> Warm Wings and Warmer Words > by Vinylshadow > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > "Why?" > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Luna woke with a start, her breath exploding out of her with a harsh gasp and she flailed amidst the sheets and covers of her bed, trying to get a grasp of her surroundings. A firm grip and a soft voice caught her and she turned to see a glowing white shape lean over her, crooning soft nothings to her, and Luna felt her pace slow and she gulped in air as she forced herself to lay still, letting herself sink into the embrace of her bed. As she blinked, things came into focus and the gentle face of Celestia swam into view and Luna wanted to shrivel up and disappear as she once had for a thousand years. “It’s okay.” Celestia’s soft words and wings wrapped around her and Luna almost believed them. She blinked at her sister questioningly and Celestia blinked back. It was an old method of communication for them, as so much could be passed between them without a word. Had been very useful for sneaking around mother’s prying questions over who had caused a mess and they’d been refining it ever since. Although all Luna found herself saying was “Why?” and Celestia always answered with “Because I love you.” “Because you’re family.” Because you’re all I have left. The last was an uncomfortable truth for the sisters and they never talked about it. Celestia held her sister close, brushing her soft blue mane, breathing in her warm sweet scent, and letting their bodies press together as they had when they were younger. Luna would’ve found it weird long ago, but now she was just grateful for her sister’s company. It had been a few moons since her return, and Celestia hadn’t left her side since, casting all her responsibilities aside for the sake of her younger sibling. “Why?” Luna had asked, eyes wide as Celestia passed a pile of lists and letters to an aide. Celestia had turned to her, eyes sharp with determination, yet her voice was as soft as down. “Because you’re family.” After a thousand years of nothingness, Luna hadn’t questioned it, but as days turned into weeks and months, Luna started to worry. “They need you.” Celestia had looked at her, before following her gaze towards the windows where Luna was staring. Luna turned to face her sister. “I’m fine.” Celestia’s eyes had narrowed and Luna had flinched. “Saying you’re fine and actually being fine are two different things,” Celestia had remarked. Her expression had then soured. “Something I’ve been hearing a lot of lately.” She’d ducked her head sheepishly at that, before brushing her mane out of her eyes. “There’s a lot of ponies worried about what your return means for my leadership.” “Why would my return worry them?” Celestia had hesitated at that, wings trembling for a moment before stilling. Luna had thought about it for a few seconds and then looked away, ears flat. “They do have cause to worry.” “Do they?” came the cutting reply. “I lost you for a thousand years. I am not losing you again. Let them talk, let them whisper, let them drive themselves mad with conspiracies. None of that matters as long as I have you. If… you’ll have me.” Luna had hesitated for a moment before pressing her muzzle into her sister’s neck and the two had shared a warm embrace. “I know things are scary and uncertain right now, but I am here for you. I will always be here for you.” Luna twitched, drawing herself back to the present and she looked at her sister, surprised. “I…” The words died on her tongue and she shivered. “I know that we’re family, but the things I’ve done – to you, to Equestria, to those ponies… Why am I here? There are some things you can’t forgive-!” “I can forgive you and your jealousy,” Celestia said softly, voice gently teasing. “If anything, I’m the one to blame for not realizing you were feeling neglected. That you were neglected.” “But you had an entire country to look after,” Luna replied, frowning. “You couldn’t – shouldn’t – worry about things that don’t concern you.” “And look where that got you.” Luna let out a snort, then blinked in surprise. Celestia smiled. “See? That’s a step forward. Acknowledge your mistakes as such, and use them to learn and better yourself. We’ve both made mistakes, and as much as others may say otherwise, I barely got through the past thousand years without you.” “I’ve heard nothing but glowing praise,” Luna murmured, peeking towards the door. She’d occasionally go out and see what the servants were saying. Usually nothing, but there was the occasional fawning over Celestia, relief that things were quiet, and a certain wariness about the other sister. Luna was slightly nonplussed to find that simply being known as the other sister didn’t spark the same kind of fury that had darkened her mind all those years ago. Perhaps because it was still an acknowledgement? “Glowing praise still has its shadows,” Celestia said. “There’s darkness in every corner of Equestria. Some obvious.” She flicked a wing at the shadows in the room. “Others, not quite as much.” The wing waved at the windows. “And as you’re aware, there’s the shadows in a pony’s heart to consider as well.” Luna looked away, stomach tight and she avoided her sister’s eye. “Yeah, I know.” “Then I’d hope you’d do something about it,” Celestia said. The tone of her voice caught Luna’s attention and she glanced at her sister curiously. Her sister’s eyes were bright with worry. “I know you haven’t been sleeping well for weeks. You toss and turn, you scream, and you still think everything that happened is your fault.” Celestia gently touched Luna’s face. “Stop torturing yourself with these lies, please?” Luna bit back her immediate reply and simply sighed. “I wish it was that easy.” “For some, it is that easy,” Celestia said. “Although,” she added. “What works for one doesn’t work for all. Some can look at themselves and accept what they see. Others can’t, no matter how hard they try. Me and my flaws have somehow kept the country together regardless, so I know you can do it too.” “We’re nothing alike,” Luna sad, arching a brow. “You’re all sociable and thrill-seeking while I just want to curl up in the dark with a book or two and shut the world out.” “So you don’t want to rule by my side?” Luna opened her mouth before closing it. She thought about it, but then shook her head. “It’s not for me.” Celestia smiled slightly at that. “That’s fair.” She sat up at stretched her wings. “But that doesn’t mean you can stay cooped up in this room.” Celestia hopped out of the bed and glanced back at her sibling, flicking her tail at her. “You should get out more. See what’s changed, see what’s been done while you were away. Gone, but not forgotten.” She paused, before adding. “I made a holiday after you.” “What.” Celestia’s lips twitched. “Based off how you used to “scare” mother and I and us appeasing you with sweets.” Luna’s ears heated. “Surely you’re joking. That’s… How do you make that into a holiday?” Celestia’s eyes glimmered with amusement. “Quite easily. Ponies dress up and go around asking for sweets, or else they’ll be gobbled up instead.” “What.” “It’ll be coming back around in a few months if you’d like to experience it for yourself,” Celestia said lightly. Luna shook her head in disbelief, before getting out of bed herself. She tidied up the sheets and turned to her sister, narrowing her eyes. “You’re seriously making me reconsider my idea not to rule, because if that’s something you’ve designed while I was away, I am terrified to see what else you’ve implemented.” “Then you’ll have some interesting things to look forward to going forward,” Celestia said as she trotted out of the room. Luna stared after her, before sighing in resignation and following her.