… sad is all.” I moved over and hugged her the best I could. “I’m sorry…” She put a hand on my back. “... I know I’m different from the rest, but sometimes it feels more obvious than normal.” “I’m sorry to hear that…but I’m glad you're still here.” “Wouldn’t know where else to go.” She said with a small laugh. “... I have an appointment with the Past Protectors to get my memories back.” “I would love to join and see it all.” I said honestly. “I can tell you about it. This is… something I’ve been considering for a long time.” “Yeah… I can imagine it’s been a thing ever since the Past Protector’s became a thing.” I said. “I hear so far… as Prize Pod people memories end in tragedy… Guess I’m at least expecting that I died before waking up in the pod…” “I think one of the reports said that each person has a different reason and that coincides with their ‘Class’, since your a Lover you would have died for whoever you loved…” “I’m a Servant Class Master Button, with a subclass as Mistress… I feel like that’s painting a picture of what I should expect…” She sighed. “I…really hope it’s not as bad as I fear it will be.” I said nervously. “And sorry for… getting it wrong, I’ve just been… going through a lot of things.” She smiled, patting my back some as she did. “You always seem to be.” “I try not to… but so many things keep happening.” I pouted. “Will they still be happening then?” I wanted to say something… but… “No.” I said, looking at Philomina. “Not anymore.” “Promise?” She asked. “I promise.” I said, cause not like I’m going to be doing anything for at minimum fifteen years or however the fuck long it takes me to be fully grown again. “That would be nice.” I spend a little bit longer with Philomina before she left and in walked Sweetie. “Hey Button.” She said with a nod as she walked in. “Hey Sweetie.” I said softly. “How you doing?” “Alright. Mostly just looking into mods and hardware upgrades.” “That’s good.” I nodded. “So…I might as well ask, given I’ve…more or less ignored it the past two talks… what’s our relationship?” I asked. “Especially because of…this…” “I mean… I’d say our relationship has always been more along the lines of… there.” Sweetie admitted. “I know the whole reason we even came to Armageddon was for me… my missing parts and such… but long term… we’re definitely partners, in every sense of the word but…” “Yeah…” I sighed bitterly. “Not the way possibly either of us wants… just me realizing that I’ve screwed up all my relationships that they’re…almost non-existent…” “You’ve just always seemed so busy and always looking, you actually looked for some reason to not be home and… I know this situation isn’t your fault I just… It felt like your priorities while, yes, you were trying to keep us safe… you weren’t there for us…” “I'm sorry…” I said sadly. “Part of a thing a while ago was that O5-1 was trying to help me relearn what it means to be ‘normal’, and… so much of my power, and so much about being busy for over ten years straight made me feel like… I was giving up on everything just for a routine…” “Is that so bad?” “It can be when it was pushing me away from all of you…” “... Why did you feel like you had to do… any of it?”  “Because I'm strong, I'm a ‘predator’ as it were… so out of place with all of you as I sacrificed a decade just for some dumbass thing that would have been solved years from then and I'm just a massive mess that… it probably would have been better to leave you all cause I was a massive detriment…” “... Well, you aren’t strong anymore. You’re not a ‘predator’ anymore. What now?” “My life is a mess, every relationship I have is screwed beyond belief and… I'm more shocked you all put up with me.” “Well, it’s lucky for you we do.” “By some grace of God…ugh, I feel worse than some poor sad sack of a wolf and I don't know why.” I grumbled, as I just kept thinking about… how screwed everything was. “Well, I guess if anything, you can learn to live again.” “I'm trying…” I sighed. “I'm trying…” “Just don’t rush it.” Sweetie said, patting my head. With that, she left and in walked Maud. She smirked at seeing me and picked me up for a hug. “Heh, you’re so little. Like a plushie.” I hugged back. “Certainly feels like it with how I've…just been here.” I admitted. “It’s not so bad.” Maud said as she put me down. “Not the best it could have been, but it’s better than you being gone.” “At a certain point it feels like I'm still gone with how screwed all my relationships are…” I said sadly. “You won’t be this little forever. Sixteen more years.” She said, patting my head. “That doesn’t stop my relationships being boned…” “Give it sixteen years.” Maud chuckled. “You know, it's a chance for us to start again too. With the whole Armageddon thing we didn't really get the chance to properly date.” “That… that would be amazing.” I admitted. “I would love to start dating again.” “It's a date… in sixteen years.” Maud chuckled. “Sixteen years…ick.” I groaned. “That’s going to take forever.” “Gives you plenty of time to prepare. And hey, have some fun in this second childhood.” “I’m going to try.” I admitted. “Either it’ll go swimmingly or something bad is going to happen.” “None of that sour attitude, otherwise you might stunt your own growth.” Maud chuckled. She gave me another hug then walked out, and in walked Barb. “So, will I be seeing you in my classroom at some point?” She asked with a small laugh. “With what Tina wants then most likely.” I said, looking down sadly. “I’m sorry Barb…” “For?” “Everything…” I sighed bitterly. “So much could have worked… and now it probably will never work…” “... Button.” Barb sighed, sitting next to me on the bed. “Has our relationship ever been a romantic one?” She asked. I looked up at her, confused. “We are nerds. Short and sweet. Two nerds who get lonely, despite you having all that outside this door, you still get lonely and we helped each other with that. Yeah we went on dates and have a kid… but we never really were a couple, and to be honest I never wanted us to be a couple. You have this huge big family that adore you, and that’s incredible, but I never was nor wanted to be part of that to begin with. I was happy to have you when you were free and our kid is doing well. I just hope that when you can, you can meet them and we can all be nerds together.” That is exactly what I feared… “At… least we're still friends… nerdy friends.” I admitted. “Don’t be upset.” She sighed, patting my back. “We will always be friends, with benefits… though, in sixteen years please… though I guess if Tina asks me to babysit you I can set it up as a playdate for you and Violet.” “Yeah…that would be nice.” I said. “Just… so worried about all of this screwing up all my relationships it’s…it’s getting to me… “Have some faith in your partners, and yourself.” She said. “Also don’t expect special treatment when you start school. Pass or fail depends on you and your study habits.” I couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “Yeah yeah.” I chuckled. “You’re not my teacher yet ya know?” “Three years will be short.” Barb chuckled. She pat my head and left. I sighed, but heard the door close and looked up. Ginger! “Hey, I see you look as tiny as I heard.” Ginger laughed as he walked up to me. “Long time no see.” “Hey Ginger.” I said. “How are you doing?” “Keeping busy, raising a kid and running a club, haven’t had much free time for some me time.” He chuckled. “Thankfully this crazy pink fox lady opened this bookstore/daycare so little Sage can be taken care of and make friends while I’m busy.” “And here I am screwing everything up…” I sighed bitterly. “Unable to take care of our kid, maybe help you with your club and just…so much…” “No offense sweet, but you only go to my club to drink and for our meetups. Enjoying it and running it are two very different things. As for Sage, well, I’m sure you two will get along once you meet them. He’s a total screen junkie.” “I mean… fair, but my relationship with you and Sage are…not going to be good sadly because of this…” “It’s not the worst relationship I’ve had actually.” He chuckled. “Trust me, I’ve been around. This hiccup is at least salvageable compared to past experiences.” “Got more hope than me I suppose.” I admitted. “But… I’m glad to hear that there is hope.” “Nowhere to go but up really.” Ginger said with a chuckle. “Just try not to sneak into my club before you’re of age.” “I shall try.” I said honestly. “Good. Heh, I’ll see you around alright?” “Alright, see you around.” I said, giving Ginger a quick hug. With a hug back, Ginger then put me back on the bed and left with a wave. Well… that all went… pretty well actually.