> Love of Magic & Empathy > by ScisetShimmerEvan > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > First day of summer (Updated 1/12/2023) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “It’s summer vacation,” Twilight excitedly yelled, as she exited CHS with her friends by her side, who were all excited for their summer. They had a really busy school year together ever since Twilight transferred to CHS. From getting used to their geodes at Camp Everfree after stopping Gloriosa, to winning a cash prize with the help of the Shadowbolts, visiting a Daring-Do film in the works, meeting Starlight Glimmer, Princess Twilight’s student from Equestria, and finally the Memory Stone Incident with Wallflower Blush. But we don't talk about that one for obvious reasons. “Ah summer, I’ve been thinking about this all year long after going through another boring, but exciting school year,” confessed Rainbow Dash. “Surprised how much has happened this semester as juniors.” Said a happy Applejack. “We got these cool glowly geodes that give us powers and transform into these power ponies superheroes!!!” Said a hyped Pinkie Pie. “We met Starlight Glimmer and faced some new foes,” replied Fluttershy as she removed Angle from her backpack. “Along with friending Wallflower Blush and Juniper Montage,” Twilight said as she sat down on the steps to the school's entrance. “And don't forget that Twilight and I are now a couple,” Sunset shared, as she sat down next to Twilight as the two blushed before Sunset wrapped her arm around her girlfriend. “Oh and don’t forget the new looks we all have now,” said a happy Rarity, before all of them went silent around her. “Well, at least a change was nice. Anyway, darlings since that’s what Twilight and Sunset did after they both turned into those monsters.” Thanks a lot Rarity. “So, what’s everyone’s plan for the summer?” Asked Sunset. “Well for starters, Applejack and I are trying to find a summer job,” Rarity said, as she moved towards her friend in question. “We haven’t decided on where we'll apply to yet, but we're hoping we’ll find a place to work for the summer.” “As for the rest of us, we’ll probably continue our jobs,” said a happy Fluttershy as she snuggled Angle in her arms. “What about you Sunset? And Twilight too?” Asked Rainbow Dash. “Well, we sadly don’t have our jobs anymore unlike the rest of you. But we already got our schedule planned out,” said Sunset sadly, before it turned into a happy mood. “What is it? I just have to know!” Said an excited Rarity. “After talking things out with my parents, they’ve allowed Sunset to stay with us for the summer. We don’t know what we might do the first summer as a couple.” “But whatever we plan we know it’ll be great,” Sunset said as she kissed Twilight on the cheek. “Hopefully we’ll still be able to see the rest of you this summer. But if we do, all have our numbers to see if we're down to doing anything fun together,” said Twilight. “Well I better get going I need to get to the animal shelter. See you later girls.” “Bye Fluttershy,” said her six friends. After Fluttershy left the rest of them left one by one to go their separate ways for the day except for Twilight and Sunset as they waited for their friends to leave before they were alone in front of the entrance to CHS. “Well, I’m sure glad that I’ll be spending my summer with you Twilight.” “And I’m glad that my parents have allowed it Sunset. I still can't believe they allowed it.” “Yeah. Come on, we better get to my apartment. I need to pack some things before we get on over to your place. That and I kinda haven’t packed anything yet. Including Ray’s cage and some food for him.” “That’s fine Sunset. I won’t mind lending a hand. We better get going before my brother picks us up later.” After a short walk to Sunset’s apartment, they entered her one-story apartment building so they can get started on packing some of Sunset's for her stay with Twilight's family over the summer. After entering the apartment and closing the door behind them Twilight removed her hairpin from her ponytail, letting her hair come down behind her shoulders. “I’ve been meaning to ask you this lately Twilight, but is there a reason whenever it's just the two of us, you like to have your hair down compared to a ponytail like you usually do? No offense.” “None taken Sunset. I just like to. Can’t a girl do what she wants?" "Touché." "But I do also prefer to have my hair like this than in a bun or ponytail. And I kinda just do it since you like seeing me this way. And cause there's no one around to question if I'm the princess from Equestria.” “Not to mention that’s the way your hair was after I saved you,” Sunset said as the two of them went into a kiss before settling down on the couch. “Also, about the time we first met at the Friendship Games. I have an apology to make. I should have said this to you weeks after you started at CHS, but I never got around to doing it. For obvious reasons," Sunset said while scratching her back neck in awkwardness. “What is it Sunset?” Twilight asked as she turned to face her, getting a grip of Sunset's hand. “I’m sorry for the way I acted to you. With the yelling during the tri-cross rally, wondering what you were up to. Even facing you as a component made me feel that-” Sunset had already gotten a few tears rolling down her face as more started to appear before Twilight interrupted her. “Sunset it wasn’t your fault. I was still a part of Crystal Crep back then. I deserved it. I could have killed someone if you didn’t stop me in time when I turned into Midnight Sparkle. But what I’m trying to say is, you don’t need to apologize. You did it because you didn't want any magic to affect the Friendship Games or let anyone get seriously hurt. Plus, after everything you helped me with going from my fear of magic, all the advice you gave me, along with being new as friends at the time being, I understand everything now. And I’m very happy to call you my girlfriend. Especially after the Memory Stone Incident and when we'd talk it out and had that date of ours. I've felt the happiest I've ever been since that night.” Twilight said, before wiping some of Sunset’s tears away and hugging her in the process. “Thank you Twilight. You wouldn’t know how I’d feel if I didn’t save you and our friend's memories after the Memory Stone Incident.” “Neither would I Sunset. Neither would I. But it's water under the bridge. What matter now is that we'll be spending our summer together with my family.” The two girls shared a nice laugh after that before starting to get Sunset’s stuff ready before Shining Armor was to arrive. After about a half-hour of packing Sunset's stuff, which she'd bring during her stay with the Sparkle family the two friends sat down on the couch waiting for Shining Armor's arrival. The time was 4:10 p.m. and Twilight got a text from her brother saying he’ll be there in five minutes. “My brother says he’ll be here in five minutes. You got everything you need? Sunset?” Sunset wasn’t paying attention till Twilight got her attention. “Huh? Um sorry, Twilight I guess I was daydreaming.” “What were you thinking? If you don’t want to tell me, I'll understand.” “It's fine Twilight. It's just. I’ve gotten so used to this place so much since I first came here, that it feels like home now. It may be small but it's fine the way it is. And, I feel like I might get a little homesick while staying with your family for the summer. Even though I’ll have you and your family for company, I'm still not one hundred ready for this.” “I understand Sunset. I mean, since you started to be with our friends more often they felt like family to you. But if you’d like, if you ever feel homesick we can stay here for a night or two?” “I'll think about it Twilight. Thanks.” “Any time.” After a minute went by the sound of a car's horn was heard signaling that Shining Armor had arrived. Twilight and Sunset soon packed Sunset’s luggage before getting into the car. “Hey, Twily. How was your day?” Shining Armor asked as Twilight shut the car door. “It was great. I was a bit upset at first that I’ll be on summer vacation for the next three months, but I got over it. Especially since Sunset will be staying with us. How’s Candance doing? Has she gotten used to being the Principal of Crystal Prep yet?” “Yes and no. She has been enjoying it, but she's been thinking of stepping down and finding someone to take her place.” “Why is that?” Sunset asked. “Since we have a child now, we haven’t been able to put all our focus on raising Flurry Heart. Candance has been thinking about spending more time at home taking care of her as any mother should be.” “Makes sense. You have told me that being a father is a big responsibility. Especially at a young age.” “I may only be in my late twenties Twilight, but I’ve been handling things ok as the Vice Principal of Crystal Prep and a father at the same time. Even if there’s been a few nights I hardly get much sleep since Flurry Heart was born, same with Candance we're still learning what it's like to be parents and raise a child. But with time, I know things will turn out well.” A few minutes go by with Twilight continuing to talk with her brother about her day until Shining Armor decided to change the topic. “Have you girls yet talked about the sleeping arrangements?” “Crap! I forgot. I’m so sorry Sunset. I was distracted by the fact that I wasn't happy summer was starting and there'd be no school for three months, and-” “It’s fine Twilight. We'll talk about it when we get to your place in a bit. Speaking of Flurry Heart, how is she doing? I haven’t seen her since she was born.” “She’s doing great. She’s going to daycare and has even made friends with the Mr. & Mrs. Cakes kids Pound Cake and Pumpkin Cake. Sure is great to see her making friends. It just brings tears to my eyes,” Shining said as he wiped a few tears out of his eyes. After they arrived at Twilight’s house it was now close to 5 pm. The girls soon said their goodbyes to Shining Armor as he drove off home before going inside to be greeted by Twilight’s parents. “Good evening girls how was your day?” Twilight Velvet asked as she closed the door behind them. “It was fine mom. Sunset has everything we need. We're gonna go and get them set up in my room.” “Ok Twilight. Do you need any help Sunset?” “Yes please, Ms. Sparkle. My hands are already full with Ray’s cage in my hands.” “Ok, then Sunset. Anything to help my daughter’s girlfriend,” she said as she grabbed Sunset’s duffle bag. After getting to Twilight’s room and being greeted by Spike, Sunset put Ray’s cage on a dresser in Twilight’s room and her bags off in a corner after Twilight’s mother left them to do some unpacking. Once the unpacking was finished the doorbell rang as the clock struck 6 p.m. while the smell of pizza filled the house. While the girls were unpacking Twilight Velvet went and ordered them some pizza from their local pizza place they order from. Since Sunset was a vegetarian like Fluttershy the two girls just shared a plain vegetarian cheese pizza while Twilight Velvet got pepperoni for herself and her husband. Twilight didn’t mind the pizza was vegetarian. She still liked it, even if it wasn't what she was used to. They then headed off to the living room to watch a movie. Spike later joined them and started moaning for them to give them some of their pizza. They eventually did, which the two girls did allow as long as he cut down the noise. After they finished their movie they both went to Twilight's room to get ready for bed. It was now 9:30 p.m. and the two girls spent a bit talking about their weekend plans before Twilight decided to talk about sleeping arrangements. “So I have 3 different sleeping arrangements for you to decide on. You could use my sleeping bag to sleep on the floor. My little sitting area near my window. Or my bed. It's big enough for the both of us but if you don’t want to sleep in my bed Sunset that’s fine with-” “I won't mind sharing a bed with you Twilight. As long as you're ok with it.” “Of course Sunset,” Twilight replied as the two of them came close looking into each other's eyes before going into a kiss. After Sunset said goodnight to Ray the two girls got ready for bed. They originally decided to go and change into their usual pajamas but were feeling lazy and decided to just strip down to their bra & panties. As they put their clothes away and their geodes in a safe place, they looked at each other only in their different colored underclothing. Twilight was wearing pink and white underclothing while Sunset was in a black and yellow one. The two girls blushed at each other at first before getting into bed. After a few minutes of adjusting in bed, they both looked at the window Twilight had above her bed to see the night sky and moon shining at them. Twilight then removes her glasses and puts them to the side before turning to face Sunset. “This sure was a great school year Sunset. It was probably the best one I’ve had in a very long time. And I have to thank you and the girls for it.” “It was my pleasure Twilight. This was probably the best one for me as well. Even if the Memory Stone was the only part of the year that was the worst part for me, I’m just glad it's over. And I get to spend some time with you now.” “Same here. Say, do you mind helping me with something tomorrow? I have been thinking about cleaning my closet out for a while now and I could use some help. There's a lot and I don't think I'll be able to do it all by myself.” “Sure Twilight. Maybe when we're done we can head out to the park.” “I’d love that Sunset. Anyway, Sunset goodnight. I love you,” Twilight said as she kissed her in reply. “Goodnight Twilight. I love you too,” Sunset said as she kissed her back before they both went into a third kiss this time on the lips. As the two slowly fell asleep Sunset was hyped for what her summer will have in store as she slept away with her girlfriend by her side. > A piece of past memory (Updated 1/12/2023) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was Saturday morning at Twilight’s house. Both Twilight and Sunset were still fast asleep in bed. It was the first day of summer vacation and the girls didn’t feel like getting up early since they didn’t have school to deal with. After the clock hit 8 am Sunset was the first to wake up. She protected her eyes from the sun coming from the window above them as she moved around in Twilight's bed for a minute til she realized her face was touching something. After she realized what her face was against she screamed which awoke Twilight. “Huh huh? What happened??” A startled and now awakened Twilight replied. “Sorry, Twilight I wasn't expecting to awaken next to you without-” “Without what?” Asked a confused Twilight before she looked down seeing her breasts were showing as she covered them immediately before blushing and searching for her bra. After a few minutes of awkwardness later, the two girls were out of bed and in their pajamas so Twilight’s parents don’t get weirded out seeing them walking around in their underclothing. After Twilight emerged from her bathroom she saw Sunset sitting near the window looking at the view Twilight had from her bedroom. Twilight smiled when seeing it before going over to join her. “Nice view isn’t it,” Twilight said as she sat next to Sunset. “Sure is. Reminds me of the one from my bedroom. You sleep well, sleepyhead?” Sunset asked, looking at Twilight’s messy hair before Twilight looked back at Sunset’s before they both share a good laugh. “Yeah, I sure did Sunset. When moving here many years ago I had a fight with my older brother over who gets what room. I ended up being the winner getting this room,” shared Twilight as she laid her head on Sunset’s shoulder. After sitting for a few minutes they heard the sound of their stomachs rumbling, signaling they were ready for some breakfast. “Want to go and see if my mom will make us breakfast?” “Absolutely,” Sunset said as they went downstairs. Twilight Velvet was in the kitchen drinking a cup of coffee while reading an online article. Night Light was in the living room reading the newspaper while drinking his cup of coffee. When he heard the sound of footsteps coming from the stairs he put his newspaper down as he saw the girls heading towards the kitchen. “Morning girls. Sleep well?” “Yes, we did Dad. We’d never wake up early on a Saturday.” “Until you get to my age you will.” The girls chuckled over his comment before entering the kitchen to be greeted by Twilight Velvet. “Good morning girls.” “Morning Mom.” “Morning Ms. Sparkle.” “You two look like you slept well?” “We sure did. We don’t mind the company we give each other.” Velvet smiled while taking a sip of her coffee. “Would you girls like any breakfast? I’d be happy to cook you both something before I leave for my meeting.” “Yes please,” both girls said. After Velvet cooked their breakfast she went back to finishing her coffee while Twilight and Sunset dug into their breakfast. Twilight had a pile of scrambled eggs, a side of bacon, toast, and a glass of orange while Sunset had the same except the bacon and had her eggs fried over scrambled. After they finished eating and putting their silverware away Velvet broke the silence with a question for her daughter. “Twilight, I know it's your first day of summer, but don't forget you have to go through your closet and remove anything you want to get rid of. I’m heading to our local charity center this Monday and I don’t want to leave anything here that you want to get rid of, ok?” “I haven't forgotten mom. But still, I haven't forgotten to do it.” "Good, you girls have fun." After getting back upstairs and entering Twilight’s room, Spike was leaving to go downstairs to have breakfast himself and made sure to not talk in front of Twilight’s parents to freak them out. Ever since Spike was able to talk because of Fluttershy's magic Twilight has forced him to not talk in front of her parents or anyone else who doesn't know he talks to not cause problems. After they changed out of their pajamas and combed their hair, Twilight opened up her closet revealing many clothes on hangers, shoes laying on the floor, and a few boxes scattered around inside. “So where do we get started?” Sunset asked. “Let’s start with the clothes. It’ll go by fast since I don’t have as many clothes as you or Rarity.” “Copy that. I’ve been to her place plenty of times. And I must say, her closet is bigger than I thought. It's like she doesn't want to get rid of any good fashion she owns or has made.” “That’s Rarity for ya.” After twenty minutes of going through Twilight’s clothes and deciding on what to get rid of and what to keep they moved on to the shoes. Twilight didn’t own many herself since she wasn’t a big fan of shoes like most girls her age, so it went by pretty fast taking only ten minutes to see what still fit or not and what to get rid of. After going through a few boxes on the top shelf Sunset spotted a box they missed. “Hey, Twilight what’s in this one?” After Twilight saw Sunset holding the box she immediately got up from where she was and snatched it out of Sunset’s hands. “You can’t open this!!!” “Why Twilight? What is it you don’t want me to see?” “You just can’t ok! Um, um. I need to use the bathroom! Be back in a few!” And she rushed out of her room into her bathroom as quickly as possible, leaving a confused Sunset behind. After closing the door behind her and taking a deep breath Twilight placed the box in front of her on the bathroom counter. “I can’t let Sunset or my friends know I kept this! They would have thought I got rid of this after I transferred to CHS,” Twilight said in her head. She then opened up the box revealing what was inside which turned out to be her old Crystal Prep uniform. As she looked at the very outfit she wore when she first met her friends along with her beret she wore Twilight sighed to herself on why she decided to keep this after all this time if she wasn’t going to need it anymore. After a minute of thinking and looking at herself in the mirror holding the outfit up an idea came to mind. After making sure the door was closed Twilight stripped out of her clothes before putting on her old Crystal Prep uniform. After zipping up the zipper on her skirt and putting her hairpin in her hair she looked at herself in the mirror. She decided to leave her hair alone and not put on her socks and shoes while she continued to look at herself in the mirror. It felt weird feeling wearing the uniform again, as it was the first time in a few months she had worn it. So much had happened since she left Crystal Prep that most of which she was glad to not deal with anymore. As she started to remember what her life was like before she met her friends, she had forgotten how lonely she was back then with only Spike as her company. The more Twilight thought about it the more she started to feel emotional. And before she knew it she started to cry. As she moved towards the toilet to sit down she stepped on her shirt before slipping, as she lost her grip and screamed she landed on the floor. Fortunately, she wasn't hurt. Twilight soon heard Sunset's footsteps signaling that she was coming to the bathroom and she started to panic. “Twilight are you ok? You need someone in there!?!?” Said a worried Sunset. “Wait Sunset, no don’t come-” But Sunset had already opened the bathroom door and was speechless at what she saw. Twilight was on the floor with her shirt on her head, the box open, and her shoes and socks spread out. Twilight began to blush in embarrassment before Sunset decided to close the door and talk things out with her privately. Twilight was worried Sunset was gonna yell at her that she had kept her uniform after all this time, buried in her closet that hadn’t been touched in months. Twilight waited to hear a scream from Sunset as she shut her eyes shut. But Sunset didn’t. After opening her eyes Sunset sighed in relief as she looked at her friend. “So this is what you didn’t want me to see. You kept your Crystal Prep uniform after all this time?” “Mhm. Sunset I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to get rid of it after I transferred to CHS. I wanted to remind myself of the place I came from and how much has changed since then. I’m very sorry I didn’t tell you or the girls I’m-” Twilight soon felt something in her right hand as she lifted her face revealing her friend looking at her with a smile. “Twilight. You didn’t have to do this. I understand you well so I understand why you did it.” “Yo- you do?” Twilight asked as she moved a bit of hair out of the way. “Yes. Because I have done the same as well.” “You? Did? What are you talking about?” Sunset soon brought Twilight up to her feet and the two of them looked at each other before Sunset spoke to her. “I as well kept something to remind me of the days I was a bully.” “You did too? What is it?” “Do you mind if I show you? It would be best I do that so I can get this out of my mind.” Twilight was about to reply before Sunset brought her into a hug which Twilight needed after her emotional breakdown. “But we better get dressed first. Also, don’t be mad, but I kinda forgot to wash my clothes this week. So I don't have any clean clothes. Do you mind if I borrow some of yours for today?” “Of -of course, Sunset.” Twilight then looked into Sunset's eyes as she smiled before surprising Sunset with a kiss. “Do you at least mind if I keep wearing this for a while?” Twilight said, holding the notch of the skirt. “As long as you're ok with it,” Sunset said as she helped her clean the mess she made. After leaving Twilight’s house and encountering a surprised Night Light seeing his daughter in her old Crystal Prep uniform, the two friends headed off to Sunset’s apartment. After arriving at Sunset’s apartment, Sunset went straight to her closet to find what she was looking for before she brought it over to her couch where Twilight was waiting. She was still in her Crystal Prep uniform except she was wearing the shoes she wears normally, and her hair was still down with the beret titling a bit in her hair. When Sunset sat down on the couch she showed Twilight what she kept to remember her old life before she was shown the magic of friendship. The item in question was her old leather jacket she wore when she was the bully she used to be. “Yo- you kept the old leather jacket you wore back when you still were your old self?” “Yes. Like you Twilight, I kept it to remind myself of what my past used to be like. When I was still that bitch people were afraid of who was addicted to becoming a Princess and taking over Equestria. Unlike your uniform, which was kept nicely in a box in your closet, I just threw my jacket in my closet after I got a new one. Though it's smaller than this one, I wanted to prove to everyone I had changed after helping the girls and Princess Twilight after we defeated the Sirens. But I still refused to get rid of the jacket, knowing all the horrible things I did back when I once wore it on a day-to-day basis.” Twilight was speechless that her girlfriend had kept something as well to remember her past. It had now made more sense than ever why they liked each other so much and how similar their pasts were. “It also still has a few rips and tears in it when I transformed into that demon." "While I just had a bit of dust on my uniform after I reverted to normal after I transformed into Midnight Sparkle.” “You see Twilight. Just like you what you did with keeping your uniform I did the same to remind myself of what my life used to be like before I had friends I cared so much for. And despite a few ups and downs we’ve had since then, I’m glad to be friends with you and am now in this relationship with you.” Twilight soon made the same smile she made when Sunset saved her life on the day of the Friendship Games. Twilight soon took off her glasses to wipe away some tears before bringing Sunset into another hug, “Thank you Sunset. I’m glad you weren’t mad at me over this,” Twilight said as a few new tears appeared. “Why would I Twilight? I love you. And no matter what happens, my love for you will never go away. I never thought I’d meet someone I have so much in common with and enjoy being with other than our friends. Even if I’m not from this world, I’m glad I did come here many years ago and eventually met you and the girls.” “And I’m glad I participated in the Friendship Games or else I wouldn’t have met such a beautiful person.” The two soon smiled happily at each other before bringing their hands together and going into a kiss. “I love you Twilight. No one will ever replace you.” “I love you two Sunset. There’s no other person I love more than you.” They both soon smiled at each other before Sunset got up from the couch heading back to her closet to put her old leather jacket away before coming back a minute later with something behind her back. “Remember how I told you that CHS has these pony ears we’d wear to support the school?” “Yeah, why?” Twilight said as they exited the apartment soon after. “Well, I kept a pair of them,” Sunset said as she gave her second pair to Twilight while she locked the door while Twilight looked at the pair in her hands. “Sunset? Is it ok if I keep this? If you don’t mind. I kinda want it to be a symbol of what my future has been like since I left Crystal Prep.” “Not at all Twilight. I was thinking about giving it to you. I kinda wanted to anyway. I don't know why Rarity gave me two of them. Maybe in case you ever met you. And it seems like it came true after all.” Twilight smiled while learning to her before they both put on the headbands giggling at one another before joining hands again. “So where to now on our first day of summer Twilight?” “How about the park like you said we should? Been wanting to visit it with you for some time.” “I’ll accept your offer Twilight. On two conditions. You promise to be more open on things and we take a selfie of each other wearing these.” “You got yourself a deal Sunset. And thank you for accepting what happened earlier this morning.” “Anytime Twilight.” The two soon smile once more as they started walking away from Sunset’s apartment to Canterlot park. They both were very happy that they managed to remind themselves that their pasts will always be remembered. Terrible or not those memories they’ve made will live on inside of them as a great memory can be and how many new ones they’ll make in the very future as a couple. > The Second Date (Update 1/12/2023) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- It has been a week since summer started for the Sunset and Twilight. They had been going to the park a lot the last few days, mainly spending the day having a picnic, watching the little kids play, feeding the ducks, and even bringing Spike to the dog park. The couple had been enjoying their summer so far and it couldn’t get any better. It was now Sunday morning as the sun peeked into Twilight’s room waking them up. When they were up and about they smiled at each other in their pajamas and messy bed hair. “Good morning Twilight. Sleep well?” “Yep. Sure did,” said Twilight as she played with a bit of her hair. “So what should we do today? Head back to the park again?” “That’s exactly what I thought. But for now, let's do our laundry and have breakfast first.” “Sniff sniff and maybe a shower too,” said Sunset after sniffing herself like Spike as the two giggled before getting out of bed. After doing their laundry and having waffles for breakfast the two girls headed off to the park each wearing outfits that matched them the way they liked them. Twilight was wearing a long dark purple skirt along with a light blue button-up shirt with her geode, as well as a purse she brought. Some added jewelry on her arms, along with her ordinary shoes and light blue socks. Sunset was wearing the leather jacket Twilight gave her a few weeks prior that she just didn't want to leave alone on a day like this. She a mint green shirt with a skull on it that Twilight was surprised Sunset owned, and a dark purple tartan pattern skirt that happened to be the same one Twilight wore when going to Crystal Prep Academy. She had a spare one she ended up giving to Sunset not too long ago Followed by her boots, a piece of jewelry on her left hand, and her shoulder bag as well. When they arrived at the park they looked around them at how beautiful nature was doing on this warm and sunny morning. They went on a nice walk through the park while passing by a few familiar faces. After their walk, they had lunch at a sit-down area with some sandwiches they brought. Their day was going well and they both were happy they’d been able to spend some quality time together. Sure it's mostly been the same thing for the last week, but neither of them minded it. It was all about spending their time together as counted. “Today sure has been great hasn’t it Sunset,” Twilight said holding her friend’s hand. “Yep, it sure is Twilight,” Sunset said looking into her eyes. “And do you know what would make it better?” “What is it?” “This.” Twilight soon brings Sunset into a kiss which made them blush afterward as they looked down at the river below them from the bridge they were on. The day just couldn’t get any better. “Hey Sunset, there’s something I’ve been wanting to ask for a while now. I was wondering what you’d be interested in doing tonight?” “Sure Twilight. I'm down. What is it?” “I was thinking we’d go out on another date. Since our first one was a complete failure, this one will be a redo after what happened during our first date.” “That would be great Twilight, but do your parents know?” “I talked to them about it and it's perfectly fine with them, as long as we get home by eleven.” “Ok then. Sounds good to me. You know any place, in particular, we should head to dinner?” Sunset asked as she moved a bit of her red and yellow hair out of her face. “There’s this new restaurant I saw open not far from here. It’s a burger place and I thought why not try it out?” “That would be perfect Twilight,” Sunset said softly punching her in the arm before Twilight smiled. “But if we’re going out, then maybe should we wear something fancy. Like a dress or just what we have right now?” “I think we should. Come on.” Twilight replied before grabbing Sunset’s hand. “Hey, hold a sec. Where are we going?” Sunset said as they started to run. “There’s a clothing store just five minutes away from here. Maybe we can find something nice to wear for tonight?” Twilight said as her cheeks blushed red as she looked at her friend. “That’ll be just what we need for our redo date.” After the two girls shared a little giggle they head off to the clothing store. When they stepped into the store it seemed to be not as busy at this time of day. It was Sunday morning after all and most people weren’t buying clothes this time of day. Sunset and Twilight didn’t mind the quietness of the place. It was a nice change for once. But what matters what to find the perfect outfit to wear for their redo date. After finding where the dresses were the two went off to find a dress of their choice. They came back a few minutes later each with a dress they liked. Oddly enough, the dresses they got were two pieces over one. While it did seem odd, it was an interesting find. They were even curious as to what Rarity would say about it. After trying on the dresses they went to find a pair of shoes to go with the outfit before checking out and leaving with smiles on their faces, feeling excited for tonight. It was almost 6 pm and the two girls had arrived at the restaurant fancied up in their outfits. Sunset’s two-piece dress was red with a big white bow in the middle and many silver speckles on it. Her hair was also curled up in a new style she had decided to go for. As for Twilight, she was wearing a light pink two-piece shoulder dress with a few white speckles on it. After going inside the restaurant they waited to be sent to their table while they looked at each other in their dresses. “You look good Twilight.” “You do as well Sunset. I especially like the way your hair is. I’ve never seen it that way.” “Thank you. I thought it would be a nice touch.” Sunset replied with a blush. After a nearly five-minute wait, they were taken to their table. After ordering their drinks their waiter arrived to take their order. “Good evening ladies. What can I get you?” “I’ll take the vegan burger with a side of sweet potato fries," Sunset replied to the waiter. “Ok then, how do you like your burger?” “Medium rare please.” “And what will you be having tonight miss,” the waiter asked, turning to face Twilight. “I’ll have the mushroom burger with a side of waffle fries. And I’ll have my burger medium rare as well.” “Ok then, I’ll get your order in.” As the two waited for their food they talked a bit about what they should plan for the remainder of the summer, along with some vacation plans Twilight’s family wanted to do. They also received a long text from their friends about Rarity and Applejack having started their search for a summer job and were awaiting to see if they got accepted for the job they were hoping to get. During their talk, Twilight asked Sunset something she hadn’t asked Sunset before about her family. Sunset was fine with the question as she told Twilight about her family. It was small, not big as hers, but she did have two siblings. A younger sister named Sunlight, an older brother named Spotlight, and of course her parents Flare Star and Brightfire. After their talk went by their food arrived. “And here is your vegan burger and your mushroom burger with a side of fries. If you need anything else, please let me know.” After thanking their waiter, they dug into their burgers and were shocked at how delicious they were. It was like something made from heaven that landed on their taste buds. The burgers even melted in their mouths. “Oh my god, Twilight. This is probably the best burger I’ve ever had. We should take the girls here sometime.” “Oh, we most definitely will,” Twilight replied, taking another bit of her burger. After their dinner, they went back to the park to do some star gazing under the beautiful night sky. They're not a cloud in sight as they sat down on a blanket while taking a look at the stars together. Their date was going pretty well as they wanted it to be and the two agreed it was going perfectly, way better than the first one. “Tonight sure was great Sunset. I’m glad we got to go out on another date together,” Twilight confused. “It sure was Twilight. I’m really glad we decided to do this. I was going to ask you on one anyway but you beat me to it.” “Well, I do plan things ahead of time.” The two girls giggled in reply to the comment. “Do you wonder how people will think when they learn that we're dating when we start our senior year this fall?” “Well most people at CHS I’m pretty sure won’t mind. If my family and our friends are then the students of CHS might as well too.” “Yeah, I guess I never thought about that. I wasn’t sure what my future would be like before I became the way I am today. And I’d like to thank you for all the things you’ve done for me over the last few months. And I’m proud to call you my girlfriend Twilight.” “Me too Sunset. Don’t mention it. Maybe for our next date, we can do something new. Maybe even attend the next Fall Formal too.” “We’ll see about that. But for now, I only ask you for one thing from you Twilight.” “What’s that Sunset?” “May I have this dance?” Sunset said, lending her hand out to Twilight. Twilight teared up a little as she knew that Sunset wanted to have a dance with her and she accepted it. “I’d be glad to Sunset.” “Thank you Twilight.” After Sunset took out her phone to do a quick selfie she put on some nice music to play while they danced together in the park. As the two danced together they were happy that this redo date went perfectly as planned. Sure Sunset wasn’t expecting Twilight to ask about her family at dinner Sunset gladly accepted it. As they were halfway through the song that was playing they stopped their dancing and looked into each other's eyes and smiled before going into a kiss. “I love you Sunset. You're the one person who makes me feel so happy.” “I love you too Twilight. You will always be the light in my darkness.” After they finished their stargazing they made their way back home. Twilight was looking forward to what her future was gonna be like with Sunset by her side and Sunset couldn’t wait to see what new adventures they’d go on as well. And how they are the happiest they’ve ever been in a very long time and will for the coming future ahead.